rrgrgygy y s shs?ototsts s t ????????ksk???!,!,","P"??oso???FrFrer?e e s??pep?r r s sa savaviv??? s?hihipi???inging,g? s?mam??l,l, ?juj?ici??y ty tat?ststete,e?, d, did?ffffrf?renre?t ???avavoav?orsors,s??anandn??heheae??ththythy.y....<.<b<???/>/><>??????CoC??s:s: s: S ??memete??memesmes ??elell?er? o ononlon?y y hy ?havhavev?s s 1s 1212 2 v vsv?s 3s ?6.6???? o?rdrded? I I I l lilikikeke e te toto ?hahavhavehave e se ??veververaral??pap?ckcks??.."..""?494??8,8,B,??0101D1DWD?2R2??O,O,A,A3A3V3VLVLQL??2O2?AMAMBMBHB?1N1N,N,","A,"AmA??zoz?on on P PrPriPr??e e Ae AdAddddidicdictct ??"T"ToTon?y"y""?",",0,0,0,3,?,2,?,1,?323252565636353?2020000,00,D,DiDididndn'n't't t mt mamakmakeke ke?????cucutut,t,I,?I tI to??k k?a a? ch chahanhancn?e e we wiwitithth th t th thi thisi?s ps ?ro??ucu?? ( (e(evevevenven n t th???ghgh h? th the th?ereere ?e wee werere?n'n'tn'??ene?ouougou?gh gh?gogooo?d d rd rerevre?vieviewewsws)s) ) s si sinincincece ce?? the they the?y ay ?rere re???eaeapea?perper r tr th?anan an 5 ? h ho houourou?r er . . T ?heheyhey ???d d nd nonotno???worworkrk rk f fof?or or??????o Io I I t?rir??d d Rd ReR?ed ed??aiainin in??hihichichc??dididdid did? wo wor??k ak ???d wd ?
rgy shots that works !!,"Pros: Free super saving shipping, small, juicy taste, diffrent flavors, and healthy..<br /><br />Cons: Sometimes seller only haves 12 vs 36. to order.. I like to have several packs.." 4968,B001DW2RGO,A3VLQG2OAMBH1N,"Amazon Prime Addict ""Tony""",0,3,2,1325635200,Didn't make the cut,I took a chance with this product (even though there weren't enough good reviews) since they are cheaper than 5 hour energy. They did not work for me so I tried Red Rain which did work and wa
ss s?evevevene? c ?heh?apapeperer.r. . ?ReR?d d R?aiainin ???? w woworo?k k f foforor or m meme e??? I ? a amam m??ononene e we wiwiti???5 5 h hohououru? e en e????y y a an andnd d 6d 6 6? ho houourou?r pr pop?wew??. . T. ThT?? i in??reredediediei?enten??s as arare? p ?re?ttttyt?y cy ??oso?e e te tot?o 5o ??hohouho?ur ur?? ene enererger?gy gy?bubutut t??omomemeomeononeon?e ie isi??lylyiyining? s???cece e ie ite it ?dodoedo?snsn'n't'?t wt woworwork?..??9696969,9??0000101D1DWDW2W??GOGO,O?AEAEXEXQX?4D4??MPM??Z0Z?3,3?ThThaThadaddddedeueusus s Ms ????sensengngegerer,er,2,?,1,111?,1?,1?282838313121????00,00?,Bl,B?,..??I'I'v'????rir??d d ad ? f fe f?? o ??? th thehe ???fff??????? en ene??rgyrg???hohothotsts,ts? a an?d ?fofoufo?ndnd nd? th tha thatat t tt ththeth??"""??5 h5 ho5 houourour our e en ene ener energ energy???? ha h??ve ?a a fa flflolowlowewerwe?y y ny ?ototete ?(l(lal?aveaven?de?r?r?)?) ) i???ala?l l o??f tf ththetheitheirir r fr flflaflav??ouroursours.s?<b<brb????<b?r r /r />r /?I I cI cac???t t st ?aya?y Iy I I lI lil?keke e ie ite it.e it?. T?he?he _he _e_???ecectect_t?? is is s os ????bubutbut t t??he he fhe flflaflavflavovou?our our iour is? l ?liklike? b ba b??/f/flflaflatfla?t ot ororaoranangange
s even cheaper. Red Rain DID work for me so I am done with 5 hour energy and 6 hour power. The ingredients are pretty close to 5 hour energy but someone is lying since it doesn't work. 4969,B001DW2RGO,AEXQ4DGMPCZ03,Thaddeus Messenger,2,11,1,1283126400,Blecch...,"I've tried a few of the different energy shots, and found that the ""5 hour energy"" have a flowery note (lavender?) in all of their flavours.<br /><br />I can't say I like it. The _effect_ is ok, but the flavour is like bad/flat orange
?pop?????ndn??isi???tht?ererwr???e e?unu???spspipiririr?ingin?. . I I I?th??inkin? I???d pd ??efe?erer er??hehe he m ???? s ststatanandandadara?d d 'd 'b'????y'y' '??lalavavov?uru? o?f f o ot o????er ser shs?ototsots s vs ?s s ts ??thisthi?s os ononene.e.".""4494?707?,B,B0B000???W2W??GOGO,O?A2A?BSBSSSS7S7H7HRH?W4W??I8I8080,0,D0,DrD?rewrew,w,0,0,?9,9?1,1,1,13,1?3636969595353636036?00,00?DeDeae??lyly y P PrP??duducuctct,t,","I"I ??ad?? to to o b ?be be t?akakek?n n t? to to t th the the e Ee ?? i in in n an an? a?mbm?ulula????e ee eaearearlrlil?er?, , t, ththethe the d da??y by ?befbe??oreore e ye yey?ststest??? ?I ?waw?s s hs hahavha?in?ing ing??eieizizuz?ureureses,es?, n, ne?ar?-s-sys?ncnconc???e (e (p(?asassas??inging ing oing ?outout,t, t,? bu butut t s st s?ili?? b be beieineingng g s so somo?ewe?hahathat t ct ?ononson?cicioiouousous)s),), , c, ?couco?uldul??'t't ?brbre?ata??the,the??an?? m?y y b?lolooood?? pr preresresss??ure? w ?waswa??at? s? str strorokro?ke ke l lel?vevele?. ?. I . I f fe f?eltelt ?liliklike?ke ake ?andand ?th?ouougoughghtht t It ?I wI waI wasas as d dy d???ing ing (ing ??? m?ayaybybebe ???re?readrea???? de dea??d fd fo?r r ar ababob??? 3 ? h hohouho?ursurs.s. . I. It. It t wt wa?was was
pop, and is otherwise uninspiring. I think I'd prefer the more standard 'berry' flavour of other shots vs this one." 4970,B001DW2RGO,A2BSS7HRW4II80,Drew,0,9,1,1336953600,Deadly Product,"I had to be taken to the ER in an ambulance earlier, the day before yesterday. I was having seizures, near-syncope (passing out, but still being somewhat conscious), couldn't breathe, and my blood pressure was at stroke level. I felt like and thought I was dying (or maybe already) dead for about 3 hours. It was
p?aiaininfnfufulul l??ndnd d h hohoro???fyfyiy?inging.g? I I I t ?hihininkink k? I I f ??guguru??d d od ououtut t w ??atat ?itit ??asa? t?ha?t t ct cacaua?sesed??mymy y n neneaeara?-d-dedea??th th e ?xpxpepereririerienencn?e.e. . I. ?t t w?asas as p ??obobababablblyly y ty ?thethe e e en enenernergrgygy-y-s-shs?hotho?t It ?I tI totooooko?k 2k ?0 0 m mi min?ututeut?s s bs bebefefof?oreore e te ththe?n.n?. I. I . I d dodonon'n't'?t ut ?usuusuaualalll?ly ly t ta t?keke e se sosomomemete?thithining? l lil?ke? t th tha that?. . S. ?omomeomeoe?oneone e oe ?ffffeferereer??ed ied itit it t to t? m?e,e, , a an andnd nd I I I w I wawaswa?s ss soso so??irireredred,d, , I, I ??idi??n'tn't t et evevev?en en l lo l??k ??at at t???e be ?otottt?lele e ae anandan?d td ?tooto?? i . P. PlPlelealeasaseas?e, e,??on?'t't 't???e ?e the theh?esees?!"!???9797171,1,B,B0B???1Y1YKYK3K3O3O2O?,A,A2A??2N2?RARAFAFWF??1010I0?E,E,A,Al,Alelexlexaxanandandrandro?s,s?1,???5,5??323??545484??0000,00?ExE?ce??llellenentent ?ororiorig?in?alal al?GrG?reereekek k ok ololilivli?ve ve?oioilil,l,",?BeBeie?inging ing fing frfroromrom m G?re?reecreecece ce I I ?ca?n n s sasayay y wy ?itithith h c ?cerce?tataiainaintntyt??y thy t?hathat hat?? thi th???is? a an? o or o?rigri?ininainalinal ??re??tanta?n on ololiolivi?ve ve ove ?oiloi??
painful and horrifying. I think I figured out what it was that caused my near-death experience. It was probably the energy-shot I took 20 minutes before then. I don't usually take something like that. Someone offered it to me, and I was so tired, I didn't even look at the bottle and took it. Please, don't use these!" 4971,B0061YK3O2,A2X2NRAFWL10IE,Alexandros,1,1,5,1325548800,Excellent original Greek olive oil,"Being from Greece I can say with certainty that this is an original Cretan olive oil.
IItI?s s?pupururere e a anandnd d f ?ulu?l l?tatasasts???mamaka?ese???t t?idided?alal ?fof?r r c cocooookokik?ngng,g, ,??alalaal?dsds ?anandand d dd drdreresressssisin???. . W ??e we wew?re?? th t?ririlill?ede?d td toto o? fi f?indind ??erereer?????USU?A A??n n o ororior??in?alal al p pr prorododuducuctc?t dt ?derderi?vivininging ing f fr f??m m??ur? c co couounu?trt?y y a an???mymy ?wiwifi?e e le lilikike?s s ts ???ususese e i?t ?eve?ereryery ?titimimeme e se shs?he he?? coo co??s,s, , r, reresresuresulultultitinti?ng ng i in i????ststysty y ay ?andand and??ul?l l fl fll flalava??oreor?ed ed f fo f??dsds.ds. . I. I I w ??oulouldld d sd ?strst?ronrongnglng?y ?rerecreco?mmmme?ndnd nd t th thi thisis s bs ?asasiasici? c co com compm?ononenene??? of o?? th?e e Me MeMedediedititeitererrerrarananean????did???t tt toto ?ananyan?ononeon?e w?hoh??wawanantant ?t tot to o io ?impim?ro??? h hihisis is n ?utu???itiitioiononaonalal al hal hah??ititsits.?""????2,2???060616??K3K?O2O?2,A2,A2A??C8C8Q8QLQ???YVYVHV?MZMZ,Z,M,MaMatatttt,t,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,1323?555545?8888080000,00,D,?eleliliclicicioiouiousus!us?,","I"I I uI ususeuse ?ththihishi?s os olo?livliveve ve ove ?ilil il f fo for fo?r sr ?salsalaladladsds,ds??didipdippppip?ing?ing bing brb?rearead? i in in in i it it,??
Its pure and full taste makes it ideal for cooking, salads and dressings. We were thrilled to find here in USA an original product deriving from our country and my wife likes to use it every time she cooks, resulting in tasty and full flavored foods. I would strongly recommend this basic component of the Mediterranean diet to anyone who want to improve his nutritional habits." 4972,B0061YK3O2,A2MC8QL3JYVHMZ,Matt,1,1,5,1325548800,Delicious!,"I use this olive oil for salads, dipping bread in it, h
?umummmmumusu?, ,?ana?d d s sasauaututet??ngn? v vev?ggggig?eses s a an andnd nd m memeaeata?. .?ItItsts ??? ve vereryr? h hihigi???quq?ala?itityt??oio?l l?wiwitithit??a a da ?ele?licli????us us t tatasasts??! !???ry ry??heh? o oioiloil l bl byby y iy it?ses??f f a an?d d cd cocomompm?ararer?e te toto o a an ano anoto?heherher r? ol olilivli?ve ve? oi o?? a? and and and y yoyouou'ou?llll l sl se?e ??he? d ?ifi?fefer??ncn?e!e! ?I'I'v've??gog?ottot?tenten n? my my y gy gi?rlrlfl?rir?ieniendnd ?anandand d md ??y my ??om om?bobotothoth ????kekeded d od onon n in ???n an ??di?titio??, , i, ?? h ha hasas as? be b??en en g grg??at? g ge gete?titinti?ng ng? to to ??nonowo???icickck k? wh who? h he helelpelpsps s ms ?ananaanagageg?e te the thee the e pe prprorododuducu?titiotionon on ( (a(??as cas cocomcompmpamp?areareded ed t to? w? wha whatat ?yoyouyo? b?uyu?y iy iny in ?th??e se ???rere re f frfrofr?om ??a ba bibigig ig b br braranandand)and?sisinincin?ce ce? he he he g?????? to to t to ???? fa fararmarmemermersrs ?s mas mararkar?ketke?? h he her here?re ire ?in in??inincinciincin?nanatatiati i a? and???etetsets ?pepeoe??le?? sa samamp?le?le tle th?the ?oi??.<.?brbr r /r ??<b?r r /?>I>??veve ve ove on?lyly ?rerecre??ntntlt?ly ly f fo fou??nd nd hnd
ummus, and sauteing veggies and meat. Its a very high quality oil with a delicious taste! Try the oil by itself and compare to another olive oil and you'll see the difference! I've gotten my girlfriend and my mom both hooked on it. In addition, it has been great getting to know Nick who helps manage the production (as compared to what you buy in the store from a big brand)since he goes to the farmers markets here in Cincinnati and lets people sample the oil.<br /><br />I've only recently found h
?owow w m mumucu?? b bebetettt?erer r l lolococacalal l?vev?ggggigiei?? a anandnd d o ?ththeherer er p ???duducuctuc?s s as ?t t t th?e e f faf???erersers ?mam?arkarkek?et et c cacancan n??eae?allallyl? t ta tasa?tete,te, ,? al a??l fl foforor r jr ?usustst st a?? co c?upuplplele ????rara a d dod??llallararsar?. .?? b bo botottottltlele le o?f f o?lil??ve ve o???l ll lalas?ts?? a a l a lo??g g t?imime? s ?? p pa p?yiy?ngng ng?? a c a cocou?plpleple e ee exe extxtrxtra?? do d??lalarla??s cs cocomcompm??arearede?d td toto o bo bubuyu?yinyingng ?ananoanotothotheherher r cr ?checheaeapeapep?er er ber ???nd?, , i, isis s ms mos mor?e e te ?thath?an an?wow?ortorth?????""?494?7373,3,B,B0B000060616?YKYK3K3O3??,A,AOAOWOWVWV3V3939K9?7V7?CHCHPHPOPO,O,M,MaManano?s s Ss SeSemememermertrtztzizidi?eses,es,0,?,0,0,,0,5,?,1,131323272717?909?404?00,00??imimpimplplyply y ty ?thethe the??es?t t ot ?olioliv?e e oe oioilil il? fr f?romro? t?he? b be bes bestst ?sosousoururcrcece,e??I'I'm'm m am a a la ?litlittttltt????iaiasaseas?ed ed i in in n mn ??y ry ?revre?ie??, , b, ?butbu??I I? fi firirmrmlrmly? b be bel be?lieli?ve?ve tve ????t Mt ?t.t??KoKofofif??as? e ex??tratr?a va vi?rgrgigingin ?ol?olivoli?ve ve ove ?oiloi?l il isis is t th??e be be?stst ?ololiolivoliveolive ?e oie oil???ouou ou??
ow much better local veggies and other products at the farmers market can really taste, all for just a couple extra dollars. A bottle of olive oil lasts a long time so paying a couple extra dollars compared to buying another cheaper brand, is more than worth it!" 4973,B0061YK3O2,AOWV39K7VCHPO,Manos Semertzides,0,0,5,1327190400,Simply the best olive oil from the best source,"I'm a little biased in my review, but I firmly believe that Mt. Kofinas extra virgin olive oil is the best olive oil you ca
nn n?bub?y.y? I ???????ththeh?? be b??t t bt blb???d d o ?f f??lal?vovoror r a anandnd nd?lolowow w a ac a????tyt? t th t?hatha?t It I'I'v'veve ?tatasastasteteses es a?nynywywhw?herherer???I'I'vI'?? t?asast?eses ?ololiliviveve ve ove oioili???ththathatat t st sas??y ty th?eyey y hy ?havhaveve ve .ve ?1 1 a??ididiiditityity ???ve??ls,ls, ,? bu butut t tt ththethenthe??ththetheythey ??onon'n't't ???astasteaste aste? li liki?e ?ananyanyty??iningng g???t at alallll.l??. I'. I'v??e ae ale alslsolso o t ta tas taststest?es ?es oles o?livliveve ve ove oive oililsils ?s ths thahathat hat c ?lalaila????llll ll s ?orortor?s s os ?? a?wawara?dsd?s t?s thas thatat at h ha havaveave e me mamadaded?e me mee me e he hahavhavehave e ae a e a c?ouougughghih?inging g fg fif?it it f fr froromo?m tm ththetheithe?r r pr ?????rir??esesses?. . H. HeHere??'s's s ws wh??at at Iat I I t th thi th?inkin?? i it??'s 's? al?l l? ab a?ou?t t t?hehe he f?lalavla?vorvo??, a, an???MtMt.t?. K. KoKof??inain?as as s si simimpim?lyl??y tay t???astesastes s t?s thes the e be bebesestest.t. t. A ?ls?lso,lso, , s, ?in?cece ?itit'?s ??sousoururcrcecesces s fs ?ro?m m om ononeon?e ae are arereare?, , I, I'I'mI'??non?t t wt wowor?ri??d d ad ababoboubo?ut ut a??y y oy otothotheherher her o?ilils? b be bei be?ing????n mn mymy ?y dey delelilicliciciociouousou?s es
n buy. It has the best blend of flavor and low acidity that I've tastes anywhere. I've tastes olive oils that say they have .1 acidity levels, but then they don't taste like anything at all. I've also tastes olive oils that claim all sorts of awards that have made me have a coughing fit from their pepperiness. Here's what I think: it's all about the flavor, and Mt. Kofinas simply tastes the best. Also, since it's sources from one area, I'm not worried about any other oils being in my delicious e
x?trt?? v viv?rgrgig?n n o ?lil?veve e o oi o??.<.<b<brbr r / ?><>?<br<br ?/>?IfIf f y yoy?? w waw?ntnt t??? t ta t?sts?e e se ?omomem?e te ?trutrululyly y??eleli?cicioiouousou? o ol oli?ve? o oi?? t?hah?t ?dodoeo??n'n't't t ct coc?stst st a ?a la loloto?, , t?ryr???t.t. . K KoKofofifin??as as???iviveive e oe oio?".""4??747?,B,B0B000060616?YKY?3O3O2O2,2,A,A3A353?????XMX?6R6RNRNSNS8S?,S,SRS?A2A2424444,4,04,0,0,0,?0,50,?,1,131323??757585848?0000,00,Y,YuYumum,m,","I"I I p pipicickc?eded d u upu??mym??fifirfi?st?st bst bob?ottottltlele ?atat at o ou ouru?r lr loloclocacala????rmrme??rs'rs' ' m ma mar?keketket.t. t.? W WeWe e le lolovlo?vedved ???t st soso so m mu mucuchch.h?? S ??????vovororfrfuf?ul.ul. . . B. BuButu?t st sat sada??ly,ly, ??hehererere ?isi?s ns non???ar???????mam??arkeark??t it ?in in? th the the e we wiwinintinteterter.r. . . S. ?? g glgla??d td toto to s ?eeee e ie ite i???n ??ma?zozonon.on."??4949797597?5,B5,B0???1Y???O2?,A?2020T0TBT?2O2?545?QVQ?QCQ??,A???????enenvn????,0,,0,0,0,??5,15,13??565636353523520???De?li?licilicio???,","T,"ThThihisis is? ol oli oliv oli?ve ve ove oioiloil l il ?is is gis grg??at?. ?. T. ??astas????ve??y y gy gogoooodod d ad anandand d i
xtra virgin olive oil.<br /><br />If you want to taste some truly delicious olive oil that doesn't cost a lot, try Mt. Kofinas olive oil." 4974,B0061YK3O2,A35GBVFXM6RNS8,SRA244,0,0,5,1326758400,Yum,"I picked up my first bottle at our local farmers' market. We loved it so much. So flavorful. But sadly, there is no farmers' market in the winter. So glad to see it on amazon." 4975,B0061YK3O2,A20TB2O54QVQCI,AllenCDenver,0,0,5,1325635200,Delicious,"This olive oil is great. Tastes very good and i
?? o ouo?tst?tat?????g g???r r??sese e w wiwiti???brb?eae?d,d, , p ??ststasta,a, , a, an?d d f fo foror or c ?ooookokikin?g ?inin in??enenen????? ?LoLovoveve ?th???flflalavavov?or.or?""?4949797676,6,B,B0B0000303J3J5J5U5?3K3K0K0,0?ALAL0L???F4F4A4?INI?GYGY3Y3,3,",?R.R. . G. GuGuiu?ebeb b " ??"Ro"R?sis?iebiebub?d3d??0"0"""""""","?0,?0,0,50,5,5,1,????32???0000,00,D,DoDogog ?liliki?eses ??thethesthesese se?a a l ?otot,t??I I h hahavaveav?e ae a a Pa ?itit it B BuB?lll? w wh whoh? i isis ?a ?lilitli??lel???oveov?er er a? y yeyeaearear r or ololdld.d??ToT?o so ?ayay y h he h???is is f fo foo foodod d md momototiot?vavatatet???isis ?anan an u un undndendererserststastatstate?mem??t.t. . H. HoH???veverver,r, , w, ?witwi?th th?ththathat????in?ing ing???idi????e i??s ss ?stist?llll ll p?icickckyky.y. ?. He. He e a?dod?oreoreses es t th theheshe??se tse trt?reare???s a?nd?? ot o?thetherthersrs ???omo? D DaDara?foforfordrd.? I I ?do? m mum?chch h rh re?se?ararcarchch ch b be bef be??forefore e Ie I I fI fefeeeeded ed t?re?reatreats?/f/??odod od t to to ?mym?y dy dodogdo?g ag anand? I?? co cououlouldld ld n nonotot ot f??indin???anyan?y by babad?? in infnfo??mamatatiatioiono? o on on ?ththithis?is cis cocomcompm????y. y. I? I p I prp
s outstanding for use with bread, pasta, and for cooking in general. Love the flavor." 4976,B003J5U3K0,AL0MLF4AINGY3,"R. Guieb ""Rosiebud320""",0,0,5,1333324800,Dog likes these a lot,"I have a Pit Bull who is a little over a year old. To say he is food motivated is an understatement. However, with that being said he is still picky. He adores these treats and others from Darford. I do much research before I feed treats/food to my dog and I could not find any bad information on this company. I pr
?omo?ototete e t ththeh?sese ?trt?eaeata?s s? to t??fafama?ililyly/y?frfrir?enendndsds s ts ththathatat at?hahava?e e de dodogogsgs s as ana?nd nd??heheihe?r r d dodogdo?gs gs a ara?re re a??soso o ho ?ooo?kek?d.d? G GoGoooodood d???holholeles?omomeom?e t?rereareat??.".??494979??,B,B0B?0404F4??1D1DID?W,W,A,A3A313??YZYZKZK0K0404Y04YNYNONOJOJ5J5,5?P.P. . S. ??roror?nenejejajada??2,2?,2,,2,4,4,4,1,?323??222272727202??,","A"????he?r r "r """"T"?rurueue e Ce ?hehewhewsws"s???MyM? P PuPupu??LoLovo?vesve?s",s","?OuO?t t?ofof f a al?l l t? the th?e be brbraranandands? o of of f bf bubulu??ly ly s ?tit?ckc?s,s? T ?TruTrue? C ?CheCh?ws? h?asas s ts tos to o bo bebe ???ne ne o of of of m meme e ae ?and? m???dodogdog'dog??s fs ?favfa??orior?tetestes.s. s. ??y y fy fafav???oritori?? b bebecbecac?usu?se se t? the they the?y ay arareare ?nonotnot t mt memesmessssys?, ????y y d?onontont t bt br??eakea???pap?artart ?as? e ??sysy sy? as a??sosomsome??? of of t of th?the the c chcheheaheapapep?r ?brbrabranandandsands,? a?ndnd nd tnd ththetheythey y d?y do y do?nonotnot not s sm s??ll?! ! M MyMy My p pup?up up l lol???es es i ?it it b?ececa?us?e e ie it?it dit dodoedoes?n'n?t ?t mat makakeke ke h??? s?ic?k,k?, d, dodoedoesdoesnsn'???gigiviveve ve?? him him m gm gagas?
omote these treats to family/friends that have dogs and their dogs are also hooked. Good wholesome treats." 4977,B004FW1DIW,A31FYZK04YNOJ5,P. Sorornejad,2,2,4,1328227200,"Another ""True Chews"" My Pup Loves","Out of all the brands of bully sticks, True Chews has to be one of me and my dog's favorites. My favorite because they are not messy, they dont break apart as easy as some of the cheaper brands, and they do not smell! My pup loves it because it doesn't make him sick, doesn't give him gas,
?anandn? g ?ivi????hihimim m h?ouo?rsr?/d/dad?ysys s os ?f f f fufunu?? T ??eie?r r?whwhohololele e l ?inineneueupu??isis s gs ?rer?ata? a?ndnd nd h hi higighghlhlyly y r rerecre?omommmmemene??eded ??f ?yoyou? h ha hava?ve ve a a a?pupup?pypy/y???? w wi witithth h a a a s a sesen?sis??iviveiv?e te tut?mmmmymmy.y?. . F ?YIYI I??y y py pu?p p ip isis is??ur?rerenre?tlt?? 5 ??momonontnthnthshs ?s ols o?d ??andand d id isd is ?a a 8 ?lblb b S ???hph??o.o. ???I gI gag?aveave e ie ?? o ononeone e le leleslessss ??ara??? on onln???bebece???sese se?th??y y ay ararear??ononeone one? of of ??thethe the? mo m??re re???pepenensensiens?iveive ive b ?raranandandsands s as ans and????atat at? th theheyhe?y ay ary are?re are a a ta ????hahar?d ???? fi f?indind ?lolococacalcalll?""4??787??B0B?0404F4?W1W1D1?IWIW,W?A3A?P1P???TDTDIDIUDI?OYO?484?8,S8,Sh?ihih h Th TzT?u u P PaPala??0,0,0?,5,?,1,?31311119198984840400000000,?PeP?rfrfef?ectec??si??e ??oror or???y y by brbrebreeeeded,ed,","O"??thetherther r pr ???tztzezelzel-l-s-shshahapha?pedped d bd bebeebeefef f t?en?dodonon on w we werereere ?e toe toooo oo b??ig ig f fo foror or tor ??y ?y bry b?reereed?ed, ed,??utut ?nonoto?t tt ???is ?lilitlittt?tletl??? I. ?'m'm
and gives him hours/days of fun. Their whole lineup is great and highly recommended if you have a puppy/dog with a sensitive tummy. FYI My pup is currently 5 months old and is a 8lb Shihpoo. I gave it one less mark only because they are one of the more expensive brands and that they are a tad hard to find locally." 4978,B004FW1DIW,A3P1Z4TDIUOY48,Shih Tzu Pal,0,0,5,1311984000,Perfect size for toy breed,"Other pretzel-shaped beef tendon were too big for toy breed, but not this little one. I'm
h?apappp?y y t ?o o f fif??d d?a a U USUSAS??prprorododud??t t t th t?hathat ?isi???utu??itititioi?nanalal l a??? e eaeasasysy ??to to c chcheh?w w? an?d d dd didigigeg??t.t?? L LaLasastas?s ?a a la lolon?g g t??meme e - - - g gig??e e ie it?? to t?o ho ??r r f fo f?r r ar ana? h ?ououru?r ar a r a?dadayay y fy fofor? 4 ??5 5??ayaysays.s. ? S ShS?? l liliki??es es t th??e pe prprepretetztzez?l ?bebetettettet?r r tr tht?hanha?n tn ththethe ?lilitlittttltlel?e be ?ararbrbe?llll.l. . . N. NoNoto?t st sms?melmell?y ??or ?grgrer??sy???. A. AlAlsl????liklikekeske??<a<a a ha ??refref=f="=""""h"hthttttpttp:p:/:///??wwww.ww.a.amamam?zozonon.on.c.coc?m/m?gpg??prproprododuoduc?t/t/B/B0B??00N00NVN?838?EGEG"G???MeMer?riricri?k k F ?lo??sisiei?es es Des DoD??g Tg TrTrereareatats?, ,?5050 0?Tr?eaeatea?ts<ts?/a/a>a?, ??hihici?? l la lasast? a?? lo lonongong ong? ti??me me? to???. I. ?? tr tryry y ty toy to o so ??ititcitchch ch uch upu???? the the s shs?haphapep?e oe ofof f?? the the the c the ??ewew ew b ?/c/? I I ?ththithininkin?k ik itit it hit hehelhelplpsp?s hs heherher her t te t?etethet?.".""4?979797?,B,B0B00B0??EOE?5Z5ZDZDIDI,I,A,A3A3J3JLJLZL??9595Q5QFQ???NPN?,","S"SuSup?erer er M MoMom??""""S""SaSar????"""""?,3,?,3,3,,3??,1,121272?
happy to find a USA product that is nutritional and easy to chew and digest. Lasts a long time - give it to her for an hour a day for 4-5 days. She likes the pretzel better than the little barbell. Not smelly or greasy. Also likes <a href="""">Merrick Flossies Dog Treats, 50 Treats</a>, which last a long time too. I try to switch up the shape of the chew b/c I think it helps her teeth." 4979,B001EO5ZDI,A3JLZ595QFDLNP,"Super Mom ""Sarah""",3,3,2,1271
??626???0,0,N,NoNotot t?gogoooodod d?ququauala?iti?y,y?"I"I I?rerecececeieiviveveded ?ththeh??e e i inin n?babada??cocono?didititiit?on?. . M MoM?sts?t ot ???ththethemem m??ere?re re? br b?oko?ene?, , b bu butu?t tt ????ononeoneses es??hahatat t wt ???renren'n??t ht hahadhad d hd hoh?leles??in? t? the themem.em??ThTheheyhe?? we wer???soso o? we wea we?k k t th tha thatat at t? the?y y wy wowououluldld d td ted teaeara?? wh whehenhen n yn ???? tr tririei?ed ed? to to o ro ???? t th? them the?. . I. ?I wI ?wouwoululduld ?d trd t??y ty ??rereere?e le lalad???s s b br?anand?. . T?he?hey hey a ar?e e ae a a? wa waya?y hy ?igi?heherher r qr qu?alalial??y.y?""4?989808?0,B0,B0B?001001E1?O5O5Z5?DIDI,I,A,A1A161686848?HJH?2S2?K2K?212????omomo??9,9?2,2,2,2,,2?4,4?121282?????6060000,00,","g,"?rereareat?at wat wrwrarapa??erersers,s, ?tetererrerri??icic c b bu?lklk k pk prpriricricece"ce",","?I I wI waI w?s ?a a la li?ttttlt?le le w wo w?rrrririeried??ababobououtout ?t tht thehe he o ot o??therther r rr ?revre?ieiewie?s s ts ththathatat at sat ?aia?d d td thd the??r ???apappap??rsrs s ws we???e be ?rorokro?kenken.n. . . I I ?I woI wonondondederer er i if if f tf ththetheythey ??er?ere ere?pupusushs?hinhi?g g? th the?? wr wrarapra?ppepperersers ers?? the? they they s sus??geges??tedte
462400,Not good quality,"I received these in bad condition. Most of them were broken, but the ones that weren't had holes in them. They were so weak that they would tear when you tried to roll them. I would try three ladies brand. They are a way higher quality." 4980,B001EO5ZDI,A1684HJ2SK221Y,momof9,2,2,4,1280793600,"great wrappers, terrific bulk price","I was a little worried about the other reviews that said their wrappers were broken. I wonder if they were pushing the wrappers they suggested
( (b(boboto???sus??gegeseststeteded d t ththeth? s sa sama?e ?wrw?apappppep??s.s..........? h hmhmmmmm?? H ?owowewevevev?er,er? t th theh?e we wre w?rapra??ererser? a ara??ivive?d d id inintntat?ctct.t. ? I ?n n f ?acactac???we we t?ooookok k? tw twowo o p papac?kakagage??s cs ?amampampipin?g g a an a??d td ??? l lelefe?t t ot ovove?rsrs rs m mamadaded??itit ?hoh??me me w wi w?ithitho?utut t dt dadam??ageage.e?. . I. ? d dedetdetetecte???? n nono o do ?ififfffeferereerene?cec??frf?omom om t th the the ??ricricece ce w wr wraraprapprappe?rsrs ?wewe we bwe bub?y y? lo l????lyly ??t t at ??n An ?sisiai??? ma m?arkarkeketet.t. t.? B BuBuy??ing? i ?in in?bubulbulklk k sk sasavaveved? l lo lot lotsts s os ?f f?$$$$.$. ????herhe??e we wee werereere ere? a a c cocououpu?lele le?ofof of w? wra wrapappappe???s -s - -? ou outut ut??f f df dodozozezenensens ??ththathat? h??? a? a f a ??w w t ti tin???y aiy airir r b bu bububbbblblele le hle ??????inin in tin ththethemthem.m. . ???t d???n'n't'???ff???? t th the?? ta tasaststeste ?oror r fr fufunu?nctnc?ioionon.n??. T. Th. Thahatat at iat isis s ts th?the the rthe re??asoasonon on f fo f?or or 4 4 4???tartarsrs rs irs in?st?steaste??ad oad of???. . . W. WeW?e we wee were were?n'n'tn'??wrwrawrapapp?ininging ?ananyanytyththithininging
(both suggested the same wrappers.... hmmm) However, the wrappers arrived intact. In fact we took two packages camping and the left overs made it home without damage. I detected no difference from the rice wrappers we buy locally at an Asian market. Buying in bulk saved lots of $$. There were a couple of wrappers - out of dozens -that had a few tiny air bubble holes in them. It didn't affect the taste or function. That is the reason for 4 stars instead of 5. We weren't wrapping anything
ttht?atat t???? r ???llllyly y d drd???pyp?y sy sos? i itit t wt ?waswa??'t'??a a p prp??blblelemem.m?? W WeWe e???llll ll d?efe??ninit?ele?? o ?rdr?erer r a agagagaia??. ??ShS??ippippipin????as? r ra rapapipidpid.d?. . A. ? g ?re?at? b bub?yiyin???exexpxpeper?ieiene?cece.e.".?4?989?1,1,B,?0000101E1??5Z5?DIDI,I,A,?171777737393959505?VMV??LFL?D,D,L,LaLaua?ghghihinhingngbg?budbuddddad???00,00,1,1,1,11,1,??,1???5252424444848080000,00,W00,?hahathat t Ht HaH??pepenpenen???!?!,!??I I p pu pururcrchchahasha???BaBananhnh h?TrTrar?angang g Sg ?prpripr?inging ing Ring RoR???s s Ss SkSkik?in in f ?rereqre??en??ly?ly tly toto o po prpreprepepap?rere re? a a?tat??tyt?y by ???chch ch??f f f???shsh h sh spsprpriprinpringng ng r???lsls,s, , b?utut t rt ?recrececencentntltlytly ?I ??otot ???coconont?aiainai?nerner r wr wiw?ithith ?bl?aca?? s ??ot?s s ms ?ixi?eded ed? in intntonto o to ththethe e se ??kinkin.n??. I. I I tI ?ririeri?ed ed ted ?to to? ri rin?se? t th theh?? o of off of?f wf whw?henhen n? th the theyey y wy wew??e ?e soe s?akakikinkingkin?g bg bu??t it ?? d di didi?n'???????k ak anandan? h ha??d td ???bebe e te ???rowro??n an awa?waywa?. . . A. At. A????? b??ottot?tomtom m o of? t th the the the c co c
that was really drippy so it wasn't a problem. We will definitely order again. Shipping was rapid. A great buying experience." 4981,B001EO5ZDI,A1773950VM8LFD,Laughingbuddah00,1,1,1,1305244800,What Happened?!,"I purchase Banh Trang Spring Rolls Skin frequently to prepare a tasty batch of fresh spring rolls, but recently I got a container with black spots mixed into the skin. I tried to rinse them off when they were soaking but it didn't work and had to be thrown away. At the bottom of the co
???aiaininenere?, ,?5 5?sks?ininsins s?hahada??whw?hatha? l ?ooookokekede?d td toto o b ?e e t ?ininyiny y a anant?s s es emembmbe??ded?ed ed w wi wititht?inin in t th theh?e se sk? . ?AtA???thathatat ??oioinintin???I I d ???idi?dedde?d nd ??t t tt tot to ?hahavha??e fe frfrereseshs? s?prprir??g g?ror?llllsls ??at at a?ll? u ?ntntint?l l?I I pI pup??chcha?????a a f frfrefres??h bh ?atatcat?ch ch o ofof f a a a d di d?ffffef??ene?nt nt b?raranandand.d.... . . ?WhW?henhe?? tr tryr?ininging ing t to to o fo fif??d d td thd thehe he c cocomompmpapan??y oy ???ththethe ?inintinteint?????t t????riritri??e te ???m m?? dir di?recre??lyly,y?, I? w wa wasa?s us ununaunabablblele e le lo?cac?????heheihe?r r c co comompompa???y wy ????pagpageg?, , a, alaltlth?ouougu??h th ththe??re re w we wer?ere ere?maman?any any? re refefeferfererenrencnceceses es? to to to? th the th???o.o??nan???????n n Tn TrT???g.g?""?494989??,B,B0B000010??O5O5Z5?DIDI,I,A,?252?3D3DUDU4U?7P7P8P?V1V?????. ?LoLowo?,1,?,1,1,,1,1?,1,1,1,121?737353?53653606?000000,0??mamazmazozon?: : p plp?leale?asease e oe ?offof?fer??3 3 l la l?adiad?eses ??raran?????ce? p???er?,I,I I bI ??ougough?t t t?hihishis ??brabran?and and a?ndn
ntainer, 5 skins had what looked to be tiny ants embedded within the skin. At that point, I decided not to have fresh spring rolls at all until I purchased a fresh batch of a different brand.. When trying to find the company on the internet to write them directly, I was unable locate their company webpage, although there were many references to the Co. name Bahn Trang." 4982,B001EO5ZDI,A253DU47P8V1BS,A. Low,1,1,1,1273536000,Amazon: please offer 3 ladies brand rice paper,I bought this brand and
i itit t w ??s s j ??stst t ht hoh??rir?blblel?. . A AmA?azazozono? n neneee?dsd?s ts ?? s sosouo?rcrcec??anandnd d o ofoffffeferer r 3 ??LaL??ieieses s bs ?raranandand d wd wrwraraprappppepererser??as? t ??eye? a??e e je ??stst st??upupe?ririori?? t to to ??anyanytyththithiningng g o??t t ot onon on t th thehe he m ?????t t tt totodtodadaya?..44949898383,3???0101E1EOEO5O????,A,??K8K?2R2R2R????????,","A"A.A. ???????y "y """"C"Ch?efeff?ffy"ffy?"""""",",0,0,0?,0,,0,5,??131313111??20200?0000,00,G,GrG?reareatat ?ququau??it?y!y!,!??ThT?heshe?e ?ara???????utiutifi?ulul,l, ,? sm s?ooooto?th th s sp sprpririnri?ng ng r ror?llll l? wr wraraprapprappeperpersper?s a?nd? o?n n tn ththethe ?pap?ckckakaga?e ?lalababebelbe??th???re ??s s as a s a s st stiticickckeck?er er? on on on e eaeaceachc?? on one on?e te ththathat? r?ea?dsds,ds, , ", ?""N""?ewe?? te tece??nonololoologogyg?"""","", ???, , I, I'I?? f fif?gug?uriurininging g bg byb?y ty ththe? b ba badad ad? re?vivie???s ts ths t?atat at tat ththi?s s cs cocomompm??nyny y cy chchachanangan??d ?ththethe the wthe ?waywa?y ty thy theheyhey y my mamanma??faf??tuturureur?e t?heheiheiri?r sr spsprpriprining?? ro rolollol?l wl wr?apa?ppepp??ers ers??nd??hahavhavev?e p??robrobabab?lyly y uy
it was just horrible. Amazon needs to source and offer 3 Ladies brand wrappers as they are just superior to anything out on the market today. 4983,B001EO5ZDI,A1K82R24ROO2I7,"A. Cheffy ""Cheffy""",0,0,5,1311120000,Great quality!,"These are beautiful, smooth spring roll wrappers and on the package label there is a sticker on each one that reads, ""New technology"", so, I'm figuring by the bad reviews that this company changed the way they manufacture their spring roll wrappers and have probably u
pppp?ede? t ththeh?irir r?quq?alalilitityty y c coc?ntn?rorolol l a ?s s w ??lll?. .?I I? wa wasas as n nen?rvrvovouousu?s as ?bob?outou??orordrdedererierini?? t th thehesheses? b byby y ty ththethe e be babadad ?rereve??ewewsws ?bubutut t It ?'m'm m??lalad?? I I? to tooooko? a a a? ch chahana?cece e b?ece?aua?useuse ?ththe?sese se? ar arere re a a a b a ba?rgrgagaia?in in? co como?pap?reredred d td toto o s ?om??e oe ofof f? th?e ?e ote o?the??r br brbraran???.<.<b<?? / />/><>?<br<b?r /r />/>W/>WiWilillll ll d ???ininiin?iteit?elyely ?or?dederde?r tr ththethes????gagaigain?!"!?4494989???B0B???EOEO5O5Z5ZDZDIDI,I,A,???9E9ENEN0N?ETETMTMXMXHX?3,3?MaM?arcar??,0,0,0,3,3,??3,13,?30304042420208080800?0,0,G0,GOGOOOO O F FOFOOOODOOD,D,","T"??? w???pp?ererser?s a?rere re Gre ??ODOD D b bu butut ut?it???ou?????havha??e be be??n n??asasias?ierier r ir ifi?f tf ththethe the f ?filfillllillin?g ?wawasas as aas ?alralre?adadyady y iy inin ?ththethemthem.m. . . ???e ?fafacactct t tt ?thath?t t it itit ?wa?sns??t t mt mem??nt? I I ?hahadhad ?d tod to o lo lol?ookoo??<br<br <br? /> />u>upup p w?hahathat t gt gogoeoeses s is ???to to a a a w a wrwraraprapprap??r r ar an?? b bu buy bu?y wy ?watwa??? c ch che chesestes?nunututsuts,s? b ba b??boboobo?o so shshohoo?tst?
pped their quality control as well. I was nervous about ordering these by the bad reviews but I'm glad I took a chance because these are a bargain compared to some of the other brands.<br /><br />Will definitely order these again!" 4984,B001EO5ZDI,AM59EN0ETMXH3,Marcy,0,3,3,1304208000,GOO FOOD,"The wrappers are GOOD but it would have been easier if the filling was already in them. The fact that it wasn't meant I had to look<br />up what goes into a wrapper and buy water chestnuts, bamboo shoots
a??d d?bebeae?an an s spsprprorououtu?s s t toto o h ?elelpl? m meme e m?akakeke ?upu?p mp ?y y o owownwn n f fifilillllil?ngng.g???ThThehe<he<b<?? / ?>w>???ppppeperersr?s as ara?e e Ge ?OOOODOD D? bu b??? mo moro?re re w ???k k t th t??an ?heheaheatatitiningin? u ?up up?a a f?rorozrozez?n n an ??pe?titiztize?r.r.".???9898585,5,B,B0B0000000N00N1N1L1LFL??6,6,A,A9A9Y9YMYMEMEQEQ8Q838?XPXP4P4T4TJT??GeGererieri i R RoR?ousoushsh,h,1,?,1?,5,5,?131333??999909?4040000,00,t,trtryry y iy itit t? wi wit?h h??ramrame?n n nn nonoooodo?leleses!s!,!?"I"??? n no??t tt ththehe he? be besestest t ct cocooookoo?, , b? but but ?I I l ?liklikeke ke???o to trtrytry ??ewe? t th thi thiningingsings s ts toto to?? mak ma??ke mke mymy my?didiei????hea???thithieierier.r. r.??I I cI ???fef?essess s ts ths thahathat t It I t I?LOLOVO?E E???memen?? no n?oodoodldledles?, ???d d td ththithisthis s ps ???oduod??t ?t het helelpelpsp?s ms ?me me c cucutut ut tut ththethe e se sasala?? c co c?ntn?enenten?. ???he?he fhe flflal?????pap??ke??t tt tht thahathat hat c co com co??s s is in? R???enen en n? noo noododlodlelesles ?ususus?alallallyly y hy hahasha???betbe??eee?en en 6en 6060000-00???????ramramsrams s os ofo?? so s??iui??m pm peperpe?r sr seser?vivining? ( ?2 2? se s?erv???ings????
and bean sprouts to help me make up my own filling. The<br />wrappers are GOOD but more work than heating up a frozen appetizer." 4985,B000N1LF96,A9YMEQ83XP4TJ,Geri Roush,1,1,5,1337990400,try it with ramen noodles!,"I'm not the best cook, but I like to try new things to make my diet healthier. I confess that I LOVE ramen noodles, and this product helps me cut the salt content. The flavor packet that comes in Ramen noodles usually has between 600-900 grams of sodium per serving (2 servings in
?tht???papaca??etet.t...??I I e eaeatat t t ththethe e we ?hoholo??e te ththith?ngn?? s soso o? th thahatat'at's's s a a a???T T?ofof f??alaltl?????hihisis s Ms MiMis?o o co coconontntataiain???888?0 0?grgrar?msms ?sosodso?iuiumu? p pe pere? t ta tabablbleleslespspop?onon.on?? I I ?adaddd?? a a? ta tab ta???e se sp?oooonoon n??o o mo mymy y?raramra??n,n, , t, ththethenthen n jn ?usu?t t at a ??igighg?t ?sp??ininkinklklele le o?f f of ororirigri??inain?? f ?lal?vovoror or p pa pacackackeketket,t, , c, ?ututtttitininging g t????e sae salaltal??t alt almlmomoso?st st i inin in h hahalhalflf,f, ?whwhiwhilile?le sle ststistilillill l a????inging ing? a a n a ninicicec?e se sae save savovorvoryry ?fl????or.or. . . I I I aI alI alslso? a ad add ad?d ad a a ha ??ndn??ulul l ol ?? f fr f?ozo?en? p pe pea peasa?, ?bub?ut ut I??liliklikeke ke t to to to?kekeekeepe? i it it t st sit simimpmplplele.le. ??I'I'm'm m sm sus?rere ?e the theherherere re a ar arere ??ananyny ?otoththe?r ??recre???eses s as anandand d ud ?useuses? t to to ?bebe e fe fofouounund? o ou out?ut tut ??thertherethere,e????so eso ?enjenjoj?y!y!"!""44949898686,6,B,?0000404P4PDP?GUGUFUFCFC,C?A1A1U1UVU?D7D7Z7Z3Z?DHDHJHJCJCDCDSD?,",??umummummiminingingbingbib?rdr?d "d """?SuSununnunny??"""""",",0,0,0,0?,5,5,5,1,131343464?979??00?0,??
the packet...I eat the whole thing, so that's a LOT of salt. This Miso contains 880 grams sodium per tablespoon. I add a table spoon to my ramen, then just a light sprinkle of original flavor packet, cutting the salt almost in half, while still adding a nice savory flavor. I also add a handful of frozen peas, but I like to keep it simple. I'm sure there are many other recipes and uses to be found out there, so enjoy!" 4986,B004PDGUFC,A1UVD7Z3DHJCDS,"Hummingbird ""Sunny""",0,0,5,1346976000,Lo
?vev???lalavaviviaia a C CoCofoffffefeee?,W,WeW???rere ?reregre?ululalarlar r??usu?totomomemerersrs s f ???r tr ??e e de ?ele?icicic?ouo?us us c co cof?fefeefee e a????pupururcr?hah??e ?th?e e de dee dececacafa?fe fe? Fr Frerenre?ch? R RoR??????lslsos?. .??t t mt mamakakekeses s as a a sa sisiningnglg?e ????shsh h c?upup p a at at t at ?a ta tit?meme me?inin in o ouourou?r Fr ?FlaFlavaviav?ia ia? Co Cofoffoffeoff?ee ee m ma????44949898787,7,B,?000?1717T7?5555656M6M,M,A,A3A3I3IDI??OUOUQUQMQM8M8K8KBKBXBX8X8,8??uvuvqv??ili?teterer,er,0,0,0???5,5?131???262606??0000,00,C,??inninnanama?onon n G ??odod,d,I,InIn ?mymy y a ar arerearea a oa ?oneon?e ce cacanca??oto?t ft fifinindind d Cd CiCinCinnnnannamamoamon????ntntotosto?. ? I I I a am a? s ?so so h ha????y Iy ? w wawasas as a ab ablb???toto to f fi finindind ind? th thihisi?s fs flflalavlavov??. . . I. I I jI juj??t t lt lolovoveve ve t??isis is p pr prorod?ucuctct.t?4494??8,??B00B00101701??55556556M6M,6M,A?3G3??MIMIAIADA?9595Y5YBYBFBF5F5,5,P5,PaP?ulul ul?J,J?,0,?0,0,50,5,?1313313363606006003032320320000,00,m00,memenme??osos,s,T,ThT??s s ps prp?rodrodud?uctuct ?isis ?mymy my w?ifife???s fs fas favavoav?oriorititete.te. . . K. KiK???s ls lo?veve ?itit it t to too?. . . W. ?ou???d sd ?uguggggegesestest ??
ve Flavia Coffee,We are regular customers for the delicious coffee and purchase the decafe French Roast also. It makes a single fresh cup at a time in our Flavia Coffee maker 4987,B0017T556M,A3IDROUQM8KBX8,luvquilter,0,0,5,1343260800,Cinnamon Good,In my area one cannot find Cinnamon Mentos. I am so happy I was able to find this flavor. I just love this product. 4988,B0017T556M,A3GIMIAD95YBF5,Paul J,0,0,5,1336003200,mentos,This product is my wife's favorite. Kids love it too. Would suggest it
?ifi? y yoy???lil?kek??cic??nanamamomonon.n. . ???wow?oulouldl? b ?uyuy y t tht?isi? a aga???inin?494989??,B,??0000H00?2525Q5QVQ?O,O?A3A3B3B1B1H1?FFFF2F2N2NINIOIOUOUAUA7A7,7??ususksk k????ded?r,r,0,?,0??5,5,1,121242?41416160600000000000,00?"Y"YeYeses,s?? It I? i???????",","?ThThi?s s is is??rereaealallllyl??gogoooodood d gd ?rereereenen n? te teaea ea w wi witiththoth?outout t bt bibitittitteter???essess s os ????hehe e oe ororaor???e e de didisiscis?olo?ororaoratora??onon on? wh whihichi?h h i?? a a a s ?igi?n n on ofo?f "f ?"o"ololdol?d""d"" "?grgregree???te?a.a. . S. StStataya?y ay awawawayay ay f ?roromom m???e ??bigbig g???anandandsd?s ls liliklikeke ke?LiL?ptptot?on,on, , T, TwTwiwin???ingingsgs,s, s,??ndn?d Bd ?igigeigelelolowlow.w?. T. Th?eye??dodo o w????? wi?thth th b?lal?ckck k tk tetea?? bu butut t nt nonotot t gt grgregreegreenen.en.<.<b<brbr ?/>/><>???r /?>F>FoFor?? gr greree?n n t?eaea ?gogo go w? wit with with ?th?isis,is??UnU???e ?LeLeeee'ee?s,s, s, os, oror ?????. . Y. ?ouou'ou'l'?ll ll n ???erer er b be b??abablblele le t to to o go ???bab???k tk tok to o to ththeth??e ote oth??rsr?s, s, ws, whw?hichichhic??wiwilwill?ll tll tatasta??te te l li lik?e e se ??wilwillwill l fl frfrofr?om om a a a p a ?olollol?ut
if you like cinnamon. I would buy this again 4989,B000H25QVO,A3B1HFF2NIOUA7,Rusk Reeder,0,0,5,1244160000,"Yes, It is Good","This is really good green tea without bitterness or the orange discoloration which is a sign of ""old"" green tea. Stay away from the big brands like Lipton, Twinnings, and Bigelow. They do well with black tea but not green.<br /><br />For green tea go with this, Uncle Lee's, or Tazo. You'll never be able to go back to the others, which will taste like swill from a pollut
eede? r ?iviveverer.r.<.?brbr r / />/?<b??r /r />/>T/>ThT??s s i is???eaealal l?grgrereee?n n t ?ea?. . A AnAndnd d id ?t't???nonotot t??xpxpepenensen??iveive.e?. R. ReRececoc?mmmmemen?ded?ed.ed??brbr br /?><?brbr br /br />/>S/>SiSinincncecerereerele?y,y?<b<br<br <br /? />< />?<br<br <br /<br ??RuRususks? R ReReeReededeed?er"er""?494999????000?00H00?2525Q5?VOV?,A,A1A1616T6T9T9Y9?LAL?VUV????P,P???. M. ?. . H. ???seser??????5,5,1,121?292989?171767??00,00??TheTh??bebesestst t gt gr????n tn teteate?,","D"??nanasast?y y b???ndnd nd g?re??en en t?eaea ea i is is s ts tht?e e be ?besbe?st st? gr??een? t??a a I ?'v'veve ve e?veverve?r tr tatasastastetedted.d?. . I??t nt ?eveve??? ta tasast??es es?ststast?aleale,e, , u ununlnlil?kek?????nd?s s Is I'?ve??bob?ugughghtht t it in? g gr?ococecerceryry y sy st?orore??. ?. T. ??isis is iis ?is is bis ?becbecacauaus??e ee eaeaceachch h t? tea? b ba b?? i?? p papaca?kekedked d i??n an a ?se???aledale?d ed enenvenvevelve?opo?pe pe???ithith h ah ?a ma memetmetataltalllliliclic c l ??ninin?g.g. . . T. Th. Thehe he?memetmetametalal al a apa??parparerenre?tltly? k ke?epe?s ???t t mt ?oioisistis?uru???""4"49?9191,1,B,B0,B00?4T4?TSTSBS??????DMD?QMQM4M4O4OQOQOQONONEN??
ed river.<br /><br />This is real green tea. And it's not expensive. Recommended.<br /><br />Sincerely,<br /><br />Rusk Reeder" 4990,B000H25QVO,A16T9YLAVU899P,C. M. Holser,0,0,5,1229817600,The best green tea,"Dynasty brand green tea is the best green tea I've ever tasted. It never tastes stale, unlike brands I've bought in grocery stores. This is because each tea bag is packed in a sealed envelope with a metallic lining. The metal apparently keeps out moisture." 4991,B004TTSB2C,A3DMQM4OQONEMK
?,J,JaJaza?zyz??0,0?,0,,0,5,??131353515?030?686??0,0,L0,LoL??e e e eme?'!'?,T,ThTheh?y y a ararere e ae awawewesesosomomem?e te toto o?sns?acackck k??n.n?? T ?TheTheyey ey h ?avave? a a a l ?iti?tltlele e ke kikicick???to to? th thehemhem m b ??? t? tha th??'s's s?? the the ?beb?estest t pt ??artar?. . . T Th T?heyhey y hy ?helhe?p p??me me w ?it?h h m my my ?crc?avaviav??gsg?s fs foforor r????etetsts.s..4?999929??B0B?00400??TSTSBSB2B???A2A2Y2YMYMSMS9S?UKU?1A1??OFO???JeJefeffff,f,0,0,?0,?5,5,15,?13413434?080???00?,t,to?tatala??y y Gy ???gegerer!r!,!,R!,?eeeeded'd's? C CrC???ta?llllill??eded ed G Gi?ng?erer er i isis s ts ththehe he?re??al al d dedeaeal?! !??t'???nanatnatutururaralral l??ndn? b ba basasisicicaic?allal?ly ly?juj?stst st g gigin?ingeing??er wer wiwitwithth th s?ugu? 1 p pip?ececec???akakekes? c cac?areare ??f f m? my my c??nd????raravraviv??ingsings ?anandand ??ididsds s ms ?y y dy ??ge?st?ioionon on o of of f lf lulununcnchch ?et??..4.4949949939?,B,B0,B00002002Z2Z9Z9N9?KUKUGUG,G,A,A1,A1Z1Z4Z4L4LXLX3X3Q3??YMYMFYM?8484,4?"C"CiC??dydy y Ay A.A?. O. OsOststestererherhoh?utut ut " """?"Ci"Cinind?y ?O"O??",",0?,0,0,0,0,,0,0?2,?13?1346134?1111212020000000??ININDNDIDIGIGEGESESTS??ONON N
,Jazzy,0,0,5,1351036800,Love em'!,They are awesome to snack on. They have a little kick to them but that's the best part. They help me with my cravings for sweets. 4992,B004TTSB2C,A2YMS9UK1A9OF2,Jeff,0,0,5,1343088000,totally Ginger!,Reed's Crystallized Ginger is the real deal! It's natural and basically just ginger with sugar. 1 piece takes care of my candy cravings and aids my digestion of lunch etc. 4993,B002Z9NKUG,A1Z4LX3Q1YMF84,"Cindy A. Osterhout ""Cindy O""",0,0,2,1346112000,INDIGESTION
OOFOF F M ?AJAJOJOROR R?PRPROROPOPOP?ORTORTIT?ONO??,",????ava?e e o ono??e ce ?ata????o o c cacanca?nonotot t tt tot?lelere?atateat?e Te ?HIHISIS S? PA PARARtRtiticicuc???r r F FaFanancncyc? F Fe Feae?stst t St SaSala??onon on P Pr Prorododuducuctct.t??ItI?t it isis s o??lyly y ty tht?e ?ShS?rerededddded?ed ed o on one one ??thathat???etetsts s hs heherher,r, , b ??t t gt gegetget t i??t dt dodoeo??.<.?brbr r /r ???veververyrytytitimti?e e se shs?? e ?eateats? i iti?, , s, sh??e t??hrohrowowsw??itit it u upup p a alallall l o??verver ver e ev e?ververyverywywhwhewh?ereer?. . M. ?y y sy sh??oesoes,s?, t, ththethe e we ?whiwhititeite ?rur?g g a?ndn? g gr graratratetefefuful?lyly,ly??, th, t?he he the ti??le.le?.<b.<br??/>/></><b<br<br r /r />r /???e ?at?ate ate t ?thithisis is?fof?r r sr ?eve?ver?alal al?yeyeaearearsrs s ws wiw??h h o?ccccacascasis??onaonalal al ual upupsupse??ts,ts, ????t nt no?? i it it ?t ist is ??VEVERE???? . N. ?o o mo momormo?re re? fo for?? th t?is?is fis ?amamimili? . I. ??re??alializizez?e te the thae th??at tat ?thithisthis s os oco?ccucc?rs? o on? a an? i?nd?ivivivididu??al al bal babasasiasisis is Uis ?SUS?ALALLLLYLY.Y???r ?r />??<br? /?>B>?utut,ut, , I, ?I aI alalsalsos??ha??? o on one? y yo y?unungngegerger r kr ?itittittyty ?
OF MAJOR PROPORTIONS,"I have one cat who cannot tolerate THIS PARticular Fancy Feast Salmon Product. It is only the Shredded one that gets her, but get it does.<br />Everytime she eats it, she throws it up all over everywhere. My shoes, the white rug and gratefully, the tile.<br /><br />She ate this for several years with occasional upsets, but now it is EVERY time. No more for this family. I realize that this occurs on an individual basis USUALLY.<br /><br />But, I also have one younger kitty w
hhoho o?isis s?ata? t tht?e e " ?"o"?ccccacasa??ononanala? u upu?sesetet"t?? s ?tat?gege.e. .?SoSo,o?? if if f y yoyouou u???veve e ae ???itittt????itithit? a a a? te t??ded?? t tu tumu??y,y, , I, ? w wo wououlouldl? a??oio???th?isis!is!!!?""4???4,4,B,B0B0000000F00FAF?393989??,A,??Z5Z545??M2M242?Y4Y4040L0LLL?????3,3,3,3,,3?5,5,1,121????20620646?40040?,B,Be,Besest? f ?oro?r or oyo??stesterer er??ououpoup!p!,!???ryry y ty th?es?e ??????st fst fo??r ar alallall l yl ?youyouru?r sr sesease?fofoofoodod d sd sos?oupoupsoups s as anandnd nd s?tetewewsws.s?. . T ThT???'r'rere e je jujusust?st ast amamam?zizini?g.g?. T. ThTheTh??e fle flal?avoavoror or e en?hahanhancnceces? a al alll?l yl yol youourou?r s?eaeaf??odod od a an a??nd jnd jujusjust?st mst mamakma???es ies itit it?? won wo?ndender?fuf????. P. ??usus,us, ?ththe??? a ar are??grg?reareatat at j ??justjust t tt toto o so ?nanacna?? o ?? o ou outu????f tf ththethe the b K. KiKididsids s ls lolovo?? t th t???! !? W WeWe e ue ususeuse ??the?? f fo f?or or cor chchihililil?is,is??so?upupsup??, a, an?d d rd re???pepes?es aes ?? w we welellll.ll?. . H. HiHigi??lyl?y ry ?rec?omomm?en?d!d!"?44949999599?5,B5,?B00B0?656?3K3KJKJ5J5M5M,M,A,AZ,A??TRTR1R1111C1CYCYKYKNK?5V5
ho is at the ""occasional upset"" stage. So, if you have a kitty with a tender tummy, I would avoid this!!" 4994,B000FA398U,A1Z54EM24Y40LL,c2,3,3,5,1203206400,Best for oyster soup!,"Try these first for all your seafood soups and stews. They're just amazing. The flavor enhances all your seafood and just makes it wonderful. Plus, these are great just to snack on out of the bag. Kids love them! We use them for chilis, soups, and recipes as well. Highly recommend!" 4995,B00653KJ5M,AZLTR11CYKN5V
?,R,RyRyayana?ThTheheLeLiL??n,n,4,??,4,,4?5,5?131323?272??4040000000,00,A,AMAMAM?ZIZINI?G!G!,!??IfI??yoy?? a ara?? o on? t ththehe he p pap??eoeo/o/c/cacava?ememam?an/an/p/prpririmi???/h/huh?ntntetere?-g-?atath?er??er er d didieietet,t, ,?YOYOUOU U W ???L L A ADA?ORO?E E???ESE??E CE COCOOO?KIK??ES!ES!<!<b<brb???>o>ototh?thertherwr??sese ?sts??y y? aw a??ay,ay, , y, ?youyourur r tr ta??steste e be bubududsds s a?re?n'n't'? a at attttutun??? t to to o? th the???uniun?ququeu?lyly y sy ?weweeeetet et?NAN?TUT??ALA?L cL cocooookokikieiesie?. . E EnE?d d od ofof f sf ?stost?ryry y Py ?alalealeoeo eo P PUPURURCUR??ASASESE,SE???AD??(s(?stast?andan?ar?d ?AmAmem???cacancan n? di dieietiet)t? s skskikipki??iti?""4494?9696,6??0000600656?3K3KJKJ5J5M5M,M,A,AG,A??646??Y3Y?HPHP9P?RVR?,C,?Z,Z,1?,1?,1,2,1,2,2?,13,13434141212727327?60600??Th?e e ce ?cavcavevemveme?n ?mumusu?? h ?av???e bee bee??n wn weweawealaltalththythy,y??? r ?rearealallal?ly ly????ntent?ed ed t to to to?lilikikeke ??the?<.<b<br<br r /r />/></>?<br? / /> />F>FiF????st ost ?offoff,f, ?ththethes?e ?e coe c??kikiekieses s as ararear?e ae aba??outout t tt ??? s si sizizez??of??????alfalf ?dod???ar???nd?? ar are ar?n'?t t tt tht tha?t t t
,RyanTheLion,4,4,5,1322784000,AMAZING!,"If you are on the paleo/caveman/primal/hunter-gatherer diet, YOU WILL ADORE THESE COOKIES!<br />otherwise stay away, your taste buds aren't attuned to the uniquely sweet NATURAL cookies. End of story Paleo PURCHASE, SAD (standard American diet) skip it" 4996,B00653KJ5M,AGE64SY3HP9RV,CZ,1,1,2,1341273600,The cavemen must have been wealthy,"I really wanted to like these.<br /><br />First off, these cookies are about the size of a half dollar and aren't that t
h?icickck.k????d d t ththeh?y y a ararere e??orore? l lilikikek?e fe ?ududgdgege ?th?ata? c coc?oko??eses.s?. L. LoL?ookoo? a at a?t tt ?thethe e ie iningngrgre?didieienientn?s.s. s. T ??heyhey ???e e ne nunutut t ft flf?ouourur r h ??ldl??totogogegetgeth?therther r wr wiwiti?th th h ho h?neneyey.ey. . T. ThTheTh?? n neneene?d d sd sosomomeme ?egegggg g o oror or??somsomemetme?thithininging.g. ?. Th. The?hey hey a ar arere re gre gogoo??ey ??ndnd nd s st stiticickickyk???. Th. The. They?ey a??re ??xtxtrtreremreme?lyly ?swswew?ete??an?d d pd papaca?ck ck? a a w whwhohopoppppip????1010-0-1-?5g5g ?cac???? e eae?achac? a an a???yeyeses es t th t??at at?isis ?non?t t ct ??ununt?ininging ?ththe? f fifibibeb?r.r.<.?brbr r /r />/><>?<br<b?r /r />r />I>?'m'm m s?ororrorryr?y Iy I I a?pppprpprerecre?iaiat?e e te the thehe he e ef e?fof??t t gt guguyu?s s bs bub?ut ut? in in n m my m?y oy opoptop?tiotionon on t th??eseese e ae arare? a a ?nonovnovev? . T. Th. The. They. The??y ary arere re tre ??o o e?xpx?ene?sisivive??? and and ??oo? n no n?on-on-f-??ncnctc?tiotiontionanala?? to to o bo be?? a a s a ?ererier?ouousous s ps pa?rtrt t ot ofof f???ourou?r rr ?regregugulgu?arar ar?di???.".???999????000060??3K3KJK?5M5?,A,???PEP??NJNJ2J2N2??WMW??RaR?achacheach?l ?AlAlbl
hick. And they are more like fudge that cookies. Look at the ingredients. They are nut flour held together with honey. They need some egg or something. They are gooey and sticky. They are extremely sweet and pack a whopping 10-15g carbs each and yes that is not counting the fiber.<br /><br />I'm sorry I appreciate the effort guys but in my option these are a novetly. They are too expensive and too non-functional to be a serious part of your regular diet." 4997,B00653KJ5M,A1MPEPNJ2NKWM,Rachel Alb
eere?t t?MaMata??szsz,z,1,1,1??,1?,1,1,1,131?414?101?080808?00,00,T,ThT?eseseese e?cocooookokik??es es?neneee?? w ?oro?k;k; ;?yoyouou u? ca canan n m ?akakek?e ye yo?uru???wnwn n an at? h hohomomeme,e,","I"? w wa wasas s? no notot t it ?mpmprprer??ses?? w??thth h???eseseese ese c co coo???eses es wes whw?henhe?n In ?I tI trt????d td ththe??, , w wh w??hen hen??heheyhe??fif?rsr?t t ct cac?meme me o??t t at ?andand d t??he he? co com co?mpampan?y ?hahadad d od ono??????e ??lal????? I ?I dI ?idid d nd nonotot ot? ca car ca?? f fo f?or or?? the themem m b ?utut ut? I I k knk?newnew w t th tha thatat at sat sos?omeom?th?iningng g m mo mororeore e se sasatatiat??fyfyiy???g cg cocoucoulu?d ??????d d b??cacaucausu?se se? I' I'd'd d td trd t?rierieded ??othothe??<b<brbr ?/>/><><b?r r /r />r />I>??ha?veve ?e foe fou?ndnd ????y ?grgre?atat at pat papala??o o c???okiok?????cic?pepes?es oes ?? w we webe??sisititeiteses es aes an?? i inin in p papalpaleleoleo o co cocoocookokbokboboo?ooksook?s ts th?atat at Iat I ?lol?ve? a anandand and tand th?theythe??mymy ?frfri??ndndsnds,s, , c, ?coo?kikinkingng ng????dedenentn?s,?? an andnd nd? ne n???hbhbo??rs rs h ha hav??e re ?rearealrealllly??en?joj?yeyeded.ed?. I. IfI? y yo you???re ??loolo
ert Matesz,1,1,1,1341100800,These cookies need work; you can make your own at home,"I was not impressed with these cookies when I tried them, when they first came out and the company had only one flavor. I did not care for them but I knew that something more satisfying could be had because I'd tried others.<br /><br />I have found many great paleo cookie recipes on web sites and in paleo cookbooks that I love and they my friends, cooking students, and neighbors have really enjoyed. If you're loo
kkik?ngng g f foforor r r ?oco?k k y yoy?urur ?tatasasts?e e b ??dsds s p pap???o o c cocooooko?kiekiese???I I s ?uguggggeg?estest t y yo y?ou ou??hehececk? o ou?t t tt tht?? r??eciec??es? f??or or c??ococoocololalatate????ip?? co c??kikie?s s as ?ndnd d o ot oththeth?r r fr ??lavla?ororsor??ofof f c co?ok?ieies?es mes ?ada??e fe ?roromro? b bl bla??chchehedhe?????onondnd nd? fl flolou?r r fr for f???nd nd ind in???hehe he Ghe GlGlulututetenten n?FrFrereee??AlA??monmondnd nd Fnd FlFloloulo?ur ur?CoCooookookbook???ook,ook?, M, MaMaka??e Ie ItIt t Pt PaPal?eo??, a, ??d d od on??ElEla?lanalana a??msmst?????m'm's'??wewebeb b s si sititete.te??4494?9898,8,B,B0B0000606565353K3???M,M,A,?1T1?6I6I6I?252?FGF???202?,I,?????,1,,1?3,3?,13,1333363666696949444404?00,00?OkOkakayay y i inin in ain a a pa pipinincin?ch ch - - - n non?t t gt grg?reareatat,at,",????e ce cocooco??okieokieses es ces ?amameame e se seseaealale?d ?d and andnd nd snd seseese??m tm toto ????hihigighgh h q ququaualalialitityit??inin in tin ththetherthere? i in i??reredredidieienientntsts.s. .? T Th T?he ??onlonlyly ????inging ?isi?s ts ththetheythey y jy jujusu?st st?dodonon'on't't t tt tat t??tete te tte ththathatat at????d.d?. M. ?y y gy gigiri?lflfrfrifrieieniendien?d a?d andd an?d Id ?I tI ththoth??gh
king for rock your taste buds paleo cookies, I suggest you check out the recipes for chocolate chip cookies and other flavors of cookies made from blanched almond flour found in The Gluten Free Almond Flour Cookbook, Make It Paleo, and on Elana Amsterdam's web site." 4998,B00653KJ5M,A1T6I625FGQS20,IL,1,1,3,1336694400,Okay in a pinch - not great,"The cookies came sealed and seem to be high quality in there ingredients. The only thing is they just don't taste that good. My girlfriend and I though
?? t ththehesesese e?mimigi?htht t bt ?e e ae a a???????es?sesersertr???ikikeke e oe opoptptit?onon n w whwhihililel?e de dodoioiningn?? th t?he he?PaPalaleleole???iei?t,t, ,??utut t at afa?tet?r r t tr t?yiyin???ononeone e oe ofe of f e eaeaca?h h?kikin??d od ovo?erer er a ??cocouo?plp?le le d da daya?s s? we we ?jujususts?t dt dodondo???t ft ?inindind ind o ou?rsrse?lvlve??s gs ?goigoininging ing b??ackack k f foforor ??ororeore.e. .??I I? wo wououlouldl?d md mum??ch ch?rarata?thetherer ????t ht ???ve ve?? d??essesseessererter??t ant a?d d rd rereaealealll?y y c chchechece?k ???at?? bo boxox x o on on n an a a ca cha cheheahe?at ?dadayay ay t? tha thana?n bn bebeibeininging ing ling le?ftft ft w?an???ngng ng????ore ore a????er ???titin??g tg ?the? . . I If If f yf yoyouou ou h hahavhave?ve ave a a ta ?rur?e e ge ???uteutenen ?n aln allllell???y,y, ?mamayaybaybebe be? th thi thisis s is isis is a??gogoogo?od od? op optptiptioionion ???r ?yoyouyou u b bu b?? I I' I?m m n no?t t at a t a? be bele?lielieve???.".?4?9999999,99,B,B0B?0606565353K3KJKJ5J5M5M,M,A,A3A?POPOAOAWAWCW?????QQQQPQQP,P,m,??,0,??,0,,0?4,4????21213?767??00,00,",??the??y ay arare? g???d ??exe?cec?pt?? fo for? t? the th???"r"rarairain?fo?forefores??"""" ""?
t these might be a good dessert-like option while doing the Paleo diet, but after trying one of each kind over a couple days we just don't find ourselves going back for more. I would much rather not have a dessert and really check that box on a cheat day than being left wanting more after eating these. If you have a true gluten allergy, maybe this is a good option for you but I'm not a believer." 4999,B00653KJ5M,A3POAWC2JPQQQP,me,0,0,4,1342137600,"they are good (except for the ""rainforest"" f
llalava?oror)r)")?,","T"ThT???e e?tatasaststete ?vev?ryry y g gog??d,d, , b bubutut t a ??enen'n?t t lt ??keke e te ththehe he B BEB?STS?? th thih?ngn?s s e eveveverve???itiththeth? .?InI???ordorded?? o of o? m ?y ?prp?refrefef?ereer??cece ?(g(grg??ssss ??o o? go goooodood)d? w ??ithith h e?xpx??lanla?atatit???: : T Th????"r"rar??infinfofor??estest"t?"" "" f flflalavlavovorvor r or ononeone e ie ?s s ms mymy my?lel?asastas?t ft faf???oriorit?eses es ( ????onon'on?'t 't r ?recre?omo?memenendend d t th thi th?? p paparartar?ticticuc??larlar r fr ?flaflavavo??r).r)?. h. ?asas as a? w we weie?rdrd ?cacayayeyenennennene ?pepepe?peperper r ar ?ftfte?rtrtatasta?steste ?e toe t??it? (?dodondon'?t t gt gegete?t mt me?????ng????I lI ??veve ve c ca?ye?nnnne???bubutbu?t nt non??t it inin in a a a c a ?cooco?kikiei?!)!).)???. . T. ?TheThe The " ?""t""trtroropropip??calcal"l""?"" o"" ononeone one t ta tasastasteasteses es aes ?as ?ifi??co?rnr??brbrereareadad d wd waw?as as tas tut??rnerneded d id inintinto?? a a c a co a coo??kiekie e ve vee vererser?ioionion ?(n(nonotnot ?a a b ba b?ad ad t ta tas ta??ste.ste. . R. ReRea?llllyly y gy ??odod,od?, a, aca?tu?alallllylly!y!)!).!)........ ... t??e e "e ""e ""O"OrOririgigig?inainalal"al"""" ?isis ?veververyvery y g??reareatreat.t?. I. I I fI foforfo
lavor)","These taste very good, but aren't like the BEST things ever either. In order of my preference (gross to good) with explanation: The ""rainforest"" flavor one is my least favorites (I don't recommend this particular flavor). has a weird cayenne pepper aftertaste to it (don't get me wrong, I love cayenne, but not in a cookie!).... The ""tropical"" one tastes as if corn bread was turned into a cookie version (not a bad taste. Really good, actually!)... the ""Original"" is very great. I for
ggogotot t t ??e e t ta t??tete ?th?ouougughgh,h, ,?bubutut t It ? r rereme?emembem???????iningng g i itit.t...?.....?.. .. " ?"A"AlAlplpip?ineine"e?"",""?, i, inin in m mymy y?opopipinpinin?onon,n, , i?s s t?hehe he b be b?stst st?- -???t tt ??astastetestes ?li?keke e ae a a???roropopeopeae?n n??ypy??e oe ofof f c chchrhririsi??mam?as as? co c?oko?kiekie.e? i it it it h ?as?as aas ??chchochocococolo?????(c(?ararorobrob)b? t? tas tast??e te toe to o i? it, it, ?bubutbut ?nonot????er???-s-swsweweeeetet.t."t.???00000??B0B???535?KJKJ5J5M5M,M,A,??2222C2CSCSYSYJY?3Y3YSYSKSKIK?0,0?ShS?haiha?mumunu??0,???5,5?131333373?999909?404??00,G00,GrGre?at???eaealealtlth?y y Sy SnSnanacackck!k!,!????lolovove?? th?esesees??co? . I. I I aI ama? o on o?n tn ththethe e pe papalaleleoe?o do didieietiet t rt ri?ghghtgh?t nt not nowow w?anandand d t th the??e e ce coe cooookookikie?s s as arareare ?whw??t ?? l lo looook? f fofororwrwawarardar?d td totoo???. I . I??o o lo ??likelik????he he the ta?stste?? of o?f tf ththethe the? tr t?ropro??cacalcal l o on??e te th???? T. ??heyhe??al??l hl ?havhaveve ve dve ?difdifff?erereerenentn?t t?asastasteaste e be bue butut ut i if if f yf ?ouou ou w wawanwa?nt nt?sos??metmeththith??g g tg ??at??
got the taste though, but I remember liking it..... ""Alpine"", in my opinion, is the best - it tastes like a European type of christmas cookie. it has a chocolaty (carob) taste to it, but not overly-sweet." 5000,B00653KJ5M,A122CSYJ3YSKI0,Shaimun,0,0,5,1337990400,Great Healthy Snack!,"I love these cookies. I am on the paleo diet right now and these cookies are what I look forward too. I do like the taste of the tropical one the best. They all have different taste but if you want something that i
?s s g grgrar?ini??frf?eee???ndnd d g gl glulutu???n fn ?frefree? t ththeh?? t th thih?s ??is is t? the the ??igighghtht t p plplalaca??? I ? e exe??ecectcte?d ?th?e e te ?asa?te? t to to o b ??e de didififfffef?rerenrentnt t at an?d d id itit t it ????OtOththe?r r r ??viviei?wewererser?s ss ?eeeemeem m t to to to e?xp??ectect ?ththethemthe??tot?o to ????e e le lilikikek??oro?reore?s s os oror or??hi?psps s as ?hoh?y.y. . O. Of. Of f? co cououru??se se n nonoto?.<.<b<brb?r /r />/?<b<br<b?r /r />r /?WhWhe?n ??I eI ?ata?t t?he?m,m?? I I d dodono?'t'?t et eve?enen en fen ?feefeelel l b?ada?d ad ?bobououtout t it itt i?t bt ??cacauaususese ??y y b bo bododyd?y wy ?welwelcl?omomemeses ?ththe??. . T. ThTheheyhey y dy dodondo?n'tn't t mt mamakakeke ke m me? c?rarasrashsh h? ei e?ithitheherher r ar an?? f fe feeeelee?l ll li?keke ke Ike I I aI at?e ?juj??k k f fo fooo??. . I. ItI?t i?s ?s a s a g go g?oodoo?d i?nd??cacatcatotortor ??thathatat at t?? thes these?se wse ?werwere???adadead??frfrofr?? a al allll l nl nanatatuat?uraur?l l il iningingrgregrede?diedienenten?s.s. ?. I . I w wiwisishish ?I ?hahadad ad t? the thes?e e ce cocoocooko?ieiesies s cs clclolososeose e te toe to ?me?. . I. I'. I????uyu?y ty ththethemthem them e ev eve?ryr?y sy sisininginglinglele ?e dae dayay!y!"!""55050000101,1??00
s grain free and gluten free then this is the right place. I expected the taste to be different and it is. Other reviewers seem to expect them to taste like oreos or chips ahoy. Of course not.<br /><br />When I eat them, I don't even feel bad about it because my body welcomes them. They don't make me crash either and feel like I ate junk food. It is a good indicator that these were made from all natural ingredients. I wish I had these cookies close to me. I'd buy them every single day!" 5001,B00
66565353K3KJKJ5J???AFAFDFDTDTKTKXK??1I1I8I?C0C?K,K,D,?ararcrcicieie e?WiW??e,e,0,0,0???5,5?131333?181858565606?00??CaC??????????oko?ieiesies s A ?rer??CrC?aza?? G GoGoooodood!d!,!,",?I I t ?hohouougughg?? I I'I?d d t tr t??y ty th??e me mum?ltltiti-i?papaca??? to to o s ses??e we whw?icichch h?flflalavavoavoror r? I I l lil?kek??d td ?thethe the b ?ese??, , b??t t It I I lI ??keke ke???emem m????. . T ThTheheyhey y ay arareare e he heheahealaltalth????fuf?ulfulfifilillllilliningng,g, , a, ?andand ?al?l l?gogoo?ood ood i iningingrg???ieienientn??s Is ?I cI cacanan an a ac actc?uaual??y y py prproronononouounouncncece.e??Th?eseseese e ae ?are?? th the th??sms??allalleallere???pacpackckscks,s, ?, an, andn?d nd nonownow w I I ??canca?n pn ?proprococe?ed? t to??or?ded??ining??? the the the? la lar?gegerge?r br ??gsgs.s. . L. LoLovove? t? the thes thesese se???ookoo?kiekieses!es!"!?55050000200?,B,B0B000060065?3K3KJ3K?J5MJ5M,M,AM,A4A?YDYDT?PAP??UFU???2,2,S2,ShS?helhellll,ll?,0,,0,0,0,0,?5,5,15,?13213?848?868?4040000,?peper?fef?ctct ct f?or? s sw s?ee?t t tt ?ooootoo?th th j juj?????omo?ininging ing oing ofo?? g gl glul??enen,n?? j??ustust t st ??ar??eded ?ththe???palpalel?o ?di?etet t at anandand and i? l lo l?oveove
653KJ5M,AFDTKXT1I8C0K,Darcie Wige,0,0,5,1331856000,Cave Man Cookies Are Crazy Good!,"I thought I'd try the multi-pack to see which flavor I liked the best, but I like them all. They are healthy, fulfilling, and all good ingredients I can actually pronounce. These are the smaller packs, and now I can proceed to ordering the larger bags. Love these cookies!" 5002,B00653KJ5M,A4YDTPAUUFGV2,Shell,0,0,5,1328486400,perfect for sweet tooth just coming off gluten,i just started the paleo diet and i love
iitit!t! ! l lol?stst t 4 ? l lb lbsbs s?inin n l li l?keke e?a a?weweeeekek!k! ! a! ?nyn?wawayay y i? w wa w??s ss soso o?glglaladad d t ?o o fo ??indind d od ?utut t tt ththehererere e ae ara???papala?eoeo o co coc?okokikieieses s os ou???t tht theherhere???andan???thathanankank k g go g??dedes??s ts ?thetheye???re ??oooodoo?!!!! ?? l lo l?vev?d d td thd t?he he o ororir?gigin??al al??ndnd d wd whwhehenhen ??thetheythey y sy sesene??t mt mem?e te ththethemthem m i? i g i ?gotgot ?a ?sas?mpmplp?le le o?f f t tr t?opopipicicacal??anandand and? i i l i ??vevedved d td th?atat t tt tot too?! ?so? i i i o i orordordederdereredre?d t??e e te tre t?ropropipicpicacalcal l a????gogotgot got a a a s sa?mpmplmp?le ??f f rf ?aiain?fofororeoresestest!t! t!? at a?t ft fi??st? t th the?y'y'ry'rere ???oodood ood?bubut? i??f yf yoyou? r rereareadad ad? th???iningingrg?red?ieienie??s s us u'u'l'llll l sl seseesee ?e the theherherehere ?e ise is s cs ?caycayeyenennennene e pe pepepeppppe?r r i in i?n in ??? an? and and? im im ?rerearealrea?llyll????ensensisititiitiviveve ve? to to ??oto????picpicepices? a an and?????coucoulu?d ?SOSOOO?OO OO?fef?????it ??n ??y ?totontongng!g! ! i?t ??waswas ?lil??e e ae ane a?n an afa??erer er t ta tasastaste?? b?utut ut iut ??f uf ? e enenjenjojoyo?y ay a a la
it! lost 4 lbs in like a week! anyway i was so glad to find out there are paleo cookies out there and thank goddess they're good!! i loved the original and when they sent me them i got a sample of tropical and i loved that too! so i ordered the tropical and got a sample of rainforest! at first they're good but if you read the ingredients u'll see there is cayenne pepper in it and im really sensitive to hot spices and i could SOOO feel it on my tong! it was like an after taste. but if u enjoy a l
?itittttltlele e f fif?rer?e we wiw?ithit? u urur r s ??eeeete? u u' u'l'????ikikeke e re ?aiaininfnfof?reresre???flflalavavovoror!or?????llllyll??wawanannnnana a t trtryr??tht?e e ae alalpal?inineine ?flflaflavavoav??eded d o ononenese? t???y'y??? a a a la lol?t t dt dadara?ke?r r ir ?in in c ?ololo?r ??o o?itit it s sh shohououlu?d ?bebe e ie inintin??re?restrestitiningin??:):) )?gog?odod ?jojobo? c ca c?aveav?mam?an an b babakakekerkerykery!y! ! I! I I?LOL??????U!U!!5?0000303,3,B,B0B0000600?535?KJK?5M5M,M,A,A2A2I2IMIMMM?1I1IOIOYOY8Y8Y8???C,C,",???mama ma M ??CrCre??ryry ry " """"c"chche?eke?ybybob?ootootst??"""""","?1,1,2,2,2,1,1,,1,1??3333433494?767?0000,00?tatasast?e e je juj?stst st??wfwfufulul!ul!,!,"?I'I????bebeebeene? P ?alalealeoeo o fo foforfor ?r sir s?x x m momon?ththsths,s? a?s s hs hahasas as m??y py pap??tntnenerner.r. . W WeWe ??ot?h ??foufo?ndn?d td ththetheseseese ??ne??ibiblblele.le??AlAllll ll f fo fouourour ?kik?indindsds s (s (w(whwhihicichch,ch?, b, byb??y thy the?? wa wayay,y???tastaststeste ste??neanear???y ty thy they the ?sas?meme)e).)?<b<brbr r /r />/><>?<br<b?r /?>I>???? no n?ot ot s su s?ureure ?e whe whahatha?t it ?it it iit ??s as aba???t t tt ththethemthem ?? . I. ItIt ??ee?msm?s ls li??
ittle fire with ur sweet u'll like rainforest flavor! really wanna try the alpine flavored ones they're a lot darker in color so it should be interesting :) good job caveman bakery! I LOVE YOU! 5003,B00653KJ5M,A2IMM1IOY8Y36C,"Emma McCreary ""cheekyboots""",1,2,1,1333497600,taste just awful!,"I've been Paleo for six months, as has my partner. We both found these inedible. All four kinds (which, by the way, taste nearly the same).<br /><br />I'm not sure what it is about them either. It seems like
t tht??y y w wowououlu?d d?bebe e?gogooo?d d fd ?roromom m???he he i ?ngngrgrerede?ieienentntsts.s? B ?utut t s sosomomeometeththithininging g a aba?ououtout t tt ththethe e ce coc?ombombibininainatatit?onon n??? f flflalavavov?rsrs s??usu?t t dt ?oeoeses s ns nonotot t tt tat tasaststest??go????. I. ? k kekepeptp?t t?ryryiy?inging ing t th the themem m am aga??in?, , h hohopo?ining?ing ting ththath?at at t th? they they ?wo??ulduld d gd gr?owo?? on on ?meme.e. . T. ThTheheyhey ?susurure? d di?dndn'n?t.t. ?WeW????inainalina??y y ty totososssses?ed ed t th the them the?.<.<b<brbr r?/>/><><b<br<b??/>/>S/>SoS????I wI wowouwoulwould? a ad a?vivisisese se? ge getettet?tintingng ng j ju jus?t t ot ?oneon??e fre froromro?m a? l ???ala? c coco-co-o-????r r sr ?somsomemetmeththithinthing??bebefbefofororeore e ye yoyou? b bu b??y ay ? w wh whoholholele ?????? o on onl onlilin?e.e. e. I ?I sI ?sursure??whw???? I I I h?ada?.".""???0404,4?B0B00?6565353K3?J5J5M5???1616P6?????YKYKMKM2M2727676,6???lyly,ly,0,???,4,?4,14,131?303060646?64??00,00?,Li,Liki?ke ke t? the? t te texextxtutur??,","I"?I bI boboubougughg?t ?a a 4a 4040 0 s sa sama?plple???pap?ckck k? fr froromrom rom t? the the ?cacavcavevem?ana?n bn babakake??ry ry w we w?bsbsisititet??e. Ie. ItIt't??s ns nos n?ot ot e ?exaexacactac
they would be good from the ingredients. But something about the combination of flavors just does not taste good. I kept trying them again, hoping that they would grow on me. They sure didn't. We finally tossed them.<br /><br />So, I would advise getting just one from a local co-op or something before you buy a whole bunch online. I sure which I had." 5004,B00653KJ5M,A16PI051YKM276,Lily,0,1,4,1330646400,Like the texture,"I bought a 40 sampler pack from the caveman bakery website. It's not exact
llyly y l lilikikek? a ??cocooookokik???coconconsnsisisi?tetenencncyc?y hy ?owo?eve?erer r t ththehe ?tetextextxtut??e e ae ??d d c ch chehewhe?ininenese?s s?ofof f t?he? c co coo?ki???I I l?ik??. . T ThTheheyhe??kikinkind? o of of f rf reremremim?indin?d md meme e oe of??? lik likeke ke t th tho th??e e ne nan?tuturturaralal l n nunutu? a?ndnd nd fnd ?ruruiu?t t bt bab?rsrs,s, , l? lik like like e ke kikin?d d od oro????memetmeththithin?g.g?. O. ?f ?????e one onenesne?s Is I'I'v'veve ve t tr trir?iedie?, , A, ?lpl?inineine e ae ane andnd nd Tnd ??opopipicpicacalal al a ar a???mymy ?fafavavovororior?iteit?? m ma maiaininlinlyly ly b ??????se se a al alp?inineine ine h hah??s hs ha?zezelelnlnunutnut t at an?d ?trtroropro?picpicapicalal al hal ha??s as a ??coccococonconuconutut ut??as??te te i in????. ??TheThe e le lel?as?ast ast?fafavfa?vorvoriritri?te te tte ?thath?? I ????ve tve trtritrieiedied ied i?s s es eie??he?r ?ththe? r raraira?infin?ororeor???, ??it it h ha h?? a????roronro???? tas tast???e ofe o???iningingeinger? a an?d ?I'I'mI'? n??t t a? f fa fanan an o of??gi?ng?? ?. Th. Thehe ?otothotheherher her o on onenesnes nes?? are ar??prp?retrettt??y gy gogoooodood d t?oo?. . H. HoH?oweoweveveeverer,er, , I, I I dI didididnd?'t't t rt ?rearealalializizeze ze t th tha th?at at tat
ly like a cookie consistency however the texture and chewiness of the cookie I like. They kind of remind me of like those natural nut and fruit bars, like kind or something. Of the ones I've tried, Alpine and Tropical are my favorites mainly because alpine has hazelnut and tropical has a coconut taste in it. The least favorite that I've tried is either the rainforest, it has a strong taste of ginger and I'm not a fan of ginger. The other ones are pretty good too. However, I didn't realize that t
??esesese e????kikiei?es es?wew?rere e se soso o??mamalallll,l, , b ?utut t I ? g gugueuesesses?? ba basasesedsed d o ?? t ththehe he??igi? p ?orortrtitioi?onsons ?ofof f???dad?y'y's'?s ss sosocsocic?ietietyt???ththithisis s is is??a a n nonorormor??? p?orortorti??on.on.<.?brb? / />/><><b?r r /r ?/>O/>?vever?alallall ?ititst?s gs ?oo?d,d, ?wowououlu??d Id I ???y y??gagaia??? ? M MaMayaybaybebe e ie ifi??I ??asas as?????a sa ststrt??ctc?t gt glg?ut???-f-frfrereeree e de did?ietiet.iet?""??000?5,5?B0B00?0707X7XXXXPXPPPPWPW,W,A,?323???JVJVFVFSFSTSTRTRKRK2K?,C,CaC?ut?io?usu??ShS?opo?peper?,1,?,2,2,?1,?121212131?838333363606?00,00?ToT?oo oo e exe?pe?nsnsisiviveve ve t to to to b?uyu?y hy heherhere?.,.,F,FoForormormuormul??a ia ?itsitse?lflf f if isis is gis grg?reareatat.t???ororkorksks s ws wowonwondnded??s s fs ?oror or a a a b ba??y y ty ththath?at at s?pip?itsits its u ?????t ?WTW?F.F???? wh w?y y iy ?is ??it it s so so ????penpenspen?sivsi?ve ve hve he?hereher?? ? $? ???1 1??forfor ?6 6 1 1212.12?9o9?z z? ca cana???. T. ThThahatat'at's's 's $ ?2020 0 f?oror or aor ??12????z z cz cac?an an? wh?enen en y yoy?ou ou????n bn bubuybuy buy? a a 2 a 2424o4?oz oz? ca can can can a at at t at an?y y sy ?stostororeor?e fe ??? l ?
hese cookies were so small, but I guess based on the big portions of today's society, this is a normal portion.<br /><br />Overall its good, would I buy again? Maybe if I was on a strict gluten-free diet." 5005,B0007XXPPW,A32RBJVFSTRK2,Cautious Shopper,1,2,1,1213833600,Too expensive to buy here.,Formula itself is great. Works wonders for a baby that spits up but WTF... why is it so expensive here? $121 for 6 12.9oz cans. That's $20 for a 12.9oz can when you can buy a 24oz can at any store for le
sssss s t ?hahanan n??2525.5. . A AlAlmlmomosostst t d ?ououbublb?e e? th theh??prpriricicece.e.......I..I I d do donon'n't't t gt gegetet t it itit.t..?5050000606,6,B,B0B0000300??LBLBVBVOVOYOY,Y,A,??A9A9S9SPS???X4X4O4OEOE,E?MaMararcrciciaia a M MaMarMartrtitinin,n,3,3,3?,3,,3????303050?848?969606?00,00?HaHapa??y y t to to o h ?havhaveve e fe ??ounoundnd d t th thi thisi?s ps ?propr??ucuctc?,",?WiW?ithith h a ?llll l o ofof f t? the the ???oioiciceic??s os ofof of t? thi?ngn?s s ts tot??drd?rinrinkn?, , t th thi this this ???? an an n en ?xcxcecelce??ene????oneone.??ItI???asaststest?? g ?rereaeatat.t. t.??osostost ?t oft of f of ouourour r c ???oicoi??s s as ?areare e ee ??ithitheitherer r lr loloaoadaded????itithith ith s ??gagarar,ar??oror r cr ????on??ateateded ed . ........ ?evevevenven ???lkl??isis is sis susugsu?gargar-r-d-dedendensnses????hihisis ?drdridr?inkink k ik is?is gis ?ooo?od od f fo?r r br ??oo?d d pd ?prepresessessusursurere re? an and and d cd ??cholcholeleslest??ror??. ??It It? is is s as ans a?n en exn exc?elelllle?nt?? th? thir thi??st-st-q-?ueuen?ch?er?. ??o o mo mumucuchuc??beb??teter?? fo foror or? th? the the? ho hoto?t st susumsu??erer ?mo??nthnt?s s t??hanhan ???sugasugararyary y ly ?lemle?monmonamon?adeade!e! !? It It t dt ?doedoes?, ?ho?weweveveev?
ss than $25. Almost double the price...I don't get it. 5006,B003BLBVOY,AHA9SPGZX4OE,Marcia Martin,3,3,5,1305849600,Happy to have found this product,"With all of the choices of things to drink, this is an excellent one. It tastes great. Most of our choices are either loaded with sugar, or carbonated ... even milk is sugar-dense. This drink is good for blood pressure and cholesterol. It is an excellent thirst-quencher. So much better for the hot summer months than sugary lemonade! It does, however
a acacicidididififyfy y t ?hehe e??H.H. . I I I a?m m s susupu??ososeseded d t to to o b beb?e ae ala?kakalalial?ziz?ngng g m ??y dy ?diedi?t,t, , s?o ?I I cI ?ana??t t d ?rir??? a a a?lol????f f t?hih?s.s. . :. :(:?<b<?? / />/?<b?r ?/>/>F/>FrFroromo?m tm ththethe ?titimimem???I wI wawasas s a a a s a ?mam?allall l c chchi????, m, my?? mo motothotheherhe?r wr ?waswas s as ?? a?dvdvov??catcatete e oe ofof of a?pppplpplele e ce cicidcided?r r vr vivinineinege?arar r ar ??d d hd hohononeneye?y fy fof?r r hr heheahe??? . H. HiHipi?ppoppococrocrar?tetestes s ws wow?ululdld ld h ??veve e be ??enen n h ha h?ppppyppy y ty tot?o do didisdiscscocovove?r ?BrBraragraggg?g Og OrOrgr?ganganinicic c A ??pplpplepple e Ce ??ideider? V ViVin?ineginegagargar r Ar AlA?l l Nl ?atatuaturu??l ??ririnrinknk:k??CoCononconcocorcordrd ?GrG??pepe ?AcA??i i : ?)))?? T TrTryr?y iy iti??an?and and d dr dririnrinkrink k tk to? g gogoooodo?d h?eaeal??h!h!"!""55050000707,7,B,B0B?003003B3?LBLBVBVOVOYOY,Y?A1A1I1IFIF1F141?EYEY0Y0K0KKK?6T6TBTB,B?Gr???,1,???,4,??,13,1?292?2626464040000000?,A,Aw,A????omeome!e!,!,","T"???s s ms mamaymay ???? b?e e te the thehe he???sts?t tt ?asastasti??? t? thi thin?????hahavhave? e eveve?ver ver d dr?an?k ?bub?t t mt mamanman ?dodo o Io I o I f
acidify the pH. I am supposed to be alkalizing my diet, so I can't drink a lot of this. :(<br /><br />From the time I was a small child, my mother was an advocate of apple cider vinegar and honey for health. Hippocrates would have been happy to discover Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar All Natural Drink: Concord Grape Acai :))) Try it and drink to good health!" 5007,B003BLBVOY,A1IF14EY0KK6TB,Greg,1,1,4,1329264000,Awesome!,"This may not be the best tasting thing I have ever drank but man do I f
eeeeelel l??nsnsts?anantn? r reresesus?ltl?s s a ??tet?? d ?ririninkinkik??g g??omomeme.e. . I I I?wowououl?d d?bebesestest t dt dedes?crcriribribebe be t tht?e e??fff?ece???? as as ?vever?y y c clc??sese e te toto o t?he???oooodod d fd fefeefe?elielininging ing?yoy????xpx??erierieiene?cec?e we whw??n n???ou ou dou ???ink?? co c?ff?? I. ?????ici?ce ce? th tha thata?t mt ??y cy ?iri?cucululaulatatiatioiono?n fn ??feelfeelsl??fafanantan?tasta??ic? l lil??e e me mymy my w????e ?bob?odyod??isis ?waw?rmrm,m, , a a a v ????y hy ??alaltlthlthyhy y dy ?os?e e oe ?of of e?nen???y ???d d Id ?I dI ??ntnt nt n no?titicticece ce ace ?????iti???ry?ne?sss??lilikli??? co cof coffffeffeeffee e oe ore o??eneneener?ergyergy y d??rinri?ksks s gs gigivi?ve ve y yo you you.u. . . T ThT?he ?on?lyly ?rereareasasosonson ??I dI diI dididnd?nt ????e e ie ?it it????tatartartr?t it ?is is b be bec???se?? a a 1 a 161??z z b bo botottot?lele le i is is ?$3$?.0.?? w? whi wh?ichic?? I I? th thi th??ink ?is??? l li lit?tltletle e se ststesteeeepeep.p. . B. BuButut t ft ??r ?th?e ?grgre?reatreat t ft fet feeeelee?linli?g ?I I gI gegetet t wt ?whewh?en en? I I d I ?dridrindrink?? so som?e e Ie I I wI ???ulduld uld?hih?ghghlhly?????
eel instant results after drinking some. I would best describe the effects as very close to the good feeling you experience when you drink coffee. I notice that my circulation feels fantastic like my whole body is warm, a very healthy dose of energy and I dont notice any jitteryness like coffee or energy drinks give you. The only reason I didnt rate it 5 start is because a 16oz bottle is $3.00 which I think is a little steep. But for the great feeling I get when I drink some I would highly reco
mmmmmem??? i ?? t ????nyn?ononene e?elelsl?e e we whwhoh?o wo wawanantantst?? to t?o fo fef?elel el a? b bob?ososts?t ot ofof f e?ne??gygy y a as a?s ws ?elellell l? as as as a a a g a ?eneneenererar?l l sl sesense?sese se o ofof of w ??lll?l bl beb??ngn?.".""5505?0808,8,B,B0B00?3B3?LBLBVB?OYOY,Y,A,?2323N3NANAHA???Z7Z7U7UHUHWH?6,6???andandyd???,0,0,,0??,1,131343474777757???0000,00??rereae??t pt ?rorodo?ucu??,",?LeL?t t mt ???prpreprefefafaca?e e te ththihisis s bs byby ?sasayayiyininging g?I I p?ururcrchchah?se?d d id it? a at a??a a?lolococacalal al h heh?ealealtl?th th f fofoo?d d sd ststost??re re f fo foror or a?bobouboutut ?t a t a?dodololl?ara? l le l?sss?? I I I? wa wasas as p?lelea?sa?ntntltlyly y sy suy sururpurprpripris?ede?d wd ??ithith h t?hihishis s ds ??ininkink.k. . I. ?t t tt ?asastastetes? g gr???t,?? bu butut ut? de defefief?iniin?iteitel?y ?a a la lil?ittit?tletle e t?an? ?WhW?hathat t It I I lI lo?vev?ed ed? ab?ouo?ut ?ththithisis is w wa?s ??howho? g gr g?reareatat at I??fe?lt????teterter r dr drdridrininkinkiinkininging ing i??. ?? f fe feleltel?t a?wa??e ?anandand and f??cucususesedsed,sed, , a an and???usustus?t ot ovt o???ralrallll ll?rerearealreallllyll??gog?ood?. . I. I . I w. I ?wilwi?ll ll dll dedefefiefinefinin?ite?ly
mmend it to anyone else who wants to feel a boost of energy as well as a general sense of well being." 5008,B003BLBVOY,A23NAH2MZ7UHW6,Mandy,0,0,4,1347753600,great product,"Let me preface this by saying I purchased it at a local health food store for about a dollar less. I was pleasantly surprised with this drink. It tastes great, but definitely a little tangy. What I loved about this was how great I felt after drinking it. I felt awake and focused, and just overall really good. I will definitely
? b ?e e b???ini?? m ???e.e?""5505000090???00???LBLBVBVOVOYOY,Y,A,A9A949?ARARGRGLGL3L3232S2?ASASMSM,M,I,InI????A.A?,0,0,0?,0,,0?2,2,1,131343444434383848404?000000,???e e fe flflal?vov?or or?isi? c ?loloso?erer r t tot? s sas?????drdre?ssssisininging.g.....?,","I"??lolovlovev?e ue ususisinsingng ng g gegenenener?ouousus us??momoumoununtntst??ofof f?vivinineinege??r ??n ?sasansandndwdwiwici?heheshe?? s sa salalaaladadsd?s, s, e ??c.c.,., ., b bu?? t th thihisis is? dr drir??k k?wawasas s ss soso ?vi??negnegagargaryry y t th tha th??t It ?I gI gog??t at ? b?itit ??? a?? tu t??mymy ??ch?e.e. e. I ?t ?tatas?teteded ???ososeoserer er? to t?o so ??laladlad lad d? dre dr??ssissininging ing? th tha?n n in itit it d di didid d ad ??? . ?I I tI trtririeri?? r rereareal?lyly y hy haharardard d td toto to l li likikek??itit,it, ?bub?t t nt nono o go go??."."5505??0,0,B0,B0B00B0?3B??LBVLBVOVOYVOY,Y,AY,?V5V5W5?S0S???XGXGLGLGGLG8G?,T,TeT?errer?ry,ry?,0,??0,50,??,13,132?989?686?8080000,00,A?WEWEsEsosomsomem?e de ?dridrindri??,","I,"I I bI bobouougoughg?t ?t tht thi??s ds ?dridrindrinkdrin??loloclocac?allallyally y ay any and? I? h hahavhaveve ve t to to to? te t??l l?yoyouou,ou?, t, ?heheyhey y gy ?gotgo??itit it 'it 'j'jujus?t t rt ri???t't?. . I.
be buying more." 5009,B003BLBVOY,A94ARGL32SASM,In L.A.,0,0,2,1344384000,The flavor is closer to salad dressing...,"I love using generous amounts of vinegar on sandwiches, salads, etc., but this drink was so vinegary that I got a bit of a tummy ache. It tasted closer to salad dressing than it did a drink. I tried really hard to like it, but no go." 5010,B003BLBVOY,AV5WS0O8XGLG8,Terry,0,0,5,1329868800,AWEsome drink,"I bought this drink locally and I have to tell you, they got it 'just right'. I
?? y yoyouou u?ararere e???keke e me meme e ae ana?d d??ouou ou l li lik??e te tht?e ?flf?avavov?? o ?f ?vivininenege?ar?, , t ?thithisis s???ininkink k?wiw?llll l n ??t t d di dis?apappppop?in?t,t, , i, ??f yf ?youyou u au alalsl?? l li lik like? t??he he?fl?av?oror or o of of f gf ?rarap?e.e????he ?mimixixtxtutururere re w wa w?s ??onone? p ???fefecectc???, ?NoN?o so ???ingin??inging ing t?asastastet??, i?t't's'?s ss ??rtrt ?of? m memelmellllollowow,w, ???t t ht hahasas as t? tha thatat t ft flfla???r r or ofof ??vinvinenegnegagargar r yr yo?you you a??re re lre lolooookokikin?ing ??oror.or?. I. I I? am am m?hihigi??lyly ly i ????resresssses?d d wd wiwitwi?th th i it it.t. . I. I . I w we w?ntn?t bt ?acackck k tk totododadayay y? an andnd nd???ougou?ghtght t 5t ?? mo m?oreor?e be bobotbo?tltletl?e oe ??of iof iti??atat at?? the the ?loloclocacalal al C CoCo-o-o-opo??. B. BrBra?ggg??s is isis is????igighig?hlyhly ??regre??gardgardededed ed a?pp?lel???idi??r r vr ??vinevinegegaegarar,ar, ar,?so???to? h?avaveave ??ha?t t kt ?kinki??nd ond of?of bof babasbasese se? to to o so sto s????t wt ??withwit? m me meaean???alaloal?ot.ot??. I . I c. I cacancan n? pr p??ttttytty ?mum?chc?h ph pr?omomimismisese ?yo???, t, th, thahat? y yo?u u wu ?wilwillll ll ' 'n'
f you are like me and you like the flavor of vinegar, this drink will not disappoint, if you also like the flavor of grape. The mixture was done perfectly, No stinging taste, it's sort of mellow, yet has that flavor of vinegar you are looking for. I am highly impressed with it. I went back today and bought 5 more bottle of it at the local Co-op. Braggs is a highly regarded apple cider vinegar, so, to have that kind of base to start with means alot. I can pretty much promise you, that you will 'n
?oto?' '?bebe e???sasapappppopoioini?tet?d d i ifif f y yoyouou u? bu buyu?? it i?. . T ThTheheye?y hy hahavaveve e ae ??cocououpouplplele ?otothotheherher r???avavoavoro?s,s, , w whw?icichch h I I I w wi wili?l l?evevevenventntunt??llllylly ?trtryry,y, , b, bubutut t t ??hishis s o ??e ?hahasha?s ms meme e h???kekeded.ed. . h. ?hehhehe? ) )")""5505???,B,?000?00K00KOKOWO?NHNHEHE,E,A,A2A2Z2ZMZ?ZUZU5U5L5?QPQ??NIN?A,A?"A"ArArlr?lenlene? " ?"A"AH"A??"""""?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,121212??939313?12012???,BE,B?STS? G GrG??avyav?y ey eveveeverer!r!,!,T,?ThiThisis is i is is ??theth?e be ?besbests???eveevereve?. ? J ??stst st?ada????OTO???atateterte?r ar anandn??mimixi?. ??YuY?mmm?y ?wiwitith? a?nyn???ininging g c ca c?an an??veven? a??? t?? c cr crer?amam m??sausa?cecese?s as an?d d sd ???????. A. ?dddd dd sdd sosomsome? s??ususausaga?e e a??nd nd? yo youou ou a ar arere re? in in n??ea??ven?. ?. Y. Yu. Y?ummum?my my Y YuYumYu??. . C. ?anannannonot? g ???wrwror?ongong g og orordordedererierining???hihishis his p prprorodro???t.?5?01???,B0,B00000000K0?KOWKO?WNHWNHEHE,HE,A,A1,A1Q1QUQU2U292?2H2HLHLSLS3S?FCFCFCF,F,S,ShS?hirhirlrlerlenene??RoRoso?s,s,0s,0,0,00,0,0,50,?5,15,121201209120?949454565606?00,00,P00,PiPioi?oneoneee??????ndnd nd Pnd PePepe
ot' be disappointed if you buy it. They have a couple other flavors, which I will eventually try, but this one has me hooked. hehe )" 5011,B000KOWNHE,A2ZMZU5LQP9NIA,"Arlene ""AH""",0,0,5,1218931200,BEST Gravy ever!,This is the best ever. Just add HOT water and mix. Yummy with anything can even add to cream sauces and soups. Add some sausage and you are in Heaven. Yummy Yum. Cannot go wrong ordering this product. 5012,B000KOWNHE,A1QU292HLS3FCF,Shirlene Ross,0,0,5,1209945600,Pioneer Brand Pep
ppepererereded d G GrG?ava?y y?MiMixix,x,","<"<a<a a h hrhrerefre?="="""??ttttptp:p:/:??www?ww.ww.a.?mam???n.n.c.cocomom/m/g/?p/p/p/??odo??ctct/t/B/??00???UMUM6M686?""?>P>PiPioion?eeeerer er?BrBraranrandnd d Gd GrGraGrav?y y My ?????CoC?ununtntrtryry,y, , 2 2.2.7.?5-5-O-????e e P PaP?ckc??tsts s ( (P(PaPacPackck ck?ofof f? 24 24)4)<)</</a/???brbr r / />/><?brbr br / /> /????ada?d td ?hih?s s gs grgraravra?????t t t ?thethe ??BreBreaeaka?faf?stst t Bt BuBufuffffefet? i ini?? th thehe ?mom??elel l? in i?n Bn ?BraBranansn???, , M, MOM??<b<br<br r /r />??ereryery y Gy ?ooo?od!od!!!!!??ThThe? w ???tr?esessss ??ololdld ?meme e te th?the the?nanam?e,e, , s, soso so??I lI lol?ookoo?kedked d id ?? u upup p o on on n tn ththe?the Ithe InInt?erernernenet?et aet an?d d fd ?ou?ndnd nd? it it ?atat at?AmAmamazma?zonzon.n. n.? I ?I gI ?ivi??e ie ??it tit th??the Ethe ?xcx?celcelll??ntnt nt R ???iningin?""5??1313,3,B,B0??00H00HDH?KZKZDZDCDC,C,A,?2323T3TNT??HKH?URURHRH7RH7Y7?U,U,S,StSteteptephphahananianieie e Ne ??wcwcocomcombmb,b,4,?,4,4,,4??,1,?242?282???00000000,0,B,Be,B?estest t ct ce?rereareala?l bl ???s s os onon on? th the th???lal?aneanet???WeWe ?usu?e e te the theheshese??foforfor r or ou???dadauaugughght?erer er fer foforfor for? a a f
pered Gravy Mix,"<a href="""">Pioneer Brand Gravy Mix, Country, 2.75-Ounce Packets (Pack of 24)</a><br /><br />I had this gravy at the Breakfast Buffet in the motel in Branson, MO.<br />Very Good!!! The waitress told me the name, so I looked it up on the Internet and found it at Amazon. I give it the Excellent Rating" 5013,B000HDKZDC,A23TNRHKURH7YU,Stephanie Newcomb,4,4,5,1242864000,Best cereal bars on the planet,"We use these for our daughter for a f
eewe???eae?sos??s.s. .?OnOnen?? t ththeh?y y a ara?? h he??ltlth???? t th thah?? o otoththetherer er?cecerereerea????ararsars s? on on n tn ththethe the?mam???etet t ( ??hohololel? g ?raraia???. . T. TwT?o,o, ?th?theythey y hy hahavhaveve ?yoy?gug?rtrt t it inincincocororpr?ororaor?teteded d i inintin?? t th??e be babarbar.r??. Th. Thrh?reeree,e, e, t? the? a?re?re tre ththithicthickck k a?ndnd d dd ?o ???ot ot??easeasisili?y ?crc?umumbmblb??. ??in?inceinc???ur? d dadaua??hth?terter ?ststatarartar?ininging g e?at?ining? t th the them them m w whwhewh??n sn shs??? wa w?as as? ab a?ououtout ?1,1?, n, nonotnot ?ha?havihav?ing???to to c?leleale?an an u upup p a?ftfteter? s shsheshe'e's'???eatea?tente?n t??hemhem ?isi?s as ??BIB?G G p plplul??s.<s.<b<??r /r />/><><b??r /r />r />P>PlPluluslu?, , t, th, t???y ay ?areare e se susupupeuperer er yer ??ummummymy ?fofor???dudulu??s s ts ??o.o???? / />/></><b?<br ??/>T/>ThTheheyhey hey a? are ar?e me ?ororeore e ee exexpx?enensensisivsiveve ve t? tha th?an an oan ?othot?herhersrs s os ?on on t th?? the m the mamarmarkrkeketket t (t (e(?spsp p sp sisinsi??ce ce I ?? ca c??an gan ??? N NuNutu?ririgigrgragrai??n bn babar??s is ??? bu bululkulk k ak ?at at? a a d di disisciscocoucounu???? bu but bu???the?they they? ar are are are w wo w?ortor
ew reasons. One, they are healthier than other cereal bars on the market (whole grain). Two, they have yogurt incorporated into the bar. Three, the are thick and do not easily crumble. Since our daughter starting eating them when she was about 1, not having to clean up after she's eaten them is a BIG plus.<br /><br />Plus, they are super yummy for adults too.<br /><br />They are more expensive than others on the market (esp since I can get Nutrigrain bars in bulk at a discount) but they are wort
hh h i itit.t??MaM?kekeses s?ouourur r l lilififefe e??asa?ieierer ?anandnd d t tht??y y d ?onon'n?t t????e e ae a a t to t?on on o of of f a adaddddedede?d sd susugugagara??!"!""5505???,B,B0B?0000H00HDHDKD??DCDC,C?ADADLDLWL??LVL?9M9MZMZRZRURUYUY,Y,",?DaD??ie?? R RoRobobbb?ininsns s "s ???ininjinjaj?"""""""",",4,4,4,44,4,?5,5,1,??959565?030?2020000,00,Y,??mmmmymy,y,","T,"ThT?hesheses???rer?e re rereare?llllyly y ey ?xcx??llllell?ntn??brbre??kfkfaf?astast t b???s.s. . N. NoNoto???toto o t?hehe he p ?re?viv?ouousous ?rerevrevirevieiewiewewer?: : t th?e ?NuNututrtririgigrgraraiainin in b ??arsars,ars, , l?as???? c ?he??kekedke?, ??hadha??arartar?if?icicic?al?? co colo???r ir inin in tin ?thetheme?. ??TheThes?e ?dodondon'n'tn't.??ThThe??y ay ?alsalsoso o to tat?astasteaste e ve ve?ryr?y gy gogooo??. ?. Th. Thih?s s is is?? ou ourur ur t th thi th?rdrd d od orordorde?r ??thrth??ougoughgh ??mamazazozon?on (on (g(?gregr?eateat t pt pr???e)e? a an and??mymy my??auaugughughth?terter r mr ?isississesesses s ts ththethemthem m w ?hehenhen n w we we'e?re??? out out.?""5"50?151?5,B5,??0000H00HD00H?DKZDKZDZDCZDC,C,AC,?2323333H3????6V6?5656W56W8W8,8,"??lalaxaxoxonon,on,B,Bi,B?ll?",????3,53,??1212424444242424624?40400?00,A00,? H ?ea
h it. Makes our life easier and they don't have a ton of added sugars!" 5014,B000HDKZDC,ADLW3LV9MZRUY,"Daniel Robbins ""Ninja""",4,4,5,1195603200,Yummy,"These are really excellent breakfast bars. Note to the previous reviewer: the Nutrigrain bars, last I checked, had artificial color in them. These don't. They also taste very good. This is our third order through Amazon (great price) and my daughter misses them when we're out." 5015,B000HDKZDC,A233H2J16V56W8,"Claxon,Bill",3,3,5,1244246400,A Hea
?ltltht?y y S SuSururprprp?isisese,e,",?ThThehe e???avavov???ofof f t ??e e fe frf?uiuiti? e ene??lolosose?? i ?is is o ou o??ststatanandndid?ngn?(b(??ubu?ere?ryry)y) ) a an??d id ifif f tf ththetherthe?e e ie isis is is ? a a?drd?awawbw?aca?k k i it it t it ?is ?ththath?t t tt th?the the b bl?an???t t tt tht thahatat at e en enc?lo?se?s s t th the? f?ruruiru?it it i is i??a a b?itit ?ththithicickck ck ( (u(?nlnlilikikeke ke t th thi thisis ?cocomompmpapan??s s fs ?????ararsrs)s) ?anandand and p ?paspast?ryry ry? te texextxtut??ede??FlF?lavlavovorvoreredred ?wiwitithit??cacan??e e ??yry?ruprup(p(n(non??t ft frfrufrui?t ?jujui?cec?).).1.151505?? ca cala?? pe p?er er b ba?????and and land ?lowlow w i?? f fa fatat at aat anandand and tand ??the the cthe cacarca???(2(?9)9) ) n) nonotno??t tot toooo o b ba bad ba???conconsnsis?dedererierininging g tg th?the ?grg?reareat??tatasta?stest?.".""550501501616,6,B,B0B????DKD?ZDZDCD?,A,?1Y1YZY?GOG?0C0CSCSDSDJD??2T2T,T,G,??rlrl.l.,.?1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5?,12,12929429?70704040400?0,0,w,wow?ndndendererferfufulu?,I,I I k kekeekeepe?? a a b a boboxox x o?f f tf thf t??sese se i in in in?mymy ???sks?k ak ???woworworkrk.k. .??Th??y ?mam?ke?ke ake a a wa ?wonwo?nde??fufulful l sl ?nan?ackack ?oror or a ar arere re g gr??atat at iat ifif if
lthy Surprise,"The flavor of the fruit enclosed is outstanding(bluberry) and if there is a drawback it is that the blanket that encloses the fruit is a bit thick (unlike this companys fig bars) and pastry textured.Flavored with cane syrup(not fruit juice).150 cal per bar,and low in fat and the carbs(29) not too bad considering the great taste." 5016,B000HDKZDC,A1YZGO0CSDJZ2T,Girl.,1,1,5,1294704000,wonderful,I keep a box of these in my desk at work. They make a wonderful snack or are great if
?I I?didididndn'n't't t h hah?veve e?titimimem??fof?r r?brbrereaeakakfk???t.t..5505?1717,7?B0B??00H00HDHDKDKZKZDZDCDC,C,A,AVAVJV?2O2OBO?K8K8C8CWCWIW?0J0J,J,","L"LiLizi??ete?h h " """"J"JuJusustst st a a a??omom"m?"""""",",1,1,1?,1,,1?5,5,1,12,1292949414181?565?0000,00,M,MyMy y b bo boyo?????VEV? t th thehesesese.e.,.,m,?y y by boboyoysoys ?hahavhaveve ve? be beeeene??eaeateati?ngng g? th the thes??e f?oror or?ovoveverve?r 3r 3 3 y yeyea?rsrs s ns non?w.w. . R ???en??lyly ??thethe e be bo??? ha hasas as?? bee beenen en?reredreded??igi?neneded.d. ??I lI lilikikeke e ie itit t at ?ndnd d?itit'it's's s ms mumucuchch ??easea??erer ?tot? o op opepenen en nen nonownow.w. w. I ItIt ?ususeus?? t??o ho ??havehave ?shsha?rprp p? ed edgdgeges? a?ndnd nd??adade?? it it ?eaeaseasyeas?y ty toy to o go ?getget t pt pap?peperper r cr cucututsts.s. . I???se?eme????the????eciecipipepe pe? ha has ha?s cs ??anangange?d ??forfor ?r thr thehe he b ba b?r.r. ??it'??s ss ?ofo?tet?er er???anan an w whwhahathat t it itit it u ususeusedused d td toto to b be be. be. ?ThThehe he bhe bo??? s st???l l?li?ke?? it??. T. Th. T?heyhe??eaeateat eat o on onlnly? t? thi th?s s as alallll ll d da dayay ?lolonongng ng i?f f I? l?etet et t? the??..5.505015018?,B,B0,B?00000?HD?KZ??DC,DC?,A4,A?WCWC0C?
I didn't have time for breakfast. 5017,B000HDKZDC,AVJ2OBK8CWI0J,"Lizbeth ""Just a mom""",1,1,5,1294185600,My boys LOVE these.,my boys have been eating these for over 3 years now. Recently the box has been redesigned. I like it and it's much easier to open now. It used to have sharp edges and made it easy to get paper cuts. It seems the recipe has changed for the bar. it's softer than what it used to be. The boys still like it. They eat only this all day long if I let them. 5018,B000HDKZDC,A4WC07
GG9G9797K7KYKYAY???A A r rer?adadederer r f frfror?? N ??? H ?ama?psp???rere,re,0,0,0,0,0,,0?1,1???484808?121?80800800,?CoC?stst t i inincncrcre?asasesede??as? s ?izi?e e d de?????sesedsed,d,","I"I I b bobouougughghtht ??hehesese? b??rsrs s f fo foror r sr se?vev??alal l y yeyeaearearsrs rs a at at t mt mymy y l ?oco?alal al c coc???peperera?tit?veve ve?grgro?cecereryery y sy st?ororeore,e?? an andn?d ad atatet???thetheme?m dm dadaia?lyl?---??thetheythey y ay ar?e e te tae t?astastyty.y. . H Ho Howowew???r,r, ?th?the the?prp?icicece ce i in i?ncrncrerea?sesedsed sed n ?eaearearlear?? 1 ?0000%0% % d du duru??ngn???thathatat at??imimem?e, e, a an?d d Id I I nI non?titicti?cedced d td th?thattha??, a, al?ththothou?gh? t?he? i????iviiv?duduaualal al wal wrw???pe?rs???itiththithinin in t th?e e be bo?? r?ememaemaiainainenedned ?d thd thehe ?sasamameam?e se ?sizsizeze,ze, , t, th, the?he bhe ??ar ar w wi?ththithinthin n t th? the the??rarapra?ppepp????ececr???aseaseded.ed?. W. ?hehenhe??I I sI ststostopstoppppeppedppe?d bd bubuyuyiyiningin?g tg ththe?se???, th, the, th?e ae acactc?uaualual l bl ba?r r wr ??as as oas ono?ly????alfal? t th the the the s the sisiz????f f tf ?the????apappappeperper.per. . T. ?ha?t't's's s ds dedecdecedecepe?ti???ve pve papac?kakagagigininging,ing
G97KYAU,A reader from New Hampshire,0,0,1,1348012800,Cost increased as size decreased,"I bought these bars for several years at my local co-operative grocery store, and ate them daily--they are tasty. However, the price increased nearly 100% during that time, and I noticed that, although the individual wrappers within the box remained the same size, the bar within the wrapper decreased. When I stopped buying these, the actual bar was only half the size of the wrapper. That's deceptive packaging,
?soso o I ??rer??usu?? t tot?o bo bub?? t th t??se???????oro??. . I I I s?ususpus?ecectct t t th tha thata??oto???? s sh shohopoppppeperpersrs s?liliki???isi?se se cse ?omompmplp?aia?neneded,d, ,?beb?ecaecauaus?e ?la?sts?t mt momonmontnthth th t th the the e se ststostor?e e we whwhe?hereher???I bI ?ouo?ghghth??ththeth?eseese ?e ste s???ppepped????rrr?yiyiningin?? th the them them.m.".?5?010?9,9?B0B0000000H00HDH?KZKZDZDCDC,C,A,A3A343??2M2MKMKHKHZHZFZ?7171G1?X,X,R,???0,0,0?,5,5,5,1,131?080?444414161606?00,00,T,TaTasa??y ?an?d d n ??? t to toooo ??weweee?t,t??hoholho?e e fe ?amamim?lyly y ly ?likli?keske???thethesthe??. . . T TaTasTast?sty sty? bu b?t t nt ?notnot ?t ovt o??r r sr ?sweswee?t.t. . ?MuM?chc??mo?re? h ?heahe?ltlththythy y fy ?or? y ?ou??? tha?n n m mo mosostst st b ba b?arsars.s. . ????elellllelenlentntpnt??icice??? thr th???ghgh gh A ?mamazazozono?n on onon on t th? the the r re r?pepeapeat???? o or?dederer er s su sub su?scscrcri??titioion?..??020?0,?B0?00?00HD00H?DKZDK????A2A?2U2??V3V??VVVVBVBPB?7M7M,M,J,JoJos???h ?L.L. ?KoKololbl?,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,30,3,3,1,13,1?30830838?555??200200,??thetheythe??re?re ore okokakayay,y,","b"babararbarbabarba?a'a?s s ys ?yogyo?uru?t t bt babarbarsbar??
so I refuse to buy these any more. I suspect that other shoppers likewise complained, because last month the store where I bought these stopped carrying them." 5019,B000HDKZDC,A3432MKHZF71GX,RN,0,0,5,1308441600,Tasty and not too sweet,Whole family likes these. Tasty but not over sweet. Much more healthy for you than most bars. Excellentprice through Amazon on the repeating order subscription. 5020,B000HDKZDC,A22U8V3UVVBP7M,Joseph L. Kolb,0,0,3,1308355200,they're okay,"barbara's yogurt bars a
?rer? o okokakayay.y???i i f fof??ndnd d t ththehe e we whw?ololele e ge grgrar?inin n b babara? v ?ere?y y d ??ry ry?ana?nd nd t th t?herherere re?rerearealallllyly ?isisnsn'n't't t m mum??h h? bl b?ueuebebeber??ry,ry? o or or r fr foforfo?r tr th?atat ?mam??tet?er,er, , a, apa????? fl flalava??rsrs.s?. . o???th???popososisititit????sisidsided?, , t, ththethe the b ba b?ar ar i is is s? a a s so sofoftf??chchechewe?. . . t. tot?tat?al al c ?ararbarbsbs s 2s ??g.g. ?. i. ?it'it's's s as ?? o ok okakayka?y by babarba?r ir inin in t th the the e ge gle glulutlu??ofof of c ce cerereereaealal al bal ba?barsbar?s ts ?to to c ch chohoohoososeose ??roromom m a at at ?ththe????ococecereryery y sy ??".?5?020212?,B,B0B00000?HDHDKDKZK?DCDC,C,A,A1A1818R8?TQTQCQCOCO1O?N7N7979O9OMO??TrT?racracyc?y My M.M. . R. ReR?yny???dsd???,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,?3030202402?80800000000000,00,G,?re?reatreat t at an?d d nd ?ututrtrir?itiitioi?ousou?s,"s,??y y sy soy sonon n hn ?asas s bs ??ene??ea????g g t th the thes the?e e f?or? t? the the the l lalaslastst st? tw twowo o??eaearea?rs rs a an and?nd lnd ?ovovevesve??s ths thehemhem.m. ??I I l lo lovoveove e te ththe?m ?be?cacaucausu?? t th the they they y hy hahavhave?ve yve ?ogo??rtrt ?in?in tin th?them?, ?, an, and??foforfor for a a a p a ??ckckyk??eaeateateeaterer er??ro?viv?
re okay. i found the whole grain bar very dry and there really isn't much blueberry, or for that matter, apple flavors. on the positive side, the bar is a soft chew. total carbs 29g. it's an okay bar in the glut of cereal bars to choose from at the grocery store." 5021,B000HDKZDC,A18RTQCO1N79OM,Tracy M. Reynolds,0,0,5,1302480000,Great and nutritious,"My son has been eating these for the last two years and loves them. I love them because they have yogurt in them, and for a picky eater provid
??? s ?omomem? g gog?odo??nunututrt?ititit????? W ?isi?h h t ththeh?y y w wewererere ?oro?gagana???, , b ?utut ut w we w?e ce ???'t't t h hahava?e e te th?emem m?alallll.l. . . ?MuMucuchch h hh ??alaltalththithieierer er????????utrut?agagrgraraira?n.n."n.""5??2222,2,B,B0B0000000H00HDH?KZKZDZDCDC,C,A,A5A?5O5?CDC?YYY?JZJ?BSBSBSB,B??. . R. ?ododgodgegerersers,s,2,2,??,1,?,1,13,1313111191??404?000000,0???t ?a a f ?igi? b?arar r i ininsin??ea?d,d?"T"ThT?isis is p prpror??ucuctuc?t wt wawasas s as a a ba ????didisisaisapa??oio?intin?memenme?t.t. . ?Th????icictictutururere re?on? t th the the ?boboxo????s ms mim?islis??ead?in???. ?. Th. The?ses?e be bae b??s ?s ars arerenre?'t't 't c chchuchununknkyk?, , t, ththethe the d??ugughgh h ih ?isnisn'n'tn't ?flflalakakyky ky ( ?momororeore ?lil?keke e c?ar??boboabo??ardyardy)y?, , t, th, t?heyhe?y ay ararearenen'?n't n't f fi filillllelleded d wd wiwitithith h ph ?piepiecececeses es o of o?? fr f?uiuit?, , a, ??d d id ifif f yf yoy?ou ou????n'??n't rn't re??d ????the lthe la?bebele? ( (w (whwhi?chch ch c cl clalailaimimsm??s abs a?boubo?ut ut 3ut ?0 0 i it ite??ms ms d? dow downwn n tn ?thethe the ithe ??ingringre??diedien?t t lt lilislist? t th tha thatat at " ?"y"yoyogyo?ur?t ?popowpowdw??er"er""? i is is is a ad addd
es some good nutrition. Wish they were organic, but we can't have them all. Much healthier than Nutragrain." 5022,B000HDKZDC,A55OCDYYJZBSB,L. Rodgers,2,4,1,1311984000,eat a fig bar instead,"This product was a big disappointment. The picture on the box is misleading. These bars aren't chunky, the dough isn't flaky (more like cardboardy), they aren't filled with pieces of fruit, and if you didn't read the label (which claims about 30 items down the ingredient list that ""yogurt powder"" is add
eeded)d?, , y yoyouou u?wow??ldl?n'n't't t?hahavaveve e a ananyny y i ?ded?a a? yo youou ou w we wererere e ee eaeateatit??g g y yo yog yogugururtr????t a?llll.l? T ?hehe e be babararsrs s p ?rorobobababbablb??y cy coconontntataiain? M MSM?GsGs,s??wiwititht?? al a?ll ll o ofof f t ?theth??""""n"nan?atuat?urauralal l f flf??avoavororirin??s,s,"s,?"" "" e etetctc.c. . . W ??hathatet?????cac?alcal?iuiumu? a an andn???ththetherther r vr ?ititaitamamim????mimigmighghtht t bt bebe e pe prprepresesesene?nt nt? ha havaveave e pe pre p?robrobababbablbablyly ly b bebeebe?en en a??dededde?d id in?in win whw?hathat hat t?he? i??ngrngre???en?tst?s ls lil?stst ?????s ??a "a ""?????miminmin n? bl blelenendend"d""?"" -"" ---- - t? the therereere'e's's s ts ??o o l ?litlittt?lele le f?oo??d i?n ???the the b ba barar ar t?o ?gig??ve ve y yo you yo???ucu??h nh nunututrt?ritrititioti?on,on?, a, ananyan?wawayay.y. ??Th??e ee exe expx???ie?ncncece e ie ?? v veververyver??mu??ch ch???kek?e e?at?in?ing ing a a a l lo lonongong,g??ththithinin in fin fifigi?g bg babarbar r -r ---- --? on onlnlyly ly nly non???t ast as s t?asaststysty.? T ?TheThe The? fi figig ig?? bar ba?? I I I? bu buyu?y ay atat at m mymy y ny ?eieigighighbhbobororhor?oooodood ood g ??rocrocecerce?y y cy coy conontontataitainin in sin susugu?arar,ar??bubut??
ed), you wouldn't have any idea you were eating yogurt at all. The bars probably contain MSGs, with all of the ""natural flavorings,"" etc. Whatever calcium and other vitamins might be present have probably been added in what the ingredients list calls a ""vitamin blend"" -- there's too little food in the bar to give you much nutrition, anyway. The experience is very much like eating a long, thin fig bar -- only not as tasty. The fig bars I buy at my neighborhood grocery contain sugar, but a
?lslsoso o?rereae?l l f frf?uiu?t,t, ,?whwhoholo?e e w?heheaeatea?t, t,?nono ?MSM?GsG?, , a, anandn? n no no ?trtraranansans s? fa fata?s.s??I'I'd'd ??ratra?he?r r???eat eat o ono?e e oe ofof f t ??emem.m. ??? wo wonon'on't'? b beb?e pe pupururcr?hahasa??ngng g t th t?isis s ps prp?ododud???t at".""???232?,B,B0B??00H00?DKDKZK??C,C,A,?1V1?6F6F1F1515353R3RPR??Q2Q262?,T,TrTrurudrudyd? C ??. C. CoCol?ememaem??,1,1,1,4,4,4,2,2,2??191?252575?92920920000,00,N,?oto??????ibi?lyly y ay apa?pepea??ininging,g,",?ThThe?ses??ararerenre?'t't 't a asas as??oooodod od a?s s os ?othot?herher her? ba bar??s o?f f tf ??isis is? ty t? . M. MyMy y ky kikididsds ?wowon?on'ton'?t et ??eat eat teat ?the?m,m, , n, no?r r wr ??lll?l ml ?y ?huhususbs?anandan?. . T. ThTheTh?y ?y ary a?re re a?llll ll f fo fonondond ?ofof of t??e e Ne ??tr?igigrgrarairainin in v vav???etetyt?????ut ut? I I? th tho thouougu?htht t t??hes?e ?wowouwoulu?d ?be? a a a??heahealaltalththithiethierer er a? alt alteterternr??atiativi?e.e."."."5?02?4,4,B4,B0???N5N?YMYM1M1010,0,A,A3,A3E3ESESGSGWSG?N6N?5Q5QIQ??1717,7??icickc??,1,,1,1,1,??4,14,111?17917?181878?202???SeSea?sosonso?iningingsing?s,Gs,GoGoo?d ?prproprododuoduc??! !??oooodood ood?prpripr?iceice
lso real fruit, whole wheat, no MSGs, and no trans fats. I'd rather eat one of them. I won't be purchasing this product again." 5023,B000HDKZDC,A1V6F153RPPQ26,Trudy C. Coleman,1,4,2,1192579200,Not terribly appealing,"These aren't as good as other bars of this type. My kids won't eat them, nor will my husband. They are all fond of the Nutrigrain variety, but I thought these would be a healthier alternative." 5024,B000N5YM10,A3ESGWN65QIL17,Vick,1,1,4,1179187200,Seasonings,Good product! good price
????t t?shshihipippppipiningn? . . .??eee??s s?anan n i ?insinses?rtr?t it inin in l ?idi? t toto o s se seae?l l?cocono?tat??inein?????ttt?erer!er!!?505020?5,5,B,???00N00?5Y5??101??A1A?XMXMCM???C7C7S7SJS?ANANEN???avavevene?ded?erler?ladladydy,y,0,?0,00,0,0,10,?,1,?333?555575717?202?00,00,W,WaWas????ofof f m momononeoneye?.....?dod????t t bt bub?y.?,",?LoLooo??eded ed l li likikeke ke a a a?gogoooodood ?dedeadealal,al, , s so so o Io I I o???derde?eded ?ththeh?? gr g?ouounund? f fe f?????, , a, ?as as w ?elellll l al as?as 4as 4 4? ot oththether??spspipicpiceceses s as anandand d sd seseaseas??onionin??s s fs ???m m t?hihishis s cs cocomcompm??anyany,???utut t wt waw??as das ?isi??ppppoppoio?????d wd ?iti?th th t th the th?m m am ??l.l. . Z. ZeZ?eroero o fo ??lavlavovoror,r, , n, nonotno?t et evevevenven n tn ththethe the? fr fraragagrg?ranrancn?ce ce o?f ??the??ririgighghtht ?he??bsb?s os oror or s sp spipicpicepices?? wh w????lol?oosoo???? s se sea se??ed?ed ced co??????nernersrs s ws we?rere re o op o?eneneened?. ?ThT?he he d di?llll ll s sm smemelellelleleded ?liliklikeke ke dke ?ririeri?ed ed med ???styst?y gy gr??assass,s, , a, an, a?nd nd tnd th??the othe ononionioonionon on?ev??en en w wo . E. EnEndndended?ed ued ???????
fast shipping . needs an insert in lid to seal container better! 5025,B000N5YM10,A1XMCVPC7SJANE,lavenderlady,0,0,1,1335571200,Waste of not buy.,"Looked like a good deal, so I ordered the ground fennel, as well as 4 other spices and seasonings from this company, but was disappointed with them all. Zero flavor, not even the fragrance of the right herbs or spices when loosely sealed containers were opened. The dill smelled like dried musty grass, and the onion even worse. Ended up throw
iiningng g?tht??m m a ala?l l? aw a??y.y.....???veve e y ??urur r m momononen?y,y, , D DODO O?NON?? B BUB?Y Y?THT??S S P PRPRORODO?UCUCTCT.T.".""5?020?6,6?B0B?0000N00N5N5Y5YMYM1M1010,0?A2A2T2?SPSPMPMEM?9O9?KKKKAK?060?6,e6,ele?izi??beb?thth th y y. y. .?wiwilillllilliai?msms,s?0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5?131313??1010710727?00?,G,GrG?ou??? F FeFenennnnenelnel l Sl SeSeee???I I c cocou?ldldnd?'t't t f fif????ththithisi???rorodro?ucuctc??inin in? th t?he he s ??oro?e.e. ? I I ??ovoveve ve t th?e e se sis?izeize ?anandnd nd? th? the the p?rir?cece e we wawaswa??jujusust? r ririgrighg?t.t. . . L. LoLovoveov?e te th??e pe pr??mpmptptnt?nesnessss s os ofof f t th the the ?dedel?ivive?ryr?y.y.5?02027027,7?,B0,B?000000H0H2H252?QVQVYVY,Y,A,AF,A?X8X?7J7J8J?HOHONONZNZYZ?O,O,J,?ulu?lialia a B Be Ben??netne??,3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,15,??2022026?0101616060000,?HaHara?d d td tod t? f fi f?indind ind?be?tt?erer,r,","A"AsAs ?anan an a av avividi?d rd ?ricrice? c?raracackckek?er er f?an?, , I, I'I'v'veve ve tve ??rieri?? a a a?lolotlo?t ot of???ifi??erereeren?t ???ariarieietetiet?iesies,s, s,? an andnd nd tnd ??thisthis s is isis is t?? the the b the ?besbe?st st ast asas s fs ?arar ar a as as ??as?tete e ae ane andnd ?avavaavaiail????iliil??y y g gog?ese?. . O. ObObvbvi?ouousousls
ing them all your money, DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT." 5026,B000N5YM10,A2TSPME9OKKA06,elizabeth y. williams,0,0,5,1313107200,Ground Fennel Seed,I couldn't find this product in the store. I love the size and the price was just right. Love the promptness of the delivery. 5027,B000H25QVY,AFX87J8HONZYO,Julia Bennett,3,3,5,1202601600,Hard to find better,"As an avid rice cracker fan, I've tried a lot of different varieties, and this is the best as far as taste and availability goes. Obviousl
yy y s sosomomeme e?ofo? t ththehe e be ?esests? a ????inin n t th t?he he J JaJapapapana?eseseese e ge grg??cec??y ?st?oro?resres,s, , b bubutu???t ?leleae?stst st i inin in m mymy ?cac??e,e, , t, th?eyey'y'r'rere re o ou out????f tf ?thethe the?wawayay y my ?oso?st st ost ofof of?? the th?e te tit?me?.<.<b<brb??/>/><>??r r /r />??he?he che crcraracackckek???? th the?msmseselelvlveveses es a ar arere re sre ?avavovororyory y ay ?andan? c ?crucrununcn??y-y----e-exexaxacactactltlyly y wy ??at??I I l lol??k k???? i in i?n tn ??isis ?snsnanacackac?k (k (a(??? t? thi this? p paparpa?titicti?ulu?ar? m??x x???s ns ??ththi?ngn? b bu butut ut cut crcracr?ack?erersers!ers!)!??.<b.<brbr br? /> /?ThThaTh?ankanksks s ts toto o? th the thes thesese,se????veve ve s st stotoptoppppepeded ???ryiryininging g og ?utut ?ththethe ?reregregug??arar ?gr?ococeocereryer?y s??tortore?re ire imimiimiti?atatiatioiononsn?.".""55050202828,8??0000000F00FPFPKP?ZZZZAZA,A,A,A2A???X1X??3C3??DBDBFB?A,?? H ?aua?geg?e,0e,0,0,0,??5,5?121272?555?232??00?,D,DiDiningingoingo o Bo BoBononeon?es ?arareare e te the thehe he bhe bebesbestst!st!,!?"O"?uru?r Cr CoCor?gigi i? lo l?ve??s as ala?l l s si sizi?es?, ?shshahapha?pespes,? a?ndnd d fd flfla??vorvorsr?s os ofof of Dof ?DinDi?ngong?o B??one??
y some of the best are in the Japanese grocery stores, but at least in my case, they're out of the way most of the time.<br /><br />The crackers themselves are savory and crunchy--exactly what I look for in this snack (and this particular mix is nothing but crackers!).<br />Thanks to these, I've stopped trying out the regular grocery store imitations." 5028,B000FPKZZA,A2I0X163CQDBFA,S Hauge,0,0,5,1275523200,Dingo Bones are the best!,"Our Corgi loves all sizes, shapes, and flavors of Dingo Bone t
??eae???! !??ThTheh???ththeherher r r rerevreviv?ewe??r ?cocomommmmemenentnteteded d? on on n t ththethe e Ve ??NDNDODOROR;R; ; w wewe'we'v'?e e ne neneveve??r gr gog?ot ot?a a?babadad ?DiD?ngn?go go y yey???! ! H HiH?ghg?lyl?? re rececocomcommmmemm?enden?eded!ed?""?505?2929,9,B,B0B0000000F00FPFPKP??ZAZA,A,A,APA?SFSF4F?0I0I1I?1I1?4848282,2???ohohnh?n Dn D.D. .?KnKnonoxox x " """??mimililel?lylymlymam?n"n"""""""",",0,?,1,?,1,1,,1,1,12,1262696969?48?00?0,??ririeiedied ?ououtu? M MeMegegaga ?BoB?ne?!,!???henhen n In I I r re?ceceie??vedve?d td ththith?s s?prprorododuducuctct t it iti?t wt ?asas ?ololdld d ad anandand ?drd?rierieded ed o ou o???! ??DinDing?o o m mamakma???s as a a ga gogoogo?od od p??rodroduducductct.ct. . . I I I bI bubuyuy y ty ththethemthem m a?llll l? th thehe he? ti t?meme me a????mymy y dy ?ogo? l ??vevesves s ts ththe????ut?? th thi th???susupu??lilieierier ?shshoh?oulouldld ld? pa p?y y my mom?re? a?ttttetentent??onon on? to t?o wo ?hahat? t th the theyey y sy shshish?p.p..5?0303030,0,B0,B0B00B00101E1EOEO6O6B6??????ZGZ??WOWO4O4I4?202???D,D,d,dad??ed??andandcandcoconco?fufusu??ed,ed?4,4,4,4,,4,1?,1,1,1,131313101090949??20200200,??do do??notno?t bt ??y ???heshese?,m,?mosmo??t ot ofo?? th the the the? nu nututsut???
reats! The other reviewer commented on the VENDOR; we've never got a bad Dingo yet! Highly recommended!" 5029,B000FPKZZA,APSF40I11I482,"John D. Knox ""smilelyman""",0,1,1,1269648000,Dried out Mega Bone!,When I received this product it was old and dried out! Dingo makes a good product. I buy them all the time and my dog loves them but this supplier should pay more attention to what they ship. 5030,B001EO6BCC,A2ZGYWO4I208XD,dazedandconfused,4,4,1,1310947200,do not buy these,most of the nuts in
t ththeheseses??babaga?s s?wewere?e ?sos??ololdl?? th the?y y h hahada??tuturu?nenede?d bd blblalacackc?? to t?tat?llllyly y wy woworortrththlthlel?essess s ws wiwili?ll ll???vev?er er? or o???er er aer ?agaag?ininn?505???,B,B0B0000101E1?????C,C,A,A2A2F2FBFBWBWTWT8T??Z3Z3Q3QLQLQLQMQ??"T"T.T? R ?. . S. SaSalalialininsin?kyky y "y ?"J"JoJ?ollol???OtOttt?er?er Per ?ioi?neneene???"""""?,5,5,5,6,6,6?1,???303040?2222424040000,00??terte??ibibl?e,e??I I d ?idi?d nd ?otot ot e ??venven n r rerecre?eieivive? t? the the ??or??recrectrect t?prp?odo?ucu??, , w?hahathat t It ?I rI ?recrecereceieivei??d d wd wewerwerere re??awa? U UNU??HEH?LLL??d ?pepeae?nunututst?, , b, ??ut ut h ha had? n no n?o oo ?ptptitioionio?n tn toto o ro ?retretuturturn? t???m m b??cucuauasasese se??mamaza??? d do d?es? n no?????lolowow ?ththith?s.s????atattttetteme?ptptepteded ed t? to to c coconcontn?tacta?ct ct? bu butut ut gut ?otot ot not no?? re r??ly?, , d, dod???notnot t bt ?buybu???roromrom m hm ?herhe?re!re!"!?5??032032,2,B,B0,B00??1EO1E?O6BO6BC?C,C,AC,A3A3J3JJJJAJ?DEDE6E6060Q0?0202S2SWSW,W?,"I,"In,"I?nezne? G ??. S?imi??on?s s "s ??PePeaeaceachcheheshes"s"""""""",""",3,3,3,4,4,4???,12,1??838?484888808??00,I00,InIncn?corcorr?ecectec??OrOrd?er
these bags were so old they had turned black totally worthless will never order again 5031,B001EO6BCC,A2FBWT8OZ3QLQM,"T. R. Salinsky ""Jolly Otter Pioneer""",5,6,1,1230422400,terrible,"I did not even receive the correct product, what I received were raw UNSHELLEd peanuts, but had no option to return them becuase amazon does not allow this. I attempted to contact but got no reply, do not buy from here!" 5032,B001EO6BCC,A3JJADE60Q02SW,"Inez G. Simmons ""Peaches""",3,4,3,1228348800,Incorrect Order
,,","<"<a<a a??rerefef=f="="""?hthttt??:/:////w/wwwww??ama?azazozono?.c.cocomo?/g/?p/p/p/prprorododuducuctct/t/B/?0000101E1EOEO6O?BCBCCC?""?>R>RoRoyoyay?l l?OaO?k k G GoGououru???? V ViViri?gig?nin??a Ra RaRawa??InI? S ShSheh?llll l Pl ?eaeananunututsts,s, , 2 5 P PoPou?ndnd d B BaBaga?? ( (P(??ckck k ok ?f f 3 3)3)<)?/a/???brb? / ?><><b><brbr br / /> />I>???ll ll a apappp???cicia?tet? y ?ou?r ??pepeee?dyd? d dedel?ivivevere??of? m ?y ???ackackak??e,e?, h, ?owo??ve?r r yr yoyouyou u s ?enentnt t mt me? r rar?aw aw?pepeapeananuan?utsuts s ws ?itiththo??ut ut???e e se ?he?ll??? T ThThihisis s is it??m m??? g gogoioin?? i in i??o o a a a g gi gififtf?t bt bab??keket? f ??r ?my?? Pa Pas???or or b ?ec??ususese se h?e e le lolovoveve ve r ra raw?aw paw ?peapeanpea???ts ts??? a? a s a ??elellell.l. . . I I I? do donon'on?t ??avaveve ve tve ???me me tme to? r?etetuetururnur???? th thehemhe?m fm fo?r r tr ththethe the? re req re?ueuese??tedted d pd pr?od??uctuc????ouou ou? ha h???e ae ?alwalwaw??s ?bebeebeenen en p pr p?romrompm?t t wt wiwitwithth th m my my ?or?dederde??s is ins in ?ththethe ?papaspast? a an andnd nd I???rearealallal??y dy ?o ?ap?prpreprecpreci?atatete.te??. T. Th?isis is iis isis
,"<a href="""">Royal Oak Gourmet Virginia Raw In Shell Peanuts, 2.5 Pound Bags (Pack of 3)</a><br /><br />I'll appreciate your speedy deliver of my package, however you sent me raw peanuts without the shell. This item is going into a gift basket for my Pastor because he love raw peanuts in a shell. I don't have time to returned them for the requested product. You have always been prompt with my orders in the past and I really do appreciate. This is
ttht?e e f fif?rsrsts???imi?e ??ouou u s ses?ntnt t mt ?me me a anan n i ini??ororrrrerecectct ?prprorododuducu?ct.ct. . I I'I'l'llll l m ????e ie itit ?wowor?k.k.".""5??3333,3??000010??O6O?BCBCCCC,C?A3A33???2N2?1F1FGFGBGBYBY5Y??,","L"???a a C CiCi i " ?"L"LC"LC"C""?",",2,2,2,4,4,4,1,???252?686?606????,V,VeV??y y?popooo?? s??ervervivici?e,e,"?I I w wowouwoulu?d d a ag agrgrereere?e we ?itithit? t??he he o ??thether? p po p??r r r ?atatitintingngsg? f fo f??or Ror ?oyo??l l Ol OaOak? - ? v vev?eryery y py po?oror or cor ?usu?stostomo?mermer ?se??vivicvi?ce ce f fr fro?? R ??yayalya?l Ol Oal Oak??. W. WeWe ????er?ede?, , t th?isis s ys ?eaearar,r, ?th?? e exexax?ct? s?amameme ?prpropr??ucuctuct ?asas s ls ??astast t yt ye? . W. Wh. Whe?n n in itit it a ar arrrrirr?ve??? t? the th?e ne nunututst??wewerereere ere?nonotot ot t th the the the s sa?????rorodrodu??ct,ct?, a, anandand ???theythe????woulwou?ld ld? no n?ot ot rot re?fufunu????or ???y y sy ??ipi?pip?ingin?? fo for fo???the??re????n.n?. A. AlAlslsoso,o?, t, th, theheyhe?y oy ?nlnlyl?y o???eraeratateate e te ththethe ???w w w?eee?ksks ???atat at p?eaeaneanu?tsts ts a ar are are ?'i'inin in s se sea seasasoasonon.on?' '?OtO????
the first time you sent me an incorrect product. I'll make it work." 5033,B001EO6BCC,A33CC2N1FGBY5T,"Lora Ci ""LC""",2,4,1,1256860800,Very poor service,"I would agree with the other poor ratings for Royal Oak - very poor customer service from Royal Oak. We ordered, this year, the exact same product as last year. When it arrived, the nuts were not the same product, and they would not refund or pay shipping for the return. Also, they only operate the few weeks that peanuts are 'in season.' Otherw
i?sese,e, , e ?mamaiaililsl???ndnd d p php??nen??????ls ls a ar arere e ne nonoto? e ev e??n n? ac ackcknkno?wlwlel?dgdgeg?ed.ed.".""?505???,B,B0B??7W7?PNPNFNFJFJ4J4,??2A2A8A8383535V5?IRIR3R3838E8EFE??,p,????flfle?urur8r848?4,04,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5?131333?717121262646?00??a a v ?verve?y y?gogoooodod d pd prp??oduod??t,t?"I"? r rerecre??mmmmamanmand? t tht??is is p?rorodrodud?uctuct.t???y y cy ?hihilhildl?re?nsns s (s (5(?? an andnd ??? l lol?veve ve??it,it, , p, popououc?heheses ?asas s vs vever?y y uy ?sesefsefufulullll ll e es esps?ece????lyly ?fof???brbrereare??s.s.<.<b<?br br / />/>T>?o o c ch c?? . E. EnEnjnjoj?y"y?"5"???35,35,B????EOEO6O????,A,A3A3M3MPMPJPJUJUOUO2O2S2SAS?A3TA3??M,M,JM,?oyoycoycec???0,00,0,0,50,5,0,5,1,13,1?252525202030320320?0,0,C0,??rir?istis???s ?shshohopho?pip?ngng,g,I,I'I'v've?ve tve trt?rieried??maman?????ffffeferereren????????s ?ofof f??iri?gigininiinia? p pe peaeananuan???s bs bubutut ut? th theheshese?? ar are are e fe fafara?r ar an?and and? aw a?ayay y ty th?e ?bebes??? I ?I'vI'veve ve t?ururnurnenedned d md ?y y ey enententitirtirere re f fafamfa?ililyil?y oy onon on t?o o to ththithisis is bis br??ndnd nd and anand???thetheythe?'v??e oe orordorded?ereereded ??thethemthem m a
ise, emails and phone calls are not even acknowledged." 5034,B007WPNFJ4,A2A835VIR38EFL,ptitfleur84,0,0,5,1337126400,a very good product,"I recommand this product. My childrens (5 and 3) love it, pouches as very usefull especially for breaks.<br />To choose. Enjoy" 5035,B001EO6BCM,A3MPJUO2SA3TUM,Joyce,0,0,5,1325203200,Christmas shopping,I've tried many different brands of Virginia peanuts but these are far and away the best. I've turned my entire family on to this brand and they've ordered them a
llslsoso.o? T ?heheye?'r'?? s susupupepere?b.b..?505?3636,6,B,B0B?0404L4LBLB7B?A5A?W,W?A3A?IDI??OFOFLF?????RYR???ene??en?,1,1,1?,1,,1?5,5,1??969?95950504504040000,00??weweee?t t P PaPapa??ikikak????GoGoooodod d??itithth h?EvEvev??ytyththithiningng!ng?!!?,",?FiFirirsr??t ot ofof f a alalll?, , t th???e e ae ?rere re???o o k kikin?dsd? o of? p papapaprapririkri??? - -? sw s?weeweetet et a???d hd hohotot.t?. . B ?otothoth h ah arareare ?ded?lil?cicioiouousus s bs bub?t t tt ththethe the??zezege?gedge?d sd ???????pappaprpripr??a ??s ??oro?re re vre veverversrsarsata??lel?e te ?thath??? th thehe he??hotho??kikinki?nd nd?(w(whwhihicichic???is is a?ls??o ao ??weswe?somsomeme!e!)!?. ?I I h?avaveve ve b beb?eeneen ?ususiusin?? t? thi thisis ???ic?e e fe fofor? y yey???s s as anandand d td th?the ?HuHunung?arariariaianan an t ty t?pepe pe i isis ?coc???is?tetenenten??y y? be bet?te?? t th tha thanan an aan ?anyan??ot?otheother?? ty typ ty??/b/brb?an?and.and. ?. U. UsUsese e te the t?hishis s os ???memeameatat,at, ?vevegve?gigieiese?, , c, cac?ssssas?aroarolole?s,?? sa s?????, b, bab?kekeded d bd br?ie?s,?s, qs, ?uiuicich?eses,es?, e, egeggeg??did?ishisheheshes,s, ???ri??p,p, , p, pr?etett??y my mum
lso. They're superb. 5036,B004LB7A5W,A3IDPOFLYNBRRY,xengen,1,1,5,1296950400,Sweet Paprika - Good with Everything!!!,"First of all, there are two kinds of paprika - sweet and hot. Both are delicious but the Szeged sweet paprika is more versatile than the hot kind (which is also awesome!). I have been using this spice for years and the Hungarian type is consistently better than any other type/brand. Use this on meat, veggies, cassaroles, salad, baked bries, quiches, egg dishes, shrimp, pretty mu
cchch h?ananynytyththih???. .? I I I??sese e?th?isi???? s ??upu? a al allll l?wiwin?tetere? l lolonong?, , e ???ececic??ll?y y w?itithth th g gugululylyayasa?s ls leleve??as as ( ??thithisthis s is is? a a a t?rarada?ititiit?ononaon?al al H ???ngang?ririaianian n? so s??p p tp ?thothouougoughg???it it i??s os ofoftf?tenten n cn coc?????ede? w wi?th??gogououloulalas?h)h? a an andnd d cd czc?????keke.e.<.??r ?/>/><>?<br<br r /r />r /?ThThihishi?s ps prprorodo????? is is is? th t??e le lalarla??e e re rer?estestatauaururaranrantnt t st sisizizeze,e?, w, whw?hichichch ch i is? is t is ??e e oe ononlonly? s??izeiz???o o?hah?vev?e ie ifif f y yoyouou ou d dodo o ao an?y y ay ama?ouounount? o ?of of??cooco?kikininging g b bebececaecau??se se o on oncncece e ye yoyouyou u?? try tr???thithisthis this? yo y?ou ou wou ?wilwill?? lo lovoveve ve i??'s's ?veverve?sas??ilililit?y!y!!!!!!!!!!?""5505??7,7,B,?00000?UXUXHX?9M9?E,E,A,A2A2L2???333??XVXV4V?969?V,V,P,PaP?atrat??ciciaci? S SmSmimit?h,h,3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,?22223239?42424240400?,E,ExExcx?celcell?enentnt nt Pnt PrPro?du?ct??,","I"I I wI waw?as as sas soso so?plplelealeas?eded ed? wi? with wit????thisthis this pthis ?ur?chchach??ase.ase. ?A A g?rereareat? v ?valvalulueu??sisinsincncence e Ie ?I gI ?gotgot t tt ?
ch anything. I use this in soup all winter long, especially with gulyas levas (this is a traditional Hungarian soup though it is often confused with goulash) and czipetke.<br /><br />This product is the large restaurant size, which is the only size to have if you do any amount of cooking because once you try this you will love it's versatility!!!!" 5037,B000UXH9ME,A2L01339XV496V,Patricia Smith,3,3,5,1223942400,Excellent Product!,"I was so pleased with this purchase. A great value since I got th
e?m m o ?n n a ???on?ththlhlyly y?sasalalele!e?! ! I ??lolovoveve e t tot???ava?ve ve t?heh?ses?e oe ?on on h ha hana????oror r t? the theye?y cy cocomomeme ?inintnto? p ??ayay y sy ?o ?nin???ly? i inin in s?o o mo mam??y y ry rer?cicipi?? .??lwl?ay?s s a? j jojoyo?y ty ?to to hto ha??ve ve ave a a ga ???d d "d """?crc?unu??h"h?"" "" i??n sn sosomso?? r ?recrecicipcipepespes.s?. O. ??e e oe ofe of f m my my y fy faf?avoav?orior?tete e we wawaywaysys s ts to???se? t th thi th?s s ls ?larla?gegere?r cr cac??? is i?s ts tos to o wo ??apap p a a a p a ?ieiececeece e oe ofe of e of b bab?co?n ???ouounundun?d td ththethem???ndnd nd? se s?ecuec?rere re?wiwit?h h a a a t a to?ototh?pipicpi??. . T. ThT?henhen ????ipip ip t th the them the???in in ain a a Aa ApAprp??icoic?ot ot?GiGiningingegerger ??marma?rinrinanadadede ???d d pd puputu? i in in in t th??? ov ove?n n un ununtuntit?l l t? the the the b the ????con con i is??crcricr???. . M. MyMy ?y fay fama?ililyil?y ly lolovlovevesve?s as anan an aan ?appap??ti?zezerer er d di?nnn??r r or ononconcece ce i in? in a in a a wa ?hih?ileile e ae ane a?nd ?th?isis is? is? is o is on?e e oe ofe of e of te of ?the?iri?r fr ?favfavovorori???s.s. s.?BeBe ?mi????ulu?l tl ?thath???ththi?s ?isis is ais a a la lalarlarglar?gerger ger c ca c??an san ??? ha hav ha
em on a monthly sale!! I love to have these on hand for they come into play so nicely in so many recipes. Always a joy to have a good ""crunch"" in some recipes. One of my favorite ways to use this larger can is to wrap a piece of bacon around them and secure with a toothpick. Then I dip them in a Apricot Ginger marinade and put in the oven until the bacon is crisp. My family loves an appetizer dinner once in a while and this is one of their favorites. Be mindful that this is a larger can so hav
e? a a a c ?ououpu?lele ????rerececicipi?????n n m mimin?? f ??? t ththeheme??whwhe?n ?opopepenpeninininging,g, , a??th???ghgh h t th theheyhey y??o o s ststat??y fy frf?resreshsh ?in? t? the the ?frfrifr?? f fo f???? w wh whihilile?.".""55050303838,8???0000T00??XZXZOZOQOQ,Q,A,A2A????P6P6F6F8F8282W2?T5T5H5H,H???ryr?y Cy C,C,1,1,1,1??5,5,1?313131353535393929??00,00,M,Ma,Makakekeses es???GRGRER?ATAT T s sk skik?innin?y ??arargargagar?itita?,N,NoN?? o ?nln??y iy isi?s ts ththeth?e se swswew???enenenere?r gr ?re?ata??in??cocofco??eeee ee? or or r ir ?cec?e te ?teate?a ia ?it it m ma makakeakes?es aes a a sa slslalamammmmiminmin n sn skskikinki?nyny ny? ma mar margr????itaita.a. .??AlAlsl?o o to trtryry ry? th? thei theirir ?AgAga??a a Sa ??mpm?pleple ?SySyry????????VEVE E??TT?505??9,9?,B0,B00004004Q4??UGUGZGZYZ??,A1,A1L1LSLSZS?XIX?????EDE?C,C,SC,ShShah???? A An A?nnenne,e,0,???,1,5,1,5,??13113191?585878?20200200,0,"0,"A"AdA?didining? a a ?""""t"??oucouchch h oh ?of of h heheaheavavevenen"en?"","", , b, bubutu??????ou?t t at ??ny ??of of tof th?the the??otothotheherher!r!"!",",","I"I I a ad adodordorere re u ?sisining????isis is?ve?ry?ry vry va?ninilnillllala la? be b?an? p papasa?steste e Ee ?SPSPEPECE
e a couple of recipes in mind for them when opening, although they do stay fresh in the frig for a while." 5038,B000T8XZOQ,A2VBRP6F82WT5H,Mary C,1,1,5,1313539200,Makes a GREAT skinny margarita,Not only is the sweetener great in coffee or ice tea it makes a slammin skinny margarita. Also try their Agava Simple Syrup - LOVE IT 5039,B004QPUGZY,A1LSZXI63N8EDC,Sharon Anne,0,1,5,1319587200,"Adding a ""touch of heaven"", but without any of the bother!","I adore using this very vanilla bean paste ESPEC
IIAIALA?LYLY Y f fof?r r m ?? c crcrer?ama???ieieses s a anandnd d i ici?e e c?re? .?WhWhyhy,y, , i it i?'s's s ls lil?kek??ada??ini?g g? a a " """"t"totououcuchch h o ?f f h heheaeaveavevenen"n"""",""???utut t w wiwitiththohououtou???anyany ?of? t th?e e be bob?th?therthe?r or ?of ??crcracrapapi???? ou out? v vav?anianililll?? b bebeaeanea? p??dsds.s. . T. ThT??? fl f?lavlavovoror or i is is s as ?lslsos? b?etettt???r tr ?to to??y ?li???inging g tg to?o ?ththathan? v??ani????a ba ?beabean?s.??ThTheTh??prprir?iceic??isis s Ws WAWAYAY,Y, ?wawayay ??betbettttetterer er t???o ao anandan??it??? s ?totorto?resres ?faf?bu??ouousouslslyl?y o?n ?ththethe the s sh shehelhelflf ?foforfor r ar agagegeses!es!<!?brbr ?/>/><><b<br<b??r />r />F>FoFor??cocomombmbib?inein??d sd shshih?ppppipin?g,g, ??e ?sus??re re t to? g ?getget t tt ??theitheirir r Sr ?WEWEEEETE??DOD?UGUGHG??FLFLALAVAVOVORO?ININGNG G a?nd? P ?OWOWDWDEDEREREREDED D V VAVANANINILILL?A A t? too too.o. ?YoY?ou'ou??ll ll?? be be g gl g?ladlad ?yoyouou ou d dididdid!d!<!<b!<?br br / />?<b?<br <br / /> />F>Fo>F?or or mor momor?e e ce cocoocookokikinkingng ng tng ?ip??s &s & &? te tece??????? g go g??glglele e me ?my my n nanam?e e Se ?hah?rorononAn?nnn?e.e?""5
IALLY for my cream pies and ice cream. Why, it's like adding a ""touch of heaven"", but without any of the bother of scraping out vanilla bean pods. The flavor is also better to my liking too than vanilla beans. The price is WAY, way better too and it's stores fabulously on the shelf for ages!<br /><br />For combined shipping, be sure to get their SWEET DOUGH FLAVORING and POWDERED VANILLA too. You'll be glad you did!<br /><br />For more cooking tips & techniques... google my name SharonAnne." 5
00404040,0?B0B000020262???UPU???A2A?919?TCTCXCX4X4B4??Y4Y??A,A,C,?ede????2222,2,2??,5,5,5?121?26226?0404404??0000,00,M,?y y F FaF????y'y's's s??1 1? Fo F??mumulu?a,a,","E"EnEnfnfafamamiam?il il P PrPrereme?????LiLipipipilil ?FoForormor?mulmulala la i isi??ththehe e s ?am?e e ae asas s t?he? p prp?revre?ioiouo?s s fs flflalagla?shs?ipip ip?MeMeaeada? J ??hnhnsn?ono? f fofor?ormuorm?ulaula-a----E-EnEnfEn?famfamimilmi? L Li Lipipiipil???exexcxcecepeptpt t??thathatat t it ?t ?hah?as as " """"p"pr??????ici?s"s?"" "" a ??ded?ed ed i in in.n? ???r r s so s?? w wawasas ?on?on Eon ?EnfEnfaEnf?amiamilami?l Ll LiLipLipipilpi?l fl ?ror?m m Sm ?ep?tet???ere?????7-7-S-??ptptept???erer er??200?8.8?. . H HeHe e we wawaswas ?brb?reareasastas?fefeded ??ndnd d fd fo?rmrmurm??ula ula f?ed?ed ded ??uriur?ngng g t?hihishis s ts tis timi?e.e. . ??OurOur ??dauda??hth?terter,r, r, w wh whoho o??s ?duduedu?e ie in? J Ja J?anuanuauararyar?y 2y 2020120??0, 0, w??illil?l al alalslsoso so b bebe be b?rereareasrea?tftfetfeded ?ed aned and? f fo forormormuormulormulala ?fe?d ???? h ??r r fr fif??st?????r r or ofo???ififefe.fe?. . W. WeW?e te trt?ieied?ed ted twt?o ??ththetherer ??for?mumulmulamul???wiwitithith h o ?ourour r sr ?sonson-n?--S--SiS
040,B0026RHUP8,A291TCX4BEY4JA,Cedar,22,24,5,1262044800,My Family's #1 Formula,"Enfamil Premium Lipil Formula is the same as the previous flagship Mead Johnson formula--Enfamil Lipil--except that it has ""prebiotics"" added in. Our son was on Enfamil Lipil from September 2007-September 2008. He was breastfed and formula fed during this time. Our daughter, who is due in January 2010, will also be breastfed and formula fed for her first year of life. We tried two other formulas with our son--Si
??ililalacac c A AdAdvd?anancncec? a anandand d?PaPararerene??'s's s??hohoioici?ce.ce. .? T ?hehe ??imi?milmilalaclac ?waw?s ?fifini?e e be ?utu? c ??umumpmpep??d bd babadadld???. . D DuDuru?ininging g t ththehe he t ti timimeime ?wewe e ee exe?peperperirimri?en?tet?? w wiwiti?th th t th thehe he Phe ?ParPare??nt'nt's's 's???hoihoiciceice e fe fof??mumulu?la,la? m ?y y s ??? w?as? c?ononsonsisisi?tetententntlntly? t tr t?ououbu?leleded ???y cy ??ldl?s s as ?andand and t th the the e fe fle . . I. ? t th???k k t th the the the P Pa P?arear?ent?'s?'s C's ChChoChoioicoicece ce f ?forfo??ululaula a l ?owowe?reredre?d hd hihisis is i ?immimmumunmu?itityity y sy so??mehme??w w a an andn?d wd wiwilwillll l?ne?veverer r u ususese e ie itit it? ag agagaia? ?. I. I . I b ?eleliliei?veve ve t th?ata??MeMeaeadad ad J JoJohohnh?sosonson'n's's ?dedececicisisiis??on on t?o o u us usese se p prprerebrebibioiotio?ic?s s is is?is ais ????odod ?ononeon??. ?OuOurur ur? so sonon ?hahad?ad cad cocolco??c/c/a/?aciac?d d rd re?flf??? i?n n pn papar?t t bt ??cacaua?useus????s ??igi?esest??veve ve sve sys?ststestemem m w??s s ns nonotot t yt ?etet t pt ????ula?tetedted ?d wid w???? th the the the g the go?odod od b ba bacactacte?ririari???forfor for???reareaka?ininging ing?dodowownown ?mimil
milac Advance and Parent's Choice. The Similac was fine but clumped badly. During the time we experimented with the Parent's Choice formula, my son was consistently troubled by colds and the flu. I think the Parent's Choice formula lowered his immunity somehow and will never use it again. I believe that Mead Johnson's decision to use prebiotics is a good one. Our son had colic/acid reflux in part because his digestive system was not yet populated with the good bacteria for breaking down mil
kk k???ototet?ininsns.s. .? H HeH??wawasas s a a a?lol?? m ?oro??e ce ?omomfmfofor??aba?lel??afaftf?terte?? we w????tarta?tetedted d p?ututtttit?ingin? a a a l li l?ttttltt?le le C ?ulultltutururerelre???le (le (a(a a pa ??obobib???icic)c??inin in h hihisi?s fs ??rmr?ul?a ?inin in tin ??e e ee eve?eneninining??. . A AnAndnd d sd sisinincincec?e ae a e a l?ot?ot oot ofof f o ?urur ur i im immmmu?nene ?e sye sysyst?????s s is ?????r ?didigi?eseststist?veve ve??raraca??, , h????ada????wewere??sisicsickc?k dk ?ayaysys ys a af a??erer er i in i??trotrododud?cicining???hehe he??ulultultuturturerelrellrellele.le. . . P. PrP?robrobibiobi??oticoticscs s as ?ndnd nd p pr pre??bio???cs? w wi wili?ll ll a al a?soso o h he hel helpl??? inf in?anantantsts ??rebreborebouounoundnd nd fnd ?roromrom m tm ththethe e ne nenegnegagatati?ve?ve eve ??fefecfectctsct?s os ofof of a an antntint?bibiobiot??icsics s ls liliki?e e a?momoxmoxixiciciicilillil?linli? q ?uiuicickickekerke?.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><>?<br<br ????ege?garga??dindi?g g tg ?the????a ?fo?unundnd nd ind in?in fin ?forformformu?lala a ca ?an?? li lin li?nernersrs,s, , I, ? t ta talalklkekedked ??o ?an?an Ean EnEnfnfafamfamimil? c cucusuststost?omeom?????erverviv?iceice e re rerepreprprepr???ententatattati???e we ?hoh?o to to?
k proteins. He was a lot more comfortable after we started putting a little Culturelle (a probiotic) in his formula in the evening. And since a lot of our immune system is in our digestive tract, he had fewer sick days after introducing the Culturelle. Probiotics and prebiotics will also help infants rebound from the negative effects of antibiotics like amoxicillin quicker.<br /><br />Regarding the bpa found in formula can liners, I talked to an Enfamil customer service representative who tol
?d d?mem??tht??? M ??adad ???hnh?sosono? n nonowow w u ususeseses s?cacanansns ns t th t??t t at ararere e le lil??ede??wiwiti?th th?a a?""""m"?ododidififif??ed ed?popololyl?es?tetere?""? t th tha thatat at?isi?s bs ?papa a fa frfrereeree.e. . S SiS?mimililalacac c?AdAdvd??ancan?e ?EaEararlarlylyslyshshihieielieldld ??omomemesmes s is in? a a a?bp???frfrefreeee e ce cacancan n an alalsl?so so ( ?ththeth?e Se ??mpmplplelePe?ac?????tataiain?erer)er).).<.??? / />/><><b?r r /r />????th???r cr coconconcncecerce?n ?paparpa??ntn???hahavha??e ie ?? t th the the ?e coe c?stst ??? f fof???ulula??. . ????me me b br braran??d fd fo?rm???asas s as ar??e ee exexpxpepenens???ve!ve! ! B ?utut t it if? y yoyouo?? th thi thininkin???bobou?t t it itt it,t???ouou ou? ar a?re re f fe f???dindi?g g a a a h a huhumu?an? b?eieininging ???for for a ab abo abououtout out $ $1$?5 5 a a a w a wew?eekeek k (k (a(a a ca ?cancan can u us ususuaualallallyly ly l la?ststssts s us us??1.1.5.?5 t5 toto o?2 2 w we????).? ?$1$15$1?5 a5 a ?weweeweekweek ?isis is pis pe????utsut??co?mpmpampar?aredared d td ??? wh w??? a? a h a hu a hunung?ryry y t te tee???geger? d ?evevov?ouroursr?! ! ! A??d d wd wid w?ithith h n?amameame e be brbrabran?and and f fo f?ormormu?la
d me that Mead Johnson now uses cans that are lined with a ""modified polyester"" that is bpa free. Similac Advance Earlyshield comes in a bpa-free can also (the SimplePac container).<br /><br />Another concern parents have is the cost of formula. Name brand formulas are expensive! But if you think about it, you are feeding a human being for about $15 a week (a can usually lasts us 1.5 to 2 weeks). $15 a week is peanuts compared to what a hungry teenager devours! And with name brand formula
s? y ?ouou u a ararere e g gegetettt?iningn? t ?hehe ???sosololulututet?e be beb??t t p ??ododuducuctct t at avavav???abablablele-e?-B-???l l??ata??s s cs ?ou??dndn'n't'?t bt bub?? a???betbett?erer r f fof??mum?la?? th thah?n n w ?hahathat't's's s os ????theth???hehelhe?veves? a at at t Tt TaTar?gegetge?t ot or??WaWalal-l-m-?ar?t.t.<.<b<brbr r /r ??<b<br<br r /r />r /?IfI? y yo y?ou ou??re??? a n a nenewew w????enentn?t at ant andn?? fe feee?l l ol ovo?ververwr???elmelmemede??byb??ththethe the i ininfinfaf?antan??foforform?ul?? s ses?ct??onon on??f f yf ?youyourur r gr grg??cec???y sy ststost??e e (e ?asas ?? w?as? i in in ??epeptptetemtembmbe???202???),)? I ?I sI ?uguggggegesgestst st s???art?in??g wg ?itithth th t? the th??flfla?gsg?shish?p p f?orormormu?lala la ola ofof of e eie?ithithe?r ?MeMeae?d d Jd ??hnh?sosonson ?(E(?nfnfa?mimilil il P PrPre?mi?umum m?LiL?ipiipil?),), ), A AbAbbbbobototttt tt L?ababoabororaor?atoator??eses es (es (S(SiSimimimilmi?lacla? A Ad A??vanvancn?ce ce E EaE?arlarlylysyshshishieshiel?d)d),?), o), or?or Nor NeNesestes?lele le ( (G(GoGooood? S ?????t Gt GeGen?tltletle e Pe PlPlu?s s os ors or r Gr ?GooGoodod od Sod St?ar?art art P Pr Pro?tetectectct ct? Pl Pluluslus)lus?. . ?ThT?heyhey y ay ?are
s you are getting the absolute best product available--Bill Gates couldn't buy a better formula than what's on the shelves at Target or Wal-mart.<br /><br />If you are a new parent and feel overwhelmed by the infant formula section of your grocery store (as I was in September 2007), I suggest starting with the flagship formula of either Mead Johnson (Enfamil Premium Lipil), Abbott Laboratories (Similac Advance Earlyshield), or Nestle (Good Start Gentle Plus or Good Start Protect Plus). They are
? a ?llll l??xcxcecele?llellenentnt t?ini?fafanant??foforormrmum???s.s. .????u u j ?ususts??hahavaveve e?tot? s seseee?e we whw?????or??s s f?or??yoy?ou ou a an andn? y yo you?r r b bab?byb???5505?4141,1,B,B0B??2626R6?HUHUPU??,A,??JGJ?U6U666?EGE?YRYRDRDKDKDKD,D,B,Br,Brurucucece ce M M.M?. K. ?oeo?pppp,p,2,2,2,2,2,,2??,1,121??474?68680800000000,0,g,gog?odod ?bub?t ?lolototsts ??f f c cacanansans,s,","I"I I w ?isishsh h I I I fI fo??ndnd nd? th t?e ??lalasla??icic c r rerefefif??ll ll?papacackc?? i in insnststesteaeadad d od of??6 6 g ??an?t ?mem?tat?L L? ca c?ansans ans - ? s se s?eemee????iki???a a??????of ?wawasastasteteded d pd papacpackckackagagigingingng.g. . . ??? ju jusustust t dt dididi??'t'?t kt knk??w w? to to ???oko? f fo for fo?r tr ?hehemhem m???titil? m mumucmuchch h lh lalatlate???. . B. BuB?ut,ut, ,? it itsts ts m mu m????chchechea?pepere??frfroromom m am amamamazazozonon n t th?an?? th the the ?go??cerceryr? s st s??? ??ro??babbablb?y y ay ababoab?outout t tt th?e ??amameame e pe pre priric??e ae ase as s cs ?????? b bu butut ut n nono no t?axax x h ??rere re a an?d d sd susupupeperper ?????venvenin?en???. A. ??nd,nd, ??thethe the f fo for?mu??la la??ixi?eses
all excellent infant formulas. You just have to see what works for you and your baby." 5041,B0026RHUP8,A2JGU66EGYRDKD,Bruce M. Koepp,2,2,4,1284768000,good but lots of cans,"I wish I found the plastic refill packs instead of 6 giant metaL cans - seems like a lot of wasted packaging. I just didn't know to look for them until much later. But, its much cheaper from amazon than the gocery store. Probably about the same price as costco but no tax here and super convenient. And, the formula mixes
wwewelellll,l, ,?mym? k kik?d d l ?ovovev?? i itit t a ?ndn??(m(??sts?t it imi?poporortr?anantan?lyly)y) )?hihisi?s ps ?poopo?psps s ss seseee?m m n nonorormormamala?...?..n..nonotno??nan?st???fofor???lala a??poopooppoopsps ps? if if f y yoy?? k?nonownow w w whwhah?t t It ? m?eaeanan!an!"!""5?040??,B,B0B000020?6R6?HUH?P8P8,8,A,A2A???YRYR6R6D6DCDCNC?KHKH5H5858,8,j8,jajaca?kok?oo?,2,2,?3,3?4,4,1,12126265265555858758727202?00,00,G,GrG??eateat t Pt PrProrododuducuctct,t,A?lolotlot t ot ???momommomsms s ls lilikikeke e m??? li likikeik?e te ?hi?s s is ititeit?? b bebece?aua?se? o ouourou?? ba bababibieieses es? ha h?veve ve? no n??cocononsnststast?papat??onon on o?? i it it t it i t i l lo lov??e ie ?it it v ?verve?y ???uchuch.h..550504043043,3,B3,B0??026026R6RH6RHUHUPHUP8P8,P8?,A3,A3F3FOFODOD6D6969393B3BHB??H8H??2,e2,elelsel?ie?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1?28284842?4949696060000,00,c00,chc?eaeapeapep?r ?ththathan? a??ywywh??ereere ?elels???"n"nono no g gag???foforfor ????y,y?, n, no?no eno ???rar?a ba ?ubu?blbleleses ??whewhenwhe?n yn ?youyo??shs?hakha?ke ke i it it it i?n n wn waw?rmr?m om ?? c?olo?d d wd wa?teterer,er??mim??es???perperfrfefecectectltlytly ??itithit?ou????mucmu?ch ch t ?imimeime.e?...... . t th thihishis his i is is s es ?easeasys?.
well, my kid loves it and (most importantly) his poops seem normal...not nasty formula poops if you know what I mean!" 5042,B0026RHUP8,A2JAYR6DCNKH58,jackooo,2,3,4,1265587200,Great Product,Alot of moms like me like this item because our babies have no constapation on it i love it very much. 5043,B0026RHUP8,A3FOD693BHIH82,elsie,0,0,5,1284249600,cheaper than anywhere else,"no gas for baby, no extra bubbles when you shake it in warm or cold water, mixes perfectly without much time... this is easy.
m mym????d d w wawasa? h ?apa?pyp?y sy sws?wapwa?ppippiningng g f ?ror????rer?asastast t m mi mililkl? t ?o o t th thihisis s ws wiwiti?h h?nono o ho ???ititaitatatitioi?n n w wh whehenhen n mn mymy my? mi mil milklk lk?drdririei?d d ud upu??at? 6 6m6mtmththsths.s.".""?5050404444,4?B0B?0202626R6RHRHUH???,A,??7U7UEU?707?DJD??J4J4E4??,","O"OnO??inineine e?ShS??ppppeppere??"""?AmA?my"my"""""""",",1,1,1,2,2,2,5,?,1,12,1?26826?434383?84084?00,00?OuO?r ?chchohoihoicicece e oe ofof f f?orormrmumululal?,W,?e e he hahadhad d td to? m mo m??e e te to??fofor????? w wh?enen ?ouourur ur b ba bababyb?y wy wawaswas s 8s 8 8 w we w???s.s. s. W We? h??ve? f fo?unundnd ??nfn?ama??? P ?reremremimiumiumu?m tm to?to mto ?mixmi? e eaeaseasisiesierer er? th tha thanan n tn th?e ??regregug??ara?r Er En?fafamfami?l l L ?? .????r br babababyaby y hy ?hashas ?hahad? n??o do ??gegesestes?tivtive?ve ive isissis?ueu?es es f fr froromrom ?m thm t?he he f fo?rmrmurm?ula?. ?I I l ?ovoveov?e ge ge?ttt??ng??itit it????bub??k k fk frfrofromom om A ?AmaAmazazozonon on a??s is it?it sit sas?aveav?es es tes ththe? w? wee we??lyly y ty trt?riprip p tp toto to tto ththethe the sthe ststo?rere re? fo for?? fo? form for?mulmulamula.a. . T. ?he??prpri?ce? ( (w(wiwitwithth th f? fre fr?ee ee?shs?hiphi
my kid was happy swapping from breast milk to this with no hesitation when my milk dried up at 6mths." 5044,B0026RHUP8,A37UE70DJQJ4EN,"Online Shopper ""Amy""",1,2,5,1268438400,Our choice of formula,We had to move to formula when our baby was 8 weeks. We have found Enfamil Premium to mix easier than the regular Enfamil Lipil. Our baby has had no digestive issues from the formula. I love getting it in bulk from Amazon as it saves the weekly trip to the store for formula. The price (with free ship
ppip??g)g) ) i isi? c ??mpmpap?rar???e e w ??thth h l lolococacalal l g grg?ococeoc?ryr? s sts?ororereses s is inin in t th?e e Ae AuAusust?in?in Ain ?rereare?..5505040454?,B,B0B0000202626R6??UPUP8P8,8,A,A1A?2F2???H9H9292V2??7R7R3R??"s"??eve??e me momor?sese e "e """"k"?alaloal??"""""""",",1,1,1???5,?12??494989828??0000,00?OuO?? b ?ababyab?y ly ?lovlovevesve??th?isis is??ili??.,.???ur ur???aby? l lo l?vevesves ves???? A AnAndnd d? Am Amamaza?ono? i?s s vs veververyry ry r re?liliaiabablab???anandnd nd f ?asa?? f fr fre??e se sus??erer er? sa savave?ver ver s sh s???pi?ng? i is is is a al a?waw?ysys s as a a g?ooo?d d dd ?eaeal?. ?ThT?an?ksks s as ams ama??zonzon.n..5.??4646,6,B,B0,B00?26??RHURHUP??8,A8,?3Q3QCQC6C6K6?3Q3QE3QEGEGPGPDP?6U6?,","B,"?CNCN N??""B""BC?N"N"""""""",""",1,1,,1,3,?3,53,5,5,15,125,1272?05059598984984040040?,V,VeVer?y ?HaH?ppppyppy,y,"?? r re r??????the?r r rr rerevrevivieiewe?s s bs beb?fofororeore ????ininging g a an a?????theythey y ay arareare ??otot ot e enencncocorcora??in??...?. B. BuButut t s st stitilillill l fl foforfo?r sr ?????re?reasreaso?nsns,s? I ???otot ot ot t to t?? bu b?uy uy ( ?toto to?ususeuse e me mye m?y a???mazomaz?? g gi g??t t ct ?carca?d)d).). . . B Bu Butut ut
ping) is comparable with local grocery stores in the Austin Area. 5045,B0026RHUP8,A12F17H92V87R3,"steve morse ""kaloy""",1,2,5,1264982400,Our baby loves this milk.,Our Baby loves it. And Amazon is very reliable and fast free super saver shipping is always a good deal. Thanks amazon. 5046,B0026RHUP8,A3QC6K3QEGPD6U,"BCN ""BCN""",1,3,5,1270598400,Very Happy,"I read other reviews before buying and they are not encoraging.. But still for some reasons, I got to buy (to use my amazon gift card). But
?ththehene??I I?amam m v vevereryry y h ?apappppypy y wy wiwitith? t th?? p pupururcrchchahashasese.e. . D ?elelil?veververyry ry i isis s p pr proromompmptp?. . Q. QuQuauanantntit?ityity y iy ?is is c ????ecectct t??. O. OvOvever?? al a?l l a? f fef?w w b bubucuckcksks ???vivini??s ??thathanan an y ??? b?uyuy ???t at a a r ??tat???l sl shshoh??.".?5505040474?,B,B0B000?2626R6RHR??P8P8,8,A,A2A?5H5HTHTBTBLBL4L4Y4Y9Y?UZUZQZQUQ?,L,L.L. ?LiLi,i,1,1,1,6,6,6?,1,,1,1,12,1272747??000000000000000,000,O,???er er p? pri pr???d,d,","G"GoGo o t to to o Co CoCoso?tctcoco,co, ,???d d y?ou? c ca c?an an ban bu??y ly lolowowew?er er ter ththathanthan n tn ?thithisis is is p pr??cece ce p?er?er oer ozoz.z. ?CuCur?re??ntlntlyly ??3232 2 ( ?$3$3 $3?ofoffff f? re regegugululalarar r $ $3????9)9?+ + t???? fo f?or or b bi bigi? s ?izizeze e =e = = 0$3??ozoz.oz.<.????/>/><><b<br<br r /?>B>BeBesesisidsidedeses,es, ??it it i??s ms momororeore e ce ??nvnvi??iei?entent t tt toto ???returetururnur?n in ?f f yf yoyouyo?u ku ?idid d dd dodoeoes??nonotot t lt ?liklikeke e te ?thithisthis s fs ?orormormumul?a<a?<br<br <br / ?/></>?<br<br ?/>/>B/>?Be Be? ca car care?fuf??, , m, mamananyany y ty ti?memes?es ses ?om?e e se ?selse?lleller??s os ovoveverver ver pver prpriric?e e ae ?a pa ??odo?uc?t,t, ?an
then I am very happy with the purchase. Delivery is prompt. Quantity is correct . Over all a few bucks savings than you buy at a retail shop." 5047,B0026RHUP8,A25HTBL4Y9UZQU,L. Li,1,6,1,1274400000,Over priced,"Go to Costco, and you can buy lower than this price per oz. Currently $32 ($3 off regular $34.99)+ tax for big size = 0.83$/oz.<br /><br />Besides, it is more convinient to return if you kid does not like this formula<br /><br />Be careful, many times some sellers over price a product, an
dd d s ststit??? m mamaka?e e t ???e pe ?ror???ctc???ana?? i ?n n t th thehe he b ?ese?st st s se s?llllellere???""5505040??,B,B0B??2626R6RHR??P8P8,8,A8,A3A3B3?EAE????6B6BIBIGI?5I5?,M,MeMeme?ma,ma,1,?,6,6,6,1,1,,1?,12,12626926?99??606?00,00?EnEnfn?amamim?il il P PrPrerem????????erer er?2323.3.4.? c cacan? - - -?? p pkp?,","B"BeBe ?cacarcare??ulu?l wl whwhehenhen ?od?ererierin?g g t th thi thisi???????ususes?????y y s sa sayay y iy itit't???a a 6 6 6 p?k,? b bu butut t yt yoyouou u w wiwilillil?l ol ononln??y gy geg?t ?a a 4a 4 4 p4 pkpk,pk, , p, ?lul?us us t th?e ?foforormr???a ?gogoeoes??ououtou?t it in? 4 4 4 m4 ???ththsths.s. s. ???? if i? y yoyouyou ?dididi??lilikikeke ke I ? d dididdid ?anandand d gd ?gotgot t it itt it ??ararlrlyly ly f fo?r r?grgra?ndn??hihil?drdre??n yn ?you???ou?? o?f f lf ??ckck!k! ! S SoSo So I I I?knknon?ow ow? I I w I wi?llll ll n nonotno?t bt bebe be? bu buy buyiyin?ing ing o??f f of ???th?is? s?it?e e ae agagag?inin ??forfor for f?ooo?od od f fo????y y g?raranrandrandcdchdchi???dredr?n,n, ??becbeca?causcause?? th? they they y wy ??on'on't't ?t bet b??e abe ablblele e te toe to o eo ?eatea?t i????5?04????00??26R26RHRHURHUPUP8UP8,8,A8,A18,A1H1H4H?0Y0YTY
d still make the product rank in the best sellers." 5048,B0026RHUP8,A3BEAABX6BIG5I,Mema,1,6,1,1269993600,Enfamil Premium Power 23.4 can - 6 pk,"Be careful when odering this, because they say it's a 6 pk, but you will only get a 4 pk, plus the formula goes out in 4 months. So if you did like I did and got it early for grandchildren your out of luck! So I know I will not be buying off of this site again for food for my grandchildren, because they won't be able to eat it." 5049,B0026RHUP8,A1H40YT
B?GQG?TVTVWV?Y,Y,","L"L.L. . K KoK?ffffifi i?""""V"VeVegegagana???l"l"""""""?,4,4,4,2,2121,1?1,1,11,1212727676464747373636060000,0??eae?? a ???d rd rerea?d d wd ?elelll?.,.?,"I,"?? o ononen??re?adadsad? t tht?isis s ps prprorododuducuctc?s s is ?ngn?reredre?ieienentntsts ts? th t?eyey y w wiwilill? f ?finfindnd d td ththath?t t? th the th?e fe ???sts?t it iningingrgregr??diedienentent t i??s cs cocowo?s s ms mimil??? t th the?n n?SUS??ARAR R?(d(didiadi?beb?tit?? m mam?kekerer)r),)?, t, ththethenen en m mi mil?ilk,ilk, ?agagagaigain?. . T. ?hehe he???uru?thth th i ?ingingringre?redired??ntnt nt????susunu?flf?owoweowerer er? oi oilil,il, , f, ?fiffiftfthth th ith ???ingreingred?ieien???t ist is t is???altal??odeodexextxtrtririn???hihichi?h h??? s ststastararcrchch ch p pr??oduoducuceuceded ed??roromro? g gr??inin in cin coconcontntant?ainai?ininging ing t th??? su sugugagargarsrs rs?? mal maltl?tostoses?e ae anandand and d dedex??tritrinin,in??wiwitwithth ??the?? se s?vev??enthent?h ih ??ingringre?didiediendientnt ?bebeibein??, ?geg??? th thi thisis,is, , t, tu, t??a a f fi fis??? ?. Th. The??y ey eveveeven?en fen fef?eateatuturureur?e ve viviti??mi?n ?D3D3,3, ???hichichhich h ih ish is s as ?anianimimamalma? d????ve?d.d. . T. Th. The. Therereere e a?re? f fo?urur ur? di dififfffeff?
BGQTVWY,"L. Koffi ""VeganGal""",4,21,1,1276473600,Read and read well.,"If one reads this products ingredients they will find that the first ingredient is cows milk, then SUGAR (diabetic maker), then milk, again. The fourth ingredient is sunflower oil, fifth ingredient is maltodextrin which is starch produced from grain containing the sugars maltose and dextrin, with the seventh ingredient being, get this, tuna fish oil. They even feature vitamin D3, which is animal derived. There are four differ
?enentn? s ??gagarar r s so s??rcr??s s i ?????t at anandnd d s so som someme e a ?artar?ifi?icicic??? f flf?avavovoror ?foforor or?gogoooodod ?memeame?su?rer?. . I IfIf f?wewe e re ?reare?allallyly y?ththihininkink k a ab a?ou?t ?????t w?e e ae ararear?e fe ?eee?didiningin??ou?r r br bababa??eses,es, ,????ldld ?wewe we u usu?e e te ththithisi??prprorododuoducu?t?t? ?? I I?knknon?w w I I I w I wowou??dndn'n??. . K. KnKno?w w yw ?ouourour our f?oooodoo?d sd sos?ourourcour???.".?5505??50,50,B,B0B0000101E1EOE?6B6BCBC2C2,2??RIRIUI??AWAWJWJUJULUL3L3O3OTOT,T,D,DaDavaviavidid ?CoC?orror??5,5,5,5,,5,5,5,,5,1,5,??818131313?12012?00000?,p,pepeae?anuanutu?t bt brbrir?ttttltlele,e,H,?avaveave e te tre t???ed ed a a a f fe fewe??di???ferfererenre?nt nt p ?peapeananuanutanu?t bt brt briritrittttlttlele'le's's s fs frfro?? A ?mamaza?onon n an ?andan?d td ?thithisthi???is is b byby y fy fafarar ar t th thehe ?beb??t.t. t.???t it ?is is Lis ?OAO?DEDEDE?? wi w??h h p pe pea?nunututsut?s p?lulusus us b?eiein?ing ing? in i?n a? s se seaealealeledled d td tid tinin in?ma?kek?es es i it it it? se?eme?m fm frfrefreseshes?herher ?wiwitit it m mi m?iniin?ma????brebreaeakeakakagagege.?5505????,B0,B0000100?1EO1EO6???2,?A3A3K3KBKBUBUTUTSTSISIFIFXFX0X?K9K9V9V,V?StStetevevev?e,1e,?1,11,?1,11,1,1,1,1,1313413464646
ent sugar sources in it and some artificial flavor for good measure. If we really think about what we are feeding our babies, would we use this product? I know I wouldn't. Know your food sources." 5050,B001EO6BC2,ARIUEAWJUL3OT,David Corr,5,5,5,1281312000,peanut brittle,Have tried a few different peanut brittle's from Amazon and this is by far the best. It is LOADED with peanuts plus being in a sealed tin makes it seem fresher wit minimal breakage. 5051,B001EO6BC2,A3KBUTSIFX0K9V,Steve,1,1,1,13464
5?7676060000,0??otottt?ono? U ?popon??ReR?ceceie?ptpt,t????sese e w ?ererer?e re raranancncic?d d u upupoponpon n rn ??ce?ipiptipt.t????ererrer?ibiblblele.e?. . V VeV??y y l liliti??lele le s ?ugugagara? i ?f f a ananyany y uy ??sedse?. ?. S. SoSomomemete?hihiningng g w we wene?? w wr w?onongong g wg ???? t th?es??e ae ?s s I I I c ?anan'an?t t bt beb?lilielieve?e e a????oneon?e we wow?ululdld d sd se?e e te ?thithisis s as asas as a??fifin?alal l p ?ro??ucu??t. t. B ?otothoth ??cancansn?!!?5050505252,2?B0B0000000??3Z3ZFZ?IKI?,A,??EEEEHE?6B6B3B3G3???V0V???"M"MoMom??ofo??TwTwowo wo " """"E"ElElilizlizazaba?betbeth?"""""""",",0,0,0,00,0,?3,3,1,131303?666626272?2020000,00,G,GoG?odo??grgrarahra?amam m c cr craracra??er?s s fs foforor r mr ???kik?idsids,s?,"I,"I I lI ?liklike?? th thahathat t tt th?thesthesese se a ar a?re re? or orgr?ganganinicic c a???d dd dodonon'on?'t 't???veve ve c co cor?n n sn ?yry?up??. . M. MyM??y kiy k?idsids ids a an?d d Id I I bI ??oth? l li likike???thethemthem.m??. I. ??d d gd gid giviveve ?ththe?them them 5 5 5 s st stat????bubutu??I ?non??ic???d ed eae?arlarlilielierlier r tr ththithisthi?s ys yeyea?r ??ha?hat hat t? the theyey y cy ??hanhangngeng?ed ed? th the the the?rerecrecirecip??? ??TheThe e ce crc??rackrac?
57600,Rotton Upon Receipt,These were rancid upon receipt. Terrible. Very little sugar if any used. Something went wrong with these as I can't believe anyone would see this as a final product. Both cans! 5052,B000E3ZFIK,A2EEH6B3GO2V0A,"Mom of Two ""Elizabeth""",0,0,3,1306627200,Good graham crackers for my kids,"I like that these are organic and don't have corn syrup. My kids and I both like them. I'd give them 5 stars but I noticed earlier this year that they changed the recipe. The cracke
rrsrs s a ararere e??igighghth?erer r a??d d f ?lalakakik?erer er t ?hah?n n? th theheyey y?ususeseded ?toto o b bebe e ae anandand d td thd theheyhey y by brb?reareakak ak??ororere re e eaeasa?ililyly.y???AnAndnd nd i ?? y yoy?? h ??veve ???dsds ?unundndend?er er 5er 5,5? y yo y?? m mi migighightht ht u un u?ndendernders??an?? h?owo?? up upspse?ttttit??g g b br brorokokek??n cn ??aca?kekerke???cacan?? be be.e. . . T ?he? t ta t?astastete te i?s s ss sts?tiltillll l g ?rereareatreat,t?, b, ?utu? I I I p ?rerefreffffef?ereer?????e e oe ?ldld d td ted t??tut??re re mre mymysyse??f f af anand?and dand ?efefif?iniinitite?ly? f fo for? m my my ??kid?s s ws whwhoh??crcrycr?y wy whwhewhen???? the the c cr c?racrackckeck?ersers s bs br??eakeak k w ???ileile e te ?theth?? a ar are?re ere ??titinti?? t th the?m.m???AnAndAn?d wd whwhewhenwhen n yn yo?u u ou ??dederde??ththethesthese?? in i?n tn ?thethe the? ma maiailil,il?, l, ?liklike? I I I?dididid d ld lalaslast?? ti timimeme,e??dodono??t ?exexpex?ece???maman??y fy fufulullll ll g?rarahra??m m?? cra crac?kekerker ker s shs?heehe?tsts ?????stst st ast ar?e ?e ale a??rea?dydy ????ke?n n in inin in t tw twowo,o, ??andand and qand ?uiuititeite e ae a e a? fe fewew w aw ?are? b br bro brokokeokenen en aen ata??th?the the ethe ed?geg??s as
rs are lighter and flakier than they used to be and they break more easily. And if you have kids under 5, you might understand how upsetting broken crackers can be. The taste is still great, but I preffered the old texture myself and definitely for my kids who cry when the crackers break while they are eating them. And when you order these in the mail, like I did last time, don't expect many full graham cracker sheets - most are already broken in two, and quite a few are broken at the edges a
ss s w wewelellll.l???505??3,3,B,?0000000E00?3Z3ZFZ?IKIK,K?A3A?KHKHKHKXKX8X8P8PYPY7Y7I7I8I8T8TWT?,T,TuTuru?tlt?????,0,,0,5,?,1,?3030505705767636323?0000,00?,Th,Thehe e?BeBesestst t G GrGrarahahah?m m?CrCra?ckc?ere??s s B Bu B??? N NoN??LoLono?gegerer er??vavaia?lalaba?lele,le,I,? h ?havhaveve e be bebeee?? b bub??ining? n ??w w M MoM?rnrnin??g g G Gr Gra?hahamham ?Cr?acack?erersers s ss ?inincin?e e Fe FeFebebrb?uauara?y y?ofof f 2 2020120?0.0. . N Ne Neveveverver r? ha hadad d a ? P PrProrobobl???m wm wiwititht? d ?am??ge? o of o?f tf ??e e ce ?raracrackrac?kerkers? i in??shshihipippppipining? . ?<b<br? / ?>W>WhWhyhy ?DiD?d d Ad ?mamazazoz?? R ???ovoveve ve t ththethe the G? Gra Grahahaah?am am? Cr Craracrackrackerack????FrFro?m m Sm SuS?bsb?crcricribi??? an andn?d Sd SaSava?ve?ve???????????? ?? ?WhWhyWhy y Dy Diy D?id id A??mazma??n ?ReRemRemomov?e ???? G Gr Gra Grah Grahahamham ham C Cr Cra Cr??kekerkersker?s Fs FrFroFromom m Pm ?PriPr?meme e ?e ??????ThTheThe ??CraCracCrack?ckerckersrs rs ars ar??e ae a a ma ?ucuchc?h Hh ??ghgheherher ?Pr?PricPricece ce F Fr F?romrom rom a a a T Th?iri??d Pd PaP?artartyty ?SeSelellel?lerler.r. . I. I I wI wiwilwi????ururcur?chachasasese e te ththethe the Cthe ?CraCracCrackCrackekerkerskers kers F Fr?omom om W WhWhoWholole? F??odo?s ???NoNotNot t Ft FaF
s well." 5053,B000E3ZFIK,A3KHKX8PY7I8TW,Turtle,0,0,5,1305763200,The Best Graham Crackers But No Longer Available,I have been buying new Morning Graham Crackers since February of 2010. Never had a Problem with damage of the crackers in shipping .<br />Why Did Amazon Remove the Graham Crackers From Subscribe and Save????? Why Did Amazon Remove The Graham Crackers From Prime ???The Crackers are a much Higher Price From a Third Party Seller. I will Purchase the Crackers From Whole Foods . Not Fa
iirir r??? A ?mamaza?onon n t ?? T TaTaka?? A Aw Awawaya???heh?e Ce CoCononnonninivi?ene?cece ?of???rdrdedereririningn? a a a??asases?5?050??,B,B0B?0000E00???FIFIKIK,K??101?00100?TYTYWY??FZFZYZYDY?9,9,","A"AnAnnnnen??ThT?omompmpsp??on on?"""?drdrer?amamsm?iningingegerer4er??"""""""",",0,0,0,0?,5,????555??0505605?0000,00,g,grgrereare?? t ta tas??e,e,","M,"??y hy huhususbsbab?ndnd d h ??as as? to to o lo ?imimim??t tt ththehe he a am amomouoununtn?t ot ?of ??ugugag?r r hr hehe ?????s s i ?in in a an andnd nd t th the theseseese e ce coconontonta???in nin nono o so susugsugagarga?, , a? and and ?th??y y ty ???tete te?grgregreaeatea?!"!""5?05055055,5,B5,B0B00B00000E00E300E3Z?FIFIKFIK,?A3A3636W6?GHGHRHR8R?TOTO5O5D5?KTK?,","G,"GoG??dwdwawavwave? "?"s"?hohophoppppeper?"""""""",""",0?,0,0,0,0,??4,14,?12412484?919?12012??0,????ce ce w wiwitithit? m momormo??ninningng ng c ?cofcoffffef???"I"I I r rarar?ele?y ?wawanwant? t to??eaeateat eat m mu m?chch h wh ?he?n ??I fI fifir?st?? ar aririsrisese se i in in n tn th?? m?ororn?ining?; ; b bub?t t It I I dI ?o o ho ?havha?ve ?cocofcoffcof?feefee.e. . I I'I'v'veve ve fve fofouounoundnd nd tnd ?thathatat at? th??sese ?cicininnin??amoamonon on gon gr???hamham m c cr cra???kerke???wowororkork k???rea?
ir of Amazon to Take Away the Connivence of Ordering a Case 5054,B000E3ZFIK,A1001TYW5FZYD9,"Anne Thompson ""dreamsinger41""",0,0,5,1255305600,great taste,"My husband has to limit the amount of sugar he takes in and these contain no sugar, and they taste great!" 5055,B000E3ZFIK,A36WGHR8TO5DKT,"Goldwave ""shopper""",0,0,4,1248912000,Nice with morning coffee,"I rarely want to eat much when I first arise in the morning; but I do have coffee. I've found that these cinnamon graham crackers work great
??foforor r m ?e e a asas s a? l lil??tltlel???omo??ththihiningn???o o?eaeatat t a al alolonongng ng w wiwit?h h????cocofoffffefeeee.e. . ?ThTheheyey y ay ararere ?grgraraha??? c cr cra??kekere?s s -s ??nonotot t at ana??ththith??g ?susupu?erer-er?dudupupeuperer er a?mamazaziz?ing? - - - b- bubutu??th?ey? a ar are? n ni nicicec?? c ci cininninnanamamoamon??y gy grgragr????? cr?aca?ckeck?ersers ??thathatat at a ar are are ?ororgor?ananianicic.ic.".?5505050??,B,??0000E00E3E3Z3ZFZ??K,K,A,A1A1D1D4D??BRBR4R4Z4Z5Z?3N3N5N?56,56,B?. . W. WiWili?liliali?amsams,s,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,??121??9292121212812?0000,00,E,ExExcxce??llellenentnt ?prprorododuducductct,t?"M"????hi?ldldrdre?n n? wi wil?l l o on???y ey ???t ht ?heahe?ltl?thythy y py prproprod?ucuctctsct?s, s,? an andnd d? th theheyhey ????e e te ththethesthe???e gre g?????m cm ??rac?ke? ??I I? am? s soso so g ???d d td th?thatthat ??he?? a?? are are a av a?aiaililail?blb??????rourougu???AmA???on??""5"50505505757,7,B,B0,B?00000??E3ZE3ZFZFIZFIKIK,IK,A,AU,AU4U494??U3U3F3??4S4?1H1H,H,J,JSJSPS?,0,0,?0,0,30,?,1,11,1161???10104040400?00,E00,Ex??irire?s ?s tos t???sosoosoonon,on,"?Th?esesese se c?? crac crack?ckerckers? a ar?? are t are ?ererrer?ifi?icic,ic, ?
for me as a little something to eat along with my coffee. They are graham crackers - not anything super-duper amazing - but they are nice, cinnamony graham crackers that are organic." 5056,B000E3ZFIK,A1D4GBR4Z53N56,B. Williams,0,0,5,1229212800,Excellent product,"My children will only eat healthy products, and they love these graham crackers. I am so glad that they are available through Amazon!" 5057,B000E3ZFIK,AU49DU3FX4S1H,JSP,0,0,3,1169510400,Expires too soon,"These crackers are terrific, a
nndn??tht?eyey y a ?rere e p prpririci?eded ??rigri??t.t. .? H ?owo?evevevere?, ,?i i??rdrdederereer?ed ed t th the?m m? on o? 1 1010/0/2/2929/9?060?, , a, ??nd nd?? the the e ee exexpxpip?rar?titioi??n dn dadat??e oe ?on on?? the the the b boboxo? w waw?? 1 12 12/2/3/3131/1/0/06/0??. . W WeWe e he hahava?ve ve o on?lyly y ey eae?ate??n fn fofououru???oxoxeoxese??. . T. ?heheyhe?y sy ststitiltilll???asastastet??fif?nene e ae afaftf?terter r tr ??e e ee exe e????atatiatioionion ??atateate,ate, ?bub??t..t.?. ???m im i ?re???llyll?????ece?tetedted d td toto o c ?on?sus?mem?e 1e 1212 2 b? box bo??es es i in i??2 2 m2 mom?onton????"?""55050505858,8,B,B0B00000?FAFA3A??8080,0?ATATBTBUB???QQQ???O0O?J,J,K,???KaK?ast?enen,n,0,0,0,00,0,?5,5???4040606106?767606?00,00,A??azazizininginglg????oooodod!d?,","T"Th??eseese ?e are a?? v veververyr?y gy gogoo?d,d, , t, ththe?y ?we?rere ?? g grgre?reatreat t p pr priricricece ce? an andnd ?faf?astast-ast-f-frfre?e ??hihipippppipinpingng g w??henhe?n yn yoy?ou ou p pu pururcurchchahashasese e ee ene enonou?gh??fo???. . . T. Th. T?? o on onl only onl?y ty ?thithininging ing? is is s ts th??at at t th the the the b the bo?x ?wawaswas s ss ??malma?llellerer er? th tha than?????ueuesessessesedsed ?itit ?wow?oulou?d d bd beb
nd they are priced right. However, i ordered them on 10/29/06, and the expiration date on the box was 12/31/06. We have only eaten four boxes. They still taste fine after the expiration date, but... am i really expected to consume 12 boxes in 2 months?" 5058,B000FA3980,ATBUENQQVMO0J,K. Kasten,0,0,5,1240617600,Amazingly Good!,"These are very good, they were a great price and fast-free shipping when you purchase enough food. The only thing is that the box was smaller than I guessed it would be
..".?5505050595?,B,?00000?FAFA3A393?808?,A,A3?RDR??2G2GSGSNSN0N?C6C6B6?2,2,","C"C.C??D.D. . B. ??acackc???"f"fafasa?????ada?erer"r""??,0,0,?0,0,50,5,5,1,121202060?0505705??600600,0,h0,hah?rdr???o o f fifini??d id in? s ??orore?s,s??I I w ?asas as?quq?ititet????rprprp?isiseseded ??to to? fi f??d ??ha?t t St SoS??iaiabablblelese? w we werereer?e ae ava??ililalablabl?e e te ?hrhruru u??mamaza?ono?. ?I I cI cacana?non?t t ft fifinfi??? th theheme? i inin ??thethe e le lolococaocalal l s su?pep?ermer?marmarkr??tsts s as ??d d t?d thod thouougughghtht ?I I wI ?ououlouldld ?hahavhavev??e toe t??gigivi?ve ve? th the themem em u upup.p?<b<brb? / />/?ThThe?y y a ar?ririvrivevedve??ququiquicick?lyly,y, , i?n n?grgre??t t ct ?onondon?it????, , a, anandand and? we we we n ?nownow w a ar are? o ?on on? re regegugulu?larlar r sr shshih???ene???? of of f t? the?m.m??550506060060,??B00B0010???HLHLALA0A0,0,A0,A1A191???Z6Z??FPFP2P2D2?XFXF,F,","B,"BeBeaearea??tooto?othothjhjoj?e ?""?BeBeaBearartartotoo?ththjth?joejo??"""""",""",1?,1,1,?1,1,1?323282?747454?60??,d,de?cec?ptp?iviveive e pe ?hoh??o,o??,"I ,"I f fe f?ltlt ??ripri?pe?d ?ofofff?. ?Th?e e pe phe p??to?????ar?lyly ly s sh sho?wsw?s ts twt
." 5059,B000FA3980,A3RD82GSN0C6B2,"C. D. Black ""fast reader""",0,0,5,1206057600,hard to find in stores,"I was quite surprised to find that Sociables were available thru Amazon. I cannot find them in the local supermarkets and thought I would have to give them up.<br />They arrived quickly, in great condition, and we now are on regular shipments of them." 5060,B0017JHLA0,A190JZ6VFP2DXF,"Beartoothjoe ""Beartoothjoe""",1,1,1,1328745600,deceptive photo,"I felt ripped off. The photo clearly shows tw
oo o b bob?nen?s s a ana?? t ththeh? p ?riricicec?? a at at t $ ?? p pl p?usu?, , i, isi?s is inindndindicicaicatatitiviveve e oe ofof f t tw twowo.o. . I ?? th thoh?ugughghtht t It ?I wI ?asa??pupururcr?hah??ininging g?? " ????nene"ne"""" "" p pa paca?kakaga??d d ad as??? two tw?o to ?o ?a a???ck?. . W. WaW?lmlmamarartr?t st ?ele?lsl?s is ids idedenentn??cacal?? bi bigig g sg smsmom?keked? k knknunucuckcklcklele e be ?bonboneboneses es f foforo?? $3 $3.3.5.???eaea.a. ??hyh? d dodoeoes?n'n???ththethe ??ho?to? s ?hohowhow w o ?oneone e b?on?one one i ininsin??eaeadea???of of t?? two two i if i?f tf th?theythey ?arareare ??usustus?t st sht shih?ppppipininging ing????? ?? It I??wa??n'n'tn't t wt wot wor?th? t th the th?e he hahasha?sls?le le??o o ro rerete?ur?n n? th the? p pa pac pack pac?kagka??? to to to?mamakma?? m my m?y py ??inintint t ot ?of ?prproprotote??st st? so s??I ?amam m d?oi??g ?iti?t ht he? . . ?BeB??rtrtort?ot?hjhjoj?oe"oe""550?6161,1,B,B0B?0505O5OEOE1E1212M2MMMM,M,A,A2A252?50?SGS??TJTJ3J???J,J,S,?heherherrherryry,y?0,0???5,5???242?7777171212012?00,00??umum,m?"W"WoW?w w Iw ??heheahe?ardar?d od ofd of ????s s cs ca?ndndynd?y by ?utut t ct coc?oulou?d ?ne??verve?r fr ?inindind ???, , n, ?owow ow? I I a
o bones and the price, at $8 plus, is indicative of two. I thought I was purchasing a ""bone"" packaged as two to a pack. Walmart sells identical big smoked knuckle bones for $3.50 ea. Why doesn't the photo show one bone instead of two if they are just shipping one? It wasn't worth the hassle to return the package to make my point of protest so I am doing it here. Beartoothjoe" 5061,B005OE12MM,A2550SG7TJ3IPJ,Sherry,0,0,5,1324771200,Yum,"Wow I heard of this candy but could never find it, now I a
mm m?hohooo?kekeded.d? N NoNowo??I I d ??n'n?? h ha h??e e t tot? s ?ucuckc? o onon on c ?hihilildld d l leleme?on?s s?wiw?thth h s?ala?t,t???usustst ???akake?y y s?ha??keykey.key.".??505060626?,B,B0B?0707O7?WEWEOE?IQI?,A,?3232E2EO??LFL?ZYZ?XJXJEJ?P,P,J,JaJayayly?iaia3a3,3,5,5,5?6,6?,5,,5?131333?949454???0000,00,D,DeDelelilicli?ioiouous??,",?I ?aba?sosololulututet??y ?lolovoveve ve t?hehese??! !??eve??n n o?? t?????e se ?weweeeete?? v ??ryr?y ty ???n n Gn ???ha??m Cm ?ririsispspsps s as ara??e oe ononlonlyl?y 6y ?0 0 c ca c??ororirieri?es,es, , b, bubutut ut i ?it'it's's s es ?asa???y toy to ?eaeatea??a a??????f ????em em?ana?d d td ?thethertherere re a?rere re are alalmalmomosmo?st st 8 ?0 0 i0 inin in?? the the the p ??ck?aga?e.e. ?DeDelDeliliclicilicioiouio?us us b ?y y t?hehemhemsm?selselvlvevesves;s???onondon?ererfrfufulu???itithith ??cece e ce crcre???. . I. IfIf f tf thf t?heyhey y ay ?areare e pe pup?rcrchchachasaseased? u ususiusininging g?AmA?azazozonon'on?'s 's? Ad Adddd-d-o-on?on Pon PrProrogogrg???m tm ththether?e ?is? n nono ?sh??ppppip?ing???haharha?<.<b<?r r?/>/><><b?r r /r />?UPUPDPDADATATETE:E? I I' I'v'veve ve sve seseeseenen ???xexeded ???vivieiewewsw?s os ofof of t?
m hooked. Now I don't have to suck on child lemons with salt, just shakey shakey." 5062,B007OWEOIQ,A32EOHLFZYXJEP,Jaylia3,5,6,5,1339459200,Delicious!,"I absolutely love these! Seven of these sweet, very thin Graham Crisps are only 60 calories, but it's easy to eat a lot of them and there are almost 80 in the package. Delicious by themselves; wonderful with ice cream. If they are purchased using Amazon's Add-on Program there is no shipping charge.<br /><br />UPDATE: I've seen mixed reviews of th
iisi? c cocomompmpapananyny'y?s s ps ?rorodo?ucu?tsts.s???heh? i iti?eme?s ?I'I'v'?????rcr?hah???d d h hahavhave??nonoto? b bebeeeenen n?ststat?lele e oe oror r s??raranangangege e se smsmem??liliningng.g.".""??060?3,3?B0B0000707O7?WEWEOEOIOIQIQ,Q,A,????D1D181?ZNZNWNWAW??Q9Q?,","M"??SiSimi??n n "n """"M?S"S""?",",1,??,1,,1,4,?,1,13,1343474767666??202??,A?lmlmomosmost? b bu b?t ?nonotnot t qt ?uiuititeit?!,!?,"I,"I I l lol?ve???hehe he 3 ????egegrg?eeee ee c??racrackc?ed??pepepe??perpercrcorcorornorn,n, , w ?heheaheata?, , a, anandand d od ot?heherher r vr vavara??etetitieiesies s ss soso o???ththothouougughghtht ?I I wI wowououlouldld d td trtrytr? t ??e e ce cac?araarama??l,l, ?cicininninnanamamoam?on,on, , a, an, andnd d gd grgragrahaha?m m a ?as as a???alaltalteterternrnanatnatitivti?ve ve tve tove t?o co cocooco?kik?iesies ies o ?or or??regre??lalar? g gr?grahgrahahamham ham?? cra cracackckeck?rsrs.? T Tr Trur?e e -e - - y yoy?ou ou c ca c?an an h?ava???a a l lo lotot ot o of o? t th theheshe?se se c cr cra?ckcke?rsrs rs f fofor???litlittt??le le c ca cal ca???rierieses/s/c/?carca?bsbs,s, ?bubut?? th??e fe flflalavlavov???isis is b?lalanla?nd.nd?. I. ???tetertermtermsms ms o of of of s sa satatiatisisfisfafac?ti?on?on, on, t th the they they y dy dodon?'t't t q?ui?te
is company's products. The items I've purchased have not been stale or strange smelling." 5063,B007OWEOIQ,A302D18ZNWARQ9,"M Simon ""MS""",1,1,4,1347667200,Almost but not quite!,"I love the 34 degree cracked peppercorn, wheat, and other varieties so I thought I would try the caramel, cinnamon, and graham as an alternative to cookies or regular graham crackers. True - you can have a lot of these crackers for little calories/carbs, but the flavor is bland. In terms of satisfaction, they don't quite
?cuc?t t?iti??????meme e?asa??? s ???ckck k u ?nln??ssss s Is I I??ut? p?eaeana??ut ut but bub?uttuttet??r or oror or s so somomemetmeththih?ngng g??n n t ?theth??? T ThT??y y w wowououlu?d d? pr p?obo?abablblyly y by beb??gogoooodod ?asas as??ara?t ?ofo? a a ?frf?uiuit? a an andnd ?chc??eseseese ?dedes?ses??t ???ata?teterte?? a?lol?ongon?g wg ???? s so som so?me me? pe??anuan?ut ut b??utt?erer,er, , f, frfrufruiuitui?t st ?prp?eaeadea???hohon?eyey,ey, ?oror ?crc??amam m c ch che?".""55050606464,4,B,B0B000?7O7OWOWEW?OIO?Q,Q,A,A1A??QKQ?8K8KTK?U1U??XSXSMSM,M,","E"?. ?ViVininsinsosonon on " """"N"??t ?alallll l w wh whoho ho w wa w?andan?derde?r ar ?arear?e le ????.....?""?","?2,2,3,3,3????34344444?707?40400?,A,Ab,Abobououtout t tt ththethe the o on onlnlynly y gy go??od od t?hihinhing??..,..?,"I,"IsIs s ts ththathat??? the theseseese ese??rere re?6060 0 c ca calaloal?orior??es es p pe per per r sr ????iningin???, ho, howowewevevev?er,er, er, i in in ?alallall l hl hohonho?esestestyty,y, , I, ??didididnd??t t mt mam?keke e ie it????ro?ugughg?h ah a a f ??ullull ??ser?vivinvi?ng.?<b<brbr r /r />/><>?<br<br ??>I>?I wI wawas??exexcxcicititeit?d ?d abd abobouboutut ut tut ?the?sese,se, ??thetheythey ?lo?oko
cut it for me as a snack unless I put peanut butter or something on them. They would probably be good as part of a fruit and cheese dessert platter, along with some peanut butter, fruit spread, honey, or cream cheese." 5064,B007OWEOIQ,A17QK8KTU1JXSM,"E. Vinson ""Not all who wander are lost...""",2,3,1,1344470400,About the only good thing..,"Is that these are 60 calories per serving, however, in all honesty, I didn't make it through a full serving.<br /><br />I was excited about these, they look
e????ikikeke e a a a??"g"grgrorowo?n n u upup p g grgragr?hahamam m c ??acackcke?r"r""?.<.<b<brbr r / />/><>??r r /r />/>F/>????? p prpro?blblelemem m wm waw?s s t ?heh?e se ??elelll?. . T ThThe?? s smsmesm??le?d d ld ?liklike? m memelmeltl?ed? p pl plalas?tit?c,c, , a an andn?d sd sosomomemetmeth???g g e el?ses????d ?he?sisiti?atatete te? to t? e ev evev???gugueuesessss s ws ?hahatha?t it ?it it??s,s, , b, bubutu??t itt it't's's s bs babadad.d. . I. I I b brbrabravavevelvelyly y py pupulull?eded ed oed ouo?ut ut o ??e e se sme s?alallll ll c cr cririsispisp,p?, h, ?opopip????ththath?? m?aya??e e ie itit ????s ts ??e e pe papacackac?agagigininging ing t th t??hat hat?hahadhad ?ththe? . .....? a ar aroromroma?. . I. It. It t wt wawaswas was n nonotot.t?. T. Th?e e ce crcricris?isp isp? it itstse?lflf f? sm s?melmellmel??s hs ??rrrri?fificic.ic.<.<b.<brbr br??>I>I I fI fifigfi?gurgu?eded ed ted ?thethertherere re w wa?was ??no no w?ayay ay i it it it c??oulouldld d td tad t?ast?e e ae asas as? ba badad ad a as a?s is itit it sit ??smelsmell?lledlle?d.<d.<b?<br <br / /> />S />SeS??onondond d pd prproproboblbleblemem em i??s ts ths thahat???I wI ?waswas was vwas ??ryry,y, , v, vever?y y wy ?roronrong? a ab abob?outou????thatthat.t. t.????hey hey h ha hav?e e ae a e a f fufununknkyky,? c ch che?mim?icaicalal al? ta t??asteaste aste t?
ed like a ""grown up graham cracker"".<br /><br />First problem was the smell. They smelled like melted plastic, and something else I'd hesitate to even guess what it is, but it's bad. I bravely pulled out one small crisp, hoping that maybe it was the packaging that had the ... aroma. It was not. The crisp itself smells horrific.<br />I figured there was no way it could taste as bad as it smelled.<br />Second problem is that I was very, very wrong about that. They have a funky, chemical taste th
a?? j juj?stst t dt ?efefifieieses s d dedesdescs?riripiptp??ono?. . T ThTheh? a afa?tet?rtr?asaststest?e ie isis s ss sosoro???ofo? l liliki???a a?skskukununknkyky/y?chchehewhe?iningng g o on o??? p plp?asastas?tictic c? pe penen n cn ?apa??tht?at? w wew?enten??ththrthrur????he he w wa w??h/h??wetwe???carcardrdbd?oao??? k kik?indin?a a ta ???steste.ste. ????ioiouious??y,y? i ?t ?wawasas as a aw awfwfuf?l.l.<.<b<brbr r / />/??<br<br r /r />/>I/>?? ta t?ast?eded d? th?esesees?e ae abe a?bouboutut t 4t 4545 5?mimininuinut?eses es a ag agogo,o??ana?d d ad afaftafte?r r dr drd??nk?in???anan an??ententientirirer??bobotbo??lele e oe ofof of w??te?ter ter A ANANDND D??brubrusushushih?ing?? my my y? te teeeetethth,th?, I, I ?CACANAN AN S STSTITILI?L L? TA TASASTSTESTE E?ITIT.T.<?brbr br / /> /><??br br /br ?/>I/>I'/>I'm'm m g glg?ladlad d td ththeth??? w we werereere e ae ane a?n an adadddd-d-o-onon,on, , b, bubutut ut t th? they they ??areare ??stistilillll l a ab absbsosolsolulut?utelutely????rrrri?blb?le.le??Th?eie?ir ir o? onl on?ly ly rly re????miminmi?? q ququau?lilitlityt?y iy isis is???at?at tat th??y ??rere re c cuc?uteute.ute?. N. NoNoto????e e s?in?ingling?le le? me m?embembeb?er er o of of f mf ??y fy faf?mimilmilyly ly wly wiwilwillll ll???tutuaualua??y y ey eae??at tat that t
at just defies description. The aftertaste is sort of like a skunky/chewing on a plastic pen cap that went thru the wash/wet cardboard kinda taste. Seriously, it was awful.<br /><br />I tasted these about 45 minutes ago, and after drinking an entire bottle of water AND brushing my teeth, I CAN STILL TASTE IT.<br /><br />I'm glad these were an add-on, but they are still absolutely terrible. Their only redeeming quality is that they are cute. Not one single member of my family will actually eat th
?eme??ththohouougu?h,h? s soso o??hih?s s w wawasas s ds ?efe?inininititetele?y y a a a w????te te o ?f f??$.$? H HaHada? I I I k knk?owo?n n t? the theyey y wy wowououlou?d d bd ?e e? th thi thisis is a aw awfwfufulul,l?, I, I'I????avaveve e je ??????????a sa sesece?ono?d d bd bad b?? o of of ??a a ha ?reref?="=""""h"hth?tptp:p?////w/?ww??amamamaza???"">""?HiHi i I I' I'm'?m Sm ??ininninnyny y Sy StStit?ckcksks,s, ?SwSweweeeete?t Ot OnOninionionon on?MuMul?ti??raraia?in,in??7-7-O-OuO?ncn?e<e</</a/?>.>?<b<brbr r?/>/?OnOnlOnlyly ly 3 30 3? c cecence?????rere re t??anan n tn ?thethese?se,se?, b, ??t t Mt ??LELESES S?be?tt?ere??inin in t ta tasastasteast?.".?5505060656?,B,????878727?UAU?W,W,A,A2A2K2KYK???7L7LOLO8O8Z8ZOZOPO??,J,J.J. . B. BiBisishishohophop,p,5,5,5,55,5,5,5???2626565565??7272072?00,00????th?therther r gr ?googo?od od??ou????roromrom ??C!C!,!,","T"?hi??s ss sosousoupup ?isis is gis gogoogoodgoo?. . I. ?I rI rereare?llllyly ly lly lolovove??? thi?s s bs ????d ?of????upupsup?....m.mymy ?fafavavoavororior?iteit?e be bebeibeininging g tg ????ChChi??ckeck?n ?anandand and??umumpm?lil?ingingsing?s. s. H??alaltalththythy y Cy ChChoChoioic?e ?
em though, so this was definitely a waste of 3$. Had I known they would be this awful, I'd have just got a second bag of <a href="""">Hi I'm Skinny Sticks, Sweet Onion Multigrain, 7-Ounce</a>.<br />Only 30 cent more than these, but MILES better in taste." 5065,B001872UAW,A2KYTF7LO8ZOP7,J. Bishop,5,5,5,1265587200,Another good soup from HC!,"This soup is good. I really love this brand of favorite being the Chicken and Dumplings. Healthy Choice i
?snsn'n?t t a ala?wawayaysy??ththehe e?bebesests?t bt ????? w whw??n n i ?t t ct ?omomemeses es t to t??frfrorozozezenen ??meame??s s bs bubutut ?fof???sosomomeome ?rer??so???ththetheyey y r re?al?lyl?y ky knknonoco?kekeded d id it? o ?utut ut??f f? th t?he he p papara?k k w?itithith h? th the theieirir r sr so?upupsps.s. . I I I l lolovovev?e te ththethemthe?, , t?? they the?y ty tat?astastet?e he hohom?omemomemamadadede ?anandan?d ad ama?mazmazizini?glglyly ly? be betetttteterter r tr ththathanan an???ampampbpbebelbellll'l's's s os ?or or?PrPro?????? . I. I ?rerecrecocomcommmmemenme?nd nd? th thi thisis,s???the? C Ch Chihicickckeckenen en? an and?nd Dnd DuDumu??liliningingsg?s, s, t th the the the S SpSplpliplitit it Pit ?ea?? an?d d Hd ?,t, , e, eveveververyry y vy ?arariarieietetyety y Iy I'I'v've? t??ie?d d hd hahas? b???en en den de??licli?ioi??s.? Y YoY?ou ou c ?anan'an't't 't r re r?ealea?llylly y gy gogo ?wrwroronrong? w wi??th th? th thi this thi?s."s.??505?6666,6?B0B?0101818787272U2UAU?W,W,A,?B4B4040W0?VSV????LNLNJNJ,J,N,?ili?ZiZil????2,2?,2,,2,5,5,5???757??555525??00,00?,An,An n On OuO??ststast???ininging ing? So S???? Se S?ensensasatatitioionion,n,","F"FiF?irsirst??, I, I I aI ??gregreeee ?wiwitithith ith??. . B. BiBisishishohopho??? ( (H(
sn't always the best brand when it comes to frozen meals but for some reason they really knocked it out of the park with their soups. I love them, they taste homemade and amazingly better than Campbell's or Progresso. I recommend this, the Chicken and Dumplings, the Split Pea and fact, every variety I've tried has been delicious. You can't really go wrong with this." 5066,B001872UAW,AB40WVSRCYLNJ,NilZilch,2,2,5,1275955200,An Outstanding Soup Sensation,"First, I agree with J. Bishop's (H