o?dud?ctct t?ini???hehe e b boboxox,x? I ??susuguggggegesestst ?yoyouou u l lol?oko??atat ?otoththeth?r r g glg??tetenen-n??rer?e e pe ?rorod?ucuctuctsts s??frofromom m???mem?lala'a?s,s?, T, ThThe? G GlGlu?tetente?n Fn FrF???e Pe PaPanPantntrt??, , B, ?obob'b's's 's R ReR?d d M ?ili?l,l??oror ?ArArrrrorowrowhwheheaheadad d Md Mi?ll?s.s. .? Y YoYouou ou m ??y y s se seeee ee a a a? be betetttte?r r vr ??lu??e fe foforor or y yoyouyourur r fr fo?odod od d dodolollllall?rsr?s. s. I InIncn?idi?enenten???lyly,y, y, A ArArrArrorowrowhrowhe??d d Md Mid M??lsl?s ps ?proprododu??ctscts s as ararear?e ee ?quq?alallallyall?y ay asa??ta?ststyst?y a??d d ed ?asasyasy y ty ?? p prprepr?papar?are,are, , b, bub?? I I I b? bel belil???e e ye yoyouyou you? ar a?re re g ge getettet?ininging g m?or?e ?e pre p?rodro?ducduct?? in i?n tn th?the the?????. . ?FeF?eedeedid??ing ing a a a f a ?amamiamililyily ?ofof f 4 ? w wow????d bd ?e e ae ? c crc?apa? s??oo?t t at ?????stst st w wi witithth th a a a s a sisining?lel?e be boboxbo? o ?of of? th thihisis ?s prs p?rodroduroducuct???brbr ?/>/><>?<br<b?r /???f ??thethe the mthe ??nunufu?facfa?ctuctur??er er???ereer?e te toto to?rereprepapacpa?kakagageage e te the t?he ?prpro?du?ductduct t wt wiwitithith h m mo mor morere re cre coc???en?ent ent p pe per
oduct in the box, I suggest you look at other gluten-free products from Pamela's, The Gluten Free Pantry, Bob's Red Mill, or Arrowhead Mills. You may see a better value for your food dollars. Incidentally, Arrowhead Mills products are equally as tasty and easy to prepare, but I believe you are getting more product in the bag. Feeding a family of 4 would be a crap shoot at best with a single box of this product.<br /><br />If the manufacturer were to repackage the product with more content per
b boboxo? a ????drdroropop p???e e p prpriricicece,e, , I ???ououluldld d hd ??vev?e ge ?ivivevenven n i itit t?5 5 s ststat?rsr?. . S SaSafafefewewawayay y w wa wasas s? th thehe he f fif?rs?t ?ststost??e ?ini?n Sn SaSanSan ?FrFraranancancicisiscscoc?? to t?o oo ofo???r r t th thi th?is is? pr pro??ucu?t ?anandand d pd ?lalacacecedced d id ?it it i?n n tn th?e ??cence??erer r or ofof of i it itsts s bs babaka?iningin? p pr pro prodo?ducdu?ctscts.????owow,w, , h, ?owoweow?veverver,r, , i, itit it hit ha????????n ?n ton t???ow??st?? sh she??f f?le?ve?l l w?it?h h s?omomeme e pe ?pripr?iceiceses ??olo?? b?y ??igighgheherher ?enendend d gd grgrorocro?cerce??????proproaoac???ngng g $g $6$6 6 p pe perer er? bo b???. . F FoFororgorgegetet ??it it ait atat ?ththothoso?e e p???ce?s.s. ? H HeH???, i?t't's's ?la?rgrge???y uy ul?trtrara ra f fi fininein??whwhihithitete te r riricricerice ?flflo??r ?anandand and s su s???er er fer fi?nen???ugu?arar!ar!<!?brb?r /r />/><><b<br<br ?r />r />B>BiBisisqisququiu??? w wo w?oulou?ld ld ald alalsalso? b be beneneen?fifitfi?t ft frfroromrom m a a a b bu b?uckuckwkwhwhewheaeat? G GFGF F? pr pro?????t i?n n in ititsit?s is ininvin?venventventotororyory.y. ?. I. ?I wI ?wouwoululduld ??cercertcertataita???ly ly b??y ?
box and drop the price, I would have given it 5 stars. Safeway was the first store in San Francisco to offer this product and placed it in the center of its baking products. Now, however, it has fallen to lowest shelf level with some prices sold by higher end grocers approaching $6 per box. Forget it at those prices. Hey, it's largely ultra fine white rice flour and super fine sugar!<br /><br />Bisquick would also benefit from a buckwheat GF product in its inventory. I would certainly buy i
tt.t.".?4?3131515,5,B,B0B00004043439439191D1DKDK0K0,0,A,A1A??R9R9X9XHX?9Q9Q1Q1Z1??1T1T,T???ilil l?W.W? K KaKana?tzt?,2,?,2,2,,2,2??13132329296960609096960960000,00??F F?plp?eaeasases?????r r m meme,e,","N"NoNowo? i ?f f y yoy?u u c ??oulouldl? j jujusustst t m?akakeke ?itit t st sus??ara??frfrereeee e ae ala?soso?o? ? ?I I?knknonowow,ow? I I I?dodono??t ?waw?antant ?foforor ??ucu?h.h. . . : :-:-)-)<)<a<a a h??refref=f="="""?hth??p:p???wwwwwww.ww?ama??zoz?on.on????/g/?p/p/p/?rorododuducuctuct/t/B/B0B00B00404304393?91D91DK???"">"">B>?isi?quq???k k P PaPan??ak?e e a??d d Bd BaBakakiakiningn? M MiMixi????lul?tet??-F-FrFrereeree,e, e, 1 161?-O-OuOununcncece e Be ??xexeses s ( (P(PaPacPackck ck o ?f ??)<)</)<?a>a?""4"4343143?16,16,B,B0,B?00400434394391439?1DK1DK0K0,K0??3D3DCDC7C7V7VKV?PGPGXG?C1C1V1?M,M???. . M. ?M. M. O ???allal?agaghg??an an?""""M""MiMicMickckickiei??o"o"""""""?,2,2,,2,2,2,?2,42,4,4,1,13?181878??32320320000,?VeVere?? t tatas????bibis?cuc?uitui??!,!???k-k---?I I jI ju?st? b bobouougoughghtght ?BIBIsIsqsqusquiuicui?ck ck Gck GFGF F aF anandand d td ththehe he?fifiri?stst st tst ?thith??g ?????ie?d d td tod to o? ma mak ma?? w ?erereere e te ththethe e de drdroroprop p b bi bisisciscuiscuiuituitsuits ?(r(?recrecic?pep
t." 4315,B004391DK0,A1LR9XH9Q1ZU1T,Gail W. Kantz,2,2,2,1329609600,GF please hear me,"Now if you could just make it sugar-free also? I know, I don't want for much. :-)<a href="""">Bisquick Pancake and Baking Mix, Gluten-Free, 16-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 3)</a>" 4316,B004391DK0,A3DC7VKPGXC1VM,"M. M. OCallaghan ""MickieMo""",2,2,4,1318723200,Very tasty biscuits!,"Ok--I just bought BIsquick GF and the first thing I tried to make were the drop biscuits (recipe
? l lil?sts?ede? o ???ththehe e b ?oxox)x).). . T ThTheheshe?e ?ara?e e ne non?t t t th t???kikini??d td th??t t at arareare e re ?ololllleleded ed o??t t &t ???utut-ut???theth??se se?arareare are " ?"d"drdro?p p? "" ""b"bibisisciscucuicuititsts.s. . . T?he?he rhe re?sus???ts ts w wewere?re re?vevereryery y t ta t?ststysty.y. . . T. ThTheTh?e te tatasastastete te??????is? G ?F F b bi b?isqis??ici?? i isis ?ve?ryry y my mumucuchc? l li liki??e te the t?he he ohe ?ririgi?in???? b bu butut ut t? the th???asast???isis ?nonotnot t a?s s? ta tar tartrt ?t ast as t as? th the the the o or oririgrigi?nan??. ????f yf ?ouou u w wa wana???t a t a s sis??ililal?? b bu but bu?te?rmr?milmilklk k tk tatasta?stest?, ??youyou ??ilillil??neneee?ed ed ted ?o o?ususe?se bse bub??tetertermter?mil?k ?ininsin????d d od ?f ??mil?milk milk i in i?n tn ??? b bi bis biscs?cuicuitcui?t rt ?recre?ipipep??. ?. I . I n no nototioticiceic?ed ed sed sosomo??ththith?ingin? e ?lsl?se se tse ththathatthat ??asas as? od o?d d ad ?andan?d md mi?ghghtht ?bebe ?e a e a p ??robro???m m f ?oror or???yo??? n ne n?? t?o ??ooooko?kinkingng;g? i it it t st seseeseememsms s ts ??thatthat that t th the? the a the ?momouounou?? o of of of?mi?x x? ca calallal?ledle???forfo? i is is ?nonot? q ququiquititeit?e r??
listed on the box). These are not the kind that are rolled out & cut--these are ""drop ""biscuits. The results were very tasty. The taste of this GF bisquick is very much like the original, but the taste is not as tart as the original. If you want a similar buttermilk taste, you will need to use buttermilk instead of milk in the biscuit recipe. I noticed something else that was odd and might be a problem for anyone new to cooking; it seems that the amount of mix called for is not quite rig
?htht.t? I ? r rer??d d t ththeh??sisidided?e oe ofo? t th t?he he?bob?x x?ana??d id itit t c ??aia?msms s t th tha thatat ?th?ererere re? ar arere ?????3 3 c3 cucupu?s s os ofof of?mimixix x ix inin n?? the the e be bo?x x (x (1(?1 1 s?er??in?gsgs ?s ofs of ?1/1/3/3 /3 c cu c?up up?ea??h)h?. . . T ThT?he he bhe ?isiscs?cuicuit?? re rececicipipepe e ce cacalalll??d ?fof?r r 2? c cu cup cu?? o ?of of mof mimixmi?. . I. I ?memeaeaseasus?reredre?d hd heheahe?pipin?? t te teaeaseaspeas?ooo?nfnfuf??s s is ?intin?? a a a??ea?????inging ing cing ?cupcup p? an a?? I? d dodonon'on't't t et ??enen n hn hahavaveve ve? a ?cucup? o??f mf ?mix? l ?lefleftft ??in in t th the the the b ba baga????????????? I ??knk?owow w t th thi thisis is m mi m?ix ix d do doeo?snsn'n't't 't h ?havhave?ve wve ?heheaheatheat t ft flflol?urur ur a? and and d md ?ayaybybebe e te ?thathatat at k kikin?d ?of???flofl?ourou?r mr memeameasa?sursureresres ?did??fef?ereerenenten?lyl?, , m??aybaybe? i ifif if I I ?dudugug g i in intnto?? th the the ?bab?? w wiwit?h h a? a c a cu a cup?, , I, I I wI wow??ldld d hd had havaveave e ue ususeseded ed l le lesesses?, ???t t tt tht the?he rhe rerecre???pe pe c ca camameme me o ou outut ut?? ?SoSo,o, ??the?rere ?mumusustust ?bebe be abe a a m mi???rir?intint int o?n ?th?
ht. I read the side of the box and it claims that there are 3 2/3 cups of mix in the box (11 servings of 1/3 cup each). The biscuit recipe called for 2 cups of mix. I measured heaping teaspoonfuls into a measuring cup and I don't even have a cup of mix left in the bag????? I know this mix doesn't have wheat flour and maybe that kind of flour measures differently, maybe if I dug into the bag with a cup, I would have used less, but the recipe came out right. So, there must be a misprint on the
b boboxo??? I I I?amam m a as a?sus???ngn? I I I m mem???sursurereded d p prp??pepererlr?? b be b?cac???e e? I I h I ?avaveve ?bib?scs?uiuititst? t ththa?t t c cacancan n? be??did?ppp?pedped d id in? g ??avavyav?, ,?smsmom??thether?eded ed???ithit?? bu bututtttet?er er & & &?jajamam,am, ?oror r s???ceceded ?tot? m ma m??e ?ththothosose? y ?um??y ?McMcDcDoDono?alaldl?'s's s bs brb?reare?akfak?as???sasanandndwdwi??heh?s.s. ?ByBy y fy fof?lll????ngng ng t th the???insinststrtrur?ctctitioi?onson?, ?I ?hahavhaveve ve A A A L LOL?T T o ofof f b bi bisisciscucuicuit?s.s. s. ?IfIf ?yoyouo? a?rere re???ingin????, o??r jr jujusustust ???okokikininging ing f fo?r ?twtwowo;o; ; y?ouou ou m?igi?hth?t wt wawanantant ??to to c cu cut? t? the th?e re rerecrecicip??e ie inin in hin ?halhalflf.f. . . Y YoY?ou ou wou wi??? s st sti?llll ll hll hahavhavehave e pe plple?ntntyty y ay ???d yd yo?u u wu ?wonwon'n?t t gt gog?o to th?rorourougughgh gh t? the????? s so so o qo quq???? . T. ThThihisis is m mi mix mix x c?osostost ??? a ar aro arouounoundnd nd $ ? 0 a an a?nd ?I I dI dod???'t 't h ??have???non?ougoughgh gh lgh lelefle?t ?t tot to ?mamak?e e ae ananyanyty?thithininging ing eing ?lslsese,se, ?wi??thothoutho??ut but ??yiyin?
box. I am assuming I measured properly because I have biscuits that can be dipped in gravy, smothered with butter & jam, or sliced to make those yummy McDonald's breakfast sandwiches. By following the instructions, I have A LOT of biscuits. If you are single, or just cooking for two; you might want to cut the recipe in half. You will still have plenty and you won't go through the box so quickly. This mix cost me around $5.00 and I don't have enough left to make anything else, without buying
?ana?otoththeh?r r b boboxo?; ;??hihici?h h I ?? wi wili?l l???cacaua?ses??????se se b?isiscscucuiuiti?? a?rere ??rearealallllylly,y, , r re??llllylly lly g gogooo??. . S ?titilillill,l, ?ifif f y yoyouou u? ar?e e we wawatatctchchichini??? yo y??r r br bubudu?geg??, , d, dodono?'t'? p ??reprepapara?re re?mom??re ?ththath?an an?? you you u nu neneee?d.d.<d.?brb??/>/><><b<br<br r /?>A>?bobouboutu?t tt ththe?sese se bse bibis??cuicuititsits:s? y yuyumu?mymy,? f ?aiairi?lyly y g go gololdldedenen n ( (b(bebec?auausause??th?the the r re r?eciec??e ?ca???s s fs fofor??egeggggsgs)s),)?, a, anandan? t?heheyhey y cy ??n n bn bebe be s sls?ic??ed ed????? s?omo?e e c??umumbumblblyly ly e?dg??es,es?, j, ?usustus?????e e ge glglulututeut??ou?s s os ?oneones?. . . W ??ithithohououtou?t tt tht thehe he? eg e?ggsggs,s, , y, yo?u ?prproprobobababablblybly y wy ?on?'t't 't g ge getet et? th the the e ne niniciceice ice??yeye-e-a-apappp???alialininging ?cocol?oror.or?. ?EvE?enen en? th?ou?ghg????theythey y ay ?arear???ror?p p b???scuscui?tsts,ts?, y, yo, youou ou? st sti??ll ll h ?avaveve ve? to to o c ??t-t?in?? sh shohorhortr?enenienin?ing ing??or or mor mam?argar?ar?in??. . I. IfIf f yf ?youyou you d do?n'?t t ht hahavha??????ututtutte
another box; which I will because these biscuits are really, really good. Still, if you are watching your budget, don't prepare more than you need.<br /><br />About these biscuits: yummy, fairly golden (because the recipe calls for eggs), and they can be sliced with some crumbly edges, just like glutenous ones. Without the eggs, you probably won't get the nice eye-appealing color. Even though they are drop biscuits, you still have to cut-in shortening or margarine. If you don't have a cutte
rr,r, , y yoy?u u w wiwilillll l n neneeeede? t toto o?ususese e a ? l ?ono?g g???rkrk.k. .? T ThT?atat t i ?s s m ??oreore ?did??fif??ulultl?, ?????if if???ou ou a ar a?e e ae ???elelil?acac c t th tha??t ht ??s s bs ?ee???crc??vivining??bib????ititst???????? c cu c?ttttet?r.r. ??ItIt t wt wiwilwillll ll????t ??youyou u au ?s ?mum?chch h a?s ?a a ba boboxox x?ofof f t? thi thisis is m?ixix.x?. . T. ThTheThe ?bibisbi??cuicuitcuit t rt rerecrecicipipep?e ae ale a?so? c ca c??llsll??fo??? mi?lkl?, , s, so, so ??f ?yoyou? w wa wanantn?t tt ??hat? n ni niciceice e te ?arartr??t tat tasastastete te t???at at??s ?reremre??iniin?iscisceiscene?nt nt o????theth?e oe ororior???inainalal al b bi b???uiu?ickick;k; ; y; yoyou???wilwillwil?l nl ?neene?ed ed t to to ??useus?e b?ututtut??rmrmi?lk?.<.?brbr ?/>/><>???r /r />r />T>?TheThe The?? mix mi??is?is mis mamadadede e ue upup p o? of of r rir??ice ice??loloulo????sus?gagarar,ar?, l, leleae?aveavenenienin?g,g, , p, ?ototatatta??? st sta?rcrchch,ch, , s?al????? x ??antanth??m m? ???ananyany ??mixmixexeses s a?ndnd d gd gogoooododi??es es? ma m??e ??witwi?th th r?ic?ice ???loulourlou?r tr tatastaststest?e ge grg??ininyin????BiBisisq?ui
r, you will need to use a long fork. That is more difficult, so if you are a celiac that has been craving biscuits; buy a cutter. It will cost you as much as a box of this mix. The biscuit recipe also calls for milk, so if you want that nice tart taste that is reminiscent of the original bisquick; you will need to use buttermilk.<br /><br />The mix is made up of rice flour, sugar, leavening, potato starch, salt, & xanthum gum. Many mixes and goodies made with rice flour taste grainy. Bisqui
??k k h ?asas s???nene e a a a f ?anantntatasastastitici? j jojobo??wiwiti??????e re ?iciceice ?flflolouo??. . I ItIt t????non?t t gt grgrar??nyny y??t t at ala?l;l; ; I??rer???atat,t, ,??t ??? n nonotnot t gt grt g?raira???y ay at? a al all??. . F ?oror r??hohososes??ofo? y yoyouou ou n?ewew w t to to o?ceceleliliaiaca?c cc cocooookokikininging;g?; u; ?sis??ing ing a? s sts?tartarcrchch ?sus???? as a?s cs co????, p, pop?otaotat?o,o, ?oror or t ta tapapipioi??a a ia isis is nis ???mam?al al a?ndn? a?ddddsd??a ?li??hthtntnenesnessss s ts ?o o to th?the the b babaka?ede?d id it?eme? t th?at?at wat wowououlouldl???t t bt bebe ?po?ssssiss?blblele ?wi?thth th r??iceice ice? fl floloulourur ur a??ononeone.e?. . L. LeLea?vevenenin??ing ing iing ?is is sis sisimsi?plplyly y by babakba?kinkingn? s?ododad?a oa ?or or por ?powpowdwded?r r ar an??d id isd is s n?ecececescessssassararyry ?fof?or or ror ririsri? ??ThThehe e se ?sugsugagarar ar a an and and d sd sasal?t ?t art arere re f fo foror or for fl?avavovoror or aor ???? co c?onsonsisissist?enencencycy,y?? a an?? y??s,s?, t, th?theythe?y ay ary arere re nre nenecne??cesscessasarsa?ry.ry?. . A. AsAs ?fo?r r tr ththe?the Xthe XaXan?ththuthumum m gm gugum??; i; ?it it i is i?s as a s a p peperperfrfefecectectlt??? na natatuatururaur
ck has done a fantastic job with the rice flour. It is not grainy at all; I repeat, it is not grainy at all. For those of you new to celiac cooking; using a starch such as corn, potato, or tapioca is normal and adds a lightness to the baked item that wouldn't be possible with rice flour alone. Leavening is simply baking soda or powder and is necessary for rising. The sugar and salt are for flavor and consistency, and yes, they are necessary. As for the Xanthum gum; it is a perfectly natura
ll l i ini??rerededid?enentnt t???? i?t t gt gigivi?ese? c cecelelil??c-c-s-sasafafefe e b bab??eded ed?gog???s ?? b bi bitit ??f f e elelael??tit?cicitityit????actac?tintingng ng a as as s a? r rerepreplplal?aceaceme??entent ?fof?r r t tht???glg?ututetenen)en).)? Y YoY?? w ?ili??l fl fifin?d ?XaXan?ththuthumum m g gu gumum um i?n n j ?usust? a ab abobou?t ?eveveververyry ??bakbakekedked d gd gogoogood?ieie ie m mamadaded??fo?r r pr pep?opo?????witwi?? c ce cel?iaiaciac c?didisdiseseaeasasease.e. . . ??anan an y yoyou???us?t ????ke ke y yo you?r r or owownwn n mn mimixi?? an a?nd nd s ?pepenpendnd nd lnd leles??s ms momononen?y?y? ?? S SuS?re?, , b bu but?? yo you you ?wiwilwillll ll?hahavave? a??veververyvery ?di?ffffificficuculultlt ???meme me f fifinfind?in?g g r?iciceic????ouour? a as as as f fi f?ineinelelyel?y gy grgrogrouounoundnd ?asas as t th thehe he r ri ric ricece ce f fl floloulourur ur? th??t ?????thethe e pe ?reredredod??minminanan?? a? and an?d md ma?inin in i???gregr???ienientnt nt i?? t th thi thisis is m mi mixix.ix?<b<??r /r />/><><b<br<b???>T>ThT?he ???thetherthe??rerecrecicipcipepespe?s ls lilisliststesteded ed oed onon on t th the the ?bo??x ax arare? f??or or??anancan?akakeakes???wawafaffafflf?lesles,s, ?ststrst?awa
l ingredient and it gives celiac-safe baked goods a bit of elasticity (acting as a replacement for the gluten). You will find Xanthum gum in just about every baked goodie made for people with celiac disease. Can you just make your own mix and spend less money? Sure, but you will have a very difficult time finding rice flour as finely ground as the rice flour that is the predominant and main ingredient in this mix.<br /><br />The other recipes listed on the box are for pancakes, waffles, straw
bbeb?rrr????hohorortrtct?aka?eses,s? p pipizizzzzaz? c crcrurusustst,t, ????imi?atatete e c ch c?ici?kekenken n f fifini?geger??? a ?ndnd d o ??ene?n bn ?akakeakede?d cd chc?hichi?ckeckenen.en?? Y YoYouo? c ca can? f?in??d md mom?oreore e re ?ececicipipep????n n tn ththeheie?? w wew?bsb?iti??.<.<b<brb???><><b<br<br r /r />r /?? r rerecrecocomo?memenenden??ththith??? pr prorododuducuctct t f fo foror or t ththethe e te tatasa?steste.e?? I I I dI dod? w wi wisishis?? th t?atat at m momormorere re m?ixix x w wa w?as as i inin in t th?e e be boboxox,x, ??oror or tor ththethe the p???iceice.e."e.""44343131717,7,B,B0B??43?919?DKD??,A,A1A1717D17?HSHSQS?XZX?HYHY7Y7O7?5,5?"C"?. ????n n "n """?"C."C?. H?eieinein"ein"""""""??2,2?,2,,2,5,5,5,15,?3131431424?30304040040000,00?,Be,B?estest t tt th?thertherere ?is???,"L,"LoLovoveove ?e the thihishi?s ms ??? f fo for fo?r pr pap?ancancacakcakekeskes!s?<b?<br <br / ?/>M/>MaMan?y ?GFG? p? pro pr?oduoduc?tst??ha?ve? o ot oththetherther ther i in i??reredredidiei?enten?ts ts I I' I?m m a al a?leler?gigicic ic t?o,o, , s, soso o fo fi?nd?iningin?? so somomeometeththithinthingng ng t th?at??tatastaststestesste?s gs ?re??at ?anandand ??is is c?ono??venve?ieienie?t t it ?is is pis ?re??tyty y ey exe?ci?? I. ?I mI ma?keke ke? a a b babatba?
berry shortcakes, pizza crust, ultimate chicken fingers, and oven baked chicken. You can find more recipes on their website.<br /><br />I recommend this product for the taste. I do wish that more mix was in the box, for the price." 4317,B004391DK0,A17DHSQXZHY7O5,"C. Hein ""C. Hein""",2,2,5,1314230400,Best there is!,"Love this mix for pancakes!<br />Many GF products have other ingredients I'm allergic to, so finding something that tastes great and is convenient is pretty exciting. I make a batc
?h h?ofof f p pap?ncncac?kekeses s a ?andand d???eeeezezez??inindndidivivivididuduauala? s ?erervrvivinvingngsgs ?toto o m mimicicrc?owowawavaveve ?lalata?er?.<.?brbr r?/>/>J>?ususts? h hah???ththeh?e ye ?umummm?y y C ChCheheehe???buburu???? p??e ????r dr didindinnnnen?er er ler ?lasla?st st?ninigighghth?, , r ?recrecicipipep?????n n b bebe e f??unundnd nd o on on n Bn BeB??tytycycrcrocrocockckekerker.r?cocomom.m?""?434??8,8,B,B0B00004043??1D1DKDK0K0,0,A,??NEN?N7N??5U5?KAK?J1J1,1?LoLononn???LeL?ee,ee?2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,121292969?2525959292020000,00,B,Bi,Bisisqsququiuic?k k G ?lulututetenten ?FrFrereeree,e?ItI?t it is??veververyry ?ni?cece e te to? b?e ?aba?lel?e te toe t?o ho hahavha?????iscis?uiuituitsts s as ?gagaia??. . ?I I c??an an o? onl on??y sy sasaya?????y y n??eedee?d td tod t??mamakakeak?e a? b bi big bi?gegerger r br boboxo?. . . ?WeW????un un o ou o?ut ut w wawaywa???o ?,9,B,B0,B0000400?439?1D?K0K0,K0,A,AD,A?O7O7272D2DBDBUBUPUPFPFHF?4M4M,M?"A"?shshlhle??y Oy O'O'N'NeN?ili?l "l """"a"?angangegelgeleley??ez"ez""?","?,2,,2,2,2,2,?5,?12?949414?????00,?LOLOVOVEVE E?THT???!,!,","L,"LoLovLove?ve tve th?is?! !? I ItIt'It's's s ss sos??gogoooodod ?anandand and m ma mak?akesake??pe
h of pancakes and freeze individual servings to microwave later.<br />Just had the yummy Cheeseburger pie for dinner last night, recipes can be found on" 4318,B004391DK0,AQNEN7X5UKAJ1,Lonna Lee,2,2,5,1296259200,Bisquick Gluten Free,It is very nice to be able to have biscuits again. I can only say they need to make a bigger box. We run out way to fast. 4319,B004391DK0,ADO72DBUPFH4M,"Ashley O'Neil ""angeleyez""",2,2,5,1294185600,LOVE THIS!,"Love this! It's so good and makes pe
rrfr?ecectc? p papana?cacaka?eses.s? ?LoL?vev? t ?hah?t t it itit't's's s a alalslsos? d dadaia?ryr? f frfrereeee.e?? M MyMy ??usu?bab?andand,d, ,?whwhoho ?dod??? n non??t ht ?havha?ve ve g glglul?tet?? i ini?totololel??an?cec?e le ?ikikeke ke I ? d do do,o, , l, liliklikekeskes ??theth?m m? as a?s ws ?elelll?. . ?HaH?????o o to ?teltellll ll?? d?ififff?ferfererenrencncence ?bebete?we??en en???isis s as an??? th?e ??gluglut??en-en?y y vy veverversrsisioi?n.n.<.<b<brb? / ?><>?<br<br ????I lI lol?oveove ?cocomompmpapanpa?iei??es tes ththathatat at m mamak?e ??lulutlu?tenten ??frefr?ee ee v veverversver??ononson?s os ofof f? th the thei their? f fo foooododsds!s!"!""??323202?,B,?00004043?9191D1?K0K0,?A2A?1C1??IFI?VXVX0X0V0?6H6?J,J,y,?ouounungn?klk?,2,?,2,2,,2,5,?,1,?292?414?858565??00,00,B??estest t Mt MiM??- - e esespespepececiec?alallallyly ?fof?r r wr ?afa?fflff?lesles!s!,s!?"W"WeW?e he hahav?e ?trt?ie?d ???lolotlot ?ofof of d??ffffefferereerenentent ?GFG? m?ix?es?es aes an?and and wand whwhewhen?en Ien I I fI fo?unundund ?th?isis is n ne n?w w m? mix mix x? fr fror?? B ??isqisququiuicickck,k, ?I I dI ??eciecidecidededded d t?o ?o tro t?ry ry? it i?. ?. I. ?I mI ??de? w wa w???leles? f fo for fo?r mr ?y ?y fay famamim?ly
rfect pancakes. Love that it's also dairy free. My husband, who does not have gluten intolerance like I do, likes them as well. Hard to tell a difference between this and the gluten-y version.<br /><br />I love companies that make gluten free versions of their foods!" 4320,B004391DK0,A21CWIFVX0V6HJ,youngkl,2,2,5,1294185600,Best Mix- especially for waffles!,"We have tried a lot of different GF mixes and when I found this new mix from Bisquick, I decided to try it. I made waffles for my family
??anandnd d e evevevenen n m mymy y?kik?dsds s c cocououluldldnd?'t'? t tet?llll l t th theh??y wy wewererer? G ??. . ?ThT?heyhe?y ay ??mom?stst t tt ???stest?er er b beb??teterte? t? tha thanan an m my my ??rir?gig?nanalal al w whwheheaheatat t rt rerecrecic?pepe.e. ??NoNo o s st?rar?angangege e te te?xtx?uru?re re o oror or? af a???ter ter t?asastastete.te.".?4434??1,1?B0B00004043439439191D1DKDK0K0,0?A3A3N3N4N4J4JEJE4E?0O0O6O??0J0JHJH,H?SNSNMN??alialiki?,4,?,5,5,5,3,?,1,121292939343?94944440?0,0,"0,??n ?eaeas??y sy sosolo?utu?ioionon,n, , b bu b????.."..",",",?........t.??isi??mim?? d dod?eses s hs hah?ve? t th tha that that ?grg??ininyin???textexttextu?rere re fre fofou?ndnd nd w wi w?thth th a a a l loloto?t ot ?f f r ri?cec?-b-???ede?d gd glglulutlutetenten-n-f-frfrereeree ??mixmixexes?. . T. ?TheTh?e me mie mixix ix w?ororkorksks ??welwellll ll w?he?n n tn th?e e de did???rectrectitiotiononsons ?ararere ??olollol?lowlo??d ?an?d d id ?it it i isis is f ????lyl?y vy ?verversr?atatiat?lel??<b<brb??/>/><><b<br<br ?r />r />I>I I w wi wil willll ll ull ususese e te the the? m?ixix ?I I hI hahavhaveve,ve??bubut???'m'm m n nonotot ot????e e ie ifif ??thithisis is wis wiwil?l l bl be? a a a s a ststastapa?lele le i?n n mn my???anantan?ryry.y. . I. ?I'mI'm m nm ?notno?t ft
and even my kids couldn't tell they were GF. They almost taster better than my original wheat recipe. No strange texture or after taste." 4321,B004391DK0,A3N4JE40O6M0JH,SNMalik,4,5,3,1293494400,"An easy solution, but...","...this mix does have that grainy texture found with a lot of rice-based gluten-free mixes. The mix works well when the directions are followed and it is fairly versatile.<br /><br />I will use the mix I have, but I'm not sure if this will be a staple in my pantry. I'm not f
?ini???inging g?mymysyses?lflf f?rereaeacachc?ininging ing f fof?r r i itit t?onon n a ? r re r?gug??arar r br babasa?isi?, , w ?hihichi??? is is s u usususuaualalll?y y a a a?si??n ?tht?ata??ththith?is is i???'t't t at ?a ha hi?t t it inin in m?y y hy hohouoususeuseheho?ldld.d.".?4?323?2,2??000040?43943919?DKDK0K0,0,A,A2A???L3L???MBM??8282U2?,P,P.P. . O OBOBrB?ieiene?,1,1,1?,1,,1,4,4,4,1,13,1353?070777?7767760600?,P?re?ttttyty y Gy GoGoooodod,d?"I"I I c cacanan'n'tn't ?sasayay ?ththathat???isisciscucuiuit?s s ms mam?dede e f?roromo? t ?thithisthi??s mis mixix x??asastastet?e ae asas as g gogoooodoo???s ?ththethe ?re??gulgulalarla?r wr ?whewhea??. . . B BuButut ?t tht t?hatha?t s??idi?d, d, f?oror or?????? o?f ??us us??eee?di?ngng ??lulututeut?en en f fr?ee?? fo?ododsod?s, s,??t't's's s ns ?otot t bt babadbad d ed eieitithitheherer.r."."."??32?3,3,B,B0,B?????1D1DK1DK0?,A,A3,A32??EDEDWDWJWJXJX3X?60?D6D6,6,b,?ri?dede4de?eve?erer,er,1,1,?1,1,51,5,5??,134,13494?919139136?00???us??t lt lil????th?the the o?ri?gig???al al b?isisqis??uicui?k,k,I,?I jI jujus?ust ust? re rec recec??tltlyly ly h hahadhad d td tot?? go g?o go glgluglutute?n n fn ????e ae ane andnd nd h ha havaveve ve b?eeeeneen n dn didisdisasapsappppopoioin?
inding myself reaching for it on a regular basis, which is usually a sign that this isn't a hit in my household." 4322,B004391DK0,A2VBL3JMMB282U,P. OBrien,1,1,4,1350777600,Pretty Good,"I can't say that biscuits made from this mix taste as good as the regular wheat. But that said, for those of us needing gluten free foods, it's not bad either." 4323,B004391DK0,A32CEDWJX360D6,bride4ever,1,1,5,1349913600,Just like the original bisquick,I just recently had to go gluten free and have been disappoint
e?d d?byb??ththehe e?glg??tet?n n???eeee e fe flflol??rsrs s a ?ndnd ?bab?kikiningn? m mimixixex?s.s?? I I I b bo bouougoughghth?? th thihisi?s as ?andand d id iti?'s's s as ams amamaza?ininging!g! !??JuJususts?t lt lilikikeke e te ???e oe oro??gigininain?? B ?isisqisquq??ckc?. . . A ?ltlth??ougoughough h i ?it it??s s cs chcheheaheapa?ere? a?t t Wt ?al??marmartrt.t..4434323??,B,?00004043439439191D1DKDK0K?,A,A3A3M3MWM?7474D4DJDJHJH4H?4D24D2P2PGPG,G??PePegeggggygy y "y """?"Pe"P?eggeg?gy"gy"""""""",",1,1,1?,1,,1,5,?,1,13,1343??32?1616060000,00?I ?lo??e ?e the thihishis s ps ?rorododuducuctc?,","W,"WhWhe?n n In I ???isciscocovove?reredred ?mymy ??enensensisit??vivit??y ty ?o o? gl g??tetente?n an ?bob?outout t 6t ? m mo monontnththsths s as ags agog?, ,? I I w waw?s s ds di?smsmamaymayey?ed ed b by by y my mom??????? th?e ??ororrorriribri?lele e ge ?glugl?uteuten??frfrefr?ee ee f?ooo?odsods s os onon on t? the the the m ma m?rkrkeketket.t. t. I I ?hah????sisinsincncece ??ouounound? s???e e se sus?bsb?????ute? f? foo food?ods ods t th tha thatat t at arareare ?aca?cecepce?????le le t??o mo ??. ?BiBisBi?ququiquic?k k g gl??uteutenuten-n?-fr-frereeree ??anancan?ak?e e ae ane andnd ???kikinkingng ng m?ixix ix i is?? on o?e ?e ofe of f tf ?the??.
ed by the gluten free flours and baking mixes. I bought this and it's amazing! Just like the original Bisquick. Although it is cheaper at Walmart. 4324,B004391DK0,A3MW74DJH4D2PG,"Peggy ""Peggy""",1,1,5,1347321600,I love this product,"When I discovered my sensitivity to gluten about 6 months ago, I was dismayed by most of the horrible gluten-free foods on the market. I have since found some substitute foods that are acceptable to me. Bisquick gluten-free pancake and baking mix is one of them.
?? u ?sese e?iti???vevere???SuS??dadaya?y ty toto o m mamakakek?e ee ??ithit??? p papana??akakeakeses s?oror r?wawafafffflfleles?. .?I I rI rerece?omommm?enend??ththihisis s ms ??? w?hoholo????heahe??tetededld?y!y!"!""4434?252?,B,??040??9191D1DKDK0K0,0,A,A2A?8H8?LTLT7T7D7?DJD?ONO?QGQ??SuSumSumm?er?er ler lolovove?r,r?1,1,1,1,,1,3,3,3,1????373717???00,00,I,I ?wowououluldld d s sasay?????t t 't ?ehe?',',","I"?????ghg??t tt th??is is???mmemmedmmedidiaiata?telte?ly ly a ?aftaf?terte?r fr ???ndindininging g o ou o?t t It I I cI ?coucoul??d nd ?o o lo lo?ngngegerer er her hah??ve ve?glglul?uteutenen.en. ?FrFrorom? e?ve??ytyththi??ng ng I????s s rs ?reare????ng ng ing ?it it s??ememe?d d dd dadaudaununtuntitininging ing t to to ?mimixmix x dx didifdi?ffeff?ereer?entent t ft ??ouourou?s s ts toto to? ma m???? an anynytythythihinhi?<.<b<?r r /r ??<b<br<b?r /r />r />T>ThThehe he b bo?xex?es es a ar a?re re S SM S?ALALLLL!L! !? W WhWhihilhile?????s s m?ixix ix i??s os okokakayay ay fay ?oror or m ma mak makikining??pa????akeakesake?, ,? th?e ?bibisisciscucuiuititsits ?ararear?e ae ?lrlririgighghtght,t, , a, ?andand ?toto to uto ususeuse e ie itit it ait ?? a a a?????in?ing ?chchi?ckcke?n n f ?finfingngeng?erser?s is isis is 'is 'e'eh'eh'
I use it every Sunday to make either pancakes or waffles. I recommend this mix whole-heartedly!" 4325,B004391DK0,A28HLT7DDJONQG,Summer lover,1,1,3,1346371200,I would say just 'eh',"I bought this immediately after finding out I could no longer have gluten. From everything I was reading it seemed daunting to mix different flours to make anything.<br /><br />The boxes are SMALL! While this mix is okay for making pancakes, the biscuits are alright, and to use it as a coating chicken fingers is 'eh'
,??I'I???glg?ada?????ouo?ghghth??itit ?whwhehenen n I I I w I waw?s s f fif?rsrstst t dt ?iaiaga?nonososeseded.d. .? I?t t ht hehelhelplpep?ed ed?eaeasasease e m ?y y?trt?ana?sisit?ioi?n n in ini?tot? g?lul??enen en? fr f??e e ce coc???ininging g a anandand d bd babaka???g.g.<.<b<?r r / />/><><b<br<br ???NoNowow w? th t??t t It I I k knknonowno?w ww whwhawh?? I I' I????oio??ing,ing, ?I I wI wiwililll? n nonotno?t bt bubuyuy ???aia? . . I It It' It's's s ms ??chch h?ch?eaeapea?perper r tr to? m ma m??e e me mymy my o ??n n fn flflolouourour ??ixixexeses s as at?at hat ???e e ae ??? u ?sese se? th tho thososeos?e te toto to mto mam?akeake ake?papanancancacakake?s,s??bibisi?cuc?it?s,s, s, a an a?d ?d brd brereare?akiakin?? f fo f????chichicickc?enen ?fifinfing?erers??. . A. AnAndnd nd m my my y oy ow?own own m mi mix? t ta tasastaste?s s m?ucuchuch h bh bebetetttteterte?. ?. B. ?utut,ut, , i, ?f f?yoy?ou ou a?rere re n?ewe?w tw ?to to gto ??ututeutenen en f?re??, ??efe?finfinefinetetletlyly y py ?icickic? t? thi this????, , i?t t wt wit wil??l hl ??helphel? w wi???h th th?e e te tre tra?nsnsinsititiitioiti?on!on??4434323??,B,B0B000?43439439191D1DKDK0K0,0?A9A9Q9??FSF?NLN?P5P5X5?PJP?,C,CeC?lil??c c??ooooroor,r?1,1?,1,,1,5,5,5?,13,1343??0000100
, I'm glad I bought it when I was first diagnosed. It helped ease my transition into gluten free cooking and baking.<br /><br />Now that I know what I'm doing, I will not buy again. It's much cheaper to make my own flour mixes at home and use those to make pancakes, biscuits, and breaking for chicken fingers. And my own mix tastes much better. But, if you are new to gluten free, definetly pick this up, it will help with the transition!" 4326,B004391DK0,A9QJFSNLP5XPJ,Celiac Poor,1,1,5,1343001
?6060000,0?GrG??atat!t!!!!!?,T,?hehe e a ?????ututete e be bebesestst t b babaka?iningn? p prpror??ucuctct t ot ofof f i ??s s?kikinkindnd-d-------I--? h ?ava?e ?trtririeieded d??lml?????ALALLLL L????te?n-n-f-frf??e e be bae bak?in?g ???od?uc?tsts ts? an and??BiB?sqsquq?icickck k??lulutlutelutenen n F FrF??ree ree? is is s bs byby y f ?ara????he he? BE BESESTS?!!?? A A A l lil??tltlel????pepenensensis?ve?? bu butut ut?woworortrthth th? th thehe ???neneyey!y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4?323?7,7,B,B0B?00400?43943919?DKDK0K?0,A0,?1Z1ZMZ?060??A7A7V7?KFKFCFCKCK,K,D,DoD?nnnnan??1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5?,13,1?3838585959595252020000,00??lulutlutelutenluten n fn ???e e Be BiBisBi??uiuicuickck,ck,","F"??or or t? tho th?oseos??wiwitithith h g?lu??luten? a al all allelerle?gigie??? t th?is? i is? g gr T Th???shs?or??cac?akeak?es,es, , b, bibis?cucuiuituitsts,ts?, p, ?anancnca?kek?es es t ta tasast?e e me mum?uchuch ?ththeth?e se sae samameme e ae asas as? wi wit?ith ith? th?e e re ?regre?ulu?arar ar B?isisqisququiqu?ickick.k. . M. MyMy y oy ?onlon??y py ??probproblb?lemlem m w wi?th?th ith it? i?? is t is th?at? i it it ???memesme?s is ???sus??uch uch??? sm smamala?l l??izizeze.e. . W. WoWouo?uldul?d ld lolovoveve ve fve ?oror or tor ththethemthe?m tm toto o b
600,Great!!!,The absolute best baking product of its kind---I have tried almost ALL gluten-free baking products and Bisquick Gluten Free is by far the BEST!!! A little expensive but worth the money!!!!! 4327,B004391DK0,A1ZM06WA7VKFCK,Donna,1,1,5,1338595200,Gluten free Bisquick,"For those with gluten allergies, this is great. The shortcakes, biscuits, pancakes taste much the same as with the regular Bisquick. My only problem with it is that it comes in such a small size. Would love for them to b
ooxo? i ?? i in in n?lalarargrgeg?r r?sis??eses.s.".?4????,B,B0B00004043?9191D1DKDK0K0,0,A,A1A1T1TQT?T9T?JZJZGZGTGT0T??454?,","M"MaM?z-z?n-n-b-blb???"""?mam??nbnblblublu"u?"""""",",1,1,1,1???5,15,?333363676??08080?0,0,W0,WoWororkrksks s?FoFor??MeMe!e??ThThihisis s is isis is???heheaealaltl?hyhy y a al a?ltelt?erner??titiviveve e t toto o r reregegug??larlar r Br BiBisisqisququiu??k k a an andnd d w wow?orkorks? g grgre??? i in in in? an any any y by bibisisciscucui?t ??ixi?x rx re?cicipipep?. . I ? w wi wili?? s su s??relre?y y by buy buyuy y iy ?it it a ag agagaiainin.n???3232932?,B?????4391439??K0?,A,A3,A3A3ALALJLJTJT9T9CT9CJC?BMB?ZWZ??,M,MaMaxMax ??ususts??ngng,g,1,1,,1,1,1,?1,41,4,4,1,13,133?565?57576760600?,B,Bi,Bisisq????? G ??????asas s os ono?n Gn GFGF F D DiDieietet t ft fof??or aor aba?ououtut ?6 6 m ?on??thsths.s. s. U UsUseseded d td ththithisis is nis ??w w??rorodo?ucuctct ?t frt f??m m t th t??s ??ldld ?ququaqualalialitityity y cy ?omompm?an??y wy wiwit?????cec?llllellene??t rt re?susulultultsts.s. s. Ss. ?titiltill? u ususeuse e ie ?it it fit foforfor r vr ?arariarieietietyty.y.<.?brbr ?/>/>A>A A b ?boxbox x gx gogoeo?es es a a a l?onongong g w wa w?y.y. y. A A A lA lil?ittittlt?e e ee exexpexpe?nsnsisivsi??? bu b?ut ut w wo wor?th??
ox it in larger sizes." 4328,B004391DK0,A1TQT9JZGT0P45,"Maz-n-blu ""maznblu""",1,1,5,1336780800,Works For Me!,This is a healthy alternative to regular Bisquick and works great in any biscuit mix recipe. I will surely buy it again. 4329,B004391DK0,A3ALJT9CJBMZWS,Max Mustang,1,1,4,1335657600,Bisquick GOOD,Was on GF Diet for about 6 months. Used this new product from this old quality company with excellent results. Still use it for variety.<br />A box goes a long way. A little expensive but worth i
tt.t..?434?3030,0,B,B0B?04043439439191D1?K0K0,??3O3O2O282??28281281Q1?XPX??E,E???esesMsMoM?m,m????,2,??,13,13333533?393989848?0000,00,W,WaWala?lpl??peperer r P ?asasts????I I r rer??d d l ??tsts s?ofo???oooodod d rd rerevre?ieiewe?s s as ?ndnd d ld lolovlo?eded d td ththeh? i idided?ea ea o of o???theth?e ce ?ononvn??nin?ienie??e ?ofof of t ?thithisis s ms mimixix x f ?oro?r pr ???ncancakakekes? a anandand d wd wawafa?flf?? .? S SoS??I ?whw???pe?d d ud upup p??omomeom?e pe papan????eses,es? b brb?reare?akfakfaf????fo??-d-??nnnnenerer er s?tytylyle??. . I I' I'm'? n ?newne??y y d ??agagngnonososeseded ed?ce?liliai?c c a an and? t?huhusus s ns nenewnew new t to t?o Go ?F,F, , s, soso so?peperpe??ap?s ??I sI shshoh?ululdl???etet t a a a? li l?ttttltlele le m mom?oreore e te titimi?e e ge gogo go b by by y oy ?on on?jujusustust t at ????ietiet t ot ofof of nof ?atatutururaral??ly ly g gl glul?tetente? f fr fre?e e fe fofoofo?odsod??beb?fo?????I sI stI statarartrt t tt ??yiyin?? s??bsbststistit?ututeut??e foe f?oodoodsds ?fofor??? the the ?wh?ea?t t ft fofoo?dsds ds I I I u ususeus?ed ed ted toto o lo lolov?e,e, e, b?utut ut?? I s I ???earear ??I cI crc????d ad a ?lilitlitt?lele ??itit it w whwhewhenwhen n In ???
t. 4330,B004391DK0,A3O28W281QXPNE,CeesMom,1,1,2,1335398400,Wallpaper Paste,"I read lots of good reviews and loved the idea of the convenience of this mix for pancakes and waffles. So I whipped up some pancakes, breakfast-for-dinner style. I'm newly diagnosed celiac and thus new to GF, so perhaps I should let a little more time go by on just a diet of naturally gluten free foods before I start trying substitute foods for the wheat foods I used to love, but I swear I cried a little bit when I at
?e e t tht??sese e pe ?anancncacaka? . ?BeB?cacaucaususese se I I I t th thohouougughg?? t th??y y s susucuckc??d,d??frfrar??klklyl?. . . T ThThe?y y ay ararere e ce cocomompmplplelete?ele?ly ly?blblal?andand d a anandand and h hahavaveve e ne nono o f fl f?lavla?oror r a?t t At ?LLLL,L, ?an?and and tand ththethe e te te??tuturu?? w wawasa??reremremim?ninisi??enentnt ?ofof f w wa walalll??pappapep?r r pr papaspaststete.te. . (. (I(I I dI ?onon'n?t ?knknonownow w?ifif ??thathatat't's'??glglulutute?n n f fr f?reeree e be ?utut ut i if i?f sf sos??itit't'st's ???obobab????y cy chcheheahe?peperper r tr tot???us?t t pt ?utut ut sut ??mem?e se sysyryrurupu? o ???? tha th?at at a an andn?d ed ?atat at iat itit!it!)!) ) A ???terte?r lr le??tit?ingin? t th the the the b ba bat?teterter ter s st s????and 1and 101? m miminminunututeuteses es? to t?o to ?thith?ckckeck?en en u upup up a a a b?it?, ?itit it w wa was wa?s ms ???e e le lil?ke? k kikin?ded?ergergagarartarte?? p ??pastpastete,te?, b, bubutbut ?ststistilillll ll t? tot totataltall??y fy ???lavolavororlorlelesle?s.s. . . M. ?y y 2y 2 2?yeyeaearear ????d dd dad?ugughught?erer er g ?ob??blebleded ??thethemthe????, , s, soso so??? that that'??? so s????hihin? ???TheTh?en en Ien ????ieieded ed a? a l a ?litlitltle?? bi bit bit t mt ?mormore?
e these pancakes. Because I thought they sucked, frankly. They are completely bland and have no flavor at ALL, and the texture was reminiscent of wallpaper paste. (I don't know if that's gluten free but if so it's probably cheaper to just put some syrup on that and eat it!) After letting the batter stand 10 minutes to thicken up a bit, it was more like kindergarten paste, but still totally flavorless. My 2 year old daughter gobbled them up, so that's something. Then I cried a litle bit more
?ththihininkn???? a ababob?utut t?ththethe e?faf?ctc?t tt th?atat ?? g ?ueuesessss s I ?'l'llll l n ?eveveverer r? ge g?t t tt tot t? t?eae??h h h heh??? ho howow w? to to o mo ?akakeke e ae a a?rer?ealeal,l????lilicicic?ouousous s fs ??ufuffffyf? w whwheheaheatat at p papanancn?akakeak???bubut? t?hahatat'at's's ?a a wa wh?ololel??oto?thetherther ?ththith?ing?.<.??????<b<br<b???>I>I'I'mI'm m g gi givivivining? i itit ?2 2??tatara????usustst st b bebece?caucaususeus?e ie itit it??s ?ususe???l ?foforo?r br brbrebrea?did?ing?ing oing ovo??n n b ba b?akeakedaked d c chchihichickcke?n,n, , b?ut?ut yut ??? c co cououlouldld ?dodo o to ththathatthat ??or?e e ee ececoeconononomomimicicaicalallllyll?y wy ?itithith h ah ananoan?othotheherher ?GFGF F f fl flol?ourour.r?""?434?313?,B,B0B000?43439439191D1?K0K0,0???XIXIOI?FCFC3C3L3LOLOTO?SWSWAWA,A,l,?lizlizlz???,1,1,1,11,???,1?33?515131393929202?00,00,g,grg?reareat??? pr prorodo?ucuctct,ct,t,th?thisthis s is isis ?s a s a g gr g?reareatrea?t pt prpro?duducdu????PePer?fefecectect t ft ????r thr t?he he? ce celeliel?ac???ea?rcrchchichininging ?foforfor for? bi bisisciscuc?it?it mit ?mixmix x o ?or or p pa panancancacakcakeke ke??mixmix mix? th?atat at aat ??tutuau?allal?y y ty ta???es???oooodod.od. ? A AlAlslsoso ?grgregr
thinking about the fact that I guess I'll never get to teach her how to make a real, delicious fluffy wheat pancake, but that's a whole other thing.<br /><br />I'm giving it 2 stars just because it is useful for breading oven baked chicken, but you could do that more economically with another GF flour." 4331,B004391DK0,A2XIOFC3LOTSWA,lizlou,1,1,5,1335139200,great product,this is a great product. Perfect for the celiac searching for biscuit mix or pancake mix that actually tastes good. Also gre
aatat t?tot?ppppipini?g g f ?oror r c chc?icickc?enen n p ?oto???piepi??4434333?2,2?B0B??43?9191D1DKDK0K0,0,A,?1V1VCVC9C?N2N2V2V3V??7373636H6H,H,M,MiMikikeke,ke,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,?,1,13,13333233???33633??00,00,T,ThThehe e B ??stst t Pt ??ncncac?keke ke M MiMixMi??- - B BY BY Y?FAFARAR!R!!!!,!,",?Th?isis s??rorododuducu?t ??is is? BE BEYE?ONONDND D?AMAMAMAZAZIZ?NGNG!G! ! I ??hahava?e ??eee?en en c?ooookokik??g g pg ?anancanca???s s is ?in in a asa??orortortetede? w wawayaysy?s fs fo?r ?fofoufourur ?dedece?????? A An Andnd,d, ,???or or h??mem?e ue usu???, n, nono o o otothothe??r pr ????ducductct ct c co com co???s cs clcloloso?se se??o ?ththihishi?s Bs BiBisisqisququiu?ickick k G GlGlul????n Fn FrF?ee? M Mi Mixix.x??ItIt t it ist is ?sus?pepere?ioi?or or nor no?t t ot ononlnlyly y? to to to e eveveververyry y gy glglulutlu?tenten-ten-f-frfrereeree e pe ???oduod????t ont on n tn ththeth?e me mamatattatteterte?; ;?itit t it ist is t is A AL A????susupsupeperpe?riori???to?? ev evever?y ???otheoth???mimixix ix ( ??gluglut??en-en?-fr-frereeree ree o?r r nr nonot?? o on on n tn thn thehe he m ma mararkr???. . F. ?FriFr?en??s ?anandand ?faf?mi?lyly ly a ar arere re c co??ststastanantantltlyly ?am?aza?eded ed a an a?nd nd? su sururpur?priprisiseis?ed ?whwhehenhen ?
at topping for chicken pot pie. 4332,B004391DK0,A1VC9N2V33736H,Mike,1,1,5,1332633600,The Best Pancake Mix - BY FAR!!,"This product is BEYOND AMAZING! I have been cooking pancakes in assorted ways for four decades. And, for home use, no other product comes close to this Bisquick Gluten Free Mix. It is superior not only to every gluten-free product on the matter; it is ALSO superior to every other mix (gluten-free or not) on the market. Friends and family are constantly amazed and surprised when I
?ses???e e t ?hehemem m?brb?eaeaka?fafasasts?. . S SoS?, ,? to to o e ?ve?ryryoy?nene e ae anandn? a ananyanyoyonyone???dod??'t't t???akeak?e te th?e e me ?isist?akakeake ake?ofof f a?ssssosocociciaiatatitini?g g t th t?isis is?BiBisisqis?uiuicickck k p prprorodo?ucuctc?t wt ?/ /? ot o?thetherthe? g glg?ututetenen-n-f-frfre??e pe prpropr??uc??? t??atat at r reresresus?ltlt t it inin in f fofoooodod od?? tha that that t tt tatasastas?teste?s ls lilikikeke ?cacarardrdbdboboao?ardar?.<.<b<brbr br??>L>LaL??ast ast t th tho thouougu?htht:t: : T ?hahanankanksks s ts toto ?AmAma?zozon? f?oror r mr ?makmakikininging g ig itit ??vav?ililalabablb?e e ae ase a?s as a a? su s??scscrc???titiotionon on pon ?ururcr?hahashasese,se, ?sisinincincece e Ie ? c ??n n n non?o lo ??ongongeg?er er f fi finindind d id ?it it i ??in ain ananyany any S?ououtouth? F FlFlo?riridri?a a sa susupsu?erermer??rkr??tsts.ts.".""4434??33,33,B,B0B0000404343943?1D1DKDK0K?,A,A3A323252?6969H9HZHZYZYIYINI?6V6VOVO,O,J,??hnh?n Sn SwSwiwinineineheha?rtrt,t?1,1,1,1,,1,5,?,1,13,133?090999?20200?0,0,M0,?akake?s ?GrGre??at at pat papanancancacakca?keskes!s?,T,Th?isis is sis ststustufufff?f mf ?makmakemakeses s gs grg??reatreat t pt ?panpa?ca???es es a an a?? s sh shohorortortctcacak?? t? tha that? I I ??m ?acactctuctuauala?lyly y a??llollowo?ede
serve them breakfast. So, to everyone and anyone, don't make the mistake of associating this Bisquick product w/ other gluten-free products that result in food that tastes like cardboard.<br />Last thought: Thanks to Amazon for making it available as a subscription purchase, since I can no longer find it in any South Florida supermarkets." 4333,B004391DK0,A32569HZYIN6VO,John Swinehart,1,1,5,1330992000,Makes Great pancakes!,This stuff makes great pancakes and shortcake that I am actually allowed
t ?o o e eae?t!t!<!??r r??>M>MyMy y?dodoco?totortor ?tetelellllsl? m meme e I I'I'm'? c cecel?iaiacac-c- -? th thihisis s ws ?asa?s ts ththrh??e ?yeyeaearearsrs ????o no non??. . I??jujusustst t?????e Ie ? c?anan n c co conontn????e ?to???inindind d t th thi this??BiBisisqisququiuicickc???434?3434,4??00004043?9191D1DKDK0K?,A,A2A2929595H5???IBI?QRQ????,J,?EBE?B,1B,1,1,1,1,1,21,??,13,13333033010121282?0000000??Bi?sqsququiquicickick k G ?F F M ?ixix,x???hehe ?prpririciciicin?g g i ?is is qis ququi?te??a a b ??t ??highi?heherhe?r tr thr t?an? i in i???thethe ?grg?oc?ereryry ?st?oro?resres.s?. . I It It ?isis ?no?t t at ava???lal?blblele e ie ?in in a al allll ll??sto?re?res,res, , b bu butu??I I hI hahavhaveve e fe fof?unu????it it? co con convn??niniei???lyly ?enenoenou?ghgh gh f??or or m??y py ??rprpop?ses?s.?""?434?335335,5,B,B0,B000040043?43914391D??K0,K0,A,AT,A?676??J2J2W2WAW??DDDDRDR,R??PaPatattattyt?y Hy H.H. ???Pa?ttttyty ty H H.H."H.?"""""",",1,1,,1,1,1,???131???696969?00???GoG??d d gd ?lulut?en? f?rereere?e pe pae pan???kekeses,es,T,??eseseese e ae arare? r ???llllylly y gy gogoogo?od.od. . I. I I lI ?ikike? t to t?o mo mam?akeak???hehemhem ?wiwit?h h?? l lilitli
to eat!<br />My doctor tells me I'm celiac- this was three years ago now. I just hope I can continue to find this Bisquick! 4334,B004391DK0,A295HJCIBQR2LB,JEB,1,1,2,1330128000,Bisquick GF Mix,"The pricing is quite a bit higher than in the grocery stores. It is not available in all stores, but I have found it conveniently enough for my purposes." 4335,B004391DK0,AT673J2WAXDDR,"Patty H. ""Patty H.""",1,1,5,1329696000,Good gluten free pancakes,These are really good. I like to make them with a lit
ttlt?e e e exe?trt?a a m ?ili?k k s ?o o?ththahatat t????y y??rere e te th?ini?. . I I I c cacanan'n?t ?eve?enen n t?elellll l t th?e e de didifi?fef?rerenrencncec?e be ?etetwt??enen en t th thi thisi?? an a?d d????ululalar??papanancancacakcakekeses.s. . I. ItI?'s's ???rtr?? t? the the the p pr pririci???fofor? m???faf??milmi??..4434333?6,6?B0B???43943?1D1DKDK0K?,A,A1A1X1XMX?RQRQFQFTFTRTR7R????3,3,S,?. . D. DiDiei?etretri?chc???,1?,5,?,1,13,1323?96969696???0,?BeBesestest ?t evt e?verver!r!,!?"W"WeWe'e'v'?ve ve b bebeebeenen en uen ??in?g g P ?amameamel?a'a?'s 's f fo foror or mor ?akakik?ing?? pa pan?ancaanc?akeakeses es a??d d wd wawafa?fflff?lesle?, ,? bu butut t It I I sI sasawa? B BiBis?quq??ickic?k ak anandan?d gd grgrarabrabbbbe?d d ad a a ba boboxo? t to t?o to tr???itit.t. . . ??t ??madmaded?e te the thehe he???so??ututeute e Be BEBESESTST T w wa?ff?ffleffl?es es wes we?'d'd d ed ?eveeverer er?hahadhad d -d - - g ?lulutlu?en???re?e e oe oror or nor nonotot!t! ! ???ameamelame??'s?'s h's hahasha??yoyouo? s se s?paparpara??te te t?? the the e the ??g g yg yo?lk?? fr froromom m t th the the ? the eg the e??? wh w?ititeit?e ae anandand and??adadede de m ma mak maki?ngn?g og ouourou? S SaS?atuat?rdrdadaya?y my momor?ninininging ing wing wawafwaffwaf??lesles les t? ted tedi
tle extra milk so that they are thin. I can't even tell the difference between this and regular pancakes. It's worth the price for my family. 4336,B004391DK0,A1XMRQFTR7VNI3,S. Dietrich,1,1,5,1329696000,Best ever!,"We've been using Pamela's for making pancakes and waffles, but I saw Bisquick and grabbed a box to try it. It made the absolute BEST waffles we'd ever had - gluten free or not! Pamela's has you separate the egg yolk from the egg white and made making our Saturday morning waffles tedi
oouo?s.s? I I I a ??dededed d?twtwow? p papaca?kek?tsts s o ofof f S ???enendndada a t to t?o Bo ????uiuicick?'s's s bs babatattttet??? an and???vevereryer?ononene e ( ?inincnclclulududidiningin??mym? s ???er?-p-??ickic??y ky kikidi?) )??amamem?e be ??ckck ck f foforor ?sesececocon?dsds.s. s.? I I ???s ?a a la ???ttltt?le le w ??rrrririeied? b bebececaec??useuse ???e e be bae batattatte?r r sr ser s?emememedmed d ad ??bib?it it?grgri?ttttytty,y, , b bu b??????y ?babakbake?d d ud ?? v ???y y sy ????th? a an and and d fd ??luflufff?y.y. . . M MyMy y hy huh?usbusbabanband??mamad??e fe frfririerieded ed ced ??icickickeick?en en? fr f??? t th the the ??ixix x a as as s ws wewelellll.l. . ???e de di?dnd?'t't ?hahavave? a an?y y ly le?ftft t ot ?veverversvers s os ofof of t???at,at, , e, ?itithitheherhe?.<.<b<brbr r /r ?><><b??r /?>W>??y ?toto o go gogo,o?, B, Bi?sqsqusqui??ck!ck??4434?3737,7,B,B0B000??43943?1D1DKD?0,0?AKA?JVJVBV???0P0PBPBMBMGMG9G9,9,a,ana?gyg?y,1y,1,1???2,2,1?32325256563635352520200?,G,GrG?aiain??y ty tey texextx?ururere,e,I,I I aI ?am am g?ivivivininging ing???isis is t??? s st statararsrs s as ass a?s ms mymy my??amamiamililyl?y dy ???ntnt t mt mi??nd nd tnd ?thethe e t?as?tete te b??t t tt ththe
ous. I added two packets of Splenda to Bisquick's batter and everyone (including my super-picky kid) came back for seconds. I was a little worried because the batter seemed a bit gritty, but they baked up very smooth and fluffy. My husband made fried chicken from the mix as well. We didn't have any left overs of that, either.<br /><br />Way to go, Bisquick!" 4337,B004391DK0,AKJVBD10PBMG9,angy,1,1,2,1325635200,Grainy texture,I am giving this two stars as my family didnt mind the taste but the
t ????uru???wawasas s s ?o o g grgraraia?nyn? a ??d d t?hehe e be bibisiscscucututst??fef?llll l a ap apap?rtrt t??asasiasililyly.y. .?I I w wa wasas as n ?oto?t at ??fafanan an o ???? the the ??panpancncac??eses s as ?t t at alt all??? b bebel????e e te ththeheyhey y ry ?rearealallllylly y dy dididi?ntnt ??avave? a a a???odod d fd flflal?avoavoror.r. ?????l nl ?notno???be be w wa was waststitin?g g?mymy y my momono??y y oy onon on s?ucuchch h a? a t a titintiny??pa??kakagageg??eieiti?thetherer r? wh w??n n?yoyouo? c ?canca?n bn bubutut ut a??bibigbi????r pr papacpackpac?kagka?ge ge??f f rf re???la?r r mr mimixix x f fo f?or or l leles?s?s? ??NoN?ot ot???airair ?toto o uo usus s ws wiwitithith h ah ?allallelerlergrgigieiesies s is inin in m my m???pipin???on!on!!!!!?4343333838,8?B0B000040?439439191D1DKDK0K0,0,A,??FQFQNQNNN?X8X808?WYW?WKW?R,R,","K"K.K. ?MuMut?h ??"K"Ki"Kiaiarariari"i"""""""","?1,1,1???,1?323242?252??8080080???or??s ?liliki?? B BiBisisqisququiu?ck?,","I,"?I lI ??veve ve tve th?at? i ?it it??s s ms mam???st???reamrea? a an andnd nd? th??at at iat ??it wit ?ororkorksorks s ls lis l?ikeike e b??isqisquisq?uicuick?. ?NoNotNot t at alt allt al?l rl ?recrecicipi?es? w wo worork?? th? the the? sa sama?e e ae ?as ?rereg?ululaul?
texture was so grainy and the biscuts fell apart easily. I was not a fan of the pancakes at all I believe they really didnt have a good flavor. Will not be wasting my money on such a tiny package either when you can but a bigger package of regular mix for less? Not fair to us with allergies in my opinion!! 4338,B004391DK0,A1FQNNX80WYWKR,"K. Muth ""Kiari""",1,1,4,1324252800,Works like Bisquick,"I love that it is mainstream and that it works like bisquick. Not all recipes work the same as regular
?bib?sqs?uiu??k k t ?hoh?ugu?h.h?. . s ?o o I I I w ?is?h h t th t?eyey y??adad d m momororer? r ??cic??eses s?ava???lalaba??e.e. . I. ItI??dodoeoeses es t ta tasa?tete ?momormorere re " """"g"glg?ututetente??frf?reeree"e?"" "" t? tha thanan ?so?mem??oto??ere?????ioiono?s s os ou?t t tt th??,9,B,?000?43439439191D1DKDK0K0,0???T7T?O1O1C1?838??E5E5353,3,M,????WhWhih??,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,??,13,1????30304?0000,00,G,GrG?????fof?or or c ?obo???erer!er?,1,1 ,1 c????gfg? B BiB??qu??ickic?<b<?r r /r />/?? c? cup cup p sp sosoyso?y oy ?or ?ala?momonmo?d d md mim?ilkilk<k<bk<?br br / />/>3/>??4 4 c cu cup cup cup s su sugugaugara??<br<b?r /r />r /?cicincinnn?amamomonmon mon t to to o to ?as??te<te?<br? /?><><b?<br <br /<br ?/>P/>PoPou?r r or ovoveverer er y ?ouourour our? fa favavoavororiorititeite e fe ?frufruiuituit t at an?d d bd bab?keke e f?oror or for fo?r r ar ? q ququiquicquick?? de deleliliciciic???s s cs cocobco?bblbble?r.r???<br <br /<br /><br /><><b><??br /br />?GlGlulutlu??ten-ten-f-frfrefr??e Be ??sq?uiuicuick?ck ick isisnisn'n't't ?ququiquitqui?te te???s fs ?luluflufff?y y ay an?? c cr crurumumbmblblybly y ay asy as ?ththethe the o?ririgigigini?nalna? b bu b?ut ut i ?it it??s s ds dedefefifininiin?iteitelitelyl?y wy ?or??? i it i?t f?oror or tor
bisquick though.. so I wish they had more recipes available. It does taste more ""gluten free"" than some other options out there." 4339,B004391DK0,ADT7O1C83DE53,MiraWhit,1,1,5,1314230400,Great for cobbler!,1 cup gf Bisquick<br />1 cup soy or almond milk<br />3/4 cup sugar<br />cinnamon to taste<br /><br />Pour over your favorite fruit and bake for for a quick delicious cobbler.<br /><br />Gluten-free Bisquick isn't quite as fluffy and crumbly as the original but it is definitely worth it for t
??? G ????ror??d.d..4?3434040,0,B,?000?43?9191D1DKDK0K0,0,A0,?2S2??????HZH?E3E3131S1S,S,R,R.R.L.L.L.A.A.A.,.?1,1,1?,5,??,13,13131331??121?00000000,0,Y0,YUYUMUMMMMYMY Y G Gl G?utu?ene?-F-?rer??e De DaD?iriryr?-F-Fr-Fre?e e pe pap?ncncac??eses!s!,!?"L"LoL?veve e te ?heheshesese!e! !?PaPanancanca???s s w wewererere re s ?omomemeteththithiningng g I I I m mim?sssse?d d t th?e ?mom????afaftf?terter r g gogoioin??g og onon n????lu?te???frfreree?????et et 8 ??yeyeaeara?s s as aga?go,go? u ununtntitilil l n non?ow.ow....... ..?ThThehes?e e ae ararear?e fe fafanantan?asa?stisticic!c??:-:-)-) ) T Th Thahan?k k y yo youo???oror ?mam?akiak?ing? t?hehemhe?? I? l lolovoveov?e Ae AmAma?zozonon on m mo momom'om's'?s bs beb?cacaucaususese se i i i g ge getet ??thethesthe??se sse shs??ppppep?d ?mo?ntnthnthlhlyly.y. ?ththath??ank ank y? you you!u!"!?4434?34134??B0B00B00404304?91?DK????2O2O2O2H2?NXNXBXBRBRBRBHB?6K6K6K?,F,FrFraFranankank ank Pank ?. . H. HeH?errerrmr?manmannn?,1,1,,1,1,1,1,???,13?1212512?020242?400400,0,I0,InI?fefererierioi?? f?oror ?pa?nc?akakeak??,"?ThTheTh?e Be ?isisqisququiuic?k k Gk ?lulut?en??FrFreFree?? wa wasas as?okokakaya?, ?bubutut ut i in inf?ererierioerioror ?toto o? th the the ?e Boe Bobo?'s??ReRed? M MiMil
he GF crowd. 4340,B004391DK0,A2SC33FQHZE31S,R.L.A.,1,1,5,1313712000,YUMMY Gluten-Free Dairy-Free pancakes!,"Love these! Pancakes were something I missed the most after going on a gluten-free diet 8 years ago, until now... These are fantastic! :-) Thank you for making them. I love Amazon mom's because i get these shipped monthly. thank you!" 4341,B004391DK0,A2O2HNXBRBH6K6,Frank P. Herrmann,1,1,3,1312502400,Inferior for pancakes,"The Bisquick Gluten Free was okay, but inferior to the Bob's Red Mil
?l l a ?ndnd d H ?odo?gsgsos?n n M ??llll l pl ??ododuoducu?tst?. . P PaPanancan?aka?? b babata??erer,r? w ?heh?n n mn ?ada??e ae ??cocorordr?ini?? t ?o o d di???ctctictioiononsons,s, ?waw?s s w wa watateater??, , r, re?susulultl??inging ?inin in?flflalatat at?papan???akeakeses.?""4434343424??B0B000?43439439191D1DKDK0K0,0,A,A3A??HVHV6V6Y6?PZPZGZ?7L7?5151,1?RoRogogeg?er_er_T_ThThah?at,at,1,1,??1,51,5,5,1,13,1303080878?00?808?00,00???stst t l lilikikeke ke t th t?he he B BiB?sqsquq?ici?k k y yoyouou u r ?remremememembmbeb???"I"? f fi f?indin??ththehe he ghe glglulutu?tenten-n?frf?reere?e Be BiBisBisqsqusq?uicui?ck ck p??ancancaancakanca?ke ke mke mim??? to to o bo ?be be j jujusustus?t at ?? e eaeasasyas???? u ususeuse ??s s ts ?thethe e oe ororiorigi?in???l Bl ?BisBisqBis??????, a, an?d ?I I lI ?liklikeke ke tke th??? fl f?lavla?oror or j ju jus?ust ust f??nene ??nonotot ?mum?uchuch h d di dififff??ereerenentent t tt ?thath?an an??egegug?ulaularar r B Bi B?isqisqu?quicqui??).). ? I ItIt't?s ?ea?sys?y ty toto to?ma?keke ke tke thke t?he he phe pa????ke??s, s,? ju jus just? a ad addd?d md ?milmi??k, k,?oioil?, , a??n en eg??, ?mi??, ?, an, and, an?d pd ?ouourour ?onon on t th the the ???ididd?lele.e???CoC?oko??inging ing? ti t?me? s seseee?emsems
l and Hodgson Mill products. Pancake batter, when made according to directions, was watery, resulting in flat pancakes." 4342,B004391DK0,A3UHV6YPZG7L51,Roger_That,1,1,5,1308700800,Just like the Bisquick you remember,"I find the gluten-free Bisquick pancake mix to be just as easy to use as the original Bisquick, and I like the flavor just fine (not much different than regular Bisquick). It's easy to make the pancakes, just add milk, oil, an egg, mix, and pour on the griddle. Cooking time seems
ttot? b ?? a ?bobouo?? t ??e ??ama?e,e, , a?ndnd d t?he? c coc??sisisi?tetenencn?? o ofo? t th the the ?papananc?aka?ese???? j juj?st? l ?iki?ke ke r reregegugulu?arar r??panpancncancakncakekeskes.s?? I ???ououlouldld ?ded?fifinininititeteltelyl?y ry re??comcommmme?nd?? th??is is mis mimixix x t to to o ao ananyanyoyononeon???eeeede???? g ?lul???en-en??rereere??e pre prorododuducuctc?s.??4434?4343,43?B0B?04043???DKDK0K0,0,A,A2A2O2?E9E9J9JUJUIU?YOYO5O5C5??A,A,M,MaM?uiu? B BoBoyo?,1,1,1,1,1,,1?5,5,1,13,1303080?353555?2020000,00,G,??ourourmrmemetme???anancancacakakeakeses,es?I I wI ?asas s as abablab?e e te toto to u us?e ?e the thih?is is Gis GlGlulutlu?tente??fr?eeee ee??ro?duducduct? a? and an???akake? i it it t tt ?asastas?te te b be b?ttt?terter r tr ththathanan an a? any an??y rey res?tatautauru?anantant t bt byby ????ingingiingininging ing t th?? b bu but?te???milmi?k k t to???oooomom m t?emempmpep?raratratutur?e e ae ?andan?d sd sesepepa?ra?ratiratininging ?th?e ??yokyoke?kes kes f fr f???m tm ththethe the w wh whihithiteteste??s ans andnd ????dindi?g g ag ad??ditditit?ononaonalal l b?ak??inging ing ping ??wdwdederde???andand and?? bak ba?ininging ?sosododaoda a t?? to t to ththethe ??recrecirec?? . I. ?I lI ?ovovev?e ie . S. ?er
to be about the same, and the consistency of the pancakes is just like regular pancakes. I would definitely recommend this mix to anyone needing gluten-free products." 4343,B004391DK0,A2OE9JUIYO5CNA,Maui Boy,1,1,5,1308355200,Gourmet Pancakes,I was able to use this Gluten free product and make it taste better than any restaurant by bringing the buttermilk to room temperature and separating the yokes from the whites and adding additional baking powder and baking soda to the recipe. I love it. Ser
?vev?d d?wiw?thth h p pup?rere e?????e e se sysyryrur?p p b brbrir?ngngsg? i itit it?ouo?t t??f f t ?thithisis s ws ?ororlrldld.d??4343434444,4,B,B0B?040?43943919???0,0,A,A2A2O2?????AUAUYU??QOQOLOL,L?P.P. . H ?ararbr?itit,it,1,1,1???5,5,1?303?828?686???00,00,T,ThT???k k G GoG???nenesessss ?fof????is?quq?icickc?k Gk ?lulututeutenen n f frfrereere?!,!,",?MyM???8 8???arar ar o ol oldld ld s sosono?n cn ?an???t t tt tot???rarata???glg?lutlute?n,n, ,? so so o?I I?hahavha?ve ve? be beeeenen en? on on ?? q ququequ?estest ???o fo fifin?d ?a a pa ?anancancacakcakeke/e/b/?bisbi???uitui??mimixix x f fo f?or or hor hihimim m t th t??t t ht ?e e we ?wilwillll l?acactc?uaualall?y ?lil?ke?. . I. ???ri?eded ed a? f?ewe?? ot oththeth??s s as ?andand ?th?theythey ??erereer??hoh?orror?ribriblb????? f fe fel fe?t ??so so b??d ?foforfor r m my my y sy sosonson n a?ndn?d kd ke?ptpt t lt ?ooookookikininging.g?. T. ?ThaTh?ankan????oodoo?dnednes???I ?fofoufounund? B?isisqisquisqui????. I?t t t??ststetestes s ms ?osost??li?keke ke r rereare??? pa pananc?akakeke ??mixmi??an?? m my? s??n n rn rerearealreall?lly lly e enenjen?oyo???it??. I. I . I h. I ???e e me ma?ded??e hie h??? bi bisiscis?cuicuit
ved with pure maple syrup brings it out of this world. 4344,B004391DK0,A2O2784AUYBQOL,P. Harbit,1,1,5,1308268800,Thank Goodness for Bisquick Gluten free!,"My 18 year old son cannot tolerate gluten, so I have been on a quest to find a pancake/biscuit mix for him that he will actually like. I tried a few others and they were horrible. I felt so bad for my son and kept looking. Thank goodness I found Bisquick. It tastes most like real pancake mix and my son really enjoys it. I have made him biscuit
s? t totoooo o a anandn???? i ?s s ts ?hrh?????d d td ???eae?????brbrer?eadea?""? a?gag?inin.n. . ?I I? hi higi?hlhlyly y?rerecrecocomommmmemenendnd nd??hihis? m mimixix x?foforor r a an anynyoyono?e e we whwhoh????mpmplplyly ly c ?an?non??t et eaeateat t wt ??ea??.".""?434343454?,B,B0B?040?439439191D1DKDK0K0,0,A,AMAMPMPBPB6B6I6IBIB6B62B6??VKVKUK?,P,PaP??ilillillolon?,1,1,1??,5,5,?131303080818?828?404?00,00,A? g ?oooodoo??susuru??ririsrisese,e?"I"I I hI hah?vev?e be beb??en en o ?? G GFG??didieietet ?foforfor r ar a a m mo m???? a? and an?d id itit't's's s hs ?harhardrd d t?o o fo ?inindind ?fo???d t?hahathat t tt tatasa??e ??googo?? o or or r er ?vevenven n c cl c?loslo?se se? to to o wo whwhawhatat at I???sesedsed d t?d to d to? ea eat??. B. ???t wt wht whehenhe?n mn ?y y hy ?ususbusbaban?d ?d fod fouo?ndnd ?BiBis?quq???? G Gl Glulut?en?en Fen FrFrereere?e ae atat at tat ththethe ?ststostororeore,? t? the th?e ie ?ississusuesue e oe ofof f?whwha?t ?t tot to ?eaeateat eat f fo foror or b brbrebreaeakeakfk?asastast ?nenevne?verver r cr ca??me me u??. . A. AcActctutuau?ll?y y my ?my my h hu h??usbausb??and and e? eat ea?s s ts ths t?he he G GF GF F pF pap???cakca??s s ws ?no?w w e ev eve?? i?f f hf he??dodoeoesesnesn'n't't t nt net nee?d d ad a a ga glg?lutlutetente
s too and he is thrilled to eat ""bread"" again. I highly recommend this mix for anyone who simply cannot eat wheat." 4345,B004391DK0,AMPB6IB62DVKU,Papillon,1,1,5,1308182400,A good surprise,"I have been on GF diet for a month and it's hard to find food that taste good or even close to what I used to eat. But when my husband found Bisquick Gluten Free at the store, the issue of what to eat for breakfast never came up. Actually my husband eats the GF pancakes wnow even if he doesn't need a gluten
f ??eee???ieietet.t. . T ThTheh???ana??akakekeses s a ??re re l ??ghg?tet?r r? an andnd d v vever?y y t ?asaststyty.y???usust? f fo folo?lolowow w? th the? b boboxox x d????ctctitioiono?s.s.".""4?3434646,6?B0B???43943919?DKDK0K0,0??111?R9R???6P6PMP??1C1C1C?,",???w "w """"C"CeCelelilialiacac c M MoMomom"m"""""""??1,1,11,1,1,51,?,1,13,1303080?090969606?00000?0,Y0,YuYumu?????,T,ThThiThisis s ps prp?ododuducuctct ct i ?is is a?? MU M??T T H HAHAVAVEV? f fo for for ???li?liacliacsc?! ! T?hehe ?gagar???c ?bib???uiuiti?s s as anandand d pd pipizizzzzaza a c crcrur?ustuststs ts y ?ouou u c??? m ???e e ae arareare e ae ame a?mazmaziziningng!g!!?4434?347347,7,B,B0,B00?43?43914391D??K0,K0?,A2,A2N2NSNS4S?7W7????EAEAIAIYI??,"D,"?. ?SiS?mom?????DoDonon"on""????,1,1,????30?74749491?202??,B??isqisquq?uicuickck k G GlGlulutu?tente? F FrFrereeree,e?PrP?rodro?ducdu??ct hct hahasas as?sis?imiimililal?ar ar? ta tasastas?te te o ofof f?whwheheahe?t t p papanpanc???akesakes s ws ?it??ououtout t tt ththe?he g?lu?teten?. ??EvE?venve?n on ototh?erer er f fa fama?il????eme??erersers s ns ???????glg?lutlutelutenen-n-f-fr?ee? d??et?? li likikeke ke i it i?t.t.443?484?,B,B0,B00,B0?04304393?91D91DK?0,??313?
free diet. The pancakes are lighter and very tasty. Just follow the box directions." 4346,B004391DK0,A11R99F6PMZ1C1,"dw ""Celiac Mom""",1,1,5,1308096000,Yummm!!,This product is a MUST HAVE for Celiacs! The garlic biscuits and pizza crusts you can make are amazing!! 4347,B004391DK0,A2NS47WALSEAIY,"D. Simon ""Don""",1,1,5,1307491200,Bisquick Gluten Free,Product has similar taste of wheat pancakes without the gluten. Even other family members not on gluten-free diet like it. 4348,B004391DK0,A31V
2???0Y0YZYZSZSCSCRCRFR?,F,FiFifi?tit??sKsKiKidid,d,1,1,1??,4,??,13,1303?7373131818484040000,0,M,?akakek?? g grgrereaeatat t b bibisiscscucuiuititst?!,!,M,Ma,M??e e?rereare???y y? gr g??reatrea?t bt bibisbiscscusc?uituitsts;ts? e eve?enen n?mymy ?????GFGF F h huh?sbs?anandn? e en enjnjoj??eded d td ??eme?! ! ?MyMy ??onlon?ly ly c coc?mpmplplalaia?ntnt t wt ?ouo???d bd ??e te ?thathat? t ththeth?e pe papacackc?aga?es???re????t vt veververyry y by ?bigbi?; ; I; I I?ususeused? 2 2 2 c cu cupu?s s t to t? m ma mak??e ae a a? ba b??????f f? bi bis?cucuicu?itsit???andand d Id ?I dI dod?on'on't't 't??hihininkink k? th the th?re??s s es ?eveevenen en 1 1 1 c? cup cup p l lelefeftft ft i in? t? the the the p ?pacpa??ag?e.e???3434949,9,B,B0??43??1D1?K0K0,?A1A191??ZPZPEPEEE?AAA?UGU?OUOU,U,S,ScS??ttt?tistishsh ?SwSweweeeeteth?theathearartart,t,1,1,,1,1,1,?1,51,5,5,1??060666626272?202??,G,??reareatreat reat b bi?sc?scuiscuit?its its?anand? p??ancancacakakeakesakes,s?"A"?ftftefter? f fifin??in?g g o ou outu?t It I ?hahad? a? s ?enensensisititiitivi??ityity ???o wo whwheheaheatat,at, , I ?I sI se?ar?chchech?ed ed fed fof?r r? al a?tet?ernernanatatiat??es?. . I??de??????ed ted ?to to???ry ry? th thi th?is is m mi m?x x a an and?? ma mak makeke ke??
2DB0YZSCRF,FiftiesKid,1,1,4,1307318400,Makes great biscuits!,Made really great biscuits; even my non-GF husband enjoyed them! My only complaint would be that the packages aren't very big; I used 2 cups to make a batch of biscuits and I don't think there's even 1 cup left in the package. 4349,B004391DK0,A194ZPEEAAUGOU,Scottish Sweetheart,1,1,5,1306627200,Great biscuits and pancakes,"After finding out I had a sensitivity to wheat, I searched for alternatives. I decided to try this mix and make so
m?e e b ??scs?uiuititsts.s? W ??w,w??wewererere e te tht??y y g ?oooodod!d? T ThT?heyhey y sy ?orortrt t o ?f f r ?remremim???ede? m ?? o of o??chchah?lll??h h w?itithit?h ah a a s sls?igi?htht t et egeggg?y y fy ?lalavlavovor?. . T. ?TheThey? c cacamameme me ome ououtu?t mt ?ororeor???liklikek??sasanandndwnd?icichch ch r???llslls s ( ??ataththetherer er??thath?? f flflaflaka?y ?bibisbi?scusc?uituitsts)ts?? bu b?ut ut?nonotot t qt ququi??e e ae asa?s bs ??g.g. ?I'I'm'm m t?hih?inkin??inging g o of? m ma makakiak?inging ing t? the theme?m sm ?upu?er?er ser sis??e e ne ??xtx?t tt ??meme ?soso so?I I??anan ?sl?ic??e te the the?m m im ?in in h ha??f f af ??d d ud ??e e fe fof?or or m my my y ly lul??chchechese???AfAftftet?er ?eae??ininging ?coc??n n t to torortortitiltill?asas as e eve?ereryer?y dy dadayay,y?, I, ????glglaladla??I ??foufounundun?d sd so??metmeththithin?ing ing eing ele??? I I I c? can can n hn ha?? . I. I . I a al?so?so mso ?adade???n n on ovove????anancan?cakcakeke ke w wi wit wi?th th?? the the the m mi mixi? a???d td ththathattha??waw??as vas veverve?y y gy ?googoodod od t to?o.o???. I h. I ????lyly y ry rerecre??mmmmemenmendnd nd i ?,0,B,B0B?040??9191D1DKD?0,0,A0,????8K8KUKUEUEYEY9Y?PEP???,L,?ucucycy
me biscuits. Wow, were they good! They sort of reminded me of challah with a slight eggy flavor. They came out more like sandwich rolls (rather than flaky biscuits) but not quite as big. I'm thinking of making them super size next time so I can slice them in half and use for my lunches. After eating corn tortillas every day, I'm glad I found something else I can have. I also made an oven pancake with the mix and that was very good too. I highly recommend it." 4350,B004391DK0,A1W88KUEY9PEYA,Lucy
?GoGooooso??y,y??,1,1,,1,5,5,5?,13,1303060626?818??000???wewesesosomo?e!e!,!,I,??trtririei?d d t?hihisis s t to t?dad?? w wiwiti?h h a ? r rerececic?pep??frfrorom? m mymy y By ?isisqisququiu?k k??oo??bob?ook? f fo foror r? a a c ch c?oco?colcolalata??e ce chchihiphip p? co c???ie? r re rec?ip??. . T ThT??? c???me me?ouo?? g ?rereareatat!at! ! M MyM?y sy sosonson n w??ho ho h ?asa?s As AuAututiutisismism m a?ndnd d fd ?oo?d d sd se?nsn?sorsoryry ?is?susueu?es es?? cam came?me bme ?acackck k fk fo???sesecse??ndndsnds.s???My My??16 16 y yeyeaeara?r or olo???da??ghghthte?r r sr str s?atateat?ed ed? th the theyey ey tey ta??tetedted d ld ?ik?e ?re?gugulu??r ?cocooco?kik?iesies.s. s.??hehe he r???cipci?pe pe? wa wasas as e ??sysy y by ?utut ut? to too took? m???whwhoholholel?e be boboxbox x??f f m mi mixix.x. . T. Th??ey ey sey st?ayayeayeded ed ped pupufu??y y ay asas ??I lI ?liklikeke e me my????ok??ies? t th tha thatat at w wa way wa?y ay any anynywy?ay?. . I. I I eI exexpx??ri??menmentn?tedted ted? wi wit?h ??????tratrayay ay a an and an?d rd rerefrefr???ereraratateatedate?d id ??t t dt ???d nd ?otot ?mam????? o ot oththeth?? t? tha than tha?n tn tatakta?kinki??? an ano an??heherhe?r c?ou?plp?le le m? min minunututeut?es es oes ofof
Goosey,1,1,5,1306281600,Awesome!,I tried this today with a recipe from my Bisquik cookbook for a chocolate chip cookie recipe. They came out great! My son who has Autism and food sensory issues came back for seconds. My 16 year old daughter stated they tasted like regular cookies. The recipe was easy but took my whole box of mix. They stayed puffy as I like my cookies that way anyway. I experimented with one tray and refrigerated it. It did not matter other than taking another couple minutes of
bbabakakik?ngng.g. .??ili???dedefefif???tet?lyl? b ?uyuy y ty ththih?? m mim????gag??,1?B0B000?43?919?DKDK0K??A1A1A1AHA?3737J7JZJZNZ?ZXZXOXOIO?Z,Z?????e e L ??acachch,h?1,1,11,?1,51,5,5?,13,1303?616?080888?0000,00,C,?ana?'t't t??telte?ll ll??heh???ififfffef??enencn?e ?frfror?m m??regre????r r p papan?cacak????anandand d w waw???lel???,","N"NoNotoththith?inging g?grgriritittittyt????and and s sesececoconondnd d rd rar??te te h he??re!re! !? T ??heyhey ?y ary a?re re??ususts?t at ??s gs ?ooo?d d ad ?and?and tand ?thethe e oe on?lyly ly? pa p?ancancaancakakeake ake m mi m?ix ix? we we e ue ususeuse ???r r tr ththe? w wh whohololele le f faf?mimilmilyly,ly, , g gl g??te?????reere?e o?r r nr ??ot!ot?! T! ThTheTh?y y ay ary arey are e te ththath?at at??oo?d!d!!!?""44343535235?,B,B0,B?00400???1D1DK1DK0K0,K0,A??R2R2R2R6R696?9595353Y3Y2Y?2R,2R,K,???beb??ly?ly Bly BuBututtuttot???,1,,1,1,1,,1,5,1,5,5,15,1313030530565?76768680800800,0,V0,VeVereryer?y Gy ?oo?ood ood? re reveviv?ewewsws!s!!!!,!!,I,I'I??? n nen?eveeverer er m ma madadede de g??ut?enen en f? fre freeee e ie it?eme??s bs ?befbefof??e e ae anandand and Iand ? g??t t gt ????t t rt ???vievi?ewsew???frofromom om??us??tomtomem??s s fs fos foror or m?y y gy ????tenten ten f
baking. Will definitely buy this mix again. 4351,B004391DK0,A1AH37JZNZXOIZ,Steve Leach,1,1,5,1306108800,Can't tell the difference from regular pancakes and waffles!,"Nothing gritty and second rate here! They are just as good and the only pancake mix we use for the whole family, gluten free or not! They are that good!!" 4352,B004391DK0,AOR2R69953Y2R,Kimberly Button,1,1,5,1305676800,Very Good reviews!!,I've never made gluten free items before and I got great reviews from customers for my gluten f
rrereee???ofoffffefee? c ca cakakeke.e???353535???0000404343943?1D1??0,0,A,A2A2G2GWG???MAMANANGNGQGQMQM1M1H1?,g,??utu??nfnfrf??ececo??lelege?egegieg?rlr?,1,??,1,,1,5,?,1,13,1303050????040040000,00,P,PrPraraca?titicicacalal l Y YuY??mimini?esessss,s,",????bebeieiningin? G GlGlulutlu?tenten n?FrFreree??isis s h ?ara?d,d, , e esespes?ec?iaial?lyly y? in in n an ? d ?orormr?. . B ????I I h ha havavev?e ge gogotottttetenten ten?rereare?allallyally ?gogoogoodo? a atat t m mamakakiakin?ing ing G Gl Glu?lutelut????frefr???papana?cacakcakekeske?s os onon n an ann an ??le?ct?riricic ic? fr fryryiyin?ing ??panpa??. T. ??eyey y ay arareare ??upupeperper r y yuyumummum??? I?? al alsl?o o mo ?makmakeke ke t ?he?ses??rerearealreall?y y yy ?yumyu?mmymm?y cy ?heheeheesesyesy ??ar?lil?ic ic bic bibis?cucuiuiti??. . T. Th. Thih?is is?sts?ufu?ff ff? is i???heaheavaveavenen en sen sesense??! ! M! ??akeakeses es f?ooo?od od? th tha?t t it isis ?????ninis?isceiscenenten?t ot ?of of " ?"n"non?ormor?malmal l fl ?oooodood"d""?""?4343535435?,B,B0,B00??439?1D1DK1DK0K0,K0,A?2Q2QBQBXBXSX?UFUFSFSSSS5S?T3T?S,S???anian?iceic?e Ge ?aiailil,l,1l,?1,11,1,1,51,5,5,15,13130?484898999929??00,00,g00,glglugl??enen ????e ??is?ququiuicui?k,k,"???LOLOVOVEV? t th thi thisis is pis ?ror
ree coffee cake. 4353,B004391DK0,A2GWXWMANGQM1H,glutenfreecollegegirl,1,1,5,1305590400,Practical Yumminess,"So being Gluten Free is hard, especially in a dorm. But I have gotten really good at making Gluten free pancakes on an electric frying pan. They are super yummy! I also make these really yummy cheesy garlic biscuits. This stuff is heaven sent! Makes food that is reminiscent of ""normal food""" 4354,B004391DK0,A2QBXSUFSS5T3S,Janice Gail,1,1,5,1304899200,gluten free Bisquick,"I LOVE this pro
dduducuctct!t? A AfAftf??r r t tetente? y yey??rsrs s?ofof f?dod??ngng g?wiwititht???t,t, , t th thehe e?pap?ncncac?kek?s ?an????afafffflfleleses es???omom m t th??s s ps prprorodro???ct ct a arareare e fe faf?antantatasa?titicic!c?! I! I,I?, t, totoooo,o, , w, wi?shsh h?itit it w? was wa?s p?acackckak?geg?d ??in in? a a l lal?argar?gerge??boboxox,x?, b, bubut?? as as s is it?it iit ??, , I, I I d do donon'n't't t m miminindind d dd ?evevovototi???? mo moro?e e se ?shesh?lflf ?sps??cece e te toto to s seseveveev???l l b boboxbo?es?.".??434?5555,5,B,B0B000040??9191D1?K0K?,A,A3A313??6S6?6O6??ZJZJHJHHHHNHN,N,a,amamamanand?a a d d d? da d???,1,1,1??,5,?5,15,?3030404804?121?8080000,00?,Am,Ama?ziz???!,!,","W"WeWe e he hahava?e ?bebeeeenen n ln lil?viv?inging ing?glglulut?enen-en-f-fr?ee???oror or 5 ? y ye y??rs? n nonowow,w?, a, anandand and t?? this thi??mimixmix x? is is s ts th?e ?e bee besestest ?I I hI ?havha?? f fo fou founu??! ! ! I ItIt ?mamakmake???grg?reareatat t wt wawaf??"es."?43435435656,56,B??0040043??1D1DK1D??,A,A2,A2O2O9O9D9DGD??4646P6PZPZVZV9V9E9?,G,GlGlu?te?ten ten f fr fre?e e de ?trtr,r?,1,,1,1,1,??5,?5,135,130?474??646??00,00,M00,MAM?KEKESES S G GRGRER?ATAT T P PAPANA?CACAKAKEAKESES,ES,","I,"ITIT ??S S HS ??RDRD D F
duct! After ten years of doing without, the pancakes and waffles from this product are fantastic! I, too, wish it was packaged in a larger box, but as it is, I don't mind devoting more shelf space to several boxes." 4355,B004391DK0,A3156S6OVZJHHN,amanda d dana,1,1,5,1304812800,Amazing!,"We have been living gluten-free for 5 years now, and this mix is the best I have found! It makes great waffles." 4356,B004391DK0,A2O9DGF46PZV9E,Gluten free dtr,1,1,5,1304726400,MAKES GREAT PANCAKES,"IT IS HARD F
?? U USU??NGNG G T ???S S PS PRPROR?DUD??T T I ?IN IN??HEHE E?FUF?TUT??E.E.<.<a<a a??rer?f=f?"""?hth?tpt??////w/?wwww.ww.a.?mam???n.n?coc??/g/gpg?/p/????ucuctct/t?B0B000040434?9191D1DKD?0"0"""">"">B>??sqsququiuicickck k?PaP?ncncac?keke e???d d B ?akakiakiningng g??ixix,x??GlG?utu??n-n-F-FrF?reeree,e, ?161?-O-OuO?ncncence e Be BoBoxoxexeses s ( ?Pa?ck??ofof f 3 3)3)<)</</a/a>a??4?43543?7,7,B,?B00B0?0430439??1DK1D??,A,A3A3O3O4O4U4UBUB3B??WYWY7Y7J7JEJEYE??S.S. . G Gr Greree?n,n,1,??,1,,1,5,?,1,13,1?0404204202080?0000000?,G,GrGrereareatat t t ?asa?tete,te,M,MyM? d ??ugughght?erer r t th thahatat at????1616 16? an andnd d ad ala??er??ic? t to to o W WhW?eaeat???refrefufusu?eses es??? f fofolo?lloll?w w t th the the e de ?ieiete?. ?UnUntntitili?? I I?bobouougughught? t th thi th??. . N. NoNowow ow? I ?mamakma?ke ke h he her? W Wa Wafafffflflelesle?s as anandand and f??reereezreezez?e te ?hehemhe? e evevever?y y fy fefewew w dw ?daydaysy??. I. I I?ususuusuau?allallyly ??etet et 7 ??8 8 w wawaf?flflefl?es es oes ??t ?ofof of?? b bo b?ox.ox. ?ThTheheyhey y ay ?rere re e ex excxcecele?llell?enten???434??8,8???00400?43943???DK0DK?0,A0,A1A141?TXT?DUDUTDUTU?0505E5????KaKararearenen en M?ululhlheherhe??n,1n,1,1,11,1,?3,3,1,13
S USING THIS PRODUCT IN THE FUTURE.<a href="""">Bisquick Pancake and Baking Mix, Gluten-Free, 16-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 3)</a>" 4357,B004391DK0,A3O4UB3FWY7JEY,S. Green,1,1,5,1304208000,Great taste,My daughter that is 16 and allergic to Wheat refuses to follow the diet. Until I bought this. Now I make her Waffles and freeze them every few days. I usually get 7-8 waffles out of a box. They are excellent. 4358,B004391DK0,A14TXDUTU05ENU,Karen Mulhern,1,1,3,13
0030353515?686808?0,0,Y,YeYeaeahah h?foforor r G GlG?utu?enen n F FrFrer?? B BiBisisqsququiu?ckc?,","A"AlAlil?ttttlt?e ?bib?? e exexpxpep?ensen?ivi?e e fe fo?r ?ththehe e pe ??ododuducu?t t?I I t ththith?nknk k t th t?atat ???it sit ?hohououluldld d b ???th?e ?sas?mem??e pre pririciceice ?asas s t???e ne non?n n gn glglu??tente?n Bn Bi????uicuickck,ck, , a anandn?d od oto?the?rwr??iseis?e ie ?it'it's'?s gs ??odod.od.".""443435359359,9,B,B0B?00400??919?DKDK0K?0,A0,AUA??P7P??G7G757?K3K3L3L7L?,L,?ara?ryry y???zezele?lal?,1,1,1,1???,1,13,1?03?5151651??00??GrGrereareatat at p prpropr??ucuctuc?????ere??ece?ct ct f?oror or?glglugl??enen en f fr f?reere?e he hohouhoususeseheho??ldsld?,","W,"?e e ue ?useuse ????te?ten ten f??????is?ququiquicickick k fk ?for???ananyany ???ffffe?rerenrentnt ?ththithinthingngsgs s -s - - b- ?bisbiscscucuiuituitst?s, s, p??ancancacakakekeses,?s, es, ?tctc.c. .? T ?asastasteteste??s gos goooodoo??& &?leletle?ts ts?usus us s se??veve ve o ou??r kr ?idi?s s ts ???at at aat ar?e e g??lutlutelutenen en fen ?reree? t th the the the s sa samameam??e the thihin??? as a??s ths the? w whwhohol?e e fe fae fam?ili??."."."4434363?0,?B0B00B0?4343943914391D1DK1D?K0,K0,A,A3A3636K36KSKSGS?O3O?3U3??JOJOMOM,M,b,??ookookwkwow
03516800,Yeah for Gluten Free Bisquick,"Alittle bit expensive for the product I think that it should be the same price as the non gluten Bisquick, and otherwise it's good." 4359,B004391DK0,AUYP7UG75K3L7,Larry Mazella,1,1,5,1303516800,Great product - perfect for gluten free households,"We use gluten free bisquick for many different things - biscuits, pancakes, etc. Tastes good & lets us serve our kids that are gluten free the same thing as the whole family." 4360,B004391DK0,A36KSGO33URJOM,bookwo
?rmr?,1,?,1,1,,1,5,?,1,13,1303020282??565606000?,L,?ovoveve e t ?hehe ????cacaka?eses,s,I,I I j jujusu?? r ?ece?enentntlt?y y b bobouougughghtht t Gt GlGlul?tetenen en F FrFrereere??BiBisisqsquq?ici????oror r? th t?? f???stst st???meme.e? I ItIt t ht hahasas s b be beeeenen en wen wowonondn?ererfrfufulul.l. . . I I I?hahavha?? t?o o a adadmdmim?t t tt th??t ??I aI amam m a?ddd?ic??tedted d? to?? th the th??ir ir p ?panpancncanc??es?. . T. ??heyhey ???re re?sos?o lo ?igigh?t t at ?andand d td th?ic?k k ak ??and and??lu??fyfy y (y (u(unu??likli?ke ke h ho h?me??adadead?e ge glglulutlute?n n f??reeree ree? pa panancanca?ke?s)s).)?. . T. ?TheTh?y ??rere ??bsb?solsolu????ly ly d ?deldeliliclicicioi?ousous!s?4434363?1,??00004004343943919???0,0,A0,???V8V??IHIHNHNUNU5U5J5J4J4F4F,F??re??atiativive??idid,d?,1,,1,1,1,?1,41,?,1?,130,13010131353?568568080000,00,g,grg?rea??t ft foforfor r pr ?panpancpanca??eses!es?,T,???is is p??ododuducuctc?t mt mamadmadede de w ?wonwondndender?fu?l l p pa pan panc?ncakncake?? - ---- - I I I c I cocououlou?dnd?'t't t tt tat tas?te?? th the the the d?ifi?ffeff??enencencece ce?? bet be?wew?eeneen n tn ththithisthis s Gs ?GluGl?uteuten?-F-FrFreFree? v veverversrsirs?ionion n an an?and and tand ththeth?e oe ororior?igiig?nanalal.?????rir
rm,1,1,5,1302825600,Love the pancakes,I just recently bought Gluten Free Bisquick for the first time. It has been wonderful. I have to admit that I am addicted to their pancakes. They are so light and thick and fluffy (unlike homemade gluten free pancakes). They are absolutely delicious! 4361,B004391DK0,A21V83IHNU5J4F,kreativekid,1,1,4,1301356800,great for pancakes!,This product made wonderful pancakes -- I couldn't taste the difference between this Gluten-Free version and the original. I tri
eeded d u ususisiningng g i iti? t ?o o m ???e e???zzzzaza a d dodouo?ghgh h? to to o ro ?elelalatatitivi?e e se ?ucu??ese??? T ?hehe ??exextx?uru?re re?waw?s s a a a la ?it?tltlel?e be ?it???eie?rdrd ??utu????it tit tatas??tedted d gd gogoooodod!d?4?363?2,2?B0B???43943???K0K0,0?A3A?AAA??G5G5Q5QHQHVHVYVY1Y?8080,0,J0,JJJJ,J,1,??,1,,1,5,5,5,1??989818???0000000??,Be,Betetttteterte? T?hahana? E ?xpx??ctc??ted,ted?"I"I I w wa wasas as h hahaphappppi????susursurprprpririsises?ed ed w wi w??h ???????ror?oduoducuctuc?. ??I rI re?ada?d od ?ththetherer ???gagatatiativiveiv??re?vivieiewewsw??anandand d wd ??s s hs hohononenesneststl?y ?did?isais?ppppoppoio??teted? i in in ??etettet?y y Cy ?rorocrockcke?r r gr gfgf f c ?akakeake e me mimixi? s so so o Io ?I dI ?diddi???t t ft ?eee?el el t th the??ne??ed ??? t tr tryry ??thith???. I. I . I?fif?inain?llllyly ly b bob?ougough?t t it itt it t at atat at? a a? wh whi?? w wh whe whenen n In I ?sas?? i?t t at att a?t mt mym?y ly loloco?calcal l? ma m??keketke?t a?ndn???I aI ???ha?happhap?y y Iy I ?I diI didid.d. . I. I . I a. I ?am am?? a b a ?ak?akeraker r ar at?at hat he?ar??t at ant andt and d ld lo?veve ve t to to to s sp spopoioiloil ?my? f fa famamiam??ly ly wly ?itithith ith? ho homomem?mamadmaded
ed using it to make pizza dough to relative success. The texture was a little bit weird but it tasted good! 4362,B004391DK0,A3AARG5QHVY180,JJ,1,1,5,1298160000,Better Than Expected,"I was happily surprised with this product. I read other negative reviews and was honestly disappointed in Betty Crocker gf cake mix so I didn't feel the need to try this. I finally bought it at a whim when I saw it at my local market and I am happy I did. I am a baker at heart and love to spoil my family with homemade
d ded?sesere?tsts s a ana?d d???ancancac?kekeses es?ono? t tht????eee?ke??ndsnds.s. .?I I?hahavaveve ?adadjdjuj???eded d md ?? c ?ooookokikiningng g a an andnd nd b babakakiak??g g tg ?o o? pr prir?mamararirilri????f f f ??r r t th the? p pa p?stst st y yeyeae?? n non??? an?d d ad amam m? ha h?????whwhehenhen n In ???inindind ?d a d a?gfgf gf a al altlteterternrnanatatit?veve ve t??at? c co coo?ksk??? t ta t??teteste???ikike??""""t"?theth??rer??l l t th thi th??ing"ing""""."". ?AnAnonotno?thetherthe?r pr plp??? i isis s ts th?atat ?I ??????uyuy ?th?isis is a?t t m ?my my??ococacalca?l ml ma???ketke?t (t (w(?whiwhicichch h d do doeo?es es nes ?notnot not? ca c?arrarryry y t?oooo oo? ma m??y y sy sps?ececiciaialalt?y y fy ??ododsds)s) ) a an and and and d??n'n't't ?hahavha?ve ??to to? ma mak makeke ??the? e exextxtrtrar? t??ripri???o o to ththethe the hthe ?igighghe?r ?ene???ststost?oreore.e.<.?brbr r /r />/><>??r r /?>I>?I mI ma?dede de p pa?ncncacakcakekeskes s ts tos tododaod?y y ay anandand d td ?the?y y wy wey wer?e ?e a e a h?iti??wiwit?h ?eveveverve?ryory?????WiW?llll ?dedefde?finfi?it??lyly ly?us?e e ie ?? t to to to t? try tr?y oy oto?the?? r rerecreci??pespe?s.<s.<b<br<br <br / ?/>O/>??lyly ly dly ?owownownsnsis???
deserts and pancakes on the weekends. I have adjusted my cooking and baking to primarily gf for the past year now and am happy when I find a gf alternative that cooks & tastes like ""the real thing"". Another plus is that I can buy this at my local market (which does not carry too many specialty foods) and don't have to make the extra trip to the higher end store.<br /><br />I made pancakes today and they were a hit with everyone. Will definitely use it to try other recipes.<br />Only downside
iisis s???e e c cocoso?? a ?ndn??sisizizeze e oe ?f f?boboxo?; ; v vevereryry y p prpririci?eye?y ay anandand ??verve?ry ry s sm smamala?l.l.".""4434?6363,3,B,B0B?040?43943919?DKDK0K0,0,A,A3A3737T7TMTM4M4T4T4T4Y4??U6U6H6?D,D,P,??ililol?osoosolo?awaw,w????,4,?,1,12,1?969????040040000,00,","T"TaTasaststyst?? b???t pt ??ic?ey??????hishis s ms ?ixix x??madmadede e te tat?astas??y, y,???risrisps?y y wy ??fff??eses s us ususi??g g? a a s st statanta?ndandarardr?d wd wa??fflfflele le?iri?ono?, , b, ?utut ut? th t?he he w ?hohololeol?e be boboxbox ?ononlonlyl?y my ma?mademade ?3.3.5.?? wa waf?? .? T ThThiThis? w?ououluldld d bd ?e ?a a f fif?veve ve s st sta starar ar? pr p?rodro???t t ft foforor r??e ??f f If I I c co c?oulouldld ld g gegetet t mt momororeor?e te the thahanan an o ononeon?e fe fafamamimilmily? m??al? o????of? i it it t f??or or? th the the ???pricpri?ce.ce?."."44343636436?4,B4,B0?04?393???DK0DK?0,A0,AVAVIV??M0M0D0DNDNQN?U6U6KU6KJK?,","D,"DiDiaiananeane e Ee E.E??WiWil?sosonon on " """"j"jujusustustmtmym?opopip??ioi?on"on"""""""",",1",?1,11,1,?5,5?,12,129,1296966966969169121202?00,00,J00,JuJusustust ust?neneee?dsd??lalarla??gerge?r br ??boxeboxes?,","I,"?'v'veve ve bve be??n n g gl g??uteut?? f fr frereeee ee f?or??12???eaeararsars ?nonowo
is the cost and size of box; very pricey and very small." 4363,B004391DK0,A37TM4T4YFU6HD,Philosolaw,1,1,4,1296950400,"Tasty, but pricey","This mix made tasty, crispy waffles using a standard waffle iron, but the whole box only made 3.5 waffles. This would be a five star product for me if I could get more than one family meal out of it for the price." 4364,B004391DK0,AVIWM0DNQU6KJ,"Diane E. Wilson ""justmyopinion""",1,1,5,1296691200,Just needs larger boxes,"I've been gluten free for 12 years now
,, ,?hahavaveve e t trtririei?d d?mamananyn??brbrereaeadad ??ixixex??, ?an?d d Id ???ovoveve ve??hihisi?????? ????dodoeoeses es m my m?y hy huhusu?bab?andand,and, , w, whw??o io ?? n non?t t?glglulutu?enen n f frfre?e.?? I I ?hohopho?e ??hahathat t et eve??ryr??????upuppppoporo?tsts s ts ththeth?eseese e Be BiBis?ququiu??k k?prp??duducuctctsts,ts, ?sisinincn?e e be ?igi???raranandand and g gl g???tente?-f-?frefreee?e b?rereareadad ad a an?and and pand ?asaststata a p?rorodro?ducductctscts s as ararere re s soso o ro ??rere,re, , a?ndn?d sd soso so??rarrarerarelelyly ?gog?odod.od?. . I ?t t wt wawasas as s?omomemete???inging g sg sps??cic?ala? f fo foror or m me me e we whwhewhen??? the thesese??cacama?? o?utut ut ( ??f f y yoyouyou u c ca c?an an i imi??gig?inein?e w??ititit?inging ing a a a? de d?ca???e fe foforor ?th?thisthis,s, s, y?ouou'u'l'lll??unundndenderersr??anandand)and).). ??IfIf ??thothososese ?ofof f uf ?us us?wiwitithith h c ce cel?ia??? di dis??easeasese/se/g/glglugl?uteuten?-i-?intin?ololelereraeran??? k ??eepeep p??enjen?oyoyiyininging ?????, ????beb?e t??e e pe prpripric?e e we wie wili?? c?om?e ?dodowdownw?n (n (t(ththothouthougughgh ?itit'it's'??no??t bt babadbad d nd ?nownow)w) ) a an and?? th the?y
, have tried many bread mixes, and I love this one. So does my husband, who is not gluten free. I hope that everyone supports these Bisquick products, since big brand gluten-free bread and pasta products are so rare, and so rarely good. It was something special for me when these came out (if you can imagine waiting a decade for this, you'll understand). If those of us with celiac disease/gluten-intolerance keep enjoying them, maybe the price will come down (though it's not bad now) and they
w???? o ofoffffeferer r b bub?lkl? d ded?alalsls.s?? I ItIt t w wi?llll ll?alalsalsoso o w wa w?keke e?upu? o?tht?erer er m mamana?ufufafacactc?ururererersers.? ?I I w????d d?hah?ppp?ililyily y o or ordrdederder ?a a c cac?sese e oe oro?r mr mum??h h l ??????er per ????aga???. . I I I? ca c?an an m ma makakeake e me ???owownwn n b br brereareadad,d???utu?t It I I pI prp?refre?ferfer ?tot?o uo ususe? a?? mi mixix,x, , a, ?andand d ud ??e ??y y cy ??oko?ini?g g t titimimeme e fe foforor or? ma?inin in d di disi?heheshe?s. ??SoSo o do ??n'n't't t ht he??iti?atatete ?toto to t?ryr?y iy itit,it??I ?cacancan'n'tn't t it imimaimagagiaginineine ?beb?ininging g dg did???appappopoioin?te?d d bd byby y ty ththithisis is???ododuduc?t.t. . . H. HoH?oweow???er,er, ?, I , I d do do o fo ?inindin?d id ?? f foforfo?r lr lel??s s? at at t mt my? l lo l?ca?l l gl ??ococeoc???y sy ststo???.".?4??6565,5,B,B0B000?4343943??DKDK0K0,0,A,A1A?L7L????7777K7?JCJCYC?4,4,J,?oao????eSe?hoh?ppppepp?er,er,1er,?,1,1,1,51,5,5,15,121?969?696?91291?00?,Y,?aha??o o fo foo f?or ?BiBis?quq?icickck!k!,!,E,ExExtxtrtreremrememelmelyly y hy ha???y ?wiwitwi?? B ??sqsququiqu?ickick k gk glg????n n fn frf?reeree!e! ! ??? ha hadad ad n ???ididedeadea a wa whw?
will offer bulk deals. It will also wake up other manufacturers. I would happily order a case or much larger package. I can make my own bread, but I prefer to use a mix, and use my cooking time for main dishes. So don't hesitate to try it, I can't imagine being disappointed by this product. However, I do find it for less at my local grocery store." 4365,B004391DK0,A1L71PR77KJCY4,JoantheShopper,1,1,5,1296691200,Yahoo for Bisquick!,Extremely happy with Bisquick gluten free! I had no idea wha
t???? e exexpxpep???t at ??? w ?asas s v ?ere?y y p ?leleaeas?anantan?lyly y sy sus?rprprpririsi?eded.d. . I I I?alalwlwa??s s ps ?preprefefefererrerrereded ed?BiBisisqis?uiu?ckck k p pa panancancacaka?eses s os ovove?? o oto?heher?? po popopupulu?ara???rar?andan?s s ts ththrthrorouougu?h h t th thehe he y ?ea?rsr?. ? I? a am a? h hah??pypy y ty toto to s ?ayay y t??hatha?t It I ??cancan n e ea e?t t mt mymy y fy fafavavovororiritri?e e b br?an?? o?f f p pa pan pa??cakcake?s s as aga?aia?n n wn wiwitiththothououtou?t at ant a?y y hy heheahe?altal?? r re?peperpe?cucusu?sisioiononsn?s (s (g(glg??tetenten ?in??toltolelerleraranra?t)t??. ?MyM??nenexextext t ot obo??ecectectitivi?ve ve i isis is??o o mo mamakakeake e te ththethe e re ro?lll? r re receciecipipepe pe? on o?? t th the th?e be boboxox.x?. ??I wI wi?shs?h ah alallal??ma?nunufufafacfactctuctur??erser??wowou?ldl??tat??????oteote e oe ???th?the the r ri risisiisiningin???glugl?uteutenen ?prpropr?obloble?m m im ?in in t? thi this?is cis coc??nt?ry??4?3636666,6,B,?00004043439439191D1DKDK0K??????SJSJPJ???ALALSLSHS?,K,KrKririsriststitiKti??1,1,1,1,,1,5,??,12,129296961617172728280800?,b,bebesestest t pt papan???akeakesakes!s?!!?,T,ThThih??is mis mimixix x m ?makmake?? t th the???osostst st d ??
t to expect and was very pleasantly surprised. I always preferred Bisquick pancakes over other popular brands through the years. I am happy to say that I can eat my favorite brand of pancakes again without any health repercussions (gluten intolerant). My next objective is to make the roll recipe on the box. I wish all manufacturers would take note of the rising gluten problem in this country! 4366,B004391DK0,AEK4SJPCMALSH,KristiK,1,1,5,1296172800,best pancakes!!!,This mix makes the most del
?icicicioiouousu??papanancncac?kekese?! ! M ???glglulututetenen n e eaeatatitiningn? f ?amamimililyly y wy wawan??tedte? m ?minmi?e e i ininsinststeteateadad ??? t ???irirsrs!? I I I h hah???e Ae AlAlslsoso o m ma makakeak??sas?us?agageg??babalallllsls ls a anandand d bd ??scs??ititsts ?foforor r b bibisbiscscuscuiuituits? a?ndnd ??raravavyav?y wy wiy witithith h i it it!t?! S! SoSo o Go ?oooodod!d!!4?3636767,7??000040?43943?1D1?K0K0,0,A,AWAWCWCDC???GCGC3C??DKDDK?1,1,","C"?apaptptitioti?ousous ???nsnsusumumemerer ?""""C"CC"CC"C""?",",1,1,1,11,1,1,51,5,5?,12,1292?535303080?808??,","A,"AhA?, , f fi f??alallal???sosomsomeme me g go goooodood-d-o-olo?' '??um??lil??gsg?s!!s!?",","","I"I ?wawaswas s as amamaamaza?ede?d td toto o fo fifin??d t?hih?is is?onon on t?hehe he s sh shehelhelflf f of ?of of m my m???favfavov?oriorit??e ge ?grogrococec?er er????rrrryry ?toto to s sa s?y,y, ?chc?heahe?apeaper?er ter ththathanan an i? it it? is is s ss so?ldld ?he?rere,e, , e, evevevenven ?wiwitithith ith s su s?bsbsc?riribibebe ??and? s??ve?...........).).)? ?FiF??stst st t? thi thin?ing ing I I I m ma?dede e we wa?was was m?? c ch?ilildildhd??????av???oritoritete te - ?? du d??umplumplilinlingngsngs ???anand???thetheyey y wy wey w??e e je ?usustust t l ???ke ke? I I r I
icious pancakes! My gluten eating family wanted mine instead of theirs! I have Also make sausage balls and biscuits for biscuits and gravy with it! So Good! 4367,B004391DK0,AWCDDYGC3DKD1,"Captious Consumer ""CC""",1,1,5,1295308800,"Ah, finally some good-ol' dumplings!!","I was amazed to find this on the shelf of my favorite grocer (sorry to say, cheaper than it is sold here, even with subscribe and save....). First thing I made was my childhood favorite - dumplings - and they were just like I r
eeme?emembem?ererereded d t ththeh??????bebe!be! ! T ??? w ?hoh?lele e??amamim?lyly y w wa wasa? h ??ppppypy y wy wiwitithth th t th t??m m - ? t th the theyey y w?erereere e se sus??h h?? b bi bigig g???it!it?! ! I I I c cacana?'t'?????? t? to to?mam?keke e be ???ebe?berberrrryry ??ufuffffif???s ts ththithisis s ss susumsummmme?r.r? I I I hI hahavha??e ne neneve?verver r???enen n a ab ablbleble e te ?o o do dudupu??ici???e ??hehe he the ?as?tete te o ?? B ?isisqis?uiu??? w wi witithith h ah ???y oy oto?theth?er er g gfg???recrecicipipep?, , a an andnd d nd nono o oo ??heherher ?re?recirec?ipeipe ??oror ?bl?ueuebue??berrberryry ry m mu mufuffuffi??ns ns i isis is q ququiquit??e te the thee the e se sae samameame,? i?n n mn mymy ???in?ioi?n.n.<.<b<brbr r /r ?><>?<br<br r /r />r />T>??an?k ?yoy????GeG??ereraeralal l?????s!s??4434???,B,?00004043?9191D1DKD?0,0,A,A2A2323X3X9X9Q9??9X9XPXPUPU9U9M9?G,G?,Be,B?kakahahKhKnK?ititsit??1,1,1,1,,1?????939?757535?360360000,00,I,I'I?veve ve t tr tririeieded ed t? the them them m am al?l-l----t-?thithisthis ?isis ??the? b be bes bestst!t?,","L"LiLikike? t th? the the? ti tit?lele le?sasayaysys,s, s,? I I h ha h?ve?ve tve ?ri?ed?ed (ed (n(neneaneararlrlyly)ly) )? al allll l tl th?the ?br?anandan??s, s, ss, sps
emembered them to be! The whole family was happy with them - they were such a big hit! I can't wait to make blueberry muffins this summer. I have never been able to duplicate the taste of Bisquick with any other gf recipe, and no other recipe for blueberry muffins is quite the same, in my opinion.<br /><br />Thank you, General Mills!" 4368,B004391DK0,A23X9QV9XPU9MG,BekahKnits,1,1,5,1293753600,I've tried them all--this is the best!,"Like the title says, I have tried (nearly) all the brands, sp
e?ntnt t???lol?t t ot ofof f??ononeneyey,y, , a an andnd d i ?n n t ththehe e????d td ththethese?e ?ararere e te ththethe the b beb?estest t Gt GlG?ututeten??FrFre??e Pe ?anancn?akakek?es es I I'I'v'veve ?hah?d.d.<.<b<brbr r??><><b<br<br r /r ?/>I/>I I a am am m?nonotot ot?hahaphappppypy y a?bobouout? t?hehe he l la lacackck k o ofof of???be??, ?an?d d t????th?the the sthe sts???chc?y y fy flflo??rsr??ususesedsed.d. d. B BuButut ???hahanhand??ulul l o?f f gf grg???nd? f fl flalaxa? s se?ede???akakeakes?es ues upup p f?oro???thathatat.t.<.<b.<br? / /> /?><b><brbr ?/>?/>I />I a? am am a?lslsos? h ha hapapp?y y ay ??boubo?ut ut a?? br b??and? t? tha thatat at h he helelpl?s ?yoyouou ou??o o mo ?makma?ke ke b??scscuc?iti?s s as ?andand ?otothothe?r r tr thr thihin?gsg?s fs ?????ththe?the s??mem?e me mim?x.x? O OtOththetherther r cr ?omo?pap?anianiei?es es ses seselse?l ???iscis????s s as ans a??nd pnd ?izizzz?a a da dod?ougoughgh h????s a s a s?epe?parpararatratete te??tetemte?, ???upiupin?ing ing t th the the e ce cucuscuststostomomeomerer r tr tor to ?sps??endend end? ev e??n ?mo?rere re??ononeoneyey.ey????r /r />r /><><b???r />r />Cr />CoComompom?par?eded ed t??? th the the the m ma m?anyan?y oy otothotheotherer er b br bra bran?andsands,s??ththethesthesese se d dodo do? no n
ent a lot of money, and in the end these are the best Gluten Free Pancakes I've had.<br /><br />I am not happy about the lack of fiber, and the the starchy flours used. But a handful of ground flax seed makes up for that.<br /><br />I am also happy about a brand that helps you to make biscuits and other things from the same mix. Other companies sell biscuits and pizza dough as a separate item, duping the customer to spend even more money.<br /><br />Compared to the many other brands, these do no
tt t h ?ava?e e a a a " """"f"?ununnn???? t tatasaststete e oe oro??sms?elellll l?frfror?m m o odo?? f?lolouo??s.s. .?ThT?esesese e ae ararere e me mam???e m??ststlstlyly y f fr f?romro??RiRicicece e ae ane andnd d Pd PoPototatatta?? f??ouourours?. . Y. YoYouou ou j juj?st? f fe feee?el el N ?ORORMRMAM?L.L.<.<b<?r r /r ?><><b?r r /r />r /?? h ho hopopep?e te ?heheyhey y wy ???? c ?om?e e o??t t wt wi???? a a? "" "?whwhoholo?e e ge ???ini?""?"" v"" ve???ioiono?? fr?omom om?BrBrorowrownwn n Rn Ri?cece ce a an andnd nd B?eae?n ??lo???.<.<b.<brbr br / ???<br?? /> />T>?IPIP:P: : T To T?o go geg?t ?ththethe ??fluflufuffffifieiesestes?t tt tet texe?tuturureur?e ue ususeuse e Be ?UTUTTTTETERER R?ininsinststesteaeadead ?ofof f o oi o??. . R. RoR?omom om tom te?mpmpeperperaratra?turtu?? b ?ututtutte?r.r.".?4434363696?,B,B0B00004043?9191D1?K0K??A2A2525F5??22225??YRYRJRJMJM5M??ta?tatetaterertr?tattatetatertater,r?1,1,1?,5,5,?121?939343?080??00000??GoGoooodood d Cd ?obobbbblb??r,?"I"?I aI amam ?a a Ba ?isisqs???ickick k b?is?cuc?uitui??lo?veverver ver? fr fro from fro?m wm waw?y ?bab?ckck,k? a an and and d Id I I tI ?thothouougou?hth?t t??he he b? bis biscscucuicu?tsts s m ma??de de p peperper per t?hehe ?rerecrecicipi?pe pe???ereere e ae a e a l lilitittittlt?
t have a ""funny"" taste or smell from odd flours. These are made mostly from Rice and Potato flours. You just feel NORMAL.<br /><br />I hope they will come out with a ""whole grain"" version from Brown Rice and Bean flour.<br /><br />TIP: To get the fluffiest texture use BUTTER instead of oil. Room temperature butter." 4369,B004391DK0,A25F7225EYRJM5,tatertater,1,1,5,1293408000,Good Cobbler,"I am a Bisquick biscuit lover from way back, and I thought the biscuits made per the recipe were a little
b blblalaha?, , b bu butut t?? t ththihininknk k t?heheyey y w wowououlu?d d b be b??pepererfrfefecectc?t ut ususisin?g g? bu but bu?tet?er er o oror r m mam?rgrgagarariarinineine e ie inin in p??laclacece e oe ?f f s shshohorortortetenteninininging,ing?, s, ?? I I I h hahava?e e he ho?pe?. . A AsAs s f ?arar ar?asa?s ts ???e ce cocobobbb?bleblerer er ger gog??s,s, , I, ?I mI ma?dede e ae a a t tr t?ipi?lel?e be ?ererrer?y ??usiusining? t th?e e se sh???ortcort?akakek?e re rer?eciec?ipeipe ?e one on n? th the? b ba bacackck k (k ?whw?hichichch h c cacalca??s ?fof?or or? bu but????r rr raratath??r ???ana??sh??rtrte?tenitenininging)ing) ) a as as s ts ths thehe he? cr crur?ustust.t. ?ItI?t wt ?asas as? am ama??<b<brb?r /r ?>I>?f f yf yoyouou ou a?re??exexpxpe?ct??inging ing ting th?? e ea eas?e e oe ofe o???regregugul???ar bar bib???uiuici??, , f, foforforgrgerg??t it ????ThThihishis s is ?is is?nonotot t at a a "a """?jujus?? a?ddd?d md mimililklk k ak an?d d sd ?titirir"r"""" "" k ?in?d ?ofof of p?rorododuducu?ct.ct. . T. ThTheThe e be bie bisiscis?uiuitui?s s rs ?reqreququiquirireire e te ?thethe the athe ?ddddiddititiitioiono??ofof of eof ?gggg,g, , s, sh, s?horhort?enenininni???(c(??tt?ininging ??? i ?in,in, , b, bubut? i??t it ist is s es eae??y y ay ??and and n no n?ot ot? to toooo ?mem?essessys
blah, but I think they would be perfect using butter or margarine in place of shortening, so I have hope. As far as the cobbler goes, I made a triple berry using the shortcake recipe on the back (which calls for butter rather than shortening) as the crust. It was amazing.<br />If you are expecting the ease of regular bisquick, forget it. This is not a ""just add milk and stir"" kind of product. The biscuits require the addition of egg, shortening (cutting it in, but it is easy and not too messy
? t ?o o m mim?? w ?itithth h y yoy??? f ?iningngegerersrs)s),), ,??ndnd d m mi mili?k.k? A ?lslsos?o wo ?wiswi?h h th ?????? wa w?s s m????e ie ?in in? th t??e be ??x.x. . M. MoMoso?t t o ?f f? th the the e re rerecrecic?pep?s ??n n t? the the the?bab????rereqrequq??rere re? th?? the u the ususes??ofof of t th the? the w the whw??lele e b?oxox.ox?""44343737070,0?B0B000????1D1DKDK0K0,0,A0,A2A??W5W5A5?979?GXGXBXB2B202?R,R,","J"JuJ?lyly y L ?awa??renre??e e "e ?"h"huhunu??ryr?y wy wowomo?an?""?",",1,?,1,1,,1??,1?????898??0000,00,W,WoW?w!w! ! P ??ancan?aka??e se ?ata???fafac??tiotionon on a???lal?astast!t!,!,","I,"I I? wa was wa?s ss ?so so e exexcxci??eded ?toto to s se?e ?glg?utute?n-n-f-frf?reeree ?BiBis?ququiquicick?. ?. My. My y gy grgraran?dmdmom?th??r ?anand? m? mot mo?the?ther ther b bo botothoth ?ususeuseded ed i it??. I. I ??onondondld?ly ly r re r??emembembeber?? th the thei the?ir ir s st strt?rawra?beberbe?ry? s?hohorhortrtctcacakca?ke,ke??soso ??thathatat at w wa? was was t?? the the f the fifirfi??t t tt th?in?g g I I ?mamadmadede.e. ?. I . I??lml?mosmostst st?crc?iei?ed,ed, ??? w? was was was s was soso so gso gogooo?d.d. ?. I . I h. I hahava?e e se sie sin??? m ma m??de de? th?? the p the papananc?akakeak?es es ( ?yuyumu?? yu yumum)um?
to mix with your fingers), and milk. Also wish there was more in the box. Most of the recipes on the back require the use of the whole box." 4370,B004391DK0,A2YW5A97GXB20R,"July Lawrence ""hungry woman""",1,1,5,1292889600,Wow! Pancake satisfaction at last!,"I was so excited to see gluten-free Bisquick. My grandmother and mother both used it. I fondly remember their strawberry shortcake, so that was the first thing I made. I almost cried, it was so good. I have since made the pancakes (yum yum)
aanandnd d b bab?kek?d ?chchih?ckcke?n.n? I ??m m a a a r rerege??lalarar r a at a??tht??iri?r wr ?ebe? s ??tete,e, , l lilivi?eg?lulutu??nfnfrf??elelyl?.c.cocomo?m fm foforor r ir ititsit??grgre???t rt rerecre??pep?s.s. . T. ThThahan?k k?yoyouo???BiBisisqsquq?icickick!k!"!""4434373717?,B,?000?43?9191D1DKDK0K0,0?A2A2Q2QTQ???4Z4ZPZ?1C1?Q6Q?F,F?"S"SuSususas???? " """"w"?wwww.ww.p.prpreresre?ere??at?ioi??nenewe??s.cs.cocomcom"m"""""""",",1,1,1,11,1,?4,4,1,12,1??090989888?880880000,00,Q,QuQuiuicui?? a an a?nd nd?eae?sys??,"I,"I I????ke ke t th thi?s ?pr?ododuducuctc??, a, anandand d wd wiwililll? o ??deder? i ?it it o on onln???ne ne a ag agagaiainin n s?inincincec?? it i?t it is? a a a m mumucuchuch h? be b?tttte?r r pr pr?iciceic?e te ththathan??ththethe ??grogr??cerce?y y??totororeor?. . . I? w wiwiswishs?h th ththethe the b bo boxo? w wa wasas as? a a b a ?itit it bit ?bigbiggggeger???bubut? i it it it w?ilillill ?dodo.o?. . I. ItI??t ist is s p??lailainin,in, , b, bu, b?ut ut iut ?it it mit ????es es a a a l a li?ghg?t t at anand??flf?luflu?fyfy ??anancancacakake?. ?. Y. YoYou??ca?n n an adadddd d fd fl?avavovoror or w wi wit wi?th th v ?vanvaninilillillailla ?exextx??acactct,ct, , c, ?cinci?ama?onon,on??or?or bor ??luelu???errer?
and baked chicken. I'm a regular at their web site, for its great recipes. Thank you, Bisquick!" 4371,B004391DK0,A2QTDB4ZP1CQ6F,"Susan R """"",1,1,4,1290988800,Quick and easy,"I like this product, and will order it online again since it is a much better price than the grocery store. I wish the box was a bit bigger, but it will do. It is plain, but it makes a light and fluffy pancake. You can add flavor with vanilla extract, cinamon, or blueberries.
? I I I l lilikikekede? t ththehe e t??xtxtut?rere ?ofof f? th the? b bib?scscuc?iti??rerecrecicipipepe,e? b??t t it it??cac?meme e oe oue out? m mom??re re? li l?ikeike e ae a a m mu mufu?fifinin.n. .? I ?'m'm m g gogoioininging g t?? m ma makake??itit it iit ?in in a a a ma mumufuffuffifinfi? p papanan n nn nen?extext t tt tit??me me a an andn??puputut ut cut crcraran??ererrr?ieiese????n in ??? m? mad ma?e ??? b?isisciscu???s ?wiwit??? bu but ?IfIf f yf ???? ar are?re cre cr?eaeatatitivti???wi??th th t?????sese ?e ofe of f af adaddd??in?s,s, ??I tI ththithininkink k i??t wt wow?oulouldld d md ???e e ge ?googoodod d qd ququiuicuickckbkbrbre??adsad?s, s,? bu but but but n non?t t t??he he rhe ririsri???? t?""4434?727??B0B?040?439439191D1DKDK0K0,0,A,A2A2Q2QXQXVXVBV?ULU??HDHDVD?3434,4,C,CoC?okokik?inging ing iing ????p,p???,1,,1?5,5?,12,1?90904??04?0000,00,",??onondndend?erferfuf?l,l, , G, GrGrereareatreat t Tt TaTasaststitintingng"g",","?MyMy y sy sos?? j juj?ustus???stastarartrtetedte?d td ?thethe ?GlGlulututeut?n n Fn ????e de ?ieietie?t at ????I I hI hahavaveve ve t tr tririeried??sosomsomeme me fme fof?oodoodsd?s os ou??t tt tht thet therereere ??jusjust? s se seee??inging ing wing ?ha?t ???he whe wiwilwi?l l e ea?t.t?
I liked the texture of the biscuit recipe, but it came out more like a muffin. I'm going to make it in a muffin pan next time and put cranberries in it. I made my biscuits with butter. If you are creative with the use of add ins, I think it would make good quickbreads, but not the rising type." 4372,B004391DK0,A2QXVBULGHDV34,Cooking it up,1,1,5,1290470400,"Wonderful, Great Tasting","My son just started the Gluten Free diet and I have tried some foods out there just seeing what he will eat.
H?e e l lolovo?ede? i ?t,t, ,?I I c coc?ulu?dndn'n't't t?bebele?ieieve?ve ve??t t at atat t ft fifirirsrstst ??utu?t ht heh??kek?ptpt t et eae?atiatiningng.g. . I I' I?m m r ?eaealeallllyly y g ??adad d td tht?at????wawasas s?aba??e ?toto o f ??ndnd d sd sos?memeteth??inging g t ththathatat at hat he? l lo lov?ese?s ts to? e ?eateat t ft fot foror r??rereareaka??asastas?. . M. MyMy y ly lilitli??le? g gi girirlirl l h ha??s ss ststastararrr??inging ing? to t?o eo ea?eat eat i? it it t? to to? an a?nd nd???he ?sas??s s is it? t ta t?astasteaste ?gogooo?d.d. ?I ?bu?y y iy it???eveevereryry y ty ??meme me? I I r I rurunun n?ou?t t ct cac?ususese e Ie ??lo?veve ve eve ea??in?ing ing iing ?it ???o.o.".""???737?,B,B0B000????1D1?K0K0,0??1I1IWI?R6R606?TXTX5X5I5I6I6161515,5?JuJududydy y Ry RaR?akoakococicininsinskskiki,i,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,?5,15,121292909??7070404004??,Y,??m!m? a an?d d Ed EaEasasyasy!y?,",?I I hI ?havhaveve ve ave ala?wa?ys? t tr trurusru??eded ed t??he ?BiB?sqs??icickck k n nanama?me,me?, s, soso so I I ??ececicidcidededde?d td tod to o bo ?buybuy buy? th thi this??prp?ododuod???t. t. I I I w I wawaswas ??hrh?rilrill??ed ?wiwitithit? t th the the ?papana?cacakcakekeskes s as ?andan??mumufuffffifinfinsfins s Is I I wI wawaswas was a ab a?bleble ?e toe to ?mam?akeake.e??
He loved it, I couldn't believe it at first but he kept eating. I'm really glad that I was able to find something that he loves to eat for breakfast. My little girl has starring to eat it to and she says it taste good. I buy it every time I run out cause I love eating it too." 4373,B004391DK0,A1IWR60TX5I615,Judy Rakocinski,1,1,5,1290470400,Yum! and Easy!,"I have always trusted the Bisquick name, so I decided to buy this product. I was thrilled with the pancakes and muffins I was able to make.
TThThehe e o ononlnlyl? t ththih?ngng g?I I??ava??e ae a a p ?roroboblblelemem m?wiwitithth th i isis s? th thehe he?sisizizez??ofof f t? the th?e be ?oxox.x. . ? It It't's's s vs ?ververyry y sy sms??llll.l. ? L ?iki?e e me mom??t t?GFG? p???dud???, , y yoyouo? p?ayay ?mumuc?h h m momormorere ?th?anan n y yo you? w wo wououlou?? f fof?? t th the the the n nonon?-G-GFGF GF c cocouounou?tet?rprpaparartrt.t. . :. ??""?434?747???????9191D1??0,0??1F1?5M5MKMKRKRERE0E0Q0QXQXCX??Q,Q,","m"??m m 9m 9494 4?"""?cacarariarinin"in"""""""",",1,1,1???5,5,1,12,1292??2929729767606?00,00,","y,"yeyeaeaha?, , p, ?panpancn?cakcake??s as ?gagaiainin!in!!!?!!"!!",","",???anankank k g gogooo????ssss s Bs BiBisisqisququiu?ckck k fk fifininain???ly ly w we w?ntnt nt G Gl G?ututetenten ??FrF?reeree!e! !? I ???havha?ve ve b bebeeeen??3 3 y ye yea?rsrs ?didiaiagagnag?nosno???d wd wiwitwi?th th Cth ?eleliliaiaciac,c?, a, ??d d bd ??si?dedeses es p??llllsll?buburury? r rorolrollllslls,lls??, pa, p?ancan?cakcakecak??es hes ?havhavehave e be bee beeeeneen n fn fefewew w a an?and and? fa f?ar ar??etetwt?ee?een een???s hs ?havhavehave have g go g??d d b????ui??s!s?! ! ???e he hahavhavehave have ehave ?eateatetenten ten m ma m?anyany y py ?????cakecakescakes s ss sisinsi??e e te the thi??s ps ?proprododuod??t t ct cacamcameme
The only thing I have a problem with is the size of the box. It's very small. Like most GF product, you pay much more than you would for the non-GF counterpart. :(" 4374,B004391DK0,A1F5MKRE0QXCVQ,"mom 94 ""carin""",1,1,5,1290297600,"yeah, pancakes again!!!","Thank goodness Bisquick finally went Gluten -Free! I have been 3 years diagnosed with Celiac, and besides pillsbury rolls, pancakes have been few and far between as have good biscuits! We have eaten many pancakes since this product came
????. . ?WaWaya? t toto o g gog?o Bo BeB?ttt?y y Cy CrCroroco?kek?r!r! !???nln?y ???gag??iviveve e i ?s s t?hahatat at t th??is is i is i?s as ?ctctutuaualalll?ly ly?chcheh??pep?er er??n n m mym?y ly ?ococaocalal al?ststo??ese??""4?373???B0B0000404343943919?DKDK0K0,0,A,A2A2B2BEBEWE?MZMZEZ??HQHQMQ?0000,00?RiRicich?arardr??JeJefeffffeferersersos?n,n,1,1,1??,5,5,5,15,121292909020212111?12012??00,A00,??azaziz?ngnglg??ly Gly ?oooodod,d,","M"?y y wy wiw?fefe fe?ana?d d dd dadauaugughghth?erer ?ararear??CeCele?iaiacac ac b bubut???y y sy ?sonson n an an??d Id I I a ar arere re?non?t.t. t. W?e ????? b be beeeenen n un ?sisin?? B BoB?b'b's's ?ReR??d Md MiMili?? G GFGF F p ?an???ke?? mi mixix x a??nd nd i it it't?'s 's? pr pre?tt?y y gy gogoogood? b?utut ut yut ??ou ou c ca can? t?elellell l i???'s 's g's ??ut?enen en?frfrereeree.e. . T. ThT?? p???ancaancak?eses es w wewe ?mamadma?e e te totodto??y ?y wiy witithth h? th thi?s s Bs BiBisisqisququiuicickic?? mi mix mi?x wx wewerwe?re ?amamamazmazizinzi? . M. MyMy My m mo motothot??r,r, , m my? s so son?, , a, anandand and I I ?cocou??d d bd babar?arelare???tetelte?ll ??thethemem m f?roromro?m tm ?thethe the n??rmr??l l wl whwheheahe?at ?veverve?sisiosionon on o onon on fon flf???oror.or?. T. Th. T
out. Way to go Betty Crocker! Only negative is that this is actually cheaper in my local stores." 4375,B004391DK0,A2BEWMZEKHQM00,Richard Jefferson,1,1,5,1290211200,Amazingly Good,"My wife and daughter are Celiac but my son and I are not. We have been using Bob's Red Mill GF pancake mix and it's pretty good but you can tell it's gluten free. The pancakes we made today with this Bisquick mix were amazing. My mother, my son, and I could barely tell them from the normal wheat version on flavor. Th
ee e t tetexe?tutururer?e ie ?s s a a a b ??t t d didifi?fefere?renrentnt t bt ??t t tt ?heheyey'y'r'?re re l ?igighghtht t at anandnd d f ?lulufuff?y y u ununlnli?kek?e ae ?a la ?otot ?ofo? o ovo?er???y dy ded?nsn?e e Ge GFGF F v veverversr?ioi??ns.ns. . W WeWe'e?llll l d de defe?inininititeitele?? b be be ?ststot??????? up u?? on on n t??is?? an andnd nd? us u???g g ig it???itithit? s ?omo?e ??of of t th?e e o?ldl??ststast?andand-d?byby ??regregugululalarar r B ?isisqis???ck? r rerecrecicipi?eses ?toto to? se s?e e he hoh?w w i itit it wit wow?rkr??s is inin in?? the them them.m?""44343737676,6,B,??040?439439191D1DKDK0K0,0??232????6J6JXJ?DMDM8M8686E6E,E,M,MoM?ogo?ieie,e,1,?,1,1,,1?5,5,1,12,1282898?959525?00000000,??umummmmm???!,!?"T"ThThihishis s is iss is s as a a ga grgrereareatat t pt prprorodo?ucu?t!t? H HaHat?s ?ofoffof?f tf to?to Bto BeBetettttyty ??rorocrockckeck?? o? onc oncece ??gagaia? ??TheThey? a?rere ????omomiomininging ing a a a??ororeore e "e """?MAMAIA?N N S STSTRTREREAEAMAM"M"""" ""?gogo-o?to??cocomco?papananyany y fy fofor? p ?peopeopoplplele e we ?hoho ho a??e e ge ?lulutlutetenten ?frf??e!e!"!?"4"4343743777?,B,B0,B00004004343943914391D1DK1D?K0,K0,A?3F3??5V5?ALA?8C8CWC?5C5CHC??E.E?. S. ?anannan???an?,1,1,,1,1,1,
e texture is a bit different but they're light and fluffy unlike a lot of overly dense GF versions. We'll definitely be stocking up on this and using it with some of the old stand-by regular Bisquick recipes to see how it works in them." 4376,B004391DK0,A230MH6JXDM86E,Moogie,1,1,5,1289952000,Yummmmm!,"This is a great product! Hats off to Betty Crocker once again. They are becoming a more ""MAIN STREAM"" go-to company for people who are gluten free!" 4377,B004391DK0,A3FE5VAL8CW5CH,E. Sanneman,1,1
?,5,?,1,121??959525202000?000000,0????icicicioiouousus!s!,!,","S"SoSo o f ??r,r, , I ??veve e??nlnlyly y h ?adad d t tit?meme e te toto o mo mam??e ???fff?leleses s w wiwitithth h t?hih?s s ns ?ewe? G ?F F B BiBis?quq??ickick,k, ?bubutut t t??eyey y wy ?ere???dedelelieliciciicioiouio? . S SoSomSomemetme??memesme??wi?thth th g ?lul?uteut?? f fr f??e e pe ?ror???ctctsts,s, ??ouou ou h?avaveve ve? to t??ususeuse ?oto?theth?? w we weie?rdrd d id ?ngn?reredredid?enententsts,ts, , o, oror r p prproproco?esessesses?? t to to to m ??keke ke t? the them them.m. . T. ThTheheseseese ?????flefleses ???re? s susupupeperer er fer fafasfasts???eaeasasys?, , a, anandnd d sd seserseririoiou?slslyly ly d dedeldeliliclicicioci?ousous.s?. C. CaCanan'an't'??wawaiwaitit it t to to to m to ma?makemake ??ththetherther r tr ththith?ingin?s!s!"s!""?4343737878,8,B,B0B00004004343943?1D1DKDK0K???V8V8V8VAVASAS2S?RTRTET?LQLQUQ?,g,??veve2ve?li?ve?,1,12,12,2?,18,18,8,18,1,1,1???858565696?6060000,00,T,Th??e we woe wor??st st p pi pizizzzzaza a e ???r,r,"r,"G"GoGoio?inging ing? gl glulutlu?enen en f fr?eeee e ie isis is n non?ot ot o op optpti???ala???oror or t??oso?se se? di diai??nonosnose?d d wd wiwitwithwit?h ch ce?liliali??? di dis dise?asasease-e?-------- - b bubutbu?t et eaeateati??ng ng?a a pa pipiz?zaza za
,5,1289520000,Delicious!,"So far, I've only had time to make waffles with this new GF Bisquick, but they were delicious. Sometimes with gluten free products, you have to use other weird ingredients, or processes to make them. These waffles were super fast, easy, and seriously delicious. Can't wait to make other things!" 4378,B004391DK0,AV8VAS2RTELQU,give2live,12,18,1,1288569600,The worst pizza ever,"Going gluten free is not optional for those diagnosed with celiac disease---- but eating a pizza
mmamadadede e?wiwitithth h a a a d ?ouougughg?h ch ?rer???eded d???ithith ??thithisis s p prpror?dud?ctct t?isis is o ??titioiono?alal-l---??anandnd d dd dedefdefif?nin?iteitelelyly y n nonotot ?rerecre???memenendndendeded.ed. .?I I k ?nenewew w s sosomomeomete?thithinthi?? w wa wasas s as ?mimis?????enen en I I I??pep??eded ed t ?theth??prproprododuoducuctuct t at anandand d id itit it w wa was wa?s ts th?? c ??nsnsisisististe?ncncyc???f f???ryry y fy fifinfinene ne w wh whih??ite ite?beb?eacea??h sh sas?and?. . P. ?ututtt??ngng ng m ?y y ry reresre???vavat?ioionio?ns ns? as a?sidsi?de,de, ,? I ?pr????ed?eded ?tot?? ma makakek?e p?izi??a ?do?ug?h ??as as d di diri?rec?te?d d od onon on t th thehe he??oxox.x. . N. ?ee?dld???s s ts tos t?o so ?saysay,y?, t, ththethe the pthe pipizizzizza? d do douougou?gh gh w? was was was c??hewhewywy y ay anandand and t ta tasastasteted? v????y sy sts?rar??gege.e?????ououlou?d d nd ??t t rt ret r??comco?mmmmmme?nd????isis ?prpro??ducdu?? f fof?r r p??izzizzaizza a da doa d???h.h.".""?4343737979,9?B0B000??43943919??K0K0,0,A,A3A??HVHVLVLJLJDJ?JAJAAAAPAPSPSXSX,X?"S"SmS?milmile?s s as ans andnd nd Hnd HuHug?s s "s """?AdA???ctctect?ed ed ted toed to o go ?oooodod od b bo boo bookoksks"s"""""""",",2,2,2?3,3,4,4,4,1,?282898939?474727
made with a dough created with this product is optional---and definitely not recommended. I knew something was amiss when I opened the product and it was the consistency of very fine white beach sand. Putting my reservations aside, I proceeded to make pizza dough as directed on the box. Needless to say, the pizza dough was chewy and tasted very strange. I would not recommmend this product for pizza dough." 4379,B004391DK0,A3PHVLJDJAAPSX,"Smiles and Hugs ""Addicted to good books""",2,3,4,12893472
0???"g"gogooo?? p prp?od??ctc?, ,?totoooo oo?exe?pepenensnsis?veve"e","??heh? p pr pro??ucuctuc? i isi? v veverve?y y?gogoogo?????aya?y ty totootoo o? ex e?xpexpen?sisivsiveve ve a ?ndnd d ad atat t at ala?momosostst t 5t 5.5?0000 00 a? b ?oxox x??o o go ?????an??aka?eses s os oror r? bi bis?cucuiuititsts s Is ?????s ds did???ppp?oio??tetededd44343838080,0,B0,?00004004343943??DKDK0K0,????D8D?U5U5A5ABABOB?QAQAIA?3,3?,"D,"D.D. . P. ?ara?k k " """?...??hohowow w d ??o yo ?ouo? l lil?keke ke m mem?e ne ?owow?ow?"?"""""""",",0",0,0,00,0,0,40,4,4,1,131353?090?5050450404?00,00?????? G GFG? B BaB?akiakiningin??MiMixix,x,"??y y fy fafamamim??y y iy ?is is g gl g?utute??? in i?ntontololelereraranantan??t ant andnd nd w??e ue ususes?e te ?hih?is ?pr?ododuoducoductct ct e ex ext ex?tentenstensisiv????. . . ??PanPancn?cakcake??, , b, bib?isc?uiuitui?ts,ts?, w, ?wafwa??lelesles,s, s, i?t ??doedo?esnes?'t't ???alallallyly ly m ma matattatteterter r wr whwhahatat at yat yoyouyou u nu nen??ed ed t to to to b ba bakakeake,e, ??thith?is ?mi?x x cx cocomo?mesmes s ts ththrth??ugughgh.h. ??ThThiThisis ?is?is mis myis m?y gy go?? to to ?mi??? ab abo?veve ?BoBobo?????andan??d ald allll l o otoththether?s s ws wewe e he hahavha?ve ve tve ?ririeied?. ?. T. Tr. Tryry ry??
00,"good product, too expensive",The product is very good. Way too expensive and at almost 5.00 a box to get pancakes or biscuits I was disappointed 4380,B004391DK0,A2MD8U5ABOQAI3,"D. Park "" do you like me now?""",0,0,4,1350950400,Great GF Baking Mix,"My family is gluten intolerant and we use this product extensively. Pancakes, biscuits, waffles, it doesn't really matter what you need to bake, this mix comes through. This is my go to mix above Bob's and all others we have tried. Try a
bbob??, , f ??lll??w w t ththeh??ininsn???ucuctc???nsns ns? fo foror r???ncncac?kekeses,s, , a, ??d d? te telell??mem?e te th?eye??ararerenen'n't't t? aw a?esesoes? .. g ?o o a??heaheadad.d??? I I I?dadar???yoyouou.u.".""4?383818?,B,B0B?04043????K0K?,A,AOAOYOYBYBPBPBPBZBZLZLGLGSGSDSDODOKOK,K,g,grgraramam,m,0,0,0,00,0,0,10,1,1,11,13135350506060604048048080000,00???ramra?m,Bm,?isisqsquq?icickck k G ?F F i is is s??asasys?y ty tot?o uo ususese.e. . P. ??ancancacakcakekeskes ?anandand and? mu mufufff?ininsin?s a?re? v ??ryry<y<b<brbr ?/>/>t>tatas??y.y??ThT?he he p??ododuduc?t t it is? q ququiquicickick k ak anandand and eand ea?sy? t??o u? ?ItIt ?mamak?es? m my my y dy dadayda?y. y. G Gr G?ramramram??38382382,2,B?0000400?43943914391D1DK1DK0???2222N2NENEUEUHUHGH?T7T7R7RSR?0A0??"N"NLNLGLG LG " """?nln?g-g-g-gig??l"l?"""""?,0,0,,0??,0,5,0,??13??979747??80800800,??ononsonsisisistis??enten?t at anandand ?TaTasast?y y Ry ReResesues?ltltst?s,"s,"I"I I hI ??ve? t??ieiede?d nd nun?memermerorourous? b boboxbo?eded ed? gl g?ututetenten n f???e e fe ?loloulo??s,s, s, a an a?d d Id I I nI nen?veverver r gr gegetet t tt th?the the c coc????ististeistenent? r reresre?ulultultsts ts I I I? ge getet et?? fro fr?om om B BiBisBisqsqusquiuicuick??s s Gs GF?
box, follow the instructions for pancakes, and tell me they aren't awesome... go ahead... I dare you." 4381,B004391DK0,AOYBPBZLGSDOK,gram,0,0,1,1350604800,gram,Bisquick GF is easy to use. Pancakes and muffins are very<br />tasty. The product is quick and easy to use. It makes my day. Gram 4382,B004391DK0,A22NEUHGT7RS0A,"NLG ""nlg-girl""",0,0,5,1349740800,Consistent and Tasty Results,"I have tried numerous boxed gluten free flours, and I never get the consistent results I get from Bisquick's GF
??ixix.x? I ItI?'s's s??lslsoso o?mom??e e?ece?ono?omomimicicacalal al?ththahanan n? ma makakik?ngng g y ???r r?owownw???whw??o wo wawanantan?s ?toto o bo ??y y 5 5+5+ +?flflolou?rsrs ??usustst t t to t??mamak?e e ae a a c ?cakcakeke?e??)?).). ?AnAndn? t??isi?s os ononeon?e ne nen?vevere???hasha?s t??hatha?t st ?strst?anangangege e me memetetatalallal??ic ic s smsmemelmellll l o ot o??erersers s ls lilikli?ke ke B BoBobo?'s's 's h ?? I? fi finindind d md mymysysesele?f f m? mak makikinkingng ng p ???cacakcakecakeses,s??bibisiscis?uiuititsts,ts, , c, cucupcu?cacakcake?s ??gag?in? a?ftfteter? y?eaeara?rs rs o of o?f gf ??in?g ??re??d d fd ??reeree ?dudueu???to to? a a?whwhewh?eateat t at al?alleallerergergyg???br? / />/><><b<br<br r /r ?/>M/>MyMy y oy ononeone one? co comompomplplalaiainaintn?t it ?is is t th??t t It ??cacancan'n't't t st set seee?m m t? to to???ndnd nd? th thi thisis is iis in??ananyan??loloclocacalca??st??oreore;e; ;?? h ha hava?ve ve m???fifin?ingeingerersers ers c cr cror?sssse?d d td th??? A ?mamazma??on on?? con co??in?ueuesues ??o o co cacarca????ththithisis!is!"!""4?383?3,3,B,B0B000?474?4A4?RURU8U8,8,A,A2A?272757525?KDK??UXUXTX?DZDZ,Z?"R"R.R. . J. J.J. . G. GiGigi?st??ad ad " """?OfOftfteftenencn?????useuseded"d""
Mix. It's also more economical than making your own (who wants to buy 5+ flours just to make a cake??). And this one never has that strange metallic smell others like Bob's have. I find myself making pancakes, biscuits, cupcakes again after years of going bread free due to a wheat allergy.<br /><br />My one complaint is that I can't seem to find this in any local store; I have my fingers crossed that Amazon continues to carry this!" 4383,B00474ARU8,A22752KDKUXTDZ,"R. J. Gigstad ""Oftenconfused""
??,2,??,2,,2,5,5,5,1,131?151??676????,G,?rereaeatat t C ?ofoffffefeeee,e,I,? h ??vev????rcrchchahashasesede???anan n F FrF?an??isiscscoc? B ?ayay y c cocofcoffffeff?ee ee b beb?fof? . I I ?ha?veve ve??lwlwawayaysays s f fofoufo?ndnd d td ththahathat t tt ????ququaualalial??y y oy ?of of t ththetheithe??? co cof?fe??e ie isis is?exexcxcec??lelene?t.t?. T. ThThehe e be ?beabe?ansan?s as ??re re a?lwlwalway?ays ays w wewel?l l? ch chohososesense?n an anandand d sd sls?owow w?roroao?sts?eded.ed??A A?veververyr??hihigighg? q ququaqu?alialitalityty ty c co cof co?ffe??e ae atat at? a a r re reaeasea???aba?le? p?riricice?..4434?848?,B,B0B?00400474??ARA????A3A3333M3MAMAAAA5A5K5?2U2UJUJ1J1Z1ZVZ?,m,?dtdtot?vovo,o,1,1,,1,1,1,?4,?1313313373?74774727207200?0,0,C0,?CofCo?ffeffee?? wa w?as as g gogooo?d d bd ?utut t nt ?oto?t at a a??strst?ronro?? f fl flal?avoavoror.or.,.,T,??e ???coffcoffe?fee fee w? was wa?s gs go?odod od b?utut ut d ?ididndn'n't't t ht ?havhavehave ?e a e a s???ronrongrong g fg ?lalavla??r.r?. W. WoWououluldl??'t't 't b? buy bu?y ty th?isis is pis ???duducuctct t at agt agagaia???. N. ?iciceice ?to? t tr t???nen???prproprododuod?uctuctst???ndnd nd t tr?y ??newnew ?flflaflavavo?rsr?..4.4343843?5,?B0?04047?4A4AR4A??8,8,A8,A2A??YNYN0N
",2,2,5,1315267200,Great Coffee,I have purchased San Francisco Bay coffee before. I have always found that the quality of their coffee is excellent. The beans are always well chosen and slow roasted. A very high quality coffee at a reasonable price. 4384,B00474ARU8,A33MAA5K2UJ1ZV,mdtovo,1,1,4,1337472000,Coffee was good but not a strong flavor.,The coffee was good but didn't have a strong flavor. Wouldn't buy this product again. Nice to try new products and try new flavors. 4385,B00474ARU8,A25YN0
??AZAZ0Z0I0I4I?S2S?,e,??glglilisishsh h m mum?fff?inin,n?0,0?,0,,0?5,5,1,?343484???767?0000,0,G0,GrGrereaeata? m mo m?rnr?ininging g c cucupup,p,I,I I h hah?d d?trtririeieded d ad ? s smsmamalalll? b babatatcat?h ??f f t th thehe e p popodo?s s f ??or or m my my y K ??ururirigri?g ag ana?d d fd fefele?ll ll?in??lolovovev?.....?.t.??isis is F FoF?g g Cg ?hahashases???vavara?rieriete?y ??is ?jujususts??ababobououtu??peper??fecfe?t.t. . I I I sI shshashalallall ???e oe orordor?ererier?inging ing? mo mor mo?re re b be beaeaneansns s ss soso o? I I n nen????r rr rur?n n?ou?t.t.t.4???86,86,B,??00400474747?ARARURU8U?,A,A5A555585828?IFI???AXAX8X8I8I,I,R,RaRanandandid?B,B,1?,5,5,,5,3,3,3,1,13,1???28289896960600600,?NoNoto?t St ??? F?raranancan?isisciscoco o Bo ?ayay y Cy CoCof???e e Ce ??mpmpapan?y,y,",?MyMy y py paparparerenre?tsts ?fefelfell?ll ill inin in lin ?lovloveve ve???th? ' ?SaSanSan n Fn FrFraranrancncicisciscs?co co B Ba????ofoff?eeee e Ce Coe Comompmpampan?any'any' ' c co cofoffoffeoffeeoffee,e, , w wh whihichichch ch?ususeus?e te toto o bo ?be be????ililal?ablablele ?atat at o ou ourur ur l?ococacalal al?AZAZ AZ C CoCosCo?? . F. ??r r cr ??ririsrist?ma?s s Is ?I lI ??okokek???ev?er??y wy whw?herhe?re ?foforfo?r tr ththith?is ?co??ffeff?? & & & f fo fou
EAZ0I4S2,english muffin,0,0,5,1348617600,Great morning cup,I had tried a small batch of the pods for my Keurig and fell in love....this Fog Chaser variety is just about perfect. I shall be ordering more beans so I never run out. 4386,B00474ARU8,A5582IFMLAX8I,RandiB,1,5,3,1325289600,Not San Francisco Bay Coffee Company,"My parents fell in love with 'San Francisco Bay Coffee Company' coffee, which use to be available at our local AZ Costco. For christmas I looked every where for this coffee & fou
nndnd d w whwhahatat t?I I t ththohouougughghth???asas s a a a?grgrereae?? v vav?lulueue e o ?n n??mam??on?? W ??enen n In ??bob?ougou????itit ?(1(1212/2?212?/1/111?) ) t th theherhe?re re w wa wasas as " """??o o I?mamagmagege e Ae AvAva?ililal????"""","", , s ?hohouhoululdld ?ha??e ?bebeee?en en?mymy y f ?irirsrstst ?t wat wara?nininingng g s si s?gngn.n. ?ThT?heyhey y hy ?hadhad d ld lolototst?s os ?f f p ?ici?tuturureresre?s o?f f tf ?thethe ?12??? b bab?gsg?s os ofs of s of c ?ofoffof?eeee ee f?roromom m?? the th??SaSanan n Fn FrF?anancancic?scscoco co B BaB?y y Cy CoCofoffoffeoffee??CoCo,Co, , b, ?utu?t It I I wI wawanwa??eded d sd sosom???????g bg bibig??gerge?, , a, an?d ?th?thisthis s ws wa?s s 2s 2 2 l ??s.s. . N. NoNowNow w t th??re?re ire isis is? a a p?icictictuturturere re are avava?vailvai??le??, b, bu, but? i ?f f yf ?ou?? lo looookok k? cl clolosloseselelyl?y iy it?'s's ?""""R""RoRogogegerger'ger???FaF??ililyily y Cy Coy C?ompompapan??""?? co cof?offe?e,e, , w, whwhowho o io isis is tis te?chc?ni?cacalallal?ly ly l??ca????d nd ?ea??? th the? S SaSanSan n Fn Frn F????ciscisc?o o Bo ??y ?ArArerearea.a. . S. SoSo ?o ifo if ??ouou'ou??re re ire inre in n ln ??ve? w??ithith h S Sa San? F Fr Fra?rancran?ciscisccis?co co Bco BaBayBay Bay C ??ffffefeefe?e Ce
nd what I thought was a great value on Amazon. When I bought it (12/21/11) there was ""No Image Available"", should have been my first warning sign. They had lots of pictures of the 12oz bags of coffee from the San Francisco Bay Coffee Co, but I wanted something bigger, and this was 2 lbs. Now there is a picture availble, but if you look closely it's ""Roger's Family Company"" coffee, who is technically located near the San Francisco Bay Area. So if you're in love with San Francisco Bay Coffee C
oomo???nyn?, , d dodono?'t'? b bub?????isi??cocofofff?eeee.e. .?BuB?t t ot onon on??heh? u ?pspsisidided?, ?si??cece e Ie I I w ??iti?ede? t ti tililll?? th?e e le lalasa???mim?nun???e te ?o o b bu buyuy uy i ?it,it, , I, ?I gI gagava??e ie ?? t to t??mymy ?paparparerene?tsts s fs foforo? c??rir?ististmt??? a ananyan?wawaywa??& & e exexpx?lalaila??ed? w???t t ht hahaphappppepen????, b, ?butbut ?ththeth?y ??ai?d d td ththethe the????fefeefee ??waswa?s ps prp?retrettt?y ?dedecde?cencentnt.nt. . S. SoS?o so ??ilillill l ml ?makmakekese??a a n ninicicece ce c?upup up o ?of of?? cof co?ffeffee??, j, jujusust? n?oto?t St SaSanan an F FrF???cic?isciscoco co??ayay ?CoC?off?????ComCompmpampan?any any??? coff coffe??.".""4434?8787,7,B,B0B000???HNHN8N???,A,A3A?676??EGE?6W6W1W1H1HQH?070??ThThoh???as ??unu???1,1,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,1,1,?333303090?929202?00000??ststisticstickcksks ?s ars a?re re?? too tootothothphpip?ickicksks ks c? com compmpamparmpare?d ?d tod to ?rered??arardr?d bd bubulbullllylly y sy sty stiticick??,T,Th???e ?st?sticsticksticksks ?dedefde?ininiinititeitelelyly ??on????lol?okok k l li liki????nen?es es i in i??? the the the??picpi?? ?/>/>T>?TheTheyThey y ay arareare ??ucu??? th?in
ompany, don't buy this coffee. But on the upside, since I waited till the last minute to buy it, I gave it to my parents for christmas anyway & explained what happened, but they said the coffee was pretty decent. So still makes a nice cup of coffee, just not San Francisco Bay Coffee Company coffee." 4387,B003JHN8D2,A367DEG6W1HQ07,Thomas Jung,1,1,1,1330992000,sticks are toothpicks compared to redbard bully sticks,These sticks definitely don't look like ones in the picture.<br />They are much thin
n?ere??ana?d d I IMIMHM?? n nonoto??woworortrtht???thethe e m momono?neyne?. . I? s shshoh?ulu?d d hd hahavaveve ?rerete????nedned ?iti??bub?t t it ininsnststet??d ?gag?aveave ?mymy y?dod?g g ( (G(GSG?D)D) ) 5 ? a?t t at ? t ti t??e e te ?o o k kekeeeepep p h heherer er b bubusbu???<b<brbr r /r />/?<b??r /?>I>??d d sd ststist??k k w?itithith h th ththethe the R ??dbd?ararn? o ?or or??quq?ivivavalalel???t ft frf??m m a an ano?ththetherthe???ebebsbsisititeite.e..4434383?8,8?B0B??3J3JHJ??8D8D2D??A1A??EFEFDF?ZVZVWVWHWHEH?E8E???NaNatatat?alialieie e Ae ?nnn? R Ri Riviveiv?eraer???,1?,1?,1,1,1,131????737?606?00,00,N,No,Notot ot? as a? a ad advdve?rt?isiseseded,ed,",?? j jujusustst st r ?recrececeie?iveivedived ??my my? or ordrded?er er oer ?f f?1010000 00 c coc??ntnt nt r?egegugul?ar?? bu b?ullul?y y sy st?sticsti?cksck??an??d ad amam ?exextxtrtreremreme???? di dis???popoio?intinte?d.d?<b?<br <br / />????nln?ly ly Vly ?alalual?ePe?etetSet?upupppplpplil?iesie??bubulbulkl???ulull?y y Sy ?titic???s a??re re h ha han?and and? me mea??urureur?ed ed?foforor ?coconconsnsinsis?tetente?nt nt tnt ththith?ickicknick?nesne??""??. I. I I bI bebeg? t to t??didififfffefer???br?? /> />T>?hehe he " """"r""reregre?gulgu???""
ner and IMHO not worth the money. I should have returned it but instead gave my dog (GSD) 5 at a time to keep her busy.<br /><br />I'd stick with the Redbarn or equivalent from another website. 4388,B003JHN8D2,A1ZEFDZVWHEE87,Natalie Ann Rivera,1,1,1,1330473600,Not as advertised,"I just received my order of 100 count regular bully sticks and am extremely disappointed.<br />""Only ValuePetSupplies bulk Bully Sticks are hand measured for consistent thickness"". I beg to differ.<br />The ""regular""
s ?izi?e e??????oto?ede? a asas ???1616"6"""" "????ckc??esesss?. . T ThThehe e pe prprorododuducuctct t I I I r ??ceceieiviveveded ed i is i?s ls ??essess ?ththath?n n 4 4/4/1???" ??n n tn ?thithicickickn?esessess.ess?<b<brb? / />/>O>?utu?t ot ofo??1010000 0????eceeceses,es??le??ss ss t th thahanan an f ?iviveive ?acactctuctuauala??y y m memeaeas?uru?redre???? t to to o? th???re?gugulu?ara?r tr ?thithicthickckncknenesne??ss ass ??ve?rtrtitisiseised?.<.<b.<brbr br / /> />M>MyM?y by blblul?e ?heheeheelele??r dr didisispis??tctchche??d od ?ne?? pi pieiecie?ce ce i in in ??leslessless ?s ths thahanhan ?? m??inuin?uteut?. ?ItIt t ut ??uaualua?llylly y ty ?akakekeses es?hihimhim m f fi f?iveive ive m mi min minun??utesute??<b<br<b?r /r ??<b<br<br <br? /> />O />OnOn n tn thn thehe he?ot?heherher r hr hahan?d,d, ??y ?y toy toyo??fof?x x??ere???ierier r ir is? s??tiltillll ll?wowororkr?iningin?? on on ??herhershers s as ?andand ?wowonwon'n't'?t lt lelealeava?ve ve l?efeftftot?vever?s ???r r tr thr thehe he bhe bibigi?g gg guguyguy y t?y to y to c clclelea?????.<.<b.<br.<br ??>W>WhW???? I I I u unu??ererserststatantandnd nd t th tha th?? V ?al?ueuePuePePete?SuS??plp??iesie?s.cs.cocomo?m sm sps?on?sos?orsor?s gs gog?odod od c?auaususeus?es,? I I I w I wiwilill??beb
size is quoted as 9/16"" thickness. The product I received is less than 4/16"" in thickness.<br />Out of 100 pieces, less than five actually measured up to the regular thickness advertised.<br />My blue heeler dispatched one piece in less than a minute. It usually takes him five minutes.<br /><br />On the other hand, my toy fox terrier is still working on hers and won't leave leftovers for the big guy to clean up.<br />While I understand that sponsors good causes, I will be
????ene?didiningn? a ?n n e ?xtx?rara a 1 151? c cecen?tst????r r? pi p?ececece ce a an and? g ?etet t? a a m mumucuchch h m??rere e s?ubu?ststatan??iaialal l t tr?eaeatat.t.".""4434383??,B,B0B0000303J3JHJHNH??D2D2,2,A,A3A3M3MMMMPM?ASASCS??GTGT1T1E1E7E7,7,P,?ajajajama?aea?,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1??01015?292969606??,B,Bu,Bulullllyl??StSti??,O,??e ?twtwowo o l lalababs? l lo lovoveve e te the thehesesese e ae ?andan? t th the?y ?ararere re s so soooooooooo?o eo ????nsn?iviveve ve?inin in?? the th??pepetpet t st ?stostororeores? ( ($(?4.4.5.??? e ea eaca? .?WeWe e ge gogotot ??heheshe????n n bn bubululkulk k f fof?or or?unundndenderer ?a a da dodololl?arar ar? ea eac eachch.?4434?909????003003J??HN8HN?8D28D?2,A2,A1A?Z8Z8585W5??BOBO1O1H1H9H?1I1??K.K?. H. ??am??,1?,1,1,1,1,1,31,3,3,1,12,129?202020252??600600,0,"0,"G"GrGre?at?? pr p?icicece,ce? b ?butbu?t tt tht the? s?ti?ckcksks s as ?areare ??mamalma???,","I"I I?hahavaveve ve tve tw????ede????-s-sisizsizezeded ed d dodogdo???? an?d ????eseese e ae are a?re re are ?a ra ????l bl bab?argargagaiainin,in, , b, bu?but but o ononlnly? k kekeee?? t?? them them m b bu bususys??foforfor ??bob?utut t 1t ?15 15 m mi m? . N. NeNexextext t tt tit t?me? I I I wI ??llll ll g?et
spending an extra 15 cents per piece and get a much more substantial treat." 4389,B003JHN8D2,A3MMPASCIGT1E7,Pajamae,1,1,5,1301529600,Bully Stix,Oue two labs love these and they are soooo expensive in the pet stores ($4.50) each. We got these in bulk for under a dollar each. 4390,B003JHN8D2,A1Z85W3BO1H91I,K. Hyams,1,1,3,1292025600,"Great price, but the sticks are small","I have two medium-sized dogs, and these are a real bargain, but only keep them busy for about 15 minutes. Next time I will get
t tht????arargr?ere? s sisizizeze.e??4434?919??B0B??3J3JHJHNHN8N8D8D2D?,A,A3A3V3VNVN6N?J0J??8E8ENEN1N?ASAS,S?TiT?fAfAnAndn?RoRogo???,0??2,?131353505010171?282?0000,00,","S"????? D ?iaiamamemete?er? - - - G ?oooodod d f fof???sms?malmallll ll?dodog??, , n non?t t? fo f?or or?ouourur r 4r ?? l lb l? d?og?."??,"I,"? o??ded?ereereded ?th?esesese e de dedesdesps?iti?te te m ?y y c ?ononcn?erernernsns s a afaftfte?r ?rereae?didini?g g o ot oth??r r rr rer reve?iei??s ?rere:re: : s??malmallmal??didiadi?ameamet?er?er ser si??ze.ze. .? A AbAbsbsos?lulututeteltelyl?y ty trt?ueu?, ???nd nd I I I rI reregregrg?retret ?mamakmakikin?????? p pup? ?FoFor?or tor ?the?the sthe ?amameame ame p pr prir???, , I, ?I bI ?ririeriefeflflyly ly o? ord orde??redred d fd frfror?m m? a a d di dif?feferereerenerentnt ??ma?zozon? v vev?ndndond?or ?or thor thehe he s sa s????# # a an andnd ?lel??gtgthth th?bub?llllylly y sy ststitic?ksks s fs foforfor ??thethe ?the sathe s???ame pame prpri?cece.ce. . . D??iffiffeiffer???cece?ce? ? O ?ri????alal al v ve venendendodordor r br bu???lly lly s st sti???ks ks w ??ere? o?n n??ve?raragagege ge 3 3/3?4"4"""" " t???ickick.ick. ?. T. ?hihishis s vs ??ndndondorndor r b?ul?lyly ly sly ?stist
the larger size." 4391,B003JHN8D2,A3VN6J0V8EN1AS,TifAndRog,0,0,2,1350172800,"Small Diameter - Good for small dogs, not for our 44 lb dog.","I ordered these despite my concerns after reading other reviews re: small diameter size. Absolutely true, and I regret making the purchase. For the same price, I briefly ordered from a different Amazon vendor the same # and length bully sticks for the same price. Difference? Original vendor bully sticks were on average 3/4"" thick. This vendor bully sti
cckcksks s?ararere e a?t t?MOMOSOSTS? 1 1/1??"""" " t ththihici?ck,ck? w wiwitithth th m momososts?????oseoserer r??o o 1 1/ 1?4"4?"".""?<b<brbr ?/>/><><b<br<br ?r />r />W>???t t dt ??ffffef?ereer???e e de dodoeoeses ??it it????e?e?<b<br???/></><b?<br <br /<br />???r r dr dodogdog,g, , a, a a?sls?en??????4 4?lbl??? mi m?xex?d d b bob?xexerxer/r???owo?, , w, ?ououluldld ?tatakakeake e 3e 3-3?? d ?aya?s s ts ???gegetet t tt ththrthrorouougoughgh h? a a 3 ?/4/4"/4"""" "" b?ulullul?y y??tit?ickic?, , a??d d wd wowouwoululduld d gd ge???ho?urursurs s as anand? h ho?hourhou?s ?ofof f g gog??d d gd gnd gnanawa?winwingng g t?imimem?e ie ini??onon n en ?acach? o on onen?. ??ThTheheseseese e ne ne?w w t th thihinhin n on ononeoneses es s sh she? c ?omompmplpleletletetele?? c co cononsonsusumumemesme??s ins in ?lelesle??s ts ths thahanhan n 3n 3030 0 m mi min minsns.s. . . T. ?ThaTh?at at m ma mak ma?keskes ?s a s a h hu h?ge? d di dififfif??re?ncncence ?e ine in ?hohowho?w fw faf??st st w?e ?go?? th thr th?rouro?ughugh ?ththethe e be ???!<!<b?<br ?<br /><br /><??br br / /> />W>Wi>Wililll? n ?otot t ot orordr??r r ar agagaagaiain? f frfroromrom m t? thi thisis s ss susupsu?".?4434393?2,2,B,?000?3J3?HNHN8N?D2D2,?A2A?FXF?LQL????RDRDID?IMI?,T,??. L. LaLa,a?0,0?
cks are at MOST 1/2"" thick, with most closer to 1/4"".<br /><br />What difference does it make?<br /><br />Our dog, a slender 44 lb. mixed boxer/chow, would take 3-5 days to get through a 3/4"" bully stick, and would get hours and hours of good gnawing time in on each one. These new thin ones she completely consumes in less than 30 mins. That makes a huge difference in how fast we go through the bag!<br /><br />Will not order again from this supplier." 4392,B003JHN8D2,A2FXLQZ3GRDIIM,T. La,0,0
,??,1,??484828272?202?00???BuBulullllyl? s ststitici?ksk?,"???ThThehe e t tht????nenesesss? i isis s js ?usust? a ???dedes??riribi?eded.d. . T ThTheTheye??ararere ??oto?? th thi?n n??s ?st??awawsw??lilikikek?e se ??meme e oe ???herher r r re???ewews? h hahadad d s st statatateteded.ed?. M. MyM??? p pepete??chc??huhuauahahu?asas as?lolovovev?e te ??emem m?ve?ryry y my mum? ?ItI???usuusua?llllylly y ty tataktake??s ts ??themthe?m am anan n hn hoh???r or oror r sr soso so?????ini?isishish h??chechewewiew?inging g s?o o io ???s s as a a g grg??atat at? ti t?me? p pa pasassas?erer ??oror or? th the th?em.em??OnOnene ne??negne???ivi?? t th thi thininging ing I ?'d'd ??om?plp?aia?in in i is i?s t?hehe he s st str strorono?g g sg sms??llll ll o ofo? t th the the the b ?aga?, , t th tho thou??h.h?. I. I . I????ve ve tve toto o to tutucuckuck k? it it t at ?awaawaya?y iy inin ??a ca cocorcornrnenerne?r ir inin in oin or??derder ?nonotno?t tt toto to s sm smemelmellmell l i? it it o????n ?whwhe?n n pn papasass?? by by.y. . T. ThThiTh?is is m mim???t t nt nonotnot not a ap apppplplyply y ty toy to o eo ?ve??yoy?oneon?, ???incincece ??y y ny nonosnose? i? is is a?? bi b?it it? mo mororeore e se see s??sisitsi?tivti??ve tve thve tha?n ?mom?st?st nst no
,4,1348272000,"Bully sticks,","The thickness is just as described. They are not thin as straws like some other reviews had stated. My 2 pet chihuahuas love them very much. It usually takes them an hour or so to finish chewing so it's a great time passer for them. One negative thing I'd complain is the strong smell of the bag, though. I have to tuck it away in a corner in order not to smell it often when pass by. This might not apply to everyone, since my nose is a bit more sensitive than most no
rrmrmam?? p pep?opoplp?e.e. .?OvO?erer r a al?l,l??I'I?? h ?adad d gd gigivivevenven n 5 5 5 s ststat?r r ir ifi? i itit t w wawasasnsn'n't'?t ft foforo??ththeh?? sm smem?lll?l, l, I???avave? t toto o?gigivgi?ve ve 4ve 4 4 s st statartarsr? f ??r r nr nonowow.w.".""??393?3,3??000?3J3JHJHNHN8N8D8??,A,A1A1B1BFBFQF?B9B9191K1KWKWKWKOK?BKBK,K?????sosono??J.J. . B. BrBrorooookoksks s "s """"A?lilisliso?nMnMEMEDED"D""?",",0,?,0,0,,0,1,1,1,1,13,13333333633676?040??00,00?ToToooo oo t th t????,","A,"ApAppppapar?ene?tltlyl? ' 'r'rerege?ululal??? s si sizi?e e =e ?? th thi th?innin??er er? th??n n sn ??an??ar?d-d-s-sis?izeiz?d d pd pepenpe?cicili?s s =s =(=? M MyMy ?chc?hihhihuhuauahahuhuahu?? f fi f?iniinisishis? t th the theseses?e ie inin in a a a m ?matmatttteter???f ?mimininuinututetestes,s, , w, ?hehenhen ?itit it n ?nornormrmarm?all???ta??es?? th the them them m d ??ysy??toto to c coc??sus??me me? a ?ththithicickckekerke??bub?ullully?? st sti st??k.k."."."44343939439??,B0,B00003003Z3ZJZJNJNJNJKJ???,A2,A?9B9BZB?EXEXYX??M8M8585T5THTH,H,D,??. t. ?thi?elelkelkeke,ke,0,0,???5,5,1,13????21216160600?00,"00,"Y"YeY?es,es, , I, I I??livliveve ve tve ??to eto ?atat t tt ththi??.".",."?,"G,"GrG?reareat? o ????nyny ??hi?ngng g? fr f??m m rm ririciceic?
rmal people. Over all, I'd had given 5 star if it wasn't for the smell, I have to give 4 stars for now." 4393,B003JHN8D2,A1BFQB91KWKOBK,"Alison J. Brooks ""AlisonMED""",0,0,1,1333670400,Too thin!,"Apparently 'regular' size = thinner than standard-sized pencils =( My chihuahuas finish these in a matter of minutes, when it normally takes them days to consume a thicker bully stick." 4394,B003ZJNJKG,A29BZEXYEM85TH,D. thielke,0,0,5,1325721600,"Yes, I live to eat this.","Great on any thing from rice
ttoto o p papasa?tat? t toto to b bubururgrgegerersr?. . I I I c cacana?t t??aiaitit t ut ununtntint?? t th t?e e w?eeeekek k e ??? f ?oror r m ?y y f fa favavovororiorititeit?e oe ovovever? e?asasyas???ggg?s,s, , h hah?ashas?? br b?owownw?s,s, s, a ??d ?ththih?s s m mi m???. . ???oreore e he ?heaheata?t tt th?anan an y yoyouo? w wo wou?ldld d ed ?xpx?ecectc??, h, hahavhave? t tr tririei?d d ad a a ca ?ou?plplele e oe ote oththeth?er er ber brbrar?and??s, ??oto??t tht t?he he s ?amameme.e..........??4434?9595,5,B,B0B000?001001212121717O7OAO?,A,?3F3F3F3B3B1B1J1JPJPAP???21??5,M5,MiMicichchahaeha?l l Gl G.G?. L. LuL?ststistigi?????,5,5,5,15,???030?3232828080000,00,F,FaFan?ta??stisticsti?,","W"WiWitithit?h ah ???l nl nanat?ururauralal al?????ed?ieienient?s ???and and n no? p?reresreseserervervavat?ivivevesves;s; ;? al all?? I I? ca c?an an san ?saysay y iy isis is?""""f"faf?ant?as?titic?""""."". . ?ThThe?re???????no eno ?expex?iri?ratra?tioti?n n d dad??e e be ???t It I ????ouldould d e?atat at t th?isis ?wiwit???in in a a a w we wee we?ek ek o oror or? tw twowo wo?---?? fa fas faststest?er er ier ifif f i??'s'?s os opo?penpe???. . . A. ?bsbsosolo?ututet?elyel?y e?xcx?el?lelenlentnt!nt!<!<b<?? / ?><>?<br<b??/>/>Y/>YoY?ou ou? ca??n fn frfre
to pasta to burgers. I cant wait until the week end for my favorite over easy eggs, hash browns, and this mix. More heat than you would expect, have tried a couple other brands, not the same...." 4395,B0001217OA,A3F3B1JPACN215,Michael G. Lustig,2,2,5,1190332800,Fantastic,"With all natural ingredients and no preservatives; all I can say is ""fantastic"". There is no expiration date but I would eat this within a week or two -- faster if it's opened. Absolutely excellent!<br /><br />You can fre
eeze?e e t tht??ses?e we wiwiti????o o l loloso?s s o ?f f q ??alalilitityity.y.<.?brb? / />/><><b<br<br r /r ?/>D/>DoDonon'n't't t o or ordr???r ir ????thethe e w?eaeatath???r ir isr is s hs hoh?t ?bebece??ususe? t th t??y y???ipi??it? i in in n c cocoooolo? b ????s ws wi?th??cocolco?d d??aca?ksk?s is ??ststet?eadea?d od ?of of s st stytyryrorofofoofoaoama??wi?withwith h d drdryr?y iy icicece.e. .? M MyMy ?oro?rderd?ersers ?ususuusua?lll?y y ay ??ririvivev?e ce cocoocool? b?utu??nonotnot t ct ?col?d.d.".""4434393?6,6??000?121222?22J22?HCHC,C,A,A2A2929C9????EKE?K7K?B4B4949,9,M,?araryar??SoS?kokololoolowo?skskiki,i?6,6,96,9,9,19,1,1,1,?12512????92920200?,S,SeSeve??n ???ysys s os ofof of bof ?badbad ?tatasaststeste ?inin in y ?ouourur r mr momououtouth??"T"?hehe he g ???astas??ly ly?hohorhorrrrorroror or o of of ??heheshe?se se pse ?icickicklklel?es es i?s s es ene?nounougugh? t?o o so ststrst????ththethe the m miminindind d od ofd of f rf rereaeaseasoson?. . . T Th?eye???rere re b???wnw?? m mu musushushyhy,y?, a, ?ndnd d fd ???vovororeor?d ??wit?with with s sp s?picpicecesces ?ththathatat at b? bri br?inging g t to to to m mi m????? the th??momormo??ueue e ae ?andand d t??he ?tataxta?idide?rmrmi?st???. O. OnOn n tn tot??p op of?
eze these with no loss of quality.<br /><br />Don't order if the weather is hot because they ship it in cool bags with cold packs instead of styrofoam with dry ice. My orders usually arrive cool but not cold." 4396,B001222JHC,A29C2PEEKK7B49,Mary Sokolowski,6,9,1,1250899200,Seven days of bad taste in your mouth,"The ghastly horror of these pickles is enough to strip the mind of reason. They are brown, mushy, and flavored with spices that bring to mind the morgue and the taxidermist. On top of
tththahatat t e eaeacachc? a ?ndnd d e ev e?ereryry y p ????lel??d cd ch?ununknk k?isi? s sws?????nen???wiwiti?? a a a??ulu?? t tat??leleslespspopooo?n n??f f???rere e?cacananeane e se sus?gagara???brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r ?/>N/>NoNo o l liliviviviningn? h huhumu?anan an b bebeie??g g cg coc?ul?d d cd cod c?onsonsusumsumeme ??ororere re t th tha??n on ?oneone e we ?witwi????t ????llillininging ing? hi his????mo?rtr?taltal ?sosououloul.l.".""4?393???B0B000???22???C,C?A3A?6V6????7676S6???0R0R,R,L,?ovoveve ve?AmAmamazmazoz???ReRevevivieviewe?s,s???,0,,0,4,?,1,131343?9292222222?4040000,00,p,?reretre??y ?gogoooodoo?d pd ??ckcklck?lesles.les...........,.,",?in? m ??y oy opopipinpinin?onon on ton th?esesese se a ar are??hehea?dsd?s as an??d td ??oso???bobovoveove e ae ananyany ?pi??klklekle e te ???at at y yoy???nonorormormamalmall??y fy ?inindind ?at??yoyouyo?? l lo l?cacalcal l gl grg??oceoc?eryer???tot?oreor?. . a? a l a lolotot t ot ofof of n ni nic??? s?we?etet,et, , p, pipicpickpicklpick?le le f fl f?avavovoror.or. . . I ???????ablablyly y wy wo??'t't ??uyuy ???gaiga??in oin ofoffoff ?ofof of aof amamamazmazomaz???be?cacauca??se se ose ofof of sof shs??ppppipinpingping g cg chg cha??geges?, , b, ?butbu
that each and every pickled chunk is sweetened with a full tablespoon of pure cane sugar.<br /><br />No living human being could consume more than one without selling his immortal soul." 4397,B001222JHC,A36VAZ176SB90R,Love Amazon Reviews,0,0,4,1349222400,pretty good pickles....,"in my opinion these are heads and twos above any pickle that you normally find at your local grocery store. a lot of nice, sweet, pickle flavor. I probably won't buy again off of amazon because of shipping charges, but
???f f i i i e evevev?? s ses?e e?tht??m m l lol??alallllyl?, , i i' i??ll ll b bubuyuy y a a a b bu bunu???.".?4?3939898,8,B,B0B000020?PJPJSJSKS?I8I8,8,A8,A2A242?CHC?MUM??NUN??OFO?U,U,G,G.G.C.C.C.M.?oro?gagana?,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,1?262??24024?000000000,00,T,??ststyty,?I I g ga??ve ve t?hih?s s a as as s as a ?st??ockockikini?g g s st s?ufuffffef?er er t to to o?mymy y hy ?usu?babanandand d t? to to r ?ememiemin?d d hd hi?m m om ofof f of ?urur ?lal?astas? h hohololilidi?ayay ???? be beaeaua??ififuif?l l J JaJ?? ?ItIt t ht hahasas as a a a t tr trurululyuly ?trt?opopipicicaicalal al t ta tas?asteast????atat ?is? v ?verve?y y uy ??iqi??e e ae an?? y ?umummm?,9,B,B0,B00??2PJ2PJSJSKJSKIKI8KI8,??2F2?0U0U3U?ZGZGAGAXA???0U0U,0U?kak??iei?bpbp,p,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,,5,1??494?484?1616060000,??????ioi?ousous!s!!!?,","B"??stst st??rarapapepefe?ru???t st sosododada da o onon n t th the the e me ?marma?keketet!t!!!! !! C ?osostst ?isis ?gog?odod,od?, b, bu?t t st sht shihiphi?pipinpingng ng i is is s es . I. I I sI ?stist??ll ll bll bubuybu?y iy ity it t et ?eveever?????w w? an andn?d td th?enen ??oror or? a a s a sps?pecpeciciacial?al oal ????si?onon!on??"4"?40400???B00B00000G00GPG?KI??
if i ever see them locally, i'll buy a bunch." 4398,B002PJSKI8,A24CHMUGNUDOFU,G.C.Morgan,1,1,5,1326240000,Tasty,I gave this as a stocking stuffer to my husband to remind him of our last holiday in beautiful Jamaica. It has a truly tropical taste that is very unique and yummy. 4399,B002PJSKI8,A2F0U3ZGAXAR0U,katiebp,0,0,5,1349481600,Delicious!!,"Best grapefruit soda on the market!! Cost is good, but shipping is expensive. I still buy it every now and then for a special occasion!" 4400,B000GPKI10
,,A,??ASASJSJHJHBHB1B1S1SASAIAI5I545??,","M"M.M??TaTalalll?eye? " """"s"sosomomem?ththihinin2n?crc?????ouo?t"t""???1,1,1?,4,4,4??222232363?838323??0,0??usustst t w ??ata??I I? wa w?s s?lolooooko?in?g g f foforor,r,I,I ?wawaswas s ls loloolo?okiok?inging ing f?oror or?hoholo?idi?ayay ?spsprprir????lesle?s is inin in b bubululklk k?anandnd d l lu lucu?kekeded d ud ?p p t ?o o f fi f??d d td ththetheseses?. . . ???hahavha?e e p ?ururcrchcha?se?d d td thd t??s s bs brbraranandan?d ad ????ilill??ama?s ?an?and and?SoS?nonomomaoma a b be b??forforer??bubutbu?t at ??wa???s is ins i??sms?alallall l?coc?ontontataiainineinerersrs.s???I I pI ?aiaidai?d td th??e se sas?ameam???amoamouounou??t ht heh????fo????hehe he b bu b??k ?pa??ckackaga?e.e. e. I????????y y hy ??ppppypy.y..4444?010?1,B1,B0B00?0G0GPGPKPKIKI1I1010,?A2A??L1L1515G5GKG?GGGGAGA3A3UA3UOU??,"T,"ThTho?ma??s Ms MaM?cEcEnEntntent?e e "e ?""G""GeG?neneae?aloalogo??y Ny NiN?injin?a ?anandand ?GeGenGeneneaneaBaBlB??...??",?1,??1,51,???191?494?98984840400400,0,I0,I ?FeFeleltlt ?LiLikike? A A A? Th Thihiehiefef ef??hehenhen n In ??BoBou??htht t Tt ??eseseese!e!,!,"?WhWhahatha??t a t a? st s?eaealeal!l! ! I I ?mamakmakeke ?a ??lotlo?t ot
,A3ASJHB1SAI54S,"M. Talley ""somethin2crowabout""",1,1,4,1223683200,Just what I was looking for,I was looking for holiday sprinkles in bulk and lucked up to find these. I have purchased this brand at Williams and Sonoma before but always in small containers. I paid the same amount here for the bulk package. I am very happy. 4401,B000GPKI10,A29L15GKGGA3UO,"Thomas MacEntee ""Genealogy Ninja and GeneaBlo...",1,1,5,1194998400,I Felt Like A Thief When I Bought These!,"What a steal! I make a lot o
f? G ?iningngegererbr?rereaeada? C CoCooo???eses s d dudururirin?g g t ththehe e h ?ololilidi?aya??s -s - - l lalarargrge? o ?neneses es - - - o- ?vev?er er 6 6"6"""" " l?on?g ????ndnd d Id I I b ?agag ?ththeth???inin in?flflol?ri?stst t c ??orsor?agageage e be babagbagsg?. .? T ThThe?? l lo loo lo????ikikeke ?yoy?u u? bo b????t ?ththethemthe?m am ??t at a a f fa fanancan???ststost??e.e. . . T Th Theheshesese e de ???corcorar?atiat??onson?s as ?areare e te th?the the b be besestes?t at ant andnd nd? th thehey? a ?areare are s soso o c ch che??p.p.".?4??0202,2,B,B0B??00G00GPGPKP?I1I1010,0?A1A?6P6PYPYIY?G0G?7171S1SFSFNFNCNC,C,",?S.S?. T. ?ili?totonon on " ""?TeT?xax?s ??hehefhe?"""""""","??,1,1,,1,5,5,5?,11,119191919??444404400?,I,?ndndindiaia a Ta ?rereeree e ie ?s s Ss SUSUPUPEPERE??,I,In,Ind?ndiandia a T?rereeree ree?prprorodo?ducductctst?s as ars arere re??rereareatat at??ndnd ?yo??u cu cacan?nonoto?t bt beb?eatea?t tt tht thehe he?vavalalulueu??heherherere ?atat at Aat ?mam?zoz??.I.I I uI ususe?? th??esees??e toe t???decdeco????e e ce cacakcakekeskes ?s ans a?nd nd cnd cucupupcpca??es?. . . T. ?TheTheyey ?wiwil?l l g??t ?t a t a w wowororkorkokououtout t at ast as ?ththe???holholi???ysys ys n ne?ar?..4??403403,3??0000200?5V5VQV?GHG?S,S?,A2,A?
f Gingerbread Cookies during the holidays - large ones - over 6"" long - and I bag them in florist corsage bags. They look like you bought them at a fancy store. These decorations are the best and they are so cheap." 4402,B000GPKI10,A16PYIG071SFNC,"S. Tilton ""Texas chef""",1,1,5,1191974400,India Tree is SUPERB,India Tree products are great and you cannot beat the value here at Amazon.I use these to decorate cakes and cupcakes. They will get a workout as the holidays near. 4403,B0025VQGHS,A2M
4???FNFNDN?0H0?XIXIGIG,G???ncncycy y D ??ewew2w2,2,1,??,1,,1??,1,1,1,??393?717181848??0,0?UsUsese e F FoF?r r P PoPouounundnd d C ?aka?e,e?"I"? h hah??e ?usu??d d td ??isis s m mim?x x f fof?or or?yey??rsrs s fs foforfor ?yeyelyellllolowo? p popouounound???akakeake e ae ??d d ed eve?verve?yoyononene e se ??ememsms s ts toto o l ?lovlo?ve ve??t.t. .? I ?'m'm m s sts?ilill??abablb?e e te toto to? pu pururcrchcha?se? t ththethe e 1e 1818o18ozo?. . a. atat t m?y y ly loloclocacalca??grgrorococecere??. . . ? I I w ???s gs gogoioiningn? t to t??orordor?er???hihishi??prprorodro?ucuctc?, , b bubutu?t st sas??w tw ththathat?? it i?t wt wawaswas ?1616.6?5 5?????. an. andnd nd wnd wawaswas was a?frfraraia?d d id ??? wo wououlouldl????t gt ?go go w wi witithit? t? the th?e oe olold????uncuncacancan n H ?inineineses ?s pos pou?oundoun????keke ke r ??cic????. ?HoHopopepe pe?? the thes thesese ?cocomo?papananianiei?es es? re r????zeze e te the t??e de dadamamamaga?????eyey y ay ar?e ???oinoi??? to to to t ti t?meme e pe ?propr??venven n rn ??recirec??es??whwhe?n n tn ?thetheythey ?dod?ownownsnsis?izeize ?e the the??r ?pr?prodproduducductctscts.s.".""444440?4,4,B,?0000200??VQVQGQ?HSH?,A,A1A??KUK?JIJITI???4S4S3S?8,8,L,LoL?orior? H Ho Hol?le
4TSFND0HXIG,Nancy Drew2,1,1,1,1339718400,Use For Pound Cake,"I have used this mix for years for yellow pound cake and everyone seems to love it. I'm still able to purchase the 18oz. at my local grocery. I was going to order this product, but saw that it was 16.5 oz. and was afraid it wouldn't go with the old Duncan Hines pound cake recipe. Hope these companies realize the damage they are doing to time proven recipes when they downsize their products." 4404,B0025VQGHS,A1BKUJITRP4S38,Lori Holle
?nbnbebececkc?,0,?,0,0,,0??,1,13,13434545959393939292020000,0,L0,LoL??t t??n n o ololdl? f frf????d.d.,.,","I"??n tn ?heh??papasa?st st I I I w wawas? a ab ablblele e te toto o m ?aka??e se sos?o mo ma?nyny y d didifi?????enten?t ct ??akeak?s s u usu?iningng g??thith??s cs cacakcakeke ke? mi mixix.x. .??? ma mada??e 2e 2 2 r ?umu? c ca?cakecak?? t?odo?ayay y ty th???kikininging ?I I hI ?adad ad d do dono?e e se soe somomemete?thithinthingthin?g wg wrw?onongong ??he??n t??he he? fi firirsrst?st ost ononeon?e de di?dndn'n't't t tt tut?rnrn n on ??t t at asas ?ususuus??l.l??I ?nonowow w r?eaealalial?zeze ??I dI dididdidndidn'n'tn'??dodo o ao an?yty?thi?thingthing thing w wr wro????DuDununcnca?n n Hn HiH????es des ?did? s sosomsomemetmeththithinthing???wrowr?ong? b byby ?reredreduducucic?inging ing? th thehe he she sisizsize? o?f f?? the th?irir ir p pr p??du???; ;?? I w I wow?oulouldld ld??lalad?lyly y hy ?havhaveve ??????mom??? f fo foror or? th?? l la?rgrgegerer er???x.x. x. N NoNow? I I ??ili?? n ?nevneve?r r b bu b?y y ay ananoan?ththether?er Der Du???inin in H Hi?nenesne?s Ms MiMixix!ix!!!???!! !! H Ho H????dumdumbmb b?? do do y yoyouou ou t th?ininkink k w?e e ae ?re??""4444?0505,5,B,B0B00?2525V5VQVQGQ??S,S,A,A3A3P3PDPDLD????OUOUMUMWMW0W
nbeck,0,0,1,1345939200,Lost an old friend.,"In the past I was able to make so many different cakes using this cake mix. I made 2 rum cakes today thinking I had done something wrong when the first one didn't turn out as usual. I now realize I didn't do anything wrong,Duncan Hines did something wrong by reducing the size of their product; I would gladly have paid more for the larger mix. Now I will never buy another Dunkin Hines Mix!!!!! How dumb do you think we are." 4405,B0025VQGHS,A3PDLVXGOUMW0
??AvAviv?? r rer?adaded?r,r,0,??,0,,0,1,1,1?,13,1333?8585050808888080000,0,C0,CoC?ntntetene?ntsnts s h hahavaveve e?shshrhrur?nkn?!!!??"D"?????n n H ??neneses s us ususesede?d td ?o o b bebe ??? f ?avavoav??iti?te te?lilinineine e oe ?f f?ca?kek?e me mie mixixexes?? I I I b bo b??ghghtht t??heh?m m a ala?? o ?of of t th thehe he t ti timi???. B. BuButut ?nonowow w t th??y,y, , l??keke ke B BeBete??y y Cy CrC?ocockc??????av?e e de dodow???izi?eded ed?? the thei the?r r?pap?ckckackaga??es es o of of f cf cacakcakecake e m?e mixe mix.x. ?????? n ne?w ?mimixixeixeses es wes ??llll ll? no noto?t wt wow??? w wi?th???ldl?derder r rr rerecrecic?pep?es,es, , t, ththathatat t ct cacalcallllelled?ed fed ?oror or? th? the the 1 1818.8??5 5 o?ununcunceunce e se ?sizsizeze ze o??? ca caka?ke ke mke ?mixmi?? T Th??? r ru r??eses es oes ououtout t at ? l lo lotot ot o of of ?ou?r ?fa??ororiorititeite e ce cacak?cakescake?. ?EvEve?n n an a ??lalaia?? c ca cak cakeke ke wke wiwilwi??ll bll bebe be c ch c?hanha?gegedged ?- - i itit it w wo w?on'on't't t bt babak?e ??? a?s s hs ???gh gh? or or r ar ??s bs bibigig ig i in i?n tn ththethe e pe papanpan.n. . D. DuDunDuncnca?n ?Hi?nenesne?s js juj?ustust t lt ?osostst t mt meme me?? as as a a a c cu c?ustustoustomomemerme??<b<brbr ??><>?<br<b?r /r />r /???
,Avid reader,0,0,1,1338508800,Contents have shrunk!!,"Duncan Hines used to be my favorite line of cake mixes. I bought them all of the time. But now they, like Betty Crocker, have downsized their packages of cake mix. These new mixes will not work with older recipes, that called for the 18.25 ounce size of cake mix. That rules out a lot of our favorite cakes. Even a plain cake will be changed - it won't bake up as high or as big in the pan. Duncan Hines just lost me as a customer.<br /><br />Pil
?lsl?bubururyry y?hahasas s n non?? r ???ucu?eded ed?ththeheieiri? c cacakakek???ixix x s sisizizezese?s (s (a(ata?t lt lel?asastast,t, , n no n?ot ot y yey?t)t).)? I ? w wiwilillll l b beb??bu?yiyiningn? t th the?m.m. . I. IfI?? th??y y sy ?hrhririninkink k i inin in s??izeize,e, , I, I I wI wiwilwi?? b ba b?akeake ???omom m s sc scrcrar?atcat?h.h.".""4444404???B0B000?252?VQVQGQGHGHSH?,A,?6E6E9E?VYVY7Y7P7PNPN9N?4343F3?,d,dadaiaisisysy,y?0,0?,0,,0?1,1,1,13,1??787??767?00?,d,di,disisgisguguiuis??ingin?g tg ththethe e we wew?eigeighg?t ?chchachanang???,??"W"WhWhihilileile e Ie I I tI ththith?ink? t th?is? p prpro?duducductct t it ??is gis gog?odod,d???'m'm ?didis??ppppop?inintin?eded ed ted th?atat at? th the?y y ry ?redreduduc??ed ed t??he he w?eieigeigheig?ht ht?ofo???thethe the??rorod?ucuctuct t ft frfrofromom om 1 ? 25 o oz o?? to t? 1?6.6.2?5 5?? oz. oz. . H. ?asas as a ananyanyoy???e ee ele????nonotnotit?ce?d d h ho h?? d didifdifff?icicuiculultlt t it itt i?t i?s ?tot?o ro re??d d td ?the????pep??ususeseded ?foforor r tr th?the ?weweiweigighghtght,t, t,?????6 6 l ????s ??ereryry ry m?uc?h h l li likike??????? ?SaSama???sisizsizeze ze b bo boxox,x???leslessss s ps ?proprododuod????, h, hmhmmmmmmmmmm?m."m."
lsbury has not reduced their cake mix sizes (at least, not yet). I will be buying them. If they shrink in size, I will bake from scratch." 4406,B0025VQGHS,A6E9VY7PN943F,daisy,0,0,1,1337817600,disguising the weight change?,"While I think this product is good, I'm disappointed that they reduced the weight of the product from 18.25 oz to 16.25 oz. Has anyone else noticed how difficult it is to read the type used for the weight, the 6 looks very much like an 8. Same size box, less product, hmmmm."
4444?0707,7?B0B??2525V5VQV??HSH??A1A1C1CDCDXD?RGRGAGA4A4J4J7J7E7EOE????yry?a a B ??umum,m,0,0,0?,0,,0,2,2,2,1,131333?727212121???00,00,D,DuD????? H ????s s c ?cakcakeke e m mimisissss,s?"I"?????e e be bobouo?ghg?t t D DuDunDu???? H Hi H?inein?es es?YeYele?lolowo? c ca c??? m mi m?x x i in? t ththehe e pe pap???t at an?d d h ha havaveave ?mamada?e ?a a fa fafav?ororir?tet?e re rer??ipipepe e we ?it?h h i it it.t. .???n n tn ththethe ?e pae pas?t,t, , i it?? ha had had d 1d 1818.8.2.?25 25?ou?nc?es?. . . P ??llllsll?bubururyry y a anand? B Be B?ttttyty ???ocockckekerker r h??veve ve t th thehe he r ???uiu?reredre?????cec?es ??18+18+.+. . ?I I bI ?boubougughughtht ht D Du D??cacancan ??HinHi?nesne???t t St ?afafefewewawaya?y by beb?ecaecauausausese e ie itit it w wawaswas ?lel??s ??xpx?penpe??iviveve ve tve ththathanan an tan ?thethe the? ot o?thetherther r br brbraranrandndsd?s as ans and? a?ftfteterter r Ir ??gogotot ?hohomomem?, ???did??cocovove???? w?hyh?. . . I. I . I??il?l l n ?ot? b bu?y y Dy ?Dun?cacancan can H Hi???nes nes? ag a??inin in uin ununlun???ss ss t? the theyey y gy gogo go b???ck ck t?? t? the??1818+18+ 18+??un??es?es oes ?or or g ??go tgo toto o 9o 9 9 o ou oun ou???s s fs fof??or $or $.$?5454.4. .
4407,B0025VQGHS,A1CDXRGA4J7EO6,Myra Baum,0,0,2,1337212800,Duncan Hines cake miss,"I have bought Duncan Hines Yellow cake mix in the past and have made a favorite recipe with it. In the past, it had 18.25 ounces. Pillsbury and Betty Crocker have the required ounces 18+. I bought Duncan Hines at Safeway because it was less expensive than the other brands and after I got home, I discovered why. I will not buy Duncan Hines again unless they go back to the 18+ ounces or go to 9 ounces for $.54.
CCoCononsnsusumumemerer r b beb?waw?rere e a ana?d d?rereareadad d td ???e ne nun?umbumbeberber ?ofo? o ???ceceses s i ?n n t ??e e pe prp?ododud??t.t?""4444404?8,8,B,?000020??VQV?GHGHSHS,S,A,?2G2?GHUGH?8I8??P3P3H3HFHFRFRWRW,W???an???wowomomam?an an " """"W"Wi"W?sese e ae ?s s As ApAphphrhrorodrodid?tete,e? B BeBeae??tit?fuf??? as as s A?.....?","??1,1,1???5,5,1??777????20200?,A,Am,Amemerme??caca'a's's ?FaF?vovorori?te? C CaC?keke!e?,","I,"?t t m mumusu?t ?bebe be t?rur?e e be bebecbe??????itit it s sas??s s ss ?o o? on on n tn ththethe the p pap?ckc?aga??? "?"A"AmA??merimer????s s Fs Fas Fav?ororiorititeit?e Ce"???brbr r /r />/?<b<br<br r /??I I? se seee?? t?o ?reremreme?mbmbe?ber ber a a a c chche?ck? b bo boxo? o? on on t th t?he he 2 20?101?? Ce Cenens??us us r re regegagar?didindingng g c ca c?akeake e pe pre p???erereer???ce,ce?, b, bub?? I ?I dI dod?on'on't't t tt th?ininkink k I I I?vo?te?d d fd fofor? Y YeYelellllolowow w C?akakeake.ake. . I I ?wowouwoululdul?d hd ?avaveave e ve vo???d d f?oror ?DeDevevivili??'s 's F FoFooo?od od? Ca Cak Ca?ke,ke, , a, ??ththothouougoughg???t t mt ma?y y b be b?e p?ololilititiitic?icalica?llylly y iy ??coc?orrorrerecrect? t??eseseese e de ???s s ts ??o mo
Consumer beware and read the number of ounces in the product." 4408,B0025VQGHS,A2GHU8I0P3HFRW,"Wandrwoman ""Wise as Aphrodite, Beautiful as A...",11,17,5,1277683200,America's Favorite Cake!,"It must be true because it says so on the package: ""America's Favorite Cake.""<br /><br />I seem to remember a check box on the 2010 Census regarding cake preference, but I don't think I voted for Yellow Cake. I would have voted for Devil's Food Cake, although it may be politically incorrect these days to m
eene?tit?onon,n, ,?yoyouou u k knk?owow,w???hehe e D DeDeve??l,l?, s, ?o o???mam?? h hah???e ve ?oto????foforor r G GeGerermrmamanma??ChChoh??????te te C Ca Caka???, b, ?utut t? Ge Ger??manmanymany ?isi??, y, yoyouyou u ku knknoknow?, ??hehe he O ?ldl?d Ed EuEururoropo?e,? s soso so I I I m??ay ay h ha h????????ed ed f fo for??a a c ?ho?cocolcola?tete te cte cucupu?cacakakeake.e. .?BuBut???itiththoth?outou?t pt pepeape???utsuts s b bebece????e ?soso ?maman?many many??peopeopoplop?e e ae ara???nonowno? a al alll??rgrgig?c c?tot?o po pepeapeanpeanu?tst?s ts ??at? t th t?heyhe?y cy ???'t'???eveevenen en s se sererverve? 0 0.0?5 5?grgrar?msms s os ?f f s?alaltl?tedted d nd nunut??s os ons on n an aiairirprplplalanla???. . S. SiS?ghgh.h.<.?brb?????<br<br r /r />r />W>WhW??rere re? wa w?s s Is I?I? ? H ??mmmm?mm???h,h?, y?<b.<?br br / ?/></>?<br? /?>I>I I cI cecererter?aiainainlnlyly y wy wow?oulouldld ld v ?votvotete ??forfor r Dr DuD?ncnca?can can H Hi Hininenesne?s cs ????? bu butut ut Iut ?I fI fefeeeelel l i ?? s sh shohouho?ldld ld bld bebe be??enententitioti?oneon??ed ted ththathattha?t tt ththithisis is??s ?nonotnot t ct cacakcakecake.e..e..............y.?ete??. T. ThThiTh?is ?isis is cis cacak?cake cake???x.x.<?.<br.<br r /r />?<b<br<br <br /<br ?/>I/>
ention, you know, The Devil, so I may have voted for German Chocolate Cake, but Germany is, you know, the Old Europe, so I may have voted for a chocolate cupcake. But without peanuts because so many people are now allergic to peanuts that they can't even serve 0.5 grams of salted nuts on airplanes. Sigh.<br /><br />Where was I? Hmmm? Oh, yes....<br /><br />I certainly would vote for Duncan Hines cake but I feel it should be mentioned that this is not cake.....yet. This is cake mix.<br /><br />I
t?s s s ?orortrt t o ofof f a a a c cacaka?e e?fef?tut??, , o?r r?? c ca c?akeake e se ?tetemem m c??lll?. .?ItIt t st ?stistili?ll ll n neneeeede?s s ls lol??? o of of f df ded??el?opopmp?enentn?. . Y. ?ouou u h ?avave? t toto o a ad a?? a ad add addidititit??nanalal l i iningngrgreredediediei?entents??ana??d wd ?ara??tht? a an andnd nd? ti timimeme me??o ??devdevevelve?loplop p t th thehe ??ixix x i in int?o o ao ?? . T. ?heherhe?? i?s s ts ?thethe e pe prp?omomi?sese ?ofof of c ca???, ?bubutut t ut ununln???????ou ou f fo folo?llollowow w t th?e e pe pre p?rotrototocto?olol ol w wrw?itittit?tente? o on on ??thethe the b boboxo????ryry y c? car ca?refrefufulu?llyll?, ??youyou u mu mam?y ??otot ot g geg?et et? ca??e.e. ?DeDepepepenendendidindi?? o on????hathat t yt ??? d ?o,o?, y, yo, youou ?mamaymay y gy gegetget t st sot somomeomet?hihininging g v veververyver?y oy ododddd dd? an and and d rd rurububbbbeb?ryry ry o? or or s so som?ometome??ininging ing v??eryer?y dy ?ar?k k a an and and and c?haharha??redred.d.<.<b<?r ???<b<br<br ??>I>?It'It?s s cs co?mpmplplilici?catcate??!<!<b<br<br <br / />??<br?<br /<br />?AmA?mazmazoz?on on h ha h?s ??allal??weweded ed?? thi thiri??-p-??artartyt?y vy ve?nd?or??s t?o ???fe?r ?DuDun?cacanca??HiHinineines
ts sort of a cake fetus, or a cake stem cell. It still needs lots of development. You have to add additional ingredients and warmth and time to develop the mix into a cake. There is the promise of cake, but unless you follow the protocol written on the box very carefully, you may not get cake. Depending on what you do, you may get something very odd and rubbery or something very dark and charred.<br /><br />It's complicated!<br /><br />Amazon has allowed third-party vendors to offer Duncan Hines
? C CaCaka?e e M ??xexeses s f ?oror r s sas?lele e fe fo???quq??tete e se sosomomeme ???? . A ?n n?exe?amampmplplele le??f f t ththihisis ?isis:is: :??a a h hrh?efef=f?"""?hthttt??:/:////w/www??.a.?amaam?zozonon.n.c.cocomom/om/g/gpg?/p/?ror?duducuctct/t/B/B0B00000??IMIMSM???""?>D>???cac?n n Hn ??nen?es es C Cl Clalasasss??c c Y YeYelellllolowow w???yeyerer r Cr CaCakCakeke ke? Mi Mixix ix 1 1818.8.2.252? o oz o? - ? 6 6 6 U UnUninit? P ?aca??</<??>.>. . A. ?mam???on,on, , b beb?ininging g a a ??ereryer? c clclelevleveverver ????aia??lerle?, , h, ??? o ob o??ioi??slslyly y ry rereareada? t?hehe e ne ?umume?rorourousus,us??, hi, higighghlhly? e en entnththuth???asastas?tictic ?cucusustustot?omeomerer er r re??vieviewewsw??foforfor for t? thi thisis is???od??uctuct,t????d ?hahashas s ns ?owow ow? st statarta?te?d ???ellellilining? t? the th???e pe prproprodprodu?ctctsct??didirirerecrectctlctlyly ly tly to??it??s cs ?????me??s,s, ?so? m ?manmanyn???? w whwhohomom om m mu musustust ust b be be e be ?begbeggggigining?ing fing ?forfor for afor a a sa si?? p?acackack k o of o?f af a ???prodproduproducuctuct uct r re reaead?ililyil???vavaiailailalabla?lele le ile ?in in a an a?ny ny s su s????mamarmarkrkeketke? o?r r cr coconconvn??ninieni?nc?e
Cake Mixes for sale for quite some time. An example of this is: <a href="""">Duncan Hines Classic Yellow Layer Cake Mix 18.25 oz - 6 Unit Pack</a>. Amazon, being a very clever retailer, has obviously read the numerous, highly enthusiastic customer reviews for this product, and has now started selling these products directly to its customers, so many of whom must be begging for a six pack of a product readily available in any supermarket or convenience
?sts?ororer?.<.<b<brbr r / ?><>???r /r ??InI? o orordordederer r tr ?to to e ene?hahanancncec??cuc??stost??erer er?dedemde?anandand,d, , A AmAmamazma??n'n's's s? co copopypywy?rirititet???s hs hahavha?e ?ouoututdt??oneone ??heheme?ses?lvlvevesves ?lil?ststistiningng g??thithisis is p prprorododud?ctc??'s 's o???st?anandandiandininging ?fefeaeata?uru????<b<br<br <br / /> /><><b><br?? />?-P-PaPacackc? o?f f s ???, , 1, 1616.6.5.? 1 ? 5 o5 ouounou??ese??eaeaceachc??(n(non?w w??.7.??5 o5 oz5 o?? l liliglighghth?terter!r?)<)<b?<br ??/>-/>-T-ThThehe he?mom?is?teteste???, m, ?mosmo?st st d de del?ici?ioiouousou?<b?<br <br /<br /><br />->-A-? s sp spepece?ciaciala?? tr tre?at? f foforor or? th thehe ???pecpeci?cialcial ?pe?opoploplele<e<b?<br ?<br /><br /><<br /><b?<br ?<br /><br />O<br />OfO???ouourou?sese,se, , ", ?"t"ththethe e se spspespececiec??? p??opoplopleople"e?"" ""? mu m??? b ??e te the thoh?sese se w whw?ho ho v vovoto?tedted d f fo foror or Dor DuDununcncancanan an?HiHinineineses es Y ?el?lol?ow ow?CaCaka?e e Me ?ixix.ix. . T. ThThaTh?at'at's's ??whywh??itit'it?'s ??""A""AmAmeAmer?ic?a'a's's 's F's ?avavovorvo?ritritete te C??akeake"e""e"??. M. MaM?akeakesakes ?pe???fecfect? s se senensense?. . T?hihis??is?is ais ? D DeDememoem??rarac?y!y? T ThThiTh?is ??s ???grg?
store.<br /><br />In order to enhance customer demand, Amazon's copywriters have outdone themselves listing this product's outstanding features:<br /><br />-Pack of six, 16.5 18.25 ounces each (now 1.75 oz. lighter!)<br />-The moistest, most delicious<br />-A special treat for the special people<br /><br />Of course, ""the special people"" must be those who voted for Duncan Hines Yellow Cake Mix. That's why it's ""America's Favorite Cake"". Makes perfect sense. This is a Democracy! This is a gre
?atat t???unu??ryry y??ndnd d t ?hihisis s?is??grgrereae?at at? ca c?keke e?mim?x!x!<!???????<br<b?r /r />??nonotoththetherer ?ththithini???yoyouou ou s shshohououlouldld ?knk??? i?s s ts th?atat at yat yo?? g?etet ??ixix ix?boboxoxexese?s os ofof f c ca cak cakeke ke m mi mixix.ix? T ?hihishi?s is isis ??nonounougughg? m? mix mi?? to to o i?ncn?ububabat?e e ae ? v ?er?????ereryery ery? bi b?g g sg shshesheee?et et??????th????wow?oulouldoul???reqrequq?iri?re re a a a v ve?ryry,ry, ?veververy??lal??geg???incin?cubcu?batbatot???or? o ?vevenve?. ?YoY?ou ou cou cocoucoulu?ld ld a??sos????reprepapararear?e a? t ta t?llll l?1212 2? la l?yeyerer er c ca cak? cake cake??hi?chch h wh ???ulduld d kd kid k?indin?d od of? l?ooo?k k l li likikeke ke ake a a ma ?minmininiaiatatuaturure?re vre veverversversisiosi?n n o?f f tf ????CoC??t ?ToTowowewer?er ier ?in in S SaSanan an F ?rar??? C. CeCererter??ininlinlyl??enenoenouougou?gh gh " """?????momoi?ststetesestest,t?, m, momosmo?st st d dedele?icici???s"s"""" ""??el??ow? c ca cak cake cake cake f cake fof?or ?a a va veververyver?y ly lalarlargrgerg??nunumumbmbeber??ofof of "of """"t""ththethe the sthe sps?ececi??al al?pe??plplel??""."".<.<b?? / /> /><><b><?? /??FiF??alallal?ly,ly???
at country and this is great cake mix!<br /><br />Another thing you should know is that you get six boxes of cake mix. This is enough mix to incubate a very, very big sheet cake that would require a very, very large incubator or oven. You could also prepare a tall 12 layer cake which would kind of look like a miniature version of the Coit Tower in San Francisco. Certainly enough ""the moistest, most delicious"" yellow cake for a very large number of ""the special people"".<br /><br />Finally, a
cchc?ararmr?ini?? a asaspspepecectc? i ?s s t ???t t ot onon n t?heh? v vevere?y y??ama???papaga?e e ae asas as t th thi this? p prprorododuducuctct,ct? A AmAmam?zozonon on? su s?ggggegesgests?s s "s """?CuCusu?stostomome???s Ws WhWhoho o B ?ouougughughtht t Tt ?hihisis ?PrP?rodroduducduct? A Al Alsl???Bo??ughughtugh?"""":"": : C CoCotottttot?oneonele??e e Fe ?rer??h h F ?lul?ushushahabha?lele le W ?ipi?pespes,s, , R, ReR?fifilillllsll?? C???e e oe ?f f 4 ? / ? 8 8484s4s s (s (3(?363? c ??).). .?ObObvb?ioiouousouslslyl?, , ", ""?ththethe ??spesp?ecieciaialal l p pe peoeopoplp?le"le"""" "" a an antntitici?ipipaip?tete ?gegetge?ttittin?g g dg ??wnwn ?wiw?thth th t th thi this this s cs ?akakek?. . S. ?ixix x b ??xexeses es?of?? ca cak?e e me mi?x x ix isis is bis ?boubounundnd d t??o mo ??keke ke a??me?ssss ?in? t? the the e ke kikit????n n an ?nd??lalat???? on on,n, , t, ?thethertherere re w wi?ll? b be be e ce cacakcakeke ke cke crcrur?mbmbsbs s os onon on lon lilip?s s as an?d ??chich?insins ?s ans andnd nd fnd ??ngngenger?s.s.<.??r r??><><b<br<b?r /r ?>A>A A f fefewe? C?otottot?tontonen?ellel?le le Fle ?FreFreseshesh ?FlFluFlus?ushaushaba????Wi???pes pes c co cououlouldl?d c?omomeome e ie inin in hin ?hanha??????<br <br / /> />< /><b??<br /<br />/>S/>SmSma??t!t!"!????0909,9
charming aspect is that on the very same page as this product, Amazon suggests ""Customers Who Bought This Product Also Bought"": Cottonelle Fresh Flushable Wipes, Refills, Case of 4 / 84s (336 ct). Obviously, ""the special people"" anticipate getting down with this cake. Six boxes of cake mix is bound to make a mess in the kitchen and later on, there will be cake crumbs on lips and chins and fingers.<br /><br />A few Cottonelle Fresh Flushable Wipes could come in handy!<br /><br />Smart!" 4409,
?B0B000?2525V5VQVQGQGHGHSHS,S?A2A2K2K7K757?EFE?KQKQLQLPLP5P5I5ININ,N,K,?? N ?gug?yeyenen,n,3,?,5,5,5,1,1,1,1,12,1292999919?10104040400?,V,VeV??y y P PlP??inin,????yby????I I?gog?t t?a a b babadad d??nene.e. . . I?t't?s s??er?y y py ?lalailainin,in??nonotothothihin?g g s spspep?ciciaiala??inin in?flflalavlavovoror.r. ???I fI ?ele??t lt ?ikikeke e I I I?wawasasts?eded d md ??y ty tit?meme ?ana?d ?d mod m?oneoneyey.y. ?I ?wiw?llll l nl ???t bt bubuyuy uy t ?hihishis s fs ?flafl?vovorvor r? ag agagaiainain.n.".""?4444141010,10,B,?B00B0?025025V?QGQGHQGHSHS,HS,A?O9O?M2M?VMVMRM??M8M8989J9J,J??ininhinh,h,0,0,0,1?,4,4,4,1,13,1313?595?585?4040040?0,t0,ththath?ankanksks!s!,!?th?thanthanknksks ks f fo foror or h ?avaviav?inging ing i it it t st ??entent t tt toto o m ?? p ?ror??ptptlt??? i i i w?as? v ve ver?ery ery h?apappp?y y ty toy to o bo ?be be a ab ablb?e e te toto to o?rdrded???? it it??nlnlilinline? a an a?? g ge getet t it itit ?t tht theh???nexnextxt t ct cocouo??pleple e de ?ayaysays.s..444441??1,B1,B0B00B002B0025?VQ?GHGHSGHS,S,AS,A3A3G3G0G0G0GKGKTK??OQOQ0Q0G?5O5O,O?RaRadadiadioioSo?im?IaIanan,an???2525,25,2,2,,2,1,12,129,12?99299282?32320200?00,N00,?otot ot r rer?ecoec??me?nd?eded.ed?,","I"?I mI ?ad?e ??oneone one?? for fo?r mr mymy my d ?daudaugughg????'s's 's
B0025VQGHS,A2K75EFKQLP5IN,K. Nguyen,3,5,1,1299110400,Very Plain,"Maybe, I got a bad one. It's very plain, nothing special in flavor. I felt like I wasted my time and money. I will not buy this flavor again." 4410,B0025VQGHS,AO9M2VMRMM89J,dinh,0,1,4,1315958400,thanks!,thanks for having it sent to me promptly. i was very happy to be able to order it online and get it the next couple days. 4411,B0025VQGHS,A3G0GKTVOQ0G5O,RadioSimIan,7,25,2,1299283200,Not recommended.,"I made one for my daughter's
b?irirtrtht?dadayay y p paparart?y ??ndnd d e eve?ereryryoyononene e b bubutu???er? d ??eded ??f f?ururar??iuiumum m??oioisisoson?iningn?. . S StStit??l l?tatasasts??ed ed p pr prer??tyty y gy gogoooodod,d?? th t?ouo?ghgh.h.".""?444414?2,2,B,?000?3S3SWSWCWCZC?G4G4,4,A,A1A1L1LELE0E0505A5ANAN2N2Q2Q8Q8Y8YBYBQBQ,Q,K,?enen n M ?cGcGlG?otoththlth??en,en,2,2,?2,2,42,?4,14,12?999969626282888808??,A,Ac,A?tut??llllyll?y py prpre?ttttytty y gy goy goooodood.d.,.,",?GhG?irirairar?dedele??? i isisnis?'t'?t tt ththeth?e fe fifin?esestst st c ?ho??ololalatatete te?yo?u u c??an an b??y,y, ?bubutbut t it itit't's'? p? pre pretettettyty ty g gogoogo???, a, anandand d td ththethe the I ????nsnses?e De DaDararkar? A AsAssssosorso?rtmrtmemenentent t i?s s bs bobotothoth h??nenexnexpxpepenensensis??ve,ve????nd nd? pr pro pr?viv?dedesdes s ys yo?? a a a f ?ewew w p po pos possssissibibi?lilit???s.s.<.?brbr r?/>/?<b<br<br r /r ?/>I/>I'I?ve???latla?telte?y y ty ??keken?? to to o u un unwnwrw?rapra?pipin??? a a 6 6060%0%,%, ?7272%2% % a???nd 8nd 8686%6% ????caocao o so sqs?ua??? f fo foror r er ?ac?h h dh di?nnn?nerner ??ueu??t t at ?????setsettttitt?ing? t? the th?m ??? a? an an i in ind indidivdi?vidvi?uaualua???aua?cec?er,er, , t, toto o so seo s?????as?
birthday party and everyone but her died of uranium poisoning. Still tasted pretty good, though." 4412,B003SWCZG4,A1LE05AN2Q8YBQ,Ken McGlothlen,2,2,4,1299628800,Actually pretty good.,"Ghirardelli isn't the finest chocolate you can buy, but it's pretty good, and the Intense Dark Assortment is both inexpensive, and provides you a few possibilities.<br /><br />I've lately taken to unwrapping a 60%, 72% and 86% cacao square for each dinner guest and setting them on an individual saucer, to serve as