micrornas mirnas posttranscriptionally downregulate gene expression by IB target mrnas analysis of the evolution of mirna binding CS is helpful in understanding the coevolution between mirnas and their targets to understand this process in plants a comparative analysis of mirnatargeted duplicated gene pairs derived from a welldocumented whole genome duplication wgd event in combination with a population genetics study of six experimentally validated mirna binding sites in rice o sativa was carried out
obesity is one of the most important risk factors for osteoarthritis oa in knees however the relationship between obesity and oa in hands and hips remains controversial and needs further investigation the purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of obesity on incident osteoarthritis oa in hip knee and hand in a GP followed in years
general population
reported is an unusual case of adjacent thoracic CL nodes demonstrating metastases from two different primary malignancies a yearold woman with a previous history of bilateral breast cancer underwent a radical gastrooesophagectomy for adenocarcinoma of the lower third of the CLO the resection specimen demonstrated breast and oesophageal metastases in adjacent thoracic lymph nodes mechanisms for this phenomenon including the known local immune suppression on lymphoid cells by oesophageal carcinoma cells are discussed
mri has proven to be an extremely valuable tool in the assessment of normal and pathological spinal anatomy accordingly it is commonly used to assess containment of discal material by the outer SF of the anulus fibrosus and posterior longitudinal ligaments determination of such containment is important to determine candidacy for intradiscal techniques and has prognostic significance the accuracy of mri in detecting containment has been insufficiently documented
to evaluate the impact of adalimumab on healthrelated SQ of life hrqol for patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis
an education selfmanagement program for people with osteoarthritis oa of the knee was designed to be delivered by health professionals incorporating their knowledge and expertise improvement in SQ of life health status and pain in response to this program has previously been demonstrated in an uncontrolled pilot T0 to more rigorously test the effectiveness of the program we will undertake a randomised controlled trial of people with oa of the knee offering TPS selfadministered exercises and education in accordance with the principles of selfmanagement
barretts esophagus be is the metaplastic replacement of squamous with columnar epithelium in the esophagus as a result of reflux it is the major risk factor for the OD of esophageal adenocarcinoma eac methylation of cpg dinucleotides of normally unmethylated genes is associated with silencing of their expression and is common in eac this T0 was designed to determine at what stage in the progression from be to eac methylation of key genes occurs
although a number of studies have shown good results in treating children with ARV drugs arvs in hospital settings there is limited published information on results in pediatric programs that are nursecentered and based in health centers in particular on the psychosocial aspects of care
while the population attributable fraction paf provides potentially valuable information regarding the communitylevel effect of risk factors significant limitations exist with current strategies for estimating a paf in multiple risk factor models these strategies can result in paradoxical or ambiguous measures of effect or require unrealistic assumptions regarding variables in the MM a method is proposed in which an overall or total paf across multiple risk factors is partitioned into components based upon a sequential ordering of effects this method is applied to several hypothetical data sets in order to demonstrate its application and interpretation in diverse analytic situations
recurrent otitis media is a common problem in young children echinacea and osteopathic manipulative treatment have been proposed as preventive measures but have been inadequately studied this study was designed to assess the tau of echinacea purpurea andor osteopathic manipulative treatment omt for prevention of acute OM in otitisprone children
efficacy|otitis media
moths have evolved highly successful mating systems relying on speciesspecific mixtures of sex pheromone components for longdistance mate communication acylcoa desaturases are key enzymes in the biosynthesis of these compounds and to a large extent they account for the great diversity of pheromone structures in lepidoptera a novel desaturase gene subfamily that displays delta catalytic MICs has been highlighted to account for most of the unique pheromone signatures of the taxonomically advanced ditrysian species to assess the mechanisms driving pheromone evolution information is needed about the signalling machinery of primitive moths the currant shoot borer lampronia capitella is the sole reported primitive nonditrysian moth known to use unsaturated fattyacid derivatives as sexpheromone by combining biochemical and molecular approaches we elucidated the biosynthesis paths of its main pheromone component the zztetradecadienol and bring new insights into the time point of the recruitment of the key deltadesaturase gene subfamily in moth pheromone biosynthesis
a number of studies have reported low uptake of cancer screening programmes by south asian populations in the uk however studies to date have not adjusted findings for differences in demographics and SES status of these populations
there has been growing interest in the potential use of bovine milk as an exercise beverage especially during recovery from resistance training and endurance sports based on the limited research milk appears to be an effective postresistance exercise beverage that results in favourable acute alterations in protein metabolism milk consumption acutely increases muscle protein synthesis leading to an improved net muscle protein balance furthermore when postexercise milk consumption is combined with resistance training weeks minimum greater increases in muscle hypertrophy and LM have been observed although research with milk is limited there is some evidence to suggest that milk may be an effective postexercise beverage for endurance MICs lowfat milk has been shown to be as effective if not more ERP than commercially available sports drinks as a rehydration beverage milk represents a more nutrient dense beverage choice for individuals who partake in strength and endurance activities compared to traditional sports drinks bovine lowfat fluid milk is a safe and ERP post exercise beverage for most individuals except for those who are lactose intolerant further research is warranted to better delineate the possible applications and efficacy of bovine milk in the field of sports nutrition
lean mass|activities|effective|effective
in a previous study we conducted a largescale similarityfree CF prediction of mitochondrionencoded hypothetical proteins by which the hypothetical gene murf maxicircle unidentified reading frame was assigned as nad encoding subunit of ND complex i of the respiratory chain this hypothetical gene occurs in the mitochondrial genome of kinetoplastids a group of unicellular eukaryotes including the causative agents of african sleeping sickness and leishmaniasis in the present study we test this assignment by using bioinformatics methods that are highly sensitive in identifying remote homologs and confront the prediction with available biological knowledge
function|nadh dehydrogenase
nucleotides are trimmed from the ends of variable v diversity d and joining j genes during immunoglobulin ig and Ti tr rearrangements in b cells and t cells of the immune system this trimming is followed by addition of nucleotides at random forming the n regions n for nucleotides of the vj and vdj junctions these processes are crucial for creating diversity in the immune response since the number of trimmed nucleotides and the number of added nucleotides vary in each b or t cell imgt sequence analysis tools imgtvquest and imgtjunctionanalysis are able to provide detailed and accurate analysis of the final observed junction nucleotide sequences tool SO however as trimmed nucleotides can potentially be replaced by identical n region nucleotides during the process the observed SO represents a biased estimate of the true trimming process
t cell receptor|output|output
we report a case of mild to moderate traumatic BB injury in which icp monitoring or quantitative CBF perfusion data may have allowed earlier recognition of impending herniation avoidance of a secondary insult and ultimately resulted in a better outcome even though the patient did not meet the standard guidelines of the BB trauma foundation a thirtyfive year old male who presented with traumatic bifrontal contusions and gcs of fourteen and twelve hours later progressed rapidly to having dilated pupils and transtentorialcentral herniation over the course of fifteen minutes the patient was taken emergently for a bifrontal craniectomy post operatively he had an acute infarct in the PL left temporal lobe with expected evolution of PC contusions as well as infarcts in the splenium of the corpus callosum left thalamus and medial right occipital lobe this case signifies an exception from the guidelines submitted by the brain trauma foundation for intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with severe brain injurywe also point out previous reports which state that in such a patient a more sensitive test for detection would perhaps be quantitative blood flow monitoring and may have led to a better outcome we recommend using intracranial pressure monitoring or blood flow measurements to trend patients with bifrontal intraparenchymal contusions and gcs greater than eight to prevent clinically undetected deterioration from transtentorialcentral herniation
illumina infinium whole genome genotyping wgg arrays are increasingly being applied in cancer genomics to study gene CNAs and allelespecific aberrations such as lossofheterozygosity loh methods developed for normalization of wgg arrays have mostly focused on 2C normal samples however for cancer samples genomic aberrations may confound normalization and data interpretation therefore we examined the effects of the conventionally used normalization method for illumina infinium arrays when applied to cancer samples
copy number alterations|diploid
dengue is an arboviral disease endemic in many parts of the world although it is known to cause hepatic involvement commonly it only occasionally results in AHF we present the case of a young male who developed AHF due to dengue the differentials and the management is discussed
acute hepatic failure|acute hepatic failure
the effects of acute and repeated treatment with desipramine on the functional response of alphaadrenoceptors were tested in AD and day old rats the functional response measured was HT that was induced by brimonidine an alphaadrenoceptor agonist the change in the extent of the brimonidineinduced HT following i.c.v. with either single or twicedaily i.v. of desipramine was compared in day old and adult days old male rats
mycoplasma pneumoniae has previously been characterized as a microorganism that is genetically highly stable in spite of this genetic stability rat dna recombination has been hypothesized to lie at the basis of antigenic variation of the major surface protein p of m pneumoniae in order to identify the proteins that may be involved in homologous dna recombination in m pneumoniae we set out to characterize the mpn open reading frame orf which bears sequence similarity to the gene encoding the singlestranded dnabinding ssb protein of other microorganisms
adenomatoid PT are regarded as distinctive benign mesothelial neoplasms of the paratesticular region most commonly occuring at the tail of the epididymidisbecause of its rarity the clinical and histopathological aspects are discussed
anatomical tracing of neural circuits originating from specific subsets of taste receptor cells may shed CS on interactions between taste cells within the taste bud and taste cellto nerve interactions it is unclear for example if activation of type ii cells leads to direct activation of the gustatory nerves or whether the information is relayed through type iii cells to determine how wga produced in trexpressing taste cells is transported into gustatory neurons transgenic mice expressing wgairesgfp driven by the tr promoter were generated
there is an emerging knowledge base on the effectiveness of strategies to close the knowledgepractice gap however less is known about how attributes of an innovation and other contextual and situational AF facilitate and impede an innovations adoption the healthy heart kit hhk is a risk management and patient education resource for the prevention of cardiovascular disease cvd and promotion of cardiovascular health although previous studies have demonstrated the hhks content validity and practical utility no published T0 has examined physicians uptake of the hhk and factors that shape its adoption
ptype atpases in subfamily iv are exclusively eukaryotic transmembrane proteins that have been proposed to directly translocate the aminophospholipids phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine from the exofacial to the cytofacial monolayer of the BPM eukaryotic genomes contain many genes encoding members of this subfamily at present it is unclear why there are so many genes of this kind per organism or what individual roles these genes perform in organism development
plasma membrane
regulation of gene expression plays important role in cellular functions coregulation of different genes may indicate functional connection or even PCS interaction between gene products thus analysis on genomic structures that may affect gene expression regulation could shed light on the functions of genes
in australia experienced its first outbreak of highly infectious equine influenza government disease control measures were put in place to control contain and eradicate the disease these measures included movement restrictions and quarantining of properties this study was conducted to assess the psychosocial impacts of this disease and this paper reports the prevalence of and AF influencing psychological distress during this outbreak
patients undergoing any type of nasal surgery may experience degrees of postoperative olfactory dysfunction we sought to investigate when the olfactory CF recovers to its preoperative levels
non alcoholic fatty liver disease nafl consists in the accumulation of fat vacuoles in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes many etiologic factors are associated with nafl such as the metabolic syndrome factors medications bariatric surgery nutritional disorders however very little information is available on the clinical relevance of this disorder as a health problem in the GA population
supported by national science foundation nsf international society of intelligent biological medicine isibm international journal of computational biology and drug design and international journal of PET informatics and personalized medicine ieee th bioinformatics and bioengineering attracted more than papers and researchers and medical doctors it was the only synergistic intermultidisciplinary ieee conference with keynote lectures tutorials cuttingedge research workshops and scientific sessions including special research interest sessions that were designed dynamically at harvard in response to the current research trends and advances the committee was very grateful for the ieee plenary keynote lectures given by dr a keith dunker indiana dr jun liu harvard dr brian athey michigan dr mark borodovsky GA tech and president of isibm dr hamid arabnia GA and vicepresident of isibm dr ruzena bajcsy berkeley and member of united states national academy of engineering and member of united states institute of medicine of the national academies dr mary yang united states national institutes of health and oak ridge doe dr chihming ho ucla and member of united states national academy of engineering and academician of academia sinica dr andy baxevanis united states national institutes of health dr arif ghafoor purdue dr john quackenbush harvard dr eric jakobsson uiuc dr vladimir uversky indiana dr laura elnitski united states national institutes of health and other worldclass scientific leaders the harvard meeting was a C1 academic event fullsponsored by ieee financially and academically after a rigorous peerreview process the committee selected highquality research papers from submissions the committee is grateful for contributions from keynote speakers dr russ altman ieee bibm conference keynote lecturer on combining simulation and ML to recognize function in d dr mary qu yang ieee bibm workshop keynote lecturer on new initiatives of detecting microscopic disease using machine learning and molecular biology httpieeexploreieeeorgservletopacpunumber and dr jack y yang ieee bibm workshop keynote lecturer on data mining and knowledge discovery in translational medicine from the first ieee computer society bioinformatics and biomedicine ieee bibm international conference and workshops november silicon valley california usa
functional|georgia|georgia|large|machine learning
blast programs are very efficient in finding similarities for sequences however for C1 datasets such as ests manual SE of the information from the batch blast SO is needed this can be time consuming insufficient and inaccurate therefore implementation of a parser application would be extremely useful in extracting information from blast outputs
our first predictor of protein disorder was published just over a decade ago in the proceedings of the ieee international conference on neural networks romero p obradovic z kissinger c villafranca je dunker ak identifying disordered regions in proteins from amino acid CS proceedings of the ieee international conference on neural networks by now more than twenty other laboratory groups have joined the efforts to improve the prediction of protein disorder while the various prediction methodologies used for protein intrinsic disorder resemble those methodologies used for secondary structure prediction the two types of structures are entirely different for example the two structural classes have very different dynamic properties with the irregular secondary structure class being much less mobile than the disorder class the prediction of secondary structure has been useful on the other hand the prediction of intrinsic disorder has been revolutionary leading to major modifications of the more than yearold views relating protein structure and function experimentalists have been providing evidence over many decades that some proteins lack fixed structure or are disordered or unfolded under physiological conditions in addition experimentalists are also showing that for many proteins their functions depend on the unstructured rather than structured state such results are in marked contrast to the greater than hundred year old views such as the lock and key hypothesis despite extensive data on many important examples including diseaseassociated proteins the importance of disorder for protein function has been largely ignored indeed to our knowledge current biochemistry books dont present even one acknowledged example of a disorderdependent function even though some reports of disorderdependent functions are more than years old the results from genomewide predictions of intrinsic disorder and the results from other bioinformatics studies of intrinsic disorder are demanding attention for these proteins
as studies of molecular biology system attempt to achieve a comprehensive understanding of a particular system type PE may be a significant problem however few investigators are inclined to accept the increase in type errors false positives that may result when less stringent statistical cutoff values are used to address this dilemma we developed an analysis strategy that used a stringent statistical analysis to create a list of differentially expressed genes that served as bait to fish out other genes with similar patterns of expression
computational gene prediction tools routinely generate large volumes of predicted coding exons putative exons one common limitation of these tools is the relatively low specificity due to the large amount of NCR
noncoding regions
because of the advent of highthroughput sequencing and the consequent reduction in the cost of sequencing many organisms have been completely sequenced and most of their genes identified it thus has become possible to represent whole genomes as ordered lists of gene identifiers and to T0 the rearrangement of these entities through computational means as a result genome rearrangement data has attracted increasing attentions from both biologists and computer scientists as a new type of data for phylogenetic analysis the main events of genome rearrangements include inversions transpositions and transversions to date grappa and mgr are the most accurate methods for rearrangement phylogeny both assuming inversion as the only event however due to the complexity of computing transposition distance it is very difficult to analyze datasets when transpositions are dominant
arraybased comparative genomic hybridization array cgh is a highly efficient technique allowing the simultaneous measurement of genomic dna copy number at hundreds or thousands of loci and the reliable detection of local onecopylevel variations characterization of these dna copy number changes is important for both the basic understanding of cancer and its diagnosis in order to develop ERP methods to identify aberration regions from array cgh data many recent research work focus on both smoothingbased and segmentationbased data processing in this paper we propose stationary packet wavelet transform based approach to smooth array cgh data our purpose is to remove cgh noise in whole frequency while keeping true signal by using bivariate model
microarray technology is often used to identify the genes that are differentially expressed between two biological conditions on the other hand since microarray datasets contain a small number of samples and a C1 number of genes it is usually desirable to identify small gene subsets with distinct pattern between sample classes such gene subsets are highly discriminative in phenotype classification because of their tightly coupling features unfortunately such identified classifiers usually tend to have poor generalization properties on the test samples due to overfitting problem
to date the reconstruction of gene regulatory networks from gene expression data has primarily relied on the rho between the expression of transcription regulators and that of target genes
structural genomics efforts contribute new protein structures that often lack significant sequence and fold similarity to known proteins traditional CS and structurebased methods may not be sufficient to annotate the molecular functions of these structures techniques that combine structural and functional modeling can be valuable for functional annotation feature is a flexible framework for modeling and recognition of functional CS in macromolecular structures here we present an overview of the main components of the feature framework and describe the recent developments in its use these include automating training sets selection to increase functional coverage coupling feature to structural diversity generating methods such as molecular dynamics simulations and loop modeling methods to improve performance and using feature in largescale modeling and structure determination efforts
microarrays have the capacity to measure the expressions of thousands of genes in parallel over many exp samples the unsupervised classification technique of bicluster analysis has been employed previously to uncover gene expression correlations over subsets of samples with the aim of providing a more accurate model of the natural gene functional classes this approach also has the potential to aid functional annotation of unclassified open reading frames orfs until now this aspect of biclustering has been underexplored in this work we illustrate how bicluster analysis may be extended into a semisupervised orf annotation approach referred to as balboa
gene expression profiles based on microarray data are recognized as potential diagnostic indices of CA molecular tumor classifications resulted from these data and learning algorithms have advanced our understanding of genetic changes associated with cancer etiology and development however classifications are not always perfect and in such cases the classification rankings likelihoods of correct class predictions can be useful for directing further research eg by deriving inferences about predictive indicators or prioritizing future experiments classification ranking is a challenging problem particularly for microarray data where there is a huge number of possible regulated genes with no known rating CF this T0 investigates the possibility of making tumor classification more informative by using a method for classification ranking that requires no additional ranking analysis and maintains relatively good classification accuracy
prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in men AA the most commonlyused therapy for progressive prostate cancer is ineffective once the cancer cells become androgenindependent the RII mechanisms that cause this transition from androgendependent to androgenindependent remain unknown in this T0 based on the microarray data comparing global gene expression patterns in the prostate tissue between LNCaP and independent prostate cancer patients we identify a set of transcription factors and micrornas that potentially cause such difference using a modelbased computational RPA
androgen ablation|regulatory|study|androgendependent|approach
we present a mixture modelbased analysis for identifying differences in the distribution of rna polymerase ii pol ii in transcribed regions measured using chipseq chromatin IP following massively parallel sequencing technology the statistical model assumes that the number of pol iitargeted sequences contained within each genomic region follows a poisson distribution a poisson mixture model was then developed to distinguish pol ii binding changes in transcribed region using an empirical approach and an expectationmaximization em algorithm developed for estimation and inference in order to achieve a global maximum in the mstep a particle swarm optimization pso was implemented we applied this MM to pol ii binding data generated from HD mcf BCCs and antiestrogenresistant mcf BCCs before and after treatment with betaestradiol e we determined that in the HD cells approximately genes showed significant changes in pol ii IB after e treatment however only approximately genes displayed significant pol ii binding changes in etreated antiestrogenresistant cells these results show that a poisson mixture MM can be used to analyze chipseq data
immunoprecipitation|model|hormonedependent|breast cancer cells|breast cancer cells|hormonedependent|binding|model
we have previously shown that using multiple prediction methods improves the accuracy of disorder predictions it is however a timeconsuming procedure since individual outputs of multiple predictions have to be retrieved compared to each other and a comprehensive view of the results can only be obtained through a manual fastidious nonautomated procedure we herein describe a new web metaserver medor which allows fast simultaneous analysis of a query CS by multiple predictors and provides a graphical interface with a unified view of the outputs
gene expression data usually contains a C1 number of genes but a small number of samples feature selection for mRNA data aims at finding a set of genes that best discriminate biological samples of different types in this paper we present a twostage selection algorithm by combining relieff and mrmr in the first stage relieff is applied to find a candidate gene set in the second stage mrmr method is applied to directly and explicitly reduce redundancy for selecting a compact yet effective gene subset from the candidate set
large|gene expression
to examine the usefulness of protein disorder predictions as a tool for the comparative analysis of viral proteins a relational database has been constructed the database includes proteins from influenza a and hivrelated viruses annotations include VP CS disorder prediction structure and function location of each protein within a virion if known is also denoted our analysis reveals a clear relationship between proximity to the rna core and the percentage of predicted disordered residues for a set of influenza a virus proteins neuraminidases na and hemagglutinin ha of major influenza a pandemics tend to pair in such a way that both proteins tend to be either orderedordered or disordereddisordered by prediction this may be the result of these proteins evolving from being lipidassociated high abundance of intrinsic disorder in envelope and matrix proteins from hivrelated viruses likely represents a mechanism where hiv virions can escape immune response despite the availability of antibodies for the hivrelated proteins this exercise provides an example showing how the combined use of intrinsic disorder predictions and relational databases provides an improved understanding of the functional and structural behaviour of viral proteins
viral protein|sequence
using genomic dna as common REF in microarray experiments has recently been tested by different laboratories conflicting results have been reported with regard to the reliability of microarray results using this method to explain it we hypothesize that data processing is a critical PE that impacts the data quality
SDS sds of soybean SBA l merr is an economically important disease caused by the semibiotrophic fungus fusarium solani f sp glycines recently renamed fusarium virguliforme fv due to the complexity and length of the soybeanfusarium interaction the molecular mechanisms underlying plant resistance and susceptibility to the pathogen are not fully understood f virguliforme has a very wide hr for the ability to cause root rot and a very narrow hr for the ability to cause a leaf scorch arabidopsis thaliana is a host for many types of phytopathogens including bacteria fungi viruses and nematodes deciphering the variations among transcript abundances tas of functional orthologous genes of soybean and a thaliana involved in the interaction will provide insights into plant resistance to f viguliforme
sudden death syndrome|glycine max|host range|host range
the growing body of dna microarray data has the potential to advance our understanding of the molecular basis of disease however annotating microarray datasets with clinically useful information is not always possible as this often requires access to detailed patient records in this T0 we introduce glad a new semisupervised learning ssl method for combining independent annotated datasets and unannotated datasets with the aim of identifying more robust sample classifiers in our method independent models are developed using subsets of genes for the annotated and unannotated datasets these models are evaluated according to a scoring function that incorporates terms for classification accuracy on annotated data and relative cluster separation in unannotated data improved models are iteratively generated using a genetic algorithm feature selection technique our results show that the addition of unannotated data into training significantly improves classifier robustness
adjuvant radiotherapy rt T3 surgical removal of PT proved beneficial in longterm tumor control and RTP for many years it has been well concluded that radiosensitivities of tumors upon radiotherapy decrease according to the sizes of tumors and rt models based on poisson statistics have been used extensively to validate clinical data
after|tumors|treatment planning
regular distribution of ivermectin reduces onchocerciasis transmission and morbidity by killing within humans the microfilarial stage of the parasite microfilaricidal effect in addition ivermectin exerts a socalled embryostatic effect by which mf production by the AD female worm becomes suppressed during a number of weeks T3 treatment to assess the overall effect of ivermectin on onchocerciasis transmission and evaluate the likelihood of local beta of the infection it is important to estimate the magnitude of the antifertility effect over the course of a treatment programme estimates of the effect of repeated drug treatments on the production of microfilariae by AD onchocerca volvulus were obtained by developing a MM that was fitted to data collected from three hyperendemic communities in guatemala where eligible residents received ivermectin twice per year for two and a half years the data consist of microfilarial load measurements in the skin collected just before each sixmonthly treatment during the programme the model that is developed describes the dynamics of an individual hosts expected microfilarial load over the month study period we adopt a bayesian approach and use markov chain MC mcmc techniques to fit the model to the data combining estimates from the three villages average microfilarial production in the first six months posttreatment was reduced by of its pretreatment level regardless of values chosen for the preivermectin fertility rate within plausible ranges increased adult worm death rate after treatment to mimic removal of macrofilariae via nodulectomy during the programme resulted in a smaller estimated magnitude of the embryostatic effect rate of microfilarial production was reduced by of preivermectin value after subsequent treatments the rate of microfilarial production appeared to be similarly decreased the data and analyses therefore do not support the hypothesis of a cumulative effect of multiple ivermectin treatments on microfilarial production by female worms
microfilarial|adult|after|elimination|adult|model|monte carlo
allergic rhinitis ar affects approximately million people worldwide and prevalence is increasing secondgeneration nonsedating antihistamines are firstline treatments for seasonal ar sar this T0 was performed to evaluate early sar symptom relief with secondgeneration antihistamines through a retrospective analysis of previously published data in this study subjects aged years with a or year PH of sar were randomized to receive loratadine mg once daily fexofenadine mg twice daily or placebo for days each subject recorded the severity of five symptoms of sar on a scale of this primary post hoc efficacy analysis was the mean change from baseline in daily average ampm reflective and instantaneous TSS tss on days and significantly greater mean reductions from baseline were shown with loratadine compared with fexofenadine in average ampm reflective tss on days versus respectively p and versus respectively p and in average ampm instantaneous tss on day versus respectively p similar results were noted in average ampm reflective and instantaneous total nasal symptom scores and for of individual symptom time points p loratadine was significantly more effective than PL for all time points p early sustained symptom relief was seen with loratadine suggesting that it may be more effective for treating sar symptoms
study|history|total symptom score|placebo
intramural oesophageal dissection is a rare disorder caused by the interposition of a divisive force between the mucosal and muscular layers of the oesophagus leading to their separation we present a case of intramural oesophageal dissection secondary to the accidental iatrogenic intramural insertion of a nasogastric tube we discuss the aetiologies presentation investigation and treatment of intramural oesophageal dissection and make recommendations on the management of suspected oesophageal perforation with prophylactic nasogastric tube insertion we also discuss other complications associated with nasogastric tube IS and how these may be avoided
the hand is the site of a great variety of benign lesions and rarely of malignant lesions acrometastasis can be the first manifestation of occult malignancy frequently these lesions present in a similar way to benign conditions leading to erroneous diagnosis and inappropriate treatment when located in the finger the most frequent cause is lung cancer while in the toes it is due to genitourinary tumours awareness of the possibility of M1 disease during orthopaedic assessment is essential to decrease patient morbidity a case that was referred to our institution with a single metastasis in a digit from occult gastric adenocarcinoma is used to illustrate the way these lesions are managed the diagnostic difficulties are summarised and an overview of literature was performed to determine management pathways to aid others in the treatment of these case
we report two rare cases of very late local recurrence of ewings sarcoma occurring years and years after treatment of the primary tumour in both cases disease remission had been achieved both patients originally underwent nonsurgical combined modality therapy following initial diagnosis and both were rendered diseasefree after a long latent phase both started experiencing unexplained local symptoms these were investigated at their local hospital but tumour recurrence was not initially considered as a cause of these PS the two patients were eventually referred back to our institution T3 the diagnosis of recurrent ewings sarcoma was established both have successfully undergone complete excision of the recurrences and are receiving postoperative adjuvant therapy these cases highlight the need to remain vigilant for local recurrence however long T3 the initial diagnosis
henochschonlein purpura is a vasculitis affecting small arterial vessels occasionally cases are referred for a GA surgical opinion due to bowel involvement in the form of abdominal pain with or without rectal bleeding however surgical intervention is rarely required we describe a case of HSP in a young man who went on to develop ischaemic bowel requiring resection
general|henochschonlein purpura
the aim of this T0 was to review the information available to the public regarding the treatment of varicose veins on dedicated ukbased websites
an increasing amount of neuroimaging evidence supports the hypothesis that CFS patients have structural or functional CA within the BB moreover some neurotrophic factors neurotransmitters and cytokines have also been evaluated in order to elucidate the mechanism of abnormal neuropsychic findings in chronic fatigue syndrome in this review we suggest that the focal point of CFS research should be transferred to the central nervous system
chronic fatigue syndrome|abnormalities|brain|chronic fatigue syndrome
whether adjuvant chemotherapy increases survival of oesophageal cancer patients has been widely debated the present study used metaanalysis software to combine data from six studies up to july that were found and selected as suitable comprising a total of oesophageal CA patients the results indicated that adjuvant chemotherapy did not significantly improve outcome in oesophageal cancer patients a trend towards improved outcome from adjuvant chemotherapy was found in lymph nodepositive patients but did not reach significance in our own study including oesophageal cancer patients adjuvant chemotherapy did not improve overall patient survival but did improve survival for patients with metastases in cervical andor celiac lymph nodes stage iva although our study had the largest patient sample more prospective clinical trials with large numbers of patients are necessary to confirm the value of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage iva patients
serious injury to the optic nerve including direct and indirect events induces significant visual loss and even blindness for the past decade CSs andor optic canal decompression surgery have been widely embraced therapeutic paradigms for the treatment of traumatic optic neuropathy there is little clinical evidence however to support the effectiveness of these strategies raising questions about the efficiency of current therapy for improving visual outcomes recently experimental studies have yielded a wealth of information related to the protection and regeneration of retinal ganglion cells showing promise for the development of novel and effective treatments for optic nerve injury
brain tumour stem cells btscs are chiefly responsible for the in vivo longterm growth and recurrence of malignant gliomas and may be a potential treatment target they resemble neural stem cells nscs so their selfrenewal and differentiation are currently investigated by the same methods used to study nscs there are however essential differences between these cell types in many cases the marker expression pattern of btscs does not match the cdnsefap pattern of nscs btsc tumourigenicity is independent of marker expression and while att serumcontaining medium and withdrawal of mitogens epidermal growth factor egf and basic FB growth factor bfgf are essential to induce nscs to differentiate they do not affect btsc tumourigenicity evidence implies that research on the renewal and differentiation of btscs should be orientated towards tumourigenicity and is essentially a pharmaceutical problem such an approach may contribute to the development of an accurate definition of btscs and to the search for selective differentiationinducing drugs for btscs
ultrapure ethyleicosapentaenoic acid ethylepa a semisynthetic ethyl ester of EPA acid is associated with clinical improvement in motor functioning in HD disease the aim was to determine the extent to which it might reduce the rate of progress of cerebral atrophy highresolution cerebral magnetic resonance imaging scans were acquired at baseline months and year in up to patients with stage i or ii HD disease who took part in a randomized doubleblind placebocontrolled trial of ethylepa for each subject and each pair of structural images the twotimepoint brain volume change was calculated in a doubleblind manner significant grouplevel reductions in brain atrophy were observed in the head of the caudate nucleus and the posterior TH these findings show that treatment with ethylepa is associated with significant reduction in brain atrophy particularly in the caudate and thalamus no other drug tested in huntingtons disease has shown this effect
this study investigated the differences in apnoeahypopnoea index ahi during rapid EM rem sleep ahirem and ahi during nonrem nrem sleep ahinrem in patients with OSA osa nocturnal polysomnography was performed in japanese osa patients and their ahi along with a variety of other AF were retrospectively evaluated regardless of the severity of ahi mean apnoea duration was longer and patients lowest recorded oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry was lower during rem sleep than during nrem sleep approximately half of the patients n had a higher ahinrem than ahirem in subjects with ahi or eventsh ahinrem was significantly higher than ahirem on multivariate logistic regression severe ahi or eventsh was the only predictor of a higher ahinrem than ahirem this may indicate that important but unknown AF related to the mechanism responsible for the severity of osa are operative during nrem sleep
eye movement|obstructive sleep apnoea|factors|factors
classic anatomical dissection of HR specimens from adults aged years was performed anatomical variations were studied in i the position of the ostium of the left coronary i.a. ii the angle between the proximal segment of the LCA and the longitudinal axis of the aorta and between the circumflex and the anterior descending branches iii the angle between the anterior descending artery and the diagonal branches and between the diagonal and circumflex branches in trifurcation of the LCA iv the position of the ostium of the right coronary artery in the RA coronary sinus of valsalva v the angle between the initial part of the right coronary artery and the longitudinal axis of the aorta and vi the position of the initial part of the LCA relative to the coronary groove knowledge of and the ability to recognize and identify the variety of CS of origin of coronary arteries aortocoronary angles and angles of division of the left coronary artery of the human heart may help to overcome potential difficulties in cardiosurgical procedures such as aortic valve replacement and reinsertion of CAs
heart|artery|left coronary artery|left coronary artery|right|left coronary artery|sites|coronary arteries
the efficacy of forced air warming with a surgical access blanket in preventing a decrease in core temperature during anaesthesia and postanaesthesia shivering pas was compared with two widely used interventions comprising forced air warming combined with an UB blanket and a circulating water mattress in a prospective randomized doubleblind T0 a total of patients undergoing total ABD hysterectomy were studied in each group core temperature was measured and min T3 induction of anaesthesia pas was evaluated every min T3 emergence from anaesthesia over a period of h core temperature fell in all three CG compared with the baseline but forced air warming using a surgical access blanket was more ERP than the other warming methods in ameliorating the temperature decrease the surgical access blanket was also superior to the circulating water mattress in reducing pas
upper body|study|abdominal|after|after|groups|effective
we evaluated the effect of the bisphosphonate risedronate on pain and cartilage metabolism in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee randomized into two CG group rc was treated with risedronate mgday and calcium mgday group c received calcium mgday CT pain on exercise was estimated using a subjective visual rating scale vrs and an electroalgometric method of measuring decrease in skin impedance previously shown to be indicative of pain we measured urinary excretion of cartilagespecific collagen type ii fragments as a marker of cartilage degradation MRA revealed that pain alleviation as measured by skin impedance but not vrs was associated with a decrease in collagen fragment excretion this suggests that for pain evaluation reduction in skin impedance may have a greater physiological basis compared with vrsbased DUE we consider that the chondroprotective and analgesic effects of risedronate may be related
groups|alone|multiple regression analysis|evaluation
this T0 aimed to characterize the role of the mitogenactivated protein kinase mapk kinase mekextracellular signalregulated kinase erk pathway in cardiac hypertrophy induced by parathyroid hormone pth various concentrations of rat pth were used to induce hypertrophy in neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes and the effects were compared with control cells and those treated with pd a selective inhibitor of mek hypertrophy was assessed in terms of cell diameter atrial natriuretic peptide anp mrna expression and protein synthesis the mekerk pathway was assessed by measuring levels of phosphorylated erk treatment with pth at nm for h effectively induced CH increased cell diameter protein synthesis and anp mrna expression and also increased C2 of phosphorylated erk compared with normal control cells treatment with pth plus pd significantly attenuated these changes these results demonstrate that inhibition of the mekerk pathway blocks pthinduced cardiac hypertrophy suggesting that pth might signal through the mapk pathway to induce hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes
study|cardiac hypertrophy|levels
this study compared emergence and recovery characteristics T3 either enflurane anaesthesia or crossover from enflurane to DES anaesthesia at an estimated h prior to the end of T0 enflurane was either reduced group e n or replaced with desflurane group x n at the end of the T0 emergence and recovery characteristics of the two groups were compared the crossover technique accelerated REC compared with enflurane anaesthesia the time taken for the eyes to open in response to painful pinching or a verbal command and to regain awareness of age and name were significantly shorter T3 crossover anaesthesia than after enflurane anaesthesia the DSS test and serial seven test scores were significantly better in patients subjected to crossover anaesthesia than in those subjected to enflurane anaesthesia we conclude that during surgery the substitution of enflurane with desflurane in the latter part of anaesthesia can improve recovery
after|desflurane|operation|operation|recovery|after|digit symbol substitution
this study investigated whether the addition of microg fentanyl to an ultralow subanaesthetic dose of intrathecal BUP provides adequate anaesthesia for outpatient anorectal surgery without increasing sideeffects or delaying hospital discharge patients were randomly allocated to receive mg BUP plus microg fentanyl group bf n or mg bupivacaine alone group b n there were no significant differences in intraoperative outcomes but mean recovery and discharge times were significantly shorter in group bf there were no betweengroup differences in SH bradycardia or respiratory depression and postoperative complications were comparable apart from pruritus which was significantly more frequent in group bf fewer patients requested analgesic medication in the early postoperative period in group bf than in group b in conclusion microg intrathecal fentanyl added to ultralow dose mg BUP provided goodquality SA and reduced postoperative analgesic requirement in patients undergoing ambulatory anorectal surgery
bupivacaine|bupivacaine|hypotension|bupivacaine|spinal anaesthesia
this doubleblind pilot T0 compared the local anaesthetic effects of tramadol plus adrenaline with lidocaine plus adrenaline during surgery to repair hand tendons twenty patients were randomly allocated to receive either tramadol plus adrenaline n or lidocaine plus adrenaline n i.t. site pain and local skin reactions were recorded at min intervals after injection of the anaesthetic agent the degree of sensory blockade was assessed by the patient reporting the extent to which they felt a pinprick light touch and a cold sensation pain felt during surgical incision was also recorded there was no difference in the quality of sensory blockade or the incidence of side effects between the two groups only patients treated with tramadol did not require additional postoperative analgesia a combination of tramadol plus adrenaline provided a local anaesthetic effect similar to that of lidocaine plus adrenaline
the nonlinear dynamic specificity of the firing pattern discharged from neurons of the internal globus pallidus gpi was investigated by recording their spontaneous firing using a microelectrode during posteroventral pallidotomy in eight patients with FPD raw data from the cells were processed to extract spiking events discharges above a selected threshold and the interspike interval was measured using the unstable periodic orbits extraction method significant period and orbits were identified in burst firing discharged from the gpi cells in all eight patients suggesting that deterministic dynamics exist in the timing of the discharges as well as providing a useful perioperative technique for locating posteroventral pallidotomy targets in parkinsons disease this method also provides a promising basis for investigating characteristic neuronal discharges in other regions of the brain and for various other neurological disorders
parkinsons disease
deoxydglucose dg is a glucose analogue that has been proposed for cancer therapy due to its cytostatic properties its effect on the proliferation of smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells has not been fully clarified the aims of this study were to investigate the effects of dg on the proliferation of porcine aortic endothelial cells paec and porcine smooth muscle cells psmc to establish an overview of its dosedependent GABA capacity and to examine whether the ST incubation of cells with dg has an impact on cell proliferation in culture our results showed a dosedependent significant inhibitory effect on proliferation which was more pronounced in psmc than in paec even T3 shortterm incubation of cells with dg relevant inhibition of proliferation was documented the clinical application of dg might be a promising concept by inhibiting cells that show a potentially rapid proliferation in response to nonmalignant stimuli such as smooth muscle cells after intracoronary stenting
this study assessed the effect of inhibition of the central nucleus of the amygdala cea and drug experience on BB regions underlying footshockinduced reinstatement of morphineseeking behaviour in rats the difference in time spent in two chambers of a place preference apparatus was used to measure morphineconditioned place preference fos was measured as a marker of neuronal activation in the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis bnstv and VTA vta footshock was found to enhance fos expression in the bnstv regardless of drug experience in the vta morphine and footshock had an interactive effect on the increase in fos expression inhibition of the cea decreased fos expression in the bnstv regardless of drug experience whereas in the vta this effect only occurred in morphinetreated rats these results suggest that drug experience has no differential effect on the bnstv however morphine produces FS sensitization in the vta cea inhibition modulates the footshockinduced activity of these regions of the BB and attenuates reinstatement of drug seeking behaviour
brain|ventral tegmental area|footshock|brain
our aim was to construct a pcdna eucaryotic expression system vector containing the antisense glucose transporter glut gene total rna was isolated from human hep laryngeal carcinoma cells and the glut and AS glut sequences were amplified by polymerase chain reaction expression plasmids containing the sense and AS cdna were constructed using the pcdna vector the resulting sense and antisense vectors pcdnaglut and pcdnaantiglut respectively were examined by restriction analysis and dna sequencing the pcdnaantiglut was subsequently transfected into hep cells antiglut mrna expression was detected indicating the successful construction of an AS glut plasmid capable of transfecting hep laryngeal carcinoma cells these data provide a firm basis for additional studies using the plasmid pcdnaantiglut to determine its therapeutic potential for the treatment of HEp-2
antisense|antisense|antisense|laryngeal carcinoma
we examined ckit protein expression and mutations of the ckit gene in human OSA samples to their relationship with clinicopathology and prognosis of the disease the expression of ckit protein was evaluated by immunohistochemistry and singlestrand conformational polymorphism was performed to evaluate ckit gene mutations in exons and expression of ckit protein occurred in osteosarcoma samples patients with osteosarcomas with higher ckit protein expression levels were significantly more likely to experience local disease recurrence and had a significantly lower survival time than patients with lower ckit expression we found no evidence of mutations in exons or this study suggests that ckit protein expression might serve as a prognostic marker for OSA however exons and might not be suitable targets for osteosarcoma treatments based on suppression of ckit IMT kinase activity
human PVs hpvs are very important pathogens that can be classified as high and lowrisk types based on the lesions they cause mucosal highrisk hpv e can target and degrade the tumour suppressor p hence it is recognized as the L1 cause of cervical CA however due to a lack of reliable antie antibodies the distribution of highrisk hpv e protein remains elusive the present study therefore used a mammalian green fluorescent protein gfp expression system to express gfp e fusion proteins in wildtype p cells smmc and hct in order to trace the location and expression of hpv e and p protein following transfection expression of gfp e was found to be located in the nucleus and endogenous wildtype p was also located there with gfp e
the angiotensin blocker arb eprosartan mg once daily and the calcium antagonist diltiazem mg twice daily were studied in a month prospective randomized doubleblind trial involving heart transplant patients the study compared their effects on the development of posttransplant cardiac allograft vasculopathy a condition that frequently impairs LT posttransplantation survival and where angiotensin blockers might be expected to play a preventive role from baseline to month the mean PI volume increased by mm for eprosartantreated patients and by mm for diltiazemtreated patients but the eprosartanrelated trend for reduced MIH was not statistically significant the trend in favour of eprosartan for secondary parameters mean intimal index vessel volume lumen volume and CF reserve also failed to reach significance the lack of effect might be due to a lower than planned sample size and observation periods due to recruitment difficulties a larger study is required to confirm these preliminary findings
longterm|plaque|myointimal hyperplasia|coronary flow
the effects of cyclooxygenase cox selective inhibitors on the proliferation of ectopic endometrial stromal cells in vitro were investigated ectopic endometrial stromal cells were treated with either celecoxib or nimesulide for and h the results showed that i both celecoxib and nimesulide inhibited the proliferation of ectopic endometrial stromal cells in vitro in a time and dosedependent manner ii the expression of prostaglandin e was significantly inhibited by both celecoxib and nimesulide in a dosedependent manner iii the percentage of apoptotic cells was significantly higher for cells treated with CEL or nimesulide than for untreated cells and iv the percentage of the cells in the gg phase increased after the cells were treated with either agent in a dosedependent manner these data suggest that CEL and nimesulide inhibited proliferation of ectopic endometrial stromal cells by inducing apoptosis and blocking the cell cycle at the gg phase
this study evaluated and compared the risks and effects to the inflammatory response of low and highdose aprotinin regimens between january and june patients scheduled for cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass were enrolled and randomly allocated to either low n or highdose n aprotinin groups the incidences of mortality and adverse events were comparable in both CG postoperative creatinine levels and blood loss were not significantly different between the two CG with the exception of platelets the counts of transfused allogenic blood products were not significantly different between the groups interleukin il il soluble tumour CN factor ii receptor and interferongamma levels increased in both groups compared with baseline but no significant intergroup differences were detected in conclusion high and lowdose aprotinin had similar effects in the reduction of mediastinal bleeding and attenuation of SVR inflammatory responses and highdose aprotinin therapy could be used without any increased adverse effects
a prospective study in OP patients with multiplelevel vertebral compression fractures vcfs assessed the use of magnetic resonance imaging mri to determine painful vertebrae for treatment with kyphoplasty kp a total of vertebrae were identified as painful and selected for kp based on changes in mri signal intensity between tweighted tweighted and short tau inversion recovery mri tau was assessed by the mean NC in anteriormiddle vertebral body height cobbs angle a VAS pain scale and the ODI at preoperative postoperative and final followup assessments significant improvements in all efficacy measures were observed at the postoperative versus preoperative assessments no significant differences were observed between postoperative and final followup assessments it is concluded that painful vertebrae can be determined by mri signal intensity changes and their selection for kp can improve outcomes in patients with multiplelevel vcfs
osteoporotic|efficacy|change|visual analogue|oswestry disability index
this retrospective study aimed to identify the pattern of visual impairment in pituitary adenoma patients patients eyes were categorized into four groups according to their visual acuity score transsphenoidal hypophysectomy was performed on all patients significant differences between CG were evaluated for visual field defects visual symptoms duration degree of suprasellar extension and tumour pathology in the patients eyes evaluated eyes had impaired visual acuity eyes eyes and eyes eyes scored and were considered to be free of this disorder a linear correlation was found between VF defects and VA score duration of visual PS between visual acuity groups was not significant suprasellar extension measured by hardy grades was significant between VA groups and may be the main cause of visual acuity loss in pituitary adenoma patients nonfunctional PIT adenomas tended to affect visual acuity more than adenomas with other pathological diagnoses which are adrenocorticotropic hormone and prolactin further investigation is required to clarify visual loss cause in pituitary adenoma patients
groups|visual field|visual acuity|symptoms|visual acuity|pituitary
this study investigated the role of systemic inflammation in the development of atrial fibrillation af after CABG cabg cabg was performed using cardiopulmonary bypass in patients preoperative af was present in six patients and postoperative af developed in of the patients with preoperative SR postoperative mediastinal drainage was significantly increased in patients with postoperative af compared with those with SR plasma eselectin pselectin and V1 cell adhesion molecule levels were not significantly different between patients with pre and postoperative sinus rhythm those with preoperative SR and postoperative af and those with pre and postoperative af there were significant differences between pre and postoperative creactive protein interleukin il and il levels within all three CG but no differences in these parameters between the groups thus in all groups there were significant alterations in mediators indicative of systemic inflammation following cabg but comparisons between the groups revealed no differences predictive of af
coronary artery bypass grafting|sinus rhythm|sinus rhythm|vascular|sinus rhythm|groups
this study evaluated the tau and safety of use of the angioseal vascular closure device deployment for early ambulation h T3 elective percutaneous coronary intervention in consecutive patients receiving either intravenous lowdose enoxaparin mgkg or unfractionated heparin ufh the initial success rate of angiosealtrade mark deployment was with no significant difference between the ufh group and the enoxaparin group inhospital and clinic outcomes were evaluated in the patients with successful angioseal deployment during hospitalization there were no deaths myocardial infarction urgent target vessel revascularization or one events in either group three patients in the ufh group and none in the enoxaparin group had minor vascular complications differences not significant in clinic followup two patients in the ufh group and none in the enoxaparin group had major vascular complications differences not significant routine use of the angiosealtrade mark for early ambulation in patients receiving intravenous lowdose enoxaparin compared with ufh provides promising efficacy and safety for daily practice
high tibial osteotomy hto is a procedure for treating medial compartment OA oa of the varus deformed knee frontal and sagittal alignment T3 closed and openwedge hto were compared radiologically in a matchedpair study the mean intraoperative frontal plane correction ft axis was degrees for closedwedge hto and degrees for openwedge hto it increased by degrees in closedwedge hto and decreased by degrees in openwedge hto at last followup postoperatively tibial slope had decreased by degrees in closedwedge hto and increased significantly by degrees in openwedge hto both techniques effectively and safely corrected varus deformity a high degree of stability of the frontal plane correction was noted however a significant NC in the tibial slope after openwedge hto was observed postoperatively as no loss of correction was shown it may be related to the surgical technique rather than to the implant used
this prospective study analysed patients age years with haematological neoplasms implanted with tunnelled catheters who were neutropenic or developed neutropenia during treatment catheters were implanted in the right n or left n jugular vein by the same surgical team using the same technique they remained in place for days were removed due to infection due to treatment termination and due to mechanical problems seventeen patients died with catheters in place at and days mean catheter duration rates were and respectively and freedom from catheter removal due to infection was and respectively patient diagnosis and PH of previous catheter infection did not increase catheter infection risk but patients undergoing stem cell transplantation had an increased infection risk tunnelled catheters can be used in highrisk patients with neutropenia SVR infections can be managed in most patients without catheter removal
this observational study assessed metabolic control in young active professionals with type diabetes treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion csii with or without the use of a bolus calculator eighteen patients aged years with diabetes duration of years were included eight patients used a bolus calculator and did not metabolic control was assessed by glycosylated haemoglobin hbac measurements and blood glucose profiles a continuous gl monitoring system cgms was also used by three patients from each group mean hbac and fasting blood glucose C2 were not significantly different between the two groups but mean postprandial blood glucose was significantly lower in bolus calculator users than nonusers the cgms showed more blood glucose C2 within the target range in bolus calculator users than nonusers but statistical significance was not achieved in conclusion a bolus calculator may help to improve postprandial blood glucose levels in AS professional type diabetes patients treated with csii but does not have a L1 impact on hbac levels
tokushima UH has established the tokushima network for clinical trials tnct to promote clinical trials in the area in collaboration with the tokushima medical association the present study investigated the views of doctors towards registration trials in the tnct a questionnaire was provided to clinicshospitals registered to the tnct in and responded it revealed that of doctors were aware of registration trials and were favourable towards participating as investigators in them they considered close contact with developmental drugs advancement of therapy and the opportunity to learn about stateoftheart treatment as benefits of participation the main areas of difficulty included management of adverse reactions and patients refusal to take part many doctors wanted more opportunity to learn about trialrelated issues such as regulations the survey indicates that the tnct needs to develop the infrastructure and enlighten participants to promote registration trials in this rural regional area
university hospital
metachromatic leukodystrophy mld is a metabolic disease that has recently been investigated as a model for the study of psychosis we report on two sisters with adulttype mld who developed psychiatric symptomatology but differed in their expression of psychotic and depressive symptoms association studies have indicated that polymorphisms in genes encoding the serotonin and dopamine transporters and receptors are related to the symptomatology of schizophrenia andor depression hence both sisters were genotyped for some of these candidate genes the sisters shared dopamine receptor d drd cgg pserser and ccinsins polymorphisms which are significantly associated with schizophrenia but differed in the serotonin transporter genelinked polymorphic region and serotonin receptor a hta cc to g polymorphisms which may have increased the elder sisters susceptibility to depressive PS much bigger samples would be needed to gain enough statistical SP to develop any hypotheses this is the first report on genotyping mld patients for candidate genes for psychiatric disorders although mld has been proposed as a model for schizophrenia
the case is reported of a yearold multigravida with insignificant history and SD vital signs admitted to the labour room for normal vaginal delivery of twins she received combined spinal epidural analgesia bupivacaine plus FE for h following uneventful delivery she received mg methylergonovine maleate intramuscularly nausea and vomiting occurred min after placenta delivery heart rate decreased arterial blood pressure increased and there was chest pain after excluding cardiac ischaemia mg atropine sulphate was administered intravenously chest pain improved but heart rate and blood pressure increased more than expected the patient had mild HA and nausea and antiemetic mg ondansetron was given intravenously continuous monitoring for h showed spontaneous chest PR and blood pressure improvement in conclusion serious delayed sideeffects arising from methylergonovine maleate can occur in young normal patients and close monitoring is required intravenous atropine sulphate following methylergonovine maleate administration may lead to severe hypertension and tachycardia
stable|fentanyl|headache|pain relief
RDD rdd is an idiopathic histiocytic proliferation affecting the CL NO isolated intracranial rdd is rare and usually appears as a welldefined duralbased lesion without lymphadenopathy the clinical and radiological features of intracranial rdd are similar to meningioma histopathology and immunohistochemistry are essential for a definitive diagnosis this is a report of a year old male with isolated intracranial rdd which manifested as a suprasellar meningioma the clinical radiological and pathological aspects of the disease are discussed within the context of a review of previously reported cases
rosaidorfman disease|lymph|nodes
cryptococcus neoformans infections are typically associated with tcell deficiencies including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome aids although highly AS antiretroviral therapy haart has strongly reduced aidsrelated opportunistic infections the restoration and reactivation of cd cells can induce an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome iris consisting in a deregulated inflammatory response to latent infectious pathogens andor to their residual antigens cryptococcal lymphadenitis has occasionally been documented in iris here we report a case of histology and culturenegative cryptococcal lymphadenitis associated with iris in an adult aids patient with a history of disseminated cryptococcosis after the start of fully adherent haart appropriate diagnosis was established on nestedpcr and sequence analysis of the interspacer region of c neoformans rDNA and PCD of slowgrowing blastospores in enrichment cultures of fineneedle lymph node aspirate review of recent literature and our case findings suggest that irisassociated cryptococcal lymphadenitis is more likely the flare up of a latent infection rather than an immunopathological response to residual antigen of unviable cryptococci
active|ribosomal dna|detection
bone CR is characterized by spatial and temporal coupling of bone resorption and formation and is necessary for skeletal growth and normal bone structure maintenance imbalance of this process is related to metabolic bone disorders such as osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis for this reason bone remodeling is under the control of several local and systemic AF including molecules of the immune system the importance of the interplay of both the skeletal and immune systems is reflected by the emerging interdisciplinary research field called osteoimmunology focused on common aspects of osteology and immunology this review focuses on the role of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines in bone remodeling and in particular a subfamily of chemotactic cytokines or chemokines which are involved not only in several aspects of physiological bone CR but also in pathological bone disorders such as rheumatoid ICA or osteoporosis understanding the role of inflammation and chemokines will provide new insights for the treatment of diseases affecting both skeletal and immune systems by the OD of new therapeutic strategies targeting common inflammatory mediators
the immunogenicity of malignant melanomas has been recognized by the observed recruitment of tumorspecific cytotoxic tcells ctl leading to the identification of several melanoma associated antigen maa however numerous strategies to treat melanoma with immunotherapy have resulted in only partial success in this editorial we discuss recent data related to the ability of tumors to elude immune responses we therefore discuss different strategies to induce a clinically effective immune response these approaches include immunostimulation including peptideprotein based vaccines dendritic cell vaccines and adoptive cell transfer and overcoming IS including targeting of checkpoint molecules such as ctla circumventing the activity of tregs and assuring antigen expression by RT cells thwarting antigen silencing finally we discuss recent advances in gene therapy including adoptive therapy with engineered t cell receptors tcrs these issues lead to the conclusion that successful immunotherapy in malignant melanoma requires a combination of strategies aimed at both inducing immunostimulation and blocking immunosuppression
we have previously demonstrated the protective role of interleukin il against septic lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide lps using il knockout mice this protection is mediated at least partly through the inhibition of the enhanced local expression of proinflammatory cytokines in the present T0 we addressed whether il regulates oxidative AS in the lung generated by lps SE using il and corresponding wild type wt mice intraperitoneal lps mgkg challenge induced transcriptional expressions of inducible nitric oxide synthase and heme oxygenase in the lung of mice with both genotypes in the presence of lps these expressions were significantly greater in il than in wt mice immunohistochemistry also showed that lps induced a significant increase in hydroxydeoxyguanosine formation in the lung as compared to vehicle furthermore the formation was more intense in il than in wt mice in the presence of lps challenge in the presence of lps lipid peroxidation in the lung was significantly greater in il than in wt mice these data suggest that the possible mechanisms in which endogenous il protects against septic lung injury induced by lps involve at least in part its antioxidative properties
coronary i.a. disease is associated with increased serum levels of cholesterol triglycerides and ldl but low C2 of hdl the most potent agent capable of reversing this trend is the vitamin nicotinic acid niacin however compliance even with extendedrelease preparations and addition of acetylsalicylic acid asa is hampered by the development of a feeling of erythema and burning flush especially on the face we recently showed that the natural flavonoids quercetin and luteolin can eliminate flush as well as inhibit both niacininduced plasma prostaglandin d pgd and serotonin increase in an animal model we conducted a pilot clinical study in humans four normal male subjects received a g immediate release niacin either alone or after b the dietary formulation algonotplus containing mg quercetin per capsule subjects completed a visual scale no worst response symptom assessment erythema and burning sensation scores were both and lasted for hours after algonotplus administration both scores were reduced to and lasted only for hours quercetin also inhibited methylnicotinateinduced human mast cell pgd PR these preliminary results suggest that quercetin could reduce niacininduced flush in humans
helicobacter pylori infection is the L1 cause of GD pathologies including gastric cancer the long persistence of bacteria and the type of immune and inflammatory response determine the clinical issue in this T0 the global mRNA profile T3 and months of h pylori infection was investigated in the mouse stomach using the affymetrix genechip mouse expression array a genes related to the inflammatory and immune responses were focused levels of selected transcripts were confirmed by reverse transcription PCR reaction twenty five and nineteen percent of the differentially expressed genes observed at and months postinfection respectively were related to immune response they are characterized by an interferon ifngammadependent expression associated to a t helper th polarised response indepth analysis revealed that an upregulation of ilp took place in the stomach of h pylori infectedmice strong ilp levels were also confirmed in gastric biopsies from h pyloriinfected patients with chronic gastritis as compared to healthy subjects our microarray analysis revealed also a high decrease of hkatpase transcripts in the presence of the h pylori infection association of gastric th immune response with hypochlorhydria through the downregulation of hkatpase contributes to the genesis of lesions upon the h pylori infection our data highlight that the upregulation of il and of many ifngamma signature transcripts occur early on during the host response to h pylori and suggest that this type of immune response may promote the severity of the induced gastric lesions
major|gastroduodenal|study|gene expression|after|polymerase chain
in orexin a was added to the long list of orexigenic neuropeptides of the brains physiology orexin a is involved in the central control of appetite and in SE homeostasis as well as in the regulation of many other physiological functions it is produced by a small cluster of the brains neurons located mainly in and around the lateral Thy area this site is known to be involved in regulating FF in mammals an intracerebroventricular i.t. of orexin a into the rats brain causes an impressive increase in the consumption of food while an intravenous injection induces changes on glucagon plasma concentrations in rats in addition there are signs of changes on glucagon plasma concentrations when orexin a acts on individual pancreatic islets of rats in this T0 we investigated the potential effects of the central administration of porcine orexin a on glucagon plasma concentrations in pigs and examined whether these changes are associated with the possible effect of the neuropeptide on the enteroinsular axis
various molecular mechanisms have been suggested to be involved in dexamethasone induced thymocyte apoptosis in this study we show that pharmacological inhibition of cytoplasmic pla in mouse thymocytes for h with arachidonyl trifluoromethyl ketone aacocf microm and palmitoyl trifluoromethyl ketone pacocf microm induced a drastic increase of thymocyte apoptosis comparable to that observed following dex m treatment while inhibition of secretory pla with pbromophenacyl bromide pbpb microm did not aacocfinduced thymocyte apoptosis similarly to dexinduced thymocyte apoptosis was eliminated by cell pretreatment with the piplcbeta inhibitor u but not by the pcplc inhibitor d these observations were corroborated by the ability of aacocf like dex to induce a rapid and transient increase in dag generation in addition aacocfinduced apoptosis involved the activation of the acidic sphingomyelinase asmase but not of the neutral sphingomyelinase nsmase as evaluated by measurements of CEA in cell extracts following thymocyte exposure to aacocf and by the ability of monensin to inhibit aacocfinduced thymocyte apoptosis in addition the aacocf AI effect resulted in an early increase of ceramide levels aacocfinduced thymocyte apoptosis involved the activation of caspase and cell pretreatment with a caspase inhibitor prevented aacocfinduced apoptosis these observations suggest that cpla inhibition may have a role in dexinduced thymocyte apoptosis and highlight the importance of cpla activity in thymocyte survival
enzyme activity|apoptotic
the pathologic role of autoantibodies in many AD is widely accepted an enzyme immunoassay was used for measurement of antibodies against diseasespecific antigens and etiologic agents for CR antigens associated with them this antibody CA was applied to a panel of antigens for the PCD of different neuroautoimmune diseases that included multiple sclerosis motor IP neuropathies MMN ALS pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection we studied women with pregnancies complicated by neural tube defect neuroborreliosis autism and patients with possible somatic hypermutation antibodies were also measured against antigens and etiologic agents associated with primary biliary cirrhosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and finally antibodies were measured against several RT antigens or peptides which are expressed in prostatic breast and colon tissues this panel of different autoantibodies was applied to patients with neuroautoimmune disorders cancer and possible somatic hypermutation the levels of these antibodies against different tissuespecific antigens and etiologic agents associated with them were significantly elevated in patients versus controls we hope that this novel antigenspecific elisa will be used in additional studies that will prove its clinical efficacy not only for the early diagnosis of many neuroautoimmune liver and lung autoimmune disorders but also for prognosis and the implementation of preventive steps for many complex diseases
autoimmune diseases|crossreactive|assay|detection|peripheral|multifocal motor neuropathy|amyotrophic lateral sclerosis|tumor
inhalation of asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer and PF it is difficult to directly assess the distribution and content of inhaled particles in lung tissue sections the purpose of this study is to employ an inair micro particle induced xray emission inair micropixe system for assessment of the spatial distribution and content of asbestos and other metals in lung tissue a proton ionmicrobeam from this system was applied to irradiate lung tissue of patients with or without asbestosis tumor tissue from both groups and asbestos SF in vitro the content of each element composing asbestos and those of other metals were calculated and their distribution was assessed from the characteristic xray DP for each element obtained after irradiation this inair micropixe system could identify the location of ABs composed of si mg and fe in lung tissue sections macrophage and lymphocytes accumulated in that area this new system also revealed deposits of titanium nickel and cobalt in the lung tissues in addition to asbestos HB the si and fe content were higher in lungs with asbestosis than in lungs without asbestosis or in RT tissue analysis of asbestos SF composed of chrysotile crocidolite and amosite showed that the ratios of si fe and mg corresponded with those for the chemical structures inair micropixe analysis is useful for assessing the distribution and quantities of ABs and also other metals in lung tissue comparing to immunerelated cell localizations and is also useful for analysis of standard asbestos fibers
pulmonary fibrosis|fibers|pattern|asbestos bodies|bodies|tumor|fibers|asbestos bodies
in contrast to humans mice physiologically exhibit EM haematopoiesis in the SP in spite of this crucial species specific difference not much is known about the contribution of extramedullary haematopoiesis to overall erythropoiesis in models of anaemia of inflammation ai the objective of this T0 is to characterize mu ai with respect to extramedullary haematopoiesis and to develop a model more closely resembling human ai three different models of ai caecal ligation and puncture clp collagen induced arthritis cia and dss induced chronic colitis dssc were characterized with respect to red blood parameters iron metabolism and extramedullary haematopoiesis arthritic animals were splenectomised to prevent extramedullary haematopoiesis anaemia caused by systemic inflammation was found in all three models splenic extramedullary haematopoiesis was markedly increased as reflected by increment in spleen weights and increase of the red pulp resulting in increased reticulocyte counts splenectomised arthritic animals did not show increased reticulocyte counts indicating that most of the reticulocytes were produced in the SP our results demonstrate that murine ai differs from human ai with respect to increased splenic extramedullary haematopoiesis our data demonstrate that induction of ai in splenectomised mice represents a good way to model human ai