blur = 20, |
max = 0.5, |
radius = 15, |
gradient = ' |
addHeatmap(theatre_groupe3$lng, |
theatre_groupe3$lat, |
group = "Third Period", |
blur = 20, |
max = 0.5, |
radius = 15, |
gradient = ' |
addControl(html = html_legend, position = "bottomleft") %>% |
addLegend(position = "bottomleft", |
labels = c("First Period", |
"Second Period", |
"Third Period"), |
colors = c("red", |
"blue", |
"green"), |
title = "Toponyms by period:") %>% |
addLegend("topright", |
colors = c("trasparent", "trasparent"), |
labels=c("Mapping: Giovanni Pietro Vitali - giovannipietrovitali@gmail.com", |
"NLP: Simon Gabay - simon.gabay@unine.ch"), |
title="Mapping French Theatre:") %>% |
addLayersControl(baseGroups = c("List of places", |
"Empty layer"), |
overlayGroups = c("Areas", |
"Comedy", |
"Tragedy", |
"Tragicomedy", |
"First Period", |
"Second Period", |
"Third Period", |
"Toponyms by author", |
"Authors", |
"Boyer", |
"Corneille Pierre", |
"Corneille Thomas", |
"Du Ryer", |
"Molière", |
"Racine", |
"Rotrou", |
"Scarron", |
"Scudéry"), |
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE)) %>% |
hideGroup(c("Empty", |
"Authors", |
"Toponyms by author", |
"Comedy", |
"Tragedy", |
"Tragicomedy", |
"First Period", |
"Second Period", |
"Third Period", |
"Boyer", |
"Corneille Pierre", |
"Corneille Thomas", |
"Du Ryer", |
"Molière", |
"Racine", |
"Rotrou", |
"Scarron", |
"Scudéry")) |
m |
m <- leaflet(shp) %>% |
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.NatGeoWorldMap)%>% |
addResetMapButton() %>% |
setView(lng = -13.439978, |
lat = 37.804134, |
zoom = 2.2 ) %>% |
addPolygons(data = shp, |
stroke = FALSE, |
smoothFactor = 0.2, |
fillOpacity = 1, |
color = ~pal(number), |
group = "Areas", |
label = ~paste("Area:", area, "that has", |
number, "occurences", |
sep = " ")) %>% |
addLegend("bottomleft", |
pal = pal, |
values = ~number, |
title = "Occurrences of toponyms by region:", |
labFormat = labelFormat(suffix = " occurrences"), |
opacity = 1, |
group = "Areas") %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = scudery$lng, |
lat = scudery$lat, |
color = "brown", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Scudéry", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
scudery$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
scudery$titre, |
"by", |
scudery$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = scudery$lng, |
lat = scudery$lat, |
color = "brown", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
scudery$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
scudery$titre, |
"by", |
scudery$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = scarron$lng, |
lat = scarron$lat, |
color = "white", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Scarron", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
scarron$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
scarron$titre, |
"by", |
scarron$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = scarron$lng, |
lat = scarron$lat, |
color = "white", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
scarron$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
scarron$titre, |
"by", |
scarron$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = boyer$lng, |
lat = boyer$lat, |
color = "blue", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Boyer", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
boyer$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
boyer$titre, |
"by", |
boyer$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = boyer$lng, |
lat = boyer$lat, |
color = "blue", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
boyer$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
boyer$titre, |
"by", |
boyer$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = corneille_P$lng, |
lat = corneille_P$lat, |
color = "Yellow", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Corneille Pierre", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
corneille_P$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
corneille_P$titre, |
"by", |
corneille_P$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = corneille_P$lng, |
lat = corneille_P$lat, |
color = "Yellow", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
corneille_P$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
corneille_P$titre, |
"by", |
corneille_P$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = corneille_T$lng, |
lat = corneille_T$lat, |
color = "Green", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Corneille Thomas", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
corneille_T$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
corneille_T$titre, |
"by", |
corneille_T$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = corneille_T$lng, |
lat = corneille_T$lat, |
color = "Green", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
corneille_T$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
corneille_T$titre, |
"by", |
corneille_T$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = duryer$lng, |
lat = duryer$lat, |
color = "Purple", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Du Ryer", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
duryer$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
duryer$titre, |
"of", |
duryer$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = duryer$lng, |
lat = duryer$lat, |
color = "Purple", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
duryer$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
duryer$titre, |
"of", |
duryer$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = moliere$lng, |
lat = moliere$lat, |
color = "Violet", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Molière", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
moliere$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
moliere$titre, |
"by", |
moliere$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = moliere$lng, |
lat = moliere$lat, |
color = "Violet", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
moliere$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
moliere$titre, |
"by", |
moliere$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = racine$lng, |
lat = racine$lat, |
color = "Orange", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Racine", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
racine$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
racine$titre, |
"by", |
racine$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = racine$lng, |
lat = racine$lat, |
color = "Orange", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
racine$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
racine$titre, |
"by", |
racine$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = rotrou$lng, |
lat = rotrou$lat, |
color = "red", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Rotrou", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
rotrou$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
rotrou$titre, |
"by", |
rotrou$auteur)) %>% |
addCircleMarkers(lng = rotrou$lng, |
lat = rotrou$lat, |
color = "red", |
weight = 1, |
radius = 14, |
fillOpacity = 0.6, |
group = "Toponyms by author", |
label = ~paste("The toponym", |
rotrou$occurrence, |
"is mentioned in the work", |
rotrou$titre, |
"by", |
rotrou$auteur)) %>% |
addLegend("bottomleft", |
colors= c("blue", "Yellow", "Green", |
"purple", "Violet", "Orange", |
"red", "white", "brown"), |
labels=c("Claude Boyer", "Pierre Corneille", "Thomas Corneille", |
"Pierre du Ryer", "Molière", "Jean Racine", |
"Jean Rotrou", "Paul Scarron", "Georges de Scudéry"), |
title= "Toponyms by author:", |
group = "Toponyms by author") %>% |
addMarkers(data = data, |
lng = ~lng, |
lat = ~lat, |
group = "List of places", |
popup = ~paste("<h4>Information on this place:</h4>", |
"Occurrence:", "<b>", occurrence,"</b>","<br>", |
"Type:", "<b>", type, "</b>", "</b>","<br>", |
"Author:", "<b>", auteur, "</b>","<br>", |
"Title:", "<b>", titre, "</b>", "<br>", |
"Year:", "<b>", publication, "</b>", "<br>", |
"Genre:", "<b>", genre, "</b>", "<br>", |
sep = " "), |
clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) %>% |
addAwesomeMarkers(data = data_comedie, |
data_comedie$lng, |
data_comedie$lat, |
group = "Comedy", |
icon = icon_comedie, |
popup = ~paste("<h4>Information on this place:</h4>", |
"Occurrence:", "<b>", occurrence,"</b>","<br>", |
"Type:", "<b>", type, "</b>", "</b>","<br>", |
"Author:", "<b>", auteur, "</b>","<br>", |
"Title:", "<b>", titre, "</b>", "<br>", |
"Year:", "<b>", publication, "</b>", "<br>", |
"Genre:", "<b>", genre, "</b>", "<br>", |
sep = " ")) %>% |
addAwesomeMarkers(data = data_tragedie, |
data_tragedie$lng, |
data_tragedie$lat, |
group = "Tragedy", |
icon = icon_tragedie, |
popup = ~paste("<h4>Information on this place:</h4>", |
"Occurrence:", "<b>", occurrence,"</b>","<br>", |
"Type:", "<b>", type, "</b>", "</b>","<br>", |
"Author:", "<b>", auteur, "</b>","<br>", |
"Title:", "<b>", titre, "</b>", "<br>", |
"Year:", "<b>", publication, "</b>", "<br>", |
"Genre:", "<b>", genre, "</b>", "<br>", |
sep = " ")) %>% |
addAwesomeMarkers(data = data_tragedie_comedie, |
data_tragedie_comedie$lng, |
data_tragedie_comedie$lat, |
group = "Tragicomedy", |
icon = icon_tragedie_comedie, |
popup = ~paste("<h4>Information on this place:</h4>", |
"Occurrence:", "<b>", occurrence,"</b>","<br>", |
"Type:", "<b>", type, "</b>", "</b>","<br>", |
"Author:", "<b>", auteur, "</b>","<br>", |
"Title:", "<b>", titre, "</b>", "<br>", |
"Year:", "<b>", publication, "</b>", "<br>", |
"Genre:", "<b>", genre, "</b>", "<br>", |
sep = " ")) %>% |
addHeatmap(theatre_groupe1$lng, |
theatre_groupe1$lat, |
group = "First Period", |
blur = 20, |
max = 0.5, |
radius = 15, |
gradient = ' |
addHeatmap(theatre_groupe2$lng, |
theatre_groupe2$lat, |
group = "Second Period", |
blur = 20, |
max = 0.5, |
radius = 15, |
gradient = ' |
addHeatmap(theatre_groupe3$lng, |
theatre_groupe3$lat, |
group = "Third Period", |
blur = 20, |
max = 0.5, |
radius = 15, |
gradient = ' |
addControl(html = html_legend, position = "bottomleft") %>% |
addLegend(position = "bottomleft", |
labels = c("First Period", |
"Second Period", |
"Third Period"), |
colors = c("red", |
"blue", |
"green"), |
title = "Toponyms by period:") %>% |
addLegend("topright", |
colors = c("trasparent", "trasparent"), |
labels=c("Mapping: Giovanni Pietro Vitali - giovannipietrovitali@gmail.com", |
"Extraction: Simon Gabay - simon.gabay@unine.ch"), |
title="Mapping French Theatre:") %>% |
addLayersControl(baseGroups = c("List of places", |
"Empty layer"), |
overlayGroups = c("Areas", |
"Comedy", |
"Tragedy", |
"Tragicomedy", |
"First Period", |
"Second Period", |
"Third Period", |
"Toponyms by author", |
"Authors", |
"Boyer", |
"Corneille Pierre", |
"Corneille Thomas", |
"Du Ryer", |
"Molière", |
"Racine", |
"Rotrou", |
"Scarron", |
"Scudéry"), |
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE)) %>% |
hideGroup(c("Empty", |
"Authors", |
"Toponyms by author", |
"Comedy", |
"Tragedy", |
"Tragicomedy", |
"First Period", |
"Second Period", |
"Third Period", |
"Boyer", |
"Corneille Pierre", |
"Corneille Thomas", |
"Du Ryer", |
"Molière", |
"Racine", |
"Rotrou", |
"Scarron", |
"Scudéry")) |
m |