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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
(33rd in a series of posts on candidates for election) BCDC is hosting a candidates’ forum May 6, 6PM, at Steelworkers Hall, 53 E. Lehigh St. Election Day is May 21 random order For whom are you going to vote for Bethlehem City Council? A name you remember? The person with a pretty yard sign? You have to get beyond the yard sign. “Voters [in municipal elections] must make more of an effort to learn about the candidates and where they stand.” Paul Muschick Gadfly is making modest efforts to help you in that learning process. See the series of Q&A’s (the 6th appears this Saturday) and videos in our Candidates for election thread. Gadfly wants you to get beyond the yard signs!
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Gender Based Violence is a fundamental violation of Human Rights. Domestic violence causes in America is not different to other countries. The research reports have been showing the alarming figure of frequency, causes and factors of domestic violence. Different actors are playing their role for making peaceful world for women. Different research, survey reports depicts, four million women abusing on a public health issue by intimate partner every year in the United States. Around the world, one in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Domestic violence is a specific violence by one or both partners in a relationship’s pattern of abusive behavior. Emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical aggression, controlling behavior and economic inequality are the forms of domestic violence. Contents of the Article Status of Women Research reports depicts that, around the world one woman out of three have been beaten, forced into sex in her lifetime. Throughout the world, women earn less than men, situation in United States is same. Even the ratio of improvement are sluggish, in those sectors where major progress has been made on women status. Research reports also depicts that, about 13% Mexican American and 17% English speaking Latinos abused by partner. Situation of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, Canada, Israel, South Africa, and the United States is also worst. Issues Challenging Women The world famous developed and powerful U.S. has the largest number of homeless, Poor, Hunger, and Homelessness women and children. As like developing countries, poverty, unemployment, gender discrimination, men handled economy and domestic violence is a big issue of US. I want to share, most discussed issues in the U.S. are: - Lack of women in power positions - Gender Wage Gap. - Economy is not working for women - The lack of respect for care-giving - Violence Against Women - Inadequate Maternal, Infant Health Care. - Absence of Laws Mandating Paid Sick and Parental Leave. - Lack of Affordable and Competent Child Care. - The Treatment of Women in Prison. - Human Trafficking/Sex Slavery. - The Severe Continued Under-Representation of Women in Political Life. - Under-Representation in the Justice System (Prosecutors, Judges, and Police Officers). - Inadequate Representation and Unequal Pay (Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers) - Keeping Women in High-Tech Fields. - Lack of Health Insurance. Causes and Risk Factors of Domestic Violence Everyone is in the race of getting more money. this race and getting more and more resulted human migration from one place to new place. Peoples from all of the world are being migrated to USA in the search of ideal society. America welcomed to all new comers. New settlers came with their own culture and traditions. They destroyed the original unique social and cultural characteristics. They also affected the dialect, music, arts, social habits, cuisine, folklore. Today the United States of America is an ethnically and racially diverse country. As like other developed and developing countries USA has the class systems. Different classes are associated with different lifestyles, consumption patterns and values. The current society with lack of non-violent social problem-solving skills. Poor social norms, individualism, technology dependent, sex free spaces, nigh club environments are alarming issues. Following risk factors and causes of increasing domestic violence - Early Parenthood - Problem Drinkers - Severe Poverty - Unemployment - Mental, Emotional Distress - No Warning - Low self-confidence - Young age, Aggressive or delinquent behavior - Heavy alcohol, drug use - Depression, Anger, hostility - Antisocial personality traits - Prior history of being physically abusive - Emotional dependence and insecurity - Desire for power and control in relationships - Hostility towards women - Unplanned pregnancy - Jealousy, possessiveness, negative emotion within an intimate relationship - Economic stress - Association with antisocial and aggressive peers - Social isolation/lack of social support - Poverty and associated factors (overcrowding, high unemployment rates) - High friendship quality - Social support (tangible help, support from neighbors) Read this: - To 10 Qualities, Every Woman Wants in her Husband - The main causes of oily skin | Lifestyle Guru - What woman wants in a relationship || LifestyleGuru - Legal tips for bloggers from a lawyer Lifestyle Guru: 11/09/2019
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The Kemp Forum on the Future of Immigrants and America was held at the University of Miami Newman Alumni Center on Tuesday September 27, 2016. Panel 1: An Immigration System that Serves American Workers Moderator: Rudy Fernandez Ken Bardic Julio Fuentes Archbishop Thomas Wenski Panel 2: National Security on the Border and in the Homeland Moderator: Cathleen Farrell Emilio Gonzalez Rob Jesmer Israel Ortega Edward Alden
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Church leaders in the United States and Mexico acknowledged the need for governments to keep their country secure but said two recent U.S. presidential actions could endanger the lives of immigrants and split border communities. President Donald Trump called for construction of an “impassable physical barrier” along the United States’ southern border because “continued illegal immigration presents a clear and present danger to the interests of the United States.” He called for increased enforcement and the withdrawal of federal funds from cities and states that do not comply. The presidential actions, signed Jan. 25 at the Department of Homeland Security, brought an immediate stream of reactions from church officials, as a group and as individuals. Many cited Pope Francis’ call to build bridges and break down walls. Representatives of the bishops in the United States and Mexico, who have been working on this issue for 20 years, said the answer was comprehensive immigration reform, not a wall. Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin, Texas, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Migration, said Trump’s actions would “tear families apart and spark fear and panic in communities.” Building a wall would “make migrants, especially vulnerable women and children, more susceptible to traffickers and smugglers. Additionally, the construction of such a wall destabilizes the many vibrant and beautifully interconnected communities that live peacefully along the border,” said Bishop Vasquez. “Instead of building walls, at this time, my brother bishops and I will continue to follow the example of Pope Francis. We will ‘look to build bridges between people, bridges that allow us to break down the walls of exclusion and exploitation.'” Bishops from Mexico quoted Bishop Vasquez’s remarks and spoke of the border communities served by two different dioceses. As examples, they cited Matamoros, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas, as well as Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico — communities separated only by the Rio Grande. “We express our pain and rejection to the construction of this wall, and we respectfully invite you to reflect more deeply on the ways in which security, development, activation of employment and other necessary and fair measures can be pursued without causing further damage than those already suffered by the poorest and most vulnerable persons,” said the Mexican bishops. They said they would continue to help Central Americans traveling through their country en route to the United States and urged the Mexican government, when dealing with the U.S., to “safeguard dignity and respect for people, regardless of their nationality or creed.” “We respect the right of the United States government to care for its borders and its citizens, but we do not believe that a rigorous and intensive application of the law is the way to achieve those objectives; on the contrary, these actions generate alarm and fear among immigrants, disintegrating many families without further consideration,” they said. Nearly every church leader who issued a statement explicitly recognized the president’s right and duty to protect U.S. security. In a separate statement Jan. 26, Bishop Vasquez said he shared the concern that all feel when someone “is victimized by crime, especially when the perpetrator of that crime is someone who is in the United States without authorization.” However, he said, Trump’s executive action authorizing increased enforcement “would force all jurisdictions to accept a one-size-fits-all regime that might not be best for their particular jurisdictions.” He said the bishops, who work with law enforcement and immigrant communities, know how important it is to have cooperation between the two, and he said he feared Trump’s action could hurt that relationship. “I have enormous respect for and value our federal law enforcement agents who risk their lives every day to enforce our immigration laws. I also recognize that there may well be situations where local government feel they need to foster a relationship with their communities by working with the victims of or witnesses to crime without instilling a fear that by coming forward, they or their family members will be handed over to immigration authorities,” he said. The executive memorandums did not address the issue of DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, nor did they discuss emigration from the Middle East, which government officials indicated would be addressed at a later time. In 2006, President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act, which authorized several hundred miles of fencing along the 2,000-mile U.S. frontier with Mexico. The Associated Press reported that legislation led to the construction of about 700 miles of various kinds of fencing designed to block both vehicles and pedestrians, primarily in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. It said the final sections were completed after President Barack Obama took office in 2009. AP reported that a 1970 treaty with Mexico requires that structures along the border cannot disrupt the flow of rivers that define the U.S.-Mexican border along Texas and 24 miles in Arizona. The bishops of Arizona, which includes 389 miles of border with Mexico, reiterated their call for comprehensive immigration reform. They said their “hearts and prayers go out to refugee families who have faced terrible violence and lost their own homes and now need a new place to live.” “Focusing on building a new border wall has the potential to take us away from these important considerations that impact vulnerable families and will ultimately be useless. Pope Francis has called for bridges, not walls, between people,” the four bishops said in a statement. In a blog, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston reiterated the migration commission concerns about the border wall and an increase in deportations and detentions. He reiterated the archdiocese’s commitment to a policy that “protects human rights, dignity and the homeland at the same time.” Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, said Trump’s executive actions were “the opposite of what it means to be an American.” “Closing borders and building walls are not rational acts,” said the cardinal, whose grandparents were immigrants. “Mass detentions and wholesale deportation benefit no one; such inhuman policies destroy families and communities. “In fact, threatening the so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ with the withdrawal of federal funding for vital services such as health care, education and transportation will not reduce immigration. It only will harm all good people in those communities,” he said. Sean Callahan, president and CEO of Catholic Relief Services, which works in Central America, said the United States needs “to address the reasons people are leaving their homes — violence and lack of opportunity. And we need to protect their right to apply for asylum.” “While working in the most violent neighborhoods of Honduras, for example, we have seen how children are orphaned by violence,” he said. “People have a right not to migrate and remain in their home countries — that is our goal — but when their very lives are threatened, they don’t have that option. And as a nation, we have always afforded people their day in court to apply for protection.”
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Item Information Title Telegram from Attorney Julius Chambers to President William C. Friday Date 10-Mar-69 Identifier #40022 – Box 6 – Folder 250 – Strike. Non-Academic Workers, March 1-11, 1969 Collection Name Records of the Office of the President - William C. Friday Files (#40009) Repository University Archives, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
On Friday, sports guy Curt Schilling went on CNN and asked Jake Tapper some questions about Jews. Curt Schilling: You’re Jewish. Why are Jews Democrats? Dems hate Israel. Jake Tapper: Well, I don’t speak for Jews, but social welfare — Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) October 21, 2016 Curt, my man? Shut the fuck up.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1920) I - r f i . -v I S -f 'I' J, t - 4. r.' I' The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY ' - FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR 1HI BEB PUBLISHING COM PANT. PROPRIETOR MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tte Aasnelated Preas. of which The Bee Is a member, t ev eluilrely entltliS) la th um for pubh .tloo of all news dtspatraea rraditad to it or not oUwtwim endued la jhlt ui also ttw local ntws publlabad heroin. All rights of publication of our spatial dlspattaea are alio memd. BEB TELEPHONES! Private Branch tichani. Ask fer the Trlzi. 1 000 Department or Particular Peraun Wanted. J 'C AWV For Night and Sunday Scrvico Callt Mttnrtal Drartmetn - - Trior 190OI. Cirealatlca Department - - , - Trier 10OU. Advertising Department ...... Tyler lOOaL OFFICES OF THE BEE Bono Offloa, 6m Building. 17th and rarnara. Braoek Offloaa: . . lam 4H i4th Park MU Usrenwnrth Doner S1U Military Are. Bout Bide MIS N 8tmet Ceuncll Bhlifa U fVott Bt i Walnut lit North 40th . Out-of-Town Offlceet Xrm Tor Offloe t" rifth Are. I Waahliietoa Hit O Street Chloato Serser ild. I Lincoln IMP H Street DECEMBER CIRCULATIONi Daily 66,000 Sunday 63,505 Arermf circulation for Ife month tubacrlhed and sworn to . by V. B. B&aao. Circulation Mauager. Subscriber leaving the city should bave The Boo mailed to . them. Addreaa chanted aa often a required. You should know that . There is an excellent opening in i . . - i L Omaha for a rolling mill, also for a malleable iron foundry. What The Bee Stands For: L Respect for the law nd maintenance of order. 2. Speedy and certain punishment of crime through the regular operation of the courts. 3. Pitiless publicity and condemnation of inefficiency lawlessness and corrup tion in office. 4. Frank recognition and commendation of honest and efficient ' public service. 5. Inculcation of Americanism as the true basis of good citizenship. The heat wave seems to have passed. Last year's coal prices are to prevail. But last year's coat is gdhe. ' Rhode Island is little, but a great stickler for its dignity just the same. ' "Jim" Hanley has captured his first case as federal booze hound. Now watch him g'o to it! Admiral Mayo takes .issue with Admiral Sims, but it js on a matter of opinion, and not a question of facts. Senator "Jimmy" Reed thinks he sees the defeat of the Treaty of Versailles, but he has missed other guesses. ! Holland acknowledges receipt of the de mand for the person of the ex-kaiser. De livery by return mail was not expected. The supervisor of the census for this dis trict says he fears Omaha will fall below the 200,000 mark. . It will not be the first time. . A lot of young Omahans appear to be will iugy to chance sail-on life's troubled stream backed by $125 alnionth, and it is leap year, too. With the West Leavenworth paving con tract finally out of the way, it may be possible for some of the other projects to get a hear ing now. i ' " Thrift means saving something today so that you will have it to spend tomorrow. It is by small accumulations that the wealth of the world is built up. ' A Missouri game warden has overhauled a couple of hunters who were chasing wild geese in an airplane. This is giving the birds pro tection, all right. . Bids are asked for paving seventeen miles of county roads during the coming season, an judication of how Douglas is moving on the highway problem. We will be better able to gauge the quality ef joy with which the bolsheviki welcomed the deportee! when we hear whether it was for their persona or their personal effects. , t " : "Mitch" Palmer admits that m some parts of th country the price of soft coal has been boosted, but says he does not know that the 14 per cent increase in wages has been added to the idling figure. Maybe the buyers can tell him. ' Our r perturbed hyphenated contemporary fears the republican party wilt try to belittle the accomplishments o'f the democratic admin istration. On the contrary, the effort will be to bring those accomplishments out into fuU view of the people, and let the . voters decide how little they are. Discontent -V. The United States was settled by people w ho were discontented and who faced the privations of the wilderness in the belief that" they wire , going to better themselves. V - The Declaration of Independence was signed . by men who were discontented. The Revolutionary war was fought by peo ple who were discontented. The constitution of the United States was framed and adopted by men who were discon tented. For centuries discontent 'has been rightly re . garded as one of the chief characteristics of the American people, and it is through discontent that, they spread from the Atlantic to the Pa cific! Many of their manifestations of discontent have been foolish and futile, but in the long run their inherent common sense has always saved them, and it always must save them if they are to be saved. Why should there be so much anxiety over the discontent that is now in evidence? Merely 1 because some of it is directed against institution of private property. Most Americans have pri vate property in ,one form or another. Some have more than others and some have less, but private property is the rule and not the ex ception in this country, and it is cortain to re main therrule. . The discontent that appeals to violence is not discontent in any accepted sense of the ' word. It is crime and is to be dealt with as . crime. Whenever municipal and state govern- ments will make that distinction clear and act ' pon it w ith vigor and' intelligence, most of the 'Causes of public apprehenion in regard to dis content will disappear. New York World RHODE ISLAND'S SUIT. Permission given by the aupreme court of the United States to the sovereign state of Rhode Island to attack tha prohibitoryMmend ment to the federal constitution will add an other chapter to the history of state's rights. It will necessarily involve some of the' objec tions raised at the very beginning, when the constitution was submitted to the several states for ratification. At the outset, it is curiously, interesting to recall the fact that Rhode. Island was the last of the original states to give' its consent to the constitution, and then by the narrow majority of two votes. The exact form of the question raised by Rhode Island has not yet been stated, although it brings up the broad principle of whether under the constitution one group of states is competent toenforce on another laws that em body views as to the personal habits of the citizens of the objecting states. The language of the federal constitution as to state's rights is clear enough. In the Tenth amendment it is set forth: The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited to it by the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Under the power to regulate commerce be tween the states, it has been properly held that . congress may legislate to prevent shipment of forbidden articles from one state to another, as for example, the transportation of liquor from "wet" to "dry" territory. This has been care fully outlined in the child labor cases. In the case of the Eighteenth amendment, it will be contended that the power of prohibition as ap plied to the liquor traffic is exercised by the people through' the submission and ratification of the amendment. Against this will be set up the guaranty of religious freedom, a principle capable of being extended to include other in dividual rights besides that of worship Rhode Island ' refused to v ratify the Eighteenth amendment. It now asks to be per mitted to combat ill the courts the decision reached by other states. The progress of this case will be watched with interest as great as ever attached to a trial in the United States, for its outcome will settle another of the funda mental principles of our government. , Siberia and Japanese Ambitions. Withdrawal of United States troops from Siberia is reported to be causing some wonder ment in Japan. That country asks the United States to make a formal declaration of policy as to Siberia. Back of this may be discerned the ambition of the Tokio government to expand its control over a considerable portion of the Asiatic mainland. In absence of any declara tion of intention or interest from the United States, the Japanese may decide that they are amply justified in proceeding to seize so much of the territory as they can from. the reds. This foreshadowed by the assertion that Japan will find "single-handed opposition to the reds a heavy burden, both in a military sense and financially. However, it is unthinkable) that Japan wijl withdraw its forces from Siberia." There you have it. In the rich territory of eastern Siberia the Nipponese will find a com pensation for any efforts they may be called on to make to hold back the reds. A Mongol race will return to Mongolia, and the teeming millions of the island empire that have been, clamoring for an outlet will find plenty of room to develop in wild of the older land. Thus may be solved one while another of the great questions of advancing civilization will be post poned and perhaps complicated. What About the Price of Sugar? Omaha householders are much mystified by the gyrations of the sugar market and supply. Housewives, limited to purchases of a pound at a time, hear with amazement of how sugar can be bought in Lincoln in $1 quantities at a lower figure than here, and how in Denver the purchase may be made in sack lots at 124 cents, and they wonder why Omaha should be so completely marooned as itis at present These may be interested in the statement from the American Sugar Refining company that it is planning to resume its normal activities, and that the new price will be on a basis that will enable wholesalers to purchase around 14J4 cents f. o. b. Also that the cane growers and manufacturers of Cuba have split in their as sociation, because of failure to agree as to how the loot should be divided. Almost any sort of deduction may be drawn from these sepa rated bits of . information, save the one the women folks would like to have, namely, when and where will they get the sugar. The dis closures promised by United States District At torney Allen still are looked up in the archives at Washington, and may remain there. Relief is not in sight, and patience is sorely tried. "Buy Out the Landlord." Thrift week activities are bringing forth a goodly number of expressions in response to the question: "Can a man marry on $125 a month?" Most of the letters are in line with the thought suggested by The Bee, that mar riage on that sum is not only possible, but ad visable. The writers sensibly realize that it will not permit indulgence in luxuries, but will make possible a happy home, in which a man and wife, working as equal partners in a most important enterprise, can have the best life af fords peace and contentment and comfort. Some of the writers offer good advice, and none of this is better than the proposition by one that the first business of the newly-weds is to buy out the landlord. Possession of that little plot of ground called home is the safest, sound est anchorage that holds a man to good citizen ship. t It rescues him from the position of a drifter,' gives him a standirfg in the community, and ah outlook that makes certain he will for ever be a useful member of society. The sen timental reasons are quite numerous and as potent as the practical. "Buy out the land lord" is the best advice that could be given to a' young couple just starting on life. v. Sims makes report on the conduct of the Navy department during the war 'that demands either his removal from the navy or the im peachment of the secretary- The issue is squarely joined, and action should be decisive. Announcement is made that revenue officers in San Francisco have 1.300.000 gallons of red eye and SjOOO.OOO gallons of wine impounded out therel The convention may not be se dry after all. Nebraska millers have one thing to report that is of great public interest, and that is the continued growth of the milling industry in the state. 1HK BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1920. 1 1 i ' Better War Risk Terms for Soldiers ' From the New York World. The recently passed Sweet bill, which was enacted Into law December 24, 1919, does not seem to be very weft understood by ex-esrvice men. . , The war-risk insurance act recently has been amended so as to liberalize greatly the various provisions covering allotments, compensation and insurance. A brief outline of the changes is herewith indicated: Allotments, otherwise family allowances, will be paid to include four months after the treaty of peace has been promulgated. This in creases the payment of family allowances by three months. PAYMENTS FOR TOTAL (NOT PERMA NENT) OR TEMPORARY DISABILITY. Caee Old Rate. New Rat. Man disabled $S0 $80 Man and wife 45 90 Man, wife and one child 55 95 x Man, wife and two children.. 65 100 Man. no wife and one child.. 40 90 Five dollars for each additional child. Father and mother additional, If dependent , upon soldier, $10 each. i This compansation is paid if the disability is rated as total or temporary. If the disabil ity is rated as partial or temporary, the monthly compensation shall be the percentage of com pensation that would be payable for the total and temporary; for example, if total temporary disability would pay $80 per month, for, three fourths disabled the compensation would b'e three-fourths of $80; if one-half disabled, it would be" one-half of $80, or $40 per month compensation. Compensation is paid for all dis ability rated over 10 per cent. Under the original law total permanent dis ability was rated as the loss of any two similar members; i. e., two arms, two legs, etc. The amendment provides that the loss of one foot and one hand, or the-loss of one foot and one eye, or one hand and one eye, or becoming per manently bedridden, shall be deemed permanent disability and compensation should be $100 per month; also provides further, that the double permanent disability i. e., loss of two legs, two arms, two eyes shall be $200 per month. In addition, if the disabled person is so disabled as to be in constant need of a nurse or attend ant, an additional sum not to exceed $20 per month may be paid. The terms of the insurance law have also been changed as to methods of settlement. The payment for converted insurance which ma tures through death or by the legal closing of the insurance contract is made optional with the insured, who may elect to have the pay ment made to beneficiary in one lump sum or in installments of 36 months or more. This will remove the greatest objection raised to the insurance in the past and makes the govern ment insurance the most attractive type of in surance now in existence. The permitted class of insurance beneficiaries has been enlarged to include( also those who were omitted formerly i. e..' aunts, uncles, nephews, brother-in-law and sisters-in-law. The rates charged have not been changed. . The above information is issued merely as a brief outline for the benefit of those who wish information on insurance and compensation. Those Taxes!! Pity the plight of George Bernard Shawl! He had what at first blush seemed the rare good fortune to receive from a New York entrepreneur an offer of $1,000,000 for the motion picture rights of all his plays. Even in these days of alleged big earnings in the movie business, it looked to be a round and comfortable sum. On closer examination, however, a fly. was found in the amber. If you live in England and make your money in America, or vice versa, you have to pay taxes in both countries. . A calculation of the'' figures involved revealed the unpleasant fact that the federal income tax and -supertax in the L'nitsd States, the special tax. in New York and the income tax and supertax in England would, between them amount to $1,017,000, so that - the luckless playwright would, by accepting the million have parted with his rights and yet - have been out of pocket $17,000 on the transaction. Needless to say, he declined the offer with thanks. Doubtless when he reflects on what war, which is the cause of these abnormal taxes, has done to him he indorses most heartily Sherman's vigorously expressed opinion on the subject. Washington Post OieVELVET U Ai inr, r-rv-S Jjyj Arthur 'Brooks "Baker yQ ANTON HOSPE. Man's transient; but he hopes to see ideas of his own expressed in paint and canvas or embodied in a stone. He likes to think that when he's long and comfortably dead, some vital interest will cling to what he's done and said. This large and noble yearning of the anxious human heart accounts for many labors which the critics label art. Should Hospe try to tell you alj he knows of art and paint the terminology he'd use would make vou weak' and faint Etruscan. Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, the Renaissance in Spain and France, he talks 'em like a streak. He recognizes paintings by the style or by the name, or by the crypl'c mark ings in the corner of the frame. But while he loves to deal in paint distribu ted with care, he also pays attention to artistic forms of air; for air can aU be modeled into sundry modes of sounds which thrill us with emotions both inspiring and profound, though certain jazz and dailce hall styles of torturing the breeze lead back to vales of Hiair and tails and ape-men in the trees. Hurrah for 5 and 10-cent stores and tliofe of higher price. Their gaudy fronts and bar gain stunts have cut a lot of ice. Their mur ders in the guise of art, their crimes in music's name depress the hopeful human heart and start the blush of shame. But let us not resign our moods to blue and blighting spells; be glad th?t Omaha still buys the things that Hospe sells. Next Subject: John Latenser. DAY The Day We Celebrate. , Conrad H. Young, real estate, born 1974. Theodore Starrett. Thompson & Starrett, building contractors, born 1865. Admiral Sir Henry B. Jackson,-former first sea lord of the British admiralty, born 65 years ago. Frederick Madison Smith, former head of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, born at Piano, 111., 46 years ago. Nathaniel E. Harris, former governor of Georgia, born near Joncsboro, Tenn., 74 years ago. , - Our Free Legal Aid State jour case clearly but briefly and a reliable lawyer will furnish the answe or advise in this column. Your name will not be printed. Let The Bee Advise You. ofays' (om&r Arbitrator. G. D. A neighbor and myself got Into a dispute as to our boundary lines and we agreed to submit the matteft- to arbitration by leaving It to a surveyor. The surveyor who made the arbitration negligently performed his duty by giving to my neighbor more land than he was en titled to. ' Please let me know whether I can hold him personally responsible? Answei" You cannot. An arbitra tor chosen by both parties, like a public judicial official, incurs no lia bility for a judgment in the absence of statute. There was a single ex ception to this in the old chancery practice, viz., that upon a bill for discovery against an arbitrator al leging fraud he must answer, and if the fraud were found he must pay the costs. Automobile License. L. B. As I am leaving the state of Nebraska for South Dikota March 1, must I procure a license for my Ford touring car for the whole of 1920, or only the first two months? If I procure a Nebraska license will I also be compelled to take outa South Dakota license for 1920? Answer 1. If you procure a licenso in Nebraska and use it less than 90 days you are entitled to a refund of one-half the amount. 2. It depends upon the laws of South Dakota. , Divorce. - D. What should a woman do if after being married three months finds that her husband is the father of several nameless children? He never told me this until after we were married. Is this grounds enough for securing a divorce, and If so, what proceedings should I take? And who pays for the divorce? Answer You have good grounds for a divorce. Employ a lawyer, who will file a petition. If your husband is able he will have to pay the costs. Insurance. M. I. C. My late husband had his life insured and the company's agent had me surrender the policy agreeing to pay me In full. A short time afterwards they sent me a re ceipt for a certain amount which was less than the face of the policy and which I was entitled to, and I signed it and returned it. Later on I discovered that the amount sent and the receipt signed was for sev eral hundred dollars lesa than I was entitled to. Can I recover under the circumstances from the com pany the full amount? Answer You can and the amount paid will be treated as only a partial payment. Xeoessaries. G. H. I would appreciate If you would answer me the following ques tion: A secured a judgment against my husband, but as he did not have anything they sued me, claiming that I was equally liable with him for necessaries furnished the family. Am I liable? Answer You ara. Wife's Dower. X. F. My husband died without leaving a will and I was appointed administratrix of his estate; I made application to the court to sell all his land 8 in order to pay debts. The sale was had and confirmed. Later I found out that I should have made application to have my dower set aside to me. I wish you would let m know whether or not I still can have my dower or must I look to the proceeds of the sale for the satisfaction of my dower interest that is coming to me? Answer You cannot have your dower in .the lands sold, but must look to the proceeds of the sale for your Interest. Council Meeting. K. Y. I would greatly appreciate if you would let me know whether a meeting of the city council held on a day other than that fixed for its regular meeting, although no call for a special meeting has been made, is a valid special meeting if all members of the council are pres ent and consent to such meeting? Answer It is. The All Round Girl Red Cheeks end Pep . Bob Sleds and Hay Racks., By MOLUB PRICK COOK. Grandmother looked out of the window at the heavily fallen snow. "It's a fine time for a bob sled ride," she said. "When I was a girl we had sleighing parties all winter long." The girls thought over grand mother's suggestion and decided to give an up-to-date, old-fashiened sleighing party. First they went to the livery stable and hired a big bob sleigh with seats along both .sides. The livery man said they could have two teams of horses. The girls figured that by taxing each guest and securing a small do nation from their parents they could meet expenses. Three of the gills' mothers offered to furnish dough nuts, apples and cocoa. Everybody was warned to bundle Sale of Merchandise. D. H. P. 1 purchased some mer chandise which was speciflcially de scribed in the contract I found after the merchandise waa received that they were according to the de scription, but the quality was not what I expected. Can I sue for damages or return the goods be cause I was mistaken as to the qual ity of the goods purchased? In other worfc. does the seller impliedly war rant the quality of the goods sold where they have been described as I have related? Answers Unless there has been some fraud perpetrated, you cannot sue for damages or return the goods as you have purchased what your contract called for. ODD AND INTERESTING. Thirty Years Ago in Omaha. A rear-end collision occurred on the Belt line when a suburban train was crashed into by a freight. Several persons were' injured and one man killed. George E. Cheney of Creighton was here to attend the bankers' convention. The Webster-Brady company opened its engagement at the Grand by a dramatization of Haggard's "She." The I. O. O. F. association of South Omaha f.led articles of incorporation with a capital stock of 530.QPO. Alexander Graham Bell of Washington, D. C. the -inventor of- the Eell telephone, and his wife, were guests at the Murray. Mr. Bell, while in the city, visited the Deaf and Dumb Institute in order to observe the methods of instruction. He was once an instructor of i deaf mutes. Ships built of steel are said to be able to carry about 20 per cent more carpo than those made of iron. Nowhere in the world does the business of prowing chestnuts re ceive so much attention and involve the outlay of so much Capital as in France. There are said to be 4S distinct diseases to which the human eye is liable. 'No other , or jtan of the hu man frame is subject to so many. The record number of roses pro duced by one tree at a time is 6,000. This remarkable number was borne by a tree on a rose-growing estate In Holland. One of the most destructive earth quakes in the world's history was that which occurred in Yeddo, in the year 1703, when 190,000 people were killed. Sperm whales are the richest prtee of the ocean,, yielding spermaceti from the cavities in their heads, ivory from their lower- jaws, ami rich oil from the blubber covering their sides. In France, until the introduction of postage stamps and the rule of double postage for unpaid letters, it was considered ill-bred for one to prepay a letter addressed to a friend. It is at the sources of the Chlnd wen. or western branch of the Irra waddy river, that tbe famous amber and Jade mines are which have sup plied China with these much-prized stones for centuries. Tn Ohio wash houses for miners will be a fact in April through a new law which raauires that these ' houses be maintained at the en trance of the mines. Hot and cold water and - facilities for hanging clothes by the miners must be pro vided by the companies. . It has been found in recovering cargoes of coal from sunken vessels that the combustion of coal is im proved by submergence In salt wa ter. Coal subjected to the action of sea water for a number of years will burn almost entirely away, leaving only a small amount of ash and no clinkers. Virtually all wages in England are baaed on piece work. In March the time rates for women weavera were fixed, starting at $3.89 for girls un der 15. up to ?7.79 for women over 51. The piece work rate was fixed so that a girl of average ability could Ret 20 per cent more than at time rat. . up In the warmest to be found. They all met at one place and piled into the waitinff sleigh. The harness was covered wits sleigh bells so the tingling of the bells and the happy songs of the girls attracted the at tention of everyone. They rode into the country and back, and just a minute before they were all stiff with cold they were de posited, a bevy of rosy-cheeked girls, on Mable Lane's doorstep. Mable's mother received them and soon thawed them out with hot cocoa, fresh doughnuts and' juicy apples. The girls said that their sleigh ride was the best sport of the whole year. A Hay Rack Ride. Girls in warmer climates w here there is no snow will find it fun to rent a hay rack instead of a bob sled. They all wear broad brimmed hats and gingham aprons to, look like farmerettes, and one or two of the girls dress in overalls to play farmer. The girls plan refreshments to suit the time and place. A "wiener roast" is always fun if ar rangements can be made at some picnic for a fire. A hay rack ride can be the source of much merriment the amount of sport depending upon the ingenuity of the girls who lay the plans. Do not miss a sleigh ride this winter, you girls in the north, and don't for get the fun of a hay rack ride, you girls of the south, or you'll go down JUST IN JEST. Mlnieter But, Hooligan, can't you live with your wife without fighting T Hooligan No. air; I can't. Leaetways, not 'apply. London Ideaa. Patience What makes that child cry ao awfully loud, do you suppose? Patrice Why. both of her parents ara deaf, you know. Yonkere Statesman. He My dear, t have just paid off the mortgage on our home. She I'm ao glad. Now you can put on -mother and buy a motorcar London Blighty. "Tes. I may say I'm a close student of Shakespeare." "And which of his plays do you tike beet T" "Dromle and Juliet." Kansas City Journal. The Judgr Tou were found under a bed with a bag of tools. Any excuse ? The Priaoner Force of habit, yer waHhup! I've been a motorist. London Opinion. 'Is this patient violent?" "No," replied tbe asylum attendant. "He merely thinks ths walls of hfs room are paperfd with Chinese money and he's aa American adding machine trying to strike a, balance." Birmingham Age-Herald. DAILY CARTOONETTE. JACK DtftR YOU HOST BtTIRtO. UTrU CHANQf. PllCtSWHYOU 4 MM DID 6 " 1 "BUSINESS IS GOOD THANK YOU LY. Nicholas Oil Company Young Citizens A 1 Adventures 3 Good Roads and Mud. By B. 3. ALEXANDER. "Well boy, we're stuck." The farmer with whom Hunting Eye was riding climbed 'off his wa gon and took hold of a wheel. The Indian Boy jumped down and, be tween the two of them, they helped the team pull the wagon out of the hole. "That's a rotten road," said the farmer as they started on, "the com missioners ought to see to fixing it." . . "'Why are the commissioners sup posed to take care of the road?" "Originally roads were private. Each person made and kept up- his way than by allowing each person to make his own. " "Now the county usually takes care of the roads. The county com own just as he wanted them; But soon the state took over this work because it saw that a better system of roads could be worked out that in the history of girlhood as a never-did-it-wall flower 1 (Tomorrow learn how to beat the gas man and read the meter your self.) (Copyright, 1920, by J. H. Millar.) DOT PUZZLE. .18 l .20 17. 2l U 3e -26 1 1 ,: . 38 Ao 4 3b A What 'has Billy drawn? Draw from one to two. and so on to the end. missioners usuallv decide when new roads are to be laid out; old roads changed; or important improve ments made in them such as pav ing, etc. The ordinary upkeep and repair of the roads is usually under the control of Road Supervisors, one for each township either elect ed by the people of the township or appointed by the township trustees or the county commissioners. "These Supervisors either hire men to keep the roads in repair, or require each man in the township to work on the roads for a certain length of time each year. Of course, the method of doing this work var ies in different states, 'but usually, it is done as I have described." "Why is this road we are on now so much better than the one where we got stuck?" "This is a state road. The state sometimes helps the counties to build roads between the larger cities. The state gave about half the money required to build this road on con dition that the counties and town-i ships raise the other half. Some times the state bears all the expense of improving a road. "Many roads are paved or other wise improved by private organiza tions with some state or county help. The Lincoln Highway, the Dixie Highway, the Yellowstone Trail and the Old National Pike were built by' combined work, of private persons and the govern ment." (Girls read about the fun of a bobsled party or a hayrack ride to morrow.) Copyright, 3920, by J. H. Millar. iaim V M I M pianos never better than vtfvn itisnewT -opntroes the maker of a lead The single except km to this rule is tktHason&flaniim. It alone improves vintage, became ithasasouxidhn boaxd constructed crime age-resist ing pnncijHe or roe vioun. aTJ.arir ( 1 Our beautiful stock comprises the high class Grands and Up rights, Kranich & Bach, Sohmer, Vose & Sons, Brambach, Bush-Lane, Kimball, Cable-Nelson, Hospe and others, some of which have been sold under our personal supervision for over 45 years. Our cash prices (plainly tag ged) are our . time prices. . ' 1513 DOUGLAS ST. The Art and Music Store. Wi se Established 1866 ffin.. 2 ' Spending A checking account with this bank is a -real"' aid to economy. It puts a. check -on extravagance, sim plif ies home accounting, ; saves, time, encourages thrift. " s We invite checking accounts both large and small. Requirements as to . balance are not burdensome. Window service is prompt, accurate, courteous. . 1 wanonai Dmii Farnam at t7th Street Capital and Surplus $2,000,000. A Powered by Open ONI
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Danielle Butt visits Cupboard Up, a store that offers a variety of Nordic accessories in St. John’s You Might also like - By Web Team — September 24, 2023 The three candidates vying for the Progressive Conservative leadership were at NTV studios this morning…Post Views: 172 - By Earl Noble — September 24, 2023 A two-vehicle collision at an east-end intersection on Saturday afternoon sent one person to hospital.…Post Views: 180 - By David Salter — September 24, 2023 A new study suggests this province is the easiest to save for a home, although…Post Views: 117
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Rather than re-hash the events of yesterday, let’s just say that there’s no more Sus-PENCE of whose side Mike Pence is on. Many of you have forgotten that he betrayed General Flynn in 2017. But you will never forget how he betrayed the American people yesterday. We probably should’ve realized how there is something very dark about this man when he debated Kamala Harris on national TV. Do you remember the pesky fly that kept landing on his perfectly styled white hair? Only twice before have we seen “The FLY” appear on the face of politicians. The first was on Obama. And the second was on Hillary. LOL! And we all know what flies are attracted to via their sense of smell. Despite all the garbage about violent rioters “Storming the Capitol,” the really sad part of yesterday is the realization that Big-Tech has truly taken over the media. Did you notice how they were labeled “Violent Rioters” and NOT Peaceful Protesters? No More Big-Tech Sus-Pence Big-Tech wasted no time flexing their Censorship Power by shutting down Trump’s Twitter account after he Tweeted: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!” You should take this as a forewarning that: - The Big Tech/Propaganda Machine is just getting warmed up. - The Democrats are now openly drunk with power. - And they’ll move swiftly to pass more Draconian Laws to strip us of our Constitutional rights. - The battle-lines have been drawn in indelible ink. History will not be kind to Mike Pence…nor to the Supreme Court. Rightfully so. And the Globalists now think they’ve won. However, this will all backfire on them. Why? They’ve only strengthened the resolve of Trump supporters around the globe. Meanwhile, the stock market skyrocketed yesterday. But will it continue? And how will the markets behave after the inauguration? Be prepared and get ready to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE). And feel free to share this with a patriot friend. They’ll thank YOU later. And tell them, “It’s Not Just About Finance.” ***********************
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Biographical Information Marital Status: Married Spouse: Ann Education: Bachelor's degree, Michigan State University Employment/Military Record: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, special assistant in the office of the president, 2011-present; Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan legislative analyst, 2004-11 Community Activities: Macomb County Special Olympics volunteer Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed) Senate (1/1/2023 - 12/31/2026) House (1/1/2017 - 12/31/2022) Elections and Political Participation Michigan Senate12th District 2022 General Vote: 62,772 of 125,140 (50%) Primary Vote: 25,728 of 25,728 (100%) Campaign Finance Reports Endorsements: AFL-CIO Michigan ; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25 ; American Federation of Teachers Michigan ; Detroit Regional Chamber PAC (primary); Michigan Association for Justice ; Michigan Education Association PAC ; Michigan League of Conservation Voters (primary); Michigan Nurses Association (primary); Michigan Realtors ; Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights ; Michigan Retailers Association ; Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan ; Voters Not Politicians (primary) Michigan House18th District 2020 General Vote: 32,569 of 54,031 (60%) Primary Vote: 9,715 of 13,377 (72%) Campaign Finance Reports Michigan House18th District 2018 General Vote: 25,820 of 41,214 (62%) Primary Vote: 11,129 of 11,129 (100%) Campaign Finance Reports Endorsements: Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, County Road Association of Michigan, AFL-CIO, Detroit Regional Chamber, Michigan Realtors, Sierra Club, American Federation of Teachers-Michigan Michigan House18th District 2016 General Vote: 29,247 of 46,200 (63%) Primary Vote: 5,454 of 7,147 (76%) Campaign Finance Reports Endorsements: Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan; Small Business Association of Michigan; Michigan League of Conservation Voters, AFSCME, Michigan AFL-CIO, the County Road Association of Michigan RUSH-PAC, Detroit Regional Chamber PAC, Michigan Education Association, Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters, Michigan Laborers' District Council, Associated Food and Petroleum Dealers Political Activities: St. Clair Shores Waterfront Environmental Committee; Board of Directors, Macomb County Care House; St. Clair Shores Democratic Club member; 9th Congressional District Democratic Party, executive board member
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Biographical Information Born: February 21, 1957 in Kalamazoo Marital Status: Married Spouse: Carol Slagh Children: Rachel, Katie, Phillip Education: Hope College: Graduation 1981, BA in Business Administration, Credential as Teacher in Secondary Education; Davenport College: Graduation 1978, Associate in Business Administration Employment/Military Record: Byron Center Bank: 1997 - 2003; First Michigan Bank Corp.: 1984 - 1997; Twin Falls Reformed Church, Idaho: 1982 - 1984 Community Activities: First Reformed Church - Zeeland, 1976-present; Zeeland Chamber of Commerce, 1990-1995; Macatawa Greenway Partnership, Board 2001-2006 Religion: Protestant Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed) House (1/1/2019 - 12/31/2024) Other Offices: State House Representative 2019-2020; Ottawa County Treasurer, 2007-2018; Zeeland Township Supervisor, 2001-2007 Elections and Political Participation Michigan House85th District 2022 General Vote: 32,848 of 46,872 (70%) Primary Vote: 17,060 of 17,060 (100%) Campaign Finance Reports Endorsements: ABC of Michigan PAC ; County Road Association of Michigan Roads+ PAC (primary); Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce PAC ; Great Lakes Education Project ; Michigan Chamber of Commerce ; Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPAC ; Michigan Freedom Network ; Michigan Manufacturers Association ; Michigan Realtors ; Michigan Retailers Association ; National Federation of Independent Business-Michigan ; Property Management Association of Michigan PAC (primary); Right to Life of Michigan PAC ; Small Business Association of Michigan Michigan House90th District 2020 General Vote: 32,446 of 50,527 (64%) Primary Vote: 9,258 of 12,000 (77%) Campaign Finance Reports Michigan House90th District 2018 General Vote: 24,421 of 37,175 (65%) Primary Vote: 9,943 of 11,815 (84%) Campaign Finance Reports Endorsements: Right to Life of Michigan, Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPac, ABC of Michigan PAC, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Realtors Political Activities: Chair Ottawa GOP 2008 - 2010; Treasurer Ottawa GOP January 2017- 2018; Graduate of Michigan Political Leadership Program 2007
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Biographical Information Born: December 10, 1974 Marital Status: Married Spouse: Lori Children: Madilyn, Brodie, Elisabeth Education: Oakland University, 2000-2005 B.A. Political Science; Wayne State University, 2007-2010 M.A. Teaching Employment/Military Record: L'Anse Creuse Public Schools (Teacher) 2010-2019 Community Activities: Michigan Municipal League, Sterling Heights Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sierra Club Religion: Lutheran Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed) House (1/1/2019 - 12/31/2024) Other Offices: Sterling Heights City Council, 2015-2019 Elections and Political Participation Michigan House58th District 2022 General Vote: 18,122 of 35,305 (51%) Primary Vote: 6,782 of 6,782 (100%) Campaign Finance Reports Endorsements: AFL-CIO Michigan ; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25 ; American Federation of Teachers Michigan ; County Road Association of Michigan Roads+ PAC (primary); Michigan Association for Justice ; Michigan Chamber of Commerce ; Michigan Education Association PAC ; Michigan League of Conservation Voters (primary); Michigan Nurses Association (primary); Michigan Realtors ; Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights ; Michigan Retailers Association ; Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan ; Voters Not Politicians (primary) Michigan House25th District 2020 General Vote: 25,239 of 47,748 (52%) Primary Vote: 10,147 of 10,147 (100%) Campaign Finance Reports Michigan House25th District 2018 General Vote: 19,081 of 35,309 (54%) Primary Vote: 8,256 of 8,256 (100%) Campaign Finance Reports Endorsements: Plumbers Local 98, Unite Here Local 24, UA Local 636, Sterling Heights Police Officers Association, Warren Police Officers Association, Warren Firefighters Local 1383, AFSCME Council 25, AFL-CIO, Michigan Realtors, American Federation of Teachers-Michigan, Michigan League of Conservation Voters (general election) Political Activities: Sterling Heights Democratic Club Trustee; 9th Congressional Dems Executive Board; Warren Area Democratic Club Member; Former Executive Board Member of the Macomb Dems; Campaign Volunteer
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
RESEARCH Review of Related Literatures (RRL) In order to fully understand the situation of peace and violent extremism in the Philippines, one must first explore the different groups and historical events that contribute to a culture of violence upon Filipino land and shores. Below are the terms and explanations of Filipino phenomena that will be referenced all throughout the research and that are deemed important in comprehending peace and hindrances in achieving it in our country. Our country has seen multiple attempts by non-state actors to grab attention from the people and government to tend to their needs and wants. In order to understand how violence and violent extremism exist in the country, these groups have been categorized according to their nature: 1) armed insurgent and secessionist groups 2) terrorist groups, and 3) traditional and political clans who practice violence or “rido.” A Brief Introduction to the Different Perspectives on Radicalization and Violent Extremism: SOCIALIZATION THEORY - “highlights the influence of peer groups in a person’s life particularly in influencing their personality or behavior in contrast to the influence of parental figures in an individual’s life (Libretext, 2020).” - States that there are three processes that occur within one’s interaction with their peer group: 1 - evaluation (where they assess how they meet the needs of one another) - commitment, and - role transition or changes in the relationship of the individual and their peers. AGNEW'S REVISED GENERAL STRAIN THEORY - Establishes that one’s coping mechanism can push or pull an individual into criminal behavior. - Additionally, this revision heavily emphasizes that social class might not determine criminal behavior as previous theories might believe. Different strains vary within each person, and class does not single out the lower class. 2 INTEGRATIVE COMPLEXITY - The concept of “Integrative Complexity (IC)” is used to measure the levels of radicalization in an individual and their possible shift towards violent extremism. “A lower IC connotes the tendency for binary and categorical thinking. In a lower IC, the individual or groups in question are unable to consider and integrate various perspectives. A higher IC, meanwhile, shows the capacity of individuals and groups to recognize and integrate various views on a topic (Nemir & Savage, 2019).” - Lower IC could mean the inability to recognize the principles and values of others as valid. With higher IC, there is a higher change of peaceful resolutions towards conflict. 3 Radicalism and Violent Extremism: what's the difference? Radicalism is seen as the pursuit of change in one’s community and society. It aims to search for new ideas and methods that can alleviate or answer a certain systemic and structural issue that a group or individual may face. This can be seen in movements such as Pride Protests, the Bangsamoro people’s fight for recognition from the government, and petitions made by Indigenous Peoples to reclaim their land among others. Violent extremism, on the other hand, is understood as the practice of imposing one’s beliefs and ideologies onto others through violent and harmful means. In the history of our country, we have seen this manifesting as bombings, kidnappings, and killings. Even sharing the same thoughts or supporting these actions can be seen as violent extremist movements. The key difference between the two lies in how individuals or groups practice their beliefs. Take note: Violent extremism can stem from radicalism but radicalism does not necessarily turn into violent extremism! SURVEY RESULTS We found that the youth see the manifestations of violent extremism as: Suicide bombing Bombings of government buildings, Beheading of captives Kidnapping malls, churches among others /prisoners of war Raising funds for groups espousing Dissemination of publications that Harassment and intimidation violence against people on promote intolerance; of marginalized/ vulnerable sectors the basis of religion, race, among others distorted religious beliefs (farmers, fisherfolks, urban poor) WHO DID WE REACH OUT TO? Our survey was able to reach almost 200 people! While this was far from the numbers we aimed for, we have accepted that it was the best that we could do with the limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our respondents were composed of Filipinos aged 15 to 30 years old who were at least at a senior high school level. We targeted those primarily residing in NCR, Davao City, Malawi City, and Zamboanga (although we were able to reach respondents from other regions). Additionally, the majority of respondents identified with Christian beliefs. Our key informants, on the other hand, were heavily experienced in peace-building projects and had enough insight on our target areas. We used their knowledge to verify the results of the survey as we could not visit the target areas ourselves. All in all, we tapped 14 professionals with the majority being 31 to 45 years old and who graduated from college at the very least. Sex of the respondents Educational attainment of survey respondent Geographical location of respondents Religion of the respondents
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
President Trump on Thursday spoke at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. Supporters lined up several hours before Trump’s rally. Trump gave Joe Biden a new nickname on Thursday. President Trump announced he will be retiring “Crooked” as Hillary Clinton’s moniker and will be giving it to Joe Biden. “I will be retiring the name ‘Crooked’ from Hillary Clinton.. so we can use the name for Joe Biden — he’ll be known from now on as ‘Crooked Joe Biden’.. because there’s never been anyone in the history of American politics so crooked or dishonest,” Trump said to cheers. WATCH: The post Trump Gives Joe Biden a New Nickname and It’s a Classic! (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Harkening Back News from Clarissa's Past 25 Years Ago May 28, 1997 The residents of Eagle Bend and Clarissa will go to the polls on Monday, June 2, to cast their ballot for or against forming a gas utility company. Voters will also vote on whether to give each of the city councils the authority to sell $990,000 in bonds to finance the construction of the natural gas utility. Northern States Power Company proposes that the two towns form one municipal utility with two representatives from each city council. ********** The United States Achievement Academy announced that Andrew Lancaster of Clarissa has been named an All-American Collegiate Scholar. Lancaster, who attends Southwest State of Marshall was nominated for this national award by Professor Mike Chandler. Lancaster is the son of Dianne Lancaster of Clarissa. 50 Years Ago May 25, 1972 Wayne Lundstrom was chosen first place winner in the Chapter Marketing Division at the Distributive Education Clubs of America National Leadership Conference held in Los Angeles, CA on May 2-6. ********** The Clarissa Buccaneers won their opening game in sub-district tournament play on Tuesday at Long Prairie. They defeated Swanville by a score of 5-1.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
And here, everyone thought that 2021’s most meme’d meme was Bernie Sanders’ Mittens… Bernie’s Most Excellent 1988 Honeymoon Vacation in the USSR . The Beatles – “Back In The USSR” At a campaign style rally in Wilkes-Barr, PA for Congressman and GOP nominee for U.S. Senate, Lou Barletta, the President took a few moments to light- heartedly tease Democratic Socialist and all around crazy guy, Bernie “Balloon-hair” Sanders. Thanks for the memories (and the memes) Crazy Bernie.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The Democratic Convention was all about who perceived darkness and who perceived light Biden freed from his basement without or with his lantern was the Diogenes who lost his lantern to see the present in sight To Biden Trump was the blackness of total darkness that was not seemed right To be dismissed without objection as a racist to his inner core blight The RNC conventions was a lifting of the leftist death shroud Of normal Americans about their country being so very proud Herschel Walker a former football player of great renown Casting I have known him for 37 years and he is not a racist down News flash to the PC Warriors and the Counter Culture Clash We are proud Americans who want our accomplishments not thrown into the trash We may not be perfect and we may have more to achieve As millions upon millions to us want from their countries to leave Biden is a captive of the left looking to America’s past mistakes Trump is to prosperity what the needed path will take © August 24, 2020 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire Poet Extraordinaire, Beyond Compare A Unique Gift, All Recipients to Receive a Lasting Gift
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Statements and Speeches: Importance of Family Role and Government (2 of 2) Scope and Contents The Hon. Daniel Coats Papers is composed of nearly two decades of service in the United States House of Representatives (1981-1989) and Senate (1989-1991; 2011-2017), and feature a thorough cross section of political events during those years. Most of the collection consists of documents stored in folders and boxes. Many of these records correspond to Coats' work on two prominent Senate committees: the Armed Services Committee and the Labor and Human Resources Committee. Additional materials provide extensive information on Coats' legislative and political agendas. Other records include copies of Coats' speeches, his correspondence, constituent service, and press clips. Apart from these documents the Coats collection also contains numerous media resources: over 500 audio and video cassettes, photographs, and almost 300 microfilm cartridges. Dates - Created: 1980-2017 - Other: Date acquired: 1999 Conditions Governing Access Remarks and comments regarding sitting or future public officials are not to be published or cited without the consent of the author/donor. Constituent/Intern/Case files are restricted. Extent From the Collection: 149 boxes From the Collection: 148 Linear Feet Language of Materials From the Collection: English
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Rep. Roswell Hart Former Representative for New York’s 28th District Hart was the representative for New York’s 28th congressional district and was a Republican. He served from 1865 to 1867. Voting Record Missed Votes From Dec 1865 to Mar 1867, Hart missed 206 of 613 roll call votes, which is 33.6%. This is worse than the median of 25.1% among the lifetime records of representatives serving in Mar 1867. The chart below reports missed votes over time. We don’t track why legislators miss votes, but it’s often due to medical absenses, major life events, and running for higher office. |Time Period||Votes Eligible||Missed Votes||Percent||Percentile| |Dec 1865-Feb 1866||105||19||18.1%||60th| |1866 Mar-May||142||62||43.7%||78th| |1866 Jun-Jul||142||37||26.1%||47th| |Dec 1866-Mar 1867||224||88||39.3%||82nd| Primary Sources The information on this page is originally sourced from a variety of materials, including: - unitedstates/congress-legislators, a community project gathering congressional information - United States Congressional Roll Call Voting Records, 1789-1990 by Howard L. Rosenthal and Keith T. Poole. - Martis’s “The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress”, via Keith Poole’s roll call votes data set, for political party affiliation for Members of Congress from 1789 through about year 2000
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Your Communities More Communities Sign In or Create an Account /u/IAmTheSenate I have some bad news for you. Thank you President Trump Trump does. Nearly half his Truth Social posts are about how he's up by 20/30/50 points over DeSantis Approximately 50% of Trump's Truth Social posts are touting the results of some poll or another. This is why we NEVER give an inch on 2A NC is a swing state. Trump won it by like 1 point in '16 and again in '20. Florida NC Voter ID NC Felony Disenfranchisement NC Congressional Map Reddit is a woke censorious hellhole Trump really needs to distance himself from this "guy". I seriously don't understand why he's going so daggum soft on Transheiser Busch and Disney... Let the games begin. If Trump is the better nominee, I hope he wins. If DeSantis is the better nominee, I hope he wins. May the best man win. Yes, MAN. None of the women in the race, like Nikki Haley and Asa Hutchinson, should win. None of the other rights matter without 2A Love the sentiment but this isn't the real Bucees account Photo taken earlier today of the courtroom $120M damages to first plaintiff $55M damages to second plaintiff $54M damages to third plaintiff $28.8M damages to fourth plaintiff $57.6M damages to fifth plaintiff $73.6M damages to sixth plaintiff $81.6M damages to seventh plaintiff $52M damages to eighth plaintiff $48M damages to ninth plaintiff $66M damages to tenth plaintiff $57.6M damages to eleventh plaintiff $68.8M damages to twelfth plaintiff $90M damages to thirteenth plaintiff $76M damages to fourteenth plaintiff $36M damages to fifteenth plaintiff $965,000,000 total damage award. Nine hundred sixty five million dollars. Definitely guilty. The judge just sent the jury back to the deliberation room to correct a couple of clerical problems and noted that "I don't see any decimal points on your numbers" Meaning they've got numbers they're recommending for damages. Evidence please Regulate workplace safety at the state level. A bureaucrat who works in DC from Long Island doesn't have a single fucking clue how long the barbs on my barbed wire in Oklahoma should be. Augusto Pinochet has entered the chat Okay a few thoughts on the stream. I have enjoyed watching it. It's been overall very good commentary. However, as they've tried to find things to talk about, the commentary has really slipped. They seem to be saying three things which are both annoying and contradictory It is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that Kyle should be acquitted The Defense counsel has done THE WORST POSSIBLE JOB OMG THEY SUUUUCK WE'RE DOOOOOOOMED If WE had been his counsel, WE'D have put on a FLAWLESS defense It's really just become bitching about the specific wording of a specific point in the motion to dismiss after bitching all day about how defense counsel should've done this or that or whatever.... Good analysis most of the time, but that part's been annoying me. The jury deliberated in the George Zimmerman trial for 16 total hours and sent requests to the judge at least once for further instruction or clarification. That was for 1 count. They returned an acquittal verdict. Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial for 5 different criminal charges. It will take time. No source I've seen, and a LOT of people familiar with jury procedures saying that there is no reason to believe that a US Marshall (Poso's source) would know this They don't want YouTube to knock em down Yes, if the judge and jury agree that they should keep going, they will keep going. If one or the other decides they're done for the day, then they can recess and come back tomorrow. The Judge said to reporters that he's going to checkin with the Jury at 5pm local time (approx 57 mins from now) to see what they want to do. He indicated he'll let them go as late as they want or allow them to go home if they wish He'd ask his wife's boyfriend to check if it was unloaded
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
99 North Rd. Brentwood, NH 03833 (603) 679-2244 Superintendent Jason Henry, Assistant Superintendent Jon Banville Daytime Facility Hours / Professional Visitation (legal counsel, clergy, etc.) Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm (last visit 3:30pm) Friday: 7:30am – 3:30pm Closed to visitors 11:30am – 12:30pm For Family / Friend visitation hours Please see Inmate Information. Victim Information Notification VINE is a free, secure, and confidential way to access custody status and criminal case information. Register for notifications and stay informed. Rockingham County Adult Diversion Program Alyson Mahler, Diversion Coordinator Email (603) 679-9394 The Rockingham County Adult Diversion Program is a pretrial program designed to divert individuals who have been charged with violation, misdemeanor and/or felony level offenses. Individuals, who are referred to, accepted into and successfully complete the Program avoid prosecution/ convictions, related fines and/or incarceration. The goal is to redirect offenders away from the criminal justice system and toward healthier choices through support, guidance and education. Mission Statement The Department’s prime goal is the operation of a safe and humane facility that provides a place of rehabilitation and offers programs and services that afford inmates the opportunities for a positive change. The Department of Corrections established, in accord with applicable statutes and regulations, a goal of ensuring public safety through the provision of professionally managed judgments of the state courts. The Department offers the widest practical range of correctional options, including institutionalization, community programs, and other similar sanctions that best serve the needs of society and the individual inmate, enhance the offender’s ability to return to the community and live in a law-abiding manner. The Department will administer its programs in an equitable manner in the least restrictive environment consistent with public safety. The Department operates its facilities under the principle that all administrative and management decisions either directly or indirectly affect the security and treatment goals of the facility. In that connection, facility staff can serve as an important and productive role model for inmates, conveying mainstream societal values to the inmate population. Opportunities for interaction between staff and inmate are expected to be conducted in a manner consistent with the objective of the facility. Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) What is PREA? The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) is a federal initiative to establish a nationwide standard of zero tolerance for incidences of inmate and offender sexual assault, sexual harassment and rape. Further, the legislation makes the prevention of inmate and offender sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct a top priority in penal institutions and under community supervision. The legislation also sets data collection and reporting standards that will be mandated once they are developed The Rockingham County Department of Corrections has a strict policy of “ZERO Tolerance” concerning instances of Sexual Abuse or Sexual Harassment, as such: - Under New Hampshire Law and the Department of Corrections policy, an inmate cannot legally consent to sexual contact with ANYONE while incarcerated. - An inmate can have NO sexual contact with another inmate, RCDC staff member, volunteer, contractor or vendor. - It is NEVER appropriate for RCDC staff, volunteers, contractors or vendors to make sexual advances or comments, or to engage in sexual contact with an inmate, including those persons under the supervision of Community Corrections. - No one will be retaliated against, in any way, for reporting any form of sexual assault or sexual harassment. Annual Reportings Programs & Services The Rockingham County Department of Corrections offers a wide variety of programs and services to incarcerated individuals. Our staff is inclusive of: – Director of Inmate Services and Programming – Mental Health Supervisor – Substance Use Counselor – Case Manager – Education and Program Facilitator – Chaplain Our clinical staff are a cumulation of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, Master Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselors, and Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselors. – Solutions, Transitions And Recover (STAR) – Mental health counseling – Comprehensive case management and re-entry planning – High School Equivalency (HiSET) courses and testing. – Chapel and worship services – Inmate library Evidenced-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Programs: – Batterer’s Intervention – Trauma Group – Substance Use Treatment/ Relapse Prevention – Parenting Classes – Anger Management – Medication Assisted Treatment Additional Programming: – Peer Recovery Partnered with SOS Recovery – OSHA-10 – Resume Writing – Film and Literature – AA/NA – Yoga – Getting Ahead While Getting Out – SMART Recovery
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Migration Research – where next? COMPAS Seminar Series: Michaelmas Term 2016 This seminar series asks COMPAS team members to rethink the field of ‘migration studies’. This re-evaluation will require them to think about lessons derived from their previous work, the contemporary politics of migration, and anticipate new challenges to old ways of thinking. This seminar series will showcase COMPAS’ current thinking on the politics of immigration and our contribution to the paradigm shift that is urgently required to develop conceptual and analytical tools fit for the study of migration in the 21st century. Podcasts of the lectures will be available at the end of the series. Type: Seminar Series Series organiser: Prof Bridget Anderson Timing: Thursdays at 2pm Web Address: Talks: No upcoming talks to display for this series. Editor: Nathan Grassi
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Infamous bomb-throwing, right wing Republican Newt Gingrich is in town today to fundraise for Republican Governor Candidate Tom Emmer. The two might not be well acquainted with each other, but the fact is they are two peas in an extremist pod. Below are just a select few facts about what kind of Republican Tom Emmer is asking for help and guidance from. For details about Tom Emmer’s extreme record, visit: GINGRICH IS A HYPOCRITE Gingrich Found Guilty, Fined $300,000 by Ethics Committee: The House Ethics Committee found Gingrich guilty of laundering donations through charities, submitting “inaccurate, incomplete, and unreliable” testimony, and making an effect for material to appear non-partisan but serve a partisan message. Gingrich was fined $300,000, the highest fine ever imposed on a Speaker of the House. [Esquire, 08/10/10] Gingrich Left Washington in Cloud of Controversy: A year after Gringrich was fined, Republicans lost five seats in the 1998 midterm elections, a sign that the American public disapproved of Gingrich and the Republican Party’s crusade to remove Clinton from office. Gingrich resigned as Speaker of the House only hours after his longtime friend Rep. Bob Livingston announced he would challenge Gingrich. [New York Times, 11/19/98; Washington Post, 11/07/98] Gingrich Doesn’t Practice “Family Values”: Though Gingrich frequently campaigned on family values issues, he cheated on his first wife, Jackie Battley. Gingrich discussed divorce terms with her one day after she had uterine cancer surgery and was still in the hospital, then married his mistress months after the divorce in 1981. [FOX News, 03/08/07; New York Times, 11/24/94] Gingrich Led Charge Against Clinton, During his Own Infidelity: While Gingrich led the 1998 charge against then-President Bill Clinton for the Monica Lewinsky scandal, he wasn’t telling people that Clinton wasn’t the only one seeing other women. At that time, Gingrich was cheating on his wife of 17 years, Marianne Ginther, with a former congressional aide 23 years his junior. [FOX News, 03/08/07] GINGRICH IS NOT ON THE SIDE OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Gingrich Opposes Unemployment Help: Gingrich criticized Obama as a “teenager with a credit card” for proposing a bill extending benefits for the unemployed. [CBS, 07/20/10] Gingrich Opposes the Employee Free Choice Act: Gingrich hired former Michigan GOP Chair Saul Anuzis to run a “nationwide New Media” campaign against EFCA, which would allow unions to win workplace certification through signed cards as well as secret ballots. [Washington Independent, 03/02/09] Gingrich Promotes Protecting the Rich. Gingrich believes letting Bush tax cuts for top earners expire would be a “disaster.” He called raising taxes on these high-income folks “frankly, crazy.” [ABC, 08/02/10] Gingrich Wants to Privatize Social Security, Get Rid of Medicare: Gingrich said he believes that any plan to partly privatize Social Security would help future retirees. About Medicare he said: “Now, we don’t get rid of it in round one because we don’t think that that’s politically smart, and we don’t think that’s the right way to go through a transition. But we believe it’s going to wither on the vine…” [The Tribune, September 10, 2010, New York Times, July 20, 1996] GINGRICH IS A RADICAL RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST Gingrich Endorses Extreme Candidates: Among the candidates Gingrich endorsed is Republican candidate for California Governor Meg Whitman, who supports Proposition 8 and wants to suspend the Global Warming Solutions Act that requires the state to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent by 2020. [Twitter, 05/25/10; San Diego Union Tribune, 09/24/09; Los Angeles Times, 02/11/09; Gingrich is also endorsing Carl Paladino, the extreme Tea Party candidate for New York Governor. Paladino has promised to “take a baseball bat to [the state capitol]” and is known for describing people as “degenerate idiot,” “Hitler,” and “Antichrist.” [NY Daily News, 09/24/10; New York Times, 09/16/10] Image via Wikipedia Gingrich Says Waterboarding isn’t Torture: In an interview with the Economist last year, Gingrich stated that waterboarding is not torture. When asked if any of the Bush administration’s approved interrogation tactics amounted to torture, Gingrich said, “No. As a British court noted, waterboarding is not torture. Waterboarding has been routinely used to train American pilots in the military to understand what interrogation techniques they might encounter.” [Economist, 05/30/09] Gingrich Calls Obama Administration and Democrats a “Nazi”-Like Threat: Gingrich has called President Obama “the most radical president in history.” In his book, Gingrich claims that the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats represent “as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.” [Think Progress, 05/28/10; NY Daily News, 09/24/10] Annete Meeks Learned from Gingrich: Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer’s running mate, Annette Meeks, is a former Gingrich staffer. Meeks served as his Chief of Staff while he was Speaker of the House.[MinnPost, 06/01/10; Metropolitan Council]
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Opinion: Media ignoring Biden for Trump Last updated 8/15/2023 at 2:43pm Half the country has no idea why the front page of Thursday’s New York Post was so hilarious. That’s because, thanks to the liberal media, half the country still has no idea who Hunter Biden is, or why he is in trouble for raking in millions f...
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Mitchell Clark / The Verge: Twitter will take less severe action against rule-breaking accounts, like limiting the reach of tweets; suspensions will be reserved for severe violations — Twitter is promising that it’ll take “less severe actions” when disciplining accounts that break its rules; it’ll only suspend Twitter accounts … Source From techmeme Author:
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Whats black and white and red all over a newspaper Whats black and white and red all over a newspaper How much wood could a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood? As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood. yo momma is so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing I flew a paper airplane and I rate it 9/11 4 big guys Two men broke into a drugstore and stole all the Viagra. The police put out an alert to be on the lookout for the two hardened criminals. What did the toaster say to the slice of bread? "I want you inside me." I was walking past an orphan and I said Just go home How many people fit in a tree I don't know you tell me.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Advertisements 66 Links American Civil War Association A California Reenactment Organization. American Historical Society of Germans from Russia - Central California Chapter Fresno. American Historical Society of Germans from Russia - Golden Gate Chapter Sunnyvale. American Historical Society of Germans from Russia - Lodi Chapter American Historical Society of Germans from Russia - Sacramento Valley Chapter American Historical Society of Germans from Russia - Southern California Chapter Huntington Beach. Bay Area Chinese Genealogy Group Oakland, California California Cornish Cousins California Genealogical Societies California Genealogical Societies: Publications, Libraries and Research California Genealogical Society and Library Oakland, California. California Genealogy Societies/Historical Societies/County Archives A list from a Santa Clara County research site. California Historical Society California Mayflower Society California Mission Studies Association California Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America California Society Sons of the American Revolution California State Children of the American Revolution Links to local societies, plus a page with proven ancestor patriots in the American Revolution.[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] California State Society of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Chinese Family History Group Long Beach, California. Our membership is comprised of individuals who are seeking to learn about their family histories in a warm, friendly and welcoming community of like-minded researchers. Copyright © 1996-2023 Cyndi Ingle, All Rights Reserved. Designed and developed by fusionSpan
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Let us remember on National Holodomor Memorial Day November 28 Canadians mark the 82nd anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide Canadians continue to mark the 82nd anniversary of the Holodomor, Famine Genocide of 1932-33, with commemorative events scheduled across the country. Saturday, November 28 marks International Holodomor Memorial Day and National Holodomor Memorial Day as legislated by the Government of Canada. The Ukrainian Canadian Congress calls upon all Canadians to honour the memory of the victims. - Pause for a moment of silence at 19:32h (7:32 p.m.) local time. - Light a candle of remembrance in your homes. - Participate in Memorial Services and Commemorative Programs in your community. For a list of events across the country visit: programs/projects/holodomor/
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The Backbench #39 Does Voting Have To Suck? Could changing Canada’s electoral system solve the crisis of voter apathy? Today, we dive into electoral reform. Plus, a new bill that would give border guards wide discretion to search our phones and computers. Tristan Capacchione Audio Editor & Technical Producer Kieran Oudshoorn Managing Editor, Podcasts
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Email us for help Loading... Premium support Log Out Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy have changed. We think you'll like them better this way. Live call in - we will interview for the first 22 minutes then open to calls / Guest Call-in # : (602) 753-1596 Episode 46 : Interview w/ Lucy Brenton - Libertarian - US Senate - Indiana - 2016 - - A real Election Channel - because we cover everyone on the ballot. Please rate, share and subscribe! is an independent media organization we interview independent and 3rd party candidates who are on the ballot (Green Party, independents, Libertarians, No Party Affiliation and other parties). We believe if a candidate has gathered enough signatures to be on the ballot and has a statistical chance to win then a responsible media will include them in the debates and interview them, to educate and inform the public of their options. Our goal is to interview 50+ candidates & reach a large audience. If you contribute by spreading the word, sharing the links - & etc. that is truly appreciated & thank you. October 9, 2016
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
File(s) not publicly available Holding parents to account: tough on children, tough on the causes of children? chapterposted on 2023-06-07, 19:59 authored by Laurence Koffman No description supplied History Publication status - Published PublisherWiley-Blackwell Book titleChildren, Family Responsibilities and the State ISBN9781405183017 SeriesJournal of Law and Society Special Issues Department affiliated with - Law Publications Full text available - No Peer reviewed? - Yes
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Sign in JOIN Home Politics Florida Politics U.S. Politics Business More Education Florida Crime News Foreign Affairs Infrastructure Legal Military Theme Park and Tourism News About Us Contact Us Subscribe Sign in Welcome! Log Into Your Account your username your password Forgot your password? Create an account Sign Up Welcome! Register for an account your email your username A password will be e-mailed to you. Password recovery Recover your password your email Search Search Tags United airlines Tag: united airlines Transportation Marco Rubio Calls on Airlines to Focus on Safety Concerns, Customer Complaints Florida Daily - May 9, 2023, 9:00 pm Florida Politics Rick Scott Calls on Airlines to Offer Plans on How They Will Keep Passengers Safe During Coronavirus Pandemic Kevin Derby - May 4, 2020, 10:02 am Business Embry Riddle Uses Analytics to Rate Airlines With Delta Out Front MIKE SYNAN - April 10, 2019, 10:02 pm - Advertisment - Most Read Mike Waltz: America Needs a National Maritime Strategy September 28, 2023, 10:00 am Wilton Simpson Announces $34.1 Million Florida Aquaculture Loss from Hurricane Idalia September 28, 2023, 9:00 am Bill Posey Introduces the Stop Funding Our Adversaries’ Research Act September 28, 2023, 6:00 am Scott Franklin Wants to Stop USDA From Withholding Money From Schools Due to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity Policies September 27, 2023, 8:00 pm Share on Social Media x facebook Home Politics Business More
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Rep. Angie Nixon, Rep. Tracie Davis and Faith Leaders Condemn Gov. DeSantis’s Unconstitutional Maps FOR PLANNING PURPOSES Friday, April 22, 2022 MEDIA CONTACT Austin Schuler,, 540-280-3393 Rep. Angie Nixon, Rep. Tracie Davis and Faith Leaders Condemn Gov. DeSantis’s Unconstitutional Maps Press Conference, Friday, 11 a.m. at City Hall Jacksonville, FL –On Friday, April 22 at 11 a.m., Representative Angie Nixon, Representative Tracie Davis and local faith leaders will join together at Jacksonville City Hall to condemn the passing of Florida’s congressional maps. These new maps will deny Black Floridians’ fair representation, violate the Voting Rights Act, the United States and Florida constitutions, and violate our equal human dignity. WHAT: Press Conference with Rep. Angie Nixon, Rep. Tracie Davis and Faith Leaders to Condemn Passing of New Congressional Map WHEN: Friday, April 22 at 11 a.m. WHERE: City Hall, 117 W Duval St., Jacksonville, FL 32202 WHO: Rep. Angie Nixon, District 14 Rep. Tracie Davis, District 13 MORE TBA ### Faith in Public Life Action is a national movement of clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice, equality and the common good. Together, with a network of over 50,000 leaders, they are leading the fight to advance just policies at the state and federal level that affirm our values and the human dignity of all.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
What are the key issues for black voters in LA right now? In an in-depth survey released today, researchers with the Pat Brown Institute asked black voters about housing and homelessness, education, gun violence, and more. What black Angeleno voters care about most (hint: it's not Trump) From this Episode: Election 2020: What do black voters in LA care most about? What are the key issues for local black voters heading into the 2020 presidential election? Researchers with the Pat Brown Institute at Cal State LA sought to answer that... 12 min Union workers attack Garcetti on homelessness, Green New Deal Mayor Eric Garcetti is halfway through his second and final term in office, but that hasn’t stopped one of the city’s biggest unions from releasing new ads attacking him. 7 min
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Every third Tuesday of the month, Brian Lehrer broadcasts his show live from The Greene Space, talking with guests and taking questions from callers and the studio audience. Below, watch video of the entire show featuring The Nation‘s Joan Wash talks about the latest in national political news; New Jersey Public Radio’s Nancy Solomon talks voting blocks; Kwame Anthony Appiah of The New York Times Magazine answers listeners’ ethical conundrums; and Tereza Lee, known as “the first DREAMer,” talks about how music has shaped her life in the United States. Watch excerpts: Watch the full show: National Politics 10:00 am -10:30 am Joan Walsh, national affairs correspondent at The Nation National and an MSNBC political analyst, discusses the latest in national political news. Voting Blocks in New Jersey 10:30 am -10:55 am As New Jersey gears up for the gubernatorial election, Nancy Solomon, managing editor of New Jersey Public Radio, talks about a collaborative reporting project, called ‘Voting Block,’ where she and other reporters gather neighbors to talk politics. News Break with Shumita Basu 10:55 am UNGA and President Trump 11:00 am – 11:05 am Joan Walsh discusses President Donald Trump’s appearance and speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The Ethicist in the House 11:05 am -11:30 am Kwame Anthony Appiah, “The Ethicist” for The New York Times Magazine, answers listeners’ ethical conundrums and philosophizes on today’s news. Appiah is also professor of philosophy and law at New York University and the author of “Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers” (W. W. Norton and Company, 2007) and “As If: Idealization and Ideals” (Harvard University Press, 2017). The First Dreamer 11:30 am -12:00 pm In 2001 Tereza Lee ‘s struggle to attend classical music college as an undocumented immigrant inspired Senator Dick Durbin to introduce the Dream Act. Elliott Forrest, the weekday afternoon host on WQXR, talks to Lee about her training at the Manhattan School of Music, playing in Carnegie Hall, and how music has shaped her life in the United States.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
East Saint Louis Man Sentenced For Healthcare Fraud Stephen R. Wigginton, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois, announced today that Maurice L. Burks, 44, of East St. Louis, IL, was sentenced on a one-count indictment charging that Burks engaged in a scheme to commit health care fraud. On February 20, 2015, the district court sentenced Burks to six months of incarceration and ordered him to pay $1,016.82 in restitution as well as a $100 special assessment. Action Details - Date:February 20, 2015 - Agency:U.S. Attorney - Enforcement Types: - Criminal and Civil Actions
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Abstract Policing involves state and nonstate agencies. In this article, we focus upon recent government-led efforts to engage the new realities of ‘pluralised’ or ‘nodal’ policing in Britain. Rather than focus on the content and rationale underlying these initiatives, we centre our commentary on the principal obstacles so far exhibited, and likely to persist, for achieving inclusive nodal policing approaches. We then highlight some strategies for overcoming these difficulties. |Original language||English| |Pages (from-to)||181-191| |Number of pages||11| |Journal||The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology| |Volume||38| |Issue number||2| |DOIs| |Publication status||Published - Aug 2005|
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Learn About Why Seminole County Florida Repubilcans Lead The Way. The Republican Party of Florida will promote the principles upon which our nation and our state were founded: freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and accountability. We will advocate fiscally sound, common-sense solutions that will promote job and economic growth, provide the best education to our children, and create a path to prosperity for Florida and America. Members of the Republican Party of Florida will be united by these principles and will work to elect Floridians with integrity who will work to enact such solutions. We will seek to be the most effective state party in the nation and serve as a model for other party organizations. Get Involved With Your Local GOP - Get Started By Attending An Executive Committee Meeting Meet Our Local Executive Board Members, Advisory Members, & Committee Leadership Bruce Cherry Chairman Executive Board Kelly Shilson Vice Chair Executive Board Steve Collins Secretary Executive Board Keith Celborne Treasurer Executive Board Here Is What Matters To Us The Republican Party of Florida in Seminole County will promote the principles upon which our nation and our state were founded: freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and accountability. Freedom Freedom is the backbone of what makes this country great and our freedom need to be protected from people that wish to attack it right here in Seminole County. Liberty We want everyone to live life as they want to. We desire the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed on one’s way of life, behavior, or views. Responsibility Since we want freedom and liberty – we strongly desire that all have the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Who We Are Our Mission YDI’s mission is to partner with families to help them solve life’s problems. We do this with an accepting and culturally competent environment, diverse services, and proven results. Our Story. Founded in 1971, Youth Development, Inc. (YDI) is a nationally-recognized, New Mexico-based, youth and family service organization. We assist with early childhood education and child care, prenatal care, alternative education, job training and placement, mental and behavioral health services, homeless assistance, mentoring, family development and family counseling services. For almost a half century, Youth Development, Inc. has been fighting a war against poverty and all its causes and effects. We are always trying to find a better way to partner with families to solve life’s problems by providing an accepting environment that offers diverse services that have proven results. In a State that comes in last in the nation for issues like hunger, child well-being, and education. YDI is first on the front lines to battle each and every social ill. New Mexico is last in the nation for child hunger- Feeding America reports that 1 in 3 children go to bed hungry. YDI is on the front lines of this issue, having provided over 500,000 free meals each year to the people we serve throughout New Mexico. New Mexico has the worst graduation rate in the country. YDI fights to change this by having 170 students graduate with their high school equivalency diplomas in 2016- this is in addition to the 1000+ diplomas earned by YDI students since 2004. Bernalillo County 20 Head Start Preschool Centers Pregnant Mom Services Supervised Visitation and Exchange Services Street Outreach Services for Homeless Youth Crisis Intervention Services School-Based Counseling Services Gang Prevention & Intervention Youth Job Placement Services Youth Homeless Shelter Youth Transitional Living Child Abuse Prevention Services Dona Ana County Youth Job Placement Services Taos County 3 Head Start Preschool Centers Rio Arriba County 6 Head Start Preschool Centers Sierra County Youth Job Placement Services El Paso County Youth Job Placement Services Luna County Youth Job Placement Services Socorro County Youth Job Placement Services Valencia County Teen Pregnancy Prevention Child and Adult Care Food Program Teen Court Child Abuse Prevention Services Cibola County Child Abuse Prevention Services Sandoval County Residential Transitional Living Services for Young Adults Torrance County Child Abuse Prevention Services Santa Fe County Child Abuse Prevention Services Hidalgo County Youth Job Placement Services Grant County Youth Job Placement Services Catron County Youth Job Placement Services
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
You might ask, what in the world are people thinking that causes them to engage in such mal-adaptive voting behavior? Humans have one brain but it can easily be explained as a number of separate brains that come into play to address different situations. Read poetry or do a math problem and the big thinking brain takes over. Hear gun shots and take cover and that is your animal brain taking over. There is no time or need to reason things out. The animal brain does no complex analysis. It just has you do what you are instinctively prone to do given the priority of survival. Voting and taking part in politics is a survival based activity so, the animal brain takes over and abstract thinking disappears. Abstract thought disappears and the animal brain takes charge. It is normal animal behavior that decisions that address survival are made by the herd leadership. Individual members of any herd, instinctively try and draw as much of their essence out of the group as a whole as is possible. Politics is an animal brain activity. We know this is true just by looking at political outcomes that consistently occur and realizing that no such typical political outcomes could occur if constituents used their thinking brains in making political decisions. The Affordable Care act relieves citizens of the burden deciding for themselves how to address their health care needs individually. It homogenizes both physicians and patients so that a central authority makes health care decisions for all. Medicine is practiced in such a way that a central authority manages the time and energy of doctors. The central healthcare, not doctors or patients determines what healthcare is provided, who gets paid how much and what the total cost is. Make no mistake that, although no one knows exactly who actually wrote the provisions of the bill, the originators of the Affordable Care Act used their thinking brain in ways that enrich themselves while putting the animal brained public at a serious disadvantage. Those who are effected by its provisions are using their animal brains when determining whether or not the bill is good or bad. The animal brain deems government as having magical knowledge and power. sentient argument as part of a public political discussion? Try and find one. All you will find are superficial arguments designed to get you on board with an agenda as fast, directly and quickly as is possible. It is all, Biden is good. Trump is good. Biden is bad. Conclusions are used as arguments. When the voting is over, the winner will be the one who convinces voters that their basic decisions in life are determined most effectively by the central authority of government. If the choice is Trump, voters are opting to replace the free market with something like the mercantile system that was popular prior to the American Revolution. Although this is complete folly, it addresses the instinctive sensibilities of his supporters. If it is Biden, his supporters believe government can give them personal credibility by forcing others to see them in a new positive light. Both sides will lose because Trump, Biden lobbyists and all others involved engage in larger brained thinking.The problems in the country today are due to the mal-adaptive mindset of the American Public. Hits: 5
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
WHAT: The Political Discourse: Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders The Honorable Barney Frank in a public forum and book signing WHERE: Stoico/FIRSTFED Foundation Grand Reading Room, Claire T. Carney Library, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth WHEN: Monday, October 19, 2015 5 – 7pm Barney Frank’s new book Frank: A Life in Politics from the Great Society to Same-Sex Marriage will be available for purchase. “The early 21st century’s answer to Mark Twain . . . one of the most idiosyncratic, influential and entertaining people to serve [in Congress]” – Colin Woodward The Washington Post Please visit to register for this event.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Marshall Project Originals Battles Over ‘Progressive’ Prosecutors’ Decisions Heating Up Conservatives target local elected officials in fights over marijuana, abortion and sentencing 7 Key Criminal Justice Takeaways From the Midterms Sheriffs. Prosecutors. Abortion and slavery amendments. Here’s what you should know about this week’s results. New Orleans Battled Mass Incarceration. Then Came the Backlash Over Violent Crime. After decades of a “lock them up” approach, voters put progressives in key criminal justice posts. Now a rise in violent crime is their toughest challenge yet. Prosecutors Who Want to Curb Mass Incarceration Hit a Roadblock: Tough-on-Crime Lawmakers In an age-old battle over local control, some legislators seek to wrest power from prosecutors who aim to curb mass incarceration
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
“Kickin’ It With Cops” is designed to create pride in our community and to help build relationships between our youth, police officers and adults. The goal of the Kickin with Cops Series is to build relationships between our youth, police officers and adults. To help accomplish this goal, we have identified a successful model established in the Collinwood area by Kristian Hunter, known as the “Kickin’ It With Cops” series and have expanded that model city-wide. The “Kickin’ It With Cops”Series has four key components: - Cleanin’ With Cops; - Kickball With Cops; - Cookin’ With Cops; and - Craftin’ with Have questions about the program? Call 216-623-3333 or contact us via email.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
We did it! Thanks to your hard work and your votes, Democrats have been elected to the following positions: - Governor: Gretchen Whitmer - Lt. Governor: Garlin Gilchrist - Attorney General: Dana Nessel - Secretary of State: Jocelyn Benson And in District 21, you all elected Democrat Sarah Anthony to the Michigan State Senate. Because of you, Democrats now control the State House and State Senate for the first time in nearly 40 years. Because of you, we made history this election. Because of you, we’re going to win even bigger in 2024. The next election will be here sooner than we think, and we still have work to do. Additional information about State Senate District 21 Michigan's 21st State Senate District includes: Sunfield, Mulliken, Vermontville, Kalamo, Bellevue, Olivet, Chester, Charlotte, Brookfield, Grand Ledge, Waverly, Dimondale, Eaton Rapids, Onondaga, Holt, Lansing, Mason, Leslie, Bunkerville
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
- Program: Piper Action Fund (Proteus Action League) - Location: New Mexico - Year Approved: 2017 - Tax Status: 501(c)4 Grant Description To support Common Cause New Mexico’s efforts to advance money in politics reform by coordinating a local coalition to pursue a ballot initiative in Albuquerque and lobbying municipal leaders to support coalition efforts.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Plaintiff alleges that he was fired without cause after investigating complaints about the county purchasing director. By Todd Shepherd Democratic leadership concealed the accusations against Zabel for years. Now, the public is owed an explanation — and an investigation. By Olivia DeMarco Along with two suicides at the prison in 2022, this latest death marks the third incident in which the county is refusing to divulge any details. By Todd Shepherd Olivia DeMarco: Delaware County Democrats won’t stand for sexual harassment — except by one of their own Delco Dems had plenty to say when a Republican was accused of sexual harassment in 2018. When one of their own stood accused this year, they were oddly silent. By Olivia DeMarco Due process is not prized in Harrisburg, and Zabel’s treatment by leadership looks more like favoritism for a fellow Democrat. By Christine Flowers Source: Delaware County Rep. Mike Zabel is alleged groper of lobbyist, also allegedly sexually propositioned fellow State House member Delco Democrat has a pattern of misconduct, sources tell Broad + Liberty. By Todd Shepherd Terry Tracy: Democrats claim “unfettered discretion” over Republican nominees to Delco Election Board Delaware County is the only county in Pennsylvania that permits complete one-party rule. Now, they’ve claimed even more “unfettered” power. By Terry Tracy
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Sexual harassment at work According to the International Labour Office (ILO), sexual harassment is a behaviour of a sexual nature that is unwelcome and offensive to its recipient. Sexual harassment may take two forms: - Quid pro quo or sexual blackmail, when a job benefit - such as a pay rise, a promotion, or even continued employment is made conditional on the victim acceding to demands to engage in some form of sexual behaviour. - Hostile working environment where the conditions are intimidating or humiliating for the victim. There are two dimensions of a hostile work environment: (1) unwelcomed sexual interest (e.g., commenting on sexuality or gender of other people; unwanted advances, gossiping about sexual life of others) and (2) gender-based harassment (e.g., intimidation of somebody or unfair treatment just because somebody is a woman, a man, or trans or gender non-conforming identified). You need to remember that it is the responsibility of the employer to provide work conditions that are free from sexual harassment. This means that both the perpetrator and the employer are responsible in the case of continuing humiliation or harassment at work. If the employer receives information about the suspected misconduct, he/she should take proper actions to investigate the situation and resolve the problem. In our experience, people are not always aware of what kind of behaviours are considered sexual harassment, thus we provide some examples below: - Physical form of harassment - - Unwelcome touching including pinching, patting, rubbing, purposefully brushing up against another person, hugging or kissing or any other form of physical contact. - Verbal forms of harassment - - Inappropriate invitations to go out on dates - Intrusive questions about your private life that offend you - Intrusive comments about your physical appearance that offend you - Making inappropriate sexual gestures - Telling lewd jokes, or sharing sexual anecdotes - Staring in a sexually suggestive or offensive manner, or whistling - Sexually suggestive comments or jokes that made you feel offended - Asking sexual questions, such as inquiries about your sexual history or your sexual orientation - Making offensive comments about someone's sexual orientation or gender identity - Non-verbal forms of harassment - - Inappropriate staring or leering that make you feel intimidated - Sending or showing you sexually explicit pictures, photos or gifts that offend you - Displaying inappropriate sexual images or posters in the workplace - Somebody indecently exposing themselves to you - Somebody making you watch or look at pornographic material against your wishes - Cyber-harassment - - Unwanted sexually explicit emails or text messages - Inappropriate advances that offended you through social networking websites such as Facebook, Instagram or in internet chat rooms. Research has shown that sexual harassment can lead to mood and anxiety disorders, decreased health fitness, problems with sleep and disturbances in intimate relationships. It can also negatively impact a person’s self-esteem, belief in a good and safe world, trust in people, memory, attention and thinking processes and may lead to suicidal behaviours. Sexual harassment also affects witnesses these unwelcome behaviours, who may feel stressed and hopeless. They may not intervene due to fear of being harmed themselves. If sexual harassment is not properly approached in the organisation, it may result in decreased productivity and quality of products and services, higher staff absence and turnover rates, low morale and decreased commitment and loyalty. If you want to know more: - If you need help: - The EMPOWER project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 848180
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
|Wills                || | Division of Adelaide |                Aston| | | Kate Ellis (ALP) Her ALP website Tracy Marsh (Lib) Her Liberal Party website and her campaign website Sandy Biar (Dem) His Democrats website and his Myspace website Dennis Slape (FF) His Family First website Peter Solly (Grn) His Greens website |Location: Adelaide: Norwood, Prospect, Thebarton, Unley | Division named for: The city of Adelaide, named in 1836 after Queen Adelaide, wife of King William IV Median weekly family income: $1,039 (43rd highest) Persons born in non English speaking countries: 15.5 (50th highest) Persons in professional occupations: 39.2% (15th highest) Persons aged 65 and over: 16.2% (22nd highest) Couple families with dependent children: 32.0% (139th highest) Dwellings being purchased: 22.1% (109th highest) Sitting member: Kate Ellis (Labor), elected 2004 Born: 22 September 1977, Melbourne. Career: Ministerial Adviser to South Australian state ministers, 2003-04 1996 two-party majority: Liberal 03.5 1998 two-party majority: Liberal 00.9 Effect of 2001 redistribution: 00.3 shift to Liberal 2001 two-party majority: Liberal 00.2 Effect of 2004 redistribution: 00.4 shift to Liberal 2004 primary votes: Labor 41.9, Liberal 45.3, Green 8.0 2004 two-party majority: Labor 01.3 2004 enrolment: 95,060 2007 enrolment: 96,723 (+01.7%) Adelaide has existed since South Australia was first divided into electorates in 1903. It has always occupied a block of inner-city suburbs, gradually expanding at successive redistributions at the population shifted to the suburbs. It has been a fairly safe Labor seat for much of its existence, althjough it has some strong Liberal area. Like all inner city areas, however, it is trending towards Labor. It has one of highest concentrations of professionally employed people of any Labor-held electorate, plus the low levels of families with dependent children and dwellings being purchased typical of inner city seats. In 2004 Labor won 71% of the two-party vote at Hindmarsh, and polled over 65% at Mile End, Kilburn, Renown Park and Croydon Park. The Liberals polled over 60% at Dulwich, Walkerville and Hyde Park. Recent members for Adelaide have included Chris Hurford, a minister in the Hawke government. Trish Worth (Liberal) was a Parliamentary Secretary from 1997 to 2004, but was defeated by Labor's Kate Ellis in 2004, a reflection of the general trend of inner city seats to Labor. Ellis is currently the youngest member of the House of Representatives and she has enjoyed a high profile since her election. Although the seat is still very marginal, in the current climate it is not regarded as seriously at risk for Labor. A local poll in late October had Ellis a long way in front (see below). Candidates in ballot-paper order Campaign news Sandy Biar | | Two-party vote by booth, 2004 Click to enlarge map
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
- NewsApril 5th, 2012 Although many Americans may think that phenomena such as forced marriages and so-called “honor killings” exist only overseas, social service agencies, educators, and a growing number of law enforcement personnel know differently. - NewsMarch 13th, 2012 For many of us, reports on women and girls being threatened with violence and forced to marry seem distant and incomprehensible. - NewsFebruary 8th, 2012 In the past decade, several new laws have allowed abused foreign-born women, including those who entered the United States illegally and those whose immigration status depends on their spouse, to obtain legal residency on their own. - NewsSeptember 18th, 2011 Forced marriage and honor violence are often viewed in the West as backward customs relegated to impoverished developing nations. But a spate of gruesome honor killings in the U.K., and new research about the prevalence of underage marriage in the U.S., for the first time show that this kind of violence against women is far more widespread. - NewsSeptember 14th, 2011 Do something! That’s what the courageous women activists and leaders urged at the launch of the Women in the World Foundation in Manhattan on Tuesday. - NewsSeptember 13th, 2011 For women and girls like Tahirih’s clients, it is not enough to have just any attorney. Their unique gender-based violence cases require attorneys who are well-versed in both sensitive cultural issues and the extremely complicated and often unexplored territory of gender-based immigration law. - NewsAugust 31st, 2011 Rather spoke with Miller-Muro about the hidden problem of forced marriage in the U.S.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
By: Diane Benjamin Bloomington packet: O’Neil Pool demolished: If you have ever wondered why roads that look fine are being treated: Reclamite extends the useful life of roads. Maps of what roads will be treated are on PDF pages 127 – 128. PDF page 152 – Approval for a shopping center along E Empire is being rescinded because the developer has not complied with requirements. This is included: This is also on the agenda: If this department will be looking for the “right” fit it will fail. Misc payments: Coliseum continues to bleed taxpayers: Bloomington isn’t done outsourcing legal to Jeff Jurgen’s former employer: Remember this story? This is being paid tonight, no idea without a FOIA what time period these payments are for: More details would be nice, we likely won’t hear any. One more note: Remember when Renner proclaimed over and over for years the number of employees have been cut? It looks like all employees are now paid bi-weekly. This is on PDF page 3: That number include seasonal hires. The report shows they worked 8,925 hours during the 2 week period. That means around 110 of the 869 are seasonal – if they work full time. Of course that means a lot of those job cuts have worked their way back on to the payroll, I estimate around 100. When the financial statements are finally issued we will have more details. They will be in no rush – the year end was April 30th. We will be lucky to see them in October.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Born in the horse-and-buggy days of 1900, my mother’s mama was a God-fearing and earthy soul. If she had something to say, Nanny didn’t hold back. Her fiery tongue could curl the bark on a chinaberry tree. My grandmother died in 1983, but she “lives” inside my head. I can hear her pontificating on a variety of subjects. I can imagine what she’d have to say about this toxic-coal-ash debacle, especially about the leaking ponds on Georgia Power properties scattered around the state. She’d say, “Well, the chickens are coming home to roost.” And to punctuate her words, she’d fork two fingers, press them to her lips and spew a stream of strawberry-snuff juice into a pillow of Kleenex stuffed in a Maxwell House coffee jar. Snuff juice is nasty. Coal ash is nasty and dangerous. To see how cavalier so many members of Georgia’s General Assembly have been about governing coal ash is enough to make a preacher cuss. For three years, I’ve watched a forthright few try to do the right thing, introducing new laws to protect Georgians and our environment. Time and time again, those measures were neutered or killed in the Natural Resources and Environment Committee of the House of Representatives. The longtime chair, Rep. Lynn Smith, appeared to listen to i industrial lobbyists more than considering what’s in the best interest of 10 million Georgians. Nothing seemed to move out of her committee unless two entities, the governor’s office and Georgia Power, applied stamps of approval. I join others in congratulating Gov. Nathan Deal. History will record him as one of our most successful governors. His accomplishments are obvious. So is his loyalty to our state’s largest utility. Should Gov. Deal and his longtime chief of staff, Chris Riley, become political consultants, don’t be surprised if Georgia Power is one of their prized clients. Just before the start of the 2019 Gold Dome session comes a not-so-surprising announcement. A press release from the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) read: “At least 10 of Georgia Power’s toxic, unlined coal-ash ponds sit dangerously close to the groundwater beneath them, according to the utility’s recent filings required under the federal Coal Combustion residuals rule.” Furthermore, SELC senior attorney Chris Bowers said, “Georgia Power’s coal-ash ponds were built in the worst possible places—near streams, lakes, floodplains, next to rivers and right above groundwater … we now know that at least 10 of its ponds sit too close to the groundwater aquifer.” Four of these ponds are along the Chattahoochee River at Plant Yates near Newnan, where Rep. Lynn Smith lives. You have heard me say this before: “Georgia Power is a tremendous asset of our state, and it’s a vital gear in our economic engine. I appreciate its important role, so I am not against Georgia Power. I am not against Rep. Smith, either. Instead, I am for responsible handling of toxic coal ash.” The issue has been suppressed for too long. Coal may have been our ticket to cheaper electricity, but now there’s the expense of cleaning up the mess. You don’t solve the coal-ash pollution problem by creating another problem. That’s what happens when you dump toxic coal ash on other communities such as Wayne County. For three years, we’ve observed Rep. Lynn Smith and her committee playing political footsie with lobbyists and downplaying the need for stronger toxic-coal-ash laws. Neighboring states are using our Peach State for a dumping ground. That ought to make you mad enough for your words to curl the bark on chinaberry trees. I wish no ill fortune or pollution on any community, but maybe there’s a lesson for Rep. Smith to be gleaned from what’s happening in Coweta County. We aren’t in her district, but Georgia’s natural resources and environment belong to all of us. Perhaps you’d like to reach out to . In the meantime, Nanny would say, “Honey, the chickens are coming home to roost.”
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
“Of course, in the West those speculations are put out under a certain angle, and all of it is a complete lie.” Wire “Another dark day in U.S. history.” “This isn’t a normal crash.” 'Pathological Liar': Laura Ingraham Blasts Joe Biden for Invoking House Fire Story During Maui Visit “Who is really the heartless one here again?” “The Government anticipates calling Trump Employee 4 as a trial witness and expects that he will testify to conduct alleged in the superseding indictment regarding efforts to delete security footage.” “There’s a real math problem of where do these workers come from.” Herman Andaya, the administrator of Maui’s Emergency Management Agency (EMA), resigned Thursday after drawing immense criticism for his agency’s response to the tragic fires that killed more than 110 people […] “I have a lot of things to think about.” Laura Ingraham Predicts New Trump Charges Will 'Guarantee' Future Indictments Against Political Opponents Fox News host Laura Ingraham predicted Tuesday that the latest indictment against former President Donald Trump will guarantee similar indictments in the future. A grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia […] Vice President Kamala Harris laughed at a climate protester in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, who disrupted her weekend remarks to criticize the Biden administration’s climate policy in light of the Hawaiian […] “Target Corporation … betrayed both Target’s core customer base of working families and its investors…” The surging gas prices have brought prices up to an average level not seen since October 2022. 'Hell Will Have No Fury': Laura Ingraham Questions Timing Of Trump Indictment Ahead Of 2024 Election “I have another question here.” Many Republican presidential hopefuls have struggled to make the first debate requirements. Several 2024 Republican presidential candidates reacted. “Only one person in America is being prosecuted for his political beliefs.” Gas prices have quietly been on the rise over the summer. “They censored First Amendment speech.” Conservatives and Republicans condemned a new round of charges. “This is a serious national security issue… and you sit in here, looking at us with this very smiley face, it’s unacceptable.”
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Tag: progressive era Kevin Burns: William Howard Taft’s Constitutional Progressivism Notre Dame: “The Political Thought of Woodrow Wilson” A JMC Webinar: Daniel DiSalvo on Public Sector Unions and Accountability Ohio University: America in the Asian Pacific Union League of Anchorage: Woodrow Wilson and Ending the Great War
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Menu ATTENTION: Fox 4 Investigates is the new name of our special investigation unit, and recent reports can be found on its new page. Click here to see more and submit tips to Fox 4 Investigates. Investigates Local News Covering Florida Coronavirus 4 In Your Corner SWFL Back To School
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
| | Not gonna lie: It could have gone better. But it could also have gone a lot worse. I'm happy with the process and results, despite some bumps. I'm happy to get a chance, however virtual, to see old comrades and meet some relatively new ones. We had about 32 delegates, representing eight Texas counties, show up at the Green Party of Texas's first-ever online convention. We also had a lurker to two. Among the best news that I can report is that personalities that have clashed at past state meetings remained not just civil but amicable to each other and the rest of the delegates. Highlights Final tallies have yet to be released, but here are some things we know: The List of Nominees This is a long way from the Occupy the Ballot era of 2012-14, when we could scare up about 50 candidates for various offices. The list below is large a rerun from previous entries; however, now that the Texas Green Convention has affirmed the statewide candidates, it's worth presenting them again. Counties of residence are in parentheses, and an asterisk (*) indicates that a candidate paid the state filing fee to run. Statewide US Senate: David B. Collins (Harris) State Supreme Court, Position 1: Charles Waterbury (Dallas) Railroad Commission: katija gruene (Travis) US House Tom Wakely (Bexar), CD-21 * Hal J. Ridley, Jr. (Orange), CD-36 Texas Legislature Julián Villarreal (Bexar), SD-26 katija gruene (Travis), HD-51 * Brody-Andrew Mulligan (Tarrant), HD-92 Antonio Padrón (Bexar), HD-119 Mulligan is not only raising money for his campaign, he's spending some too: He just bought yard signs. Speed Humps Disappointments Not everyone will emerge from this convention completely happy with the way things went. There was some awkwardness in discussing some resolutions (proportional to the awkwardness of the wording of the resolutions themselves) that might leave a bitter taste in the mouths of those who proposed them. It didn't help that we squeezed what could turn into an all-day affair into a 45-minute agenda item. To my way of thinking, resolutions are low-priority items by default, unless they address an item of immediate concern or propose massive changes in The Way We Do Things. Given that literally hundreds of alienated Texas Berniecrats have been knocking on the Green door, I am earnestly looking forward to more of these—preferably in person because I look old af in my Zoom box. | | Blogging Sporadically since 2014 Here you will find political campaign-related entries, as well as some about my literature, Houston underground arts, peace & justice, urban cycling, soccer, alt-religion, and other topics. Categories All Archives April 2023
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Choose the synonym for diplomacy - thesaurus - paradoxical paradoxical synonyms for paradoxical - complicated - convoluted - disturbing - intricate - obscure - perplexing - sophisticated - byzantine - winding - abstruse - bewildering - circuitous - confused - crabbed - cryptic - Daedalean - discursive - disordered - enigmatic - entangled - excursive - Gordian - hidden - impenetrable - inscrutable - interwoven - involved - jumbled - knotted - knotty - labyrinthine - mazy - meandering - mingled - mixed - muddled - puzzling - rambling - recondite - round-about - sinuous - snarled - tangled - tortuous - undecipherable - unfathomable Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. How to use paradoxical in a sentence It might seem paradoxical that Nebraskans, especially those in rural areas, identify with and vote for Republicans despite the opposition of GOP officials on some popular issues.What Democrats Can Learn From Nebraska’s Shift To The Right | Ross Benes ( | December 30, 2020 | FiveThirtyEight Like the McDonald’s hamburger, the McRib is soft food, its only resistance provided by the pickle and onion garnishes, which is sort of paradoxical.The McRib is back at McDonald’s, and after a taste, I still don’t get its cult appeal | Tim Carman | December 3, 2020 | Washington Post That’s the paradoxical set of conclusions to draw from the BofA Securities’ latest fund manager survey. Sorokin has studied another paradoxical phenomenon in vibrating liquids — the fact that bubbles sink to the bottom of the liquid rather than rising to the top.Toy boats float upside down underneath a layer of levitated liquid | Maria Temming | September 2, 2020 | Science News The fact that healthcare is struggling may seem paradoxical, given the overwhelming need for healthcare services right now.COVID-19 has altered paid search: How marketers can adjust strategies | Brianna Desmet | May 29, 2020 | Search Engine Watch The two major complaints minority communities have against the police seem at first glance paradoxical. She would be such a target for conservatives, it may end up having a paradoxical effect on Democrats.Elizabeth Warren’s Biggest Donors Warn Her Not to Run for President | David Freedlander | July 30, 2014 | THE DAILY BEAST The Phelps family, too, manifested a paradoxical blend of intellectual curiosity and abusive behavior-policing.‘Banished’ Lauren Drain on Growing Up in the Westboro Baptist Church | David Sessions | March 5, 2013 | THE DAILY BEAST This is the story of my education and my debt—a paradoxical combination. Modernism may have been a heady project, but it could never escape the paradoxical longing to become museum classics.Robert Hughes: A Fierce Critic and Powerful Voice Now Silenced | Simon Schama | August 10, 2012 | THE DAILY BEAST Albrechts views, or rather convictions, were extraordinarily paradoxical.The Life & Letters of Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky | Modeste Tchaikovsky It seems paradoxical to observe that the art of listening well forms a part of the duty of conversation.The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness | Florence Hartley And his glance, anxious and beseeching, sought the Nabob, as though to demand his pardon for all these paradoxical impertinences.The Nabob | Alphonse Daudet The symptoms noted are extraordinarily rapid and paradoxical changes of disposition.Essays In Pastoral Medicine | Austin Malley Perhaps they are the same ones I hated to see come into the gym, but I feel no sense of being paradoxical.My Wonderful Visit | Charlie Chaplin Synonym of the Day Browse
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
The election is less than a week away, but there's already one victory we can declare: Trump has won the phishing battle. Avanan researchers analyzed phishing emails surrounding the election and politics over the last month and the results, unlike this year's election, are quite clear: The numbers: - Trump: 79% - Biden: 21% (And no, this isn't an Electoral College prediction.) We don't think there's a correlation between electoral votes and phishing messages. But one thing is clear: This will be a victory that won't take days or weeks to sort through.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Download here Nowadays, body enhancement is no longer news, where women undergo plastic surgeries to beautify several parts of their bodies. To make some larger, and others smaller. NIGERIA DAILY: The Virtues Of The First Ten Days Of Dhul Hijjah THE BEARING: How Social Media Changed Courting And Marriage Why actually do people do body enhancements? Is it to meet society’s beauty standard, or for personal gains? In this episode of the Bearing, we look at the real reasons why women undergo plastic surgery in Nigeria Dear Reader, Every day, we work hard to provide readers such as you with the most accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information. Quality journalism costs money. Today, we’re asking that you support us to do more. Your support means that Daily Trust can keep offering journalism to everyone in the world. Sign up for as little as N1,000 to become a member. Learn more about our membership here Bank transfers can be made to: Zenith Bank 1017257739 Media Trust Ltd Please send details of your bank transfer to the email or Whatsapp number below so that we can contact you. If you have any questions, please let us know. Inquiries: Email: Whatsapp: +234 806 990 3410
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Condemn Election Violence – Signing Partners Below is a list of organizations, notable public leaders, and elected officials who have signed on in support of the Condemn Election Violence signing statement. Partial List, more listed soon Updated on Nov. 3rd, 2020 | | Organizations - Kids for Peace - - National Peace Academy - Peace Alliance - Pico Union Project - River Phoenix Center for PeaceBuilding - Shift Network - Watchman Relief Association Global | | Elected Officials (Alphabetical by state) - Senator Jesse Kiehl (D), Alaska State Senator, District Q - Senator Dennis Baxley (R), Florida State Senate, District 12 - Senator Brent Hill (R), President Pro Tempore, Idaho State Senate - Senator Doug Ricks (R), Idaho House of Representatives, District 34, Seat A - Delegate David Moon (D), Maryland House of Delegates, District 20 - Delegate Emily Shetty (D), Maryland House of Delegates, District 18 - Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D), Massachusetts House, 1st Hampshire - Senator Jeff Irwin (D), Michigan State Senate, District 18 - Rep. Polly Campion (D), New Hampshire House of Representatives Grafton #12 - Rep. Marcia Morey (D), North Carolina State House, District 30 - Senator Marty Wilde (D), Oregon State, District 11 - Rep. Tim Briggs (D), Pennsylvania State Representative, District 149 - Rep. Patrice Arent (D), Utah House of Representative, District 36 - Senator Jamie Pedersen (D), Washington State Senate, District 43
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Michael Powell to resign? Garrett Wollman Sun Jan 23 23:44:42 EST 2005 <<On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 09:58:00 -0700, "Sid Schweiger" <> said: > That wasn't PRIOR restraint. The "seven words you can't say on > television" routine was broadcast by WBAI in New York. The resulting > complaints and FCC ruling were after the fact. And Supreme Court case, don't forget that. Every law student must spend some time studying FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, 438 U.S. 726 (1978), during their constitutional law course(s). This is usually the point where one will go into the difference between "indecent" and "obscene", and why different legal standards apply to each (see Miller v. California), and how the Court found that Carlin's routine (entitled "Dirty Words", FWIW) was "indecent" and not "obscene". The practical upshot of this is that you can say the "seven words you can't say on television", so long as they're on cable, or satellite, or broadcast between 2200 and 0600 local time. -GAWollman More information about the Boston-Radio-Interest mailing list
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Voting-affinity data for the 2008 Term (September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008) |Joined the same opinions||133/141||94.3%| |Different opinions, same judgment||2/141||1.4%| |Agreed on judgment||135/141||95.7%| |Disagreed on judgment||6/141||4.3%| |Joined the same opinions||37/45||82.2%| |Different opinions, same judgment||2/45||4.4%| |Agreed on judgment||39/45||86.7%| |Disagreed on judgment||6/45||13.3%| Within those 45 cases that had some split opinions:
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ended the 2020 election with a 222-213 majority (currently 219-211 with recent vacancies), and her slim 5-vote margin has tempted her to consider the legal but very dangerous act of removing an (certified) elected and provisionally-seated Republican congresswoman from Iowa who had won her seat in 2020 by less than 10 votes. It was the closest congressional contest in last year’s cycle, and the losing candidate, Democrat Rita Hart, quickly challenged the result, contending some ballots for her had been excluded from the count. However, instead of following the proscribed challenge process in Iowa, Ms. Hart ended the process prematurely, saying she would take her case to the U.S.. house where her party held the majority. As a result, the Iowa secretary of state duly certified her Republican opponent, Marianette Miller-Meeks, as the winner, and she then was sworn in. The U.S. constitution says that the U.S. house has the right to determine who will be its members, but this right to override a state district election (presumably with cause) was rarely used initially until the mid-19th century when house majorities of both parties routinely ignored the results of many close elections, denying the winner of the opposition and seating their own candidate. By the early 20th century this obvious political abuse of the framers of the constitution intention became rare. It was last used in 1984 when the Democrats held a large house majority. Indeed, if Speaker Pelosi had a comfortable majority, she almost certainly would not even consider overturning this election, and giving Republicans so much political ammunition for 2022. Furthermore, her effort would would probably be short-lived because the Democrat would likely lose the next election. Longer-term she would also be giving future Republican house majorities justification to refuse to seat Democrats who won close elections, and even restart the unfortunate mid-19th century practice. It doesn’t seem to make much political sense. At least four house Democrats are on record saying they oppose the move (it would make a powerful opposition ad anywhere in the nation). But Mrs, Pelosi is very skillful with her caucus, albeit one that is often divided. If she does it, it would be what William Safire calls a “power grab” in his famed Political Dictionary (2006 edition). [I can’t help but note Safire's own definitions are always accompanied by someone else’s usage of the term, In the case of “power grab,” it is the title of a 2006 op ed in The Washington Times. That title was “Nancy Pelosi’s Power Grab” --- it was a column about an action she took when she first became speaker fifteen years ago. The author of that op ed? Yours truly! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2021 by Barry Casselman. All rights reserved. Friday, March 26, 2021 THE PRAIRIE EDITOR: The Temptation of Pelosi Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ended the
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
David Saperstein, formerly director of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, has been appointed US… Recent - More information about the Faith and Freedom Summit - Annual interfaith fun run - Largest Muslim Iftar in Europe held in Trafalgar Square - Working group on freedom of religion or belief launched - All Faiths Network launches Fusion Interfaith Music & Interfaith Prayer celebrating UK’s 2022 Interfaith Week - The Value of Faith in Society - All Faiths Network and Jive Aces team up to get Interfaith Runners Jiving @ Interfaith Fun Run 2022! - UK Ministerial Conference to promote freedom of religion or belief - The Interfaith Dimension – MPs and faith representatives convene at UK Parliament The Role and Value of Interfaith
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
SAVANNAH GUTHRIE (HOST): While we're denouncing, let me ask you about QAnon. It is this theory that Democrats are a Satanic pedophile ring and that you are the savior of that. Now, can you just once and for all state that that is completely not true and disavow QAnon in its entirety? DONALD TRUMP: So, I know -- I know nothing about QAnon. GUTHRIE: I just told you. TRUMP: I know very little. You told me, but what you tell me doesn't necessarily make it fact, I hate to say that. I know nothing about it. I do know they are very much against pedophilia. They fight it very hard but I know nothing about it. GUTHRIE: They believe that it's a satanic cult run by the deep state. TRUMP: If you'd like me to study the subject -- I'll tell you what I do know about. I know about Antifa and I know about the radical left and I know how violent they are and how vicious they are, and I know how they are burning down cities run by Democrats, not run by Republicans. GUTHRIE: Republican Senator Ben Sasse said, quote, "QAnon is nuts and real leaders call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories." TRUMP: He may be right. Can I be honest? GUTHRIE: Why not just say it's crazy and not true? TRUMP: He may be right. I just don't know about QAnon. GUTHRIE: You do know. TRUMP: I don't know. No, I don't know. I don't know. GUTHRIE: Let me ask you another thing -- TRUMP: You tell me all about it, let's waste the whole show. You start off with white supremacy. I denounce it. You start off with something else. Let's go. Keep asking me these questions. GUTHRIE: Okay, I do have one more. TRUMP: But let me just -- let me just tell you what I do hear about it is they are very strongly against pedophilia and I agree with that. I mean, I do agree with that. And I agree with it very strongly. GUTHRIE: Okay, but there's not a satanic pedophile cult being run by -- TRUMP: I have no idea. I know nothing about it. GUTHRIE: You don't know that? Okay. TRUMP: No, I don't know that. And neither -- and neither do you know that.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Salary and Benefits Salary Pay Scale Police Officer - $40.63 - $60.03 Hourly - $7,043.00 - $10,406.00 Monthly - $84,510.00 - $124,862.00 Annually* Police Dispatcher - $30.44 - $37.92 Hourly - $5,276.00 - $6,573.00 Monthly - $63,315.00 - $78,874.00 Annually* Community Services Officer - $25.77 - $32.11 Hourly - $4,467.00 - $5,566.00 Monthly - $53,602.00 - $66,789.00 Annually* *26 pay periods per year Benefits Retirement CalPERS Retirement System Sworn Safety Employees: |HIRE DATE||RETIREMENT FORMULA||EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION||FINAL COMPENSATION FORMULA| |TIER 1||Hired on or before January 20, 2011||3% @ 50||9%||1 Year| |TIER 2||Hired on January 21, 2011 through December 31, 2012||3% @ 55||9%||1 Year| |TIER 3||Hired on or after January 1, 2013*||2.7% @ 57||12.25%||3 Years| Non-Sworn Safety Employees: |HIRE DATE||RETIREMENT FORMULA||EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION||FINAL COMPENSATION FORMULA| |TIER 1||Hired on or before January 20, 2011||3% @ 60||8%||1 Year| |TIER 2||Hired on January 21, 2011 through December 31, 2012||2.5% @ 55||8%||1 Year| |TIER 3||Hired on or after January 1, 2013*||2% @ 62||6.25%||3 Years| *CalPERS Classic Members hired on or after January 1, 2013 will be enrolled in the Tier 2 retirement formula. P.O.S.T. Incentive Program (Sworn only) 5% for Intermediate POST Certificate and 10% for Advanced POST Certificate. Vacation After six months of continuous employment, vacation is available to employees as accumulated. Employees earn paid vacation as follows: |MONTHS OF SERVICE||VACATION HOURS AUTHORIZED PER YEAR||ACCRUAL RATE PER PAY PERIOD| |0 - 6 Months||92||3.538| |61 - 120 Months||144||5.538| |Over 120 Months||196||7.538| Sick Leave 3.692 hours per pay period (96 hours per year). Sick Leave Conversion Employees may convert a portion of accumulated sick leave to pay or vacation time per year. The employee is notified by Human Resources if they are eligible for this conversion. Unused Sick Leave Reimbursement (Sworn only) Option to convert unused sick time into added years of service. Holiday Leave Pay 150 hours of holiday time off per year Out-Of-Class Pay 5% additional pay for working out-of-class. Longevity Pay - $30/month for at least 5 years but less than 10 years of service - $40/month for at least 10 years but less than 15 years of service - $45/month for at least 15 years but less than 20 years of service - $50/month for 20 or more years of service Physical Fitness Program Voluntary program where employees can earn up to 40 hours of compensatory time off per year. Cafeteria Style Benefits Plan - No City Health Care - $115.00 - Employee Only - $684.72 - Employee + 1 - $1,189.32 - Employee + 2 or more - $1,554.58 Life Insurance City Paid life insurance equal to employees' annual salary. Employees may purchase more life insurance at a cost of $0.95 per $10,000.00 of coverage (Maximum of $500,000.00). Employee Assistance Program Six sessions for the employee and their family at no cost. Deferred Compensation 457 deferred compensation plan option. Tuition Reimbursement Maximum of $1,000.00 per fiscal year. Bilingual Pay Additional $60.00 per month. Uniform Allowance - Police Officer, Trainee and Sergeant - $800.00 - Community Services Officer - $650.00 - Police Dispatcher and Police Services Technician - $600.00 Computer Loan Program $2,500.00 interest free loan for computer and related equipment.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
· Rhinehold Chris Spangle, Rhinehold, and Hodey Johns give details and analysis on the final report by Robert Mueller on the Russian Collusion investigation. 352: What Is In The Mueller Report? In: Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
President Barack Obama is joined by First Lady, Michelle Obama and his lovely daughters, Sasha and Malia as he proudly salutes the crowd in Chicago after his victory speech at his election party in November 2008. Boris Kodjoe: “The election of Barack Obama in 2008 is the most significant experience in Black History in the last 10 years.” Nicole Ari Parker: “He set the foundation for having a Black man in office.” President Barack Obama is clearly one of Black History’s biggest crowning moments in the last ten years. His initial election as the 44th President of the United States changed the game. It created a level of possibility for kids of color to dream bigger than being the next big rapper, reality show star or the like. To be completely honest, President Obama’s cathartic election redefined Black America and gave us hope for something that wasn’t likely two years prior. He welcomed change, progress and hope. Follow HelloBeautiful On Twitter! Follow @HelloBeautiful to get daily updates on beauty, fashion and entertainment!— Hello Beautiful (@HelloBeautiful) October 03, 2012 More Black History: Check Out This Amazing Gallery! #OurMoments: Boris Kodjoe & Nicole Ari Parker On Obama’s 2008 Presidential Win was originally published on - Social Media Trolls Jada Pinkett Smith Posting Throwback Video of Tupac Dancing to A Fresh Prince Song - What are the benefits of having faith? - NFL Confirms Usher To Headline Super Bowl LVIII In Las Vegas - Temple’s Acting President, JoAnne A. Epps, Has Died at age 72 - Viral Philadelphia Influencer ‘Meatball’ Has Been Arrested For Inciting A Riot - Flight attendant Found Dead with Cloth in Mouth at Philadelphia Airport Marriott - Rudy Giuliani Says He Left 9/11 Memorial Ceremony Early Because Kamala Harris Was There - Powerful Quotes to Uplift Black Men
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
While province wide the DUP increased its vote that is certainly not the case in AND The main features of AND election DUP share of vote fell by almost 2% and party lost 3 seats Alliance and Green greatly increase share of vote with Alliance gaining 3 Seats UUP percentage of vote increased marginally The fall in DUP vote was much greater in the old North Down Council compared to Ards council area The DUP dominance of the AND council is greatly reduced Comparison of votes with 2014 DUP 2019 33.5% (35.4) -1.9% Alliance 22.2% (13.4) +8.8 UUP 17.8 %(17.4) +0.4 Greens 10.0 % (4.4) +5.6 While the DUP vote fell in six of the seven electoral district (only Ards Peninsula saw a marginal increase) the impact was mainly on the old North Down district council area where the party lost three seats falling from nine to six. This was caused by the surge in the Alliance vote which increased by 65% taking seats in Bangor West and Holywood and Clandeboye. Equally impressive was the performance of the Green Party which more than doubled its percentage of the vote. The fall in the DUP vote in Bangor area was relatively small but the party also suffered from the fact that it was not transfer friendly and received few transfers from other parties and Independents. There was a feeling on the doorsteps that the Bangor DUP councillors did not stand up for Bangor and that Ards seemed to get everything.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Average salary $76,000/yr Based on 115 income tax records Age: Average salary by age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56+ $68K $83K $88K $41,500 $124,500 How much do Police Detectives make? The average total salary for a Police Detective is $76,000 per year. This is based on data from 115 TurboTax users who reported their occupation as Police Detective and includes taxable wages, tips, bonuses, and more. Police Detective salary can vary between $41,500 to $124,500 depending on factors including education, skills, experience, employer & location.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Quick Background Instigated by Will Thalheimer, a regular American citizen, because of his belief that America's political dialogue is dangerously dysfunctional, especially in being intentionally manipulated with misinformation to prompt voters to misinterpret the factors utilized in their own decision-making. Future Headquarters If our inaugural campaign is successful, and we raise enough money to fund a nonprofit, our future headquarters will be located somewhere near Boston. And, if we grow, we'll look to have offices in Washington, DC... to keep a close eye on those who might hope to bend the truth... Instigator’s Information So you can do your due-diligence, the instigator of Make Truth Great Again is Will Thalheimer, and you can learn about him through his websites and social media links: Twitter: @WillWorkLearn LinkedIn: Will Thalheimer Blog: Website: Book: Email:
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It’s inevitable! In every election, there’s one side that downplays the other’s ability to make a difference…to vote! That may be purely in words, like ads or articles about how one side will turn out more than the other, or it may be in actual voter suppression legal hurdles like requiring an ID. In every instance, the words and the acts emphasize the importance of your vote. Every vote counts in the message it sends; in the way we tell one side or the other that their tactics worked. What message do you want to send? Do you want to promote voter suppression? Then don’t vote. Let the bad players know their tactics worked! But if you want your voice heard…if you’re tired of the ads and voter suppression, then your path is clear:
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Sen. Michael Bennet thanks his supporters and promises to concentrate on the economy in Washington, D.C. Wyoming's Republican governor Mark Gordon will be reelected. Iowa's Republican governor Kim Reynolds will be reelected. Beto O'Rourke will lose the Texas governor's race against Greg Abbott. Wes Moore on his historic victory in the campaign for governor of Maryland: "Our time is now" Your Page!
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
SURFSIDE TOWN ELECTION When: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 Polls Open: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Where: Town Hall Commission Chambers - 9293 Harding Avenue View the 2022 Official Results and Certification. SWEARING IN & RECEPTION When: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 Reception 7 p.m. Swearing-In 8 p.m. Where: Town Hall Commission Chambers - 9293 Harding Avenue Surfside General Municipal and Special Elections Results View the results live on Election Day, Tuesday, March 15. View Results> MAYORAL CANDIDATE FORUM Race: Office of the Mayor When: Tuesday, February 22 Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: Town Hall Commission Chambers, 9293 Harding Avenue **Come meet your Candidates WATCH the Mayoral Forum COMMISSION CANDIDATE FORUM Race: Office of the Town Commission When: Tuesday, March 1 Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: Town Hall Commission Chambers, 9293 Harding Avenue WATCH the Commission Candidate Forum Virtual Clean Campaign Class - held December 1, 2021 - Hosted by the Miami-Dade County Elections Department and the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust Office of Town Mayor Candidates Office of Town Commission Candidates Town of Surfside Ballot Questions Community Workshops Town staff and representatives from FPL and Sunny Isles Beach, undergoing the utility undergrounding project, will be available to provide more information on the five ballot questions. Presentations will be the same on both days. Please note, Dr. Ted Kury was only available for the virtual day workshop.
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
From a 60 Minutes interview with Obama and Biden: “But you tried really hard to reach these people,” [Steve] Kroft pressed. “You went and sipped beer, which I know you don’t particularly like — I mean you even…” “Steve, I had a beer last night,” Obama interjected. “I mean, where do these stories come from, man?” “I’m the one… [that] doesn’t drink,” Biden added. “Where does the story come from that…I don’t like beer?” Obama asked. “C’mon, man.” He probably had a Stella Artois. With a bowl of granola instead of beer nuts. Because that’s what fancy-pants liberal elitists do.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
- Version - Download 49 - File Size 380 KB - File Count 1 - Create Date June 4, 2020 - Last Updated August 1, 2020 The Framework to reduce criminalisation of young people in residential care (the framework) draws on a number of recent Victorian reviews and reports on the experiences of children and young people in the out of home care and youth justice systems. A key finding from these reviews is that children and young people in residential care are more likely than other children and young people to have contact with police and the criminal justice system. The framework outlines 8 Guiding Principles as well as a decision-making guide for when to call police. The first stage to respond to behaviours of concern is proactive prevention. As part of proactive prevention each young person in care must have a positive behaviour support plan. To read the framework in full go to: Download
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
[If this is your first visit to The Prairie Editor website, welcome! This is a subscription website, so if you like what you read, and want to continue to receive alerts. 2018 political coverage, cultural and special features, please consider subscribing. To pay the small annual fee with your credit card, scroll down on the right to the"SUBSCRIBE" button and click on it to Paypal. This first visit is compllmentary. Thank you for visiting] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Although the smoke has not yet lifted from the two major party conventions in Minnesota, one matter is clear: the traditional parties are closer to irrelevance in 2018. Each party endorsed a candidate for governor, but endorsement is only a recommendation to primary voters in August when the formal nomination is decided. In the past, endorsements usually led to nomination, but this has, in some recent cycles, often not been the case. Republicans endorsed their previous (2014) nominee, Jeff Johnson, who lost the general election. It took him three ballots this time to defeat little-known opponents, and now he must face a much-better known opponent, former two-term Governor Tim Pawlenty, in the primary. Pawlenty not only has raised much more money, he is one of the best communicators in recent state politics. Democrats (DFL) endorsed a St. Paul legislator, Erin Murphy, in an upset over retiring 1st district Congressman Tim Walz, a rural candidate DFL insiders felt would have broad appeal in November. Walz will now oppose Murphy in the August primary. But he won’t be Murphy’s only major DFL opponent. DFL Attorney General Lori Swanson failed to be endorsed on her first ballot at the DFL convention, and abruptly withdrew from the race. Three days later, after teaming up with retiring DFL 8th district Congressman Rick Nolan as her running mate, she filed for governor. Having run successfully three times statewide, Swanson could win the primary. In any event, all three major DFL gubernatorial campaigns will now have to raise and spend a lot of money in the primary --- a contest that will inevitably be bitter between the candidates. The general election is only two months later. Pre-convention, most observers thought that Walz, as the likely strongest DFL nominee, would be endorsed and then coast to the November election with no intraparty problems and a big campaign fund balance. This has evaporated. To make matters even more complicated for the DFL, 5th district DFL Congressman Keith Ellison announced his retirement from Congress and filed to run for state attorney general against the DFL endorsee, a little-known attorney who had defeated Swanson at the state convention. Former Attorney General Mike Hatch, a close advisor to Lori Swanson, also filed for attorney general, as did several other DFLers. Hatch lost a 2006 race for governor against Pawlenty. Ellison has won re-election easily in his ultraliberal district (Minneapolis), and is the controversial vice chair of the national Democratic Party. He is well-known for his radical, and often unpopular, views throughout the state, but he could win the multi-candidate primary. The likely GOP attorney general nominee, Doug Wardlow, could now win this race. Republicans have not held this office since 1971. Many Republicans are eager for Ellison to win the DFL primary, and to make his radical left views a major issue in November, not only in his race, but all the statewide races as they ask all DFL candidates if they agree with the 5th district congressman’s controversial views. The DFL will keep Ellison’s 5th district seat, but now much money and distraction will be spent by DFLers seeking to be his successor. A large number of candidates have filed to run for this seat. The most well-known is former DFL Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher, but Minneapolis voters have, as their 2017 municipal elections indicated, moved sharply to the left, and the primary result in this race is yet unknown. Republicans were poised to possibly pick up two U.S. house seats elsewhere in the state, and DFLers felt they could pick up one or two from the GOP, but the chaos in the DFL now would seem to help Republican candidates outside the Twin Cities. DFL Senator Amy Klobuchar re-election is safe in any event, but a second U.S. senate race with appointed DFL Senator Tina Smith (she replaced Al Frnnken who resigned) now becomes even more competitive as the cancelled August recess in Washington, DC makes it difficult for her to campaign back home in Minnesota where she is not well-known. To be fair, both parties have divisions and factions, and both party organizations are big losers as a result of the convention endorsements. Only a tiny number of activists (less than 1% of eligible party voters) participate in the endorsement process. The ability of the DFL and GOP to raise money for the rest of the 2018 campaign is severely diminished, as most donors, large and small, will give their money now to the individual campaigns they support. Furthermore, since the two party organizations (especially the DFL) will now campaign for their endorsed candidates who might well lose in the primary election, their political credibility is likely to be severely reduced in November. Others have observed the general decline of the political parties across the nation. But perhaps nowhere has this decline happened so dramatically as it just has in Minnesota. The DFL particularly has been the solid backbone of liberal voters in this state for decades. With their factions, liberal and radical, now at each other’s political throats in 2018, however, all bets are off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrght (c) 2018 by Barry Casselman. All rights reserved.
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Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
FW: About rules for Brazil Paulo Alexandre Pinto Pires p at Wed Oct 23 05:10:39 UTC 2002 John Cowan wrote: > However, I think the important point is that the database not impose > guesses about the utterly uncertain future. It is fair enough to > guess that U.S. DST will stay the same, since it has been quite stable. > But guessing that next year in Brazil will be like last year, when last > year was not like the year before, and so on, strikes me as bogus. > > In short, I agree that "only" should be the rule here. That what I wanted to mean, and failed to state as clearly as you did. > > A similar situation obtains in Israel, where the guesses after 2004 > > are quite arbitrary. However, for the few applications that need > > access to future civil time (planning airplane trips?) I think it > > better to have a good guess than to guess that there will be no DST at > > all. > > I see your point, but in fact airplane trips are *not* the only case. > Any time you make an appointment to do something or meet someone in > the future, you are implicitly making it in civil time for the place > of the appointment. If I say to someone "Meet me under the Waverley > [that's a place in Manhattan] at midnight, New Year's Eve 2004" , then > the appointment is set for midnight *local time* whatever that may be. > For a more commercial example, when a stock tender or a futures option > expires as of 5 PM, New York time, on such-and-such a day, that means > at whatever GMT time Congress decrees is equal to 5 PM New York time *as > of that day*. I was more concerned about much simpler things. There are some computer systems and applications where time has a central role. Some of those applications must interface with real people, both on input and on output, and real people (even technicians) are not familiar with time_t, GMT or UTC. The user may input time and not have the expected action happen at the expected time because of bad assumptions about DST (assuming no DST at all among those assumptions). Many applications also have design problems that become evident when crossing DST start/end borders, regardless of when time shifts actually happen -- even standard UNIX date(1) is DST unfriendly. Another problem is that tz repository was only updated (2002d) _after_ DST begun for users of 2002c(timestamp for is 2002/10/15, while DST started at 2002/10/13 03:00:00 GMT for tzdata 2002c), because of a rule that should have been applied only last year. This fault, however, is not solely TZ people's; related information simply wasn't where people expected it to be (Brazilian National Observatory's (ON) web site was the traditional source, but was also outdated). Only by digging the web could I find the information I wanted, just a couple of days before brazilian clocks would get wrong time. -- Pappires ... Qui habet aurem audiat quid Spiritus dicat ecclesiis. More information about the tz mailing list
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So far, there are seven polling places for early voting in Jefferson County, which includes; The Jeffersonian, The Expo Center and Sun Valley Community Center. READ MORE: Follow WHAS11 on Social: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Subscribe to WHAS11 for exclusive content:… Download the WHAS11 News app: Apple: Android: #localnews #louisville #kentucky #elections #vote source
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The following article, The Numbers Are In: Trump-Tucker Team Up to Beat Fox News in Viewership Battle, was first published on . By Rachel M. Emmanuel, It’s not the mind-blowing destruction of corporate media that many have painted it to be, but Tucker Carlson notched a solid victory over his former employer on Wednesday. Fox News, which fired Carlson in April, hosted the first Republican presidential debate of the 2024 campaign Wednesday night in Milwaukee. The GOP front-runner, former President Donald Trump, skipped the event, citing his large lead in the polls. Eight of the other candidates took the stage at the Fiserv Forum to try to make their case to Republican voters, with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum moderating. According to Neilsen, the debate brought in 12.8 million total viewers, Mediaite reported Thursday. — Martha MacCallum (@marthamaccallum) August 24, 2023 This figure might initially appear impressive for a GOP debate without the party’s No. 1 figure. However, it fell short of the viewership achieved by Trump himself the same night. The former president sat for an interview with Carlson that was posted to the social media platform X just before the debate. Ep. 19 Debate Night with Donald J Trump — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 24, 2023 As of Thursday, the episode of “Tucker on X” with Trump had 14.8 million views, according to Mashable — topping the debate viewership by 2 million. While undercutting the network that fired him gave Carlson plenty to smile about, his interview with the former president didn’t draw more viewers than any TV show in history — despite such claims on social media. Mashable noted that “many people believe, falsely, that the video of Carlson’s Trump interview received 220 million views more than it actually received.” “The video itself was actually played only 14.8 million times, for at least two seconds of the more than 46-minute interview — or just over six percent of the total 236 million times someone saw the post on X,” the outlet said. 200M views. Tucker vs. Trump is easily the most watched interview in history. Broadcast with no ad breaks, no corporate filter & no censorship. Just raw, fascinating insight & honesty that users devour. X is Breaking the media landscape —forever. — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 24, 2023 BREAKING: Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson breaks the internet history by having the greatest content viewership in history. Donald Trump show has nearly 100 million views in under 3 hours since airing on Tucker Carlson show on X. — George Njoroge (@georgenjoroge_) August 24, 2023 Tucker & Trump interview on X has eclipsed 200M views plus massive clipping audience. The primary debate on Fox News had around 20M tune in. 10X the views for Trump. The media landscape is forever changed. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 24, 2023 Fox News debate: 12.8M viewers Tucker/Trump: 238M views Corporate media is dead — TheBlaze (@theblaze) August 24, 2023 Though not quite as epic as that, Carlson’s viewership victory over the company that fired him can’t be dismissed. Fox News was the go-to for conservatives for almost three decades because it provided them with content and opinions that were relevant to them as traditional news networks took a sharp left turn in the 1990s. But the landscape has shifted again. Conservative-oriented online shows are now stepping in to offer content that often doesn’t find its place on network TV due to bans, and Fox News appears to be gradually deviating from its foundational conservative principles. This could perhaps explain why Fox reportedly chose to limit the reuse of debate content by other platforms. Fox News is telling everyone in media not directly affiliated with them that the August 23rd Republican debate is exclusively theirs and no one is allowed to air any clips of the broadcast beyond three total minutes, and never again after a 7 day window. In other words, they’re… — Chris Stigall (@ChrisStigall) August 10, 2023 It’s desperately trying to hold on to its audience — and its relevance. But that train might have already left the station. This article appeared originally on The Western Journal. Continue reading The Numbers Are In: Trump-Tucker Team Up to Beat Fox News in Viewership Battle ...
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Membership for WFSLM is now open to Expatriate Muslims of Sri Lankan origin professionals, intellectuals and others interested, residing worldwide either as individual or through organisations and associations. They will be categorised as Nominated members Supportive or associate members( please read the constitution of WFSLM ) Membership is granted subject to sharing the - Objectives and principles of WFSLM - Actively engaged and contribute in implementing WFSLM activities and projects - Attend meetings and conferences held worldwide as required Disclaimer : Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect World Forum for Sri Lankan Muslims ( point-of-view.
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Approval of the Congress has grown since shortly after the election. |Approve||Disapprove| |Real Clear Pol. 5/18/21||35%||56.3%| |Real Clear Pol. 5/4/21||36.3%||55.5%| |Real Clear Pol. 4/6/21||34.3%||57.0%| |Real Clear Pol. 3/2/21||29.7%||60.0%| |Real Clear Pol. 2/22/21||26.3%||60.0%| |Real Clear Pol. 1/5/21||18.7%||70.3%| |Real Clear Pol. 11/10/20||18.0%||70.3%| Registered voters prefer that after the 2022 election, Democrats control the Congress over Republicans by a vote of 47% to 42%. [NBC 4/20/21] The House of Representatives Washington Watch uses the Cook Political Report for its report on elections in the U.S. House of Representatives. Currently: - Democrats 219 seats - Republicans 212 seats - Vacancies 4 seats (FL-20, NM-1, OH-11, TX-06) Open seats in 2022 - Democrats 4 - Republicans 5 Potentially open seats in 2022 - Democrats 13 - Republicans 18 The Senate [WW uses Jessica Taylor of the Cook Political Report and Inside Elections for the Senate chart below. When those two organizations do not agree, WW uses Sabato as a tie breaker.] - Republicans – 50 - Democrats – 48 - Independents – 2 |Democrats||Republicans||Independent| |Seats not up in 2022||34||30||2| |Safe in 2022||10||15| |Padilla||Murkowski| |Bennett||AL – open| |Blumenthal||Boozman| |Schatz||Grassley| |Duckworth||Crapo| |Van Hollen||Young| |Schumer||Moran| |Wyden||Paul| |Leahy||Kennedy| |Murray||MO – open| |Hoeven| |Lankford| |Scott| |Thune| |Lee| |Likely||2||2| |Hassan||Rubio| |Cortez Masto||OH – open| |Lean||2||1| |Kelly||Johnson| |Warnock||NC – open| |Toss Up||0||1| |PA – open|
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Top News Trending Topics Subscribe Contact Us Search Mainstpress Top News Trending Topics Subscribe Contact Us Tag: classified documents Key Biden Documents Official Tangled in Clinton Administration Scandal June 12, 2023 Biden’s Dirty Tricks Exposed as His DOJ Tried to Lure Trump... June 12, 2023 Big Pentagon Leak No Cyber Crime But ‘Physical Theft’ April 13, 2023 FBI Went Extra Hard After Biden to No Avail, Early Reports... February 16, 2023 Biden’s Legal Goons Seek to Use Coercion in Trump Investigation February 15, 2023 Classified Docs Saga Just Got More Complicated with New Mike Pence... February 12, 2023 President Trump May Be Banned From Public Office, FBI Raid Indicates August 9, 2022 Recent Ex-NFL Star Vanishes, Blames FBI for Mother’s Murder September 21, 2023 Retired South Carolinian’s Riveting Account of F-35 Jet Crash Triggers a... September 21, 2023 Texas Town Declares Emergency as Thousands of Venezuelan Migrants Flood Border September 21, 2023 About Us Subscribe Contact Us Privacy Terms Do Not Sell My Personal Information © All Rights Reserved.
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ATRA's group's analysis shows the version circulated to voters would deprive K-12 education of millions of dollars a year after the 1 cent per dollar tax collected more than $1.1 billion in any given year. Sales Tax The Arizona Republic Monday, June 25, 2012 Arizona Daily Star Monday, June 25, 2012 McCarthy said the paper version — the one the Secretary of State’s Office has posted online — gives more to education than the version actually circulated, which diverts more for construction projects. That difference of who benefits, he said, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year The Arizona Republic Thursday, June 21, 2012 That omission makes a "very substantive" difference, said Kevin McCarthy, executive director of the Arizona Tax Research Association. "It's nowhere close to a minor change," he said. East Valley Tribune Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Kevin McCarthy, executive director of the Arizona Tax Research Association, which opposes the initiative, found the flaw and called it to Bennett’s attention. Arizona Capitol Times Tuesday, June 19, 2012 McCarthy said ATRA staff did spot checks of petitions being circulated, and all four they came across were using ballot language from the Quality Education and Jobs website, not the Secretary of State’s Office. Bloomberg Business Week Thursday, June 7, 2012 Because of the simplification mandate and brick-and-mortar retailers' complaints about no-tax competition from Amazon, "it's going to have to come up," agreed Kevin McCarthy, a task force member and head of a business-backed taxpayer advocacy group. The Arizona Republic Saturday, June 2, 2012 Gov. Jan Brewer this week named a dozen people to a task force that will figure out how to make Arizona's sales-tax code simpler both for those paying it and those collecting it. The governor created the task force last month with an executive order, saying the state's sales tax is overly complex to administer. But it's also a crucial part of state operations; about half of Arizona's operating dollars comes from the tax. Arizona Republic Thursday, April 12, 2012 Kevin McCarthy, president of the Arizona Tax Research Association, said the study's findings aren't surprising. "Arizona historically has rated high for sales-tax collections," he said. Evening Observer Wednesday, March 14, 2012 "(Arizona lawmakers) have a tendency to lean toward the sales tax because they view that to be the least offensive," Kevin McCarthy, president of the Arizona Tax Research Association Cronkite News Friday, February 17, 2012 “We’ve always been heavily reliant on sales taxes,” said Kevin McCarthy, president of the Arizona Tax Research Association. “Different states might rely more on other taxes
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Topseller Für die Filterung wurden keine Ergebnisse gefunden! Secret Weapons of the Third Reich EN/SP (englische und spanische Version) / Ahnenerbe Expansion... From 4Dados : Ahnenerbe Expansion included! The date: March 1938. The vast majority of Austrians cheer the Anschluss of their country by the German Reich. Central Europe is falling into Nazi hands and all the best European scientists... 62,95 € * Democracy under Siege EN (englische Version) From 4Dados: Dateline: Germany, 1933 Jan. 30: Hindenburg names Hitler Chancellor. Feb. 27: The burning of the Reichstag. Hitler blames his political opponents and enacts repressive laws. Mar. 5: The Nazi Party wins the Federal elections... 59,95 € * Rise of Totalitarianism EN (englische Version) From 4Dados: Germany, 1919. Jan. 1: The opening of the Paris Peace Conference is imminent, but unrest and violence are already spreading throughout Germany and Italy as well as in many other European countries. Communist forces are... 62,95 € * On Fire!!! EN/SP (englische und spanische Version) From the publisher: It smells of smoke… Fire!!! Fire!!! The building’s on fire!!! A fire has just started in an office building, and all employees are trying to escape from the flames. You can do whatever it takes to reach the exit. You... 32,95 € * Zuletzt angesehen
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RELEASE June 5, 2012 For More Information, contact: Luther Strange Joy Patterson (334) 242-7491 Alabama Attorney General Suzanne Webb (334) 242-7351 Page 1 of 1 AG ANNOUNCES CONVICTION OF CLARKE COUNTY DENTIST FOR ATTEMPTING TO DEFRAUD ALABAMA MEDICAID AGENCY (MONTGOMERY) – Attorney General Luther Strange announced that a Clarke County dentist today pleaded guilty to attempting to file a claim for payment with the Alabama Medicaid Agency for a dental procedure that was not performed. Victor Clarence Hawkins, 61, of Grove Hill, pleaded guilty this afternoon before Montgomery County District Judge Jimmy Pool to one count of attempting to file a false claim with the Medicaid Agency, a Class A misdemeanor. The Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit had accused Hawkins of billing the Medicaid Agency for a dental procedure referred to as a pulpectomy, or partial root canal, for a pediatric dental procedure in June of - A review of a post procedure x-ray revealed that the procedure had not been performed. Judge Pool sentenced Hawkins to 12 months in the Montgomery County Jail, which was suspended, and placed Hawkins on 12 months of probation. As a part of the plea, Hawkins was permanently barred from participation as an Alabama Medicaid provider. No restitution was due the Medicaid Agency. The investigation was initiated by the Program Integrity Division of the Medicaid Agency and referred to the Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, where it was prosecuted by the Unit’s Director, Assistant Attorney General Bruce Lieberman. –30– 501 Washington Avenue * Montgomery, AL 36104 * (334) 242-7300
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Skip to main content Wisconsin Public Radio Search form Search Listen Live The Ideas Network Program Schedule Program Notes NPR News & Music Network Program Schedule Music Playlists All Classical Network Program Schedule Music Playlists Special Events Stream Sponsored by: WPR News Wisconsin Republicans vote against removing former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Bipartisan bill would ban 'deepfake' pornography Wisconsin judge blocks school district's policy allowing students to choose pronouns State Rep. Katrina Shankland joins race to unseat GOP Rep. Derrick Van Orden National Democrats sue to block Wisconsin's absentee voting witness requirements More WPR News
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Was the moon landing staged? Are chemtrails real? Is the Earth actually flat? Some people think so. Conspiracy theories have been around since the dawn of civilization, but they’ve really gained a life of their own thanks in large part to the internet. With complete and total anonymity, people can discuss whatever crazy or credible idea they have and connect with other like-minded people who find their concerning conspiracies plausible. Over the years, Joe’s had numerous guests come on to talk about various conspiracy theories. Some guests believe these particular conspiracies while others just want to poke fun at it. From comedians to political commentators, Joe Rogan’s discussed conspiracies with all kinds of people, and there are even a few conspiracies Joe likes to talk about himself. Which ones do you believe, and which ones do you think are ridiculous? Vote up your favorite JRE podcast episodes that focus on popular conspiracy theories so new listeners can check out which videos to watch first. - 1246 VOTES JRE 911 Guests: Alex Jones, radio show host, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Eddie Bravo is a jiu-jitsu black belt. Topics: - Alex's conspiracies on technology and dimensions - Conspiracy of Silence documentary - Alex thinks Google is trying to create a supercomputer that will end free will Original Airing: February 1, 2017 - 2361 VOTES JRE 1255 Guest: Alex Jones, radio show host, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Eddie Bravo is a jiu-jitsu black belt. Topics: - How outer space isn't real - The Clockwork Elves and how they work - How powerful governments give their soldiers steroids and other drugs Original Airing: February 27, 2019 - 3150 VOTES JRE 1368 Guest: Edward Snowden, whistleblower and cybersecurity expert. Topics: - Searching the NSA for records on aliens - The role of technology in society - How 9/11 could have been prevented Original Airing: October 23, 2019 - 459 VOTES JRE 1161 Guests: Jerrod Carmichael, stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. Jamar Neighbors, stand-up comedian and actor. Topics: - Moon landing conspiracy theories - Conspiracy theories that turned out to be true - Lee Harvey Oswald's murder Original Airing: August 23, 2018 - 565 VOTES JRE 858 Guest: Jesse Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota, professional wrestler, and actor. Topics: - Jesse thinks the moon landing was real - True conspiracy theories - Talk of JFK assassination Original Airing: October 13, 2016 - 635 VOTES JRE 626 Guest: Trevor Moore, actor, comedian, and founding member of The Whitest Kids U' Know. Topics: - AIDS conspiracy theories - How JonBenét Ramsey could actually be Lady Gaga - Conspiracy theories surrounding Magic Johnson Original Airing: March 18, 2015
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|Bruce W. Wilkinson| Born: c. 1944 Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White Occupation: Business Party Affiliation: Republican Nationality: United States Executive summary: CEO of McDermott International Intends to retire from McDermott International at the end of 2008. University: University of Oklahoma Law School: University of Oklahoma School of Law Law School: LLM, University of London McDermott International CEO (2000-) McDermott International President and COO (2000) Pinnacle Equity Partners LLC Principal (1999-2000) Chemical Logistics Corporation CEO (1998-99) Tyler Corporation President and CEO (1997) Proler International Inc. Interim President and CEO (1996) CRSS Inc. CEO (1982-96) CRSS Inc. President (1992-94) CRSS Inc. President (1982-89) CRSS Inc. Senior VP Finance and Treasurer (1981-82) CRSS Inc. VP Finance (1978-81) Member of the Board of Cameron International (2002-) Member of the Board of Chemical Logistics Corporation (as Chairman, 1998-99) Member of the Board of CRSS Inc. (1981-96, as Chairman, 1989-96) Member of the Board of McDermott International (as Chairman, 2000-) Member of the Board of NaTec Resources Inc. (1995-) Member of the Board of NorAm Energy Corporation (1996-) Member of the Board of Proler International Corporation (1996-) Member of the Board of Triten Corporation (1990-) George W. Bush for President John McCain 2008 McCain-Palin Victory 2008 Romney for President Romney Victory Inc. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Tom Delay Congressional Committee Requires Flash 7+ and Javascript. Do you know something we don't? Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile Copyright ©2019 Soylent Communications
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2022 Primary Election The Primary is August 2. Initial results will be announced about 8:30pm. Military and overseas ballots mailed: June 17 Deadline to register or update existing registration: Online: July 25 In person: August 2 Ballots mailed: July 15 Election Day: August 2 Mail-in deadline: Postmarked by August 2 Ballot box deadline: August 2, 8pm Election certification: August 16 On the Ballot Martin Hash Henry Dennison Mohammad Hassan Said John Guenther Tiffany Smiley Dan Phan Doan Pano Churchill Dave Saulibio Sam Cusmir Bill Hirt John Butler Bryan Solstin Patty Murray (incumbent) Thor Amundson Charlie "Chuck" Jackson Naz Paul Ravin Pierre Leon Lawson Peter Van Nortwick (incumbent) Scott Weber (incumbent) Tony Golik (incumbent) Alishia Topper (incumbent) Peter Abbarno (incumbent) Ed Orcutt (incumbent) Filter by Jurisdiction September 26, 2023, 8:00am Election Free King County Council Member Dave Upthegrove entered the race for Washington Commissioner of Public Lands on Monday, becoming the fifth Democratic candidate vying for the job of managing state public lands and forests. Read story New GOP contender — a Camas city councilor — complicates Republican attempt to win back WA congressional seat September 26, 2023, 7:43am Clark County Politics Free Republicans are desperate to recapture the southwest Washington congressional seat they lost in 2022. But first they must settle who will carry the GOP torch into battle against Democratic U.S. Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez next year. Read story September 13, 2023, 10:20am Election New Hampshire’s top election official said Wednesday he will not invoke an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to block former President Donald Trump from appearing on ballots in the state, which will hold the first Republican presidential primary next year. Read story August 24, 2023, 8:28am Election Free Did you get a text when election workers opened your primary ballot? Read story August 15, 2023, 6:18pm Clark County News Results from the Aug. 1 primary election were finalized Tuesday with all counties certifying their election results. Read story
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GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – In a move designed to increase local security as well as ease the burden of the already overcrowded arrival ports, the Coruscant Ministry of Ingress has issued new restrictions on all inbound interstellar traffic. Full Story >> Top Headlines Recent Headlines What To Scan On the Feeds Tonight: ESSENCE — Interview with Gideon Tarkin EWM213 – 2100 IN THE POLITICAL PIT — Tonight’s panelists RCLU Chairbeing Dotswa Ween, Actor Reridan Rekiss, Representitive Jar Jar Binks, and Recording Artist Gaeriala Boosin CWN115-1935 THE SCARLET PIRATE — Series Finale LFN422-2120 Quick Poll What do you think of the Coruscant immigration restrictions? They go too far: 61% They are just what we need: 22% They don’t go far enough: 11% Undecided: 6% Original Source: HoloNet News Vol. 531 #51 was one of many in-universe HoloNet News issues published shortly before the release of Attack of the Clones. This issue was released April 11, 2002. In-universe, it was published on the date 13:4:4, which corresponds to 22 BBY.
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[ad_1] President Donald Trump will hold his next rally on Friday, June 19, 2020. The massive event will be held at the BOK center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Doors open at 4:00 p.m. CDT and the president is scheduled to speak at 8:00 p.m. CDT. Tickets are free, limited to two per mobile number and can be requested HERE. Event Details Fri, June 19, 2020 08:00 pm (CDT) Doors Open: 04:00 pm BOK Center 200 S Denver Ave. Tulsa,OK, 74103 Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under the Creative Commons license. Visit our syndication page for details and requirements. Wake up Right! Subscribe to our Morning Briefing and get the news delivered to your inbox before breakfast! Sponsored Content [ad_2] Read the Original Article Here
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EST 9:00 AM President Biden receives the Presidential Daily Briefing Briefing Schedule 3:00 PM Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre READ ALSO In response to mounting calls from the Director of the Kosovo Office, Peter Petkovic for an investigation into recent events in Banjska,…Keep reading LEADER JEFFRIES: From the very beginning of this Congress, House Democrats have made clear that we are willing to find common ground with…Keep reading In a tense and urgent statement today, the White House issued a stark warning to the American people, revealing that there are…Keep reading
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Join the Tennessee RNLA for an Election Law Training at Bulter Snow to hear from leading experts in Tennessee election law. If you have questions regarding this training, please email Justin Joy at [email protected]. WHEN WHERE 6075 Poplar Ave Suite 500 Memphis, TN 38119 United States Google map and directions
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Edinburgh university free speech Videos BBC3 Free Speech Dr. Ranj on BBC3 Free Speech at the Edinburgh Fringe. User Comments BBC Free Speech @ University of Westminster Rick Edwards & Tina Daheley pop by Regents Campus to host a special pilot episode of their BBC 3 show Freedom of Speech. User Comments FreeSpeech: Do families need fathers? (27Mar13) Do families need fathers? Only lefties and weirdos claim they don't. This is a requested clip by: @MrHarryCole on Twitter and many others also on Twitter. User Comments Sam on BBC 3 Free Speech User Comments Please don't Shoot: Is Free Speech Dead on Campus Peter Hitchens - Rape (BBC3 Free Speech 2014) EDIT: Peter Hitchens wrote a blog post on this debate ... User Comments World Humanist Congress: Plenary One - A.C. Grayling on Freedom of speech and freedom as such World Humanist Congress | Freedom of thought and expression: Forging a 21st century enlightenment Plenary Session One Freedom of speech and freedom as ... User Comments Free Speech 25th March 2014 - Should we legalise medicinal cannabis? BBC 3 debate featuring Peter Reynolds. User Comments
Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
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Politics and Government
Politics and Government. Educational score: 9
Social Policy & Programs Consulting Training and Services for agencies working toward social and economic justice Patricia A. O'Malley Social Policy & Programs Consulting ~ Community Matters P.O. Box 97803 ~ Pittsburgh, PA 15227 ~ 412-310-4886 ~ Copyright Patricia A. O'Malley ~ All rights reserved Established 1993 March for Our Lives Hits It Out of the Park Abolish the NRA, not the Second Amendment March 28, 2018 On Saturday, I joined 30,000 people in the local March for Our Lives in downtown Pittsburgh. I’ve been participating in demonstrations/marches/protests – on myriad social justice issues in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Washington DC – for nearly 40 years. This was one of the biggest, most moving, most powerful of all. It was certainly the biggest in Pittsburgh. About half of the crowd were young people, mostly high school and college students, along with younger children and quite a few strollers. Many of the rest appeared to be their parents and other allies. The rest of us were gray-haired protest veterans. The event followed the usual format – gathering at the City-County Building on Grant Street, opening remarks, marching via Grant Street and Fifth Avenue to Market Square, more speeches, chants, cheers. Voter registration was available, along with information for CeaseFirePA, Everytown for Gun Safety, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and Sandy Hook Promise. At the beginning of the march, I met a man, Silvano Gallego, who immigrated to the US from Columbia twenty years ago. He said he always wanted to attend a public demonstration but was hesitant to do so. But he loved this one. He said “This is what’s good about America. You couldn’t do this in Russia.” I agree. The politicians present, most of whom spoke, included Mayor Bill Peduto, Congressman Mike Doyle, Congressman-elect Conor Lamb, Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, State Senators Jay Costa and Wayne Fontana, State Reps. Ed Gainey and Dan Frankel, and City Controller Michael Lamb. Every speaker agreed that “thoughts and prayers” don’t cut it. We need real action. We need to work with the sensible members of the NRA to make the change we want. If our representatives in Washington and Harrisburg aren’t willing to change, then we must change them. Voting is absolutely essential. For the record, the students, here and in all of the cities, did a tremendous job of organizing the day. Their parents can be very proud. I look forward to much more from them. WHAT DO THEY WANT? Despite what the NRA and the gun goons would have you believe, no one wants to repeal the Second Amendment. No one wants to take your guns. Every organization wants only to make our lives safer. They want common sense gun laws. And they want to replace legislators who refuse to pass them. And yes, I have read the mission statements of every one of the organizations listed in this article. NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION The NRA is the biggest opponent to sensible gun laws. It was founded in 1871 to represent the interests of gun owners and provides many legitimate services for its members. But the NRA is not an advocate for gun rights. It does not represent the interests of gun owners. It represents gun companies. The companies make money when people buy guns. Every restriction on gun ownership means fewer gun sales. That's why they won't quit. It's all about the money. They’re sacrificing children for MONEY. And they don’t feel badly about it because they are immoral. For eight years, they convinced millions of Americans that Barack Obama and “the government” are coming for your guns by creating FEAR. And they sold millions of guns. There was even a shortage of ammunition. That makes them a terrorist organization. Now that Obama's gone, gun sales have plummeted. If I hear one more time that the gun violence debate must stop being political I'm going to lose my mind. The problem is political. Therefore, the solution is political. The NRA buys POLITICIANS. They don't buy plumbers. Wayne LaPierre and his disciples have been slandering, libeling, and defaming the MFOL organizers. I won’t repeat their lies here. I won’t give them any traction. But if their cause was honorable, they wouldn’t need to spread lies. That’s why we must eradicate the NRA. And the gun sense movement isn’t saying that. I am. The many decent, rational NRA members need a new organization to represent them. If anyone wants to get one started, I’ll be happy to help. THE SECOND AMENDMENT The Second Amendment is an anchor around the neck of this country. It is literally killing people We can keep its premise, but we must modify it. It won’t be easy. It will take time. But it must be done. For More Information National March for Our Lives Pittsburgh March for Our Lives Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence CeaseFirePA Everytown for Gun Safety Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Sandy Hook Promise Gun Violence, the Second Amendment, and Common Sense The Second Amendment, Mental Illness, and Other Observations on the Tucson Tragedy
Politics and Government