?ouo?ststotonon,n, ,??X)X) ) r rer?viviei?w.w.<.<b<brb? / />/><>?<br<br ??/>T/>ThThihisis s i ?? n ??? o ?onlon?y y t tht?e e b ??stst st?flflal?vovoror r or ofof f? th thehe he H HeHeae?ltl?thythy y Cy ChChoh??cece ????? l lilininene,e??iti?t it isis ??lelea??lyly ly a amamomonongong g? th the the e be bebesbe???cac????d d?sosousoupu?p fp flflaflavavoavororsors s os ofof of a al a?l l t ti timimeme.e.<.<b.<br?? /> /><><b><br??/>?He?alaltalth?? C ChChoChoi??? i???ththethe e oe on?onlyonly y by brbrabr?andand d od of?of cof ?canca?nnenneded ??sou?p p Ip I I? bu buyuy y oy on???nyny y ry reregregugulula?r r br bab?sis??. .? I ItIt't's's s ts ths thehe he ohe ononlonlyonly only b br braranandand and? th??t t ht hah?? n ne neveveeverer r ur us????MSM?G-G----a-a a s su s??? s???n n t th tha?t t at a ?rerecrecicipipep?e le ?lacla??s ????gig?inainatatiatioionon ?(n(nonotno?t tt totooto? m ?menmentn???n n sn ??didiuiumum m i is iss issusueues?).)?.<b???r />r /><?><br><br r /r />r />Ir />I I rI ??alallallyly ly wly ?is?h h I I I???oulouldl?d bd ?uyuy uy q ququauanantan??titieti?es es? of o?f tf ththith???????? the the??ic??owo?avaveave ??acack??agiag?inging ???harha??d td to? f?in?d d id in???stost?oreor?es)es).es)??.. .. a a a l??fefeteti?me? s? sup suppp?ly???
ouston, TX) review.<br /><br />This is not only the best flavor of the Healthy Choice soup line, it is clearly among the best canned soup flavors of all time.<br /><br />Healthy Choice is the only brand of canned soup I buy on any regular basis. It's the only brand that has never used MSG--a sure sign that a recipe lacks imagination (not too mention sodium issues).<br /><br />I really wish I could buy quantities of this in the microwave packaging (hard to find in stores)... a lifetime supply wo
uululdld d?dod??nin?cecelelyl????5050606767,7,B,B0B?010181?727?UAUAWAW,W,A,?N3N3Z3??ZUZ?5B5BCBCKCKQKQRQR,R?"C"CoC?fff?eeee e F ?ororereveveverer.r.....??""""I"I I L ?UVU? C COCOFOFFFFEF?E"E""????,0?,3,3,3,1,131353?50350343??606?00,00,T,TaT?sts?e ?gogooo????utut t? no n??t at asas as?gogoogo?? a asas as Ias I ?????hohopopepeded,d,I,IfIf f y yoy?? l lolovoveve ve v vevegve??tat???e ??ououpou?? yo youou ou s shsho?ululduld d ld ?ikikek?e te ththihisis.s. . Y YeY?s s i itit ?ha?s s cs cocomo?e ?chchi?ckckekenken n a an andnd d l?arargr?? n no noo noododlodlele le t tytypy?? i it ite?msms ?ini???it it t?oooo.oo.<.<b<brb???>B>?utut ut?? it it?waw?as ?non????s s gs go?goodgoo?d ad as?as Ias I as I e ??pepecpe??tedted ??? h ??pepedped ?itit it wit wowououlou?ld ld?bebee550506?8,8?,B0,B00??187187272U72UAUAWUA??A1A1G1GPGPSPS8S?2O2OWOWNW??WPW?G,G,K,KaK??thlth?leeleene?n Mn M.M. . C. ?ConConlnlolonlon,n,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,30,3,3,13,1313013030383868626242?0000,00,H00,HeHeae?ltlth?y y C Ch C?hoiho??e e ce che chihichickhicke?ken ken T ToTorortortit?lll?? S StStytyltylele ?SoSououpoup,oup,I? e en enjnjoj?yeyeded ed????s s ss ?souso?p.p. . . I ItI??wa??s fs flflalavlavov?orforfuful?? wi witithit? a a a??ic??? bl blelenle?nd nd??of of? sp spipiciceicesice??? I I I w?
uld do nicely." 5067,B001872UAW,AN3Z1ZU5BCKQR,"Coffee Forever... ""I LUV COFFEE""",0,0,3,1350345600,Taste good but not as good as I had hoped,If you love vegetable soup you should like this. Yes it has come chicken and large noodle type items in it too.<br />But it was not as good as I expected or hoped it would be 5068,B001872UAW,A1GPS82OWNQWPG,Kathleen M. Conlon,0,0,3,1303862400,Healthy Choice chicken Tortilla Style Soup,I enjoyed this soup. It was flavorful with a nice blend of spices. I wi
lllll l?bub???itit t a agagagaiainin.n?5505?6969,9,B,B0B000?1818787272U2UAUAWAW,W,A,A3A?6E6EAEA5A5Y5???VIVIHIHEHEZEZ,Z?SmSmim???,0,?,1,???,1?313?18218?0404848080000,00,","T"???ckc?, , s ?wew?etet,t?, h, heh?avavyvy ?totomo?ata?????sese,e, , n, ?oto?t Mt MeMexe??icaic?n n? sp spipiciceicede?.".?,","T,"?orortrtit?ll?a a s???p p?????nene e o of of f m ?y ?fafav?ororior??e ????psps,s?, a, an?d d I I I l lil??e e be bobotothoth h?ththe? t?omomaomatatoat?? an andn??chchihichickckeckenen ?brbrorototh? v vav?ririeiet?ie??. .??ltlththothouougou?h h Ih I I dI did?dndn'n??t et exexpexpep?ctct ?frf?ese?hlhlyl???ririerieded ed t to??rtirtilillillala ?ststrt?ripripsps ps o or o???ueuesesoeso o fo fr?es?coco ?inin in? a a c cac?annanne?d d sd so??up,up, , I, I ??idid id e ??expeexp????sosomso?etethet?hinhingng g t th t??at at r reresrese??blb??ed ed aed ala?ll ll????erer r tr ?torto?rtirtilrtillllalla lla s so??upsups ??I hI hahavha?e e te trtritrie??, ???at?at iat ?s s as ?a La LILIGIGHG?T T? br b?rotrothth th??itithith ith?? a m a mimixmi?? of of of? ve v??etetaet?bl?eses,es, , c, cocorco??, , b, bebeaeanea?s ?chchichic??kenken ???and and M Me???ca??n sn spspipicpiceces??. T. ThThiTh?is is s so sou?p ?is?is tis ththithic?? -
ll buy it again. 5069,B001872UAW,A36EA5Y29VIHEZ,Smith,0,1,1,1318204800,"Thick, sweet, heavy tomato base, not Mexican spiced.","Tortilla soup is one of my favorite soups, and I like both the tomato and chicken broth varieties. Although I didn't expect freshly fried tortilla strips or queso fresco in a canned soup, I did expect something that resembled all other tortilla soups I have tried, that is a LIGHT broth with a mix of vegetables, corn, beans chicken and Mexican spices. This soup is thick -
r rereae??lyly y t ththih?ckc?, ,??ikikek?????e te ??ic?ke???? to tomo?atatoto o s sosououpup p??ouou'ou'v'?e e ee eveve?? h hahada? w wiwitithth th a ? g ?ririli??eded d cd chc?heeheese?e e se ??ndndwdwiwicwi??. . I ItIt't's's s? al alsl?? s sw s???t,t, , a, an?d ?dod?es? n ?otot t tt tatasaststeste ??? t? the the e le ?ea??st st? li likikeike ?a a Ma MeMexexixicicaicanan an? so sououpoup.p???nsnst?steaste?ad,ad?, i, ?mamagma???e ??trt?aiaigighg?t t t?omomaomat?o ??sousoupup up w wi w?ithith h a a a b bub?ncnch? o ofof f v vevegvegeg?etaet???lesles,s??beb?eanea?ns ns? an a?nd nd? so?mem?e ce ???ickickeick?n ?th?rorowownw???<.<b<brbr ??><>??r r /r />r /?? e enendendededed ed???up gup gigivgi?ininging g??it it a al all all l a?wawayay,y?, a, an, andnd,nd, , t, to? b be b?e fe fafai??, , o, ??e e oe ?? t? the? p pepeoe??le? I I I? ga gava?ve ve t? the the the s the sosou??p tp ?to to sto sasaisa??d hd ?herhe???usu??anand?? re r??llllyll?y ly ???kedke?d id<?brbr br / ?/></>?<br? /??FoF??r ar a a ca cacan?ne?d d sd ?sousoup? t th?atat at m mumucuchch ch mch ?ororeore e ce cle clol?seselse?ly ly r??se?mbm?blebl?es ??rearealal al t to tor tortrtit???a ??sou???, t, tr, tryr??<a<??hrhrerefref=f="=?"h"?htthttpt?:/:??wwwwwww.ww
really thick, like the thickest tomato soup you've ever had with a grilled cheese sandwich. It's also sweet, and does not taste in the least like a Mexican soup. Instead, imagine straight tomato soup with a bunch of vegetables, beans and some chicken thrown in.<br /><br />I ended up giving it all away, and, to be fair, one of the people I gave the soup to said her husband really liked it.<br /><br />For a canned soup that much more closely resembles real tortilla soup, try <a href=""http://www.
?amamam?zozonon.n.c.?omo?/g/?p/p/p/prpror??ucu?t/t/B/B0B?0101414E4EUE?B7B7I7I"I"""">">C>?amampampbp?ele?l'l's'? S SeSel?ece?ct ct M MeMexexixicicac?n n C ?hihic?kekenen n Tn ToTorortr?ili??a,a, , 1 1818.8.6.6-6-O-OuO??cece e? Ca C??s ?(P(PaPacackc??ofof f? 12 12)2)<)</</a/a>a????5050707070,0,B,B0?0505H5H3H?BYBYHYHIHI,I,A,A2A2Y2YXY?F8F8J8?8P8PTPT4T4141S1STST,T,","A"AbAbzb? " ??BrBrereae??hehe e we wiwiti?? g geg????e ?fof?cucusus"s"""""""?,1,1,1,1,1,,1?5,5,1,13,1?343?535?344344040000,00,T,??nyny y b bubububbbblb??s.s.....?mamakmake?s s ms meme e he ???pypy.y..?.I.I I?dod?on'on't't t???antant t tt tot? s shsha?rere!re??,"F,"FiFirirsr?t t ot ofoffof?, , t, ??ererere re i isis s as ? d?ififfffef???encencece ce w?hehenhen ?yoy?? d dr dririninkin???om????ininging g o ou outu???f f bf ??? v vever?sus?? g gl glalasa??s. s. A ? b bi bigig ?didif?fe?re??ncence.e.<.?brbr r / ?><><b<br<br r /r />?I ??waswas s ss ?strstrorolrollllillining? i in in n mn mymy y ly lolococaoc?? h heheahe???th th fth fo?od???totortore?re are anandand d s sa s?w w?th?atat at t th t?hishis ?prpropr?oduoducuctuct t wt ?waswas was b be beieining?ing ping papacackackak?gegedge?d id ?????bobotbottttl?e.???I sI ?nan?atcatchche??d td th?thatthat t st ?sucsuckckeckerer er o of o?ff ff?? the th"">Campbell's Select Mexican Chicken Tortilla, 18.6-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)</a>." 5070,B005H3BYHI,A2YXF8J8PT41ST,"Abz ""Breathe with gentle focus""",1,1,5,1334534400,Tiny bubbles...makes me happy...I don't want to share!,"First off, there is a difference when you drink something out of box versus glass. A big difference.<br /><br />I was strolling in my local health food store and saw that this product was being packaged in a bottle. I snatched that sucker off the
??heh??f f f fafasasts?ere? t ?hah?n n y ?ouou u c cocou??? b ????k.k.<.??r ?/>/><><b?r r /??I I h ?hadha?d td ?ririeieded d td thd thihisis s? br brar?andan?d vd ?isisiisiti?iningin??a a??igi?geg?? c ci citityity y o ?????a a ya yey?arar ?agagog?. . O OnO?lyl?y ty tot????indind d od ououtout t w ?hehenhen ?I I gI gogotgo?t ht hohomomem? t th tha?t t tt th?eyey y dy dididi?n'n't't t st sesel?l l t th the the e ce cacanannan??? v veverversrsis??n n an atat ?mymy y sy st?ororere.e. . I. I I wI wawas???o ?bub????d d bd bubutbu?t nt nonotot ?upu? f fo foror or? or o??ererierin?ing ing? ca casaseaseses s os ofo?f tf ththith?is is s st s?ufuffff ???lilinline?.<.<b.<?br br / />?<b<br? / /> /?? h ha hava?ve ve? tr tririerieded ed ted ththethe the o?th????brbrabranandandsand?. ??hihishi?s is ?is is bis byb???farfa?r tr th?the the bthe beb?estest.t. . I. It. It t ct co?ululdld ld b be b?e be ?becbe???sese se i ?it'it's's s is ins in n a??glglalas?s.s. s. I ?'m'm m?nonotnot t at a a ha hihighighgh h e enendn?d t?asastastete te? te tes???er ?bubutbut but?? j jujus???knk?nownow w t? the ther therere re i is is s as ???ig? d ?difdiffffeffer??encencec?e. e.??ndnd nd t th thi thisis is sis ?stustufuffuff f if is???liklikek?e we ?in?e.??.b.???st st s se sererverve?d d wd whwhewhen????hilhi????.
shelf faster than you could blink.<br /><br />I had tried this brand visiting a bigger city over a year ago. Only to find out when I got home that they didn't sell the canned version at my store. I was so bummed but not up for ordering cases of this stuff online.<br /><br />I have tried the other brands. This is by far the best. It could be because it's in a glass. I'm not a high end taste tester but I just know there is a big difference. And this stuff is like served when chilled.
?SoSo o b bebeie?ngn? i in? a a a g glglalasasss? b?oto?tlt?e e m mam??eses s as ??l l t ?heh?e de didififfffef?rerenencncece e ie in?in tin ?thethe e we wow?rlrldl?. .?GuGueues?s ?yoy?u u?cocou??? m ma mak?e ?th??t t? an anan??ogogyg? o ofof f b bo box bo?eded d w wiw?ineined???erersersus?s ?bob??tltletleded.ed. ??'l'?? a al alwlwaw?ysy?s ts tat?akeake ake b bo?tt??le le o ov ove?? b bo box??ed ed eed eve?venven n i?f ?ththe? b? box box box i is is ?momororeore e be ??ngng ng?foforor or y yo??r ?bubucu?k.k. ???? a a a f fo fooo???e.e??. I . I l lolovo???sas??or?in??g fg ?foofo?od od????d bd be?veververaveragagege.?<b<brbr ?/>/><>?<br<br r /r />r />A>A A l lo l?ot ot??f ???opo?lele le ale arare? m me menententit?ononinininging ing i it i?'s's ??oveover? p prp?icice?d.d. d. C ???papar?eded ed ted ?????atat?at? ? A AnA????if if y??ou ou?non?otioticiceice e ie ite it'?s s ns no?t t At AmA?mazmazozon? s se s?llllill?inging ing iing iti?, , i it it' it's's 's? a ??disdi?trtriribribubutbu?tortor r ur ?usiusin??ing Aing AmAmaAm?zo?n ????? a p a poporortor???l tl toto to a?dvdveververtver?tistisese e ae anandand ??selsellll ll ill ??hehe he? fr frereeree e se ????pip????ing ising is ?re???lyly y py pup?t ??intintoto to tto ththe??cocosco?st st?
So being in a glass bottle makes all the difference in the world. Guess you could make that analogy of boxed wined versus bottled. I'll always take bottle over boxed even if the box is more bang for your buck. I'm a foodie. I love savoring food and beverage.<br /><br />A lot of people are mentioning it's over priced. Compared to what? And if you notice it's not Amazon selling it, it's a distributor using Amazon as a portal to advertise and sell it. The free shipping is really put into the cost o
ff f t tht?e e p ??icicece e oe ?f ?a a??asa?e.e. . T ThTheheyhey y? co cououluldl? r rerede??ce? t?????riricricece ce bce ?utut t t th the thenen n?itit t wt wow?oulouldld ld p pr??bab?blblyly y sy sasayay ?$1$1010-0??$15$1??0000 0 f fof?r r??hihipippp?iningn?. ??t t rt ?rearealallllyly ly w wo??uldul?d nd non?t t mt mamaka?e e ae a a da didifi?fefere???ce?.<.<b<??r /r />/><><b?r r /?>B>??? I I'I?m m h hahapappppyppy y iy ?it'it's's s?atat t mt myt my y ly loloco?calcal l h he heaeal?th? f?oooodod ?ststotororeore.? I I' I'm'm 'm?nonotnot t rt ret reaeadeadydy ??to to b bu???y thy thihishis s bs byb?y t?y they the e ce cacasca? . W. ?oooohoohohoooo.oo?????nknksks,s? T Ta Tas?tete ???rvrvavan?a.a. . T?hi?his his r?eaealea?llylly y iy isy i?s "s """?HaHapappap??nenesesss??inin in a a a b?ot?tltlel?e."e."""" ""??o o???t t yt yoy?ourour ?owo?n.n. . I. I'. I'm'm 'm n'm ?not? s sh shaharhari??ng ng ; ;);???5050707171,1?B0B0000500?H3H??YHYHIHI,I,A,?2121F1FYFY4Y??Y4MY4M5M?DBD?2X2??JaJayay,ay,0,0,0,0?????3434444444744?040404??,L,LoL??e e te ththithisi?s ss ?stustufuffff!ff!!!!,!,","T"Th?isis is? br b?anandand d id isis is ais a a la lil?ittittltletl?e he ha?hardhar?d td ?to ?fif??d ?d ind in n sn ststost??oresore??asas as i??dodonon'n't't t tt ththithinthinknk nk i?t't?'s 's c ca cararrr?
f the price of a case. They could reduce the price but then it would probably say $10-$15.00 for shipping. It really would not make a difference.<br /><br />But I'm happy it's at my local health food store. I'm not ready to buy this by the case. Woohoo. Thanks, Taste Nirvana. This really is ""Happiness in a bottle."" Go get your own. I'm not sharing ;)" 5071,B005H3BYHI,A21FY4Y4M5DB2X,Jay,0,0,5,1344470400,Love this stuff!!,"This brand is a little hard to find in stores as i don't think it's carri
e?d d??y y a ?nyn?y oy ?f f?tht?e e m ?ajajoj?r r?sus?pep?rmrmamarma???t t c chchahaiaini?s.s. .?I I??isiscscocovoveverereered? i iti?t at atat t At AuA? B BoBonon n P PaPaiainai????d ??oto?icicec?ed ?ththath???ununlnliliki???otothot?herhe?r br brbrar?andandsands s I?'v'veve ve t tr trir?eded,ed, ,? th thih??? on onene ?is???notnot ?frf?omom m? co con?cecence?trtra???e ae anandand and?ha??s ns ?notnothnot?hinhingn?? ad addd?eded,ed, ed,? it it't's'?s js juj?stst ?pupururer?e ue un?adadudulultl??re???co?coconconunutut t wt wawatateaterer,er, , s, ?o o? th??e qe ?uaualalilitli???cacanan'an?t t gt ?etet et? mu m?chch ch? be betettetteterter.ter. ??hehe he o ot o?thether? t th thi th?inging g ig ??rerearealallal?y y ly lilikli?ke ???ouo?ut ut i? it it i?s ?ththa??t it itit'it's? a a a?glglal?ssss s cs ??contcontat?ainaineainerer er rer rarat?heher? t th tha thanan an p pap??perper r or ?? p pl p???stist??, , s, so, so o to ththe? t ta t?astas??? is is is??not?? co com compm?ro?mim????. ?. Th. Theheshesese ?ththithin?ingsing?s as ?aloalononeon??e are arere re w wow?ortorthth th?5 5 s???rsrs s ts tos to o mo ?e e be ????th?thertherere ?arare?re are a re a c co cou coupupluplele e t?hi???s ??I wI wowouwoul?d ??sugsuggggegesgestst st t to t??o mao makake??it??evevevenven n bn bebet
ed by any of the major supermarket chains. I discovered it at Au Bon Pain and noticed that unlike other brands I've tried, this one is not from concentrate and has nothing added, it's just pure unadultered coconut water, so the quality can't get much better. The other thing i really like about it is that it's a glass container rather than paper or plastic, so the taste is not compromised. These things alone are worth 5 stars to me but there are a couple things I would suggest to make it even bet
tteterer.r. . F ?irirsr??? t tht?isis s?isisnis?'t't t r rereaealallllyly y p pupululpl? t th thehe e w wawayay y yy yoyouou u w wo wououlou?d d t th thi thini?? o ofof f i it it ?frfroromom m???u u eu exexpx??erier?enencncece ????th th f frfrufruiuitit it j jujui?????whw?herhere? t th the therereere'e's'??pu??????zezeded,d, ?????y sy ??alallall,l, ??ririn?kakabablblele e pe pip??ceces? f fl flol?ata?ininging g? in i? t th the the the???ququi??; ; t? the?sese e ae ara?re ????nknksnk??ofof of d did?ce??d cd cocococo?nunutut ?ththathatat at y yo y?? h ??ve? t?o o c ?chechewew w u ?p ??whiwhililele le? dr dririnri?nkink???. ?ToTo o mo ?e,e, , t, ththithisis is? wo wou woul???bebe ?fifininein?e ie ?????eye?y wy wew?ereere ere?alallall all t? the? the s the sosof???t flt f??shsh h???u'u'd'd d ed ?expexpe??t ?t frt froromrom m am a a?? you youn youngn?g cg ?coccocucununuunut? b bubut?ut mut mamanmanyny y oy ofof of tof th?the the? pi p?iecieceiec?s s as ararear?e he haharhardrdederer er??hihichichch ch????ununpunplpleleale??ana?t ?inin in?? d dr dri dr?? . S. SeSececoconcondcond,d, d, 9 5 o??uncun??ces ?dodoeo?esnesn'n'tn'??gogo o ao ???lonlongng ng w wa wayay,ay, ??'d'd 'd l??keke e te ?o o so seseesee e i?t ?bubumbumpm??d d ud ?up up t to to to? at at ?lelealeaslea?? a a
ter. First, this isn't really pulp the way you would think of it from you experience with fruit juices where there's pulverized, very small, drinkable pieces floating in the liquid; these are chunks of diced coconut that you have to chew up while drinking. To me, this would be fine if they were all the soft flesh you'd expect from a young cocunut but many of the pieces are harder which is unpleasant in a drink. Second, 9.5 ounces doesn't go a long way, I'd like to see it bumped up to at least a
1?2o2ozo?? I I'I?d d?tht??n n??eee????ikikek? I I' I?? g gegetettttit?ngn??anan n an ada???uauata?e ??momouo?ntn? f?oror r??y y? mo mononeneye??an???itit t wt wowououlou?d ?lalasa?t t lt lolon?gegerger r ar an???ququequenencenchch h?bebet?teterter.r?""?5050707272,2?B0B??5H5?3B3?YHYHIHI,I,A,?262?9I9????030?8T8T6T6363,3,s,sasan?andeand?ee,ee,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5,1,??38?686?161?0000,00,d,??liliclicic?ouousous!s!!!!!?!,!,","I"IfI? y yoyouou ou l li likikeike e ce cococococonconunutut ??atateat?r,r, , t, ththethenen en y yo y?ou ????l l ll lolovloveve ?TaT??tete te N NiNirirvr?ananaan??!!!!!! !!! I?t t ht hah?as as? bi bititsit???f f cf cococco??conuconut? i inin in? it it.t? N No Notot t jt jujusu?st st a a a? fe fewe????it it???s s as a a l lo l????f f lf li???lel?e be bib??its.its."."."5505????B0B00B00505H05H3?BYBYHBY??,A,A1,A151?PIPIAI?QTQT5T?5G5GNG?CACA,A,"???k k W W.W???u u " """"a"ala?lanla?""?",",0?,0,0,0,?0,50,5,?1313313383813816??2020000,00,y00,yoyouyou ?wiwilwi?ll ll?? lov loveve ve i it it, it?th??s ?isis is g gr grer?atat at??coc?ononuon?ut ut wut wawatateaterater r a???d td ththethertherere re i is is s ns ?o o??ddd?dedded ?sus?gag?r.r. r.? it its its ??ll?ll nll nan?atuatururaralal al a an and? t th the?y y uy us???rir?pepe
12oz, I'd then feel like I'm getting an adequate amount for my money and it would last longer and quench better." 5072,B005H3BYHI,A269IH5H038T63,sandee,0,0,5,1338681600,delicious!!!!,"If you like coconut water, then you will love Taste Nirvana!!! It has bits of coconut in it. Not just a few, it has a lot of little bits." 5073,B005H3BYHI,A15PIAQT55GNCA,"Suk W. Yu ""alan""",0,0,5,1338163200,you will love it,this is great coconut water and there is no added sugar. its all natural and they use ripe
ccoc?coconco?utut t n nonotot t yt yoy?unungng g?co??con?utut.ut..5??747?,B,?000?5H5H3H3B3?YHYHIHI,I?A3A?????FIFIWIW7W??FRFRHRH,H?"J"JeJene????erer r B B B??avaviv?????---?sis?gjgjej?""??,0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,??333??74774?20200?0,0,N0,NaNatatuturu?alal l? co coc??nunutnut?t?,?,","P,"?rer?ttttyt?? cl clolososese e t toto o? th theh?e te ?asa?tet?e oe ofof f a a a f frf??shshlhlyly ?opopep?eneeneded d c? coc coco?conuconutconut.t? I ?'d'd d ld liliki??e te toe to o ko knk?nownow w m momororere re a ab a?ououtou???hehe he????????s fs fof?????ta?ini?ninni???? thi thisis is w waw?ateaterer er t?o ?un??ererserst?ana??d wd ??atat at? th the th??""""n""nanatatuat???al al c? coc coco cocon?utut ut w wa watate?r"r?"" "" m?eaeanansans.s. . . T ThT??he the tatasta??y y jy ?uiuicicyc??bibititsts s os ?of of p??lplp p??in in t th? the the p pr pro?dud?ctc??ada?d d ad ?? e exextx??ra ra?? com compm?lel??itityity ????d md mam?ke? t????s as ?a va ?ereryer??rerefrefrfrefr??hih?inging g bg bebeve?verve?ragrageg?. ?. T. ???e fe ?frefresfre?sh sh c? coc coco cocon coco?nut?? is is s js je?llllyly ly?li?ke??an?? n??ot ot s sos?o po pupululpulpyp?? b ?ut??it????ststist??ll ll??????.".""??07?5,5,B?00?5H?3B3BY3BYH
coconut not young coconut. 5074,B005H3BYHI,A3PZKVFIW7MFRH,"Jennifer B Davis ""--sigje""",0,0,4,1337472000,Natural coconut?,"Pretty close to the taste of a freshly opened coconut. I'd like to know more about the process for obtaining this water to understand what the ""natural coconut water"" means. The tasty juicy bits of pulp in the product add an extra complexity and make this a very refreshing beverage. The fresh coconut is jelly like and not so pulpy, but it's still tasty." 5075,B005H3BYH
II,I?A2A2J2JZJZEZE1E?4R4?JAJAIA?TQT?8,8,",?G.G. . P ?ror???? " ?"U"UpUp p t ?? m mymy y?NeN?ckck k i ?n n?TeTecechec??"""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,131333323212111151?202000?0,"0,"B"BeB?stst t t ta tasa?stistininging g c ?ocococonconunutu???ata??r r???vev??? tas taststest??, , a a a????tltlele e pe prp?ici??y ?inin in t th t?eseseese e be ??ttttltt?lesle?",?"A"AsAs s f fafarar r ar asas as t?? tast tas?? g ?oeoeses,es, ?tht?isi?s is ?is is t th the the e be bee besestes?t ct cococcococon??ut ut?wawatwate?r r Ir ??veve ve t ta? tast taste tast??. . I. I I h hahava??ve nve nonotot ot t tr tririeri?ed ed? al allll l? th the the the o otothotheherher r br brbraranandndsds,s, , s, soso o Io I I aI ama?? on onlnlyly y cy cocomcompm?arariar?ing????isis ?toto to c co cococoocono?nutnut t wt wat watateater? o?rdr?erereereded ed aed ?? r rer??estaestauauru?ranra?tst??(w(?hihichi?? I I I t th thi thin thinkn?k ik isis is uis usususuaualallllylly ??weweeeetetetenteneneded,ed, , s, so, so o io ?it it r??alallallyly ly i??n'n't't t at ??fafaifa?r r cr ?com?paparparirisriso???, , V, ViVit?acacococ??, , a, anandand d?AmAmymy my a an andnd nd B ?ririarianan'an?s.s. . V. ?VitVitatacacoac?ocooco oco u ususeus?? B?rarazra?ili??anan an c? coc coco?conuconutconutsts ts? wh w??lele le T Ta Tasastastete ?NiNirirvir?ananaan??anandand and? Am A?my my amy anandand and Band ?BriBriaianan'?
I,A2JZE14RJAITQ8,"G. Proulx ""Up to my Neck in Tech""",0,0,4,1332115200,"Best tasting coconut water I've tasted, a little pricey in these bottles","As far as taste goes, this is the best coconut water I've tasted. I have not tried all the other brands, so I am only comparing this to coconut water ordered at restaurants (which I think is usually sweetened, so it really isn't a fair comparison), Vitacoco, and Amy and Brian's. Vitacoco uses Brazilian coconuts while Taste Nirvana and Amy and Brian's
u ususes? T ThThah?i i c ?ococo?nunututsts.s. .??t t s seseeseememsm? l lil?keke ??asa?tet???iri?vavananana a a anandand d A AmAmymy y a an andn?d Bd ?ririaian?????rere e ne na?tuturu??llllyl?y sy swsweweeeete?terter r?ththahanha? V ?iti?acaco?coco,co, , w ??ithit? T Ta Tasastas?te te N NiNirNirvrvarvan?a a ba bebeieiningng g??hehe e se swsweswee?te? ?Th??s ?isis is a a a g gog?odod d sd ?swe?et?? th tho thouo??h,h???inincincec?e ae al?l l??f f? th??se? t th thr threreeree ????ndndsnd?s hs hahavhaveve e n?o o s?ugugaugararsars s as ads addd???. . W. WhWhihililele e Ie I'I?veve ve l??ikeik?ed ed? al a?? t? the the the???ocoocononunutnut t wt waw?te?ter ter I??????tasta???ed,ed, , V, ViVitVi?tacta?coccocococo o co cacanan an??havhavehave e ae a e a s sl s?ligligh?tlt?ly ly?momororere re s sa s?altaltyty ???and and l le l?esses?s ss swswesweesweetswee?t tt ta?tasttaste?, , w, whwhihilhilele le T Ta Tas Ta?ste?? Ni Nir?va?nana na? ha h?as as a an an an? am amamaza?iningin?g tg tatastasttastetaste e we wiwitwi?th th j jujus?t t t?hehe he?ri?ghghtght ght a? amo am??ntn?t ot ?of of s sw sweweeweetetnetnenesessess.ess?. I. I I l li?kekedke?d td ththethe e pe ?ulu?p p a as a?s ws wewelwell?, , a, ????ouougou?? s so s?mem?e oe of?of tof ththethe the p pip?ecececesces ?s ses s?eemeem m t?o o bo ?be be f ?roromom om m mo mororeore e me ma
use Thai coconuts. It seems like Taste Nirvana and Amy and Brian's are naturally sweeter than Vitacoco, with Taste Nirvana being the sweetest. This is a good sweet though, since all of these three brands have no sugars added. While I've liked all the coconut water I've tasted, Vitacoco can have a slightly more salty and less sweet taste, while Taste Nirvana has an amazing taste with just the right amount of sweetness. I liked the pulp as well, although some of the pieces seem to be from more ma
???rere e?cococo??nunututsts s r ????erer r t ththathanan n?????yoy??ngng g?alalmlmom?stst t g geg?lalat?ini??pup?lplpsps s Is I'I'm'm m u ?seseded d t?o o a at at t st ?omomem??re???aua???antan??.<.?brb??/>/><><b<br<br r /r />r />T>ThThehe he ohe ?nlnlyly y r re reaeasasosonson ?I I t to?oko? a a a??stastarsta?r or ofoffff f?isis s ds ?ueu?e te tot?o to ??e e pe ?riricicec?. .??TheTh?se????? o ozoz z b ?otottt?leleses es a ar are??nonot?? th the th??momosmo?st st??coconconoconomomiomicicaicalal al w ?ayay ?toto to b bu b?y y Ty TaTasastas??e Ne ???vav?anaana.a. . I. ?n ?fafaca?t,t, , a at at at? th the????urrurrerenre?t ?pr?iciceice ??hih?? c co c??ts? a as a?s ms ???h h?? as as I ?I pI ??idi???at at t th? the ???ffffeffeeee e se shs?opop p f foforo?r ir inindin??vivid?uau??al bal ?botbottttltt?lesle?. . F. ??? t?? the the b the bebes?t t bt babarargrgag?ainain n on onon on t th thi thisis is bis brbrabr???, ?bubuy? < <a<a a??rerefref=f="=??hthttttpttp:p?////w/??ww.ww.a.?mamazazozonon.on??comcom/m/g/??/p/prproprododuducductct/ct/B/B0B???OWOW3W?4242G2?"""">"">T??astasteast??e Nie N?irvirvavanva??a Ra ReReaealea??CoC??ononuonut? W WaW??erer er? Wi Witi?th th P ?ululpul?, , 1, 1616.6?2-2?OuOun??ce ce ( ?PaPacackac??of? 1 1212)2??/a/a>a
ture coconuts rather than the young almost gelatin pulps I'm used to at some restaurants.<br /><br />The only reason I took a star off is due to the price. These 9.5 oz bottles are not the most economical way to buy Taste Nirvana. In fact, at the current price this costs as much as I paid at the coffee shop for individual bottles. For the best bargain on this brand, buy <a href="""">Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water With Pulp, 16.2-Ounce (Pack of 12)</a>
..<.????/>/><><b<br<b?r /r />?I I w wawanantnteteded d???? tr tryry y? th thihisis s b brbrabr?andan?d bd bebececacauaususese e?? l loloto? o ofof f?pepeoe?plplele e se sasayay y Ty ?asastste? N NiNirirvrvavan?a a oa oror r Ar ?mym?y ay anandand and?BrBririaianan'an's'??tatasastastete te tte ?hehe e be ?besbe?st,st, , a an andnd ???d ?hahavaveve e te ?to to g ?iviveve ve m ?my my v ??oteot?e te toe to o To Ta?ststeste ?Ni?rv?anana?? H ?opopeopefefuf?????sos?meme ?daday? I I I wI wiwilillll ll? ta tasastasteaste e ae a ?frfrerese?h h c coc?coconconun?t t at an?and and mand ??aybay?be be?? tha th?t ?wiwilwill?ll gll geg??t mt ?my my vmy vo??te,te, , b, ??ut ut?ifi??yoy?u'u?rere re l li l?kek?e me ?? a an??d dd ?ono?'t't t ht ha?veve ?ananyan?y cy co?coconconuconutut ut tut trt?reereeses es??eae?rbrbyby,y, , t, tr?y y ty ththithisis is o ou outut.ut. . E. EnEnjnjojoyoy!y?""5?070767??B0B000?5H5??BYBYHY?I,I?AUAUVUVCV?JDJD0D??6B6BUBUJUJSJS,S,n,nunutnutstststastararrarr0r?2,2?0,0,0?,5,5,5,1,131????181?4040000,00,F,FaFav??oriorititete te cte ?coc??onuon?ut ?wawatwa?terter!r???ThT?hishis ????my??faf??avoravoriritri?te ?te cote cococoocon?onutonut t wt wat wat?ere?r! r! H Ha Havaviavini?g g t? tra tr?aveav?leledle??in? A ??ia? a?? and and b be beiein?g g ag abablb??? to to ?ge?t ?sosomsome?on
.<br /><br />I wanted to try this brand because a lot of people say Taste Nirvana or Amy and Brian's taste the best, and I'd have to give my vote to Taste Nirvana. Hopefully some day I will taste a fresh coconut and maybe that will get my vote, but if you're like me and don't have any coconut trees nearby, try this out. Enjoy!" 5076,B005H3BYHI,AUVCJD046BUJS,nutstarr02,0,0,5,1328918400,Favorite coconut water!,"This is my favorite coconut water! Having traveled in Asia and being able to get someon
ee e t ?? c clclilimimbmb b a ? t?rereeee e te toto to?hahararvr?ese??? a a c co c??ononunutu?t at ??? t???? o opopepenen en i iti?t wt wiwitithith h a??mam?chc????, ,?nonotoththihiningng g I ? f ?ouo?ndnd nd i???ththeth?e se ?stost?rere re c ca c??e e ce cl?ososes?.....? u un??ili? I I I f fo fou?nd?nd Tnd TaTasa?steste e Ne NiNiri?rvarvananaan???ThT?he he o ot o?the?r r b ??anandandsds s a ar a?re re mre momosostos??y y f?ror?m m?BrBrarazraziz???an? c co?coconco???s,s?, w, whw?herhere?asas as t th thi thisi??brbrabr???????s ?Th?aiail?anandand ?cococcoco??ututsut?s as an?and and iand itit it???kek?? a???ifi?feferererenrencncece.??? Tr T?ululyly ly h???pipin?es?s ??in in?? a b a ?ot??tletle.?e. Ie. ?t't's'??s a s a l ?litlittttltle??prp?????, , b, bub?ut ut I I I c I ?an??t t gt ???t et ?enoen?????""5505070??,B,B0B000050?H3H3B3BYBYHYHIH??A2A?X0X0B0BLBLVLVTVTQTQSQS9S?1919P9P,P?"I"?. . L. LiLimim im " """?chchecheoe?ongongsgsasam?ch?chefchef"f""????,2,2,2?4,4,1,13,132321210105?606?000000,0??esestest t tt tatasastasti?ng? s soso o fo ?arar!ar!,!?,"I,"I I hI hahadha??cococ?ononuon?ut ut tut trtrereereeses es ges ?rorowro?winwi?ng ng ing ?in in min mym?y by ??ackackykyayar?d d id ?in ?SoSououtou???as?? A ??ia
e to climb a tree to harvest a coconut and then open it with a machete, nothing I found in the store came close... until I found Taste Nirvana. The other brands are mostly from Brazilian coconuts, whereas this brand uses Thailand coconuts and it makes a difference. Truly happiness in a bottle. It's a little pricey, but I can't get enough!" 5077,B005H3BYHI,A2X0BLVTQS919P,"I. Lim ""cheongsamchef""",1,2,4,1321056000,Best tasting so far!,"I had coconut trees growing in my backyard in Southeast Asia
?, , a ?ndn? e ?njn?oyo?eded d dd drdrir?nknkikiningin? c cococo?conco?utu? w ?atatet?? r ri????t ft ?roromom m?tht?e e c?ococoocononunutnu?t it ititstsesele?f.f. .??asa?tete te?NiN?rvrvav??? R ???l l C ?ococooconoconu?? W WaWatateaterer er w wi w?ithit??PuPululpl? i isi?? th thehe he? cl c?ososesessestst st t to to o t? the the e re rereaealea?l tl ??ining? t? tha th?? I ?'v'?e ?fofouounundnd.nd?""???7878,8,B,B0B??5H5H3H3B3BYBYHYHIHI,I,A,A1A1V1V1V?DXDXIXIBIBEBEIE?Q1Q??V,V,G,GEGEIEICEI?OSOSUSUCUCKC??,0,?,1,?,5,5,5,1,13,1323222202090?28280800?,W,WoWororlrldl??s s bs ?esestst st dst dr?ininkink!k?,I,IMI??O.O?. T. ThT??rere re i?s s ss sisimi???y y n ??t ?a a ba be?tttte??????ververaraga?e e oe onon on E . S. SiSinincincece e Ie I I? ne neeeed? t to? a?ddd?? s sosomomeome e me ?ororeor?e we woworordor?s s ss ses seeee ee p prpririorior? s??enten?tentencncece.ce?5??07907???00??5H35H3B3BY3BYHYHIYH??A1A16A1?OXO?6U6U1U121?GNG??ITI?,i,isislis?an?dbdbob?oy0oy?8888787676,6,2,2,2????,1,,1,1,13,131,1319?848464?40400?00,n00,?notnot t et eve?venven n c? clo clososeos???o o co cococcoco?conuconutut ut w wa watateaterate??!,"!,"C"Co??conconu??t wt wawatwa?terter ter s sh shoh???ld ld??otot ot?bebe be s?wewee?te?????!!!! !! A AcA?tut?alallallyly ly
, and enjoyed drinking coconut water right from the coconut itself. Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water with Pulp is the closest to the real thing that I've found." 5078,B005H3BYHI,A1V1DXIBEIQ19V,GEICOSUCKS,0,1,5,1322092800,World's best drink!,IMHO. There is simply not a better beverage on Earth. Since I need to add some more words see prior sentence. 5079,B005H3BYHI,A16OX6U12GNZIT,islandboy08876,2,14,1,1319846400,not even close to coconut water!,"Coconut water should not be sweetened!!! Actually
"?"N"NONO O S ?UGU?ARA?? SH SHOHOUO????EVE?ERE?R BR BEB? A ADA?DEDEDED"D?"" "" s ?wew?ete??ngng g t ththihiningingsgs s i isis s as anan n a amamem??icicacan? c ????omom,m, ,??hihichi?? r ?uiuininsins ?ththethe e? re reaealal l f ?lal??oro? o ofof f? co cocococononun?t t? wa w? . I I I?lilivivev?d d i???JaJ?amaamaia?icaica a? fo foror or 4 ??yey??rsrs ?s ans andnd d td ?thethe the?babahahahamamaamasamas s fs ?or?or 2or 2,2, ???d ?d thd thehe ?co?co??nutnut t wt wawat?erer er? fr f??? r re?al?? co coc cococonconuconutut ut d dodoeoese??non?t t ht hahavha?ve ve a an anyn?? ad a??eded ed s?ugu?ara?, ?ititsts s n???uru?<.<b<brbr r /r />/>I>??wiwilillll l sl ststisticickick k? to to o b?uyuyiy?inging ing t?he?? br brorowro?n ?haharhardrd ?shshehelhell? c co? coco cocononuonututsuts s fs frs fro?? t? the the e se susupu???mamar????? an and and ?drdririnrinknk k tk ththath?at at??t't's's s ms ?or?e ???atuaturaturaralral ?anandand and u unu?nalnaltl??rereded.ed?. T. ThTheheshesese ??oxoxex?ed,ed, , c, cacanca???ed aed anand????ckckakaga??ed ??coc?on??t ?t wat watateaterater r ar arareare e ne nae nasaststysty,y, ?, i , i a am am m sm ststistilstillll ll yll ye?t t tt to?? tr tryry y ay ??brbrabranandand,and, , o, ononeone ??? t th the the the????ny ny? th?atat at iat i i h hahavhavehave
""NO SUGAR SHOULD EVER BE ADDED"" sweeting things is an american custom, which ruins the real flavor of coconut water. I lived in Jamaica for 4 years and the bahamas for 2, and the coconut water from real coconut does not have any added sugar, its natural.<br />I will stick to buying the brown hard shell coconuts from the supermarket and drink that it's more natural and unaltered. These boxed, caned and packaged coconut water are nasty, i am still yet to try a brand, one of the many that i have
t?ririeiede???hah?t t w ???l l??aka?e e m me me e we wawanannn?a a b ?uyuy y i ?t.t?""55050808080,0?B0B?0101F1FPFPVPV0V??O,O?A2A2N2??9C9?GUG?SFS??2222E2E,E,","R"RoRobo?erertrt t Ft F.F. . G ??ntn?ararer?k k " ?"B"BoBobob ob G G" G"""""""???0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,?343474787?40400?0000,00?GrGrereareat?? mu musu??tartardr?,T,?hih?? w wi wil??l rl ruruiuinin n??upu?er?ma?rkrke?t t mt ?us??tartardtard ?foforor r y yoyouou.u?. H. HiHigi?? q quq?alalilitityity y ay an???juj??ust ust t th thehe e re ??ghghtght t at amamomouounountnt nt o ofof f? bi b??e ?soso o i it it t at alt a?llollowo?s s ts ?theth??fofoofoodod d td tot???hi?nen????rorou?,1,B??001001F1FP1FPV?0O?O,???F3F3E3?CYC???XIXIAIA7A7,7??ooooko???irirlrl,l,0??,0,??5,15,?13113181898?828?40?0,?SpSpip?cyc?y My MuM???ar?d,????hahavha?e e te tae t?st?eded ed o on o??? to t?? m ma man?y y dy didififfffeferereer??nt nt mnt ?musmuststast?ard?s s ws whwhihichi?h ?clclal??m m? to???e e s??picpicycy,cy, , b?utut t ft ?alallal?l sl shshoshorortort.t. t. ?ThThiThisis is s?prprereareadreadsds ?eaeasasyasy y a?ndn?d id ?is is nis ?neine?ithitheherher r tr to?o o to ?thithicickic?, , n, nonor? t??o o to tho t?hin?. ? I ItIt t at act actc?uaualua???y dy doy doeo??s hs
tried that will make me wanna buy it." 5080,B001FPV0OO,A2NP9CGUSFP22E,"Robert F. Gontarek ""Bob G""",0,0,5,1347840000,Great mustard,This will ruin supermarket mustard for you. High quality and just the right amount of bite so it allows the food to shine through. 5081,B001FPV0OO,AAF3ECYTDXIA7,Book Girl,0,0,5,1318982400,Spicy Mustard,"I have tasted one too many different mustards which claim to be spicy, but fall short. This spreads easy and is neither too thick, nor too thin. It actually does h
aava?? e ?nonouo??? h ??ata??toto o? ta t??tete,e? w wiw??hohou????eie?ngn? e?? ?ThThihisi? m mumusust?arardrd d??ououlouldld d md mamakakeke ?a a g grg?ea?t t at adaddddidititiitioionon n? to to o ao ?nyny y s ?auaucu??s,s??ma?ririninain?adeadeses,es, , s, sasalsa??????resress??ingingsg?? o oro??juj??t ??oror or??ipippp?ininging!ing! ! I I I? wo wou woululdld ld???coc?mmmmem?endend ?ththith?is is p ??ododud??t,t?, f, foforfor r ar an?yoyononeon??whwho? i ?is ???oko???ing ing f fofor? a a a ma ?musmuststastarsta?rd rd w wi witithith h sh sosomomeom??trtrur?e e he ??".""5505?8282,2,B,B0B00000?KKKK5K5O5O7O7E7E,E,A,AUA???QPQPGPG0G0Z0??7O7O8O?,W,WiW??lil?amam m?MoM?orror?risris,?0,0,0,?0,50,?,1,121292??252??202???VeVereryry y ty ?asastastyt?,","A"? v ???? t???stysty y ly ??ttttltlel?e ce ??akeak?. . T. ??e e ce cae cak?ake ake w wa was?? su sururpr?priprisisiisin?inglinglyly y my ?oio??t,? a an andnd ??hehe he c ???am?ele? r??m ?sasausaucuceuc?e w??as as vas vever?y ?sws?eeeetet ??utu?t nt no?t t tt totootoo o oo ?veververpverpop? . W. WeWe'e'l'llll ll???fifin???el?y y by ?? b bubuyuyiyininging ing ting th?thisthis s ps ??od???uct uct? ag a?aiain???
ave enough heat to taste, without being excessive. This mustard would make a great addition to any sauces, marinades, salad dressings, or just for dipping! I would recommend this product, for anyone who is looking for a mustard with some true heat." 5082,B000KK5O7E,AU97QPG0ZZ7O8,William Morris,0,0,5,1296259200,Very tasty,"A very tasty little cake. The cake was surprisingly moist, and the caramel rum sauce was very sweet but not too overpowering. We'll definitely be buying this product again."
5?0808383,3,B,B0B?00??K5K5O5O7O7E7E,E?A2A2Z2???PAPAYAY7Y7O7OVOVXVXSXSLSL,L?"T"T.T. . V VoVococic???"T"Ti"Tininana"a??",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,?,1,?272787898?797929202??,A,Aw,Awewesesosomo?? R ?umu??CaCakakek?,","T,"ThT??e ce cac??e ?wawasas s a ? l lilitittt?lele ?smsmam?lllle?r r t ththahanan n I ? t?hoh??ghg?t,t??bub?t t i ?? w wa?s s ds dedeleli?ci??ousou?. ??MyM??huhususbsbabanandand d a?ndn??I I eI enenjnjojoyoyeyeded ???????mumucu?h,h, , w, ?we we a ar a?e e oe ?rdrdederderirininging g? mo mororeore e fe ??? C Ch Chrhririsri?tmtmamasmas!s!"!""550508508484,4,B,B0,B???IJIJ7J?????,A1,A1J1J1J1313H3?B2B?D8D?K2K2W2W4W4,4,A4,AnAngngeg???ca?,0???0,50,5,?1313213262626?404?000000000,??ululslsisi ?SwS??ete?t Rt RoRososese e Te ?eaea,a,","T,"Th,"Thihisis ?teteaea ea? ac a?tutuaualallallyly ?tat?astaste???s ths t?he he w wa w???a a ra roros?e ?e sme smemelme?llsll?s. s. I It It't?s ??likli?ke ke??sipsi???inging ing o ?n n rn ?rosro?sesses s ws ?hehenhen n yn yoyouou ou d drdririnrinkn? i it it.t. . ?I'I'm'?m gm ??adad ???t ct ??n n bn beb?e pe ?????asaseaseded ed o on on ?AmA?mazmazoz?? b be bececacauca?useus????lolooooko?kedke?d id ind i??evevevereryr??re?gug?ulaul??r fr fofoofo?d ??stostororeore ore a???s wes welellell l? as as as? th
5083,B000KK5O7E,A2Z9GPAY7OVXSL,"T. Voci ""Tina""",0,0,5,1278979200,Awesome Rum Cake,"The cake was a little smaller than I thought, but it was delicious. My husband and I enjoyed it so much, we are ordering more for Christmas!" 5084,B004IJ71QK,A1J13HB2D8K2W4,Angelica,0,0,5,1326240000,Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea,"This tea actually tastes the way a rose smells. It's like sipping on roses when you drink it. I'm glad it can be purchased on Amazon because I looked in every regular food store as well as th
ee e m ?ororere e ue unununususus?alal l s ???oreoreses,s??lilikikek??TrT?adadedere??JoJoeoeses,es, , t, ?hahata? c cacararrrryry y?ununuunususuusuaualua?l fl fofooo???ititeteme?? a anandn??cocouo?ldld d nd ?otot t ft fif?ndnd nd? it it.t.".?5505080?5,5,B,B0B??1E1???ZFZ?Q,Q,A,??969?NQNQUQU5U?FWF???D6D6,6?TiTimim m?PhPheheie???5,5,55,5,5,15,1,1,1,?24242420208?64640400?,N,NoNo o H HeHeaeat???,","I"?t t st sas??s ?HaHaba?enenenereroero ??epeppppe?rsr?s os ?? t ?thethe e ie in???redre?ieien???s, s, b ????mymy ?gugueues??s is isis ?th?theythe???us?t ?waw?vevede?d id itit it o ovo??r r tr ththe????oso?eded ed b bo botottottltlele.e? S ?mem?llllsl?s ls liliklike? m mo molo??sss??s ?anandand d sd sos?y y sy sasausaucucece.??TaT?astastete te l li l?ikeike e me mo?lalaslass?eses es????nd snd sosoysoy ?y say sauaucuceuce.e. e. Ae. AbAbsbsosolsolulut?elelyel??bobor?"."???086??,B0,B0000100??O5O5ZO5ZFZFQZF??A1A1T1TMTMCMCBC??Y0Y??GOG?YMYM,M?C.C?. L. ????z,z?2,2,2?,5,5,,5,1,12,1212?40???6406400????ststysty!y?!,G!,?re?at? s sa sauaucau??! ! U UsUsesedsed ?d ind in ?mamananyan?y Jy JaJamamamaima?ca???reresre?stast?aurau?ranrantntsts ts??o ????p p w ???h h? th the? h heheahe?at at oat ofof f t??e ?
e more unusual stores, like Trader Joes, that carry unusual food items and could not find it." 5085,B001EO5ZFQ,A296NQU5FWDQD6,Tim Pheil,5,5,1,1242086400,No Heat!!,"It says Habenero peppers on the ingredients, but my guess is they just waved it over the closed bottle. Smells like molasses and soy sauce. Taste like molasses and soy sauce. Absolutely boring." 5086,B001EO5ZFQ,A1TMCBQY0DGOYM,C. Lopez,2,2,5,1214006400,Tasty!,Great sauce! Used in many Jamaican restaurants to help with the heat of the j
eererkrk k s seseaeasasos?nininingng.g. . M MoMosostst t u ususese se??alalklkekererwer??odod d j ?er??k sk ?sease?asoas?onionin?g g?tot??mamakakeke ke t th theh? j je j??erk erk?anandn?d pd ??uru? t th?isi???? l lalatateterer er? on o? t th the the e je jejerje??? or o?r tr ?hehe he r rir??e.e??505?878???000010?EOE?5Z5?FQF?,A,A1A?YXYXCXCRCRFRFDF?XSX?XQXQOQOEOE,E?"L"?. ?WeW?llllsl?s "s """?MuMususiusicic ic L LOL?VAVA"A""?",",3,3,3,4,?,1,?,1,12,1??363?60608080080000,00,n,?otot ?auautu?theth?ntntitic?,","T,"?asastastetestes s ts to??o so sws?eeeetet,t, , w whwhih?ichich h J JeJererkerk erk Serk SeSeaeaseaso?ni??ng ng i isis is?nonotno?. ?? Wa Walalkal?kerker'r?s s ws ??ododsod?s is isis is tis ththethe the m??ostost t at aut a?uthuthehenhent?icic ?toto to t ta t?astasteast?e. e. T ThT?hishis ?s was was? a a a? wa wasastasteaste.aste.".?5??088088,8?,B0,B00001001E1EO1EO5O5ZO5ZF?Q,Q,AQ,A1?E1E?Q8Q8E8EEEEXE?XCNXC??ADAD,D,r,rereeeesee?se,se,0,0,0?,0,,0,2,2,2,1,13,1333383858?50850888??00,?DoDonontont t wt ???asteaste aste y ?ou?r r mr ?on????,"I,"I I? th??ougoughghtht ?I I wI wo?ulu????ryry y t???s,s, , b, ?utut ut I I I aI amam m? st s?tictickc?in?? w?itithth th? my my ?UNU???? J JO JOEOESOES S? JE JERERKRK K S ??UCUCEC??!!!! !! T Th Thihishis his??s s ss swswesw?eeteet t &t & &? no notot ot h ??ot.ot?
erk seasoning. Most use Walkerwood jerk seasoning to make the jerk and pour this on later on the jerk or the rice. 5087,B001EO5ZFQ,A1YXCRFDXSXQOE,"L. Wells ""Music LOVA""",3,4,1,1213660800,not authentic,"Tastes too sweet, which Jerk Seasoning is not. Walker's woods is the most authentic to taste. This was a waste." 5088,B001EO5ZFQ,A1E1Q8EEXCNEAD,reese,0,0,2,1338508800,Dont waste your money,"I thought I would try this, but I am sticking with my UNCLE JOES JERK SAUCE!!! This is sweet & not hot..
?...??hohououlu?d d?bebe e h hohotho???f f t ?heh???ara?e e ge gog?iningn?? to t? p pup?t t jt ?ere?k k?onon n t th thehe he l lalababebelbel"l""5505080898?,B,B0B000?1E1EOEO5O5Z5ZFZFQF?,A,A1A1010K0K9K?G7G?UXU??TDT??A,A,N,?ana?cyc?y My M,M?0,0,1,???,1,13,1333?878767686808?000000,0,G0,?rereare?t t st ?er?viv??e,e,",?ReRecececeiceivi??d d od ???erer er w wiw?th?inin in 7 7 7 b bu b?sisin?esesss???ayaysy?. . T ??he he phe ??ododud?ctct ?rerecre?cei?ve?d ?did?d d nd nonoto?t ht hahava?? t th the the ??amamem?e le la?bebelbel bel? as a??pipicictictuturu??d d td ?thothouougoughg? t th? the the w?orordordidindingng ng w wa w?s s ts ththethe e se sae s??e.e. . . ?AlA?soso o to ththe? p???duducdu?? d di did????t t ht hat h?aveav??ththethe ?sa??me me f flflalavlavov?? a as as as t th???prproprod?uc?t t pt ????urureured? ( (w(?hih??h h wh ??e he hahadha?d bd ?ou?oughoughtht t p?rerevrevi???sls?y y ly ?ococac??lyly)ly).). . . I. I I s susupu?pop?se? t th? the the m the mam?anuanufu?acactctu?re?r r h ha hasas as???ot ot o???ly ly?chc?hanha?ngengeded ed ted ththe?the lthe ?lablabelabele? f fo foror ?ththithisthi???ro?roduroducuct?, , b bu?t t at al?soso so?? the the the r the rerecrecirecipi?e.e. e.? T ?TheThe e de di?sts??ibibubututoutoror ?prpro??vidvi?
..should be hot if they are going to put jerk on the label" 5089,B001EO5ZFQ,A10K9G7UXOTDNA,Nancy M,0,1,4,1338768000,Great service,"Received order within 7 business days. The product received did not have the same label as pictured though the wording was the same. Also the product did not have the same flavor as the product pictured (which we had bought previously locally). I suppose the manufacturer has not only changed the label for this product, but also the recipe. The distributor provide
d? e exe????lelenentnt t?ses?rvrviv??? a ?ndnd d wd ?e e h ?avaveve e de dedececicidi?dedde?d td toto o???epep p t tht?e e se ?auaucuce?ce wce ?we we r rer?eceeceieivi?vedved,d, ,???sts??hahavhave? t to t?o mo mam?keke ke o ououru???wnw?????ifi??icaic???ononsns s f ?oro?r or ouourour r gr ?rir?llllelleded ?vevegvegegetetatabablble? r?ececiecipipep??we?we hwe ha?havehave ?ususeuseded ed i inin n tn ?theth?? .??ThT????s s fs fo?r r ar ?anoanoto?thetherthe??r grr g?reareatat at d ??st?ri????torto??fo?for for? th t?? p prprorododuod?uctuc?s s ws wewe ?lilikike?.<.<a<?? hr hrerefre?="=""""h"hth?tpt???/w/www??.a.amamamazmazoz?on.on.c.cocomom/m?gpgp/p??proprod?oducodu?t/t/B/?0000101E1?O5O5Z5?FQFQ"Q"""">""?WoWororlor??d Hd HaH?rbrbobororsors ??amamiam??icanica???tytyly?le le Jle ?ererkerk k S SaSauaucau??????-O-?unu????BoB?ottottlt?le,le?, (, (P(??ckck ??f f?6)6)<)?/a/a>a>">""5?090?0,0,B,B0B00B0?01E01EO?5Z5ZF5ZFQFQ,FQ,A,?2A2?TDTDSDSPSP7P?UQUQJQJOJ??X,X,K,KrKririsrist???0,0,10,1,1,5,5,5,1,1313030909009040464646404?00,00,",?MaM?????nonot?? au aut?he?nt?icic,ic??bubutbu?t it iti?'s's s ys ???mym??",",","I,"I I L ?OVOVEV? t? thi th?s s ss ?sausa???! ! I ?t t it ist i??s sws s?weeweetet et? an and? m?ololal??se
d excellent service and we have decided to keep the sauce we received, just have to make our own modifications for our grilled vegetable recipe we have used in the past. Thanks for another great distributor for the products we like.<a href="""">World Harbors Jamican Style Jerk Sauce, 16-Ounce Bottle, (Pack of 6)</a>" 5090,B001EO5ZFQ,A2ATDSP7UQJO9X,Krista,0,1,5,1309046400,"Maybe not authentic, but it's yummy!","I LOVE this sauce! It is sweet and molasse
ss-s?y,y? w wiwitithth h a ???ininyn? k ?icickc? o ofof f h heheaeatat.t. .????ususes? i it? t to to o m mam?kek?e He ?awa?????n n c ???ickic?kenke?n on oror r??or??k ak ala?l l? th thehe he??imimem??. . I I' I?veve e ne nen??verver r hr hahadad d? au autu?thethenentn?ticti???ama?maima?icaican? j jejererkrk,k, , s, ?o o Io I I cI ?an?'t'?????chch ch?foforor or a?ccccucururar?cyc?y ty ththethertherer?, , b, bubut? m my my y wy whwhoh?lel?e fe fafamamiamililyly y ly ????s s? th thi th?s s os ?nene ne?:D:?""5?090919?,B,???1E1?O5O5Z5??Q,Q,A,??9A9ANA???ULULKL?JIJ?KNK??????dadaLaLyL?nnnn,n,0,0,0,1,1,1,51,5,5,1?292949404?09909929??00,00?YuY?m!m?,","I"?I lI ??veve ve t th thi this thi?s ss sasauaucuceuce!e! !? I I u us usesedse?d td ????etet t it ??it ait ?? m my my my l lo???l l gl ?ror?cecer?y ???torto?re,re, ??utut ?ththetheythe?'v've've e se ?stostopoppppep?d d sd ?selsellllillin?? i it it.t. t. I I ?jujusustus??or?dederereer?ed ed a a a?sisixix x p pa pac???k ank a?nd nd i it it' it's'?s gs gog??ing?? to to to? la l?stst st a? a g a gogoogo?d d ld ?lonlongng ?wh?ilileile.e. e.?MoMosostst ?pe?op?lele le I I I k I knknonowow w????at at hat ?havhaveve ve tve ?ririeieded ed ted ththithisis is d ?onon'on't't 't l?ikike? i? it, it, ??, but, but ???fifinindind d t
s-y, with a tiny kick of heat. I use it to make Hawaiian chicken or pork all the time. I've never had authentic Jamaican jerk, so I can't vouch for accuracy there, but my whole family loves this one :D" 5091,B001EO5ZFQ,A19AN9IULKJIKN,AmandaLynn,0,1,5,1294099200,Yum!,"I love this sauce! I used to get it at my local grocery store, but they've stopped selling it. I just ordered a six pack and it's going to last a good long while. Most people I know that have tried this don't like it, but I find t
hheh? t tat?ststete ???eee?t t a anandnd d k kikinindnd nd o ?f f z ??ppp?y y a at at ???he he?sasamameme e te . I I I?hahavavev??beb?eeneen n t?ryr??ingin? t to t??fifinindin?d ad a a? su subu???ititutututete te? fo foro??momono??thsths!s! ! I I' I?m m???o go glg??d d Id ?I fI ??unund?nd tnd ??isis s? on on n An ?mamaza?on?! ! :! ?)")""5??929?,B,??010?EOEO5O?ZFZ???A1A1M1M0M0Z0Z6Z6C6CXCXKX??D0D0V0VJV?,","J"J.J?. H. HaHacackc??"""?BrBrirididgdgege ?PlPla??ere?"""""""","?0,0,1,1,1,5,?,1,12,1?898?0000100161??00,00??auaucu??e We WiW????A A?KiKici?ck ck N NoNo o Oo ??ioion?s,s,"?WeWe e ue ususeseded d td toto o bo bub?y y ty th??s s ss sasausa??e e ae atat t ot ?ourour ??oco??l l g grg?ococeocer?y ?st??oreore e we whwhihicichic???lo???d d id inin in S ??ptpte??be??. . . L ??uckucki??y,y? w we????ereer?e ae abe ablblel??e toe to o fo ?finfi?nd ?it?? at? A??mazmazo???. . Y. YoYou? d dod??ha?ve?? to??bubuybuy y ay a ?6-6-p-papacackac?k bk bubutbut t t?hehe ?exexpxpip?raratatiatioionio?n dn dadatateat???is is??ararcrchch h 2h 202?????. H. ??babananeanereroero o Po ??eppeppep?ersers s gs ?iviveve ve ive ?it it ait a a ka ?kickickck ck eck eveve??n tn ththothouougou?h h ih itit it hit ?hasha?s ns nono o oo on??
he taste sweet and kind of zippy at the same time. I have been trying to find a substitute for months! I'm so glad I found this on Amazon! :)" 5092,B001EO5ZFQ,A1M0Z6CXK0D0VJ,"J. Hack ""Bridge Player""",0,1,5,1289001600,Sauce With A Kick No Onions,"We used to buy this sauce at our local grocery store which closed in September. Luckily, we were able to find it at Amazon. You do have to buy a 6-pack but the expiration date is March 2012. Habanero Peppers give it a kick even though it has no onio
nnsn?. . I I'I'm'???lll?ere?gigicic c??? o ??ioiononson???o o to ththihisis s is isis is a a a w wewele??omomem?????duducuctct.t?? V VeVereryery y??arardr? t to to o fo ???d d ad ?nyny y gy ??od? s sa s?uc??e we wiw??th th?nono ???ioionio?ns.ns.".""?5050909393,3,B,B0B??1E1EOEO5O?ZFZFQFQ,Q??151???ZNZN1N1Z1Z3Z323262?7979,9,P,?egeg,g??,1,1,1,5,5,5?,12,128282826??808?00000?0,L0,LoL?vev??ththithisis is sis sasau??e!e?,","T"ThThi?s s ss sasausaucuceuce uce? ha hasa??jujusustst t??????igi???t ct co???ininainatatit?ionion ion o?f f s??weeweetet,t, , s??icicyicy y ay anandan?????d ?heheaheatat at t th tha that?at iat is?is pis peper?fef??ct ct?foforor r u ?usiusininging g w??ithith h a a a f a ?ama??lyl?. . . T. ThTheTh??sps?picpicyc?y iy isisnis??t t ot ovoveovererperpop?we?rereded d wd wiwitwi??th ath al?lslsp?iciceice,e????e e we wae wayay y sy sosomso?me me??th??r r br brbraran?andsand?s as ararear?????asastastete e te the thi?his his o?n n g grgririlrillllell?ed ed??inineineae?ppp??? f?or? J JeJ?erkerk k T TuTuru???y ?BuB??gegerersers s as ans a?? y yoyouou'u'l'llll ll?beb??in?????ove ove t to too too!o! !? M MyMy y oy on??? t tr trorouroubu?lele le ile isis ?fi?ndndindining? i it? i?n n on ou????mamalallall all???wnw?
ns. I'm allergic to onions so this is a welcome product. Very hard to find any good sauce with no onions." 5093,B001EO5ZFQ,A155DZN1Z32679,Peg,0,1,5,1282608000,Love this sauce!,"This sauce has just the right combination of sweet, spicy and mild heat that is perfect for using with a family. The spicy isn't overpowered with allspice, the way some other brands are. Baste this on grilled pineapple for Jerk Turkey Burgers and you'll be in love too! My only trouble is finding it in our small town
sststotororer?s.s...?.. ..???vev? h ha hada???to to??o o t to to ?ththehe ?ini?tet???etet,t, , b ?utut t?iti??s s w woworortorthth th i?t.t.".""5?090?4,4,B,?000?1E1?O5O5Z5ZFZ?Q,Q?A3A3D3D6D???363??SYSYOYOUO???GhGhehenhengnghghihisi??1,1,51,5,5?,1,,1,1,13,1??09309?929?00000000,0???h,h?, N, NONO!O!"!",",","(,"(F(???stst st o ofo??alallll,l, ??omomemebebob?dyd? i is is s cs chchahashasisiningin? m ??? ar aror?unu?d d ad ana?nd nd?ne????inging ing? al a?? m?y ?re?viv?ewe? s ?so so d dodonont? p papayay ?an??<b<brb??/>/??ttttetententntintioionon on t? to to t th thoh????NONO NO?vovotote?s,s, s, t??eyey ?bobotbothth ??rrrririvivevedve??wiwitithithihinhin n m?ininuin?uteutes?? of of f pf ??ostos?in?ing ?th??is is?rerev??iewie?.).)<)???r /r ?/></><b<br? /?>T>ThT??s s ss sisicsickc?lyl??sws?eeeet?isishish h m mo mololalasassssesesse??flfla???re??d td ?thithinthing? i is is is N NONOTNOT T j ??erkerk k s?auaucucece,e?, d, do?es?ntnt nt ent evevevenve?n rn reremremomot?ele?ly<ly<b??<br /<br />/>r/>???semsembm???e ae a a b ba badad ad f ??csc??mimililele.le. . I I I d do donontont t kt knknonowow w ww whwhahathat t Wt WoW?orlorldl?d Hd ?ararbarboborborsrs rs?? is ?th?thin?kikining?, ?cac?ausau?se se t???is ?st?ufuffff<f<b<br<br
stores... have had to go to the internet, but it's worth it." 5094,B001EO5ZFQ,A3D6OI36USYOU1,Ghenghis,1,5,1,1309392000,"Uh, NO!","(First of all, somebody is chasing me around and negging all my review so dont pay any<br />attention to those NO votes, they both arrived within minutes of posting this review.)<br /><br />This sickly sweetish molasses flavored thing is NOT jerk sauce, doesnt even remotely<br />resemble a bad facsimile. I dont know what World Harbors is thinking, cause this stuff<br
/?>i>?s s?hohororrrriribiblblele.e.<.?brb????<b<br<br ??/>B/>BTB?W,W, ,?I I?lil?keke e t ?heheieirir r Tr TeTere?riyri?akakiki i??aua?cece,e?, b, bubutut t t th ??s s bs babadad d a ?as as i it i?t gt geg?tsts.ts.".""???9595,5,B,B0B?00?8080M0MJM???,A,A2A??KLK??7O7OTO?HDH????,","K"?atatet?e We ?itittitt ?""""S"SnSnanakakeak?GrGrrrrlrr?"""""""",",6,??,6,,6,4,4,4,1,121212111151?878727?00??? g gogoooodo?d md ?ixix x??n n w ?it?h h?oto?theth?? l lo l??sesele?lealeafa????asas,as,"??t't's'?s ns nonot? g gr g???t t pt plplalaiainin,n, , b?utut ut i??'s's 's? wo wonondndeder?fufulul l m mimixmixexeded d wd wi??th th o ot o??therthe?r hr heherhe?bsbs.s. .?? It It t ct cacanan n bn ?e e ae a a l li l?ittittlittle? b blblabl???d id ifi?f yf ?ouo? d dodonon'on???t put putut ??anyan?th?ininging g b bu b?ut ???the the r ??sesehsehihiphipsp?s is inin in t th the th??ininfin??seserse??. . H ?ibibiibis?cucusu?s gs gogoegoeses s g?re?at???it?ith ith i it??, t, th?ouougoughgh.h. . . I. ItIt'It's's 's a's ?a ga ??reareatreat t tt ?teate?a fa fof?or or c chc?hilhi????n n b??cacauca?useuse e i?????mi?ldld ld a?ndnd nd f frfruruiuitityity,y?, f, foforfor r ar ?aduadulultul?ts ts a?ddd???t t t?o o s so somomem?ethethihinhi?g g eg ?<.<b.<
/>is horrible.<br /><br />BTW, I like their Teriyaki sauce, but this..... its as bad as it gets." 5095,B00080MJE2,A23KLK7OTHDL2U,"Kate Witt ""SnakeGrrl""",6,6,4,1211587200,A good mix in with other looseleaf teas,"It's not great plain, but it's wonderful mixed with other herbs. It can be a little bland if you don't put anything but the rosehips in the infuser. Hibiscus goes great with it, though. It's a great tea for children because it's mild and fruity, for adults add it to something else.<b
rr r?/>/?AlAlsl?o,o, , y yoy?u u c ??n n e eae?t t t tht?e e?????hihipipsps s a afaftftet??r tr th??y'y'v'veve e be bebeee?n n bn brbrerewewew?d,d, , s, ?souso?ndndsds s ws weweiweirirdr? b bubutut ???theythey y a??? g ??reareat?, , t, ?the?they they t?asaststete te a? l ??ttttlt?e e be bie b?? l li likikeke e ae anan an a ap a?plplele le? an andnd nd h hah?veve ve l lo lototsts ?ofof f????ama?ini??C.C. . ???atcatchc? o ou??t ft fof???r thr thehe he p pipitithith h (h ?ththathatat'at's'?s ts ?thethe the? be bese???woworordor?d Id ? c ca canan an tan ththith?inkink k o of of f ff ?forfo?r tr thr ther the ?li?ttttltt???hahaihair?lilikli?ke ke??hohor??s s ts ths t??t ?susururrrrorouro?????thethe the sthe seseeseed?s)s),)?, t?hohouho?ghgh,h?, i, ???yoyouyou u du dedececicididede de t to to o e?at? t th?e ?hihiphi? E ?veververyr??ononcncece e ie inin in a? a w a ?hihilhile?le yle yoyouyou you f ?in????oneon?e te ??thattha??hahashasns?'t't t bt ??en??de??pipitpi?thethedthed d pd prproropro???lyl??, h, hehenhe?ncence e ye yoyouyou you nyou ??eedee?d td tod to ?avavoavoio?id id t? the the the p pi pitith? i ifif if? yo youou ou? ea?t t tt tht thehe ??brebreweweewed?? hi h?ipsip?.".""?5050909696,6,B,B0B??1V1?NGNGLG?JEJE,E?A3A3535D5DLD???JWJ?2L2L4L4M4?7,7?RuR?uthut?y,?3,3,3,3,3,53,5,5,1,?313141
r />Also, you can eat the rosehips after they've been brewed, sounds weird but they are great, they taste a little bit like an apple and have lots of vitamin C. Watch out for the pith (that's the best word I can think of for the little hairlike thorns that surround the seeds), though, if you decide to eat the hips. Every once in a while you find one that hasn't been de-pithed properly, hence you need to avoid the pith if you eat the brewed hips." 5096,B001VNGLJE,A35DLQ4JW2L4M7,Ruthy,3,3,5,1314
0050?767?000?,D,DeDele?icicicioiouo?s,s,",??heh?sese e c clc?ovo??? a ararere e ve veverve?y y f ??nen?elyely y gy grg?ouounoundn? a an a?nd nd??xtxtrtre?mem?elyely ely p ?unungngegene?t.t? I ? u ?useus?e te ththehemhe? i inin in c co cooo??ininging,g, , I? l leletet t? a a s ??alallll l a am a?ouounountount ?sos??k k??n n? co coc cococ?nunutu???ili?l al ana??nd und ?useuse use i it it t ft foforor r m mamasmasss???ge ge??oiloi?, ?an?d ?alalsal?so so m mi mixix x i it it it s st strtratr?igi?htht t it inintin?o o??eeees??axa??foforfor ?cac?and?le?s.s???t t wt wowor??s s w wew?ellel??onon on a al all? c co cou coun?tsts.s. s. I I ??m m vm ?ver??y sy ?satsatitisi?fifiefiede?d ad and a?nd ?wiwil???be? r rereoreor?dedereririninging ing w??henhen ?neneeneededeeded?.".?5505090??,B,B0B00000000000D00D9D9494S4??,A,A2A2R2??1P1PGP?1X1XPX?NONO0O?B,B,","K,"?otottt??n ?KaK?andandeandeeee ee " """?non?ot ot s so s?o so sesecsecrcreretretstshtshohopo?peperer"er?"""""","?4,4?,4,,4,4,4,,4,1,4,111?848414191989???00,00,","A,"? S SuS?mmm?mermer r Tr ??reare?t t Ft FaF???FrFre?e,e, , G, GuGuiu?iltilt ?t Frt Frereeree"ree?","","T"Th"Thih??? mi mix mix ?isis is pis prprorobrobababablb?y y ny no?t t st sot somo????ining?ing ying yoy?? w wo w??ldld d wd wawanwa?? t ?? u?se? e ev eve?very?dad??
057600,Delicious,"These cloves are very finely ground and extremely pungent. I use them in cooking, I let a small amount soak in coconut oil and use it for massage oil, and also mix it straight into beeswax for candles. It works well on all counts. I am very satisfied and will be reordering when needed." 5097,B0000D94SZ,A2R91PG1XPNO0B,"Kotton Kandee ""not so secretshopper""",4,4,4,1184198400,"A Summer Treat Fat Free, Guilt Free","This mix is probably not something you would want to use everyday.
?? I ItItst???usu?t t???? e ?non???h h a ??????ffffef???entent ?enenoenou???????bebe e??omo??tht??ngng g s sp spepececiciaiala???o o ao adadddd ?????ouourou? s su sumummm?mermertrtitimi????recrecicipcipepe'pe's'??? W ???en en y yo y?? w waw?antant ?to?to rto ?rewrewawarwa?d d yd yo?uru??elelflf f? wi witithth th s so s?omeometethethi?????unu???ndnd nd f??uiu???? t?hi?s s cs ?????ilillll l tl ??e ??ilillil?l ql ?uiuicuickc?lyl?? an and and d ed eaeasasisililyily.y. . . ? It I??hah?as as n??o ao afo aftfteter?tatasastaste? s? so so o ?ft??en en aen ????ciciaci?tetedte?d wd wiwit?h ?didiedi?? d dr drir??ksks.? ?I I??highi??ly???ececoecom??menmendnd nd ind it?.".?5505090?8,8?B0B000040??5757P7PZP?I,I,A,AIAI0I0G0G5G5E5ENE???TOTOSOS6S6,6,A??. A. ArArdrderdeke?ananian????,5,,5??,5,1,5,??848444424222?4040000,00????f f Jf JeJererker????isis s As ?MAMAZA??NGNG!G!,!,","W"WhWheWh?en ??I oI opope?nenedne?d t?he??papacackckack???, , I, ?I eI ??????t tt tht the?he she sas?meme me ome ololdl?d td tad t?astastiastin?g g Bg BeB?eefee?f J?ererk?y y by bubutu?t mt mymy ??tastaststest??e bue b?dsd??susururpurprp?risrise?d ?me?. . . T. ?hihis???eeeefeef eef j je jererk?erky erky t ta tas
Its just new enough and different enough to be something special to add to your summertime recipe's. When you want to reward yourself with something fun and fruity, this can fill the bill quickly and easily. It has no aftertaste so often associated with diet drinks. I highly recommend it." 5098,B004157PZI,AI0G5ENLCTOS6,A. Ardekani,5,5,5,1284422400,Beef Jerkey is AMAZING!,"When I opened the package, I expect the same old tasting Beef Jerky but my taste buds surprised me. This beef jerky tas
tteteses s a amamamaza?ini?g!g? I I'I??e e b bebeeeene?? bu buyuyiyin???prprorodo?ucuctctsts ?frfro?m m A ????onon.n.c.?omom m fm foforor r?yeyeae?rsrs s ws waw?s s rs rer?ealea?lyl????sps?irireredred d?tot? l leleaeaveaveve ve??nyny y fy fefee?dbd?acackck k b bu but but t a?s s ss ?oooon?? as? I?? ta t?astastetedte?d td ?hihisis s Bs BeBee?? J JeJ??kyky,y, , I I I w I wawanwa?teted? e eve??ryryoy???e te toto to???owow.w? I I ?jujusu?t t ot ?ordorded???d ?5 5 m momororeore e :e :):)<)<b<brb??/>/><><b<br<b?r /??? B BaB??ba ba? Al Alil???505090999??B0B000040414?575?PZP??,A,A2A??UXUXTXT7T?1Y1YHYHHHHUHULU?C,C,","J"???aia?d d Ad A.A?. B. BhBhohololalatat ?""""J"J "J? Bh Bhoholhola?t"t""?","?3,3,3,3,,3?5,5,1,131323?9393535050450??00,00,b,be??? a an and an?d t???ththfthfufulullll ll c co?mpmpapananyny,ny?ththithisis is???s ts ththeth?e be ?besbestbest t ht hah?la?? b be b?eefeef eef j jej?erkerkyky ky i? h hahavha?ve ve eve eveveev?er er t??ststesteded.ed. . a. al?so? t th theh?e ce cocomcompcompapanpa?? t tr trurulrulyly ly?gig?ve?s ?anan an O OrO?th?ododood?? M MuMususlus?limlim m am a a? go g??d d cd chcho?icicec?e ie in??? buy bu?yinying? b be bec be?aua?useus?e we whw?henhen n yn yoyouyou u??alallall l tl th?themthem ?toto to ato asaskas?k ak ab?ouout? t? the th
tes amazing! I've been buying products from for years was really inspired to leave any feedback but as soon as I tasted this Beef Jerky, I wanted everyone to know. I just ordered 5 more :)<br /><br />- Baba Ali" 5099,B004157PZI,A2IUXT71YHHULC,"Junaid A. Bholat ""J Bholat""",3,3,5,1329350400,best and truthfull company,this is the best halal beef jerky i have ever tasted. also the company truly gives an Orthodox Muslim a good choice in buying because when you call them to ask about the
iiri? s ?lalauaugughghth??rir?ngng g p prp??cec??s s???eye??ququiuici???y y gy ?ivi?e e y yoy?u u t th thehe he a anansnswswew?er er?ununlnlil?keke ?ototh?erer ?MuM?slslislimim m c ?omompmpap??y'y's's s ws whw?o o t tr tryr?y dy dod??ded?ce?iviveive ?ththethe the c co c?nsnsunsumu?,I?A1A1W1W0W??1W1WA1WAIAIQI???IJIJ,J,S,SeSeae?MeM?,2,?,2,2,,2?5,5?1313434141841?787848404?00,00??onondonde?rfrfufulul l b bebeee?f f j jejer??y.y...??anan an? ad addddidic?tit??? w ?aiaititi?ng???o o ho ???pepene?!,!,","I"I I a am am m nm nonot???MusMu??slimsli?, , b bu butu? w?asas s is inintinte?reresestes?tedte? i inin in? th thi thisis s js jejerje?kyky ky b be bececaecauausau?e e oe ofe o?f if ititsits s ls lolowo? c ca cararbrb b c co con contn?tententnt nt c co com compmpampar??d d td ?o o so ?om?e e oe ote o??therther ?brbrar?andandsds s os ofof f "f ?"s"?swesw??t"t?? j?er?erkyerk?y oy ou?t t tt th?thertherether?. . I ItIt t ht ha???a a s sl sliliglighghtghtltlyly ly? sw sweweeweete?t t????? a?ndnd ??re?????lalavla?oror ??spspip?icyicy.y..y.?..b..?utut ut??OTOT T????)!)! !? I ?It It i??s es ?easeasysy y ty ?to to c ch chehewhew w aw anandand and d do?es?n'n't't t lt ??eaveaveve ve??ouourou?r fr fifin??erersers ??titicti??
ir slaughtering process they quickly give you the answer unlike other Muslim company's who try do deceive the consumer. 5100,B004157PZI,A1W0Q1WAIQQIIJ,SeaMe,2,2,5,1341878400,Wonderful beef addiction waiting to happen!,"I am not Muslim, but was interested in this jerky because of its low carb content compared to some other brands of ""sweet"" jerky out there. It has a slightly sweet taste and great flavor (spicy...but NOT hot)! It is easy to chew and doesn't leave your fingers sticky
.. .?I I w wiwisishsh h i itit t???meme e i in in n m momororere ?ececoconononomo??cacalcal l s sisizi?eses s ( (6(6,6???, ??? 1 1212 2 o ozo?? si s?izeizeses)es?, , b, bubutut ?ththahata?t dt dodoeoesesnesn'n't't t st seseee?? t ?o o b bebe e te ???e ce ca?? . . I?t't's'????grgre??? j jejererkrkyky y?anandnd d m mi migighghtht t jt juj?stst ?bebe be? ad addd??ictic?iviveve,e?, w, whwhih?ichich h ph prprorobo???lyly ?mam?kekeses es t?heh?e 3e 3 3? ou oununcnceceses es bes babagba?? si siz sizeze ze a a a g go g?odod d cd chc?oio?iceice.e.......a..??tet?er er t th the the ?fifirirsrstst st 3 3 3 o3 ???ce??s ys yoyouou ou H HAHAVAVEVE E T TOT? S STSTOTOPTOP P (?at?at lat lel?asast?st lst lolon?g ??no?ugughgh gh??o o oo opo??en en a an anonotnoth???? ba b??)!)!!!!!??5??0101,1,B,B0B000040?151575??ZIZ?,A,A2A232?QFQF1F??979?QNQNONOKOK3K3,3???ameam??,1,?1,11,?1,51,?,1,12,1?858?63632320200000000,0,T,ThThehe he??es?t ?Be??f f J JeJererker?ky ky?EvEveverve?!,!,","W"WeWele?l,l, , a, afaftafte?r ?trtryr???g g ag a a la ?lotlot t ot ofof f bf ??anandandsd??, t, ththithisis is??s s ps ??ob?ab?ly? t th the? b?esest? b be?efef ef j je jer?erkyerk??I I eI ??ver???asastas?tedted!d!"!?"5"?510510202,2?,B0,B?00400?415415757P57?PZIPZI,?AXA?SQSQGQGKG???GCGCYCYIYI,
. I wish it came in more economical sizes (6, 9, or 12 oz sizes), but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's a great jerky and might just be addictive, which probably makes the 3 ounces bag size a good choice...after the first 3 ounces you HAVE TO STOP (at least long enough to open another bag)!!!" 5101,B004157PZI,A23QF1J97QNOK3,James,1,1,5,1285632000,The Best Beef Jerky Ever!,"Well, after trying a lot of brands, this is probably the best beef jerky I ever tasted!" 5102,B004157PZI,AXSQGK5IGCYI,
??adadedeeeemem,m?0,0?,0,,0,5,??131?363666606080808?0000,00,y,yuy??mymy,y?GrG?eaeata? p prpror?duducuctct ?anandnd d i ?t t tt tatasasts?eses s g grg?reare??. .??I I?kekee?p p a a a b babagag g? in i? m mymy my d drd?awa?erer r? at at ???rkr? i in?????? I?? ge gete?????grgrygry y a an andnd nd i it itsts ?grgregr??t t t?o o??eateat eat t toto ??keekeepep p mp ?my my pmy prproprotote?inin n cn ?????t h??ghgh h s sis??cec??I'I'm'm m??worworkrkirk???g og ou?t.t..????3,3???004004141515757P7??I,I?AFAFXF??292?KWK?VZVZKZK0K?W,W?JoJoeoe,e,0,0,?0,?2,2,1,13,1???444404???00,????astas?y,y, y, b?utut t t?t toot to?????et?",",","T?heh??e e ae ara?re re v ?ereryer?y ty ta?st?y,y, y, by, ?ut?? wa w?y y ty toy t?o o so swo sweweeweetwee??& & s su sugugag?aryar??. . ? I ??eleltl?t lt liliki?ke ke I? I w I ?as? e?????ing ing? ca canandandydy y iy ?insinststesteaeadead d od ?f f? me m?eat??. ?IfIf ?ththahatat'at's's s os oko?ayay ay w wi w?ithit???ouou,ou, , t th thehenhen n yn ?youyo?'l'lll? p pr prorobro???lyly ?lol?veve ve t??eseseese,ese, , b, ?butbut t It I I wI wawaswa??loloolookokiokining?ing fing ??? s so somomem?ethethih?ing?????itit it h heheaheala?lthlthihiehier??. . Y. YeYeses,es, , I, I I kI knknonowo? i? it it? sa say?s ?'s
Nadeem,0,0,5,1336608000,yummy,Great product and it tastes great. I keep a bag in my drawer at work in case I get hungry and its great to eat to keep my protein count high since I'm working out. 5103,B004157PZI,AFX029KWVZK0W,Joe,0,0,2,1315440000,"Tasty, but too sweet","These are very tasty, but way too sweet & sugary. I felt like I was eating candy instead of meat. If that's okay with you, then you'll probably love these, but I was looking for something a bit healthier. Yes, I know it says 's
wwew?etet't' ' i ini? t ?hehe e?prp?ododuducu???nanamameme,e? b ?utu?t It I I b bo bouougu?hth?t it itit t bt ??cacaua??e e oe ofof f??he? n no no o h ??rmr??nen?? n no no no??ntntit?bibioi????, , n, ??o ao ara?titiftififici?iaiala? i in i?grgrer?didiei?ntnt nt a??pepec?t.t.".?55151010404,4?B0B?0404104151???ZIZI,I,A,A1A1O1OWO?NTNTATA8A8181M1MZMZ2Z2121F1F,F?MoMohohaham??medme??A.A? Z ZuZububeberberiri,i??,0?,5,?,1,131??12120206064640400??GoGoooodod od H HaH??alal al J ???kyky,y??evevever?? ha h???jej?erker?ky ky b be befefofor?e e be be?cacaucaususeuse e Ie ?'v've?????erer er ser ???en en? a a? Ha Halalaalalalal ?ve?rsrsisioionion.n. . W. WaWasa?? a ?lilitittittltlele ?apa?????henhe?si???ve ave ata?t ft fifirfirsrstrst t bt but b?ut ut??foufo?ndnd ?itit it h hi higighghlghlyl? a ad addddidicdi? . W?enenten?t tt ?thrthrorouro?ughugh h a a ??hoholholele le b ba bagag g i in? o ononeon??sisitsi??tinti? . I. ?I rI re?cocomommmmemenme?nd nd a al allll l ml mymy y cy cuc?ririori??s s Ms MuM??lilimlim m???rotroththetherersers s as ??d d sd sisissi?tet?ersers ers t to to ??ryry y iy ??..5?1010510?5,B5,B0?040410415041?57P57PZPZIPZI,?A2A2C2CUCUXU?NQNQJQ?T8T??3838G8G,G,l,?lilli?li,li,1?,2,2,2,5,5,,5,1?282??2323636868080000,?pap?????
weet' in the product name, but I bought it because of the no hormone, no antibiotic, no artificial ingredient aspect." 5104,B004157PZI,A1OWNTA81MZ21F,Mohammed A. Zuberi,0,0,5,1311206400,Good Halal Jerky,Never had jerky before because I've never seen a Halal version. Was a little apprehensive at first but found it highly addictive. Went through a whole bag in one sitting. I recommend all my curious Muslim brothers and sisters to try it. 5105,B004157PZI,A2CUXNQJT8Y38G,lili,1,2,5,1286236800,passion
,,","a"amamamazaziz?ngng g??asa??e,e? i ???rerededidibi?????uau??iti?y.y. .?ThThih?? i is is s ts ?hehe e be bebesest? b be?efef f??ererkrkyky y I I I h hahavaveve e ee eveveverve? h??d.d?. I. I I tI ?thith??? i it it't's'??ev?ene? b?ete?te?r ?ththathanan n tn th????????r nr ???-h-ha??alal al?on? ?ThThiTh??? be bee beefef ef? je jer??ky ky?mamadma?e e me mem?e le lelealeavaveav??e mye my ?fifirirsrstst ??revreviv?ewew w?eveveeverever ?onon on?am?azazoazonon on ton ?thothouougu?h h I I' I??? a a?reregregugululalarlar ?cocosoststustumume?r r or ofr o?f tf ?the???s.s. ??huhum?bsb?s us ?p!p?""55151010606,6?B0B000070?3F3?G1G1H1H6H6,6,A6,A1A1H1HO1HOXO?KRK??OKOKJK??X1X1,1,","L,"L.L. . R. ???DaDananaana-a-k-??irbirbyby y "y """"L"LeLes???e ?DaDanDa?? K KiK?irb??"""""""?,0,0,0,0,0,,0?4,4,1,?333???595929202??,T,??astas?ty,ty,"?I I dI dodonon'on't't t e ea eatat t ct chc?hiphi?s s os ofoftftetenten,n?, b, bub??t wt whwhe?n n In ??I doI d????the?ses?e ae ??re re?sos??me me o?f f mf ?y y fy fay favavoavororirititeites?es. es. T Th Theheyhe?y hy ?havhaveve ve a al alll?? th thehe he f flfla?vovoror or? an andnd d t te texe??ururere re ore ofof of t tr t??adiad??ioion????totorortortit??llalla a ca ch?ipi?ps,ps, ?, bu, b?ut ut i it it it i is is is??
,"amazing taste, incredible quality. This is the best beef jerky I have ever had. I think it's even better than the other non-halal ones. This beef jerky made me leave my first review ever on amazon though I'm a regular costumer of theirs. Thumbs up!" 5106,B0073FG1H6,A1HOXKR7OKJ1X1,"L. R. Dana-kirby ""Leslie Dana Kirby""",0,0,4,1339459200,Tasty,"I don't eat chips often, but when I do, these are some of my favorites. They have all the flavor and texture of traditional tortilla chips, but it is th
ee e??ububtbtltlel?e le lil?meme e fe flflalava??ririningng g t tht??t t m ?akakek??? th t?emem m s sp spepececic?alal.l. . T ThThe? l ??me??flflaflav?ororior?ingin?g ag ??pe?ararsrs s ts toto o b ?e e ae ? s?eaeasa?ononinin?ing ing t??atat at h ?hashas s bs ?beebeenen n?dudusuststeteded d?on?. . S. SoS?me?me cme chc?ipipsps ?ses??? t to to o ho hahavhaveve e be bab?arearelelyly y?ananyny y fy ?fla???r r? an andnd d Id I I? fi finindin????se?lflf f l lo looo?kik???ing fing ?oror or t th?oso?se se w ?itithth th t??e e me mom?ostos??. S. St. S?ilillll,l, , n nonononeone e oe ofof f tf ththethemem em hem hahavhavehave e qe ququiuititeite e ee enenoenouo?ghg?? fo for?or mor ??? ta tas?tetestes.s. . I. I I wI wiwiswi??h th ththathatat ?ththethesthesese se cse chchich?ipsips s hs ??d d md mod mor?e e te ththathatthat ?juj?ustus???a "a """?hi??t"t??? of o??lilimlimelim?.".""???0707,7???0101H1HOHOUO?GFGFCFC,C?A2A2S2SUS?RZRZ7Z??WPW????P,P???aryaryAyAnA??,0,0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,1,?323232?474757?202?00,00?PlPle??aseaseded ed w?it?h ?PrProrododuducductct,t?"P"PrProProd????? ar arrrririvrivevedved d od ????imimeim???ninicni?el?y ??acackckak?gegeded ed aed an????ififtf????ap?pepedpe?, , t, ththe? t tr trereaeateatst?s ws wewererere re?????ququaqu?alialit??y ay an?? v ?
e subtle lime flavoring that makes them special. The lime flavoring appears to be a seasoning that has been dusted on. Some chips seem to have barely any flavor and I find myself looking for those with the most. Still, none of them have quite enough for my tastes. I wish that these chips had more that just a ""hint"" of lime." 5107,B001HOUGFC,A2SURZ7AWPTR5P,MaryAnn,0,0,5,1323475200,Pleased with Product,"Product arrived on time, nicely packaged and gift wrapped, the treats were all quality and ve
?ryry y g gog??d.d. . N ?icicec??kekeeeepepspsasakake? b boboxox.x??5?1010808,8,B,B0B?00???ZGZGCG??,A,AEA?MVM?9I9IMIMHMH6H?6565B5B9B?,b,???????oto?zbzbebeaeada?z,z,0,?,0???,1,131333313?51??4040000,00,G,??eaeatea? A AlAltl?erernrnanata?ivi?e e te tot??CoCouougughg??DrDroropopsps,ps?"I"I I g?otot ot?tht?esesese ?foforor r m mymy ???m m w whw?ho ho i isi? a alalwlwawayaysys s ss sus?ckc?ini?? o on? a a a??ouougough???roroprop.p. ????sese se a?rere re g??mmmmimi i a an a?d d? ar are are e me miminmintn???lilikikeke ke ake a a c co cou??h h dh dr???, , s shshehe he r ?reareal?lyly y l??ikeikeses es t?he?m.m. . A. A A u unu?iqiququeue e ge gugum?????re?reatreatitioti?on.on."."."??10?9,9,B9,B0B00B00000F00FVF?W1W?B0B0,B0,A,A1,A?JHJ?5E5EKEKCK???PXP?SHSH,H??LBL??DiDiaiararir??es es "es """"L"?LBDLBDD?iaiaria?rieri???"""""???,0,0,0,0,??5,15,?13113121?323?969606?00,?YuYumum um?yuyum??,","T,"Th??? o oi oili? i??s ws wowonondonded?erfer?ulu?. . I. I'I?veve ve?hahadad ad a al a?momonmo?nd nd? oi??l tl ?thath?at at w wa wasas s s?o ?ststrtroronrong? i??t ot ?ve??whwhewhele?lmelmeded ???at??I ?wawaswa???sis???g ig iti?????r (r (s(sa??adad,ad?, c, co?oko??ngng)ng?. ???I lI ?ovoveov?
ry good. Nice keepsake box." 5108,B000MBZGCY,AEMV9IMH665B9,boonschotzbeadz,0,0,5,1331510400,Great Alternative to Cough Drops,"I got these for my mom who is always sucking on a cough drop. These are gummi and are minty like a cough drop, she really likes them. A unique gummi creation." 5109,B000FVW1B0,A1JH5EKCDJPXSH,"LBDDiaries ""LBDDiaries""",0,0,5,1312329600,Yum yum!,"This oil is wonderful. I've had almond oil that was so strong it overwhelmed what I was using it for (salad, cooking). I loved
??tht?e e f flflalavavov?r r o ?f f t th thihisis s o?ili? a ana?d d???illill l bl ?e e be bubuyuyiy?ngng g m momororeore.e.".?55151111010,0,B,??050?BDBD7D7W7WMW?K,K,A,???L4L4J4JMJMOMO6O?S1S?ECEC1C1,1,L,???n,n,0,0,?0,??,1,?333383?767??00000000,??wi?ninin?gsgs s Es EaEara?l l Gl GrGrer?y y d ?ece??f f tf teteaea a K KcKcucupupsps,s,","I"I I w wa w?antantetedte?d td ?o o?lolovo?e ???isis is b ?becbe??usu?e e Ie ???OVOVEVE E E Ea?rl? G ?GreGr?ey ey? te teaea,ea, ,?I ?NENEEEEDED D d de dec??? a an andnd nd? I I A ?DODORO?E E tE ?thethe e ce ?ononvnvevenveninienienencncec?e oe ofof of t th the th?e Ke KeKeueuru?igig.g? U UnU??orortortut?nan?te?lyly,y, ?I I dI dod??'t't t l???e e te the . . T ThThe? f?la?vovorvo?r ir ?is ?veverve?????eakea? a an and an?d dd do?ese?n'n?'t 't? de??iviveverver ver o on on n t th the the the?????a.a. . ?I ?tytypy??ca??lyly ly u ususeuse e t?e thee the e le ?larla?gege ??upup up s se???in?? o on? t th the the the 3 the 3-3?sisizizeze e me ?modmo??l,l, ?bubutbut t et ???ven ven? th the? the s the ??malma?ll ll c cucupcup p i ?is is wis ??mpmpypy y wy wiy witithth th t th the?sese.?? I I I dI diI didid d fd fif??d ???atat at m mi mixixix?inging ing ting ththithisthis ?on???wiwitwi??th ath a a sa ?trtroronrongngengerer-r-f-fl?av?
the flavor of this oil and will be buying more." 5110,B005BD7WMK,A23L4JMO6S1EC1,Lynn,0,0,2,1338768000,Twinings Earl Grey decaf tea Kcups,"I wanted to love this because I LOVE Earl Grey tea, I NEED decaf and I ADORE the convenience of the Keurig. Unfortunately, I don't love these. The flavor is very weak and doesn't deliver on the aroma. I typically use the large cup setting on the 3-size model, but even the small cup is wimpy with these. I did find that mixing this one with a stronger-flavo
rrer?? d dedece?afaf f t teteaea a?reresresusulu?tsts s i ?n n a ??momororere re s su??????? s?trtre?ngngtg????bub?t t t th t?enen ??ouou u h hah??e e te ?o o m mamakakeke e 2e ??cucupupsp??ofof f sf sos?mem?ththithininging.g. . T ?hehe he E ??nglnglil??h h B ???ak?fafasastst t dt dedecdecacafca?f if isis is? a a? mu mucu?h h bh ?etettet?terter r? ch chohoio?cece.e.".""?515111?11,11,B,B0B0000101V1?NGNGNGN0N0Q0Q,Q?A8A?WKWKNKNCNCNCN7N??UZUZ3Z????H.H. . V. VaVarardr?hahanha?n "n """?vav?ardardhdhadhanansns0s??1"1?????2,2???2,52,5,5,1,12,125,12565666606??60?0,0,F,FrFraraga?raranrantn?t at ??d d dd dedeldelilicli?ioi?ousous,s?,"A,"AsA??sosomso?meome?nene e we ??ho ho?gogoeo??s ts ??ror????h lh lol?tsts ts o ?of of? th thy thymymeme me ( (I(I I?ususes????? in in ???ververyr?th??ngng ng e exe???ptpt t ct cecercere??l)l?????wawasas as p plp??as?anantantlt?y y s???prpririsiseiseded ed? to to o so seseese?e te the thihisis ?pr?odo???t t ot onon on A AmAma?zozonon ?ata?t at a t a v veververyvery ?re?reasrea?sonsonanab??le le? pr p?ricrice?. ?LoL?okoksk?? s sm s?melmellllsl?s as anandand and? ta t??teteste??jujusustus???liklike???nyn?y oy ot?heherher ?ththythymymeyme e be bubutbut t yt yoyouyo?u cu cacancan n nn non?ot ot b be b?eateat ?nonotnot t rt ?unu
red decaf tea results in a more suitable strength, but then you have to make 2 cups of something. The English Breakfast decaf is a much better choice." 5111,B001VNGN0Q,A8WKNCN7FUZ3U,"H. Vardhan ""vardhans001""",12,12,5,1256601600,Fragrant and delicious,"As someone who goes through lots of thyme (I use it in everything except cereal), I was pleasantly surprised to see this product on Amazon at a very reasonable price. Looks, smells and tastes just like any other thyme but you can not beat not run
nnininingng g t ?? t th t?e e g grg??cec?ryry y s ststotortorere e ae anandn? p pap??ininging ??bobououtu? 5 5-5-1-101?x x m mom??re re?foforor or?? t?ininyin??bobotbo?tltlele e we whwhihicichc? w wowououlouldld ??asa?st st m ma may??e e 2e 2 2 w?eeeekeksks s i inin in? my my y hy hohou?????).).".?5?111?2,2?B0B0000101V1VNVNGN?N0N??,A,?WBWBQBQTQTFT??TITIKIKYKYOY?Z,Z,","L"L.L. .???u u?"""??icickickokonon"n"""""""",",4,4,4,4,4,,4,5,5,5,1,131?2121313113151525?0000,00,C,ClClelealeanan an??ndnd nd d ded??ic?ioiouousous,ous,","G,"GoG?odod ?prp????ctct t at an?d d rd re??asoasononaon?ablablele le p pr p?iciceic?e ce coc?mpmpaparpareredred d wd wiwiti?h h lh loloc??l l s??tortoretore.e?. F. ?oror or por ?eoe?plp??le wle ?whowho ?ususe?? it it t et evevevereryerydydad?ay,ay?? it it' it's'?s as ?a ga grgregr?ata?t dt I I I? wo wououlouldoul?d rd red rececocomcommmmemenendnd ?itit it t?o ??eveever?eryoery?oneone e we whe who? l lolovlove?s ?ththyth?meme me f?lalavla?oror.or?."."?51511113113,3,B?00??1VN1VNGNGNNGN0N0QN0??A2A232??PUPUHU?OPO?0K0KPKPWPW6W6,6?vsvs,s,3,3,3,33,?3,43,??1313213?595989???80080??ThThyhymymeyme e Le ?eaeafeaf,f,"?I I hI hah?ve? p pu p????as?eded d sd sesevseve?raralal al h heherherbr?s s fs ?roromro? F FrFro?ntn?ieierer er? wh whi?ch????aveave ?
ning to the grocery store and paying about 5-10x more for a tiny bottle which would last maybe 2 weeks in my house :)." 5112,B001VNGN0Q,AWBQTFLTIKYOZ,"L. Liu ""Nickon""",4,4,5,1321315200,Clean and delicious,"Good product and reasonable price compared with local store. For people who use it everyday, it's a great deal... I would recommend it to everyone who loves thyme flavor." 5113,B001VNGN0Q,A23XPUHOP0KPW6,vs,3,3,4,1325980800,Thyme Leaf,"I have purchased several herbs from Frontier which have b
eeeeenen n??f f g gog??d d??uaualalil?tyt?. .? T ThThyh?mem? l lel?afa???s s?alalwalwawaya?s s os ono?e ?ofof of t ?hehe e me ?oso?t t?didifi??ici?ulu?t t tt tot? p pupuru?chchahasases???ueue e te ?? t th thehe he l?ikikekele?y y c chchachana??e e o??f rf rerece??eveviviningng g m ?mormo???ststestemem m? th tha thanan an???eafea?. . . T??isis is t th thy thymymeym?e le lelealeaf? p?ur?chchachaschasese se w wawaswas ?s ofs o?f af ava?ereraraga?e ?e toe to o go gogoogood? q?ua???tyty.ty. ?. I. I I d di didid ?hahavha??? ab a???t t 3t 3030-0-7-707??? s st s?emem em t??o lo lelealeafleaf f cf ?cutcut t it in? t th the the e pe ?acackc?agageag????o ?I ?wawaswas was s sa s?tit?ifiifieiedied ??itithit?? th the the the? se sel?ecectectitiotion?. . ?WhW?henhen n In I ?drdryr?y my ?y ?owo?n ?ththyth??yme yme?? lea leafaf,af, ?I ?usususua?uallual?ly ly? do d??ababoboubo??? th the the the s the sasamameme me o or or r a? l li lit littttltlele le l le?sss?s ss ststestemstem m tm toto ?lelealeaf??raratratitiotio tio?fof???coc?ookookik?inging g ug us?e.e. . . S. StStetemte??ofof of tof ththethe ???hymhymeme me lme le?leafleaf ?arare?re jre juj???t at ?????avoav?oraor?ablab?le le ale asas as tas ???? le lea?f f af anf andnd d cd ???an ban bebe ??use?d d td to?to cto cocooco?k k? wi wit?ith ith s?ucuccc??
een of good quality. Thyme leaf is always one of the most difficult to purchase due to the likely chance of recieving more stem than leaf. This thyme leaf purchase was of average to good quality. I did have about 30-70%, stem to leaf cut in the package, so I was satified with the selection. When I dry my own thyme leaf, I usually do about the same or a little less stem to leaf ratio for cooking use. Stem of the thyme leaf are just as favorable as the leaf and can be used to cook with succes
ssfs?ulullllyly.y??5???4,4???0101V1??GNG?0Q0Q,Q,A,?161?CDCDOD?5H5???ASA??5,5,E,?ll?ioioto?ksks,s,2,?,2?,5,5,5,15,1313333333933929292969?0000,00,A?cncnen? m memede?ici???ne,ne,","I"??waw?s s?rereaeadadi?ngng g a a a?nenewne?s s ss ststotororyr? a ab abobououtut t h ??w w l ??? r re rese?ea?rcrchch h s susuguggggeg??t t at ???hyhymymeme me?titinincinctctuturure? t to to o b beb?e oe ?nene ne o ?f f??hehe e me ??st???ffffefece?ctictiviveve ?wawaywaysys ?toto to f fifigighghtht t at act acncnecn?e (e (b(?betbettt??r r? th tha thana? a a a p prpreresrescs?rir??titiotionon)on????I gI gogotot ot 5 5 5?ququauarartrt ?jaj?arsars s (s ?th?isis s as ama??unu?t t it ?is is? pe pererfer?fecfectct ct f?or?? th? that that t mt ?ananyany)y?, , 2 2 2 c ??ea?p p? bo botottottlt??es es o?f f vf ?ododkdkak?a (a (8(8080 0???oooofof)of) ) f fi filillllell?ed ed e ea e??? j jajarjar r hr ??lflf f wf wawayway way w??thth th t? thy th?ymeyme e te ththethene??totoptoppppeped??it?? of?f f wf wif witithit??ththe? v ?????. . I. ??? s st s?tiltillll ll l le l??ttittin?g g ig itit it sit ???it (it (i(it?it tit tat??es?es ses ?sixsix x? we weeeekeksks)ks) ) b) bebefbefof?oreore e ie ??it wit ?il?l l b be b?e ce cocomompmplp?letletete.te. . w. ??herhere????wi?llll ll tll th?thenthe????ve?
sfully." 5114,B001VNGN0Q,A16CDO5H7BASS5,Elliotks,2,2,5,1333929600,Acne medicine,"I was reading a news story about how lab research suggest a thyme tincture to be one of the most effective ways to fight acne (better than a prescription). I got 5 quart jars (this amount is perfect for that many), 2 cheap bottles of vodka (80 proof) filled each jar half way with thyme then topped it off with the vodka. I'm still letting it sit (it takes six weeks) before it will be complete. where I will then have
??o o?gegetet t c chcheheee?sese e c??otothth h a anandnd d s ?sepsepapara?ata?e ?ththeth?e te the t??meme e fe frf?omom m?ththethe the?liliqi?uiu?d d ad anandand d dd dodo ?a a t te tes?t ?rur?n.n. . I I'I'l'?l l u upupdp?at?e e we wiwitith? r ?esesuesulu?tsts s?mimidid-id?mamayay"y?55151111515,5?B0B????NGN?N0N0Q0Q,Q,A,?2B2B8B8S8?UDUDJDJGJGJGJIJ?QCQ?Y,Y??RoRononan?ldld d Md M.M??BuBururkrkhkhahar?t ?""""B"BuBurBurkrkyrk??i"i""?","??,0,0,,0,5,?5,15,131343494?13?60600000000,0,Q0,QuQuaualalialit?? S ?pipiciceceses,es,I,? u?se?? a a? lo l????f f v vav?????s ??pipicpicecesces ??? m my my ??ooooko?ininging g a an and? w ?anantante??d td toto to?fif?indind ?d a d a s so souourou??ce ce??itithit??a a qa ?quaqual?alitalityty y py prprorodro?ucu?t t at at?? a ?rereareasa??onaonaba??e e pe ?pripr??e.e?. . F ??ronro??ieierer r m me metet et??ha?t ?did????ipi?titiotionon.on..5?11????0000800?QXQXKXKUKU4U?O,O?,A1,A1N1NJN??OUO?MOM?IYIY9Y969????nannananahnaha???,0,0,?0,0,50,5,5,1??5050101701727282?0000,00??esestest est? It Itatalalialiaalianan an o ol oli?vev?e oe ?ili??ThThihisis is i isis ?ththethe the bthe ?esestest est oest ololi????e oie oilil il n ?ot?ot fot foforor r cr cocoocookokiokining? a as as s as an?y ?ol?iviveve ve o?ilil il wil wi
to get cheese cloth and separate the thyme from the liquid and do a test run. I'll update with results mid-may" 5115,B001VNGN0Q,A2B8SUDJGJIQCY,"Ronald M. Burkhart ""Burkyii""",0,0,5,1349136000,Quality Spices,I use a lot of various spices in my cooking and wanted to find a source with a quality product at a reasonable price. Frontier met that discription. 5116,B008QXKU4O,A1NJXOUMOIY96X,nanahass,0,0,5,1350172800,Best Italian olive oil,This is the best olive oil not for cooking as any olive oil wi
?llll l w wowororkrk k t ?heh? f flflalavavovoror or?anandn?? ar a?omomama a i isi?? fa fanantantatasasts?icic c B ??ini?gsg?s ys yoyouo???o o I ItI?taltalyly y U UsUsese e oe ono? s sas?laladladsds s bs brbrer?ada????oror or dor did?ppp???g.g..5515?171???0000606F6FXFXWX?RXRX4X4,4,A,A2A?1313S3?DGDGVGVTVTZTZUZ???6,6?K.K. . P ?riricricece,e,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,5,5,1?323252525??323203200?,","i"??eme???s s ds ?ese?crcriribri?eded,d, ,??hih?ippippep?ed ed o onon on??imimeme ?- - t?hah?ankanksks!s?","???thithisis is i it i?temtem ???me? e exe??ctctlt?ly ly a as as as?dedesdescscrscri??eded ?anandand d sd shshihiphippppeppeded ?onon ?titimti??me wme ?hihichi?? i is i??vevereryr?y iy im??orortorta?ntnt t f? for fo? C ChChrhri?ststmstmamasma?s!!s!?? T ??hanhanknksks ks f fo?? a a a r ?relre?iaiaba?lele,? e?asasyas?y sy ?shoshopoppppippininging ing e ex expx??ririeri?ncn?ce.ce.".""??1111811?,B,B0,B??3Q3QMQ?6Z6??U,U,A,AU,AU9U?TCTCXC?XW1XW191999??P8P8,8,c8,clcliliplipspshshishipip,ip,2,2,2?,2,,2,5?,1,12,1?787848464606080??00,?SoSo ?gog?odod ??it it c ?ououlouldld d bd be? a???bevbeveverve?agageg?!,!,I,I I b ?brobrou?ghghth?t st sos?omeome ?e ofe of f?? thi th?is is bis babac??k fk frfroromro??a a ta trt??p p? to to to J ??amaamaiaic?a a aa anandand and? wi w?ishis?hedhed ??
ll work the flavor and aroma is fantastic Brings you to Italy Use on salads breads for dipping. 5117,B006FXWRX4,A213SDGVTZU656,K. Price,1,1,5,1325203200,"item as described, shipped on time - thanks!","this item came exactly as described and shipped on time which is very important for Christmas!! Thanks for a reliable, easy shopping experience." 5118,B003QM6ZDU,AU9TCXW199NP8,clipship,2,2,5,1278460800,So good it could be a beverage!,I brought some of this back from a trip to Jamaica and wished I
???d d b ?ouougu?htht t i ?t ?byby y t ??e e????lolonon.n. . I ?t t it isis s?????y hy haharhardrd ??o o f fif??d d bd ??t ?WEWELELLLL L?woworo?thth th o orordor?ererierininging g i in in n b??lklk!k! ! I ItIt It i?s s as a a??weweeeetet t b?utut ut??pipicicycy y sy sasaua??e ??thath???tatakakekeses ?meme e be ?acackck k??o ??ama?aiaicicaic?a wa ???h h?eve??ryry ry???ststet?. . . I I I?hahavhaveve ve??attattetemtempmptpte?d d td tod to o do dudupuplplilic???? i it i??ma??y ??imime?s ?bubutbut ?cacanan'n't'??seseeeemeem m t to to to g ge g?et et i it it it r ririgighghtgh?. ?. I. I I a am am m em ececscststastatatiat?ic ic t? to to f to ?finfi?alallallyly y hy hay hava?ve ve fve fofou?nd?? a a s?ouourourcr?ce.ce?5515111?9,9,B,B0B?030?QMQM6M6Z6ZDZ?U,U?A1A1D1?6O6O7O7070C0C0C0C??UIU?E,E?smsmum??lilisli?1,1??1,11,1,1,51,5,5,1,13,1?161?737?606?000000,0?I I cI cocououlouldl???ri?nkn?k tk ??isis is s st stut?ffff!f!!!!,!,",?I I bI boboubo???ht ht t th thihis?is ois ?on on a a ?whwhihimhim m am ?andand d wd wowowwow w??o o Io I I cI coI con???dederde? m mymysyseselselfl? l lul??kyky.y. ?. I. It. I?t wt ?as? a a a s a ?hohotot t it int i?n tn ?thethe e de ??rkrk,k, , b bu?t t tt tht t?hishis ?tuturtu?nen??d od ououtou??t tot to o bo beb?e oe on?e e oe ofe of ?th?the the
had bought it by the gallon. It is very hard to find but WELL worth ordering in bulk! It is a sweet but spicy sauce that takes me back to Jamaica with every taste. I have attempted to duplicate it many times but can't seem to get it right. I am ecstatic to finally have found a source. 5119,B003QM6ZDU,A1D6O70C0CZUIE,smullis1,1,1,5,1316736000,I could drink this stuff!!,"I bought this on a whim and wow do I consider myself lucky. It was a shot in the dark, but this turned out to be one of the
?bebese?t t h ?otot t st ?auaucucec?es es?I I h ha h??e e?eveveverve??tatasa?stesteded.d? ???? o ononln?y y h ha has has s????e ??ooo?d d s sp spip?cyc?y hy heheaeata?, , b bubutu?t et ?xcxcecelcellllelenentn?t ft flflalav???r ar ?? w wew??ll.ll. ? I It It't's'?s as anan n u ununen?expexpep??teteded ed m mimixix x o of of f h he heaeateat t wt wiwiti?h h a a a h?inintnt nt o of? s sw swe?etet,t, t, a an a?d ?a ??ververyvery y ry ?obobu?stst st m?ix? o?? of s of ?pipicpi??s.s??. O. ?ne? t th thihininging g I I I r ???llllyll?y ly ??veve ve? ab abobouout? i itit it??s s ts ththathatat at????t flt flalavlavov??s ??hah?ateat?eveevere???ouou ou p ?utut ut iut itit ????, b, bu??t dt dodoeoeses ?nonot?ot oot ov?ererwer???elmelm m???. . ?ThT?he he h he???at iat isis s hs ?hothot t ft fot foror or s su suru?????utut ??doedoes?n'n't't t lt ?ining?er? f fofor?or vor vever?very very????g.g??. T. Th. T?he he fhe ??avavoavoravor r ir isis is v ve??very ??orior??ininainala?. ?. I. I I wI wewenwent?nt bnt babacackck k t to to o A AmAmamazazozon?? an and and d bd ?boubougu?htht t at ???whowhololele le?cacasasease e oe ofof f if ?".""5?121?0,0,B,B0B?0303Q3QMQ?6Z6ZDZ?U,U,A,A2A282?2S2?V3V3A3AIAIUIUEUE1E151545?,","K"K.K?. F. FeF????ht ht?""""O"??cocoDoDoDoco?"""""""",",1,1,1,1?,5,?
best hot sauces I have ever tasted. Not only has some good spicy heat, but excellent flavor as well. It's an unexpected mix of heat with a hint of sweet, and a very robust mix of spices. One thing I really love about it is that it flavors whatever you put it on, but does not overwhelm it. The heat is hot for sure, but doesn't linger for very long. The flavor is very original. I went back to Amazon and bought a whole case of it." 5120,B003QM6ZDU,A282SV3AIUE154,"K. Feucht ""OncoDoc""",1,1,5,
1??080818181?242?0000,0??wewesesosomomeme e?ststutufuffff,f??I I????e e je ??rkrk k c ??oko??ngng,g? a ??d d?ththihisis s?isis is t???e pe ???fefecectct t j jejerjerk?? sa s?ucu??e te toto o?puputu?t ot ?oveov?er er a a a f frf?es?hlhlyly y c?oo?kekede?d pd pipieiececeec?e oe ofof f j?er?k k ck ?hi?ckc?kenke?, , p, ?ororkrk,rk????atat t ot ort o? b ?eeeefe?. . E EaEacach? b???tltlele e de dodoeo???nonotot ot l la lasa?st st l lo lonongng ng? at a?t ot out ourur r hr hoh??sese.e.".""5515121?1,1??00?2828V8?AQA??U,U,A,A3,A363666?C5C5959Z9ZUZU3U3X3?F2F2Q2?,","D,"?eaeananeane e Se ??. W. WiW??sosonso?n, n,??ererberbab?????5,5,5,5,,5,5???13013??252575767??00,00?PaPama??lal?'s's s Ws WHW?OLOLEL??ALALELE LE B BaBaka?kinki?ng ng &ng & & P ?PanPancncac?????ixix,x,","P,"Pa?memel?a'?s s ms ?akakeakesake?s as anan an a aw a???somsome?, ?dedelelil??ioi?ousous,s?, e, ?easeasysy ?to? u ??e e we ?heheahe??frfrefr?? b ba bak?iningin? m mimix??????he he 2 ?25 25 l lb lb b b? bag bag g ig isis ?clc?lealeara?lyly ly a a ??whowhololeleslesasal?e e pe pre prorododud?uctuct,t, , c, co??minmingng ng ing inin in a a ??rorowro?n n p????r r br babagbag g wg wiwitiththothououtout t at an?y ?faf?ancancycy y ly ???? . I. InI?n Jn JaJ?anuan???
1308182400,Awesome stuff,"I love jerk cooking, and this is the perfect jerk sauce to put over a freshly cooked piece of jerk chicken, pork, goat or beef. Each bottle does not last long at our house." 5121,B0028VAQSU,A366C59ZU3XF2Q,"Deane S. Wilson, Herbals",5,5,5,1303257600,Pamela's WHOLESALE Baking & Pancake Mix,"Pamela's makes an awesome, delicious, easy to use wheatfree baking mix. The 25 lb bag is clearly a wholesale product, coming in a brown paper bag without any fancy labels. In January
?AmA?azazozonon n w ??? s seselellllil?ngng g t ththih?s ?prpror?dud??? f foforo???6666 6 w wh w?hichi?h h??as??clc?eae??lyl? a ana?n an apappp?propr??pripriaiata????pri?cec?e fe fo?r r ar a a? wh??le?sasala?le le i itite?m,m? e esespspep?ciciaialia??y ??? y yoyouou u c co c?mpm?arareareded d i it it t tt ?o o? th thehe e oe oto?theth?r ?sisizizez?es es o ??f tf th?the the s???e ?babakakik?ingin?g mg mimixi?. .? N NoN??? th?eye?y ay ?areare are? ch chaharargargigining? $??2 2 f fo f??? th the? e ex exaxaca?? s sa??? p pr prorodroduducductct ?whwhi??h h mh ?makmakek?es ??it it??ORORERE E e? exp expe???sivsivev???thathanan an b bubuyuyiyininging ing ting ?thethe the sthe ?samsameme me pme ?pro?duducductduct t ot ofoffoffeferereer?ed ed? as as s 3s 3 3 o of of f tf thf thehe he 4 ? l lblb b? ba bagagsg?s is inin in? th the the ?veververyr?y py prprepr?ttttyty ?rer?etaetaiailil l p???kakag?ining??. . ?SoS?omeometethethi?ngng ng i is isnsn'n?t t rt ririgi?hth?t wt wiw?ithith h th ??is??? pro prododuod??t ?????r,r, , a, an?ymymomor?e.e. . . S. ShSha?me???on on y yo y?? A Am Amamazma?zonzo?. . ???ou'ou?re? s?upuppppopposose??d td to? b be be e ae ababobovove??? suc suchch ch? sc schchecheme??s!s!<!<b<brbr r /r />/>S>STSTITILILLLL,L, , s, swsweweaearear r br ?y y Py PaP
Amazon was selling this product for $66 which was clearly an appropriate price for a wholesale item, especially if you compared it to the other sizes of the same baking mix. Now they are charging $82 for the exact same product which makes it MORE expensive than buying the same product offered as 3 of the 4 lb bags in the very pretty retail packaging. Something isn't right with this product offer, anymore. Shame on you Amazon. You're supposed to be above such schemes!<br />STILL, swear by Pa
mmemelelala'a's's s w whwheheaeatatftfrfrereee??BaBakakikini?g g?& & P ?ana?cacakakeak?e Me ?ixix.x. . I ??'s's 's t ththe???ESE?T.T.".?5515121222?,B,B0B?0202828V8VAVAQAQSQSUSU,U,A,APA?Q7Q7A7?VEVE0E0J0JUJU8U8989K9K,K,","S"S.S. . B. BoBononene ?""""M"??rkrk'k's's 's w's wiw?fefe"e"""""""",",5,?,5??,5,,5,1,5,12??585848?646??00,00?YuY?mmmmymy!y!,!?,"P,"?PamPa?melme?la'la's?'s a's ??l l p pupuru?pop?ses??mim?ix ix i isi?s es exe??ctc?lyl?? wh whahatat at t th thehe ?glglulututetene? f frfrefreeee ee f fo fololklk k o ouo?ut ut t th the th??? n ne?eded.d. ?ItIt'It's's 's l's liliki?e e ue ?sisin?g ??regregugulu?larla????ititete te f fl flolou?r r ir in??alalmalmomos?t t?evevevereryer?ththith? . E. EvEve?ryr?y ty titimime? I I I m mam??ake ake a a a??ooo?kikiekie,e, , m???fifinin,in, , p, papan?cacakcakeke,ke, , b, babakakeakedaked d?gog?oodoo?, ??whiwhititeit?e se ??ucu?e,e, e,? et e?c c??t ???waw?ysys ??ururnur?s ??outout ??mamazma??inging!ing? I I I h I hahavhave? b ?eeeenee?n un ususiusininging ing t? thi thisis is p pr pror?duducuctuct ?foforor r ar ?at at lat ???stst ?161??yeyeaearearsrs.s??? o on o?lyly ly? we wen??t gt ?gluglututeutenen en f fr f?reeree e ae ababobououtout out?? y?ea???s as aga?go,go?, b?ut?ut Iut I I u ?useuseded ed? Pa Pamamemelmelamel????prprorodrodu?ct
mela's wheatfree Baking & Pancake Mix. It's the BEST." 5122,B0028VAQSU,APQ7AVE0JU89K,"S. Bone ""Mark's wife""",5,5,5,1265846400,Yummy!,"Pamela's all purpose mix is exactly what the gluten free folk out there need. It's like using regular white flour in almost everything. Every time I make a cookie, muffin, pancake, baked good, white sauce, etc it always turns out amazing! I have been using this product for at least 16 years. I only went gluten free about 2 years ago, but I used Pamela's product
?s s??efefofororere e??oio?ngng g G GFGF F??ececacauausu???? l lilikikekeded d??heh?e te tatasa?tet?e oe ?? t th the??!"!""?515??3,3,B,B0B000?2828V8?AQA?SUSU,U,A,?2121Q1QGQ?SDSDTDT3T3G3GYG???X,X,C,ClC??audaudidiaia a??. . R RoRoso??,4,?,4?,5,5,5,1,1212512585?414?60600??,P,PaPamamem??laslas s Bs BaBakakikininging ?MiMixix,x,","I"I I lI lolovoveve ??PamPamemelmela???BaBakBaki?ngng ng?MiMixMi?. . . T ThThehe he?2525 5 l?? b ba b?g ?isis s qs ququiuititete te l la l?rgrgege e ae ?ndnd d td ?thethe e ee exexpxpip?raratatitioionon n?isis is? Ma Mararcarchch h? 2, 2? 2 20 20101010,? o ?onlonlyly y 4 4 4 m mom?onton?thsths s as ??teterter r? my m?y py pupuru?chchachasasease.e. . I. ?I wI wiw??l l?neneveve?r r br be??abablb???e toe to o?ususeuse e te the thahat?? mu mucuch? b ba?kikinkingkin?g mg mim?ix ix i?n n sn susuc??h ah ?a sa ?hohor?t t a am a?moumoununtn?t ot of? t ti timime?. ?. N. NoN?t ?wow??orthorth ??".""5"51?2424,4,B4,B0B00B0?028028V8VA8VAQ?SUSU,SU,A,A2,A?FMF?FWF?HSH??MXMXYXYHY?4,4,"4,?E.E. . E. EdEdwdwawarardardsd?s "s """"S"??ongon?bib?irdir???",",2,2,2,2,2,,2?,5,,5??292919?767?646404??,G,GlG?utute??n Fn FrF??e e Be BeB?stst st f flf?loulourur,ur????hathat t ct cacanca??I I sI sasayay y ay ?aboabouo?ut ut t th thi thisis ?flfloflou?r ?th?at?at wat wowonwo
s before going GF because I liked the taste of them!" 5123,B0028VAQSU,A21QGSDT3GYNEX,Claudia J. Ross,4,4,5,1258416000,Pamelas Baking Mix,"I love Pamelas Baking Mix. The 25 lb bag is quite large and the expiration is March 2, 2010, only 4 months after my purchase. I will never be able to use that much baking mix in such a short amount of time. Not worth it." 5124,B0028VAQSU,A2FMFWHS4MXYH4,"E. Edwards ""Songbird""",2,2,5,1291766400,Gluten Free Best flour,"What can I say about this flour that won
''t'? m ?akakeke e?iti?t lt lolooooko? l ?iki?ke ke I I I w wawasa? p ?aiaidi???o o???y y i it it?t? I I I?hahavaveve ??eee?n n u ususis?ngn????isi?s fs flfloloulouru?? si sinincincece e Ie ??wawaswa?s ds ?iaiagagngnon??eded ????h h?CeC???aca??di?seseaseasasease e se sisixsix x??eaeararsr?s as ag??. .?? I h I ?havha?ve ve??ororkrke??d ad as? a ? g ?lul?tetenen en?frfrer?? l?ififef?ststytylylele ?coc?ac??h fh ?oror or G ?? d di dia?gn????ed ed p pe peoeopo?le? f fo foror or yor yeyeaye?arsars s hs hehelelpelpip?inging ?ththe?m m t to t?o ao ?djdjujusustus?t tt ?? t th the the e de di?ete??anandnd d Pd PaPamamemel?a'a?s ???loulourlour r ir is??????ofof f t? the?? fi firirsrstrst t tt tht t?hinhi?ngsngs ?I I sI ststesteeeereer r tr th?emem m tm ? ? I It It t it isis is ais ?a ga grg?reare???t alt allll-l-a-araroarouo?nd???lu??tenten ???ee?ee fee fl?ouourour.r. . ??t ???s ns no??t t?oooo oo l??ghghtht,t? l? lik likeke ke rke ririci?ce ce f?loloulourlour lour a?ndnd nd nnd ?not?? to too too o ho heheaheavavyav?y ly lilikli?ke ke ake ?a ba bebeabean? f fl flo flouourour.our. . . I?t t dt ?oeo?es es s????stistitituit?uteut??wew?ellel? i??n an alallll ll??f f mf mymy y ry re?? ????'s??babakakiak?inging ing? ou o?utcut??meme me i is is
't make it look like I was paid to say it? I have been using this flour since I was diagnosed with Celiac disease six years ago. I have worked as a gluten free lifestyle coach for GF diagnosed people for years helping them to adjust to the diet and Pamela's flour is one of the first things I steer them to. It is a great all-around gluten free flour. It is not too light, like rice flour and not too heavy like a bean flour. It does substitute well in all of my recipes. It's baking outcome is
v???y y d ??sis?rereaeabablblel?. .??I I h hahavaveve ve n nen?veverve? h ha h?d d t trtror??????wiwitithth h i . I. InIn n f faf?ctc?????nyny y ty titimimemes???hehe e ce cocomo??menmentntst? I I I g gegetet t?onon ?mymy ??aka??d d gd ?ooo??s s fs frfroromrom m m?y y ny ?on?-G-GFGF F? fr fririeienendnds?? is i??ththathata?t tt ththetheyey y cy ?anan'an't't t tt tet tele?? i it it't's's s gs glg?ututetenen en? fr fre fr?e.?<b<brbr ??><><b??r /r />r />N>?owow,w, ??o o? b bebe e fe fa?irir,ir, , I, ?I nI ???ed ed t to to ?memenmentmentitioti?on on t th tha th?? i? it it? do doeo??es hes ?havha?ve ve dve dad?iriryir?y ay ??d d nd nunututsuts ?inin n in ?it.?? T ThT??s ???s as ??prp?robroblble?m ?foforor r dr da?iriryiry iry a ?andand and n nu nut???llllell?erger???peper?soson?s ?s ans a?? c ?hihilhildl?rerenre?. . . ?ThThiThisis is i? is is t th?e e Oe ?NLN?Y Y d dr drarawa??bacbackck k? I I s I ses?ee ee i?n n tn th?is?is pis prproprododuod?ctct.ct. ?. U. ?nfnfo?rtr?ununan?ateat??y,y, , I, I , I? ha hav haveve ?no?t t ft fofoufounundund ?sosomsomemetmeththithinthi?g g t th??t t It I I lI liliki?ke ke a?s ?wew??l l tl toto to s susububsubsts?tittitututtu?te te f fo foror or i it?.".?5515?2525,5,B,?000020?8V8???SUS?,A,?BFBFMFMLM?M8M8R8?X1X101?NONO,O?S.S. ???
very desireable. I have never had trouble with it. In fact, many times the comments I get on my baked goods from my non-GF friends is that they can't tell it's gluten free.<br /><br />Now, to be fair, I need to mention that it does have dairy and nuts in it. This is a problem for dairy and nut allergy persons and children. This is the ONLY drawback I see in this product. Unfortunately, I have not found something that I like as well to substitute for it." 5125,B0028VAQSU,ABFMLM8RX10NO,S. Joh
nnsnsosono??1,1?,1,,1,5,5,5,1,12,1292??81816160600000??LOL?VEVE E I ITI?!,!?"I"I I??m m s soso so?exexcx??tet?d d a??ouo?? t ???? p ???duducu?t.t?? I I I h ??veve e m ???e ??auaulu?? D DeD?ana??s ?ApApppplp???CaC?kek?e (e ??????ofof f tf ?theth?e ge ???zeze)e),), ,? pa panancan??akeak?s,s, ?ThThahanhanknksksgs?iviviviningng g d drdreresessessis?inging,g?, m, mumufuffffifin?s ?anandand d cd cocoro?nbnbrb?rearead??usu??ngng ng? th thihishi??gfgf f bf babak??inging ing m?ixix x i ?in in????cece e oe ofof of?? the the e pe plplaplaia???flf??ourour,r, , s, sasalaltl????and and b ??kikininging ing ping pop?wdw???. . . T Th?eyey y w wewererere re? ex excxcexcelelllle?ntnt.t. t. M ?y ?nonon? g gfgf gf f ?amamiam?lyly y ey enenjnjoj??ed? t th? them them m tm trt??mem?enden??ousou?ly??. . T. ?The? f fi fininiinis?hehed?ed ped pr??oduod??tsts s ws we?re???notno?t gt grgrarav?elelyely y oy oror or??rarairain?y.y. . T. ThTheThe ?tatasasts?te te w wa was? g gr gre gr???t.<t.<b<br? / />/><><b?r r /?>I>IfIf f yf yoy?ou ou h ha havaveave ave?neneveveverver ?trtritrieied?ed ted ththith?is,is, , t, ??st? i it i?t ot ououtout ?inin in tin th?the the??ucuchuc?? sm smamalmallllell?er er s?izi?ze.ze. . ??t ????s wos w???der?fuful?.".??515?262
nson,1,1,5,1290816000,LOVE IT!,"I am so excited about this product. I have made Paula Dean's Apple Cake (half of the glaze), pancakes, Thanksgiving dressing, muffins and cornbread using this gf baking mix in place of the plain flour, salt and baking powder. They were excellent. My non gf family enjoyed them tremendously. The finished products were not gravely or grainy. The taste was great.<br /><br />If you have never tried this, test it out in the much smaller size. It is wonderful." 5126
,,B,?000020??VAVAQAQSQSUS?,A,?393?J5J??MFM??1D1?W0W?J,J?tat?lel??? c cacafa?e,e,1,1,1,1,1,,1?5,5,1???545414141??0000,00,g,?lulututet?en en f ?rereeee e?inin n T TaTal????,",?I I??avavev??a a c?afafeaf?e ie ????alalealenalent? , , ,?OrOreregregogono?? I I I cI coc?ululdl???nt fnt fifinindin? t ththihisis s?????ucuctct ?whwhoh?le??al?ale ale a ananynywywhwhewhere??. ????s ??is is?sos? c co cononvon??en?ie?ntnt nt ant ??d ?fr?eeee ee s???ppppipin?g g a??d ??t t w????heherereere ?e ine i???ususts?t at a a fa fefewfew w d dadaya???! ! M MyMy y s?upu?pplpplil?ierie? c? cou co????on?lyl??geg??t st smsmam?allall l? am amomou?ntntsnt?s os ofof f i????rir??r ?prpropr??ucuctuc?t a?nd???t ????ldld ld t???e ?3 3???eekeeksk??. T?hahanha??? A AmAmamazma?onon!on!"!""55151251?7,7?,B0,B00????VAQVAQSQSUQSU,U,AU,?2P2??H1H1T1??NWNW7W717??I,I?,"C,"CaCararrrririerie e Ae ?. ?HoHododgodgegesges ?""""m"mym?5w5wawalalnalnunut???"""""??,1,,1,1,1,1,1,51,???252585??757???00,?grg?reareatat ?glgluglut???en fen frfre?e e be ?ak???? m mim?x,x?YoYou? c ca can can n en exexcxchc??hanghange? t?hihis???bakbakikin?ing ing ming mimixmix x f?or? r reregreguregululaular
,B0028VAQSU,A39J51MF11DW0J,talent cafe,1,1,5,1265414400,gluten free in Talent,"I have a cafe in Talent , Oregon. I couldnt find this product wholesale anywhere. This is so convienient and free shipping and it was here in just a few days!! My supplier could only get small amounts of inferior product and it would take 3 weeks. Thanks Amazon!" 5127,B0028VAQSU,A2PIH1T5NW71AI,"Carrie A. Hodges ""my5walnuts""",1,1,5,1258675200,great gluten free baking mix,You can exchange this baking mix for regular
f flflolouo?r r i inin n a alalmlmom?sts? a an anyn? r ????pepe.e? A ??soso o m mam?kekeses s y yuy?mmmmymy y py pap?ncncacakakeakes? a an?d d w wawafafffflflefleses!es!!5?1212828,8??000020???AQAQSQ?U,U??FHFHSHSVSVUV?5Z5Z9Z9D9DODONON2N2,2?YoYogogeg?ezezez?r,r,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5??353?51051?363686808?00,00??F F?FlF?????PoP?wew??,","M"????ifi?e e?hahasas s Cs CeCeleliliaiaca? S SpS?rur?e e we whw?icichc? i is is ?a a? Al A?leler?gygy y ty toto ??lulututetenen n in ?in in c cec??tataiainin ?grgrar?ainainsns.s. . S. ??e ?e wae wasas as?didiaiagiagng???ede?d wd wiwitwithth ?ththithisi?s ds didisdi?eae?aseas?e ae ababobououtou?t 8t 8 8? ye y??rsrs s as ags agogo.o. ?WhW?henhe???he?? wa wasas as fas ?iri?rstrs?t dt didiadi??gnogn?oseosedosed,d???e e ce ?ououlou?d ??nlnlyly y p??urcurchchach?asease ase??????en en F Fr Frereere??pr??dud???s s fs frfroromo?? he hea?ltlth?? fo fooo?od od s ststost?reresre?s as ans andn?d id itit t wt wawaswas ?vev?eryery ?exexpxpepenpe?nsins? . A. AsAs s as aws awawarware?nenes?s ???boubo?ut ut t ththithisthi?????ea??se se h?asas as sas spsprprepreaeadea???mormo?re re? co c?ompompapanpaninieieses es aes ararere ?ofo?ffeffererier?inging g G Gl Glu?????fr??ee ee p prproprodprodu?ctctscts.s. s. I ???ouourour ?se????
flour in almost any recipe. Also makes yummy pancakes and waffles! 5128,B0028VAQSU,AFHSVU5Z9DON2,Yogeezer,0,0,5,1351036800,GF Flour Power,"My wife has Celiac Sprue which is a Allergy to Gluten in certain grains. She was diagnosed with this disease about 8 years ago. When she was first diagnosed, we could only purchase Gluten Free products from health food stores and it was very expensive. As awareness about this disease has spread more companies are offering Gluten free products. In our search
w wew????umu?blb??d d?aca?rorososss? P ?ama?ele?a'a's's.s. .??y y? wi wififefe e fe fe??l l i ini?ststastana?tlt?y ??in in l lol?vev?????h h i?t.t. ?ThThehe e pe pap?ancancac?kek?s s ms ?adadede e fe fre fro?? t ththithisis s fs flfloloulo?? a ar arere e ie in?did?ististit?inginguguiuisishishahaba?bleble ?e fre froe fromom m wm ?he?ata??fl?ouour?. . W. WeWe e me mamadmadede de t?hehe he j jujum?? a an andnd d nd nonowo??? the th??e whe whoholo?? f?amamiamililyly ly i is i???at?ininging ing? Pa Pam?elelaela'?s.???o o p pup?urcurchc?hasha?e ??t t at ?? t??? s st stotoro?re re i is is is r ???he?r ?exexpxpepenensnsins? ????d ad ?? we webeb b s se sea??ch? a an and and d fd fof?ounou?nd nd i? it it r re rea?sos??ab?lyly ly ply prp?ici??? a at a???ma??onon.on. ??e e we wie w??l l cl coc?onton?tintinunueu?e te toto to? pu p?urcurchurc?has?e e Pe PaPamPa??????? in in n b bubululkl? u ???ilil il i?? it i it is? n ??? lo l?ongongegerer r or ?fff??reredre?. ???reareatat at Pat ?PanPa??cakcakekeskes!s!"!""5515?292??B0B0000202828V8?AQA?SUSU,U,A,A3A??FMFMPM?7Q7Q3Q?X2X2I2??E,E?"D"D D & & & A ? " ??"Da"Dan?"""""""?,0,0,0,0,0,,0??,1,?3434848989696363232020000,00,S,?ur?pr????inginglinglyly ly gly gogoooodo?d f?oror or???omeom??
we stumbled across Pamela's. My wife fell instantly in love with it. The pancakes made from this flour are indistinguishable from wheat flour. We made the jump and now the whole family is eating Pamela's. To purchase it at the store is rather expensive. Did a web search and found it reasonably priced at Amazon. We will continue to purchase Pamela's in bulk until it is no longer offered. Great Pancakes!" 5129,B0028VAQSU,A3OFMP7Q3X2I8E,"D & A ""Dan""",0,0,5,1348963200,Surprisingly good for someon
ee e o ?ppppop?ses?d d t tot??GFG???rorododuducuctc?s,s,",?GrGrorowro?iningn? u ?p p??witwi?h h w wh wheheae??? I ? h hahadad d ad anan n?ava?ere???onon ??to to g glglulutu??n n fn frfrer?e e (e (G(GFGF)GF) )? pr prorodro?ducductctscts s?bub?ut ut w wh whe whenen en m mymy y?dadaua??hthteterte? e exexhxhihibi?ititetedte?d sd se?nsnsi?titiviviv?itiitiei?s s ts ?to to gto ?gluglututeut?en en wen ?e e te th?ouougughught? w?e'e?d d gd gigiv?e e te the thi???a a t tr tryry.y?? B ?otothth th m?y ??wifwifefe ?an??d Id I I wI wewerwerere re a?mamazazezeded ed? at at t? th the???afa?flf? ?? I I t ty typypip?cacalalll?y y my ?madmaded?e we wawafaffaf?flefles? f frfrofr?m m?scscrc?atatcatchch h bh bubutbut t ut ususisinsi?ng ng t th thi thisi??mimixix x a al a?soso o so sasavaveaves?es aes a a la ?ot? o?f f t?imimeme e -e - - j jujus?t ?adaddadd d ed egeggggsgs,? w wa??terter,ter, , &, ?????. ??ThThehe he she ?ububsbsc???????ndn?????? 2 252??popoupo?ndnd nd? ba b?g g ig ?is is t? the the e be ?esestest t vt vav??ueue e (e (we (wi?withwith h fh ?frefreeee ee s sh s??ppppippininging)g?, , w, ?we we???illill l s st s???re re ure ???useused??prproprododuoducuctuct ???alaleal?ed ed ied ?in in?? the? f fr f?reere?ze??.".""5515?303???000020?8V8??QSQSUSU,U,A,A3A?7L7LTLT0T0N0?
e opposed to GF products,"Growing up with wheat, I had an aversion to gluten free (GF) products but when my daughter exhibited sensitivities to gluten we thought we'd give this a try. Both my wife and I were amazed at the waffles. I typically made waffles from scratch but using this mix also saves a lot of time - just add eggs, water, & oil. The subscribe and save 25-pound bag is the best value (with free shipping), we will store unused product sealed in the freezer." 5130,B0028VAQSU,A37LT0NZ
?656?X8X898??,B,BrBrerenentn? B ByByry??eses,s????,5,5,5,1,131?484878??404?0000,00,A,A A g grg?reareata?t wt waw?? t tot? s ?tat?rtrt t tt tht???daday????I I k kekeeeepep p??amamemelelala'a's's s b ?akakik??g g?mim?? i in??a a 7 7 7 g ga galallllol???coconontontataitaininein?? w wiw???? a a? sp s?in??onon on? bu b?ckcke?t t st ???al al l lilidid d? in i?n tn ??e e pe papanantntrntryr?.<.<b<brbr r /r />/?<b<br<br r /???hehenhen ??I wI wa?ntnt nt t to to ?mamak?e e p?an??akakeakesakes s os ?r r wr ???flfleleses es t? to to s st s??rtrt rt t?hehe he d da dayay ay?ririgighghth?t It I I tI ta???? a a c a ?upup p op ??? tw twowo ?ofof f m mi m??? a ad a?d ?a a ta tet???popooo?on on oon of? V VaV?anian?ll?a ?exextxtrt?acactc?, , a, anan an?egegggg g ag ?andand ???livlivev?e oe ?il? a an a?d d Id I'I'm'?? re reaeadea?y ??to to? go g?. .? W WhWhaWhat? I I I eI ??joj?y y my momosostst st??bobououtut ???rcr?hahasasisin?g g tg th???252? l lb lb b b ba b?g ?isis ?th?atat at iat it?? is is s es ???y y ty toy t?o so ststostororeore ?anandand and k ke k?eepeepsps s fs frf?resre?h h??oror or mor ?monmo??hshs,s, s, y ?etet ???? ac accccecesesses???lele le a??d d cd co?nsnsi?ststestenenten?t i??n pn peper?fo?rmrma??cece.ce.<?
65X89T,Brent Byrnes,0,0,5,1348704000,A great way to start the day!,"I keep Pamela's baking mix in a 7 gallon container with a spin-on bucket seal lid in the pantry.<br /><br />When I want to make pancakes or waffles to start the day right I take a cup or two of mix, add a teaspoon of Vanilla extract, an egg and olive oil and I'm ready to go. What I enjoy most about purchasing the 25 lb bag is that it is easy to store and keeps fresh for months, yet is accessible and consistent in performance.<b
?? / />/><>??r ?/>/>F/>FoForo??a a?spspepece??alal l t trtrereaeata? I I I l lil?keke e t?o o??dddd d?heh?mpmp p? se s?eded d od onon n t th t?? t to?p ??f f t th the the ??afafffflf?eses s d duduru?iningn??cocooo????g ??ndnd ?frf?resreshs? b ?lulueu???rrrri??es es? an and? s?trtratr??beberberr????es bes be?fofor???tot?ppppipininging ing o of?f f wf wiwitithth ?AgAgag?veve e Se SyS??upup.p.".""5?1313131,1,B,B0B??2828V8???SUSU,U,A,A1A1P1P8P?JYJY7Y7I7?H2H2525555G5G4G4,4,","A"A.A. . D ?eSe?omomemerer er?"""???om om? to to to?SISIXI?""??,0,0,0,0?,5,5,5??13413404??40940969?0000,00,B??tttteter??th?anan an?GlGlulutlu?tenten!n!!!!!!!,!!,"?ThThihisi?s is ?is is o ou ourur ur s se???ndnd nd tnd titimime??pup????asasisining??th??e 2e ?25l25lbl?? ba bagag g og ofof of???memelme?a'a's's ??anancancacakake? a an?d d bd bab??in?ing ?mimixix.x. . . L LaLasastast t tt ti?meme me ime itit it c ca camameame e w??ithith ?a ?lalablabe?l l wl wiwitwi??? ba????ng ng i ininsin??trutrucu?titioti???, , b bu butu?t tt tht t?hishi?s ts titimtimetime e ie ?it it dit didididndn'n't'?. . . G. ??oodood d td ththith??ing ing Iing ?I hI ha?d d cd cucutut ut o of offff ff m mym???aba?bel? a? and and and p pu put?ut iut ?it it iit ?in in t??? b? buc bu?keketket t wt wi
r /><br />For a special treat I like to add hemp seed on the top of the waffles during cooking and fresh blueberries and strawberries before topping off with Agave Syrup." 5131,B0028VAQSU,A1P8JY7IH255G4,"A. DeSomer ""Mom to SIX""",0,0,5,1340409600,Better than Gluten!!!,"This is our second time purchasing the 25lb bag of Pamela's pancake and baking mix. Last time it came with a label with baking instructions, but this time it didn't. Good thing I had cut off my label and put it in the bucket wi
t?h h t ththeth? p ?????keke ?mimixi?. .??BuButut t o otoththetherther r t th thahan? t??atat,t, , t th thi thisis s m mimixmix x??ououlu??n'n't't t bt bebe e me moe m?rere ?pepererfrfef??t.t.<.<b<?r r /r />/>S>???ncence ?bebeibeiningin? d didiai??nonoso??d d c ce c?lil??? a an?d ?trtryryiy??ing ing t to to o b babalalalanancancece e ge glglul??ene??frfrereeree/e/g/?glugl?ute?n n en ???ininging ??in in t? the th??sas??e e ke ?ititctchc?enen en w wiwitithith ?? p pe p???lele,e, , w, ??e oe ?optoptet?ed ed t to to to m mo movoveve e ee eveveverve??ononen???lulutlu???n fn ?frefreeee e ae atat at h hoh?me?. ??ThThihisis is m?ix? i ?is is ais a a g gogodo?sesensendn?d ad ?andand and?se?rir??ousouslslyly,y?, i, it? t ta t?sts?teste??re??ara?kak?blb?le!le!!!! !? I ?t t it ??is ais a is a r re??al al t??me?? sa savave?ver ver a??nd nd? wh whahathat t wt wewe we d do do ?ininsinststesteaeadea??ofof f??ririvriveve ve???rur???inindin??wsw??, t, ?thethesthe?se se d da dayaysys.s. . . I. I I? ma mak?e ?? b?unu?nchnch h ah ?andand ?kekeekeepep p t th the them them m i in i???thethe the f?re???er? s so so o to ththetheythe? c ca can?an ban bebe be? pu pulullulle??d od oud outut,ut?, t, to, toao??te?d ?d and a?nd nd mnd ???e e ie ??tot?o ao a a qa ?uiu?ckck k?PBPB&B&J&J J f fo f?or or t? the the the
th the pancake mix. But other than that, this mix couldn't be more perfect.<br />Since being diagnosed celiac and trying to balance gluten free/gluten eating in the same kitchen with 7 people, we opted to move everyone gluten free at home. This mix is a godsend and seriously, it tastes remarkable!! It is a real time saver and what we do instead of drive thru windows, these days. I make a bunch and keep them in the freezer so they can be pulled out, toasted and made into a quick PB&J for the
????s.s?? I ? a amam m s ?o o g grgrar?tetefefufulul l t toto o bo beb? a??lele ??to to?pupururcrchchah???e te the t??s s i isis is b ?ululkul?? as a?s is iti? m ?akakek?s s Gs GFGF F e eae?atiat?ngng g? mu mucuchch ch e?asasiasieiere? f foforo?r or ouo?ur ur a? abo abovo?e e ae ava?ververaragrageg??fafam?ili?y y? si sizi?e e ae ane andnd d k ke??psps s ms mymy y ky ki?tct?chechenen n G GF???""5515?323?,B,B0B0000202828V8VAVAQA??U,U?A2A2E2EHEHHH???13Z13ZVZVQVQQQQWQWRW?,t,ththeheoeoaoana?ndandam?y,y,0,0,0,0?,5,5,5?1313313?54548484848?0000,00?"P"PaP??cacakakeak??, ,?coc?oko??eses es a??nd nd? mo mororeor??,","W,"WeWe ?usu?? t th t?hishis ???ouourour r fr foforfor r pr pap?ancancaanc?ake?s,s, ?mumufuffffifininsins,s, s, b bi b?isciscucuiuit?s ???d ???ore?. . . I???havhaveve ve f?ouounoundnd ??thathat??? thi th?is is mis mimixi? w wowororkorksks ?grgregrea????? a al allll ?my? o ??d ?reregegug??arar r br bibisisqis???ckck k rk ?recrecic??es?. ?. W. ?We We? fi f?indind ?ththethe e f?lalavavoavoror or t to t??o beo be ?sis?mimilmila?r r tr ?to ?whwheheaheatat ?flflofl?our?. ?. W. We. W??ha?havehave ???bbb?bedbed d t??his? f fl floloulour???intinto??sesevseveververaveralal l wl ??eaeateat eat???ou?our our c?ooookookikie? r re?recirecipipeipes
kids. I am so grateful to be able to purchase this is bulk as it makes GF eating much easier for our above average family size and keeps my kitchen GF!!" 5132,B0028VAQSU,A2EHHB13ZVQQWR,theoandamy,0,0,5,1335484800,"Pancakes, cookies and more","We use this flour for pancakes, muffins, biscuits and more. I have found that this mix works great in all my old regular bisquick recipes. We find the flavor to be similar to wheat flour. We have subbed this flour into several wheat flour cookie recipes
,???eaeava??ngng g??utut t t ththehe e l?ea?vev?ninin?g g cg ?alalllle?d d f fof?r,r?, a, ana?d d od ononlnlyl?? on o?e e he ?asa? t tu t?rnrne???d oud out? u ??sasatatitisisfsfafacactc?or?ilily??, b, bubutut ut nut ?otot t it ?ineinede?ibiblblele.le. . D ??fif?iniinititetelelyly ly c ???vevenve?nienienentent ???d d md momororeore e ae afaffffoforfordrdadabablblebl?e te to? o ou ourur ur f fa f??ililyily y oy ofof f s ?eve??ven ven t?o o b beb??e abe abl??? to to to??ururcurchc??se? i inin in? bu b?lklk.k?""?515?3333,3?B0B000??8V8VAV?QSQSUSU,U?A3A3S3SCSCQCQCQCWCWPWP3P3P3?YMY?Q5Q5,5,J,JiJ??l l S S.S.,.,0,0,0,0??5,??13313???757525??00,00,B,Be,Besests??vavalalualueu?,W,WeWe e ge gogo o to ?thrthror???h h P PaPamameam?elaela'a's'??lilikikeke e ce crc?azazyz?. . . F FaFan??asastasti?c c? fo f?or or p?anancan?cakcake?s s (s ?wew??liliklikeke ke t to to to a to ?dddd ?a a? li litittittltlele le?va??nilnillllalla ?toto ?babatattatteterte?).). ?. I. ??t at alt alslsos?o mo mam?kekes??grgrerea?t ??chochocococolco?atateate e c??ipip p c?ooookokikieies? a ??? b ba ban?an?ana ana? br bre?ad?. . . T. ThThehe he 2 ?5 5 l lb l? b ba??g ig isis is d ??efiefin?at??ly?ly tly ?thethe e be bebesbe?st st w ?aya?y ty to??gogo go??alalualuealu??wiwisiseis?..?5151313413
, leaving out the leavening called for, and only one has turned out unsatisfactorily, but not inedible. Definitely convenient and more affordable to our family of seven to be able to purchase in bulk." 5133,B0028VAQSU,A3SCQCWP3PYMQ5,Jill S.,0,0,5,1334275200,Best value,We go through Pamela's like crazy. Fantastic for pancakes (we like to add a little vanilla to batter). It also makes great chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. The 25 lb bag is definately the best way to go value wise. 5134
?,B,B0B?020?8V8VAVAQA???,A,A3A3434N4NONOQOQOQOOOO7O707??5S5???MoMomommmmym?ofoftftwt?o,o,0,0,0,0?????333303070??28???,T,ThThehe e B BEB???????tetene??frfrereeee e be bab?kikini?? m ???,","M"MyMy y??amami?lyl?y ay ana?d d I I I a ??? r ?relre???ivi??lyly ly n nenewe??????lulutlute?????eeee ee a??? w wewe ?hahavave???eeeeneen n in inin in s seseaeararcarchc? o of? a a a b?akakiak?inging g mg ???? to to ??repreplplalaclacece ?ououru? w we weeeekeekekenendend d bd ?rereare?akfak?asa?tsts.s? W WeWe e he hae havaveave e te trtrir?ede??sesevseve?rar?? o??he?rsrs s? an and an?d td ?thetheye?y a???l tl tatasastas?te te???gl???enen en f fr frereeree"e"""","", , i ?f f?yoyouyou u k ?non?w w ww whwha?t t I I I? me meaeanea?. ????ameam?elaela'a's'?s hs hohow?eveve??, , i, ?s ?sos??gogooo??d ad anandand d yd yoyouyou you??an?'t'?t tt ??llll ll i?ts?? gl glu glutute?n n fn frn f???. . T. TrT?y y iy iti?, ?yo?you you wyou ??n'n't't 't r re r?grg?retret t it ?it!it?""551513135135,?B0B00B0?028028V8VA8VAQAQSAQ?SU,SU,A,A8,A858??????S2S2Y2?Q0Q??GrGra?nd?mamaDaD,D,0,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,5,5,15,?13213232?3043043432??00,00,P00,PaPamPamem?elaela'ela's's 's F FlF??ourour,r??hih?? i is is ??xaxacactctltlyly ly wly ?whawh?at at???waw?
,B0028VAQSU,A34NOQOO70F5SV,Mommyoftwo,0,0,5,1330732800,The BEST gluten free baking mix,"My family and I are relatively new to gluten free and we have been in search of a baking mix to replace our weekend breakfasts. We have tried several others and they all taste ""gluten free"", if you know what I mean. Pamela's however, is so good and you can't tell its gluten free. Try it, you won't regret it!" 5135,B0028VAQSU,A85ZA797S2YQ0,GrandmaD,0,0,5,1323043200,Pamela's Flour,This is exactly what I wan
?teteded.d. .??t t?isis s m mumucuchch h?chchecheaeapapeperer r?toto o b bubuyu? i??t tt tht?isis is w wawayay ??ndn??nonoto??t tht thrhrorouougughg?h ah a a s ?to?rere.e. ??hahanankank k y ?ouou ou s so so o mo ?mucmu?ch!ch!!!! !? I' I'm'm m n ne newew w t to to o to ?theth? g ?lul?tetente??frfrereeree e de didiei?t ??andand ?ththithisis is iis isis ?peperperfrfef?ctct!t???5151313636,6??000??8V8???SUSU,U,A,A2A2O2OIOILILLL??O6O6767979W9?8C8C,C,h,??erberbsbst?ororere,re,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313213?262696???00?,j,juj??? a ?s s ds ded?scscrcriribibeb?ed,ed,T,Th?e e pe ?rorodroduducuctuct ?t art a?ririvriveveded ed u unund?ama?agageged?ed jed ju?stst st ast ?? i it it it w wa wasas as das ?desdesc?ri???d d od ono??th?the the w we w??bsibsiti???. N. NoN?o do ??lal???s as anand? a?rrrrirr?ve?d ??uiuicickcklklyly.y. ?. Th. T?? c?usustus?tomtomem?er er w wa?s s ss sasatatitisisfisfif?iedied d wd wiwit?h ????the qthe ququaqualalilitityit?y a??nd nd????riv?al??ofof f o or o???r.r??51513?7,7??00002002828V28??QSQSUQSU,???KOKOCOCOCOPO????OIIOIIVI??DuDududedeSdeStS??r,r,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,1313113?171?2424848080000,00,G00,GlG????ten ten F FrFreree?? an andnd nd fnd ?feefe?l l g go goooodo?,",??hehenhe?n yn yoyouyou u h hahavhave?? he heaealealtlthth th i is issssusueu??? ta taka
ted. It is much cheaper to buy it this way and not through a store. Thank you so much!! I'm new to the gluten free diet and this is perfect!! 5136,B0028VAQSU,A2OILLBO679W8C,herbstore,0,0,5,1322697600,just as described,The product arrived undamaged just as it was described on the website. No delays and arrived quickly. The customer was satisfied with the quality and arrival of order. 5137,B0028VAQSU,AFKOCOP2IOIIV,DudeStir,0,0,5,1311724800,Gluten Free and feel good,"When you have health issues tak
i?ngng g G GlGlulutu?enen n o ouo?? o????ouourou??didiei?t t i isi??a a g gog??d d w waw?? t ?o o s ststatarartrt,t? i it it t mt mamay? b beb???heh?e se sosouourourcourcece ?ofo???youyo??r pr prp??blb?eme??, i, ?t t ht ??s ?bebeebe?en en i in in ?mymy y cy ?asaseas????ndnd ???ininging ?PaP?memele?a'a's's ??ro?dud?ctctst??hahasha?s h??elpelpep?d d md meme me? ge get? o on on n tn ththe? r ririgighghth?t tt trt???k k t?o o fo ?eeeelelielininging ing b?etettet?terte?.".???131??,B,B0B??2828V8VAVAQA?SUSU,U,A,A2A?4Z4Z2Z?EME?B3B3C3CYC?999909?,","K"KaK???leleele?en en Men M.M. . D DoDonononohohohoeo?e "e ?"b"?ooookookbk????"""""",",0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5?13130130000600??565??00,00?WhW?hathat't's? n ??t t tt tot t?o lo liliki???,W,Wh,Wha?hat'hat's????not not? to? l li??ke ke a ab aboboubout?ut Put PaPamPamemelmela?'s??babakakikin????ixix?x? I I I u ususeus??itit it? as a????babasba???foforor r ar a ??umumbmbe?r r or ofof of b ba b??eded ed g go goo??s.s???I hI hahavha?e e me ??dede e be ???coc?ttt?i i??? an a?nd nd a? w wo wonondonde?rfr??l l L ??emoemonon on R ?icico?ttttatta ?ca??ke ?wiwitithith h?Pa?????a'sa'?s s t to to ?nanamameame e je ??ustus??a a a c co?upu?le? o?? t th?iningingsing
ing Gluten out of your diet is a good way to start, it may be the source of your problem, it has been in my case, and using Pamela's Products has helped me get on the right track to feeling better." 5138,B0028VAQSU,A24Z2EMB3CY990,"Kathleen M. Donohoe ""bookbug""",0,0,5,1300665600,What's not to like?,What's not to like about Pamela's baking mix? I use it as a base for a number of baked goods. I have made biscotti - and a wonderful Lemon Ricotta cake with Pamela's to name just a couple of things
..<.<b<brbr r?/>/><><b<br<b?r /r />?? g gogotot t?? l lil???lel? c ??rrrririeiede? a??aya? w ??ithith h t ththehe e le lalasa?t t pt pupuru?chchah?asease e -e - - I ?I bI ?ouo??hth?t tt ?thethe e 2e 2525 5 p popou??d ?babagag g - ?whwhihicichch ch?memeaeana?s s I? w wo wono??t t ht hahavha?e e te ????rdrdedere?r ir itit it??gag??n n?foforor or a??yey?earear!r!<!<b?<br <br / /> /???br br /??FoForor or tor th??sese ?e the thahathat ?arareareaea ea? cu cururiurioiouousou??aba?bouboutu??t tht thehe he P PaP??melmelala'la's'???akakikininging g Mg ?ixi?? - - i itit'it's's 's a a a w a ??ondondederderfrfufulu? t ta t?astastyty y by babasbase? m?ixix.ix? T ThThe?he whe ?wafwafff?le???s ans andnd nd? pa pan?cacakcakekeses ?itit ??ak?eses es a?rere ??deldeli?ghghtgh??fulful l -l - - I- I I rI ?rearealallllyl????nnnnonotot ot s sasay? a an anonotnoththe?r r br ba???ababoabou??t tt th?e ???kikinkingng g mg mim?ix ix?no??r Ar AmAmamazma?on? f?oror or bor brbribr??ingiingining? t th t?he ??larlargrgeg?? b babagbag g og opoptp??ionion n tn toto to?usus s -s ?????? co c?onsonsusumume?r.r..5??3939,9??0000202828V8VAVAQA??U,U,A,A2A??565?A4A?8I8?KSK?9R9RQRQ,Q???didie?,0,?,0?,5,???292959??404080?0000,00?TaTas?asteast?es ???????me!me? E EaEasasyasy
.<br /><br />I got a little carried away with the last purchase - I bought the 25 pound bag -which means I won't have to order it again for a year!<br /><br />For those that area curious about the Pamela's Baking Mix - it's a wonderful tasty base mix. The waffles and pancakes it makes are delightful - I really cannot say another bad about the baking mix nor Amazon for bringing the larger bag option to us - the consumer. 5139,B0028VAQSU,A2L56A48IKS9RQ,Eddie,0,0,5,1295740800,Tastes awesome! Easy
t?o o m mamakakek??,I,?'v'vev? t trtririeiede?????? o ?f f?GFGF F p pap?ncn?akakeake e me mim?xexeses.s?? I I I?coc???d d cd chc????? on on n m mo mososts?? of o??ththeheme?? or or r j ?usust??ded????de de n non??t tt toto to e eve???r er eae?t t pt ?panpancncanc?akeakesake?s as ?gagaia??. ? T ThThe?sese e ae ararere ?soso o mo momoio?stst ?anandand ??deldeliliciciciociouousou?s. s. M ?y y 9 9292 2?yey???r or olold??grgraran???motmoth??r r wr wawasa?s js jujusjust?st dst ?iaiagagnag??sesedse??wiwitith? c ce celeli?aca? d di d?iseisea? . S. ?hehe he l lol?ve?s s ts th??m m tm ?tooto?. . . M. MyMy My w ?wifwifef????d d c?hihilildldrld?renre??whwhoho ho?ar?e e ne ?notnot t Gt ?GF GF? al alslso? l lo lovoveove ??the?them.them.<.<b<brbr ???mm?515141?0,0,B,B0B000?2828V8?AQA?SUSU,U,A,A1A1M1MDM??XBX??W6W636373?D0D?0,R0,RhRho?nd?? C CoC?onnonnenerer,er,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5??2929292792717???00??grgregreaeatea???oro?r pr pa???cakcake?s s a?nd? w wa wafa???eses es? an a?nd ?a a wa wh?ololeol?e le lo?t ?mo?re??!,"!,"I"?t't's's ??arardar?d td toto to fto ?inindind d qd ququau??litlityt?y gy gfg?f pf prpror?duducu?tsts,s, ,? an and and ?pa??elelael??'s 's d do doeoes?n'n't't ?didisdissssasapa?oioinoi?t.t??I ??
to make!,I've tried tons of GF pancake mixes. I could choke on most of them or just decide not to ever eat pancakes again. These are so moist and delicious. My 92 year old grandmother was just diagnosed with celiac disease. She loves them too. My wife and children who are not GF also love them.<br />m 5140,B0028VAQSU,A1MDQXB2W637D0,Rhonda Conner,0,0,5,1292716800,great for pancakes and waffles and a whole lot more!,"It's hard to find quality gf products, and pamela's doesn't dissapoint. I al
wwawaya?? r rerece?omo?mem??d d t ththihisi?. .?I I?gogo o? th t?rorouougu?h h????otot t o ofof f? th??is is b blblel?endend d wd wiwitithth th a a a f ?ama?ililyly y o?f ?fif??e.e?. A. AmAmam???n n?hehelelpl?s s ks kekeeeepe? i itit it m ??re? a?ffffof?ordor?ababl??e. e. T ThThehe he p papana?cacakakekeskes ?ara?re re gre ??reareata?t at anandand d td ththethe e?wa?fffflfflelesle?s as ars a??re rre ?rearealrea?ly? g go g?odo??. I. I I hI hahavave??'t't t tt trtririeiede?d id it?it wit wiwitwi?th ?mumucuchch h eh el?sese e ye yey?t,t?? bu b?t t mt ?y y sy sisis?teterer-r?ini?-l-lal?w w d dodoeoeses s cs ch?oco??lalatlatete te s ?coconco??? f fr frereqreququeuenenten?lyly ???it??h gh gr?eae?? r ra r? ?. I . I u usu?se se t th?e e be brb????d md mimixmi? a?lslsoso o ao alallll ll?? the the the t ti timime?, ???? a am am m v ve?ryry y py plplelealeasa?sedse?????ith ith b bo b?othot??""?515141?1,1?B0B000030313?YJYJ3J??W,W,A,A6A6F6?IAIABA??8I8??7979,9,S,SaS?amuamue???ChChehelhe?ll,ll????,5,5,5??2828828???24240400?,B,Be,Besestest ?ofof of B ?re?ed?,",?I I sI ?tatar?tetedted d ed ea???inging g?? the thes thesese se ase ?ftfteterter r r?eaeadea?in?ing ing E EsE?seselselslstlstyt?n'n'sn's ?popopopup??larla?r br ?ooookoo?? on on ??heahe???
ways recommend this. I go through a lot of this blend with a family of five. Amazon helps keep it more affordable. The pancakes are great and the waffles are really good. I haven't tried it with much else yet, but my sister-in-law does chocolate scones frequently with great raves. I use the bread mix also all the time, and am very pleased with both." 5141,B0031YJ38W,A6FIAB28IS79,Samuel Chell,3,3,5,1288742400,Best of Breed,"I started eating these after reading Esselstyn's popular book on heart
ddidisiseseaeasasese se ( (h(hehea?l l t ththrhror?????eaeatea??ngng g?oaoatatmt??ealeal)eal?. . T ?heherhe?e'e?? n non??wawayay y?I I?cac?n n c ch c?oko?e e d dod?wnwn n cn ?ooookokeok?d d o?atat at?memeameala?; ;? ea eatatiat??g g og ??tm???eal eal c co cooookoo?iei?s,s? o on o?n tn ththethe ?oto??therther r h hahanandand,d, ?isis is s sos?me?ththithining?? I I c??an an???walwallllol???? A AlA?ll ll o of of f E ?ririn? B ?akakekerke?'s's 's c co coo co?okiokieiesie??apappppepeaearea?r tr toto ?bebe e me mamada?e e we ?iti?th th o oa??tmetmeatmeal?, ?an?? t th t?he he t??re?e ???at??I'I'v'veve e t?ri?eded ed a arare? p pap??atataatabablblele ?enenonounoug?h.h. . . N. NeN??ververtr?thethelthe?leslesss?s, s, t? the the e Fe FrF?uiuitit it & & & N NuN?t t f ??avavov??r wr wa?s ?th?the the o????flflafl?avoavoror or??? t?? the the?? thr thre threeee ?e the t?hathat ?I I mI ?osostst t lt lo?okokeokedoked ??ororworwawarwardrd ??to to s???avoravo?rinringng ng e? eac eachc??mo?rnrnin?inging ing (ing ??I hI hohophope? i it??wawas???t ?be?cacauca?sese se ose ?f f lf ?lowlowewere?r or oa?oatmoatmemeamealmea???concontn??entent t tt ththathanthan n t?he?he ohe ot?heherher her???? three thre?).).<).<b<brb?r /r />/><>???r /r />r /?InIn ??hohorho???, y, yoyouou ou? do donon'?t
disease (heal through eating oatmeal). There's no way I can choke down cooked oat meal; eating oatmeal cookies, on the other hand, is something I can swallow. All of Erin Baker's cookies appear to be made with oatmeal, and the three that I've tried are palatable enough. Nevertheless, the Fruit & Nut flavor was the one flavor of the three that I most looked forward to savoring each morning (I hope it wasn't because of lower oatmeal content than the other three).<br /><br />In short, you don't
?hahavavev? t tot? b bebe e te ?heh?e Ce CoCooo?kikieie e Me ?ono?ststeterer r t?o o lo liliki?e e te the thehesheses?? N NoNoror r dr ?o o yo ?ouou-u???esespspipiti?te te t?he? " """"F"FrF??it??& &? Nu Nutut"t""? f flf?av?or?----h--?havhaveve ve? to to to b be be ???lilitlittttltlele e "e ???ruruiruitityity"y?"" ?(t(to? q quq?ototete te Nte NoNorNormrmamanan n?BaBatate??' ' a ???ibi?lele le t th?ouougou??tsts s?inin n Hn HiHit?chc??oco?k'k????""P""PsP?ycy?chocho"o"""")"") ) o oror or?? "??heheahealaltlthth th n nun?ut"ut"""" ?to?to fto fifinindin? t th the th?eseese e t?asast?y y a an andn?d nd nu???ititiit?ou?s-s?--m--?maymaybybebe be?eve?venven n tn ?thethereraerapa??ut?icic c??DrD?. ??sss??lslststystynsty?n wn ??oulou??d sd ?seeseemem m? to? to t to ththith?inkink k?sos?).). . A. AnA?nd nd? th?? a ad a??anantantatagagege e oe ?? t??? the " the ?""m""mimin?i"i???sisizi?e ?isi??ththath???yo?u u m ??gh?t t? fe f?ele? b be bet be????--?leleslessss ss?guguiuiluiltltylty,y, , a at a?t lt ??asastas??--a--ababobououtou?t kt ?nonoc?kikinkingn? o of offff f tf ??wo wo i??nstns?teate??d od ofof of??usust? o on onen?e ce co?okokiok?ie ie a at? a a ???mem??""5515141?2,2,B,B0B000???YJYJ3J3838W8???1T1??2525858989Z9???Z3Z3S3S,S,T,?er
have to be the Cookie Monster to like these. Nor do you--despite the ""Fruit & Nut"" flavor--have to be a little ""fruity"" (to quote Norman Bates' audible thoughts in Hitchcock's ""Psycho"") or a ""health nut"" to find these tasty and nutritious--maybe even therapeutic (Dr. Esselstyn would seem to think so). And the advantage of the ""mini"" size is that you might feel better--less guilty, at least--about knocking off two instead of just one cookie at a time." 5142,B0031YJ38W,A1TD2589ZVHZ3S,Ter
rryr???,3?,4,??121?858575717?848404000?,G,?REREAE????idid d? mo morornr?iningng g??nanacackck,k,",?I I l ??kek? t ththehemem m a ?s s?? m mi m?idmidmom?ornor?ninningng ng s sn snanacna?ck ck w wiwiti?? a??cuc?p p o ofof f???offoffef??. . T ThTheheyhe?? ar arere e ae alalslsos???re?ata? f foforor or t th thohososese ?mo?rn?iningin?s s ys yoyouou u r rerea??lyly y ay ara??n'n?t t it ?? t? the the ?e moe moooodod ?fo?? b brbrereareakreakfk??astas?, , b bu butut t kt ?non?w w y ?youyou'u'l'llll ll b??e he huh?ng??ry ry??atateat?r.r. . . ? Th Theheyhey hey s se s?eemeem m tm tot?o ko ke??p p yp ?youyou you s sa s?atiatisisfs??eded d fd fod f?or or aor ?n n h ho?uru?r or oror or tor twtwowo.o. . . T. ThTheTh?y y dy ?o o to ?as???e ge grgregr?atat at - - -??notno?t tt totooto?o so ?wewee?t ?anandand d nd ?notnot not o ov o?er?lyly ly? ca cakakeke-ke-l-lilikli?????BuBuyuy y ay a y a?? bun buncn?h h a an andnd d kd ?keekeepkeep ?ththethem? i ?in in tin ththethe the f fr frereereezezezerer er?ununtuntitili? y yo youou ou n ne nee?d ?mo?moremore.?""?515141?3,3,B3,B0B00003003131Y1?J3J383?W,W??3P3??3E3?JIJITITKTKSKS0S0X0XAX??KaK?aryaryny?n Sn SaS??andband?ececkck ??,2,2,2,2,2,,2??,1,12,123233339396964648480800?,S,SuSupupeup?ermermam?an an S SnSna?nacknacke?d d od ono?n En EBEB'B's's,s,"?IfI?f yf yoyouyou ?wawan
ry,3,3,4,1285718400,GREAT mid morning snack,"I like them as a midmorning snack with a cup of coffee. They are also great for those mornings you really aren't in the mood for breakfast, but know you'll be hungry later. They seem to keep you satisfied for an hour or two. They do taste great - not too sweet and not overly cake-like. Buy a bunch and keep them in the freezer until you need more." 5143,B0031YJ38W,A3PE3EJITKS0XA,Karyn Sandbeck J,2,2,4,1233964800,Superman Snacked on EB's,"If you wan
tt t a a a?quq?ici???pipic?k k mk meme e?????n n? a a s ??ala?l l? pa pacackckackagageg?? e eae?achac??ono?e e ie inindindidivi?idi???allallyly y w wrwrarapa?pepeded d?ththihisi? i?s s ms ?y ?chchohoio?iceice!e! !?I I??ava?e ?ononeone ?e ine i?n tn ththethe e ce cac?r r?mimidid id c cocomompm?arartar?memenmentn??, a, ?ndnd d id ?in in? my my y by brbririeiefefcf???e ?th?theythe???ououlu???beb??grgrereaeateat t at anandan???a pa ??re re a?ereror???ic ic w wo w??kokou?t ?snsnanacackack.k???rereare?t ?flflalav???, , m, ?oioisoistst ?& & n nonoto?t tt totoooo o? sw s??ete??. B. BeB??ararear?e ie ife i? y ?ou???rere re are al?alleall?ergergig?ic ic tic ?? n nu nutu?s-s??thethesthesese se?? are are e oe oue outut.ut. . I. ?I tI to?oko??ththethemthem m o ou out? o of of f tf ththethe the b bob?x x a an andnd nd d di?vi?dededed ed? in int?o o zo ziz?p ?lolocock???agagsag?s as ?and? f ?rorozrozez?. ????n n In ??neneene?edeededed ed med momormore?re Ire ?I jI jujusu?? p pu p?ullul???ed oed ononeone one? ba bag ba? f fr f??m m tm ththe?the fthe fr?ee?zezerze?r ar an????t ??worworkrkerkeded ed oed oued o?ut ?gr?ea??.".??515?444??B0B0000303131Y1YJYJ3J??W,W,A,?3B3??4949Z9ZKZKEK?SHSHDHDIDIDI?,F,FrF?redred ??amamfm?ieielieldld,ld,1,1,1??,5,5,5?,12,1282858?717181
t a quick pick me up in a small package, each one individually wrapped this is my choice! I have one in the car mid compartment, and in my briefcase they would be great and a pre aerobic workout snack. Great flavor, moist & not too sweet. Beware if you are allergic to nuts-these are out. I took them out of the box and divided into zip lock bags and froze. When I needed more I just pulled one bag from the freezer and it worked out great." 5144,B0031YJ38W,A3BH49ZKESHDID,Fred Camfield,1,1,5,1285718
4?0000,0,G,?oooodod d s sns??ckc??fof?r r?chc?ilildl??ene?,","B"??reareaka?fafasa?t t? co c????eses s a ararere re a a a f fa favavovororiorititete e w ?itithith h t ththehe e ye ?ouo?ngng g???hilhild???n n?(a(agageges? 6 6 6? an andnd d 9d 9)9) ) o ofof f a a a f a frf??ieniendnd.nd????heheshe?e ?ononene-e?ou?ncncece e ce coc?ook?ie?s ????e te ththeth?e re ?rigri??t ?sis?zez?e fe foforfor r yr yoyouyoun?g g cg ?chichilildil??enen.en. ? T Th T??? ar arere re ire inind??viv?duduauala??y y w wr wrarapappp?eded,d, ,?? and an???anan ?bebe ?ususe????t t ht ??meme e oe ore or r ar asas as???tat?akeake e ae alaloalon?g g sg snsnasnacackac??it???. . . T. ThTheTh?y ?ca?n ?al?soso o b be? u ususeuseded ed a?s s ss spspe??iai?al al t tr trereareatreatsts ??on on o?ccccacascasi?ononsons ???????al?lolowo?eeeenen.?""5515?454??B0B00?313?YJYJ3J3838W8W,W????3737B7BQB?LTLT3T??J9J9999,9,J,?ununiun????iltilt2t?dadayay,y?1,1???5,5,15,121282858?51151??6060000,00,B?re????asastas?t Ct CoCooookooki?eses,es??ErE?rinri??BaB?akeakeraker'r's's ??rorododuoducu?ts? a ar are are ?e a e a f? fav fa?vorvoriritri?? f fo f?or or m mymy ?fafamfamimil?y.y. . . T?he?he bhe ?rereareak?fafasfa??? co?okokikieki???minminini'i's's 's? ar are
400,Good snack for children,"Breakfast cookies are a favorite with the young children (ages 6 and 9) of a friend. These one-ounce cookies are the right size for young children. The are individually wrapped, and can be used at home or as a take along snack item. They can also be used as special treats on occasions like Halloween." 5145,B0031YJ38W,A1537BQLT3VJ99,Juniquilt2day,1,1,5,1285113600,Breakfast Cookies,"Erin Baker's products are a favorite for my family. The breakfast cookie mini's are
g ???atat t f ?oror r?snsnan??ksks s & & & c coc??fefeee? b ???akaksks ks?anandnd d e ?spspep??iai?llllyly y? go goooodo?d fd foforfor r tr ?rar?vevele??ngng.g.<.<b<brbr br?/>/>T>?hihisis ?isis is? a a d dedenensnseserer ???od?????tht?an? a a a r a re?gugululal???cocooco???e,e? n nin??e e ae ?andand d cd ?heh?wywy y ay an?and and? fi fili?llilliningin??wiwitith? o ?nlnlyly ly 1 1010000 0 c ca c?aloalor????????141?6,6,B,?00?3131Y1YJY?3838W8W,W,A,?2W2?BQB?0S0S6S?0000B00BTB?KYKY,Y,D,?. .?StStr??jajanan,an??,1,1,,1,4,?,1,11,1?989868626272?202???SuS????r Yr YuY??mymy!y?,","M"MyMy ?kikidkidsds s (s (4(4y4yry?s ??andand ?1 1? 1/ 1/2/2y2yryrsyr?) ) l lol?veve ve t ththethes?????cookcoo?kiekies?, , m, ??uchuc? t to t??mymy my???rpr??isiseise!e! ! ??TheThe e me mimininiini i o????? ar arere re j ???t ??igi?htht ?foforfor for???hemhe? a an a?? I I'I'm'??hahapha?pypy y ty toto o go gigivive???thethemthem m 'm ??coo???iesies'ies? f??or or b?re??kfkfafasa?st!st! ???heherhe?re re are arareare ?? t th thi th?ingingsings ??? do donon'on?t t lt li??e:e: : 1 1)1??ThTheThe The?inindin?iviviivididuduaualal al c co c?ookookikiekie kie p ?acackackak?gegeses es aes ar?are are V VEVERE?? h haharhardr?d td ?to to o?pe?n.n.....
great for snacks & coffee breaks and especially good for traveling.<br />This is a denser product than a regular cookie, nice and chewy and filling with only 100 calories." 5146,B0031YJ38W,A2WBQ0S600BTKY,D. Strojan,1,1,4,1198627200,Super Yummy!,"My kids (4yrs and 1 1/2yrs) love these cookies, much to my surprise! The mini ones are just right for them and I'm happy to give them 'cookies' for breakfast! There are 2 things I don't like: 1) The individual cookie packages are VERY hard to open...
?? a ?lwlwawaya?s s???ede? s scscicisisss?oro?s ?ana???2)2) ) t tht???cocooookokik?eses s fs faf??l-l?apapap?rtrt t e ?asasis?lyl?...?..I..I I wI wowououlu?dnd?'t't t rt ?ececo?mmmmemenendnd nd p papaspass??ngng g t th theheshe?e e oe ououtout ?inin in? th the the e ce ?ar?!<!<b<?r r / />/>O>OvOvevererar?all? a a a?grgrereare?t ?prprorododuducuctct t at anandand d Id ??pupururcrchchahasaseas?? t th the?se? i ?in in bin ?ululkulk k s?? w wewe ???e ???ureure e te toto o ao ?alwal?waywa?ys ys h hahavha?ve ve??? them them m o onon n h ha han?and.and.".?5515141?7,7,B,B0B000030????3838W8W,W?A3A3T3TDTD1D1O1?4E4?C2C2626N6NTNT2T2,2,s,swswo?ototctchchichieie,ie,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131323???9494444040000,00,h,hih?t t ot oror or?mim?issis?s -s - - y yeyete???. . E ErEririnin in Bin BaBakakekerer'er's's ?s fis f?xexeded ?eve?ververyryty??iningin?!,!,","W"WeW??LOLOVOVEVE E??ririnrin ?BaBakBakekerker'r?'s 's B BrBrerea?kfkfa?stst t Ct CoCooookooki????<b??r /r />?<b??? /> />T>ThThahatha?t st sasaia?d,d, , t th? the the s????all all mall miminminin?'s's 's a's ar?are are?? the? the f the fif?rs?t t tt ?imime?????? w we we ??havhavehave e he hae h?d d ad a a???robroblbleleme?m (m (P(PRPROR?BLBLELEMEM)M??wiwitithith h a???out???/3/3 3 o of of f t th? them them them?bebeieining?? mo mololdldyldy y o or o
I always need scissors and 2) the cookies fall-apart easily...I wouldn't recommend passing these out in the car!<br />Overall a great product and I purchased these in bulk so we are sure to always have them on hand." 5147,B0031YJ38W,A3TD1O4EC26NT2,swootchie,0,0,5,1325894400,hit or miss - yet... Erin Baker's fixed everything!,"We LOVE Erin Baker's Breakfast Cookies.<br /><br />That said, the small mini's are the first time that we have had a problem (PROBLEM) with about 1/3 of them being moldy or
? h hahava?iningng g m momololdld d o ?n n??heheme?.<.?brb??/>/?<b<br<b?r /r />/>S/>StStot?raragagege e h ha hasas s n ??? b bebeee???anan n in isissssusueue.e. .? W ???n ?wewe ?gogot?? th the?m m ( ?wiwitiththithinin in?1/1?2 2??an an h ho hououru??, , t??eyey y w wewerwe??e pe plp?aca?eded ?inintintoto to t? the the the f frf?reereezezezerer r ur ununtn??l l u ususese.e. e. ?AsAs s ws ?? u us usese se t th? the ?cocooo?kikieieses s ws wes w?e te ?akakeke e t???hem hem? fr froromom ?ththeth?e fe ?frefree?ze??r tr ??to tto ??the the m?icicrc?rowrowawav?e e (e (f(fofor? a a a q ????k k???rmrm-m?upup)p).). ? H HoH?wewevwevev?er,er?, s, ststitilti?l l Il ? a am a?m fm fefeae?arfar?ulul l el ea??? t?imimeme e Ie I ?riripip p?inintintointo o a a a s a ??alall? p papacackackakagageage,e?, t, ththath??t It I ?wiwilwillll ll fll ??indin?d md momolmo?ld ld e eieitithithe??r or on? t th the the the t the to????or or sor ?ididedeses es o of o? t th the the the c??ookoo??e.e.<e.<b<br<br <br / /> /><><b><brbr br???ThThihis?? is is,s???bvbvi?ouousouslslyly,y, , n, nonotnot ?co??dud?cicivi?ve ve???o eo enenjen?oyo?me??? w wh w?hilhilel?e ee ea???ngng ng t th the them them.m.<m.?<br?<br /<br />/></><b<br<br <br /?>W>WeWe e he hahavha??ve Nve ?EVEVEVERER R h ha??d td th?thisthis ?prp?robroblb?lemlem m wm wi?thth th a?nyn
having mold on them.<br /><br />Storage has not been an issue. When we got them (within 1/2 an hour), they were placed into the freezer until use. As we use the cookies we take them from the freezer to the microwave (for a quick warm-up). However, still I am fearful each time I rip into a small package, that I will find mold either on the top or sides of the cookie.<br /><br />This is, obviously, not conducive to enjoyment while eating them.<br /><br />We have NEVER had this problem with any
o ofof f t ththeh?? th thehe he?bibigi? c ?ooo?kikieie e ve vavararirieietietyty.y?<b<brb? / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>*/>??UPUPDPDADATATETE:E:*:?** **???2/2??5/5/1?2 2 - ???ododadayay y I ? o op o?enenen?d d m mym?y dy dodooooroor r tr toto o f fif??d ?a a b bo boxo??ses??t t t to t?o mo ??e fe ???? E ErEri?n n B BaBaka?ere?'s's.s?.... .. a anandnd nd i ???hah???2 2 b2 boboxoxeoxeses s? of o?f ff frfrefreseshes? d ??ubu?lele ?chchohoco?colco?atatete ????nkn?? mi mininiin?s s (s (t(ththeth?e ee exexaxacactct ?ama?ouo?untun?t tt ?thath?at at I I I h hahadhad d fd fof?ounou???????e e me mo?ldldydy y iy in? m my m?y oy ?????inainalal l o or ordrdeder?).)? A ???ZIZININGN?? co comompompapan??y. y. ?ChC?heche??k ok ??t t tt tht t?he he che ??mmmmemenme?tst??atattat?ac?hehedhed ?toto to mto my? r rer?vivieiewiew w t to to to s?eee??ho?w w tw ththithisis is a al a?l ?cac?ameame e ae ababobouboutut.t??? TO TOPOP P M MA??KSK? t to? to t to ??thisthi??co??papanpa?y.y. y. y. N NoNotot t ot ononlnlyly y fy faf??ululol??????eaeak??fasfastst ?cocooco?okiokie?s,s, ,? bu but? a am amam??in?g g cg ?usust??omeom?er er? se ser se??vicvi??e (e (w(?hih?ch? T TH THEHEYE??vov???untunteuntee?re?d d -d - - I- I I dI dididi?d Nd NON?T T a as a?k k fk foforfo??
of the the big cookie variety.<br /><br />**UPDATE:** 02/15/12 - Today I opened my door to find a box sent to me from Erin Baker's... and it had 2 boxes of fresh double chocolate chunk minis (the exact amount that I had found to be moldy in my original order). AMAZING company. Check out the comments attached to my review to see how this all came about. TOP MARKS to this company. Not only fabulous breakfast cookies, but amazing customer service (which THEY volunteered - I did NOT ask for!!
??)")""5?1414848,8??000?3131Y1YJYJ3J383??,A,AYAY1Y?EFEF0F?GOGOHOH8H808?EKEK,K???tatasashs?a a S ?trtryr?kek?r,r?0,0????,1,?3232525151151161686?800800,0,D0,DrDry????d d t totoooo o???uiuitityty,y,","T"ThTheheseses? a??e e ne nonotot t? aw awfw?ulul l i ?f f e eaeatateatene? w ?itithith h a a a c ?upu??ofo?f tf ?eaea,ea, , c co c?offoffefeeee e oe ?r r m mim??k k - ---- - b ??t t tt tht?heyhey y???e ?vever?y ?drd????if if e ea eat??n ?plp?aiaini?? I I I?dodo o lo lil?keke ke h hohowow w t th theheyhey hey h ha havaveve ve?lelesesses? s sus?gagarar r tr ththath?an an m?osostst t gt ????ololala la? ba bararsar?s as anandan??arareare e ne noe notot ot? a ?chcho?kikiningin? h ha??ar?d d fd foforor or t?ododdddldle?rsr?s ls ??keke ke hke ?harha?d d sd ?nan??ksk?????an san sosomomemetetit?me?s s bs beb?. . . I?? am am m a??fafan???of of?? the the e oe oae oat?memeamealal l rl ra??sis?in in m??iniin? c co coo cookoki?eses,es?, a, ?and? o????hehe he r ?regregug?ulaular? s si sizizeze ?EBEB B c co coo cook coo??kieskies,s??bu??t tt tht thihis? f fl flalavla????tatasta?stest?? v ve?ryry ry fry frfrufruiuitui?? t to? m me m?e ae an???no?t ?vever???ch?????atatyat???. I. I ?th?ininkink ?????do?ubublblele le c?hohocho
!)" 5148,B0031YJ38W,AY1EF0GOH80EK,Natasha Stryker,0,0,3,1325116800,Dry and too fruity,"These are not awful if eaten with a cup of tea, coffee or milk -- but they are very dry if eaten plain. I do like how they have less sugar than most granola bars and are not a choking hazard for toddlers like hard snacks can sometimes be. I am a fan of the oatmeal raisin mini cookies, and of the regular size EB cookies, but this flavor tastes very fruity to me and not very chocolaty. I think the double choc
??heh?rrrryry y t tat?ststet?s s?bebetetttteterte? t th thah?? t th the thes??. . H HaH??pypy y ty toto o h hahavhaveve e t th? them the? f fof??r lr lalasastas? r reresesoesorortort t st snsnanacackc?-o-????he???o ?neneeeededsd?, , b bu b?t t nt ??t ?mymy ??ava?ororior?te??""5515?4949,9,B,??030?1Y1?J3J3838W8W,W,A,??6868989090Q0Q0Q??RKRKEK?G,G??. ?T.T.,.,0,0,0??,5,?,1,121262?999??363?0000,00,T,TaT??asteastes??sus??prprir?sis???lyly y gy gogoogo??.,?"I"I I?wawasas as????ece??in?? h???d d t ta tasastasteastelastelel?essess s hs ???ltlththythy y cy ???? ? I ItI?t it isis is s so sofo?t,t, , a, a a??itittittlt?? c ch c?hewhewywy y ay anandand d yd ??mmmmy?. . ?VeVereryer?y t????y.y?."."5515?505??B0?03?1Y1YJ1Y???8W,8W?,A3,A??S0S?MGMGLGL8L8Q8?E0E0C0?M,M,","C"??lolor?ada?o ?gagalal al " ?"c"cocogcoga??"""""""?,0,0,,0,0,0,0,?5,5,15,1212512?32323232320320000000?0,e0,exexcex??lllle??t ??tastaststeste e ae anand?? ha?ndn?y,y,T,Th,Theheshe??e ae are are???xcxcecelcellllell???. . T. Th. Theheyhe??y tay tasy tast???grgrereareatat t at anand?and aand ?areare e je juj??st st t? the the the r ri r?ghghtht t st sit sizi???? T TwTwowo o co cac?? m mamaka?e e a??n on onon on? th the??gogo go? br brereareakrea?fa?stst ?
cherry tastes better than these. Happy to have them for last resort snack-on-the-go needs, but not my favorite." 5149,B0031YJ38W,AU6890Q08RKEG,V. T.,0,0,5,1269993600,Tastes surprisingly good.,"I was expecting hard tasteless healthy cookies. It is soft, a little chewy and yummy. Very tasty." 5150,B0031YJ38W,A38S0MGL8QE0CM,"Colorado gal ""cogal""",0,0,5,1253232000,excellent taste and handy,These are excellent. They taste great and are just the right size. Two can make an on the go breakfast t
hhah?t t i isis s t tat?sts???ana???gogoooodod d fd ?oror r y yoy??. . ?ThT?e e?lalarargrgegerer r sr sisizi?e ?brbrer??kfkfafas?t ?cocoo?kikiei?s s as ??e e je juj?stst st t to too??bibigig.g. . 2. 2 2 o ofof f t th the???e ae arareare are p pep?erferfefece?t.t. . . M MyM???us?baban?d d hd ???d gd gogotgottt???? ou o?t ?ofof of? th the th?e he ?habhabi????f f ef eaeateatit??g g b?rereare??fafasfa??- -? to too too o m mumucuchc? t tr trorou?blblel?- - b- ?ut?????cec?e Ie I I b bo bouougou??t ?ththehes?e e he hee he e ie is???oo??d ad ?bobououtout t gt grgrar?abbab?binbing?? on onene ?or? t tw t?o o oo onon ??thethe ??ayay ??out? t th the? d dodoo?r.r..5?151?51,51,B,B0B000030???J3J?8W8?,A,??F6F6O6O5O5P5?0404K4KLKL5L?727?,","K"K.K. ??ororaor?ab ab??"K"Ki"K??an"an?"""""??0,0?,0,,0?5,5?1212525151451??767?00?,","E,"??inin,in, , I I ?wawanwannnnana a m ma m?arrarryry ?yo?u!u!"!?","","I"?I lI lolovo?????thesthesese se c ????kiekies? a?nd??? l lo lovoveove e Ee ?EriEr?? a as as s as a s a r re??ulultlt.t. t.??????? co c?ookookiookieiesie?s ms mamakakeake e me meme e se smsmimili?le.le. . T. Th. The? t te t?xtxtutururere re m? mak ma??es ?mymy ?eye?eses ?gogoogo??lyly.y. . T. Th. The. Th??e sme smemelmellll l???mi?nd?
hat is tasty and good for you. The larger size breakfast cookies are just too big. 2 of these are perfect. My husband had gotten out of the habit of eating breakfast- too much trouble- but since I bought these he is good about grabbing one or two on the way out the door. 5151,B0031YJ38W,A3F6O5P04KL572,"K. Torab ""Kian""",0,0,5,1251417600,"Erin, I wanna marry you!","I love these cookies and I love Erin as a result. These cookies make me smile. The texture makes my eyes googly. The smell reminds
m meme e o ?f f b beb??ututitifi?ulul l s sps?rir??g g d ?ayaysy? a anandn? h hoh????wewesesosomo?me me i itit't'd'd ?bebe be t ?? s sp spep?nd?? th theh?m m w wiwitithit??ErEririnrin,n, , h ha havaveve e he heherher r???rinringring g tg tht?he he f frfrereseshesh h ch coc?okokikieies? o ou out? o?f f tf ?theth??ovo?venve?? an and??usu?s es enenjen?oyoyiyininging g t?he?m ???geg???therther ?ono?n on ououru?r or our out?dodooooroor ?sws???ng ng??isi?teten???ing ing???o to ththe? b bi b?rdr??s as ????enenjenjoenj?oyioyining?ing ting ththethe the cthe crcrereere?? t th tha thata? p ?????d d td th?ror?ougou?h h oh ouourour ?bab?ckc?yayara?rd.rd.<.<b<brbr ?/>/><><b<br<b?r /?>T>ThThehe he ohe ??lyly y? th?ining?ing iing ?is is? th tha that tha??ththithis?is kis ki??nd nd and an?and and?? the the e oe ote oth??ther ther k ?kinkindkin?d (d (r(raraia??in?) ) d do donon'on't'?t dt didififfiffeferer r mr ?ucuchch h ih inin in t ta tasastaste?. .?????y by ??th? t ta?ststeste e te th???sasama?me-me?-t-tatas?asteaste ?e ofe of f Hf ???ve????5?151525?,B,?000?313??J3J383?W,W,A,A1A1Q1?IXI??V1V1X1XBXB7B7G7GLGL4L?,S,SaS?ltl??chuch?uckuc??0,0,0??5,5?1212525050000300?52?0000,00?,Sa,S?ameame ?grgrereareatat at c ?coocookokiokie? i?n n an a a? sm s?alallal?erer er s si sizi?e,e?"I"I I l
me of beautiful spring days and how awesome it'd be to spend them with Erin, have her bring the fresh cookies out of the oven and us enjoying them together on our outdoor swing listening to the birds and enjoying the creek that passed through our backyard.<br /><br />The only thing is that this kind and the other kind (raisin) don't differ much in taste. They both taste the same--taste of Heaven." 5152,B0031YJ38W,A1QIXPV1XB7GL4,Saltchuck,0,0,5,1250035200,Same great cookie in a smaller size,"I l
iivi?e e i inin n t ththehe e ae ararereaea a???herherere re t?heheshesese e ce cocooo?kikieiese? a arareare e me ?adadede,e, , a an andn? I I I r ??mememembmbeberer r b bub????? t? the th?em em f frf?omo? l ?oco?alal l c cocofcofff??e ?sts?anand?s s ws whwhewhenen n tn th?eyey y f fi firirsrstst st s ststastarartartet?d ?mamakma???g ?????m ym yeyea?rs? a ag agogo o - ---- - e eaeacea?h h o ononene e we ?asas ?s wrs w???peped?? in i?n sn ?ar?anan an w??rapra? a an?d d hd hah?ad ad? a a h ?hanhandndwndwrw????tenten n ln ?ababe?l ?on?? th the them them.m. . T ThThe??pap?ckckakagagig?ing? h??? c ch c??hanghan?ed????andand d td ?the?rere re are ar?are are m mamanmanyn??did?ff?erereer?entent t f fl f?lavlavov?rsrs rs ars avavavaia?lalablablblele e ne nonowow,w, , b, ??t ???????rigrigiginginan?al al??re?akakfkfafasastast ??cooco?okiok?ie ie s?tit?illill ?tatastaststesteses es j jujusustst ?asas as gas gogoogo?d d td tod tododaodayay ?asas as tas ththothososese se f fi fir firsrstrst ?ononeon?es es des dididdi?.<.<b<brb?r /r />/?<b<br<b??r />r />T>?TheTh?e se sme sma???lerler r sr ?izizez?e ie isis s gs grgrerea?t ?fof?or or? a a s a snsna?ck??, a?s s ts ththe?the lthe lalarlargrgege ge o????s as ?????enoenouougughg?h fh fo???twtwow?o po pepeopeopo?lele!le! !? F ?ulullll ll o of o??gogoo??d sd
ive in the area where these cookies are made, and I remember buying them from local coffee stands when they first started making them years ago -- each one was wrapped in saran wrap and had a handwritten label on them. The packaging has changed, and there are many different flavors available now, but the original breakfast cookie still tastes just as good today as those first ones did.<br /><br />The smaller size is great for a snack, as the large ones are enough for two people! Full of good s
????STST T?THTHEH????HIHIS? I ISIS IS TIS TH?E E O ONONEN?. .??T'T'S'S S A ? W WIWININNNNE????!!"!!?5?151?4,4,B,?0000303131Y1YJYJ3J3838W8W,W,A,ANA?XSXSAS??B1B161?PKPK6K?E,E,","R"R.R. . B. BaB??eseshshohofoffff f " """??ono???nt? S ShShohopho??erer"r?"""""?,0,0,0,0?,5,5,5?121222282828?626242?0000,00,H,HeH?ala??hyhy y B BrBrereaeakeakfk??sts??LoLovovever???OfOf ?ththethe e E ??ini?? Ba B??erer er p prp???ucuctc?s,s??ththethe the F ?ruruiuitit ?? N NuNutut t Mt MiMininiin? B Br Brereareakakfakfa?stst st C Co?okokikieie e ie isi? m mymy y fy ?favfavov?riritri?te!te? I I I h hahavaveve ve o ononeon???in?ini ini b brbre?reakreakfkfakfasastas?t ct cocooo??ieie ie?(a(?aboabououtut ut?101?00 00??alaloal?oriorie?s)s) )??it?? a a a c?upup p? of of f cf cocofco?ffeff?e e i?n ??thethe the mthe mom???ininging g a?ndnd d I? I f I fefeeeelee? s sas??is?fifie?d d ad ?nd? r ?rea?dyd?y ty ?o o? st statara?t ????the dthe ?ayay.y?. . V VeV?eryery ?heh?ealea?lthlthyhy,hy?, l, lol?w w i ?in in c ca calaloaloralore???, ?anandand d sd susupupeuperer ??ele????ouousou??is? w wh whahatha??mam?akeakeses es? th thehe he p pr prorodroduducduct? w wo w?orkork k f ??or or m me m?. . ?TrTryry y iy it?, , y, yoyou??lll?l ll li?keke ke? it it.t."."?5151551?5,?B0B00B0
MOIST THEN THIS IS THE ONE. IT'S A WINNER!!!" 5154,B0031YJ38W,ANXSAKB16PK6E,"R. Babeshoff ""Content Shopper""",0,0,5,1228262400,Healthy Breakfast Lover,"Of the Erin Baker products, the Fruit & Nut Mini Breakfast Cookie is my favorite! I have one mini breakfast cookie (about 100 calories) with a cup of coffee in the morning and I feel satisfied and ready to start the day. Very healthy, low in caloreis, and super delicious is what makes the product work for me. Try it, you'll like it." 5155,B00
33131Y1YJY?3838W8?,A,?3838S38?0M0MGMGLGL8L???0C0CMCM,M,","C"?olo?ororaradadodo o???? " ?"c"cocogogagalgal"l"""""""",",1,?,2,??4,4?,12,1?7878484646060808080000,0,d,dodondontnt t t ththihini?? r ???al al?chchohococo?lalatatete,e??? y ?ouou u a ararere re l lo?okokik?ingin??foforor or? a a r ri ricichch ch c ch cho?cocolcolacol?ateate e c co c??okiokiei?e le loloolooklook k sk ????whw?ererere re ere ele?sese.e. . B BuButu?t it ifif ?yoyouyou u au arareare e le loe l?ookoo?kinki??g fg foforfor r a a a f a ?aiairi?lyly y? go g??d d t?asaststitininging ing 1 101?00 00???aloal?oriorieie ie?brbre?aka?fafasfastst st o or????acackck k tk ththeth??se se a ar are??prpreretrettttyt???ooood?..5?1515656,6?B0B00003003131Y31YJYJ3YJ38?W,????I3I3E3??UCU?T9T??VSV???ebebebececcccaca a L LaL?nene ?GeG?earearyry,y?0,??1,21,?2,12,131?2828484884868?40400?,p,?ooooroor r qr quq?alalialitity? c co con contntrntrorolol.ol...?...... ?momololdoldyd??"M"MyMy y ky ?kidkidsds s l??veve e te th?thesthesese,se, ,????d wd wewe'e'v'veve ve o or o??erereereded d td ???????tetenten n - - - b?utut ut a as as s ws ??? t??? c ca??se se wse wiwitithith h??t ?leleaeaseastst st ost ono?ne ne o???therthe?r rr re?vivie??werwer,r?, t, ththith?s s bs ?atatcat?ch ch cch cacamcameme me i inin in w ???th th s sosomso??me mme ?molmoldl
31YJ38W,A38S0MGL8QE0CM,"Colorado gal ""cogal""",1,2,4,1278460800,dont think real chocolate,If you are looking for a rich chocolate cookie look somewhere else. But if you are looking for a fairly good tasting 100 calorie breakfast or snack these are pretty good. 5156,B0031YJ38W,A33I3E7UCT95VS,Rebecca Lane Geary,0,1,2,1328486400,poor quality control.... moldy,"My kids love these, and we've ordered them often - but as was the case with at least one other reviewer, this batch came in with some mold
?? ( (I(I I??rer??zez? t tht??m m a ???sosooo?n n??s s ts ththetheye?? ar arrrririviveve,e, ,??o o?hahadad d???he he h ha hava?ve ve b ?eeeenee?n mn ?ololdldyd?y uy upupoponon on a ar?ririvrivavala???<b<brbr r?/>/><>?<br<br ?/>/>t/>totoooo oo b?adad ad - ? b?utut t a??t tt ?thith?s ?prp?ricricece,??wowon?'t't ???n n tn ththethe the?ririsri?k k o ?? h? hav havivini????o o to to?sss??ououtut ut p ?proprodo?ucuctc?.".""5515151?7,7,B,?000030?1Y1?J3J3838W8W,W,A,?373???FTFTWT??G2G2Q2QLQL0L0,0?RoRomomemeoeo,o?0,0,10,??5,5,1,?323232?32132?6060000000?0,v0,veverve?y ?????,",?I'I'v'veve ?be?enen n hn hahavha?vinvingng ng t th?esesese e ce cocooookookikieies? f fo f??r ar ababob??t t 4t ????ararsr?, ??ndnd d ld l l?lol?ve?ve ive ?t,t?, b, ?utut ut ut ??I cI cacanan an???t ??in?d d td th?themthe?, , i, inin in t th the the the s st sto?rere re? wh w???re ?I ??se?d d td tod to o bo bu?y,y, , I, I ?liliv??e ie inin in Sin ?anan an Dan ?ie??go,go???? I I I? wo w?oulou?ld ld? li liki?e ?toto to? bu buy bu?y ty th?themthem them h he here?re,re, ?th?akaksks.s?."."??15?8,8?,B0,B00?3131Y31YJYJ3YJ??W,W,AW,?2I2??1P1??H4H4G4G7G7979E9EBEB,B,A,An,Andndrnd?rearea a?LaL????r,r,0?,1,1,,1?3,3,1,12,1292939343?080808?????titilillll l ll loloolooko?
. (I freeze them as soon as they arrive, so had the have been moldy upon arrival.)<br /><br />too bad - but at this price, won't run the risk of having to toss out product." 5157,B0031YJ38W,A37H7FTWHG2QL0,Romeo,0,1,5,1323216000,very good,"I've been having these cookies for about 4 years, and l love it, but I can not find them, in the store where I used to buy, I live in San Diego, so I would like to buy them here, thaks." 5158,B0031YJ38W,A2I41P4H4G79EB,Andrea Lancer,0,1,3,1293408000,still looki
?ngng g?foforor r b ?rereaeaka?faf????"I"I I s ststastarartr?ede? o ?utu??ththih?nknkikiningin??ththeth?y y w ?ererere re O OKOK,K? a ????ttttltlele e???oreor?e se sus?bsbststastanstancncece e te th?ana? t th thehe e be br?eaeakeakfkfakfas?t ?babarar ar f fr f?omo? W ?hoh??? F ??odo?s.s? B BuButut ut a???terter ?I I oI orordordederereereded ed a a a 1 1212-2?pap?ckck k ( (I(I ?dididi?n'n't'??rereare?li?zeze e ie it? w wa wasas as 1??? bo boxoxex?? o???8)8),), , a, ??d d hd hah?d d ed eaeatea??n n tn ththethemthem m fm fo?r r ar a a ca cocououpouplp?le le ole ?f f wf ?weeweekeksk?s as asas as Ias I I wI wawasas ?flflyl?ining?? ou o?ut ut tut ????dodooooroor,r, , I, I I rI ?rea?li?lizeliz?ed ?th?theythey y wy we?rere re nre nonoto?t rt ret rea???ly ly v vev?eryery y ty tat???y ???and and k kikinki??d od ?of of d?ryry.y?""???595?,B,B0B000??WMWMPM?GDGDWDW,W,A,A2A?XUX?RMR????PDPDNDNBDN?D,D,N,NeNewew w E EnE?nglnglalan?and ?GiG?rlrl,l,7,7,7??,5,?,1,12120120000100181??404?00,00,H,HeHea?ve?n ??n n en ??rt??!,!,","I,"IfIf f yf ?ouou ou w wa????tot? t?rereareatreat t yt yoyouyourur ?tatastast?ebebub??ds ds t to to o to ?the?the uthe ulultltit?mamatatete te d de deleliliglighg?t,? t tr try try y dy ??ulculcece ce d????ece??he he a an a?? t th thi thisi?s bs br??
ng for breakfast,"I started out thinking they were OK, a little more substance than the breakfast bar from Whole Foods. But after I ordered a 12-pack (I didn't realize it was 12 boxes of 8), and had eaten them for a couple of weeks as I was flying out the door, I realized they were not really very tasty and kind of dry." 5159,B000WMPGDW,A2XURMDN3PDNBD,New England Girl,7,7,5,1200182400,Heaven on earth!,"If you want to treat your tastebuds to the ultimate delight, try dulce de leche and this bran
d? i isis s t tht?e e b ?ese?t!t??AsAs s as a a n nan?titiviveve ?ofof f A Ar Argr??ntnti?nana,na, , I ??grgrerewew w u upup p w wiw??? t th thihisis is??stustufu??f af anandnd d nd non? i im imimititaitatatiat?ono? c coc??es? c cl cloloso?e.e. .???rvrve? i it it t i??sis??e e ce ??repre?es?es ses ?lil??hth?lyl? w??rmr? f fof??dededde?d ad ?andand d wd ?witwi?th th pth popowo??derder r??ugugag?ar,ar?, w, ?witwithwith h? fl f?anan an o ??r ir icicece e ce cre c?reare???anandand and r re?mememmembmbeberbe??a a la ?litlittttltletl?e ge gogoeoeses es aes a ?a loa lon?g g w wa way way.y?. V. ?er??y sy swsweweeeetet!t!"t!""??161?0,0??00000?WMWMPMPGPGDGDWDW,W,A,????8181515F5??C6C???T,T,J,?esessess s Ss ?pipizizzzz,z,3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5???262636??16?00?,H,HeH?avave?nln?ly!ly?,","A"? f fr f?ieienenden?d bd brb?ouougughught? m ?me me t???is is fis frf?romro??ArA???ententitintinatin????and and mand mymy ?kikididsids s as ans a?nd nd I? a ?ateate e ie itit it w wi witithit?h ah a a sa ?po?onon on??ndnd ??theth?en en? ap appp?leles??es soes s???thathatat at I??wow?oulou?ld ld f fe f?eelee??leleslessss s gs gug?ililtl??y. y.??hehenhe?n wn we?? fi fininin?ishishehedhe??, I, ?I iI imimmmme?did??ate????papan???kekede??d bed bececacaua??se se I?? I wa I wasasns??t t st ?ururere re
d is the best! As a native of Argentina, I grew up with this stuff and no imitation comes close. Serve it inside crepes slightly warm folded and with powder sugar, with flan or ice cream and remember a little goes a long way. Very sweet!" 5160,B000WMPGDW,A1ZE815FVC6XJT,Jess Spizz,3,3,5,1226361600,Heavenly!,"A friend brought me this from Argentina and my kids and I ate it with a spoon and then apples so that I would feel less guilty. When we finished, I immediately panicked because I wasn't sure
iifif f???cocououlu???gegetet t??t t ht heh?rere e i in i??tht?he he?U.U??. . L LoLowo? a anandnd d bd bebehehoholo?? I I I?fofou??? i it it ??n n An AmAmam?zozonon.on. . I. ?t t it isis s d didif???ereerene??t pt papacackc???ini?g g?bub?t t st sasama????comcompm??nyn? s sos? I I I a I asa?susumumeme me i it it it i is is s js ?usustst t ct cac???erier?inging ?tot??Am?ereri?cacanca?s.s??DeDele???ioi???!"!?5?161?1,1,B,B0B0000000W00WMW?PGPGDG?W,W,A,A1A111?JXJ?S9S?PBPB7B???PDPD,D,P,PaPaba???o Ro R.R. ?ViVititaitavaveverer,er???,2,,2???121?283283131212612646??00,00,Y,??ummummymy y Dy DuDul????dede e Le LeLecechchehe,he??I tI th?in?k k t??isis is i? is is? th??e be be?stst st D Du?lclce? d?e e Le Lee Lecechec?he ?I I eI eveveverver r t tr tririei????? I ??disdiscs?covco?ververevered???t ?th??e Le Lle Llal?o o Lo LlLlalaola?o ho ??teteltel l?? in in B BaB???loloclochcheche ?(A(ArArgr?gengentntintininaina)a) ) o onon on? a a?rerecre???nt nt t tr??p.p?. . T. ??heyhey y sy ses??ve? i it it it a it ??? br brereareaka?faf?astas?t tt tht theherhere?..?515??2,?B0B00B000?00WM00W??GD???A2A2D2??KHKH3H?NINICICFCFSFS4S4I4I,I?"K"K.K. . B. BoB?scschsc???"C"CaC?ptptataia?? H HaHaz???at???",",2?,2,2,2,2,?5,5,15,1212712777
if I could get it here in the U.S. Low and behold I found it on Amazon. It is different packaging but same company so I assume it is just catering to Americans. Delicious!" 5161,B000WMPGDW,A11JXS9PB728PD,Pablo R. Vitaver,2,2,5,1283126400,Yummy Dulce de Leche,I think this is the best Dulce de Leche I ever tried. I discovered at the Llao Llao hotel in Bariloche (Argentina) on a recent trip. They serve it at breakfast there. 5162,B000WMPGDW,A2DSKH3NICFS4I,"K. Bosch ""Captain Haz-Mat""",2,2,5,1277
0?787?4040000,0,L,LOLOVOVEV? D DuD?lclcece e d ded?e le ??chcheh?,","J"JuJusustst t??n n o ouo?tstststast????ngng g p ?rorodo??ctct<t??r r / />/><>?<br<b?r /r ?/>A/>???auaututhuthehenhentntit?c c d?ul??ce ce??e ?e lee lecechec?he he??anankankek?? n nunumumbm?erer-r?ononene ?inin in A ArA??ene?ntintininaina a??oror ???ts ts e ?xcx??ptp?tiotiononaonalal l r ri r?ichichnhnenesne?? a an andnd d dd dedepdeptpthpt? o?f f f??ava?oror.or.<.<b<br?? /> /><><b><br? /? />M />MaMadadede de a?t t at a a sa smsmam???l dl ?aia??? o???sisidide???f f Bf BuBueu??osos ?AiAir???.<.<b.<br??/>/></>?<br<br <br /<br />/>(/>?nonototete ???atat t tt th?e e we wew?b b p pa pagagege ge? or or ?sus??plplil????in?di???ateateses es " """?MaMadMa??de ide ?in in Sin SpS?aiainain"n?"" "" b ?utut ut t ththithisi????ododuoduc?t t it ?is is c clc?leale?rlr????madmadede de ide inde i?n An ?ArgArgegenge?ntintinnti?a)a)")""5???3,3,B,??000000W0???GDGDWDW,W,A,??S8S8Q8???4747Q7QMQMYMY,Y,J,J.J. . B BuBuzBu??alalialininoino,o,4,4,4,5,??,5,,5,1,121242???0000800?00?,Y,YuY?ummummym?y my miy mililklk k?spspr?eaeadad,ad?,"I,"I I w ?asas s bs bob?ornorn ?inin ?ArArgArgeArgenententi?nana na? an?d ?ththithisthis s is ??is ais a a ta totopop p? of of of t th the?he lhe li?ne????lclcelce e de de?de lde le
078400,LOVE Dulce de leche,"Just an outstanding product<br /><br />An authentic dulce de leche ranked number-one in Argentina for its exceptional richness and depth of flavor.<br /><br />Made at a small dairy outside of Buenos Aires.<br /><br />(note that the web page or supplier indicates ""Made in Spain"" but this product is clearly made in Argentina)" 5163,B000WMPGDW,AIS8QFP47QMY,J. Buzzalino,4,5,5,1243900800,Yummy milk spread,"I was born in Argentina and this is a top of the line dulce de le
c???, , t toto o e eae?? w wiwitithth h t to t?asa?tst??oror r?asas as a??d-d?onon n t to to to?cacakakekese?s (s ??omompm?ararar?blblel?? to to ????mbm??tete)e?.<.<b<?r r /r />/><><b?r r /????oteot?: : I ??nonot?iciceceded d t th thahat???ululcl?????e le le?ch??e ie isi?s as anan n an ???uiuiri?eded ed t ta t??te????o o uo ?nln?leslesss?s ys ?ouou u g grgrerewrew w u upup p e ea eatatiat?ngn??itit,it?, y, ?youyou u mu mamayay y c co c?onsonsisidi?erer ?duduldulclcelce ??de de l leleclechlechehe he t? to to b to ??e ae ????ittit?lele le? to too too o so swsweweee?t.t.".""5515161?4,4?B0B??00W00WMW????W,W,A,A2A2L2?Z2Z272757575797969?I5I5757T57T,T,M,???cecelcelll?a ?TwT??inin,in??,1,1,,1,5,?,1,12,12929696396343????00,00,E,?xaxacactac?tlytly y ly lilikikeke ke i??n An ?rgr??ntntit?inaina ??....,..?"M"MyMy ?fafat??herher r gr gr?ewew w uw upup up?? in in?Ar??gengentntint?inaina ina a an andn??si?ncnce?ce hce ?he ??camca???to?????e Se ???ateateses es?ha?s s bs be?enen en s ???rcr?chichiningin??fof?or or? th the? p ?ererfer?ece?t ?du??cece ?dede de lde ??lech??e t????t rt reremre?inindin???d hd ?himhim m??f f h?isis is? ch c?hilhi?dhdhohooo?d.d?. H. ?e ?e doe doeoesesnes?'t't t ht hahavhavev?e t?o ?????
che, to eat with toasts or as add-on to cakes (comparable to Chimbote).<br /><br />Note: I noticed that dulce de leche is an acquired taste. So unless you grew up eating it, you may consider dulce de leche to be a little too sweet." 5164,B000WMPGDW,A2LZ275796I57T,Marcella Twain,1,1,5,1296345600,Exactly like in Argentina ...,"My father grew up in Argentina and since he came to the States has been searching for the perfect dulce de leche that reminded him of his childhood. He doesn't have to searc
?h h a ?nyn?momororere,e, ,?I I?bob?ugughg?? h hihimi? a? c coc?oupou????????ararsr?????s ?pap??t t Ct ChChrhririsist?mam?as as? an andn? h?e ?hahas?as bas ?eeeene? a a ?hahaphappppyp?? ca c?mpmpep?r r e evevev?er er s sisinincncec?.".""?5151616565,5,B,B0B0000000W00WMW???DWDW,W,A,A1A1X1XQXQUQ??ZYZ???D2D2O2?V,V?,B.,B. .?TrTri???le?,1,1,1?,1,,1?5,5,15,121242444404070??6060000,00,A?lmlmo??st st? as as s gs ?ooo?d d ad ?as ?????mamadmadede,e,"e,?WeWe ?ususeseded ?toto o h ha h?ve????pipipipepelpelilinineine e te toto to?gegete???homhomememmemamadmademad?e de dud??ce??dede de l lelecle?heh?e fe frfror?om om a a a b a bobonbonanafafifidi?de de Ade ??gegengentntitin?ine,ine, , b, ?utut t at alalal?as,as, ??aia?id id p pipippipepelpelipel??ine ine?mo?ve?d ?d awd a?ayay.y. . . ? Th Thi?his his i is?? th t?he he??exextx?t bt ?besbestst ?ththithin??? an and an?d dd ?oeoesesnsn'n??t it ?invin?ololvlve?ve mve me? h ha han hangngig?inging ing o?utut ut???n tn ????kikiti?ch?enen en f ??or or h ho houourours? w ?hi?le? m?y ?mimililklk k c ca car carar?ameamelelilizli?es?."."."551516166166,6,B,B0,B?000000W0WMWMPWM?PGDPG?DW,DW???MOMOHOHUH???KHK?Z0Z0808,8,S,??yKyKiK?inging,ing,0,?,0,0,,0,5?,1,13,1?313?424242402400?000,000,D,DuD??ce?ce dce ?de de lde leleclechlechehe,he
h anymore, I bought him a couple of jars this past Christmas and he has been a happy camper ever since." 5165,B000WMPGDW,A1XQURZYRWD2OV,B. Trimble,1,1,5,1244073600,Almost as good as homemade,"We used to have a pipeline to get homemade dulce de leche from a bonafide Argentine, but alas, said pipeline moved away. This is the next best thing and doesn't involve me hanging out in the kitchen for hours while my milk caramelizes." 5166,B000WMPGDW,A6MOHUWHKHZ08,SkyKing,0,0,5,1331424000,Dulce de leche,
?"I"? a ?? s ?o o g glglaladad d I I ?orordr?ere?ede?d td tht???? i ?? i is is s t ?thethe e b ?esests?t dt ???cece e de de? l lel??hehe e Ie I I hI ?avaveve e be ???? a ab ablb?le le t to to ?fifini?d.d? I??ha?d d rd rereareadad ad? ab abo abououtu????is? s?omomemewe??herhere?? an andnd nd a am am ?non?w w c cocononvn?inincince?d d td thd thahathat t mt mamananyny y?pep??plplele le ale ara??re nre nonotnot t ft fafamamiamililil????wiw?ithith h t th t?hishi?s ps ???duducdu??. . I. IfIf f y yoy?ou ou l li l?kek??an?yty?thithinthingng g c?araraaramameamele?, , y yo youou'ou'l'llll l l lo lovove? t th thi th?is!is!"!""55151616767,7,B,B0B000??WMWMPM?GDGDWDW,W,A,??353??YLY?K5K5Z5??GJGJEJ?,a,anangangrgryrygygagaua?chchocho,o,0,?,0,0,,0,5,?,1,?323?797969686808?000000,?ExE????llellenentent,t,",??ereryery y hy hihighi?h h qh ququau??litlityty y dy ?duldulc??e de dee de ??leclechcheche ?frfroromro????gegen?entientin????CoComompom??areareded ed? to to to m ?osost? b br b??andandsd??, i, ?it'it's'?s as ? b bi bitit it l li lig lighghtgh?er?? co colololor?eded,ed, ??andand and t th the th?e te tatasast?e e ie ?is is mis ?mormo?re re sre susububdbdu??ed ed aed an?and ??ililkilkikieier?. . Y. ?ouou ou mou ?maymay y oy oror or m ma mayay y ny no?? a ap appppr??ecieciaiatia??? th???s, s,? as as ?itit'it'sit'
"I am so glad I ordered this; it is the best dulce de leche I have been able to find. I had read about this somewhere and am now convinced that many people are not familiar with this product. If you like anything caramel, you'll love this!" 5167,B000WMPGDW,A3353YLK5ZRGJE,angrygaucho,0,0,5,1327968000,Excellent,"Very high quality dulce de leche from Argentina. Compared to most brands, it's a bit lighter colored, and the taste is more subdued and milkier. You may or may not appreciate this, as it's
n ?otot t t ththehe e??lalasa?sisici? t ta tasastastete ??thathata??yoy?u u e ?xpxpepecectct ?frf?omom m c?omommommemerercrcic??l l?dud?????dede ???echechehe,he? b ?utut t it ?t't?s s? by by y f ??? t th thehe he? cl clol?sesese???toto o? th the th??hohomomeomememamadadede de d du dul?cece ce t th tha th?? m ??y gy grg??ndndmd?ma ma?ususe?d d t to to o mo ma?kek?? F FoF????thith??, ?I'I?d d gd ?iviveve e ie ?it it 6 ??st??arsar??ifi? I I I c co?ululdul?!"!""5515161?8,8,B,??00002002U2?DYDY9Y9W9W,W,A,A2A2E2?PAP????SGSGVG??1R1??niniciceic?emaem?an,an?4,4,4?,5,5,5???????767606?00,00,h,?hooho?kekedked,d??I I bI ??ougoughg?t t t??isis is??oror or m?y ????lfl?frifrieiene?nd nd a as? s??he ??ad? b be b??? h ??viv?ngng g t tu tumummmmy? i ?issis??es????nd ?shshehe he ahe ababsbsosololulututeut??y y ly lolovlovevesve?s i??. ? N ?owow w? it i?t st ??em?????susumsu?medmed d Id I ?wiwililll?l kl ke?epe? h?erer er i in i? s st stotoctockc??. ???hatha?t at ??luludlude?s ?toto to? a a c co??plple??telte?ly ly??if??erereeren?t ??rorodro?ducductct ct r rereve???w.w. . . T. Th. Thehe he phe pop?inintin??t ist is,s, s, b bu b??iningin?g ig itit it iit in? b bu bul bulklk k?grgragr?antantst?s t
not the classic taste that you expect from commercial dulce de leche, but it's by far the closest to the homemade dulce that my grandma used to make. For this, I'd give it 6 stars if I could!" 5168,B0002UDY9W,A2EPAJ26SGVE1R,niceman,4,4,5,1331337600,hooked,"I bought this for my girlfriend as she had been having tummy issues and she absolutely loves it. Now it seems assumed I will keep her in stock. That alludes to a completely different product review. The point is, buying it in bulk grants t
hheh? o obobvbvivioiouousu? v vevere?sasata?ili?itityt???? m ?????g g?teteaea a b babaga?s ?whwhe?????n tn ththehe he g gog???r r?ststrtraraiainineinererser???hehenhen hen h hohomomeme.e? ??t t? se s?ememsm???ververyry y ey ?coc??omomiomicicac???wiwitithitho?utu??sasacsa?rir???iciic?ingin??ququaualalialitityity y iy inin in? th the?he lhe lel??st?. ? M MyMy y oy ononlonlyly ?wiwiswi?? i ?s ????? t? the theye?y wy woy w?oulou?d d i in i??stist?ituit?uteut?e te ththethe ????scscrcricribibeb?e ae ?ndnd d sd sa?ve???eaeateatutururer?????re re f fo foro??th???e e we ??o o ao ararere ???oko?eded d ad ?andan????re re lre lol?yayal? c cucusustustot?omeom?ers???. M. My??GFGF F u us?uaualuallllyly ly g ge getetst??s whs whas whatat at sat ?sheshe e we wae wanantants???55151616969,9,B,B0B00000002002U2UDU?Y9Y9W9W,W,A,A3A3D3?????SISIGIG1G1414C4C6C?,C,C.C????. W. ?il?sos?on,on???,4,,4,5,5,5,1,121262???72720200000000,0???reareatat at tat ?tumtu?mymy-y?tat??mermer,r,","T"?hih?? i is is ?????odod d qd qu?al??ty? p ???oduod?ctct,t, , w wh whi???h dh dedefefi??ititeit?lyly ??helhelplpsp???amameam?e me mymy my? tu t?mmmmymmy.y?. ?I I h ha havave?ve ive itit it e eaeacea?ch ch e ev evevenvenininni???anandand and???t mt mamakma?
he obvious versatility of making tea bags when on the go or strainers when home. It seems very economical without sacrificing quality in the least. My only wish is that they would institute the subscribe and save feature here for those who are hooked and are loyal customers. My GF usually gets what she wants." 5169,B0002UDY9W,A3DN2PISIG14C6,C. M. Wilson,4,4,5,1261872000,Great tummy-tamer,"This is a good quality product, which definitely helps tame my tummy. I have it each evening and it make