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Recent reinforcement learning (RL) methods have achieved success in various domains. However, multi-agent RL (MARL) remains a challenge in terms of decentralization, partial observability and scalability to many agents. Meanwhile, collective behavior requires resolution of the aforementioned challenges, and remains of importance to many state-of-the-art applications such as active matter physics, self-organizing systems, opinion dynamics, and biological or robotic swarms. Here, MARL via mean field control (MFC) offers a potential solution to scalability, but fails to consider decentralized and partially observable systems. In this paper, we enable decentralized behavior of agents under partial information by proposing novel models for decentralized partially observable MFC (Dec-POMFC), a broad class of problems with permutation-invariant agents allowing for reduction to tractable single-agent Markov decision processes (MDP) with single-agent RL solution. We provide rigorous theoretical results, including a dynamic programming principle, together with optimality guarantees for Dec-POMFC solutions applied to finite swarms of interest. Algorithmically, we propose Dec-POMFC-based policy gradient methods for MARL via centralized training and decentralized execution, together with policy gradient approximation guarantees. In addition, we improve upon state-of-the-art histogram-based MFC by kernel methods, which is of separate interest also for fully observable MFC. We evaluate numerically on representative collective behavior tasks such as adapted Kuramoto and Vicsek swarming models, being on par with state-of-the-art MARL. Overall, our framework takes a step towards RL-based engineering of artificial collective behavior via MFC.
Learning Decentralized Partially Observable Mean Field Control for Artificial Collective Behavior
[ "Kai Cui", "Sascha H. Hauck", "Christian Fabian", "Heinz Koeppl" ]
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Guidance in conditional diffusion generation is of great importance for sample quality and controllability. However, existing guidance schemes are to be desired. On one hand, mainstream methods such as classifier guidance and classifier-free guidance both require extra training with labeled data, which is time-consuming and unable to adapt to new conditions.On the other hand, training-free methods such as universal guidance, though more flexible, have yet to demonstrate comparable performance. In this work, through a comprehensive investigation into the design space, we show that it is possible to achieve significant performance improvements over existing guidance schemes by leveraging off-the-shelf classifiers in a training-free fashion, enjoying the best of both worlds. Employing calibration as a general guideline, we propose several pre-conditioning techniques to better exploit pretrained off-the-shelf classifiers for guiding diffusion generation. Extensive experiments on ImageNet validate our proposed method, showing that state-of-the-art (SOTA) diffusion models (DDPM, EDM, DiT) can be further improved (up to 20\%) using off-the-shelf classifiers with barely any extra computational cost.With the proliferation of publicly available pretrained classifiers, our proposed approach has great potential and can be readily scaled up to text-to-image generation tasks.
Elucidating the design space of classifier-guided diffusion generation
[ "Jiajun Ma", "Tianyang Hu", "Wenjia Wang", "Jiacheng Sun" ]
Recently, there has been a significant advancement in text-to-image diffusion models, leading to groundbreaking performance in 2D image generation. These advancements have been extended to 3D models, enabling the generation of novel 3D objects from textual descriptions. This has evolved into NeRF editing methods, which allow the manipulation of existing 3D objects through textual conditioning. However, existing NeRF editing techniques have faced limitations in their performance due to slow training speeds and the use of loss functions that do not adequately consider editing. To address this, here we present a novel 3D NeRF editing approach dubbed ED-NeRF by successfully embedding real-world scenes into the latent space of the latent diffusion model (LDM) through a unique refinement layer. This approach enables us to obtain a NeRF backbone that is not only faster but also more amenable to editing compared to traditional image space NeRF editing. Furthermore, we propose an improved loss function tailored for editing by migrating the delta denoising score (DDS) distillation loss, originally used in 2D image editing to the three-dimensional domain. This novel loss function surpasses the well-known score distillation sampling (SDS) loss in terms of suitability for editing purposes. Our experimental results demonstrate that ED-NeRF achieves faster editing speed while producing improved output quality compared to state-of-the-art 3D editing models.
ED-NeRF: Efficient Text-Guided Editing of 3D Scene With Latent Space NeRF
[ "JangHo Park", "Gihyun Kwon", "Jong Chul Ye" ]
Neural field methods have seen great progress in various long-standing tasks in computer vision and computer graphics, including novel view synthesis and geometry reconstruction. As existing neural field methods try to predict some coordinate-based continuous target values, such as RGB for Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), all of these methods are regression models and are optimized by some regression loss. However, are regression models really better than classification models for neural field methods? In this work, we try to visit this very fundamental but overlooked question for neural fields from a machine learning perspective. We successfully propose a novel Neural Field Classifier (NFC) framework which formulates existing neural field methods as classification tasks rather than regression tasks. The proposed NFC can easily transform arbitrary Neural Field Regressor (NFR) into its classification variant via employing a novel Target Encoding module and optimizing a classification loss. By encoding a continuous regression target into a high-dimensional discrete encoding, we naturally formulate a multi-label classification task. Extensive experiments demonstrate the impressive effectiveness of NFC at the nearly free extra computational costs. Moreover, NFC also shows robustness to sparse inputs, corrupted images, and dynamic scenes.
Neural Field Classifiers via Target Encoding and Classification Loss
[ "Xindi Yang", "Zeke Xie", "Xiong Zhou", "Boyu Liu", "Buhua Liu", "Yi Liu", "Haoran Wang", "YUNFENG CAI", "Mingming Sun" ]
Spotlight Poster
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Learning quickly from very few labeled samples is a fundamental attribute that separates machines and humans in the era of deep representation learning. Unsupervised few-shot learning (U-FSL) aspires to bridge this gap by discarding the reliance on annotations at training time. Intrigued by the success of contrastive learning approaches in the realm of U-FSL, we structurally approach their shortcomings in both pretraining and downstream inference stages. We propose a novel Dynamic Clustered mEmory (DyCE) module to promote a highly separable latent representation space for enhancing positive sampling at the pretraining phase and infusing implicit class-level insights into unsupervised contrastive learning. We then tackle the, somehow overlooked yet critical, issue of sample bias at the few-shot inference stage. We propose an iterative Optimal Transport-based distribution Alignment (OpTA) strategy and demonstrate that it efficiently addresses the problem, especially in low-shot scenarios where FSL approaches suffer the most from sample bias. We later on discuss that DyCE and OpTA are two intertwined pieces of a novel end-to-end approach (we coin as BECLR), constructively magnifying each other's impact. We then present a suite of extensive quantitative and qualitative experimentation to corroborate that BECLR sets a new state-of-the-art across ALL existing U-FSL benchmarks (to the best of our knowledge), and significantly outperforms the best of the current baselines (codebase available at
BECLR: Batch Enhanced Contrastive Few-Shot Learning
[ "Stylianos Poulakakis-Daktylidis", "Hadi Jamali-Rad" ]
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Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly smart and autonomous, targeting real-world pragmatic missions beyond traditional NLP tasks. As a result, there has been an urgent need to evaluate LLMs as agents on challenging tasks in interactive environments.We present AgentBench, a multi-dimensional evolving benchmark that currently consists of 8 distinct environments to assess LLM-as-Agent's reasoning and decision-making abilities in a multi-turn open-ended generation setting.Our extensive test over 27 API-based and open-sourced (OSS) LLMs shows that, while top commercial LLMs present a strong ability of acting as agents in complex environments, there is a significant disparity in performance between them and OSS competitors.We identify the typical reasons of failures in environments and LLMs, showing that poor long-term reasoning, decision-making, and instruction following abilities are the main obstacles for developing usable LLM agents.Training on code and high quality multi-turn alignment data could improve agent performance.Datasets, environments, and an integrated evaluation package for AgentBench are released.
AgentBench: Evaluating LLMs as Agents
[ "Xiao Liu", "Hao Yu", "Hanchen Zhang", "Yifan Xu", "Xuanyu Lei", "Hanyu Lai", "Yu Gu", "Hangliang Ding", "Kaiwen Men", "Kejuan Yang", "Shudan Zhang", "Xiang Deng", "Aohan Zeng", "Zhengxiao Du", "Chenhui Zhang", "Sheng Shen", "Tianjun Zhang", "Yu Su", "Huan Sun", "Minlie Huang", "Yuxiao Dong", "Jie Tang" ]
Spotlight Poster
Large language models (LLMs) have recently driven striking performance improvements across a range of natural language processing tasks. The factual knowledge acquired during pretraining and instruction tuning can be useful in various downstream tasks, such as question answering, and language generation. Unlike conventional Knowledge Bases (KBs) that explicitly store factual knowledge, LLMs implicitly store facts in their parameters. Content generated by the LLMs can often exhibit inaccuracies or deviations from the truth, due to facts that can be incorrectly induced or become obsolete over time. To this end, we aim to comprehensively evaluate the extent and scope of factual knowledge within LLMs by designing the benchmark Pinocchio. Pinocchio contains 20K diverse factual questions that span different sources, timelines, domains, regions, and languages. Furthermore, we investigate whether LLMs are able to compose multiple facts, update factual knowledge temporally, reason over multiple pieces of facts, identify subtle factual differences, and resist adversarial examples. Extensive experiments on different sizes and types of LLMs show that existing LLMs still lack factual knowledge and suffer from various spurious correlations. We believe this is a critical bottleneck for realizing trustworthy artificial intelligence. The dataset Pinocchio and our codes will be publicly available.
Towards Understanding Factual Knowledge of Large Language Models
[ "Xuming Hu", "Junzhe Chen", "Xiaochuan Li", "Yufei Guo", "Lijie Wen", "Philip S. Yu", "Zhijiang Guo" ]
Temporal Difference (TD) algorithms are widely used in Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL). Their performance is heavily influenced by the size of the neural network. While in supervised learning, the regime of over-parameterization and its benefits are well understood, the situation in RL is much less clear. In this paper, we present a theoretical analysis of the influence of network size and $l_2$-regularization on performance. We identify the ratio between the number of parameters and the number of visited states as a crucial factor and define over-parameterization as the regime when it is larger than one. Furthermore, we observe a double descent phenomenon, i.e., a sudden drop in performance around the parameter/state ratio of one. Leveraging random features and the lazy training regime, we study the regularized Least-Square Temporal Difference (LSTD) algorithm in an asymptotic regime, as both the number of parameters and states go to infinity, maintaining a constant ratio. We derive deterministic limits of both the empirical and the true Mean-Squared Bellman Error (MSBE) that feature correction terms responsible for the double descent. Correction terms vanish when the $l_2$-regularization is increased or the number of unvisited states goes to zero. Numerical experiments with synthetic and small real-world environments closely match the theoretical predictions.
On Double Descent in Reinforcement Learning with LSTD and Random Features
[ "David Brellmann", "Eloïse Berthier", "David Filliat", "Goran Frehse" ]
We introduce a new analytical framework to quantify the changes in a machine learning algorithm's output distribution following the inclusion of a few data points in its training set, a notion we define as leave-one-out distinguishability (LOOD). This problem is key to measuring data **memorization** and information **leakage** in machine learning, and the **influence** of training data points on model predictions. We illustrate how our method broadens and refines existing empirical measures of memorization and privacy risks associated with training data. We use Gaussian processes to model the randomness of machine learning algorithms, and validate LOOD with extensive empirical analysis of information leakage using membership inference attacks. Our theoretical framework enables us to investigate the causes of information leakage and where the leakage is high. For example, we analyze the influence of activation functions, on data memorization. Additionally, our method allows us to optimize queries that disclose the most significant information about the training data in the leave-one-out setting. We illustrate how optimal queries can be used for accurate **reconstruction** of training data.
Leave-one-out Distinguishability in Machine Learning
[ "Jiayuan Ye", "Anastasia Borovykh", "Soufiane Hayou", "Reza Shokri" ]
Detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) data is a critical challenge in machine learning due to model overconfidence, often without awareness of their epistemological limits. We hypothesize that "neural collapse", a phenomenon affecting in-distribution data for models trained beyond loss convergence, also influences OOD data. To benefit from this interplay, we introduce NECO, a novel post-hoc method for OOD detection, which leverages the geometric properties of “neural collapse” and of principal component spaces to identify OOD data. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that NECO achieves state-of-the-art results on both small and large-scale OOD detection tasks while exhibiting strong generalization capabilities across different network architectures. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical explanation for the effectiveness of our method in OOD detection. We plan to release the code after the anonymity period.
NECO: NEural Collapse Based Out-of-distribution detection
[ "Mouïn Ben Ammar", "Nacim Belkhir", "Sebastian Popescu", "Antoine Manzanera", "Gianni Franchi" ]
Spotlight Poster
Advances like protein diffusion have marked revolutionary progress in $\textit{de novo}$ protein design, a central topic in life science. These methods typically depend on protein structure encoders to model residue backbone frames, where atoms do not exist. Most prior encoders rely on atom-wise features, such as angles and distances between atoms, which are not available in this context. Only a few basic encoders, like IPA, have been proposed for this scenario, exposing the frame modeling as a bottleneck. In this work, we introduce the Vector Field Network (VFN), that enables network layers to perform learnable vector computations between coordinates of frame-anchored virtual atoms, thus achieving a higher capability for modeling frames. The vector computation operates in a manner similar to a linear layer, with each input channel receiving 3D virtual atom coordinates instead of scalar values. The multiple feature vectors output by the vector computation are then used to update the residue representations and virtual atom coordinates via attention aggregation. Remarkably, VFN also excels in modeling both frames and atoms, as the real atoms can be treated as the virtual atoms for modeling, positioning VFN as a potential $\textit{universal encoder}$. In protein diffusion (frame modeling), VFN exhibits a impressive performance advantage over IPA, excelling in terms of both designability ($\textbf{67.04}$\% vs. 53.58\%) and diversity ($\textbf{66.54}$\% vs. 51.98\%). In inverse folding(frame and atom modeling), VFN outperforms the previous SoTA model, PiFold ($\textbf{54.7}$\% vs. 51.66\%), on sequence recovery rate; we also propose a method of equipping VFN with the ESM model, which significantly surpasses the previous ESM-based SoTA ($\textbf{62.67}$\% vs. 55.65\%), LM-Design, by a substantial margin.
De novo Protein Design Using Geometric Vector Field Networks
[ "Weian Mao", "Muzhi Zhu", "Zheng Sun", "Shuaike Shen", "Lin Yuanbo Wu", "Hao Chen", "Chunhua Shen" ]
In this paper, we present TOSS, which introduces text to the task of novel view synthesis (NVS) from just a single RGB image. While Zero123 has demonstrated impressive zero-shot open-set NVS capabilities, it treats NVS as a pure image-to-image translation problem. This approach suffers from the challengingly under-constrained nature of single-view NVS: the process lacks means of explicit user control and often result in implausible NVS generations.To address this limitation, TOSS uses text as high-level semantic information to constrain the NVS solution space.TOSS fine-tunes text-to-image Stable Diffusion pre-trained on large-scale text-image pairs and introduces modules specifically tailored to image and camera pose conditioning, as well as dedicated training for pose correctness and preservation of fine details. Comprehensive experiments are conducted with results showing that our proposed TOSS outperforms Zero123 with higher-quality NVS results and faster convergence. We further support these results with comprehensive ablations that underscore the effectiveness and potential of the introduced semantic guidance and architecture design.
TOSS: High-quality Text-guided Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image
[ "Yukai Shi", "Jianan Wang", "He CAO", "Boshi Tang", "Xianbiao Qi", "Tianyu Yang", "Yukun Huang", "Shilong Liu", "Lei Zhang", "Heung-Yeung Shum" ]
During interactive segmentation, a model and a user work together to delineate objects of interest in a 3D point cloud. In an iterative process, the model assigns each data point to an object (or the background), while the user corrects errors in the resulting segmentation and feeds them back into the model. The current best practice formulates the problem as binary classification and segments objects one at a time. The model expects the user to provide positive clicks to indicate regions wrongly assigned to the background and negative clicks on regions wrongly assigned to the object. Sequentially visiting objects is wasteful since it disregards synergies between objects: a positive click for a given object can, by definition, serve as a negative click for nearby objects. Moreover, a direct competition between adjacent objects can speed up the identification of their common boundary. We introduce AGILE3D, an efficient, attention-based model that (1) supports simultaneous segmentation of multiple 3D objects, (2) yields more accurate segmentation masks with fewer user clicks, and (3) offers faster inference. Our core idea is to encode user clicks as spatial-temporal queries and enable explicit interactions between click queries as well as between them and the 3D scene through a click attention module. Every time new clicks are added, we only need to run a lightweight decoder that produces updated segmentation masks. In experiments with four different 3D point cloud datasets, AGILE3D sets a new state-of-the-art. Moreover, we also verify its practicality in real-world setups with real user studies.
AGILE3D: Attention Guided Interactive Multi-object 3D Segmentation
[ "Yuanwen Yue", "Sabarinath Mahadevan", "Jonas Schult", "Francis Engelmann", "Bastian Leibe", "Konrad Schindler", "Theodora Kontogianni" ]
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Machine unlearning has emerged as a new paradigm to deliberately forget data samples from a given model in order to adhere to stringent regulations.However, existing machine unlearning methods have been primarily focused on classification models, leaving the landscape of unlearning for generative models relatively unexplored.This paper serves as a bridge, addressing the gap by providing a unifying framework of machine unlearning for image-to-image generative models.Within this framework, we propose a computationally-efficient algorithm, underpinned by rigorous theoretical analysis, that demonstrates negligible performance degradation on the retain samples, while effectively removing the information from the forget samples. Empirical studies on two large-scale datasets, ImageNet-1K and Places-365, further show that our algorithm does not rely on the availability of the retain samples, which further complies with data retention policy.To our best knowledge, this work is the first that represents systemic, theoretical, empirical explorations of machine unlearning specifically tailored for image-to-image generative models.
Machine Unlearning for Image-to-Image Generative Models
[ "Guihong Li", "Hsiang Hsu", "Chun-Fu Chen", "Radu Marculescu" ]
Bayesian optimization (BO) has established itself as a leading strategy for efficiently optimizing expensive-to-evaluate functions. Existing BO methods mostly rely on Gaussian process (GP) surrogate models and are not applicable to (doubly-stochastic) Gaussian Cox processes, where the observation process is modulated by a latent intensity function modeled as a GP. In this paper, we propose a novel maximum *a posteriori* inference of Gaussian Cox processes. It leverages the Laplace approximation and change of kernel technique to transform the problem into a new reproducing kernel Hilbert space, where it becomes more tractable computationally. It enables us to obtain both a functional posterior of the latent intensity function and the covariance of the posterior, thus extending existing works that often focus on specific link functions or estimating the posterior mean. Using the result, we propose a BO framework based on the Gaussian Cox process model and further develop a Nyström approximation for efficient computation. Extensive evaluations on various synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate significant improvement over state-of-the-art inference solutions for Gaussian Cox processes, as well as effective BO with a wide range of acquisition functions designed through the underlying Gaussian Cox process model.
Bayesian Optimization through Gaussian Cox Process Models for Spatio-temporal Data
[ "Yongsheng Mei", "Mahdi Imani", "Tian Lan" ]
Language model watermarking enables reliable detection of model-generated text, which has many applications in the responsible deployment of language models. Existing watermarking strategies operate by altering the decoder of an existing language model, and the ability for a language model to directly learn to generate the watermark would have significant implications for the real-world deployment of watermarks. First, learned watermarks could be used to build open models that naturally generate watermarked text, allowing for open models to benefit from watermarking. Second, if watermarking is used to determine the provenance of generated text, an adversary can damage the reputation of a victim model by spoofing its watermark and generating harmful watermarked text. To investigate the learnability of watermarks, we propose watermark distillation, which trains a student model to behave like a teacher model that uses decoding-based watermarking. We test our approach on three distinct decoding-based watermarking strategies, finding that models can learn to generate watermarked text with high detectability. We also find limitations to learnability, including the loss of watermarking capabilities under fine-tuning on normal text and high sample complexity when learning low-distortion watermarks.
On the Learnability of Watermarks for Language Models
[ "Chenchen Gu", "Xiang Lisa Li", "Percy Liang", "Tatsunori Hashimoto" ]
The online knapsack problem is a classic problem in the field of online algorithms. Its canonical version asks how to pack items of different values and weights arriving online into a capacity-limited knapsack so as to maximize the total value of the admitted items. Although optimal competitive algorithms are known for this problem, they may be fundamentally unfair, i.e., individual items may be treated inequitably in different ways. We formalize a practically-relevant notion of time fairness which effectively models a trade off between static and dynamic pricing in a motivating application such as cloud resource allocation, and show that existing algorithms perform poorly under this metric. We propose a parameterized deterministic algorithm where the parameter precisely captures the Pareto-optimal trade-off between fairness (static pricing) and competitiveness (dynamic pricing). We show that randomization is theoretically powerful enough to be simultaneously competitive and fair; however, it does not work well in experiments. To further improve the trade-off between fairness and competitiveness, we develop a nearly-optimal learning-augmented algorithm which is fair, consistent, and robust (competitive), showing substantial performance improvements in numerical experiments.
Time Fairness in Online Knapsack Problems
[ "Adam Lechowicz", "Rik Sengupta", "Bo Sun", "Shahin Kamali", "Mohammad Hajiesmaili" ]
Language models (LMs) proficiency in handling deterministic symbolic reasoning and rule-based tasks remains limited due to their dependency implicit learning on textual data. To enable fully rule comprehension ability, we explore how to incorporate compiled neural networks (CoNNs) which weight is specially designed into the architecture of LMs, to achieve high accuracy and robust performance. CoNNs are transformer-based neural networks that execute rules through artificially generated attention weights. Our method, which call "Neural Comprehension", by incorporating CoNN modules into the LM, the framework effectively tackles rule-intensive challenges. Our experiments on symbolic reasoning tasks and real-world arithmetic reasoning tasks demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared to existing techniques. Furthermore, our LM achieves flawless execution on symbolic operations tasks, highlighting the potential of our method in enabling LMs to possess true symbolic comprehension capabilities.
Mastering Symbolic Operations: Augmenting Language Models with Compiled Neural Networks
[ "Yixuan Weng", "Minjun Zhu", "Fei Xia", "Bin Li", "Shizhu He", "Kang Liu", "Jun Zhao" ]
We are interested in enabling visual planning for complex long-horizon tasks in the space of generated videos and language, leveraging recent advances in large generative models pretrained on Internet-scale data. To this end, we present video language planning (VLP), an algorithm that consists of a tree search procedure, where we train (i) vision-language models to serve as both policies and value functions, and (ii) text-to-video models as dynamics models. VLP takes as input a long-horizon task instruction and current image observation, and outputs a long video plan that provides detailed multimodal (video and language) specifications that describe how to complete the final task. VLP scales with increasing computation budget where more computation time results in improved video plans, and is able to synthesize long-horizon video plans across different robotics domains -- from multi-object rearrangement, to multi-camera bi-arm dexterous manipulation. Generated video plans can be translated into real robot actions via goal-conditioned policies, conditioned on each intermediate frame of the generated video. Experiments show that VLP substantially improves long-horizon task success rates compared to prior methods on both simulated and real robots (across 3 hardware platforms).
Video Language Planning
[ "Yilun Du", "Sherry Yang", "Pete Florence", "Fei Xia", "Ayzaan Wahid", "brian ichter", "Pierre Sermanet", "Tianhe Yu", "Pieter Abbeel", "Joshua B. Tenenbaum", "Leslie Pack Kaelbling", "Andy Zeng", "Jonathan Tompson" ]
The generation of molecules with desired properties has gained tremendous popularity, revolutionizing the way scientists design molecular structures and providing valuable support for chemical and drug design. However, despite the potential of language models in molecule generation, they face numerous challenges such as the generation of syntactically or chemically flawed molecules, narrow domain focus, and limitations in creating diverse and directionally feasible molecules due to a dearth of annotated data or external molecular databases. To tackle these challenges, we introduce MolGen, a pre-trained molecular language model tailored specifically for molecule generation. Through the reconstruction of over 100 million molecular SELFIES, MolGen internalizes profound structural and grammatical insights. This is further enhanced by domain-agnostic molecular prefix tuning, fostering robust knowledge transfer across diverse domains. Importantly, our self-feedback paradigm steers the model away from "molecular hallucinations", ensuring alignment between the model's estimated probabilities and real-world chemical preferences. Extensive experiments on well-known benchmarks underscore MolGen's optimization capabilities in properties such as penalized logP, QED, and molecular docking. Additional analyses affirm its proficiency in accurately capturing molecule distributions, discerning intricate structural patterns, and efficiently exploring the chemical space. The pre-trained model, codes, and datasets are publicly available for future research.
Domain-Agnostic Molecular Generation with Chemical Feedback
[ "Yin Fang", "Ningyu Zhang", "Zhuo Chen", "Lingbing Guo", "Xiaohui Fan", "Huajun Chen" ]
Spotlight Poster
Test-time adaptation (TTA) fine-tunes pre-trained deep neural networks for unseen test data. The primary challenge of TTA is limited access to the entire test dataset during online updates, causing error accumulation. To mitigate it, TTA methods have utilized the model output's entropy as a confidence metric that aims to determine which samples have a lower likelihood of causing error. Through experimental studies, however, we observed the unreliability of entropy as a confidence metric for TTA under biased scenarios and theoretically revealed that it stems from the neglect of the influence of latent disentangled factors of data on predictions. Building upon these findings, we introduce a novel TTA method named Destroy Your Object (DeYO), which leverages a newly proposed confidence metric named Pseudo-Label Probability Difference (PLPD). PLPD quantifies the influence of the shape of an object on prediction by measuring the difference between predictions before and after applying an object-destructive transformation. DeYO consists of sample selection and sample weighting, which employ entropy and PLPD concurrently. For robust adaptation, DeYO prioritizes samples that dominantly incorporate shape information when making predictions. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the consistent superiority of DeYO over baseline methods across various scenarios, including biased and wild.
Entropy is not Enough for Test-Time Adaptation: From the Perspective of Disentangled Factors
[ "Jonghyun Lee", "Dahuin Jung", "Saehyung Lee", "Junsung Park", "Juhyeon Shin", "Uiwon Hwang", "Sungroh Yoon" ]
Spotlight Poster
By reducing the curvature of the loss surface in the parameter space,Sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) yields widespread robustness improvementunder domain transfer. Instead of focusing on parameters, however, this workconsiders the transferability of _representations_ as the optimizationtarget for out-of-domain generalization in a fine-tuning setup. To encourage theretention of transferable representations, we consider trust region-basedfine-tuning methods, which exploit task-specific skills without forgettingtask-agnostic representations from pre-training. We unify parameter- andrepresentation-space smoothing approaches by using trust region bounds to informSAM-style regularizers on both of these optimization surfaces. We propose**Trust Region Aware Minimization** (TRAM), a fine-tuning algorithm thatoptimizes for flat minima and smooth, informative representations withoutforgetting pre-trained structure. We find that TRAM outperforms bothsharpness-aware and trust region-based optimization methods on cross-domainlanguage modeling and cross-lingual transfer, where robustness to domaintransfer and representation generality are critical for success. TRAMestablishes a new standard in training generalizable models with minimaladditional computation.
TRAM: Bridging Trust Regions and Sharpness Aware Minimization
[ "Tom Sherborne", "Naomi Saphra", "Pradeep Dasigi", "Hao Peng" ]
Koopman representations aim to learn features of nonlinear dynamical systems (NLDS) which lead to linear dynamics in the latent space. Theoretically, such features can be used to simplify many problems in modeling and control of NLDS. In this work we study autoencoder formulations of this problem, and different ways they can be used to model dynamics, specifically for future state prediction over long horizons. We discover several limitations of predicting future states in the latent space and propose an inference-time mechanism, which we refer to as Periodic Reencoding, for faithfully capturing long term dynamics. We justify this method both analytically and empirically via experiments in low and high dimensional NLDS.
Course Correcting Koopman Representations
[ "Mahan Fathi", "Clement Gehring", "Jonathan Pilault", "David Kanaa", "Pierre-Luc Bacon", "Ross Goroshin" ]
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For learning with noisy labels, the transition matrix, which explicitly models the relation between noisy label distribution and clean label distribution, has been utilized to achieve the statistical consistency of either the classifier or the risk. Previous researches have focused more on how to estimate this transition matrix well, rather than how to utilize it. We propose good utilization of the transition matrix is crucial and suggest a new utilization method based on resampling, coined RENT. Specifically, we first demonstrate current utilizations can have potential limitations for implementation. As an extension to Reweighting, we suggest the Dirichlet distribution-based per-sample Weight Sampling (DWS) framework, and compare reweighting and resampling under DWS framework. With the analyses from DWS, we propose RENT, a REsampling method with Noise Transition matrix. Empirically, RENT consistently outperforms existing transition matrix utilization methods, which includes reweighting, on various benchmark datasets. Our code is available at
Dirichlet-based Per-Sample Weighting by Transition Matrix for Noisy Label Learning
[ "HeeSun Bae", "Seungjae Shin", "Byeonghu Na", "Il-chul Moon" ]
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to perform well on exclusive, multi-class classification tasks. However, when different classes have similar visual features, it becomes challenging for human annotators to differentiate them. When an image is ambiguous, such as a blurry one where an annotator can't distinguish between a husky and a wolf, it may be labeled with both classes: {husky, wolf}. This scenario necessitates the use of composite set labels. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called Hyper-Evidential Neural Network (HENN) that explicitly models predictive uncertainty caused by composite set labels in training data in the context of the belief theory called Subjective Logic (SL).By placing a Grouped Dirichlet distribution on the class probabilities, we treat predictions of a neural network as parameters of hyper-subjective opinions and learn the network that collects both single and composite evidence leading to these hyper-opinions by a deterministic DNN from data.We introduce a new uncertainty type called vagueness originally designed for hyper-opinions in SL to quantify composite classification uncertainty for DNNs.Our experiments prove that HENN outperforms its state-of-the-art counterparts based on four image datasets.The code and datasets are available at:
Hyper Evidential Deep Learning to Quantify Composite Classification Uncertainty
[ "Changbin Li", "Kangshuo Li", "Yuzhe Ou", "Lance M. Kaplan", "Audun Jøsang", "Jin-Hee Cho", "DONG HYUN JEONG", "Feng Chen" ]
Current speech large language models build upon discrete speech representations,which can be categorized into semantic tokens and acoustic tokens. However,existing speech tokens are not specifically designed for speech language modeling. To assess the suitability of speech tokens for building speech languagemodels, we established the first benchmark, SLMTokBench. Our results indicatethat neither semantic nor acoustic tokens are ideal for this purpose. Therefore, wepropose SpeechTokenizer, a unified speech tokenizer for speech large languagemodels. SpeechTokenizer adopts the Encoder-Decoder architecture with residualvector quantization (RVQ). Unifying semantic and acoustic tokens, SpeechTokenizer disentangles different aspects of speech information hierarchically acrossdifferent RVQ layers. Furthermore, We construct a Unified Speech LanguageModel (USLM) leveraging SpeechTokenizer. Experiments show that SpeechTokenizer performs comparably to EnCodec in speech reconstruction and demonstratesstrong performance on the SLMTokBench benchmark. Also, USLM outperformsVALL-E in zero-shot Text-to-Speech tasks. Code and models are available at
SpeechTokenizer: Unified Speech Tokenizer for Speech Language Models
[ "Xin Zhang", "Dong Zhang", "Shimin Li", "Yaqian Zhou", "Xipeng Qiu" ]
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This paper studies zero-shot anomaly classification (AC) and segmentation (AS) in industrial vision.We reveal that the abundant normal and abnormal cues implicit in unlabeled test images can be exploited for anomaly determination, which is ignored by prior methods.Our key observation is that for the industrial product images, the normal image patches could find a relatively large number of similar patches in other unlabeled images,while the abnormal ones only have a few similar patches.We leverage such a discriminative characteristic to design a novel zero-shot AC/AS method by Mutual Scoring (MuSc) of the unlabeled images, which does not need any training or prompts.Specifically, we perform Local Neighborhood Aggregation with Multiple Degrees (LNAMD) to obtain the patch features that are capable of representing anomalies in varying sizes.Then we propose the Mutual Scoring Mechanism (MSM) to leverage the unlabeled test images to assign the anomaly score to each other. Furthermore, we present an optimization approach named Re-scoring with Constrained Image-level Neighborhood (RsCIN) for image-level anomaly classification to suppress the false positives caused by noises in normal images.The superior performance on the challenging MVTec AD and VisA datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach. Compared with the state-of-the-art zero-shot approaches, MuSc achieves a $\textbf{21.1}$% PRO absolute gain (from 72.7\% to 93.8\%) on MVTec AD, a $\textbf{19.4}$% pixel-AP gain and a $\textbf{14.7}$% pixel-AUROC gain on VisA.In addition, our zero-shot approach outperforms most of the few-shot approaches and is comparable to some one-class methods.Code is available at
MuSc: Zero-Shot Industrial Anomaly Classification and Segmentation with Mutual Scoring of the Unlabeled Images
[ "Xurui Li", "Ziming Huang", "Feng Xue", "Yu Zhou" ]
Federated learning (FL) has been widely deployed to enable machine learning training on sensitive data across distributed devices. However, the decentralized learning paradigm and heterogeneity of FL further extend the attack surface for backdoor attacks. Existing FL attack and defense methodologies typically focus on the whole model. None of them recognizes the existence of backdoor-critical (BC) layers-a small subset of layers that dominate the model vulnerabilities. Attacking the BC layers achieves equivalent effects as attacking the whole model but at a far smaller chance of being detected by state-of-the-art (SOTA) defenses. This paper proposes a general in-situ approach that identifies and verifies BC layers from the perspective of attackers. Based on the identified BC layers, we carefully craft a new backdoor attack methodology that adaptively seeks a fundamental balance between attacking effects and stealthiness under various defense strategies. Extensive experiments show that our BC layer-aware backdoor attacks can successfully backdoor FL under seven SOTA defenses with only 10% malicious clients and outperform the latest backdoor attack methods.
Backdoor Federated Learning by Poisoning Backdoor-Critical Layers
[ "Haomin Zhuang", "Mingxian Yu", "Hao Wang", "Yang Hua", "Jian Li", "Xu Yuan" ]
Dynamic Graph Neural Networks (DyGNNs) have gained significant popularity in the research of dynamic graphs, but are limited by the low transparency, such that human-understandable insights can hardly be drawn from their predictions. Although a number of existing research have been devoted to investigating the interpretability of graph neural networks (GNNs), achieving the interpretability of DyGNNs is pivotally challenging due to the complex spatial-temporal correlations in dynamic graphs. To this end, we propose an innovative causality-inspired generative model based on structural causal model (SCM), which explores the underlying philosophies of DyGNN predictions by identifying the trivial, static, and dynamic causal relationships. To reach this goal, two critical tasks need to be accomplished including (1) disentangling the complex causal relationships, and (2) fitting the spatial-temporal explanations of DyGNNs in the SCM architecture. To tackle these challenges, the proposed method incorporates a contrastive learning module to disentangle trivial and causal relationships, and a dynamic correlating module to disentangle dynamic and static causal relationships, respectively. A dynamic VGAE-based framework is further developed, which generates causal-and-dynamic masks for spatial interpretability, and recognizes dynamic relationships along the time horizon through causal invention for temporal interpretability. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted on both synthetic and real-world datasets, where our approach yields substantial improvements, thereby demonstrating significant superiority.
Causality-Inspired Spatial-Temporal Explanations for Dynamic Graph Neural Networks
[ "Kesen Zhao", "Liang Zhang" ]
While backpropagation (BP) is the mainstream approach for gradient computation in neural network training, its heavy reliance on the chain rule of differentiation constrains the designing flexibility of network architecture and training pipelines. We avoid the recursive computation in BP and develop a unified likelihood ratio (ULR) method for gradient estimation with just one forward propagation. Not only can ULR be extended to train a wide variety of neural network architectures, but the computation flow in BP can also be rearranged by ULR for better device adaptation. Moreover, we propose several variance reduction techniques to further accelerate the training process. Our experiments offer numerical results across diverse aspects, including various neural network training scenarios, computation flow rearrangement, and fine-tuning of pre-trained models. All findings demonstrate that ULR effectively enhances the flexibility of neural network training by permitting localized module training without compromising the global objective and significantly boosts the network robustness.
One Forward is Enough for Neural Network Training via Likelihood Ratio Method
[ "Jinyang Jiang", "Zeliang Zhang", "Chenliang Xu", "Zhaofei Yu", "Yijie Peng" ]
High-quality samples generated with score-based reverse diffusion algorithms provide evidence that deep neural networks (DNN) trained for denoising can learn high-dimensional densities, despite the curse of dimensionality. However, recent reports of memorization of the training set raise the question of whether these networks are learning the ``true'' density of the data. Here, we show that two denoising DNNs trained on non-overlapping subsets of a dataset learn nearly the same score function, and thus the same density, with a surprisingly small number of training images. This strong generalization demonstrates the existence of powerful inductive biases in the DNN architecture and/or training algorithm. We analyze these, demonstrating that the denoiser performs a shrinkage operation in a basis adapted to the underlying image. Examination of these bases reveals oscillating harmonic structures along contours and in homogeneous image regions. We show that trained denoisers are inductively biased towards these geometry-adaptive harmonic representations by demonstrating that they arise even when the network is trained on image classes such as low-dimensional manifolds for which the harmonic basis is suboptimal. Additionally, we show that the denoising performance of the networks is near-optimal when trained on regular image classes for which the optimal basis is known to be geometry-adaptive and harmonic.
Generalization in diffusion models arises from geometry-adaptive harmonic representations
[ "Zahra Kadkhodaie", "Florentin Guth", "Eero P Simoncelli", "Stéphane Mallat" ]
Spotlight Poster
We study the problem of learning equivariant neural networks via gradient descent. The incorporation of known symmetries ("equivariance") into neural nets has empirically improved the performance of learning pipelines, in domains ranging from biology to computer vision. However, a rich yet separate line of learning theoretic research has demonstrated that actually learning shallow, fully-connected (i.e. non-symmetric) networks has exponential complexity in the correlational statistical query (CSQ) model, a framework encompassing gradient descent. In this work, we ask: are known problem symmetries sufficient to alleviate the fundamental hardness of learning neural nets with gradient descent? We answer this question in the negative. In particular, we give lower bounds for shallow graph neural networks, convolutional networks, invariant polynomials, and frame-averaged networks for permutation subgroups, which all scale either superpolynomially or exponentially in the relevant input dimension. Therefore, in spite of the significant inductive bias imparted via symmetry, actually learning the complete classes of functions represented by equivariant neural networks via gradient descent remains hard.
On the hardness of learning under symmetries
[ "Bobak Kiani", "Thien Le", "Hannah Lawrence", "Stefanie Jegelka", "Melanie Weber" ]
Brain simulation builds dynamical models to mimic the structure and functions of the brain, while brain-inspired computing (BIC) develops intelligent systems by learning from the structure and functions of the brain. The two fields are intertwined and should share a common programming framework to facilitate each other's development. However, none of the existing software in the fields can achieve this goal, because traditional brain simulators lack differentiability for training, while existing deep learning (DL) frameworks fail to capture the biophysical realism and complexity of brain dynamics. In this paper, we introduce BrainPy, a differentiable brain simulator developed using JAX and XLA, with the aim of bridging the gap between brain simulation and BIC. BrainPy expands upon the functionalities of JAX, a powerful AI framework, by introducing complete capabilities for flexible, efficient, and scalable brain simulation. It offers a range of sparse and event-driven operators for efficient and scalable brain simulation, an abstraction for managing the intricacies of synaptic computations, a modular and flexible interface for constructing multi-scale brain models, and an object-oriented just-in-time compilation approach to handle the memory-intensive nature of brain dynamics. We showcase the efficiency and scalability of BrainPy on benchmark tasks, and highlight its differentiable simulation for biologically plausible spiking models.
A differentiable brain simulator bridging brain simulation and brain-inspired computing
[ "Chaoming Wang", "Tianqiu Zhang", "Sichao He", "Hongyaoxing Gu", "Shangyang Li", "Si Wu" ]
Existing graph matching methods typically assume that there are similar structures between graphs and they are matchable. However, these assumptions do not align with real-world applications. This work addresses a more realistic scenario where graphs exhibit diverse modes, requiring graph grouping before or along with matching, a task termed mixture graph matching and clustering. We introduce Minorize-Maximization Matching and Clustering (M3C), a learning-free algorithm that guarantees theoretical convergence through the Minorize-Maximization framework and offers enhanced flexibility via relaxed clustering. Building on M3C, we develop UM3C, an unsupervised model that incorporates novel edge-wise affinity learning and pseudo label selection. Extensive experimental results on public benchmarks demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art graph matching and mixture graph matching and clustering approaches in both accuracy and efficiency. Source code will be made publicly available.
M3C: A Framework towards Convergent, Flexible, and Unsupervised Learning of Mixture Graph Matching and Clustering
[ "Jiaxin Lu", "Zetian Jiang", "Tianzhe Wang", "Junchi Yan" ]
The binding between proteins and ligands plays a crucial role in the realm of drug discovery. Previous deep learning approaches have shown promising results over traditional computationally intensive methods, but resulting in poor generalization due to limited supervised data. In this paper, we propose to learn protein-ligand binding representation in a self-supervised learning manner. Different from existing pre-training approaches which treat proteins and ligands individually, we emphasize to discern the intricate binding patterns from fine-grained interactions. Specifically, this self-supervised learning problem is formulated as a prediction of the conclusive binding complex structure given a pocket and ligand with a Transformer based interaction module, which naturally emulates the binding process. To ensure the representation of rich binding information, we introduce two pre-training tasks, i.e. atomic pairwise distance map prediction and mask ligand reconstruction, which comprehensively model the fine-grained interactions from both structure and feature space. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the superiority of our method across various binding tasks, including protein-ligand affinity prediction, virtual screening and protein-ligand docking.
Protein-ligand binding representation learning from fine-grained interactions
[ "Shikun Feng", "Minghao Li", "Yinjun Jia", "Wei-Ying Ma", "Yanyan Lan" ]
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to find a near-optimal policy using pre-collected datasets. Given recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) and their few-shot learning prowess, this paper introduces $\textbf{La}$nguage Models for $\textbf{Mo}$tion Control ($\textbf{LaMo}$), a general framework based on Decision Transformers to effectively use pre-trained Language Models (LMs) for offline RL. Our framework highlights four crucial components: (1) Initializing Decision Transformers with sequentially pre-trained LMs, (2) employing the LoRA fine-tuning method, in contrast to full-weight fine-tuning, to combine the pre-trained knowledge from LMs and in-domain knowledge effectively, (3) using the non-linear MLP transformation instead of linear projections, to generate embeddings, and (4) integrating an auxiliary language prediction loss during fine-tuning to stabilize the LMs and retain their original abilities on languages. Empirical results indicate $\textbf{LaMo}$ achieves state-of-the-art performance in sparse-reward tasks and closes the gap between value-based offline RL methods and decision transformers in dense-reward tasks. In particular, our method demonstrates superior performance in scenarios with limited data samples.
Unleashing the Power of Pre-trained Language Models for Offline Reinforcement Learning
[ "Ruizhe Shi", "Yuyao Liu", "Yanjie Ze", "Simon Shaolei Du", "Huazhe Xu" ]
Fast changing states or volatile environments pose a significant challenge to online optimization, which needs to perform rapid adaptation under limited observation. In this paper, we give query and regret optimal bandit algorithms under the strict notion of strongly adaptive regret, which measures the maximum regret over any contiguous interval $I$. Due to its worst-case nature, there is an almost-linear $\Omega(|I|^{1-\epsilon})$ regret lower bound, when only one query per round is allowed [Daniely el al, ICML 2015]. Surprisingly, with just two queries per round, we give Strongly Adaptive Bandit Learner (StABL) that achieves $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{n|I|})$ adaptive regret for multi-armed bandits with $n$ arms. The bound is tight and cannot be improved in general. Our algorithm leverages a multiplicative update scheme of varying stepsizes and a carefully chosen observation distribution to control the variance. Furthermore, we extend our results and provide optimal algorithms in the bandit convex optimization setting. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the superior performance of our algorithms under volatile environments and for downstream tasks, such as algorithm selection for hyperparameter optimization.
Adaptive Regret for Bandits Made Possible: Two Queries Suffice
[ "Zhou Lu", "Qiuyi Zhang", "Xinyi Chen", "Fred Zhang", "David Woodruff", "Elad Hazan" ]
The objective for establishing dense correspondence between paired images consists of two terms: a data term and a prior term. While conventional techniques focused on defining hand-designed prior terms, which are difficult to formulate, recent approaches have focused on learning the data term with deep neural networks without explicitly modeling the prior, assuming that the model itself has the capacity to learn an optimal prior from a large-scale dataset. The performance improvement was obvious, however, they often fail to address inherent ambiguities of matching, such as textureless regions, repetitive patterns, large displacements, or noises. To address this, we propose DiffMatch, a novel conditional diffusion-based framework designed to explicitly model both the data and prior terms for dense matching. This is accomplished by leveraging a conditional denoising diffusion model that explicitly takes matching cost and injects the prior within generative process. However, limited resolution of the diffusion model is a major hindrance. We address this with a cascaded pipeline, starting with a low-resolution model, followed by a super-resolution model that successively upsamples and incorporates finer details to the matching field. Our experimental results demonstrate significant performance improvements of our method over existing approaches, and the ablation studies validate our design choices along with the effectiveness of each component. The code and pretrained weights will be available.
Diffusion Model for Dense Matching
[ "Jisu Nam", "Gyuseong Lee", "Sunwoo Kim", "Hyeonsu Kim", "Hyoungwon Cho", "Seyeon Kim", "Seungryong Kim" ]
Recent advancements in deep learning for physics have focused on discovering shared representations of target systems by incorporating physics priors or inductive biases into neural networks. While effective, these methods are confined to the system domain in which the type of system remains consistent and thus cannot ensure the adaptation to new, or unseen physical systems governed by different laws. For example, a neural network trained on a mass-spring system cannot guarantee the accurate prediction of the behavior of a two-body system or any other system with different physical laws. In this work, we take a significant leap forward by targeting cross domain generalization within the field of Hamiltonian dynamics. We model our system with a graph neural network and employ a meta learning algorithm to enable the model to gain experience over a distribution of tasks and make it adapt to new physics. Our approach aims to learn a unified Hamiltonian representation that is generalizable across multiple system domains, thereby overcoming the limitations of system-specific models. We validate our approach on a dataset comprising various physical systems and evaluate its adaptability to a new type of dynamical system with previously unseen physics. Our results demonstrate that the meta trained model not only adapts effectively to new systems but also captures a generalized Hamiltonian representation that is consistent across different physical domains.Overall, through the use of meta learning, we offer a framework that achieves cross domain generalization, providing a step towards a unified model for understanding a wide array of dynamical systems via deep learning.
Towards Cross Domain Generalization of Hamiltonian Representation via Meta Learning
[ "Yeongwoo Song", "Hawoong Jeong" ]
Instance-level image classification tasks have traditionally relied on single-instance labels to train models, e.g., few-shot learning and transfer learning. However, set-level coarse-grained labels that capture relationships among instances can provide richer information in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel approach to enhance instance-level image classification by leveraging set-level labels. We provide a theoretical analysis of the proposed method, including recognition conditions for fast excess risk rate, shedding light on the theoretical foundations of our approach. We conducted experiments on two distinct categories of datasets: natural image datasets and histopathology image datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, showcasing improved classification performance compared to traditional single-instance label-based methods. Notably, our algorithm achieves 13\% improvement in classification accuracy compared to the strongest baseline on the histopathology image classification benchmarks. Importantly, our experimental findings align with the theoretical analysis, reinforcing the robustness and reliability of our proposed method. This work bridges the gap between instance-level and set-level image classification, offering a promising avenue for advancing the capabilities of image classification models with set-level coarse-grained labels.
Enhancing Instance-Level Image Classification with Set-Level Labels
[ "Renyu Zhang", "Aly A Khan", "Yuxin Chen", "Robert L. Grossman" ]
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved remarkable success across a wide range of applications, such as recommendation, drug discovery, and question answering. Behind the success of GNNs lies the backpropagation (BP) algorithm, which is the de facto standard for training deep neural networks. However, despite its effectiveness, BP imposes several constraints, which are not only biologically implausible, but also limit the scalability, parallelism, and flexibility in learning neural networks. Examples of such constraints include the storage of neural activities computed in the forward pass for use in the subsequent backward pass, and the dependence of parameter updates on non-local signals. To address these limitations, the forward-forward algorithm (FF) was recently proposed as an alternative to BP in the image classification domain, which trains neural networks by performing two forward passes over positive and negative data. Inspired by this advance, we propose ForwardGNN in this work, a new forward learning procedure for GNNs, which avoids the constraints imposed by BP via an effective layer-wise local forward training. ForwardGNN extends the original FF to deal with graph data and GNNs, and makes it possible to operate without generating negative inputs (hence no longer forward-forward). Further, ForwardGNN enables each layer to learn from both the bottom-up and top-down signals without relying on the backpropagation of errors. Extensive experiments involving five real-world datasets and three representative GNNs show the effectiveness and generality of the proposed forward graph learning framework.
Forward Learning of Graph Neural Networks
[ "Namyong Park", "Xing Wang", "Antoine Simoulin", "Shuai Yang", "Grey Yang", "Ryan A. Rossi", "Puja Trivedi", "Nesreen K. Ahmed" ]
Spotlight Poster
One-class classification (OCC) involves predicting whether a new data is normal or anomalous based solely on the data from a single class during training. Various attempts have been made to learn suitable representations for OCC within a self-supervised framework. Notably, discriminative methods that use geometric visual transformations, such as rotation, to generate pseudo-anomaly samples have exhibited impressive detection performance. Although rotation is commonly viewed as a distribution-shifting transformation and is widely used in the literature, its effectiveness remains a mystery. In this study, we make a surprising observation: there exists a strong linear relationship (Pearson's Correlation, $r > 0.9$) between the accuracy of rotation prediction and the performance of OCC. This suggests that a classifier that effectively distinguishes different rotations is more likely to excel in OCC, and vice versa. The root cause of this phenomenon can be attributed to the transformation bias in the dataset, where representations learned from transformations already present in the dataset tend to be less effective, making it essential to accurately estimate the transformation distribution before utilizing pretext tasks involving these transformations for reliable self-supervised representation learning. To the end, we propose a novel two-stage method to estimate the transformation distribution within the dataset. In the first stage, we learn general representations through standard contrastive pre-training. In the second stage, we select potentially semantics-preserving samples from the entire augmented dataset, which includes all rotations, by employing density matching with the provided reference distribution. By sorting samples based on semantics-preserving versus shifting transformations, we achieve improved performance on OCC benchmarks.
Rotation has two sides: Evaluating Data Augmentation for Deep One-class Classification
[ "Guodong Wang", "Yunhong Wang", "Xiuguo Bao", "Di Huang" ]
Zeroth-order optimization algorithms are widely used for black-box optimization problems, such as those in machine learning and prompt engineering, where the gradients are approximated using function evaluations. Recently, a generalization result was provided for zeroth-order stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithms through stability analysis. However, this result was limited to the vanilla 2-point zeroth-order estimate of Gaussian distribution used in SGD algorithms. To address these limitations, we propose a general proof framework for stability analysis that applies to convex, strongly convex, and non-convex conditions, and yields results for popular zeroth-order optimization algorithms, including SGD, GD, and SVRG, as well as various zeroth-order estimates, such as 1-point and 2-point with different distributions and coordinate estimates. Our general analysis shows that coordinate estimation can lead to tighter generalization bounds for SGD, GD, and SVRG versions of zeroth-order optimization algorithms, due to the smaller expansion brought by coordinate estimates to stability analysis.
General Stability Analysis for Zeroth-Order Optimization Algorithms
[ "Xinyue Liu", "Hualin Zhang", "Bin Gu", "Hong Chen" ]
We present a scalable method to build a high quality instruction following language model by automatically labelling human-written text with corresponding instructions. Our approach, named instruction backtranslation, starts with a language model finetuned on a small amount of seed data, and a given web corpus. The seed model is used to construct training examples by generating instruction prompts for web documents (self-augmentation), and then selecting high quality examples from among these candidates (self-curation). This data is then used to finetune a stronger model. Finetuning LLaMa on two iterations of our approach yields a model that outperforms all other LLaMa-based models on the Alpaca leaderboard not relying on distillation data, demonstrating highly effective self-alignment.
Self-Alignment with Instruction Backtranslation
[ "Xian Li", "Ping Yu", "Chunting Zhou", "Timo Schick", "Omer Levy", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Jason E Weston", "Mike Lewis" ]
Spotlight Poster
Vision-based tasks are known to exhibit the properties of locality and translation invariance. The superior performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on these tasks is attributed to the inductive bias of locality and weight sharing baked into their architecture. Existing attempts at quantifying the statistical benefits of these biases in CNNs over local convolutional neural networks (LCNs) and fully connected neural networks (FCNs) fall into one of the following categories: either do not establish a gap between the performance of these architectures, or ignore optimization considerations, or consider stylized settings that are not reflective of image-like tasks, particularly translation invariance. We introduce the Dynamic Signal Distribution (DSD), a data model that is designed to capture properties of real-world images such as locality and translation invariance. In DSD, each image is modeled with $k$ patches, with each patch of dimension $d$, and the label is determined by a $d$-sparse signal vector that can freely appear in any one of the $k$ patches. Under this task, we show that CNNs trained using gradient descent require $\tilde{O}(k+d)$ samples, whereas LCNs require $\Omega(kd)$ samples for predicting the label, establishing the statistical advantages of weight sharing in translation invariant tasks. Additionally, LCNs need $\tilde{O}(k(k+d))$ samples, compared to FCNs, which need $\Omega(k^2d)$ samples, showcasing the benefits of locality in local tasks.
Role of Locality and Weight Sharing in Image-Based Tasks: A Sample Complexity Separation between CNNs, LCNs, and FCNs
[ "Aakash Lahoti", "Stefani Karp", "Ezra Winston", "Aarti Singh", "Yuanzhi Li" ]
Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting for language models demonstrates impressive performance across reasoning tasks, but typically needs labeled exemplars of the reasoning process. In this work, we introduce a new prompting approach, analogical prompting, designed to automatically guide the reasoning process of large language models. Inspired by analogical reasoning, a cognitive process in which humans draw from relevant past experiences to tackle new problems, our approach prompts language models to self-generate relevant exemplars or knowledge in the context, before proceeding to solve the given problem. This method presents several advantages: it obviates the need for labeling or retrieving exemplars, offering generality and convenience; it can also tailor the generated exemplars and knowledge to each problem, offering adaptability. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms 0-shot CoT and manual few-shot CoT in a variety of reasoning tasks, including math problem solving in GSM8K and MATH, code generation in Codeforces, and other reasoning tasks in BIG-Bench.
Large Language Models as Analogical Reasoners
[ "Michihiro Yasunaga", "Xinyun Chen", "Yujia Li", "Panupong Pasupat", "Jure Leskovec", "Percy Liang", "Ed H. Chi", "Denny Zhou" ]
The ever-increasing token limits of large language models (LLMs) have enabled long context as input. Many LLMs are trained/fine-tuned to perform zero-shot/few-shot inference using instruction-based prompts. Crafting prompts for these LLMs typically requires the user to provide a detailed task description, demonstrations, and single example of context for inference. This regular prompt baseline is referred to as “SinglePrompt” in this paper. However, for NLP tasks where each data point for inference is not necessarily lengthy, the token countfor instructions and few-shot examples in the prompt may be considerably larger than that of the data point, resulting in lower token-resource utilization compared with encoder-based models like fine-tuned BERT. This cost-efficiency issue, affecting inference speed and compute budget, counteracts the many benefits LLMs have to offer. This paper aims to alleviate the preceding problem by batching multiple data points into a single prompt, a prompting strategy we refer to as “BatchPrompt”. This strategy increases the “density” of data points, which in turn leads to improved token utilization. Applying BatchPrompt na ̈ıvely, however, is very challenging due to significant performance degradation, as observed in our experiments. We also noticed varying inference outcomes for the same data points appearing in different positions within a prompt. Based on this observation, to address the quality issue while remain high token-resource utilization, we introduce Batch Permutation and Ensembling (BPE) for BatchPrompt, a simple majority voting way that recovers labeling quality through repeatedly permutating data positions in a batch at the price of more token usage. To counterbalance the additional token usage caused by the voting process, we further propose Self-reflection-guided EArly Stopping (SEAS), which can terminate the voting process early for data points the LLM confidently handles. Our comprehensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that BPE +SEAS can boost the performance of BatchPrompt with a striking margin on a range of popular NLP tasks, including question answering (Boolq), textual entailment (RTE), and duplicate questions identification (QQP). These performances are even competitive with/higher than single-data prompting (SinglePrompt), while BatchPrompt requires much fewer LLM calls and input tokens (For SinglePrompt v.s. BatchPrompt+BPE +SEAS with batch size 32, using just 15.7% the number of LLM calls, Boolq accuracy 90.6% → 90.9% with 27.4% tokens, QQP accuracy 87.2% → 88.4% with 18.6% tokens, RTE accuracy 91.5% → 91.1% with 30.8% tokens). We hope our simple yet effective approach will shed light on the future research of large language models. The code will be released.
BatchPrompt: Accomplish more with less
[ "Jianzhe Lin", "Maurice Diesendruck", "Liang Du", "Robin Abraham" ]
Spotlight Poster
Critical learning periods are periods early in development where temporary sensory deficits can have a permanent effect on behavior and learned representations. Despite the radical differences between biological and artificial networks, critical learning periods have been empirically observed in both systems. This suggests that critical periods may be fundamental to learning and not an accident of biology.Yet, why exactly critical periods emerge in deep networks is still an open question, and in particular it is unclear whether the critical periods observed in both systems depend on particular architectural or optimization details. To isolate the key underlying factors, we focus on deep linear network models, and show that, surprisingly, such networks also display much of the behavior seen in biology and artificial networks, while being amenable to analytical treatment. We show that critical periods depend on the depth of the model and structure of the data distribution. We also show analytically and in simulations that the learning of features is tied to competition between sources. Finally, we extend our analysis to multi-task learning to show that pre-training on certain tasks can damage the transfer performance on new tasks, and show how this depends on the relationship between tasks and the duration of the pre-training stage. To the best of our knowledge, our work provides the first analytically tractable model that sheds light into why critical learning periods emerge in biological and artificial networks.
Critical Learning Periods Emerge Even in Deep Linear Networks
[ "Michael Kleinman", "Alessandro Achille", "Stefano Soatto" ]
The unprecedented performance of large language models (LLMs) necessitates improvements in evaluations. Rather than merely exploring the breadth of LLM abilities, we believe meticulous and thoughtful designs are essential to thorough, unbiased, and applicable evaluations. Given the importance of world knowledge to LLMs, we construct a Knowledge-oriented LLM Assessment benchmark (KoLA), in which we carefully design three crucial factors: (1) For ability modeling, we mimic human cognition to form a four-level taxonomy of knowledge-related abilities, covering 19 tasks. (2) For data, to ensure fair comparisons, we use both Wikipedia, a corpus prevalently pre-trained by LLMs, along with continuously collected emerging corpora, aiming to evaluate the capacity to handle unseen data and evolving knowledge. (3) For evaluation criteria, we adopt a contrastive system, including overall standard scores for better numerical comparability across tasks and models, and a unique self-contrast metric for automatically evaluating knowledge-creating ability. We evaluate 21 open-source and commercial LLMs and obtain some intriguing findings. The KoLA dataset will be updated every three months to provide timely references for developing LLMs and knowledge-related systems.
KoLA: Carefully Benchmarking World Knowledge of Large Language Models
[ "Jifan Yu", "Xiaozhi Wang", "Shangqing Tu", "Shulin Cao", "Daniel Zhang-Li", "Xin Lv", "Hao Peng", "Zijun Yao", "Xiaohan Zhang", "Hanming Li", "Chunyang Li", "Zheyuan Zhang", "Yushi Bai", "Yantao Liu", "Amy Xin", "Kaifeng Yun", "Linlu GONG", "Nianyi Lin", "Jianhui Chen", "Zhili Wu", "Yunjia Qi", "Weikai Li", "Yong Guan", "Kaisheng Zeng", "Ji Qi", "Hailong Jin", "Jinxin Liu", "Yu Gu", "Yuan Yao", "Ning Ding", "Lei Hou", "Zhiyuan Liu", "Xu Bin", "Jie Tang", "Juanzi Li" ]
Spotlight Poster
The legality of training language models (LMs) on copyrighted or otherwise restricted data is under intense debate. However, as we show, model performance significantly degrades if trained only on low-risk text (e.g., out-of-copyright books or government documents), due to its limited size and domain coverage. We present SILO, a new language model that manages this risk-performance tradeoff during inference. SILO is built by (1) training a parametric LM on the Open License Corpus (OLC), a new corpus we curate with 228B tokens of public domain and permissively licensed text and (2) augmenting it with a more general and easily modifiable nonparametric datastore (e.g., containing copyrighted books or news) that is only queried during inference. The datastore allows use of high-risk data without training on it, supports sentence-level data attribution, and enables data producers to opt out from the model by removing content from the store. These capabilities can foster compliance with data-use regulations such as the fair use doctrine in the United States and the GDPR in the European Union. Our experiments show that the parametric LM struggles on its own with domains not covered by OLC. However, access to the datastore greatly improves out of domain performance, closing 90% of the performance gap with an LM trained on the Pile, a more diverse corpus with mostly high-risk text. We also analyze which nonparametric approach works best, where the remaining errors lie, and how performance scales with datastore size. Our results suggest that it is possible to build high quality language models while mitigating legal risk.
SILO Language Models: Isolating Legal Risk In a Nonparametric Datastore
[ "Sewon Min", "Suchin Gururangan", "Eric Wallace", "Weijia Shi", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi", "Noah A. Smith", "Luke Zettlemoyer" ]
Large language models exhibit surprising emergent generalization properties, yet also struggle on many simple reasoning tasks such as arithmetic and parity. In this work, we focus on length generalization, and we propose a unifying framework to understand when and how Transformers can be expected to length generalize on a given task. First, we show that there exist algorithmic tasks for which standarddecoder-only Transformers trained from scratch naturally exhibit strong length generalization. For these tasks, we leverage the RASP programming language (Weiss et al., 2021) to show that the correct algorithmic solution which solves the task can be represented by a simple Transformer. We thus propose the RASP-Generalization Conjecture: Transformers tend to learn a length-generalizing solution if there exists a short RASP-L program that works for all input lengths. We present empirical evidence to support the correlation between RASP-simplicity and generalization. We leverage our insights to give new scratchpad formats which yield strong length generalization on traditionally hard tasks (such as parity and addition), and we illustrate how scratchpad can hinder generalization when it increases the complexity of the corresponding RASP-L program. Overall, our work provides a novel perspective on the mechanisms of length generalization and the algorithmic capabilities of Transformers.
What Algorithms can Transformers Learn? A Study in Length Generalization
[ "Hattie Zhou", "Arwen Bradley", "Etai Littwin", "Noam Razin", "Omid Saremi", "Joshua M. Susskind", "Samy Bengio", "Preetum Nakkiran" ]
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Data augmentation is critical to the empirical success of modern self-supervised representation learning, such as contrastive learning and masked language modeling.However, a theoretical understanding of the exact role of the augmentation remains limited.Recent work has built the connection between self-supervised learning and the approximation of the top eigenspace of a graph Laplacian operator, suggesting that learning a linear probe atop such representation can be connected to RKHS regression.Building on this insight, this work delves into a statistical analysis of augmentation-based pretraining.Starting from the isometry property, a geometric characterization of the target function given by the augmentation, we disentangle the effects of the model and the augmentation,and prove two generalization bounds that are free of model complexity.Our first bound works for an arbitrary encoder, and it is the sum of an estimation error bound incurred by fitting a linear probe, and an approximation error bound by RKHS approximation.Our second bound specifically addresses the casewhere the encoder extracts the top-d eigenspace of a finite-sample-based approximation of the underlying RKHS.A key ingredient in our analysis is the *augmentation complexity*,which we use to quantitatively compare different augmentations and analyze their impact on downstream performance.
Understanding Augmentation-based Self-Supervised Representation Learning via RKHS Approximation and Regression
[ "Runtian Zhai", "Bingbin Liu", "Andrej Risteski", "J Zico Kolter", "Pradeep Kumar Ravikumar" ]
Although large language models (LLMs) are widely deployed, the data used to train them is rarely disclosed. Given the incredible scale of this data, up to trillions of tokens, it is all but certain that it includes potentially problematic text such as copyrighted materials, personally identifiable information, and test data for widely reported reference benchmarks. However, we currently have no way to know which data of these types is included or in what proportions. In this paper, we study the pretraining data detection problem: given a piece of text and black-box access to an LLM without knowing the pretraining data, can we determine if the model was trained on the provided text? To facilitate this study, we introduce a dynamic benchmark WIKIMIA that uses data created before and after model training to support gold truth detection. We also introduce a new detection method MIN-K PROB based on a simple hypothesis: an unseen example is likely to contain a few outlier words with low probabilities under the LLM, while a seen example is less likely to have words with such low probabilities. MIN-K PROB can be applied without any knowledge about the pretrainig corpus or any additional training, departing from previous detection methods that require training a reference model on data that is similar to the pretraining data. Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that MIN-K PROB achieves a 7.4% improvement on WIKIMIA over these previous methods. We apply MIN-K PROB to two real-world scenarios, copyrighted book detection and contaminated downstream example detection, and find that it to be a consistently effective solution.
Detecting Pretraining Data from Large Language Models
[ "Weijia Shi", "Anirudh Ajith", "Mengzhou Xia", "Yangsibo Huang", "Daogao Liu", "Terra Blevins", "Danqi Chen", "Luke Zettlemoyer" ]
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Language models are currently trained to predict tokens given document prefixes, enabling them to zero shot long form generation and prompting-style tasks which can be reduced to document completion. We instead present IN-CONTEXT PRETRAINING, a new approach where language models are trained on a sequence of related documents, thereby explicitly encouraging them to read and reason across document boundaries. Our approach builds on the fact that current pipelines train by concatenating random sets of shorter documents to create longer context windows; this improves efficiency even though the prior documents provide no signal for predicting the next document. Given this fact, we can do IN-CONTEXT PRETRAINING by simply changing the document ordering so that each context contains related documents, and directly applying existing pretraining pipelines. However, this document sorting problem is challenging. There are billions of documents and we would like the sort to maximize contextual similarity for every document without repeating any data. To do this, we introduce approximate algorithms for finding related documents with efficient nearest neighbor search and constructing coherent batches with a graph cover algorithm. Our experiments show IN-CONTEXT PRETRAINING offers a scalable and simple approach to significantly enhance LM performance: we see notable improvements in tasks that require more complex contextual reasoning, including in-context learning (+8%), reading comprehension (+15%), faithfulness to previous contexts (+16%), long-context reasoning (+5%), and retrieval augmentation (+9%).
In-Context Pretraining: Language Modeling Beyond Document Boundaries
[ "Weijia Shi", "Sewon Min", "Maria Lomeli", "Chunting Zhou", "Margaret Li", "Xi Victoria Lin", "Noah A. Smith", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Wen-tau Yih", "Mike Lewis" ]
Supervised contrastive loss (SCL) is a competitive and often superior alternative to the cross-entropy loss for classification. While prior studies have demonstrated that both losses yield symmetric training representations under balanced data, this symmetry breaks under class imbalances. This paper presents an intriguing discovery: the introduction of a ReLU activation at the final layer effectively restores the symmetry in SCL-learned representations. We arrive at this finding analytically, by establishing that the global minimizers of an unconstrained features model with SCL loss and entry-wise non-negativity constraints form an orthogonal frame. Extensive experiments conducted across various datasets, architectures, and imbalance scenarios corroborate our finding. Importantly, our experiments reveal that the inclusion of the ReLU activation restores symmetry without compromising test accuracy. This constitutes the first geometry characterization of SCL under imbalances. Additionally, our analysis and experiments underscore the pivotal role of batch selection strategies in representation geometry. By proving necessary and sufficient conditions for mini-batch choices that ensure invariant symmetric representations, we introduce batch-binding as an efficient strategy that guarantees these conditions hold.
Symmetric Neural-Collapse Representations with Supervised Contrastive Loss: The Impact of ReLU and Batching
[ "Ganesh Ramachandra Kini", "Vala Vakilian", "Tina Behnia", "Jaidev Gill", "Christos Thrampoulidis" ]
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Training energy-based models (EBMs) on high-dimensional data can be both challenging and time-consuming, and there exists a noticeable gap in sample quality between EBMs and other generative frameworks like GANs and diffusion models. To close this gap, inspired by the recent efforts of learning EBMs by maximimizing diffusion recovery likelihood (DRL), we propose cooperative diffusion recovery likelihood (CDRL), an effective approach to tractably learn and sample from a series of EBMs defined on increasingly noisy versons of a dataset, paired with an initializer model for each EBM. At each noise level, the two models are jointly estimated within a cooperative training framework: Samples from the initializer serve as starting points that are refined by a few MCMC sampling steps from the EBM. The EBM is then optimized by maximizing recovery likelihood, while the initializer model is optimized by learning from the difference between the refined samples and the initial samples. In addition, we made several practical designs for EBM training to further improve the sample quality. Combining these advances, we significantly boost the generation performance compared to existing EBM methods on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet 32x32. And we have shown that CDRL has great potential to largely reduce the sampling time. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our models for several downstream tasks, including classifier-free guided generation, compositional generation, image inpainting and out-of-distribution detection.
Learning Energy-Based Models by Cooperative Diffusion Recovery Likelihood
[ "Yaxuan Zhu", "Jianwen Xie", "Ying Nian Wu", "Ruiqi Gao" ]
Point-level Supervised Instance Segmentation (PSIS) aims to enhance the applicability and scalability of instance segmentation by utilizing low-cost yet instance-informative annotations. Existing PSIS methods usually rely on positional information to distinguish objects, but predicting precise boundaries remains challenging due to the lack of contour annotations. Nevertheless, weakly supervised semantic segmentation methods are proficient in utilizing intra-class feature consistency to capture the boundary contours of the same semantic regions. In this paper, we design a Mutual Distillation Module (MDM) to leverage the complementary strengths of both instance position and semantic information and achieve accurate instance-level object perception. The MDM consists of Semantic to Instance (S2I) and Istance to Semantic (I2S). S2I is guided by the precise boundaries of semantic regions to learn the association between annotated points and instance contours. I2S leverages discriminative relationships between instances to facilitate the differentiation of various objects within the semantic map. Extensive experiments substantiate the efficacy of MDM in fostering the synergy between instance and semantic information, consequently improving the quality of instance-level object representations. Our method achieves 55.7 mAP50 and 17.6 mAP on the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets, significantly outperforming recent PSIS methods and several box-supervised instance segmentation competitors.
P2Seg: Pointly-supervised Segmentation via Mutual Distillation
[ "Zipeng Wang", "Xuehui Yu", "Xumeng Han", "Wenwen Yu", "Zhixun Huang", "Jianbin Jiao", "Zhenjun Han" ]
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated powerful decision-making and planning capabilities in solving complicated real-world problems. LLM-based autonomous agents can interact with diverse tools (e.g., functional APIs) and generate solution plans that execute a series of API function calls in a step-by-step manner. The multitude of candidate API function calls significantly expands the action space, amplifying the critical need for efficient action space navigation. However, existing methods either struggle with unidirectional exploration in expansive action spaces, trapped into a locally optimal solution, or suffer from exhaustively traversing all potential actions, causing inefficient navigation. To address these issues, we propose ToolChain*, an efficient tree search-based planning algorithm for LLM-based agents. It formulates the entire action space as a decision tree, where each node represents a possible API function call involved in a solution plan. By incorporating the A$^*$ search algorithm with task-specific cost function design, it efficiently prunes high-cost branches that may involve incorrect actions, identifying the most low-cost valid path as the solution. Extensive experiments on multiple tool-use and reasoning tasks demonstrate that ToolChain* efficiently balances exploration and exploitation within an expansive action space. It outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on planning and reasoning tasks by 3.1% and 3.5% on average while requiring 7.35x and 2.31x less time, respectively.
ToolChain*: Efficient Action Space Navigation in Large Language Models with A* Search
[ "Yuchen Zhuang", "Xiang Chen", "Tong Yu", "Saayan Mitra", "Victor Bursztyn", "Ryan A. Rossi", "Somdeb Sarkhel", "Chao Zhang" ]
Masked Language Modeling (MLM) has been one of the most prominent approaches for pretraining bidirectional text encoders due to its simplicity and effectiveness. One notable concern about MLM is that the special $\texttt{[MASK]}$ symbol causes a discrepancy between pretraining data and downstream data as it is present only in pretraining but not in fine-tuning. In this work, we offer a new perspective on the consequence of such a discrepancy: We demonstrate empirically and theoretically that MLM pretraining allocates some model dimensions exclusively for representing $\texttt{[MASK]}$ tokens, resulting in a representation deficiency for real tokens and limiting the pretrained model's expressiveness when it is adapted to downstream data without $\texttt{[MASK]}$ tokens. Motivated by the identified issue, we propose MAE-LM, which pretrains the Masked Autoencoder architecture with MLM where $\texttt{[MASK]}$ tokens are excluded from the encoder. Empirically, we show that MAE-LM improves the utilization of model dimensions for real token representations, and MAE-LM consistently outperforms MLM-pretrained models on the GLUE and SQuAD benchmarks.
Representation Deficiency in Masked Language Modeling
[ "Yu Meng", "Jitin Krishnan", "Sinong Wang", "Qifan Wang", "Yuning Mao", "Han Fang", "Marjan Ghazvininejad", "Jiawei Han", "Luke Zettlemoyer" ]
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Despite their remarkable achievements, modern Large Language Models (LLMs) encounter exorbitant computational and memory footprints. Recently, several works have shown significant success in *training-free* and *data-free* compression (pruning and quantization) of LLMs achieving 50-60\% sparsity and reducing the bit-width down to 3 or 4 bits per weight, with negligible perplexity degradation over the uncompressed baseline. As recent research efforts are focused on developing increasingly sophisticated compression methods, our work takes a step back, and re-evaluates the effectiveness of existing SoTA compression methods, which rely on a fairly simple and widely questioned metric, perplexity (even for dense LLMs). We introduce **K**nowledge-**I**ntensive **C**ompressed LLM Benchmar**K** **(LLM-KICK)**, a collection of carefully-curated tasks to re-define the evaluation protocol for compressed LLMs, which have significant alignment with their dense counterparts, and perplexity fail to capture subtle change in their true capabilities. LLM-KICK unveils many favorable merits and unfortunate plights of current SoTA compression methods: all pruning methods suffer significant performance degradation, sometimes at trivial sparsity ratios (*e.g.*, 25-30\%), and fail for N:M sparsity on knowledge-intensive tasks; current quantization methods are more successful than pruning; yet, pruned LLMs even at $\geq 50$\% sparsity are robust in-context retrieval and summarization systems; among others. LLM-KICK is designed to holistically access compressed LLMs' ability for language understanding, reasoning, generation, in-context retrieval, in-context summarization, *etc.* We hope our study can foster the development of better LLM compression methods. All our related codes are planed to be open-sourced.
Compressing LLMs: The Truth is Rarely Pure and Never Simple
[ "AJAY KUMAR JAISWAL", "Zhe Gan", "Xianzhi Du", "Bowen Zhang", "Zhangyang Wang", "Yinfei Yang" ]
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Equivariant message passing neural networks have emerged as the prevailing approach for predicting chemical properties of molecules due to their ability to leverage translation and rotation symmetries, resulting in a strong inductive bias. However, the equivariant operations in each layer can impose excessive constraints on the function form and network flexibility. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel network called the Hybrid Directional Graph Neural Network (HDGNN), which effectively combines strictly equivariant operations with learnable modules. We evaluate the performance of HDGNN on the QM9 dataset and the IS2RE dataset of OC20, demonstrating its state-of-the-art performance on several tasks and competitive performance on others. Our code is anonymously released on
Hybrid Directional Graph Neural Network for Molecules
[ "Junyi An", "Chao Qu", "Zhipeng Zhou", "Fenglei Cao", "Xu Yinghui", "Yuan Qi", "Furao Shen" ]
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Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) is an approach that has advanced research and applications in computer vision, fueling modern recognition systems and generative models. We believe that the main ingredient to the success of CLIP is its \textit{data} and \textit{not} the \textit{model} architecture or pre-training {objective}. However, CLIP only provides very limited information about its data and how it has been collected, leading to works that aim to reproduce CLIP's data by filtering with its model parameters. In this work, we intend to reveal CLIP's data curation approach and in our pursuit of making it open to the community introduce Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP). MetaCLIP takes a raw data pool and metadata (derived from CLIP's concepts) and yields a balanced subset over the metadata distribution. Our experimental study rigorously isolates the model and training settings, concentrating solely on data. MetaCLIP applied to CommonCrawl with 400M image-text data pairs outperforms CLIP's data on multiple standard benchmarks. In zero-shot ImageNet classification, MetaCLIP achieves 70.8\% accuracy, surpassing CLIP's 68.3\% on \mbox{ViT-B} models. Scaling to 1B data, while maintaining the same training budget, attains \textbf{72.4\%}. Our observations hold across various model sizes, exemplified by ViT-H achieving \textbf{80.5\%}, without any bells-and-whistles. Curation code and training data distribution over metadata will be made available.
Demystifying CLIP Data
[ "Hu Xu", "Saining Xie", "Xiaoqing Tan", "Po-Yao Huang", "Russell Howes", "Vasu Sharma", "Shang-Wen Li", "Gargi Ghosh", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Christoph Feichtenhofer" ]
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State-of-the-art approaches for training Differentially Private (DP) Deep Neural Networks (DNN) face difficulties to estimate tight bounds on the sensitivity of the network's layers, and instead rely on a process of per-sample gradient clipping. This clipping process not only biases the direction of gradients but also proves costly both in memory consumption and in computation. To provide sensitivity bounds and bypass the drawbacks of the clipping process, we propose to rely on Lipschitz constrained networks. Our theoretical analysis reveals an unexplored link between the Lipschitz constant with respect to their input and the one with respect to their parameters. By bounding the Lipschitz constant of each layer with respect to its parameters, we prove that we can train these networks with privacy guarantees. Our analysis not only allows the computation of the aforementioned sensitivities at scale, but also provides guidance on how to maximize the gradient-to-noise ratio for fixed privacy guarantees. To facilitate the application of Lipschitz networks and foster robust and certifiable learning under privacy guarantees, we provide a Python package that implements building blocks allowing the construction and private training of such networks.
DP-SGD Without Clipping: The Lipschitz Neural Network Way
[ "Louis Béthune", "Thomas Massena", "Thibaut Boissin", "Aurélien Bellet", "Franck Mamalet", "Yannick Prudent", "Corentin Friedrich", "Mathieu Serrurier", "David Vigouroux" ]
A central objective in computer vision is to design models with appropriate 2-D inductive bias. Desiderata for 2-D inductive bias include two-dimensional position awareness, dynamic spatial locality, and translation and permutation invariance. To address these goals, we leverage an expressive variation of the multidimensional State Space Model (SSM). Our approach introduces efficient parameterization,accelerated computation, and a suitable normalization scheme. Empirically, we observe that incorporating our layer at the beginning of each transformer block of Vision Transformers (ViT) significantly enhances performance for multiple ViT backbones and across datasets. The new layer is effective even with a negligible amount of additional parameters and inference time. Ablation studies and visualizations demonstrate that the layer has a strong 2-D inductive bias. For example, vision transformers equipped with our layer exhibit effective performance evenwithout positional encoding. Our code is attached as supplementary.
A 2-Dimensional State Space Layer for Spatial Inductive Bias
[ "Ethan Baron", "Itamar Zimerman", "Lior Wolf" ]
The fast growing capabilities of large-scale deep learning models, such as Bert, GPT and ViT, are revolutionizing the landscape of NLP, CV and many other domains. Training such models, however, poses an unprecedented demand for computing power, which incurs exponentially increasing energy cost and carbon dioxide emissions. It is thus critical to develop efficient training solutions to reduce the training costs. Motivated by a set of key observations of inter- and intra-layer similarities among feature maps and attentions that can be identified from typical training processes, we propose a multi-level framework for training acceleration. Specifically, the framework is based on three basic operators, Coalescing, De-coalescing and Interpolation, which can be orchestrated to build a multi-level training framework. The framework consists of a V-cycle training process, which progressively down- and up-scales the model size and projects the parameters between adjacent levels of models via coalescing and de-coalescing. The key idea is that a smaller model that can be trained for fast convergence and the trained parameters provides high-qualities intermediate solutions for the next level larger network. The interpolation operator is designed to break the symmetry of neurons incurred by de-coalescing for better convergence performance. Our experiments on transformer-based language models (e.g. Bert, GPT) as well as a vision model (e.g. DeiT) prove that the proposed framework reduces the computational cost by about 20% on training BERT/GPT-Base models and up to 51.6% on training the BERT-Large model while preserving the performance.
A Multi-Level Framework for Accelerating Training Transformer Models
[ "Longwei Zou", "Han Zhang", "Yangdong Deng" ]
Retrieval-augmented language models (RALMs) improve performance by accessing long-tail and up-to-date knowledge from external data stores, but are challenging to build. Existing approaches require either expensive retrieval-specific modifications to LM pre-training or use post-hoc integration of the data store that leads to suboptimal performance. We introduce Retrieval-Augmented Dual Instruction Tuning (RA-DIT), a lightweight fine-tuning methodology that provides a third option by retrofitting any LLM with retrieval capabilities. Our approach operates in two distinct fine-tuning steps: (1) one updates a pre-trained LM to better use retrieved information, while (2) the other updates the retriever to return more relevant results, as preferred by the LM. By fine-tuning over tasks that require both knowledge utilization and contextual awareness, we demonstrate that each stage yields significant performance improvements, and using both leads to additional gains. Our best model, RA-DIT 65B, achieves state-of-the-art performance across a range of knowledge-intensive zero- and few-shot learning benchmarks, significantly outperforming existing in-context RALM approaches by up to +8.9% in 0-shot setting and +1.4% in 5-shot setting on average.
RA-DIT: Retrieval-Augmented Dual Instruction Tuning
[ "Xi Victoria Lin", "Xilun Chen", "Mingda Chen", "Weijia Shi", "Maria Lomeli", "Richard James", "Pedro Rodriguez", "Jacob Kahn", "Gergely Szilvasy", "Mike Lewis", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Wen-tau Yih" ]
The current state-of-the-art single-cell pre-trained models are greatly inspired by the success of large language models. They trained transformers by treating genes as tokens and cells as sentences. However, three fundamental differences between single-cell data and natural language data are overlooked: (1) scRNA-seq data are presented as bag-of-genes instead of sequences of RNAs; (2) Cell-cell relations are more intricate and important than inter-sentence relations; and (3) The quantity of single-cell data is considerably inferior to text data, and they are very noisy. In light of these characteristics, we propose a new pre-trained model, CellPLM, which takes cells as tokens and tissues as sentences. In addition, we leverage spatially-resolved transcriptomic data in pre-training to facilitate learning cell-cell relationships and introduce a Gaussian prior distribution as an additional inductive bias to overcome data limitations. CellPLM is the first single-cell pre-trained transformer that encodes cell-cell relations and it consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance across distinct downstream tasks.
CellPLM: Pre-training of Cell Language Model Beyond Single Cells
[ "Hongzhi Wen", "Wenzhuo Tang", "Xinnan Dai", "Jiayuan Ding", "Wei Jin", "Yuying Xie", "Jiliang Tang" ]
Spotlight Poster
Studying how people interact with large language models (LLMs) in real-world scenarios is increasingly important due to their widespread use in various applications.In this paper, we introduce RealChat-1M, a large-scale dataset containing one million real-world conversations with 25 state-of-the-art LLMs.This dataset is collected from 210K unique IP addresses in the wild on our chat demo website.We offer an overview of the dataset's content, including its curation process, basic statistics, and topic distribution, highlighting its diversity, originality, and scale.We demonstrate its versatility through four use cases: developing content moderation models that perform similarly to GPT-4, building a safety benchmark, training instruction-following models that perform similarly to Vicuna, and creating challenging benchmark questions.We believe that this dataset will serve as a valuable resource for understanding and advancing LLM capabilities.The dataset will be publicly available.
LMSYS-Chat-1M: A Large-Scale Real-World LLM Conversation Dataset
[ "Lianmin Zheng", "Wei-Lin Chiang", "Ying Sheng", "Tianle Li", "Siyuan Zhuang", "Zhanghao Wu", "Yonghao Zhuang", "Zhuohan Li", "Zi Lin", "Eric Xing", "Joseph E. Gonzalez", "Ion Stoica", "Hao Zhang" ]
The growing dependence on machine learning in real-world applications emphasizes the importance of understanding and ensuring its safety. Backdoor attacks pose a significant security risk due to their stealthy nature and potentially serious consequences. Such attacks involve embedding triggers within a learning model with the intention of causing malicious behavior when an active trigger is present while maintaining regular functionality without it. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of any backdoor attack incorporating a constant trigger, by establishing tight lower and upper boundaries for the performance of the compromised model on both clean and backdoor test data. The developed theory answers a series of fundamental but previously underexplored problems, including (1) what are the determining factors for a backdoor attack's success, (2) what is the direction of the most effective backdoor attack, and (3) when will a human-imperceptible trigger succeed. Our derived understanding applies to both discriminative and generative models. We also demonstrate the theory by conducting experiments using benchmark datasets and state-of-the-art backdoor attack scenarios.
Demystifying Poisoning Backdoor Attacks from a Statistical Perspective
[ "Ganghua Wang", "Xun Xian", "Ashish Kundu", "Jayanth Srinivasa", "Xuan Bi", "Mingyi Hong", "Jie Ding" ]
In few-shot recognition, a classifier that has been trained on one set of classes is required to rapidly adapt and generalize to a disjoint, novel set of classes. To that end, recent studies have shown the efficacy of fine-tuning with carefully-crafted adaptation architectures. However this raises the question of: How can one design the optimal adaptation strategy? In this paper, we study this question through the lens of neural architecture search (NAS). Given a pre-trained neural network, our algorithm discovers the optimal arrangement of adapters, which layers to keep frozen, and which to fine-tune. We demonstrate the generality of our NAS method by applying it to both residual networks and vision transformers and report state-of-the-art performance on Meta-Dataset and Meta-Album.
Neural Fine-Tuning Search for Few-Shot Learning
[ "Panagiotis Eustratiadis", "Łukasz Dudziak", "Da Li", "Timothy Hospedales" ]
The disparity in accuracy between classes in standard training is amplified during adversarial training, a phenomenon termed the robust fairness problem. Existing methodologies aimed to enhance robust fairness by sacrificing the model's performance on easier classes in order to improve its performance on harder ones. However, we observe that under adversarial attacks, the majority of the model's predictions for samples from the worst class are biased towards classes similar to the worst class, rather than towards the easy classes. Through theoretical and empirical analysis, we demonstrate that robust fairness deteriorates as the distance between classes decreases. Motivated by these insights, we introduce the Distance-Aware Fair Adversarial Training (DAFA) methodology, which addresses robust fairness by taking into account the similarities between classes. Specifically, our method assigns distinct adversarial margins and loss weights to each class and adjusts them to encourage a trade-off in robustness among similar classes. Experimental results across various datasets demonstrate that our method not only maintains average robust accuracy but also significantly improves the worst robust accuracy, indicating a marked improvement in robust fairness compared to existing methods.
DAFA: Distance-Aware Fair Adversarial Training
[ "Hyungyu Lee", "Saehyung Lee", "Hyemi Jang", "Junsung Park", "Ho Bae", "Sungroh Yoon" ]
Instruction tuning is a standard technique employed to align large language models to end tasks and user preferences after the initial pretraining phase. Recent research indicates the critical role of data engineering in instruction tuning -- when appropriately selected, only limited data is necessary to achieve superior performance. However, we still lack a principled understanding of what makes good instruction tuning data for alignment, and how we should select data automatically and effectively. In this work, we delve deeply into automatic data selection strategies for alignment. We start with controlled studies to measure data across three dimensions: complexity, quality, and diversity, along which we examine existing methods and introduce novel techniques for enhanced data measurement. Subsequently, we propose a simple strategy to select data samples based on the measurement. We present Deita (short for Data-Efficient Instruction Tuning for Alignment), a series of models fine-tuned from LLaMA models using data samples automatically selected with our proposed approach. When assessed through both automatic metrics and human evaluation, Deita performs better or on par with the state-of-the-art open-source alignment models such as Vicuna and WizardLM with only 6K training data samples -- 10x less than the data used in the baselines. We anticipate this work to provide clear guidelines and tools on automatic data selection, aiding researchers and practitioners in achieving data-efficient alignment.
What Makes Good Data for Alignment? A Comprehensive Study of Automatic Data Selection in Instruction Tuning
[ "Wei Liu", "Weihao Zeng", "Keqing He", "Yong Jiang", "Junxian He" ]
Conformal prediction is a powerful tool to generate uncertainty sets with guaranteed coverage using any predictive model, under the assumption that the training and test data are i.i.d.. Recently, it has been shown that adversarial examples are able to manipulate conformal methods to construct prediction sets with invalid coverage rates, as the i.i.d. assumption is violated. To address this issue, a recent work, Randomized Smoothed Conformal Prediction (RSCP), was first proposed to certify the robustness of conformal prediction methods to adversarial noise. However, RSCP has two major limitations: (i) its robustness guarantee is flawed when used in practice and (ii) it tends to produce large uncertainty sets. To address these limitations, we first propose a novel framework called RSCP+ to provide provable robustness guarantee in evaluation, which fixes the issues in the original RSCP method. Next, we propose two novel methods, Post-Training Transformation (PTT) and Robust Conformal Training (RCT), to effectively reduce prediction set size with little computation overhead. Experimental results in CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet suggest the baseline method only yields trivial predictions including full label set, while our methods could boost the efficiency by up to $4.36\times$, $5.46\times$, and $16.9\times$ respectively and provide practical robustness guarantee.
Provably Robust Conformal Prediction with Improved Efficiency
[ "Ge Yan", "Yaniv Romano", "Tsui-Wei Weng" ]
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Recent advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have been utilizing Visual Prompt Generators (VPGs) to convert visual features into tokens that LLMs can recognize. This is achieved by training the VPGs on millions of image-caption pairs, where the VPG-generated tokens of images are fed into a frozen LLM to generate the corresponding captions. However, this image-captioning based training objective inherently biases the VPG to concentrate solely on the primary visual contents sufficient for caption generation, often neglecting other visual details. This shortcoming results in MLLMs’ underperformance in comprehending demonstrative instructions consisting of multiple, interleaved, and multimodal instructions that demonstrate the required context to complete a task. To address this issue, we introduce a generic and lightweight Visual Prompt Generator Complete module (VPG-C), which can infer and complete the missing details essential for comprehending demonstrative instructions. Further, we propose a synthetic discriminative training strategy to fine-tune VPG-C, eliminating the need for supervised demonstrative instructions. As for evaluation, we build DEMON, a comprehensive benchmark for demonstrative instruction understanding. Synthetically trained with the proposed strategy, VPG-C achieves significantly stronger zero-shot performance across all tasks of DEMON. Further evaluation on the MME and OwlEval benchmarks also demonstrate the superiority of VPG-C. The anonymous project is available at
Fine-tuning Multimodal LLMs to Follow Zero-shot Demonstrative Instructions
[ "Juncheng Li", "Kaihang Pan", "Zhiqi Ge", "Minghe Gao", "Wei Ji", "Wenqiao Zhang", "Tat-Seng Chua", "Siliang Tang", "Hanwang Zhang", "Yueting Zhuang" ]
We present Manifold Diffusion Fields (MDF), an approach that unlocks learning of diffusion models of data in general non-euclidean geometries. Leveraging insights from spectral geometry analysis, we define an intrinsic coordinate system on the manifold via the eigen-functions of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator. MDF represents functions using an explicit parametrization formed by a set of multiple input-output pairs. Our approach allows to sample continuous functions on manifolds and is invariant with respect to rigid and isometric transformations of the manifold. In addition, we show that MDF generalizes to the case where the training set contains functions on different manifolds. Empirical results on multiple datasets and manifolds including challenging scientific problems like weather prediction or molecular conformation show that MDF can capture distributions of such functions with better diversity and fidelity than previous approaches.
Manifold Diffusion Fields
[ "Ahmed A. A. Elhag", "Yuyang Wang", "Joshua M. Susskind", "Miguel Ángel Bautista" ]
Can we better anticipate an actor’s future actions (e.g. mix eggs) by knowing what commonly happens after the current action (e.g. crack eggs)? What if the actor also shares the goal (e.g. make fried rice) with us? The long-term action anticipation (LTA) task aims to predict an actor’s future behavior from video observations in the form of verb and noun sequences, and it is crucial for human-machine interaction.We propose to formulate the LTA task from two perspectives: a bottom-up approach that predicts the next actions autoregressively by modeling temporal dynamics; and a top-down approach that infers the goal of the actor and plans the needed procedure to accomplish the goal. We hypothesize that large language models (LLMs), which have been pretrained on procedure text data (e.g. recipes, how-tos),have the potential to help LTA from both perspectives. It can help provide the prior knowledge on the possible next actions, and infer the goal given the observed part of a procedure, respectively. We propose AntGPT, which represents video observations as sequences of human actions, and uses the action representation for an LLM to infer the goals and model temporal dynamics. AntGPT achieves state-of-the-art performance on Ego4D LTA v1 and v2, EPIC-Kitchens-55, as well as EGTEA GAZE+, thanks to LLMs’ goal inference and temporal dynamics modeling capabilities. We further demonstrate that these capabilities can be effectively distilled into a compact neural network 1.3% of the original LLM model size. Code and model will be released upon acceptance.
AntGPT: Can Large Language Models Help Long-term Action Anticipation from Videos?
[ "Qi Zhao", "Shijie Wang", "Ce Zhang", "Changcheng Fu", "Minh Quan Do", "Nakul Agarwal", "Kwonjoon Lee", "Chen Sun" ]
[ "" ]
Optimization is ubiquitous. While derivative-based algorithms have been powerful tools for various problems, the absence of gradient imposes challenges on many real-world applications. In this work, we propose Optimization by PROmpting (OPRO), a simple and effective approach to leverage large language models (LLMs) as optimizers, where the optimization task is described in natural language. In each optimization step, the LLM generates new solutions from the prompt that contains previously generated solutions with their values, then the new solutions are evaluated and added to the prompt for the next optimization step. We first showcase OPRO on linear regression and traveling salesman problems, then move on to prompt optimization where the goal is to find instructions that maximize the task accuracy. With a variety of LLMs, we demonstrate that the best prompts optimized by OPRO outperform human-designed prompts by up to 8% on GSM8K, and by up to 50% on Big-Bench Hard tasks.
Large Language Models as Optimizers
[ "Chengrun Yang", "Xuezhi Wang", "Yifeng Lu", "Hanxiao Liu", "Quoc V Le", "Denny Zhou", "Xinyun Chen" ]
Gradient clipping is key mechanism that is essential to differentially private training techniques in Federated learning. Two popular strategies are per-sample clipping, which clips the mini-batch gradient, and per-update clipping, which clips each user's model update. However, there has not been a thorough theoretical analysis of these two clipping methods.In this work, we rigorously analyze the impact of these two clipping techniques on the convergence of a popular federated learning algorithm FedAvg under standard stochastic noise and gradient dissimilarity assumptions. We provide a convergence guarantee given any arbitrary clipping threshold. Specifically, we show that per-sample clipping is guaranteed to converge to the neighborhood of the stationary point, with the size dependent on the stochastic noise, gradient dissimilarity, and clipping threshold. In contrast, the convergence to the stationary point can be guaranteed with a sufficiently small stepsize in per-update clipping at the cost of more communication rounds. We further provide insights into understanding the impact of the improved convergence analysis in the differentially private setting.
An improved analysis of per-sample and per-update clipping in federated learning
[ "Bo Li", "Xiaowen Jiang", "Mikkel N. Schmidt", "Tommy Sonne Alstrøm", "Sebastian U Stich" ]
This paper explores network binarization, a radical form of quantization, compressing model weights to a single bit, specifically for Large Language Models (LLMs) compression. Due to previous binarization methods collapsing LLMs, we propose a novel approach, Partially-Binarized LLM (PB-LLM), which can achieve extreme low-bit quantization while maintaining the linguistic reasoning capacity of quantized LLMs. Specifically, our exploration first uncovers the ineffectiveness of naïve applications of existing binarization algorithms and highlights the imperative role of salient weights in achieving low-bit quantization. Thus, PB-LLM filters a small ratio of salient weights during binarization, allocating them to higher-bit storage, i.e., partially-binarization. PB-LLM is extended to recover the capacities of quantized LMMs, by analyzing from the perspective of post-training quantization (PTQ) and quantization-aware training (QAT). Under PTQ, combining the concepts from GPTQ, we reconstruct the binarized weight matrix guided by the Hessian matrix and successfully recover the reasoning capacity of PB-LLM in low-bit. Under QAT, we freeze the salient weights during training, explore the derivation of optimal scaling factors crucial for minimizing the quantization error, and propose a scaling mechanism based on this derived scaling strategy for residual binarized weights. Those explorations and the developed methodologies significantly contribute to rejuvenating the performance of low-bit quantized LLMs and present substantial advancements in the field of network binarization for LLMs.
PB-LLM: Partially Binarized Large Language Models
[ "Zhihang Yuan", "Yuzhang Shang", "Zhen Dong" ]
Spotlight Poster
Humans predominantly use verbal utterances and nonverbal gestures (e.g., eye gaze and pointing gestures) in their natural interactions. For instance, pointing gestures and verbal information is often required to comprehend questions such as "what object is that?" Thus, this question-answering (QA) task involves complex reasoning of multimodal expressions (verbal utterances and nonverbal gestures). However, prior works have explored QA tasks in non-embodied settings, where questions solely contain verbal utterances from a single verbal and visual perspective. In this paper, we have introduced 8 novel embodied question answering (EQA) tasks to develop learning models to comprehend embodied questions with multimodal expressions. We have developed a novel large-scale dataset, EQA-MX, with over 8 million diverse embodied QA data samples involving multimodal expressions from multiple visual and verbal perspectives. To learn salient multimodal representations from discrete verbal embeddings and continuous wrapping of multiview visual representations, we propose a vector-quantization (VQ) based multimodal representation learning model, VQ-Fusion, for the EQA tasks. Our extensive experimental results suggest that VQ-Fusion can improve the performance of existing state-of-the-art visual-language models up to 13% across EQA tasks.
EQA-MX: Embodied Question Answering using Multimodal Expression
[ "Md Mofijul Islam", "Alexi Gladstone", "Riashat Islam", "Tariq Iqbal" ]
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Chatbots such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT are now serving millions of users. Despite their widespread use, there remains a lack of public datasets showcasing how these tools are used by a population of users in practice. To bridge this gap, we offered free access to ChatGPT for online users in exchange for their affirmative, consensual, opt-in for anonymous collection of their chat transcripts. From this, we compiled (InThe)WildChat, a corpus of 570K user-ChatGPT conversations, which consists of over 1.5 million interaction turns. We compare WildChat with other popular user-chatbot interaction datasets, and find that our dataset offers the most diverse user prompts, contains the largest number of languages, and presents the richest variety of potentially toxic use-cases for researchers to study. In particular, in WildChat we find that a majority of the potentially unsafe use is produced by users attempting to “jailbreak” the model using prompts posted on online platforms; these are successful more than 70% of the time for ChatGPT. Finally, because it captures a broad range of use cases, we demonstrate the dataset’s potential utility in fine-tuning state-of-the-art instruction following models. WildLlama, a chatbot fine-tuned on WildChat, outperforms the latest Vicuna model of the same size on MT-Bench, which shows that WildChat has a high utility in addition to being a source for toxicity study. We will release WildChat and WildLlama with a license that emphasizes on accountability, collaboration, and transparency. The clean portion of WildChat will be publicly available, and the portion that contains potentially unsafe content will be made available upon request with a justification for AI safety research.
(InThe)WildChat: 570K ChatGPT Interaction Logs In The Wild
[ "Wenting Zhao", "Xiang Ren", "Jack Hessel", "Claire Cardie", "Yejin Choi", "Yuntian Deng" ]
We study the sparse phase retrieval problem, which aims to recover a sparse signal from a limited number of phaseless measurements. Existing algorithms for sparse phase retrieval primarily rely on first-order methods with linear convergence rate. In this paper, we propose an efficient second-order algorithm based on Newton projection, which maintains the same per-iteration computational complexity as popular first-order methods. The proposed algorithm is theoretically guaranteed to converge to the ground truth (up to a global sign) at a quadratic convergence rate after at most $\mathcal{O}\big(\log (\Vert\boldsymbol{x}^{\natural} \Vert /x_{\min}^{\natural})\big)$ iterations, provided a sample complexity of $\mathcal{O}(s^2\log n)$, where $\boldsymbol{x}^{\natural} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ represents an $s$-sparse ground truth signal. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of achieving a significantly faster convergence rate.
A Fast and Provable Algorithm for Sparse Phase Retrieval
[ "Jian-Feng CAI", "Yu Long", "Ruixue WEN", "Jiaxi Ying" ]
Spotlight Poster
We propose a novel framework for incorporating unlabeled data into semi-supervised classification problems, where scenarios involving the minimization of either i) adversarially robust or ii) non-robust loss functions have been considered. Notably, we allow the unlabeled samples to deviate slightly (in total variation sense) from the in-domain distribution. The core idea behind our framework is to combine Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) with self-supervised training. As a result, we also leverage efficient polynomial-time algorithms for the training stage. From a theoretical standpoint, we apply our framework on the classification problem of a mixture of two Gaussians in $\mathbb{R}^d$, where in addition to the $m$ independent and labeled samples from the true distribution, a set of $n$ (usually with $n\gg m$) out of domain and unlabeled samples are gievn as well. Using only the labeled data, it is known that the generalization error can be bounded by $\propto\left(d/m\right)^{1/2}$. However, using our method on both isotropic and non-isotropic Gaussian mixture models, one can derive a new set of analytically explicit and non-asymptotic bounds which show substantial improvement on the generalization error compared ERM. Our results underscore two significant insights: 1) out-of-domain samples, even when unlabeled, can be harnessed to narrow the generalization gap, provided that the true data distribution adheres to a form of the "cluster assumption", and 2) the semi-supervised learning paradigm can be regarded as a special case of our framework when there are no distributional shifts. We validate our claims through experiments conducted on a variety of synthetic and real-world datasets.
Out-Of-Domain Unlabeled Data Improves Generalization
[ "seyed amir hossein saberi", "Amir Najafi", "Alireza Heidari", "Mohammad Hosein Movasaghinia", "Abolfazl Motahari", "Babak Khalaj" ]
Large language models (LLMs) have shown the ability to produce fluent and cogent content, presenting both productivity opportunities and societal risks. To build trustworthy AI systems, it is imperative to distinguish between machine-generated and human-authored content. The leading zero-shot detector, DetectGPT, showcases commendable performance but is marred by its intensive computational costs. In this paper, we introduce the concept of **conditional probability curvature** to elucidate discrepancies in word choices between LLMs and humans within a given context. Utilizing this curvature as a foundational metric, we present **Fast-DetectGPT**, an optimized zero-shot detector, which substitutes DetectGPT's perturbation step with a more efficient sampling step. Our evaluations on various datasets, source models, and test conditions indicate that Fast-DetectGPT not only surpasses DetectGPT by a relative around 75\% in both the white-box and black-box settings but also accelerates the detection process by a factor of 340, as detailed in Table 1.
Fast-DetectGPT: Efficient Zero-Shot Detection of Machine-Generated Text via Conditional Probability Curvature
[ "Guangsheng Bao", "Yanbin Zhao", "Zhiyang Teng", "Linyi Yang", "Yue Zhang" ]
Dropout is a widely utilized regularization technique in the training of neural networks, nevertheless, its underlying mechanism and impact on achieving good generalization abilities remain to be further understood. In this work, we start by undertaking a rigorous theoretical derivation of the stochastic modified equations, with the primary aim of providing an effective approximation for the discrete iterative process of dropout. Meanwhile, we experimentally verify SDE's ability to approximate dropout under a wider range of settings. Subsequently, we empirically delve into the intricate mechanisms by which dropout facilitates the identification of flatter minima. This exploration is conducted through intuitive approximations, exploiting the structural analogies inherent in the Hessian of loss landscape and the covariance of dropout. Our empirical findings substantiate the ubiquitous presence of the Hessian-variance alignment relation throughout the training process of dropout.
Stochastic Modified Equations and Dynamics of Dropout Algorithm
[ "Zhongwang Zhang", "Yuqing Li", "Tao Luo", "Zhi-Qin John Xu" ]
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Following the impressive development of LLMs, vision-language alignment in LLMs is actively being researched to enable multimodal reasoning and visual input/output. This direction of research is particularly relevant to medical imaging because accurate medical image analysis and generation consist of a combination of reasoning based on visual features and prior knowledge. Many recent works have focused on training adapter networks that serve as an information bridge between image processing (encoding or generating) networks and LLMs; but presumably, in order to achieve maximum reasoning potential of LLMs on visual information as well, visual and language features should be allowed to interact more freely. This is especially important in the medical domain because understanding and generating medical images such as chest X-rays (CXR) require not only accurate visual and language-based reasoning but also a more intimate mapping between the two modalities. Thus, taking inspiration from previous work on the transformer and VQ-GAN combination for bidirectional image and text generation, we build upon this approach and develop a method for instruction-tuning an LLM pre-trained only on text to gain vision-language capabilities for medical images. Specifically, we leverage a pretrained LLM’s existing question-answering and instruction-following abilities to teach it to understand visual inputs by instructing it to answer questions about image inputs and, symmetrically, output both text and image responses appropriate to a given query by tuning the LLM with diverse tasks that encompass image-based text-generation and text-based image-generation. We show that our LLM-CXR trained in this approach shows better image-text alignment in both CXR understanding and generation tasks while being smaller in size compared to previously developed models that perform a narrower range of tasks.
LLM-CXR: Instruction-Finetuned LLM for CXR Image Understanding and Generation
[ "Suhyeon Lee", "Won Jun Kim", "Jinho Chang", "Jong Chul Ye" ]
In many machine learning systems that jointly learn from multiple modalities, a core research question is to understand the nature of multimodal interactions: how modalities combine to provide new task-relevant information that was not present in either alone. We study this challenge of interaction quantification in a semi-supervised setting with only labeled unimodal data and naturally co-occurring multimodal data (e.g., unlabeled images and captions, video and corresponding audio) but when labeling them is time-consuming. Using a precise information-theoretic definition of interactions, our key contribution is the derivation of lower and upper bounds to quantify the amount of multimodal interactions in this semi-supervised setting. We propose two lower bounds: one based on the shared information between modalities and the other based on disagreement between separately trained unimodal classifiers, and derive an upper bound through connections to approximate algorithms for min-entropy couplings. We validate these estimated bounds and show how they accurately track true interactions. Finally, we show how these theoretical results can be used to estimate multimodal model performance, guide data collection, and select appropriate multimodal models for various tasks.
Multimodal Learning Without Labeled Multimodal Data: Guarantees and Applications
[ "Paul Pu Liang", "Chun Kai Ling", "Yun Cheng", "Alexander Obolenskiy", "Yudong Liu", "Rohan Pandey", "Alex Wilf", "Louis-Philippe Morency", "Russ Salakhutdinov" ]
Diffusion models, as a kind of powerful generative model, have given impressive results on image super-resolution (SR) tasks. However, due to the randomness introduced in the reverse process of diffusion models, the performances of diffusion-based SR models are fluctuating at every time of sampling, especially for samplers with few resampled steps. This inherent randomness of diffusion models results in ineffectiveness and instability, making it challenging for users to guarantee the quality of SR results. However, our work takes this randomness as an opportunity: fully analyzing and leveraging it leads to the construction of an effective plug-and-play sampling method that owns the potential to benefit a series of diffusion-based SR methods. More in detail, we propose to steadily sample high-quality SR images from pre-trained diffusion-based SR models by solving diffusion ordinary differential equations (diffusion ODEs) with optimal boundary conditions (BCs) and analyze the characteristics between the choices of BCs and their corresponding SR results. Our analysis shows the route to obtain an approximately optimal BC via an efficient exploration in the whole space. The quality of SR results sampled by the proposed method with fewer steps outperforms the quality of results sampled by current methods with randomness from the same pre-trained diffusion-based SR model, which means that our sampling method ''boosts'' current diffusion-based SR models without any additional training.
Solving Diffusion ODEs with Optimal Boundary Conditions for Better Image Super-Resolution
[ "Yiyang Ma", "Huan Yang", "Wenhan Yang", "Jianlong Fu", "Jiaying Liu" ]
We study the ability of state-of-the art models to answer constraint satisfaction queries for information retrieval (e.g., “a list of ice cream shops in San Diego”). In the past, such queries were considered as tasks that could only be solved via web-search or knowledge bases. More recently, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated initial emergent abilities in this task. However, many current retrieval benchmarks are either saturated or do not measure constraint satisfaction. Motivated by rising concerns around factual incorrectness and hallucinations of LLMs, we present KITAB, a new dataset for measuring constraint satisfaction abilities of language models. KITAB consists of book-related data across more than 600 authors and 13,000 queries, and also offers an associated dynamic data collection and constraint verification approach for acquiring similar test data for other authors. Our extended experiments on GPT4 and GPT3.5 characterize and decouple common failure modes across dimensions such as information popularity, constraint types, and context availability. Results show that in the absence of context, models exhibit severe limitations as measured by irrelevant information, factual errors, and incompleteness, many of which exacerbate as information popularity decreases. While context availability mitigates irrelevant information, it is not helpful for satisfying constraints, identifying fundamental barriers to constraint satisfaction. We open source our contributions to foster further research on improving constraint satisfaction abilities of future models.
KITAB: Evaluating LLMs on Constraint Satisfaction for Information Retrieval
[ "Marah I Abdin", "Suriya Gunasekar", "Varun Chandrasekaran", "Jerry Li", "Mert Yuksekgonul", "Rahee Ghosh Peshawaria", "Ranjita Naik", "Besmira Nushi" ]
Neural networks trained by gradient descent (GD) have exhibited a number of surprising generalization behaviors. First, they can achieve a perfect fit to noisy training data and still generalize near-optimally, showing that overfitting can sometimes be benign. Second, they can undergo a period of classical, harmful overfitting---achieving a perfect fit to training data with near-random performance on test data---before transitioning (''grokking'') to near-optimal generalization later in training. In this work, we show that both of these phenomena provably occur in two-layer ReLU networks trained by GD on XOR cluster data where a constant fraction of the training labels are flipped. In this setting, we show that after the first step of GD, the network achieves 100\% training accuracy, perfectly fitting the noisy labels in the training data, but achieves near-random test accuracy. At a later training step, the network achieves near-optimal test accuracy while still fitting the random labels in the training data, exhibiting a ''grokking'' phenomenon. This provides the first theoretical result of benign overfitting in neural network classification when the data distribution is not linearly separable. Our proofs rely on analyzing the feature learning process under GD, which reveals that the network implements a non-generalizable linear classifier after one step and gradually learns generalizable features in later steps.
Benign Overfitting and Grokking in ReLU Networks for XOR Cluster Data
[ "Zhiwei Xu", "Yutong Wang", "Spencer Frei", "Gal Vardi", "Wei Hu" ]
We present a novel unified bilevel optimization-based framework, \textsf{PARL}, formulated to address the recently highlighted critical issue of policy alignment in reinforcement learning using utility or preference-based feedback. We identify a major gap within current algorithmic designs for solving policy alignment due to a lack of precise characterization of the dependence of the alignment objective on the data generated by policy trajectories. This shortfall contributes to the sub-optimal performance observed in contemporary algorithms.Our framework addressed these concerns by explicitly parameterizing the distribution of the upper alignment objective (reward design) by the lower optimal variable (optimal policy for the designed reward). Interestingly, from an optimization perspective, our formulation leads to a new class of stochastic bilevel problems where the stochasticity at the upper objective depends upon the lower-level variable. To demonstrate the efficacy of our formulation in resolving alignment issues in RL, we devised an algorithm named \textsf{A-PARL} to solve PARL problem, establishing sample complexity bounds of order $\mathcal{O}(1/T)$. Our empirical results substantiate that the proposed \textsf{PARL} can address the alignment concerns in RL by showing significant improvements (up to 63\% in terms of required samples) for policy alignment in large-scale environments of the Deepmind control suite and Meta world tasks.
PARL: A Unified Framework for Policy Alignment in Reinforcement Learning
[ "Souradip Chakraborty", "Amrit Bedi", "Alec Koppel", "Huazheng Wang", "Dinesh Manocha", "Mengdi Wang", "Furong Huang" ]
Randomized Smoothing (RS) has been proven a promising method for endowing an arbitrary image classifier with certified robustness. However, the substantial uncertainty inherent in the high-dimensional isotropic Gaussian noise imposes the curse of dimensionality on RS. Specifically, the upper bound of ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius provided by RS exhibits a diminishing trend with the expansion of the input dimension $d$, proportionally decreasing at a rate of $1/\sqrt{d}$. This paper explores the feasibility of providing ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness for high-dimensional input through the utilization of dual smoothing in the lower-dimensional space. The proposed Dual Randomized Smoothing (DRS) down-samples the input image into two sub-images and smooths the two sub-images in lower dimensions. Theoretically, we prove that DRS guarantees a tight ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius for the original input and reveal that DRS attains a superior upper bound on the ${\ell_2}$ robustness radius, which decreases proportionally at a rate of $(1/\sqrt m + 1/\sqrt n )$ with $m+n=d$. Extensive experiments demonstrate the generalizability and effectiveness of DRS, which exhibits a notable capability to integrate with established methodologies, yielding substantial improvements in both accuracy and ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness baselines of RS on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets.
Mitigating the Curse of Dimensionality for Certified Robustness via Dual Randomized Smoothing
[ "Song Xia", "Yi Yu", "Xudong Jiang", "Henghui Ding" ]
Real-life applications of deep neural networks are hindered by their unsteady predictions when faced with noisy inputs and adversarial attacks. The certified radius is in this context a crucial indicator of the robustness of models. However how to design an efficient classifier with a sufficient certified radius? Randomized smoothing provides a promising framework by relying on noise injection in inputs to obtain a smoothed and more robust classifier. In this paper, we first show that the variance introduced by randomized smoothing closely interacts with two other important properties of the classifier, i.e. its Lipschitz constant and margin. More precisely, our work emphasizes the dual impact of the Lipschitz constant of the base classifier, on both the smoothed classifier and the empirical variance. Moreover, to increase the certified robust radius, we introduce a different simplex projection technique for the base classifier to leverage the variance-margin trade-off thanks to Bernstein's concentration inequality, along with an enhanced Lipschitz bound. Experimental results show a significant improvement in certified accuracy compared to current state-of-the-art methods. Our novel certification procedure allows us to use pre-trained models that are used with randomized smoothing, effectively improving the current certification radius in a zero-shot manner.
The Lipschitz-Variance-Margin Tradeoff for Enhanced Randomized Smoothing
[ "Blaise Delattre", "Alexandre Araujo", "Quentin Barthélemy", "Alexandre Allauzen" ]
Open-source reinforcement learning (RL) environments have played a crucial role in driving progress in the development of AI algorithms.In modern RL research, there is a need for simulated environments that are performant, scalable, and modular to enable their utilization in a wider range of potential real-world applications.Therefore, we present Jumanji, a suite of diverse RL environments specifically designed to be fast, flexible, and scalable.Jumanji provides a suite of environments focusing on combinatorial problems frequently encountered in industry, as well as challenging general decision-making tasks.By leveraging the efficiency of JAX and hardware accelerators like GPUs and TPUs, Jumanji enables rapid iteration of research ideas and large-scale experimentation, ultimately empowering more capable agents.Unlike existing RL environment suites, Jumanji is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the initial state distribution and problem complexity to their needs.Furthermore, we provide actor-critic baselines for each environment, accompanied by preliminary findings on scaling and generalization scenarios.Jumanji aims to set a new standard for speed, adaptability, and scalability of RL environments.
Jumanji: a Diverse Suite of Scalable Reinforcement Learning Environments in JAX
[ "Clément Bonnet", "Daniel Luo", "Donal John Byrne", "Shikha Surana", "Sasha Abramowitz", "Paul Duckworth", "Vincent Coyette", "Laurence Illing Midgley", "Elshadai Tegegn", "Tristan Kalloniatis", "Omayma Mahjoub", "Matthew Macfarlane", "Andries Petrus Smit", "Nathan Grinsztajn", "Raphael Boige", "Cemlyn Neil Waters", "Mohamed Ali Ali Mimouni", "Ulrich Armel Mbou Sob", "Ruan John de Kock", "Siddarth Singh", "Daniel Furelos-Blanco", "Victor Le", "Arnu Pretorius", "Alexandre Laterre" ]
Virtual sensing techniques allow for inferring signals at new unmonitored locations by exploiting spatio-temporal measurements coming from physical sensors at different locations. However, as the sensor coverage becomes sparse due to costs or other constraints, physical proximity cannot be used to support interpolation. In this paper, we overcome this challenge by leveraging dependencies between the target variable and a set of correlated variables (covariates) that can frequently be associated with each location of interest. From this viewpoint, covariates provide partial observability, and the problem consists of inferring values for unobserved channels by exploiting observations at other locations to learn how such variables can correlate. We introduce a novel graph-based methodology to exploit such relationships and design a graph deep learning architecture, named GgNet, implementing the framework. The proposed approach relies on propagating information over a nested graph structure that is used to learn dependencies between variables as well as locations. GgNet is extensively evaluated under different virtual sensing scenarios, demonstrating higher reconstruction accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art.
Graph-based Virtual Sensing from Sparse and Partial Multivariate Observations
[ "Giovanni De Felice", "Andrea Cini", "Daniele Zambon", "Vladimir Gusev", "Cesare Alippi" ]
Double descent presents a counter-intuitive aspect within the machine learning domain, and researchers have observed its manifestation in various models and tasks. While some theoretical explanations have been proposed for this phenomenon in specific contexts, an accepted theory to account for its occurrence in deep learning remains yet to be established. In this study, we revisit the phenomenon of double descent and demonstrate that its occurrence is strongly influenced by the presence of noisy data. Through conducting a comprehensive analysis of the feature space of learned representations, we unveil that double descent arises in imperfect models trained with noisy data. We argue that double descent is a consequence of the model first learning the noisy data until interpolation and then adding implicit regularization via over-parameterization acquiring therefore capability to separate the information from the noise. We postulate that double descent should never occur in well-regularized models.
Unraveling the Enigma of Double Descent: An In-depth Analysis through the Lens of Learned Feature Space
[ "Yufei Gu", "Xiaoqing Zheng", "Tomaso Aste" ]
Classification models are ubiquitously deployed in society and necessitate high utility, fairness, and robustness performance. Current research efforts mainly focus on improving model architectures and learning algorithms on fixed datasets to achieve this goal. In contrast, in this paper, we address an orthogonal yet crucial problem: given a fixed convex learning model (or a convex surrogate for a non-convex model) and a function of interest, we assess what data benefits the model by interpreting the feature space, and then aim to improve performance as measured by this function. To this end, we propose the use of influence estimation models for interpreting the classifier's performance from the perspective of the data feature space. Additionally, we propose data selection approaches based on influence that enhance model utility, fairness, and robustness. Through extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets, we validate and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches not only for conventional classification scenarios, but also under more challenging scenarios such as distribution shifts, fairness poisoning attacks, utility evasion attacks, online learning, and active learning.
"What Data Benefits My Classifier?" Enhancing Model Performance and Interpretability through Influence-Based Data Selection
[ "Anshuman Chhabra", "Peizhao Li", "Prasant Mohapatra", "Hongfu Liu" ]
Spotlight Poster
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Real-world Super-Resolution (Real-SR) methods focus on dealing with diverse real-world images and have attracted increasing attention in recent years. The key idea is to use a complex and high-order degradation model to mimic real-world degradations. Although they have achieved impressive results in various scenarios, they are faced with the obstacle of evaluation. Currently, these methods are only assessed by their average performance on a small set of degradation cases randomly selected from a large space, which fails to provide a comprehensive understanding of their overall performance and often yields biased results.To overcome the limitation in evaluation, we propose SEAL, a framework for systematic evaluation of real-SR. In particular, we cluster the extensive degradation space to create a set of representative degradation cases, which serves as a comprehensive test set. Next, we propose a coarse-to-fine evaluation protocol to measure the distributed and relative performance of real-SR methods on the test set. The protocol incorporates two new metrics: acceptance rate (AR) and relative performance ratio (RPR), derived from acceptance and excellence lines. Under SEAL, we benchmark existing real-SR methods, obtain new observations and insights into their performance, and develop a new strong baseline. We consider SEAL as the first step towards creating an unbiased and comprehensive real-SR evaluation platform, which can promote the development of real-SR.
SEAL: A Framework for Systematic Evaluation of Real-World Super-Resolution
[ "Wenlong Zhang", "Xiaohui Li", "Xiangyu Chen", "Xiaoyun Zhang", "Yu Qiao", "Xiao-Ming Wu", "Chao Dong" ]
Spotlight Poster
Spiking neural networks (SNNs), attributed to the binary, event-driven nature of spikes, possess heightened biological plausibility and enhanced energy efficiency on neuromorphic hardware compared to analog neural networks (ANNs). Mainstream SNN training schemes apply backpropagation-through-time (BPTT) with surrogate gradients to replace the non-differentiable spike emitting process during backpropagation. While achieving competitive performance, the requirement for storing intermediate information at all time-steps incurs higher memory consumption and fails to fulfill the online property crucial to biological brains. Our work focuses on online training techniques, aiming for memory efficiency while preserving biological plausibility. The limitation of not having access to future information in early time steps in online training has constrained previous efforts to incorporate advantageous modules such as batch normalization. To address this problem, we propose Online Spiking Renormalization (OSR) to ensure consistent parameters between testing and training, and Online Threshold Stabilizer (OTS) to stabilize neuron firing rates across time steps. Furthermore, we design a novel online approach to compute the variable mean and variance over time for OSR. Experiments conducted on various datasets demonstrate the proposed method's superior performance among SNN online training algorithms.
Online Stabilization of Spiking Neural Networks
[ "Yaoyu Zhu", "Jianhao Ding", "Tiejun Huang", "Xiaodong Xie", "Zhaofei Yu" ]
Heavy-ball momentum with decaying learning rates is widely used with SGD for optimizing deep learning models. In contrast to its empirical popularity, the understanding of its theoretical property is still quite limited, especially under the standard anisotropic gradient noise condition for quadratic regression problems. Although it is widely conjectured that heavy-ball momentum method can provide accelerated convergence and should work well in large batch settings, there is no rigorous theoretical analysis. In this paper, we fill this theoretical gap by establishing a non-asymptotic convergence bound for stochastic heavy-ball methods with step decay scheduler on quadratic objectives, under the anisotropic gradient noise condition. As a direct implication, we show that heavy-ball momentum can provide $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{\kappa})$ accelerated convergence of the bias term of SGD while still achieving near-optimal convergence rate with respect to the stochastic variance term. The combined effect implies an overall convergence rate within log factors from the statistical minimax rate. This means SGD with heavy-ball momentum is useful in the large-batch settings such as distributed machine learning or federated learning, where a smaller number of iterations can significantly reduce the number of communication rounds, leading to acceleration in practice.
Accelerated Convergence of Stochastic Heavy Ball Method under Anisotropic Gradient Noise
[ "Rui Pan", "Yuxing Liu", "Xiaoyu Wang", "Tong Zhang" ]