IWPT_2021 / tools /expand_edeps_in_french.pl
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Expands enhanced relation labels in French. For certain relations, the French
# treebanks provide a double label, consisting of a canonical and a final
# relation. This is to neutralize diathesis: final passive subject is canonical
# object etc. (Candito et al. 2017). Unfortunately it is not possible to
# represent a double label in the CoNLL-U file while complying with the UD
# guidelines, specifically with the limited set of characters that are allowed
# in a relation label. Therefore, the labels have been encoded in a form that
# makes the file formally valid but the label poorly readable by human users,
# e.g., "nsubj:passxoxobjenh". This script expands the labels to improve their
# readability while preserving the information they encode. It is thus a kind
# of antipole of the script fix_edeps_in_french.pl, although it will not restore
# the relation labels exactly in the form in which the other script reads them.
# With --list-edeprels, the script will also list the resulting edeprels to STDERR.
# Copyright © 2020 Dan Zeman <zeman@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>
# License: GNU GPL
use utf8;
use open ':utf8';
binmode(STDIN, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');
use Getopt::Long;
my $list_edeprels = 0;
'list-edeprels' => \$list_edeprels
my %edeprels;
my $line = $_;
if($line =~ m/^\d/)
my @f = split(/\t/, $line);
my $edeps = $f[8];
if($edeps ne '_')
my @edeps = map {m/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?):(.+)$/; [$1, $2]} (split(/\|/, $edeps));
foreach my $edep (@edeps)
my $h = $edep->[0];
my $d = $edep->[1];
# Relations that are specific to the enhanced graph (they don't have a counterpart in the basic tree)
# have the suffix "enh". Sometimes it is not preceded by a colon because the maximum allowed number of
# colons would be exceeded.
#$d =~ s/([^:])enh$/$1:enh/;
# Marie: the ":enh" suffix is only here to *easily spot* the enhanced dependencies,
# it is used (in a different form) in our internal format. Since the information on
# what is the original non-enhanced dependency is given in columns 7 and 8, you should
# completely remove all the :enh suffixes in column 9, they are useless and harmful.
$d =~ s/:?enh$//;
# The final and canonical relations are separated by "xox" or ":xox", a sequence that does not occur
# anywhere else in the labels. Again, the colon may not be there and may have to be restored.
$d =~ s/([^:])xox/$1:xox/g;
# Finally, replace ":xox" by something looking more like a delimiter.
$d =~ s/:xox/\@/g;
# In rare cases, a colon may also be missing between a main universal relation and its subtype. Restore it.
$d =~ s/(nsubj)(caus|xxx)/$1:$2/g;
# It is a bug in the original annotation that some relations have the ":xxx" subtype.
# Marie: the XXX suffixes in labels are an internal mark. Could you
# - remove the :xxx suffix in the Sequoia (i.e. keep "obj@nsubj" as label)
# - change all "obj@nsubj:xxx" into "obj" in the FQB files?
# This script does not know whether it is processing Sequoia or FQB.
# But there are 9 occurrences in FQB and 1 in Sequoia, so we are taking the FQB rule as default.
$d =~ s/^obj\@nsubj:xxx$/obj/;
$edep->[0] = $h;
$edep->[1] = $d;
$edeps = join('|', map {"$_->[0]:$_->[1]"} (sort {my $r = $a->[0] <=> $b->[0]; unless($r) {$r = $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]} $r} (@edeps)));
$f[8] = $edeps;
$line = join("\t", @f);
my @edeprels = sort(keys(%edeprels));
foreach my $edeprel (@edeprels)
print STDERR ("$edeprel\n");