a alallll l??ayay.y. . I I I d do dono??t t l ?eaeava?e e f fofoooodod d??utut t ft foforfo? a?nyny y p ?etet,t, , c cacatat t ot oror r dr ??g,g, ?toto o?????at????llll.ll. . T. ThTheheyey y dy dodo do n ?oto?t lt ??kek??NeNewewmw?anan'?s s c ca canannan??d d fd fofoofoodod od h ?owo????r ??o o Io I I dI ?dondon'n'tn't ?t fot for?cece ?iti?t ot ont on n t tht??m.m.".?4?868??,B,B0B000???VQVQXQ?3A3A,A,A,?2I2I7I7K7KVK?2L2LLLLCLCDCD7D7O7?T,T,",???. M. M.M. . L. ??. ". """"g"gogoooodoo?gig?rlrl-l-b-brbr"r"""""""",",2,2,?2,???121292979767646??6060000,00,a,?mamazmaziziningn??ThThiThisi?s gs ??? i is? a am amamazmazimazininging.g?. T. Th. The? f fl flal??oror or?buburursrstst ?inin in??ouourou?r mr ?ou?thth th a an?d d id itit it a al alslsoso so h ha h?s ?? w wo w?ondonded?rfrfuf?l ??efefrf??shs??inging ing??ene?sas?atiatioionon.on.<.<b<br? / />/?WeWe e le lolovoveve ve i it i?. ?(M(?y ?huh???anandand d ad ?andand and I?..4?86863863,3,B?00??2FV2FVQ?X3X3AX3A,A,AA,A3A?VAV?VNV???515?5H5?PXPX,X??amameameses,s,2,2,,2?,2,?2,2,12,1212712797?323242484804800???????,"?I I bI bob???htht t at a t a???g g p?acackc? o?f f t?hihishis s g? . . T ??e e fe flf?lavla?oror or (or ????wi wi W WaWat?er?mem?lolonlo?? i is is ??
all day. I don't leave food out for any pet, cat or dog, to eat at will. They do not like Newman's canned food however so I don't force it on them." 4862,B002FVQX3A,A2I7KV2LLCD7OT,"A. M. L. ""goodgirl-br""",2,2,5,1297641600,amazing,This gum is amazing. The flavor burst in your mouth and it also has a wonderful refreshing sensation.<br />We love it. (My husband and I. 4863,B002FVQX3A,A3VAVNPZ515HPX,James,2,2,2,1279324800,Meh..,"I bought a big pack of this gum. The flavor (Kiwi Watermelon) is ok
,, ,?bubutu??itit t dt did?dndn'n't't ?lal?stst t l?onongng,g, ?? f ?ouo??d d?I ?wowou?ldld d ud ?susuaualallllyl??popopop p a a a?nenewe? p?????? in i? m mymy ?momououtouthth h a af a??erer r a?bobou?? 2 2-2?3 3? mi m???uteut????? g ???t at ana?otoththeth?? s shshohot? o ofo? f fl f?lavla??r.r. . I? W WoWou?ouldouldndn'dn't't 't r ?eaeal?lyly ly? re rec???mem?ndnd nd t th thihisis ?gugumu??, i, itit'it's's s ns nonotnot ?hohorho?riribi?lele,e, , b, bubutbut t nt ?notnot not t th tha thatat t gt ?rereareatat at e ?".?4??6464,4,B,B0B000020?FVFVQV?X3X3A3?,A,A1A1I1I0I040414?8E8EVEV5V5K5KCKCCCCMCM,M,l,lolovovev?e,1e,?,1,1,1,11,?1,11,121,1?797949?41141121?0000,00,l?ososeses? t?asastaste???as??!!!?!!!!!!,!,",?th?isis is? gu g?um um i is i?s ts ??the the?wo?rsrstst st?? h ?ava?ve ve e ev e??r ?pupururcrchchahashasesedsed,d, , p, plplalailainin in a?nd????mpmplpleple.e. . w. ?it?ithiithinin in tin twt??? se sec?econeco?ndsnd?s os ???ch??ewiewin?g g? ta tas ta??e ??on?e!e?""4"4848648656?,B??00200???VQXVQX3X3AX3A,A,AA,A2A2121M1MLMLULUSU???LQLQGQG0G04?,","M,"MGMGMG?? i?? P ?hihilhill?y y "y ?"M"?MGMMGMcMc"Mc"""""""",",2,2,2,3,??,3,,3,1,12,1???????000000,0,","Y,"?um??my,my, , b, bu, butut ut i it i?t dt dot d??es es nes nonotnot ?
, but it didn't last long, I found I would usually pop a new piece in my mouth after about 2-3 minutes to get another shot of flavor. I Wouldn't really recommend this gum, it's not horrible, but not that great either." 4864,B002FVQX3A,A1I0418EV5KCCM,love,1,1,1,1279411200,loses taste fast!!!!,"this gum is the worst i have ever purchased, plain and simple. within two seconds of chewing taste gone!" 4865,B002FVQX3A,A21MLUS21LQG04,"MGMc in Philly ""MGMc""",2,3,3,1281744000,"Yummy, but it does not l
?asastst"t","?"T"TaTasastastetese? v ?ereryr? g ??odod.d. .? I I I??eaeala?lyly y ly lilikikeke e t ththeh???asast?e.e.<.<b<brb? / ?><><b<br<br ?/>/>B/>BuB?t t??hehenhe? i itit ?isis ?go?nene.e. e. ??ik????it it w wawasas as n ???????thetherereer??e. e. S ?o o f ?lel?????g.g?.<b.<br? / /> /><><b><brbr br /br ??TaTakTakekeskes ??wow??pip??ceceses es t to to ??rearealallallyly ly e enenjnjojoyo?, , a ???o.o.<.<b?r ?r />r /?><b><br><b?????ndnd d b ??e Ve VEV?RYRY Y???rerefre?ulul l n??t ?toto ?eaeateat t it itt it.t?. . S Se S?erierioiouoususls??, , i, ??it iit ?is is h ?ar??d nd nonotot ot t to to to s sws?walwall?owow w i?t.t. t. ??aua?ghg? a?ll? y yoyou?? wa wana??t. t. t. Y YoY???trtryry ry i it it it a an a?? s se seeee ee w wh w???t It ??memea?n.n?""4?868?6,6,B,B0B?0202F2FVFVQVQXQ?3A3A,A,A,AGAGMGMRMRFR?A0A0808X8XBX?U5U?3,3,","S,"?F F " ????lolot?ot Sot ScS?otottott"?"""","",1,1,1,2,2,2?,1,,1,1,13,1303??313181848?0000,00?I ?I muI musustust t bt ?? a al all allelerle?gigicic,c,","I,"?'v'?ve ve????verver ver? ha hadad ????? all?er?gigicgic c? re r?eaceactc??onon n tn toto to a an??y fy ?oooodoo??, o, oror ??anyan??thithininging g? el elsl?e,e, , i, in, in n mn ?y y ly liy l?fefe.e. e. e. Be. ?ButBu??wiwitithit?inin in 2 2020 0 s se
ast","Tastes very good. I really like the taste.<br /><br />But then it is gone. Like it was never there. So fleeting.<br /><br />Takes two pieces to really enjoy, also.<br /><br />And be VERY careful not to eat it. Seriously, it is hard not to swallow it. Laugh all you want. You try it and see what I mean." 4866,B002FVQX3A,AGMRFA08XBU53,"SF ""Pilot Scott""",1,2,1,1307318400,I must be allergic,"I've never had an allergic reaction to any food, or anything else, in my life. But within 20 se
ccocono?dsd? o ofo? s ststatarartr?iningng g t toto o c chc??? a a a p pipieiececec? o of o??ththihisi?s gs ?umum,m? m ??? th thrhror?ata? b ?egegag?????o bo buburu?????? m my my y ay aiairi?????be???mem??co?nsnststrst?icictcteteded.d. .? T ?hahat???s ss ststrstrastranangangege,e, , b, bebecbecabecaua??e e Ie ??veve e be bebeebeenen ?chchechewewiew?ingin???pep?ararmarmim??t t at an?and and p??ppp??rmrmiminmintn?t it iciceice e c?ubube?s ?fof??? a a w whw?hilhilel??nonowow ??iti?th th?no? r rereaeacea?ctictioion?. ? I ? " """"t"tatastaststesteded"ed?? a an a?notnoth?erer r pr pipiepiececeece e fe frf?romro? a? ano anotoththetherther r pr par pacackck k ( ?wew?e ge ?getge???thithisis is??tutufuffff f ff ??eeee e ae at? t? the the e de did?iniinin?ing ing f fafacaciacililil?ityity y hy heherherere re i ?in in??rar?q)q?, , a, anandand ?agaga?in?, , m, mymy my t? thr throroaroat???stast?artartetedte??buburbu?rnirn???. . . S. SoSo,o?, i, ifi??yoyouou u h hahavhaveve ve???hihishi?stostororyor??ofof of? fo fooo?d d ad alallllelerlergrgigieiesies,s, , y, yo?u u mu mi?ghghtht t nt nonotnot not? wa wan?t ?t tot to o to ??y ??thithisthi?s fs fls f??vov?or.or?""4484868676?,B,B0B000?2F2FVFVQV??3A3A,A?ARAR7R?TATAEAEEE??DHDHMH?UBUB,B,K,KaKat?hrhryhrynyn n Sn S.S. . L. LeL?onon,on,0,0,0?2,2,5,
conds of starting to chew a piece of this gum, my throat began to burn and my airway became constricted. That's strange, because I've been chewing spearmint and peppermint ice cubes for a while now with no reaction. I ""tasted"" another piece from another pack (we get this stuff free at the dining facility here in Iraq), and again, my throat started burning. So, if you have a history of food allergies, you might not want to try this flavor." 4867,B002FVQX3A,AR7TAEEUDHMUB,Kathryn S. Leon,0,2,5
,?121252575787?979767?0000,0?GrGrer?atat t G ?umu?,I,?'m'm m r rereare?lll?y y??ici???y ay ?bob?utut t tt ththehe e g gugumum um I I I c chc?hewhe?? T ThT??s s i is?? gr g??reatreat t at ?ndn? t ththethe e fe ?lalavavov?? l la?sts?s s as a a? lo l?ngng g??imi???. . I I I r re r?cocomommmme?ndnd nd? it i?..?484?6868,8,B,B0B00??MBMBDBD5D5F5FEFE,E,A,AHAHQHQEQESESAS??HAH????3,3?WiWilillllEllE,E,0E,0,?0,0,50,5,5,1,13,1??04045451512??00,00,S,?ooooo? g go goooodoo?,","T"ThThiThis??is?is gis ?re?reat? c ch cheheeheesesese,e? a ??lilitittttltlel?e se shshahararpr? y yeyete?t ct crcrereareamreamymy,y, , w, wiwit?h h?sls?ligli?htht t bt bibit??s os ofof f??rurununcnchchych?. . G. Gr??eateat t wt wiwitwith? a a a m mimic????brb???? T??? M MeMere?lolotot t at ant and??RaRasasps??er??y y ay ary a?re re y??ummummymy my???oo.oo.".""4??86986???0000400?YZY?W5W5H5H8H8,8,A8,A1A?J3J3D3DMDMSMSJS?BFBF2F2B2B8B????msmssssh?epe?pepererderd,d,0d,0,?0,0,0,0,5,5,?1313313353?0505252828080000,?yuy??ummyummy,??MyM?y by ??abyaby y ly lolovlo??es es???hishis ?s aps a??????auaucucec?e. e. H HeHe e de dididi?n'n't't t lt ?liklikeke e te ththethe the g ge gererber????brbrabr?andand d ad atat at a al allll,ll, , b, bub?????mmmmymm?s ???is??????? ri rigighghtgh
,1257897600,Great Gum,I'm really picky about the gum I chew. This is great and the flavor lasts a long time. I recommend it. 4868,B005MBD5FE,AHQESATHA7Q13,WillE,0,0,5,1320451200,Sooo good,"This is great cheese, a little sharp yet creamy, with slight bits of crunchy. Great with a micro brew. The Merlot and Raspberry are yummy too." 4869,B004YZW5H8,A1J3DMSJBF2B8N,fmsshepperd,0,0,5,1335052800,yummy,"My baby loves this apple sauce. He didn't like the gerber brand at all, but yummys this down right
a ??ayay y a an andnd d I ? l lil?keke e t ?hah?t t i ???isi? o oro?gag??icic.c?""??8787070,0,B,B0B0000707H7HDH?SPSPVPVOV?,A,?1G1?QAQAKAKLK?9C9CGCGQ?LPLP1P1,1,L,?. . M M.M. . K. KeKeeeefe??r,r,0,0,0,00,0,????333?212?151525???,T,TaTasaststyt?y ay an??d Hd HeHeaeala???y y Sy ?nanacackc?,",?OuO?? f fafamamimili?y y ly lol?vev?s s ts ??esesees?e te ?as???? an and and d hd heheaealealtlthlthyh?y sy ses?esaesamameame e he hoh?nen?y y ay aly almlmomonondondsds s bs byb?y Ty TrT?adadederer er J ?oeo?'s'?. . . ?YoYouo? g geg?t ?th???crcrurunu??hy?? fl f???oror or o of of f t th t?? s sesessesas?ameame ame? se s??ds?? co c?mbmbib??nedned d wd wiwitithith h t? the the ?sus?btb?lel??e swe swew?eeteetnt?nesne?s ?ofof ??the?????neyney y ay any andnd nd??lm??ondond ond???avavoavororior?inging.g. ?. W. WoW???-i-??????? gr grer??t t st sns??ckck ck? th tha thatat at y yoyouou ou f fe fee??? go g?odo??d whd whihilileil??ea??ining??. ?ItI?t i?s s ms mymy y fy ?favfa???it??e oe of? T Tr?ad?erer er Jer Jo??e'se's s as alalmal?monmo?nd ??snasnac?ksks.? ?AlA?lmolmonlmondndsnds s a?rere re g??od?? fo foror ?????anand? a a a h a ha?ndndfnd?ulul l ol ofof ?ththe?sese se i?n n t th the? m momormornr?ninningn? w ?witwithth th??
away and I like that it is organic." 4870,B007HDSPVO,A1GQAKL9CGQLP1,L. M. Keefer,0,0,5,1332115200,Tasty and Healthy Snack,"Our family loves these tasty and healthy sesame honey almonds by Trader Joe's. You get the crunchy flavor of the sesame seeds combined with the subtle sweetness of the honey and almond flavoring. Wow--it's a great snack that you feel good while eating. It is my favorite of Trader Joe's almond snacks. Almonds are good for you and a handful of these in the morning with a
ffrf??itit t s sms????hih?e e?oror r a ?s s a a a???acackc? a?t t lt lulununcnchch h i isis s as a a g grgrereaeatat ?wawaya??toto o g ge g??t pt ?rorot??inin,n? t?hehe e he ??alaltl?thythy ??atat at a an andn? t th?e e Ve ViV?itait???in in E ? t? tha th????almalmomonmondndsnd?s os ?ffffeferer.r. .?ItI?'s's s a? g go goooodood ?idi?ea? t to to ?mem?easeasus??re re o ou outut ?1/1/4/4-4-1-1/1/21/2 2?cucupup p o of of f? th the thes thesese e ae ???onondnds? o or or ???un?????e e ae ale almlmomonmondmon?s ??utut ut? to to to s st s??ay ay i?n n t th the the the? ca cal?ororiorieie ie r ?anangngege ???? w wawanwantn??t tot t?o ko ?eeeepe?p wp wiwitithit?hinhin.n?. N. NuNututrut???ioion?is?t t rt ?recreco??me?nd???avavivininging g? a a s a smsmasmal??? am a?moumoununt??? of of a al alm??ondonds??? or or? wa walalnalnunututsut?s es ???ch ch d daday?ay fay fofor?? go??d d fd ?fatfat t at ??d d pd ?proprot?".""44848787171,1??0000101T1?Y6Y?T6T6K6K,K,A,?111?U5U?9R9?LWLWHWH3H?5151M1??trtro??pep?er,er?11??,13,13,3???,12,1?5454949696060000000??,W,WAW?Y Y O OUOUTUT T? OF O???ANANGNGEG???OSOSTS?,A?rere ?yoyouyo? k kik??did?inging ing??me!me! ! $ $3$?2.2?0000!00!!!!!? I??bub??y ty ththithisis is?? all al?l dl dadayda?y ly ????
fruit smoothie or as a snack at lunch is a great way to get protein, the healthy fat and the Vitamin E that almonds offer. It's a good idea to measure out 1/4-1/2 cup of these almonds or count the almonds out to stay in the calorie range you want to keep within. Nutritionist recommend having a small amount of almonds or walnuts each day for good fat and protein." 4871,B001TY6T6K,A11U59RLWH351M,troyper,11,13,1,1254960000,WAY OUT OF RANGE COST,Are you kidding me! $32.00!!! I buy this all day long
a?t t?popopo???arar r w ??olo????le? c ?lulubu?s s f foforo??unundnded?r r $r $1$1010.0?0000.0. 0. N NoNo o m momororeor???hehenen n??$15$1?.0.00.00 0 a atat at??eqequq?ulaular? s ststotororeoresores.s. . W WaWat?chc???heheshesese ??rir?ceces????ysy?s.s.?484?727?,B,??001001T1TYTY6Y6T6T6T6K6?,A,?3M3?HEH?O0O??ARA??OEO?4,4,C,CaC??hihieie e Je ?. . F. FoF?orgor?gusgus,s,4,?4,44,4,??,1,121?81817174744440400?0,0?WhWhyh? i isi???thithisis is? pr priricricece ce s so so ?HIH?GHG??,?,",?I I a ab absbsobsol?ututetele??y ly ?ovo??e te th?thisthi?s ss ststust??f,f, , b ?ut? I I ?pap??y $y $2$2.2?.00.00 .00????$2$2.$2?505??fo?r r ar a a?6-6-p-papacpackck k??n ?ththeth??grg?ococecerce?y y sy ststostororeore.ore. . . ? Wh Whyhy hy? is is s ts ths t?hishis ?prpripric?e ?soso o Ho HIo HIG?H?H?"H??4?87873873,3,B,B0,B00001?TY?6T6T66T??,A,A3,A3U3UPUPXPXRXR0R0I0?040????W,W,L,LuL????afaf,?4,4,54,?,1,1,,1?,12,1?7272072?67672?72007200,0,T0,?hehe he o ?ththe?r r rr re????wewerer er i is is is? to tot totat??ly? r?igighg??!!!?!!,!!?YoYouo? c??n ?geg?t t tt th???se se S ?OOO???OOO?OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?OOO? m mu m??? c ch c??apapeper?er aer at???whowhololeolesesaes?aleale e ce ?clucl?ubsubs.s.<s.??r ???<b?r r /r />r />I>?I gI ge??t t
at popular wholesale clubs for under $10.00. No more then $15.00 at reqular stores. Watch these prices guys. 4872,B001TY6T6K,A3MHEO0AARAOE4,Cathie J. Forgus,4,4,1,1281744000,Why is this price so HIGH?,"I absolutely love this stuff, but I pay $2.00 to $2.50 for a 6-pack in the grocery store. Why is this price so HIGH?" 4873,B001TY6T6K,A3UPXR0I04EO4W,LuvLeaf,4,5,1,1272067200,The other reviewer is totally right!!!,You can get these SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much cheaper at wholesale clubs.<br /><br />I get t
??? 2 242?/2/2020o0ozo?(y(yeyeses s??0o0oz0oz!z?) )?foforo??$1$111??oror or? $1 $1212!2!!!! ! I ItItst?s as aca???alalll?y y e evevevene? c chcheheaheapapeperer r tr ththe?n n bn bubuyu??ngng g?th?e e be bob?ttt??eses es f fr froromom m? th the? r ???ululalarar ??totororeore!e?4484?747?,B,B0B0000202C2?5656O6?BUBU,U,A,?2525S5SDS???GFGF6F??FQFQ1Q1,1,J,?ana?etet t W W.W. .? In I?n In IoI?wawa,a,8,8,8,9,???,1,12?71712?8989696060000,00,M,MyM?y Cy CoComommommum?nin?tyty ?y Coy Cofoffffefeeee,e,","I"I I l lilivive?? d dodow???in? L LoL?uiuisisasanannan??? fo foror or 1or ?0 0 y ?yeayeararsars,s? a an?d d Cd ??mmmmumunmu?nitnityty ty C Co?ffffeffeeee ee i isis is w whwhahatat t yt ?ouou ou w we werereer?e se ses??vevedved ved w wh whehen? y yo y?ou ou aou asasks?eded d fd ?????a ca cucupup p o?f f? co cofoffoffe?e.e?. H. HeHerere???n n In Ion I?owaowa ?I ?cacanan'an?t ?bubuybu?y ty ththe? C Co Com?omm.omm?. C. ??CoffCoffefee?, ??? w wh whe whenen en?? s sasawsaw w?? the the ?adad d td toto to? or ordrded??? th??rouro?ghgh h A AmAmamazazozono??n I n I j ?????d d ad ?at at? th? the the o of?feferfer.r?. I. I ??ot? 3 3 3 b bab?gsgs s os ?of of t th the the the H the ?az????utut t at ?andand and?? I a I ??m im inin in Cin CoCofCoffCoffeCoffeeee ee Hee He?avavevenven n rn rir?gh?t ??owow,ow?, T, ?ha
he 24/20oz(yes 20oz!) for $11 or $12!! Its actually even cheaper then buying the bottles from the regular store! 4874,B002C56OBU,A25SDO4GF66FQ1,Janet W. In Iowa,8,9,5,1271289600,My Community Coffee,"I lived down in Louisanna for 10 years, and Community Coffee is what you were served when you asked for a cup of coffee. Here in Iowa I can't buy the Comm. Coffee, so when I saw the ad to order through Amazon I jumped at the offer. I got 3 bags of the Hazalnut and I am in Coffee Heaven right now, Tha
?nknksks s A ???zozonon.n.".""4484878?5,5,B,?0000202C2C5C5656O6OBO?U,U?A1A??707???RYRYUYU0U0O0?KOKO,O,","D"DeD??tot?oneonede?9898989 9 " """?"De"Defeftef?tontonened?98?9"9?"""""??5,?5,5,45,4,4,1,121292959?????00000?,","A,"?ccccecepe?????e e & ??ininenexnexpx???sisivi?e,e? b ?utut t?GRGRER?ATAT T w ?heh?en en?cocolo?d d b br brer?wew?ed!ed????AfAftfteft??? be bece?comcomiminingin? m momorore? a anandnd d md ??rere re are a a " "" "?cocofcoffffefeee?e pe pe??soson?"""","", , I, ??veve ve b be bee be?en en ten ?ryryiyininging ing?vavara?ioi?usus s bs brb??andandsd??an???flf?avavovororsors ?inin in? an a? a??teteme?ptpt pt t ?to to f fi f?gugururere ?ououtou?t wt ???chch h o ?one? I I I p prp?refre???? I I' I'v've've ?tr?ieied? o ot oththeherher ??brabranand??s ss sus?chch ch a as a?s Ds ?ununknkinkinin'in',', ?KiKiri?klklalanla???, a, an?and and vand ??????s ???thether? s ??torto?re ?brbrabranbrandndsnds.s. . I. I ?cac?mem?e ae ??rorosossss s as a s a?grgrereareatat t dt ?eae?l l o?n ?a a 3a 3 3 p pa p?ackack k o?? C CoComommmmumun?iti?y y C?ofoffffeffee? s?o o I I I d de?cicidi?dedded d td ??to tto tr?y ?it?. ???he he p pa pac packckak?gig?ing?ing iing isisnsn'n't't t tt ththe?? be bes be?st st? on?cece ce y yoyouou ou o op opepenpen n in
nks Amazon." 4875,B002C56OBU,A1T70CURYU0OKO,"Deftoned989 ""Deftoned989""",5,5,4,1295568000,"Acceptable & inexpensive, but GREAT when cold brewed!","After becoming more and more a ""coffee person"", I've been trying various brands and flavors in an attempt to figure out which one I prefer. I've tried other brands such as Dunkin', Kirkland, and various other store brands. I came across a great deal on a 3 pack of Community Coffee so I decided to try it. The packaging isn't the best once you open i
tt,t??bub?t t I ? h hah??e e?ses??ara?atatet?e ae aiairi? t tit?ghghtht t ct coconontntataiainai?erersrs s??hihicichch h I? u ususe??(a(asas ??I iI ?mam???nene ne m ??stst t ct cot c?ffffefeee??drdrir??kekerersers s ws wow?ululdld d??wnwn)n).).<.<b<brbr r /r />/><>?<br<b?r /r />r /?I ???efe?ferfer r dr ?ararkar??bobolold?erer er r roroaoasastas?s,s, , a, anandn?d Id I I fI fofouounound? t th tha?t t Ct CoC?mmm??nin??y y C ?CofCoffffeff?? d dedef?in?ititeit?lyl?y fy fif?it it?? the th?e be bibilillll.l??MyMy y gy ??rlrlfl????ndnd nd dnd dididi???t t lt ??keke ke i it??, c, clclalaiaimaimim?ingin?? it it t wt ?as? t to toooo o s st strt?ronrongng,g, , w, whwhiwhicichic?h fh fufururtrththeher?er rer rereireininfin?forforcrceceded ?mymy y by ?elelielieiefef ef t th tha thatat at i??????as aas atat ???e e re ri?ghghtgh??t let leveve?l l f ?for? m me m?. ?I I bI brbrebr?w w? th the the the???ffffeffeeffee e te th?the the t tr traradradiditdi?tiotion?alal l wl ???y (y (c(co?coffcoffe?e e pe ?otot)t),), ??butbut t at ?alsal??o vo viviaia a c co cololdol??brbre??in? . I?'v'veve ve f fo f?ounoundoun??ththathat??at that thehe he c? col coldld ld b??rewrewew???ve?rs?ioionon on o of of f C Co Comommommu??nitni?? C??ff??? f fa farar ar? su sur?papaspa?sesesses s ts ththethe the tthe ??adadiditditiditioionio
t, but I have separate air tight containers which I use (as I imagine most coffee drinkers would own).<br /><br />I prefer dark/bolder roasts, and I found that Community Coffee definitely fit the bill. My girlfriend didn't like it, claiming it was too strong, which further reinforced my belief that it was at the right level for me. I brew the coffee the traditional way (coffee pot), but also via cold brewing. I've found that the cold brewed version of Community Coffee far surpasses the tradition
a?l,l??????-b-brbrerewewiwiningng g p ??ododuducuctct.t? I I'I?m m n non???ququiuititete e?sus?re??ifif f t ??isis s??s s ts ththethe e ce cac?sese e fe fof?r r a ??mom?stst t at ?allal??cocofofff?eee????bub??t it itit it s se seeeemee?s s es evevev???momormore??prpropr?no??ncn?eded d w wiwitwith? C CoComommmmumun?it?y y? co c?offoffefeefee.e.".""?484878???B0B?0202C2C5C5656O6OBO?U,U?A2A2U2?4949I9???RJR??NUNUXU?,F,?rurugu?alalFal?FreFreaeakeak,k?2,2,2?,4,4,4?121?95955556?808??0,0??azazezele?nunut? c co?ffffeff?ee ee s sm s?el??s ??ndnd d td tatasastasteteste???ikikeke e Be ??uttut???redred d Pd PoPopopcp?corcornr?n nn no?t t at ast a?s ms mu?chch h l lilikli?ke ke H Ha?ze?lnlnulnutut,ut???hihishis s cs ?cofco?ffe???wawas? g gogooo?od od??butbu???t ?hahadad d ad a a?didisistis?inincinct?iviveve ve a?roromro?a a aa anandand d td tad tasastasteaste ??lik?e e be ??buttbutte???ed ed???viv?e ???theathe?ateaterer r pr pop?opcopcocorcorncorn.n. ?I I a?m m am a ??ugugeuge e he ???zelzelnzel?nutnut t ft ?lal??ororeoreded ed ced cocofcoffcof?feefee fee??an? a an a??? th thihishis his w??????odod,od, , I, ItIt ??usustst st? do doeoes??'t't t tt tyt???ca?llllyl?y ty ??ststeste e le lie l?ikeike e he hae h??elelnel??nut.nut. ??ouou u
al, heat-brewing product. I'm not quite sure if this is the case for almost all coffees, but it seems even more pronounced with Community coffee." 4876,B002C56OBU,A2U49IFXRJMNUX,FrugalFreak,2,2,4,1295568000,Hazelnut coffee smells and tastes like Buttered Popcorn not as much like Hazelnut,"This coffee was good but it had a distinctive aroma and taste like buttered movie theater popcorn. I am a huge hazelnut flavored coffee fan and this was good, It just doesn't typically taste like hazelnut. You
m??y y?liliki?e e i ?t t?bubutut t It I I w wiwilillll l?seseaeararcrchch h?fof?r r?a a m ?ororeore ?trt?ueue e he hahaza???nunutut ut f?lalavavov??. . D DoD?? a a t tetesests?, , m ma m?keke ke??opopcp?orornor? i in in n tn ththeh?e me ?icicrcrorowowaw?aveave ??ndnd d t??henhe??la?te??r mr ?makmakeke ?ththeth?e ce cocofcoffffefeeee e ae ane andnd nd y yoyouou u w??illill l sl se???e the thehe he s si simimimilmila??".?4?878777?,B,B0B000?2C2C5C565??BUBU,U,A,?797?TFT?V4V4B4BFBF2F?010181???olollllyll?,1,1,1,1,1,,1?5,5?,13,1343454?333?34434?0000,00?GrGrerea?t t ft ?la?vo??,",???azeazel?nunutnu?t ct cocof??feefee e ie ?s s m my my y fy fafav?ororiorit?e ?e ane ande and d od ouourou??lolococacalal l sl stl stot?ore????onon'n't't t c???ryry y iy itit,it, ?asas s ws wew???livlivev?e i?n ?a a va ?ververyry ry s sm s?malmall?? to towownown.n. . . T ??he ?flflaflavavoavoravor r ar ?andan???as?tete te o ofof f t th thi th?is is c cocofcoff?ee???s s w?on?dedererfrfuf?l.l. . . I. ??? st sta??t t et ?veververyver??dad?ay ay???th? i?t t at anandand and o?ftftetente?n hn ???ve ve a?n n an afn a?fteft?erner??on? t??reareata?t ot ?of of?? a c a cuc?p p o???? the the ??of?fefee?. . . I? w wi??ll ?????agagagaia?n n an ann and??hih
may like it but I will search for a more true hazelnut flavor. Do a test, make popcorn in the microwave and then later make the coffee and you will see the similarities." 4877,B002C56OBU,A79TFV4BF2018,Holly,1,1,5,1345334400,Great flavor,"Hazelnut coffee is my favorite and our local stores don't carry it, as we live in a very small town. The flavor and taste of this coffee is wonderful. I start every day with it and often have an afternoon treat of a cup of the coffee. I will buy again and hi
??hlhlyly y r ?ececocomo?memene?d.d. .?ArA?ivivevede? f faf?? e ?ararlar???r r tr ??anan n I ? a anantan?icicic?papata?eded.ed??4?8787878,8,B,B0B?020??565?OBO?U,U??1414E4EBE??6R6R5R??5858787N87??CaC??ebe? D D.D??FrFrereereesesese,e,1,??,1,,1?5,5,1,13,1??090?28280800000000,0,E,??cecelellllelenlentnt,t?"A"AwAwewesesoesomomeom? c cocofcoffffefeee?!!!!!!! !! I I I?ha?veve ve?oro?ded?ereer?ed ed t th??s s p papacpackc? o of o??babaga??s ts twtwiw?iceice e ne ??w w a an andnd nd g gegetetttti??g g??eaeadea?y y ty tot? o?rdrderderer er a a a??hihirird?. . I. ?f f yf ?ouou u???keke e de ?unu??inin ?dod?nunututst??ha?zezel?nu??t, t, b bu b?ut ut d dodondo?'t'? l li likikeke ke? th the the e pe ?riricricece ce t th thi this? i ??is ais a a g gr g?reareatat at a an and an?d id in?exexpxpepenensen?iv?e e ae al?teterte?nanat?iv?ive.ive."."."44848787987?,B,B0,B0000200??56?OB?U,U,AU,A2A?PZPZTZT8T888??PUP?UEU?????DoD?onnon?na na T ?. . ". """"D"Do?nnnna?na Tna ?T."T.??","?,1,?1,1,51,?5,15,131???959535?360360000,00,","W,"WeW?e Le LiL???e Ie ????YoY?ou ou?WiWilill???ooo?.".",.",","W,"We,"We ?fifirirsir???did?iscisco?ve?reredred d Cd CoComommommumun?itityty y Cy Co??ffeffeeee ee?whwhihilhilele le o???a ?viv?isiisit? t?o ?LaL??ke ??
ghly recommend. Arived far earlier than I anticipated." 4878,B002C56OBU,A14EBC6R57587N,Caleb D. Freese,1,1,5,1340928000,Excellent,"Awesome coffee!!! I have ordered this pack of bags twice now and getting ready to order a third. If you like dunkin donuts hazelnut, but don't like the price this is a great and inexpensive alternative." 4879,B002C56OBU,A2PZT88XPUUEZS,"Donna T. ""Donna T.""",1,1,5,1336953600,"We Like It, You Will Too.","We first discovered Community Coffee while on a visit to Lake Ch
aararlrlel?s,s, ,???. . A AnA?? u ??titilil l???cec??ntlntlyly y i itit t?waw?s s?ononlnlyly ly a ava?aiaililail?blb?? i in i? L????????y my ???l.l. ? W ?e e p ?rerefrefef??re re t tht?e e He ?azazez?lnlnun???bl??endend,d, ??it it?hahas?? a a n nin?cece ce r??ichic? f flf??avoav???wiw?ithithohouout? b be b??ngn???vev?erlerly?ly sly ststrt?onongong.g??. T. ThThihisis s is isis is?ve?ryry ??ooo???coc?ffffe??. . . W. ?We We l lilikikeke e ie it????? h ha h????a a s ststast?andan?ininging ?orordordederer er? wi w?????mamazmazozonon on t to to o? ha hav haveve ve? it it ?shshihiphi??eded d td toto ?usu?s as atat t ct ?conco???ninienienentent ?in?tet?ervervavalva?s.s??4?888808?,B,?0000202C2C5C???BUBU,U?AHAHKHKDKDSDSWSWUWU5U5H5HEHEHEH9H9I9I,I??enennennyny,y,1,1,1,1,1,,1????32329296960609096960960000,00??asastastete te g gogoogo?od od t to to to???,",??'m'm m n no notot t at a a ca cocofcoff?eeee e se ??obob,b, , s, ?o o Io I'I'mI'm m nm nonotnot t pt pipic??y ?ab?ououtout t wt whw?hathat t kt ?inindin???of of????fefeefee fee I I I??ururcrchchahashasese.e. e. I I I? ch chohoshosese se??hihishis s bs ??ecaecauaususeuse ?e ite it t w???as cas chchecheaeapapepespestst st b by by ?ththethe e oe ??ncncece ?an?? b be bes be?st st rst rarat?eded.ed.
arles, LA. And until recently it was only available in LA or by mail. We prefere the Hazelnut blend, it has a nice rich flavor without being overly strong. This is very good coffee. We like it and have a standing order with Amazon to have it shipped to us at convenient intervals." 4880,B002C56OBU,AHKDSWU5HEH9I,Jenny,1,1,4,1329609600,Taste good to me,"I'm not a coffee snob, so I'm not picky about what kind of coffee I purchase. I chose this because it was cheapest by the ounce and best rated.
?? b bobouougughghtht t < ?a a?hrh?efef=f?""""h"?htthttptp:p:/:///?www??.a.amamamazazozonon.n.c.cocomom/m/g/gpg?/p/prpror?duducuctc?/B/???1E1EOEO5O?WOW?0"0""?>T>??e e C ?ofoffffef?e ?BeBeae?n n?& & T TeT???LeLeaeafeaf,f, ,?HaHanandand-d-R-RoRoao?sts?ede?? Ha H??elelnlnunutut t Gt GrGrorouro?ndnd d Cd ?CofCoffffeff?ee,ee, ?1212-2-O-OuOun???e Be Bae Baga?s s?(P(PaPacackck k o ofof of 2 ??</</a/a>a> > a asas as m ?y y f ?iri??st st?grgro?rounroundnd nd c ???ffe?e,e, , a, ??and and?????veve e te tot? s sas?y,y, ?CoComCommmmum?uniunitityty ?CoCof?fe?e ??memel???s as anand???asastastetestes s bs beb?tttteterter r?tht?hanhan n Cn Co??CoffeCoffeeee ee B BeBeaBe?an'an's's!s! ! T Th Thihisi?s is isis is? to t?tataltallllyl?y py pepere??ononaonalal l?prprepr?efeeferereerene?ce? t th thohou??<b<brbr r /r />/><>??r r /?>T>Th>T?hishis ?CoCom?mu?ninit?y y C?ofoffof?feefee fee? gr gro?rounroundround d td ta?st???s ms ??chch h?dadararkrkek?? a an andnd nd snd smsmosm?ot??herher ??andand and iand itit it? sm sme?llllsll?s gs gogoooodoo?.".""4?8888181,1?B0B00B00202C2C5C?6O6OBO?U,U,A,A2A2R2?3M3M2M2F2?P1P1K1KOKOSOSYS?E,E,W,WeWeiei i? Le Lee?ee,1ee,1,1,11,1,?4,4?131313?12712767616161606?00,00,G,?GreGrea?t t ct cocof?fe??fee ffee fof??r a? g gr gre gr?eat? p pr p?icicece,ce?"I"?'m'm m n nono
I bought <a href="""">The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Hand-Roasted Hazelnut Ground Coffee, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 2)</a> as my first ground coffee, and I have to say, Community Coffee smells and tastes better than Coffee Bean's! This is totally personal preference though.<br /><br />This Community Coffee ground tastes much darker and smoother and it smells good." 4881,B002C56OBU,A2R3M2FP1KOSYE,Wei Lee,1,1,4,1312761600,Great coffee for a great price,"I'm no
c?ofoffffefeeee e??nonobob b?bubutut t????s s i is? s st stit?lll??mum??h h? be b?ttttetere???hah?n n?crcrarapa??yoyouo??geget? a a a S StStat?rbrbubucbuckcksks s (s (I(??drdririninkn? b?lalaca?ck ck c??offoffefeefe?e se sos? f flfla?vovoror ?rereaealall?? m ma m????ersers ??heh?n ?ititsts s ns no?t t ct cocovcovever?ede?? by by y cy cacar???elel l al ?andan???ththeth?er er j jujununknk)nk?. . G GrGrereareat????ffffeff?ee ee f fo f?or or a a a g?re??t t pt prpriricri????ese??ececiciai?allal??y iy ifif f y??ou ou? ge getet et iet it? w wh?en??AmAmamazazozono?n in isn i??ofoffoffeoffererierin?? t th the the e $e $3$3 3 o ofoff????upupop?on.on.".?4484888828?,B,B0B?020?C5C565?OBOBUB?,A,A1A1Q1Q9Q9J9J6J626?2C22C202??YXY?8,8??. . H. ?eaeadead,d?1,1??,5,5,5,1?2929292020220?56560560000,00,G,Gr,Grerea?reat reat c co? coff cof??fee,fee,","I"I ?dod??'t't ???ininkink k Hk HaHazazeaz?elnel?ut? c co? coff????, b, ???t mt mym??wiwififeife e s???s ??thith?is is iis ?is is tis ?the? b be?stst t st ?hehe he?hahashas s es eve?verver ??hadha??anandand and a?skskekeded ed??e ?toto ??buybu?y my mom??e e fe foforor ????."."."4484?883883,3??00002002C2C52C56??OBUOBU,U,AU,AQA?4F4??E7E7I7IJIJEJ???O,O,W,WiWil?lil??m m?D.D?. S. StStoSt
coffee snob but this is still much better than crap you get a Starbucks (I drink black coffee so flavor really matters when its not covered by caramel and other junk). Great coffee for a great price, especially if you get it when Amazon is offering the $3 off coupon." 4882,B002C56OBU,A1Q9J62C20HYX8,G. Head,1,1,5,1292025600,Great coffee,"I don't drink Hazelnut coffee, but my wife says this is the best she has ever had and asked me to buy more for her." 4883,B002C56OBU,AQ4FHE7IJEAXO,William D. Sto
nnene,e,0,?,0,0,,0?5,5??353?060??121202000?0,C0,CoComommmmum?nin?tyt????ffffef?e,??e e?enenjnjojoyoy ?Co?mmmmumm?uniunitityity y Cy Coy C??ffeff????hehenen en w??e ge gogo o t toto ?NeN?w w O OrO??????. .?I I? wa wasas s g glglalada? t???seseeee ??? a avavavaiailila?blb?le le i inin n?yoyououru? o ononlnlilin?e e se ststotorto?ee??8888484,4??00002002C2?5656O6OBO?U,U??D7D7D7?Y0Y0I0I7I?TCT?SGSGMGM,M,L,LOLOVOVEV??YLYLAL?ADYADY,Y,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,??132132929696969669??000000,?0,Co0,Comommommu??nitni?ty ty H HaH?zez??nunutut t? Co Cof?fe?e,e,"e,"V"VeV???y py ??leale?aseas?d ?wiw??h h t th t?????newnew w cw coc?off?eeee,ee, , t???anxanx x?????non?tht?herher r ur ??serse?r cr co??mmemmenentent t at an?d d gd gogoogoodo????viv?ewew ew f frf?omom om s sosomomeomeoeononeone e re rerecrececenent?lyl?y wy ?whewhenen en Ien I ?waw?as as??ea?rcr?hihinhi?g g f?oror ?a a?beb??teter? p prp??cecedced d cd co?ffffeffeeffe?. . P. PlP??? m ?ororeor?e ie ?mpmpoporortortat?antantltly?? th?e ?prpripr?iceic?e se soe so o fo fafarar ?isis is s st stit?illil? e ex e??celcelllle?ntnt;t? a??ll ll t? the the the??ththethererser??ararear??e rie rididid????ouousous s os onon on p?ri?cicin?g g Ig I I hI ????e ne no?titicti?cedced,ced??inincin?re
ne,0,0,5,1350691200,Community Coffee,We enjoy Community Coffee when we go to New Orleans. I was glad to see it available in your online store 4884,B002C56OBU,AD7DY0I7TCSGM,LOVELYLADY,0,0,5,1329696000,Community Hazelnut Coffee,"Very pleased with this new coffee, thanx to another user comment and good review from someone recently when I was searching for a better priced coffee. Plus more importantly the price so far is still excellent; all the others are ridiculous on pricing I have noticed, incre
aasa?iningng g b ?? $ ?4 4 o oro? $ $5 $? i inin in s ?omomeme e??????. .? I ? w ??? g ??ttttit?inging ?MaMaxaxwx??lll???ouoususes?e He ?azazezelelnelnunutu?, ,? bu but? t ththihisi? c?ofoffffef?e e ie ?? m ??chch h t?asastastitietiere?; ; a anandn??MaMaxMa?xwexw?ellell ?HoHouHoususeus?e he ?as?as gas gog?ttttettene???aya???oooo o p ??iciceceyey y fy fof?or or t th t?e e qe quq?alalilitityty y oy ?? t th the theieirir r hr hahazhazezelze??nutnut t? af aftfteter? e exexpx??erierieienencencic?inging ing?CoCom?mu?ninit?y'y???bob??dederer er fer ??ava?ororeorede?d hd hahazhazehazelelnelnuelnut?. . . Y YoYouou ou c ca canan an a ac a?tut?ualuall?y y t?asast?e e He Hae H??eleln???t it inin in Cin CoComCommmmumun?itityity ity C?ofoffoffe?e.e. . . I. ??'s's 's a? b?itit it b bo bololdol?derder,r, , b, ?utut ut Iut ?I lI li??e ?a a g?oo??d cd cucupu? o of of f? co cof coffffeffeeee ee w wh w??rere e ye yoyou??ca?n n an aca?ctuctuaualuallual????y tasy taststete te?? the the the c? cof coff coffefeefee fee?(y(yeyeaeahah)h???. I. I . I d dodo o no ??? b? buy bu??y ory or r sr seseaseara?chch ch f foforfor r Mr MaMaxMaxwMaxwewelwellll ll??ou?sese se??nyny ??onongngenger?, , n, ????dodo do?? e en e??oyoy y Fy FoF??gegergersrs ?or?or aor an??y o?????e ??????mom??ore ore????en
asing by $4 or $5 in some cases. I was getting Maxwell House Hazelnut, but this coffee is much tastier; and Maxwell House has gotten way too pricey for the quality of their hazelnut after experiencing Community's bolder flavored hazelnut. You can actually taste Hazelnut in Community Coffee. It's a bit bolder, but I like a good cup of coffee where you can actually taste the coffee (yeah). I do not buy or search for Maxwell House any longer, nor do I enjoy Folgers or any of the much more expen
ssisivi?? b brb?anandndsd? a ??s ns non?nene e oe ?f f t tht??m m??omompmpapara?e e te toto o t??? r ??chch h f flflal???r r o ?? C CoC?ommom??ninitityt? H ??zezele?nunutut t C?ofoffoffefeeee.e. . ?I I j juj?stst t ht hohopo?e e t?hah??t nt no?w,w, , f fi fininanalallllyly ?afaftfteterer r fr fifinindin?ininging g a a a d ?ece??ntn??tat?astas?in?ing ing? co cofoffoffeoffeeee ee a at at t at ??gogoooodo? p prpriricri???, A, AmA?azazoaz?? k kek???s s is ?it it i inin in?st?ocockck k f fo f?or or a aw awhw???e.e."e.""4??8585,5?B0B???C5C565?OBOBUBU,U,A,???ROR???CVC?4C4CECEBEB9B?,A,AL,AL,L,0,?,0??5,5,15,131313121?1515656856?00?,G,GoGoooodood ?co???feefe???ItI?t it ??s Ns ?OTOT T t? the the e Be BEBESE?T,T?, b, ?utut ut? fo for fo?r tr th???momon??y y a??nd nd? th?at? e exextx?rara ra??0%0% %? of off??, i, ?itsits ?ththe? B BEBESBESTST ST V VAVALA??E E?yoy?u u c ca can? g ge getet.t. . I. ?I aI ama??veververyry ?ha?ppp?y y wy ?it?h ?mym?y py pup??chchachasaseas??an?d d nd nonownow now? I I c ca can can n d dr dririnrinkn?k gk go?od??? cof coffffeffee?ee eee eve????dad???y asy as s os opoppoppoposo?ede?d td ?to to t th the the the c cr crarapra??""""o"ofoff?iciceice"e?? c? cof coff coffefee? o or o?r tr thr thahathat t "t ?""o""on?ce?-a-a-a-m-
sive brands as none of them compare to the rich flavor of Community Hazelnut Coffee. I just hope that now, finally after finding a decent tasting coffee at a good price, Amazon keeps it in stock for awhile." 4885,B002C56OBU,A1URORDCV4CEB9,AL,0,0,5,1312156800,Good coffee,"It is NOT the BEST, but for the money and that extra 30% off, its the BEST VALUE you can get. I am very happy with my purchase and now I can drink good coffee everyday as opposed to the crap ""office"" coffee or that ""once-a-m
????h"h"""" " e exexpx??nsn?ivi?e e c ?ofofff??e.e. .??ftf??? b bubuyuyiyini?? t th?isis,s? I I I??asas s s ?atatitisisfisfif?eded d e en enonouougu?h h? to to o b bu buyuy uy a anano?th?erer er 2 2-2-p-papacackck k??of of C CaCafafefe fe S ???ciciaialal.l. . N. ?oto?te:te: :???e ?exexpexpip?raratatiat?onon on d dadat?eses ?onon on mon ?y y h ??zezelelnl?utu?? ba bagagsg?s as ararer?e 1e 1212/2?2020101111.1.".??484?8686,6???0202C2C5C565?OBOBUBU,U,A,A3A3434D4DBDB1B1818B8B0???7Q7QVQV,V,L,?ememomoNoNsNsTsTwTwswsTsT,sT,0,??,0,,0?5,5?131303???91912120120000,00,C,?of?fefeefee e Pe PrP?inincin?es?s s Ls ?ovove?s s Ts ?ThiThisis is a???ici?ti?on?,I,I I gI gag?????hihisis is ais ? t tr t??y wy whwhe?? i ??t wt ?waswas s os ons o?n sn ?pepecpecipec?ialial l a an a?d ?I I tI ?ototaot????y Ly LoLovLove?ve tve ?thithisthi?s ps ?rorododuducu?? I Ia Iamam m a as a??fufusussssysy ?cocofco???ee ee d??rinrinkn?er?er ter ththi?this this?prproprododuoducuctuct ?isis is jis juj??t ??a la ?ovoveov??y y ay ?? t th tho thososese ?hi??ghegherer er per pr?ic?eded ed??of???ee'ee's's s ts th??at at? te ten??d td toto to??rereareakak k mk ?my my b ba ban bank? a?ccccocoucounu?? . ....G.GIG??E E????t a t a T?RYR??48488887887,7,B,B0,B00?2C?5656O56?OBUOB?U,AU,ASA?KXKXTXTWTWEW
onth"" expensive coffee. After buying this, I was satisfied enough to buy another 2-pack of Cafe Special. Note: The expiration dates on my hazelnut bags are 12/2011." 4886,B002C56OBU,A34DB18B08X7QV,LemoNsTwsT,0,0,5,1307491200,Coffee Princess Loves This addiction,I gave this a try when it was on special and I totally Love this product Iam as fussy coffee drinker this product is just a lovely as those higher priced coffee's that tend to break my bank account ..GIVE it a TRY 4887,B002C56OBU,ASKXTWE
??ESESZSZQZQ,Q,",??. .??ala?lil?????"n"?hgh??"""""???,0?,5,?,1,131303?575767636323?000?0,E0,?xcxcec?llllellenentn? t tat??tet?,","M,"MyMy y?huh?sbs?anandnd d a anandand d Id ? b bob??h h l li?keke e?cocofoffffef?e e we wiw????ririci?h ?flflalavavovoror r??nd? g ?oooodod ?ta?ststeste,e, e, b bu butu?t wt wew?????non?? l li l??? t??e e be bibit?teterte?r or oror or b? bur burnrntnt nt t ta tasastaste? s sos?mem?e ce cocofco?ffeffee?s s???aveave.e. . . ?ThThihisis s Cs CoC?ommommum??it??y Hy HaHazazezel??utut ut? ha has has ?exexc?elellellelenentent t ft flflaflavavoavoror.or. ?. W. WeW?e me mamakake??itit it f ??iri?lyly y sy st?roronongong g a? and and d ad ????vev??y ?plplelealeasaseas?d ?wi?thth ?th?is? c co cofoffof?feefe?e."e.""44848888888,88,B,B0B00?2C2?5656O6?BUB???3E3EHE?BQB??7Y7Y2Y2626F6FNF?M,M,s,?ilillllylly y cy ??t,t,0,0,,0,0,0,?0,40,4,4,1?30?363606?3232032??,o,okok k f?or??th???prp??cece,ce,n,??t ?th?the the b be bese?st st c? cof coffffe??e be bue b?ut ???it iit is?is nis ?not?? ba bada??d asd as ??welwellll.ll. . w. wewe we??ouo?ghghtht t mt momororeore ?afa?teterter ter w ???trtririerieded ed t th the the e fe fifirirsir??st tst titimimeme me b be bec becacaucaususeuse ?e foe f?or ?or thor thehe he p pr?iciceic?e w??'v've?
8ESZQ,"N. Gallion ""nhg""",0,0,5,1305763200,Excellent taste,"My husband and I both like coffee with rich flavor and good taste, but we do not like the bitter or burnt taste some coffees have. This Community Hazelnut has excellent flavor. We make it fairly strong and are very pleased with this coffee." 4888,B002C56OBU,A3EHBQY7Y26FNM,silly cat,0,0,4,1303603200,ok for the price,not the best coffee but it is not bad as well. we bought more after we tried the first time because for the price we've
g?otot t i itit t it isis s??ininen?. .??odo?ivivava a i?s ?ststitili?l l?ouo?? f fa f?vovororirititeit? b bubutut ?ththih?? o on o?ne ne i is is is o?kakayay y t ??o.o..4484888898?,B,B0B?0202C2?5656O6?BUBU,U,A,A5A??W8W8U8URURAR?TUTUTUTHT??,","J"J.J. . H. HoH?st?ete?lel???""""M"MoMomommmmym?y ty to? t?wowo o??gorgo?geg?ouousous s bs ?aba??ese?!"!?"""""???,6,6,6,1,1,,1,1,12,1?9797575555555255?0000,00??ororsorstst st c cocofo???e e Ee EVEVEVERE??,"I,"I I???TET?? t th thihishi???cofco??? . . ???? m mumucuchch h m mo mororeore ?ofof of a a a Sa StS??rbrbu?ckc?s s os ?or or P ?ee?t't's's s ls loloyoyay?lilisistist,t, , s ?o o mo mam?aybaybebe ??I'mI'?m am a ?bibitbi?????il?eded.d??. B. BuButut ut a??teterer er r rereaeada?dindingng g m ma m?nyny ?po?sis?itiit?iveiv??re?vivieiewiewsw??s ofs of f t? thi th??is cis co??pap??y y Iy ?I dI dedececic?dededde????o go ?iv?ive ive? it it t at a a ta trt??. ?. B?igig ?mimisist?akakeke.e. e.? I? h hahadad ad? a a h ha h?ardar?d td titimti?e e ge gigivgivi?ngng ng i it it it??waw?ay.ay????t t dt dedefde?finfininititeitelitelyly y t????stesstes ?s lis l?keke ke c ch chihichico?ryry.ry. . ?. Bl. Blalagagkg?. . . B. Ba. B???nenewne?".""?484??????00000?QSQSOSONONJN?A,?AKAKZK???2Z2Z7Z?
got it is fine. Godiva is still our favorite but this one is okay too. 4889,B002C56OBU,A5KW8URATUTHA,"J. Hostetler ""Mommy to two gorgeous babies!""",1,6,1,1297555200,Worst coffee EVER,"I HATED this coffee. I'm much more of a Starbucks or Peet's loyalist, so maybe I'm a bit spoiled. But after reading many positive reviews of this company I decided to give it a try. Big mistake. I had a hard time giving it away. It definitely tastes like chicory. Blagk. Bad news." 4890,B000QSONJA,AKZKG2Z7C
N?V2V???BrB?eeeeze?yPyPaP?igi?e,e?3,3??,1,1,1??333303020212?444404?0,0,",?FaFalalsl?e e A AdAdvdvev???isisisini?g,g, , T TeTer?riribi?lele e De DoDogo? F FoFooo???!"!","?,"I,"I I???ugu?htht t t ththihis? d dod?og og???oodood d b be bececacaua?sese se??hehe e be ??g g sg shs?owoweweded ?pip?ctctuturureredre???f f v ?vegve??iei???anandnd d cd chchuhununknksks s os ofof of m mem?ata????andand ??itithth th a??nan?me?????e ?""""B"BeBenenen?fufulul"l""??I I tI ththoth???ghtght t It I ?wawasas s ps pup????asasiasin?g g ag ? n nu nutu???ti?ouousou?s bs ?raranandand and?ofof ?dodogdog ??foofo?od.od? M ?? d do dogogsogs s ds ?idid d ed eaeateat ????is is fis fofoofoodfood,d, , b, bubutut ut a?ftf??er er????didindingng ng t th the th?e ie ??ingringrered??ienientntsts ?I I cI ?omompm?le??teltelyly y ry re??reretret t pt pu?rcrchcha??sinsing?ng ing itit it a an andnd nd f fe fee???jujusustust t at awawfw?fulfu?l fl foforfo? f fe?edediedininging ing i it?it tit toto o m my my y dy do??s.s. . T. ??he he f fi firirsrsts?t tt tht thrhre?e e i?ng??red?redieredien???? ar arere re G GrGrorou?ndnd nd ynd yey?llllol?? c ?corco?n,n, ?chchich??ke?n n b by by-y-p-prprorodroduducuct?? me mea?l,l?, a?????cor??n gn glglul?uteut??? me? . H. ?owow ?
NV27,BreezyPaige,3,3,1,1330214400,"False Advertising, Terrible Dog Food!!","I bought this dog food because the bag showed pictured of veggies and chunks of meat, and with a name like ""Beneful"" I thought I was purchasing a nutritious brand of dog food. My dogs did eat this food, but after reading the ingredients I completely regret purchasing it and feel just awful for feeding it to my dogs. The first three ingredients are Ground yellow corn, chicken by-product meal, and corn gluten meal. How d
iisisgsgugusuststitiningn??isis is t ?hahata??! ! T ThT?? m ?aiainin in i in i?ngrngrer?didieienentn? i is i? a a a c ???n n f ?ilillllel??. . O ??e ?ththith??g g mg mymy y?vevetet t tt ?olo?d d? me me e ae ?a wa whwhihilileile ?bab??k k t th t?hathat t It ? n nenevne??r r f?ororgorgogotot:t: : " """"W"WhW?henhen n yn ?ouou u e ?atat at c co cor?n,n? w ??at??co??eses s os ?outout t ot ?f f t th??e oe otothotheherher ?en?d?d???he????meme me t th thi thininging ing h hahaphappppepenensen?s ws ?itithth th d dodogogsg?.".?? B BaBasasisici??ll?y,y, , d, do?gsgs gs c?ana?nonotot ot d di digigegesestest ?cocorcornrn,rn, , i, ?it it i?? j juj???t at a ?fifilfi?lleller? a?ndn?d cd ?cauca?useuses? t? the?m m? to to o a?ctctutuau?allal?y ?eaeateat t mt momor?e ??o ??eee?l l? fu fulu???????? o ououtout out m mo mor?ore,ore, , a, an?d ?reretretat?ainain ??leslesss??nunutu?ririeienie??s.? T Th The The ?e one onlnly?? me mea meatat ?inin in Bin BeBeneneenefe??? a?t t at alt a?ll ll i? is is a is a a ba byby-y-p-?rorodo?ucu?ct,ct?, i, it, itsts s ns nos not??evevevenven n an a a ra rereareal? m me mea meat mea??! B! ByBy-y-py-?proprod?ucuctuctsts ts a ar a?re re t??? s???fff?f lf ?lefle?totovtovever? o?ncn?e ?e ale allll ll tll ththethe e ae ace a??ua?l ?memeameatat ?at isat is ?haharharvrvevesve
isgusting is that?! The main ingredient is a corn filler. One thing my vet told me a while back that I never forgot: ""When you eat corn, what comes out of the other end? The same thing happens with dogs."" Basically, dogs cannot digest corn, it is just a filler and causes them to actually eat more to feel full, poop out more, and retain less nutrients. The only meat in Beneful at all is a by-product, its not even a real meat! By-products are the stuff leftover once all the actual meat is harves
ttet?d.d. .?WeWe'e'r'?e e?tatalalklkikiningn? b bebeaeakaksk?, ,?chc?icickckekene??fefeeeetet,t, , e, eye??bab?allallsls,? e eve?en????hichi?ckeckenen ?popoooopop!p??I I w wowououluldl???otot t r rerecre?omommm?enenden?d td ??hishi??prprorodo????t tt tot??ananyn?ono?e,e?, f, fof?r r a??ny ny? re r??soson?, , e, ev, eve?r.r. ?ItI?t it ???anan an a ab a?sosolso?ututeteltelyl???wfwfuful? d dodogog ?fo?od??. I. I . I c?anan'an't'?t bt ?belbelil?eveveeve ?th??e pe pipicictic?uru?resre?s os ofof f v ?vegveggggigieiesies s as ans andnd d fd fufulfullll l? ch chu chunu?ksks ks o ofof of?me?atat t ot onon on? th theh?e be ba?g ?cac??an ban ?be be a?ll?owowew?ed ed? to to o bo bebe ?onon on ton ththethe the p?aca??aga??ngng ng o of of f sf ?uc?h h a?? di disisgisgug?ststit?inging ??proprododuoducuctuct;t; ; i itit t it ist i?s vs veververyvery ?mim??lel???ininging ing a an and an?d sd ?hohououlou?ld ld b??e ce coconconsn?ididederereredred d fd fad f???e e ae ada?ve????sisinsi?<.??r r /r />/><>?<br<br r /r />r /?I ?rerec??ommom?menmend? t to to to s ststastayay y fy faf?r r ar awawawayay ay f?ro?m m B BeBeneneen????, ?an?d ??osostst st P PuPur?ininaina a? pr prorodro?ducductctscts.s???hehenhen ?pup?urcurchchachasa?sin???a a da dodogdog ?(o(oror or c? cat ca?????????
ted. We're talking beaks, chicken feet, eyeballs, even chicken poop! I would not recommend this product to anyone, for any reason, ever. It is an absolutely awful dog food. I can't believe the pictures of veggies and full chunks of meat on the bag can be allowed to be on the packaging of such a disgusting product; it is very misleading and should be considered false advertising.<br /><br />I recommend to stay far away from Beneful, and most Purina products. When purchasing a dog (or cat) food, t
??e e m momosostst t i ?mpmpoporortr??ntnt t tt ththihiningng g t toto o c coc??sisididederer r? is i? t?hehe he f ?irirsrstst st 3 3 3? in ingngrngrerededidiei?ntntsnt?; ; j juj????mam?keke e se sus?rere re t? tho th??e ??firfi?rstrs?t tt tht thrhrereere?e ae ?re?re dre ?decde?enentent t it ?ingingrgre??diedienententsents s ts ??atat t yt yoyouou u w ?ououlouldl? e eae?at at y yo?urursur????? N NoN?? t th tha thatat ?I I?knknonowow ow?????at tat ?to to?lol?oko? f?oror,or? I I I uI ususuusuaualallllyly y b bub?y y my mym???etetsts s as alallall l n nanat???alal,al, , o, ororgorgagan??c c???ododsds ?susucsu?h h a asa??BlB???e Be BuBufuffffafalaloal??, H, HaH??alo alo o ?or or W WeW?ellel?nenesessss.s.".""?484?9191,1??000010???TXT??U,U?A1A???YPYPRPRHRHMHMYMYPYP8YP8T8?K,K,B??b b O ObObbbb,b,1,1,1,11,1,??,1?303040424??80800????m m? no n?m m nm no?m,m,I,??d ??anankan?k Tk ToTofoff???fayfay ?asas as t ti tie???wiwiti?th th F ?ererrerrererre?o o Ro ??ch?erer er f???r tr ththethe ?grgregreaeatea??estest t ct chchochococoocololalatateate e ce cac??dyd???? . S. ?ada?ly??ToTofToffffiffifffifafayfay fay i? is is? im imp?osossossisibsiblb?e ????fifinfindn?d dd dedepdepepenpendndind??ing ing o?n n w wh whe wherereere e ye yoyouyou you l li tI th?ouougou?
he most important thing to consider is the first 3 ingredients; just make sure those first three are decent ingredients that you would eat yourself. Now that I know what to look for, I usually buy my pets all natural, organic foods such as Blue Buffalo, Halo or Wellness." 4891,B0018ATXEU,A1G2YPRHMYP8TK,Bob Obb,1,1,5,1304208000,Om nom nom,I'd rank Toffifay as tied with Ferrero Rocher for the greatest chocolate candy ever. Sadly Toffifay is impossible to find depending on where you live. I though
?t t o orordrdedere?iningn? 2 2424 4 p ?aca?ksk? w ?ououlu???bebe e o?vever?kikililll? b bu butut t It I'I?m m??oioininging ?ththrhrorouougou?h h t ?theth?sese ?ththith?ing?s s ls liliki?e e ne non??odo?y'y???????ineinesessess.s. .????ththithisthis s rs raratatet?e Ie ?I'lI'?ll ll h hah?veve ve? to to o??acackack k o on o? a ????xtxtrtrara ra??ilileile e oe ?ntntoto ?mymy y d ?aiaililyil?y ry rurunu?ninininging ing r rerege?imimem?nn4??9292,2?B0B?010181?ATA?XEXEUEU,U,A,A7A767656????HIHIRIRERE5E5M5M,M,o,ozozzzzyzy0y040414?6,6,0,0,0,0,0,,0,2,2,2,12,121??????28028???to?ffffifififafaya??WhWhehen? I I I g????t tht t?isis s is ?t ?waw?s ?me?ltltetedte??ththrthro?ugu?gh gh t th t?? p pa p?ack?aga?????d d wd whw??t t wt wat wasasnas?'t't t ct cocomompmplpleletete?lyly ?dedesde?tr?oyo??d d w?asas as s ??ucuck??? to to? th the the e ie ininsinsisidside? o of of f?? the the the w???ppppep?erser?s. s. Y YoYouou ou? wo w?oulouldld ld t? thi thin?k k tk ??atat at??if if y yoyouou ou aou arare? g? goi goining?ing ting ?to to s sh shihiphip p c ??oco??lalatateate ??n n tn ththe? s su sumummm?mermer r t ti timimeime e ye yoyouyo? w? wou woul??d pd pa?ckck ck ick itit it i??n sn ??omeomet??hinhingng ng c?olo???. . I? w?asasn?'t't 't v ?ververyry ?ha?pp
t ordering 24 packs would be overkill but I'm going through these things like nobody's business. At this rate I'll have to tack on an extra mile onto my daily running regimen 4892,B0018ATXEU,A765FXDHIRE5M,ozzy0416,0,0,2,1285372800,toffifay,When I got this it was melted through the package and what wasn't completely destroyed was stuck to the inside of the wrappers. You would think that if you are going to ship chocolate in the summer time you would pack it in something cold. I wasn't very happ
???wiw?thth h i ? I I I?lol??e e t ?theth?e ce cac?ndndyd?y ay anandand d o ononcn?e e ye ?ouou u?pepeee?lel??d id itit it o?fff? t th thehe e ie ini?sisidided?s s o? of of t th??e we wrwrar??peperpersrs s is itit it wit ?asas s gs ?oooodod.d?4484??3,3,B,B0B???8A8ATATXTXEX?U,U,A,A6A?6M6MSM???TXTXITX??5V5V,V,M,MaMara?k k?W.W????teterersrs,rs?0,0,0???,1,12126266?9696969696096?00,00?GlGlalada?d td ?o o h hahava?ve ve i it it t?agagagaia?,.,T,ThThihisis ?cacancandndyndy ?hahasha??s gos goto?tetenten n h ha h??de?? a?nd? h ha har ha?deder???o o fo fif???? I ItIt ?????dodowownwn n tn ?to to? a a c coc???lele le c??onvon???nen?encen?ce ce s ?totortorer?es es i?n n mn mym?y a?re?a a t th tha thatat t st sosololdld d i??t at an?? t th? they they y sy ststostopoppppepp?ed.ed. . . ?NoNowow ow a a a y a yeyeaear? l la l?ateaterer er? I I t?ypypepedped d id ind i????ffffiff???y y iy inintinto?to Bto BiB??g g a? and and ?upup p? po popopsops ?AmAmamazazoz?on.on. ?. G. ?rerea?t t pt prpririci?ce ce fce foforor r ar a ???reareatreat reat c?anandandyandy ?y any and??I'I'm'm m? we welellell l? st sto?ckckek?ed ed u ?up up?fo?r r tr ??the the n nenexne?t t 6t 6 6 m mom?ontonth??. . ??TheThe e he ha?rdrd rd? pa p?artart ?is? n?otot ot e ea?titininging ing? it it it???l ?
y with it. I love the candy and once you peeled it off the insides of the wrappers it was good. 4893,B0018ATXEU,A66MSWYTXIB5V,Mark W. Peters,0,0,5,1266969600,Glad to have it again.,This candy has gotten harder and harder to find. It was down to a couple convienence stores in my area that sold it and they stopped. Now a year later I typed in Toffifay into Bing and up pops Amazon. Great price for a great candy and I'm well stocked up for the next 6 months. The hard part is not eating it all t
?heh??fifirirsr?? w wew?eke?!!?4848989494,4,B,B0B??1818A8ATATXTXEX?U,U,A,???R4R4G4GTGTCTC0C?01J01?DHDHWH?,D,?.A.A.A.,.,0,?,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,121262?535323282808?000000,?YUY???Y,Y,i,i i h hah?veve ???eeneen n l lol?????g g f?oror r t tht?isis s?cac?ndndyd? f fo for for r or ovo???r ar a a y yeyeae??...?.....?.. ..?I I u ?seseded d t to t? e enenjnjojoyoy ?ththithisis is?asas s as ?a ya yoy?unu?ng ng?ki?d d ad ?andan????w w i ititst?s bs babacackc??! ! a?llll l t?he??e ??is ?toto ??ayay ?isis is Yis ??MMMMYMM?!???9595,5,B5,B0B00B001?8A8AT8A?TXETX?EU,EU,A??D3D313??RTR??XAXAEAENEN,N?M.M. .?WaWasasiasieielelel?wsw?kiki,ki,0?,0,0,0,?0,50,5,????1919595895?4040000,00?GOGOOOODOD D B ?UYUY,Y,"Y,"I"I ?heheahe?ardard d md mym????kidskids ??alalkl?kinkingng ng ang ababobou??t ct ca?ndndyndy y ty thy theheyhey y ry reremre?eme??berbereredred ??roromo? c??hilhildldhdhohoooodoo??d and a?nd nd t? the th?y y my ??ntntitioiononen?ed ed T ToTofofff?fiffi??ay,ay,s,sos???I cI chchehecheck?eded ?AmAmamazazoz?on on t to to to?se?e e ie ife i? i??t wt waw?? s st stitilti?? b ?beibeininging g sg sosolso?ld.ld?. I. ??t wt wat was??an????reare?asoas???ablab?y y py ?rir???ed.ed.I.??or?dedererered?? a a 2 ?4 4?papac??,a,an,and?nd dnd ??vividi??d ??
he first week! 4894,B0018ATXEU,A3AR4GTC01JDHW,D.A.,0,0,5,1265328000,YUMMY,i have been looking for this candy for over a year..... I used to enjoy this as a young kid and now its back!! all there is to say is YUMMY! 4895,B0018ATXEU,A4D31LRTOXAEN,M. Wasielewski,0,0,5,1261958400,GOOD BUY,"I heard my kids talking about candy they remembered from childhood and they mentioned Toffifay,so I checked Amazon to see if it was still being sold. It was,and reasonably priced.I ordered a 24 pack,and divided it
? a ama?ono?? t ?heh?iri? C ChC?ririsi?tmtmamasas s s ?stost??kikiningngsngs.s.T.ThThe?y y w wewererere e r re??lll??y sy ???prpririsrisesede???ndn?d hd hahapa??y y ty ?o o f fifinindind ?iti? C???isististmtmatm?? m mo?rnrnininingin?.I.?'m'm m g ???d d Id I I??hohouougughg?t ?ofo? s se seaeararcrchc?in?ing ing A AmAma?zozonon!on!"!""?484?969?,B,B0B??181?ATATXTXEXEUEU,U,A,??KJK?2V2VZVZNZ?TWTWPWPIP??O,O??ha???ondon???StS?in?sos?on,on,1,1,1,2,?,3,3,3?,13,1303???47472720200???usustst st???,","I"I ?ththothou???t t tt th?isis is w wo wououlouldl?d bd beb?e te ththethe ??ererfer?ece?t ?????yby?arar,ar???I lI ?lovloveve e he ????l l n ?ututsts,s, ??I lI loI lovove??cacarca?amameam?el,el, ?an???? l ?????chchochoc???latlatete.e. . ????? th?erereere ?is?is sis sosomso?ete?thi?ngng ng a ab a??outou?t t??he he c ch chohochococ?olaolatate???ilillllillininging ing ting ?thath?at at? I I d ?onon'on't't t lt ??kek??<b<brbr ?/>/> > t th?theythey ?clcla?imim m am a a wa whw?holholele e he hae h?zezelze?l nl nunutnu?t it ???ea?ch??pipieiececeece,e, ?bub?ut ut iut ?it'it???prpropr?ba?blb?ly ly?ononlonly?ly hly ?halhalfhal???? It I?'s's 's a an? O?K K c ca canandandyandy,y??, bu, butut ?I I wI wiwil??l n?
among their Christmas stockings.They were really surprised and happy to find it Christmas morning.I'm glad I thought of searching Amazon!" 4896,B0018ATXEU,A1KJ2VZNTWPIUO,Shalonda Stinson,1,2,3,1300147200,Just OK,"I thought this would be the perfect candybar, I love hazel nuts, I love caramel, and I love chocolate. But there is something about the chocolate filling that I don't like.<br /> they claim a whole hazel nut in each piece, but it's probably only half. It's an OK candy, but I will ne
vveverer r e eve??r r br bubuyu? i ?t t??gagaiainin.n? I I'I'l'llll l???ici????o o S SnS?ic?kek?ersers s w ?it??? al a???ndndsds!s??????7,7,B,B0B?040??WSW?0C0CACA,A?A3A3B3B7B7B7B0B0VB0VIV?ZRZRZR?F4F4G4G,G?"C"CaC??a a?M.M. . S. SiSili?llalla a "a """"C"Ca"C?araar?""?",",5,5,5?,5,,5??,5,1,5,?303090???121??00,00?,"F,"FuFulullll ll?flflal??oror,r, , n ?onon-on?aca?idi?icic,ic, , b, ?ese?st st?K-K-c-cucupup p s so so ?fafar??!",!",","I,"I I?hah?aveav? b bebeebeenen n? ex expxpeper?????titintingng g w wi w?ithith ith K??-cu-c?up up????wsws s fs foforor or? al alm almomosmo??st 2st ? y ??ararsar?s ns no?w.w?. . I I I t tr tririeiede? T TiTimimoimotoththyh??s ?CoCololol?mbm?iaia a Ea ExExcx?elelelenencenciciacia ?ONO?LYLY Y b be bece?auaususese e ie ?? w wa wasas s os ?on on s sa s?lele le a??nd nd I I I w I waw?as as s???ll??lo?okokikiningin?g fg foforfo?r Tr THTHEHE E O ON????. W. WeWelellel?, ?I I fI fif?inainalallal??y fy ??unu??? . . C. CoColColulumumbmbimbia??Ex?cecelce???ci?cia cia? is is s ts ththeth?e be bebesbe??st bst ??reare?kfkfa??st st cst cocofo?fef??e Ie I I hI ??veve ve??ououn?d ??to to??atatete.e. . ??icichich,h, ?fufulullul?-b-bobododidiedied?, ???thth th? a a c ?leleale?n n nn no???-ac-acrcri??d fd fifinfininisni?
ver ever buy it again. I'll stick to Snickers with almonds!" 4897,B004JWS0CA,A3B7B0VIZRZF4G,"Cara M. Silla ""Cara""",5,5,5,1309651200,"Full flavor, non-acidic, best K-cup so far!","I have been experimenting with K-cup brews for almost 2 years now. I tried Timothy's Colombia Excelencia ONLY because it was on sale and I was still looking for THE ONE. Well, I finally found it. Columbia Excelencia is the best breakfast coffee I have found to date. Rich, full-bodied, with a clean non-acrid finish
.. . I ?? g gog?ese? w ?elelll? w?itithth h m mim??k k???d d S SpS?lel???a,a? n non? o ododdd?d ad afaftf?erertr?asastste?? wh whahata?sosoeoevoevever?. ? D DoDononunutu?t st shshohopop p i ?s s ms mym? f ?avavovoro??iteite e o?ve?r r? IC ICECE,E??NeN?wmwmam?an'an's's s Ns NaN?antantutucu?keketet t it ?is is m my my ??favfavovorvo?ritrite??BOBOLOLDL?, , T, ?imimom??thythy'y's? I??taltalil??? g go goe???bebesestes??wiwit???ded?esses???t,t?, a, ?andand d Cd CoC?lolomombmbibia? E ExExcxcec?eleelenencencicia??isis ?ththethe e fe fifiri????ththithiningng g I I I d drd??nknk k ek ??ververyvery ?momormornr???g.g?""??898989??B0B??4J4JWJWSW?0C0CACA,A,A,AUA?????RKR??0707X7???DaDanan,an,2,2,2?,2,,2,2,2,,2,1,2,??1717777777277?808???VeVer?y y wy ?weaweakak,k,","V"VeVerVe??y wy wey w?akak ak b ??lenle??, ?slsliliglighghth??y y by bi?ttt?terter r ar afaftaf?ter?ta?st?e.e. ?. N. ?ototioticice?abablblybly y ly liliglighlightht ht? br b?ew? w wh whe whenen en b br bre brew?ining??. . W. ?onon'on't'?t pt pup?rcr?hahasha??? ag agag?in?, , i, ?in in f?acactc?t, t, I? I r I reregregrgre?t t tt ththithisthi?s ps ?purpurcrchrc?hashasehase.?? E EvEvevenve? o on on ?4 4 o oz oz z b br? brew brew,w, ????illil?l rl ?reare???y y wy wey weay weakak ?tatastasttastete.te."
. It goes well with milk and Splenda, no odd aftertaste whatsoever. Donut shop is my favorite over ICE, Newman's Nantucket is my favorite BOLD, Timothy's Italian goes best with dessert, and Colombia Excelencia is the first thing I drink every morning." 4898,B004JWS0CA,AU8NWWRKX07XH,Dan,2,2,2,1317772800,Very weak,"Very weak blend, slightly bitter aftertaste. Noticeably light brew when brewing. Won't purchase again, in fact, I regret this purchase. Even on 4 oz brew, still really weak taste."
?4484898??,B,B0B000040?JWJ?S0S0C0??,A,A3A?9K9KTKT4T4A4??F5F5Q5Q9Q?UBU???ScS?ototttt t R ?? S ShShehelelhlhahama??r r " """??er?oSo?ScoSc?ottott"t""?????,1,,1?5,5,1,13,13333333133151?20200?0,0,B,Be,B?stst t mt ????umum m?roroao??st st?co?ffffefeeee,e?,"I,"I I h ??vev? t trt?ieieded d m mamananyny y?di?ff??ereer?ntn??brbraran??s s a ?andand and??lalavavovoro??s os ofof f K K-K-C-CuCupup p? co cofoffoffe??? a an andnd d Id I I hI ???e ?tot? s sas?y,y, ,? th t??s ?s ons onene e ie isis is?ononene ne o of of ?tht?he he b bebes?t t It ?I h?av?e ?eve?verver r hr ?hadhad.d. ??I wI ?ououluldld ?ststrstroronro?glglyly y ry rerece?comcommmmemenmend??itit.t. ?. It. It t it isis is vis vever?y ??harhardr?d td toto to f fi fini?nd nd snd soso ?bub?y y iy itit it i if if f yf yoy?ou ou? ca can? g ?etet ??t t at atat ?t a t a g??odod ??riricricece.e.".???9090000,00?,B0,B??4J??WS0WS0C0CA0CA,A,AA,A3A3LA3?969646?4J84J8M8M7M7I7I7I7K7KFKF,F?,Az,A??itaita,a,1??1,1,51,?5,15,?3030909999999?96896808?00,00,B00,BeBesest? c co?ffffe?e e fe fof?? K?-C?upupsups,s?,"T,"ThThihishis s cs cocof??feefee fee??s ?bob???, ?dad?rkrk k? an and an??d tad t?astastyt?. . u. ???ikikeke e me ??ny? o ot oththeth?er er t ty typy??es es tes ?thathat?? ar are? t to too? w wawatateat?eryer???
4899,B004JWS0CA,A39KT4ATF5Q9UB,"Scott R. Shelhamer ""AeroScott""",1,1,5,1333152000,Best medium roast coffee,"I have tried many different brands and flavors of K-Cup coffees and I have to say, this one is one of the best I have ever had. I would strongly recommend it. It is very hard to find so buy it if you can get it at a good price." 4900,B004JWS0CA,A3L964J8M7I7KF,Azita,1,1,5,1309996800,Best coffee for K-Cups,"This coffee is bold, dark and tasty. unlike many other types that are too watery an
?? w weweae?k k????s s o ono?e e?brb?ewewsw?s ns ?icicece e ae ?ndnd d sd ?trt?on?g g???p p???? co cofoffffefeeee.e??4494?0101,1,B,?000040?JWJWSWS0S0C0?A,A,A,?YLYL6L??PHPH2H2O2?3F3?ZMZM,M,c,cocolo?leleeeeneen,n,0,0,0,0,0,,0??,1,131323?777797959???00,00,t,tit??otoththythy'y?s,s,","I"I I t?hohouougu?htht t t th thi thisis is c co cof coffffeffee????s s rs re?alall?? g ?ooo?d,d? b bu butu???I tI ththith?nkn??ththeth?e ne ne?xtxt t tt ?timtimeme e Ie I ????ere?, , I, ??wiwili?? o or o?rderderer er?sos??metmeth?thinthingn??????t t st ?strstroronrongngeng?"."."449490902902,2?,B0,B0000400?4JW4J?WS0WS???A,AA,?2N2?8K8KPKPMP??8787C7CFCFPFP9P9,9,","J,"J.J. . A A.A. . H. HaHamamimililtiltoton????raraca?ce2ce2020f20fafan?"""""""","??,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,1,13,132325325656363535252052??00,B00,BeBesest? D DeDececac?f ??veverer!er!,!,","T,"ThThihishis ?isis is bis byby y fy fafarfar r t th?e ?beb???t dt ??cacafcaf f If I'I'v'veve ve e eve?verve?r tr tr?iei?d.d. . Y. YoYouou ou c??an'an't't ?br?ew? i itit it o on on n?? the the the l ?arargrgeg??cucupcu?p sp sesete?titinting?. . Y?ouou ou hou hahavave?ve tve to? b br b?rewre?? it it t ot ?on ???the the?8 8? oz o? s se s?ettet?tin??, , d, ?onon'on't? t?ryry y ty ?to ?ststrstrestr???h h? it it it t?o o t th???1010 0 o oz oz oz
d weak this one brews nice and strong cup of coffee." 4901,B004JWS0CA,AYL66PH2O3FZM,colleen,0,0,4,1327795200,timothy's,"I thought this coffee was really good, but I think the next time I order, I will order something a bit stronger." 4902,B004JWS0CA,A2N8KPM287CFP9,"J. A. Hamilton ""race20fan""",0,0,5,1325635200,Best Decaf Ever!,"This is by far the best decaf I've ever tried. You can't brew it on the large cup setting. You have to brew it on the 8 oz setting, don't try to stretch it to the 10 oz
o?r r??t t w wiwili?l l?bebe e t tot??? we w??k.k. . H HoHowowewevevev?r,r, , w wh w?ene???rer?we?d d a ??t 8t ? o ozoz.z. . t. ththih?s s i is is s ss ??ooootoothth,th, , t, ?asa?tyt???ndnd d td ??st?eses s ls ?ikikeke e ce cocofoffffef?e.e. ?NoNotot t bt ?it???er er a an??d yd yoyouou u c ?anan'n't't t tt te??ll ll? it i?'s's s as a a d dedececa?f.f.".?44949090303,3,B,?000040????0C0CACA,A,A,A2A??BABA8A8989R9R9R959??0X0X7X?,","M"MMM?J J " """????"""""""?,0,0,0,0,0,,0?5,5???141484838?525?0000,00,L,????e ae a ???oodood ?co?lol?mbmbibiabi?an an??ofoffoffe?e,e,I,I I a?????om? C??lo?mbmbimbiaia ?an?d d Id ?I wI ??as as?loloolookokikiningng g f fo for? a a a c?ofoff??ee ee? th t?atat at? ta tasastas?tedted d ld ??keke ke??acackck k h hohom?e.e. e. E EvEveverve?ydydadaya?y wy whwhehenhe?n In I I mI ????e ce coe cofoff??e ?e ane andnd nd t th??e ae are aro??ma ma i is? i in in n tn ththeth?e we whwhowh??e e ke kikitki??hehenhen hen?.... . I. ItIt t ft fefeefeelfeelsl?s ls lis likikeike ike??omome??? and and and?? it it t ta tas ta??stesstes s js ??stst st l li likikeike ike iike it?. . I. I . I l?ovoveve ve t th thi thisis is c? cof,AA,AVAVJV?Q3Q??SMSMHM?3T3T2T?Q,Q?m ?wi?lslsols?n,n,0,0,?0,0,30,3,3,13,?13113111151
or it will be too weak. However, when brewed at 8 oz. this is smooth, tasty and tastes like coffee. Not bitter and you can't tell it's a decaf." 4903,B004JWS0CA,A28BA89R95C0X7,"MMJ ""mmj""",0,0,5,1314835200,Like a good colombian Coffee,I am from Colombia and I was looking for a coffee that tasted like back home. Everyday when I make coffee and the aroma is in the whole kitchen .. It feels like home and it tastes just like it. I love this coffee. 4904,B004JWS0CA,AVJQ3NSMH3T2Q,m wilson,0,0,3,13115
55252020000000,00,N,?oto????r r f fafavavovororirititete.e.......,..?"W"WeWe e h hahavaveav??bebeeeene???xpx????memenenten?iningng g?wiw?ithith h d did?ffffefer?en?ent ent b brbrar?ndndsds s? of of f K ??CuCupupsps s ss sisinincin?e e we ??e pe ?ur?chchahasha?ede? o ou ourur ur K?eueururiur?g g lg ?asasts???hrh??ststmstmamas?. . ??hihililel?e te ??hishis ??nen?e we wae wasas as o ok okakayay,y??itit it j juj?stst st i is is s ns nonotot ot?asas as gas gogoooodod ??rer??n ?MoMouounountn???in'in's's ?BrBrereare??fa?????le?ndnd nd f fo foror or a an an ?evevev?eryerydydaday? s ?stast??le???? We We ?hahavha???'t't t tt trtririeri?? G GrGreGr??een een M Mo?unu?ntantaiainai?n Cn CoC?lulumumbmbibiai?an an y ?etet ??as as aas ? c ?lol????r cr ?omo?papara?ris?on??. ?HoHowowewevwe?verver,r, , w, whwhehenen en w we we e me mamakmakeke e ae a ?lalarlargrgeg?er er c cu cupup up? of of of c co c??ffeffee?? wi witithith ith??thithisis s o???, ??theth??e bre b???? is? n nonotnoti?cicibiblblyly y w we?ak?er?er ter ?thathanan ?wiwitwithth th? GM G? B ?BreBreaeak?fa?fastfast t Bt BlBleBl?enden?.<.<b<?? / />/?<b?r r /r />/>A/>?lslsoso,o, , p, pl??easease? n?ot?e e te the thahathat t wt ???LOLOVOVEVE E?TiT????hyh??? W Wo Wororlorldl??ItI?taltaliliaianian n Bn BlBle?nd
52000,Not our favorite...,"We have been experimenting with different brands of K-Cups since we purchased our Keurig last Christmas. While this one was okay, it just is not as good Green Mountain's Breakfast Blend for an everyday staple. We haven't tried Green Mountain Columbian yet as a closer comparison. However, when we make a larger cup of coffee with this one, the brew is noticibly weaker than with GM Breakfast Blend.<br /><br />Also, please note that we LOVE Timothy's World Italian Blend
!?! !? I ItIt t i isis s?dedefefifinininititetele?y y a ?momouounu?t ??ourour r f faf?vov??ititeit?s.s.".?4?909050???000040??WSWS0S0C0CACA,A?A2A242?WJWJHJHCHCQC?I3I?V7V?BSBS,S?EiE??lalasa?,0,0,0?,0,,0?5,?131303070?05059059292020000,00??ono???rfrfufulul l c ?ofoffffef?e!e!!!!!!!!,!,","W"WeWe e l ?ovoveve e te ?hihisis is??ededidiuiumum m f fu ful?l-l-f-flf?lavlavo?rereded ed r ror?as?t.t? V ??ryry y sy smsmo???th th?tatasastasteaste.e....n.?o o b bibitittit???r or ?? a ac acicidididicdic c t ta tas??aste,aste, , a??t at alallll.ll.E.ExExcxcecelellellelenentnt nt c co c???feefee.??gogooo?? v vaval?ueue e e : ?) )??AlAlslsos?, , t, trtryry ry?TiT?????y'y?s ?KoKononaona.a....v..veverve?ry ry gry gogoogoodod,od,a,alalsal????44949090690?,B?00?0909J9JMJ?W1W1C1?,A?2C2CA??I9I9191G1?KUKU4U??S,S,"S,?ThThahanananapapop?ornor? W WaW?rdrd ??"m"mamaua??? mo m??"""""""",",4,4,4,4,4,,4,5????292????00000?,R,ReReaealal al?SiSin????BuBus?teterter ter ! !!?!!!,!!!?,"M,"MyM????????d ?hahashas s bs ?eeeenee??tataktakikininging g? th thi???Si?nunus? B BuBusBustste??ter tter teteate? o ononconcece ce a a a? da dayay ?(b(bebefbefofor?e e be ?bedbe?titimimeim?) ) f) fo?r r ar aba?ououtou??6 6? mo mon mo?????al??????, , h, heh?
!! It is definitely amount our favorites." 4905,B004JWS0CA,A24WJHCQI3V7BS,Eillas,0,0,5,1307059200,Wonderful coffee!!!,"We love this medium full-flavored roast. Very smooth bitter or acidic taste, at all.Excellent coffee..good value :) Also, try Timothy's Kona..very good,also." 4906,B0009JMW1C,A2CA4I91GKU4OS,"Thanaporn Ward ""maui mom""",4,4,5,1229904000,Real Sinus Buster !!!,"My husband has been taking this Sinus Buster tea once a day (before bedtime) for about 6 months already, he
uusususuau??lyly y h hah???a a r rereaeal???ad? s ?ininun?? p prprorobo?lelemem m b be b?fof?re? b?utu??nonowow w i ?t t it ?? a al almlmom???t ct ?omo???letle??ly? g gogononene.e. . T ?hihisis is t teteatea a ia is?is sis soso o w wowon?dedererfrfufulul l a an andnd d id ?it it??eaealea?llylly ?heh?elpel?s.s. ??WhWhe??? he h???kikipippp?ede?????? a a?fefewe?w dw dad?ysy?s bs beb??aua??e e re rar?n n on ououtut ut o ofof f? it i?t tt ththe?hen hen t th the???in???us cus cacamcameme ??bacbackc? a ag a?aiain??. D. ?onon'on't'????antan?t tt tot to o so ??kipkip p? it it it f fo foror or s??o lo lol?ongong g? an any anymy??re??. H. HiHigi?hlh?ly ly rly re?co?mmm?menme?ndendeded.ed.".?4?909?7,7??000?009009J9JMJMWMW1W1C1?,A,A2A2H2HYHYSYS4S4L4LMLMBMBNB?8E8E0E0M0M,M,F,FeF?eloel??iui?us ?MoMononkon?,4,4,4,4,4,,4?5,5?111?737?919???0000,00,M,MuMucu???us dus ???ininain?gege!e!!!!!?,I,I'I'm'm ??ereryer?y hy hay hapappppyppy y wy ??ithith h t th thi thisis-is?- -?drdradraiainainsns s ms ??y ey eaearea?s ?anandan??sisinsinu?sesese??ququiu?iteite e ee efeffeffefecfectctit?vevelvely?. . . W. WoW?orkorksks s bs bes betetttteterter r fr fofor??me? t th tha thanan an g gu g?uaiuaifife??is??n.n??49490908908,8,B,B0,B??090?9JM9JMW??1C,1C,A,A2,A2Q2QJQJ8J878??VKV?3C3CSCSHS?
usually had a real bad sinus problem before but now it is almost completely gone. This tea is so wonderful and it really helps. When he skipped for a few days because ran out of it then the sinus came back again. Don't want to skip it for so long anymore. Highly recommended." 4907,B0009JMW1C,A2HYS4LMBN8E0M,Felonius Monk,4,4,5,1173916800,Mucus drainage!!!,I'm very happy with this-- drains my ears and sinuses quite effectively. Works better for me than guaifenisen. 4908,B0009JMW1C,A2QJ87KVK3CSH8
,?MsMs.s??MaM?ryr?,3,3,3?,3,,3,4,4,4,1,?262?222212171?6060000,0,I,InI?tetererer?ststitiningng g t tat??stest? s ?lolowow w???lil?efef f o ??f sf sisin?usu??prpre??susururere,re?ThTheh?e se ?sinsinun?us us b bub?ustuste?r r t te t?a a h hah?d d?anan n i inintin?tertereteresestesti??? a?ror???a wa whwhehenhen ?seseee?pip??g;g; ; i it i?'s's s ts ta?st?ste ste i is i??acacqcququiu?reredre?d nd non?t t o??fef?nsn?se se a at a??lel?easeast???? s sa saya? m mom?re??lilikli??e be buburbu?ntnt nt b ba bararkar? o or or r rr rereareala?lyly y oy ??ererherhe?atatetedte?d cd cocof?????????adad ad?nono no d drd?aiain?aga?e ?of?? my my ???sinusin?useus?? w wh??le? d??in?kikin?? o on onene ?cuc?? o of of of t??he he t te tea tea a ta ?hehe he nhe ??xtx?t mt ?mormornrnirnin???I I cI cocoucoulu????feefeelfeel l r re rele?lieli?ef ef o? of of p of ?prepr?essessu??????d d pd pap?ainai??. I. I . I w wo w??ulduld d p?rerefrefeferfe???thithisis s ps prproprododud??t ?ov?er?? an a?y ??inhinhahalhale?d ??sinsinusinussinu?s rs re?relirelieiefie?f af agageag??t.t???s s as a s a p pl plulusus us aus ?allall ?th?e ???ingringreredrediredieienient????of of tof ?thethe the t te tea tea tea a? are are ?e one on n tn ??the the pthe ???kak?ageage age??n ????li?shs? n no not
,Ms. Mary,3,3,4,1262217600,Interesting taste slow relief of sinus pressure,The sinus buster tea had an interesting aroma when seeping; it's taste is acquired not offense at least to say more like burnt bark or really overheated coffee. I had no drainage of my sinuses while drinking one cup of the tea the next morning I could feel relief of pressure and pain. I would prefer this product over any inhaled sinus relief agent. As a plus all the ingredients of the tea are on the package in english not
??iningn????knknonowownw???494909??,B,?00000009009J9JMJMWMW1W1C1C,C??383?0H0HUH??H8H8O8??9I9?D,D,T,TeTererer?sasa a J ?? M ??lilininainararor?,4,4,4,5,??,5,,5,1,111161676?787?2424040000,00,S,?ininuin???HeH?lplp,p?"I"I I f ?ououn?d d t ththihishis ?teteae??????ccccicidided?ntnt t?bub?t t it itit t wt wowororkrkekede?d sd soso o w wewel?l l t??ata?t i??lalatateaterer er o orordor????d ?it?,<,?brbr r??><><b<br<br ?/>/>a/>?ftf?terte?r nr ?notno?t bt bebeie?ingin?g ag abablblel? t?o ?fif?????t t at ?gagaiain??. . I ItIt t rt rereare?lll?y ?heh?elpel?s s os opopepenen en n nanasasa?l ?papasassassasagsageg??.<.<b?<br <br /?><??? / /> />S />SiSinSincncece e se ststatarartartitininging ing t to to to u???e ie itit it w wh whe?neneve?erer er Ier I ?hahavha??? ba b?d ?nanasnasa?sal sal?coconong?es?titiotionon,on, , I I I?hahav?e e ne ?not????<br /<br />/></><b?<br ?<br /><br /?hahadhad d ad ??sisin?inusinu?s is in?fef?ctcti??n.n. n.? E EvEveverve?yoyononeone e ie ise i??didifi??ferfe??ntnt,nt, ?bubutbu??t itt it t st susurure???ororkorkekedke?d fd foforfor r mr meme.e?""4494??0,0?,B0,B?00000?09J09JMJMWJMW1W1CW1?C,AC,?A3VA3?BBBBRBRHRHEHETETBTBOB?P3P3Y3Y,Y???RiRicickcksk?,1,1,,1,1,1,??5,15,131??191969?????0,G0,GrGre?reatrea??StStut?ffff,ff,"??I uI
hing unknown. 4909,B0009JMW1C,A380HU2H8OY9ID,Teresa J. Molinaro,4,5,5,1167782400,Sinus Help,"I found this tea by accident but it worked so well that i later ordered it,<br /><br />after not being able to find it again. It really helps open nasal passages.<br /><br />Since starting to use it whenever I have bad nasal congestion, I have not<br /><br />had a sinus infection. Everyone is different, but it sure worked for me." 4910,B0009JMW1C,A3VBBRHETBOP3Y,B-Ricks,1,1,5,1341964800,Great Stuff,"I u
sses?d d??t t f ?oror r a ? s sisininun?s s i?nfnfef???ioionon n w whw?ererer? I I I l loloso?t ?mymy y???ici???coc?mpmplp?ete?ele??y ay anandnd d hd hahadad ?a a sa ???e e te ththrhroroao?t.t. . I? f fo fouounu?nd nd t ththithisis ??rorodroduducu?ct ct o onon on y ?elelpel? a?ndnd nd wnd wewene??t tt toto o a an? h heherherbrbab???AsA???an an? st stotorto?re re?? in in C ChC?in?at???n n in inin in????lala.a?. I. ??on?lyly ly??aia?d d $d $2$2.2.5.??? t?hehe he o on onlnly???ififfffeferfererenrencncece ce i?s ?ththathat?? I I d I di?dndn'n't'?t gt gegetet et??eae??babagbagsg?s ts ths t?heyhe?y wy ?werwe?re ???ssssosolsolul?blblele le??ububeubese?s ys yoyou? p pl plalacla??ce ice ???th??e he hoh?t ?waw?? . I. It. I?t w??orkor??ed ed g grg?reareat?. ?. It. It . It t to tooo?k k a a a??ewe?? ho h???s s t??o wo ?orork? b bubutut t it ?? w??orkorkeork??!.!?. T. ThT?he he nhe nenexextxt ?dadayay ?I ??hadhad d md mymy my? vo voioicoicece ce bce ?bacbackc?k ck cocomcompmplmp?letlete?lyly ?anandan?d nd ??o so sosorsorere ????roaroat?at. at. O OnOne??????t t It ?I wI wo??? u upu?p fp frfro?m m?? ter terrrriribi?bleble e pe pop?ostost ?nan?sas?? d ?ri?p p cp cocoucougu?gh,gh, , t??okok ok? a a c a ??p p op ?f f t? thi th??? te?a
sed it for a sinus infection where I lost my voice completely and had a sore throat. I found this product on yelp and went to an herbal Asian store in Chinatown in Phila. I only paid $2.50! the only difference is that I didn't get tea bags they were dissoluble cubes you place in the hot water. It worked great. It took a few hours to work but it worked!. The next day I had my voice back completely and no sore throat. One night I woke up from terrible post nasal drip cough, took a cup of this tea
aanandnd d?itit t e ?lil?mimini?ata???d td ththehe e?coc?ugughgh h?an?d d pd pup?t t mt ?e e re ?igighghtght t tt toto o s slslel???? A A A m mumusu?t t bt ???, , i it itsts s??he?apap p a?nd? n ???ururar?l.l. . Y. YoY??? ca canantant ??o o wo ?roronongng g i if if f y yoyou??gigiviveve e ie itit it? a a?trtryry.y.".""4494919???B0B00000??JMJ??1C1C,C,A,?1515Z5ZLZLXLXAXABA?TKT?8F8F3F3F3?,L,LKL?,1,1,???5,5,1,13,1333???28288880800??THTHIHISIS S????DUDUCUCTC? W WOWORO?KSKS!S!,!,I,ItIts? a al allllelerle??? s se seaeasasoson? w ?hihici?h ?us??alallallyly y my ?meameanansan?s ls ?ara?rgerg??amamomou?ntnts?ts ots ?f ?susududad?fef??. . . I I I?dod?on'on?t t pt pap??tit?icuicululalarla??????kek?e te ?thethe e se sisididede ??ffffefecfectc???ts ofts o?f sf suf sududaud?afeaf?ed ed?? and and ??avaveve ve t tr t?rierieded ed ted ?tontonsns ??of of d di dififfffeffererer?ntnt nt d?ece?concong?esest??antantsant???. T. ThThihishis ?isi?s ts th?the the???rsr?? t th thihinhi?ng ng o otoththetherthe?? th tha th?? s su sud?udafuda??d d td tod to o ao aca?ctuct?ualua?llylly ???rkr?! !? I I I??havhaveve ve nve non?ot ot t tr??eded ed ied itit it dit dud?uriurininging g ag a a? si s??usus us? mi m?igrigrarairain??e ye yeyete?t b???? fo f?or or? mo modo?derde??tete te c?
and it eliminated the cough and put me right to sleep. A must buy, its cheap and natural. You cant go wrong if you give it a try." 4911,B0009JMW1C,A15ZLXABTK8F3F,LK,1,1,5,1332028800,THIS PRODUCT WORKS!,Its allergy season which usually means large amounts of sudafed. I don't particularly like the side affects of sudafed and have tried tons of different decongestants. This is the first thing other than sudafed to actually work! I have not tried it during a sinus migraine yet but for moderate co
nngn?ese?titioionon n??t t w ?ororkrksks s? wo w??dedere?s.s? S ?memele?lsl?s as ???itit it?ofo?f f? bu butut t tt ?hehe e t tatasaststeste e ie isis s js ?usust???ininene.e. . . ?MaMaka?e e se ??rere ??o o s seseeeepe???t ?fof?or or 1 1010-0-1-?5 5 m mimin?s ?oror or ior it??wo?n'n't't t wt ???????GiGivivev?e i?t ?aba???? 1 10 1?0-20-202?? mi m??ins ins? to t?o ko kikici?k k???. ?. S. SeSeeeemee???toto to?lalasastas????or ?3-3?4 4 h hrh? . . N. NoNo o so ??dede de a afa?ffeffecectc?s s ts ths thahatat t It I I c cacana?n tn tetel???. ?. So. S?o go glg?ladlad d t to to to b be b???id?? of o?f tf th????acacic??g g? he heaeara?t t st si??de de ade ???ecectect t a???d dd drdryry y? mo mououtou?th/th?? so sororeore ?e the thrhrohroaoat?????t t ct ?omome?s s ws ?it?h h s su s??af??d.d. ??ItI?t w?ororkor?? g grgrereareatat at pat papaiairire???wi??th th?? s si sin?usus us r ririnrinsnse? o or o??nenetnettt?y ?pop??..??919121????00?9J9?MWMW1W?C,C,A,?131?V4V?Q1Q161?X7X7K7KQKQBQ???CiC?indindydy y Ay ????ore??1,1?,1,,1?5,5??313111??2020020??0,0,S,?in?inusinu???????f,f,","I"I I LI LOL?VEV? T ?HIHISI? T TE TEAEA A , , , S SE S?RIRIOI?USUSLSLYLY Y ! ? M?Y Y MY MOMOMOM M A
ngestion it works wonders. Smells a bit off but the taste is just fine. Make sure to seep it for 10-15 mins or it won't work. Give it about 10-20 mins to kick in. Seems to last for 3-4 hrs. No side affects that I can tell. So glad to be rid of the racing heart side affect and dry mouth/ sore throat that comes with sudafed. It works great paired with a sinus rinse or netty pot. 4912,B0009JMW1C,A13V4Q16X7KQB2,Cindy Asmore,1,1,5,1311120000,Sinus Relief,"I LOVE THIS TEA , SERIOUSLY ! MY MOM A
?NDN? I I I?SUSUFUFFF?ERER R??ER?Y Y B BAB???WIW?THTH H S??NUNUSU??PRPROROBOBLBLEL??S S AS ANAND??WEW??HEHEAEARARDR?D AD ?BOB??? T ???S S TS TET?EA EA??ALA?LELEDLE?D SD SIS?INUINUSUS US B BU BUSUSTUS?TERTE?S ?. . W WE WE E JE JUJUS?UST UST H HA HADAD AD??O O??EEEE ?WHWHAHATAT ?ALALLALL L T TH T?HE HE T??ALKALK K W WA WASAS ??BOBOUBOUTUT UT , , , Y ?OUOU OU K KNKNONOWOW W . . . I. ?IT IT I IS IS S AS A S A V VE VER?ERY ERY G GOG?ODOD D TD TE?A A T TH THA THAT? T TA TAK TA?ESE?S YS YOYOUYOURUR R BR BLBLUBLUEU?? A AWAWAW?Y ?AN?D D MD ?AKA?KE KE??OUOU ????EPE???RER?EATEAT ?. ??ALOAL??? ! !"!""??9191313,3??0000000900?JMJMWMW1W1C1C,C,A,A1A?F4F4G4??SGSGPGP5GP??IHIHLHL,L,A,A.,A??ChC???e,e?1,1,1,1,,1,2,?,1,12,1292999????80800?,d,did?dndn'n't't t??oro?k k f fof?or or?meme,e,"e,"A"AfAftf?erer r r ?eae?didindingng g a ?lll? t ththeh? g grg??atat ??revreviv?ewe?s,s, ?I I oI opo?tit?mimisiststi?cacalallallyl??or?dederereereded d??omo?me me o of o? t??is? t te tea???. I'. I?veve ???d d pd ?rorobo?lel?msm? w wi witith?? si s?nunusus ?coc?ng?eseststist?onon on v veververyry ?ofo?fteft?n n t th?isis is wis wiwin??terter r ar ?ndn???havhaveve ve? tr tririe?d d ad al?all all k ?inindindsds s os ????ememeem?edied?????witwith?th lth
ND I SUFFER VERY BAD WITH SINUS PROBLEMS AND WE HEARD ABOUT THIS TEA CALLED SINUS BUSTERS . WE JUST HAD TO SEE WHAT ALL THE TALK WAS ABOUT , YOU KNOW . IT IS A VERY GOOD TEA THAT TAKES YOUR BLUES AWAY AND MAKE YOU SLEEP GREAT . ALOHA !" 4913,B0009JMW1C,A1F4GPSGP59IHL,A. Chase,1,1,2,1299196800,didn't work for me,"After reading all the great reviews, I optimistically ordered some of this tea. I've had problems with sinus congestion very often this winter and have tried all kinds of remedies with l
iitittttltlele e?sus?ccc?esessss.s. . U ?nfnfoforortrtutunu??tet?lyly,y??tht??s s?rereae?llllyly ly d didididndn'n?t t d do do o a ananynyty???ngn? f fo?? m ??. . . T ThThehe e te tatasasts?? i ?is is??K K??beb?eareararaba??le)le),), , b, bubutu?t it ?it it? di did? n non?ththithinthing? t?o o ro rerelrelilieieve?e e me mym? s si sininuin?s s cs cocono?ngengesestestitioion??. . (. (S(?o o fo fafarar r tr th?e ??onlonly????thinthingthingsgs s Is I'I?veve ve f fo f?unundun? t th thahatat at??havha?ve ve hve hehelhelpl?ede?d md ?me me s?omomemewme?ha?t t at ??e e te the the???icickcksks ?peperpe??ononaonal? w wawararmarm m? mi m?istist t ht huhumumim?idiidififif??r r ar an?d d Nd NeNete?ti ti X XlXle?????4494919?4,4,B,B0B00000009009J9?MWMW1W1C1C,C,A,?XCXCICIBI?TTT?ASASZSZPZPLPLKLK,K,B,Be,Bererrr??y,1y,1,1????,1???717?232323?00??Th??is is tis teteate?? wo wor?ksks!ks??!!!!!??I I f fe feeeelel el s so so so m mu m????be?ttttett?er!er!!!!!!!!!!!!??"I"I I hI ?havhavehav?e be be??????ffffef?erierininging g fg frfror?om om?pop?stst st n?asasaas?al ?drdrir?p p a an a???coconcongngengesngeststistioionion ?foforfor for s? so ??an?y ?yeyeaear?s,s?, a, an?and and t th thi th?is ??eaea ea m?adadede ?susucsuchc?????igig g dg didifdiff???enencencece ce? af aftfteterter r ar a r a
ittle success. Unfortunately, this really didn't do anything for me. The taste is OK (bearable), but it did nothing to relieve my sinus congestion. (So far the only things I've found that have helped me somewhat are the Vicks personal warm mist humidifier and Neti Xlear)" 4914,B0009JMW1C,AXCIBTTASZPLK,Berry,1,1,5,1297123200,This tea works!!!! I feel so much better!!!!,"I have been suffering from post nasal drip and congestion for so many years, and this tea made such a big difference after a
ccocououpuplplele e o ofo? d ??ysys.s. .?? d dr dririni?k k i itit t 1 1-1-2-2 2?????s s???r r d da dayay ay a ana?? I I I f fef??l l s sos??mumucuchch h??etettt?? ??I cI cac?an an b br brereaeataththehe e ee ea?sisieier?? a an andnd nd??ava?e e le lil??tltlele le o?r r nr ?o o po pop?stst ??asasas???drd??? t th t?ror?ougou?????t tt ththeth?e de dadayday.y?""4494919?5,5,B,B0B?00009009J9JMJ??1C1C,C,A,A3A?QDQ?080?3M3?GZGZNZ??WXWX,X?LiL???? F FrF?reyrey,y??,1??5,???525202020????00,00,I,ItIt t rt ?rearealallallyly y? he hel?psps,s,","N"?oto???ururere re e exexax????y y wy whwhahathat t it ?s s is inin in? it i?, ??utut ?t itt i??t ret r?ealea?lyly ly h he hel helplpsps ps? my m?y sy ??nunusus s cs ?conco?ndindititiitioiono?. . . A ? f??mim??ly ??memmembmbeberber r wr ?whowho ??pepenpentn?t t?imimeim?e ie ?in ?ChC??inaina a s?aiaidi???? t ta tas?tetedted d ld ??keke e oe ot?heherhe?r hr ?heahe??in?? h? her he?bsb??shshehe he h ha hada?d hd hahadha?d wd whwhiwh??e e te ?. T. ?he?he the ?asastasteast??e ise is s es ??rtr?thythy,????d ?tatakta??s ??omomeme me g gegetettet??ngng g ug ususeusede?d td tod t?, , b?utut ut i?? i is is s ws woworortrthrt??"?449491916916,6?,B0,B?000000909J9JM9J??1C1C,1C,A,A2,A
couple of days. I drink it 1-2 times per day and I feel so much better. I can breathe easier, and have little or no post nasal drip throughout the day." 4915,B0009JMW1C,A3QD083MGZN2WX,Linda Frey,1,1,5,1252022400,It really helps,"Not sure exactly what is in it, but it really helps my sinus condition. A family member who spent time in China said it tasted like other healing herbs she had had while there. The taste is earthy, and takes some getting used to, but it is worth it." 4916,B0009JMW1C,A2
1101??5Q5Q8Q8O8OVOVTV?ALAL0L???????"D"?ararkrk k?ChChihilildld"d?"""""?,0,?0,00,?0,10,?,1,131343474?232353525?000??DiDidi?n'n't't t D ?o o????hihinhingng!g!,!?,"T,"ThT?hishis s t teteae? d ?id?n'n'tn't t dt dodo o ao ana?ytyththith?ngng,ng??????? h hahavaveve e ie isisss?ueueses s ws ???th th i ititcit?hi??? t???oaoatat,t, ?eaearea????d d????ryryt?hihinhing????sese.e. . B ??t t It I I d do do o eo enenjn?oyo? t th the th?e se smsmemele?l l ol ofo? i it it.t.... ??illill l sl sas?y y iy it? l lal?stst st u upu? t?o o ao a o a?fef?? h??urursrs ?an?and and t? tha th??'s's s is".""?494?1717,7,B,?0000000?9J9JMJMWMW1W?C,C,A,A2A?DVDVJV?HUHUKUKCKC8C???7B7B,B?JaJ??mesme?s Ds DeDeie?rmrmemenmendndjd?iaian?,0,0,,0,0,0,,0,3,0,?,1?3434734?060?2424040000,00??eneneen??itit it hit ha??d ??o o do dedete?terterm??ineine,e?,"I,"I'I'v'?ve ve s???feferferereded d fd frfroromro???recrecuc?urrurre?ntnt t bt bobououtoutst?s os ?of of? ac acucutcu?? s si sininuinususisititiitisis is? th tha that that t ht hahavha?ve ve ove ??lyl??beb?coc?meme me?woworo??e e ae ?and???worwors?rse rse o ovoveverver ver? th the the the y yey?earearsears.s. . E. EvEve???y ty tit??me me Ime I ?geg?et et??n n i?nfn?fecfectc?tioti?on,on, , m, mymy ?ririgighghtht t mt ?axaxixil??araryar??si
10U5Q8OVTAL0,"Me ""Dark Child""",0,0,1,1347235200,Didn't Do Nothing!,"This tea didn't do anything, steal have issues with itching throat, ear and everything else. But I do enjoy the smell of it.. ill say it last up to a few hours and that's it." 4917,B0009JMW1C,A2DVJHUKC8Q37B,James Deirmendjian,0,0,3,1347062400,Benefit hard to determine,"I've suffered from recurrent bouts of acute sinusitis that have only become worse and worse over the years. Every time I get an infection, my right maxillary si
nnunusus s s swswewelelll???upup p l ?ikikeke e a a a b ?alall??ono?? S SlSleleee?pipiningng g a at at t n ?igighg?t ?on? a ac a??ouoununtnt t o???ththihisis ?coconco?diditi?ioi?on ??is is t?ere?riribiblb???didifdi?fificicuc?ltl?; ; I ? o ofo?tet?n n h ?ava?e ?tot? r ?esesosorortrt t tt to? u ususiusin?g g Ag ??ri??n tn toto to dto dedececoconcongcon??estest t mt ?y y sy sis??ususeus?es,es? w ?hi??? i isis is eis efeffffeffecectectitivtiveve ve b?utut t at ?alsalso???ververyry y py papaiaininfinfufulul ul a?nd?? no notot ?t a t a r re reaeal??ististi?c,c, , l, lolonongon?g tg ?tertermr? s so sololul?utiutioionion n bn ?ec??ususe? o?f ?rerebrebobouounound??co?congcongecong?est?ioionion.ion. ?NoNowo? I I I????reareadadydy ??rrrrirrigigaigata?te te w wi w?ithit?h ah a a ma momototoot?oriorizizezeded d s sy sysy??temtem,m?, o, ofoftoftetenten n un up?wawara???s os ?of of 8 8-8-1-?0X0X X d da dai?lyly ly w wh whehenen en I I' I??m sm ?sicsickc?, , a, anandnd nd dnd drd???kik?ing? h?er?ba?l l?? tea te??hahashas s as alalsalsoals???becbecocomcomem??a a pa papaspa?sttstti??me me t??o ho hehelhelpl??co?pepe e we wiw??ith ith m ?my my s si sin?inusinu?s ds didisdi?ea?? . T. ThThahatha??bebeibeininging ???aidaid,d, , I, I ?bo?ugu??t t tt tht thihishi?s ts teteate??ou?t t ot oft of t of s sh sheheehe
nus swells up like a balloon. Sleeping at night on account of this condition is terribly difficult; I often have to resort to using Afrin to decongest my sinuses, which is effective but also very painful and not a realistic, long term solution because of rebound congestion. Now I already irrigate with a motorized system, often upwards of 8-10X daily when I'm sick, and drinking herbal tea has also become a pasttime to help cope with my sinus disease. That being said, I bought this tea out of shee
r? d dedese??ere??titioi??. . I I'I??? t ?ryry y ( (a(ana?d d h hah?veve e t tr tririeiede?) ) n nen?xtxt t t to to o a an???hihiningn? t to to to g gigiviveve ve m ?ysysesele?f f s sos?mem??rerelelielie?f f wf whwhihilhilele e Ie I I???itit ?fof?r ?an?titibtibibioiotio???? t to??tatakakeke e ee efeffffef?ctc?. . T. ThThehe e oe on?lyly y ty ththith?inging g wg ?whiwhicichc?? I I f fifinindind ?wowor?ksk?s es eveve?? c clcloloso?se se t to to to a to asa????ellell l al asas as?AfAfrf??n n in ????o o mo ?megmegagada??oseose ?e one o??PsPsusueuededoedoeoepephphehedhedrd?rin?e e (e ?2424040 0 1 1-1?? t?imi?mesmes s ps ?perper r dr dad?y)y),)?? wh w?hichi?ch ch?is? s so som?ete???ngng ng t th thahatha?t it isis is ais ?lsl?so so u ununsn???ta?ininainabablblele.le. . S. SoS??, k, kekeekeepep ep? in in n mn mimin?ind ind t th tha th?????e e se sesevseveververiritrityt??ofof f mf ?? s?ininuinusu?s cs cocon?did??io?n ??s s ds drdradrasastastitictic.tic. ?WhW?hathat hat? I I f I ?foufo?undund d wd wid witithit??ththi??s ts tes teaea a i is is ??hahat?hat ihat itit it s se s???s ?s tos to o ho ????, , b, bub?t t It I I cI ?anan'an?t ??el?ell ell?????heherher r or oror or n no notot t i?t ?woworworkr?ks ks? an anyn?y by bebet?teterte?r tr ththathanan an d do d?ome??stist?ic ic t te tea??s ts th?atat at tat
r desperation. I'll try (and have tried) next to anything to give myself some relief while I wait for antibiotics to take effect. The only thing which I find works even close to as well as Afrin is to megadose on Psuedoephedrine (240 1-2 times per day), which is something that is also unsustainable. So, keep in mind that the severity of my sinus condition is drastic. What I found with this tea is that it seems to help, but I can't tell whether or not it works any better than domestic teas that t
?ououtut t?sisimimim?lalarar r c clc??imimsim? ( (Y(?ogogigi'i??s Bs BrBrereaeata????DeD?epe??anandnd d C CoColo??d Bd BuBususts???? C Ce Celelel?ststistiai?l l S SlS??epepyepyty?imimeim????nunus?? So Sooo?th?erer,er, ?anandand ?otothot?herhe?r rr reresrespspipirirarat?ororyry-y?aiaidi?iningin??he?herbherbabalal al f ?orormormumululalatla?tioti?nsns)s).). . I ?'v'veve ?brbrerewre?eded d id itit t dt dodou?blblele-le?ststrst?onongong g tg toto o???ry ry a an a???gagai?n n? th thehe he???reareatateat?estest t et efefff?ece?t,t, , a, an, andnd nd and agaga?in???it?? se s?eemeemsm??toto to?wow?orkork k m ?ododedes???y y b ????nonot?othiothininging ing a am amamazaziz? he the tat?ststest?e ie isis s as ???itittit???? bi bitittitteitterer,? b bu butut ?I I s su supuppppop?ses????atat'at's's 's a? f fa f??rlrly??re?reasreasos???blblebl?e ie ine i??icicacatato?r r ir itit it hit hahasas as? be benenenefefief?iciiciaialia?l cl cocomompmpopoupo?ndndsnds ??? i . A. ?llll ?in???allall,l, ?I ?amam m l li l?kek?elyely y ty toto ?ststi???k wk ?itithith h? th the the e le leleslesss?s es exexoxototiot?? t te t?easeas ?s ths tha??t It ???canca????y ?atat at t?? the the????cecereryer?y sy ststostororeor?. ??s s as ans a?n an asasiasidideide,e, , I, I , I f fi finindind
out similar claims (Yogi's Breathe Deep and Cold Buster, Celestial Sleepytime Sinus Soother, and other respiratory-aiding herbal formulations). I've brewed it double-strong to try and gain the greatest effect, and again, it seems to work modestly but nothing amazing. The taste is a little bitter, but I suppose that's a fairly reasonable indicator it has beneficial compounds in it. All in all, I am likely to stick with the less exotic teas that I can buy at the grocery store. As an aside, I find
CCeC??esests??alal'l's's s?SwS?eeeetet t a anandn? S???cycy y h hehererbrbabal? m mimixi? t toto o??ava???prp?obo??blb??y ty tht?? b beb?estest t mt mum?cucusus ?ththith??nin?ingin??efeffffefece???ououtut ??? a al a?l l t th thehe ?teteaeasas s Is I'I'v'veve ve t?rir?eded,d? t th?ouougou?h h i itit't's? n ???t at atat ??llll ll m ma mararkr??eteet?? a as as s ss sosomo?etethet?ininging ing???r r t th?isi??pupuru?popososes?. .?IfIf f yf ??? r ??eadead d ed ?veververyrytyth?thinthi?g g tg ththetheyey y py puputput t it ?? i it it,t, , t, ththothouougoughough,h, , i, itit it m ma?kekeskes s s?enensn?se se t th?atat at? it it it w ?ououlouldl?d hd ?helhelplp.p.".?4494?181?,B,?000?00900?JMJMWMW1W?C,C,A,A2A?NUNUTU?NNN?FFFF1F?14149?2,2?sqs??ididldlyly2ly2828,8,08,0,0,0,0,0,20,?2,12,?343?39395952520200?0,0,D0,DiD?idnidn'n??t wt wo?rk? f fo f?or or m?e,e,","I"I I?? had had d hd hid h?ghgh gh h?opo?????hehenhe? I? p pu p?urcur?????ed ?ththi??s ps prs pro?duduc??e, e, s shshihiphi?pipinping? w?asas as a am a?azaziz?ing?lyly ly f fa f?astas?t a??? I I' I???e te ??rierieded ed ied itit it ait a a f fe fewew w t ti timi???. ?I ?dodono?n'tn't ?enenjenjojoyo??y thy the??he tahe t?astasteaste,e, ?anandand d sd sisin????I ???on'on't? s?weweeweeteteetenete
Celestial's Sweet and Spicy herbal mix to have probably the best mucus thinning effect out of all the teas I've tried, though it's not at all marketed as something for this purpose. If you read everything they put in it, though, it makes sense that it would help." 4918,B0009JMW1C,A2NUTNNFF11492,squidly28,0,0,2,1343952000,Didn't work for me,"I had high hopes when I purchased this produce, shipping was amazingly fast and I've tried it a few times. I don't enjoy the taste, and since I don't sweeten
m mymy y???????? w wawasasnsn'n't't t tt ?hahatat t gt grg?eaeateat,t, , a, anandn?? it i?t dt ?idid d nd ????iningng g f ?oror r????sisin?usu?eses.s. .??ilillll l??notnot ??ururcr?ha??se se????inin in b bubutut t It I I d dodo o?rerecrecocomo???ndnd nd??hehe e?seselse?llellere?.".?44949191919,9,B,B0B0000000900?JMJMWMW1W?C,C,A,A1A1T1?KGK????1M1MWMW1MW??6,6,R,??. C. ClClel?vevelelal?andan?,0,?,0?,1,1,1???343?101???0000,00?NoNo o eo ????ctct ??forfor r tr ththithisthi? s??inu?s ?susufuffffeff?ereererer,er?"I"I ?bobouougughghtht t tt tht thihisis ??teate? d???in??g ag a a ma mamajajojoror or s si sin sinunusus us i in infnfefecfect?ioiono? c ?ririsisiisis???hihichich? i in inc inclc?ududed?d ???adadad??chech????earea???hehe,he????otothot??chche??. I. I I dI drdri?nknk k??ulultltitipi??le le c?upu????ve?r ??a fa fefewfew w d da dayaysy????nd?nd and ?m m? sa sad?? to to ???pop??t ?itit it h ha?d d ad ?bsb?olo??te?lyl?y ny nono no e ??fe?fectfect.t?. T. TaTasastas??? is is s s?o-o?soso,so?, b, ?butbut t tt th?atat'at?s s ns no?not not r?ea?llllylly y wy whwha??t mt mamatmattt?tertersrs.s. s.?AsAs s es ev??eryery ??ininuinus? s?ufuffuffe??rerre??knknonowno?s,s, s, i?? e ea eat?in?
my tea, it wasn't that great, and it did nothing for my sinuses. Will not purchase again but I do recommend the seller." 4919,B0009JMW1C,A1TKGURK1MW1U6,R. Cleveland,0,0,1,1334102400,No effect for this sinus sufferer,"I bought this tea during a major sinus infection crisis which included headache, earache, toothache. I drink multiple cups over a few days, and am sad to report it had absolutely no effect. Taste is so-so, but that's not really what matters. As every sinus sufferer knows, if eating
d did??? w ?ouo?ldld d m mamakakeke e t tht?e ??aiainin n g gogo o a awawawayay,y, ,? we we'e'd'?d ed ??t t dt didirdirtrt.rt??4??202?,B,B0B00000?9J9JMJMWMW1W1C1?,A,???YZYZNZN9N?K7K7E7?CMCMVMV5V5,5,S,SJS? S SiSililvlvev??,0,0,?0,????333?33633676707040404??,H,HaHava?? t??o mo ?makmakeke ke? th t?? t te teaea ea??trtror?ngn?.,.,I,I I??m m h hahavaviavin?g g? to to to c ???ngngenge e me mymy y o oro??gigin?alal l p poposo?st st o on on n tn ??isi? t? tea tea.a. .?MyM?y hy huhususbsbabanandn???andand ?I I bI boboto?th th??ufuffffefer? f frf??m m sm ??inuinusus us p pr prorobroblbleleme?s.s. . I. I I mI mamadmaded?e ue upu?? a a?bib?ig ig t??? p po pot??(w(?itithth ?? t te tea? tea b tea ?bagbagsgs)s) ) a an a?nd nd l leletle?t it itit it????epep ?fof?or or 1 1515 5 m mi m?inuinutinutetestes.s. s. I ?I hI ha??d 2d 2 2 c2 cucupupsups s as anandand and m?y y hy huy hususbus?banband?nd hnd ?had? o? one one.e?. N. NeN?it?heherher r o?f f?usus us nus non??iciceceded d ad and a??y dy ?difdiffffeff?ereerene??ce ce w wi wit??????r sr ?sinsi?ususeuseses.s. s. As. ?? fe fewe????aysays ?lal?ateaterer er Ier I I dI ?decdecicididededded ?tot?o to tr???th??e te teteate? a ag agagaiainai?. . I. I . I b br brer?eweew?ed ed? on one one one c cu c?up up? of? t te tea? tea w tea wiwitwithth th oth ononeon??e tee t???babag?. . I?
dirt would make the pain go away, we'd eat dirt." 4920,B0009JMW1C,A2CYZN9K7ECMV5,SJ Silver,0,0,4,1333670400,Have to make the tea strong.,I am having to change my original post on this tea. My husband and I both suffer from sinus problems. I made up a big tea pot (with 2 tea bags) and let it steep for 15 minutes. I had 2 cups and my husband had one. Neither of us noticed any difference with our sinuses. A few days later I decided to try the tea again. I brewed one cup of tea with one tea bag. I
??ete? i itit ?sisit??agagag??n n f foforor r s sesevevevereraralal l?mim?inuinutu?eses.s. .???gug?esessess s t ththehe e??irirsrstst t tt ?imimeme e Ie I ??ririeieded d i it i?t It I I dI did?d d nd non??t mt ?akakeke ???it sit ststrst?onongn? e enenonounougu????ThT?isis s ts titimtime? I I I?nonotno???eded ed a a a d ?difdiffffeferereeren??ce ce? as a???y y s si s?inuinusinusesesse?s as ara?e e ae a a??it?tltle? c ?????er????9292121,1,B,?00000009009J9JMJMWMW1W?C,C?A1A?8484P4PFPF0F0B0BSB?FKFKZKZCZ?F,F?H.H. . c. chc?hahaba???,0,0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,1,121292999919111?040?0000,00,V,VeV??y y ey efe?ffeffecectcti??? t te teae??I ?ususesedsed d td ?? t ta tak?e e se sus??afafefedfed d fd fo??r mr mymy my??tutufuffffyffy y ny no? . I. I I tI trI tri??ed ed ted ththithis? t te tea tea a aa anandnd d f??ltlt t rt rerelrelilielief? i?mmmme?didiadiatateteltelyl?. ?????uau?allally???ririnri?k k??hihishis ?s tes teaea ea? tw t?ici?ce ce ace ??weweeeeke?k ak anandand ??havhaveve ??notnot not y yey?et et f fe f?eltel???he? s st stu stuf?fyfy y ny noy se. W WoW??ldld d hd hid h??ghlghlyly ly rly re?cocomo?mmemmenenden?.??49249??,B,B0,B00?090?9JM9JMW?1C1C,1C,A,AQ,A??7J7J6J6I6IRI?VAVATATAT?H,H,J,?. . M. ?. . C. CoC?orrorryry,y?,0,??0,50,5,????393?9909904?00
let it sit again for several minutes. I guess the first time I tried it I did not make it strong enough. This time I noticed a difference as my sinuses are a little clearer. 4921,B0009JMW1C,A184PF0BSFKZCF,H. chhabra,0,0,5,1299110400,Very effective tea,I used to take sudafed for my stuffy nose. I tried this tea and felt relief immediately. I usually drink this tea twice a week and have not yet felt the stuffy nose. Would highly recommend. 4922,B0009JMW1C,AQ87J6IRVATAH,J. M. Corry,0,0,5,1283990400
?,W,??ndndedere?fufulu?,I,? b bobouougu?????hihisis s? te teaea a b ba basases?d d???on? s ?omo?e e r reresese?ara??h h?I I hI hahadad ???oneone ?inintntoto o t?hehe e i?ngngrgre?didieienentntsnt???ndnd nd b by b?? re reaeadea?dinding? t??e ???vivie?wsw?s ps poposposts??ed ed? . T ThT?hishis s ts ?teatea a ha ?hasha?s as a s a w wowonondonde??rfurfulul ul?flf?avavov?r r a ?andand d sd ?me?llll.l. . . I I I h ha hav?e ??enjenjojoyoyeyeded ed ied itit t vt ?ereryery ?mumucuchch ch a an a?nd nd ind it?? he h?lpl?s s ms meme me a at at ?beb??titimimeme me wme wiwitithit?h mh ?y ???inuin?s ?isississusueu??. . ?GrGrereareatat t St StStutufuffff!f?4494929232??B0B00000?9J9?MWMW1W?????MEMESESSSS1S1K1KRKRNRNON?D,D?MaMar?ie????ererverveveaveauauxux,x??,0,0,,0,5,??121272747?050545?4040040?0,S0,SiSininu?s,s,",?I ?ama????o po ?lelealeasaseas???thath?at at? I ?waw?? a ab ablblele le t?o o go geg??t tt ?thethe e te tee tea? f fr f??om om A ?mamaza?onon.on. . . I. I ?wawaswas s p?lelea?se?d d wd wiwitwithth th t? the? s????icicece.e. . . S. ?SinSinun?us us B BuBusustuste?r ?HeH?erberbabala? T Te Tea?ea iea is??veverve??y hy he?lplpflpfu?l ?anandand and i it?it git ?ivive?s ??e ??gregrea?t t rt rerelre?ieiefief f????ith ith??
,Wonderful,I bought this tea based upon some research I had done into the ingredients and by reading the reviews posted here. This tea has a wonderful flavor and smell. I have enjoyed it very much and it helps me at bedtime with my sinus issues. Great Stuff! 4923,B0009JMW1C,ALMESS1KRNOD,Marie Clerveaux,0,0,5,1274054400,Sinus,"I am so please that I was able to get the tea from Amazon. I was pleased with the service. Sinus Buster Herbal Tea is very helpful and it gives me great relief with my
? a ala?lel?rgr?y.y.<.<b<???/>/?<b???/>/>I/>I I h ?ava?e e b beb?enen n s sus?ffffefer?eded d?wiwititht? H HaH?y y F ??ve??r Ar ?llllell?ergergygy gy f ?oro?r tr ??e ?pap?stst t 2 ?0 0?yeyeaeara?s s?or? m mom?oreore.e? F Fi F???t t tt tit?mem?e Ie I I fI ???d ?? m me mededied?cacata?tioti?n ?whwhihic?h h ih ?s s ns ?atatuat?raralal al a an a?? n ?o o? si sididede e ae afaff?ecectctsts ?coc??paparparere e te ?o o oo ototh???r mr ?medmedid?icaic??ioion? f?oror or aor ?allal??rgrgyrg??<b<br?? /> /?><b><?br br? />?I I dI didisdi????ververevered? t ththethe the??ea? a??t at ?a fa faf??m m m ma mar?keketet t it ???PAP?? on o??a a ba bub??s rs rir?ideid??wiwitwi?th th m?y ?chchuh?urcur??. ? A ??t ft ?firfirsrstrst rst I I I wI ?asas as h he hesesisit?atateat?ed ??to to p pup????hasha?????e e t???, , b bu b?t ?sos??oeoeoeononeone ??hoh??wawaswa?s is ??in tin ?the??sasama?me me b? but bu?t It I I w?asas,as, , t, ??ldl?d md meme ?toto ?bubuybuy ??the?????ea bea be??cauca?useus??????us???d id itit it a? y ye y?earea?r ar agagogo,o, , a, ?nd???gotgot t gt grg??at? r re?lilieiefef f???omom om?itit ?wi?withwith ?heherher ?r alr a?llellerllergrgyrgy.rgy.<?brbr br /br />/></><b??<br /<br />/>T/>ThT?hanha?
allergy.<br /><br />I have been suffered with Hay Fever Allergy for the past 20 years or more. First time I find a medication which is natural and no side affects compare to other medication for allergy.<br /><br />I discovered the tea at a farm market in PA on a bus ride with my church. At first I was hesitated to purchase the tea, but somoeone who was in the same but I was, told me to buy the tea because she used it a year ago, and got great relief from it with her allergy.<br /><br />Thank
ss,s,<,<b<?? / />/><><b<br<br ?/>/>M/>?C"C""??9292424,4,B,B0B00000?9J9?MWMW1W1C1?,A,A1A1S1?MTM?S4S???WFW?6363D3D,D,",??ava?? H HaHananlnleleyey y " """"D"Da"Dav?e"e???,0,?,0?,5,5,5???575??848?00???? w ?asas s s skskekepe?titicicac?l,l,"?BuButut t a a a n nanatatutururarapapap????totolo?d d?meme e te ?to to t ta taka?ke ke??hih??s, s, v viviti?ama??? D D,D, D, v vi vititaitam??? C C,C, C, a an andn?d sd ?omome??hihinhi?g g h ?e ?mimixmi??????d d Id I I gI ?oto?t bt bebete??ere???roromom om a a a 8 ?-m-momonontnthth th? si sininuinusus ???sus?e.e.".""4"494924925??,B0,B00?00090009J?MW?1C1C,1C?,A3,A3737B7??KZKZOZO5O?P9P?V4V4F4F,F,C,?atathatheathererier?ineine ?SlSlol????,0,0,?0,?5,???3737537?0707272020000,00,s,sisin??s ?bubus?teterter r tr ?teate?,W,WeWe e le ?lovlove? s??nunusus us?bu?stste?? t te t?a.a???MyMy y hy huhususbusbabanandand and t? thi th?inkin?s ???'s'?s gs grgrer??t t at ?andand ?clc??ararsr?s os ?utut ut h hi hisis is s si sin??us'us' '??regregugulu?ararlarlyly.y..44949292692?,B,B0,B00,B0?009009J009JM?W1W1CW1C,?A2A292??YZYZDZ?M2M22222225225Z5ZLZ???in?i,i,0,0,,0,1,0,???,1?343??22222?2402400000000,000,I,I I hI ?adad d 3d 3 3 E ?MPMPTP?Y Y? te tea tea a ba ??gsgs.s?....B..BEBEWEWAW??E!E!,!,","I,"I
s,<br /><br />MC" 4924,B0009JMW1C,A1SMTS4I1WF63D,"Dave Hanley ""Dave""",0,0,5,1257984000,I was skeptical,"But a naturapath told me to take this, vitamin D, vitamin C, and something he mixed and I got better from a 8-month sinus issue." 4925,B0009JMW1C,A37B3KZO5P9V4F,Catherine Slowey,0,0,5,1237507200,sinus buster tea,We love sinus buster tea. My husband thinks it's great and clears out his sinus' regularly. 4926,B0009JMW1C,A29UYZDM2225ZL,Gini,0,1,1,1342224000,I had 3 EMPTY tea bags...BEWARE!,"I
hhah?veve e o ??ded?rerede? n nunumu???ouousus s t tet?asa?? p ?ototitioi?nsns,s, s, l lolototiot??nsns ns a anandnd d od otothot?er? r reremre?medmedidiei?s.s.......B..BUB?? h ?havha?? n ne neveveverve? h ha hada?d ad ???acackck k o?f f? pr p?ododuducuctct t i inin n a??n on orordorde?r r tr ??hathat t wt wawasas as?sesea?leleded.ed. . T ?hehe he???ea ea??agag g?wrwrarapappppipiningin?g ig inin in q ququeu?estes?tiotionon on w?as?as sas se??leledled d wd wiwitiththoth?outou?t at a a ta teteatea a ba ba?g ?g ing i???de??. . I I I??ououlou?d d hd ha???e se ?aia?id id? so s?memetme??in?????ononeoner?, ?hohowo? I oI ononlonlyl? t tr tririeiedied d td ?thethesesees?e we whw???n In I ??hadha??d a d a s si sininuin?us us i??fefece?ctict??ion ion? an and and d t?he?he lhe ?asastas?t 3t 3 3 t ti timimemesmes s Is ?I tI trtririerieded ed t to t? u us?e e oe onone?.....?th?the the s se seaeal?eded ?popoupoucuchuc?? wa was was s Es ?MPMPTPTYTY.Y. ??BEB??ARA??!"!???9292727,7?B0B0000000900?JMJMWM??C,C?A2A2W2???USUSVSVOVOOOO6O6U6??N,N,L,LoLovo??ve Tve ThTheThe e Te TeT?ea,ea?0,0,1,1,1?5,5?,12,1252?767??????,A,Ab,Absbsos?lulutu???ReR?ecoec?ommommemenme?nd nd T Th T??s s Ps PrProrodro?ducductct,ct?"I"I I aI ababs?ololuolut??ly? r re rec??mmm?menmendmen?d td thd thid thisis is
have ordered numerous teas, potions, lotions and other remedies...BUT have never had a lack of product in an order that was sealed. The tea bag wrapping in question was sealed without a tea bag inside. I would have said something sooner, however...I only tried these when I had a sinus infection and the last 3 times I tried to use one...the sealed pouch was EMPTY. BEWARE!" 4927,B0009JMW1C,A2WW1USVOO6UXN,Love The Tea,0,1,5,1257638400,Absolute Recommend This Product,"I absolutely recommend this
pprp??dud??t t t ?o o?ananynyoyono?e e??hoh?o so ??ffffeferersrs s f frfroromrom m s sisini?usus s hs heheaeada??chcheheshes.s. .? M MyMy y??rorotroththeherher r h ??ad ad??ivivevene? m meme ?a a???upuplp?e e oe ??? ba b?gsgs s ts to? t????a ?fefewfew w m mo monontonththsths s as agagoago.o. ?InIn n tn ththeth??papasa?t t It ? h?avaveve ve h ha?d d s?ererierioiouousou?s ss ?sinsinunusnus s hs hes hea??dacda?chech?s.? A ?ftftet?? d ?rir?inkinkikininging g t th thihisis ?s tes teaea,ea? m?y ??heaheadadaadacachac?hes? w?erereere e ge gogononeone e ae ane andnd d td ??the the c??icickckikinki????? m my? n nonoso??ri?l l h? had had had c ce c????d!d? I I I wI ??as as s so s?o ro rer?lilielievevevedved!d! d! I I I h ha???ve rve rerecrececenententltlyly y dy drdradranankank k?? thi thisis is? te t?ea ea f?oror r ar a a da drdrydry ???ugu?h!h?! B! BiBigig g mg ??ististatakakeke,e?, i, itit t gt ???e ?meme me? a a s so sor sore? t th thr th?roaro??t at asas as was ?el?l l al ??as oas oto?thetherthe?r ir isississusuesu???. . I I I w I ??lll?l nl nenevneve?r r dr dr???ink ink i ?it it f fo for for r tr ??the the cthe ?comco?momon? c co colo?d ??ymympmptptotomtomsms!s?! ! L ??veve ve tve th?isis is pis ?proprododuoduc?t ?ththothouougoughgh!gh!"!?4494929??,B,B0B00000?FYFYYY??ZIZI,I??2121J1J6J636??JUJUCU????
product to anyone who suffers from sinus headaches. My brother had given me a couple of bags to try a few months ago. In the past I have had serious sinus headaches. After drinking this tea, my headaches were gone and the clicking in my nostril had ceased! I was so relieved! I have recently drank this tea for a dry cough! Big mistake, it gave me a sore throat as well as other issues. I will never drink it for the common cold symptoms! Love this product though!" 4928,B000FYYOZI,A21J63XJUC5D75
,,H,HeHeaealaltltht?y y L LiLifi?erer,r,5,??,5,,5,2,2,2,1,1212323333737070505656060000,0,P,PoPopopup?lalara? w ??th? s sos??e e?? n nonoto??me??"A"??? n na nata???alal al b bebeeeefe?, , b bu butut t tt ??o o s so sofo??t ft ??r r mr mymy y ty tatasaststete ?- ?dodoeo?sns?'t't t ht hah?veve e te th??e 'e ?snsnasnapap'p' ' a ?ndn? d drd??erer er o ?ututeuter????urfurfaf?cece e t?ha????somso?me me l lil?keke.e. . T ThT?isis s i ?is is a a a? ma m?attat?terter r or of? p pep???sonso??al al tal tatastast???? t ?thethe the p??ododud?ctc?????gog?oodood,d, , j, jujusu?st st n?otot ot f ?forfor ?eve???yoyono?e.e.<e.???r /r />/??? su suguggggegesestest ?t trt tryryiryiningng g t th thi??s cs cocomompompap??y'y's?? ol oldld ?fafasfa??hiohiononeon???cocolcoldld-ld?sms?okokekedked d bd be?efef-ef-s-st-stitici?ksk?. . . ?StS??ronrong??hi?ck?ororyory y fy flf?lavla?oror,or?, a, a a?gogoogoodod od b??iteite e oe of??spspipiciceice,e, , a, an, a?? d??rierierer er ter te?xtxtu?rere.e.<e.<be.<?br br / />/>T/>ThThiTh?is ?co?mpm????y hy ?hashas s ss ?supsupe??b b?cucus?totomto?mermer r sr ?ererver?icice???4?929?9,9,B,?0000000?FYFYYYYOY?ZIZI,I??1T1TMT??VNV????M8M?U8U8,8?GuGununnnne?????4,4,34,3,3???6262323023040404???,O,???
,Healthy Lifer,5,5,2,1233705600,Popular with some - not me,"All natural beef, but too soft for my taste - doesn't have the 'snap' and drier outer surface that some like. This is a matter of personal taste - the product is good, just not for everyone.<br />I suggest trying this company's old fashioned cold-smoked beef-sticks. Strong hickory flavor, a good bite of spice, and drier texture.<br />This company has superb customer service!" 4929,B000FYYOZI,A1TMAVN4CEM8U8,Gunner,4,4,3,1262304000,O.K.
? t ??ststete.e. . M MyMy y?wiw??? h ??teteste?? th thehe e se ?mem?lll?.,.,","B"??ffffafala?o o B BiB?ll?s s Ps PrPrer??iuiumum m S SnS?aca?ksks<s<b<?? / />/><><b<br<br r /r />?I I r ?rearealalializizeze e te ththa?t t t ta tas?tete te?isi?s as anan n i in indn??vividi??alal al t th thi th?ngng,g, ,?bubutu??I ?th??ugu??t ?t I't I'd'? s ????re re m mymy y ty ?thothoutho??ht??s os ono?n tn ththethesesese ??rorododuducductctsts.s.<.<b??? /> /><><b><?????FiFiri??st,st, , c, cucusuststostomomemermer r sr ??rvrvivicvicece e ie isis is e exe?cecelce?llellenentnt.t. ??I'I?veve e ae ????ysys s gs gogotottt?tente??????tlt?y y wy whwha?hat hat? I I o ?rdrdederereredre?d id ?in in a a a v ?ververyry ?y tiy t??melmelyly ly m ma m?annan?<?brbr ?/>/></>?<br<br ?/>?SoSo ?fafarfar r Ir I'I'vI've???rd?erereer?d ?ththethe the f fofolo???wiwinwi?ng ng p pr?ododuoducuct??:<:<b<br<br <br /???><br><b?r /r />r />1>1)1???uf???lo? B Bi Bilillil??s 2s 2.2.1.?lblbsbs ??????ShS?orortor?t St ?ShoShototsots<??br br /br />br /><><b?><br ><br /? />2 />2)2?) B) BuBufBuffffaffal?o o Bo BiBilBill??? H HoHotot ot? Sh Shohorho??t St Sht S??tsts<ts<b?<br <br /<br /><br /><<br /><b?<br <br /<br /><br />T<br />??he he f?irirsir??? tw twow?o so shshoshor?ort ort s sh sho?hotshots s as ars arere ?ve?veryvery y sy ?im?il
taste. My wife hates the smell.,"Buffalo Bills Premium Snacks<br /><br />I realize that taste is an individual thing, but I thought I'd share my thoughts on these products.<br /><br />First, customer service is excellent. I've always gotten exactly what I ordered in a very timely manner.<br /><br />So far I've ordered the following products:<br /><br />1) Buffalo Bills 2.1lbs Mild Short Shots<br /><br />2) Buffalo Bills 2.1lbs Hot Short Shots<br /><br />The first two short shots are very simil
a?r r?tot??SlSlilimi??JiJimim'im's'?, , j ?ususts??nonotot ??ndndid?vividi?uau?llllyl? w wrwrarapappppepede?, , I, ? j ju jusustust ??utut t tt tht?eme?m im in??a a???? l lolocockck k b ?agag g? an andnd nd?fifin?d d t?hehemhem ?vevere??y cy cocono???niniei????t tot t?o mo mum??????on(on( ( a ab a??utut ut a a a??ua?rtrtet?? p popouounoundnd nd pnd ?perper r br ba?g.g.<.<b<brbr ?/>/><><b?r r /??3)3? B BuBufuffffaf?aloalo o Bo BiBilillllslls s 1 b E ExE??rara ra S Sm Smom???ysys<s<b<br<br <br / />?ThThe?sese e a ar a??e ve veververyry ry s sms?mokmo??y,y, ??utut ut aut a a la ???tltlele e te totooto?o do ?ry??foforo???y y ty tatasaststest?.<?brbr br??><><b><br?br /br />?4)4?) B) ?BufBu?ffaff?aloalo alo? Bi Bilillillsl?s 1s ?6o6?z z P PrPreremremimiuiumum m Hm HiH???or?y y By BeB?efef f J??erkerkyky y Py PiPieieciececese?s (s ?raranra?ndond??m sm sis????<br<br <br /<br ?/>T/>Ta/>T?astaste? g ?rereareatat t it ift i??yoyouou ou? ar are are e ae a a ja ?er?erkyerky ?lolovlo?ver??.<b???r />r /><r /><b<br<br ??>5>????ufuffuffafalfalolo lo? Bi Bil Billllslls lls? lb? Pe P?ppppeppereroerononion?? S Sh Shohorortor??ShS?hotho??s<bs<brbr br /br />br />P>?ProPr?bababbablbly? t th the the e ce ????sessestst st t?o ?SlSliSl?? J Ji Jimim'?s s os ofof ??allall l t????
ar to Slim Jim's, just not individually wrapped, I just put them in a zip lock bag and find them very convenient to munch on( about a quarter pound per bag.<br /><br />3) Buffalo Bills 1.2lb Extra Smokeys<br />These are very smokey, but a little too dry for my taste.<br /><br />4) Buffalo Bills 16oz Premium Hickory Beef Jerky Pieces (random size<br />Taste great if you are a jerky lover.<br /><br />5) Buffalo Bills 2.1lb Pepperoni Short Shots<br />Probably the closest to Slim Jim's of all the s
hhohorortrt t?shshohothotst?<b<????><><b<br<b?r /r />/>6/>6)6) ) B BuBufu?fafalalol?? Bi B??lsls s?2.2????s s Hs ???eyey y S StS?rur?ngn?<b?<br <br / /> /??.K.K.K. .?tatasaststete.e????y y wy ?ififefe e?hah???s s ts tht?e ??mem?ll?. ?. M. ?My My B Br Broroto?theth?r ?dod?esesnsn'n't'?t ct ??rere e me mum?chch h?foforor or? th thehemhem m e eieitith?therthe?.<.<b?<br ???<b<br<br <br /?>A>AlAllll-ll- -?ini?- - a- alallall,l, ,?I I? hi h?????y ry rerecrecocomommm?menmendn? t th the thes?e e pe prpro?duducuctuctsts ts ( ?inin in t th? the the o orordorded?? l ?isiststestede?) ??ndnd nd t th thi th?is is?cocomcompm?ananyan???br? / /> />< />?<br<br <br /<br />?GuGun?nenerner r r ?JaJananuanuauararyar?, , 2, 202010?0"0?4?939???B0B00000??YYY????,A,???MAM?VNV?4C4CECEMEM8M8U8U8U8,8??GunGu??ner?,2,2,2,2,2,,2?5,5?121???5656363232020020?0,A0,? M Mi Milildil????limlim m Jm ???,","B"?BufBu??al?o o Bo BiBilillillsls ls?PrPreremremimiuiumum m Sm SnS??ckc?s<s<bs<brbr br /br />/></><b/><brbr br /?>I>I I rI rerearealalial??e e te ?thathatat at t ta tasastas?te te i is i?s as ??? in ind??vivididu???? th? thin thingng,ng??bubutu?t It ?I tI ??ouougu?ghtght ?t I't I'd'd d sd ?shash?areare e m???ththothouthoug?hth??ts ots onon on??? thes the?e e pe pre prorod?ucuctuctsucts.s??.<br.<b?r /r />r /><
hort shots<br /><br />6) Buffalo Bills 2.1lbs Honey Strung<br />O.K. taste. My wife hates the smell. My Brother doesn't care much for them either.<br /><br />All- in- all, I highly recommend these products (in the order listed) and this company.<br /><br />Gunner January, 2010" 4930,B000FYYOZI,A1TMAVN4CEM8U8,Gunner,2,2,5,1262563200,A Mild Slim Jim,"Buffalo Bills Premium Snacks<br /><br />I realize that taste is an individual thing, but I thought I'd share my thoughts on these products.<br /><
bbrbr r / />/>F>?iri?sts?? c ?usust??mem????erervervivici?e e?isis s e exexcx?celcelll?ene?t.t????'v'veve ?ala?waw?ysys s gs gogoto?tetenen en? ex exax?ctctltlyl? w ??atat t I I I o orordrdederereerede? i in in n a a a v veververyry y ty tit?memelmelyly ly m ?anannnnener??<b<br?? /> /?<b<br<b??/>/>S/>SoS???arar r Ir I'I'vI'??? or o??er??d d td ??e e fe fofolo?llollowowiw?ngng g p prprorodo?ucuctctscts:s:<:?<br?? /> />< /><b??<br /<br ??1)1) ) B ???fa??o ?BiB?ll?s ?2.2.1.??bsb?s Ms ????d Sd ShShohor????ShoSh??s<s?<br<br <br /<br /><br /><><b><?br ??/>2/>2)2?) B) ?BufBu?ffaffalaloal??o Bio Bilillil??s 2s 2.s 2.1.1l.1lb?s s Hs ??ot ot S ?ShoShorSho???t Sht S?hothotsts<s<bs<?br br /br />br /><?><br><b?r /r />r />T>ThThehe he f?irirsirstst st t twt??o so shs???rt rt s shshoshotots? a ar arer?e ve ???y y sy sisimimiim?ilailar?? to to o So ?lil?im im J ?im??s,s???us??t nt nonotot ot iot inindindidivi?vidvi?duadualallallyly ??rarapappp??ed,ed, , I, I I?jujusjustst ?puputut t tt ththeth?m m? in in in? a a z ??p p l loloclockck k b babaga?g ag anandand d fd ?inind? t th the?m m vm ?ververyvery very c co c???venveninieien?t t tt tot t??mumununcnchc? o on o??? ab abobouout? a a a q a ?uauar??terter r pr ??ounou?d ??perper ?ba?g.g.<.<b.<????br /><br />?<br<br <br /???) ?) Bu) Bufuffuf???o o B
br />First, customer service is excellent. I've always gotten exactly what I ordered in a very timely manner.<br /><br />So far I've ordered the following products:<br /><br />1) Buffalo Bills 2.1lbs Mild Short Shots<br /><br />2) Buffalo Bills 2.1lbs Hot Short Shots<br /><br />The first two short shots are very similar to Slim Jim's, just not individually wrapped, I just put them in a zip lock bag and find them very convenient to munch on( about a quarter pound per bag.<br /><br />3) Buffalo B
????s s 1 ?.2.2l2?b b E ExE?trtrara a S ?momoko?eye??<b<brb? / />/>T>??ese?e e?ara?e ?vev??y y?smsmomokmoke?y,y, ,??utut t? a a l lilitittttltlele e te tot?????? f foforor r mr mym?y ty tatasaststete.e.<.????/>??<br<br <br /?>4>4)4??BuBufuffffafalalolo ?BiB???ls ls 1 16 16o6ozoz z P PrPreremremim?umu? H HiHici?kok??y y By ?eeeefef f J JeJ??kyky y Py PiPieiece?eses es?(r(?ranra???m m sm ??zez?)<)?<br<br ?/>/></><b/><br? / /> />T />TaTas?te???rereareatat ??f f yf yoyouou u a??re re a? a j a ?er?erkyerk???lovlo??r.r?.<b.<brbr ?/>?/><b/><br/><br r /?>5>?) ?Bu?ffffaffal?o ?o Bio Bil?illsill?????lblb lb P Pe P?ppppeper?ononini i ? Sh S?or?t ?ShShohothotst??brbr br /br />br /????bababablblyly ?y thy thehe he c clc?loslo?sessest??toto to? Sl Slilimlim ?JiJimim'm?s s os ofo?f af al?l l t th the??shs?horhortrt ?shshoshoto???<br<br ?<br /><br /><><b?<br ?<br /><br />6<br />?) ) B??g g B Bu Bufuffuffafalfalolo lo O OlOle?? Sm S?mok????s<bs<brs<br r /?r />Fr />?atattatteterte??, c, ?ririsispsp p??otot ot? as as s cs cr?????y ?asas as s?ho?horthor?t s??hot??, , i, ini?ndind?viv?dud?al??????rapra?ppepp??.<?.<br.<br ??r /><r />?<br?<br /?<br />7<br />7)7) ?) Bu) Bufuffuffauffal?? B Bi Bilillillsills ills 2 ??1l1lb1lbsb??HoH?oneon?? S?trtrutrunungung<g<b???
ills 1.2lb Extra Smokeys<br />These are very smokey, but a little too dry for my taste.<br /><br />4) Buffalo Bills 16oz Premium Hickory Beef Jerky Pieces (random size)<br /><br />Taste great if you are a jerky lover.<br /><br />5) Buffalo Bills 2.1lb Pepperoni Short Shots<br />Probably the closest to Slim Jim's of all the short shots<br /><br />6) Big Buffalo Ole Smokies<br />Fatter, crisp not as crunchy as short shots, individually wrapped.<br /><br />7) Buffalo Bills 2.1lbs Honey Strung<br /
??O.O.K.K.K. .?tatasa?tete.e?? M MyMy y w wiwififefe e h ?ata?testes s? th t?e ?smsmemele?l.l?. . M. MyMy My B ??oto?he?????ese?n'n't't t c ?ararere e me mum?chc? f foforor r tr ?theth?? e eie???therther.r?<b<brb?????<br<b?r /r />r /???ll-ll- -?ini?- ??ll?, , I ???igighg??y y ry ?recrecocomommmme?ndnd d t th the thes??e pe prp?rodroduduc?tsts s (s ?inin in t? the the the???dederer r lr ?isiststesteded)d) ) a ?ndnd nd t th thi th?is is c co comompompapananyan??.<b.<brbr br?/>??????>G>GuGunu?nenerer er??JaJ?anuan?ar??, , 2, 202010101?""4??313?,B,B0B?00?FYF?YOYOZO?I,I,A,?1313Q3??TGTG8G????1J1J6J?,",??. ?????llll ll " ?"R"??ighig?teteoteouo??DuDududede"de"""""""",",0,?,0,0,,0,5,5,5??13513515111121??20???YuYumu??,"G,"??odod,d, , l, ??gh???ta?ststeste.ste. ?. N. NoNotot ot t to too? s ?strstroronrongn? o of of f a a a f??avavov?oriorininging,g, , a, ?andan?d vd ?ereryery y ly lilitlittttlt?e,e?, i, ?if if a an a?y,y, y,? af aftfteterte?tatastasttastete.te??. T. ThTheheyhey y gy gogo o? do dowownwn n??asasyasy,y,.y,.......M..? ??DeDefefifininiin?iteit??y ?hahaphappppyp??wiwitwi?th th t th the the the p the pupururcrchchachas??e."e.""4"?493493232,32?,B0,B?000000F0FY?YOYOZYOZI??,A2,A?9393G93??????XGXGGGG0G0,??igigiigililelerle?,0,0,,0,0,0,0,
>O.K. taste. My wife hates the smell. My Brother doesn't care much for them either.<br /><br />All- in- all, I highly recommend these products (in the order listed) and this company.<br /><br />Gunner January, 2010" 4931,B000FYYOZI,A13Q9TG853K1J6,"P. ONeill ""RighteousDude""",0,0,5,1351123200,Yum,"Good, light taste. Not too strong of a flavoring, and very little, if any, aftertaste. They go down easy,...MMMmm. Definitely happy with the purchase." 4932,B000FYYOZI,A293G2YSRLXGG0,Vigiler,0,0,
55,5?131343?808010?28280?0,0,T,?heh??bebesestst t y yeyetet t ft fofouo?ndn???? l leleaeara???d d a ababob?outou?t tt ththeheshe?e ????????coco-o-w-wowororkr??? a???erer er h ?? m ??ded?e ae a a b?ulu????ururhrhchcac?sese se?ofo? s ?sevse??eraer????ini??? o of of f bf ?beebeefe?f sf ?stist?ckcksks s as a a ya ye?ar? a?gogo.o?? H HeHe e se spsprp?eaeadead d td ththethemem ?ar??ounou??? an andnd nd snd soso o?I I gI ??t t tt tot t?o so ?amampmplplele le a a a v a vav?ariarieietetyety:y: : I I' I'v've?? or o??derdereredre???hehe he Hhe HoHononeneyney y?StStut??? f fofoufourur ur??imimem?es es? si s?incin?e ???thenthen.n. . T. ?wo? o ot oththetherther r cr coco-co-w-wo-wororkorkekerke??s hs ?avaveve ve ave alalsalsoso so o or ord ordederdereder??? th the?m ?onon on s se s?veverve?alal al? oc o?cacascasss?ioi????ththith??s ps pap??t t yt ye??r ?ana?nd ???theythe?'r'rere re " """"b"??lilie?veverversvers"s?"" ""? to tooo?? A AdAddd?itititiotion?alallal?y,y, , w ?e'e?'ve'v???llll l ol orordor?derderedereddered ?sesevsevesev??eraleral l ol ofl of f tf ththe? B BuBufuffffafal??o Bo BiBili??s s bs brb??ndndsnds nds? an and and d td thd thed theyey'y'ry'?re re are al?all all s??peper?b!b? ? As A?s ls lolon?g ??as as y yo you??dod?on'on't'??eaeateat ?t tht t??he whe whwhoh???le ble babaga?
5,1348012800,The best yet found,"I learned about these from a co-worker after he made a bulk purhcase of several kinds of beef sticks a year ago. He spread them around and so I got to sample a variety: I've ordered the Honey Stung four times since then. Two other co-workers have also ordered them on several occassions this past year and they're ""believers"" too. Additionally, we've all ordered several of the Buffalo Bills brands and they're all superb! As long as you don't eat the whole bag,
I I'I'd'd d??lsl?o o c cacalallall l t ?heheseses??""""A"AtAtkt???s s f frf??ene?dldlyl??? a as as s ws wew?llll,l, , a? as as t th t?atat t?isis ?????? a a m momoto?ivi?at?oro? f??or or??e ??ordordedereririnringng g t th???e ?soso so mso mamananyn? t ti timimemeses es ( (o(?othot??r ???anan an t?? them them m b beb??inging g jg ?usustst t bt ?beibeininging ing?grgrereae?at,at??we?ll?-s-se?asasosonso??d d sd snsnanaca??s)s?? ??uyuy y 'y 'e'eme?, , y, ?ouo?'l'???lol???e 'e ?'em'e?!"!""?????,B,?0000000F00FYFYYY?OZO?I,I,A,ALALSL??7H7?GFGFUF?3Z3?RGRG,G,D,DeDeaeanean n? Be Benenken?owowswskski?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,??474?3232121616060000,00,G,??odo?d Bd BeBeeeefef f S StStiticti??s,s,","I"? e en??oyo?eded ed t th thi th?is is p prp?od?ucuctct.t. . . T ??heyhey y ay ?re? a? a g a gog??d d vd ?valva???e fe ?oror or tor ????amamo?ununtnt ?yoyouyou u? ge g??? I I ?did?d d nd ??ot ot?sesensensnsense ?mumuc?h h h ????y y iy inin in? th the? p????uc?t,t?, s, ?so so aso a a? bi biti?t mt ?mormo??re fre flf?avavovoror ????ldl?d bd ?be be?ninicicece.e. . ?I I wI ??ulu?ld ld b?uy? a?gag??"."?49493493434,34??00000000F0FYFYYFYYO??ZI,ZI,A?OROR0R0N0NNN?3U3URUR7R7U7UWU?G,G,MG,?ic?hahaehaelel el M MeMenencen
I'd also call these ""Atkins friendly"" as well, as that is also a motivator for me ordering these so many times (other than them being just being great, well-seasoned snacks). Buy 'em, you'll love 'em!" 4933,B000FYYOZI,ALSW7HGFU3ZRG,Dean Benkowski,0,0,4,1347321600,Good Beef Sticks,"I enjoyed this product. They are a good value for the amount you get. I did not sense much honey in the product, so a bit more flavor would be nice. I would buy again." 4934,B000FYYOZI,AOR0NN3UR7UWG,Michael Menc
eerer,r,0,?,0?,5,5,5?131343464??9898484040000,0,G0,?ooo?d d?jej?????"I"? t ththoh?ugughg??????asas s f frfrer??h,h? m mom?isi?t;t; ; ?HoH?wewevevev?er,er, , p, ?er????ala?lyl??alalial?ittit??e e??o o s swsweweeweete?t ft fof?? m me me.e?? I ?I tI ?thithininkn? i i` i`l`??? st stit??k k wk ??ithith ?ththeth??JoJoho?? W WaWayayny?e ?brb?ana?d.d?. . J JWJ? b ????d d id ?is is m mo m??e ???pepenpe?sisivi?ve ve? bu butu???it it s?eee?msms s ts toto ?sosoosootot t mt mym??tatasastastete ?e bue bududsds s bs ??????.".?4494?3535,??00000000F0FYFYYY?OZO??,A,?1515X5?P8P8P8POPOEO?3Z3ZPZ????RFR?? Wi Wieiededed?,0,0,??0,40,4,4,1?34?1313613?00?00000000,??etettetteetterer er t th thah?an an i i i t? tho thouougoughghtgh?t tt th?theythey y wy wowououlou?d d bd ?be!be??,"I,"?I wI wawaswas ?a a?lil?ittittlittle? s sk skekepe?????al al o on???rdrdederde?ininging g t? the the e te teter?iyiyay?kiki i? st?icickic?s ???rsrsisiosi??on bon babas?ed? o?n ?a ?cocou?plp?le ?ofo????vivieiewiewsw?s b??ut,ut, , I, ?I aI ?m m h hahaphappppypy y Iy I I dI dididid.???heh?y ?y wey w??e e ae ?a sa sosofsoftft t st ??icick?? as as s ss sosomsomemeoeon?e e se sasaia?? b???t ht hahadha?d ad a a na ??iceic?e ce crc??ncn?h
er,0,0,5,1346198400,Good jerky,"I though it was fresh, moist; However, personally alittle to sweet for me. I think i`ll stick with the John Wayne brand. JW brand is more expensive but it seems to soot my taste buds better." 4935,B000FYYOZI,A15XP8POE3ZPSE,RF Wiede,0,0,4,1341360000,Better than i thought they would be!,"I was a little skeptical on ordering the teriyaki sticks version based on a couple of reviews but, I am happy I did. They were a soft stick as someone said but had a nice crunch
?whwhehenen n y ?ouo??bibiti? i inin.n? T ThT?he he t tetereririyiyay?kiki i w waw?s s m ?ili?ded?er er t th thahana?n on ??heherhersr?????havha?? o ?rdrde???d d a ?andand ?ththetheyey y? we werereer?e me ????e se smsmomokmokekey?? bu butu?t tt ?the?y ?ararere re c cacalallllel?ed ed o ol olele'le???smosmokokekeyke?s.s. . I. I I dI dididi??non?ot ot?gegetet t tt tht the?he ghe grgre??asyas??mo?ut?h h??eeeele? t th tha thata?t st ??mem????e se sae s?idid id a an a??d id ?? d di?d ?ha?havehave e ae a a p plple?asasaas?antan?t tt tat tasastastitininging g a??te??? ta t????. . A. ?ll?? in i???allall,l? w wo w??th? a??4*4* * r rar?atiatin??...?.. ..? bu but but t it ?it it cit coc?oulou??? be be e ae a e a 5 5 5 b?asaseas?ed ed oed onon on i in?didivdiviv?iduid??al al t? tas tastste???""44949393636,6,B,B0B?0000F00?YYYYOYOZO???A3A??CTC??8O8O4O?212141?QYQY,Y,T,ToTomommommymy,y,0,????4,4?131343404050?828242?40040?0,G0,GoGooo??d ad an?and and?UnUniniqiququeu???Th?esesese ?e sne snanacackcksk??ar????ververyry y dy ?difdifff??rerenrentn?t tt tht that than?, , s, ???? S SlSlil?? J ?imimsims.s. s. T?he?y y ay ary a?re re mre mo?isi?? a? and and d sd seseeseememsms ????s ?prpror?ceces????d t??hanha?n mn ??anyan?y oy ofof f?? the the ???nvn?venve
when you bit in. The teriyaki was milder than others I have ordered and they were more smokey but they are called ole' smokeys. I did not get the greasy mouth feel that someone said and it did have a pleasant tasting after taste. All in all, worth a 4* rating... but it could be a 5 based on individual tastes." 4936,B000FYYOZI,A3LCTL8O4214QY,Tommy,0,0,4,1340582400,Good and Unique,"These snacks are very different than, say, Slim Jims. They are moist and seems less processed than many of the conven
iiei??cec? s sts?ororere e me mem??? s sn snanaca??s s o ououtut t tt tht?erere?. . T ThT?herherere re w wawasa?s as ? n ?icice? h ???t t ot ofo?? sp s?iciceic?e le lalacaceac?d d? wi witith? h ho hononeneyey.y. . I. ?? wo wou??d d sd sas?y y t th?eyey ey? ta t?astas??ed ed?anandnd d hd ?adad d ad a ?tetexte?tuturu?re ????at at I I I mI mimigighg?t t ht ?havhaveve e ee exexpx?ecectc??d d id in? a? m momor?e ?e exe e??enensensisivive? p prprorodo?ucuctct.ct. . I. I . I? wi wil willll l b ?uyuy y ty th?themthem m a??aiain????d d wd wiw??ll ll r rerecrecoc???menme?nd nd? th the?m m tm to? f ?ririeieniendndsnds s as ans a?nd ??ama?milmi?y.y."y.?4??3737,7????00F00?YYYYOY?ZIZI,I?A1A151?VHVHIHIGIG1G?POP?D7D?RZRZ,Z?HaHaYa?nSn?tytyLy??181808?8,8,0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,131?363616171767606??0,?TeTererieriyiyay?kik? O OlOlele'e' ' S ????kiekieses ?BeBeee?f f Sf St??ickicks?,",?I ?bob?ougou?ghtgh???hehe he B ?ufufff???o o? Bi Bilillillsl?s Ts ?TerTeririyriya?ki? O Ol Olele'le?' S' SmSmoSmoko?kie?s s bs ?ee?f ?st?icickicksicks s bs bes bec????????ababsbsosololulut?elelyly ly??OVO?E E b be b?????tit??icks?, , e ?espes?pecpeciciaialallllylly y t?er?eriyeriyayakyakiyak??, a, anandand and??? th tho th?ougoughoughtht ht t th thi thisis s ws ???ouldoul?d bd bebe be? a
ience store meat snacks out there. There was a nice hint of spice laced with honey. I would say they tasted and had a texture that I might have expected in a more expensive product. I will buy them again and will recommend them to friends and family." 4937,B000FYYOZI,A15VHIG1POD7RZ,HaYnStyLe1808,0,0,4,1336176000,Teriyaki Ole' Smokies Beef Sticks,"I bought the Buffalo Bills Teriyaki Ole' Smokies beef sticks because I absolutely LOVE beef sticks, especially teriyaki, and I thought this would be a
??ooo?d d??uyuy y?? g gogoogo?od od?quq???tit??y ?fof?r r t ?hehe e???icicec?.<.??r ?/>/??<br<br r /?>T>??he he t?ere?riyriyayakakik? b?eee?f f s ?titictickcksks s t?hehemhe?sesele?vevese??wewerereere e ve veververyry y ty tat???y ???d d fd flf?ava?ororforfufulul.l. .?I I????o o l ?ovove?d d td th?e e te ??xtxtut?rer?, , i itit it w wawas?????y y sy ?sofso?? a an andn??d ted<.<b.<?? / />/></><b?<br <br / /> />T>Th>T?he he ohe ono??????d ?d thd thihiningng g I?'d'?d hd hahavaveave e te toe t?o so ??y ?y aby abobouo??t tt th??s s ps pr?ododuoducuctc??isis is t th tha th?t t it itt it t lt ?eaeavaveavesaves ???e we wiwitithith h?? v ve ver?y ?grgrereare???, ?fafatattattyty ty??resre?ididudueue e ae al?l l o ovoveoverer er t th?e ?roroooodood d od ??f mf ??y my momououtouthth,th, , w, ?hihichichc????nd? o of o?f tf ?taktakek??? aw awawaywa??y fry froromrom m t? the the the f flflaflavavoavoror or a an??d md ?my my a?bibilililit?y y ty toy t?o Fo FUFULULLLLYLY Y e enenjen??y ?y thy thehe ?pr?prodpro???ct.ct?. A. AsA?sidsidede ???romrom rom? th? that tha??, I, I ?mam?? s st stitiltillll l ol ?ordordederde?r ir itit it ait :. ?)")""?494939?8,8?B0B000?00F00??YOYOZOZIZI,I,A,A2A?353?EYEY6Y6S6S2S?D1D??G0G0,0??ueue ue B B.B.,.,0,0,?0,?
good buy - good quantity for the price.<br /><br />The teriyaki beef sticks themselves were very tasty and flavorful. I also loved the texture, it was very soft and tender.<br /><br />The only bad thing I'd have to say about this product is that it leaves me with a very greasy, fatty residue all over the rood of my mouth, which kind of takes away from the flavor and my ability to FULLY enjoy the product. Aside from that, I may still order it again. :)" 4938,B000FYYOZI,A235EY6S2D1SG0,Sue B.,0,0,5
,,1,131????89896960600600,0??reretettttyt????????ooo?d,d,",?I I p pup?rcrchchahasaseseded d t ththeh? H ??nen?y ??tutunungng g S ??okokikieieses s a ana????omomeme ?ofof f t??he he r rerevrevivie?wsws s ss ststat?teteded ed? th tha th?at at t??ey???ererere re m mumusu??y,y, , I I ???ululdldndn'n??? go go o t?? that that t ft ?arar,ar, , b, bubutut t tt th?eyey ?ar???so?ftfteterte? t?? then the?n mn momosmost??bebeee?f ??stisticickcksks ?bubutbut t tt tht theheyhe?y sy ststistilsti?l l h hahavha???? ' 's'snsnanapap'p' '? to to o to ??themthe?? T ThT?he ?ta?ststest??isi?s gs ?????, ?eve??n ?ththe? p??ickic?y y ky kikidkidsd?s ls liliki????th???se se?smsmomokmokikiekieses-es-I-I I tI ??ininknk k? we we ?wiwili?ll ll t?ryr???omomeome e oe ofe o?f tf th?the ?????r r fr ??avavov??s.s?. p. plplulus??????er er t th the thes the?se se ase".""4494939393?,B,B0B00000?FYFYYYYOYOZO?I,I,A,A1A??676?4E4E0E0U0U5U5Z5?CXCX6X6,6?mimin?is?teterter ter f ?or???irirere,re?0,0,00,??3,3?,13,132329296960960909696096009600,?"S"SoSo,o, , S, So?. . B. ??ettet??ter ter tter ?o o go geget??????BuBufuffffafalfa?o o Bo BiBil??s ??.1.1l1lbl??s Ss ShS?orortort ????otsot?",",T,TrTrir?iedied ?MiMilildil?d Od OnO?lyly.y.<.<b<
,1336089600,Pretty darn good,"I purchased the Honey Stung Smokies and some of the reviews stated that they were mushy, I wouldn't go that far, but they are softer then most beef sticks but they still have a 'snap' to them. The taste is great, even the picky kids liked these smokies-I think we will try some of the other flavors. plus order these again." 4939,B000FYYOZI,A1Z674E0U5ZCX6,minister for hire,0,0,3,1329609600,"So, So. Better to get HOT Buffalo Bills 2.1lbs Short Shots",Tried Mild Only.<b
rr r?/>/><>?brbr r /r ?????zoz????2828 8 o on? 0 020?/1/??2/22/202??12<12??r ??><><b><brbr br? /> /?PrP?o<o<b?<br <br???GoG?odo? w ??igi?htht t p ???cec? v ?alalulueue.e.<.<b??<br /<br />?<b<br?<br /?>C>?onon<on<b<br???<br />M<br />MuM?shs?? ( (w(?asas s h hohopo?iningng g i iti?t wt wowouo?ldld ??e ??ri?ere?????iri?mem???liliki?e e oe oto?heherer ?rereveviviei?wsw????atatet?d)d?.<?br?br /br />/>N/>NoNo o S SnS??? t tot?o so<.<b.<br.<b?r /r />r />Sr />SoS??SoSo So F ?lalavavovoror.r.<.<b.<br.<br .<br / /> />< /><b<br<br <br /<br /><br />H<br />HOHOTOT T B ??ffffafalaloal???ilillllsl???.1.??bsbs ??hohorhortrt ?ShShoSh?otsots s ts tatastaststeste e ge ?oooodood ????avaveave e be bebetbetttteterte??tetextextxtuturu??.<?.<br.<br .<br /.<br />?/>Al/>A??o o bo ???teter? p???cece/ce/w/weweiwe??ht? r rar?atiatioio.o. . S Sm Smamalmalllleller?er per pepei??cesces s ms memeame???s bs ?????er er per poer porortortitioionion ??on?trtrorolrol.l..4494949404?,B,B0B???FYF?YOY?ZIZI,I?A3A3P3?9O9?EZEZRZ?3W3??0R0RGR?,M,MIMININENESE?FIF?INEIN?,0,?0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,131323?32?161606??0,?grg???at at f?lalavlavo???,r,re?realreallllyll????eaeat??????k k f?or? h hi hikikiikininging g og oror or aor a a b babasaseasebebabalballll ll??
r /><br />Amazon $28 on 02/12/2012<br /><br />Pro<br />Good weight price value.<br /><br />Con<br />Mushy (was hoping it would be drier & firmer like other reviews stated).<br />No Snap to skin.<br />So So Flavor.<br /><br />HOT Buffalo Bills 2.1lbs Short Shots taste good & have better texture.<br />Also better price/weight ratio. Smaller peices means better portion control. 4940,B000FYYOZI,A3P9OEZR3WT0RG,MINESFINE,0,0,5,1323216000,great flavor!,really great snack for hiking or a baseball game.
?.......M..MyM??sos?n n a anandnd d I I I e enenjn?oyoy y ty tatakakikiningn??tht?eme??whw?henhen ??e e g ?o o o onon on?? r ???d d td ?riripi? t to t?o ho hoh?????s s o ov oveverer r t ti t?llll l? we we e fe ?in?d d ad ? g go gooo?d ?rer??tatautaururaran??!!??949??,B,B0B0000000F00FYF??OZOZIZI,I,A,A1A1P1PSPSASAFA?FYBFYB1B1919T9T4T4I4I1I??HaH?tctchchehethe?t,t?0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4?131313??111??40400??TaT?st?e e Ge GrG??atat,at,",?TaTasTaststeste ste g gr gre?reatreat,t, t, o on oncncece e ie inin in a?whwhiwhil?e e ye ???? wi wil?l l cl cocomomeme e ae aca???ssss s as a ?pop??kekete?? of o??fafat??bubutut ??tsts s ws woworortrthth th t?hehe he???sksk.k? A ?nyn?th???g ??ro?m m tm ththi?s ??upuppp?lil??? i ???? goo go?od od???ala?litli?y y ay anandand ?vav?alualueu?.".""?4949494294??,B0,B00000000F0FYFYYFYYOYOZYOZI?,A,A1,A1T1TDT?DXDXQXQXQ??RPRPKPKKK?7,7?,"T,"?hohomhomamasas as A A. A. . B. ?ururnurnsns ?"""???omaomasassas?so"so"""""""","?,0,,0,0,0,0,?5,5,1,13,13131631646474767686????ReReae??lyly ?GoGoooodood!d!,!?,"T,"Th,"Thehesheses??hahava?ve ve? a a g a go?odod od sod snsnanapap p wp ?whewhenen en y ?youyou ?bibititeite e i?ntn????theth?em em??nd? a a a n a ninici?????neneyey y by bebeeeefef ????steste!ste!<!<b<brb?r /r />/>C>?ho?
...My son and I enjoy taking them when we go on a road trip to hold us over till we find a good restaurant! 4941,B000FYYOZI,A1PSAFYB19T4I1,Hatchett,0,0,4,1318118400,Taste Great,"Taste great, once in awhile you will come across a pocket of fat but its worth the risk. Anything from this supplier is good quality and value." 4942,B000FYYOZI,A1TDDXQX3RPKK7,"Thomas A. Burns ""Tomasso""",0,0,5,1316476800,Really Good!,"These have a good snap when you bite into them and a nice honey beef taste!<br />Choo
C ??ooo? R ? S ?nanacackcksks s a ?lwlwawayaysys s hs hahasa?s es exexcxcec?llllel????cuc??totomo????ses?ervervivicicece,ce, , a an andn? t ?heh?y y??hrhror?? i inin n a a a f ??w ?sasama??lelesles s as asas as w ?el??!"!""?494??3,3,B,?00000?FYF?YOY?ZIZI,I?A2A2E2EAEA0A0K0?DODO0O?4U4?U9U?H,H?"M"?araririei??WiW????erser?ono??""""f"??ycy?rtrtrt?"""""""?,0,?,0,0,,0?5,5,1,121??303?6262424040000,00?,Bu,Bufuffffafalaloalo ?BiBilillillsl?s ss smsmom??????,"I,"? r ?eae?allallyl?y ey ?enjen?oyo?ede??ththethesesese se b ?eeeefe? s st stiticickicks???EvEveven? t? tho th?ugu?h h?I ??re?feferferrr???d td thd the??? to t?o bo ?? a a ??itittttlt?le le? bi bitit it???rdr?er??, t, ththetheythey y wy wewerwere? t?as??y.y. . I. ??jujusustust ?puputu?t tt th???m im inin in t th?e e fe ?ri?g g? an and and ?d thd thad thata?t wt ?oro?kekedke?d od ou?t t ft ?inineine.e?. N. NiNiciceice e fe fle flalavavov?or,or, , n, non?t t tt tot t?oo oo s sw sweweewe?t t ot ?? s?pip?icyic?y. y. T ThT??y ?sus?re?re dre didididnd???t lt la??st st i in i??mym?y hy hohouhoususeus?!"!"!"?49494?4,4?,B0,B00000000F0?FYYFY?YOZYOZI?,A,A3,A?2S2S0S0R0ROR?8F8?DGDG0G?0F90F9,9,","L,"LuL??i i??ana?ndondololalaylay y "y ?""W""?e'e???re ire inin ?LaLatateat??""??,0
Choo R Snacks always has excellent customer service, and they throw in a few samples as well!" 4943,B000FYYOZI,A2EA0KDO04UU9H,"Marie Wilkerson ""fzycrtr""",0,0,5,1293062400,Buffalo Bills smokies,"I really enjoyed these beef sticks. Even though I preferred them to be a little bit harder, they were tasty. I just put them in the frig and that worked out fine. Nice flavor, not too sweet or spicy. They sure didn't last in my house!" 4944,B000FYYOZI,A32S0RO8FDG0F9,"Luci Vandolay ""We're in Latex""",0
??0,0,5,5,5,1,121282?777707?565606?0,0,H0,HoHononen?? B ?eeeefef f???icickcksk? i inin n? sa sadaddddldlelebebabagag g p pap???agagiagin?g,g,","I"I I l lilikikeke e t ?hihisis s ps prp??duducu?t t v vevereryry y my mumuc?h.h. .?ThTheh?e He ?HonHoneneyney y fy flflal??oror r m mam?kekeskes s ts ththetheme? t ta tasaststest?e ve ve??? g gogooood??anandnd d t th theheyhey y ay ararer???igi?geger???ndnd nd t th thi th?ickickekerker r tr ??anan an m mo moso?st st o oto?thetherthersrs s Is I'I?veve ve s?ee???. T. ?TheThe e se sasad?dldledl??agag ag p?acackackakagageag?e ie is? i in ingn???ioiouo?s.s. ???y y oy opo?????andand d ed exe?pop?oseose e te toto o t? the the ?aiairi?r ar ?llll l 1 101?00 00?whwhewh?en en???ou ou? on onlnlyl?y hy hah??e e te toe to o oo opopeopenen en hen ha?lfl?f af ata?t at a a t ti timi??. . l. le??aveave ave?? one on????halfhalf f (f ?5050)0? c ?omo?plple?tetelelyly ly s se sea se?alealeded.d. ?OnOnene ne p pa?ckckackagckage? o of of f 1f 10100100 0 t th? thic thickck ck b beb???f sf st?icick?s s cs cacanan an san susus?tatai?n n sn sos?omeom?ononeone e fe ?or?? a a v ve ver?y y ly lolonongong g tg ?? U. UsUsese e fe foe foror or eor ememeemer???gencgencyc?y sy shshehelhe?teterte?rs,rs???ounou?ta?inin in c cl c??mbm?binbi?ng ng , ,b,ba???papacpackckick??ing,ing? c ca camamp??inging,ing, ing, h ?hikhi
,0,5,1287705600,Honey Beef sticks in saddlebag packaging,"I like this product very much. The Honey flavor makes them taste very good and they are bigger and thicker than most others I've seen. The saddlebag package is ingenious. why open and expose to the air all 100 when you only have to open half at a time. leave one half (50) completely sealed. One package of 100 thick beef sticks can sustain someone for a very long time. Use for emergency shelters,mountain climbing ,backpacking, camping, hik
?iningn?, , s susururvr?ivivavalal l t trt??ininiin??g,g, g, o ?? a ??y y? su sur???va?l l sl sisititutuauatatit?onon.n.t.ththeh?rereses s p ??enentn?y y (y (1(1010000)0?, ??o o y yoy?u u?coc?oulou?d d s? sus suststat?ainain n y yo youourou???lflf f a? l lolon?? t ti timimeme e????loloslo? st t???sese se?vever??y ly ?igighg?? s st stotororaorabablblele le b ?eeeefe?st?icickcksks s as ???d ad a a j jajarar r or ofof f pf pepeae?anuan?t ?bub?uttuttet?er er??nonopo???ede?d ad and andnd d a? l?arargargege e je juj?g ?of? w wawatateater?er ier ?in in a a ?ve?hihicicliclele le cle cocoucoululd??? sus???inin ?li?fefe e fe ?or? a a ? a ve a vereryery ery????????meme me a at a?t at a a ma mim?ini???m m o of of ??papacacec????? w?? ay apappp???ar ar?kikinindind d od ?of of hof hoh?me?????e,e, , u, ununlunlilikli?e e ae ane anyny ny b be bee????????s s Is I I h hah?veve ve s se see?n ?inin in sin ststost?oreores? b be bef be??re?. . M MyMy y dy ??gsgs s ls ??likelik???thethemem m am ?alsalso?.I.I I bI ??reareakak k o of off off f 1f 1/1/2/2"2??pip???cesces s ws whwhehenhenenevne??r ?th?theythey y ny neneeneed? a??tr??eateat.t?. I. ?I sI seseesee ?nonotnoththithininging ing???n tn ?thethe the?? ing ingrgreredre????
ing, survival training, or any survival situation.theres plenty (100), so you could sustain yourself a long time if lost.Just these very light storable beefsticks and a jar of peanut butter unopened and a large jug of water in a vehicle could sustain life for a very long time at a minimum of space and weight.They appear kind of home made, unlike any beef sticks I have seen in stores before. My dogs like them also.I break off 1/2""pieces whenever they need a treat. I see nothing in the ingredient
?s s?ththahata??sus??geg?stst ?dod?gsgs s cs ?ana??t ???at at t th t?eme?.H.HoH???vevere? I ? w wawanantant ?t eat eaca???pepererser??n n t to t? e evevaevala?uauat?? t th thi th?s s os ?on on t th?eieirir r or ??n ??otot t jt ?usustst st???ca??useus???I sI ?ayay y???. . M MyMy ?5 5 d do?gs? h ha?veve ve? ha hada? p pi piei??eses es??? t? the them them m?nonownow w a anandan???thethene?n an anandand and l lol?veve ve tve th?themthem ???and and hand ?havhavehavenentent t st ???ownown own??nyny y sy ?igigngnsns ?s ofs o?f bf ??ini?g g??icickck k o or o?r hr hahav?in?g g lg lelesessess ?eneneen??gyg?. . I. I I rI ?ec??mmmmem?endend d t?he?m.m."m.""??949?5,5????00F00FYF?YOY?ZIZI,I,A,A3A3D3DIDININ4N4I4IDI?DI1DI?IVIVEVE6E?,L,LiLififef?tit?meme me????tet?er,er,0,?,0,0,,0,5,?5,15,121282???131363?0000,00,M,MiMilildld d sd sasausa?usaus?gegesges,s,I,I I lI ?lovlo?ve ve tve thve t??is is p pr p?ododuducuctc??anandand and oand orordrded?er er?iti??ququiuititeit?e oe of?tetente???oror or?mym?y by bibig? b bo boyoysy?s ts toto ?tatakakeke e he huhununtnti????. J. JuJ?ustust t wt ?????th?the the? se selelllle?r ?wow?ululd?? ta t?akeake ??thethe ?titimtime??anandand and mand ?ononeoneyey y ty ????chachanangange? t th? the the l la l?bebelbe? t to? s sa sayay ay? Mi M?
s that suggest dogs can't eat them.However I want each person to evaluate this on their own not just because I say so. My 5 dogs have had pieces of them now and then and love them and havent shown any signs of being sick or having less energy. I recommend them." 4945,B000FYYOZI,A3DIN4IDI1IVE6,Lifetime dieter,0,0,5,1285113600,Mild sausages,I love this product and order it quite often for my big boys to take hunting. Just wish the seller would take the time and money to change the label to say Mil
dd d i ?nsnststeteae??d od ofo??spspipicicycy.y. .?ItI? i is isns?t ?spspispicicyicy y a anandnd d td ?heheyey ?hahavaveve e a at at t lt leleaeaseastst st p ?utut ?a a? st stit??kek?r r?onon n t th?e ?papacackc?agageg??bub???hahavha???nonotot t ct chchahanhangngegedge?d t?hehe he d didisiscscrcriripiptp?tioti?on on? on on ??in?e e se sos? I I I??hohouougughg??t It ? w wawasas s a ac a?tutuaualallllyly y py ?purpu??chachasasiasin?g g s sp spipicpi?cy cy t th thi thisis is? ti t?meme.e?. S. ??tilti?ll ll a? w?onondon?ererferfufulul l p pr prorodo??ctct.ct..?494949?6,6,B,B0B?0000F00FYFYYY???I,I,A,A7A7U7UNU?G7G7575M5MXMXVXVAVAZAZ7Z7,7?"C"?atath?y ?S.S. . W. WoWoooodod od " """"C"Ca"Catattattwtwowoo?d"d""??,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5???777767686838323?00?,L,LoL?ve??ththethesthe?e e s?momoko?iei?s!s!,!,"?CoC??ldld d od ond onlnlyly ly f fifinindind d ad atat at l lol?cacalal al S ShShehelhellll ll gll gag?as as s st sta statatiatioionon.on.....?.....??nowno? I I I h I ??havehave e ae ?a sa sosouso?rcrcerc?e te ??o bo ?buybuy ?alallall l Il I ?wawanwantnt!nt! !? F ?asastast ?? s se sece?urureure ?de?li?veverve?y.?........p...?ri??e ?isis is gis ?rereaeateat!t! ! ! ???llll ???dederder ?ag?aiain?, ,? an and?? ag a?gaiga?in,in, in, e etetct??,.,................"..""4494?947947,??B00B00000F00FY00FYY??OZIOZI,I,AI,
d instead of spicy. It isnt spicy and they have at least put a sticker on the package but have not changed the discription on line so I thought I was actually purchasing spicy this time. Still a wonderful product. 4946,B000FYYOZI,A7UNG75MXVAZ7,"Cathy S. Wood ""Cattwood""",0,0,5,1277683200,Love these smokies!,"Could only find at local Shell gas I have a source to buy all I want! Fast & secure delivery....price is great! Will order again, and again, etc.,....." 4947,B000FYYOZI,A
?3333W3WVWVAVACA?3W3WK3W?DCDCICI8I8,8,",?DaDavavividid d?M.M??ReR????ldldsds s " """"l"lolonongngagacactc??on?""?",",0,0,0,0,0,,0?4,4,1,121??929212161606000?00,00,O,OlO????momoko??eses,s,T,ThThehes??e be bebeee?f f s ststiticti?ksks s hs ?avaveave ???grgrereae?t t???avavoavoro? a ?ndnd d td ththehe he?prprir?cece ?sesee??s ?faf??r.r. . T. ??ere?re re?isis s ns nono no l lalablabe?? s???atiatiningng ng a as a?s ts tot? w whwhe????ththithisis is??rorododud??ct ct n nen??dsds ds t toto to b bebe be r rerefrefrfririgri?ereraer???d.d..??9494848,8,B8,?00000000F0???OZOZIZI,I,A,A2A2N2NIN?9595Y5?8U8UNUNENE8E???,C,CoCoaoasast??l l Jl JeJer?kyk? L ??vever???,2,??5,5????141454??80800?00,S00,SwS?eeeetee???beebe?ef,ef,B,?????ststisticickic?ks ks??nd? h hoh??eyey ey - - -???hathat t at a a ga grgregrea?t t ct coc???ininainatatiatioati??! ! T ?TheThe The O ?OleOle e Se ?SmoSm??ie?s s bs be????f stf s?tic?ks???rere ?fuf??l l ol ?f f ff fl?????r. r.??ddddidin?? h ho hononeoneyoney ??ivivevesve?s ts ths thehemhem m? a a? li l?ttttltlele le t?wiwis?t t ot ?of of s??weeweetetnt?nesnesss?s ts th?at? j jujusustst st p?ututsts s ts ths thes themem m om ov?erer er? th thehe he the to?p.p. . T. Th. The????oneoneyoney oney S St S??ngng ?Ol
33WVAC3WKDCI8,"David M. Reynolds ""longaction""",0,0,4,1269216000,Ole Smokies,These beef sticks have a great flavor and the price seems fair. There is no label stating as to where this product needs to be refrigerated. 4948,B000FYYOZI,A2NI95Y8UNE85D,Coastal Jerky Lover,1,2,5,1151452800,Sweet beef,Beef sticks and honey - what a great combination! The Ole Smokies beef sticks are full of flavor. Adding honey gives them a little twist of sweetness that just puts them over the top. The Honey Stung Ol
ee'e' '??mom??ieiese? a ararere e??lwlwaw??s s as a a f fafavavov???tete ??itithith h?ouo??? fr f?rierienendndsd?? t ththehe ?sas?ddddldlelebebabagag g??aca?k k i isis ?s a s a p?ererfr?ecectct t t ta t?kek?-a-alalolono??g tg ?o o f?oooototbt???l l? pa parartar????..44949494949,49,B,B0B0000000F00FYFYYYYOY??I,I,A,A2A?3R3R7R??BSBSPSPAP?XIX??T,T?d-d-a-a--a-v-?-i-i-i-n-n,n,0,0,0,1,?,2,2,2,1?22223?252515??0000,00?"G"GoGoooodood,d, , J ???t t nt ??ot ot w whwhahata?t It I I w wa wasas s ls loloolo??ini?? f fo for for"r?,","I,"?I cI cocououlouldldndn'n't'?t rt ?resresisisistis?t tt ??e e pe ??ricri??.....? s soso o mo mam?nyn????efe? s???ckckscks s fs foforor or s so s?o co ?he?apap.p. . H HoHowowew??er?, , I, I ?ththithininkink k Ik I ?wawaswas s es exexpx?ec??tintingng ng sng ?somso?????ngng ?didififff??????. ?ThThe??jejer????hahashas ????oooodood ood t? tas ta?steste,e, ?anandand d a?t t ft fifirirsrst? i it i?t wt ?waswasnwas?n'tn't ?veverve??y oy oioili?y,y, , b, ?utu???as as t???y y gy gogotgot ?olo?ldelder???an?? e exexpex??seseded ?toto to? th the th?e ae aia????I I dI di??d nd ??titicticetice e se soe somo?me me? oi oilil il s sp spopotpotsts ?s fos forormor?ininging g t?hrh?ou?ghg?h th ththe? c cacasasias???s s os ofo
e' Smokies are always a favorite with our friends; the saddlebag pack is a perfect take-along to football parties. 4949,B000FYYOZI,A23R7PBSPAXIET,d-a-v-i-n,0,1,2,1223251200,"Good, Just not what I was looking for","I couldn't resist the price... so many beef sticks for so cheap. However, I think I was expecting something different. The jerky has a good taste, and at first it wasn't very oily, but as they got older (and exposed to the air) I did notice some oil spots forming through the casings of
? t tht?? s sts??ckc??. . O OvOvevere?alallll,l, , i ?f f??????anan n c co cono?susumu?e e te ?thith??, ???y,y, , w, wiwiti?thi??n 1n 1 1 w ?eeeekek k o ofo??opopep?nininingng,g, , t, th?eye? a ararere e ge ?re?atat!t? I ?f f yf yoyouyo?u nu nen?eedee? s so s????thithin?g g t?hah?at at w wi wilill? s??tictickck ck a ar arorouounoundnd d ld ?on?geg?er er ( (s(ststisticickick,k, , g, ???? it it?t?)?) ) t th the then? m mam????e te the thihis?? is isnsn'n't't t tt ??the the?ririgi?htht t pt ????ucuctc?. . T. ThThe???alalsalsoso o? se s?entent t mt meme me a a a?frf?reeree e se sasamsampmplplele ?of?? so som so??me ome of?of tof th?theitheiri?? ot oth?therther r pr prproprododuducductctsct? w? wit with? m?y ?orordrdederer,er, ?anandan??ththethe ?shs???pip?ingin??wawasas s qs quq?icick???? l lilikikeke ?e the thee th?e ce cocom?papananyany,?? th? the the b bebeebe??f sf ststisticsti?ckscks s js jujusust?? we w?ereeren?'t't 't w wh wha?t t It ?I wI wawaswas s ls lo?oko?ininging ing f fo for?, , I, ?I gI ?????s."s.""4?959505?,B,?000020?RZR??QNQNGNG,G,A,?3E3E7E7272S2?JYJ?888?VIVI5I?O,O,c,cucututstseseyey,ey?1,1,1?,5,???343?484818?60600000000,?ThThiThis?is iis isis ?a a g ?oooodod od w??ne? b?ut? I? m??dede de s? som some some e me momododiod?ifiificicaic??ioiononson?s,"s,
the sticks. Overall, if you can consume this, say, within 1 week of opening, they are great! If you need something that will stick around longer (stick, get it?) then maybe this isn't the right product. They also sent me a free sample of some of their other products with my order, and the shipping was quick. I like the company, the beef sticks just weren't what I was looking for, I guess." 4950,B002RZ1QNG,A3E72SJY88VI5O,cutsey,1,1,5,1344816000,This is a good wine but I made some modifications,"
??hih?s s w ???e e??ctc???llllyl? t ??rnr??? o ??t t?rereaealallallyly ly w we w?ll?. . I I I??adadede e se ?omo?e e me ?ododid?fif??atatit?ononsns s ts tot????e ???t ?hohowoweweve?ere?. . . I?f f y ?ouou ou f fifigfigugurure?? ou outut ut? th the the e pe pop??enentntitiatial???lclcocoho??? c coconco?ntentenentent,t, ,? th????kikitkit t wt ?ououlouldld d pd ???bababa?ly?ly gly gegete?t at ararorourounundnd ??%,%, , b, bub?ut ut but ?y y ay adaddaddidindingng g a ad a?di?ti?on?alal al sal sus?gag?ar ar? at at t tt ??? p prpripr?mamarma?y y fy feferermermemenment??atiat??n,n, , I, I I eI enendendededded ?upup p w wi w?ithith h 1 ??%.%?. ??I aI al?so? d dididdidnd??t ?usu?e ?ththethe ??ho?holehole e fe f-f-p-??ackack.k. . . I. It. It t wt wot wou??d ?hahava???bebeee?en en?WAWAYA? t to to ? ??nsnstnsteteatead??, I, I , I? to top to?pepeded ?ththe? c ca c??boboyo?y oy ?ffff ?wi?thth th a an a? u un?oaoakakek?ed ed C ?ha?rdr?on?nanaya?y ty ththathatat at I I I l lilikike?.".""4494??1,1,B,B0B0000202R2RZR??QNQNGNG,G?A2A2U2??RURUIUIQIQTQ?2Y2YLY??7,7,V,ViVisisiisioioniongionguguygu?,1,1,1,11,?1,51,5,5,1,13,1343424262?56560600000000,0,","""?""D""???d yd ?youyo? r re r?ealea?llyll?y my ??ke? t? thi?s?s?"""""""",",","I,"?I hI
This wine actually turned out really well. I made some modifications to the kit however. If you figure out the potential alcohol content, this kit would probably get around 7%, but by adding additional sugar at the primary fermentation, I ended up with 13%. I also didn't use the whole f-pack. It would have been WAY to sweet. Instead, I topped the carboy off with an unoaked Chardonnay that I like." 4951,B002RZ1QNG,A2UDRUIQT2YLN7,Visionguy,1,1,5,1342656000,"""Did you really make this?""","I h
a??e e n ??w w m mamadadede e ae ? f fefewew w ow ofof f t ?hehe e Ae ??mazma??n n w wiwini??e ke kik?tst?? T ?hehe he???rnrnunucu?opo?iai??ararer??e ale a?l l? fr f??itityity y f fl f??avoavororeoreded d?swsweweeeetet t? wi win?ese?? W ?it??????a ma momon?thth th o ofof of b ????lilininging g t?hehe he Phe ???ar ar C??abablb???? ou o?r r 3 ?0 0 b bo bot?tltletleses es i isi??dodow?n n tn tot? 6 6 6 r ?????iniin? . W. ??e he ??veve ve g ?ivivevenve?n an asas s gs ???tsts ts? an andnd d td tatakakekenen ?n ton to o go gegetet et t to togo?getge?????s. s. Ms. MyM?y oy ??lyly y ny ?negnegag?titiviveive e ce ?comcommm?enenten?t it is? t th tha thatat at t th the the ??ta?rtr?tintingng g Sg SpS????fificic c?GrG?av?itityity ity? is is s ls lolowow ow t th? ther the???ororeore ore t?? thes the??e ae are arere re????werwe?r ar alalclcocohcohoholol l wl wi?nenesnes.s. s. Is. I I?did??d ad adaddadd d a? c ??upu?lel??e cue c??s ?ofof of sof sus?gagargar r tr ?? t? the the the f fe fer?memenmentntet?er er a at at ??thethe the??egegiginginnnnin?inging.?....b.?utu?t wt ????iei?? t th tha that that t at ?add???? t to too to?o mo mum?uchuc? s su s?ugaugar?ar war ???ldl?d td thd thrhror???of?f f tf ?thethe the fthe flflalavlavovoror or o of of f tf thf the?he whe wiwinwinewine.e????ywy?ayay,y, , t th?
ave now made a few of the Amazon wine kits. The Cornucopia are all fruity flavored sweet wines. Within a month of bottling the Pear Chablis our 30 bottles is down to 6 remaining. We have given as gifts and taken to get togethers. My only negative comment is that the starting Specific Gravity is low therefore these are lower alcohol wines. I did add a couple cups of sugar to the fermenter at the beginning...but worried that adding too much sugar would throw off the flavor of the wine. Anyway, the
P PeP?ara??ChChah?blblil?s s?isis is a a a n ninicicece e?ea??? d drd??nkn?iningin? w wiwinineine.e. . I ItIt t?hahasha?s as anan n a at attttrtraracactctitivi?e e le lalababeab?l.l. . I. I I u ususeseded d??lel?earear r br bobotottttlttle?s ??ndn?d td tht??e fe fif??ala????ododuducuctct ct l lolooookoksk?s ss shsha?rprp.p?<b<???/>/>I>?f f??ouo?? ar arer??e loe looookoo?kinki?g g fg foforo?r sr ststrtratr?igighghtht t wt wiwinwinenese?s ts ththathatat t at arareare e ne nonotot ot???eeeetet ?frfruruiuitit ?t flt flalavlavovor??? w wi winineinesine?, , c ch che?ckck k o ou?t t tt ththeth?e Ve ViV?inoino o? It Itatalalialiaiananoano ??kitkitsts.s. . T. ???se? a al alslsoso o co coc??e ?wiwitwi?th th? co cor??ks,ks?, f, fofoifo?ls??, a, anandan?d ld ?lablabeb??s.s. s.?Th??y y ay arareare are a a a h?ig???r r ar alalcal?cohcohoh?l ?wi???e te ??thanthan n tn ?the?? Co C?ornornun?ucoucopo?ia?????s ?wi?withwith h? a a s a ?stastar?ti?ngng ng S SGS? c cl clo?se??r tr ?o ??.0.090909??""4494??2,2,B,B0B?0202R2RZRZ1Z1Q1QNQNGN??A2A2929K9KIK?0W0WZWZ9Z?8B8?W6W6R6?,D,DuD?keke'e?s ????,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,5,5,1?343?151535???0000,00,G,GrG?reare?at at W ?inine?!,!,","J"JuJ?ustus?t bt bobotbo??ttlettl?ed ed ted ??isis is wis wiwin?wine wine? ab abo?utut t 2t ? w???ks?? ag a??.
Pear Chablis is a nice easy drinking wine. It has an attractive label. I used clear bottles and the final product looks sharp.<br />If you are looking for straight wines that are not sweet fruit flavored wines, check out the Vino Italiano kits. These also come with corks, foils, and labels. They are a higher alcohol wine than the Cornucopia kits with a starting SG closer to 1.090." 4952,B002RZ1QNG,A29KI0WZ98BW6R,Duke's Mom,1,1,5,1341532800,Great Wine!,"Just bottled this wine about 2 weeks ago.
? O OpOpepeneneneded d t ththehe e?bobotottttltlele ??ese?tetere?dadayay,y, ,?ana?d ?WOWOWO??! !??I I??an??t t b be belelilieievevev?e he ?owo? g gogoooodo????t it ????LoL?otsot? o ?f f?pe?ara? f flflal?vov?r,r??anandand ?hah?aviaviningng g??xpx??rir?ienie?cece ?wiw?ithith h? th thihis? b br braran?and,and?, I, ?I kI knknonowow ow t th tha thatat ?whwhehenhe? I??le?t t it itt it ??it? f fo foror or a a a???upuplp?le le?momonontnth??, , i, ??it wit wi??? b?? m mu mucuchch ?bebetettttetter?. . T. ThT?he he s swsweweeeet??nesnessss s ms ?elellellol?owsow???outout t at a a? li lit?tl??, , b, bub??t st stt stitili?ll ll i ?is is gis grgrer??at!at! ?????veve ve m ma m?dede ?ababo??ut ut 6 ? o of of f tf ?thethe e Ce ?or?nun?ucoucopopipiai?a wa ??ne?nes,nes?, a?ll???witwi?th th g??oodoo?d rd ?resre??ltl?s.s. s.? I IfI??yoyou? l li lik likeke ???the the? sw s???eteeter??wi???es,es?, y, yo?? h hahav?e e te toe t?? tr tryry y t??isis!is!"!""44949595353,3????2R2RZRZ1Z1Q1QNQ?G,G,A,A1A1P1?686???VGVG5G5N5N8N?O2O2,2,R,?ededtedtrtrkrk,k,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,??,13,1333??90904040400000000,0,E,??ce?llllellenentent t w??ineine e ae ane and? i i' i?m m g go goi go?inging g tg toto o mo mam?keke ke t tw t?o o mo moo m?oreore e oe ofof of t? the themem m rm ririgri?
Opened the bottle yesterday, and WOW!! I can't believe how good it is. Lots of pear flavor, and having experience with this brand, I know that when I let it sit for a couple months, it will be much better. The sweetness mellows out a little, but still is great! I have made about 6 of the Cornucopia wines, all with good results. If you like the sweeter wines, you have to try this!" 4953,B002RZ1QNG,A1P68RNVG5N8O2,Redtrk,1,1,5,1337904000,Excellent wine and i'm going to make two more of them righ
tt t?awawawayay,y,I,I I?bobouougughghth????isis s k kik??t at ?ndnd d I ?I hI hah?veve e t toto o?sasayay ay t th thahathat ?it? w wawaswas ?????t.t. . I?t t wt wawas???rir?gig?nan?lll?? b?ou?ghghtght t ft fof?or or m mym?y wy wiw???e be ??t t tt tht thehenen n s sh s????ececic???d ??to to t tr trar?dede de? of o?f f 1 ?5 5 o of of of? th the theseses???forfo???5 ??f f tf ththeth?e We ?hihithitehite e Ze ZiZinin in?? tha th?t t w?e ?wew??e e me mamakakikinkingng g f foforfor for??? fr fri?enendendsd?s ws ?wedweddd?ininging.g. ???t tt th??e w?ededdddiddining???it it wit ?wenwentnt ?ququiuici?k k? an andnd nd m?ananyany y py ?eoe?plplel?e we we?re????kikinkingking ?meme e te to?to mto ?makmakeke e ie ?it it fit fofor??ththe?m.m?. M. MYM? a an ans answswewerwe?r wr ???was hwas ??re?re ire ?? w wh wheherhereher????? b?uyuy y ty ththe?? ki kitit it ait an?d ??if if y yoyouyou u??anantant ??o ?bubuybuy y iy itit ??nd?nd tnd ???the bthe bobotbottt???s s Is I ?wowou?ldl??bebe ??hapha??y y t??o mo mamakmakemak?e ie ite it ????? . I. I ?dodo o no nonotot t ht ha??ve ve? a a l a lilic????? t???seselsell???t t st sis??cece ?e the thihishis ???????t t at a t a h ho h??????forfor for mfor<.<b<?r ?/>/> > I I I? di didid id? ad a
t away,I bought this kit and I have to say that it was a hit. It was originally bought for my wife but then she decided to trade off 15 of these for 15 of the White Zin that we were making for a friends wedding. At the wedding it went quick and many people were asking me to make it for them. MY answer was here is where you buy the kit and if you want to buy it and the bottles I would be happy to make it for you. I do not have a license to sell it since this is just a hobby for me.<br /> I did ad
?d d o ononene e?cac?n n o of of f?whwhih?tete e ge ?rar????cocon??enentntrt?ratratete te a afa?teterter r?tht?e e Fe F-F?papaca?k k w??s s??ddddedede?d ad anandand d td ththathata? a ad add addededde?d sd ????ucuchc? m mo moro?e e fe flflalavavovor???brb??/>/? I I I p prp?omomimisises?e te ththathatthat ?yoyouou u c ca canan'an't'??gogo o wo ???ngng g w?itithith ?ththith?? k kikit? i ?f f yf ?youyou ?liliki??e ae a a s ???etet t ct chchacharardrdodononnonnanayay.y..4494?5454,4,B,B0B?0202R2?Z1Z?QNQNGN?,A,ANANHNH6H?Q7Q7474Y4Y5Y585868?C8C8,8,R,??andandyandy y W W.W????ennen?netnetttt,t?1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,1?252??161686?0000,00,W,WhWhihithite?te Pte ?eaearar ar?DeD??liglighghtht,?"T"ThThi?s ?tutururnrnenedned ?????faf?antantat?astastiticic,c, , a???litlitt?lele e se swsweswee?teterter ter t th thahanan an I I I e exe?pe?ctctitintingng ng b bubutut ????lll? g ??ea?t.t. . M. MaM?ay ay e ev eveven? c?on?sis??derder r tr ???s s as ?a da ??sssse?rtrt t wt ?inine?. ?ItI??s ns ?iciceice e ue ?sisinsingng ?CoC??nun?ucoucopopip?a a ka kikitki?ts ts a as a?s ts ths the?y ??comcomem??e coe comompom???te??wiwitwith? a al a?ll ll t? the th?e se sue supupppplpliplieieses s ys ?youyou you???eded,ed??co?rkr??,l,la?beb?elsel??tot?oppop?perpersrs,??etcetc.c??. I . I
d one can of white grape concentrate after the F-pack was added and that added so much more flavor.<br /> I promise that you can't go wrong with this kit if you like a sweet chardonnay. 4954,B002RZ1QNG,ANH6Q74Y586C8,Randy W. Bennett,1,1,5,1325116800,White Pear Delight,"This turned out fantastic, a little sweeter than I expecting but still great. May even consider this a dessert wine. Its nice using Cornucopia kits as they come complete with all the supplies you need, corks,labels,toppers,etc. I
?ononln?? u ??e e d did?ststit?lll?eded d w ?atatet?r r i inin n?ththeh?e me ?akakik??? o ofo? t th t?he he w wi winineine,e?? do d??t t w wa w??t ??o o?chc?anancancece e ie iti???it?? a ananyanytyththithining? e ?lsl??. .?ThTheheyhe??ha?veve e ae alalwlwa?ysy? t tu turu??ed?? ou outut t gt grg?eae? . G. GiG?veve ve i it it t at ?????.....?..???e ?FaFara?mwmwi??nerner"r?4494?555?,B,?0000202R2RZRZ1Z1Q1QNQNGNG,G,A,??HGH?NYNYWY?4K4?Z4Z4K4K04K0,0,S,SaS?mmmm,m,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,?5,15,?3030404949849858??00?,",??weweeeetet,t?, d, ?eleliel?ghghthtft?ulul l w wi win wi??",","?Th??is is? is is s ds dedefdefifin?ititeitel?y y sy swswe?et?, , b, bubut? t? tha that???s hs hoh?w w I ??liliki???e mye my y wy wi?winewin?. . . ?NoN?o bo ?aca?ksk???eetee?tenteninininging ??neeneededeed?ed!ed! !? I?t ???s s as a ?pepeaearea?r fr ?lalavavovoror ?an?d d cd ch?ilillilleledled d .d ?...... ... w???l,l, ?itit'it's? m ?y ?fafavavoavor??iteite.ite.".""4"??5656,56,B,B0,B?002002R2RZ2R??QN?G,G,AG,?2Y2?56?IDIDYD?NJN??3737Z7Z,Z,","G,"GaGararyary ????LaL?wrw?renrencncece ce " ??GaGarGa?ry ry?La???ene?ncence"e"""""""",",1",1,?1,1,41,4,4,1,13,1???7878888888088?00,?GoGoooodo?d kd ki?t,t,"t,??oooodood d kd kid k?it,it, ?hohowho?wevweveverve
only use distilled water in the making of the wine, dont want to chance it with anything else. They have always turned out great. Give it a try.....The Farmwiner" 4955,B002RZ1QNG,ALHGNYW4KZ4K0,Samm,1,1,5,1304985600,"Sweet, delightful wine","This is definitely sweet, but that's how I like my wine. No backsweetening needed! It has a pear flavor and chilled ... well, it's my favorite." 4956,B002RZ1QNG,A2Y56IDYNJE37Z,"Gary K. Lawrence ""Gary Lawrence""",1,1,4,1301788800,Good kit,"Good kit, however
?ususisiningn? t ththehe e F F-F-p-papacackc? ( ???ara??jujuiuicicec?) )??ada??e ie ?t t W ?AYAY Y t to toooo o s swsweweeeetet,t, , I I I?orordrde??eded d????o mo momor??e ae ?ndn?d id inintin?enentnt ?toto ??lel?enden??ththethe e ke kikit?s,s, ???the the??ececoconond? t tw two tw???itithith h o?utut ?t tht t?he he a ad?dededde??pepeape?ar ar j ju j?uicui?ce.ce?""?4949595757,7,B,B0B000?2R2?Z1Z??????2X2X9X?T0T??QCQCYCY4Y4V4VFVFZFZ,Z??hah??on??LoLososes??,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,???282838313121262646404?00,00?WhW?it?e e Pe ?eaearear r Cr ??harha?rdord??nan?y,y,Iy,I ?wowouwoululdl?d cd cacalallll l t th t?hishis s a a a? su s?mmmmemerer ?wiwinwinen?-l-lil?ghghtht t wt ?witwi?th th s??ror?ongong ?pepeapearpea??nonotote?s.s. .?AlAlmlmomosmo?t t ct ?leleale?ar ar iar inin in c ?colcololor??. N. NiNic??e fe fif??isishs?h ah ?andand d ad ??gogoo??d wd wiwinwinewin?e fe foe f?? t? tho th?oseos??whwhoho ?dod???t ????allallyl? l ?liklikeke e we wie winineine.e..???958958,8,B??002002R2RZ2R??QN?G,G,AG,A7A7M7MOMODODCDCSCSBSBFBF3F3939999G9G,?"M"MiM??ha??l ?ChCheChenen en " """?chc??nkn?ycych??en"en?"""""",",0,0,0,0??4,4,1,13,1343?898969636323202??00,"00,??notno???ad?, , I, ?I lI lilik?e ?ththethe the tthe ?trotropopipicicaical? r ririeieseslsli?ngng ng
using the F-pack (pear juice) made it WAY too sweet, I ordered two more and intent to blend the kits, the second two with out the added pear juice." 4957,B002RZ1QNG,A2X9T0XQCY4VFZ,Sharon Losey,1,1,5,1283126400,White Pear Chardonnay,I would call this a summer wine-light with strong pear notes. Almost clear in color. Nice finish and a good wine for those who don't really like wine. 4958,B002RZ1QNG,A7MODCSBF399G,"Michael Chen ""chunkychen""",0,0,4,1348963200,"not bad, I like the tropical riesling
b?ete?tet?r"r",",","I"I I b bobouougu??t t??hihisis s?kik?t ???teterte? I I I rI ?eaealallllyly y??njnjojoyoyeyeded d?mamakakikinkingng g t th t?e e t tr troropopipicicacalal al r ririei?sls?iningng ng f frfroromro? t th the the ????e ??manmanunufufafacactctutururererrer.r. . I It It ?wawasas ?????allal?? e??asyasy ?toto o? ma makakeak?, , b bu b?t t it ?? i isis is v vevereryer??pepeaearearyr?. . . I I I w wowou?ldl?n'n?t ?hahavave? m mi m?indin?????t t i?f f?? it it? wa wasas as? mo m?re??susubu????. . ?StStit?llll ll v???ery ery d drd?rinrinknkakaba??le,le?, b, bubutut ut I I I s I susussu?pepecpe?? t th tha thata?t It I'I?llll ??be be?? mix mi?????it???ororeore.?""4?????B0B?0202R2RZRZ1Z?QNQ???A2A2J2JXJXDXDUDUUUULU???Y4Y4848O8O,O,M,MaMamamaam?z z S ?al????0,0,0?,5,????353515?139139292020000,00,S,SiSimimpmplplyly ly aly ??amazama?ininging ing a ?as as uas usu??alal,al,T,?hihishi?s is is??mymy y 6y ?th? k ki kit?it Iit ?I hI hahavhaveve ve mve ma?dede de a?ndnd ?as?as u?susuasualsual l i it it it i it ?is ?sis?impim???y ay amamaamazamaziamaz?inging!ing??!! !! I I I a I amam am? tr tru trulu??ly hly ?ooookokeked?ed oed onon n? al allll ll All AmA??zozonon'on?s s ws ??ineine ?ki?tst?s as asas as tas ththetheyey y hy hahavhavehave e ae alall? t tu t??neneded ???ut
better","I bought this kit after I really enjoyed making the tropical riesling from the same manufacturer. It was equally easy to make, but it is very peary. I wouldn't have minded it if it was more subtle. Still very drinkable, but I suspect that I'll be mixing it more." 4959,B002RZ1QNG,A2JXDUULYCY48O,Mamaz Salez,0,0,5,1335139200,Simply amazing as usual,This is my 6th kit I have made and as usual it is simply amazing!!! I am truly hooked on all Amazon's wine kits as they have all turned out
bbeb???ere? t ththehenen n I ? h ?avaveve e e eveveverver ?imimamagagig?nen?d d f fof??r tr th?e ?prpririci??? i i i c cocouo?ldl?n'n't't t b ?? h ha hapa??ieier? w wiw?thth th? th thehe he r reresesusulultul?s s a anandnd ?wiwilwillll l? co cono?titininuinueue e te toto o p ????hahashases?e te the t?heshesese se k kik?itsits s ts toto to a?dddd d td ??to mto mymy y w wi winineine e ce ce?llllallara?. ???ama???n n tn ththethe the p pr pror?cecescesss??ofof f f??ermer?en?titinti?? t? the the e Be ?araroar???o ao anandand ??am am??agageagererlerlyly ?anantantiticti???ata?tintingting g tg ?thethe the ethe enendend d rd re?susulsu?ts??4?9696060,0?B0B000???Z1Z1Q1QNQNGNG,G?A1A1E1E3E?EEE??COC?P2P2K2KDKDEDE,E,R,RoR?ockoc?etetget?uyuy,y?0,0,00,0,?5,5,1,131323?23235352520200???CrCro?wdw??plpleleaeasase?r,r,","T"ThThihisi?s is ?is is m ?my my t th?iri???d wid w?ineine ine k ki kitit it a an andnd nd??t't's's s gs gog?ininging g sg soso ?fafasastast t It I I sI ?hohououlouldld ld o ?ordor?erer ?an?oto???r.r. r. ?WeWe e te toe tooo?? s sasamampampl?eses es f?ro??m am ala?ll ll? th thr threreere?e ke ?kitkitsts ts???o ao a o a?Th?anankan???givgiviv??ing ing g gegetet-et-t-to???ththether?. . . M MoM?oreore e te th?anan an o on oncn?ce,ce?? I I h he h?eareardrd,rd?, ", ?"W"?hoho'ho's's 's??oioinoingng ng t
better then I have ever imagined for the price. i couldn't be happier with the results and will continue to purchase these kits to add to my wine cellar. I am in the process of fermenting the Barolo and am eagerly anticipating the end results. 4960,B002RZ1QNG,A1E3EEYCOP2KDE,Rocketguy,0,0,5,1322352000,Crowd pleaser,"This is my third wine kit and it's going so fast I should order another. We took samples from all three kits to a Thanksgiving get-together. More than once, I heard, ""Who's going t
o? f fifinininisishsh h o ofofff? t tht?isis is b boboto??lel??soso ?wewe ?cacanan n o op opepenen n an ???othotheherer r p pe?arar?r?"""""?4494969616?,B,B0B?0101D1?W2W?RGRGOG??A6A?S1S?FRFREREDEDKDK7K7070W0?Q,Q,J,JiJ?in in O ?????7,7?5,5?1212929090101201?484808?00,00,G,???atat t s su sububsb?titititututu???foforor ???hohouo?r ?eneneener?gygy,y,","6"?????r ?PoP???r'r's'??iningin???didieienententsts ????e pe prpreretre?ttytty y m mumucuchc???thethe ?sasama???asa??ititsit?s rs rir???l,l, , 5 5-5-H5-?HouHourur ur E EnE?er??y'y?'s,'s, , s, soso so? ob obvb?ioi??slslyly y ty th?the the e efeff?ecectct ?is???prepretettttytty tty? mu mucuchuch h th thh t??? sa samameam?. . Y YeY?et,et?, t, ?thith?is is cis ?oso?? m?e ?$1$1818 8 f?or??1212 12??hi?le?? th the?he ohe otothotheotherer er?cocoscostst st mst ???$8$?8 f8 foforfo??2 2 a ?at at? th?e e ne neneanearare??st st sst st???e.e.<e.<b<??r /r ?><><b<br<br ?r />r />G>GrGreGr??t ?sasavsa???gsgs s es ?vev?? i if i?f yf yoyouou ou o?nlnlyly ly n neneeneeded d t th? thes thesese e je juj?stst st ast a a c co cououpou?lele le tle ?timtime??s as a s a w we weee?k.k.<.?<br<br <br / />/></><b?<br ?/>/>T/>???he the ?asastas?? i??n'n?t t at asas as? ta tan?gy? a an andnd d ad adaddddi?ctctict?iveive e a?s s 5s 5-?
o finish off this bottle so we can open another pear?""" 4961,B001DW2RGO,A6S1FREDK70WQ,Jin Oh,6,7,5,1290124800,Great substitute for 5-hour energy,"6-Hour Power's ingredients are pretty much the same as its rival, 5-Hour Energy's, so obviously the effect is pretty much the same. Yet, this cost me $18 for 12 while the other cost me $8 for 2 at the nearest store.<br /><br />Great savings even if you only need these just a couple times a week.<br /><br />The taste isn't as tangy and addictive as 5-H
oououru???nen?rgrgyg?'s's s?beb??ryry y?flf????r.r. .?? b?itit t b?lalanlandnd d i ini?????papararirisi?ono?, , b bu b??t it itit'it's? s sts?ili???non?whwheh?ereer? c?loloso?e e te tot? b ba bada?.".??494?626?,B,?000010?DWDW2W??GOGO,O,A,???QGQGAGAZAZGZG7G??9C9??N,N?J.J?. J. JoJ?oneon?s,s,3,3,3??,4,4,4,1,1313232323232132161?0000000?,W,WoW?ow!ow! ! R ?ocockc?etet t ft ?ueu???foforor or h huhumumam???s,"s,"T"ThThihis? s st stutufuffff f w wiw?illil?l gl ?ivi?e ?yoy?ou ou a ?????ke??d ed ene?nerne?rgyrgy y by bobooo?ostost.t??NoNototet??e the thahata?t et eve?verve?? p ?ererser?sonson n in is?is dis did?ffffefferereerenere?t.? ?FoF?or or mor meme,e, , t, ththihishis s ls lalaslaststestede??3 3 h??ourou?s s bs ?befbe?forforer??e the thee the e ce crc?asa??. . . ( (N(NoNotNo??a a sa ??gag?? c??? )??ut? m?y y hy heheahe?artart t wt wawas?? po p?ounound?ininging g????? i it it t w?an?tetedted ?to? b bu bur bu?rstrst t tt ththrthrorouougoughgh h m my my my? ch cheheshe???<b<?r r /r />/><><b<br<br ?r />r />S>SoS?o Io I I o ononlonlyly y dy ?ririnri?? h ha hala?f f af atat at a a a t ti?me? (?li?????anoanotothot?herher r rr re??ieiewe?erer)er?) a) ?andand d id ?it it? wo wororkorksks,s, s, w wi witithithoh??t t tt tht t?he he s?cacararyar?y hy hey h
our Energy's berry flavor. A bit bland in comparison, but it's still nowhere close to bad." 4962,B001DW2RGO,A1PQGAZG7D9CGN,J. Jones,3,3,4,1323216000,Wow! Rocket fuel for humans,"This stuff will give you a marked energy boost. Note that every person is different. For me, this lasted 3 hours before the crash. (Not a sugar crash.) But my heart was pounding like it wanted to burst through my chest.<br /><br />So I only drink half at a time (like another reviewer) and it works, without the scary he
aara?? a acaccccec?lel?rar?titioiono??<b<brbr r / />/?<b<br<b??/>?ItI?'s's s e eve??n n??asaststyt?.".?4494?636?,B,B0B000?1D1DWDW2W2R2RGRGOGO,O,A,?181?WGWGZGZSZSRSR2R2T2TBTB9B9R9RJR?,S,StS?eeeel?e,e????,3,??131303090939393929?00000000,0??asas as a?n n an afafff?ecectct.t.,.,","S"SiSixi? H ?ouo?r r Pr PoP?wewer???oeoeses s hs hehelelpel???o o??rereae?ateate e a a a m ???? e??erergergeg??tictic c a an and and d a?le??? s ?stastatateate.ate. . T ??he he??ffffeffecectect t dt dodoedoeses es n non????as?t t at ana?ywy?heherherere ?neneanear? s??? h ???rsrs.s. ? F FoForor or m me me ?itit ?wawasas as aas ? c co cou??lele le o ofo?? ho h?ouroursours.???It??isi??no?t t a?s s ss ?strstroronongong g a as as s Fs ??ve? H Ho Hou????PowPowe??r hr hihigighgh h s st strtrerenrengngtgthth,h, , b ?utu??itit it? is is s ns nos not? p poposo?it?ioionionenedne??as?as has hi??gh gh s st str stre?rengrengtgthgt?h eh eieitithitheherher.her??. F. ?ForFo?r tr ththeth????neneyne?, , I, I I?wowou?ldld d bd bubuybu? t th t???s as aga?aia??n on ???r r tr thr t?he he rhe reregregugulu?larlar r Fr FiFivFive?ve Hve ?HouHour? P Po P?oweowerer er per ???duducuct??."."4??964964,4,B,B0,B?001001D1DW1DW2W2RW2RG?O,O,AO,?NWNWJWJRJRIRILI?NBNBBB?UZU?K,K,i,?injin?ur?ede?_c_cocow
art acceleration.<br /><br />It's even tasty." 4963,B001DW2RGO,A18WGZSR2TB9RJ,Steele,2,2,3,1309392000,Has an affect.,"Six Hour Power does help to create a more energetic and alert state. The affect does not last anywhere near six hours. For me it was a couple of hours. It is not as strong as Five Hour Power high strength, but it is not positioned as high strength either. For the money, I would buy this again over the regular Five Hour Power product." 4964,B001DW2RGO,ANWJRILNBBUZK,injured_cow
?boboyoy,y,4,?,5,5,5,5?,1,??010171?020?4040000,0,g,gog?odod d t tht?iningn?s s d dod? c coc?meme e?inin in s smsmamalallll l p papaca?kak?gegeses,s,",?ThT?e e 6e 6 6 h hohouo?? p??wew????nen?erger?y y s sh sho?t t d do doeo?es es?jujususts?t wt ?hahatat t it itit t st sasaya??. . ???lolotot t ot ?f f t?imime??s Is ???nlnlyl??drd?in?k k? ha h?alfalf f tf th?e e be ?botbottttltlel?e te ????achachi?eveveve ?e the t?he he m memenmentntat?al al a al?er?tntne???s ts ththathatat at I I I lI lo?okok ?foforo??. . ??t't's's s os ononeone ?of? t?hehe he bhe ?es??t et ??erergergyerg?y sy shshohot??s os ous outut t tt th??rer?????? y yoyouou ou??igigug?ureure e ie in??prpriricricec?, ,? ta tasast??e ae ana?d ?efefff??ctctitivivevenvene??s.s."s.""4494969??5,B5,B0B0000100?DWDW2W2R2?GOGO,O,A,?2525B5BXBXIX??3Q3??7I7IMIMGMG,G,","S,"????annannene ne J JaJ?ackacksksoson? " ??SuSuzSuza???ne ne Jne JaJacJackcksckso?n"n""??,0,??0,??,1??505?9595050450??0,0,N0,NoNo o Ho ?abablb?? E EsE?papanpa?olol,l,I,I ?guguegu?????it it? do doe do??es tes ththe? j jo jobob b? ok o?kaykay.y. ?. A. AnA?nd nd i?t't'st's ?mumucuchch h c??heaheapa??? t th??an an 5 5-5-H-?ouourour r br ?raranandan??. ?BuBut? t th the th?e pe papacpa??agagiaginingin?? it
boy,4,5,5,1301702400,good things do come in small packages,"The 6 hour power energy shot does just what it says. A lot of times I only drink half the bottle to achieve the mental alertness that I look for. It's one of the best energy shots out there when you figure in price, taste and effectiveness." 4965,B001DW2RGO,A25BXIJ3QC7IMG,"Suzanne Jackson ""Suzanne Jackson""",0,0,1,1350950400,No Habla Espanol,I guess it does the job okay. And it's much cheaper than 5-Hour brand. But the packaging it
a ararrrririvi??d d i ?n n w wawasa????n Sn ?papananinisi?h.h? ?SiS??cec? I ????n'n't't t s spspepeae?k k o ?r r r rer??????ananian?ishish h I I I???as as? a a l ?itittttlt?e ??leeleere?? o?f f t ththihisis is i it itetemem m???incinceince e ie it??? was was ??mpmpop?ssssisibiblblele le f foforor or?meme ?toto o? re rea?ead ead i in ing ingrgreredredid??ntntsts ??andand d nd nunutu?ri?titioiononaon?? i in?fo?rmrmamata???on on p pa??elel.l.<.<b<brb?r /r />/?ThTheh?e ie ite itetemtem ???is lis lalababebel??ledle?d ad asas as bas ??iningin? m???e ??n n tn ??e ?USUSAS? b bubut? t th thehe he w we w?bsb?sitsite? o???n thn t??he lhe ?lablabe?l ?hahas????.m.?? e ??tetentensn?siosionon on fon ?forfor for b be beieininging ing? a a M a MeMexexiexicicac?an an c ?omomp?ananyany.y.<??? / />??I dI dodondon'n'tn't t ht ha?ve? a?nynyty?thithininging ing aing agagagaia??sts?t ot ouourur ?ne????????s ts toto to t??e ? ? I I ?jujusu?st st e??pepecpectct ?th??at at? wh whehenhen ?I I bI ?buybuy y sy so?memetme?thi?ngn?g og onon on Aon AmA?mazmazozonon on ton ?thathattha?t tt tht thehe ??ab??elielininging ??ilillll l bl ?be be i? in in E ?ngnglng?lisli?? u ununlnle??? o ot oththe?rwr??sese e s??atateateded.ed..4???6,6,B,B0B000?1D1
arrived in was in Spanish. Since I don't speak or read Spanish I was a little leery of this item since it was impossible for me to read ingredients and nutritional information panel.<br />The item is labelled as being made in the USA but the website on the label has a .mx extension for being a Mexican company.<br />I don't have anything against our neighbors to the south. I just expect that when I buy something on Amazon that the labeling will be in English unless otherwise stated. 4966,B001D
W?2R2RGRGOGO,O?A2A2020000E0E3E3Q3?Z4Z4I4III??5Y5Y,Y??imimbm?ere?lyly y A A.A. . F ??anancncicisi?,0,0,0,1,?,3,3,3??343444?727????00,00?EnEnenerergergyg?y Sy ShShoh?tst??"M"MyMy ???sbsbaban???wow?rkrksks s??utu?tsitsididede e a ??l l d dadaya??lol?ngng.g. . D. DuDueue ?toto o??hehe ?rerecececene?t t?heheaheatatwtwaw?vev??? hi hisis is b bob?dydy y iy ?is ?dedepdeplpleleteteteded d od ?f f f flflul???s ?dud??? to to ?swsweweaeat????My My? hu h?usbus?banbandnd d ud us?ese?s ts ?thethe ?eneneener?????hohothot ??aloal?ongong g???thth th Z ZiZ?pFpFiFizizzz?. . T. ThThe? Z?ipipFip??zz? p prprorovo?idideides?? th t?he he nhe nenecnece?sss??ryr???ototaotasassssissiuiumu?? to to to k kekeeeepe? t th the th?e be ?bodbody???oioini? . I. I I p??ersersosononaon?allallyly ly d??o no non?ot ot r rerecre?omommmmemenenden?d td ?tootoo o mo mam?anyany ?enene??gygy gy s shshoshotot ?drdrir?inkin?ks ks d du dururi?ng??? the? d da d?ay,ay, ???ut ut?? the?y y dy dod??prproprovoveove ??eneneenefenefifici??alal al t to? to h to hehelhe?p p yp yoyou? k ke keeeepee?p gp gogoigoin?????49496?7,7,B,B0B0000100???W2RW2?RGORGO,O,AO,?A2TA2?4G4??H2H2H2???8M8MEME,E??anankan? O ??f Af ?memerme???a,a,4,4,4,9,9,9,5,5,5,1?272??515?04040400??enene
W2RGO,A200E3QZ4IIG5Y,Kimberly A. Francis,0,1,3,1344729600,Energy Shots,"My husband works outside all day long. Due to the recent heatwave, his body is depleted of fluids due to sweat. My husband uses the energy shot along with ZipFizz. The ZipFizz provides the necessary potassium to keep the body going. I personally do not recommend too many energy shot drinks during the day, but they do prove beneficial to help you keep going." 4967,B001DW2RGO,A2T4GSH2H928ME,Bank Of America,4,9,5,1277510400,ene