
{ "en": "There were no oceanic deals where countries were compensated for not fishing.", "hr": "Nisu postojali oceanski ugovori gdje su državama novci refundirani zato što se ne bave ribolovom." }
{ "en": "It had occurred on land, in rainforests of South America and Africa, where landowners had been paid not to cut the trees down.", "hr": "Događalo se na kopnu, u prašumama Južne Amerike i Afrike, gdje je vlasnicima zemlje plaćeno zato što nisu sjekli drva." }
{ "en": "And Conservation International had struck some of those deals.", "hr": "Conservation International je dogovorio neke od tih ugovora." }
{ "en": "And we basically founded the park on the idea of an endowment that would pay the equivalent lost fishing license fees to this very poor country to keep the area intact.", "hr": "Ukratko, osnovali smo park zasnovan na ideji doprinosa ovoj jako siromašnoj zemlji koji bi pokrivao financijski gubitak od izgubljenih dozvola za ribarenje, a ostavljao područje netaknutim." }
{ "en": "Halfway through this process, I met the president of Kiribati, President Anote Tong.", "hr": "Kad smo bili na pola puta, sreo sam predsjednika Kiribata, predsjednika Anotea Tonga." }
{ "en": "He's a really important leader, a real visionary, forward-thinking man, and he told me two things when I approached him.", "hr": "On je jako važan vođa, pravi vizionar, usmjeren na napredak, i on mi je rekao dvije svari kada sam mu prišao." }
{ "en": "He said, \"Greg, there's two things I'd like you to do.", "hr": "Rekao je: \"Greg, postoje dvije stvari koje bih volio da napraviš." }
{ "en": "One is, remember I'm a politician, so you've got to go out and work with my ministers and convince the people of Kiribati that this is a good idea.", "hr": "Prva, zapamti da sam političar pa moraš izaći van, raditi s mojim ministrima i uvjeriti narod Kiribata da je ovo dobra ideja." }
{ "en": "Secondly, I'd like you to create principles that will transcend my own presidency.", "hr": "Drugo, htio bih da stvoriš načela koja će nadživjeti moju vlast." }
{ "en": "I don't want to do something like this if it's going to go away after I'm voted out of office.\"", "hr": "Ne želim raditi nešto kao ovo, ako će to nestati čim izglasaju neku drugu vlast." }
{ "en": "So we had very strong leadership, very good vision and a lot of science, a lot of lawyers involved.", "hr": "Tako smo imali vrlo jako vodstvo, snažnu viziju, mnogo znanosti i mnogo upletenih odvjetnika." }
{ "en": "Many, many steps were taken to pull this off.", "hr": "Bilo je potrebno puno, puno koraka kako bismo to postigli." }
{ "en": "And it was primarily because Kiribati realized that this was in their own self-interest to do this.", "hr": "Većinom zato što su Kiribati shvatili da je to u njihovom vlastitom interesu." }
{ "en": "Then in 2002, when this was all going full-swing, a coral-bleaching event happened in the Phoenix Islands.", "hr": "godine, kada smo bili u punom zamahu, na otočju Phoenix dogodilo se izbjeljivanje koralja." }
{ "en": "Here's this resource that we're looking to save, and it turns out it's the hottest heating event that we can find on record.", "hr": "Mi pokušavamo spasiti ovo bogatstvo, a ispadne da smo suočeni s najvećim zatopljenjem ikad zabilježenim." }
{ "en": "The ocean heated up as it does sometimes, and the hot spot formed and stalled right over the Phoenix Islands for six months.", "hr": "Ocean se zagrijao, kao što se nekad zna, a najtoplija točka se formirala na otočju Phoenix šest mjeseci." }
{ "en": "It was over 32 degrees Celsius for six months and it basically killed 60 percent of the coral.", "hr": "Bilo je preko 32 Celzijeva stupnja šest mjeseci i zapravo je to ubilo 60 posto koralja." }
{ "en": "So suddenly we had this area that we were protecting, but now it appeared to be dead, at least in the coral areas.", "hr": "Odjednom se dogodilo da je područje koje smo štitili, zapravo umrlo, barem u području koralja." }
{ "en": "Of course the deep-sea areas and the open ocean areas were fine, but the coral, which everybody likes to look at, was in trouble.", "hr": "Naravno da su područja dubokog mora i otvorenog oceana bila u redu, ali je koralj, kojeg svi vole gledati, bio u opasnosti." }
{ "en": "Well, the good news is it's recovered and recovering fast, faster than any reef we've seen.", "hr": "Dobra vijest je da se oporavlja i to vrlo brzo, brže nego ijedan greben koji smo vidjeli." }
{ "en": "This picture was just taken by Brian Skerry a few months ago when we returned to the Phoenix Islands and discovered that, because it is a protected area and has healthy fish populations that keep the algae grazed down and keep the rest of the reef healthy, the coral is booming, is just booming back.", "hr": "Ovo je slikao Brian Skerry prije nekoliko mjeseci kada smo se vratili na otočje Phoenix i otkrili da, zato što je to zaštićeno područje i ima zdravu populaciju riba koja održava rast algi i drži ostatak grebena zdravim, koralj raste, oporavlja se." }
{ "en": "It's almost like if a person has multiple diseases, it's hard to get well, you might die, but if you only have one disease to deal with, you can get better.", "hr": "To je kao da osoba ima nekoliko bolesti, teško će se oporaviti, možda će umrijeti, ali ako ima samo jednu bolest, može ozdraviti." }
{ "en": "And that's the story with climate-change heating.", "hr": "I to vam je priča o klimatskom zatopljenju." }
{ "en": "It's the only threat, the only influence that the reef had to deal with.", "hr": "To je bila jedina prijetnja, jedini utjecaj s kojim se greben morao boriti." }
{ "en": "There was no fishing, there was no pollution, there was no coastal development, and the reef is on a full-bore recovery.", "hr": "Nije bilo ribarenja, nije bilo zagađenja, nije bilo obalnog razvoja, i koralj je u punokrvnom oporavku." }
{ "en": "Now I remember that dinner I had with the Minister of Fisheries 10 years ago when we first brought this up and I got quite animated during the dinner and said, \"Well, I think that the conservation community might embrace this idea, Minister.\"", "hr": "Sjećam se one večere s ministrom ribarstva prije 10 godina kada smo prvi put ovo spomenuli i ja sam se jako zainteresirao i rekao: \"Mislim da bi zajednica mogla prihvatiti ovu ideju, ministre.\"" }
{ "en": "And it certainly was.", "hr": "I tako je svakako i bilo." }
{ "en": "The last 10 years have been detail after detail ranging from creating legislation to multiple research expeditions to communication plans, as I said, teams of lawyers, MOUs, creating the Phoenix Islands Trust Board.", "hr": "Zadnjih 10 godina bilo je detalj za detaljem, u rasponu od kreiranja zakonodavstva do nekoliko istraživačkih ekspedicija, do komunikacijskih planova, i kao što sam rekao, timovi odvjetnika, MOU, koji su stvarali Odbor za povjerenje otočja." }
{ "en": "And we are now in the process of raising the full endowment.", "hr": "Sada smo u procesu skupljanja punog doprinosa." }
{ "en": "Kiribati has frozen extracting activities at its current state while we raise the endowment.", "hr": "Kiribati su sada zamrznuli ekstrakcije dok mi skupljamo doprinos." }
{ "en": "We just had our first PIPA Trust Board meeting three weeks ago.", "hr": "Upravo smo imali prvi sastanak PIPA Trust Boarda prije tri tjedna." }
{ "en": "So it's a fully functional up-and-running entity that negotiates the reverse fishing license with the country.", "hr": "Dakle, to je jedinica koja u potpunosti funkcionira i pregovara o obrnutoj dozvoli za ribarenje sa zemljom." }
{ "en": "And the PIPA Trust Board holds that license and pays the country for this.", "hr": "PIPA Trust Board posjeduje tu dozvolu i plaća državi za to." }
{ "en": "So it's a very solid, very well thought-out, very well grounded system, and it was a bottom-up system, and that was very important with this work, from the bottom up to secure this.", "hr": "To je čvrst, promišljen i dobro utemeljen sustav, i to je bio sustav koji ide odozdo prema gore, a to je vrlo važno za ovaj posao, odozdo prema gore kako bismo to osigurali." }
{ "en": "So the conditions for success here are listed.", "hr": "Uvjeti za uspjeh su ovdje nabrojani." }
{ "en": "You can read them yourselves.", "hr": "Možete ih sami pročitati." }
{ "en": "And that insured that we could move this forward and it would have both the self-interest of Kiribati as well as the self-interest of the world.", "hr": "Ali ja bih rekao da je najvažnije bilo to što smo radili s tržišnim silama u situaciji." }
{ "en": "And I'll leave you with one final slide, that is: how do we scale this up?", "hr": "To je osiguralo napredak, u vlastitom interesu za Kiribate, ali i za svijet." }
{ "en": "How do we realize Sylvia's dream?", "hr": "Ostavljam vas sa zadnjim slajdom, to jest: Kako ovo povećati?" }
{ "en": "Where eventually do we take this?", "hr": "Kako ostvariti Sylvijin san? Kamo ovo odvesti?" }
{ "en": "Here's the Pacific with large MPAs and large conservation zones on it.", "hr": "Ovo je Pacifik s velikim MPA i velikim zaštićenim područjima." }
{ "en": "And as you can see, we have a patchwork across this ocean.", "hr": "Kao što možete vidjeti, imamo zakrpe po oceanu." }
{ "en": "I've just described to you the one story behind that rectangular area in the middle, the Phoenix Islands, but every other green patch on that has its own story.", "hr": "Ja sam vam upravo opisao priču iza jednog tog područja u sredini, otočja Phoenix, ali svaka zakrpa ima svoju priču." }
{ "en": "And what we need to do now is look at the whole Pacific Ocean in its entirety and make a network of MPAs across the Pacific so that we have our world's largest ocean protected and self-sustaining over time.", "hr": "Sada trebamo pogledati cijeli Pacifik kao cjelinu i napraviti mrežu MPA po cijelom Pacifiku kako bismo zaštitili naš najveći ocean i učinili ga samoodrživim s vremenom." }
{ "en": "Thank you very much.", "hr": "Puno vam hvala." }
{ "en": "(Applause)", "hr": "(Pljesak)" }
{ "en": "(Whistling) (Laughter) ♫ My preacher said, ♫ ♫ Don't you worry ♫ ♫ The scientists have it all wrong ♫ ♫ And so, who cares it's winter here?", "hr": "(Zvižduk) ♫ Moj svećenik je rekao, ♫ ♫ Ne brini se ♫ ♫ znanstvenici su pogriješili, ♫ ♫ i koga briga što je zima ovdje?" }
{ "en": "♫ (Applause) Chris Anderson: Jill Sobule!", "hr": "♫ (Pljesak) Chris Anderson: Jill Sobule!" }