IWPT_2020 / tools /html_evaluation.pl
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Scans the folder with the evaluation results of a shared task submission.
# Collects all scores and creates a HTML page that presents them.
# Copyright © 2020 Dan Zeman <zeman@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>
# License: GNU GPL
use utf8;
use open ':utf8';
binmode(STDIN, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');
my $system_unpacked_folder = '/home/zeman/iwpt2020/_private/data/sysoutputs';
# List of language codes and names.
my %languages =
'ar' => 'Arabic',
'bg' => 'Bulgarian',
'cs' => 'Czech',
'nl' => 'Dutch',
'en' => 'English',
'et' => 'Estonian',
'fi' => 'Finnish',
'fr' => 'French',
'it' => 'Italian',
'lv' => 'Latvian',
'lt' => 'Lithuanian',
'pl' => 'Polish',
'ru' => 'Russian',
'sk' => 'Slovak',
'sv' => 'Swedish',
'ta' => 'Tamil',
'uk' => 'Ukrainian'
my @languages = sort {$languages{$a} cmp $languages{$b}} (keys(%languages));
# List and ordering of treebanks for each language.
my %dev_treebanks =
'ar' => ['Arabic-PADT'],
'bg' => ['Bulgarian-BTB'],
'cs' => ['Czech-FicTree', 'Czech-CAC', 'Czech-PDT'],
'nl' => ['Dutch-Alpino', 'Dutch-LassySmall'],
'en' => ['English-EWT'],
'et' => ['Estonian-EDT'],
'fi' => ['Finnish-TDT'],
'fr' => ['French-Sequoia'],
'it' => ['Italian-ISDT'],
'lv' => ['Latvian-LVTB'],
'lt' => ['Lithuanian-ALKSNIS'],
'pl' => ['Polish-LFG', 'Polish-PDB'],
'ru' => ['Russian-SynTagRus'],
'sk' => ['Slovak-SNK'],
'sv' => ['Swedish-Talbanken'],
'ta' => ['Tamil-TTB'],
'uk' => ['Ukrainian-IU']
my %test_treebanks =
'ar' => ['Arabic-PADT'],
'bg' => ['Bulgarian-BTB'],
'cs' => ['Czech-FicTree', 'Czech-CAC', 'Czech-PDT', 'Czech-PUD'],
'nl' => ['Dutch-Alpino', 'Dutch-LassySmall'],
'en' => ['English-EWT', 'English-PUD'],
'et' => ['Estonian-EDT', 'Estonian-EWT'],
'fi' => ['Finnish-TDT', 'Finnish-PUD'],
'fr' => ['French-Sequoia', 'French-FQB'],
'it' => ['Italian-ISDT'],
'lv' => ['Latvian-LVTB'],
'lt' => ['Lithuanian-ALKSNIS'],
'pl' => ['Polish-LFG', 'Polish-PDB', 'Polish-PUD'],
'ru' => ['Russian-SynTagRus'],
'sk' => ['Slovak-SNK'],
'sv' => ['Swedish-Talbanken', 'Swedish-PUD'],
'ta' => ['Tamil-TTB'],
'uk' => ['Ukrainian-IU']
# Enhancement type selection for each treebank (only for information in the table).
my %enhancements =
'Arabic-PADT' => 'no xsubj',
'Bulgarian-BTB' => '', # all
'Czech-FicTree' => '', # all
'Czech-CAC' => '', # all
'Czech-PDT' => '', # all
'Czech-PUD' => 'no codepend',
'Dutch-Alpino' => '', # all
'Dutch-LassySmall' => '', # all
'English-EWT' => '', # all
'English-PUD' => '', # all
'Estonian-EDT' => 'no xsubj',
'Estonian-EWT' => 'no codepend, no xsubj',
'Finnish-TDT' => '', # all
'Finnish-PUD' => 'no codepend, no xsubj',
'French-Sequoia' => 'no gapping, relcl, case',
'French-FQB' => 'no gapping, relcl, case',
'Italian-ISDT' => '', # all
'Latvian-LVTB' => '', # all
'Lithuanian-ALKSNIS' => '', # all
'Polish-LFG' => 'no gapping', # no gapping
'Polish-PDB' => '', # all
'Polish-PUD' => '', # all
'Russian-SynTagRus' => '', # no coord depend
'Slovak-SNK' => '', # all
'Swedish-Talbanken' => '', # all
'Swedish-PUD' => '', # all
'Tamil-TTB' => 'no gapping, xsubj, relcl',
'Ukrainian-IU' => '', # all
die("Three arguments expected: team name, submission id, and dev|test");
my $team = $ARGV[0];
my $submid = $ARGV[1];
my $portion = $ARGV[2];
if($team !~ m/^[a-z0-9_]+$/)
die("Invalid team name '$team': must be [a-z0-9_]+");
if($submid !~ m/^[a-z0-9_]+$/)
die("Invalid submission id '$submid': must be [a-z0-9_]+");
if($portion !~ m/^(dev|test)$/)
die("Unknown data portion '$portion', should be 'dev' or 'test'");
my $submission_folder = "$system_unpacked_folder/$team/$submid";
my %treebanks = $portion eq 'dev' ? %dev_treebanks : %test_treebanks;
foreach my $language (@languages)
# Read the evaluation scores.
my $file = "$submission_folder/$language.eval.log";
if(-f $file)
open(EVAL, $file) or die("Cannot read '$file': $!");
my @f = split(/\s*\|\s*/, $_);
my $metric = shift(@f);
my $p = shift(@f);
my $r = shift(@f);
my $f = shift(@f);
my $a = shift(@f);
$score{language}{$language}{$metric} =
'p' => $p,
'r' => $r,
'f' => $f,
'a' => $a
my @treebanks;
my $doing_dev;
foreach my $language (@languages)
my $language_reliable = exists($score{language}{$language});
foreach my $treebank (@{$treebanks{$language}})
push(@treebanks, $treebank);
my $tcode = lc($treebank);
$tcode =~ s/^.+-//;
# Read the evaluation scores.
my $file = "$submission_folder/pertreebank/${language}_$tcode-ud";
if(-e "$file-dev.eval.log" && -e "$file-test.eval.log")
die("Both dev and test eval.log exist for '$file'");
elsif(-e "$file-dev.eval.log")
$file .= '-dev.eval.log';
$doing_dev = 1;
die("Both dev and test eval logs are present in the per-treebank folder.");
elsif(-e "$file-test.eval.log")
$file .= '-test.eval.log';
$doing_dev = 0;
die("Both dev and test eval logs are present in the per-treebank folder.");
# Score of a treebank is not reliable if the score for the language does not exist.
if(-f $file && $language_reliable)
open(EVAL, $file) or die("Cannot read '$file': $!");
my @f = split(/\s*\|\s*/, $_);
my $metric = shift(@f);
my $p = shift(@f);
my $r = shift(@f);
my $f = shift(@f);
my $a = shift(@f);
$score{treebank}{$treebank}{$metric} =
'p' => $p,
'r' => $r,
'f' => $f,
'a' => $a
# For comparison, add a copy of (link to) the language coarse scores to each treebank.
$score{treebank}{$treebank}{language} = $score{language}{$language};
# Sum up (and average) the qualitative ELAS scores for each language.
$score{language}{$language}{QualitativeSUM}{ELAS}{f} += $score{treebank}{$treebank}{ELAS}{f};
my $html = "<html>\n";
$html .= "<head>\n";
$html .= " <title>IWPT Results of $team/$submid</title>\n";
$html .= "</head>\n";
$html .= "<body>\n";
$html .= " <h1>IWPT 2020 Shared Task Results of <span style='color:blue'>$team</span>/$submid</h1>\n";
my @metrics = qw(Tokens Words Sentences UPOS XPOS UFeats AllTags Lemmas UAS LAS CLAS MLAS BLEX EULAS ELAS);
$html .= " <h2>Coarse F<sub>1</sub> Scores</h2>\n";
$html .= " <p>Each score pertains to the combined test set of the language, without distinguishing individual treebanks and the enhancement types they annotate. The last line shows the macro-average over languages.</p>\n";
$html .= " <table>\n";
$html .= " <tr><td><b>Language</b></td>";
foreach my $metric (@metrics)
$html .= "<td><b>$metric</b></td>";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
foreach my $language (@languages)
my $lh = $score{language}{$language};
$html .= " <tr><td>$languages{$language}</td>";
foreach my $metric (@metrics)
$html .= "<td>$lh->{$metric}{f}</td>";
$score{language}{SUM}{$metric}{f} += $lh->{$metric}{f};
$html .= "</tr>\n";
my $n = scalar(@languages);
$html .= " <tr><td><b>Average</b></td>";
foreach my $metric (@metrics)
$score{language}{AVG}{$metric}{f} = sprintf("%.2f", $score{language}{SUM}{$metric}{f}/$n);
$html .= "<td><b>$score{language}{AVG}{$metric}{f}</b></td>";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
$html .= " </table>\n";
$html .= " <h2>Qualitative F<sub>1</sub> Scores</h2>\n";
$html .= " <p>The system output for each language was split into parts corresponding to individual source treebanks. ".
"The scores then ignore errors in enhancement types for which the treebank lacks gold-standard annotation. ".
"The column LAvgELAS shows the qualitative ELAS averaged over treebanks of the same language; ".
"the final average in bold is averaged over languages rather than treebanks. ".
"For comparison, the last column then shows the coarse ELAS F<sub>1</sub> for the given language.</p>\n";
$html .= " <table>\n";
$html .= " <tr><td><b>Treebank</b></td>";
foreach my $metric (@metrics)
$html .= "<td><b>$metric</b></td>";
# Inform about omitted enhancements in the treebank.
$html .= "<td><b>Enhancements</b></td>";
# Add a column for the average of the qualitative ELAS scores over the treebanks of one language.
$html .= "<td><b>LAvgELAS</b></td>";
# Add a column for comparison with language coarse ELAS.
$html .= "<td><b>cf.</b></td>";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
foreach my $treebank (@treebanks)
my $lh = $score{treebank}{$treebank};
$html .= " <tr><td>$treebank</td>";
foreach my $metric (@metrics)
$html .= "<td>$lh->{$metric}{f}</td>";
$score{treebank}{SUM}{$metric}{f} += $lh->{$metric}{f};
# Indicate which enhancements are missing in the treebank.
my $omitted = $enhancements{$treebank} ne '' ? "($enhancements{$treebank})" : '';
$html .= "<td>$omitted</td>";
# Average the qualitative ELAS scores for each language.
my $sum = $lh->{language}{QualitativeSUM}{ELAS}{f};
my $cnt = $lh->{language}{QualitativeCNT};
my $avg = $lh->{language}{QualitativeAVG}{ELAS}{f} = $cnt==0 ? 0 : sprintf("%.2f", $sum/$cnt);
$html .= "<td>$avg</td>";
# Add a column for comparison with language coarse ELAS.
$html .= "<td>$lh->{language}{ELAS}{f}</td>";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
$n = scalar(@treebanks);
$html .= " <tr><td><b>Average</b></td>";
foreach my $metric (@metrics)
$score{treebank}{AVG}{$metric}{f} = $n==0 ? 0 : sprintf("%.2f", $score{treebank}{SUM}{$metric}{f}/$n);
$html .= "<td><b>$score{treebank}{AVG}{$metric}{f}</b></td>";
# Inform about omitted enhancements in the treebank.
$html .= "<td></td>";
# Add a column for the average of the qualitative ELAS scores over the treebanks of one language.
# We want to average these averages over languages, not over treebanks!
my $sum = 0;
$n = scalar(@languages);
foreach my $language (@languages)
$sum += $score{language}{$language}{QualitativeAVG}{ELAS}{f};
$score{language}{QualitativeAVG}{ELAS}{f} = $n==0 ? 0 : sprintf("%.2f", $sum/$n);
$html .= "<td><b>$score{language}{QualitativeAVG}{ELAS}{f}</b></td>";
# Add a column for comparison with language coarse ELAS.
$html .= "<td></td>";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
$html .= " </table>\n";
$html .= "</body>\n";
$html .= "</html>\n";