stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
200 | {
"en": "In fact, while we drove 140,000 miles, people didn't even notice.",
"hr": "Štoviše, dok smo vozili 225 tisuća kilometara, ljudi to nisu niti primijećivali."
} |
201 | {
"en": "Mountain roads, day and night, and even crooked Lombard Street in San Francisco.",
"hr": "Planinskim cestama, danju i noću, čak i iskrivljenom ulicom Lombard u San Franciscu."
} |
202 | {
"en": "(Laughter) Sometimes our cars get so crazy, they even do little stunts.",
"hr": "(Smijeh) Ponekad naši automobili toliko polude da čak izvode i male podvige."
} |
203 | {
"en": "(Video) Man: Oh, my God.",
"hr": "(Video) Čovjek: O Bože."
} |
204 | {
"en": "What? Second Man: It's driving itself.",
"hr": "Što? Drugi čovjek: Vozi se samo."
} |
205 | {
"en": "Sebastian Thrun: Now I can't get my friend Harold back to life, but I can do something for all the people who died.",
"hr": "Sebastian Thrun: I sad, ne mogu vratiti u život svog prijatelja Harolda, ali mogu učiniti nešto za sve ljudi koji su umrli."
} |
206 | {
"en": "Do you know that driving accidents are the number one cause of death for young people?",
"hr": "Znate li da su prometne nesreće najčešći uzrok smrti mladih ljudi?"
} |
207 | {
"en": "And do you realize that almost all of those are due to human error and not machine error, and can therefore be prevented by machines?",
"hr": "I shvaćate li da su skoro sve one rezultat ljudske pogreške, a ne pogreške stroja, i stoga mogu biti spriječene od strane stroja?"
} |
208 | {
"en": "Do you realize that we could change the capacity of highways by a factor of two or three if we didn't rely on human precision on staying in the lane -- improve body position and therefore drive a little bit closer together on a little bit narrower lanes, and do away with all traffic jams on highways?",
"hr": "Shvaćate li da bismo mogli povećati kapacitet autocesta dva ili tri puta kad se ne bi oslanjali na ljudsku preciznost ostajanja u traci -- unaprijediti položaj tijela i stoga voziti ponešto bliže jadan drugome na ponešto užim trakama, te se riješiti prometnih zastoja na autocestama?"
} |
209 | {
"en": "Do you realize that you, TED users, spend an average of 52 minutes per day in traffic, wasting your time on your daily commute?",
"hr": "Shvaćate li da vi, korisnici TED-a, provodite u prosjeku 52 minute po danu u prometu, gubeći svoje vrijeme na svakodnevne vožnje?"
} |
210 | {
"en": "You could regain this time.",
"hr": "Mogli biste povratiti to vrijeme."
} |
211 | {
"en": "This is four billion hours wasted in this country alone.",
"hr": "To je četiri milijarde sati, izgubljenih samo u ovoj zemlji."
} |
212 | {
"en": "And it's 2.4 billion gallons of gasoline wasted.",
"hr": "A to je 9,1 milijardu litara potrošenog goriva."
} |
213 | {
"en": "Now I think there's a vision here, a new technology, and I'm really looking forward to a time when generations after us look back at us and say how ridiculous it was that humans were driving cars.",
"hr": "I sad, mislim da ovdje postoji vizija, nova tehnologija, i zaista se radujem vremenu kad će se generacije iza nas osvrtati na nas i govoriti kako je apsurdno bilo da su ljudi vozili automobile."
} |
214 | {
"en": "Thank you.",
"hr": "Hvala vam."
} |
215 | {
"en": "(Applause)",
"hr": "(Pljesak)"
} |
216 | {
"en": "I wanted to be a rock star.",
"hr": "Želio sam biti rock zvijezda."
} |
217 | {
"en": "I dreamed of it, and that's all I dreamed of.",
"hr": "Sanjao sam o tome, i samo o tome."
} |
218 | {
"en": "To be more accurate, I wanted to be a pop star.",
"hr": "Da budem precizniji, htio sam biti pop zvijezda."
} |
219 | {
"en": "This was in the late 80s.",
"hr": "To su bile kasne 80-e."
} |
220 | {
"en": "And mostly I wanted to be the fifth member of Depeche Mode or Duran Duran.",
"hr": "I najviše sam od svega htio biti peti član Depeche Modea ili Duran Durana."
} |
221 | {
"en": "They wouldn't have me.",
"hr": "Nisu me htjeli."
} |
222 | {
"en": "I didn't read music, but I played synthesizers and drum machines.",
"hr": "Nisam čitao note, ali sam svirao klavijature i bubnjeve."
} |
223 | {
"en": "And I grew up in this little farming town in northern Nevada.",
"hr": "Odrastao sam u malom poljoprivrednom gradiću u sjevernoj Nevadi."
} |
224 | {
"en": "And I was certain that's what my life would be.",
"hr": "I bio sam siguran da će takav biti moj život."
} |
225 | {
"en": "And when I went to college at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas when I was 18, I was stunned to find that there was not a pop star 101, or even a degree program for that interest.",
"hr": "A kad sam otišao na fakultet na Sveučilištu Nevada u Las Vegasu kada mi je bilo 18 godina, bio sam zatečen kad sam otkrio da ne postoji predmet kako postati pop zvijezda, a čak ni smjer za to područje."
} |
226 | {
"en": "And the choir conductor there knew that I sang and invited me to come and join the choir.",
"hr": "Zborovođa je znao da pjevam pa me pozvao da dođem i pridružim se zboru."
} |
227 | {
"en": "And I said, \"Yes, I would love to do that.",
"hr": "Rekao sam: „Da, volio bih to."
} |
228 | {
"en": "It sounds great.\"",
"hr": "Zvuči odlično.“"
} |
229 | {
"en": "And I left the room and said, \"No way.\"",
"hr": "Izašao sam iz sobe i rekao, „Nema šanse.“"
} |
230 | {
"en": "The choir people in my high school were pretty geeky, and there was no way I was going to have anything to do with those people.",
"hr": "Zboraši su u mojoj srednjoj bili poprilični štreberi i nije bilo šanse da imam nešto s tim ljudima."
} |
231 | {
"en": "And about a week later, I friend of mine came to me and said, \"Listen, you've got to join choir.",
"hr": "Otprilike tjedan dana poslije, prijatelj mi je došao i rekao: „Slušaj, moraš doći u zbor."
} |
232 | {
"en": "At the end of the semester, we're taking a trip to Mexico, all expenses paid.",
"hr": "Na kraju semestra idemo na put u Mexico, svi troškovi plaćeni."
} |
233 | {
"en": "And the soprano section is just full of hot girls.\"",
"hr": "A imamo jako puno zgodnih soprana.“"
} |
234 | {
"en": "And so I figured for Mexico and babes, I could do just about anything.",
"hr": "Shvatio sam da bih za Mexico i cure učinio skoro sve."
} |
235 | {
"en": "And I went to my first day in choir, and I sat down with the basses and sort of looked over my shoulder to see what they were doing.",
"hr": "Otišao sam i svoj prvi dan u zboru sjeo sam s basovima i gledao preko ramena da vidim što rade."
} |
236 | {
"en": "They opened their scores, the conductor gave the downbeat, and, boom, they launched into the Kyrie from the \"Requiem\" by Mozart.",
"hr": "Otvorili su note, zborovođa je označio početak i, bum, počeli su pjevati Kyrie iz Mozartova „Requiema“."
} |
237 | {
"en": "In my entire life I had seen in black and white, and suddenly everything was in shocking Technicolor.",
"hr": "Cijelog sam života gledao crno-bijelo i odjednom je sve bilo u šokantnom Technicoloru."
} |
238 | {
"en": "The most transformative experience I've ever had -- in that single moment, hearing dissonance and harmony and people singing, people together, the shared vision.",
"hr": "Iskustvo koje me najviše promijenilo – u tom jednom trenutku kad sam čuo disonance i harmoniju i ljude koji pjevaju, ljude zajedno, zajedničku viziju."
} |
239 | {
"en": "And I felt for the first time in my life that I was part of something bigger than myself.",
"hr": "Prvi sam puta u životu osjetio da sam dio nečega većeg od mene samog."
} |
240 | {
"en": "And there were a lot of cute girls in the soprano section, as it turns out.",
"hr": "I ispostavilo se da je ipak bilo zgodnih soprana."
} |
241 | {
"en": "I decided to write a piece for choir a couple of years later as a gift to this conductor who had changed my life.",
"hr": "Odlučio sam napisati zborsku skladbu nekoliko godina kasnije kao dar zborovođi koji je promijenio moj život."
} |
242 | {
"en": "I had learned to read music by then, or slowly learning to read music.",
"hr": "Dotad sam naučio čitati note, ili sam polako učio čitati ih."
} |
243 | {
"en": "And that piece was published, and then I wrote another piece, and that got published.",
"hr": "I to je djelo bilo objavljeno, onda sam napisao još jedno i to se objavilo."
} |
244 | {
"en": "And then I started conducting, and I ended up doing my master's degree at the Juilliard School.",
"hr": "Onda sam počeo dirigirati i završio sam na izradi magisterija na Juilliardu."
} |
245 | {
"en": "And I find myself now in the unlikely position of standing in front of all of you as a professional classical composer and conductor.",
"hr": "I sad se nalazim u malo vjerojatnom položaju da stojim pred svima vama kao profesionalni klasični skladatelj i dirigent."
} |
246 | {
"en": "Well a couple of years ago, a friend of mine emailed me a link, a YouTube link, and said, \"You have got to see this.\"",
"hr": "Prije nekoliko godina prijatelj mi je proslijedio link, YouTube link i rekao je, „Moraš ovo vidjeti.“"
} |
247 | {
"en": "And it was this young woman who had posted a fan video to me, singing the soprano line to a piece of mine called \"Sleep.\"",
"hr": "Bila je to mlada žena koja mi je poslala fan video u kojemu je pjevala sopran iz mog djela „Sleep.“"
} |
248 | {
"en": "(Video) Britlin Losee: Hi Mr. Eric Whitacre.",
"hr": "(Video) Britlin Losee: Bok, gospodine Eric Whitacre."
} |
249 | {
"en": "My name is Britlin Losee, and this is a video that I'd like to make for you.",
"hr": "Zovem se Britlin Losee i ovo je video koji sam napravila za vas."
} |
250 | {
"en": "Here's me singing \"Sleep.\"",
"hr": "Ovdje ja pjevam „Sleep.“"
} |
251 | {
"en": "I'm a little nervous, just to let you know.",
"hr": "Pomalo sam nervozna, samo da znate."
} |
252 | {
"en": "♫ If there are noises ♫ ♫ in the night ♫ Eric Whitacre: I was thunderstruck.",
"hr": "♫ Ukoliko postoje zvukovi ♫ ♫ u noći ♫ Eric Whitacre: Ostao sam zabezeknut."
} |
253 | {
"en": "Britlin was so innocent and so sweet, and her voice was so pure.",
"hr": "Britlin je bila tako nevina i slatka, a njen je glas bio tako čist."
} |
254 | {
"en": "And I even loved seeing behind her.",
"hr": "Svidjelo mi se gledati i iza nje."
} |
255 | {
"en": "I could see the little teddy bear sitting on the piano behind her in her room.",
"hr": "Mogao sam vidjeti malog plišanog medvjeda kako sjedi na klaviru iza nje u njezinoj sobi."
} |
256 | {
"en": "Such an intimate video.",
"hr": "Tako intiman video."
} |
257 | {
"en": "And I had this idea: if I could get 50 people to all do this same thing, sing their parts -- soprano, alto, tenor and bass -- wherever they were in the world, post their videos to YouTube, we could cut it all together and create a virtual choir.",
"hr": "I došao sam na sljedeću ideju: ako bih mogao dobiti 50 ljudi da svi naprave ovo isto, otpjevati svoje dionice – sopran, alt, tenor, bas – gdje god bili u svijetu, objaviti svoje snimke na YouTube, mogli bismo ih sve zajedno spojiti i stvoriti virtualni zbor."
} |
258 | {
"en": "(Laughter) And I sent out this call to singers.",
"hr": "(Smijeh) I uputio sam ovaj poziv pjevačima."
} |
259 | {
"en": "And I made free the download of the music to a piece that I had written in the year 2000 called \"Lux Aurumque\", which means \"light and gold.\"",
"hr": "Učinio sam download nota za skladbu koju sam napisao 2000."
} |
260 | {
"en": "And low and behold, people started uploading their videos.",
"hr": "godine „Lux Aurumque“, što znači „svjetlost i zlato“ besplatnim."
} |
261 | {
"en": "And it's in complete silence when I filmed it, because I was only hearing the music in my head, imagining the choir that would one day come to be.",
"hr": "U potpunoj je tišini kad sam je snimao zato što sam samo slušao glazbu u svojoj glavi, zamišljajući zbor koji će jednog dana nastati."
} |
262 | {
"en": "Afterwards, I played a piano track underneath so that the singers would have something to listen to.",
"hr": "Poslije sam odsvirao glasovirsku pratnju ispod da bi pjevači imali što slušati."
} |
263 | {
"en": "And then as the videos started to come in ... (Singing) This is Cheryl Ang from Singapore.",
"hr": "I onda kad su snimke počele pristizati ... (Pjeva) Ovo je Cheryl Ang iz Singapura."
} |
264 | {
"en": "(Singing) This is Evangelina Etienne (Singing) from Massachusetts.",
"hr": "(Pjeva) Ovo je Evangelina Etienne (Pjeva) iz Massachusettsa."
} |
265 | {
"en": "(Singing) Stephen Hanson from Sweden.",
"hr": "(Pjeva) Stephen Hanson iz Švedske."
} |
266 | {
"en": "(Singing) This is Jamal Walker from Dallas, Texas.",
"hr": "(Pjeva) Ovo je Jamal Walker iz Dallasa u Texasu."
} |
267 | {
"en": "(Singing) There was even a little soprano solo in the piece, and so I had auditions.",
"hr": "(Pjeva) Bila je čak i mala sopranska solo dionica u skladbi tako da sam održao audiciju."
} |
268 | {
"en": "And a number of sopranos uploaded their parts.",
"hr": "Dosta je soprana objavilo svoje dionice."
} |
269 | {
"en": "I was told later, and also by lots of singers who were involved in this, that they sometimes recorded 50 or 60 different takes until they got just the right take -- they uploaded it.",
"hr": "Kasnije mi je rečeno, i mnogo mi je pjevača koji su sudjelovali u tome reklo da su ponekad morali snimiti 50 ili 60 različitih snimaka dok nisu dobili baš onu pravu koju su objavili."
} |
270 | {
"en": "Here's our winner of the soprano solo.",
"hr": "Evo pobjednice našeg natječaja za solista."
} |
271 | {
"en": "This is Melody Myers from Tennessee.",
"hr": "Ovo je Melanie Myers iz Tennesseeja."
} |
272 | {
"en": "(Singing) I love the little smile she does right over the top of the note -- like, \"No problem, everything's fine.\"",
"hr": "(Pjeva) Volim ovaj mali smiješak što napravi na vrhu tona, kao da kaže „Nema problema, sve je u redu.“"
} |
273 | {
"en": "(Laughter) And from the crowd, emerged this young man, Scott Haines.",
"hr": "(Smijeh) Iz mase je izašao ovaj mladi čovjek, Scott Haines."
} |
274 | {
"en": "And he said, \"Listen, this is the project I've been looking for my whole life.",
"hr": "Rekao je „Slušaj, ovo je projekt koji tražim cijeli život."
} |
275 | {
"en": "I'd like to be the person to edit this all together.\"",
"hr": "Volio bih urediti sve ovo u jedno.“"
} |
276 | {
"en": "I said, \"Thank you, Scott.",
"hr": "Rekao sam, „Hvala ti, Scott."
} |
277 | {
"en": "I'm so glad that you found me.\"",
"hr": "Tako mi je drago što si me našao.“"
} |
278 | {
"en": "And Scott aggregated all of the videos.",
"hr": "Scott je skupio sve snimke."
} |
279 | {
"en": "He scrubbed the audio.",
"hr": "Doradio je zvuk."
} |
280 | {
"en": "He made sure everything lined up.",
"hr": "Pobrinuo se da je sve usklađeno."
} |
281 | {
"en": "And then we posted this video to YouTube about a year and a half ago.",
"hr": "I onda je objavio ovaj video na YouTube prije otprilike godinu i pol."
} |
282 | {
"en": "This is \"Lux Aurumque\" sung by the Virtual Choir.",
"hr": "Ovo je „Lux Aurumque“ kojeg pjeva Virtualni zbor."
} |
283 | {
"en": "(Singing) I'll stop it there in the interest of time.",
"hr": "(Pjevanje) Tu ću zaustaviti zbog vremena."
} |
284 | {
"en": "(Applause) Thank you.",
"hr": "(Pljesak) Hvala vam."
} |
285 | {
"en": "Thank you.",
"hr": "Hvala vam."
} |
286 | {
"en": "(Applause) Thank you.",
"hr": "(Pljesak) Hvala vam."
} |
287 | {
"en": "So there's more.",
"hr": "Ima još."
} |
288 | {
"en": "There's more.",
"hr": "Ima još."
} |
289 | {
"en": "Thank you so much.",
"hr": "Hvala vam puno."
} |
290 | {
"en": "And I had the same reaction you did.",
"hr": "Reagirao sam isto kao i vi."
} |
291 | {
"en": "I actually was moved to tears when I first saw it.",
"hr": "Ganulo me do suza kad sam prvi puta ovo vidio."
} |
292 | {
"en": "I just couldn't believe the poetry of all of it -- these souls all on their own desert island, sending electronic messages in bottles to each other.",
"hr": "Nisam mogao vjerovati poetičnosti svega ovoga – sve ove duše na svojim osamljenim otocima koje si šalju elektroničke poruke u boci jedni drugima."
} |
293 | {
"en": "And the video went viral.",
"hr": "I video je postao zarazan."
} |
294 | {
"en": "We had a million hits in the first month and got a lot of attention for it.",
"hr": "Imali smo milijun gledatelja prvi mjesec i dobili smo mnogo pažnje za njega."
} |
295 | {
"en": "And so I decided for Virtual Choir 2.0 that I would choose the same piece that Britlin was singing, \"Sleep\", which is another work that I wrote in the year 2000 -- poetry by my dear friend Charles Anthony Silvestri.",
"hr": "Zbog toga je mnogo pjevača reklo, „Dobro, što je Virtualni zbor 2.0?“ Odlučio sam za Virtualni zbor 2.0 izabrati onu skladbu koju je Britlin pjevala, „Sleep“ , to je još jedno djelo koje sam skladao 2000."
} |
296 | {
"en": "And again, I posted a conductor video, and we started accepting submissions.",
"hr": "– na pjesmu mog dragog prijatelja Charlesa Anthonyja Silvestrija."
} |
297 | {
"en": "This time we got some more mature members.",
"hr": "Ponovno sam objavio dirigentsku snimku i počeli smo primati prijave."
} |
298 | {
"en": "(Singing) And some younger members.",
"hr": "Ovog smo puta dobili zrelije članove."
} |
299 | {
"en": "(Video) Soprano: ♫ Upon my pillow ♫ ♫ Safe in bed ♫ EW: That's Georgie from England.",
"hr": "(Video) Sopran: ♫ Na mom jastuku ♫ ♫ Siguran u krevetu ♫ To je Georgie iz Engleske."
} |