translation |
"en": "- Is she okay?",
"me": "- Da li je dobro?"
} |
"en": "Are you her lawyer?",
"me": "Jeste li vi njen advokat?"
} |
"en": "No.",
"me": "Ne."
} |
"en": "A friend.",
"me": "Prijatelj."
} |
"en": "You have a current address?",
"me": "Imate li njenu adresu?"
} |
"en": "Yes.",
"me": "Da."
} |
"en": "Certainly.",
"me": "Naravno."
} |
"en": "She lives with her fiancé.",
"me": "Živi sa vjerenikom."
} |
"en": "Okay, that was insane.",
"me": "Dobro, to je bilo ludo."
} |
"en": "There's more.",
"me": "Ima još."
} |
"en": "Let me grab those.",
"me": "Daj da pomognem."
} |
"en": "There were, like, five women helping me try on a pair of pants.",
"me": "Tamo je bilo pet žena koje su mi pomagale da obučem pantalone."
} |
"en": "Oh!",
"me": "Oh!"
} |
"en": "I'd enjoy that.",
"me": "U tome bih uživao."
} |
"en": "At one point, I was half naked, and Barbara Walters walked into the dressing room.",
"me": "U jednom trenutku, stojim polugola, a Barbara Volters ulazi u garderobu."
} |
"en": "That... not so much.",
"me": "To... baš i ne."
} |
"en": "They had everything ready to go, pulled in my size.",
"me": "Sve su imali spremno, u mojoj veličini."
} |
"en": "Nice.",
"me": "Lijepo."
} |
"en": "Can't wait for a reason to wear it.",
"me": "Jedva čekam priliku da sve obučem."
} |
"en": "Oh, wait.",
"me": "Čekaj."
} |
"en": "This isn't mine.",
"me": "To nije moje."
} |
"en": "No?",
"me": "Ne?"
} |
"en": "How did this get in here?",
"me": "Kako se to stvorilo ovdje?"
} |
"en": "I don't know.",
"me": "Ne znam."
} |
"en": "Baby.",
"me": "Dušo."
} |
"en": "I hear we're a little behind schedule for the opening.",
"me": "Čujem da malo kasnimo s otvaranjem."
} |
"en": "Frank...",
"me": "Frenk..."
} |
"en": "In the restaurant business, a little behind is a lot ahead.",
"me": "U ovom poslu to i nije važno."
} |
"en": "We're doing just fine.",
"me": "Ide nam dobro."
} |
"en": "But you did say you would call before you came.",
"me": "Ali rekli ste da ćete da nazovete prije nego što dođete."
} |
"en": "Oh, my boss wanted me to check up on his investment.",
"me": "Ma, šef je htio da provjerim njegovo ulaganje."
} |
"en": "And good news...",
"me": "A dobra vijest je..."
} |
"en": "I was able to push this through.",
"me": "Da sam uspio ovo da proguram."
} |
"en": "My liquor license!",
"me": "Dozvola za točenje alkohola!"
} |
"en": "Oh, excellent.",
"me": "Sjajno."
} |
"en": "Thank you.",
"me": "Hvala vam."
} |
"en": "Hey, there, fella.",
"me": "Hej, mali."
} |
"en": "What's his name?",
"me": "Kako se zoveš?"
} |
"en": "Her.",
"me": "Mala."
} |
"en": "Saffron.",
"me": "Safron."
} |
"en": "Got one myself.",
"me": "I ja imam jednog."
} |
"en": "Most loyal creatures on God's green Earth.",
"me": "Najvjernija stvorenja na zemlji."
} |
"en": "Oh, one more thing.",
"me": "Još jedna stvar."
} |
"en": "I need your Jane Hancock... here and here.",
"me": "Treba mi tvoj potpis... ovdje i ovdje."
} |
"en": "I think I've already signed one of these.",
"me": "Mislim da sam to već potpisala."
} |
"en": "Oh, this just clarifies the scope of your existing confidentiality agreement.",
"me": "Ovo samo malo pojašnjava postojeći ugovor o tajnosti podataka."
} |
"en": "I do hate housekeeping.",
"me": "Stvarno mrzim kućne poslove."
} |
"en": "It's standard boilerplate.",
"me": "To je standardna stvar."
} |
"en": "Okay, I'll get my lawyer to take a look.",
"me": "Dobro, daću svom advokatu da pogleda."
} |
"en": "There's some problem?",
"me": "Problem?"
} |
"en": "No, no problem.",
"me": "Ne, nema problema."
} |
"en": "I just...",
"me": "Ja samo..."
} |
"en": "Permits are coming through, you're getting everything you need?",
"me": "Dozvole stižu, dobijaš sve što želiš?"
} |
"en": "Yeah, absolutely.",
"me": "Da, naravno."
} |
"en": "You guys have been great.",
"me": "Bili ste sjajni."
} |
"en": "Good.",
"me": "Dobro."
} |
"en": "I'm glad to hear that.",
"me": "Drago mi je što to čujem."
} |
"en": "I'd hate for anything to hold up your opening.",
"me": "Ne bih volio da dođe do odlaganja otvaranja."
} |
"en": "Oh, so would I.",
"me": "Ni ja."
} |
"en": "I'm sorry.",
"me": "Oprostite."
} |
"en": "I'm going to have to get back to work.",
"me": "Moram nazad na posao."
} |
"en": "By all means.",
"me": "Svakako."
} |
"en": "Good girl, Saffron.",
"me": "Dobra cura, Safron."
} |
"en": "You be a good girl, too.",
"me": "I ti budi dobra."
} |
"en": "My great-great grandfather designed this.",
"me": "Ovo je dizajnirao moj čukundjed."
} |
"en": "He grew rich on the munition demands of the Civil War.",
"me": "Obogatio se u Građanskom ratu i osnovao ovaj klub."
} |
"en": "In fact, he started this club over a hundred years ago.",
"me": "Čujem da ste i vi držali pušku, Leri."
} |
"en": "I hear you know your way around a rifle, Larry.",
"me": "Marinci su bili davno, g."
} |
"en": "The Marines was a long time ago, Mr. Frobisher.",
"me": "Frobišer."
} |
"en": "These guns are all that's left of my family's fortune.",
"me": "Ovo oružje je sve što mi je ostalo od porodičnog naslijeđa."
} |
"en": "The Depression wiped us out.",
"me": "- Depresija nas je uništila."
} |
"en": "I didn't know that.",
"me": "- Nijesam to znao."
} |
"en": "Yeah. Sit down, come on.",
"me": "Sjedite, dođite ovamo."
} |
"en": "- That's good lemonade, isn't it?",
"me": "- Dobra limunada, zar ne?"
} |
"en": "- Yeah.",
"me": "- Da."
} |
"en": "I grew up with nothing.",
"me": "Odrastao sam bez ičega."
} |
"en": "At 17, I walked out of my father's house without a dime, bull-headed and full of pride.",
"me": "Sa 17 sam otišao iz očeve kuće bez prebijene pare, tvrdoglav i ponosan."
} |
"en": "It took almost three decades, but I built my company from the ground up.",
"me": "Trebalo je gotovo 30 godina, ali izgradio sam komapniju od ničega."
} |
"en": "That company meant everything to me.",
"me": "Ona mi je značila sve."
} |
"en": "But what happened to you... to all my employees, is a tragedy.",
"me": "Ali to što se dogodilo vama... svim mojim radnicima, to je tragedija."
} |
"en": "Yes, it is.",
"me": "Da, jeste."
} |
"en": "But, Larry,",
"me": "Ali, Leri,"
} |
"en": "Patty Hewes... she's not the answer.",
"me": "Peti Hjuz... Ona nije odgovor."
} |
"en": "I mean, she's an egomaniac, and she's going to lose.",
"me": "Ona je egomanijak i izgubiće."
} |
"en": "You know why?",
"me": "Znate li zašto?"
} |
"en": "No, sir.",
"me": "Ne, gospodine."
} |
"en": "Because I didn't do it.",
"me": "Jer nijesam kriv."
} |
"en": "I'm a very rich man. I make no apologies for that.",
"me": "Jako sam bogat čovjek, ne stidim se toga."
} |
"en": "But I'm also an innocent man, and I want to come to some reasonable solution to this.",
"me": "Ali ja sam i nevin čovjek i želim da ovo razumno riješimo."
} |
"en": "What do you want from me?",
"me": "Šta želite od mene?"
} |
"en": "All right...",
"me": "Dobro..."
} |
"en": "I know that you have the employees'ear, that they trust you.",
"me": "Znam da vam radnici vjeruju."
} |
"en": "I think that you and I together... could end this.",
"me": "Mislim da bi vi i ja zajedno... mogli da stavimo tačku na ovo."
} |
"en": "Now, we'll... we'll be discreet.",
"me": "Sada, bićemo... bićemo diskretni."
} |
"en": "We'll take care of you when this is all settled, but all I'm asking for is a number that you think is fair.",
"me": "Pobrinućemo se za vas kada se sve sredi, ali treba mi cifra, za koju mislite da je poštena."
} |
"en": "That's all.",
"me": "To je sve."
} |
"en": "Mr. Frobisher has a number for you.",
"me": "G. Frobišer ima broj za vas."
} |
"en": "He wants to settle for $100 million?",
"me": "Želi da se nagodi na 100 miliona?"
} |
"en": "- That's ridiculous.",
"me": "To je smiješno."
} |
"en": "- That's total bullshit, but it's our duty to take it to the clients.",
"me": "To je sranje, ali moramo reći klijentima."
} |