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The learning-based video compression method has made significant progress in recent years, exhibiting promising compression performance compared with traditional video codecs. However, prior works have primarily focused on advanced compression architectures while neglecting the rate control technique. Rate control can precisely control the coding bitrate with optimal compression performance, which is a critical technique in practical deployment. To address this issue, we present a fully neural network-based rate control system for learned video compression methods. Our system accurately encodes videos at a given bitrate while enhancing the rate-distortion performance. Specifically, we first design a rate allocation model to assign optimal bitrates to each frame based on their varying spatial and temporal characteristics. Then, we propose a deep learning-based rate implementation network to perform the rate-parameter mapping, precisely predicting coding parameters for a given rate. Our proposed rate control system can be easily integrated into existing learning-based video compression methods. The extensive experimental results show that the proposed method achieves accurate rate control on several baseline methods while also improving overall rate-distortion performance.
Neural Rate Control for Learned Video Compression
[ "Yiwei Zhang", "Guo Lu", "Yunuo Chen", "Shen Wang", "Yibo Shi", "Jing Wang", "Li Song" ]
Knowledge graph (KG) reasoning refers to the task of deducing new facts from the existing facts in KG, which has been applied in many fields. Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with tail entity scoring achieve the state-of-the-art performance on KG reasoning. However, the theoretical understandings for these GNNs are either lacking or focusing on single-relational graphs, leaving what the kind of rule structures these GNNs can learn an open problem. We propose to fill the above gap in this paper. Specifically, GNNs with tail entity scoring are unified into a common framework. Then, we analyze their expressivity by formally describing the rule structures they can learn and theoretically demonstrating their superiority. These results further inspire us to propose a novel labeling strategy to learn more rule structures in KG reasoning. Experimental results are consistent with our theoretical findings and verify the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Understanding Expressivity of GNN in Rule Learning
[ "Haiquan Qiu", "Yongqi Zhang", "Yong Li", "quanming yao" ]
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Memorization with neural networks is to study the expressive power of neural networks to interpolate a finite classification data set, which is closely related to the generalizability of deep learning. However, the important problem of robust memorization has not been thoroughly studied. In this paper, several basic problems about robust memorization are solved. First, we prove that it is NP-hard to compute neural networks with certain simple structures, which are robust memorization. A network hypothesis space is called optimal robust memorization for a data set if it can achieve robust memorization for any budget less than half the separation bound of the data set. Second, we explicitly construct neural networks with O(N n) parameters for optimal robust memorization of any data set with dimension n and size N . We also give a lower bound for the width of networks to achieve optimal robust memorization. Finally, we explicitly construct neural networks withO(N n log n) parameters for optimal robust memorization of any binary classification data set by controlling the Lipschitz constant of the network.
[ "Lijia Yu", "Xiao-Shan Gao", "Lijun Zhang" ]
Despite the remarkable advances in language modeling, current mainstream decoding methods still struggle to generate texts that align with human texts across different aspects. In particular, sampling-based methods produce less-repetitive texts which are often disjunctive in discourse, while search-based methods maintain topic coherence at the cost of increased repetition. Overall, these methods fall short in achieving holistic alignment across a broad range of aspects. In this work, we frame decoding from a language model as an optimization problem with the goal of strictly matching the expected performance with human texts measured by multiple metrics of desired aspects simultaneously. The resulting decoding distribution enjoys an analytical solution that scales the input language model distribution via a sequence-level energy function defined by these metrics. And most importantly, we prove that this induced distribution is guaranteed to improve the perplexity on human texts, which suggests a better approximation to the underlying distribution of human texts. To facilitate tractable sampling from this globally normalized distribution, we adopt the Sampling-Importance-Resampling technique. Experiments on various domains and model scales demonstrate the superiority of our method in metrics alignment with human texts and human evaluation over strong baselines.
Language Model Decoding as Direct Metrics Optimization
[ "Haozhe Ji", "Pei Ke", "Hongning Wang", "Minlie Huang" ]
Recent advancements in text-to-image (T2I) and vision-language-to-image (VL2I) generation have made significant strides. However, the generation from generalized vision-language inputs, especially involving multiple images, remains under-explored. This paper presents Kosmos-G, a model that leverages the advanced perception capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to tackle the aforementioned challenge. Our approach aligns the output space of MLLM with CLIP using the textual modality as an anchor and performs compositional instruction tuning on curated data. Kosmos-G demonstrates a unique capability of zero-shot multi-entity subject-driven generation. Notably, the score distillation instruction tuning requires no modifications to the image decoder. This allows for a seamless substitution of CLIP and effortless integration with a myriad of U-Net techniques ranging from fine-grained controls to personalized image decoder variants. We posit Kosmos-G as an initial attempt towards the goal of ``image as a foreign language in image generation.''
Kosmos-G: Generating Images in Context with Multimodal Large Language Models
[ "Xichen Pan", "Li Dong", "Shaohan Huang", "Zhiliang Peng", "Wenhu Chen", "Furu Wei" ]
The optimal transport problem for measures supported on non-Euclidean spaces has recently gained ample interest in diverse applications involving representation learning. In this paper, we focus on circular probability measures, i.e., probability measures supported on the unit circle, and introduce a new computationally efficient metric for these measures, denoted as Linear Circular Optimal Transport (LCOT). The proposed metric comes with an explicit linear embedding that allows one to apply Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to the embedded measures and seamlessly modify the underlying metric for the ML algorithm to LCOT. We show that the proposed metric is rooted in the Circular Optimal Transport (COT) and can be considered the linearization of the COT metric with respect to a fixed reference measure. We provide a theoretical analysis of the proposed metric and derive the computational complexities for pairwise comparison of circular probability measures. Lastly, through a set of numerical experiments, we demonstrate the benefits of LCOT in learning representations from circular measures.
LCOT: Linear Circular Optimal Transport
[ "Rocio P Diaz Martin", "Ivan Vladimir Medri", "Yikun Bai", "Xinran Liu", "Kangbai Yan", "Gustavo Rohde", "Soheil Kolouri" ]
We introduce Kosmos-2, a Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM), enabling new capabilities of perceiving object descriptions (e.g., bounding boxes) and grounding text to the visual world. Specifically, we represent text spans (i.e., referring expressions and noun phrases) as links in Markdown, i.e., [text span](bounding boxes), where object descriptions are sequences of location tokens. To train the model, we construct a large-scale dataset about grounded image-text pairs (GrIT) together with multimodal corpora. In addition to the existing capabilities of MLLMs (e.g., perceiving general modalities, following instructions, and performing in-context learning), Kosmos-2 integrates the grounding capability to downstream applications, while maintaining the conventional capabilities of MLLMs (e.g., perceiving general modalities, following instructions, and performing in-context learning). Kosmos-2 is evaluated on a wide range of tasks, including (i) multimodal grounding, such as referring expression comprehension and phrase grounding, (ii) multimodal referring, such as referring expression generation, (iii) perception-language tasks, and (iv) language understanding and generation. This study sheds a light on the big convergence of language, multimodal perception, and world modeling, which is a key step toward artificial general intelligence. Code can be found in the supplementary material.
Grounding Multimodal Large Language Models to the World
[ "Zhiliang Peng", "Wenhui Wang", "Li Dong", "Yaru Hao", "Shaohan Huang", "Shuming Ma", "Qixiang Ye", "Furu Wei" ]
Integration of Machine Learning (ML) in numerous critical applications introduces a range of privacy concerns for individuals who provide their datasets for ML training purposes. One such privacy risk is Membership Inference (MI), in which an adversary seeks to determine whether a particular data point was included in the training dataset of a model. Current state-of-the-art MI approaches capitalize on access to the model’s predicted confidence scores to successfully perform membership inference, and employ data poisoning to further enhance their effectiveness. In this work, we focus on the less explored and more realistic label-only setting, where the model provides only the predicted label as output. We show that existing label-only attacks are ineffective at inferring membership in the low False Positive Rate (FPR) regime. To address this challenge, we propose a new attack Chameleon that leverages a novel data poisoning strategy and an efficient query selection method to achieve significantly more accurate membership inference than existing label-only attacks, especially for low FPRs.
Chameleon: Increasing Label-Only Membership Leakage with Adaptive Poisoning
[ "Harsh Chaudhari", "Giorgio Severi", "Alina Oprea", "Jonathan Ullman" ]
Spotlight Poster
Designing a single model that addresses multiple tasks has been a long-standing objective in artificial intelligence. Recently, large language models have demonstrated exceptional capability in integrating and solving different tasks within the language domain. However, a unified model for various tasks on graphs remains underexplored, primarily due to the challenges unique to the graph learning domain. First, graph data from different areas carry distinct attributes and follow different distributions. Such discrepancy makes it difficult to represent graphs in a single representation space. Second, tasks on graphs diversify into node, link, and graph tasks, requiring distinct embedding strategies. Finally, an appropriate graph prompting paradigm for in-context learning is unclear. Striving to handle all the aforementioned challenges, we propose **One for All (OFA)**, the first general framework that can use a single graph model to address the above challenges. Specifically, OFA proposes text-attributed graphs to unify different graph data by describing nodes and edges with natural language and uses language models to encode the diverse and possibly cross-domain text attributes to feature vectors in the same embedding space. Furthermore, OFA introduces the concept of nodes-of-interest to standardize different tasks with a single task representation. For in-context learning on graphs, OFA introduces a novel graph prompting paradigm that appends prompting substructures to the input graph, which enables it to address varied tasks without fine-tuning. We train the OFA model using graph data from multiple domains (including citation networks, molecular graphs, knowledge graphs, etc.) simultaneously and evaluate its ability in supervised, few-shot, and zero-shot learning scenarios. OFA performs well across different tasks, making it the first general-purpose graph classification model across domains.
One For All: Towards Training One Graph Model For All Classification Tasks
[ "Hao Liu", "Jiarui Feng", "Lecheng Kong", "Ningyue Liang", "Dacheng Tao", "Yixin Chen", "Muhan Zhang" ]
Foundation models, pre-trained on a large amount of data have demonstrated impressive zero-shot capabilities in various downstream tasks. However, in object detection and instance segmentation, two fundamental computer vision tasks heavily reliant on extensive human annotations, foundation models such as SAM and DINO struggle to achieve satisfactory performance. In this study, we reveal that the devil is in the object boundary, $\textit{i.e.}$, these foundation models fail to discern boundaries between individual objects. For the first time, we probe that CLIP, which has never accessed any instance-level annotations, can provide a highly beneficial and strong instance-level boundary prior in the clustering results of its particular intermediate layer. Following this surprising observation, we propose $\textbf{\textit{Zip}}$ which $\textbf{Z}$ips up CL$\textbf{ip}$ and SAM in a novel classification-first-then-discovery pipeline, enabling annotation-free, complex-scene-capable, open-vocabulary object detection and instance segmentation. Our Zip significantly boosts SAM's mask AP on COCO dataset by 12.5\% and establishes state-of-the-art performance in various settings, including training-free, self-training, and label-efficient finetuning. Furthermore, annotation-free Zip even achieves comparable performance to the best-performing open-vocabulary object detecters using base annotations.
The Devil is in the Object Boundary: Towards Annotation-free Instance Segmentation using Foundation Models
[ "Cheng Shi", "Sibei Yang" ]
We introduce Cosmos, a framework for object-centric world modeling that is designed for compositional generalization (CG), i.e., high performance on unseen input scenes obtained through the composition of known visual "atoms." The central insight behind Cosmos is the use of a novel form of neurosymbolic grounding. Specifically, the framework introduces two new tools: (i) neurosymbolic scene encodings, which represent each entity in a scene using a real vector computed using a neural encoder, as well as a vector of composable symbols describing attributes of the entity, and (ii) a neurosymbolic attention mechanism that binds these entities to learned rules of interaction. Cosmos is end-to-end differentiable; also, unlike traditional neurosymbolic methods that require representations to be manually mapped to symbols, it computes an entity's symbolic attributes using vision-language foundation models. Through an evaluation that considers two different forms of CG on an established blocks-pushing domain, we show that the framework establishes a new state-of-the-art for CG in world modeling.
Neurosymbolic Grounding for Compositional World Models
[ "Atharva Sehgal", "Arya Grayeli", "Jennifer J. Sun", "Swarat Chaudhuri" ]
Discussion and debate among Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained considerable attention due to their potential to enhance the reasoning ability of LLMs. Although natural language is an obvious choice for communication due to LLM's language understanding capability, the token sampling step needed when generating natural language poses a potential risk of information loss, as it uses only one token to represent the model's belief across the entire vocabulary. In this paper, we introduce a communication regime named CIPHER (Communicative Inter-Model Protocol Through Embedding Representation) to address this issue. Specifically, we remove the token sampling step from LLMs and let them communicate their beliefs across the vocabulary through the expectation of the raw transformer output embeddings. Remarkably, by deviating from natural language, CIPHER offers an advantage of encoding a broader spectrum of information without any modification to the model weights, outperforming the state-of-the-art LLM debate methods using natural language by 1-3.5% across five reasoning tasks and multiple open-source LLMs of varying sizes. This showcases the superiority and robustness of embeddings as an alternative ``language" for communication among LLMs.
Let Models Speak Ciphers: Multiagent Debate through Embeddings
[ "Chau Pham", "Boyi Liu", "Yingxiang Yang", "Zhengyu Chen", "Tianyi Liu", "Jianbo Yuan", "Bryan A. Plummer", "Zhaoran Wang", "Hongxia Yang" ]
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Large language models (LLMs) hold great potential for various natural language applications but risk generating incorrect or toxic content. In order to probe when an LLM generates unwanted content, the current paradigm is to recruit human testers to create input prompts (i.e., test cases) designed to elicit unfavorable responses from LLMs. This procedure is called red teaming. However, relying solely on human testers can be both expensive and time-consuming. Recent works automate red teaming by training LLMs (i.e., red team LLMs) with reinforcement learning (RL) to maximize the chance of eliciting undesirable responses (i.e., successful test cases) from the target LLMs being evaluated. However, while effective at provoking undesired responses, current RL methods lack test case diversity as RL-based methods tend to consistently generate the same few successful test cases once found. To overcome this limitation, we introduce curiosity-driven exploration to train red team models. This approach jointly maximizes the test case effectiveness and novelty. Maximizing novelty motivates the red-team model to search for new and diverse test cases. We evaluate our method by performing red teaming against LLMs in text continuation and instruction following tasks. Our experiments show that curiosity-driven exploration achieves greater diversity in all the experiments compared to existing RL-based red team methods while maintaining effectiveness. Remarkably, curiosity-driven exploration also enhances the effectiveness when performing red teaming in instruction following test cases, generating a higher number of successful test cases. We even demonstrate that curiosity-driven exploration successfully provokes toxic responses from the LLaMA2 model that has undergone finetuning based on human preferences.
Curiosity-driven Red-teaming for Large Language Models
[ "Zhang-Wei Hong", "Idan Shenfeld", "Tsun-Hsuan Wang", "Yung-Sung Chuang", "Aldo Pareja", "James R. Glass", "Akash Srivastava", "Pulkit Agrawal" ]
[ "" ]
The conventional evaluation protocols on machine learning models rely heavily on a labeled, i.i.d-assumed testing dataset, which is not often present in real-world applications.The Automated Model Evaluation (AutoEval) shows an alternative to this traditional workflow, by forming a proximal prediction pipeline of the testing performance without the presence of ground-truth labels.Despite its recent successes, the AutoEval frameworks still suffer from an overconfidence issue, substantial storage and computational cost.In that regard, we propose a novel measure --- Meta-Distribution Energy (MDE) that allows the AutoEval framework to be both more efficient and effective.The core of the MDE is to establish a meta-distribution statistic, on the information (energy) associated with individual samples, then offer a smoother representation enabled by energy-based learning.We further provide our theoretical insights by connecting the MDE with the classification loss.We provide extensive experiments across modalities, datasets and different architectural backbones to validate MDE's validity, together with its superiority compared with prior approaches.We also prove MDE's versatility by showing its seamless integration with large-scale models, and easy adaption to learning scenarios with noisy- or imbalanced- labels.
Energy-based Automated Model Evaluation
[ "Ru Peng", "Heming Zou", "Haobo Wang", "Yawen Zeng", "Zenan Huang", "Junbo Zhao" ]
Structure prediction of large protein complexes (a.k.a., protein multimer mod-elling, PMM) can be achieved through the one-by-one assembly using provideddimer structures and predicted docking paths. However, existing PMM methodsstruggle with vast search spaces and generalization challenges: (1) The assemblyof a N -chain multimer can be depicted using graph structured data, with eachchain represented as a node and assembly actions as edges. Thus the assemblygraph can be arbitrary acyclic undirected connected graph, leading to the com-binatorial optimization space of N^(N −2) for the PMM problem. (2) Knowledgetransfer in the PMM task is non-trivial. The gradually limited data availability asthe chain number increases necessitates PMM models that can generalize acrossmultimers of various chains. To address these challenges, we propose GAPN, aGenerative Adversarial Policy Network powered by domain-specific rewards andadversarial loss through policy gradient for automatic PMM prediction. Specifi-cally, GAPN learns to efficiently search through the immense assembly space andoptimize the direct docking reward through policy gradient. Importantly, we de-sign a adversarial reward function to enhance the receptive field of our model. Inthis way, GAPN will simultaneously focus on a specific batch of multimers andthe global assembly rules learned from multimers with varying chain numbers.Empirically, we have achieved both significant accuracy (measured by RMSDand TM-Score) and efficiency improvements compared to leading complex mod-eling software. GAPN outperforms the state-of-the-art method (MoLPC) with upto 27% improvement in TM-Score, with a speed-up of 600×.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Modelling Protein Complexes
[ "Ziqi Gao", "Tao Feng", "Jiaxuan You", "Chenyi Zi", "Yan Zhou", "Chen Zhang", "Jia Li" ]
Conditional sound separation in multi-source audio mixtures without having access to single source sound data during training is a long standing challenge. Existing mix-and-separate based methods suffer from significant performance drop with multi-source training mixtures due to the lack of supervision signal for single source separation cases during training. However, in the case of language-conditional audio separation, we do have access to corresponding text descriptions for each audio mixture in our training data, which can be seen as (rough) representations of the audio samples in the language modality. That raises the curious question of how to generate supervision signal for single-source audio extraction by leveraging the fact that single-source sounding language entities can be easily extracted from the text description. To this end, in this paper, we propose a generic bi-modal separation framework which can enhance the existing unsupervised frameworks to separate single-source signals in a target modality (i.e., audio) using the easily separable corresponding signals in the conditioning modality (i.e., language), without having access to single-source samples in the target modality during training. We empirically show that this is well within reach if we have access to a pretrained joint embedding model between the two modalities (i.e., CLAP). Furthermore, we propose to incorporate our framework into two fundamental scenarios to enhance separation performance. First, we show that our proposed methodology significantly improves the performance of purely unsupervised baselines by reducing the distribution shift between training and test samples. In particular, we show that our framework can achieve 71% boost in terms of Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR) over the baseline, reaching 97.5% of the supervised learning performance. Second, we show that we can further improve the performance of the supervised learning itself by 17% if we augment it by our proposed weakly-supervised framework. Our framework achieves this by making large corpora of unsupervised data available to the supervised learning model as well as utilizing a natural, robust regularization mechanism through weak supervision from the language modality, and hence enabling a powerful semi-supervised framework for audio separation. Our code base and checkpoints will be released for further research and reproducibility.
Weakly-supervised Audio Separation via Bi-modal Semantic Similarity
[ "Tanvir Mahmud", "Saeed Amizadeh", "Kazuhito Koishida", "Diana Marculescu" ]
We propose a new bound for generalization of neural networks using Koopman operators. Whereas most of existing works focus on low-rank weight matrices, we focus on full-rank weight matrices. Our bound is tighter than existing norm-based bounds when the condition numbers of weight matrices are small. Especially, it is completely independent of the width of the network if the weight matrices are orthogonal. Our bound does not contradict to the existing bounds but is a complement to the existing bounds. As supported by several existing empirical results, low-rankness is not the only reason for generalization. Furthermore, our bound can be combined with the existing bounds to obtain a tighter bound. Our result sheds new light on understanding generalization of neural networks with full-rank weight matrices, and it provides a connection between operator-theoretic analysis and generalization of neural networks.
Koopman-based generalization bound: New aspect for full-rank weights
[ "Yuka Hashimoto", "Sho Sonoda", "Isao Ishikawa", "Atsushi Nitanda", "Taiji Suzuki" ]
It is challenging to scale time series forecasting models such that they forecast accurately for multiple distinct domains and datasets, all with potentially different underlying collection procedures (e.g., sample resolution), patterns (e.g., periodicity), and prediction requirements (e.g., reconstruction vs. forecasting). We call this general task universal forecasting. Existing methods usually assume that input data is regularly sampled, and they forecast to pre-determined horizons, resulting in failure to generalise outside of the scope of their training. We propose the DAM - a neural model that takes randomly sampled histories and outputs an adjustable basis composition as a continuous function of time for forecasting to non-fixed horizons. It involves three key components: (1) a flexible approach for using randomly sampled histories, from a long-tail distribution, that enables an efficient global perspective of the underlying temporal dynamics while retaining focus on the recent history; (2) a transformer backbone that is trained on these actively sampled histories to produce, as representational output, (3) the basis coefficients of a continuous function of time. We show that a single DAM, trained on 10 common time series datasets, either outperformed or closely matched existing SoTA models, even though those models were trained to specialise on specific dataset and horizon combinations. The DAM also performs well at imputation, transfers well to held-out datasets, is interpretable via its basis function composition and the attention mechanism it uses, can be tuned for different inference-cost requirements, is easy to deploy, is robust to missing and irregularly sampled data by design, and can forecast effectively to distant horizons without adaptation or repeated autoregressive prediction.
DAM: Towards a Foundation Model for Forecasting
[ "Luke Nicholas Darlow", "Qiwen Deng", "Ahmed Hassan", "Martin Asenov", "Rajkarn Singh", "Artjom Joosen", "Adam Barker", "Amos Storkey" ]
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Graph-level anomaly detection has gained significant attention as it finds many applications in various domains, such as cancer diagnosis and enzyme prediction. However, existing methods fail to capture the underlying properties of graph anomalies, resulting in unexplainable framework design and unsatisfying performance. In this paper, we take a step back and re-investigate the spectral differences between anomalous and normal graphs. Our main observation shows a significant disparity in the accumulated spectral energy between these two classes. Moreover, we prove that the accumulated spectral energy of the graph signal can be represented by its Rayleigh Quotient, indicating that the Rayleigh Quotient is a driving factor behind the anomalous properties of graphs. Motivated by this, we propose Rayleigh Quotient Graph Neural Network (RQGNN), the first spectral GNN for graph-level anomaly detection, providing a new perspective on exploring the inherent spectral features of anomalous graphs. Specifically, we introduce a novel framework that consists of two components: the Rayleigh Quotient learning component (RQL) and Chebyshev Wavelet GNN with RQ-pooling (CWGNN-RQ). RQL explicitly captures the Rayleigh Quotient of graphs and CWGNN-RQ implicitly explores the spectral space of graphs. Extensive experiments on 10 real-world datasets show that RQGNN outperforms the best rival by 6.74% in Macro-F1 score and 1.44% in AUC, demonstrating the effectiveness of our framework.
Rayleigh Quotient Graph Neural Networks for Graph-level Anomaly Detection
[ "Xiangyu Dong", "Xingyi Zhang", "Sibo Wang" ]
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are popular models for machine learning on graphs that typically follow the message-passing paradigm, whereby the feature of a node is updated recursively upon aggregating information over its neighbors. While exchanging messages over the input graph endows GNNs with a strong inductive bias, it can also make GNNs susceptible to \emph{over-squashing}, thereby preventing them from capturing long-range interactions in the given graph. To rectify this issue, {\em graph rewiring} techniques have been proposed as a means of improving information flow by altering the graph connectivity. In this work, we identify three desiderata for graph-rewiring: (i) reduce over-squashing, (ii) respect the locality of the graph, and (iii) preserve the sparsity of the graph. We highlight fundamental trade-offs that occur between {\em spatial} and {\em spectral} rewiring techniques; while the former often satisfy (i) and (ii) but not (iii), the latter generally satisfy (i) and (iii) at the expense of (ii). We propose a novel rewiring framework that satisfies all of (i)--(iii) through a locality-aware sequence of rewiring operations. We then discuss a specific instance of such rewiring framework and validate its effectiveness on several real-world benchmarks, showing that it either matches or significantly outperforms existing rewiring approaches.
Locality-Aware Graph Rewiring in GNNs
[ "Federico Barbero", "Ameya Velingker", "Amin Saberi", "Michael M. Bronstein", "Francesco Di Giovanni" ]
Spotlight Poster
Neural fields, mapping low-dimensional input coordinates to corresponding signals, have shown promising results in representing various signals. Numerous methodologies have been proposed, and techniques employing MLPs and grid representations have achieved substantial success. MLPs allow compact and high expressibility, yet often suffer from spectral bias and slow convergence speed. On the other hand, methods using grids are free from spectral bias and achieve fast training speed, however, at the expense of high spatial complexity. In this work, we propose a novel way for exploiting both MLPs and grid representations in neural fields. Unlike the prevalent methods that combine them sequentially (extract features from the grids first and feed them to the MLP), we inject spectral bias-free grid representations into the intermediate features in the MLP. More specifically, we suggest a Coordinate-Aware Modulation (CAM), which modulates the intermediate features using scale and shift parameters extracted from the grid representations. This can maintain the strengths of MLPs while mitigating any remaining potential biases, facilitating the rapid learning of high-frequency components. In addition, we empirically found that the feature normalizations, which have not been successful in neural filed literature, proved to be effective when applied in conjunction with the proposed CAM. Experimental results demonstrate that CAM enhances the performance of neural representation and improves learning stability across a range of signals. Especially in the novel view synthesis task, we achieved state-of-the-art performance with the least number of parameters and fast training speed for dynamic scenes and the best performance under 1MB memory for static scenes. CAM also outperforms the best-performing video compression methods using neural fields by a large margin.
Coordinate-Aware Modulation for Neural Fields
[ "Joo Chan Lee", "Daniel Rho", "Seungtae Nam", "Jong Hwan Ko", "Eunbyung Park" ]
Diffusion models, which convert noise into new data instances by learning to reverse a Markov diffusion process, have become a cornerstone in contemporary generative modeling. While their practical power has now been widely recognized, the theoretical underpinnings remain far from mature. In this work, we develop a suite of non-asymptotic theory towards understanding the data generation process of diffusion models in discrete time, assuming access to $\ell_2$-accurate estimates of the (Stein) score functions. For a popular deterministic sampler (based on the probability flow ODE), we establish a convergence rate proportional to $1/T$ (with $T$ the total number of steps), improving upon past results; for another mainstream stochastic sampler (i.e., a type of the denoising diffusion probabilistic model), we derive a convergence rate proportional to $1/\sqrt{T}$, matching the state-of-the-art theory. Imposing only minimal assumptions on the target data distribution (e.g., no smoothness assumption is imposed), our results characterize how $\ell_2$ score estimation errors affect the quality of the data generation process. In contrast to prior works, our theory is developed based on an elementary yet versatile non-asymptotic approach without resorting to toolboxes for SDEs and ODEs.
Towards Non-Asymptotic Convergence for Diffusion-Based Generative Models
[ "Gen Li", "Yuting Wei", "Yuxin Chen", "Yuejie Chi" ]
Spotlight Poster
Irregular sampling intervals and missing values in real-world time series data present challenges for conventional methods that assume consistent intervals and complete data. Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Neural ODEs) offer an alternative approach, utilizing neural networks combined with ODE solvers to learn continuous latent representations through parameterized vector fields. Neural Stochastic Differential Equations (Neural SDEs) extend Neural ODEs by incorporating a diffusion term, although this addition is not trivial, particularly when addressing irregular intervals and missing values. Consequently, careful design of drift and diffusion functions is crucial for maintaining stability and enhancing performance, while incautious choices can result in adverse properties such as the absence of strong solutions, stochastic destabilization, or unstable Euler discretizations, significantly affecting Neural SDEs' performance. In this study, we propose three stable classes of Neural SDEs: Langevin-type SDE, Linear Noise SDE, and Geometric SDE. Then, we rigorously demonstrate their robustness in maintaining excellent performance under distribution shift, while effectively preventing overfitting. To assess the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets for interpolation, forecasting, and classification tasks, and analyze the robustness of our methods with 30 public datasets under different missing rates. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method in handling real-world irregular time series data.
Stable Neural Stochastic Differential Equations in Analyzing Irregular Time Series Data
[ "YongKyung Oh", "Dongyoung Lim", "Sungil Kim" ]
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) offers a promising direction for learning policies from pre-collected datasets without requiring further interactions with the environment. However, existing methods struggle to handle out-of-distribution (OOD) extrapolation errors, especially in sparse reward or scarce data settings. In this paper, we propose a novel training algorithm called Conservative Density Estimation (CDE), which addresses this challenge by explicitly imposing constraints on the state-action occupancy stationary distribution. CDE overcomes the limitations of existing approaches, such as the stationary distribution correction method, by addressing the support mismatch issue in marginal importance sampling. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the D4RL benchmark. Notably, CDE consistently outperforms baselines in challenging tasks with sparse rewards or insufficient data, demonstrating the advantages of our approach in addressing the extrapolation error problem in offline RL.
Learning from Sparse Offline Datasets via Conservative Density Estimation
[ "Zhepeng Cen", "Zuxin Liu", "Zitong Wang", "Yihang Yao", "Henry Lam", "Ding Zhao" ]
[ "EleutherAI/llemma_7b", "EleutherAI/llemma_34b" ]
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We present Llemma, a large language model for mathematics. We continue pretraining Code Llama on the Proof-Pile-2, a mixture of scientific papers, web data containing mathematics, and mathematical code, yielding Llemma. On the MATH benchmark Llemma outperforms all known openly released models, as well as the unreleased Minerva model suite on an equi-parameter basis. Moreover, Llemma is capable of tool use and formal theorem proving without any finetuning. We openly release all artifacts, including 7 billion and 34 billion parameter models, the Proof-Pile-2, and code to replicate our experiments.
[ "EleutherAI/proof-pile-2" ]
Llemma: An Open Language Model for Mathematics
[ "Zhangir Azerbayev", "Hailey Schoelkopf", "Keiran Paster", "Marco Dos Santos", "Stephen Marcus McAleer", "Albert Q. Jiang", "Jia Deng", "Stella Biderman", "Sean Welleck" ]
Normal-form games (NFGs) are the fundamental model of *strategic interaction*. We study their representation using neural networks. We describe the inherent equivariance of NFGs --- any permutation of strategies describes an equivalent game --- as well as the challenges this poses for representation learning. We then propose the NfgTransformer architecture that leverages this equivariance, leading to state-of-the-art performance in a range of game-theoretic tasks including equilibrium-solving, deviation gain estimation and ranking, with a common approach to NFG representation. We show that the resulting model is interpretable and versatile, paving the way towards deep learning systems capable of game-theoretic reasoning when interacting with humans and with each other.
NfgTransformer: Equivariant Representation Learning for Normal-form Games
[ "Siqi Liu", "Luke Marris", "Georgios Piliouras", "Ian Gemp", "Nicolas Heess" ]
Indirect experiments provide a valuable framework for estimating treatment effects in situations where conducting randomized control trials (RCTs) is impractical or unethical. Unlike RCTs, indirect experiments estimate treatment effects by leveraging (conditional) instrumental variables, enabling estimation through encouragement and recommendation rather than strict treatment assignment. However, the sample efficiency of such estimators depends not only on the inherent variability in outcomes but also on the varying compliance levels of users with the instrumental variables and the choice of estimator being used, especially when dealing with numerous instrumental variables. While adaptive experiment design has a rich literature for \textit{direct} experiments, in this paper we take the initial steps towards enhancing sample efficiency for \textit{indirect} experiments by adaptively designing a data collection policy over instrumental variables. Our main contribution is a practical computational procedure that utilizes influence functions to search for an optimal data collection policy, minimizing the mean-squared error of the desired (non-linear) estimator. Through experiments conducted in various domains inspired by real-world applications, we showcase how our method can significantly improve the sample efficiency of indirect experiments.
Adaptive Instrument Design for Indirect Experiments
[ "Yash Chandak", "Shiv Shankar", "Vasilis Syrgkanis", "Emma Brunskill" ]
Asynchronous federated learning, which enables local clients to send their model update asynchronously to the server without waiting for others, has recently emerged for its improved efficiency and scalability over traditional synchronized federated learning. In this paper, we study how the asynchronous delay affects the convergence of asynchronous federated learning under non-i.i.d. distributed data across clients. Through the theoretical convergence analysis of one representative asynchronous federated learning algorithm under standard nonconvex stochastic settings, we show that the asynchronous delay can largely slow down the convergence, especially with high data heterogeneity. To further improve the convergence of asynchronous federated learning under heterogeneous data distributions, we propose a novel asynchronous federated learning method with a cached update calibration. Specifically, we let the server cache the latest update for each client and reuse these variables for calibrating the global update at each round. We theoretically prove the convergence acceleration for our proposed method under nonconvex stochastic settings. Extensive experiments on several vision and language tasks demonstrate our superior performances compared to other asynchronous federated learning baselines.
Tackling the Data Heterogeneity in Asynchronous Federated Learning with Cached Update Calibration
[ "Yujia Wang", "Yuanpu Cao", "Jingcheng Wu", "Ruoyu Chen", "Jinghui Chen" ]
Neural language models are probabilistic models of human text. They are predominantly trained using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which is equivalent to minimizing the forward cross-entropy between the empirical data distribution and the model distribution. However, various degeneration phenomena are still widely observed when decoding from the distributions learned by such models. We establish that the forward cross-entropy is suboptimal as a distance metric for aligning human and model distribution due to its (1) recall-prioritization (2) negative diversity ignorance and (3) train-test mismatch. In this paper, we propose Earth Mover Distance Optimization (EMO) for auto-regressive language modeling. EMO capitalizes on the inherent properties of earth mover distance to address the aforementioned challenges. Due to the high complexity of direct computation, we further introduce a feasible upper bound for EMO to ease end-to-end training. Upon extensive evaluation of language models trained using EMO and MLE. We find that EMO demonstrates a consistently better language modeling performance than MLE across domains. Moreover, EMO demonstrates noteworthy enhancements in downstream performance with minimal fine-tuning on merely 25,000 sentences. This highlights the tremendous potential of EMO as a lightweight calibration method for enhancing large-scale pre-trained language models.
[ "Siyu Ren", "Zhiyong Wu", "Kenny Q. Zhu" ]
Linear attentions have shown promise for improving Transformer efficiency, reducing attention's quadratic complexity to linear in sequence length. This holds exciting promise for (1) training linear Transformers from scratch, (2) `inetuned-conversion of task-specific Transformers into linear versions that recover task performance, and (3) pretrained-conversion of Transformers, such as language models, into linear versions readily finetunable on downstream tasks. However, linear attentions often underperform compared to standard softmax attention. To close this performance gap, we study the behaviors of softmax and linear attentions in various train-from-scratch and finetuned-conversion settings. We find prior linear attentions lack key properties of softmax attention tied to good performance: low-entropy (or spiky) weights and dot-product monotonicity. We further observe surprisingly simple feature maps that retain these properties match softmax performance, but are inefficient to compute in linear attention. We thus propose Hedgehog, a learnable linear attention that retains the spiky and monotonic properties of softmax attention while maintaining linear complexity. Hedgehog uses simple, trainable MLPs to produce attention weights mimicking softmax attention. Experiments show Hedgehog recovers over 99\% of standard Transformer performance in train-from-scratch and finetuned-conversion settings, outperforming prior linear attentions by up to 6 perplexity points on WikiText-103 when training causal GPT models from scratch, and up to 8.7 GLUE score points when converting finetuned bidirectional BERT models. Hedgehog also enables direct pretrained-conversion, achieving a new state-of-the-art WikiText-103 perplexity of 16.7 for 125M decoder-only Transformers by converting pretrained GPT-2 into a linear attention Transformer.
The Hedgehog & the Porcupine: Expressive Linear Attentions with Softmax Mimicry
[ "Michael Zhang", "Kush Bhatia", "Hermann Kumbong", "Christopher Re" ]
We introduce the concept of scalable neural network kernels (SNNKs), the replacements of regular feedforward layers (FFLs), capable of approximating the latter, but with favorable computational properties. SNNKs effectively disentangle the inputs from the parameters of the neural network in the FFL, only to connect them in the final computation via the dot-product kernel. They are also strictly more expressive, as allowing to model complicated relationships beyond the functions of the dot-products of parameter-input vectors. We also introduce the neural network bundling process that applies SNNKs to compactify deep neural network architectures, resulting in additional compression gains. In its extreme version, it leads to the fully bundled network whose optimal parameters can be expressed via explicit formulae for several loss functions (e.g. mean squared error), opening a possibility to bypass backpropagation. As a by-product of our analysis, we introduce the mechanism of the universal random features (or URFs), applied to instantiate several SNNK variants, and interesting on its own in the context of scalable kernel methods. We provide rigorous theoretical analysis of all these concepts as well as an extensive empirical evaluation, ranging from point-wise kernel estimation to Transformers' fine-tuning with novel adapter layers inspired by SNNKs. Our mechanism provides up to 5x reduction in the number of trainable parameters, while maintaining competitive accuracy.
Scalable Neural Network Kernels
[ "Arijit Sehanobish", "Krzysztof Marcin Choromanski", "YUNFAN ZHAO", "Kumar Avinava Dubey", "Valerii Likhosherstov" ]
Recently, numerous graph neural network methods have been developed to tackle domain shifts in graph data. However, these methods presuppose that unlabeled target graphs belong to categories previously seen in the source domain. This assumption could not hold true for in-the-wild target graphs. In this paper, we delve deeper to explore a more realistic problem open-set graph domain adaptation. Our objective is to not only identify target graphs from new categories but also accurately classify remaining target graphs into their respective categories under domain shift and label scarcity. To address this challenging problem, we introduce a novel method named Dual Structured Exploration with Mixup (DREAM). DREAM incorporates a graph-level representation learning branch as well as a subgraph-enhanced branch, which jointly explores graph topological structures from both global and local viewpoints. To maximize the use of unlabeled target graphs, we train these two branches simultaneously using posterior regularization to enhance their inter-module consistency. To accommodate the open-set setting, we amalgamate dissimilar samples to generate virtual unknown samples belonging to novel classes. Moreover, to alleviate domain shift, we establish a k nearest neighbor-based graph-of-graphs and blend multiple neighbors of each sample to produce cross-domain virtual samples for inter-domain consistency learning. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our proposed DREAM compared with various state-of-the-art approaches in different settings.
DREAM: Dual Structured Exploration with Mixup for Open-set Graph Domain Adaption
[ "Nan Yin", "Mengzhu Wang", "Zhenghan Chen", "Li Shen", "Huan Xiong", "Bin Gu", "Xiao Luo" ]
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Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are a promising research direction for building power-efficient information processing systems, especially for temporal tasks such as speech recognition. In SNNs, delays refer to the time needed for one spike to travel from one neuron to another. These delays matter because they influence the spike arrival times, and it is well-known that spiking neurons respond more strongly to coincident input spikes. More formally, it has been shown theoretically that plastic delays greatly increase the expressivity in SNNs. Yet, efficient algorithms to learn these delays have been lacking. Here, we propose a new discrete-time algorithm that addresses this issue in deep feedforward SNNs using backpropagation, in an offline manner. To simulate delays between consecutive layers, we use 1D convolutions across time. The kernels contain only a few non-zero weights – one per synapse – whose positions correspond to the delays. These positions are learned together with the weights using the recently proposed Dilated Convolution with Learnable Spacings (DCLS). We evaluated our method on three datasets: the Spiking Heidelberg Dataset (SHD), the Spiking Speech Commands (SSC) and its non spiking version Google Speech Commands v0.02 (GSC) benchmarks, which require detecting temporal patterns. We used feedforward SNNs with two or three hidden fully connected layers, and vanilla leaky integrate-and-fire neurons. We showed that fixed random delays help and that learning them helps even more. Furthermore, our method outperformed the state-of-the-art in the three datasets without using recurrent connections and with substantially fewer parameters. Our work demonstrates the potential of delay learning in developing accurate and precise models for temporal data processing. Our code is based on PyTorch / SpikingJelly and available at:
Learning Delays in Spiking Neural Networks using Dilated Convolutions with Learnable Spacings
[ "Ilyass Hammouamri", "Ismail Khalfaoui-Hassani", "Timothée Masquelier" ]
Realistic simulation is critical for applications ranging from robotics to animation. Traditional analytic simulators sometimes struggle to capture sufficiently realistic simulation which can lead to problems including the well known "sim-to-real" gap in robotics. Learned simulators have emerged as an alternative for better capturing real-world physical dynamics, but require access to privileged ground truth physics information such as precise object geometry or particle tracks. Here we propose a method for learning simulators directly from observations. Visual Particle Dynamics (VPD) jointly learns a latent particle-based representation of 3D scenes, a neural simulator of the latent particle dynamics, and a renderer that can produce images of the scene from arbitrary views. VPD learns end to end from posed RGB-D videos and does not require access to privileged information. Unlike existing 2D video prediction models, we show that VPD's 3D structure enables scene editing and long-term predictions. These results pave the way for downstream applications ranging from video editing to robotic planning.
Learning 3D Particle-based Simulators from RGB-D Videos
[ "William F Whitney", "Tatiana Lopez-Guevara", "Tobias Pfaff", "Yulia Rubanova", "Thomas Kipf", "Kim Stachenfeld", "Kelsey R Allen" ]
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Modern techniques for physical simulations rely on numerical schemes and mesh-refinement methods to address trade-offs between precision and complexity, but these handcrafted solutions are tedious and require high computational power. Data-driven methods based on large-scale machine learning promise high adaptivity by integrating long-range dependencies more directly and efficiently. In this work, we focus on computational fluid dynamics and address the shortcomings of a large part of the literature, which are based on fixed support for computations and predictions in the form of regular or irregular grids. We propose a novel setup to perform predictions in a continuous spatial and temporal domain while being trained on sparse observations. We formulate the task as a double observation problem and propose a solution with two interlinked dynamical systems defined on, respectively, the sparse positions and the continuous domain, which allows to forecast and interpolate a solution from the initial condition. Our practical implementation involves recurrent GNNs and a spatio-temporal attention observer capable of interpolating the solution at arbitrary locations. Our model not only generalizes to new initial conditions (as standard auto-regressive models do) but also performs evaluation at arbitrary space and time locations. We evaluate on three standard datasets in fluid dynamics and compare to strong baselines, which are outperformed in classical settings and the extended new task requiring continuous predictions.
Space and time continuous physics simulation from partial observations
[ "Steeven JANNY", "Madiha Nadri", "Julie Digne", "Christian Wolf" ]
Aligning large language models with human objectives is paramount, yet common approaches including RLHF suffer from unstable and resource-intensive training. In response to this challenge, we introduce ARGS, Alignment as Reward-Guided Search, a novel framework that integrates alignment into the decoding process, eliminating the need for expensive RL training. By adjusting the model’s probabilistic predictions using a reward signal, ARGS generates texts with semantic diversity while being aligned with human preferences, offering a promising and flexible solution for aligning language models. Notably, our method demonstrates consistent enhancements in average reward compared to baselines across diverse alignment tasks and various model dimensions. For example, under the same greedy-based decoding strategy, our method improves the average reward by 19.56% relative to the baseline and secures a preference or tie score of 64.33% in GPT-4 evaluation. We believe that our framework, emphasizing test-time alignment, paves the way for more responsive language models in the future.
ARGS: Alignment as Reward-Guided Search
[ "Maxim Khanov", "Jirayu Burapacheep", "Yixuan Li" ]
We present Habitat 3.0: a simulation platform for studying collaborative human-robot tasks in home environments. Habitat 3.0 offers contributions across three dimensions: (1) Accurate humanoid simulation: addressing challenges in modeling complex deformable bodies and diversity in appearance and motion, all while ensuring high simulation speed. (2) Human-in-the-loop infrastructure: enabling real human interaction with simulated robots via mouse/keyboard or a VR interface, facilitating evaluation of robot policies with human input. (3) Collaborative tasks: studying two collaborative tasks, Social Navigation and Social Rearrangement. Social Navigation investigates a robot's ability to locate and follow humanoid avatars in unseen environments, whereas Social Rearrangement addresses collaboration between a humanoid and robot while rearranging a scene. These contributions allow us to study end-to-end learned and heuristic baselines for human-robot collaboration in-depth, as well as evaluate them with humans in the loop. Our experiments demonstrate that learned robot policies lead to efficient task completion when collaborating with unseen humanoid agents and human partners that might exhibit behaviors that the robot has not seen before. Additionally, we observe emergent behaviors during collaborative task execution, such as the robot yielding space when obstructing a humanoid agent, thereby allowing the effective completion of the task by the humanoid agent. Furthermore, our experiments using the human-in-the-loop tool demonstrate that our automated evaluation with humanoids can provide an indication of the relative ordering of different policies when evaluated with real human collaborators. Habitat 3.0 unlocks interesting new features in simulators for Embodied AI, and we hope it paves the way for a new frontier of embodied human-AI interaction capabilities.
Habitat 3.0: A Co-Habitat for Humans, Avatars, and Robots
[ "Xavier Puig", "Eric Undersander", "Andrew Szot", "Mikael Dallaire Cote", "Tsung-Yen Yang", "Ruslan Partsey", "Ruta Desai", "Alexander Clegg", "Michal Hlavac", "So Yeon Min", "Vladimír Vondruš", "Theophile Gervet", "Vincent-Pierre Berges", "John M Turner", "Oleksandr Maksymets", "Zsolt Kira", "Mrinal Kalakrishnan", "Jitendra Malik", "Devendra Singh Chaplot", "Unnat Jain", "Dhruv Batra", "Akshara Rai", "Roozbeh Mottaghi" ]
One limitation of existing transformer-based models is that they cannot handle very long sequences as input since their self-attention operations exhibit quadratic time and space complexity. This problem becomes especially acute when transformers are deployed on hardware platforms equipped only with CPUs. To address this issue, we propose a novel method for accelerating self-attention at inference time that works with pretrained transformer models out-of-the-box without requiring retraining. We experiment using our method to accelerate various long-sequence transformers on various benchmarks and demonstrate a greater speedup compared to the baselines.
IceFormer: Accelerated Inference with Long-Sequence Transformers on CPUs
[ "Yuzhen Mao", "Martin Ester", "Ke Li" ]
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Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) are amortized sampling methods that learn a distribution over discrete objects proportional to their rewards. GFlowNets exhibit a remarkable ability to generate diverse samples, yet occasionally struggle to consistently produce samples with high rewards due to over-exploration on wide sample space. This paper proposes to train GFlowNets with local search which focuses on exploiting high rewarded sample space to resolve this issue. Our main idea is to explore the local neighborhood via destruction and reconstruction guided by backward and forward policies, respectively. This allows biasing the samples toward high-reward solutions, which is not possible for a typical GFlowNet solution generation scheme which uses the forward policy to generate the solution from scratch. Extensive experiments demonstrate a remarkable performance improvement in several biochemical tasks. Source code is available: \url{}.
Local Search GFlowNets
[ "Minsu Kim", "Taeyoung Yun", "Emmanuel Bengio", "Dinghuai Zhang", "Yoshua Bengio", "Sungsoo Ahn", "Jinkyoo Park" ]
Neural methods have shown significant merit in solving combinatorial optimization (CO) problems, including the Bin Packing Problem (BPP). However, most existing ML-based approaches focus on geometric BPP like 3DBPP, neglecting complex vector BPP. In this study, we introduce a vector BPP variant called Class-Constrained Bin Packing Problem (CCBPP), dealing with items of both classes and sizes, and the objective is to pack the items in the least amount of bins respecting the bin capacity and the number of different classes that it can hold. To enhance the efficiency and practicality of solving CCBPP, we propose a learning-based Encoder-Decoder Model. The Encoder employs a Graph Convolution Network (GCN) to generate a heat-map, representing probabilities of different items packing together. The Decoder decodes and fine-tunes the solution through Cluster Decode and Active Search methods, thereby producing high-quality solutions for CCBPP instances. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method consistently yields high-quality solutions for various kinds of CCBPP with a very small gap from the optimal. Moreover, our Encoder-Decoder Model also shows promising performance on one practical application of CCBPP, the \emph{Manufacturing Order Consolidation Problem} (OCP).
Learning to solve Class-Constrained Bin Packing Problems via Encoder-Decoder Model
[ "Hanni Cheng", "Ya Cong", "Weihao Jiang", "Shiliang Pu" ]
Sparse Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) is a neural architecture design that can be utilized to add learnable parameters to Large Language Models (LLMs) without increasing inference cost. Instruction tuning is a technique for training LLMs to follow instructions. We advocate combining these two approaches, as we find that MoE models benefit more from instruction tuning than dense models. In particular, we conduct empirical studies across three experimental setups: (i) Direct finetuning on individual downstream tasks devoid of instruction tuning; (ii) Instruction tuning followed by in-context few-shot or zero-shot generalization on downstream tasks; and (iii) Instruction tuning supplemented by further finetuning on individual downstream tasks. In the first scenario, MoE models overall underperform dense models of identical computational capacity. This narrative, however, dramatically changes with the introduction of instruction tuning (second and third scenario), used independently or in conjunction with task-specific finetuning. Our most powerful model, FLAN-MOE32B, surpasses the performance of FLAN-PALM62B on four benchmark tasks, while using only a third of the FLOPs. The advancements embodied by FLAN-MOE inspire a reevaluation of the design principles of large-scale, high-performance language models in the framework of task-agnostic learning.
Mixture-of-Experts Meets Instruction Tuning: A Winning Combination for Large Language Models
[ "Sheng Shen", "Le Hou", "Yanqi Zhou", "Nan Du", "Shayne Longpre", "Jason Wei", "Hyung Won Chung", "Barret Zoph", "William Fedus", "Xinyun Chen", "Tu Vu", "Yuexin Wu", "Wuyang Chen", "Albert Webson", "Yunxuan Li", "Vincent Y Zhao", "Hongkun Yu", "Kurt Keutzer", "Trevor Darrell", "Denny Zhou" ]
Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 have exhibited remarkable performance in a variety of tasks, but this strong performance often comes with the high expense of using paid API services. In this paper, we are motivated to study building an LLM "cascade" to save the cost of using LLMs, particularly for performing (e.g., mathematical, causal) reasoning tasks. Our cascade pipeline follows the intuition that simpler questions can be addressed by a weaker but more affordable LLM, whereas only the most challenging questions necessitate the stronger and more expensive LLM. To realize this decision-making, we consider the "answer consistency" of the weaker LLM as a signal of the question difficulty and propose several methods for answering sampling and consistency checking, including one leveraging a mixture of two thought representations (i.e., Chain-of-Thought and Program-of-Thought). Through experiments on six reasoning benchmark datasets, with GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4 being the weaker and stronger LLMs, respectively, our cascade pipeline demonstrates comparable performance but reduces about 60% of the cost compared with fully using the stronger LLM.
Large Language Model Cascades with Mixture of Thought Representations for Cost-Efficient Reasoning
[ "Murong Yue", "Jie Zhao", "Min Zhang", "Liang Du", "Ziyu Yao" ]
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Watermark algorithms for large language models (LLMs) have achieved extremely high accuracy in detecting text generated by LLMs. Such algorithms typically involve adding extra watermark logits to the LLM's logits at each generation step. However, prior algorithms face a trade-off between attack robustness and security robustness. This is because the watermark logits for a token are determined by a certain number of preceding tokens; a small number leads to low security robustness, while a large number results in insufficient attack robustness. In this work, we propose a semantic invariant watermarking method for LLMs that provides both attack robustness and security robustness. The watermark logits in our work are determined by the semantics of all preceding tokens. Specifically, we utilize another embedding LLM to generate semantic embeddings for all preceding tokens, and then these semantic embeddings are transformed into the watermark logits through our trained watermark model.Subsequent analyses and experiments demonstrated the attack robustness of our method in semantically invariant settings: synonym substitution and text paraphrasing settings. Finally, we also show that our watermark possesses adequate security robustness.
A Semantic Invariant Robust Watermark for Large Language Models
[ "Aiwei Liu", "Leyi Pan", "Xuming Hu", "Shiao Meng", "Lijie Wen" ]
Spotlight Poster
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) serve as a common yet important task format in the evaluation of large language models (LLMs). This work shows that modern LLMs are vulnerable to option position changes in MCQs due to their inherent “selection bias”, namely, they prefer to select specific option IDs as answers (like “Option A”). Through extensive empirical analyses with 20 LLMs on three benchmarks, we pinpoint that this behavioral bias primarily stems from LLMs’ token bias, where the model a priori assigns more probabilistic mass to specific option ID tokens (e.g., A/B/C/D) when predicting answers from the option IDs. To mitigate selection bias, we propose a label-free, inference-time debiasing method, called PriDe, which separates the model’s prior bias for option IDs from the overall prediction distribution. PriDe first estimates the prior by permutating option contents on a small number of test samples, and then applies the estimated prior to debias the remaining samples. We demonstrate that it achieves interpretable and transferable debiasing with high computational efficiency. We hope this work can draw broader research attention to the bias and robustness of modern LLMs.
Large Language Models Are Not Robust Multiple Choice Selectors
[ "Chujie Zheng", "Hao Zhou", "Fandong Meng", "Jie Zhou", "Minlie Huang" ]
Imitation learning with human data has demonstrated remarkable success in teaching robots in a wide range of skills. However, the inherent diversity in human behavior leads to the emergence of multi-modal data distributions, thereby presenting a formidable challenge for existing imitation learning algorithms. Quantifying a model's capacity to capture and replicate this diversity effectively is still an open problem. In this work, we introduce simulation benchmark environments and the corresponding *Datasets with Diverse human Demonstrations for Imitation Learning (D3IL)*, designed explicitly to evaluate a model's ability to learn multi-modal behavior. Our environments are designed to involve multiple sub-tasks that need to be solved, consider manipulation of multiple objects which increases the diversity of the behavior and can only be solved by policies that rely on closed loop sensory feedback. Other available datasets are missing at least one of these challenging properties.To address the challenge of diversity quantification, we introduce tractable metrics that provide valuable insights into a model's ability to acquire and reproduce diverse behaviors. These metrics offer a practical means to assess the robustness and versatility of imitation learning algorithms. Furthermore, we conduct a thorough evaluation of state-of-the-art methods on the proposed task suite. This evaluation serves as a benchmark for assessing their capability to learn diverse behaviors. Our findings shed light on the effectiveness of these methods in tackling the intricate problem of capturing and generalizing multi-modal human behaviors, offering a valuable reference for the design of future imitation learning algorithms.
Towards Diverse Behaviors: A Benchmark for Imitation Learning with Human Demonstrations
[ "Xiaogang Jia", "Denis Blessing", "Xinkai Jiang", "Moritz Reuss", "Atalay Donat", "Rudolf Lioutikov", "Gerhard Neumann" ]
We present ImplicitSLIM, a novel unsupervised learning approach for sparse high-dimensional data, with applications to collaborative filtering. Sparse linear methods (SLIM) and their variations show outstanding performance, but they are memory-intensive and hard to scale. ImplicitSLIM improves embedding-based models by extracting embeddings from SLIM-like models in a computationally cheap and memory-efficient way, without explicit learning of heavy SLIM-like models. We show that ImplicitSLIM improves performance and speeds up convergence for both state of the art and classical collaborative filtering methods.
ImplicitSLIM and How it Improves Embedding-based Collaborative Filtering
[ "Ilya Shenbin", "Sergey Nikolenko" ]
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We study online reinforcement learning in linear Markov decision processes with adversarial losses and bandit feedback. We introduce two algorithms that achieve improved regret performance compared to existing approaches. The first algorithm, although computationally inefficient, achieves a regret of $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{K})$ without relying on simulators, where $K$ is the number of episodes. This is the first rate-optimal result in the considered setting. The second algorithm is computationally efficient and achieves a regret of $\widetilde{O}(K^{\frac{3}{4}})$ . These results significantly improve over the prior state-of-the-art: a computationally inefficient algorithm by Kong et al. (2023) with $\widetilde{O}(K^{\frac{4}{5}}+1/\lambda_{\min})$ regret, and a computationally efficient algorithm by Sherman et al. (2023b) with $\widetilde{O}(K^{\frac{6}{7}})$ regret.
Towards Optimal Regret in Adversarial Linear MDPs with Bandit Feedback
[ "Haolin Liu", "Chen-Yu Wei", "Julian Zimmert" ]
We propose the first Large Reconstruction Model (LRM) that predicts the 3D model of an object from a single input image within just 5 seconds. In contrast to many previous methods that are trained on small-scale datasets such as ShapeNet in a category-specific fashion, LRM adopts a highly scalable transformer-based architecture with 500 million learnable parameters to directly predict a neural radiance field (NeRF) from the input image. We train our model in an end-to-end manner on massive multi-view data containing around 1 million objects, including both synthetic renderings from Objaverse and real captures from MVImgNet. This combination of a high-capacity model and large-scale training data empowers our model to be highly generalizable and produce high-quality 3D reconstructions from various testing inputs including real-world in-the-wild captures and images from generative models. Video demos and interactable 3D meshes can be found on this anonymous website:
LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D
[ "Yicong Hong", "Kai Zhang", "Jiuxiang Gu", "Sai Bi", "Yang Zhou", "Difan Liu", "Feng Liu", "Kalyan Sunkavalli", "Trung Bui", "Hao Tan" ]
Invariance learning methods aim to learn invariant features in the hope that they generalize under distributional shift. Although many tasks are naturally characterized by continuous domains, current invariance learning techniques generally assume categorically indexed domains. For example, auto-scaling in cloud computing often needs a CPU utilization prediction model that generalizes across different times (e.g., time of a day and date of a year), where `time' is a continuous domain index. In this paper, we start by theoretically showing that existing invariance learning methods can fail for continuous domain problems. Specifically, the naive solution of splitting continuous domains into discrete ones ignores the underlying relationship among domains, and therefore potentially leads to suboptimal performance. To address this challenge, we then propose Continuous Invariance Learning (CIL), which extracts invariant features across continuously indexed domains. CIL is a novel adversarial procedure which measures and controls the conditional independence between the labels and continuous domain indices given the extracted features. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that CIL learns features that satisfy the invariant constraint with infinite samples. Empirical results on both synthetic and real-world datasets (including data collected from production systems) show that CIL consistently outperforms strong baselines among all the tasks.
Continuous Invariance Learning
[ "LIN Yong", "Fan Zhou", "Lu Tan", "Lintao Ma", "Jianmeng Liu", "Yansu HE", "Yuan Yuan", "Yu Liu", "James Y. Zhang", "Yujiu Yang", "Hao Wang" ]
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Retrosynthesis planning is a fundamental challenge in chemistry which aims at designing multi-step reaction pathways from commercially available starting materials to a target molecule. Each step in multi-step retrosynthesis planning requires accurate prediction of possible precursor molecules given the target molecule and confidence estimates to guide heuristic search algorithms. We model single-step retrosynthesis as a distribution learning problem in a discrete state space. First, we introduce the Markov Bridge Model, a generative framework aimed to approximate the dependency between two intractable discrete distributions accessible via a finite sample of coupled data points. Our framework is based on the concept of a Markov bridge, a Markov process pinned at its endpoints. Unlike diffusion-based methods, our Markov Bridge Model does not need a tractable noise distribution as a sampling proxy and directly operates on the input product molecules as samples from the intractable prior distribution. We then address the retrosynthesis planning problem with our novel framework and introduce RetroBridge, a template-free retrosynthesis modeling approach that achieves state-of-the-art results on standard evaluation benchmarks.
RetroBridge: Modeling Retrosynthesis with Markov Bridges
[ "Ilia Igashov", "Arne Schneuing", "Marwin Segler", "Michael M. Bronstein", "Bruno Correia" ]
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We investigate a challenging task of nighttime optical flow, which suffers from weakened texture and amplified noise. These degradations weaken discriminative visual features, thus causing invalid motion feature matching. Typically, existing methods employ domain adaptation to transfer knowledge from auxiliary domain to nighttime domain in either input visual space or output motion space. However, this direct adaptation is ineffective, since there exists a large domain gap due to the intrinsic heterogeneous nature of the feature representations between auxiliary and nighttime domains. To overcome this issue, we explore a common-latent space as the intermediate bridge to reinforce the feature alignment between auxiliary and nighttime domains. In this work, we exploit two auxiliary daytime and event domains, and propose a novel common appearance-boundary adaptation framework for nighttime optical flow. In appearance adaptation, we employ the intrinsic image decomposition to embed the auxiliary daytime image and the nighttime image into a reflectance-aligned common space. We discover that motion distributions of the two reflectance maps are very similar, benefiting us to consistently transfer motion appearance knowledge from daytime to nighttime domain. In boundary adaptation, we theoretically derive the motion correlation formula between nighttime image and accumulated events within a spatiotemporal gradient-aligned common space. We figure out that the correlation of the two spatiotemporal gradient maps shares significant discrepancy, benefitting us to contrastively transfer boundary knowledge from event to nighttime domain. Moreover, appearance adaptation and boundary adaptation are complementary to each other, since they could jointly transfer global motion and local boundary knowledge to the nighttime domain. Extensive experiments have been performed to verify the superiority of the proposed method.
Exploring the Common Appearance-Boundary Adaptation for Nighttime Optical Flow
[ "Hanyu Zhou", "Yi Chang", "Haoyue Liu", "YAN WENDING", "Yuxing Duan", "Zhiwei Shi", "Luxin Yan" ]
GNNs, like other deep learning models, are data and computation hungry. There is a pressing need to scale training of GNNs on large datasets to enable their usage on low-resource environments. Graph distillation is an effort in that direction with the aim to construct a smaller synthetic training set from the original training data without significantly compromising model performance. While initial efforts are promising, this work is motivated by two key observations: (1) Existing graph distillation algorithms themselves rely on training with the full dataset, which undermines the very premise of graph distillation. (2) The distillation process is specific to the target GNN architecture and hyper-parameters and thus not robust to changes in the modeling pipeline. We circumvent these limitations by designing a distillation algorithm called MIRAGE for graph classification. MIRAGE is built on the insight that a message-passing GNN decomposes the input graph into a multiset of computation trees. Furthermore, the frequency distribution of computation trees is often skewed in nature, enabling us to condense this data into a concise distilled summary. By compressing the computation data itself, as opposed to emulating gradient flows on the original training set—a prevalent approach to date—MIRAGE transforms into an unsupervised and architecture-agnostic distillation algorithm. Extensive benchmarking on real-world datasets underscores MIRAGE’s superiority, showcasing enhanced generalization accuracy, data compression, and distillation efficiency when compared to state-of-the-art baselines.
Mirage: Model-agnostic Graph Distillation for Graph Classification
[ "Mridul Gupta", "Sahil Manchanda", "HARIPRASAD KODAMANA", "Sayan Ranu" ]
Equivariant neural networks have shown improved performance, expressiveness and sample complexity on symmetrical domains. But for some specific symmetries, representations, and choice of coordinates, the most common point-wise activations, such as ReLU, are not equivariant, hence they cannot be employed in the design of equivariant neural networks. The theorem we present in this paper describes all possibile combinations of representations, choice of coordinates and point-wise activations to obtain an equivariant layer, generalizing and strengthening existing characterizations.Notable cases of practical relevance are discussed as corollaries. Indeed, we prove that rotation-equivariant networks can only be invariant, as it happens for any network which is equivariant with respect to connected compact groups. Then, we discuss implications of our findings when applied to important instances of equivariant networks. First, we completely characterize permutation equivariant networks such as Invariant Graph Networks with point-wise nonlinearities and their geometric counterparts, highlighting a plethora of models whose expressive power and performance are still unknown. Second, we show that feature spaces of disentangled steerable convolutional neural networks are trivial representations.
A Characterization Theorem for Equivariant Networks with Point-wise Activations
[ "Marco Pacini", "Xiaowen Dong", "Bruno Lepri", "Gabriele Santin" ]
Powerful artificial intelligence systems are often used in settings where they must interact with agents that are computationally much weaker, for example when they work alongside humans or operate in complex environments where some tasks are handled by algorithms, heuristics, or other entities of varying computational power. For AI agents to successfully interact in these settings, however, achieving superhuman performance alone is not sufficient; they also need to account for suboptimal actions or idiosyncratic style from their less-skilled counterparts. We propose a formal evaluation framework for assessing the compatibility of near-optimal AI with interaction partners who may have much lower levels of skill; we use popular collaborative chess variants as model systems to study and develop AI agents that can successfully interact with lower-skill entities. Traditional chess engines designed to output near-optimal moves prove to be inadequate partners when paired with engines of various lower skill levels in this domain, as they are not designed to consider the presence of other agents. We contribute three methodologies to explicitly create skill-compatible AI agents in complex decision-making settings, and two chess game frameworks designed to foster collaboration between powerful AI agents and less-skilled partners. On these frameworks, our agents outperform state-of-the-art chess AI (based on AlphaZero) despite being weaker in conventional chess, demonstrating that skill-compatibility is a tangible trait that is qualitatively and measurably distinct from raw performance. Our evaluations further explore and clarify the mechanisms by which our agents achieve skill-compatibility.
Designing Skill-Compatible AI: Methodologies and Frameworks in Chess
[ "Karim Hamade", "Reid McIlroy-Young", "Siddhartha Sen", "Jon Kleinberg", "Ashton Anderson" ]
Image generative models have made significant progress in generating realistic and diverse images, supported by comprehensive guidance from various evaluation metrics. However, current video generative models struggle to generate evenshort video clips, with limited tools that provide insights for improvements. Current video evaluation metrics are simple adaptations of image metrics by switching the embeddings with video embedding networks, which may underestimate the unique characteristics of video. Our analysis reveals that the widely used Frechet Video Distance (FVD) has a stronger emphasis on the spatial aspect than the temporal naturalness of video and is inherently constrained by the input size of the embedding networks used, limiting it to 16 frames. Additionally, it demonstrates considerable instability and diverges from human evaluations. To address the limitations, we propose STREAM, a new video evaluation metric uniquely designed to independently evaluate spatial and temporal aspects. This feature allows comprehensive analysis and evaluation of video generative models from various perspectives, unconstrained by video length. We provide analytical and experimental evidence demonstrating that STREAM provides an effective evaluation tool for both visual and temporal quality of videos, offering insights into area of improvement for video generative models. To the best of our knowledge, STREAM is the first evaluation metric that can separately assess the temporal and spatial aspects of videos. Our code is available at
STREAM: Spatio-TempoRal Evaluation and Analysis Metric for Video Generative Models
[ "Pum Jun Kim", "Seojun Kim", "Jaejun Yoo" ]
The rapid adoption of text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models in society underscores an urgent need to address their biases. Without interventions, these biases propagate a distorted worldview and limit opportunities for minority groups. In this work, we frame fairness as a distributional alignment problem. We propose to end-to-end finetune diffusion models using a distributional alignment loss, steering specific characteristics of the generated images towards a user-defined target distribution. Empirically, our method markedly reduces gender, racial, and their intersectional biases for occupational prompts. Gender bias can be substantially mitigated even when finetuning merely five soft tokens. Acknowledging strict egalitarianism might not always be the desired outcome for fairness, we show that our method can flexibly control age to a $75\\%$ young and $25\\%$ old distribution while simultaneously debiasing gender and race. Finally, our method is scalable: it can debias multiple concepts at once, such as occupations, sports, and personal descriptors, by simply including these prompts in the finetuning data. We hope our work facilitates the advancement of social alignment for T2I generative AI. We will share code and various debiased diffusion model adaptors.
Finetuning Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Fairness
[ "Xudong Shen", "Chao Du", "Tianyu Pang", "Min Lin", "Yongkang Wong", "Mohan Kankanhalli" ]
[ "" ]
In learning an embodied agent executing daily tasks via language directives, the literature largely assumes that the agent learns all training data at the beginning. We argue that such a learning scenario is less realistic, since a robotic agent is supposed to learn the world continuously as it explores and perceives it. To take a step towards a more realistic embodied agent learning scenario, we propose two continual learning setups for embodied agents; learning new behaviors (Behavior Incremental Learning, Behavior-IL) and new environments (Environment Incremental Learning, Environment-IL) For the tasks, previous ‘data prior’ based continual learning methods maintain logits for the past tasks. However, the stored information is often insufficiently learned information and requires task boundary information, which might not always be available. Here, we propose to update them based on confidence scores without task boundary information (i.e., task-free) in a moving average fashion, named Confidence-Aware Moving Average (CAMA). In the proposed challenging Behavior-IL and Environment-IL setups, our simple CAMA outperforms prior arts in our empirical validations by noticeable margins.
Online Continual Learning for Interactive Instruction Following Agents
[ "Byeonghwi Kim", "Minhyuk Seo", "Jonghyun Choi" ]
Hierarchical vision transformers (ViTs) have two advantages over conventional ViTs. First, hierarchical ViTs achieve linear computational complexity with respect to image size by local self-attention. Second, hierarchical ViTs create hierarchical feature maps by merging image patches in deeper layers for dense prediction. However, existing pruning methods ignore the unique properties of hierarchical ViTs and use the magnitude value as the weight importance. This approach leads to two main drawbacks. First, the "local" attention weights are compared at a "global" level, which may cause some "locally" important weights to be pruned due to their relatively small magnitude "globally". The second issue with magnitude pruning is that it fails to consider the distinct weight distributions of the network, which are essential for extracting coarse to fine-grained features at various hierarchical levels. To solve the aforementioned issues, we have developed a Data-independent Module-Aware Pruning method (DIMAP) to compress hierarchical ViTs. To ensure that "local" attention weights at different hierarchical levels are compared fairly in terms of their contribution, we treat them as a **module** and examine their contribution by analyzing their information distortion. Furthermore, we introduce a novel weight metric that is solely based on weights and does not require input images, thereby eliminating the **dependence** on the patch merging process. Our method validates its usefulness and strengths on Swin Transformers of different sizes on ImageNet-1k classification. Notably, the top-5 accuracy drop is only 0.07% when we remove 52.5% FLOPs and 52.7% parameters of Swin-B. When we reduce 33.2% FLOPs and 33.2% parameters of Swin-S, we can even achieve a 0.8% higher relative top-5 accuracy than the original model.
Data-independent Module-aware Pruning for Hierarchical Vision Transformers
[ "Yang He", "Joey Tianyi Zhou" ]
Solving partial differential equations (PDEs) is a central task in scientific computing. Recently, neural network approximation of PDEs has received increasing attention due to its flexible meshless discretization and its potential for high-dimensional problems. One fundamental numerical difficulty is that random samples in the training set introduce statistical errors into the discretization of the loss functional which may become the dominant error in the final approximation, and therefore overshadow the modeling capability of the neural network. In this work, we propose a new minmax formulation to optimize simultaneously the approximate solution, given by a neural network model, and the random samples in the training set, provided by a deep generative model. The key idea is to use a deep generative model to adjust the random samples in the training set such that the residual induced by the neural network model can maintain a smooth profile in the training process. Such an idea is achieved by implicitly embedding the Wasserstein distance between the residual-induced distribution and the uniform distribution into the loss, which is then minimized together with the residual. A nearly uniform residual profile means that its variance is small for any normalized weight function such that the Monte Carlo approximation error of the loss functional is reduced significantly for a certain sample size. The adversarial adaptive sampling (AAS) approach proposed in this work is the first attempt to formulate two essential components, minimizing the residual and seeking the optimal training set, into one minmax objective functional for the neural network approximation of PDEs.
Adversarial Adaptive Sampling: Unify PINN and Optimal Transport for the Approximation of PDEs
[ "Kejun Tang", "Jiayu Zhai", "Xiaoliang Wan", "Chao Yang" ]
[ "" ]
High-throughput drug screening -- using cell imaging or gene expression measurements as readouts of drug effect -- is a critical tool in biotechnology to assess and understand the relationship between the chemical structure and biological activity of a drug. Since large-scale screens have to be divided into multiple experiments, a key difficulty is dealing with batch effects, which can introduce systematic errors and non-biological associations in the data. We propose InfoCORE, an Information maximization approach for COnfounder REmoval, to effectively deal with batch effects and obtain refined molecular representations. InfoCORE establishes a variational lower bound on the conditional mutual information of the latent representations given a batch identifier. It adaptively reweights samples to equalize their implied batch distribution. Extensive experiments on drug screening data reveal InfoCORE's superior performance in a multitude of tasks including molecular property prediction and molecule-phenotype retrieval. Additionally, we show results for how InfoCORE offers a versatile framework and resolves general distribution shifts and issues of data fairness by minimizing correlation with spurious features or removing sensitive attributes.
Removing Biases from Molecular Representations via Information Maximization
[ "Chenyu Wang", "Sharut Gupta", "Caroline Uhler", "Tommi S. Jaakkola" ]
Generative molecular design has moved from proof-of-concept to real-world applicability, as marked by the surge in very recent papers reporting experimental validation. Key challenges in explainability and sample efficiency present opportunities to enhance generative design to directly optimize expensive high-fidelity oracles and provide actionable insights to domain experts. Here, we propose Beam Enumeration to exhaustively enumerate the most probable sub-sequences from language-based molecular generative models and show that molecular substructures can be extracted. When coupled with reinforcement learning, extracted substructures become meaningful, providing a source of explainability and improving sample efficiency through self-conditioned generation. Beam Enumeration is generally applicable to any language-based molecular generative model and notably further improves the performance of the recently reported Augmented Memory algorithm, which achieved the new state-of-the-art on the Practical Molecular Optimization benchmark for sample efficiency. The combined algorithm generates more high reward molecules and faster, given a fixed oracle budget. Beam Enumeration is the first method to jointly address explainability and sample efficiency for molecular design.
Beam Enumeration: Probabilistic Explainability For Sample Efficient Self-conditioned Molecular Design
[ "Jeff Guo", "Philippe Schwaller" ]
As one of the privacy threats to machine learning models, the membership inference attack (MIA) tries to infer whether a given sample is in the original training set of a victim model by analyzing its outputs. Recent studies only use the predicted hard labels to achieve impressive membership inference accuracy. However, such label-only MIA approach requires very high query budgets to evaluate the distance of the target sample from the victim model's decision boundary. We propose YOQO, a novel label-only attack to overcome the above limitation.YOQO aims at identifying a special area (called improvement area) around the target sample and crafting a query sample, whose hard label from the victim model can reliably reflect the target sample's membership. YOQO can successfully reduce the query budget from more than 1,000 times to only ONCE. Experiments demonstrate that YOQO is not only as effective as SOTA attack methods, but also performs comparably or even more robustly against many sophisticated defenses.
You Only Query Once: An Efficient Label-Only Membership Inference Attack
[ "YUTONG WU", "Han Qiu", "Shangwei Guo", "Jiwei Li", "Tianwei Zhang" ]
We introduce Graph-Induced Sum-Product Networks (GSPNs), a new probabilistic framework for graph representation learning that can tractably answer probabilistic queries. Inspired by the computational trees induced by vertices in the context of message-passing neural networks, we build hierarchies of sum-product networks (SPNs) where the parameters of a parent SPN are learnable transformations of the a-posterior mixing probabilities of its children's sum units. Due to weight sharing and the tree-shaped computation graphs of GSPNs, we obtain the efficiency and efficacy of deep graph networks with the additional advantages of a probabilistic model. We show the model's competitiveness on scarce supervision scenarios, under missing data, and for graph classification in comparison to popular neural models. We complement the experiments with qualitative analyses on hyper-parameters and the model's ability to answer probabilistic queries.
Tractable Probabilistic Graph Representation Learning with Graph-Induced Sum-Product Networks
[ "Federico Errica", "Mathias Niepert" ]
Spotlight Poster
Pretrained language models sometimes possess knowledge that we do not wish them to, including memorized personal information and knowledge that could be used to harm people. They can also output toxic or harmful text. To mitigate these safety and informational issues, we propose an attack-and-defense framework for studying the task of deleting sensitive information directly from model weights. We study direct edits to model weights because (1) this approach should guarantee that particular deleted information is never extracted by future prompt attacks, and (2) it should protect against whitebox attacks, which is necessary for making claims about safety/privacy in a setting where publicly available model weights could be used to elicit sensitive information. Our threat model assumes that an attack succeeds if the answer to a sensitive question is located among a set of B generated candidates, based on scenarios where the information would be insecure if the answer is among B candidates. Experimentally, we show that even state-of-the-art model editing methods such as ROME struggle to truly delete factual information from models like GPT-J, as our whitebox and blackbox attacks can recover “deleted” information from an edited model 38% of the time. These attacks leverage two key observations: (1) that traces of deleted information can be found in intermediate model hidden states, and (2) that applying an editing method for one question may not delete information across rephrased versions of the question. Finally, we provide new defense methods that protect against some extraction attacks, but we do not find a single universally effective defense method. Our results suggest that truly deleting sensitive information is a tractable but difficult problem, since even relatively low attack success rates have potentially severe implications for the deployment of language models in a world where individuals enjoy ownership of their personal data, a right to privacy, and safety from harmful model outputs.
Can Sensitive Information Be Deleted From LLMs? Objectives for Defending Against Extraction Attacks
[ "Vaidehi Patil", "Peter Hase", "Mohit Bansal" ]
Spotlight Poster
Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that respond to local changes in light intensity and feature low latency, high energy efficiency, and high dynamic range. Meanwhile, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have gained significant attention due to their remarkable efficiency and fault tolerance. By synergistically harnessing the energy efficiency inherent in event cameras and the spike-based processing capabilities of SNNs, their integration could enable ultra-low-power application scenarios, such as action recognition tasks. However, existing approaches often entail converting asynchronous events into conventional frames, leading to additional data mapping efforts and a loss of sparsity, contradicting the design concept of SNNs and event cameras. To address this challenge, we propose SpikePoint, a novel end-to-end point-based SNN architecture. SpikePoint excels at processing sparse event cloud data, effectively extracting both global and local features through a singular-stage structure. Leveraging the surrogate training method, SpikePoint achieves high accuracy with few parameters and maintains low power consumption, specifically employing the identity mapping feature extractor on diverse datasets. SpikePoint achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on four event-based action recognition datasets using only 16 timesteps, surpassing other SNN methods. Moreover, it also achieves SOTA performance across all methods on three datasets, utilizing approximately 0.3 % of the parameters and 0.5 % of power consumption employed by artificial neural networks (ANNs). These results emphasize the significance of Point Cloud and pave the way for many ultra-low-power event-based data processing applications.
SpikePoint: An Efficient Point-based Spiking Neural Network for Event Cameras Action Recognition
[ "Hongwei Ren", "Yue Zhou", "Xiaopeng LIN", "Yulong Huang", "Haotian FU", "Jie Song", "Bojun Cheng" ]
Time series forecasting is widely used in extensive applications, such as traffic planning and weather forecasting. However, real-world time series usually present intricate temporal variations, making forecasting extremely challenging. Going beyond the mainstream paradigms of plain decomposition and multiperiodicity analysis, we analyze temporal variations in a novel view of multiscale-mixing, where time series present distinct patterns in different sampling scales. Specifically, the microscopic and the macroscopic information are reflected in fine and coarse scales, respectively, and thereby complex variations are inherently disentangled. Based on this observation, we propose TimeMixer as a fully MLP-based architecture with Past-Decomposable-Mixing (PDM) and Future-Multipredictor-Mixing (FMM) blocks to take full advantage of disentangled multiscale series in both past extraction and future prediction phases. Concretely, PDM applies the decomposition to multiscale series and further mixes the decomposed seasonal and trend components in fine-to-coarse and coarse-to-fine directions separately, which successively aggregates the microscopic seasonal and macroscopic trend information. FMM further ensembles multiple predictors to utilize complementary forecasting capabilities in multiscale observations. Consequently, our proposed TimeMixer is able to achieve consistent state-of-the-art performances in both long-term and short-term forecasting tasks with favorable run-time efficiency.
TimeMixer: Decomposable Multiscale Mixing for Time Series Forecasting
[ "Shiyu Wang", "Haixu Wu", "Xiaoming Shi", "Tengge Hu", "Huakun Luo", "Lintao Ma", "James Y. Zhang", "JUN ZHOU" ]
Personalized federated learning (PFL) has emerged as a promising technique for addressing the challenge of data heterogeneity. While recent studies have made notable progress in mitigating heterogeneity associated with label distributions, the issue of effectively handling feature heterogeneity remains an open question. In this paper, we propose a personalization approach by Local-global updates Mixing (LG-Mix) via Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK)-based convergence. The core idea is to leverage the convergence rate induced by NTK to quantify the importance of local and global updates, and subsequently mix these updates based on their importance. Specifically, we find the trace of the NTK matrix can manifest the convergence rate, and propose an efficient and effective approximation to calculate the trace of a feature matrix instead of the NTK matrix. Such approximation significantly reduces the cost of computing NTK, and the feature matrix explicitly considers the heterogeneous features among samples. We have theoretically analyzed the convergence of our method in the over-parameterize regime, and experimentally evaluated our method on five datasets. These datasets present heterogeneous data features in natural and medical images. With comprehensive comparison to existing state-of-the-art approaches, our LG-Mix has consistently outperformed them across all datasets (largest accuracy improvement of 5.01\%), demonstrating the outstanding efficacy of our method for model personalization.
Heterogeneous Personalized Federated Learning by Local-Global Updates Mixing via Convergence Rate
[ "Meirui Jiang", "Anjie Le", "Xiaoxiao Li", "Qi Dou" ]
The information bottleneck (IB) approach is popular to improve the generalization, robustness and explainability of deep neural networks. Essentially, it aims to find a minimum sufficient representation $\mathbf{t}$ by striking a trade-off between a compression term, which is usually characterized by mutual information $I(\mathbf{x};\mathbf{t})$ where $\mathbf{x}$ refers to the input, and a prediction term usually characterized by $I(y;\mathbf{t})$ where $y$ is the desired response. Mutual information is for the IB for the most part expressed in terms of the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, which in the regression case corresponds to prediction based on mean squared error (MSE) loss with Gaussian assumption and compression approximated by variational inference. In this paper, we study the IB principle for the regression problem and develop a new way to parameterize the IB with deep neural networks by exploiting favorable properties of the Cauchy-Schwarz (CS) divergence. By doing so, we move away from MSE-based regression and ease estimation by avoiding variational approximations or distributional assumptions. We investigate the improved generalization ability of our proposed CS-IB and demonstrate strong adversarial robustness guarantees. We demonstrate its superior performance on six real-world regression tasks over other popular deep IB approaches. We additionally observe that the solutions discovered by CS-IB always achieve the best trade-off between prediction accuracy and compression ratio in the information plane.
Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence Information Bottleneck for Regression
[ "Shujian Yu", "Xi Yu", "Sigurd Løkse", "Robert Jenssen", "Jose C Principe" ]
Off-policy dynamic programming (DP) techniques such as $Q$-learning have proven to be important in sequential decision-making problems. In the presence of function approximation, however, these techniques often diverge due to the absence of Bellman completeness in the function classes considered, a crucial condition for the success of DP-based methods. In this paper, we show how off-policy learning techniques based on return-conditioned supervised learning (RCSL) are able to circumvent these challenges of Bellman completeness, converging under significantly more relaxed assumptions inherited from supervised learning. We prove there exists a natural environment in which if one uses two-layer multilayer perceptron as the function approximator, the layer width needs to grow *linearly* with the state space size to satisfy Bellman completeness while a constant layer width is enough for RCSL. These findings take a step towards explaining the superior empirical performance of RCSL methods compared to DP-based methods in environments with near-optimal datasets. Furthermore, in order to learn from sub-optimal datasets, we propose a simple framework called MBRCSL, granting RCSL methods the ability of dynamic programming to stitch together segments from distinct trajectories. MBRCSL leverages learned dynamics models and forward sampling to accomplish trajectory stitching while avoiding the need for Bellman completeness that plagues all dynamic programming algorithms. We propose both theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation to back these claims, outperforming state-of-the-art model-free and model-based offline RL algorithms across several simulated robotics problems.
Free from Bellman Completeness: Trajectory Stitching via Model-based Return-conditioned Supervised Learning
[ "Zhaoyi Zhou", "Chuning Zhu", "Runlong Zhou", "Qiwen Cui", "Abhishek Gupta", "Simon Shaolei Du" ]
Large discrete action spaces (LDAS) remain a central challenge in reinforcement learning. Existing solution approaches can handle unstructured LDAS with up to a few million actions. However, many real-world applications in logistics, production, and transportation systems have combinatorial action spaces, whose size grows well beyond millions of actions, even on small instances. Fortunately, such action spaces exhibit structure, e.g., equally spaced discrete resource units. With this work, we focus on handling structured LDAS (SLDAS) with sizes that cannot be handled by current benchmarks: we propose Dynamic Neighborhood Construction (DNC), a novel exploitation paradigm for SLDAS. We present a scalable neighborhood exploration heuristic that utilizes this paradigm and efficiently explores the discrete neighborhood around the continuous proxy action in structured action spaces with up to $10^{73}$ actions. We demonstrate the performance of our method by benchmarking it against three state-of-the-art approaches designed for large discrete action spaces across two distinct environments. Our results show that DNC matches or outperforms state-of-the-art approaches while being computationally more efficient. Furthermore, our method scales to action spaces that so far remained computationally intractable for existing methodologies.
Dynamic Neighborhood Construction for Structured Large Discrete Action Spaces
[ "Fabian Akkerman", "Julius Luy", "Wouter van Heeswijk", "Maximilian Schiffer" ]
Link prediction is a crucial task in dynamic graph learning. Recent advancements in continuous-time dynamic graph models, primarily by leveraging richer temporal details, have significantly improved link prediction performance. However, due to their complex modules, they still face several challenges, such as overfitting and optimization difficulties. More importantly, it is challenging for these methods to capture the 'shift' phenomenon, where node interaction patterns change over time. To address these issues, we propose a simple yet novel method called \textbf{Fre}quency \textbf{E}nhanced Decomposed Continuous-Time \textbf{Dy}namic \textbf{G}raph ({\bf FreeDyG}) model for link prediction. FreeDyG extracts node representations based on their historical first-hop neighbors thus transforming the dynamic graph learning problem into time series analysis where node interactions are observed over sequential time points. Unlike previous works that primarily focus on the time domain, we delve into the frequency domain, allowing a deeper and more nuanced extraction of interaction patterns, revealing periodic and "shift" behaviors. Extensive experiments conducted on seven real-world continuous-time dynamic graph datasets validate the effectiveness of FreeDyG. The results consistently demonstrate that FreeDyG outperforms existing methods in both transductive and inductive settings.
FreeDyG: Frequency Enhanced Continuous-Time Dynamic Graph Model for Link Prediction
[ "Yuxing Tian", "Yiyan Qi", "Fan Guo" ]
Recent breakthroughs in diffusion models have exhibited exceptional image-generation capabilities. However, studies show that some outputs are merely replications of training data. Such replications present potential legal challenges for model owners, especially when the generated content contains proprietary information. In this work, we introduce a straightforward yet effective method for detecting memorized prompts by inspecting the magnitude of text-conditional predictions. Our proposed method seamlessly integrates without disrupting sampling algorithms, and delivers high accuracy even at the first generation step, with a single generation per prompt. Building on our detection strategy, we unveil an explainable approach that shows the contribution of individual words or tokens to memorization. This offers an interactive medium for users to adjust their prompts. Moreover, we propose two strategies i.e., to mitigate memorization by leveraging the magnitude of text-conditional predictions, either through minimization during inference or filtering during training. These proposed strategies effectively counteract memorization while maintaining high-generation quality.
Detecting, Explaining, and Mitigating Memorization in Diffusion Models
[ "Yuxin Wen", "Yuchen Liu", "Chen Chen", "Lingjuan Lyu" ]
A fundamental characteristic of audio is its compositional nature. Audio-language models (ALMs) trained using a contrastive approach (e.g., CLAP) that learns a shared representation between audio and language modalities have improved performance in many downstream applications, including zero-shot audio classification, audio retrieval, etc. However, the ability of these models to effectively perform compositional reasoning remains largely unexplored and necessitates additional research. In this paper, we propose \textbf{CompA}, a collection of two expert-annotated benchmarks with a majority of real-world audio samples, to evaluate compositional reasoning in ALMs. Our proposed CompA-order evaluates how well an ALM understands the order or occurrence of acoustic events in audio, and CompA-attribute evaluates attribute binding of acoustic events. An instance from either benchmark consists of two audio-caption pairs, where both audios have the same acoustic events but with different compositions. An ALM is evaluated on how well it matches the right audio to the right caption. Using this benchmark, we first show that current ALMs perform only marginally better than random chance, thereby struggling with compositional reasoning. Next, we propose CompA-CLAP, where we fine-tune CLAP using a novel learning method to improve its compositional reasoning abilities. To train CompA-CLAP, we first propose improvements to contrastive training with composition-aware hard negatives, allowing for more focused training. Next, we propose a novel modular contrastive loss that helps the model learn fine-grained compositional understanding and overcomes the acute scarcity of openly available compositional audios. CompA-CLAP significantly improves over all our baseline models on the CompA benchmark, indicating its superior compositional reasoning capabilities.
CompA: Addressing the Gap in Compositional Reasoning in Audio-Language Models
[ "Sreyan Ghosh", "Ashish Seth", "Sonal Kumar", "Utkarsh Tyagi", "Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru", "Ramaneswaran S", "S Sakshi", "Oriol Nieto", "Ramani Duraiswami", "Dinesh Manocha" ]
The approach of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is widely used for enhancing pre-trained Language Models (LM), enabling them to better align with human preferences. Existing RLHF-based LMs however require complete retraining whenever new queries or feedback are introduced, as human preferences may differ across different domains or topics. LM retraining is often impracticable in most real-world scenarios, due to the substantial time and computational costs involved, as well as data privacy concerns. To address this limitation, we propose Continual Proximal Policy Optimization (CPPO), a novel method that is able to continually align LM with dynamic human preferences. Specifically, CPPO adopts a weighting strategy to decide which samples should be utilized for enhancing policy learning and which should be used for solidifying past experiences. This seeks a good trade-off between policy learning and knowledge retention. Our experimental results show that CPPO outperforms strong Continuous learning (CL) baselines when it comes to consistently aligning with human preferences. Furthermore, compared to PPO, CPPO offers more efficient and stable learning in non-continual scenarios.
CPPO: Continual Learning for Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback
[ "Han Zhang", "Yu Lei", "Lin Gui", "Min Yang", "Yulan He", "Hui Wang", "Ruifeng Xu" ]
In this paper, we propose a policy gradient method for confounded partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) with continuous state and observation spaces in the offline setting. We first establish a novel identification result to non-parametrically estimate any history-dependent policy gradient under POMDPs using the offline data. The identification enables us to solve a sequence of conditional moment restrictions and adopt the min-max learning procedure with general function approximation for estimating the policy gradient. We then provide a finite-sample non-asymptotic bound for estimating the gradient uniformly over a pre-specified policy class in terms of the sample size, length of horizon, concentratability coefficient and the measure of ill-posedness in solving the conditional moment restrictions. Lastly, by deploying the proposed gradient estimation in the gradient ascent algorithm, we show the global convergence of the proposed algorithm in finding the history-dependent optimal policy under some technical conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work studying the policy gradient method for POMDPs under the offline setting.
A Policy Gradient Method for Confounded POMDPs
[ "Mao Hong", "Zhengling Qi", "Yanxun Xu" ]
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In this paper, we investigate a new practical learning scenario, where the data distributed in different sources/clients are typically generated with various modalities. Existing research on learning from multi-source data mostly assume that each client owns the data of all modalities, which may largely limit its practicability. In light of the expensiveness and sparsity of multimodal data, we propose "checkerboard learning" to jointly learn from fragmented multimodal data in distributed clients. Considering the concerns on data privacy, checkerboard learning aims to impute incomplete multimodal data for diverse downstream tasks without accessing the raw data directly. Local clients could miss different modality combinations. Due to the statistical heterogeneity induced by non-i.i.d. data, the imputation is more challenging since the learned dependencies fail to adapt to the imputation of other clients. In this paper, we provide a novel imputation framework to tackle modality combination heterogeneity and statistical heterogeneity simultaneously, called ``collaborative adaptation''. In particular, for two observed modality combinations from two clients, we learn the transformations between their maximal intersection and other modalities by proposing a novel ELBO. We improve the worst-performing required transformations through a Pareto min-max framework. In extensive experiments, we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method compared to existing related methods on benchmark data sets and a real-world clinical data set.
CLAP: Collaborative Adaptation for Patchwork Learning
[ "Sen Cui", "Abudukelimu Wuerkaixi", "Weishen Pan", "Jian Liang", "Lei Fang", "Changshui Zhang", "Fei Wang" ]
Tabular data in the wild are frequently afflicted with class-imbalance, biasing machine learning models towards major classes. A straightforward, data-centric approach to this problem is oversampling - where synthetic minority samples are generated to balance the classes. Although tabular generative models are capable of generating synthetic samples, their integrity suffers when the number of minority samples is low. To this end, language models primed with rich prior knowledge are a fitting candidate for the task at hand. However, an oversampling strategy utilizing the extensive capabilities of such language models is yet to emerge. In this paper, we propose a novel tabular oversampling framework to channel the power of language interfaces. By leveraging its conditional sampling capabilities, we synthesize minority samples by progressively masking the important features of the majority class samples and imputing them towards the minority distribution. To reduce the inclusion of imperfectly converted samples, we utilize the power of the language model itself to self-authenticate the labels of the samples generated by itself, sifting out ill-converted samples. Extensive experiments on a variety of datasets and imbalance ratios reveal that the proposed method successfully generates reliable minority samples to boost the performance of machine learning classifiers, even under heavy imbalance ratios.
Language-Interfaced Tabular Oversampling via Progressive Imputation and Self-Authentication
[ "June Yong Yang", "Geondo Park", "Joowon Kim", "Hyeongwon Jang", "Eunho Yang" ]
Developing a universal model that can effectively harness heterogeneous resources and respond to a wide range of personalized needs has been a longstanding community aspiration. Our daily choices, especially in domains like fashion and retail, are substantially shaped by multi-modal data, such as pictures and textual descriptions. These modalities not only offer intuitive guidance but also cater to personalized user preferences. However, the predominant personalization approaches mainly focus on ID or text-based recommendation problem, failing to comprehend the information spanning various tasks or modalities. In this paper, our goal is to establish a Unified paradigm for Multi-modal Personalization systems (UniMP), which effectively leverages multi-modal data while eliminating the complexities associated with task- and modality-specific customization. We argue that the advancements in foundational generative modeling have provided the flexibility and effectiveness necessary to achieve the objective. In light of this, we develop a generic and extensible personalization generative framework, that can handle a wide range of personalized needs including item recommendation, product search, preference prediction, explanation generation, and further user-guided image generation. Our methodology enhances the capabilities of foundational language models for personalized tasks by seamlessly ingesting interleaved cross-modal user history information, ensuring a more precise and customized experience for users. To train and evaluate the proposed multi-modal personalized tasks, we also introduce a novel and comprehensive benchmark covered a variety of user requirements. Our experiments on the real-world benchmark showcase the model's potential, outperforming competitive methods specialized for each task.
Towards Unified Multi-Modal Personalization: Large Vision-Language Models for Generative Recommendation and Beyond
[ "Tianxin Wei", "Bowen Jin", "Ruirui Li", "Hansi Zeng", "Zhengyang Wang", "Jianhui Sun", "Qingyu Yin", "Hanqing Lu", "Suhang Wang", "Jingrui He", "Xianfeng Tang" ]
Although much research has been done on proposing new models or loss functions to improve the generalisation of artificial neural networks (ANNs), less attention has been directed to the impact of the training data on generalisation. In this work, we start from approximating the interaction between samples, i.e. how learning one sample would modify the model's prediction on other samples. Through analysing the terms involved in weight updates in supervised learning, we find that labels influence the interaction between samples. Therefore, we propose the labelled pseudo Neural Tangent Kernel (lpNTK) which takes label information into consideration when measuring the interactions between samples. We first prove that lpNTK asymptotically converges to the empirical neural tangent kernel in terms of the Frobenius norm under certain assumptions. Secondly, we illustrate how lpNTK helps to understand learning phenomena identified in previous work, specifically the learning difficulty of samples and forgetting events during learning. Moreover, we also show that using lpNTK to identify and remove poisoning training samples does not hurt the generalisation performance of ANNs.
lpNTK: Better Generalisation with Less Data via Sample Interaction During Learning
[ "Shangmin Guo", "Yi Ren", "Stefano V Albrecht", "Kenny Smith" ]
ELECTRA pre-trains language models by detecting tokens in a sequence that have been replaced by an auxiliary model. Although ELECTRA offers a significant boost in efficiency, its potential is constrained by the training cost brought by the auxiliary model. Notably, this model, which is jointly trained with the main model, only serves to assist the training of the main model and is discarded post-training. This results in a substantial amount of training cost being expended in vain. To mitigate this issue, we propose Fast-ELECTRA, which leverages an existing language model as the auxiliary model. To construct a learning curriculum for the main model, we smooth its output distribution via temperature scaling following a descending schedule. Our approach rivals the performance of state-of-the-art ELECTRA-style pre-training methods, while significantly eliminating the computation and memory cost brought by the joint training of the auxiliary model. Our method also reduces the sensitivity to hyper-parameters and enhances the pre-training stability.
Fast-ELECTRA for Efficient Pre-training
[ "Chengyu Dong", "Liyuan Liu", "Hao Cheng", "Jingbo Shang", "Jianfeng Gao", "Xiaodong Liu" ]
Recent text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have achieved remarkable progress in generating high-quality images given text-prompts as input. However, these models fail to convey appropriate spatial composition specified by a layout instruction. In this work, we probe into zero-shot grounded T2I generation with diffusion models, that is, generating images corresponding to the input layout information without training auxiliary modules or finetuning diffusion models. We propose a Region and Boundary (R&B) aware cross-attention guidance approach that gradually modulates the attention maps of diffusion model during generative process, and assists the model to synthesize images (1) with high fidelity, (2) highly compatible with textual input, and (3) interpreting layout instructions accurately. Specifically, we leverage the discrete sampling to bridge the gap between consecutive attention maps and discrete layout constraints, and design a region-aware loss to refine the generative layout during diffusion process. We further propose a boundary-aware loss to strengthen object discriminability within the corresponding regions. Experimental results show that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art zero-shot grounded T2I generation methods by a large margin both qualitatively and quantitatively on several benchmarks.
R&B: Region and Boundary Aware Zero-shot Grounded Text-to-image Generation
[ "Jiayu Xiao", "Henglei Lv", "Liang Li", "Shuhui Wang", "Qingming Huang" ]
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Class incremental learning (CIL) is a challenging setting of continual learning, which learns a series of tasks sequentially. Each task consists of a set of unique classes. The key feature of CIL is that no task identifier (or task-id) is provided at test time. Predicting the task-id for each test sample is a challenging problem. An emerging theory-guided approach (called TIL+OOD) is to train a task-specific model for each task in a shared network for all tasks based on a task-incremental learning (TIL) method to deal with catastrophic forgetting. The model for each task is an out-of-distribution (OOD) detector rather than a conventional classifier. The OOD detector can perform both within-task (in-distribution (IND)) class prediction and OOD detection. The OOD detection capability is the key to task-id prediction during inference. However, this paper argues that using a traditional OOD detector for task-id prediction is sub-optimal because additional information (e.g., the replay data and the learned tasks) available in CIL can be exploited to design a better and principled method for task-id prediction. We call the new method TPL (Task-id Prediction based on Likelihood Ratio). TPL markedly outperforms strong CIL baselines and has negligible catastrophic forgetting. The code of TPL is publicly available at
Class Incremental Learning via Likelihood Ratio Based Task Prediction
[ "Haowei Lin", "Yijia Shao", "Weinan Qian", "Ningxin Pan", "Yiduo Guo", "Bing Liu" ]
Link prediction, a fundamental task on graphs, has proven indispensable in various applications, e.g., friend recommendation, protein analysis, and drug interaction prediction. However, since datasets span a multitude of domains, they could have distinct underlying mechanisms of link formation. Evidence in existing literature underscores the absence of a universally best algorithm suitable for all datasets. In this paper, we endeavor to explore principles of link prediction across diverse datasets from a data-centric perspective. We recognize three fundamental factors critical to link prediction: local structural proximity, global structural proximity, and feature proximity. We then unearth relationships among those factors where (i) global structural proximity only shows effectiveness when local structural proximity is deficient. (ii) The incompatibility can be found between feature and structural proximity. Such incompatibility leads to GNNs for Link Prediction (GNN4LP) consistently underperforming on edges where the feature proximity factor dominates. Inspired by these new insights from a data perspective, we offer practical instruction for GNN4LP model design and guidelines for selecting appropriate benchmark datasets for more comprehensive evaluations.
Revisiting Link Prediction: a data perspective
[ "Haitao Mao", "Juanhui Li", "Harry Shomer", "Bingheng Li", "Wenqi Fan", "Yao Ma", "Tong Zhao", "Neil Shah", "Jiliang Tang" ]
Two lines of work are taking the central stage in AI research. On the one hand, the community is making increasing efforts to build models that discard spurious correlations and generalize better in novel test environments. Unfortunately, the hard lesson so far is that no proposal convincingly outperforms a simple empirical risk minimization baseline. On the other hand, large language models (LLMs) have erupted as algorithms able to learn in-context, generalizing on-the-fly to eclectic contextual circumstances that users enforce by means of prompting. In this paper, we argue that context is environment, and posit that in-context learning holds the key to better domain generalization. Via extensive theory and experiments, we show that paying attention to context$\unicode{x2013}\unicode{x2013}$unlabeled examples as they arrive$\unicode{x2013}\unicode{x2013}$allows our proposed In-Context Risk Minimization (ICRM) algorithm to zoom-in on the test environment risk minimizer, leading to significant out-of-distribution performance improvements. From all of this, two messages are worth taking home. Researchers in domain generalization should consider environment as context, and harness the adaptive power of in-context learning. Researchers in LLMs should consider context as environment, to better structure data towards generalization.
Context is Environment
[ "Sharut Gupta", "Stefanie Jegelka", "David Lopez-Paz", "Kartik Ahuja" ]
Spotlight Poster
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Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing tasks. However, their practical deployment is hindered by their immense memory and computation requirements. Although recent post-training quantization (PTQ) methods are effective in reducing memory footprint and improving the computational efficiency of LLM, they hand-craft quantization parameters, which leads to low performance and fails to deal with extremely low-bit quantization. To tackle this issue, we introduce an Omnidirectionally calibrated Quantization (OmniQuant) technique for LLMs, which achieves good performance in diverse quantization settings while maintaining the computational efficiency of PTQ by efficiently optimizing various quantization parameters. OmniQuant comprises two innovative components including Learnable Weight Clipping (LWC) and Learnable Equivalent Transformation (LET). LWC modulates the extreme values of weights by optimizing the clipping threshold. Meanwhile, LET tackles activation outliers by shifting the challenge of quantization from activations to weights through a learnable equivalent transformation. Operating within a differentiable framework using block-wise error minimization, OmniQuant can optimize the quantization process efficiently for both weight-only and weight-activation quantization. For instance, the LLaMA-2 model family with the size of 7-70B can be processed with OmniQuant on a single A100-40G GPU within 1-16 hours using 128 samples. Extensive experiments validate OmniQuant's superior performance across diverse quantization configurations such as W4A4, W6A6, W4A16, W3A16, and W2A16. Additionally, OmniQuant demonstrates effectiveness in instruction-tuned models and delivers notable improvements in inference speed and memory reduction on real devices. Codes and models are available at
OmniQuant: Omnidirectionally Calibrated Quantization for Large Language Models
[ "Wenqi Shao", "Mengzhao Chen", "Zhaoyang Zhang", "Peng Xu", "Lirui Zhao", "Zhiqian Li", "Kaipeng Zhang", "Peng Gao", "Yu Qiao", "Ping Luo" ]
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology captures spectral information across a broad wavelength range, providing richer pixel features compared to traditional color images with only three channels. Although pixel classification in HSI has been extensively studied, especially using graph convolution neural networks (GCNs), quantifying epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties associated with the HSI classification (HSIC) results remains an unexplored area. These two uncertainties are effective for out-of-distribution (OOD) and misclassification detection, respectively. In this paper, we adapt two advanced uncertainty quantification models, evidential GCNs (EGCN) and graph posterior networks (GPN), designed for node classifications in graphs, into the realm of HSIC. We first analyze theoretically the limitations of a popular uncertainty cross-entropy (UCE) loss function when learning EGCNs for epistemic uncertainty estimation. To mitigate the limitations, we propose two regularization terms. One leverages the inherent property of HSI data where pixel features can be decomposed into weighted sums of various material features, and the other is the total variation (TV) regularization to enforce the spatial smoothness of the evidence with edge-preserving. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed regularization terms on both EGCN and GPN on three real-world HSIC datasets for OOD and misclassification detection tasks. The code is available at \url{}
Uncertainty-aware Graph-based Hyperspectral Image Classification
[ "Linlin Yu", "Yifei Lou", "Feng Chen" ]
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Recently, GPT-4 has become the de facto evaluator for long-form text generated by large language models (LLMs). However, for practitioners and researchers with large and custom evaluation tasks, GPT-4 is unreliable due to its closed-source nature, uncontrolled versioning, and prohibitive costs. In this work, we propose PROMETHEUS a fully open-source LLM that is on par with GPT-4’s evaluation capabilities when the appropriate reference materials (reference answer, score rubric) are accompanied. For this purpose, we construct a new dataset – FEEDBACK COLLECTION – that consists of 1K fine-grained score rubrics, 20K instructions, and 100K natural language feedback generated by GPT-4. Using the FEEDBACK COLLECTION, we train PROMETHEUS, a 13B evaluation-specific LLM that can assess any given response based on novel and unseen score rubrics and reference materials provided by the user. Our dataset’s versatility and diversity make our model generalize to challenging real-world criteria, such as prioritizing conciseness, child-readability, or varying levels of formality. We show that PROMETHEUS shows a stronger correlation with GPT-4 evaluation compared to ChatGPT on seven evaluation benchmarks (Two Feedback Collection testsets, MT Bench, Vicuna Bench, Flask Eval, MT Bench Human Judgment, and HHH Alignment), showing the efficacy of our model and dataset design. During human evaluation with hand-crafted score rubrics, PROMETHEUS shows a Pearson correlation of 0.897 with human evaluators, which is on par with GPT-4-0613 (0.882), and greatly outperforms ChatGPT (0.392). Remarkably, when assessing the quality of the generated feedback, PROMETHEUS demonstrates a win rate of 58.62% when compared to GPT-4 evaluation and a win rate of 79.57% when compared to ChatGPT evaluation. Our findings suggests that by adding reference materials and training on GPT-4 feedback, we can obtain effective open-source evaluator LMs.
Prometheus: Inducing Fine-Grained Evaluation Capability in Language Models
[ "Seungone Kim", "Jamin Shin", "Yejin Cho", "Joel Jang", "Shayne Longpre", "Hwaran Lee", "Sangdoo Yun", "Seongjin Shin", "Sungdong Kim", "James Thorne", "Minjoon Seo" ]
Quantum kernels hold great promise for offering computational advantages over classical learners, with the effectiveness of these kernels closely tied to the design of the feature map. However, the challenge of designing effective quantum feature maps for real-world datasets, particularly in the absence of sufficient prior information, remains a significant obstacle. In this study, we present a data-driven approach that automates the design of problem-specific quantum feature maps. Our approach leverages feature-selection techniques to handle high-dimensional data on near-term quantum machines with limited qubits, and incorporates a deep neural predictor to efficiently evaluate the performance of various candidate quantum kernels. Through extensive numerical simulations on different datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of our proposal over prior methods, especially for the capability of eliminating the kernel concentration issue and identifying the feature map with prediction advantages. Our work not only unlocks the potential of quantum kernels for enhancing real-world tasks, but also highlights the substantial role of deep learning in advancing quantum machine learning.
Neural Auto-designer for Enhanced Quantum Kernels
[ "Cong Lei", "Yuxuan Du", "Peng Mi", "Jun Yu", "Tongliang Liu" ]
Spotlight Poster
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The proliferation of face forgery techniques has raised significant concerns within society, thereby motivating the development of face forgery detection methods. These methods aim to distinguish forged faces from genuine ones and have proven effective in practical applications. However, this paper introduces a novel and previously unrecognized threat in face forgery detection scenarios caused by backdoor attack. By embedding backdoors into models and incorporating specific trigger patterns into the input, attackers can deceive detectors into producing erroneous predictions for forged faces. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes \emph{Poisoned Forgery Face} framework, which enables clean-label backdoor attacks on face forgery detectors. Our approach involves constructing a scalable trigger generator and utilizing a novel convolving process to generate translation-sensitive trigger patterns. Moreover, we employ a relative embedding method based on landmark-based regions to enhance the stealthiness of the poisoned samples. Consequently, detectors trained on our poisoned samples are embedded with backdoors. Notably, our approach surpasses SoTA backdoor baselines with a significant improvement in attack success rate (+16.39\% BD-AUC) and reduction in visibility (-12.65\% $L_\infty$). Furthermore, our attack exhibits promising performance against backdoor defenses. We anticipate that this paper will draw greater attention to the potential threats posed by backdoor attacks in face forgery detection scenarios. \emph{Our codes can be found in the anonymous website\footnote{\url{}}.}
Poisoned Forgery Face: Towards Backdoor Attacks on Face Forgery Detection
[ "Jiawei Liang", "Siyuan Liang", "Aishan Liu", "Xiaojun Jia", "Junhao Kuang", "Xiaochun Cao" ]
We propose to replace vector quantization (VQ) in the latent representation of VQ-VAEs with a simple scheme termed finite scalar quantization (FSQ), where we project the VAE representation down to a few dimensions (typically less than 10). Each dimension is quantized to a small set of fixed values, leading to an (implicit) codebook given by the product of these sets. By appropriately choosing the number of dimensions and values each dimension can take, we obtain the same codebook size as in VQ. On top of such discrete representations, we can train the same models that have been trained on VQ-VAE representations. For example, autoregressive and masked transformer models for image generation, multimodal generation, and dense prediction computer vision tasks. Concretely, we employ FSQ with MaskGIT for image generation, and with UViM for depth estimation, colorization, and panoptic segmentation. Despite the much simpler design of FSQ, we obtain competitive performance in all these tasks. We emphasize that FSQ does not suffer from codebook collapse and does not need the complex machinery employed in VQ (commitment losses, codebook reseeding, code splitting, entropy penalties, etc.) to learn expressive discrete representations.
Finite Scalar Quantization: VQ-VAE Made Simple
[ "Fabian Mentzer", "David Minnen", "Eirikur Agustsson", "Michael Tschannen" ]
Adaptive regularization based optimization methods such as full-matrix Adagrad which use gradient second-moment information hold significant potential for fast convergence in deep neural network (DNN) training, but are memory intensive and computationally demanding for large neural nets. We develop a technique called Combining AxeS PReconditioners (CASPR), which optimizes matrix-shaped DNN parameters by finding different preconditioners for each mode/axis of the parameter and combining them using a Kronecker-sum based approximation. We show tighter convergence guarantees in stochastic optimization compared to a Kronecker product based preconditioner, Shampoo, which arises as a special case of CASPR. Furthermore, our experiments demonstrates that CASPR approximates the gradient second-moment matrix in full-matrix Adagrad more accurately, and shows significant improvement in training and generalization performance compared to existing practical adaptive regularization based methods such as Shampoo and Adam in a variety of tasks including graph neural network on OGBG-molpcba, Transformer on a universal dependencies dataset and auto-regressive large language modeling on C4 dataset.
Combining Axes Preconditioners through Kronecker Approximation for Deep Learning
[ "Sai Surya Duvvuri", "Fnu Devvrit", "Rohan Anil", "Cho-Jui Hsieh", "Inderjit S Dhillon" ]
Diffusion models may be viewed as hierarchical variational autoencoders (VAEs) with two improvements: parameter sharing for the conditionals in the generative process and efficient computation of the loss as independent terms over the hierarchy. We consider two changes to the diffusion model that retain these advantages while adding flexibility to the model. Firstly, we introduce a data and depth-dependent mean function in the diffusion process, which leads to a modified diffusion loss. Our proposed framework, DiffEnc, achieves a statistically significant improvement in likelihood on CIFAR-10. Secondly, we let the ratio of the noise variance of the reverse encoder process and the generative process be a free weight parameter rather than being fixed to one. This leads to theoretical insights: For a finite depth hierarchy, the evidence lower bound (ELBO) can be used as an objective for a weighted diffusion loss approach and for optimizing the noise schedule specifically for inference. For the infinite-depth hierarchy, on the other hand, the weight parameter has to be one to have a well-defined ELBO.
DiffEnc: Variational Diffusion with a Learned Encoder
[ "Beatrix Miranda Ginn Nielsen", "Anders Christensen", "Andrea Dittadi", "Ole Winther" ]
Recent works have empirically analyzed in-context learning and shown that transformers trained on synthetic linear regression tasks can learn to implement ridge regression, which is the Bayes-optimal predictor, given sufficient capacity (Akyurek et al., 2023), while one-layer transformers with linear self-attention and no MLP layer will learn to implement one step of gradient descent (GD) on a least-squares linear regression objective (von Oswald et al., 2022). However, the theory behind these observations remains poorly understood. We theoretically study transformers with a single layer of linear self-attention, trained on synthetic noisy linear regression data. First, we mathematically show that when the covariates are drawn from a standard Gaussian distribution, the one-layer transformer which minimizes the pre-training loss will implement a single step of GD on the least-squares linear regression objective. Then, we find that changing the distribution of the covariates and weight vector to a non-isotropic Gaussian distribution has a strong impact on the learned algorithm: the global minimizer of the pre-training loss now implements a single step of $\textit{pre-conditioned}$ GD. However, if only the distribution of the responses is changed, then this does not have a large effect on the learned algorithm: even when the response comes from a more general family of $\textit{nonlinear}$ functions, the global minimizer of the pre-training loss still implements a single step of GD on a least-squares linear regression objective.
One Step of Gradient Descent is Provably the Optimal In-Context Learner with One Layer of Linear Self-Attention
[ "Arvind V. Mahankali", "Tatsunori Hashimoto", "Tengyu Ma" ]
Advanced generative model (\textit{e.g.}, diffusion model) derived from simplified continuity assumptions of data distribution, though showing promising progress, has been difficult to apply directly to geometry generation applications due to the \textit{multi-modality} and \textit{noise-sensitive} nature of molecule geometry. This work introduces Geometric Bayesian Flow Networks (GeoBFN), which naturally fits molecule geometry by modeling diverse modalities in the differentiable parameter space of distributions. GeoBFN maintains the SE-(3) invariant density modeling property by incorporating equivariant inter-dependency modeling on parameters of distributions and unifying the probabilistic modeling of different modalities. Through optimized training and sampling techniques, we demonstrate that GeoBFN achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple 3D molecule generation benchmarks in terms of generation quality (90.87\% molecule stability in QM9 and 85.6\% atom stability in GEOM-DRUG\footnote{The scores are reported at 1k sampling steps for fair comparison, and our scores could be further improved if sampling sufficiently longer steps.}). GeoBFN can also conduct sampling with any number of steps to reach an optimal trade-off between efficiency and quality (\textit{e.g.}, 20$\times$ speedup without sacrificing performance).
Unified Generative Modeling of 3D Molecules with Bayesian Flow Networks
[ "Yuxuan Song", "Jingjing Gong", "Hao Zhou", "Mingyue Zheng", "Jingjing Liu", "Wei-Ying Ma" ]
Fine-tuning on generalized tasks such as instruction following, code generation, and mathematics has been shown to enhance language models' performance on a range of tasks. Nevertheless, explanations of how such fine-tuning influences the internal computations in these models remain elusive. We study how fine-tuning affects the internal mechanisms implemented in language models. As a case study, we explore the property of entity tracking, a crucial facet of language comprehension, where models fine-tuned on mathematics have substantial performance gains. We identify a mechanism that enables entity tracking and show that (i) both the original model and its fine-tuned version implement entity tracking with the same circuit. In fact, the entity tracking circuit of the fine-tuned version performs better than the full original model. (ii) The circuits of all the models implement roughly the same functionality, that is entity tracking is performed by tracking the position of the correct entity in both the original model and its fine-tuned version. (iii) Performance boost in the fine-tuned model is primarily attributed to its improved ability to handle positional information. To uncover these findings, we employ two methods: DCM, which automatically detects model components responsible for specific semantics, and CMAP, a new approach for patching activations across models to reveal improved mechanisms. Our findings suggest that fine-tuning enhances, rather than fundamentally alters, the mechanistic operation of the model.
Fine-Tuning Enhances Existing Mechanisms: A Case Study on Entity Tracking
[ "Nikhil Prakash", "Tamar Rott Shaham", "Tal Haklay", "Yonatan Belinkov", "David Bau" ]
Learning Nash equilibria (NE) in games has garnered significant attention, particularly in the context of training Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and multi-agent Reinforcement Learning. The current state-of-the-art in efficiently learning games focuses on landscapes that meet the (weak) Minty property or games characterized by a unique function, often referred to as potential games. A significant challenge in this domain is that computing Nash equilibria is a computationally intractable task [Daskalakis et al. 2009]. In this paper we focus on bimatrix games (A,B) called rank-1. These are games in which the sum of the payoff matrices A+B is a rank 1 matrix; note that standard zero-sum games are rank 0. We show that optimistic gradient descent/ascent converges to an \epsilon-approximate NE after 1/\epsilon^2 log(1/\epsilon) iterates in rank-1 games. We achieve this by leveraging structural results about the NE landscape of rank-1 games Adsul et al. 2021. Notably, our approach bypasses the fact that these games do not satisfy the MVI property.
Learning Nash Equilibria in Rank-1 Games
[ "Nikolas Patris", "Ioannis Panageas" ]
Diffusion models are generative models that have recently demonstrated impressive performances in terms of sampling quality and density estimation in high dimensions. They rely on a forward continuous diffusion process and a backward continuous denoising process, which can be described by a time-dependent vector field and is used as a generative model. In the original formulation of the diffusion model, this vector field is assumed to be the score function (i.e. it is the gradient of the log-probability at a given time in the diffusion process). Curiously, on the practical side, most studies on diffusion models implement this vector field as a neural network function and do not constrain it be the gradient of some energy function (that is, most studies do not constrain the vector field to be conservative). Even though some studies investigated empirically whether such a constraint will lead to a performance gain with contradicting results, they lack analytical evidence. Here, we provide three analytical results regarding the extent of the modeling freedom of this vector field. Firstly, we show that to obtain exact density estimation and exact sampling, it is neither necessary nor sufficient to assume the vector field to be conservative. Secondly, we derive the full (gauge) freedom satisfied by the vector field. Finally, we show that when it comes to inferring local information of the data manifold, conservativity is sufficient. In particular, we provide a novel algorithm to infer the intrinsic dimensionality of manifolds based on diffusion models.
On gauge freedom, conservativity and intrinsic dimensionality estimation in diffusion models
[ "Christian Horvat", "Jean-Pascal Pfister" ]
This paper presents a Hybrid Internal Model (HIM) based method for legged locomotion control in quadruped robots. The method aims to address the limitations of existing learning-based locomotion control paradigms, which suffer from information losses, noisy observations, sample efficiency, and difficulties in developing general locomotion policies for robots with different sensor configurations. The proposed HIM method leverages joint encoders and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) as the only sensors for predicting robot states. Considering the prediction frequency is higher than 50 Hz, the method infers current robot states upon the previous trajectory. The framework consists of two components: the information extractor HIM and the policy network. Unlike previous methods that explicitly model environmental observations such as base velocity and ground elevation, HIM only explicitly estimates velocity and encodes other environment dynamics as an implicit latent embedding. The latent dynamics are learned through contrastive learning, which enhances robustness and adaptability in disturbed and unpredictable environments. The proposed method is validated through simulations in different terrains and real-world experiments on the Unitree Go1 robot. The results demonstrate that HIM achieves substantial agility over challenging terrains with minimal sensors and fast convergence. The method shows promise for broader applications in locomotion control.
Hybrid Internal Model: Learning Agile Legged Locomotion with Simulated Robot Response
[ "Junfeng Long", "ZiRui Wang", "Quanyi Li", "Liu Cao", "Jiawei Gao", "Jiangmiao Pang" ]
In this work we present an approach for generating alternative text (or alt-text) descriptions for images shared on social media, specifically Twitter. More than just a special case of image captioning, alt-text is both more literally descriptive and context-specific. Also critically, images posted to Twitter are often accompanied by user-written text that despite not necessarily describing the image may provide useful context that if properly leveraged can be informative. We address this task with a multimodal model that conditions on both textual information from the associated social media post as well as visual signal from the image, and demonstrate that the utility of these two information sources stacks. We put forward a new dataset of 371k images paired with alt-text and tweets scraped from Twitter and evaluate on it across a variety of automated metrics as well as human evaluation. We show that our approach of conditioning on both tweet text and visual information significantly outperforms prior work, by more than 2x on BLEU@4.
Alt-Text with Context: Improving Accessibility for Images on Twitter
[ "Nikita Srivatsan", "Sofia Samaniego", "Omar Florez", "Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick" ]
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have gained widespread applications across various areas in recent years. The ANN design was initially inspired by the principle of biology. The biological neural network's fundamental response process comprises information transmission and aggregation. The information transmission in biological neurons is often achieved by triggering action potentials that propagate through axons. ANNs utilize activation mechanisms to simulate such biological behavior. However, previous studies have only considered static response conditions, while the biological neuron's response conditions are typically dynamic, depending on multiple factors such as neuron properties and the real-time environment. Therefore, the dynamic response conditions of biological neurons could help improve the static ones of existing activations in ANNs. Additionally, the biological neuron's aggregated response exhibits high specificity for different categories, allowing the nervous system to differentiate and identify objects. Inspired by these biological patterns, we propose a novel Dynamic Neural Response Tuning (DNRT) mechanism, which aligns the response patterns of ANNs with those of biological neurons. DNRT comprises Response-Adaptive Activation (RAA) and Aggregated Response Regularization (ARR), mimicking the biological neuron's information transmission and aggregation behaviors. RAA dynamically adjusts the response condition based on the strength and characteristics of the input signal. ARR is devised to enhance the network's ability to learn category specificity by imposing constraints on the network's response distribution. Extensive experimental studies indicate that the proposed DNRT is highly interpretable, applicable to various mainstream network architectures, and can achieve remarkable performance compared with existing neural response mechanisms in multiple tasks and domains.
Dynamic Neural Response Tuning
[ "Tian Qiu", "Xu Wenxiang", "lin chen", "Zhou Linyun", "Zunlei Feng", "Mingli Song" ]