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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Location: WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES Post Date: Dec 5, 2017 3:40 PM TAG ID: upiphotostwo567617 (RM) Credit: KEVIN DIETSCH/UPI/Newscom Format: 3500 x 2475 Color JPEG Photographer: KEVIN DIETSCH Keywords: News, White House, Press Secretary, Press Briefing, White House Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release Caption: White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders holds the daily press briefing at the White House on December 5, 2017 in Washington, D.C. Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
| | Beto O`Rourke on Immigration Ted Cruz (R): No. End DACA. No path to citizenship to Dreamers or anyone else who violates immigration laws. Beto O'Rourke (D): Protect Dreamers. "As American as my kids. & have done everything we've asked of them." Supports earned path to citizenship for millions here illegally. O'ROURKE: It is a mix of kids who made that 2,000-mile journey on their own and kids who made that journey with their parents. And, at the moment that they finally thought they had reached safety, and were going to petition for asylum, they were taken from their parents. Q: What do you say to that argument, that this is all about deterrence? O'ROURKE: Things have to be really bad for you to leave Honduras, travel 2,000 miles, and hope that once you get here to try to request asylum, only to find that your child will be taken from you. This is inhumane. I would like to say it is un-American, but it's happening right now in America. And that is why we are marching to Tornillo today to bear witness, to make sure everyone in America knows that this is going on. I am working with my colleagues to end the practice of family separation. O'ROURKE: I think this one is going to be on the American people. And I think, when we make the choice clear that we can do the right thing by this country and for those kids, and not do it at the price of a 2,000-mile, 30-foot-high, $30 billion wall, not doing it at the price of deporting people who are seeking asylum, deporting people in some cases back to certain death, not doing it at the cost of ending family migration, which is the story of this country, certainly of the O'Rourkes, and millions of families who have fled terror or starvation in their countries to be here, I think the American people are going to force us to do the right thing. That always happens in America. It is frustrating. It's slow. It doesn't happen right away. But, ultimately, we get it right. And I'm confident that the American people this time are going to get it right. Project Vote Smart infers candidate issue stances on key topics by summarizing public speeches and public statements. Congressional candidates are given the opportunity to respond in detail; about 11% did so in the 2012 races. Project Vote Smart summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: 'Immigration: Do you support requiring illegal immigrants to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?' Congressional Summary: The House voted on an amendment by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) to H.R. 5293, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2017. The amendment would prohibit funds from being used to extend the expiration of, or reissue a new expiration date to, the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest (MAVNI) program. Recommendation by Heritage Foundation to vote YES:(6/16/2016): The MAVNI program is a pilot program authorizing "military services to recruit certain legal immigrants whose skills are considered to be vital to the national interest." However, a DoD memo has made it clear that DACA/DAPA recipients are eligible under this program, essentially opening up a pathway to amnesty for illegal aliens who enlist. By ensuring that this guidance ends, DOD will no longer be able to enlist illegal immigrants through MAVNI. Recommendation by the ACLU to vote NO: (6/28/2011): The DREAM Act promotes fundamental fairness for young people by allowing access to affordable post-secondary education and military service opportunities, regardless of immigration status, and would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, have lived here for at least five years and have graduated from high school. The DREAM Act could result in billions of dollars in additional tax revenue from tapping the potential of DREAM-eligible students and future service personnel. Since September 11, 2001, more than 69,000 immigrants have earned citizenship while serving, and more than 125 who entered military service after that date have made the ultimate sacrifice in war by giving their lives for this nation. Legislative outcome: Failed House 210 to 211 (no Senate vote) The Christian Coalition Voter Guide inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Increase Border Security Including Additional Infrastructures ' Christian Coalition's self-description: "Christian Voter Guide is a clearing-house for traditional, pro-family voter guides. We do not create voter guides, nor do we interview or endorse candidates." | | |Other candidates on Immigration:||Beto O`Rourke on other issues:| | TX Gubernatorial: | Andrew White Annise Parker David Dewhurst George P. Bush Greg Abbott Julian Castro Kathie Glass Lupe Valdez Mike Rawlings Rick Perry TX Senatorial: David Alameel Emily Sanchez Jon Roland Steve Stockman Ted Cruz TX politicians TX Archives | Senate races 2017-8: | AL: AZ: Flake(R) vs. Ward(R) vs.Sinema(D) vs.Abboud(D) vs.McSally(R) vs.Arpaio(R) vs.Marks(L) CA: Feinstein(D) vs. Eisen(I) vs. Sanchez?(D) vs.de_Leon(D) CT: Murphy(D) vs.Adams(D) vs.Corey(R) DE: Carper(D) vs.Arlett(R) vs.Truono(R) vs. FL: Nelson(D) vs. HI: Hirono(D) vs.Curtis(R) vs. IN: Donnelly(D) vs. MA: Warren(D) vs. Ayyadurai(I) vs. MD: Cardin(D) vs.Campbell(R) vs.Vohra(L) vs. ME: King(I) vs.Brakey(R) vs.Ringelstein(D) vs.Lyons(L) MI: Stabenow(D) vs. MN-2: MN-6: Klobuchar(D) vs.Newberger(R) vs.Overby(G) MO: McCaskill(D) vs.Petersen(R) vs.Petersen(R) vs.Monetti(R) vs.Hawley(R) MS-2: vs.Hyde-Smith(R) vs. McDaniel(R) vs.Espy(D) vs. MS-6: Wicker(R) vs.Baria(D) vs. MT: Tester(D) vs.Olszewski(R) vs.Rosendale(R) | | ND: Heitkamp(D) vs.Peyer(D) vs.Cramer(R) vs. NE: Fischer(R) vs.Raybould(D) NJ: Menendez(D) vs. NM: Heinrich(D) vs.Rich(R) vs.Johnson(L) NV: Heller(R) vs. NY: Gillibrand(D) vs. OH: Brown(D) vs. PA: Casey(D) vs. RI: Whitehouse(D) vs. TN: Corker(R) vs.Bredesen(D) vs. TX: Cruz(R) vs. UT: Hatch(R) vs. VA: Kaine(D) vs. VT: Sanders(I) vs.Milne(D) vs.MacGovern(D) vs.Paige(R) vs.Zupan(R) WA: Cantwell(D) vs.Hutchison(R) vs.Ferguson(D) vs.Luke(L) vs.Strider(L) WI: Baldwin(D) vs.Vukmir(R) WV: Manchin(D) vs. WY: Barrasso(R) vs.Trauner(D) | Abortion | Budget/Economy Civil Rights Corporations Crime Drugs Education Energy/Oil Environment Families Foreign Policy Free Trade Govt. Reform Gun Control Health Care Homeland Security Immigration Jobs Principles Social Security Tax Reform Technology War/Peace Welfare Other Senators Senate Votes (analysis) Bill Sponsorships Affiliations Policy Reports Group Ratings
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The Presidential and Congressional Elections of 2020: A National Referendum on the Trump Presidency Gary C. Jacobson discusses the 2020 presidential and congressional elections. He argues that the elections were above all a referendum on Donald Trump’s presidency, which provoked extreme levels of party loyalty, partisan polarization, and partisan animosity in the electorate, as well as the highest voter turnout in more than a century. pp. 11-45 Policy or Pique? Trump and the Turn to Great Power Competition Deborah Welch Larson analyzes Donald Trump’s policy toward China and Russia and the return of great power competition. She argues that Trump’s personalization of foreign policy undermined his trade war with China, and efforts to improve relations with Russia and that the Joe Biden administration will continue to compete but seek cooperation in areas of shared interests. pp. 47-80 Loyalists and Switchers: Characterizing Voters’ Responses to Donald Trump’s Campaign and Presidency Meredith Dost, Ryan Enos, and Jennifer Hochschild look at the crucial segment of American voters who have changed their views about Donald Trump since the 2016 presidential election. Using two original surveys, they find that attitudes on race and immigration, populism and authoritarianism, and the nation’s and their own economic well-being are all associated with loyalty to and switching from this divisive president. pp. 81-103 America’s Crisis of Democracy William G. Howell and TERRY M. MOE explain how the populist threat to American democracy has been fueled by our government’s ineffective responses to the disruptive economic and cultural problems of modernity. They argue that saving democracy calls for aggressive policy actions and institutional reforms that balance the promise and the fear of presidential power. pp. 105-127 U.S. Geopolitics and Nuclear Deterrence in the Era of Great Power Competitions Peter Rudolf argues that in the new era of great power competitions the United States is faced with the question of whether to seek some form of geopolitical accommodation based on de facto spheres of influence and buffer zones or to push ahead with strategic rivalries overshadowed by the risk of a military conflict with a nuclear dimension. pp. 129-153 How the 1976 Election Reshaped American Politics: A Review Essay Kathryn Cramer Brownell reviews two recently published books on Jimmy Carter: The Election of the Evangelical: Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, and the Presidential Contest of 1976 and Jimmy Carter and the Birth of the Marathon Media Campaign. She argues that the discussion of the 1976 election put forth in these two books contributes to our understanding of modern political realignment and polarization. pp. 155-160 How America Lost Its Mind: The Assault on Reason That’s Crippling Our Democracy, Thomas E. Patterson Reviewed by Andrew Hacker pp. 161-162 The President on Capitol Hill: A Theory of Institutional Influence, Jeffrey E. Cohen Reviewed by Joshua B. Kennedy pp. 162-164 Un-American: The Fake Patriotism of Donald J. Trump, John J. Pitney Jr. Reviewed by Verlan Lewis pp. 164-167 Entrenchment: Wealth, Power, and the Constitution of Democratic Societies, Paul Starr Reviewed by James A. Morone pp. 167-169 Red State Blues: How the Conservative Revolution Stalled in the States, Matt Grossmann Reviewed by Adam S. Myers pp. 169-170 Rising Titans, Falling Giants: How Great Powers Exploit Power Shifts, Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson Reviewed by Kyle Haynes pp. 171-172 Promoting Democracy: The Force of Political Settlements in Uncertain Times, Manal A. Jamal Reviewed by Erin A. Snider pp. 172-174 Paradigm Lost: From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality, Ian S. Lustick Reviewed by DOV WAXMAN pp. 174-176 From Quills to Tweets: How America Communicates about War and Revolution, Andrea J. Dew, Marc A. Genest and S.C.M. Paine Reviewed by James J. Wirtz pp. 177-178 The Politics of War Powers: The Theory and History of Presidential Unilateralism, Sarah Burns Reviewed by Clement Fatovic pp. 178-180 First in the South: Why South Carolina’s Presidential Primary Matters, H. Gibbs Knotts and Jordan M. Ragusa Reviewed by Seth C. Mc Kee pp. 180-181 Liberty in Peril: Democracy and Power in American History, Randall G. Holcombe Reviewed by Chris Barker pp. 182-183 Politics of Empowerment: Disability Rights and the Cycle of American Policy Reform, David Pettinicchio Reviewed by Kelly A. Clancy pp. 183-185 Unmaking the Presidency: Donald Trump’s War on the World’s Most Powerful Office, Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes Reviewed by Graham G. Dodds pp. 185-186 Black Utopia: The History of an Idea from Black Nationalism to Afrofuturism, Alex Zamalin Reviewed by Adam Ewing pp. 186-188 Banned: Immigration Enforcement in the Time of Trump, Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia Reviewed by Flavio R. Hickel Jr. pp. 188-189 Rejecting Compromise: Legislators’ Fear of Primary Voters, Sarah E. Anderson, Daniel M. Butler and Laurel Harbridge-Yong Reviewed by Alex Keena pp. 190-191 Steadfast Democrats: How Social Forces Shape Black Political Behavior, Ismail K. White and Chryl N. Laird Reviewed by Brianna N. Mack pp. 191-193 Quagmire in Civil War, Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl Reviewed by David E. Cunningham pp. 193-195 Leadership Decapitation: Strategic Targeting of Terrorist Organizations, Jenna Jordan Reviewed by Dorle Hellmuth pp. 195-196 Divided Armies: Inequality and Battlefield Performance in Modern War, Jason Lyall Reviewed by Max Margulies pp. 197-198 The Legacy Structure of Russia’s One Hundred Year Transformation, David Foley Reviewed by Peter Rutland pp. 199-201 Power, Participation, and Protest in Flint, Michigan: Unpacking the Policy Paradox of Municipal Takeovers, Ashley E. Nickels Reviewed by Louise Seamster pp. 201-202 Clinton’s Elections: 1992, 1996, and the Birth of a New Era of Governance, Michael Nelson Reviewed by Nicole L. Anslover pp. 202-204 After Reagan: Bush, Dukakis, and the 1988 Election, John J. Pitney Jr. Reviewed by Christopher J. Devine pp. 204-205 Racism, Latinos, and the Public Policy Process, Henry Flores Reviewed by Christopher Stout pp. 205-207 Crisis! When Political Parties Lose the Consent to Rule, Cedric de Leon Reviewed by Mara Suttmann-Lea pp. 207-208
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
12 Jun 2023, 4:45 am Amy Berman Jackson declared “the [Presidential Records Act] does not confer any mandatory or even discretional authority on the archivist. [read post] 11 Jun 2023, 7:22 pm Third, as then-judge Amy Coney Barrett wrote in her dissent in Kanter v. [read post] [Eugene Volokh] Journal of Free Speech Law: "Privacy Rights, Internet Mug Shots, and a Right to Be Forgotten," by Prof. Amy Gajda 10 Jun 2023, 10:10 am Amy Gajda appeared first on [read post] Leaving Us In a Good State: Responses to and Appreciation for Comments on In a Bad State: Responding to State and Local Budget Crises 9 Jun 2023, 7:30 am And it is the size that will help answer how to respond to a specific crisis. [read post] 9 Jun 2023, 4:00 am The outcome is the latest example of how the close relationship between Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, and Saudi Arabia, whose sovereign wealth fund is the force behind the upheaval in the golf world, has proved beneficial to both sides even as it has prompted intense ethical scrutiny and political criticism. [read post] 8 Jun 2023, 11:03 pm Alito agreed with the “high bar” required for Section 1983 enforcement but disagreed with how the majority applied that standard. [read post] 8 Jun 2023, 10:30 pm Amy Kapczynski, who clerked the year Back was decided and is now Guido’s Yale Law School colleague, recognized the case’s potential import immediately. [read post] 8 Jun 2023, 9:01 pm Thus, according to Alabama and Justice Thomas (who was joined in whole by Justice Neil Gorsuch and in part by Justices Samuel Alito and Amy Coney Barrett), there was no racially discriminatory effect.In response to that contention, the majority cited Gingles. [read post] 8 Jun 2023, 11:48 am Grimaldi — and how some challenged trademarks do not seek to designate the work’s source and thus are found to not be violating another mark. [read post] 8 Jun 2023, 10:33 am ” Thomas penned a 48-page dissent that was joined by Justice Neil Gorsuch and joined in part by Justices Samuel Alito and Amy Coney Barrett. [read post] 8 Jun 2023, 7:06 am Supreme Court in argued cases appeared first on How Appealing. [read post] 7 Jun 2023, 1:35 pm This article was originally published at Howe on the Court. [read post] 6 Jun 2023, 12:33 pm Richard Glossip’s case is a harrowing example of how the justice system can fail an innocent person. [read post] 6 Jun 2023, 6:30 am The state would need to specify in detail how pension debt is to be calculated for state constitutional purposes. [read post] 6 Jun 2023, 6:10 am I want to thank Amy Porges for pointing me to excellent sources on this topic! [read post] 6 Jun 2023, 6:10 am I want to thank Amy Porges for pointing me to excellent sources on this topic! [read post] 6 Jun 2023, 5:01 am How ChatGPT Works ChatGPT, or generative pre-trained transformer, is a kind of AI model that generates text according to the information it is given. [read post] 6 Jun 2023, 4:30 am But OIRA would do well to recognize just how frequently this may turn out to be the case. [read post] 5 Jun 2023, 12:29 pm How should we settle that dispute? [read post] “Supreme Court’s conservative majority to decide direction of law on race, elections and religious freedom this month” 5 Jun 2023, 10:20 am And today’s broadcast of C-SPAN’s Washington Journal contained a segment titled “Amy Howe on Key Supreme Court Decisions in June 2023. [read post]
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Mid-Missouri's source for breaking news, weather & sports. ABC 17 News is a product of NPG of Missouri, LLC. Do you support Medicare negotiations with drug companies? Do you know someone experiencing Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia? next page Can Mizzou keep the momentum going in SEC play?
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart You Don't Know Dick - Google Earth Season 12 • 06/27/2007 Dick Cheney's residence appears on Google Earth only as an obscured mass of pixels. More Watching 00:53 MoviefoneThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Jon tries to contact Stephen, but only gets the "recording" version. 06/26/2007 03:01 Decisions '07The Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Jon spins the Justice Kennedy Wheel for an update on Supreme Court decisions. 06/26/2007 01:47 You Don't Know Dick - SafeThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Why Cheney needs man-sized safes for workaday business is unclear -- unless he's been hiding bodies. 06/26/2007 06:59 Bruce WillisThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Bruce shares stories about working in a Jersey atomic plant and pitches a buddy movie with Jon. 06/26/2007 00:13 Moment of Zen - Peru's Guinea Pig FestivalThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Peruvians celebrate their guinea pigs by dressing them up and then eating them. 06/26/2007 02:29 The Kennedy FactorThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Sam Bee gives Jon an update on the new tiebreaking vote in the Supreme Court. 06/26/2007 07:15 Michael MooreThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Michael Moore got bumped from Larry King for Paris Hilton. 06/27/2007 02:29 Waiting to InhaleThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 If we don't breathe asbestos then the terrorists have won. 06/27/2007 02:54 Clusterf@#k to the White House - Cocaine BustThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Giuliani's top advisor is busted for trying to share 500 grams of cocaine. 06/27/2007 04:07 Back in Black - New MediaThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 You know what a fake news show on Fox News should give you? Real news! 06/27/2007 02:23 You Don't Know Dick - Google EarthThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Dick Cheney's residence appears on Google Earth only as an obscured mass of pixels. 06/27/2007 01:25 Mexican StandoffThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 The Senate revived the immigration debate just so they can kill it again. 06/28/2007 00:23 Moment of Zen - Fatal FireworksThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 CNN shows you how powerful fireworks really are. 06/28/2007 04:30 iPhoneThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Rob Riggle goes on a rampage for the new iPhone. 06/28/2007 02:53 You Don't Know Dick - LogoThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 "Top Secret" and "Classified" weren't appropriately Blofeldian. 06/28/2007 05:38 Claire DanesThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Claire Danes tells Jon that she started drinking and smoking to prepare for a movie. 06/28/2007 05:12 Immigrant DiseaseThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 John Hodgman reports on illegal immigrants and leprosy... In this country... Incredible. 06/28/2007 03:24 Iraq War Report CardThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 The Bush administration releases a report card on itself. Eight out of 18 -- otherwise known as a gentleman's F. 07/16/2007 00:52 Better QuestionThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Jon has a question for Stephen, but Stephen ups the ante. 07/16/2007 01:17 Back From BreakThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS12 Jon returns from vacation to find that Scooter Libby's sentence was commuted and President Bush has succumbed to using Fox News's slogan. 07/16/2007 You may also like5 Videos Trailer 01:00 Fires and Full Moons Breed a New Terror on Wolf Pack A California wildfire awakens a werewolf, but a group of curious teens -- once bitten -- will not shy away from the threat of decimation on Wolf Pack, streaming January 26 on Paramount+. 10/12/2022 Trailer 01:41 This Game of M.A.S.H. Is a Real Monster in Cursed FriendsCursed Friends Four pals must break an evil spell and change their fates when a classic kid's game to predict the future comes back to haunt them in the Comedy Central original movie Cursed Friends. 10/10/2022 Trailer 01:22 Out of Office Explores Remote Work AbsurdityOut of Office A young woman experiences the bizarre extremes of working from home in the film Out of Office, starring Milana Vayntrub, Ken Jeong, Jay Pharoah, Cheri Oteri, Jason Alexander and more. 09/19/2022 Trailer 00:35 A Front Row Seat to South Park The 25th Anniversary ConcertSouth ParkS25 Sing along to silly songs and classic symphonies from the show on South Park The 25th Anniversary Concert, premiering August 13 at 10/9c. 07/27/2022
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
We have packaged the 10 most-consulted LinkedIn posts on P/CVE sent by Thorsten Koch, MA, PgDip. In fact, the two top posts were ‘Lone Wolves Exist After all’ and ‘Lessons Learned from Errors in P/CVE’ (A.R.C. Europe). You can read them here on site. You will find the following 10 articles posted on LinkedIn below: Studying The Risk Factors Of Violent Extremism (Eurasiareview) Psychological Characteristics of Prejudice in the Process of Radicalization ( Researcher Tests ‘Vaccine’ Against Hate (VOA News) Our domains:
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Bill Frist August 16, 2012 - Founded by the family of former U.S. Sen. Bill Frist, previously led by Florida Gov. Rick Scott, and acquired by private equity firms including Bain Capital in 2006, Tennessee-based HCA was already the subject of the largest Medicare fraud settlement in history -- and now it's under investigation again for performing medically unnecessary heart procedures. June 12, 2006 - I've been in New Orleans and Mississippi over the last few days, visiting areas of the Gulf hard-hit by the hurricanes (like the devastated ghost town of Pass Christian, Miss.), as well as talking to community leaders about their plans for the one-year anniversary of Katrina. May 4, 2006 - Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) got back to serious business after Monday's silly "English only" National Anthem proposal and introduced new anti-pollution legislation. Sen. Dr. Frist says he won't bring it to the floor. February 21, 2006 - (Ed. note: this is cross-posted from my KnoxViews blog because it should be getting wider coverage)In huge news that is not getting any coverage, Senate Democrats have taken a stand against White House cronyism and one-party GOP government. January 10, 2006 - Posted by R. Neal December 19, 2005 - Still burdened with nagging questions about his November 11, 2005 - Auto leader Nissan has announced it's pulling up stakes from California, and moving its U.S. headquarters to a more modest location:
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
When we see the commentary coming from Donald Trump, one thing we can feel certain of is the fact that Donald has a history of keeping his word! Donald has a history of success as a self-made businessperson that is known for keeping his word and doing what he says and almost always better than he has promised! Donald's Development contracts have a history of doing being completed early and under estimated cost and so his construction projects have a long and impressive history of coming in under cost and ahead of schedule! Aspiring to and setting the higher standard is how Donald was able to keep his Trump Business steaming forward maintaining a sterling reputation for getting the kind of results that are far beyond all expectations! Donald knows what it takes to assure the kind of continued success necessary for keeping him on top of his game. He has learned the crucial importance of timing, efficiency, effectiveness, satisfaction, and budget. These same business traits will be imperative in President Trump's management of his White House Administration and Staff. Check out this new book from David Wolf and become familiar with just what the Donald has to offer as President of the United States! UK: "DONALD TRUMP - Next U.S President?" is FREE, this Sunday, FEB 7th, on Amazon Kindle/Mobil! Company: PMS Publishing Co Contact Name: Donald DiCarlo Contact Email: Contact Phone: 1-1 Contact Name: Donald DiCarlo Contact Email: Contact Phone: 1-1
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Files in This Item: |File||Description||Size||Format| |pmbr_04_65_03-08-1970.pdf||724.23 kB||Adobe PDF||View/Open| |Title:||Sixty-Fifth Report of the Committee on Private Members Bills and Resolutions, Fourth Lok Sabha| |Type:||Other Parliamentary Standing Committees| |Date:||3-Aug-1970| |Language:||English| |Committee Name:||Committee on Private Members Bills and Resolutions| |Lok Sabha Number:||04| |Report Number:||65| |Appears in Collections:||Parliamentary Committee Reports| Items in Parliament Digital Library are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Rule 9. Briefs Arizona Revised Statutes AnnotatedRules of Procedure for Direct Appeals from Decisions of the Governing Bodies of Public Power Entities 17B A.R.S. Public Power Entities Appeals, Rule 9 Rule 9. Briefs The provisions of Rule 13, ARCAP, apply to direct appeals of Governing Body decisions, except that the brief of the appellant shall, in its statement of the case, and in addition to all other matters required, state the disposition of the proceedings conducted under A.R.S. § 30-802 by the Governing Body. Credits Added May 31, 2000, effective Dec. 1, 2000. 17B A. R. S. Public Power Entities Appeals, Rule 9, AZ ST PUBLIC POWER ENTITIES APPEALS Rule 9 State Court Rules are current with amendments received and effective through September 15, 2023. The Code of Judicial Administration is current with amendments received through September 15, 2023. |End of Document|
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Associated Press Obama administration kills Keystone XL pipeline Burst of hiring: US employers added 271,000 jobs in October Manhattan Project National Park signing Tuesday 40 cases of E. coli in Northwest outbreak linked to Chipotle 3rd Latina elected to Yakima City Council Tribes get access to U.S. crime databases in push to close gap Aberdeen Daily World Pontoon contractor fined $90K for improper closure of wells Washington state gas tax to increase despite voters’ thumbs down (Clibborn) Everett Herald (subscription required) Veteran helps others navigate complicated system of services Editorial: Keep process out in the open (Open Public Meetings Act) News Tribune (subscription required) ‘Immediate jeopardy’ seen at Western State Hospital State lawmakers to propose amending constitution in response to Eyman’s I-1366 (Frockt) Federal Way voters oppose pot retailers in city despite previous support of I-502 Mount Rainier developing plan to manage wilderness use Editorial: Move legislation to improve mental health services Olympian (subscription required) Editorial: Voters made a mistake with I-1366 Puget Sound Business Journal Boeing-Lockheed team protests Air Force’s $60B stealth bomber award to Northrop Economic opportunity lands Seattle at No. 10 best city to own a home Big job gains make Fed rate hike more likely Third time’s a charm for state Health Exchange Editorial: Right response to a true emergency Seattle Times (subscription required) Protesters target Amazon in march against ‘corporate greed’ How much cheating services cost, and more of the week’s education news BROADCAST KING 5 TV (NBC) Western State Hospital federal funding ‘in jeopardy’ KUOW FM Drones Go To College: Northwest Universities Add Programs in Unmanned Aerial Systems Washington Restaurant Association Declares Support For Higher Minimum Wage Tim Eyman: Voters Deserve To Win Tax Tug-Of-War Mentally Disabled Predators Languish At Washington’s Island Lock-Up For Sex Offenders NW Public Radio Washington Restaurant Association Declares Support For Higher Minimum Wage California Delays Crab Opening, Northwest Tests For Toxins E. Coli Outbreak Shows Vulnerabilities Of Big Chains Using Local Food Washington Inmates Help Restore Greater Sage Grouse Habitat Northwest Farmers, Agribusiness Behind Measures To Ensure International Shipping WEB Crosscut Homelessness emergency: A chance to make a difference The art of teaching art: Honoring two of the state’s finest art teachers Seattle P.I. A sea change in a dry place: Carmen Mendez will be third Latino on Yakima City Council Four newcomers are elected to seats on the Seattle School Board: They will be hot seats Washington tribal leaders, in D.C., protest proposed coal terminal at Cherry Point
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Experience a live debate between the first AI system to debate humans on complex topics and top human debaters. Experience a live debate between the first AI system to debate humans on complex topics, Project Debater, and a top human debater. During a twenty minute debate on a complex topic, Project Debater will digest massive texts, construct a well-structured speech, deliver it with clarity and purpose, and rebut its opponent. Join this session to learn more about the technology behind the system, witness the full live debate, ask questions to the scientists and vote on who was more persuasive, the AI or the human. Logistics Date February 11, 2019 Location San Francisco, California Where to watch Moderator Name John Donvan BIO Four-time Emmy Award-winner and host of the Intelligence Squared U.S. debate series. Opponent Name Harish Natarajan BIO A grand finalist in the 2016 World Debating Championships, the world record holder for most debate competition victories and has attended three world championships, winning the European tournament in 2012. On Thursday, 21 November, a live debate took place at the historic Cambridge Union. This debate will featured two teams each paired with two humans and a special guest, IBM Project Debater, the first AI system that can debate with humans on complex topics. The teams debated the motion "AI will do more harm than good." Project Debater supplied the opening speech for both the pro and con arguments and then the humans took over the rebuttal and summary.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Elizabeth Warren increases lead in odds following Houston debate Over the course of three hours last night, ten of the Democratic Party’s most prominent names took the stage in Houston, Texas to discuss health care, gun control, immigration, and many other topics that are vital to daily America life. After everything was said and done, there was a shift in the party’s nomination odds. While positions didn’t change, there were a number of changes to the Democratic candidates’ chances of taking on Donald Trump in the 2020 election. As the Democratic favorite before the debate at +200, Elizabeth Warren increased her odds of earning the nomination to +175 odds. Other possible nominees saw their odds decrease, however. Joe Biden dropped from +250 to +275, Bernie Sanders from +550 to +575, and Kamala Harris from +600 to +700. The only other Democrat to increase their odds after last night was Beto O’Rourke, likely due to his strong stance against assault weapons. The Texas native jumped from +6600 to +5000 chances of being the Democratic nominee. Ironically, Trump’s reelection odds also increased after the debate. Prior to Thursday night, Trump had +110 of winning the 2020 election. Today, the incumbent has +105 odds of earning four more years in the White House. To compare the odds of each Democrat after the debate, a list is provided below. Their previous odds are also listed in parentheses. 2020 Democratic nomination odds Via Bovada - Elizabeth Warren +175 (+200) - Joe Biden +275 (+250) - Bernie Sanders +575 (+550) - Kamala Harris +700 (+600) - Andrew Yang +1000 (+1000) - Pete Buttigieg +1000 (+1000) - Cory Booker +4000 (+4000) - Tulsi Gabbard +4000 (+4000) - Beto O’Rourke +5000 (+6600) - Amy Klobuchar +7500 (+7500) - Julián Castro +7500 (+7500) - Tom Steyer +10000 (+10000) - Marianne Williamson +10000 (+10000) - Michael Bennet +12500 (+12500) - Tim Ryan +12500 (+12500) - Bill de Blasio +15000 (+15000) - John Delaney +15000 (+15000) - Robby Wells +20000 (+20000) There are a few key moments from the debate that affected the odds today. First, Warren spent most of the debate addressing voters directly instead of other candidates or the moderators. While she was a little vague answering questions regarding taxation, she performed well enough to garner support. Despite slipping a bit in the odds, Biden was more aggressive in this debate. There were still times where he fumbled his words or misspoke. One particular instance occurred when Julián Castro took a shot at the former VP’s memory. “You just said two minutes ago they would have to buy in. Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?” Castro asked, trying to draw attention to Biden’s age. Castro, a candidate with little chances to earn the nomination at +7500 odds, was trying to make a splash with the exchange but came off rude and ill-mannered. Speaking of fringe-hopefuls looking to get into the spotlight, home-state candidate O’Rourke boosted his odds with his statements regarding assault weapons. “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore,” O’Rourke exclaimed. The former Texas representative is from El Paso, Texas, a city still in shock from a mass shooting last month that left 22 dead. O’Rourke, along with every other Democrat, still has plenty of time to earn more voter support with the upcoming debates, assuming they can qualify. The next debate is to be held in a to-be-announced location in Ohio next month. Look for updates on the October event, whether it is Democratic debate prop bets, qualifying candidates, or other relevant news. BetOnline is accepting action on which city will host the debate. Currently, Cleveland and Columbus share the best odds at +200. Location of October Democratic Debate - Cleveland +200 - Columbus +200 - Cincinnati +600 - Kent +800 - Youngstown +700 - Dayton +850 - Toledo +1000 - Akron +1200
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Sexual harassment is abuse Overstepping someones boundaries in a sexual manner is sexual abuse. Harassment can be verbal, symbolic, physical or digital. This behavior is always unwelcome and done without the consent of the person being harassed. Examples of sexual harassment - Sexual comments or jokes. - Wolf-whistle. - Sexual images or messages sent. - Unwelcome requests for sexual images. - Persistent invitations for dates or sex over consistent rejections. - Pats, strokes or other unwelcome touches, over or under clothing. Sexual harassment can happen in the work place, schools, within institutions, groups of friends, at clubs, during sports or other exercise, online to name a few examples. Get help If you feel like your boundaries have been overstepped sexually and you feel bad about it, it is reason enough to look into it, for example with a consultation at Bjarkarhlíð.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Skip to main content Blog VIDEO ORIGINALS SUBSCRIBE DONATE Theme: Zexi Li Pretty Petty: Ottawa Judge Grants 10-Day Injunction to Stop Freedom Convoy from Honking Horns Next thing you know, the Canadian government are going to construct oppressive gulags to house people who are simply protesting for freedom. Isn’t it… February 08, 2022 Subscribe to Our Newsletter! Click Here
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
I hate your bogus ****** "news" feed. stop defaulting the app to your bogus/biased "news". l just want to login and see my mail, not be indoctrinated to your leftist idiocy. - just my emails - D.R.LaVoie commented Agree 100%, email is email, keep the "news" (gossip) in a separate area, to be opened IF WANTED! - excellent service 2022 - If you hate America just don't be on America On Line - MAGNUS INCOGNITO commented propagandist bs - JMM commented I agree with this comment. I pay for a membership just for private email service and you have my file folders all jacked up and out of order alphabetically. Fix that or I will not keep my membership. I'm also tired of AL'S lean towards the Left I'm a long time member and your news articles are shoving Political left wing BS in my face. If you want to keep your members don't shove that left wing **** down my throat. I'm about to end this membership if it continues. - phil commented I want AOL and I pay for it just for EMAIL! I don't want or need info on sports, entertainment, weather, sales, news, ANYTHING like that! just email! - bill commented your constant left wing ******** is laughable. just let me read emails without the BS - D.L. commented I second this motion.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The Winter 2004 ASUCD Election was the second election to use choice voting and was a rare election, an independent candidate not only won, but came in second place. Independent candidate Donald Cohen-Cutler who ran on the slogan "break the slate" came in second place behind number one vote-receiver Adam Barr. Cohen-Cutler's victory paved the way for more succesful independent and third party involvement; Keith Shively, Avi Singh, Rob Roy, Kristen Birdsall, Michael Molnar. The author of the choice voting ASUCD amendment, Sonny Mohammadzadeh, also ran, but was unsuccesful. Sonny, who was backed by the Green Party might be attributed to planting the seeds for the creation of Students for an Orwellian Society slate and Friends Urging Campus Kindness. The Green party was rumored to be putting together a slate for this election, but none materialized. The executive ticket was also unique as it saw an independent ticket, Evan Beecher and Ryan Basilio. Another unique featuer is that the California Aggie-endorsed executive ticket, Levale Simpson and Pam Palpallatoc did not win. Executive Candidates - Student Focus - LEAD* - Independent - Evan Beecher - Ryan Basilio Senate Candidates - Student Focus - Jessica Engel-elected - Sapana Shende-elected** - Gabriel Bang-elected - Sajjad Khan - Robert Gill - Cari Ham*** - LEAD - Independent - Donald Cohen-Cutler-elected - Ali Ramezanzadeh - Robert Baron Ballot Measures - Constitutional Amendment 1-passed Links ***Cari Ham was not elected in the Winter 2004 Election, but was appointed Senator by ASUCD President Kalen Gallagher after the resignation of Adam Barr. Barr resigned for financial reasons. Ham finished out Barr's Winter quarter term. ****Adam Barr received the number one votes. However, he only finished two quarters of his 3 quarter term. He resigned due to financial reasons. He was replaced by Cari Ham.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Even though New Jersey isn’t the largest state in the United States, it’s a challenging place for police officers to do their work. There are large cities with high crime rates. There is a great deal of transportation and travel in the state, including airplane and train travel as well as shipping traffic. All of it brings police challenges. The New Jersey Police Training Commission (NJPTC) governs police training in New Jersey. This Commission works on training opportunities for both new and current police officers. There are a handful of training academies scheduled throughout the state. The Commission recognizes that there are both positive and negative aspects to a career in law enforcement, and it aims to make sure that officers are adequately trained to perform their jobs with skill and ethics. Job Prospects Even though New Jersey is a small state, there is a large population, with its location in the eastern part of the United States and its proximity to New York City. For this reason, job prospects for new officers in the state are quite good, if you meet the NJPTC’s minimum standards for entry into police work. Each agency sets its own standards, however. Agency compliance with the NJPTC is voluntary, so the individual agency that you want to work for may have more strict or lenient rules for hiring. The Hiring Process There are two ways to get hired to work as a police officer in New Jersey. The first is to apply and get the job before you attend a police academy. The second is to attend a police academy to make yourself a more attractive candidate for getting a job. How you find your job depends on your qualifications and the hiring needs of the department. Age and Residency To work in law enforcement in New Jersey, you have to live in New Jersey. The Commission says that you have to be at least twenty-one years old. You have to have a current and valid operator’s license. You have to have U.S. citizenship. New Jersey has one of the most strict requirements when it comes to officer education. Some states only require a high school education, but New Jersey requires new officers to have at least a bachelor’s degree. Most local departments adhere to this recommendation, but some departments allow applicants to have just some college credits or military service to meet this requirement. Proving Fitness – Credit, Drugs and Alcohol One thing that the State of New Jersey checks when screening its new officers is credit history. Although this might surprise a number of applicants, the state believes that it’s relevant to showing that a person can manage their affairs responsibly and keep promises. You must also show that you can pass drug and alcohol testing. The force does not accept officers with ongoing drug and alcohol abuse problems. Medical Fitness Law enforcement candidates also have to show that they are medically fit to do their duty. This means showing that you have good hearing and good vision. There are height and weight limitations as well, and you have to pass tests showing that you’re physically strong and that you have good aerobic fitness. Serious medical issues might be disqualifying, because you have to be able to perform the requirements of the job. It also helps to enjoy working with the public, because that’s a large part of the job. What to Expect If you’re fortunate enough to enter an academy, you are called a cadet or a recruit. You might live at the academy or you might commute during your training. Usually the training takes six months, but it can vary. If you graduate from the academy successfully, you can work in New Jersey as a police officer. What to Expect at the Academy Police academy gives you training in the most important skills and things that you need to know in order to succeed when you’re a full-blown law enforcement officer. You need to continue to show that you’re in peak physical condition. One way to make sure that you succeed in police academy in New Jersey is to give yourself a head start in training. The way to do that is to read an expert guide about what you need to know in order to pass the academy and land a great job. Prepare For The Police Academy is a top guide for new recruits. This book, from, tells you what you don’t know that you don’t know about what happens in police academy. You can study Prepare for the Police Academy to learn physical maneuvers such as defensive tactics and weapons procedures. Study the biggest constitutional rights issues that you need to know like search and seizure. Learn about the biggest crimes like assault, domestic violence and drunk driving. With this information and important training tips and tricks, you can be sure you’re fully prepared to take on this new, challenging career. County Sheriff Agency and Local Police Department Atlantic County Sheriffs Office Audubon Police Dept Bayonne Police Department Bellmawr Police Department Belvidere Police Department Bergen County Police Department Bergen County Sheriffs Department Bergen County SPCA Berkeley Heights Police Department Bridgeton Police Department Bridgewater Police Department Brielle Police Department Burlington County Sheriffs Office Camden Police Department Clinton Township Police Department College of New Jersey Campus Police Cranford Police Department Cumberland County Sheriffs Department Denville Township Police Dept. Dover Police Department Drew University Public Safety Department East Brunswick Police Department East Windsor Police Department Eatontown Police Department Edison Police Department Egg Harbor Township Police Department Essex County Sheriff Department Fair Lawn Police Department Florence Township Police Department Fort Lee Police Fort Monmouth Police Dept. GallowayTownship Police Department Gloucester County Sheriffs Office Gloucester Township Police Department Hamilton Police Department Hanover Township Police Department Harvey Cedars Police Department Hoboken Police Department Holmdel Police Department Hopewell Township Police Hudson County Sheriffs Office Jamesburg Police Department Jersey City Police Department Lawrence Township Police Department Little Egg Harbor Twp. Police Dept. Margate City Police Department Maywood Police Department Mercer County Prosecutors Office Middlesex Borough Police Department Long Beach Township Police Dept. Long Hill Police Department Mahwah Police Department Manchester Township Police Department New Jersey Mansfield Twsp. Police Department Mantua Township Police Department Middlesex County Prosecutors Office Middletown Township Police Department Monmouth County Prosecutors Office Monmouth University Police Department Morris County Park Police Morris County Prosecutors Office Morris County Sheriffs Office Mount Laurel Township Police Department Official Website New Milford Police Department Newark NJ Police Department North Brunswick Police Department Ocean County Sheriff Department Ocean Twp. Police Department Old Bridge Twp Police Department Park Ridge Police Department Parsippany Police Department Pemberton Township Police Department Pennsville Police Department Pitman Police Department Plainfield Police Division Pohatcong Twsp. Police Department Port Authority of New York/New Jersey Police Department Princeton Borough Police Department Randolph Police Department Raritan Township Police Department Ridgefield Park Police Department Ringwood Police Department Roxbury Township Police Department Rutgers University Police Saddle Brook Police Department Saddle River Police Department Scotch Plains Police Department Sea Girt NJ Police Department Sea Isle City Police Department Secaucus Police Department Somerville Police Department South Brunswick Township Police Department Stanhope Police Department Tinton Falls Police Department Trenton Police Department U.S. Attorney District of NJ Union County Police Department Union County Prosecutors Office Waldwick Police Department Wall Township Police Department Washington Borough Police Department Washington Township Police Dept. West Deptford Township Police Department West Milford Township Police Department West Orange Police Department West Windsor Police Department Woodbury Heights Police Department Woodcliff Lake Police Department Woolwich Township Police Department
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Lord Jopling is a Conservative Life peer who has sat under this title in the Lords since 17 June 1997. His full title is The Rt Hon. the Lord Jopling DL, and his given name is Thomas Michael Jopling. Prior to joining the Lords, he sat in the Commons as an MP, and was first elected in 1964. |Introduced House| |Passed House| |Introduced Senate| |Passed Senate| |To President| |Became Law|
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Well, this is awkward. Former governor of Alaska and Donald Trump supporter Sarah Palin shared an article by her daughter Bristol Palin Friday morning that nails ESPN for its hypocrisy over its support of criminal athletes while at the same time firing Curt Schilling over a Facebook post on transgender bathrooms. Bristol is 100% correct in her piece, but the article is a little problematic as one of the people she takes issue with is convicted rapist and Trump supporter Mike Tyson: Bristol writes about that time ESPN hosts laughed when Tyson suggested her mom have sex with a “big old black stallion” like Dennis Rodman: or that time when Mike Tyson said that my mom should have her guts raped out of her. (Yeah… remember that? If not click HERE for the full story I wrote about last August.) We wonder what the Palins think of Trump bragging about Tyson’s endorsement? Trump told an audience in Indiana that Tyson’s support was great because “we need toughness”: Networks Skip Trump Touting Endorsement By Rapist Mike Tyson: ‘We Need Toughness’ — Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 28, 2016 Earlier today, Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina slammed Trump over the comments: Cruz: "I’m proud to stand with Mike Pence and Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump is proud to stand with convicted rapist Mike Tyson.” — Alan He (@alanhe) April 29, 2016 .@tedcruz on Trump Tyson endorsement: "Anyone who believes a convicted rapist is a tough guy, you can understand the whole race right there" — Betsy Klein (@betsy_klein) April 29, 2016 A move which Trump fan Roger Stone said was racist: Hmm … is Bristol Palin racist, too? ***
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
3/10/12 President Donald Trump just released a statement urging former professional football player Herschel Walker to run for the U.S. senate in Georgia. In the brief statement, Trump wrote that it would be “fantastic” if Walker ran and predicted a Walker run would be “unstoppable.” Trump concluded the statement by saying, “Run Herschel, run!” Categories: Election
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
July 7, 2021 Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States, will host what he has dubbed as a “major press conference” from his New Jersey golf course today. The event is scheduled to begin at 11:00 AM ET. Earlier today, Axios reported Trump would announce a class action lawsuits against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Watch Trump’s remarks here: Categories: Politics
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Tyndall Manchester Seminar- Wild Interdisciplinarity: Reflections on Doing Social Science within a Technology Project |Dates:||21 April 2016| |Times:||16:00 - 17:30| |What is it:||Seminar| |Organiser:||Tyndall Manchester| |How much:||Free| |Who is it for:||University staff, Adults, Current University students, General public| |Speaker:||Dr. Murray Goulden| | | Drawing on the experiences of a novel collaborative project between sociologists and computer scientists, this paper identifies a set of challenges for fieldwork that are generated by this ‘wild interdisciplinarity’. Public Access Wi-Fi Service(PAWS) was a project funded by an 'in-the-wild' research programme, involving the study of digital technologies within a marginalised community, with the goal of addressing digital exclusion. We argue that similar forms of research, in which social scientists are involved in the deployment of experimental technologies within real world settings, are becoming increasingly prevalent. The fieldwork for the project was highly problematic, with the result that few users of the system were successfully enrolled. We analyse why this was the case, identifying three sets of issues which emerge in the juxtaposition of interdisciplinary collaboration and wild setting. We conclude with a set of recommendations for projects involving technologists and social scientists. Speaker Dr. Murray Goulden Role: Research Fellow Organisation: University of Nottingham Biography: Murray Goulden is a Research Fellow at the Horizon Institute, University of Nottingham. His interests lie in the ethnographic study of the role of technologies in creating, maintaining, and reconfiguring social and organisational practices, particularly in the fields of energy and ICT. His work draws on sociology, STS and HCI to inform the design of both policy and technical systems. Travel and Contact Information Find event C1 George Begg Building Manchester
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
FROM THE ARCHIVEURL: Norton says White House behind trust fund riderMonday, November 3, 2003 The White House worked directly with members to Congress on language to delay a court-ordered accounting of the Indian trust, Secretary of Interior Gale Norton said. Norton said the Department of Interior was deliberately kept in the dark about the provision. "In fact, the first I saw of the appropriations committee language was after it had been adopted by the committee," she told the Associated Press. In response to the rider, several lawmakers, including Reps. Richard Pombo (R-Calif.), J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.), Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) and Dale Kildee (D-Mich.), tried to defeat the bill but fell several votes short. The House passed it on Thursday by a vote of 216-205. The Senate is set to take up the measure this afternoon. Get the Story: Norton disavows move to block Indian accounting (AP 11/1) Roll Call: On Motion to Recommit the Conference Report | On Agreeing to the Conference Report Conference Committee Report: House Report. 108-330 | PDF Version DOI Budget Bills: H.R.2691 | H.Rept.108-195 | S.1391 | S.Rept.108-89 Relevant Bills: Campbell: Indian Money Account Claim Satisfaction Act of 2003 (S.1770) | Daschle: Indian Trust Payment Equity Act of 2003 (S.1540) Congressional Native American Caucus Letter: J.D. Hayworth/Dale Kildee (October 17, 2003) Court Decisions: Historical Accounting | Fixing the System | Structural Injunction Relevant Links: Indian Trust: Cobell v. Norton - Cobell v. Norton, Department of Justice - Indian Trust, Department of Interior - Related Stories: House approves trust fund rider in DOI bill (10/31) Editorial: Pombo 'embarrassed' top House leaders (10/31) Carson and Cole argue against trust fund rider (10/31) Battle brews in House over DOI budget bill (10/30) Cobell rallies support for trust fund case (10/28) DOI bill halts Indian trust fund case (10/24) Bill targets Indian trust fund suit (10/22) House chairman supports self-governance rider (10/14) Self-governance tribes fear impact of reorganization (10/09) Lamberth lays out future of Indian trust reform (09/26) Court report finds undervaluation of Navajo lands (08/21) Administration eyes consolidation of Indian appraisals (08/15) Tally for private attorney fees in Cobell case rises (07/24) Congress hacks Bush's accounting funds (7/16) Swimmer partly right on trust fund rider (7/14) Bush official balks at large settlement for Cobell (7/10) On trust, lawmakers take Bush officials at face value (06/25) Private attorneys reap benefits on Cobell case (06/24) Norton offered settlement funds for IIM trust (6/20) Lamberth criticizes interference with trust fund case (05/22) Bush administration turns to Congress on trust (04/04) All stories in the Indianz.Com Archive are available for publishing under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Making the law accessible. Deconstruct is a Power & Associates special project that seeks to “deconstruct” the law and provide accessible and meaningful legal resources to the public. Our first set of toolkits deal with online gender-based violence (OGBV). Amplifying voices for change. Working for a sustainable future. Amplifying voices for change. OGBV Resources. Access necessary OGBV resources to protect your rights.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
SectionsKey Terms Key Terms - logrolling - the situation in which groups of legislators all agree to vote for a package of otherwise unrelated laws that they individually favor - median voter theory - a theory that politicians will try to match policies to what pleases the median voter preferences - pork-barrel spending - spending that mainly benefits a single political district - rational ignorance - the theory that rational people will not vote if the costs of becoming informed and voting are too high, or because they know their vote will not be decisive in the election - special interest groups - groups that are small in number relative to the nation, but are well organized and thus exert a disproportionate effect on political outcomes - voting cycle - the situation in which a majority prefers A over B, B over C, and C over A
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
What is wrong with Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton was spotted Monday ahead of the unveiling of a statue of Eleanor Roosevelt outside the Bonavero Institute in Mansfield College. Clinton unveiled a statue of Eleanor Roosevelt at Mansfield College in England Monday afternoon. The twice-failed presidential hopeful sputtered her way through Mansfield College earlier Monday coughing up a lung. Clinton was coughing so uncontrollably, she requested a glass of water. Hillary Clinton was plagued with this same mysterious cough during the 2016 presidential election. She was also spotted with a back brace earlier this year–Hillary Clinton did her best to hide the back brace, but failed miserably. VIDEO: Here is Mrs Clinton, spluttering her way through Mansfield College and asking for a glass of water — Harrison Jones (@OxMailHarrisonJ) October 8, 2018
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
29 Dec 2016, 8:17 am It’s simply a question of exposure: If you’re on the road for less time, that’s less time you will be at risk of encountering drunk drivers.3. [read post] 1 Mar 2011, 12:22 pm So the paper that we’re gonna talk about is a paper prepared by Kimberly Morris and it deals with the initial communications with your client and sets out 10 tips for success, so we should thank her for preparing that paper. [read post] 3 Jan 2018, 6:48 am Furthermore, guys are often caught off-guard as women initiate divorce 70% of the time and they’re more likely to be ordered to pay child support and/or alimony so they face an increased financial burden. 4 Critical Mistakes To Avoid During Your Divorce The stakes are typically very high in divorce. [read post] 25 Oct 2016, 2:22 pm Thus, the pending en banc questions focus on this stance: 1) In an IPR, when the patent owner moves to amend claims under 35 U.S.C. [read post] 1 Feb 2019, 6:29 am Circuit heard oral argument in In re: Abd Al-Rahim Hussein Al-Nashiri. [read post] Elements of Law 3.0 Notes and Readings III-C (Institutional Architecture of Law and Governance: The United States and Law Making--The States and the People; Popular Referenda 7 Oct 2013, 8:07 pm Twenty-four states have had at least one initiative during the period 1904-2012. [read post] 31 Dec 2015, 9:14 am (Note: if the suit papers indicate that it’s the “Commonwealth” or the “State” that initiated the proceedings, the matter is most likely criminal in nature and requires a different type of attorney). [read post] 31 Dec 2015, 9:14 am (Note: if the suit papers indicate that it’s the “Commonwealth” or the “State” that initiated the proceedings, the matter is most likely criminal in nature and requires a different type of attorney). [read post] 20 May 2020, 7:18 am Ours I’d down more like 10-15%. [read post] 21 May 2012, 7:51 am Nine out of 10 of them are men and half are African-American. [read post] 6 Oct 2015, 1:19 am Federal copyright law is preemptive and as a result States cannot seek to protect copyright under State law. [read post] 21 Aug 2015, 6:00 am Question #10 - Affidavit of Support What is an Affidavit of Support? [read post] 18 Apr 2011, 7:05 pm For more details see [read post] 15 Oct 2013, 5:00 am We practicein both state and federal courts in VA, MD, and DC. [read post] 29 Feb 2012, 12:07 pm The trial court initially stated that this latter question was outside of its jurisdiction but seems to have reversed course. [read post] 22 Oct 2009, 8:18 am That question, and the controversy surrounding it, continues to dog Gov. [read post] 8 Jul 2022, 6:01 am Which raises a fascinating question. [read post] 22 Oct 2009, 6:30 am Yassky, State Senator Daniel L. [read post] 22 Sep 2014, 6:47 am At Tycko & Zavareei LLP, we offer free initial consultations, and can answer your questions about how qui tam statutes work. [read post] 3 Mar 2010, 10:31 am See State v. [read post]
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Owl Movement Season 6 • 11/28/2001 Without movies with cute creatures in them kids would never know what to want for Christmas. More Watching 05:29 Star JonesThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 The only fight the women on "The View" have had in five seasons has been about hair. 11/27/2001 03:16 Ad Nauseam - Starring Steve CarellThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Oftentimes, the choice of an actor in a commercial is as important, if not more important than the advertisement itself. 11/27/2001 02:40 Operation Enduring Coverage - Operation Unbelievably Stupid OperationThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 At its height, Afghan opium made up 72% of the world's heroin market, which accounted for 72% of the emaciated bodies of Calvin Klein models. 11/27/2001 04:37 Jennifer GarnerThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Actress Jennifer Garner discusses her television show, Alias, and the rejuvenating effects she has on Jon. 11/28/2001 01:24 Operation Enduring Coverage - Charisma VortexThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Attorney General Ashcroft emerges from his Charisma Vortex to update Congress about the war on terror. 11/28/2001 00:11 Moment of Zen - Owl GiftThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 This year's hottest Christmas gift, an owl 11/28/2001 02:29 Safety SqueezeThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Since the attacks of September 11th Lewis Black has spent more time standing in line at airports than any sane man should. 11/28/2001 00:49 Operation Enduring Coverage - Only Good NewsThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 The attacks of 9/11 have done wonders for the American News Media's reputation. 11/28/2001 03:48 News InnovationsThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 American news agencies will not stop until we can see, taste, smell, and know everything going on in the world before it happens. 11/28/2001 01:59 Operation Enduring Coverage - Yo Afghanistan!The Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Now free of the Taliban, Afghans are able to stop blowing each other up and get back to what they really love, beating each other up. 11/28/2001 01:51 Owl MovementThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Adorable flying killing machines, owls are topping the wish lists for kids everywhere this Christmas. 11/28/2001 02:27 Headlines - Get Spruce!The Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 New Yorkers of all races, religions and creeds gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. 11/29/2001 07:24 David HalberstamThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 David Halberstam talks about a lazy and self absorbed nation that stopped being alert after the Cold War ended. 11/29/2001 00:36 Hanukkah ControversyThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Jon introduces the show and covers the Middle Eastern Hanukkah controversy. 11/29/2001 03:34 Dollars and Cents - Holiday EditionThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 In order to jump start the economy this holiday season, you may have to spend money on someone you don't like, respect or even know. 11/29/2001 01:53 Headlines - Ball HogsThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Sweet vindication for a forty year old man who still brings his baseball mitt to games. 11/29/2001 00:12 Moment of Zen - Drooling Bingo PlayerThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 An older gentleman playing a game of bingo allows for a rope of spittle to dangle from his lower lip. 11/29/2001 03:43 Crime R-I-N-G-OThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Deputy Dave Walters wants to grab Russell County by its illegal bingo balls. 11/29/2001 00:15 Moment of Zen - IT Is HereThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 The Good Morning America crew tries out the new Segue HT. 12/03/2001 01:16 Test DriveThe Daily Show with Jon StewartS6 Mo Rocca is out to test the effectiveness of the new Segway HT on the streets of New York -- except his has been stolen. 12/03/2001 You may also like5 Videos Trailer 01:00 Fires and Full Moons Breed a New Terror on Wolf Pack A California wildfire awakens a werewolf, but a group of curious teens -- once bitten -- will not shy away from the threat of decimation on Wolf Pack, streaming January 26 on Paramount+. 10/12/2022 Trailer 01:41 This Game of M.A.S.H. Is a Real Monster in Cursed FriendsCursed Friends Four pals must break an evil spell and change their fates when a classic kid's game to predict the future comes back to haunt them in the Comedy Central original movie Cursed Friends. 10/10/2022 Trailer 01:22 Out of Office Explores Remote Work AbsurdityOut of Office A young woman experiences the bizarre extremes of working from home in the film Out of Office, starring Milana Vayntrub, Ken Jeong, Jay Pharoah, Cheri Oteri, Jason Alexander and more. 09/19/2022 Trailer 00:35 A Front Row Seat to South Park The 25th Anniversary ConcertSouth ParkS25 Sing along to silly songs and classic symphonies from the show on South Park The 25th Anniversary Concert, premiering August 13 at 10/9c. 07/27/2022
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
About 60 letters and statements were received from Mike’s friends and family in preparation for the judge’s sentencing. Here’s a list of those people who submitted letters — according to the copies that were provided to us. If this list omits your name, but you submitted a letter, please send us a copy and we’ll add you to the list. These letters will remain a part of Jason Futch’s file, and when the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles — how ever many years from now — considers whether to release him on parole, these letters will be there for the board members to review. The letters are strong statements about the wonderful person Mike was, and they will surely convince any board member that Futch should be punished a long time because he killed a loving, kind, thoughtful human being. Bill Weaver Erin Weaver Molly Weaver Dan Weaver Matthew Mobley Margaret Hicklin Michael Clifton Stephanie Jackson Ashley Tanner Brady Clarke Joan Weaver Cross Dan Malloy Jim Malloy Nancy Weaver Roach Jane Weaver-Sobel Patricia Galloway Whit Ferguson Jason Faulkner Cheryl Adams Stephen Adams Marie Bailey Dorothy Brown Stephen Burch Pamela Burkhalter Kay Carr Charlotte Eisel Sherri Evans Betsy Griffin Sara Kate Griffin Tonya Griggers Jim Hardin Carol Head Stephen Herr Chickie Hill Jeannie Webb Hodges Zack Johnson Velma Gene Clarke Daria Chesnut Adam Dukes Jennifer Moody Bono Alexandra Klingelhofer Karen Klingelhofer Deborah Kruger Jennifer Kruger Matthew Lewis Kate Martin Shelley Kruger Laura-Lee McCranie Jessica McDaniel Ruth McDaniel Sheila McRae Theresa Nottingham Pat Painter Brad Odom Kim Reining-Gray Mary Anne Richardson Anna Cate Ridley Catherine Ridley Libby Penn Alec Ridley William David Ruff Toni Ryle Thomas Simmons Michael Smith Brian Smith Kelly Smith Steven Smith Patty Tresemer Pamela Wacter Jeannie Waters Nancy Taylor Dale Watts Ruth Watts Betsy Watts Rachel Watts Nancy White Anna Williams Garrison Wood Michael Roach Matt Mundy Anonymous
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
We can all see the irreversible damage being done as Tory cabinets ministers and backbenchers tear each other and their party apart. A process largely being conducted by gossiping to the media. "The Journalist and the Murderer",a 1990 novel by Janet Malcolm was one of the featured books on Radio 4's programme "A Good Read" this week. The opening paragraph of the book has become famous: I believe the same could be said about gossip. Either the gossip at Party Conference or the gossip in your dental business today. Imagine how damaging it can be when: You as a leader are caught complaining about others in disparaging terms; Your clinicians are overheard by your team, making negative comments about team members or patients; Individual team members gossip about their colleagues. "Careless talk costs lives", the public were advised during World War 2. Careless talk now can cost elections and jobs. Bite your lip, count to three, think - and best of all, button it.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Lima, Peru - September 18th to 22nd *Legal Notice: The representatives of the State Entities that participate in this Congress do so without charging or receiving the income collected from the registrations, since their participation is financed with the resources of their budgetary allocations. During the event use the official hashtags to share your experience with the whole community! #JornadasCaucho #JornadasReciclaje
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Candidate Details OK House District: HD 60 Party Affiliation: Republican Website: Email: Phone: 405.308.7537 Facebook: Biography Ron has operated two local small businesses for several years. His retail popcorn and candy store, Kernels and Kandies, is located on NW Expressway between Rockwell and Council. He also owns a fudge company called Sweet Prairie Home Fudge. It sells retail and wholesale fudge all across the country. His wife Stacey is a registered Nurse at Integris. Caring about others is simply a way of life for Ron and Stacey. Ron opposes open borders, Critical Race Theory, and government overreach. Ron is pro-life, believes in election integrity, and supports law enforcement. -written by CAIR Oklahoma
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Criminal Justice Forum Home About CJF News & Announcements Calendar of Events Criminal Justice Radio Contact Us Home About CJF News & Announcements Calendar of Events Criminal Justice Radio Contact Us Criminal Justice Radio Ex-Offenders Center for Therapeutic Justice Frank Kopczynski May 17, 2003 0 Guest: Morgan Moss, Jr. & Ed.S Listen to Show: Previous Article Relationship/Transformation Handbooks Next Article Raising Kids in an Age of Terror Related Posts Children/Families Non-medical Use of Prescription Drugs By Frank Kopczynski 17 years ago Criminal Justice Radio Project New Attitudes: A model jail program for men By Frank Kopczynski 21 years ago Copyright © 2017 . All rights reserved. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. All products, services, materials and communications are strictly educational in nature and are not intended to provide or replace medical, legal, or psychological advice. error:
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9 home page main content Donate by Mail To contribute via personal check, please make checks payable to “Biden for President” and send to: Biden for President PO BOX 58174 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19102 Our FEC end-of-quarter deadline is coming up soon, and we need your support. By chipping in right now, you’re showing our extreme MAGA opponents that our campaign is gaining momentum and that Joe and Kamala will keep fighting for progress in 2024 and beyond. With your help, we can finish the job.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
So, it seems Mr. Mayor Whatshisname has a new campaign video out. I guess nowadays posting something on YouTube is a really big deal, and this is like, way Web 2.0 campaigning and all Obama-like and whatnot. Fine. However, I find this video interesting. but not for a reason Team Newsom might like. You see, I was noticing that suddenly the Mayor is supportive of a “Constitutional Convention” to reform our state’s government. This is an idea popular with the liberal types, the conservative types, the business-y types, and political bloggers. So now I guess he’s on board. Um, woo hoo? What’s funny is while watching this video (with the older, cooler logos from earlier this year) I saw this image at 0:24, and it made me wonder out loud if this thing was photoshopped in some way. I didn’t recall seeing any old Newsom 1.0 signs with “Constitutional Convention” on ’em before, and I’m nerdy enough to notice and keep track of things like that. What really got my attention was how oddly colored this is compared to other elements in the video. Anyway, I figure the good people on the blogs can pick this apart and have fun with it. Maybe I’m right and maybe not. But the great thing about The Internet is you can always pose a question and let others do the heavy lifting. UPDATE: It seems great minds do think alike and our friend MattyMatt noticed the same thing also. Mainstream media? Gavin Newsom? You got some ‘splainin’ to do! 😉 Archives Categories - California Life - California Politics - Campaign Tactics & Analysis - Debunking Politicos Pundits + Spin - Democratic Party Chatter - Gov. Doofinator's Follies - Instant Runoff Voting FAIL - Links of Interest - Los Angeles Politics - Political Direct Mail Archive – 2006 - Political Direct Mail Archive – 2007 - Political Direct Mail Archive – 2008 - Politics of Political Reform - Pop Culture & Society - San Francisco Politics - Uncategorized - Website News Meta
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP, FILE 24/7 Coverage of Breaking News and Live Events. ON NOW • LIVE 8:00 am Airing LIVE Trending video 3 hours ago Scott Morgan/Reuters Politics DOC finalizes rule on national security 'guardrails' for CHIPS funding3 hours ago As age debate rages in Congress, a 96-year-old federal judge has just been suspendedSep 21, 2023 Biden to announce White House Office of Gun Violence PreventionSep 21, 2023 DeSantis talks Trump, Black history, Disney, state of GOP primary and moreSep 20, 2023 Judge sets trial date to decide how much Giuliani owes 2 election workers in damagesSep 20, 2023 'Humanity has opened the gates of hell,' UN Secretary-General says of climate urgencySep 20, 2023 Trump faces chorus of GOP critics after pushing back on 6-week abortion banSep 20, 2023 Who's in, who's out: 6 candidates are expected to be at the 2nd GOP debateSep 20, 2023 The latest updates on the 2024 Republican presidential primarySep 18, 2023 DeSantis calls out Trump abortion comment as 'mistake': He's 'different' than in 2016Sep 20, 2023 More News 2 hours ago STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images More News Sep 22 The Associated Press Extreme Weather Extreme Weather Sep 21 Aaron J. Thornton/Getty Images for BET, FILE Sep 21 NASA Video via YouTube Sep 21 Eric Mccandless/ABC via Getty Images In Case You Missed It In Case You Missed It FDA discusses using artificial wombs to help save preemie babiesSep 21, 2023 'Let's Get It On' co-writer's family drops appeal of Ed Sheeran copyright caseSep 21, 2023 Dodgers pitcher plays in front of mom for 1st time after 7 years apartSep 21, 2023 Tim McGraw shares loving photo of Faith Hill: 'You light up every room you walk into'Sep 21, 2023 Mom speaks out on daughter's death after water bead recallSep 21, 2023 Blink-182 releases emotional music video for new song 'ONE MORE TIME'Sep 21, 2023 Like mother, like daughter: Christy Turlington's daughter walks at Milan Fashion WeekSep 21, 2023 Mom's viral TikTok about plane seats sparks debate about parents' labor divideSep 20, 2023 Oscar Mayer reintroduces Wienermobile to the roadSep 20, 2023 Teen survivor of Tubbs Fire sounds alarm on mental health effects of climate changeSep 20, 2023
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
|Paul D. Pate | Secretary of State State Capitol Des Moines, IA 50319 | WEBSITE: | E-MAIL: |OFFICE OF THE IOWA SECRETARY OF STATE| |MEDIA CONTACT: | Kevin Hall Communications Director (515) 725-2942 |FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: | July 18, 2016 Pate Named to Executive Board of National Association of Secretaries of State DES MOINES – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate was elected the Midwestern Region Vice-President of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), during the group's annual meetings in Nashville over the weekend. Pate is one of 11 members on the NASS Executive Board. He will serve a one-year term, ending in July 2017. "I am very honored that my fellow Secretaries of State have elected me to this leadership position," Pate said. "My role as Midwestern Region Vice-President for NASS will provide me with key opportunities to advance important services to voters and businesses. I also believe some of the initiatives and best practices we utilize in Iowa can be models for the rest of the country." Since returning to the Iowa Secretary of State's Office in January 2015, Paul Pate has worked to increase voter participation through initiatives like online voter registration, Caucus 101, and Honor a Veteran with Your Vote. He provided victims of violent crimes with an additional layer of safety by creating the Safe at Home address confidentiality program. Secretary Pate has also worked diligently to operate the Business Services Division at the speed of business, not the speed of government. NASS is the nation's oldest nonpartisan professional organization for state officials. The association serves as a medium for the exchange of information between states and fosters cooperation in the development of public policy, including key initiations in the areas of elections, voting and state business services. ###
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Stephen Perkins February 27th, 2023 Dan Schnur April 4th, 2022 AllSides Staff February 10th, 2022 September 29th, 2020 AllSides Balanced Search™ gives you recent news from outlets on all sides of the political spectrum so you can get the full picture. Looking for results from think tanks and policy groups? Try the Balanced Think Tank Search.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
On this page: Overview The City of Casey is committed to creating and maintaining a child-safe organisation where protecting children from abuse, harm and neglect is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of Council, its employees, contractors, and volunteers. Reporting child abuse Reporting immediate danger The safety of children and young people is everyone’s responsibility. If a child is in immediate danger call the police on 000 (triple zero). Reporting other concerns If you have any concerns about the conduct of a City of Casey employee, administrator, volunteer or contractor toward a child or young person, your concerns will be taken seriously. If you speak a language other than English, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. The reporting process Who can report? Anyone can report – child, young person, parent, carer, Councillor, employee, volunteer, contractor or others in the community What to report? Any concern or complaint, in regard to: - The conduct of a child or young person at a City of Casey service, program or event. - General concerns about the safety of a group of children or young people at City of Casey service, program or event. - A City of Casey service, program or event. - The way a prior concern was handled. - Any allegation of abuse, harm or neglect of a child or young person by an employee, Councillor, contractor or volunteer - Disclosures of abuse, harm or neglect made by a child/young person who attends a Council service, program or event. Before making a Report in regard to abuse, harm or neglect, it is important you have formed a reasonable belief. A person forms a ‘reasonable belief’ that a child is in need of protection, or their safety or wellbeing is at risk when: - A reasonable person in the same position would have formed the belief on the same grounds. It does not require proof. - The belief is formed through disclosures, observations or other information of which you have become aware. Who to report and how? If a child is in immediate danger call the police on 000 (triple zero). For immediate concerns and to report abuse, harm or neglect: For a concern or complaint in regard to a City of Casey service, program or event: The City of Casey’s Complaints Handling Policy will be followed For a complaint or allegation concerning abuse, harm or neglect of a child/young person (17 years of age and under) by a City of Casey employee, Councillor, contractor or volunteer: What happens next? The Internal Response Team, Department Manager, Supervisor or employee will: - Offer support to the person who reports and the employee, Councillor, contractor or volunteer subject of the complaint or allegation. - Initiate internal processes to ensure the safety of all children/young people including the alleged victim, clarify the nature of the complaint and commence disciplinary process and investigation (if required). - Determine, in accordance with legal requirements and duty of care, whether the matter should/must be reported to Police, Child Protection and/or the Commission for Children and Young People and make a report as soon as possible if required. Outcome - Investigation completed - Relevant employee, Councillor, contractor, volunteer, parent/s, carer/s and child/young person notified of outcome of investigation. - If necessary, disciplinary action will be taken with relevant employee, Councillor, contractor or volunteer. - Policies and procedures reviewed and updated where necessary Victorian Child Safe Standards The Child Safe Standards are a set of eleven standards that aim to create and maintain safe environments for children and young people. The Standards came into effect in Victoria in January 2016. Further changes to the Standards came into force on 1 July 2022 to make the Standards even stronger. The City of Casey aims to be aspirational – not just compliant – in keeping children and young people safe. The Child Safe Standards aim to: - Promote the safety of children and young people - Prevent child abuse - Ensure organisations have effective processes in place to respond to and report allegations of child abuse - Encourage children and young people to ‘have a say’, especially on issues that are important to them or about decisions that affect their lives. Although all children are vulnerable, some face extra vulnerabilities. Council therefore, pays particular attention to the needs of children and young people: - with a disability - from CALD backgrounds - who are unable to live at home - who are LGBTQIA+ More information about the Victorian Child Safe Standards and Reportable Conduct Scheme, including translated resources, can be found at the Commission of Children and Young People. Support for children and young people Kids Helpline is a free 24/7, private counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years. They can be contacted for any reason via online chat, phone, or email. Resources for children, young people, parents, and carers For children and young people For parents and carers Parents and carers frequently choose activities, services or programs for children. To be confident children are welcome and safe when attending an activity or service, there are a range of issues that need to be considered. The following resources may be of assistance. - What to look for in a child safe organisation - Teaching your child to keep themselves safe - Information about the indicators of abuse and the impacts it has on children - A guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and carers - Information on cultural differences and conflict - Advice for parents and carers on how to help children have safe experiences online - What is child abuse and neglect? - When a child discloses abuse it can be hard to know how to respond.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Carnegie Mellon University — — — Search Search Search this site only Center for Informed Democracy & Social - cybersecurity (IDeaS) CMU's center for the study of disinformation, hate speech and extremism online Center for Informed Democracy & Social - cybersecurity (IDeaS) › News › IDeaS Blog IDeaS Blog Posts Monday, August 07, 2023 Where Online Meets Offline in an Infodemic Thursday, July 06, 2023 Does Gender Influence How Presidential Candidates are Treated on Social Media? Tuesday, April 04, 2023 Identifying Cross-Platform Relationships in 2020 US Election Discussions Monday, March 20, 2023 Search engine manipulation to spread pro-Kremlin propaganda Monday, March 13, 2023 Ranking Synchronized Users on Social Media Monday, March 06, 2023 Account Creation Bursts Suggest Influence Campaign Coordination Friday, September 09, 2022 Hating who? Exploring differences in hate speech by target Friday, August 12, 2022 From Curious Hashtags to Polarized Effect: Profiling Coordinated Actions in Indonesian Twitter Discourse Tuesday, July 19, 2022 How Bots Manipulated Online Hate in the Pandemic Monday, July 11, 2022 Online Synchronization, the Synchronized Action Framework and Case Studies Thursday, June 02, 2022 Measuring the Behavioral Effects of Misinformation Exposure on Twitter Wednesday, May 04, 2022 Hoaxes and Hidden agendas: A Twitter Conspiracy Theory Dataset Friday, April 15, 2022 How State-Sponsored Information Operations Divide and Conquer Tuesday, March 15, 2022 Exploring Polarization in User Behavior on Twitter During the 2019 South American Protests Monday, February 21, 2022 What is important in an Interconnected World? Tuesday, February 08, 2022 Stabilizing a Supervised Bot Detection Algorithm Monday, January 24, 2022 How Information Operations against Russian Opposition on Twitter Attempted to Influence Global Audiences Friday, December 03, 2021 Account sharing sheds light on social cybersecurity Tuesday, November 23, 2021 Hunting COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Friday, October 29, 2021 Tracking Heated Conversations in a Warming World
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr. Fred Matiangi has declared May 3, 2022 a public Holiday. Even though the dates may vary, May 3 is an extension to mark Idd-ul-Fitr which falls on May 2, 2022. It will be a week-long holiday starting April 29, 2022 when President Uhuru Kenyatta declared the day to commemorate the death of former President Mwai Kibaki. More to follow..
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Issue 443 of New Internationalist Reader-owned global journalism June 2011 June 2011 Anti-immigrant parties and ultra-right populists have moved into the mainstream. How can we begin a positive cultural shift and 'retoxification' of extremism? Subscribe - Discover unique global perspectives - Support high quality independent media - Magazine delivered to your door or inbox - Digital archive of over 500 issues
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Convention of States ACTION February 3, 2023 There will be a rally on Wednesday, February 15th at the Capitol in Hartford in support of the required legislation approving Connecticut’s participation in a Convention of States. For details and to register, go to this Convention of States ACTION CENTER Since 2013 an effort has been underway to call a Convention of States, per Article V of the Constitution. Nineteen states (excluding Connecticut) have passed the necessary legislation to participate; the minimum required is 34 states. The proposed amendments to the Constitution are limited to the following (3), and each is ultimately subject to ratification by 38 states to pass: - Impose fiscal restraints on the federal government - Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government - Impose term limits on federal officials For more information on this national effort, go to Convention of States website
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Russell Brand: YouTube suspends star's channels from making money from adverts By Paul Glynn Entertainment reporter YouTube has suspended Russell Brand's channels from making money from adverts for "violating" its "creator responsibility policy". The video platform said it was taking action "to protect" its users. It comes after the Metropolitan Police received a report of an alleged sexual assault in 2003, in the wake of further allegations about the star. Over the weekend the comedian and actor was accused of rape and sexual assaults between 2006 and 2013, which he denies. "If a creator's off-platform behaviour harms our users, employees or ecosystem, we take action," a YouTube spokesperson said on Tuesday. The move also comes after the remaining shows of Brand's Bipolarisation tour were postponed. - Russell Brand gives a sobering reminder of the noughties - Russell Brand: Police receive sexual assault report - Brand behaviour was an open secret says accuser In recent years, the former TV and radio personality has repositioned himself, posting regular videos about spirituality, anti-establishment politics and, recently, UFOs, to his 6.6 million subscribers.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
If you’re running for office now is the time to prepare your Election Campaign. Source Data : The dates listed for those states apply to Congressional and other races. The earliest state primaries in 2018 will be held on March 6, and the latest in mid-September. June is the busiest month with seventeen primaries, while there are no primaries scheduled for July. Louisiana’s Nov. 7, 2018 election is an all-comers primary, where candidates of all parties are listed on one ballot together. If no candidate for a race receives a majority of the votes, the winner will be determined in a runoff on Dec. 8. Eight states have reserved dates for a possible primary runoff in the event that no candidate gets the requisite percentage of votes. These dates are included on the chart below. For details on how runoffs work in these states, visit NCSL’s Primary Runoffs webpage. The manner in which party primary elections are conducted varies widely from state to state. Please visit the State Primary Types webpage for information on types of primaries, such as “closed,” “open” and “Top Two.” Note that primary dates are subject to change by legislative action. Dates listed here are based on state election resources or statutory requirements as of August 20, 2017. On the table below, select “State” to see an alphabetical list (A-W or W-A) or “Date” (first to last or last to first). | | STATE | | STATE PRIMARY | RUNOFF DATE |Alabama||June 5 | June 17| |Alaska||Aug. 21| |Arizona||Aug. 28| |Arkansas||May 22 | June 19| |California||June 5| |Colo.||June 26| |Connecticut||Aug. 14| |Delaware||Sept. 11| |Florida||Aug. 28| |Georgia||May 22 | July 24| |Hawaii||Aug. 11| |Idaho||May 15| |Illinois||Mar 20| |Indiana||May 8| |Iowa||June 5| |Kansas||Aug. 7| |Kentucky||May 22| |Louisiana||Nov. 6 | Dec. 8*| |Maine||June 12| |Maryland||June 26| |Massachusetts||Sept. 18**| |Michigan||Aug. 7| |Minnesota||Aug. 14| |Mississippi||June 5 | June 26| |Missouri||Aug. 7| |Montana||June 5| |Nebraska||May 15| |Nevada||June 12| |New Hampshire||Sept. 11| |New Jersey||June 5| |New Mexico||June 5| |New York||Sept. 11| |North Carolina||May 8| |North Dakota||June 12| |Ohio||May 8| |Oklahoma||June 5 | Aug. 28| |Oregon||May 15| |Pennsylvania||May 15| |Rhode Island||Sept. 12| |South Carolina||June 12 | June 26| |South Dakota||June 5| |Tennessee||Aug. 2 (Thursday)| |Texas||Mar 6 | May 22| |Utah||June 26| |Vermont||Aug. 14| |Virginia||June 12 (if held)| |Washington||Aug. 7| |West Virginia||May 8| |Wisconsin||Aug. 14| |Wyoming||Aug. 21| *Louisiana holds its primary for all parties on the same day the rest of the country holds the general election. If needed, a runoff is held in Dec.ember. **Massachusetts will use an alternative date instead of their statutorily provided date (shown here). It has not yet been determined.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Notice: If you lose or destroy your ballot, you may request a replacement by contacting UDW at (800) 621-5016 ext. 5454. A new ballot will be mailed within 24 hours. If you make a request after Thursday, March 15 you may not receive your ballot in time to return it. The top 36 members receiving the most votes will be declared winners of the election. Delegate winners must be able to attend the convention, which begins on July 16 and ends on July 20th. Those nominees who are on the ballot but not elected as delegates are elected as alternates, in order of the total of votes they received. Ballots will be mailed as early as February 12th, 2018 but no later than February 16th, 2018 to all eligible members in good-standing. All members who signed a membership authorization card prior to January 31, 2018 and paid dues in the month of January 2018 will be eligible to vote in this election. |District 1||Editha||Adams||Home Care Workers United| |District 1||Wiaam||Al||Qais||NONE| |District 1||Helene||E||Armand||NONE| |District 1||Gerald||Ashby||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Anna||Engel||NONE| |District 1||Willard||Gee||NONE| |District 1||Israa||Gorgees||NONE| |District 1||David||L||Haskins||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Antonio||Gutierrez||NONE| |District 1||Cecilia||Hernandez||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Bonnie||M||Kerlew||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Jose||E||Kleber||Home Care Workers United| |District 1||Johanna||Hester||Home Care Workers United| |District 1||Ali||Mani||NONE| |District 1||Ghaith||Matti||NONE| |District 1||Beatriz||Manjarrez||Home Care Workers United| |District 1||Nicanora||Montenegro||Home Care Workers United| |District 1||Elham||P||Orroo||NONE| |District 1||Gabriel||Paramo||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Douglas||Moore||Home Care Workers United| |District 1||Miriam||K||Plotkin||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Nussrat||Qazzazi||NONE| |District 1||Wasan||Safaya||NONE| |District 1||Cheryl||Sevier||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Jack||Souphalith||NONE| |District 1||John||Stevenson||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Maria||Teran||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Joann||Thompson||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||Jesse||Torres||Advocates for Providers| |District 1||James||Wilkens||NONE| |District 1||Michelle||Wise||Home Care Workers United| |District 1||Darlene||Nelson||Advocates for Providers| |District 2||Hazim||Al||Bustani||Home Care Workers United| |District 2||Luz||Cedeno||Home Care Workers United| |District 2||Sinan||Jawad||NONE| |District 2||Rajinder||Mehta||NONE| |District 2||Christine||K||Nguyen||Home Care Workers United| |District 2||Snow||M||Nguyen||NONE| |District 2||Lientuong||Rose||Nguyen||Home Care Workers United| |District 2||Angie||Nguyen||Home Care Workers United| |District 2||Gloria||Orduna||Home Care Workers United| |District 2||Amy||Pham||NONE| |District 2||Dung||Phan||NONE| |District 2||Maria||Vega||Home Care Workers United| |District 3||Rosa||Beltran||Home Care Workers United| |District 3||Mia||M||Botkin||NONE| |District 3||Maria||Avila||NONE| |District 3||Camilla||E||Bradford||Home Care Workers United| |District 3||Kathleen||J||Crick||Home Care Workers United| |District 3||Susana||D||Duarte Garcia||NONE| |District 3||Steve||Fuller||NONE| |District 3||Danuta||Jakubowska||NONE| |District 3||Dimitri||Johnson||NONE| |District 3||Hallen||Kyung||NONE| |District 3||Martha||Martinez||NONE| |District 3||Juan||Martinez-Castellanos||Home Care Workers United| |District 3||Joaquina||R||Munioz||NONE| |District 3||Wai||M||Quon||NONE| |District 3||Rosa||Ramirez||Home Care Workers United| |District 3||Martha||Ramos||NONE| |District 3||Eloisa||Richardson||NONE| |District 3||Cassandra||Sambrano||Home Care Workers United| |District 3||Shikira||H||Sanders||NONE| |District 3||Monique||T||Small||NONE| |District 3||Vickie||D||Smith||NONE| |District 3||Marilyn||D||Smith||NONE| |District 3||Josefina||Solares||NONE| |District 3||Yolanda||E||Medez Lopez||NONE| |District 4||Florence||Corie||Crowson||Home Care Workers United| |District 4||Tina||L||Fraser||NONE| |District 4||Christopher||T||Moreno||NONE| |District 4||Josefina||G||Ochoa||Home Care Workers United| |District 4||Debbie||S||Owens||Home Care Workers United| |District 4||Adella||M||Perales||NONE| |District 4||Benjamin||V||Perez||NONE| |District 4||Susana||Saldana||NONE| |District 4||Rebeca||Valencia||NONE| |District 4||Terry||L||Walker-Dampier||Home Care Workers United| |District 4||Astrid||Zuniga||Home Care Workers United| |District 5||Sharon||Endsley||NONE| |District 5||Concepcion||Gonzales||NONE| |District 5||Sarah||Ilenstine||Home Care Workers United| |District 5||Wymon||Johnson||Home Care Workers United| |District 5||Elva||Munoz||Home Care Workers United| |District 5||Sydney||R||O’Connor||NONE| |District 5||Shawn||Richie||NONE| |District 5||Vibiana||Saavedra||Home Care Workers United| |District 5||Lorenza||M||Silva||NONE| |District 5||Teresa||M||Swick||NONE| |District 6||Silvia||P||Arellano||NONE| |District 6||Kathy||Barham||NONE| |District 6||Ian||J||Green||NONE| |District 6||Adrian||J||Hardy| |District 6||Charlotte||Leal||NONE| |District 6||Diane||McCarty||Home Care Workers United| |District 6||William||Reed||Home Care Workers United| |District 6||Martha||L||Ruiz||NONE| |District 6||Lisa||D||Scott||Home Care Workers United| |District 8||Maria||E||Godinez||Home Care Workers United| |District 8||Sherrie||S||Nuyen||NONE| |District 8||Leonor||Pelayo||Home Care Workers United| |District 8||Diana||Sanchez||Home Care Workers United| |District 8||Maria||I||Serrano||Home Care Workers United| This notice is to inform you that the nominations for AFSCME Convention Delegates are now open. UDW delegates will be elected to represent UDW, Local 3930 at the AFSCME International Convention. The top 36 members receiving the most votes will be declared winners of the election. Delegate winners must be able to attend the convention, which begins on July 16 and ends on July 20th. Those nominees who are on the ballot but not elected as delegates are elected as alternates, in order of the total of votes they received. *You are not voting at this time, you are nominating member providers to be listed on the Official Ballot that will be sent out the week of February 12th, 2018. Ballots will be counted on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018. Any member in good-standing as of November 2017 is eligible to run for delegate. Members must remain in good standing for the months preceding the convention to hold elected position. United Domestic Workers of America 4855 Seminole Dr, San Diego, CA 92115-9800 Or faxed to 1-916-244-2688 Or emailed to [email protected] The following will be the required information on the nomination form: A list of candidates nominated will be posted on the unions website ( on Tuesday, January 16th, 2018. Any member or nominee may challenge the eligibility of a nominee. Any challenges to the eligibility of a nominee should be submitted in writing to Elections Committee C/O Clarissa Gonzalez, 4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115 or faxed to 916-244-2688 or emailed to [email protected]. Eligibility challenges must be received no later than 4:30 pm on January 26th, 2018. The decisions of the Election Committee concerning all eligibility challenges are final. Nominees will be notified of any challenges as the Election Committee receives them. Nominees may reply to any protests by Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 in writing to Elections Committee C/O Clarissa Gonzalez, 4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115 or faxed to 916-244-2688 or emailed to [email protected]. Ballots will be mailed as early as February 12th, 2018 but no later than February 16th, 2018 to all eligible members in good-standing. All members who signed a membership authorization card prior to January 31, 2018 and paid dues in the month of January 2018 will be eligible to vote in this election. Ballots will be picked up from the US Post Office located at 6401 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115 at approximately 11:00 am on March 20th, 2018 at and returned to the 4855 Seminole Ave., San Diego, CA 92115 for the tally. Each candidate is entitled to name one Official Observer who may be present at both the US Post Office location and as an observer at 4855 Seminole Ave., San Diego, CA 92115 for the tally. Each candidate is entitled to name one Offical Observer who may be present at both the US Post Office location and as an observer at 4855 Seminole Dr., San Diego, CA 92115 for the tally. No candidates will be allowed at the tally and no candidate may serve as an observer. Election Results will be posts on the union’s website ( after the completion of the tally. If you do not receive or are in need of a replacement ballot, please contact the Election Committee at 916-554-0931. The last day to receive such a request is 6:00 pm on Monday, March 12th, 2018. Candidates elected as delegates will be contacts by a UDW staff immediately after the election for travel arrangements. All costs to send the delegates to convention in Boston, MA will be paid for by UDW including all flights, hotel accommodations and daily per diem to pay for meals. The expenses if guests who are non-delegates will not be paid by UDW, Local 3930. Any member in good-standing may protest the conduct of the election for valid cause. All election protests should be filed with the Election Committee no later than 4:30 pm on March 31st, 2018, in writing to Elections Committee C/O Clarissa Gonzalez, 4855 Seminole Ave, San Diego, CA 92115 or faxed to 916-244-2688 or emailed to [email protected]. The decision of the Election Committee concerning all eligibility challenges are final.
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News Flash Home The original item was published from 12/6/2017 4:06:07 PM to 12/19/2017 12:00:00 AM. News Flash Brea Top Stories Posted on: December 6, 2017 [ARCHIVED] Brea City Council Appoints New Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem At its December 5 meeting, the Brea City Council appointed Glenn Parker as the Brea Mayor and Christine Marick as Mayor Pro Tem. The City Council Members are: Cecilia Hupp, Marty Simonoff and Steven Vargas.
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Reeher Speaks with The Hill About Republican Nikki Haley Entering the 2024 Presidential Race February 16, 2023 The Hill Grant Reeher Nikki Haley, who served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during the Trump administration and as the first female governor of South Carolina, announced her official entry into the 2024 presidential race earlier this week. Haley models herself as a conservative who embraces modernity rather than recoiling from it. The question is whether the GOP primary electorate right now is willing to embrace the message. “It is going to be a lot harder for any Democrat to paint her as a fringe, dangerous candidate,” says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute. “If Republicans get in the mindset of, ‘The first attribute we need is the ability to beat Joe Biden,’ then she becomes a very attractive candidate,” he says. Read more in The Hill article, "The Memo: Haley tries to sell GOP on a different future." Related News Commentary Sep 22, 2023 Commentary Sep 20, 2023 Commentary Sep 13, 2023
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Sunday, February 26, 2023 1.2 Million Names Cleaned from LA Voting Rolls, Where are the Jan. 6 Files? Big Tech Censorship Posted by James Kingsley - QPatriot at 1:36 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest No comments: Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)
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CNN Lies about Trump, claims he waited 3 Hours to Tell People to Go Home CNN and other MSM "News" Stations have repeatedly pushed the hateful narrative that Trump incited a riot on Jan 6th 2021. Nothing could be further form the truth. _ Debuted as part of my Weekly Livestream: _ Twitter: Truth Social : Telegram: _ Links to Weekly Livestreams, Documentaries, Memes, Music and more: https://LogicalBrad.TV
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Home News Sport What’s On Send your story Subscription More Blackdown captured in photo perfection by local photographer New Alton Arts Festival set to take centre stage in July 2024 Bordon pair hitting the road with delicious Sri Lankan street food Alton Classic Car Show will feature Formula 2 and Formula 3 vehicles Mum shares story after falling victim to WhatsApp 'Hi Mum' scam Entertainment Elstead Paperboat Race to celebrate a hundred years of Disney Politics EHDC: Whitehill & Bordon Community Party agree deal with Tories A hoopoe coup for Alton: Rare bird sightings cause a flap Have a glass of vino on us at The Wine Yard in Farnham's Lion & Lamb! Lindford nail artist Mollie in the running for national award Letter: Why can't Alton Town Council just replace Kings Pond path? Bordon cargo company gives toys to Liphook food bank Ukrainians found a home in Haslemere Ukrainians urgently need home options in Haslemere Tory candidate blames ‘lack of support’ by own party for election loss Tory candidate suspended on eve of by-election after ‘golliwog’ post
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Bush News Conference Governor George W. Bush answered reporters' questions on a number of issues including his chances in the next day’s primary elections, negative advertisements, and his stand on the death penalty. People in this video Hosting Organization - Bush (G.W.) Presidential CampaignBush (G.W.) Presidential Campaign Related Video - Bush Campaign News Conference Governor Bush spoke to reporters about his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. He outlined his plan to… - Bush Campaign News Conference Governor Bush reacted to Arizona Senator McCain’s announcement that he was suspending his campaign for the Republican presidential… - Bush Campaign Event Governor Bush spoke with teachers and parents about a variety of education issues including bilingual education,… - Bush Campaign Speech Governor Bush spoke to religious leaders about the role of faith in his own life and how public policy can reflect the…
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Latest posts by Elsemanario (see all) - Congress Needs to Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act - September 21, 2023 - Community Conversations About Police Oversight Ordinance 8430 to be Held Sept. 18 and 20 - September 14, 2023 - Our State Must Continue Its Historic Investments in Families and Kids - September 14, 2023
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Brought to you by our very first sponsor, Centralized Showing Services! Just when you thought the Upstream shift might foster a new spirit of collaboration in the real estate industry, the guns were drawn again with NAR CEO Dale Stinton’s combative rhetoric, as NAR approved an additional $9 million in funding for the scaled back version of Upstream at the Realtors Legislative Meetings in D.C. Today Rob and Greg talk about the fallout from the Upstream announcement and subsequent doubling down by Stinton at the board meeting that followed. As always, our illustrious hosts each have a unique take on the motives of NAR and how Upstream’s CEO might approach his role moving forward. Listen in as they discuss the ambiguity around the project now that Upstream will allow brokers to enter their listings into their MLSs and how the change in tactics will affect particular industry players. Click to learn how the antagonistic framing of the big announcement further divided the vendors and MLSs from the brokerages, when it might have been an opportunity to mend fences. What’s Discussed: The three-part Upstream bombshell (dropped at NAR’s Midyear) Rob’s theory re: the motivation for Upstream NAR and Upstream’s missed opportunity to generate a spirit of collaboration The purchase of ListHub as an alternative to Upstream How eliminating a single point of entry makes Upstream a simple listing syndication dashboard The industry skepticism around Upstream’s transparency and NAR’s motives Why Upstream is a top priority for brokerages How Upstream’s messaging has evolved over time Why Zillow is feared by brokerages, MLSs and associations Zillow’s capability to provide a data management solution The inflammatory language used by the NAR CEO Dale Stinton (e.g.: vendors and MLSs as ‘cartel’) The ambiguity of Upstream moving forward The Upstream pivot as a win for Zillow Why Zillow may have purchased Bridge Interactive How Upstream drove MLSs into the arms of Zillow The likelihood of a continued alliance between Zillow and MLSs to fight NAR How Upstream CEO Alex Lange might approach his role moving forward Post-pivot licensing issues for Upstream Resources: Connect with Rob and Greg:
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2020-10-28 12:13:01 Friends, in America, we cherish the right to vote without interference. In fact, it’s a federal crime to intimidate, threaten or coerce voters. It’s against the law to harass voters; to follow them to, from or within polling places; to disrupt voting lines; to confront voters while wearing military-style uniforms; and to threaten violence with firearms or weapons. It’s against the law to aggressively question voters about their citizenship or other qualifications to vote; to spread false information about voting requirements; and to falsely represent oneself as an election official. So, what if you see or experience voter intimidation? Document the who, what, where and when of the incident. Notify the election official at your polling place. And report it by calling the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE. That’s 866-687-8683. Know your rights. Protect your rights. Thank you. Politics Related Sign up for Our Newsletter Get updates about the policies and topics that matter the most to you. Progressive news directly to your email.
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On January 11, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Stephen B. Bull met in the Oval Office of the White House at an unknown time between 10:03 am and 10:05 am. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 838-016 of the White House Tapes. Start Date Time 1973-01-11T10:03:00-05:00 End Date Time 1973-01-11T10:05:00-05:00 Tape Number Collection White House Tapes: Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations of the Nixon Administration, 1971-1973 Collection URL Tape Subject Log
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Fri, 22 Sep 2023 07:37:48 GMT (1695368268932) bd141c89efbf673a1d26a42918f665d3766776aa dbfecc9f0097303f9b240d0b637e7425f34552ad News Weather I-Team Sports Game Center Watch Now 66 Fri 83 Sat 78 With Republican nomination in hand, Karamo softens election fraud messaging by Rachel Louise Just | Sinclair Broadcast Group Tue, April 26th 2022, 3:21 AM UTC Michigan Secretary of State Republican nominee Kristina Karamo is pictured at the Michigan Republican endorsement convention on April 23, 2022. (Courtesy: Bill Rauwerdink) Loading ...
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15th Ward Democrats Website of the former 15th Ward Democrats. Pages Home Tuesday, October 25, 2016 Event with Secretary of State Jason Kander and Vice President Joe Biden this Friday! Friday, October 28, 2016 at 2:00 pm Pageant Theater 6161 Delmar Blvd St. Louis, MO 63112 Posted by Tod A. Martin at 7:30 AM No comments: Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)
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In less than 20 minutes behind closed doors, House Republicans made their allegiance to former President Donald Trump clear by ousting Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney from the No. 3 position in the House GOP. Even after the vote, Cheney remained defiant in her criticism of Trump and his repeated misinformation about the 2020 election. Lisa Desjardins and Yamiche Alcindor report. Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Subscribe: PBS NewsHour podcasts: Newsletters:
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We delve into question of curious ability of Leftist intellectuals to circumvent the massive crimes of their political favorites and still have debates with their opponents without this ever becoming an issue. Is this accidental or is it due to inability of the political Right and Center to employ the right arguments? Or is it something deeper than that? KT, of course, opts for the third option.
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Criminal Procedural Law 1 2021-2022 02275065 Criminal Legal Portuguese Face-to-face 15.0 Elective 2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado Recommended Prerequisites Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure. Teaching Methods Seminar-like classes. Presentation and discussion of research papers. Learning Outcomes The objective is to promote discussion on the main criticism being leveled against criminal procedure and realize the evolution of criminal justice which comes with that. Work Placement(s)No Syllabus See the suplement sheet attached course ( T 1 and T 2 ). Head Lecturer(s) Nuno Fernando Rocha Almeida Brandão Susana Maria Aires de Sousa Assessment Methods Assessment Research work: 100.0% Bibliography Ver complemento da ficha da unidade curricular em anexo ( T 1 e T 2) /See the suplement sheet attached course ( T 1 and T 2 ).
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By Lisa Haven The Democrats have lost it! At last nights state of the union address, Democrat’s started off their show of protest by not attending the state of the Union Address. Not only did ten democrats boycott the event, but Nancy Pelosi showed her true communist colors. All that and more in this report… Get Noble Gold: Subscribe Now: For More Information See: COMING
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Section Branding Header Content Hate-Crimes Bill Suddenly Re-Introduced At State Capitol Primary Content On this edition of Political Rewind, a surprise at the State Capitol: a hate-crimes bill is suddenly re-introduced. Can it pass the legislature and become law? Also, qualifying for the 2018 Georgia elections ends and candidates across the ballot are now in place. Our panel weighs in on the surprise, the trends and the races likely to be in the spotlight. In news from the state legislature, a measure to fund voting machines that leave a paper trail moves forward while progress to expand the legal rights of victims of childhood sexual abuse may not. And, it’s been quite a news day involving President Trump. Panelists: AJC Lead Political Writer Jim Galloway Republican Consultant Loretta Lepore Cobb County Democratic Party Chairman Michael Owens Republican Consultant Juliane Thompson
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With what will the cops come up next? My phone calls are tapped My fingerprints mapped And the buggers are now studying how I text!" BBC News 11/08/06: At the University of Leicester, individual styles of hundreds of people's text messages will be analysed in a study that aims to help police with criminal investigations.
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Skip to main content Blog VIDEO ORIGINALS SUBSCRIBE DONATE Theme: Follow Us Subscribe Donate Nearly Two-Thirds of Voters – Including Half of Democrats – Want Border Security in Budget Deal Craig Bannister Adam Schiff Says His Faith Inspires Him ‘To Ensure the Rule of Law Is Applied Equally’ – Despite Mounting Evidence He Doesn’t Craig Bannister If 188 DEI Jobs Aren’t Eliminated, University of Wisc. Staff Could Lose Pay Raises Evan Poellinger Video Kamala Harris Fails to End Border Crisis, So Biden Taps Her to Also End Gun Violence Craig Bannister Pentagon Reverses ‘Themself’ Pronoun Mandate for Award Citations – Only AFTER Being Exposed Craig Bannister Latest Fellow Dems Rebel Against Senate Majority Leader’s Dress Code-Ending ‘Fetterman Rule,’ Support Manchin’s Resolution Craig Bannister Pennsylvania Students Walk Out of School in Protest of Policy Allowing Transgenders to Use Bathroom of Their Choosing Evan Poellinger Rep. McHenry Vows Cmte. Will Stop Biden from Using Treasury Dept. to Force ESG, Political Goals Through Nation’s Financial System Craig Bannister Texas Gov. Abbott: WATCH the Biden Admin Cut Our Border Wire to Let Illegal Aliens Flood Into Eagle Pass Craig Bannister AG Garland Feigns Outrage in Effort to Avoid Testifying When Asked if He Thinks ‘Traditional Catholics Are Violent Extremists’ Evan Poellinger DHS’s New ‘Intel Experts Group’ to Provide ‘Actionable’ Info on Those With ‘Extremist Ideologies’ – Like Catholics? Craig Bannister Columnist Says Anti-DEI Backlash is Coming, and Recent Events Show He May Be Right Evan Poellinger California Dems Take Mark Levin’s Advice, Call for Convention of States Craig Bannister U. of Ariz. Contradicts Its Own Study’s Conclusion that “the Pace of Climate-Driven Extinction Is Accelerating’ Craig Bannister Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page › Last page ›› Read More Subscribe to Our Newsletter! Click Here
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Sign now: Support Dr. Oz Joining the New Jersey Hall of Fame We all know Dr. Oz is soooooo proud to be Jersey Strong 💪™️ He’s a huge New Jersey celebrity who’s lived there for three decades. The dude is even registered to vote in NJ and voted there as recently as 2020. To honor Dr. Oz’s deep New Jersey roots, John had the GREAT idea to start a petition + help Dr. Oz reach his dream of being inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame. Sign your name to support adding Dr. Oz to the New Jersey Hall of Fame » Add your name
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Beyond outrage : what has gone wrong with our economy and our democracy, and how to fix it (Book) Copies |Location||Call Number||Status| |Arroyo Grande Library - Adult Nonfiction||330.973 PBK||On Shelf| Description Loading Description... Also in this Series Checking series information... More Like This Subjects LC Subjects More Details Published New York : Vintage Books, c2012. Format Book Language English Notes Description Argues that real change can only come when party lines are ignored and people from both sides of the aisle band together to enact common sense policies. Staff View Loading Staff View.
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Florida lawmakers cleared the path for Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) to run for president without resigning as governor, approving the measure as part of a broader elections bill. There are no translations. Translate in ภาษาไทย. Warning : Making multiple requests while logged in with the same ID on different browsers can cause unexpected errors.
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Dozens of migrants abducted from train MEXICO CITY (AP): A priest says armed men stormed a northbound train and kidnapped at least 80 illegal Central American migrants. Alejandro Solalinde runs a migrant shelter in the state of Oaxaca. He suspects the Zetas drug cartel seized the migrants last Friday. The priest says some who escaped told authorities there were 250 migrants on the train, most from Honduras and Guatemala. Thousands of Central American migrants enter Mexican territory illegally each year, many bound for the United States. Mexico's National Human Rights Commission reported at least 11,333 migrants were abducted between April and September 2010. Police recently made arrests in the suspected December kidnapping of 50 migrants in Oaxaca.
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Email us for help Loading... Premium support Log Out Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy have changed. We think you'll like them better this way. Brian Stetten and Ruthann Amarteifio are still looking for democracy-------- Pinko the Bear (ABear) joins us as we discuss current issues and catch up with what he's doing!! From fun to politics----(or, is that the same?) Comments, questions? Give us a call, or come to chat!!
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Brit Hume, a longtime Fox News commentator, took exception to a tweet Steve Hilton posted, calling Biden the swamp, totally corrupt, compromised by China, adding he should be investigated. Where Hilton went wrong was declaring he was totally corrupt since he hasn’t had a trial. Instead of just sending a private direct message, Hume blasted it out on Twitter so Hilton responded in defense of his comment. Hume probably doesn’t want a Fox host to put out incorrect information but it looked like virtue signaling. Really? This is from the article cited in your tweet: “There’s no evidence that Joe Biden used his power inappropriately or took action to benefit his relatives with respect to these ventures.” — Brit Hume (@brithume) August 2, 2019 ??? there is plenty more evidence of his corruption than this article, as we have shown repeatedly MBNA, China, etc etc you have been in the Swamp too long if you think he is not corrupt!!! — steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) August 2, 2019 er…because the entire point was to highlight our own past and future coverage! — steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) August 2, 2019 HANNITY STEPS IN Sean Hannity put an end to it, praising Hume, saying he’s not the swamp [maybe not, but he is establishment]. Steve, first to you. Brit Hume is one of maybe 3 true fair, balanced and objective journalists in the country…. — Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 3, 2019 @brithume @SteveHiltonx He’s earned my respect, and you need to study his amazing career and frankly I would apologize. Brit is not the swamp. A rare exception and one day I promise I will name names. Highly recognizable names… — Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 3, 2019 — Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 3, 2019 Then he agreed with Steve that there are serious issues surrounding Biden and his son that need to be answered. @brithume @SteveHiltonx I would say it differently than Steve, but there are serious issues that need to be investigated regarding Biden and his son. I would first point you in the direction of Peter Schweizer’s most recent book, as it relates to China… — Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 3, 2019 — Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 3, 2019 In conclusion, “No P}^*++= in the tent”. Absolutely! It is fodder for the Maoists and it would hurt Hilton more than Hume. Hannity did Hilton a favor. — Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 3, 2019
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Instructions: Click on the images below to watch the ads and meet the attack lads. Red links will take you to an appendix with more information. Rats ad (2000): Subliminally flashed the word “RATS” amid a description of an Al Gore prescription drug proposal. created by National Media Inc Production firm headed up by Alex Castellanos corporate clients: Verizon, AT&T, Pfizer now works for: Mitt Romney
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Dinner & Lunch - DC Shared visions - this page links to many views of Magna Charta with the hope that they will resonate and inspire. Video and Text To Be Added - Initially we embraced a product Microsoft Silverlight as a program which offered excellent quality with high compression, used at the 2008 Olympics in China and by Netflix. We are in the process of recoding for platforms which can be viewed on smartphones. LLN - Our history. The Society had a tradition of printing and circulating booklets with meetings. This is a Link to the Program Book from the 40th Anniversary in 1949. Earlier publications may be found using this Link. The list of meetings is from 1929 to 1956 and the publications from 1931 to 1956.[total 495 Pages] 1995 Thomas R. Moore, Esquire !999 - Lunch - Dr. Ray Raymond, FRSA, Political Officer of the British Consulate General in NY and Political Advisor to the British Consul and Director General of Trade and Investments "Ties That Bind: the Anglo-American Relationship Past and Present" 2000 - Mr. Oliver St. C. Franklin, OBE, Honorary British Consul in Philadelphia 2002 Professor Dr. Henry Conrad Wurts - "Self determination and economic freedom: a Magna Charta perspective" 2005 Mr. Tim Guy, DiplAD FCSD FRSA - Planning the Tour of the Lincoln Magna Charta to the US in 2007 2006 Chancellor Lewis L. Neilson, Jr. - "Magna Charta and the Other Charters: Why the 1215 Magna Charta is the most significant" 2009 Francis Webb Neate, Esq. - President International Bar Association (2005 & 2006) _ Chair of the Rule of Law Action Group of the IBA - "Magna Carta Within the Rule of Law (history of the concept of the rule of Law and the place of Magna Carta in its development). 2010 - Preparation for the 800th Anniversary in 2015 2013 - Ambassador G. Philip Hughes - Senior Director at the White House Writers Group & Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies 2016 - Dr. Emm Barnes Johnstone "The Rule of Law in the Digital Age: harnessing Magna Carta to protect freedoms in a connected world" Leader of the Magna Carta Project at Royal Holloway, University of London, - Executive Officer Queen Mary University -
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Continue talking about the Orange Man, Putin, Miss Lindz, and all the gang Celestial Treasonings: Treason Thread #57 |by Anonymous||reply 600||December 9, 2022 11:57 PM| Chuck Grassley is so old, he was a draft dodger for Vietnam AND the Korean War. Extended deferrments. |by Anonymous||reply 1||October 30, 2022 6:08 PM| Thanks, OP. Lin to previous thread for reference |by Anonymous||reply 2||October 30, 2022 6:09 PM| It will never cease to baffle me how you can listen to something like this and then vote for...the alternative. So many on the other side screech like zoo animals and cause division instead of digging in to the issue for the betterment of all. |by Anonymous||reply 3||October 30, 2022 6:28 PM| tRump and his ilk just love to wallow in their stupidity |by Anonymous||reply 4||October 30, 2022 6:29 PM| [quote]So many on the other side screech like zoo animals and cause division instead of digging in to the issue for the betterment of all. That's the selling point for their supporters. They are filled with rage and resentment, and want their politicians to reflect that. |by Anonymous||reply 5||October 30, 2022 6:31 PM| We're not filled with rage YOU STUPID COMMIE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! |by Anonymous||reply 6||October 30, 2022 6:32 PM| Were is FCI?! We want some news!! |by Anonymous||reply 7||October 30, 2022 7:54 PM| Thank you OP! ❤️ |by Anonymous||reply 8||October 30, 2022 8:06 PM| And a fine title OP! |by Anonymous||reply 9||October 30, 2022 8:10 PM| JFC what is Garland waiting for? Dump is a metastasizing cancer on the body politic. |by Anonymous||reply 10||October 30, 2022 9:11 PM| After the midterms, r10. |by Anonymous||reply 11||October 30, 2022 9:12 PM| Whoopi rips into Lady Lindzebelle, calling her defense of Herschel Walker “Ignorant as Hell”. |by Anonymous||reply 12||October 30, 2022 10:42 PM| Paul Ryan Trashes Trump And Says He Won't Be 2024 Nominee |by Anonymous||reply 13||October 30, 2022 10:47 PM| Threatening MAGA rhetoric being spewed at a Pennsylvania campaign rally. |by Anonymous||reply 14||October 30, 2022 11:03 PM| ^ what does he have against Lindz? |by Anonymous||reply 15||October 30, 2022 11:27 PM| ^During the 2016 campaign, LG was a prominent Trump critic. The day of the Jan. 06 Capitol riot, LG gave an intoxicated “Count me out, I’m done” speech but flipped back to being a DJT sycophant a couple of days later. Also, many far-right political figures disdain LG regarding perceptions of his sexual orientation though he has long advocated and voted against rights.. Some MAGAs see LG as part of the “establishment” Republicans who will sometimes work with Democrats on certain legislation and confirmations. |by Anonymous||reply 16||October 30, 2022 11:58 PM| ^voted against LGBT rights. |by Anonymous||reply 17||October 31, 2022 12:02 AM| Ignore polls. |by Anonymous||reply 18||October 31, 2022 3:12 AM| I have been, r18. |by Anonymous||reply 19||October 31, 2022 3:40 AM| We should make new Treason threads when they hit 300 replies because they are locked around 250 every single time. Especially right now, with the elections coming up and all the treason the Repugs will be fomenting across the country. |by Anonymous||reply 20||October 31, 2022 4:33 AM| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ I agree. I find that threads become painfully slow at about the 400th post. |by Anonymous||reply 21||October 31, 2022 6:11 AM| .... |by Anonymous||reply 22||October 31, 2022 11:21 AM| File the damn indictments, Garland. Allowing DJT & his cohorts more time to create trouble is disturbing. |by Anonymous||reply 23||October 31, 2022 1:17 PM| Log Cabin Republicans are... ... |by Anonymous||reply 24||October 31, 2022 3:36 PM| Agree with R20 heartily. I want FCI to post. I miss him. |by Anonymous||reply 25||October 31, 2022 4:07 PM| Deadline Approaches For Trump Team To Turn Over Documents |by Anonymous||reply 26||October 31, 2022 6:15 PM| R20 & r21 A lot of us have asked for that yet it never happens. I don’t know why. It makes sense to create a new thread when these get locked. |by Anonymous||reply 27||October 31, 2022 10:49 PM| Lindzebelle yaps everywhere except before a Georgia grand jury. See video about Walker. |by Anonymous||reply 28||November 1, 2022 12:23 AM| ^ That was awesome |by Anonymous||reply 29||November 1, 2022 12:51 AM| Trump's taxes; fed charges for Paul Pelosi attacker; Officer Dunn testifies at Oath Keepers trial |by Anonymous||reply 30||November 1, 2022 2:57 AM| [quote]’all this crazy crap’ Lindsey still exhibits her potty mouth. A charming, refined southern lady, she is not. The media continues to be enchanted with her. Fox is garbage featuring this daily mess with zero tough questions and the absence of countering messaging or challenging views. |by Anonymous||reply 31||November 1, 2022 10:04 AM| Rep. Eric Swalwell [quote] The husband of one of your colleagues is being treated in an ICU right now and this is your response? To mock his attack? When you were raising your son, did you ever tell him to laugh at the pain of others? Or did you teach him better? This is disgusting. Delete it. |by Anonymous||reply 32||November 1, 2022 1:45 PM| #hypochristian, #kickherinthecunt |by Anonymous||reply 33||November 1, 2022 2:01 PM| When Dems win the majority in the House and Senate, is there a strong chance they'll impeach some of the more corrupt SCOTUS members? They've gotten well out of hand. Especially Thomas. |by Anonymous||reply 34||November 1, 2022 3:01 PM| So bizarre that any woman vote GOP |by Anonymous||reply 35||November 1, 2022 5:02 PM| Re R32 |by Anonymous||reply 36||November 1, 2022 5:40 PM| John Roberts delays handing over Trump’s tax returns to Congress Clarence Thomas temporarily blocked Graham’s testimony helping him run out the clock Amy Coney Barrett just got a $2 million book deal Kavanaugh was never vetted by the FBI & they wonder why we don’t trust them? |by Anonymous||reply 37||November 1, 2022 6:00 PM| One of the responses to the tweet r32 linked to. This one made me chuckle: |by Anonymous||reply 38||November 1, 2022 6:34 PM| Miss Lindsey must testify! |by Anonymous||reply 39||November 1, 2022 6:49 PM| [quote]The order also said Graham is free to litigate further over which issues are off-limits. From the article in r39. That’s an indication Miss Lindsey will use this to pursue more delays. |by Anonymous||reply 40||November 1, 2022 7:02 PM| I read that as [quote]Miss Lindsey will use this purse for more delays. |by Anonymous||reply 41||November 2, 2022 2:43 AM| Dump's lawyers targeted Clarence Thomas to help in their attempted coup: |by Anonymous||reply 42||November 2, 2022 4:51 PM| Country Over Party |by Anonymous||reply 43||November 2, 2022 4:55 PM| [quote]BREAKING: KASH PATEL HAS BEEN GRANTED LIMITED USE IMMUNITY AND WILL TESTIFY BEFORE THE GRAND JURY IN THE DOCUMENTS CASE. |by Anonymous||reply 44||November 3, 2022 12:17 AM| I guess he doesn't have motorcycle boots.'s a look. |by Anonymous||reply 45||November 3, 2022 12:37 AM| R45, looks more like a member of the Village People than a tough guy |by Anonymous||reply 46||November 3, 2022 1:42 AM| I can't get over the stupid cowboy boots. |by Anonymous||reply 47||November 3, 2022 1:58 AM| |by Anonymous||reply 48||November 3, 2022 8:32 AM| Former President Donald Trump asked a Florida court on Wednesday to shield his revocable trust from New York Attorney General Letitia James, who has filed a $250 million civil lawsuit against Trump and his family. Trump, when he became president, put his ownership of the Trump Organization into the revocable trust that he is now trying to shield from the attorney general’s lawsuit. In a 41-page civil lawsuit laden with familiar grievances, the former president accused James of "intimidation and harassment" and of making repeated "attempts to steal, destroy or control all things Trump," including the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust that contains his private estate plan, and decisions about the disposition of his assets upon death. |by Anonymous||reply 49||November 3, 2022 5:45 PM| ^FABULOSA! Merely by sending in his typical bullshit documents to the Court, Shitler has proclaimed to the world that he knows well and good that Tish will be able to seize EVERY fucking penny in that goddamned trust, once his liability is established in the case. Trump filing this suit also puts the Trustee(s) on formal notice that *any* attempt on the part of ANYONE to fiddle with those assets in the meantime will subject the offending parties to criminal and civil liability. Great news. |by Anonymous||reply 50||November 3, 2022 5:56 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 51||November 3, 2022 8:52 PM| Mike Lee vows to "phase out" Social Security |by Anonymous||reply 52||November 3, 2022 11:25 PM| [quote]I'm in NY state court this morning, where the AG here is trying to stop the Trump Org from shifting assets to avoid her massive $250m lawsuit. |by Anonymous||reply 53||November 3, 2022 11:40 PM| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ How the fuck is this N O T the straw that breaks all voting Republicans back?! |by Anonymous||reply 54||November 3, 2022 11:58 PM| R54’s comment was meant for R52’s post |by Anonymous||reply 55||November 4, 2022 12:00 AM| [quote] The report's table of contents — which includes references to Hunter Biden, school boards, pro-life facilities and churches, and Facebook — and its release just days before the midterm elections, underscores the highly political nature of the investigation |by Anonymous||reply 56||November 4, 2022 12:35 AM| |by Anonymous||reply 57||November 4, 2022 12:47 AM| She was so wonderful in Annie. |by Anonymous||reply 58||November 4, 2022 2:22 AM| Mystery solved: why did Lindsey G, a senator from South Carolina, urge Raffensperger to toss out lawfully cast ballots in GEORGIA? Because emergency appeals out of Georgia are handled by Clarence Thomas, & Trump’s lawyers saw Thomas as their best shot at overturning the election. |by Anonymous||reply 59||November 4, 2022 3:58 AM| I didn't think politicians were allowed to release the type of stuff at R56 right before an election? |by Anonymous||reply 60||November 4, 2022 4:35 PM| Trumpublicans do whatever the fuck they want, R60. And they mostly get away with it but scream about how they're being persecuted when they don't. |by Anonymous||reply 61||November 4, 2022 5:19 PM| Deranged lunatic or Chaos agent...? |by Anonymous||reply 62||November 4, 2022 5:34 PM| Oh, joy. |by Anonymous||reply 63||November 4, 2022 5:37 PM| If he announces, his grift ends. He will have to start reporting any donations to the FEC. While that may not be a big deterrent, it will certainly bring MORE scrutiny from Miss Tish James and who ever gets put in charge of watching the organization books. Orange will no longer be able to move money around from his campaign to his “business”. Plus, it won’t stop him from being held accountable in NY, GA or for espionage. |by Anonymous||reply 64||November 4, 2022 6:12 PM| [quote]If he announces, his grift ends. You mean like it ended in 2016? |by Anonymous||reply 65||November 4, 2022 6:41 PM| Thank you, Mr. Colbert... |by Anonymous||reply 66||November 4, 2022 6:50 PM| R64, where have you been for the last 7 years? He doesn't follow the law. Never has. And, he never pays a price. No consequences, ever. |by Anonymous||reply 67||November 4, 2022 8:13 PM| The reason he'll announce is because he thinks the DoJ is going to indict him after the election. He'll play the "but I'm a presidential candidate" card and try to get the Supreme Court to overrule DoJ. And, if he gets a Repug Congress to go along, too, that's enough for him to go for it. If nothing else, it will be just more delay, delay, delay. |by Anonymous||reply 68||November 4, 2022 8:15 PM| Dan Crenshaw admits that pro-Trump lawmakers knew the election wasn't stolen, they lied to rile people up |by Anonymous||reply 69||November 4, 2022 8:17 PM| I'm always surprised by the voluntary gullibility of the Right. It's like they just love to be lied to and used. They should all be forced to wear "Kick Me!" signs at all times. |by Anonymous||reply 70||November 4, 2022 8:25 PM| Ladybugs tweets & tweets. Says nothing about appearing before the grand jury in Georgia. |by Anonymous||reply 71||November 4, 2022 8:36 PM| Kari Lake: a really dangerous candidate. |by Anonymous||reply 72||November 4, 2022 9:03 PM| The DOJ should indict Dump the minute he announces. Dueling press conferences would be nice. |by Anonymous||reply 73||November 4, 2022 9:10 PM| If GQP gets the House, they’ll be investigating the Jan. 06 Committee, the DoJ, Hunter Biden furiously, and pursue an impeachment of Joe Biden, The party is corrupt to the core. Kevin McCarthy shows he is dumb, controlled, and unethical. Most of rest lack scruples. |by Anonymous||reply 74||November 4, 2022 10:04 PM| Liberal Redneck |by Anonymous||reply 75||November 4, 2022 10:17 PM| Andrew Joseph Duffer on The Lady Bug Bill. |by Anonymous||reply 76||November 4, 2022 10:31 PM| I truly may be wish casting, but I have a strong gut feeling that this unprecedented (and frankly pathetic) posturing the weekend prior to the election is based on knowledge that they need a Hail Mary. They are such unscrupulous hacks that if they actually thought they were going to win they would proceed more ruthlessly. Using The Hill and CNN to set a tone is scary but less aggressive as they have shown their asses to be previously. |by Anonymous||reply 77||November 5, 2022 1:34 AM| Link for R77 |by Anonymous||reply 78||November 5, 2022 1:34 AM| Get her more smelling salts! |by Anonymous||reply 79||November 5, 2022 12:40 PM| One lie. A lot of hyperbole. |by Anonymous||reply 80||November 5, 2022 1:26 PM| ...what they accuse us of... |by Anonymous||reply 81||November 5, 2022 1:27 PM| CNN’s promotion of a horse-race is giving massive attention to Republicans candidates that were behind in the polls or were slipping. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Dana Bash soon in a MAGA hat. That network has taken a right turn. They are back to having more panels with GQP talking heads. They’ll have someone black predominantly offering the “Democrat” view or a woman unseasoned in politics. Maybe CNN will dust off Jeffrey Lord and bring him back. |by Anonymous||reply 82||November 5, 2022 1:53 PM| Jeffrey Lord is gonna need a lot more than a mere dusting. |by Anonymous||reply 83||November 5, 2022 1:56 PM| Re: r80 MAGA crackpot is suspicious of someone telling the truth. Integrity is such an alien concept to them. |by Anonymous||reply 84||November 5, 2022 2:16 PM| CNN is as unwatchable as OAN. |by Anonymous||reply 85||November 5, 2022 2:25 PM| Progressive activist calls out First Lady of Texas. Turns out that "Free Speech" is expensive. [quote] Then it got wild. A big donor who had invited Cecilia Abbott came up and berated me in front of a crowd for five minutes, even as virtually everyone else was so nice about it. [quote] The donor said she was pulling her donations to the festival. And that I was therefore hurting kids. [quote] I suggested that, since she was pulling her donations, she was the one deciding whether to hurt kids or not. [quote] But she insisted I was hurting kids by giving a political speech. [quote] She said one isn’t supposed to be political at galas and literacy events. [quote] I said I’m always political. [quote] I want to thank each and every Texan who came up to me afterward last night and said, No one does this in polite society in Texas, but we need to. [quote] There were more than I can remember. [quote] More aging white guys than I can count thanked me for standing up for women. [quote] I know I put @texasbookfest in a hard spot, because they may lose donations for no fault of their own. To their credit, they never asked what I was going to say, and afterward told me that I did exactly what a writer is supposed to do. [quote] Maybe pro-freedom donors will step in. [quote] But there were several who suggested that, while I may not be wrong, I broke a code of civility. You don’t do this HERE. At a GALA. [quote] I want to say clearly: I reject that code. [quote] If you’re more offended by a speech than by the theft of fundamental rights from women, that’s on you. |by Anonymous||reply 86||November 5, 2022 7:29 PM| Now I finally understand why MTG and so many GOP are so onboard with Putin... [quote] The scheme cut against decades of American policy promoting a free and united Ukraine, and a President Clinton would no doubt maintain, or perhaps even harden, that stance. But Trump was already suggesting that he would upend the diplomatic status quo; if elected, Kilimnik believed, Trump could help make the Mariupol plan a reality. First, though, he would have to win, an unlikely proposition at best. Which brought the men to the second prong of their agenda that evening — internal campaign polling data tracing a path through battleground states to victory. Manafort’s sharing of that information — the “eyes only” code guiding Trump’s strategy — would have been unremarkable if not for one important piece of Kilimnik’s biography: He was not simply a colleague; he was, U.S. officials would later assert, a Russian agent. [quote] Their business concluded, the men left by separate routes to avoid detection, though they continued to text deep into the night, according to federal investigators. In the weeks that followed, operatives in Moscow and St. Petersburg would intensify their hacking and disinformation campaign to damage Clinton and help turn the election toward Trump, which would form the core of the scandal known as Russiagate. The Mariupol plan would become a footnote, all but forgotten. But what the plan offered on paper is essentially what Putin — on the dangerous defensive after a raft of strategic miscalculations and mounting battlefield losses — is now trying to seize through sham referendums and illegal annexation. And Mariupol is shorthand for the horrors of his war, an occupied city in ruins after months of siege, its hulking steelworks spectral and silenced, countless citizens buried in mass graves. [quote] Putin’s assault on Ukraine and his attack on American democracy have until now been treated largely as two distinct story lines. Across the intervening years, Russia’s election meddling has been viewed essentially as a closed chapter in America’s political history — a perilous moment in which a foreign leader sought to set the United States against itself by exploiting and exacerbating its political divides. [quote] Yet those two narratives came together that summer night at the Grand Havana Room. |by Anonymous||reply 87||November 5, 2022 8:08 PM| Daniel Dale. The CNN reporter from Canada that wrote the article at R80, looks as if he may be a Log Cabinette. |by Anonymous||reply 88||November 5, 2022 9:16 PM| I would have guessed so too, R88. But apparently only the dog is gay. |by Anonymous||reply 89||November 5, 2022 9:21 PM| Come on, the man has no lips. Of course he's a republican. |by Anonymous||reply 90||November 5, 2022 9:49 PM| Having followed him for some time, I would bet that there's a stronger chance of Dale actually being gay (in spite of being married) than being a Republican (in spite of hot having any lips). The GOP constantly attacks him and calls him a fraud while last week the White House quietly deleted what he flagged as a false claim. He really does seem to fact check both sides fairly...there's just so much more material abatable to him on one side than the other. And that side is just so much more obnoxious about being called on their shit. |by Anonymous||reply 91||November 5, 2022 10:10 PM| Just Austin... |by Anonymous||reply 92||November 5, 2022 10:31 PM| R92, doing things like this suggests they’re not as confident as you think they would be. |by Anonymous||reply 93||November 5, 2022 11:08 PM| I just dropped off my ballot. It was sobering to realize that this is the most important election in my lifetime. |by Anonymous||reply 94||November 5, 2022 11:45 PM| Mailed in my ballot a couple weeks ago. Voted Fetterman, Shapiro, and a random write-in name to vote against my MAGA Congresscreature who is running unopposed |by Anonymous||reply 95||November 6, 2022 12:15 AM| Voted mail-in, absentee ballot several days ago. |by Anonymous||reply 96||November 6, 2022 12:37 AM| Quite a number of Republicans at various levels are running opposed. This should not be happening. Even if such positions are deemed safe GQP seats in red districts and states, Democrats need to field candidates for every state and federal legislative role and state-wide office. In a bunch of southern and western states, Democrats need to work harder on candidate recruitment. DNC and state Democratic officials ignore or write-off too much. It has to be built to win for the future. |by Anonymous||reply 97||November 6, 2022 1:01 AM| ^running unopposed |by Anonymous||reply 98||November 6, 2022 1:04 AM| To be fair, a lot of Dems are running unopposed, too |by Anonymous||reply 99||November 6, 2022 1:05 AM| What r92 wrote is fucking bonkers. |by Anonymous||reply 100||November 6, 2022 2:08 AM| DOJ mulls over appointing a special counsel to investigate Trump's crimes. Why it's a bad idea. |by Anonymous||reply 101||November 6, 2022 2:48 AM| That better be a fucking joke at this point, R101. What they should be considering is a firing squad. And, what's been happening in the case where the special master was assigned by the corrupt Floriday judge? Haven't heard much on that front lately. |by Anonymous||reply 102||November 6, 2022 4:03 AM| R100 dear D’’shat; Blossom, Bubbles; and Buttercup, are not impressed with you. |by Anonymous||reply 103||November 6, 2022 11:14 AM| [quote]appointing a special counsel Fuck that noise! |by Anonymous||reply 104||November 6, 2022 4:00 PM| I could have sworn Daniel Dale's wife was just his roommate/BFF. |by Anonymous||reply 105||November 6, 2022 4:03 PM| [quote] Trump in recent months has repeatedly asked “how many” times Republicans plan to impeach the president if they take control of the House, the sources said. He has also, the sources said, asked about what they would do to impeach certain high-ranking Biden administration officials. [quote] The former president’s question of “how many” times Republicans aim to impeach Biden may be connected to Trump’s own dubious record: He is the only American president to have been impeached twice [...] [quote] Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) this week vowed Republicans would impeach Biden and administration officials. “This will happen,” she wrote on Twitter, linking to an article about Biden’s impeachment. “Any GOP Member growing weak on this will sorely disappoint our country.” [quote] In September, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) told Steve Bannon that Republicans should prioritize investigations and impeachment if they take the House. “If we don’t engage in impeachment inquiries to get the documents and the testimony and the information we need, then I believe that our voters will feel betrayed ... [quote] Regardless of how top Republicans feel, the party’s voters are keen on impeachment. A University of Massachusetts Amherst poll this string found that more than two-thirds of Republican voters believe their party should use control of the House to impeach Biden. |by Anonymous||reply 106||November 7, 2022 12:43 PM| R106, yeah, that's a good strategy for bringing down inflation . . . |by Anonymous||reply 107||November 7, 2022 12:52 PM| Re: R106 [quote] When asked for comment, a McCarthy spokesman told CBS News, "The Steering Committee for the 118th Congress will decide committee assignments when the time is appropriate." |by Anonymous||reply 108||November 7, 2022 1:32 PM| Obviously "something else" must be HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP! |by Anonymous||reply 109||November 7, 2022 1:42 PM| This is all for naught. Democrats will retain the House. |by Anonymous||reply 110||November 7, 2022 1:43 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 111||November 7, 2022 1:49 PM| ^^^^ |by Anonymous||reply 112||November 7, 2022 2:48 PM| Putin-linked businessman admits to interfering in US elections |by Anonymous||reply 113||November 7, 2022 5:10 PM| Shocked that BoBo might "underperform"? |by Anonymous||reply 114||November 7, 2022 9:32 PM| Herschel Walker is joined on the campaign trail by Pam Bondi, Tulsi Gabbard, Nikki Haley, and Miss Lindsey (who is almost constantly with him). That’s Herschel’s “A Team”? There are multiple reasons 🐞 Graham is chasing after Herschel. [quote] Walker has been joined on the trail by an array of surrogates seeking to help energize Republican base voters. His guests Friday were former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who served on the legal team for President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial; and former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who recently formally left the Democratic Party and is now a fixture on Fox News Channel and elsewhere in the conservative media sphere. Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor who was ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, joined Walker on Sunday, with Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., expected on Monday. |by Anonymous||reply 115||November 7, 2022 11:47 PM| Is Miss Lindz hoping that Herschel drunkenly wanders into her hotel room by accident one night or something? Is she dabbing her nether regions with violet water as a douche? Treasonous whore. |by Anonymous||reply 116||November 8, 2022 1:36 AM| Buckle up. Tomorrow is going to be crazy. We’ll know if our democracy will survive. |by Anonymous||reply 117||November 8, 2022 1:47 AM| Lindsay's always up for a one-on-one with the BBC. |by Anonymous||reply 118||November 8, 2022 1:49 AM| Please share your thoughts and any insider info, FCI! |by Anonymous||reply 119||November 8, 2022 1:56 AM| R119 There is no inside information on this election. It is chaos. This is the least predictable election probably ever. It will come down to voters 18-35. We need huge Election Day turnout from them. I’m not going to lie- I’m very worried, though that’s natural with what is on the line. |by Anonymous||reply 120||November 8, 2022 2:03 AM| Thank you, r120/FCI. I'm just hoping Michael Moore is prescient again. |by Anonymous||reply 121||November 8, 2022 2:11 AM| R121 Same. There seems to be a lot of optimism on our side from those in the know like MM. Fingers crossed Democrats have huge wins, keep and expand Congress, and have some surprising victories. |by Anonymous||reply 122||November 8, 2022 2:33 AM| An acquaintance works for one of the DC agencies (not going further than that) and they’ve gone from Red Tsunami outlook to Dems take Senate and squeak by in the house. Start sending good energy and push everyone you know to vote! |by Anonymous||reply 123||November 8, 2022 6:49 AM| [quote] Is Miss Lindz hoping that Herschel drunkenly wanders into her hotel room by accident one night or something? Is she dabbing her nether regions with violet water as a douche? Treasonous whore. R116 Having a suite in Mar-a-Lago & flying to hotel rooms constantly across the country, and frequently on international junkets, obviously she is not personally paying for all that opportunistic “fun”. Her complaints about federal expenditures need to start with her own sordid activities. |by Anonymous||reply 124||November 8, 2022 9:12 AM| If it were a just world, Pam Bondi would still be in jail. |by Anonymous||reply 125||November 8, 2022 10:54 AM| If it were a just world, Pam Bondi would never have been born. |by Anonymous||reply 126||November 8, 2022 11:06 AM| One of the readons MAGAts have been shouting from the rooftops “red tsunami” is that it’s a win either way. As even if they lose, they will declare “voter fraud” and feed off of this for some time they come. It’s another one of their malevolent ploys. |by Anonymous||reply 127||November 8, 2022 1:16 PM| Dump threatens to smear DeSantis if he runs. Insane mob boss. |by Anonymous||reply 128||November 8, 2022 10:31 PM| I'm sure he has De Santis blackmail material stashed away in the vault, along with the Macron blackmail material |by Anonymous||reply 129||November 8, 2022 10:42 PM| ^That R.D. has cheated on his wife, has a wee-wee penis, is obese, done crookef stuff, espouses bullshit, and people have died? That’s you too, Donnie. |by Anonymous||reply 130||November 8, 2022 11:03 PM| ^crooked |by Anonymous||reply 131||November 8, 2022 11:12 PM| bad night for Dump, gurls |by Anonymous||reply 132||November 9, 2022 11:18 AM| from Fox News: |by Anonymous||reply 133||November 9, 2022 11:32 AM| ^Gloria in Excelsis, Deo. |by Anonymous||reply 134||November 9, 2022 11:34 AM| Big baby Trump blames MELANIA for his decision to back that loser Oz… |by Anonymous||reply 135||November 9, 2022 3:53 PM| This is really the beginning of a glorious end for fat, sick Donnie, the party is going to start desperately breaking away from him and Mitch starts the death plan, he’s been waiting to unleash the kill shot. Hahaha!! |by Anonymous||reply 136||November 9, 2022 3:56 PM| Just as long as Daddy doesn't blame me r135! |by Anonymous||reply 137||November 9, 2022 4:10 PM| from your lips to God's ears, R136 |by Anonymous||reply 138||November 9, 2022 4:48 PM| So what to people make of Scalise apparently challenging McCarthy of House Leader? Surprised me. I'm thinking "My Kevin" McCarthy's leadership is danger, after today. |by Anonymous||reply 139||November 9, 2022 9:16 PM| What a night! Election night saw one of the best showing by a party in power, or the worst showing by a party out of power, in 100 years. So much good news. Democrats did spectacularly. The wins they had weren’t supposed to happen by far. This was a wholesale rejection of maga and republicans. But everything was so close? It wasn’t supposed to be given history, the mood of the country, and so many other factors (real and many very fake). Yet, Democrats gained in many areas. Imagine if NY wasn’t fucked over with redistricting? |by Anonymous||reply 140||November 9, 2022 11:10 PM| R139, as long as it's not Gym Jordan |by Anonymous||reply 141||November 9, 2022 11:13 PM| FCI what happens if the House Republicans get a majority, but they are unable to agree on a leader? |by Anonymous||reply 142||November 9, 2022 11:27 PM| R142 Democrats can elect a leader without a majority. I don’t see how Republicans mess that up, but they could. |by Anonymous||reply 143||November 9, 2022 11:49 PM| I feel like picking the GOP Majority Leader is going to be like watching Larry, Darryl and Darryl performing Shakespeare. |by Anonymous||reply 144||November 9, 2022 11:55 PM| Would be funny if MAGA turned on McCarthy |by Anonymous||reply 145||November 9, 2022 11:58 PM| Ya think, R145? |by Anonymous||reply 146||November 10, 2022 12:05 AM| r146 - From Donna M: [quote]Idk, I see Kevin McCarthy carefully positioning himself under the bus and begging Trump to approve he's far enough under. |by Anonymous||reply 147||November 10, 2022 12:34 AM| Ballot counting progress in Arizona: |by Anonymous||reply 148||November 10, 2022 12:38 AM| I'm still having a hard time understanding how Abbott won Uvalde. |by Anonymous||reply 149||November 10, 2022 1:10 AM| Kevin McCarthy won’t last long as Speaker if he receives the role at all. Scaliice would be a disruptive leader with his band of tea parties. They may try Stefanik who will shift with the tides but is not a trusted or capable consensus builder, but an opportunistic, self-serving prop. |by Anonymous||reply 150||November 10, 2022 7:11 AM| Kevin, while Lá Senátrice is in the other chamber, you know what you gotta do. |by Anonymous||reply 151||November 10, 2022 7:19 AM| The Kevin McCarthy Gang will investigate and investigate but find nothing, because it was all valid and executed properly. |by Anonymous||reply 152||November 10, 2022 7:22 AM| Sux to be Kevin McCarthy and have Dump's shit all over your face. |by Anonymous||reply 153||November 10, 2022 10:25 AM| Lick it Kevin, lick it real good. |by Anonymous||reply 154||November 10, 2022 10:54 AM| Local news in Houston, especially KPRC, ran nonstop crime and inflation stories before the election. Today? It has been one whole hour and not one, yes let me repeat that, not one story on crime and one quick inflation story about credit card rates. An agenda to help republicans? THIS is just one example of the obstacles Democrats face. |by Anonymous||reply 155||November 10, 2022 11:05 AM| Exactly r155… and who’s to blame for that crime anyway? The state is run by Republicans! Maybe the Dems turn that around next time and take advantage of it somehow. Crime-ridden Republican-run state. |by Anonymous||reply 156||November 10, 2022 11:08 AM| ^The Dems are too fucking disorganized to do anything to educate the public or promote themselves effectively. They seem to be clueless. The sources of the inflation we have right now are NOT mysterious, nor were they created under Biden's Presidency. And *whenever* the economy gets a little snarky, crime rates ALWAYS go up immediately, the reasons should be obvious. The Republicans have been harping about goddamned crime rates since the 1960s, it's just part of their typical thing: scare Whitey and you'll get their votes. Fear! Be Afraid! FEAR!! Why can't the Democrats DO SOMETHING to defeat the Republicans' moronic propaganda machine? The people in this country are just fucking sheep. |by Anonymous||reply 157||November 10, 2022 12:05 PM| Reminder that there are a whole lot of people in this country who are willing to suffer as long as people they don't like are forced to suffer more. |by Anonymous||reply 158||November 10, 2022 12:53 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 159||November 10, 2022 4:15 PM| When does Trump take the stand in R159's linked trial?? |by Anonymous||reply 160||November 10, 2022 5:10 PM| Re: R158 |by Anonymous||reply 161||November 10, 2022 6:24 PM| Not familiar with the guy you reference, R161. Thought it was a parody! Is it?! If not, he is seriously CRAZY. If he’s given airtime to be taken seriously, there’s some really ill - mentally ill - enabling and mindset going on with Repubs. |by Anonymous||reply 162||November 10, 2022 6:30 PM| Where have you been the past six years, r162? |by Anonymous||reply 163||November 10, 2022 6:34 PM| Freitas ran several times here in VA. I proudly voted against the low life mother fucker to make him a 3x loser. |by Anonymous||reply 164||November 10, 2022 6:38 PM| Even CPAC kicked Fuentes out. Fascist closet bottom. |by Anonymous||reply 165||November 10, 2022 6:44 PM| R162, [quote] The funny thing about Benny is as much as he postures himself as someone who hates the elites, I used to see him at every upscale event. Every house party. Every office party. He was ubiquitous. [quote] Benny is, again, I should add, a 36-year-old man who sounds like he is describing what he wants to do on Call of Duty. And he dresses like a guy who sprays Axe throughout the boy’s bathroom |by Anonymous||reply 166||November 10, 2022 6:46 PM| ^ [quote]The two sides of the Republican Civil War: [quote]Side 1: People who want to give lip service to various bigots, militants,zealots to build a voting coalition to keep taxes and business regs light [quote]Side 2: Real bigots, fascists, zealots tired of the fake ones. |by Anonymous||reply 167||November 10, 2022 6:52 PM| She sure loves meddling in other states elections. Nobody focuses on her home state that are the experts on targeted voter suppression & pre-fixed results. |by Anonymous||reply 168||November 10, 2022 8:19 PM| I also fixed his campaign... |by Anonymous||reply 169||November 10, 2022 11:58 PM| R169, that’s . . . intriguing. He doesn’t just claim that he “helped” DeSantis, he names the county, says he send in federal authorities from specific agencies, and, by the way, fixed the result for Rick Scott too. There’s enough to go on to actually fact-check this. |by Anonymous||reply 170||November 11, 2022 12:05 AM| And, r170, he's said he has something on DeSantis, so... |by Anonymous||reply 171||November 11, 2022 12:09 AM| Trump is taking down the GQP with him. McConnell knows Trump’s intentions. McCarthy is too dumb to handle it. |by Anonymous||reply 172||November 11, 2022 12:30 AM| I have box cutters in my backpack. |by Anonymous||reply 173||November 11, 2022 1:55 AM| Need to add Biggs, Miss Gym, Miss Marsha, etc. |by Anonymous||reply 174||November 11, 2022 8:43 AM| [quote]McCarthy is too dumb to handle it. Well, 'My Kevin' is pregnant with Dump's spawn. You can't be just a little bit pregnant. You are, or you aren't. |by Anonymous||reply 175||November 11, 2022 10:53 AM| The nation’s most gerrymandered district. |by Anonymous||reply 176||November 11, 2022 2:27 PM| Wonder what Frank Luntz and roommate Kevin McCarthy ‘pillow talk’ about? |by Anonymous||reply 177||November 11, 2022 2:32 PM| I beg to differ, R117 |by Anonymous||reply 178||November 11, 2022 2:48 PM| ^^^. |by Anonymous||reply 179||November 11, 2022 2:49 PM| Junior Trump wants Jim Banks as House Speaker. [quote] Trump Jr.'s antipathy toward Emmer stems from a combination of factors, both political and personal. As Politico detailed last week, Banks and Trump Jr. suspect Emmer greenlit an anonymous quote in a recent Daily Beast story questioning Banks' decision to hire Buckley Carlson — son of Fox News personality Tucker Carlson — as his office's communications director. Emmer's office has denied the allegation. Add to that the perception among MAGA figures that Emmer has been insufficiently deferential to the Trump team in his decision to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election, and by not involving the NRCC in the effort to oust longtime Trump foil Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.), and the conflict between the congressman and Don Jr. comes into sharper relief. While Trump, the elder Carlson, and allies like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) have stood their ground both publicly and in private, Punchbowl's report that Don Jr. has begun actively reaching out to sympathetic lawmakers like Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) to whip support for Banks suggests that this fight between a party insider and an energized MAGA constituency has entered a new phase that will ultimately test the Trump camp's efficacy at swaying congressional Republicans on internal matters, even as the party as a whole struggles with whether — and how — to move past the Trumps at all. . |by Anonymous||reply 180||November 11, 2022 3:26 PM| * |by Anonymous||reply 181||November 11, 2022 4:24 PM| Would be good if DJT stuck with rigged beauty pageants in Moscow and room service from pee pee girls, but not becoming a Putin asset. |by Anonymous||reply 182||November 11, 2022 5:49 PM| I think once a Putin "asset," ALWAYS a Putin asset... |by Anonymous||reply 183||November 11, 2022 7:09 PM| Wannabe seditious twat and actual orange asshole licker Stefanik can't wait: |by Anonymous||reply 184||November 11, 2022 9:17 PM| Never forget that Stefanik endorsed Carl Paladino, who praised Hitler. I hate that cow |by Anonymous||reply 185||November 11, 2022 10:26 PM| Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is Back In The Worst Way Possible |by Anonymous||reply 186||November 11, 2022 10:50 PM| Hard to imagine a best way for her to be back. |by Anonymous||reply 187||November 11, 2022 10:52 PM| The Huckabeast! |by Anonymous||reply 188||November 11, 2022 10:53 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 189||November 11, 2022 10:54 PM| She had an itchy cooter. It happens, cupcake! |by Anonymous||reply 190||November 11, 2022 10:56 PM| [quote] Donald Trump filed suit Friday against the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, seeking to block the panel’s subpoena that required him to testify and hand over documents related to the effort to overturn the 2020 election. But of course, after saying he’d be happy to testify for the 1/6 committee, the orange shitstain is trying to weasel out of it. |by Anonymous||reply 191||November 12, 2022 1:47 AM| Indict him! |by Anonymous||reply 192||November 12, 2022 10:30 AM| Will Garland ruin Trump’s big announcement? Nawh, Merrick is a “don’t rock the boat” kind of guy. |by Anonymous||reply 193||November 12, 2022 1:24 PM| Don't think it's been pointed out here yet, but on Thursday, 11/10: "A federal judge on Thursday fined *lawyers* for former president Donald Trump more than $66,000 and admonished them for filing frivolous and baseless claims in Trump’s defamation case against Hillary Clinton and her allies, stemming from the 2016 presidential election." Four attorneys were assessed the fine, to be divided amongst them, including Trump's main atty now, Alina Habba. This was in connection with the lawsuit accusing Hilary Clinton and many others of having commissioned the "pee-pee dossier." The fine is a *punishment* against the ATTORNEYS for having filed claims in the law suit which they knew to be legally frivolous (i.e. knowingly untrue, aka lies, claims unsupported by ANY reasonable kind of evidence.). The order acts as a Judgment and the other side can use enforcement mechanisms (seizure and attachment of assets) to collect it, if it is not paid voluntarily, once the order becomes final (after 30 days, usually). The Judge's order states that the claims were, essentially, nothing more than political bullshit, with NOTHING to support them, just as what was going on in all of Trump's MANY lawsuits to overturn the last Presidential election. This kind of sanctions order *always* drives a hard wedge between an attorney and his client (Shitler). The attorney is basically being punished financially for signing onto lies put forward by his client, when the attorney should have known better. We'll see whether Donny will pony up and pay this for his attorneys (Not fucking likely). This is a not-so-subtle hint from the bench that the judge thinks Shitler's claim is a great big waste of the Court's time. GOOD. |by Anonymous||reply 194||November 12, 2022 2:03 PM| They already have the goods. |by Anonymous||reply 195||November 12, 2022 2:09 PM| ^Re the atty fine Order above, I should have made clear that the Court was not ruling that ALL the claims made were frivolous, only ones made against one particular defendant. The case continues, but one defendant will be presumably dismissed from the case. Still, for a Court to go to the extent of punishing attys in this way usually says a lot about what the Court thinks about what is going on in the whole case. And it will certainly "heat things up" between Shitler and his own lawyers. -R194 |by Anonymous||reply 196||November 12, 2022 2:15 PM| "Donny, you're starting to STINK!! We don't want you coming around here NO MORE!!" |by Anonymous||reply 197||November 12, 2022 2:46 PM| ^I KNEW this was going to happen. EAGERLY looking forwids to Shitler's big announcement this coming Tuesday that is indeed re-running for Prezidunt. I think it's going to help make certain that that drooling moron Hershey Walker stays out of our Senate. They are NOT going to allow Shitty to come campaign for him, and he is going to start throwing something stinky on the walls of his cage. It's gonna be wonderful. |by Anonymous||reply 198||November 12, 2022 3:01 PM| I can't wait to see the last remaining tether to snap on Dump's sanity. He's going to attack everyone and everything and really stink up Florida with dirty diapers. |by Anonymous||reply 199||November 12, 2022 3:32 PM| It's really quite simple: elections are ONLY 'free and fair' when Dump or Dump's ass-lickers win. |by Anonymous||reply 200||November 12, 2022 3:40 PM| A key point re R195, which is not mentioned in that linked story, is that the DOJ prosecutor who is handling those 2 government documents-related espionage cases was recently brought in to work on the DOJ's investigation of Trump and his "mis-handling" of Top Secret govt. documents. Having brought this atty in to work on the Trump case indicates very strongly that they are indeed on the verge of indicting Trump for sometime espionage-related. They have brought in the top attorney in that field to handle Trump's case. |by Anonymous||reply 201||November 12, 2022 3:54 PM| ^Axios story on the counterintelligence atty at DOJ: |by Anonymous||reply 202||November 12, 2022 3:57 PM| I hope Vinnie and Paul can be reached for comment! |by Anonymous||reply 203||November 12, 2022 4:04 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 204||November 12, 2022 5:36 PM| ^As a twitter commenter points out, very "I Dream of Jeannie." Well, they ARE getting married near Cape Canaveral. |by Anonymous||reply 205||November 12, 2022 5:43 PM| Pretty sure the trim on that getup is made from crinkled up aluminum foil. Belated Halloween costume? |by Anonymous||reply 206||November 12, 2022 5:45 PM| Why is there black elastic around the back? That makes it look even cheaper. |by Anonymous||reply 207||November 12, 2022 5:51 PM| That trim looks so...encrusted. |by Anonymous||reply 208||November 12, 2022 6:09 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 209||November 12, 2022 6:28 PM| ^ I dream Of Bulimia |by Anonymous||reply 210||November 12, 2022 6:33 PM| AG Garland moving toward a prosecutorial decision on Trump's Mar-a-Lago classified documents crimes |by Anonymous||reply 211||November 13, 2022 1:05 AM| We hear and hear and hear about the DOJ's movement on Trump -- but nothing ever moves. |by Anonymous||reply 212||November 13, 2022 10:42 AM| The midterms won't be over until after the run-off, r212. |by Anonymous||reply 213||November 13, 2022 7:53 PM| Garland, when pressed, will announce a movement about some aspect of the investigation; and the feds’ raid at Mar-a-Lago to find and secure classified documents, was a major part of that effort. There has been plenty of time to have filed indictments and expand grand jury activity. I’m not convinced Garland will prosecute DJT. It isn’t because of a lack of evidence. Jan. 06 and the theft of files, show immense known evidence. Delays give DJT more time to play victim, generate flawed counter-arguments and lies, lobby public opinion, and generate more disruption. |by Anonymous||reply 214||November 13, 2022 8:01 PM| Homeland Security Admits To Creating Fake Terror Threats To Appease Trump |by Anonymous||reply 215||November 13, 2022 10:36 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 216||November 14, 2022 4:33 AM| R216, Guilfoyle wore black to a wedding. Of course she did. |by Anonymous||reply 217||November 14, 2022 4:46 AM| Them bitches didn’t include me in the photo. They need to respect classy. |by Anonymous||reply 218||November 14, 2022 7:24 AM| Can you imagine Gulfoyle as your mom? Poor kid |by Anonymous||reply 219||November 14, 2022 9:18 AM| What the hell is Lara wearing? It appears to be see-through. And how does she eat with those sleeves? |by Anonymous||reply 220||November 14, 2022 11:52 AM| Miss Lindzebelle getting emotional and holding back crying over Herschel: v v v v v |by Anonymous||reply 221||November 14, 2022 3:26 PM| [post redacted because thinks that links to their ridiculous rag are a bad thing. Somebody might want to tell them how the internet works. Or not. We don't really care. They do suck though. Our advice is that you should not click on the link and whatever you do, don't read their truly terrible articles.] |by Anonymous||reply 222||November 14, 2022 3:28 PM| Lá Sénatrice is trying to fool Fox audience voters. Black voters aren’t buying her crying game. |by Anonymous||reply 223||November 14, 2022 3:37 PM| IRS Asks Supreme Court To PLEASE Let Them Release Trump's Tax Returns |by Anonymous||reply 224||November 14, 2022 3:45 PM| The Supreme Court just ruled that Arizona GOP chair magat Kelli Ward's phone records must be turned over to the 1/6 committee. Thomas and Alito dissented. Ginni Thomas was in touch with AZ election-denier magats leading up to 1/6. |by Anonymous||reply 225||November 14, 2022 3:55 PM| Donald Trump's attorneys argued this week that he automatically designated government documents as personal property just by taking them to his home at Mar-a-Lago. |by Anonymous||reply 226||November 14, 2022 3:59 PM| ^Trump committed a very serious crime. The only question is whether he will be prosecuted for it. That's all there is to it. |by Anonymous||reply 227||November 14, 2022 4:20 PM| His legal arguments about removing those documents are sheer buffoonery. A waste of the Court's time. |by Anonymous||reply 228||November 14, 2022 4:21 PM| For Trump, possession is 10/10ths of the law. Anything he steals automatically belongs to him. |by Anonymous||reply 229||November 14, 2022 4:30 PM| I hope Dump's attorneys get sanctioned, big time, for frivolous lawsuits. And that Nazi cow Ginni Thomas deserves to pilloried in a public square. |by Anonymous||reply 230||November 14, 2022 4:37 PM| [quote]And that Nazi cow Ginni Thomas deserves to pilloried in a public square. I have a better idea, r230. |by Anonymous||reply 231||November 14, 2022 4:40 PM| I've got a better one, too. |by Anonymous||reply 232||November 14, 2022 4:43 PM| .... |by Anonymous||reply 233||November 14, 2022 4:46 PM| ^ 2 months to go until all of this investigation gets slammed shut by the rightwing nutjobs, right? It's a terrible shame to allow the investigation of all this corruption to be stopped like this. |by Anonymous||reply 234||November 14, 2022 4:52 PM| Wrong, r234. It doesn't affect the DOJ. |by Anonymous||reply 235||November 14, 2022 4:56 PM| Now why would Meadows, Ginni and a cadre of super villains want the GOP to delay their house/Senate leadership votes???? Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the orange asshole’s announcement tomorrow? What do they have planned? I have an idea, but I’d like to hear your theories. |by Anonymous||reply 236||November 14, 2022 5:14 PM| R226, I see they're running with the "Sure, Jan" defense |by Anonymous||reply 237||November 14, 2022 6:05 PM| Rumor is Dump wants to be Speaker of the House. Can you imagine? And of course he has it in for McTurtle. |by Anonymous||reply 238||November 14, 2022 8:59 PM| Where would he live in D.C., r238? It wouldn't be free digs. |by Anonymous||reply 239||November 14, 2022 9:01 PM| ^ Doesn't he own a hotel? |by Anonymous||reply 240||November 14, 2022 9:05 PM| R240, no, he sold it. |by Anonymous||reply 241||November 14, 2022 9:07 PM| Maybe he can room with Gym Jordan. |by Anonymous||reply 242||November 14, 2022 9:08 PM| [quote] Doesn't he own a hotel? Funny you should mention that: [quote] National Archives just released a report showing that Trump wasn’t just profiting off the Presidency, he was selling favor to the nations willing to be the highest bidders at his hotels—paying up to $10K/night—which included Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Turkey, and China. |by Anonymous||reply 243||November 14, 2022 9:15 PM| Ann Coulter called him out early: his grift is permanent. |by Anonymous||reply 244||November 14, 2022 9:17 PM| Trump sold that hotel which tells me he is either deeply in need of cash or he doesn't think he will be President ever again. That hotel was a cash cow for him, I guess both could also be true, he needs the cash and doesn't believe he will ever be President again. |by Anonymous||reply 245||November 14, 2022 9:19 PM| The rumor is Trump wants to be House Speaker. He would need almost all GQP votes. That job has a lot of policy work, requires much detail, negotiations, endless meetings and conferences. He wouldn’t be willing to do all the basic work. It would be constant turmoil. Trump announced today he supports McCarthy. |by Anonymous||reply 246||November 14, 2022 10:06 PM| Well, if "My Kevin" gets its, it's kinda like Trump gets it. |by Anonymous||reply 247||November 14, 2022 10:09 PM| "WaPo: "Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos. The analysis of Trump’s likely motive in allegedly keeping the documents is not, strictly speaking, an element of determining whether he or anyone around him committed a crime, or should be charged with one. Justice Department policy dictates that prosecutors file criminal charges in cases in which they believe a crime was committed and the evidence is strong enough to lead to a conviction that will hold up on appeal. But as a practical matter, motive is an important part of how prosecutors assess cases and decide whether to file criminal charges." Translation: he'll once again get off scot free. |by Anonymous||reply 248||November 14, 2022 10:42 PM| The nature of some of those top secret documents is hardly of a trophy/memento nature, r248. |by Anonymous||reply 249||November 14, 2022 10:49 PM| The man is nuts. Lock him up. |by Anonymous||reply 250||November 14, 2022 10:52 PM| The media is now pushing that narrative that the keeping of classified documents was solely due to ego, not for their monetary value. Bullshit. And the media needs to push back on that. I’m looking at you Michael Schmidt. |by Anonymous||reply 251||November 14, 2022 10:57 PM| Everything is dollar signs to Dump. |by Anonymous||reply 252||November 14, 2022 11:04 PM| His motive is irrelevant. |by Anonymous||reply 253||November 14, 2022 11:06 PM| [quote]The nature of some of those top secret documents is hardly of a trophy/memento nature From the article: "That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said." |by Anonymous||reply 254||November 14, 2022 11:06 PM| His motive is irrelevant for an obstruction of justice indictment, R253. But if the fucker sold any of these documents, we deserve to know it and Dump needs to be charged with it. Enough with the kid gloves. |by Anonymous||reply 255||November 14, 2022 11:11 PM| [quote]"That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said." Sure, Jan. |by Anonymous||reply 256||November 14, 2022 11:17 PM| Trump meant well. It was just a little boo-boo. |by Anonymous||reply 257||November 15, 2022 12:08 AM| [quote] That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession What about the ones that are missing? You know the ones he might have already sold to other countries. |by Anonymous||reply 258||November 15, 2022 1:51 AM| Here's to happy memories... |by Anonymous||reply 259||November 15, 2022 1:06 PM| Someone on Foreign Affairs said, and I think it could well be true, that the Dems are in a quandary: they feel like they COULD get Donny convicted of the felonies associated with taking the documents, even if he only receives a slap on the wrist for taking them. Trump would then have a felony conviction, which would keep him from running for Prez again. The Dems WANT Trump to be able to run because it seems obvious enough that he will lose outright, if he is the Repuke nominee, OR (even better) he will run anyway and tear the R party in two. I know, I know, Foreign Affairs is a right-wing publication, but you gotta admit the ideas here have definitely wafted through some Dem strategists' minds by now. |by Anonymous||reply 260||November 15, 2022 1:09 PM| 87 y.o. Charles Koch seeks bigger rich tax cuts, end of remaining corporate regulations, stop Medicaid expansion and no student loans bailouts. He knows Trump can’t deliver that. |by Anonymous||reply 261||November 15, 2022 1:58 PM| [quote] Trump would then have a felony conviction, which would keep him from running for Prez again. Not legally — felony conviction is not grounds for disqualification for a president. Public opinion might keep him out though. |by Anonymous||reply 262||November 15, 2022 2:15 PM| Trump needs Sedition/Espionage indictments and a 14th Amendment Sec.3 determination. Then I can let go. |by Anonymous||reply 263||November 15, 2022 4:27 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 264||November 15, 2022 5:13 PM| If they aren't going to do much to Trump, does that mean that the Congresspeople that helped him get off too? |by Anonymous||reply 265||November 15, 2022 5:21 PM| Haha, Trump was planning to make his big announcement tonight flanked by all his successful Trump-endorsed newly-elected MAGA candidates. Womp womp… |by Anonymous||reply 266||November 15, 2022 5:43 PM| Damn if he’s only going to be flanked by Tiffany and Jr. that will be an enjoyable sight. |by Anonymous||reply 267||November 15, 2022 6:03 PM| I will be very interested to see if CNN and MSNBC carry the Trump announcement live, as they did so many of his appearances leading up to the 2016 election. If they don't, maybe we really have turned the page as a country. I'm not holding my breath. |by Anonymous||reply 268||November 15, 2022 7:59 PM| CNN & MSNBC shouldn’t cover DJT’s shit announcement live. They’ll cover it for the ratings. At this point, it is tiresome, offensive to sensibility, and is further enabling a crooked con man that has gone on way too long. The person that should be speaking is Merrick Garland, announcing indictments. Garland has let all this drag on. This time next year, and the next year, we’ll still see zero indictments of DJT. |by Anonymous||reply 269||November 15, 2022 8:43 PM| I wouldn't bet on that, r269. |by Anonymous||reply 270||November 15, 2022 8:47 PM| Garland needs to step on the gas. |by Anonymous||reply 271||November 15, 2022 9:13 PM| Looney Lauea Loomer lashes MAGAt MTG! |by Anonymous||reply 272||November 15, 2022 9:50 PM| hmmm |by Anonymous||reply 273||November 15, 2022 10:19 PM| Can't wait for the Bat versus Turtle smackdown |by Anonymous||reply 274||November 15, 2022 11:54 PM| Cassidy Hutchinson & Mike Flynn to testify to Georgia grand jury about Trump's election crimes |by Anonymous||reply 275||November 16, 2022 2:58 AM| MAGA life must still include Nestor. |by Anonymous||reply 276||November 16, 2022 9:59 AM| the GOP meltdown is ON |by Anonymous||reply 277||November 16, 2022 10:39 AM| R277, wow, they are leaking like sieves! That’s practically a full readout of the meeting. I wonder if it came from Cruz, who’s remarks are quoted directly (everyone else’s are given in a detailed summary). |by Anonymous||reply 278||November 16, 2022 11:47 AM| A much as McConnell is disdained for the sleazy packing of the Supreme Court and extreme partisanship, there are a group of Senators that are much worse. Cruz, Hawley, both Johnsons, Rand Paul, Kennedy, Blackburn, Lankford, and a bunch of others, are much worse. |by Anonymous||reply 279||November 16, 2022 2:51 PM| Lankford always looks like a closeted bottom to me. |by Anonymous||reply 280||November 16, 2022 3:13 PM| another one bites the dust ballot box POISON! |by Anonymous||reply 281||November 16, 2022 4:33 PM| .... |by Anonymous||reply 282||November 16, 2022 4:40 PM| Trump Org Witness Infuriates Judge By Changing His Story To Protect Trump |by Anonymous||reply 283||November 16, 2022 4:48 PM| Lankford was a preacher. Maybe he still preaches. |by Anonymous||reply 284||November 16, 2022 5:44 PM| [quote] The alleged victim said May decided to force himself on the victim in a bathroom stall at a bar and says May said to her at the bar: “I am 6′8″, white, it is all consensual.” According to the police report, he fled the area, and upon being detained he claimed he had no involvement at first, then claimed: “it was simply a hug.” The winner of that House seat? His GOP mother. |by Anonymous||reply 285||November 16, 2022 5:56 PM| R274, that’s just to distract from the fact that Bat Boy somehow managed to blow about a half BILLION DOLLARS on Senate races and did not flip ONE SEAT. What happened to all that money? Pig faced Vance was begging his master Thiel for cash. Walker ran out of cash. So did Oz. Rick Scott stole that money, same as he stole all that Medicare money in Florida. Since it was likely dirty $ anyway, nobody is going to complain to the FEC (not like they’d do anything anyway). Never forget how much money Bat Boy stole FROM HIS OWN PARTY. |by Anonymous||reply 286||November 16, 2022 6:02 PM| ^^. |by Anonymous||reply 287||November 16, 2022 6:12 PM| Another Dump donor bails |by Anonymous||reply 288||November 16, 2022 9:15 PM| Ladybugs votes no. |by Anonymous||reply 289||November 16, 2022 9:46 PM| ^ of course she did, the self-hating closeted alcoholic cunt |by Anonymous||reply 290||November 16, 2022 9:48 PM| Mike Pence says Congress has "no right" to his testimony |by Anonymous||reply 291||November 16, 2022 10:18 PM| He knows the new Congress will be sworn in long before the courts compel him. |by Anonymous||reply 292||November 16, 2022 10:19 PM| You don’t say Pence @ R291?? Trump thought YOU had no right to live. |by Anonymous||reply 293||November 16, 2022 10:26 PM| [quote]He knows the new Congress will be sworn in long before the courts compel him. Neal Katyal said on MSNBC the other day that a Democratic Senate could take over the investigation or start their own. |by Anonymous||reply 294||November 16, 2022 10:31 PM| Well I doubt that happens, R294. |by Anonymous||reply 295||November 16, 2022 10:35 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 296||November 17, 2022 12:13 AM| Oh, man, I like that idea, R294. |by Anonymous||reply 297||November 17, 2022 1:27 AM| Peek a Boo! |by Anonymous||reply 298||November 17, 2022 10:21 AM| You will not leave me turd! |by Anonymous||reply 299||November 17, 2022 11:10 AM| ^ indeed Mags Haberman wrote a piece in the NYT saying Dump isn't afraid 'to burn it all down' if he doesn't get what he wants. The GOP is in for a rough ride, and so are we until this insane megalomaniac is locked away. |by Anonymous||reply 300||November 17, 2022 11:14 AM| The brilliance of a GQP candidate. |by Anonymous||reply 301||November 17, 2022 11:14 AM| Please tell me he really, really said that! |by Anonymous||reply 302||November 17, 2022 11:19 AM| Recently, on the Upper East Side, in complete seriousness I heard someone say that Walker an Warnock are interchangeable so they were hoping for the one who at least was a great football player. |by Anonymous||reply 303||November 17, 2022 11:39 AM| ^^^Related Matt Royer Looking at what @GovernorVA deems appropriate in response to the CRT Craze: - Removing MLK from the elementary curriculum - Removing reference to Doug Wilder the first Black Governor, WHO IS STILL ALIVE - Removing reference to John Mercer Langston, first Black VA Congressman - Removing all technical edits from the 2020 African American History commission - Refer to the Indigenous people of Virginia as America's First Immigrants - Complex concepts like The Code of Hammurabi are required content for 1st grade - The new standards removed the African civilization of Mali while expanding ancient European civilizations like Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Putting world history in a Eurocentric lens instead of an all inclusive global mindset which greatly limits overall understanding. - The Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia, and the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are now required content for First Grade. - Third Graders must learn about “Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony," and other ancient Greeks, and Romans - The rewrite of the proposed Standards is also full of historical errors and inaccuracies: “Explain the reasons for the relocation of Virginia’s capital from Jamestown to Williamsburg' as part of the Revolutionary war (when it was actually moved from Williamsburg to Richmond) - Contributions from the Sikh and the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community have been almost completely eliminated TL;DR Governor Youngkin would rather score points "defeating the nonexistent epidemic of teaching Critical Race Theory" than to teach Virginia students accurately and improve the test scores he complains about time and time again. |by Anonymous||reply 304||November 17, 2022 11:44 AM| [quote]Removing reference to Doug Wilder the first Black Governor, WHO IS STILL ALIVE In all honesty, that is what that tired old coon deserves for campaigning for Youngkin and going on that racist Reid's morning show. |by Anonymous||reply 305||November 17, 2022 3:50 PM| Yet, another delay for Miz Lindz to testify before the grand jury in Atlanta. |by Anonymous||reply 306||November 17, 2022 6:23 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 307||November 17, 2022 6:25 PM| [quote] Below are the Republicans who voted to advance the Respect for Marriage Act. Roy Blunt (Missouri) Richard Burr (North Carolina) Shelley Capito (West Virginia) Susan Collins (Maine) Joni Ernst (Iowa) Cynthia Lummis (Wyoming) Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) Rob Portman (Ohio) Dan Sullivan (Alaska) Mitt Romney (Utah) Thom Thillis (North Carolina) Todd Young (Indiana) (Queerty) |by Anonymous||reply 308||November 17, 2022 6:45 PM| Kind of hard for Miss Lindz to justify voting against this when Tillis, Ernst, Blunt, etc. didn't |by Anonymous||reply 309||November 17, 2022 7:27 PM| DJT owns Miss Lindz 100%. That kompromat DTJ has on LG would be shocking if revealed. LG turned on McConnell. Those order cam from Trump. |by Anonymous||reply 310||November 17, 2022 8:00 PM| ^orders came |by Anonymous||reply 311||November 17, 2022 8:01 PM| Miss Lindz is Dump's bitch, everyone knows that. What is she claiming to delay this time, a yeast infection? Gotta say Cynthia Loomis, Joni Ernst and Roy Blunt really surprised me. Positively. |by Anonymous||reply 312||November 17, 2022 9:13 PM| I don't need to "order" the little faggot r310. I only need to shake my succulent behind in his general direction and he will do anything. ANYTHING! |by Anonymous||reply 313||November 17, 2022 9:14 PM| ]quote]I only need to shake my succulent behind in his general direction and he will do anything. ANYTHING! It's not your bloated, flabby, pasty ass that he wants, R313. Think mushroom. |by Anonymous||reply 314||November 17, 2022 9:31 PM| It doesn't get more pathetic than LG. He is the opposite of what a human should be. My one wish is he knows this. |by Anonymous||reply 315||November 17, 2022 9:57 PM| ^Ladybugs? She partakes of both front & back. Old nasty hussy. Orange Con let’s her go-to-town below the waist, but just with mouth & tongue. Melanie knows, but doesn’t give a shit. She doesn’t want it. |by Anonymous||reply 316||November 17, 2022 9:58 PM| Can somebody start a new Treason thread? This one is paywalled. |by Anonymous||reply 317||November 17, 2022 10:09 PM| Or you could just pay the fucking $2 bucks like any good progressive American r317. |by Anonymous||reply 318||November 17, 2022 10:11 PM| I'm not asking for myself, r318. As you can see I was able to post at r317. |by Anonymous||reply 319||November 17, 2022 10:21 PM| I thought if you could post, you could create a new thread… |by Anonymous||reply 320||November 17, 2022 10:22 PM| I can't bear the burden of that enormous responsibility, r320... |by Anonymous||reply 321||November 17, 2022 10:25 PM| There will be at Treason Thread #157 and still waiting for Merrick Garland to indict. There will be another ice age first. |by Anonymous||reply 322||November 17, 2022 10:41 PM| Adam Schiff just now on MSNBC re: Kevin McCarthy: "He has no agenda beyond his own advancement" |by Anonymous||reply 323||November 18, 2022 1:16 AM| Such a Negative Nellie, r322. |by Anonymous||reply 324||November 18, 2022 1:17 AM| |by Anonymous||reply 325||November 18, 2022 1:39 AM| ^ he could just tweet the pictures of Tom Cotton at JR's |by Anonymous||reply 326||November 18, 2022 2:04 AM| Dora L’Shat, you want to go another round name-calling trolling again? R324 |by Anonymous||reply 327||November 18, 2022 5:14 AM| Apparently, starting a new thread when the old one has been pay-walled is a very good way to put sand in Muriel's cooter. She'll do nasty things like locking and deleting threads. My advice is, don't do it. Let this current one run out. |by Anonymous||reply 328||November 18, 2022 10:46 AM| [quote]a very good way to put sand in Muriel's cooter I prefer a funnel. You miserable worm. |by Anonymous||reply 329||November 18, 2022 10:50 AM| It would be fascinating to see what a redemption story would look like centered on this creature. I'm not a religious person so I just don't see how she's not irredeemable. |by Anonymous||reply 330||November 18, 2022 2:55 PM| When you know who the Trending Topic is about before you even click on it: |by Anonymous||reply 331||November 18, 2022 4:27 PM| Attorney General Merrick Garland will name special counsel in Trump criminal probe, report says |by Anonymous||reply 332||November 18, 2022 5:58 PM| Great R332. That will take another year. Every legal expert I’ve listened to says there’s no need for a Special Counsel. It’s just more unnecessary dotting Is and crossing Ts. |by Anonymous||reply 333||November 18, 2022 8:59 PM| Goddam it, Garland! Ya spineless fuckwit! Get off your pathetic, cowardly ass and INDICT THE MOTHERFUCKING TRAITOR! Or turn Pelosi loose on him. |by Anonymous||reply 334||November 18, 2022 8:59 PM| He can't be worse than Robert Mueller. Can he? |by Anonymous||reply 335||November 18, 2022 9:09 PM| Put the blame on Barr, r335, not Mueller. |by Anonymous||reply 336||November 18, 2022 11:36 PM| Just another fucking waste of time and money with nothing but a stupid, useless “report” to show for it. Goddamned Garland, the fucking spineless coward! |by Anonymous||reply 337||November 19, 2022 10:09 AM| We need to sit shiva for The New York Times |by Anonymous||reply 338||November 19, 2022 1:48 PM| Jan. 6th committee will send criminal referrals to DOJ. |by Anonymous||reply 339||November 19, 2022 2:46 PM| R338, I think that the secret influence campaign has been reported on before. |by Anonymous||reply 340||November 19, 2022 2:59 PM| [quote] ...flood the zone with sh*t --drowning out real experts and pro-democracy voices. That's also the aim in letting the ultimate sh*tposter back on |by Anonymous||reply 341||November 19, 2022 3:58 PM| And the DOJ will just drag their sorry asses across the carpet as they always do. What an epic waste of time and money this DOJ is. They hire more and more people but Rapey McForehead is still walking free DESPITE Greenberg’s testimony and his sentencing. Deathsantis is also free. Orange is still waddling around, the human scab still fomenting a coup. The ghastly Nazi Miller is still plotting - showed right to Congress and nada. Why are we paying more and more people to sit on their fucking asses while these FUCKING FELONS walk free? |by Anonymous||reply 342||November 19, 2022 7:06 PM| Rich and powerful felons go free. The DOJ is very good at pursuing and prosecuting the little people. Same as it ever was. |by Anonymous||reply 343||November 19, 2022 7:31 PM| [quote]DOJ will just drag their sorry asses across the carpet Pics please. |by Anonymous||reply 344||November 19, 2022 8:47 PM| [quote] Now O’Keefe and Project Veritas have a new problem: a disgruntled, trash-talking former employee and porn performer who has dubbed himself “Jean Jacque the Cock.” [quote] ...whose real name is Patrice Thibodeau... [...] [quote] After leaving Project Veritas, Thibodeau is now attempting to launch a social media, comedy, and adult performance career in Florida. Some media outlets have described Thibodeau as a “porn star” in articles about the Project Veritas lawsuit. But the extent of his adult work appears to be a handful of homemade videos of Thibodeau masturbating alone that he then uploaded to various amateur websites. [...] [quote] Thibodeau made his videos in August in the aftermath of a lawsuit filed against Project Veritas by another former employee named Antoinetta Zappier. That complaint painted Project Veritas as a raucous, drug-fueled, sexually charged workplace. [quote] Among other things, Zappier alleged that a person overdosed on drugs during a party at the group’s corporate apartment, that a Project Veritas fundraiser impregnated a “subordinate” and paid for her abortion, and that a wild boat party hosted by O’Keefe culminated in an attendee defecating on the floor. Zappier has also claimed that O’Keefe opened pornography on his office computer multiple times. |by Anonymous||reply 345||November 19, 2022 11:12 PM| [quote]Antoinetta Zappier Is there an Antoinetta Zappiest? |by Anonymous||reply 346||November 19, 2022 11:18 PM| Patrice...and *not* as in Miss Munsel! |by Anonymous||reply 347||November 19, 2022 11:34 PM| Et tu, Boebert? |by Anonymous||reply 348||November 19, 2022 11:43 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 349||November 20, 2022 12:21 AM| You know deranged Diaper Don is furiously making a list of everyone who is not bowing down to kiss his crusty ass. He's got to be close to 'TILT' with Boebert's dis. |by Anonymous||reply 350||November 20, 2022 10:36 AM| [quote]”plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh, what a relief it is” Enough with the Herschel fun times, hangovers, and numerous delays, Lindsey. Sashay your ladybugs to the witness stand before the grand jury in Atlanta on November22nd. |by Anonymous||reply 351||November 20, 2022 12:08 PM| Who is that at R347? |by Anonymous||reply 352||November 20, 2022 3:34 PM| r352 see r345 |by Anonymous||reply 353||November 20, 2022 3:44 PM| Thanks, R353. I totally missed that. |by Anonymous||reply 354||November 20, 2022 3:48 PM| You're welcome, r354. |by Anonymous||reply 355||November 20, 2022 5:20 PM| Another leaked Supreme Court opinion. Per New York Times, Justice Alito may have leaked it himself |by Anonymous||reply 356||November 20, 2022 8:58 PM| R356, Alito is a cynical, disturbed and corrupt hack. |by Anonymous||reply 357||November 20, 2022 9:54 PM| That's too complimentary, r357. |by Anonymous||reply 358||November 20, 2022 10:44 PM| Trump Investigation In Georgia Could See MAJOR Developments Soon |by Anonymous||reply 359||November 21, 2022 2:15 AM| And GOP thinks taking a knee is treason... |by Anonymous||reply 360||November 21, 2022 12:11 PM| No news on Miss Graham's grand jury testimony? It was scheduled for today. |by Anonymous||reply 361||November 21, 2022 7:57 PM| Can Lindzebelle do only two pushups? Video repeats the same two pushups to make it look it is more. |by Anonymous||reply 362||November 21, 2022 8:16 PM| Manhattan DA Bragg reactivating Trump case. |by Anonymous||reply 363||November 21, 2022 8:48 PM| [quote]No news on Miss Graham's grand jury testimony? It was scheduled for today. She probably phone in sick with a yeast infection. |by Anonymous||reply 364||November 21, 2022 9:03 PM| I thought she was testifying on the 22nd |by Anonymous||reply 365||November 21, 2022 9:05 PM| ^yes, thx, it is scheduled for Nov. 22. I was off by a day. |by Anonymous||reply 366||November 21, 2022 11:20 PM| Watching Lawrence. Jack Smith isn't slowing it down....yay. |by Anonymous||reply 367||November 22, 2022 2:13 AM| This should be interesting--if the list includes people of power and influence. Or not if most of the names are just rich horndogs. |by Anonymous||reply 368||November 22, 2022 3:02 AM| "Pet Yorkie" |by Anonymous||reply 369||November 22, 2022 3:10 AM| She’s right: |by Anonymous||reply 370||November 22, 2022 10:56 AM| [quote] The Daily Beast exclusively obtained a confession letter Greenberg wrote explaining how Gaetz used him as a middleman to pay for sex with young women and at least one underage girl. The Daily Beast also obtained Greenberg’s non-public Venmo payments, which reflect that arrangement. In one instance, Gaetz paid his pal $900 and wrote “hit up ___” in the memo field, referring to the teenage girl who they started seeing when she was underage. |by Anonymous||reply 371||November 22, 2022 11:02 AM| The DOJ's lack of action against Gaetz doesn't seem to bode well for the Trump case. |by Anonymous||reply 372||November 22, 2022 12:30 PM| Did Gaetz cut a deal with DoJ & informed on DJT in exchange for not being prosecuted? There’s a snake in the grass somewhere or Merrick’s team wimped-out. |by Anonymous||reply 373||November 22, 2022 2:16 PM| As hundreds of thousands MAGAs descend on Atlanta riding up and down Peachtree Street waving 1864 battle flags and ARs from their F-140 pickups, they yell: “let the lady go!” Not really, grossly distorted; it was probably just Herschel’s motorcade on its way to the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta. |by Anonymous||reply 374||November 22, 2022 2:36 PM| ^F150 |by Anonymous||reply 375||November 22, 2022 2:37 PM| Republican counties in Arizona are refusing to certify election results |by Anonymous||reply 376||November 22, 2022 4:30 PM| Because...of course. |by Anonymous||reply 377||November 22, 2022 4:33 PM| ‘Like A Bulldog’: Professor Tribe Reacts To New Trump Special Counsel |by Anonymous||reply 378||November 22, 2022 6:15 PM| Wow. Lindz looks absolutely disgusting in that picture accompanying the article at R374. She looks like a pink sow that was only recently weaned off a bottle of scotch. Blotchy, ugly WHORE. |by Anonymous||reply 379||November 22, 2022 6:33 PM| So, is he testifying today? |by Anonymous||reply 380||November 22, 2022 6:42 PM| The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a bid by former President Donald Trump to prevent Congress from obtaining his federal income tax returns and those of related business entities from the IRS. The decision sets the stage for the Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee to obtain Trump’s tax returns in the weeks before Republicans take majority control of the House. |by Anonymous||reply 381||November 22, 2022 7:37 PM| R380, yes, he is. |by Anonymous||reply 382||November 22, 2022 7:38 PM| Did Lindz buy a special dress for her court date? |by Anonymous||reply 383||November 22, 2022 7:55 PM| The House better move fast. |by Anonymous||reply 384||November 22, 2022 8:17 PM| Did she look fabulous and spoke eloquently? |by Anonymous||reply 385||November 22, 2022 9:06 PM| Barr turns on Dump better late than never |by Anonymous||reply 386||November 22, 2022 9:17 PM| Miss Lindz looks rough |by Anonymous||reply 387||November 22, 2022 10:56 PM| Barr enabled and protected Trump’s misdeeds more than anyone. He crushed the Mueller Report. Saying the obvious now, doesn’t make him virtuous. |by Anonymous||reply 388||November 22, 2022 11:01 PM| Complexion and other facial features of a long-time alcoholic. Seriously needs dental cleaning and care. |by Anonymous||reply 389||November 22, 2022 11:13 PM| ^ referencing LadyG |by Anonymous||reply 390||November 22, 2022 11:14 PM| Bloated Billy tryina salvage what he can of his fucking Opus Dei dream. Too bad, tubbo! You and your Dominionist puke friends are going to be exposed. Hopefully, quite a few will end up in prison as well. |by Anonymous||reply 391||November 23, 2022 8:48 AM| DeSantis? Abbott? Running for President? [quote] The recent commentary by Nicole Russell of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram promotes the successes of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the recent midterm elections (”The ‘red wave’ fizzled, but Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis showed the GOP how to win,” Nov. 11). What else did Abbott and DeSantis have in common? They both illegally and forcibly shipped undocumented immigrants at the southern border to destinations in New York and Massachusetts, which I hope will lead to criminal action against them. They support those who attack schools and the teaching of slavery, as well as books on subjects they find uncomfortable. And they prematurely removed mandatory masking from schoolchildren, which recent medical studies have revealed resulted in unnecessary COVID cases and untold number of deaths. |by Anonymous||reply 392||November 23, 2022 9:13 PM| Disgusting Mike Pompeo Calls Head Of Teachers' Union ‘Most Dangerous Person In The World’ |by Anonymous||reply 393||November 23, 2022 9:43 PM| Special Counsel Jack Smith/DOJ seek interview with Mike Pence about Trump's insurrection crimes |by Anonymous||reply 394||November 24, 2022 2:07 AM| Fat ass Pompeo can eat shit! That Dominionist puke will NEVER be President. Lying lard ass! |by Anonymous||reply 395||November 24, 2022 6:03 AM| [quote]Fat ass Pompeo can eat shit! NOT WHILE I HAVE A SPOON! |by Anonymous||reply 396||November 24, 2022 8:28 AM| LG retweet. |by Anonymous||reply 397||November 25, 2022 12:17 AM| |by Anonymous||reply 398||November 25, 2022 8:45 PM| Special Prosecutor Jack Smith sounds like he won’t take any of Trump’s shit. Lyin’ Ted, Elsie Stefanik, Peeping Gym Jordan, and other DJT’s political stooges can protest, but Smith won’t be intimidated. And Smith certainly won’t succumb to LadyG’s seductive initiatives. |by Anonymous||reply 399||November 25, 2022 10:28 PM| Awww... Capitol Rioter Who Allegedly Stole Pelosi's Laptop Finally Gets Convicted |by Anonymous||reply 400||November 27, 2022 10:29 PM| ^ dumb twat |by Anonymous||reply 401||November 27, 2022 10:38 PM| At least she's getting the Thanksgiving and Christmas she deserves, r401 |by Anonymous||reply 402||November 27, 2022 11:10 PM| [quote] I thought about commemorating Steve Bannon’s birthday today by wearing 5 shirts, drinking a fifth of scotch, not shaving, trying to overthrow a government, buying a MyPillow, and endorsing a few dozen losing candidates, but instead I just decided to watch the woke NFL. |by Anonymous||reply 403||November 28, 2022 1:35 AM| Special Counsel Jack Smith's Thanksgiving Day court filing that destroys Trump's legal argument |by Anonymous||reply 404||November 28, 2022 1:50 AM| [quote]Several high-profile Republican representatives gained tens of thousands of new followers on Twitter after billionaire Elon Musk acquired the social media network, according to an analysis by The Washington Post. The report found that Democratic members of Congress have suffered a decline, with lawmakers like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Rep. Adam B. Schiff, D-Calif., and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., all losing around 100,000 Twitter followers after three weeks on Musk's Twitter. In comparison, Republicans Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ga., and Jim Jordan, Ohio, both gained more than 300,000 followers in the same time span. Abandon Twitter! |by Anonymous||reply 405||November 28, 2022 8:52 PM| When Herschel loses...where does he go from here? |by Anonymous||reply 406||November 28, 2022 9:05 PM| fuck Twatter |by Anonymous||reply 407||November 28, 2022 9:06 PM| Hershey is free to pursue pregnant cows and Vampires. |by Anonymous||reply 408||November 28, 2022 9:08 PM| Lady Lindzebelle isn’t doing a very good job handling Herschel. That is meant completely in the non-physical aspect of their interaction. |by Anonymous||reply 409||November 28, 2022 9:14 PM| Well the bitch can't be expected to perform miracles. He's dumb as a stone. |by Anonymous||reply 410||November 28, 2022 9:18 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 411||November 28, 2022 9:26 PM| Is he preparing himself for being dropped by all of his new friends? |by Anonymous||reply 412||November 28, 2022 9:50 PM| Bearded Mitt? |by Anonymous||reply 413||November 28, 2022 9:50 PM| that's not Mitt u dumm ho |by Anonymous||reply 414||November 28, 2022 9:52 PM| It is, r414. Twitter is acting up, scroll up and you’ll see Mitt’s barely there scruff. |by Anonymous||reply 415||November 28, 2022 9:56 PM| Makes him look 10 years older. |by Anonymous||reply 416||November 28, 2022 10:05 PM| Good ol' Herschel... |by Anonymous||reply 417||November 28, 2022 10:43 PM| I never noticed how sloped his shoulders are. Did they cave in under the weight of the shoulder pads? |by Anonymous||reply 418||November 28, 2022 10:46 PM| You know what? Fuck this deranged asshole. My wish is he picks up the gun, points it to his forehead, and pulls the trigger. Enough of this lunatic already. |by Anonymous||reply 419||November 29, 2022 8:21 AM| It's not over yet... |by Anonymous||reply 420||November 29, 2022 6:27 PM| Marge: [quote] So many people still wearing masks. I just want to ask you. [quote] If a pair of underwear, really thick ones, high quality cotton, can’t protect you from a fart, then how will a mask protect you from covid?? Science Guy: [quote] a molecule of methane (3.8 x 10⁻¹⁰ m) is infinitesimally smaller than a coronavirus (1.25 x 10⁻⁷ m). [quote] Methane is a single carbon atom with four hydrogen atoms attached (CH₄). It's tiny. |by Anonymous||reply 421||November 29, 2022 6:53 PM| Kyle Rittenhouse found it very funny, r421. |by Anonymous||reply 422||November 29, 2022 7:08 PM| Miss Lindzebelle was ready with a tweet. |by Anonymous||reply 423||November 29, 2022 8:13 PM| Republican poll worker charged with election fraud. Shocker! |by Anonymous||reply 424||November 29, 2022 9:01 PM| Peekaboo Gym and his GQP brethren are planning investigations. No legislative proposals. The article lists the proposed committee chairs. First order of business: Hunter’s laptop. The DoJ/fbi has already examined that. Hunter is a private citizen and had no role in government. |by Anonymous||reply 425||November 29, 2022 9:07 PM| Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. |by Anonymous||reply 426||November 29, 2022 9:16 PM| Rhodes and his "lieutenant" Kelly Meggs were both found guilty of seditious conspiracy, four others were acquitted All six were found guilty of at least one charge. |by Anonymous||reply 427||November 29, 2022 9:20 PM| Mark Meadows ordered to testify in Georgia case |by Anonymous||reply 428||November 29, 2022 9:20 PM| Good news, r427. |by Anonymous||reply 429||November 29, 2022 9:22 PM| .... |by Anonymous||reply 430||November 29, 2022 9:27 PM| R428, Meadows was a Congressman from North Carolina. I didn’t know he moved to South Carolina. The SC Supreme Court is sending his ass to Georgia. Wonder if Meadow thought the judges in SC would be more likely to shelter? It didn’t work. Those “Georgia election meddlers” aren’t slipping by Fani Willis. |by Anonymous||reply 431||November 29, 2022 10:25 PM| Fani Willis is NOT fucking around. |by Anonymous||reply 432||November 29, 2022 10:27 PM| Awww, poor Elmer. First he shoots his eye out and then...well... |by Anonymous||reply 433||November 29, 2022 10:29 PM| Actually, R433, FIRST his parents named him Elmer... |by Anonymous||reply 434||November 29, 2022 10:33 PM| Meadows moved to Pickens County, SC? Guess who originates from Pickens County? |by Anonymous||reply 435||November 29, 2022 10:43 PM| Is that lil ol Miss Lindz??! |by Anonymous||reply 436||November 29, 2022 10:45 PM| Mitt Romney torches Dump |by Anonymous||reply 437||November 29, 2022 11:00 PM| Two words, Mitt...frog legs. |by Anonymous||reply 438||November 29, 2022 11:04 PM| Oath Keepers founder convicted of seditious conspiracy |by Anonymous||reply 439||November 29, 2022 11:29 PM| * |by Anonymous||reply 440||November 29, 2022 11:35 PM| Not true that Trump has no bottom, Mitt. Donald's new little bottom bitch is named Nick Fuentes. |by Anonymous||reply 441||November 29, 2022 11:40 PM| Yashar Ali 🐘 یاشار [quote] People in Iran are in the streets celebrating the loss of the Islamic Republic’s team to the United States. [quote] When’s the last time you saw a country celebrating a loss in the streets…fireworks and dancing! To be clear: the team refused to sing their own national anthem and citizens are now celebrating the team's loss because the government persecutes women. And yet the men are allowed to dress like this: [quote] "Mehran Sammak", 27 years old, was shot in the head by Islamic Regime’s security forces, tonight (around 1 am local time) in Anzali [Northern Iran], while people were celebrating IR team’s loss against the US. He died an hour ago in the hospital |by Anonymous||reply 442||November 30, 2022 12:15 AM| [quote] Mitt Romney Calls Donald Trump 'Disgusting,' Says He Has 'No Bottom' I know up-close and firsthand that MY President does have a bottom, and it is magnificent and tasty. |by Anonymous||reply 443||November 30, 2022 12:28 AM| When you truly have no gay friends: |by Anonymous||reply 444||November 30, 2022 1:55 AM| ^Her hair always looks messy and unwashed. She’s a millionaire; but can’t afford to visit a hairdresser? How about a brush, and bottle of shampoo, and scissors? Using hair dye or bleach twice a year is not regular grooming. |by Anonymous||reply 445||November 30, 2022 2:11 AM| ^Maybe she has a rack of cheap wigs and doesn’t brush or clean any of them. |by Anonymous||reply 446||November 30, 2022 2:15 AM| Miss Marsha looks like Cruella there |by Anonymous||reply 447||November 30, 2022 2:18 AM| Someone in the comments suggested that she's wandering into DiFi territory. It's just a random person on Twitter, but that would explain a few things. |by Anonymous||reply 448||November 30, 2022 2:20 AM| Oh honey, forget those sunglasses... and that hair... and that makeup... Anyway, I'd be more worried about the "turtleneck" and sagging elephant skin chest! Oh wait, she voted against us? Then fuck the bitch. If she wants to look old and awful on the outside like her insides, why should we give a shit? |by Anonymous||reply 449||November 30, 2022 3:02 AM| She's not dumb, r448, she's a grifter. She's desperate to keep the grift going. |by Anonymous||reply 450||November 30, 2022 3:18 AM| I quibble with that, R440. Grifters are con artists--they believe they are smarter than their prey and sucker them into giving up money. I think Marsha is an old-fashioned corrupt, racist, thief who comes from money, believes she is entitled to more money and places in a defacto aristocracy. |by Anonymous||reply 451||November 30, 2022 3:32 AM| ^ places herself |by Anonymous||reply 452||November 30, 2022 3:44 AM| Milo sets up these two to have dinner in Mar-a-Lago with DJT? Give Milo credit, he shattered the Orange Dynasty from within. |by Anonymous||reply 453||November 30, 2022 9:17 AM| [quote] “I really think Lindsey Graham might be in love with Herschel Walker, it’s crazy,” Kimmel joked. “And by the way, 35 push-ups—it’s hard to do push-ups with an erection, that’s a lot.” |by Anonymous||reply 454||November 30, 2022 7:51 PM| [quote] He reportedly donated $40 million to Democrats last election cycle, and if the same amount was given to Republicans, that would make Bankman-Fried their fifth-largest individual donor, according to data compiled by OpenSecrets. [...] [quote] Several right-wing figures have questioned Bankman-Fried's donation to Democrats and have proposed it may have even skewed the midterm election results. [quote] "What about the money Sam Bankman-Fried gave to the Democratic Party? Will the Democrats have to give it back to the people who were defrauded?" Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked on his November 16 show, falsely stating Bankman-Fried gave $40 billion rather than the $40 million he actually spent. [quote] Bankman-Fried has tried to build his reputation around being an "ethical billionaire" but some of his recent comments have changed his public perception. In an interview with Vox earlier this month Bankman-Fried said "fuck regulators," and admitted that a lot of the "dumb shit" he said to appear charitable was a public relations move. |by Anonymous||reply 455||November 30, 2022 10:35 PM| [quote]Another asshole former billionaire FTFY |by Anonymous||reply 456||December 1, 2022 10:46 AM| Miz Lindz soliciting campaign contributions on government property. Ethics violation. She’s done it before, but no repercussions. The lust for Herschel is intense. If Herschel loses, will she be calling Raffensperger to change the Georgia vote? |by Anonymous||reply 457||December 1, 2022 2:57 PM| "stalled"... |by Anonymous||reply 458||December 1, 2022 3:52 PM| Democrats Racing Against The Clock To Do SOMETHING With Trump's Tax Returns |by Anonymous||reply 459||December 1, 2022 6:34 PM| Just leak them! |by Anonymous||reply 460||December 1, 2022 6:56 PM| That's five years in the joint, r460. |by Anonymous||reply 461||December 1, 2022 6:58 PM| Or five years of ass dragging, non prosecution, delaying tactics, raising objections, raising more objections, yelling about persecution r461 |by Anonymous||reply 462||December 1, 2022 7:03 PM| Did you watch r459, r462? The House does have a way of releasing them if they'd get their asses in gear. |by Anonymous||reply 463||December 1, 2022 7:08 PM| R461, that’s true but when is the last time anyone went to jail for that? Reality Winner? |by Anonymous||reply 464||December 1, 2022 7:11 PM| Would you want to take the chance, r464? |by Anonymous||reply 465||December 1, 2022 7:13 PM| R465, Congress leaks like a sieve. The White House during Dump’s time leaked like a sieve. Leaks have been ongoing since the beginning of government. The only place there weren’t leaks was the Supreme Court—until this year. Someone will leak this stuff for sure. |by Anonymous||reply 466||December 1, 2022 7:25 PM| Did you miss the point that the House has a legal way to release them, r466? |by Anonymous||reply 467||December 1, 2022 7:33 PM| R467, my point being—release them or leak them. I don’t care. |by Anonymous||reply 468||December 1, 2022 7:44 PM| Or simply forward them to the Senate Finance Committee. I'm positive Senator Wyden would be happy to see them. |by Anonymous||reply 469||December 1, 2022 8:36 PM| "You are known by the company you keep." |by Anonymous||reply 470||December 1, 2022 8:59 PM| Maybe Trump can lend his book of Hitler speeches to his pal, Ye! |by Anonymous||reply 471||December 1, 2022 9:23 PM| I'd rather lend him my current wife. |by Anonymous||reply 472||December 1, 2022 9:25 PM| Appeals Court dismisses Special Master. |by Anonymous||reply 473||December 1, 2022 9:49 PM| sure has been a bad week for Dump |by Anonymous||reply 474||December 1, 2022 10:04 PM| Dinner with the Nazis was the highlight, r474! |by Anonymous||reply 475||December 1, 2022 10:07 PM| |by Anonymous||reply 476||December 1, 2022 10:24 PM| Oh Lord. Is Miss Lindz hanging out in the bathroom of Union Station again? |by Anonymous||reply 477||December 1, 2022 10:25 PM| ..... |by Anonymous||reply 478||December 1, 2022 10:32 PM| Ole ‘itch won’t accept her loss. Whose paying her attorneys for the frivolous lawsuits? |by Anonymous||reply 479||December 1, 2022 10:46 PM| ^ I hope people are looking hard at Dump's slush fund or Pootey |by Anonymous||reply 480||December 1, 2022 10:51 PM| Aileen Cannon is a meddling ass-licker. |by Anonymous||reply 481||December 1, 2022 11:06 PM| Cochise County voted to certify their election. |by Anonymous||reply 482||December 2, 2022 12:04 AM| Cochise lost at political chicken. |by Anonymous||reply 483||December 2, 2022 12:06 AM| Luzerne County, PA is now certifying, too. Good thing all these election deniers are chickens hit in the end |by Anonymous||reply 484||December 2, 2022 12:27 AM| Oops, that should be chickenshit |by Anonymous||reply 485||December 2, 2022 12:30 AM| Court sanctions attorneys for Kari Lake and Mark Finchem. |by Anonymous||reply 486||December 2, 2022 1:42 AM| [quote]chickens hit in the end Pics please. |by Anonymous||reply 487||December 2, 2022 7:32 AM| Now moreso, GQP isn’t having Herschel Walker speak for his own campaign. As the Murdoch’s Hannity hosts, it’s the lovely, photogenic Lindsey G that’s doing all the talking for Herschel. What an offensive, desperate tactic! |by Anonymous||reply 488||December 2, 2022 10:33 AM| stoopid qunts |by Anonymous||reply 489||December 2, 2022 10:48 AM| They don't trust the black guy to speak for himself? |by Anonymous||reply 490||December 2, 2022 11:37 AM| Herschel is presented as the compliant and happy GQP black. They know when he speaks, the hole is dug deeper. Thus, Ladybug yaps the messaging while Herschel serves as the prop. |by Anonymous||reply 491||December 2, 2022 12:32 PM| [quote] ...McCarthy holdouts... were zeroing in on a non-member for speaker. [quote] Looks like that could be Zeldin. [quote] "This is the Lee Zeldin majority. Because Zeldin has delivered these New York seats for Republicans in Biden districts." |by Anonymous||reply 492||December 2, 2022 5:19 PM| [quote] A 15-year-old canvassing for Raphael Warnock was shot yesterday in Savannah by a man who fired a gun through his front door |by Anonymous||reply 493||December 2, 2022 5:32 PM| [quote]At this point, there is no indication the shooting was politically motivated. Just how stupid have we become? |by Anonymous||reply 494||December 2, 2022 5:36 PM| Since you asked, r494 [quote] A conservative Catholic publication has sparked backlash after it released a video on Thursday (June 11) referring to the African American archbishop of Washington as an “accused homosexual,” a “Marxist” and an “African Queen.” [quote] Church Militant, a Catholic website known for its incendiary editorial style and whose mission is to “battle against sin, the devil and the demonic,” published the video, which criticizes Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the first African American to head the Archdiocese of Washington, for his clashes with President Donald Trump. |by Anonymous||reply 495||December 2, 2022 6:25 PM| Dear Kevin is having a very bumpy ride trying to be speaker. If he makes it, the duration may be short-lived. A divisive floor fight is expected. |by Anonymous||reply 496||December 2, 2022 7:47 PM| Is Gym looking for XXX dick pics on Hunter’s laptop? Isn’t Hunter a bit old too old to perk Gym’s obsession? |by Anonymous||reply 497||December 2, 2022 8:02 PM| Interesting thought, but if a group of the 47 moderate Republican House members joined with the Democrats for Marriage Equality, the Democrats can elect the next Republican Speaker of the House. |by Anonymous||reply 498||December 2, 2022 8:04 PM| Yes, r498, that's my hope. And they don't need a whole lot of them, either! |by Anonymous||reply 499||December 2, 2022 8:16 PM| 188 votes needed to elect the Speaker. Democrats get to vote for speaker. Theoretically, a Democrat could be elected Speaker. That won’t be realistic though given the partisanship involved. Count: 213 Dem; 220 GOP. One seat is yet to be called/certified. |by Anonymous||reply 500||December 2, 2022 9:02 PM| I believe it is California’s 13th District that hasn’t been called. [quote] Races we’re watching California’s 13th district Candidate Pct. Duarte (R) 50.2% Gray (D) 49.8% 99% of vote in An open seat in California's Central Valley pitted a moderate Democrat against a GOP businessman. Collapse |by Anonymous||reply 501||December 2, 2022 9:10 PM| [quote]"My Kevin" is having a very bumpy ride trying to be speaker. That's a shame. Surely all he has to do is remove Dump's diaper and lick his ass a little longer? |by Anonymous||reply 502||December 2, 2022 9:12 PM| ^That’s my enthusiastic job with no conditions. |by Anonymous||reply 503||December 2, 2022 9:17 PM| If the GQP value “intellect” as a high characteristic for its Speaker, Kevin falls way short. |by Anonymous||reply 504||December 3, 2022 1:15 AM| Trading Places: A Sequel |by Anonymous||reply 505||December 3, 2022 1:35 AM| Judge orders Trump's top White House lawyers to testify to grand jury about Trump's crimes |by Anonymous||reply 506||December 3, 2022 1:38 AM| Adam Schiff Suggests Democrats Might Ignore Republican Subpoenas Next Year |by Anonymous||reply 507||December 3, 2022 6:25 PM| Trump is now calling for the election results to be thrown out |by Anonymous||reply 508||December 3, 2022 6:54 PM| Trump's gonna tantrum...what else is new? |by Anonymous||reply 509||December 3, 2022 6:58 PM| All of them, r508? Or jus the ones where he endorsed the losers? |by Anonymous||reply 510||December 3, 2022 6:58 PM| This is an article from The Hill about it. |by Anonymous||reply 511||December 3, 2022 7:03 PM| Trump keeps repeating the lies hoping more people will believe his shit. Indict his ass. You start, Fani. |by Anonymous||reply 512||December 3, 2022 7:07 PM| Dump is going to lose in the primaries. No doubt in my mind. That’s when the fireworks will start. |by Anonymous||reply 513||December 3, 2022 7:10 PM| Trump won’t be able to cope with DeSantis. The multiple corruption cases with investigation walls, are closing-in. He’s desperate. His base, while still a major percentage of the GQP, is shrinking and is becoming less enthusiastic. The biggest Republican donors have quit writing him huge checks. They want a winner. Trump is a bitter, psychologically unstable, loser. |by Anonymous||reply 514||December 3, 2022 8:32 PM| Another way to look at R514 is that, while that is absolutely true in terms of donors and oligarchs, for the Everyday MAGA, they don't quite as much want a winner as NEED a savior. Society is changing and the loss of power is terrifying. DeSantis absolutely hates the same people they do and, arguably, with greater zeal (he doesn't have to actually work with any minorities/gays/liberals) |by Anonymous||reply 515||December 3, 2022 8:45 PM| Dump is insane, gurls. He was always a little bit 'touched' but he went completely off the rails when the 2020 election made him a LOSER. |by Anonymous||reply 516||December 3, 2022 9:01 PM| Never forget, the Orange Menace is a Vlady Pootin asset and puppet. |by Anonymous||reply 517||December 3, 2022 10:23 PM| Thank you, r517, I'd totally forgotten that. |by Anonymous||reply 518||December 3, 2022 10:25 PM| It’s up to you, Georgia. 🍑 🍑 🍑 |by Anonymous||reply 519||December 3, 2022 10:56 PM| That fat, old washed up orange has been is going to scream and rage because every day, Tish James comes one step closer to outing him as an utter FAILURE and FRAUD. Now that Ways and Means has his tax returns, they will leak and everyone will see what a broke ass bitch he is. His own malignant narcissism is eating him up alive from the inside. He knows he’s broke and he lost the election but he cannot deal with being called a loser and a failure. You know, like his dad called him. But very soon, he will be called a “loser” and a “failure” by everyone and then he will suffer a total mental collapse. He deserves every minute of shame and pain headed his way. |by Anonymous||reply 520||December 4, 2022 5:53 PM| DJT announces he seeks to abolish the U.S. Constitution. He’s been defying it all along. He wants to be an unrestrained monarch and take your money. |by Anonymous||reply 521||December 4, 2022 6:02 PM| Well who needs a constitution this is America 🤡 |by Anonymous||reply 522||December 4, 2022 6:04 PM| He's more ridiculous than the Emperor with No Clothes. It's like he gets up in the morning, plasters shit and garbage all over his face and body, and with flies buzzing all about, struts out onto the stage preening, thinking he's a god while screaming LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME! I suppose dumpster fires have their interest but this one has burned us too long. |by Anonymous||reply 523||December 4, 2022 6:24 PM| An insane ruler is nothing new. |by Anonymous||reply 524||December 4, 2022 6:26 PM| [quote]he will suffer a total mental collapse A short fall indeed. |by Anonymous||reply 525||December 4, 2022 8:51 PM| Trump tweeted classified images |by Anonymous||reply 526||December 4, 2022 8:56 PM| ^ Here's the article |by Anonymous||reply 527||December 4, 2022 9:05 PM| This may be interesting. |by Anonymous||reply 528||December 5, 2022 12:22 AM| [quote] The RNC also announced on Tuesday the creation of a Republican Party Advisory Council, which is expected to “advise on engaging with suburban women, winning the youth vote, holding Big Tech accountable, supporting law enforcement, and delivering for Americans of faith,” according to a press release. Among those who will sit on the council include Sen.-elect Katie Britt (R-Ala.), former Trump White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, former Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters (R) and Rep.-elect John James (R-Mich.). Kellyanne, Blake, and Tony. They are going to figure out what went wrong? They need a committee of these people to find answers? Rona keeps her job? |by Anonymous||reply 529||December 5, 2022 12:39 AM| Funny to see all those Pro-Lifers on a committee to keep Suburban Women Republican. Republicans are clueless. |by Anonymous||reply 530||December 5, 2022 12:47 AM| Blake Masters and Tony Perkins are going to figure out why most people don't vote GOP? Look in the mirror, guys |by Anonymous||reply 531||December 5, 2022 12:48 AM| Here's some advice for the GOP from my NewsBoo Ben Collins [quote] Ben Collins says Republicans' focus on trans children in sports ahead of the midterms didn't pay off: "Maybe the thing that's turning off suburban women is being cruel to children for no reason whatsoever." |by Anonymous||reply 532||December 5, 2022 3:28 AM| Trump owed hidden debt while in office |by Anonymous||reply 533||December 5, 2022 4:01 AM| b/c it needs to be repeated indict the seditious bastard NOW |by Anonymous||reply 534||December 5, 2022 10:52 AM| color me surprised |by Anonymous||reply 535||December 5, 2022 12:05 PM| Excellent portrait of Perjury Traitor Scream. My takeaway is that she was the perfectly nice, middle of the road child, wife, employee-turned-owner, and mother for most of her life until she became "born again" in the traditional, the proverbial and also the contemptible senses. She simply got tired of being boring. |by Anonymous||reply 536||December 5, 2022 12:35 PM| But I thought MAGATS are the ultimate patriots and lurve the constitution? They have all those "We The People" stickers covering their trucks and suvs and other merchandise, like porch flags of the constitution with the fat orange seditionist's face plastered on it. |by Anonymous||reply 537||December 5, 2022 12:39 PM| Orange Menace missed getting peach poosie fora few weeks. Hershey been tapping that all-about in Georgia. Have Ladybugs Belle once, get hooked. She’ll be back to Maralago next weekend. Orangey will be happy. |by Anonymous||reply 538||December 5, 2022 1:03 PM| An American Story: Cop Kills Other Cop (With Service Pistol) While Playing Video Games |by Anonymous||reply 539||December 5, 2022 1:55 PM| [quote] Conservative North Georgia talk show host Brian K. Pritchard, a candidate for the state House who rails against election fraud, allegedly voted illegally nine times while serving a felony sentence in a $33,000 forgery case, state officials say. |by Anonymous||reply 540||December 5, 2022 2:01 PM| ^ Every accusation is a confession |by Anonymous||reply 541||December 5, 2022 5:16 PM| Senate scholar and prominent intellectual, Marsha Blackburn, delivered remarks called incredibly dumb. To say that about the groomed hair icon, is shocking, I say. |by Anonymous||reply 542||December 5, 2022 5:33 PM| Dump tries to backpedal, but that's really hard when you're obese and wear a diaper. |by Anonymous||reply 543||December 5, 2022 9:02 PM| Remember when Obama began his presidency Repukes tried to make a rule that any proposals made by Congress must be accompanied by supporting passages from the Constitution? Easy to forget because even those stupid bastards knew it was nonsense and the idea quickly died. |by Anonymous||reply 544||December 5, 2022 9:40 PM| Fuentes’ Arizona pals: [quote] Gosar, Rogers are linked to a white nationalist [quote]This from someone who swore an oath to preserve and protect the U.S. Constitution. Not only does Gosar continue to get reelected, but Arizonans are well aware (or should be) that Gosar, like former President Donald Trump, has cozied up to white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. Last week, news reports noted that Trump met with Fuentes and the antisemitic rapper Kanye West at his Mar-a-Lago estate.Gosar has a long association with Fuentes. Wendy Rogers is also a pal of Fuentes. She also attended a Fuentes-organized event in which she fantasized about hanging political enemies while describing members of the white nationalist crowd as “patriots.”Rogers also has promoted QAnon conspiracy theories, backed Alex Jones over the parents of murdered children in Sandy Hook, and tweeted a photo of herself next to a dead rhino branded with the Star of David. |by Anonymous||reply 545||December 5, 2022 11:27 PM| In Trump Org criminal trial, NY prosecutors argue to jury that Donald Trump HIMSELF committed crimes |by Anonymous||reply 546||December 6, 2022 12:23 AM| Former Republican rep. (and friend of Marco Rubio) is in deep shit |by Anonymous||reply 547||December 6, 2022 2:42 AM| Venezuela you say? |by Anonymous||reply 548||December 6, 2022 3:47 AM| Conservatives saying it out loud -- Dump is nutz: [quote]this is bat-guano crazy [quote]he’s apparently lost touch with reality [quote]Fellow conservatives, it’s time to move on — because Trump is unstable |by Anonymous||reply 549||December 6, 2022 10:48 AM| LA Senator, John N. Kennedy, with his fake Cajun “awh shucks” drawl is disgusting. He attacks people who eat kale. He stumped for Herschel Walker and spoke just as ignorant. With Kennedy, it is all fake. Kennedy has an elite education and lifestyle. |by Anonymous||reply 550||December 6, 2022 1:54 PM| [quote]Kennedy has an elite education and lifestyle. And liver lips. |by Anonymous||reply 551||December 6, 2022 2:55 PM| And turkey neck. |by Anonymous||reply 552||December 6, 2022 3:14 PM| And a face that makes him look like an aging lesbian |by Anonymous||reply 553||December 6, 2022 3:18 PM| R550, he’s always given off closeted gay vibes to me. |by Anonymous||reply 554||December 6, 2022 4:13 PM| Kindly keep those vibes to yourself, r554. |by Anonymous||reply 555||December 6, 2022 4:17 PM| J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson says the committee has decided to make criminal referrals to the DOJ. Asked whether Thompson believed any witnesses perjured themselves, he said, “that’s part of the discussion.” |by Anonymous||reply 556||December 6, 2022 4:33 PM| John N. Kennedy was once a wind surfing pal of John Kerry. Now he talks as if he hunts "gators" with a rifle and a gay partner in the Bayou swamps in a 50 year old motor boat. |by Anonymous||reply 557||December 6, 2022 5:02 PM| The silly old lady's drama in one of her latest nightly/daily appearances on Fox. [quote]Lindsey Graham went on Fox News on Friday to warm viewers that “it’s just a matter of time” before a dangerous terrorist wanders across the southern border and into the United States and kills bunch of Americans. Speaking to Harris Faulkner, the anti-LGBTQ+ senator from South Carolina said Border Patrol agents are experiencing “low morale” with Title 42 set set to expire later this month. Title 42 is a Trump-era policy that saw hundreds of thousands of migrants trying to enter the country at the U.S.-Mexico border turned away by Border Patrol in an effort to curb the spread of contagious disease. The Biden administration initially tried to end the policy back in May, but a lawsuit filed by 21 Republican-led states and overseen by a Trump-appointed judge in Louisiana slowed things down. It’s now scheduled to expire on December 21. “It’s just a matter of time until somebody comes across that border and kills a bunch of Americans because they’re a terrorist,” Graham warned Faulkner, adding that Border Patrol agents feel “abandoned” by President Biden. “They’re seeing human trafficking at a level I’ve never seen,” he continued, without providing any evidence to support his claims. “They’re overwhelmed with illegal immigrants coming in. People on the terrorist watch list are going right through!” |by Anonymous||reply 558||December 6, 2022 5:28 PM| You’re too late, gurl. We’re already overrun with domestic terrorists - that YOU helped create, nurture and encourage. I’m more worried about the old, fat WHITE men shooting up places than I am some dirt poor Latino immigrant. |by Anonymous||reply 559||December 6, 2022 5:43 PM| If Herschel Walker loses tonight, watch the Republicans (Trump, Cruz, Graham, Cotton, J. N. Kennedy, etc.) behind his run proclaim: "I didn't really know him" and 'Mitch McConnell didn't provide him enough resources and support". |by Anonymous||reply 560||December 6, 2022 5:47 PM| r557, and he has a banjo boy on his front porch. |by Anonymous||reply 561||December 6, 2022 6:09 PM| I hope Herschel's fee-fees don't get hurt when his best buddies suddenly drop him like a hot brain-damaged potato. |by Anonymous||reply 562||December 6, 2022 6:11 PM| I want a live national TV moment with Graham trying to embrace a defeated Walker who pushes him away and yells “Get your fucking hands off me, f****t!” |by Anonymous||reply 563||December 6, 2022 6:25 PM| Trump Org. found guilty of all charges. |by Anonymous||reply 564||December 6, 2022 8:01 PM| Miss Lindsey has had such a bloated face lately. It's like the Georgia testimonial has been really hard on her and she's been indulging in more Piña Coladas than she normally would. |by Anonymous||reply 565||December 6, 2022 8:24 PM| A Manhattan jury has found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records connected to a 15-year scheme to defraud tax authorities by failing to report and pay taxes on compensation for top executives. The Trump Corp. and Trump Payroll Corp. were found guilty on all charges they faced. |by Anonymous||reply 566||December 6, 2022 8:42 PM| ^ Ha ha!!!! |by Anonymous||reply 567||December 6, 2022 8:43 PM| in other news... McTurtle ups the war with Dump |by Anonymous||reply 568||December 6, 2022 9:56 PM| New Governor of Arkansas |by Anonymous||reply 569||December 6, 2022 10:46 PM| ^ she looks like a tranny who isn't really trying |by Anonymous||reply 570||December 6, 2022 10:47 PM| The Italians would arrest her for that heinous fashion crime. She needs a gay. |by Anonymous||reply 571||December 6, 2022 10:51 PM| Will there be a Poll Troll thread tonight? Searched but didn’t see. Only one race in one state, thus, maybe not. |by Anonymous||reply 572||December 6, 2022 10:53 PM| R572, see below. |by Anonymous||reply 573||December 7, 2022 12:04 AM| [quote] A 14 year old female child that lives in Texas came out last year as bisexual. Tonight she attempted suicide. This is what the hateful laws against the LGBTQ+ do to children. This child is Ted Cruz’s daughter. [quote] I personally can’t stand the man but no family should have to go through this. No child should feel like their life is not worth living. |by Anonymous||reply 574||December 7, 2022 4:31 AM| [quote]The Italians would arrest her for that heinous fashion crime. She needs a gay. To clarify, a gay besides Hogan "Possum Wiglet" Gidley. |by Anonymous||reply 575||December 7, 2022 4:42 AM| Said on MSNBC, Lindsey Graham called Raphael Warnock to concede in behalf of Herschel Walker. Bizarre but not surprising. |by Anonymous||reply 576||December 7, 2022 7:51 AM| The Lady had another bad night. |by Anonymous||reply 577||December 7, 2022 8:32 AM| [quote] Said on MSNBC, Lindsey Graham called Raphael Warnock to concede in behalf of Herschel Walker. Maybe the first time ever where a puppet has his fist up the ass of its manipulator |by Anonymous||reply 578||December 7, 2022 8:39 AM| Poor Miss Lindz gonna be wiping a lot of ketchup of the walls this weekend. |by Anonymous||reply 579||December 7, 2022 10:47 AM| And wiping cum off her ass cheeks. |by Anonymous||reply 580||December 7, 2022 12:21 PM| 'My Kevin' not having an easy go of it |by Anonymous||reply 581||December 7, 2022 2:36 PM| Lindzebelle is 0 for 2 in her meddling in Georgia elections. Will it finally register with her that Georgians, liberals and conservatives, don’t welcome her interference, and that she needs to get ass back over the border to South Carolina and do some actual work for a state. |by Anonymous||reply 582||December 7, 2022 2:48 PM| Well, that's certainly not gonna happen! |by Anonymous||reply 583||December 7, 2022 3:38 PM| More classified material found in a storage location used by Trump. |by Anonymous||reply 584||December 7, 2022 5:40 PM| Sloppy, sloppy... |by Anonymous||reply 585||December 7, 2022 6:43 PM| One of the main guys behind the Hunter Biden bullshit was just indicted for money laundering |by Anonymous||reply 586||December 7, 2022 6:53 PM| Manu Raju always gets those Capitol Corridor quip interviews with Lindsey Graham and then CNN reports it as an exclusive. Find someone else who has integrity to interview, Manu. Or, are you fixated of Graham that’s been happening for years? |by Anonymous||reply 587||December 7, 2022 9:10 PM| Rudy Giuliani Gets Torched During Disciplinary Hearing |by Anonymous||reply 588||December 8, 2022 2:04 AM| The Florida lawmaker behind the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill has been indicted on wire fraud and money laundering charges. [quote] The Florida lawmaker who sponsored the controversial law critics call “Don’t Say Gay” has been indicted on charges of defrauding a federal coronavirus loan program for small businesses, officials said Wednesday. [quote] Federal prosecutors said Rep. Joe Harding, 35, illegally obtained or tried to obtain more than $150,000 from the Small Business Administration in pandemic aid loans. He is being charged with two counts of wire fraud, two counts of money laundering and two counts of making false statements. |by Anonymous||reply 589||December 8, 2022 5:44 AM| [quote]Lawmakers have just added a provision to the National Defense Authorization Act protecting Supreme Court spouses from having to reveal any outside employer, in the name of security. If it passes, Ginni Thomas’s professional entanglements would effectively be state secrets. |by Anonymous||reply 590||December 8, 2022 6:38 AM| From r590 link |by Anonymous||reply 591||December 8, 2022 8:23 AM| It keeps on going in Mar-A-Lago. |by Anonymous||reply 592||December 8, 2022 8:38 AM| New thread. |by Anonymous||reply 593||December 8, 2022 9:06 AM| I really wish the header format would move the number of the thread first. I do not care about the new thread name more than continuity. |by Anonymous||reply 594||December 8, 2022 12:10 PM| Pick yer fighter |by Anonymous||reply 595||December 9, 2022 1:14 PM| You can vote to recommend a new Miss Lindsey hairstyle. |by Anonymous||reply 596||December 9, 2022 3:30 PM| What has Junior been doing lately? |by Anonymous||reply 597||December 9, 2022 10:04 PM| Lindsey watches documentary. Not sure how. |by Anonymous||reply 598||December 9, 2022 10:39 PM| Lindsey’s failure |by Anonymous||reply 599||December 9, 2022 11:57 PM| The end. |by Anonymous||reply 600||December 9, 2022 11:57 PM|
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
This object is in collection |Description || | - Marginalia; Memo from Fred Panzer to Bill Cannell and memo from Scott Stapf to William Kloepfer regarding the state-targeted excise tax release campaign. Discusses broadcasting details of campaign. Includes two versions of news releases, one being the basic format and the other being specifically for Texas. Focuses on economic impact of cigarette excise tax on lower class people and minorities.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Elected Board Members The Executive Board of IECIAA comprises elected officer of the association and the immediate past president of the association. Board members are elected to terms of two years. The president and treasurer begin their terms on odd years and the vice presidents and secretary begin their terms on even years. The president presides at the Executive Board meetings. The board is responsible for the administrative decisions for the association and pursue the objectives of the association. President Matthew Good San Bernardino Police Department Phone: 909-388-4939 Email: VP of Programs Leticia De La Cruz San Bernardino County Probation Phone: 909-387-6071 Email: VP of Membership Judith Flores Chino Police Department Phone: 909-334-3247 Email: Secretary Stephanie Winters Chino Police Department Phone: 909-334-3176 Email: Treasurer Vacant
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
| | Tom Bradley | | Tom Bradley was an American politician, five-term mayor of Los Angeles, California, and three-term Los Angeles city councilman. He was the first African-American mayor of Los Angeles, one of the first black Los Angeles city councilmen, one of the first African-Americans to serve as mayor of a major U.S. city, and the first African-American mayor of a predominantly white city. | | Mayor Tom Bradley | | Biographical fast facts | | Date and place of birth: December 29, 1917, near Calvert, Texas, U.S.A. Date, time, place and cause of death: September 29, 1998, at approximately 9 a.m., Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles Medical Center, 6041 Cadillac Avenue, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. (Heart attack) Marriage Wife: Ethel May Arnold (m. May 4, 1941 - September 29, 1998) (his death) Family/Relatives Siblings: Lawrence, Willa Mae, Ellis, and Howard Children Daughters: Lorraine Bradley and Phyllis Bradley Note: They also had a daughter who died the day she was born. Parents Father: Lee Thomas Bradley (a porter for the Santa Fe railroad) Mother: Crenner (Hawkins) Bradley (a maid) Burial site: Inglewood Park Cemetery, Inglewood, California, U.S.A. | | Biography Tom Bradley was born to poor sharecroppers who lived in a small log cabin outside Calvert, Texas. His grandfather had been a slave. The Bradley's arrived in Los Angeles in 1924, and lived near Temple and Alvarado streets. The family consisted of father Lee Thomas Bradley, mother Crenner (Hawkins) Bradley, Tom and his siblings, Lawrence, Willa Mae, Ellis, who had cerebral palsy, and Howard. Tom attended Rosemont Elementary School and Lafayette Junior High School, and was a standout athlete in high school. He received an athletic scholarship to the University of California at Los Angeles where he distinguished himself on the Bruin track team. After placing near the top on a Los Angeles Police Department recruitment exam during his junior year at UCLA, Bradley decided to drop out of college, and entered the L.A. Police Academy. During his time on the force, he worked as a detective, a juvenile officer, and in police-community relations. Toward the end of his career in law enforcement, he was not only working full-time with the LAPD, but was going to night school to earn his law degree from Southwestern University. He actually graduated and passed the California bar exam while still on the police force. Following 21 years of service (1940-61), Lieutenant Tom Bradley retired from the LAPD. After a brief period practicing law, he was urged by community leaders to run for a seat on the Los Angeles City Council. He won, and went on to serve three terms on the L.A. city council (1963-73). In the Los Angeles mayoral election of 1969, Bradley challenged outspoken incumbent Mayor Sam Yorty. Tom Bradley lost his bid for the city's highest office in what turned into a bitter campaign. With the Watts' riots still fresh in the minds of many Los Angeles residents, all it took to swing the election Sam Yorty's way were a few leaked files that implied Bradley was a left-wing radical with communist leanings. Four years later, Tom Bradley would successfully unseat Mayor Yorty. At a time when the city was only 18 percent African-American, Bradley forged a broad-based coalition of liberals and moderates to win the election. As the 37th mayor of Los Angeles, Bradley presided over a period of enormous growth in Los Angeles. The city emerged as a world-class metropolis that took its place as an international trade center. Mayor Bradley remained such a well-respected figure among the electorate, that he would go on to serve an unprecedented five-terms in office (1973-93). During his tenure, the city surpassed Chicago to become the second-largest city in the United States. He oversaw a massive downtown redevelopment project that successfully revitalized much of the formerly rundown, seedy downtown area. Perhaps his most visible legacies remain the Los Angeles subway system and light-rail mass transit system. Improving and expanding public transportation was one of his earliest campaign promises. Some dubbed him the Teflon mayor, or "Teflon Tom" for his seeming ability to avoid being touched by any serious scandal. All that changed in the waning years of his political career, when he found himself defending his integrity, as scandals erupted over some questionable financial dealings, and possible financial conflict-of-interest charges. Investigations revealed that Bradley had been paid to serve on the board of advisors of a bank and the board of directors of a savings and loan association, both of which had dealings with the city. Those disclosures led to wider investigations into his personal finances. Inquiries exposed the mayor's secret acceptance of a consultancy from a Los Angeles bank, who in turn, received an unexplained two million dollars from the city. Although no proof of criminal wrongdoing was found, the report criticized the mayor on ethical grounds and for his poor judgment in the matter. Following the 1992 Rodney King riots, Mayor Tom Bradley announced he would not seek reelection. After leaving office, he joined the Los Angeles office of Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison. The former mayor worked on international trade issues for the firm. In March 1996, Bradley suffered a heart attack that led to triple bypass surgery. Following the surgery, he suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed and unable to speak. Friends report he later regained most of his mobility but never regained his ability to speak. Tom Bradley was married to Ethel (Arnold) Bradley for 57 years. They had two daughters, Lorraine and Phyllis. | | If you find the above data useful, please link to this page from your webpage, blog or website. You can also help support Internet Accuracy Project's work by contributing surplus office supplies, or used books. Alternatively, consider recommending us to your friends and colleagues. Thank you in advance! | Copyright © 2005-2012 INTERNET ACCURACY PROJECT. All rights reserved. All content, is the exclusive property of Internet Accuracy Project and may not be reproduced (on the Web, in print, or otherwise) without the express written permission of our organization. BY ACCESSING THIS SITE YOU ARE STATING THAT YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS regardless of whether you reside in the United States of America or not. Our Privacy Policy. This page was last updated January 1, 2012. |
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Sumter County Info Sumter County has 29,733 residents, making it the #61 county out of 159. At least 18,706 residents are registered to vote. On a scale of 1 (most Democratic) to 159 (most Republican), Sumter County ranks #37. Sumter County Voting 4,790 people have voted so far in the 2022 runoff election, representing 25.6% of registered voters. The breakdown is 727 mail votes, and 4,063 early, in-person votes. 4,925 people have requested a ballot for the 2022 runoff election, representing 26.3% of registered voters.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Here is everything you need to know before casting your vote: Candidates - Nick Grant - Labour - Tania Mathias - Conservative - Tanya Williams- Green Party - Vince Cable - Liberal Democrat - Barry Edwards - UK Independence Party - Dominic Stockford - Christian Party - David Dean Wedgewood - The Magna Carta Party Polling day Polling day is May 7. Residents can vote at their local polling station between 7am and 10pm. The count Votes will be counted throughout the night at Richmond upon Thames College. What happened last time? - Vince Cable - Liberal Democrat - 32,483 (54.4%) - Deborah Thomas - Conservative - 20,343 (34.1%) - Brian Tomlinson - Labour - 4,583 (7.7%) - Brian Gilbert - UK Independence Party - 868 (1.5%) - Stephen Roest - Green Party - 674 (1.1%) - Chris Hurst - BNP - 654 (1.1%) - Harry Cole - Citizens for Undead Rights and Equality - 76 (0.1%) - Paul Armstrong - Magna Carta - 40 (0.1%) Constituency history Formed in 1918, the seat of Twickenham has been a Conservative stronghold until the Liberal Democrats gained the seat in 1997 in a landslide victory. Lib Dem Vince Cable is the current MP and has represented the constituency for 18 years, having first been elected in 1997 when he defeated Toby Jessel to take the seat.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
In the News Attorney Jeremy Saland has been interviewed by numerous media outlets for his thoughts and invaluable legal analysis.Watch VideosRead Articles New York Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Saland Explains What’s Next After Hunter Biden Indictment on CNN Trump Asks for New Judge for Federal Case & Charges to Be Dismissed in GA Case, Jeremy Saland on CNN Former Assistant District Attorney Jeremy Saland Assesses Trump’s Legal Team on MSNBC Jeremy Saland, Former Asst. District Attorney Discusses Trump's Indictment with MSNBC Chris Hayes Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Saland Discusses Trump’s Surrender in Georgia on Fox 5 News Former Dist. Attorney Saland Discusses What Happens if Trump Violate Judge’s Order on Fox 5 News Trump Would Be ‘Difficult to Control’ on Witness Stand, Says Attorney Jeremy Saland on NBC News Fmr Prosecutor Saland Breaks Down Trump’s 4th Indictment - Attempt to Overturn 2020 Election Results Attorney Jeremy Saland on NY1: Trump’s 3rd Indictment for Attempts to Overturn 2020 Election Former Assistant DA Saland Talks Talks About Rep. George Santos’ 13-Count Indictment on ABC News Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Saland Discusses Trump, Co-defendants & Charges in Georgia Case on ABC7 Attorney Saland on NationNews Discussing Manhattan DA's New Book Potentially Impacting Trump Probe Giuliani Says Worker at Grocery Store Slapped Him; Former Prosecutor Saland Discuss on NewsNation Attorney Jeremy Saland Shares Thoughts on New York State Clean Slate Act Manhattan Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Saland Discusses Making Revenge Porn a Crime on News 12 Westchester Criminal Defense Attorney Saland Explains NY Penal Law 145.60 Making Graffiti on Street Art Council ARTICLESFORBES - Extortionist's Worst Enemy - Trump’s Indictment Contains 34 Counts of Falsifying Business Records. What Is the Other Crime? TIME - 'A Race Against the Clock': Why Jack Smith May Need a Speedy Trump Trial More Than Fani Willis - Donald Trump Has Been Indicted. Here’s What Happens Next in the Process. CNBC CNN - Trump’s Time in White House Could End up Benefiting New York Prosecutors. - Tiger, Gator Removed From Harlem Apartment. The New York Times - Ming, the Bengal Tiger Raised in a Harlem Apartment, Has Died. - Cyclist Deaths in New York City: Accidents or Crimes? - In a Complaint Room, a Prosecutor’s-Eye View of Crime. - The Nanny Nightmare. Business Insider - The Only Way You’ll See Donald Trump’s Mugshot Is if Someone Leaks It or He Shares It Himself - The Judge Overseeing Trump’s Case Donated $15 to Biden. Legal Experts Say It Likely Won’t Get Him Thrown off the Case, but It’ll ‘Feed the Trump PR Beast.' - ‘Sextortion’ Attacks on the Rich and Famous Are on the Rise. Here’s How Their Lawyers Discreetly Fight Back. - Pardoned by Trump, Steve Bannon Now Eyes Prison in the Manhattan Das Do-Over of Feds’ ‘We Build the Wall’ Case. - Donald Trump Keeps Calling NY AG Letitia James Names. Here Are 5 Reasons She’s Been Getting Under His Skin. The Wall Street Journal - Barnard College Slay Trial to Examine What Teen Suspect Understands. - Your Neighborhood Sports Bookie Isn’t Going Anywhere. - A Readers’ Guide to the George Washington Bridge Scandal Trial. - Three Men Indicted in Computer-Code Theft Probe. - Confession Not Enough in Patz Case. - Defending a Prosecutor. USA Today - Kellen Winslow Trial Day 6: Woman Testifies About Alleged Incident in 2003. - Three Arrested for Trying to Extort Anthony. Bloomberg - Michael Cohen’s Troubles Don’t End With His Guilty Plea. - Ex-alliancebernstein Worker Janus Pleads Guilty in Computer Trespass Case. New York Post - Suspect in fatal NYC road-rage scuffle said he feared for his family, didn’t mean to kill victim: sources. - Charges in alleged COVID vax fraud do not target NYC teachers - Lee Zeldin Attacker Should Have Been Hit With More Serious Charge: Experts. - Macy’s-Loving ‘Serial Shoplifter’ Gets Charges Downgraded Thanks to Soft-On-Crime NYC Da Bragg. - NYC Comptroller Calls on Court to Better Help Domestic Violence Victims. - Tons of Tourists Are Coming Into New York City With Loaded Guns. - One-Punch Killer’s’ Charges Upgraded From Misdemeanor to Felony. - One-Punch Law’ Loophole Allows Alleged Killer to Escape With Misdemeanor Charge. - Real-Estate Tycoon’s Ex-gal Pal Surrenders for Alleged Assault. - Young Daredevil Takes Plea Deal for Latest Building Stunt. - Legal Experts Blast Michael Avenatti Over Nike Tweetstorm. - Joe Tacopina’s Office Manager Surrenders on Embezzlement Charges. - Ex-mta Boss Admits Stealing Over $50K in Iphones From Agency. - Kennedy Charity’s Bail Plan Will Likely Release Some Violent Repeat Offenders. - Movie Prop Gun Looked So Real, Cops Called on Filmmakers. - #Metoo Has Rich Men Wary of Extortion. - Bus Driver Charged in First Citi Bike Fatality. - Playboy Playmate Refuses Plea Deal for Slugging Pal. - Daredevil Teen Who Climbed World Trade Center Launches Fund-Raiser to Pay for Legal Debts. - Stox Shark Scammed $2M in ID Theft: DA. NBC New York ABC News - The Lennon Gun: Could It Happen the Same Way Now? - Going Public: Strauss-Kahn Accuser Tries Rare Path. New York Daily News - Former Mta Exec in $60,000 iPhone Scam Stole From Next Employer - DA. - Exclusive: Daredevil Skyscraper Dangler on Probation Busted Again for Upper West Side Stunt. - Columbia University Grad Busted for Hacking Professor Accounts Gets Sweetheart Deal. - Playboy Model Accused of Punching Friend Has Case Tossed After Receiving Therapy. - Columbia University Grad Busted for Hacking Into Campus Hard Drives Shared by 14 Professors. - GOP Politician’s Democrat Son Considers State Senate Run. - Daring 20-Year-Old Skyscraper Climber Gets Three Years’ Probation for His Illegal Stunts. - Judge Orders Daredevil Teen Busted for Scaling Manhattan High-Rises to Keep Feet on Ground. - Former NYPD Detective and Prosecutor Use Their Skills for a New Side Business — Busting Blackmailers. - Police May Have Botched Critical Evidence in Murder of Connecticut Man by Violating Suspect’s Rights. - Mahopac Volunteer Fire Department’s Ex-treasurer Splurged on Yachts, Florida Home With $6M He Stole. - Connecticut Man Arrested for Carrying Loaded Gun at Laguardia Airport. - ID Thieves Plead Guilty in Case That Led to James Blake’s False Arrest. - Two Men Charged in Identity Theft Probe Leading to False Arrest of James Blake Plead Not Guilty. - Manhattan Million Dollar Mommy Madam Case. - Lawyer Charged With Stealing $211,000 From Former Employer. - Manhattan Attorney Sued by Exgirlfriend for $1.2M Over Abuse, Threats. - Orange Is the New Black’ Star Taryn Manning’s Alleged Stalker Claims Actress Sent Her ‘Sexually-Charged’ Messages. Fox News The Daily Beast Daily Mail - Playboy Playmate ‘Punched Her Fitness Model Friend in the Face Because She Tried to Make Her Get Out of Bed'. Sports Illustrated - Conor McGregor Faces 12 Criminal Charges Following UFC 223 Media Day Altercation. - Sebastian Telfair Faces Staggering Legal Battle Against Weapons Charges. - Charles Oakley’s Lingering Dispute With Knicks, James Dolan. - Answering the Key Questions in the Plaxico Burress Case. Yahoo Finance Queens Daily Eagle - Grand Jury Remains Unclear for Jordan Neely Case a Week After Chokehold Killing - Hundreds of Gun-Toting Tourists Have Been Arrested at NYC Airports. Brooklyn Daily Eagle GPSolo Magazine New York Law Journal - How Weinstein’s Lawyers Could Face Scrutiny in Sexual Assault Trial. - Accusations of Assault Open Schneiderman to Possible Criminal Charges. - Brooklyn DA Aiming to Limit Immigration Impact for Low-Level Offenders. - Flight Risk, Gravity of Crime Weighed In Setting Large Bond. - Jeremy Saland Comments on Race for Manhattan District Attorney. Law360 - Trump's Turning Himself In. Here's What Happens Next. - A Bruen Defense For Gun Charges? Attys Say Not So Fast. - How Avenatti May Have Crossed The Line Into Extortion. - Strong-Arming Of Bezos May Go Beyond Atty Hardball. - Ex-Flow Traders Worker Ducks Prison For Source Code Theft. - Rape Case Against PE Managing Director Dismissed In NY. - Flow Traders Software Theft Case Headed For Trial. - Starting Your Own Law Firm. The Real Deal Reuters - Strauss-Kahn Prosecutors Hemmed in by Own Choices. - Rape’ Report Won’t Transform Strauss-Kahn Case. - Former Prosecutors Weigh In on Strauss-Kahn Case. Los Angeles Times The Associated Press Washington Post Page Six - Taryn Manning’s Stalker Arrested …Again. - Taryn Manning’s Alleged Stalker Hints at Sexual Relationship. Talking Points Memo Outside AsAmNews City Limits Youth Today The Journal News MoneyLaundering.Com AM New York - Insanity Defense in Leiby-Kletzky Murder. - Feds Probing ‘Kill Obama’ Poll. - DA Victory a Nod to Morgy. - Justice System Tackles Plax. - Virging’ on Improper: Web Sales Push Limits of Morality. Simple Justice Vault
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Quotes from the news wire: Profits motivate behavior, so paparazzi will continue to push the envelope and challenge legal attempts to stop them. Celebrities spend enormous sums on security to maintain their privacy and safety. The royal couple will be no different while they are in the U.S., having to foot the bill for that security. Share your thoughts on Walzer Melcher's quotes with the community: Would you like us to send you a FREE inspiring quote delivered to your inbox daily? Citation Use the citation below to add this author page to your bibliography: Style:MLAChicagoAPA "Walzer Melcher Quotes." STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Web. 27 Sep. 2023. <>.
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| | State Government WV Government website Other rulings are on Google news archive. Go to first to see how they abbreviate the case title. You can subscribe by the month there, but you can get each case @$5 from them through the Google link. Other sources on the Google link have other subscription plans. For example loislaw has $24/day, again not available through its own website. Some State Laws (Check state site above for recent changes) County ordinances are below WV law on planning & zoning, including farmland protection Some WV Court decisions on planning & zoning WV law on fast track infrastructure (SB700) WV Law on trading pollution (SB715) WV law on building codes WV Law on Consolidating Local Governments WV Law on Tourism Bureaus & Hotel tax WV law on removing elected officials Some WV decisions on reimbursing public officials when sued WV Laws on injunctions, mandamus WV law on open public meetings Ethics ruling on sharing info by email Ethics ruling on a few members talking outside meeting WV law on freedom of information Court restricted what local agencies may charge for copies WV law on lobbying state officials (including grass roots efforts spending over $200/month of $500/quarter) Ethics Commission instructions National analysis. They say that reporting contributions over $25 to grassroots campaigns chills contributors, and that draconian rules on organized grassroots efforts imply "that grassroots campaigns are legitimate only if they are unsophisticated and amateurish...'You have the right to petition, just as long as you're not too effective at it.'" WV law on homeowner associations WV law on liability for government & volunteer boards Attorney general opinion on reimbursing legal costs WV laws against altering public records: 61-5-22, 51-4-3 WV law on trespass Jefferson county ordinance on zoning | | Voting Help children in court: CASA Going to Court Advice from WV Supreme Court Advice from Legal Aid Legal Research Center of WV Private info on going to court Newsletter on local lawsuits: click on News/Jefferson Some land use lawsuits by citizens Getting Court orders US Laws & Regulations US 4th Circuit Appeals Court Opinions Section numbers in Clean Water Act & US Code Protection for web publishers 33 34
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Sound familiar, thug is released early and immediately recommits violent crime, Teen charged in fight with cop was sprung without bail days earlier ( Progressive DAs causing headaches for Democratic state leaders ( Member Of European Parliament Labels COVID Vaccine Coercion “Worst Crime Ever Committed on Humanity” – Summit News West Might Lose New Cold War With Self-Defeating Energy Policy ( Hunter Biden evidence wrongly labeled disinformation by FBI: Whistleblower | Washington Examiner GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley alleges widespread effort in FBI, Justice Dept to downplay negative information about Hunter Biden - CBS News If Boston Trades Jaylen Brown to the Nets for Kevin Durant, Blame Kanye West - InsideHook Rand Paul: “There’s Going To Come A Day Of Reckoning”; People Will “Rise Up” – Summit News White House braces for grim news on economy - POLITICO Wokeism Is Collapsing On Itself (
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Election of 1992 Summary The US election in 1992 was a legitimate three-way race. It involved Republican George H.W. Bush, Democrat Bill Clinton, and independent candidate Ross Perot. As George H.W. Bush wrapped up his first term, he was still relatively favored. Despite saying he wouldn’t raise taxes, he did exactly that. And Bill Clinton’s character was already in question and his past was already starting to haunt him. Early in his campaign, billionaire Ross Perot gained steam. But he flip-flopped by suspending his run for president for a bit. Later, he returned quite possibly losing some of his voters in the process. During the election, it was a tight race. But Bill Clinton won with 370 electoral votes and became the 42nd president of the United States. George H.W. Bush finished second with 168 electoral votes. Finally, Ross Perot couldn’t get any electoral votes. But he still had 18.9% of the popular vote. Bill Clinton Forty-second President of the United States Vice President: Al Gore Total Electoral Votes: 370 Electoral Vote: 68.8% Political Party: Democratic 1992 Election Timeline 1980: Ronald Reagan 1984: Ronald Reagan 1988: George H.W. Bush 1992: Bill Clinton 1996: Bill Clinton 2000: George W. Bush 2004: Barack Obama 2008: Barack Obama
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
What will the party do next? How will it get ready for the election expected early next year? Or will it? Stay tuned…. What will the party do next? How will it get ready for the election expected early next year? Or will it? Stay tuned…. Dan Brooks Leadership Mr. Dan Brooks continues to be the Leader of the BC Conservative Party. There is some confusion surrounding the Leadership and we are sorting the issues out. If there are any changes in this regard we will let everyone know. From Corbin Mitchell, President British Columbia Conservative Party That my friends is the official press release from the BC Conservatives regarding the leadership situation with Dan Brooks. They ( The Board it seems) is confused with the leadership or Not of Dan Brooks. He is the leader except they are confused about it. They go on to say that if they ever become unconfused they will tell you about it. Are you confused? Why not take out a membership in the BC Conservatives and join like minded people. They would have been better off to say nothing. Don’t you think? Rumor du jour today is that the leader, who quit , ran again and won a month or so ago has been tossed as leader of the BC Conservatives. If this is true it begs the question as to how the party could have gotten themselves in this position this close to a provincial election? It make the proponents of the US election look sane by comparison. The writer wonders whether the party will issue a statement to its faithful or just let the idle street gossip continue? People are already asking why was he tossed? It should be interesting ( or Not) how they try and sell this if it’s true . Only time will tell.. So as the summer of 2013 races by and fall encroaches on our good times,what will become of Adrian Dix? Will he stay,will he go or will he be pushed out? Who Knows? For one thing the BCNDP has a habit of cannibalizing their own, just ask Carol James. Already there are sounds he will be pushed out. I spent a bit of time with Adrian when the BC Conservatives were working on the Coast Guard file back last spring. I left with the impression he was too nice a guy for the role that was before him. The election itself bore that out. They should have attacked the BC Liberals rotten record of government and scandals. They didn’t and it cost them an election they should have won. My take: If they want to get anywhere four years hence they need to move swiftly to change their leadership without a public head-chopping. Dix should do the right thing and go of his own free will.. This will keep the party united and allow them to change leaders quickly. Another head chopping ala James will be nasty and I think mortally wound the party. Why the short time frame for a change? 1) Four years goes by fast and they need to rebuild more than just the political leadership. Their executive must go as well. 2) The Greens will not sit idly by while the NDP drags their feet and will pick up support on the left. 3) The federal riding changes will be announced in a few short months and if you believe as I do that the BCNDP are merely the West-coast wing of the Federal NDP than you have to know that the next two years will preoccupy them with federal nomination battles. This will eat into their provincial rebuilding in a big way. 4) The provincial party could lose potential leadership candidates to those aforementioned nomination battles. Failure to act now means they will limp into the 2017 BC Provincial election with nothing new to offer. They would open their flank to the Greens and the BC Conservatives, with the possibility that not only would they lose the 2017 election but might not even form the opposition. This would be a disaster they would probably not recover from.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Polls/Petitions Politics News Polls About The Latest Featured Opinion // Donald Trump Congress Supreme Court Joe Biden Polls/Petitions The Latest Politics News Polls About Screenshot 2023-08-07 114035 By Mick Farthing | August 7, 2023 Mick Farthing Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal. Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal. Get the Latest Stay in the loop and get the top news of the day sent directly to your inbox Email Popular Opinion Posts After Liberals Accuse New American Hero – He Breaks His Silence with Fire September 21, 2023 Sanctuary State Governor Pulls a Total 180 – She Gives Incoming Migrants 3 Shocking Words September 22, 2023 Trump Scores an Early Election Victory – Democrats Are Devastated by Unexpected Endorsement September 22, 2023 Democrat Leader Indicted on Heavy Charges – And His Wife Is Facing Indictment Too September 22, 2023 Democrat Leader Sends Biden into a Panic – His New Plan Could Throw 2024 Election into Chaos September 25, 2023 Democrat DA Just Turned Against His Own City – Fires Off Legal Challenge Over Massive Problem September 21, 2023 Tulsi Gabbard Crushes Her Former Party – Democrats Sent Spinning by Her Trump Pronouncement September 25, 2023 California Rocked by Surprise Court Decision – And It’s a Huge Win for Your Constitutional Rights September 25, 2023 There are two sides to every story...we tell the side you WON'T hear on the mainstream media. Real conservative. Real opinions. Copyright © 2023 About Privacy Policy Correction Policy Ownership and Financing
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Fort Myers, Fl – On December 19, 2019, a portion of Interstate 75, from mile marker 130 to mile marker 133, in Lee County, will be dedicated in remembrance of fallen Florida Highway Patrol Lieutenant Daniel Hinton. Lieutenant Hinton was a member of the 74th Florida... Read More. Latest Local News Governor Ron DeSantis Requests USDA Disaster Declaration to Support Florida Farmers Impacted by Hurricane Idalia ALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Governor Ron DeSantis has requested a U.S.... Read More. Previous Next
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The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. |Date||FNS Document#||Title| |PL 110–234||PL 110–234 - Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008| |PL 93-86||PL 93-86 - Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973| |PL 98–92||PL 98–92: Emergency Food Assistance Act of 1983| |Allocation of Funds to Support Costs Associated with the Storage and Distribution of Trade Mitigation Program Foods|
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Britain’s latest outrageous scheme to try to cope with its catastrophic immigration policy. Recent Articles: Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov discusses his new book on how the Radical-in-Chief transformed America. Reflections on the rapid decay of America. And gets shut down IMMEDIATELY. Rep. Donalds addresses the future of Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and America. Is she gonna make a move for 2024? With a smirk on his face. The Freedom Center’s new pamphlet knocks down the Left’s flimsy house of cards one by one. A scandal is uncovered in Michigan. Exposing a farce. Frontpage Editor unveils the destructive seeds planted by Barack Obama. The foremost opponent of the Left in America explains the enemy’s tactics and how it can be beaten – in four of his most important works. Marxists will always give you the signal. Featuring Cicely Davis, former GOP Congressional Candidate. And how that malicious persecution of the General planted the seeds to the Trump indictment. Bruce Thornton’s new pamphlet outlines the dire crisis that America and Western Civilization face today. When your own personal founding fathers hate the Founding Fathers of America. Ed Martin speaks with Frontpage Editor on who is really pulling the strings of the Biden catastrophe. The fear that Trump may engage in leftists’ favorite practice. Frontpage Editor shares his views on the Left’s new totalitarian – and vicious – war on humans. And order a copy of his best-selling book “Final Battle”! Frontpage Editor reveals the fertile soil in which the Biden administration’s malice and destruction grew. How Dems keep getting away with just about everything. A rogue regime tries to instill terror into pro-life America. A two-hour “catastrophic” car chase by the Paparazzi in Manhattan? Really?
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Dec 20, 2021 Let all persons having any manner of business before this venerable podcast gather ye forth and giveth your attention! Closing in on the end of 2021 and their hundredth episode, Daniel and Jack talk about the Sines vs. Kessler trial (the civil trial of the Unite the Right organisers etc), the way in which the far-right (including the defendants) have conceptualised it, the long-awaited aftermath in the wake of the verdict (which dropped just before Thanksgiving), and the reactions and attitudes to the whole thing among the far-right, including lots of inexplicably buoyant Cantwell lunacy. * Content Warnings. Podcast Notes: Please consider donating to help us make the show and stay independent. Patrons get exclusive access to one full extra episode a month. Daniel's Patreon: Jack's Patreon: IDSG Twitter: Daniel's Twitter: @danieleharper Jack's Twitter: @_Jack_Graham_ IDSG on Apple Podcasts: * Show Notes: Cold Open -- Lose to the Crying Nazi Sines v. Kessler docket Unicorn Riot, Unite The Right On Trial in Charlottesville Former Identity Evropa Organizer Tells Secrets In Trial Deposition Bottom of the Barrel: Charlottesville Trial Defense Attorneys Spread Antisemitism - Joshua Smith, one of the attorneys, is representing Matthew Heimbach, Matthew Parrott, and the Traditionalist Worker Party, a neo-nazi group that helped put on Unite the Right in 2017. Calling in remotely to cross-examine a witness on November 11, Smith went on a meandering digression about so-called ‘ethnostates’. He claimed that expert witness and sociologist, Peter Simi, was ‘anti-white’ because he wouldn’t address Smith’s view that China and Singapore are ‘ethnostates’, and falsely said that white people are responsible for most advances in civilization and technology. - When trying to confuse jurors about sociological concepts like in-groups and out-groups, Smith asked Simi if Hillary Clinton was white supremacist, and soon after he told Judge Norman Moon that cross-examinations can be “conversations” with witnesses, before sheepishly admitting his scattered tangents were “trying to keep it lively for everybody.” - Another attorney in the Charlottesville lawsuit trial, Cincinnati-based, James E. Kolenich, is an antisemitic far-right Catholic. Kolenich told the Cincinnati Enquirer in 2018 that his motives in this case were simple: “My willingness to get involved is to oppose Jewish influence in society.” He questioned the accuracy of long-accepted scholarship about the death toll of the Holocaust: “You can’t call the Jew Holocaust into question, right? […] Christians really shouldn’t fall for that. The Holocaust is the execution, the crucifixion of Christ. The most important event in human history is His Resurrection, not, this Jewish Holocaust even if it did happen.” - Kolenich is part of a Catholic splinter tendency that rejects 20th century reforms barring antisemitic theology, telling the Cincannati Enquirer, “The last such council [to modify the Catholic faith] was Vatican II or as we call it, Vatican Jew.” He believes all popes since Vatican II are illegitimate “anti-popes.” Bryan J. Jones, LLC From Unicorn Riot Day 16 Rush Transcript - Spencer: I want to refer you now to the “rant from hell”…it was characterized by Ms. Dunn as a speech… do you remember the context of that rant?… tell us a little about the context… - Kessler: the only thing I recall before that… - Spencer: where was it, who was there - Kessler: Somewhere in the countryside… in an afterparty, at a house, we went in a room to discuss, people were panicking after the car attack - Spencer: how many people were there? - Kessler: 10 or less - Spencer: would you characterize that as a speech…? - Kessler: I think ‘rant’ is applicable - Spencer: it was a private conversation is a private room… how did that outburst reach the light of day? - Kessler: someone recorded it and released it to Milo Yiannopoulos - Spencer: did you record it? - Kessler: no - Spencer: who recorded it…does Dave Reilly ring a bell? - Kessler: yeah, thats the guy - Spencer: is Milo…is he a fan of Richard Spencer…? - Kessler: it was meant to embarrass you, I think… - Spencer: when that was released… in the fall of 2019…does that sound right? - Kessler: i don’t recall - Spencer: in the tweet where you say “Richard Spencer is a sociopathic narcissist”… when did you determine I was a sociopathic narcissist? - Kessler: …I remember the first time I met you, you just made my skin crawl… you were slimy, you seemed inhuman, like a robot or a serial killer… Jonathan M. Katz, Auf weidersehen, alt-right C-ville Writers, Payback Time Neil Kumar at VDARE, Sines V. Kessler: The First Amendment No Longer Applies to Whites Macy Moors CBS19. Heather Heyer's Mom Reacts to Partial Verdict Idavox, Charlottesville After Sines v. Kessler: Victory Means KEEP THE PRESSURE ON Molly's Trial Coverage Day One Jury Selection Day Two Jury Selection Day Three Jury Selection Day Four Opening Arguments Day Five Plaintiff's first two witnesses Emily Gorcenski and Molly Conger. White Supremacists Have Returned to Charlottesville in Another Attempt to ‘Unite the Right’ Christopher Cantwell opening statement Molly Day Six Trial Coverage Devin cross-examination Molly Day Seven Trial Coverage Molly Day Eight Trial Coverage Heimbach, Lipstadt, Kline video deposition Molly Day Nine Trial Coverage Kline video deposition continued, Spencer testifies, cross by Cantwell. Molly Day Ten Trial Coverage Cantwell cross of Spencer continued, Ike Baker deposition from LoS, Michael Hill of LoS, Thomas Baker (plaintiff) testimony Molly Day Eleven Trial Coverage Dillon Hopper deposition, Michael Tubbs, Plaintiff Marissa Blair, Nazi cheering session, Cantwell cross of Blair, More Tubbs, Deposition testimony of Thomas Rousseau, deposition testimony from Vasillos Pistolis. Molly Day Twelve Trial Coverage Plaintiff Chelsea Alvarado, Matt Parrot, Cantwell and Parrot teaching Nazi humor to the jury, Parrot rebuttal by defense attorneys. Molly Day Thirteen Trial Coverage Plaintiff Marcus Martin, Plaintiff Seth Wispelwey, defendant Nathan Damigo, Michael Chesny deposition. Molly Day Fourteen Trial Coverage Molly Day Fifteen Trial Coverage Molly Day Sixteen Trial Coverage - Possible broken thread, coverage begins here. Schoep rebuttal continued, Kessler testimony, Spencer cross of Kessler, Cantwell cross of Kessler. Cantwell called. Spencer cross of Cantwell. Molly Day Seventeen Trial Coverage Cantwell cross continued, Cantwell crosses himself, Daley video deposition, Brad Griffen video deposition, Cantwell Conspiracy Theories, Plaintiffs rest, Rule 50s proposed, Rule 50s denied, Spencer defense, Bloch impeachment of Spencer, Campbell for Fields rests, Kolenich on behalf of Kessler, Damigo, IE, rests, Cantwell defense, Bloch cross of Cantwell (again), flurry of pre-5pm activity. Molly Day Eighteen Trial Coverage. Molly Day Nineteen Trial Coverage Closing arguments Molly Day Twenty Trial Coverage Basically nothing, jury deliberations. Molly Day Twenty-One Trial Coverage More jury deliberations. Molly Day Twenty-Two Trial Coverage Verdict
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
BY JIM HIGHTOWER Republican officials across the country are having a major problem with their widely ballyhooed claim that they must create new barriers to voting in order to ensure the “integrity” of the ballot. The problem is this: Their high-decibel effort is completely devoid of integrity. The real electoral fraud being perpetrated across our […] Sign in Welcome! Log into your account Password recovery Recover your password A password will be e-mailed to you. Helping Republicans Find Real Voter Fraud In America on Mark Krawczyk March 9, 2023 Exceptional reporting about goings on in my home state as well as informative opinion pieces that makes people think about issues of the day...........get a SUBSCRIPTION FOLKS!!!!!!! Brette Pruitt September 5, 2022 The Observer carries on the "give 'em hell" tradition of its founder, the late Frosty Troy. I read it from cover to cover. A progressive wouldn't be able to live in a red state without it.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
So if I told you this a few months ago what would you have said? That Donald Trump would win the presidency with over 300 electoral votes. That it would be Hillary Clinton who would be challenging the votes in some states. That Republicans would not only hold the house but the senate too. That Republicans would dominate governor races and increase control of state houses. That Trump would be filling his cabinet and not in it would be Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich or Rudy Guilani. That the stock market would react so positive and reach record highs. That Ford and Carrier Air Conditioning would cancel plans to relocate plants to Mexico. That Obamacare was really going to be replaced. That Obama would withdraw his supreme court nominee and the Republicans would truly fill the slot. That Fidel Castro would pass away and after initial praise Obama and team would back down and send a minor delegation to the funeral. Which of those would you have believed? Yet, they are all real. If I told you Nancy Pelosi would be reelected by the Democrats as their leader in the house would you believe that? She was today. We are living in interesting times.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Political Parties and Elections Key information - Start date - - End date - - Year of study - Year 2 - Duration - Term 1 - Module code - 153400158 - FHEQ Level - 5 - Credits - 15 - Department - Department of Politics and International Studies Module overview This module introduces electoral and party politics in modern democracies. It will involve the discussion of a wide range of theoretical approaches to the study of parties and elections and assess their applicability to non-western cases. Objectives and learning outcomes of the module On successful completion of this module a student will be able to: - Understand the functioning of democratic parties - Analyse how parties compete for votes - Understand the effect of different electoral systems - Test a range of political theories on parties and elections Workload This module will be taught over 10 weeks with: - 1 hour lecture - 1 hour tutorial Method of assessment - Assignment 1: 20% - Assignment 2: 70% - PR1: Presentation 10% Suggested reading - LeDuc, Niemi and Norris, Comparing Democracies: Elections and Voting in a Changing World (Sage) - Caramani, Daniele. (2011) Comparative politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press - Alan Ware. (1996) Political parties and party systems, Oxford: Oxford University Press - McNair, An Introduction to Political Communication (Routledge 2011) - Lees-Marchment, Principles and Applications (Routledge 2009) Disclaimer Important notice regarding changes to programmes and modules
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Esteemed Los Alamos County Councilors, In a town not too far from here, the Fire Department is in charge of the library. It makes sense: books are sensitive both to fire and water, and who better to protect them? It can sometimes be hard to get questions answered or find the right book; educational outreach programs are almost nonexistent; and patrons must accept the irregular hours and unpredictable closings; but the firefighters care for the books, and the town just doesn’t know any other way. In another town just the other direction, the National Guard runs the school. This school doesn’t have quite as many offerings as some neighboring schools, nor the same sense of exploration or discovery encouraged in the students. Questions are discouraged. Classrooms are stark, simply bare concrete walls. But discipline problems are rare, and as far as the parents know, it works well enough. Yet another town, nearer and dearer to us–okay, you know where I’m going with this. Noone questions the dedication of a firefighter or guards(wo)man or police officer to their books, pupils, or stray pets: we have full confidence that each is doing their best, with compassion and kindness. Can we agree, however, that their background, training, priorities, and overall mindset cannot match those of career professionals in library science, education, or animal shelter management? Visualize each one’s bedtime reading, their continuing education credits, the seminars they attend, conferences with their peers. How can each community best be served? I am thankful to the Los Alamos Police Department for the care they’ve exercised in their oversight of our Animal Shelter all these years. But having read the recommendations from the Animal Shelter Advisory Committee and attended last Tuesday’s Council meeting, I find myself siding with the animals: they need a staff devoted to their welfare, without conflicting interests. I encourage you to heed the ASAC’s recommendations. Thank you for your consideration. Eduardo Santiago
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
In 1961, Lee Edwards wrote from Germany, “If the United States and its allies do not stand firm, the concentration camp will soon add another two million inmates who presently live in West Berlin.” Lee EdwardsDecember 23, 2021 In a series of articles in the fall of 1946, Christianity and Crisis contributors offered reports based upon their travels, including from Reinhold Niebuhr and John Baillie in Germany. Christianity & Crisis Magazine & Reinhold Niebuhr & Mark MeltonSeptember 3, 2021 Institute on Religion and Democracy1023 15th Street NW, Suite 200Washington, DC 20005 Visit Connect © 2023 The Institute on Religion and Democracy. All rights reserved.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The South African Revenue Service is currently in a transformation process, which entails investigating every possible option to advance with and stay abreast of changing technology and to thereby assist in simplifying the tax responsibilities of SARS clients. SARS realise that time is valuable, and with the added security risks of our times that no effort should be spared in upgrading services to our clients. To this end the electronic transmission of information is now in a process of investigation. In order to ascertain whether such a service would be favourably received and most importantly utilised by SARS clients, SARS will be conducting a survey on SARS Online. Various services will become available pending the outcome of this survey of which the following are a few examples: The taxes included are Customs, Excise, Income Tax, Value-Added and Employees Tax. The survey will run until 29 January 1999. Be assured that all comments/recommendations will be taken into account. Electronic feedback may be submitted via the SARS Online Web site Telephonic or written comments may be addressed to the following: Ms Michelle Welgemoed P.O. Box 402 Pretoria 0001 Tel: (012) 334-6127 Fax: (012) 323-3495 Email: ISSUED BY THE COMMISSIONER FOR THE SOUTH AFRICAN REVENUE SERVICE PRETORIA
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Image by Staff illustration; Base image by Flickr user "h_elise" There's plenty of room on the ballot for all. Update: Get to know the candidates. The final list of competitors is coming together for the special election to take the 1st Congressional District seat vacated by Rep. Tim Scott. Headlining so far has been former Governor Mark Sanford's declaration that he's running, and Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, sister of "The Colbert Report" host Stephen Colbert. In all 14 Republicans and three Democrats will pack the ballot. The Post and Courier offers a solid roundup of the latest known candidates; take a read here. Filing for the seat ends today, January 28, and the GOP primary is slated for March 19. If needed, a primary runoff is due April 2. The special election will follow on May 7. Update January 29: The filing deadline has passed and the field of Republicans grew to 16 to bring the total to 19. Here's the list (current or former political position in parentheses): Democratic (3) - Elizabeth Colbert Busch - Martin Skelly - Ben Frasier Republican (16) - Keith Blandford - Curtis Bostic (Former Charleston County Councilman) - Ric Bryant - Sen. Larry Grooms (R-37) - Jonathan Hoffman - Jeff King - John Kuhn (Former State Sen.) - Tim Larkin - Chip Limehouse (State Rep. 110) - Peter McCoy (State Rep. 115) - Elizabeth Moffly (Charleston County School Board Trustee) - Ray Nash (Former Dorchester County Sheriff) - Andy Patrick (State Rep. 123) - Shawn Pinkston - Mark Sanford (Former Governor) - Teddy Turner The (Hitlon Head) Island Packet offers a line of text on the background of each candidate.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
[Game] Little Panda Policeman Simulate the real police station, handle all kinds of cases as a police officer! Improve the observation skills, shorten the reaction time, develop the sense of responsibility, and become more courageous. Description Different kinds of police officers Have different experiences of being different kinds of police officers, including criminal police, patrolmen, special police, traffic police and security police. Skills training – Train the observation skills, reaction time, and logical thinking ability through the experience of searching for clues, hunting down the escaped criminals, analysing the cases… Cool equipment – Become a cool police officer with police uniform, helmet, handcuff, whistle, walkie talkie, and police car… Various cases – Mysterious cases including bank robbery, radish stolen, missing necklace, lost kids, traffic congestion… Warm tips from the police officer Kiki: 1. Protect yourself when you’re in danger 2. Ask the police officers for help when you get lost 3. Follow the safety rules when you cross the road 4. Keep an eye on your property and little pets 5. Remember the emergency phone number, and call for help only in emergency About BabyBus: BabyBus is the most trusted brand in early childhood educational software. The mobile applications are designed and developed specifically for children. Tips: In the search bar, enter “BabyBus” to find all of our products. Contact us: E-mail: Website: Facebook: Privacy Policy: Little Panda Policeman user reviews : Awesome I love it so much. This game is one of the best game Best game eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love it is the best Contact developer : Video : Download Little Panda Policeman from Play Store Leave your feedback regarding Little Panda Policeman
Politics and Government