Aorta/tortuous;Calcinosis/lymph nodes;Mediastinum/right/paratracheal/prominent/mild;Bone Diseases, Metabolic;Deformity/thoracic vertebrae;Emphysema
Aorta;Calcinosis;Mediastinum;Bone Diseases, Metabolic;Deformity;Emphysema
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is stable. Aorta is tortuous. Calcified lymph XXXX are again identified. There is mild prominence of the right paratracheal soft tissues, stable in appearance from prior studies. There is no acute infiltrate or pleural effusion. Osteopenia and degenerative changes are identified. XXXX deformity of T9 appears worse than prior study.
1. Emphysema without acute infiltrate. 2. Progressive XXXX deformity of midthoracic vertebral body, XXXX T9.
Nodule/lung/lower lobe/right;Calcinosis/lung/hilum/lymph nodes/right;Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/right
Chest. Heart size is normal. Pulmonary vasculature is normal. There is a 13 mm nodule in the right lower lobe that is relatively dense, but not obviously calcified on the corresponding rib series. There are probably right hilar calcified lymph XXXX. Lungs otherwise are clear. There is no pleural effusion. Left ribs. No fracture or focal bony destruction.
1. Chest. Large nodule at the right lung base that probably represents a granuloma although not it is not densely calcified. A low KV P chest radiograph can be obtained for confirmation as a there are no comparison studies available in the XXXX. If the patient has an outside chest radiograph, comparison can be XXXX and the report addended. 2. Ribs. Normal. Critical result notification documented through Primordial. If there are questions regarding this interpretation, please XXXX XXXX.
Heart size and mediastinal contour normal. Lungs are clear. Pulmonary vascularity normal. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Minimal degenerative changes thoracic spine.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Calcinosis/lung/lower lobe/left/round;Density/lung/lower lobe/left/round;Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/left/round
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. There is rounded calcified density within the left lower lobe most consistent with granuloma. Remaining lungs are clear without evidence of focal opacification. No pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. No acute bone abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Calcinosis/aorta;Calcinosis/lymph nodes/small;Emphysema;Opacity/lung/upper lobe/hilum/left;Opacity/lung/lingula
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinal contours are stable. Aortic calcifications are noted. There are small calcified lymph XXXX. Emphysema and chronic changes are identified. There is XXXX opacity in the left perihilar upper lobe. There is questionable XXXX extension to the pleural surface. This may represent acute infiltrate or developing density. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
Left midlung opacity may be secondary to acute infectious process or developing mass lesion. Followup to resolution is recommended.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. Biapical fibronodular thickening/scarring. Hyperexpanded lungs without focal consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Negative for acute bone abnormality.
Hyperexpanded lungs. Negative for acute abnormality.
Heart size within normal limits, stable mediastinal and hilar contours. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. No typical findings of pulmonary edema. XXXX convexity also present on the previous exam.
No acute findings
Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
No active disease.
Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Thoracic Vertebrae
Normal heart size and mediastinal contours. No focal airspace consolidation. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Mild degenerative disc disease of the thoracic spine.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Lung/hypoinflation/mild;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/bilateral/streaky/mild;Cicatrix/lung/base/bilateral;Calcified Granuloma/lung/lingula/posterior
Lung;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Cicatrix;Calcified Granuloma
The cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits in size. Lungs are mildly hypoinflated with minimal streaky atelectasis or scar in the lung bases. Lungs are otherwise grossly clear of focal airspace disease. There is a stable calcified granuloma in the posterior left midlung. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. There are no acute bony findings.
Mildly low lung volumes with XXXX atelectasis or scarring in the lung bases.
No Indexing
No Indexing
The heart and lungs have XXXX XXXX in the interval. Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
No active disease.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for size and contour. The lungs are normally inflated without evidence of focal airspace disease, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. No acute osseus abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Chest. Both lungs clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal. Ankle. Soft tissue XXXX is present around the malleoli. XXXX intact. Mortise radiographically stable.
1. Chest. No active disease. No evidence for cardiopulmonary injury. 2. Left ankle. Soft tissue edema with no visible bony injury.
No Indexing
No Indexing
The heart and lungs have XXXX XXXX in the interval. Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
No active disease.
Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/right/mild;Diaphragm/right/elevated
Pulmonary Atelectasis;Diaphragm
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. Mild right basilar atelectasis and relative elevation of the right hemidiaphragm noted. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is stable. The lungs are hypoinflated with scarring in the left lung base. There is no focal consolidation or significant effusion.
Mild chronic changes in the left lung base without acute disease.
Consolidation/lung/upper lobe/right/focal;Pneumonia/upper lobe/right
Heart size is stable. There is focal airspace consolidation in the lateral aspect of the right upper lobe. There is no pneumothorax or effusion. No acute bony abnormalities.
Right upper lobe pneumonia.
Pleural Effusion/bilateral/posterior/mild
Pleural Effusion
XXXX XXXX and lateral chest examination was obtained. The heart silhouette and mediastinal contours are not enlarged. Removal of 2 left-sided chest tubes. There is no pneumothorax. Lungs demonstrate no acute findings. There is minimal posterior pleural effusions.
1. No pneumothorax following removal of left-sided chest tubes.
The heart size is enlarged. Tortuous aorta. Otherwise the mediastinal contour is within normal limits. The lungs are free of any focal infiltrates. There are no nodules or masses. No visible pneumothorax. No visible pleural fluid. The XXXX are grossly normal. There is no visible free intraperitoneal air under the diaphragm.
1. Cardiomegaly without lung infiltrates.
The XXXX examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. The cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limits. Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. Deformity of the right clavicle related to remote XXXX is again seen. Visualized upper abdomen grossly unremarkable.
No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process.
Opacity/lung/base/right;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/right
Opacity;Pulmonary Atelectasis
The heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal units. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. Bandlike opacities are present in the right base consistent with areas of atelectasis. Remainder of the lungs appear clear.
Bandlike opacities in the right base. Appearance suggests atelectasis.
Calcinosis/lung/hilum/lymph nodes/right;Calcified Granuloma/lung/base/right;Lung/hyperdistention/mild;Granulomatous Disease
Calcinosis;Calcified Granuloma;Lung;Granulomatous Disease
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. Right suprahilar calcified lymph XXXX. Right lung base calcified granuloma. No focal consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Mildly hyperexpanded lungs. Negative for acute bone abnormality.
Prior granulomatous disease. Negative for acute abnormality.
Opacity/lung/lingula/posterior;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative
Opacity;Thoracic Vertebrae
There is a XXXX opacity projecting over the left midlung, posterior on the lateral view. No pleural effusions. No evidence of pneumothorax. Heart size top normal. Degenerative changes thoracic spine.
XXXX opacity projecting over the left midlung. Comparison examinations would be useful. If no comparison examinations exist, XXXX would be helpful for further evaluation. .
Cardiac Shadow/enlarged;Lung/hypoinflation;Opacity/lung/base/bilateral;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/bilateral
Cardiac Shadow;Lung;Opacity;Pulmonary Atelectasis
XXXX XXXX and lateral chest examination was obtained. There is enlarged heart silhouette. Decreased lung volumes. Lungs demonstrate bibasilar airspace opacities better visualized on lateral view. There is no effusion or pneumothorax. Degenerative changes of the bilateral XXXX.
1. Decreased lung volumes. Bibasilar airspace opacities seen on lateral XXXX XXXX be atelectasis or possibly pneumonia.
The heart is enlarged, stable compared to the previous exam. The mediastinum is unremarkable. There is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or focal airspace disease. The XXXX are unremarkable.
1. Stable cardiomegaly without acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
3 images. Heart size and pulmonary vascular engorgement appear within limits of normal. Mediastinal contour is unremarkable. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. No convincing acute bony findings.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality identified.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear.
No acute disease.
Aorta, Thoracic/tortuous
Aorta, Thoracic
The heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. The thoracic aorta is tortuous. Lungs are free of focal airspace disease. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
Tortuous thoracic aorta. Clear lungs.
XXXX XXXX and lateral chest examination was obtained. The heart silhouette is normal in size and contour. Aortic XXXX appear unremarkable. Lungs demonstrate no acute findings. There is no effusion or pneumothorax.
1. No acute pulmonary disease.
The heart size and mediastinal contours appear within normal limits. Atherosclerotic calcification of the aorta. No focal airspace consolidation, pleural effusions or pneumothorax. Questionable thin-walled cavitary lesion in the right lower lobe, only seen on the AP view and may represent artifact. No acute bony abnormalities.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Calcified Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/right/large
Calcified Granuloma
Large calcified granuloma in the right lower lobe is unchanged. No pneumothorax. Heart size is normal. No large pleural effusions. No focal airspace opacification.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
The lungs are clear. The heart and pulmonary XXXX are normal. Pleural spaces are clear. Mediastinal contours are normal. There is stable lucency in the right mid clavicle dating back to XXXX.
No acute cardiopulmonary disease
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear.
No acute disease.
No focal lung consolidation. Heart size and pulmonary vascularity are within normal limits. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Osseous structures are grossly intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Surgical Instruments/mediastinum;Calcinosis/aorta, thoracic;Aorta, Thoracic/tortuous;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/right/scattered/mild;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/moderate;Bone Diseases, Metabolic
Surgical Instruments;Calcinosis;Aorta, Thoracic;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Thoracic Vertebrae;Bone Diseases, Metabolic
XXXX sternotomy XXXX and mediastinal surgical clips remain in XXXX. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable in appearance. The thoracic aorta is tortuous and calcified with stable appearance since XXXX exam. No focal areas of pulmonary consolidation. Scattered right basilar subsegmental atelectasis. The left lung appears clear. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion present. Moderate degenerative changes of the thoracic spine. Osteopenia. Mild loss of XXXX of a mid thoracic vertebral body.
1. Minimal right basilar subsegmental atelectasis. Otherwise, no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality demonstrated. .
Heart size normal. Lungs are clear. XXXX are normal. No pneumonia, effusions, edema, pneumothorax, adenopathy, nodules or masses.
Normal chest
Aorta/tortuous;Lung/hypoinflation;Fractures, Bone/ribs/right/healed
Aorta;Lung;Fractures, Bone
The heart is normal in size. The aorta is tortuous. The lungs are hypoinflated. No focal consolidation or pleural effusion seen. Old right-sided rib fracture is noted.
1. Low lung volumes without acute infiltrate. 2. Aortic tortuosity and mild ectasia.
Markings/lung/interstitial/prominent;Markings/lung/upper lobe/right/interstitial/focal
No focal consolidation. There are prominent interstitial markings, including focally in right upper lobe, which are similar from prior examination. No visualized pneumothorax. The heart size is normal. There are no pleural effusions.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Lungs are clear bilaterally. There is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothoraces. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. XXXX are unremarkable.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Aorta/tortuous;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Aorta;Thoracic Vertebrae
There are intact midline sternotomy XXXX and postsurgical changes of prior CABG. The aorta is unfolded. The heart size and cardiomediastinal silhouette are normal. There is no focal airspace opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. There are mild degenerative changes in the thoracic spine.
No acute cardiopulmonary finding.
Cardiomegaly;Calcinosis/aorta;Calcified Granuloma/bilateral/multiple
Cardiomegaly;Calcinosis;Calcified Granuloma
There are no acute osseous abnormalities. Soft tissues are within normal limits. There is stable enlargement of the heart. Calcific aorta. Stable bilateral calcified granulomas. The lungs are clear bilaterally without focal area of consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax.
No acute radiographic cardiopulmonary process.
Lung/hypoinflation;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild;Surgical Instruments/abdomen/right
Lung;Thoracic Vertebrae;Surgical Instruments
Low lung volumes. The trachea is midline. Negative for pneumothorax, pleural effusion or focal airspace consolidation. The heart size is normal. Mild degenerate change of the thoracic spine. Stable cholecystectomy clips in the right upper quadrant.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
The heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. The lungs are free of focal airspace disease. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
1. No evidence of active disease.
No Indexing
No Indexing
Chest. The heart and lungs have XXXX XXXX in the interval. Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal. Left knee. The right total knee prosthesis remains in XXXX. The medial compartment is markedly narrow. Large osteophytes are present on the left femur and tibial lateral plateaus.
1. Chest. No active disease. 2. The knee. Advanced degenerative joint disease.
The heart size and mediastinal contours appear within normal limits. No focal airspace consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. No acute bony abnormalities.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Scoliosis/thoracic vertebrae/moderate;Scoliosis/lumbar vertebrae/moderate;Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory
Scoliosis;Scoliosis;Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is grossly within normal limits. Moderate thoracolumbar scoliosis and patient rotation somewhat limits evaluation of the mediastinum. The lungs are clear.
No acute disease.
Pleural Effusion/bilateral/focal/moderate;Airspace Disease/lung/base/bilateral;Catheters, Indwelling/right;Spine/degenerative/mild
Pleural Effusion;Airspace Disease;Catheters, Indwelling;Spine
There is a moderate layering left pleural effusion, grossly stable. There is a moderate right pleural effusion, which is partially loculated. There is some pleural fluid tracking along the right XXXX fissure. There is bibasilar airspace disease, possibly passive atelectasis. No pneumothorax is identified. Heart size is within normal limits. Right PICC tip is at the SVC. There are mild degenerative changes of the spine.
1. Partially loculated right pleural effusion, grossly stable. 2. Stable moderate layering left pleural effusion. 3. Bibasilar airspace disease, possibly atelectasis.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and appearance. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The lung zones are clear. There are no bony abnormalities
Unremarkable chest.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear.
No acute disease.
Nodule/lung/upper lobe/right;Granuloma/lung/upper lobe/right
The heart size is within normal limits. Cardiomediastinal contour is normal. There is a right upper lobe nodule measuring 8 mm in diameter. Trachea is midline. The lungs otherwise clear. XXXX and soft tissues are unremarkable.
1. Right upper lobe pulmonary nodule, XXXX granuloma.
Deformity/pleura/apex/right;Lung/hyperdistention;Diaphragm/bilateral/flattened;Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative
Deformity;Lung;Diaphragm;Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive;Thoracic Vertebrae
Cardiomediastinal silhouettes are within normal limits. Lungs are clear without focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. Right apical pleural retraction. Hyperexpansion, flattening of diaphragms, and increased AP diameter consistent with history of COPD. Degenerative disease of the thoracic spine is present.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Lung/hypoinflation;Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory
Lung;Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory
AP view was obtained due to patient condition. Low volume lungs. No focal lung consolidation. The heart is not enlarged. No pleural effusion.
No acute abnormality.
Heart size and mediastinal contours are normal in appearance. No consolidative airspace opacities. No radiographic evidence of pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Visualized osseous structures appear intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Frontal and lateral views of the chest show an unchanged cardiomediastinal silhouette. Normal mediastinal contour, pulmonary XXXX and vasculature, central airways and lung volumes. No pleural effusion.
No acute or active cardiac, pulmonary or pleural disease.
Heart size and mediastinal contour are normal. Pulmonary vascularity is normal. Lungs are clear. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for size and contour. The lungs are normally inflated without evidence of focal airspace disease, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. Cholecystectomy clips overlie the right upper quadrant. No acute bone abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
There are no focal areas of consolidation. No pleural effusions. No pneumothorax. Heart size within normal limits. Osseous structures intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Normal heart size and mediastinal contours. No abnormal airspace opacities. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Visualized osseous structures are unremarkable appearance.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
The lungs are clear. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
Negative chest .
Catheters, Indwelling/right;Density/lung/lower lobe/bilateral/patchy;Nodule/lung/lower lobe/bilateral/patchy;Thickening/lung/upper lobe/bronchi/left/scattered;Cystic Fibrosis;Heart/left/obscured
Catheters, Indwelling;Density;Nodule;Thickening;Cystic Fibrosis;Heart
Central venous catheter tip in the right atrium. Heart size and shape are normal. Trachea and XXXX bronchi appear normal. The lungs are reasonably well expanded. There XXXX and patchy nodular densities in both lower lung XXXX more marked on the right than the left. There is scattered areas of bronchial wall thickening, well-seen in the left upper lobe. There is loss of definition of part of the left heart XXXX. No effusions no pneumothorax.
Findings consistent with widespread changes from cystic fibrosis. It is difficult to differentiate acute from chronic change.
Normal and stable cardiomediastinal contours. No pneumothorax, pleural effusions or significant pulmonary edema. No focal lung consolidation.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Cardiomegaly/severe;Implanted Medical Device/left;Implanted Medical Device/left
Cardiomegaly;Implanted Medical Device;Implanted Medical Device
There is stable marked cardiomegaly and mediastinal contour. Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. The left chest pacemaker is unchanged from comparison exam with fractured proximal lateral XXXX and both XXXX tips overlying the right ventricle. No focal consolidation, suspicious pulmonary opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. The visualized osseous structures appear intact.
Stable marked cardiomegaly. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Lungs are clear. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. heart size is upper limits of normal.
Heart size upper limits of normal with clear lungs.
The lungs are clear. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The heart is not significantly enlarged. There are atherosclerotic changes of the aorta. Arthritic changes of the skeletal structures are noted.
No acute pulmonary disease.
Opacity/lung/lingula;Cicatrix/lung/lingula;Pulmonary Atelectasis/lingula
Opacity;Cicatrix;Pulmonary Atelectasis
Heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. The lungs are free of focal airspace disease. There has been interval development of some XXXX bandlike opacities in left base. These appear to be located in the lingula. The remainder of the lungs appear clear. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion is seen.
1. XXXX opacities in the lingula. The appearance XXXX scarring or atelectasis. XXXX since the earlier study.
Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
No active disease. No evidence for heart failure.
Catheters, Indwelling/right;Diaphragm/right/elevated;Pleural Effusion/right;Opacity/lung/upper lobe/right;Airspace Disease/lung/base;Catheters, Indwelling/abdomen/right
Catheters, Indwelling;Diaphragm;Pleural Effusion;Opacity;Airspace Disease;Catheters, Indwelling
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is stable. Right chest XXXX tip is again seen at the cavoatrial junction. There is no pneumothorax. There is again elevation of right hemidiaphragm with right-sided pleural effusion. Vague opacities are noted in the right upper lobe, XXXX from prior study. These may be related to overlying rib lesions versus true pulmonary nodules. The left lung appears grossly clear. Drainage catheter seen overlying the right upper quadrant.
1. Redemonstration of elevated right hemidiaphragm with associated basilar airspace disease and effusion. 2. Ill-defined XXXX right upper lung opacities, possibly related to superimposed rib lesions versus developing pulmonary nodules. Further imaging XXXX of the chest may be indicated.
Foreign Bodies/breast/left
Foreign Bodies
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Stable XXXX foreign body over the left breast (XXXX nipple piercing). Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Heart XXXX, mediastinum, XXXX, bony structures are unremarkable. Stable increased lung volumes consistent with chronic lung disease. No XXXX infiltrates noted.
No radiographic evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease
Chest. Heart size normal. Lungs clear. XXXX unremarkable. Limited technique. Right elbow and forearm. No acute fracture, dislocation or joint effusion. Soft tissues unremarkable. Left ankle. Soft tissue XXXX around ankle. There are midfoot degenerative changes and plantar calcaneal enthesophyte. Ankle mortise intact. No acute fracture or dislocation.
Chest. No acute cardiopulmonary finding. Right elbow and forearm. No acute traumatic finding. Left ankle. 1. No acute traumatic finding. 2. Midfoot degenerative changes and calcaneal enthesopathy.
Opacity/lung/lower lobe/left/patchy;Infiltrate/lung/lower lobe/left
Heart size and mediastinal contours appear within normal limits. Patchy airspace opacities in the left lower lobe, compatible with infiltrate. No large pleural effusion. No pneumothorax. No acute bony abnormality.
Left lower lobe infiltrate.
XXXX XXXX and lateral chest examination was obtained. The heart silhouette is normal in size and contour. Aortic XXXX appear unremarkable. Lungs demonstrate no acute findings. There is no effusion or pneumothorax. There is degenerative changes of the skeletal structures
1. No acute pulmonary disease.
Lucency crosses the 10th left posterior rib. Visualized portions of the thoracic spine are unremarkable. Mediastinal contours are normal. Lungs are clear. There is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion.
Question of posterior 10 rib fracture, correlate with XXXX tenderness.
Trachea is midline. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. The lungs are clear without evidence of acute infiltrate or effusion. There is no pneumothorax. The visualized bony structures reveal no acute abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
XXXX XXXX and lateral chest examination was obtained. The heart silhouette is normal in size and contour. Aortic XXXX appear unremarkable. Lungs demonstrate no acute findings. There is no effusion or pneumothorax.
1. No acute pulmonary disease.
The lungs are clear. Heart size is normal. No pneumothorax. There are endplate changes in the spine.
Clear lungs. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. .
The cardiac silhouette and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. There are low lung volumes with bronchovascular crowding. Otherwise the lungs are clear. There is no pneumothorax. No large pleural effusion.
Low lung volumes with bronchovascular crowding otherwise lungs are clear.
Pectus Carinatum;Calcinosis/lymph nodes;Calcified Granuloma/multiple;Deformity/thoracic vertebrae/mild;Granulomatous Disease
Pectus Carinatum;Calcinosis;Calcified Granuloma;Deformity;Granulomatous Disease
Heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. The lungs are free of focal airspace disease. Pectus carinatum is noted. Calcified lymph XXXX and granuloma are noted. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. Mild XXXX deformity is noted in the lower thoracic spine.
1. No evidence of active disease. 2. Evidence of previous granulomatous infection. 3. Pectus carinatum.
Lucency/round;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative;Hernia, Hiatal/small
Lucency;Thoracic Vertebrae;Hernia, Hiatal
Heart size, mediastinal contour, and pulmonary vascularity are within normal limits. No focal consolidation, suspicious pulmonary opacity, large pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is identified. There is a rounded lucency seen above the diaphragm on lateral view, suggestive of small hiatal hernia. Visualized osseous structures appear intact. Degenerative changes of the thoracic spine seen.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. Small hiatal hernia noted.
Density/breast;Foreign Bodies/breast
Density;Foreign Bodies
Cardiac size, mediastinal contour, and pulmonary vascularity are within normal limits. No focal consolidation, suspicious pulmonary opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. The visualized osseous structures appear intact. XXXX and curvilinear XXXX densities over the breast shadows compatible with piercings.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/right
No pneumothorax, pleural effusion or airspace consolidation. Stable right lower lung granuloma. Interval to right clavicle XXXX procedure. Heart size and pulmonary vasculature appear within normal limits. XXXX XXXX are intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. .
Mediastinum/prominent;Aorta, Thoracic/tortuous;Scoliosis/thoracic vertebrae
Mediastinum;Aorta, Thoracic;Scoliosis
There is prominence of the superior mediastinum which may be partially due to patient's known thyroid mass. There is increased tortuosity of the descending thoracic aorta. Cardiac silhouette is within normal limits. Lungs are clear without focal opacification. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. There is scoliotic curvature the thoracic spine. No acute bone abnormality.
Increasing prominence of the superior mediastinum may be secondary to enlarging thyroid mass. With increasing tortuosity of the thoracic aorta and concern for dissection, chest CT is recommended for further evaluation.
Airspace Disease/lung/right/diffuse;Consolidation/lung/base/right;Catheters, Indwelling/right;Pneumonia/right/focal/multiple
Airspace Disease;Consolidation;Catheters, Indwelling;Pneumonia
There is diffuse right-sided airspace disease, with dense consolidation in the right base. A right upper extremity PICC is seen with the tip in the right brachiocephalic vein, representing an interval retraction of approximately 6 cm. No pneumothorax or large effusions. Heart size within normal limits.
Multifocal right-sided pneumonia.
Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Thoracic Vertebrae
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for appearance. The trachea is midline. No focal pulmonary consolidation. No pneumothorax. No pleural effusion. Minimal degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary process. .
Heart size within normal limits, stable mediastinal contours. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. A dense nodule in the right base suggests a previous granulomatous process. No typical findings of pulmonary edema. No pneumothorax.
No acute findings
The trachea is midline. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. The lungs are clear, without evidence of focal consolidations or pleural effusion. There is no pneumothorax. The visualized bony structures reveal no acute abnormalities.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings. .
The trachea is midline. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. Note is XXXX of calcifications in the aortic XXXX. The lungs are clear, without evidence of focal infiltrate or effusion. There is no pneumothorax. The visualized bony structures reveal no acute abnormalities. There is calcification of the chondral portions of the ribs.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. 2. No displaced rib fractures are seen. .
Pleural Effusion/right/large;Deformity/thoracic vertebrae
Pleural Effusion;Deformity
There has been interval development of a large right-sided pleural effusion. The left lung is clear. There is no pneumothorax. Heart size mediastinal contours are within normal limits. XXXX deformity is noted at the upper thoracic vertebral body.
Interval development of large right-sided pleural effusion. XXXX deformity noted at the upper thoracic vertebral body XXXX relates to XXXX deformity described on previous CT scan.
Previous sulcal is normal in size and contour. Lungs are clear. No focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. Interval resolution of previously described right midlung opacity suggesting resolved inflammatory/infectious process. Lungs are hyperexpanded with flattened diaphragms. XXXX and soft tissue are unremarkable.
1. Emphysematous changes. 2. Resolution of prior right midlung infiltrate.
No Indexing
No Indexing
The heart is normal in size and contour. There is no mediastinal widening. The lungs are clear bilaterally. No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The XXXX are intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Density/retrocardiac;Hernia, Hiatal;Lung/hypoinflation
Density;Hernia, Hiatal;Lung
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is within normal limits. There is retrocardiac density which XXXX corresponds to patient's known hiatal hernia. The lungs are hypoinflated. No focal consolidation is seen.
No acute disease. Retrocardiac density XXXX corresponding to known hiatal hernia.
Heart size within normal limits, stable mediastinal and hilar contours. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. No typical findings of pulmonary edema.
No acute findings
Scoliosis/thoracic vertebrae/left
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal size and configuration. Pulmonary vasculature within normal limits. The lungs are well-aerated. There is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or focal consolidation. There is levoscoliosis of the thoracic spine.
No acute cardiopulmonary disease. .
Calcinosis/lung/hilum/lymph nodes/left;Calcinosis/lung/lower lobe/left;Nodule/lung/lower lobe/left;Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/left;Lung/hyperdistention/severe
The heart size is normal and cardiomediastinal silhouette has normal contour. The left hilar calcified lymph XXXX appear stable. There is persistence of a left lower lobe calcified nodule XXXX representing a granuloma. The lungs are hyperinflated but otherwise clear bilaterally.
1. Severe hyperinflation. 2. Stable left calcified hilar lymph XXXX.
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Heart size is normal. No pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or focal airspace disease. Bony structures appear intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory
Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory
The lateral view is nondiagnostic due to patient positioning. Normal heart size and mediastinal contours. No focal airspace consolidation. No pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Visualized osseous structures are unremarkable in appearance.
1. Technically limited exam. 2. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. .
Medical Device/spine;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative
Medical Device;Thoracic Vertebrae
Spinal stimulator in XXXX. Lungs are clear without focal airspace disease. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour. Degenerative changes in the thoracic spine.
Clear lungs.
Pneumothorax/apex/right/moderate;Fractures, Bone/ribs/right/multiple
Pneumothorax;Fractures, Bone
There is a moderate right-sided pneumothorax measuring approximately 3.3 cm in the right apex. There is a minimally displaced right lateral 8th rib fracture and probable nondisplaced right lateral 7th rib fracture. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Left lung is clear.
1. Moderate right-sided pneumothorax measuring approximately 3.3 cm in the right apex. 2. Minimally displaced right lateral 8th rib fracture probable nondisplaced right lateral 7th rib fracture.
Heart size normal. Lungs are clear. XXXX are normal. No pneumonia, effusions, edema, pneumothorax, adenopathy, nodules or masses.
Normal chest