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Bayesian inference is the standard for providing full predictive distributions with well calibrated uncertainty estimates.However, scaling to a modern, overparameterized deep learning setting typically comes at the cost of severe and restrictive approximations, sacrificing model predictive strength.With our approach, we factor model parameters as a function of deterministic and probabilistic components;the model is solved by combining maximum a posteriori estimation of the former,with inference over a low-dimensional, Implicit Neural Representation of the latter.This results in a solution that combines both predictive accuracy and good calibration,as it entails inducing stochasticity over the full set of model weights while being comparatively cheap to compute.Experimentally, our approach compares favorably to the state of the art,including much more expensive methods as well as less expressive posterior approximations over full network parameters.
Implicit Neural Representation Inference for Low-Dimensional Bayesian Deep Learning
[ "Panagiotis Dimitrakopoulos", "Giorgos Sfikas", "Christophoros Nikou" ]
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Since the resurgence of deep learning, vision-language models (VLMs) enhanced by large language models (LLMs) have grown exponentially in popularity. However, while LLMs can utilize extensive background knowledge and task information with in-context learning, most VLMs still struggle with understanding complex multi-modal prompts with multiple images, making VLMs less effective in downstream vision-language tasks.In this paper, we address the limitation above by 1) introducing MMICL, a new approach to allow the VLM to deal with multi-modal inputs efficiently; 2) proposing a novel context scheme to augment the in-context learning ability of the VLM; 3) constructing the Multi-modal In-Context Learning (MIC) dataset, designed to enhance the VLM's ability to understand complex multi-modal prompts.Our experiments confirm that MMICL achieves new state-of-the-art zero-shot performance on a wide range of general vision-language tasks, especially for complex benchmarks, including MME and MMBench. Our analysis demonstrates that MMICL effectively tackles the challenge of complex multi-modal prompt understanding and emerges the impressive ICL ability. Furthermore, we observe that MMICL successfully alleviates language bias in VLMs, a common issue for VLMs that often leads to hallucination when faced with extensive textual context.Our code, dataset and model are available at github link.
MMICL: Empowering Vision-language Model with Multi-Modal In-Context Learning
[ "Haozhe Zhao", "Zefan Cai", "Shuzheng Si", "Xiaojian Ma", "Kaikai An", "Liang Chen", "Zixuan Liu", "Sheng Wang", "Wenjuan Han", "Baobao Chang" ]
Spotlight Poster
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Recent releases of Large Language Models (LLMs), e.g. ChatGPT, are astonishing at generating human-like texts, but they may impact the authenticity of texts. Previous works proposed methods to detect these AI-generated texts, including simple ML classifiers, pretrained-model-based zero-shot methods, and finetuned language classification models. However, mainstream detectors always fail on short texts, like SMSes, Tweets, and reviews. In this paper, a Multiscale Positive-Unlabeled (MPU) training framework is proposed to address the difficulty of short-text detection without sacrificing long-texts. Firstly, we acknowledge the human-resemblance property of short machine texts, and rephrase AI text detection as a partial Positive-Unlabeled (PU) problem by regarding these short machine texts as partially "unlabeled". Then in this PU context, we propose the length-sensitive Multiscale PU Loss, where a recurrent model in abstraction is used to estimate positive priors of scale-variant corpora. Additionally, we introduce a Text Multiscaling module to enrich training corpora. Experiments show that our MPU method augments detection performance on long AI-generated texts, and significantly improves short-text detection of language model detectors. Language Models trained with MPU could outcompete existing detectors on various short-text and long-text detection benchmarks. The codes are available at and
Multiscale Positive-Unlabeled Detection of AI-Generated Texts
[ "Yuchuan Tian", "Hanting Chen", "Xutao Wang", "Zheyuan Bai", "QINGHUA ZHANG", "Ruifeng Li", "Chao Xu", "Yunhe Wang" ]
Zero-shot cross-lingual transfer utilizing multilingual LLMs has become a popular learning paradigm for low-resource languages with no labeled training data. However, for NLP tasks that involve fine-grained predictions on words and phrases, the performance of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer learning lags far behind supervised fine-tuning methods. Therefore, it is common to exploit translation and label projection to further improve the performance by (1) translating training data that is available in a high-resource language (e.g., English) together with the gold labels into low-resource languages, and/or (2) translating test data in low-resource languages to a high-source language to run inference on, then projecting the predicted span-level labels back onto the original test data. However, state-of-the-art marker-based label projection methods suffer from translation quality degradation due to the extra label markers injected in the input to the translation model. In this work, we explore a new direction that leverages constrained decoding for label projection to overcome the aforementioned issues. Our new method not only can preserve the quality of translated texts but also has the versatility of being applicable to both translating training and translating test data strategies. This versatility is crucial as our experiments reveal that translating test data can lead to a considerable boost in performance compared to translating only training data. We evaluate on two cross-lingual transfer tasks, namely Named Entity Recognition and Event Argument Extraction, spanning 20 languages. The results demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art marker-based method by a large margin and also shows better performance than other label projection methods that rely on external word alignment.
Constrained Decoding for Cross-lingual Label Projection
[ "Duong Minh Le", "Yang Chen", "Alan Ritter", "Wei Xu" ]
Spotlight Poster
We present a dataset of over 100,000 prompt injection attacks and 30,000 anti-injection "defense" prompts created by players of an online game, Tensor Trust. To the best of our knowledge, it is the largest dataset of human-generated adversarial examples for instruction-following LLMs. Using the Tensor Trust dataset, we create benchmarks for resistance to two types of prompt injection (which we refer to as prompt extraction and prompt hijacking) as well as a benchmark for detecting when an LLM has leaked sensitive information from the prompt. We also show that many attacks in our dataset have an intuitive structure that sheds light on the weaknesses of these models. The full Tensor Trust dataset and source code are available at `[URL removed for review]`.
Tensor Trust: Interpretable Prompt Injection Attacks from an Online Game
[ "Sam Toyer", "Olivia Watkins", "Ethan Adrian Mendes", "Justin Svegliato", "Luke Bailey", "Tiffany Wang", "Isaac Ong", "Karim Elmaaroufi", "Pieter Abbeel", "Trevor Darrell", "Alan Ritter", "Stuart Russell" ]
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Instruction tuning large language models (LLMs) remains a challenging task, owing to the complexity of hyperparameter selection and the difficulty involved in evaluating the tuned models. To determine the optimal hyperparameters, an automatic, robust, and reliable evaluation benchmark is essential. However, establishing such a benchmark is not a trivial task due to the challenges associated with evaluation accuracy and privacy protection. In response to these challenges, we introduce a judge large language model, named PandaLM, which is trained to distinguish the superior model given several LLMs. PandaLM's focus extends beyond just the objective correctness of responses, which is the main focus of traditional evaluation datasets. It addresses vital subjective factors such as relative conciseness, clarity, adherence to instructions, comprehensiveness, and formality. To ensure the reliability of PandaLM, we collect a diverse human-annotated test dataset, where all contexts are generated by humans and labels are aligned with human preferences. Our findings reveal that PandaLM-7B offers a performance comparable to both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. Impressively, PandaLM-70B surpasses their performance. PandaLM enables the evaluation of LLM to be fairer but with less cost, evidenced by significant improvements achieved by models tuned through PandaLM compared to their counterparts trained with default Alpaca's hyperparameters. In addition, PandaLM does not depend on API-based evaluations, thus avoiding potential data leakage.
PandaLM: An Automatic Evaluation Benchmark for LLM Instruction Tuning Optimization
[ "Yidong Wang", "Zhuohao Yu", "Wenjin Yao", "Zhengran Zeng", "Linyi Yang", "Cunxiang Wang", "Hao Chen", "Chaoya Jiang", "Rui Xie", "Jindong Wang", "Xing Xie", "Wei Ye", "Shikun Zhang", "Yue Zhang" ]
The reasoning performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) on a wide range of problems critically relies on chain-of-thought prompting, which involves providing a few chain of thought demonstrations as exemplars in prompts. Recent work, e.g., Tree of Thoughts, has pointed out the importance of exploration and self-evaluation in reasoning step selection for complex problem solving. In this paper, we present Boosting of Thoughts (BoT), an automated prompting framework for problem solving with LLMs by iteratively exploring and self-evaluating many trees of thoughts in order to acquire an ensemble of trial-and-error reasoning experiences, which will serve as a new form of prompting to solve the complex problem. Starting from a simple prompt without requiring examples, BoT iteratively explores and evaluates a large collection of reasoning steps, and more importantly, uses error analysis obtained from the LLM on them to explicitly revise prompting, which in turn enhances reasoning step generation, until a final answer is attained. Our experiments with GPT-4 and Llama2 across extensive complex mathematical problems demonstrate that BoT consistently achieves higher or comparable problem-solving rates than other advanced prompting approaches.
Boosting of Thoughts: Trial-and-Error Problem Solving with Large Language Models
[ "Sijia Chen", "Baochun Li", "Di Niu" ]
Graph Neural Networks are popular tools in graph representation learning that capture the graph structural properties. However, most GNNs employ single-resolution graph feature extraction, thereby failing to capture micro-level local patterns (high resolution) and macro-level graph cluster and community patterns (low resolution) simultaneously. Many multiresolution methods have been developed to capture graph patterns at multiple scales, but most of them depend on predefined and handcrafted multiresolution transforms that remain fixed throughout the training process once formulated. Due to variations in graph instances and distributions, fixed handcrafted transforms can not effectively tailor multiresolution representations to each graph instance. To acquire multiresolution representation suited to different graph instances and distributions, we introduce the Multiresolution Meta-Framelet-based Graph Convolutional Network (MM-FGCN), facilitating comprehensive and adaptive multiresolution analysis across diverse graphs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our MM-FGCN achieves SOTA performance on various graph learning tasks.
Learning Adaptive Multiresolution Transforms via Meta-Framelet-based Graph Convolutional Network
[ "Tianze Luo", "Zhanfeng Mo", "Sinno Jialin Pan" ]
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Text-driven diffusion models have unlocked unprecedented abilities in image generation, whereas their video counterpart lags behind due to the excessive training cost.To avert the training burden, we propose a training-free ControlVideo to produce high-quality videos based on the provided text prompts and motion sequences.Specifically, ControlVideo adapts a pre-trained text-to-image model (i.e., ControlNet) for controllable text-to-video generation.To generate continuous videos without flicker effect, we propose an interleaved-frame smoother to smooth the intermediate frames.In particular, interleaved-frame smoother splits the whole videos with successive three-frame clips, and stabilizes each clip by updating the middle frame with the interpolation among other two frames in latent space.Furthermore, a fully cross-frame interaction mechanism have been exploited to further enhance the frame consistency, while a hierarchical sampler is employed to produce long videos efficiently.Extensive experiments demonstrate that our ControlVideo outperforms the state-of-the-arts both quantitatively and qualitatively. It is worthy noting that, thanks to the efficient designs, ControlVideo could generate both short and long videos within several minutes using one NVIDIA 2080Ti. All videos are shown in [this anonymous link](
ControlVideo: Training-free Controllable Text-to-video Generation
[ "Yabo Zhang", "Yuxiang Wei", "Dongsheng Jiang", "XIAOPENG ZHANG", "Wangmeng Zuo", "Qi Tian" ]
The spiking neural networks are inspired by the biological neurons that employ binary spikes to propagate information in the neural network. It has garnered considerable attention as the next-generation neural network, as the spiking activity simplifies the computation burden of the network to a large extent and is known for its low energy deployment enabled by specialized neuromorphic hardware. One popular technique to feed a static image to such a network is rate encoding, where each pixel is encoded into random binary spikes, following a Bernoulli distribution that uses the pixel intensity as bias. By establishing a novel connection between rate-encoding and randomized smoothing, we give the first provable robustness guarantee for spiking neural networks against adversarial perturbation of inputs bounded under $l_1$-norm. We introduce novel adversarial training algorithms for rate-encoded models that significantly improve the state-of-the-art empirical robust accuracy result. Experimental validation of the method is performed across various static image datasets, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-100.
Certified Adversarial Robustness for Rate Encoded Spiking Neural Networks
[ "Bhaskar Mukhoty", "Hilal AlQuabeh", "Giulia De Masi", "Huan Xiong", "Bin Gu" ]
Recent works have shown a reduction from contextual bandits to online regression under a realizability assumption \citep{foster2020beyond,foster2021efficient}. In this work, we investigate the use of neural networks for such online regression and associated Neural Contextual Bandits (NeuCBs). Using existing results for wide networks, one can readily show a ${\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret for online regression with square loss, which via the reduction implies a ${\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{K} T^{3/4})$ regret for NeuCBs. Departing from this standard approach, we first show a $\mathcal{O}(\log T)$ regret for online regression with almost convex losses that satisfy QG (Quadratic Growth) condition, a generalization of the PL (Polyak-\L ojasiewicz) condition, and that have a unique minima. Although not directly applicable to wide networks since they do not have unique minima, we show that adding a suitable small random perturbation to the network predictions surprisingly makes the loss satisfy QG with unique minima. Based on such a perturbed prediction, we show a ${\mathcal{O}}(\log T)$ regret for online regression with both squared loss and KL loss, and subsequently convert these respectively to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{KT})$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{KL^*} + K)$ regret for NeuCB, where $L^*$ is the loss of the best policy. Separately, we also show that existing regret bounds for NeuCBs are $\Omega(T)$ or assume i.i.d. contexts, unlike this work. Finally, our experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that our algorithms, especially the one based on KL loss, persistently outperform existing algorithms.
Contextual Bandits with Online Neural Regression
[ "Rohan Deb", "Yikun Ban", "Shiliang Zuo", "Jingrui He", "Arindam Banerjee" ]
Despite the success of large language models (LLMs), the task of theorem proving still remains one of the hardest reasoning tasks that is far from being fully solved. Prior methods using language models have demonstrated promising results, but they still struggle to prove even middle school level theorems. One common limitation of these methods is that they assume a fixed theorem library during the whole theorem proving process. However, as we all know, creating new useful theorems or even new theories is not only helpful but crucial and necessary for advancing mathematics and proving harder and deeper results.In this work, we present LEGO-Prover, which employs a growing skill library containing verified lemmas as skills to augment the capability of LLMs used in theorem proving. By constructing the proof modularly, LEGO-Prover enables LLMs to utilize existing skills retrieved from the library and to create new skills during the proving process. These skills are further evolved (by prompting an LLM) to enrich the library on another scale. Modular and reusable skills are constantly added to the library to enable tackling increasingly intricate mathematical problems. Moreover, the learned library further bridges the gap between human proofs and formal proofs by making it easier to impute missing steps. LEGO-Prover advances the state-of-the-art pass rate on miniF2F-valid (48.0\% to 57.0\%) and miniF2F-test (45.5\% to 50.0\%). During the proving process, LEGO-Prover also generates over 20,000 skills (theorems/lemmas) and adds them to the growing library. Our ablation study indicates that these newly added skills are indeed helpful for proving theorems, resulting in a 4.9\% improvement in success rate
LEGO-Prover: Neural Theorem Proving with Growing Libraries
[ "Haiming Wang", "Huajian Xin", "Chuanyang Zheng", "Zhengying Liu", "Qingxing Cao", "Yinya Huang", "Jing Xiong", "Han Shi", "Enze Xie", "Jian Yin", "Zhenguo Li", "Xiaodan Liang" ]
Large-scale pre-trained vision foundation models, such as CLIP, have become de facto backbones for various vision tasks. However, due to their black-box nature, understanding the underlying rules behind these models’ predictions and controlling model behaviors have remained open challenges. We present INViTE: a framework for INterpreting Vision Transformer’s latent tokens with Text Explanations. Given a latent token, INViTE retains its semantic information to the final layer using transformer’s local operations and retrieves the closest text for explanation. INViTE enables understanding of model visual reasoning procedure without needing additional model training or data collection. Based on the obtained interpretations, INViTE allows for model editing that controls model reasoning behaviors and improves model robustness against biases and spurious correlations. Our code is available at
INViTE: INterpret and Control Vision-Language Models with Text Explanations
[ "Haozhe Chen", "Junfeng Yang", "Carl Vondrick", "Chengzhi Mao" ]
Lipschitz continuity is a crucial functional property of any predictive model, that naturally governs its robustness, generalisation, as well as adversarial vulnerability. Contrary to other works that focus on obtaining tighter bounds and developing different practical strategies to enforce certain Lipschitz properties, we aim to thoroughly examine and characterise the Lipschitz behaviour of Neural Networks. Thus, we carry out an empirical investigation in a range of different settings (namely, architectures, datasets, label noise, and more) by exhausting the limits of the simplest and the most general lower and upper bounds. As a highlight of this investigation, we showcase a remarkable fidelity of the lower Lipschitz bound, identify a striking Double Descent trend in both upper and lower bounds to the Lipschitz and explain the intriguing effects of label noise on function smoothness and generalisation.
Some Intriguing Aspects about Lipschitz Continuity of Neural Networks
[ "Grigory Khromov", "Sidak Pal Singh" ]
Risk-sensitive reinforcement learning (RL) aims to optimize policies that balance the expected reward and risk. In this paper, we present a novel risk-sensitive RL framework that employs an Iterated Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) objective under both linear and general function approximations, enriched by human feedback. These new formulations provide a principled way to guarantee safety in each decision making step throughout the control process. Moreover, integrating human feedback into risk-sensitive RL framework bridges the gap between algorithmic decision-making and human participation, allowing us to also guarantee safety for human-in-the-loop systems. We propose provably sample-efficient algorithms for this Iterated CVaR RL and provide rigorous theoretical analysis. Furthermore, we establish a matching lower bound to corroborate the optimality of our algorithms in a linear context.
Provably Efficient Iterated CVaR Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation and Human Feedback
[ "Yu Chen", "Yihan Du", "Pihe Hu", "Siwei Wang", "Desheng Wu", "Longbo Huang" ]
In this work, we pioneer Semantic Flow, a neural semantic representation of dynamic scenes from monocular videos. In contrast to previous NeRF methods that reconstruct dynamic scenes from the colors and volume densities of individual points, Semantic Flow learns semantics from continuous flows that contain rich 3D motion information. As there is 2D-to-3D ambiguity problem in the viewing direction when extracting 3D flow features from 2D video frames, we consider the volume densities as opacity priors that describe the contributions of flow features to the semantics on the frames. More specifically, we first learn a flow network to predict flows in the dynamic scene, and propose a flow feature aggregation module to extract flow features from video frames. Then, we propose a flow attention module to extract motion information from flow features, which is followed by a semantic network to output semantic logits of flows. We integrate the logits withvolume densities in the viewing direction to supervise the flow features with semantic labels on video frames. Experimental results show that our model is able to learn from multiple dynamic scenes and supports a series of new tasks such as instance-level scene editing, semantic completions, dynamic scene tracking and semantic adaption on novel scenes.
Semantic Flow: Learning Semantic Fields of Dynamic Scenes from Monocular Videos
[ "Fengrui Tian", "Yueqi Duan", "Angtian Wang", "Jianfei Guo", "Shaoyi Du" ]
The ability to learn good representations of states is essential for solving large reinforcement learning problems, where exploration, generalization, and transfer are particularly challenging. The Laplacian representation is a promising approach to address these problems, by inducing intrinsic rewards for temporally-extended action discovery and reward shaping, and informative state encoding. To obtain the Laplacian representation one needs to compute the eigensystem of the graph Laplacian, which is often approximated through optimization objectives compatible with deep learning techniques. These approximations, however, depend on hyperparameters that are impossible to tune efficiently, converge to arbitrary rotations of the desired eigenvectors, and are unable to accurately recover the corresponding eigenvalues. In this paper we introduce a theoretically sound objective and corresponding optimization algorithm for approximating the Laplacian representation. Our approach naturally recovers both the true eigenvectors and eigenvalues while eliminating the hyperparameter dependence of previous approximations. We provide theoretical guarantees of our method and we also show that those results translate empirically into robust learning across multiple environments.
Proper Laplacian Representation Learning
[ "Diego Gomez", "Michael Bowling", "Marlos C. Machado" ]
Stateful policies play an important role in reinforcement learning, such as handling partially observable environments, enhancing robustness, or imposing an inductive bias directly into the policy structure. The conventional method for training stateful policies is Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT), which comes with significant drawbacks, such as slow training due to sequential gradient propagation and the occurrence of vanishing or exploding gradients. The gradient is often truncated to address these issues, resulting in a biased policy update. We present a novel approach for training stateful policies by decomposing the latter into a stochastic internal state kernel and a stateless policy, jointly optimized by following the stateful policy gradient. We introduce different versions of the stateful policy gradient theorem, enabling us to easily instantiate stateful variants of popular reinforcement learning and imitation learning algorithms. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical analysis of our new gradient estimator and compare it with BPTT. We evaluate our approach on complex continuous control tasks, e.g. humanoid locomotion, and demonstrate that our gradient estimator scales effectively with task complexity while offering a faster and simpler alternative to BPTT.
Time-Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Stochastic Stateful Policies
[ "Firas Al-Hafez", "Guoping Zhao", "Jan Peters", "Davide Tateo" ]
While large language models (LLMs) have enabled learning knowledge from the pre-training corpora, the acquired knowledge may be fundamentally incorrect or outdated over time, which necessitates rectifying the knowledge of the language model (LM) after the training. A promising approach involves employing a hyper-network to generate parameter shift, whereas existing hyper-networks suffer from inferior scalability in synchronous editing operation amount (Hase et al., 2023b; Huang et al., 2023). For instance, Mitchell et al. (2022) mimics gradient accumulation to sum the parameter shifts together, which lacks statistical significance and is prone to cancellation effect. To mitigate the problem, we propose the MAssive Language Model Editing Network (MALMEN), which formulates the parameter shift aggregation as the least square problem, subsequently updating the LM parameter using the normal equation. To accommodate editing multiple facts simultaneously with limited memory budgets, we separate the computation on the hyper-network and LM, enabling arbitrary batch size on both neural networks. Our method is evaluated by editing up to thousands of facts on LMs with different architectures, i.e., BERT-base, GPT-2, and GPT-J (6B), across various knowledge-intensive NLP tasks, i.e., closed book fact-checking and question answering. Remarkably, MALMEN is capable of editing hundreds of times more facts than MEND (Mitchell et al., 2022) with the identical hyper-network architecture and outperforms editor specifically designed for GPT, i.e., MEMIT (Meng et al., 2023).
Massive Editing for Large Language Models via Meta Learning
[ "Chenmien Tan", "Ge Zhang", "Jie Fu" ]
Transformer models have achieved remarkable results in a wide range of applications. However, their scalability is hampered by the quadratic time and memory complexity of the self-attention mechanism concerning the sequence length. This limitation poses a substantial obstacle when dealing with long documents or high-resolution images. In this work, we study the self-attention mechanism by analyzing the distribution of the attention matrix and its concentration ability. Furthermore, we propose instruments to measure these quantities and introduce a novel self-attention mechanism, Linear Log-Normal Attention, designed to emulate the distribution and concentration behavior of the original self-attention. Our experimental results on popular natural language benchmarks reveal that our proposed Linear Log-Normal Attention outperforms other linearized attention alternatives, offering a promising avenue for enhancing the scalability of transformer models. Our code is available in supplementary materials.
Linear Log-Normal Attention with Unbiased Concentration
[ "Yury Nahshan", "Joseph Kampeas", "Emir Haleva" ]
Implementing a reward function that perfectly captures a complex task in the real world is impractical. As a result, it is often appropriate to think of the reward function as a *proxy* for the true objective rather than as its definition. We study this phenomenon through the lens of *Goodhart’s law*, which predicts that increasing optimisation of an imperfect proxy beyond some critical point decreases performance on the true objective. First, we propose a way to *quantify* the magnitude of this effect and *show empirically* that optimising an imperfect proxy reward often leads to the behaviour predicted by Goodhart’s law for a wide range of environments and reward functions. We then provide a *geometric explanation* for why Goodhart's law occurs in Markov decision processes. We use these theoretical insights to propose an *optimal early stopping method* that provably avoids the aforementioned pitfall and derive theoretical *regret bounds* for this method. Moreover, we derive a training method that maximises worst-case reward, for the setting where there is uncertainty about the true reward function. Finally, we evaluate our early stopping method experimentally. Our results support a foundation for a theoretically-principled study of reinforcement learning under reward misspecification.
Goodhart's Law in Reinforcement Learning
[ "Jacek Karwowski", "Oliver Hayman", "Xingjian Bai", "Klaus Kiendlhofer", "Charlie Griffin", "Joar Max Viktor Skalse" ]
Whittle index is a heuristic tool that leads to good performance for the restless bandits problem. In this paper, we extend Whittle index to a new multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) setting with multiple discrete actions and a possibly changing constraint on the state space, resulting in WIMS (Whittle Index with Multiple actions and State constraint). This setting is common for inventory management where each agent chooses a replenishing quantity level for the corresponding stock-keeping-unit (SKU) such that the total profit is maximized while the total inventory does not exceed a certain limit. Accordingly, we propose a deep MARL algorithm based on WIMS for inventory management. Empirically, our algorithm is evaluated on real large-scale inventory management problems with up to 2307 SKUs and outperforms operation-research-based methods and baseline MARL algorithms.
Whittle Index with Multiple Actions and State Constraint for Inventory Management
[ "Chuheng Zhang", "Xiangsen Wang", "Wei Jiang", "Xianliang Yang", "Siwei Wang", "Lei Song", "Jiang Bian" ]
We expose a surprising failure of generalization in auto-regressive large language models (LLMs). If a model is trained on a sentence of the form "*A is B*", it will not automatically generalize to the reverse direction "*B is A*". This is the **Reversal Curse**. For instance, if a model is trained on "Olaf Scholz was the ninth Chancellor of Germany", it will not automatically be able to answer the question, "Who was the ninth Chancellor of Germany?". Moreover, the likelihood of the correct answer ("Olaf Scholz") will not be higher than for a random name. Thus, models exhibit a basic failure of logical deduction and do not generalize a prevalent pattern in their training set (i.e. if "*A is B*" occurs, "*B is A*" is more likely to occur). We provide evidence for the Reversal Curse by finetuning GPT-3 and Llama-1 on fictitious statements such as "Uriah Hawthorne is the composer of *Abyssal Melodies*" and showing that they fail to correctly answer "Who composed *Abyssal Melodies?*". The Reversal Curse is robust across model sizes and model families and is not alleviated by data augmentation. We also evaluate ChatGPT (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) on questions about real-world celebrities, such as "Who is Tom Cruise's mother? [A: Mary Lee Pfeiffer]" and the reverse "Who is Mary Lee Pfeiffer's son?". GPT-4 correctly answers questions like the former 79% of the time, compared to 33% for the latter. This shows a failure of logical deduction that we hypothesize is caused by the Reversal Curse.
The Reversal Curse: LLMs trained on “A is B” fail to learn “B is A”
[ "Lukas Berglund", "Meg Tong", "Maximilian Kaufmann", "Mikita Balesni", "Asa Cooper Stickland", "Tomasz Korbak", "Owain Evans" ]
The angular synchronization problem aims to accurately estimate (up to a constant additive phase) a set of unknown angles $\theta_1, \dots, \theta_n\in[0, 2\pi)$ from $m$ noisy measurements of their offsets $\theta_i-\theta_j$ mod $2\pi.$ Applications include, for example, sensor network localization, phase retrieval, and distributed clock synchronization. An extension of the problem to the heterogeneous setting (dubbed $k$-synchronization) is to estimate $k$ groups of angles simultaneously, given noisy observations (with unknown group assignment) from each group. Existing methods for angular synchronization usually perform poorly in high-noise regimes, which are common in applications. In this paper, we leverage neural networks for the angular synchronization problem, and its heterogeneous extension, by proposing GNNSync, a theoretically-grounded end-to-end trainable framework using directed graph neural networks. In addition, new loss functions are devised to encode synchronization objectives. Experimental results on extensive data sets demonstrate that GNNSync attains competitive, and often superior, performance against a comprehensive set of baselines for the angular synchronization problem and its extension, validating the robustness of GNNSync even at high noise levels.
Robust Angular Synchronization via Directed Graph Neural Networks
[ "Yixuan He", "Gesine Reinert", "David Wipf", "Mihai Cucuringu" ]
It is now possible to reconstruct dynamic human motion and shape from a sparse set of cameras using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) driven by an underlying skeleton. However, a challenge remains to model the deformation of cloth and skin in relation to skeleton pose. Unlike existing avatar models that are learned implicitly or rely on a proxy surface, our approach is motivated by the observation that different poses necessitate unique frequency assignments. Neglecting this distinction yields noisy artifacts in smooth areas or blurs fine-grained texture and shape details in sharp regions. We develop a two-branch neural network that is adaptive and explicit in the frequency domain. The first branch is a graph neural network that models correlations among body parts locally, taking skeleton pose as input. The second branch combines these correlation features to a set of global frequencies and then modulates the feature encoding. Our experiments demonstrate that our network outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of preserving details and generalization capabilities. Our code is available at
Pose Modulated Avatars from Video
[ "Chunjin Song", "Bastian Wandt", "Helge Rhodin" ]
Prompting and in-context learning (ICL) have become efficient learning paradigms for large language models (LLMs). However, LLMs suffer from prompt brittleness and various bias factors in the prompt, including but not limited to the formatting, the choice verbalizers, and the ICL examples. To address this problem that results in unexpected performance degradation, calibration methods have been developed to mitigate the effects of these biases while recovering LLM performance. In this work, we first conduct a systematic analysis of the existing calibration methods, where we both provide a unified view and reveal the failure cases. Inspired by these analyses, we propose Batch Calibration (BC), a simple yet intuitive method that controls the contextual bias from the batched input, unifies various prior approaches and effectively addresses the aforementioned issues. BC is zero-shot, inference-only, and incurs negligible additional costs. In the few-shot setup, we further extend BC to allow it to learn the contextual bias from labeled data. We validate the effectiveness of BC with PaLM 2-(S, M, L) and CLIP models and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance over previous calibration baselines across more than 10 natural language understanding and image classification tasks.
Batch Calibration: Rethinking Calibration for In-Context Learning and Prompt Engineering
[ "Han Zhou", "Xingchen Wan", "Lev Proleev", "Diana Mincu", "Jilin Chen", "Katherine A Heller", "Subhrajit Roy" ]
With the explosion of the zero-shot capabilities of (and thus interest in) pre-trained large language models, there has come accompanying interest in how best to prompt a language model to perform a given task. While it may be tempting to choose a prompt based on empirical results on a validation set, this can lead to a deployment where an unexpectedly high loss occurs. To mitigate this prospect, we propose a lightweight framework, Prompt Risk Control, for selecting a prompt based on rigorous upper bounds on families of informative risk measures. We provide and compare different methods for producing bounds on a diverse set of risk metrics like mean, CVaR, and the Gini coefficient of the loss distribution. In addition, we extend the underlying statistical bounding techniques to accommodate the possibility of distribution shifts in deployment. Extensive experiments on high-impact applications like chatbots, medical question answering, and news summarization highlight why such a framework is necessary to reduce exposure to the worst outcomes.
Prompt Risk Control: A Rigorous Framework for Responsible Deployment of Large Language Models
[ "Thomas P Zollo", "Todd Morrill", "Zhun Deng", "Jake Snell", "Toniann Pitassi", "Richard Zemel" ]
While diffusion models have revolutionized generative AI, their application to human sketch generation, especially in the creation of complex yet concise and recognizable sketches, remains largely unexplored. Existing efforts have primarily focused on vector-based sketches, limiting their ability to handle intricate sketch data. This paper introduces an innovative extension of diffusion models to pixellevel sketch generation, addressing the challenge of dynamically optimizing the guidance scale for classifier-guided diffusion. Our approach achieves a delicate balance between recognizability and complexity in generated sketches through scale-adaptive classifier-guided diffusion models, a scaling indicator, and the concept of a residual sketch. We also propose a three-phase sampling strategy to enhance sketch diversity and quality. Experiments on the QuickDraw dataset showcase the potential of diffusion models to push the boundaries of sketch generation, particularly in complex scenarios unattainable by vector-based methods.
Scale-Adaptive Diffusion Model for Complex Sketch Synthesis
[ "Jijin Hu", "Ke Li", "Yonggang Qi", "Yi-Zhe Song" ]
Dynamic Sparse Training (DST) employs a greedy search mechanism to identify an optimal sparse subnetwork by periodically pruning and growing network connections during training. To guarantee effectiveness, DST algorithms rely on high search frequency, which consequently, requires large learning rate and batch size to enforce stable neuron learning. Such settings demand extreme memory consumption, as well as generating significant system overheads that limit the wide deployment of deep learning-based applications on resource-constraint platforms. To reconcile such, we propose $\underline{Neur}$on $\underline{Rev}$italization framework for DST (NeurRev), based on an innovative finding that dormant neurons exist with the presence of weight sparsity, and cannot be revitalized (i.e., activated for learning) even with high sparse mask search frequency. These dormant neurons produce a large quantity of zeros during training, which contribute relatively little to the outputs of succeeding layers or to the final results. Different from most existing DST algorithms that spare no effort designing weight growing criteria, NeurRev focuses on optimizing the long-neglected pruning part, which awakes dormant neurons by pruning and incurs no additional computation costs. As such, NeurRev advances more effective neuron learning, which not only achieves outperforming accuracy in a variety of networks and datasets, but also promoting a low-cost dynamism at system-level. Systematical evaluations on training speed and system overhead are conducted on the mobile devices, where the proposed NeurRev framework consistently outperforms representative state-of-the-arts. Code will be released.
NeurRev: Train Better Sparse Neural Network Practically via Neuron Revitalization
[ "Gen Li", "Lu Yin", "Jie Ji", "Wei Niu", "Minghai Qin", "Bin Ren", "Linke Guo", "Shiwei Liu", "Xiaolong Ma" ]
Large language models (LLMs) trained on huge corpora of text datasets demonstrate complex, emergent capabilities, achieving state-of-the-art performance on tasks they were not explicitly trained for. The precise nature of LLM capabilities is often unclear, and different prompts can elicit different capabilities through in-context learning. We propose a Cognitive Interpretability framework that enables us to analyze in-context learning dynamics to understand latent concepts in LLMs underlying behavioral patterns. This provides a more nuanced understanding than success-or-failure evaluation benchmarks, but does not require observing internal activations as a mechanistic interpretation of circuits would require. Inspired by the cognitive science of human randomness perception, we use random binary sequences as context and study dynamics of in-context learning by manipulating properties of context data, such as sequence length. In the latest GPT-3.5+ models, we find emergent abilities to generate pseudo-random numbers and learn basic formal languages, with striking in-context learning dynamics where model outputs transition sharply from pseudo-random behaviors to deterministic repetition.
In-Context Learning Dynamics with Random Binary Sequences
[ "Eric J Bigelow", "Ekdeep Singh Lubana", "Robert P. Dick", "Hidenori Tanaka", "Tomer Ullman" ]
Recently, data augmentation (DA) has emerged as a method for leveraging domain knowledge to inexpensively generate additional data in reinforcement learning (RL) tasks, often yielding substantial improvements in data efficiency.While prior work has demonstrated the utility of incorporating augmented data directly into model-free RL updates,it is not well-understood when a particular DA strategy will improve data efficiency.In this paper, we seek to identify general aspects of DA responsible for observed learning improvements.Our study focuses on sparse-reward tasks with dynamics-invariant data augmentation functions, serving as an initial step towards a more general understanding of DA and its integration into RL training.Experimentally, we isolate three relevant aspects of DA: state-action coverage, reward density, and the number of augmented transitions generated per update (the augmented replay ratio).From our experiments, we draw two conclusions: (1) increasing state-action coverage often has a much greater impact on data efficiency than increasing reward density, and (2) decreasing the augmented replay ratio substantially improves data efficiency.In fact, certain tasks in our empirical study are solvable only when the replay ratio is sufficiently low.
Understanding when Dynamics-Invariant Data Augmentations Benefit Model-free Reinforcement Learning Updates
[ "Nicholas Corrado", "Josiah P. Hanna" ]
Spotlight Poster
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with equivariant properties have emerged as powerful tools for modeling complex dynamics of multi-object physical systems. However, their generalization ability is limited by the inadequate consideration of physical inductive biases: (1) Existing studies overlook the continuity of transitions among system states, opting to employ several discrete transformation layers to learn the direct mapping between two adjacent states; (2) Most models only account for first-order velocity information, despite the fact that many physical systems are governed by second-order motion laws. To incorporate these inductive biases, we propose the Second-order Equivariant Graph Neural Ordinary Differential Equation (SEGNO). Specifically, we show how the second-order continuity can be incorporated into GNNs while maintaining the equivariant property. Furthermore, we offer theoretical insights into SEGNO, highlighting that it can learn a unique trajectory between adjacent states, which is crucial for model generalization. Additionally, we prove that the discrepancy between this learned trajectory of SEGNO and the true trajectory is bounded. Extensive experiments on complex dynamical systems including molecular dynamics and motion capture demonstrate that our model yields a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art baselines.
SEGNO: Generalizing Equivariant Graph Neural Networks with Physical Inductive Biases
[ "Yang Liu", "Jiashun Cheng", "Haihong Zhao", "Tingyang Xu", "Peilin Zhao", "Fugee Tsung", "Jia Li", "Yu Rong" ]
[ "" ]
This paper presents a context key/value compression method for Transformer language models in online scenarios, where the context continually expands. As the context lengthens, the attention process demands increasing memory and computations, which in turn reduces the throughput of the language model. To address this challenge, we propose a compressed context memory system that continually compresses the accumulating attention key/value pairs into a compact memory space, facilitating language model inference in a limited memory space of computing environments. Our compression process involves integrating a lightweight conditional LoRA into the language model's forward pass during inference, without the need for fine-tuning the model's entire set of weights. We achieve efficient training by modeling the recursive compression process as a single parallelized forward computation. Through evaluations on conversation, personalization, and multi-task learning, we demonstrate that our approach achieves the performance level of a full context model with $5\times$ smaller context memory size. We further demonstrate the applicability of our approach in a streaming setting with an unlimited context length, outperforming the sliding window approach. Codes are available at
Compressed Context Memory for Online Language Model Interaction
[ "Jang-Hyun Kim", "Junyoung Yeom", "Sangdoo Yun", "Hyun Oh Song" ]
Posterior sampling has been shown to be a powerful Bayesian approach for solving imaging inverse problems. The recent plug-and-play unadjusted Langevin algorithm (PnP-ULA) has emerged as a promising method for Monte Carlo sampling and minimum mean squared error (MMSE) estimation by combining physical measurement models with deep-learning priors specified using image denoisers. However, the intricate relationship between the sampling distribution of PnP-ULA and the mismatched data-fidelity and denoiser has not been theoretically analyzed. We address this gap by proposing a posterior-$L_2$ pseudometric and using it to quantify an explicit error bound for PnP-ULA under mismatched posterior distribution. We numerically validate our theory on several inverse problems such as sampling from Gaussian mixture models and image deblurring. Our results suggest that the sensitivity of the sampling distribution of PnP-ULA to a mismatch in the measurement model and the denoiser can be precisely characterized.
Plug-and-Play Posterior Sampling under Mismatched Measurement and Prior Models
[ "Marien Renaud", "Jiaming Liu", "Valentin De Bortoli", "Andres Almansa", "Ulugbek Kamilov" ]
This paper introduces a novel paradigm for the generalizable neural radiance field (NeRF). Previous generic NeRF methods combine multiview stereo techniques with image-based neural rendering for generalization, yielding impressive results, while suffering from three issues. First, occlusions often result in inconsistent feature matching. Then, they deliver distortions and artifacts in geometric discontinuities and locally sharp shapes due to their individual process of sampled points and rough feature aggregation. Third, their image-based representations experience severe degradations when source views are not near enough to the target view. To address challenges, we propose the first paradigm that constructs the generalizable neural field based on point-based rather than image-based rendering, which we call Generalizable neural Point Field (GPF). Our approach explicitly models by geometric priors and augments it with neural features to eliminate occlusions in feature-fetching. We propose a novel nonuniform log sampling strategy to improve both rendering speed and reconstruction quality. Moreover, we present a learnable kernel spatially augmentedwith features for feature aggregations, mitigating distortions at places with drastically varying geometries. Besides, our representation can be easily manipulated. Experiments show that our model can deliver better geometries, view consistencies, and rendering quality than all counterparts and benchmarks on three datasets in both generalization and finetuning settings, preliminarily proving the potential of the new paradigm for generic NeRF.
Learning Robust Generalizable Radiance Field with Visibility and Feature Augmented Point Representation
[ "WANG Jiaxu", "Ziyi Zhang", "Renjing Xu" ]
[ "" ]
Event camera, a novel bio-inspired vision sensor, has drawn a lot of attention for its low latency, low power consumption, and high dynamic range. Currently, overfitting remains a critical problem in event-based classification tasks for SNN due to its relatively weak spatial representation capability. Data augmentation is a simple but efficient method to alleviate overfitting and improve the generalization ability of neural networks, and saliency-based augmentation methods are proven to be effective in the image processing field. However, there is no approach available for extracting saliency maps from SNNs. Therefore, for the first time, we present Spiking Layer-Time-wise Relevance Propagation rule (\texttt{SLTRP}) and Spiking Layer-wise Relevance Propagation rule (\texttt{SLRP}) in order for SNN to generate stable and accurate CAM and saliency maps. Based on this, we propose \texttt{EventRPG}, which leverages relevance propagation on the spiking neural network for more efficient augmentation. Our proposed method has been evaluated on several SNN structures, achieving state-of-the-art performance in object recognition tasks including N-Caltech101, CIFAR10-DVS, with accuracies of $85.62\%$ and $85.55\%$, as well as action recognition task SL-Animals with an accuracy of $91.59\%$. Codes will be available soon.
EventRPG: Event Data Augmentation with Relevance Propagation Guidance
[ "Mingyuan Sun", "Donghao Zhang", "Zongyuan Ge", "WANG Jiaxu", "Jia Li", "Zheng Fang", "Renjing Xu" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently gained popularity due to their impressive few-shot performance across various downstream tasks. However, fine-tuning all parameters and storing a unique model for each downstream task or domain becomes impractical because of the massive size of checkpoints (e.g., 350GB in GPT-3). Current literature, such as LoRA, showcases the potential of low-rank modifications to the original weights of an LLM, enabling efficient adaptation and storage for task-specific models. These methods can reduce the number of parameters needed to fine-tune an LLM by several orders of magnitude. Yet, these methods face two primary limitations: 1) the parameter reduction is lower-bounded by the rank one decomposition, and 2) the extent of reduction is heavily influenced by both the model architecture and the chosen rank.For instance, in larger models, even a rank one decomposition might exceed the number of parameters truly needed for adaptation. In this paper, we introduce NOLA, which overcomes the rank one lower bound present in LoRA. It achieves this by re-parameterizing the low-rank matrices in LoRA using linear combinations of randomly generated matrices (basis) and optimizing the linear mixture coefficients only. This approach allows us to decouple the number of trainable parameters from both the choice of rank and the network architecture. We present adaptation results using GPT-2 and ViT in natural language and computer vision tasks. NOLA performs as well as, or better than models with equivalent parameter counts. Furthermore, we demonstrate that we can halve the parameters in larger models compared to LoRA with rank one, without sacrificing performance.
NOLA: Networks as Linear Combination of Low Rank Random Basis
[ "Soroush Abbasi Koohpayegani", "Navaneet K L", "Parsa Nooralinejad", "Soheil Kolouri", "Hamed Pirsiavash" ]
Language model self-improvement (LMSI) techniques have recently gained significant attention as they improve language models without requiring external supervision. A common approach is reinforcement learning from AI feedback (RLAIF), which trains a reward model based on AI preference data and employs a reinforcement learning algorithm to train the language model. However, RLAIF relies on the heuristic assumption that an AI model can provide effective feedback and correct wrong answers, requiring a solid capability of the language model. This paper presents a novel LMSI method, Reinforcement Learning Contemplation (RLC). We disclose that it is simpler for language models to evaluate a sentence than to generate it, even for small language models. Leveraging the gap between the evaluation and generation, RLC evaluates generated answers and updates language model parameters using reinforcement learning to maximize evaluation scores. Through testing on various challenging reasoning tasks and text summarization task, our experiments show that RLC effectively improves language model performance without external supervision, resulting in an answering accuracy increase (from 31.23% to 37.09%) for BigBench-hard reasoning tasks, and a rise in BERTScore for CNN/Daily Mail summarization tasks. Furthermore, RLC can be applied to models of different sizes, showcasing its broad applicability.
Language Model Self-improvement by Reinforcement Learning Contemplation
[ "Jing-Cheng Pang", "Pengyuan Wang", "Kaiyuan Li", "Xiong-Hui Chen", "Jiacheng Xu", "Zongzhang Zhang", "Yang Yu" ]
In many text-generation problems, users may prefer not only a single response, but a diverse range of high-quality outputs from which to choose. Quality-diversity (QD) search algorithms aim at such outcomes, by continually improving and diversifying a population of candidates. However, the applicability of QD to qualitative domains, like creative writing, has been limited by the difficulty of algorithmically specifying measures of quality and diversity. Interestingly, recent developments in language models (LMs) have enabled guiding search through \emph{AI feedback}, wherein LMs are prompted in natural language to evaluate qualitative aspects of text. Leveraging this development, we introduce Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback (QDAIF), wherein an evolutionary algorithm applies LMs to both generate variation and evaluate the quality and diversity of candidate text. When assessed on creative writing domains, QDAIF covers more of a specified search space with high-quality samples than do non-QD controls. Further, human evaluation of QDAIF-generated creative texts validates reasonable agreement between AI and human evaluation. Our results thus highlight the potential of AI feedback to guide open-ended search for creative and original solutions, providing a recipe that seemingly generalizes to many domains and modalities. In this way, QDAIF is a step towards AI systems that can independently search, diversify, evaluate, and improve, which are among the core skills underlying human society's capacity for innovation.
Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback
[ "Herbie Bradley", "Andrew Dai", "Hannah Benita Teufel", "Jenny Zhang", "Koen Oostermeijer", "Marco Bellagente", "Jeff Clune", "Kenneth Stanley", "Gregory Schott", "Joel Lehman" ]
Spotlight Poster
The rapid evolution of Multi-modality Large Language Models (MLLMs) has catalyzed a shift in computer vision from specialized models to general-purpose foundation models. Nevertheless, there is still an inadequacy in assessing the abilities of MLLMs on **low-level visual perception and understanding**. To address this gap, we present **Q-Bench**, a holistic benchmark crafted to systematically evaluate potential abilities of MLLMs on three realms: low-level visual perception, low-level visual description, and overall visual quality assessment. **_a)_** To evaluate the low-level **_perception_** ability, we construct the **LLVisionQA** dataset, consisting of 2,990 diverse-sourced images, each equipped with a human-asked question focusing on its low-level attributes. We then measure the correctness of MLLMs on answering these questions. **_b)_** To examine the **_description_** ability of MLLMs on low-level information, we propose the **LLDescribe** dataset consisting of long expert-labelled *golden* low-level text descriptions on 499 images, and a GPT-involved comparison pipeline between outputs of MLLMs and the *golden* descriptions. **_c)_** Besides these two tasks, we further measure their visual quality **_assessment_** ability to align with human opinion scores. Specifically, we design a softmax-based strategy that enables MLLMs to predict *quantifiable* quality scores, and evaluate them on various existing image quality assessment (IQA) datasets. Our evaluation across the three abilities confirms that MLLMs possess preliminary low-level visual skills. However, these skills are still unstable and relatively imprecise, indicating the need for specific enhancements on MLLMs towards these abilities. We hope that our benchmark can encourage the research community to delve deeper to discover and enhance these untapped potentials of MLLMs.
Q-Bench: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Foundation Models on Low-level Vision
[ "Haoning Wu", "Zicheng Zhang", "Erli Zhang", "Chaofeng Chen", "Liang Liao", "Annan Wang", "Chunyi Li", "Wenxiu Sun", "Qiong Yan", "Guangtao Zhai", "Weisi Lin" ]
Pretrained large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a cornerstone in modern natural language processing, with their utility expanding to various applications and languages. However, the fine-tuning of multilingual LLMs, particularly for low-resource languages, is fraught with challenges steming from data-sharing restrictions (the physical border) and from the inherent linguistic differences (the linguistic border). These barriers hinder users of various languages, especially those in low-resource regions, from fully benefiting from the advantages of LLMs.To overcome these challenges, we propose the Federated Prompt Tuning Paradigm for Multilingual Scenarios, which leverages parameter-efficient fine-tuning in a manner that preserves user privacy. We have designed a comprehensive set of experiments and introduced the concept of "language distance" to highlight the several strengths of this paradigm. Even under computational constraints, our method not only bolsters data efficiency but also facilitates mutual enhancements across languages, particularly benefiting low-resource ones. Compared to traditional local crosslingual transfer tuning methods, our approach achieves a 6.9\% higher accuracy, reduces the training parameters by over 99\%, and demonstrates stronger cross-lingual generalization. Such findings underscore the potential of our approach to promote social equality, ensure user privacy, and champion linguistic diversity.
Breaking Physical and Linguistic Borders: Multilingual Federated Prompt Tuning for Low-Resource Languages
[ "Wanru Zhao", "Royson Lee", "Yihong Chen", "Xinchi Qiu", "Yan Gao", "Hongxiang Fan", "Nicholas Donald Lane" ]
Spotlight Poster
Autonomous agents deployed in the real world need to be robust against adversarial attacks on sensory inputs. Robustifying agent policies requires anticipating the strongest attacks possible.We demonstrate that existing observation-space attacks on reinforcement learning agents have a common weakness: while effective, their lack of information-theoretic detectability constraints makes them \textit{detectable} using automated means or human inspection. Detectability is undesirable to adversaries as it may trigger security escalations.We introduce \textit{$\epsilon$-illusory attacks}, a novel form of adversarial attack on sequential decision-makers that is both effective and of $\epsilon$-bounded statistical detectability. We propose a novel dual ascent algorithm to learn such attacks end-to-end.Compared to existing attacks, we empirically find $\epsilon$-illusory attacks to be significantly harder to detect with automated methods, and a small study with human subjects\footnote{IRB approval under reference XXXXX/XXXXX} suggests they are similarly harder to detect for humans. Our findings suggest the need for better anomaly detectors, as well as effective hardware- and system-level defenses.
Illusory Attacks: Information-theoretic detectability matters in adversarial attacks
[ "Tim Franzmeyer", "Stephen Marcus McAleer", "Joao F. Henriques", "Jakob Nicolaus Foerster", "Philip Torr", "Adel Bibi", "Christian Schroeder de Witt" ]
The posterior collapse phenomenon in variational autoencoder (VAE), where the variational posterior distribution closely matches the prior distribution, can hinder the quality of the learned latent variables. As a consequence of posterior collapse, the latent variables extracted by the encoder in VAE preserve less information from the input data and thus fail to produce meaningful representations as input to the reconstruction process in the decoder. While this phenomenon has been an actively addressed topic related to VAE performance, the theory for posterior collapse remains underdeveloped, especially beyond the standard VAE. In this work, we advance the theoretical understanding of posterior collapse to two important and prevalent yet less studied classes of VAE: conditional VAE and hierarchical VAE. Specifically, via a non-trivial theoretical analysis of linear conditional VAE and hierarchical VAE with two levels of latent, we prove that the cause of posterior collapses in these models includes the correlation between the input and output of the conditional VAE and the effect of learnable encoder variance in the hierarchical VAE. We empirically validate our theoretical findings for linear conditional and hierarchical VAE and demonstrate that these results are also predictive for non-linear cases with extensive experiments.
Beyond Vanilla Variational Autoencoders: Detecting Posterior Collapse in Conditional and Hierarchical Variational Autoencoders
[ "Hien Dang", "Tho Tran Huu", "Tan Minh Nguyen", "Nhat Ho" ]
Sparse training (ST) aims to ameliorate deep learning by replacing fully connected artificial neural networks (ANNs) with sparse or ultra-sparse ones, such as brain networks are, therefore it might benefit to borrow brain-inspired learning paradigms from complex network intelligence theory. Here, we launch the ultra-sparse advantage challenge, whose goal is to offer evidence on the extent to which ultra-sparse (around 1% connection retained) topologies can achieve any leaning advantage on fully connected. Epitopological learning is a field of network science and complex network intelligence that studies how to implement learning on complex networks by changing the shape of their connectivity structure (epitopological plasticity). One way to implement Epitopological (epi- means new) Learning is via link prediction: predicting the likelihood of nonobserved links to appear in the network. Cannistraci-Hebb learning theory inspired the CH3-L3 network automata rule for link prediction which is effective for general-purpose link prediction. Here, starting from CH3-L3 we propose Epitopological Sparse Meta-deep Learning (ESML) to apply Epitopological Learning to sparse training. In empirical experiments, we find that ESML learns ANNs with ultra-sparse hyperbolic (epi-)topology in which emerges a community layer organization that is meta-deep (meaning that each layer also has an internal depth due to power-law node hierarchy). Furthermore, we discover that ESML can in many cases automatically sparse the neurons during training (arriving even to 30% neurons left in hidden layers), this process of node dynamic removal is called percolation. Starting from this network science evidence, we design Cannistraci-Hebb training (CHT), a 4-step training methodology that put ESML at its heart. We conduct experiments on 6 datasets and 3 network structures (MLPs, VGG16, ResNet50) comparing CHT to dynamic sparse training SOTA algorithms and fully connected network. The results indicate that, with a mere 1\% of links retained during training, CHT surpasses fully connected networks on VGG16 and ResNet50. This key finding is an evidence for ultra-sparse advantage and signs a milestone in deep learning. CHT acts akin to a gradient-free oracle which adopts CH3-L3 based epitopological learning to guide the placement of new links in the ultra-sparse network topology to facilitate sparse-weight gradient learning, and this in turn reduces the convergence time of ultra-sparse training. Finally, CHT offers first examples of parsimony dynamic sparse training because, in many datasets, it can retain network performance by percolating and significantly reducing the node network size.
Epitopological learning and Cannistraci-Hebb network shape intelligence brain-inspired theory for ultra-sparse advantage in deep learning
[ "Yingtao Zhang", "Jialin Zhao", "Wenjing Wu", "Alessandro Muscoloni", "Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci" ]
Estimating camera poses is a fundamental task for 3D reconstruction and remains challenging given sparse views ($<$10). In contrast to existing approaches that pursue top-down prediction of global parametrizations of camera extrinsics, we propose a distributed representation of camera pose that treats a camera as a bundle of rays. This representation allows for a tight coupling with spatial image features improving pose precision. We observe that this representation is naturally suited for set-level level transformers and develop a regression-based approach that maps image patches to corresponding rays. To capture the inherent uncertainties in sparse-view pose inference, we adapt this approach to learn a denoising diffusion model which allows us to sample plausible modes while improving performance. Our proposed methods, both regression- and diffusion-based, demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on camera pose estimation on CO3D while generalizing to unseen object categories and in-the-wild captures.
Cameras as Rays: Pose Estimation via Ray Diffusion
[ "Jason Y. Zhang", "Amy Lin", "Moneish Kumar", "Tzu-Hsuan Yang", "Deva Ramanan", "Shubham Tulsiani" ]
This paper considers a ubiquitous problem underlying several applications of DPMs, i.e., optimizing the parameters of DPMs when the objective is a differentiable metric defined on the generated contents. Since the sampling procedure of DPMs involves recursive calls to the denoising UNet, naive gradient backpropagation requires storing the intermediate states of all iterations, resulting in extremely high memory consumption. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel method AdjointDPM, which first generates new samples from diffusion models by solving the corresponding probability-flow ODEs. It then uses the adjoint sensitivity method to backpropagate the gradients of the loss to the models' parameters (including conditioning signals, network weights, and initial noises) by solving another augmented ODE. To reduce numerical errors in both the forward generation and gradient backpropagation processes, we further reparameterize the probability-flow ODE and augmented ODE as simple non-stiff ODEs using exponential integration. AdjointDPM can effectively compute the gradients of all types of parameters in DPMs, including the network weights, conditioning text prompts, and noisy states.Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of AdjointDPM on several interesting tasks: guided generation via modifying sampling trajectories, finetuning DPM weights for stylization, and converting visual effects into text embeddings.
AdjointDPM: Adjoint Sensitivity Method for Gradient Backpropagation of Diffusion Probabilistic Models
[ "Jiachun Pan", "Jun Hao Liew", "Vincent Tan", "Jiashi Feng", "Hanshu Yan" ]
Effective OOD detection is crucial for reliable machine learning models, yet most current methods are limited in practical use due to requirements like access to training data or intervention in training. We present a novel method for detecting OOD data in deep neural networks based on transformation smoothness between intermediate layers of a network (BLOOD), which is applicable to pre-trained models without access to training data. BLOOD utilizes the tendency of between-layer representation transformations of in-distribution (ID) data to be smoother than the corresponding transformations of OOD data, a property that we also demonstrate empirically for Transformer networks. We evaluate BLOOD on several text classification tasks with Transformer networks and demonstrate that it outperforms methods with comparable resource requirements. Our analysis also suggests that when learning simpler tasks, OOD data transformations maintain their original sharpness, whereas sharpness increases with more complex tasks.
Out-of-Distribution Detection by Leveraging Between-Layer Transformation Smoothness
[ "Fran Jelenić", "Josip Jukić", "Martin Tutek", "Mate Puljiz", "Jan Snajder" ]
Synthetic training data has gained prominence in numerous learning tasks and scenarios, offering advantages such as dataset augmentation, generalization evaluation, and privacy preservation. Despite these benefits, the efficiency of synthetic data generated by current methodologies remains inferior when training advanced deep models exclusively, limiting its practical utility. To address this challenge, we analyze the principles underlying training data synthesis for supervised learning and elucidate a principled theoretical framework from the distribution-matching perspective that explicates the mechanisms governing synthesis efficacy. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our synthetic data across diverse image classification tasks, both as a replacement for and augmentation to real datasets, while also benefits challenging tasks such as out-of-distribution generalization and privacy preservation.
Real-Fake: Effective Training Data Synthesis Through Distribution Matching
[ "Jianhao Yuan", "Jie Zhang", "Shuyang Sun", "Philip Torr", "Bo Zhao" ]
Learning world models can teach an agent how the world works in an unsupervised manner. Even though it can be viewed as a special case of sequence modeling, progress for scaling world models on robotic applications such as autonomous driving has been somewhat less rapid than scaling language models with Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT). We identify two reasons as major bottlenecks: dealing with complex and unstructured observation space, and having a scalable generative model. Consequently, we propose a novel world modeling approach that first tokenizes sensor observations with VQVAE, then predicts the future via discrete diffusion. To efficiently decode and denoise tokens in parallel, we recast Masked Generative Image Transformer into the discrete diffusion framework with a few simple changes, resulting in notable improvement. When applied to learning world models on point cloud observations, our model reduces prior SOTA Chamfer distance by more than 65% for 1s prediction, and more than 50% for 3s prediction, across NuScenes, KITTI Odometry, and Argoverse2 datasets. Our results demonstrate that discrete diffusion on tokenized agent experience can unlock the power of GPT-like unsupervised learning for robotic agents.
Copilot4D: Learning Unsupervised World Models for Autonomous Driving via Discrete Diffusion
[ "Lunjun Zhang", "Yuwen Xiong", "Ze Yang", "Sergio Casas", "Rui Hu", "Raquel Urtasun" ]
Convolution models with long filters have demonstrated state-of-the-art reasoning abilities in many long-sequence tasks but lag behind the most optimized Transformers in wall-clock time.A major bottleneck is the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)---which allows long convolutions to run in $O(N\log N)$ time in sequence length $N$ but has poor hardware utilization.In this paper, we study how to optimize the FFT convolution.We find two key bottlenecks: the FFT does not effectively use specialized matrix multiply units, and it incurs expensive I/O between layers of the memory hierarchy.In response, we propose FlashFFTConv.FlashFFTConv uses a matrix decomposition that computes the FFT using matrix multiply units and enables kernel fusion for long sequences, reducing I/O.We also present two sparse convolution algorithms---1) partial convolutions and 2) frequency-sparse convolutions---which can be implemented simply by skipping blocks in the matrix decomposition, enabling further opportunities for memory and compute savings.FlashFFTConv speeds up exact FFT convolutions by up to 8.7$\times$ over PyTorch and achieves up to 4.4$\times$ speedup end-to-end.Given the same compute budget, FlashFFTConv allows Hyena-GPT-s to achieve 2.3 points better perplexity and M2-BERT-base to achieve 3.3 points higher GLUE score---matching models with twice the parameter count.FlashFFTConv also achieves 96.1% accuracy on Path-512, a high-resolution vision task where no model had previously achieved better than 50%.Furthermore, partial convolutions enable longer-sequence models---yielding the first DNA model that can process the longest human genes (2.3M base pairs)---and frequency-sparse convolutions speed up pretrained models while maintaining or improving model quality.
FlashFFTConv: Efficient Convolutions for Long Sequences with Tensor Cores
[ "Daniel Y Fu", "Hermann Kumbong", "Eric Nguyen", "Christopher Re" ]
In this work, we explore regions as the visual analogue of words for self-supervised image representation learning. Inspired by Masked Autoencoding (MAE), a generative pre-training baseline, we propose masked region autoencoding to learn from groups of pixels or regions. Specifically, we design an architecture which efficiently addresses the one-to-many mapping between images and regions, while being highly effective especially with high-quality regions. When integrated with MAE, our approach (R-MAE) demonstrates consistent improvements across various pre-training datasets and downstream detection and segmentation benchmarks, with negligible computational overheads. Beyond the quantitative evaluation, our analysis indicates the models pre-trained with masked region autoencoding unlock the potential for interactive segmentation.
R-MAE: Regions Meet Masked Autoencoders
[ "Duy Kien Nguyen", "Yanghao Li", "Vaibhav Aggarwal", "Martin R. Oswald", "Alexander Kirillov", "Cees G. M. Snoek", "Xinlei Chen" ]
Dueling bandits is a prominent framework for decision-making involving preferential feedback, a valuable feature that fits various applications involving human interaction, such as ranking, information retrieval, and recommendation systems. While substantial efforts have been made to minimize the cumulative regret in dueling bandits, a notable gap in the current research is the absence of regret bounds that account for the inherent uncertainty in pairwise comparisons between the dueling arms. Intuitively, greater uncertainty suggests a higher level of difficulty in the problem. To bridge this gap, this paper studies the problem of contextual dueling bandits, where the binary comparison of dueling arms is generated from a generalized linear model (GLM). We propose a new SupLinUCB-type algorithm that enjoys computational efficiency and a variance-aware regret bound $\tilde O\big(d\sqrt{\sum_{t=1}^T\sigma_t^2} + d\big)$, where $\sigma_t$ is the variance of the pairwise comparison at round $t$, $d$ is the dimension of the context vectors, and $T$ is the time horizon. Our regret bound naturally aligns with the intuitive expectation — in scenarios where the comparison is deterministic, the algorithm only suffers from an $\tilde O(d)$ regret. We perform empirical experiments on synthetic data to confirm the advantage of our method over previous variance-agnostic algorithms.
Variance-aware Regret Bounds for Stochastic Contextual Dueling Bandits
[ "Qiwei Di", "Tao Jin", "Yue Wu", "Heyang Zhao", "Farzad Farnoud", "Quanquan Gu" ]
Offline reinforcement learning (RL), where the agent aims to learn the optimal policy based on the data collected by a behavior policy, has attracted increasing attention in recent years. While offline RL with linear function approximation has been extensively studied with optimal results achieved under certain assumptions, many works shift their interest to offline RL with non-linear function approximation.However, limited works on offline RL with non-linear function approximation have instance-dependent regret guarantees. In this paper, we propose an oracle-efficient algorithm, dubbed Pessimistic Nonlinear Least-Square Value Iteration (PNLSVI), for offline RL with non-linear function approximation. Our algorithmic design comprises three innovative components: (1) a variance-based weighted regression scheme that can be applied to a wide range of function classes, (2) a subroutine for variance estimation, and (3) a planning phase that utilizes a pessimistic value iteration approach. Our algorithm enjoys a regret bound that has a tight dependency on the function class complexity and achieves minimax optimal instance-dependent regret when specialized to linear function approximation. Our work extends the previous instance-dependent results within simpler function classes, such as linear and differentiable function to a more general framework. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first statistically optimal algorithm for nonlinear offline RL.
Pessimistic Nonlinear Least-Squares Value Iteration for Offline Reinforcement Learning
[ "Qiwei Di", "Heyang Zhao", "Jiafan He", "Quanquan Gu" ]
Prompt tuning in natural language processing (NLP) has become an increasingly popular method for adapting large language models to specific tasks. However, the transferability of these prompts, especially continuous prompts, between different models remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a zero-shot continuous prompt transfer method, where source prompts are encoded into relative space and the corresponding target prompts are searched for transferring to target models. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our method, showing that 'task semantics' in continuous prompts can be generalized across various language models. Moreover, we find that combining 'task semantics' from multiple source models can further enhance the generalizability of transfer.
Zero-Shot Continuous Prompt Transfer: Generalizing Task Semantics Across Language Models
[ "Zijun Wu", "Yongkang Wu", "Lili Mou" ]
We investigate the unsupervised constituency parsing task, which organizes words and phrases of a sentence into a hierarchical structure without using linguistically annotated data. We observe that existing unsupervised parsers capture differing aspects of parsing structures, which can be leveraged to enhance unsupervised parsing performance.To this end, we propose a notion of ``tree averaging,'' based on which we further propose a novel ensemble method for unsupervised parsing.To improve inference efficiency, we further distill the ensemble knowledge into a student model; such an ensemble-then-distill process is an effective approach to mitigate the over-smoothing problem existing in common multi-teacher distilling methods.Experiments show that our method surpasses all previous approaches, consistently demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness across various runs, with different ensemble components, and under domain-shift conditions.
Ensemble Distillation for Unsupervised Constituency Parsing
[ "Behzad Shayegh", "Yanshuai Cao", "Xiaodan Zhu", "Jackie CK Cheung", "Lili Mou" ]
Noise poses a widespread challenge in signal processing, particularly when it comes to denoising images. Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have exhibited remarkable success in this field, they are predicated upon the belief that noise follows established distributions, which restricts their practicality when dealing with real-world noise. To overcome this limitation, several efforts have been taken to collect noisy image datasets from the real world. Generative methods, employing techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and normalizing flows (NFs), have emerged as a solution for generating realistic noisy images. Recent works model noise using camera metadata, however requiring metadata even for sampling phase. In contrast, in this work, we aim to estimate the underlying camera settings, enabling us to improve noise modeling and generate diverse noise distributions. To this end, we introduce a new NF framework that allows us to both classify noise based on camera settings and generate various noisy images. Through experimental results, our model demonstrates exceptional noise quality and leads in denoising performance on benchmark datasets.
sRGB Real Noise Modeling via Noise-Aware Sampling with Normalizing Flows
[ "Dongjin Kim", "Donggoo Jung", "Sungyong Baik", "Tae Hyun Kim" ]
Table-based reasoning with large language models (LLMs) is a promising direction to tackle many table understanding tasks, such as table-based question answering and fact verification. Compared with generic reasoning, table-based reasoning requires the extraction of underlying semantics from both free-form questions and semi-structured tabular data. Chain-of-Thought and its similar approaches incorporate the reasoning chain in the form of textual context, but it is still an open question how to effectively leverage tabular data in the reasoning chain. We propose the Chain-of-Table framework, where tabular data is explicitly used in the reasoning chain as a proxy for intermediate thoughts. Specifically, we guide LLMs using in-context samples to iteratively generate operations and update the table to represent a complex reasoning chain. LLMs can therefore dynamically plan the next operation based on the results of the previous ones. This continuous evolution of the table forms a chain, showing the reasoning process for a given tabular problem. The chain carries structured information of the intermediate results, enabling more accurate and reliable predictions. Chain-of-Table achieves new state-of-the-art performance on WikiTQ, FeTaQA, and TabFact benchmarks across multiple LLM choices.
Chain-of-Table: Evolving Tables in the Reasoning Chain for Table Understanding
[ "Zilong Wang", "Hao Zhang", "Chun-Liang Li", "Julian Martin Eisenschlos", "Vincent Perot", "Zifeng Wang", "Lesly Miculicich", "Yasuhisa Fujii", "Jingbo Shang", "Chen-Yu Lee", "Tomas Pfister" ]
Recent advancements have introduced machine learning frameworks to enhance the Branch and Bound (B\&B) branching policies for solving Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP). These methods, primarily relying on imitation learning of Strong Branching, have shown superior performance. However, collecting expert samples for imitation learning, particularly for Strong Branching, is a time-consuming endeavor. To address this challenge, we propose \textbf{C}ontrastive Learning with \textbf{A}ugmented \textbf{M}ILPs for \textbf{Branch}ing (CAMBranch), a framework that generates Augmented MILPs (AMILPs) by applying variable shifting to limited expert data from their original MILPs. This approach enables the acquisition of a considerable number of labeled expert samples. CAMBranch leverages both MILPs and AMILPs for imitation learning and employs contrastive learning to enhance the model's ability to capture MILP features, thereby improving the quality of branching decisions. Experimental results demonstrate that CAMBranch, trained with only 10\% of the complete dataset, exhibits superior performance. Ablation studies further validate the effectiveness of our method.
CAMBranch: Contrastive Learning with Augmented MILPs for Branching
[ "Jiacheng Lin", "Meng XU", "Zhihua Xiong", "Huangang Wang" ]
Designing expressive Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is a fundamental topic in the graph learning community. So far, GNN expressiveness has been primarily assessed via the Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) hierarchy. However, such an expressivity measure has notable limitations: it is inherently coarse, qualitative, and may not well reflect practical requirements (e.g., the ability to encode substructures). In this paper, we introduce a novel framework for quantitatively studying the expressiveness of GNN architectures, addressing all the above limitations. Specifically, we identify a fundamental expressivity measure termed homomorphism expressivity, which quantifies the ability of GNN models to count graphs under homomorphism. Homomorphism expressivity offers a complete and practical assessment tool: the completeness enables direct expressivity comparisons between GNN models, while the practicality allows for understanding concrete GNN abilities such as subgraph counting. By examining four classes of prominent GNNs as case studies, we derive simple, unified, and elegant descriptions of their homomorphism expressivity for both invariant and equivariant settings. Our results provide novel insights into a series of previous work, unify the landscape of different subareas in the community, and settle several open questions. Empirically, extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world tasks verify our theory, showing that the practical performance of GNN models aligns well with the proposed metric.
Beyond Weisfeiler-Lehman: A Quantitative Framework for GNN Expressiveness
[ "Bohang Zhang", "Jingchu Gai", "Yiheng Du", "Qiwei Ye", "Di He", "Liwei Wang" ]
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Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated a remarkable success across various tasks. However, efficiently serving LLMs has been a challenge due to its large memory bottleneck, specifically in small batch inference settings (e.g. mobile devices). Weight-only quantization can be a promising approach, but sub-4 bit quantization remains a challenge due to large-magnitude activation outliers. To mitigate the undesirable outlier effect, we first propose per-IC quantization, a simple yet effective method that creates quantization groups within each input channel (IC) rather than the conventional per-output channel (OC). Our method is motivated by the observation that activation outliers affect the input dimension of the weight matrix, so similarly grouping the weights in the IC direction can $\textit{isolate outliers to be within a group}$. We also find that activation outliers do not dictate quantization difficulty, and inherent weight sensitivities also exist. With per-IC quantization as a new outlier-friendly scheme, we then propose Adaptive Dimensions ($\textbf{AdaDim}$), a versatile quantization framework that can adapt to various weight sensitivity patterns. We demonstrate the effectiveness of AdaDim by augmenting prior methods such as Round-To-Nearest and GPTQ, showing significant improvements across various language modeling benchmarks for both base (up to $+4.7\%$ on MMLU) and instruction-tuned (up to $+10\%$ on HumanEval) LLMs.
Rethinking Channel Dimensions to Isolate Outliers for Low-bit Weight Quantization of Large Language Models
[ "Jung Hwan Heo", "Jeonghoon Kim", "Beomseok Kwon", "Byeongwook Kim", "Se Jung Kwon", "Dongsoo Lee" ]