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saboh a
bacut a little
jai that a lot
leuthat a lot of
peutinggai abandon
ipeutinggai abandoned
pat neuduek abide
ek ability
jeut able
teuntang about
diateuh above
iluwa nanggroe abroad
hana troeh absence
absen absent
pastijih absolutely
itarek absorb
abstrak abstract
hana jeulah absurd
na meulimpah abundance
meulimpah abundant
ilanya abuse
lugat accent
trimong accept
reut tamoeng access
cilaka accident
akomodasi accommodation
kalheuh accomplish
peugeunap accomplished
menurot according
akun account
akurasi accuracy
akurat accurate
tudoh accused
saket ache
Aceh Achenese
merempek achieve
hase achievement
peu akui acknowledge
familiar acquaintance
coek acquire
jak coek acquired
akusisi acquisition
meurandeh across
aksi act
aksi action
aktif active
aktifitah activities
aktivitah activity
aktor actor
aktual actual
sebenarjih actually
akut acute
peu seusuai adapt
tamah add
kecanduan addicted
tambahan addition
tambahan additional
alamat address
sep adequate
meusiblah adjacent
kata sipheut adjective
seutei adjust
galak admire
akui admit
coek adopt
that lagak adorable
canggih advance
canggih advanced
keuntongan advantage
petualang adventure
kata keterangan adverb
reklame advertisement
boh reklame advertising
nasihat advice
nasihat advise
geuanjurkan advocate
estetik aesthetic
meucewek diluwa nikah affair
reuleuh affect
sayang affection
meuehen affection
iluwa kemampuan afford
ek tablo affordable
yeu afraid
lheuh after
asa afternoon
aleuhnyan afterwards
loem again
keulayi again
meulawan against
umu age
agen agency
agen agent
agresif aggressive
caca agile
dilee ago
setuju agree
peunjanjian agreement
tani agriculture
ukeu ahead
bantuan aid
tujoan aim
udara air
peulabuhan udara airport
bandara airport
erpot airport
jurong aisle
weker alarm
alkohol alcohol
peuingat alert
udep alive
mandum all
geut all right
seumoga yang terbaik all the best
idin allow
dipeuidin allowed
rap almost
sidro alone
ngeun along
ka already
geut Alright
sit also
alternatif alternative
meuseuki although
sabe always
adalah am
hireuen amazing
hana pasti ambiguous
ambisi ambition
ambisi ambitious
tambai amend
iteungeuh amid
antara among
antara tanyo among us
boeh amount
padim rayeuk amount
licu amusing
saboh an
analisis analysis
endatu ancestors
jangka anchor
jameun that ancient
ngeun and
dan gata and you
malekat angel
peubeungeeh anger
sagoe angle
beungeeh angry
meulatang animal
singke ankle
ulang thon anniversary
haba announcement
tunu annoy
tunu annoyed
tunu annoying
per thon annual
hana tatuso anonymous
nyang laen another
jaweup answer
antisipasi anticipate
meutattat anxiety
meutat tat anxious
jeuep jeuep any
loem anymore
soe anyone
peu sapeu anything
meunyo meunan anyway
meunyo meunan anyways
meupisah apart
apartemen apartment
lakei meuah apologize
lagejih apparent
jeulah jih apparently
lagak appeal
deuh appear
hie appearance
deuh appeared
naksu appetite
apel apple
aplikasi application
lamar apply
meujanji appointment
hareugai appreciate
apresiasi appreciation
rap approach
cocok appropriate
persetujuan approval
situjui approve
jitrimeung approved
kira kira approximately
april april
paleh arbitrary
arsitek architect
arsitektur architecture
areusip archive
nakeuh are
pukeuh are you
gata sibuk are you busy
gata ka neumeukawen are you married
gata ka kawen atau manteung sidro are you married or single
Pu droe neuh manteung sinan Are you still there?
gata hinan are you there
wilayah area
meudawa argue
meudakwa argument
itubit arise
sapai arm
teuntra army
rap rap around
susoen arrange
peususon arrangement
troek arrival
troh arrive
troeh arrived
jungkat arrogant
mbong arrogant
aneuk panah arrow
seni art
artikel article
dipeugeut artificial
areutih artist
sebago as
seupanjang as long as
meunansit as well
meunan keuh as well as
abee ash
kanjai ashamed
tanyeung ask
teumanyeung asked
teungeut asleep
aspek aspect
Assamese Assamese
seurang assault
suson assembly
asertif assertive
kira assess
tugah assessment
aset asset
aset assets
meuyu assign
jok assign
tugah assignment
bantu assist
nyang bantu assistant
asosiasi associate
asosiasikan associated
asosiasi association
kira assume
asumsi assumption
i at
paleng han at least
ka dipajoh ate
atlit athlete
sangkot attach
peucangiek attached
lampiran attachment
seurang attack
aci attempt
roeh attend
ureung yang ikoet attendance
pratian attention
peunapat attitude
teumarek attract
atraksi attraction
dhiet attractive
meunarek attractive
atribut attribute
yang deungee audience
agustus august
mawa aunt
tante aunty
makcek aunty
aseuli authentic
yang karang author
otoritah authority
musem gugo autumn
seudiya available
saree average
meukroh avoid
teubeudeh awake
hadiah award
sadar aware
sadai awareness
jioh away
bereh awesome
mantap awesome
hayeu awesome
coh coh awful
aneh awkward
licu awkward
Aymara Aymara
manyak baby
lajang bachelor
wo back
balek back
latar beulakang background
broek bad
tah bag
eumpeun bait
teut bake
tukang ruti bakery
soda kueh baking soda
imang balance
bola ball
Bambara Bambara
pisang banana
klah band
dhumm bang
bank bank
gareh bar
jreujak bar
rap tan barely
lakee kureueng bargain
groeh bark
gandom barley
halangan barrier
uram base
idukong le based
aleu basement
dasar basic
bak dasar jih basically
basil basil
ureung paleh bastard
klompok batch
mano bath
kama mano bathroom
batre battery
prang battle
lhoek bay
jeut be
beuteugah be careful
pante beach
cahya beam
balok beam
reuteuek beans
cage bear
janggot beard
kri bearing
meunta beast
peutaloe beat
ceudah beautiful
ceudah beauty
jeut keu became
sabab because
jeut keu become
tumpat eh bed
ruang eh bedroom
unoe bee
sie leumo beef
adalah been
bir beer
segalom before
ka geupeuphon began
mulai begin
uram beginning
ateuh nan behalf
meuadab behave
akai behavior
akai behaviour
ilikoet behind
jeut being
nyakin belief
iman belief
peucaya believe
pruet belly
atra belong
teurcinta beloved
diyup below
dibaroh below
taloe keuing belt
bangku bench
bungkok bend
diyup beneath
untong benefit
paedah benefits
kasiet benefits
isampeng beside
geunireng besides
paleng get best
seumoga berhasil best of luck
saleum yang paleung ceudah best regards
leubeh geut better
antara between
minoman beverage
iluwa beyond
Bhojpuri Bhojpuri
hana jelah bias
hana jelah biased
gari bicycle
itangeun bicycle
lelang bid
rayeuk big
keureta bike
teugiyan bill
ikat bind
ticem bird
uro lahee birthday
ubit bit
bit bit
kap bite
phet bitter
itam black
mata sikin blade
peusalah blame
soh blank
ija limbot blanket
bretoh blast
pemuteh bleach
jampu laweuk blend
meutuwah bless
meutuwah blessed
butet blind
bahgeya bliss
blok block
darah blood
meubungoeng bloom
prueh blow
blau blue
tumpoi blunt
papeun tuleh board
jalo boat
badan body
dhek dhok boil
samlakoe bold
bon bond
tuleung bone
buku book
peu'ek boost
peuningkat booster
pacok boot
patu pacok boots
batah border
bo bore
glak bored
glak boring
lahee born
pinyam borrow
bos boss
bandua both
bek kahire bother
gaca bottle
imiyup bottom
bloe bought
meulambong bounce
grop bound
batah batah boundaries
panah bow
cawan bowl
kutak box
aneuk agam boy
cewek boyfriend
gleung bracelet
utak brain
cabeung branch
merek brand
beuheu brave
teumboh breach
ruti bread
piyoh break
bue beungoh breakfast
tek breast
laphah breath
laphah breathe
meuaneuk breed
bata brick
darabaro bride
tutu bridge
singkat brief
trang bright
peungeuh bright
ceudah brilliant
mee bring
ba bring
gam bro
luwah broad
peu bie thee broadcast
ka patah broke
patah broken
peujampoh broom
syeara brother
adoe brother
abang brother
ipar brother in law
ba brought
sukla brown
sampoh brush
tima bucket
rakan buddy
ngeun buddy
bajet budget
gure bug
peugoet build
geudong building
peugeut built
lam jumlah rayeuk bulk
leumo agam bull
buli bully
pakhoek bump
mue bunch
saboh ikat bundle
teuteugen burden
kubu buried
teutot burn
breutoh burst
seumiyup bury
bas bus
uteun seumak bush
meuniyaga business
urosan business
nen bust
sibok busy
man but
mantega butter
bangbang butterfly
tomboi button
bloe buy
uleh by
meunyo meunan by the way
ka beuh bye
boh kol cabbage
kabinet cabinet
cintra cage
kuweh cake
aneuk lumo calf
hei call
hei long call me
neutlepon long call me
dihei called
seungap calm
iem calm
teuka came
kompanye campaign
bisa can
hanjeut can't
batai Cancel
kanker cancer
jeut capable
kapasitah capacity
kapital capital
peunjelasan caption
droep capture
mato car
karir career
teugah careful
beuteugah carefully
lalee careless
papah caring
tukang kayee carpenter
karpet carpet
wortel carrot
mee carry
lanjot carry on
mee carry out
kopho case
kasuh case
tune cash
peutameng cast
istana castle
beyasa casual
mi cat
drop catch
kategori category
hiweun teurenak cattle
droep caught
sabab cause
beuteugah teugah caution
teugeh cautious
guha cave
seutop cease
piyoh cease
bubong ceiling
meuseuraya celebrate
sel cell
pusat center
siabad century
ie bubo gandong cereal
seremoni ceremony
teuntee certain
kateuntee certainly
sertifikat certificate
rante chain
grusi chair
krusi chair
tantangan challenge
can chance
tuka change
keng keung chaos
karakter character
karakteristik characteristics
cas charge
seudeukah charity
lagak charming
peta chart
geurafik chart
diagram chart
pagap chase
peugah haba chat
murah cheap
tipei cheat
peungeut cheating
preksa check
cek check
mieng cheek
surak cheer
ngen geumira cheerful
pok pok aro cheers
keju cheese
kimia chemistry
peuhareuga cherish
dada chess
dada chest
mameuh chew
manok chicken
pang ulee chief
aneuk miet child
masa ubit childhood
aneuk mit children
sijuk chill
cerubong asap chimneys
keueng chin
coklat chocolate
pilehan choice
pileh choose
koeh chop
buet siuro uro lam rumoh chores
teumbon chubby
greja church
kaye maneeh cinnamon
bulat circle
sualan circumstances
peundudok citizen
kuta city
tunggee claim
pejeulah clarify
glah class
tanoh leukit clay
gleeh clean
klir clear
awak tumuleh clerk
carong clever
klien client
teubeng cliff
paksa climate
rhak climb
meugantong clingy
jeum clock
toep close
kloset closet
ija cloth
pakayan clothes
awan cloud
reudok cloudy
badut lawak clown
peutunyok clue
janggai clumsy
klaster cluster
peulatih coach
batubara coal
pante coast
mantel coat
kupi coffee
kognitif cognitive
kebetulan coincidence
leupi cold
rhet collapse
reubah collapse
kupeek collar
rakan colleague
rakan keurija colleagues
kumpoi collect
koleksi collection
ikula college
wareuna color
ide yang hana warna ijo tinget ngeun beungeeh colorless green ideas slept furiously
wareuna colour
kolom column
seugot comb
kombinasi combination
gabong combine
teuka come
trok come
kajak keuno come here
jak hai come on
mangat comfort
mangat comfortable
teuka coming
akan troek bagah coming soon
prentah command
komen comment
komersial commercial
komisi commission
peugeut commit
komitmen commitment
peuget committed
komoditah commodity
jamak common
komunikasi communicate
komunikasi communication
komunitah community
jak wo commute
rakan companion
prusahaan company
bandeng compare
perbandingan comparison
simpatik compassion
peunoh gaseh compassionate
cucok compatible
meusayeng compete
kompeten competent
kompetisi competition
kompetitif competitive
keluh complain
ngeloh complaint
meuleungkap complement
leungkap complete
luloeh completely
cat cut complex
seumateh compliance
payah complicated
pujo compliment
seumateeh comply
komposisi composition
majemok compound
meuphom comprehension
komprehensif comprehensive
kompromi compromise
keuwajeban compulsory
komputer computer
konsentrasi concentrate
kunsep concept
hiro concern
paduli concerned
konser concert
konklusi conclusion
kongkrit concrete
beuton concrete
kondisi condition
kondisi conditions
peuget conduct
konferensi conference
meuakui confess
konfiden confidence
peucaya dro confident
konfirmasi confirm
konflik conflict
mumang confused
mumang confusion
seulamat congrats
seulamat congratulation
seulamat dan sukses congratulations
nyang tulong conjunction
sambong connect
takloek conquer
sada conscious
sadar consciousness
konsen consent
konsekuensi consequences
konservasi conservation
konservatif conservative
lon pikei consider
pikei considered
asojih consist
konsistensi consistency
konsisten consistent
konstan constant
seucara konstan constantly
konstipasi constipation
konstruksi construction
pajoeh consume
konsumsi consumption
kontak contact
meujangkeet contagious
meuasoe contain
meungandong contains
moden contemporary
hina contempt
teunang content
mangat content
asoe content
kontes contest
kontek context
benua continent
sambong continue
kuntrak contract
kontras contrast
kontribusi contribute
kontribusi contribution
keundali control
kontroversi controversial
puah convenience
ladid convenient
mangat convenient
haba conversation
ubah convert
peutroh convey
nyakin convince
nyakin convinced
taguen cook
magun cooking
bereh cool
leupi cool
koperasi cooperation
lindong cope
teumaga copper
krak core
jagong corn
sagoe corner
betoi correct
yum cost
kostum costume
jambo cottage
katon cotton
teumpat duek couch
batok cough
jeut could
diwan council
itong count
mrempek counter
nanggroe country
gampoeng countryside
pasangan couple
peuseumangat courage
teumon bu course
mahkamah court
geut akai courtesy
keumuen cousin
tutop cover
khop cover
leumo cow
geuseun coward
mangat cozy
bieng crab
reutak crack
meutoh craft
haba oek crap
broeh crap
meupeek crash
hawa craving
eu crawl
pungo crazy
peujeut create
kreatif creative
kredit credit
lata creep
ipeuyeu creepy
awak krija crew
kru crew
maksiet crime
luwat cringe
krisih crisis
kriteria criteria
lisek critical
keuritisi criticism
hase keumeukoh crop
seulaman crop
seulaman crops
jeumeurang cross
ak ak crow
ureung rame crowd
rame crowded
mahkuta crown
peunteng crucial
keujam cruel
meulayeu cruise
luloeh crush
kliek cry
boh timon cucumber
mueng cuddle
adat culture
ilat cunning
mangkok cup
leumari cupboard
keundali curb
peupuleh cure
tahanan reumoh curfew
rasa hawa teupu curiosity
peunasaran curious
kriteng curly
mata peng currency
jino current
baro baronyo currently
laknat curse
tiree curtain
bantai cushion
adat custom
peulanggan customer
bea cukai customs
koeh cut
lagak cute
ceudah cute
mameh cute
gari cycle
itangen cycle
ek garie cycling
abu dad
ayah daddy
tiep uroe daily
produk ie abin dairy
dam dam
rosak damage
pup chok damn
leuboet damp
juget dance
paloe danger
meupaloe dangerous
seupoet dark
boh hate darling
gareh dash
data data
tanggai date
aneuk ineung daughter
uroe day
mate dead
dedlen deadline
klo deaf
jadeh deal
teuhoreumat dear
Yang terheureumat mandum mandum Dear All
Peulanggan teuheureumat Dear Customer
Nyan terheuremat ureung tuha Dear Parents
Nyan terheuremat tuan Dear Sir
Nyan terheuremat aneuk murit Dear students
Nyan terheuremat tim Dear Team
mawot death
dakwa debate
debit debit
abee debris
utang debt
dekade decade
broek decay
meuninggai deceased
taki deceive
desemeber december
bereh decent
lagak decent
putohkan decide
keputosan decided
keputusan decision
dek deck
jitren decline
itren decrease
dedikasi dedicated
dedikasi dedication
buet deed
peneugeut deed
lhok deep
rusa deer
lagena default
peutalo defeat
peutheun dro defend
jeulahkan define
hana pat bantah definitely
definisi definition
tingkat degree
preh dilei delay
preupreh delayed
peugadeuh delete
sampoh delete
singaja deliberate
niet deliberate
haloh delicate
lazat delicious
that seunang delight
jeut seunang that ate delighted
kirem deliver
tekirem delivered
pengkireman delivery
lagot demand
brat buet demanding
demokrasi democracy
iblih demon
demonstrasi demonstrate
bantah denied
jeunih geuheen density
doto igo dentist
bantah deny
departemen department
embarkasi departure
hana labah depend
putubit deploy
deposit deposit
teugon depressed
teugen depression
lhoek depth
jeulahkan describe
deskripsi describe
deskripsi description
padang pasi desert
pantah deserve
desain design
designasi designation
hawa desire
mija desk
putoh asa despair
putoh asa desperate
beuthat despite
idangan peunutop dessert
teumpat akan tajak destination
kada destiny
peuanco destroy
peuhanco destruction
detil detail
detil details
deteksi detect
peuteuntee determination
peuteuntee determine
meutekad determined
hanco leubor devastated
keumbang develop
peugeut developed
peurkembangan development
alat device
syaitan devil
teutia devoted
Dhivehi Dhivehi
darah mameh diabetes
ciret diarrhea
catatan tiep uro diary
kamuh dictionary
peubuet did
matee die
matee died
diet diet
peuparak difference
bida different
susah difficult
payah difficult
ku'eh dig
meuruwah dignity
jeumot diligent
pajoh bu malam dinner
lhap dip
lansong direct
arah direction
direktur director
tanoh dirt
kutoe dirty
cacat disable
cacat disabled
gadeuh disappear
asa disappointed
bala disaster
beuh discard
tulak discard
peulheuh discharge
disiplin discipline
koh hareuga discount
merempek discover
tumee discover
diskriminasi discrimination
meupakat discuss
meupakat discussion
peunyaket disease
peunyaket diseases
soem disguise
luwat disgusting
pingan dish
teumon bu dishes
bubar dismiss
pengireman dispatch
peudeuh display
teumpat beuh broeh disposal
meudawa dispute
jarak distance
parak distinct
peubeda distinguish
sulet distress
distribusi distribution
wilayah district
peukaru disturb
beuh ditch
nom dive
macam dum diverse
macam moden diversity
bagi divide
suci divine
meucree divorce
mumang dizzy
pubuet do
pukeuh gata do you
pu gata neucintai lon do you love me
doto doctor
dokumen document
pubuet does
adalah does
hana doesn't
asee dog
Dogri Dogri
pubuet doing
aneuk popi doll
wilayah domain
domestik domestic
dominan dominant
bek don't
gute Don't worry
donasi donate
kalheuh done
keuleudee donkey
geut that dope
lipat dua double
dobel double
chok doubt
laweuk dough
mate down
download download
coek dari internet download
kunsep draft
hue drag
peutho drain
drama drama
gamba draw
laci drawer
gamba drawing
yeu dread
leumpo dream
bajee bebe dress
boe drill
jep drink
setir drive
rheut drop
peurheut dropped
khueng drought
mabok drunk
thou dry
itek duck
gam dude
rheut tempo due
sabab due to
bangai dull
klo dumb
beuh dump
trep duration
seulawet during
abee dust
buet duty
aso lhoek dwell
nadak dying
tiep each
ngen laen each other
hawa eager
kleung eagle
glinyung ear
leubeeh beungeuh earlier
beungeuh early
raseuki earn
glinyung ears
bumo earth
geumpa earthquake
mangat ease
ngen mudah easily
timu east
mangat easy
pajouh eat
pajoh eating
ikonomi economic
ikonomi economy
bineh edge
edit edit
edukasi education
efek effect
efektif effective
eifisiensi efficiency
efisien efficient
usaha effort
boh manok egg
boh trueng eggplant
ego ego
lapan eight
lapan blah eighteen
lapan ploh eighty
salah saboh either
elaborasi elaborate
peujeulah elaborate
singkee elbow
ureung tuha elder
ureung tuha elderly
elegan elegant
elemen element
gajah elephant
siblah eleven
roeh lam syarat eligible
peugadoh eliminate
laen else
peumale embarrassed
peumale embarrassing
uem embrace
deuh emerge
darurat emergency
emosi emotional
impati empathy
peuteukankan emphasis
peuneukanan emphasize
peugawe employee
awak krija employees
toke employer
peukeurjaan employment
soh empty
peubisa enable
merempek encounter
peuseumangat encourage
akhe end
teurancam endangered
useha ngen kreuh endeavor
peusaba endurance
saba endure
musoh enemy
energi energy
meutunangan engage
tonangan engaged
pertunangan engagement
meuseen engine
insinyur engineer
inggreh English
peuget leubeh get enhance
gura enjoy
that jai enormous
sep enough
peunyakin ensure
tamong enter
piyasan entertainment
antusias enthusiasm
antusias enthusiastic
mandum entire
na hak entitled
entitah entity
pinto tameung entrance
toke entrepreneur
amplop envelope
lingkungan environment
ku'eh envy
epik epic
epidemik epidemic
sama equal
alat equipment
ekuitah equity
ekivalen equivalent
seutip eraser
eror error
plueng escape
terutama especially
ese essay
esensi essence
peunteng essential
peudeeng establish
jipeudeung established
lampoh estate
kira kira estimate
kira kira estimated
laen laen etc
keukai eternal
etika ethics
kri ethics
evaluasi evaluate
evaluasi evaluation
padahai even
bah pih even though
malam evening
even event
akhejih eventually
tom ever
tiep tiep every
mandum ureung everybody
mandum everyone
mandum mandum everything
bukti evidence
brok akai evil
evolusi evolution
meukembang evolve
Ewe Ewe
beukah ex
pah exact
pah jih exactly
ujiyan exam
preksa examine
cunto example
leubeeh exceed
bereh excellent
seulaen except
eksepsi exception
leibeeh excess
teuelebeh excessive
peutuka exchange
beureuhi excited
seunang that excitement
hoei exciting
eklusif exclusive
peuidin excuse
lon lake meuah excuse me
eksekusi execute
eksekusi execution
eksekutif executive
meulatih exercise
knepot exhaust
hek exhausted
pameran exhibit
pameran exhibition
na exist
na existence
na existing
ata jino existing
teubit exit
tamah expand
kira expect
kheundak expected
beulanja expenses
meuhai expensive
peungalaman experience
teumeutree experiment
ahli expert
basi expired
jeulahkan explain
penjeulasan explanation
cok guna exploit
eksplor explore
ekspor export
peudeuh expose
terekspos exposed
paparan exposure
peutroeh express
ekspresi expression
peutamah extend
peupanyang extended
ekstensi extension
perluah extent
eksternal external
punah extinct
ekstra extra
bleuet extract
luwa jamek extraordinary
ekstrim extreme
ngeun ekstrim extremely
mata eye
mata eyes
ija fabric
ta'ajub fabulous
muka face
jumoh face
fasilitasi facilitate
fasilitah facilities
fasilitah facility
fakta fact
faktor factor
pabrek factory
fakta fakta facts
reudom fade
gagal fail
hana sukseh failed
gagai failure
pansan faint
adee fair
sep fairly
pari fairy
iman faith
meuiman faithful
peuleusu fake
rheut fall
salah false
meugah fame
jamek familiar
famili family
musem deuk famine
meugah famous
kipah angen fan
ayeum mata fancy
lagak that fancy
fantastis fantastic
jioh far
peurpisahan farewell
mublang farm
mulampoh farm
ureung meutani farmer
dhiet fascinating
fesyen fashion
bagah fast
tumbon fat
parah fatal
naseb fate
abu father
hekeumat fatigue
cacat fault
favori favorite
get akai favour
favorit favourite
yeu fear
keureuja feast
bule feather
fitur feature
fitur features
februari february
glak fed up
iyaya fee
peumpeun feed
masokan feedback
reusam feel
reusam feeling
aki feet
rhet fell
rakan fellow
jipeurasa felt
inong female
pageu fence
subur fertile
festival festival
coek fetch
deumam fever
sijuek seum fever
bacut few
leubeh niet fewer
tunangan fiance
fiksi fiction
blang field
bueh fierce
limeng blah fifteen
limeng ploh fifty
meulheu fight
meulhee fighting
kira figure
kira kira figure out
peuajukan file
paso fill
meuasoe filled
film film
luwat filthy
akhejih finally
keuangan finance
finansial financial
mita find
aci mita find out
geut fine
aneuk jaroe finger
lheuh finish
peulheuh finished
apui fire
gap firm
phoen first
nan keuphon first name
eungkot fish
lot fit
limong five
peubereh fix
ka teuntee fixed
bandera flag
bIee flash
saree flat
rata flat
cacat flaw
hana cacat flawless
plueng flee
sie flesh
pheu flew
leunuet flex
fleksibel flexible
penerbangan flight
balek flip
teukeuch 'ak flirt
keuch'ak flirting
meuambang float
ie raya flood
aleu floor
teupong flour
ale flow
bungong flower
flu flu
paseh fluent
ngen lancar fluently
meunyap nyap fluffy
caye fluid
pheu fly
fokus focus
sagop fog
meusagoep foggy
lipat fold
rakyat folks
ikot follow
taikuti follow up
brikot following
peunajoh food
eumpeun food
makanan food
bangai fool
bangai foolish
gaki foot
bola football
keu for
miseujih For example
sebago cunto for instance
keu gata for you
tham forbidden
pakeusa force
ramalan forecast
dhoe forehead
iluwa foreign
uteun forest
seulama jih forever
tuweu forget
peumeuah forgive
tuweu forgot
garpu fork
forom form
formal formal
sigolomjih former
untongjih fortunately
hareuta fortune
peut ploh forty
peut ploh dua forty-two
ukeu forward
pliara foster
meulheu fought
meuprang fought
teumee found
pondasi foundation
peut four
peut blah fourteen
rubah fox
bagah beukah fragile
rangka frame
rangka keurija framework
peungeut fraud
teumakot freak
pre free
meurdehka freedom
beku freeze
frekuensi frequency
sereng frequent
kayem frequently
seugar fresh
jumuat friday
kulkah fridge
rakan friend
ngeun friend
ramah friendly
rakan rakan friends
peurteumanan friendship
yoe frightened
peuyeu frightening
cangguk frog
dari from
ukeu front
beku frozen
boh fruit
frustrasi frustrated
minyeuk fuel
Fulfulde Fulfulde
peunoh full
gura fun
fungsi function
fondamen fundamental
seumiyup funeral
lucu funny
beurakah funny
hayeu funny
bulee fur
beungeeh furious
furnitur furniture
leubeh jioh further
lebeh lanjot furthermore
singoh ngoh future
meurempeuk gain
gem game
ayeum game
parak gap
garasi garage
broeh garbage
lampoih garden
bawang puteh garlic
greubang gate
meusapat gather
meukumpoi gathering
meu uko gauge
ka joek gave
alat gear
igo gear
jeuneeh keulamin gender
umum general
umum jih generally
peuhasee generate
pebeudeh generate
generasi generation
murah ate generous
careung that genius
genre genre
lembot gentle
aseuli genuine
basa tuboh gesture
cok get
meupakayan get dressed
beudeuh get up
bagah puleh get well soon
jeut keu getting
burong ghost
hantu ghost
gadeuh tiba tiba ghosting
geugasi giant
bungong jaroe gift
halia ginger
aneuk ineung girl
cewek girlfriend
joek give
piyoh give up
dibie given
geumira glad
siklep glance
glah glass
gaca gaca glasses
ngieng siat glimpse
global global
seudeeh gloomy
saroeng jaroe gloves
meucahya glow
meuubah ngen taajub glow up
lem glue
jak go
jak aju go ahead
kajak keudeh go away
jak eh go to bed
makeusut goal
gol goal
tujoan goals
kameng goat
poe god
lam lendungan po god bless you
geujak goes
teungeuh geujak going
jak u going to
meuh gold
ka ijak gone
ka gadeuh gone
keumeung gonna
zat leukit ngeun keuntai goo
geut good
seulamat asa good afternoon
seulamat tinggai good bye
uroe yang geut good day
seulamat malam good evening
pekerjaan get good job
lagak good looking
seulamat good luck
seulamat beungoh good morning
seulamat beungoh cinta lon good morning my love
seulamat malam good night
seulamat tinggai goodbye
seulamat malam goodnight
barang goods
Google Google
Teurjemahan google Google Translate
itek ansa goose
lagak gorgeous
gosip gossip
merempek got
meuphom got it
pemerentah government
cok grab
mat grab
gred grade
bacut bacut gradually
luloh graduate
bijeh grain
joek grant
dijok granted
anggo grapes
gruep grasp
sambot grasp
naleung grass
syuko grateful
rasa syuko gratitude
kubu grave
klabe gray
Hayeu great
geureuda greed
greuda greed
bulo greedy
greuda greedy
ijo green
bie saleum greet
saleum dari bandum greeting
saleum dari kamoe greetings
klabe grey
kisi grid
meuduka grief
toep grind
grep grip
groseri grocery
linto groom
kuto gross
tanoh ground
grup group
timoh grow
timoh growth
bingkeng grumpy
Guarani Guarani
jamin guarantee
kawai guard
kira guess
jamek guest
peutunyok guidance
gaet guide
salah guilty
awak guy
rakan rakan guys
gim gym
kebiasaan habit
teumpat asai habitat
ata had
adalah had
sambot hail
oek hair
itingeuh half
bale hall
jaroe hand
mato handle
samlakoe handsome
gantong hang
poeh brakah hang out
keujadian happen
keujadian happened
bahgeya happiness
seunang happy
seulamat ulang tahun happy birthday
seulamat uro lahe keu gata happy birthday to you
seulamat thon baro happy new year
kreuh hard
jareung hardly
that jareung hardly ever
meupaloe harm
meubahaya harmful
sijahtra harmony
keujam harsh
koh harvest
na has
adalah has
banci hate
ka have
seumoga uronyo geut have a good day
seulamat have a nice day
pajoh bue beungooh have breakfast
seulamat meusenang seunang have fun
kaneupajoh bue have you eaten
na having
paloe hazard
sagoep haze
gobnyan he
gobnyan na he has
getnyan adalah he is
ulee head
saket ulee headache
peupuleh heal
peusihat healing
kasihatan health
sihat healthy
dingeu hear
dingeu heard
jantong heart
atee heart
seum heat
syuruga heaven
geuheun heavy
gabuek hectic
manyang height
wareh heir
meurampah heist
dimat held
nuraka hell
Halo Hello
halo sayang hello dear
halo, peu haba hello how are you
halo, puhaba hello how are you doing
helem helmet
tulong help
get akai helpful
karena nyan hence
gobnyan her
gubeue herd
sino here
wareh endatu heritage
choek hesitate
Hai Hey
hai Hi
hi, peu haba hi how are you
euk Hi there
teutop hidden
meusom hide
hirarki hierarchy
manyang high
peuneukanan highlight
jak ngen aki hike
tumpang hike
hiking hiking
that lucu hilarious
buket hill
gobnyan him
peutunjok hint
keuing hip
keuing hips
siwa hire
siwa hiring
atra getnyan his
seujarah history
poeh hit
Hmm Hmm
galak hobby
mat hold
preh siat hold on
ruhung hole
uro pree holiday
ruhung hollow
rumoh home
buet irumoh homework
jujo honest
sebetoijih honestly
Ie Unoe Honey
honor honor
lapek hood
caw'iek hook
groep hop
kheundak hope
seumoga hopefully
hana harapan hopeless
putoh asa hopeless
horizontal horizontal
lungke horn
teumakot horrible
horor horror
guda horse
rumoh saket hospital
get akai hospitality
poe rumoh host
hana ramah hostile
seum hot
hotel hotel
jeum hour
jeum hours
rumoh house
romoh tangga household
kiban how
kiban gata how about you
puhaba how are you
pu haba how are you doing
peu haba gata uronyo how are you doing today
puhaba gata uronyo how are you today
puhaba how do you do
kiban how is
padim boh how many
padim how much
padim sering how often
padim umu gata how old are you
kiban uronyo how was your day
kiban buklam how was your night
cuma however
pusat hub
lakoe hubby
uem hug
that raya huge
manusia human
got akai humble
leumbab humid
leumbab humidity
reutoh hundred
deuk hungry
peuleet hunt
pagap hunt
angen boh asee hurricane
teuburu hurry
bagah hai hurry up
jra hurt
peujra hurt
lakow husband
tulak ngeun bagah hustle
jambo hut
higin hygiene
ulon I
saya I am
geut I am fine
lon jeut I can
hanjeut lon I can't
nye I do
hana lon teupu I do not know
lon hana meufom I do not understand
lon hana I don't
lon hana lon tupu I don't know
Lon hana meufom I don't understand
Lon hana meufom pu gata peugah I don't understand what you mean
lon hana meufom gata I don't understand you
Hana lon teupu I don’t know
lon hana meufom I don’t understand
lon pike i guess
lon I had
lon na I have
lon adalah I have
lon telah I have been
semoga manteung I hope so
Lon teupu I know
lon galak I like
lon galak keu gata I like you
lon cinta I love
Lon sayang keu abang lon I love my big brother
Lon sayang keu kakak lon I love my big sister
Lon sayang keu yah lon I love my father
Lon sayang keu adek agam yang ubit I love my little brother
Lon sayang keu adek ineung yang ubit I love my little sister
Lon sayang keu mak lon I love my mother
lon sayang gata I love you
lon cinta that keugata I love you so much
lon cinta gata sit I love you too
makesuet lon I mean
rindu keu gata I miss you
lon that rindu keugata I miss you so much
lagenyan I see
Lon pikei I think
ulon meufom I understand
harok I want
lon hawa I want
lon hawa meurempek gata I want to see you
lon galak keu gata I want you
lon adalah I was
lon akan I will
Lon akan I would be
ulon I'm
geut I'm fine
long geut geut saja I'm good
lon disino I'm here
lakei meuah I'm sorry
eh ice
eh krem ice cream
ide idea
ideal ideal
sama identical
identifikasi identify
identitah identity
that bangai idiot
seutop idle
sangkira if
bek kahire ignore
saket ill
ilegal illegal
peunyaket illness
Ilocano Ilocano
gamba image
neubayangkan imagine
laju immediate
sigra immediately
that rayeuk immense
peungaroeh impact
hana saba impatient
implementasi implement
impor import
peunteng important
peuteukankan impose
hana mungken impossible
meuchen impress
impresi impression
meuehen impressive
peuningkatan improve
peuningkata improvement
lam in
sebago tambahan in addition
fakta jih In fact
dikeu in front of
beu in order to
hana pah inappropriate
insentif incentive
insiden incident
termasok include
termasok including
raseuki income
hana mangat inconvenience
jiek increase
jiek increased
taajub incredible
sagai indeed
meurdehka independent
India India
indikasi indicate
aseuli indigenous
dro keudro individual
industri industry
hana mungken tahindarkan inevitable
bayek infant
impeksi infection
hana batah infinity
impeksi inflammation
inflasi inflation
peungaroeh influence
bie thee inform
informasi information
asoe ingredients
wareh inheritance
inisial initial
inisiatif initiative
kaluka injured
cidra injury
inosen innocent
inovasi innovation
lakei inquiry
pungo insane
sereungga insect
hana aman insecure
sisep insert
idalam inside
ilme insight
pakeusa insist
insomnia insomnia
inspirasi inspiration
inspirasi inspire
pasang install
instansi instance
instan instant
bah pih instead
meuhan instead of
peurentah instructions
alat instrument
ilanya insult
asuransi insurance
utoeh intact
integritah integrity
intelektual intellectual
ceureudah intelligence
ceureudah intelligent
niet intend
seungaja intended
brat intense
niet intention
interaksi interact
interaksi interaction
galak interest
meunarek interested
haroek interesting
ipeukaru interfere
intermediet intermediate
awak dalam internal
international international
antar bansa international
magang internship
teurjeumah interpret
penerjemah interpreter
peukaru interrupt
wawancara interview
krap intimate
u dalam into
peuturi introduce
peuturi introduction
ureung yang sipheut teutop introvert
intuisi intuition
hana sah invalid
peujeut invent
inventaris inventory
inves invest
tanom invest
boeh invest
investigasi investigate
undangan invitation
undang invite
tagihan invoice
roeh involve
roeh involved
beuso iron
nakeuh is
pulo island
isolasi isolated
maasalah issue
masa'alah issues
nyan it
betoi it is
nyankeuh it is
nyan adalah it was
ata it's
hana peu peu it's ok
hana peu peu It's okay
barang item
barang items
jih its
lon I’m
jaket jacket
peunjara jail
januari January
guci jar
jungka jaw
ceumburu jealous
siklep jerk
hiasan jewelry
keurija job
joging jogging
gabong join
lhak joint
lawak joke
kra joke
wartawan journalist
peurjalanan journey
nekmat joy
hakim judge
jus juice
juli july
grop jump
lumpat jump
juni june
broek broek junk
tok just
peuget ju just do it
adee justice
peubeutoi justify
Kalaallisut Kalaallisut
galak keen
get akai keen
jaga keep
Neulanjutkan aju kerjaan geut gata keep it up
jaga kept
ciriek kettle
kunci key
sipak kick
aneukmit kid
meukra kidding
boh keuing kidney
aneuk miet kids
poh mate kill
geut akai kind
agak kinda
lakee kindly
get akai kindness
raja king
com kiss
dapu kitchen
layang kite
aneuk mie kitten
tuot knee
teupeu knew
sikin knife
keusatria knight
teupu know
ilme pengetahuan knowledge
teupu known
Konkani Konkani
Krio Krio
label label
awak keurija labor
awak krija labour
kureung lack
rinyeun ladder
nyonya lady
dibeuntang laid
dano lake
kameng lamb
capiek lame
lampu lamp
tanoh land
lansekap landscape
basa language
leumueng lap
rayeuk large
berlansong last
yang akhe dan penteng that last but not least
nan akhe last name
teulat late
akhe akhe nyo lately
entreuk later
siat treuk later
paleng baro latest
bak akhe latter
kheum laugh
khem laughing
meukhak khak laughter
pelheuh launch
laundri laundry
hukom law
leun lawn
pengacara lawyer
beunteung lay
lapeh layer
tata letak layout
beuo lazy
pimpen lead
peumimpen leader
oen leaf
bucho leak
meusadeu lean
lumpat leap
meureuno learn
meureuno learning
siwa lease
paleng han least
kulet leather
beurangkat leave
oen oen leaves
pimpen led
tinggai left
wi left
aki leg
peurae legacy
legal legal
leugenda legend
sah legit
meusantai leisure
pinyam lend
panyang length
kureung less
peulajaran lesson
bah let
surat letter
oen koel lettuce
tingkat level
paedah leverage
liabilitah liability
pustaka library
lieh lick
oek lie
peungeut lie
meubinteung lies
udep life
beuot lift
ble light
kilat lightning
galak like
lagejih likely
genyan sit likewise
gareh line
Lingala Lingala
link link
singa lion
caye liquid
lis list
dingeu listen
dingeu listening
ban yang deuh literally
literatur literature
broeh litter
ubeut little
meuudep live
ate liver
udeep lives
udep living
ruang jamee living room
tarum lizard
dabeuh load
ruti loaf
peupinjam loan
lokal local
lokasi location
gunci lock
kurong lockdown
bak kayei yang ka dikoeh log
reughak lol
sidroe lonely
panyang long
trep hana merempek long time no see
ngieng look
eu look
meuputa puta loop
keundo loose
tuan lord
keundo lose
gadeuh loss
gadeuh lost
meusiepreuk lot
tunye loud
teumpat sante lounge
gaseh love
cinta keukah love you
geut lovely
miyup low
rendah lower
teutia loyal
teutia loyalty
loyalitah loyalty
untong luck
bruntong lucky
Luganda Luganda
kopho luggage
meucak lump
bu cot uro lunch
s 'uep lungs
mewah luxury
seumeungeut lying
meuseen machine
beungeh mad
pungo mad
teungkue ineung madam
dipeugeut made
majalah magazine
agung magnificent
maha rayeuk magnificent
pembantu maid
utama main
plihara maintain
plihara maintenance
Maithili Maithili
utama major
mayoritah majority
peugeut make
keumarang make up
agam male
pasai mall
ureung agam man
lakoe man
atoo manage
manajemen management
ureung uroeh manager
wajeep mandatory
manifes manifest
manipulasi manipulate
reusam manner
manual manual
jai many
beujai seunang uronyo many many happy returns of the day
maret march
parak margin
laba margin
bineh margin
pasai market
peugatiep marriage
meukawen married
tupeng mask
massa mass
that raya massive
tuan master
loet match
rakan mate
bahan material
matematika math
masa'alah matter
leumpok maturity
jeuet may
mungken maybe
lon me
lon meunan sit me too
makanan meal
meukeuseut mean
areuti meaning
areuti means
makesud meant
sira meanwhile
meunyo lageunyan meanwhile
uko measure
ukoran measures
sie meat
medis medical
ubat medicine
meditasi meditation
seudang medium
merempek meet
rapat meeting
Meiteilon Meiteilon
cayee melt
keunangan memories
ingat memory
seudee mental
sebot mention
sebot mentioned
guree mentor
awak meuniyaga merchant
rahmat mercy
seumata mata merely
seulamat natai merry christmas
keng keung mess
peusan message
seumak messy
beusoo metal
metode method
tikoh mice
itingeuh middle
tingeuh malam midnight
mungken might
leumik mild
tunggak capaian milestone
militer military
susu milk
juta million
akai mind
cara seumikei mindset
ata lon mine
meujampu laweuk mingle
ubeuet minor
aneuk miet minor
haloh minute
ubit minute
minet minute
minet minutes
mukjizat miracle
ceureumen mirror
macam rampoe miscellaneous
batat mischievous
peudeeh miserable
phet miserable
saket misery
rindu miss
gadoeh miss
rindu gata miss you
gadoeh missing
misi mission
sagoep mist
salah mistake
Mizo Mizo
hana teutap mobile
kheun yang broek broek mock
model model
bak tingeuh moderate
moden modern
seuderhana modest
leumbab moist
keulembaban moisture
kulat mold
tikoh teng mole
emak mom
momen moment
isnin monday
seulanyan monday
peng money
monitor monitor
siben monkey
buleuen month
suasana ate mood
bingkeng moody
buleuen moon
adap moral
moral moral
lom more
lompih moreover
beungeuh morning
mutang bak bank mortgage
paleng most
leeuh jih mostly
mak mother
meugrak motion
motivasi motivation
gunong mountain
tikoh mouse
babah mouth
grak move
peurgerakan movement
film movie
nyonya mrs
leu much
leuhop mud
cangke mug
asoe muscle
museum museum
kulat mushroom
musik music
musti must
bisu mute
mutual mutual
ata long my
sayang loen My dear
rakan lon my friend
hoverkraf lon penoh ngen ileh My hovercraft is full of eels
sayang loen my love
nan lon adalah my name is
ngen senang hate my pleasure
lon keudro myself
misterius mysterious
misteri mystery
mit myth
ukei nail
naef naive
nan name
narasi narrative
ubeuet narrow
arat narrow
luwat nasty
bansa national
keubangsaan nationality
ureung aseuli native
alami natural
alam nature
mabok nausea
rap near
paleng rap nearby
karap nearly
rapi neat
peureulee necessary
takue neck
talo takue necklace
perle need
negatif negative
hana preumeun neglect
negosiasi negotiate
leingka neighbor
lingkungan neighborhood
keun nyo keun nyan neither
aneuk kumuen nephew
ureung ganjee nerd
ceumah nervous
eumpueng nest
jareng net
jaringan network
netrai neutral
hantom never
hana akan meunyerah never give up
hana peu peu never mind
hana peu peu nevermind
nakeuh nevertheless
barow new
beurita news
ukeu next
isampeng next to
lagak nice
seunang merempek gata nice to meet you
aneuk kumun niece
malam night
leumpo broek nightmare
sikureung nine
sikureung blah nineteen
sikureung ploh ninety
keun No
hana masalah no problem
hana mungken no way
hana so nobody
riyoh noise
karu noisy
biseng noisy
hana saboh pih none
asa noon
han nope
keun sit nor
normal normal
baroh north
idong nose
nostalgis nostalgic
keun not
hana sapeu not at all
hana that broek not bad
bek jino Not now
galom not yet
catat note
lon cetet noted
hana peue nothing
bie thee notice
teungieng noticed
kata beunda noun
kata benda nouns
paleng baroo novel
november november
jino now
jino nowadays
peukaru nuisance
noi null
mate rasa numb
numboi number
peurawat nurse
gacang nut
pala nutmeg
nutrisi nutrition
sumpah oath
peunyaket tumbon obesity
patoh obey
objek object
objektif objective
keuwajiban obligation
samar obscure
observasi observation
peuthee observe
obsesi obsessed
obsesi obsession
awot obsolete
aral meulinteung obstacle
merempek obtain
meureumpeuk obtained
jeulah obvious
jeulah jih obviously
jan jan occasionally
keureuja occupation
gabuek occupied
teujaloek occur
teujaloek occurred
meujalok occurs
samudra ocean
oktober october
ganjee odd
ganjee odds
dari of
teuntee of course
piyoh off
pansie offensive
peutaba offer
gantoo office
reseumi official
kayem often
Oh Oh
yang beutoi oh really
minyeuk oil
ok ok
jeut sayang loen ok dear
ok boeh hate ok honey
ok sayang loen ok my love
oke okay
okay sayang okay baby
ok sayang okay dear
jeut, boh hate okay honey
okay sayang loen okay my love
tuha old
di on
sigeu once
sa one
saboh basa sep hansep one language is never enough
bawang onion
online online
toek only
khong only
peuhah open
operasi operation
opini opinion
pluang pluang opportunities
pluang opportunity
lawan opposite
optimis optimistic
opsi option
hana wajeb optional
atau or
oren orange
peusan order
biasa ordinary
organisasi organization
orientasi orientation
asai origin
aseuli original
Oromo Oromo
aneuk nyatim orphan
laen jih other
meuhan otherwise
haruh ought
atra our
Misi kamo: agar mandum ureung, dipat manteung meuphom donya dan ureugnyan bisa mengekspresikan diri dalam mandum basa Our mission: to enable everyone, everywhere to understand the world and express themselves across languages.
Misi kamo: mengorganisir informasi donya dan jeut ta akses secara universal dan naguna Our mission: to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
hana roeh out
luwa out
hasee outcome
baje outfit
uluwa outgoing
keudee outlet
gareh beusar outline
iluwa outside
jroh that outstanding
open oven
diateuh over
hideh over there
mamandum overall
peuglah overcome
seumike iluwa jangkoan overthinking
that brat overwhelmed
brat overwhelming
mutang owe
jampok owl
ata own
poe owner
leumo agam ox
langkah pace
bungkoh pack
barang package
bayeu paid
peudeeh pain
cet paint
lukesan painting
pasangan pair
pucat pale
palem palm
kaneut pan
pandemik pandemic
panik panic
siluweu pants
kreutah paper
syuruga paradise
paralel parallel
kireman parcel
meuah pardon
ureng chik parents
taman park
nuri parrot
oen soep parsley
bagian part
ikot participate
khusuh particular
khusuh particularly
ngeun partner
khanduri party
liwat pass
jurong passage
luloeh passed
that galak passion
brat galak passionate
pasif passive
paswod password
jameu past
tambai patch
juroeng path
sayang teuh pathetic
saba patience
saba patient
pola pattern
pose pause
trotoar pavement
bayeu pay
bayeu payment
aman peace
dame peaceful
pir peach
pucak peak
pir pear
reuteuk peas
ganjee peculiar
toh iek pee
pluek peel
rakan peer
rakan rakan peers
pen pen
gense pencil
meusangkot pending
ureueng people
lada pepper
reusam perceive
persepsi perception
samporna perfect
peugeut perform
peubuet perform
performansi performance
mungken perhaps
watei period
permanen permanent
idin permission
peuidin permit
gigeh perseverance
persisten persistent
ureung person
pribadi personal
personalitah personality
perspektif perspective
bujok persuade
bhoek pervert
meulatang pliharaan pet
fase phase
fenomena phenomenon
filosofi philosophy
telepon phone
poto photo
frase phrase
tuboh physical
cok pick
cok pick up
gamba picture
bageyan piece
oen pieces
bui pig
mirahpati pigeon
tumpok pile
bantai pillow
pilot pilot
jarom pin
chop pin
aneuh pineapple
pink pink
reuhung pit
guci pitch
inseueh pity
teumpat place
teumpat places
thaun plague
tabeu plain
reuncana plan
kapai phee plane
seulaman plant
pula plant
seulaman plants
pingan plate
panggong platform
meuen play
meuen playing
ngeun seunang ate pleasant
tulong please
seunang pleased
e pleasure
o pleasure
meujanji pledge
leeu plenty
bicara plot
culok plug
prem plum
tukang leding plumber
jamek plural
podcast podcast
puisi poem
puisi poetry
titek point
racoen poison
polisi police
polis policy
sopan polite
polusi pollution
kulam pond
neuheun pond
kulam pool
toh ek poop
gasien poor
breutoh pop
pop pop
populer popular
populasi population
sie bui pork
ie bu porridge
plabuhan port
posisi position
positif positive
teumamong possess
milek possession
boinah possession
areuta possession
posesif possessive
mungken possible
pos post
tunda postpone
boh gantang potato
potensi potential
pawon pound
meuseukin poverty
teunaga power
meuteunaga powerful
praktis practical
meulatih practice
pujo praise
gura prank
ulok prank
doa pray
meuharga that precious
presisi precise
pah jih precisely
ramal predict
lebeh galak prefer
preferensi preference
mumee pregnant
sangka prejudice
bak teumpat premises
premium premium
peusiapan preparation
peusiap prepare
peusiap prepared
preposisi preposition
hadir presence
hadiah present
presentasi presentation
peujruek preserve
prasiden president
teugen press
teukanan pressure
pura pura pretend
cantek pretty
lagak pretty
tham prevent
sigolom jih previous
mansa prey
hareuga price
mbong pride
pendeta priest
nyang utama primary
keuphon prime
putroe princess
ulee sikula principal
segolomjih prior
prioritah priority
peunjara prison
privasi privacy
privasi private
hak privilege
hadiah prize
mungken probably
masa'alah problem
prosedur procedure
lanjot proceed
proseh process
peuhase produce
produk product
produksi production
profesi profession
professional professional
profil profile
laba profit
meundalam profound
peurkembangan progress
proyek project
yang meunonjoi prominent
janji promise
promosi promote
promosi promotion
yang peuseubab prompt
rawan prone
kata ganto pronouns
cara kheun pronunciation
ija pronunciation
bukti proof
mee proper
ngen geut properly
sipheut properties
sipheut property
proposal proposal
prospek prospect
makmu prosperity
makmu prosperous
lindong protect
keuch'ak proud
bukti prove
seudiya provide
peuseudiya provided
provinsi province
peuseudia provision
pubertas puberty
ureung umum public
lheup pull
boh labue pumpkin
teupat wate punctual
murit pupil
bloe purchase
suci pure
gadoeng purple
niet purpose
tompet purse
let pursue
let pursuit
surong push
puduek put
kualifikasi qualification
kualitah quality
kuantitah quantity
karantina quarantine
meudawa quarrel
seperpeut quarter
Quechua Quechua
putroe queen
ganjee queer
lakei query
teumanyong query
peurtanyaan question
antri queue
meusigraa quick
ngeun bagah quickly
iem quiet
seugap quiet
ija limot quilt
piyoh quit
agak quite
kuih quiz
kuotasi quotation
kuot quote
kuot quotes
areunap rabbit
jineh race
beungeeh rage
ujeun rain
beuot raise
grak raise
bet raise
beuot raised
plueng ran
acak random
jarak range
sikleep rapid
deungeen ceupat rapidly
hana jai rare
jareung rarely
maji rash
tikoh rat
hareuga rate
agak rather
rasio ratio
rasional rational
meuntah raw
keulayi re
troeh reach
sampoe reach
troeh reached
reaksi reaction
baca read
baca reading
ka ready
nyata real
realitah reality
sada realize
wujod realized
yang butoi really
ulikot rear
alasan reason
tameung akai reasonable
teuingat recall
struk receipt
kuitansi receipt
trimong receive
trimong received
ban ban recent
ban ban recently
resepsi reception
resep recipe
beurangkaho reckless
rekognisi recognition
ituri recognize
rekomendasi recommend
irekomendasikan recommended
reukam record
puleh recover
puleh recovery
sagoe peut rectangle
mirah red
reumpeek redeem
teuboh redemption
peukureung reduce
meulang ulang redundant
peuwo refer
rujok refer
rujokan reference
peuceureumeen reflect
refleksi reflection
theun droe refrain
kulkah refrigerator
pulang peng refund
tulak refuse
jitulak refused
berkeunaan regard
saleum regard
menuroet regarding
hana payah regardless
saleum regards
wilayah region
daftar register
seusai regret
beyasa regular
meusaneut regularly
hanjitrimeng reject
relasi relate
hubongan related
relasi related
hubongan relationship
syeara relative
syeara relatives
rilek relax
peulheueh release
peulheuh released
relevan relevant
andal reliable
glah ate relief
reuda relieve
peukureung relieved
agama religion
malem religious
hana harok reluctant
meusade rely
sisa remain
euntee remaining
hayeu that remarkable
peupeuleh remedy
ingat remember
peuthee remind
nyang peuthee reminder
jarak jioh remote
peugadeuh remove
peusabab render
siwa rent
peugeut repair
peubereh repair
ulang repeat
ganto replace
balah reply
laporan report
peuwaki represent
reputasi reputation
lakei request
jipeurele require
peureulee required
tulong rescue
teuliti research
sa resemble
beungeeh resentment
reservasi reservation
cadangan reserve
awak duek resident
undo droe resign
risilien resilience
kha resilient
hanjeut tulak resist
bie peurlawanan resistance
resolusi resolution
peuglah persualan resolve
teumpat meuistirahat resort
sumbe resources
horeumat respect
hurmat respect
respon respond
respon response
tanggung jaweub responsibility
beutanggong jaweub responsible
pose rest
israhat lam dame rest in peace
ristoran restaurant
peuduek balek restore
peubatas restrict
hase result
hase hase results
lanjot resume
reteil retail
peutheun retain
retensi retention
panseon retired
surot retreat
coek retrieve
woe return
deuh reveal
meusingkap revealed
balah deundam revenge
penghaselan revenue
atret reverse
surot reverse
tinjau review
revisi revise
revisi revision
revolusi revolution
hadiah reward
ritme rhythm
rusok rib
pade rice
kaya rich
beuh rid
giduek ride
gura ridiculous
bangai ridiculous
betoi right
jino ju right now
rijid rigid
euncin ring
cucou rinse
kacho riot
priek rip
masak ripe
sui rise
meurisiko risk
lawan rival
krueng river
rot road
teut roast
tanggoeh robust
bate rock
bak rod
peuran role
meugulong roll
bubong roof
kama room
ukheu root
talo rope
broek rotten
kira kira rough
gasa rough
gasa jih roughly
bulat round
rute route
rutin routine
re row
pleu rub
karet rubber
broeh rubbish
gasa rude
peureumadani rug
hanco ruin
atoran rule
rhoi ruler
atoran rules
plueng run
plueng running
klek klok rural
bagah bagah rush
saket sack
suci sacred
kreubeun sacrifice
aman safe
seumoga seulamat lam penerbangan safe flight
keuamanan safety
nyang dituhakan sage
geupeugah said
layeu sail
meulayeu sailing
sabab sake
upah salary
gaji salary
peublo sale
salmon salmon
sira salt
sama same
sama sit Same here
cunto sample
anoe sand
Sanskrit Sanskrit
sarkastik sarcastic
tajam babah sassy
ka geuduk sat
puah satisfaction
puah satisfied
puah satisfy
peupuah satisfying
sabtu Saturday
sosih sausage
paleh savage
kleut savage
troh save
ngieng saw
kheun say
ceng scale
peungeut scam
parot scar
jareung scarce
yeu scared
ija sawak scarf
kuyu scary
meusipreuk scattered
lokasi scene
pemandangan scenery
bee scent
jadwal keulayi schedule
sikula school
sains science
saintis scientist
saintis scientists
gunteng scissors
dheut scold
skup scope
skor score
batai scrap
cureh scratch
geumeurep scream
layeu screen
sekrop screw
tulesan script
laot sea
ase laot seal
mita search
musem season
mpat duek seat
kedua second
rasia secret
seksi section
aman secure
sikuriti security
ngieng see
kaloen see
meureumpeuk teuma see you
sampe meurempeuk teuma see you later
sampe meurempeuk teuma see you soon
tamerempek singeh see you tomorrow
bijeh seed
mita seek
lagejih seem
lagejih seems
teunging seen
droep seize
sawan seizure
jareung seldom
pileh select
tanyo self
peupeuleh droe self healing
egoih selfish
publo sell
kirem send
neukirem foto gata keu lon send me your picture
senior senior
tuha senior
reusam sense
bijaksana sensible
peka sensitive
kirem sent
kalimat sentence
kalimat kalimat sentences
cre separate
Sepedi Sepedi
september september
urotan sequence
rangkaian series
seriuh serious
yang butoi seriously
idang serve
guna service
sesi session
setel set
set set
pasang set up
seting setting
meuneutap settle
tujoh seven
tujoh blah seventeen
tujoh ploh seventy
papadum several
padum padum several
heibat severe
ceumeucop sew
sh sh
teumpat meulindong shade
bayeun shadow
meukhet kheut shake
peu keuh shall
deue shallow
male shame
bentok shape
bagi share
tajam sharp
gobnyan she
getnyan she
getnyan adalah she has
getnyan adalah she is
row shed
keubiri sheep
ija lapek sheet
rak shelf
kulet shell
rangkang shelter
jambo shelter
peurise shield
gese shift
meukilat shine
kapai laot ship
kreim reut kapai shipping
bajee shirt
ipatu shoes
timak shoot
toko shop
beulanja shopping
pante shore
et short
ka habeh shortage
timbak shot
haruh should
baho shoulder
toep shout
peudeuh show
aci peudeh bak long show me
mano shower
udeung shrimp
susot shrink
keunyuet shrink
toep shut
iem shut up
malee shy
syeara sibling
syeara siblings
sakeet sick
sampeng side
peuleuh laphah panyang sigh
peungeuh sight
peumandangan sightseeing
tamasya sightseeing
sinyal sign
teken signature
beurarti significant
seungap silence
seungap silent
sutra silk
bangai silly
ulok silly
pirak silver
sa similar
teukeuch 'ak simp
mudah simple
srentak simultaneously
mulai since
jujo sincere
lam ate sincerely
meulagu sing
peunyanyi singer
sidro single
nom sink
Tuan Sir
kakak sister
cuda sister
ipar ineung sister in law
duek sit
tumpat site
situasi situation
nam six
nam blah sixteen
nam ploh sixty
ukoran size
mah'e skill
mahe skills
kulet skin
pijut cruet skinny
grop skip
rok skirt
langet sky
babu slave
eh sleep
tingeut sleeping
teungeut sleepy
baje panyang sapai sleeve
cang slice
meusireuk slide
bacut slightly
pijut slim
slip slip
teumereun slope
selot slot
meulet slow
bacut bacut slowly
haloh small
ubeut small
carong smart
bee smell
khem smile
meurukok smoke
licen smooth
makanan ubit snack
sipot snail
uleue snake
patah snap
salju snow
man so
lagak that so cute
sejioh nyo so far
bucho soak
sabon soap
hana jep alkohol sober
bola soccer
sosial social
masyarakat society
kawoh gaki socks
leumik soft
software software
tanoh soil
lagout sold
abeh lagout sold out
teuntra soldier
saboh khong sole
meuasoe solid
solusi solution
peuglah masa'alah solve
papadim some
sidro dro somebody
kiban pih somehow
soe someone
peue something
meujan jan sometimes
lague song
ban soon
canggih sophisticated
Sorani Sorani
peudeeh sore
gatai takue sore throat
seudeeh sorrow
me'uah Sorry
pileh sort
mita sought
nyawoung soul
gaseh soulmate
sue sound
sop soup
masam sour
sumber source
tunong south
pansa space
ruang space
broeh spam
linteung span
seupanyol Spanish
pre spare
marit speak
khusuh special
jeuneeh species
khusuh specific
takjub spectacular
brie nariet speech
teubisu speechless
teuga speed
peukeuneung spell
ija spell
meublo spend
beulanja spend
beulanja spent
keu'eng spicy
runceng spike
bibeue spin
bayam spinach
nyaweung spirit
rudah spit
geut that splendid
plah split
uce spoil
broek spoiled
spontan spontaneous
camca spoon
titek spot
lako atawa prumoh spouse
leueng spread
musem semi spring
per spring
petak square
ramah squeeze
noeh squid
tupe squirrel
st st
chop stab
stabil stable
tumpok stack
seutaf staff
panggong stage
nuda stain
rinyeun stairs
jeuneurop stake
tangke stalk
rheut stall
stempe stamp
deung stand
standar standard
bintang star
keulayi start
mula started
deuk starving
keuadaan state
nanggroe state
peurnyataan statement
tasiyon station
patong statue
statuh status
tinggai stay
jaga keuseulamatan stay safe
bereh steady
stik steak
cu steal
uap steam
baja steel
lhoek steep
bak stem
langkah step
tungkat stick
kaku stiff
manteung still
itoep sting
kriet stingy
adok stir
saham stock
dicue stolen
pruet stomach
batee stone
teudeeng stood
bangku stool
theun stop
piyoh stop
teumpat keubah sipeu peu storage
peuduek store
angen bade storm
calitra story
kompho stove
lansong straight
lansong straightforward
teukanan strain
aneh strange
ureung aseng stranger
strategi strategy
juempueng straw
stroberi strawberry
gareeh streak
alue stream
jalan street
wat strength
seutreh stress
boet stretch
curien strict
mogok strike
talo string
seutreep strip
useha strive
mate siblah stroke
teuga strong
keuneng struck
struktur structure
useuha struggle
meujuang struggling
kreuh ulee stubborn
meukumat stuck
aneuk murit student
meureuno study
meureuno studying
sak stuff
ta'jub stunning
bangai stupid
setil style
subjek subject
seurah droe submission
seurahkan submit
substansi substance
geulantoe substitute
hana jeulah subtle
meuhasee succeed
sukses success
hase geut successful
meunan such
lagei such as
piep suck
hirop suck
tiba tiba sudden
meundadak suddenly
jra suffer
peudeeh suffering
sep sufficient
saka sugar
saran suggest
saran suggestion
pah suit
pah suitable
kopho suitcase
jumlah sum
ringkasan summary
musem seum summer
pucak summit
matauro sun
binggu sunday
tarek uroe sunny
nom matauro sunset
cahya matauro sunshine
super super
superior superior
supervisor supervisor
bue malam supper
pasokan supply
dukong support
meukira suppose
haruh jih supposed
teuntee sure
permukaan surface
sampoh surge
bedah surgery
nan akhe surname
okuh surprise
jakkeuh surprised
okuw surprised
meunyeurah surrender
seukita surrounding
surveilens surveillance
surve survey
meutheun udep survive
teujalok suspect
gantong suspended
teujalok suspicious
peutheun sustain
berlanjut laju laju sustainability
meulanjot sustainable
barang hase ceumeucue swag
uet swallow
taluem swallow
tuka swap
sumpah swear
meureuoh sweat
baje se'um sweater
sampoh sweep
mameh sweet
leumpo geut sweet dreams
igo mameh sweet tooth
boh atee sweetheart
keumeng swell
keumeung swelling
meulangu swim
teungeuh meulangu swimming
meuayon swing
gantow switch
bunthok swollen
peudeung sword
simboi symbol
simpati sympathy
geujala symptoms
sistem system
meh table
kaleueng tackle
peutanda tag
ikue tail
cok take
peuwoo take away
bungkoh take away
beuleuheun take care
jipheu take off
ka geucok taken
narit talk
peugah haba talk
meuratoeh talkative
panyang tall
keutok tap
pita tape
target target
tugah task
rasa taste
meurasa tasty
peureuno taught
te tea
preuno teach
guree teacher
tim team
priek tear
ie mata tears
kra tease
tehnologi technology
igow teeth
peugah tell
aci neupeugah tell me
bingkeng temper
temperatur temperature
teumpat seumayang temple
siat temporary
siploh ribe ten
siploh ribe ten thousand
awak duek tenant
cendrung tend
cendrong tendency
leumbot tender
teugang tense
tensi tension
seueng tent
hana teuntee tentative
istilah term
istilah istilah terms
broek that terrible
geut that terrific
wilayah territory
cuba test
tre test
matan text
ngeun than
trimeung geunaseh thank
trimeung geunaseh thank you
Teurimeng geunaseh ka neusaba, kamo akan seulidiki pengireman Thank you for your patience while we investigate shipment
trimong geunaseuh thank you so much
trimeung geunaseh beurayeuk thank you very much
Teurimeng geunaseh thanks
teurimeng geunaseh ka neupakek app kamo Thanks for using our app
Nyan that
nyan that is
geut that that's good
nyan the
ceumeucu theft
atra their
awak jih them
tema theme
awaknyan themselves
aleuhnyan then
teori theory
sideh there
na there are
na there is
sehingga therefore
nyou mandum these
Awaknyan they
ureung nyan adalah they are
teubai thick
pancuri thief
phaa thigh
pijut thin
peu peu thing
barangkapue things
pikei think
keulhee third
grah thirsty
lhee blah thirteen
lheu ploh thirty
nyo this
nyokeuh this is
teuliti thorough
ngen mandum thoroughly
yang those
beu that though
pikeran thought
peunoh seumikee thoughtful
peumikeran thoughts
siribe thousand
beuneung thread
kacak threat
kacak threaten
lhee three
batah threshold
teugang thrilled
timoh thrive
reungguk throat
reut through
mamandum throughout
rhoem throw
ineung jaro thumb
geulanteu thunder
hameh Thursday
sehingga thus
contreng tick
bakat tide
peurapi tidy
dasi tie
rimung tiger
keutat tight
Tigrinya Tigrinya
wate time
kleut timid
haloh tiny
ujoeng tip
tip tips
hek tire
hek tired
tisu tissue
judui title
ho to
jeut to be
teut toast
uronyo today
aneuk bayek toddler
ujoeng aki toes
beursama together
sajan together
toilet toilet
peugah told
toleransi tolerance
peutolerir tolerate
boh tomat tomato
singeuh tomorrow
lidah tongue
malamnyo tonight
ciet too
cok took
alat tool
alat alat tools
igow tooth
pucak top
topik topic
priek torn
seksa torture
totai total
geue touch
payah tough
tur tour
ukeu toward
u towards
handok towel
kuta town
meuracoen toxic
jejak trace
jalan ubiet track
meuniyaga trade
tradisi tradition
tradisional traditional
trafik traffic
trel trail
gritapui train
meulatih training
sipheut trait
sipheut sipheut traits
kirem transfer
transisi transition
teurjemah translate
transparen transparent
transportasi transport
transportasi transportation
tareun trap
broeh trash
trauma trauma
peurjalanan travel
tabusi tray
hareuta treasure
peulaku treat
peulaku treatment
bak tree
that jai tremendous
tren trend
tre trial
tipei trick
cuba tried
picu trigger
koeh trim
peurjalanan trip
masalah trouble
siluweue trousers
moto greubak truck
betoi true
bateueng trunk
peucaya trust
kebeunaran truth
cuba try
ci try
tre try
Tsonga Tsonga
tabong tube
seulasa Tuesday
beyaya meureuno tuition
manok kalkun turkey
kinyet turmeric
kunyet turmeric
puta turn
wet turn
keukura turtle
guree tutor
dua blah twelve
dua ploh twenty
duaploh sa twenty-one
Twi Twi
duwageu twice
bibeue twist
dua two
jeuneuh type
biasajih typical
khek ugly
broek ugly
seneulueh ultimate
payong umbrella
han jeut unable
pak wa uncle
pansan unconscious
dimiyup under
dimiyup underneath
eleh underrated
meuphom understand
meuphom understood
hana raseuki unfortunately
seuragam uniform
unik unique
unit unit
universitas university
hana meutupu unknown
meuhan unless
kecuali unless
sampe until
hana beyasa unusual
ateuh up
bak droeneuh up to you
teurseurah gata up to you
peubarui update
peu'ek upgrade
ateuh upon
gundah upset
nyang berhubungan ngeun kuta urban
peunteng urge
perle that urgent
tanyo us
pakek use
seken used
meuguna useful
hana guna useless
biasa jih usual
biasajih usually
utilitah utility
uro pree vacation
vaksinasi vaccination
vaksin vaccine
peusoh vacuum
hareuga vague
sah valid
leumbah valley
meuhareuga valuable
hareuga value
variasi variety
jeuneeh various
jeuneeh vary
pot vase
luwah vast
gule vegetable
gule rampow vegetables
keundaraan vehicle
vendor vendor
racon venom
bisa venom
useha venture
teumpat venue
verifikasi verify
that meuguna versatile
versi version
vertikal vertical
that very
geut that very good
kapai vessel
via via
veb vibe
veb vibes
broek akai vicious
kroban victim
video video
peumandangan view
gampong village
peunjahat villain
cuka vinegar
vintej vintage
kekeurasan violence
bansat violent
viral viral
aneuk dara virgin
virtual virtual
buet geut virtue
visi vision
saweu visit
kunjong visit
visual visual
peunteng vital
klir vivid
jeulah vivid
kosakata vocabulary
sue voice
soh void
volum volume
rilawan volunteer
mutah vomit
rawan vulnerable
upah wage
upah wages
keuieng waist
preh wait
pelayan waiter
preh waiting
beudoh wake
beudooh wake up
geujak ngen tapak walk
teungeuh geujak ngen tapak walking
binteh wall
tompet wallet
rawoh wander
harok wanna
tem want
imita wanted
prang war
neungui wardrobe
gudang warehouse
suam warm
ramah warm
beuingat warn
nyang peuingat warning
pejuang warrior
adalah was
rhah wash
broeh waste
teubueh waste
eu watch
ie water
timeun bruek watermelon
bakat wave
jalan way
kamoe we
kamo adalah we are
kamo jeut we can
leumeeh weak
la'eh weakness
kaya wealth
kaya wealthy
ngui wear
neungui wearing
kutika weather
pernikahan wedding
rabu Wednesday
naleung weed
binggu week
akhe peukan weekend
geuheun weight
ganjee weird
saleuem welcome
keuseujahtera welfare
Get Well
get that well done
ka dijak went
adalah were
barat west
bulut wet
pawoh whale
peu what
kiban meunurot gata what about you
pu buet what are you doing
Teungeh peu neupeubut what are you doing now
pu teungeuh neupubut jino what are you doing right now
peuneupeuget what do you do
droneuh peu neupeuget keu udep what do you do for a living
peu makesut gata what do you mean
peu neuheut gata what do you want
peu keujadian what happened
pu nyan what is
pu nyo what is this
peubuet gata siuro uro what is your job
so nan gata what is your name
pu na what's up
so nan gata what's your name
teuseurah whatever
pu manteung whatever
gandom wheat
ruda wheel
pajan when
pajan pajan whenever
dipat where
ho gata where are you
dari pat gata teuka where are you from
dipat gata jino where are you now
dipat gata tinggai where do you live
dipat where is
seudangkan whereas
peukeuh whether
yang teuh which
sira while
shah whisper
priep whistle
puteh white
So who
so gata who are you
so yang who is
so nyan who is
so nyo who is this
mandum whole
keuso whom
ata so whose
pakeun why
pakeun han why not
ipeukeuneng wicked
luwah wide
ineung balee widow
luwah width
prumoeh wife
kleut wild
akan will
tem willing
meunang win
angen wind
tingkap window
meuangen windy
anggo wine
musem leupi winter
sampoh wipe
kabei wire
hekeumat wisdom
bijaksana wise
hawa wish
seumoga yang geut geut mandum meurempek keu gata wish you all the best
dukon witch
ngeun with
tarek withdraw
peunarekan withdrawal
lam within
tanpa without
saksi witness
caroeng witty
srigala wolf
ureung ineung woman
inoeng women
meunang won
han akan won't
ta'jub wonder
ta'jub wonderful
kayee wood
wul wool
kata word
kata kata words
buet work
krija work
peubut work out
keurija working
donya world
glang worm
awoh worn
gundah worried
sosah worried
sosah worry
broek worse
seumah worship
that brok worst
meuharga worth
sipadan worth it
pantah worth it
meuhareuga worthy
akan would
cabok wound
wow Wow
bungkoh wrap
beungeeh wrath
weuet jaroe wrist
tumuleh write
tuleh sino Write here
tumuleh writing
dituleh written
salah wrong
tuleh wrote
halaman yard
seumeungeup yawn
Nye Yeah
thon year
thon years
rago yeast
iep iep yell
kuneng yellow
Nye Yes
nye sayang yes baby
nye, sayang yes dear
nyeu sayang yes honey
nye, cinta loen yes my love
iya, teuntee saja yes of course
baroe yesterday
galom yet
hase yield
gata you
gata adalah you are
gata lagak that you are beautiful
gata sep lagak you are so beautiful
gata sep tari you are so beautiful
hana peu peu you are welcome
jeut you are welcome
sama sama you are welcome
gata jeut you can
neuteupu You know
meunan sit keudro you too
sama sama you're welcome
cut young
atra your
sama sama your welcome
gata keudro yourself
aneuk muda youth
sama sama you’re welcome
lazat yummy
noi zero