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Take the 2-minute tour × So today at work I ran into a strange problem. An application I was writing had a JavaScript file named form.sales.var.js, placed in the same directory as other JS files. However, when the browser tried to load the JS file, the server returned a 500 Internal Server Error page. The Apache log showed the entry: Syntax error in type map, no ':' in /var/www/... —followed by the rest of the file path and the file's contents. I did some research on Google regarding the issue and found that this was likely caused by the filename containing .var., causing Apache to treat it as a type-map. Since it wasn't, a syntax error occurs. My questions now are: 1. Why is a .js file being treated as a type-map when the documentation says that type maps are *.var files? Is it just that my web server is misconfigured, or can others test to see if their web servers produce the same errors with files named something.var.something? 2. Why is there no documentation of this problem, and why is it so rarely reported, even though this behavior seems to have existed since Apache 1.3? It seems like it would be a more common issue. 3. Are type-maps commonly used? Is there any foreseeable issues with disabling them in Apache? 4. What is the best way to address this issue (aside from renaming the file and not using any filenames that contain .var.)? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted That's part of Apache httpd's Content Negotiation. Just remove the handler for type-map for the <Directory> or <Location> of your JavaScript files or remove MultiViews for these directories. share|improve this answer Would this likely impact compatibility with other software? I'd like to avoid removing default functionality if this is a commonly used feature. And is the behavior of matching "var" anyway in the filename instead of just the extension normal? –  Lèse majesté Jul 10 '10 at 12:55 If you don't know if you're using MultiViews, you're probably not. I'd say it's safe to deactivate MultiVews for you. –  joschi Jul 10 '10 at 13:52 add comment Your Answer
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Take the 2-minute tour × on a Linux machine with kernel 2.6.32, how to enable klips i found that for enable klips mus enable in kernel config. but patch only available for 2.6.23- and for newer kernels, there is no patch. in kernel configs i cant find anything. how can i enable that in 2.6.32, or there's other way to use klips? i want to load custom crypto algoeithm and use by ipsec, is klips right way? or any other solution is for that? excuse me for my bad english. share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer KLIPS was another IPsec Stack used a while ago. Modern Linux-Kernels use NETKEY There are many differences, the most obvious is that there isn't any ipsecX interface anymore. If your documentation says something about KLIPS it's maybe outdated and will lead to more problems. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
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5 Shocking Ways Your Cell Phone is Hurting Your Health Courtesy of iStockphotoCourtesy of iStockphotoBy Chrisanne Grise Sure, your iPhone is a lifesaver when it comes to multitasking, but did you know that it could also be causing significant physical and emotional health problems for you? Check out this list and see if you identify with any of these problems -- and then find out how to remedy the situation. Related: The 7 Worst Health Habits-Ever The problem: Becoming addicted to your phone has become such a real condition that experts have given it a name: "Nomophobia" (no-mobile-phone-phobia). It's not limited to the hardcore Wall Street types with their "crackberries" though; it's more widespread than we realized. A recent survey found that 84 percent of the world's population said they could not go one day without their phones, and current research shows that nearly two-thirds of teens and young adults check their phones every 15 minutes or less. The anxiety and stress over missing out on a text or Facebook update can take such a toll on peoples' health that Morningside Recovery Center in California recently founded the first rehab group for nomophobia. The solution: "My best advice is to practice not checking in for periods of time," says Dr. Larry Rosen, professor of psychology at California State University and author of iDisorder. If you're having trouble keeping your hands off your phone, Rosen recommends checking the phone for a minute, then turning it on silent and placing it in plain sight, upside down. (Yes, keeping it in your line of sight is part of the challenge.) After 15 minutes, take a "tech break" and check for one minute before putting the phone down again -- and then repeat the process, slowly increasing the focus time from 15 minutes to 20, then 25, then 30. "Over time, the person learns that the anxiety is not real and is not harmful, and nothing awful happens if you don't check your phone so often," he explains. Layers of Filth The problem: The disturbing number of germs found on your phone is no joke -- one University of Arizona study found that the average phone has up to 10 times the amount of bacteria found in a bathroom! We often place our phones on filthy surfaces, or touch them without washing our hands. And to make matters worse, then you place your phone right near your face. Yuck! The solution: Clean off your phone with antibacterial wipes frequently. And of course, washing your hands before handling your cell helps too. Lastly, be mindful of where you're setting your phone down. Related: The Dirtiest Places at the Gym Dangerous Distractions The problem: Using your phone increases your chances of being seriously injured. Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University studied the brains of drivers using cell phones, and found that just listening to someone talk reduced brain activity by 37 percent. Another study by the University of Washington found that texting pedestrians took 1.87 extra seconds to cross an average intersection and were four times more likely to ignore lights or forget to look both ways before crossing. "There is only a limited amount of information that anyone can process at the same time," Dr. Rosen says. The solution: "We are continuously attending [to multiple tasks] but it is only 'partial' attention," Rosen says. "That is fine for some easy tasks, but not fine for anything that takes more than cursory thought." So when you're in a potentially risky situation, put down the phone. Your call or text can wait. Poor Sleep Health The problem: You should know by now that using gadgets with bright screens before bed makes it harder to fall asleep. Exposure to artificial light before going to bed can suppress your brain's ability to release melatonin, the hormone that regulates your sleep cycle. Losing sleep can lead to all sorts of health problems, including depression, weight gain, and even some serious diseases. But a study done by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) found that 95 percent of people still use some type of electronic device in the hour before bed. The solution: Follow through and take sleep more seriously than your gadgets. Scientists involved with the NSF study recommend doing "wind down activities" before bed, like reading a book or relaxing without electronics. Sure, it's tempting to check your phone, but don't use it for more than a couple minutes. Browsing Instagram photos, checking Facebook, and reading e-mails can wait until morning. Related: The 10 Best and Worst Foods to Eat for Sleep Weakened Relationships The problem: Constantly checking your phone while spending time with people takes away from your relationships, and it might even be making people see you differently. In a recent University of Essex study, participants reported a lack of empathy and relationship connection if there was a cell phone in view -- even if no one actually touched the phone. And in a different study from the University of Maryland, researchers found that after a short period of cell phone use, people were less likely to participate in "prosocial" behavior, like volunteering or helping others. Scientists believe this is because humans have a fundamental need to connect with others, but once that need is met via cell phone, it makes us less inclined to feel empathy or a desire to help others. The solution: "The key is to stop it from being that stimulus for anxiety," Dr. Rosen says. Remind yourself that you can check your phone later, and tuck it into your bag while spending time with friends and family. Hopefully, you will end up enjoying yourself so much that you won't feel the need to do a digital or phone check-in. More from FITNESS Magazine: Lunches You'll Love Under 400 Calories 15-Minute Kettlebell Workout for Abs, Butt and Thighs Guilt-Free Ways to Eat More Chocolate
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Forgot your password? Comment: Re:correction (Score 2) 196 by MikeBabcock (#46442865) Attached to: Ask Slashdot: Online, Free Equivalent To a CompSci BS? In fact this is precisely why I wish there were something like a comp.sci wiki. A lot of this knowledge should be easier to access for people who didn't need a full degree to get where they are but realize they have a problem to solve and need a better way to do it than posting their current code on stackexchange. Comment: This isn't a story (Score 1) 417 by MikeBabcock (#46442857) Attached to: School Tricks Pupils Into Installing a Root CA Yes, the possibility of doing wrong is obvious but that root CA installation is very common when dealing with 802.1x authentication with Windows clients. Its a side-effect of how stupid Windows' handling of certificates is. cf. this vendor's suggestion to disable certificate checking altogether to make it work instead. Comment: Re:It's fascinating (Score 2) 247 by PhilHibbs (#46427363) Attached to: BP Finds Way To Bypass US Crude Export Ban The number of slashdotters that bleat about "teh evil corporations that break teh law!" But support bypassing copyright law and getting their content for free because "information must be free". It may be the same thing, but it isn't necessary the same people. We aren't a borg collective who all think alike. Some people defend Free Software, which requires copyright law in order to exist. Some people download all the torrents. There may be a cross-section that does both, which is as you say hypocritical. But the existence of that cross-section does not invalidate the opinions of those who consistently hold one position or the other. Also, not all laws are created equal. Some people may support political measures such as export controls and sanctions, while not supporting copyright. If you broke the speed limit last year, does that mean that you are not entitled to justice if someone assaults you today? United States BP Finds Way To Bypass US Crude Export Ban 247 Posted by samzenpus from the letter-of-the-law dept.
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Forgot your password? User Journal Journal: ARM Technology Journal by melikamp In related news, Dialog Solutions, Inc., released a report stating that "the market of interpersonal conversations requires stronger Analog Rights Management protections". Dialog Solutions aspires to be the world's leader in producing professional quality dialogs, polylogs, and solitary musings which can be used for both commercial and entertainment purposes. The demand for their products, however, has been allegedly hurt by the rampant piracy. "What is to stop people from taking the fruits of our hard work and using it in their private conversations?" said Gill Bates, the chief of marketing, "Without any kind of copy protection in place, anyone is free to talk about anything they want with their collegues and friends without paying us a dime. Not only it hurts our bottom line, but it also lowers the overall quality of conversations." The report goes on to further indicate that without an effective copy protection scheme the culture and society as we know it might come to an abrupt end. "If no one can benefit financially from producing a conversation, then who is going to talk?", it states, "It may seem that the economy is thriving in spite of the conversation piracy, but in fact the pirates are only re-using the intellectual property of others. If the content creators cannot get paid, then the primary source of conversations will dry out." In order to combat piracy and recover the slipping-away market, Dialog Solutions proposed to implement the system of Analog Rights Management along with the Trusted Thinking Platform. This technology would allow the interlocutor to be absolutely certain that he or she is always using genuine, properly licensed dialog lines, while at the same time ensuring that the content creators are receiving their due payments. To thwart piracy, the Trusted Thinking Platform would have to be implemented somewhere in between the memory region and the speech apparatus, in order to authenticate everything that's coming out a person's mouth and to ascertain that the user has a proper license for the spoken content. User Journal Journal: The Mass-Man In American Politics Journal by melikamp It has been suggested by many people in this forum that America is asleep, so to speak, oblivious to the fact that the President and the government are fighting a war which, if continued, will only exacerbate the global conflict. More is assumed. America is oblivious, they say, to the apparent collusion among the two parties, the three branches of the government, and the heads of the biggest corporations; oblivious also to the apparent attack on civil liberties, such as the right of habeas corpus and right to privacy, and the ongoing efforts to reshape the political structure into something very much resembling a police state (Indeed, DavidTC argued rather conclusively for the latter in a recent discussion). To sum it up, it is implied that the State is waging a war on American people, and that the people are too dim or too unconcerned to realize that. I would like to offer a different explanation for the direction taken by our political vessel--one inspired by the ideas of Ortega y Gasset; specifically, by his analysis of the source of the political power in Revolt of the Masses. There he identifies a certain type of man--a "mass-man" he calls him, who comes into the spotlight on the political arena most visibly in Russia after the Communist revolution. Those who are unfamiliar with Ortega might be able to relate to this idea by remembering what Nietzsche said about a member of the herd: this special kind of man is the one who values above all the security, both material and spiritual, granted to him by the massive herd of like-minded individuals. But Ortega goes on to specify other qualities: a mass-man is a man of craft, an educated man who is extremely proud of his abilities in his narrow field of expertise. The trouble is, the mass-man is also arrogant enough to presume that he is well qualified and suitably equipped for governing the state. Yet, according to Ortega, governing the state requires considerable skill; it takes an expert governor to stir a ship that is a country, and a mass-man is taking on himself more than he can bear when he aspires to take a shot at plotting the political course. As for the source of power, it always lies within the general population. The people choose where to bestow their power, and virtually nothing can be done (in terms of governing) if they opt to withhold it. Iraq provides a great demonstration of this concept: the American army remains the uncontested raw power in that region, yet the people just cannot be governed since they already decided to bestow the political power onto a local authority. Now put these two together and consider what happens when the herd becomes large and its political voice can no longer be ignored. Naturally, Ortega argues, it invests the power into the kind of government that protects the herd. But what is "protecting the herd" if not getting rid of the wolves? Anyone whose stance is incompatible with that of a mass-man, anyone whose political voice strays away from the choir thus becomes the enemy of the state. And what kind of state is most efficient in exercising this kind of control over the minorities? Ortega draws his grand conclusion: the totalitarian government and the police state never have their roots in the soul of a dictator; on the contrary, the said dictator conveniently arises to answer the call of a mass-man. Now ask again: is America really asleep? Or is the mass-man finally awake and is flexing his muscles? In my opinion, all signs point to the latter. The populace is far from being fooled. Bush, for example, was re-elected exactly because he had shown that he has what it takes to be a dictator, not in spite of it. The mass-man has no fear of a police state: he craves it; it protects him from everyone who is not a mass-man. Take a look at the legislation: do you believe for a moment that the Patriot Act will be used for jailing blue-collar workers who spend their life watching TV? White-collar workers watching TV? The wealthy elite who support the State (and so indirectly--the mass-man)? No. Criminals? May be. Exceptions are possible, but they are all freak accidents. This kind of legislation adds no utility for criminal cases, since criminals can be tried in court and convicted by the law anyway. The troublesome thing about the police-state-enabling legislation like the Patriot Act is that it might (and probably will) be used to get rid of dissidents. "But isn't the dictator himself the primary beneficiary of such acts", one might ask, "as they allow him to stay in power?" But they don't--the source of the political power is not in concentration camps or the gallows, it's in the will of the general populace. In Soviet Union, for example, the basic structure of the government and the key people in it were unshaken by the torrent of Perestroyka and the following period of unprecedented political freedom. I happened to be there, and guess who was complaining the most? Stalinists--the mass-men who suddenly realized the the herd is no longer tended and the extremists are free to express their opinions. As we continue down this path, we can see that the collusion of the branches of the government in USA is due to the fact that the political process is becoming more streamlined. What need is there checks and balances when the only item on the agenda is to appease the herd? The very nature of the mass-man ensures that the herd speaks in a single voice, informing everyone of its latest desire. The most efficient government, from the herd's point of view, is the one that carries out the orders without much ado. Sure enough, the results are bound to be chaotic. Are you wondering if Bush and his team are insane? Many agree that the mistakes they have made are as numerous as they are damaging. It seems especially puzzling because it can be argued that these mistakes are damaging for everyone in the USA. The war in Iraq, for example, the way it is conducted, will likely cause tremendous grief to all Americans, including the mass-man, and yet the government shows no sign of repenting. It seems like the power has been usurped by some kind of irrational, emotive amateur. Everyone points at Bush. Really? If his incompetence is so obvious, why isn't the Congress stopping him? Are Corporations to blame? Are they really so short-sighted as to believe that burning Iraq to the ground and alienating the rest of the region will improve anyone's economy? There is, however, an emotive, arrogant amateur right under our nose, one who finally succeeded in electing a President who will listen to his voice. This amateur is, of course, the mass-man. The mass-man is never a statesman. He is a garbageman, a factory worker, a businessman, a housewife, a teacher, a writer, a programmer, a biology professor, etc., yet he is convinced that he is wise enough to govern the state, and now the state is finally falling under his control. If this analysis is correct, what are our options? Impeach the President? But... He is doing his job rather well! And I say that even though I believe that we would all benefit if the entire PNAC was abducted by aliens tomorrow. We would like to see Bush go, but that will fix nothing, for the mass-man will just replace him with another puppet. No, our only hope is to disperse the herd. It will get harder as it grows larger, since its power and its arrogance grow together with its ability to shut out everyone else. May be we reached the point of no return already, and so we'll have to live through the dark ages of a totalitarian state, waiting for the herd to drive itself off the cliff (it always does in the end). When the state is finally in ruins, the mass-man will naturally loose his confidence (which means, he will cease to be a mass-man) and people will be able to find a competent ruler. For now it looks grim, and whatever our options are, I cannot advise a course of action. I am not a statesman. Note. If you can discuss Revolt of the Masses without using sexist language, give yourself a star.
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Forgot your password? + - E.U. Drops Microsoft Browser anti-trust case.-> Submitted by timrichardson timrichardson writes "E.U. Drops Microsoft Antitrust Case Over Browsers. The EU is convinced about Microsoft's moves to offers a genuine choice of browsers, and is dropping the threat of fines and intervention regarding the bundling of Internet Explorer with Windows. The agreement, announced in Brussels by the European competition commissioner, Neelie Kroes, calls for Microsoft to give Windows users a choice of up to 12 other browsers from competing companies, including Google and Apple." Link to Original Source Comment: Re:Let the CEO's work from India (Score 1) 493 by timrichardson (#26767503) Attached to: IBM Offers to Send Laid-Off Staff to Other Countries Yeah, many jobs that have been replaced were highly skilled; even riding a horse is more difficult than driving a car, arguably, and who can thatch a roof to last 50 years these days? As for shoing horses, probably proportionately many more people can change a car's flat tyre than could change a horse shoe in the days of getting around on horseback. You can see the point, but calling it "low-skilled" is not correct. by timrichardson (#26767309) Attached to: IBM Offers to Send Laid-Off Staff to Other Countries Of course they are lower skilled jobs being exported. The rising tide of productivity and economic growth means that "low-skilled job" is a moving target. It's a relative term, and it's an indication that jobs in advanced economies are getting more skilled. Moving jobs overseas costs time and money; it's not done for no reason. Efficiency is "output/cost". If you get the same output for less money, that's more efficient. A car that goes 100 miles on one gallon is more efficient than an car that goes 50 miles on one gallon. Calling service jobs not real jobs is an old fallacy. Apparently people had the same reaction during the rise of manufacturing. How could manufacturing be really doing something? It just takes things from nature and rearranges them. Everyone knew that only farming and growing things was really creating value. If someone pays money for something, then value has been created. Service jobs also include programming the iPod, making movies, designing more efficient road systems, career advice, education, medicine, childcare, babysitting, price comparison, ... to me it seems clear there is a lot of value. Mobile dog washes ... well, I'm not so sure, but it must be of value to someone. And the final point in Economics 101: stable economies are not healthy. You need growing economies. The bedrock of growing economies is really simple. It's the allocation of scarce resources to the most effective use, and the most important scarce resource is people. That's why it's good that jobs are destroyed (in the long run): it's the only way to free people for better jobs. Meanwhile, the places where the jobs go are also getting richer, and downloading more music, watching more movies etc etc I am not depressed. What gave you that idea? I know I'm right because the past 500 years proves me so. Comment: Re:Let the CEO's work from India (Score 4, Insightful) 493 by timrichardson (#26761709) Attached to: IBM Offers to Send Laid-Off Staff to Other Countries The fact is that for 20 years the US has been bringing the smartest and brightest internationals to work in the US: other governments paid for the first 12 to 15 year of educating these people, but in a global economy, they go to where they add the most value. I bet a lot of IBM's US patents have significant contributions from foreigners who live in the US. The same economic forces that attract PhDs means lower skilled jobs get exported. We can all except that manually harvesting wheat or hand-making horse shoes are low-skilled jobs that long ago got swept aside by technology. Perhaps it's hard to accept that this process never stopped happening. Sorry for any typos, but the typing pool that I normally use to take my dictation seems to have disappeared in the past 50 years. Comment: Re:der takin oar jorbs (Score 0, Flamebait) 493 by timrichardson (#26761607) Attached to: IBM Offers to Send Laid-Off Staff to Other Countries They are not "taking jobs"; this is a process of reassigning people to jobs where they are worth the salary they want. It's harsh, but the fact is that if someone in Eastern Europe can do the job for $2000 a month, that is what the job is worth. If you force those jobs to stay in the US at $5000 a month, who pays for this? Either the USD get devalued, or through the force of law you rob the customers of IBM of $3000 a month. Get a grip. Don't you see where this would end? What's so special about IBM workers? Why not block every lost job, and ban every foreign import? Why should T-shirts cost $5 and shoes $70? That's way too cheap, damn foreign labor. Make them in the US, ban the imports and pay $25 for a T-shirt and $200 for shoes. That will fix everything. Of course that's too bad for poor families, but let's fix that with price controls. Or subsidises. Gosh, why didn't anyone think of this before? Anyway, where is Eastern Europe? Comment: Re:Will there be no wiki truths? (Score 2, Insightful) 439 by timrichardson (#26603889) Attached to: Edit-Approval System Proposed For English-Language Wikipedia Why assume that wikipedia has stopped learning about how it should work? Maybe this proposal is a bad idea. However, it's an attempt to solve a problem, and it's better than the current tool of locking-down pages. Because this will only be used for a small range of pages, I think/hope. What other solutions are there? Peer review is essential in open source projects, why should it be different for Wikipedia? This is a process or technical question. The problem with Wikipedia is cultural. Peer review can work if the culture is right. Wikipedia is infested with nits. It's has become cliquey and obsessed with a playground-interpretation of "objectivity". I've seen good articles rejected stupidly by people who don't know anything about the topic, but think the application of a few simple "objectivity" rules is a substitute for their ignorance. Appealing against rejections is Kafka-esque, it is surreal and one of those activities probably best experienced with the aid of mind-altering substances. Extremely demotivating. It's really hard to avoid the conclusion that its deliberately difficult. How sad is that? Is anyone listening?   Stats on contribution would be interesting. If Britannica gets its act together, good because then Wikipedia will have to get young and fresh again. Perhaps it has entered a mid-life crisis, hesitant, defensive and scared of what it has created. Standing on the shoulders of giants is no good if you're scared of heights. Comment: Re:OMGITSSOOOOOSHINY (Score 1) 301 by timrichardson (#25699505) Attached to: Study Finds iPhone Twice As Reliable As BlackBerry Well speaking as an iPhone user I got to say - BlackBerrys suck. Speaking as a BlackBerry user, I agree. My reference is a series of Nokias, which the BalckBerrry has taught me to appreciate. The BlackBerry user interface ... well, I love to read documentation, but I hate to have to read it. Social Networks The Battle For Wikipedia's Soul 471 Posted by kdawson from the deleting-inclusions-or-including-deletions dept. njondet recommends an article at The Economist that sheds light on the identity crisis faced by Wikipedia as it is torn between two alternative futures. "'It can either strive to encompass every aspect of human knowledge, no matter how trivial; or it can adopt a more stringent editorial policy and ban articles on trivial subjects, in the hope that this will enhance its reputation as a trustworthy and credible reference source. These two conflicting visions are at the heart of a bitter struggle inside Wikipedia between 'inclusionists,' who believe that applying strict editorial criteria will dampen contributors' enthusiasm for the project, and 'deletionists' who argue that Wikipedia should be more cautious and selective about its entries." German Police Raid 51 CeBIT Stands Over Patent Claims 191 Posted by kdawson LeCaddie writes "Last week German investigators raided 51 exhibitor stands at CeBIT, the German information technology fair in Hanover, looking for goods suspected of infringing patents. Some 183 police, customs officers, and prosecutors raided the fair on Wednesday and carried off 68 boxes of electronic goods and documents including cellphones, navigation devices, digital picture frames, and flat-screen monitors. Of the 51 companies raided, 24 were Chinese. Most of the patents concerned were related to devices with MP3, MP4, and DVB standard functions for digital audio and video, blank CDs, and DVD copiers, police said." In the US there are no criminal penalties associated with patents, and such a raid could not be conducted, especially in the absence of a court ruling of infringement. + - Attacking hashes used to prevent document changes-> Submitted by timrichardson writes "A supposedly cast-iron way of identifying digital documents, known as a hash function, is looking a bit rusty. You could, for instance, present your boss with a document to sign. If this all happened electronically, the document might then be hashed to make sure it was not altered after the signing. But if you have a suitably prepared collision attack at your disposal, and have created two very different documents with the same hash, then your boss is at your mercy. Now that could come in handy, says the Economist. Read more, including a fool-proof prediction about who will win the US Presidential election." Link to Original Source The Courts Microsoft Internal Emails Show Dismay With Vista 662 Posted by kdawson from the you-scratch-my-back dept. God doesn't play dice. -- Albert Einstein
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BBA Voting: Walter Johnson Award As you may or may not know, Sodo Mojo is part of the Baseball Bloggers Alliance, a community that, as a whole, votes on several awards this time of year. This year, we’ll be voting for the Walter Johnson award, which is basically the BBA’s version of the Cy Young. 1. Felix Hernandez, SEA 2. Cliff Lee, SEA/TEX 3. Francisco Liriano, MIN 4. Justin Verlander, DET 5. Jered Weaver, LAA Topics: Baseball Bloggers Alliance, Voting Want more from SoDo Mojo?   • http://SodoMojo Davis Who won? • Griffin Cooper Felix, handsomely. Halladay in the NL.
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SI Vault Wayne's World Turns Peter King December 25, 1995 With six straight victories, Detroit has saved coach Wayne Fontes's job and is roaring toward the playoffs Decrease font Decrease font Enlarge font Enlarge font December 25, 1995 Wayne's World Turns View CoverRead All Articles View This Issue What is it with Detroit Lion coach Wayne Fontes? This is a guy who shrugs and smiles when given a public ultimatum by his owner: Win or walk the plank. This is a guy who responds to barrage after barrage of heavy artillery from the media by singing Christmas songs to his critics. This is someone from whom his players have yet to hear a discouraging word. "Wayne's the type of guy who's always trying to fire us up and make us play better," Detroit wide receiver Herman Moore says. "But then we go 3-6, and the press is killing us, and the owner comes out and says, 'Wayne's going to be fired if we don't make the playoffs.' So we come out to practice that week, and I see Wayne standing off to the side looking worse than I'd ever seen him. I go over and tell him, 'You're feeling down right now, so for once in your life as a coach, don't worry about us. We're going to turn it around. The players are going to rise to the occasion and do it—for you.' " And so they have. Since owner William Clay Ford's ultimatum, the Lions have won six consecutive games, and Monday night they clinched a playoff berth when the San Francisco 49ers defeated the Minnesota Vikings. Detroit can win the NFC Central title if it beats the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this Saturday and if the Green Bay Packers lose to the Pittsburgh Steelers the next day. Strange team these Lions. Every November the players say to one another, "Hey, this coach who's pretty easy on us is going to get fired if we don't get our butts in gear." Then they get their butts in gear. In Fontes's seven seasons of running this periodically underachieving lot, Detroit has won only 34 of the 77 games it has played before Thanksgiving but 26 of the 39 games played on the holiday and thereafter. "I tell guys in the locker room, 'Who knows what kind of coach we'll get if Wayne goes?' " says wideout Brett Perriman. "Some coaches are psychotic maniacs who kill you just to prove they're in charge. I ask guys, 'Do you know how good we have it? Wayne's a coach we love to play for. Don't blow it.' " So the recurrent revival of the Lions can be interpreted as an indictment of Fontes as much as it can be seen as an endorsement of his coaching. There are so many good stories on this team. There's an offense that, if it can learn to handle the blitz, would scare all potential playoff opponents, including the Dallas Cowboys and the 49ers. There's the man who seems to have epoxy on his hands, the 6'3" Moore, who lives in the long shadows of his NFC brethren Jerry Rice and Michael Irvin, even though he has 1,581 yards in '95 and is just 10 catches short of breaking the single-season reception record. There's his fiery sidekick, Perriman. Moore and Perriman are the first receiving duo to catch 100 balls each in an NFL season and to have a combined 2,934 receiving yards. There's the quarterback, Scott Mitchell, the once controversial free-agent signee, finally paying some very big dividends. There's the soul of the defense, linebacker Chris Spielman, playing most of the season with a torn chest muscle that swells and requires painful draining each week. Then there's Fontes. For the third consecutive year, nearly every reporter with a computer and every talk-show host with an agenda began calling for his head in mid-season. That didn't stop Fontes from serenading the Detroit press corps with a few bars of Frosty the Snowman a few weeks ago. Can Fontes really be that upbeat, or down deep is he bitter about the way he has been ripped? That question is posed in the lobby of a Houston hotel before the Lions beat the Oilers 24-17 on Dec. 10. Fontes takes a step away, and he stops. "Am I bitter?" he says. "Well...I hear things. I read things. I know what everybody's saying. But all I've ever said is, 'Let's play the full season and see what happens.' You can't judge a team after three games, or nine games. "Look what we've done at the end of the year, with the season on the line, since I've been the coach. Who's got a better record? George Seifert? Marv Levy, maybe? Doesn't December count?" Continue Story 1 2 3
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SI Vault Cradle of Champions Clive Gammon November 24, 1980 Fighting is a way of life in Palenque, Colombia, a village of 3,000 whose heritage now includes three world champions Decrease font Decrease font Enlarge font Enlarge font November 24, 1980 Cradle Of Champions View CoverRead All Articles View This Issue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Between trophy and poem is a connection that goes back almost four centuries. The history of Palenque, scarcely known outside Colombia, perhaps not even outside Bolivar Province, is that of a long battle for freedom unparalleled in the Americas. But consider a smaller story first. In the last decade, from this community of fewer than 3,000 people have come three world boxing champions: Kid Pambelé himself; Rodrigo Valdes, who held both the WBC and WBA middleweight crowns at various times between 1974 and 1978; and Ricardo Cardona, who won the WBA junior featherweight title in 1976, lost it this year to Leo Randolph, and is in training to regain it. How, from the dust and poverty of this village, an entirely black settlement in a predominantly white and Indian nation, could such an achievement possibly have come about? Certainly there is a well-attested link between hunger and boxing titles, but almost invariably it is a big-city phenomenon. The crowded ghetto is where the astute scout seeks out promising fighters—in the rings of settlement houses and in recreation halls. But Palenque? For the beginning of an explanation, one must return to the lifeless plaza sweltering in the heat. The people of Palenque have been working since dawn with the crops and the cattle and this is the noonday pause. Soon they will come to life again. Meanwhile, remember the poem and its cry for freedom and prepare yourself for something more astonishing even than the troika of champions. Almost two centuries before the U.S. declared its independence from England, even longer before the Latin American republics broke from Spain. Palenque was a free, self-governing community, existing precariously, but surviving nonetheless by means of unremitting guerrilla warfare against the Spaniards in their fortress-city of Cartagena. Primer pueblo libre de América (the first free town in the Americas) is the title claimed for Palenque by the Colombian historian Roberto Arrázola. The ancestors of the people now living in the village were slaves, shipped from Guinea in West Africa around 1540 to Cartagena, then the principal slave port of Spanish America. Their early history is misty, but certainly by 1580 sporadic rebellions had taken place, and in 1599 the biggest, most purposeful of these uprisings ended with the establishment, deep in the bush, of free Palenque. In Spanish-Creole the name means "Fortress." And a fortress it had to be. The first big Spanish expedition against the Palenqueros was launched in 1603, against what Cartagena was calling "this rebellious and terrorist power." The Spaniards came clanking through the rain forest in their heavy armor, and they were beaten back. For two centuries they continued to be beaten back as, raiding and burning, the black guerrillas launched hit-and-run counterattacks. So successful were the Palenquero warriors that in 1621 the Spaniards actually signed a peace treaty with them, allowing them to come and go freely in Cartagena itself. The treaty didn't last, of course. By the end of the century the governor of the province was offering a bounty on black heads, those heads to be ceremonially spiked in the main plaza of Cartagena while from the great cathedral the Te Deum rang out. Nevertheless, Palenque survived, and in the end ft was economics, not military might, that brought the community into what in 1886 had become the Republic of Colombia. By then, slavery no longer paid. Little by little, white landowners moved inland. They employed most of the Palenqueros, who are a tall people, with six-footers common, as low-wage workers. Territorially, present-day Palenque is only a fraction of what it once was, but in many ways its battle still goes on. Until recently, at the point where the road to the village branches off from the main road, there was a billboard, set up by a soft-drink company, which displayed a menacing Kid Pambelé and the legend, in Spanish, PALENQUE, CRADLE OF WORLD CHAMPIONS. Nearby, however, was a white village which the Palenqueros call Malagana, the Bad Feelings town, and the billboard was soon defaced with black paint, then torn down. To this day in white Cartagena and its environs, Palenqueros are regarded as bad news, a low form of life. Continue Story 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Take the 2-minute tour × This question applies more in regulated environments. We have our software requirements stored in Word documents an enterprise-wide CFR part 11-compliant document vault. These requirements are reviewed and approved by many organizations. Turns out that there are additional more detailed requirements which are needed to properly implement features and those are linked and managed within VS2010. We do traceability fairly manually (at this point) in an excel spreadsheet using the requirements from the Word documents with pointers to test cases which also live in the document vault. Again, there is quite a bit of review and approval on this part of the process. We haven't officially called these the "essential requirements" just yet, but it looks to me like they are. Software developers and testers are primarily involved in the writing, review and approval of the requirements and associated test cases which are being managed within VS2010. My question is: do others deal with layers of requirements and the associated traceability and how do you handle this? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 0 down vote accepted In some shape or form, traceability can be found in (mostly) every organization. Each method has some manual aspects to it, though it really depends on • how much effort the team is willing to put into it, • how much of the end result will be used, • what development methodology/practices are being followed, and • how granular each linkage needs to be. In most cases the general process is the same: 1. Create requirements (specs, use cases, mockups, etc.), have them expanded, and approved. 2. Create test plan and test cases. 3. Test cases are then linked to the requirement(s) it tests / Requirements are linked to the test case(s) that tests it. (Depending on how the requirements/test cases are written, this can be a many-to-many relationship). Excel is not a bad way of keeping this organized, but it can be fragile and error prone. If your organization is willing to invest in a traceability tool, it will make the process more streamlined. These tools do various things, from keeping track of requirements, subsequent test cases, and bugs found while executing the tests. They will also have reporting features which are helpful in getting the status out quickly to managers. I have personally worked with the following tools and can vouch for their functionality: Each tool can be used in totality, but they also boast the ability to sync with other tools, so if you already have Jira or Bugzilla for defect tracking, you are able to link the test cases/requirements to the bugs. My wife has previously used the free combination of Bugzilla and Testopia and said that it good. (Note: Testopia is only for test case management, so it's slightly off topic, but thought to mention it, as well.) Lastly, I would like to mention the idea of Behavior Driven Development, which creates the linkages directly inside the source code, as the requirements are written in a way (using the Gherkin language) that they are able to be turned into boiler-code/templates/tests. We had given this a try in a previous company and it required tremendous cooperation from the Business Analysts, but went pretty smooth. share|improve this answer Thanks for the suggestion of Behavior Driven Development. This is a new term for me. In our environment this would be a high level requirement layer expressed in a way which would allow stakeholders to better express their view of what the system requirements are. This definitely fits in well with the validation phase of testing (was the right system built vs. was the system built right). –  Jean Marchant Apr 20 '12 at 14:16 add comment Your Answer
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Take the 2-minute tour × I have about 500 WinForms that are generated dynamically from XML files by an old app. I would like to automatically convert these to VB or C# code I can edit in the designer. I can do it by hand, which would take forever... Or write an app that loads each XML, calls the old app's xml-to-winform-builder to convert it to a completed WinForm, and examine every control's property and use StringBuilder to generate code that the designer will swallow. Which would be arduous at best. BUT: I would like to use the same code that the designer uses. This I think will save me time with corner cases. What I would like to do is, take an already built WinForm object, with control arrays full of child controls (created by the old apps xml-to-winform code), throw it at the same code the IDE uses to serialize the designed form to CodeDom, and get back a CodeDom list of statements I can save in a real language. Once I get the CodeDOM I'll be happy! This Codeproject article embodies the 'concept' of what I want to do: Start with a completed form, convert it ('serialize it') as code. However, it has two lacks: (1) it generates the .aspx page using templates/stringbuilder, and that is where the properties are (fine for webforms, but winforms serializes the properties into the actual .Designer.vb file); (2) it does this all from the ground up. I want to re-use visual studio's routines. They let you do this with many things, for example, the property grid. I'm just seeking a link to an article (maybe my google-fu was too weak), or, a short code sample from something somebody has already done. share|improve this question Why the extra step ? Why not go xml to c#/vb directly ? –  Tommy Grovnes Jul 14 '12 at 9:26 The IDE in question is Visual Studio and most of the code that implements the designers is either native (not reusable at all), or .NET but implemented in private assemblies or private/internal classes. –  Simon Mourier Jul 15 '12 at 14:51 Just to make sure I've got this right: You have a ton of Forms defined using XML, you have code that will convert this XML into a WinForms object. Now you want to take this process which can automatically generate WinForms using XML templates and make it all hard coded, but with Designer support? What are you hoping to gain by having designer support? Are you planning on dropping the xml templating solution? –  Peter Jul 16 '12 at 14:51 @Tommy - Current system can process the XML files, however editing is a pain. Have to do it by hand. Like making an HTML form in notepad. Want to convert to code so I can use the IDE's winforms editor and drag and drop (coming into the 90s here). –  FastAl Jul 16 '12 at 16:12 @Peter - 'What am I hoping to gain' - the ability to edit the form design with the IDE's WinForms designer. Right now it's like making HTML forms with notepad. This way, I don't have to write an editor for the properietary format. Converting to HTML and using an HTML editor would allow for changing the visuals but not databinding, etc. that is WinForms extra. I have a converter already to write new screens I'm designing out to XML. –  FastAl Jul 16 '12 at 16:18 show 3 more comments 1 Answer up vote 5 down vote accepted So this may or may not fit your needs. I have a solution but it will require that you tweak your XML -> WinForms rendering. This relies heavily on the use of this project: Download the EXE (which is just a compressed version of the source with a EULA) and build the solution, I had some issues with building until I removed references to the graphing library (and the associated calls to it from the Host library). Why the Host library needs to draw graphs I'm not really sure... Then I built a new WinForms project (can't be console because the DesignSurface fails to hook into drag/drop event). Reference the Host and Loader projects from the above project in your new winforms project. Here is where you will undoubtably need to tweak your existing process. Merge your existing process so that it fits into this type of form building shown for my label below: HostSurfaceManager hsm = new HostSurfaceManager(); HostControl hc = hsm.GetNewHost(typeof(Form), LoaderType.CodeDomDesignerLoader); var l = new Label() { Text = "TEST!!!!" }; richTextBox1.Text = ((CodeDomHostLoader)hc.HostSurface.Loader).GetCode("C#"); This generates your form.cs file content (see generated code below). This is an all in one file, you do not need to create a seperate form.cs.designer file to get designer support. I copied the code generated above, saved it to a .cs file, and visual studio recognized it as a winform and gave me design support. Your copy will probably include a sub Main. I went into the Loader -> CodeGen.cs file and commented out the section related to Main, I would suggest you do the same. // <auto-generated> // This code was generated by a tool. // Runtime Version:2.0.50727.5448 // the code is regenerated. // </auto-generated> namespace DesignerHostSample using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1; public Form1() private void InitializeComponent() this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); // label1 this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); this.label1.Name = "label1"; this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 23); this.label1.TabIndex = 0; this.label1.Text = "TEST!!!!"; // Form1 this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(284, 262); this.Name = "Form1"; edit by FastAl Peter, you rock!!! This is pretty much exactly what I wanted. Well, I can't exactly just throw the object at it yet; using just the above method, none of the .Controls properties were filled, so I got a blank form. Also it seems like the form has to be created by GetNewHost. Fortunately my XMl-to-screen routine doesn't actually create the container, it just returns a flat list of controls that I must properly reparent (SetChildren sub). Note the comment where I have to add them to the host container for it to know about them. NOW it works perfectly! Public Module Main Public Sub Main() Dim FormSpecAsText As String = ... read XML form def from file Dim Outfile As String = ... output file is in my project ' Setup for Winforms platform Dim dsg As New DynamicScreenGenerator Dim ListOfControls As New PanelObjectList ControlFactoryLocator.AddService( _ New PanelObjectFactoryWinFormBasicControls) New PanelObjectFactoryWinFormAppSpecificCtls) New PanelObjectFactoryWinFormFormEditorCtls) ' Deserialize FormSpecAsText into a flat list of Controls ListOfControls.AddRange( _ dsg.BuildDSGLists(FormSpecAsText, ListOfControls).ToArray) ' setup for serialization to Code Dim hsm As New Host.HostSurfaceManager Dim hc As Host.HostControl = _ hsm.GetNewHost(GetType(Form), Host.LoaderType.CodeDomDesignerLoader) ' Get main form that was created via GetNewHost, autosize it Dim HostUserControl = _ CType(hc.DesignerHost.Container.Components(0), Form) ' Parent them properly, and add to host (top lvl ctls have parent="") SetChildren(HostUserControl, "", dsg, hc.DesignerHost.Container) HostUserControl.AutoSize = True ' write serialized version to a file in my project IO.File.WriteAllText(Outfile, _ CType(hc.HostSurface.Loader, Loader.CodeDomHostLoader).GetCode("VB")) End Sub Sub SetChildren(ByVal Parent As Control, ByVal ParentName As String, _ ByVal dsg As DynamicScreenGenerator, ByVal ctr As IContainer) For Each PO In (From p In dsg.POList Where p.Parent = ParentName) Dim child = CType(dsg.CTLList(PO), Control) ctr.Add(child, PO.Name) ' seem to have to add to container while ' parenting them or .Controls isn't serialized and form is blank. SetChildren(child, PO.Name, dsg, ctr) End Sub End Module share|improve this answer @FastAI - Glad I could help you get it going. I didn't have any way to really get the kinks worked out since I wrote this just for you, so thanks for posting your revision. –  Peter Jul 17 '12 at 19:38 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × So here i have a list of numbers of 'Q9ULI0' id. Which is look like this: ['1117', '285', '357', '58', '813', '1398', '566'] when i call print lookup['Q9ULI0'] I am trying access all of those value in the index to see if the number is between two of my value. I tried using .len and for loop but it doesn't even compile. Thank you in advance. lookup = defaultdict(list) mydata = open('mydata.txt') for line in csv.reader(mydata, delimiter='\t'): code = re.match('[a-z](\d+)[a-z]', line[-1], re.I) if code: print lookup['Q9ULI0'] share|improve this question "but it doesn't even compile" -- I assume you mean that there is a syntax error. Can you post the traceback? –  mgilson Jul 12 '12 at 22:48 @mgilson i was testing to see whether i use lookup.len() or code.len() would give me the length of the list but it gives me this error : AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'len' –  Chad D Jul 12 '12 at 22:50 @ChadD I think you want len(lookup) or len(code) –  Samy Vilar Jul 12 '12 at 22:51 Ahh. you could use lookup.__len__(), but it's probably easier to just do len(lookup) –  mgilson Jul 12 '12 at 22:51 @mgilson i guess i had my syntax wrong thanks for reminding me :) –  Chad D Jul 12 '12 at 22:52 show 5 more comments 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted If you are able to print lookup['Q9ULI0'] and get the list that you have above, you should have no issues with the following code, which gets the length of the list and loops over it using for: print len(lookup['Q9ULI0']) for item in lookup['Q9ULI0']: print item share|improve this answer thanks it works now –  Chad D Jul 12 '12 at 22:53 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I am trying to write a Java app that will run on a linux server but that will process files generated on legacy Windows machines using cp-1252 as the character set. Is there anyway to encode these files as utf-8 instead of the cp-1252 it is generated as? share|improve this question This question is not answerable as posted... it depends entirely on what is being used to generate these files (and you didn't tell us). If it's Excel 2007, then then answer is no. –  theglauber Aug 20 '12 at 21:59 However, Java should be able to process these Windows files fine, given the correct encoding parameters. –  theglauber Aug 20 '12 at 22:00 Thanks @theglauber (+2) - can you explain why Excel 2007 would be a dealbreaker? Also, can you give an example of correct encoding parameters? Thanks again! –  IAmYourFaja Aug 20 '12 at 22:02 Just speaking from experience and frustration. You can't specify the encoding for a csv file in Excel 2007. In Java, you would use a InputStreamReader with the correct encoding ("Windows-1252") built on top of a FileInputStream. –  theglauber Aug 20 '12 at 22:06 Thanks @theglauber - can you please see my comment underneath Eric Grunzke's answer. Does your recommendation above solve my problem? –  IAmYourFaja Aug 20 '12 at 22:08 show 1 more comment 2 Answers You can read and write text data in any encoding that you wish. Here's a quick code example: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception // List all supported encodings for (String cs : Charset.availableCharsets().keySet()) File file = new File("SomeWindowsFile.txt"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // Construct a reader for a specific encoding Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "windows-1252"); while (reader.ready()) String string = builder.toString(); // Construct a writer for a specific encoding Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF8"); If this still 'chokes' on read, see if you can verify that the the original encoding is what you think it is. In this case I've specified windows-1252, which is the java string for cp-1252. share|improve this answer Thanks @Eric Grunzke (+1) - a part of the problem is that occasionally the file names themselves (i.e. SomeWindowsFile.txt) contains a CP-1252 character that makes the Java Reader choke. So the real question is: how do you read a file whose filename makes Java choke because of an "illegal" character? Thanks again! –  IAmYourFaja Aug 20 '12 at 22:07 You better hope this is run on Windows, since CP-1252 is more than likely not going to be the default text file encoding in other contexts. Better to use new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file, "Win1252")) –  oldrinb Aug 20 '12 at 22:31 @4herpsand7derpsago how does it make Reader choke exactly? Can you demonstrate using an SSCCE? –  oldrinb Aug 20 '12 at 22:33 I updated the code example to show how to force an encoding in the Reader. Veer's question is a good one: I am curious what you mean by "choke" and if this fixes that problem. –  Eric Grunzke Aug 21 '12 at 15:19 I'm sorry, I misread your comment. You're having problems with unusual characters in the file name, not the file data. That is trickier. I'd suggest trying Joni's solution of setting -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252. Also, you could try new File("the/parent/dir").list() and see if Java is interpreting the filename in a different way. –  Eric Grunzke Aug 21 '12 at 18:06 add comment If the file names as well as content is a problem, the easiest way to solve the problem is setting the locale on the Linux machine to something based on ISO-8859-1 rather than UTF-8. You can use locale -a to list available locales. For example if you have en_US.iso88591 you could use: export LANG=en_US.iso88591 This way Java will use ISO-8859-1 for file names, which is probably good enough. To run the Java program you still have to set the file.encoding system property: java -Dfile.encoding=cp1252 -cp foo.jar:bar.jar blablabla If no ISO-8859-1 locale is available you can generate one with localedef. Installing it requires root access though. In fact, you could generate a locale that uses CP-1252, if it is available on your system. For example: sudo localedef -f CP1252 -i en_US en_US.cp1252 export LANG=en_US.cp1252 This way Java should use CP1252 by default for all I/O, including file names. Expanded further here: share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I'm near the beginning of a new project and (gasp!) for the first time ever I'm trying to include unit tests in a project of mine. I'm having trouble devising some of the unit tests themselves. I have a few methods which have been easy enough to test (pass in two values and check for an expected output). I've got other parts of the code which are doing more complex things like running queries against the database and I'm not sure how to test them. public DataTable ExecuteQuery(SqlConnection ActiveConnection, string Query, SqlParameterCollection Parameters) DataTable resultSet = new DataTable(); SqlCommand queryCommand = new SqlCommand(); queryCommand.Connection = ActiveConnection; queryCommand.CommandText = Query; if (Parameters != null) foreach (SqlParameter param in Parameters) SqlDataAdapter queryDA = new SqlDataAdapter(queryCommand); catch (Exception ex) //TODO: Improve error handling return resultSet; This method essentially takes in all the necessary bits and pieces to extract some data from the database, and returns the data in a DataTable object. The first question is probably the most complex: What should I even test in a situation like this? Once that's settled comes the question of whether or not to mock out the database components or try to test against the actual DB. share|improve this question add comment 9 Answers up vote 8 down vote accepted What are you testing? There are three possibilities, off the top of my head: A. You're testing the DAO (data access object) class, making sure it's correctly marshaling the values/parameters being passed to the database,, and correctly marshaling/transforming/packaging results gotten frm the database. In this case, you don't need to connect to the database at all; you just need a unit test that replaces the database (or intermediate layer, eg., JDBC, (N)Hibernate, iBatis) with a mock. B. You're testing the syntactic correctness of (generated) SQL. In this case, because SQL dialects differ, you want to run the (possibly generated) SQL against the correct version of your RDBMS, rather than attempting to mock all quirks of your RDBMS (and so that any RDBMS upgrades that change functionality are caught by your tests). C. You're testing the semantic correctness of your SQL, i.e, that for a given baseline dataset, your operations (accesses/selects and mutations/inserts and updates) produce the expected new dataset. For that, you want to use something like dbunit (which allows you to set up a baseline and compare a result set to an expected result set), or possibly do your testing wholly in the database, using the technique I outline here: share|improve this answer add comment This is why (IMHO) unit tests can sometimes create a false sense of security on the part of developers. In my experience with applications that talk to a database, errors are commonly the result of data being in an unexpected state (unusual or missing values etc.). If you routinely mock up data access in your unit tests, you will think your code is working great when it is in fact still vulnerable to this kind of error. I think your best approach is to have a test database handy, filled with gobs of crappy data, and run your database component tests against that. All the while remembering that your users will be much much better than you are at screwing up your data. share|improve this answer add comment For the love of God, don't test against a live, already-populated database. But you knew that. In general you already have an idea of what sort of data each query is going to retrieve, whether you're authenticating users, looking up phonebook/org chart entries, or whatever. You know what fields you're interested in, and you know what constraints exist on them (e.g., UNIQUE, NOT NULL, and so on). You're unit testing your code that interacts with the database, not the database itself, so think in terms of how to test those functions. If it's possible for a field to be NULL, you should have a test that makes sure that your code handles NULL values correctly. If one of your fields is a string (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT, &c), test to be sure you're handling escaped characters correctly. Assume that users will attempt to put any retarded thing into the database, and generate test cases accordingly. You'll want to use mock objects for this. share|improve this answer Actually -- you bring up an interesting point. Are there tools that assist in creating unit tests explicitly for the database layer? (In other words, unit testing the procs themselves?) –  Dan Esparza Aug 2 '09 at 2:08 Ah -- it appears my question has been asked and answered, here:… –  Dan Esparza Aug 2 '09 at 2:09 add comment For unit tests I usually mock or fake the database. Then use your mock or fake implementation via dependency injection to test your method. You'd also probably have some integration tests that will test constraints, foreign key relationships, etc. in your database. As to what you would test, you'd make sure that the method is using the connection from the parameters, that the query string is assigned to the command, and that your result set returned is the same as that you are providing via an expectation on the Fill method. Note -- it's probably easier to test a Get method that returns a value than a Fill method the modifies a parameter. share|improve this answer add comment Strictly speaking, a test that writes/reads from a database or a file system is not a unit test. (Although it may be an integration test and it may be written using NUnit or JUnit). Unit-tests are supposed to test operations of a single class, isolating its dependencies. So, when you write unit-test for the interface and business-logic layers, you shouldn't need a database at all. OK, but how do you unit-test the database access layer? I like the advice from this book: xUnit Test Patterns (the link points to the book's "Testing w/ DB" chapter. The keys are: • use round-trip tests • don't write too many tests in your data access test fixture, because they will run much slower than your "real" unit tests • if you can avoid testing with a real database, test without a database share|improve this answer add comment You can unit test everything except : queryDA.Fill(resultSet); As soon as you execute queryDA.Fill(resultSet), you either have to mock/fake the database, or you are doing integration testing. I for one, don't see integration testing as being bad, it's just that it will catch a different sort of bug, has different odds of false negatives and false positives, isn't likely to be done very often because it is so slow. If I was unit testing this code, I'd be validating that the parameters are build correctly, does the command builder create the right number of parameters? Do they all have a value? Do nulls, empty strings and DbNull get handled correctly? Actually filling the dataset is testing your database, which is a flaky component out of the scope of your DAL. share|improve this answer add comment In order to do this properly though you would should use some dependency injection (DI), and for .NET there are several. I am currently using the Unity Framework but there are others that are easier. Here is one link from this site on this subject, but there are others: This would enable you to more easily mock out other parts of your application, by just having a mock class implement the interface, so you can control how it will respond. But, this also means designing to an interface. Since you asked about best practices this would be one, IMO. Then, not going to the db unless you need to, as suggested is another. If you need to test certain behaviors, such as foreign key relationships with cascade delete then you may want to write database tests for that, but generally not going to a real database is best, esp since more than one person may run a unit test at a time and if they are going to the same database tests may fail as the expected data may change. Edit: By database unit test I mean this, as it is designed to just use t-sql to do some setup, test and teardown. share|improve this answer But in this case, you WANT your tests to fail when they encounter unexpected data, so that you can rewrite your component to handle the condition properly. –  MusiGenesis Aug 2 '09 at 0:49 I think using the database test I added a reference to would be best, as it helps to limit what you need to do to prepare for a test, so you don't have to test setting up a connection, for example. –  James Black Aug 2 '09 at 1:47 add comment The whole point of a unit test is to test a unit (duh) in isolation. The whole point of a database call is to integrate with another unit (the database). Ergo: it doesn't make sense to unit test database calls. You should, however, integration test database calls (and you can use the same tools you use for unit testing if you want). share|improve this answer add comment On JDBC based project, JDBC connection can be mocked, so that tests can be executed without live RDBMS, with each test case isolated (no data conflict). It allow to verify, persistence code passes proper queries/parameters (e.g. and handle JDBC results (parsing/mapping) as expected ("takes in all the necessary bits and pieces to extract some data from the database, and returns the data in a DataTable object"). Framework like jOOQ or Acolyte can be used for: . share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I am using jquery validate to check the existing phone number in my database. I am using jquery validate remote attribute for this. remote: { url: "ajax-checkmobile.php", type: "post", data: { cust_id: function() { return $("#cust_id").val(); However this is preventing the submit value being passed on form submission via POST. <input name="Submitcustdata" type="submit" class="chromeButton" id="Submitcustdata" value="Edit Customer" /></td> After removing the above code submit value gets passed correctly. Any idea what could be preventing value from being passed share|improve this question jquery is jquery not php. do not put random keywords. –  Marcin Orlowski Aug 31 '12 at 16:34 he wrote PHP because he is using jquery to make an ajax request to PHP, which is relevant for some. –  Kristian Aug 31 '12 at 16:35 the problem describes issue on JS side only. the fact url points to php script is irrelevant. –  Marcin Orlowski Aug 31 '12 at 16:37 add comment 2 Answers validate stops the post from happening from occurring in order to validate. that is by design. so, if its not submitting, then its thinking that the field is invalid, i'm guessing. share|improve this answer add comment I have developed the following code, which I use in the context of submiting forms using AJAX. This is not exactly your case, but the same code will make your <input type="submit"> value to be submitted: function submit_click() { var $input = $(this); var name = $input.attr('name'); if (typeof name == 'undefined') return; var value = $input.attr('value'); var $form = $input.closest('form'); var $hidden = $('<input type="hidden" />').attr('name', name).attr('value', value); $form.find('input[type=hidden][name="' + name + '"]').remove(); $(document).on('click', 'form.ajax input[type=submit]', submit_click); I use the class="ajax" in the form element to activate this code. You can change according to your needs. What it does? It creates a hidden form input with the same name and value of the clicked submit input. So, when the post happens programatically later, the value is properly submitted. Ah, you asked what could be preventing value from being passed... the validation plugin catches the form submission, and performs its stuff. After validating, it triggers the form submission. When this happens, it is not the <input> element click which is trigerring the form submission anymore. It is the JavaScript code of the plugin. So, the "<input>" click event is lost. This is why it is not submitted. (Makes sense? If this explanation is not well written, let me know.) share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I am creating a simple vocabulary page (currently for Korean-English). All the cards are saved in localStorage. I am using jQueryMobile with multiple page template as shown in code below: <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Card Reader</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="docs/assets/css/jqm-docs.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="docsdemos-style-override.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="custom_codes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> var list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cardList')); list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cardList')); $.each(list,function(i, value){ $newItem = $('<li />'); $link = $('<a data-transition="slidefade" href="#wordListPage">'+value+'</a>'); function loadWordList(cardName,cardId){ var wordList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(cardId)); alert('no words in the list'); $list = $('<ul/>'); $.each(wordList,function(i, value){ <div data-role="page" id="welcomePage"> Welcome to Korean Learner <a data-transition="slidefade" href="#cardsListPage"> Load Cards <div data-role="page" id="cardsListPage"> <div data-role="content"> <ul id="cardList" data-role="listview"> <div data-role="page" id="wordListPage"> <div data-role="header" class="ui-header ui-bar-b" data-position="fixed"> <a data-rel="back">Back</a> <h1 id="cardTitle" >Card List</h1> <div data-role="content" id="wordList"> When I check this in browser, output flow is as in image below: Link to image, as I cannot post here being new user I have used javascript to load cardList and wordlist. populateCards() funtion is a function in custom_codes.js which only loads an array of cards into localstorage. The only error I am getting right now is that wordList page loads without CSS in first load (third shot in flow) and is perfectly fine after I come back (last shot). Can anyone help me fix this error. Also I would be happy to get some performance tips as I am targeting this to use in mobilephones. Thank you in advance. share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted Welcome to jQM, unlike jQuery you don't use $(document).ready anymore for starters ( you now listen for the pageinit and pageshow event, likely your issue is that your JS is running after jQM fires pageshow which fires immediately after the pageinit pageshow re-fires when you navigate back to a page, that's why it is working when you go back When jQM fires pageshow that's when it goes through and applies any CSS that you're using from its API. But when that fired, you never added the elements yet, so they didn't get styled by jQM. If the elements are added after through an async call then you need to manually call the .listview('refresh') too I think. I also have an older answer where I outline how I organized my JS to be easily understandable/debuggable in a multi-page environment how to organize ur jQM JS Also you are using a single-page template if welcomePage and cardsListPage are in the same file. Multi-page template is when you have each of those pages in a separate file, which I think is better since you're loading less data at the start if you're concerned about performance. But you need to follow the JS setup I have in my link or your own homegrown solution, but you're basically trying to load all your JS once regardless of which page you start from. And handle for each pageinit/pageshow events and have some way of determining which page of your multi-page templates your on. You're using ids but that doesn't work well because in a multi-page template jQM may load any page more than once (into a single DOM, check the debugger to see - assuming domCaching is on), well I guess you still know what page it is by checking .attr('id') but it's misleading since if you did a $('#cardsListPage') you may get one of many elements. Hope that gets you off to a start. share|improve this answer Thanks a lot :) , I'll try as you suggested and hope it works. –  Sunil Nov 19 '12 at 0:59 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I have link generating web app. I'd like to make it easy for users to email the links they create to others using gmail, yahoo mail, etc. Yahoo mail has a particular quirk that I need a workaround for. If you have a Yahoo mail account, please follow this link: Notice that yahoo redirects to a specific mail server (e.g. As it does, it decodes the hex codes. One of them, %23, is a hash symbol which is not legal in a query string parameter value. All info after %23 is lost. All my links are broken, and just using another character is not an option. Calling directly works for me, but probably not for all users, depending on their location. I've tried setting html=true|false, putting the URL in a html tag. Nothing works. Anyone got a reliable workaround for this particular quirk? Note: any server-based workaround is a non-starter for me. This has to be a link that's just between Yahoo and the end-user. share|improve this question add comment 4 Answers Here is how i do it: 1. run a window.escape on those chars: & ' " # > < \ 2. run a encodeURIComponent on the full string it works for most of my case. though newline (\n) is still an issue, but I replace \n with space in my case and it worked fine. share|improve this answer add comment For the newline, add the newline as < BR > and double encode it also, it is interpreted successfully as new line in the new message share|improve this answer This no longer seems to work. –  Aneil Mallavarapu Jan 22 at 21:00 add comment I have been dealing with the same problem the last couple of hours and I found a workaround! If you double-encode the anchor it will be interpreted correctly by Yahoo. That means change %23 to %2523 (the percent-sign is %25 encoded). So your URI will be: The same workaround can be used for ampersand. If you only encode that as %26, then Yahoo will convert that to "&amp;" which will discard the rest of message. Same procedure as above - change %26 to %2526. I still haven't found a solution to the newline-problem though (%0D and %0A). share|improve this answer add comment I think you're at the mercy of what Yahoo's server does when it issues the HTTP redirect. It seems like it should preserve the URL escaping on the redirect, but isn't. However, without knowledge of their underlying application, it's hard to say why it wouldn't. Perhaps, it's just an unintended side effect (or bug), or perhaps some of the Javascript features on that page require them to do some finagling with the hash tag. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × Need information on creating a connection pool to the database (irrespective of the database) , and how efficient they are? What are the conditions where they can enhance performance. How to create it explicitly? share|improve this question add comment 6 Answers Your question is a bit ambiguous: Do you want to homegrow a connection pool implementation? If so, this is a nice starting point: But this is highly discouraged for production environments. Better use an existing and thoroughly tested connection pooling API, like DBCP or C3P0. Or do you want to know how to use a connection pool? If so, the answer depends on the connection pooling API you're using. It's fortunately usually available at the website of the API in question. Or do you want to know when/why to use a connection pool? If so, it will surely enhance connecting performance if you have a long-living application (e.g. a webapplication) and you need to connect the database more than often. The normal JDBC practice is namely: acquire and close the Connection, Statement and ResultSet in the shortest possible scope (i.e. inside the very same method block). Because connecting is fairly expensive and can take up to 200ms of time or even more, using a connection pool is much faster. It gives connections on demand and takes care about actually closing the connection. That does however not mean that you may change the way you write JDBC, you still need to acquire and close them in the shorest possible scope. The only thing you need to change is the way you acquire the connection. E.g. change from connection = driverManager.getConnection(); connection = connectionPool.getConnection(); No more changes are needed as long as your JDBC code is well-written. share|improve this answer add comment The intro page to Apache DBCP sums it up nicely: How efficient are they ? Depends on the implementation. Typically I would expect a pool to instantiate connections either at start-up or on request. The first connection will require a real connection to the database, and thereafter when you request a connection, you're given an existing pooled connection. So the first connection request will take the most time, and afterwards you're just pulling objects from a collection (very fast). share|improve this answer Since Sachin specifically asked where pools can address performance, I would add that they generally only make sense in a client-server application, where you have fewer connections than users. In particular, they would not make sense in a thick-client app where you have one user connecting to a database. –  John Stauffer Nov 10 '09 at 10:43 add comment Creating connections to databases are very expensive operations. Connection pools are instances of database connections that are created and cached. Anytime a new connection to a database is desired, one from the pool is used instead of creating a new connection. Some platforms like .NET + SQL Server use connection pools by default (you don't need to create your own). So, they basically enhance performance by saving time in creating new connections each time. share|improve this answer add comment Using a connection pool, you save time at every access because connection is already established. Moreover, at least on Oracle, you keep the compiled statement linked to the connection, so repetitive execution of same SQL statement is even quicker. (see PreparedStatement if you are in Java/JDBC) The only risk of counter-performance is when you keep too many idle connections in your pool, the associated ressources (your side and on database) are wasted. share|improve this answer Keep in mind that connections also lock up resources (threads, buffers) in the server. And an established connection is always authenticated via a specific user/password pair. So if connection pooling only works, when all connections use the same database account –  Carsten Kuckuk Nov 10 '09 at 10:44 Yes you're totally right with the unique database account concern. (This can be a problem when migrating from C/S application to web for example, if the authorization is in DB, based on the connected user.) –  Fouteier Nov 10 '09 at 10:50 add comment Have a look at BoneCP ( in the benchmark section for some numbers. Remember that preparedStatements etc are tied to a connection so you'll need to prepare them again and again if you're dealing with connections yourself (a connection pool will cache those for you too). My best solution so far: Use a lazyDataSource that only gives you a connection when you really need it (i.e. not blindly - if the data can come from a cache then you can avoid the database hit) share|improve this answer add comment Creating a database connection may or may not be an expensive operation, depending on your environment and what you intend to do with it. If you're going to run a single very easy query, then connecting probably takes as long (or longer) than the query. Some databases have a much bigger connection overhead than others; if tuned correctly, mysql should have very little (above the time to make a tcp connection and do the protocol handshake). However, if latency to your server is very high, even this can be quite significant (particularly if you intend to do only a few queries). If you're planning to do, say, 100 queries, or a few really slow queries, then the connection time disappears into insignificance. In generally I'd say open a new connection each time until you can demonstrate that it's a real performance problem. Using connection pooling can lead to BUGS, which we don't like: • Connection state wasn't COMPLETELY reset after the previous use in the pool - so some state lingers and creates unexpected behaviour resulting in a bug • Connection was closed in some way (perhaps by a stateful firewall timeout) which cannot be detected, therefore an app tries to use a closed connection, causing a long delay or failure share|improve this answer For a web environment you really don't want to be getting a connection (from a pool or otherwise) at the beginning of a query, perform 100s of queries, then close it. That effectively locks your connection (which is a limited resource on the database side), and thus limits the number of users your website can support. Far better to take from pool, use, put back into pool (before any code that takes a lot of time). Considering that supporting connection pools is a few lines of code (once only in your datasource manager utility class), there is no excuse not to use them. –  JeeBee Nov 10 '09 at 10:51 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × i have a javascript that i need to load at the body, but since im trying to build something flexible i really want it to function on a onLoad on a divtag. But thats not going to happen as i understand it as onLoad does not work on a divtag. is there another way i can load/start a function within a divtag? or when i include the .js file? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 1 down vote accepted you can embed script snippets which execute when they are loaded. This example is from jquery... <span class="myclass otherclass">span class="myClass"</span> <script>$(".myclass.otherclass").css("border","13px solid red");</script> Maybe you need to make your question more clear? share|improve this answer That's a reasonable idea. You'd have to run it after the element it references has loaded in the DOM though. –  Diodeus May 13 '10 at 0:51 i really wanted to be independent of another lib but jquery solves my problem. –  Jason94 May 13 '10 at 1:00 While many would not consider this a replacement for body onload, you can make it work. jQuery does solve so many problems though. It reduces the complexity of a problem by three-to five times. –  Diodeus May 13 '10 at 2:06 add comment You can use a timer to check for a change. Not very efficient, but it will work. That begs the question: What is loading into the DIV? How did it start? Where did it come from? Perhaps these are more worthy of investigation. If you force the "source" that is changing the element into changing something that has an onchange event, you can certainly trap that. Perhaps routing an intended DIV change to an INPUT could solve the problem. share|improve this answer Hmm... starting a timer would be silly because it will be a hack. how does lightbox do it? it does something like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script> –  Jason94 May 13 '10 at 0:39 Scripatculous is a well-known library. Prototype, which it is built upon, can add elements to the DOM as well as events. It could be making an AJAX call. –  Diodeus May 13 '10 at 0:42 but what does "?load=effects,builder" do? pass arguments? maybe i can use it to fire up my Init function in my .js file? –  Jason94 May 13 '10 at 0:44 It's simply loading the library with options. There is probably another script somewhere that calls the "Effect" object in Scriptaculous, look for it (case sensitive). More info: –  Diodeus May 13 '10 at 0:48 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I create one global ChannelFactory connection to my WebService (in global.asax) and I access this CannelFactory from every web-request. My WCF-Service uses: InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple .Net 4.0 no security, no metadata exchange Now my questions: 1) Is it better to create an own ChanelFactory for every incoming request that accesses the WebService and to increase the connection limit in my WCF-Service, too? 2) When there are some concurrent requests to my WebService (the server has much simultanious requests), will they be queued or will the global ChannelFactory process/send every request simultaneously? If so, will the ChannelFactory take care for the thread safety on the client side? Thank you very much for your help! share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 0 down vote accepted I have been using cached channel factories for quite some time in a sizable project and have not had any issues so far. If the naming follows the standard understanding of factories and their results it should be a fair use to keep the factory along and dispose of its results (in this case the channel). share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I'm setting up a new machine and am using 64-bit Python 2.6.6 on Windows 7. I installed a pre-compiled version of setuptools. When I run setuptools from an administrator (or user) command shell, it spawns a new command window and then closes it after completing. I'm unable to see any output. easy_install --help Every time I've installed setuptools before has been on 32-bit Python and of course the behavior is as expected (output in the same command window). There are two related questions already in stackoverflow. The first one appears identical to my problem. However, that question was incorrectly closed as a duplicate of this second question. share|improve this question It needs administrator privileges. The second question answers your question. –  Rafe Kettler Apr 25 '11 at 4:14 No, that actually wasn't the solution (and it also didn't solve the problem of the first question). Running the command window as an administrator did not solve the problem. While the symptoms were the same, the issue appeared to be with the compiled binary I installed. –  davenaff Apr 27 '11 at 16:35 add comment 1 Answer up vote 3 down vote accepted I was ultimately able to resolve this. I believe it was the result of the compilation method used for the setuptools binary. I had originally used the compiled binaries that were available here: I just had to uninstall the setuptools binary and install one available here: Presumably you'd also be able to compile your own version should you need a win64 binary. I had tried installing 32-bit Python and again used a binary from the first link, but had the same problem. Using the compiled 32-bit version on pypi (of course on 32-bit python) solved my issue. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I'm looking for a clean way to do this in Python: Let's say I have two iterators "iter1" and "iter2": perhaps a prime number generator, and itertools.count(). I know a priori that both are are infinite and monotonically increasing. Now I want to take some simple operation of two args "op" (perhaps operator.add or operator.mul), and calculate every element of the first iterator with every element of the next, using said operation, then yield them one at a time, sorted. Obviously, this is an infinite sequence itself. (As mentioned in comment by @RyanThompson: this would be called the Cartesian Product of these sequences... or, more exactly, the 1d-sort of that product.) What is the best way to: • wrap-up "iter1", "iter2", and "op" in an iterable that itself yields the values in monotonically increasing output. Allowable simplifying assumptions: • If it helps, we can assume op(a,b) >= a and op(a,b) >= b. • If it helps, we can assume op(a,b) > op(a,c) for all b > c. Also allowable: • Also acceptable would be an iterator that yields values in "generally increasing" order... by which I mean the iterable could occasionally give me a number less than a previous one, but it would somehow make "side information" available (as via a method on the object) that would say "I'm not guarenteeing the next value I give you will be greater than the one I just gave you, but I AM SURE that all future values will at least be greater than N.".... and "N" itself is monotonically increasing. The only way I can think to do this is a sort of "diagonalization" process, where I keep an increasing number of partially processed iterables around, and "look ahead" for the minimum of all the possible next() values, and yield that. But this weird agglomeration of a heapq and a bunch of deques just seems outlandish, even before I start to code it. Please: do not base your answer on the fact that my examples mentioned primes or count().... I have several uses for this very concept that are NOT related to primes and count(). UPDATE: OMG! What a great discussion! And some great answers with really thorough explanations. Thanks so much. StackOverflow rocks; you guys rock. I'm going to delve in to each answer more thoroughly soon, and give the sample code a kick in the tires. From what I've read so far, my original suspicions are confirmed that there is no "simple Python idiom" to do this. Rather, by one way or another, I can't escape keeping all yielded values of iter1 and iter2 around indefinitely. FWIW: here's an official "test case" if you want to try your solutions. import operator def powers_of_ten(): n = 0 while True: yield 10**n n += 1 def series_of_nines(): yield 1 n = 1 while True: yield int("9"*n) n += 1 op = operator.mul iter1 = powers_of_ten() iter2 = series_of_nines() # given (iter1, iter2, op), create an iterator that yields: # [1, 9, 10, 90, 99, 100, 900, 990, 999, 1000, 9000, 9900, 9990, 9999, 10000, ...] share|improve this question So then a merge sort of infinite sequences? –  Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams May 9 '11 at 14:33 I have a bad English, but do you want something like "for i in (operator.add(i,j) for i,j in zip (range(10),range(10))): print(i) "? –  utdemir May 9 '11 at 14:43 No, sorry. The "zip" in your example keeps i=j. I want something like this: operator.add(a, b) for all a in iter1() for all b in iter2()... and I want them sorted (low to high) as they are yielded. –  Dan H May 9 '11 at 19:19 Is assuming op(b,a) > op(c,a) for all b > c also allowed? (Is op(a,b) = op(b,a) like for add&mul?) –  Baffe Boyois May 9 '11 at 19:26 @Dan H: You totally overgeneralized the question. If op is (+) then the diagonalization algorithm you outlined would work. On the other hand, if you merge with lambda *args:random.choice(args) then you have no chance to merge at all ... Ask your real problem. –  Jochen Ritzel May 9 '11 at 19:33 show 6 more comments 6 Answers up vote 5 down vote accepted import heapq import itertools import operator def increasing(fn, left, right): Given two never decreasing iterators produce another iterator resulting from passing the value from left and right to fn. This iterator should also be never decreasing. # Imagine an infinite 2D-grid. # Each column corresponds to an entry from right # Each row corresponds to an entry from left # Each cell correspond to apply fn to those two values # If the number of columns were finite, then we could easily solve # this problem by keeping track of our current position in each column # in each iteration, we'd take the smallest value report it, and then # move down in that column. This works because the values must increase # as we move down the column. That means the current set of values # under consideration must include the lowest value not yet reported # To extend this to infinite columns, at any point we always track a finite # number of columns. The last column current tracked is always in the top row # if it moves down from the top row, we add a new column which starts at the top row # because the values are increasing as we move to the right, we know that # this last column is always lower then any columns that come after it # Due to infinities, we need to keep track of all # items we've ever seen. So we put them in this list # The list contains the first part of the incoming iterators that # we have explored left_items = [next(left)] right_items = [next(right)] # we use a heap data structure, it allows us to efficiently # find the lowest of all value under consideration heap = [] def add_value(left_index, right_index): Add the value result from combining the indexed attributes from the two iterators. Assumes that the values have already been copied into the lists value = fn( left_items[left_index], right_items[right_index] ) # the value on the heap has the index and value. # since the value is first, low values will be "first" on the heap heapq.heappush( heap, (value, left_index, right_index) ) # we know that every other value must be larger then # this one. # I assume the incoming iterators are infinite while True: # fetch the lowest of all values under consideration value, left_index, right_index = heapq.heappop(heap) # produce it yield value # add moving down the column if left_index + 1 == len(left_items): add_value(left_index+1, right_index) # if this was the first row in this column, add another column if left_index == 0: right_items.append( next(right) ) add_value(0, right_index+1) def fib(): a = 1 b = 1 while True: yield a a,b = b,a+b r = increasing(operator.add, fib(), itertools.count() ) for x in range(100): print next(r) share|improve this answer This is the same as my answer, only with code, so it's better. –  Ryan Thompson May 10 '11 at 1:25 This doesn't always work because you don't know that when you generate the next column the first value will be >= the previous column's first value. e.g. the first grid of outputs can look like this: [[1,666,5],[666,666,666],[666,666,666],[666,666,666]]. you only know op(a,b) > op(a,c) if b>c, you don't know that op(g,i)>op(h,i) if g>h. all you know is op(a,b)>=a and op(a,b)>=b, or min(a,b)<=op(a,b), which is what I was getting at in my answer. so you have to generate columns until the leftmost input into the op is >= the value you want to yield. –  Claudiu May 10 '11 at 2:14 it is a great solution if that were true, but until then it is misleading.. unless you return some value of N like the OP suggested - i think that's probably the best solution (yours + returning N) –  Claudiu May 10 '11 at 2:22 @Claudiu, I was thinking that the f(a,b) = f(b,a) but yeah I can't actually assume that. –  Winston Ewert May 10 '11 at 8:00 Ding, ding, ding! Definitely a winner. Worked first try on my [late-added] test case involving powers_of_ten() and series_of_nines(). Thanks, Winston! –  Dan H May 10 '11 at 13:03 add comment Define the sequences as: a1 <= a2 <= a3 ... b1 <= b2 <= b3 ... Let a1b1 mean op(a1,b1) for short. Based on your allowable assumptions (very important) you know the following: max(a1, b1) <= a1b1 <= a1b2 <= a1b3 ... max(a2, b1) <= a2b1 <= a2b2 <= a2b3 ... max(a3, b1) <= a3b1 <= a3b2 <= a3b3 ... . . . . . . You'll have to do something like: Generate a1b1. You know that if you continue increasing the b variables, you will only get higher values. The question now is: is there a smaller value by increasing the a variables? Your lower bound is min(a1, b1), so you will have to increase the a values until min(ax,b1) >= a1b1. Once you hit that point, you can find the smallest value from anb1 where 1 <= n <= x and yield that safely. You then will have multiple horizontal chains that you'll have to keep track of. Every time you have a value that goes past min(ax,b1), you'll have to increase x (adding more chains) until min(ax,b1) is larger than it before safely emitting it. Just a starting point... I don't have time to code it at the moment. EDIT: Oh heh that's exactly what you already had. Well, without more info, this is all you can do, as I'm pretty sure that mathematically, that's what is necessary. EDIT2: As for your 'acceptable' solution: you can just yield a1bn in increasing order of n, returning min(a1,b1) as N =P. You'll need to be more specific. You speak as if you have a heuristic of what you generally want to see, the general way you want to progress through both iterables, but without telling us what it is I don't know how one could do better. UPDATE: Winston's is good but makes an assumption that the poster didn't mention: that op(a,c) > op(b,c) if b>a. However, we do know that op(a,b)>=a and op(a,b)>=b. Here is my solution which takes that second assumption but not the one Winston took. Props to him for the code structure, though: def increasing(fn, left, right): left_items = [next(left)] right_items = [next(right)] #columns are (column value, right index) columns = [(fn(left_items[0],right_items[0]),0)] while True: #find the current smallest value min_col_index = min(xrange(len(columns)), key=lambda i:columns[i][0]) #generate columns until it's impossible to get a smaller value while right_items[0] <= columns[min_col_index][0] and \ left_items[-1] <= columns[min_col_index][0]: next_left = next(left) columns.append((fn(next_left, right_items[0]),0)) if columns[-1][0] < columns[min_col_index][0]: min_col_index = len(columns)-1 #yield the smallest value yield columns[min_col_index][0] #move down that column val, right_index = columns[min_col_index] #make sure that right value is generated: while right_index+1 >= len(right_items): columns[min_col_index] = (fn(left_items[min_col_index],right_items[right_index+1]), For a (pathological) input that demonstrates the difference, consider: def pathological_one(): cur = 0 while True: yield cur cur += 100 def pathological_two(): cur = 0 while True: yield cur cur += 100 lookup = [ [1, 666, 500], [666, 666, 666], [666, 666, 666], [666, 666, 666]] def pathological_op(a, b): if a >= 300 or b >= 400: return 1005 return lookup[b/100][a/100] r = increasing(pathological_op, pathological_one(), pathological_two()) for x in range(15): print next(r) Winston's answer gives: While mine gives: share|improve this answer THANKS! –  Dan H May 10 '11 at 13:06 add comment Let me start with an example of how I would solve this intuitively. Because reading code inline is a little tedious, I'll introduce some notation: • i1 will represent iter1. i10 will represent the first element of iter1. Same for iter2. • ※ will represent the op operator Intuitive solution By using simplifying assumption 2, we know that i10i20 is the smallest element that will ever be yielded from your final iterator. The next element would the smaller of i10i21 and i11i20. Assuming i10i21 is smaller, you would yield that element. Next, you would yield the smaller of i11i20, i11i20, and i11i21. Expression as traversal of a DAG What you have here is a graph traversal problem. First, think of the problem as a tree. The root of the tree is i10i20. This node, and each node below it, has two children. The two children of i1xi2y are the following: One child is i1x+1i2y, and the other child is i1xi2y+1. Based on your second assumption, we know that i1xi2y is less than both of its children. (In fact, as Ryan mentions in a comment, this is a directed acyclic graph, or DAG. Some "parents" share "children" with other "parent" nodes.) Now, we need to keep a frontier - a collection of nodes that could be next to be returned. After returning a node, we add both its children to the frontier. To select the next node to visit (and return from your new iterator), we compare the values of all the nodes in the frontier. We take the node with the smallest value and we return it. Then, we again add both of its child nodes to the frontier. If the child is already in the frontier (added as the child of some other parent), just ignore it. Storing the frontier Because you are primarily interested in the value of the nodes, it makes sense to store these nodes indexed by value. As such, it may be in your interest to use a dict. Keys in this dict should be the values of nodes. Values in this dict should be lists containing individual nodes. Because the only identifying information in a node is the pair of operands, you can store individual nodes as a two-tuple of operands. In practice, after a few iterations, your frontier may look like the following: >>> frontier {1: [(2, 3), (2, 4)], 2: [(3, 5), (5, 4)], 3: [(1, 6)], 4: [(6, 3)]} Other implementation notes Because iterators don't support random access, you'll need to hang on to values that are produced by your first two iterators until they are no longer needed. You'll know that a value is still needed if it is referenced by any value in your frontier. You'll know that a value is no longer needed once all nodes in the frontier reference values later/greater than one you've stored. For example, i120 is no longer needed when nodes in your frontier reference only i121, i125, i133, ... As mentioned by Ryan, each value from each iterator will be used an infinite number of times. Thus, every value produced will need to be saved. Not practical Unfortunately, in order to assure that elements are returned only in increasing order, the frontier will grow without bound. Your memoized values will probably also take a significant amount of space also grow without bound. This may be something you can address by making your problem less general, but this should be a good starting point. share|improve this answer You have to hang on to every value from both iterators. You can never throw any of them away, at least not permanently, because each value from each iterator will be used an infinite number of times. –  Ryan Thompson May 9 '11 at 22:33 After a moment of reflection, it seems you're right. I'll edit my answer. –  Wesley May 9 '11 at 22:39 Also, wouldn't you have to maintain the frontier on a DAG, not a tree? For instance, i1_2※*i2*_2 is a child of both i1_1※i2_2 and i1_2※i2_1 –  Ryan Thompson May 9 '11 at 22:54 Agh, right again. I'll take another look at the answer. –  Wesley May 9 '11 at 23:34 the next element isnt necessarily a2*b1 or a1*b2. a3*b1 can be smaller than a1*b2, so can a4*b1, a5*b1, etc. take a look at my answer –  Claudiu May 10 '11 at 0:13 show 1 more comment So you basically want to take two monotonically increasing sequences, and then (lazily) compute the multiplication (or addition, or another operation) table between them, which is a 2-D array. Then you want to put the elements of that 2-D array in sorted order and iterate through them. In general, this is impossible. However, if your sequences and operation are such that you can make certain guarantees about the rows and columns of the table, then you can make some progress. For example, let's assume that your sequences are monitonically-increasing sequences of positive integers only, and that the operation is multiplication (as in your example). In this case, we know that every row and column of the array is a monotonically-increasing sequence. In this case, you do not need to compute the entire array, but rather only parts of it. Specifically, you must keep track of the following: • How many rows you have ever used • The number of elements you have taken from each row that you have used • Every element from either input sequence that you have ever used, plus one more from each To compute the next element in your iterator, you must do the following: • For each row that you have ever used, compute the "next" value in that row. For example, if you have used 5 values from row 1, then compute the 6th value (i=1, j=6) by taking the 1st value from the first sequence and the 6th value from the second sequence (both of which you have cached) and applying the operation (multiplication) to them. Also, compute the first value in the first unused row. • Take the minimum of all the values you computed. Yield this value as the next element in your iterator • Increment the counter for the row from which you sampled the element in the previous step. If you took the element from a new, unused row, you must increment the count of the number of rows you have used, and you must create a new counter for that row initialized to 1. If necessary, you must also compute more values of one or both input sequences. This process is kind of complex, and in particular notice that to compute N values, you must in the worst case save an amount of state proportional to the square root of N. (Edit: sqrt(N) is actually the best case.) This is in stark contrast to a typical generator, which only requires constant space to iterate through its elements regardless of length. In summary, you can do this under certain assumptions, and you can provide a generator-like interface to it, but it cannot be done in a "streaming" fashion, because you need to save a lot of state in order to iterate through the elements in the correct order. share|improve this answer Thanks; great analysis, and thanks for commenting on the other posters, too. –  Dan H May 10 '11 at 13:08 add comment Use generators, which are just iterators written as functions that yield results. In this case you can write generators for iter1 and iter2 and another generator to wrap them and yield their results (or do calculations with them, or the history of their results) as you go. From my reading of the question you want something like this, which will calculate every element of the first iterator with every element of the next, using said operation, you also state you want some way to wrap-up "iter1", "iter2", and "op" in an iterable that itself yields the values in monotonically increasing output. I propose generators offer a simple solution to such problem. import itertools def prime_gen(): D, q = {}, 2 while True: if q not in D: yield q D[q * q] = [q] for p in D[q]: del D[q] q += 1 def infinite_gen(op, iter1, iter2): while True: yield op(, >>> gen = infinite_gen(operator.mul, prime_gen(), itertools.count()) >>> <<< 0 >>> <<< 3 >>> <<< 10 Generators offer a lot of flexibility, so it should be fairly easy to write iter1 and iter2 as generators that return values you want in the order you want. You could also consider using coroutines, which let you send values into a generator. share|improve this answer Sorry, this is not what I'm looking for. If I can use a sequence notation, what you gave me is: yield primes[i]+count[i] for all i.... which is a "one dimensional" output. What I'm looking for is yield primes[i]+count[j] for all i,j , sorted lowest to highest. –  Dan H May 9 '11 at 19:13 what do you mean for all i,j? Can you provide some sample output? –  zeekay May 9 '11 at 19:31 Do you just want prime and count to start on different numbers? I updated my answer to reflect that. Not sure I understand what you want but you can just wrap a prime function and a count function in another function, pass it the arguments, have it call count/prime differently. –  zeekay May 9 '11 at 19:34 @Dan H generators are pretty flexible, if you can provide an example of output you'd like I can rewrite the function to suit. –  zeekay May 9 '11 at 21:58 @zeekay: read the question: "Please: do not base your answer on the fact that my examples mentioned primes or count().... I have several uses for this very concept that are NOT related to primes and count().". the functions might be different and your code assumes things that aren't true with the generic function he's looking for –  Claudiu May 10 '11 at 0:14 show 9 more comments Discussion in other answers observes that there is potentially infinite storage required no matter what the algorithm, since every a[n] must remain available for each new b[n]. If you remove the restriction that the input be two iterators and instead only require that they be sequences (indexable or merely something that can be regenerated repeatedly) then I believe all of your state suddenly collapses to one number: The last value you returned. Knowing the last result value you can search the output space looking for the next one. (If you want to emit duplicates properly then you may need to also track the number of times the result has been returned) With a pair of sequences you have a simple recurrence relation: result(n) = f(seq1, seq1, result(n-1)) where f(seq1, seq1, p) searches for the minimum value in the output space q such that q > p. In practical terms you'd probably make the sequences memoized functions and choose your search algorithm to avoid thrashing the pool of memoized items. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
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Take the 2-minute tour × I am writing an application that I want to store, retrieve, sort, and search data. I am using Java and I have the GUI and some functionality written already but I have no idea how to store data in Java. I have done a VERY little bit of work with SQLite when I was writing an app for my android phone and was looking for something like that maybe. I need to store information that is linked to each other, for example think of an address book. The name, address, phone number, email address, etc. would be linked to each other and go together for one entry in the address book. Similarly I need to store a large amount of data in this way and be able to search it for needed data. I would also like to be able to retrieve the data in a fashion that I could get the address value for "name". I need to know the easiest way to accomplish this. After googleing it I found information on Java DB but I don't know if this is exactly what I am looking for or how to use it. Please answer by providing me with information on what to use to store the data and if possible point me in the direction of a tutorial on how to use it. Thank you. I appreciate the Help but I am still not getting it. I want to use SQLite and I followed the link that Kristian Antonsen gave and I downloaded the SQLiteJDBC thing but now I am lost. I am clearly in new territory here and completely lost. Can someone give me an "idiots guide" on how to use this and make it work in my application? Thanks again. share|improve this question I admire your persistence in teaching yourself this stuff. –  DOK Jan 5 '12 at 23:14 Thank you. I am doing what I can –  Dead_Jester Jan 5 '12 at 23:36 @Dead_Jester it seems that you should start at — they list several options which could be of help to you. The wiki page they refer to,, seems to be moved now. If it won't work, let me know, I'll find it again :) –  alf Jan 6 '12 at 10:01 add comment 5 Answers There are lots of ways to accomplish this, here's a few share|improve this answer Ok, so I can use SQLite, good. Now the link you posted gives another Stack Overflow Question with multiple answers. Which answer do you reccomend? The one talking about David Crawshaw or the one talking about wiki? –  Dead_Jester Jan 5 '12 at 23:29 @Dead_Jester The link now points to Bernie Perez's answer - that's the one with an actual implementation example. How familiar are you with SQL? –  kba Jan 6 '12 at 8:23 @Dead_Jester What is your problem? Where are you stuck? I just downloaded the example program I linked and used this SQLite JDBC driver and tested it. The example works flawlessly. –  kba Jan 6 '12 at 14:15 add comment A very simple and easy to use database you can use is db4o. The good thing about db4o is that you can store plain old Java objects in your database! No need to map them to tables and back! Alternatively, if you like to use the SQL language (similar to SQLite), you can use H2DB. JavaDB, is also another option. Both of H2DB and JavaDB can be used as embedded databases and distributed with your app. If you decide to use SQL, you need to learn JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). It lets you communicate with the SQL database of your choice. If JDBC seemed too level for your taste, then you can learn JPA (Java Persistence API). However, IMHO, unless proven otherwise, db4o seems the best option for your use case and situation in my opinion. share|improve this answer add comment I would like to support Kristian Antonsen on his comment because HashMaps are the best method to store data in Java. If you want to store data in alphabetic order, TreeMap is the more convenient way. share|improve this answer Jdbc(Java DataBase Connectivity) is also a useful & important concept when u need to connect with the database –  sonu Jan 5 '12 at 23:23 add comment Aside from what Kristian Antonsen already mentioned, I should also mention Hibernate. I just recently picked it up by going through a series of YouTube videos such as this playlist From what I gathered, it is a better solution that's built on top of JDBC (which can be tedious). I would suggest you make the decision based on what your project needs and the time you have. share|improve this answer add comment In order to use SQLite, try following this discussion: Java and SQLite The old version (I believe it still holds): The Easiest Way: serialize your data object on exit, de-serialize it on startup. For a sample application, prototype, or a quick test it works wonders, and does not require much coding. For downvoters: yes I do use this approach every time I need to start with something. I don't need to worry much about details, and I know I can change my persistence layer later on. It does help to postpone important storage decisions until I know what kind of data I have. Less easy way would involve a database, but that requires a proper data design—if you don't share it, it's hard to recommend anything specific. The reasonable choices could be SQLite, mySQL, MongoDB or almost any other database. What fits better in your case is hard to say. share|improve this answer to downvoter: care to explain? –  alf Jan 5 '12 at 23:17 I'm not the downvoter, but alf, where are you putting the serialized data? In a file, in a database, in server memory, or what? –  DOK Jan 5 '12 at 23:20 @DOK a file of course. By the time you need more than one node (and have the real problem, which may as well render embedded databases as SQLite useless), you usually have enough experience so that you are not asking such questions. –  alf Jan 5 '12 at 23:23 So your answer is not for newbe's because you assume the user knows how to serialize data to file, and not for experienced users because they would know about serialization anyway. That seems to be a reason to downvote in my book (no, I didn't do it either, no viciousness from me in this case). –  owlstead Jan 6 '12 at 3:28 @owlstead when I was learning Java, JDBC was considered less newbie technique than serialization... So YMMV. Anyway, got the point, thank you. –  alf Jan 6 '12 at 10:03 add comment Your Answer
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Take the 2-minute tour × I know regular expressions can be used, but am not able to find the right one. Also are there any built-in functions available that do this? share|improve this question Could you explain a little more clearly what you want? Exactly what do you want to match and extract? Can you give some example input strings that you want to match & not match, and what output you're after? – Feb 28 '12 at 6:30 Not without some extra restrictions, they can't. Modern *nix paths can contain any character except \0. Meaning, you can have a path that looks like a sentence if you want. The only thing you can really go by, for absolute pathnames, is a leading slash. –  cHao Feb 28 '12 at 6:30 "bmake: stopped in /bb/cc/xx/yy/zz/aa". from this I just want to extract /bb/cc/xx/yy/zz/aa –  karthik A Feb 28 '12 at 6:35 In this case I'd suggest matching bmake: stopped in instead, and then whatever follows it. Like /stopped in (.*)/. –  raina77ow Feb 28 '12 at 6:52 add comment 3 Answers up vote 2 down vote accepted This regex will pull the pathname: It looks for a white space character followed by a slash followed by anything. If you don't have white space in your path names, then you can use the more restrictive: If you're sure you'll always have one or more path components to the names, you can add more restrictions: And so it goes on. The more you know about what can be valid in the path, the better your chances of matching only the file name. But note that a file name on Unix can contain any character except / (because it is the delimiter between sections of the path name) and \0, the NUL byte. Everything else - newlines, tabs, controls, etc - is fair game and could be part of a file name. Mercifully, most of them usually aren't present in file names. Note that relative pathnames are even harder than absolute path names. share|improve this answer add comment I'd suggest using File::Spec core module instead. If you just need to check whether what's given to you is absolute path or not, use file_name_is_absolute(); if you need to transform relative path to absolute, use rel2abs(), you see the pattern. ) It's easier and way more readable. share|improve this answer add comment /(.+/)*.* use this pattern. A slash at the start, then directories (may not be any) and a file name or directory name in the end (this may not be too). Actually this will match everything which starts with slash but it's OK because path in unix can contain everything except \0. share|improve this answer In perl i have to do this right ? $line=~m/ regex/ ?? –  karthik A Feb 28 '12 at 6:37 yes.see this –  shift66 Feb 28 '12 at 6:38 if($line =~ /[/](.+[/])*.*/ ) , so is this correct? –  karthik A Feb 28 '12 at 6:43 yes, I guess.try and tell if it doesn't work –  shift66 Feb 28 '12 at 6:44 \Unmatched [ in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[ <-- HERE / at line 26.. this is what I get ? Is the syntax wrong ? –  karthik A Feb 28 '12 at 6:49 show 1 more comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Sci. Signal., 25 October 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 196, p. ec302 [DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.4196ec302] Microbiology Poised by Noise Annalisa M. VanHook Science, AAAS, Washington, DC 20005, USA Bacterial sigma factors confer promoter specificity to the RNA polymerase holoenzyme, with primary sigma factors being responsible for regulating expression of housekeeping genes and alternative sigma factors stimulating transcription of genes associated with specific regulatory programs, such as the response to starvation or heat shock. In response to environmental or energy stresses, bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis initiate production of the alternative sigma factor {sigma}B, which stimulates the transcription of various target genes associated with pathogenicity. {sigma}B activity is repressed by the kinase and anti-sigma factor RsbW and activated by the unphosphorylated form of the anti-anti-sigma factor RsbV. The phosphorylation status of RsbV is controlled by RsbW and the phosphatase RsbQP. Using a {sigma}B-responsive fluorescent reporter, Locke et al. observed that Bacillus cultures exhibited sporadic, unsynchronized pulses of {sigma}B activity in response to constant exposure to the energy stressor mycophenolic acid (MPA). Increasing the concentration of MPA caused an increase in the frequency of pulses but had little effect on the amplitude or duration of pulses. In a strain of Bacillus that forms multinucleate filaments in which cells share a common cytoplasm through which cellular contents freely diffuse, the frequency of MPA-induced pulses of {sigma}B activity decreased, thus suggesting that noise resulting from cell-to-cell differences in the abundance of circuit components played a role in pulse generation. Pulse frequency was especially sensitive to the abundance of RsbQP and RsbW, and MPA treatment induced an increase in RsbQP abundance. Initial {sigma}B pulses were subject to a mixed feedback loop in which {sigma}B activity was first amplified by a positive transcriptional feedback mechanism until the abundance of RsbW exceeded that of RsbQP to terminate the pulse. {sigma}B activity inhibits growth but allows cells to respond to stress, so this system provides a means by which variability in the population ensures its survival. The core of the {sigma}B circuit is conserved across diverse bacterial species, and other alternative sigma factors engage similar genetic circuits, suggesting that this type of mechanism utilizing stochastic pulses of activity may be widely used to respond to unpredictable environmental conditions. J. C. W. Locke, J. W. Young, M. Fontes, M. J. H. Jiménez, M. B. Elowitz, Stochastic pulse regulation in bacterial stress response. Science 334, 366–369 (2011). [Abstract] [Full Text] Citation: A. M. VanHook, Poised by Noise. Sci. Signal. 4, ec302 (2011). To Advertise     Find Products;4/196/ec302
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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View Single Post Lt. Commander Join Date: Dec 2007 Posts: 120 # 4 12-26-2010, 10:28 AM Originally Posted by USSZenica So they pick n choose what episodes/truths they want to use for the answers? That method of writing scripts with multiple choice replies and merits based on the reply chosen seems very flawed in my opinion. It seems like it has more to do with chance (the episode or reference the script writer had in mind) or blind luck than actual "facts" (in the fictional sense). Malcor wasn't a pre-warp society. They'd invented the tech, they'd built the ship, they just hadn't launched it yet. That wasn't what the question was referring to. So "First Contact" is the wrong episode to think. "Who Watches The Watchers" is the right one. There are other questions that do the same thing, rely on a single episode for their focus - there's one referencing replicated meat, which goes all the way back to such an early episode that Tasha Yar is in it. And as for your other point, the entire game is based on episodes of the Star Trek series and films. Each fact, plot point, character etc comes from a particular part in TOS, TNG, DS9, Voy or ENT. That's Cryptic's source material, and ours too. As in all tests and exams, the most important thing is to read and comprehend the question. It's unfortunate that your mind jumped to the wrong, albeit similar-ish, one, but it was only 10 Diplo xp lost when all's said and done.
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × When I press the Print Screen button in a Wine window, Ubuntu handles the event. Is there a way to get a Windows-like behavior so that the screenshot is saved to the clipboard? This probably isn't possible, since Wine's just a compatibility layer, but I thought I'd ask anyway. PAQ (Probably Asked Question): Q: DLH, that's stupid. Why do you need that? A: I'm writing a Python script that will screenshot a window and paste it into Paint. I will then be sending this script to someone else's Windows machine. share|improve this question add comment Your Answer Browse other questions tagged or ask your own question.
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × How can I scroll up or pause the terminal so I can read text before it goes too far up? share|improve this question add comment 3 Answers up vote 3 down vote accepted You can hold down shift and use Page up and Page down to scroll. You can also pipe the results to less (eg ls -al | less) or send a copy of the output to a text file with tee (eg ls -al | tee filelist.txt). share|improve this answer add comment You can temporarily pause your program by pressing Ctrl-Z. This will put your program to sleep, obviously stopping any output. The you can bring it back to the foreground with fg. share|improve this answer add comment Often Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q can be used to pause/resume terminal output. share|improve this answer caveat: Ctrl-S is usually used in bash readline as 'forward-search-history'. This may or may not work. –  Rich Homolka Aug 5 '10 at 18:11 @Rich: When a foreground process is running, readline is inactive and the terminal is reconfigured to pause on ^S. –  grawity Aug 7 '10 at 11:31 Thanks @grawity. Maybe it's different in Konsole, because I get search instead of XOFF. I'll test more, thank you. –  Rich Homolka Aug 9 '10 at 3:49 @Rich: The terminal emulator doesn't matter. –  grawity Aug 11 '10 at 9:47 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I have a small home LAN. We currently use DSL but are moving to an area where cable internet is preferred for speed reasons (3Mbit upload vs. 768kbit). I'm fairly savvy w.r.t. networking, but I have no experience with cable internet and am having a hard time translating Comcast's marketing-speak into something I can understand. We currently have: • Cisco 678 DSL router (connectivity and firewall), which connects by Ethernet to • LinkSys WRT54GL router running stock firmware, • connected by wired Ethernet to a one desktop • connected by wifi to two laptops Is there way to buy some cable modem and simply swap it in for the DSL router? (The firewall responsibilities can be transferred to the LinkSys, I think.) Comcast has a list of approved modems. Comcast will lease me a cable modem but doesn't say specifically what it will be, and they say it's for "1 computer". So I'm leery of this route. share|improve this question The for one computer just means you need a router so there is one 'internet facing computer'. Personally I just lease a modem. I have only had issues with a modem once. And I just called them up and they replaced it for me. –  MrStatic Aug 18 '10 at 3:27 add comment 1 Answer up vote 2 down vote accepted Sure - you can buy any of those approved modems and that will take the place of your Cisco DSL modem. You'll probably have to call up Comcast when you hook it up to give them the MAC address of your new cable modem, and probably go into your Linksys router to change a few settings, but that's it. This is the one I use for my cable internet through Charter: If you look in the customer reviews you can see at least one owner is using it with Comcast and it works share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I have an embedded platform that is connected to my Windows PC via the serial connection. The embedded application sends 532 bytes through the connection. Using HyperTerminal, I am able to see the incoming (non-text) characters in the terminal window. However, I am trying to save the stream as a binary file. The problem is that when I choose to 'Receive File...', the dialog that opens (after asking for a file name and location) does not have a stop button, so my only option for stopping the reception is through canceling, which discards the captured data. It appears that although I am not sending pure text, I can use the 'Capture Text...' menu. Then, I can manually terminate the reception of data. There are two problems, though - first, the new data is appended to the existing file (if there is one), and not replacing it. Second, the terminal adds a 0xff byte at the end of the file (signaling end of text file). So, how do I save a binary stream to a file? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted Hyper Terminal is not a correct choice in this case. It probably wants a protocol like xmodem or zmodem used for the data, which your device seems not to send. As an alternative, you can try to use a recent putty version and use its logging. share|improve this answer Thanks, @Turbo J. It looks like PuTTY is able to do what is harder to get with Hyper Terminal. Now I have to get to the source code and try to see if I can isolate the parts that communicate with the COM port and log it. –  ysap May 13 '11 at 22:41 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × This has happened for me as long as I can remember. Since the first version of Firefox, on multiple computers and under different versions of Windows. QuickTime plays fine in IE and Chrome (even with Firefox in the background), but in Firefox if my mouse is not over the QuickTime window then it will start to studder, then lag and eventually just stop. • To be honest, I do keep quite a few tabs open, but Firefox stays at 1% CPU (even when QuickTime runs) and I have a few gigs of free RAM. • It is the same for any resolution of video or audio. • If the mouse is just one pixel in the client area of the QuickTime then it usually plays fine. • Other video formats typically play fine. Does anyone else notice this behavior? Ultimately I would like a fix besides keeping my mouse over the QuickTime window. share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer Most video lag in Firefox is caused by the session saving feature. Here is the fix (which will work for YouTube, Hulu and other embedded video playback). 1. Open Firefox and in the Location/Address Bar type in about:config and hit Enter. 2. You are now looking at some of the advanced functions that can be customized. 3. In the “Filter” line at the top of the list (where your cursor should already be blinking) type in session and it will automatically reduce the listings. 4. Now find “browser.sessionstore.interval” and double click it. That number is how many milliseconds between the times that Firefox saves your current browsing session in case of a crash and 10000 milliseconds equals 10 seconds – the same amount of time between video freezes. 5. Change that number to something different. 300000 is 5 minutes and 120000 is 2 minutes. I actually switched mine to 600000, which is 10 minutes, because I don’t worry about session saving much. Hopefully that will help! share|improve this answer Does that require a restart to take effect? I don't have lag in any other video, but I will give it a shot. –  Jim McKeeth Sep 5 '09 at 8:11 I restarted just to be sure and it didn't improve things any. Thanks though. –  Jim McKeeth Sep 5 '09 at 8:26 It was worth a shot anyways. Changing that setting helped with most of the embeded video lag I was getting in Firefox previously. Please post back if you find a solution outside of Super User - I'd be interested to know. –  Insomnic Sep 5 '09 at 17:07 I still haven't gotten it working. I take it it works fine for you? –  Jim McKeeth Oct 5 '09 at 3:38 I don't typically have any trouble with Quicktime in Firefox. I don't access a lot of embedded Quicktime videos though - I typically choose higher res versions which normally play in the player instead of embedded. You could try removing Quicktime and using Quicktime Alternative ( instead. –  Insomnic Oct 5 '09 at 15:56 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I'm trying to run Fluenz on my computer and it's a .osx file. When I try to open it, it opens in Textmate. Kind of odd. Does anyone know how to restore its original default program? I think that I might have changed all .osx files to open in Textmate some time in the past for a programming project, but I don't know what the original was. share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 0 down vote accepted There is no real default program, as the file type is apparently not known by OS X (at least on my system). It depends on the applications you installed on your system. You can always right-click and select Open With… to see which applications claim support the file type. If the desired program is in the list, you can Get Info the file, and then change the program to use for opening all files of this kind. This setting is in the Open with section by selecting it and then pressing Change All…. enter image description here To remove the custom association with TextMate, remove the matching entry from ~/Library/Preferences/ in the LSHandlers section and reset the Launch Services database by running the following in Terminal: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r domain local -r domain system -r domain user share|improve this answer The last step might be overkill. Edit the plist and restart your system to see what happens before resetting Launch Services. –  Daniel Beck Jan 8 '12 at 21:52 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × Is there a way to find all lines with grep, that contains at least x words? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 3 down vote accepted Well, assuming words are separated by spaces, to find lines with >= 5 words, do this: $ grep -P '\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+' Grep is not the best tool for the job though, try gawk: $ gawk 'NF>4' Gawk's NF variable holds the number of fields, by default fields are defined by spaces, so in a line of text each field is a word. The command above will print all lines containing more than 4 words. share|improve this answer But words can also be separated by comma. And at the end of the sentence there is dot. I try this: grep -E "(\w+[ ,.]+){25,}" and it seems to work allright. –  quin61 Sep 5 '12 at 11:01 My gawk command counts fields @quin61, three spaces means four fields. The dot is irrelevant and, in normal text, there is a space after the comma. –  terdon Sep 5 '12 at 13:32 add comment Replace the number "3" if you want lines >= to a different value. grep -E '^(\w+\b.){3}' share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × I'm trying to track down a problem where something is causing my active directory account to get locked out. I think that I could figure it out if I can log all connections to 2 specific servers. I want to log all outgoing TCP connections (maybe UDP also) to servers X and Y along with what process initiated the connection (PID, EXE path, & full command used to start the process). How do I do that? I tried TCPView, but that only shows me current TCP connections. I want connections from the past 15 minutes, even if they've already died. share|improve this question It'd probably be better to watch the incoming requests on the servers, in case the process that's failing to log in as you until you get locked out isn't coming from your computer. Have you enabled Logon Auditing on the DC to try and figure out what's failing to log on? –  techie007 Jan 30 '13 at 1:46 @techie007 Yeah, but that's for the IT department to do. I don't have that kind of access. –  kelloti Jan 30 '13 at 17:35 Then it should be up to the IT department to figure out what's locking you out. :) –  techie007 Jan 31 '13 at 12:21 add comment 2 Answers up vote 3 down vote accepted I would reccomend using Process Monitor. It is made by the same people who made TCPView but it shows a lot more. It also allows you to log the information to disk so you can look at it later. Note: The program will need to be open and running for it to record the logs, but if you set it up to save the logs to disk as it records them you can always review them later. share|improve this answer add comment Wireshark is a good place to start. Its a pretty versatile, and widely used tool. One shortfall, however, is that the process information never makes it past the NIC, meaning that it might not be suitable for your specific asking. Check out here for a few suggestions on what can be done. Another tool which might help is netmon direct from M$. share|improve this answer I think all of these are good suggestions, but honestly Process Monitor is the best suggestion since it has exactly what I'm looking for OOTB –  kelloti Jan 30 '13 at 17:50 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Finnegan v. Leu - 456 U.S. 431 (1982) U.S. Supreme Court Finnegan v. Leu, 456 U.S. 431 (1982) Finnegan v. Leu No. 80-2150 Argued February 24, 1982 Decided May 17, 1982 456 U.S. 431 Sections 101(a)(1) and (2) of Title I of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (Act) guarantee equal voting rights and rights of free speech and assembly to "[e]very member of a labor organization," and § 609 of Title VI makes it unlawful for a union "to fine, suspend, expel, or otherwise discipline any of its members for exercising any right to which he is entitled" under the Act. Section 102 provides that any person whose rights under Title I have been infringed by any violation thereof may bring an action in federal district court for appropriate relief. Petitioners were discharged from their appointed positions as business agents for respondent local union by respondent union president following his election over a candidate supported by petitioners. Petitioners were also members of the union, and their discharges did not render them ineligible to continue union membership. Petitioners filed suit against respondents in Federal District Court, alleging that their discharges violated §§ 101(a)(1) and (2). The District Court granted summary judgment for respondents, holding that the Act does not protect a union employee from discharge by the union president if the employee's rights as a union member are not affected. The Court of Appeals affirmed. Held: Petitioners have failed to establish a violation of the Act. Pp. 456 U. S. 435-442. (a) It is apparent both from the language of §§ 101(a)(1), (2), and 609, and from Title I's legislative history, that Congress sought to protect rank-and-file union members, not the job security or tenure of union officers or employees as such. Pp. 456 U. S. 435-437. (b) The term "discipline," as used in § 609, refers only to retaliatory actions that affect a union member's rights or status as a member of the union. The disciplinary sanctions of fine, suspension, and expulsion enumerated in § 609 are all punitive actions taken against union members as members. In contrast, discharge from union employment does not impinge upon the incidents of union membership, and affects union members only to the extent that they also happen to be union employees. Moreover, Congress used essentially the same language elsewhere in the Act with the specific intent not to protect a member's status as a union employee or officer. Accordingly, removal from appointive union employment Page 456 U. S. 432 is not within the scope of the union sanctions explicitly prohibited by § 609. Pp. 456 U. S. 437-439. (c) Petitioners were not prevented from exercising their rights under §§ 101(a)(1) and (2) as union members to campaign for respondent union president's opponent and to vote in the union election, and they allege only an indirect interference with those rights. Whatever limits Title I places on a union's authority to utilize dismissal from union office as part of an attempt to suppress dissent within the union, it does not restrict the freedom of an elected union leader to choose staff members whose views are compatible with his own. Neither the language nor legislative history of the Act suggests that it was intended to address the issue of union patronage, its overriding objective being rather to ensure that unions would be democratically governed and responsive to the union membership's will as expressed in open elections. Pp. 456 U. S. 439-442. 652 F.2d 58, affirmed. BURGER, C.J., delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court. BLACKMUN, J., filed a concurring opinion, in which BRENNAN, J., joined, post, p. 456 U. S. 442.
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Export (0) Print Expand All 22 out of 33 rated this helpful - Rate this topic STR (Transact-SQL) Returns character data converted from numeric data. Topic link icon Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions STR ( float_expression [ , length [ , decimal ] ] ) Is an expression of approximate numeric (float) data type with a decimal point. Is the total length. This includes decimal point, sign, digits, and spaces. The default is 10. Is the number of places to the right of the decimal point. decimal must be less than or equal to 16. If decimal is more than 16 then the result is truncated to sixteen places to the right of the decimal point. If supplied, the values for length and decimal parameters to STR should be positive. The number is rounded to an integer by default or if the decimal parameter is 0. The specified length should be greater than or equal to the part of the number before the decimal point plus the number's sign (if any). A short float_expression is right-justified in the specified length, and a long float_expression is truncated to the specified number of decimal places. For example, STR(12,10) yields the result of 12. This is right-justified in the result set. However, STR(1223,2) truncates the result set to **. String functions can be nested. Note Note To convert to Unicode data, use STR inside a CONVERT or CAST conversion function. The following example converts an expression that is made up of five digits and a decimal point to a six-position character string. The fractional part of the number is rounded to one decimal place. SELECT STR(123.45, 6, 1); Here is the result set. (1 row(s) affected) When the expression exceeds the specified length, the string returns ** for the specified length. SELECT STR(123.45, 2, 2); Here is the result set. (1 row(s) affected) Even when numeric data is nested within STR, the result is character data with the specified format. SELECT STR (FLOOR (123.45), 8, 3;) Here is the result set. (1 row(s) affected) Did you find this helpful? (1500 characters remaining) Thank you for your feedback Community Additions © 2014 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
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Take the 2-minute tour × I have a thesis which has two bibliographies. It includes a list of publications and a reference list. The reference list should be unsorted, or rather, sorted in order of appearance, while the list of publications should be sorted by date. I have used biblatex to do this. To sort the references by order of appearance I have used the sorting=none option in the preamble, and I have generated the list of publications by using but have noticed that this in fact sorts the publications by name. I have seen this: biblatex style with multiple bibliographies in one document, which seemed to indicate that sorting separate bibliographies with different sorting options was a coming feature. I just updated biblatex now, and it doesn't seem to be here yet. Is there some way of forcing the list of publications to be sorted by date? I tried setting the presort, sortkey and sortname fields manually, but that did not seem to work. Any hack solution while waiting for the new biblatex version would be appreciated. share|improve this question One way to do it might be to actually cite the publications in the order I want, but then those citations would appear in the text. Is there some way I can tuck away these dummy citations? This would be a pretty dirty hack. I hope there is a better way. –  Katt Jan 24 '12 at 23:20 Biber has this functionality but the interface in biblatex is not implemented yet. It's planned for biblatex 2.x –  PLK Jan 25 '12 at 7:44 add comment 2 Answers up vote 7 down vote accepted Use \nocite to "cite" the publications in the order you want. author = {Author, A.}, year = {2001}, title = {Alpha}, author = {Buthor, B.}, year = {2002}, title = {Bravo}, keywords = {pub}, author = {Cuthor, C.}, year = {2003}, title = {Charlie}, keywords = {pub}, author = {Zuthor, Z.}, year = {2000}, title = {Zulu}, Some text \autocite{B02,A01}. \printbibliography[title={Reference list},notkeyword=pub] \printbibliography[title={List of publications},keyword=pub] enter image description here share|improve this answer add comment At the moment you can't have different sorting schemes for different bibliographies, this still has to be implemented. There is a way around this limitation which I use, but it probably won't do the trick for you: I often have a bibliography and a filmography. While the bibliography is sorted nyt, the filmography should be sorted by titles. In this case you can use the \DeclareSortExclusion command to get different sorting schemes: Here I can simply define that the various names shouldn't be used for certain document types. Of course, this will only help you if the reference list uses different document types than the bibliography. EDIT: The possibility to have different sorting schemes is now available in the dev builds and will be part of 'biblatex 2./biber 1.0'. If you're not afraid of Github and building your own Perl programs, you can have this functionality already. share|improve this answer Many thanks for the "you can't have different sorting schemes for different bibliographies", @Simifilm - I just now need something like that, and I couldn't really confirm if this was an existing option in biblatex or not... Thanks also for the workaround tip - cheers! –  sdaau May 24 '12 at 7:26 See my EDIT: This is now available in the dev tree. –  Simifilm May 24 '12 at 11:41 Thanks for that note, @Simifilm - cheers! –  sdaau May 24 '12 at 16:11 add comment Your Answer
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Take the 2-minute tour × I'm going to write my master thesis in Computer Science, regarding Operation Research, (in Italian). I have about a month and a half to collect the results and write everything down. I have had a good deal of experience with LaTeX, but I can't say I'm "enjoying" it as much as it was the first time, when everything was new and looked cool. Now I know LaTeX's shortcomings and ugliness, and it somehow lost its "beauty" to me. This may seem a stupid remark to do on a typesetting language but it's still reasonable in my opinion. So I'd be curious about what I could get if I changed for change's sake, i.e. try something new, possibly better. The best candidate for this "adventure" would be ContTeXt. I'm fairly sure ConTeXt won't require me to cut&paste my favourite "preamble" into my thesis, as I did with every other tex file instead, and it may allow me to get fancy effects in an easier way than with LaTeX, or get me a more readable source. The cons are obviously the learning curve, having to convert it back to LaTeX if I get to write an article out of it, or lose time to get things done. So, I'm wondering if you had compelling arguments to make me either switch to ConTeXt or stay with LaTeX? share|improve this question I think you should read: Why should I be interested in ConTeXt –  zeroth Feb 27 '12 at 21:26 Already read it. The question wasn't specific enough for me tough. There the user was considering learning ConTeXt in no particular time for an unspecified task. I'm considering learning it now in short time to write a thesis. And thus I'm more interested in the short-term benefits of using ConTeXt for a thesis, while I often read ConTeXt excels at using precise formatting for self-published books or forms. –  user881430 Feb 27 '12 at 21:53 How about LuaLaTeX instead? –  Emre Feb 27 '12 at 22:13 Hmm... what advantages would it have? UTF-8 works just fine for me with plain latex –  user881430 Feb 27 '12 at 23:03 add comment 6 Answers up vote 27 down vote accepted Compelling argument to stay with the "better the devil you know". ContTeXt, is an excellent format, but has a steep learning curve. I don't think a month and a half is adequate to master it never mind "collect the results and write everything down." share|improve this answer add comment I am not sure if you are asking a real question. It is more like you are seeking an advice so here it comes... As somebody who spent most of my adult life in academia, I would very strongly advise you that you focus on the content of your master thesis as oppose to waist your limited time learning new fancy tools for writing the thesis. So unless the ConTeXt is the part of your thesis research stay as far away as possible from ConTeXt for the next month and a half. I would give you the same advice even if the only tool you had to write your thesis was a pencil and a paper. How you spend your time after you complete master thesis is entirely up to you and your potential employer. I would encourage you to try as many things as you have time for. So make learning ConTeXt your #1 priority after you graduate. share|improve this answer add comment I have written a couple of CS theses and have been supervising a lot more of them. Oh, I know your attitude ("I have to write my thesis in short time. Let's try a new tool!") well, too well. It is so common among CS students, especially among the better ones. We love challenges! We love learning new things! We love cool tools! We love... It is an utterly wrong idea! While I do sympathize with the wish to make "thesis writing more fun", you are in fact asking us for allowance to procrastinate from it. It is not about LaTeX vs. ConTeX! Ask yourself about your real motivation. Believe me: Six weeks already is pretty short time for a good masters thesis! Use the tools you are used to and start writing today! share|improve this answer add comment Given that I'm not trying to convince all the potential users, I can try to persuade you to use ConTeXt MKIV with the following points: 1. I'm using ConTeXt from more than 10 years 2. I'm italian 3. I'm an IT engineer 4. I've found that MKIV is fun to program (NOTE: 'fun' is not 'easy') 5. I've found that is funny to interface a C library with ConTeXt MKIV (see here) --- can be useful if you need to program in C for your thesis. You can even "push" this idea and say "my this thesis is the program" --- ok, the old literate programming concept, but how many thesis have you seen that can say this ? share|improve this answer Out of curiosity, how do you manage to employ TeX derivatives at work? I have the impression that Word is used a lot outside of academia instead, even for tasks TeX ought to be better suited. –  user881430 Feb 28 '12 at 19:10 Database publishing (see wikipedia) with pdftex is a competitive entry level solution, and can become a stable solution. Luatex add more power, and ConTeXt is well suited for these task.See also , , –  Luigi Scarso Feb 29 '12 at 5:29 add comment A good argument for staying with LaTeX: good theses normally result in one or more publications, or at least conference proceedings. Nearly every journal that I know of accepts LaTeX and not ConTeXt. Therefore, it is quite likely that you are going to need to copy-and-paste a large part of your thesis into a LaTeX document. (Incidentally, the same argument applies for the question "should I write in English or in my native language?", which you might have asked yourself). share|improve this answer add comment Though I won't speak about ConText, I will (as Federico Poloni did) of LaTeX. My DPhil thesis supervisor is almost completely computer illiterate (e.g., she doesn't "do Skype" as she's afraid of "virtual reality"). She requires me to send her Word files, so she can add comments and use track-changes. Thus, I began writing it using the infernal Word. After a couple years, I decided to switch back to LaTeX---a relatively well-known territory for me, where I could decide exactly (with the help of experts from this and other forums) how things ought to be: cross-references, multiple bibliographies, and so many other goodies. But notice I have been using LaTeX for some years now, so I did not have to learn a new language. I'm often tempted to use XeLaTeX for my thesis (in humanities), due to its beauty, but I have refrained (as to-day) from doing so---it has several mysteries still (uncompatible packages, to name one), and so I don't want to un-XeLaTeXise my final manuscript one week before handing it to my comitee. You may wonder what I did to avoid the Word requirement from my supervisor. I use TeX4ht to convert my .tex files into OpenOffice, and from there to Word is no problem. (I still have to tweek a few things in the .docx, and then I have to introduce my supervisor's all-too many comments and changes.) share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
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Take the 2-minute tour × I'm getting strange results when I use the cases environment in Tufte-LaTeX documents with the mathdesign package. Instead of enter image description here I get enter image description here Is there something I can do to get rid of that huge brace? %The following appears to be the source of my problems; removing this line produces an acceptable result r^{j-1} & ;j\le n\\ f\cdot r^{j-(n+1)} & ;j>n share|improve this question The fix is simply to set \delimiterfactor=912. That seems to be the largest value that solves the problem. Tufte-LaTeX must set it to something larger. –  raxacoricofallapatorius Jul 8 '12 at 22:21 add comment 1 Answer up vote 5 down vote accepted The big brace you get is built from smaller pieces and that's the minimum size as the following minimal document shows: \def\test#1{$\left\{\rule{0pt}{#1pt}(#1\textrm{pt})\right.$ } enter image description here Up to the 18pt case the brace is a unique glyph. Beyond that point TeX must build the brace from smaller pieces and in the case of the Charter math fonts provided by mathdesign this has an unfortunate gap. There's a fundamental difference in behaviour between tufte-book and article: the former sets the normal baselineskip to 14pt instead of the 12pt of the article class. So, with tufte-book, the array that contains the two cases is while with article it is So it's a bit wider both horizontally and vertically. Indeed, if you try r^{j-1} & ;j\le n\\[4.8pt] with the article class, you'll see the same behavior as with tufte-book. share|improve this answer How do I avoid tipping over that 18-20 pt gap in the example above? –  raxacoricofallapatorius Jul 3 '12 at 12:06 @raxacoricofallapatorius In that particular case, inputting r^{\smash{j-1}} avoids jumping to the next size. –  egreg Jul 3 '12 at 12:44 Is there a general way to override LaTeX's judgment on the side of brace that should be used? And (perhaps this is a meta equation) is there a way to confirm that this is a logged bug, or get some sense of when it's likely to be fixed? –  raxacoricofallapatorius Jul 3 '12 at 13:06 @raxacoricofallapatorius You should look at \delimitershortfall and \delimiterfactor in the TeXbook or TeX by Topic. But I'm afraid that this is a limitation of the specific font, not of TeX. –  egreg Jul 3 '12 at 13:16 @raxacoricofallapatorius It's an option: \\[<dimen>] works also in cases. –  egreg Jul 3 '12 at 14:06 show 5 more comments Your Answer
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Magpahatid Filipino maghanap ng salita, tulad ng bae: (Fresh-offa) The exact moment one gets stoned off marijuana. Originates from the town of Menlo Park California. HDub, creedle, faby, and countless others use this word after taking bong loads, burnen blunts, joints, pipes, or any other smoking device. Yo what up blood, I'm Freshoffa, i need to eat some food and take a nap!!! ayon kay HGWhelan ika-20 ng Mayo, 2009 0 3 Words related to Freshoffa: baked blunted fadad freshawfa stoned
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Kirk72 Wrote: Feb 07, 2013 6:30 AM So we are still selling the lie about the sequestration cuts. Can anyone here tell me how 100 billion dollars cut from a 3.8 trillion dollar budget will cause this? That 100 billion does not all come from defense, and that is a fact. About half does. That's 50 billion, yes a lot of money. Have you noticed that the military is acting like the big city progs, If forced to cut, they threaten to cut firemen, copes, ect. How about this military, cut your diversity training, your green department, and I'm betting there are other things you could do with out.
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × We will be in Italy (for the first time) this week! :-) Our itinerary is: 17th - 20th Venice 20th - 22nd Florence 22nd - 22nd Pisa (quick view of the Leaning Tower) 22nd - 26th Rome So as you can see, the 22nd is going to be a busy day. Last time I was in Europe (2000), I had booked train travel from Paris to Brussels but I believe I did it online. So my question is this. Do I have to book these reservations in advanced or can we just go up to the train stations and get tickets for the same day? We will be two adults and one child. We would prefer high-speed if available. So it looks like we would be buying tickets on the 20th and 22nd. But on the 22nd, we would be buying tickets twice. share|improve this question Skip Pisa and spend the extra time in Florence. Pisa is not worth the detour. It's just a big disappointment. –  PERSONA NON GRATA Nov 12 '12 at 17:47 Or buy a Florence-Rome via Pisa at Firenze SMN station. So that you need only one visit to the ticket desk the 22nd. Note that if you want to climb the leaning tower, you need to be there early in the morning to book the ticket. –  mouviciel Nov 12 '12 at 19:08 I would suggest you to visit Siena instead of Pisa, in my opinion is really better. –  Maverik Nov 13 '12 at 15:57 With Italian trains, don't schedule your connections too tightly, since they don't always run on time. Particularly the local trains, an hour delay is not that unusual. –  200_success Nov 18 '12 at 5:25 add comment 2 Answers You can obtain train tickets online on the Trenitalia website. It's better because you block the seats. There is certainly a high-speed connection between Florence and Rome. It's called Freccia Rossa. It takes 1.5 hours and starts every 30 minutes. The 22nd I would do Florence-Pisa-Florence-Rome. Florence-Pisa takes more or less one hour and you have trains every 30 minutes. Venezia-Florence is also a high speed connection (Freccia Argento). It takes two hours and stars every 30 minutes. As @user1187008 said, a good alternative to the Pisa-Florence-Rome route is the Freccia Bianca train. Direct Pisa-Rome connection that takes 2h50m and costs less than the Freccia Rossa share|improve this answer If I may complete lucaghera's answer, I would add that buying the ticket in advance online it is more probable to find some good offers (tickets could be available at half the normal price). Moreover, I travel from Pisa to Rome once every two week and I can say that a good alternative to the Pisa-Florence-Rome route is the "Frecciabianca" train. Direct Pisa-Rome connection that takes 2h50m and costs less than the "Frecciarossa". –  shard Nov 12 '12 at 6:58 add comment In general, with high speed trains between the major tourist cities (Rome, Florence, Venice, etc), you are better off booking in advance, especially for the high season summer months. The cheapest seats tend to sell out before the travel date, so you may end up paying more than you'd like. As mentioned before, Trenitalia is the longest established company for fast train travel between major cities, but you should really check out their new competitor Italo. As they are newer, Italo has brand new cars, a newer website, and tend to sell out less quickly. I tried them in summer of 2013 and was very pleased with the service. Trains were on time and easy to deal with, conductors were very helpful and spoke English. They also have "lounges" in certain stations where you can buy tickets and talk to customer reps. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before this secret is out and they will sell out at the same rate as Tren Italia. One note: both web sites have quirks for booking, although Italo had far fewer. You might need to try a few times or try a few different payment methods to get through. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
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main index Topical Tropes Other Categories TV Tropes Org "Get Out of Jail Free" Card Heel face turners and Anti Heroes are often fascinating characters. They can add a level of grey, be someone who understands villain motivations, or provide a good source of angst. In a series with Cardboard Prison tendencies, it's a lot more of an effective way of ending a threat. However, the writers eventually have to explain, at least on a Hand Wave level, why this person isn't in jail or otherwise punished. The Morality Pet is a type of "Get Out of Jail Free" Card, as heroes wouldn't want to punish them as well. Sometimes it's explained that their service is a mandatory replacement to incarceration, or the condition of The Pardon. Other times, they're revealed to be one of The Chosen Ones. The underlying logic to this trope is probably twofold: one, a character in prison isn't a potential cast member, and two, if the only reward for turning away from the path of evil and towards good is to be sent to prison and punished, then why would anyone ever abandon evil if they're going to be punished either way? In other words, being allowed to remain free- tormented or not- is almost like a karmic reward for the new hero's redemption, a second chance. That doesn't mean they necessarily feel good about it. A subtrope of Saved by the Awesome. Contrast Karma Houdini, where no such explanation is given. This is the opposite of the "Go to Hell, Go Directly to Hell, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200" Card.     open/close all folders       Anime and Manga   • Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha has the Time Space Administration Bureau justifiably arrest Fate Testarossa for her actions during the "Jewel Seed incident." However, seeing as Fate was a minor, acted on the orders of an abusive and insane parent, never personally committed a major crime, and had expressed remorse and a sincere desire to repent, sympathetic officers were more than willing to represent her at her trial and were able to get off with only community service (i.e. working for the Administration). Which she was more than willing to do. One of these officers later adopted her. Her familiar Arf received similar treatment. • In the Oddly Named Sequel, the Wolkenritter get much the same treatment, as they were not responsible for the actions they were forced to undertake as slaves to an Artifact of Doom. They did get a much stiffer and longer sentence than Fate, though, because of their lengthy, unpleasant history with the Bureau, and their sheer power. It helped that they were now beholden to a moral little girl who was eager to join the Bureau. Oddly, in the third series their master Hayate would be blamed for the trouble caused by the "Book of Darkness," despite having been unwittingly and indirectly involved at most. Then again, the one doing the blaming was an unsympathetic General Ripper, who may or may not have simply disliked the fact that a "criminal" like Hayate was running a Mobile Unit and nosing around in his (illegal) affairs. • It also helped that actually revealing the facts of the Book of Darkness incident would have revealed corruption and maverick behavior at the highest levels of the TSAB, so the whole thing got brushed under the rug. • This escalating pattern of crime and consequence continues with the end of the third season, though it is no less tempered with mercy and love than the other occasions. Many of the younger Numbers Cyborgs who recognize their crimes and agree to seek rehabilitation are sent to a special ocean facility rather than prison, with Sein, Otto and Deed joining the Saint Church and Cinque, Nove, Dieci and Wendi joining the TSAB and being adopted by the Nakajima family. Agito gets a similar deal as Signum's new Unison Device, and only went to the rehabilitation facility to be with Lutecia. • Then again, the TSAB seems understaffed (see A's sound stage 2), so skilled mages are always welcome. • ViVid shows us one instance of a character who apparently refused the card; Lutecia is confined to what is probably the most luxurious Penal Colony in fiction, a bright and beautiful vacation world with no limits on communications, visitors, or delivered items. The only apparent restriction to her activities is that she's not allowed to leave the planet. Then again, Lutecia's circumstances were very similar to Fate's in the first season, having committed almost all of her crimes in the name of saving her mother and being told by a trusted adult that it was okay to do what she was doing. • Ken, the ex-Digimon Kaiser/Emperor, falls under several of these. First, he was one of the Chosen Children. Second, he had a Morality Pet, Wormmon. Third, he was affected by a Dark Seed. Last, and most importantly, he became The Atoner afterwards, seeking absolution from the main characters and the world itself before he could become part of the True Companions. It does take a while for the rest to forgive him, though; particularly Iori, who distrusts him, and is wary of his ability to change for a long time... and takes much fandom hate for that. • And also the fact that he never realized (at least in the dub) that the beings in the Digital World were real sapient creatures instead of just computer programs, he didn't know that he had actually been inflicting true harm instead of just playing a game. • Who wouldn't be convicted of mass theft at the very least if their video game crimes were suddenly revealed to be real. • In Spiral, Ayumu gains control of the tape with Rio confessing to murder, but Eyes threatens to tell the police about their criminal connections to his brother, Kiyotaka, if Ayumu tries to turn them in. Ayumu refuses, saying he'd prefer if it the entire world was after his brother so that he might actually, y'know, FIND him. Then Eyes points out that he might not mind, but isn't there someone else who would be deeply hurt by such a fiasco...? Not wanting to cause his sister-in-law any more pain, Ayumu reluctantly agrees. • In the anime Trinity Blood, Leon Garcia (a convicted murderer) is let out of prison on a quite superficial Hand Wave, whereupon he joins the hero team. • In the Manga and Novels, it's elaborated on, in that his sentence is ridiculously high, and he IS still in prison...but they let him out to carry out missions for him, and if he succeeds (read as survives, the missions are pretty dangerous), his sentence is reduced. When he's not doing stuff for them, he sits around in prison doing very little. • In Mahou Sensei Negima!, Kotaro has what amounts to a get out of jail free card after his second appearance. He helps Negi save the girls from Wilhelm, is granted his freedom, and proceeds to transfer to Mahora. Ironically, he had escaped from jail before he did this, so it was more of a Stay Out Of Jail Free Card. • In Fullmetal Alchemist, it is specifically stated when Scar has his Heel-Face Turn that he will not get one of these; they make him swear that he will turn himself in and face judgment after everything is over. He agrees, swearing on the only thing they know is truly important to him. It ends up being played straight as he is declared legally dead during the climax and returns to rebuild Ishval. It's pretty justified, though, as the vast majority of the cast are not exactly innocent themselves. • The Chrono Crusade manga has Chrono, who—after flying into an Unstoppable Rage and charges after the Big Bad, tossing cable cars with people still inside at him, setting part of San Fransisco ablaze and actually killing some people in the process, is held captive by the Order for some time and actually ordered to be executed. He just barely manages to escape punishment because (1) he needs to help Rosette find her long-lost brother, (2) he's obviously repentant and (3) he's able to prove to Father Remington that he's learned to control his temper. However, Father Remington goes against orders to help him escape, and official records state that he was actually executed. • Masao Kirishima, resident violent sociopath of Mars, can't be locked up for attempted murder in the end because he's still legally a minor and because he doesn't seem to have any memory of his victim. • In the end of the second season of Ghost in the Shell:Stand Alone Complex Gouda thinks that he has one. Unfortunately, Aramaki does not accept it. And has the Major shoot him with a volley of exploding bullets from an assault rifle in the middle of a hallway. • In Code Geass, Cornelia allows Villetta Nu to join the Black Knights since there are more important things to do than deal with her. It's never justified from the Black Knights' perspective, and seemingly the only reason she gets in is because she's hanging on Ohgi's arm. • Lampshaded in Soul Eater with Crona. Sid suggested he/she shouldn't be exempted from the usual punishments for crimes just because his mother told him to do it. Lord Death's reply it pretty much "Yeah, I don't know, let's just put it off and let the kid join the academy in the meantime." • The members of the Juppongatana who were captured during the Kyoto arc of Rurouni Kenshin were offered these in exchange for using their skills for the Meiji government. Most of them end up taking it. • Averted in Argento Soma, where Soma doesn't get off with just a slap of the wrist, and actually receives a pretty hefty sentence. Though he's not stripped out of his rank and actually is promoted while behind bars, continuing his career in the epilogue. • This happens a lot in the Queen's Blade franchise: Basically, any evil character who was defeated and manage to get this only gets a slap in the wrist. The three most notorious examples are Claudette after being defeated in Rebellion, since the card itself are the gods themselves. Werbellia, as the cards are her daughters, not to mention she was controlled against her will by the real Swamp Witch and Dogura in the Vanquished Queens OVAs, by Tomoe, despise all the crap he did, including destroying Hinomoto (Tomoe's homeland) and the only thing he got is being bitten in the ass by some wild squirrel at the end of the episode. The only exceptions to this rule are Delmore in the gamebook continuity and in the anime, Ramshel, Sushel and Weiss from the videogames and everyone from the Cult of Arunikuf from the Queen's Gate novels, and that's because all of them are killed, albeit Ramshel and Sushel came back from the dead in the sequel. • The anime Psycho Pass has this in the "service as a mandatory replacement to incarceration" variety. The Enforcers are latent criminals whose Psycho Pass exceeds the permitted levels; they can either serve as Enforcers and help fight crime (with their every move being supervised by the Inspectors, who have the option of disciplining them at will), or to be put into "therapy".      Comic Books   • Subverted in Thunderbolts, about villains becoming heroes. MACH-1, previously the Beetle, learns that for the Thunderbolts to be allowed to continue functioning, he must go to jail for a murder he committed. He does so willingly, and even sabotages a break-out attempt that would have included him. He's eventually given expedited parole for helping save the world multiple times. • Averted in the first run of Marvel Comics New Warriors. After Vance Astrovik, AKA Marvel Boy, is convicted of negligent homicide, he refuses to go along when his teammates try to break him out. Vance: I killed my father. Whether I meant it or not — and I didn't — I'm still responsible for the act. You can quibble about the law all you want, but I believe in the system, so I'm going to abide by it. • Gloriously used and subverted at the end of the Buck Godot Gallimaufry Cycle. Buck returns home and meets with someone to negotiate his 'tax duty', a type of community service (and, to make sure people are prompt, the longer you wait to check in, the exponentially worse the duty gets... and Buck's been gone a while.) Buck offers up a 'note', which turns out to be a message from the Prime Mover, the most powerful being in the galaxy. The note explains what Buck had been up to all this time - from finding a religious artifact to preventing multiple intergalactic jihads to stopping a civil war in the seat of galactic government to saving humanity itself from extinction, and would he please let Buck off the hook, thank you very much. Too bad it doesn't work. • In All Fall Down, Siphon gets one of these in the form of a Presidential Pardon. • In pre-Flashpoint Secret Six an actual "Get out of Hell Free" card played a key role in one storyline. Pretty much every member of the team and villains outside of the team wanted it because they knew they were damned. The trope is otherwise averted: the Six go back to being straight-up villains as the series draw to a close when they realize that the good they've done as a team of Antiheroes/antivillains can't save them from eternal damnation. • The end of Serenity has The Operative taking Simon and River Tam off of the wanted list after fixing the Serenity, and letting the entire crew go after they had just committed everything from vandalism to treason, not to mention the fact that River was tortured and driven insane by the Alliance, who The Operative worked for, to be turned into a psychotic psychic assassin, which her brother had freed her from (getting them on the wanted list). So, less "GOFJF Card" and more Get Out Of Being Hunted card (as even The Operative couldn't kill River if she wanted him dead). • At the end of Shooter, Swagger is set free by the Attorney General after the charge he was framed for, the assassination of an African archbishop, is proven false by the fact that the murder weapon could not have been used, thus he could not have fired it. This seems perfectly logical, but no one, not even the incognito Big Bad who was sitting right next to the war council, seems to address the fact that Swagger killed a number of men and caused untold amounts of property damage between the beginning of the film and now in his quest for vengeance. • In the Star Trek film series, the crew commit numerous crimes to help resurrect Spock such as forcibly stealing the decommissioned USS Enterprise, sabotaging the USS Excelsior, later destroying the Enterprise. To that, the whole idea of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is to create an opportunity so spectacular for the crew to save Earth that they could get off easy for the above charges. As it is, the only punishment is a token one of Admiral Kirk being demoted to Captain again for insubordination, even as the authorities understand full well he preferred that lower rank. • Clear and Present Danger: When Jack Ryan learns about Operation Reciprocity, an illegal war being fought in Columbia, he confronts Ritter with incriminating evidence. Ritter produces an "autographed get out of jail free card" in the form of written authorization from the President of the United States. The film treats this as applying to Ritter only, while the original novel states that this is for the CIA as a whole and anyone they recruited for said operation. • Lord of War Yuri is let out because he has one from the US Government. However, his closing narration admits that just because they find him useful out of jail for now, doesn't mean they won't just let him rot the next time • Gothika. Halle Berry's character wakes up in a mental hospital, with memory gaps, accused of murdering her husband. When we later find out that her husband had over the years abducted, raped and killed several young women from the area, and she murdered him upon finding out, she is set free. Despite having y'know, actually murdered her husband. • Stripes: Even though John Winger and Russell Ziskey stole the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle on their own accord, they get heralded as heroes upon coming home since they demonstrated its effectiveness against the Soviets and rescued their comrades who went after them. In contrast, the officer who ordered said men to recover the stolen vehicle gets Reassigned to Antarctica for his trouble. • In Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels, John Clark manages to get an actual "Get Out of Jail Free" Card when the president of the United States pardons him. The Teeth of the Tiger takes this to an extreme where before leaving office, Jack Ryan Sr. signs 100 blank Presidential Pardons for use by "The Campus". • In the Honor Harrington series, Kevin Usher, head of Haven's FBI-equivalent, asks for and receives a presidential pardon for any crimes one of his agents commits in running a "black" investigation of possible treason by the Secretary of State who manipulated diplomatic correspondence to engineer a crisis that would weaken the President as a rival, but instead accidentally sent his country back to war against Manticore. He refuses to take one for himself, saying that if the black operation is blown, he will be the cutout and take the fall. • In The Three Musketeers, Cardinal Richelieu gives one of these to Milady de Winter: "It is on my orders and for the good of France that the bearer of this letter has done what they have done." When the titular Musketeers kill Milady de Winter, they use that letter against Richelieu himself to keep from being punished for it.      Live Action TV   • Anyone who tried to punish Xena: Warrior Princess of her past warlord crimes were such fanatical Inspector Javerts that their technically true accusations were eclipsed. Or she saved everyone who wanted to punish her and they let her off. For a literal example of this, one episode had her tried for murder and sent to prison...only for it to be revealed that the specific person she had been convicted of killing was alive and well and running the prison she was in. Naturally, she was set free after all this was revealed. • Buffy the Vampire Slayer has several examples: • Willow murdered two people, tried to kill several more (including Dawn, Buffy and Giles) and nearly destroyed the world. Her punishment essentially amounted to a summer vacation in England to learn to control her powers. The whole "magic addiction" thing and losing her girlfriend Tara in the most gut-wrenching way possible were probably considered to be "extenuating circumstances", though one wonders if she ever saw a psychologist throughout that summer, like, ever. • In the early part of the series Faith committed crimes including murder... and eventually accepted the idea of going to jail, after trying to commit the Buffyverse equivalent of Suicide by Cop. At the end of the series, she escaped - which was admittedly justified since she had an attempt on her life made and had to join the team to save the world; there was no sign that she intended to go back to jail once the emergency was over, though and in the Season Eight comics she doesn't, and in fact her attempts to gain more permanent freedom outside the U.S. indicate she really did never plan to go back. This is partly justified, since she's still a Slayer, and therefore more useful to the world-saving forces of Good when on the outside, and owing to an ongoing redemption plot, but still... • Andrew murders Jonathan and is accepted as a member of the group with no punishment (aside from spending a few days tied to a chair and being initially shunned), and is never turned in to the authorities - even once it becomes clear to the group that he has no useful information to offer them. He ends up remaining as a (often hopelessly useless) member of the team in Season Eight, though his role there seems to largely be to create Plucky Comic Relief... which, come to think of it, makes it all the more disturbing in a way. • Spike after he was chipped counts as this. He couldn't physically hurt humans, but time and again he proved he was still dangerous. It got worse when he and Buffy got in a relationship, as stated above. • Everyone in Buffy gets a pass from all the others, because there is really no one to cast the first stone. They've all done it. This is pointed out in "First Date," when The First, as Jonathan, is trying to get Andrew to turn back against Buffy: The First: Really? Why? So you can earn a spot on her little pep squad? You think she'll ever let you in? You're a murderer. Andrew: Confidentially, a lot of her people are murderers. Uh, Anya and Willow and Spike.... • Angel strikingly, and given the context of the series rather bravely, decisively rejects the idea that simply because someone turns good they should get a karmic reward. Faith of course literally does go to jail (for a while at least) and in a later season Angel and Spike admit to themselves they probably are still going to hell for their past misdeeds. • In The 4400 April Skouris, the sister of main character Diana Skouris uses her abilities as a Living Lie Detector to blackmail people. True she helps bring down a big criminal conspiracy... but only out of revenge for the murder of her partner/boyfriend and fear for her own safety. Not only is she not punished for her blackmail, she is awarded a plum government job. And she is smug about it too. • The Wire has a literal "get out of jail free card" given to stick-up man Omar Little in return for testifying against a murderer. He's warned, however, that the card has its limits. When Little is wrongly imprisoned, he uses his card and other contacts to help him beat the charge. • The entire backstory of LOST's Kate is that she's on the run for murdering her stepfather (who was actually her father.) Yet in the flashforward to her trial, she ends up getting off with probation and time served, mostly due to Courtroom Antic. To those who like Kate, this was justified because her stepfather abused her mother and leered at Kate, and because Kate has Aaron to look after. To Kate's detractors, it was a Karma Houdini. • Star Trek: Voyager: The end of the show didn't make any reference to whether Tom Paris and all the Maquis would be pardoned for their crimes after they got back to the Alpha quadrant - in the alternate future of the finale they clearly were though, or at least let off with a proverbial slap on the wrist. • In Deep Space Nine: • All the Maquis were pardoned at the start of the Dominion War. The people on Voyager learned this when they regained communications. They actually had it explicitly mentioned, along with mourning for the Maquis members that died. • Tom Paris specifically was pardoned in exchange for going with Voyager and helping to search for the Maquis. Prior to that, he had already been convicted and sent to one of the Federation's (typically luxurious) prisons. • Actually, Janeway only promises to put in a good word with him at his "outmate review" (presumably parole hearing). So he's not technically in the clear either. • Averted in one episode, where Kassidy Yates (Sisko's lover) is revealed to be smuggling items (mostly organic materials, so food and medical supplies) to the Maquis, a terrorist group. When confronted by Sisko and the Defiant, she takes sole responsibility, leaving her crew with the Maquis and returning to the station alone, and she gets thrown in prison for nearly a season. • Played with in Stargate SG-1 episode "Cor-Ai", where Teal'c is put on trial by one of the worlds he helped to victimize as Apophis' First Prime. General Hammond balks at the idea of forcing the people of that world to release Teal'c because he really did commit the crimes he was accused of. Same with Vala later as she goes on trial for continuing planetary slave labour after her Goa'uld was removed. • For a series about a wrongly-accused man trying to clear his name, Renegade uses this pretty often. However, on one occasion, the lead helped a man accused of bombing a college lab, by finding the guy he supposedly killed. The end of the episode makes it clear that the falsely accused man has to do community service because he evaded arrest. • Sylar in Heroes is constantly backstabbing his allies, slaughtering innocents, and getting captured, but everyone is always ready to give him another chance, try to ally with him, or get into his pants. • 24 • Jack Bauer commits so many felonies every season that his name became synonymous with the torture of terrorist suspects during the 2008 American presidential election. Bauer escapes from punishment with the occasional slap on the wrist; but given how many times he's saved the country it makes sense. This is ultimately subverted in 24: Redemption, where it's revealed Bauer is being hunted by the US government so he can tried for his use of torture. Season 7 begins with him on trial for it. He is of course released from this by the end of the season, but the Senator who was prosecuting him is dead, and the new President has also come to appreciate everything Jack has done. • Nina gets a "Get Out of Jail Free" Card from the President in Season 2 for her past crimes. Then she asks for another one...for the future crime of murdering Jack Bauer. Jack tells the president to do it. • As does Mandy in Season 4. • Parodized in Reaper with its "Get Out of Hell Free" card. • Bartlet's final act as President in The West Wing was signing a pardon for Toby Ziegler. • Every Power Ranger that started out evil, got one of these after their Heel-Face Turn. Normally the reason was they were under mind control (of one sort or another) and wouldn't have done the actions otherwise. The only exceptions to this have been when the ranger was lied to and believed they had a reason to hold a grudge against the heroes. • A Law & Order episode has Lenny Briscoe bribe a reluctant informant with his business card - saying that he should show the cop that card the next time he gets pulled over for speeding. • In the Monk episode "Mr. Monk Takes the Stand," with Monk pitted up against a Chewbacca Defense lawyer, there is a brief clip where said lawyer appears on a talk show and the hostess describes his business card as being the equivalent of a Get Out of Jail Free Card, rendering him a "Mr. Monopoly". • Mentioned in the very first episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, when Benson and Stabler let the murderer go without any sentence at all. Cragen: You just used your "Get Out of Jail Free" card on this case, Olivia. There's only one in the pack. • Lex Luthor from Smallville practically walks around with this plastered on his forehead, since everyone can tell that he's up to something yet they rarely make the effort to stop him. • In the Canadian crime series Intelligence (2006) no one would ever get arrested even when they fully expected to be. Usually Vancouver's Organized Crime Unit would beat the police in identifying and locating serious criminals, all who would typically ask, once cornered, to call their lawyers. "Well, that's one option," they would invariably be told. Of course, the other option was to activate the get out of jail free card by becoming a Confidential Informant. And not only would they escape jail, they were allowed to continue their criminal enterprise and even expand it. • In the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode "Willows in the Wind", while Catherine and Ted are on the run (not from the law - some assassins hired by an arms manufacturer are after the former) they "pay" a hooker who helps them out with Ted's business card (which can presumably be used this way). Later on, her pimp provides them with a gun and disposable cell phones and also gets one for his trouble. Ted: This is a get-out-of-jail-free card. Don't abuse it.      Newspaper Comics   • Subverted in the comic strip Broom-Hilda, when Broom-Hilda was put on trial for her latest crime spree and found guilty. The complete idiot Irwin Troll, acting as Broom-Hilda's lawyer, tries to get her off by handing the judge a Get Out of Jail Free card. The trope is subverted when Irwin's ploy fails. Actually, the subversion is subverted, because this is just a dumb comic strip where no action has any real consequences ... so, in the next day's strip, Broom-Hilda is out of jail anyway.      Tabletop Games   • The trope namer is Monopoly, which features two actual "Get Out Of Jail Free" cards. Oddly enough, this trope namer ends up subverting the trope - Monopoly jail is a Cardboard Prison that only requires you to roll doubles, pay $50, or use said card to get out. Furthermore, since people in jail can still collect rent and trade properties without fear of paying rent to others, staying in jail as long as possible is a good late-game strategy. In fact, players are required to leave jail after three turns whether they want to or not, whether by rolling doubles, paying the $50 bail, or playing the card. (A common HouseRule is to disallow a player in jail collecting rent.) • Back in the 70's, the Harvard Lampoon put out an issue that dealt with cheating. Included in this issue was an article with materials for cheating at Monopoly including a fake Chance card that sent you to Jail for Life. If things got too bad in the game you could palm this card and go to Jail, and since you still collected rents, you would eventually win, although it might take a long time.      Video Games   • Max Payne goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge in the first game of his series in which he guns down hundreds of assorted mafiosi and drug pushers. Not only does he not spend a single day in jail for any of this, but he's still on the NYPD payroll in the second game. It's implied that Alfred Woden and his "Inner Circle" pulled strings to keep Max a free man. Since Woden stands for Odin in the game's Norse mythology theme, it's no surprise that he's got the power to pull off such a feat. In the second game, Max is actually haunted by the fact that he escaped punishment. • Subverted in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. When the player character becomes Sheogorath, prince of madness, it is impossible for him to be imprisoned within the Shivering Isles; the guards will instead escort you outside the city limits and leave you to go off adventuring until you can pay the fine (or not). This sometimes leads to the less then amusing glitch of having a fine considered by the game to be too large to be payed off with no option to serve your sentence (that is, your crimes being so heinous the only option is immediate attempted execution by the arresting guard or jail.) making walking through most towns feel reminiscent of any given level from Splinter Cell. • In the first Baldur's Gate, having Shar-Teel in your party guarantees you a "Get out of Jail Free" Card from her father Angelo Dosan. You may be innocent. • In Mass Effect 2, one method you can use to "solve" a hostage situation is killing the hostage yourself in plain view of the local law enforcement. They don't react at all. Granted, you're a (possibly former) Spectre, basically a covert agent reporting directly to the highest level of government, but you're out of favor with them, and you'd expect security to at least react. • As for the person who attempted to assassinate the person and took him hostage when that went south, you can convince the security leader to put him to work helping homeless kids on the Citadel rather than pressing charges which would almost certainly lead to jail time. • In the Spyro the Dragon reboot trilogy, Cynder was the Big Bad that had inflicted massive amounts of pain and suffering on everyone and very nearly unleashed the Ultimate Evil. Once she turns good, she's not punished due to the justified reason she was Brainwashed and Crazy the entire time. However, its inverted because, while the dragons forgave her, most of the other types of creatures sharing the land don't and she even has a hard time forgiving herself. • Red Dead Redemption has pardon letters, which are a Get Out Of Paying A Buttload Of Money Card. • You can get one of these in Grand Theft Auto II by scrapping a police car, which lets you keep your weapons the next time you get busted. • Fallout: New Vegas has this as a plot point. Before you hit the main plot of the game, you can gleefully set about killing members of both primary factions (Legion and NCR), which will naturally make them want to kill you. As soon as you reach the Strip and talk to Benny, both factions immediately pardon you of any crimes because you're an asset they want on their side. • But only once. If you proceed to laugh in their faces and continue the slaughter then they'll quickly become your enemy again, this time for good and locking off their endings permanently. • Dark Seed has a very literal one, given to you by the local attorney. Its use is required to complete the game, as you need to put some items in the real world jail to access them in the Dark World jail, but can't waste a night in the cell without rendering the game Unwinnable. • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim allows you to become thane of all the holds in the region. This in turn allows you to commit a crime and demand to be let go because you are the thane, even if that crime is multiple murder. • Averted in It's Walky!: at least two characters who could break out of any jail ever made with ease willingly submit to imprisonment for their anti-social actions. • In Sinfest, Slick is gifted by Monique a "Get out of Hell free card" just before the Devil decides to take him. It actually gets him out of Hell, despite him having sold his soul to the prince of lies somewhere like 2,600 strips earlier. • The Adventures of Dr. McNinja: Dr. McNinja made a deal with the state police because as a vigilante he has to do things prohibited by law. If he reaches his offices and declares "BASE!" he's immediately cleared of all charges. • After Galatea make a brief but quite sincere attempt to conquer the planet Butane, Princess Voluptua pardons her (partly for helping to capture Riboflavin, and partly because Bob vouches for her) with the understanding that Bob will keep her out of further trouble. • Referenced in this Order of the Stick strip. • When former-assassin Tanica in The Dragon Doctors is returned to human form from being stuck as a tree for years, she fully expects Inspector Blue to arrest her on the spot. Blue does show up almost immediately, but only queries Sarin about how Tanica once went after her with a knife; all other possible charges are dropped, as none of Tanica's previous assassination missions have any sustainable evidence or outside testimony linking her to them (the signature style of her cabal was to use invisibility suits and knives for maximum stealth).      Web Original  • In Worm, standard procedure for villains who become heroes is for them to serve a probationary sentence on a superhero team, generally under house arrest in the heroes headquarters when not on deployment. The logic seems to be that, if they're the sort of villain who can become a superhero, they'll probably be more secure surrounded by superheroes and Cape Busters than in a medium-security prison.      Western Animation   • Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender : Several cards are considered after his Heel-Face Turn when he applies for Sixth Ranger. Toph plays the Freudian Excuse Card ("Considering his messed-up family and how he was raised, he could have turned out a lot worse."), Zuko plays the Pet the Dog card ("I've done some good things. I could have stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free."), and Aang plays the Enemy Mine card from "The Blue Spirit". Katara, on the other hand, still doesn't trust him, because he has "struggled with doing the right thing in the past" and makes it clear that if he switches sides again, she'll put an end to his trips through the Face Heel Revolving Door by putting an end to him. • A few weeks after the Heel-Face Turn he takes the Fire Nation throne, so anyone outside the Gaang or the White Lotus that might have a grudge against him could do precious little about it. • Dumb and Dumber: Harry and Lloyd were about to be thrown at a volcano when Harry produced a "Get Out of Being Thrown At a Volcano Free" card. He was allowed to leave but Lloyd still needed rescuing. • In a Family Guy episode, Brian held Mayor Adam West hostage after he outlaws gay marriage, and forced him to make it legal again. He succeeds, and he isn't even arrested. However the point of the episode was to show that gay marriages are right. • Brian does get a nice big What the Hell, Hero?, though. • Oddly enough, since he was dealing with Mayor West, he had to use a Get Out Of Jail Free...Key to a Volkswagen Scirocco. • The alternative was letting Adam West get away with outlawing gay marriage in the first place just to distract the public from a budget scandal for which he was completely responsible. In fact, the reason West was so forgiving is precisely because Brian's actions provided a good distraction, rendering his initial one unnecessary. • Averted in an episode of The Powerpuff Girls, in which Rainbow the Clown is accidentally bleached and becomes a mime who steals all the color and sound from the world. When the girls restore Townsville and convert him back to his happy self with a combination of The Power of Rock and Rule of Cool, they still take him down violently and ship him to prison. The episode left a bad taste in the mouths of many fans. But this ending was dictated by Executive Meddling and was not what creator Craig McCracken intended initially. • Averted in another episode where the Powerpuff Girls were arrested for crimes committed by crooks wearing Powerpuff Girls disguises. They break out of prison and beat up the criminals, then get congratulations from the Mayor - right before he says that they're going back to prison for breaking out of prison. Announcer: "So, once again, the day is saved - thanks to The Powerpuff Girls! See you on visiting day, girls!" • This even goes back to the second pilot, "Crime 101." The girls are so believable at showing the Amoeba Boys how to commit a bank robbery that they're arrested for it. The judge hearing the case thinks it's a lie until the girls actually plead guilty (Blossom silently and tearfully repeats it when the judge's jaw drops). Just as the judge is about to pass sentence, the Amoeba Boys appear with the bank money. The girls are cleared. • Wish Kid: Nick literally used that card to get out of jail. He used the card to reach a lock so he could open a door. • An episode of Danger Rangers had an aversion- a group of people spilling chemicals into the lake were told by Scottland Yard would not get one of these for what they had done, along with illegally dumping household chemicals into trash bins.      Real Life   • This is an explicit power held by most Heads of State/Government. In the past, Kings and Emperors who held absolute powers (as opposed to the defanged constitutional monarchs of today) had as many "get out of jail free cards" as they wanted. Sort of Diplomatic Impunity in your own country. The general rules of various countries include: • Neither the Swedish monarch nor the Prime Minister has the explicit power to issue a pardon, but the Swedish Cabinet as a whole does. • In America, it is common for outgoing presidents to issue a hurricane of pardons to protect their various friends from whatever nefarious deeds they committed during the president's term. • Richard Nixon received a pardon from President Ford to protect him from prosecution after his resignation. There was some uproar afterwards (and it remains a controversial move), but in general the action was done to simply move on and stabilize the government. • Several staffers involved in the Iran-Contra affair got this treatment by George H.W. Bush upon his ascent to office, although they committed the crimes under Reagan. Reagan was implicated and then cleared, so either he wasn't in the mood for pardoning the people who almost screwed him over or he didn't want to look suspicious for being lenient, depending on how much he actually knew about the proceedings, which is still unclear. • While nothing ever actually came of it, it was noted at the time that there was one person allegedly involved in Iran-Contra that George H.W. Bush didn't issue a pardon to: himself. • In fact, a Presidential pardon actually has a great deal of power; it is stated under Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution which states that the President "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment", which means a U.S. President can pardon or reduce the sentences of almost anyone he wants. Of course, most don't abuse this right with regards to important cases, and many pardons are granted posthumously. (One notable example was Jimmy Carter's unconditional pardon of all Americans who illegally evaded the draft during the Vietnam War, which was lucky for Bill Clinton.) • Charles Manson once no-showed at a parole hearing, sending the actual Monopoly game card to the parole board instead. Everyone knows that he's never going to get paroled. • If (in California at least) you are in jail and, included with your mail, you get a note saying something like "Game piece not permitted inside facility," it means that someone has tried to send you a Get Out Of Jail Free card. • Apparently common in Ancient Greece. In the dialogue Crito, the title character points out that not only can he pay off the guard and let Socrates leave but that if he fails to do so people will consider him dishonorable for not rescuing his friend. • Indulgences were a method in medieval Catholicism of skipping penance for confessed sins. They can thus be seen as "get out of purgatory free" cards. Particularly corrupt priests would not only sell these indulgences in exchange for cash donations, they'd falsely advertise them to their usually-illiterate parishioners as not just allowing them to skip penance for their sins, but as providing preemptive forgiveness for future sins. In other words, they claimed to sell "get out of hell free" cards. While this misuse of indulgences was never condoned by the church hierarchy, it was widely ignored by them, which was a major part of how Protestant Christianity came into existence. Forgiven But Not ForgottenHeel Face IndexGo and Sin No More Generic GraffitiNarrative DevicesGetting Hot in Here Do Not Pass GoImageSource/Tabletop GamesRiches To Rags Forgiveness Requires DeathA Forgiving IndexGo and Sin No More For HappinessMorality TropesGolden Moment Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Privacy Policy
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Wiki Headlines main index Topical Tropes Other Categories TV Tropes Org The Inspector Is Coming In media involving certain businesses, it is inevitable that a specialized inspector, or critic, will come sooner or later to rate the business, usually holding its fate by his/her rating. Cue the employees working hard to keep everything in good condition to get a passable rating. Hilarity Ensues if someone unrelated gets mistaken for the inspector. Compare House Inspection. In military settings, see the subtrope The Inquisitor General, while police settings will have Internal Affairs. As many - particularly those in retail/customer service environments - can tell you, this is very much Truth in Television. Nothing can strike fear into the heart of a retail employee quite like the words "corporate visit." • In the Rantanplan comics (a spin-off of the Lucky Luke comics), inspectors visit the prison both announced and unannounced very frequently. In the album Rantanplan otage (Rantanplan taken hostage) an overly eager inspector pays surprise inspections to the prison almost every day. In Le Clown (The clown), an inspector visits the prison unannounced twice, and both times at the worst possible moment (the first time when the prison director has to take care of the spoiled son of an army colonel, and tries to please him by buying expensive food like lamb meat. The second time when the director has just invited a circus over to the prison because Rantanplan and the aforementioned son were working there as clowns. • Ratatouille had two inspectors at the same time. The plot mainly focuses on Anton Ego, an infamous restaurant critic whose review already cost the restaurant one of its star ratings. But while Remy and the other rats are preparing the food, a health inspector shows up unannounced. In the end Anton Ego is very satisfied with the food and gives the restaurant a good review, but the health inspector has the restaurant closed down because of the rodent infestation. • The Inspector General is a Danny Kaye movie, in which a vagrant is arrested in a small European town, and is mistakenly believed to be an inspector from the crown. It's based on the below-mentioned play, The Government Inspector. • An old Polish comedy featured a story about a hapless lab technician who accidentally takes a hydrometer with him after leaving work. He goes to a restaurant, orders a drink and absentmindedly starts stirring the drink with the hydrometer. The restaurant manager sees this and thinks that the guy is a government inspector testing if the restaurant is watering its drinks. As the protagonist is leaving the restaurant he is handed an envelope with money as a bribe to not report the restaurant. Once he figures out what happened he starts regularly going to restaurants with lab instruments and supplements his income with the bribe money. • We Bought a Zoo • Ferris seems very harsh and acts like a jerk, but once he can't find any faults with the restored zoo, he passes them and wishes Benjamin good luck, although he still maintains that the zoo will probably fail and refuses to attend, as this would count as fraternization. There's also no proof beyond MacReady's word that Ferris stole his ideas. • In George McDonald Fraser's semi-autobiographical tales of Army life, The General Danced At Dawn, the General of the title story is conducting a full inspection of the Gordon Highlanders, who lurch from one catastrophe to another. The only things that save the Scottish soldiers are Highland dancing and bagpipe music - at the General's instigation, the Regiment dance progressively longer and more complex Highland dances until they break the world record with a 256-some. This pulls in Arabs and German prisoners-of-war to make up the numbers. • The kids' book Win One For The Sloths by Helen Lester has the sloth class being checked up on and the ways the sloths try to convince him they're learning and the class should stay open, despite their extreme love of napping. • One Jennings plot involves a visit by a school inspector. Various of the pupils, having got the wrong end of the stick, believe that the visitor is a gas inspector or a ticket inspector. Live-Action TV • A Fawlty Towers episode has Basil mistaking an officious idiot for a hotel inspector. • Another episode had a health inspector visit. • In The Nanny episode "The Butler, the Husband, the Wife and Her Mother", Niles is anticipating the arrival of inspectors of the Professional Butler's Association to determine whether he's qualified to join. Unfortunately, Fran's mother Sylvia is trying to impress their in-laws by telling them that Fran's married to Maxwell Sheffield, and with Maxwell out at the time they arrive, Fran makes Niles pretend he's Maxwell. Worse, the inspectors arrive to evaluate Niles' performance. When Maxwell returns, Maxwell has to pretend he's Niles. • In Mash, there are a number of episodes with this trope as the focus. • In one, Father Mulcahy becomes highly tense when he learns that the head chaplain of the army was coming to inspect his good works. • In another, a particularly harsh top-level nurse comes to inspect Margaret's nursing staff, which results in Margaret herself becoming particularly harsh in an effort to satisfy her (she is relieved and happy at the end of the episode when the inspector rates her staff "satisfactory"). • Somewhat lampshaded in another episode, where an inspector comes to learn about how the 4077 runs in order to duplicate it... but the entire camp becomes overrun with speculation that the inspector plans on breaking the camp up. • The Beverly Hillbillies: a "rich" socialite from back home comes to visit the Clampetts, with the Hidden Agenda of trying to marry Jed for his money. She gives the place the once over. Adeline: I just wanted to see where some of these things is from. I see most of 'em is from France and England. Granny: That's good, isn't it? Adeline: Not to me. All my stuff comes from much further away than that. It's made in Japan. • CSI NY has an episode with the lab being inspected. She can't find a lot of faults but does fault Lindsay for leaving evidence out and endangering the chain of custody because Danny, er, distracted her. She also flirts a bit with Mac, reminding him of a time before his wife died when they got a little drunk and kissed at a party. Mac admits he didn't exactly hate it, but is firm that he loved his wife and would never have gone any further. • Mystery Science Theater 3000: this is how Mike Nelson was introduced in the series. In episode "Mitchell" the mads expected an audit from the Fraternal Order of Mad Science, so they hired temp worker Mike Nelson to help them get Deep 13 in good condition for the inspection. Considering the fact that they were still in business in later episodes, they most likely passed. • The Dutch reality show De Smaakpolitie (the taste police) is all about this trope. In the show, host Rob Geus visits restaurants to check the kitchen. The trope is downplayed a little however by the fact that Rob Geus is not a licenced health inspector, so the restaurant owners can deny him access to the kitchen, and although Rob can give the owner advice on how to improve the conditions in the kitchen, he is not authorized to actually give the restaurant a fine if he finds any violations. • The Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol is the Trope Maker: corrupt local government officials panic when they hear there's an inspector in town, but the guy they suspect of being him is a case of mistaken identity. Similar to the Fawlty Towers example. • And yes, the real inspector is on the way. • In Accidental Death of an Anarchist, The Maniac is able to pull off his impersonation because the police are expecting the visit of a judge to investigate the death. Video Games • The Open for Business expansion pack for The Sims 2 lets you become a business owner. Once in a while a writer will come in and inspect your business, and depending on the state that it's in, will either give you a positive or negative review, affecting your business accordingly. You can do positive interactions and improve the environment to increase your chances of a good review. Bad interactions with either you, your staff, or other customers will make it more likely for them to write a negative one. • One of Harry The Handsome Executive's assignments is to destroy all traces of a dangerous substance invented by ScumCo R&D before the health inspector arrives. • An occasional event in Cook, Serve, Delicious! involves a health inspector showing up, and the player has to make sure that no chores are failed whenever she is around. Pass, and the player gets a boost to their buzz percentage and, whenever necessary, one step closer to one of their star upgrade criteria being met. Western Animation • Rocket Power: one episode the Shore Shack is visited by an inspector, who lowers the shack's rating because Raymundo uses a surf board as an improvised lid for the trash cans outside. • In one episode of Sponge Bob Square Pants, a health inspector visits the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs and Spongebob "kills" him with a bad Krabby Patty (thinking he was the fake inspector mentioned on TV) and try to bury him, but he's still alive. • In another episode, the Krusty Krab gets a visit from a prominent food critic. Despite everyone's best efforts, the critic gives a bad review, except for SpongeBob, which leads to Mr. Krabs going overboard with making everything SpongeBob-themed, down to serving rotten patties that look yellow and spongy. • Bob's Burgers: Pilot episode. • Beavis And Butthead: a health inspector visits the boys while they're working at Burger World. • Futurama: The beginning of "How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back". • On House of Mouse, the club is expecting a critic. Mortimer is mistaken for the critic and takes advantage of Mickey's hospitality. • Stoked: "The Very Very Very Very Very Important Guest" is about the resort expecting the arrival of a well-known hotel reviewer. • Camp Lazlo: In "The Weakest Link", Scoutmaster Lumpus attempts to get the Jelly Beans out of camp before Commander Hoo-Ha makes his inspection. It backfires horribly (of course) and he ends losing all of the scouts. • The My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode "Games Ponies Play" revolves around an inspector coming to evaluate the Crystal Empire's worthiness to host the Equestria Games. The Mane Six mistake a random tourist for the inspector for carrying a similar bag and do everything they can to impress her, while the real inspector is left waiting and has a less than hospitable stay. Eventually the tourist and inspector meet up in a spa where the tourist chats about the wonderful time she had, which convinces the inspector to pass the empire. • This happens numerous times on The Simpsons in various forms. The nuclear plant has gotten many surprise inspections, including one in which Homer manages to botch a test so badly that he melts down a van despite there being no nuclear material in it. Moe Szyslak gets visited by a health inspector which he knows well...except he dies there. When the new inspector comes, Moe hasn't even cleaned up the body of the previous health inspector. • Fairly OddParents has two episodes in which Cosmo and Wanda receives an inspection from Jorgen Von Strangle. In the first one, "Inspection Detection", they pass at the last moment when Timmy quickly makes a lot of wishes for them to grant. In the second one, "Where's Wanda", Cosmo passes, but Wanda is given a level 14 probation and send back to fairy school. 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AFC Ajax From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Meh, nobody cares about this article. Logo feyenoord Ajax' logo edit History AFC Ajax (Amateur Football Club Ajax) is the legendary football (soccer) club located in Amsterdam for over 100 years now. Starting off as a club for Jews, it soon became the richest, most powerful club in the world after WW2. After a short period of power in the early 70's, all credited to a mentally incapable person known as number 14 - who stated such quotes as: "I'm opposed to everything, until I make a decision, than I'm in favor of it" and "You must score to win" - the club fell into a dark hole, which it has as of yet not climbed out of. Feyenoord's message to Ajax, after once again conceding 4 goals in De Kuip. edit Fans Ajax has a large Jewish fan base. They show their support during matches by waving Israëli flags and stealing money, and not eating pork I guess. There are, however, two distinct camps of fans which support the club. One of them is a gathering of farmers known as Vak 410, the other ones are a gathering of over-aged shirtless men whose lives are so dilapidated that their last straw of hope is embedded in a football club. However, due to this club being Ajax, their lives can just be branded as being pathetic. Psv logo Proposed new Ajax logo, they are a bunch of gay sailors after all. edit Quality There is a reason non-UK'ers are not supposed to play sucker in the first place, so they can pursue more meaningful hobbies like masturbation and sticking it to your mom. When they do decide to play sucker, they suck. And I mean, they suck more than Paris Hilton would do if she was to reenact the Houston 500. I mean, they think they are pretty good, but when it all comes down to it, they just suck, which surprisingly does not make them any better at sucker. edit Style of Play Ajax is known for having a very aggressive style of play. They will kick, bite and scratch like little girls just to get their way. They typically play in the 4-4-3 formation, until somebody realises you are not supposed to have that many players on the field. Then they switch to 4-3-2, but then they fall one short of a full eleven. So, and this happens every game, they decide to switch to 4-3-3, but end up with ball boys and the handicaps being lined up for the game. Seriously, I am a fan of the club and it is just plain embarrassing. It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob. Personal tools In other languages
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From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia (Redirected from Royal) Jump to: navigation, search “I've found myself kneeling before quite a number of prominent Kings and their pants were down in my time” ~ Noel Coward on Royalty “That's for you, Royal!” ~ A. Guardian on Royals The Royal Parisian Palace of The Most Valiant and Honorable Disney Line Royalty isn't an institution of government; oh no! You're most likely thinking of Monarchy. No, royalty is that special quality that makes those born of royal blood fit by Divine Right to rule over the rest of us mere mortals who are their subjects. Most of the worlds Monarchies can be found in Disneyland Paris. edit The Company They Keep Minor Royals and Heirs to the Throne alike are often to be found in the company of lesser nobility, debutantes, the children of media celebrities and trust-fund millionaires: Hooray Henries and Henriettas, with enormous teeth, and either loud, braying voices or an affected upper class manner of speaking learned at boarding school. They may be seen wherever rich people go to spend money or at parties wearing a nazi guard uniform, whether tearing up the countryside in pursuit of native fauna, snorting coke with the coxless rowing team or enjoying the benefits of daddy's investments, inherited wealth and the ancestral home. edit The Divine Right of Kings Monarchs are not democratically elected political leaders; they are appointed directly by God to rule over their subjects. When God decides that a new Noble House is needed to take the helm of a nation, His Will is usually demonstrated by God's nominated successor assassinating the old incumbent and all of his heirs, or raising an army to defeat the old King's army in bloody battle. In either case, the death or exile of the old King is the result. If a pretender to the throne fails to unseat the old King, it may be taken as a sure sign that God isn't on the side of the upstart. edit The Right of Succession and the Rule of Primogeniture The Divine Right passes from a Monarch to his heirs, in order of gender first, and age second. Each successive generation of the King's descendants may continue to reign with God's blessing until He decides a change is needed and ordains a war. Because boys are better than girls at everything, it is desirable for a Monarch to have a male heir. The King or Queen's oldest son is always first in line to the throne, followed by the next oldest son, and so on. The oldest daughter stands in line to the throne after the youngest son. Only after she has stood in line long enough that any brothers she has have died, she may be allowed to sit. edit The End of the Line A Monarch dying without an heir can give rise to a state of instability and can result in civil war if rival candidates for Kingship emerge with equal claim to the throne, in which case they will fight it out to decide which of the them God has chosen. Kings have in the past devised cunning strategies to minimize the possibility of dying without issue. Henry VIII is widely known to have married six wives, one after the other, in the hope that one might bear him a son. A common traditional strategy of Kings anxious to continue their line was to reproduce as widely and as frequently as possible by Droit de Seigneur. edit The Precariousness of Monarchy Dying without a successor has been a serious concern for Monarchs in Europe for as long as there have been Kings and Queens. In the Dark Ages the average life expectancy for a monarch was 25 years, since the institutions of government were precarious at best, and Kingdoms were prone to invasion by neighbors almost on a weekly basis. King Ethelred the Unready fought off no fewer than 23 challenges to his throne in a single year in 989AD, eventually succumbing to a poisoned dart at the age of 31. He died without an heir. edit Inbreeding Henry the Ape had a particularly unusual family tree Reasoning that Divine Right was carried by Kings in their blood, the Crowned Heads of Europe preferred to marry into one another's families. If God had appointed them to rule each of their Kingdoms, then it followed that one's heir would be a more worthy successor if both parents were themselves Royalty. It was supposed that the dilution of Royal blood by marrying commoners weakened Kingly power, prompting God to appoint challenges to the old order, leading to insurrection, chaos and bloodshed. For over 2,000 years, European Royals have been marrying their cousins in order to maintain the purity of the Royal blood and to keep the wealth of nations within the family. One adverse side effect has been to amplify the incidence of haemophilia among Royals, so that before the blood clotting agent Factor 8 was isolated, more than half of European princes died of blood loss before marrying and producing an heir. Inbreeding also increased the prevalence of madness among Royalty; already high due to tertiary syphilis being endemic among high society and the aristocracy going back centuries. With so many Kings and Princes failing to reproduce due to murder, war, genetic anomalies, madness and disease, it is fortunate that inbreeding supplies a partial solution as well as contributing to the problem of heirlessness. If a European Monarch dies without an heir, or an occasional horse here and there., aunt or uncle can easily be found among the Royal Family of a neighbouring country to accede to the vacant throne. The only downside of this, of course, is where two or more such cousins have an equal claim to the throne, in which case war is the usual outcome. In recent times, European Kings and Queens have begun marrying commoners in order to bring new blood and genetic diversity into their families. edit Kings no one Knows about There was one official King of Wales, the small kingdom of Merthyr Vale was home Of King James "Watcyn" Evans in the year 4000 AC/DC. It is not actually known how long he regined for but it is estimated that he lasted over 200 years. During this time he was responsible for over a hundred deaths and pregnancies, but none of them resulted in children being born. It is believed that he is infertile after a legendary fight with Chuck Norris which he lost due to a round house kick to the balls. OUCH! It is also believed that he was Jewish in nature but christian in mind. He was responsible for leading the Jews to rebel against the mighty Zordan and his mindless bunch of perverted teens. James army managed to secretly steal porn tapes of Zordan and his gay cyborg friend Alfa, and post them on the ancient broadcasting media site Yoootoobe. This led to a major downfall in Zordan's Ranks and the end of the Power Rangers as we know them (they are now called Power Rangers anal force). James is rumored to be buried next to the Queens mother as he had a love - hate relationship with her. He was apparently 901 years old when he kicked the bucket but his sex crimes are still affecting young hindu civilians today. edit The Other King Noel Edmunds - Well he thinks he's king. edit Etiquette Bowing and scraping edit Passing Gas (Breaking wind) Once, when Oscar Wilde was waiting in line to receive his OBE from Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of England and Empress of India, he inadvertently broke wind. An equerry reprimanded him for this breach of etiquette: "Mr Wilde, do you not know that it is a terrible faux pas to fart before the Queen?", to which Oscar replied "My dear fellow, I'm terribly sorry; I didn't know it was her turn." edit Flags and other Royal Insignia In addition to the flag of his nation, every King has his own flag, which is displayed or 'flown' to signify that the King is at home. The original purpose of this custom was to advertise to his subjects that the King was receiving visitors and that anyone who fancied a chat was welcome to come up to the front gates and request an audience. However, because you can never be too careful nowadays, one rarely gets to see the King without arranging an appointment several days in advance. In modern times, the flag flown over a Royal residence serves chiefly as a signal to the milkman to leave 6 pints of milk if the Royal family is at home, and 4 if they are not. edit The Royal Court A Royal household doesn't run itself, you know. A great many courtiers and servants are required to keep such a large estate and the Kingdom it governs in good running order, which is why the institution of monarchy is good for the economy; it is a good employer and worth every penny of public subsidy it receives from taxes and the generous living allowances accorded to the Crown by its Parliament. The retainers of the Royal Court include the sons and daughters of the highest nobility as well as menial staff recruited from the lower orders. Most Royal households keep a number of residences, all of which must be maintained whether the Royal Family is in attendance or not. Some of the Royal retainers travel with the Royal Family to tend to their daily needs, such as valets and ladies in waiting, and important advisors on matters of state whose constant attendance upon the monarch is necessary for the effective government of the Realm. Other courtiers and servants are charged with the upkeep of the palace or castle of their permanent quarters. edit List of Courtiers A vizier (right) advises his monarch (left) Typically, a Royal household will have courtiers and servants of the following types among its staff: • Vizier (1) - a man with a polished bald/shaved head and a long, thin, Oriental moustache, to offer advice to the Monarch on politics, government, plotting, scheming, Machiavellianism, spying, torture and execution; and also to carry out the Monarch's special instructions. Often the King's Vizier is accorded a generous degree of discretion in carrying out his duties. • Jester (1), Chaplin (1), Poet Laureate (1), Master of the King's Hounds (1), Keeper of the King's Aviaries (1), Sergeant at Arms (1), Man-at-Arms (1), Man-e-Faces (1), Ram Man (1), Astrologers, Privy Counselors, Chamberlains, Equerries, Secretaries, Ladies in waiting, House keepers, Butlers, Under butlers, Valets, Manservants, Attendants, Pages, Heralds, Tribunes, Maids, Handmaids, Chamberlains, Chambermaids, Flunkies, Footmen, Batmen, Boot boys, Best boys, House boys, Key grips, Dolly grips, Beefeaters, Bodyguards, Men at arms, Chauffeurs, Gardeners, Gamekeepers, Groundsmen, Guardsmen, Wardens, Gatekeepers, Gaolers, Executioners, Headsmen, Armorers, Falconers, Harriers, Farriers, Sadlers, Grooms, Stablehands, Chefs, Cooks, Porters, Ninnies, Nannies, Fannies, Scullery maids, Serfs. edit See also Personal tools In other languages
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × My system is running Fedora 16 and I live in a campus where we use LAN to connect to the Internet. And for this, we use an http proxy with authentication (username & password). I tried putting the proxyaddress:port in the Network Proxy settings after going to the Network Settings window. However, it never asked for an authentication and the programs that use the internet are unable connect, except for Firefox because it asks for authentication. Also, I could get Yum to work by manually editing yum.conf. I even tried using http://username:password@proxy:port like in the Yum configuration but it has not helped. Is there any solution to this problem? Thank you. share|improve this question The GNOME manual mentions a Details button in Network Proxy settings, have you tried this? –  sr_ Mar 8 '12 at 8:42 Unfortunately, there is no such Details button. Atleast not in Fedora 16. –  Vishnu Mar 8 '12 at 11:23 add comment migrated from Mar 7 '12 at 14:28 1 Answer up vote 0 down vote accepted Many, but not all, programs honor the environment variables http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, and no_proxy. You could add them to your ~/.bashrc . export http_proxy="http://username:password@yourproxy:port" export https_proxy="http://username:password@yourproxy:port" export ftp_proxy="http://username:password@yourproxy:port" export no_proxy="localhost," Some programs, like yum, will require the proxy information in a certain way and will need to be configured on an individual basis. It's also possible to manually set proxy settings in Gnome3 by using gsettings because some programs, like Chromium, will honor those settings. See man gsettings and gsettings help for more information. # gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.system.proxy org.gnome.system.proxy autoconfig-url '' org.gnome.system.proxy ignore-hosts ['localhost', ''] org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'none' org.gnome.system.proxy use-same-proxy true org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp host '' org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp port 0 org.gnome.system.proxy.http authentication-password '' org.gnome.system.proxy.http authentication-user '' org.gnome.system.proxy.http enabled false org.gnome.system.proxy.http host '' org.gnome.system.proxy.http port 8080 org.gnome.system.proxy.http use-authentication false org.gnome.system.proxy.https host '' org.gnome.system.proxy.https port 0 org.gnome.system.proxy.socks host '' org.gnome.system.proxy.socks port 0 share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
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Take the 2-minute tour × I have two completely separate Google apps domains. One of them has all of my contacts, and I'd like to make them available to the other Google apps domain account. Can I do this? (If not, is there a Google way to synchronize?) share|improve this question add comment migrated from May 8 '12 at 15:26 1 Answer Use the export function to export your contacts, then the import function to do the same. If you have contact sharing turned on within your domain you should be able to export your contact listing from any of the accounts and import them to an account on I am unaware of a synchronizing feature that would bridge your two domains. However, you can sync Outlook and Google Apps; it stands to reason that if both of your domains are synched to the same Outlook (or other compatible contact manager) that this would be able to create a one-to-many backend (the manager) that serves up contact information for your Apps accounts. Here's a link to the install if you're interested in this. I am not sure if you can sync Outlook to two Apps accounts. Should it be the case that you cannot, sync one domain to Outlook, and sync one to Thunderbird, and sync Thunderbird to Outlook. share|improve this answer Thanks. There seems to be a marketplace add-on to do syncing, but their website doesn't let me login using SSL, so I'll stick with the manual export and import method for now. –  Bill T May 9 '12 at 12:27 @BillT The manual option works well , and it seemed the easiest way to ensure data integrity (converting from Google CSV to Outlook to Thunderbird formatting seems like it would be prone to data mishandling) –  mfg May 9 '12 at 15:01 add comment Your Answer
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Take the 2-minute tour × While sharing a file/folder with another Dropbox user, will that file/folder appear in the other user's Dropbox and sync automatically to the Dropbox folder on his computer? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 8 down vote accepted If that user has set the shared file/folder to sync to their computer then yes, it will stay updated when their dropbox syncs. Keep in mind, though, that there are many ways that the file/folder could be out of sync: • Other person hasn't turned on their computer • Other person hasn't turned on syncing for that file/folder • Other person has Dropbox setup to not auto-sync • Other person has that file open and Dropbox can't update the file because it's in use. share|improve this answer add comment Yes! As long as both the users are connected to the internet, it would work. The sync may not occur if automatically synchronization is disabled on any of the computers. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Eclipse DemoCamps Kepler 2013/Vancouver From Eclipsepedia Jump to: navigation, search Tasktop Technologies Global HQ 1100-1500 West Georgia Date and Time June 25, 6-8:00 pm Join us for drinks afterwards 1. Tasktop Button logo 110px.jpg 2. Pivotal  Pivotal Logo green.png 1. Andrew Eisenberg, Pivotal 2. Zoe Jong, Tasktop 1. Nieraj Singh (Pivotal) Getting started improvements to Spring-IDE 2. Rafael Chaves (Abstratt) - Cloudfier, a platform for rapid application development/deployment built on Eclipse Orion. 3. Deepak Azad (UBC) New features in Eclipse JDT for the Kepler release 4. Robin Salkeld (UBC) Debugging Java heap dumps with holographic JVMs Who Is Attending If you plan on attending please add your name and affiliation to the list below. 1. Andrew Eisenberg, Pivotal 2. Nieraj Singh, Pivotal 3. Andy Clement, Pivotal 4. Kris De Volder, Pivotal 5. Zoe Jong, Tasktop 6. Rafael Chaves, Abstratt Technologies 7. Behzad Samin (Telus) 8. Emmanuel Kayembe Ilunga 9. Xiaying Peng, EA 10. Yi Ye Huang, SAP 11. Silvia Frias 12. jason zhang flexdms 13. Aleksey Vorona, EA 14. Bogdan Carjac, Fujitsu Canada 15. Deepak Azad, UBC 16. Michael Jo, Fujitsu Canada 17. Sreenivas Manthri, Fujitsu Canada 18. Derek Ng, UBC 19. Lei Zhu, UBC 20. Rico Su, SFU 21. Lucas Panjer, Tasktop 22. Jaxsun McCarthy Huggan, Tasktop 23. Caitlin Matthew, Tasktop We have room for 30 attendees. If you cannot come, please remove your name from the list so that others may attend.
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Take the 2-minute tour × i’m using wp-ecommerce (getshopped) and WPML on a website, all pages display correctly when i use the default (/ugly…) permalink structure, but when i try to use the much desired permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/ something weird happens: 1. product categories list page displays the homepage 2. single category and single product pages show the main blog page (list of post) This prevents me from using my desired permalink structure, which is a major issue for me. I tried updating WPEC to the latest beta version (didn’t help) and i tried switching to twenty ten to see if the problem is related to my theme (and it isn’t) Questions: 1. Could this be related to the fact that i use hebrew words in my slugs? 2. Is there any known issues related to WPEC and permalinks that i should be aware of? 3. Can anyone point out the solution? Thanks in advance share|improve this question I'm not sure how relevant this is, but i notices that different tables in my DB have different encoding - most are utf8_general_ci, some are latin1_swedish_ci, and some are hebrew_general_ci... –  Talbatz Feb 7 '12 at 16:12 add comment 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted Apologies, I find this a little bit a non-issue as it states clearly everywhere that WPML works 100% when you use a permalinks structure of day and name ( If this is something you cannot accept, then you's better come to terms with the fact that WPML most likely is not going to work 100% for you. Or, to answer your questions: re 1. no, this has nothing to do with the fact that you use Hebrew words in your slugs re 2. no, there are no other known issues related to WPEC and permalinks that you should be aware of re 3. the solution is to use a permalinks structure of day and name ( share|improve this answer Wow... how easy was that! thanks a lot :-) –  Talbatz Feb 9 '12 at 9:58 add comment Your Answer
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Where Y'Eat 1:58 am Thu March 24, 2011 A Roast Beef Rivalry Same as it ever was: the roast beef po-boy recipe that was relocated from Parasols to Tracey's. Credit Ian McNulty New Orleans, La. – To those out on a jolly spree this past St. Patrick's Day, all might have seemed copacetic in the Irish Channel. Parasol's Bar & Restaurant and Tracey's Bar & Restaurant each hosted their own, independent block parties for the holiday, but the two taverns are so close that, to the happy reveler at least, it may have seemed like one big, green-clad bash. However, as soon as the paper shamrocks were folded away after the holiday, Parasol's and Tracey's got back to a roiling new food rivalry that's drawn a sharp line down the short block between them. In business since 1952 and long famous for its roast beef po-boys, Parasol's made news last summer when its family owners sold the ramshackle corner joint to John Hogan, who moved here last year from Florida with his New Orleans native wife Thea to buy the business. That didn't sit well with Jeff and Jaime Carreras, the couple that had leased Parasol's and operated the business there for 12 years. They decided to open their own place, now called Tracey's, just one block away, and they took with him their staff, the old Parasol's recipes and everything else they could pack up, from the bar's framed memorabilia to its battered beer coolers. That essentially makes this new Tracey's the old Parasol's in exile. Compared to the original place, Tracey's is huge, airy and bright, though the food remains true to the Parasol's heritage. This is where to find the roast beef po-boy you remember from down the street, with the beef done in thick shreds and long strands and served on Liedenheimer bread. Meanwhile, today's Parasol's, the one in the familiar old address, is essentially an all new Parasol's. It has an established name and well-known location but new owners, new recipes and an obligation to introduce itself to customers. The roast beef po-boy here is quite different from its predecessor. The beef is done in the New Orleans debris style, all tiny particles bound together in gravy as thick as a glaze. This too is packed into a Leidenheimer loaf, only here a streak of parsley-flecked garlic butter goes across the lid. That's one example of how this new Parasol's does business. It's clearly traditional but it puts some different ideas into play too. That seems a sound course for a place trying to earn its own following, and it proves out with a clever novelty called the Irish sundae, which is a paper boat of horseradish-laced potato salad topped with debris. Given the New Orleans penchant for food nostalgia and the laudable loyalty of so many local eaters, the story behind the Parasol's and Tracey's situation is bound to inspire some partisan posturing. But where it really matters, when you unwrap that po-boy at the table - or at the bar top - what we have are two po-boy restaurants on the same block. Tracey's is a bustling spot with an emerging reputation as an Uptown sports bar, while it's clear Parasol's is making an inspired effort to win the hearts and stomachs of skeptics. It doesn't take a pair of emerald-colored glasses to see that this is good news. 2533 Constance St., New Orleans, 504-302-1543 2604 Magazine St., New Orleans, 504-897-5413
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ATLANTA -- There's growing backlash about a new reality show shot in Atlanta featuring a popular Atlanta-based rapper. The show is called "All My Babies' Mamas" and it chronicles the life and times of Atlanta-rapper Shawty Lo and his ten "baby mamas." The show follows Shawty Lo, who has fathered 11 children with 10 different mothers, as he manages his family life while juggling 10 "baby mamas" and a new 19-year-old girlfriend. As of Monday, 23,000 people have now signed an online petition against the program on the website Former Georgia resident, Sabrina Lamb is leading the campaign against the show scheduled to air on the Oxygen network. She calls the show toxic, stereotypical and sad.
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Hooray for fall!! If you're like me, you can't wait for the Autumnal Equinox on September 23rd to roll around so you can officially say It's Fall! for those that are excited for the cooler weather and changing colors, check out the website for information about the changing colors and where and when to go to get the best view. Also be sure to check our catalog for books about fall/autumn in the catalog!
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Cox, Jude post record-setting rookie performances Updated: 9/23/2013 2:20 pm Philadelphia, PA (Sports Network) - It was an offensive explosion in Norfolk, Va., this past Saturday, as The Citadel's Ben Dupree gave Old Dominion all it could handle by accouting for 36 of the Bulldogs' 58 points in a 59-58 loss. With just over a minute and a half remaining in the game, Dupree's first touchdown pass of the game pulled the Bulldogs within 59-58, but a failed two- point conversion kept it that way. Had it not been for Dupree's effort, though, the score may not have been so close. Dupree, Gardner-Webb's O.J. Mau, Jacksonville's Dylan Lynch, Appalachian State's Marcus Cox and Eastern Kentucky's J.J. Jude have been named The Sports Network FCS National Players of the Week for all Week 4 games ending Sept. 21. Ben Dupree, The Citadel, QB, Sr., 5-9, 185, Harrisburg, Pa. Dupree's Bulldogs put up a serious fight against FCS-to-FBS transitioning program Old Dominion, but ultimately fell short in the loss. Still, Dupree has a phenomenal day statistically. The senior was responsible for six touchdowns, including five rushing scores. He was 5-of-8 passing for 113 yards and a touchdown - a 23-yard strike with 1:39 left to play. The ensuing two-point conversion attempt for the lead fell short. Dupree's 149 rushing yards were second on the team. He scored on runs of 13, 17, 33, 2 and 19 yards. His five rushing scores set a single-game school record and tied for the third-best total in Southern Conference history. O.J. Mau, Gardner-Webb, NG, So., 6-2, 302, Masefau, American Samoa Mau was one of the key players in Gardner-Webb's surprising, 3-0 victory over nationally ranked Wofford in a rainstorm Saturday night. Typically nose guards aren't known for their statistics, but rather their presence on the field. Mau broke the mold, posting nine tackles from his interior line position, and adding 1 1/2 tackles for loss, a sack and a quarterback hurry against Wofford's triple option style attack. His six stops in the fourth quarter were a team high. Mau played a huge role, often matched against Wofford's standout center Jared Singleton. Dylan Lynch, Jacksonville University, K/P, Sr., 6-3, 195, Jacksonville, Fla. Lynch posted his second consecutive 15-point performance in Jacksonville's 69-16 win over Warner Southern. Lynch converted all nine of his extra point attempts, bringing his consecutive PAT streak to 27, a Jacksonville record. He also made two field goals, connecting on a 42-yarder in the first quarter and a 23-yard attempt in the second. Lynch doubles as the team's punter and kickoff specialist. One of his two punts was downed inside the Warner 20, while five of his nine kickoffs went for touchbacks. Marcus Cox, Appalachian State, RB, Fr., 5-10, 185, Dacula, Ga. Cox's first career start was also a record-setting one. The true freshman became the first player in school history to record 100 receiving yards and 100 rushing yards in the same contest. Cox rushed 26 times for 159 yards and a touchdown, and caught five passes for 149 yards and two touchdowns. His 149 receiving yards are the most by a true freshman in program history. His record day helped lift the Mountaineers over Elon, 31-21, for the team's first win of the season. J.J. Jude, Eastern Kentucky, RB, Fr., 5-9, 191, Hagerhill, Ky. The redshirt freshman back led Eastern Kentucky with 195 yards rushing on 33 carries, scoring four touchdowns on the ground in the team's 56-24 win over Morehead State. It was a breakout day for Jude, who had carried the ball only 19 times in his first three games combined. His four rushing touchdowns tied the EKU single-game record, while his 195 rushing yards are the highest total in the Ohio Valley Conference this season. Team Schedules Inergize Digital This site is hosted and managed by Inergize Digital. Mobile advertising for this site is available on Local Ad Buy.
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• Font size: • Decrease • Reset • Increase Climate Change Climate change is any long-term significant change in the “average weather” that a given region experiences. Average weather may include average temperature, precipitation and wind patterns. It involves changes in the variability or average state of the atmosphere over durations ranging from decades to millions of years. These changes can be caused by dynamic processes on earth, external forces including variations in sunlight intensity, and more recently by human activities. Related to climate change is Global warming.  This is the increase in the average measured temperature of the earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century.  Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C during the 100 years ending in 2005. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations".  Climate model projections summarized by the IPCC indicate that average global surface temperature will likely rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C during the twenty-first century.  This range of values results from the use of differing scenarios of future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as models with differing climate sensitivity. Increasing global temperature is expected to cause sea levels to rise, an increase in the intensity of extreme weather events, and significant changes to the amount and pattern of precipitation, likely leading to an expanse of tropical areas and increased pace of desertification. Other expected effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, mass species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes, both of which take place on a global scale. The agricultural sector is a significant user of land and consumer of fossil fuel, agriculture contributes directly to GHG emissions through crop production and the raising of livestock; according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, two of the main causes of the increase in greenhouse gases observed over the past 250 years have been fossil fuels and agriculture. A study published in Science suggest that, due to climate change, "southern Africa could lose more than 30% of its main crop, maize, by 2030. In South Asia losses of many regional staples, such as rice, millet and maize could top 10%". Five main climate change related drivers: temperature, precipitation, sea level rise, GHG emissions and incidence of extreme events, may affect the agriculture sector in the following ways: Reduction in crop yields and agriculture productivity: There is growing evidence that in the tropics and subtropics, where crops have reached their maximum tolerance, crop yields are likely to decrease due to an increase in the temperature. Increased incidence of pest attacks: An increase in temperature is also likely to be conducive for a proliferation of pests that are detrimental to crop production. Limit the availability of water: It is expected that the availability of water in most parts of Africa would decrease as a result of climate change. Particularly, there will be a severe down trend in the rainfall in Southern African countries and in the dry areas of countries around Mediterranean Sea. Exacerbation of drought periods: An increase in temperature and a change in the climate throughout the continent are predicted to cause recurrent droughts in most of the region. Reduction in soil fertility. An increase in temperature is likely to reduce soil moisture, moisture storage capacity and the quality of the soil, which are vital nutrient for agricultural crops. Low livestock productivity and high production cost: Climate change will affect livestock productivity directly by influencing the balance between heat dissipation and heat production and indirectly through its effect on the availability of feed and fodder. Availability of human resource: Climate change is likely to cause the manifestation of vector and vector born diseases, where an increase in temperature and humidity will create ideal conditions for malaria, sleeping sickness and other infectious diseases that will directly affect the availability of human resources for the agriculture sector. Sub-Saharan Africa, the world’s poorest region and the one most dependent on agriculture, brings the problem into sharp focus. An estimated 500 million hectares of its agricultural land are already degraded, say soil scientists. Moreover, 95% of the region’s cropland is rainfed, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and rainfall patterns are already quite erratic. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that in some African countries yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by 50% by 2020 With more “heavy weather” on the horizon, how will farmers in Africa and elsewhere keep pace with the demand for food, which is expected to at least double in the developing world over the next 40 years? And what hope do they have of creating better livelihoods for themselves and their children? Specifically, they seek ways to protect water and other natural resources under extreme weather conditions and other pressures. Biotechnology has a significant role to play when meeting the challenges of climate change. With the development of crop varieties that are adapted to harsh climates such as drought and heat tolerant crops.  As well as reducing GHG emissions with the use of biofuels. Switch mode views:
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Find Your Next Favorite Book Our Money-Back Guarantee The Scroll and Its Combinations () With clever songwriting, a willingness to experiment, and an increased production quality in the studio, the Wellwater Conspiracy have slowly outgrown their side-project beginnings to become a great band in their own right. Co-founder Matt Cameron still gives much of his time and energy to playing drums for Pearl Jam, so it's unlikely that the Conspiracy will ever break big, but that's all the better. The group has the feeling of a cult band, a gift rewarded to the fan willing to put the time and energy into searching it out, and the rewards are plenty on the third Wellwater Conspiracy release (the band's first for TVT). While past albums contained some gems, they often felt like records that were written and recorded over the course of a few weekends off. Scroll, on the other hand, has the sound of a fully realized album, with Cameron and cohort John McBain taking their love for '60s garage and psychedelia to a new level. "I Got Nightmares" is pure early Who, and "Tick Tock 3 O'Clock" is the best Roky Erickson song never penned. The record also has some heavyweight guests. Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil adds a beautiful guitar part to "C, Myself and Eye," while Eddie Vedder (going under the moniker Wes C. Addle) lends his familiar voice to the jaunty, Byrds-ish "Felicity's Surprise." The production on Scroll is much cleaner, the songwriting is tighter, and the group only sounds better and stronger for it. ~ Steve Kurutz, Rovi Hide synopsis Find your copy Buy it from  $7.95 Change currency Reviews of The Scroll and Its Combinations Write this item's first Alibris review Review it now Discussions about The Scroll and Its Combinations Start a new discussion 1. What's on your mind? Review post guidelines Join Today! Share your ideas with other community members Create account Already a member? Log in now*listing*more&full=1
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Here Comes the Tropical Trio July 18, 2011 Credit: NOAA Are you ready for the Tropical Trio—heat waves, monsoon storms and hurricanes? Ready or not, it’s summer and a tropical weather pattern will be coming to a neighborhood near you. You remember grade school science? Typically teachers would hold a light and have some kid carry a tilted globe around it to explain the seasons. In summer the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and the Sun's rays hit that part of Earth more directly than at any other time of the year. The result, the teacher explained, was longer days and hotter weather. Tropical climate surges north. In summertime, the tilt of the sun allows the sun’s rays to fall directly on the Northern Hemisphere Source: The National Snow and Ice Data Center The direct solar radiation on our hemisphere peaks in June. However, as summer continues, the land continues to heat, usually reaching a peak in the middle of July. Welcome to the peak. According to a number of weather services, we can expect over 40 states to roast this week with temperatures of 90°F or above. Temperatures will soar through the Great Plains to the Eastern Seaboard. Not all the tropical weather patterns are unpleasant however. In the Southwestern desert, July is when the rainy season of the monsoon begins. This year the rains have begun across Arizona, southern Nevada, Utah, and into Colorado, but unfortunately have bypassed parched New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma. The ocean takes longer to warm, so the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season is not until September. Source: NOAA Tropical weather patterns will continue to evolve. Land temperatures may peak in July and early August, but the oceans are slower to warm. They reach their peak in late August and September. Then as they simmer, they will bring the last of the tropical trio—the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season. We have already seen the first tropical storm Arlene, and as this is being written, something appears to be brewing off of Florida. But the real fun begins in late August and the first two weeks of September. It all sounded so simple back in that air-conditioned classroom. But now school is out, summer is here and so are heat waves, monsoon rains and hurricanes. Related Articles More Articles: By Ann Wagner Do the sunspots and solar activity have anything to do with this? I heard that there is a strange weakening in the sun. Solar activity By Evelyn Browning... Solar activity affects Earth's temperature, but it is a slow effect. Our planet stores a lot of heat, so it takes an entire reduced solar cycle to make a clear impact. We have only had about 3 - 4 years of lower activity. The 2013 Old Farmer's Almanac will have a good article on just this subject. it's hot as blazes! By jerry.l.litton Last year when crude oil was spewing out of the BP well head a mile deep under the Gulf I read on the NOAA site they had read earth temperture globally had risen a degree and a half the first six months of 2010. My first though was "what's next?" About the oil leak in the gulf, I don't beliee they capped it, I believe it fizzled out to almost no flow then they piled some rocks on it or poured enough disbursent on it or installed a timed release dsbursent spitting machine, enough to finish it off. It won't be the first time government or big business has lied to us is it? Well, you guessed it. A blustery heavy snowfall Winter(was it a record maker), a wind blowing Spring(some of the strongest tornadic winds on record), dust storms, drought, record rainfall enough to get our Mississippi River out of her banks and a Summer heat wave like nothing on record(strangly in the middle of the North American Continent and the south which is nearer the Equator isn't doing nearly as bad as the mid-west except for drough, fires and dust storms mostly in the southwest. Since 2000 we have had more record events in weather and natural diaseters on earth that I can remember during my life. I hear largest or strongest or most on record pretty often now days when weather is being predicted. What's next? Anybody out there keeping up with things around the world, are they having epic amounts of weather also or is it just us? Post new comment • Lines and paragraphs break automatically. More information about formatting options By submitting this form, you accept the Mollom privacy policy.
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| | Five Most Serious Challenges and How to Overcome Them June 23, 2008 In this article ANA members share their secrets for successfully planning, executing, and staffing integrated marketing programs--starting with breaking down functional silos. Members Only Content User Name (email):
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Barcode Scanner This one's a classic, and with 10 to 50 million installs, it should be. Most of you have probably heard of it, but for those who haven't, it's called Barcode Scanner and you're going to want to get it. Barcode Scanner is pretty straightforward. Open up the app, line up a barcode in between the rectangular viewfinder, and you're off to the races. If you're scanning traditional barcodes, Barcode Scanner will give you price comparisons on whatever product you're looking at as well as user reviews. What really makes Barcode Scanner something you'll want to download is the fact it scans and reads QR codes. For those who don't know, QR codes are those black-and-white squares found at the end of all of our app reviews. They usually contain data like a text file, or in this case, a link to an app on the Market. Having Barcode Scanner at your disposal means you can just scan the code and get taken to the app in the Market, no searching necessary. Barcode Scanner also has some cool sharing options. You can send information you scan to someone via a text message or you can share it on any number of networks you've downloaded on your phone. That includes email, bluetooth, or in my case, Google+. It's another simple and intuitive way to get the word out about something you scanned and makes it easy on others trying to access the same information. Barcode Scanner is completely free to download and totally ad-free as well. It's a small app with no frills about it. You can scan barcodes (and QR codes) and that's about it. If you've got an Android phone, you probably already have it, but in case you don't, download links and a few more screenshots are after the break. Barcode Scanner Barcode ScannerBarcode ScannerBarcode ScannerBarcode Scanner There are 22 comments This is awesome like goggles, amazon, and shop savvy I love the oxymoron of having a barcode to scan in order to download a barcode scanner. JustEric says: It's not an oxymoron, but yeah, I thought the same thing :) icebike says: Even dumber is the idea of sending a Barcode in a sms message. Phone can take a picture of their own screens to interpret the image. Completely unmentioned is the uption that lets you share a webpage via Barcode Scanner which displays the url in a qr code on your phone so your friend can just use Barcode Scanner to shoot your screen. It's faster than a text message when you want to send a url to some other device in the same room. GandalfIAm says: *ROFL* I can't help but agree! TwinkieFGR says: I still have this installed, because a couple apps require it, but I never actually launch it, I use Google Goggles for all my barcode-scanning needs. blackbyrd says: I like having this app, but often it takes forever to focus & capture. @ the architect. Jumbo shrimp = oxymoron, this situation is more ironic. 'Jumbo shrimp' is debatable as an oxymoron since it is the same as 'large crustacean'. Living dead is an oxymoron. ssummer says: Never tried it as I feel the permissions are excessive for a "simple barcode scanner". Read and write contact data, read browser's history and bookmarks? Really? I'm not going to get into a debate about why the author needs those permissions. As well intentioned the reasons for these permissions may be, developers change. zhecht says: A vCard can be embedded into a QR code (a lot of business cards recently use this). Therefore, barcode scanner needs to be able to write contact data if you want to import someone's contact info from a QR code. The barcode scanner app can also display a QR code on screen with your contact info or with a link from your bookmarks, if you want to share it with another phone, which is why it needs bookmark permissions. See conchchowder says: Whatever happened to simply clicking on a link? Whew! EeZeEpEe says: You're limiting yourself to being on a web browser. Barcodes for apps are on posters, magazines, ads, etc. that are not on a computer or smartphone screen. jean15paul says: I have 5 different barcode scanners (Barcode Scanner, ShopSavvy, ScanLife, RedLaser, and Google Shopper) on my phone. I've been meaning to get into all of them and figure out which is best, but I haven't made the time. Anyone have any insight? amojeba says: I wouldn't mind seeing a Comparison done by AC. Comparing all the barcode scanners, the pros / cons of each. I think a lot of people would appreciate that That would be awesome! MaryBeth#AC says: I would definitely love this! Skidmark911 says: I know, I'm weird, but I rarely hold my phone in landscape. This app would be great if it would fix the screen when you hold the phone vertical. it still works perfectly fine vertically, but the buttons are sideways. - just a suggestion for a great app. Thanks. bunta says: once i started using Google goggles, i've never looked back. grjaime18 says: does someone knows how can i share everything i scan with my laptop ? to look the bar-code in the search bar of amazon using the laptop? Sebastianbru says: jakeoe says: The Android barcode generator I am using now is this:
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Conversation Between Rook and basilisk888 7 Visitor Messages 1. same to you I hope that this matter has not become bothersome to you but I just wanted for you to understand my point... good day to you 2. Technically you didnt like my idea either. Im not crying over it. And i met no insult to you, nothing personal. And yea i did forget that was along time ago for me, i can remember things to well. So if its any consolation, im sorry for offending you. 3. it's great to here people idea's but it's not so good hearing people say that your idea's are bad... if fact that can be a case be called insulting.... and what I ment is that I wondered if you had forgotten the words that you have said... 4. if you dont like hearing other peoples opinions, then why are you posting threads in the debate and discuss forum? Besides i believe you are breaking a forum rule by bringing this outside the forum. and actually i still have no idea wat your talking about. i only understood what u said in the last line. "oh I hope you have not took into the depth of your mind the wrods:"-you like seriously, that is a confusing arrangement of words you got there. yoda-ish, only i cant understand you. 5. oh I hope you have not took into the depth of your mind the wrods: yea this topic is lame. "From what i understand im being asked if "i would be able to live with a certain label, becuase of that label conlficting with my personal beliefs and why?" Thats wat it sounds like to me. If thats the case, its a yes no, then essay type answer. in which only grounds for debate or discuss is for us to display prejudice for or against athiests (athiests being the subject) and explain why we believe in our prejudice. I dunno, just doesnt seem theres much to grow on from this topic. People are people no matter where you go." as I say before if you don't like it the leave it alone.... 6. i have no idea wat your talking about, which topic? 7. ok, I have to say this, if you do not like to topic or you think it is stupid some other people amy not think the say as you so, simple as it is: do not read it and if all nessesary do not get involved in it ok? Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
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Well, to be honest I made the comment so someone wouldn't change the format in the discussion to 8 or 16mm or something :-). I think you know what I'm saying though - there's not a huge difference, resolution wise, between 8x10 and 20x24 once it's being viewed. People will move in or out. Intimacy of print changes with size though.
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The only monopolies they have are reversal film and instant, which are a pretty small part of total film sales but if you want those and you want new and fresh, it'll be Fuji. I just bought another ten rolls of in date E100G for the freezer but of course when it's gone it's gone.
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Depending on how thick the plastic is (and this method isn't suitable for something more than 1-1.5mm thick), a No. 23 blade on No. 4 scalpel handle (load blades with pliers, not your fingers!). Fetch a true-steel-guided edgeT-section ruler (to keep your fingers away from you-know-what). It works, but it's mightily scary... Probably best, though, to practice a few times on something before committing to the important stuff!
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Stephen Pym looks at the pros and cons of selling off a piece of your future earnings. It's time to update your financial planning. First impressions are everything. Here's how to stand out. Nobody is born with a preexisting mission. You have a million options at your fingertips. Greg Isenberg's company was bought by StumbleUpon this year. He's just 24. What has he learned? Sean Kim dropped out of university 8 months ago. Turns out, he had a very good reason. The President is preparing to tackle retirement savings, and that should make you nervous. It's easy to go astray if you don't have the right info. That's why you need to read this article. You're holding yourself back, and it's time to stop. Losing a job can be an immensely stressful situation for a man to face. Here's how to deal with it. Colorado's experiment in legalization is a success so far. Could it mean big money for savvy investors? The digital currency isn't just for drug-buyers and computer nerds. Is it time to take Bitcoin seriously? Life will throw you unexpected twists, but you can train yourself to be ready for them. For some, owning a home is just another ball and chain, but for others it's a dream come true. What's right for you? Ready to take control of your finances? The secret has to do with partitioning - and popcorn. Living check to check sucks. Give your finances a boost and learn more about your spending by going on a buying freeze. These real-life situations courtesy of Redditors prove that you, too, can be excited to wake up and go to work. A new study says we should only be working 30-hour weeks. Find out which countries are working less than we are - and benefiting. These real-life entrepreneurs have a lot to teach us about following a meaningful path. You'll always have regrets if you stay with the status quo. Heath Calhoun lost both his legs in Iraq. How he overcame that should be a lesson to us all. The political travesty that was the debt ceiling showdown actually contained some useful lessons. If your money is slipping away, these simple ways to cut your spending will take some pressure off your bank account. Is that raise really the best thing that could happen to you? Turns out there's a field that sneakily gives you a leg up on getting into the career you really want. Once you've gotten your bearings at a job, it's time to realize that you need a plan of attack. At least, Red Bull's "flying squirrel" team has. Check out this video of them doing the impossible. Nadiv Rahman delves into why networking works - and how to do it. Job prospects looking grim? Here's how one man succeeded in bad circumstances - and prospered.
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oh, and rape?  sorry, but it requires at least 2 or 3 witnesses for it to be valid.  Forget that DNA evidence - it doesn't count cuz it isn't in the good book. so says Ron Hamm, the pastor of the Independent Baptist Church of Wasilla, AK (yes THAT Wasilla) "...And while I understand that in Alaska the lone female is able to convict her alleged perpetrator, this goes contrary to the Bible. In the book of Deuteronomy we find the following: “One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.” "While in our day of feminism it is asserted that a woman’s body is her own. Biblically speaking, this is only true prior to marriage, for in Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians we read:  “Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.” Views: 60 Reply to This Replies to This Discussion I for one would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the feminists (whether they ever called themselves that) who stood up in the face of: death, domestic violence, rape, public humiliation and centuries of roaring male laughter to fight for the life I enjoy today. Yes, this is ridiculous, yes these beliefs are laughable and Yes - we still need to fight against them. I don't how women can still belong to any of these misogynistic desert dogma's. These religion were created by men who considered women to be nothing more than sex objects, and second class citizens. Yet, when you tell them this they deny it. I'm glad to be an atheist. Support Atheist Nexus Donate Today Help Nexus When You Buy From Amazon Badges  |  Report an Issue  |  Terms of Service
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A Flagship For The World The Mercedes-Benz S-Class debuted in 1972 and stands as the flagship vehicle for Mercedes. It also stands as the best-selling luxury flagship sedan in the world. As the largest car for one of the foremost automakers on the planet, the S-Class is privy to the latest and greatest technology that the Mercedes technical wizards dream up. The 2012 S-Class, in the United States, is available in several iterations, most changes falling within the drivetrain. In fact, there are seven drivetrain options: S350 BlueTEC diesel with 4Matic all-wheel drive, S400 Hybrid, S550, S550 4Matic, S600, S63 AMG, and S65 AMG. The options range anywhere from a base price of $93,425 all the way up to a very steep $211,775. The current version of the S-Class hit American shores in 2006. New to the US S-Class lineup for 2012 is the S350 BlueTEC 4MATIC, which is an all-wheel-drive, diesel-powered 3.0-liter V6, fitted with a turbo charger. For 2012, Mercedes-Benz announced they were doing away with their highest-end luxury sedan line: Maybach, which shared underpinnings with the S-Class. Thusly, the S-Class now stands at the top of the range. Delightfully for buyers, the 2012 S-Class more closely resembles the Maybach line than ever before. The S-Class body has always been rather rotund, leaning perhaps more toward the bulbous side than some of its more chiseled Mercedes underlings. The 2012, however, is a bit more angular, even if only slightly so. The faint bodylines are distinctly Germanic but are easy on the eye. The S-Class buyer wishes to have the finest without shouting about it. Passers by who recognize it immediately appreciate the S-Class, as its confidence is palpable. Other German luxury flagships lean more toward the boastful, chrome-encrusted exterior. But if you didn't have your eye out, you might miss the S-Class entirely. This makes it the ultimate under-the-radar luxury sedan. Even the technology has been cleverly disguised. Hidden within the front grille is a radar sensor, which operates the adaptive cruise control. We'll get to that, however, in a bit. Close your eyes and imagine for a moment what the interior of a $100,000 sedan might look like. Got it? Chances are you're way off the S-Class mark. If you were expecting jaw-dropping luxury and technology that invoked a feeling of being 20 years in the future, you may want to look at the Audi A8L instead. The S-Class interior is, admittedly, one of the finest in the world and certainly the nicest in the Mercedes sedan line. But it's not what most people would deem a one-hundred-grand interior. The interior, like the exterior, is subtle. The seats are wrapped in lovely perforated leather fitted with fully electronically adjustments. The air bladders under the leather allow for full customization of the feel and comfort of the front two seats. The seat dynamics are electronically controllable as well, and massagers are standard for the driver and front-seat passenger. When turned all the way up to "2," the dynamic seat side bolsters will inflate and deflate in conjunction with the curves of the road, actively holding both the driver and passenger's bodies through the corners. And the navigation and entertainment screen is a piece of German magic that, from the driver's perspective, appears as a satellite navigation map and, for the passenger, display a DVD movie-both on the same screen. Most newsworthy of the 2012 S-Class line is the S350 4MATIC. It is the first diesel-powered S-Class in the US market since 1996. The benefit of a Mercedes diesel is three fold: excellent fuel economy, lower environmental impact than gasoline engines, and long-term durability. These attributes might come as a surprise, so we'll break them down. Diesel engines are naturally more efficient than their gasoline-powered cousins. Mercedes engine and fuel management systems enhance that further. Featuring direct injection, electronic fuel injectors, four valves per cylinder, and a variable nozzle turbo charger, the S350 is capable of an EPA estimated 21 MPG in the city and 31 in the highway. As for having a lower environmental impact, Mercedes' BlueTEC system injects-of all things-urea into the catalytic converters in conjunction with a diesel particulate filter to significantly diminish diesel exhaust emissions, effectively eliminating most inherent diesel detractions. While it might only make 240-horsepower, the 3-liter V6 diesel engine generates 455-footpounds of torque. Like most of you, we don't know exactly what torque is. We do know, however, its abundance in the S350 makes a rocket ship of this German land yacht. Step up from there to one of the gasoline-powered AMG models and you're looking at a luxury sedan with as much or more horsepower than a Lamborghini Gallardo. But if you are interested in the AMGs, be forewarned that the engine and exhaust release such a menacing growl that your 'under-the-radar' status will be tossed to the wind. Driving Impressions The S-Class is a supersized vehicle, but it doesn't feel as massive as it actually is. This is due to several key designs. First: handling. Holding up the S-Class body is an air suspension system, which irons out any and all bumps in the road. Unlike American luxury sedans, the resulting suspension feel isn't floaty and disconnected. Instead, you feel tied to the road but without the bumps and bruises that come with less-than-perfect asphalt. With a push of a button, however, you can set the air suspension to ?sport' and stiffen up the ride. It is noticeably more firm but not overly so. Though we like a more sporting suspension in most vehicles, we vastly preferred the standard ?comfort' setting in the S-Class. Turning radius is oftentimes one of the challenges of large cars, but the S-Class absolutely and delightfully enjoys the opposite. You'd need to look back several decades to the ?70s before you found another car that can turn as sharply and smoothly as this big Benz. The S-Class is huge but can turn into tightly angled parking spaces with no effort at all. Secondly: power. A 240-horsepower diesel doesn't sound like much for such a large car, but what makes the whole difference is the 455-footpounds of torque. Put your foot to the floor and a wave of power generated from all four wheels moves the planet backwards, and the S-Class forward. The power-especially from a smaller diesel motor-is incredible. It's manageable, smooth, and intoxicating. Look to the top at the S65 AMG with a whopping 621 horsepower and the acceleration is even more fun. Lastly: adaptive cruise control. Now found on more than just the highest end vehicles, it is nonetheless impressive. Set a speed and the system uses radar the monitor traffic in front and around your vehicle. If the flow of traffic slows, the system slows your car, keeping a pre-set safe distance. It will slow your vehicle to a stop, if need be and back up to the set cruise speed, as the flow of traffic accelerates. At first, using it is a nerve-wracking, nail-biting experience. Once you ease into it, you won't want to drive on the highway without it. When first behind the wheel of the S-Class you're acutely aware of the size and scope of the vehicle but its quickly forgotten. Turn on the seat heater (or coolers), turn up the Harman Kardon stereo, set the adaptive cruise control and melt into the lap of luxury. Not Perfect, But Still the Best Mercedes boasts that many consider the S-Class the finest vehicle in the world. We can see why. While the S-Class is pretty enough to meet at the altar, and drives like a dream, it doesn't do anything that other luxury sedans can't do - it just does most of them better. What other $90,000+ European flagships are there? The Audi A8 and the BMW 7 Series. The Audi A8 has a more luxurious, better-looking interior than the S-Class but due to the heft of the A8's V8 engine, doesn't handle as well. The BMW 7 Series feels younger, lighter, and more like a large sports sedan than a luxury tourer. Admittedly, the 7 Series is a little flashier than the S-Class, which is fine for some, but we prefer the looks of something more subdued. When it's all said and done, the S-Class enchants and provides an unmatched driving experience, at least at the 100-grand mark. There are other cars with similar features and performance for considerably less money, but the respect you'll feel and receive behind the wheel of the S-Class is worth every penny if you're looking for a ride worth of international diplomats and royalty. author photo Related Articles & Car Reviews Find Cars for sale near you: Research by Vehicle Type • Convertible • Coupe • Hatchback • Hybrid • Luxury • Sedan • SUV • Truck • Van/Minivan • Wagon Shopping Tools Loading Ajax Content Loading Ajax Content
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Life Insurance: What are the general purposes for life insurance? Pt. 2 1. To pay for death taxes and/or estate settlement costs. These costs can exceed 50% of the fair market value of an estate. 2. Pay off a home mortgage. 3. Fund a business transfer. Many businesses have multiple stockholders. Life insurance proceeds upon the death of one stockholder provide ready cash to finance the transaction. 1. To replace charitable gifts. If large assets are gifted to charity there are fewer dollars that can pass as an inheritance. Life insurance can replace that lost inheritance. 2. To supplement retirement funding. Certain life insurance products can supplement retirement funding by accumulating additional funds for retirement years. We'll explore several of these users in more detail in the pages that follow. Note that all life insurance policies are subject to substantial fees and charges. Death benefit guarantees are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing life insurance company. Excerpt from The Complete Guide to Estate and Financial Planning in Turbulent Times (Collaborative Press, 2011) - Walt Dallas, Contributing Author
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Geno Smith and Matt Barkley should be only so bummed that they were spurned big-name quarterbacks during the first round of the NFL draft. There's always the inspiration provided by Aaron Rodgers. A couple hours before the second round of the draft began Friday, with Smith and Barkley among the most notable players waiting to be picked, news spread that the Green Bay Packers all-pro quarterback had just signed a five-year, $110 million contract extension. With $40 million in the first year of the deal and an average of $22 million a year, Rodgers assumes the title as highest-paid player in NFL history. What timing. The irony sizzles like a tight touchdown spiral. In 2005, Rodgers was a much-coveted quarterback left dangling in the green room at Radio City Music Hall as he tumbled down the draft board -- falling from the potential top pick overall to the 24th slot. Now Rodgers is positioned in a different type of slot -- at the top. MASSIVE DEAL: $40 million in first year UNLIKELY CHOICE: Geno goes to Jets "Tough situation that I was in eight years ago," Rodgers said during a news conference at Lambeau Field, "but there's a light at the end of the tunnel." A new deal for Rodgers was expected for weeks, with talks ongoing between his agent and the club. After the Baltimore Ravens signed Super Bowl MVP Joe Flacco to a six-year, $120.6 million deal in March, which averages $20.1 million per year, the floor was essentially set for Rodgers' new contract. Flacco even mentioned that he expected his highest-paid status to be temporary, given that Rodgers -- whose previous contract, averaging $12.704 million, was set to expire after the 2014 season -- was in line for a new deal. Nonetheless, the culmination of the contract represented something of a surprise bonus -- all the way from Green Bay -- as the NFL's much-scripted signature offseason event flowed from Draft Central in Manhattan. Rodgers is a classic example, epitomizing that it's not so much about which draft door you pass through to enter the NFL, it comes down to what is accomplished with the opportunity. Smith, who was picked with the seventh pick in the second round by the New York Jets (39th overall), should remember that. Same for Barkley, the Southern California standout, Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o (picked 38th overall by the San Diego Chargers) and Alabama running back Eddie Lacy (taken by the Packers with the 61st pick). The draft slots don't mean as much once you get to that first rookie minicamp -- although there's still something to be said for the higher the slot, the bigger the rookie contract, and there's a bit more roster security, for a year, anyway, for the first-rounders. But those less-filling draft slots can sure provide some extra incentive. Ever since his draft-day humiliation -- through the drama of replacing Brett Favre, then winning MVP honors and the Super Bowl -- Rodgers hasn't allowed himself to forget just what it felt like April 23, 2005. On Friday, just before his news conference, Rodgers even corrected Packers coach Mike McCarthy, who had mentioned that it was eight years, two days ago when he experienced his draft day tumble. "It was actually three," Rodgers said, referring to eight years and three days since that day. "I have a good memory." That's why Rodgers was moved to send a shout-out tweet to Smith on Thursday night, after one top prospect after another left the green room, leaving the West Virginia quarterback to grapple with embarrassment. Unlike Barkley and Te'o, who spent the draft in private at their family homes, Smith opted to endure the process in the public setting at draft headquarters. Rodgers tweeted, "Hang in there Geno, 'good things come to those who wait' - Paul Tagliabue." It was a classy gesture, but shortly after Round 1 ended, Smith indicated that he didn't plan to return to Radio City Music Hall for the second day of the draft. At some point overnight, he had a change of heart -- or prodding from an adviser -- and came back to walk across the stage for his greeting from Commissioner Roger Goodell. Rodgers knows how Smith feels. He was once that guy. "It's been a great run," Rodgers said, "and hopefully for Geno's situation, he's going to have a similar opportunity, and obviously he'll have a lot of people to prove wrong." The draft is always replete with messages, lessons and twists of fortune that illuminate how the human element coincides with competition and big business. Now there's a fresh example for any of the players who didn't get drafted quite as high as they would have envisioned. They can always aim to be another Aaron Rodgers. The draft is only a beginning. Follow Jarrett Bell on Twitter @JarrettBell.
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June 25th, 2010 - 10:45 am Grown Ups I didn’t expect Grown Ups to be good, but I at least expected to give it one of those “it looks like they’re having more fun on screen than we are in the audience” type reviews. That’s usually what happens when a big star like Adam Sandler rounds up his pals—in this case, Rob Schneider, Chris Rock, David Spade, and Kevin James—to make a movie: The film is beset with inside jokes and a kind of giddy camaraderie that doesn’t quite translate into a satisfying viewing experience. But that is not what happens here. Because everyone involved with Grown Ups seems miserable. Beyond miserable—filled with a kind of unspeakable, existential dread. Kevin James, in particular, looks like Admiral James Stockdale: “Who am I? How did I get here?” (There are also a few women, real actresses no less—Salma Hayak, Maya Rudolph, Maria Bello—who got roped into this fiasco. They will be no doubt be wiping this film from their resumes.) The premise is this: Five guys, who played on a championship middle school basketball team together, gather 30 years later for the funeral of their beloved coach. Sandler’s character is a hotshot Hollywood agent married to a fashion designer (Hayek); Rock is a house husband, bullied by his mother-in-law; Schneider is a New Age type married to a much older woman; James is a regular guy, embarrassed by his relative lack of wealth; and Spade is a single ladies’ man. (Ewww.) They are supposed to be old friends, but they all seem to hate each other. At various times, characters are mocked for being fat, for being incontinent, for wearing a toupee, for having a bunion, for being too feminine, for being too old, for having a funny voice, for farting. . . and on and on and on. The insults fly, fast and furious, but they are not funny. They are just nasty. At times, they seem strangely personal. There is also physical humor: Kevin James flies into a tree. David Spade lands face-first in a pile of dog excrement. Rob Schneider gets stabbed with an arrow. Steve Buscemi, in a small role, ends up in a full-body cast. What gives? I’ve loved Sandler’s recent work in Reign Over Me and Funny People, but if this off-putting film is any indication, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be friends with the guy. 12 issues for $18!
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ON MENTAL ILLNESS:Outpatient Institutionalization--A Rant By Jack Bragen Friday September 14, 2012 - 09:46:00 AM Living situations like the above may not provide a lot of dignity. A resident may have to put up with being supervised, with being restricted, sometimes with being harassed, or just with having a street address that has negative connotations.  (I wonder if it is harder to be hired at a job when the address given on the application is that of a known mental health housing project. And then, without being able to get hired at a job, how is a person supposed to climb the economic ladder and some day move out of such a facility?)  Institutionalization to me is one of the major factors that make life with mental illness un-fun. On an outpatient basis, it can consist of participation in a day treatment program, as well as visits to a clinical psychologist, visits to a psychiatrist for medications, and of course, trips to the pharmacy. I am including trips to the pharmacy because it is one more complication in life that we must deal with, and because the pharmacist apparently plays a part in monitoring persons with mental illness.  Ultimately, in nearly all aspects of our lives, we are reminded of not being normal. Many persons with mental illness are resentful that they have been classified as abnormal and incapable. To be treated as though we can not think or function normally, in all venues that we normally go to, will either make someone outrageously mad, as well as motivated to do better so that they will not be in that situation, or else, it will convince a person of their own worthlessness, and they will consent to being a controlled zombie for the rest of their life.  Many persons with mental illness crave to be in a situation in which they are not treated and viewed as an "ill" person. A day of work for a temp agency may temporarily provide this. I am suggesting a temp agency since most persons with a major mental illness have difficulty sustaining regular full-time work; part-time and temp are more doable. A person could go to a temp agency and work one or two small assignments, and can then consider that they are successful at that.  Institutionalization can affect a person's self image to the extent that they become identifiable in public, because they have learned to carry an aura of being abnormal and less of a person.  The above paragraphs express my somewhat skewed image of the mental health treatment system. However, if I think about it, I realize that there are some persons with mental illness who truly need the help. In that case, these institutions are there for them and provide needed care.  The above text conveys two perspectives concerning the psychiatric outpatient care system. Which side a person is on may depend on his or her anger level, as well as the readiness or lack of readiness to blend in with people at large. For some, anger is channeled into positive actions toward getting oneself into a better situation. In this case, resentment could be a sign of health.
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The Problem With Radical Christians -A +A Fear makes people act out of character. September 11, 2001 changed our national comfort level. However, we cannot let it change what makes this country great. We cannot allow “radicals” of any religion to divide us and turn us on each other. Since the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the mainstream media rarely speaks about Islam and Muslims without using the adjectives such as  “radical” or “extremist” as a descriptor. Of course, “radical” is an accurate description of anyone that uses religion to justify a horrific act. In general, Americans are pretty ignorant about other cultures. When we travel to foreign countries, we expect their citizens to speak English. Our collective lack of interest in other societies outside of The West --Europe-- leaves us susceptible to believing the worst stereotypes and biases about other people and cultures. When we were attacked on 9/11 by Al-Qaeda, a radical organization comprised of Muslims, some Americans could not differentiate between Al-Qaeda and the 1.57 billion Muslims that are 23% of the world’s population. Just as the mainstream media suddenly lost its collective curiosity, one of the most important traits of any serious journalist, during the build up to invade Iraq, it also failed to provide us with any perspective regarding Islam. The persistent use of the term “radical Muslims” to describe any Muslims involved in any conflict with the U.S. or our allies came to represent Muslims and Islam as a whole. I wonder how many American Christians understand that Allah is just the Arabic translation for God. How many know that Muslims believe in the same Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus that Christians --of which I am one-- believe in? Just as so-called Christians used the Bible to subjugate African Americans, bomb clinics that performed abortions and cheat people out of their life savings, there are Muslims that misuse the Qur’an the same way. It is when people are most oppressed and see no hope for the future that they are the most susceptible to religious zealotry. The same way that members of the Ku Klux Klan selectively use the bible to convince outcasts that their lack of good fortune can be traced to minorities, Al-Qaeda and other organizations use the Qur’an to convince down-trodden people that the only solution to their problems is to take arms against The West. Fortunately, most Christians understand that these fringe groups use of the Bible is inaccurate and in no way represents their religion or the essence of what it means to be a Christian. Unfortunately, we have not been able to apply that same logic to Muslims. Do you really believe that is part of the Muslim faith includes strapping a bomb to your body and blowing yourself up? As ridiculous as that sounds, many people believe that. Ask yourself, if African American slaves had the technology to strap a bomb to their bodies and walk into the “big house” do you think they would have? Of course they would because they saw no other way out of their situation. The decision to become a human bomb comes only when one feels that all hope is gone and there are no other alternatives. It is not the doctrine of any religion. That inability to see extremism for what it is has lead to a debate that, according to the Founding Fathers of this great country, should not be taking place at all. The Bill of Rights prohibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Ironically, but not surprisingly, it’s the folks that usually refer to themselves as “Strict Constitutionalists” that are now protesting the erection of a Islamic cultural center and mosque three blocks away from Ground Zero. Their argument is that the center would betray the memory of those lost in the attacks. Opponents of the mosque and cultural center also say that allowing the mosque so near to Ground Zero would represent a victory to Al-Qaeda. Nothing could be further from the truth. Al-Qaeda attacked America on 9/11. Americans were killed at the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and on Flight 93. Al-Qaeda did not discriminate in its attack. Christian, Jews, Catholics and Muslims were murdered on 9/11. Christian, Jews, Catholics and Muslims have also given their lives in the years since 9/11 to combat Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda can only be victorious if we allow them to divide us and act against the very principles that founded this nation. By denying Muslims their basic rights as Americans we provide Al-Qaeda with an additional recruiting tool. They would only have to point to this act of denial as evidence that America hates Islam and its followers. Of course the same can be said for Pastor Terry Jones in Florida who speaks of holding a Qur’an burning. How can anyone call themselves a child of God and openly discuss and rationalize such a heinous act is beyond me. The worst thing is that Pastor Jones isn’t the one that would suffer the backlash. The blood of American’s, whether at home, abroad or in service to this great nation would be on his hands. Groups such as Al-Qaeda would multiply in size if such burnings occur. Fear makes people act out of character. September 11, 2001 changed our national comfort level. However, we cannot let it change what makes this country great. We cannot allow “radicals” of any religion to divide us and turn us on each other. "Speaking Truth To Empower." To empower local communities, Allimadi teaches a free journalism workshop Guerrilla Journalism every Monday from 6PM to 8PM at True South Bookstore, 492 Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn. Anyone is welcome to attend. Call (347) 257-7330 or just drop in. Also Check Out... Vision of Flight Is Dedicated To Ode To Conservatism Island Voice Presents: The 8th "Notorious" Actor
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Funny Cide vs. Empire Maker: The Battle Lines Are Drawn Funny Cide vs. Empire Maker: The Battle Lines Are Drawn Photo: Associated Press Arch rivals Empire Maker and Funny Cide set to square off in Saturday's Belmont Stakes. After Wednesday's Belmont post position draw, all the combatants can now start planning their strategies. When Funny Cide drew post 4 and Empire Maker post 1, the wheels immediately started turning as to how the early battle will unfold. If Funny Cide is going to sweep the Triple Crown and pass through the gates of immortality, it is only appropriate that he first conquer the sport's most formidable foes, Bobby Frankel and Jerry Bailey. Early in the day, Frankel, who did not attend the draw, said he didn't care what post he drew as long as he was outside Funny Cide. It didn't happen. It now looks as if Bailey will have to decide whether to tuck back and look for an escape route or take advantage of the rail and put Empire Maker right into the fray, possibly even setting the pace. "I kinda like being on the inside," Bailey said. "I'm going to save the most ground, more than likely, going into the first turn. This horse is fine being covered up, which he probably will be. And if not, he might be on the lead, which is fine, too. It's not unheard of to be on the lead if the pace falls apart or something weird happens. "You just have to go back to last year, when everyone thought War Emblem would be on the lead, and he was way back. You never know what's going to happen at the break. My philosophy is 'don't be afraid to pull the trigger in a race and let something unexpected happen, if it seems like the right thing to do'. And I'm the only guy who can make that determination. I've won and lost by making unexpected moves, and I'll take the heat if it comes. But I've been more successful doing what I thought was right at the time than I've been less successful." Funny Cide's rider, Jose Santos, was happy with his post, and his reason resulted in the best line of the morning. When Santos called the 4 post "great," and added that will be "in the middle and can go right or left," host Tom Durkin said, "Perhaps forward would be better." Santos said he could see Funny Cide sitting right behind Scrimshaw. "Scrimshaw has real good speed, and these two horses probably will be in front," Santos said. "But Jerry Bailey won't let me get away with a slow pace." Bailey said he is more interested in how Empire Maker is running than Funny Cide, and will concentrate on his own horse. "You focus on your own horse, and how he's going," Bailey said. "If he's going smoothly, then you have to focus on who you think the horse to beat is. If you're spinning your wheels it doesn't matter how anyone else is going." Bailey also has to judge how fast Funny Cide is going before making any commitments with his colt. "I've got to be close enough to him where he doesn't get away with an easy pace or get away from me at any point. Yet, if I chase into him too quickly we both die. So, a lot will depend on how fast or how slow they're going and how well I read it. I'm not concerned about getting off the rail until I'm ready to make my run. At Gulfstream, I was tucked in until the turn for home when I swung him out, and he ran a very impressive race. If it becomes a two-horse battle at the head of stretch, as many predict, Bailey feels he has the upper hand. "I've got to think I've got the advantage due to his pedigree," he said. "I think his pedigree suggests he wants to go a mile and a half more than Funny Cide." After Funny Cide's sizzling 5-furlong work in :57 4/5 on Tuesday, trainer Barclay Tagg is unsure how the work will affect the running of the race. "He's a good-feeling, big, strong horse, and he just seems to be getting better," Tagg said. "The work was not something we were looking for, but he was bucking and squealing in the shed that afternoon." Tagg added some of his understated humor by saying, "I've done the damage, now Jose has to try to overcome it." He added, "He won't go in :46 trying to get a mile and a half. You just have to hope he'll contain himself a bit, and that Jose will be able to position him nicely. You've got top riders in there, and every one is as good as they come. But I feel good about my horse and I feel good about Jose." Most Popular Stories
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This is kind of a dumb question, but will most vendors at the rally accept credit/debit cards? I'm going to go ahead and assume that many food vendors, beer garden, etc. is cash only, but say if a person wanted to pick up something from one of the vendors, could you expect to use your card? Also, how close would the nearest ATM be?
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Click here to view the latest version of this page. C++ Boost Chrobak-Payne Straight Line Drawing template<typename Graph, typename PlanarEmbedding, typename ForwardIterator, typename PositionMap, typename VertexIndexMap> void chrobak_payne_straight_line_drawing(const Graph& g, PlanarEmbedding perm, ForwardIterator ordering_begin, ForwardIterator ordering_end, PositionMap drawing, VertexIndexMap vm A straight line drawing of a planar graph is a plane drawing where each edge is drawn using a straight line segment. Since all edges are line segments, the drawing is completely determined by the placement of vertices in the plane. chrobak_payne_straight_line_drawing uses an algorithm of Chrobak and Payne [71] to form a straight line drawing of a planar graph by mapping all n vertices in a planar graph to integer coordinates in a (2n - 4) x (n - 2) grid. The input graph passed to chrobak_payne_straight_line_drawing must be a maximal planar graph with at least 3 vertices. Self-loops and parallel edges are ignored by this function. Note that the restriction that the graph be maximal planar does not mean that this function can only draw maximal planar graphs (the graph pictured above is not maximal planar, for example). If you want to draw a graph g, you can create a copy g' of g, store a mapping m of vertices in g' to vertices in g, triangulate g', and then send g' in as the input to chrobak_payne_straight_line_drawing. The drawing returned can then be applied to g using m to translate vertices from one graph to another, since g contains a subset of the edges in g'. If the vertex index map provides constant-time access to indices, this function takes time O(n + m) for a planar graph with n vertices and m edges. Note that in a simple planar graph with f faces, m edges, and n vertices, both f and m are O(n). Where Defined IN: Graph& g IN PlanarEmbedding embedding A Readable Property Map that models the PlanarEmbedding concept. IN ForwardIterator A ForwardIterator that has value_type equal to graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor. OUT: PositionMap A Writable LValue Property Map that models the Position Map concept. The Position Map concept requires that the value mapped to be an object that has members x and y. For example, if p models PositionMap and v is a vertex in the graph, p[v].x and p[v].y are valid expressions. The type of x and y must be implicitly convertable to std::size_t. IN: VertexIndexMap vm Default: get(vertex_index,g) See Also Copyright © 2007 Aaron Windsor (
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1. You have chosen to ignore posts from brunod. Show brunod's posts Took some time to take a look at Carl in game action and he has great hands and can skate very well. He is not phyiscal and not proven beyond the Swedish league. If he comes to Boston he will have to prove himself with the PBruins for some time and in this short season it would be a long shot for him to play this season for the Bruins. In this fans view it makes the Bruins should look to more experienced people to put them over the top than to risk their season on an unproven rookie at this time . The Bruins need to improve thier 3rd line to get more scoring and get more punch from their 4th line in order to role 4 good lines. ]The Bruins are very close to being the best all round team in the NHL and a condender if PC finds an answer to their 3rd and 4th lines. The Bruins so far have been a very good 2 line team but the other 2 lines have too improve so the Bruins can be the Team we know they should be. ]If PC and the Bruins can save cap with plyers like Caron or Sorderberg do it but try to keep us open for Iginla or Alfedson or any other good players who will help us. 2. You have chosen to ignore posts from Bookboy007. Show Bookboy007's posts Re: Soderberg If he comes over, it won't be to go to Providence.  He'll get the Krug deal - a mil, maybe a three year EL deal, and a handshake that he finishes the season in Boston.  Then, if he doesn't make a mark, he can either come back next year knowing he needs some AHL seasoning, or he can decide that no, he was wrong, he's not ready for the NHL and never will be. The Bruins are the best team in the East.  They would be running neck and neck with the Ducks for second best in the West, and that only because Chicago had a wacky run.  They don't need to make moves to "save their season".  They should, as at any time and in any year, look to make smart moves to improve if the opportunity is there. 3. You have chosen to ignore posts from Bruinfaninnewjersey. Show Bruinfaninnewjersey's posts Re: Soderberg I know Kelly and Pevs have not produced, but do you think they get a little angry always having to play with whatever spare part PC dreams up while the top 2 lines have played together for the better part of 3 years? 4. You have chosen to ignore posts from Crowls2424. Show Crowls2424's posts Re: Soderberg If Soderberg can't cut it with the big club now, can't imagine a stint in Providence is in the cards. He's 27, not a young kid.  Might need some time to adjust with the big club, but is unlikely to go to the AHL. Already registered? Just log in: Forgot your password? Not registered? Signing up is easy:
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Sports Sportsin partnership with NESN your connection to The Boston Globe Protecting the QB Brady monitoring his throws in preseason FOXBOROUGH -- He says he feels 22, but Tom Brady knows better. There's no page in the football playbook to turn back time. In four days, the Patriots' star quarterback and soon-to-be father will turn 30, a reminder he's no longer the fourth-string but confident rookie who first arrived in town in 2000. He's reached a different point in his career, and the evidence is there for all to see on the practice fields at training camp. Brady is taking a step back. "One thing I'm doing that's a little bit different is I'm really monitoring my throws in the preseason," he said yesterday after the team's hot and muggy morning practice. "Before I'd come out and I'd throw 100 balls a day -- and it's 200 in two-a-days -- and you go, 'Gosh, after four days why is my arm sore?' I just try to understand how much I'm throwing and the type of throws we're making. Everybody has to get ready differently." This is new territory for Brady, an ultra-competitor who would prefer to take every snap if possible. But time catches up with everybody, and if he needs proof of that, he can simply ask his good pal Peyton Manning in Indianapolis. The 31-year-old Manning, too, has been on a reduced throwing schedule over the past few years. A Colts assistant coach was hitting a "counter" for each throw Manning made at the team's June minicamp, and Manning believes the approach has made a difference. He told Indianapolis reporters that in November and December of last year he didn't experience any arm fatigue. In a year in which the Patriots have imported some potentially potent weapons at receiver, Brady hopes to have Manning-like results by adopting the reduced workload. Consider that in addition to the heavy volume of throws from practice, Brady has attempted 3,549 passes in 110 career games (108 starts), and was one of only eight quarterbacks in the NFL to throw more than 500 passes last regular season (516). With the numbers mounting, Brady compared his situation to a baseball hurler who might have a pitch count in the 100 range, and then doesn't pitch again for five days. Brady is in the management business now, giving way to backup Matt Cassel in more team drills. "I think I'm at a point in my career where I know what it takes to prepare myself," said the 6-foot-4-inch, 225-pound Brady, who regularly has been listed as probable on the team's injury report in recent years. "I've tried just about everything at this point, so you eliminate a lot of stuff you did in the past and you can really hone in and be efficient in how to prepare for games and just to maximize your time." One throw Brady is making a few times each practice is a high-arcing bomb to receiver Randy Moss on a go route. The idea is to put "the ball down the field where he can really stretch out and run after it" and is tailored to take advantage of Moss's skills. "One of Randy's strengths is that he tracks the ball in the air very well," Brady said. "Everything looks effortless down the field and I think he judges the height of the ball a lot like a center fielder. He knows when to put his hands out, knows not to do it too early because that really triggers the defensive back to put his hands up." Brady and the 6-4 Moss haven't quite connected to this point, which isn't much of a surprise given that it's so early in camp. Brady seems to be adjusting to the speed at which Moss strides down the field, in one practice delivering the ball too late and having it bounce well behind him. The two will have time to iron out those kinks on the field, but they've already connected off it, with Brady joking that he beat Moss in a Saturday poker game. Overall, Brady likes what he's seen from the 10-year veteran, who has been running with the first-unit offense. "He's a very, very smart football player, one of those guys who can see things out on the field and react without you really having to tell him and he's very much like a quarterback in that sense," he said. The Patriots don't need another quarterback, though. What they do need is for their top signal-caller to remain healthy and strong throughout the year, hence the change in Brady's practice routine. Mike Reiss can be reached at
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glycine, the simplest amino acid, obtainable by hydrolysis of proteins. Sweet-tasting, it was among the earliest amino acids to be isolated from gelatin (1820). Especially rich sources include gelatin and silk fibroin. Glycine is one of several so-called nonessential amino acids for mammals; i.e., they can synthesize it from the amino acids serine and threonine and from other sources and do not require dietary sources. The chemical structure of glycine is
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zona glomerulosa The topic zona glomerulosa is discussed in the following articles: structure of adrenocortical tissue • TITLE: adrenal gland SECTION: Adrenal cortex ...and the testes. In adult humans the outer cortex comprises about 90 percent of each adrenal gland. It is composed of three structurally different concentric zones. From the outside in, they are the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis.
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There's One Way The Voting Rights Act Might Be Saved en-us Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:00 -0500 Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:10:48 -0400 Sahil Kapur Greg Thu, 28 Feb 2013 10:27:43 -0500 It's unconstitutional. Congress can only dictate procedures to states in any manner on congressional elections not presidential elections. Even with congressional elections, the constitution explicitly states that the states come up with the procedures, and congress can adjust them if they want on a case by case basis by way of passing legislation. This law tries to change to the constitutionally specified requirement for congress to modify a states procedures (get the votes for a law) to "must submit for approval" and therefore would require an amendment. Blatant Federal power grab.
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Recent Comments by OMG, An Analyst Just Compared Apple To Blackberry, Motorola, And HTC I love all these comments. Everyone writes in absolutes, as if they know exactly what the future holds. Armchair experts everywhere predicting Apple's doom. If you are Apple management and you know what the criticisms of your current business strategy are, do not not discuss the criticisms to determine whether or not they are valid? Does everyone think that Apple management is so dumb that they are not incorporating into future business plans the concerns expressed by its customers? None of you know anything. Admit it. You have opinions, but so does Misek and he looks like an idiot with his wacko predictions. I do blame Apple for being less media friendly and, as someone commented earlier, losing control if its message. Apple needs to be less haughty, more communicative, and more willing to defend its business strategy by being more transparent. Zealously guarding its technology hasn't stopped anyone from slavishly copying it and profiting from Apple's work. The company's attempts at secrecy never work. Everyone knows what's coming before any new product is rolled out bc it outsources its production. So, if secrecy doesn't work, why not try something else. Google glass may never hit the market but everyone sure got excited when Sergey showed it off. There's No Way Apple Can Blame 'Rumors' For Weak iPhone Sales This Quarter This article was brought to you by the Samsung Galaxy S III. Seriously. The advert when I opened this page stated that Business Insider is brought to me by the Samsung Galaxy S III. This is an opinion piece, not straight news reporting, so I suppose some bias is to be expected, but your opinion carries no weight whatsoever when you pen a hatchet piece on the foremost competitor of the company that is sponsoring your website, Jay. DEAR PEOPLE WHO THINK APPLE IS GOING TO $1,000 A SHARE: Here's Why You Might Be Idiots... Here's the thing, Henry. Is it important that Apple garner a $1 trillion market cap? It's really not. People become infatuated with ideas and lately the idea of Apple reaching $1 trillion in market cap has everyone in a spin. If it doesn't, does that mean that Apple has failed? I was forturnate enough to realize early on promise of the iPod and so I have done very nicely owning the stock since 2005. If it doubles from here then that is great, but from my perspective Apple is perhaps the most remarkable turnaround story in the history of business. If the market catches up with Apple and it cannot overcome the obstacles that you lay out in your article, it will not, in my mind, diminish the accomplishments of the company that very clearly has redefined the way in which we conduct our electronic lives. CHART OF THE DAY: This Chart Is Driving Apple Bulls Crazy Now, wait a minute Henry. What could possibly be wrong with wanting the investment you made in Apple to go up in value? Apple shareholders do have a special zeal for the company (I am one) but as with the shareholders in any public company, the goal is to maximize the return on your investment. Apple shareholders are not mad that Mr. Market has not accorded the shares a premium valuation, they are mad that the market will not accord the company a valuation that parallels its performance. It wasn't too many years ago that tech analysts had to predict earnings 3-4 years out in order to justifiy the multiples accorded to a company ( I distinctly reading a research report in 1999 for a company like Webvan that stated that, based on projected 2003 earnings of 35 cents per share, the shares..." That was my "Aha" moment. When analysts had to go out four years to justify current valuation, I knew that the end was near. I'm sure you remember. But I digress. Despite your animosity to Apple's zealots, surely you can understand their point of view. If you didn't know the name of the company and were told that Company X had grown its revenues at a 65% annual clip for the past five years but was trading at a 13 p/e, you'd wonder why. wouldn't you? No one knows why the market really refuses to pay up, but it does. All of the reasons that have been put forth are reasons that have existed for years–market cap, Steve Jobs' health, faddishness of product line, increased competition, recession–yet Apple continues to grow at a pace that delights shareholders and confounds the skeptics. Shareholders' faith in Apple is justified by the company's performance, is it not? So, even though Apple has done what its shareholders believed it would, the reaction from the market has always been, "well, it can't continue." That line of reasoning gets old when Apple proves year after year that, in fact, it has continued. At some point, the skeptics will be right and they will loudly proclaim, "See? I told you that it couldn't continue!" Nevermind that it took ten years to be right. Get Business Insider Emails & Alerts Learn More » Your Money NASDAQ Composite 4,260 -62.91 (-1.455%) S&P 500 1,846 -21.86 (-1.17%) NYSE Composite 10,298 -121.25 (-1.164%) Thanks to our partners Datapipe Catchpoint - Web Performance Monitoring Ooyala
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About six months ago, Dell announced that it was launching its first ever R&D department. As a newly private company, Dell didn't reveal how big this unit would be in dollar amount or number of employees. But we recently talked with Jai Menon, the head of the new R&D unit, who spent most of his career working for IBM's famous research group. And he outlined some of the cool new tech Dell is trying to invent. Menon joined Dell about a year ago. To be sure, a lot of the tech the research group is working on is less-than-exciting to the average Joe (such as new low-cost servers for telecommunications companies). The focus of Dell's R&D labs is to find new tech and turn it into products as quickly as feasible. But there were two projects the company is working to invent that amazed us: 1. Mood-sensing computers that can read and respond to your thoughts. 2. A new mind-blowing way to secure your data so that you can share stuff with others, and they can work with it, even though they can't see it. To be sure, Dell is not the only research group working on these concepts. Microsoft is doing a lot of work with gesture control and mood sensing computers. IBM is doing a lot of work with that new form of security. But Menon says that Dell's efforts are different because its not doing research for research's sake.  Everything it does, it wants to turn into a product that will one day be in your hands. Jai Menon Dell Dell's head of R&D Jai Menon Here is a lightly edited transcript of our conversation: Business Insider: Tell us more about thought-controlled computer interfaces. What would something like that be used for? Jai Menon: Thought-controlled input is a project we started 6 months ago. The notion here is that through some sort of device that you put on, by measuring alpha [brain] waves and so forth, you can actually be able to tell your mood for example: whether your happy or sad. That can then drive the device to, for instance, play music. If you're sad, it can choose music to cheer you up, for example. If the research proves successful, the product may end up being something physical [a device] or maybe someone else builds the sensor headband and we partner on the software side. BI: What other kinds of technologies are you working on that could really change the way the average person uses computers either as consumers or at work? JM: Think about cloud security. What if you want some service done on the cloud, but you don’t want the service to provider to see your data. For instance, a tax computing service. Can they compute your tax without seeing your salary? Well, no. You can encrypt it as you send it on the wire [over the Internet], but the tax provider must see your salary. What if I could encrypt the data in a way they don’t get to see your salary but all of their tax computations still work? I send them encrypted [salary numbers] and they do the addition and send back to you, and you decrypt, only you can. And magically you see [the tax number that you owe.] That's a form of encryption called “homomorphic” and it will enable this kind of cloud, where truly nobody but you sees data, not even the [cloud computing] service provider. We see that as part of the vision of where the world's going to go. It's not very practical today. It takes up too much horsepower [requires computers to work too hard], it is slow. But everyday we see new advances happening in this area.
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george clooney monuments men Claudette Barius / Sony Pictures The first reviews are out for George Clooney's World War II "Monuments Men" and they're not so great. The film, based on the book by Robert M. Edsel,  follows George Stout (Clooney) and Lieutenant James J. Rorimer (Matt Damon) as they assemble a rag-tag group of men to save art from being destroyed by Nazis. Basically, it sounds like "Ocean's Eleven" during World War II. Clooney co-wrote and directed the film that was originally set to debut in December. When the movie was pushed back until February the actor said it was to avoid the very crowded holiday season and allow for all of its visual effects to be completed  Other reports claimed Clooney was trying to figure out the tone of the movie.  Either way, it sounds like film delay wasn't worth the wait.  "The Monuments Men" opens Friday, February 7. Here's what to know before seeing the film: Critics had a lot of issues with the movie. It was "dull" and Clooney didn't set the bar high enough. monuments men george clooney Claudette Barius / Sony Pictures "It’s not only the great works of European art that have gone missing in “The Monuments Men”; the spark of writer-director-star George Clooney’s filmmaking is absent, too. … Clooney has transformed a fascinating true-life tale into an exceedingly dull and dreary caper pic cum art-appreciation seminar — a museum-piece movie about museum people." NY Mag:   "It’s a graceful, engaging film—I enjoyed it. But it could have been called The Tasteful Dozen. … [George Clooney] plays it so safe. Perhaps fearful of being called exploitative, he doesn’t bring out the tension between timeless masterpieces and the chaos and obscenity of war. He doesn’t even linger on the paintings and sculptures, which seem like fodder, MacGuffins. And he panders to the mainstream audience. ... I can’t predict if there will be a huge audience for The Monuments Men, but in its way it’s a great piece of escapism." Indiewire says one of its main problems is dividing up the talent on screen: "It's tragically short on momentum and instead spirals out into a series of rambling, uninvolving subplots where the actors are paired up with someone else and sent to fiddle around in Nazi-occupied Europe."  … Balaban and Murray are an odd couple sent in search of a priceless piece of Roman Catholic artwork, while Clooney generally tries to figure out what the hell is going on, and Goodman and Dujardin are up to... something. The best, most emotionally gripping subplot involves Damon traveling to a recently freed Paris to try and convince Cate Blanchett, a fastidious member of the rebellion, to spill the beans as to where the art is being secreted away." IGN goes so far as to suggest it doesn't seem like you're watching a finished version of the film. Despite all that, the performances by the A-list actors are great. bill murray monuments men Claudette Barius / Sony Pictures Rolling Stone: "Clooney excels as MFAA leader Frank Stokes, a character inspired by George Stout, who was doing art restoration at Harvard's Fogg Museum when duty called. … The bantering between Clooney and Damon gives the film a buoyant lift, but the seriousness of their mission is never in doubt."  "Faring generally better are Murray and Balaban, who foster a nicely understated comic chemistry and seem to have decided to make the most of their underwritten scenes. In one of the only moments of 'The Monuments Men' that strikes a real chord, Murray receives a homemade recording of his grandchildren singing 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas ...'"  Cate Blanchett shines above them all. cate blanchett monuments men Claudette Barius / Columbia "Blanchett's fine as Claire Simone, the French woman whose job as a secretary for the Nazis proves key to the Monuments Men's mission. Her character at least has some sense of identity and stakes. A whole movie about her probably would have been as (if not more) compelling that one about the Monuments Men."  The Hollywood Reporter (THR): The film looks and sounds great with a score from Alexandre Desplat ("The King's Speech"): Rolling Stone: "The physical production is exquisite, with cinematographer Phedon Papamichael, an Oscar nominee for Nebraska, shooting on locations in Germany and England that stand in for a whole world at war." Overall consensus:  If you were expecting "Ocean's Eleven" that's a different heist film. A few added months doesn't seem to do much for the World War II spectacle. However, if you're a fan of Clooney and Damon together and want to see a superb cast of actors share screen time, then check it out. Just know what you're getting yourself into. Check out a trailer for the film:
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Yahoo said earlier today that it has fixed the security vulnerability that let hackers obtain and publish 450,000 email addresses and passwords used by freelance contributors to Yahoo Voices. Furthermore, Yahoo said the data was old, containing only login information used by contributors who had signed up before May 2010, when Yahoo Voices was known as Associated Content. (Yahoo bought Associated Content that month.) Case closed, right? We don't think Yahoo should get off that easily. Here's why. First of all, Yahoo hasn't explained why it had an improperly secured server containing unencrypted passwords on its network. Second of all, Yahoo said this morning—a day and the half after it learned the hack had happened—that it's STILL contacting affected users. A Yahoo Voices contributor we talked to told us that all Yahoo sent her was the same statement it gave the media. Lastly—and this is key—these aren't ordinary users of Yahoo's free services. Yahoo Voices contributors are journalists—amateurs in many cases, but they're still reporters, many of whom are taking on controversial local-news stories. Some use pen names. Yahoo has exposed their identities. As Yahoo emphasizes the media part of its business, it needs to show that it will protect the people who create its content, whether they're on staff or freelance contributors on Yahoo Voices. Imagine if the New York Times was hacked and its reporters' passwords were exposed. Everyone would be outraged, right? If you believe in the premise of citizen journalism—that the Internet allows anyone to become a reporter—then we don't see why the Yahoo Voices hack is any less significant.
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Businessweek Archives Unshackle Europe's Entrepreneurs (Int'l Edition) International -- Editorials A Danish folk saying sums up one reason for Europe's anti-entrepreneurial bias: "Don't believe you are anything more than your neighbor." It's an attitude that entrepreneurs find frustrating as they try to duplicate the high-tech successes of the U.S. Europe's entrepreneurs choke on red tape. They frantically court venture capitalists who would rather place safe bets. They fight to sell in national markets with conflicting tax laws. In short, European entrepreneurs struggle against barriers designed to promote the status quo and keep individuals from achieving wild success on their own. In sociological terminology, it is called "leveling." Think of what Europe would be like if European society celebrated entrepreneurs rather than viewed them with suspicion. Venture capitalists would seek out young engineers with promising ideas, instead of doing buyouts of established companies. European stock exchanges would create robust markets in small growth stocks, and investors would plow capital into them. And more young managers would dare to start companies, knowing that Europe's financial, economic, and political institutions would support them. There are enough success stories to prove that Europeans have the technical knowhow, management savvy, and plain hustle needed to pull off a startup, if given a chance. But that often means linking up with American players. Look at the amazing success of Business Objects. It's a French company, but its founders consciously emulated the practices of such thriving U.S. companies as Oracle Software. They courted heavy-hitting U.S. investors--the high-flying stock is listed on the NASDAQ. Even the company's official language is English. Europeans appoint endless commissions to wring their official hands over the entrepreneur's plight in Europe. Unless a fundamental shift in attitude occurs, the Old World will lack a vital source of social and economic change. Power Delusions (enter your email) (enter up to 5 email addresses, separated by commas) Max 250 characters blog comments powered by Disqus
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2014-10 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for March 2014 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Mega Questions About Nanotech An eclectic band of researchers is mapping out a new frontier of science known as nanotechnology. Ranging from biologists to chemists, chipmakers, and computer scientists, they're learning how to guide individual atoms as they combine into molecules and how to make materials that don't exist in nature. Someday, their work may lead to novel cancer treatments and drug-delivery systems, ultrastrong lightweight metals, and superconducting wires, among many other applications. Yet before business rushes headlong into this nano-tomorrow, an assessment of the risks to public health and the environment is critical. Battles over genetically modified foods, after all, have tainted the whole field of agricultural biotech -- a technology that promises to improve food production in poor countries. In the same way, fears about potential hazards from nanomaterials could harm nanotech research if they aren't addressed early on. Kristen Kulinowski is uniquely positioned to sort fact from fiction in this nascent field. As a chemistry faculty member and executive director for education and public policy at the federally funded Center for Biological & Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN) at Rice University in Houston, she believes that nanotech scientists are applying lessons learned from past failures. Years in advance of major commercial production, university researchers are testing nanomaterials on living organisms. Meanwhile, the Food & Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency are exploring regulations to help ensure that the commercialization of nanotech won't trigger any grim surprises. BusinessWeek Industries Editor Adam Aston recently met with Kulinowski in Houston to discuss both the risks and the anticipated benefits of nanotechnology. Here are some edited excerpts of their conversation: What worries you about the public's response to nanotechnology? I'm worried about an overreaction to both the hype and the fear. Every time a research article comes out talking about a certain type of risk, a dozen high-profile media stories ring alarm bells but fail to explain all the nuances of the study: that results need to be repeated, or that concentrations of nanomaterials used in lab studies are unlikely to occur in nature. This sort of alarmist coverage can affect lawmakers as well as the public. So one of my jobs is to help inform the science and policy communities in Washington. Likewise, reactions to positive stories can be overdone -- driving unrealistic expectations about miracle cures for diseases, or how soon new nanomaterials may be available. What are the real risks of nanotech? There are two broad categories of risk assessment going on right now. One is in biological systems -- starting with the effects on single-celled organisms on up to sophisticated animals such as vertebrates. For example, scientists are looking at how nanoparticles affect bacteria or how they accumulate in individual cells. The good news is we're finding some simple ways to control the degree of a particle's toxicity. This control means we can make the particle toxic only under certain desirable circumstances, such as when we want to cure a disease. There needs to be much more work done before we come up with a big picture. Relatively few multiyear studies have been completed. Some show that the body can process and excrete nanoparticles with no trouble. Others show that high concentrations of these particles can cause cellular damage. As in drug studies, the question is partly: How much is too much? The second major category looks at the environment. Do nanomaterials accumulate in water or the earth, and if so, do they pose a risk? Are they changing the balance of a water supply in terms of bacteria? If we're making lots of nanoparticles and they become part of the waste stream, what happens to them in the long run? It's really about sustainability. Can we engineer our manufacturing processes and these materials to have an environmentally benign life cycle from when they're made in the factory to when the products they're put in are discarded? Where does this discovery process stand? When it was founded in 2001, CBEN was the first major effort to draw attention to proactive, responsible nanotech development. Since then, the EPA, the National Science Foundation [which funds CBEN], and the Defense Dept. have come up with focused programs to study the impacts of nanotech from an engineering perspective. All these efforts are helping to create a community of scientists and engineers large enough to allow them to share their work and speed the learning process. We're basically spawning a new area of research. How does the evolution of nanotech compare with the growth of biotech? There's a good model to refer to in the human genome project. They anticipated that exploration of the human genome could result in thorny public concerns -- ethical, legal, and cultural. So they set aside 3% to 5% of federal research dollars to fund the study of these issues and to communicate with the public and encourage lots of openness and transparency. They were really our model for a proactive approach to technology development. Are there negative examples? Sure. There's the not-so-successful story of genetically modified foods and organisms. No matter how innovative they were, or good or bad, these new seeds were foisted on a public not convinced of their benefit. The agribusinesses certainly saw the benefit of these technologies -- to profit from more seed sales -- and they thought that was enough. Yet they didn't consider the public's perspective: Why as a consumer do I want these different kinds of seeds, especially if food is already relatively cheap and plentiful? The industry didn't do a good enough job conveying the benefits or listening to the public's concerns. What cropped up in the absence of that public dialogue was heightened concern over the risks. Now, sales of genetically modified foods are restricted overseas. Arguably, better engagement with the public could have prevented the backlash. This bad decision cost them billions in sales in Europe, at least in the short term. How long will it be before we see some of the advances that nanotech promises? That's hard to answer. It won't be overnight -- and that's important to keep in mind. The process of laboratory science is sometimes painstaking. But within three to five years we'll have a better understanding of how to coat or chemically alter nanoparticles to reduce their toxicity to the body, which will allow us to broaden their use for disease diagnosis and for drug delivery. Also within that time we'll understand better how to not have them gunk up the environment. We're going to see the first publications in this area in the coming year. What applications will come first? Biomedical applications are likely to be some of the earliest. In cancer therapy, the first clinical trials will be going on soon. "Nano cures cancer!" -- I can't wait to see that headline, backed up by a solid body of peer-reviewed science. The work of Rice professor Jennifer West involves injecting nanoparticles called nanoshells into the body, where they naturally concentrate in tumor sites because tumors are very "leaky" -- there's a lot of blood flow into nearby tissue. Since these particles can be tuned to respond to different wavelengths of light -- depending on their size -- they can be engineered to absorb a form of light that passes through healthy tissue but that can heat up the nanoshells to kill the cancer. What about new materials? Exciting stuff is happening there, too. Here at Rice, Richard Smalley [a 1996 Nobel laureate in chemistry] is scaling up production of single-walled carbon nanotubes. NASA is buying them to study for use in the space program because they're so strong and light. Smalley is interested in fine-tuning the production process so that each batch will produce only the type and size of tube needed for a particular application. If he can get this recipe right, there's evidence that single-walled carbon nanotubes would make excellent high-strength materials. But the processing technologies aren't easy. What sorts of environmental applications are being explored? Well, think about water. As my colleague professor Mark Wiesner likes to point out, right now we're using Victorian-era technology to clean and purify our water supplies. He's working on making nanostructured water-filtration membranes that could solve a lot of the world's drinking-water problems. These are basically filters with pores so small that you can let some molecules pass through -- say water -- while keeping out larger objects, such as bacteria. These sorts of membranes are made today using different materials, but nano-based materials may be more effective and ultimately cheaper. Another area is remediation of pollution. Rice's Michael Wong is working on nanomaterials that will harness the power of the sun to help break down volatile organic chemicals. So you could go into a Superfund site and throw some nanocrystals in the water, and the light would help break down the pollutants. Are we at a turning point? I'm hopeful. The area where nano does have the potential to live up to its hype in the short term is biotech. That's probably going to happen soonest. Yet we won't see radical, paradigm-shifting technologies for 3, or 5, or even 15 years. Overall, the wild hype is starting to die down. It has left in its wake a hunger for people to see real results. Power Delusions (enter your email) (enter up to 5 email addresses, separated by commas) Max 250 characters blog comments powered by Disqus
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SHARE THIS PAGE View Viral Dashboard › • jimw33 #12 is simply laugh out loud funny. So having a crappy defense = “not being dicks about it” ? When they were pumping in points while up 20 on Jacksonville in October, how exactly is that any different from anything the Pats did? It’s not our fault you let one of your best defenders (Dumervil) go so you could sign a third wide receiver.  Amazing the contempt folks have for a team that has simply drafted, coached and played better than yours in the past 20 years (with legit arguments from the Steelers, Ravens and Packers). Sorry for being smarter than you.  Champ Bailey cashed in all his karma when Ben Watson’s strip wasn’t called a touchback in 2005. I could go on.
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11 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Eat A Horse Have you heard the horrible news?!?! Horse meat might be made legal to eat in the US again. So, here are 11 very important reasons why you should NEVER eat a horse! posted on I know, right? Now tell your friends! 11 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Eat A Horse Matt Stopera 9. Some of them are nuns: You can’t kill nuns! 8. They are master photobombers: 7. They can save you during a zombie apocalypse: Horses are easy to maneuver through abandon car traffic jams. They are also easy, relative to cars, to re-fuel with lots of readily available food sources. Unlike gassing up a car, you aren’t limited to gas stations where there is likely to be lots of debris and rotting corpses. 6. They are the second best form of transportation when going through a drive-thru: 5. Their smiles: Aw, horse smiles are the sweetest. 4. Their teeth: Would you really want to eat an animal with teeth like this? 3. What this girl says: 2. Some of them have funny hairstyles: 1. You can ride them places!!!! Check out more articles on! Facebook Conversations Hot Buzz 17 Shocking Food Facts That Will Make You Question Everything Now Buzzing
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Cannes 2012: Bill Clinton asks adland to 'fill brains as well as hearts' By Arif Durrani,, Friday, 22 June 2012 09:00AM Bill Clinton issued a plea to everyone involved in advertising yesterday to help address some of the world's biggest economic and socio-political problems by providing "honest synthesized intelligence", and to be agents for change. Clinton: 'The power of example matters' Clinton: 'The power of example matters' Speaking at the Cannes International Festival of Creativity, the 42nd President of the United States used the Arab Spring uprisings as evidence that what people need more than ever was "transparency, openness and creative co-operation". He said: "As all the upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa show, the communicators will have a profound influence on how the next 20 or 30 years turns out. "…I think it’s obvious to all of you that we live in the most interdependent age in human history. That, for good or for ill, what happens in one place affects what will happen elsewhere." In a wide-ranging speech, Clinton called on adland to use its ability to put "apparently disparate but profoundly related facts together in a simple way that explains what the issue is", adding "and then an idea of how to do something about it". He provided examples he had witnessed first hand of how US politicians had purposefully prevented facts around climate change from being disseminated. He pointed to the "enormous disinformation" surrounding the effects current energy usage is having on the planet, and stressed the situation is simply unsustainable. Clinton said: "A lot of the facts that will form the trend line to the future are not apparent to people, and what citizens need more than anything else is honest synthesized intelligence. "We can do this. But we need people like you to fire our imagination and fill our brains as well as our hearts. You know how to overcome people's inherent resistance to hearing a set of facts they hadn't imagined were true, yet are." Clinton also called for more empathy and understanding about some of the problems facing much of the population outside of the wealthy elite. He reminded thousands of international delegates at the festival that "by far the most important discovery of the sequencing of the human genome is that all of us are genetically 99.5% the same". "So that means skin, colour, body shape, height, eye colour, even gender, every non age-related difference you can see is littered in one half of one percent of what you are biologically. Yet nearly everyone on earth spends 99.5% of their time worrying about the 0.5% of themselves that is different to everybody else. "And some of you can make a good living off of that." The 65-year-old is attempting to be an agent of change himself through his Clinton Global Initiative, and praised Cannes Lions partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation established in February, based on a similar "communications challenge to change the world". Believing hope lies in social networks of openness, diversity and dialogue, he asked "how many times do you come up with a good ad by sitting around the table and talking about it? "In a complex world in a lot of variables there is wisdom in diversity. And differences of opinion are important actually, but they only work if the goal is to reach an agreement." Turning to Europe, Clinton asked what could be done to help re-address some of the negativity surrounding Greece as it battles to stay within the Eurozone. He said: "Greece has one of the greatest civilisations in history, and I hear all sorts of disparaging remarks… the average Greek working week is longer than the European average. "We need to figure out the image and the self-image of the Greeks," he said. "How can they break out of the shackles of their financial record and the perception that they can't cut it? They can." Clinton ended his 50 minute address by asking those in advertising to "think about how you can both do well and do good". Adding: "I urge you to think about how we can build a world of shared prosperity and shared responsibilities, not constant conflict and winner take all." Bill Clinton was a guest of Latin American agency Grupo ABC, which was celebrating its 10th anniversary. Follow Arif Durrani on Twitter: @DurraniMix This article was first published on You must log in to use Clip & Save Before commenting please read our rules for commenting on articles. comments powered by Disqus Additional Information Campaign Jobs
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Search our Catalog I discovered that my neighbor died in May!!! I noticed that I haven't seen my neighbor in a while. One day, my dad was talking to my neighbors husband and he said that his wife died in May. I was really shocked because the lady that died was so nice! sad... :(
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Game Rating No Ratings Your Rating Be the first to rate this game! Browse Xbox 360 Game Cheats Limbo Xbox 360 Cheats Game also available for:   PS3  |  VITA  |  iPhone  |  PC Sort by     Cheats/Codes/Hints (4)    Guides/FAQs/Walkthroughs (2)    game on Achievement Guide Unlock the following achievements by performing the corresponding tasks: Wrong Way At the very beggining of the game, head left to find the glowing egg. Altitude is Attitude In Chapter 2 you'll find a broken tree you can push over to make a path forward. To the left of this is a rope that is nearly invisible due to the leaves in the foreground. Jump to this and climb it to reach the egg. It’s Stuck At the end of Chapter 11 you must climb a tall ladder that leads to the next chapter (after you lose your brain slug). Push the pipe on the ground to the right past the ladder and into the water under the pipe that isn't leaking water. Then, jump for the rope obscured behind a beam in the foreground. This will cause the egg to drop onto the pipe. Urban Exploration In Chapter 14 you'll come to a big elevator. Take the elevator to the second level and get off, then send it back down to the ground. From here, hit the button to bring the car back up and jump left onto the top of the elevator. Immediately jump to the rope hanging high up to the left and climb it to reach the egg. Alone in the Dark This one is tough: At the end of Chapter 14, after the part with the spinning saw blade and the two crates, is a dark passage or "cave" leading away from a ladder. If you move deep into this cave you'll fall to your death. However, you can actually leap an invisible pit here. You'll need to time your journey into the cave carefully, but after some trial and error you should be able to leap the chasm and get to this egg. Climbing the Cog In Chapter 16 you'll encounter a giant gear with a switch in front of it. Don't flip the switch. Jump onto the gear and ride it to the right until you reach the egg. Right after losing the brain slug in Chapter 18, you'll find yourself on a conveyor belt. To turn back to the left and "backtrack" you'll need to push one of the boxes to the right for a bit and then climb on it. This lets you reach the edge of the crushing device to the left. Hang on the edge until the crusher recedes and then climb up and cross it to the ladder in the upper left. Up here is an egg. Guided by Sparks After the entire level stops rotating in Chapter 19, don't push the crate off the ledge. Instead, keep it near the electrified wall and use it to hop up onto a hidden ledge to the left. From here you can make a large leap to the right to reach the egg. Under Ground At the elevator in Chapter 21, move all the way to the ledge on the right. Then, tap DOWN to hang from the ledge and then jump to the right from your hanging position to grab a chain. Climb down to the egg. Going Up Activate the first gravity switch just past the "HO" in Chapter 23. Move the crate to the right and stand over the switch. Then, when the gravity reverses, hit the switch a second time as you fall and move left to discover a hidden area. Pull the lever here for the final Achievement egg. Where Credit is Due Complete the game. No Point in Dying Complete the game without exiting the game or dying more than five times. 1 year ago no game game on Wrong Way (5 points) - That's not right. Altitude is attitude (5 points) - Exploration off the ground. It's Stuck (10 points) - Prepare a dry landing. Urban Exploration (10 points) - Involves heavy lifting. Alone in the Dark (10 points) - Beneath the arthropod. Climbing the Cog (10 points) - Don't pull the lever just because you can. Backtracking (10 points) - Ride the crates. Guided by Sparks (10 points) - The crate is key. Under Ground (10 points) - Vertical passageway. Going Up (10 points) - Don't let gravity keep you down. Where Credit is due (100 points) - Persistence has its own reward. No Point in Dying (10 points) - Complete the game in one sitting with five or less deaths. 1 year ago no game game on Avatar Awards Unlock the following Avatar Awards by performing the corresponding tasks: Limbo Pet - Complete the game. Limbo T-shirt - Earn an achievement. 1 year ago no game
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CMT News Album of the Year? Few artists translate classic Southern folk motifs into modern pop terms as flawlessly as Lucinda Williams , yet the Nashville-based singer has always been an outsider in the world of country music. A wistful storyteller who has a sharp eye for detail and a gift for simplicity, Williams is a writer's writer best known to country fans for penning "The Night's Too Long," which Patty Loveless took to the Top 20, and "Passionate Kisses," which was a crossover hit for Mary-Chapin Carpenter and earned Williams a songwriting Grammy. Emmylou Harris, another country star who has covered Lucinda's music over the years, is among those who feel the Louisiana native is an example of the best of what country claims to be, and that it is country music's loss that Williams is completely out of the loop. Her edgy, raw sound and direct, brave lyrics have enough bite to keep Williams off today's refined country airwaves, but no roots music fan should be without her long-awaited new album, Car Wheels On A Gravel Road. Largely written and recorded in Nashville with help from Steve Earle, Buddy Miller, Jim Lauderdale and Harris, it is the best collection to come out of Music City in years. The album--only her fifth since her 1979 debut--was released this summer on Mercury Records to universal acclaim, receiving perfect or near-perfect marks in publications such as USA Today, The Village Voice and Entertainment Weekly. The current cover of Rolling Stone reads: "Lucinda Williams - The Making of a Masterpiece"; the aricle inside calls Williams "America's greatest songwriter" and describes Car Wheels as a "heartbroken country classic." It is an album with no missteps, no unnecessary frills, sung in a voice as clear as the perfectly aimed stories it tells. Williams, 45, has acutely absorbed the Southern music and culture she has been surrounded by most of her life, so she is able to construct regional imagery and character without relying on lazy stereotypes. It's been said many times that she is to Southern music what Flannery O'Connor is to Southern fiction. Much of Williams' new album is set in backwater Southern towns and two-lane country roads where Loretta and Hank play on the radio. A flavorsome mix of mandolins, accordions and Dobro and acoustic guitars also firmly root Car Wheels in the South. Melancholy, aching, filled with longing, Williams' soprano conveys both strength and vulnerability. No wonder Emmylou feels the gritty, soulful singer should be at the very center of country music. But Williams' love and respect for traditional country music runs so deep that she's proud to be a maverick by contemporary country music standards, where style and formula are often rewarded more than substance and inventiveness. "I don't want to be identified as a country artist today," Williams says with typical candor in her raw-honey drawl. "The country music that I know and love isn't what is being called country these days. So, I certainly don't want to be tagged as a country artist. There's just a lot more freedom in the other world--the rock world or whatever you want to call it--than there is in the country market today. Maybe I wouldn't have minded being called a country artist back in the old days when Loretta and Tammy were at the helm. I mean, look at what used to be the norm compared to now. There's no comparison." Williams sings with a down-home twang in her voice, but she also knows her way around blues songs like Howlin' Wolf's "I Asked For Water (She Gave Me Gasoline)," Robert Johnson's "Ramblin' On My Mind" and Lil' Son Jackson's "Disgusted." But whereas her first album, Ramblin', is an adequate collection of blues covers, her last few albums are much more--the work of an artist who has internalized the blues. The new album's third track, "2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten," is a good indicator of what feeds Lucinda's music. Inspired by two books of photography--Birney Imes' Juke Joint and Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia Portraits--the song depicts a Mississippi beer joint where Robert Johnson sings over in a corner by the bar; a man who tests his faith by taking up serpents; and, last, two lovers who lean against the railing of a Lake Charles bridge. The individual verses present three separate (seemingly unrelated) images; collectively, however, they represent the themes that dominate Williams' music: the blues, Southern gothic and personal relationships. "It was this stream-of-consciousness kind of thing," Williams says of penning "2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten." "It just tumbled out. I initially thought nobody would know what it means. I questioned it a little bit at first, but then I ran it by my dad and he said it made sense. It passed the test." Dad is Miller Williams, an early civil rights advocate and college professor who wrote President Clinton's 1996 inaugural poem. Surrounded by a creative environment at home, Lucinda grew up around her father's writer friends--Allen Ginsberg, Charles Bukowski and Flannery O'Connor among them. Her father's students were welcome at any time of the day or night. They'd come over for dinner and hang out afterwards, drinking Jack Daniels, talking about art and politics until the wee hours of the morning. Her father's teaching posts took Lucinda all over the South. Even before striking out on her own as an itinerant singer-songwriter, she lived in Jackson, Vicksburg, Atlanta, Macon, Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Fayettville. As the title suggests, many of the songs on Car Wheels are about movement, restlessness and the places of the singer's youth. They form an autobiographical travelogue of the singer's wanderings, maps to places left behind. She moved to Mexico City with her father when she was 17 and couldn't start school because she didn't have the right papers. Instead of going to classes, she spent hours in her room reading, playing guitar, and cutting her teeth on Bob Dylan and country-blues records. But it is her dad who has remained Lucinda's mentor and best critic. "I grew up with a healthy respect for my roots as a Southerner," she says. "I think that shows a lot in my dad's writing and in my writing. He delves into his Southern roots the same way I do." Besides holding tight to their Southern-ness and the region's cultural legacy, both father and daughter believe stories should have beginnings and endings, characters you can see, and enough sensory detail to capture emotion. "I think the more things you can describe that are distinctive to what you are talking about the better," says Williams. "Instead of just saying you're in some town, go ahead and name the town. What town are you in? Listeners are going to get a different theme from the song depending on whether you say Little Rock, Arkansas or Cedar Rapids, Iowa. There's a whole different vibe going on there. I'm trying to take you to a certain place." The new album's "Lake Charles" exemplifies the kind of conversational tone she brings to her music. She's not just driving around with a friend listening to music, the song describes her driving through Lafayette and Baton Rouge in a yellow El Camino listening to Howlin' Wolf. The beauty is that her writing is stunningly detailed, but done so in an economical way. For Lucinda, writing is a process of elimination--removing all but the essential parts so every word and line has meaning and no words are wasted. In the sad and prideful "Metal Firecracker," named after an old tour bus, she speaks volumes about salvaging dignity from a failed relationship with one simple hook: "All I ask, don't tell anybody the secrets, don't tell anybody the secrets I told you." The songwriter says the most important thing she's learned from her father is to make her points in the most direct and least cliched way possible. "Sometimes he'll just make one little suggestion in a song and it will make the whole thing work," she explains. "In the song 'Drunken Angel', for example, I had originally put the line "blood spilled out from a hole in your heart." He suggested I change " a hole" to "the hole," making it more direct and specific. In "He Never Got Enough Love" (from 1992's Sweet Old World album), he suggested I change "faded blue dress" to "sad blue dress." Those are the ways in which he helps me. That's how I've learned over the years. It's been kind of like having a lifelong creative writing class." Because Williams sees her work from a writer's perspective, not just a songwriter's perspective, she's inclined to tackle subjects many of her music colleagues won't touch. "The best poets and writers write about all kinds of different things," Williams maintains, "life and death, sex and love, whatever. For some reason poets have a lot more freedom to do that than songwriters, I don't know why. I'm trying to change that. In the poetry world, nobody even blinks an eye at writing about suicide. It's a part of life, you just write about it. You write a poem about a cat asleep in the window, you write a poem about a wreck you saw on the highway on the way home, just whatever you're going through at the time. That's really how I approach songwriting, too." Williams' well-turned lyrics, in fact, do deal with subjects like suicide and self-destruction. "Pineola," also from Sweet Old World, is a chilling song about friend and poet Frank Stanford, who killed himself when he was still in his twenties. "Drunken Angel," from her latest album, is about musician Blaze Foley, a Houston roustabout who was shot to death during a senseless argument. "Lake Charles" is another new song about a hard-living friend who has passed on. "The challenge," Williams relates of those songs, "is to be empathetic without being overly romantic and without being judgmental. Writing about them helps me memorialize or honor them, it sort of puts them to rest for me. Like all my songs, they start from a personal place. That's particularly true of a song like 'Lake Charles' which deals with an actual relationship that I was in with this person who died. I wasn't able to resolve it in my life, so the song was a way for me to resolve that issue. That was real important for me to do. "It feels good to get all of that out. Writing is very cathartic for me, it's a very therapeutic process." CMT - Get country.
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Click here to Skip to main content Click here to Skip to main content Ranges in C# By , 1 Feb 2013 Rate this: Please Sign up or sign in to vote. I must admit that although I love the C# programming language dearly, I do sometimes find the thing lacking. And when that happens, I generally tend to either sulk or, better, go on crusades implementing things like monads just to have things my way. This article is yet another story about a feature I wanted, and this feature is called a range. Note: there’s no source code accompanying this article. It’s all rather trivial, really. Range? WTH are ranges? Okay, let me briefly explain: say you’ve got a string and you want to remove its last character. What do you do? Well, the typical solution is to write s.Substring(0, s.Length-1) which is technically correct but feels like you’re hacking zombies with a scalpel (the opposite of ‘brain surgery with a chainsaw’). And in fact, certain languages such as Python (and Boo, by proxy) let you express this idea of slicing up arrays more succinctly. Specifically, you can use negative range values to measure distance from the end of the array. (Or from the end of one element past the array, as the case may be.)  Unfortunately, in C# we’re screwed by default, because there’s no way for us to replace the preceding expression with something nice like s[0:-1]. Or is there? String Extensions Let’s theorize for a little while. Say you’ve decided that it’s time to end the tyranny of Substring() with a simple extension method that somehow lets you enter all sorts of crazy values or even leave them blank public static string Substring(this string obj, int start = 0, int end = -1) if (end < 0) end = obj.Length + end; return obj.Substring(start, end-start); But this wouldn’t work because there already is a method called Substring() that takes two parameters (albeit differently named). So, what can we do? Well, we can give up and die, rename the method to something like SubString (may VB.NET users forgive us) or, better yet, attempt to encapsulate the whole concept of rangeness (or rangedness) in a separate structure. Range Structure public struct Range public int Start; public int End; Great, right? We can now use this thing in our APIs, and the creepy extension method we wrote previously can now make more sense: public static string Substring(this string obj, Range range) if (range.End < 0) range.End = obj.Length + range.End; return obj.Substring(range.Start, range.End - range.Start); However, the invocation is still creepy because we need to write something like string s = "abcde"; string ss = s.Substring(new Range{Start=1,End=-2}); which I’m sure you agree is ugly and not worth the effort. We could narrow it down to a collection initialization Range{1,-2}, but this would require Range to implement IEnumerable which is unidiomatic and generally bad. There has to be another way. Range Construction And indeed there is a better way. Remember extension methods? Well, we can have them on any type including, you guessed it, an int. So, without further ado, I bring you the fluent range builder: public static Range to(this int start, int end) return new Range {Start = start, End = end}; Trivial, right? You’ve now got a way of quickly defining a range with weird negative values (if you must) as follows: string ss = s.Substring(; Isn’t that better? And yes, I know it’s not perfect, but guess what, we live in an imperfect world. Is that it? The answer to this question is philosophical and depends on how much you actually want. I’ve shown a very simple example of using a range with the Substring extension, but generally, ranges are used to take slices out of arrays/matrices/vectors. For example, applying this concept to an enumeration, we could come up with something like: public static IEnumerable<T> At<T>(this IEnumerable<T> obj, Range range) var list = obj.ToList(); if (range.Start < 0) range.Start += list.Count; if (range.End < 0) range.End += list.Count; return list.Skip(range.Start).Take(range.End - range.Start); The above takes a slice out of any IEnumerable (list, array, etc.) given the provided range. Obviously in a real scenario there’d be more rigorous checks on the range parameter, as well as obvious concerns related to materializing the whole collection. The above is for illustration purposes only. It gets better, though. For example, what if that range parameter above was actually of type params Range[] instead? This would, as if by magic, allow you to take several slices out of one collection and concatenate them all together. Wouldn’t that be great? But ranges are ultimately very fragile things, only really useful for denoting the start and end of something. What if you wanted, say, to assign the value of 0 to particular elements of an array? Would you create some Set() extension method? Perhaps, but there’s a more powerful alternative. A view is just a range plus the object it relates to. This difference is crucial because once you have both the range and the target object, you can do all sorts of naughty things like setting all the values in range to a particular value. Let’s flesh out this view thing. First of all, it’s pretty obvious what the class looks like: public class ArrayView<T> public Range Range; public T[] Array; public ArrayView(T[] array, Range range) Array = array; if (range < 0) // you know the drill Range = range; I’m using an array for illustration purposes, something else could be there! The point is that now instead of an At method we can have a View method: public static ArrayView<T> View<T>(this T[] array, Range range) return new ArrayView<T>(array, range); The view acts on a pretransformed range (negative values, remember?), but what does it let us do? Well, for starters we can implement a basic indexer: public T this[int i] get { // don't forget to pre-transform, then return Array[Range.Start + i]; set { // same here, then Array[Range.Start + i] = value; And here’s how you would use it: var a = new[] {1, 2, 3, 4}; var b = a.View(; b[0] = 42; And yes, a[2] really does equal 42, as you would expect.  Fun with views So what can you actually do with views? Well, how about views-of-views? After all, there’s nothing stopping us from having yet another indexer that takes another Range, so… public ArrayView<T> this[int start, int end] // pretransform, as always return new ArrayView<T>(Array, new Range Start = start + Range.Start, End = end + Range.End Yep, I’m actually using two parameters in that indexer to represent the range more fluently. If you prefer to use notation, just create an overload. In fact, having one is a good idea for the general case. But wait, what about the setter? Well, on this particular occasion the only thing that will save you is a Set() method that would set the value of each element. Using the = operator doesn’t make much sense in this case. Here are some other fun things you can do with views: • Implement set operations. Obviously these make sense only when the type of array referenced in the view is the same. • Implement IEnumerable. It kind of makes sense, that way you can iterate a view of an array. In one of the Batman films, the Joker character says something along the lines of «see how much chaos you can do just with gasoline?». Well, this article is another illustration of how much you can do with extension methods – an unreasonably powerful feature that can let you spawn objets with magical powers. Your mileage will, invariably, vary. But ranges can be useful, in ways that go beyond this article. Good luck and stay tuned for more unreasonable uses of extension methods! About the Author Dmitri Nеstеruk Founder ActiveMesa United Kingdom United Kingdom I work primarily with the .NET technology stack, and specialize in accelerated code production via code generation (static or dynamic), aspect-oriented programming, MDA, domain-specific languages and anything else that gets products out the door faster. My languages of choice are C# and F#, though I'm open to suggestions. I'm a Microsoft MVP (Visual C#) since 2009. I run a collective tech blog at I use my own editor called TypograFix to typeset articles and blog posts. Like the article and want this implemented in your product? Got a project that can benefit from Microsoft.Net goodness? Then get in touch! Follow on   Twitter Comments and Discussions QuestionArraySegment in .NET BCL? PinmemberHightechRider1-Feb-13 12:21  AnswerRe: ArraySegment in .NET BCL? PinmemberDmitri Nesteruk1-Feb-13 22:17  Ha, didn't know about that one. Looks good! Possibly a bit too heavy for scenarios where you need a zillion ranges, but still, nice to know. Thanks! Dmitri Nesteruk Company | Blog | Twitter | MVP C# | Advertise | Privacy | Mobile Web02 | 2.8.140311.1 | Last Updated 2 Feb 2013 Article Copyright 2013 by Dmitri Nеstеruk Everything else Copyright © CodeProject, 1999-2014 Terms of Use Layout: fixed | fluid
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Campaign spending WASHINGTON -- Never has the old bromide about America having the best Congress money can buy been more valid than in the current midterm elections. Of course what the people are getting isn't necessarily going to be the "best" when all is said and done. More likely Capitol Hill will remain a place of great divisions and disharmony with real statesmen still hard to find. The level of spending raises serious questions about the health of the electoral system -- whether the government for, by and of the people is exactly that considering the potential power of special interests providing much of the money. Latest accountings estimate that when the final tally is in, the campaigns for the House and Senate will top $2 billion, a record that exceeds the amounts laid out for the last presidential campaign. According to press reports, the House races will reach $1.8 billion if not more while the Senate will add another $550 million or so. For the House that means some $4 million for each of the 435 contests when averaged out. Obviously some races will spend much more and others less. But what does that matter? The overall total is still staggeringly obscene and downright immoral considering the lingering economic woes of much of the electorate. A torrent of cash has been let loose by the Supreme Court's decision freeing the restraints on donations by outside groups including corporations. The amount in contributions allocated to tight races actually is around $400 million despite an excess in publicity. Analysts, however, charge that the spending by outside groups has caused candidates to spend more responding to attacks. The rest of the grand total is being raised and spent by candidates themselves. This startling amount doesn't count the gubernatorial races where candidates are contributing to the bizarre political spending orgy. Take a look at California where Republican billionaire Meg Whitman, the former eBay CEO, already has plopped down the most money ever in a non-presidential race -- $140 million, all of it hers, to run an insane asylum. The irony is that the new Congress, perhaps as never before, is going to have to do something about the nation's enormously resistant deficits through a number of down-hold measures that may include altering Social Security and Medicare (good luck on that) while at the same time pondering whether to extend the tax cuts adopted during the Bush administration. A good question might be whether a Congress elected by such wildly uncontrolled spending can change its habits enough to take the steps required to bring the nation back to solvency or at least closer to it. The answer is probably not even though one can expect a serious amount of talk and posturing from both sides of the aisle. The possibility of split control with the House Republican and the Senate Democratic doesn't bode well for serious advances in the cause of debt reduction. The impact of the new health care package still is to be felt, but knowledgeable observers believe the costs have been substantially underestimated. This is a sad tale. The amount of money spent this year is certain to increase in the next election and the next. Much of what members of Congress do all year round is raise money, tending to the needs of their big donors so as not to lose out to well-heeled challengers. This then leads to ethical problems and even more serious difficulties. The cause of campaign spending reform was set back dramatically by the Supreme Court, leaving pretty much only average individual donors with limits on their contributions. There must be some constitutional means of restricting the amount of money a candidate can spend running for public office, even if it is his or her own money. But until that is found, the path to the public trough will become increasingly overgrown with thistles. Why one would want to spend such amounts or ask others to do so to win a public office is beyond me. It probably has something to do with ego and self worth, a belief that one is the only candidate who can bring order into the chaos of Washington. The "best"! • Discuss • Print Comments » 1 JesseJohnston writes: As a bright spot atleast they are pumping cash into the economy hehe Gleaner Featured Video
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LibA2 version 0.11, released December 26, 2013 LibA2 provides both end-user utilities and library modules for accessing files on Apple II ProDOS disk images for use with most Apple II emulators. This is a BETA release of LibA2. There's some documentation, but it's not complete. If you want to see the rest of the documentation, then send email! Otherwise, I'll probably never get around to writing it. Until then, use the source, Luke! There are still probably some bugs, and the interfaces might still change. Use at your own risk. Keep a recent backup handy. Wait sixty minutes before swimming. All this having been said, I'm not aware of any serious bugs in LibA2 (besides the ones listed in the BUGS section below). Good luck! I would very much like to hear from everyone who tries LibA2. The more comments I get, the more likely I am to do more work on it. Please send comments and questions to me. Bug reports and patches should go to the CPAN RT for LibA2: , or through the web interface: You'll find my email address at the end of this file. The included utilities are: prodos version 0.09 `prodos' is the main end-user utility. It provides a Unix-style shell for accessing ProDOS volumes. This allows you to list the contents of disk images, create subdirectories, and copy files to & from disk images. If you have installed the Term::ReadKey and Term::ReadLine modules, the shell will have better editing, command & filename completion, and a command history. The parameters for prodos are: prodos IMAGE_FILE pro_fmt version 0.09 `pro_fmt' creates blank ProDOS disk images. The images are NOT bootable, because they lack the necessary code in the boot blocks. You can copy blocks from a bootable disk image to fix this. The parameters for pro_fmt are: pro_fmt [options] IMAGE_FILE pro_opt version 0.09 `pro_opt' removes unused space from ProDOS disk images. This is most useful for reducing the size of hard disk images. It doesn't use any form of compression; it simply moves everything to the beginning of the disk, squashing out empty space caused by deleting files. Be careful with this, as it's likely to have some bugs left. The parameters for pro_opt are: pro_opt SOURCE_IMAGE_FILE DESTINATION_IMAGE_FILE awp2txt version 0.09 `awp2txt' converts AppleWorks word processor files into text files. This is a bit out of place in LibA2, because it has nothing to do with disk images, but I included it because users of LibA2 may find it useful. The parameters for awp2txt are: awp2txt FILE ... var_display version 0.09 `var_display' lists the contents of an Applesoft BASIC VAR file. Currently, it can only display string variables and string arrays. Like awp2txt, you must first extract the VAR file from the disk image. The parameters for var_display are: var_display FILE For people interested in writing their own utilities in Perl, LibA2 provides Perl 5 modules that supply classes for accessing ProDOS disk images. DOS 3.3 disks are not currently supported (except by AppleII::Disk, which doesn't care what kind of data is on the disk). The included modules are: AppleII::Disk version 0.09 `AppleII::Disk' provides block-level access to disk images. It's useful because there are two main formats for Apple disk images: ProDOS order and DOS 3.3 order. These formats do not refer to the operating system used on the disk, but to the order in which the data appears. AppleII::Disk takes care of the differences for you. AppleII::ProDOS version 0.10 `AppleII::ProDOS' provides tools for accessing files on ProDOS disk images. `prodos' is basically just a wrapper around AppleII::ProDOS. INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install If you do not want to install the utility scripts (AppleII:: modules only), then use "perl Build.PL --no-scripts" instead of "perl Build.PL". DEPENDENCIES Package Minimum Version --------------- --------------- perl 5.6.0 Carp Exporter 5.57 File::Glob Getopt::Long 2.10 IO::File POSIX Term::ReadLine CHANGES Here's what's new in version 0.11 of LibA2: (See the file "Changes" for the full revision history.) - No functional changes - Release tests moved to xt/ BUGS Documentation There isn't enough. Yet. If you'd like to read it, send email. If I think people want to read it, I'm far more likely to write it. :-) Until then, use the source, Luke. prodos There's no way to copy a file from a disk image under another name. This may cause problems under MS-DOS when extracting files that don't meet its 8.3 filename limitations. Solution: Upgrade to a real operating system. pro_fmt The disk images it creates aren't bootable unless you copy the boot blocks from a bootable disk. AUTHOR Christopher J. Madsen COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Christopher J. Madsen. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
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How to Use the Readings Inquiry Question Historical Context Reading 1 Reading 3 Reading 4 Table of Determining the Facts Reading 2: The Pennimans: A Whaling Family Edward Penniman was born in Eastham, Massachusetts on August 16, 1831. He began his life at sea at age 11 when he signed on as a cook on a schooner bound for the Grand Banks, a rich fishing area off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Unfortunately this trip ended in disaster, and for the next several years Edward only fished the local waters. In 1852, at age 21, he went to New Bedford where he set sail on his first whaling voyage. He held the position of boatsteerer aboard the Isabella. When he became captain, Edward chose New Bedford as his home port. From this busy harbor, Captain Penniman set sail seven times to hunt whales. His letters home often hinted that he did not like life at sea, but the riches to be earned could not be ignored. He wrote to his son Neddie from the Bark (a sailing ship with three or more masts square rigged) Jacob A. Howland: Dear Neddie, I hope you will not be a sailor. At best it is a miserable life to follow, full of hardships and trials, to say nothing about being away from home, and friends for long years at a time, you must learn all you can at school, so by the time you are twenty years old, I hope you will have a much better education than I did at that age. By and by when you are a man and go out into the world you will see the need of it. This is the way I found it. In order to make the three to four year whaling voyages more bearable Captain Penniman took his family with him several times. The Captain's wife was Betsy Augusta Penniman whom he called "Gustie." Being on board a whaling ship for years would have been a hardship for many women, but Gustie appeared to make the best of it. She enjoyed spending time cooking, making clothes out of fine fabrics, teaching her children, keeping journals and corresponding with friends back home. She also had navigation skills and was an active participant in the whaling expeditions. In her journal she says, I spent the day washing and taking care of the ship. For a crew I had four Portuguese, one Irish, one German. We manage very well. Her daughter Bessie tells how one time when the Captain and most of the crew were ashore off Patagonia, South America, a large storm arose and blew the ship 100 miles out to sea. Under Gustie's direction the ship weathered the storm and two days later sailed back to pick up the Captain and his crew. Another time Gustie spotted a large sperm whale close to the ship while the Captain and crew were five miles away in the whaleboats, open rowing boats used to hunt the whales. In the excitement the carpenter hoisted the flag upside down, a distress signal, so the Captain returned quickly fearing Neddie had fallen overboard. The whale was still there, and after processing it, they collected $10,000.00 worth of oil. It was the most valuable single cargo ever brought to New Bedford and the ship's owner gave Gustie $600.00 as a token of his appreciation. On three of the whaling voyages Mrs. Penniman brought one or two of their three children. Their first son Eugene, at age four, sailed with them on a four-year trip to the Arctic Ocean. Eugene, or Genia, as his parents called him, liked whaling so much that he eventually became a whaling ship captain. Neddie, the Penniman's youngest child, and Eugene were both with Mrs. Penniman onboard the Europa from September 1876 to September 1879, her second whaling trip. Six-year-old Neddie amused himself by crafting toy wooden boats on their three-year journey. He also drew pictures of other ships they passed using the remaining pages of a journal that had belonged to a mate onboard the Europa after that unfortunate man drowned earlier in the trip. Daughter Bessie, at age 13, joined her mother and father on Mrs. Penniman's third and last trip. This voyage included stays in Panama, Hawaii, and San Francisco. Bessie learned to speak some Hawaiian and she met the royal family. An excellent navigator, the Captain entered ports in the Arctic, Cape Verde Islands, New Zealand, Hawaii, and many more. To successfully navigate in unknown seas and strange ports around the world, Captain Penniman used many special skills. He had to rely on the clear night sky to help him navigate using a sextant, a tool that measures the angle between a heavenly body, such as a star or planet, and the horizon. If the sky was not clear, his readings could be inaccurate and the ship might be lost at sea. Another tool he used was a chronometer, which measures time, and he was skilled in reading charts. He also knew how to handle his ship in extreme weather, avoiding icebergs in Polar Regions, and sailing out of danger when necessary. In 1865 Captain Penniman quickly sailed his ship to a new location to escape the Shenandoah, a Confederate privateer, sent to the Arctic to sink Yankee whalers during the Civil War. In spite of his reservations about life at sea, Captain Penniman went on to become one of Cape Cod's most successful whalers. In the 1860s whale oil sold for $1.45 per gallon, sperm oil sold for $2.55 per gallon, and whalebone sold for $15.80 a pound. On various voyages he took 4,237 barrels of sperm oil, 12,096 barrels of whale oil, and 166,871 pounds of whalebone. It was said of Captain Penniman that "he was so successful that at age 53 he was able to retire with a considerable fortune." Captain Penniman and his family traveled around the globe, became familiar with many different cultures, accepted diverse crewmembers from distant ports, and communicated by letters about their experiences with family and friends. Unlike the majority of their Eastham neighbors who lived quiet, Puritan lives in simple Cape Cod homes, the Pennimans "actively accumulated wealth, retired in leisure, and showcased their good fortune." Captain Penniman was one of the most successful whaling captains in New England history. Finally, in 1884, he returned for good to his beloved Fort Hill and his grand home. Questions for Reading 2 1. What advice did Captain Penniman give to his son Neddie? Why do you think he felt that way? 2. Why did Captain Penniman bring his wife and children on some of his whaling voyages? How did Mrs. Penniman contribute to life on board ship? 3. What skills and tools were needed to successfully navigate a voyage around the globe? Why was the clear night sky so important? 4. Using the going prices for the time and the amount of goods he brought back, approximately how much money did he make? 5. Would you have wanted to travel with the Pennimans on a whaling voyage? Why or why not? 6. Why do you think Captain Penniman was considered one of the most successful New England whalers? Reading 2 was compiled from documents at Penniman archives at Braintree, MA Public Library and Providence, RI Public Library; The Pennimans: A Cape Cod Whaling Family at Home and Abroad, Cape Cod National Seashore, Eastern National, 2001; and Journals of Augusta Penniman, collection of Cape Cod National Seashore. Comments or Questions National Park Service arrowhead with link to NPS website.
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Putin's campaign promises pose economic challenges NATALIYA VASILYEVA Associated Press Published: Economists disagree. Russia's economy grew by leaps and bounds in the years after Putin first came to power in 2000, mainly on the back of soaring oil prices. But back then, the government was able to balance its books with an oil price of only $60 per barrel. With the growing spending, Russia these days can avoid a deficit only if oil stays above $117. Urals crude is now trading at about $120. Economists say the government may be able to afford the extra spending at this point, but it could hamper growth and leave Russia vulnerable in case of greater global economic turmoil or a drop in oil prices. Russia has 1.8 trillion rubles ($61 billion) in a reserve fund, created from oil revenues that the government tucked away when prices were high. But even more money was sent out of the country last year, a whopping $84 billion in capital outflow, indicating a lack of confidence in the Russian economy and illustrating the difficulty the government faces in attracting needed investment. Potential sources to cover the new expenses could include higher taxes on metals and mining industries and the privatization of some state-owned assets, as well as cutting costs and inefficiencies, according to Weafer. Along with the campaign promises of higher wages for teachers and doctors, Putin's government has committed to spending 1.8 trillion rubles ($61 billion) this year alone to revamp Russia's armed forces. And military spending is set to grow by some 20 percent annually in at least the next two years. Another touchy subject for Putin is Russia's relatively low retirement age of 55 for women and 60 for men. Economists and even some Russian officials have insisted that the current pension system is unsustainable and will drain twice as much money from the budget in the coming decades unless the retirement age is raised. Putin, however, vowed throughout his campaign that the retirement age would remain unchanged. Yulia Tsyplyaeva, chief economist at BNP Paribas in Moscow, said that while Putin's promises of higher salaries are feasible, the pension system poses a much more serious challenge. "There is the question of how confident can a country feel when it transfers 5 percent of GDP from the budget to the pension fund, which runs a constant deficit?" she said.
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Nothin' but Net: Trade deadline probably another dud Updated: 2/05 12:29 pm Text Size Philadelphia, PA ( - Two weeks from Thursday is one of the most important dates in the NBA regular-season calendar - the vaunted trade deadline. It's always an interesting time to see what teams are going for a run, or others who are packing it in for the season, trying to rebuild for another day. That's especially relevant this season when the NBA Word of the Year has been "tanking." That might mean that some of the lesser teams in the league with decent assets - Philadelphia 76ers, Los Angeles Lakers, Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic, Milwaukee Bucks - might be more inclined to move players so the losses will pile up and increase ping-pong ball odds. But the deadline, like so many things in life, ain't what it used to be. Not to get too technical, but the latest Collective Bargaining Agreement might have killed the big trade deadline moves. It's all about luxury tax now when you make a move, because exceeding that threshold comes at an even steeper price. That means general managers and personnel people will be more hesitant to pull the trigger on any move that costs the team a lot more money. Bigger names, with more zeroes in salaries, will stay put. Players on rookie contracts are the still the most attractive to prospective teams looking on the market. Due to those contracts still being relatively small, the teams with those kind of players are less likely to trade them, again, because going over the luxury tax is way more harmful than in seasons past when players like Carmelo Anthony or Deron Williams were moved in February. Remember last season's trade deadline? Of course you don't because it generated more zzzs than a bottle of NyQuil. Josh Smith was the biggest potential free-agent on the market, thus, the biggest trade chip and he stayed put in Atlanta before bolting for Detroit in the offseason. There is still room to trade an expiring contract, but, and this hasn't changed with the new CBA, is the price worth it? Without any guarantee of the traded expiring contract staying long-term, no team will be willing to part with too much for him. That's universal in all of sports. Last season's biggest mover at the deadline was J.J. Redick. Remember that parade in downtown Milwaukee after the Bucks won the title? Redick helped the Bucks to the eighth seed. So what will this trade deadline look like? More like the last, I'd imagine, but that doesn't mean there's a shortage of possibilities. Let's disqualify the silly notions like potential free-agents like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Dirk Nowitzki and even Carmelo Anthony, who may seem like the most tradable of those names, but isn't going anywhere. Also, let's eliminate anyone from the sellers list on truly contending teams like the Indiana Pacers, Miami Heat, San Antonio Spurs, Oklahoma City Thunder or Portland Trail Blazers. So, the targets are players with expiring, or reasonable deals, on bad teams trying to rebuild. Pau Gasol of the Los Angeles Lakers might be the biggest name on the market. He is an unrestricted free-agent in the summer and the Lakers appear to have little interest in bringing him back. Gasol has clashed with head coach Mike D'Antoni. He hasn't been effective in D'Antoni's offense and the Lakers are stuck in the mud. They're desperately in need of a rebuild, but they are the Lakers and that's not how business is done. The Lakers will try to free up as much cap space as possible, well, after you discount the absurdity of Kobe Bryant's contract. LA is going to try and remake the franchise by signing big, expensive free agents like James or Anthony. They'll get a high draft pick because they are sinking down the depths like a treasure chest. As for trading Gasol, the Lakers would be more than willing, but they want a ton for a potential Hall of Famer. The Phoenix Suns are the most rumored destination since they have Emeka Okafor's contract right there to be moved. A trade like that saves the Lakers a few million and gets them close to going under the luxury tax. Gasol will cost an expiring and either legitimate young talent or first-round picks. The other really big name who might be available is Boston's Rajon Rondo. He has a year left on his contract after this season and is affordable at $12.9 million in 2014-15. The Celtics believe Rondo is a centerpiece to rebuilding, but he's into becoming a free-agent. If Rondo isn't moved at this deadline, he could be shipped in the summer or during next season. (Oh, there's also that reason why the deadline's been a dud of late - trades are happening earlier in the regular season. Rudy Gay has been moved before February the last two seasons and Luol Deng was also traded before the deadline this season.) The most intriguing potential trade bait on the market is Kyle Lowry of the Toronto Raptors. He's an unrestricted free agent after the season and signing him to a big contract would scare me blind. However, he's been incredibly productive and the Raptors have probably won too much already to make tanking for Canadian Andrew Wiggins of Kansas a realistic possibility. That's a pickle, but Toronto should keep him and ride out this season. His money can come off at the end. The next group of movable assets are the restricted free-agents who didn't come to terms with their current teams before the deadline to make them free at the end of the season. (Restricted free, but free to some extent.) The Detroit Pistons don't seem hell-bent on keeping Greg Monroe past this season. The 76ers don't want to keep Evan Turner past this season, and I'll live to be 1,000 years old and never figure out how something didn't get done to keep Eric Bledsoe in Phoenix and Gordon Hayward in Utah. Monroe for Turner actually makes a lot of sense as Detroit could move Smith to his natural power-forward spot and Monroe could be the kind of help Nerlens Noel would need down low for the future of Philly. Monroe could be moved because Smith can't be with his big contract he signed in the offseason. The Sixers and GM Sam Hinkie would love to trade Turner, but won't move him to just move him. If the right deal can be made for either, they'll both be gone. Bledsoe emerged before an injury derailed his season. He'll be in high demand, but won't get traded. Same goes for Hayward. That all adds up to another dull trade deadline. There are other names that could be moved, players without the cache of the above mentioned. Guys like Dion Waiters, Anderson Varejao, Larry Sanders, Spencer Hawes, Brandon Bass, Andre Miller or Jameer Nelson might need a good realtor. It's all the CBA's fault, but the trade deadline is probably going to be another snoozer. Inergize Digital   This site is hosted and managed by Inergize Digital.
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NEW ON DVD: 'The Muppets,' 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' Owen Williams The Daily Jeffersonian Published: Perhaps you grew up watching "Sesame Street," "The Muppet Show," "Fraggle Rock," or "Muppet Babies" on TV, or you're a fan of movies like "The Dark Crystal," "Labyrinth," or the half dozen Muppet movies that have been made over the years. If so, then a small part of your childhood was made more joyful thanks to Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets. To a child's eyes, the life that Henson and his team brought to pieces of felt, wire and plastic was indistinguishable from reality. Before computer animation came along, the Muppets were the closest thing to magic on screen that a kid could see. They haven't been on TV or in theaters in over 10 years, but Muppet lover, and recently minted TV and movie star, Jason Segel believed it was time for a comeback and pitched the idea to Disney Studios in 2008. Now, the whole gang is back for another adventure and the audience is in for a treat. The story follows Walter, a new Muppet character, who lives with his human brother Gary (Segel). While on vacation visiting the old Muppet Studios with Gary and his girlfriend Mary (Amy Adams), Walter overhears evil oil baron Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) explain his plan to tear down the studios and drill for oil. Walter, Gary and Mary seek out Kermit the Frog and convince him to rally the long-disbanded Muppets cast to put on a benefit show and save the theater. From that moment on, it's all laughs, clever songs and too many cameos to count in this charming comedy. And yes, there's magic as well. "The Muppets" has been rated "PG" for some light adult humor one expensive looking explosion. DVD and Blu-ray copies are available now to rent or buy. In 2009, the Swedish blockbuster "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" took Europe, and then America by storm. Based on the popular novels by Steig Larson, and starring the fierce Noomi Rapace as the titular character, the film was an international success A Hollywood remake was unavoidable. David Fincher directs this new version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" that stars Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig as hacker Lisbeth Salander and journalist Mikael Blomkvist. Lisbeth is the most fascinating film heroine in recent memory; she's emotionally damaged by her dark childhood, and she wears that gloom like the black clothes and makeup she dons. Lisbeth makes her living as a researcher for a security company but her hobbies are more invasive and illegal. The story begins as Mikael has just learned he's on the losing side of a libel case brought against him by the subject of his latest exposé and is facing substantial loses to his credibility and his bank account. Mikael is contacted by an aging but wealthy businessman who seeks his help in solving a decades old disappearance in his family. Wanting to get out of the spotlight, and not having any other financial options, Mikael accepts. Circumstances lead to Mikael hiring Lisbeth as his assistant and the secrets they uncover together are far worse than anyone had imagined. It's impossible not to compare this remake to the original. The plot points are almost identical, and the characterizations will be very familiar to anyone who's seen the Swedish version but may seem very foreign to those who haven't. The English speaking actors have applied noticeable accents to their speech; the setting is still Sweden after all. Give credit to the late author of the books, as his writing is the one constant that allows two such well made films to come out of it. "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" has been rated "R" for brutal, and often sexual, violence. DVD and Blu-ray copies are available now to rent or buy. Want to leave your comments? Sign in or Register to comment.
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Email this article to a friend Schoolboy, 15, who killed fellow pupil in front of classmates in shocking gym attack is jailed for just three and a half years * indicates fields that are mandatory. Security code
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