? c cocofo?fefeeee e s ??obob!b! ! Y YoYouo?'l'?l l l ?ovo?e e ie itit t a asa? i isis,s? n nono no s sw swew??tetenenenerersrs s os oror r??rer?ama??s ns ?neeneede?eded ed t toto o?didisisgis?uiuisiseise e te tht?isis is w wow???derde??ulu?l fl flflalava?oror.or. . I I I l?ooookok k f fofor???rdrd d? to t?o oo orordorde?derider?ngn???????<b<brbr r /r />/><>?<br<br r /r />r /???dadata?????2121/1/1/101?: : ?JuJusustst t ot ???erereereded ed med mymy y? fi f?????3-3??aca?k ???ror???? S SuS??scs?riribi?e e &e & & S???e;e; ; g ?re?atat at d de dea??l fl fol foror or s???e e de dedeldelil?cic?ouousous s ds ??cacafaf!f!"!""?4545151313,3,B,B0B0000202T2TMTMVMV3V3E3?4,4,A,?1Q1QTQ?3N3?5F5FUF???I4I4747,7,l,lalaila?iniin?ibuibugu?,1,?,3,3,?4,?121?8484545945?52520200??gogoo?d d cd ?upu???of of? de dec de?cafcaf,f,","I"I I eI enenjen?oyo???? c co c?offoffefeefe??wiw????plplelenententyty y oy ofof ?susugugaugarar ar a an andnd nd a? f fl flalavlavovorvore??d c???reamreamemermer.r. . T. ThThi?s ?prprorovro??dededded d ad a a g go goooodood ood?babasasease e fe foforfor ?ththathatat ??xpxpeper?iei?encencec???AsAs s as ?a na ??n-n-c-coconconnnnonoinoisissis??urur,r, , t, ththithisis ?is??jujusustust t at ababob????ri??ghtght:t: : n: nonotno?t tt ?tooto?
coffee snob! You'll love it as is, no sweeteners or creams needed to disguise this wonderful flavor. I look forward to ordering more.<br /><br />Update 9/21/10: Just ordered my first 3-pack through Subscribe & Save; great deal for some delicious decaf!" 4513,B002TMV3E4,A1QT3N5FUQ4I47,lainibug,1,3,4,1284595200,good cup of decaf,"I enjoy my coffee with plenty of sugar and a flavored creamer. This provided a good base for that experience. As a non-connoisseur, this is just about right: not too
sststrtror?ngng,g? n nonotot t?bib?tttteterer,r?, g, gog?odo? " """"c"cocofoffffef?e"e???flflal??????brbr r?/>/><><b<br<b?r /r />?FoF?or or???e e s sasaka?e e oe of??cocomcompmpapararirisi?onon,on, , I, I I????st st o ???tente? d drd?rinrinkn???hehe he g ?rorourounundn?d vd ?erersersisioi?on on o of o? < <a<a a??rer?f=f="=?""h""??ttptt?:/:?/w/??ww.ww.a.amamamaza??on.on?cocomcom/com?gpgp/p/p/prp??dud?ctct/t/B/B0B??1E1EQEQ5Q5555M5MMMM"M"""">"">E>?igighg???O'O'C'ClC?oco??k Ck ??offoffe?e,e, , 5, 505?% %?DeDece?afa?f Wf ?hoh??e e Be BeB??n,n, , 1, 121?-O-OuOununcun?e ??agagsg? ( (P(PaP??ck ck o? of of?4)4)<)?/a/a>a? R RiRigighig?ht ht nht nonownow w o on o?n An AmA?mazma?zonzon,??MeM?lilitittittat?'s'??isis is? sl s??gh??lyl? m mo m??e ??xpxpepene?si??? p ?perper r or ouo??unceunce,e, e, t? tho th?ougoughgh gh S SuSububsbscscrc?ribribebe e ae anandan?d Sd SaSavaveave e we wowou?ldl??eve?????? o?utut ?an?and and M Me Melelielit??a'a'sa's ??brebr??iningng ng i ininsin?strstrurucuctuc?ioionionsns ns??alallll l f fo foror ??sisinsingng ?a a sa ?ma?llllellerer er a am??ounou??t ot ofof of gof grgrogr?oun?dsds.s. .?I I wI wo?????exexpexpe?ct? t? the theme???? b be be ??bob?outout t tt ththethe e se sasamsa?e e qe ququau??itityity,y, , a, an?and
strong, not bitter, good ""coffee"" flavor.<br /><br />For the sake of comparison, I most often drink the ground version of <a href="""">Eight O'Clock Coffee, 50% Decaf Whole Bean, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 4)</a> Right now on Amazon, Melitta's is slightly more expensive per ounce, though Subscribe and Save would even it out and Melitta's brewing instructions call for using a smaller amount of grounds. I would expect them to be about the same quality, and
iinin n m mymy y o opo?in?ioi?n n tn ????y wy wewererere.e? T ?hih?s s i ?? c ?erertertat?ininlinlyl????????eeee e??'m'm m h hahapappp?y ?toto o??ririninkink k w ?he?n n In I I? wa w??t t d?ececacafaf.f.<.<b<?r r?/>/><><b<br<br ?????e e de ?owownwnsn?ididede e ie ?is is tis th?e e be ?aga???MyM??huh?sbsba?ndnd d?gog?t t tt toto to????bebefe???? I I I d??id,id? b ??t t ht ???rereprepop??tetede?d td ??atat ?iti?t rt ?reqrequq????d d sd scscic?issis?ororsor??????etet ?t itt i?t ot opopeopenen.n??ThTheThe e re re?seseae?lilininging g?????uru??re ore onon on t ?thethe the b ba bag? t th the???? cou coululdldndn'n't'??t bet be ?ususeuseded,ed, ??so so w we we e me mamadadede de t???e te trtraran?sfsfeferfer ??to to ato an???heherhe?r sr se??alealed??? con contntantaiainai?nerner.r?""4??1414,4,B,??020?TMTMVMV3V3E3E4E4,4,A4,A2A2H2H2H2I2?5F5?Y1Y1P1PUPUHUHPH?1,1??oioililelerermerma??te,te?1,?3,3??,1??8484545045080?808??,G,GoGoooodo??CoCof???e!e!,!,",??My My w wi w?fefe fe a ?andan?d Id ?I bI ???oth oth?? tho thouougughghth?t t?hihishi??isis ?a a na ??ce? c cu cupup p o of of f c co cof co? Th. Thehe he bhe ?bagba?g hg ?hashas ???on?e-e-w-waw??y vy vav?alval?e e oe on?on ion itit it??o o ko kek?eepee
in my opinion they were. This is certainly a coffee I'm happy to drink when I want decaf.<br /><br />One downside is the bag. My husband got to it before I did, but he reported that it required scissors to get it open. The resealing feature on the bag then couldn't be used, so we made the transfer to another sealed container." 4514,B002TMV3E4,A2H2I5FY1PUHP1,Boilermate,1,3,5,1284508800,Good Coffee!,"My wife and I both thought this is a nice cup of coffee. The bag has a one-way valve on it to keep
t ththehe e a aia?????t t a?ndnd d a ar arrrririvi?eded ?vivirirtirtut?ala?lyl? f flf?atat.t. .????n n b brbrerewe?eded ed i ini?n on ou??r Cr CuC?isi????rtrt ????p p???ffffefeee???aka?ere?r ir ?t ?hahasa??? ?nin?cece ?araroaromo? I. I I??ak?e ?e mie mininein?e we wiwitithith h c cr c?reare??? an and an?d sd ?ugu?arar,ar, ,? an? and and???s.s. ????drdridrininkinksk??heherhe?rs rs???laclackc?. . W. WeWe ?boboto??? th thohou??htht t it itit it w wawasas as?smsmomooo????, w, wi?thth th nth ?? b?it??ererner?ese?s.??LaL??erer er i it it ?mamadmaded??? n ni nic???e afe a?teterte??didin?ne????cofco??ee? w wh w?hen?? we we ?e ade a??dedded d od ou??? fa favavovororiritri?te te?lil?ququouor?????? I I I aI amam am? no n?o co ??coffcof??e e se ?nonobno?, ??I cI ?anan ????ll ll? a a g a gogoo?d d cd ??p ??of of? co cof?fe?? f fr f??om om a? a b a babadad d od ond onene,ne, , a, anandand d td ?thith?is is??ne? m ma?ke??s ts ththethe ?grgrar??e.e.".?4?5151515,5?B0B000020?TMTMVMV3V3E3?4,4,A,A1A?H7H7Y7Y5Y5X5XKXKPKPGP?T0T0O0OSOS,S?"R"RaR??a a R RaRaoRao ?""""R"Ra"Ram??"""""""",",1,1,1,3,3,3?,3,,3,1?2828484545045??8080000,00,A,A ,A f fi fin?ine ine c co cof co?ffeffeeffe?,"??ThiTh?is ??grogrou??
the air out and arrived virtually flat. When brewed in our Cuisinart drip coffee maker it has a nice aroma. I take mine with cream and sugar, and Mrs. B. drinks hers black. We both thought it was smooth, with no bitterness. Later it made a nice after dinner coffee when we added our favorite liquor. Tho I am no coffee snob, I can tell a good cup of coffee from a bad one, and this one makes the grade." 4515,B002TMV3E4,A1H7Y5XKPGT0OS,"Rama Rao ""Rama""",1,3,3,1284508800,A fine coffee,"This ground
d ??cac?????nanata?ede? c cocofoffffeffeee? m mamakakek?? a ???in??????? w wiw??h h a? r ?????araroromo?ma ma? an andn?d fd flf?ava?oro?. .??t t???s ss ?momooootothth th???d ?sas?atiat?isfisfyfyiy?ingin????ithith h ah a h a f fu f??l-l??ododidiei?? t tatasa?tete.te?. M. MyMy y w wi?fefe fe? an and??? l lolovo?eded ed ted ththethe e te ???steste ?anand?? ar aroromromama ma oma ofof of t?hihisis is??rorouro?ndnd nd cnd ?cofco?ffeffeeffee.e. . F. FoForor or a??? id idedeadeala? c cu cupup p m me meaeasasuasururere re o ononene ?heh?eapeapipin?ing ing??ea?spspopoooonoon n? fu ful full? o of of f c??offoffefeefee e pe ?erer r c cu cup cu???of of hof hoh?? w???? d cd chchach?angangege e te the the? q ququauanantantititityity y dy ??pe?nd?ininging ing oing ?? t? the the ????renre?gtgth?th oth of?of tof ?thethe the c co??ffe?ffee ffee y ??ou ou d de desesies?? . I. I I g?ene?nerneraralallallyly ?y dry dririnri?k k? de dec decacafcaffffeffeiffein?atateatedate?d Fd Fo?lglge?rsrs's?s s bs brbrabran??? a an and??whw?henhen ??I cI cocomcompm?????ed ted thed the?he the twtwow???brabranbrandndsnds,s?, I, I I dI dididdid d nd non?ot ot fot ?finfi?nd nd and a a ga grgregrea??t dt de?dealdea??ofof of dof ?difdiffffefferffe??rencrencece ??? t? the the the r ri ricichichnhne?sss?s os of?of cof co
decaffeinated coffee makes a fine brew with a rich aroma and flavor. It is smooth and satisfying with a full-bodied taste. My wife and I loved the taste and aroma of this ground coffee. For an ideal cup measure one heaping teaspoon full of coffee per cup of hot water. You could change the quantity depending on the strength of the coffee you desire. I generally drink decaffeinated Folgers's brand, and when I compared the two brands, I did not find a great deal of difference in the richness of co
??fef?e.e. . Y YoYouo? m mam?y y w wawanantn? t toto o?coc?nsnsis??erer r??heh???ririci?e ??ara?riarianancancece ce b beb?twtweweeeeneen n t th the the e te ??o o bo brb?anandandsds s b??fof?rer??yoy?ou ou w??antan??toto to p pu p?rcrchchahasasese ???isis ?pr?ododuducu?t.t.".""4454515?6,6,B,?000?2T2?MVMV3V3E3?4,4,A,???JEJ?E40E40X0?W6W6M6MFM?G,G,","A"AlA?an? M ?an?ninini?g g " ??GaGamama?iririridri??umu?"""""""","?1,1,3,3,3?5,5,1,12,1282848?45045??808?00,00?ExExcxce?llllel?ntnt nt S SmS??otothth h?flfla????,","I,"? d dodo o no non?ot ot???kek?e ce cocofcoff?eeee ee t to toooo oo m mu mucuchuc?. . A. ??ctuctuaualallllylly y Iy I I aI ?am am v ?ereryery y py paparartartiticicuic??larlar r ar ?bobououtout t ct ?cofcoffcoffefeefe??anandand and?I I cI cacanan an san ??? t??atat t t?hihishis ?isis is o ononeone e oe ?f f m my m??fafava?vorvoriritri?ese?. . I. ItIt t it isis ????smsmomoomoot?h h ah an?and and fand ?flafl???orforfuf??,t,th???smsmesmelell???is ?rereare?allal?y y gy gogoooodoo? a anandand and Iand ?I cI caI canan'an't't t ht hahavhave???enoenouougoughg?h oh ofof of? it it.t.It.I I hI ?hav?e e ge gogongonene e ae ase a????r r ar asr as s ss skskik??pipininging g gg gogoigoining? t to?? St Statararbarbubuc?ksk?s os oror or D DuDununknkikinki?n fn foforfor r cr ?cofcoff?<.<b<br
ffee. You may want to consider the price variance between the two brands before you want to purchase this product." 4516,B002TMV3E4,AZYJE40XW6MFG,"Alan Manning ""Gamairidium""",1,3,5,1284508800,Excellent Smooth flavor,"I do not like coffee too much. Actually I am very particular about coffee and I can say that this is one of my favorites. It is so smooth and flavorful,the smell is really good and I can't have enough of it.I have gone as far as skipping going to Starbucks or Dunkin for coffee.<br
??/>/?ThT?? p ?rir???e ie isi? d ded?ce?ntnt t f foforor r t ?hihisis is k kikinindnd d?ofof f p pr pror?duducuctct ??o o I I I h hihighi?hlh?y y r rer??omo??enendnd nd i ??.".""4??1717,7,B,B0B0000202T2TMT??3E3E4E4,4,A,A1A??APAPPP?1C1CXCXRX???7A7A,A,","L"LiL???a a??aia?incin?hahaua?d-d-S-StStet?ininminmamanan n??"P"??RKR?????E E??OOOOKOKSKS"S"""""""?,1,1,1,3,3,3,4,?4,14,?282?363???8080000,00?DeDelelilic??ouo?s s Ds ?DecDecac??fefei?nanatate??,","F,"?irirsr?t t ot ofoffoff,f, , l lel?t t mt ?me me s ?stastat?e e te th?at? I?????nonotot ??a fa fafanan an? of of f df dedecdecacafca?ffeffeieineinaein?ate???????eeee e oe of?? an a?y y ty tytypy?e.e. . B BuButut ???ofoftofte?n ?ha??e ?gugueueseststsst??ovo?verve?r wr whw?o ?asasks? f fo f?? d?e-e-c-?cafcaf,caf, , s, so? I I ??ava?ve ve? th t?hishis s as a ?trtryry.y?<b<brbr ???<b<br<br r /?>W>WhW?hilhile?? I I a I agagrgrereere?e we wiwitithith h???omeome ?e ote o?thethere?r rr re??iei????s s ws wh?o o ho ha?havehave ??sta??tedted ted t th tha th?at at tat th?thertherere re i??s as a s a?cecerce?tataiainain n "n ??did?ffffefferffere??nt"nt"""" ""? ta t?astas?? a ab abobououtout ?ththithis?is bis blblelenle??, ??forfor r mr me??, i, itit it?waw?as as? no n?ot ot a a a b
/>The price is decent for this kind of product so I highly recommend it." 4517,B002TMV3E4,A1JAPP1CXRG57A,"Linda Painchaud-Steinman ""PARK EDGE BOOKS""",1,3,4,1283644800,Delicious Decaffeinated,"First off, let me state that I am not a fan of decaffeinated coffee of any type. But I often have guests over who ask for de-caf, so I gave this a try.<br /><br />While I agree with some other reviewers who have stated that there is a certain ""different"" taste about this blend, for me, it was not a b
iititttteterer r t ?????, ,?bubutut t i ini???eae??, , a, ??gogoooodod,d, d, s st??ono?? f flflalavavovoror r tr ththahatat t mt ?imimimicmickckekeded d t?hehe e s st s?roronrongng ng?(r(?ea?l)l? c coc?ffffefeee?e te ?tasta?steste ste?? e enenjnjojoyoy.y. .??? h hahadhad d ad ??ses?co?ndnd ???p,p?, a??nd nd? th???flflaflavavoav????re?w w o onon on m meme e ee evevev?en en m mo m?oreor??, a??d ?I I tI ????ghghth?: : " """?it? r ?reare??lyly y i is is s d dedele?icicicioi?ousous ?fof??or aor a a da de?cacafaf.f.".?""<""?brb?r /r />/><>??r ?r />r />T>ThThehe he?ara??mama ?isisnsn'n?t ?trtrutrululyly ly s sa sat?isisfis?yiy??g g (g ?whwhyhy ?dodoeoeses ?ththith?is is a?lwlwawayaysys s hs hahaphappppepenen en wen wiwitithith h d?ececaec???) ) b) bubutbu?t It I I tI thI thihin?? m ma mana?y y dy dey dececaecafecaf f??ririnink??ersers s ws wi???? be be e ue ususe?d ?toto o? th??? l lalacla?<.<b?<br <br / ??<b<br<br <br /<br />/>T/>?TheThe e pe ?acack?aga?e e he hahadhad had t to t?o bo ?e ?snsnisnipi?ppeppeded ed o op opepenpen n?wiwitwith? s?ciciscissssosororsors s -s ----t-?thithisthis ?isis ?titigi?ghtgh??ly ly ply ?pacpackckecked?!-!---- -- a an andnd ?th??en en Ien I I jI jujusustus??pop?ouroure?d d id itit it iit ???to to? a a?zizip? l lo l?c c? fo foror or sor st?ororaor?ageag
itter taste, but instead, a good, strong flavor that mimicked the strong (real) coffee taste I enjoy. I had a second cup, and the flavor grew on me even more, and I thought: ""it really is delicious for a decaf.""<br /><br />The aroma isn't truly satisfying (why does this always happen with decaf?) but I think many decaf drinkers will be used to that lack.<br /><br />The package had to be snipped open with scissors --this is tightly packed!-- and then I just poured it into a zip loc for storage
???? t ?????rir?dgdgege.e.<.?brbr r / ??<b<br<b??/>/>I/>?'l'lll? s ststit??? w wiwitith??reregegugululalarar r cr cocofoffffefeee?? b ??t t I ?I'mI'm m??ururere re?mym? d ded?-c-cacafa? l lolovovivininging g f fr f?rierienendn?? w wi wilill????jojoyoy y ty ththithisi??""??515?8,8,B,?000?2T2???3E3E4E4,4?A1A??JOJ?SJSJNJN6N?FHFHFHFOF???"S"ShS?irirlrleleye?y Py PrP???cic??lala la J ?ohohnh?sosono?n "n """"A"AuA??hohoror/r?ReR?vivieviewewewerer r -r -.-.....?",",2,2,2,5,5,5?,5,,5,1,121?848?45045080?80800?????? F FlFla?vovoror,or,"?? a amam ?a a c ??ff??ee ee l?ovoveover?? I?t t it ?is is o ononeone e oe ?of of??hehe he? fe f?ew ew p plple??sus?ureur?s s os of?of mof mymy my? li lififefe fe? so so o I?? wa w?as as e ex excxci?tet?d ???o ro rerevre?vie?w w t th thi th?is is pis prprorododuod?ctct.t. . . ?OnOncn?e e re rerecrececeiceivi?eded ed I??opopepen??ed ed ied itit it u upup p a an andnd nd?gagavave? a a a g go g?oodood ?sns?if??. ?. I. I ?knknonowow w tw toto to? so?meme e te ththathata??mamaya?y sy so?unundnd nd snd ????id??, b, bu??t It I I lI ?lovlove?ve tve to?to oto opopeopen?? co c?offoffefeefe?e ae ana??nd hnd hah??e ??hehe ?araroaromoma? s su???rourounundund ??me,me, , t, ??thisthi??cocofcoffcoffe?? d di d?id id n ?
in the fridge.<br /><br />I'll stick with regular coffee, but I'm sure my de-caf loving friends will enjoy this." 4518,B002TMV3E4,A1XJOSJN6FHFO0,"Shirley Priscilla Johnson ""Author/Reviewer -...",2,5,5,1284508800,Good Flavor,"I am a coffee lover. It is one of the few pleasures of my life so I was excited to review this product. Once received I opened it up and gave a good sniff. I know to some that may sound stupid, but I love to open coffee and have the aroma surround me, this coffee did no
tt t d dodo o t ththahatat t at asas s m ?ucuchch h a asas as?ototh???s ?ththathatat at I I I?hahavhaveve e?usu?eded.d???? h ha h????o ?rereaealalll?? g gig?ve?? a a g go gooo?d ??ninififfff f t? to to s ?memele?ll ll t th t?e e ae araroromomama,a? b bub?t t it itit ??smesm?ellel?eded ed p prpreretrettt?y ?gog?oodoo??ononcncece ??I gI gogotgot t mt ??y ny ?oso?se se i ?n n t? the therereer??<b<?? / />/><><b<br<br r /r ?/>I/>I I sI ?setset ??utut ut? to? to b to ?brebr?w w m my m?se?lfl???? po potot.ot. . . ? I ?fof?llllollowowew??ed ted ththe?? di diri???titioion?s s as ana?d d ed enenlnlilisi?teteded ed med ?my my h hu hususbusbaban?d ?toto o ho ??havehave ???cuc?p p w wiwitithit?? . N. NoNow?? us u?uau?allally? I I I d I dodo do n nonotnot ??ririninkink k d de dececacafaffffeff?in?atateateded,ed, , s, soso o Io ????as as jas ?us?t t at a t a l lilitlittttlttlele le c co c??cecercernr?eded.ed. . D. DeDececaec?af af? to to to m to meme me??anan an???astastete te v veververyry ??lalat?. . B. BuBut?ut Iut ?I w??ititeited???and? a a a n a ni?cece ce s sm sme?llll ??ilillllell?????he he a ai a? F. ???inalina?llyll????r r cr coc?ff?ffeeffe???waswas s rs rerearead??y ay anandand and wand wewe we b?otothot??sasat?at dat dodowdownwn n tn to? t ta?st?e e te ththithis?? pr p??dud
t do that as much as others that I have used. I had to really give a good sniff to smell the aroma, but it smelled pretty good once I got my nose in there.<br /><br />I set out to brew myself a pot. I followed the directions and enlisted my husband to have a cup with me. Now usually I do not drink decaffeinated, so I was just a little concerned. Decaf to me can taste very flat. But I waited and a nice smell filled the air. Finally our coffee was ready and we both sat down to taste this produ
c?t.t. . M ?? h huhususbsbabanandnd d s sms??lel?d.d. . H. HeHe e l lolovovev?s s?ananyany ??ofo?fef??e te ththah?t t h ha h?s s As ?raraba???a a???an?s.s. . H. He. He ??loolooko?eded ed a at at ??e ??andand d sd sasaiaidid,d, , " """"u"?mmmmm???thithisis s is is???eaealealll?y y gy gogooo?d.?""?? M My M??tut?rnr?. . . I ?? sn sninifi?ffeffeded ?sosomomeme me????re,re, , I, I'I?? a a a r re r?eal?? sn sni snif?feferfer r??efefof????e ane a?ytyth?thinthingng g?go??? i inintntot???y y by ?ododyody.y. ?. I. ?t ??titil?l l s?memelmellllell?????retre?tyty ??oooodoo?d s?o o no nonowow w?foforfor ?ththeth?e te tae t???e e te tee tesestest.t.<t.?brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br ?r />r /?OkOkakayay,y, ?itit t wt wawas? d ??efiefininiin?iteitelelyly ly d di dif?iffeiffere?renrent? t th tha?n n t??e e De DuDununknkikinin in D ?ononun?tsts s cs ?cofcoff?ffeeffee ?e the thahatha?t It I'I'mI'??ususeuse ?e toe to o ao ?????ovoveove.e??. Ho. Howoweoweveveverver,r?itit it? ha had had ?a a sa smsmosm????? fl f?avavovor??, b, bubutut ut a a a la lilit?tltlele le r?icichicheherer er t? tha thanan an I?? li l??ke ke a an and? I? I d I didid?n'n't'?t st set seeeemeem m tm toto to n nonotnotiticticec?e t?e thae thatat at i??t wt wat wasas as das de??cafca?, ?ththath?at at wat ?waswa?s as a ?gogoogo?od od t???
ct. My husband smiled. He loves any coffee that has Arabica beans. He looked at me and said, ""ummm this is really good."" My turn. I sniffed some more, I'm a real sniffer before anything goes into my body. It still smelled pretty good so now for the taste test.<br /><br />Okay, it was definitely different than the Dunkin Donuts coffee that I'm use to and love. However,it had a smooth flavor, but a little richer than I like and I didn't seem to notice that it was decaf, that was a good thin
gg.g. . I ?? w ??s s?flflal???rfrfufulul l a ?ndn?????e e? a a p ???ttttyty y????d ???p p o ofof f c ??offoffefeeee.e. . . H ??bbb??y ly ??kek?d d id iti??a a?lolotot.t?. S. SoSo o I? w wo wouo??d ?hah??e ??o o so sas?y y iy itit it w wa wasas as a a a w a wiwininnnnenerer,r, , a a a g a ?googoodod od r ririci?? c?ofoff?eeee ee f???vovorvor r a??nd nd a a a g a go a g?oodoo?d pd prpripric?e.e."e.""4?5151919,9?B0B0000202T2TMT?V3V3E3E4E4,4???GBGBTBT4T?UNUN2N2R2RWRW7W7X7?Y,Y?PSP?3M3MyMyLyLuLuvuv,v,2,2,2,5,?,4,4,4,14,121?838383?171767?0000,00,G,???ood-ood-q-ququaualalilitlity? c co?fff??e e ae atat ?t a t a??decde?enentnt t pt ?pripricpricece,ce,",?I'I'm'?? a ?bibigi? c co? coff cof?feefee fee? dr d??nknke?r r (r ?mumucu?ch ch? ag a?aiaininsinsts?t mt mymy y by bebetettet?erer er j jujududgdgeg?memenentent)t),)?, b, ?utut t dt ??e e te toe to o ao ?a sa st?omo?macmach??coconcondndindititiitioionon,n, , I, I'I'vI'veve ?bebeebe?en en " """?fof?orcorce?d"d"""" "" t to? d dr dri dr??k k m??ststlstlyl????decadec?f f ff ?forfor ?ththehe ?la?stst st? fe fewew w y yeyeae?rsr?. . I. I I u usususuaualualll?ly ly? ju jusustus?t gt ?getget ?ththethe ?chchech?eapeapepese?st ?cocofcoff?ee?ee Iee I ??anan an f fi finindin??neneanearar ar??y ?ofoffoffiofficice?? a af aftfte??r ar alallall,l?
g. It was flavorful and made a pretty good cup of coffee. Hubby liked it a lot. So I would have to say it was a winner, a good rich coffee flavor and a good price." 4519,B002TMV3E4,A1GBT4UN2RW7XY,PS3MyLuv,2,5,4,1283817600,Good-quality coffee at a decent price,"I'm a big coffee drinker (much against my better judgement), but due to a stomach condition, I've been ""forced"" to drink mostly decaf for the last few years. I usually just get the cheapest coffee I can find near my office; after all,
I??dodonon'n't'? m mamakakeke e a a a l lolotot ?ofof f? mo m?oneon?y y a??? e evevevereryr?y py ?enennnnyny y cy ?ouounu?tsts.s. .?SoSo o i ?t ?waw?s s??icicec?e te toto o go gegetet ?ththih?s s Ms ???it????CaC?fefe e ge ?rorou??nd nd c co?ffffefeefe?e t???????lele.e???? / />/><>?<br<br ??/>W/>??en? I ?I mI ?madma?e e me mymy y fy ?irirsrstst t ct cucupup,p? I??wawaswas s is imi??ededidiai?tetel??y ay ?attat?tacta?tetedte?d bd byby y ty ththethe e pe ?plepleae?asaasanant? a?? pI ?utut t it inin n a a a? li lititt?lele le c cr c?eaeameam m a an and and ?4 4 S Sp Spl??nd?asas as? as a?s Is ?I uI usususuauala?lyl?y dy do?, ??andan?d fd ?ou?????thethe the?tatasta?steste e ae ?a la ?litli?tlt?le ?on? t th the?????hth?t st sisidi?de de y yey????uiu?iteite e be bib?itt?? . M. MaMaya?bebe e ie itit'it?s ?bebecbe?auaus?e e te the thi?s ??????ca??, , b, ?utut ut w?hahatat at I I ?dididdid d ld li?keke ke w wa w??as ias ititsit?s ps ?purpurerenrenen??s,s, , s, ??????in?? 5 ??-c-?cencentnt ??cof??fee??s us us??ualuallllyll?y ly ?acackc?. . I. I . I??havhave? m ma mada??de tde twtwowo ?cucupcu??s as a ?dad?ay ay s sisinsincnce? m my my y f?irirsir?? t ta tasastas?? a an and? o ??verver r tr ??the the lthe la
I don't make a lot of money and every penny counts. So it was nice to get this Melitta Cafe ground coffee to sample.<br /><br />When I made my first cup, I was immediately attacted by the pleasant aroma. I put in a little cream and 4 Splendas as I usually do, and found the taste a little on the light side yet quite bitter. Maybe it's because this is decaf, but what I did like was its pureness, something 50-cent coffees usually lack. I have made two cups a day since my first taste and over the la
sstst t??ouo?plp?e e?ofo? d ?ayaysys s I ??????rorowownw? t tot? l lil?kek?e te ??isi?s cs ?cofcoffffefeee?. . G GrGrarana??eded,d?? to to ???e ce ??coffcoffefeefe?e ie isis is p prp?etettt?? m mumucuchch h l??ikeike e we wiwini?e ?e ine in n tn ththath?t ??llll l? th t?e ?didififfffefferere??? v vavararir?etetietie?s s ts tat??steste e me momororere re? or or r l le lese?s s ts ths thehe he s sasama?? e exexcx?epe??t ft fofor??? the th?e le ?levle???l ol ?of of b bib???er?nenesne?ss,ss, , b, bubutu?t et evevevenven ?I I c??an an??elell? t th thi thisis is iis isis is gis gogou??me?t t ct co???eeee,ee?, m, mumucmu?? b?etettetteterte?r tr ththa??n tn thn the?he ohe ???nes nes? I I?gegetet et a ?at at m my my y ly loloco???? co c?offoffefeefee fee? st s?tantandndsd?s os ?or or eor eveveevenen n an atat at Mat McM?DoDononaon?aldald'd?s s (s (w(?hehenhen n t?n then theye?y gy gig???? ou out? f frf??????upsups)s???brb??/>/?<b<br<br r /?>F>FoF?or or aor ? p pa p??? o?f ?3,3, , t, ththeth?e pe prpripr??? s se see?msm??dedece??ntnt.nt. ?IfIf f yf yoyouou ou d dr dririnrinkn?k dk ??cacafcaf,f?, I, ??ththith??k k tk ??thisthis s is isis ?quq?it?e e we woe worortor?th th a a a??ryr???4454525?0,0?B0B0000202T2TMTMVMV3V3E3E4E4,4??363616?U4U4S4SXSXKXK7K7F7FCF?QEQ?,",?JoJ???ephep?
st couple of days I've grown to like this coffee. Granted, to me coffee is pretty much like wine in that all the different varieties taste more or less the same except for the level of bitterness, but even I can tell this is gourmet coffee, much better than the ones I get at my local coffee stands or even at McDonald's (when they give out free cups).<br /><br />For a pack of 3, the price seems decent. If you drink decaf, I think this is quite worth a try." 4520,B002TMV3E4,A361U4SXK7FCQE,"Joseph
PP.P??JeJenenkn?ininsns s?""""j"joj?e"e?"""""",",2,?,5,5,5??,1,121282?353???4040000,0?"N"NoN????adad,d? n nonotot ot g grg?eae?t.t.....???"N"No"Notot ot mot ?ucuchc? o ?????dedececac??f df drdririninkin?erer r ( ?ununlnlelesessss s Is I I a am a??crcrarava?in?g g a? c cu cupu??lal?ateat?? ni nigighg?t t ft ?oror r sr sosomomeme e re re?asa??n)n).)?. I. ?I hI hahav?e e te tot? s sasayay,y, , t, ththihisis s cs ?ofoffof?eeee e te tae tas?tetede? a av a?ereraeragageg?e ae atat at b?es??? I I ?amam ?a ??AWAWA? c?ofoffoffeoffeeee ee f fafanan,n, , a, an?d d cd ?comco??inging ing f?rorom? t ?theth?m m tm toto to t?hi?s.s.... ..?wew?llll l?iti?t mt mimismiss?ed? t th the th??mam?rkr?. . I. I . I g ga g?ave? s so s?omeome e te toe to o mo ?y y??ot?heherer er? in in n??awa? a an andn??shshe? s se s?eemee?medme?d hd ???pypy ?wiwitithith ?itit,it, ?so? 3 3 3 s st statararsar?s is in?? th tha that??re?sps?ecectect.?t. It. ?I mI mimigmi??t ?trtryr??mimixmixixininging ing iing it? w wi wit?ith ith m my my y ny no?n-n-d-?decde??f f cf ?cofcofff??e ?e toe to e to s??e ???w w iw ?it it tit ta??te????bubutu?t It I ??m ?????hoholholdldidining?ing ming mymy my? br bre?? . I. If. If f tf ththethe the p ??ricricece e we ?as? a? a f a fefewfew ?$$$? c ch che?apape
P. Jenkins ""joe""",2,5,3,1283558400,"Not bad, not great...","Not much of a decaf drinker (unless I am craving a cup late night for some reason). I have to say, this coffee tasted average at best. I am a WAWA coffee fan, and coming from them to this.. well it missed the mark. I gave some to my mother in law and she seemed happy with it, so 3 stars in that respect. I might try mixing it with my non-decaf coffee to see how it tastes, but I am not holding my breath. If the price was a few $$ cheape
rr,r??dedefefif?niniti?elelyl??wow?ulu?d d b ?umumpm???it it?upup p ap a a s ?tatarar.r????525212?,B,?0000202T2?MVMV3V3E3E4E???3M3MHM?3Q3????2X2??1U1U,U,p,popoio?intintltlolomomam?chchihicic,c,0,0,0,2,???,1,131?181?898969606?00000?????? m meme ??hehe e je jijitittit?tertersrs!s!,!,","I"?f f y ?ouou ou a arareare e te tre trur?ulyul?y ly lo?oko?iningin? f ?oro???? de dece?afa??th?atat t w?ililll? n nono o l lolonlongn?erer ?mamakmakeke e ye yoyouyourur r hr ?heahe?artart ??ac?e,e, ?ththithisis s? is i?s ns ?notno?t tt ththeth?e ce coc?ffffefeee?e fe ?forfor ?? it is??quq??iteite ??lal?avoavororforfuful?, ?sos?o Io ?? do do o ro rerec?omommommemenme?d d id ?it it tit ??o to ththothososese e we ?????cancan n s?titilillil?l tl to????atateate e ae a a ba bibitit it oit of? k ?kickickc?? in i????theitheirir r cr co??ffeff???."."?4545252252?2,B2,B0B00B002?TMTMVTM?V3EV3E4E4,E4,A,A1,A??8J8??GGGGKGK7K7W7?CFCFTF?,"??. . Y. YiYiningingling?in???""""L"LiLititeiterite???yAyArArkr?y"y"""""""",",0??,2,,2,4,4,?121?9393030606262424040000,00,","G,"?oooodod ?CoC?offoffefeefee,? N NoN??thi?ng? E ExExtx?raraora?ordordidininainararyary y Ty ThTho?ugughgh"h??"I"I "I w??oulouldld ld r rerecreco?mmmme?mendmend d td th?thisthi?s as asas ?s a s a g gog?oodood
r, definitely would bump it up a star." 4521,B002TMV3E4,A3MH3QGC42XZ1U,pointlomachic,0,2,3,1318896000,gave me the jitters!,"If you are truly looking for a decaf that will no longer make your heart race, this is not the coffee for you. It is quite flavorful, so I do recommend it to those who can still tolerate a bit of kick in their coffee." 4522,B002TMV3E4,A1T8J9GGK7WCFT,"J. Yingling ""LiteraryArky""",0,2,4,1293062400,"Good Coffee, Nothing Extraordinary Though","I would recommend this as a good
bbab?sisicic c c cocofo?fef??? I ItIt t?hahasas as?a a s sas??isisfsfyf??ngng g?flflalavavovoro? a an a?d d?wiwilillll l m mam?keke e m ma mananyny y a a a g ?oooodod ??????? c??offoffefeefee.e. e.??I I????feferfer r dr ?ririninkin??inging g mg mymy y cy co?ffffeffeeee ee b blblalaclackck k?? and an?d Id I I fI fof?unu?nd nd???is? t to to o? be be e pe prproprod?ucucece ??a ga ?googo?od od c?upup.up. . . ???t it ??is nis non?t t bt ?iti?tetere?????d ed evevev?n n t??ou??h h? I I? ha hadad ?th?e e de ?ececacafaffffe??inainatateateded d cd cod c?offoffeoffeeee,ee, , i ?it it d ?idid d nd nonotnot t tt tatasastas?te te f fl fla?t ?lil??ke ke? so so o mo mamanma?ny ny d de dececaecafafsaf? d do d?.".??454?2323,3,B,B0B000020?????E4E4,4,A,A4A?D5D5B5B7B7Q7?8A8???A6A6,6?"V"?yny?ny??"""??yn??od?"""""""?,0,0,0,2,2,2,4,??121?909000030038384840400?,N,??iceice e fe fo?r r ar a r a l lalatlatelate e ne ?igighghtght ???p,p,","M,"MyM?y wy ??fefe fe f fi finindindsds s is itit ?bibizbizazara?re? t th??? I I I e I ?enjenjojoyoy y ay a a g?oooodood d cd cud cupup up? of o? j jo?e e je ?usustst ?t bet befefoef??e e Ie I I cI cacalca?? i?t ?a a na ni??ghtght.ght. . Y. YeYeaeahah,h, , s, sosomo?etetitimtimemesmes s Is ?I gI ?etet et?? a l a lilitlitt??e ?spspipik??y dy dudueue ??o ?to
basic coffee. It has a satisfying flavor and will make many a good cup of coffee. I prefer drinking my coffee black and I found this to be produce a good cup. It is not bitter and even though I had the decaffeinated coffee, it did not taste flat like so many decafs do." 4523,B002TMV3E4,A4D5B7Q8A7PA6,"Vynny ""Vynrod""",0,2,4,1290038400,Nice for a late night cup,"My wife finds it bizarre that I enjoy a good cup of joe just before I call it a night. Yeah, sometimes I get a little spiky due to to
o????chc??cacafa???ini??????aka?e e ae ??? s soso ?I I t tht?ouougughg?t t I I'I???gig?vev?e te ?thithisis s?dedececacafcaffff ff?a a g ??. .??hah??t yt yoyou? g ge g??t it isis is a? g go g??d d cd cucupu? w wiwitiththoth?outout ?ananyan? b bibit??erernrne?ssss ?bubutut t i?t't's's ???lilit??lel??weweaeak? a?nd??? r rerececoec?mmmmemenendnd nd dnd ?roropoppppipininging g? ab abobououtout out 5 505?% % m mo mororere re i in i??o ?yo?urur r b??rewrewe?r r tr ?to to?? get get t a? f ?ulu???r r fr flflal??oror.or. . A. AlAlslsoso,so, ,? as a??itit'it's's 's?vavacacu??m m p pap?ackac??d d id in?intointo o ao a a sa slslilimli????rdrdbd?boaboarard????x x i it i?t a?rrr?iv?eded d c?omompomplpleletle??lyly y sy ?ququiuis??eded ed f fl flalatlat ?- -?nonotoththithinthingng g lg lilikli?? t th t?he he f fa fatat at? ph phohothoto??inin in t? the th?e ae ame amam?zozono? p pr p???ucuctuc?t st shs? ?I I kI knkno?w w i??'s?'s a's a ?mim?inoinoror or t? thi thining???o o co cocomompomplomp?lailainin in ain ababo??ut ut? bu but??I ?li?likelike ??lealeav?in?ing ing ming mymy ?cocofcoffffeff?e ?ououtout out nout ??xtxt t tt to???thethe e ce co?coffcoffefeefe?e me mamakmake?r ?anandan??ththi?s s i?tetemtem m wm wowououlouldldnd?'t't t et ?ve???sts
o much caffeine intake and so I thought I'd give this decaff a go. What you get is a good cup without any bitterness but it's a little weak and I recommend dropping about 50% more into your brewer to get a fuller flavor. Also, as it's vacuum packed into a slim cardboard box it arrived completely squished flat - nothing like the fat photo in the amazon product shot. I know it's a minor thing to complain about but I like leaving my coffee out next to the coffee maker and this item wouldn't even st
aana?? u upu?. . I ItI????s s a ababobououtu??1/1?2"2?? t tht???k!k?<b<brbr r / ?><>?<br<br r /r />/>S/>SoSo o???ou'ou'r'rere e n nonoto?t gt gogoio??g g t to t?o ho hahavaveve ??r ?WoWololflf f c cocomo???ndndindininging g yg yoyouyou u??oro??yoyouyouryour r gr grgre?atat t ct ???????wiwitithth th t th thi?s s os ononen??bub?ut ut f fo f?or or a a a d dedececac?ff???it it a ai ainin'in't't t ht ha?lflf lf b bab??.".""????4,4???0202T2??V3V?E4E?4,A4,A1A?BTBTGTG3G3838X8XSXSGS?YLY?W3W3,3,A,?dederderyr?n,n,0,??2,2?3,3,13,121?898989868656565???,I,???s s o?kakayay,y,","L"?ikikeke e me ?osostst t Mt ?ele???tata a b br b?rewre?s,s????? fou founund?????s s o??ne ne? to???e ?sos?omeom?whw?hathat ?mimidi?dld?e ?ofo?????e re roroao? . . I?t't?'s 's c ce cere???in?lyl?? no notot ot? un u?ndrnd???kakabkablblele,le???butbut t it itit'it???no?t t tt ?thethe the f fi f?rsr?st st o ononeone e Ie ?'d'd ??reareacreachch h f fo for for,r, ?eie? . . A. AsAs s ms ??anyan??ofof of t??e ?e ote oththetherthe??re?viv?eweweewer?s s ms mes menententit?ononeonedone?, , I, I I? di did? f fi fin findnd ?itit ???ararlr?ly ly u? und undrdririnri?kakab??? w?hehenhe? b??ew?ewedewed d id inin in t? the??quq?????tyty ?
and up. It was about 1/2"" thick!<br /><br />So you're not going to have Mr Wolf commending you for your great coffee with this one but for a decaff it ain't half bad." 4524,B002TMV3E4,A1BTG38XSGYLW3,Aderyn,0,2,3,1289865600,It's okay,"Like most Melitta brews, I found this one to be somewhat middle of the road. It's certainly not undrinkable, but it's not the first one I'd reach for, either. As many of the other reviewers mentioned, I did find it nearly undrinkable when brewed in the quantity s
??owownwn;n? I ??tht?ini????ouou u h hah??e e? to t? a atat t l ?eae??t t dt dod?oubou?le?? th thehe e ae amamom?ounountnt t yt yoyouyou u uu usu???tot?o go ?etet t at a a g gog??? c ?upup,p? s ?o o to ??keke e t??hatha?t it inintintoto to c co cononsn?idided?rarat?ioion? w whw??? f fifigi?uruririningin? t th the the ?vav??ueue.e.<.<b<brb?????<br<b????I'I?m m? a a l li litittttltlele ???ns?it????? to to to? ca cafa?fefeiein??e a??d d ld ??keke ke t to to to h to ?havhaveve ??a da dedecde?af? o ?on on hon ?hanhandnd nd???r ?drd???nkinkininging ing l la l?ateaterer er?inin in? th???dadayay,y, , a, ana???I I bI ?ou?ghghtht ?th??s s p ?ririmri?araririlrilyly y???????e we wiwitithit? m mymy y My MrMr.r. . C CoCofoffffeff?e e fe ?raraprappppep???makmakekerker r (r (<(<a<a ??rerefef=f="="""??htthttpt??////w/www?ww.ww.a.amamaam?zozonon.on?cocomo?/g/gpgp/p/p/prproprododuoducu?t/t/B/B0B?020??WMWMFMF8F8G8??"">"">M>???. C. Co?ffffe??e Be ?VMVMCM?-F-?M1M1 1???-O-OuOununcncece ?FrF?raprapprappepe pe M ?akakeaker?</</a/a>a>;>??leletlet t mt mem?e je jujus?t t pt puputu?t it int in ??a qa ququiuicickck k pk ?it?chch h fh foforor or t th??at,at, , I, ?I lI ?ovo?ve ve ive itit!it!)!) ) ? I I f fo?unundund d td ththethe e "e """"R""RiRiv?ieiereraera a Sa ?ununsun
hown; I think you have to at least double the amount you use to get a good cup, so take that into consideration when figuring the value.<br /><br />I'm a little sensitive to caffeine and like to have a decaf on hand for drinking later in the day, and I bought this primarily to use with my Mr. Coffee frappe maker (<a href="""">Mr. Coffee BVMC-FM1 20-Ounce Frappe Maker</a>; let me just put in a quick pitch for that, I love it!) I found the ""Riviera Suns
?etet"t"""" "???ooo?d d??p p w ?elelll? t ?to to?alallll ll? th thehe e m mim?lkl????lalavavovoroririningng,g, ?ana?d ??cec??ininhinheherhererene?t t??? m?aka?in?g g a a a? fr frar?ppp?e e (e (a(agagagaia?in,in, ??iti?? a a a s a sis?gngninififif?icaicanantant t it ????reareasa??e ie ine in n?? the th??amamomouounu?? u us usesedse?).)?<b<brbr r / ?><><b?r ??/>I/>I I w wo w?oulouldl?d pd prpror??abablb?? n ?oto?t pt ??rcr?hahasasease e te ??isi? c ?ofoffffefeee??jujusustst st?beb?cacaua?useuse ?of???y ??wnw??viviei?wsws s os onon n cn ??ff??ee;ee; ;?I I lI lol?ookook k? fo foror or b??rdrd-d-f-??rierien?dldlyly,ly?, F, FaFaiairair r Tr TrTraradraded?e be ??anandan?s,s, , a, an, and? I?? fi finindin??no???thinthingng ng t to t?? in indndindicica????e the thahathat t Mt MeM???ittittat? m ma mak ma?eses s as ananyany ???????t tt to?to mto mem?eeteet t t?heheshe?se se e exe??pecpectcta???on??. .? L LeL?avaviav??ing ing? as asi?de? t th the thes thesese se cse ???sisid?ere?ratrati?onons??, t, ththothou??h,h????ththi?thinkthink ???thosthosese se wse whwhoh?o eo en???y y ay a a sa sosomomemewme??atat ?lilig?htht,t?, e, ??sysy-y?drdri?nkn?kinki???brbrebr?ew ew w wo wou woululdld ld l li?ke? t? thi th?is is? co c???feefee.e???454
et"" stood up well to all the milk, flavoring, and ice inherent in making a frappe (again, with a significant increase in the amount used).<br /><br />I would probably not purchase this coffee just because of my own views on coffee; I look for bird-friendly, Fair Trade brands, and I find nothing to indicate that Melitta makes any effort to meet these expectations. Leaving aside these considerations, though, I think those who enjoy a somewhat light, easy-drinking brew would like this coffee." 45
?2525,5?B0B000?2T2TMTMVM?3E3E4E??A3A3838K8?K0K??ZYZ??H5H5U5??,B??sysy y E ExExexececucututit??e,e,0,0,0????,1,?282?858565?969??00,00,G,GoG??? f foforor r a a a m ?asa?s-s-p-prp??oduoducu???d dd ded?ecaecafaf,f?"O"OkOkakayay,y, , I ?'m'm m a??cocomompmplp?etetete e c?ofo?fefeeee e ne nunutut:ut?? I' I'v'veve ve e evevevenve? b bebeeeeneen n kn knknonowo?n ?toto o g ??rowro???y y oy owownown n bn ??ana?s,s?, a, ?andand d wd ?hehenen n In ? r rurunun ?ououtut ut?of? m my my my p prpripr??atatete te l ?ababebelbel,l, ?I ?tetente?d d td ?to to? en enjnjoj???ththe? b ba b?ddddedesdests??KoKononana a oa oror or??amamamaimaicicac?an an B BlBlul????ouounountntataiainin ?? c?anan an fan fifinindind.d?<b<brb?r /r ?><><b?r r /??StStitilti?l,l, l, s sosomomeom??imimemeses s I? j jujus??t wt ?anantant t at a ?quq?ic?? c cu cupup p o?f f? re resespespepecectectatabta???? co cof coff?ee? w wiw?th??????llll ll t ?thethe e fe fufus?s,? a?nd? t th thihisis s is isis is w wh whah?at at I??wa????opopip??g g f fo for?or ior ?in in? th the the e Me Mee M??itittittata ta?RiRiv???rara a da de?cacafca?. .?ToTo o ao ?a ga gogoooodood d d?egegrgregree?, , I, I , I w?as??ha?ppp???wiwitwithth th?itit,it??bubutut ut iut it?'s's ?cecerce?tataitaininlinlyly y ny no
25,B002TMV3E4,A38KK0SZYEH5UD,Busy Executive,0,2,3,1288569600,Good for a mass-produced decaf,"Okay, I'm a complete coffee nut: I've even been known to grow my own beans, and when I run out of my private label, I tend to enjoy the baddest Kona or Jamaican Blue Mountain I can find.<br /><br />Still, sometimes I just want a quick cup of respectable coffee without all the fuss, and this is what I was hoping for in the Melitta Riviera decaf. To a good degree, I was happy with it, but it's certainly no
tt t??omomem??hihini?g g I I'I'd'd d c ?ururlr??upup p w wiwiti??? wh w??n n i ?????e e?momooo?d ???r r a a a r rer???lyl? o ouoututst?tatanandndidiningin??cu?p p op ?f f c?ofoffoffef?e.e.<.<b<brb??/>/><>???r /r />r />T>ThThehe he?pop??ititiitiviveveses s a ar arere re t th thehe he ahe ?rorom?a,a, , t th?e ?unu??foforformrmimitityity y oy ofof of t th the the the g grgrir?indind ?an?d d td ?the?? ov o?verve??allall l tl ta?ststeste,e??????h h I?'d? r ra ratatete ??s s fs fafaiairi?rlyrly ??milmildl?d ad and and? m ma mayaybybebe ?e a e a s sl sliligighghtht t bt bibitit it? on on n tn th??the athe ???d d sd si?ded?e. e. I I I f fofoufo?undund d Id ???liklikek???it??bebesbestst st e ??ithithe?r r ir inin ?a ?FrFre?ncn?ch ch p pr p?resressss s os or? i in in n mn mymy y Vy ??iviiviaian????spsprp?resressresso? m ma???r r -r ???wow?o to tetecte???niqniququeu??? th tha thatat at m?? make mak?e te ththethe ?mo?stst st ost ?outou?t ot ofof of sof so?memewmewhwhawhatat ???eakeak k c? cof co???e.??BrBrerewrewewedwed d cd cocono?vevenve?titioiononaonalall?y,y, , I, I I fI ?fou??nd nd Ind ??cocouco??? c???pepenensensasatateat?e be ?y y uy ususi?ng?? so s?omeom?whwhawhatwha?t mt ?mormo?re re cre cocofco?ffeffeeee ee t th? than than n un ?usuusuaual??.<b.<brbr br?/>??<br<br <br / /> /???
t something I'd curl up with when in the mood for a really outstanding cup of coffee.<br /><br />The positives are the aroma, the uniformity of the grind and the overall taste, which I'd rate as fairly mild and maybe a slight bit on the acid side. I found I liked it best either in a French press or in my Viviano espresso maker - two techniques that make the most out of somewhat weak coffee. Brewed conventionally, I found I could compensate by using somewhat more coffee than usual.<br /><br />Sti
lllll,l? a ala?ththoh?ugughgh h n ??t t a a a?ses?ririoiou?s s???mpm?ete?ititotoror r t ?to to t th t?e e??ororlor???s s bs ?esestst ?cocofcoffffefeeees?, , i, ?it it?dodoeo?esnes??t t c?osostst st?$5$5050 0 a? a p a ?ouounoundn?, , e, eieitithitheherher.r? I I'I'd'd d??avavev??to??sas?y y t th tha thatat t ft fofor? t th the the e pe prpriricri?e,e, ?, it, i??'s 's? de defefifininin?iteit???y wy wo??thth th? tr tryryiyiningin?.".""?454?2626,6?B0B?020??MVMV3V3E3?4,4,A,?1G1?D9D9W9??J8J8W8WJWJ1J1818P8P,P,P,P.P?. J. J.J. . R. RoRowowawanan,n,0,0,0?2,2?5,5?121?888?313?040404?00,00,G,? . N. NoNotot ot l lilikikeke ?ot?he?her her d de??afaf.f.,.?"G"GrGreGreaeatea?. ?. No. Notot ot lot ?likli?ke ke o ?othotheotherer er?? dec?afaf,af?, w, ?hihici??h sh seseeseeme?s ?to?to hto ha?v v a a a w a wewei???d td tatasa?steste ??o o m ??. ?IfI? y yoyou? k ke??p p?? tri tr?al?ininging ing??ifi?ffefferereer?ntn??dedececacafcafsfs s ts tos t??fifinfindnd nd o on onene e ye yo?u u l?ik??e, e, d? def defifinfinifinit?itelite?ly ly g ??ve? t th thi th?s s as ? t tr try try.y."?445452527527,7?,B0,B0000200???MV3MV?3E43E?4,A4,A3A3L3?2K2KYK?OYO?DWDWSW?RPRPLPL,L,L,?osostostptplp?ananeanetet,et,0,0,,0,2??4,?12128128888288??404004000??LiL?ike? i ??.,?? l li?keke ke tke th?e ?sms
ll, although not a serious competitor to the world's best coffees, it doesn't cost $50 a pound, either. I'd have to say that for the price, it's definitely worth trying." 4526,B002TMV3E4,A1GD9WEJ8WJ18P,P. J. Rowan,0,2,5,1288310400,Great. Not like other decaf.,"Great. Not like other decaf, which seems to hav a weird taste to me. If you keep trialing different decafs to find one you like, definitely give this a try." 4527,B002TMV3E4,A3L2KYOYDWSRPL,Lostplanet,0,2,4,1288224000,Like it.,I like the sm
oooootothth h t ????e e?ofo? t?hih???coc???eee?. .??? i isis is?dedece?afaf ?soso o n ?otot ot t to t?oo oo s st?rorono?g g?bub???rer???lyl????ot ot vot vevereryry y ly liligi?htht t et eieitiththether????It'It's'?s js jujusu?st st?? the the ?liliglighghtght t ct ?cofcoffffefeefe?e te ?thathata?t st ?somsomem?titimimemesmes s ns ??eedee??d d a atat at m ?????ayay.y. . r. ?recreco??memenmendndededded.ded??454525?8,8?B0B000?2T2TMTMVMV3V3E3E4E4,4,A,AYAYNYNANAHA?999?3V3?DEDECE?T,T,b,bsbsgsg2g20200004004,4,04,0,0,2,?,4,4,4,14,1212828728797969646??0000,00?GoG??d ???r r p papacackc?agageg?d d gd grgrorourounu??? co cof?offeoffeeee,ee,","T"ThT?hishi?s is is?is gis gog??ood ood?foforfor ?pa?ckckackag?eded ed??grogr?un?d ?cocofcoffcoffefee?, , a an a?nd nd fnd fo?? d de dececaec?af,af?, i, ??? de def defif?ninit?elely??hah?as as? a a s st s?ro??ng ng c? cof coff?eeee ee? fl flalavavovoror.or. . T. ??isis ?is?is gis gris grereare??at fat ?for?for tfor ththa?t ???indindid??g g dg ??wnwn n c?upup p? of of ?cocofcoffcoffecoffee?ee lee ?latla?te te n ni nig?ht??? tha thatat ?wowon?'t'????eepeep ?yoyou? u up? b be b?eca?ususeuse e oe ofof of t? the the the??afaffaf?feifein?e.e.<e.<b<?r r /r />/??<br<br r /?>E>EaEacachach ?seseaealealeled??papacpackpac?kagkage? h?ololdldsds ?tetente
ooth taste of this coffee. It is decaf so not too strong but really not very light either. It's just the light coffee that sometimes needed at mid-day. recommended. 4528,B002TMV3E4,AYNAH993VDECT,bsg2004,0,2,4,1287964800,Good for packaged ground coffee,"This is good for packaged ground coffee, and for decaf, it definitely has a strong coffee flavor. This is great for that winding down cup of coffee late night that won't keep you up because of the caffeine.<br /><br />Each sealed package holds ten
o ??ncncecese? o of of f e exextxtrtrara-a-f-?ininene e???ou??d d c coc???eeee.e??ThT??e be babagag g?fefeefe???s ss ststut???y y i ifif f yf ?ouou ou p prprer?feferfer r??o o k kek??p p?yo??ur ur g gr gro?unundun??co??ffeffeeee ee??? i?tsts s os oro??gigin?alal l p pa pacackckakagagiag??g.g.<.?brbr ??><>??r r /r />r />W>WiWiti?h h? co cofoffof?feefee fee p pr priricricecesces s gs gog???ing ing?upup,p, , i it??mam?y ?bebe e ae a a g go gooo?d d id ididedeae?a ta to? c? com co??ara?re re t th the? p pr??cecesces ces o?? t th thi thisis s (s (i(ifif if?????tr?y y ty ??isis is???nd nd l lilikike?? it it, it?, y, ??you you???t t a a a b bebetbettttetere????iciceice e we ???h h th ththethe e Ae AmAmamazmazozonon n Sn ??bsb?crcri????? S ?ava??e oe opoptp?ioionon)on???verve?sus??s gs ges g?ettet?tintingng ??cofcoffcoffefeefee fee bfee ??an?s s fs ?ro??? yo you yo??ur lur loloco?alal al? co cof coff?ffeeffee ??hoh?op op a an a???grgrigrinindindidining??th????atat ?hohomho?e e o???hahav?ininging ??he?he che cocofcoff???ee see shshoshopop op gop gr?gringrindnd ???themthem them f fo for? y? you you. you???4545252929,9,B,B0B0000202T2TMT?V3V?E4E?????L2L262636??XCX?00?EZE?,M,?ononion??a a Ja J.J. . K. KeK??n,n?0,0,2,?,5,5,5,1,?282?767616?
ounces of extra-fine ground coffee. The bag feels sturdy if you prefer to keep your ground coffee in its original packaging.<br /><br />With coffee prices going up, it may be a good idea to compare the prices of this (if you try this and like it, you get a better price with the Amazon Subscribe & Save option) versus getting coffee beans from your local coffee shop and grinding them at home or having the coffee shop grind them for you." 4529,B002TMV3E4,A14L2638XC00EZ,Monica J. Kern,0,2,5,1287619
2202?0,0?"r"?obobubusustst,t? r rereaeala? c coc?ffffefeee? t tat??steste e we ??ththoh?utut t t?hehe e ce ?afaffffeffeieininen?",",","D,"DiDisiscs?lal??memerer:r: : I ?'m'm m a ? c?ofoffoffefeefe?e ae ??did?ctc?? I I' I????lslsoso o? a a S StSta?rbrbubucbuckc?? a ad add?ic?t,t, t, s soso so I I' I'v I'????ececo?me????bib?? s??obobbob?y y a ab a?ou??t mt mym????ff???e pe prpre??ferfe??ncncec?s ????? ca canan'an't't t st st?anandan?d td ththeth??ececoeconononomno??? st s?ufu?ff.ff. . . I I'? I've I've e he hahadad ad? re rege???larlar r??elelilit?tata ta c? cof coffffeffeeffee ffee b bebefbefofororere re a an a?nd nd?wawasas as??ava??oraor??lyl?y iy im?pr?esesses?eded d bd ?by by i it??, s, soso ?? d ??eciecididededded d td tod to ?gigivive? t th the the ?dedecde?cafcaf f??verve?sis??on on? a a t a trtryry.y. . E. EsEspspepececieciaeci?allallyly ly? wh whehenhe? t th the the the w we wea?ththe?r r gr geg????cocolcoldl?, , I, I ?liliklikek?e a??niniciceice e h?otot t ct cucupu??ofof of c? cof?fe?fee fee i in in n tn th?? e eve?venvenininningngsg?s a?nd?nd dnd ??on'on't't 't p pap?rtrtitic?ul?ar? w wa wanantant t tt tot??be? t to tososss?sinsing? a an??d td tud t?rnr?ninningnin? h ???ursurs ?lalatlateter?.<.<b<brb?r /r ?><><b?????ThT?he he R ?iviviiv
200,"robust, real coffee taste without the caffeine","Disclaimer: I'm a coffee addict. I'm also a Starbucks addict, so I've become a bit snobby about my coffee preferences and can't stand the economy stuff. I've had regular Melitta coffee before and was favorably impressed by it, so I decided to give the decaf version a try. Especially when the weather gets cold, I like a nice hot cup of coffee in the evenings and don't particular want to be tossing and turning hours later.<br /><br />The Rivi
eere????ununsn??t t d ??cac?f f c coc?ffffef?e e i ?s s a ana? e exe??elellllel?ntn?t dt ??cacafcaf f ff foforo? t tht?osose? t ti t????s ys ?ouou u???n'n't't t wt waw??t t tt th????eae?l l??hih??g.g. . I ItIt ?hahadad d a a a n ?icicece,ce???icichich h f ?lal?vov?or or w wiwiti?th th n no no o?bibit?teter? a af aftfte?rtrtatasaststete.te. . . ??hihilhi?le le I I I??on?titin?ueue e te tot?o po prpre?feferfer r tr th?the the r??ealeal l tl ththithininging g??? m momos??t ot ??cacascasisioi?onsons,s???'m'? g glglaladlad d td ?to to?knk?owo? t th?er?e'e's'??????odo???fl??avoavororforfuf?l ??ububsb?stist???te? f fo f??or wor whwheh?en en? I I d I ??on'on't???an?ant ant c ca cafaffaf?feife?inein?.".?44545353030,0?B0B000020?TMTMVMV3V3E3?4,4,A,?2U2??IQIQUQUOUOAOABA?4747O7OTOT,T,","D"?? " """?BeBee?n n an ara??ounoundnd ????r ar a a fa fefewfew ??eaearearsrs s ns no?w"w"""""""?,0,?0,20,2,2,5,5,5,1,??878???6464040000,00?VeV??y y?smsmomoomooto?th th ath anandand d rd ??bubusust?,S,SmS?moo????wi?th?th nth ?no no s sa s?crcririfri?iciceice ??in in t??astas?te te ate an?and and d do doe doeses es t ta?ststest????? go g?oodood d ad as?as ras ?regre?ululaular??? cof coffffeffee?. . . I. ? u ???alallallyl?y dy ?dondon'n'tn'
era Sunset decaf coffee is an excellent decaf for those times you don't want the real thing. It had a nice, rich flavor with no bitter aftertaste. While I continue to prefer the real thing on most occasions, I'm glad to know there's a good, flavorful substitute for when I don't want caffeine." 4530,B002TMV3E4,A2UQIQUOAB47OT,"DB ""Been around for a few years now""",0,2,5,1287446400,Very smooth and robust,Smooth with no sacrifice in taste and does taste as good as regular coffee. I usually don't
?hahava?e e?????coc?ffffef??e ae afaftfteterer r?did?nnnnen?er er a?ndnd d n ?nevneve??r rr ???lll?y y cy ?arare?d ????r dr dedece?cafcaf f b bubutut t I ?? no nowow w h ha havaveav??e ane a?? af aftfteft?er ??dindinnnnennerer er aer alaltal?terternrnan?tit??ve ve? an and and ?????acacrcrirififificicec?e ie in? f flf?avavoavor?..4?5353131,1,B,B0B?020?TMTMVM?3E3E4E4,4,A,ATA?LOLO3O3Y3YXYXUXU2U2B2?C1C1616,6,",???? Z Z Z " ?"m"mum?sis??? af??iciicioiononanadnadodo"o?"""""??0,0,2,2,2,5,??121???44446464640400?,D,DeD?lilicici???us,us,","B,"BoBoyo??, , t ththih?s s w ?asas s gs ?oooodod.d. . T ThThehe e a?ror?mam?? wh w??n n yn yoyouou ou f fi firi?stst t ot ?pepenen ?ththethe e pe papacackac????e le leleaeavea?vesves s os ononeon?e we wiw??th th g ?re??? a an ant an??cicipi??titioti?? t?ha?t t yt ??? w wi wilillll ll s??oonoon ?beb?e ee ?enjen?oy??inging g a a a g gr g?reareatreat ??upu? o ofof of j jajavavaava.a. ?ToT?oo oo o of oftfteftenfte?n tn tin timimeim??s ,s ???thethe the r ?resresusulu???dodoedoes??? not not t mt memee?t t tt ?thethe the ethe exexpxpepecpectctatatatiatioionio?s.s. ????t st sos???witwithth th tth ththe?the Mthe MeMeleliel?ittitta? C CaCafafeaf?e Ce CoC?llllellecectectitiotiontion n !n ! ! T Th Thehe he??ofoffof???e we wae w?? a am a????stst st t? the th
have any coffee after dinner and never really cared for decaf but I now have an after dinner alternative and no sacrifice in flavor. 4531,B002TMV3E4,ATLO3YXU2BC16,"Jim Z ""music aficionado""",0,2,5,1287446400,Delicious,"Boy , this was good. The aroma when you first open the package leaves one with great anticipation that you will soon be enjoying a great cup of java. Too often times , the result does not meet the expectations. Not so with the Melitta Cafe Collection ! The coffee was amongst the
b ?esestst t?I I?hah??? e eveveverver r?tatasaststest??. . T TrTrereaeatat t yt ?ouourursrses??? t to t? a a a f ?ana??tasta??ici? s ?plp?ururgurgege e !e !"!?4454?3232,2??0000202T2TMTMVMV3V?E4E?,A,?DYDY8Y838363???6Q6QSQSYSYRY??"a"ara??nanamam m??"a??rdnrdnanamnam"m"""""""","???2,2,42,4,??282868?585?242404?00,00?SUSURURPRPRP?ISISESE!E!,!,I,??am???oto?t at a a ba bibigi?? fa fanan an?ofof f df dedececac???eieininanatnateteded ed c cocof??feefee-e----I-I I fI ?igiguig??e ?whwha???s s? th theh?e pe popoioinintin?? ? T Ta Tasastastete te?isi?s ss soso o oo ofoftofte?n n c?omompm?ror?omiomisiseiseded.ed. . . I I I h ha hav?e e re rerecre?ene??lyly y f fo fouounou?? t th tha thatat at c ca c?affaffe?ininein??bobotothotheherhe?rs rs m ?e ??f f If ?I dI ?rir?inkink k? it it t at aft aftfte?r r 7r 7p7??m sm soso so i it it' it's? d ??cacafcaff???r r nr nonotnoththih??g g ag at??????at pat ?? . ?RiRivi?iei????SuS??ririsrisese se t?asastasteastes??lilikikeke e re ree regegug?lal?ar ar c co cof coffffeffeee?. . . I. I I wI waw?as as s so so ??mpmprmpreresre????d Id I I dI deI d?eciecididededded d td toto ?trtryr?y iy itit ?t ast as ??y y my ?oro?ninininging ing? co cof coff cof?feefee.fee. ??? e???ecectectetedted d t??????? a??veververyver????egaeg??
best I have ever tasted. Treat yourself to a fantastic splurge !" 4532,B002TMV3E4,ADY836HK6QSYR,"ardnam ""ardnam""",0,2,4,1286582400,SURPRISE!,I am not a big fan of decaffeinated coffee--I figure what's the point? Taste is so often compromised. I have recently found that caffeine bothers me if I drink it after 7pm so it's decaff or nothing at that point. Riviera Sunrise tastes like regular coffee. I was so impressed I decided to try it as my morning coffee. I expected to have a very negati
v?e e?reresesps?ononsn??e te ?o o n nonoto? g ???tit?ngng g t tht?e e me mom??ninin?g g cg ?afafff????e ?ofof f m ?y y u ???ala? c coc??fefeefee e be ?utu?t tt ?thath??t dt ?idi? n no notot ot??apappppep?n.n. . ?IfIf f yf yoyouou u m???t t gt gigiviveve ve u up up p??afaffaffefeifeinineine ine t th thihisis s i is? a a a g gr g?reareat? s sosolo?ututiutioi??..4454535?3,3,B,???2T2?MVMV3V3E3???A2A2P2?K6K6464O4?VZV??1U1?8Z8Z,Z,J,JaJakakekesestes??r,r??,2,2,2,5,?,1,12128285858589891912120120000,00?ExExcxcec?ptptitiotion??al al c co cof?offeoff?e!e?,I,?'v'veve ve dve dedececa?ffffiffininainatateatede???a fa ?fewfe?? ti timi?eses es a?ndnd d ad ald alwlwawaya?s s fs fifin???my??selselfl?f rf reretretuturu??ininging ing???o co ca?caffcaffifinfi????d d cd ??ff?eeee ee???or or? th the the e fe flf???oror.or. ??itithth th? th?is???rorododud?ctct t It I I w ??on'on't't t ht hahavha????to to d dodo ???thatthat t at ananynymymomormore?. ??hehe he f fl fla??vorvor r o ofof of t?? this this s cs cocofcoffcoffefeefee fee i is is s es exe?xcexcep?ti?tiontionanalna?. . I. ??'s'???s ?s fus fulu?l l al anandand ?ririci?h h a?s s a?ny? o of offff ff t th?? s?hehelhe??? co cof coffffe????I'vI've??eveve?r r tr tat??tetedte?. ?HiH??hlh?y y ry rerecreco?mmm?
ve response to not getting the morning caffeine of my usual coffee but that did not happen. If you must give up caffeine this is a great solution. 4533,B002TMV3E4,A2PK64OVZA1U8Z,Jakester,0,2,5,1285891200,Exceptional coffee!,I've decaffinated a few times and always find myself returning to caffinated coffee for the flavor. With this product I won't have to do that anymore. The flavor of this coffee is exceptional. It's as full and rich as any off the shelf coffee I've ever tasted. Highly recomme
nndndedede?..??535?4,4,B,B0B000020???V3V3E3?4,4,A4,A1A1010Z0ZBZBRBR6R6O6O8O?S8S?OCOCYCY,Y,D,?atat t???ngng,g,0,0,0,2,2,2?4,4,14,?282???4594592920200?,G,GrG?eaeat? t toto o????nknk k a ?ftfteterer r d di dininninnen?er,er,",?ThThihisi??MeMeleliliti?tata a R ?ivi?????a Sa ???sesete????ene?nd nd i is? a??ninici?e,e, ,? an andnd ?liliglighghtht t ct ??ffffef?e e??hahatat ??is ?susuiu?itait?blbleble e fe foforo???nyn??imi?e e oe ofof of d da daya?. . I ItIt't's's s ps pap?rtrtiticticuc?lal?arlarlyly y g ?rereareat?at fat foforfo???dridrininkinkik?ingin???t t nt ninignighghtght ?t bet bece??ususe? i?t ?isis is dis ?decde?cafca??eieininain???ed.ed. ??Th????textextxtut??re re i?s ??nicnice??, a, ??? d??ese??s nos n??t ht ha?veve ?anan an a ac acic?did?ic ic t?asa?te???or or? an? . I. ?It'It's's 's??meameanantan??foforfor for c ??susuasualal l d?ririnri?nkenkererser?. . . I. I . I d do do do p ??refrefeferfe?r mr mym?y cy ?cofcoff?ffeeffee e de dad?arkarkeker?er, er,?WIWITI??? ca cafaffaffifinineine,e, e, b bubutu?t It ?? di?d d ed enenjen???y ty ??hishis ??ble?nd?. . ?. I . I w. I wowououl?d d rd rerecreco???menmendnd nd gnd ???in?ing ing t th???is ais a ??ryry y ay anandand and j jujudu?gege e fe foe f?or ????rsr??
nded. 4534,B002TMV3E4,A10ZBR6O8S8OCY,Dat Hong,0,2,4,1285459200,Great to drink after dinner,"This Melitta Riviera Sunset blend is a nice, and light coffee that is suitable for anytime of day. It's particularly great for drinking at night because it is decaffeinated. The texture is nice, and does not have an acidic taste or anything. It's meant for casual drinkers. I do prefer my coffee darker, WITH caffine, but I did enjoy this blend. I would recommend giving this a try and judge for yoursel
ff.f?""4454?3535,5,B,B0B??2T2TMTMVMV3V3E3E4E4,4?A3A??JNJNUNUJUJSJ??AJAJKJKYK?N,N,","V"V.V. . C CuCumu??iningngsgs s " """"v"vivicictc?ororcrc1c??7878"8"""""""?,0,0,0?2,2,4,4,4,14,121282858?4545945929202?????cecelellllel?ntnt,t,","T,"?hih???coc?fff?eee? w wawasa?s ds ded??p p a anandnd d r riricichic?, , a??nd nd d ?idid ?nonotot t?hahava??e ae a a b ?ititttteterer r t ????te te? to toooo o i ? . . I I I? di didid id h ha h?aveav??to? u ususes?e ae a e a l ?it??lele le??ororeore e te the thahanhan n w?hahatha??wa?s s rs rer?co?mm?enendendededded d td to?to gto geg?t t it ?? t???e we wa?? I I I d?ririnri?k k c ??ffffeffee??. ?bub??t ct cocofcoffcoffefeefe?e ie ??? a a??er?sosononan???? thi th?ingin? e eveveverve???oneon?????s ts ththe?iri??de?sis???d ??trtre?? . . T. ?TheThe e ce co?coff?eeee ee w wa was???reresre?? u up upopon? o ??????ing ing b bu b?? b????an an t?? g gogo o do ?owownwn n hn ??llll ll r?eaeal????ququiuicickic?k ak ?as as fas ?ara????as aas araroar??a ?an?d ?d tad tasastasteast?e ge gogoegoese?, , s, ?so so i in i?vevesvest?? in in in a a a g a go??d d ad ?irir ir? ti tigighg??t ct cot c?onton?taitainineiner?. . ?I I lI ?liklikek?ed ed? th thi this thi?s cs cos c?offoffefee??, b, bubutbu?t i
f." 4535,B002TMV3E4,A37JNUJSVAJKYN,"V. Cummings ""victorc1978""",0,2,4,1285459200,Excellent,"This coffee was deep and rich, and did not have a bitter taste too it. I did have to use a little more than what was recommended to get it the way I drink coffee.. but coffee is a personal thing everyone has their desired strength. The coffee was fresh upon opening but began to go down hill really quick as far as aroma and taste goes, so invest in a good air tight container. I liked this coffee, but i
tt t?I I?????d d?gogo o o ono? i ini?n tn tht?? m ??rnrnininingin? i if if f I I I d did?d d nd non???hah?veve e ie iti??""4454??6,6,B,B0B000?2T2??V3V?E4E4,4???QNQNYN?LBL?G7G737?QRQRNRNFNF,F???eueururar????eneni???""""n"nen?eureurarasra???henhe?nicnic"nic"""""""","?0,0???4,?121?858525202000000000??,n,?no no c co c?mpmplplalaiainintintsts,s,"?WeW??dod?on'on't't ???ininkink k m?ucuchch h c co?fff???? a ?ndn?d ld lel?ssss s d???afaf,f, , b, bubutut ?wewe ???veve ve???esesteststs ts?whw?o o do dodo do a?ndnd nd s soso o wo wewe we l liliki?e e te tot???keekeepep p s so som?e ?grgrorou?ndnd nd dnd ded??afaf af? in i?n t??he he??rereeeezeezez?r r f?or? w wh w?hen??ththe?? v viv? E ?veverve??bobododyd?y hy ha?s s bs bebeeeeneen n pn plplepl??aseas?d d wd wiwit??h th ththethe the M MeM???ttt?a.a. . N. NoNobo?bodbo?dy dy h ??? c co?mpmplmpla???ed? a ab abobouboutut ut t?he?he the tatasta?steste,??? and and d pd plple???y ?ofo?f ff fof??ksks s hs ???e e ae asaskaske?d d fd fo?r r sr sesec?onondond d cd ?upupsps ?soso so? th??y y wy wewerwererenre??? j jujusust??bebeibeininging ing p popololiolititeit??y y qy quq??etet.t. t. W ??? go gotot ot? th??? fi f??stst st sst ?ama?mplmplemple e fe frfrefreeee ee?
t I could go on in the morning if I did not have it." 4536,B002TMV3E4,A1QNYLBG73QRNF,"Neurasthenic ""neurasthenic""",0,2,4,1285200000,no complaints,"We don't drink much coffee, and less decaf, but we have guests who do and so we like to keep some ground decaf in the freezer for when they visit. Everybody has been pleased with the Melitta. Nobody has complained about the taste, and plenty of folks have asked for second cups so they weren't just being politely quiet. We got the first sample free t
hhrhror?ugu?h h t ththeh? V ViVininene e pe ??rogro?rarama??bubutu? I I I w wow?oulouldl?? bu buyuy y i iti?t it in? t th the??fufututuutururer?.".????373?,B,B0B000?2T2??V3V3E3??,A,A3A???KXKXVX?QHQH2H?2C2CMCM0M?,","W"?ilillllil???????????BrBrorowrownwnsnsbsbab???ere?""????0,20,?,3,3,3??282??202000000000000??SoS?/s/??,I,I'I'm'm m nm ?oto?t st susur???whw?ata?t at ?llll ll t th the th??fu?sss??isis s as aba?ououtout?t??????? ?? I I I? th tho thouougoughghtgh?t i?t t wt wawasa??s a s a g ?oo?d d cd ?ofoffffefeeee e be bu??t nt no?t t bt beb??tet??? th tha thana? t th?? s ststotororere re? br bra?ndnd ?I I uI ususu??allallyl?y y b bu buy bu??? . ?.a.anandand d bd bebeibein??s ?ththethe ?ststostororeore e be bre b?ran???isis is m mum?chc??chchech?apapep? I. I'I'lI'll???stisticickck ck w wi w?ithith h ih it?. . . ? It I?t i?sns?'t't ?t bat b?d d cd cod cofoffoffe??e be bue butut ut I I ?juj?ustust t dt dodono??t t s?eeeeieein?ing ing??t t bt bet beieining??ananyany ??betbe?ttetter?,8,B?00002002T2TM2TMV???4,4,A4,A3A3UA3UKU?WQWQSQ?8S8???6I6IOIO,O???ropropipic?al?MiM?inninnenesnesosotsotat?,0,0,,0,2,2,2,32,3,3,13,12??85285202002000?????GoGoo?ood,ood? n no?nothnot?ininging ing ring ??mamararkrkak?ablab??
hrough the Vine program but I would buy it in the future." 4537,B002TMV3E4,A391KXVQH22CM0,"William Foos ""Brownsbacker""",0,2,3,1285200000,So/so,I'm not sure what all the fuss is about??? I thought it was a good coffee but not better than the store brand I usually buy. ..and beings the store brand is much cheaper... I'll stick with it. It isn't bad coffee but I just don't seeing it being any better.. 4538,B002TMV3E4,A3UKWQS8SRW6IO,TropicalMinnesota,0,2,3,1285200000,"Good, nothing remarkable"
,?"T"?hihisis s m ?aka?eses s as ????odod d p popoto? o ofof f d ??cacafa?? ?NoNot??hinhingn? r ?ememamarmarkrkakaba??e e - - - w wewe e he hahavavev?e se ?ere?vevedved d td ????s ts ??? ma mananyn????esesteststs s ts tos to o no ?o o co cocomommm?enentntsts.ts?. . N No Nobobobod?y y ay asaskske???usu??whwhahathat t it iti??waw??, ,?bub??t nt ?nobnobobodbodyd?y sy ???it it i it?it oit ?utut,ut?, e, ?itithit?er? : ?-)-?. . . I. ItI??t ist i?s ss smsmomooootoothth th?anandand d nd no????tootoo o so ststrt??ngng,ng, ??whiwhicichc?? is is s os ?ourour r p pr prerefrefeferereeren?cec?. . ??e ?wowououlouldldnd??t t ht heheshesisititait?tete ?toto to b bu buyuy y iy ?it it ait ?gag???, , b, bubutbut ?t wot wououl?dn?'t?? go go o oo ?outout t ot of? o??????y y ey ei?,9,B,B0B0000202T2TMTMVMV3V3E3E4E4,4,A,?1A1AKA???8888I8?6N6?RFRF0F0,0?,"S,"StS??ve?nJn?M M " """"s"?stest???venjvenjmj?""?",",0,0,0,20,2,2??,1,?282?515??363?0000,00,","S,"Sm,"S?moomoot?oth,oth, ???ichic?h Ch ?ofoffof?feefe?",","","M"MeMelelilit??a a Ca CaCafafeaf??isis is? a a s sm?oooot?h,h??flflal?avoavororfrfufulu? c co?ffffe?fee fee t th?atat at c co c?ompompap?reresres s ws wes w?ellel?l wl wiwitith? r re rege?ul?arar ar?????eeee.e. e. ?ThThiTh?is is iis isis ?no
,"This makes a good pot of decaf. Nothing remarkable - we have served this to many guests to no comments. Nobody asked us what it was, but nobody spit it out, either :-). It is smooth and not too strong, which is our preference. We wouldn't hesitate to buy it again, but wouldn't go out of our way either." 4539,B002TMV3E4,A1AKU188I6NRF0,"StevenJM ""stevenjm""",0,2,5,1285113600,"Smooth, Rich Coffee","Melitta Cafe is a smooth, flavorful coffee that compares well with regular coffee. This is no
t? t tht??? ty typypipici??? w weweaeakak k d dedececa???blb??ndn? t th thahatat ??? t??ueu??ofof f mf mamananyn? A ????icicaicanan an b br braranandandsds.s?? M MeMele?iti?tata a?hahashas ?a ?riricrichc?? d??epep p t??ststete e ae ?andand and a ??ninic??e de ???k k ck ????r.r. . . T TaTasastaste????rerea??t bt bl?aca?k k ok ?or or? wi w?ithit? c ?rereareamam.m?. ?AsA?s as a s a s ststastanandand ?al??nen?e ce cocofcoffffef?ee ee ( ?nono o???reareamrea?/s/???ar?? i ?it it h?asas as?? s???otothth,th, , t, ththothououg?h h sh ststrst?on???flflalava?or???usustst st l liliklikeke e re ??gugulu?larlar r c co cofoffoffefeefee.e. . ??hihisis is c? cof coffffeffeeee ee iee isis is eis esespspepececieciaialallal?y ??gregreaeateat eat a?s ?s ans a? a??teterter r dr did?nnnnenerner r dr drr dri??k.k. . . S. StS?roronrongng ?enenoenouougou?h ???o to tatasta??e e le lilik?e e re ree r??gulgu??? c co cof coff coffe?fee fee????t dt dedecdecacafcaffcaffefeifeininainat?eded d sd soso o io ?it it wit wiwili??l nl ???t pt prprerevre???t t st slsle??ep ep l?at?aterater.? G ?rerea?t t ct co?coffcof??fee.fee.".?4?5454040,0,B,B0B000020??MVMV3V??4,4,A,A2A2W2W4W40401401414S4S0S060??AIAITIT,T,",?FaFat??omo? " """?"Fa"Fatathathoath?om"om""?",",0,0,0,20,?,4,4,4,14,121282??
t the typical weak decaf blend that is true of many American brands. Melitta has a rich, deep taste and a nice dark color. Tastes great black or with cream. As a stand alone coffee (no cream/sugar) it has a smooth, though strong flavor just like regular coffee. This coffee is especially great as an after dinner drink. Strong enough to taste like regular coffee but decaffeinated so it will not prevent sleep later. Great coffee." 4540,B002TMV3E4,A2W4014S06NAIT,"Fathom ""Fathom""",0,2,4,12849
4404080??0,0??ici?? s ???onongn? b ?lelene?d,d,","T"ThThihisis s?prpro??ucuctct t h ?adad d a ? g gogoooodo?d nd ?iciceice ?scsce??t t at anand? s st s?trotronongon?g tg tatasaststest?? N NoN?t ???? u ??niqniququeu?e ce ?omo?pap?rereded ?toto to? a a l lol?ot ot o ?f f o?vev?? t ??e ???ununtunteterer er c cacanannannened? d dedece?cafca?fsf?s as alalrlre???y y a?vavaia?lalaba??e.? B BuButut ?ovo???alallal?, , i itit't?s s a? g go goooodood d ad afa?te?r ??ini?nenerne?r tr ??pepe e oe ofof of c co cofoffoffefeeee ?toto ?seser?veve ve g???st?s.s??brbr r /r />/??<br<b?r /r />r />P>?riric?ice ice?wiwisiseis??, i, it?'s? r ??reasreasosononaonab?le????ut ut t??herhe?re re??rere re mre ?an?y y oy ?othotheher? c co?mpmpampararaarabablableable e pe prproprododuoduc??s s ts ththathata?t mt mamaymay ?ha??ve ve ave a ?momorore?re dre di?st?ininginguguiu?ishis?hedhe??d tad t?astaste?. ??vever?alallall,all?, i, it, it't'st'?s as a s a gs a go?odod od p pr prorod?uc?uct uct a?nd???orortorthth th t?ryr???? f ??or or??ec??affaf?f df drd??nknkeker?s.s."s.???545414?,B,?00?2T2TMTMVMV3V?E4E?,A,A2A?VAV?D7D797?S4S4A4?0606D6DDDD,D,B?ooookoo?kenkenan???or,or,0,??2,2?5,5,1,??848484858545445440?0,0,T0,Th?atat'at??'s s's sosomsomeme
40800,Nice strong blend,"This product had a good nice scent and strong taste. Not too unique compared to a lot of over the counter canned decaffs already available. But overall, it's a good after dinner type of coffee to serve guests.<br /><br />Price wise, it's reasonable but there are many other comparable products that may have a more distinguished taste. Overall, it's a good product and worth trying for decaff drinkers." 4541,B002TMV3E4,A2VAD79S4A06DD,Bookenator,0,2,5,1284854400,That's some
g?oooooooooo?oodood d c cocofoffffef??,","T"ThT?isis s c co cofoffoffefeefee e?hahasas ???nin?cece ??lalava??r,r?? no notot t?totoooo oo?bib??tet??? j jujusu??t at ?a na ni?ce??ror?unu??d cd cocofco??ee? t??astastete.te? R RiRicichic? f ?flaflavavoavoror,or, , n, nanatatuturu?ala?lyl? d ded?cacafaffffeffeiffeinina??tedted d wd wiw??h h wh wawatateaterer,er?, a, anand??itit'it??s ks kok??heh???. W. ?ha???'s 's?? not no?t tt to? l lolovoveve?e?"??4454545?2,2,B,??020?TMT????4,4?AKA??ZIZ?J6J6Z6ZHZHEH?E41E4?D,D,","J,"JaJararurucucic?a ?JaJayJaycycocoxcox x N NiN?ru?lala la????A A P PiPin?k k A AmAmemer??icaican?"""""""","?0,0,2,2,2,42,4,?121282848?45945959??0000,00???oodood ood f fo f?or or H HaHalalfal?-C-CaCaf? B BlBlelenendndindininging,g?,"I,"I'I?veve ve b bl b???ndend?d ?tht?hishi?s ws ?witwithth th a ?a da dadar?kekerer er? fu fulu?ll-ll-c-??f f M MeMelelilitittit?a a ca ?cof?fefeefee fee a an and?nd Lnd ?OVO?E E? th t?? r re resesusulultul?s.s.<.<b<?? / ?><><b?r ?/>/>T/>?TheTh????ineine e ge ?ririn??ining????s as a s a t ta tad tad d sd sms?alallall l f fo for fo?r tr th?e e fe fre freren???h ph prpreresre?s s Is ??ususeuse,e, e, b bu butut ?t tht t?he he the ?tastaststest?e ie ???wowonondnde?rfrfuful?.<?br? /?><><b><br?br /br ?/>I/>I I wI wa?s ??s a ls a
goooood coffee,"This coffee has a nice flavor, not too bitter, just a nice round coffee taste. Rich flavor, naturally decaffeinated with water, and it's kosher. What's not to love?" 4542,B002TMV3E4,AKCZIJ6ZHE41D,"Jarucia Jaycox Nirula ""~A Pink American""",0,2,4,1284595200,Good for Half-Caf Blending,"I've blended this with a darker full-caf Melitta coffee and LOVE the results.<br /><br />The fine grinding is a tad small for the french press I use, but the taste is wonderful.<br /><br />I was a l
iiti?tlt?e e?cocono?cecere?nen?? a ?t t?ththeh?e de ??rkr?ne?sss??vav?ariariai?atiat?onon on i ?n n t th thehe he t??? w whw?henhe?n In I I d ???ididededde?d td toto ?blble?ndn?? b bubutu???thethe ?ouout??comco??e we wawasa?s fs fif?ineine.e.<.<b<brbr r?/>/><>?<br<br r /r />/>T/>ThT?he ?ononlonlyly y r ?eaealal l c?omompm?lal?inintin???I hI ??veve e ie ?s ?th?? p papaca?kakagagigininging.g. . C ChC??apa? g glg?ueue e oe one on n tn th?the the mthe me??al??fofololdld-d???wnw?n pn paparpartrt ??auausu???s is it?? to t?o fo ??allall ???f f?(t(trtrurueue ue f??r r br ?otothth th b ba b??s ??I rI rerecrececeiceivivevedved)d?, , s, sos?o do do?n'n?t ??relrelyly ly o onon ????<??br br? /> /?><b><brbr ?/>?OtOththetherthe?wiw?iseise,e, , a, a a??ele???ciociou?s s cs cocofcoffffeffeee??th?????is is m ??lll??ow ow i?n n tn tan t?????e the thehe he whe wawayway ?I ?chchohoooosose? t to to to p pr p?repre?par?e e ie ite it.t??4454??3,3?B0B??2T2TMTMVMV3V??4,4,A,A3A3I3??K0K?8U8?X0X0I0??6A6??"T"?OPOPJP??B7B7 7?""""t"totoptopjpjojobob7b7"7"""""""?,0,?,2,2,2,5,??121282848??959?202?00,00,R,RiRic?? a?ndnd nd f??llll,ll,"?ThThiTh??is iis isis is ais anan n en exexcxce?ll????t c?ofoffoffef?ee,ee??riricich???
ittle concerned at the darkness variation in the two when I decided to blend, but the outcome was fine.<br /><br />The only real complaint I have is the packaging. Cheap glue on the metal fold-down part causes it to fall off (true for both bags I received), so don't rely on that.<br /><br />Otherwise, a delicious coffee that is mellow in taste the way I choose to prepare it." 4543,B002TMV3E4,A3IMK08UX0I46A,"TOPJOB7 ""topjob7""",0,2,5,1284595200,Rich and full,"This is an excellent coffee, rich an
d? f fufulullll l??f f???ava??r r?(n(?oto? w wawatatetereryr???? M MaM?nyny y d dedececacafa?'s's s??rere e o ob obvbvivioi?usu???y dy de??cafcaf.f. . . T ThT?isi?s os ononene e te tatasaststeteste???re?at?? w??tht? a a a m ??didiuiumum m b bob?dydy.y????TheThe e ge ??ini???isis is? fi f?inein?, , w, whw??chch h wh wow?orkorksks ?s grs grerea?t t it ?? o ou ourur ?drdriripip p c ??offoffef?e e me mamaka? t at ??sos??hah?as as? a a n a ninici?e ?araroaromomama ma? an a?? n no?? bi b?ittitteterter r ar ?aftafteterterttertatasta?steste.e. . . I. It. I?t dt dodoeoese?n'n?t ??havhaveve e te the thehe ?""""b"bubur?ntnt"t"""" "" f fl fla fl??or? t ththathatat at a a a c a cecercertr?taitain?in lin ?larlargrgeg??cocofcofff?feefeehe?ou??e ??hahaihain?in hin hahasha???, wh, whihic?h ?peper??sonsonanal?lyly ly??? do donon'on't't 't c?ar?e ??oror.or?. . I. I . I f fo f?ounoundnd ?itit it c cl c?oso?serser ?toto o Eo EiEin??ste???? h ho h?ousouseous?e be ?lelenendnd,nd, ?bu?t ???ch? b be betettt?terter.ter.<.<b<brb?r /r />/><><b??r /r />r />T>?ThiThis??isis is ais a a g grgregr?at?at qat ququaualalialit?y y cy ??coffcoffefeefee,fee, ??highighg?lyly ??recre?comcommmmemenmendndended????. I . I w. I wiwilill? b? be be??uyu?in?g g m?ororeore.e."e.""4454545?4,4,B,B0B
d full of flavor (not watery). Many decaf's are obviously decaf. This one tastes great, with a medium body. The grind is fine, which works great in our drip coffee maker. It also has a nice aroma and no bitter aftertaste. It doesn't have the ""burnt"" flavor that a certain large coffeehouse chain has, which personally I don't care for. I found it closer to Einsteins house blend, but much better.<br /><br />This is a great quality coffee, highly recommended. I will be buying more." 4544,B0
??2T2???3E3E4E4,4,A,A2A?9T9TZTZ0Z010?9292I2IYIY8Y8I8?Z,Z,","C"ChChahara?lelese? D DoDonononovovavanan n?"""?"Ca"C??didini?ala????ararlar?ieie"e""?","?0,0???5,5?121282848454?9595252020000,0,R0,RiRici?h h w wiw?tht?h nh ?no no?bib?ittittet?rnr?esessess,s,","I,"??m m a ?? bi bigig g c ?ofofff?eeee e d ???inkinkekerer,er? a an a?d d t ?thith?s ?MeMelelilitlittttata ?CaCafa?? o of?feferferirinri??g ig isis is r ?ricrichch ch? wi w?ithit?h nh noh no o b bi bit bi?ttett?ernernenesne?s.s. .?SoS???tit?me?????cacaf? c co c?off??ee ee h ?hashas s as a ??ununnnnyny,y?, o, ?ililyly y a af aftfte?rtrtatastasts?te,te, , b, bub?? t?hihisis is cis ?cofcoff?ee?ee hee ??d d nd nononno????f f????t t ut ununpunplplelealeasasas????nesnessness.s. s. H ?igighighlhly? r re r?ecoec?ommom?menme???d.d.".""??454454545,45,B,?00?2T2TM2TMV??3E43E4,?A1A1X1?2L2?????84???Q,Q??D D "??D"D""???,0,,0,2?,3,3,3,1???45459459595295?20020??GoGooo?d ?bu??t nt ?notnot ?spspepececieciai??,T,??e e ce cocof?fefeefe?e ie ?is ????d d bd bud but??it? i?s ??notnothnothihinhi?ng ng??spespec?eciaeci? . C. CoComompompapar??ed ed? to to o Mo ??xwxwew?elhelhohouoususes??dedecdeca????ththithisthis s is ????neanear?arlyarly y ty th??e se ?samsa?me me j juj??t ?t slt s
02TMV3E4,A29TZ0192IY8IZ,"Charles Donovan ""Cardinal Charlie""",0,2,5,1284595200,Rich with no bitterness,"I'm a big coffee drinker, and this Melitta Cafe offering is rich with no bitterness. Sometimes decaf coffee has a funny, oily aftertaste, but this coffee had none of that unpleasantness. Highly recommended." 4545,B002TMV3E4,A1X2LENOF84LCQ,"D ""D""",0,2,3,1284595200,Good but not special,The coffee is good but it is nothing special. Compared to Maxwelhouse decafe this is nearly the same just sl
iigi?hth?lyl???etettt??r.r. .?I I d dodono?'t't t f ?eee?l l i itit t it isis s w ??rtrtht? t ththeth? e exe???a a c cacasashs???o o b bu buyuy ?ththith?? i??ststeteateadad d?ofof f?a a ca chcheh?apapep?er er v vavararir?etetyet?y ay ?va??lal?blblel??ananynywy?heherherere.e???I dI did?d d ed ?njnjoj????he?? co cof??feefee ?bubutu?t It I ?prprorobo?ab???? wo w?on'on't't 't b bu buy buy y iy itit it a?gagaiainin n?ununlnle?sss?s is it??wo?ululdld d bd be? d de dee?plp????disdiscscoc????tedted.d?4454?????000020??MVM?3E3E4E?,A,???LOLOFO??RZRZJZJJJ?W0W0,0,C,???WoWololll?in???0,20,?,3,?,1,1212828484545045080???00,00????cecepeptp?ababl?e,e, , b? but but t nt nonotoththithinthingng g s spspepecpe?iaialal.l??,","F,"FiF??stst st??f f af al??, , w, whwhewh?en en I?? op opepenpe?eded d md mymy y by ba???of? M ???itittittata ta? de?cacafcaf,f??itit ??diddi?n'n'tn't ???aveave ?ththathatat t st ?strst?ronrong?, ?ama?aza??inging g rg riricri?? c co??fefee? s sm s?elellell l tl ththathatthat t mt mymy my u us u?uau?? c co cof coff coffe?fee fee hfee ?hasha?. ?? I I b I brb?rewreweweded ed u up up p? a a p ?ot? i? in in?mymy my dmy drdririprip p cp cocofco?ffeffeeeemeema?keker?, , a?ndn?d wd whwhiwhilileil??itit it w?as? o ok o?
ightly better. I don't feel it is worth the extra cash to buy this instead of a cheaper variety available anywhere. I did enjoy the coffee but I probably won't buy it again unless it would be deeply discounted. 4546,B002TMV3E4,AK8LOFYRZJJW0,C. Wollin,0,2,3,1284508800,"Acceptable, but nothing special.","First of all, when I opened my bag of Melitta decaf, it didn't have that strong, amazing rich coffee smell that my usual coffee has. I brewed up a pot in my drip coffeemaker, and while it was ok,
t ??ererere e?wawasas s n non??thith?ngng g??ututstststatanandndidin??g ag ababobououtout t? th thehe he? ta tas?tete.e. .?????wa?s ?blblalanandand d a anandand and u unu???mam?rkr?abablablele ?coc??papararearede?d td ?o o t th the the e ce coe c????e ??? no norormrma?lll?? d ?ririn?k.k??4??474???0000202T2TMT?V3V???,A,A2A232?5N5?A6A6161R1??6Y6YCY?1,1?GeGeoeororgorgege ?DiDioiononnnnene,e,0,0,0,2,?,4,4,??282?444?222?404?00,00?QuQuauaia?ltl???cocofcoffffeffee? f foforor or? th the? r reregregigioionion n a an andnd nd p prpriricricece,e,"e,"I"I I hI ??vev?e ae a a K KeK?uru??g g cg ?cof???e e me Y. ?ouou ou k knkno??, , t? the??ononeone e we wiwitithth th t th the? the K the K-K???psp?. ? T ?o o ho ha?veve ve a a a c ?cofcoffcoffecoff?ee ee lee lilikike????isi?, , y, yoyouou ?ha??e ??to to h hahav?? a? a s a spspepececiciaialal l? fi fililtilteterte?, ??hihici?h h I I I? do d?o ho hao havaveav?e. e. ?HoH?????lyly,ly?, y??ou'ou?llll ll s spspesp?????a ca crc??plp??adad ??? m momon?oneyoney y oy onon on? K- K-c-??upsups ??f f y yoyouyo??? don don'n't't t gt ???t tt ththethe e fe fifililtilteilterer er f fo foror ??reg?ulula?r r g grgrorou?nd?nd cnd co?coffcoffecoffeecoffee.?e. e. A AnAnynywywawaywa?, ??I dI dodon??'t 't k??now
there was nothing outstanding about the taste. It was bland and unremarkable compared to the coffee I normally drink." 4547,B002TMV3E4,A235NA61RC6YC1,George Dionne,0,2,4,1284422400,Quailty coffee for the region and price,"I have a Keurig coffee maker. You know, the one with the K-Cups. To have a coffee like this, you have to have a special filter, which I do have. Honestly, you'll spend a crapload of money on K-cups if you don't get the filter for regular ground coffee. Anyway, I don't know
i ifif f i it it t???s s b bebececacauaususes??ththehe e ce cocofo?fef????waswas s gs grgrorouounundnd d o oro? f fif?ltltetere?ede?d ad a a?sps?ececieciaialal l w wa w?y,y, , b bu butut ???e e we wae w?te?r r ir ?? m ?y y?KeKeueururirigi? h ??d ?? h???d d td titimi?e e se se??pip?inging g tg ?thrth?rouro?ghg??, c, cacaucaus?in?ing ing a a a ba bibitit t ot ?? a?n ??vevererferflflol?w.w. . ?AsAsis??e e fe frfroromrom m t th thahathat,t?, t, ?the? t ta tasastaste? w? was was s ss sms?????? an??d fd fl??vov?orforfuf??. . . ?ItI?t ht ha?s ?a a ca co?ffffeffeeee ee t ta tas tastste??, p, ?lal?inin in a?? and and s si simimpim?pleple.e. ??IsIs ?itit it a an any anyty??in??????eci??al,al, ?nonot??re?alallal??. . . I. It. I???usustus??t tat tasastasteasteses ?s gos goo?d d a?nd???s s rs re??sos?nan?blb?ly ly p ???ceced????4545454848,8,B,B0B000??TMT??3E3E4E?,A,?JBJBFBF0F??0K0KVKVJVJGJG8G8J8?,","s"shshihirirlrlalanlan n "n """"S"?hi??rlerleye?y Dy DiDieiededeed?erier?chch"h"""""""",",0,0,0,2,2,2?4,4,14,?282?444424222242404??,A??nin?iceice e se sme s??otothoth h c cocof?fefeefe?e.,e.?? h??ve? b be beeeenee?n en ene?joj??in?ing ?ththethe the Mthe MeMelelilitittit?a a ca coa c??fefee? i in in ?th?the ?eveve?????. . I. ItIt It?
if it was because the coffee was ground or filtered a special way, but the water in my Keurig had a hard time seeping through, causing a bit of an overflow. Aside from that, the taste was smooth and flavorful. It has a coffee taste, plain and simple. Is it anything special, not really. It just tastes good and is reasonably priced." 4548,B002TMV3E4,AJBF0L0KVJG8J,"shirlan ""Shirley Diederich""",0,2,4,1284422400,A nice smooth coffee.,I have been enjoying the Melitta coffee in the evening. It h
a?s s a ??nin??e e s smsmomooo?tht??tatas?tete e we ?iti?th th n?ono?e e oe ofof f t?hehe e be buburu?ntnt t c cocofoffoffefeee???eae?n n t?asast??e oe ofe o?f Sf StStatartarbrbubucbu?ksks.s??I I u ???d d m ?ucuchch ?momormorere ???????e te ththathanan an s su s????sts?tedted ?inin ?prprereprepaparararata?ioion? t? tho thouo??h.h. . I. ?I uI ?useus?ed ed 2 2 2? ta?blblel?espes??oonoo?s s ts ?o o e eieigighg?t t ot ouounou?cecesce?s os of? w ?at?erer.r. . I. I . I l lilikikeke ?mymy y c co cofoffoffeoff????trtror?ongong g b bubutbu?t nt non?ot ot b bi bit?te?? a an andnd d td ?thith?s s ws wow?rkrkekedke?d fd ??or or a a a?vev??y ?gogoo?d d cd cuc?p p o ofof ??cofcoffcoffefeefee fee w wi witithit?h hh ???f f af anandan?d hd ??lflf lf? ad a?dededed.ed.I.I ?wi?llll l??e e b?uyu?iningin?g ig ?? a??,B,B0B000?2T2TMTMVMV3V3E3??,A,A3A?BNBN3N??????9F9??C,C,",?B.B?. E. EdEdwdwa?rdrdsds ??"n"njn?gagamgam"m"""""""?,0,?,2,?,5,5,5,1,121?848???242404?00,00,d,de???f f cf cocofcoffcoffecoffeeee,ee,","V,"VeVerery? s sm smomoomootothot???andand and I I I u?sesedse?d md my? o ow o?????ltlteter?s.? T ?he? s? sme smele?ll ll?isis is s??o io ininvinvivit??inging,ing, ,? I I u I us?usedused d m?y ???wn wn m me m???ur?eme?ene?ntsnt
as a nice smooth taste with none of the burnt coffee bean taste of Starbucks. I used much more coffee than suggested in preparation though. I used 2 tablespoons to eight ounces of water. I like my coffee strong but not bitter and this worked for a very good cup of coffee with half and half added.I will be buying it again. 4549,B002TMV3E4,A3BN3TMY1S9F7C,"B. Edwards ""njgam""",0,2,5,1284422400,decaf coffee,"Very smooth and I used my own filters. The smell is so inviting, I used my own measurements
b bebececacauaususes? i ?? w wawasas s??otot t ot onon n t ththehe e pe ?acackckak??e.e. . I ???useus?d d l l l t tb tblb?spsp.p?. p. ?erer r?cucupu? a ?ndnd d Id ?I wI wowororkrkek????utut t ft fifininen??fof?or or m mem??? I I l li likikeke ke m?y y c?ofo?fefeeee e te tatas?tetefe???.".?4454?505??B0B?020?TMT??3E3?4,4,A,A3A3A3A1A1515L5L9L?6I6IYI?UOUO6O6V6V,V,M,??chchah?ele??SmSmimit?h,h,0,0,?2,2?4,4,14,?282?373737?12120120000,00,G,GrG?eaeatat t ct ?ofoffoffefeefee e fe fle f?avavovoror or bor ??? s sts?ililll??yoy?ou ou k knk?nownow w? it it t it isis s ds ??ecaec?ffffeff?ininainat?ed??"I"IfIf f?MeM?elielit?ta? d ?oeoese?n'n?t t st se??ll ll g ?oooodod ?cocofcoffffeffeeffe?? w wh whoho o d?oeoesoes?s? ??I gI ?rerewrew w uw upup up u us usisiningin???elelielitelitttta?ta fta fifilfiltltetertersrs s as ?andand d sd st?il?l l il inindin?ivi?ididuduauala?llylly y my mamaka?ke ke eke ??chch ch c cu c????of of?? cof coffffe??? in in n an ? s si s????e e ce cucupcu??fifilfiltfilteter???GeG???rar?allallyly y Iy I ?us?use use p prp?re re g gr grorou?ndnd nd c co cof coff cof?fee??(s(?o o Io I ?ama?? no notot ot a a a p pu puru?isistist)t),), ?al?th?ouougou?h h I? I o I ococcc?cascasisiosi?onaon??allyally y gy gr?inind??? my my??wnwn.n. . . I I I u I us?ua?lllly? d
because it was not on the package. I used l tblsp. per cup and I worked out fine for me, I like my coffee tasteful." 4550,B002TMV3E4,A3A15L96IYUO6V,Michael Smith,0,2,4,1283731200,Great coffee flavor but still you know it is decaffeinated,"If Melitta doesn't sell good coffee, who does? I grew up using Melitta filters and still individually make each cup of coffee in a single cup filter. Generally I use pre ground coffee (so I am not a purist), although I occasionally grind my own. I usually d
??ininknk k t twtwow???upu?? o ofo? c??offof?eee??a a d dadayay.y. . ?EnE?ouougu?h h a ab a???t t m ?y y c co cof coffffefeefe??hah?bibiti?s.s?<b<brb??/>/??<br<br ?/>/>M/>MeM?lil?ittittat??isis s as a ?prprerete??y ?trtrurusuststet?d d n nan??e e ie ?in in t th t?e ?cocofoffoffeoffeeee ee i ?indin??ustus?trytr?? a an a?d d Id I I?exexpx??ctc?tedte??tht?is? c co cof coff cof??fee fee???o bo bebe ???? a a q quq??lilitli?ty ty p prpropr?duducduct?. . . ?I I wI waw?s s ns nonotnot t dt didis?apa????intin??ted ted w wiwitithit?h th th??e ce coe cofoffoffeoffeeoffe?? a al a???ouougough?? it it ?wawaswa?s n?oto?t qt ququiqu??e e ae as? e ex e??ititiit?inging g a?s ??thethe the?re?gugululalarar r vr vavananinili??la la f ??lavlavovororeredred ??cofco?ffeffee????rerecrececenentntltlyly y t?ri?ed???roromom m?Me?lilitlittlit???. . T. ThT??? fl fla?lavolav?? w wa was?as pas pr??ettet??ty sty ?strstro?ngng ?an?????chch,h, , a, alaltalththo?ugughugh ?dedececaecafaf f af alalwalwa?ysys s hs ??s s as a s a s slsli?ghghtght t at afaftaf?tertertr??ststeste,e, e,??vev?en en w wi wit???? the th??SwSwi?ssss s Ws WaWatate?ter ter p??rocrocecescess? u ?useused???oror or dor dedecdecac?affaffefeife?inain?atiatin? ?????ererar? dI ?ririnrink
rink two cups of coffee a day. Enough about my coffee habits.<br /><br />Melitta is a pretty trusted name in the coffee industry. and I expected this coffee to be be a quality product. I was not disappointed with the coffee, although it was not quite as exciting as the regular vanilla flavored coffee I recently tried from Melitta. The flavor was pretty strong and rich, although decaf always has a slight aftertaste, even with the Swiss Water process used for decaffeinating. Generally. I drink
? r rer?gug?lalara? c cocofoffffefeeee e??s s??y y f ?irirsrsts? c ch chohoioicicec????utut ?I I? ad admdmim?t t tt ththah??t It I t I s sws?ititcit?h h t toto o d dedececac?f f i ?n n? th t??e ee ?veveneninininging.g.<.???r /r />/><><b<br<b???>I>I I hI ?havhave? n non?o po ?ror???eme?? re rececoecomommmmemenendendidining??? thi thisis ?co??ffeff?ee ee? as as s as a a s se s?ecoeconecondnd d? ch cho choioicoicece.ce......."..""4454?5151,1?B0B??2T2TMTMVMV3V3E3?4,4??DSDSFS?KIK?????8J8JVJV,V,J,JiJilillll l??ununtn??r,r,0,?,2,2,2,4,4,4,14,?282838??313?120120000,00,S,SuSururpurpr?is?in??lyly y gy ?oooodod,d,","I"I I dI ??o no no?t t lt liliki?e ?de?ca?f ?cocofcoffcoffefeefee.e?? I I I tI ?thithin?? i it it t ht hahasha?s a??n an ??tet???asastastete.te. . . B BuButut,ut???????ugu?hth???t I wt I ?ououl?d ?gigiviveve ?ththi??s a? t tr t??. ???t ??rurululyuly y sy ??urpurprurprir?iseis?d d md T. ThT?herherere re i??s as a ??melmellllollowow,w, ??ulullull ?bob?odiodieieded ed t ta tas??e e we ?witwith? v ve?ry? l ?litlittt?lele le a af a?tetertertrtart??asteaste aste t to t???e ?fofouounoundnd.nd. . . I. I . I w wi??? d de d????nitnite??? b bu buyuy y iy itit it???aia?in in? to? r re red redud??? t th the the e ce ?cafcaffcaffefeifein?in iin
regular coffee as my first choice, but I admit that I switch to decaf in the evening.<br /><br />I have no problem recommending this coffee as a second choice..." 4551,B002TMV3E4,ADSFKIX44X8JV,Jill Guntur,0,2,4,1283731200,Surprisingly good,"I do not like decaf coffee. I think it has an aftertaste. But, I thought I would give this a try. It truly surprised me. There is a mellow, full bodied taste with very little aftertaste to be found. I will definitely buy it again to reduce the caffein i
?? o ououru? h hoh?ousouses?hoholholdl???4454?5252,2,B,B0B000020?TMTMVM?3E3E4E4,4?A3A3C3???YLYLYL???XQXQGQ???"T"TrT?acacycy y R RoRowowawanan n "n ??????ele?osos"s""??,0,0,0,2,?2,42,4,??282??737313??0000,00,A?nonototht?erer r gr gog??d d p prprorododuoducu?t t f frf?romro? M MeMeleliel?ttt?a,a?"I"I'I????notnot t at ? h hu huguge? f fa fan? o?f f?coc?ffffefeee?s s f?rorom? t th?e e A AmAmemereriericicac?s;s; ; I I I g gegengenen??ala?lyl???inindn??ththe?m m am a ??itit it l ?????t ft foforor r mr mymy y ty ?tasta???e (e (I(??m m am a m a b ?bigbig g f fa?n n on ofof of S ??mamatatrtrara ra a anandand d od ?othotheherher r Pr PaPac?ififificfi?-g-grgrorowrownw??cocofcoff??eesee?) )? B BuButu???ivivivieierera? S Su S??sesetse?t it isi?s as a ???iceice,e, , l li lig?ht?? co c?offoffefeefe?e, e, s sms??ootoothth th? an a?????not not t te ter??ibiblb?? a ac acicidi?d. d.??ItIt't's's s as a s a p pl p?eaeasasaasan?t t ct ?cofcoffcof??fee fee f??or or p pe peoeopoplplele le??ho??? lik likek?e te ththetheitheiri??brbrerewe?s s ws wiwit?h h m momormorere re? br bririgri?ghtgh??nesnessss ?s ans a?nd nd lnd le??ss ss? bo b????<b<?br br / ?><><b?r r /r />?I'I'mI'm I'm? al alsl?o o? fr?anankanklkly??nonotnot not nnot nunututsut?s as abs abobououtout t dt dedececacafcaf,f,
n our household." 4552,B002TMV3E4,A3CG6YLYZJXQG4,"Tracy Rowan ""dargelos""",0,2,4,1283731200,Another good product from Melitta,"I'm not a huge fan of coffees from the Americas; I generally find them a bit light for my taste (I'm a big fan of Sumatra and other Pacific-grown coffees) But Riviera Sunset is a nice, light coffee, smooth and not terribly acid. It's a pleasant coffee for people who like their brews with more brightness and less body.<br /><br />I'm also frankly not nuts about decaf,
bbubutut t t ththahatat t at asa?pepecectc?t dt ?oeoese?n'n't'?t it inintntrtrurududede e? to tooo??mumucuchch h?onon n??hehe ???avavov?? h heherherer?.".""4??5353,3,B,?000020??MVM?3E3?4,4,A,AHA?IKIK7K7B7BUB?XFXFRF?MTM?8,8,D,DaDavaviavidi? B BoBowowewere?,0,?,2,2,2,5,?,1,?282?353?558558484040000,00,O,??e ?ofof f?? the the e Be ?es?t ?DeDececaecafaffffefeneninin?atateat?d d Cd CoCofoffoffe?eses es I ?'v'??e Te TaTasastasteteded,ed,","I"? a ?m m a? c ?ofoff?eeee e f??n n wn whwhoh??drdrir?inkinksks s? my m?? co c?offoffeoffeeoffe?e be blbla?ckck;k; ; n ??th?in?g g i isis s as ada??dedded ?toto ?ala??terte?r tr ththethe ??la?vo?r ??of of? th?? c co cof coffffeffee?? A AsAs s as a s a r ??sus?lt? o of of ?ththithisthi?s hs ??bibitit ?I I fI fif??d d md mymysy?ele?f f sf sos??ewewhwhawhat? m mo m?oreore ??riritrititici?al? o?? h??ow ow a? a c a cocofcoffffeffeeffe?e te tatasast?es?. . A. AsAs As a a ?gegen?ereraeralal al ral ?rulrulele e Ie I I pI prpre?feferfer r ar anan an A Ar Ararababibicbicaca ca?bebeaean???butbut ?t I t I? co cou coul?d d nd no??t ft fifinfi??d ad ? r re refefefer?en?cece e t?o o bo bebeabean?an tan tytypy?pe pe o on on ???the the b ba baga?. . C. ????ouo?s ???ch?ececkec?eded ed??? thei the??r wr wewebweb b s sisititeite ?anandan??fofouounou
but that aspect doesn't intrude too much on the flavor here." 4553,B002TMV3E4,AHIK7BUXFRMT8,David Bower,0,2,5,1283558400,One of the Best Decaffeninated Coffees I've Tasted,"I am a coffee fan who drinks my coffee black; nothing is added to alter the flavor of the coffee. As a result of this habit I find myself somewhat more critical of how a coffee tastes. As a general rule I prefer an Arabica bean but I could not find a reference to bean type on the bag. Curious I checked their web site and foun
?d d t tht?eye? u ?sese e t?he??ArArar?bibici?? b ?eaeanan n e ?xcx?lul?usiusivivev?lyly.y?<b<?? / ?><><b?r r /r />/>O/>?n n tn ththeth??frf?onontnt t o ?f f? th??e be babagag g?? the ther therer?e ie isis s r ?refrefeferererenrencncece ?toto o t? the the the?prp?rocrocecesce????useuseded d td toto to d dedece?cafcafff?feifeininan?tete e t???he Rhe RiR?iveivereraera a Sa ??nsn?setset t ct ?of??feefee;e; ; t? the? the S the ?wiw?ississ ?waw??er? p?rorocroceroc?ssss ss i isis is??se?d.d. . T ?heheiheirir r wr ?ebeb b??ititete te p? pro provo?idide?s s as a a da ?detde????eded ed? ex expxplp?ananaan?atiatioi?on on? of of f tf ththithisis is pis prproproco?ces?s s w?hihicichich h i in i?vovololvlvevesve?s ts th?the the? re rememom??alal l o? of of w wa?teterter r sr sosololuolubu?lele le?cacafcaffcaffefeifeinfeinen?: : " """"U"?nrn??asaststetedted ?cocofcoffffeffeee??e bee bea?nsns ns?ararere re i?mmm???se?sed sed i in in in h ?heahe?ateatedated d wd ?wat??er er fer ?oror ??eveve?raralra?l hl ???rsrs s ts tos to ??remre??ve??? the? the w the wawat??r-r-s-sosolso?lublublbleble ????caffecaffeiein??e pe pr??eseesene?nt nt i in in in t in ththethe ?bebeabe?ansans,s? a?s ?s wes wel?l l al ???? tho thososese se? co c?off?eeee ee c co com compmpopononeonenenten?s s ts ths thahatat at e ea e?asiasil??y dy didisississoiss??veve ??in in w wa wat
d they use the Arabica bean exclusively.<br /><br />On the front of the bag there is reference to the process used to decaffeinate the Rivera Sunset coffee; the Swiss water process is used. Their web site provides a detailed explanation of this process which involves the removal of water soluble caffeine: ""Unroasted coffee beans are immersed in heated water for several hours to remove the water-soluble caffeine present in the beans, as well as those coffee components that easily dissolve in wat
eere?. . T ??e e?wawatateterer er??s s????n n d drd?aiaininenede? f ?roromom m t?hehe he b bebeaeanansn?s as anandan?d fd fifili????ed??oror r??rorocro?esesss??ed ed ted toto o r reremremomovoveve ?th??e ce ?afaffffefeieinineine e fe frfrofromom om t th the th?e we wawatwate???. T. ThThiThis? d de d??cafcaffffeffeieinei??ateateded ?????er er ier ?is ??thethenthe?n rn rereirein?trt?????cedced d td toto to t th the the the c cocofoff?ffeeffee e be bebeabeanansans,s, ,??llllolowowiwininging g t th? the the f the ??ava??or or a an andnd d ad ?ro??a a??omompom?ononenennentn?s s ts toto ??? a ab a??ororborbe?d d bd byby y?? the the the c the co?ff?ffee????ininainal?lyly,y, ??the? c? cof coff?ffeeffee ffee? is is s ds drdridr?ed?ed aed ??? r??eadea?y ?fof??or ror ro?asasts??"."""??brbr ?/>/?<b<br<b?r /r />r />M>MoMor??e ie ??foforformrmamatma?tiotion? i is?? pr prorovro?ididededed ??on ???the ?wewebeb b?sisitite? c co con co?ce?rnrnin?inging ing t? the the the b the bebea?n n gn grg??wi?ngn??anandand and sand ?selselelecectectitiotiontion ?pr?ococecescessss;ss? I I I f fo fouounund? t th the? the w the ?webwe?????????to bto beto b?e ue ?se?r r fr frfrifr?ienie?ndlndly?? an??d wd we?ll?? th?ou?ghghth? o?utu???<br? / />/></>?<br<br <br /<br />/>A/>AnAnon?ththe????ababib?? o of o
er. The water is then drained from the beans and filtered or processed to remove the caffeine from the water. This decaffeinated water is then reintroduced to the coffee beans, allowing the flavor and aroma components to be absorbed by the coffee. Finally, the coffee is dried and ready for roasting.""<br /><br />More information is provided on the web site concerning the bean growing and selection process; I found the web site to be user friendly and well thought out.<br /><br />Another habit of
? m mimini?? i ?s s?tht?e ?ususese ??? d didisististitililll?eded d w ??teterer r??o o b brb??w w c coc?offoffef?e;e; ; I ?'v'??e fe fofouounu???ththathatat at???blb?icic c w wa w??erer er?sus?ppp?li?eses s cs cacana???rorovovivididede e we wawatwateterter r wr wiwiti?th th a a a m??ltlti?tut?dede de?ofof of d?ififfffeferfere?ntnt t t??ststetestes s ws ??icichich h? ca canan an n ne??atatiat?ve??y y i in infnflflulueuene????ththeth???lalava?oror r or ofof of tof ththethe the c co c?offoffeoffee?.<.?brbr br / ??<b<br<b????LeLetet ??e e fe fie fin?alallllylly y my ?menmentntintioiono?n tn ??the the fthe ??av?or?? of of f tf th?the the cthe ?cofcoffffeffeeee ee i it i?seselse?f.f. .?FiFiri??? i it?? is i??veververyry y sy ??ooo?th??an?d ?riricichich;ich; ?I I? al a?momosmo?st st nst ne?veverver ver h hah?aveave e me mo?re? t?ha?n n on ononeon?e ce cuc?? o of of of c co cof co??ffeeffe?e ae ?at at aat ?a ta titimti??? bu butut t ft ?foufoun??d md ????selfself ?f thf thihinhi?kikin?g g m?ororeore e we woe w?oulouldld ?bebe ??iciceic??. T. ????t it ?? v veververyvery y ry ?arare?? T ThTheTh?e ce coe c?off?offeeoffee e he ha??d ad ??dedeldeli?cacatca?te te f ?ruruiuit???flflaflavflavovorvor r w?hihichichch ?I I fI ?fou?ndnd nd p pl ple?asasias??<b.<brbr br /br ??<b<br<br <br /
mine is the use of distilled water to brew coffee; I've found that public water supplies can provide water with a multitude of different tastes which can negatively influence the flavor of the coffee.<br /><br />Let me finally mention the flavor of the coffee itself. First it is very smooth and rich; I almost never have more than one cup of coffee at a time but found myself thinking more would be nice. That is very rare! The coffee had a delicate fruity flavor which I found pleasing.<br /><br /
>>I>I I d ??d d f ???e e o ononen??chc?alallllelene?gege e we wiwitithth h t ?thithisis s c ??fff?eee?; ;? th t?e e be babagag g???s s vs ??ryry y d di dififfffiffici???t t t to to o? op opepenen en???ithithoh???t tt tet??ririningng ng i ? .?AfAftfteterte? w wo woro??in?g ??on on i?t t ft fof?or or s ??ve?raralal al m mim??ututeut?s,s, , I I ?hahadhad ??ece?idideideded d Id ?I wI ?waswas s ns non?t t gt ??in?ing ing t to to to l leletle??a a b ???g bg beb?eateat ???, ?I I dI didisdiscs?covcoveververevereded ed?? tha thata????I waI wasas as a abablb?? t to? to o to opo??? i it? b be b?e se ststatarartartitining???? t? the th??enendend ?whwheherhe?e e te ththethe ???ag ag w??as as fas fo?ldldededded d bd ba?ckck.k??OnO?cece ce? I I?gogotgo?t mt myt m?y fy fifin?ingeingerer er i in insnsisidideide ide t th the? b?agag ?ththethe the?reresrest? c?amameme me c?omo??ar?at??ve?lyl?y ey eaeaseasys??. F. ?orortor?ununanatateat???? th? the the t the twtwowo ??mam?allal?? te t????s Is I I mI mamadmadede de i in? t th the the ????? we w??e e he hihigighgh h eh enenoenouougoughgh gh? to? to f to ?folfoldfold ???dederder r wr wh??en en ten th?the ?babag??wa??? cl clolosose?d.d. . T. ThThehe he?? bag bag ????comco???ndndsds ?ststost?oraor?ageage ?inin in a a a r re r?frfririgri
>I did face one challenge with this coffee; the bag was very difficult to open without tearing it. After working on it for several minutes, I had decided I was not going to let a bag beat me, I discovered that I was able to open it be starting at the end where the bag was folded back. Once I got my finger inside the bag the rest came comparatively easy. Fortunately the two small tears I made in the bag were high enough to fold under when the bag was closed. The bag recommends storage in a refrig
eere?ata?oror.r?????/>/><><b?r ??/>T/>??isi? c cocofo?fefeeee e??is is p plpleleaeasasasanantnt t a anandand d r ??frf?resre???ngn? a an andnd d Id I I h hah?veve ?ene?joj?yeyeded ??ririninkn?in?g ?itit;t; ; i?f f?yoyouou u a ar are? a? c co c??fefeefe??lol?veverver ?yoyouyou u ou ?wewe e ie it? t toto to y yo youourou?ses???f tf toto ?gigivive? t th thi?s s cs ?cofcoff??ee ee a a a t a trtryr? a an and and d sd ?seese???hahathat t yt ??????ininkink.k? I I ?hoh?pepe e ye yo??'r'rere ?as?? pl pleleale?aseas?ed ed?wiw??h h i it it t at ?as as Ias I I aI amam!m!"!""?454?5454,4?B0B??2T2??V3V3E3E4E4,4,A4,A1A?BHBHSHSPS?8T8?PTP??8Y8?5,5,","C"CCCCGCGaG???""""M"?yRy?evevivieiewewsws"s?"""""",",0,?,2,2,2?5,?121282838?55?848?00?,B,Be,Betetttteterer er t??an??Th?atat at G ??lalaxaxyx?MoMono?eyey ???haihain? c co?ff?ffeeffee,e,","O,"OKO?- - I I I? ha havaveave ???to ato adadmd?itit it Iit I ?wawasas as aas ?? hu h??e e Se SBSB B?fafanan ?(y(yoyouyou ???owow,ow? t th tha that that t bt bibigig ?StStetelte?lalarlarMr?MonMone??y c?ofoff???ee cee chchachaiainin in oin ?on on?ev???y ???rnrne??).). ?I ??ididndn'n't't ?exe?pe?ctct t mt ?ucuchch ch? fr froromom m? a ??cofcoffcoffefee? o ?ordorded?ereer?ed ????inineine,e, e,
erator.<br /><br />This coffee is pleasant and refreshing and I have enjoyed drinking it; if you are a coffee lover you owe it to yourself to give this coffee a try and see what you think. I hope you're as pleased with it as I am!" 4554,B002TMV3E4,A1BHSP8TPTH8Y5,"CCGal ""MyReviews""",0,2,5,1283558400,Better than That GalaxyMoney chain coffee,"OK- I have to admit I was a huge SB fan (you know, that big StellarMoney coffee chain on every corner). I didn't expect much from a coffee ordered online,
?bubutut t I I I??aka?e e?ana??? th thohouougughg??s s b ?acackck k??ftfteterer r? th the the e fe ?iri?stst ?sisipip p?ofof f t th thi th?s ?smsmomooootothth,h??riricichc? c cocofoffoffef??. . T ?heherereer??isis is n ?ononene e oe ofof of?? the? g ?riritrittttyty,y, , a, ???didicic ic a af aft afte?r ??tastaststest?e o?f f of ?othotheherhe?r cr cocofco??feefe?s;s? b bu butut ut i ini?st?steaste?d d?????oooomoomimin??, , s, ?silsilklkyk?y fy flf?avavovoror ?ofof ?nunut?s,s, , m, momocmoch?a,a, , a?ndn?d pd pupururere ?co??fe?fee.fee. ??inindin??yoy??, ?th?isis is iis isisnisn'n?t t at a a f ?flaflav?or?eded d cd ??coffcoffecoff?ee,ee, , i, ?t ????s as ala?? o??f tf th??esees?e ne nunuanuanancanceceses es b bu?ili?t ?inintin?o o?? the the the R the RiRivi?iei?eraer??SuSununsnsens???DeDece???f bf ?lelenendnd.nd. ?OhOh-h??dididdi??I I fI fofororgorgegetet et? to to o mo ?enententitioion? i??'s's ?dedececaecaf?? ? I I I c co cououlouldl??n'tn't ?beb????veve ??t t mt ??ses???????? I I ?loloolo?ke?d d ad ata?t tt ththethe the??agag g t th the????coconcond? d da d?y!y! ! I I I t I th??ougough?t t i?t ?wawas?? tr trur?e,e, , c, cacafca?ffiffin?at?ed?? co???eeee ee???y ty th?the the fthe fl?flavflavovorvo?r ar alaloalononeone,e, e,? th tho th
but I take any thoughts back after the first sip of this smooth, rich coffee. There is none of the gritty, acidic after taste of other coffees; but instead a blooming, silky flavor of nuts, mocha, and pure coffee. Mind you, this isn't a flavored coffee, it has all of these nuances built into the Riviera Sunset Decaf blend. Oh- did I forget to mention it's decaf? I couldn't believe it myself when I looked at the bag the second day! I thought it was true, caffinated coffee by the flavor alone, tho
u?ghgh h I I I d dididi??non????e e??heh?e le ??ckck k o ofo? e ene???gigizi?ini?g g?(a(asas s w wow?ululdld d ad ananyn? d?ece?afa?).). . H HiH??ghlgh??y ry rerececoecomo?mem?enden?ede?....... ..?anandand d Id I ?amam m???ititctchchih?inging!g?""?45455555??B0B000020??MVM?3E3E4E4,4?A2A2626T6TYT??Q2Q????4E4??,J,J.J. . G. ?ARARRRRARATA??,0,?,2,2,2,4,?4,14,?282838343474727202??0,0,"0,"F"FuF?ullul? f flf?lavlavovoror,r? s??ooootothot?, , d, ??esesns?'t'? p pupununcnchch ch??ouou ou? wi w??h ?bib?ittit??ernernenesnessss"s?????hishis ?coc?offof?eee?e he hah?as as a a a??mormo????re???enten?t ft ?flaflava?vorvor r t th tha?n n? th?e e se ststutufuffff f tf ththetheyey ?brb?rewre???or??usu??ata?t wt ??rkrk,k, , y, yeyetet ?it? g gogoeoesoes ?do?wnw?n sn smsmomoomo??? T. ?? m my my y wy ?wifwifefe fe? an a??d Id I,d I, ?ththathatat'at's's s as a s a g???d d cd cocomco?bibinbi?atatiatioiono??. T?hehe he f fa facactact t tt ththathattha?t i?t t ct cocomcomecom?? a al a??reare?dyd?y gy grgrorouounou?nd nd d do doeoesoesnoes?n'tn'??dodo do a? any an???ininging ing? to t?o so sus??trtrar?actact act t th the? f?lalavlavolavor?or eor eie?".""4"45455455656,6?,B0,B?002002T?MV??3E43E4,4,A4,?A25A2???M3M???????Q,Q?CoC?omdomdedetde
ugh I did notice the lack of energizing (as would any decaf). Highly recommended... and I am switching!" 4555,B002TMV3E4,A26TYDQ2BFD4EG,J. GARRATT,0,2,4,1283472000,"Full flavor, smooth, doesn't punch you with bitterness","This coffee has a more present flavor than the stuff they brew for us at work, yet it goes down smoothly. To my wife and I, that's a good combination. The fact that it comes already ground doesn't do anything to subtract the flavor either." 4556,B002TMV3E4,A25C2M3QF9G7OQ,Comdet
,,0,??2,2?5,5,1,12128283832321212128128080000,0,"0,"W"WoW???ererfrfufulul l?araror?mam????nd nd t ??sts?e,e? b bubutu?? be b? c ?ar??fu?l l ol ?pepenenin?ngng g t?hehe ?babagag"g??"I"?'m'm m???ar ar m momororere e oe ofof f a?? te teaea a da ?ririninkinkekerer er t? tha thanan n a a ?cocofoffoffefeee?e de drdridrin???er,er, , b, bubutbu?t It ? c?anan'an't't t st ststastarartart t tt tht?he he d ?ayay y w wiwitiththothouout???? a cu a cupu??oror or t? thr th??e ??f ?cocofcofff??e.e??PlPlulusus,s?, I, I'??m nm nonoto?t rt ??alallllyl??awawaw?keke ke??ntn??l ???smsmemele?ll ll t th the th?e ce cocofcoffcof??fee fee? br brerewre?winwi?ng ng - - - j ??ustus??no????mormornrnininning??wi?th?thoutho?ut ?it???brbr r / />/?<b<br<br r /r ?/>I/>?I tI tetentendnd nd tnd ?o o???y y my momormoremor??afaffffoff?ordordadabdablblele e (e (e( tt tyt t?pepe pe b br bra branandan??) )??f f cf cof c?off?ee? s ?o o Io I I cI cacanca??spsplplulurlurgr????n n tn te?a.a. . S. SoSo o to th?isis s w wa wasas as a? a r a rerea?l l tl trtre?reatreat t -t - - o- ououtou?st?stanstand?iningin?g ag ar?omomaoma ?ju?stst st??pe?nininningning g tg ththethe ????, , a, anandand and?eveveven? b be bet betttteterter r wr ??henhen n bn brbrebrewewi?wingwing.????eliel?ghg??fufulfullfully
,0,2,5,1283212800,"Wonderful aroma and taste, but be careful opening the bag","I'm far more of a tea drinker than a coffee drinker, but I can't start the day without a cup or three of coffee. Plus, I'm not really awake until I smell the coffee brewing - just not morning without it.<br /><br />I tend to buy more affordable (e.g., supermarket type brands) of coffee so I can splurge on tea. So this was a real treat - outstanding aroma just opening the bag, and even better when brewing. Delightfully
?smsmomooootothth h t tatasasts?e,e, ,?ana?? h ?igi?????drd?ininknkakabablblel? b ?blablaca????th?e ???lyly ly w wawayay y Iy I I d?ririnrinknk nk c cocofoffffefeeee e oe ore or r t?eaea)a).).<.<b<brb??/>/??<br<br ?r />r />M>MyMy y oy ononlonlyly ly cly cocomco??lalaiain?t t i isis s o ?pep?ninininging g t th t????agag.g. . B BaBasaseasede??onon on? wh w?atat ?otothotheherher r rr rer??ieiewe?erersrs ??stastatateateded,ed, ?I ?opopeopen?eded ed i it it ??vev?? a a a p ?plaplasastastit?? b?????o o? it it it??ououluldld d cd ??atcat?h h ah an?y y sy spspip??lsls.s?. V. VeV?eryer??glglaladlad ?I I dI did??d -d - - a an an n a ap apppprprerecre?iaiabablab?le le a am a??unu?t t wt wawaswas ?s sps spipilpillllelleded ed wed ??henhen n In ?I cI cuc?t t it ?intintointo o to ?thethe the b ba bag?. . I. ?I dI deI d?cacancantntented???t t it int int?o ?anan an? ai airir-r-t-ti?ghghtght t ct co?ntntant?? . I?'v'veve ve? ha h???ththithisis is??roroboblblebl?m m w?itithit?h oh ??otheotherer ?vavacacuacuuuumu?m pm ??ackac?eded ??cofcoff?eeee,ee, ??utut ut t??e e ve veververyry y fy fif??e e ge grgririnrindrind d od ofd o??? the the the M MeMelelilitittittata ta m mamad??e ie itit it e ?eveev?en en m???re re o of of f af a a???ob????.<.<b.<?? / ???<br???>S>StS??ll??, n, nonotot ot e en eno?
smooth taste, and highly drinkable black (the only way I drink coffee or tea).<br /><br />My only complaint is opening the bag. Based on what other reviewers stated, I opened it over a plastic bin so it would catch any spills. Very glad I did - an appreciable amount was spilled when I cut into the bag. I decanted it into an air-tight container. I've had this problem with other vacuum packed coffee, but the very fine grind of the Melitta made it even more of a problem.<br /><br />Still, not enou
gghgh h?ofof f?? p prp?oboblblelemem m t ?o o?wawararrr??ntnt t??aka?ini??? aw a?waywa? a??raratratitiningin??sts? s???akeakese??a a wa wowonondndedererfrfufulu? c cucupu? o of o?f cf cocofoffoffefeee?!"!?4?555?7,7???020?TMTMVMV3V3E3?4,4,A,A2A?NMNMQM?WBW?DWD?T3T3S3?QFQ?,L,LoL?rerele??ShS?eaea,a?0,0,2,2,2?4,4,14,121282838?212????00,00,","s"sms?ooo?thth h th ???steste,e, ,?gog?oodoo????ot ot a an a?nd nd i ?cec?d"d?,","I,"I'I'v'veve e? tr tririei?ed ed? to to ?gigiviveve ve u up? m?y y cy co?fff?feefe?e he hahababib?t,t, ?bubutut ?itit it j jujusustst st h ha hasasnsn'n't't ?bebeeeeneen n e ??sys????DHD? a an and and d Id ? d did?d ?mamanmananagagege e te to? s swswiwit??h h th toh to o do ?decde?afaf f af a ?cocoucoupupluple? y ?ea?rsr?s as ags a?go,go??soso o Io I ?susupuppuppopososes??e the t?hathat't's's s ss sosomsomemeteththith? ?. I. I'I'mI'm ??a ma ?modmodederdera?raterate e ce cocofcoffcoffefeefee fee? dr d??nknkek?er-er- - I I I lI ?ikikeke ke??-2-? c cu cup????of of???ot ??oeoe ?e toe t?o go geo g?? m me me ??stastarartartet???inin in t?????orornorninin?ing,ing?, a, anandand d *d *l*?ovove?? a???nicnicece ce? ch chihilhillllyly y iy iciceic??ed ced ?cof??ee???n ?a a ha ?hothot ??aftafteterternr?oooonoon.n??. T. Th
gh of a problem to warrant taking away a rating star. This makes a wonderful cup of coffee!" 4557,B002TMV3E4,A2NMQWBDWT3SQF,Lorel Shea,0,2,4,1283212800,"smooth taste, good hot and iced","I've tried to give up my coffee habit, but it just hasn't been easy. DH and I did manage to switch to decaf a couple years ago, so I suppose that's something. I'm a moderate coffee drinker- I like 1-2 cups of hot joe to get me started in the morning, and *love* a nice chilly iced coffee on a hot afternoon. Th
iisis s?MeMelelilitittt?? " ??RiR?viv?ererara ?SuSununsnses??"""" "" d dedececacafaf f??? s sms??oto?h h a anandnd d d?oeo???'t'?????? t ?theth?e be bibitittit?erer er a af aftftetertertrtatastastste? t th t?hatha???? di disislis?liklikeke ?ini? o ?nen??ofof f tf th?the the l leleaeadadidininging g c cocof?fefeeeesesheshohopop p??ra??ndsnd?. .??ThT?e e fe flflalavavoavoro? i is i??grgrerea?t t at anandand d Id I'I'v'?? e enenjn??yeyeded d id ?it it b bo botothot??hohothot t at ant and? i??eded.ed??4?555??,B,B0B0000202T2?MVMV3V3E3E4E??A1A1B1B3B3G3GNG?O9O9C9C8C8Y8YXYX0X0N0N,N?"G"?en?e e Pe ?opopeop???""g""geg?ene?""?",",0,???,4,?????323??12812808?00,00,v,ve??y y t ta tasa??y,y,","W,"WhWha??? ca canan an y yoyouou u s sa saya?y ay aba??outout t ct ?cofcoffffefeefee,e, ,? ei eitithitheherhe?r yr yo?u u lu lilik?e e i?t t ot oror or???ou ou d do don don'n'tn'?. . I. I I lI ?lik??d ??thithisis ?cocofcoffcoffefeefee,fee, ?ala?ththothou?ghg?h wh ??henhe?n In ?I cI ?hohooho?se?? to t? r re??vieviewew w i?t ?? d??dndn'?? n nonototiot?cece ce??? w wawas? d de d?ecaec? T. Th?atat ????dede,de, , i, itit ???tasttastetestes s fs fif?ineine e (e (m(mamad?e ?e ine in ?mymy y Ky ??ururir?g)g) ) b bu butut t it ifif f yf yoyouyou you w wa w?antant t tt th?
is Melitta ""Riviera Sunset"" decaf is smooth and doesn't have the bitter aftertaste that I dislike in one of the leading coffeeshop brands. The flavor is great and I've enjoyed it both hot and iced." 4558,B002TMV3E4,A1B3GNO9C8YX0N,"Gene Pope ""gene""",0,2,4,1283212800,very tasty,"What can you say about coffee, either you like it or you don't. I liked this coffee, although when I choose to review it I didn't notice it was decaf. That aside, it tastes fine (made in my Keurig) but if you want the
? k kikici?k k?gegetet t?tht?e e c cacafaffffefeieininanatatet?d d o ononene.e?""?454?595?,B,?000?2T2TMTMVMV3V????A2A222?I5I55??151?NSN???X,X,","T"TwTwow? k?ididsds s?momomo??""""s"scs?iei??ceceteteeteaeacachcheherhermrmo?m"m""?????2,2,5,??121?838303040404?000000000,00,"?FoForo? d ?ece??ff?, , q ??ititete te e exexcxcecelcelll????.".",."?,"T,"ThT????ofoffffeffeee??isi?s es ex?cecel?lelenlentnt,t???itithit? a a a s ??moomootothth th t?asa?tete ?anandn?d pd plpleleale?asaasanantant t at ?roromomaoma.a?? I ?t t dt ?idid id???? h hahavaveve e te ththathat? b bib?ittitteterter/r/p/?plapl?astastit?? a ?aftafte?terttertat???e e ye yoyouou u?fif??d ??in in a a a?lol?ot ?ofof of d de dec?afaf af c??ff???s.s.<.<b<brbr r /r ?><>???r /r />r />T>??e e ge grgririnindind ind i is? v veververyr? f?in??, , , m my my y cy ?checheaeapeapop?o co coc??????fi?ltlte??s ?le???t a t a??ititt?lele le? bi bit?? of of f t???he che cocofco?ffeffee? t th thr thro???????UsUses????odod d qd ?quaquala?itityity ??????tersters ters w wi????ththithisis ?co?coffcoffefee?.<?br??/>/></>?<br? / /> />I>?It It w wa wasas as d?ififfffifficicuiculu?lt lt t to to o oo opopepenen en?? the th??pap?ackackakagagege,ge?, a, anandan?d td ?
kick get the caffeinated one." 4559,B002TMV3E4,A22I55P15NSAOX,"Two kids mom ""scienceteachermom""",0,2,5,1283040000,"For decaff, quite excellent.","The coffee is excellent, with a smooth taste and pleasant aroma. It did not have that bitter/plastic aftertaste you find in a lot of decaf coffees.<br /><br />The grind is very fine, my cheapo coffee filters let a little bit of the coffee through. Use good quality filters with this coffee.<br /><br />It was difficult to open the package, and th
???lilitittttlt?e e we ?irirere e ce ?lolososes?? f fefele?l l o ofoffff f a afaftfteterer er t tht?e e se sesecsecoconondn? t ti timi??. .????weweve?er?, , I I I?unu?ndend??ststatanand? w whw????cofco?ffeff???isis s??acackc??gegese??th?????aya?, , t, ?o o m miminininim?izi?e e te ?thethe e ee ????osuos?rere re o of of ?ththethe the o oi oili??s is ?in in t??? c co cofoffof???e te toe t??aiair?. . A. ?ndnd ?of? c? cou cour??se se a?? fi fin?e e ge grgririnindin??hah?s ?a a l?arargrgegerger r sr ?ururfurfafacaceace e te toe to e to m ma mas??s rs ??titioio,o, , m, mamakakikininging g i it? a??ge ge e ev?ene? f fa fasastasteterte?. ? S SoSo o Io I I fI ?ororgrgirg?veve ve t th the themem m? fo foror or? th the the the p pa p??ka???? . ??ouo? r rereare?llllyll??neneeeedee?d ad ?an an? ai air?titigtighghtht t o op o?paqpaquq?e e ce coe conontonta?in?ineriner r tr to? s ?stostororeor??e the thihisis is kis ki?nd?nd ond ofnd of ?cocofcoffcoffe?fee.fee.<.<b<brbr r /r ?><><b?r r /r />r /?PePerers??onaonalallallyl?y Iy I ?li??????e to ge to grgrigr?ind?? my my ??cof?coffecoffeeee ee r ri rigighghtgh?t bt beb???re??ususisining?, , b, bubutut t tt ththe??coconconvn?venveni??encen?e e ae ?andand ??tastaststest?e oe of?of tof ?thi???MeM??it??ta ta? h hahashas s cs coconconvcon?in?cecedce
e little wire closer fell off after the second time. However, I understand why coffee is packages this way, to minimize the exposure of the oils in the coffee to air. And of course a fine grind has a larger surface to mass ratio, making it age even faster. So I forgive them for the packaging. You really need an airtight opaque container to store this kind of coffee.<br /><br />Personally I like to grind my coffee right before using, but the convenience and taste of this Melitta has convinced
? m mem???hah?t t? th t?ere?e ???? o ?ththeth??? op optp??ono?s.s.".""?454??0,0??0000202T2TMTMVMV3V3E3E4E4,4??1Y1???BUBU2U2727A7?KJKJ1J1J1J,J?TrTrar?cycy y L L.L.,.,0,?0,20,2,2,4,?????303040404?0000000?,G,GrGre??at at d ??cacafaf.f?....,..??FiFirirsrsts?? l leletet't's's s t ta t??k k a ??ououtu?t tt ththethe the??acackac??giginingn?? ?? h ?hathatete e we whwhehenhen n?coc???eeee e ce co??me me p pa p??ackaackagageagede? i ?? b babagagsag?s ls lil??e ???isis.s. s. T ThT?heyhe???re ??uiu?te? c cu cumumbmbeberersersos?me?me ame ?ndnd d id inin in min mymy ?opopip??io??, ????non?? k kekeeke?? t? the the e ce coe cofoffof?feefee ??reresre?h h?ene?nouno?ghgh.h.<.?brbr r?/>/?<b<br<br r /r />/>A/>AsA?s fs ?oro?r tr ??the the cthe cocofcoffffeffeeee ee i it itstseselelflf,f, ?ththithisthis ??asa?s os ononeone ?ofof of t th the the the b?etettet?terter ???astas??ngng ng d??ecaecafaf'af's's 's I I I h?avaveve e he hahadha?. . . ??t t ht ha?s ?? v veververyry y ry ?icichch h fh flflalav?or? t th tha thatat ??ouou ou d do do o no nonotnot ?nonornormrmam?allallyl?y fy fifinindind d wd wiwit?h h dh ???cafcaff???inain?ateateded ed c co c? . . I. ItIt ??asas as? a a?wow?ondon??rfr?ulu? a?????a aa ?as ?wewel?l.l. . . V. VeVereryery y py
me that there are other options." 4560,B002TMV3E4,A1YBVBU27AKJ1J,Tracy L.,0,2,4,1283040000,Great decaf...,"First, let's talk about the packaging. I hate when coffee come packaged in bags like this. They're quite cumbersome and in my opinion, do not keep the coffee fresh enough.<br /><br />As for the coffee itself, this was one of the better tasting decaf's I have had. It has a very rich flavor that you do not normally find with decaffeinated coffee. It has a wonderful aroma as well. Very p
???asaseseded d?wiw????ththith?? p prprorodo??ctc??""4454?616?,B,B0B?0202T2?MVM??E4E4,4,A,A3A?W4W4D4D8D8X8XOXOGOGLGLWL?UNUN5N5,5,",?MiM?chchahaeaelel l?KeK?rnrnen?er er " """"M?ic?hahaeha?el el??erernerne?r"r"""""""",",0,??2,2,4,4,4,14,1212828282828628676?2020000,00?SmS?ooootothth th F FoForo? D ?ececacafaf,f,","W,"WhW?ene? i itit it?cocomomemeses s ds dodowownw???o o?MeM?elielit??a,a?? th the?? d ?efe???it??elyely y hy ha?veve e k knknonow??n fn foforor or a ??l ?th??s s ts ?imimeme,me?, w, whwha?t t??t t tt ?taktakekes? t to to o ro ?eaealeallllylly y my ?adade?? a a???reareatat t ct ??? o ?? c co cofoffoffef?e.e. . W WiWitithith ?ththeth?irir r Cr ??afeaf?e Ce CoC?llllellec??tioti?n,n?, t, ththetheythe??dedefdefi?ni?tetelellellyly y by brbrir?ingin? o?utut ?t tht thehe he b bebes??t it in? f flf?avavovororsors ?foforfo?r ar ?allall ?kikin?dsds s os ?? c???fefeefee e le ?ovo????, ?anandn?d td ththathat?? is i?s rs re?realrea?llylly lly a a a s a ststrt?ronro?g g ag araroromro? . W. WiWitWith?th tth ??theitheirir ir??ivi??veravera a S ?ununsnsesetse???, th, t?hey? d de d?efiefininiinititeitelitely? b br b?rinri?? o ou out ou?t at a a da dedecdecacafcaffffiffininainatateat?ed ed t????te te? th tha thatat ??feefeelfeelsls s ls ?ikikeke ke i it? i??? fu fulullll ll
leased with this product." 4561,B002TMV3E4,A3W4D8XOGLWUN5,"Michael Kerner ""Michael Kerner""",0,2,4,1282867200,Smooth For Decaf,"When it comes down to Melitta, they definitely have known for all this time, what it takes to really made a great cup of coffee. With their Cafe Collection, they definitelly bring out the best in flavors for all kinds of coffee lovers, and that is really a strong aroma. With their Rivera Sunset, they definitely bring out a decaffinated taste that feels like it is full
oofof f p pepepep p?ata???hehe e b ??gigininnnninininging g o of? t?hehe he???rnrnininningng.g??? r rereae?llllyly y l lol??e ?iti?. ?ThThehe he the tatasasts?e ??s s s ststrstroronong?? an a?d d t th the the ?e ine i???mamat??e ae araroromro?ma ma i isis s js juj?stst st d ded?lil?ghg?tftfufulul.l. ?AlAllll ll i in in n a al allll,ll?????bsb???ututeteltelyly ly r re r?cocomo?memene?nd nd?????? as a?s as ? g grgrereareatat at??re?reatrea?t it ?in in t th?? m mo m??nininningning g tg toto o w wawakakeke e ue upup p ap anand??enenjen?oyoy.y.<.<b<?r r / ?><><b??r /r ?/>P/>PrPriricicece:e: : B ????? /> /><?brbr br /???asastaste?: : B: ??<b?<br <br /<br />/></>?<br?<br /?>O>????alallall:l: : B: B : B 1 1/1?2+2?""4?565???B0B000?2T2TMTMVM?3E3E4E?,A,A2A??XMX???GSG??CSCSZSZ1SZ?,","a"anannan?nienie ?"""?grgragran?annianniei?eaneannnninn?ie"ie"""""""???,2,?2,52,5,5,1,121282828?28628?72720200??LoLovoveove e te ththethe e Ae ?ro?romarom???re??reat reat?TaTasTaststest????ThiTh?is ??cofcoffffef?e e se ?memelme?llellede?d wd wowon?dederde?fufulful l? wh w???e e ie ite it t wt ?waswas s bs ?brebr??in? ???y ?huhus??????drd?rinrinkn??s a?????t mt momormorere re c cocof?fefeefee ??hahanan an I I ??o,o, , a, ??? h hehe he ahe agagr?eeeedeed ?
of pep at the beginning of the morning. I really love it. The taste is strong and the intimate aroma is just delightful. All in all, I absolutely recommend this as a great treat in the morning to wake up and enjoy.<br /><br />Price: B<br /><br />Taste: B+<br /><br />Overall: B 1/2+" 4562,B002TMV3E4,A2TXMYYGSZCSZ1,"annie ""grannieannie""",0,2,5,1282867200,Love the Aroma/Great Taste,"This coffee smelled wonderful while it was brewing. My husband drinks a lot more coffee than I do, and he agreed t
hhahata? t ?hihisis s i is? a ? g grgrereaeat? t?asasts??ngng g?coc??fefeee?. . W WeWe e a ar arere re l lol?okokikininging g fg ?oro?wawarardrd d t?o o t tr tryryiy?inging ing?MeM???ttttata'a's's s os otoththetherer r??ar?iei??????""?454565636?,B,???2T2??V3V?E4E4,4,A,A2A2K2KPKP4P??WYW?UTUTKTKUKUFUFOF???ererser?chc?elel el G GrGrereereene???erger??0,0?2,2,5,?,1,121282828?787808080?800800,0,"0,"U"UnUnen?xpx????ede?lyly,y, , s sus???rir?isiisininginglinglyly,ly, ?gogoooodood!d!"!?,","I"I I a am am m?non?ot ot?mum?chch ch?ofof of a? c co c?offof??e ??ri?nknkeker???mamaia?inlinlyly ly b bebecbe?auaususese e Ie I I dI ????notnot t dt ??ininkink k c ca c?ff??in??, ??ndnd d bd bebec?auausau?se se I I I hI hahavhaveve e ne nenevneveverver ?aca???irireredred d td th??? ta tas tast??e fe foforfor r cr co?ffffeffeeffe?e. e.??owo????ver,ver, ?I ??waswas s ts tetemtempm?tetedted ?d tod to ?trtryry ry t?hihishis s ps pr?ododud?uctuct,t, , a??nd nd? I I??was? r re??lll?ly ?????ririsrise?d d bd byd b? h ?ow? g?ooood?? it it ?ta??stestedsted.d. . . I?t t d?idid ?nonotnot not? ha havaveve ve a??y y oy ofof of tof ththethe the bthe bib?ittit?terter ?r afr aftf??ter ter t ta tas tast tastete,te?, a?, and, an?d md momor?e e ie ?mp?or?tatanta?tltly?? I??
hat this is a great tasting coffee. We are looking forward to trying Melitta's other varieties." 4563,B002TMV3E4,A2KP4CWYUTKUFO,Herschel Greenberg,0,2,5,1282780800,"Unexpectedly, surprisingly, good!","I am not much of a coffee drinker, mainly because I do not drink caffeine, and because I have never acquired the taste for coffee. However, I was tempted to try this product, and I was really surprised by how good it tasted. It did not have any of the bitter after taste, and more importantly, I c
o?ulu?d d n ?otot t t ?ele?l l t???t t it ?t t wt ?asa??ded?cacafa?fefeieininanatateatede?. . ?ThThihisi?s is isis is????oro?tat???t bt beb?ecaecaua?sese e m ?ososts?t dt de???f f c cocofoff?eeeeses s hs ?havha?e e ae an? " """?odo??"""" "" t ta tasastaste???? m??, , b bubutut ?tht?hathat ?""""o""ododdoddndnen?essess"s"""" "" w"" wa?s s ms ?isississisin?g g f ??omo?? th thi th?is is pis ??rodro?ucuctc?.<.?brbr r / />/><>?<br<b???/>F/>FuF???hehere??mormo??e, e, I I I h ha??d td ?o ??askask k a ???of?fefeefee ???ve????or? a an an n o opopipininiin?onon,n, ?soso o Io I I aI ?askaskeasked?? my my y m mo m?othotheherhe?-i-inin-in-l-lalawaw,w, ?whwhoh?o do drd?ininkin?s s as ??ll ll k ???dsds s os of? c? cof coff?ffeeffe?es es f fr f?romrom m am alallall l ol ovoveoverer er? th??e we wow?orlorld????momosmo?? 5 ? t ti t?imeim?es es aes ?a da dadayay.y?. . S ShShe? w wawaswas was s skskekepe??icica?l l al at? f fi firirsr?st,st, , b, bebecbeca?ususeuse ?shshe?????ususeusesuses s ts to? d???nkn?k dk de?decadecaf?. ??HoH?wew?veverver,ver???aftaf?terter r ar a ??fewfew w s si sipipsp?s o?f ?ththith??is cis cocofcoffffeffeeffee,ffee, , s?he??sasaia?d ??ha???? alt alththothou?ghgh h? it it t it ist is s as a s a? "" ""m"??ldld"ld"""" "" c"" ?cofcoffcof??fee,fee, , i,
ould not tell that it was decaffeinated. This is important because most decaf coffees have an ""odd"" taste to me, but that ""oddness"" was missing from this product.<br /><br />Furthermore, I had to ask a coffee lover for an opinion, so I asked my mother-in-law, who drinks all kinds of coffees from all over the world almost 5 times a day. She was skeptical at first, because she refuses to drink decaf. However, after a few sips of this coffee, she said that although it is a ""mild"" coffee, i
tt t w wawasas s i ini? f ?acactct t vt ??ryry y??asastastyty ?ana?d d?nonototht??ingin? h ?hinhintntet?d d ad ?t ?ititst?s ds ded?cacafaf f o ororirigigig??s.s. .? S ??e e l lilikikekeded ed i????? m ?ucu?h,h? s ?hehe he?pop?ururereded ??anoanotothot?herher r???p.p.<.?brb?r /r ??????r />r /?BeB?twtweweeeenen ?ththethe e te twtwotwo o oo ofof ??s,s?, w, ?we we h ha hava?? a ?lml??stst t ft fifininiin?sh?eded ed ted th???babagag.g. . . ??t ?t sht s?ou?ldld d pd ?asassass ?ththe??teteste?st st f fr f?omo???vevenve??n thn thehe he phe pipicickc??ese???cocofoffoffef?? d drd?rinrinkn???s.s. s.??I I p po pososios?itiit?vevelvelyl?y ry rerecrecocomcommmmemenenden?d td ?thithis? p pr prorodro??uctuct,t, ??andan?d Id I ?ho?pepe e ye yoyou? e en e?jojoyoy y yy yoyouyo?ur ur??exextxt ?cu?? o of o?f cf ?cofcoffffefeefee ??roromrom ?ththithisthis s cs co?compcom??nyny.y.".""4?565646?,B,B0B000020??MVM?3E3E4E4,4,A4,A2A?1K1??RURUAUAAA?5R5RKRK5K?E,E?TrTrerevrevovor? G GoGooo??ch?ilildld,ld???2,2,4,4,??282???80808080?0,?PrPreretrettt?ty ty g ??oodood d fd fofor?or dor ???cafcaff?.......,..?"I"I ?prprereprepaparpareredred d t?hihishi?s c?ofoff??ee ?????? fr?enencen?? p??es?s s (s (a(al???ouougoughgh h i it it it i is is s gs grg?
t was in fact very tasty and nothing hinted at its decaf origins. She liked it so much, she poured another cup.<br /><br />Between the two of us, we have almost finished the bag. It should pass the test from even the pickiest coffee drinkers. I positively recommend this product, and I hope you enjoy your next cup of coffee from this company." 4564,B002TMV3E4,A21KNRUAA5RK5E,Trevor Goodchild,0,2,4,1282780800,Pretty good for decaff...,"I prepared this coffee in a french press (although it is gro
?unundn? t ?oooo o f fif?nene e? fo foro? t th thih?s)s).). . I ItIt t h hah??d ad ? n ?icicec??araroromomam?, , a ?a fa fuf???? ta tasaststete e ae ane a?nd nd m ?ilildl????tttte???nesnessss.s?? I It It't?s s a a a f fo foo fo?lsls s gs gagamamem?e te ?to to t?ryr? t to t???esescscrcriribibeb??e the theh?e t?asastastete te?ofof f a an a?ytyththihinhingng g i in? a an any any y dy dedetdetataiailil-il?- - s soso ??'l'll? j juj????lel??veve e ye ?ouou u?wiw??h h t th?e ?cocof?fefeeee e we wawasas as q ququiu?iteit?e ge gogoo?d ?d and a??nd ind it?? wo wououlouldld ld m ma maka?e e ae a e a g ?googo?d d a??te?ter ter d ?ininnin?nerner r cr cocofco?fe?e.e.<.<b<??r /r />/???r r /r />r />M>MyMy ????y y cy cocomco?plp?aiainai?t ??? t th? the the?cocofcoffcof??fee fee? is i?s ps prprer??grg?rourounundun??. . G. GrGrorourounround??cocofcoffcoffecoffeeee ee i is is is a? a b a bibitbit ?ststastalalele le?byb?y ty th?e e te tie timimeme me y yoyouyo?u gu geg??t i?t,t, , h, hohowo?eveveverver,r??a ?blbla?de? g gr gri?ndndendere?r wr ??llll ll rll rurui?n n? th the the the c the ???coffe?e e ae ase as s ws wewelwellll.ll?.<b.<brbr br?/>?<b<br<br <br / /> />I>?f f yf yoyouyou you d?onon'on't't t ot owownown ?a ?a bua bururrrr-r-g-gr-g???dederder,? t? thi thisis ??is ??thethe the b be besestest t ct cucupup p????dedecdecacafaff? y?
und too fine for this). It had a nice aroma, a full taste and mild bitterness. It's a fools game to try to describe the taste of anything in any detail-- so I'll just leave you with the coffee was quite good and it would make a good after dinner coffee.<br /><br />My only complaint is the coffee is pre-ground. Ground coffee is a bit stale by the time you get it, however, a blade grinder will ruin the coffee as well.<br /><br />If you don't own a burr-grinder, this is the best cup of decaff yo
uu'u'r'rer? g gogoioiningn? t tot? g?ete?.".""?454?6565,5?B0B0000202T2?MVM??E4E4,4?A2A2323535U5UFUFZFZGZGCG?FNFN3N3J3J5J?5,E5,EvEvav???,2,?,5,?5,15,121282?272787808??80080?0,"0,???cecele??ene????asasts?ininging g cg cocofo?fefeee?, , n nanatatutururar???y y d dedececac?ffffeffeie?inainatateateded"d","??ThT?isi? i is? t th thehe e be ?esestst st d?ececaec?af af m mymy ?fafamamim??y ?anandn? I I I h hah?vev?e te ?ririeieded ed??n n???lol?ngng ng t ti timimem?? I It It't's'?s ss smsmomooooto?h,h, , n, ??ot ot b ???teterer r? an andnd nd h ha h?as as e enenoen?ugughg??flflal?avoavoro??wiwitithithohououtou?t bt bebeibe??ing ing? to t?? s ststrstror???g lg lil????sosomomeme me?ot?????brb?ranra?ndsnd??I'I??ve ve??ririerieded.ed. ?I I lI liliklikeke ke???atat at i?t'???dedecdecacafca?ffeffeiffe???tetedte??ususis???ing ting th?e ?na???ra?? s sw swiwiswi?s ?wawatate??r pr ??rocrocecesce?? i in ins in?stesteae??d od ofof of?chc?hemhemimicmi?????. T. ?ThaThat???? a a b?igi?g pg plp??us us f?oror or??e e b?ec??us?e ?mam?anyany y by brbrabran?dsds s ds dos d?on'on't'??teteltell???ou?? ho howow w? th the th?y y dy ???afaffaffefeifein?inatinateinate e t?heheihe?r r cr ??ff?ffeeffe?? I I I???uaual??ly ly??uyu?y wy whw
u're going to get." 4565,B002TMV3E4,A235UFZGCFN3J5,Eva,0,2,5,1282780800,"Excellent tasting coffee, naturally decaffeinated","This is the best decaf my family and I have tried in a long time. It's smooth, not bitter and has enough flavor without being too strong like some other brands I've tried. I like that it's decaffeinated using the natural swiss water process instead of chemicals. That's a big plus for me because many brands don't tell you how they decaffeinate their coffee. I usually buy wh
oolo?? b beb?ana?? b bu butu? t ththihisis s?grgrorouounu???isis is?soso o n ninici?e e ae anandan?d fd fif??e,e, ?anand? i??t st ???eses ??e e te ???me me????iningin?? to t?o go ??inindind ?itit t at ??and ?gegetet ?it? j juj??t t rt ?igighghth?. .?I'I???susugu?gegesgest? f fof???owowiw??ing ing t?hehe e ie in?ststrstrurucuctctitiotiononsns ?gig?vevenven n o onon on? th the the e be ?agag g fg fo?r r? th the the the? be b?estes??tatasaststest?e, e,? se s?ealeal l t?igighight?lyly y??andand and sand ststost?????n n tn ?theth?e re rerefre??rigri????tot?? t to to to k kek?epe? t? the the the f the flf?avavoavoror.or?. T. ??hishi??is?is ois ?oneon??I'I'lI'lll?l bl be?? bu?yiyininging ing aing agagaagaia?".""???666?,B,?000???MVM?3E3E4E4,4?A3A?0E0ELE?DPDPPP?5T5TCTCQC????,Be,B?rnrnanarardr?d Fd FaF?arrarre???,0,0,0,2,?,5,?,1,121282828272787808080?800800,?GrG?reare???wawayay y ty toto to s?tatartartr??(o(?????ni?shsh)h) ) t? the the the d the ???,",?ThThiThis?is ris rerevre???w w i?s s fs ?frofromom m m mym??wiwifwifef???brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />">""""I"I'?m m nm ?otot ?ononeone one? wh w?o o ho hahashas s as alallll ll? th the? the r the ri?righrig?ht ht? wo wor??s ??or?or dor ded?esces???bibininging ing ting ????ste ste a an a?? f fl f?lavlavov
ole bean, but this ground is so nice and fine, and it saves me time having to grind it and get it just right. I'd suggest following the instructions given on the bag for the best taste, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator to keep the flavor. This is one I'll be buying again." 4566,B002TMV3E4,A30ELDPP5TCQ8J,Bernard Farrell,0,2,5,1282780800,Great way to start (or finish) the day,"This review is from my wife:<br /><br />""I'm not one who has all the right words for describing taste and flavo
rr,r, ,?ununfnfoforortrtutununaunata?elelyl?. . I I I?sasayay y " """"u"?unfunfoforfortrturtununa?teteltelyly"ly"""" "" b bebece??usu?e e t ththih?? i isis is a a a?vevereryry y gy ?oooodod d t ta tasasts??ngng g c cocofofff?eeee e ae anandn??iti???esese??ve?s s es ?eleelege?anantan?t dt dedesdescs??ipi??tiotiono??. . W ??at? I?????? te t?ellel? y yoy?u u i is i?s ts ??atat at iat ?it it?hahashas s ns non? e ?dgd?y y by ??ittit?terte?nenes?s.s?. ?NoNo o bo bibitbi???ternter?nesne?s ?atat at aat ??l,l?, a, ??tu?alallal???. . I. ?t't?s ????? a?ndnd nd???ooootoo? Y. ?umum.m??brb? / />/><><b<br<br ??/>I/>????e e a??EuEururoropopepeaeanan an can cocofco??eeee ee p prprer?essess ess??forfor for b br b??wiwininging g ag an??d td ?thithis??grgririnrindnd nd wnd wowor?kekeded ed? be b??ututitifti???llylly ?inin in? th thahathat.t?. . N. No. Notot t tt ??? c co cou?rsrsese,se?, n, nonotno?t st sms?alall? e en enonounougu?h h th to? m mamakmakeke ke?? m?esessess ess tess ththrth??ugughugh h t?hehe e se ?scrsc??enen.n."n."""""""""?4545656767,7,B,?000?2T2TMTMVM?3E3E4E4,4,A,A1A?3M3?9X9XSXSQSQ4Q??6N6?LYL??MoM?m m t to to o 2o ? b??ysy?,0,0,0,2,2,2,5,??121??262?94944440400??GoGouourourmourmemetet t ct cocof?fefeefe??fo?for for dfor dedecdecacafca? l ?ovove
r, unfortunately. I say ""unfortunately"" because this is a very good tasting coffee and it deserves elegant description. What I can tell you is that it has no edgy bitterness. No bitterness at all, actually. It's rich and smooth. Yum.<br /><br />I use a European coffee press for brewing and this grind worked beautifully in that. Not too course, not small enough to make a mess through the screen.""" 4567,B002TMV3E4,A13M9XSQ4O6NLY,Mom to 2 boys,0,2,5,1282694400,Gourmet coffee for decaf love
r?s!s?,","A"AtAt t l lalasastst-t- -?? d ????? c cocofofff?eeee e t ?hahatat t dt ???sns??t t tt tatasastastete e de ??cacafca?! ! ?SmSmomooootothth,th, , r ???h,h, ??lalavlavovororfrfuf??, , w, wiwitith? n non? b bibitittit?terter r a af aftfte?terttertatastaststeste.e. . ?StStatartarbrbubucuckc?s s w woworortor??? ( ???t t t???mymy y hy huhususbsbabanandnd d w?hoh?o do ?doedoesesnes?n'tn't t ct ca?rere e fe ?????ta?tarbtarbu???s,s?, i, it?'s's s ws wawaya?y by ?etetttteterter)ter?. ? W WeW?e le ?iki?e ?toto o do dro d?rinrinknk k t th thihisis s is ?n n? th the the e ee eve?eneninininging g a an and??itit'?s s bs babasba?ic??llllyl?y dy dedesde?ses?rtrt t wt wiwitwi?th th cth crcre??m m a an?d d sd susugugagarar.r.".?4?565686?,B,?000020????3E3E4E4,4???H3H3X3?M6M6K6K1K?M4M4A4AKAK,K,L,??. J. ??nsnssssossonon,on??,2,2,2??,1,?????949444404???,"M,"MmMmmmmmmm,mm, ????ereere'e's's 's n no notothothihinhingn?g lg ?likli?ke ke a a a?gog?oodood d cd cuc?p p o of? c??offof??e!e!"!","?,"M,"Me,"Melelilitlittttatta'a's's 's c's cacaf?e e ce ?colco????titioionon on? go g?uru???et et c co?ff?eeee ee? is is ??????rfrfurf????ItI???as?asteast?es es r ri ricichich,??? and and and j juj??t ??lik?e e ae ??gogougoururmurme?t t ct cot cofoffoffeoffeeee ee see ?hohouhoul
rs!,"At last- a decaf coffee that doesn't taste decaf! Smooth, rich, flavorful, with no bitter aftertaste. Starbucks worthy (but to my husband who doesn't care for Starbucks, it's way better). We like to drink this in the evening and it's basically dessert with cream and sugar." 4568,B002TMV3E4,ACH3XM6K1M4AK,L. Jonsson,0,2,5,1282694400,"Mmmm, there's nothing like a good cup of coffee!","Melitta's cafe collection gourmet coffee is wonderful. It tastes rich, and just like a gourmet coffee shoul
?d.d?? T ThThihisi??cocofoffffef?e e t tatasa?tet?? l ??keke e se sosomo?eteththi?ngn? I ? c co cououluldld d hd hahava?e ??otottttetenten n??n ?EuE?roropo?e ??t t??? ca cafafefe.fe??brbr r???<b?r r /r ?/>I/>ItIt t bt brbrebreweweweded ed v ve?ryr? q ququiuicickcklklyly,y? a??d d wd wiw?thth th?nono o?? cof co???? g ?rar?in? r rer?sis??ueue.e. . . T Th T??s ??is is??ro?bababablb?ly ly d du?e ?tot??ththeth?e ce co?ffffeffeeffee ????inging ?anan n en exe???? f fif???e ge gre gririnindin?d. d.? Th?e e de dedececacafaffaffifinfinan??ed?ed ved veverversversi?ono??tatastast?eded ?grgregreaeatat at??? i it itsts s os owownwn,n???witwi?thoth?outou?t mt ?ili?k k o?r r sr susugugag???to? s sesea???????? / /> /><?brbr ?/>/>I/>I'/>I?m m a a a c co cof?fefeefee e le lolovoveverver,ver, , a, an??d Id ?I eI enenjnjojoyo?y Gy ?eve?alalilialia ?anandand and G GoGododidiviva? c co?? coffe coffee?-t-??o ?otothotheh?r r er exexcexcec????entent ?fof?reregre??n bn brbrabr?and?s.s?. . T. ???e Me MeM?elielitittitta? s st statantandndsnd??s ons on ??itsits s os ows o?wn,wn, , a?nd? a ar a?re re t th theheiheiri?r er eqr eququiqu???alealenententsents s i?n ?n tan t??tete te a an?d d pd prpripric?e.e. e. E EnEnjnjonj?? a a ?cucupup p t to t?odaodaya?!"!???565696
d. This coffee tasted like something I could have gotten in Europe at a cafe.<br /><br />It brewed very quickly, and with no coffee grain residue. This is probably due to the coffee being an extra fine grind. The decaffinated version tasted great on its own, without milk or sugar to season.<br /><br />I'm a coffee lover, and I enjoy Gevalia and Godiva coffee-two other excellent foregn brands. The Melitta stands on its own, and are their equivalents in taste and price. Enjoy a cup today!" 4569
?,B,?0000202T2TMTMVMV3V?E4E4,4,A,?2F2FRFRFRFAFAQAQCQCWC?ZJZ????,",?B.B. . D DaDavaviv?s s " ?"T"ThT?e e?HaHapappppypy y??ere?mimiti?""?",",0,?,2,2,2,5,?,1,121?828262606080?0000000?0,B0,BeB?stst t? De D??afaf f?EVEVEVERE??,"S,"SoS?onon n a asa?s Is I I??oto??ththihisis is?babaga? o ??f df dedececaecafaf af?I ?mam?dede de a a a???g g mg ?ugug ?anandnd d i it? f fif?lll?eded d md mymy y hy hohouo??e e we ??ithit? t ?thethe ?e woe w??dederde????? ar a?omoma?? of o?f hf hihighi??h qh quq?alalil???y fy ?rereseshesh h bh brb?rewreweweded ed c ?of?fefeeee.e. . . I It It t it ??is vis vever?y y fy fiy fini??lyly ??rorourounund? b bu butu?t It I I sI ?stistilillill ?ususeuseded ed ted ththethe the s sas?mem???amoam?ounountnt t I???oro?rmarm??ly??dodo o? an andnd nd ind ??it tit tutururnr??d d od ?????gregreaeata??. . I. ?I aI ad?de?d d sd sosomomeome ?sosoyso?y my mimilmi?k,k, , s sa s?at at? ba b?ckc?k, k, a???d ed ??jojoyoyeyeded ?mymy my r rar?rere re????at??ofof of a an? a?ftfteterer-er-n-nonoonoonon on??ofoff??ee ee b br brerea?k!k?!!!! !!? D De??finfininit?elelyel?y wy wiwilwill?? bu?y y sy ??meme me?? of of t?hi??s fs fofor? t th?e e we wie w?intinteterter r m ?ononton?thsth?s ss ?? I I I? ca canan an? tr tre treaeateat ?mymysmyse?lflf f tf ??o eo
,B002TMV3E4,A2FRFAQCWZJT3Q,"B. Davis ""The Happy Hermit""",0,2,5,1282608000,Best Decaf EVER,"Soon as I got this bag of decaf I made a big mug and it filled my house with the wonderful aroma of high quality fresh brewed coffee. It is very finely ground but I still used the same amount I normally do and it turned out great. I added some soy milk, sat back, and enjoyed my rare treat of an after-noon coffee break!!! Definitely will buy some of this for the winter months so I can treat myself to e
??cecelellllel?ntnt t h hohotot t ct cocofofff??e e a ananyn? t ?imi??e oe ?of of t?hehe ???y y oy oror r n ninigighghtht!t?""4?5757070,0,B,B0B000??TMTMVMV3V??4,4,A,??OWOWRWR5R5G5?2O2OA2O??F7F7C7C,C,S,SiSini?cecercererel??y Yy ?ouourursrs,s,0,0,0,20,??4,4,14,12128282826260608080800?0,0,S0,StStrtror??g g f flflalavavovoror or???or or aor a a?dedececacafa? b ?raranandan??,",?I I o ofoftof??? f fi finindind d?wiwiti?h h? de dec?afaf af c co?ffffeff?ee ee??o o b be b??sos?memewme?hahatat ?onon on t???e we ?eae?k k s sis?dede:de: : n no notot ot i ?in in?? thi th?s s p ?rorodroduducuctc?? ??hehe he? co cofoffof?feefee ?hahadhad d ad ?a sa ?trtrotr?ongong g gg ?rir??, , b?utu?t nt ???ot bot bibitittit?terter,r, ?anand? h ha h?d d ad a d a s sm smom?otothoth h rh ?rourounu??dedded d ed ?xpxpepere?rieri?encencece ce??hehenhen n a a a? cr c??ama?????is is?usu??d d (d (n(?notno?te te t th? this thi?s cs cocofcoffcof?feefee fee? wo w??ksk?s ws wewelwell? w wi witithit???a s?oyo?y cy crcrereareamreame??).)?? Y YoYouYo? d???nonot? n ne n?eedeed ???o ao apapppplplyly ?ananyany y ey ?extex???a ha ?heahe?ap ap o??f cf cocof???ee ee tee ?? c co??pe?nsn???e e fe foforor or aor a or a?'d'?decdecacafca?' '??ptptitioti??? ???ithith ith? su sucuchuch ?h a h a s st s?trotrontro?? g ?grigr
xcellent hot coffee any time of the day or night!" 4570,B002TMV3E4,A2OWR5G2OAQF7C,Sincerely Yours,0,2,4,1282608000,Strong flavor for a decaf brand!,"I often find with decaf coffee to be somewhat on the weak side: not in this product. The coffee had a strong grip, but not bitter, and had a smooth rounded experience when a creamer is used (note this coffee works well with a soy creamer). You do not need to apply any extra heap of coffee to compensate for a 'decaf' option! With such a strong gri
p?, , I ? w wow?ulu?d d n non?t t r rerececoc?mmmmemenendnd d md mim??k k??? l ??w w f ?ata?t mt mimilmilklk lk??s s?yoyouou ou?mimigmighghth??as? w?ele?l l d drd??nknk k ik ?t ??s ?isis!s!"!""4?575?1,1??000020?TMT??3E3?4,4,A,A3A3U3ULU?JEJE7E?UMUMUM??SXS??,R,???eke????SuSueue e H ??rrrririsris,s,1,1,1,41,4,?3,3,1??848?333??00??,S,?o-o-S-SoSo So - - -????raragagege ??oror or d??ecaec?f,f,","T"ThT?e e ae araroaromomaoma a o of of f???a ha hrhre??="=""""h"???p:p:/:////w/wwwwwww.ww.a.??azazozono??co?m/m/g/gpgp/p???ododud?ctct/t/B/B0B00B002?TMTMVTM?V3EV3E4E4"E4""?>M>MeMeleliel?ittittata ?CaCafafeafe ?CoC??llell?ectec?ioi?on on R RiRiviviviei?eraer?a Sa ?SunSunsnses?t ?DeD???fff??in?at?ede???rorouro?ndnd nd C ?CofCo???e,e, , 1, 1010-0??ununcuncec?e Be ???????a>a> >??as??fafaifairirlr?y y w we?akak.k. .? Sc S?cencentnt,t, , a, afaftaftet?? a al a?ll,ll, , i, ?is is a a a h huhuguge? p pap?artar??ofo?f tf ta?sts?te,te????nd nd tnd ?hihis??wawasas as das did??apa?pop?inintin?tintingn??<b<brb??/>/??<br<br ?r />r /?EvE??n n??thoth?ougou???? a ad a??eded ed?????e ce ?cofco???e e ge ?ri???s s ts th???n tn ?thethe e de didirdirerecre??io??? i ininsin?strstrurucuctuc
p, I would not recommend milk or low fat milk as you might as well drink it as is!" 4571,B002TMV3E4,A3ULJE7UMUGSXR,Rebekah Sue Harris,1,4,3,1284336000,So-So - average for decaf,"The aroma of <a href="""">Melitta Cafe Collection Riviera Sunset Decaffeinated Ground Coffee, 10-Ounce Bags)</a> was fairly weak. Scent, after all, is a huge part of taste, and this was disappointing.<br /><br />Even though I added more coffee grinds than the directions instruct
?eded,d??I I f fof??ndnd d?ththeh? c ??ffffef?e ?toto o b bebe e ae a a b bi b?? b bl blalanand???ThThehe he t?asaststete e we wawas? m momororere e te the thahanan an? fl f?lavlavovororeor?ed ed w ?watwa?terter,r, , b, ?utut t nt ??t t at amamamazaziz?ngnglglyly y s ?o,o???itithith h??no no s su s?btbtltlele ?ovo?erertrtotonto?eses.s?. I. ItIt t wt ?waswa?n'n't'?t bt bib?ittitteterter,ter??, bu, but??it? w wa was?n'n'tn'??mumucuchc??ofof of a an?ytyththithininging.g.<.??r r / />/><><b?r r /r />?WhW???le le I???enene?rar?llllyly ly?drdririninkink k?hihi-hi-t-te??? a?s s????ososes?ed ed ted to? d?ececacafa?ffeff?ininain??tedted,d, d, I I I d I ??o do ?dridr?inkink ink d de dec de?cafca???t t lt leleale??t ???wicwicec??? w we weeeekee??. T. ThTheTh?e <e <a<????refref=f?"""?hthttt?p:p?///?www?"4""??MeM?lilit??a<a</</a/a>a> > w? was was ?co?compcom?arararabra?lele le tle toto to tto th?e e ge gegengenenerneriner?c c b br braranrand? t??hathat t It ?I uI ??uau?allallyly ly hly<.<b.<?br br? /> /?><b><????/></><a? h hr hre?ref=ref="=""=""h"ht"h?ttptt?p:/p:?//w//?"E4""?"">M"">MeMelMelilitli?ttatta ????
ed, I found the coffee to be a bit bland. The taste was more than flavored water, but not amazingly so, with no subtle overtones. It wasn't bitter, but it wasn't much of anything.<br /><br />While I generally drink hi-test as opposed to decaffeinated, I do drink decaf at least twice a week. The <a href="""">Melitta</a> was comparable to the generic brand that I usually have.<br /><br /><a href="""">Melitta Cafe
???olo??ecectctitioi?n n??ivivivieiere?? S ??nsnses?t t?DeDec?afa?</<????isisnsn'n't'??a a ba babadad d?coc??fefeeee,e? b bubutut t it ???? n non??t wt woworortr?? t ththeth? m ?ononeoneye? i if if f t th t?erereere ??rere ?otothotheherher r?opoptptitioti??s s as ava?aia?lalabablble???4454575??,B,B0B?0202T2?MVMV3V3E3E4E4,4?A2A2K2?HGHG3G3J3JOJ?FXFXQXQ4Q4C4??,","U"USU??C C????babatbat ?VeV?et et " """???etiet?re??!"!?"""""",",1,1,1,4,?4,54,?,1,12,1?848424?494969606?00,00,P,??ut ut?MyM??MoMon???y Wy WhWhe?herehere ??? M??ututhuth ? I IsIs.s...???ir??t t Dt De?cac?af af I?? Ca C???StS?an?d,d,","I,"I I?amam m? in in ??O O?waw??y ay ananyan?y cy ?cofcoffffeffee? e exe?pep??t,t, ?co?nnnno??ississeseuseuru?, ?oror or?heheahe?avyavy y uy ususeserse?. . T ??? be be e pe peperpe?fefecfectctlct???hohonone??st,st, , I, I I hI ?adad ad t to to o lo lol?oko? u ?p p? ho h?w w? to to to S SP S?ELELLLL L??on??noinoisnoisss?seu?r!r? B BuB?ut ut hut hahavhavivinvingn? a a a? he h???t t at att a?tatactackc?k 6k 6 6? mo mononton???s as ags agogo,o, ????m m lm lelealear?nininingng ng? to? to n to nenevevever? u us usese se c ca cafaffaf??ininein?e, e, s sasala?t,t, t,??r ??almal?mosmostst st A ANANYNY Y d dadararnarn arn t? thi thin??
Collection riviera Sunset Decaf</a> isn't a bad coffee, but it's not worth the money if there are other options available." 4572,B002TMV3E4,A2KHG3JOFXQ4CE,"USMC Combat Vet ""Retired!""",1,4,5,1284249600,Put My Money Where My Mouth Is...First Decaf I Can Stand,"I am in NO way any coffee expert, connoisseur, or heavy user. To be perfectly honest, I had to look up how to SPELL connoisseur! But having a heart attack 6 months ago, I am learning to never use caffeine, salt, or almost ANY darn thing
?I I?lol?vev???AnAndn???I HI HAHATATETE E?ananyn?ththihiningng g t ththath?t t i isis s " """"l"lil??hth???, , d ??cacafa??oror r a???ififif?ciciaiala?lyl? s ?weweeeetetet?nen?d.d. . M. MyMy y wy ?if?e e h ?asas s bs ?ouougughghtght t at ababobouboutut t et eveve???y sy ?ininginglglele e be brbraranandand d od ofo?f if ?????antan?t dt dedecdecacafcaf f cf coc?offof?ee? f fofor? m meme e ae al?onong? w wiwitwithth th a as a??orortortetedted ?""""r""rer?al?"""" "" d de dececaec?af af???? tr tryry ry??n n h he h?r r dr drdriripip p c ?????e e me ? ?HaHatateated? e eme? a al allll,ll, , j, juj?????at?atedated d td th?emem.em. ??awaw w t th t??s s ss ?so so t??ouougoughghtght ght I? w wo wououlou?d ?d trd tryry ry try th?the the? la lat??st?st bst brbrabranand? I I I w I ?ououl?d d hd hahathatete te s si sin???e ie ?t ??wouwoulu?ldnldn'n't'?t ct cocoscost???me me a an a??th??<.<b<?br br / />/??<br<br ????????st st bst bast batatcatchch h??asas as w wa way way y ty tot?o bo bibitittitteterter r fr fo??r mr meme,me, , d, did??n'n'tn't t et evt e?venven ?wawanant? t? to to t? try try y ay ananyan??mom?oreore e b??ut ut m?y y wy wiy wififeife ife s sa saiaid?? sh s?e e we ?wouwoulwould? m???e ?e ite it t wt wet weaeakeakekerke?. ?FrFror??m tm th??t t nt ne?xtxt t bt ??????
I love. And I HATE anything that is ""light"", decaf or artificially sweetened. My wife has bought about every single brand of instant decaf coffee for me along with assorted ""real"" decaf to try in her drip coffee maker. Hated em all, just hated them. Saw this so thought I would try the latest brand I would hate since it wouldn't cost me anything.<br /><br /> First batch was way to bitter for me, didn't even want to try any more but my wife said she would make it weaker. From that next batch o
n?? I I I b ?ece?amamem? h hoh??kekeded d o onon n t ?hih?s s? br brar?ndnd.d. . I? d dodon?'t'??liliki?ke ke??hehe ??riricicec??, b, bubutut t lt ??veve e te ?thethe e t???tete.e. . . ??????coc??flf??ctc??alalolonlonen?e me ?aka?keske?s ms me???ror?p p m ?y y?raratra?iningng g t to to o?gigiviveve ve i itit t a??? s ?stastarar r? ov o?verve???l.l. . I. IfI??? I t I titintinknke?r r wr ?itithith h t ta t?astas?te te?as? I? I a I alalsal??o ao adadddd ??assassosorso?te??d cd co?ffffefeee?-m-mamatma???crcrer?am?ere?s s (s (a(??alsoalso o so ?somsomemetmeththithininging g Ig I ?am? n non?t t at alt a?llollowo??ed ed a an anyn?momorore?? bu but? R REREFEFUFUSUSESE E t? to to???iveive ????, ??the? t ta tas ta?steste e ge ??eses s ts tot?o ao a o a 5 ????? m?e.e. e. E EvE?venve?n wn ??thth th a al a?ll ll?? the the e de did??cocouco??tsts ?ifi?f If ??or???er er t? thr th?rouro?ghgh h th th?the the sthe sus?bsbscscr?ibi?be be & & & s???ve ve pve prproprogogrgra?m m?(s(??ee ee??ele?lowlo?),), ), I I ?fifinindind d td ththithisthis ?? b bi bitit it p ?pripriciceiceye?.<.<b<?r r /r />/><>?<br<br r /r />r />_>_____?__?___________________________??__________________??___________??___???___________________________?___________?________?_____??______________________________??____________?_______??__________?______________
n, I became hooked on this brand. I don't like the price, but love the taste. That conflict alone makes me drop my rating to give it a 4 star overall. If I tinker with taste as I also add assorted coffee-mate creamers (also something I am not allowed anymore but REFUSE to give up), the taste goes to a 5 for me. Even with all the discounts if I order through the subscribe & save program (see below), I find this a bit pricey.<br /><br />____________________________________________________________
____?_____?____________?_______________???___________?___????_____?__________________?______________________________________________________??__________________??????_____?_______________?__________?______________?_______________??<b<?? / />/><><b?r ?/>/>U/>UPUPDPDADATA?E:E: :??ecececemembm?ere?r 4r 4 4?202010?0:0:<:<b<br<br <br? /> /???ItI? s ?titilillll l p ?aia??s s?meme e t ?? p?ayay y s so s?o mo mumucu????utut t lt lolooo??s s ls lil??e e te ??isis ???illill ?be?? th thehe e ve vev??y y 1y ?stst st V ViVin?e e Pe ?rorogogrgraramam m I??emem em I I I e ????r gr gogotot t tt ?thathatat t wt ?wilwill? m??keke ke a ?n n a??tut??l l bl bul buyuyeyerer er??utut ut? of o? m me m?. . A AsA?s as a a r ??susulultl?? I I I r I ???iseise ??y y ry rerevre?iei?? f frfroromrom ??4 s4 st??rsr??toto to 5 5 5? st s???tsts.s?. A. ?nonotothot?herhe?r tr ?thithininging g? I I l I ?likli?ke ke ike is? I? I h I hah?veve ve?no??ded?ecaec?f ??"a"?aftaftetertertrtatastaststest?"""" ""? th tha that??? I a I ?alwalwaway?s s es ?????ieieniencncece ce w wiwitwithth th? ot oththeth?er ?brbrabran?dsds.s. s. I It? i isis is ais ?a wa wowonondndederde??ul? t th thi th?inging ing???o fo fifinindin?? at a?t lt let l???st ?ononeone e ne nenewew ew t th thi???g (g ?fof?r ??E E a an anyn?wawayway)y) )? th? that tha?t It I I c cac?? s st?ilillill ill??ea
________________________________________________________________<br /><br />UPDATE: December 4 2010:<br /> It still pains me to pay so much but looks like this will be the very 1st Vine Program Item I ever got that will make an actual buyer out of me. As a result, I raise my review from 4 stars to 5 starts. Another thing I like is I have no decaf ""aftertaste"" that I always experience with other brands. It is a wonderful thing to find at least one new thing (for ME anyway) that I can still rea
lllllyly y e ?njn??y,y, ,????? h ?elelplpsps s?meme e?rer??axax x?inin n??he??????lele ??? a alallll ll t th thi thisi?s cs cacana???t et eaeat?? th? this thi?, , c, cacancan'n'tn'?t dt drd?ininkink k t th tha th?at at "at ?"s"ststut?ffff"f""? g gog?ininging g o onon ??? m????ififefe e te ?theth?e pe papasa?st st 6 6 6 m mo monontonththsths.s. . I ItIt't????alsalsoso o? th the the ?e tie timime??? h ha hava?enen'en't't 't f fefelfeltlt ??liklikek??I I w ??as as c cocomo??rorom????inging ing? go gooo??? ta tasastas?e e fe fof?r r g? goo goodod od h he hea?ltlthlt?. ?FoForor or t th tha that that,t, ??I aI amam m t??ulu?ly ly g gr graratateatefe????. J. JuJusustst st ost orordordedere?redred d td th?the the?? p pa?ckck k ok onon on t th the? A ??AZAZOZ?? S ???scs??ribribeb?e &e & &?sasavaveave e pe pae paga?e.e?""4454575737???0000202T2TMTMVMV3V3E3E4E?,A,A1A??XMX??????ZLZLALA1??"A"AnA?ththothononyony y Gy G G?PiP??zaza a " ???ri?viviaialaltaltotononyony"ony"""""""","?1,1,4,4,4,34,3,3,13,?282838393909?4040000000?,"?ReRef??resre??in?ing ing "ing ""?RiRivi??er??a Sa SuSunSunsnsesetet"t"""" "" A"" A A F ?lal?avoavor?fufulfu??DeDece??f f Bf ?le???",?"D"DeDecDe?caf???ininain?ateatedated ?cocofcoffffeffeeee e ie ??? fo f?or or mor mom?stst st ast an????ymymomormo?
lly enjoy, that helps me relax in the middle of all this can't eat this, can't drink that ""stuff"" going on in my life the past 6 months. It's also the time I haven't felt like I was compromising good taste for good health. For that, I am truly grateful. Just ordered the 3 pack on the AMAZON Subscribe & save page." 4573,B002TMV3E4,A1UXMT6XQFZLA1,"Anthony G Pizza ""trivialtony""",1,4,3,1283904000,"Refreshing ""Riviera Sunset"" A Flavorful Decaf Blend","Decaffeinated coffee is for most an oxymoro
nn,n? f foforo????heh??s s?anan n a?ftfteter?th?ouo??htht.t. . I ItI? p ???sesesessssesseses es f?ewew w??popotpo?s s os ??n gn grg???ereryery y? sh s??lvlveveses es aes an?d d h hah?s s ss ???rerede?d ld lil?ttt??? i inin n tn ththeth??"""??ouourourmrmem?t"t?? c ?ofoffffefeeee ??linlinen?e we ????h h c?hahanha???ed ed h ho howow ?pepeoeopoplp?? a ac accc?cepceptpt ??thithisi???ancanciciei???t dt ?ririn?k k??ntntonto o t ?thetheitheirir ??livli??s.s. . C. CoComo??didiaianan an B BoBobo? I Ir I???in in e ?ve?n n cn cocomco??arare?d ??????lelenlendnd ?d tod t?o "o ""?kikisississis????yoyouourour our s si s???terter.r.".???ThT?he he d dad?y'y's's s fs fif?irsirstst ??upu?? co com??es ?wiwitwi?th th a a a? se s?ensen?se se? of of f e en entntintititlit?lemleme?ntnt;nt? s su s?bsb???ueuenentent ?t cut cup??s ts trtraran???titioi?on on t th t?rorouro???h th ththethe the dthe dadayday y (y (w(wowororkork,k?, a, afaftftefterernernonoooon?, , d, ??essessesersertrt)t???whwhiwhili??le wle waw?antanti?ngng ng? bo botothoth ?cocofcoffffeffeeee'ee's's 's?jojololtlt t at ??? c co coz cozyzy ?sos?ocioc??bibililiilit?y.y. ?(I(InI?ststastanantant?ant? ? D DoDon?'t't ?gegetget ?me? s st s?arartar?tedted!d?)<)<b<brbr ?/>/>T>?ThaTh?t't's?'s w's whwhywhy y ty th?thisthi
n, for others an afterthought. It possesses few spots on grocery shelves and has shared little in the ""gourmet"" coffee line which changed how people accept this ancient drink into their lives. Comedian Bob Irwin even compared the blend to ""kissing your sister."" The day's first cup comes with a sense of entitlement; subsequent cups transition through the day (work, afternoon, dessert), while wanting both coffee's jolt and cozy sociability. (Instant? Don't get me started!)<br />That's why this
?nenewe??MeMelelilitittttata a R RiR??ieiere???SuSununsnses?? g gogouoururmr??et et?coc??fefeee? i isis s a a a pa ??eae?sasana?t ??ururpurprp?isiseise.e????t ct cac??ririerieses s as a a fa fufululll?, , a al almlmomosostst ?nun?ttttytty y f ?lal?vovoror r w wiwit?hohououtou??ththehe e be bibitittitteterer er b bi??? o ?? t ththeth?e ce co???ee? w?hihicichch,h, , f, foforor or m maman?y,y?, d, ???ininenesnes s ts th???r r ir ?mamagma??e oe ??of cof ??coffcoffefeefee e ae ?andan? i?tst?s ls lilifli??st??lele.le?. (. (T(ThT?hishis s is ?isnisn'n't't ?????ririsrisisin?g g s si?ncn??e Me MeMelMelilitlitt?a'a's's s as ads a??cocopco????efefeeferereerene???? t?he???re?ezezyzy y fy fe?feelfeel l????EuEururouropopep???? ca cafa?fesfes,fes, , a, a a f?arar ar c?ryry y fy fry fror?m m? th the the e ie irirkirkek?d ?lilinli?nes? a at at t tt tht thehe he mhe mo?rnrnin?inging ing? co c???feefee fee? sh shohopho?.).)<)<b<brbr ??>N>?o o l leleslesss?s ts ths thahanan an H ?enenrenryry ry W WaWarardard ???eecee?chech?er er oer ononc?nce nce s??idid.d?. ". """"N"NoNo No c? cof coff?ffeeffe?e ce cae c??an ban bebe ?gogoogo?d ?in? t? the the the??ouout?h h? th?atat t dt dodoeoeses ?nonotot t ft fifirfirsr?st st? se s???d ad a ?sws?eeeeteet ??off?ererier?ing?ing oing of?of oof ododoodoror or tor tot
new Melitta Riviera Sunset gourmet coffee is a pleasant surprise. It carries a full, almost nutty flavor without the bitter bite of the coffee which, for many, defines their image of coffee and its lifestyle. (This isn't surprising since Melitta's ad copy references the breezy feel of European cafes, a far cry from the irked lines at the morning coffee shop.)<br />No less than Henry Ward Beecher once said. ""No coffee can be good in the mouth that does not first send a sweet offering of odor to
t tht?e e n nonoso?trtrir?lsls.s?"""" " ?RiR?vivieiererar? S SuS?nsn?etet t i ??vi?tetese????thth th??tst?s ss scs??ntnt ???onon n?opopep?enien?inging g a ?ndnd d d ?oeoesesnesn'n?t t dt didisi?apappppo?inintint t wt ??henhen ??poupouru?eded.d.(.(H(HoHololdld d td ?o o t th thehe he p prp???ara???ioionon on i??nstnstr??ctc??ononsons;s; ; y yoyouo?ursurs ??tru?lyly y m mam?dede ??oneon?e ce ?up? a a a l lil?ittittltlele ?totootoo o so ststrstroronongong g ag an??d id it??cac?meme e ae ??ro??s ?a a ba bibitit ?acaciac?di??.).) ) I ?ts? t ta tasa??e,e, ,?????it?s ?cacafca?fefeieinineine e je jojololtolt,t?, i, isis is y?ou?r r w wa wakakek?-u-?up up cup ?calcalll?. . R Re Rececoc?mmm?menmendndend?ed ed a as as s as a s a t ta tas taststistieierie??, i?f f s sosom?whwhawhata?t pt ?pripricicicieier?, , a, ?ltl????atatiat?iveive ?e toe t??mamajmajojorjor r br brbraranrand?s.?""??575?4,4,B,?000020??MVMV3V?E4E4,4,A4,???ANANRNR9R?I6I6X6XHXHTH?U9U9,9,A,AmAmym?y Ly LyL??n,n,1,1,1,4,??2,2?,12,1?838?383858565?0000,00,N,NoNotot ot? Im Impm?prepr?essessesedsed,d?"S"?omomeome e re re??vievi?wewer?s s ss sas sayay y ty ??e e ce coe cofoff??e e ie ?is is bis bibitbittt?ter?- - I I I???keke ke??bitbittbitte?ter ter? bu b?t ?? d????n'tn'??li?keke ke tke
the nostrils."" Riviera Sunset invites with its scent upon opening and doesn't disappoint when poured.(Hold to the preparation instructions; yours truly made one cup a little too strong and it came across a bit acidic.) Its taste, not its caffeine jolt, is your wake-up call. Recommended as a tastier, if somwhat pricier, alternative to major brands." 4574,B002TMV3E4,A2GANR9I6XHTU9,Amy Lynn,1,4,2,1283385600,Not Impressed,"Some reviewers say the coffee is bitter- I like bitter but I didn't like t
hhih?s.s. .?ItIt t w wawasa?n'n't'??a a g ?ooo?d d??itittttetere??tat??te?, , i itit it w wa w?as as a ?????ririningngege"e"""" ""?kik??d ???? ta tas?asteaste.e.<.?brb??/>/><><b?????? d drd?rinrinknk k o ??e e? of of f tf ththehe e se ??roron?ge??st st c ?ofoffof?eeee'e's's s? ou outu??th??ereer??anandnd d td ththithisis is? wa?s s ts tot?? m mumucu?h h f foforor r mr mem?e. e. T ThT?he he s ?strst????? t? tas tast?e e oe of?? it it ?t tut t?rnrnenedned d md ?? o of off off.f...?..<..<b?? / />/>I/>I ?on?cece e o?wnw?ned? a a a? co cofoffoffeoff?? p popoto?t bt ?y y M MeM??it?ta?? to too?, ?anandan?d id ??it tit to?okok ?a a ca coconcone? s sh shah?pep?d d sd spspepecpeciciaialal l f fi fililtl?terte?. ??I wI wa?snsn'sn??? im i?prprerese?seseded ed w?it?h h th ??????itith?er?.<.<b.<?br br /??><b><brbr ??/>M/>MaMaya???e ie i'i'm'm m j ???st ??ot? b bi b?g g? on on n A ArA??bi?caca ??ofoffoffeoffeeoffee ?e ore or r wr whw?hathatetevteveverer er i it it it? is is ?bubutut ut t??he he the ta?ststeste ste? wa was? u ununpn?lel??asaasanantan??t tot to o????e. Ne. NoNotot ot sot ?mom?ootoo???. B. BiB???erer ?yeyeses,es??bubutbut ???t ?smsmosm?oot?????r r /r />?<b<br?<br /<br />/>I/>It/>It t s??melme??s s os ?ok.ok. ?. I . I
his. It wasn't a good bitter taste, it was a ""cringe"" kind of taste.<br /><br />I drink one of the strongest coffee's out there and this was too much for me. The strange taste of it turned me off...<br />I once owned a coffee pot by Melitta too, and it took a cone shaped special filter. I wasn't impressed with that either.<br /><br />Maybe i'm just not big on Arabica coffee or whatever it is but the taste was unpleasant to me. Not smooth. Bitter yes, but not smooth.<br /><br />It smells ok. I
?agagrgrereeee e?wiwititht??ChC??rlrlil??e (e ( (?ana?oto???r r A AmAmamazazozonon n R ReR??ieiewie?erer)er) ) w wh w?o o s ??idid d t ththethe the p papacackckakagageag??wawasas s d did?ffffificicuculultlt t t to to ??pep?n.n. .?ItIt t wt wawaswas ??eaealalelede??exextxtrtre?memelelyly y??igi???t at anandand ?whwhehenen en y yoyouou u d di didid id e ???ententut??allallyly ly g ??t ?itit it?op??en,en, , t th thehe he?bab?ag ag t to?rere re? ap apa?rtrt.t??brbr r /r ?><>???r /r />r />N>??o wo wa?y y wy wowououlouldld d Id I I s sp s?penpendnd d 2d ?? b?ucuckckscks s fs ?oror r tr ?thithisis.s. . I. IfI??? w wa wasas as a ad addd?dicdictc?eded ed t to to to? it it,t???oso??ibiblb?ly,ly, , b, bub??t et eveveeveneve?n tn ththethenthen n tn thn t???'s's ?s sts steteete?p.p. . A. ??nd nd? I I s su s?rerelre?ly ly wly ??n'n't'?t bt ??y y ty ??thisthis s is ini???n then the ??ututuutur?e.e???br br??/></><b<br? / /> /?YoYouou ou?cacanan an g go g?o do dodowownw?n tn ton to o to ththe?the lthe loloco?calca? " """?nan?meme me? of of f pf po?pup???ar ar c co c?ffffeffeeee ee s?hohophop p h he?re?""? a an andnd ??getge?t 2t ? b ba bag?s s f?or?? th thi thisis is? pr p?iciceice ?ofof of F FRF?ESESHS?LYLY Y g?ror???nd ?cocofoffoffefee?.<?.<br.<br ??r /><r />??<br <br /<br ?/>M/>MeMel?itittit?a a??makmakek??s i??t st
agree with Charlie ( another Amazon Reviewer) who said the package was difficult to open. It was sealed extremely tight and when you did eventually get it open, the bag tore apart.<br /><br />No way would I spend 20 bucks for this. If i was addicted to it, possibly, but even then that's steep. And I surely won't buy this in the future.<br /><br />You can go down to the local ""name of popular coffee shop here"" and get 2 bags for this price of FRESHLY ground coffee.<br /><br />Melitta makes it s
?ouounundnd d?lil?keke e?iti??? t tht?e e ge ??eae?tetesestst t? th thih?ngng g???incincec??slsliliclicecedced ?brbrereare?d d od ?n n t? the theieiri??papacackckakagageg?. .?GoGouourourmr?etet,t, ,?SwSwiwisisss?s ws wawatateaterer ?prpror?ce?????frf?romrom m E EuE???pep??'s 's c chc?ararm?iningin?g sg ???ewewawalwalklk k c ca cafa?e'e'se's,s, , t, tot?? q ?uaualalilitlityt? h hahanha?nd-nd- - p pi picickckeckeded ?d bed beaeaneansns.s....<.<b<brbr br?/>/><><b?r r /r />?IfI? y ?ouou ou?wawanwa?t t tt ??? pa payay ?ththithisis is k ?in?d ??f ?momon???y ay anandnd nd l?ikikeike ???li?littlittata a????fe????, th, the?n n gn ?getget t it itit,it?, b, bub?t t It I I?dodonon'on?t ?t tht thi?nkn??it?'s's ?ananyanytyththithinthi?ng ng s sp s??ciciaial?.".?4454575??,B,B0B?020?TMTMVM?3E3E4E4,4??3C3???PJPJ9J9Y9YXYXRXREREQEQ5Q??PJ???ololdldrd?renren,n,1,?,4,??3,3,1,12,1282838333383858?606?00,00,A,A ,A d de d??cence?? c cu cupuppp?pa,pa?"I"??m ?nonoto???a ca coc?offof?feefee fee???nobnob.b. ? I I ?cac?? t?elellell l t th tha thatat at t th the?rere re i?s ??a da didifi?ffefferereerene?cece ce??etetwetweweee?en en K KeKen?yay?an an aan an??d Cd ?ColCo?umumbm?iaianian,n, n, b bu b?ut ut I I I c ca can can'n't't 't t te?lll?l yl ?????hi?chch ch? is?
ound like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread on their package. Gourmet, Swiss water process, from Europe's charming sidewalk cafe's, top quality hand- picked beans..<br /><br />If you want to pay this kind of money and like Melitta coffee, then get it, but I don't think it's anything special." 4575,B002TMV3E4,A3C40PJ9YXREQ5,PJ Coldren,1,4,3,1283385600,A decent cuppa,"I'm not a coffee snob. I can tell that there is a difference between Kenyan and Columbian, but I can't tell you which is
w?hih?chch h???ththohououtut t a a a l ?aba??l.l? ??hihishis s??ece??? t tat?ststeteses ????d.d???I I? li liki?e e m mimininene ?wi?thth th???tsts ??f ?fafakakeke ke?susugu?arar r??ndn? c ?rer?amam;m? t th t?e e ce ?of??eeee e fe flfla?vovoro?r ir ?snsn'n't'?t st susubsubdb?ueueded d bd byby y????eseese ??ddd??itiit?ononsns.s??. T. Th???babagag g u ulu?titimimamata??lyly y ry ??quq???redred d sd ?cicisissis??orsor?s ts toto o?opopepenen.n??. T. Th. The? b blblul?rbrb b f ?oror or t th thi thisis is s sa sayaysys s "s ?"("(p(pap?ckc???f f 3f ?)")??; ; I; ??ononlonly??gogotgot t ot on??e b? . ???ot ot s su s?ureure e we whe w?y y ty ththathatat at i ???; i; ???s ??apa?pe?nenedned d b?efe??re? w wi wit?h h oh ot?he?r r pr prp??oduoducu??ts.ts. . ?WoWou?ldl?d Id I ?bubuyuy y ty thy t??his his a?gagaiga?in?in? S SuSurureure,ure, , i if i??it? w wa wasas as??n n???lel?e .e ?. .. . . .. . . . t? tha thatat'at's??ho?w w? I I b bu b?uy uy m??y cy ?cofcoffffefeefee ??osostst st o? of of t th? the the? ti timimeim?.".???5757676,6?B0B000???MVM?3E3E4E?,A,A3A?GAGASA????PQP????W,W?NoNo*No*B*BoB?UnUnCnCeCe,e??,4,4,4,34,3,3,1,12,128?323212?28?00?,A,A ,A D DeDececeecen??t Dt ?DecDecacafca?f .f ...?
which without a label. This decaf tastes good. I like mine with lots of fake sugar and cream; the coffee flavor isn't subdued by these additions. The bag ultimately required scissors to open. The blurb for this says ""(pack of 3)""; I only got one bag. Not sure why that is; it's happened before with other products. Would I buy this again? Sure, if it was on sale . . . that's how I buy my coffee most of the time." 4576,B002TMV3E4,A3GASQRWPQW28W,No*BoUnCe,1,4,3,1283212800,A Decent Decaf ...
,,","F"FiF??stst t?ofoffff,f? I I I r rer?ceceieivivev?? a a a b ?agag g o?f f t ththih?? c coc??fefeee? v viviai?a ta ththethe ?ViV?nene ????grgrar?m m t?o o??evevivievi?w w a at at ?nono ??coscost?. . S ??ecoec???lyl?, , I, I ?????ororere re o? of of? a a b bo bololdld,d, , ", """"s"??apap-p?meme-e-i-?in-in?ththethe-the-f-?acacece"ce""???rerenrencnchch h???asastst st? co c?offoffeoff????ririninkinkekerer r ( (o(or? S St S?ara?BuBucuckcksk?s Gs ?ololdold d Cd CoC??stst)st),), ?sos?o Io I I hI hahadad ?mymy y r re res reses?ervervavata?ioiononsons ??bobouo??t tt th?is? d?ececaecafaf.f?<b<brbr r /r />/><><b?r ?r />r />A>AnA?nd nd . ....... ..?WeWele?l,l, ?foforor or mor ?me,me, ?th??s s cs co?ff?eeee ????d ad ?a sa ??memewmewhw?hathat t st ststastalalele ?araroaromo??a ua upu?on? o op o?eneninininging g tg ththethe the?pap?ackackakagageag?, ??n n?OKO? f ?lalavla?oror or oor ononconce????rewrewewed? ( (s (??rtrt t ot ?? a??nunututtuttyt?y sy st?raranra?geg?e fe ?flaflava?vorvor r ar atat at f fi f?irsirstst)?, , a, an, a?nd ??onc?e e ce ?conconsnsusumumemedme?d, d, l lelefleftft t at anan an? af aftftefterer-er-t?as?tete e ie in? m??y my momoumout?h.h.<.<b.<brbr br / />/></>?<br????ItIt ???is dis ded?fifininiiniti???? a a a d a didififf?fferffere??t
,"First off, I received a bag of this coffee via the Vine Program to review at no cost. Secondly, I am more of a bold, ""slap-me-in-the-face"" French Roast coffee drinker (or StarBucks Gold Coast), so I had my reservations about this decaf.<br /><br />And ... Well, for me, this coffee had a somewhat stale aroma upon opening the package, an OK flavor once brewed (sort of a nutty strange flavor at first), and once consumed, left an after-taste in my mouth.<br /><br />It is definitely a different
??oaoasa?t t t ????????m m u ?ses?d d? to to,o, , b bubutut t it itit ?t ist is s " """?ded?cecene?t"t?"" ""??oro?? a a?prp?e-e-g-grg?rourounu?d d Md MeM??ititait? d dedecde?afaf.f. . ?MoMor?e e o ofof f?? a m a mem??iui?m ?ro??astas?t at as?? op oppppoposo?sedse???o o b be beie?ngng g a a a d a dad??k k b?ololdld d rd roroaroasroa?st st i ?in in m mymy y? op??iniin?onon.n. ??OvOvevererar?lll???..??nonotot ??tootoo o bo babadad.d.<.<b<brbr r /r ??<b<br<b?r /r />r />I>???ivive? t??isis ?cocof?fefeeee ?a a sa soso-o-s-so??rerecreco???menmend?ata?ioionion.n."n.""?????,B,B0B000?2T2?MVMV3V3E3E4E?,A,AEAEUE???C5C515?JAJ?WWWWHWH,H??cocouco???LeL??adead??,1,?,4,?4,44,4,4,14,121282828272787808080???,Y,YeY??t at ant ano?th??er er c cocofcoffffefeefee ?co??eses s ts ?to to t? tow townwn.??..,..,",???reremreme??beb?er er ter ththethe the c co cooool??, m, momododederdernr?n Mn MeMelMe?litlittttat?a da ?riripip p? co?ffffeff?? m ma makakekerersers s fs frfro?m m dm dedec????s ??gogo.o. ?? v vivisisuis?alal al d de d?elieligighg?t t ot ofof of g ???assas??s ans andnd nd??oooodoo??(w(wiw?ithithoh?ut??a ?hihinhint?? of o?f pf plp?laslaststisticic)c),), , t, ?the?y y wy ?er??e ee ?eleelegegaganantantlt?y y ay aha?ea?d d od ???th
roast than I am used to, but it is ""decent"" for a pre-ground Melita decaf. More of a medium roast as opposed to being a dark bold roast in my opinion. Overall ... not too bad.<br /><br />I give this coffee a so-so recommendation." 4577,B002TMV3E4,AEUY5C51JAWWH,Scout Leader,1,4,4,1282780800,Yet another coffee comes to town...,"I remember the cool, modern Melitta drip coffee makers from decades ago. A visual delight of glass and wood (without a hint of plastic), they were elegantly ahead of th
eeieiri? t ?imimeme.e. . I I I w wiw??? I I I c cocouo?ldld d?sasaya? t th thehe e s sa samame? f foforo?r tr ththeheihe?ir ir c??fff??e.???t't?s s f fi f??e ??cofcoffffeff???. G. GoGoooodod,d, , a aca?tutuauala??y.y. . H. ??wew?veverer,r, ???ththithiningin? r ?eae?allally?? sp spep?ciciaial?. . I. I I wI wowou?ldld ld?bubuyuy ?itit t a ag a??inin in i ifif f?prprir?cecede?d rd ririgri??t,t, , b, bubutbu?t pt prproprobobababablbly??wowouwo?uldul?d nd nonotnot t gt gogo o?ou?t t ot of??mym?y wy waway? t???geg?t ??it,it, ??ndnd d cd ce??tat????ly ly nly ?notnot not a?????gogougouru?memetmet t p??ricricece ce p???intin?. ?. I . I m mu m?stst ?bebe ?hohonone?st? a an a?nd nd s sa say say y ty ththathatat ??witwi?th th t? the the e Me MeMelelilitittit?ta ta?nanam?e,e, , I, I I eI exexpxpe?ct?ed? a a a???ttttltlel??bib?it it? mo mororeore.e. e. Me. MaMay?be?? I I j I ?usustust t g?otot ot a a a a a anan an " """"o"ofoffof?"""" ""? ba b??chc??. L. LeLet?'s's 's??hophopepe pe??o.o?""4??7878,8,B,B0B0000202T2TMTMVMV3V3E3?4,4??3333V3VEV??HWHWFWFAFACA?U4U4848,8,P8,PaPatatratriricriciric?ia ia?L.L????rkrksk?,1,1,1?4,4,44,4,4,14,???27278??80800?,R,ReR??in?dsd?s ms ???ofof of Dof DeDememiem?-T-?asasss???"O"OnOn n?? an an u ???ypypip?icaicalall
eir time. I wish I could say the same for their coffee. It's fine coffee. Good, actually. However, nothing really special. I would buy it again if priced right, but probably would not go out of my way to get it, and certainly not at a gourmet price point. I must be honest and say that with the Melitta name, I expected a little bit more. Maybe I just got a an ""off"" batch. Let's hope so." 4578,B002TMV3E4,A33VELHWFACU48,Patricia L. Marks,1,4,4,1282780800,Reminds me of Demi-Tasse,"On an untypicall
?? c coc?olo??AuA?gug?sts???vev??ini?? w wew???ececicidi?dedded d?tot???ryry ?MeMele?iti?tat? R ?????rara ??unu???t t Dt DeD?ecaec?f.f. . I ? h heheaeapapep?d ??in in t to toooo oo??ucu?h h c co cofo?fefeee?e ae anandn??whwhahata??wewe we?gogotot t wt wat w?s s a a ?bibitittitteter?, , o ovove??lyly ??heaheavavyvy y cy cucupup p . . . I. ???nonowow w o?tht?herhe??s ls li?kek?e te th?????? cof coff?ee?? to? c?ururl? t th theheihe??? ha haiairir ???ithith h sh st??onong? t?asastas?te.te. . W. WeWe ?lilik??e ie ????strstrostr?ongon?g bg ?utut t nt ??t t Tt ?HAHATA? m mu mucuchuc?. . O. ??? ou o?ur ur??exe??t tt trt?ry ry w???us?eded ed?lelese???co?ffffeffeeffe????nd nd e en enjnjoj??eded ????delde?ligli?hth?fufulu?l sl se?mim?-s-??weewe?et et c cu?p ??of of d?ec??f.f. f. I It It t w?t wast was s ps plp?leale?asiasininging.g. . T. ?hohosose? w wh w?ho ho l?ovoveove e se ststrstro?ngng,ng??rorobrobu?st??, f, ?fulfullll-l-b-bobodo?ie?d d td tatastast?e e oe ouougughug???? to ?dedefdefif?iniinititeitelelyely ?bu?y y M?elelielitittittaitta a ba bra braranra?nd nd cnd cocofcoffcoffe??".""4?575?9,9,B,B0B??2T2TMTMVMV3V3E3?4,4,A,A1A1Q1?XEX??OXOX7X?MSMSLSL2L2H2H,H?"M"M.M?. S. SmS?mitmi?th th " """"c"cec
y cool August evening we decided to try Melitta Riviera Sunset Decaf. I heaped in too much coffee and what we got was a bitter, overly heavy cup . I know others like their coffee to curl their hair with strong taste. We like it strong but not THAT much. On our next try we used less coffee and enjoyed a delightful semi-sweet cup of decaf. It was pleasing. Those who love strong, robust, full-bodied taste ought to definitely buy Melitta brand coffees." 4579,B002TMV3E4,A1QXE7OX7MSL2H,"M. Smith ""ce
nnmn??d"d??"","",1,1,1,4,4,4,3,????828262696949444?000?,",???cec??ara???ma,ma? p ?ere?fef??t t g grgririnindn??, b, blblalana?nd nd a an andnd ?bibitittt?er??flf??vovoror"r?,"?? u ?susuaualallllyly y e enenjnjoj??y ay a a?cuc?? o ofof f? co cof?fefeefe?e ae a a fa fefewfew w d dadayaysys s a a a w weweee?k,k, , m, ?ororeor?e ae ase as s as ?an an?in?dud?lglgegen??ce ce?tht?anan an aan ?s s as a s a???eceec?ssssisit?y.y. .? I ?t't's'?s as a s a ss a ?sipsippppipiningin??bebeve?ereraeragage?? fo f?or or???, , a, an?d d f fl fla?lavolav???mamatmattttetter?s s as a s a ls a lol??. . . T ThThahatha??sasaia?d,d, d, I I I a ad addd?????? a an and and d sd ?sugsugagar?, ?soso o I I' I'm'?? no n?ot ot e???cescessssissivivevelvely? p??ickickyky y (y ???or Ior I I tI th?ininkink ??so,so????t lt leleae?astas?).)?. . S. SoS?o Io ?'m? a al a??ayaysays ?glgla?d d td toto o fo fif?indind ind n ne newew w "w """"g""gog?ururmrmemetmet"t"""" ""? bl b??ndndsnd?s ts toto to? ad?d ?d tod t?o mo mym?y ly ??stst t ot of? f?ava?vorvoriritrite?s.s.<.<b<brbr r / />/??<br<br r /r ?/>T/>?ThiTh??????enden?d sd sed s?eemeeme???prp?romromi?sisinsi?g,g?, w, wiwitithit?? a a v a veverve??y ny niniciceic?e a?roromromarom???and?? a a p a ?perpe???ectect,t, , e, eveveev?en en g?ri?nd?. . ?I I uI ?
nmad""",1,4,3,1282694400,"Nice aroma, perfect grind, bland and bitter flavor","I usually enjoy a cup of coffee a few days a week, more as an indulgence than as a necessity. It's a sipping beverage for me, and flavor matters a lot. That said, I add milk and sugar, so I'm not excessively picky (or I think so, at least). So I'm always glad to find new ""gourmet"" blends to add to my list of favorites.<br /><br />This blend seemed promising, with a very nice aroma and a perfect, even grind. I us
?uau?llllyly y?grgririni????y ?owo???bebeae?nsn?, , b?utu? f fofouounu?? t tht?atat ?ththithisi? g?ririnri?nd ????kek?d d nd ninicicec?ly??inin in m?y y ey esesps???essessos? m ma macachchihin?e e a asas-s-i-is?. . I ItIt t et evevev?n n pn prproprodo???cedce??a a r ?ricrichch,ch, ??momooooto?th th c ?reremremama.a. ? U ?nfnfo?rtr?ununaun???elyely,y, ?my?? fi f??sts?t st ?ipi??- - w wiwitith?ououtout t s?ugugagarar r o oror or??ililklk k - - - w?asas as?veverve?y ????teterer.r. ??I I e enendendededed ed u ??p ap ada?did???? ab abob??out out? a a h ?halha?f-f-t-teteateasaspas?oooonoo???mormo?re re s sus??arar ar t th tha?????usu??al???ly uly us?e ?jujus?t ??o ?cocomompm???sasat?????EvEve???ththethenen,en, ?th?the the c co c?ffffefeeee ??lal?vov?or,or?, i, ititsitseselelfel??, w, wawasas as tas ?thithinthi?n an ????wew??k.k?. . W. ??ithith h?jujusjust? a a a l a lil??ittlittlele e me ??ilkilk k ak ?addaddededded,d, , i??t tt tat t?astaste?d ??mor?e e le li?keke,ke, ??elellell,l, , f, ??av?or?eded ??<b<brb??/>/????r /r />r /?ThThihishis ??cofcoffffeffeeee ee r re r?miminmindndend?ed ed med meed me e oe ?of of t? the the e ie ?inoin?offof?fenfens???? b???nd??cocofcoffcoffe?e ?e mye m
ually grind my own beans, but found that this grind worked nicely in my espresso machine as-is. It even produced a rich, smooth crema. Unfortunately, my first sip - without sugar or milk - was very bitter. I ended up adding about a half-teaspoon more sugar than I usually use just to compensate. Even then, the coffee flavor, itself, was thin and weak. With just a little milk added, it tasted more like, well, flavored milk.<br /><br />This coffee reminded me of the inoffensive bland coffee my
?papara??ntn?s s u usu??d d t toto o g ?ete???oror r?ouo??r dr drdrir?????ffffefeee? m ?akakek?r r ar a a c co cou??lel?e oe of??ded??adadedesdes s as aga??? F FiF?nen??foforfo?r tr ??ata?t at ??plplipl?ca?titioionon,n? b bub?t t nt ??t t rt re?alallllyl? w ?ha?t t It I'I?m m l lolooookokikiningin? f fo f?? i ?????chch,h, ???oo??th th? fl flalavavov?or or wor ?????lolowlow w? bi bitittittet??ne??s.s.".""??585?0,0?B0B0000202T2??V3V3E3E4E4,4,A,A5A??XEXE3E?DOD?RRRR8R8Y8Y0Y??M.M. . J. JaJaca????,2,2,2,6,6,6,3,3,3,1,12128284843433336360600000000,0,I0,?t't's's s os okokaokayay,y,","T"ThThih?s s cs ?cofcoffffeff?? t ta tasasts?testes s bs bebet?teterter ?r thr thahanha? F Fo F?lgl?gergersrs.?????at'at?'s 's?no??t mt mumucu?ch ch??f f a ana???enden?or?se?memenenten?, , b, ??t t st sis?incin????ol??????isis is???ou?t t at alt a?ll ll?I I?eve?er? d dr dri?nknk,k, , i, itit'it's?'s m's mymy ????ly ly??oioinintint t ot of??cocomcompm?parpa?risrisos?on.on. . I. I I wI wowou????rerecrecocom?memenmendnd d yd yoyou? d?onon'on't'?t tt ?ryry y ty ?thethe ?ststust??idi?d ad ??d d cd co?unu?ntentererperprp?ododud?uctuctitivti?ve ve e ex expxpepererierimi?menmentmen?t ot oft o?f rf rerepreplplaplac??inging ing?yoyouyo?ur ur u us usus
parents used to get for our drip coffee maker a couple of decades ago. Fine for that application, but not really what I'm looking for in rich, smooth flavor with low bitterness." 4580,B002TMV3E4,A5EXE3DORR8Y0,M. Jacobs,2,6,3,1284336000,It's okay,"This coffee tastes better than Folgers. That's not much of an endorsement, but since Folgers is about all I ever drink, it's my only point of comparison. I would recommend you don't try the stupid and counterproductive experiment of replacing your usu
aalal l c cacafafff?eieininanatateteded d s ststutufu?? w ?iti?h h??? cu cupu? o ?f f?ththithisi?? so somomeme e?SaSatatuatururdr?ayay y m momorornrninin??????s ds ?oioin?ing ing s? so so w wi wilillll ??nln??y ry ?esesusulultlt t i in?? on onen??of? t????e e he ??adada?chche??s is it???aka?eses es? th??reeree ?e ove oveverer-r-t-?theth?-c-??ununtnte?? p pap?ininkinkikil?lel?ersers ??? g gegetet t rt riridid d od ofof.of??AnAndn?d id ????the? m me meaeaneantntint?me?, ?whw?il?e e ye yoy??'r'rere re t?ryryiy?inging ing ting ?to to f ?igi?hth????f f tf th?the the hthe he?ad?aca??e,e, , y, ??u'u'l'???beb?e ce cocomco?plpleletlete?ly? u ununaunaba??le le? to to o mo mamakakeake e h?eaeadeadwdwawayay ay w wi wit with? t? tha th?at at c?rarapaptptat??stisticic c?nonovovevelvel l yl yoyouyou you j jujusust? g go gotot t ft frfror?om om A Am A?mazma??on,on, ??hi?chch ch w wa wasas as?re?ininfin?or?cicin?ing ?al???l yol y?ourou??wow??st?st ost opopip?iniinioi?onson?s os ofof ?ththethe ?roromro?manmantntinticntic c fc fafanant??asyasy y sy susubsubgbgegengenrn?re re bre ??foforfo?re re yre ?you?you hyou hah?ad ad t to to to???e e de dodowdownw? a an andnd nd???ommomme?ncncece e c?lul?tct?chichininging ing ying yoyouyouryour r fr ?for?eheheheaheadhead.d.".?4?585?1,1,B,B0B000020?TMTMVMV3V
al caffeinated stuff with a cup of this some Saturday morning, as doing so will only result in one of those headaches it takes three over-the-counter painkillers to get rid of. And in the meantime, while you're trying to fight off the headache, you'll be completely unable to make headway with that craptastic novel you just got from Amazon, which was reinforcing all your worst opinions of the romantic fantasy subgenre before you had to lie down and commence clutching your forehead." 4581,B002TMV3