phasepure bicuose which is isostructural to the layered ptype transparent conductor lacuos has been synthesized in high yield by a singlestep hydrothermal reaction at LT degrees c and pressure atm a moderate reaction temperature of degrees c was sufficiently high to solubilize both bio and cuo and stabilize monovalent copper and low enough to impede the oxidation of dianionic selenium bicuose exhibits a relatively high electrical conductivity sigma approximately s cm and a reduced band gap eg ev which compare favorably with the optoelectronic properties of bicuos and the ceriumbased oxysulfides ceagos and cecuos
low temperature
two racemic atropisomeric nnchelate ligands bisnphpyindolyl and bisnnpyindolylphenylpyindolyl have been found to be able to distinguish the enantiomers of znrbrmebu and znsbrmebu where brmebu occhbrchme with a distinct and intense cd spectral response at approximately the microm concentration range computational studies established that the rznrbrmebu or sznsbrmebu diastereomer is more stable than rznsbrmebu or sznrbrmebu in addition computational studies showed that the cd spectra of sznsbrmebu and sznrbrmebu are similar h nmr spectra confirmed that these two diastereomers exist in solution in about a ratio for both complexes of and the distinct cd response of the racemic ligands and toward the chiral zincii carboxylate is therefore attributed to the preferential formation of one diastereomer the IB modes of the zincii salt with ligands and were established by the crystal structures of the MM compounds zntfa and zntfa tfa cfco where the znii ion is chelated by the two central pyridyl CG in the ligand FL titration experiments with various zincii salts showed that the FL spectrum of the atropisomeric ligand displays an aniondependent change the zincii IB strength to the nnchelate site of the atropisomeric ligand has been found to play a key role in the selective recognition of different chiral zincii carboxylate derivatives by the racemic atropisomeric ligands
the dehydrogenation of ammonia borane ab and methylammonia borane meab is shown to be catalyzed by several ruamido complexes up to equiv of h system wt is released from ab by as little as mol ru within min and up to equiv of h system wt are released from meab with mol ru in under min at RT the first equivalent emerging within s also a mixture of abmeab yields up to system wt h within h with mol ru computational studies were performed to elucidate the mechanism of dehydrogenation of ab finally it was shown that alkylamineboranes can serve as a source of h in the rucatalyzed reduction of ketones and imines
room temperature
disulfiderich peptides represent a megadiverse group of natural products with very promising therapeutic potential to accelerate their functional characterization highthroughput chemical synthesis and folding methods are required including efficient mapping of multiple disulfide bridges here we describe a novel RPA for such mapping and apply it to a threedisulfidebridged conotoxin musxiiia from the venom of conus striolatus whose discovery is also reported here for the first time musxiiia was chemically synthesized with three cysteine residues labeled with nc while the remaining three cysteine residues were incorporated using a mixture of unlabeledlabeled fmocprotected residues after oxidative folding the major product was analyzed by nmr spectroscopy sequencespecific resonance assignments for the isotopeenriched cys residues were determined with d versions of standard tripleresonance h c n nmr experiments and d c h hsqc disulfide patterns were directly determined with crossdisulfide noes confirming that the oxidation product had the disulfide connectivities characteristic of muconotoxins musxiiia was found to be a potent blocker of the sodium channel subtype nav ic nm these results suggest that differential incorporation of isotopelabeled cysteine residues is an efficient strategy to map disulfides and should facilitate the discovery and structurefunction studies of many bioactive peptides
chiral mesoporous materials have been prepared with purely organic monomers employing an enantiomerically pure biphenyl bissiloxane as a dopant along with simple bistriethoxysilylbiphenyl as the bulk material analysis of these materials by cd spectroscopy indicates the formation of new chiral aggregates in the solid state consistent with charge delocalization from adjacent aryl rings in close contact these aggregates are only observed when the BP and enantiomerically pure biaryl are both present the redshift resulting of the cd signal resulting from these interactions is modeled computationally using timedependent dft calculations
a novel class of derivatized acetylacetonate acac linkers for robust functionalization of tio NPs nps under AQ and oxidative conditions is reported the resulting surface adsorbate anchors are particularly relevant to engineering photocatalytic and photovoltaic devices since they can be applied to attach a broad range of photosensitizers and photocatalytic complexes and are not affected by humidity acac is easily modified by cuimediated coupling reactions to provide a variety of scaffolds including substituted terpy complexes terpy terpyridine assembled with ligands coordinated to transitionmetal ions since mnterpy complexes are known to be ERP catalysts for oxidation chemistry functionalization with mnii is examined this permits visiblelight sensitization of tio nanoparticles due to interfacial electron transfer as evidenced by uvvis spectroscopy of colloidal thin films and aqueous suspensions the underlying ultrafast interfacial electron injection is complete on a subpicosecond time scale as monitored by optical pumpterahertz probe transient measurements and computer simulations timeresolved measurements of the mnii epr signal at k show that interfacial electron i.t. induces mnii mniii photooxidation with a halftime for regeneration of the mnii complex of ca s
the unique symmetry properties of second harmonic generation shg microscopy enabled CS and selective imaging of protein microcrystals with negligible contributions from solvated proteins or amorphous protein aggregates in studies of microcrystallites of green FL protein gfp prepared in pl droplets the shg intensities rivaled those of fluorescence but with superb selectivity for crystalline regions gfp in amorphous aggregates and in solution produced substantial background fluorescence but no detectable shg the ratio of the forwardtobackward detected shg provides a measure of the particle size suggesting LOD down to crystallites nm in diameter under low magnification x in addition to being CS and highly selective secondorder nonlinear optical imaging of chiral crystals sonicc is directly compatibility with virtually all common protein crystallization platforms
sensitive|fluorescent|detection limits|sensitive
the first electrophilic pdiicatalyzed allylic c h alkylation is reported providing a novel method for formation of spsp c c bonds directly from c h bonds a wide range of aromatic and heteroaromatic linear ealphanitroarylpentenoates are obtained as single olefin isomers in excellent yields directly from terminal olefin substrates and methyl nitroacetate the use of dmso as a piacidic ligand was found to be crucial for promoting functionalization of the piallylpd intermediate products from this reaction are valuable synthetic intermediates and are readily transformed to amino esters via selective reduction and optically EC alphaalphadisubstituted amino acid precursors via asymmetric conjugate addition
highthroughput screening of national CA institute libraries of synthetic and NK EDC identified the vinylogous ureas aminotetrahydro hcyclohepta bthiophenecarboxamide nsc and naminocarbonyldimethylthienylfurancarboxamide nsc as inhibitors of the ribonuclease h rnase h activity of hiv and hiv reverse transcriptase rt a yonetanitheorell analysis demonstrated that nsc and the activesite hydroxytropolone rnase h inhibitor betathujaplicinol were mutually exclusive in their interaction with the rnase h domain mass spectrometric protein footprinting of the nsc binding site indicated that residues cys and lys in helix i of the thumb subdomain of p were affected by ligand binding although dna polymerase and pyrophosphorolysis activities of hiv rt were less sensitive to inhibition by nsc protein footprinting indicated that nsc occupied the equivalent region of the p thumb sitedirected mutagenesis using reconstituted pp heterodimers substituted with natural or nonnatural amino acids indicates that altering the p rnase h primer grip significantly affects inhibitor sensitivity nsc thus represents a novel class of rnase h antagonists with a mechanism of action differing from active site divalent metalchelating inhibitors that have been reported
samples of spanish virgin olive oils voos from different categories origins varieties and commercial brands were analyzed by hplc with a programmable fluorescence detector to determine the content of nine heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pahs benzoaanthracene chrysene benzoepyrene benzobfluoranthene benzokfluoranthene BP dibenzoahanthracene benzoghiperilene and indenocdpyrene samples of olive pomace and crude olive pomace oils were also investigated benzoapyrene concentrations were below the allowed limit in the EU microgkg in of the voo samples only those samples coming from contaminated olive fruits or obtained in oil mills with highly polluted environments exceeded this value high correlation coefficients were obtained between the contents of benzoapyrene and the sum of the nine pahs for all of the analyzed categories suggesting that BP could be used as a marker of the content of these nine pahs in olive oils
benzoapyrene|european union|benzoapyrene
black soybeans glycine max l merrill were germinated under fungal stress with food grade r oligosporus for days and were homogenized and fermented with lactic acid bacteria lab to produce soy yogurt fungal AS led to the generation of oxylipins oxooctadecadienoic acids kodes isomers and their respective glyceryl esters and glyceollinsa type of phytoalexins unique to soybeans in soy yogurt the concentrations of total kodes and total glyceollins were mgg dry matter and mgg respectively the concentrations of other isoflavones mainly genistein and daidzein and their derivatives in soy yogurt remained largely unchanged after the processes compared with the control soy yogurt germination of black soybean under fungal stress for days was sufficient to reduce stachyose and raffinose which cause flatulence by and respectively with a ph value of a LA content of and a maximum viable cell count of x cfuml in the final soy yogurt soy milk from germinated soybeans under fungal stress was concluded to be a suitable medium for yogurtmaking the resulting soy yogurt had significantly altered micronutrient profiles with significantly reduced OS and EC glyceollins
stress|lactic acid|oligosaccharides|enriched
the higher patency rates of cardiovascular implants including vascular bypass grafts stents and heart valves are related to their ability to inhibit thrombosis intimal hyperplasia and calcification in native tissue the endothelium plays a L1 role in inhibiting these processes various bioengineering research strategies thereby aspire to induce endothelialization of graft surfaces either prior to implantation or by accelerating in situ VG endothelialization this article reviews potential bioresponsive molecular components that can be incorporated into andor released from biomaterial surfaces to obtain accelerated in situ endothelialization of V1 grafts these molecules could promote in situ endothelialization by the mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells epc from the bone marrow encouraging cellspecific adhesion EC cells ec andor epc to the graft and once attached by controlling the proliferation and differentiation of these cells ec and epc interactions with the extracellular matrix continue to be a principal source of inspiration for material biofunctionalization and therefore the latest developments in understanding these interactions will be discussed
we present the first enantioselective organocatalytic RPA for the synthesis of alphamethylenedeltalactones and deltalactams our methodology utilizes the michael addition of unmodified aldehydes to ethyl diethoxyphosphorylacrylate as the key step affording highly enantiomerically enriched adducts which can be transformed into the target compounds maintaining the high stereoselectivity achieved in the first step this methodology has been shown to be GA and various optically AS gammasubstituted alphamethylenedeltalactones and deltalactams can be easily accessed
during binocular rivalry one stimulus is visible dominant while the other CS- is invisible suppressed after a few seconds perception reverses to determine whether these alternations involve competition between the eyes or between the images we measured suppression depth to monocular probes we did so in conventional rival stimuli and in rival stimuli swapping between the eyes at hz both sorts of rivalry were shown either with or without hz flicker the conventional conditions cause rivalry that could involve either competition between the eyes or between the images or both the eyeswapping conditions cause rivalry that could involve competition between the images probes were either a small spot or a contrast increment to one of the rival stimuli using both yesno and forcedchoice procedures we found that conventional conditions yielded large suppression depth and that eyeswapping conditions yielded small suppression depth weak suppression during image rivalry is consistent with conventional rivalrys involving competition between eyes and between images and flickerandswap rivalrys involving little if any competition between eyes and mainly competition between images
to recover surface reflectance and illuminance from the raw luminance signal the visual system must use prior assumptions and strategies that make use of additional sources of information indeed it has been found that depending on experimental conditions lightness apparent reflectance may refer to judgments that are similar to brightness judgments apparent luminance that are similar to local brightnesscontrast judgments or that represent an independent third dimension of achromatic experience which exists only when the illumination across regions of the display is visibly nonuniform l e arend b spehar a b this means that lightness data generated in one exp condition may not be comparable to lightness data measured in other conditions we investigate this problem with regard to a history of data on simultaneous brightnesscontrast by measuring brightness brightnesscontrast and lightness in stimuli similar to those used in gilchrists edgesubstitution studies a gilchrist s delman a jacobsen and in stimuli similar to those used to test gilchrists intrinsicimage model against his newer anchoring model a gilchrist our results clarify confusions that appear to stem from comparing different types of lightness judgments and from inadvertently using brightness as an index of lightness under conditions where independent lightness judgments are possible
recent findings demonstrate that the perception of other peoples eye gaze direction can be dramatically biased by previous adaptation to that gaze direction here we further investigated this aftereffect by examining its development over time with particular attention to the potential role of the ambiguity of the TS following adaptation to gaze to one direction participants ability to correctly classify gaze to the adapted direction was severely impaired both for ambiguous and relatively unambiguous test stimuli of particular importance this aftereffect decreased over time but remained measurable up to T2 post adaptation with its decline following an exponential decay CF the implications of the present findings are discussed with respect to both coding mechanisms involved in gaze perception and a potential role of adaptation effects in real life situations
test stimulus|minutes|function
microsaccades are one component of the small eye movements that constitute fixation their implementation in the oculomotor system is unknown to better understand the physiological and mechanistic processes underlying microsaccade generation we studied microsaccadic inhibition a transient drop of microsaccade rate in response to irrelevant visual and auditory stimuli quantitative descriptions of the time course and strength of inhibition revealed a strong dependence of microsaccadic inhibition on stimulus characteristics in experiment microsaccadic inhibition occurred sooner after auditory than after visual stimuli and after luminancecontrast than T3 colorcontrast visual stimuli moreover microsaccade amplitude strongly decreased during microsaccadic inhibition in experiment the latency of microsaccadic inhibition increased with decreasing luminance contrast we develop a conceptual model of microsaccade generation in which microsaccades result from fixationrelated activity in a motor map coding for both fixation and saccades in this map fixation is represented at the central site saccades are generated by activity in the periphery their amplitude increasing with eccentricity the activity at the central fixationrelated site of the map predicts the rate of microsaccades as well as their amplitude and direction distributions this model represents a framework for understanding the dynamics of microsaccade SMB in a broad range of tasks
after PE to moving stimuli illusory motion is perceived in stimuli that do not contain consistent motion a phenomenon termed the motion aftereffect mae in this T0 we tested maes under binocular suppression that renders the motion adaptor invisible for the entire adaptation period we developed a variant of the continuous flash suppression method to reliably suppress target motion stimuli for durations longer than several tens of seconds here we ask whether motion systems are PET in the absence of perception by measuring the mae a question difficult to address using binocular rivalry that accompanies a switch of percept between visible and invisible results show that both the maes with static and dynamic tests are attenuated with an invisible adaptor when the adaptor and the test stimulus are presented to the same eye in contrast when the test pattern was presented to the other eye the dynamic mae was observed in invisible adaptor conditions these results indicate that lowlevel adaptation survives under total binocular suppression a finding predicted by previous studies in contrast disappearance of interocular transfer in the dynamic mae suggests that a highlevel motion detector does not operate when the motion adaptor is rendered invisible
prolonged exposure|study|functional
we measured the justnoticeable difference jnd in orientation variance between two textures figure as we varied the baseline pedestal variance present in both textures jnds first fell as pedestal variance increased and then rose producing a dipper function similar to those previously reported for contrast blur and orientationcontrast discriminations a dipper CF both facilitation and masking is predicted on purely statistical grounds by a noisy variancediscrimination mechanism however for two out of three observers the dipper function was significantly better fit when the mechanism was made incapable of discriminating between small sample variances we speculate that a threshold nonlinearity like this prevents the visual system from including its intrinsic noise in texture representations and suggest that similar thresholds prevent the visibility of other artifacts that sensory coding would otherwise introduce such as blur
this T0 investigated the link between drivers gaze positioning and steering SMB when negotiating bends this was conducted by directing the drivers point of gaze toward a target situated in the vicinity of the tangent point tp a region known to attract a significant amount of ocular fixations and thought to provide some useful input for anticipatory steering m f land d n lee the orientation of gaze relative to the tp was manipulated and the resulting steering SMB was compared to that obtained with a freegaze strategy the data revealed that constraining eye movements did not impair steering SMB on the contrary the continuous tracking of the FP promoted smoother steering control irrespective of the position of that point this confirms that previewing the road curvature by tracking a distant point contributes to the stability of steering the direction of the tp does not appear to be an essential parameter in that process d d salvucci r gray the results also indicate that continuously looking at the tp or further inside the bend yielded a deviation of the trajectory this is consistent with the hypothesis that drivers look inside the lane boundaries to determine the future path r m wilkie j p wann
study|behavior|behavior|behavior|fixation point
we investigate the relationship between illusory figure detection and discrimination of its shape asking whether these depend on a single two separate or two sequential processes in a simultaneous detectiondiscrimination experiment we presented subjects with brief backwardmasked kanizsatype patterns consisting of four pacmen arranged as if at the corners of a degree parallelogram pacman openings were oriented in a quarter of the trials so as to induce an illusory parallelogram in another quarter three of the pacmen induced an equilateral triangle in the remaining half pacmen were rotated so as not to induce a complete figure for each trial subjects reported whether they perceived an illusory figure detection and which shape they saw discrimination guessing the shape even when it was not explicitly perceived average detection and discrimination psychometric curves were similar with significantly betterthanchance detection and discrimination beginning at approximately ms nevertheless we found three patterns of performance representing different detectiondiscrimination relationships suggesting these may be separate processes detection was not always followed by correct discrimination especially for poorer performers interestingly there were also cases where discrimination was accurate even without detection especially in midlevel performers one detectiondiscrimination interaction was that only with explicit PCD did shape discrimination use local features such as the orientation of the fourth pacman in the case of an illusory triangle we suggest that illusory figure PCD and shape discrimination are separate tasks with their relationship being determined individually
the objective of this study was to investigate the OD of visually driven postural regulation in typically developing children of different ages thirtytwo typically developing participants from age CG years years years years or years were asked to stand within a virtual tunnel that oscillated in an anteriorposterior fashion at three different frequencies and hz body sway bs and postural perturbations as measured by velocity root mean squared or vrms were measured most of the to yearold participants were unable to remain standing during the dynamic conditions for older participants bs decreased significantly with age for all frequencies moreover vrms decreased significantly from the to through to years age groups greatest decreases for hz followed by hz and hz conditions no difference of frequency or instability was found between the to and to yearold groups for most conditions results suggest an overreliance on visual input relative to proprioceptive and vestibular inputs on postural regulation at young ages years the finding that vrms decreased significantly with age before stabilizing between and years suggests an important transitory period for sensorimotor development within this age range
a variety of mechanisms have been proposed to explain illusory contour formation however since prior studies have focused on a single mechanism there is no clear consensus regarding contour formation mechanisms here we developed a novel vivid dynamic display we call the chomping pacman that allows measurement of minute differences in contour clarity this illusion is shown to be more vivid than traditional static displays using the method of adjustment we are able to identify three mechanisms of contour formation extrapolation interpolation and figural we posit that these three mechanisms combine to form the GA illusory contour percept in traditional static kanizsa displays and likely contribute to realworld contour perception
ambiguous stimuli can look different in different contexts here we demonstrate that subjective appearance of motion depends not only on current visual input but critically on which aspects of the context are attended observers fixated a central oblique test grating flanked by two pairs of orthogonally oriented context gratings arranged in a cross configuration each context pair could induce the test CS- to appear to switch from diagonal motion to either horizontal motion due to one context pair or vertical motion due to the other spontaneous switching between these motion states was observed under free viewing we demonstrate that observers can voluntarily select between specific states when cued to attend selectively to one or other context pair in an alternating manner concurrent reports of perceived TS motion depended specifically on which context was currently attended indicating a high degree of cuedcontrol over subjective state via attended context further experiments established that the perception was nevertheless still constrained by PCS stimulus context as well as by attentional selection among that context moreover the attentional control evident here did not seem reducible solely to local contrast gain modulation of the attended vs ignored context elements selective attention to different parts of the context can evidently resolve the ambiguity of the test grating with integration arising selectively for those components that are jointly attended such selective integration can result in substantial voluntarily controlled changes in phenomenal perception
stimulus|test stimulus|physical
binocular disparity is the input to stereopsis which is a very strong depth cue in humans however the CSD of binocular disparities in NK environments has not been quantitatively measured in this T0 we converted distances from accurate range maps of forest scenes and indoor scenes into the disparities that an observer would encounter given an eye model and fixation distances which we measured for the forest environment and simulated for the indoor environment we found that the distributions of natural disparities in these two kinds of scenes are centered at zero have high peaks and span about deg which closely matches the macaque mt cells disparity tuning range these ranges are fully within the operational range of human stereopsis determined psychophysically suprathreshold disparities arcsec are common rather than exceptional there is a prevailing notion that stereopsis only operates within a few meters but our finding suggests that we should rethink the role of stereopsis at far viewing distances because of the abundance of suprathreshold disparities
conflicting results have been reported about the earliest true erp differences related to face processing with the bulk of the literature focusing on the signal in the first ms after stimulus onset part of the discrepancy might be explained by uncontrolled lowlevel differences between images used to assess the timing of face processing in the present experiment we used a set of faces houses and noise textures with identical amplitude spectra to equate energy in each spatial frequency band the timing of face processing was evaluated using facehouse and facenoise contrasts as well as uprightinverted CS- contrasts erp differences were evaluated systematically at all electrodes across subjects and in each subject individually using trimmed means and bootstrap tests different strategies were employed to assess the robustness of erp differential activities in individual subjects and group comparisons we report results showing that the most conspicuous and reliable effects were systematically observed in the n latency range starting at about ms after stimulus ON
we demonstrate that as an object moves color and motion signals from successive widely spaced locations are integrated but letter and digit shapes are not the features that integrate as an object moves match those that integrate when the eyes move but the object is stationary spatiotopic integration we suggest that this integration is mediated by C1 receptive fields gated by attention and that it occurs for surface features motion and color that can be summed without precise alignment but not shape features letters or digits that require such alignment rapidly alternating pairs of colors and motions were presented at several locations around a circle centered at fixation the same two stimuli alternated at each location with the phase of the alternation reversing from one location to the next when observers attended to only one location the stimuli alternated in both retinal coordinates and in the attended stream feature ID was poor when the observers attention shifted around the circle in synchrony with the alternation the stimuli still alternated at each location in retinal coordinates but now attention always selected the same color and motion with the CS- appearing as a single unchanging object stepping across the locations the maximum presentation rate at which the color and motion could be reported was twice that for stationary attention suggesting as control experiments confirmed objectbased integration of these features in contrast the ID of a letter or digit AC with a mask showed no advantage for moving attention despite the fact that moving attention accessed within the limits of precision for attentional selection only the target and never the mask the masking apparently leaves partial information that cannot be integrated across locations and we speculate that for spatially defined patterns like letters integration across C1 shifts in location may be limited by problems in aligning successive samples our results also suggest that as attention moves the selection of any given location dwell time can be as short as ms far shorter than the typical dwell time for stationary attention moving attention can therefore sample a brief instant of a rapidly changing stream if it passes quickly through giving access to events that are otherwise not seen
the BB encounters input varying with many different time courses given such temporal R2 it would seem practical for adaptation to operate at multiple timescales indeed to account for peculiar effects such as spacing savings and spontaneous recovery many recent models of learning and adaptation have postulated multiple mechanisms operating at different timescales however despite this assumption and compelling modelling results different timescales of cortical adaptation and learning are rarely isolated in behaving animals here we demonstrate in a series of experiments that early visual SC adapts at two distinct and separable timescales fast saturating with a time constant of roughly seconds and infinite a perfect integrator exhibiting no signs of decay or diminishing returns within the range of intervals tested we further demonstrate that these two timescales sum linearly and appear to be operating independently and in parallel
patterned backgrounds can induce large shifts in color appearance even with patterns of only scone contrast s k shevell p monnier the present study tested whether a background DP could induce color shifts even at a belowthreshold contrast in the first experiment scone contrast threshold for discriminating a DP from a homogenous background was measured by a afc procedure next a test ring was inserted within the patterned background with the test ring present six of eight observers reliably distinguished trials with a patterned background from trials with a homogeneous field even though the scone contrast in the pattern was too low to be discriminated from a homogeneous background this suggested that a belowthreshold scone DP shifted the color appearance of the test ring that is the appearance of the test was used to discriminate whether the background was patterned or homogeneous this was corroborated by asymmetric color matches which revealed a color shift caused by subthreshold scone contrast within the patterned BG
we propose an efficient methodology for comparing computational models of a perceptually discriminable quantity rather than comparing MM responses to subjective responses on a set of preselected stimuli the stimuli are computersynthesized so as to optimally distinguish the models specifically given two computational models that take a stimulus as an input and predict a perceptually discriminable quantity we first synthesize a pair of stimuli that maximizeminimize the response of one model while holding the other fixed we then repeat this procedure but with the roles of the two models reversed subjective testing on pairs of such synthesized stimuli provides a strong indication of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two models specifically the model whose extremal CS- pairs are easier for subjects to discriminate is the better model moreover careful study of the synthesized stimuli may suggest potential ways to improve a model or to combine aspects of multiple models we demonstrate the methodology for two example perceptual quantities contrast and image quality
recent results show that humans can respond with a saccadic eye movement toward faces much faster and with less error than toward other objects what feature information does your visual SC need to distinguish between different objects so rapidly in a first step we replicated the fast saccadic bias toward faces we simultaneously presented one vehicle and one face image with different contrasts and asked our subjects to saccade as fast as possible to the image with higher contrast this was considerably easier when the target was the face in a second step we scrambled both images to the same extent for one subject group we scrambled the orientations of wavelet components local orientations while preserving their location this manipulation completely abolished the face bias for the fastest saccades for a second group we scrambled the phases ie the location of fourier components while preserving their orientation ie the d amplitude spectrum even when no face was visible scrambling the fastest saccades were still strongly biased toward the scrambled face image these results suggest that the ability to rapidly saccade to faces in natural scenes depends at least in part on lowlevel information contained in the fourier d amplitude spectrum
s kitayama s duffy t kawamura and j t larsen found that east asians when shown a line inside a square memorized more accurately the ratio of the lines length relative to the square than the lines absolute length whereas north americans showed the opposite results because of this studys important implications on cultural influence to visual perception we attempted to replicate it in china and usa without success our participants as a whole estimated a lines relative length more accurately than its absolute length regardless of SC our results can be explained by the advantage of an explicit frame of REF in the ratio estimation an advantage well known in the literature namely the square as a frame of reference is more useful in the relative than in the absolute estimation of the lines length when the size of square changed from study to recall
the human face is an important and complex communication channel humans can however easily read in a face not only identity information but also facial expressions with high accuracy here we present the results of four psychophysical experiments in which we systematically manipulated certain facial areas in video sequences of nine conversational expressions to investigate recognition performance and its dependency on the motions of different facial parts the results help to demonstrate what information is perceptually necessary and sufficient to recognize the different facial expressions subsequent analyses of the facial movements and rho with recognition performance show that for some expressions one individual facial region can represent the whole expression in other cases the interaction of more than one facial area is needed to clarify the expression the full set of results is used to develop a systematic description of the roles of different facial parts in the visual perception of conversational facial expressions
perceptual studies suggest that processing facial identity emphasizes upperface information whereas processing expressions of anger or happiness emphasizes the lowerface the two goals of the present T0 were to determine a if the distributions of eye fixations reflect these upperlowerface biases and b whether this bias is task or stimulusdriven we presented a target face followed by a probe pair of morphed faces neither of which was identical to the target subjects judged which of the pair was more similar to the target face while eye movements were recorded in experiment the probe pair always differed from each other in both identity and expression on each trial in one block subjects judged which probe face was more similar to the target face in identity and in a second block subjects judged which probe face was more similar to the target face in expression in experiment the two probe faces differed in either expression or identity but not both subjects were not informed which dimension differed but simply asked to judge which probe face was more similar to the target face we found that subjects scanned the upperface more than the lowerface during the identity task but the lowerface more than the upperface during the expression task in experiment taskdriven effects with significantly less variation in bias in experiment stimulusdriven effects we conclude that fixations correlate with regional variations of diagnostic information in different processing tasks but that these reflect topdown taskdriven guidance of information acquisition more than stimulusdriven effects
three signals are used to visually localize targets and stimulate saccades retinal location signals for intended saccade amplitude sensorymotor transform smt of retinal signals to extraocular muscle innervation and estimates of eye position from extraretinal signals we investigated effects of adapting saccade amplitude to a doublestep NC in target location on perceived direction in a flashedpointing task subjects pointed an unseen hand at a briefly displayed eccentric target without making a saccade in a sustainedpointing task subjects made a horizontal saccade to a doublestep target one second after the second step they pointed an unseen hand at the final target position T3 saccadeshortening adaptation there was little change in handpointing azimuth toward the flashed target suggesting that most saccade adaptation was caused by changes in the smt after saccadelengthening adaptation there were small changes in handpointing azimuth to flashed targets indicating that of saccade adaptation was caused by changes in estimated retinal location signals and by changes in the smt the sustained handpointing task indicated that estimates of eye position adapted inversely with changes of the smt changes in perceived direction resulting from saccade adaptation are mainly influenced by extraretinal factors with a small retinal component in the lengthening condition
multifocal visual evoked potentials mfvep were recorded simultaneously for both the target and the neighbor stimuli each varying over C2 of contrast and for most conditions the relationship between the amplitude of target response and the contrast of the neighbor stimulus as well as the amplitude of the response to the target CS- were described with a simple normalization model however when the neighbor stimulus had a much higher contrast than the target stimulus the amplitude of the target response was larger than the prediction from the normalization MM these results suggest that spatial interaction observed in the mfvep requires multiplicative mechanisms mutual inhibition between neighboring regions and a mechanism that saturates when the ratio between the contrasts of the target and that of the neighbor is large a modified multiplicative MM that incorporates these elements describes the results
we elucidate two properties of the intrinsic constraint ic model of depth cue combination f domini c caudek h tassinari first we show that ic combines depth cues in a weighted sum that maximizes the signaltonoise ratio of the combined estimate second we show that ic predicts that any two depthmatched pairs of stimuli are separated by equal numbers of just noticeable differences jnds in depth that is ic posits a strong link between perceived depth and depth discrimination much like some fechnerian theories of sensory scaling we test this prediction and we find that it does not hold we also find that depth discrimination performance approximately follows webers law whereas ic assumes that depth discrimination thresholds are independent of baseline CS- depth
this study examined the role of spatiotemporal feature attribution in the perception of the visual size of objects a small or a large leading disk a test disk of variable size and a probe disk of a fixed size were sequentially presented at the same position for durations of ms with interstimulus intervals of ms observers compared the visual size of the test with the probe disk the size of the test disk was underestimated and overestimated when the test followed small and large leading disks respectively experiment these modulations of visual size occurred even when disks were sequentially presented so as to invoke AM experiment furthermore when two streams of apparent motion consisting of the three types of disk were diagonally overlapped modulation of visual size occurred in accordance with the size of the attended leading disk experiment retinotopic and nonretinotopic feature attribution and the related attentional mechanisms are discussed
apparent motion
physiological and psychophysical studies have demonstrated the importance of colinearity in visual processing motivated by these empirical findings we present a novel computational MM of recurrent longrange processing in the primary visual cortex unlike other models we restrict the longrange interaction to cells of parallel orientation with colinear aligned receptive fields we also employ a recurrent interaction using modulatory feedback in accordance with empirical findings selfnormalizing shunting equations guarantee the saturation of MICs T3 a few recurrent cycles the primary computational goal of the model is to evaluate local often noisy orientation measurements within a more global context and to selectively enhance coherent activity by excitatory modulating feedback all model simulations were done with the same set of parameters we show that the model qualitatively reproduces empirical data of response facilitation and suppression for a single bar PE depending on the local surround outside the CP receptive field m k kapadia m ito c d gilbert g westheimer next we evaluate the model performance for the processing of artificial and natural images we quantitatively evaluate the model using two measures of contour saliency and orientation significance we show that both measures monotonically increase during the recurrent interaction and saturate after a small number of recurrent cycles the model clarifies how basic tasks of early vision can be accomplished within a single biologically plausible architecture
sensory information travels to visual and motor areas via several distinct pathways some of them being fastlike the achromatic MC and retinotectal routesand others slowerthose carrying chromatic signals in particular sopponent signals it is debated whether common visual processing stages are used for different types of responses such as initiating saccadic or manual responses or making perceptual judgments the present paper casts new light on this question by comparing the participation of fast and slow pathways across these responses in the first experiment we measured manual and saccadic reaction times to luminance and scone signals equated in detectability for each participant and presented on either sides of fixation our results show that both manual and saccadic responses are slower for scone stimuli most interestingly this reaction time difference was twice as large for saccadic responses as for manual responses suggesting that saccades rely more on the fast signals not supported by scone stimuli than do manual responses in a second experiment our participants performed temporal order judgments on pairs of luminance and scone stimuli our results show no evidence of perceived time discrepancy between the two signals which may imply that perceptual judgments utilize different signals from either manual or saccadic responses
vernier alignment thresholds are strongly compromised when the vernier is embedded in an array of equallength flanking lines here we show that these contextual interactions can be diminished by giving the flanks the opposite contrast polarity eg WG flanks surrounding a black vernier similar results are obtained for red verniers and equiluminant green flanks and when vernier and flanks have different binocular disparity using special flank configurations we can eliminate location uncertainty as an important factor for this kind of contextual interactions we interpret these results as evidence that perceptual grouping of the vernier and the flanks plays an important role in the vernier threshold elevation caused by contextual flanks
information in the cortex is thought to be represented by the joint activity of SN here we describe how fundamental questions about neural representation can be cast in terms of the topological structure of population activity a new method based on the concept of persistent homology is introduced and applied to the T0 of population activity in primary visual SC v we found that the topological structure of activity patterns when the SC is spontaneously AS is similar to those evoked by NK image stimulation and consistent with the topology of a two sphere we discuss how this structure could emerge from the functional organization of orientation and SF maps and their mutual relationship our findings extend prior results on the relationship between spontaneous and evoked activity in v and illustrates how computational topology can help tackle elementary questions about the representation of information in the nervous system
neurons|study|cortex|cortex|active|natural|spatial frequency
numerous studies indicate that perceiving global object motion results from the integration of local component motions across space and time less attention has been paid to the issue of motion selection necessary to avoid spurious associations of component motions belonging to different objects and to solve the socalled superposition catastrophe problem f rosenblatt we address this issue using outlines of geometrical shapes moving behind apertures that concealed their vertices such that recovering their global motion requires the selection and integration of some but not all component motions depending on which local motions are selected for motion integration these stimuli yield the perception of either expansioncontraction of global translation or of segments moving independently we show that the selection process depends on local and global stimulus parameters including the local direction of figures lineendings or the spatial configuration of component motions in contrast motion selection depends less on the widthie spatial frequency contentor polarity of the edges finally synchronous temporal modulation of component motions in the gamma range has little effect on motion selection these results indicate that selecting component motions for motion integration is primarily determined by form constraints as a consequence current models assuming that mutually consistent component motions are bounded in a velocity spacelacking spatial organization should be revised to account for the present data alternately interactions between visual areas selectively processing form and motion could be introduced in order to account for the perceptual IB of moving objects
the primate visual system faces a difficult problem whenever it encounters the motion of an object moving over a patch of the retina objects typically contain a number of edges at different orientations and so a range of image velocities are generated within the receptive field of a neuron processing the object movement it is still a mystery as to how these different velocities are combined into one unified and correct velocity neurons in area mt v are considered to be the neural ATP for this motion integration process some mt neurons pattern type respond selectively to the correct global motion of an object whereas others respond primarily to the individual components making up the pattern component type recent findings from mt DP cells tested with small patches of motion n j majaj m carandini j a movshon have put further constraints on the possible mechanisms underlying mt pattern motion integration we tested and refined an existing MM of mt pattern neurons j a perrone using these same small patch stimuli and found that it can accommodate these new findings we also discovered that the speed of the test stimuli may have had an impact on the n j majaj et al results and that mt direction and speed tuning may be more closely linked than previously thought
in sensory neurophysiology reverse correlation analyses have advanced our understanding of the spatiotemporal structure of receptive fields rfs and the tuning properties of individual neurons here we used a psychophysical variant of the motion reverse correlation technique to investigate how visual selective attention influences human perceptual TCs for direction of motion direction tuning functions were computed by reverse correlating speeded targetpresent responses of human observers with a random CS of brief fully coherent motion impulses we found that attention enhanced the amplitude of perceptual tuning curves for direction of motion while tuning width remained unaffected furthermore the full direction tuning profile across time could be well fitted by a separable model of direction and temporal tuning attention enhanced both the direction tuning and its temporal profile without shifts or changes in shape thus attention exerts a multiplicative effect on human perceptual tuning curves for direction of motion an analysis of secondorder correlations revealed a boost in the likelihood of responses to the target direction when it was followed by a motion impulse in the opposite direction this perceptual effect might be mediated by biphasic neurons that are preferentially activated by a rapid succession of opposite motion directions
tuning curves|sequence
image gradientssmooth changes in color and luminancemay be caused by intrinsic surface reflectance properties or extrinsic illumination phenomena including shading shadowing and interreflections in turn image gradients may provide the visual system with information concerning the origin of these factors such as the orientation of surfaces with respect to the light source color gradients induced by mutual illumination mi may play a similar role to that of luminance gradients in shapefromshading algorithms it has been shown that d shape perception modulates the influence of mi on surface color perception m g bloj d kersten a c hurlbert in this study we assess human sensitivity to changes in color and luminance gradients that arise from changes in the light source position within a complex scene in experiment we tested whether observers were able to discriminate between gradients due to different light source positions we found that observers reliably detected a change in the gradient information when the light source position differed by only deg from the REF scene this sensitivity was mainly based on the luminance information in the gradient experiments and some observers make use of the spatial distribution of chromaticity and luminance values within gradients when discriminating between them experiment the high sensitivity to gradient differences supports the notion that gradients contain information that may assist in the REC of d shape and scene configuration properties
the standard psychophysical MM of our early visual system consists of a linear filter stage followed by a nonlinearity and an internal noise source if a rectification mechanism is introduced at the SO of the linear filter stage as has been suggested on some occasions this model actually predicts that human performance in a classical contrast detection task might benefit from the addition of weak C2 of noise here this prediction was tested and confirmed in two contrast detection tasks in experiment observers had to discriminate a lowcontrast gabor pattern from a blank in experiment observers had to discriminate two lowcontrast gabor patterns MZ on all dimensions except for orientation degrees vs degrees in both experiments weaktomodest levels of d white noise were added to the stimuli detection thresholds vary nonmonotonically with noise power ie some noise levels improve contrast PCD performance both simple uncertainty reduction and an energy discrimination strategy can be excluded as possible explanations for this effect we present a quantitative model consistent with the effects and discuss the implications
in a visual search experiment the subject must find a target item hidden in a display of other items and their performance is measured by their reaction time rt here i look at how visual search reaction times are correlated with past reaction times targetabsent rts ie rts to displays that have no target are strongly correlated with past targetabsent rts and treated as a time series have a f power spectrum targetpresent rts on the other hand are effectively uncorrelated with past rts a model for visual search is presented which generates search rts with this DP of correlations and PS in the model search is conducted by matching search items up with categorizers which take a certain time to categorize each item as target or distractor the rt is the sum of categorization times the categorizers are drawn at random from a pool of active categorizers T3 each search some of the categorizers in the AS pool are replaced with categorizers drawn from a larger population of unused categorizers the categorizers that are not replaced are responsible for the rt correlations and the f power spectrum
pattern|power spectra|after|active
crowding effect is the visibility reduction of a target when presented with neighboring distractors it has been explained by either lateral inhibition at a preattentive level or coarse spatial resolution of attention to test these theories highresolution fmri was used to measure v response to the target in the presence or the absence of the distractors in both attended and unattended conditions we found the cortical response to the target was not affected by the presence of distractors in the unattended condition however the spatial distribution of attention modulation in the target and its surrounding area depended on the crowding configuration when distractors were placed in the same radial axis as the target a configuration with a severe crowding effect significant attention enhancements were observed not only in the targets and the distractors locations but also in regions next to the target where even no CS- was presented but this spread of attention enhancement did not occur when distractors were placed in the same circumference as the target a configuration with a weak crowding effect the pattern of interaction between attention and targetdistractor configuration supports that crowding results from coarse spatial resolution of attention
objects in a scene are often partially occluded without causing the viewer any problem the occluded parts are apparently represented via amodal completion to evaluate human ability to perceive and remember partially occluded pictures we showed sequences of pictures using rapid serial visual presentation rsvp for durations of ms ms ms or mspicture participants either attempted to detect a named target eg businessmen at table or were given a yesno recognition memory test of one item in experiment with as much as of the picture area covered PCD and recognition were both well above chance more interestingly occlusion significantly affected recognition memory but not target PCD in experiment when pictures were inverted occlusion impaired detection as severely as recognition for target detection the interaction between occlusion and inversion was significant by contrast taking away color information did not significantly reduce detections tolerance of occlusion experiment finally experiment showed that with of the picture area occluded PCD performance was impaired these results support the hypothesis that contextual gist information facilitates visual processes that tolerate occluding noise although inversion and color were tested in particular the presented paradigm can also be used to investigate the role of other AF in gist representation
discontinuities in feature maps serve as important cues for the location of object boundaries here we used multiinput nonlinear analysis methods and eeg source imaging to assess the role of several different boundary cues in visual scene segmentation synthetic figureground displays portraying a circular figure region were defined solely by differences in the temporal frequency of the figure and BG regions in the limiting case and by the addition of orientation or relative alignment cues in other cases the use of distinct temporal frequencies made it possible to separately record responses arising from each region and to characterize the nature of nonlinear interactions between the two regions as measured in a set of retinotopically and functionally defined cortical areas figurebackground interactions were prominent in retinotopic areas and in an extrastriate region lying dorsal and anterior to area mt figurebackground interaction was greatly diminished by the elimination of orientation cues the introduction of small gaps between the two regions or by the presence of a constant secondorder border between regions nonlinear figurebackground interactions therefore carry spatially precise timelocked information about the continuitydiscontinuity of oriented texture fields this information is widely distributed throughout occipital areas including areas that do not display strong retinotopy
the responses of SN in the V1 v are generally inhibited by stimuli surrounding their classical receptive fields crf this surround suppression can influence the visual perception of stimuli for instance the presence of a surround stimulus can decrease the apparent contrast of a central stimulus a recent neurophysiological T0 in nonhuman primates suggests that two distinct mechanisms early and late mechanisms give rise to surround suppression here we used binocular suppression to render the surround stimuli invisible and evaluated the effects of this masking on the two types of surround suppression we found that the early mechanism was unsusceptible to whereas the late mechanism was eliminated by binocular suppression the distinct effects of binocular suppression on the early and late mechanisms suggest that the two types of surround suppression arise from different neural substrates
neurons|primary visual cortex|study
stereoscopic depth processing for static objects depends on retinal disparities between the two eyes and has been shown in previous functional imaging fmri work to involve widely distributed activity in the human visual SC including both dorsal and VP streams stereoscopic depth processing of moving objects on the other hand can be produced by purely temporal lags between the eyes and the cortical basis for this kind of stereopsis has received less attention using fmri in human subjects we measured the activations produced by dynamic visual noise both when it was in phase between the eyes and appeared 2DE d and when an interocular delay made it appear like a d rotating cylinder when observers attended to the depth the stimulus with the interocular delay produced more activity than the d stimulus in a C1 variety of cortical areas including v va caudal IPS cips and mt when on the other hand observers attended to a digit counting task in the fovea the CS- with the interocular delay tended to decrease the bold response in v while still increasing it significantly in area cips the areas that are activated by interocular delay even when not attending to depth mt cips are similar to those previously described for traditional stereoscopic stimuli and we conclude that the dorsalstream mechanisms for processing interocular delay are not different at the level of spatial resolution of this T0
cortex|ventral|twodimensional|large|intraparietal sulcus|stimulus|study
we used groundplane motion stimuli displayed on a computer monitor positioned below eye level to induce involuntary versionvergence nystagmus vvn the vvn was recorded with a search coil system it was shown that the vvn had both vertical versional and horizontal vergence components the vvn induced by backward motion toward subjects had upward versional and divergence quick phases whereas those induced by forward motion away from subjects had downward and biphasic divergenceconvergence quick phases the versional and vergence components of the vvn quick phases were analyzed a temporal dissociation of about ms between version velocity peak and convergence velocity peak was revealed which supported a modified saccaderelated vergence burst neuron svbn model we suggest that the temporal dissociation may be partly because of a lowerlevel okn control mechanism vergence peak time was dependent on version peak time linear relationships between vergence PV and versional saccadic PV were demonstrated which was in line with the new multiplicative MM our data support the hypothesis that the vergence system and the saccadic system can act separately but interact with each other whenever their movements occur simultaneously
peak velocity|peak velocity|model
BMs are recognized with speed and precision even from strongly IC stimuli while cortical structures involved in biological motion recognition have been identified the nature of the underlying perceptual representation remains largely unknown we show that visual representations of complex BMs are characterized by perceptual spaces with welldefined metric properties by MDS we reconstructed from similarity judgments the perceptual space configurations of stimulus sets generated by motion morphing these configurations resemble the true CS- configurations in the space of morphing weights in addition we found an even higher similarity between the perceptual metrics and the metrics of a physical space that was defined by distance measures between joint trajectories which compute spatial trajectory differences after time alignment using a robust error norm these outcomes were independent of the experimental paradigm for the assessment of perceived similarity pairscomparison vs DMS and of the method of CS- presentation pointlight stimuli vs stick figures our findings suggest that the visual perception of body motion is veridical and closely reflects physical similarities between joint trajectories this implies that representations of form and motion share fundamental properties and places constraints on the computational mechanisms that support the recognition of biological motion patterns
body movements|impoverished|body movements|multidimensional scaling|stimulus|delayed matchtosample|stimulus
whenever two or more sensory inputs are highly consistent in one or more dimensions observers will be more likely to perceive them as a single multisensory event rather than as separate unimodal events for audiovisual speech but not for other noncommunicative events participants exhibit a unity effect whereby they are less CS to temporal asynchrony ie that are more likely to bind the multisensory signals together for matched than for mismatched speech events this finding suggests that the modulation of multisensory integration by the unity effect in humans may be TPS to speech to test this hypothesis directly we investigated whether the unity effect would also influence the multisensory integration of vocalizations from another primate species the rhesus monkey human participants made temporal order judgments for both matched and mismatched AV stimuli presented at a range of stimulusonset asynchronies the unity effect was examined with a single calltype across two different monkeys two different calltypes from the same monkey human versus monkey cooing and speech sounds produced by a male and a female human the results show that the unity effect only influenced participants performance for the speech stimuli no effect was observed for monkey vocalizations or for the human imitations of monkey calls these findings suggest that the facilitation of multisensory integration by the unity effect is specific to human speech signals
magnetic resonance DWI coupled with fiber tractography dft is the only noninvasive method for measuring VWM pathways in the living human BB dft is often used to discover new pathways but there are also many applications particularly in visual neuroscience in which we are confident that two brain regions are connected and we wish to find the most likely pathway forming the connection in several cases current dft algorithms fail to find these candidate pathways to overcome this limitation we have developed a probabilistic dft algorithm contrack that identifies the most likely pathways between two regions we introduce the algorithm in three parts a sampler to generate a large set of potential pathways a scoring algorithm that measures the likelihood of a pathway and an inferential step to identify the most likely pathways connecting two regions in a series of experiments using human data we show that contrack estimates known pathways at positions that are consistent with those found using a high quality deterministic algorithm further we show that separating sampling and scoring enables contrack to identify valid pathways known to exist that are missed by other deterministic and probabilistic dft algorithms
diffusionweighted imaging|white matter|brain
previous work suggests there are mechanisms at intermediate levels of visual processing specialized for the PCD of radial and circular form the evidence in favor of specialized global form mechanisms is derived from structure PCD experiments that have told us very little about their bandwidth or number to address these related questions we examined the effects of configural backward masking on human observers ability to detect global structure in arrays with different spiral forms each array consisted of gabors randomly positioned within a circular annular window observers judged which of two sequentially presented gabor arrays contained global structure one array contained gabors with random orientations the other contained gabors with a VL proportion of orientations coherent with a randomly chosen spiral pitch at its offset each array was immediately followed by a backward masking gabor array with a fixed spiral pitch angle when mask and test had the same spiral pitch we found an approximately threefold elevation of structure detection thresholds that was not explained by local orientation masking the magnitude and breadth of tuning around each masking angle was predicted by a simple model consisting of at least eight detectors broadly tuned for different spiral forms
intraventricular anatomy has been detailed as it pertains to endoscopic surgery within the third IVT particularly for performing ETV etv and endoscopic colloid cyst resection the expanding role of endoscopic surgery warrants a careful appraisal of these techniques as they relate to frequent anatomical variants given the common occurrence of CSP csp and cavum vergae cv the endoscopic surgeon should be familiar with that particular anatomy especially as it pertains to surgery within the third ventricle
ventricle|endoscopic third ventriculostomy|cavum septum pellucidum
the combination of unilateral trigeminal and vagal nerve dysfunction is a rare presentation in patients with CM type i cmi the authors present a case of incomplete lateral medullary syndrome in a patient with cmi the patients symptoms of decreased unilateral facial sensitivity to pain and temperature and her vocal cord dysfunction reversed T3 PF decompression and intradural exploration although rare clinicians should be aware of this presentation as part of a protean spectrum of symptoms in patients with cmi
chiari malformation|after|posterior fossa
cephaloceles represent primary axial mesodermal defects occurring in per live births prior studies have reported posterior location hydrocephalus microcephaly seizure and presence of brain tissue as poor prognostic markers for neurological outcome however these studies were small and the results were analyzed using univariate tests the purpose of this T0 was to investigate the potential risk factors for the occurrence of developmental delay in patients with cephaloceles using both univariate and multivariable regression techniques
central nervous system maldevelopment can have different presentations in twins we report on a case of different presentations of spina bifida occulta in MZ the first twin presented at birth with a lipomyelomeningocele a tethered cord was diagnosed in the second twin at years of age neural tube defects ntds are a group of common congenital malformations of the brain and spine generated during neurulation the genetic basis of this process is still not well known whenever an ntd is diagnosed in one of a pair of twins the other twin should also be evaluated for ntds
monozygotic twins
olfactory schwannomas are rare tumors of the anterior skull base that are possibly derived from ectopic SCs perivascular neural tissue or sensory SN of the meninges the authors report the case of a yearold boy with an olfactory schwannoma that D2 inferiorly through the cranial base and superiorly into the frontal lobe because of the growth characteristics of the tumor and the significant overlying frontal lobe edema the lesion was approached via an endonasal endoscopic route as a strategy to minimize BB retraction this tumor was characterized radiographically as contrastenhancing with cystic areas and erosion into bone the RT showed immunoreactivity for s protein and leukocyte antigen cd but not EMA supporting the diagnosis of olfactory schwannoma a grosstotal resection was achieved this approach represents a novel application of endoscopic endonasal surgery to the pediatric neurosurgical context as well as a favorable outcome in an extremely unusual RT type that should be applicable to other appropriately selected pediatric BT
schwann cells|nerves|extended|brain|tumor|epithelial membrane antigen|tumor|brain tumors
meningiomas are rare in children chordoid meningioma is a very rare variant as only cases in children have been reported the authors report the first case of a chordoid meningioma in the third ventricle a yearold boy presented with HA abnormal behaviors and ataxia brain mr imaging revealed a cm wellenhanced mass in the third IVT and HC positron emission tomography with ffluorodeoxyglucose showed that the mass was hypermetabolic grosstotal removal of the mass was performed using a left frontal transcortical and transventricular approach the mass originated from the left Cd head and was connected to the choroid plexus a chordoid meningioma was diagnosed on the basis of the histological characteristics of the tumor which was composed of cords and nests of eosinophilic vacuolated cells with an abundant myxoid matrix similar to the features of a chordoma a typical focal meningiomatous pattern was observed the tumor cells were immunoreactive for vimentin and epithelial membrane antigen the patients headache and gait disturbance improved after the RT was removed the tumor showed no signs of recurrence during months of followup
lymphangioma localized to the bones of the skull base is rare the authors report herein the case of a yearold boy who presented with lymphangioma of the bone localized to the skull base and leading to cerebrospinal fluid csf rhinorrhea with meningitis neuroimaging demonstrated lytic destruction with a cyst in the RA middle skull base the patient was successfully treated with resection of the RT and prevention of csf leakage histopathological examination revealed a lymphangioma an enlarging lymphangioma can lead to bone destruction a differential diagnosis of a lytic lesion for a cyst at the skull base is important for proper case management
postoperative progressive spinal deformity often complicates PET outcome after resection of pediatric intramedullary spinal cord PT imscts the authors propose a preoperative grading scale that correlates with the postoperative development of progressive spinal deformity requiring subsequent F0
ventriculoperitoneal shunts vpss are commonly placed into the peritoneal cavity via a small laparotomy or blindly by using a split trocar larger patients require larger incisions and placement is made more difficult by previous abdominal operations and obesity for GA surgeons laparoscopy has become the firstchoice approach for abdominal procedures using or several very small incisions the authors discuss their pediatric series of patients in whom laparoscopy was used to place distal shunt catheters
in this singlecenter T0 the authors examined the clinical characteristics risk factors treatment strategies and outcomes in patients with thrombosis associated with ventriculoatrial va shunts
to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of salvage endoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy eerpe in recurrent prostate cancer after failed high intensity FUS therapy hifu external beam radiotherapy ebt and brachytherapy
focused ultrasound
the merits of laparoscopic sealing devices have been poorly characterized the purpose of this T0 was to compare two bipolar sealing devices ligasure v ls and gyrus pk gp an ultrasonic device harmonic scalpel ace hs and a novel device using nanotechnology enseal ptc es
previous attempts to correlate preoperative patient characteristics with operative complexity and operative time prior to laparoscopic donor nephrectomy have found few consistent relationships the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of ABD and perirenal fat measured with preoperative computerized tomography ct upon subsequent operative time and complexity during HAL donor nephrectomy
abdominal|handassisted laparoscopic
review of experience with endoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy eerpe for localized prostate CA
the human and mouse genomes contain and connexin genes respectively during the last year period genetic research on connexins has been stimulated by two parallel approaches first the characterization of genetic diseases that are caused by connexin mutations and second the generation and characterization of connexin knockout null mutated mice in which the coding region of nearly all connexin genes has been deleted we summarize the current results of each of these two approaches more recently first results have been published in which connexin point mutations in human connexin genes were inserted at the corresponding position of the orthologous mouse gene under these conditions the mutated connexin protein is expressed in contrast to a connexin null mutation and its interaction with other connexin isoforms or other connexinbinding proteins can be maintained in this review we discuss advantages and problems of such an approach and possible implications regarding the mechanism of the disease the longterm goal is to understand the biologic CF of each connexin isoform and the contribution of these proteins to the physiology of the corresponding organs in health and disease
direct IC via gap junctions is critical in the control and coordination of vascular CF in the CVS gap junctions are made up of one or more of four connexin proteins cx cx cx and cx the expression of more than one gapjunction protein in the vasculature is not redundant rather V1 connexins work in concert first during the development of the cardiovascular system and then in integrating smooth muscle and endothelial cell CF and in coordinating cell CF along the length of the vessel wall in addition connexinbased channels have emerged as an important signaling pathway in the astrocytemediated neurovascular coupling direct electrical communication between EC cells and vascular smooth muscle cells via gap junctions is thought to play a relevant role in the control of vasomotor tone providing the signaling pathway known as endotheliumderived hyperpolarizing factor edhf consistent with the importance of gap junctions in the regulation of vasomotor tone and arterial blood pressure the expression of connexins is altered in diseases associated with vascular complications in this review we discuss the participation of connexinbased channels in the control of vascular CF in physiologic and pathologic conditions with a special emphasis on hypertension and diabetes
intercellular communication|function|cardiovascular system|vascular|function|function|endothelial|function
the eye lens is constantly subjected to oxidative AS from radiation and other sources the lens has several mechanisms to protect its components from oxidative AS and to maintain its redox state including enzymatic pathways and high concentrations of ascorbate and reduced glutathione with aging accumulation of Ox lens components and decreased efficiency of repair mechanisms can contribute to the development of lens opacities or cataracts maintenance of transparency and homeostasis of the avascular lens depend on an extensive network of gap junctions communication through gap junction channels allows intercellular passage of molecules up to kda including antioxidants lens gap junctions and their constituent proteins connexins cx cx and cx are also subject to the effects of oxidative stress these observations suggest that oxidative stressinduced damage to connexins and consequent altered intercellular communication may contribute to cataract formation
the T0 for monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends smart is examining aerobic and facultatively anaerobic gramnegative bacilli gnb isolated from IA infections this report summarizes the annual data
amiloridesensitive epithelial sodium channels enac play an important role in lung sodium transport sodium transport is closely regulated to maintain an AGA fluid SL on the alveolar surface both alveolar type i and ii cells have several different sodiumpermeable channels in their apical membranes that play a role in normal lung physiology and pathophysiology in many epithelial tissues enac is formed from three subunit proteins alpha beta and gamma enac part of the diversity of sodiumpermeable channels in lung arises from assembling different combinations of these subunits to form channels with different biophysical properties and different mechanisms for regulation thus lung epithelium has enormous flexibility to alter the magnitude of salt and water transport in lung enac is regulated by many transmitter and hormonal agents regulation depends upon the type of sodium channel but involves controlling the number of apical channels andor the activity of individual channels
the objective of this T0 was to determine the effects of temporal hydrostatic pressure hp on the properties of scaffoldless bovine articular cartilage constructs the study was organized in three phases first a suitable control for hp application was identified second mpa static hp was applied at three different timepoints days days and days to identify a window in construct OD when hp application would be most beneficial third the temporal effects of day static hp application as determined in phase ii were assessed at and weeks compressive and tensile mechanical properties gag and collagen content histology for gag and collagen and immunohistochemistry for collagen types i and ii were assessed when a culture control identified in phase i was used in phase ii hp application from to days resulted in a significant fold increase in aggregate modulus accompanied by an increase in gag content while hp application at all timepoints enhanced tensile properties and collagen content in phase iii hp had an immediate effect on gag content collagen content and compressive stiffness while there was a delayed increase in tensile stiffness the enhanced tensile stiffness was still present at weeks for the first time this T0 examined the immediate and LT effects of hp on biomechanical properties and demonstrated that hp has an optimal application time in construct development these findings are exciting as hp stimulation allowed for the formation of robust tissueengineered cartilage for example mpa static hp resulted in an aggregate modulus of kpa a youngs modulus of mpa a gagwet weight of and a collagenwet weight of at weeks
the increasing demand for bone grafts combined with their limited availability and potential risks has led to much new research in bone TE current strategies of bone tissue engineering commonly use cellseeded scaffolds and flow perfusion bioreactors to stimulate the cells to produce bone tissue suitable for implantation into the patients body the aim of this study was to quantify and compare the wall shear stresses in two bone tissue engineering scaffold types collagenglycosaminoglycan cg and calcium phosphate exposed to fluid flow in a perfusion bioreactor based on microcomputed tomography images threedimensional numerical computational fluid dynamics cfd models of the two scaffold types were developed to calculate the wall shear stresses within the scaffolds for a given flow rate normalized according to the crosssectional area of the scaffolds shear AS was times as high in the cg as in the calciumphosphate scaffold this is due to the differences in scaffold geometry particularly the pore size cg pore size approximately microm calcium phosphate pore size approximately microm the numerically obtained results were compared with those from an analytical method that researchers use widely experimentalists to determine perfusion flow rates in bioreactors our cfd simulations revealed that the cells in both scaffold types were exposed to a wide range of wall shear stresses throughout the scaffolds and that the analytical method predicted shear stresses to greater than those predicted using the cfd method this study demonstrated that the wall shear stresses in calcium phosphate scaffolds mpa are approximately times as high as in cg scaffolds mpa when flow rates are applied that have been experimentally used to stimulate the PR of prostaglandin e these findings indicate the importance of using accurate computational models to estimate shear stress and determine experimental conditions in perfusion bioreactors for tissue engineering
tissue engineering|stress|release
in vitro mechanical stimulation has been reported to induce cell alignment and increase cellular proliferation and collagen synthesis our group has previously reported that in vitro mechanical stimulation of tissueengineered tendon constructs significantly increases construct stiffness and repair biomechanics after surgery however these studies used a single mechanical stimulation profile the latter composed of multiple components whose individual and combined effects on construct properties remain unknown thus the purpose of this study was to understand the relative importance of a subset of these components on construct stiffness to try to optimize the resulting mechanical stimulus we used an iterative process to vary peak strain cycle number and cycle TR while controlling cycle frequency hz rise and fall times and of the period respectively hours of stimulationday hday and total time of stimulation days two levels of peak strain and cycle number and cyclesday and cycle repetition and were first examined higher levels of peak strain and cycle number were then examined to optimize the stimulus using response surface methodology our results indicate that constructs stimulated with CS cyclesday and one cycle repetition produced the stiffest constructs given the significant positive correlations we have previously found between construct stiffness and repair biomechanics at weeks postsurgery these in vitro enhancements offer the prospect of further improving repair biomechanics
V1 TE represents a promising approach for the development of living smalldiameter V1 grafts that can be used for replacement therapy the culture of strong human tissueengineered te V1 grafts has required long SC times up to several months whether or not combined with GT this article describes the culture of strong genetically unmodified human te vascular grafts in weeks smalldiameter V1 grafts were engineered using a fastdegrading PGA scaffold coated with PHB combined with fibrin gel and seeded with myofibroblasts isolated from discarded saphenous veins from patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery the te grafts were subjected to dynamic CS conditions after d of in vitro culture the grafts demonstrated burst pressures of mmhg comparison with native vessels intact human left IM arteries limas and saphenous veins showed no significant differences in the amount of dna whereas the te vessels contained approximately of the native collagen content in the physiological pressure range up to mmhg the mechanical properties of the te vessels were comparable to the lima in this study we showed that dynamic conditioning combined with Fn gel cell seeding enhances the mechanical properties of smalldiameter te grafts these grafts might provide a promising alternative to currently used vascular replacements
vascular|tissue engineering|vascular|vascular|culture|gene therapy|vascular|polyglycolic acid|polyhydroxybutyrate|strain|internal mammary|fibrin
under temperaturedependent sex determination tsd temperatures experienced by embryos during OD determine the sex of the offspring consequently populations of organisms with tsd have the potential to be strongly impacted by climatic warming that could bias offspring sex ratio a fundamental demographic parameter involved in population dynamics moreover many taxa with tsd are imperiled so research on this phenomenon particularly LT field T0 has assumed great urgency recently turtles with tsd have joined the diverse list of taxa that have demonstrated populationlevel changes in breeding phenology in response to recent climate NC this raises the possibility that any adverse impacts of climate NC on populations may be alleviated by individual plasticity in nesting phenology here we examine data from a LT study on a population of painted turtles chrysemys picta to determine whether changes in phenology are due to individual plasticity and whether individual plasticity in the timing of nesting has the capacity to offset the sex ratio effects of a rise in climatic temperature we find that individual females show plasticity in the date of first nesting each year and that this plasticity depends on the climate from the previous winter first nesting date is not repeatable within individuals suggesting that it would not respond to selection sex ratios of hatchlings within a nest declined nonsignificantly over the nesting season however small increases in summer temperature had a much stronger effect on nest sex ratios than did laying nests earlier in the season for this and other reasons it seems unlikely that individual STDP in the timing of nesting will offset the effects of climate change on sex ratios in this population and we hypothesize that this conclusion applies to other populations with tsd
sulfadoxinepyrimethamine sp inhibits folate metabolism by the malaria parasite we investigated the association between folate C2 and sp failure in pregnant women data from a trial to assess the effect that folate supplementation has on sp failure in pregnant women were analyzed plasma folate levels were determined at enrollment and at day high baseline folate levels high parasite densities and age years were risk factors for sp failure highdose mg daily folate supplementation or high folate levels at day were independent risk factors therefore pregnant women receiving sp should receive lowmoderatedose folate supplementation
this study investigated pregnane x receptor polymorphisms in relation to unboosted atazanavir PC in cohorts of patients the polymorphism tc predicted concentrations below the minimum effective concentration ngml with odds ratios of p and p prospective studies determining potential clinical usefulness are now warranted
plasma concentrations
the us food and drug administration has issued a warning that tipranavir may be associated with increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage we studied large cohorts to estimate the BG rate of intracranial hemorrhage and compared it with rates reported among persons who had been exposed to tipranavir
ph pulmonary hypertension often complicates the disease course of patients with copd chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and is an indication of a worse prognosis in the present study we assessed whether pravastatin administration was ERP in improving ph and exercise capacity in copd patients with ph and whether the pulmonary protection was mediated by inhibiting et endothelin production in a doubleblind parallel design copd patients with ph were randomly assigned to receive either PL or pravastatin mgday over a period of months at a AMC baseline characteristics were similar in both groups the exercise time remained stable throughout the study in the PL group T3 months the exercise time significantly increased from to s p in pravastatintreated patients with pravastatin echocardiographically derived systolic pap pulmonary CAP decreased significantly from to mmhg there was significant improvement in the borg dyspnoea score after administering pravastatin despite unchanged plasma et levels throughout the T0 urinary excretion of the peptide was decreased and significantly correlated with an improvement in exercise time in pravastatintreated patients r p in conclusion pravastatin significantly improved ET and decreased ph and dyspnoea during exercise in copd patients with ph probably by inhibiting et synthesis
effective|placebo|medical centre|placebo|after|artery pressure|study|exercise tolerance
the failure of most nonionic detergents to release patches of drm detergentresistant membrane at degrees c undermines the claim that drms consist of lipid nanodomains that exist in an lo liquid ordered phase on the living cell surface in the present T0 we have shown that inclusion of cations mg k to mimic the intracellular environment stabilizes membranes during solubilization sufficiently to allow the isolation of drms at degrees c using either triton x or brij these drms are sensitive to chelation of cholesterol maintain outsideout orientation of membrane glycoproteins have prolonged h stability at degrees c and are vesicles or sheets up to nm diameter drms containing gpi glycosylphosphatidylinositolanchored proteins prp prion protein and thy can be separated by immunoaffinity isolation in keeping with their separate organization and trafficking on the neuronal surface thy but not prp drms are associated with actin em electron microscopy immunohistochemistry shows most prp and some thy to be clustered on drms again maintaining their organization on the neuronal surface for drms labelled for either protein the bulk of the surface of the drm is not labelled indicating that the gpianchored protein is a minor component of its lipid domain these degrees c drms thus have properties expected of raft membrane yet pose more questions about how proteins are organized within these nanodomains
bclb is a transcriptional regulator with an important role in tcell development and leukaemogenesis we demonstrated recently that bclb controls expression from the il interleukin promoter through direct IB to the us upstream site in the present T0 we provide evidence that bclb also participates in the activation of il gene expression by enhancing nfkappab nuclear factor kappab activity in the context of tcr tcell receptorcdtriggered tcell activation enhanced nfkappab activation is not a consequence of bclb binding to the nfkappab response elements or association with the nfkappabdna complexes but rather the result of higher translocation of nfkappab to the nucleus caused by enhanced Kd of ikappab inhibitor of nfkappab the enhanced ikappab degradation in cells with increased levels of bclb was TPS for tcells activated through the tcr but not for cells activated through tnfalpha tumour rTNF or uv CS and was caused by increased activity of ikappab kinase as indicated by its increase in phosphorylation as bclb is a transcription factor we investigated whether the expression of genes upstream of ikappab kinase in the tcrcd signalling pathway was affected by increased bclb expression and found that cot CA osaka thyroid oncogene kinase mrna C2 were elevated cot kinase is known to promote enhanced ikappab kinase activity which results in the phosphorylation and degradation of ikappab and activation of nfkappab the implied involvement of cot kinase in bclbmediated nfkappab activation in response to tcr activation is supported by the fact that a cot kinase dominantnegative mutant or cot kinase sirna small interfering rna knockdown blocked bclbmediated nfkappab activation in support of our observations in the present study we report that bclb enhances the expression of several other nfkappab target genes in addition to il in addition we provide evidence that bclb associates with intron of the cot kinase gene to regulate its expression
binding|study|degradation|specific|necrosis factor alpha|light|cancer|levels
seven different forms of the enzyme comt catechol omethyltransferase were found in isolated rat HCs by twodimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting five small variants scomt and two large variants lcomt the identities of these comt forms were verified by tryptic fingerprinting using malditof matrixassisted laserdesorption ionizationtimeofflight ms and by amino acid sequencing using esiitmsms electrospray ionization with iontrap tandem ms analysis of tissue distributions showed that the scomt forms were highly expressed in CL and kidney whereas lcomt was expressed more strongly in other tissues both of the lcomt forms were found in all of the tissues examined except the heart which expressed only the most acidic form and the kidney which expressed only the most basic form subcellular fractionation revealed the presence of both scomt and lcomt in soluble as well as sedimentable fractions suggesting that they should be classified by size rather than as previously by localization several of the scomt forms were nacetylated and the two most acidic forms were found to be phosphorylated at ser one of the latter was unique to CL cells the other was also found in kidney brain and thymus among the nonphosphorylated scomt forms one was ubiquitous one was found in testis and liver and a third was found in CL kidney and thymus no other phosphorylated CS were found suggesting that the pi differences distinguishing between the various comt forms are due to some as yet unidentified structural modifications
treatment of nonsmallcell lung cancer is dependent on disease stage for patients with metastasis or locally advanced disease the importance of finding therapeutic schemes that may benefit this population is important this review discusses therapeutic options for first and secondline treatment in patients with advanced nonsmallcell lung cancer according to current data the combination of two cytotoxic agents is the optimum firstline treatment for patients with nonsmallcell lung cancer and performance status of addition of bevacizumab has shown to provide an even longer survival and to increase response rate within the firstline setting erlotinib appears to be ERP in the treatment of elderly patients who would not derive a benefit from standard chemotherapy or those refusing standard chemotherapy the administration of erlotinib as firstline maintenance therapy is being assessed there are currently three drugs approved for secondline treatment of patients with advanced nonsmallcell lung cancer after failure of firstline chemotherapy these drugs have proven to be effective in phase iii trials in the phase iii trial br study the response rate was in the erlonitib group and less than in placebo median response duration was months and months respectively and the median survival was months and with erlotinib and placebo respectively oneyear survival was and with erlotinib and placebo respectively in addition the br trial revealed that significantly greater improvements in overall quality of life and in both physical and emotional functioning were observed in the erlotinib arm as compared with the PL arm erlotinib is not significantly associated with hematologic adverse effects erlotinib is po orally and does not require concomitant administration of other drugs thus causing patients less inconvenience analysis of data from different subgroups included in the br trial show that overall survival is similar among women and men among patients with adenocarcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma or asian patients compared with other ethnicities combination of erlotinib and bevacizumab in the secondline treatment of patients with advanced disease has been evaluated as antiangiogenic properties this combination therapy has provided promising results which should be confirmed in future studies
explaining the evolution of cooperative behavior is a longstanding problem for which much theory has been developed a recent paper in bmc biology tests CE elements of this theory by manipulating a simple bacterial experimental system this approach is useful for assessing the principles of social evolution but we argue that more effort must be invested in the inverse problem using social evolution theory to understand the lives of bacteria
controversy surrounds the potential clinical importance of or erbeta in breast cancer and three recent papers have sought to resolve this in the present issue of breast cancer research novelli and colleagues explored the significance of erbeta expression in breast cancer patients and they showed diverse relationships according to lymph node status a second paper examined breast cancers in which erbeta was an independent predictor of recurrence diseasefree survival and overall survival finally a third paper showed that erbeta was a powerful prognostic indicator in breast cancers but this was dependent on cellular location with nuclear erbeta expression predicting good survival whilst cytoplasmic expression predicted worse outcome these papers point to a clinical role for erbeta in breast cancer and shall be discussed
oestrogen receptor
in extensive disease of small cell lung cancer a doubling of the oneyearsurvival rate was reported in august by prophylactic cranial irradiation applied to patients who experienced any response to initial chemotherapy we discuss the treatment concept of extensive disease in the face of the latest results and older studies with additional TI in this subgroup a randomized trial with prophylactic cranial irradiation published in demonstrated an improvement of yearoverallsurvival for CR responders at least at distant levels receiving additional thoracic radiochemotherapy compared to chemotherapy alone vs but these results were almost neglected and thoracic radiotherapy was not further investigated for good NR of extensive disease however in the light of current advances by prophylactic cranial irradiation these findings are noteworthy on all accounts considering both a possible interpretation of these data could be a survival benefit of LC by simultaneous thoracic RCT in the case of improved distant control due to chemotherapy and PCI furthermore the question arises whether the RT biology indicated by the response to chemotherapy should be integrated in the present classification
thoracic irradiation|complete|responders|local control|radiochemotherapy|prophylactic cranial irradiation|tumor
gastric outlet obstruction usually presents with nonbilious vomiting colicky epigastric pain loss of appetite and occasionally upper gastrointestinal bleeding causes can be classified as benign or malignant or as extra or IL gastrojejunostomy is a wellrecognised surgical procedure performed to bypass gastric outlet one a bezoar occurs most commonly in patients with impaired gastrointestinal motility or with a history of gastric surgery it is an intestinal concretion which fails to pass along the alimentary canal
PWS pws is a rare multisystem genetic disease leading to severe complications mainly related to obesity we strongly lack information on the NK history of this complex disease and on what factors are involved in its evolution and its outcome one of the objectives of the french reference centre for praderwilli syndrome setup in was to setup a database in order to make the inventory of praderwilli syndrome cases and initiate a national cohort study in the area covered by the centre
praderwilli syndrome|natural
epidemiological data indicate elevated psychosocial health risks for physicians e g burnout depression marital disturbances alcohol and substance abuse and suicide the purpose of this study was to identify psychosocial health resources and risk factors in professionrelated behaviour and experience patterns of medical students and physicians that may serve as a basis for AGA health promoting interventions
the yusho poisoning incident which was caused by RB oil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls pcbs polychlorinated quarterphenyls pcqs and polychlorinated dibenzofurans pcdfs generated by heat denaturation of pcb occurred in in western japan annual physical dermatological dental ophthalmological and laboratory examinations were conducted for yusho patients T3 the incident from blood levels of individual pcdf congeners were also measured the blood levels of pentachlorodibenzofuran pecdf pcbs and pcqs in yusho patients were found to be significantly higher than those of the general population we investigated the relationships between blood concentrations of pecdf pcbs and pcqs in yusho patients and the items measured in the annual medical examination
rice bran|after
segmental duplications sds are euchromatic portions of genomic dna or kb that occur at more than one site within the genome and typically share a high level of sequence identity approximately of the human genome is composed of such duplicated sequences here we report the detailed investigation of chek duplications chek is a multiorgan cancer susceptibility gene encoding a Tc checkpoint kinase acting in the dnadamage response signalling pathway the continuous presence of the chek gene in all eukaryotes and its important role in maintaining genome stability prompted us to investigate the duplicative evolution and phylogeny of chek and its paralogs during anthropoid evolution
cell cycle
an increasing number of scientific research projects require access to largescale computational resources this is particularly true in the biological field whether to facilitate the analysis of C1 highthroughput data sets or to perform large numbers of complex simulations a characteristic of the emerging field of systems biology
it is often the case that rat genes are alternatively spliced the resulting alternate transcripts often encode protein isoforms that differ in CAA sequences changes among the protein isoforms can alter the cellular properties of proteins the effect can range from a subtle modulation to a complete loss of function
mammalian|amino acid