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Documentation Center • Trials • Product Updates Variable Names Valid Names A valid variable name starts with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores. MATLAB® is case sensitive, so A and a are not the same variable. The maximum length of a variable name is the value that the namelengthmax command returns. You cannot define variables with the same names as MATLAB keywords, such as if or end. For a complete list, run the iskeyword command. Examples of valid names:Invalid names: Conflicts with Function Names Avoid creating variables with the same name as a function (such as i, j, mode, char, size, and path). In general, variable names take precedence over function names. If you create a variable that uses the name of a function, you sometimes get unexpected results. Check whether a proposed name is already in use with the exist or which function. exist returns 0 if there are no existing variables, functions, or other artifacts with the proposed name. For example: exist checkname ans = If you inadvertently create a variable with a name conflict, remove the variable from memory with the clear function. Another potential source of name conflicts occurs when you define a function that calls load or eval (or similar functions) to add variables to the workspace. In some cases, load or eval add variables that have the same names as functions. Unless these variables are in the function workspace before the call to load or eval, the MATLAB parser interprets the variable names as function names. For more information, see: See Also | | | | Was this topic helpful?
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Documentation Center • Trials • Product Updates Copy graphics objects and their descendants new_handle = copyobj(h,p) copyobj creates copies of graphics objects. The copies are identical to the original objects except the copies have different values for their Parent property and a new handle. The new parent must be appropriate for the copied object (e.g., you can copy a line object only to another axes object). new_handle = copyobj(h,p) copies one or more graphics objects identified by h and returns the handle of the new object or a vector of handles to new objects. The new graphics objects are children of the graphics objects specified by p. Copy a surface to a new axes within a different figure. h = surf(peaks); colormap hot figure % Create a new figure axes % Create an axes object in the figure new_handle = copyobj(h,gca); colormap hot grid on Note that while the surface is copied, the colormap (figure property), view, and grid (axes properties) are not copied. More About expand all h and p can be scalars or vectors. When both are vectors, they must be the same length, and the output argument, new_handle, is a vector of the same length. In this case, new_handle(i) is a copy of h(i) with its Parent property set to p(i). When h is a scalar and p is a vector, h is copied once to each of the parents in p. Each new_handle(i) is a copy of h with its Parent property set to p(i), and length(new_handle) equals length(p). When h is a vector and p is a scalar, each new_handle(i) is a copy of h(i) with its Parent property set to p. The length of new_handle equals length(h). When programming a GUI, do not call copyobj or textwrap (which calls copyobj) inside a CreateFcn. The act of copying the uicontrol object fires the CreateFcn repeatedly, which raises a series of error messages after exceeding the root object's RecursionLimit property. See Also | | | | | Was this topic helpful?
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User Stories Electrodynamics Associates Designs High-Performance Generator Controller for the Military with Simulink and xPC Target View PDF High-performance generator controller. "Other tools only allowed us to view certain parameters of the machine. Now, we can look at all of them. MathWorks tools are orders of magnitude better than any other tool on the market." Jay Vaidya, Electrodynamics Associates Research and development projects for military applications are challenging because of their complexity and innovative nature. For small to mid-size engineering firms to compete successfully for these projects, they must adopt practices that accelerate design and development while solving difficult engineering problems. Electrodynamics Associates, a designer and manufacturer of electric motors, generators, and associated controllers, met the strict performance requirements for a 200 KW generator for the military by using MathWorks tools instead of building hardware prototypes. "We used to build hardware-based controllers that were inflexible," explains Jay Vaidya, president of Electrodynamics Associates. "With MathWorks tools, we can run simulations and generate code for a PC or DSP that we place in the control loop. We couldn’t have completed this project without them." Electrodynamics Associates would need to design a 200 KW generator capable of running at 62,000 RPM in an airborne system. Since the generator would be used for military purposes, they would need to design the generator and controls to comply with rigid standards and specifications. The most difficult technical challenge would be to control the conditions and actions of the rotating components inside the generator so that the power generated would meet those specifications. To control these conditions and actions, Electrodynamics Associates would need to simplify complex computations using a mathematical coordinate system of transformations. “Not only do we want to control the voltage and other conditions inside the generator, but we also want to monitor the data on the machine—speed, current, voltages, and temperatures—from our PC,” says Vaidya. “Some of the generator outputs will feed into sensitive avionic equipment, so controlling the voltage is critical.” Finally, Electrodynamics Associates would need to deliver their controller design on a portable system so that military personnel could connect to the generator and validate performance. Using MathWorks tools, Electrodynamics Associates designed a controller for the 200 KW generator that operates at 62,000 RPM for a military airborne application. After defining the technical specifications, Vaidya and his team used MATLAB® and Simulink® to model the generator and the power electronics system and to design the control loop. Before they built the generator, they ran simulations of their models to simulate the operation of the generator and validate performance. While the physical system is constructed to provide three-phase power output, the mathematics that describe the current and voltage generation is complex and difficult to implement. Electrodynamics Associates simplified the mathematics with Simulink by expressing the current and voltage generation in a rotating frame of reference. “The conversion from the three-phase model is too complex for other software packages,” says Vaidya. “Simulink let us make these conversions easily.” Using Simulink, Electrodynamics Associates identified the quantities of voltage and current in the rotating frame. Using that data, they controlled the output voltage of the generator. They also modeled the system failure modes and the actions to protect the system in the event of failure. After completing the preliminary design, mechanical and electrical engineers built the actual generator along with the power electronic devices and control interfaces. They then used Simulink Coder to generate C code from the Simulink controller model, which they downloaded to xPC Target to control their machine. They then tuned and calibrated the controller for generator characteristics. “There are certain parameters that you cannot measure, such as those that change with temperature,” says Vaidya. “You need to estimate parameters in the design stage and then run the machine to tune the controller. This can be a slow process, but xPC Target lets us do it quickly.” Electrodynamics Associates will deliver its design to the military on a CD that contains all of the Simulink models, along with a PC and other hardware to run the system in real time using xPC Target. The company is incorporating DSP-based controllers, and plans to deploy code onto their new real-time controller for TI’s C2000 and C6000 DSPs using Embedded Coder®. • Costly hardware prototypes avoided. “We used to build the controllers with resistors, capacitors, and chips, which was expensive because it took a long time to make changes,” says Vaidya. “xPC Target lets us make a change by essentially typing in a number.” • Project deadlines met with automatically generated code. “We couldn’t have completed the project without Simulink Coder,” says Ottman Elkhomri, an electrical engineer at Electrodynamics Associates. “Our models are so complex that we wouldn’t think of writing the code by hand, plus the error messages ease our debugging.” • Future development time reduced with reusable models. Electrodynamics Associates is already reusing the models from this project for a 30 KW generator. “We’re using essentially the same models, except that we change the numbers,” says Vaidya. “That alone will save us 80-100 hours in development time.” To design a 200 KW generator capable of achieving 62,000 RPM Use MathWorks tools to model the generator, the power electronics system, and the control loop and provide real-time control for laboratory tests and the customer deliverable • Costly hardware prototypes avoided • Project deadlines met with automatically generated code • Future development time reduced with reusable models Products Used Learn more about Electrodynamics Associates
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Data Acquisition Toolbox Measuring a Noise Floor Using Custom Trigger Conditions This example shows how to find and acquire a period of at least 2 seconds of relative quiet that occurs between two signals. This would be useful for applications that need to measure a noise floor and calculate a signal-to-noise ratio. For this example we will show how to initiate a software trigger when using a custom set of conditions that is more complex than the standard values provided by the TriggerCondition property of Data Acquisition Toolbox™ objects. Note: This can only be run using the 32-bit version of MATLAB® and Data Acquisition Toolbox™. To learn more about using data acquisition devices on other platforms, see this example. First, find any running data acquisition objects and stop them. This stops all running data acquisition objects from interfering with this example. This code is usually not necessary outside this example unless there are multiple data acquisition objects running. if (~isempty(daqfind)) Create the Analog Input Object Before acquiring any data, we must create an analog input object and specify the channels from which to acquire data. When executing the following code, you may need to modify it to match your acquisition hardware. % Create the analog input object and specify the % channel that data should be collected from. ai = analoginput('winsound'); addchannel(ai, 1); Define Trigger Condition Information We must initialize a MATLAB® structure with the information needed to determine when the custom trigger condition has been met. We look for • A signal • At least 2 seconds of quiet % Signal is defined as greater than 0.15 volts. extraData.signalVoltage = 0.15; extraData.signalFound = false; % Quiet is defined as less than 0.04 volts. extraData.quietVoltage = 0.04; extraData.secondsOfQuietNeeded = 2; extraData.secondsOfQuietFound = 0; extraData.quietFound = false; We store this information in the UserData property so that it can be accessed and modified by the timer callback. set(ai, 'UserData', extraData); Configure the Timer Callback We use the TimerFcn and TimerPeriod properties to call a MATLAB function at regular intervals while the acquisition is running. We use this timer callback function to examine the incoming data to see if the trigger condition has been met. NOTE: The timer callback function is shown at the end of this example. % Make timer period 1/10 of our quiet period. timerPeriod = extraData.secondsOfQuietNeeded/10; set(ai, 'TimerFcn', @TimerCallback); set(ai, 'TimerPeriod', timerPeriod); Configure the Trigger Properties We use a manual trigger and configure the object to acquire the data during the quiet period. By setting the TriggerType property to 'manual', data logging will not begin until the trigger function is executed. The timer callback will execute the trigger when the correct conditions have been met. In addition, we set the TriggerDelay property to a negative value to indicate that we want to log the quiet period data that occurred before the trigger was executed. set(ai, 'TriggerType', 'manual'); set(ai, 'TriggerDelay', -extraData.secondsOfQuietNeeded); set(ai, 'TriggerDelayUnits', 'seconds'); Configure the Amount of Data to Acquire We set the SamplesPerTrigger property to indicate the maximum amount of data that the acquisition should log. However, the timer callback will stop the acquisition sooner, if it detects a second signal after the quiet period. sampleRate = get(ai, 'SampleRate'); set(ai, 'SamplesPerTrigger', 10 * extraData.secondsOfQuietNeeded * sampleRate); Start Acquisition Now, we start the acquisition. After calling the start function, the object will be running, but no data logging will occur until the trigger function is executed. As the timer callback executes and evaluates the data, messages will be displayed indicating what has been detected. % Wait for trigger to occur and the acquisition to end. % Set the timeout to a sufficiently large value. wait(ai, 60 * extraData.secondsOfQuietNeeded); % If the acquisition ended successfully, plot the available data. samplesAvailable = get(ai,'SamplesAvailable'); [data, time] = getdata(ai, samplesAvailable); % If the wait timed out, we end up here. % Display a message and stop the acquisition. disp(sprintf('Could not find quiet period of %d seconds.', ... Warning: The number of samples requested is not available. The number of samples returned will be reduced. First signal found. Waiting for quiet period of 2 seconds. Quiet period found. Logging started. Clean Up When finished, we delete the object and clear the variable from the workspace to free system resources. clear ai; The Timer Callback Function We use the timer callback function to examine the incoming data to see if our trigger condition has been met. When our trigger condition has been met, the trigger function is called to start logging. type TimerCallback; % The Data Acquisition Toolbox calls the timer callback function with the % object and event. function TimerCallback(ai,event) % First, we get the information needed to evaluate the trigger condition. extraData = get(ai, 'UserData'); timerPeriod = get(ai,'TimerPeriod'); sampleRate = get(ai,'SampleRate'); % Then, we look at the data received during the last timer period. sampleData = peekdata(ai, timerPeriod * sampleRate); maxValue = max(sampleData); minValue = min(sampleData); % Next, we analyze the data received and look for our trigger condition. % If we have not found the first signal, look for it. if ( ~extraData.signalFound ) if ( maxValue > extraData.signalVoltage || minValue < -extraData.signalVoltage ) % The first signal has been found. extraData.signalFound = true; fprintf('First signal found. Waiting for quiet period of %d seconds.\n', ... % If a signal has been found, we look for the desired period of quiet. elseif ( ~extraData.quietFound ) if ( minValue > -extraData.quietVoltage && maxValue < extraData.quietVoltage ) % Increment the seconds of quiet that we have seen. extraData.secondsOfQuietFound = extraData.secondsOfQuietFound + timerPeriod; if extraData.secondsOfQuietFound >= extraData.secondsOfQuietNeeded % When the desired quiet period is found, we execute the trigger. extraData.quietFound = true; disp('Quiet period found. Logging started.'); % No longer quiet. Reset the seconds of quiet that we have seen. extraData.secondsOfQuietFound = 0; % If the quiet period has been found, look for the second signal. if ( maxValue > extraData.signalVoltage || minValue < -extraData.signalVoltage ) % When the second signal is found, we stop the acquisition. disp('Second signal found. Acquisition stopped.'); % Finally, we save the updated information to the UserData property so % that it will be available for the next execution of the timer callback % function. set(ai, 'UserData', extraData);
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Skip main navigation Insights & Publications Commentary|McKinsey Quarterly Valuing dot-coms after the fall Investment values always revert to a fundamental level based on cash flows. Get used to it. June 2001 | byTimothy M. Koller It was inevitable. Last year’s decline in the NASDAQ composite index brought a sudden halt to a heady—some would say reckless—time for investors and acquisition-minded companies, particularly those focused on anything and everything connected with the Internet. Predictably, this slump has now sent the pendulum swinging in the other direction: many investors are staying away from the sector entirely, and established brick-and-mortar companies are scaling back their on-line initiatives. The survival of even leading Internet firms is being questioned. The Internet roller coaster may rank as the market’s most dramatic upheaval over the past 20 years,1 but it certainly hasn’t been the only one. Remember biotech? Real estate? Leveraged buyouts? What about Japan Incorporated? Each fad was accompanied by the conviction among market bulls that—somehow, this time—classical notions of value creation, such as approaches that emphasized a company’s cash flow, were hopelessly out of touch with the new vision of investing. In fact, investment values always eventually revert to a fundamental level based on cash flows. Although investors and companies can no longer throw money at every dot-com idea, they shouldn’t abandon the Internet. As they ponder the reality of a greatly reduced NASDAQ, they should cast a gimlet eye on the real sources of the sector’s value. Such an analysis, together with an understanding of the basic principles of value creation, will generate new insights into the potential value of Internet opportunities. Cash flow is king In an earlier article on valuing dot-coms, several colleagues and I argued that solid investment analysis has never really been about shorthand metrics such as price-to-earnings multiples or multiples of revenue or traffic.2 These approaches, in vogue during the Internet boom, do not consider a company’s particular characteristics, nor do they account for the way investments in intangible assets (such as the cost of acquiring customers) flow through the income statement rather than the balance sheet. Our approach involved applying a long-term discounted-cash-flow (DCF) analysis supplemented by three twists. First, instead of starting with the current level of performance—the usual practice in DCF valuations—start by thinking about what the industry and the company would look like in a state of sustainable, moderate growth, and then work that estimate back to current performance. For Internet businesses, this plateau of economic stability is probably at least a decade away. Second, instead of a single forecast, use probability-weighted scenarios of future performance—an approach that can help highlight the inherent uncertainty in valuing high-growth technology companies. These scenarios should include extreme outcomes, such as very high returns and, conversely, bankruptcy. Finally, use tools such as customer value analysis to understand more fully how value is actually created. Spotting the value creators The development of a fundamental economic perspective for analyzing companies with no profits and negative cash flows must begin with a focus on the way companies create value. The ultimate drivers of value creation are the potential revenue of a company and its ability to convert that revenue into cash flow for shareholders—an ability best measured by its long-term return on invested capital. People who are looking for real value in an Internet sector that has fallen down to Earth can begin by asking three questions. How will the company generate revenue? Getting money from customers is an obvious place to start—right? Yet only a short time ago, investors were buying companies without a clear sense of how they would generate such revenue. The fact is that most of the ways of generating it have already been unearthed. In the business-to-consumer (B2C) market, companies can sell physical products, services, information, entertainment, and financial products; earn revenue from advertising; and collect fees for facilitating transactions. In short, B2C companies must collect their revenue either from consumers or from other businesses that use their sites to reach consumers. Sources of revenue are similar in the business-to-business (B2B) market. Be cautious about business models based on future revenue for anything that people wouldn’t pay for today. America Online managed to build its business on membership fees from the start by offering consumers something they were willing to buy. Yet too many so-called lifestyle sites first aim to build a user base and then try to figure out how to generate revenue from sources beyond mere advertising. Similarly, Internet banks that use low prices and little else to lure customers could well see cost-sensitive ones go elsewhere when prices rise. What will be the average return on capital once the industry matures? In the Internet world, it is too often assumed that successful companies will earn very high returns on their fixed assets and working capital—perhaps 20 percent or more after taxes—because they rely on intangible rather than tangible assets or because network effects create effective monopolies. This blanket assumption is dangerous. Industries earn high returns on capital if their products, such as patented pharmaceuticals, are nonsubstitutable and legally protected; if branding is important and consumers are indifferent to price; and if a product, such as Microsoft’s Windows operating system, becomes more valuable to customers as more people use it. One reason to be skeptical about claims that Internet companies will earn high returns is that intangibles don’t necessarily earn them; the industry structure does. Consider investment banking and movie production, two industries with lots of intangible capital. In both, most of the value goes to the talent—bankers, actors, and directors—not to the shareholders. Few industries in the Internet world have the structural characteristics needed for high returns on capital. One exception may be those B2C and B2B marketplaces whose customers will naturally gravitate to the biggest site, thus creating a winner-takes-all opportunity for high returns. But most B2C and B2B marketplaces will earn returns that are close to or only marginally above their cost of capital. Internet retailing, for example, doesn’t exhibit any of the traits associated with high returns. Products are substitutable, and consumers are sensitive to prices: they may, for example, seek information at one World Wide Web site but shop at another or off-line. (My wife loved the eToys site, but once she found a product she would often buy it elsewhere; eToys is now closing down.) A similar logic applies to on-line financial-services and entertainment sites. How big is the relevant market? Most analysts focus on the size of a market, but these estimates can be inflated or even irrelevant. Many Internet companies, for example, rely on advertising for revenue, but it is fairly certain that ad expenditures will be a relatively small part of the total economy, though they might rise somewhat over time. Be wary, too, of the way companies assess the size of the relevant market or even measure their own revenue. In airline travel services, for example, the relevant market isn’t the entire revenue of the airlines but rather the much smaller fees that they pay to on- or off-line agents. Finally, ask yourself if the management, technology, brand, and head start of a company will allow it to beat the industry average. Keep in mind that few companies do so for long. This fundamental approach to valuation is by no means a panacea. For starters, it won’t eliminate uncertainty. Continual innovation and an inability to predict consumer behavior will ensure that volatility and risk remain important parts of the dot-com landscape. Yet investors and companies following these principles will at least be asking the right questions. They will have a better chance of success than they would if they simply followed the herd. About the author Tim Koller is a principal in McKinsey’s New York office. McKinsey Quarterly McKinsey Quarterly 50th Anniversary art
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The Layabouts Announce Collectems, New Indie Roguelike-Inspired Monster-Collecting RPG Verona, NY -- July 12, 2013 -- Today, indie game studio The Layabouts formally announced Collectems, a monster-collecting RPG. The goal of the project is to combine influences from classic RPGs with modern roguelike elements and a focus on player choice, exploration, atmosphere, and replayability. Assuming the role of an adolescent in the relatively isolated Tamota Peninsula, players venture into a land where strange mutant creatures called Collectems have ravaged the natural ecosystem. Taken in as anything from household pets and workplace assistants to biological weapons of mass destruction, they captured the hearts of millions, becoming a full-blown culture-defining phenomenon. A fire at their father’s business, coupled with his mysterious disappearance, leaves the player responsible for a lifetime’s worth of debt. In order to pay back what is owed and rebuild the company, they set out into the world, using the unique capabilities of their Collectems to earn a profit. - Explore a variety of interesting locales in the order of your choosing, charting a path across this non-linear landscape. - Discover various different Collectem species of multiple types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. - Enjoy a randomized experience each playthrough, where the layout of the environments and the location of different species, opponents, & loot are different every time. - Battle a team of carefully trained Collectems in strategic turn-based battles, where death is permanent and planning is key. - Allow your fallen Collectems to live on by infusing their DNA with those still alive, passing on moves, traits, and abilities. - Shape the strategy of your business as you see fit over the course of the adventure, investing money earned from battles to build new Collectem-enhancing facilities. - Customizable difficulty options allow you to differentiate individual runs through the game. Collectems is being actively developed for PC, Mac, and Linux, with PlayStation Vita also being targeted. No plans for availability, release date, or additional platforms have been finalized at this time. Further details about Collectems can be found at the official project website, For any additional inquiry, visit The Layabouts at for contact information. About The Layabouts The Layabouts are an independent video game studio. Approaching the creative process with an enthusiast's perspective and a somewhat irreverent style, The Layabouts focus on producing fun and unique game titles for digital distribution. The Layabouts Joe Pierce, lead designer Zach Hinchy, lead developer
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Addiction: Social Community About This Community: Font Size: Changing addictive behaviors an... Time for some technical talk... One of the things which increases "dependence" is a spike in drug blood plasma levels. Addicts do this on purpose to get a "high". They do it by Snorting (Very fast delivery), IV Injections, Chewing up meds and taking on an empty stomach. The above all produce the most amount of drug in the blood in an attempt to get a buzz. These spikes are one of the reasons we addicts get hooked faster than a COMPLIANT Chronic Pain Patient. Being compliant means they take only as directed. The goal of compliance is to maintain an even blood plasma at the minimum amount to treat PAIN and NOT to produce euphoria (a high). Since the blood plasma levels are lower, the levels of dopamine at the synaptic cleft do not spike so the receptor sites do not downregulate or decrease in number in response to the initially MUCH higher level of dopamine released as a result of spiking. Which comes first... Dependence or addiction? Usually it's addiction, but it can be the other way, but the key issue which causes the progression of addiction are the behaviors. Addiction is what makes you take more and more, spiking doses, etc. This in turn increases dependence. The higher your dependence the higher the tollerance... Round and round you go. The addiction merry-go-round. How to break the cycle? The only way is to change the behavior. That is a very difficult thing. Pain is usually a very good motivator. So is Euphoria. When the pain out weighs the euphoria one starts to consider breaking the cycle. Unfortunately the pain being eliminated by the drug is a driving force. Then the addict associated the RELIEF of th pain to the drug instead of the drug being the CAUSE of the pain. SOoooooooo what to do? Break the cycle. Many have to hit bottom to do that. That's the point where the pain of using overwhelms the relief of using. It's an emotional point which is different for different people. Not every one has to hit a bottom to quit. The sooner you quit the less pain and suffering you have to experience. For folks who are on smaller doses and their disease has not progressed very far, they have not felt the extent of pain addiction can cause. Only conceptualizing how bad it can get may not be good enough to motivate a person early in addiction to quit. Intellectually we know what lays ahead. We hear the truth from others, but yet we continue to use. It is not until we get a glimpse of the pain that lays ahead do we become to believe we need to quit. One HAS to believe that in fact addiction does lead to the loss of everything and eventually Jails Institutions and Death. Addiction is a lot easier to nip in the bud physically but maybe not emotionally because one has not experienced the pain first hand. Some need more pain than others to quit. Some don't make it and end up end stage and their addiction wins. If you want to get off of the pills you have to change your behavior. 1) STOP SNORTING your pills! 2) Stop spiking your dose! 3) stop taking enough to get high You will never quit until you do that. Weather you can or not is up to you. You have to come to a point where you make the decision you want to quit. The en you have to make a plan then you have to execute that plan. SIMPLE .... but not easy. The solution from a clinical point of view for you at your point of addiction is so easy. A simple taper, and change the behavior. In short break the cycle. How to do a taper is easy. Changing the behavior is the HARD part, but you have to want to change. If you are taking 6 pills a day... then start taking them in even doses and don't take like 3-4 at a time. 24 hrs divided by 6 = 4 hrs. So only take one pill every 4 hrs. Then take 5 pills in 24 hrs. That's 4.8 hrs. Then 4 pills a day... break pills into 1/2's so you have 8 1/2 pills. and take 1/2 a pill every 3 hrs. Etc. If you can't stick to a taper give the pills to a friend to dispense. Mean while .. you have to start changing the way you think and the things you do... You should educate yourself... Good place to do all of that is NA or AA. It's FREE and takes up time. It forces you to be doing something other than sitting around with nothing to do and just thinking about using. It's not the only way, but it's a good place to start. Take what you need from it, and leave the rest. If you take the same amount or less every day and don't spike your dose you will eventually quit. 30 mg of Hydro can be tapered to 0 in 2-4 weeks painlessly. The PAWS will be minimal too. The ball is in your court. We can not make you do anything. Only YOU can. When you are ready is up to you. If you need to stay "out there" using and see for yourself how bad it will get that's up to you. My recommendation.. Start to QUIT now! It will be a whole lot easier. **Copied from Weight Tracker Weight Tracker Start Tracking Now Start Date Mar 13, 2008 by FLaddict Last Revision Mar 13, 2008 by FLaddict
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STRASBOURG, France—Many European Union leaders will push for a harshly pared-down budget at their summit this week but the EU parliament insists it is ready to reject a deal that curtails spending on growth and employment. On the eve of the two-day summit, which begins Thursday, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said that "for the first time ever - there will be a real terms cut compared to the current budget." Van Rompuy chairs the summits, which are held in Brussels. Britain is leading several wealthy northern member states in calling for bigger cuts in the seven-year EU budget, which will total about (EURO)1 trillion ($1.35 trillion) for the years 2014-2020. On the other hand, poorer eastern and southern countries in the 27-nation bloc want to ensure continued EU financial support. As the meeting approached, there appeared to be a lot of jostling for position. Parliamentary leaders, meeting in Strasbourg, warned they would reject any plan that undermines the role of the EU. In Brussels, a spokesman said the European Commission, the EU's executive body, had already agreed to cut more than (EURO)1 billion ($1.35 billion) in administrative costs over the budget's seven-year period. But he said more severe cuts would leave the Commission unable to do its job, just as it is being called on to do more and more as the EU integrates more deeply in response to the financial crisis. "How can we imagine that an EU institution can ensure a proper banking union with a budget that is cut by whatever billions in figures we hear here and there?" said Olivier Bailly, the spokesman. "At the moment, there is a need for a reality check between the requests that are sent to the Commission, the Council, the Parliament, or the European Central Bank, and the budget, the means, that are given to these institutions to fulfill their commitments vis-a-vis the member states and European citizens." Don Melvin contributed from Brussels
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Serves 10-12 1 pound mascarpone 3 tablespoons Kahlua 3 tablespoons powdered sugar 1/4 cup brewed espresso 1/8 cup heavy cream 16 ladyfingers 1 cup Mavericks Paddle Out Stout or similar stout beer 1 tablespoon cocoa powder Whipped cream garnish, optional: 1 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon sugar 1. In an electric mixer or food processor, mix the mascarpone, Kahlua, sugar, espresso and cream until ingredients are combined, thick and fluffy enough to spread. Be careful not to overwhip. 2. Soak the ladyfingers in stout. Arrange half in the bottom of a large rectangular -- 15-by-10-inch -- glass baking dish. Spread a layer of the mascarpone mixture over the ladyfingers; repeat with a second layer of ladyfingers and a slightly thicker layer of mascarpone. Dust the top with cocoa powder. Let set in freezer overnight. 3. For the optional whipped cream garnish, whip the cream, vanilla and sugar until stiff peaks appear. Cut the beeramisu into squares; serve chilled with a dollop of cream and dusting of cocoa powder. -- Gaston Alfaro, Half Moon Bay Brewing Company
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No score yet - based on 1 Critic Critic score distribution: 1. Positive: 0 out of 1 2. Negative: 0 out of 1 1. Cool team moves and simple puzzle solutions are the primary sources of Atlantis Squarepantis' entertainment value. The mini games don't provide much fun, but they are easy and do not take long to complete. There are no user reviews yet.
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Hearts of Iron Image Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critics What's this? User Score Generally favorable reviews- based on 23 Ratings Your Score 0 out of 10 Rate this: • 10 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1 • 0 • 0 • Summary: Hearts of Iron is the first ever World War II PC game of true Grand Strategic scope. The game map spans the entire world and allows players to take the War to any new front of their choosing. Any nation in the world is playable, but the game focuses on the epic struggle between the great alliances of the new world orders Fascism, Communism and Democracy. Hearts of Iron is developed by the team behind the award-winning sales success Europa Universalis I and II and brings the same depth of gameplay and historical accuracy to a modern day gaming experience. Hearts of Iron aims to be no less than the definitive World War II strategic experience. [Strategy First] Expand Score distribution: 1. Positive: 7 out of 13 2. Negative: 2 out of 13 1. A compelling WWII grand-scale sim. When I say "grand," I'm talking about a King Kong Burrito Supreme with extra sauce and tripple toppings. [Feb 2003, p.74] 2. 86 Had there not been a load of stability problems and random crashes, this game could have easily been of A quality. This baby is really an incredible war strategy otherwise. 3. 85 It's highly addictive and once you get over the learning curve (which is steepest in the wacky resource management part of the game), you'll find it deep and interesting. 4. The learning curve is a huge hump to get over. 5. Big, complex, and definitely not for a casual player seeking a little light entertainment. 6. A.I. nations will usually disintegrate, and you can conquer half the world without much trouble. [Feb 2003, p.94] 7. An ambitious mess, a noble mess, certainly a well-intentioned mess, but ultimately a mess nontheless. [Mar 2003, p.78] See all 13 Critic Reviews Score distribution: 1. Positive: 9 out of 10 2. Mixed: 0 out of 10 3. Negative: 1 out of 10 1. BrandonR. May 1, 2003 This game is the best!!! I made Russia own the world and you can make anything happen. 2. A.K. Dec 15, 2002 GOOD !!!!!!!! 3. jjpc Apr 8, 2003 Gr8 game. 4. ShaneM. Mar 10, 2003 Great way to change history or work it the way it was intended. Want Germany to develop the bomb? Done. A Russian navy? Done or the USA taking over the world? Done. Well done over all. Expand 5. IvanJ. Apr 22, 2003 It's a good try, but not perfect. Howewer it's my favourite game today! 6. MartinS. Jan 15, 2003 Fairly good when it comes to depth, but I found the resource management to be tedious. Playing a smaller country can ruin an otherwise happy day gaming. Above average for strategy, but average in all other aspects. Expand 7. NicholasD. Mar 6, 2004 Simply awful. Riddled with bugs after four patches and with a fundamental flaw - major nations are too hard to manage (while you're trying to move hundreds of units, the enemy is quietly taking half your country) while minor ones can never have much impact on the game. Dull, buggy and overrated. Expand See all 10 User Reviews
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 10 Critics Critic score distribution: 1. Positive: 0 out of 10 2. Negative: 7 out of 10 1. 50 The Griswolds, headed by Chevy Chase, are taking what could be one of their last family vacations. 2. If you enjoy an occasional taste of mental junk food, you might find Las Vegas Vacation worthy of a springtime dollar-cinema visit. Otherwise, hold out another decade for sexagenarian Chevy in Palm Springs Vacation. 3. Reviewed by: Todd McCarthy Series regulars Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo and Randy Quaid (who joined for "Christmas Vacation") are all back for more, and thank God for Quaid, who injects a few bracing shots of mangy humor into what is otherwise a lukewarm brew. 4. 38 Chase, like his Vacation movies, are things of the past. This is a series that should have died with the '80s. Instead, inexplicably, it has limped on into the '90s. 5. Reviewed by: Ken Fox Chase is a veritable black-hole of mirthlessness who sucks every ounce of fun out what might otherwise be a fairly diverting comedy. 6. Why, if Chase is such a funny guy, does he make such unfunny movies? 7. Reviewed by: Bruce Walker After a somewhat promising opening, the movie falls flat. 8. Throughout this lame film, directed by Stephen Kessler and written by Elisa Bell, situations are developed -- complicated directions to a hotel room, Clark clinging to the face of Hoover Dam, Ellen the object of Mr. Newton's seductive charm -- and left to wither without a payoff. 10. Reviewed by: Jack Mathews There is nothing more memorable about Vegas Vacation than the flatness of the writing in Elisa Bell's script and the uninspired direction of first-timer Stephen Kessler. User Score Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings User score distribution: 1. Positive: 5 out of 7 2. Negative: 1 out of 7 1. Sep 9, 2012 This is a fun movie and does not deserve the negative score that it has. Is it as good as the original? No, but it is entertaining and IMO better than European Vacation. Full Review » 2. SteveH. Mar 24, 2006 I loved the Vacation movies, even European Vacation which was panned by the critics. But Vegas Vacation? I almost chuckled once but otherwise this movie was ridiculously bad. No wonder it went straight to DVD! Full Review »
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Hope For The Hopeless Image Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critics What's this? User Score Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings Your Score 0 out of 10 Rate this: • 10 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1 • 0 • 0 • Summary: The third album for the California folk artist features Femi Kuti on one track. Score distribution: 1. Positive: 4 out of 6 2. Negative: 0 out of 6 1. His clear, melodic voice and easy-like-Sunday-morning compositions are both benign and comforting on Hope for the Hopeless. 2. Hope for the Hopeless is the next move down a path that seems to be the right one for Dennen. More attention should only yield more acceptance and acclaim for this young rising star. 3. Hope for the Hopeless works more than it doesn't, and when it really clicks here, which is often enough, Dennen shows himself to be a unique voice and talent. 4. For those still enthralled by the lyrical twists and midtempo folk-rocking of 1972, this record will be manna from heaven. 5. Dennen's tenuous vocals (and lyrics) are better suited to silly love songs than this sort of material, and though producer John Alagia knows how to make the guitars jingle and jangle and how to work up a soft, swimmy groove, Dennen needs a little more to rise out of the ever-growing multitude of sensitive guitar dudes. 6. Dennen's third disc suggests he may soon give Dave Matthews a run for his tour grosses. Score distribution: 1. Positive: 0 out of 2. Mixed: 0 out of 3. Negative: 0 out of
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1. #1 Improved Prayer of Spirit First off - Hello everyone! Typical long time lurker, first time poster here. Blah blah, nice to meet you, etc. Anyway, I have a question that hopefully someone will be able to help me with - How much, exactly, is this going to effect the talent, from a purely raiding perspective? I'm not sure exactly what other buffs it would conflict with first off, but if you have a well mixed up raid group, would the 2 points be better spent elsewhere? Or is it safe to assume since it's only 2 points and always having the guaranteed extra spellpower in your pocket is a good enough thing to keep it around? Thanks ahead of time. 2. #2 Re: Improved Prayer of Spirit Raid buffs/debuffs were overhauled to prevent the need of raid stacking, or having to tightly control your class balance for raid composition. Imp DS provides both a nominal spirit & spellpower buff, the spirit component can be provided by fel inteligence and the spellpower component can come from shammy totems (i probably forgot a few other sources). So I suspect there was a bug that was causing our buff to stack with other classes buffs (which wasn't supposed to occur). So there is no real change or effect, merely a fix to get it working the way it should. I kind of feel the disc tree (as well as the holy tree) are very bloated and I suspect most disc priests will choose to forgo imp DS and get the spellpower buff from another source in your raid. This will obviously change from guild to guild depending on how they decide to get their buffs. There has been some talk about overhauling the disc and holy tree by the developers, so it all may change yet. 3. #3 Re: Improved Prayer of Spirit I understand the overhaul on raid buffs, what I was getting at more is, as I'm not so brushed up on who does what buffs these days, the question should more have been - are we going to be the ones expected to provide the raid's spellpower buff, or is that a task better left to some other class, since their buff is more powerful / easier to apply to the raid / baseline? 4. #4 Re: Improved Prayer of Spirit It's going to depend on your raid composition... firstly is your raid going to take a disc priest? I'll make the assumption they will (but I suspect a lot of raids won't at first), in which case it will come down to whether you have a shammy in the raid with imp totems that is going to drop the Imp DS equivalent. If that is the case I suspect disc priests will push for them to save 2 points in Imp DS to spend elsewhere as the tree is very bloated and saving those 2 talent points will help them get other talents they wouldn't be able to afford. In all honnesty I haven't studied the shaman trees but I get the feeling they are able to invest heavily into a single tree where disc priests want to spend a significant amount of points in the holy tree in addition to the 57+ points in disc. For that reason i'd suggest you'll see a few disc priests not taking imp ds but that's contingent on their specific raid needs. Posting Permissions • You may not post new threads • You may not post replies • You may not post attachments • You may not edit your posts
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or Connect Mothering › Mothering Forums › Mom › Parenting › Special Needs Parenting › S/O - Singulair and Behavior New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav: S/O - Singulair and Behavior post #1 of 7 Thread Starter  Wow. I had heard about the suicide/depression aspects with Singulair but never looked into how it might affect my son's anxiety and sensory issues. My question for those of you who noticed issues with Singulair and discontinued it - how long did it take before you noticed a the behavioral effects went away? post #2 of 7 Lurking, lurking! We're not noticing any effects yet, but I want to know what to expect in case we do and we have to discontinue the med... post #3 of 7 Pulmicort, not so much Singulair, brings emotional havoc to my pretty emotionally steady guy. He weeps, truly, and just feels overwrought. I feel very frustrated sometimes by the not so helpful advice of those who don't understand that we can't tweak the dosage, or take him off of it on a whim. Everything evens out shortly after he is off it, thank goodness. post #4 of 7 My spd with some anxiety guy was on singulair around 3-4 (for over a year, fuzzy on the details). We discontinued to rule it out for the behaviour issues (he looked ADHD, strong SPD stuff), and didn't notice a difference. For him, it was a developmental stage. Where we noticed behaviour was when he was getting a lot of the other puffers. I think it was the mix, while he could manage the singulair on it's own. The singulair kept him healthy and out of hospital a lot as his reactive airways were usually viral induced. And on a positive note, he appears to have entirely outgrown it, after a number of hospitalizations and scary early years - he's been med free for almost 2 years!! post #5 of 7 Thread Starter  O geez. We use Pulmocort and Singulair. I don't think either one of them is an issue by itself, but given my son's predilection toward anxiety... I need to start thinking about balancing asthma/cough with anxiety/sensory issues. post #6 of 7 Wow. My twins are nearing 26 months and like 24 and a half of those months have been on Pulmicort and Singulair...makes me wonder what they'd be like without them. Hope we get to find out someday soon. post #7 of 7 My daughter's depression/talk of death stopped within a week. Her anxiety is gradually getting better and she's been off of it for 13 months. New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav:   Return Home   Back to Forum: Special Needs Parenting
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or Connect Mothering › Groups › September 2012 Due Date Club › Discussions › TMI question about leaking amniotic fluid. TMI question about leaking amniotic fluid. post #1 of 4 Thread Starter  TMI. for serious. if you don't like hearing about other people's bodily fluids click away quickly! So over the weekend I was having some.. um.. fun with DH and things got very very... wet. kind of watery wet, not thick or gooey (I told you, TMI) So I got a little worried that somehow that was amniotic fluid leaking out. Since then it has been really hot out and I am finding that my underpants are damp during the day, but I am sweating and I know things get dischargy anyways during pregnancy. During my last pregnancy I had to be induced at 37 weeks due to mysteriously low levels of amniotic fluid (as measured by ultrasound- not super reliable from what I know have read) but it makes me pretty paranoid that I am slowly leaking this time (no confirmed leak last time, just mysteriously low..) as I do NOT want to go that route again. Pitocin is NO friend of mine and is not invited to this birth. Is anyone else experiencing this, or know what I am talking about??? please? redface.gif post #2 of 4 Amniotic fluid has a *smell* that, once you've learned it, is unmistakable. Do you remember smelling that during your first birth? If your underwear smells like sweat and/or urine, or has no scent, it is NOT amniotic fluid. Regardless, your body is always producing more fluid- make sure you're drinking enough, and extra until you know for certain. Any midwife/doula/L&D nurse/OBGYN should be able to confirm whether or not it is AF. It probably is NOT amniotic fluid, but if you are stressing about it, see someone! If there is a real leak, make sure NOTHING enters the vagina, and check yourself for signs of infection (fever). Once your water has broken, every cervix check or anything else that enters the vagina increases yours and your babies risk of infection. My mom helped us clean my bedroom and mattress after my first son's birth (water broke at 2a, and I had excess AF), and after nearly 30 years of not being around amniotic fluid, she knew *exactly* what the smell was. post #3 of 4 The Ph of amniotic is different fom other....uh, bodily if you have access to test strips of some kind you could check that. DH had some for his saltwater tank, but I think they sell them for gardening, etc., as well post #4 of 4 Thread Starter  thanks for that suggestion. I have done a little googling and it looks like if it WERE a true leak, it would be constant and very very wet- like having to change clothes, liquid dribbling down the legs sort of wet. Its nothing near that. just damp, and it was pretty hot today and I'm a sweaty person anyway. I've been sitting in my dry pjs for the last several hours and they feel dry so.... I think I'm ok. I will watch for fever etc. Interesting about the smell thing- I have read such contradictory things about that! Some sources say AF has NO smell, some say it has a sickly sweet smell, some say it smells like bleach or chlorine, some say it smells like men's ejaculate fluid.. so I don't know at all about that.. I don't have any pH test strips around but if my worries persist I will contact my midwife. Unfortunately she is out of the country and using a backup that I'm not familiar with, but I will call her if I think I need to.. thanks!   Return Home   Back to Forum: September 2012 Due Date Club
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post #1 of 1 Thread Starter  DS is 11 months old. He's been eating solids since about 8 months old (baby-led weaning style). We never introduced foods individually and just started him on what we eat normally... He used to poop every other day or so, but suddenly a month ago he pooped about 6 times in one day and started pooping 2 - 3 times a day. There was no significant change in his diet. He had some bright red blood in his stool, but he had also passed a whole broccoli stock. We had him looked at by his ped. and he confirmed that it was probably an anal fissure and the bleeding stopped later that day. He has always had a bit of pinkness between his bum, no matter what rash-resistant method I've tried. Recently he's started to be a bit more irritated. When he eats a lot of solids, he has nice, normal formed poops. But lately, his poop has been more on the green side and I think I've seen some mucous in it. Today he pooped twice, and it was a smelly, wet, green mess. His diet hasn't changed a whole lot, except he had a couple days of eating less solids and more breastmilk. I'm trying to figure out if this is normal!? I hear so many different opinions. Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing? Any ideas?  Side note: his diet consists of eggs, meat, seasonal fruits & vegetables, butter, coconut oil, yogurt, and various cultured vegetables. He does not eat grains or any type of sweetener. He only drinks water or breastmilk.
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or Connect Mothering › Mothering Forums › Mom › Parenting › Help me buy Natural gifts.. New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav: Help me buy Natural gifts.. post #1 of 7 Thread Starter  I have 2 boys.1 is almost  6 and the other will be almost 8 months at Christmas.I'm starting to stress...this is the 1st year I've tried to cut out plastics,MIC,etc..I don't want to get a ton but the more ideas,the better! What I've settled on so far: For baby- Uncle Goose Blocks brown bear book hungry caterpillar book diaper covers I'm needing another toy or 2..the only things he has right now is a starbright giraffe and lifefactory teethers..otherwise he plays with spoons,bottles,etc.. I'm thinking Maple Landmark maybe?I was going to get something from here.They said their stuff is made in USA but a thread on here from several years ago said China... For older ds: board games a couple of wood building kits some eco play dough post #2 of 7 I would not support maple landmark because they have terrible customer support. However I am a Vermonter and love supporting Local that is not a company Id choose. what about fabric gifts, handmade is just great also how old is your older ds? post #3 of 7 Check etsy? post #4 of 7 Thread Starter  Older ds is almost 6 What do you mean about Maple Landmark having horrible customer support?this makes me sad..I was going to buy several things from there. post #5 of 7 For baby, HABA has some great grasping toys. I also like their pull toys, although your baby will be a bit small now. Maybe next year.  For your older boy, there are lots of building toys that you've probably found. I know you said that you're cutting out plastic, but magnatiles are awesome. Other thoughts-- at that age, my boys still liked to dress up, and costumes, props, and capes were big hits.  post #6 of 7 I wrote a whole reply and it never posted. gurr post #7 of 7 I have a 10 month old who has access to a lot of her older sibling's natural toys.  Her favorites are plain wooden blocks, some wooden bowls I found in the thrift store, some Holtztiger woodland creatures (those things have seen daily use for YEARS), a kathe kruse doll, and a little piano (not natural but she loves it).  She's not yet into the wooden cars, but her sister was at a year old - the ones with the big wooden wheels and no extra parts to come off.  She's also not into the stacking cups or stacking rings yet, but I'm sure she'll come around.  She had a little bear rattle she likes too, but she's starting to lose interest.  She's starting to like the play kitchen food but mostly just mouths them - so it's good they're plain wood.  She likes the play silks but only if Daddy is playing peekaboo with her.  (Silks are also something we've had around for years now, in daily use.)  And she has a Bolga basket that she loves putting her things into and taking them out again.  And books!  She loves books.  You can often find cool things in the wood section of the thrift store that aren't meant to be toys but work anyway.  I guess you can't be 100% sure they're non-toxic but for untreated wood you can use your personal comfort level.  DD has a vase and mortar and pestle and set of wooden spoons that she loves to play with.  They're all made of wood and very sturdy, don't splinter, etc.  She plays with them daily. My 6 year old likes puzzles, Lego, and this year he's getting a Playmobil castle set.  You can find them in wood, too...  He's also into cars and setting up scenarios with blocks.  You could get him a set of unusual shaped wooden blocks.  He's also into books and art supplies and outdoor toys.  Bilibos are plastic but are really versatile and fun.  How about games, like board games?  Or a child sized instrument?  Mine really wants a guitar (but he's not getting it yet).  If he likes to help you cook you could get him a fun shaped cutting board... although I guess that might not have a huge cool factor.  :) I'd say get him a marble run as those are awesome, but the marbles are a choking hazard for baby.  Dominoes OTOH usually are too big to choke on even if one or two get lost around the house.  And you can set up lots of fun courses with them. New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav:   Return Home   Back to Forum: Parenting
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Kevin Drum Compound Inflation Is Probably Higher Than You Think | Mon Feb. 17, 2014 12:47 PM GMT Atrios wants the older generation to get it through their heads that kids today don't exactly lead cushy lives: I increasingly do think nominal illusion is part of it, as, say, $50,000 sounds like A LOT OF MONEY for a starting job for the older generation, but in 2014 it isn't that much money. Yes, yes, yes. If you're my age, that sounds like a pretty good income for someone a few years out of college. But it's nothing special. It's the equivalent of $18,000 in 1980 dollars. If you're part of an even older generation, think of it as the equivalent of about $6,000 in 1960 dollars. This isn't a poverty-level income or anything. But it's not nearly as much as it sounds like if you're just vaguely comparing it to what you made in your first job. What's more, it's not as if every 20-something college grad makes $50,000 either. Plenty of them make $35,000 or so, and that's the equivalent of $12,000 in 1980 bucks. That's what I made in my first job out of college, and although I was never in danger of starving or anything, I wasn't exactly living like a king in the room I rented out from some friends. People don't always have a good sense of just how much inflation compounds to. But as a quick rule of thumb, prices have gone up 3x since 1980 and about 10x since 1950. Keep that in mind whenever you're mentally comparing current prices and incomes with those from your early adulthood. Advertise on Obama Trade Deals Are in Trouble, and They Deserve to Be | Mon Feb. 17, 2014 10:55 AM GMT Dean Baker is no fan of the trade deals currently being negotiated by the Obama administration. They aren't being negotiated for the benefit of consumers, he says. "In reality these deals were being negotiated by corporate interests from day one": It's pretty hard to get excited about either the TPP (Pacific partners) or the TTIP (Atlantic partners). And it looks like it's pretty hard for Congress to get excited too. Ironically, the reason for this is largely due to provisions in these deals that the United States itself has been responsible for foisting on everyone else. If we had stuck to a deal that our trade partners liked better, we'd also have a deal that Congress liked better. For once, it looks like corporate interests in the United States have outsmarted themselves. Instead of settling for a merely lucrative deal, they demanded outrageously favorable treatment. By doing so, they've pissed off everyone: our trade partners and Congress and a large swath of even the neoliberal community that would normally be sympathetic to treaties like these. Who knows. Maybe they'll learn a lesson from this.1 1Just kidding. Forget TV, It's Internet Access at Stake in the Comcast Deal | Mon Feb. 17, 2014 8:49 AM GMT Paul Krugman says we made a mistake when we stopped worrying about monopolies: At first, arguments against policing monopoly power pointed to the alleged benefits of mergers in terms of economic efficiency. Later, it became common to assert that the world had changed in ways that made all those old-fashioned concerns about monopoly irrelevant. Aren’t we living in an era of global competition? Doesn’t the creative destruction of new technology constantly tear down old industry giants and create new ones? The truth, however, is that many goods and especially services aren’t subject to international competition: New Jersey families can’t subscribe to Korean broadband. Meanwhile, creative destruction has been oversold: Microsoft may be an empire in decline, but it’s still enormously profitable thanks to the monopoly position it established decades ago. I can't find anything to disagree with here. Our current situation is mostly a result of the Borkian revolution in antitrust law, which began in the 1970s and has since upended the way courts think about monopolies. Instead of caring about competition per se—or its lack—Bork invented a beguiling tautology in which any company with lots of customers is ipso facto creating a lot of consumer welfare and must therefore be OK. And since successful monopolies always have lots of customers, consumers must be benefiting. This has been a huge mistake. Competition is what drives creative destruction, and it's valuable for its own sake. We've lost sight of that, and it's time to reverse course. In the case of Comcast's proposed merger with Time-Warner, it's possible to argue that cable TV is already a monopoly in every geographical area, so it doesn't really matter who the monopolist is. That's not entirely true, but it's true enough to give one pause. More clearly dangerous, though, would be Comcast's newfound monopoly over broadband internet in half the country. There are, theoretically, multiple ways to get broadband internet in your home, but in practice you're limited to cable in about 90 percent of the country. That monopoly has given us some of the world's worst broadband, both painfully slow and painfully expensive. What's more, as Michael Hiltzik points out, broadband is a direct competitor to cable in the streaming video market, and having a single company with a monopoly position in both is just begging for trouble. Comcast will almost certainly be willing to make promises of net neutrality in order to win approval for its merger with Time-Warner, but those promises will be short-lived. The truth is that if this deal were allowed to go through under any circumstances, it would probably deal a serious blow to our ability to use the internet the way we want, not the way Comcast wants us to. But if it goes through under our actual existing current circumstances, in which enforcement of net neutrality has already been reduced to a husk of its former self, then we can just kiss streaming video goodbye.1 Our real public priority ought to be figuring out a way to insist on broadband competition. There are various ways of doing this, some more free-marketish than others. But that should be the minimum price for approving this merger. A bigger cable TV provider might or might not be dangerous. A bigger monopoly in broadband internet will undeniably be. Competition is the answer to this, the more the better. 1Just to be clear for those new to this, Comcast wants us to use the internet only in ways that don't interfere with the money they make from bringing TV and other video streams into our homes. In other words, their self-interest is directly opposed to net neutrality: they will push at every turn to block, slow down, or otherwise interfere with access to high quality streaming video over the internet. They want you to get that stuff from Comcast via cable TV, not via Netflix or Hulu or BitTorrent or any other provider via high-speed broadband. Friday Cat Blogging - 14 February 2014 | Fri Feb. 14, 2014 12:49 PM GMT It's been a glorious week in Southern California: 77 degrees, sunny, and mild, just like the promotional posters used to promise. Domino celebrated by hanging out in the backyard and soaking up the sunshine. Then, today, she got to laugh at me as the tables were turned and I had to endure having my picture taken by a crew from our local alt-weekly. Will I look happy or will I look lost in thought? It all depends on which picture they use, so I guess I'll have to wait and be surprised. In any case, it was a remarkably impressive bunch of equipment they brought along. Much better than Domino ever gets. 9 Years on the No-Fly List Because an FBI Agent "Checked the Wrong Box" | Fri Feb. 14, 2014 11:38 AM GMT Over the years, I've written about a number of people who have been put on the no-fly list and prevented from entering the country for no apparent reason. Or, at any rate, for no reason the government cares to share with its victims. One of them is a Malaysian Ph.D. student named Rahinah Ibrahim, who was detained at San Francisco International Airport in 2005; eventually allowed to fly home; and then put on the no-fly list and never allowed back in the country. Why? As usual, no one is willing to say. But this week we got a bit of a hint. Over at Glenn Greenwald's new venture, The Intercept, Murtaza Hussain reports on the latest developments: Then he did exactly what he had said he wouldn’t do. Is there more to this? Maybe. The government, needless to say, isn't talking. But it sure looks as if Ibrahim became a target for investigation; an FBI agent then filled out a form wrong; she was later cleared of any suspicion; but the mistake lived on forever and now no one wants to admit it. Do you feel safer now? Hot Hand? Well, Maybe a Lukewarm Hand.... | Fri Feb. 14, 2014 10:00 AM GMT Decades ago, the "hot hand" theory of sports was debunked. Massive statistical analysis showed that players in most sports went on streaks about as often as you'd expect by random chance, and when they were on a streak, their odds of making the next shot/goal/hit/etc. were no higher than at any other time. You might feel hot when you sink three buckets in a row, but that's just the endorphin rush of doing well. It doesn't mean you'll make your next basket. But now, there are all-new mountains of data to crunch, and two teams of researchers have concluded that hot hands really do exist in at least two sports: Basketball: Ezekowitz and his coauthors...with the help of cameras that NBA teams had installed at 15 arenas...could see that players with recent success in shooting were more likely to be taking shots from further away, facing tighter defenses, and throwing up more difficult shots....So the researchers controlled for these variables—and found what players and fans have long believed: The hot hand does exist. At least a little. According to the new research, players enjoying the hot hand are 1.2 to 2.4 percentage points more likely to make the next shot. Hmmm. So that's about 1-2 percentage points in both cases. And even that tiny effect is visible only after introducing a whole bunch of statistical controls that strike me as being a wee bit subjective. I suspect that if you varied your assessment of how tight the defense was or how difficult the shot was, the effect might go away entirely. But even if it's all legit, I have to say that 1-2 percentage points is pretty damn close to zero. And frankly, that's still surprising. The truth is that it's always seemed pretty logical to me that players would have hot hands now and again. But they don't. At best, they occasionally have lukewarm hands. All the rest is just chance. UPDATE: Via Twitter, Wertwhile suggests that this level of improvement is bigger than I'm giving it credit for: Two percentage points is a 5 or 6% improvement typically and is about a half a standard deviation of improvement. This is a pretty rough estimate, but it's probably in the right ballpark (so to speak). In absolute terms, 2 percentage points still isn't very much, but in relative terms, half a standard deviation is a fair amount. So maybe "lukewarm" is a little unfair. However, we still have all those statistical controls to think about. I wouldn't be surprised if these results are pretty sensitive to rather small differences in how these controls are calculated. For now, I think I'd stay on the skeptical side of the hot hands theory. Advertise on Yep, There's a Medical Code for Being Bitten by Shamu | Fri Feb. 14, 2014 9:27 AM GMT Sarah Kliff reports on the ongoing battle over the ICD-10, a set of medical codes for illnesses and injuries that's far more detailed than the current ICD-9: There are different numbers for getting struck or bitten by a turkey (W61.42 or W61.43). There are codes for injuries caused by squirrels (W53.21) and getting hit by a motor vehicle while riding an animal (V80.919), spending too much time in a deep-freeze refrigerator (W93.2) and a large toe that has gone unexpectedly missing (Z89.419). ....Hospitals and insurers have fought the new codes, calling them a massive regulatory burden....ICD-10 proponents contend that adding specificity to medical diagnoses will provide a huge boon to the country. It will be easier for public health researchers, for example, to see warning signs of a possible flu pandemic — and easier for insurers to root out fraudulent claims. “How many times are people going to be bitten by an orca? Probably not very many,” said Lynne Thomas Gordon, chief executive of the American Health Information Management Association. “But what if you’re a researcher trying to find that? You can just press a button and find that information.” Depending on who you listen to, we are either hopelessly behind the rest of the world in implementing common-sense international standards or else the only country in the world that's holding out against the madness. Read the whole thing and decide for yourself. | Fri Feb. 14, 2014 8:45 AM GMT Via Matt Yglesias, I see that Matthew Klein has finally written a short post that explains what's really behind the Comcast-Time Warner merger: So the question we should be asking about the Comcast-Time Warner merger is simple: Do content distributors need more clout? Klein suggests they do: they're at the mercy of rapacious networks who keep raising carriage fees and they don't have the market power to fight back. The merger will help that. That may be, but I'd like to hear more about this. Networks and cable companies fight constantly, as you know if you've ever seen dueling ads about why your favorite shows will soon be off the air in your area. The networks run ads telling people that if they don't want to miss the next episode of CSI, they better call their cable company and tell them to knock off the gamesmanship. The cable companies run ads insisting that the network is jacking up rates unconscionably and everyone should besiege them with demands that they be more reasonable. Usually this continues until about one minute before the current contract runs out, at which point both sides make a deal. Occasionally it goes longer, and certain shows really are blacked out for a while. If you've ever had trouble figuring out which side is really at fault in one of these battles of the titans, well, that's the problem. Two mega-corporations are duking it out, and the rest of us are just caught in the middle. From a consumer point of view, part of the problem is that we've all been trained to hate the cable companies who send us outrageous bills every month and love the content producers who make all the shows we love. But don't fall for that: it's just an artifact of which business happens to be customer facing. The truth is that both sides are big, soulless corporations who have no claim on your emotions. That said, I'd normally take Klein's side of this except for one thing: would a bigger Comcast really have more negotiating clout than they do now? I guess that's possible, but they have a helluva lot of clout already. No network can afford to be shut out of Comcast's market for long. So it's not clear to me that a bigger Comcast would really do much for the rest of us. In any case, that's how to think of this stuff. Practically every big battle you see in the media arena is, one way or another, a battle between gigantic producers on the one hand and gigantic distributors on the other. That's what net neutrality is all about. That's what copyright battles are all about. That's what broadband fights are all about. And that's what this merger is all about. We are all just pawns watching the fireworks. Why Shouldn't Scotland Have Its Own Currency? | Thu Feb. 13, 2014 7:51 PM GMT George Osborne, Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, said today that if Scotland votes for independence later this year, they can say ta ta to the pound. "If Scotland walks away from the UK, it walks away from the UK pound," he warned. Pro-independence nationalists went ballistic, accusing Osborne of trying to bully Scots into rejecting independence. And of course they're right: that's exactly what he was doing. Not that it matters. With apologies to all pro-independence Scots, I think there's about a zero percent chance of independence winning the day in September's referendum. As near as I can tell, virtually every national secession vote in the developed world goes the same way: initial support, which then erodes as election day draws near and everyone starts getting a more concrete idea of just how messy it's all likely to be and how it's going to affect them at a purely personal level. It's true that this messiness comes partly from anti-secessionist scare tactics, but that's inevitable. It's just the way this stuff works. It's a lot easier to scare people about possible losses than it is to thrill them about possible gains. Basically, this means you need to start out with at least 60 percent of the population in favor, since you're almost certain to lose at least 10 percent of them as the campaign unfolds, and Scotland is nowhere near that. It's not even at 50 percent. So independence is doomed. That's my 5-pence view, anyway, and not worth even that much.1 Still, I'm curious about just why the pro-independence folks have been so dedicated to the idea of keeping the pound in the first place. Scotland's about as big as Denmark, after all, and Denmark does fine with its own currency. What's more, the last few years have vividly demonstrated the downsides of a currency union, especially for the union's junior partners, which Scotland would surely be. So why are they afraid to simply propose that Scotland have its own currency? Technically, one problem is that Scotland intends to join the EU if it wins independence, and the EU might insist that it can join only if it adopts the euro. That would be the worst of all possible worlds. But I'll bet that would be negotiable. The EU would have strong incentives to let Scotland in even if it kept its own currency, and it wouldn't be hard to invent a cultural exception of some kind based on the fact that Britain has opted out of the euro. That kind of fudge happens all the time. So what's the real reason? Here are a few guesses: • Scots might want independence, but they don't actually trust their own government to manage something as important as a currency. • Scots trust their government, but for some reason they're pretty sure that outsiders wouldn't. This would damage their economy. • Scotland is heavily reliant on oil revenue right now, which means an independent currency might become too strong and kill the country's export economy. This is the "Dutch disease." • The pro-independence folks do want their own currency, but even if everything goes well it would still be a huge short-term conversion headache. So for now, they're just pretending to prefer a currency union. Or maybe it's something else entirely that I don't know about because I'm not Scottish.2 Anyone have a clue? Why exactly are SNP leaders so dedicated to keeping the British pound? 1Though family legend says I'm descended from Mary Queen of Scots, so there's that. 2Bitcoin, anyone? Quote of the Day: Mammograms Shouldn't Be Pawns in a Religious War | Thu Feb. 13, 2014 12:43 PM GMT From Aaron Carroll, responding to the deluge of lame criticisms aimed at a recent study showing that mammograms don't do much to reduce mortality from breast cancer: This really has taken on the nature of a religious war. But eventually we have to face facts. If you have a family history of breast cancer, or some specific markers of vulnerability, or if your doctor thinks you need one, then of course you should get a mammogram. But despite what we've all been taught for the past several decades, the evidence is becoming overwhelming that a blanket recommendation of routine annual mammograms for everyone over the age of 40 just isn't good medicine. This isn't coming from people who are anti-woman or who are just trying to slash budgets. Nor is anyone saying that mammograms are useless. That just isn't what's happening. What's happening is routine science. And unlike religion, the answers change now and then when you do routine science. That's sometimes uncomfortable and sometimes scary. But that's the story here. Right now, the answers are changing, and we need to change along with them.
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Virginia GOP Lt. Gov. Candidate: "Satanic Rock," Witches Destroying Society | Mon Jun. 10, 2013 10:34 AM GMT Rev. E.W. Jackson, the Republican nominee to be the next lieutenant governor of Virginia, has a well-documented history of saying pretty crazy things. He thinks gays are "ikky." He compared a non-discrimination bill to "a pedophiles' rights bill." He accused President Obama of using NASA to "expand Islam." He believes yoga is a gateway to Satan. And in his 2008 book, Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life, Jackson warned that "satanic rock," rap music, and modern-day "witchcraft" were leading to a societal breakdown. Here are some of the highlights from that book. Rap and "satanic rock" are "eggs of destruction": This is why we need not waste time arguing with the media about whether a steady diet of gangster rap, satanic rock music, profane, violent and pornographic films have an impact on people's behavior. This is not a statistical question; it is a spiritual one. There may never be a satisfactory statistical answer because the period of incubation before manifestation makes it difficult to establish the causal connection with scientific certainty. It is not that some teen will listen to violent rap music tonight and go out to commit mass murder tomorrow. Nonetheless, if that youngster continues to "meditate" those violent, hate filled images and ideas, he or she will manifest those ideas into their lives in one way or another.... This is not an argument for governmental censorship, but for individual censorship over what you and your family listen to and watch. Allow yourself to incubate the eggs of destruction and sooner or later they will hatch, exploding in your face. Don't hang out with witches: There are those who engage in witchcraft, fortune telling, Tarot Card, tea leaf and palm reading and other "spiritual" practices. These practices are wrong and dangerous. They are spoken of as an "abomination"—a particularly detestable sin—in the sight of God. They bring a terrible curse on the person who engages in such things, and you do so at your own peril. Or Buddhists: The nature of spiritual death is distaste for true spiritual life. Have you noticed the respect and awe people have for eastern philosophies and religions which reject the God of the Bible? When a Buddhist sets himself on fire in some misguided protest, the media does not see it as fanaticism. But the same media readily caricature the entire Christian community based on the excesses of a few. Non-Christian religions have their own values which are often highly questionable. Yet there is a remarkable deference paid to any religious system that does not include Christ as the Son of God. Affinity for anything but what is truly of God is the nature of spiritual death? Or Whitney Houston: A decade or so ago Whitney Houston had a hit song called "The Greatest Love." The relevant line in the song was, "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all." It may be a nice song with a nice tune, but it is dead wrong. The greatest love of all is not learning to love yourself. The greatest love of all is God's love for you. Jackson, though, was at least upfront about his fears that most readers wouldn't take his words seriously. "I hazard to guess what percentage of those who read this book will actually follow through to put its principles to work," he wrote. "How many will obey these 'Ten Commandments'? Ten percent may have the discipline, commitment and interest to follow through."
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Let Sleeping Corpses Lie Let Sleeping Corpses Lie A couple (Ray Lovelock and Cristina Galbo) travelling along the English countryside stop to get directions from a pair of Ministry of Agriculture workers testing an experimental device designed to drive insects into killing each other. Help Fight Cancer Partners: Ujena Swimwear Page rendered in 3.6068 seconds
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DD has 'no friends' at school (114 Posts) RichardDawkinsAngel Thu 11-Apr-13 21:15:17 exoticfruits Fri 12-Apr-13 07:17:24 If you have that sort of problem in a school with more than one form entry you change the DD into another class- it is very common to do this and the advantage of a big school that you can. trinity0097 Fri 12-Apr-13 07:21:52 It might not be her fault, I did say I did not condone the behaviour of the bullies, but children can predispose themselves to being picked on if their behaviour/actions are irritating to the other children. In my last school a child moved schools on a managed transfer as we had been unable to stop him being bullied, despite numerous interventions, so he went to another, where there was no cross-over of catchments, he was also bullied there after a few weeks because of his behaviour towards them which he was unwilling to change. This was a severe case and not exactly the same as the OP, but I do think that sometimes people forget that children can be annoying, and they might not be annoying when just interacting with adults, but with other children they might be. HollyBerryBush Fri 12-Apr-13 07:26:15 The op says this in her first line: SwishSwoshSwoosh Fri 12-Apr-13 07:27:41 Trinity - that is victim blaming without you having any knowledge of any of the kids. It is attitudes like that that is responsible for much bullying and unkindness going untackled. Good teachers don't say crap like that. trinity0097 Fri 12-Apr-13 07:32:07 Good teachers try their best to stop the bullying and address the issues that caused the bullying in the first place, I have never said that the bully's should not be dealt with, but lots of people suggested moving schools and the problem would be solved, and I know that whilst that sometimes works it sometimes doesn't because the child concerned does not behave in a way that the puts them in a positive light with other children. Young children do not have the social skills that an older teen/adult would have in being able to overlook something they find irritating. exoticfruits Fri 12-Apr-13 07:38:16 Four girls in a class is like a family and siblings fighting. Too few children who know each other too well and have nowhere to go to avoid. If they all 'gel' well it is fine- but the odds are that 4 random DCs won't. That is not to say that there is anything 'wrong' with any if them. If they were diluted by an influx of another 8 girls the dynamics would change. HollyBerryBush Fri 12-Apr-13 07:39:08 Trinity isn't victim blaming at all. She's pointing out that people have personality traits. Children have them too. Traits, positive or negative, are not suddenly acquired in the adult world. Some parents are prone to seeing their own children through rose tinted spectacles. FWIW DS3 (ASD) was bullied dreadfully (no school support) for being somewhat irritating and quirky. That was his unfortunate personality trait. So I moved him to a school with better reputation with SEN provision. He can now manage his traits so he doesn't wind everyone up in his immediate vicinity to the point they want to deck him all the time. It was immediately noticeable on day one at primary school. All he said to another boy was "can I play football with you?" (there was a game going on) and the response was "you're weird". It's almost like an unseen electrical impulse he gives off. Girls like him because he's gentle, boys can't stand the sight of him unless they are ASD themselves. exoticfruits Fri 12-Apr-13 07:42:28 She sounds lovely to me from OP - I can't see anything in there that says she is bossy, overbearing , too shy etc etc. I don't think it is fair to blame the victim! jamdonut Fri 12-Apr-13 07:48:56 I agree with trinity. jamdonut Fri 12-Apr-13 07:54:11 And I know several children like this. They don't understand why people won't be friends with them, but other children find them annoying. You can't make people be friends, sad though that is. sashh Fri 12-Apr-13 07:58:54 Sounds like the school need a 'friendship bench', I also think you don't need friends in school, you can have them in brownies, gymnastics, ballet etc etc. cheeseandpineapple Fri 12-Apr-13 08:03:09 Trinity has a point, some kids don't realise that they might be doing something which alienates other children. Not saying that's the case here but I know this from experience with my son. He often wants to dominate and take the lead, he's socially less mature than the other kids in his class. He's learning the hard way that he needs to alter his behaviour and whilst he is doing that, unfortunately a pattern of exclusion can evolve even when the child in question has adapted. That's a challenge, breaking the pattern. Also some kids are very sensitive, they might perceive exclusion or slights which weren't intended, again I have that with my son. I've been present when he's convinced himself that he's been treated unfavourably and takes issue and conversely I've been there when I can see that his friends have become intolerant of him and exclude him when he hasn't been doing anything untoward but the pattern's been formed. I agree with the suggestions that you should discreetly watch out to see how your daughter is interacting with others and then help coach her either to adapt if she needs to and if genuinely you can't see anything which might be a reason for the alienation, speak to the teacher again and ask her/him exactly how they will deal with this eg is one to one with each child an option for them to say its tough being only 4 girls in the year and they need to make sure everyone's included in what they do in breaks etc otherwise they can feel left out and have their feelings hurt. The teacher can also get them to talk about any issues discreetly and individually. Also keep maintaining your child's self esteem, emphasise that she has friends outside of school and make sure they have opportunities to see them regularly. It's really brutal if your child's self esteem and confidence gets knocked or bruised. Sounds like your DD is fine and philosophical so no issues on that front fortunately. Maybe the other girls are simply less pleasant than your DD. That happens too and in fact you may not want your DD to be particularly friendly with them in case she picks up their bad habits. V difficult having such a small group. We have the same issue, only a small number of girls in one year group but fortunately they get on really well and the school takes steps to ensure they feel like a unit. SwishSwoshSwoosh Fri 12-Apr-13 08:11:11 How is 'children who are picked on like that often have an irritating feature' not victim blaming???? I have never heard such utter shit tbh, this is a small school with a tiny pool of children, the first thought should be more people = more potential friends. First thought should not be 'oh that child is bound to be annoying in some way'. No one is saying everyone can like every other child, we are saying a bigger school gives more options. And Holly - the boys who 'can't stand the sight of him' should be encouraged to be more tolerant. No wonder so many adults are horrible to others when people expect so,little of children. melika Fri 12-Apr-13 08:14:11 Both my DSs had girls as friends and as someone said, friends change like the weather. ~So don't worry about her. Theicingontop Fri 12-Apr-13 08:18:27 I would bet money on it not being your daughter's 'fault', OP. In such a small group of girls, there's bound to be one who's pushed out. If nothing else than to provide themselves with someone to talk about, a figure of entertainment. I was in a small group of girls at the same age, in a small school, and was pushed out for not being girly enough. The seven or so girls in my year had very strict conditions attached to being included, and I did not fulfill them. I was too scruffy, my hairclips weren't sparkly, my shoes weren't shiny etc etc... I did find I fitted in better with the boys, and that didn't change when we moved to middle school either. Though I did make more girl friends when there were more around. If joining in with the boys isn't an option for your daughter, don't keep her in there for longer than is necessary. It is an awful whack to your confidence. Bonsoir Fri 12-Apr-13 08:19:44 I think a year group of 4 girls is way too small for comfort. HollyBerryBush Fri 12-Apr-13 08:24:44 As I said, Some parents wear rose tinted specs. Plenty of threads on here where people cant stand the sight of other people. A fact of nature, not everyone will get on with everyone else all of the time. We all have different personalities, if we didn't we would be clones. seeker Fri 12-Apr-13 08:27:46 Put her on the waiting list for other schools now. Don't wait. She's got five and a half years of primary school to go- you can't possibly survive that long with only 4 potential girl friends! Catsize Fri 12-Apr-13 08:28:29 I went to a small village school and was bullied. Sme of the teachers and dinner ladies even laughed at some of the stuff people did to me. I was miserable. Mum reported the bullying in my final year to the teacher who colluded with the bullies. Not great. She just satme down on my own and said 'are you being bullied'. Of course I said nothing, and she said 'no, right, good then' and left it at that. Previously, my mother had been told that bullying didn't happen at the school (?!). When I went to secondary school, Mum specifically asked that head honcho bully not be in my form, and guess what? Yep, my first day at big school was awful and I went home in tears. Head bully was moved to a different class, which probably contributed to the bullying continuing. At times, I considered myself to have no friends, but developed close friendships with individuals at other times. Can you encourage friendships between your daughter and those in other year groups? I now have lots of friends and am very sociable. Hard for others to believe the position I was in during my formative years. With adult hindsight, I can sort of see why my bullying happened - I was very tall, bright and verbally defensive in light of the bullying. Back in the day, brighter kids weren't catered for and I was frustrated. Having said all this, I was always nice to people! And I am not justifying bullying! I would not be hasty in moving your daughter unless you talk to her. Not necessarily about her friends etc. but on a 'we have found another lovely school. Would you like to have a look at it, or are you happy where you are?' kind of thing. I wish you all the best. Do keep us posted - it must be very upsetting. SwishSwoshSwoosh Fri 12-Apr-13 08:30:21 Doesn't matter if you don't like someone, you treat them with kindness and patience. If we are not even setting out those values for our children, it is not a big surprise there are so many nasty adults around. Some parents seem to wear shit-tinted spectacles! SavoyCabbage Fri 12-Apr-13 08:32:39 There are definitely some children who are harder to get on with than others. My dd2 is a bossy boots. In one of her friendships this works out fine as her friend is quiet, shy and dies not like to take the lead but in another it doesn't as that friend is also a bossy boots. So there are too many 'leaders' and they all fall out. I was in exactly the same position as your DD for years and I agree with those saying move her. If she as friends upside school then it's not her. Move her As soon as another shchool has space so she doesn't develop long term social confidence problems. 6 hours a day 5 days a week is a hellishly long time to be excluded and a couple of evenings a week at brownies etc just doesn't balance it out. MrsHoarder Fri 12-Apr-13 08:36:12 Trinity you might have a point if she was struggling in a 4 form entry, but the advice would probably be very different then. In a school that small there isn't a possibility to mix with other children if you don't gel with the first group. catsize that's just it, after a few years you develop defence mechanisms that perpetuate the problem. For years at high school I just couldn't be sure if someone was being genuine or nasty because I was so used to the latter. Hence why I'd go for an early move fro a bigger school if possible, to avoid that. thebody Fri 12-Apr-13 09:02:17 Well for me doing nothing wouldn't be an option. Option 1. Move her to another school or if they are full move house to a different catchment, people move all the time for schools. Option 2. Stay but start a network campaign. Get to know the other mums, there's only 4 of them, ask others to tea, play, have a BBQ or party and ask the kids and parents to come. Involve the school and tell them how your dd feels. But don't do nothing. Join the discussion Join the discussion Register now
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Worlds most popular name, but I like it! (57 Posts) binkybonk Thu 07-Feb-13 13:18:13 At 40 weeks (due date was yesterday!) so really need to get sorted! I think Harry is just a good solid name. DH doesn't like a) no long version/ no option to change/ adjust b) he read somewhere it was number 1 in UK last year and although I don't really mind this, I think he's let it colour his judgement. If you have been lucky enough to avoid my other name posts, DS1 is Charlie (Charles) and his cousins are William, Oliver, Max, Sam and George x 2- all names we would have happily had but over a 3 year naming span it's a bit close! confusedconfusedconfused To this naming malarkey. Feels so vital and life changing now and then once baby's out it seems pathetic to have worried! confusedconfusedconfused poppydaisy Thu 07-Feb-13 13:25:38 As long as you are aware that he will be known by his surname initial, surname or other modifier (e.g. little Harry, big Harry, etc) and, depending on his surname, may have a hard time differentiating his name (depending on what area he works in can be very useful), then go ahead and use Harry. poppydaisy Thu 07-Feb-13 13:26:58 Have a look outside the top 100 - there are thousands of solid, short, classic underused names. rachel234 Thu 07-Feb-13 13:31:48 In our cub scout section we have 3 Harrys, two of which share the same surname...can get a little confusing. We sometimes forget why we name someone, I think. SanityClause Thu 07-Feb-13 13:38:53 What about Wilfred? Then he could be Will, Wilf, Fred, Freddie, or even Ed or Eddie! It's a lovely solid name, like the others, and not in the top 100! Elizadoesdolittle Thu 07-Feb-13 13:40:16 What about Henry? Isn't as popular and sounds similar to Harry. But if you love Harry then I'd use it. It's a great name. My DD1 has the most popular girls name. Wasn't nearly as popular when she was born but I don't regret it. She's the only one I know with that name. I know that when she goes to school she is likely to be one of many but my DH had the same with his name and its not done him any harm. I have an unusual name and hated it at school as nobody knew how to spell it. Tinyflutterby Thu 07-Feb-13 13:42:52 We know a couple of baby's called Harris, similar but slightly different? AmandaPayne Thu 07-Feb-13 13:42:55 Well, actually Harry is a nickname for Henry as per Prince Harry. So there is a 'formal' version - though I will grant you it is the same number of letters so no 'long' version grin. belleat40 Thu 07-Feb-13 13:46:07 We chose a really popular name for dd2, she's the only one in her year so it doesn't necessarily mean Harry will be one of many. If you like it, use it. belleat40 Thu 07-Feb-13 13:46:42 Year at school I mean, I'm sure other parents called their child the same name in 2009! rachel234 Thu 07-Feb-13 13:50:44 "I have an unusual name and hated it at school as nobody knew how to spell it." Sorry to hear that. But there are lots and lots of names that are easy to pronounce/spell and yet are outside the top 100, reducing the likelihood of having to share your name with potentially lots of others. ZolaBuddleia Thu 07-Feb-13 13:54:01 What about Thomas/Tom/Tommy? thegreylady Thu 07-Feb-13 13:58:56 Henry is Harry I don't think you want a Harold do you? How about Edward? Not too popular and lots of great nn's from Ed via Ted and Woody to Bear! mummybare Thu 07-Feb-13 14:02:01 He could be Harrison/Harris/Henry if you want a 'long' version. Or, if you are after other suggestions, how about Edward, Jonathan, Max, Alexander or Benjamin? Congratulations on your imminent arrival smile Startail Thu 07-Feb-13 14:04:50 I was Star 1/4 in my year at senior. DD1 is usually 1/2 And DD2 varies widely from 1/2 - 1/5 dependent on group. DHs name is also stupidly common and I've had phone calls involving him and two colleagues of the same name which were fun. Generally it causes very little confusion and it's actually useful, because people tend to make the effort to learn your surname, preferred NN and not mix you up. I find Ellie, Élan, Evie, Elsie, Eve and Eleanor who doesn't shorten it, all together more confusing. catladycourtney1 Thu 07-Feb-13 14:11:41 I love it too but I can't get past the fact that it's so popular. And I'm having a girl anyway. But if you like it then go for it! FranglaisMaman Thu 07-Feb-13 14:43:37 Love Harry, it's top of our list for a boy too. I also considered putting Henry on the BC as someone suggested as the 'proper' name, but as MIL pointed out, this might be confusing for people when he's in school etc, who might not be aware that Harry is a pet name of Henry, because they're so similar & it might complicate things. I too am struggling with a 'proper' name for it though as I hate Harold! You could have Harrison nn Harry? I say go for it, never mind that it's popular! These names are popular for a reason, because they are lovely. I would quite happily have had the uber-popular Jack if my SIL hadn't beat me to it angry Panzee Thu 07-Feb-13 14:46:51 There is a reason that it's popular. Don't worry about it. mamalovesmojitos Thu 07-Feb-13 14:49:02 Harry is a lovely name. I have a very popular name. I still really like it smile. eminemmerdale Thu 07-Feb-13 14:49:57 When I was doing youth work around 12 years ago, I had a group of girls in one of my groups named thus: Kelly, Kylie, Kerry, Kacey and Kayleigh (x 2) I kid you not. Booyhoo Thu 07-Feb-13 14:52:59 how is harry the world's most popular name? confused binkybonk Thu 07-Feb-13 14:53:45 Have looked quite extensively outside the top 100, but tbh I'm happy for my child to have a popular name- they'll make it theirs. But more to the point I couldn't find any I liked wink I teach 4 year olds (200 in one year group!!) and we haven't had a Harry for 2 years and there's only 1 coming up next year. We have tons of Cosmos, Arlos, Tigers and Kits though. So I think the fact we are thousands of miles from the UK helps, but DH still worried about it as we are UK nationals although can't see us living there for at least 10 years . Only name I prefer is Frederick (family name) and he would be Fred. SanityClause Thu 07-Feb-13 14:54:41 I was one of 6 girls with variations of my name in one year at school. (A bit like Marianne, Mary-Anne, Mary-Ann.) I hated my name, and still wish my parents had gone for the choice that they thought was "too unusual". JaneLane Thu 07-Feb-13 14:55:39 I've got a Henry who goes by Harry most of the time (he is 5). He is one of two Harrys in his class - there are more Charlies, Olivers and Jacks. If you like it then that is what matters! binkybonk Thu 07-Feb-13 14:56:52 Sorry for the melodramatic title Booyhoo but people's responses have all involved it's popularity rather than the fact it's just a nice name confused Join the discussion Join the discussion Register now
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Nanny/sitter watching one child versus two - costs? (5 Posts) Mamabear12 Sun 17-Nov-13 20:35:48 Hello. I am curious, about costs for watching two kids. I have a toddler who is 21 months and newborn baby 3 weeks. I understand separately, we would pay our nannies/sitters to watch 10 pounds an hour. How much if we want them to watch both? My husband said it should be the same - but in my opinion it is more work! So wouldnt we pay more? What are the costs to watch two kids? Cindy34 Sun 17-Nov-13 20:38:38 No difference in my view. Though I would make sure the sitter/nanny was used to caring for newborns. Cindy34 Sun 17-Nov-13 20:41:25 The nanny works exclusively for your family so cares for any children in your family. If they have been with you a while then they will have known you were pregnant and thus will be expecting to care for baby at some point following babies birth. Yes it is more work but that's part of the job. You could compensate by giving a pay rise at the annual pay review, if you are in a position to do so. Mamabear12 Sun 17-Nov-13 21:01:10 Oh really no difference? That would be great! We don't have a regular nanny. Just someone we get a few times a week when needed, and is trained for newborns. She watched our first a few days/nights a week when a new born. So we trust she knows what she is doing. She is the reason our first got into good sleeping habits. Blondeshavemorefun Sun 17-Nov-13 22:11:21 No diff. A nanny/bs will look after several children for same money as one - as long as same family - if two families then yes should be paid a little more as costs are shared between you both Join the discussion Join the discussion Register now
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Back to main The end of the euro as we know it 11/29/2011 5:37:00 AM By: Daniel Pereira Referenced Stocks: One of the most audacious experiments in internationalism and political-economic unification, the euro, appears to be on the verge of collapse. What's destroying the common currency ? There are hundreds of complex and interlocking factors, from the problems of unifying totally disparate economies to irresponsible lending practices to the shoddy bookkeeping and outright fraud which kicked off the crisis in the Greek financial and revenue collection system.  Economist Paul Krugman singles out the failure of the European Central Bank and its director, Jean-Claude Trichet, to respond aggressively to the growing crisis by lowering interest rates and adopting the same kind of expansionist monetary policy pursued by the Federal Reserve. "Trichet might as well have gone on TV and announced, 'My colleagues and I are determined to make the debt problems of southern Europe insoluble,'" the columnist quipped in a blog post on The NYTimes . The Financial Times reports that a group of European financial experts have signed a letter which asserts the need to establish a truely international system for backstopping the continent's financial system. At present, such actions are taking place on the national level but political intransigence has stymied efforts to implement a universal eurozone system. Meanwhile, in Italy, the FT writes that an Italian citizen, quickly followed by the Association of Italian Banks, urged the people of Italy to do the patriotic thing and purchase Italian bonds . Similar actions - more ideological than practical - are occuring in other cash-strapped European nations like Spain and Belgium. At the end of the day, there's really just one practical solution - Germany, the continental creditor, will have to bite the bullet and accede to some kind of international European bond instrument. That would create a way for the EU to borrow money and pay it back jointly, which would practically have the effect of making Germany responsible, in some greater or lesser degree, to its indebted neighbors. However, Germany is already responsible in a way, because its banks, along with France's, have done so much of the lending to southern Europe. If Germany doesn't agree to a eurobond, then the whole structure is surely doomed.
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Human Exceptionalism Life and dignity with Wesley J. Smith. Right to Life Only For “Thinkers?” Many bioethicists want to destroy what remains of the sanctity/equality of human life ethic. Two areas of current push in this regard are the drive to permit infanticide and to harvest organs from living cognitively devastated patients. But there’s an impediment: If human beings have equal moral value simply because they are human, we can’t treat them in such a crass and objectifying manner. But if our moral value is entirely subjective–depending on our capacities moment, by moment, by moment–why harvesting, killing, and experimenting on humans become defensible and doable against those denigrated as being members of a lower value caste. Arguments around infanticide are intended, in part, to attaining consensus on how to define the caste of lesser humans. I bring this up (again) because the Journal of Medical Ethics has an issue out dedicated to debating the pros and cons of permitting infanticide. (I have already discussed one article here that went after yours truly. The entire issue is temporarily available for reading here.) I want to focus today on the “editor’s choice” article. Most of it deals with the role of philosophy in these kinds of discussions. But the article also proposes a concept for subjectively defining a “person” that I had not seen before and uses an advocacy technique toward getting us to accept that end that I think worth highlighting.  Like many others of his ilk, University of Philosopher professor Michael Tooley claims that full protection comes from attaining the moral status of being a “neo-Lockean person,” essentially derived from being a the ability to think. From, “Philosophy, critical thinking and ‘after-birth abortion: why should the baby live?’”: The serious view here is this: Only neo-Lockean persons have a right to continued existence. What is a neo-Lockean person? The answer is that a neo-Lockean person is an entity that has conscious states at different times, and that are psychologically connected by such things as memories, desires and intentions. That being so, the key question is the present mental capacity of the individual being judged–whether human or otherwise: But what could the more general principle be that underlies both the principle concerning the right to life of members of our own biological species, and the principle concerning the right to life of members of the ET [extra terrestrial] biological species? Presumably, it will have to focus on something that would be common to members of the two species, but that is not shared, for instance, by carrots, and that is also a morally relevant property. What could such a property be? The answer, surely, must involve some sort of reference to the type of mental life that both Homo sapiens and members of the ET species, are capable of. Note the persuasive technique Tooley employs: “The answer, surely, must involve some sort of referent to the type of mental life…” That stacks the deck and precludes other relevant issues from the discussion, doesn’t it? But present mental capacity should be irrelevant as it relates to the value of a human being. I would instead compare the differing inherent natures of the organisms or entities being judged. Humans, and only we in the known universe are–by nature–moral beings (among other moral attributes, such as our rational and creative capacities that also undergird human exceptionalism). That is, whether we are embryos, fetuses, babies, children, or old people dying of Alzheimer’s, we all have the natures of moral agents–unless inhibited from expressing those attributes due to immaturity or injury. But the current ability to fully express our human nature isn’t the point. Rather, the nature of the life in question is what should matter. Otherwise, none of us is safe–since our respective moral value depends absolutely on our capacities of the moment–and universal human rights becomes impossible to sustain intellectually. Person today, harvestable tomorrow. Tooley argues that since fetuses and newborns can’t think, they essentially have a lower moral status than a “normal adult human being:” The crucial issue here, it seems to me, is at what point a developing human acquires the capacity for thought, and many years ago I attempted to survey the relevant scientific literature, including studies of the growth of neurons, studies of electrical activity in the developing brain, and studies of the behaviour exhibited by humans at various points. The results are set out in chapter 11 of my 1983 book, on pages 347-412, and my conclusion at that time was that it was likely that a capacity for thought episodes emerged only some time after birth. Until the baby could actually think–he or she would be killable. (He says more research into mental capacities of newborns is needed. But his principle of personhood is the problem, not the place the line is drawn.) Please understand, this kind of discussion isn’t aimed at being deemed clever or scoring debating points. It seeks directly to change the morality of society and the public policies that flow therefrom. That’s what happened with eugenics, abortion, and license to dehydrate the cognitively impaired.  If we are to prevent this next step–infanticide, and treating so-called human “non-persons” as natural resources–notice must be taken. Resistance is not futile! Subscribe to National Review
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Be a Supporter! Credits & Info Jan 30, 2011 | 6:57 PM EST Related Stuff If you liked this, check these out! Plenty more like this here! • NG Movie Jam 1 Author Comments A flash movie created in less than 48 hours for the Newgrounds Movie Jam, January 2011. Blood sweat and tears went into this animation and a lot of work! We hope you enjoy it! A secret song can be found in the menu, somewhere... Based on the story by Nathaniel Milburn. The script was randomly assigned to the team so we were not prepared for this story. The bird is a demon and required to possess life. The bird took the life of the boy, who was innocent and mislead. The end shows the bird with a scythe for a wing, it was used to kill and make the fire that set the forest alight. Many say there are 'plot holes' but they were sleeping outside because the tent was full, the boy went to far away from the camp, thus loosing contact with his friends, all the plot-falls have explanations. The orginial script can be found below: "A small 8 year old boy scout was walking through the forest. It was pouring down rain and just starting to get dark. As he was on his way back to camp he started to hear some type of noise. The noise sounded like someone was in trouble. The noise led him to this tree where a bird was lying under it. His wing had been broken and was unable to fly. The bird was just lying there yelling in pain, he didn't care if another animal heard him and could have eaten him, he didn't want to live anymore. The little boy being a cub scout and all wanted to help him. He bandaged up the bird and tried to him get on his way, but the bird was unable to move at all with his broken wing. The bird said if I'm unable to get food I'm going to starve. The boy scout knew he had to hunt for this little bird. The scout then started to hunt down animals and killed each one he saw to feed this little bird the food he deserves. Instead of going back home the boy stayed out in the wild with the bird. They became friends real fast and built a house together. The birds wing apparently stayed broken for years. The boy eventually got older and decided to figure out why the birds wing was never getting any better. When the bird was sleeping he snuck in and took of the cast. What he saw was astonishing. The grown up scout couldn't believe his eyes. The script has been modified. Rated 4.5 / 5 stars November 10, 2013 It is all fun and games until the duck tape haves to come off. Rated 5 / 5 stars July 5, 2012 animation is slow other than that its good. Rated 4 / 5 stars November 13, 2011 it made me think of what my life could have been and what it is know. how something innocent can turn evil yet dont . i guess i see it in another way than most dont Rated 3 / 5 stars September 2, 2011 that was very confusing... 1:you say that the bird is a demon,if that is true,then WHY was we lying on the ground? 2:how come the boy lived on the forest for years but he look the same as before? 3:if the bird is a demon,why did he became a friend with the boy and lived with him for years? 4:why didnt the bird just killed the kid at the beginning? 5:how the fuck did the bird started the fire? 6:how did the bird killed the boy if he was on the ground the entire time,did he just stared at him to death? 7:if the bird is a demon,then why in the fuck did the he started to cry in the end,he is A FUCKING DEMON. 8:why did the bird started the fire,what was he trying to do? 9:the kid got lost in the forest,but why did the other scouts just simply left him there? 10:why did the boy had scissors and duct tape with him,I didnt knew that boy scouts sleep with that kind stuff this was just a huge mess,but not the worst I've ever seen People find this review helpful! Rated 4 / 5 stars June 28, 2011 The story was very sweet, but it really wasn't what I expected in the art department, I don't know, maybe it's not my style. Other then that, I liked it a lot. The storyline was drawn out, the changing scenery though did distract me a bit, the music was pretty awesome so I give you props on that and story-line. I still do not understand the end. It really makes no sense to me even with the description and watching it a few times. Care to elaborate?
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Ra, ra, Rasputin The Powers Behind the Prime Minister: The Hidden Influence of Number Ten Dennis Kavanagh and Antho This is a flattering book. I blush to read it. "Probably no other single figure was so important to her [Margaret Thatcher] during her premiership," it says of me. Two cabinet secretaries, the book claims, tried and failed to get rid of me and umpteen ministers felt ill-used by me. No wonder John Biffen called me "that rough-spoken Yorkshire Rasputin". I have to be made to live up to this over-mighty reputation. Messrs Kavanagh and Seldon do their best in trying to fill in the "missing link" in the understanding of British government and politics - the workings of No 10. If only they knew how hard it was to strike the red blood of reliable information out of the wilfully anaemic stone of the official machine, how often I was reduced to treating a secretive prime minister like a crossword puzzle and how regularly I thanked God for my political instincts. There is only one thing to do when confronted with this journalistic or academic hype: lie back and enjoy it. It does not, however, promote confidence when the authors of it rely so much on stale gossip, so inadequately sketch such events as the "Westland affair" and the Great Lobby Revolt that hardly was and get so much detail just plain wrong. I did not accentuate the anti-EC nature of the Bruges speech. I did not put the black spot on cabinet ministers, but I think I know a man or two who did. I was not made acting head of the Central Office of Information; I was appointed head of the Government Information Service, which is different. A deputy of mine is missing from the factual appendices, and you would not immediately have found me - or the gents - had you relied on their plans of No 10 on page eight. This is a pity, because these academics work hard to explain what has gone on behind the black door over the past 30 years. If you don't look too closely at the detail, it rings fairly true on the basis of my experience and observation. The authors are also suitably unsensational. The only news story they have generated is the idea, canvassed at the very end and encouraged by some current No 10 staff, that the prime minister should abandon his crowded HQ and transform No 10 into a "Museum of British Premiership". They could then chalk up another sacrifice of tradition on the altar of modernity and efficiency. This is not likely to happen yet awhile. As the authors concede, we have not yet got the prime minister's department for which they seem to hanker, although Tony Blair is "Bonaparteist" and his No 10 is loaded to the gunwales with political advisers. His staff has roughly doubled since those spartan Thatcher days when we were required to set an example in Stakhanovite asceticism. I wonder what they now do apart from sit on each other, indulge their obsession with the media and mark the millennium by writing Blair's 1,000th excruciatingly boring newspaper article. There isn't much to show for it yet, apart from a commendable determination to remain as financially prudent as Thatcher, while giving the impression of spending like water as initiative after initiative is recycled. The fascination of this book lies not in all the tinkering with machinery, the differing prime ministerial styles or the attempts to explain their foibles, failures and falls. No, it is what No 10 is going to be like after Blair, given the tendency of prime ministers to react to their predecessors. This could be the Kavanagh/Seldon pendulum law of British politics, if they claim it quickly. The stiff, unbending Heath was the antithesis of Wilson, the Archie Rice of British politics. So, in a different way, was Callaghan. Thatcher was the fierce reaction to the constitutional weakness which came before her. Major was Thatcher without the handbag and much else, too. And Blair is a reaction not only to Major's perceived lack of leadership, but also to the anarchy and indiscipline of dogma-ridden old Labour that masqueraded as glorious democracy. He may be the most fortunate of all postwar prime ministers, as one of the book's diagrams suggests, but he is also the most exposed: he can only make things worse. When he fails - as they all do if they don't get out in time - what then? It does not take a genius to see a less presidential prime minister with a more collegiate cabinet, more forceful departments and a less-bloated No 10 with a stripped-down political commissariat, an ascendant Civil Service and a saner, more balanced approach to media relations. A sort of normality will return, just as it did when Major succeeded Thatcher. With one exception. I trust that Blair's entirely commendable view that policy formation and its presentation/communication are part of a single process called good government will endure. My successors will then have an easier time of it than I had - provided their principal knows his or her own mind and sticks to it. That is worth a lot of bright bods and oiled machinery. It also pretty well guarantees an effective but abused press secretary. Bernard Ingham was press secretary to Margaret Thatcher from 1979 to 1990
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The Nizkor Project: Remembering the Holocaust (Shoah) Shofar FTP Archive File: orgs/american/freemen/duke-on-freemen From Thu Jun 6 07:52:52 PDT 1996 Article: 41336 of alt.revisionism From: (Rich Graves) Newsgroups: alt.activism,alt.conspiracy,alt.politics.nationalism.white,alt.politics.white-power,,alt.revisionism,alt.skinheads Subject: Michigan Militia, Bo Gritz, Charles Duke denouce Freemen as criminals and frauds (was Re: Warning to FBI) Followup-To: misc.activism.militia Date: 5 Jun 1996 14:27:03 -0700 Organization: Uncensored Internet, Lines: 165 Sender: llurch@Networking.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <4p4u37$cfv@Networking.Stanford.EDU> References: <4p29q7$> Xref: alt.activism:51585 alt.conspiracy:56011 alt.politics.nationalism.white:21662 alt.politics.white-power:31147 alt.revisionism:41336 alt.skinheads:26657 Followups set to misc.activism.militia, which these trollers are avoiding because everyone with a clue knows that the Freemen are nothing but a bunch of crooks. >From today's Los Angeles Times,, also carried in the San Jose Mercury News, and "MERCURY" on America Online: FBI Lets 'Freemen' Talk Themselves Out of Allies Standoff: Sympathy sours among right-wing groups after negotiations fail. Federal agents reap the benefits. By KIM MURPHY, Times Staff Writer When Colorado state Sen. Charles Duke first entered the "freemen" compound, it was with the hope of preserving the rights of free Americans to oppose their government, and of ending the FBI standoff without bloodshed. When he left five days later, Duke--a longtime supporter of the patriot movement with sympathies for right-wing groups across the country--had had enough of this particular brand of anti-government militancy. The legislator was so mad that he could be seen waving his arms in fury from a mile away. He was yelling, he said, at Rodney Skurdal, who had--along with the rest of the freemen--reneged on the second of two carefully crafted deals, this one to release two young girls held at the compound. "You aren't enough of a man to come face me, get out of that car!" Duke shouted as Skurdal climbed into an automobile. "I told him, 'I'm going to go out of here and I'm going to tell the American people what you're doing here. You will not get support from the patriot community, you will not get support from the militia community and if you die, nobody's going to avenge you.' " "People in contact with them understand now that what they were doing was fraud," said Randy Trochmann, spokesman for the Militia of Montana. "With the public, a good percentage of them want the FBI just to leave, put a berm around the house and let the state police patrol it. And another percentage just want them [the FBI] to go in and finish them off." It is a position that has not been lost on the right-wing community, some of whose leaders have joined a chorus demanding that the FBI up the ante against the militants. Duke, who said he twice crafted deals with the freemen for release of the girls, ages 8 and 10, said he lost all confidence when the FBI carefully agreed to the conditions, only to see the freemen's demands "Initially, we believed they were trying to stand for constitutional principles and were simply trying to do some of the same techniques that are practiced on a daily basis by the banks and the Federal Reserve system," said Duke, referring to the freemen's declaration of the U.S. monetary system as invalid and their subsequent issuance of their own money orders, the subject of a federal indictment against about a dozen of the 21 people still at the ranch. "But the overall group there has very little to do with the patriot/constitutionalist movement. They're trying to hide behind that as a way of avoiding arrest, in my opinion," Duke said. "They're just scam artists. And the fact that they're willing to hide behind those two little girls, I realized we're not dealing with honorable people here." One by one, all of those initially most prepared to be sympathetic to the freemen and to help them meet their demands for a public forum against the federal government have thrown up their hands in exasperation and denounced the group as unreasonable. Gritz, in obvious disgust, said he had come close to working out a deal in which half of those at the compound would have left willingly. "But any time that happens, they are immediately put down verbally by these vitamin salesmen who would have to get a job if this whole thing collapses," Gritz said of the two to four most militant freemen leaders. Brent McRae, who is heading the current petition drive, said the new attitude comes in part with a growing respect and sympathy in Jordan for the FBI, which initially was regarded with suspicion. For months, Jordan residents have had the chance to shoot pool and lift a beer with off-duty agents at the Hell Creek Bar; they run into each other at the hardware store and the supermarket. They stop for a chat at the checkpoints on the way out toward the freemen ranch, where bored but cheerful agents are continually begging for homemade cookies and coffee. "It's humanized a government agency. We found out FBI agents aren't like they're portrayed on TV," McRae said. "It's been a shock to everybody, myself included. The people have had the opportunity to meet them, and found them to be very courteous. But they're frustrated. This isn't what they're trained to do, to sit and watch. These people that are here have the ability and the expertise to bring this thing to a conclusion, and feel they could do it without bloodshed if they were given the ability and the go-ahead to do it." "At the beginning, it was all about, 'Here was this poor community in Montana that was being descended on by the federal government.' But it became very apparent very quickly to the general public that this was not a community rising up in opposition to the federal government, that in fact some of them had even asked the federal government for help. To me, that's when the spin started to unravel out of the right," Toole said. On radio talk shows across the country, Toole in recent weeks has said that he had expected hate calls from right-wing sympathizers. But instead, "everywhere what I was getting is: 'The government is mollycoddling those guys.' " Toole said that people like Gritz, Duke and the Militia of Montana's Trochmann brothers found themselves facing a choice of courting either mainstream political support or the freemen. And it was an easy pick. "They could come out and say, 'Those guys are extremists, and we're the reasonable middle.' They could say, 'Those guys don't want to pay their bills, and they're acting like 2-year-olds.' " Duke said his talks broke down because the freemen refused to live up to the bargains they'd made. Today's New York Times: "Long-Running Freemen Standoff No Longer Rattles Locals" ...and so on. Home ·  Site Map ·  What's New? ·  Search Nizkor © The Nizkor Project, 1991-2012
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Jefferson Parish hospital suitors are Ochsner, Children's, HCA East Jefferson General Hospital building mug East Jefferson General Hospital in 2007. ( | The Times-Picayune archive) It's hard to compete as individual hospitals. They get suffocated by the big systems." -- Jack Finn, former head of Metropolitan Hospital Council. Ochsner Health System, Louisiana Children's Medical Center and the Nashville, Tenn.-based hospital giant HCA, which runs Tulane Medical Center and Lakeside Hospital, are the three finalists pursuing a long-term lease with Jefferson Parish's two public hospitals, according to sources who have been briefed on the negotiations. Each of the suitors runs at least two hospitals in the New Orleans area, including some of the region's most beloved medical institutions. All three also have also sought to expand in recent years, as frenzied consolidation is reshaping the health care marketplace ahead of President Barack Obama's health care law taking full effect. News of the competitors' identity come as the Legislature has approved a bill to let the Jefferson Parish Council lease out East Jefferson General Hospital in Metairie and West Jefferson Medical Center in Marrero without voter approval. Current law dating from 2001 requires a successful referendum to sell or lease the hospitals, and the parish has a similar local ordinance dating from 1992. Thus far, the legislative bill and the hospitals' negotiations for a possible lease have not ignited the kind of public outcry that led the Parish Council to adopt the referendum requirement in the first place. That could change, however, as the debate moves closer to home in the coming weeks. Council members already are considering calling a special meeting in July to debate the hospital's future. Lease proponents said their proposal would not affect voters' right to approve or reject an outright sale of the hospitals, only the vote on a lease. But in considering taking away the electorate's rights, council members could risk considerable political capital at a time when they face criticism - justified or not - for the construction delays at the Jefferson Performing Arts Center, property tax renewals that failed at the polls May 4 and the black eye left by corruption in the Aaron Broussard administration. "Some voters are not going to like being told they can't have a say on this, and that's the downside for parish officials," said political analyst Silas Lee. Still, he agreed with hospital officials who say a competitive lease can't be negotiated through the ballot box, because a referendum exposes the deal to likely fatal attacks. Lee said if a lease is the best option for the hospitals' future, "there's probably more of an upside for the council in avoiding a (popular) vote on a lease." Council members say they understand the political dilemma they face: Voters elected them in part to be stewards of public assets, including the two hospitals. But many of those same voters are likely to be skeptical, or downright suspicious, of any effort to take away their right to approve a lease for hospitals that were built with taxpayer money. "You don't want to be charged with trying to take this off the public's hands," said Councilwoman Cynthia Lee-Sheng, whose district includes East Jefferson General. "But leaving it as is for five years until we don't have options, leaving it for the next Parish Council, that's not leadership either." Lease negotiations continue Executives and the governing boards at Jefferson's hospitals have been trying to arrange a wedding between the two institutions and a third party for more than a year. Their overtures yielded 17 offers, and they interviewed six respondents before narrowing their choices to the three finalists. Officials recently said the three entities all had a presence in Louisiana, but their identity was not publicly known, until now. Officials involved in the negotiations say they are bound by confidentiality agreements not to disclose the identities of the outside suitors, among other information, but three sources familiar with the talks identified them as Ochsner, Children's and HCA. (See background on the suitors.) HCA spokesman Rob Dyer said he was "not at liberty to discuss at this time" whether the company was part of the negotiations. Children's spokesman Brian Landry said: "It's is our understanding that East Jefferson General Hospital and West Jefferson Medical Center signed confidentiality agreements and they preclude those who are in negotiations from discussing it." In a statement, Ochsner President and CEO Warner Thomas said: "Ochsner has tremendous respect for the outstanding healthcare providers in the state of Louisiana. We will continue to evaluate opportunities to work with other high quality organizations across our region to provide more affordable healthcare for patients. Knowing this, it is the policy of Ochsner not to speculate or comment on hypothetical business arrangements." Mark Peters.jpgDr. Mark Peters is president and chief executive of East Jefferson General Hospital. Without naming the suitors, Dr. Mark Peters, chief executive at East Jefferson General, said the governing boards at both of Jefferson's public hospitals have followed "a very thorough process, looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the respondents." He said that included examining the suitors' finances, corporate culture and quality of service. "We feel very fortunate. They are excellent organizations," Peters said. Public votes created the hospitals The public's familiarity with the Tulane, Children's and Ochsner names could be a blessing for Jefferson officials, as they argue they need to join a larger health network to overcome restrictions that now have East Jefferson and West Jefferson at a competitive disadvantage. They cite, for example, law provisions that forbid Jefferson's two hospitals to provide services outside of Jefferson Parish or even across the Mississippi River but still within the parish. That has stunted their growth, they said. The restriction harks back to the 1950s and 1960s, when voters first approved taxes to build the hospitals. As it often happens with change in south Louisiana, hurricanes played a big role in the hospitals' origins. Through the 1950s, West Bank residents had no hospital of their own but relied on ferries to seek care in New Orleans. After Hurricane Flossy in 1956 shut down ferries and the Huey P. Long Bridge, West Jefferson voters approved a 3.5-mill property tax to build and operate a new hospital. The process was more arduous in East Jefferson. Vocal opposition from some prominent business owners helped doom the first tax proposal for a hospital in 1960. Supermarket magnate John Schwegmann, Jr. even published an open letter calling the proposed public hospital "another step toward socialism" and urging residents to vote no. It took another storm, Hurricane Betsy in 1965, to turn public opinion around. Two months after Betsy damaged several New Orleans area hospitals, East Jefferson voters approved taxes to build a hospital of their own. The two hospitals grew rapidly with Jefferson's population boom of the 1960s and 70s. That let the hospitals become self-sufficient. Taxes for the hospitals were last collected in 1986 in West Jefferson, 1991 in East Jefferson. Dwindling cash reserves During the growth years, large cash reserves accumulated, helping the hospitals to weather the ups and downs of the local economy and the health care industry for decades. But that well is running dry. The hospitals have dipped into the reserves in the past decade to make up for operating losses caused by rising costs of providing care and falling reimbursement rates from Medicare and Medicaid, a process that accelerated after Hurricane Katrina. With an aging parish population, Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries now make up 60 percent to 70 percent of patients at the two hospitals, officials said. That's a financial burden, because while private insurers pay 42 cents for every $1 billed in health care, Medicare pays only 26 cents, Medicaid only 15 cents, Peters said. Dependence on Medicare was one of the reasons that Moody's Investor Service cited in downgrading East Jefferson General's bond rating in March from Baa2 to Baa3. Hospital officials said they can't continue using cash reserves to balance their operating budgets and pay for equipment and physical improvements without putting at risk their debt rating and the minimum reserves needed to meet debt obligations. Doing so, they warned, could lead to creditors taking over the hospitals in a few years. Jack Finn, who for decades led the Metropolitan Hospital Council of New Orleans, said Jefferson's hospitals faced growing financial pressure as competitors grew larger and the marketplace changed. Katrina, Finn said, accelerated the process. "Katrina changed the landscape totally," Finn said, nothing the rapid growth of Ochsner since the storm and the merger of Children's, Touro Infirmary and, soon, the LSU Interim Hospital. "Those outside larger health systems in other regions have found that it's hard to compete as individual hospitals. They get suffocated by the big systems." Joining larger systems will help the parish hospitals spread their overhead expenses over a larger patient base, reducing per-patient costs, Finn said. Just as important, he said, it would give the hospitals more clout to negotiate with private insurers and - even more crucial these days - with federal and state governments at a time of drastic cuts in health reimbursements. "The Jefferson Parish political delegation is very powerful," Finn said of state politics. "But don't underestimate the power of larger political influence." How the laws came about Ironically, it was the possibility of the parish hospitals signing a deal with outside entities that prompted Jefferson's politicians to impose the referendum requirement more than 20 years ago. In the early 1990s, several non-profit hospitals across the New Orleans area were exploring a partnership to maximize resources. At the same time, national health-care giants were looking for properties to acquire, including in New Orleans. HCA bought a majority interest in Tulane Medical Center in 1995, after essentially talking with just about every hospital in the region, Finn said. The non-profit partnership of local hospitals never materialized, however, and officials said Jefferson's two public hospitals were not considering a sale or lease a for-profit entity such as HCA at the time. But speculation about a possible sale led to public outrage. Then-Parish Councilman Ed Muniz introduced an ordinance giving voters final say on any hospital lease or sale, and the council adopted it unanimously in 1992. muniz.jpgEd Muniz sponsored the ordinance requiring a successful public referendum to sell or lease Jefferson Parish's two public hospitals.  "It was one of the best pieces of legislation I ever sponsored," Muniz recalled recently. "The hospitals were formed by the people, and I thought that should not be changed without a vote of the people." "There was a huge concern that the hospitals would be sold," said the ordinance's co-sponsor, former Councilwoman Anne Marie Vandenweghe. "The feeling was, if there was a brother-in-law deal, someone would end up with a huge windfall." Even after the local ordinance passed, occasional interest from outsiders in East and West Jefferson hospitals remained, Finn said. That fed speculation about the hospitals' future, so in 2001, then-state Rep. Joe Toomy sponsored a bill putting in state law almost the same referendum requirements that the Parish council had adopted a decade earlier. On Thursday, however, the Senate approved a House-backed bill undoing that requirement for a lease, and Gov. Bobby Jindal is expected to sign it. If so, the only obvious obstacle in law is the parish's ordinance. Hospital officials maintain they can't negotiate the competitive, 30-year lease they're seeking if voter approval is required. They say a referendum campaign would let competitors torpedo the deal, likely hurting the reputation and financial condition of the parish hospitals and the third party on the agreement. "In order to gather support for the referendum, you begin to reveal your blemishes, and your suitors' blemishes," said Sheriff Newell Normand, who is East Jefferson's board chairman, has said. "It makes it a very uneasy relationship from the beginning." Newell Normand.jpgSheriff Newell Normand, chairman of East Jefferson General Hospital, said a referendum on leasing the two hospitals would damage them. Lee, the political analyst, said a referendum would require the parish to spend "a huge sum" to wage the kind of campaign needed to educate voters on such a complex issue. "Anytime you put something to a vote, everything becomes fair game," Lee said. Even the original sponsors of the voting requirement, Muniz and Toomy, said what made sense then might not make sense now. "I'd feel strongly that the vote of the people should remain in place prior to a sale," Toomy said. "But given the changes in the operations of the hospitals in these years, I would think the vote of the people would not be necessary for a lease." Vandenweghe said she's not convinced of the need to sidestep voters. She said officials should share more information to persuade voters to approve a lease in a referendum. "Go out and educate the voters on why (a lease) is needed. ... If there's a problem, lay it all out," she said. She said requiring voters' approval for a lease "was a good idea in 1992, and it remains a good idea now." Where's the outrage? Among the most vocal supporters of the referendum requirement in Muniz's 1992 ordinance were leaders of Jefferson's homeowner associations. So where's the public outrage now that politicians are talking about taking away that right? As hospital officials have begun holding public meetings to make their case, they've met skeptical questions, to be sure, but none of the pitchforks-in-hand tone that dominated the debate in the 1990s. Several community leaders interviewed recently said the circumstances of the health care market have changed dramatically, and so have the politics. As the full implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act approaches, more and more residents fear the uncertainty that comes with it, especially in mostly conservative Jefferson Parish, where many residents talk of Obamacare as a four-letter word. Those concerns appear to be helping parish officials find audiences receptive to their messages. But residents said they've also seen, as health-care consumers, the changes in the marketplace, and they worry about the future of the parish hospitals. Oscar Pipkins, president of the West Jefferson Civic Association, said if his group saw a potential problem with the hospitals' lease "we'd be the first ones to object. But we don't want a situation where the hospital finds itself at more of a disadvantage, reducing the choices West Bank residents have." As for voters not being able to approve a lease, Pipkins said his group would normally oppose taking away voting authority. "But if this gets dragged out into a political election, the hospitals may become less attractive to suitors. It's a win-win situation to have the hospitals remain viable." Ralph Brandt, president of the East Jefferson Civic League, said the group won't take an official position until its board meets next month. Brandt said that the public's "natural perspective" is to question why it should not be allowed to vote on the prospect of a lease. "But then when you understand the reasons, you can understand why. It's one of those conundrums," he said. Parker Lynne.jpgLynne Parker, longtime political activist in East Jefferson, said a referendum would lessen the opportunity for Jefferson Parish to get the best deal in leasing its hospitals. Lynne Parker, a long-time East Jefferson activist, said she still remembers what a "hot-button issue" a hospital lease or sale was back in 1992. Parker, who has clashed publicly with several councils and parish presidents, said she understands the hospital's arguments. "A lot has changed in Medicare and Medicaid, and now we're going to have Obamacare. All of us know health care will change further," said Parker. Parker also supports letting the council vote on the lease by itself. It's a position she admitted would sound like heresy to her in just about every other public issue. "My concern about a public vote is that it takes away the best opportunity for negotiations. You cannot negotiate something like this in public," Parker said. "Unless something comes to light that I have not heard yet, I'm in favor of the council voting on the lease." She said voters still may examine the hospitals' arguments closely, as well as any proposed lease. More opposition probably will surface as the debate moves to the Parish Council, where residents are more likely to show up than in the Legislature in Baton Rouge, she said. Parish Council Chairman Chris Roberts said the council is likely to begin the process next month to consider changes to the 1992 ordinance and allow a lease of the hospitals without a popular vote. Roberts and other public officials repeated they would not consider ending the referendum requirement for a sale of the hospitals. The council would then debate the proposal and the hospitals' situation at a special meeting likely in early or mid-July. The public would have a chance to debate the proposed ordinance then, officials said. Several council members admitted that they wanted to see whether the Legislature would change the referendum requirement first, before starting the debate at the local level. After all, why face the political headache if Baton Rouge didn't come through? Lee, the political analyst, said the key to get support to give up a right to vote is sharing as much information with the public as possible about the hospitals' challenges, and making clear what benefits to health care service would come form a lease. Muniz agreed. "They should be transparent and tell the people upfront why they're doing what they're doing," Muniz said. "I have nothing but respect for the sheriff and Dr. Peters, and I trust they will do that." Councilman Paul Johnston, whose district includes West Jefferson Medical Center, said he isn't sure yet about eliminating the referendum requirement. But he said voters, as they learn more about the hospitals' situation, will understand why the council is considering the issue. Lee-Sheng, who said her children were born at East Jefferson General, said whatever strong feelings the public has in this debate come from their care for their hospitals. "In that case, they need to take the time to learn about their situation," she said, "and hopefully they will."  CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said Ochsner did not provide a statement. Ochsner CEO and President Warner Thomas provided a statement, which by mistake was omitted earlier.
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Edition: U.S. / Global THEATER REVIEW; The Suffocating Dust in a Household's Cozy Clutter Published: August 6, 2004 Though it's a scorcher of a summer in Harrison, Tex., Lyd Davis cannot stop feeling cold. Portrayed with nerve-twanging fretfulness by Estelle Parsons in ''The Day Emily Married,'' the sad and funny play by Horton Foote that opened last night at the 59E59 Theaters, Lyd swaddles herself in shawls, closes windows and shuts off fans while her family swelters around her. The doctors can't figure out what's wrong with Lyd, but anyone familiar with Mr. Foote's work should be able to come up with an accurate diagnosis: Lyd has caught the chill of discovering that you are born to live and die lonely, no matter how many people you have around you. And it's an affliction that everyone in Mr. Foote's plays is going to come down with sooner or later. For more than half a century, Mr. Foote, now 88, has spun a series of hypnotically heartbroken tales for the stage about the residents of Harrison, a small town where knowing everybody who lives there -- and all their secret soap operas -- is no guarantee against solitude. Sweet, salty and curiously addictive, Mr. Foote's plays unfold with the soft-voiced, chattering ease of gossip over coffee on the front porch. But if Harrison's stories of wrecked marriages, closet vices and family feuds give it a surface resemblance to Peyton Place, it also has a fair amount in common with the blasted heath of ''King Lear'' and the arid fields of Samuel Beckett's tramps. The author of the resonantly named ''Orphans' Home'' cycle of plays and the Pulitzer Prize-winning ''Young Man From Atlanta,'' Mr. Foote is a master of the distinctive art of balancing everyday domestic clutter over a pit of existential darkness. In its first act in particular, ''The Day Emily Married,'' directed by Michael Wilson, pulls off this balancing act with a lovely understated assurance. Jeff Cowie's set precisely evokes a snug, floral-patterned home that has probably looked the way it does for decades. But the sounds and lights of passing cars suggest encroaching modernity. And you immediately sense the strain amid the cozy, deadpan politeness of the folks who live there. The actress portraying the title character is invaluable in establishing and sustaining this double-edged tone. That's Hallie Foote, the playwright's daughter and a peerless interpreter of her father's work. Both courteous and brisk in manner, Ms. Foote's Emily is the seemingly dutiful 38-year-old daughter of septuagenarian parents (Ms. Parsons and the wonderful William Biff McGuire). Emily is indeed about to be married when the play begins, and she is determined not to let her parents talk her and her new husband, the strappingly ambitious Richard Murray (James Colby), into living with them. Emily tried that before, disastrously, with her first husband. But once you meet Ms. Parsons's Lyd, an expert in emotional blackmail, it pretty much goes without saying that Emily will not be allowed to have her own way. As is always true of Mr. Foote's work, what keeps you watching lies less in what happens than in how his characters try and fail to prevent the inevitable, a tension that operates on levels big and small. It infuses Lyd's time-defying rouged cheeks and dyed hair, still frozen in a flapper's spit curls, and Emily's small, hopeful attempts at changing the décor in her parents' house. Watching the seemingly frivolous sparring among these characters, you experience the discomfort of being a guest at another family's dinner table, when you suddenly sense barbs beneath coded banter. And a running, teasing battle between mother and daughter over a wall of family photographs turns out to have shattering consequences. The play's second act tips into overstatement and melodrama, with a series of confrontations that spell out what has always been implicit. The layered passive aggression of the earlier scenes is far more compelling than the balder moments of self-revelation. But the performers -- and that includes Mr. Colby, who has to turn into an unmitigated cad -- never betray their characters. Even at its most forced, ''The Day Emily Married'' emanates an infectious, eerily familiar melancholy that keeps pricking at the memory like a wandering melody. I can think of no other playwright who is as harsh in his sentimentality as Mr. Foote is. His plays may radiate the burnished nostalgia of sepia-tone photographs, but he insists on your feeling that there is more ice than fire in their glow. By Horton Foote; directed by Michael Wilson; sets by Jeff Cowie; costumes by David C. Woolard; lighting by Rui Rita; original music and sound by Andre Pluess; prop master, Laurie Marvald; production stage manager, Karyn Meek; assistant stage manager, Jerry Dee Lame. Presented by Primary Stages, Casey Childs, executive producer; Andrew Leynse, artistic director. At 59E59 Theaters, 59 East 59th Street, Manhattan. WITH: Estelle Parsons (Lyd Davis), William Biff McGuire (Lee Davis), Hallie Foote (Emily), James Colby (Richard Murray), Teri Keane (Alma Nash), Delores Mitchell (Addie) and Pamela Payton-Wright (Maud Cleveland). Photo: Estelle Parsons, left, as Lyd, and Hallie Foote as her daughter, Emily, in Horton Foote's play ''The Day Emily Married,'' at 59E59 Theaters. (Photo by Sara Krulwich/The New York Times)
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Troy Senik: The upside of losing faith in government Politics as profession could stand some deglamorizing. By TROY SENIK / Register columnist Troy Senik: The upside of losing faith in government image0-Troy Senik: The upside of losing faith in government "What if they gave a war, and nobody came?" That was one of the catchphrases that baby boomers latched onto during the Vietnam generation to highlight their belief in the utter irrationality of armed conflict. Half a century later, with the millenials coming of age, the question might be, "What if they put together a government, and no one showed up?" A poll released this week by USA Today and the Bipartisan Policy Center found that more than two-thirds of Americans "say the best way to make positive changes in society is through volunteer organizations and charities, not by being active in government," with those under age 30 particularly resistant to the charms of politics. Savor this phrase, because you shouldn't expect to see it in this space again anytime soon: The youngsters are on to something. It's a little surprising to see this callow cohort developing an anti-government bent. This is, after all, a demographic that tilted overwhelmingly toward Barack Obama, a man who has presided over an era in which liberalism's de facto motto has become "government is just a word for the things we do together." It's an aphorism that manages to be both treacly and slightly menacing at the same time, much like the movement itself. It's also indicative of the redemptive light in which this generation has been primed to understand the use of state power. So why didn't it stick? The first cause is probably the merciless crucible of experience. Nearly five years into his presidency, you don't have to be a critic of the president to concede that he's not the government whisperer. The mechanisms of his health care reform are already rusting. The security at his diplomatic facilities doesn't always come through. His IRS and NSA are prone to abuse and power grabs as indefensible as any supposedly coldhearted Republican's. Just because you love government more than the other guys doesn't mean government is going to return the favor. It is an unwieldy beast no matter the master. The second is the ever-widening contrast with the world of private enterprise. Lamentations about public sector inefficiency are nothing new, but they're particularly acute for a generation that funnels reality through their smartphones. If your average 25-year-old is feeling a little under the weather, is she more likely to self-diagnose with a 45-second exploration of her WebMD app or to turn to a health care system now organized under Obamacare's 20,000-plus pages of regulations? The former may be too reductive, but the latter is a practical absurdity in an age of increasing personalization and convenience. More to the point, who's adding the greater value to society: the people designing the medical software or the bureaucrats drafting the regulatory minutiae? Millennials seem to have made up their minds on that front. The concern among the "good government" set is that civic skepticism will produce a vicious cycle: as an increasing number of Americans view politics with disdain, fewer will pursue it as a career, leaving Congress and the 50 statehouses suffering from a talent shortage that will only further erode faith in the public sector. As former congressman and agriculture secretary Dan Glickman noted in the USA Today piece accompanying the poll, "I think that a lot of people see politics as not an honorable profession anymore." Please take a moment to dry your tears. A devaluation of the political guild may not be the worst fate to befall the republic. If anything, a little self-loathing might be good for an industry where vanity tends to be a job requirement. If elected office is really supposed to be a "public service," do we want it romanticized? Why not treat it as an imposition? As a burden to be shouldered for a brief time rather than a talisman to be dangled in front of those searching for power and fame on the cheap? As a duty rather than a privilege? Would life as professional politician be quite as glamorous or alluring? No. But that seems remarkably like a prerequisite for a free society. Join the conversation Comments are encouraged, but you must follow our User Agreement
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Sign up for our newsletters! Hands holding torn queen and king playing cards Photo: Thinkstock 1. Am I jumping to conclusions? Molly Barrow, PhD, a clinical psychologist and author of Matchlines for Singles, says that she often sees women who assume their unhappiness is entirely caused by their partner. If you're convinced that your spouse is the problem, and especially if you find yourself repeatedly and testily telling him all the reasons he's standing in the way of your damn joy, then Barrow recommends that you put your thoughts down on paper. "Slow the communication down to a crawl," she says. This does not mean berating your husband or boyfriend for 22 pages. (We can't stop you, of course, but if you do that, rip those suckers up and start again.) The idea is that once you've stepped away from your typical fight, you can acknowledge your part in the stress party happening at your house—stretched finances, pressure at work, feelings of depression, or exhaustion from juggling the needs of your children. The letter serves two purposes: It lets him know what's actually upsetting you and clues you in too. 2. How big is the gap between my partner and me? We all know that Prince Charming doesn't exist. We tell ourselves our expectations are realistic. Still, the questions we ask ourselves about our relationships (Is there still passion? Do I find him attractive? How can he figure out how to keep food warm in a subzero parking lot for his after-hockey practice potluck but forget his own child's birthday?) are often too surface to matter, says Barrow. What she means is that the cracks that occur over time because of an unsatisfying sexual relationship, lack of communication or contrasts in personality aren't necessarily irreparable. Unlike obvious deal breakers—long-term goals that are out of whack, an inability for your partner to celebrate your success, substance abuse or unprotected infidelity—many of these issues can be addressed if both parties are willing to work, respect the other's right to disagree and can be a teeny bit flexible. Next: How to get a little divorced PAGE 1 of 3 Published on January 03, 2012
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Linked by RandomGuy on Wed 10th Jun 2009 20:00 UTC General Development This series is aimed at programming language aficionados. There's a lot of very abstract writing about programming languages and a lot of simple minded "language X sux!" style blog posts by people who know next to nothing about programming. What I feel is sorely missing is a kind of article that deliberately sacrifices the last 10% of precision that make the theoretical articles dry and long winded but still makes a point and discusses the various trade offs involved. This series is meant to fill that void and hopefully start a lot of discussions that are more enlightening than the articles themselves. I will point out some parallels in different parts of computing that I haven't seen mentioned as well as analyze some well known rules of thumb and link to interesting blogs and articles. Permalink for comment 367810 Comment by fernandotcl by fernandotcl on Wed 10th Jun 2009 22:45 UTC Member since: What the heck? I might as well post an article about black holes on, why not? I don't fully understand it, I don't fully understand the topic and I can't even explain myself or add anything to it, but that didn't stop this article from being published, did that... It's articles like this that make me look for better news sources. Reply Score: 1
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Thread beginning with comment 199375 Member since: And READ the limitations of this. Yes, it can read and write NTFS files - maybe 50% of the time. The other 50% it "refuses to perform the action". This is not usable if that is the case. I have not tested it yet precisely because I am not going to risk a Windows partition holding my OS to a tool that refuses to function 50% of the time. Yes, they SAY that by doing this they avoid almost all possibility of corruption. That IS good. What would be better is if it worked at least 90-98% of the time - not 50%. When people report that they can copy and paste an entire directory of maybe 500 or a thousand image files between NTFS partitions with absolutely no problems CONSISTENTLY, then I'll try it. Reply Score: 0 cyclops Member since: "And READ the limitations of this." Post your link. I have searched and found nothing. Show me!!!! Reply Parent Score: 4 AdamW Member since: Um, where do you see that? I used ntfs-3g to extract several gigabytes of zip files to an NTFS partition the other week. No problem at all. Reply Parent Score: 2 HK47 Member since: i've used ntfs-3g pretty much since its first public release on Kanotix (and now Sidux), and i've never experienced any serious problems with it. and i used it HEAVILY since my main data storage partition is in NTFS. it never "refused to perform the action" through all the large archive extractions and torrent downloads that i put it through. and not a single file corruption. i only encountered a problem when i accidentally created a folder with a name ending with ".", which Windows doesn't like. going back to linux and renaming the folder solved the problem. also, during heavy read/write operations (such as with torrents), CPU usage can get pretty high sometimes. AFAIK the only real limitation of ntfs-3g is that it doesn't support compressed and/or encrypted ntfs wolumes. Reply Parent Score: 2 szaka Member since: The article discusses the NTFS-3G driver (, not the Linux-NTFS one ( You looked at and quoted from the wrong project. Reply Parent Score: 5 richardstevenhack Member since: I may have conflated the two projects with that specific item, but on the other hand look at the change history over the last couple of months. While he's fixing bugs fast, there ARE SIGNIFICANT BUGS! No, thanks, I'll wait until I see maintenance releases only. Version 0.20070102-BETA: * fix: writing large files could be very slow * fix: writing several files at the same time could be very slow * fix: writing at several places into a file at the same time could be very slow * fix: invalid argument error when writing randomly into sparse files Version 0.20061218-BETA: * fix: heavy memory usage with sparse files (p2p, bittorrent client problems) * fix: inode number wasn't filled in the dirent structures (CVS, getcwd, gnulib problems) * fix: 2-8% speed increase due to using pread/pwrite instead of lseek+read/write * fix: fuse 2.6.x kernel module detection wasn't reliable Version 0.20061212-BETA: * fix: directories were inaccessible on Windows if the cluster size was bigger than 4kB * fix: static linking failed with FUSE 2.6.0 * fix: 'make install' failed if ldconfig wasn't in the $PATH * change: more verbose error reporting, explanations, hints for solutions Version 0.20061115-BETA: * fix: unmount was unsafe for removable devices * fix: the code wasn't endian safe * fix: mount arguments were omitted on the 2nd fuse mount attempt * new: FUSE 2.6.0 is required to ensure maximum reliability * new: bmap() implemented: safe swap file support, LILO bootability * change: the file system type is 'fuseblk' instead of 'fuse' for block devices Version 0.20061031-BETA: * fix: unmount was asynchronous; full fix requires FUSE 2.6.0 as well * fix: mount was denied if $MFTMirr was too small * fix: option parsing was incorrect if there was no space between name & argument * change: new software versioning * fix: file creation at disk-full may lead to i/o errors * fix: statistic of inodes and free inodes was incorrect (df -i) * fix: the 'umask' option wasn't always parsed as an octal number * fix: "too long filename" handling wasn't POSIX compliant * fix: mount was denied if $MFTMirr had unused garbage at the file end * fix: rename was always denied if the target file or directory existed * fix: renaming like 'foo' -> 'FOO' was denied in the WIN32 namespace * fix: fuse kernel module is automatically loaded, no need for config * fix: verbose mount error messages with hints for solutions * fix: compilation failed with gcc 2.96 * change: top request: full read-write access to everybody by default * change: file lookups are always case-sensitive * fix: case-insensitive directory rename to itself may failed * fix: some regular files weren't accessible on Linux * fix: files created on Linux may not had enough permissions on Windows * fix: directory couldn't be renamed if it had both WIN32 and DOS name * fix: collision with ntfsprogs header files * fix: improved large file write performance * fix: better consistency if NTFS wasn't cleanly unmounted * fix: write(2) may created holes * fix: show mounted device names instead of /dev/fuse * first ntfs-3g BETA release Reply Parent Score: 1
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Linked by fran on Tue 26th Jul 2011 21:45 UTC Mozilla &amp; Gecko clones "Mozilla today announced Boot to Gecko , a very ambitious project that aims to create a 'complete, standalone operating system for the open web'. This project's goal is to develop what seems like a ChromeOS-like operating system where all the apps are based on HTML5." Thread beginning with comment 482343 To view parent comment, click here. RE[2]: So basically... by _xmv on Wed 27th Jul 2011 03:03 UTC in reply to "RE: So basically..." Member since: at even if the OS truly _is_ OSS, what good is it if you can't load it on to your device? How is making another OS going to improve this? actually meego is pretty open source. i think what they want is to have a free (as in freedom, beer, and more) alternative os running on HTML/JS in case this stuff takes off (windows8 is based on that, webos is based on that, chromeos is based on that, so far) Reply Parent Score: 3
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de Oxford University Press Definición de suborn en inglés: Saltos de línea: sub¦orn Pronunciación: /səˈbɔːn [with object] • Bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury: he was accused of conspiring to suborn witnesses Más ejemplos en oraciones • Could evidence have been led of what the prosecution alleged was an attempt to suborn the witness? • The potential perjury obstruction of justice and suborning a witness is a sideshow? • Responsibility entailed either committing the perjury himself; or suborning the perjury; or permitting the court to act on evidence that he knew to have been perjured even though he had not suborned it. Más ejemplos en oraciones • It was about obstruction of justice, subornation of perjury, witness tampering. • Every person who, by willful perjury or subornation of perjury procures the conviction and execution of any innocent person, is punishable by death or life imprisonment without possibility of parole. • OK, so then where's the subornation of perjury if somebody handed you an affidavit and said if it's not true, make changes or deletions? Más ejemplos en oraciones • He symbolizes the new political aristocracy that includes corporate suborners and media patronizers. • We can live with a perjurer in the White House, and a suborner of perjury, and an obstructor of justice. • Blackmailing the suborners gets Harris the money, independence and power he craves. mid 16th century: from Latin subornare 'incite secretly', from sub- 'secretly' + ornare 'equip'. Más definiciones de suborn  Definición de suborn en:  Obtener más de Oxford Dictionaries Subscribirse para eliminar anuncios y acceder a los recursos premium Palabra del día exoteric Pronunciación: ˌɛksə(ʊ)ˈtɛrɪk likely to be understood by the general public
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de Oxford University Press Definición de blue dog Democrat en inglés: blue dog Democrat Silabificación: blue dog Dem·o·crat (also Blue Dog Democrat) • (In the US) a Democrat from a southern state who has a conservative voting record. Más ejemplos en oraciones • But when the Committee passed their tax cut this week, it was strictly along party lines, no Democrats, no blue dog Democrats, no conservative Democrats, no moderate Democrats joined the Republican majority. • They cannot make the mistake that was made, I think, in the Senate, where they literally got the conservative blue dog Democrats to lead the opposition. • I mean, they're all pretty far to the left, and that's the reason that she won, and that's the reason that he was completely trounced, along with a very few blue dog Democrats. from the name of a coalition of Southern Democrats in the US Congress formed in 1995. Their name alludes to an older term, “yellow dog Democrat,” for a party loyalist who allegedly “would vote for a yellow dog if it were on the ballot as a Democrat.”. Obtener más de Oxford Dictionaries Subscribirse para eliminar anuncios y acceder a los recursos premium Palabra del día exoteric Pronunciación: ˌɛksə(ʊ)ˈtɛrɪk likely to be understood by the general public
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SPECIAL OFFER: - Limited Time Only! (The ad below will not display on your printed page) "My 1-Year-Old Loves TV!" Q. My 12-month-old already loves TV and throws a fit when I turn it off. I hear so many different opinions about whether television is good or bad for kids. What's the truth, and how much should I let him watch? A. I recently talked to parents of a 1-year-old who went on a hunger strike one day when they turned off her favorite video! So you're not alone -- it's not surprising that even very young children are fascinated with the colorful, moving images they see on television. And while babies may learn some concepts, like numbers and letters, from educational programs and enjoy watching these shows, research tells us that children learn best from interactive, hands-on activities with the people they care about. These include looking at and manipulating toys and objects, and problem-solving tasks, such as working on opening and closing a plastic lid. As far as guidelines go, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no television for children younger than 2. But if you decide that a limited amount of TV time works for your family, keep these recommendations in mind. • Watch with your child as much as you can. This helps you monitor a show's content and ensure that your child isn't overwhelmed or frightened. Even some programs that are designed for young children might have images that are frightening to your toddler. I remember my then-2-year-old getting terrified by a black cat yowling in a kid's Halloween video. When you watch with your child, you can extend his learning by talking about what he sees. Then make connections to real life. For instance, if a show features dogs, point them out when you take a walk in the neighborhood. If a video teaches about numbers, lead your child in counting shirts when you fold laundry or napkins as he helps you set the table. You can also encourage your child to be active in front of the tube -- dance and sing with him to a kid's music video, for instance. • Choose commercial-free programming. Commercials can be very enticing and start children on the path to desiring (and asking for) the toys and junk food advertised. Fortunately, shows for kids without commercials are more common now than ever. • Turn off the TV before bedtime. You shouldn't let your child watch television before he goes to sleep. This will make it hard for him to learn to fall asleep on his own. (This advice goes for adults, too -- my friend's husband has to fall asleep with the TV on!) Instead, establish a bedtime routine that involves cuddling, talking about the day, reading or telling stories, and singing songs. • Keep the TV out of the nursery. Recent research has found that many 1- to 3-year-olds have TVs in their bedroom. This limits parents' ability to monitor content and be involved in their child's TV watching. It also makes it easier for kids to watch for longer periods of time. Ideally, the family television should be in a central location where you can keep an eye on what your child is watching. Originally published in American Baby magazine, January 2005.
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Picture you're parking outside the night club on a Friday night and then a fine-looking lady asks if you've got a light; you check your pant pockets, then your ride but the cigarette lighter is missing-sucks, right? With a nifty Buick Rainier cigarette lighter, you'll always possess a lighter equipt to help you out. A top-quality cigarette lighter constructed by Buick Rainier is a pretty straight-forward product which is very, very effortless to use. Making use of electrically-produced incandescence, a premium-quality Buick Rainier cigarette lighter can rest inside your ride while warming up. When you're chooseing a cigarette lighter, you'd want to ensure that it has metal parts which are resistant to very hot temperatures to ensure that you won't be in danger of accidentally getting branded. Different types of rides would need a certain type of Buick Rainier cigarette lighter, and you should be sure that you get the correct one for your car or truck. Spring strength is a very, very significant consideration in puraching a cigarette lighter made by Buick Rainier because a stronger string leads to longer product function. To ensure that you get the most reliable aftermarket items in the biz, you better shop from Parts Train. Every one of our high-quality lighters, like the IPCW cigarette lighter, OES Genuine cigarette lighter, Empire Motor Sports cigarette lighter, are available with stylish finishes, for example, yellow, red, or blue to adhere to your interior. Guarantee that you're prepared when you might need a light and finalize a request for a Buick Rainier cigarette lighter as soon as possible!
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perlquestion abhi.nitk2003 Hi, I am new to Perl,I want to write a perl sub routine inside a existing script which must run as a "root" and then create a Unix group if does not exists. if it exist it print the message the group already exists. and then it will do a chgrp -R ,chmod g+s ..commands on the mentioned directory. Please help;node_id=829170
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Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks Frank Syntactic Confectionery Delight Is this code logical? by Win (Novice) on Feb 24, 2006 at 14:07 UTC ( #532543=perlquestion: print w/ replies, xml ) Need Help?? Win has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Can someone please tell me whether there is anything wrong with the logic of the following bit of code. my $new_outputfile = $outputfile."_B"; open (RESULT_FILE, "<$outputfile"); open (CLEANED_RESULT, "+>$new_outputfile"); our @data = <RESULT_FILE>; chomp @data; my %seen; for ( @data) { next if $seen{$_}++; print CLEANED_RESULT "$_\n"; } remove $outputfile or warn $!; rename "$new_outputfile", "$outputfile" or warn $!; It does not appear to be doing what I ask of it. Update: The output file is present as a directory location and file name like: C:/Perl_activate/filename.txt Comment on Is this code logical? Download Code Re: Is this code logical? by CountOrlok (Friar) on Feb 24, 2006 at 14:16 UTC Where does the function "remove" come from? It isn't a built-in function. Do you mean "unlink"? The parameters for "rename" should be the other way around and do not need quotes around them. Why declare "our @data" and not "my @data"? If the file is huge, the process will be slow since you're slurping the whole file in. It would be better to read and process line by line. The file names are the correct way round. I want the content of the old file name to be the same as the content of the new file name. Re: Is this code logical? by trammell (Priest) on Feb 24, 2006 at 14:43 UTC Failing to check the return value of open() is pretty illogical. Re: Is this code logical? by merlyn (Sage) on Feb 24, 2006 at 14:52 UTC This is very good advice, in principle, especially for the benefit of other readers, but for the OP evidence is that won't listen in any case. Indeed I'm afraid to have to do an ad hominem attack -and I shamelessly admit I'm doing one!-, but I doubt he's really willing to learn, let alone to listen. Which makes one wonder why he keeps asking, instead! Mistery... Re: Is this code logical? by dragonchild (Archbishop) on Feb 24, 2006 at 14:56 UTC If you're using Perl 5.005_03 or higher, this is how I'd write your code: open my $results, '<', $outputfile or die "Cannot open '$outputfile' for reading: $!\n'; open my $cleaned, '>', $new_outputfile or die "Cannot open '$new_outputfile' for writing: $!\n"; { my %seen; local $_; while ( <$results> ) { chomp; next if $seen{ $_ }++; print $cleaned $_, "\n"; } } # Always close in the reverse order of opening. close $cleaned; close $results; unlink $results or die "Cannot unlink '$outputfile': $!\n"; File::Copy::move( $new_outputfile, $outputfile ) or die "Cannot rename '$new_outputfile' to '$outputfile': $!\n"; The changes: • Use 3-arg open for safety. • Use lexicals for filehandles instead of globals. (That's the difference between 'my $fh' and 'FH'.) • Always check the return values of system commands. • If you fail a system command, then stop processing immediately. It's dangerous to continue unless you have a way of cleaning up what went wrong. • Don't read the file into memory. It might be small now, but it will probably grow. • If you intend on using $_, localize it so that you don't trample on anyone. • You're not paying for your whitespace, so use whitespace liberally. It will increase readability in the long run. • If you open it, then close it as soon as you're done with it. • If you open two things, close them in reverse order. My criteria for good software: 1. Does it work? This does not work I'm afraid. This is perl, v5.8.4 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread may be the reason why. Content restored by Arunbear, using RSS feed. Update: I wish to delete this node because it is not of relevance and I have got the code to work and do as I wish. Log In? What's my password? Create A New User Node Status? node history Node Type: perlquestion [id://532543] Approved by Corion Front-paged by grinder and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? Others pondering the Monastery: (7) As of 2014-03-13 22:01 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Have you used a cryptocurrency? Results (290 votes), past polls
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Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks Frank Keep It Simple, Stupid Redirecting all output to a var for post processing? ( #58114=categorized question: print w/ replies, xml ) Need Help?? Contributed by demian on Feb 13, 2001 at 14:00 UTC Q&A  > input and output I'm trying to find a way to make a program run truely quiet, ie no STDOUT/STDERR until the main routines finish. After running, I want to analyze the STDOUT/STDERR filter it and make choices based on the results. The catch: I want to avoid creating any files in the process. I've looked at the chpt 16 example of the cookbook, but I don't quite get it?? Any clues? Answer: Redirecting all output to a var for post processing? contributed by goldclaw If collecting all output in the same variable is OK for you, then using Tie::STDERR would do the job: use vars qw($OUTPUT); use Tie::STDERR \$OUTPUT; *STDOUT=\*STDERR; You might want to save the value of STDOUT if you would like to print something after you are done filtering etc. Answer: Redirecting all output to a var for post processing? contributed by zigster Sorry I dont quite follow, if you want to make your program run quietly then just dont print anything to stdout??!! Could you not just concat any messages to an internal variable instead of printing. If you really want to Do you mean that you want to capture stdout/stderr of a program that you fork? If that is the case then you could connect the child process to the parent via pipes and capture the op directly from the pipes (see below). If you really want to capture stdout in this way you could wrap the program in a fork as in this incomplete example. if ($pid = open(CHILD,"-|")) { while (<CHILD>) { $data .= $_; } print $data; } else { exec ("ls"); } If you want to keep all the code in one module you could replace the exec with your parent code. • Please read these before you post! —         For:     Use: & &amp; < &lt; > &gt; [ &#91; ] &#93; • Log In? What's my password? Create A New User and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? Others cooling their heels in the Monastery: (7) As of 2014-03-13 21:46 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Have you used a cryptocurrency? Results (290 votes), past polls
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Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks Joe Welcome to the Monastery Re^3: Dynamic option by ELISHEVA (Prior) on Mar 16, 2011 at 06:31 UTC ( #893505=note: print w/ replies, xml ) Need Help?? in reply to Re^2: Dynamic option in thread Dynamic option It is hard to give an answer without knowing your validation logic needs, whether or not -nc/-nd can themselves have values and so on. I use Perl 5.8.8 and 5.10.0. Given the features available to me, I'd do one of the following: (a) No validation needed: I'd just define the whole lot (-nd, -na, -nc) as options. That way you can easily test for existence like you are doing in your sample code. Also you can easily assign values. Just because something is in the option list doesn't mean that the user has to enter it. (b) Validation needed. There are a couple possibilities here. I'm still guessing at what you want though because I'm not sure of the meaning of the intial -input [-nd -na]. Are those defaults? Also I don't know which sub-sub-options (nd/na) can be applied to more than one sub-option(data/modem/app). Nor do I know if na/nd can have values of their own. If I were to (a) want to set defaults for data/modem/app (b) distinguish between -nd for data vs. -nd for modem, I might do something like this: • treat -data, -modem, -apps as separate options rather than values of -input • make na, nc, nd values of -input, -data, etc. • during the option validation phase, check data/modem/apps. If they don't have a value, assign them the default value specified by the input option. If the do, scan the values to make sure they are legal. But I might do something entirely different if -na, -nc, -nd had values of their own. It just isn't possible to answer your question without knowing more. Command line options are data. Anything more complicated than a simple list needs to be understood and analyzed like a mini-data model. Structure of any data depends on its functional dependencies (how many values can an option have, what are its constraints, what are the interdependencies among options, and so on). The possibilities are quite broad which is why you aren't likely to find some out of the box solution except for the most simple cases. When you've written up your more detailed explanation of your validation logic, I'd recommend, you update your original post with a what you wrote above plus the new validation information. I'd recommend you reply to your own original post with a comment rather than this one. (Anonymous monks can't edit their posts). I think that would be better than a reply to this comment. That way people can see your needs without having to burrow down into replies of replies. You are liable to get more on target answers that way. In the future, also please consider posting questions as a named user. You can edit your posts that way. In general, the ideal solution when an initial post is unclear is to update the initial post, but that option isn't available to you as an anonymous poster. Update - changed recommendation - anonymous monks can't update posts. Comment on Re^3: Dynamic option Select or Download Code Re^4: Dynamic option by Anonymous Monk on Mar 16, 2011 at 06:45 UTC To explain again ,the ones in "[]" are optional sub-options(they may or may not present always) to the values of "input"option, data,modem,apps are values to option "input",they can also change. EXAMPLE:- findfiles -input [-nd -na ] data [-nc -nd] modem apps -des "finding fi +les" -r 1000 Basically ,pseudco code of what I want to achieve is below.Really appr +eciate if someone can give me the perlversion of the code. for each "input option value" { call function A if not exits nd call function B if not exits na call function C if not exists nc } So? If the value is optional, tell Getopt::Long it's optional. --input --input=nd --input=na --input=nd,na As the author of Getopt::Long always says, options are optional, or they wouldn't be options. So the "they may or may not be present" isn't anything special. In fact, it's the bread and butter of Getopt::Long - it only deals with things that may or may not be present. If you make the call syntax like: findfiles --input data modem apps --nd --na --nc --des "..." -r 1000 Something like: GetOptions 'input=s{0,}' => \my @input, 'na' => \my $na, 'nd' => \my $nd, 'nc' => \my $nc, 'des=s' => \my $des, 'r=i' => \my $r; Should do the trick. That's not what the OP wants. He wants to be able to specify 'nd' for -input (or not), and again for data (or not). Your solution only permits specifying it once (although it could be changed to counted), and it's not associated with "input" or "data". Log In? What's my password? Create A New User Node Status? node history Node Type: note [id://893505] and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? As of 2014-03-13 22:24 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Have you used a cryptocurrency? Results (290 votes), past polls
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Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks httptech We don't bite newbies here... much Comment on On a tangent, but not entirely without Perl content ... I would just like to point out that most of todays usage of 'cargo cult' is based on an impoverished view of some of the practices found in the South Seas islands. That there were/are such cults isn't at issue --- but to think that they sprung up as a post-war belief system is to miss a great deal. Even as early as 1830, missionaries were subverting beliefs and rituals involving ancestors returning in a great ship bringing wealth and prosperity (a new age) --- ie, that converting to christianity would bring peace and vessels carrying abundances of goods (Gilson R.P.(1970) "Samoa 1830-1900" Univ Oxford Press). The fact that the missionary supply ships, as well as other ships of exploration, indeed had a wealth of goods from the West was almost certainly not lost on the people in question. There are other factors as well --- more elaborate cults (the kind caricatured in the modern metaphor) have been seen to be part and parcel of political unrest, anti-colonial movements and protest, etc. But I only wanted to bring forth the idea that the quicky version that Feynman uses (to good effect I might add, but see below) --- ie, that there was a sudden ritualistic copying of airstrips based entirely on a lack of understanding --- is not a version that tells us much of anything about the people or the cargo cults of the South Seas, nor in the many other places of the world where similar (but not specifically geared to wartime cargo planes and western "cargo") beliefs and movements also took place. It is easy to look with incredulity upon a practice such as "cargo cults" when they are stripped of their historical, religious, polical, and cultural contexts, and to pronounce such beliefs as simply "mistaken" or "misguided" or involving a fundamental lack of understanding. Why did I bring all this up? Well, it isn't like it isn't important to at least imagine that there is more to the story than what we've been told. But it continues. The cry of 'cargo cultism' is definitely a negative or derogatory term, and, using only Feynman's account, rightly so if justly applied. One example of where we hear this cry today, specifically relating to Perl (see, I'm not entirely off topic), can be found right here (regarding ref($proto) in new() methods. To be sure merlyn makes a case for avoiding this particular construct --- he also admits that other prominent members of the Perl community disagree. Indeed, Tom Christiansen would be one of them, and the standard documentation that comes with perl contains the perltoot manpage where he suggests using the very technique merlyn advises us against, and explains that it provides more flexibility to the constructor. I have no problem that such a disagreement exists --- but I do think the cry of "cargo cult" (in Feynman's sense) is quite misplaced and unfairly presupposes a great deal about those who might choose one way or the other. Sure, some might actually be cargo-culting it in one sense (that's how Tom C. does it, so that's how I'll do it even though I have no idea what it means or really does). Others, however, may perfectly well understand what it means and how it works but may not have considered merlyn's argument about why not to use it --- is that cargo culting? No. Others still may know both what it does and understand merlyn's disagreement, but choose to use it anyway. Perhaps merlyn was influenced by programming Smalltalk in 1980, but using that experience as a defense of his position regarding 'ref($proto)' may also be called 'cargo culting' in the same vacuous sense as his denouncement of 'ref($proto)' as cargo cult (after all, this is neither Smalltalk nor 1980, and we've been provided zero information about why *that* matters in the current debate) --- it ignores more information than it provides and tells us nothing about the people involved or their reasons for doing things in a given way. I am not saying that merlyn did not give reasons (beyond the Smalltalk reference), he did in the post referenced above, and TomC gives flexibility as a reason in perltoot. What I am saying is that using the technique may or may not be cargo-culting in exactly the same way that avoiding the technique (or using a clone() method) based on merlyn's post may or may not be cargo-culting --- it all depends on the understanding of the programmer in question, not the technique. To go a step further, there is a fundamental misalignment in how the term is used in programming circles --- a telling factor in Feynman's story is that the planes *failed to land*, yet the cultists continued the practice. In programming, the real problem isn't when I copy your technique (without understanding it) but can't get it to work --- though that certainly accounts for a number of "why won't this work" posts on various programming forums. No, the real problem in programming is when I copy it (without understanding it) and it *does* work (or appears to work), and thus it propogates not only in my code, but perhaps in other's code as well ... setting myself up for failures down the road that I won't be able to understand because I didn't understand the technique and why it (seemed to) work in the first place. That is, the real problem is the propogation of bad practices because they appear to work --- and in Feynman's cargo-cult science the problem is exactly the same ... the poor science propogates because it *appears* to offer explanatory power where it does not Thus, the term "cargo cult" itself may be said to have been 'cargo culted' as a meme that is semantically misaligned with the context from which it was taken. At any rate, I really wanted to simply bring home the point that with the current meme, an accusation of 'cargo cult' is not saying something negative about the code in question, but rather about the coder in question. And yet, we still often see "code" labelled as cargo culted --- and, sadly, there appears to be a tendency for the discourse to be ruder when thusly labelled code is exposed than when a simple lack of understanding is exposed through code that does not have such a label attached. What does this say of us I wonder? In reply to Re: The first cargo cults by danger in thread The first cargo cults by jepri and:  <code> code here </code> • Please read these before you post! —         For:     Use: & &amp; < &lt; > &gt; [ &#91; ] &#93; • Log In? What's my password? Create A New User and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? Others contemplating the Monastery: (6) As of 2014-03-13 21:54 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? 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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Vallandigham or search for Vallandigham in all documents. Your search returned 11 results in 1 document section: ffectual putting down of this rebellion. Mr. Vallandigham declared he had moved his amendment to beorty-four members only voting for it, and Mr. Vallandigham's amendment was then rejected, only twentdeclared that Mr. Burnett, and especially Mr. Vallandigham, misapprehended the spirit of the countryhould be employed actively in the field. Mr. Vallandigham inquired if he was to understand that thevolunteers. The amendment was agreed to. Mr. Vallandigham moved to strike out the second section, T dare to desecrate it to such base uses. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, moved to lay the bill on the ta table-yeas, forty-four; nays, sixty-one. Mr. Vallandigham demanded the yeas and nays on its passageussion should be confined to amendments. Mr. Vallandigham objected to that mode of proceeding. Mr.ounced the bill as an arbitrary measure. Mr. Vallandigham denounced the bill as a measure to abrogapotism. Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, replied to Mr. Vallandigham in a speech of great power. Mr. Voorhees[1 more...]
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Thursday, March 13, 2014 Inquirer Daily News Meanwhile, in other news... Obey and Boehner and Newsweek and more Meanwhile, in other news... Anything happen this week? Not much, really. Just a spreading oil disaster in the Gulf, killer floods in Nashville, new evidence of a broader terrorist coalition, a sudden and precipitous Dow meltdown...What's next? A plague of locusts? A sky raining frogs, as in the film Magnolia? I'll stick to the more prosaic stuff that's still in my notebook: David Obey's decision to quit his House seat potentially foretells a Democratic disaster in November. Obey says he's simply "bone tired" at age 71, but there's no way that the powerful House Appropriations Committee chairman, an outspoken Wisconsin liberal with a string of election victories dating back to 1969, would voluntarily give it all up unless his sixth sense told him that ill tidings were imminent. If David Obey is bailing out, you know the Democrats have to be in trouble - just as baseball fans understand that if David Ortiz is (again) hitting 100 points below his weight, the Red Sox surely have to be in trouble. Obey had raised roughly $1.4 million for his '10 re-election bid, enough to wage a highly competitive race in a Wisconsin district that had supported both John Kerry and Barack Obama in the most recent presidential years. But aside from the fact that Obey was set to face a serious, well-financed Republican challenger (a county district attorney who'd once been a reality show cast member), the congressional veteran surely sensed that the Capitol Hill climate would be grim in 2011 even if he did prevail. In all likelihood, either he'd be back in the minority, or he'd be a member of a shrunken majority; in the case of the latter, Obey would have even less opportunity to push a liberal agenda. He happens to believe that the '09 economic stimulus bill wasn't big enough, but good luck making an argument for a bigger stimulus if the House Democrats are forced to operate with a thin majority margin. Indeed, two days ago, Obey said as much: "I do not want to be in the position, as chairman of the Appropriations Committee, of producing and defending lowest-common-denominator legislation that is inadequate to the task. And given the mood of the country, that is what I would have to do if I stayed." No wonder the House Democrats' Big Papi has opted to hang up his spikes. When I was a kid, everyone subscribed to a newsmagazine. In my neighborhood, you either lived in a "Time house," or a "Newsweek house." We only had three TV networks, delivering the news only at the dinner hour, and we had daily newspapers, most of which were parochial. Time and Newsweek filled an important niche, providing much-needed weekly perspectives. I lived in a Time and Newsweek house. Newsweek was edgier, however. It featured breakthrough coverage of the civil rights movement, and snappy narratives from far-flung correspondents (thanks to all the millions that The Washington Post's Graham family pumped into the product). And it was notably prescient about Vietnam, writing in 1968: "The war cannot be won by military means without tearing apart the whole fabric of national life and international relations. Unless it is prepared to indulge in the ultimate, horrifying escalation–the use of nuclear weapons–it now appears that the U.S. must accept the fact that it will never be able to achieve decisive military superiority in Vietnam." So it was a tad sad - though not surprising - to hear the other day that The Post's parent company had put Newsweek up for sale, amidst reports that the magazine had lost nearly $30 million in 2009. Conservatives should refrain from jerking their knees and declaring that the magazine's decline is somehow a thumbs-down referendum on "the liberal media," because magazines in general have been hit hard by the recession-driven decline in print advertising, and by the revolution in young news consumers' reading habits (if you can get free perspective on the news via your iPhone, why buy a print magazine?). Indeed, the decidedly un-liberal Business Week was unloaded last year by its parent company for a mere $2 million. And the notoriously middlebrow U.S. News and World Report isn't even a weekly newsmagazine anymore; it's a barely-breathing monthly. Sixteen years ago, when I was a foreign correspondent in London, I had lunch with the guy who ran Newsweek's London bureau. The Internet was barely a blip on the screen, but I recall him saying mournfully, even then, that print magazines were "a mature industry" - "mature" being a code word for slowly dying. People in 1994 didn't need weekly news recaps anymore, not with CNN pumping out stories and features 24/7; the subsequent ubiquity of the web has merely accelerated the newsmagazine identity crisis. Both Time and Newsweek have undergone repeated makeovers - Newsweek's, as recently as last year. Thus far, none have arrested the decline. Change is inevitable, of course, especially in the midst of a technological/digital information revolution that also has roiled newspapers everywhere (including, presently, the Philadelphia papers), and perhaps some fabulous future has yet to be revealed. But it may not come quick enough for those of us who fondly remember Newsweek in its prime. And the other day, Newsweek editor Jon Meacham articulated the bottom line; referring to the magazine, he said, "I defy you to make a compelling argument that the country is going to be better off with fewer places like this." Kudos to John Boehner, the House Republican leader, for voicing skepticism yesterday about the new legislative proposal (a quick-fix idea spearheaded by Joe Lieberman and Scott Brown) to strip Americans of their citizenship if they are suspected of affiliating with terrorist groups. Boehner said, "If they are a U.S. citizen, until they are convicted of some crime, I don't see how you would attempt to take their citizenship away. That would be pretty difficult under the U.S. Constitution." Ya think? Over the past seven days we've heard some fascinating punditry from those who have somehow convinced themselves that liberals/Obama/environmentalists willfully conspired to either blow up the BP oil rig, or to hamper the cleanup operations, for the express purpose of discrediting offshore oil drilling at a time when the option seemed to be gaining popularity. I had a hard time picking the award winner, so let's count down the top three. Second runner-up, Rush Limbaugh. On his radio show: "What better way to head off more drilling and nuclear plants then by blowing up a rig? I'm just, I'm just noting the timing here." First runner-up, Michael "Heckuva Job, Brownie" Brown, once again displaying the pre-FEMA disaster credentials he earned as head of the International Arabian Horse Association. On Fox News, he said that Obama delayed a federal response to the oil spill for political reasons, so that he could "pander to the environmentalists and say, 'I'm gonna shut it down because it's too dangerous.'" He went further on MSNBC: "Let no crisis go unused. So this is an opportunity for a president who wants to bankrupt the coal industry, and basically get rid of the oil and gas industry, to shut down offshore drilling." Grand prize winner, former Bush press secretary Dana Perino. On Fox News: "I'm not trying to introduce a conspiracy theory, but was this deliberate? You have to wonder...that there was sabotage involved." Magazines like Newsweek are on the wane; in their place, we have cable networks that float fact-free paranoia. Rush only gets third place because Rush is Rush, a guy with the same entertainment instincts as a circus clown. Brown gets second place because he's a marginal, discredited character. Perino gets top prize because she was once a White House spokesman. As someone who held that position of responsibility, she should know better. And finally, the story of the day. It writes itself. Dick Polman Inquirer National Political Columnist About this blog Dick Polman Inquirer National Political Columnist Also on Stay Connected
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Log in Free trial Article excerpt Key Words: Al-rihla; Medieval Muslim Travelers (MMT); Hajj; Place and space; Positionality The period between 750 and 1258 C.E. in Medieval Islamic history is characterized as the Golden Age of Muslim civilization during which four Islamic dynasties were established: the Umayyads (756-1031), who designated Damascus as their capital, the Abbasids (750-1258), who selected Baghdad as their capital, the separate Umayyad dynasty in Spain/Al-Andulus, who used Cordoba as their capital, and, finally, the Fatimid dynasty in Egypt and northwest Africa (909-1171) (Turner, 1995). The Caliphs in Baghdad and Damascus sponsored the translation of Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit manuscripts in philosophy, medicine, and other scientific works into Arabic (Turner, 1 995). Within two centuries, Turner asserted that the "major works of Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Hippocrates, Galen, Ptolemy, and many other" (p. 29) and were made available to Muslim scholars. As a result, great libraries were established and learning centers flourished including religious centers of scholarly learning in Baghdad, Cairo, Nishapur, Hijaz (Medina), and Fez. A science academy was established at both Cordoba in al-Andalus and at Toledo, and in the Nizamyya and Dar-al-Hikma universities in Baghdad. Advances in knowledge occurred in a myriad of fields, including philosophy, social sciences, physics, mathematics, medicine, alchemy, geometrical sciences, astronomy, religious science, optics, and metaphysics. New educational theories and philosophies were developed at the instructional level by Medieval Muslim thinkers including theologians, philosophers, jurists, litterateurs, hadith scholars, and scientists (Günther, 2006). And as a result of the advancement in educational theories, philosophies, and applications of the concepts of talab al- 'Um and talib al- 'Um, the Medieval Muslim civilization became a global center of knowledge not only for Muslim scholars but also for scholars from all over the world. Thus, travel in search for knowledge became a phenomenon and a "normative feature of Medieval Muslim education" (Gellens, 1990, p. 55). This study intends to analyze three selected Medieval Muslim travelers' accounts to answer two questions: 1) what do the three travelers report about their alrihla experiences? 2) what factors influenced the three travelers' experiences of al-rihla as Muslim travelers in search for knowledge? Knowledge in Islam is of two kinds: fard ain and fard kifaya. …
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Newletters and Alerts Buy now from Random House • The Unfair Trade • Written by Michael J. Casey • Format: eBook | ISBN: 9780307885326 • Our Price: $14.99 • Quantity: See more online stores - The Unfair Trade The Unfair Trade How Our Broken Global Financial System Destroys the Middle Class Written by Michael J. CaseyAuthor Alerts: Random House will alert you to new works by Michael J. Casey List Price: $14.99 On Sale: May 29, 2012 Pages: 416 | ISBN: 978-0-307-88532-6 Published by : Crown Business Crown Archetype The Unfair Trade Cover Share & Shelve: • Add This - The Unfair Trade • Email this page - The Unfair Trade • Print this page - The Unfair Trade A wake-up call for middle class Americans who feel trapped in a post-crisis economic slump, The Unfair Trade is a riveting exposé of the vast global financial system whose flaws are the source of our economic malaise. Our livelihoods are now, more than ever, beholden to the workings of its imbalances and inequities. The trillions of dollars that make up the flow of international finance—money that is often steered away from the people who deserve it the most—have not just undermined the lives of working and middle class Americans. It is a world-wide phenomenon that is changing the culture of Argentina; destroying the factory system in Northern Mexico, enabling drug cartels to recruit thousands of young men into their gangs; that has taken down the economies of Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Greece, and possibly Italy; and is driving American companies such as a 60-year-old family owned manufacturer of printed circuit boards to shutter all but one of its factories. Veteran journalist Michael Casey has traveled the world—from China to Iceland, Spain to Argentina, Indonesia to Australia—recounting extraordinary stories about ordinary people from one continent to another whose lives are inextricably linked.  By tracing the flow of money and goods across the world, he illustrates how an American homeowner’s life is shaped by the same economic and social policies that determine those of a low wage migrant worker on an assembly line in China. This combination of financial acumen, narrative-driven reporting, and compelling story-telling gives The Unfair Trade a unique human angle. Casey shows that our economic problems are largely caused by political agendas that prevent the free market from encouraging fair competition and impeding the allocation of resources. Until governments work together to make this global system more efficient—until China removes incentives for its citizens to save excessively, for example, or the U.S. ends the de facto subsidies enjoyed by politically powerful banks—the global playing field will remain lopsided, job creation will lag, and our economies will be vulnerable to new crises. Origins of Dysfunction: How We Got Here Richard Nixon was the accidental architect of our current global financial system. That makes him the ideal starting place for getting a grip on the dysfunctional nature of the world economy. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, outlays for the Vietnam War were playing havoc with the finances of the U.S. government. The trade deficit was expanding monthly as American consumers gravitated toward cheap new imports from Europe and Japan. A growing band of nervous foreign investors began exchanging their dollar reserves for gold, driving U.S. gold holdings down to dangerously low levels. President Nixon felt trapped by an economic juggernaut he could not control. So, on August 5, 1971, Nixon gave a televised address to the American people. Its significance was likely lost on most of his audience, but it hit like an earthquake in the halls of the world’s banks. Looking solemnly into the camera, the president began by speaking gravely about an “all-­out war” waged by “international money speculators” against the United States. Then, as he vowed without a trace of irony to protect the dollar “as a pillar of monetary stability around the world,” Nixon let it be known that he had instructed Treasury Secretary John Connally to suspend the dollar’s convertibility into gold. With those words, the Bretton Woods system, a regime that had maintained global monetary stability since the end of World War II, was finished. The amount of dollars in circulation would no longer be backed by the requirement that the Federal Reserve hold the equivalent value in gold, an arrangement that had made the greenback an anchor for every currency in the world. Nixon described the measure as “temporary” and vowed to work with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and America’s trading partners to create “an urgently needed new international monetary system” that would ensure “stability and equal treatment.” But these pledges proved impossible to fulfill. A year and a half later, the major currencies of the world had delinked from the dollar and were now free-­floating. The end of the gold backing became permanent, and no coordinated global currency system was ever established again. The “Nixon Shock,” as it became known, had profound, far-­reaching consequences. It allowed money and credit to flow more freely across borders, which meant that economic growth rates accelerated. But it also meant that financial volatility and instability rose dramatically and that financial institutions garnered more power. The dramatic end to the Bretton Woods system transformed the global economy, setting it on a path to its current unbalanced state. Gold: Stabilizer or Straitjacket? In freeing the Federal Reserve from the constraints of the gold pledge, Nixon unshackled the Fed’s most powerful—­and some would say reckless—­instrument for economic pump priming: the power to create money. The same went for other central banks when their governments responded by delinking their currencies from the dollar. The world was catapulted into an age of fiat currencies, the legal tender that is backed not by some tangible asset but by the intangible concept of the public’s confidence in the government. Three decades later, the true implications of that power played out in the unprecedented monetary measures taken after the 2008 crisis. It made possible the Fed’s massive “quantitative easing” efforts, the bond-­buying programs through which the Fed pumped trillions of fresh dollars into the U.S. economy in the years following the crisis. Those contentious monetary injections were hugely controversial. Rick Perry, the governor of Texas and a contender for the Republican presidential nomination as of this writing, called Fed chairman Ben Bernanke’s action “almost treasonous” and said that he would be treated “pretty ugly down in Texas.” But Bernanke and the Fed likely saved the U.S. economy from the ravages of a Japan-­like cycle of deflation. Still, in driving down the dollar—­which made other countries’ exports more expensive—­they also infuriated America’s trading partners and contributed to inflation in oil and other commodities. The Fed’s actions stirred up hard-­core critics of fiat monetary systems and reignited one of most fractious and emotion-­laden debates of the economics profession. The 2008 crisis led to an increase in the ranks of those advocating a return to the gold standard—­by which its fans mostly mean something more populist than the Bretton Woods system, whose dollars-­to-­gold pledge applied solely to governments and did not grant individuals the same right to fixed-­rate exchange of bullion for cash. These people argue that full gold convertibility lends stability to the monetary system by denying profligate governments the temptation to monetize their debts. Printing money is the easy way out, and a dangerous one, they say, since monetary expansion is inherently inflationary. The Weimar Republic, if it had been constrained by the gold standard, would not have become a byword for hyperinflation. Nor would there ever have been such a thing as a $100 billion Zimbabwean banknote, a denomination that bought just three eggs when it was released in July 2008. A proper gold standard makes such episodes impossible. Yet that does not make it a magic bullet for ending financial instability. Central bankers are human and prone to both mistakes and political pressure. That’s why some fiscal conservatives argue that we should limit these officials’ discretionary power by tying the monetary base to the value of some external asset. And gold, they believe, has proven itself through time as the natural choice. Although it has only modest industrial uses and little intrinsic value beyond its aesthetic appeal, gold has a rare and pure atomic structure that bolsters the integrity of the metal and makes it perfectly fungible. It has been sought after as a store of value across cultures, national borders, and political systems. It was the currency of the realm in feudal kingdoms. Empires were founded upon the quest for it. Wars have been both fought over it and funded by it while those made homeless by such conflicts have used gold to ferry their savings to safer harbor. Southern Vietnamese refugees stuffed thin 15-­gram “gold leaf” bars into their shoes or the lining of their clothing when they fled their homeland in the 1970s. European Jews who escaped the Holocaust put all their savings into transportable gold; so too did Palestinian refugees who strapped gold chains, coins, and bars to their bodies before Jewish soldiers expelled them from their homes during the 1948 Arab-­Israeli War. Gold prices have always rallied when investors fear inflation or generally lose confidence in governments. As we’ll see in Chapter 9, that’s precisely why gold made a spectacular comeback in the wake of the 2008 crisis. Still, in the globalized financial system that evolved out of the Nixon Shock, one in which automated, high-­speed trading programs now place multibillion-­dollar buy orders and then follow them up with equivalent sell orders milliseconds later, the efficacy of restoring a currency pact based on this alluring metal is questionable. Gold supplies are tiny relative to financial flows. Whereas average turnover in the foreign exchange market now stands at $4 trillion every day, the total amount of gold produced throughout history runs to only about 165,000 tons, enough to fill just three Olympic swimming pools. This scarcity makes the precious metal susceptible to hoarding. A gold standard would also leave governments overly focused on securing bullion supplies, a distracting priority for macroeconomic policy making. By the same token, countries blessed with large gold deposits would have an unfair advantage; extracting more of it would allow them the privilege of being able to expand their economies at no cost. Given the massive international financial flows that technology has fostered in the age of globalization and because of the central role the dollar plays as the world’s reserve currency, any U.S. gold standard would need to be internationalized via a system of gold exchanges so as to prevent financial imbalances from developing. But that would leave governments subordinating their domestic national priorities to the system’s demands for automatic balancing. It seems doubtful that this would be tenable in the modern democracies of today. (The economic historian Barry Eichengreen has convincingly demonstrated how the advent of universal suffrage produced the strains that ultimately undermined history’s only true international gold standard exchange, which existed from 1870 to 1914.) Here’s why: when a country on the gold standard runs a trade deficit, its gold reserves decline automatically, which according to the strictures of the system requires that it raise interest rates to attract foreign capital and restore its depleted gold reserves. But if that happens during an economic contraction, this brake on growth can have a brutal impact on people’s lives. (Greece subjects itself to the same under the de facto “gold standard” of its economy’s peg to the euro.) Over time, the international system balances itself out as growth returns to the affected country. But in the short term, the forbidden tool of devaluation looms temptingly, a solution that’s easier to administer politically as it shares the burden with foreigners. It’s hardly surprising that on that evening in August 1971, Nixon, who fundamentally mistrusted multilateral institutions, cast blame on shady foreign “money speculators.” What is most lost in this age-­old debate, however, is the fact that the rigid system preferred by goldbugs has historically failed to deliver the holy grail of permanent financial stability for the same basic reason that fiat currency regimes have failed: governments face overwhelming national political pressures that prevent them from coordinating policies internationally. Without the giant imbalances in trade and capital flows that arise from misaligned policies, and without the politically untenable outflows of jobs and price pressures that come with them, either the gold standard would survive or economies would be sufficiently stable that there’d be no need for it. Either way, the conclusion is the same: we desperately need to improve international cooperation between governments. Currencies Go Topsy-­Turvy Nixon’s bold currency move ended one problem but created a host of others. The sharp drop in the dollar and the world’s sudden immersion in a system of floating exchange rates wreaked havoc with international contracts and drastically shifted the terms of trade between countries. It especially posed a threat to the newly amalgamated European Economic Community, forcing its members to take steps to align their currencies. These measures would eventually lead to the ultimate manifestation of continental monetary union: the euro. As currencies realigned in the wake of the Nixon Shock, so too did the prices of every asset affected by them. The immediate impact was a collapse in world stock prices. Although the devaluation initially gave a big boost to the U.S. economy, which grew rapidly in 1972, things turned sour in 1973 once the pound, the yen, and the Deutschmark were all fully floating against each other. That year delivered one of the worst bear markets in global stock market history. By the time prices stabilized in December 1974, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had lost 47 percent of its valuation. London’s FTSE 100 index dropped by 73 percent, as Britain’s exporters lost money on the back of a stronger pound and as its internationally active banks were blindsided by rising global inflation. The suspension of dollar convertibility into gold landed in a period of intense geopolitical tension. Most notably, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries hit financial institutions with the economic equivalent of an atomic bomb. OAPEC’s 1973 oil embargo produced an exponential increase in energy prices and drove up the prices of virtually everything. Since it coincided with a decline in the now floating dollar, this inflationary surge meant that demand for U.S. bonds fell, which in turn led to higher borrowing costs. This toxic environment produced stagflation, an unprecedented combination of unemployment and inflation, which stuck around for the rest of the decade. It was not an auspicious beginning to the post–­Bretton Woods era. Michael J. Casey About Michael J. Casey Michael J. Casey - The Unfair Trade Photo © Christine Cain-Weidner MICHAEL J. CASEY is a managing editor and columnist covering global financial markets at Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal.  He is a regular commentator on the Wall Street Journal’s News Hub and a frequent guest on Fox Business.  Previously he was the Dow Jones bureau chief and principal correspondent for the Wall Street Journal in Argentina.  He lives in Pelham, NY. "We’re in a global financial crisis, and Casey has written a truly global book about the winners and losers. The Unfair Trade not only makes an impressive journalistic effort at explaining how a broken international financial system affects ordinary people around the world but Casey also offers a set of policies for building a more balanced system that will restore trustand be better prepared to handle the next crisis.  I learned a lot from this remarkable book." ―Hernando de Soto, author of The Mystery of Capital and chairman of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy in Lima, Peru "A compelling indictment of our global financial system.  If you think the size, structure, and incentives of our biggest banks are not a cause for concern, you have not been paying attention.  Michael Casey will set you straight." ―Simon Johnson, Professor of Entrepreneurship at MIT Sloan School of Management and co-author of 13 Bankers and White House Burning "The financial crisis is more than a story of complex securities and big banks.  It is a global crisis and, for all too many, a personal tragedy.  Michael Casey succeeds in making these connections like few others." —Barry Eichengreen, George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, and author of Exorbitant Privilege. “A Wall Street Journal managing editor and columnist explains how the distorted policies underlying the global financial system undermine the Average Joes of all nations…A well-reported, deeply serious appraisal of the exceptional damage a dysfunctional system inflicts.” Kirkus From the Hardcover edition. Your E-Mail Address send me a copy Recipient's E-Mail Address (multiple addresses may be separated by commas) A personal message:
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Actually, I *Could* Use Some Pointers... GrimJesta's picture Posts: 152 Joined: 2006-06-21 User is offlineOffline Actually, I *Could* Use Some Pointers... ...but only becaue I'm trying to debate through the wall of painkiller fog. It's often difficult, since it;s hard to get my thoughts out coherently. But the debate I'm having is listed in the Theist vs Atheist section, or if you don't feel like looking it up: Click Here assuming you have MySpace. Surajo is a really nice guy, so this is a friendly discussion/debate we're having. I've never debated a Muslim before, so it's interesting. There's subtle differences in our discussions we've had on other blogs from what I've had with Christians. I don't think I'll be able to sway him, but I'm always open to evidence of a God. I doubt I'll get any, but it's fun to debate the topic anyway. No Nyarlathotep, Know Peace. Know Nyarlathotep, No Peace.
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LETTER- Public Defender not inferior Lindsay Barnes' article on the acquittals of Richard Silva and Blair Austin quotes Silva as being grateful he could afford to hire his own attorney ["Couple cleared: High-profile police brutality case ends," December 6]. Silva states that anyone unable to afford an attorney "would have accepted a guilty plea" instead of fighting the case. Unfortunately, Silva's statement perpetuates the misconception that court-assigned lawyers are lazy incompetents who cop pleas whether the client has a fighting chance in court or not. In Charlottesville and Albemarle County, most indigent defendants are assigned to the public defender office. I can assure you that lawyers in the public defender office are hard-working, skilled, and well-trained criminal defense specialists who have high ethical standards. We care about our clients and welcome a courtroom showdown when it is in the client's best interests.  Of course there are times when a guilty plea can produce a better outcome than fighting the case in court. When that happens, the client's decision to plead guilty is made only after the attorney carefully investigates the case, fully considers all possible defenses, and helps the client weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a guilty plea.  Clients who are unable to afford a private attorney do not receive inferior representation when they are assigned to the public defender office.   Jim Hingeley Public Defender
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NewsApp (Free) Read news as it happens Download NewsApp Available on   Rediff News  All News  Sadbhavna Manch  »  News  »   Sadbhavna Manch   News for Sadbhavna Manch • News Litmus test for BJP rebel in Bhavnagar As a ruling party MLA, he led an agitation to oust a cement plant but will the rebel against his own party government win the electoral battle that he has jumped into? Dr Kanubhai Kalsaria, a...... How BJP rebels plan to spoil Modi's party After Keshubhai Patel's defection from the Bharatiya Janata Party, another rebel MLA from the party has decided to take on Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi under the banner of his Sadbhavna...... Why the Naroda-Patiya verdict is a big blow for Modi Narendra Modi will find it impossible to wash away the bloodstains from Independent India's worst State-sponsored pogrom. His image will remain sullied no matter how many Sadbhavna campaigns he......   Web results for Sadbhavna Manch Ex-BJP rebel MLA Kanu Kalsaria joins AAP On a day when Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal took oath in the Delhi Vidhan Sabha, Kanu Kalsaria, former rebel BJP MLA and farmers? movement leader,... ... Related Tags 1. gujarat 2. bjp 3. india 4. lok sabha 5. supreme court 6. upa 7. bharatiya janata party 8. congress 9. new delhi 10. united progressive alliance 11. ahmedabad 12. sonia gandhi 13. nda 14. rahul gandhi 15. rajnath singh 16. nitin gadkari 17. delhi 18. manmohan singh 19. bihar 20. national democratic alliance 21. jd-u 22. nitish kumar 23. rashtriya swayamsevak sangh 24. uttar pradesh 25. photo 26. advani 27. central bureau of investigation 28. rss 29. janata dal-united 30. ips Top Coverage News Why I love India - Independence Day Special 2013 The Rediff Independence Day Special 2013. The Programmer Who Came In From The Cold
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Last updated on March 13, 2014 at 18:18 EDT Using Life on Earth to Find Life in Space June 20, 2005 At a recent meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, molecular evolutionist Mitch Sogin explained how understanding the diversity of microbial life on Earth could help scientists in the search for life on other worlds. Astrobiology Magazine — Mitch Sogin heads the NASA Astrobiology Institute’s Marine Biological Laboratory team. At a recent conference, Sogin gave a talk about the work that molecular evolutionists do and how it has contributed to understanding the history of life on Earth. In this third and final part of a three-part series, Sogin describes the challenges that face researchers in their efforts to explore microbial diversity in extreme environments. Microbiologists are interested in studying extreme environments to find out what organisms are living there, how diverse they are. Diversity is important for us to keep in mind in the context of planetary exploration. But until recently, studying microbial diversity has been very difficult to do. One problem we face is that morphology (the form and structure of the organisms) doesn’t give you any kind of a metric for diversity. The second problem is that most microbes are difficult to grow in the laboratory. We can only grow one percent or less of the organisms in an environment. For example, until about 20 years ago, marine biologists thought that there were roughly 100 organisms per milliliter of sea water, because that’s approximately what they could get to grow. John Hobbie started to use DAPI stains (which stain nucleic acids with fluorescent dye) and demonstrated that microbial life in the oceans was much, much more dense. When you use a DAPI stain on a sample of marine water and then look at it under a microscope, you typically see on the order of 50 microbes in your field of view. To see that many microbes in a single field means that there have to be somewhere between 10 thousand and 100 thousand cells per milliliter. But we can only cultivate about 100 of those organisms. So cultivation has been a big problem, especially if you want to ask questions such as, “Is there evidence of novel evolutionary lineages when you look in an extreme environment?” or “How many different microorganisms are present?” Of all the science that NASA’s funded in the area of biology, Carl Woese’s research was probably the most significant contribution. Because it provided a window into the microbial world, a quantitative window, not only in terms of assessing diversity, but also in understanding how microbes are related to each other. Woese also identified the Archaea as one of the primary domains of life. Woese’s insight was based on structural studies of ribosomal RNA. Ribosomal RNAs are present in all cellular-based organisms on the planet. By comparing ribosomal RNA sequences from different organisms, one can infer their evolutionary relationships. If you want to look at an environment and ask the question, “What kinds of organisms are there?” you can use the presence of a particular ribosomal RNA as a proxy for the presence of a particular organism. You can also look at differences among the ribosomal RNA sequences. And then by using appropriate computer algorithms you can generate evolutionary trees that show you how closely the different organisms are related. In 1987, based on comparisons of ribosomal RNA sequences solely from organisms he was able to culture, Woese had identified about a dozen different phyla (major groupings) of bacteria. By 1997, using molecular characterizations of DNA extracted from natural habitats, Norman Pace was able to enumerate 24 different major lineages, almost a third of which had no cultured representatives.. Today, about 80 different bacterial divisions have been identified and we believe that as we continue to explore new environments the number of major divisions is going to increase. I want to talk about two sites where we’ve worked on this question of diversity. The first is Guaymas Basin, which is in the Gulf of California. Guaymas is one of a number of deep-sea hydrothermal vents that has been studied. Interestingly enough, microbial population studies of vents are actually quite limited: We only have detailed descriptions on half a dozen vent sites. It’s a very rich in terms of both bacterial and archaeal diversity. The surface of the Guaymas sediments is composed of a bacterial mat of filamentous Beggiatoa. The system can be quite hot. One can extract cores close to the vents that range in temperature from just a few degrees C (about 40 degrees F) all the way up to 180 degrees C (about 360 degrees F). The deeper the core sample, the warmer it gets, to the point that it’s downright hot. Among the archaea found at Guaymas, one sees methanogens (organisms that make methane as a byproduct of their metabolism), thermophiles, all the players that we would expect to find in this kind of environment. There is archaeal diversity. But of the 80 known bacterial phyla, we only see about a dozen in Guaymas. So it’s a moderately complex environment, but it doesn’t appear that all the lineages in the bacterial world are present. It’s an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment principally, in which there’s a lot of interaction between archaea and bacteria. The end result is that the system as a whole performs anaerobic methane oxidation. But it’s important to understand that this anaerobic methane oxidation doesn’t occur because of a single organism. Rather, it happens because there is a consortium of organisms. It’s really a very complex system. Indeed, complexity is an underlying theme for life in extreme environments. Another reason we were interested in Guaymas had to do with eukaryotic diversity. We find many RNA sequences in these anoxic environments for eukaryotes that represent new lineages, novel diversity. And while the bacterial diversity only covers roughly a quarter to an eighth of the total diversity in the bacterial domain, almost all known kinds of eukaryotes are found in this setting. The other system I wanted to mention in brief is the Rio Tinto. The Rio Tinto in southwestern Spain is distinguished by the fact that it has very high iron concentrations, and it’s a very low-pH (very acidic) environment. We were interested in that system initially in terms of the eukaryotic diversity. And if you look at eukaryotic diversity in that system, once again, you run into the same thing, namely that you find nearly all the possible eukaryotes you can imagine in the Rio Tinto. What we’ve learned in Rio Tinto is that protists (single-celled eukaryotes) can operate at very low pHs. What strikes me about the system is that many of the protists that we see in the Rio Tinto are very closely related to organisms that are in culture collections today – organisms that don’t live in acidic conditions. What that effectively means is that adapting to an acidic environment like the Rio Tinto doesn’t take much time in an evolutionary time frame context. What about the archaea and the bacteria in the Rio Tinto? One finds limited archaeal diversity in the Rio Tinto. And there are only half a dozen or so different bacteria that dominate the system. Is that an adequate description of the diversity of the Rio Tinto? We are not sure. When you do molecular surveys, you’re constrained by how much you sample. How much you sample is constrained by how much money you have. So if you’re thinking about doing a sequence analysis and each sequence costs you a couple of dollars, if you want to count 10,000 samples, you better have a very well-funded grant. We have started to explore an alternative methodology to deal with this problem. It’s called “serial analysis of ribosomal RNA sequence tags” – or SARST-V6 for short. The idea is to try to get a measurement not only of diversity in a natural environment, but also to get estimates of how many there are of each different kind of organism in a given environment. So that means we’re going to somehow sample thousands and thousands of sequences. The technique that we settled on involves the idea of stringing together short stretches of ribosomal RNA from different organisms. We focus on a region of rRNA called V6, roughly 60 or 70 nucleotides in length, which is highly variable from one organism to the next. It’s flanked by some green-highlighted sequence elements. This V6 region is and it’s flanked on either side by a very conserved sequence, a part of the ribosomal RNA that is pretty much the same for all organisms. Our notion was that, if we could extract the short V6 sequence from ribosomal RNAs, and randomly string them together like beads on a string and then determine the structure of those short sequences, each short sequence would be a proxy for the occurrence of an organism in the environment. The advantage of this technique is that now we can get out information about 10 to 20 different organisms for what it previously cost us to get information about only 1. It can’t give you information about deep phylogenetic relationships. But it’s useful for monitoring changes in population structure, or for measuring the relative abundance of organisms in a population. When we tested the system initially in Guaymas, we got essentially the same kinds of distribution patterns, in this moderately complex environment, as we had with more traditional techniques. But while older techniques found Rio Tinto dominated by just 3 or 4 kinds of organisms, the SARST-V6 analysis shows these 3 or 4 kinds or organisms to account for just over 80 percent of the total population. When we go to the next 10 percent, we see a much larger array of organisms. We start to pick up many organisms that were previously invisible. And if we then include organisms that show up only a handful of times, we see still more organisms, which we’d never see by traditional sequencing. So you see that the Rio Tinto is not made up of just a few organisms, but rather is made up of a moderately complex environment. That means that we shouldn’t just be paying attention to the dominant organisms at Rio Tinto, but we also have to pay attention to the minor players. Based on this new analysis, we now think that Rio Tinto is not 3 or 4 or 5 organisms, but it’s going to be on the order of hundreds of different kinds of organisms. The bottom line on all this is that, from the perspective of planetary exploration, we should not be thinking that we’re necessarily going to find simple microbial environments when we go elsewhere. We should be prepared for very complex microbial communities. On the Net: Using Life on Earth to Find Life in Space Using Life on Earth to Find Life in Space
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If there is an error when sending the mail, Friend's E-mail:  (maximum of 3 addresses separated by commas) Your E-mail: A Brief Comment (150 char max / 25 word max) For older immigrant students, a late start on English is hard to overcome Compared to students in lower grades, high school students who aren't fluent in English have only a few short years to grasp the language while learning the same subjects as their peers. Security image: (Case sensitive)
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Pasternack's dishes reflect passion for sea NEW YORK Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:51am EDT 1 of 2. Shown is Shrimp a la Plancha from ''The Young Man & The Sea'' (Artisan, 2007). When he's not cooking them, chef David Pasternack is catching fish along Long Island in New York where he grew up and still lives. Credit: Reuters/Handout NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - When he's not cooking them, chef David Pasternack is catching fish along Long Island in New York where he grew up and still lives. His cuisine reflects his passion for the sea and the seafood dishes served in his restaurant, Esca, earned Pasternack the James Beard Foundation award for best New York City chef three years ago. Pasternack shares his knowledge and recipes in his first cookbook, "The Young Man & The Sea" which was co-written with Ed Levine. He recently spoke about his fondness for fish with Reuters: Q: What inspires your passion about seafood? A: "I just grew up on the water. I was off on Monday and I fished on Monday. It's an activity that I grew up doing. I still enjoy doing it. It's a fascinating place, the sea." Q: What is the best way to prepare seafood dishes in the summer? A: "The easiest thing to do is to grill fish. I like to use charcoal to add a little flavor. Some people who don't have that option can use a grill pan or on the stove. It depends where you live. Here on Long Island this time of the year, we have striped bass, blue fish and porgies. We have a lot of flukes. I prefer my fish fried and eat them at room temperature." Q: How do you interest children in eating seafood without frying or drowning the fish in sauces? A: "You've got to start them young. That's the only thing I could tell you. My daughter eats fish and she's going to be three. I tell her I caught the fish. That works very well. She gets very excited - "Oh Dad caught the fish." Q: With all food prices going up, any tips for the budget-friendly but delicious way to prepare a seafood dish? A: "Fish has gone up 25 percent in the past year. There are mackerels and porgies. I eat wild salmon. Farm salmon is still fairly reasonable if you want to go that route. Tuna has actually been very high. Swordfish has actually been pretty reasonable. Striped bass is in season right now so it's pretty reasonable." Q: What do you cook for yourself when you are alone? A: "I usually eat stuff my wife won't eat. There's a guy by my house who makes homemade sausages. I like to make Bucatini (a thick spaghetti-like pasta). Shrimp a la plancha with fava bean puree - Serves 4 A plancha is essentially a hot iron griddle that cooks things quickly while sealing in the flavor. Substitute white beans when fava beans are not in season (spring). Use a cast-iron fry pan whenever you are making anything a la plancha. Or any fry pan that can get really, really hot. - 2 pounds fresh fava beans, shelled - sea salt, freshly ground black pepper - 1 pound medium white shrimp, shells on, split down the back, vein removed - 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus high-quality extra-virgin olive oil for drizzling - 2 cloves garlic, crushed with the flat of a knife blade Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the fava beans and cook until very tender, four or five minutes. Drain the beans in a colander, reserving 1/2 cup or so of the cooking water. Remove the outer skin from each bean. Transfer the beans and most of the reserved water to a food processor and pulse until nearly smooth. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Pulse until smooth. If the puree is still lumpy, add a drizzle more of the cooking water to smooth it out. Season the shrimp with salt and pepper. Over a medium flame, heat the olive oil in a large, cast-iron skillet until hot but not smoking. Add the garlic and cook until softened, about two minutes. Add the shrimp, in two batches if necessary, and cook for about three minutes per side. The shells should be pink and the flesh opaque. To serve, spoon about 1/2 cup of the fava puree onto each of four serving plates. Drape the grilled shrimp across the puree, and then finish with a sprinkling of salt, ground black pepper and a drizzle of high-quality extra-virgin olive oil. Comments (0)
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De L'Alouette (Exclusive, Single) by RJD2 De L'Alouette by RJD2 Released: May 2004 Label: Orchard Enterprises Inc "De L'Alouette" is an unusual force -- digitized trip-hop surrounded by a storm of creativity. After an off-kilter beginning, the flute takes the lead in a curious dance filled with unexpected twists and turns, pauses, fluttering harp, and operatic vocals. Requires repeated play to fully absorb. Mia Quagliarello You're just minutes away from millions of songs. Sign up now.
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Making Your Own Bamboo Fly Fishing Rod posted on August 1, 2009 by Jeff Day Jeff Day's bamboo fly fishing rod project Woodworker and fisherman Jeff Day decided to combine his two passions and create a useful and durable bamboo fly fishing rod. I’ve been a woodworker and a fly fisherman for years, so it was probably inevitable that sooner or later I would build a bamboo fly rod. Inevitable, perhaps, but not necessarily a walk in the park. It cost me a fishing season. I broke rods long before they left the shop. I made rods that worked better as tomato stakes. I fried one rod to a crisp. I suffered epoxy failures and polyurethane busts. In short, I enjoyed every minute of it and, three rods after I started, I have a rod that I’m not ashamed to show to the world. Splitting tonkin cane with a bench chisel To start with, the author ground an edge into a bench chisel and used it to split the culm off the Tonkin bamboo cane in several segments. A bamboo fly rod is made of six strips of bamboo glued together to form a hexagon. The strips are triangular in cross-section, and since the rod tapers from handle to tip, the triangular strips taper, too — the triangle is bigger at one end of the strip than the other. All of this is done in three stages: First, you rough out a rod blank, splitting the bamboo stem to stern, kiln-drying it, and then planing it into long triangular strips — a set of six strips for each section of the rod. In the second stage, you taper the triangular strips with a block plane and a special metal form. Then you apply glue to the pieces and clamp them together by wrapping them tightly with thread. On a good day, it’s a piece of cake. On a bad day, it’s worse than getting skunked on the stream. Far worse. The final stage is applying the finish and attaching the hardware. I like to think of the stages as lumberjack, cabinetmaker and finisher. Stage One: Lumberjack This stage begins with a piece of Tonkin cane, the only cane used in rod making, because its long, dense, fibers make for a powerful rod. In the entire world, Tonkin cane grows in a single 30-square-mile patch of China. Technically, bamboo is a grass, and a stick is called a culm. The easiest and fastest way to get the strips you need is to split the culm the way Windsor chair makers rive a chair back from a log, and for the same reason. Splitting bamboo gives you a piece with long parallel strands of grain. Rodmakers often make their own splitters that they drive into the end of the culm. Mine are chisels with edges that are ground to a rounded point. As the pieces get smaller, I hold the end of the chisel on the bench with one hand, and feed the bamboo into it with the other. The goal: six strips plus whatever else you can get from the bottom five feet of the culm. This will be the butt section. The tip comes from the upper five feet of the culm, and because rods traditionally have an extra tip, you’ll want to split it into 12 pieces. Bending bamboo with a heat gun Bamboo tends to curl easily in the presence of heat, so to give it a nice fishing pole curve and remove any nodes, run it over a heat gun. At this point, a couple of minor adjustments are required. A stick of bamboo is divided into shorter sections by a series of bumps, called nodes. You need to get rid of them and deal with the bends that typically occur around them. Fortunately, bamboo bends when heated. Holding the node directly over a heat gun until the wood is almost too hot to handle makes the heated section bend like warm plastic. Once I’ve heated it, I can flatten the node completely (or almost so) by clamping it in the vise with the outside face against a jaw. I count to 10 as I clamp the edges between the jaws to straighten out the bends. If any of the nodal bumps remain, they’re sanded out by hand with 240-grit paper and a hard rubber sanding block. Planing bamboo strips on a planing jig A simple planing jig and a benchtop planer will help get your strips cut down into the triangular pieces you will glue up to make the rod. Before shaping each piece into a triangle, there are two more steps. The first is to get each piece down to a manageable width. Traditionally this is done with a hand plane — it may be a grass, but bamboo works like wood. Tradition has its place, but this isn’t really the time for it. I rip the strips to width on the table saw (use lots of featherboards), and then I plane them into triangles on a jig in the planer. The planer jig is a simple oak auxiliary table with 60° grooves routed into it. Battens on the bottom fit snugly against the front and back of the planer bed to hold the jig in place. Measuring thickness of bamboo pieces As you go through the planing process, check each piece regularly for thickness, you need to ensure the accuracy of each piece you cut before moving on. Each groove is slightly shallower than its neighbor — the largest is about 3/8" deep and the smallest is about 1/16" deep. I feed all the strips into the first groove, flip them edge for edge, and then feed them into the next shallower groove. I slowly work my way down the table until I’ve planed the strips to the exact size required by the rod. Shop-made kiln for drying bamboo To kiln dry the long bamboo pieces, the author rigged up a simple kiln with the heat gun and a duct system long enough to fit the bamboo. Like any piece of lumber, your strips of bamboo need to be kiln-dried. This not only drives out water that might haunt you down the road, it tempers the bamboo, turning what would otherwise be a soft rod into one with backbone. It doesn’t take long — about 10 minutes at 350 degrees for the butts, and slightly less for the tips. I use a heat gun, combined with a couple of heat ducts — one inside the other — with lots of insulation around the outer pipe. The heat gun shoots heat down the outside duct; it rises into the inner duct at an even temperature. I use two meat thermometers, one at the top and one at the bottom of the ducts, to monitor the temperature. Stage Two: Cabinetmaker Here, tradition rules, and I am fine with it. You are working with a finely tuned plane, a razor-sharp blade, and a tapering jig that adjusts to thousandths of an inch. I enjoy it the way I enjoy fly casting — nothing matters but what you’re doing, and what you’re doing is about as good as it gets. The fact is that while there is no perfect taper for a rod, there are thousands of bad ones. I chose a time-tested taper developed by Everett Garrison. Garrison made some 700 rods from 1927 until his death in 1975, and they are considered some of the finest ever made. I copied the 7' rod he used on the last day he went fishing. Some of his other tapers, as well as his directions for building, can be found in his book A Master’s Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod, coauthored with Hoagy Carmichael. Understanding how rodmaking works means understanding how the tapering jig works. The tapering jig, also called a planing form, is made of two bars of steel five feet long. The edges that face each other are chamfered and form a V-groove when the bars are put together. At one end of the jig, the chamfers form a deep valley; at the other end, they form a shallow valley. In between, the chamfer forms a valley that slopes evenly between the two ends. The bamboo sits proud of the jig, and you plane it until the plane is riding on the jig. When it is, the bamboo is the same shape as the valley — wide at one end, narrow at the other. Because of the hundreds of different rod tapers, you can adjust the depth of the valley every five inches using a pair of bolts. One bolt pushes the metal bars farther apart, the other pulls them together. Setting the forms to the proper taper requires two tools from the machinist’s trade — the dial caliper and a depth indicator with a pointed tip. Initially, you set the forms with a depth gauge and, after planing a test strip, you check the setting’s accuracy with the dial caliper. Gluing the Rod Together Gluing together bamboo fishing rod segments When the strips are finished and laid out, glue them together with waterproof polyurethane glue and let it cure. When the strips have been planed to final dimension, it is time to glue them together. Initially, I used polyurethane glue. It is widely available, affordable and waterproof. It fills gaps, has a working time of 20 to 30 minutes and dries the same color as bamboo. Unfortunately, 20 to 30 minutes isn’t a lot of time when you’re trying to clamp up six pieces of bamboo only slightly thicker than the butt end of a leader. The pieces slipped, slid and twisted as I worked, and to make a long story short, the polyurethane rods were the ones that became tomato stakes. I use industrial epoxy now, which is surprisingly friendly — it dries slowly, so if I have a problem I have hours to solve it. Stage Three: Finisher Filing down ferrule blank on a lathe To best install the ferrule, file down the ends of the blank as it turns on your lathe, using a three- or four- jawed chuck to keep it from moving too much. All that remains is putting the ferrules, handle, reel seat and line guides on. Ferrules first: The i.d. of the ferrule is less than the o.d. of the rod, so you file down the ends as the blank turns on the lathe. You’ll need a three- or four- jawed chuck and a support to keep the far end of the blank from whipping around. I made my support by bolting a piece of plywood to a table saw outfeed stand. Drill a hole in the plywood, line it with something soft (like a cork with a hole drilled in it), and then feed the rod through the hole to steady it. The handle and reel seat get glued on next — I suggest ready-made ones for your first rods; learn to make your own later. Attaching guide loops to rod with silk thread To get the guide loops attached, tape one end down and use your fly-tying bobbin to start wrapping silk thread around the other. Finishing, as a friend observed, is half science and half snake oil. Garrison hit upon the method most rodmakers use today. He dipped the rod, narrow end down, into an upright pipe filled with varnish, and pulled it out with a motor running at 1 rpm. This requires a pretty tall ceiling. I don’t have one, so I began to think about the last days of each semester in my college woodworking courses, when the shop smelled of Waterlox and Watco. It was the dustiest place on the planet, and yet because we were using oil-based finishes that we wiped off, we could still get blemish-free finishes. So far, I’ve finished my rods with Birchwood Casey® TRU-OIL® Gun Stock Finish, a pure tung oil that is also traditional rod finish. I apply it with a rag, and rub it for about five minutes and set it aside to dry. If there are any imperfections, I sand them out gently with 1,000-grit paper. After three or four coats, the finish rivals varnish. Bamboo rod guide wrapped with silk thread Finished, the guides will be tightly wrapped to the base of the rod with the silk thread. If you start in the fall, and make no tomato stakes and start no fires, it will probably be early January by the time you apply the several coats of varnish that hold the silk thread in place. Around here, it will be a couple more weeks before the bluewinged olive hatch. See you on the stream. posted on August 1, 2009 by Jeff Day previous post next post What People are Saying: - Orval - 08/07/2012 What People are Saying: - Orval - 08/07/2012
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Page 5 of 6 'Expo" was bad for his health. The office was a haze of smoke, the tables littered with cigarette stubs floating in half-full coffee mugs and mayonnaise-smeared sandwich wrappers from fast-food joints. (Larsson's dinner of choice was a McFeast & Co., the Swedish equivalent of a Quarter Pounder value meal — only instead of a Coke he ordered whole milk.) He was in the office every night after leaving TT, and all weekend. He drank obscene quantities of cheap coffee and suffered from insomnia. He begged friends for funding, conducted research and trained his young staff, some of whom he had recruited as teenagers. The kids adored him; he handed out his e-mail address freely, and responded to anyone who wrote to him, often at startling length. "He was the great old man who knew everything," says Mikael Ekman, who went to work at Expo when he was 19. The staff loved listening to Larsson's stories. A few times, he talked about a girl who had been gang-raped by teenagers in the woods outside of Umeå when he was a kid. He sometimes claimed that the teenagers were his friends, that he was there, standing by while the crime unfolded, and that his sense of guilt had inspired him to devote his life to defending women against violence. Kurdo Baksi argues that this girl was the main inspiration for Lisbeth Salander; the original Swedish title of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was Män som hatar kvinnor — "Men Who Hate Women." But Larsson later told a colleague at Expo that he had heard the story secondhand. For all his friends knew, he'd made the whole thing up. These embellishments hardly mattered to his admiring staffers. Ekman was drawn to Expo after reading Larsson's book on the extreme right when he was just 15. When he noticed that his high school dance had been overrun by skinheads, he called the Expo offices to speak with Larsson, who responded immediately. Before long, Larsson was encouraging the teenager to go undercover as a mole in his local Nazi youth organization. Ekman joined the National Socialist Front, attending meetings and reporting his findings. Daniel Poohl, who became editor of Expo after Larsson's death, also began as a teen mole, infiltrating a Nazi youth journal. He debriefed Larsson, who taught him strategies to maintain his cover. Larsson hadn't just created a magazine. He had created an agency for boy detectives. The biggest pressure Larsson felt — more than the fear of being assaulted by right-wing zealots or the challenge of publishing a magazine with a staff dominated by writers and editors in their 20s — was money. Although he was perpetually broke, he gave little thought to his own personal finances. He neglected for so long to cash the $6,000 advance he received for a book about a racist Swedish political party that he co-wrote with Ekman, the publisher begged Ekman to walk Larsson to the bank. Larsson was tired of worrying about Expo's future, tired of relying on Gabrielsson, an architect, to organize their finances, tired of carrying his life's savings in the pocket of his jeans. "I'm fed up with having to go around with my hat out, begging for money for Expo," he complained to a friend. "Nobody cares, nobody gives us any money. I need a one-time solution." His father was right: He needed to write something commercial. In 2002, Larsson and Gabrielsson took a vacation to the Stockholm archipelago. He put aside his work for Expo and decided to try again at a novel. There was a growing international market for Scandinavian crime fiction, and no one knew more about the genre than he did. In place of the traditional detective, he would have an investigative journalist. This character would be the grown-up version of a popular children's detective — only instead of taking Tvillingdetektiverna as his model, he would use Astrid Lindgren's know-it-all boy detective, Kalle Blomkvist. He would be an idealized version of Larsson — a national celebrity who tells his paramours things like "I'm not going to apologize for the way I've led my life." ("Going to bed with him," Larsson writes, "was not threatening or complicated, but might be erotically enjoyable.") Blomkvist would be a hard-charging reporter at Millennium, a fantasy version of Expo: "The magazine began as a real outsider . . . its circulation has grown and today is 21,000 copies monthly." But Blomkvist would be secondary. The novel's main figure would be the adult incarnation of a different Lindgren character: Pippi Longstocking. In Lindgren's stories, Pippi is a jester and prankster — a nine-year-old girl with superhuman strength who lives on her own. Larsson, well aware that Lindgren was the bestselling author in the history of Swedish literature, later made a point of emphasizing the Pippi Longstocking connection. "What would she be like as an adult?" he wondered in the only interview he gave about his novels before his death. "What would she be called? A sociopath? Somebody suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? I made her like Lisbeth Salander, 25 years old, with a ginormous exclusion complex. She knows nobody and has no social skills whatsoever." Instead of being endowed with physical strength, Salander is a hacker magician. With a few keystrokes on her laptop, she can access every piece of information in the world. But the parallels between Lisbeth Salander and Pippi Longstocking are gestural at best. When he tried to explain the main character of his novels to his brother, Larsson reached for a closer analogy. "She's like Therese," he said. When Therese Larsson was growing up, she saw her uncle as a heroic figure. Whenever he visited from Stockholm he would tell her stories about the terrifying adventures he had while hitchhiking through Africa, about the time that a gang of Nazis had jumped him outside of a Stockholm restaurant or the time an assassin had waited for him outside his office. When the stories became too scary, her mother sent her to bed. But she would tiptoe to the door of the living room and sit there, listening to the sound of his voice. Larsson didn't visit Umeå often — he always had an excuse about a deadline that needed to be met. But he corresponded regularly with his niece by e-mail, Therese sending short notes and receiving what seemed to her like novel-length responses. He was an adult she could confide in, a role model and teacher who wasn't a parent, with whom she could discuss life as a teenager in Umeå. She appreciated that he was honest with her. He disapproved, for instance, when she told him that she had moved in with her high school boyfriend. Culture Main Next Daily Newsletter Get the latest RS news in your inbox. marketing partners.
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Sep 23, 2013 Does the area have poor cell phone service? Whenever I am home in the Sandusky area, I notice that the cell phone service is poor. I often have trouble sending a simple text message. Is this a known issue through out the area? Kyle from Perkins Since many cell phone users have different makes, models and carriers, we thought it would be best to pose this question to our readers. Leave a comment below about your personal experiences with cell phones in the area. Make sure to include as much information as possible, such as carrier, type of phone and location. For instance: My Verizon iPhone 3G constantly drops calls when I'm at Cedar Point.  Darwin's choice Sprint is terrible here! The only place I EVER have trouble with Verizon is at Cedar Point Verizon put the first 4G tower up at Cedar Point a year or two ago due to the call overload. This was according to a Verizon tech at a trade show I attended. Verizon told me that the 3G towers were in a maintenance phase and will not be adding towers for 3G. They said more people are going to 4g with upgrades so there will more of those towers to accommodate those customers. They also said that when the seasonal people come with all the traffic and phones it can overload the towers and cause bad service. I upgraded my phone to 4g and don't really have an issue, but then the same problem will happen once the 3G has been phased out and everyone has 4g. Seems like a no win situation really. Ironically, the only place I have issues is at the Verizon Store. No kidding! Huron east side is always bad from my experience. Unfortunately we live close to the lake. Since wireless carriers have to be careful with broadcasting signals they sometimes have to have the towers signal turned down closer the the lake so they do not interfere or cross over into Canada. Buggers78 is correct though. 3G service is no longer being expanded and 4G will be taking over however future expansion of 4G VoLTE (Voice over LTE) will help mediate coverage problems as 4G bandwidth is a lot more versatile. You do have to realize though that 3G and 4G coverage are independent, so if you have good 4G coverage you will not necessarily have good 3G coverage. Cedar Point did get one of the first 4G antennas and that was to help with the over population during the summer. They do this at most large event locations such as Stadiums (especially the Super Bowl). The more people you have connecting the less bandwidth there is to use so quality will drop. Carrier Rank in the area from personal experience: 1. Verizon 2. AT&T (Just launched 4G LTE in Sandusky) 3. Sprint 4. Alltel 5. T-Mobile FYI: Most prepaid companies run on the Sprint network unless it is from AT&T or Verizon directly. "signal turned down closer the the lake so they do not interfere or cross over into Canada" Do you know this for sure? Just asking because I thought it was all based on GPS, recently I crossed the boarder in Sarnia and in less than a mile the cell phone knew I was no longer in the US and it told me that my service would be subject to fees for being in Canada. My iPhone displays "Welcome to Canada" as soon as we get off of the ferry at Kelley's Island. It's because the signal is bouncing off the tower on Pelee. I know the kids at band camp are told to only use their phones in one area of the 4H Camp otherwise they will end up with international charges. No. Cell Phone providers pinpoint location based on cell tower responses. Once you cross over you should be bouncing off international towers. Thats why they turn the signal down so there is no interference with the local carriers and the signal is going to the right place for location awareness. It is not 100% accurate as you are usually bouncing off 3 or 4 different towers at any given location but it is usually pretty close. International towers are tricky because of problems with emergency response. I know there were some problems in some of the other border states up north where if you were close to the border you were usually bouncing off international towers and the carriers had to make some changes for those customers. I was told straight talk uses Verizon towers but that pre paid does not get tower priority because contract customers get first dibs. I didn't hear that from Verizon so I don't know that to be fact or not. I belive Straight Talk, Verizon Pre-Paid and I think TracFone are now all verizon. Boost, Virgin, Revol and a few others run on the Sprint Network. AT&T just launched a new Pre-Paid on their network. You are correct about prioritization though. But that applies to all carrier based towers. Some towers have multiple carrier antennas but If you bounce off a Sprint Tower with no Verizon and you have Verizon you will usually get through, but much lower priority or suffer a Drop because of carrier lease/carriage agreements (this is a roaming situation, but it applies to pre-paid carriers because they are considered secondary telecoms that have carriage agreements on their towers). Verizon works almost anywhere in Ohio. I could be underground, encased in lead and would still probably get signal with them. Agree with Darwin. Sprint is not even usable in Ohio. It seems to work ok within city limits of cities of Sandusky size and larger for me, but I live in a rural area, and can't get Sprint signal there, even if I'm standing right underneath any of several cell towers in my area. In order for me to receive incoming phone calls or email, I must drive at least 10 miles from my home. Convenient? No. Verizon told me that during bike week, with that plus Cedar POint, there were too many accessing only so much availability on the 3G network. That 3G can only handle so much traffic at a time - on that Friday night I couldn't get on the web or send a text. Their solution - switch to a 4G (shows up as LTE on your phone) which means getting a new phone. I've had Alltel for years and have had no problems.I just have a basic simple flip phone.But Alltel is going to be taken over by AT&T. Seen it All Verizon bought Alltel a couple years ago. Not all of it. As part of the agreement select markets had to be given up to AT&T. I believe our area was one of those. Yes it was AT&T did not get this marketin 2009.a company called ATN got this market and kept the Alltel name.Now AT&T bought the rest of ATN's markets earlier this year,they're waiting for governmemt approval which should be by the end of the year AT&T just finalized the deal this past week I knew Verizon didn't get all of the markets, I thought AT&T took this market from the initial reports but I didn't follow that merger/divide up that closely. I do believe AT&T did get final approval for the last of the merger recently though. I live on the west end and have terrible Verizon 4g service at home. West end has terrible service! pretty much all providers. The service here sucks. My pager has not went off in 2 years. (I still pay the bill for it so I assume it still works.) Maybe it is just the bar I hang in gets bad service, I'll have to ask around to see if anyone else has this problem, Anyone got a pager that get service here? AT&T announced LTE in Sandusky. Other than Cedar Point, I have yet to pick up a LTE signal in our area I believe it is limited to the 250/Cedar Point corridor currently with future turn-ups coming for the rest of the area. Great idea to ask this SR, I hope you try to get some answers (real answers) from Verizon and possibly the other companies. I pay over $300 a month and its frustrating that a multi billion dollar company can increase their charges, decrease their data plans and also get away with poor reception and practices to throw calls into voice mail because they refuse to update the capability to handle all the calls in this vacation area. (At least I think this is what is happening.) I have noticed that the service has diminished in quality over the last four weeks. 1). Driving from Huron to south end of Norwalk I had 5 dropped calls and had to end two others due to terrible service. The other caller was also Verizon and they had 4 bars in Sandusky, my bars went from 4 to nothing within hundreds of feet driven. 2). Heading east on rt 2 about 4 miles from the rest stop the phone receptions drops out at a precise point, This has been a problem for years but Verizon after being notified ignores the reports. 3). Calls going directly to voice mail. I proved it, my wife's phone was on the table with 3 bars, mine had four bars. I called it four times and two of the first calls went directly to voice mail!!! Again, Verizon doesn't care even though they do care about getting their money from us on a timely manor. VERY disappointed with Verizon, and I'm sure they may be better than others, I wouldn't know, I've had them since the beginning. I have the same issue with driving through Norwalk. I will be expecting calls as well and then find that I have voicemail but never received a call! 1. This happens when you go into some areas where there may be a lower ground level (valley) or if the towers are not transfering the signal correctly. Since you are on voice calls, voice calls are not routed over 4G as that is currently Data only. 3G is still required for voice and 3G is in maintenance mode only with Verizon with no expansion. 2. This is always a problem and will always be a problem. Not enough clients to justify the build-up. (I wish. Vermillion is a horrible place all around for verizon) 3. Can't really explain that, but it has happens to me several times and I am in a 4 bar - 4G and 4 bar - 3G area with no signal problems. It is annoying I am sorry you’re having difficulties and would like to help. You can reach me at I can tell you our network team has been busy in the area with three new sites built recently (including in Norwalk West). In addition, plans are underway for additional sites in portions of Sandusky and between Sandusky and Huron. Cedar Point should see improvements next year that should help with the additional traffic during the busiest days at the park. Stop It Yeah..can't wait for 23G service where my cell can drive my flying car, mow the lawn and shut down whenever it feels like it.
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tools en Risky Business: Learning to Consider Risk and Make Sound Sexual Choices <div class="field field-type-text field-field-author"> <div class="field-label">Author:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Heather Corinna </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-introduction"> <div class="field-label">Introduction:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Choices about sex and intimacy will always involve some risks, and making sound choices when risks, emotions and social high stakes are involved isn&#039;t something anyone is magically expert at. How can we learn to do it well, and what are some common things that trip us up? </div> </div> </div> <p>When we hear about risk, especially in the context of <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3348"><dfn title="About or relating in some way to sex or sexuality.">sexual</dfn></a> or <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3511"><dfn title="Of, or relating to, sexual or courtly love or interest.">romantic</dfn></a> endeavors, experiences or choices, it's often framed as some kind of Very Big Bad -- like risking <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3414"><dfn title="Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that eventually destroys the immune system and weakens the body's ability to fight disease and infection. It usually progresses to AIDS. It is a serious sexually transmitted infection that requires medical treatment, although it cannot be cured. ">HIV</dfn></a> or other STIs, an unwanted <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3390"><dfn title="The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the uterus. Medically, someone is considered to be regnant when an egg has been fertilized by sperm, cells divide, and the fertilized egg is implanted within the lining of the uterus.">pregnancy</dfn></a>, <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3401"><dfn title="Purposeful harm or mistreatment of another person, which can be verbal, emotional, physical or sexual. An ongoing pattern or cycle of such mistreatment or harm can characterize an abusive relationship. ">abuse</dfn></a> or self-harm, or the downfall of all civilization -- and like something only about scary stuff, which exists in some kind of vacuum where risk-taking is never about anything healthy or positive and should be completely avoided at all costs.</p> <p>Risk, the reality of what risk can be, and why we take risks in the first place isn't so one-dimensional. A risk is, most simply, anything that has the potential to lead to some kind of loss or unwanted outcome; something where an outcome is uncertain, a gamble, that can be different than what we expect or want. If we take a risk, it's something we usually do or consider with the aim of getting or experiencing something positive or wanted.</p> <p>We can't live risk-free. To try and get or experience things we want, things that benefit us or others, even to just do the most basic things we need to to take care of ourselves, we often have to risk things we don't want, which may be unwanted or negative, or risk not getting or experiencing what we do want.</p> <p>Risk is involved in something so seemingly mellow as taking the bus to get to school or work, eating lunch or putting up a new profile picture online. We risk falling down in order to stand up; we risk getting turned down for a job or by a college if we apply. If we want to come out, we may risk nonacceptance, judgment, emotional conflict, and even violence, but we probably risk those things because we hope to gain positives like acceptance, understanding, being able to be seen as who we are and a greater ability to live our lives more freely, safely and openly and with more love in them. We risk rejection when asking someone out because our hope is they'll go out with us, and to make that happen, someone's gotta ask and take that risk. We risk all the many things <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3311"><dfn title="Different things people choose to do to actively express or enact sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. The word sex also means a way people, animals or plants are classified based on their chromosomes, genitals or reproductive organs.">sex</dfn></a> with someone else can put us or them at risk of because we hope to experience the positives of sex, the good things it can bring us or others. The notion of risk as being about nothing but bad, or as only about the risk itself, just isn't sound.</p> <p>People don't just take or consider taking risks because we get a rush from being risky, or because we don't know something involves risk. However, taking risks <em>can</em> also involve experiencing the risk and how risk-taking makes us feel positively. For instance, people who choose to go deep-sea diving know all about this, as do people who choose to work in areas or fields which put their safety at risk. Both of those things pose risks of harm or injury, but those risks seem worth it to the folks that take them for reasons like feeling very alive, of stretching oneself past limits, of doing work that is needed and meaningful that involves taking risks others can't or aren't willing to take.</p> <p>If and when we tell someone something secret about ourselves, part of the intimacy is that we're also co-experiencing risk -- that person might tell someone else or might judge us -- and knowing that risk is being taken is part of what demonstrates and builds trust and that intimacy. Voicing an unpopular opinion is another example: we probably feel it is worth it and important, but we also risk nonacceptance, judgment, humiliation, social ostracism, but can feel a sense of bravery or courage from taking those risks. People who get married or otherwise make long-term, serious commitments to someone take some big risks making that kind of commitment; people who choose to parent take on huge risks. Those decisions aren't just about taking risks, but the level of risk involved, the act of risk-taking, versus those things risking nothing and being totally safe, is some of what makes those choices meaningful to some people.</p> <p>Totally avoiding risk isn't possible, and choosing to take risks -- and even enjoy taking them -- also doesn't mean you're an idiot with no impulse control or who's carelessly gambling your whole life every time you choose to open yourself up to risks. We can't avoid risk in most of life; certainly not with sex. We <em><strong>can</strong></em> do our best to choose to only take risks really worth taking, to avoid taking risks bigger than we have to, and only take risks we have choices about when we're sure we can handle, and want to be open to, the risk-taking itself and the potential outcomes or consequences of the risks we take.</p> <p>Let's get some myths about risk-taking, sex and young people out of the way&nbsp; first. All of the following are common tropes we hear -- even among peers, or in our own heads -- but which NO ONE with any sound and current education, credibility and without some big bias against young people would or does back up:</p> <ul> <li>Young people are incapable of even considering risk and making sound sexual choices where there are risks.</li> <li>Young people take sexual risks only for the sake of taking a risk; to get a high from risk-taking or to "act out."</li> <li>Young people who make very risky sexual choices only do so out of ignorance or lack of impulse control.</li> <li>Young people can really only decide to have sex or not to have sex: they lack the maturity or ability to make sexual choices with more nuance or layers.</li> <li>Young people are slaves to their hormones, and are incapable of thinking through sexual decisions clearly because of hormones.</li> </ul> <p><strong>None of those things are universally true, or backed up by anything but current popular opinion, and most aren't even broadly true.</strong> Young people, on the whole, are capable of evaluating risk and making smart choices when there is risk involved, including choices with sex, and, like older people, young people's motivations for doing or expressing anything sexual tend to be diverse and complex, and about a whole lot more than the rush of doing something risky.</p> <p>Some of these things may be true for some people sometimes. For instance, we do know that developmentally, in a broad way, younger teens <em>do</em> typically have a harder time understanding they're not magically invulnerable to risk, and making decisions when the stakes are high is often more difficult for people in that age group than for teens just a couple years older. A <a href="">recent study out of Cornell found that teens they studied were more likely to ponder risks, and take longer weighing pros and cons of engaging in high-risk behavior than adults</a>, and even overestimated risks. (It also found, though, that those teens often decided potential benefits outweighed the risks.) We also know, however, that, on the whole, the messaging many, if not most, young people are reared with about risks tends to be very black and white; many go without the help and guidance we need to learn to make choices which involve risk, especially when it comes to sex. <em>"Just say no," "Good guys/girls don't,"</em> or <em>"Only once you're married,"</em> after all, only dictate what decision someone apparently should make, they don't teach a thing about how to actually weigh and make choices. Same goes double for growing up in environments that are highly controlled, then winding up in one with little to no external control -- like college -- and being expected to figure out how to do all of this by (and sometimes about) the seat of your pants.</p> <p><div class="pullquote"><hr /><div class="quotecontent"><strong>The Antidote to "It Can't Happen to Me."</strong> Quick and dirty, it goes like this: <strong>yes, it can.</strong> Anything that can happen to someone else can usually happen to us. Obviously, if we don't have a <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3392"><dfn title="In female-assigned people (unless it has been surgically removed or was not formed in utero), an internal, muscular reproductive organ in the pelvis. During pregnancy, this is where a fetus will develop. When not pregnant, it is the lining of the uterus, when shed each cycle, that provides a menstrual period.">uterus</dfn></a>, we can't get pregnant even though other people have, and if we don't have a <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3324"><dfn title="One of the two external reproductive organs of male-assigned people. ">penis</dfn></a>, we aren't going to lose a penile <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3376"><dfn title="When a body part, such as the penis or parts of the vulva, becomes filled with blood and enlarges and/or becomes more firm.">erection</dfn></a>. But I'm not talking about things like that where our bodies lack an ability. If someone else's <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3385"><dfn title="In a sexual context, a person with whom someone is having some kind of sex. The term "partner" can be used for all kinds of relationships, not just serious ones. "Partner" can also mean the person someone is with in a romantic or familial partnership.">partner</dfn></a> can ditch them after sex, we have to know ours could, too. If someone else could get an STI by having <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3335"><dfn title="When a penis is inserted into and held by the anus while partners move their bodies as feels good to them for the purpose of sexual stimulation.">anal intercourse</dfn></a>, we need to know that so can we. If someone else with a uterus can become pregnant and we have one, too, the same could happen for us. And often, the more invulnerable we think we are to something happening, the more super-shiny-luck we think we have that other, more unlucky folks don't, the more likely it is <em>to</em> happen, especially since when we think that way, we don't tend to do the things which reduce risks that people who don't think so magically do.</div><hr /></div></p> <p>Many of us are also surrounded by a cultural sexual context that doesn't support or encourage thinking things through and making sound choices based on those thoughts, but just reacting. We get messages that sex is supposed to be about being spontaneous, about being "swept away," or is something totally outside our control because our hormones make us do things; about going with the flow of other people's wants. We might have gotten messages that if we choose to engage in sex in a particular context -- like marriage, for example, or after a certain age -- that everything will be hunky-dory and we somehow (how, I don't know) won't have to worry about any risks or making any difficult choices. Suffice it to say, a whole lot of people have ignorance at the wheel with sexual decisions, because very few people have had sound sex education, and education that doesn't amplify or diminish many of the risks involved. So, while there are some issues around all of this that can be developmental and can be about different abilities, a lot of this is also cultural. In other words, you probably <em>can</em> do this thing and learn to do it well, and most of the barriers to doing it well aren't about anything missing in your brain, but about learning how to do this, considering risk when it really makes sense to -- rather than when there's just no way the benefits could outweigh the risks --&nbsp; and unlearning some of the stuff that keeps us all from doing it better.</p> <p>When presented with a sexual decision, or any kind of high-stakes choice that carries some kind of risk, how do we work it through? There are a lot of different theories and approaches to decision-making and risk assessment, but most boil down to something like this:</p> <h3>The Barest of Decision-Making Basics</h3> <p><strong>1.</strong> We sort out what our risks in a situation are, and if we are not certain, we make an effort to find out as much as we can from credible sources.<br /> <strong>2.</strong> We sort out what the potential benefits are or think there could be could be in taking those risks.<br /> <strong>3.</strong> We consider the realistic -- not what we wish, hope or, alternately, fear -- likelihood of all the possible outcomes of a given choice, positive, negative and neutral, and work through how important to us those possible outcomes are.<br /> <strong>4.</strong> We open our minds and weigh the potential benefits against the potential losses or unwanted outcomes, while also considering how big or small, important or unimportant, each are to us: we look at the pros, look at the cons and then decide if the possible benefits outweigh the possible risks, unwanted or negative outcomes for us or not. When someone else is involved, we think or talk about all of this and the impact on them, too.<br /> <strong>5.</strong> If we're not, at that point, at an absolute go, or a total no-go, we rethink, reevaluate or reconsider our situation to see what we can do to reduce or mitigate those risks; we consider our alternative choices and options.<br /> <strong>6.</strong> Rinse, then repeat.&nbsp; In other words, we then consider an alternative at hand, and start that process again from the <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/4561"><dfn title="This term may refer to the person taking a more dominant role during a sexual encounter, or sometimes to refer to the insertive partner during penetrative sex. It can also be used as a verb- "to top someone" is to act as the "top" with regard to your encounter with them. ">top</dfn></a>, continuing as we reach decisions.</p> <p>So simple, right? Sometimes it is, even if the decisions we come to aren't easy or ideal choices to make. But other times, it's tougher: some things can jack up that process, or parts of it can be more challenging to think through or work out clearly.</p> <h3>What and How Much Are You Risking and How Do You Know?</h3> <p>If and when we're taking any kind of risk, we sometimes know clearly what our risks are and how likely they are. For instance, if we've had the education or experience to know how pregnancy happens, how STIs can be transmitted, or what being in an intimate <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3307"><dfn title="Some kind of ongoing interaction or association with another person, place or thing. There are all kinds of relationships: family relationships, friendships, romantic relationships and sexual relationships are a few, and sometimes those will overlap where we have more than one kind of relationship with someone. Sometimes people use the word relationship to only mean a romantic, "serious" or committed relationship, even though that's not all this word means.">relationship</dfn></a> or exchange can be like, then we can have a good sense of what we're risking, when we're open to those risks and when we're not, how high or low those risks might be, and how we might feel or cope with those risks or outcomes.</p> <p>But sometimes, we don't know what we're risking, or think that a level of risk is different than it is. For instance, some folks think that so long as they only have <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3333"><dfn title="When a penis is inserted into and held by the vagina while partners move their bodies as feels good to them for the purpose of either sexual stimulation and/or reproduction.">penis-in-vagina intercourse</dfn></a> for a certain <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3435"><dfn title="The fluid, which contains blood, from the shedding of the uterine lining usually at the end of each fertility cycle. Or, that flow you perhaps may have experienced once while shouting, "Oh thank GAWD!"">period</dfn></a> of time, a penis only enters a vagina for a certain amount of centimeters or inches, or someone is on Day Whatever of their <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/4560"><dfn title="Having to do with menstruation.">menstrual</dfn></a> cycle, that pregnancy isn't a risk. Other folks think that if they are within a ten-mile-radius of someone they have a sexual interest in, they'll get pregnant just by having sexual thoughts, or that if they touched something someone with a penis touched, pregnancy is a real possibility. None of those folks have a handle on the realistic level of risk in their situations.</p> <p>If and when we don't have the sound, credible information we need to even know what our risks in a given situation are, how high or low they are, and what, realistically, the outcomes of those risks are most likely to be and how they're likely to impact us, others or our lives, then we start a decision-making process handicapped right at the gate; without the most basic things we need to start that process well, let alone complete it in a sound way.</p> <p>When it comes to sexual decisions, so many people are lacking in sound sex education and information. So,&nbsp; they're often going to make poor decisions just because their knowledge of their risks are based more in misinformation, propaganda, hearsay or people's anecdotes (often told with their own agendas affixed) than in sound, broad information from credible, reliable sources.</p> <p>You're already at one place where you can seek out sound, credible information, so by all means, immerse yourself. But Scarleteen isn't the only place to get it: you can add to the info we provide by visiting <a href="">other credible sites online</a>, talking with staff at <a href="">sexual or reproductive health clinics or practices</a>, reading at the library, and asking people you trust and know to both have sound, up-to-date sex education and your best interest at heart for help and information. While a lot of junior high and high schools don't have good comprehensive sex education programs, lots of colleges do (hint: if you're younger or not enrolled in college, you may be able to audit), as do some bookstores, health centers, and other community centers.</p> <p>Something we see here a lot, when a user comes to us with misinformation about risks they're taking, is <em>"But my boyfriend/girlfriend told me that..."</em> One of the things that makes information credible is that the source of that information doesn't have a lot of personal bias, or is able to put their bias on the table, so it's not hidden. If and when we want to be sexual with someone, we have a TON of personal bias: there's something we want, sometimes very badly, for ourselves, even if we're not an absolute tool and do care about the other person, too, and we also usually want sexual partners to see us as having some kind of sexual authority or expertise rather than as clueless. Potential or current sexual partners are great people to talk <em>about</em> sex and our sex lives <em>with</em>, and to share sexual information with, but not great people to get that information from as a primary source. So, do make sure that when it comes to the information you're getting to figure out what is and isn't a real risk, and how big or small a given risk is, the person who wants to take that risk with you or have you take it isn't the same person you're getting most of your information about it from.</p> <h3>Thinking Things Through When You're Running Hot</h3> <p>Some decision-making theory frames the context in which we make decisions as hot or cold.&nbsp; "Cold" decision making is something we do in a calm, more detached state, and is also often a decision about things that don't pack a huge punch, like what we're going to wear in the morning or what movie to see.&nbsp; "Hot" contexts, on the other hand, are those where we're often under stress (including eustress, stress from positive things, not just stress from negative situations), our emotions are high, and the stakes are high, with our decisions often being about bigger, more loaded things, like health or safety.&nbsp; In that "hot" space, it's probably no surprise that we can all be much more likely to make irrational decisions or not think things through clearly.</p> <p>When we're making sexual decisions, it's often in a "hot" context, even in relationships or interactions where everyone is being thoughtful and kind to each other, and the general environment is positive and healthy. After all, these choices are about big things like our health and safety, tend to carry high emotional stakes, very much involve our emotions and those of others and do tend to be about things that most people find to be very important; these decisions usually involve stress, sometimes a lot of it.</p> <p>When we're under that kind of stress, it impacts how we make choices. It's very common to cope poorly with stress, or to react with things like avoidance, denial, or panic, all reactions that can color our decisions, or even cause us to react by refusing to make our own decisions at all, leaving them up to someone else or just "letting fate decide."&nbsp; (Which it doesn't of course: someone is still deciding in a given situation, someone who's name probably isn't Fate.)</p> <p>One of the toughest things about evaluating risk and making decisions which involve risk when it comes to any kind of sex is often that it is a "hot" decision-making situation, and we may have to think fast and make big decisions in the moment, decisions that ideally, we'd probably take a lot more time to make. See what you can't do in those situations to cool them a little: to make the environment you're making in them a little less loaded and a little more relaxed, whether that means taking a walk-break, getting some comforting snuggles or affirmations of support no matter what you choose, calling a friend, dancing around the room for no good reason, listening to a favorite CD -- whatever might help you can make a choice with a cooler head.</p> <p>Unless we are in the midst of being attacked or assaulted, we can always make and take more time to think things through. We can always press pause and just say, <em>"I need more time to think about this, so I need to get back to you about it later;if you want to, or we can talk some about it now, with the understanding I'm not doing it now and will still need my own time to think more."</em> If and when we find ourselves in sexual situations where we don't feel ready to think fast and evaluate big things quickly well, we probably aren't ready to move forward with whatever that situation or thing is yet, and need more time: time to figure out, in a broad way, how we feel about whatever it is, and also time to be more ready for making a given kind of big or loaded choice quickly.</p> <p>Too, make sure to shut external input or static off for at some point when you're making choices. After you've done what research you need to to get any extra information you need, step away from the computer, your cell phone, the TV, magazines, the stereo, all those cute-but-also-seriously-annoying inspiring quotes on everyone's Facebook, all of it. We all have a lot of input and constant feedback these days, and it can make it mighty tough to really think and focus on our own internal locus. If we want to really hear our own voices, we have to turn the volume of everything else down for a bit.</p> <h3>Take, Keep and Honor Your Own Core Inventory</h3> <p>One thing that can help, which we can do in advance of choices, is having a handle on the most core things we want and need in any sexual or big-time intimate situation: our ground zero, our personal manifesto. So, your basics, basics that will apply to nearly any situation, and maybe even to all of them, might be something like:</p> <ul> <li>That I and anyone else involved is very essentially physically and emotionally safe and feel good about ourselves</li> <li>That I am treated and respected as a whole, actual person, warts and all, and am doing the same for others</li> <li>That I don't give up or risk things that are of the utmost importance to me or ask anyone else to</li> <li>That going ahead with a given sexual or intimate experience, interaction or relationship seems more likely to be a positive for myself and anyone else, short-term and long-term, than a negative</li> <li>That any choice I make is in line with the core beliefs, values and goals I currently hold most dear</li> </ul> <p>Maybe your list looks like that, maybe it doesn't. What's vital is just that you come up with something for yourself that feels true to you and represents the most core things you, uniquely, want and need. So, give yourself a few hours, and create a short, basic list out, working on it until it's something that feels like a fit in terms of what it most important to you, and making sure it's broad enough that it really could fit most situations. Review it every now and then. These things will become things you won't have to strain to remember even in heated moments or when being turned on physically, emotionally or both is clouding your brain a bit (as it tends to do for any of us, no matter how old we are).</p> <p>That still won't dictate what you might choose in a given situation, as we can't really plan ahead completely for the wide array of different scenarios and contexts we might experience, like how having strong feelings for someone can change some of our priorities, having someone ask us&nbsp; to do something we didn't even know about to consider before, or how another person's wants and needs will factor into choices we're making. But it is a framework we can use to help center ourselves when evaluating our choices and use to keep the things biggest for us in mind. Ultimately, anything that asks us to not be who we are, or to act against our most core personal values is almost always something we can know at the gate to steer away from, not towards.</p> <p>Over time, you might find you need to change up that list. And again, you also aren't going to be able to figure out all of this by yourself if there's another person involved: you're going to need to talk with them, find out how they feel, what they want and need, and how what you feel, want and need meshes with their stuff. That's especially important if and when it's not you, but someone else who'd be taking bigger risks than you, or where you'd be more likely to benefit from a situation than the other person would. If you don't feel able to talk or ask questions, or want to avoid <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3462"><dfn title="Various ways we express and share feelings or thoughts, such as through speech, written words or symbols, sign language, body language, touch or art.">communication</dfn></a>, that's obviously going to be a real problem, so that's another thing that can be a big cue that any kind of sex with someone is probably not a great idea until or unless you find that changes and you feel more comfortable communicating. (That can be one of the risks we take with sex, by the way: the risk of communicating openly and honestly, voicing things that may or may not be what someone else likes or wants to hear, or things that make us more vulnerable.)</p> <p><div class="pullquote"><hr /><div class="quotecontent"><strong>Just a Word on "But Everyone Else Is...."</strong> Life as a younger person can be like living in a fishbowl, where it's hard to know what's really outside of it. People tend to overestimate what everyone else is really doing, and also not recognize how many people aren't honest about their sexual lives, their sexual experiences, and how much information about other people's sexual lives is gossip, not reality. The media doesn't help: a lot of it only talks about young people and sex when they're talking about what young people are doing that's scary or risky or seen as socially unacceptable. A study of ten teens is often reported as <em>"Teens Do...."</em> whatever it is, making it seem like what those ten teens did is representative of all teens, when it usually isn't. You already know this, but what one person -- or even thousands of people -- are doing doesn't mean it's a right or good thing for another person. When you're potentially taking big risks, it's crucially important that the person you consider the most in your choices is you.</div><hr /></div></p> <h3>Flipping the Script and Wearing Someone Else's Shoes</h3> <p>Another decision-making trick to try is considering the polar opposite choice of the one you're actually considering. In other words, to help you clarify your thinking, and what you want and don't, what is or isn't right for you if, say, you were thinking about entering into a sexual situation with someone, think instead about NOT doing that, about walking totally away from that opportunity. How do you feel about that opposite situation? When you've thought and felt through that, revisit the other choice again: after thinking about it's opposite, how do you feel about it now?</p> <p>One more trick is to try and look at a situation from an outsider's perspective. For instance, let's say the thing you're thinking about is, instead, the thing your best friend or sibling is thinking about, and they're bringing it to you to ask for your advice. What does it look like from the outside-in, when it's about someone else, not you? What would you advise they do or think about? How would you feel about their choices with this situation?</p> <h3>Avoiding Black and White Thinking</h3> <p>If and when we're faced with choices around risk and our choices look very black and white, or like there's only this one or that one, rather than a range of options, we can know we're probably not thinking clearly. In any situation, there aren't usually just two choices and options, but far more.</p> <p>If it looks like that, step back and try and think about <em>all</em> your possible alternatives. If your brain feels stuck and you can't see them, know something is probably amiss and whatever the situation is, if you can, you need to get some more distance from it so you can think more creatively and openly.</p> <p>Part of avoiding the trap of black and white thinking also involves doing what we can to keep one given situation or choice in perspective, instead of making it into something way larger than it is. For example, not having sex with someone when we're afforded an opportunity doesn't mean <em>never</em> having sex with anyone ever: it only means not having sex with that person, at that time. Having one girlfriend react poorly to a request for adding a <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3356"><dfn title="A thin sheath or tube of latex or another material, worn over the penis during sex to prevent or reduce the risk of pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted infections. ">condom</dfn></a> doesn't mean every girlfriend will act that way so you should just go without because this is how it'll be with everyone, so what the hell. Opening our heart to one person doesn't mean we have to be that wide open with everyone. Not being okay with a level of risk with something now doesn't mean we'll never be. While we're certainly going to consider our life experiences to date when we're making choices, and we need to look at the big picture,there's a balance to be struck:&nbsp; it's important to give the current situation at hand our focus and understand that unless we're taking about realistic long-term outcomes, projecting a future on to it based more in our emotional reactions than in reality isn't sound, and is also bound to make us feel panicked or distraught, which always makes it harder to make our best choices.</p> <p>One other kind of black and white thinking about risk is thinking that any given risk is a given: that if it's a risk, it WILL happen. But that's not what a risk is: a risk is something that likely could or might happen. Part of making decisions around risk involves figuring out how comfortable we are -- or are not --&nbsp; not just with a possible outcome, but with a certain level of uncertainty; with things <em>not</em> being black and white.</p> <h3>A Time Machine Would Sure Be Handy.</h3> <p>When you're younger, many of the sexual choices you'll make involve potentially risking things or outcomes you haven't experienced yet, or taking risks to try and get or experience things you think will be what you want, or think you or others will like, but don't actually have the experience to know for sure (and might find out weren't at all like you expected). It's a lot easier for someone who has experienced something to know if they want it, can deal with possible outcomes, or if a given thing is really worth what they might risk for it. It's also challenging to figure out how much we care or don't about the impact something might have on our lives long-term when we aren't sure yet what we want our life to be like later, or can't even imagine being 30, 40 or 60.</p> <p>So, often you're going to have to be thinking ahead or in hypotheticals. What can you do? Try and identify and follow your gut feelings and stand by the things you know are already important to you. Revisit that inventory list we talked about up there. With a decision you have more time to make, or make more time for yourself to make, talk to people who have had those experiences, ideally finding folks to talk to for whom those experiences aren't fresh, but where they've had time to see how they panned out over years or decades, not just months, weeks or days. It's easy to say something worked out fine -- or didn't -- for us when we haven't lived with it for very long.</p> <p>It can help to try to visualize, in as much detail as possible, what your life would be like with certain outcomes. For instance, if possible pregnancy is what's on the table, try and create a realistic picture in your mind of you and your life next year with an infant, you at 20 with a toddler, you at 30 with someone soon to become a teen you're responsible for and who takes up a huge amount of real estate in your life. If a possible outcome of a choice is having someone you're seeing now ditch you because you said no to something they wanted, something which might obviously hurt quite a lot now, what about a year from now, five years from now, ten years from now? How will that outcome really impact your whole life, versus the impact of doing something you really don't want to right now or getting stuck in a crummy relationship now? This kind of role-playing is really helpful in making sound choices.</p> <p>When a risk is optional, also remember that if and when we really can't get any kind of sense of what taking it or it's possible outcomes mean to us, we can always choose to exempt ourselves from even being in that position in the first place. Sometimes if we're faced with a given situation or opportunity, it can feel like we have to go forward because here we are, and here it is, right now, so we must have to do it right now, right? Nope: we don't. We can usually always opt out, slow down or turn back. That's one way we can always respond to what's right here, right now.</p> <h3>Trying to Avoid Big Bummers or Being The Big Bummer</h3> <p>One of the issues that tends to come up when I work with young people around sexual risk-taking, especially those taking big risks they either don't really want to, or know really aren't smart for them to take, is disappointment: a fear someone else will be disappointed or that a given person will themselves experience disappointment, and a deep <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3393"><dfn title="A feeling of strongly wanting something. In the context of sex, desire can be a strong feeling of a physical and psychological want for any kind of sex. ">desire</dfn></a> to avoid disappointing or being disappointed.</p> <p>In a world and a time where a whole lot of emphasis is put on the value of sexual satisfaction, and what satisfaction even is tends to be oversimplified and made more about things than people (like "getting" sex or "giving an <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3354"><dfn title="An event typically in response to physical or intellectual sexual stimulation, controlled by the involuntary nervous system. Orgasm often results in muscle contractions in and around the genitals, other muscular spasms throughout the body, and a feeling of sexual and/or tension release.">orgasm</dfn></a>," rather than experiencing the wide range of sex and sexuality and any person you're exploring it with, for example), that's not surprising. And when you put all of that in the context of being in a space and time of life where social status and interactions tend to be more intense and super-important, and where so much judgment is put on your sexual value, status and choices, it's pretty easy to see why so many people can be so concerned about disappointing or experiencing disappointment around sex.</p> <p>So, you might worry about the disappointment of not engaging in a sexual activity or experience you really want, and maybe not getting the chance to have the same opportunity again. You might worry about saying no -- or yes -- to something someone else wants sexually, or putting a limit on something someone else wanted to be limitless, and them feeling disappointment with you because of that. You might worry that not being open to taking big risks means someone else will be disappointed in you because, to them, that means not trusting or valuing them.</p> <p>Disappointment will not bring anyone's world to a catastrophic end. We will all experience disappointment in our lives, sometimes a lot of it, and unless we're a total hot mess, we'll get through it, often without it being that big of a deal for that long. It's okay to feel disappointed, and it's okay to disappoint others. We absolutely will never be able to please everyone, or even always please any one person, no matter what we do or don't do.&nbsp; In "The Usual Error," a book on interpersonal communication by <a href="">Pace and Kyeli</a>, they have a chapter called <em>Giving Permission to Disappoint</em>.</p> <p>In it, they say:</p> <blockquote><p>When we disappoint each other, we lose our ability to solve the problem at hand because we get caught up in how we feel about the disappointment. We may feel ashamed to disappoint our partner or afraid of admitting our own limitations and needs. Or, if we've been disappointed, we may feel conflict between our perfect concept of our partner and the reality of the disappointment. We may paint the other person as somehow lacking because they didn't live up to our mythical expectations.</p> <p>With all those distractions, it's a wonder we manage to solve any problems at all! If instead we give each other permission to disappoint, we can move beyond the distracting issues and deal with what's really going on... You can give yourself permission to disappoint others, too! Everyone disappoints others sometimes, everyone makes mistakes, and feeling bad about it isn't going to do you -- or them -- any good. Giving yourself permission to disappoint is giving yourself permission to be human, to be flawed, and to be yourself.</p></blockquote> <p>And, of course, in this context, giving yourself permission to disappoint, or others to disappoint you also means not taking big risks with potentially bad or unwanted outcomes just to try and avoid experiencing disappointment or disappointing someone else. And when we're talking about sex, that kind of permission has extra benefits, like helping you or partners worry less about performance and focus more on pleasure, like being able to really be yourself sexually instead of trying to be who someone else wants you to be or trying to be some kind of perfect lover, like allowing your body to have whatever limitations it does rather than trying to do things you can't or that don't feel good.</p> <p>Of course, the other thing to keep in mind about disappointment at a given time, is that it can sometimes mean NOT feeling more disappointed later (even though, again, it's okay to feel disappointment at any time, and is pretty much a totally unavoidable part of life now and then). For instance, you might not feel disappointed at the time you choose to engage in sex that's not quite right or safe for you because you got to experience the sex you wanted, but feel disappointed later about that choice because it meant feelings or outcomes that sucked.</p> <h3><span>Passivity Bites (not in a fun way)</span></h3> <p>Let's talk for a sec about our imaginary friend Fate again. The idea of "letting Fate decide," isn't just a problem because fate isn't deciding anything, people are, but also because what we're doing most of the time if we go that way is choosing to be passive: choosing to let someone else decide for us, or choosing to pretend certain risks or outcomes that are real aren't and create an imaginary situation that's not what's really going on.&nbsp; Choosing not to empower ourselves. That passivity can not only put us or others in harms way, it can also mean we -- on purpose or without intent -- avoid taking responsibility for and ownership of our actions and their outcomes.</p> <p>That might seem like a good thing sometimes, especially if we really want to do something, but don't feel up to taking ownership if something goes wrong.&nbsp; But I'd posit that it's really not. When we do things that have outcomes we want, when we make choices well and things go well as a result, we usually want to own responsibility for them: it feels good to take that credit. When we do or choose things that don't go well or go badly, it <em>won't</em> feel good in a whole lot of ways to feel responsbile, but what taking responsibility in those situations can do is make it far more likely we can figure out and be real about where we messed up, and figure out how to change things up, so in the future we won't keep making the same mistakes again and again and again. The other thing that can happen when one person in an interaction is passive and ditches responsibility is that the other person either gets all the credit for something that goes really well or, more commonly, shoulders all the blame when things go poorly.</p> <p>When we're talking about any kind of sex or intimacy with someone else, decision-making and ownership of all of our choices is also a big part of what makes it doing it <em>together</em> in the first place. In other words, if we had sex with someone, that "with" part isn't just about both of us being there, or both of our bodies doing certain things.&nbsp; It's also about both of us being truly present, making active choices together, and sharing responsibility, whether that interaction is in an ongoing relationship or a short-term hookup. In most contexts, it's safe to say that ditching that shared ownership is not only going to make us (or the other person) feel like we weren't or aren't really all there, it'll tend to make us feel less good about the good stuff, and worse about the bad stuff.</p> <p><div class="pullquote"><hr /><div class="quotecontent">You probably know this already, but if and when booze or recreational drugs are in the mix, making sexual decisions well gets much, much harder, even if it doesn't feel that way at the time. Those things do change and impair our judgement, and often not for the better: most will make most people feel more uninhibited most of the time, which can feel liberating, but at the same time, it can make us feel like things which are a big deal to us aren't in the moment; that things that are real risks aren't so risky after all. This is a big part of why sexual violence increases so much when alcohol is in the mix, and why things like condom use and good communication with <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3340"><dfn title="To agree to do something or give permission. In the context of sex, a person is giving full consent/is consenting when they freely and actively agree to do something sexual with someone else; however, the person still has the right to change their mind at any point. A person is NOT consenting if they do not actively agree, have been forced or pressured in some way or are in a state where they are incapable of full consent (such as when asleep, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or below the age of consent). ">consent</dfn></a> go down.</div><hr /></div></p> <h3>Identify Weaknesses To Create Strengths</h3> <p>Learning to make choices when there are risks involved is a lifelong process. If we work on it, we tend to get better as we grow. It's not something anyone is going to walk into and be a genius at right from the gate: it takes practice.</p> <p>Even then, very few of us are flawless, perfect, expert decision-makers, especially when the stakes are high in any way. Getting good at this involves having opportunities to make big decisions -- something most young people are all going to be really new at, especially young people who haven't had the chance to have a lot of freedoms <em>and</em> responsibilities yet -- and having practice at working choices through. But even when we've had plenty of both of those things, most of us, if not all, are going to have parts of this we're not great at; particular things, contexts or ways of feeling or thinking that are a real thorn in the side of assessing our risks and making choices which involve risk.</p> <p>If you pay attention to the patterns of your decision-making when risk is involved, you might be able to identify things that mess you up. Like, you might be someone who gets really reactive or caves to other people's emotions or wants, for instance, or someone who finds your logical thinking breaks down when certain insecurities you've got get triggered. Or, maybe you're someone who can tend to <em>over</em>think if you take <em>too</em> much time with these choices, or who just shuts down or panics when you feel like you have to make a big choice quickly. Perhaps you find that when it comes to something you want or idealize, you're prone to engage in magical thinking, where you see things the way you want to see them, rather than how they will realistically pan out.</p> <p>Whatever your own messup metric is, see if you can't identify it, and then make room for it, rather than beating yourself up about it. When other people are involved, for example, and we know something trips us up, we can tell them that&nbsp; thing makes it harder for us to make choices so they can take that into account and do what they can to help work with that challenge. We can better choose the environments or conditions we put ourselves in where we have to make big decisions so we can be more likely to have conditions that work best for us as unique individuals, like choosing the kinds of communication channels that works best for us or talking about things in places where they can get less heated.&nbsp; It's always not only okay to tailor all of this as best we can to make room for the things we're not so great at, doing that can help us turn those weaknesses into strengths.</p> <h3>Terrified of ANY Risk?</h3> <p>The popular notion that all young people are always ready to dive head-first into risky things is flawed in many ways, including that it doesn't address people who feel terrified of any kind of risk at all, sometimes to the degree that they feel unable to fully participate in their lives.&nbsp;</p> <p><span class="st">Anaïs Nin, who certainly knew a thing or twelve about risk-taking, once said, <em>"</em></span><em><span class="huge">And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.</span></em><span class="bodybold"><em>"</em>&nbsp; In other words, feeling very afraid and trying to avoid all risk, trying to never, ever take any risks, can hurt us too, and can be scary, too. There can come a point where it feels like life is passing us by and that we've wound up protecting ourselves from things we actually want to experience. It's scary not to actively live our lives, after all; to non-participate in them. We're also very unlikely to have lives we like very much, or that have the things in them we want.</span> If we don't take some risks to connect with people, we run the risk of not connecting to anyone. If we never try out for the team or the play, we won't ever be able to get in. If we don't risk some growth that might be painful or uncomfortable, we risk not growing at all.</p> <p>I'm not talking about something like deciding that sex or sexual relationships just aren't for you right now because you know those aren't things you want, have interest in or feel ready for. I'm talking about not going for what you <em>do</em> want and <em>do</em> mostly feel ready for out of a strong fear about taking any kind of risk at all, even risks that are small, can be made smaller, or managed in ways that make <em>not</em> taking the risk more likely to bring about unwanted outcomes than taking it would.</p> <p>If you're feeling like this, think about what baby steps you can take outside your comfort zone: things you can&nbsp; handle, even though they feel scary, but which with some extra support with, and some help managing, would probably be worth taking because they'd be more likely to get you what you want than not taking them. Where, when we do a pro and con list, the pros of taking a risk far outweigh the cons.</p> <p>Maybe, for example, you've really want to start exploring romantic or sexual relationships but you haven't been able to even get to know anyone because you're so terrified to risk rejection, you're waiting for everyone else to ask, instead of taking any initiative yourself. What about stepping just a little bit out of your comfort zone and just asking someone you like to hang out with you sometime, and telling a friend you're going to do that, and having them agree to be there for you to call no matter how it goes for support, maybe help cheerleading you to take that leap the day you decide you're going to? Or, maybe you want to communicate better about sex with partners, but feel afraid to even open your mouth. How about taking a step to start getting there by first talking to someone about sex where the states feel less high, like to a counselor, friend or sexual health clinician? Maybe you've had a great relationship going, one you and your partner really want to start exploring sexually, but you are terrified of pregnancy: what about a middle ground where you simply stick with exploring some kinds of sex together you both want to, but the kinds that don't pose any pregnancy risks?</p> <p>By all means, some people suffer from conditions or histories that make this way tougher. If you think or know you have an anxiety disorder or another health condition that can make all of this trickier, were raised in a way that instilled giant fears around risk, or have experienced <a class="glossary-term" href="/glossary/term/3388"><dfn title="A serious or critical physical and/or emotional injury or physically and/or emotionally painful experience.">trauma</dfn></a> that's resulted in strong fears or, alternately, an apathy, around risks, seek out qualified help and support. We all have our limitations and our big issues, and no perky little article can just poof the big ones away.</p> <h3>Perfect Isn't Possible (P.S. Mucking It Up Sometimes is Also Okay)</h3> <p>You <strong>are</strong> going to make mistakes. Everyone -- <strong>everyone</strong> -- does. There are both going to be risks you're really glad you took, and risks you wish you hadn't. You're probably going to be really good at making some choices with some risks, and really crappy at others. You've got to know all of that because it's probably true, but also because putting pressure on yourself to be perfect, to always make perfect choices, isn't helpful or realistic. That kind of pressure not only makes us feel like crud, it makes us very likely to feel unable to make any choices or to really live our lives fully, and it can also sometimes make us feel like we shouldn't bother even trying to make choices well because our bar is set to high for us to be able to reach no matter what we do.</p> <p>The goal here isn't to be perfect or to aim to avoid any unwanted outcomes in life: that's just not possible. The goal is to do the best we can with the abilities and resources we have to make good choices when facing risks, to limit situations with risk we know or suspect we're just not ready to deal with or can't or don't want to handle, and to gradually get better and better at evaluating our risks and making sound choices with them over time. That you <em>can</em> do.</p> <p><strong>Want some extra helps with making these kinds of decisions?&nbsp; <strong><a href="">Click here</a></strong> for a cribsheet of lists, helps and walkthroughs from sections of this piece. Or, check out the following links here and elsewhere on the web:</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Yes, No, Maybe So: A Sexual Inventory Stocklist</a></li> <li><a href="">Sorting Maybe from Can't-Be: Reality Checking Partnered Sex Wants &amp; Ideals</a></li> <li><a href="">Ready or Not? The Scarleteen Sex Readiness Checklist</a></li> <li><a href="">Whoa, There! How to Slow Down When You're Moving Too Fast</a></li> <li><a href="">Effortless Decision-Making (zenhabits)</a></li> <li><a href="">The Science of Making Decisions (Newsweek)</a></li> <li><a href="">A Model for Decision Making (Vancouver Coastal Health)</a></li> <li><a href="">Tough Choices: How Making Decisions Tires Your Brain (Scientific American)</a></li> </ul> Etc Politics Relationships Sexual Health Sexuality choices conflict decision-making decisions development education feelings growing up help learning life life skills messages risk risk-taking safety sex sexual sexuality skills support teens tools working it out young adults young people Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:53:52 +0000 Heather Corinna 5373 at
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Capturing a Killer Flu Virus swine flu, influenza, virus (Editor's note: This article originally appeared in the January 2005 issue of Scientific American magazine. We are posting it because of related news regarding swine flu.) On September 7, 1918, at the height of World War I, a soldier at an army training camp outside Boston came to sick call with a high fever. Doctors diagnosed him with meningitis but changed their minds the next day when a dozen more soldiers were hospitalized with respiratory symptoms. Thirty-six new cases of this unknown illness appeared on the 16th. Incredibly, by September 23rd, 12,604 cases had been reported in the camp of 45,000 soldiers. By the end of the outbreak, one third of the camp's population would come down with this severe disease, and nearly 800 of them would die. The soldiers who perished often developed a bluish skin color and struggled horribly before succumbing to death by suffocation. Many died less than 48 hours after their symptoms appeared, and at autopsy their lungs were filled with fluid or blood. Because this unusual suite of symptoms did not fit any known malady, a distinguished pathologist of the era, William Henry Welch, speculated that "this must be some new kind of infection or plague." Yet the disease was neither plague nor even new. It was just influenza. Still, this particularly virulent and infectious strain of the flu virus is thought to have killed as many as 40 million people around the world between 1918 and 1919. This most lethal flu outbreak in modern history disappeared almost as quickly as it emerged, and its cause was long believed lost to time. No one had preserved samples of the pathogen for later study because influenza would not be identified as a virus until the 1930s. But thanks to incredible foresight by the U.S. Army Medical Museum, the persistence of a pathologist named Johan Hultin, and advances in genetic analysis of old tissue samples, we have been able to retrieve parts of the 1918 virus and study their features. Now, more than 80 years after the horrible natural disaster of 1918–1919, tissues recovered from a handful of victims are answering fundamental questions both about the nature of this pandemic strain and about the workings of influenza viruses in general. The effort is not motivated merely by historical curiosity. Because influenza viruses continually evolve, new influenza strains continually threaten human populations. Pandemic human flu viruses have emerged twice since 1918—in 1957 and 1968. And flu strains that usually infect only animals have also periodically caused disease in humans, as seen in the recent outbreak of avian influenza in Asia. Our two principal goals are determining what made the 1918 influenza so virulent, to guide development of influenza treatments and preventive measures, and establishing the origin of the pandemic virus, to better target possible sources of future pandemic strains. Hunting the 1918 Virus In many respects, the 1918 influenza pandemic was similar to others before it and since. Whenever a new flu strain emerges with features that have never been encountered by most people's immune systems, widespread flu outbreaks are likely. But certain unique characteristics of the 1918 pandemic have long remained enigmatic. For instance, it was exceptional in both its breadth and depth. Outbreaks swept across Europe and North America, spreading as far as the Alaskan wilderness and the most remote islands of the Pacific. Ultimately, one third of the world's population may have been infected. The disease was also unusually severe, with death rates of 2.5 to 5 percent—up to 50 times the mortality seen in other influenza outbreaks. By the fall of 1918 everyone in Europe was calling the disease the "Spanish" influenza, probably because neutral Spain did not impose the wartime censorship of news about the outbreak prevalent in combatant countries. The name stuck, although the first outbreaks, or spring wave, of the pandemic seemingly arose in and around military camps in the U.S. in March 1918. The second, main wave of the global pandemic occurred from September to November 1918, and in many places yet another severe wave of influenza hit in early 1919. Antibiotics had yet to be discovered, and most of the people who died during the pandemic succumbed to pneumonia caused by opportunistic bacteria that infected those already weakened by the flu. But a subset of influenza victims died just days after the onset of their symptoms from a more severe viral pneumonia—caused by the flu itself—that left their lungs either massively hemorrhaged or filled with fluid. Furthermore, most deaths occurred among young adults between 15 and 35 years old, a group that rarely dies from influenza. Strikingly, people younger than 65 years accounted for more than 99 percent of all "excess" influenza deaths (those above normal annual averages) in 1918–1919. Efforts to understand the cause of the 1918 pandemic and its unusual features began almost as soon as it was over, but the culprit virus itself remained hidden for nearly eight decades. In 1951 scientists from the University of Iowa, including a graduate student recently arrived from Sweden named Johan Hultin, went as far as the Seward Peninsula of Alaska seeking the 1918 strain. In November 1918 flu spread through an Inuit fishing village now called Brevig Mission in five days, killing 72 people—about 85 percent of the adult population. Their bodies had since been buried in permafrost, and the 1951 expedition members hoped to find the 1918 virus preserved in the victims' lungs. Unfortunately, all attempts to culture live influenza virus from these specimens were unsuccessful. In 1995 our group initiated an attempt to find the 1918 virus using a different source of tissue: archival autopsy specimens stored at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP). For several years, we had been developing expertise in extracting fragile viral genetic material from damaged or decayed tissue for diagnostic purposes. In 1994, for instance, we were able to use our new techniques to help an AFIP marine mammal pathologist investigate a mass dolphin die-off that had been blamed on red tide. Although the available dolphin tissue samples were badly decayed, we extracted enough pieces of RNA from them to identify a new virus, similar to the one that causes canine distemper, which proved to be the real cause of the dolphin deaths. Soon we began to wonder if there were any older medical mysteries we might solve with our institute's resources. A descendant of the U.S. Army Medical Museum founded in 1862, the AFIP has grown along with the medical specialty of pathology and now has a collection of three million specimens. When we realized that these included autopsy samples from 1918 flu victims, we decided to go after the pandemic virus. Our initial study examined 78 tissue samples from victims of the deadly fall wave of 1918, focusing on those with the severe lung damage characteristic of patients who died rapidly. Because the influenza virus normally clears the lungs just days after infection, we had the greatest chance of finding virus remnants in these victims. The standard practice of the era was to preserve autopsy specimens in formaldehyde and then embed them in paraffin, so fishing out tiny genetic fragments of the virus from these 80-year-old "fixed" tissues pushed the very limits of the techniques we had developed. After an agonizing year of negative results, we found the first influenza-positive sample in 1996, a lung specimen from a soldier who died in September 1918 at Fort Jackson, S.C. We were able to determine the sequence of nucleotides in small fragments of five influenza genes from this sample. But to confirm that the sequences belonged to the lethal 1918 virus, we kept looking for more positive cases and identified another one in 1997. This soldier also died in September 1918, at Camp Upton, N.Y. Having a second sample allowed us to confirm the gene sequences we had, but the tiny quantity of tissue remaining from these autopsies made us worry that we would never be able to generate a complete virus sequence. A solution to our problem came from an unexpected source in 1997: Johan Hultin, by then a 73-year-old retired pathologist, had read about our initial results. He offered to return to Brevig Mission to try another exhumation of 1918 flu victims interred in permafrost. Forty- six years after his first attempt, with permission from the Brevig Mission Council, he obtained frozen lung biopsies of four flu victims. In one of these samples, from a woman of unknown age, we found influenza RNA that provided the key to sequencing the entire genome of the 1918 virus. More recently, our group, in collaboration with British colleagues, has also been surveying autopsy tissue samples from 1918 influenza victims from the Royal London Hospital. We have been able to analyze flu virus genes from two of these cases and have found that they were nearly identical to the North American samples, confirming the rapid worldwide spread of a uniform virus. But what can the sequences tell us about the virulence and origin of the 1918 strain? Answering those questions requires a bit of background about how influenza viruses function and cause disease in different hosts. Flu's Changing Face Each of the three novel influenza strains that caused pandemics in the past 100 years belonged to the type A group of flu viruses. Flu comes in three main forms, designated A, B and C. The latter two infect only humans and have never caused pandemics. Type A influenza viruses, on the other hand, have been found to infect a wide variety of animals, including poultry, swine, horses, humans and other mammals. Aquatic birds, such as ducks, serve as the natural "reservoir" for all the known subtypes of influenza A, meaning that the virus infects the bird's gut without causing symptoms. But these wild avian strains can mutate over time or exchange genetic material with other influenza strains, producing novel viruses that are able to spread among mammals and domestic poultry. The life cycle and genomic structure of influenza A virus allow it to evolve and exchange genes easily. The virus's genetic material consists of eight separate RNA segments encased in a lipid membrane studded with proteins. To reproduce, the virus binds to and then enters a living cell, where it commandeers cellular machinery, inducing it to manufacture new viral proteins and additional copies of viral RNA. These pieces then assemble themselves into new viruses that escape the host cell, proceeding to infect other cells. No proofreading mechanism ensures that the RNA copies are accurate, so mistakes leading to new mutations are common. What is more, should two different influenza virus strains infect the same cell, their RNA segments can mix freely there, producing progeny viruses that contain a combination of genes from both the original viruses. This "reassortment" of viral genes is an important mechanism for generating diverse new strains. Different circulating influenza A viruses are identified by referring to two signature proteins on their surfaces. One is hemagglutinin (HA), which has at least 15 known variants, or subtypes. Another is neuraminidase (NA), which has nine subtypes. Exposure to these proteins produces distinctive antibodies in a host, thus the 1918 strain was the first to be named, "H1N1," based on antibodies found in the bloodstream of pandemic survivors. Indeed, less virulent descendants of H1N1 were the predominant circulating flu strains until 1957, when an H2N2 virus emerged, causing a pandemic. Since 1968, the H3N2 subtype, which provoked the pandemic that year, has predominated. The HA and NA protein subtypes present on a given influenza A virus are more than just identifiers; they are essential for viral reproduction and are primary targets of an infected host's immune system. The HA molecule initiates infection by binding to receptors on the surface of certain host cells. These tend to be respiratory lining cells in mammals and intestinal lining cells in birds. The NA protein enables new virus copies to escape the host cell so they can go on to infect other cells. After a host's first exposure to an HA subtype, antibodies will block receptor binding in the future and are thus very effective at preventing reinfection with the same strain. Yet flu viruses with HA subtypes that are new to humans periodically appear, most likely through reassortment with the extensive pool of influenza viruses infecting wild birds. Normally, influenza HAs that are adapted to avian hosts bind poorly to the cellsurface receptors prevalent in the human respiratory tract, so an avian virus's HA binding affinity must be somewhat modified before the virus can replicate and spread efficiently in humans. Until recently, existing evidence suggested that a wholly avian influenza virus probably could not directly infect humans, but 18 people were infected with an avian H5N1 influenza virus in Hong Kong in 1997, and six died. Outbreaks of an even more pathogenic version of that H5N1 strain became widespread in Asian poultry in 2003 and 2004, and more than 30 people infected with this virus have died in Vietnam and Thailand. The virulence of an influenza virus once it infects a host is determined by a complex set of factors, including how readily the virus enters different tissues, how quickly it replicates, and the violence of the host's immune response to the intruder. Thus, understanding exactly what made the 1918 pandemic influenza strain so infectious and so virulent could yield great insight into what makes any influenza strain more or less of a threat. A Killer's Face With the 1918 RNA we have retrieved, we have used the virus's own genes as recipes for manufacturing its component parts—essentially re-creating pieces of the killer virus itself. The first of these we were eager to examine was the hemagglutinin protein, to look for features that might explain the exceptional virulence of the 1918 strain. We could see, for example, that the part of the 1918 HA that binds with a host cell is nearly identical to the binding site of a wholly avian influenza HA. In two of the 1918 isolates, this receptor-binding site differs from an avian form by only one amino acid building block. In the other three isolates, a second amino acid is also altered. These seemingly subtle mutations may represent the minimal change necessary to allow an avian-type HA to bind to mammalian-type receptors. But while gaining a new binding affinity is a critical step that allows a virus to infect a new type of host, it does not necessarily explain why the 1918 strain was so lethal. We turned to the gene sequences themselves, looking for features that could be directly related to virulence, including two known mutations in other flu viruses. One involves the HA gene: to become active in a cell, the HA protein must be cleaved into two pieces by a gut-specific protein-cutting enzyme, or protease, supplied by the host. Some avian H5 and H7 subtype viruses acquire a gene mutation that adds one or more basic amino acids to the cleavage site, allowing HA to be activated by ubiquitous proteases. In chickens and other birds, infection by such a virus causes disease in multiple organs and even the central nervous system, with a very high mortality rate. This mutation has been observed in the H5N1 viruses currently circulating in Asia. We did not, however, find it in the 1918 virus. The other mutation with a significant effect on virulence has been seen in the NA gene of two influenza virus strains that infect mice. Again, mutations at a single amino acid appear to allow the virus to replicate in many different body tissues, and these flu strains are typically lethal in laboratory mice. But we did not see this mutation in the NA of the 1918 virus either. Because analysis of the 1918 virus's genes was not revealing any characteristics that would explain its extreme virulence, we initiated a collaborative effort with several other institutions to re-create parts of the 1918 virus itself so we could observe their effects in living tissues. A new technique called plasmid-based reverse genetics allows us to copy 1918 viral genes and then combine them with the genes of an existing influenza strain, producing a hybrid virus. Thus, we can take an influenza strain adapted to mice, for example, and give it different combinations of 1918 viral genes. Then, by infecting a live animal or a human tissue culture with this engineered virus, we can see which components of the pandemic strain might have been key to its pathogenicity. For instance, the 1918 virus's distinctive ability to produce rapid and extensive damage to both upper and lower respiratory tissues suggests that it replicated to high numbers and spread quickly from cell to cell. The viral protein NS1 is known to prevent production of type I interferon (IFN)—an "early warning" system that cells use to initiate an immune response against a viral infection. When we tested recombinant viruses in a tissue culture of human lung cells, we found that a virus with the 1918 NS1 gene was indeed more effective at blocking the host's type I IFN system. To date, we have produced recombinant influenza viruses containing between one and five of the 1918 genes. Interestingly, we found that any of the recombinant viruses possessing both the 1918 HA and NA genes were lethal in mice, causing severe lung damage similar to that seen in some of the pandemic fatalities. When we analyzed these lung tissues, we found signatures of gene activation involved in common inflammatory responses. But we also found higher than normal activation of genes associated with the immune system's offensive soldiers, T cells and macrophages, as well as genes related to tissue injury, oxidative damage, and apoptosis, or cell suicide. More recently, Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin–Madison reported similar experiments with 1918 flu genes in mice, with similar results. But when he tested the HA and NA genes separately, he found that only the 1918 HA produced the intensive immune response, suggesting that for reasons as yet unclear, this protein may have played a key role in the 1918 strain's virulence. These ongoing experiments are providing a window to the past, helping scientists understand the unusual characteristics of the 1918 pandemic. Similarly, these techniques will be used to study what types of changes to the current H5N1 avian influenza strain might give that extremely lethal virus the potential to become pandemic in humans. An equally compelling question is how such virulent strains emerge in the first place, so our group has also been analyzing the 1918 virus's genes for clues about where it might have originated. Seeking the Source The best approach to analyzing the relationships among influenza viruses is phylogenetics, whereby hypothetical family trees are constructed using viral gene sequences and knowledge of how often genes typically mutate. Because the genome of an influenza virus consists of eight discrete RNA segments that can move independently by reassortment, these evolutionary studies must be performed separately for each gene segment. We have completed analyses of five of the 1918 virus's eight RNA segments, and so far our comparisons of the 1918 flu genes with those of numerous human, swine and avian influenza viruses always place the 1918 virus within the human and swine families, outside the avian virus group. The 1918 viral genes do have some avian features, however, so it is probable that the virus originally emerged from an avian reservoir sometime before 1918. Clearly by 1918, though, the virus had acquired enough adaptations to mammals to function as a human pandemic virus. The question is, where? When we analyzed the 1918 hemagglutinin gene, we found that the sequence has many more differences from avian sequences than do the 1957 H2 and 1968 H3 subtypes. Thus, we concluded, either the 1918 HA gene spent some length of time in an intermediate host where it accumulated many changes from the original avian sequence, or the gene came directly from an avian virus, but one that was markedly different from known avian H1 sequences. To investigate the latter possibility that avian H1 genes might have changed substantially in the eight decades since the 1918 pandemic, we collaborated with scientists from the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History and Ohio State University. After examining many preserved birds from the era, our group isolated an avian subtype H1 influenza strain from a Brant goose collected in 1917 and stored in ethanol in the Smithsonian's bird collections. As it turned out, the 1917 avian H1 sequence was closely related to modern avian North American H1 strains, suggesting that avian H1 sequences have changed little over the past 80 years. Extensive sequencing of additional wild bird H1 strains may yet identify a strain more similar to the 1918 HA, but it may be that no avian H1 will be found resembling the 1918 strain because, in fact, the HA did not reassort directly from a bird strain. In that case, it must have had some intermediate host. Pigs are a widely suggested possibility because they are known to be susceptible to both human and avian viruses. Indeed, simultaneous outbreaks of influenza were seen in humans and swine during the 1918 pandemic, but we believe that the direction of transmission was most probably from humans to pigs. There are numerous examples of human influenza A virus strains infecting swine since 1918, but swine influenza strains have been isolated only sporadically from humans. Nevertheless, to explore the possibility that the 1918 HA may have started as an avian form that gradually adapted to mammalian hosts in swine, we looked at a current example of how avian viruses evolve in pigs—an avian H1N1 influenza lineage that has become established in European swine over the past 25 years. We found that even 20 years of evolution in swine has not resulted in the number of changes from avian sequences exhibited by the 1918 pandemic strain. When we applied these types of analyses to four other 1918 virus genes, we came to the same conclusion: the virus that sparked the 1918 pandemic could well have been an avian strain that was evolutionarily isolated from the typical wild waterfowl influenza gene pool for some time—one that, like the SARS coronavirus, emerged into circulation among humans from an as yet unknown animal host. Future Investigations Our analyses of five RNA segments from the 1918 virus have shed some light on its origin and strongly suggest that the pandemic virus was the common ancestor of both subsequent human and swine H1N1 lineages, rather than having emerged from swine. To date, analyzing the viral genes has offered no definitive clue to the exceptional virulence of the 1918 virus strain. But experiments with engineered viruses containing 1918 genes indicate that certain of the 1918 viral proteins could promote rapid virus replication and provoke an intensely destructive host immune response. In future work, we hope that the 1918 pandemic virus strain can be placed in the context of influenza viruses that immediately preceded and followed it. The direct precursor of the pandemic virus, the first or spring wave virus strain, lacked the autumn wave's exceptional virulence and seemed to spread less easily. At present, we are seeking influenza RNA samples from victims of the spring wave to identify any genetic differences between the two strains that might help elucidate why the autumn wave was more severe. Similarly, finding pre-1918 human influenza RNA samples would clarify which gene segments in the 1918 virus were completely novel to humans. The unusual mortality among young people during the 1918 pandemic might be explained if the virus shared features with earlier circulating strains to which older people had some immunity. And finding samples of H1N1 from the 1920s and later would help us understand the 1918 virus's subsequent evolution into less virulent forms. We must remember that the mechanisms by which pandemic flu strains originate are not yet fully understood. Because the 1957 and 1968 pandemic strains had avian-like HA proteins, it seems most likely that they originated in the direct reassortment of avian and human virus strains. The actual circumstances of those reassortment events have never been identified, however, so no one knows how long it took for the novel strains to develop into human pandemics. The 1918 pandemic strain is even more puzzling, because its gene sequences are consistent neither with direct reassortment from a known avian strain nor with adaptation of an avian strain in swine. If the 1918 virus should prove to have acquired novel genes through a different mechanism than subsequent pandemic strains, this could have important public health implications. An alternative origin might even have contributed to the 1918 strain's exceptional virulence. Sequencing of many more avian influenza viruses and research into alternative intermediate hosts other than swine, such as poultry, wild birds or horses, may provide more clues to the 1918 pandemic's source. Until the origins of such strains are better understood, detection and prevention efforts may overlook the beginning of the next pandemic. 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Username Post: renting out your home Posts: 1894 Joined: 06-01-06     In response to TraciK Usual utilities, phone, cable, electric are paid by the tenants including new account set up fees. Around here, some renters pay oil/gas and some don't, depends on conditions, ours do and they pay for whatever is in the tank when they moved in. Our insurance on our house went up 75% because we are not the primary dwellers. Most renters of homes don't own lawnmowers (expense and headaches at times) and sometimes, they don't want to mow, they want a service to come and do it. Unkept property = little furry creatures moving in. Landlords usually hire the service or they do it themselves to keep an eye on things (like my dh).
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In Vermont, Cameras in the School, But Not Monitored School board decides that monitoring the images would be 'intrusion' BRATTLEBORO, Vt. -- The Brattleboro Union High School board has authorized security cameras inside the building, but the images will be recorded and not viewed live. Board members decided that constantly monitoring the images could be an intrusion. "I think anytime you have a security camera, there is the assumption you're being watched," said School Board member Shaun Murphy. He said he felt the indoor cameras could breach the atmosphere of trust with students, as well as invade their privacy. He came up with the amendment not to view the images live as a compromise. "You could review them if there was an incident," he said. As with the external cameras, the internal cameras would not record sound. They would be positioned in the largest public areas of the school, including the gymnasium, library, auditorium, cafeteria, entrances and long hallways. Vandalism cases have been reduced to almost nothing outside the school, said Principal Jim Day said, and administrators hope cameras inside the school will have a similar effect. "We've made a conscious effort to show students where the (external) cameras are and the kinds of shots they take," Day said, and the same will be done for the cameras inside. Student Council School Board Representative Jayme Van Oot supports the camera decision. "It will probably have a positive effect because if a conflict happens and there's facts on video, kids know there's no way out of it," she said. But she said the amendment was also a good decision, so students don't feel like they're being watched as they're eating lunch and walking in the halls. (c) 2005 Associated Press
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Azure allure ... a tourist boat is joined by some friendly locals. From magnificent rolling waves to wildlife, this island jewel is a winner, writes Lee Atkinson. Why go? Kangaroo Island punches well above its weight when it comes to things to see and do. Deserted white sand beaches and rolling surf, magnificent scenery, prolific wildlife, fantastic food and wine and accommodation to suit all budgets are just some of the reasons why Australia's third-largest island is fast becoming one of South Australia's holiday hot spots. What it's known for Close to half of the island is either natural bushland or national park, and it is home to some of the most diverse wildlife you'll find concentrated in one area anywhere in Australia, with large colonies of penguins, fur seals, sea lions, koalas, kangaroos, bird life and somewhere between 500,000 and 1 million tammar wallabies. One of the most popular spots for wildlife watching is the misnamed Seal Bay, a long, windswept beach where about 700 Australian sea lions haul out of the water to rest. You can join a 45-minute ranger-led tour of the beach, walking just metres away from the huge, sleepy animals (adults $32, children $18: tour times vary, ). Nightly penguin-watching tours are available in Kingscote and Penneshaw (adults $10-$17, children $6-$8.50). You're guaranteed to see koalas at the Hanson Bay Wildlife Sanctuary (adults $5.50, under-12s $2.50). What you didn't know ... Kangaroo Island may be only 20 kilometres from the mainland, but that's too far for a bee to fly, making it the oldest bee sanctuary in the world. Moreover, despite being far from Italy, the island is home to the only genetically pure population of Ligurian bees in the world. You can check them out at Clifford's Honey Farm, 1157 Elsegood Road, open daily, 9am-5pm. Entry is free. What's new Ligurian honey is not the only local food worth seeking. Marron (freshwater crayfish), sheep's cheese, oysters, abalone, seafood, wine, cider and sweet liqueurs are all farmed, produced or harvested on the island. Don't miss Flinders Chase National Park, which covers most of the western end of the island, contains many of its most popular attractions and a wealth of wildlife. At Cape du Couedic, the rocks below the lighthouse are home to a colony of New Zealand fur seals, wallowing in the sun or frolicking in the surf under the dramatic rock arc of Admirals Arch. Nearby is another must-see, a cluster of huge weather-sculptured granite boulders perched on a granite dome that swoops 75 metres to the sea, appropriately called Remarkable Rocks. Where to eat The best fish and chips on the island are from Fish in Penneshaw, but phone 0439 803 843 first to check that it's open. The Vivonne Bay General Store is justifiably famous for its fresh whiting burgers, and it does a good coffee. South Coast Road, Vivonne Bay, (08) 8559 4285. In Kingscote, the main town on the island, Bella Restaurant has a range of tasty pizzas, grilled snacks and salads during the day, and contemporary Mediterranean and Asian cuisine at night. 54 Dauncey Street, Kingscote, (08) 8553 0400. Where to stay If money is no object, the super-luxe clifftop Southern Ocean Lodge above Hanson Bay on the south-west coast offers unforgettable ocean views, amazing food, an open bar and a range of guided activities in the all-inclusive $990 a person a night (minimum two-night stay) rate. For those with less boundless budgets, the Aurora Ozone Hotel in the heart of Kingscote has motel-style rooms from $156 or apartments from $260. How to get there Regional Express has 30-minute flights from Adelaide to Kangaroo Island, return fares start from $220. Kangaroo Island SeaLink ferries depart several times a day between Cape Jervis on the Fleurieu Peninsula (about 90 minutes' drive south of Adelaide) and Penneshaw. The trip takes about 45 minutes. Tickets cost $48 an adult, $92 a vehicle, each way. Check the website for departure times. 13 13 01. More information
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Current Issue March 2014 magazine cover Save 81% off the newsstand price! John Ford, who filmed westerns in the valley (the Mittens and Merrick Butte), called it the "most complete, beautiful and peaceful place on earth." (Douglas Merriam) Behind the Scenes in Monument Valley The vast Navajo tribal park on the border of Utah and New Mexico stars in Hollywood movies but remains largely hidden to visitors Travelers from the East were almost nonexistent. In the Gilded Age, American tourists preferred the more “European” Rockies and the forests of California. This began to change in the early 1900s, as Anglo artists depicted Southwestern landscapes in their works, and interest in Native American culture took hold. Indian traders spread reports of Monument Valley’s scenic beauty. Even so, the valley’s remoteness—180 miles northeast of the railway line in Flagstaff, Arizona, a week-long pack trip—discouraged all but the most adventurous travelers. In 1913, the popular western author Zane Grey came to the valley after battling “a treacherous red-mired quicksand” and described a “strange world of colossal shafts and buttes of rock, magnificently sculptured, standing isolated and aloof, dark, weird, lonely.” After camping there overnight, Grey rode on horseback around the “sweet-scented sage-slopes under the shadow of the lofty Mittens,” an experience that inspired him to set a novel, Wildfire, in the valley. Later that same year, President Theodore Roosevelt visited Monument Valley en route to nearby Rainbow Bridge in Utah, where he hiked and camped, and in 1916, a group of tourists managed to drive a Model T Ford into the valley. The second director of the National Park Service, Horace Albright, who thought the area was a possible candidate for federal protection after a 1931 inspection, was among a handful of anthropologists, archaeologists and conservationists who visited it between the world wars. But in Washington interest was minimal. Monument Valley still lacked paved roads, and the unpaved ones were so treacherous they were called “Billygoat Highways.” Throughout this period, the proprietary rights to Monument Valley kept changing hands. “The land bounced between Anglo and Native American control for decades because of the prospect of finding gold or oil there,” says Robert McPherson, the author of several books about Navajo history. “Only when white people thought it was useless for mining did they finally give it back to the Navajo.” At a meeting in Blanding, Utah, in 1933, a compromise agreement granted the Paiute Strip, part of which is in Monument Valley, to the Navajo Reservation. At last, all of the valley was Navajo land. But the deal that would clinch the valley’s peculiar fate occurred in Hollywood. In 1938, a “tall, lanky cowboy in the style of Gary Cooper,” as one studio acquaintance described him, walked into United Artists Studios in Los Angeles and asked a receptionist if he could talk to someone, anyone, about a location for a western movie. Harry Goulding ran a small trading post at the northwest rim of Monument Valley. A Colorado native, Goulding had moved to the valley in 1925, when the land was public, and had become popular with the Navajo for his cooperative spirit and generosity, often extending credit during difficult times. The Depression, a drought and problems created by overgrazing had hit the Navajo and the trading post hard. So when Goulding heard on the radio that Hollywood was looking for a location to shoot a western, he and his wife, Leone, nicknamed Mike, saw a chance to improve their lot as well as the Indians’. “Mike and I figured, ‘By golly, we’re going to head for Hollywood and see if we can’t do something about that picture,’” he later recalled. They gathered photographs, bedrolls and camping gear and drove to Los Angeles. According to Goulding, the United Artist receptionist all but ignored him until he threatened to get out his bedding and spend the night in the office. When an executive arrived to throw Goulding out, he glimpsed one of the photographs—a Navajo on horseback in front of the Mittens—and stopped short. Before long, Goulding was showing the images to 43-year-old John Ford and a producer, Walter Wanger. Goulding left Los Angeles with a check for $5,000 and orders to accommodate a crew while it filmed in Monument Valley. Navajos were hired as extras (playing Apaches), and Ford even signed up—for $15 a week—a local medicine man named Hastiin Tso, or “Big Man,” to control the weather. (Ford evidently ordered “pretty, fluffy clouds.”) The movie, released in 1939, was Stagecoach and starred a former stuntman named John Wayne. It won two Academy Awards and made Wayne a star; it also made the western a respected film genre. John Ford would go on to shoot six more westerns in Monument Valley: My Darling Clementine (1946), Fort Apache (1948), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949), The Searchers (1956), Sergeant Rutledge (1960) and Cheyenne Autumn (1964). In addition to introducing the valley’s spectacular scenery to an international audience, each movie pumped tens of thousands of dollars into the local economy. The shoots were usually festive, with hundreds of Navajo gathering in tents near Goulding’s trading post, singing, watching stuntmen perform tricks and playing cards late into the night. Ford, often called “One Eye” because of his patch, was accepted by the Navajo, and he returned the favor: after heavy snows cut off many families in the valley in 1949, he arranged for food and supplies to be parachuted to them. It’s said that when John Wayne first saw the site, he declared: “So this is where God put the West.” Millions of Americans might agree. The valley soon became fixed in the popular imagination as the archetypal Western landscape, and tourists by the carloads began arriving. In 1953, the Gouldings expanded their two stone cabins into a full-fledged motel with a restaurant manned by Navajo. To cope with the influx (and discourage, among other things, pothunters in search of Anasazi relics), conservation groups proposed making the valley a national park. But the Navajo Nation’s governing body, the Tribal Council, objected; it wanted to protect the valley’s Indian residents and preserve scarce grazing land. In 1958, the council voted to set aside 29,817 acres of Monument Valley as the first-ever tribal park, to be run by Navajo on the national park model, and allocated $275,000 to upgrade roads and build a visitors center. The park is now the most visited corner of the Navajo reservation. “The Navajo Nation were really the trailblazers for other Native American groups to set up parks,” says Martin Link, former director of the Navajo Museum in Window Rock, Arizona, who helped train the first Navajo park rangers in the early 1960s. Goulding’s Trading Post is now a sprawling complex of 73 motel rooms, a campground and an enormous souvenir shop. (Harry Goulding died in 1981, Mike in 1992.) The original 1925 store has been turned into a museum, displaying film stills and posters from the dozens of movies shot in the valley. Even the Gouldings’ old mud-brick potato cellar, which appeared as the home of Capt. Nathan Brittles (Wayne) in She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, remains. A small cinema shows John Wayne movies at night. For the end of my trip, following my overnight atop Hunt’s Mesa, I decided to camp on Monument Valley’s floor among the most famous monoliths. To arrange this, Lorenz Holiday took me to meet his aunt and uncle, Rose and Jimmy Yazzie, whose farm lies at the end of a spidery network of soft sand roads. The elderly couple spoke little English, so Lorenz translated the purpose of our visit. Soon they agreed to let me camp on a remote corner of their property for a modest fee. I built a small fire at dusk, then sat alone watching as the colors of the buttes shifted from orange to red to crimson. In the distance, two of the Yazzies’ sons led a dozen mustangs across the valley, the horses kicking up clouds of dust. Comment on this Story comments powered by Disqus
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32 turns of stall in the Hail: Walrein Discussion in 'Stark Mountain' started by Dragontamer, Aug 27, 2007. 1. Dragontamer Jun 9, 2007 I've been using this Walrein with very much success in ShoddyBattle, very few things are getting through it anymore. I started off a little differently, but for the past day or so, there haven't been any changes to this set. Wait, stalling in D/P? Yes, it is possible. If all is set-up correctly, you will indeed stall for 32 turns, and there are a few ways to break out of the stall cycle, but I'll get to that later. For now, here's the set. EDIT: If this thing needs a name, I'll go by "StallRein". Seems like most other people have picked it up already. Personally speaking, I would go with WALLrein, or Walrein for short. :-p Walrein (♂) @ Leftovers Ability: Ice Body EVs: 220 HP/244 Def/46 Spd Bold nature (+Def, -Atk) - Substitute - Protect - Roar - Surf / Blizzard / Toxic Defense Tier Analysis With the above EVs, this Walrein is Defense tier 123.25 and Sp. Def tier 119.67. This is a higher score than a 252/252 Bold Weezing (123.07 Def, 115.22 Sp. Def), but below a 252/252 Gliscor. While it has more weaknesses than Weezing, its special defense is more well rounded. Dusknoir (a well rounded wall) scores (122.63, 119.68) when 252/252 +Def. Essentially, this Walrein is stronger than it in physical defense, while nearly equal in special defense. Unavailable in this analysis is of course the effects of Ice Body + Leftovers. Restoring 12% health each turn is quite a massive advantage over these other walls, who would otherwise be 0% as hail cancels out their leftovers, or only 6% in typical circumstances. Full Analysis With the above EVs and 31 IVs in everything, Walrein will outspeed 0 Skarmory and Swampert. With the magic HP EVs listed above, Substitute will cost you 104 HP per turn, while Leftovers will give you 26, and then Ice Body will give you 26 more per turn. So lets do a little math here, shall we? With the above EVs, you hit 416 HP. Turn 1: Substitute. Lose 104 HP. Gain 26 from Leftovers. Gain 26 from Ice Body Turn 2: Protect. Gain 26 from Leftovers. Gain 26 from Ice Body. Turn 3: Substitute again. 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 is... 104 HP. Wow. Isn't that great? As Substitute has a max of 16 PP, and Protect has a max of 16 PP as well, this gives rise to the title of this thread: 32 turns of stall. But wait... there are common counters to substitutes. Namely, phazers, double-hit, taunt, and pokemon that are faster than you. I'll address these one at a time. 1. Phazers: It helps to use protect to help scout, but murphy's law states that Protect won't help you all the time. Walrein is base 65 speed, and with the EVs, they jump you above the base 70 tier of pokemon. Meaning you will roar before Skarmory and Swampert. In my experience, these are the most common phazers. Granted, there are much faster pokemon that can roar... and skarm can invest speed EVs instead of HP/Def... but these all will cause a disadvantage in one form or another. (Speedy pokemon tend to be too fragile to phaze, and putting EVs from Def/HP into Speed just to be a Walrein counter for Skarm seems a bit silly) If worst comes to worst and you predict a roar, neither of them will like a base 120 100% accurate Blizzard as you leave. 2. Double-Hit / Triple-Kick: Ah, the bane of substitutes... normally at least. But there's a problem with Double-Hit. Technician Choice Band Adamant Ambipom deals 76 - 89 x 2 damage to this Walrein, meaning that the most powerful Double-Hit pokemon will NOT break through your substitute. Meaning you will out-stall and 16 turns later Ambipom will die from hail. According to Metalkid's calculator, Adamant Choice-Band 252 Atk Hitmontop Triple Kick will do 32 - 38 damage (avg 35). On the second hit, that becomes 59 - 70 (average 64.5). The third hit will strike for some 30% damage. One little problem here. On the 2nd hit of an Adamant Choice Band 252 Atk Hitmontop... TripleKick still has not broken the sub... at least on the average. After 2 hits, you're only doing 91 to 108 damage. You need to deal 104 damage to break the sub. You're only dealing 99 average with a triangle distribution. (meaning there is a very small chance that you're actually going break this sub) Granted, if you add Choice Band + Technician, Hitmontop will break through on the 3rd hit dealing some 30 to 35% damage. But then you get a free switchin to (ghost pokemon of choice), and Walrein lives to fight another day. Needless to say, under typical circumstance, you will not break this Walrein's substitute. First of all, you can protect to scout for Taunt, then switch to an appropriate counter while they waste a turn taunting you. Second, the king of taunting pokemon is BulkyGyara, who is 3-hit KOed by Blizzard in hail (cancels out leftovers)... while Bulky Gyara is doing 19.21% - 22.41% with Earthquake while you heal 12% each turn. Thats like a 10 hit KO. Don't even think about waterfall. Stone Edge is a possible 3-hit KO dealing 40.38% - 47.36%.. So if you blizzard on the turn they taunt, you'll be ahead by 1 turn and essentially beat Gyarados. Dragon Dance is only an issue if they start to Stone Edge you. Walrein will ROFL at both earthquake and waterfall. DD-Tyranitar may cause problems, especially STAB Super-effective Stone Edge as well as losing the hail advantage and Blizzard dropping its accuracy rate and increasing his Sp. Defense. However, Surf is a 3-hit KO on the 0/0 def version, so if you have a substitute up you Walrein will be able to dish out damage before he leaves. I wouldn't worry about taunt here. Keep this in mind in Surf vs Blizzard debates. 4. Pokemon who will hit you before you get the substitute up. There are two cases where this matters: * You haven't started the substitute / protect engine yet * A slower pokemon broke your sub before he died from hail / poison / burn / whatever, and the opponent switched in a faster pokemon. All other times, you will be able to infinitely use substitute -> protect -> substitute -> protect till they die. (or you use it for 32 turns and you're out of PP) And even if they're faster, it doesn't matter if they hit you or not. What matters is if they hit you for more than 74% damage. Because once you get that substitute up, they're done for in 16 turns with the hail... unfortunately, Metalkid's calculator just died on me right now. So I won't be doing this section to check for who this Walrein can safely start the cycle with. Regardless, you can see that this Walrein is quite bulky indeed, as its substitutes survive Adamant Choice Band Hitmontop Triple-Kick.... Okay, Damage Calculations for this beast. Keep in mind that you regain 12% health each turn, and can use protect to gain a free 12% health. Choice Band Adamant 252 Earthquake: 50.72% - 59.62%. If you catch him on the switch, you can safely substitute afterwards and start the stall cycle. Choice Band Adamant 252 Outrage: 60.58% - 71.39%. You still can safely get your substitute up and out-stall him. ChainChomp Draco Meteor: 56.97% - 67.07%. ChainChomp Fire Blast: 32.69% - 38.46% Needless to say, all forms of Garchomp are effectively walled. If he uses swords dance, your cycle has begun and he'll die in 16 turns, unable to break the infinite subs. Choice Band Heracross Close Combat: 118.03% - 138.70% Choice Scarf Heracross Close Combat: 79.09% - 93.03% Choice Band Heracross Megahorn: 58.89% - 69.47% Choice Band Heracross Stone Edge: 65.63% - 77.16% So obviously, the only problem with Heracross is either GUTS Close Combat or Choice Band Close Combat. Predict the close combat and switch in your ghost pokemon, and fire back with something good. Or, carry Gliscor around to help make Stealth Rocks, counter Heracross and do something to T-Tar. This walrein is Heracross weak. Bulky Gyarados + Dragon Dance + Stone Edge: 54.81% - 64.42% Bulky Gyarados + 2 DD + Stone Edge: 72.84% - 85.82% Bulky Gyarados + 3 DD + Stone Edge: 90.87% - 106.97% Lesson? Don't let Gyarados Dragon Dance 3 times while you do nothing. Lol. Even with a Dragon Dance, Gyarados is walled by this Walrein and you can start the subsitute/protect combo, and wait for 16 turns for Gyarados to die. Walrein's EVs are geared towards the physical side. However, you should know what to do when up against a Starmie... I'm only going to focus on Thunderbolt... Grass Knot is not working correctly in Metalkid's calculator :-( Spinner Set Thunderbolt: 37.50% - 43.99% SpecStar Thunderbolt: 68.99% - 81.01% Expert Belt Starmie Thunderbolt: 55.05% - 64.66% The flaming monkey returns! Pure Physical Life-Orb Close Combat: 82.69% - 97.36% Pure Physical Life-Orb Stone Edge: 46.15% - 54.33% MixApe Life-Orb Close Combat: 67.55% - 79.57% Life-Orb 252 Cross Chop: 56.73% - 66.59% Life-Orb 252 Thunder-punch: 64.18% - 75.48% Life-Orb 80 Thunderbolt: 74.04% - 87.02% Needless to say, its the special version of Electivire that you need to worry about. The good news about everything that beats this thing... is that they all follow a very distinct pattern. Close Combat and Electric attacks. Which is why I include Rotom on my team. Just kidding :-p But essentially, you can more or less predict the attack comming, as without STAB they are not going to hurt you enough to prevent you from using a substitute. For example, Cross Chop Electivire just doesn't cut it. Thunderpunch Infernape doesn't cut it, and even Stone Edge Heracross doesn't cut it. 5. The last thing to obviously worry about is weather changers. There really isn't a thing I can say here... aside that Rain Dance doesn't hurt Walrein that badly and is beneficial to Surf at least. (Swift Swim Kabutops Stone Edge raping your hail team aside...) That is a solid thing that you can't really stop aside from putting Abomasnow back into the fray. Again, T-Tar is quite dangerous as it possesses 4 of the possible ways to counter this Walrein... and can execute up to 3 of them at the same time. (Roar, Taunt, Weather Change, and can be faster than Walrein). Aside from that, switch in on Blissey or whatever you can safely counter (Weavile is one of them), roar Blissey away if necessary, and start stalling. Pretty basic strategy. The few other pokemon that has managed to out-stall this guy is... Articuno -- Pressure, Roost, and stalls like a mo-fo as well. Thrives in the hail. Frankly you can't touch this thing at all. Stealth Rocks + roar helps here, but no real direct damage. Scizor -- Roost Scizor is immune to toxic. Not much you can do... Acknowledgments goes to OmegaDonut for recommending roar on this beast, exponentially increasing its usefulness. Here is a log of Walrein in action stalling a team out 6-0. I haven't been logging all of my battles and probably want to know about other specifics. 1. Rapid Spinners -- Starmie is countered by any ghost pokemon who knows T-Bolt. That includes Gengar and Frosslass. I also run Pursuit Weavile because I get greedy with killing Starmie. Donphan is killed by Surf / Blizzard, and Hitmontop is also similarly owned by Ghosts who know Psychic (like... Gengar) 2. Roar/Whirlwind keeps getting brought up, but before you do so, please tell me a good roar/whirlwind pokemon faster than Skarmory that at the same time is good at typical phazing duties. Anyway, the log doesn't show any complicated cases like those, but as shown in this post, those situations are thought of already. 2. Stallion Stallion Killing is my business, and business is good! is a Battle Server Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Winner Jun 11, 2006 This seems like a great idea, especially in a hail team. I might try one sometime. 2 Questions 1) Is it easy enough to get in?? 2) If for some reason you don't have the option of stalling, does it still function well in the team 3. pika_power Aug 25, 2007 Very nice, but how do you keep it hailing nonstop? Do you set up an abomnasnow first? 4. Thorns Feb 17, 2007 5. Dragontamer Jun 9, 2007 1) Think 252/252 Bold Swampert, except stronger on the defenses. Think 252/252 Bold Weezing... but still stronger but without the levitate. And as long as they do less than 50% damage to you, you will be able to switch in, use protect to gain another 12.5% health, then use Substitute and continue the combination. (EDIT: with Stealth Rocks, you can switch in and initiate this sequence if they do 31% or less damage) I have also been able to switch into Weavile several times. Brick Break is too weak to destroy Walrein. I haven't run damage calculations, but the weaviles I've faced haven't been able to stop Walrein from switching in. (I'd like to check up on Choice Band Weavile however). 2) When stalling fails (like when I was vs a rain dance team), I still found use in phazing the opponent away to scout their team in the early game. Knowing all 6 opponent pokemon is a decent advantage... although I would do everything in my power to ensure that Abomasnow doesn't die early to restart the hail when necessary. 6. Dragontamer Jun 9, 2007 I probably should tell a little bit more how I do it... 1. Abomasnow: Necessary. Duh. I run subseeder, but only because ShoddyBattlers tend to leave Blissey in while I subseed. >_> 2. Tentacruel: Near Perfect switch-in for Abomasnow. I have rapid-spin + Toxic Spikes. I don't care for Heracross because by the time they switch in, they'll be out-stalled by the Walrein engine. Resists fighting, fire, and steel (Metagross _really_ ruins your day) 3. Walrein stalling engine. I wait for a switch-in, then stall for 32 turns while chipping away 6% of the opponent's health per turn. Roar the walls out, and continue to force Toxic Spikes upon the opponent. 7. Damanzi Feb 22, 2007 Pretty much fantastic. 8. Gmax Gmax kuahahahaha is a Forum Moderator Alumnus Oct 29, 2006 Boy DT, this is really good. Who says Stall doesn't work in D/P!! I bet you could use this really well in conjunction with CB Aqua Jet Azumarill. All the damage from Toxic Spikes will lower a lot of pokes into KO range after some time. Then bring out Azumarill for the sweep! 9. Dragontamer Jun 9, 2007 Lol, I forgot about the possible Toxic moveset that I used to run before I added Tentacruel + Toxic Spikes. Toxic Spikes is so much more deadly... and Blizzard/Surf is useful. But I added the mention of Toxic on this guy if anyone is interested. 10. Queen Oct 1, 2006 Very interesting and very innovative! I'll definitely consider tinkering around with this set, but more importantly I'd love to play against it! If you ever see me on Shoddy DT please feel free to send a challenge my way as I love playing new and creative sets! 11. Luminous Feb 21, 2007 Well, this looks really nice! Like you stated, Tyranitar is a problem. Keeping Abom alive too. You can't risk switching in Abom too much so essentially he is somewhat of a dead weight. 12. iruchii Jul 9, 2007 I have faced two Walreins, and one of them really gave me trouble. [the other not so much] But now I see why. It does, indeed, sound like a great staller. We just need some more calculations to see if it's really worth it. 13. Dragontamer Jun 9, 2007 I'll tell you this from my experience. When Metalkid's calculator comes back up I'll confirm them. 1. I can substitute after a Garchomp Earthquake, Fire Blast, Fire Fang, or Draco Meteor. Set up your sub, or blizzard them to death. I'll have to check Outrage on a damage calculator... as no one seems to want to lock Garchomp into an Outrage vs a hail team. 2. Walrein survives a Specsmence Draco Meteor... not by much. But enough to Blizzard him on that turn. 3. Flare Blitz from Infernape is weak. Close Combat on the other hand dishes out some serious damage. 4. I've survived Scarf Heracross Stone Edges and Megahorns, but never a Close Combat :-( 5. 104 subs means Blissey does not break the subs. 6. I've barely survived a Magnezone Thunderbolt just once. 14. CardsOfTheHeart Aug 21, 2007 In the D/P analysis, it is listed that Steel types will usually counter Walrein, most notably (in my mind) Metagross. I decided to run some figures to see just how much of a threat Metagross actually is. Here's what I found. Metagross's Meteor Mash vs this Walrein (assuming Hail): --Standard CBGross (Choice Band, Adamant, 232 Atk EVs): 51.44-60.58% (In the hail, that's a 2HKO roughly 1/4 of the time.) --Standard Agiligross (252 Atk EVs): 34.86-41.11% (not even a 3HKO) (Life Orb adds roughly another 11-12%, which would make it a guaranteed 3HKO.) --Standard Special Attacking Gross's Grass Knot vs Walrein (Life Orb, Modest, 252 SpAtk EVs): 60.82-71.39% (2HKO) Not as bad as I thought it would be, but that could be my ignorance showing itself--I'm not sure. On the other hand, Walrein's Surf can retaliate against Metagross for 38.19-44.78%, a 3HKO. (41-48.08% on standard Agiligross) HOWEVER, Hail damage and Subs aren't being factored in those calculations. Actually, the Grass Knot calculation doesn't really matter, as this Walrein can outrun that Metagross. The CB Gross is still faster, though, so it might be an idea to put 8 Def EVs into Spd to outrun that set. Agiligross causes significant problems once it either opens with Agility or catches on to the plan and uses Agility on a Protect. Well, that's not bad considering that Metagross is supposed to counter Walrein. Oh, Dragontamer wants to check on CB Weavile's Brick Break? That's 43.99-51.68% damage on this Walrein. EDIT: I've been using Metalkid for all of these calculations; what's stopping you from using it, Dragontamer? 15. Lemmiwinks MkII Lemmiwinks MkII Jun 14, 2007 I don't think Metagross will pose that much of a problem to this set. With the EVs you've given it, I can't see CB Meteor Mash/Thunderpunch doing more than ~60% if that, which leaves plenty of HP for the stall. Also, if the opponent is Meteor Mashing it is bound to miss eventually, which would REALLY help your cause. Even one miss may make enough difference to allow you to stall something else later on. This actually brings me to my most pressing concern, which is what your strategy is once Walrein has completed its stall, which won't last forever. It is important that your other three Pokemon are well balanced enough to take on whatever OU team you come across (I'm assuming OU here as you have mentioned many OU Pokemon as potential threats), with particular consideration going into the fact that Aboma's Hail will be hurting all the non-Ice Pokemon on your team just as much as your opponent. EDIT: Beaten quite badly by CardsofTheHeart on the Metagross problem, but those numbers confirm what I said about the CB version. Life Orb Meta will die to the stall even faster, so you should rejoice if you come across that variant. A surprise Choice Specs Grass Knot could cause problems obviously, but you could use Magnezone or Dugtrio for revenge kills. 16. Deucalion2 Feb 23, 2007 *falls over with shock* OMG. That set is EXACTLY the same as one I was testing a few days ago in the Battle Tower with a hail team, right down to the last EV. I used Blizzard by the way, because Chomp is spammed there. Two observations: Non-Surf variants should really avoid TauntApe. He is capable of smashing the Subs, Taunting, and then wiping you out. Toxic doesn't work that well. Too many steel types, other poisons, Guts users, etc, running around. Tends to do more harm than good. Other than that, it works like a dream. (Albeit a frosty one) 17. Butterfree Aug 10, 2007 i was playing this and i found a variation of this for a sandstorm team shuckle @lefties bold nature this works great and allows almost the same idea as walrien but for a sandstorm team, although it does run into trouble with phazers after this depending on damage being dealt by the opponent i sub into bliss and use aroma and bring him back in also if u dont want to use rest u could replace it with something like gyro ball and use a wishbliss to heal it 18. Kimi3013 Jun 6, 2007 I was thinking about looking into something like this, just didn't have the time to but numbers to it. Seems great that it works, and I'll be using one in a hail team I'm gonna design. 19. darkie darkie park the car then we start rhyming, ya bish Public Relations Dec 25, 2005 This thing is annoying. I know this from experience. 20. Dragontamer Jun 9, 2007 Not quite. If Metagross comes in as a counter, you can protect every other turn to essentially gain 25% health every 2 turns. When he deals 60% damage to you, you gain back 12% ... I assume you factored this step in already. Then you protect, and heal back another 12%. Then you surf, and then another 60% damage. Alternatively, you can substitute on the first turn, then wait for the hail to kick in and kill metagross 16 turns later. So the CB version is a 3-hit KO or 32-hit KO if you know how to handle him (and if he indeed only does some 50-60% damage) The webpage died when I was making this post. I was able to use it early on for double-hit and triple-kick calculations. My other 3 pokemon are as follows: 1. Choice Scarf Weavile -- Specsmence still causes trouble, and if I run across one I need backup. Garchomp and ChainChomp are out-stalled by this guy, so scarf-chomp isn't a problem. Weavile also works as an excellent DD-Tar counter, as it takes too many DDs for T-Tar to get above a Scarf-weavile's speed. With spikes, this weavile breaks any other weavile with brick-break, and demolishes any psychic pokemon. An early counter for Flamethrower Azelf is Abomasnow (lead) -> Tentacruel (resists fire) -> Weavile (immune to psychic) -> Pursuit (OHKO). So even without walrein, this Weavile is quite worthy of the slot, and is even better as I clean up at the end. 2. Choice Scarf Adaptability PorygonZ -- A well balanced pokemon, with access to Blizzard / Thunderbolt. Switch in on gengar, destroy with Blizzard or Dark Pulse. Granted, Blizzard is still weaker than tri-attack, but Blizzard rapes everything especially from 252 Modest PorygonZ. Also it counters Trick-Alakazam while Walrein is doing his job. Protect to scout for the trick, switch to Porygon-Z and pwn. My other clean-up pokemon. After stalling for 32-turns, I need speed to finish the sweep. A physical and special choice sweeper are just what I need. 3. Frosslass with brightpowder / NeverMeltIce -- If you aren't playing with Hax items, use NeverMeltIce. Brightpowder increases evasion by another 10%, making a ton of attacks miss with Snow Cloak + Brightpowder. Destiny Bond + Blizzard/Thunderbolt makes it a nice filler pokemon as well. Essentially, two speeders and one support pokemon. Frosslass switches in on fighting pokemon, and with Brightpowder + Snow Cloak the accuracy of Stone Edge drops down to some 54% (at least on Shoddy. I don't know the precise mechanics in the game) So even if they out-predict the switch, it is only a coin-flip chance that they are going to hit you. Notable pokemon this guy switches in on SpecsLucario and Heracross if Walrein didn't finish the job. You can't rely on the miss-rate of Stone Edge, but it will eventually save your ass. And the chance of that happening seems to beat out any alternative item combination. Perhaps now you see why Metagross gives problems to my team >.> EDIT: Oh yeah, and walls like Blissey and Cresselia are subseeded by Abomasnow. So really, you can cover all your bases with a hail-team. 21. Lemmiwinks MkII Lemmiwinks MkII Jun 14, 2007 Interesting, but in addition to Metagross you may also have problems with CB T-tar, as your team has no Rock resist and four weaks. An opponent could bring it in on Abomasnow or Porygon-Z and unleash Stone Edge without fear. You say you have Weavile to revenge kill DD versions which is fine, but CB versions have no set up to lose so can just switch in and out freely. Relying on a 46% miss rate with Froslass is also bad for obvious reasons, as you have already mentioned. T-tar could cause trouble even when it isn't carrying any moves to immobilize Walrein. Your Walrein set will be able to work to its full potential, and I think it has a lot, if you can find a way to deal with all of its potential threats with your remaining Pokemon, or a team that benefits hugely from having its most debilitating weaknesses easily dealt with by Walrein. Unfortunately I see this team running into a dead end against one or two OU staples. Love the idea and the thread BTW. Good job. 22. DEL337ED Jun 30, 2007 Hey dragontamer, I would just like to say nice idea here. I have first-hand experience facing this set - if you don't have a good counter, it will stall the shit out of you (as I found out on Shoddybattle). 23. Dragontamer Jun 9, 2007 Frosslass is a partial revenge-contingency to T-Tar, and doesn't work 100% of the time. It has a _very_ strange feel to it. Frosslass is faster than T-Tar, and worst comes to worst you can shove it with Blizzard / thunderbolt before you go, giving PorygonZ and Weavile the damage they need to OHKO him. But... it is unlikely that the opponent is willing to sacrifice T-Tar without scouting for Destiny Bond. CB versions will die as you spam Destiny Bond, frosslass is faster and thus will take him out. DD versions will die to weavile later. (late game weavile / porygon sweeps) When you have frosslass, it all comes down to luck. Fortunately, it isn't my only contingency vs T-Tar. Overall, my team can work together to bring down the threat, even though there isn't any 1 pokemon that will counter T-Tar. It isn't perfect... but at least I have a plan against T-Tar. I remember that battle :-p It was when i learned that Chainchomp cant do anything to this set. I was able to sub after you used Draco-Meteor :-) 24. Chill Jun 22, 2007 I call this for the next breeding week. :P Spikes may be the better option over toxic spikes. As was mentioned there a lot of steel types and they just asorbed the toxic spikes wasting your turn(s) spent laying them down. 25. Dragontamer Jun 9, 2007 Only poison pokemon absorb toxic spikes. Pokemon that tend to give me problems in that are are Roserade... and Venomoth >_> But really, it has to be a non-levitating non-flying poison pokemon to absorb the Toxic Spikes. Most poison pokemon suck... and the only good ones seem to Levitate (Gengar, Weezing). Again, Roserade is perhaps the only decent toxic-absorber, along with Tentacruel (who can then rapid spin) But really, only poison pokemon steal those toxic spikes. Users Viewing Thread (Users: 0, Guests: 0)
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Fight by Moonlight [2nd OU RMT] Discussion in 'Past Gen Teams' started by Joe_Crow, Jun 15, 2010. 1. Joe_Crow May 28, 2010 This is my second OU team, slightly changed from the first one. The name is derived from my favourite Pokemon, Umbreon. I want to use this on Wi-Fi. Changes I want to make are stated throughout. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) Thank you. At a glance Swampert [​IMG] Swampert @ Leftovers ~ Relaxed Evs: 252 HP, 198 Def, 60 SAtk - Surf/Roar - Ice Beam/Avalanche - Earthquake - Stealth Rock Why is it in the team? Swampert is my trusty lead here to lay down stealth rock. With surf, ice beam and EQ countering many common leads such as TTar, Metagross, Infernape, Aerodactyl and Heatran. The 60SAtk EVs give Ice Beam and enough power to OHKO Salamance/Dragonite and boosts surf. Earthquake is for STAB and type coverage. Is there room for change? I'm pretty certain I wanna keep him as is. He goes well with the rest of my team and has never really failed me. I’ve been recommended to change surf to roar for phasing but it hasn’t helped me much. If I did I would consider getting rid of the SAtk EVs and switching ice beam to avalanche. What do you think? Metagross [​IMG] Metagross @ Leftovers ~ Adamant Evs: 252 Atk, 112 HP, 132 Speed, 13 Def - Meteor Mash - Earthquake - Agility - Ice Punch/Thunder Punch/Explosion Why is it in the team? My physical sweeper. After an agility this thing can outrun almost anything. He works well for switching into attacks aimed at Zapdos and Swampert. Is there room for change? Not much. I can usually sweep a couple per match with Metagross and he works well with the rest of my team. The moves need thought. Umbreon [​IMG] Umbreon @ Leftovers ~ Impish Evs: 252 HP, 50 Def, 208 SDef - Payback - Toxic - Wish - Protect Why is it in the team? Because he’s so awesome and the central point of my team. My special wall. He’s got a typical toxi-stalling set – Toxic, Wish, Protect, Wish, Protect etc. and is great for taking down bulky non steels. Payback usually hits second and is helpful for taking down Azelf, Celebi which threaten Swampert. Wish support is helpful too when he needs switching out. Scizor and Lucario switch-ins were a big problem. Switching into Zapdos was my solution. Is there room for change? No. I have already bred and trained him and he’s helped me too much to change it now. If he’s not working right I’ll change another part of the team but at the moment there are no problems with him. Gengar [​IMG] Gengar @ Black Sludge/Life Orb ~ Modest Evs: 252 SAtk, 252 Speed, 4 HP - Shadow Ball - Psychic - Focus Blast - Energy Ball Why is it in the team? My revenge killer and special sweeper. Shadow ball protects against Gengar’s psychic weakness and is generally a good STAB move. Psychic is there to let Gengar switch into Machamp, Infernape and other fighting types easily, which are a real threat to Umbreon. This is the only counter I have for Infernape at the moment and Infernape is a real problem otherwise. If you’re thinking “energy ball wtf?” I kind of need that as a Swampert counter at the moment. Also, if I switch him in against a Swampert no-one ever expects it and they don’t switch out. This goes the same for Psychic. Is there room for change? Perhaps. I’m not sure whether to have life orb or black sludge. I’ve been messing around with the moveset for a while now. Psychic has to stay really unless I can make another Infernape counter. The last two moveslots are up for debate. Dragonite [​IMG] Dragonite @ Leftovers/Lum Berry ~ Rash Evs: 112 Atk, 246 Speed, 196 HP - Roost - Outrage - Flamethrower - Superpower Why is it in the team? My mixed sweeper/wall breaker. Usually for late game use after the enemy is weakened. Flamethrower is needed for type coverage and taking out grasses for Swampert. Superpower is my only efficient Blissey counter and Roost/Lefties are too keep it fighting. Is there room for change? Definitely. I needed a wall breaker and a Blissey counter. I originally had DDNite but it wasn’t doing the job. Dragonite shares the rock and ice weakness with Zapdos but Zapdos is needed more than Dragonite. Any suggestions who to replace Dragonite with? (I don’t wanna hear Salamence.) I was thinking Lucario maybe but then I have another weak against Infernape… Zapdos [​IMG] Zapdos @ Life Orb ~ Timid Evs: 252 SAtk, 176 Speed, 80 HP - Thunderbolt - Heat Wave - U-Turn/Substitute - Roost Why is it in the team? Special sweeper. For type coverage and a Lucario/Scizor/Skarm counter. Umbreon was having difficulties with the first two and Zapdos can switch in and Heat Wave them. Is there room for change? Could be. Since I’ve added him he’s been doing a good job though. Evs and moveset might need rethinking and. I don’t have access to HP grass/ice unfortunately so I need a replacement. Biggest Threats: – If I’m replacing Dragonite I can only rely on Metagross to dent it. - Umbreon's payback and Gengar's psychic if he can get in there first. – Only Swampert counters really. - No counters at the moment – Swampert can take him down with ease. Once he's down I have problems... - A HUGE problem. Swampert is OHKOd by grass knot, Metagross is destroyed with fire STABs and Umbreon doesn't like close combat. Zapdos and Dragonite are weak against rock slide etc. The only counter I have is Gengar which is the reason it's running psychic. This needs some thought. - A problem here... - Umbreon? - Priority moves are a problem. - I have a lot of ground weakness in my team. Gengar’s energy ball is my only salvation as I can’t get HP grass on Zapdos. - Swampert is my only help here - Swampert and Metagross are weak to HP grass and heat wave. If I give ice punch to Meta and he’s set up with agility I can counter it. And there's the team. Let me know what you think, and what I could replace Dragonite with :) 2. Karpi Sep 9, 2007 Since i dont play the cartridge games, i dont know how time consuming it is to change your EV spread... but if its not a huge hassle then i happen to know a zapdos set that works very well, its called SubRoost Zapdos 176 Speed EVs lets your Timid Zapdos outspeed all lucario Then you want to put the extra 76 EV points in HP for a little more bulk. -Heat Wave Using a bulkier Zapdos can help tremendously with your gyarados problem as well Someone else might have a better EV spread... 3. BIG loven BIG loven Not so little anymore Jun 21, 2009 I can't just sit here and do nothing for that zapdos set. I recommend changing it to the subroost set, it goes so much harder. It's a step into the defensive area. Zapdos @ Leftovers ~ Timid Evs: 248 HP / 184 SpD / 76 Spe - Thunderbolt - Toxic - Substitute - Roost 4. danmantincan Apr 7, 2010 Hey I got your VM. Since it seems that Umbreon is the core of your team, I would recommend someone that can set up Toxic Spikes, as well as remove them. I think you might want to replace Gengar with Tentacruel. It is not a very common Pokemon but it can help greatly with your Infernape problem, resisting both STABs, HP Ice, and Grass Knot only has 80 BP against its great 120 base Special Defense while hitting back with STAB Surf. If you swap Gengar for Tentacruel, you will need a revenge killer. I think CB Scizor with Bullet Punch/U-Turn/Quick Attack/Super Power instead of Agiligross might be the best choice for your team. Scizor is able to hit first without the need to set up, Quick Attack is mostly to revenge Gyarados (since Offensive Gyarados can outspeed and O/2HKO your entire team after a Dragon Dance) but also allows Scizor to hit Zapdos hard. Scizor will also benefit from Tentacruel removing any entry hazards your opponent sets up. Since your Zapdos can't have HP Ice or Grass, I think the SubRoost set with Substitute/Roost/Thunderbolt/Toxic will work well on your team. With Toxic Spikes, ground types that are immune to your Thunderbolt (except Gliscor and Flygon) can easily be worn down with Substitute and Roost. Thunderbolt hits fliers that are unaffected by Toxic Spikes. Toxic will let you poison the previously mentioned Flygon and Gliscor, but you can choose Roar if you are worried about something setting up on you. If you don't really like Dragonite (and don't want to use Salamence) as your wall breaker, I think that a mixed Infernape could work in it's spot, though I personally believe that mixed Salamence would be the best replacement since you aren't using Extremespeed on Dragonite, and you would lose a valuable ground immunity if you choose Infernape. Lastly, with Toxic Spikes, Toxic is no longer needed on Umbreon. Yawn and Curse are the two best replacements that I can think of. Yawn will cause switches, which works great with entry hazards, and Curse will boost Umbreon's defense and attack, while basically guaranteeing that Payback will have 100 Base Power. Hope that helped. Good Luck. 5. Joe_Crow May 28, 2010 Thanks for the help. I've changed Zapdos to a bulkier sub set, although I better keep heat wave in there as that's why I needed it. I'll consider using Salamence for that slot then. Or would extremeSpeed Nite be better? What do you think about the Swampert moveset? Would Starmie be any use in Gengars place? I have no rapid spinner and that would still help with the Nape problem. 6. danmantincan Apr 7, 2010 For Swampert, I would go with Roar over Surf, and Ice Beam over Avalanche. Roar will prevent Gyarados from setting up on Swampert and Ice Beam doesn't have to worry about Intimidate from Gyarados/Salamence lowering your attack stat. 7. Joe_Crow May 28, 2010 Thanks a lot for the help. I'm worried however i'm gonna end up with barely any attacking power on some walls. If i replace Gengar and make zapdos defensive. Users Viewing Thread (Users: 0, Guests: 0)
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Readers Write (Feb. 28): Work, school, radon, federal budget, Red Wing mayor • Updated: February 27, 2013 - 8:17 PM Photo: file, Tribune Media Services CameraStar Tribune photo galleries Cameraview larger Flailing companies choose wrong target Troubled companies are clamping down on the resource they can most easily control: their employees. Yahoo is eliminating the opportunity to work from home. Best Buy is reexamining its ROWE program (results-oriented work environment), and is eliminating 400-plus positions. None of this feels like good market karma. It feels like micromanagement. The ideal employee is a smart, engaged, passionate, self-starter with strong leadership skills. I am struggling to determine why such an employee would seek employment at Yahoo or Best Buy, or choose to stay. Talking heads speak of eliminating deadwood and promoting face-to-face collaboration. They fail to address commute time, stress and resentment. During difficult times, the human tendency is to find something to control. We might rearrange our desks or organize our closets. Corporations eliminate employee benefits and turn on the layoff machine, instilling fear in those remaining. In the film “Margin Call,” Kevin Spacey rallies the remaining morose troops after a mass layoff by giving an incredible speech: “You are here because you are the chosen ones. You are here for a reason.” That is true. Until it’s not. Cutting costs is always easier than achieving growth. Delighting customers is more difficult than micromanaging employees. Tia Karelson, Minneapolis  * * * Celebrate what works (and early ed does) Anger and frustration can be heard in each word of Gary Marvin Davison’s indictment of everything and everyone connected to K-12 public-school education (“K-12 education is flawed to the core; we need a revolution,” Feb. 27). Having been connected to public education for more than 40 years, I understand. However, I do not understand Davison’s unwillingness to celebrate the good things happening in schools. I used to tell my teachers to “live off the good stuff and work hard to improve and change the other stuff.” I would say the same to Davison. In particular, I would tell him to support any initiative to improve pre-K education. Much of what happens in a child’s formative years cannot be controlled, but preparing children for school through pre-K programs can hopefully overshadow the baggage they may bring with them. Such programs also help parents board the education train as they ride with their children from infancy to first grade. Davison says that “readiness for the K-12 experience will mean nothing if that experience is as empty and frequently damaging as it is now.” He is very wrong to maintain such a belief. George Larson, Minneapolis   * * * There’s a radon scare, emphasis on ‘scare’ Once again we have panic-level alarm broadcast about radon (“State is a radon hotbed,” Feb. 10). Radon may, in fact, be somewhat dangerous to humans in very long or very intense exposure, but we have pretty skimpy evidence that the type of exposure a homeowner might experience is dangerous. The projection of more than 20,000 deaths annually in the United States is based on some very faulty studies of deep-rock miners and an unsupported claim that 15 percent of lung cancers are caused by radon. Actual studies in Europe put the number closer to 2 percent. But we have, in fact, no known deaths due to household radon. And, while Minnesota is known to be a radon-intense state, it ranks well into the lower half of all states in incidence of lung cancer — far lower than many radon-free states. That is probably because it is a leader in curtailing smoking and secondhand smoke and keeps a good watch on air pollutants. Radon detection and remediation is a big business, and an expensive process. A homeowner might find better ways to spend these dollars and set aside any fear of being at great risk from this naturally occurring gas. Robert Veitch, Minneapolis   * * * Does it matter who takes a hit? Absolutely A Feb. 26 letter writer, discussing President Obama’s criticism of sequestration, wants to know why “taking $80 billion from a few [in higher taxes] is a whiffle, while taking $80 billion from 300 million people is doomsday.” I think it’s because taking more taxes from millionaires and billionaires does not leave them in dire straits. Or any straits, for that matter. However, taking any money from the middle or lower classes pushes most of those people one step closer to no health care, no food, no home. Hope that helps. D.G. Callender, Edina   * * * Too much is riding on perceived conflicts I was disappointed to see the mayor of Red Wing resign under pressure. In a representative democracy, we rely on citizens to lead. This means that real people with real jobs must commit time to run various levels of government. In some cases, these positions are compensated, and in very few cases they may provide a livable wage. In this case, the mayor chose to continue his job as a lobbyist and represent an industry that he felt could bring valuable economic development to some communities. How does this constitute a conflict of interest? If he were a professional activist who lobbied against the frac-sand industry, would that have been viewed as a conflict? A teacher promoting education? A farmer promoting agriculture? We have to accept that each person has a set of opinions and beliefs, and that if theirs are different from yours, it doesn’t mean they aren’t fit to serve. Matt Herman, Rogers • get related content delivered to your inbox • manage my email subscriptions • about opinion • Submit a letter or commentary
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Dogs facing death for legal highs Last updated 09:07 02/12/2012 Peter Dunne REALLY?: Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne says "it is an unpleasant but necessary reality". BARBARIC: Greens animal welfare spokeswoman Mojo Mathers says "it is barbaric. Dogs and other animals shouldn't be made to suffer just so that we can get legal highs on store shelves." Relevant offers National News Little Toby - big dilemma Shane Jones apologises over Collins comments Photos show 'trail of blood' in Pistorius' home Booker prize novel 'comes home' Death toll rises after New York blast Judge: Boy's excruciating pain and distress ignored Posting revenge photos online could cost villains NZ Breakers bust open Sydney Kings at NSEC Lusi's path widens over New Zealand Satellite images do not belong to missing plane Dogs will forced to take lethal doses of party pills under a controversial scientific testing method being considered by the Government to determine whether the designer drugs are safe for humans. The SPCA, animal rights groups and the Greens say using animals to prove the safety of non-medical drugs is "barbaric" and are urging New Zealanders to fight the proposal when public submissions are called for. SPCA Auckland chief executive Bob Kerridge also urged New Zealanders to force officials into banning the trials. "Any test at all for this product on animals is quite frankly abhorrent," Kerridge said. "This is a product that is of no benefit to humans. In addition to doing considerable harm to the animals, it has no beneficial outcome whatsoever. Therefore, [the testing] should not be allowed." Under current laws, novel recreational drugs, or party pills, are exempt from the rules applied to pharmaceutical companies, which must prove drugs are safe for human use. Until now, it has been up to the Government to prove party pills are unsafe but it wants to change the law, putting the burden on manufacturers to prove the pills will not cause harm. According to a Ministry of Health report - "Regulations governing the control of novel psychoactive drugs" - outlining what testing would be needed under the law change, a designer drug "must" go through pre-clinical animals studies and it is "critical" to show a drug is safe for animals before it can be given to humans. "At the study's completion, animals are sacrificed and tissues from all organ systems examined," the paper said. Both rats and dogs would be subject to a lethal dose 50 per cent (LD50) test, where doses of the drug increase until half the test group dies. The method is banned in Britain and is not recognised by the OECD. Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne said that despite a public consultation process, it was "unavoidable" that party pills would be tested on animals - including dogs. "The Government is committed to minimal use of animal testing, but the hard truth is that scientifically, animal testing is unavoidable to prove that products are safe for human beings," Dunne told the Star-Times. "It is an unpleasant but necessary reality." Ad Feedback Legislation detailing the testing regime will be voted on early next year, following select committee debate that will allow for a period of public consultation. A Ministry of Health spokesman said current policy was that animal testing in New Zealand should be "minimised" and the ministry was "actively" seeking alternatives to animal testing for party pills. It added: "The testing requirements for products to be approved under the new regulatory regime are not yet determined, though they would broadly resemble the tests new medicines undergo." Those tests include the LD50. Animal welfare advocates called on New Zealanders to fight the proposed animal testing. Green Party MP Mojo Mathers said: "I think it is barbaric. Dogs and other animals shouldn't be made to suffer just so that we can get legal highs on store shelves. "I really encourage people who feel that testing of party pills on dogs and other animals is unethical to speak out against this proposal. Animal testing is cruel and it's not justifiable for party pills. "Anyone who owns a dog will know that they are intelligent, affectionate animals capable of great loyalty and trust to humans," she said. "To contemplate subjecting them to such cruel tests that will cause very high levels of pain and suffering, all in the name of allowing people to have a legal high is, in my view, totally unethical." Once the pills have gone through tests involving dogs and rats and no major concerns are uncovered, they will be tested on humans. The paper said: "Clinical trials with healthy volunteers need to be conducted in a medical setting with close medical supervision with access to advanced emergency care in the event of volunteers suffering adverse clinical effects. "As these drugs are by nature psychoactive, volunteers will also need to be closely monitored by a registered psychologist for evidence of adverse psychological events." The drugs could also "impair judgement of the user and have detrimental effects upon themselves and others, secondary to the user's altered state, such as impaired driving leading to motor vehicle accidents". The ministry's document outlining the clinical testing process also touches on the "addiction potential" of party pills containing BZP. It states that previous trials involving rats - that measured the animals' reactions to different substances - had shown they reacted to BZP "in a manner similar to that found with other addictive drugs such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine". More than 20 million party pills were sold in New Zealand in the five-year period leading up to the Government's 2008 crackdown on the over-the-counter highs. - © Fairfax NZ News Special offers Featured Promotions Sponsored Content
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Patchwork was the name of the game for Gilles Mendel this season. That was true in a micro sense and in a macro one: Not only did Mendel work a mix into his typically polished clothes, he also applied the "little of this, little of that" MO to the collection as a whole. The patchwork effect scored in the looks that featured it, but the collection overall never really cohered. The show started strong, with a series of outfits in white and sherbet tones that featured various kinds of lace. The gowns in that group had real panache—sexy fitted fishtail numbers that nonetheless expressed a sense of gamine sweetness rather unusual for J. Mendel. Then there was a lick of sportiness, and then a hit of that J. Mendel-trademark slick, uptown, razor-sharp glam, and then a group of dense, arcadian jacquards, and then a graphic group in mean yellow, black, and white.… And then more stuff—more colors, more varieties of proportions and silhouettes, more attitudes, more everything. (This being a J. Mendel show there was fur in there, of course.) Mendel is usually a very focused designer, but this time out it felt like he was grab-bagging, hoping a message would emerge that was more than the sum of this collection's many parts.
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or Connect New Posts  All Forums: Posts by Saltricks EK is the primary printer of film reels for film projection. EK i still believe can be viable if they restructure and focus only doing this. However, there has been a huge shift to digital 4k projectors across america, which may make film reels more obsolete. I don't think film reels will completely disappear anytime soon, though, so I still see a market for that particular printing service for the next 10-15 years. Got my ACTC letter, I will vote for as well. My sister just had her debut (18th birthday party) and she specified black tie. The vast majority were, surprisingly, correctly dressed in black tie. Mostly peak/shawl lapels, some DB tuxes, 2 or 3 velvet smoking jackets. Shoe's were a slightly different story, but the ratio of patent/slippers to other was almost 50/50. I dunno if we just have fashionable friends/family or if it's a filipino thing, but I was pleasantly surprised. My sister also let me choose her court's... He'd only pay 15 percent capital gains since he's been holding it. He's going to get taxed that eventually, so don't think that's the case. im pretty sure she had a bunch of consumer debt, rent, food, etc. all on credit That's after consolidation too. :\ If she got hired for 100k a year job, how long would it take to pay off you think? Actually I clarified it a bit with her, and its actually 300k in interest, with 200k principal, for a grand total of 500k debt. She just passed the bar, but no real job offer still. Edit: And the 20 year forgiveness thing doesn't apply to her. why the big dip today in ACTC? My friend just graduated UCLA law, top 3rd of the class. 300k in debt, no job for months except a minor paid internship (15 an hour) that specifically said "we will not hire you after your internship". Top it all off, she's a shopaholic. It's gotten to the point that people are saying "She can always marry someone rich". Didn't need to go to law school/debt to do that :\ Anyone have a platinum? Is it worth the upgrade from a gold? New Posts  All Forums:
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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or Connect Styleforum › Forums › Lifestyle › Business, Careers & Education › What's the gross/net profit margin of higher-end boutiques? New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav: What's the gross/net profit margin of higher-end boutiques? - Page 4 post #46 of 47 Thread Starter  Originally Posted by wsanford-shanghai View Post As an owner of a small tailoring shop, I thought I'd chime in with a few comments and questions: Wholesale prices vary from place to place and even from shop to shop. That is to say, the guy down the street that sells more suits than me gets a better price per meter on cloth, better credit terms, and probably gets new bunches before me. You will never know what the other guy gets unless you get chummy and he tells you. Even then, you still don't really know. Generally speaking, if you aren't at least doubling you won't be able to pay the rent. Unless you find a dirt cheap place to rent. Try to find a place that has the "vibe" rather than something conventional like foot traffic, etc. If your shop is truly unique and has "personality" people will come. Especially if you have excellent products and good, conscientious service. The place I rent used to be a cigarettes and sports lottery shop. They had a very basic business and my rent probably doubled their monthly income. Of course I had to spend more on remodeling, but that was a one time cost followed by months of cheap rent. Low rent lessens the burdens on your cash flow and gives you more freedom in other aspects of running the shop. Plus having the shop exactly how I wanted it increased the "vibe" and "personality" in the space. In the end, since things can be bought anywhere, people come to the shop because it feels comfortable and because of "You". Now the question is who are "You"? Do you want to wear MMM and live the lifestyle that it conveys? Or do you enjoy menswear, like to talk about it, and think it would be fun to own a shop? In the case of the former, most likely you will never be able to afford the clothes you sell, unless you are wearing merchandise from the shop, in which case you are losing the potential income from selling it. While you may wear some of the clothes, you will find as you get older, you most likely are not living the lifestyle of the people that come to your shop. If the latter is true and you enjoy the concepts, history, and philosophy behind menswear and discussing it at length, then perhaps you should open a shop. But you should think hard about who you are and why you want to open a shop before you do it. Profit should be least of your concerns, because there are many more profitable things for you to do. I will sum it up with this: Opening a shop is easy, sitting in one all day is not. That's why mine is by appointment only. Wow; thanks for the great reply! I completely forgot about the bolded advice... hahaha post #47 of 47 Originally Posted by Optimistic View Post I'm currently a third year student studying Economics @ Cal... one of the businesses I would like to potentially open is a clothing/lifestyle boutique.... basically exactly like or I would like to sell Japanese, South Korean, Asian and SEA clothing in the USA and vice versa... Obviously such a business requires a lot of time and passion(traveling to look at and choose lines each season, collaborations, etc.)... so I was wondering what a boutique's net/gross profit margin is on items such as Also, how much would the owner of such a boutique make per year on average? More than enough to wear the clothing they sell? Hahaha... ex. how much does a boutique like or make per year? A lot of the people in the boutique business seem to have sort of "fell" into it... more or less... and I sort of want to force my way into it through sheer passion hahaha... Also, what kind of start up capital is typically required for such a business? IDEALLY, I would like to be a Management Consultant after I graduate, then go to HBS or start a boutique... which would hopefully expand to a chain of boutiques. It seems like people like to ostracize those in the clothing industry who come from a business background? People seem to like boutiques, etc. that spend a lot of time posting Polaroid(a little poke...) pictures on their blog, etc... and I would love if if this wasn't my ONLY business. After reading "Brief history 2003 - Store in Lund, Sweden opens 2005 - Store in Helsingborg, Sweden opens 2005 - The webshop launches 2008 - Store in Malmö, Sweden opens 2009 - Major redesign of the webshop 2009 - Store and warehouse in Malmö relocated to bigger space 2010 - Complete remake of the Malmö store in the works 2010 - Store in Stockholm, Sweden opens autumn" I wouldn't mind if it was my only business... LOL! Four locations... wooow... People get into fashion from all sorts of backgrounds, especially if you are talking about retail. Nearly all of them have had previous retail experience, but there are exceptions. How much it costs to open a boutique depends a lot on your location, and how much work you are willing to put in yourself. Capital costs vary a lot, but a typical buildout probably puts you in the $100K range - and that's not going to get your anywhere near the best installation money can buy. Put it this way, laying down hardwood is going to cost you $10K off the bat. Of course, you have to pay rent, utilities, etc..., while all that work is being done. I'd say that if you break even after 18 months after you open, you are doing phenomenally. There is a lot of guesswork involved as well. Best to have a buffer. So, during this 18 months, you will have to pay operating costs, including lights, other utilities, maintenance, replacement of different parts of your installation, salaries, and lots of taxes, as well as pay off your capital, which is all the while depreciating. I know at least 2 boutique owners who did not pay themselves for a full year (lived off savings), and had no employees, in order to make things work. This meant no holidays, no days off, etc... Yeah, fun. Markup is typically 2.3-2.5. That takes into account what you are going to have to sell at discount, and then even after that, you will either have to sell excess inventory to a discount store or jobber, who will typically pay $0.06-$0.10 on the retail dollar for your goods, or just keep a lot of deadstock. Typically, new boutiques, opened by people without connections and/or deep pockets, are going to have trouble getting good accounts. Having a consultant who can help you open doors is good, but expensive, and you are not going to have any guarantees. I've heard from a good source that the TBS guys got a lot of doors opened through one serendipitous incident. You can't rely on being as lucky. It's that typical thing - you can't get a credit card without good credit, but you can't get good credit without a credit card. You will also get very unfavorable terms, at least at the beginning. Nearly every rep tells me that they prefer older, more established boutiques and chains. If you are brand new, you may have to prepay, pay COD with a deposit, or, if lucky, you might get a net 10 or net 30. Also, brands have high minimums. A $10K wholesale minimum is not uncommon for the brands you are talking about. Finally, there are the intangibles. TBS and some other stores (Oki-ni, LN-CC) are successful (or at least seem that way) primarily because of a good web presence. If you have no web experience, you could easily get taken for a ride. Best to have someone who can really help you in that respect. A good publicist or the ability to publicize yourself really go a long way. I know some retailers who advertise on about 10 websites. That's thousands of dollars a month (a very conservative estimate, could easily be in the $10K+ range) plus lots of time. A decent publicist charges at a $1K floor retainer, and it only goes up depending on what level of service you want. Any way you cut it, it's not easy. New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav:   Return Home   Back to Forum: Business, Careers & Education
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They marched in solidarity through the streets of Woodland, demanding answers and calling for justice. The rally brought together supporters of victims of police brutality and those they believe were wrongly convicted. Many came in honor of Luis Gutierrez, a 26-year-old Woodland farmworker who was killed by Yolo County Sheriff's deputies on April 30 when he allegedly lunged at them with a knife. "I don't know if he had a knife or not, but let's say he did have a knife. Three trained officers have no way of handling the situation except to shoot him dead in the street?" said Ellen Eggers who marched in the rally. Undercover gang officers stopped Gutierrez as he was walking home and fired six shots, hitting him once in the back. Those who knew him say, he wasn't in a gang. An autopsy showed Gutierrez did have meth in his system. Gutierrez's family and supporters are calling for an independent investigation into his death. "We need to be here to organize and support the struggle to jail the cops that killed Luis Gutierrez. There's no justification for this," said Gerardo Sanchez, a Gutierrez family supporter.,0,7212741.story
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That fine-looking android you see in the photo to the right may look a little rough and ready but don't be fooled by appearances - it's actually the world's first fully symptomatic medical-condition simulator. The unnamed robot was created by researchers at Gifu University medical school for training medical students to diagnose tricky conditions. In this case, the machine displays symptoms of a condition known as myasthenia gravis , which is an autoimmune disease where antibodies attack the body's proteins, causing muscle weakness that is notoriously hard to diagnose. In future, the idea is to enable the 'droid to replicate many more conditions - for now, however, students have to make do with looking at its facial expression, posture and reflexes before asking, "Is it myasthenia gravis by any chance?"
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Join The Community Future TESLA Models What future models would you like seeing developed and produced by TESLA? I at least can think of three: - Model S Station Wagon - Model S based 4-door hard top convertible - Model U (for Urbanite): 2-3 seater Best regards to all TESLA fans. I like the Station Wagon and Convertible ideas. No interest in Wagon--SUVs have taken over the wagon market. Convertible--but how about a 2-door Model S? Model T--for pickup truck. An all-electric pickup truck could be an incredible fleet truck for almost any utility service like pest control, plumbing and other light-duty needs since the 200-mile or more range would fall well within the typical daily driving of these trucks. For the consumer, it would meet almost all local hauling needs of the suburban "farmer" or DIYer. It may not have the ability to haul travel trailers cross-country, but again short-range service could still be possible. Many people who currently operate trucks today could find an all-electric model a useful second car. Model OR or Off Road. We've already seen where one man refitted an old Land Rover with a simple 40hp electric motor powered by lead-acid battery that performed as well or better than a diesel-powered Isuzu 4x4 on some hard-core trails. An Off-Road Tesla with a 200-300 mile range could conceivably match almost any of the current 4x4s on the market. The only area of concern might be fording streams that rise above the wheel hubs. I'm taking delivery of my Model S this Friday. I'd trade it in for Model S Wagon. SUVs and the Model X don't appeal to me. Model T might be a problem. Look it up to see why. Tesla could look to fleet vehicles. UPS alone uses something like 70K local delivery vans, running on 8 MPG diesel motors. They park at night in UPS yards, perfect for recharging. They don't drive far, mostly well within battery range. Mostly in stop and go use, perfect for regenerative charging. Tesla would just have to supply the chassis/drive train assembly as specialty companies build the bodies. There are hundreds of corporate and government fleets and most of those vehicles are driven like the UPS vans, locally and parked in specific parking areas where recharging would be easy to do. Not as sexy as an S or a roadster, but in many ways more beneficial to the environment because the vehicles they replace are far dirtier and use far more fuel than any modern car. The battery changing technology would be beneficial for some fleets. AWD options are required in many locals and again would be easy to add as an option. It would greatly increase the economy of scale and thus help advance the technology and lower costs on all Tesla products. Model H: beefy offroad tires, powerful winch in front, river fording capability, sealed cabin with air filter option, armour plate option, etc.: a HMMWV killer. (Not a Hummer killer, a HMMWV killer.) After the Generation 3, which EV will come after that? What would you think about a small Generation 4 Tesla EV for $20,000 in about 2020? About the size of the Chevrolet Spark EV? But built with the much better Tesla technology. That would really sell in huge numbers. Audi sells wagons. Wagons might have less appeal than SUV's but they are also much cheaper to produce if you have the sedan tooling for any given wagon. It's low hanging fruit. Also, in terms of aerodynamics, wagons are more efficient. Station Wagon models of various brands are very popular in Europe. @ danielccc Agreed that a wagon version of the MS is low hanging fruit. I'm hoping that the Euro preference will convince Tesla to make a MS wagon, and that they will sell it in the USA also. We have an MS in the family and frankly it was a financial stretch. We'd buy a MS wagon to go with it if it were available. I don't need or want all-wheel drive or the large diameter tires and increased ride height of an SUV. That's just more weight to buy and haul around. I need more cargo capacity than an MS. In most cases an SUV has less cargo room than the corresponding wagon, see VW Jetta and Passat wagons vs Toureg and Tiguan, BMW 5 wagon vs X5, MB E wagon vs G series, etc. Based on appearances the Model X is not going to have the cargo room I need. It may have more than an MS, but given how sloped the rear is, there will be restricted cargo space in the back. I carry my dogs in crates for their and my safety. My ideal vehicle would hold a rectangular box 48" wide by 40" deep by 30" high. That's huge and not likely to happen in an MS wagon. But 36" wide by 40" deep by 28" high is very doable. Having the dogs jump over the hatch lip puts the weather strip and body work at risk every time. Include a true liftgate that opens level with the load surface and I'd buy one. I appreciate that Elon influenced the MS to be a great kid carrier because he has kids. There are 45 million households in the US with dogs. A Model S wagon would be very attractive to dog owners and in ways that the MX doesn't appear to be. I'd love to see a Model S Wagon version. I highly doubt it will happen in the US. I hope they prove me wrong! +1 Tesla S & Gen III Sportwagons, in performance and non-performance versions. The ride heights could be slightly elevated, similar to Audi A4 all roads, to capture both wagon & CUV buyers. I might add the A4 allroad is virtually identical to the previous A4 sportwagon, with a little more ground clearance. This raises the driver's seat position and gives more a SUV-like view of the road. Apparently that's important to a lot of American motorists. I'd be a huge fan of a Model S wagon. Someone posted a nice mock up rendering of what the vehicle might look like a while back on this forum. Hopefully they don't limit it to Europe either. Wagons are far more efficient than SUV's, while providing much of the added space advantages of an SUV. They also generally handle better... 2017 - Model M - for Mid-size (GenIII) 2019 - Model MX - As reported the GenIII platform will be shared for a small SUV/crossover 2021 - Model P - pickup truck 2023 - Model R - roadster 2025 - Model E - economy size 2027 - Model Z - exotic sports car 2030 - Model /A - autopilot or autopilot upgradable I think the next Tesla should have the appeal of the Honda Civic. People should associate it with efficiency, reliability and affordability. An electric car with these qualities, plus the beautiful design of Tesla, free fuel for life and environment friendliness would make it irresistible to the masses. Who would want to drive an average car if they could drive a gem for the same price? "efficiency, reliability and affordability" At the moment "affordability" is the biggest hurdle for EV's, but steadily the momentum is building as more and more manufacturers are entering the game, and as more and more is being done to bring down battery pack costs. A careful examination of current sales figures for different models produced by different manufacturers will give you a sense of the trend of the market. So if SUV's are a substantial component of market sales, then logic dictates that the model X is the way to go. Going downstream in price, a careful consideration of current trends might suggest that a smaller SUV rather than a sedan might be the way to go for the Gen III model. Also, if pickup sales are increasing then a pickup based on the Gen III platform might be next. Tesla has not deviated from market trends when it comes to the function of the product offered. Expect it to remain faithful to that policy. The GenIII sedan will be matched with a GenIII X, per Elon. A small suv with four wheel drive, retro-futuristic, and my girlfriend has to like it, otherwise it's not going to append. Model G - for Gen III, and it sounds like Model T. If it's what EM says it's going to be, its place in history could parallel that of Ford model T. Model iS - convertible model S How about a postal vehicle to replace the 1987-1994 Grumman LLV? Those vehicles, almost all over 20 years old, are approaching the ends of their lives. They use the antiquated GM Iron Duke 2.5-liter 4-cylinder pushrod engine or the 2.2-liter GM inline 4. Imagine all the gas that would be saved if the U.S. Postal Service would retire all of their Grumman postal vans and replaced them with electric vans! X Deutschland Site Besuchen
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Penske material: Keselowski has Captain near title JENNA FRYER AP Auto Racing Writer Published: HOMESTEAD, Fla. -- It had been a humbling 24 hours of championship racing for Roger Penske when he settled in for the plane ride back to Detroit. Penske, the most successful team owner in open-wheel history, has little to show for 40 years of NASCAR. Keselowski, the 28-year-old blue collar antiestablishment Michigan native, could change that for "The Captain" -- just as he promised in a passionate speech to Penske four years ago. He was driving for JR Motorsports in the Nationwide Series and locked into a developmental deal with Hendrick Motorsports, but didn't see a Cup ride opening anytime soon. So he asked Penske what he had available, even though Penske wasn't exactly the dream destination for NASCAR talent. Penske has won 23 national championships in open wheel racing and 15 Indianapolis 500s, and his passion and his focus are usually on directed on that part of the motorsports program. Although his NASCAR organization had 61 wins before Keselowski arrived, it only contended for a championship once -- in 1993 when Rusty Wallace won 10 races and still finished second to Dale Earnhardt. It can be traced to Keselowski, who demands more of Penske's time and energy simply by being himself. He's relentless in his passion and enthusiasm for winning and wanting to turn Penske Racing into an elite NASCAR organization, and he presented Penske with a list of things he and crew chief Paul Wolfe believed were needed for the team to be better. "They provide me with a list of the things that they feel we can make the team better and the car better, to the point Brad thought we should upgrade our fitness center," Penske said. "Nothing to do with racing, but the team, human capital." Keselowski, a constant texter and tweeter, keeps the 75-year-old Penske busy on his phone. Texting. Texting. Texting. Constantly engaging with the race team. Those who have been with Penske from the beginning see similarities in the relationship between owner and driver to the one Penske had with Rick Mears, the four-time Indianapolis 500 winner and current Penske driver coach and consultant. "Roger was so impressed with Rick as a person starting from the very beginning, they just clicked," said Dan Luginbuhl, Penske's vice president, emeritus. "You need people that are dedicated, that are 110 percent all-in. Rick Mears was one of those people, and I suspect Brad Keselowski is one of those people." Penske is one of those people. His motto for all of his companies is "effort equals results," and it's not lip service, either. The race track is his weekend golf game, and figuring out how to get to Victory Lane is his recreation. "Nobody is working harder throughout the company than my father and people see that," son Greg Penske said. "I think the culture he has set of doing things only one way, and that's the right way, that's how we operate our businesses. People see that and they understand when they wear our logo and wear the Penske brand, it means quality and it means performance. He's built that, and when people see him work hard, it makes you want to work hard. "That's been instilled in all of his children and all of his employees: You work hard to get ahead. That's the message he teaches." Now all the hard work, all the effort put into 1,396 entries dating to 1972, will be rewarded Sunday barring some bizarre setback. It can happen, though, and it did two months ago to Power at Fontana. But should the "Blue Deuce" team follow the Penske plan and fill that void on the impressive Penske resume, the team owner won't want his employees thinking it's about him. "Sure, it will be wonderful for him, but it will be more of a statement about the building of an organization," Czarnecki said. "Roger gets as much enjoyment out of seeing the people who contributed enjoy the fruits of what they've done. It's not about him. His success is built on his humanity. Roger doesn't hold himself up over anyone else in the organization." "He respects people, whether it's the guy sweeping the floor or the bank president. He's able to extract performance from people that way." Want to leave your comments? Sign in or Register to comment.
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The 1.5cm steel drill swarf was found inside an onion ring. The 1.5cm steel drill swarf was found inside an onion ring. Hungry Jack's "doesn't know" how a piece of metal become lodged inside a onion ring sold at one of the fast food giant's Perth stores, according to its lawyers. But the company has pleaded not guilty to selling unsuitable food over an incident earlier this year, arguing reasonable steps were taken to prevent food contamination. "We don't know how this happened, despite all the systems being in place, despite all the investigations done, we don't know how it happened," defence lawyer Hylton Quail told the court. But he said Hungry Jack's had taken precautions to maintain the integrity of its food and store. "The fact that this onion ring was contaminated - which we've admitted from the start - doesn't make Hungry Jack's guilty," Mr Quail told the court. "As we know these things happen. "Hungry Jack's has a number of systems in place which are designed to protect food safety." Hungry Jack's was charged after Perth woman Melissa Bayle in February chocked on an onion ring from a Morley store and spat out the piece of metal. Mrs Bayle reported the matter to the Bayswater Council who sent health officers to inspect the premises and sent the piece of metal off to be analysed. A microscopic examination revealed the 1.5cm piece of metal was a steel drill swarf, the Perth Magistrates Court heard during Hungry Jack's trial this week. Prosecutors had alleged the metal came into contact with the onion ring due to maintenance work at the store a day earlier. "At store level on the evidence it is not the case that due diligence has been shown," prosecutor David Nadebaum told the court. Mr Quail argued more testing should have been done to establish the origin of the metal, which he said could have become lodged within the ring at the manufacturer’s level in New Zealand. "The prosecution are really unable to prove where this steel swarf came from," he told the court. Hungry Jack's faces a maximum fine of $200,000 if convicted, the court heard. Perth Magistrate Elaine Campione is expected to hand down her decision on 21 December.
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COLUMN: We all bow down to the power of sport -A A +A By Metz Camfield There is one thing in this world that can completely consume us and take a stranglehold over our emotions. It can make you both cry for joy and out of despair. It can empty your bank account faster than a burglar. It can make you sit in certain positions out of fear of moving will affect what happens next. It can also make you twitch and sit restlessly in anticipation for what is to come next. But what is this thing that takes over our hopes, minds, dreams and emotions so effortlessly? Women? Maybe, but I’m talking about sports. Renew Current or Past Subscription / Register for Online Subscription Newspaper Acct. ID: Street Address: (exactly as it appears on the label) New Subscription/30 Day Free Trial Account ZIP Code: Create a limited access account.
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Downward spiral: theme park firm Six Flags bankrupt One of the US's top operators of theme parks, Six Flags, declared itself bankrupt over the weekend after struggling to refinance $2.4bn (£1.5bn) of debt, posing the prospect of a financial roller-coaster ride for major shareholders including the Micro­soft billionaire Bill Gates. Six Flags operates 20 parks in the US, Canada and Mexico including Los Angeles's Magic Mountain, Chicago's Great America and Montreal's La Ronde. The company filed for chapter 11 protection with a repayment of $287m to creditors due in August. Chief executive Mark Shapiro was anxious to reassure visitors that the company's parks will stay open over the peak summer season. "This isn't a liquidation," he said. "The summer is here – all the parks are open at full throttle." He said Six Flags' debt problems date back a decade to a period when the company expanded aggressively, buying parks as far afield as Belgium, Germany and France and investing heavily in state-of-the-art rides. "If the markets were better, maybe you could refinance the debt," Shapiro told CNBC television. "But that's just kicking a can down the road, it's not solving the problem." Six Flags' shareholders could be wiped out or, at best, heavily diluted as the company pushes a bankruptcy judge to force creditors to swap their loans for stock. This would be a blow to Gates, whose private investment vehicle, Cascade Investments, owns an 11% stake. The theme park operator's other shareholders include the Washington Redskins' owner, Daniel Snyder, who has 6% and who chairs the Six Flags board. The hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, run by billionaire stockpicker Jim Simons, has a 5.5% chunk. Six Flags had hoped to capitalise on a trend towards cash-strapped Americans spending "staycations" close to home rather than taking holidays abroad. The company generated revenue of $1.02bn in the year to March but after interest repayments it was $112m in the red. In an open letter to its 2,040 employees, the company said it would continue to pay wages in full. "This restructuring process is strictly a 'back of the house' effort to address and ensure the longstanding financial stability of Six Flags." Six Flags is the latest in a long line of high-profile US bankruptcies inclu­ding the carmakers General Motors and Chrysler, the shopping centre owner General Growth and retailers such as Circuit City and ­Linens 'n Things. Today's best video Today in pictures
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Iraq's own Arab spring A renewed sense of nationalism is uniting protesters over delays to US troop withdrawal • The Guardian, • Jump to comments () iraq united states Followers of Muqtada al-Sadr burn US flags during a rally marking the eighth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad on April 9. Photograph: Karim Kadim/AP Stretched close to the limit by combat in Afghanistan and determined not to get into a ground war in Libya, the Pentagon is stepping up the pressure to maintain a huge US troop presence in today's largely peaceful Iraq. What might seem at first sight strange and unnecessary is in fact fully in line with the ambitions of those who planned the invasion eight years ago. Whether neocons or "realists", they always wanted to have a long-term political and military footprint in the northern sector of the Middle East, strategically placed between Syria and Iran. As with so many elements of the geopolitical strategy he inherited from George Bush, Barack Obama has gone along with it. So it should be no surprise that Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chief of staffs, was in Baghdad on Friday urging the government to amend the agreement under which all US forces have to leave Iraq by the end of this year. Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, was in the Iraqi capital on a similar mission a few weeks earlier. Both Sunni and Shia protesters were on the streets last week to denounce the US plans, united by a common sense of nationalism that has not been seen since the first year of the US occupation, before sectarian divisions were artificially inflamed. In Mosul around 5,000 people, including provincial council members and tribal leaders, rallied against any extension of the US presence, while supporters of the Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr marched in Baghdad. A revival of national pride played a large role in persuading the prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to stand firm against the Bush administration in its last months of office when the White House was forced to agree to withdraw all combat troops from Iraq last summer and accept a deadline of the end of this year for the remaining 47,000 to leave. Mullen and Gates have been warning the Iraqi government that the risk of Arab/Kurdish clashes over the country's oil deposits around Kirkuk and a lingering threat from al-Qaida require US troops to stay. The counter-argument is that Iraq has survived the withdrawal of US combat troops for nine months without any breakdown of security. At a time when Arabs throughout the region are struggling to win their rights and dignity, why should Iraq submit to the humiliation of a large US ground force that no other Arab country in the region consents to? Unlike the end of 2008, when the agreement on US forces was reached, Sadr now has a contingent of ministers in government, and it should be easier for Maliki to resist the Americans. He is facing his own "Arab spring" pressures after thousands joined Day of Rage protests in February over unemployment, corruption and lack of electricity. Twenty people died after security forces opened fire. Maliki would be foolish to give them a new cause to oppose him. The looming row comes hard on the heels of last week's publication of official documents showing that several months before the 2003 invasion Tony Blair's government agreed to lobby the Bush administration on BP's behalf. The case it made was that British companies ought to benefit from post-Saddam oil contracts if Britain supported regime change. The documents were obtained under Freedom of Information requests by the energy industry expert, Greg Muttitt, for his excellent book, Fuel on the Fire, an investigation of western corporate activities in Iraq. Though the documents do not support the simplistic claim that the invasion was "all about oil", they show that taking control of Iraq's nationalised oil sector was an important lure. The book's most interesting sections deal with the post-invasion period, when US and British diplomats and other officials worked closely with the oil majors to get the Iraqi government to privatise the oil fields and give favourable contracts to foreign companies – despite brave resistance from oil workers, trade unions, and Iraq's corps of professional engineers (most of whom were conveniently sidelined for having been Baathists). It is a textbook example of how international pressures are put on politicians to get them to buckle. Hussain al-Shahristani, the oil minister, emerges as a tragic figure. A nuclear scientist who was tortured for refusing to support Saddam Hussein's ambitions, he fled the country – but unlike other prominent exiles opposed the US invasion. Yet once in power he banned the oil workers' union, ordered police raids on their offices, and seized their assets. In dealing with the oil companies he also seemed tough by getting BP and other companies to accept lower fees than they had demanded for every barrel of oil extracted. But, as Muttitt points out after close reading of BP's Rumaila contract, several changes agreed after the auction hugely weakened the ministry's original terms. The lesson is that full transparency and unhurried public debate are as crucial when offering a country's natural resources to powerful outsiders as they are when offering long-term military bases. National sovereignty requires no less. Latest posts Today's best video Today in pictures
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London 2012: Britain's Olympic gold rush provides a lesson for politics The work ethic, sacrifice and sense of belonging of our athletes should remind our leaders there is a different Britain • The Guardian, • Jump to comments () London 2012 Olympic Games - Athletics - Women's Heptathlon Jessica Ennis with her gold medal for the heptathlon. Action Images/John Sibley Broken Britain? Not a lot of obvious signs of it over the weekend, were there? Gold-medal-winning Britons of all backgrounds and ethnicities and an Olympic Games in which, despite all the gleeful predictions of chaos and typical British incompetence, huge crowds enjoyed well-run days. Every finger is crossed, but so far it's gone like clockwork. Of course in so many ways we like the Olympics because it seems the antithesis of politics, indeed the opposite of so much of messy, compromised, mixed-motive daily life. It's fast. It's clear-cut. It's hyper-dramatic. There is a clarity, almost a purity, to the win-or-lose, gold-silver-bronze, the daily tot-up of medals. Touch a 10th of a second behind, and that's it. For a month at least, we can pretend to live in a simpler world. It has heroes but hardly any villains. Yet the Olympics is and always has been a highly political event, with political lessons to be drawn from it about success and failure – and about nationhood. Its nationalism harks back to the modern origins of the games. In 1896, the world wars were yet to come. Idealism and flag-waving went together; it seems trickier now. These days the true stories of "national" success are more complex too. So many athletes, particularly from smaller countries, train for years overseas, with foreign coaches and foreign funding. Even beyond the opportunistic passport snaffling that's gone on for decades – remember Zola Budd? – many gold medals are won thanks to training camps far from the territory whose national anthem is played. Yet there are national lessons to be drawn. One is that, still, two very different systems are pitted against each other. One is authoritarian, centralist and utterly focused on winning the maximum number of medals for reasons of ideological pride – to make the old men at home look good. In the old days, it was the Soviet bloc that picked out kids and drove them frantically hard in specialist sports centres; now it's the Chinese. The other system is more chaotic, capitalist – but also more open to migration. The US, France, Brazil and Britain have perhaps the most multi-ethnic teams, and do richly well from their relative openness. Mo Farah, who came here from Mogadishu aged eight, is a British hero. Jessica Ennis's father was from Jamaica and her mother from Derbyshire; a very British heroine. Team GB embraces minor royalty, public schoolboys, kids from the rougher parts of town and new immigrants. For once, in an uncomplicated way, let's just feel good about that. And British medals are emphatically not about making the politicians look good. What guff this is about Boris Johnson floating on a wave of national euphoria into Downing Street; what nonsense about a longer-term polling boost for David Cameron (who, poor man, seems to have become a reverse-talisman, an albatross of a supporter whom the nation needs to stay away). Politics is unlikely to benefit from Olympic success. We credit the athletes for being good athletes and we look at politicians with the same cold suspicion we did before. There are, though, political lessons, which are worth learning. For the Olympics does relate to ordinary life in multiple ways. London 2012 has vindicated Labour politicians who worked hard to bring the Games here and confounded the naysayers. The opening ceremony mixed wry and sugary in a way only Britain can do. The worst failures, notably the security fiasco, took place in the private, not the public, sector. So much is fairly obvious. Far from this being a government success, or Boris's big achievement, it was a Labour idea brought to fruition by Conservatives such as Sebastian Coe, who have been notably consensual and non-partisan. Yet I think there is a much deeper political , or perhaps a lesson about values, that every party needs to ponder. Why have we been doing so well? It isn't something in the water, or the bracing effect of the weather, or of the British constitution. The athletes achieved what they did because they worked ferociously hard, in training teams and groups that were well led and produced a deep sense of belonging and loyalty. Listen to the winners talking about these teams – their coaches, their running or riding partners, their friends. Listen to the losers apologising first to the people they "let down" and taking all responsibility for failure on their own shoulders. That's what's moved me. That's where I think there are the best lessons to carry back into our ordinary lives. Nothing beats a sense of belonging and purpose – not money, not fame, not celebrity. The athletes worked for years to be here – years of getting up in the darkness and pounding streets or water, years of boring routine in gymnasiums and velodromes; years of forgoing nights out, alcohol or relaxing holidays; years of massage for screaming muscles; and years of repetitive gym work. These people are all living embodiments of deferred gratification, putting in the self-denial and hard work for the chance of glory. They're the opposite of the gimme-now, look-at-me, celebrity B-list fame academy set we keep being told epitomises modern Britain. If it looks egotistical – the man or woman running with the flag draped around their shoulders in front of 80,000 people – it's really a story of graft, and of group loyalty. That's because the graft can't happen without the team, the trainers, the leadership and the camaraderie. Almost every athlete I've heard or watched reflecting says so. That isn't individualism; it's the opposite. And if we take those two things –the hard work, and the importance of group loyalty and sacrifice (including all the fine athletes who give up medal chances of their own to partner, pace or protect), then we have the glimpse of a different Britain. There will be no easy, quick-fix, sugar-rush economic boost from the Olympic Games. It would be childish to expect it. But there's the real lesson. The American sociologist Robert Putnam famously argued in his book Bowling Alone that by shunning clubs, unions and group activities of all kinds in favour of a selfish individualism, westerners were impoverishing their societies and their lives. If Britain's remarkable per-capita success at these Games teaches us anything, it's that when we bowl together, we bowl better. Twitter: @jackieashley Latest posts Today's best video Today in pictures
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Alexa Chung: the forces that move fashion When Alexa Chung gets dressed, the high street cashes in. Eva Wiseman heads to Central Saint Martins to meet the money spinners and starmakers of the British fashion industry • The Observer, • Jump to comments () alexa chung View larger picture Mood indigo: Alexa, in the print room at Central Saint Martins, wearing a sequin dress by member of the British Design Collective Peter Pilotto, Dover Street Market (020 7518 0680). Photograph: Jamie Morgan for the Observer In the print room at Central Saint Martins, it's as if I'm watching a high-budget dramatisation of how fashion works. To my right, 20-year-old students in top-knots, rubber gloves and Violent Cancer T-shirts hunch over their silk-screens. And to my left, the British Fashion Council's new "young style ambassador", Alexa Chung, is posing against their paint-splattered door in a dress by Peter Jensen, a designer who, like Stella McCartney and Alexander McQueen, studied in this institution. It's like a 3D timeline, from inspiration to success. It's fashion physics. Style algebra. Student x Central Saint Martins + Alexa Chung = trend. I take a deep breath of the inky fumes and cough indelicately. A fire alarm shocks through the building and everybody calmly begins to file down the stairs in a cloud of pink hair and enthusiasm, Chung singing quietly along to the rhythm of the alarm. Could fashion really be this simple? Mulberry's "Alexa", their £700 satchel, was inspired by a vintage Mulberry briefcase they'd seen Chung using as a handbag. Last year the brand quadrupled its profits, in part due to the sell-out success of this one bag – a bag that Chung was photographed carrying in all its leopard-print, calf-skin, patent, oversized incarnations. Even aside from the pieces that carry her name, Chung's boyish style (she appears frequently on Vogue's "best dressed" list) has been harvested and replicated, with Chung-ian touches (mannish brogues, Peter Pan collars) flooding the high street. She is a force of fashion. Why? "Alexa is one of those rare girls who is beautiful, but with a look that somehow still feels achievable," explains Grazia editor Jane Bruton. "She is as reliant on clever high-street finds as she is on designer pieces, and she doesn't do unrelenting glamour, she does clothes for everyday urban life, rather than the red carpet. Therefore her style becomes more transferable than that of a lot of the A list." Are Chung and her contemporaries (including Kate Middleton, who helped Reiss double their profits when she wore their dress in her engagement photo) aware of the impact they can have on an industry that depends on such wobbly variables as taste, and weather? Mat Bickley is the founder of Joyn, a digital marketing consultancy that works with fashion brands to track and analyse online responses to celebrities, establishing just how they affect sales. According to him: "Celebrities are aware of their influence, if not exactly who it is that finds them influential. Many celebrities start by endorsing other people's brands, but quickly move into the arena of fronting their own collections." Alexa Chung 'I can wear anything now, but it’s not any easier to get dressed': dress and blouse by Peter Jensen (020 7249 6894); and shoes by Mulberry ( Photograph: Jamie Morgan for the Observer Chung, for example, designed a leather-backed coat for Madewell, which Grazia said triggered a "bin man" trend. "Victoria Beckham made the successful leap from ambassador to fashion brand, and ranges like Kate Moss for Topshop have been some of the most lucrative initiatives found on the high street," Bickley adds. Watching Chung's languid stroll among the fashion students, their camera phones discreetly snapping, I wonder how much she thinks about the impact she has on the way they dress. "It's a bit surreal," Chung says of her huge commercial influence, propping her chin on her hands. "I don't deal with myself as a 'brand'." Her scrunched eyes imply she's embarrassed even to admit she's aware of such a concept. "So I'm told about the influence I have, but it's not 'me'. It's 'Alexa Chung'. It does make it difficult to shop, though. I walk around thinking: 'Hmm, everything's a bit samey.' Then I realise that the stuff I think is samey – like the saturation of Peter Pan collars – comes from… me." She doesn't have to do much shopping though – clothes come to her. "Yes, but that easy access to fashion has cheapened it a bit for me. It's a fast pleasure now – I miss that thrill I felt when I got my first Mulberry bag. I've lost that hunting instinct. So even though I can wear anything now, it's not any easier to get dressed." She has, she says, 'a floordrobe'. "But I've gained clarity…" Clarity? "I can see the difference between wanting to buy into a brand and being inspired by a certain piece. Do you know what I mean?" I think I do. It's a privileged skill, but one that's certainly helpful for her new role with the British Fashion Council (BFC), for whom Chung's first job (and the reason we're meeting) is spokesperson for the British Designers Collective, a pop-up store that runs for six weeks at Bicester Village, showcasing emerging designers' work. Harold Tillman, chairman of the BFC, elected Chung because, he says: "Alexa's fashion influences are evident in the industry through her roles as creative director, brand ambassador for several labels and muse to designers. All credit to her distinctive personal style." Chung styled herself for our Central Saint Martins shoot, shuffling through the rail of designers from the Collective (including Peter Pilotto, Marios Schwab and Jonathan Saunders) with the cold hand of a professional. Angling herself into a heavy crystal-studded sweater by Christopher Kane (one that, when she wore it to an awards show, ripped every silky gown she walked past), she squeals. Is she hurt? The hairdresser spins round, alert and meerkatish. "Why can't I wear this every day?" she gasps. "It's 'Barbie princess from 1986', isn't it? It turns you into a human crown. I look so… rich." As well as being an expert at picking clothes, she is, it turns out, pretty good at talking about them. "And because it's so heavy you feel really 'at one with the earth'. Which is good," she turns to me, faux-sincere, "because I do want to sound 'grounded'." Alexa Chung 'I don't deal with myself as a "brand".' Top and trousers, J.W. Anderson, Shoes, Aldo Rise, Photograph: Jamie Morgan for the Observer As a teenager, Chung applied to study at Central Saint Martins. "But I didn't get in," she says, with a sad emoticon face. "So I feel a bit jealous of these guys," she adds, waving her hand in the direction of the fashion studios, "like I want to join in. I should've done this. I'm from a family of designers, so this feels very natural to me. And I veered into TV, but always end up in fashion one way or another. I suppose, even though I didn't get in to Saint Martins, I managed to leapfrog the process. "And I'm genuinely really excited to be an ambassador for British fashion, especially after spending so much time in the US. That's where I realised why I'm proud to be British. With our manners, and our self-deprecation. And the way we have fun! London Fashion Week is so different from any of the others. Compared to the strictness in New York, London seems freer from commercial constraints. Truer to the process, to street style, to a sense of humour." Her sense of humour, always cheeky, always dry, breaks only when she feels like she's not being heard. The photographer is persisting with a shot that's not working. So she takes a swig of Coke and puts her foot down. The photographer's assistant averts his eyes as she quietly explains about the light, and the dress, and the pose, and when he takes a shot she asks: "How does it read?" It's unusual to hear a model talk back and I tell her it was a bit thrilling. "When I was a model," she whispers, "I started with an opinion, but was encouraged to lose it. It began as play-acting, but then I lost sight of myself a bit: so when I did the audition for Popworld and they asked my opinion, I felt like crying with happiness." We trail through the building together, the knitting room with its quiet roar, the balconies' vast, clean floors echoing with the sound of her wobbly heels. In the print room she is taken with the drawing of a Mexican queen that a student called Milligan Beaumont is turning into a scarf. I hear her complimenting the student gently, saying: "Don't you think it would be amazing as a shift dress, in black and white?" Beaumont ignores the suggestion. "Maaake it, maaake it," Chung chants, jokily. "I'd wear it!" Beaumont doesn't take the bait. Upstairs, in a box-like room behind the MA students' rails of glittering dresses, sits Professor Louise Wilson, director of Central Saint Martins' fashion course, and the person many credit with having shaped British fashion over the past decade. Since 1992 she has taught Alexander McQueen and current stars Mary Katrantzou and Christopher Kane; former students are employed at Céline, Balenciaga and Louis Vuitton, and 90% of her graduates have gone straight into work. The dresses Chung is shivering into downstairs were conceived under Wilson's eye. How important does she think people like Alexa Chung, whose style is proved to sell clothes, are to the industry? Wilson, who, in her black poloneck has the air of a cartoon queen – regal, ferocious and aggressively intelligent – sighs pointedly. "The autonomy of education gives us the freedom not to think about the importance of people like Alexa. To be free-speaking, not networking." She pauses, to make sure I understand her point. "If we were 'following'" – if her students were too aware of those on "best dressed" lists – "that'd be a problem. Not wanting to be disdainful, but it's important for us that we're fighting against it." I ask Wilson a question I've been pondering: how does fashion work? Bickley at Joyn talked about how digital has affected consumers' expectations of customer service. Chung is an example of the impact of influential bloggers and celebrities. How can Wilson, the person behind the clothes we wear, explain the process to me? She locks me in a look. I lean forward to hear her secret. "There aren't 10 easy fucking rules, OK?" OK. "You wouldn't ask Freud: 'Can you show me how to make a painting?', would you? You wouldn't dream of asking an F1 driver to show you quickly how to build a car. How does it work? How do you lick a cock! Listen, it's a life experience. It's about skills, education. Sorry, mate, not everyone can be in the club." Again, a sigh. "The problem with British fashion," she says, "is that it's got too fashionable." Alexa Chung is the spokesperson for the British Designers Collective and will launch the store at Bicester Village on 21 March ( Today's best video • Oscars Fashion Interactive • The NSA files trailblock image Today in pictures Alexa Chung
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Why the Tory right no longer trusts David Cameron on Europe MPs believe David Cameron's determination to succeed as prime minister and to walk tall in EU trump his euroscepticism David Cameron next to Christmas tree outside Downing Street David Cameron pictured leaving Downing Street for prime minister's questions where a succession of Tory MPs challenged him on Europe. EPA/ANDY RAIN Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA David Cameron may not have been attending today's EU summit in Brussels as prime minister had he not made a decisive intervention in the 2005 Tory leadership contest. The future prime minister started to win over the right when he gave an assurance to the Cornerstone Group that he would pull the Tories out of the main centre right grouping in the European Parliament. * John Hayes, one of the guiding lights in Cornerstone – dubbed Tombstone by some Cameron supporters – threw his weight behind Cameron who rewarded him with a ministerial post. Hayes is an ally of Iain Duncan Smith who is playing a leading role in encouraging eurosceptics to put pressure on Cameron. David Davis, the eurosceptic former Europe minister who was Cameron's main rival in 2005, refused to follow his example and give an undertaking to pull out of the European People's Party (EPP). Davis thought that such a clear commitment would close off options. And yet today Davis is lining up with eurosceptics to put pressure on Cameron to table tough demands at the summit. In an article on the ConservativeHome website, Davis writes: This is an unprecedented opportunity for the government to establish a new relationship in Europe…What comes out of the EU summit ought to be new terms of membership, with less focus on a legislative union and more focus on free trade, competitiveness and prosperity. They should include an emergency brake and a variable opt out from EU legislation. So why is the right "on manoeuvres", as one leading figure told me? The extent of the challenge was shown on Wednesday when the Northern Ireland secretary Owen Paterson, whose patron is Duncan Smith, told the Spectator that it was "inevitable" that a revision of the Lisbon treaty would require a referendum in Britain. It all boils down a simple point. The right no longer trusts the prime minister on Europe because they feel he has fallen into what is regarded as the John Major trap. He sounds suitably eurosceptic and then ends up watering down his promises as he agrees to the compromises that mark every EU negotiation. This tendency was identified by Tristan Garel-Jones, the former Conservative Europe. This is what Lord Garel-Jones told me in 2009: It is now a tradition in Britain that all the major parties behave badly on Europe in opposition and they all behave fairly sensibly when they get into government. Cameron is a sensible, clever, thoughtful young man. If he becomes prime minister he will behave in a sensible, clever and thoughtful way and in the best interests of Britain. Most eurosceptics acknowledge that Cameron has had to change tack partly under pressure from the Liberal Democrats. Nick Clegg insisted in the coalition negotiations that the Tories abandon their pledge to repatriate social and employment laws. In a compromise the two parties agreed that a referendum would be held on future EU treaties, though only if significant UK powers were transferred to the EU. Duncan Smith started pushing at the boundaries of this on Sunday by saying a referendum should be held simply if a "major" treaty is agreed. One member of the Cameron circle highlighted the pressure from the Lib Dems by telling me: The question for us is which is the bigger force, Germany or the Liberal Democrats? But eurosceptics believe there is a deeper reason to explain why the prime minister is not living up to the promise he showed during the 2005 leadership contest. They believe that his innate euroscepticism is trumped by an even greater instinct: to be a successful prime minister who walks tall in Europe. The eurosceptics believe that, for once, Ed Miliband was right when he taunted the prime minister in the commons on Wednesday for promising more than he can deliver. Miliband highlighted Cameron's suggestion, shortly before a rebellion in October by 81 Conservative MPs on the EU, that he might use the eurozone crisis to repatriate powers. The prime minister had one of his weaker performances at PMQs after Miliband asked: Why does the prime minister think it is in the national interest to tell his backbenchers one thing to quell a rebellion on Europe, and to tell his European partners another thing? Cameron thought that his move on the EPP and his track record as a eurosceptic would give him room to manage his party. But once again the EU is coming back to haunt the Tories who lost one prime minister (Margaret Thatcher) over Europe and who found a second (John Major) was hobbled over the issue. Perhaps the prime minister's chief strategist (George Osborne) might assess whether it is wise to suggest to Tories that he can deliver far more on the EU than he will ever secure. This warning from a eurosceptic, voiced to me after the rebellion in October, stands true: On Europe the prime minister can only keep up the tease for so long. At some point the facade crumbles. * The legacy of Cameron's decision to pull out of the EPP was illustrated today when he did not attend its pre-summit meeting in Marseille attended by Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and José Manuel Barroso. This gave the prime minister a chance to hold a meeting with the Tories' main allies in Europe – Poland's opposition. It appears the prime minister did not take up this opportunity. Today's best video • The NSA files trailblock image Find your MP Wintour and Watt blog weekly archives Dec 2011
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television & radio The Briefs; Britain's Favourite Supermarket Foods – TV review Burglar Alex, claw-hammer Gary and their ilk almost make you sorry for lawyers The Briefs Their workload is huge and seemingly pointless ... The Briefs. Photograph: ITV It's not often you feel sorry for lawyers. The Briefs (ITV) gets you closer than most. The second two-part documentary about life at Tuckers, the country's busiest legal aid-funded criminal law firm, began with what you rapidly realise is the usual array of theft, burglary, assault (aggravated or, for those who didn't manage to pick up a hammer or an axe on their way, unaggravated), public order offences and so, very much, on. It's a topsy-turvy world, in which 23-year-old Kyle Backhouse – who is, as the voiceover diplomatically puts it, on his 34th matter with Tuckers – is described as "the perfect client" because he is (like 70% of their clients) "repeat business … and he always takes our advice. We never have any trouble with him." A world in which another of the 70%, Alex Templar (23 previous convictions for burglary), is scandalised by an accusation of criminal damage. "I'm a thief!" he says indignantly. "If I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna do it for financial reasons." And a world in which Gary Raftery is a bright and shining star because although he attacked a man with a claw-hammer, it was his first offence and one he deeply regrets. "He's a lovely feller," says his lawyer. "I hope we can get that to shine through for the judge." The lawyers' task is both Herculean and Sisyphean (I'm sorry – lawyers always make me overcompensate). Their workload is huge but the seeming pointlessness of it all would surely drive any ordinary man or woman to despair. It probably did many viewers within the space of just an hour. If they win, their clients obviously escape punishment (and you don't have to be a rightwing, hate-breathing bigot to see that the principle of innocence until proven guilty might be a vital one in jurisprudence but a cause of many violations to the principle of common sense in the real world) and if they don't, prison is greeted with a shrug. They serve their time, they re-emerge, they reoffend. The Briefs is a good, solid, well-made and fair-minded example of the hidden-world genre but like most of them seems to be begging for a follow-on that would explore some of the issues raised. What will happen when the cuts to legal aid bleed the system dry of representation? Do the lawyers ever despair? What can be done about all the Kyle Backhouses out there? Do you, can you, should you try to instil a sense of shame or conscience in those who seem to be free of such shackles on their behaviour? Where does the answer lie? Or should you just stop reading the Guardian so that questions like this stop popping up to disturb your peace of mind? Over to less demanding fare – Britain's Favourite Supermarket Foods (BBC1), presented by Cherry Healey. Now, look. I know it's summer, I know it's hot, and everyone's meant to be away enjoying themselves. But even if the entire isle had been emptied for the duration, even if there were nothing left here but a couple of overlooked pets and some grass snakes, it still wouldn't excuse this bag of utter balls. Healey took, by dint of experiments that could have been dreamed up by a moderately intelligent eight-year-old with 10 minutes to kill before play time and the recitation of stupid statistics about widely-consumed foodstuffs ("We Brits eat four BILLION loaves of bread a year! ... We spend £4.5 BILLION pounds on sandwiches! BIG numbers of people eat and spend BIG amounts of food and money RESPECTIVELY!"), an hour to conclude that variety in food makes us eat more, protein and porridge fill us up for longer than carbs or fat or sugar, and nut-fat is better for us than crisp-fat or sticking a straw in a vat of liquid lard and drinking that down for breakfast. My God, but Healey worked hard to disguise the fact that she was mired in a piece of absolute shit. She grinned and gurned as she delivered lines like "But when it comes to the CRUNCH, what are our ABSOLUTE favourites? I'm on a biscuity mission to find out!" She goggled and boggled at dietary advice anyone who hadn't recently suffered an incalculably severe brain stem injury was aware of ("Add fruit instead of golden syrup to porridge for a healthier breakfast!") and flung every last atom of her energy and fervour into the terrible, sub-moronic job at hand. Given the choice between having my tax money used to represent Kyle in his 35th matter with Tuckers or given to the BBC to make more of this contemptuous bollocks, I'd say go ahead, Kyle. Have a free aggravated assault on me. TV highlights Full TV listings Most popular
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Sangin: Afghanistan's poppy town that became deathtrap for British army Area of Helmand province has been scene of nearly a third of the 300 British soldiers' deaths since 2001 Medics in Sangin Medics from the emergency response team transport a battle casualty in Sangin. Photograph: MoD/Getty Images Of the 300 British soldiers who have died in Afghanistan since 2001, 96 have been in Sangin, the most dangerous place in the country for Nato soldiers. The 300th victim is the seventh marine commando to have been killed or fatally wounded there in as many weeks. At least 16 British troops have died after being shot in the Sangin area in that time. Four years after UK troops deployed there, the Taliban continue to aggressively contest control of the Helmand town, which has become infamous for the vast number of improvised explosive devices used by insurgents, which have been responsible for most British deaths. The town is also responsible for more than 10% of the daily casualties of the entire Nato mission. Sangin has a long history of being troublesome for foreign troops. It was the scene of the first major military engagement in the south during the second Anglo-Afghan war of 1878, when the British fought a cavalry battle against 1,500 fighters. But today it is the drugs trade and tribal politics that have helped to make it a particularly lethal place to operate. The town is close to tracts of well-irrigated land for growing poppies, and its proximity to the country's main highway makes it an important smuggling centre for opium and other goods. Analysts and diplomats familiar with the area say the high level of violence is in part due to drug smugglers keen to maintain a level of mayhem that allows their trade to flourish. Weak and corrupt local government – a nationwide problem – also plays its part in fuelling local support for insurgents. That is further complicated by infighting between communities, a problem largely made possible by the decline of the tribal system, which was damaged by factional fighting during the civil war of the 1990s. Scores of British troops have been killed in Sangin since Tony Blair, egged on by overconfident British generals, dispatched more than 3,000 service men and women to Helmand in 2006. Ever since, they have been vulnerable to attacks, first by small arms fire and mortars, then roadside bombs, now by both, as they established isolated patrol bases to search for a hidden enemy and tried to give assurance to local Afghans frightened of the Taliban but distrustful of British troops. They set up more and more forward bases and checkpoints in the area between Sangin and their supply base at Camp Bastion near the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah. Their vulnerability was compounded by a shortage of helicopters. British troops in Helmand were spread too thinly, yet Gordon Brown blocked requests for more troops. The last big British push was Operation Panther's Claw, which began in late June 2009 and was wrapping up in August when Simon Valentine became the 200th soldier to die since the invasion in 2001. That was a campaign designed to make an area of central Helmand safe for people to vote in the Afghan presidential elections. The operation was concentrated in an area roughly along a line running north-east to south-west from Sangin to Gereshk to Lashkar Gah – part of what is called the green zone of the Helmand river valley. The map of Helmand has changed little in the 11 months that it has taken for 100 soldiers to be killed and many more to suffer life-changing injuries. Instead of mounting grand offensives designed to seize more territory from insurgent control, the British mission was focused on the long, slow slog of counterinsurgency – holding on to areas they already had. British commanders said they hoped it would be a turning point in the eight-year conflict. It was not. The operation took nearly 3,000 British troops, many engaged in heavy gunfights, to capture an area the size of the Isle of Wight. Security is said to be better now for the local population but the operation did not achieve the breakthrough hoped for. Ten British soldiers were killed in the operation, including Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe, commander of 1st Battalion the Welsh Guards. Many more were wounded. By the turn of the year, the US was sending thousands more troops. They now total about 20,000 in Helmand, more than double the number of British soldiers in the province, and more are on their way. The US took over the key town of Musa Qala, won, lost, and then recaptured by British troops after fierce gun battles. But British troops were left to patrol Sangin. Senior British military officials are still smarting over suggestions that the US had to take responsibility for southern Iraq three years ago – let alone Musa Qala now – because the British could not cope. While the US marines launched a much bigger operation to the south of Lashkar Gah, British commanders argued at the time that they had responsibility for most of the areas where the majority of Helmandis live. In February this year British troops took part in Operation Moshtarak, an effort to further strengthen government control around Helmand's provincial capital of Lashkar Gah. However, UK troops focused on Nad-e-Ali, where there was already some British presence, while the US marines mounted an offensive against Marjah, a predominantly rural area where the Taliban were in complete control and where fighting has been more intense. But even without taking part in major offensives, the attempt to continuously guarantee the security of areas that have previously been "cleared" of insurgents is dangerous work for the British. The necessary "presence patrols", usually on foot, are vulnerable to ambushes and ever-more sophisticated homemade bombs. This year troops have seen an increasing number of landmines with no metal content, rendering metal detectors useless. Today's best video Today in pictures
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When time's up for justice Paedophile William Goad is a multi-millionaire - but his many victims can't sue him because of strict time limits on launching compensation claims. Meg Henderson and Clare Dyer on a campaign to change the rules William Goad, the man dubbed "Britain's worst paedophile", is thought to have abused as many as 3,500 boys - some as young as eight - over 40 years. Now serving a life sentence, he was described by prosecuting counsel as "a voracious, predatory and violent homosexual paedophile". Two of his victims committed suicide, others attempted to, and many more turned to drink or drugs. But few are likely to see a penny from him in compensation. Goad, who dismissed his victims as "little junkies" chasing compensation, ran a chain of indoor markets and discount stores and is believed to have amassed a £25m fortune. But strict time limits on suing over assaults have barred claims by those victims who reached the age of 24 - the cut-off point - before they realised they could sue him. The result is that his wealth will go largely untouched, while the government forks out millions of pounds in taxpayers' money to compensate his victims under the criminal injuries compensation scheme - a situation described as "appalling" by Peter Garsden, vice-president of the association of child abuse lawyers. The association is mounting a campaign to try to persuade parliament to change the law on time limits, which is denying redress to thousands of victims of sexual and physical abuse. In England and Wales, the time limit for suing over a deliberate assault, including rape, is six years from when the incident occurs or, if later, from when the victim turns 18. There is an alternative route for those abused in children's homes or schools - suing the management of the institution or the council responsible for it for negligence for failing to protect the victims. Here, a different time limit applies: three years from the date the victims knew the incident caused them harm - or, for a child, three years after reaching 18. That time limit is extendable at the court's discretion, but lawyers say this is rarely exercised. In 2001, the Law Commission recommended a radical overhaul of the law on time limits in England and Wales. But for the past four years the government has sat on the report, while the courts tell victim after victim their cases have been brought too late. Jim Buckley's mother died in childbirth in 1951 when he was six. Patrick, the new baby, was cared for by a neighbour, while Jim and his brothers, Michael and John, were placed in a home run by the Congregation of Poor Sisters of Nazareth in Aberdeen."From the outset we were regarded as aliens and ostracised," he says. "The nuns separated us immediately, they always did. There's strength in unity and they didn't want that. Everyone had a number. You were never referred to by name. "The brutality started straight away. The nuns would hit you with whatever they had to hand, a broom handle, a chair leg, a chair even, and for no reason. "You were a small child, you had no idea what you were supposed to have done, and if you put your hands up to defend yourself six nuns would arrive and beat the shit out of you. And all the time you were told that you were there because no one wanted you, no one cared, so who would listen if you tried telling anyone? There was no one to tell anyway. We went to school outside Nazareth House, but we were told not to talk to or mix with 'outsiders', and so that no one saw the bruises we were either kept off school or given notes excusing us from gym." There was, he says, no medical treatment. "You were punished for being sick, but if they did accept it you were allowed to lie in bed. They didn't call a doctor or anything like that. When I was an adult I discovered I had rheumatic heart disease, caused by rheumatic fever in childhood. I remember being ill, but I didn't know that's what it was, and so far I've had three valve replacements. Dentists only appeared to remove teeth, and I never saw a social worker in the nine years I was there. My father didn't visit, but even if we'd told him what was going on, he'd have believed the nuns." There was a fixed regime of cruelty and abuse, he says, where bed-wetters were made to wear urine-soaked sheets around them all day, or wet underwear on their heads, and Buckley recalls a special punishment of connecting a rubber sheet to a battery with bullclips, so that if they wet the bed again the children received an electric shock. Tales of force-feeding are common, too, including forcing children to eat their own vomit. Buckley is one of a group of 500 Scottish former child inmates of Nazareth House establishments who want to sue over their claims. But this month a test case brought by three former residents failed to persuade a judge to extend Scottish time limits similar to those in England. Lord Drummond Young refused "without hesitation" to allow the extension because relevant evidence was likely to be lost, and because it would be oppressive, even "cruel", to the nuns to allow an action to go ahead so many years after the events. These days the Poor Sisters of Nazareth care for the elderly and Aids sufferers, prompting the judge to comment, "It does not appear to me to be fair that their current activities should be prejudiced because of acts carried out [up to] 40 years ago by individuals who are dead or no longer active ... It is clearly upsetting for anyone to have to think in detail about unhappy memories of childhood. I cannot accept that it is genuinely in the pursuers' interests to rake over those memories, especially where the individual nuns said to be responsible are either dead or elderly." Buckley says: "He patted us on the head and told us to just forget it and get on with our lives, but we had the effects for decades. I only started to remember when I read a newspaper article when I was 44, and I got in touch with Grampian police. A sergeant took a statement over three hours, then produced four files of other complaints, all very similar to mine. They were sitting on all that evidence and nothing had been done. I'm 60 now and I've been trying to get something done for 16 years." In Aberdeen in 2000 Marie Docherty, Sister Alphonso of Nazareth House, went on trial accused of 24 counts of child cruelty. She was found guilty of four, three were found "not proven", and the other 17 charges were not proceeded with. Glasgow solicitor Cameron Fyfe is appealing in the three time-barred test cases. "All my clients were bitterly disappointed," he says. "They've tried everything else to get justice and want their day in court. They're not interested in money but the only way they can have their say is by suing for compensation. They want someone to say sorry. They feel they've been slapped in the face by a technicality, and if their cases don't qualify as 'exceptional', I don't know what would." There are no time limits for bringing criminal charges, but those who have tried to have their abusers brought to justice in the criminal courts often face failure there too. As a 13-year-old at boarding school in England, Steve Foster (now 44) was sexually abused over three years by the school chef. When he left school he was found by the man at the age of 16 and again at 19, and blackmailed into further abuse with threats of showing his parents photographs. Foster, like most abuse victims, blanked his assailant out of his mind, but in his 30s plucked up the courage to go to the police. "They said if I couldn't remember his surname there was nothing they could do," he recalls. Through Friends Reunited he found former pupils who not only gave his name, but told stories of similar abuse. With other statements and witnesses, the police located the abuser, but charges were not brought because his ill-health meant he could die before trial. It would, police said, be a waste of money, but he did admit the offences and accept a caution. "Like a great many abuse victims, Steve Foster had tried the criminal justice route," says his solicitor, Jonathan Wheeler, a committee member of the association of child abuse lawyers. "They go through this process where the police don't want to compromise their star witnesses by advising them to seek compensation, so more time is lost. Steve Foster would also have been time-barred [for a compensation claim], but he's done everything he could to get somewhere with this, and the truth is, he hasn't". · Campaign details on Today's best video • The NSA files trailblock image Today in pictures
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Chilean mine rescue enters final phase as escape capsule prepares for descent Chilean miners trapped underground for 68 days in Atacama desert could be rescued tomorrow Relatives of the trapped miners Relatives of the trapped Chilean miners have breakfast outside the San Jose mine today. Photograph: Rodrigo Arangua/AFP/Getty Images Chile's operation to winch 33 trapped miners to safety will begin at midnight local time tomorrow (3am GMT Wednesday), officials said, after engineers tested a specially designed escape capsule. Mining minister Laurence Golborne said miners would start being individually evacuated 68 days after the collapse of part of the gold and copper mine in the Atacama desert. Earlier, rescuers completed lining a segment of a shaft through which the miners will be brought to safety. Engineers worked through the night to lay 96 metres of sheet metal at the top of the 622-metre tunnel, finishing at 3am local time, prompting cheers and shouts of "Viva Chile!". Test-runs of the rescue capsule, dubbed "the phoenix", were undertaken this morning, Golborne said. President Sebastián Piñera is due to visit the site tomorrow, possibly accompanied by his Bolivian counterpart, Evo Morales, who has requested attendance because one of the trapped men is Bolivian. Rescuers said they would resume drilling a separate shaft as a back-up plan in case of problems with the first one. On its journey to the surface, the capsule will have to twist up to a dozen times through curves of 28-inch (78cm) diameter. Video inspections showed the shaft's lower walls to be firm, smooth rock, eliminating the need to line them, which would have taken days and risked blockages. The health minister, Jaime Manalich, said that at least two rescuers, including a paramedic, would be winched down to prepare the men for a fraught, claustrophobic journey that could take between 10 and 40 minutes. Authorities wanted the most stable miners to go up first, he said. "They have to be psychologically mature, have a great deal of mining experience and be able to handle a quick training on how to use the harness and oxygen mask in the phoenix capsule." A few had volunteered to go up first and several expressed a desire to go last in "a completely admirable show of solidarity", said the minister. One motive to be last, however, is a guaranteed place in the Guinness World Records for the longest time a miner has ever been trapped underground. Given the complexities of the current situation, it is a record that many expect to be insurmountable. The men will be given green waterproof suits designed to let their skin breathe as they ascend, and at the top they will receive a pair of Oakley Radar sunglasses to shield them from sunlight before beginning a 48-hour evaluation of their physical and mental health. Today's best video Today in pictures
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ITHACA, NY—In an announcement with major implications for future generations of big fat hogs, Cornell University geneticists announced Monday that they have isolated the specific DNA series that makes an individual susceptible to eating a whole goddamn bag of chips. According to Cornell researchers, the tendency to eat a whole goddamn bag of chips (above) may be genetic. "We have long known that the tendency to sit down and eat the whole goddamn bag runs in certain families," said team leader Dr. Edward Alvaro. "However, until we completed our work, we weren't sure whether the disposition to cram chips down your greasy gullet was genetic or whether it was a behavioral trait learned from one or both fat-fuck parents. With the discovery of gene series CHP-48/OZ-379, we have proof positive that single-case serial chip-eating is indeed hereditary." For years, scientists have been aware of the numerous health complications linked to a person's predisposition to plop down and mow through a whole bag of chips, but it wasn't until now that they were able to isolate the gene that carries the trait. According to the Cornell team, series CHP-48/OZ-379 is a set of "alleles," or collections of genetic material, that cause chip-eaters to develop a markedly larger number of chip-responsive nerve endings in their cerebral material. "People with this gene have up to four times the amount of fritoceptors normally found in a human," Alvaro said. "This increases their pleasure response to snaxamine-2, the human body's principal chip-eating hormone, which is released in response to giant handfuls of chips being shoveled into the mouth. This tends to promote entire-goddamn-bag-eating behavior in those individuals who possess the series." One of the most interesting characteristics of the newly discovered series, researcher Dr. Paul Bergleiter said, is its tendency to appear more than once in the gene strands of a human subject. "Series CHP-48/OZ-379, because it is a fairly large, or 'fat-assed,' allele, tends to just lie around at convenient sites on the DNA sequence," Bergleiter said. "Though many subjects exhibit only one instance of this gene, on others we have found as many as four. This, of course, led these rather rare subjects to eat four times as many whole goddamn bags of chips as those in our control group." Though many more fatsos must be studied to determine CHP-48/OZ-379's transmission pattern, conventional wisdom seems to indicate that the gene is recessive. "Who would want to pass on their own intact genetic material to someone who just sat around eating chips all goddamn day?" Bergleiter asked. "Unless, of course, that was the only person you could find because you were such a big lard-ass yourself. That would probably be the only source of friendly RNA-transcriptive culture you could find." Carriers of the CHP-48/OZ-379 gene are hailing the Cornell find. "It is about time science took steps to help people like me--people who eat bags of chips like it's fucking popcorn," said 370-pound Erie, PA, resident Russell Roberts. "I can't even get jogging pants in my size anymore." The discovery is considered the most significant advance in gene-mapping since a University of Chicago team isolated the DNA strand that causes people to shovel spoonfuls of ice cream into their mouths while standing in front of the friggin' freezer with the door wide open.,691/
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Comet bomber flyby pics show spaceball belching ancient dry ice Professor Sunshine bitchslaps wet squirty tail theory Evaluating the cost of a DDoS attack Excellent snaps sent back by a NASA probe craft during a rendezvous with the comet Hartley 2 have revealed that the spectacular "jets" of glowing gas which make it so spectacular result from dry ice subliming in its interior. The nucleus of comet Hartley 2 belching dry ice, imaged by the EPOXI spacecraft. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UMD A little bit of dry ice fabulousness NASA's EPOXI* mission has seen the former Deep Impact spacecraft - which successfully bombed the comet Tempel 1 with an impact missile in 2005, gleaning valuable data while so doing - subsequently reassigned to mount a flyby past Hartley 2. During the past five years the probe has carried out cunning gravity-assist flybys past Earth in order to intercept the hurtling comet, and a week ago it zoomed to just 700km from the freezing spaceball. This time, however, there was no impact probe. This excellent clip from NASA explains: Since the Hartley 2 intercept last week data has beamed down from the EPOXI craft to NASA's receivers on Earth, and boffins have been eagerly crunching it. Already, traditional notions of how comets work have been upset. "Previously it was thought that water vapor from water ice was the propulsive force behind jets of material coming off of the body, or nucleus, of the comet," says Professor Jessica Sunshine, who is deputy top boffin for the EPOXI mission. "We now have unambiguous evidence that solar heating of subsurface frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice), directly to a gas, a process known as sublimation, is powering the many jets of material coming from the comet," continues the prof. "This is a finding that only could have been made by traveling to a comet, because ground based telescopes can't detect CO2 and current space telescopes aren't tuned to look for this gas." Sunshine and her colleagues believe that it may be commonplace for comets' spurting of gas and dust from their nuclei into their gassy coma, or tail, to be driven by dry ice rather than wet. "The dry ice that is producing the CO2 jets on this comet has probably been frozen inside it since the formation of the solar system," comments Sunshine's colleague Lori Feaga. According to the EPOXI pics, Hartley 2's nucleus is peanut or dumbbell shaped, 2km long and 400m across at the narrow point of the neck. The comet-probe boffins expect many more interesting revelations from the probe data, which is still streaming in at a rate of 2,000 images a day. Many more excellent pics, animations etc can be seen here, courtesy of NASA and Maryland uni where Sunshine and her team work. ® *Extrasolar Planet Observation and Characterization plus Deep Impact Extended Investigation Evaluating the cost of a DDoS attack More from The Register next story What did you see, Elder Galaxies? What made you age so quickly? 1.6bn years old and already collecting a pension ... boffins baffled by new cosmic riddle Boffins build bendy screen using LEDs just THREE atoms thick We all owe our EXISTENCE to lovely VOLCANOES, say boffins Antarctica lava blasts kept Earth warm 'n' cozy during global cold snaps Heroic Playmonaut wowed by LOHAN's bulging package LOHAN team wraps Vulture 2 spaceplane avionics install 166 days later: Space Station astronauts return to Earth ISS shift change goes off without a hitch NASA to programmers: Save the Earth and fatten your wallet Experts team up with space miners to sponsor asteroid finding algorithm contest Blighty teen boffin builds nuclear reactor INSIDE CLASSROOM prev story Transforming your business with flash storage Evaluating the cost of a DDoS attack High performance access to file storage The benefits of software based PBX 5 ways to reduce advertising network latency
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1. “Baby, it’s not you… It’s me… I just like non drug addicts….” 2. RacistPete I totally thought this was another round of Stephanie Seymour and Boner Boy. Which speaks volumes about Mischa Barton. 3. Bonky Mischa kept telling her friends she thought that it was pretty creepy when her new fiance believed in “To have and to hold, at least until high tide”. 4. sofa king “will you…let me poke your chocolate starfish?” 5. EricLr She’s just confessed to him that she cheated on him with one of her drug-induced hallucinations. 6. “Don’t worry baby. You’ll always be O.C. hot to me.” 7. Johnny P! Oh, if I was dating her I’d hide my face from the cameras too… 8. tlmck “And now let us pray that the paps recognize you.” 9. The Brown Streak “Yay! Jellyfish sting! Now I get to pee on..err…I mean…ow…that mush hurt. Let me look at that.” 10. kimmykimkim Fuckin’ paddy-cake. 11. Henry “Let’s say a prayer so our mule makes it to Ibiza in one peace.” 12. Happy_Evil_Dude “Look I’m sorry Mischa, but when you picked me up you said you were a famous actress…” 13. Bionic_Crouton “Hey Sweetie… Why are you crying?” “Because…you’re on my feet!” 14. Vladmir That’s one big, ole ass… 15. Quijibo Skinniest fat person ever. 16. Snoozeroony Look, baby, just because your career went down the toilet, doesn’t mean it’ll wash up on shore… Leave A Comment
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Green Report bug Fresh news and ideas about our planet's future See full coverage Discovered: Communication towers are slaughtering our birds, deadly fungus is killing our frogs, more extreme weather is on the way, and the oceans are dirtier than we thought. • TV and radio towers are killing our birds. Here's an unhappy consequence of industrialization. Every time we make our communication towers a little taller, the bird death toll rises  along with it. According to a study by University of Southern California researchers, 6.8 million birds die every year from slamming into TV and radio towers. "Millions of the birds don't make it because they 'fall under the spell' of the lights on the towers, that are meant to keep planes at a safe distance," reads the study. Apparently, they sort of work like a mosquito zapper. "Most of the birds do not die because they run into the towers but because they get caught in the cables and guy wires propping up the structures. Some also run into each other or die from exhaustion." According to the researchers, if we just used bulbs that blink, instead of ones that don't, it would save millions of bird lives. Is it worth it? It could make for an annoying skyline. [Canada] • Deadly fungus is killing our frogs. Looks like birds aren't the only animals in trouble. According to a new UC Berkeley study, a fungal infection that leads to dehydration in frogs is killing off a record number of the amphibians around the world. The fungus is called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and it disrupts the fluid and electrolyte equilibrium of frogs. "The chytrid fungus attacks an amphibian's skin, causing it to become up to 40 times thicker in some instances," reads the study. "Since frogs depend on their skin to absorb water and essential electrolytes like sodium from their environment, [researchers] knew that chytrid would disrupt fluid balance in the infected amphibians, but were surprised to find that electrolyte levels were much lower than anticipated for the Sierra Nevada sample." Hang in there guys! [Science Daily] • Get ready for more extreme weather. A new study in the journal of Science says crazy weather patterns and storms are going to become a lot more routine in the futre.  "By measuring changes in salinity on the ocean’s surface, the researchers inferred that the water cycle had accelerated by about 4 percent over the last half-century," found the study by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. "That does not sound particularly large, but it is twice the figure generated from computerized analyses of the climate." Paul J. Durack, a researcher at the laboratory says “This provides another piece of independent evidence that we need to start taking the problem of global warming seriously.” If the estimates keep their trajectory, "it implies that the water cycle could quicken by as much as 20 percent later in this century as the planet warms, potentially leading to more droughts and floods." [Science] • The oceans are dirtier than we thought. Everyone knows the ocean is polluted from all the trash we lob into it every day. But it turns out, it's even more polluted than we thought. A new study in Geophysical Research Letters says that scientists have been underestimating the total amount of plastics in the water by an average factor of 2.5. Additionally, when there are high winds, scientists hace been underestimating the amount of plastic pollution by a factor of 27. "After taking samples of water at a depth of 16 feet (5 meters),[scientists] discovered that wind was pushing the lightweight plastic particles below the surface. That meant that decades of research into how much plastic litters the ocean, conducted by skimming only the surface, may in some cases vastly underestimate the true amount of plastic debris in the oceans." There's nothing like finding out a bad situation is worse than you actually thought it was. [Science Daily] [Jrom 73 Shutterstock]
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Our TV Shows Got a Tip? Call TMZ at (888) 847-9869 or Click Here Lohan Busted on Suspicion of DUI Calls to Lohan's rep were not immediately returned. See All No Avatar All we need is to have Britney arrested and we'll have the Grand Slam of arrests! (Paris, Nicole, Lohan and Britney). 2483 days ago I was shocked     Thankfully no one was killed or seriously injured. I do not hate Lindsay Lohan by any means; I just hate what she is doing. This is a young woman who is not an heiress like Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie. I have only seen two of her films; Mean Girls and The Parent Trap and she does have talent. She is becoming more known for her train-wreck personal life than the work she does in films. Get it together Lindsay! Many other people would be happy to have the talent you have and you are wasting it, which is why people are starting to feel less and less sorry for you. 2483 days ago I vote for the whoopass. I was a spanked child, and I understood why and accepted the punishment. I respected the boundaries my parents set and had a safe and secure youth because of them. Of course, you have to be fortunate enough to be born to parents who love you enough to say no and mean it. 2483 days ago He's Boring now     Shes a miserable human being, inside, outside and all those around her including her mommy and so called friends are as miserable and enabling. Do us all a favor since you refuse to take seriously that we and those we love dont want to be harmed by your driving while on drugs and alcohol----go hurt yourself or something, so you wont drive again ok? Though you dont value life based on your fake treatment honesty, we and those we love do value it. Stay out of our way you potential Murderer. You're no different than a goof with a gun when you drive all cranked and tanked up. 2483 days ago name withheld     I guess I must be right about Howard too! 2483 days ago Sick of the Shrillness     Just had a random thought... perhaps these girls and their money is so powerful that they have cronies that will do their dirty work for them. Let me give you an example: Oprah Winfrey's dad was about to write a "tell all" book on Oprah's life, when she found out about it... well, to say the least, she was quite shocked. However, the next day, the media announced that her father no longer was going to write his "tell all" book. The question begs, did Oprah's goonies pay a call to her father and have a nice long "chat"? Whatever it was... seems out of the ordinary to me. As to Lindsay, Britney, Paris and Nicole... is this a similar situation? Does the elite in Hollywood have an unspoken pull/clout with the police force. Are there goonies that take care of the "saints" in Hollywood? These children are a laughing stock with the rest of us folks that pay taxes and put our pants on, one leg at a time. 2483 days ago What are you that Stupid?     Is anyone surprised here? Lindsay and her buddy Paris should share the same cell and whine how people are just so mean to them. 2483 days ago Smart Philly Cookie     I love Candy Spelling! That was a well written and thought out letter. I'm glad someone in Hollywood cares!!! 2483 days ago Smart Philly Cookie     Oh yeah, the police should be adding 'Leaving a Scene of An Accident" too. "Hurt" or not, she legally isn't allowed to leave the accident scene. 2483 days ago I knew this would happen, and they dont hire drivers, because they use drugs. wake up people that whole circle, does drugs and gets away with it. people are gonna start to protest against these stupid people. what about leaving the scene of an accident? 2483 days ago just asking     Why wasnt she arrested for leaving the scene and cocaine posession? I wonder how many people who wrecked their cars into trees and curbs, possessed cocaine and left the scene of the crime and then went home that night wihout the benefit of the hospitality of LAPD ? Double standard. Stand up Los Angeles residents. Your families are in danger . 2483 days ago Georgia Girl     This little girl just DOESN'T get it. 2483 days ago I'm with #154. Candy, it's time for another letter. 2483 days ago Somebody , shoot it! Quick!     Thanks 137Katee. I had always wondered if the clubs let her drink. I know they are clubs with liquor lics. and have to follow state rules, BUT for celebs, aged 16 and older,they can get in and are seated in roped off, curtained of VIP sections. Drew Barrymore was dancing and going to clubs, and um , drinking, and tooting when she was 12 or so. HER mommy liked going toth ehot places and Drew was her admit ticket. Good PR for clubs to have celebs. Average people, aged 16yrs and up CANNOT GET INTO CLUBS UNTIL THEY ARE 21. I do not care if they serve fod or not. You cannot go to House of Blues for concerts unless it is a familything like SundayJazz /Gospel Brunch. Anybody at anytime can go to the restaurant, but not everyone can go to the concerthall Lyns and others do go to House ogf Blues for concerts. Diff laws for celebs. I guess somethings can be skirted around, but when they are onthe public streets ,that is when they have tofollow same laws and consequences as every other Joe. 2483 days ago Smart Philly Cookie     The headline should've been: Felony For Firecrotch!! 2483 days ago Around The Web
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Our TV Shows Got a Tip? Call TMZ at (888) 847-9869 or Click Here Judge: Sweetin Not Allowed to Be Alone with Baby No Avatar frogs and gravel     If you look real close and use your imagination, the baby kind of looks like a very young Corey Feldman. Sorry, but its true. Hope you kick your addictions Jodie. 1912 days ago Uncle Don     Don't they say,any publicity is good publicity? Maybe she'll get a job with,"Moms on Meth".,or maybe......just maybe,..'Better Crackheads and Junkies" Good luck with all that! Uncle Don. 1912 days ago why are all these GOLD DIGGER guys getting custody of the children they never work and they don't take that good care of kids as a women would 1912 days ago Is this "little Stephanie" on full house??? I thought she would have done better in her life..Hope she can pick herself up and dust herself off and live life to the fullest W/O drugs and Alcohoc 1912 days ago omg. i love the show full house and i can't belive that sweet little stephanie actress is like THIS! its carzy! 1912 days ago All you on here making nasty comments, do you know these people? Better yet, to those that are parents, are you telling me you don't occasionally have a drink or two. Grow up! She didn't loose anything. She is already living at her parents house, so not much of a stretch for one of them to be there when she has the baby. And to haha.... once an addict, and that makes a person bad? People can be an addict and go into recovery and get better, but just like someone on a diet that slips and has a cookie or candy bar one time, the addict may slip too. I know I did a few times, but have now been clean and sober for over 12 years! So don't be so know all and nasty when you obviously know nothing! 1912 days ago God, please help this woman thru this difficult time. Heal her and make her strong. The child needs a mother also. 1912 days ago Well, the little girl needs a good home and daddy dont sound 2 straight himself. I pray that he doesnt abuse her with his bad habits. 1912 days ago Wow that's so sad, I used to love Full House, and she was so sweet. 1912 days ago I agree with B. 1912 days ago She should go on the next season of Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew. 1912 days ago I hope that people can understand that addiction is a disease and not something you "choose"... some people can experiment with alcohol and never drink again and some experiment with alcohol and it will end up totally consuming their life. So, She has a disease and it needs to be treated. Some people think that alcoholics don't love their children, well, Most of them do, very much, but the problem is that the alcohol or whatever drug it is they are using consumes them so much that they put it first before anything else... Once you take the addiction away, for most alcoholics a lot of healing can happen, and for a lot of people, it's harder to heal than others. So Jodie I doubt you even read these darn comments, but hang in there and get sober for YOU and your kid, He's young now and can forgive you easily... the older he gets though, the harder it will be for him to forgive you if you don't straighten up and you will be spending years of your life in such horrible regret... Trust me I know..... Think about making your son the reason for your "addiction to being sober" I wish many blessiings on you and hope things get better.... 1912 days ago 5. How Rude! Posted at 2:22PM on Dec 17th 2008 by rdgr Hahahaha!! This was the best comment, rdgr! :) 1912 days ago meth addict and alcoholic.....ha it figures. another hollywood loser. whats with you people? cant find anything better to spend your money on? thrilled to death they took away your right to be a mother without are not even close to being a real mother. 1912 days ago Lil Wayne Fan     Thats just wrong lil girls need a Mother I don't understand why she can't have her since she lives with her parents this guy is just in it for the money cause she is still living off her Full House money cause everytime Full House is showen they still get paid for it and he is another K-fed living off the ex's money. 1912 days ago Around The Web
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I'm a bit of a sneaker head and I guess I'm also kind of a foodie, so instantly I was drooling when I saw what Nike and French boutique Collette got together to do. The Nike Air Royalty Macaroons were on display at the 'cooklette' event. The event let attendees dress up and decorate their freshly baked sneaker with icing and actual macaroons in a wide range of colors and flavors. This was definitely an original and innovative way to launch a new pair of shoes. Great way to celebrate a sweet pair of kicks.
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The Jurassic Park Jeep is one of the most recognizable and iconic vehicles in the history of movies. In an effort to recreate the style and swagger of the Jurassic Park Jeep, one massive movie fan spent an arduous three years transforming a 1993 Jeep Wrangler into an exact replica of the 4X4 from the memorable movie. The idea came about when a Colorado man and his friends started brainstorming ideas for comedic Halloween costumes. They decided on Ghostbusters for that year, but the idea spurred further movie tribute creativity in the man. Soon after buying a damaged $4,000 Jeep Wrangler, the Colorado native began stripping down the damaged Wrangler and putting it back together, keeping his eye on the Jurassic Park DVD cover to ensure he nailed the essential details of the vehicle. A look at these pictures and it's clear that this Jurassic Park Jeep replica is as close to the real thing as it gets.
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NASA's 3D-printed rocket engine is one of the most groundbreaking creations of the year. The evolution of the uses for 3D printing are accelerating at literally light speed. Whether it's 3D-printed casts or prosthetic limbs, the ability for this technology to push the limits is astounding. NASA used selective laser printing that utilizes a high-powered laser to melt the structure while infusing it with metallic powders to both increase the heat resistance and strengthen it -- definitely not the traditional 3D printing most are used to. Just how much of an impact could this make? As NASA explains, "This type of injector manufactured with traditional processes would take more than a year to make, but with these new processes it can be produced in less than four months, with a 70 percent reduction in cost." Not only is the process faster, but a reduction in cost of that size when looking at the huge amount of money it traditionally takes is literally a massive discovery. The future is definitely bright with NASA's 3D-printed rocket engines.
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