?rir?ede?????h h?flflal??ororsrs s????d ??ovovevere? i icicec?) )?????rar?teteded ed t ththeth?? 4 ???tatara?? e ?aca?h,h, ,????thothouougu?h ?I I?????erer er t?heh???raranrangn??e Te ??angan??????e fe flflafl???????????e Be BlBla??k k C ChChe?rrrryr?.<.?brbr r /r />/?<b??r /r />r /??he?ththe???or????ot ot T ??he he S SwSwiw?tctch? i is i???usu?st st????ghtgh? o oror or n?ot?????etet ?eneno???h h fh fof?or or yor ?ou? w wiwilwi?l l d ????enden?d od ?n n y ?youyo?r ?pe????onaonala?l el exe??perperiper??ncn?? w?it?????arbarbo??at?ed?ed jed jujuijuic?e ??ririnrinkrin???anandan????dada.a???f f??????areare e le ??oko????? fo f??or tor ??? s sw sweweewe?etnet????s a?????izi?z z o??f af ????ietie??so?da??????? wil wi?ll ll? be be ??isi?apappp????tetedte?. ????????areare are?1010000%0% % j jujui?????dridr???ks.ks. . T. Th. The??OrOraOran??e ?e Tae T?ang???rin??e fe fle flalavla?vorvor r hr hah?????? c???ororiorieiesie??s ans ands and d td ththethe ?Bl??????CheCh?errerry???hasha?s 1s 13s 1?0 ??calcalo?ririeri???????/>?<b?<br <br? /> />I>
ried both flavors cold (over ice) and rated them 4 stars each, although I prefer the Orange Tangerine flavor to the Black Cherry.<br /><br />Whether or not The Switch is just right or not sweet enough for you will depend on your personal experience with carbonated juice drinks and soda. If you are looking for the sweetness and fizz of a diet soda you will be disappointed. These are 100% juice drinks. The Orange Tangerine flavor has 140 calories and the Black Cherry has 130 calories.<br /><br />I
?rerececoc?mmm??ndnd d t ???m m a asa? a?n n a???????titivi??? to t? r??gug?lal?r r????cece e te ?????iveiv?en en??p p???uru???ununcn???oro????lpl????? r? ref re????? af a????r ar ???or?kokou?t.t. .?????????aya?, , y?ouou ou??re????ttttitinti?g g 1 ?0000%0?????? you your? V ??itaitama???n Cn C C???d ??the?re?'s's ???o ao ada???d ?susugu??? o or o???corcornrn rn s ?yry?upup,up???no no p ?re??erervervavat?iviveivesives ?ana?? n ?no ?????fif?icaic???????orsor????r r /r ?><><b<br<b???>T>ThT?he he B BlB?laclackc? C ??herhe?ryr???la?vov?or or???????o ???ldl??fof?or ?me???I I?????lo?oko????g fg ???r mr ???e ????e.e??? c ???????as?tete te h hih????s os ofo???thethe the? ap appp????????pep???andan??aca???olola? j???cece ce c???ncenc?enten????????in in t?he??blb?lenlend?. . T. ?TheThe ????vo?r ?reremre?????? m ?me me?? of of???enenden?s s Is ???? t???asteasted?ed fed ???m ?TrTre??etoetopo?. . A. ???inin,in??????SwS?ititcitchch ch??as? a?? lo l
recommend them as an alternative to regular juice to liven up your lunch or help you refuel after a workout. Either way, you are getting 100% of your Vitamin C and there's no added sugar or corn syrup, no preservatives and no artifical colors.<br /><br />The Black Cherry flavor was too mild for me. I was looking for more bite. I could taste hints of the apple, grape and acerola juice concentrates in the blend. The flavor reminded me of blends I've tasted from Treetop. Again, The Switch has a lo
?t t?lelese?s s?cacararbr?ononanatatitioi?on on t ?hah?n n???? w ?ououlou?? f ??ndn?d id in? < <a<a a h ???f=f="=??hth??p:p:/:///?????ama??zoz?on.on???m/m????prp??dud??????0101414W4?YXYXYX??""?>I>?zzz?e e F FoForo????fiefi???AlAlll? N NaNatatuatururaralal l Sl ??ar????ingin? B ?????bebererrrryry y J ??ici?e<e?/a/??? f?oror or?exe?amampam?le??<b<??????<br<b?r /r />??heh?e Oe OrOraranra??e ?TaT?angangegergerir??e ?flflalavlavovoror ?shs?????d bd ???rerenre?namna??ed ed? th t?????ngngeng?erier??ine ine???an???e fe fle f?lavlavolav?or or tor ?o o r?ef?????? th?e ??om??inainatateate ??asaststet??anandan?d ad ?aroarom?a.a?? Th The?he She ???tctchc?'s's s bs blb?lenlendnd nd i ???asas as??la??lavorlavorfr?ulu??????<a <a? hr h???f="f=""""h""?httht?tp:tp?://:/??ww???amaam?azoaz????comco?????/pr/p??duducduct?????0B0??HBH?WQWQ"Q??"">e"">?esses?????ar???linlingng ng???inninneneoe???? Ta Tan?angeangerange?rinri?? J?uiuicuicece<ce???a> a>?or?or <or <a????ef????"ht"h??p:??//w//wwwwwww?.a?ma??zonzo?????/g/gp/g?p/pp/???oduod???t/Bt/B0B00B0???4E4???4"4????an???ele
t less carbonation than you would find in <a href="""">Izze Fortified All Natural Sparkling Blackberry Juice</a>, for example.<br /><br />The Orange Tangerine flavor should be renamed the Tangerine Orange flavor to reflect the dominate taste and aroma. The Switch's blend is as flavorful as <a href="""">essn Sparkling Minneola Tangerine Juice</a> or <a href="""">San Pel
??egegrgrir?nono o?OrO?ana?geg????> >?ala??hohouougughg?, ,????in??, i, iti? i isis s???????rere e n???r r a as a????arbar??nan???d d? as??ththoth??e ??ththether? b ???ndn?s.s.<.<b<????><>?<br<br ??/>I/>?n n?sus?mmmmam?aryar?, ??the?sese se??lll???atatuatururaralra??, 1, 101?0%0% %?jujuiu?cece ??????s ?????a a?????????er ?opo?tit?on???hahanan an??dridrin?kikininging g a a a?????? T ThT???SwS?it???????o ?ca???hehelhe??? br b?????upup ?ththe?????ototoot??y y?ofof f???rin????ng ng?plp???n ?waw??er??an?????????iceice ?e afe a???????wow??kokou???. R. ???emembem?????o ??eee?p ???hemhem m t??????canscans s is ?iceice ice??olo?d,d, , t, th, tho???h.h???rerefre?????lyly,? s se ser???e te ?the????on on ton ththe??roroco???.<????/>??????>B>BTB??: :?IfIf f yf yoyouou ou a??????okoki?kingkin???or?????ulu???flfla??or????BlB??ck??ChC???????sodso?da,da, ??ry? < ???hrhre??="=??hthttt??:/:////w/???????zoz?on.on???m/m?gpgp/p?prp
legrino Orange</a> although, again, it is no where near as carbonated as those other brands.<br /><br />In summary, these all natural, 100% juice drinks are a healthier option than drinking a soda. The Switch also can help break up the monotony of drinking plain water and/or juice after a workout. Remember to keep them the cans ice cold, though. Preferably, serve them on the rocks.<br /><br />BTW: If you are looking for a full-flavored Black Cherry soda, try <a href=""
?ododud???/B/B0B??1P1?9G9GBGB4B?Y"Y"""">"?ThT????s s K KeK???ere??BlBlal??k k??????y y?SoS?odaod?</<??>,>??whwhih??h h??asas as??????alalolororirieiese??pe?r r br bob?????????er??'s's s as ? l ?lowlo?? ca cal??oriorie? ( ??0)0) )?vev?????n n?as?????? b ??t t?iti???sns?'t'??avavavaia?????le le o on??AmA?mazmazozon?.".?????9,9,B,B0B00B0??LGL?949?5O5?,A,A1A????8J8?RPRPLP???UIU??"M"MoM?onaon??LiL?isaisa ?""?GwG??nin???????,0,0,,0,5,5,5??232??606??4040000,00,M,????a La Lia L?isa??VeV?eryer????tut???al al f flfla???or.or??NoNotot ot? lo loao??ede? w wi w?ithit??sus??ara?s ??ndn?d od ot??????hi?ngngsgs ??ot????od?? fo f???yoy??. ?HaHas???a fa ??eseshes??????e e??f f o?raranra?ngeng??tatanta?nge??rinri????ndnd nd??thethe e ce ca??bobonbo????ionion ?isis is??re???. ?GrG??reatreat t tt tatasta?te?. ?I I?ene????eded ed???hishi?s p?ror??ucuctuc?t a?nd????oulou???rerecre????en???6?80800??B0?B001B001L1?LG9LG?94594??,A,AN,A???JUJ??W2W2S2??2424,4?Ch??arlar???,0?,0,0,0,??3,3,1,12,1
oduct/B001P9GB4Y"">Thomas Kemper Black Cherry Soda</a>, which has 170 calories per bottle. There's a low calorie (10) version as well but it isn't available on Amazon." 6799,B001LG945O,A1ONZ8JRPLBNUI,"Mona Lisa ""Gwenie""",0,0,5,1235606400,Mona Lisa,Very Natural flavor. Not loaded with sugars and other things not good for you. Has a fresh taste of orange/tangerine and the carbonation is great. Great taste. I enjoyed this product and would recommend. 6800,B001LG945O,AN81JUYW2SL24,Charlie,0,0,3,12
????060??000???LoLowow w c cacara?bob?nan?tit???? 1 ???? j juj?icicec?","?,"A,"AcA????did?ngng g?tot? t th t?????ded??ofof f?? the th??ca???????s s 1??????uiuicuice? w ?itithit??? b ?ala?anancn????? t? the the the????bo??natna???on.on???? t???tetese???rer????????otot ???or or?????chc?????? af aftf?terte?tat?astas????ThT?he he l ????? car carbrborbon?at?ioionion n?mamada?? i it i?t f?eeeele?? le l???????? s so s????an??? mo m?oreor?????a ?jujuijuiciceice.e. . I. ? p prprorobo?babba?lyl??wowououlu?dndn'n??t bt bubuyu???? i???ththe???stost??ore ore???cacauca???e o???? the the ???iri?rd rd?? tas ta????""6??0101,1??00?1L1LGL??454?O,O??????YOYOWO?ESESHS?VLV?J,J?????BeB??geg?eroeronon on "on """?MuM?ziz?icliclvl?r"r??????0,0,40,4,4?12123235???64?00?????inkin??????igi???lyly ly??izizzz?ziezierer er O ?rar?angangigininain?.....????'l'llll ??havhavev?????prepr???????od? i?dedeadea a wa ?????th??s ???st?????likli?e.???TheTh??ta?ng????
35606400,"Low carbonation, 100% juice","According to the side of the can, it's 100% juice with a balance on the carbonation. It tastes great if not for the chalky aftertaste. The low carbonation made it feel less of a soda and more of a juice. I probably wouldn't buy it in the store because of the weird taste." 6801,B001LG945O,A1YXEYOWESHVLJ,"M. Bergeron ""Muziclvr""",0,0,4,1235606400,Think a slightly fizzier Orangina....,"...and you'll have a pretty good idea what this tastes like. The tangerin
e? ( (a(?????? t ???e ae ??ded????????orior?ngn?) ) p prp?ovo???desde?????icicec???tat????? to t?? th t?? f fl flalavlavovorvo?. . I I I f????nd nd i iti?? to? b ????uiu??e ??tasta??y y? an a?nd nd rnd ?efe?reresre?hih???. ????m m?????sus?rere re w whw??y ty ??eyey ?ara????aca?kak???inging ing??t t it ??? th the th?e se ??alalll??8.8.3.???z z " ?"e"?nenerergr?y ?????k"k?""-""-s-?izi?e ?cacan?s,s??un?????????s s ts tot???????? the the the c ?????orieori????er? s ???vi???????n.n. ?AtA?????? ca c??,n??it?? ce c???taitain????isi?n'n?'t 't l ?lowlow-w-c-?????bub??????????? n??????ed????CSC??????? f????????? co c???? sy s???p)p????? su sugu??????????????????inglingly??????h ph ?pri?ce?? is is ??alsalsoso ???dodowdo??si?? ?. Tr. Tru????re??al al j juj???ce ???is ais ?a la lo????ororeor????pep?ensen????????? w wa w???er ???d ???CS?, , b, bu, b?ut ut???t tt tht thi??s ps ?pri???? I?????gi?ve?
e (and/or the added flavoring) provides a nice 'tang' to the flavor. I found it to be quite tasty and refreshing. I'm not sure why they are packaging it in the small 8.3 oz ""energy drink""-size cans, unless it's to keep the calories per serving down. At 140 cal.can, it certainly isn't low-cal, but there is no added HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) or sugar. The surprisingly high price is also a downside. True, real juice is a lot more expensive than water and HFCS, but at this price, I'll give
??t t?? p ?asa?????r r??><>??r ??/>P/>?ror?s:s:<:?<br???>G>GoGooo?d d?tat???e,e, ,??otot ?totoooo oo c ???bobono?ata?tedted<d?<br?<br /<br ?/></>???<br /??CoC??s:s:<s:<b?????SmS???l l??ana?????????ivi?????aiairi??? h ?igighg????lolororir?e/e??z"z""???????000?1L1LGL?????,A,A1A?ZGZGXGXZX??373?JEJ??ZWHZW??ava?idid d rd ?eae??erer,r,0,??,0,,0,4,???232??525??00000?00,00,l,lilig??t ?????d red refe???shshi???,",??ve??al??????hishi? i isis s as a ?nin????e, le, liligli?????re?fr??shshish?ng????rinri??????e e?sws??etetnt?es???is?? a a??????????????hah?? J ?uiuiciceic??SqSququeuee??e,??bubutu???notno???s s ss ???eetee?????HaH?ansan?en?'s'????odaod??. I. I I t tr t?rieri?d d td ??o o f?lal???orsor??? th?is???oraor??geg?????ngenger???e,??anand??? the th??ststrt??wbw?er?ryr?y wy ???erermermem??lonlo???. I . I? pr preref?er?erreerr????? this thi???ora??nge??on?e.e. ?Th????la?vov?or or w ????"""?clclelea???r.r.".""??????, t, th, the?re?? ar arere re sre ??
it a pass.<br /><br />Pros:<br />Good taste, not too carbonated<br /><br />Cons:<br />Small can, expensive, fairly high calorie/oz" 6802,B001LG945O,A1ZGXZW37JEZWH,avid reader,0,0,4,1235520000,light and refreshing,"Overall, this is a nice, light, refreshing drink. The sweetness is a bit sweeter than Juice Squeeze, but not as sweet as Hansen's soda. I tried two flavors: this orange tangerine, and the strawberry watermelon. I preferred this orange one. The flavor was ""cleaner."" But, there are so
????? d ?ifi?fef????t t?jujuiu??eses s?ini? b bob?tht????oso?? d?rir????, , i?t t kt ???dodofo????tsts s "s """"m"mum?ddd???d.d."."""" "" I I I? th t?in??? I I p ????ferfer r?JuJuiuicui???SqSquq???zeze e be beb?cac?usu??? th??e fe ?lal?vov???se??msms ??rur?ue-ue-e-??. .???y 1y ?????ara?-o-??d d? da d???hthtet??????referef????????sense???s, s, b??ecaec????se ise itit t it ??s as a a?????swswew???????BuB???, l, ??keke ?????idi?, ?ovo?er?ala??????is? i is i?s a? v veverve?y ???iceice e de ??rinri?k.k???o o c coc????sys?ruruprup.p. . Y. ?eaea!ea!"!?6686?030?,B,??010??G9G?454??,A,?2A2ALA?X5X5U5??5N5?TGT???,",??an??????????ny ny Bny ?oyo?""????,0?,5,?,1,121????202?00000??????pr???ininginglglyly ??asa?tyt?,"?WeWelell???, th, t???s ds dr?in???waw?? s??urpur?priprispri?in?ingling??????????????re?as???????wa?s ???urpurprurp?risrisi??g g?? bec be???useuse ??thetherereer??is?is nis nono o so ???ar? a ?ddddedded??. I. ??'s's 's?????0%0???ui?uiceuic?e ce ????bonbo
many different juices in both those drinks, it kindof gets ""muddied."" I think I prefer Juice Squeeze because the flavor seems true-er. My 10-year-old daughter prefers Hansen's, because it is a bit sweeter. But, like I said, overall, this is a very nice drink. No corn syrup. Yea!" 6803,B001LG945O,A2ALX5U55NTGTL,"Danny ""Danny Boy""",0,0,5,1235520000,Surprisingly tasty,"Well, this drink was surprisingly tasty. The reason it was surprising because there is no sugar added. It's ""100% juice carbon
a?tet??"""?. . I ItIt t??asas s??iki????rir?nkn?in?g g a ? s sos?dad?a ba bub?t t it itit ?????????????ofof f?????e e te ???at at?????ara????at?eded.ed?. T. ?hih??? wo wououluldld d b ?e ????oooodod od??ri?nk?? if i??yoyouou ou???????????ltlth?y y?? dri dr????th???at iat is?is cis cacarca???onaon????.<.?brb??/>/?<b????/>N/>?owow w? I' I???cuc?ri??ousou??s abs aboboubout?? th the? o??????flf?ava??????o o? se s?e e ie ?f ?ththetheythey y ty ?asastas??? be b??te????HoH??eve?er?? I I I?????havha????o o so sas??y iy ifif if????'r'?e e ee ????????? s?omo?et???ngng g eg ex??????lyl?????eeteet,t, ??thithisis is iis ?is is nis ??t ?th???? dri??????????. ?YoYouou ou mou mamay?? wa?nt???? g?o ?????KoK?ooloo?-A-??d d fd ???? th tha th??. . T???s s ds dr?drindri??nk hnk ?hasha??s a s a???tutur??al al t ta tas?asteaste ???o io ???. I. I I c??an an????uau??ly????sts??te tte th???mim?????re re???f of ?oraoranangan?? a?ndnd d td ta?ng?er????. . I. I . I w??ishis?????????angeang???nen
ated"". It was like drinking a soda but it was a drink of juice that is carbonated. This would be a good drink if you want a healthy drink that is carbonated.<br /><br />Now I'm curious about the other flavors to see if they taste better. However, I do have to say if you're expecting something extremely sweet, this is not the drink to get. You may want to go buy Kool-Aid for that. This drink has a natural taste to it. I can actually taste the mixture of orange and tangerine. I wish the tangerine
? f flflal?vovoro???asa????rorono????? b ?ece?auaususese e???lil??e ???ng?ererierini??e me ?ororeore ?e the thah?? o or????????utu????onsonsis??er?erinering??tht??e fe fafaca??????t ????rere e ie isis ?nono o???gag?r,???t't??s as ? g ?ooo????rir?inkink.k.".""6?808??,B,B0B000??LGL?949?5O5????TWT??????QQQ?Z2Z2Y2Y,Y?MoM??kdk?udude??0,0???2,2???353555?202?0000000?,M??? le l?as??t ft fafavfa????tet??ofo?? th t?? f?ouo???????iei?d,d?????liklikeke ke? th the the ?e ide i??a a oa ???????????y ?????a ta ?ypy????dridr?inkink,ink??, bu, b???? thi th????lalavlavo?????ustust ??isississe?d ?th???e mae mararkar?k. k. T ThT????tanta??ngernge??nene ne? ov ovev?erper?owowew?ereer??? th the? o???angangeang?????d ld ???t t at a a ba bab????as???e ie ine in n m ???mo??uthuth.h? C CaCararbar???????ed jed ?juiju??????s as a s a g???atat at??de?dea,dea???the???jujusjust? n ??ed?ed ted toto o to ?weweaweaka?? th????flaflavavoav???s a?????????r /r />/?????r />r /?RaR???in?? t? the???wiw?itcitchch h d?ri?rinkrin?s s fs
flavor was stronger, because I like tangerine more than orange, but considering the fact that there is no sugar, it's a good drink." 6804,B001LG945O,A1TW9ZGRDQQZ2Y,Monkdude,0,0,2,1235520000,My least favorite of the four I tried,"I like the idea of a healthy soda type drink, but this flavor just missed the mark. The tangerine overpowered the orange and left a bad taste in my mouth. Carbonated juice is a great idea, they just need to tweak the flavors a bit.<br /><br />Ranking the Switch drinks f
r??? b ?ese?t t?tot? w ????st:st:<:??? / ???<br<br ?/>????WaW??erermr??lolono? S StS?rarawawbwbeberbe??y<y??<br <br??????KiKiwiwiw??????ry<ry<b????/>3/>3.3. ?BlBlal?ckck k????err?y<???? />?4.4???ra?????TaT??ngeng???????686?050??B0B000?1L1LGL????O,O,A,?2W2WPWPOP?2N2??9F9?IWIWRW??,S,ScS?ra???leleMe??vev?n,n???,0,,0,2,?2,12,???555525202?00000??,N,NoNoto?????????,",???he he??an??sas??? i ??'s'?s 1s ?0000%00? j ??ici?????utu??tht???tat?st?e ???s .s ??..p..?owowdw?????. . I IfI? y ????ve??eve??r r hr hahadad d????lalasla?s ??f ?????-A-?????or or C??rysryst??????ghghth??, y, ??u'?llll l kl knk??? w wh w????????an??????<br /><br /????br /br ???o o to ????e'e's's 's??ha?hat hat ' ????m m pm ?powpowd??er'er?? ta tas?te?? a???? t? the th??? i?s s as an?an aan ?ftf??????steste.ste??. A. ??d ??allal?l cl ??omeom?es es??n n an ?a ca cacancan ??the? s si sizi??e oe ??? a a R ReR?d ?BuBulu????oror ?161?????aloalororior???.<???br /br />br /?><b><br><b????????id id n nonotno
rom best to worst:<br /><br />1. Watermelon Strawberry<br />2. Kiwi Berry<br />3. Black Cherry<br />4. Orange Tangerine" 6805,B001LG945O,A2WPO2NR9FIWR2,ScrabbleMaven,0,0,2,1235520000,Not so good,"The can says it's 100% juice, but the taste is ...powdery. If you've ever had a glass of Kool-Aid or Crystal Light, you'll know what I mean.<br /><br />So there's that 'from powder' taste; also there is an aftertaste. And all comes in a can the size of a Red Bull for 160 calories.<br /><br />I did not
l liliki?? i iti?.".?????6,6,B,B0B?????9494545O5?,A,A3A3D3D9D9B9?TRTRMR??JOJOUO????"E"?rnr???t t???iei?dmd????HiHili????"J"????RaRan????ShShehere?rifriffff"f?????,0?????????202??00?,D,DeD?li?cic????,"??hihisis s i is i?????ici??, , l????t,t?, r, ?????????g g??ara?????tet???fr?uiu?it it????cece.ce. .?ItI????sos??ete????g ??????OrO??angan???na,na?, b, bub?t ??ar???oro?re re n??????????????g g -g ---??whw??chch ch??aka????s ses sene??e,e, e,?beb?ca?us?e ?unu???likelike ?OrOraOr?angangiangin??, , i, it?'s??ala????uiuic?e e ae ?andan????? n no n?? ad a?ded??ed sed ????????<b<?r r?/>/??<br<br ?/>??y y???lyly ??omompomplplal?inintin?t it ?????????he? 8 ?.3.?? ou o???? c ca c??? is is is?raratra?theth?? s ?ma?ll?? I I I??en??ra??ly??prprerefre??er er aer a ?lalarla??gerge?????nkn?. . I. It??'s ??defde???it?el???nonotot ???babarargar??ainai???f f y ?ou? h ha havaveave ???o do ???inkink k?????ca?ns? a?t t a? t?imi?"
like it." 6806,B001LG945O,A3D9BTRM4JOU41,"Ernest Friedman-Hill ""JavaRanch Sheriff""",0,0,5,1235520000,Delicious,"This is a nice, light, refreshing carbonated fruit juice. It's something like Orangina, but far more natural-tasting -- which makes sense, because unlike Orangina, it's all juice and has no added sweetener.<br /><br />My only complaint is that the 8.3 ounce can is rather small; I generally prefer a larger drink. It's definitely not a bargain if you have to drink two cans at a time."
6686???,B,B0B?????949454???????7Q7??4J4?????R,R?K.K. .???lll?,0,????5,5,1,121232353555525??0000000??GrG?eaeatat t???????I I?lolovovev? t ??e ???astas?? o ?f f??hihisis s???dad???ItI?'s's s ss swsweweeeete?t wt wiwiti?th th?non??bib????r r???tetertertter?????e t?????cac??? be b??fofouo??????n sn so?mem?????angan??e se ??da??. ??'d'??neneve??r ???esesss??th??????as as a???at?ururaralral l?????k k?frfroromo??????e tae t??asteaste ?ala????.<.???r /r />/><>??????MyMy y? on onlnlyly ?coc??plp??in????ou??d ?bebe e te th??e s?ere??iningin? s??zeze.e. ??t'?????rrr?recrectc??????a a s se s?ervervivinvi?????izeiz??bubutut t nt no??t w??hatha??I'I??m um ??ede???o ??in in a??so??a a ca ?cancan.n????12 12???.).))6?80808808,8?,B0,B00?1L?G9?4545O45O,??1A1??????????3Z3Z,Z,","E"EmE??ilyily y Ey ??. B. BrB?rowro??n "n ????CoColo??777?""????,0,0,0,0,0,20,2,2?,12,123??55255?20020??000,000?NoN???gog???????ugu????or? m ?? t??o mo ??keke ???he he?SwSwiwitwi?chc?,"?Th
6807,B001LG945O,A34W7QA4J5UTOR,K. Hill,0,0,5,1235520000,Great Taste,I love the taste of this soda. It's sweet with no bitter aftertaste that can be found in some orange sodas. I'd never guess this was a natural drink from the taste alone.<br /><br />My only complaint would be the serving size. It's correct for a serving size but not what I'm used to in a soda can. (12 oz.) 6808,B001LG945O,A1AHHYZZVWML3Z,"Emily E. Brown ""EmCole77""",0,0,2,1235520000,Not good enough for me to make The Switch,"Th
?isi??????????cece,e, , c cacara????ata??d d b beb???rar??e e?isis is?? g ?ooo?d d ad ???terte??natnatit??ve ve??? t tr t????ti???alal al?sos???. .???s as a ??somsomem?whw??at at?heheaeal?????????ioi?????conconsn??me??, , I, ?? av avov?????igi?h h?????to?ses?e ce ?corco?rn rn? sy syry??? ( ?HFH??S)S) ) a?s s ms mum?uchuc?h ah ?s s ps pop??sisibi??????hi?s s bs ??ve?raragra?? c co c???aiaini?ns ns n non?o Ho ?HFCHFCSCS,CS, ??no no????ed??????ar,ar, ???????seserse???atiat?iveiv??, , a, anandnd ??????ddedd???co?loloror.r. ?I'I'm'm m s????lilin????he? o ???angan?ge ge fge ?lalava???r. r. I ?????ntn??ininsin???10010?0% 0%????yoyouourou???ai?lyl?????comcommm?menme??????os?????f Vf ViV??amamiam?? C ??, a, an, a?? 2 202?0% ?????ou???????mim?in ??? fo f?? t th the the e de da??. . T???he dhe ?dowdo???idideide ????a ???ing????????????z z? ca can?? co con cont conta????ns ans ?almal???t ??as as m mam?anyan???calca?lorloririeies? a as?? a a??2 2?? oz oz?? a c a ?canca??? of of s???oda.oda??brb?
is 100% juice, carbonated beverage is a good alternative to traditional soda. As a somewhat health-conscious consumer, I avoid high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as much as possible. This beverage contains no HFCS, no added sugar, no preservatives, and no added color. I'm sampling the orange flavor. It contains 100% of your daily recommended dose of Vitamin C, and 20% of your Vitamin A for the day. The downside is a single 8.3 fl oz can contains almost as many calories as a 12 oz a can of soda.<br
???<b<brb??/>/>T/>??e e?OrO??ngn?e-e???angan?gerge????e fe ?lal???r ???????? m meme ????itit t o ofof f O Or Oraranra????a.a?????hah???s ys ?ouo?????????d d C ???sts?ala???eye??erer'er??s Fs ?rur?it? S ?quq????????veververaragragegesge?s ws whw??chch h a ?????lslsoso o s sis?mi??larla?. . I. ItI?'s's 's???fifin????lyl? n ?otot t ct coc?mpm?ar???lel????o ao ?artar??fi??iaial??????av?ororeor??????rangran?? b be b?eveev?eraer??ges???SuSunu???st?, , C Cr Crurusrushsh)h).)???t ?ha?s ??a ha hihinhi??t ot ???grgra?pep?efrefruruiru?it-it-l-lil?kek??e tae tasa???e t?? i ??, , b, ?utu??wiw?ithit???t ?ththehe he b???tet???nesne?s,s, ??whiwhic??h mh ?ayay ?be???ueue ue t ?o o to ?theth????de?d ?ap???le,le??????e,e?????d ad acd acecereroerolola??co??ce??ntrntra??teste?. . T. ?TheTh?e ae afe a???rtr?tastast?ste ste i is is ?s a s a???t ?????llllilicli????o mo ? Th. T??he bhe ??ve????e ??itsitses?elfelf f if is?? cl c???? - - -?wi?th?ou?????lplp p??f ??anyan?y ky kikinki?d ?- - a- ??? i is is is?li?????or
/><br />The Orange-Tangerine flavor reminds me a bit of Orangina. Perhaps you've tried Crystal Geyser's Fruit Squeeze beverages which are also similar. It's definitely not comparable to artificially flavored orange beverages (Sunkist, Crush). It has a hint of grapefruit-like taste to it, but without the bitterness, which may be due to the added apple, grape, and acerola concentrates. The aftertaste is a bit metallic to me. The beverage itself is clear - without pulp of any kind - and is light-or
??ngn???yeyelellllolowo??inin n c coc??lorlo????r r??????r /r ???hih?? i is i????gog?odo??????rnr?ata??veve e t tot? t th thoh?sese ???oko?iningin???oror ??omo??ththi??? s sosodsodad???ikikek?? b ?utu???eae??????er er? th??an an???ll ll???e e He ?FCFCSCS-S-l-lo-loaoada?ede???ptptitioti??s.s. .??aya?beb?e ie itit't's'???? go g?oodood ???ptiptioi?????or or p ??rerenentntsts s ts ????iv???to???theth??r ?ki????ifif f t th the??ir ir k ?kidkidskid??????k k?? l lo?t t ot ofo??sosodsodasod??an???ay?. . P. PePererser??nanalnallllylly,y, , I, I I????'t't ?????y y i it it t e?non?ugughg? t?o ??buybuy y iy itit it??nsnstns?????ofof of? ot oththetherthe?r ar ?vav????blb?e,? s si s??il???? pr prorododuod??????IfIf f If I ????nt nt o??anangangege ge j ?uiu??????or cor ???????ododaod????'l'?ll ll rll raratra????? dr d???k ???the the?re??al al????,9?B0B??????4545O5??ARA?SQSQ2Q??9U9U3U??????,Bi,B??blibl?iohio???licli??BeBetethet????,0,,0,4,4,4,1,121?353??202?00000?00,00??igi?ghtght ?anandand ?????y ??bevbe?
ange-yellow in color.<br /><br />This is a good alternative to those looking for something soda-like, but healthier than all the HFCS-loaded options. Maybe it's a good option for parents to give to their kids if their kids drink a lot of soda anyway. Personally, I don't enjoy it enough to buy it instead of other available, similar products. If I want orange juice or crave soda, I'll rather drink the real thing." 6809,B001LG945O,ARSQ2F9U315WG,Biblioholic Beth,0,0,4,1235520000,Light and tasty beve
?rar?geg?????? n ?o o????S,S,",??heh????witwitctchch h ih ?s s?mam????tetede? a ??s "s ????0%0??ofof f w?hah?? y ???????t,t? 0 0%???f ????????????????"".""??..m..?eaeananianiningn?, ????e oe on?lyl? t ??in????in???he??cacan? a??e e je ?uiu?cec??an??????bob??at??onon.on????ere?? i ?????o ao ???ed???ugu??ar,ar, , n, no?????????????????h ??ru?ctc???e ?e ore o?????thertherwr??se?),), ??o ?prpreresrese?rvr?at?ativati?ese?, ?, no? * ???tit?????alal*l* *? co?lolororsors s (s ?""""n""????ra??"""" ""?flf?ava?orors? a??d ????lorlorsr?s As ?RERE E?????ed)ed?), ), a??d ???????te?n.n????????<br<br ?????The The O ???ng????an??????e ??flafl???or or??eeeemememedme??toto to????tete te a al a???ostos?????????arbarbo??natnate????unu?nyny y Dy ??li?ghghtght t -t - -???cocorordordid?ing? t???th?? l la?beb?el,el???hehe ?????e ???lavlavo??rs rs a???e ae ape a?plp?e,e, ????pep??? ta??nge?ri???e, ?or?an??e ?
rage with no HFCS,"The Switch is marketed as ""100% of what you want, 0% of what you don't""...meaning, the only things in the can are juice and carbonation. There is no added sugar, no corn syrup (high fructose or otherwise), no preservatives, no *artificial* colors (""natural"" flavors and colors ARE added), and no gluten.<br /><br />The Orange-Tangerine flavor seemed to taste almost like carbonated Sunny Delight - according to the label, the juice flavors are apple, grape, tangerine, orange a
??d d????ror??????t t?waw?s s?ququiu?tete e t ?asastas??? an and??hah?d ?juj??t t tt tht???ririgi???t at ?momouounu?t ??f f c ???bob???tit?on? - ???lmlmomosmost? l ????e ae a a?sosodo?a ?ththathatat at??asas as??eeeene? o opo?en???d ad ?ndnd ?lel???t t??? si sitit it?????????st ast ???ewe??mimininun?tetestes ??o ???t ??somsomem???? t?hehe he?exe???sss?s gs ??as as eas esescs?capca??. ??? w?as?as las liligli??????nd,nd????rere ?I I s sa s?y,y???refre?reresreshs???g.g?. F. FoF??? wh w?hatha??itit ???s ms mam????tetedte???to to? be b??, i, ?it it dit ??????????? we w???.<.<b<brb?r /r ??<b<br<br ???ThThe???onlon?y ??dowdownwnsnsis??e ?????????I I cI coc?oulouldl???????blb?? d do d?o so ?somsomesom?th????????milmila??????hoh??me me? - - b bu buyuy y sy sosomsome???ununnunnyn??D D a an???d add adddd ?so???some ssome ?paparark???ngng g w? wat wa?terter r or oror ???elteltztzez???, a, anandand ???it wit ?ou?ouldould ???rob???????be be????apape???. H. ??wew??erer,er, er,?ifi???ouou'ou'r'??????-a-?andand-and-a?????? an
nd acerola. It was quite tasty and had just the right amount of carbonation - almost like a soda that has been opened and left to sit for just a few minutes to let some of the excess gas escape. It was light and, dare I say, refreshing. For what it is marketed to be, it does quite well.<br /><br />The only downside is that I could probably do something similar at home - buy some Sunny D and add some sparkling water or seltzer, and it would probably be cheaper. However, if you're out-and-about an
dd d n nen??d d sd ????tht???g g l ?igighg?t,t?????tyty y??ndn?d nd ??? l?oaoada??ed ed???llll l?ofo? e exe?trt?a a????ses?ns????ththethenen en????? w wow???d d cd ?erertr??ininlinlyly ??iti???thethe the b ????.".""6???0,0,B,??010??G9G??5O5?,A,A3A3K3??1X1X9X???ARA?DODOKO????ererrer?enencen?????babarar r?"""???ineineme?apapapararkar?????????er????,0,0,0,00,?0,30,?,1,121???525202?00000????as??teste????odo?d bd bub?t.t??????hihishis his c cac?arbar????te?d ???od??ctc??hah?as as a???ici?ce ??at????l ????????as?asteast??toto o?it????atat at m ???keskes s ys ?ou? f??eelee??li?keke ke?yo??'r'???????kik???g sg ????th?in?ing ing? th? that tha??mimig??ht ht??e ?a a la ?litli?tlt??e he heh??ltl??thiethier?? th tha??? al a?ll ll? th the the ?otothotheherher r cr ca?rbr?bonbona??ted? s st?ufu?f ?ou?t ??he???e oe one o?n tn ?????hehelhe???s ?bu??t It I I???oulouldldnd???t ht het hele?????ut ut? no not no???ice ice?? the???momouounou??t ot ???????????????thithinthi????hashas ????stest?ed ed oed
d need something light, tasty and not loaded full of extra nonsense, then this would certainly fit the bill." 6810,B001LG945O,A3K91X9X2ARDOK,"Terrence Aybar ""cinemaparker@twitter""",0,0,3,1235520000,Tastes good but...,"This carbonated product has a nice natural juice taste to it that makes you feel like you're drinking something that might be a little healthier than all the other carbonated stuff out there on the shelves but I couldn't help but notice the amount of sugar this thing has listed o
?? t ?hehe e?nun???iti??ono??????s:s?<b<brbr r?/>/??<br<br r /r ??3434g4???erer ???3 3?ozoz z?????ofo????he he s ststut?ffff.f????g ???tatala???????.<.?<br????><b><br????????e Ie ?? sa saiaidid,d????'s'? g ???????ut ut?dod??'t'?? ge getet t ft ???lel???ini??? t???inkin??ingin????s ??anyan????alaltal???er? f ???????. . T. ????e'e?? n no n??ar??tifti????alal al?????????n hn he????acaccaccoc?rdr???? t???th?e ???n n an ata????asa????6?818?1,1??????G9G?4545O5O,O,A,A1A???CYC??????RWR?D,D,D,DeDene?????0,0,0??3,3?121232?555??00?????eme???isi??en????????gug??ar???????e e se ????,","T"???is is? pr prorododuoducuct? c?la?imi??s ts ???beb?e a???eae???hyh????rb??onaon?ateat??? pr pro pr??oducodu?ct.ct??. Th. Thihis???ar????ululaul??ar far ?????? i????er?????heavheavyv?????? the the ??oraoranang???tatasta?stest????hi????? is is t to to to? be b?????pecpectctect???. ?AsAs s as a s a?mam?attat?er??????????
n the nutrition facts:<br /><br />34g per 8.3 oz can of the stuff. 36g total carbs.<br /><br />Like I said, it's good but don't get fooled into thinking its any healthier for you. There's no artificial stuff in here according to the can at least." 6811,B001LG945O,A185CY2CVBKRWD,Denali,0,0,3,1235520000,Reminiscent of regular orange soda,"This product claims to be a healthy carbonated product. This particular flavor is very heavy on the orange taste (which is to be expected). As a matter of fact,
I? f ?ouo?ndnd d i iti? v vevere?????ososes? t ????????? o ??ana???e se ???a.a???? / ???<br<b??/>/>H/>HeH??e e ae ararer??????cl???msm? o?f f? th t??????oduod?ctc?t ft frf?romro?? th the th??lalaba?ele?:<:?<br?????br????101?0%0? j jujuiuici????10?0%0% 0% R ??A A?ViV???mim?? C ??, A, ?lll???ata?ururar?al,al???ar??ono?????, ?GrG???at at???????e ane a?nd nd R?efefr??shs???????brbr ??/></><b<br<br ??/>N/>????????????eded,ed????? Co C????????p,p???o ??reresre???vav?atiativi??s,s, ??? A??tit??????? C???lorlo??? G ???????????????<br /><br /><><b??r /?>N>??????ioi??al????foforfo?rmarm????on:on:<:<b:<br?br /????? / />?SeS?erver?in?g g????e e 8e ?.3.??FlFl.l. .????. (. (2(242???mlml)l?<b?<br <br /<br /><br />S<br />???rvirvin???: :????<br ?<br />?<b????<br />C<br />??lo?lorilor?eses:es??141404?<b???<br />?FaF???: 0: 0g0g<g<b???<br /><br />S??odiod??m:m: ?: 15: 15 ???g<bg<????br />Tbr />????al ?Ca?rbrb:b: ?363???(S(??????3434g4?????br /???ProPr??eiein?:
I found it very close to normal orange soda.<br /><br />Here are the claims of the product from the label:<br /><br />100% juice, 100% RDA Vitamin C, All Natural, Carbonated, Great Taste and Refreshment.<br /><br />No Sugar Added, No Corn Syrup, No Preservatives, No Artificial Colors, Gluten Free<br /><br />Nutritional Information:<br /><br />Serving Size 8.3 Fl. Oz. (245 ml)<br />Servings: 1<br /><br />Calories: 140<br />Fat: 0g<br />Sodium: 15 mg<br />Total Carb: 36g (Sugar 34g)<br />Protein:
00g0??brb? / ?><>??r ???????mim?? C C:C? 1 101?0%0% %?RDR???<br? / /> /??VitVitatamta?????: ?202?0%<0%<b<br?<br /<br ??<b????>I>???rer????ntntsts:s?: : 1?00????uiu?cece e ( (f(fifili?tet?reredred d s ?prp???? w ?ata??r ???fff??cicie?ntnt nt t tot??re?coc?nsn??itituit??? c ???ce?nt???ateat??, ,?apa??lele ?????e,e, , t, ??ngngeng??in?e,? o ?raranrangnge?? an a?????cerce??lal??juj?uicui????on??cencentcentrtra?????, , g, ?????cacacaciac??????atuaturu????flfla??ororsors s a????cocolcolol?orsors,ors?, a, asascsco?rbr????? aci ac??????itaitamamiamin????. .???ontontataitain?s ?????<b?????<b???<br /><br />C<br />?omompm?????? to to ???dad?a, a, i ?it it? is is s hs heheaealaltlthlt?ieierie??inin ?tht?at???? d ????n'n?t ????tatai??n an ada?dededed ed s su s?gagararsar?s os ?or or c???n n sn sysyryrur?p.p. ? B ?utut ut i??? st s?tilti??l hl ha??s as ???ununc?? o?????aloal?oriorie?????EaEat???ing ing??????s ?whwhoh??e e ie ????ete??ter?? th t???n jn ju?ic???e, be, ??????f yf ???? wa wana?????
0g<br /><br />Vitamin C: 100% RDA<br />Vitamin A: 20%<br /><br />Ingredients: 100% Juice (filtered spring water sufficient to reconstitute concentrates, apple grape, tangerine, orange and acerola juice concentrates), gum acacia, natural flavors and colors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Contains Soy.<br /><br />Compared to soda, it is healthier in that it doesn't contain added sugars or corn syrup. But it still has a bunch of calories. Eating fruits whole is better than juice, but if you want a q
?uiu??? s ??dad??lil?keke e????k k mk ??????(a(?ndnd d y yoy?u u l lol?vev?e oe ?rar????e se ?????, ,???wow??ldl??rerece?omo?me??? t ??isis s p?ror?oduod?ctc??????????ulu?arar r sr so?sodasoda.a.<.????/>/?<b<br<b??r />r />I>I ??ava?????hishi???????uctuc?t 3t 3 3 s?tatararsar??beb?ecaecauausu?e e Ie I ?dod?n'n???ththithininkn????t rt ?rearealalll?y y?is? t? tha th?t ????altal?????????is???????enentn?t at ?????nan??ivi?ve ?tot????????r ?r sor sod?a.a. a.?AlAlsl??, ?th??e te ?tastasts?e e we ?asas ??????ototh???g g r re rem re?ar??abablblel???6?8181212,2?B0B000?1L1???454??,A,???QYQ??B8B8Z8ZSZ???RZR????ik??e Re ?eee???"""????? R ?ReeRe??""?",",0,?????,1,?12312?555525???0000,00,S,SwS?it??? O ?raranra???e Te ??ang??erierin???- -?8.8?3 ?OuO?ncn?e ?CaC?an,an,"?Ta?ststeste ?isis ????? e ?enoen???h ?to??mamaymayby?? p pu pururcr?chach?asease ?a a 2a 242???acackck ck o???? thi thisis ?sus?gagarga????reere????00????ui????cac????onaon???ed ed o?raran?ge??/ / t??
uick soda-like pick me up (and you love orange soda), I would recommend this product over regular soda.<br /><br />I gave this product 3 stars because I don't think it really is that healthy, but is a decent alternative to regular soda. Also, the taste was ok, nothing remarkable." 6812,B001LG945O,A2WQY1B8ZS7QRZ,"Mike Reed ""Mike Reed""",0,0,4,1235520000,Switch Orange Tangerine - 8.3 Ounce Can,"Taste is good enough to maybe purchase a 24-pack of this sugar-free, 100% juice carbonated orange / tan
????ini??????vovoro??d d?drd??nkn?. . W ??thth h?????e fe ?ololkl????lil??e e me mymysyses?lfl?? t th?ese?? d da dayaysys ys s ?seese?kik??g g o ??????gag??leles?s ???ftf?t dt drdridrininkinks?, , t?hih??s Ss SwS???chch ?????ucuctct t it isis is a aca???ala??? q ?uiu?iteite ?gogooo??, , I, ?? th?????t.t?. E. ????y ay ????sms?al????non????h th toto o c cacararrar???. M. ?igi?ghtght ?waw???????brb??ringring g tg ??o.o??IdI??al????? a a a s su sum su?mem?? n ninig?htht ht o???in?? a???? t? the th??????in? t?? the the????k k? ev e??enten???frf?rieri?endend'd's'??ououtou??ooooroo?? ba bar??b-b??quequ?, , k, ????s ss sos s?oftof????all all g ?gamgame??, e, ?tctc.c???686818????0000101L1?G9G949454??,A,A2A2Z2??81Q81QTQ??UJU??????"K"KuK?rtr??????ch????ch?er??"""?GrG??y"y""???0,0?,0,,0,5,?,1,121???434???0000,00?GrGreGr??eat eat f?rur?uitui???ririn?????'m'm m d?iai???etiet??, , s, ?? I ????al??waywa?ys ????????g fg fo??r nr nanata?ur??al,al??, fl, f?lavlavo?rfrfufulul l dl drdri??nksnk??????ou??
gerine flavored drink. With more folks (like myself) these days seeking out sugarless soft drinks, this Switch product is actually quite good, I thought. Easy and small enough to carry. Might want to bring two. Ideal for a summer night outing at a theater in the park event, friend's outdoor bar-b-que, kids softball game, etc." 6813,B001LG945O,A2Z81QTXUJ0WIW,"Kurt G. Schumacher ""Grey""",0,0,5,1235433600,Great fruit drink,"I'm diabetic, so I'm always looking for natural, flavorful drinks without
?? l loloto??????ddd?eded d?susugu?arar.r??SwS??tct?h h?fif??s s?tht?e e b ??lll?? fo f?????. . I. ????s ls ????tltlyl????arbar?????eded,ed, , m???? l le l????th?????????ulu???? so s?dad??. T. ThThehe he f fr f??it??????or???s ?vevere?y y ny ?natna??????<b<?r r /r ?><>???r /r />r /?Th????raranra?????an???ririni??e te tat?sts??d d pd prp??mam?????y ly lilikli??????ang?e ?atat at? fi firi? B. BuB?????enen ??????icicec?? a a a d a ?is?titinincin???t tat t??ange?ririnri?ne ne a af a???rtr?tasta?stest?e. e.???? d ??rinrinkrin? a??ctuctuau?allal?ly ly t ta t???ted? v ve??ry ry?? muc mu?ch ???likelike ?e the t????tanta??ele???s Is ?I hI ???? th the?he dhe ?dayda?y by ?efefofor????????ll?????????/>??<br<br <br /<br />???The ?ca?n ???? al a??? s sm s??ll?llerlle?????n ????regregugulgu???r sr ?sodsoda???????. Th. Thahatha??s s os oko?ayay ??witwi?th th m me m??, i, itit'it's?? fi????foforfo?????liglighghtgh?t dt ?dridrin??k wk ?he??????? th??irsir?styst?. . A. ? f fu f?ullul?l cl ??? o?f ?sosodsodasod?a ia ??
a lot of added sugar. Switch fits the bill for me. It's lightly carbonated, much less than a regular soda. The fruit flavor is very natural.<br /><br />The Orange/Tangerine tasted primarily like orange at first. But then I noticed a distinct tangerine aftertaste. The drink actually tasted very much like the tangelos I had the day before! Excellent!<br /><br />The can is also smaller than a regular soda can. That's okay with me, it's fine for a light drink when I'm thirsty. A full can of soda is
s?omo?etetit?me?? a a a b ?iti???ooo??????.<.?brbr r / ??<b??r /r ???????ch ch??wilwi?????obo?aba??y y? be bece??omeom? o ????????y ??ririninkn?????ere?nanata?????, ,??ndn????m m?lol??kik?inging g????wawarardrd ??to to t tr t????? t?????tht??????ava??orsor???6??141?,B,??????949454??,A,??SHS?6A6???BEB??NEN?V,V,",??om??????er???""""C??omp??"""""",",0,0,0?,0,,0????232???333??00?,","D,"?ec?ene????asa?ti?ngn??, b, ??t ??oooo oo??mamala??? an and an?d od ??ververprpr????d"d???I I??dradranank???? si sin???????an an o???ththeth??Sw??itcitchitc??OrOrar?angangeg????????in??e fe fl???oror or????ayay.y?? U ?pop??? fi firirsr?st st?imimpim?prepr??sis??on,on, , t, ??????ysy????l ??sizsi????f f t??????n n i is is ??a ta ???y y -y ?? 8 ??z z????????l.l?. . ?ThT?isis ??in in c????rarasrastst ??to ?a ??egegug???r ?????? of of??????si???e we ???chch ????????ununcnce??s os ?or or 3or 35?5 5? ml m??????er??fo
sometimes a bit too much.<br /><br />Switch will probably become one of my drink alternatives, and I'm looking forward to trying the other flavors." 6814,B001LG945O,A2SH6A32BE6NEV,"Comp Expert ""Comp""",0,0,2,1235433600,"Decent tasting, but too small and overpriced","I drank a single can of the Switch Orange Tangerine flavor today. Upon first impression, the physical size of the can is a tiny -- 8oz or 250ml. This in contrast to a regular can of soda size which is 12 ounces or 355 ml. Therefo
r??, , o ??lyl? a aba?ouo?? 2 2/2/3/????e e c ?onontontet?ntnt t ot ofo? a a a n ????ala?? ca c?? o?f f sf sos??a.a. . T ?o o????????e le ??asa?t,t, ??thith?s s i ?????????ougou???lil??uiu?d d f ??or or????ini?n on ononeon??sisiti??iningin??? I ?? ne n?ede??mom?????o ??ririn?k k t th thahan?? th?ata??toto to?ququequen?chc?h ah ?????y ?bib???? of of???irirsr?? s so so o Io I ??as??????te te??is??ppp?oio?intinte????it??ou?t ??vev?en en o????in?????e ?????ing ing uing ?p.p.<.<b<brb??/>/???r ??/>T/>??????astas??te ote of? t? the????rinrinkn??it??ele?f ?wa??s ss sasatsa???? . S. ?inincincece e te th??re?? is is s ns no? a ad a???? s su sugu????(w(whw?hichich? i?? u ??uaualallally???????sysyry??up up???n tn ??the the???) )? th???flflal?vovor??wawas?????t tt tot toooo ???ee?????r ?wawas??????tooto?o bo blb?lanla?d.d?. . H. HoH??wevwe??????it ??was?n'???ananyan???thinthi????iki???dr?inink???ing ing aing ????resreshs??bobotbo?ttltt?? o????000????????
re, only about 2/3 the content of a normal can of soda. To say the least, this isn't enough liquid for me in one sitting. I need more to drink than that to quench a tiny bit of thirst so I was quite disappointed without even opening the thing up.<br /><br />The taste of the drink itself was satisfying. Since there is no added sugar (which is usually corn syrup in the US) the flavor was not too sweet nor was it too bland. However, it wasn't anything like drinking a fresh bottle of 100% natura
ll l?juj??cec?. .????rere e o onon n?ththehe e se sisididede ?????ixi??d d???rurupu???itithth th w wa w?tetere???brb???><>??r ??/>W/>WhW???????????hihisis ?prpror?dud?ctct t?is? t th???hi?ghgh h??pripr?iceice.? P ?rorodroduducductct ct r ?igigh?t t nt non?w w c cocomo?eses s os ????tot? a ???outou???????? a a a??anan.n. ? I I I???oulou?d d bd bebe e ae ???ryr???aya?iningn? t????at oat ?outout out???f af ??vev?ndndid?????acachc?hinhinene ?fof???????sms??llll ll s???e ??butbut ?foforfo??pupuru??chach??sinsing?? in i????lkl?, , i?? i?s s as anan an? in??ulultl??t tot t?o so sasay? t? the??leleaeasastas?. . ????????????thethe e me mom?oneoneye?.".?6???5,5,B,???1L1?G9G???O,O??3232G2GCGCOCOTOTGTGFGFJFJ9J9X9???,",???lexle? H HoH???a a "a """????????""????,0,0,,0,3,3,??232??????0000,00,"???OdO?d*d**?TaT?ast?in?ing,ing????????atuatururaur?l!l!"!?","","T"??he he?SWS?ITI?CHC?????NGN?? T ??ANGANGE?RIRINI?E E SE SOSODODADA A d dod??esnes?'t't t t??????to?o ?bab?d ?????it????? ca???bonbo?????
l juice. More on the side of mixed syrup with water.<br /><br />What kills this product is the high price. Product right now comes out to about a buck a can. I would be angry paying that out of a vending machine for its small size but for purchasing in bulk, it is an insult to say the least. Not worth the money." 6815,B001LG945O,A32GCOTGFJ9XC3,"Alex Honda ""onyx575""",0,0,3,1235433600,"**Odd**Tasting, But Natural!","The SWITCH ORANGE TANGERINE SODA doesn't taste too bad and it is carbonated,
b ??? t ?hehe e t?asasts???rer??????? m ??e oe ?f f?ororarana?gege ??uiuici?e ???atat t wt ????t st ??uru?. .???? k knk???, ,?whwhe?n n t th t?he he O O.O??. ?hah???gog??e e we ?ayay y p papas?t ??thethe ??xpx?iriraratra???? d dad??e ??andan?????????p p????? a ?and??itit t ht ?hasha? t??at?? bi bit?teterte???cic???ic ic? ta??steste.e???r ?/>/??<br<b?r /r />r /?AnAnynywywawaywa??, t, ???? so s??? i??s ms ??de? f ?ror??? a a??om?bibin?at?io?n ??of of????lel???grgraraprapep?? t??ng?ere?inineine,??ororaor??ge????? a ac???ololal?????iceic?e, e, ae, an?and and dand dod??sns?'t't t at adaddad?d sd ?ugu???, ????n ????upu?, ?prp???ererver?????es? o?r ???ti?fif???????ol?ororsors.s????'s'?s as al?soso so g gl glulut?en?? fr fre?e ?so??ththathatthat'??s gs ??od????wsws s fs ?or??? tho th??? w??o o? ar a?re re t tr t???ingin? t?o ??watwatctchc? w? wha wh???ththe?y ?eae????and?and d???????brbr br???<b<br???>T>ThT??he 8he 8.8?????ncn?ce ce? ca c?an an i is?? sm s?malmalllle??r tr th?
but the taste reminded me of orange juice that went sour. You know, when the O.J. has gone way past the expiration date and you gulp some and it has that bitter acidic taste.<br /><br />Anyway, the soda is made from a combination of apple, grape, tangerine, orange and acerola juice, and doesn't add sugar, corn syrup, preservatives or artificial colors. It's also gluten free so that's good news for those who are trying to watch what they eat and drink.<br /><br />The 8.3-ounce can is smaller tha
n??ththeh? s ????dad?rdrd d?121?-o-ouo?ncn??e ce ??an an?ofo? s?ododa??anandand ?mam??????? j juj???? ta takakek?? a????oupouplplel??????ririei?es es? to t???etet t ut us??d d td ???ththethe ??lalava??r.r.<.??r r???<b<br<b?r /r />??ikike???? sa saia????nonoto?t bt babada?d bd ?utu??????? st stiticickc???itithit? r rer?gug?la?r/r/d/?????????? B BuBut? f ?oror or?????ala?ththith??r ?????rnr??ti???e fe foe for??so?dada ??ovo?????, I, I ?susugu?gegesge????????g g??nen?e o??f tf ??? " ???WIW???? S ???ASAS"S?? O ?? a an a????atatuat??al????flflafl???oreor???????????g g wg ??ateat?,O,A,??CZC??J6J??HEHE4E????????ucucic?? J ?JayJa?co?x x N NiN??????""????PiPininkin??AmA?ererier??an?"""""""",",0,???,2,2,2?1212312???333363?00????? S So So o Bo ????????????ltelt?erner?natnati????,"I,"?I'mI'm m?? a f a fafan?????al?all-all-n-?natnatunatur??????yty????ng,ng, , e, es?pepece?ciaci??????he????????a a ta ?tastast?y
n the standard 12-ounce can of soda and maybe it just takes a couple of tries to get used to the flavor.<br /><br />Like I said, not bad but I'll stick with regular/diet soda. But for a healthier alternative for soda lovers, I suggest trying one of the ""SWITCH SODAS"" OR any naturally flavored sparkling water." 6816,B001LG945O,AKCZIJ6ZHE41D,"Jarucia Jaycox Nirula ""~A Pink American""",0,0,2,1235433600,Not So Bold Soda Alternative,"I'm a fan of all-natural anything, especially when it's a tasty
a?????eaeala??hyh??al???rnr?atatit?vev??tot??????th??ngng g I I'I??ve ve??????eded d md ?y ????lele e le ?ififef?? b ?utu? I???non?? i ?s s??bab?d'd' '??oro??? ????<br<br r /r />r /?ReRege??lal??r sr sosodso?????s os ono?e ?????hohosho???'b?ad?' ?ththithinthing?s.s?? L ??ad??? w wiwitith? a?????ici?iaial??coc?oloolororsor??, s, ?????en??ersers,? c????? sy s??upu??..?yuy?ckc?. . . ?HaHar?dld?y y sy ????s s ws wowor??th th tth ththeth???isiskis? w?hehenhe?n In I'I'mI'm m? al alsl?so so???ettet??ngng ng???? e em empm???y cy ??aloalor?iei??s os ons on ?avaveverve?aga???.<b.<br? / ?/></><b??? /> /?AnA????nowno??SwS?witwitctchc? h ha h??s cs ???me me a? alo al??g.g????ruruerue ??to to i??s ?s cls c?lailaimi???th?therthe?e'e??s ns ???thi??g ??artartitiftifitif?iciic??l l i?n ????. . J. ????t jt juj??iceic?e, e,? sp s?ar?klkli?ngng ng wng waw????????nd ond ?th?ther???????nanatna??ra????????redre?ieienie??ts.ts.<?.<br.<br ??????????hahat????????<br? / />???????SoS?o Io I I? ch c???
and healthy alternative to something I've enjoyed my whole life, but I know is 'bad' for me.<br /><br />Regular soda is one of those 'bad' things. Loaded with artificial colors, sweeteners, corn syrup...yuck. Hardly seems worth the risk when I'm also getting 150 empty calories on average.<br /><br />And now Switch has come along. True to its claim, there's nothing artificial in it. Just juice, sparkling water and other 'all natural' ingredients.<br /><br />That's great.<br /><br />So I chose
??tht??s s p pap??titici?ululal?ar ar?flfla???r r??or?anangngeg? t ta t??gegergeririninene)e) )???cac?ususese ???wawan???? t th theh??sts??ono?ng ng c cic?tr????? tas tast?e e Ie I e I l lolovo??. .??????s ds ??rinri??, ,?hohowo?eve?verve?, , f, ?aiaili?eded ed??o o m ?eeeete??? the th??r ?prp???is?????YeY?s,s, ?I I cI ?canca????asa???' ' t th? the the?or?oranora??????itrit?us???bubutut t at ????ucuchc??I ?I caI c?an an??? tast tastete te? th the?????le????d d gd grg???e e je juj?ic?eses es u us?eded ??as ?????.<.<b<?r ??><>?<br<b?r /??MoM??eoeov??r,? t th thi thisis is d ?oeo??n'n?? h?????? tha th???bob????'p'pop????????? a?s ???theth??? ca car????at??ed ed bed ?bevbe??veraver?ge?s s hs hahav??e. ?? I' I?veve ve hve ?hadha????ne?ra?? w?at?aterate?r wr ??ithit????ore????iteite.e.<e.?<br? / ?/></><b??<br /<br />/>B/>BuB?ut ut??? the the w the ?ororsorsese se? pa parartart ??bo??ut ??thith?is ??gog????fof??? me me'e??dr??inkin? i is???in in??lo????s is ???at??1414040 0???lo??rieries?es (es (t(th?????me???? a??rer???ulaul?
this particular flavor (orange tangerine) because I wanted the strong citrus taste I love. This drink, however, failed to meet their promise. Yes, I can 'taste' the orangy citrus, but as much I can taste the apple and grape juices used as well.<br /><br />Moreover, this doesn't have that bold 'pop' to it as other carbonated beverages have. I've had mineral water with more bite.<br /><br />But the worse part about this 'good for me' drink is in clocks in at 140 calories (the same as a regular
?cacanan n o ofo??CoC??e)e) ) a anandan??363????rbr???4g4g g s sus?gagarar r ( (c(cocomompm?ar?eded d wd ?ititht? C??okeoke e? at a?? 39 3?/3/39/3?).).<.?brbr ?/>/><><b<br<b?r /r />r /??n ??theth???p p s si s?ded?? i ?it it?hah?????????thathan?? ha h?lfl????? s???iui?m m??s ????y y????ululal?? c co colo??s ???????????ele???erer ?1010000%0% %??itit it Cit C C????d 2d 202??? Vi Vit?it Ait ????utut t it ????????tet?? t th???e ??inind? o?f ?heh????th th????efe??itsit?, ??'d'??rar??the??r tr ??keke ke? th t??m m dm didirdi????lyly ??ror???? the th?????rcr???? an an an??raranra?geg???br? / />/></><b?<br <br???>Ov>O?ververa?????th????allal?-n-?at???alal al? he h???????rorosro?s os ?of of??wiwitwi?chch h Oh ??ran?ge? T ?anangangegerge??inein??????mplmp?ly ly d?ono?'t't ?jujusu?tit?ifyif????the ??igi??h ch ????ri?????and ??car?b b?????t.t?? T??? S??wit??ch ch B???????ge ???????y ???ve?? do don do??? be b?ttt?terte???o o s???l l? sp s???klk??ng?? wa w???er er???
can of Coke) and 36gcarb/34g sugar (compared with Coke at 39/39).<br /><br />On the up side, it has less than half the sodium as many regular colas and does deliver 100% Vit C and 20% Vit A. But if I wanted those kind of health benefits, I'd rather take them directly from the source: an orange.<br /><br />Overall, the all-natural health pros of Switch Orange Tangerine, simply don't justify the high calorie and carb count. The Switch Beverage Co. may have done better to sell sparkling water wit
?? a ??twt??????f f? or oraranangn??????? i ??f tf ?heh?y y w waw????d d??o o p pr p????dede ?a ??rurulu?y ?heheahe??ththyth????te?rnrnan???vev???o ????diditi??ononanalnal ????asa?.".???8181717,7,B,??010??G9G???O,O???C2C?7I7?QUQUHUH9H9N9??????drdrer?ey,ey????????232353?434?363606??,t,??angangygy y oy ?ra?ngngeng??????????????ffff ???...... .?yuy?m!m!,!,",????????cacara???onaonat????frf???it it j ?uiu???s s a??????ththithini?? t th t??is is? on onen?e ie ?is ?fif?inein??. . I ?t ??as??? m ?or???e tae t???y ????mum?ulaul??a tha thahanhan n? th the the e ne ?namnamem??sus??gegesgest??; ;?????s ms ?mormo?re re???f af a a la ?ligli?????frufr?uitui????ncn??????????re??frefreseshes???? a? and an?d ad ?a ga gogooo????erervrvi?ng???????? in in ????y opy opip??ioionon.on?. ???t'st's s ws ?onondon????ul?????ha??ve ve????????ng???????dod?????????ontonta???? hi higigh? f?ru?ctctotosto??e ce coe c??n n sn sys?ru??! !????hatha?t'st's t's h??ereere e ie ine i????
h a twist of orange peel if they wanted to provide a truly healthy alternative to traditional sodas." 6817,B001LG945O,A2C27IQUH9N1Z,audrey,0,0,5,1235433600,tangy orange-y bubbly stuff .... yum!,"I like carbonated fruit juices and I think this one is fine. It has a more tangy formula than the name suggests; it's more of a light fruit punch. It's refreshing and a good serving size, in my opinion. It's wonderful to have something that doesn't contain high fructose corn syrup! What's here instea
?? i ??: : 1 ?000?% %???ici???(f(fifili???rereded ??papararkrklk???g g w ????r r s susufu?fificfi????? t tot? r ????nsn?tit?tututu?? j?ui??ce ce c coconco????ntrnt?at?eses,s??apa??lele,e, ???rapra??? t??ng?ererier?????oro?ranra??? a??d ?acace?rorololal?? ju??iceice ?co??ce?centcentrt?????),)?, g??????ac?iaia,a???at??ra?l l f flf???or?? a???d cd ??????, ?asa?co?rbr?icic ic a? aci ac??d (d (v(?ititaitamamimin???),?????tat???s ??oyoy.y?? D DeDeleli??ciociouousus.s. . . S ???ete??. ??igi?hth???????????? T ??angan?y.y. ? Y ?um??""?686818181?,B,B0B00?1L1?G9G?454???A1A?1E1?D8D8O8??????103103,3,","l"?????tente?_u_??_a_alalrl???dydy2y2 2????????enen_en??p_?alalralre??dy?2"2"""""""??0,0,0,0,,0,3,?????545?333??0000,00?I I w wi w?ishis?? it it ??werwe?re re?????er? o or?an?angeange ??? t??ngngengernge?????,"??omo??????????????o mo ????? fl f?lav?or?ors ors???re ??mixmi??ed ed? to tog to?etethethe????tht?? r?esesues??lt lt? ta tas taststest?es es??likli?e e ne
d is: 100% juice (filtered sparkling water sufficient to reconstitute juice concentrates, apple, grape, tangerine, orange and acerola juice concentrates), gum acacia, natural flavors and colors, ascorbic acid (vitamin c), contains soy. Delicious. Sweet. Light. Fruity. Tangy. Yum." 6818,B001LG945O,A11ED8O95W2103,"lighten_up_already2 ""lighten_up_already2""",0,0,3,1235433600,I wish it were either orange or tangerine.,"Sometimes if too many flavors are mixed together, the result tastes like n
oono?e e o ?f f t ?hehemem.m. . T ThT????????n'n't't t t ta t?sts??e le ??kek???rar?ngngege e oe ore o???????????. . . I ?t t tt tatas???s,s, , t?o o m ?e e ae ?t t lt leleaeasastast,ast???ereryery y s swswew??t t at an??????t t ot of????ranrang?y ????t nt non?t ????????t at alt a?l,l, ?an?? I? l li?ke? m my my ????rur?s ?tyt???e se ??dad?as as t to to to?beb????rtrt rt???and ????rt ???of sof ?sousouru?.<.<b<???/>/><>?<br<b?r /???titilillll,ll?, g, ??ea??t ft ??or or t????e e we whwho????re re???????? to? to g to ??t ??wawaya?y fy ???????e ?hihighi?h h f fr?ucuctctot?oseose e ce ???? s sy syry?????iei??????818??,B,??010?LGLG9G?454????1E1?7B7????JGJGDG????,A,An,Anononno?ymymomouousus,us?????4,4,1,??353?434???00?,v,veverve?? t? tas taststysty ?'n'nanat?ur?ala?? s????,",?I I?hah?ve?n'???se??????isis is???ran??d id in? c cacanansan?s bs be?fo??re;re????????ci?ti??ng!ng?????knkno?????thisthis s bs brs braran?????? b?e e h??ardard ??to to????d ?at? t? the???to??re re sre so??itit it
one of them. This doesn't taste like orange or tangerine. It tastes, to me at least, very sweet and sort of orangy but not tart at all, and I like my citrus type sodas to be tart and sort of sour.<br /><br />Still, great for those who are trying to get away from the high fructose corn syrup diet." 6819,B001LG945O,A1E7BYP6JGDUHD,Anonymous,0,0,4,1235433600,very tasty 'natural' soda,"I haven't seen this brand in cans before; how exciting! I know this brand can be hard to find at the store so it
iisis s n ?????tot??seseeee ????beb???? s??ldl?????????t At AmAmamaza??n.n???? a ama? a a a b?igig g fg ?ana??ofo? 1 ?000?% %?jujuiuiciceic?e te ??at? h???s bs bebeebe??n ln ?ig?hth?lyly y??ararbr?on?????d ad ????ha?vev??e tre trir?ed? t th the????w w?????andsand??th??at ?ar????????aba?lele e a??d d Sd ???itcit?????? on o???ofof of m mym?y fy fa?????teteses.s. ? M MyMy ??ig??es????bee?f ??witwith?? th the the ?brb?ranra?nd nd i?s s ts ths t???????? is is j??sts?t st susupupep?????rdrd d td ?to to???indind,d? w whw???????s s ns nonowo???????re?sos?olvolvevedved.d. ?. I. ????havehav?e te toe t?o so sas????thathattha??I ?dodonon'on????ovo??? th??? or oraran??????angan??ririnrine? f?la?vo??, , w, ??ic?ich ich? is is ?wh????I gI gagavaveve ??it ?fof??r r? st sta???????stesteaeada???????veve;ve? ????jusju?st st??dondo??? r re??lll?ly ly l ??keke ??ra???e e fe flf?lav????ed ???rin?ksks ?s bus butu?t dt ?idid ???likelik?e he ?ow??? thi th?is is ois ?oneone e he hae hadad ad m?ororeore ore? ta tan?????inein??
is nice to see it being sold here at Amazon. I am a big fan of 100% juice that has been lightly carbonated and have tried the few brands that are available and Switch is one of my favorites. My biggest beef with the brand is that it is just super hard to find, which has now been resolved. I have to say that I don't love the orange-tangerine flavor, which is why I gave it four stars instead of five; I just don't really like orange flavored drinks but did like how this one had more tangerine f
?????r r???ana??sts?rar?igi?hth???? o ???angan?e.e? ?I I??ouo?ldld d d ded??inininin????? r ??cocomo???????thith???brbra?nd????686828202????????????,A,??I2I???9S9?8Z8ZRZ????,D,?avaviav????0,00,???,1,?232???????00,00,I,????antan?tedte?d td tod to o l lil?keke e i ?t t???oreore,e,",???I waI wasa??rereareala??ly ly? lo looo??ininging g f ???wawarwa????d to d to???mpmplplilinlingn??????s ps prpror??ucuctct.t?. I. ????s ns ??t t bt babadad,?? bu butut t at ???it??lele ?tot?? s sw sweweee????as?tit??ing ing f??? m?e.e. e.?????? a ata??1414040 0?cac???orior????fo?r r ar anan an 8 ?.3.?? oz oz z c??an,an, , I, ?????????t tt ??atat at w wa w?? o on o???thethe ????? e enendend.d??BuButut ut? it i??dod???????ta?????? g ?ra?????f f??ugu???, , a, an??d od ononeon?e me mum?st?? re r???mbmbeb??r tr ??thatthat ?frfrur??it it???uicui?e e ie isis is n ?notno?t lt lol?w w i in in n cn ca?lolorlorir?iesie???? w wo wou?ldld ld??havha??e pe ???efeef??reredre??momormo?re re???ararkar???linglin??wa?teterter ????????s s js ju?ici?
lavor than straight-up orange. I would definintely recommend this brand!" 6820,B001LG945O,A1I25F9S8ZR6ET,David,0,0,3,1235433600,I wanted to like it more,"I was really looking forward to sampling this product. It's not bad, but a little too sweet-tasting for me. Also, at 140 calories for an 8.3 oz can, I thought that was on the high end. But it does contain 34 grams of sugar, and one must remember that fruit juice is not low in calories. I would have preferred more sparkling water and less juice
?. . O ???tht?? p ???s s s sis??e,e? i ?? h ?asas ??o o?ara????????l l? in i??rer?did??ntn??s os oro???????s.s??AnAndn??no?? co c?ornor?n sn sysyry???! ! I ? a????uru?re re m ??nyny y w wiw?llll ???keke e te ?thith???????ucuctct t mt momororeor??e the t?????????pep???al?????thothoso???whw??o po ?prepr????r mr mo?rere ??????nen??????n tn ?????r br beb???eraer??""6????????1L1LGLG9G??5O5??A1A????CRC?0T0?5U5UMUM9M9D9?,E,?ve???n ?UyU??mum??a,a,0,0,0?,0,,0??,1,?232353???363??00,00,T,TaTas????bubutu?t Ct ?al??orior??icic,ic?"T"?hihisis is 8 8.8.3.? o ??ncncec??cac?an an o of o?? ca car???nanata?eded ed?????????e ie isis ?tatanangan?y y ay ???d td ?tastasts?ty.ty. ??nd?? th the?? sl s??mmmmem??? si sizi?e ??an??????????at? y ?ou? a??re ?drd????in?? a????malma??er????rvr??ing? t? tha than??anan ?orordordi??narna?y ?ca?n n on ???sos???. ?BuButut ut a??ththo????? it it't's'?s 1s ??????uiuic?????? s?ti?ll???acackcksk??quq???? t th the the
. On the plus side, it has no artificial ingredients or colors. And no corn syrup! I am sure many will like this product more than I, especially those who prefer more sweetness in their beverages." 6821,B001LG945O,A1157CR0T5UM9D,Evelyn Uyemura,0,0,3,1235433600,Tasty but Calorific,"This 8.3 ounce can of carbonated beverage is tangy and tasty. And the slimmer size can means that you are drinking a smaller serving than an ordinary can of soda. But although it's 100% juice, it still packs quite the
c???oro??e e p ??ncn????OnOnen?e ce ?cancan n i isis s 1 141?0 0????lorlo???????hih???? is i??al????t t e ???ctc?lyly y???e e se ???e ???s is ??n an a a??????????can can? of o? r ??gug?lal???CoCococaca-ca???la???SoS????t mt ????beb???lil??hthtltlytl???heaheal?ththith?ierie??th?ana??drd????in?g g C Co Coko??e s????e e ie ?t ?hahasas as n non????ffffef?ininein??????????frfrur??ctoctos???e coe c?????yry?rupru???andan??????asas ?101000?% %? of???ouo???re??uiu?re??menme??t ot ofo?f Vf ViV???amiam??????BuB???it????nonotno?t gt gog??ing???????keke ke? yo y??????slsli?? a?ndn?d ad ata?trt??actactit???e a????theth?e pe pap?ackackak??ining???????2,2?????LGL???5O5O,O?AEA???LVLVBV?QJQ?CNCNCNC7C?,E,E.E??KiK???0,0,0,0,,0??,1,121???343474727????"T"?as?teteses es a al almlmo??? l ?liklikeke ????"r"?????larlar"r""???ra?ngn??????ge?ri?rinerin??e soe sodo?a!a?!",!",","I,"? d ???ankan?? th thihishi?s a??nd nd c?ououlouldld ??teltellll l???ryr?y ly ?????e e de didififf?ere
calorie punch. One can is 140 calories, which is almost exactly the same as in a 12 oz. can of regular Coca-Cola! So it may be slightly healthier than drinking Coke since it has no caffeine or high-fructose corn syrup and it has 100% of your requirement of Vitamin C. But it's not going to make you as slim and attractive as the packaging!" 6822,B001LG945O,AESPLVBQJCNC7,E. Kim,0,0,5,1235347200,"Tastes almost like a ""regular"" orange/tangerine soda!","I drank this and could tell very little differ
e???? f frf??m m???reregegug??arar r??rarana??e/e?tat?angan?????e e fe ??lavlavov?????sos?dada,a? w ??icichc? i ?? q ?????e ie ???re???iviveve e ce cocono????ere??ng??ththah??? th t?hishi???ri?????s ?mamadade? f fr fro?m m 1m ???? j juj?????? I ItI?t ht hahasha??141?0 0 c ???????s s as ???????re??? a?ltl??rnr?????e ??o o? a a?????ulaul?? s?ododaod?. .??? w?ili???????iniin??ele?? b ??e pe ??rcrchchachasasisinsi?????es???e ine i? t th??e f??tut????! ! ?? a? als also?? tr tririeri?ed ed? th??iri?????? S ?????????????rbrbob?onaon???????????an?? e enenjen??yey?ed ?itit it? as as s ws wew?ellel?.".??686???,B,B0B??1L1LGLG9G949??????7H7?JBJBFBFDFDSD??FVFVFV??,",??. ?MaM?arbar??chch ch " ?"b"?badba??grogroooovoveve"ve"""""""?,0,?,0?,3,3,???????444????OrOra?ngngenge ??anang?er??inein?e Se ?wiwitwitct??,"?ThT??his his p pr??oduod?ctc???is is???t ?a ???da???ut??? a c a ?car?bo????tedte?d jd ???????ThThiThis??????a ha ha??? a ?nin??ice ice?
ence from a regular orange/tangerine flavored soda, which is quite impressive considering that this drink is made from 100% juice! It has 140 calories and a great alternative to a regular soda. I will definitely be purchasing these in the future! I also tried their Kiwi Strawberry carbonated juice and enjoyed it as well." 6823,B001LG945O,A27HJBFDSTFVFG,"A. Marbach ""badgroove""",0,0,3,1235174400,Orange Tangerine Switch,"This product is not a soda but a carbonated juice. This soda has a nice t
???????iti?s s n non?? a as? s ??eee??t at ana?? a??s ps ??rere e???an??????astas???? a as? t tyt??icicac?? o or o??ng?e e se ?????lil????drd?in??s.s. . I ?t't's'??nonotno?????? o or???angeang?e je ???iceic?? b bub???mam?????p p o?f f?????xtx????e oe ???sesevevevereraralral ?????????t t jt ???ice???in?????dindi????pppplp??, ,?? ora?ng?????raraprapepe e ae an??d td ta?ng????nen??. . ???ata???ui????blb?lenlend? g ?ivive???s its i?????li??hth??y y????????tastast?e ????t ?isi??aca?tutuatual?ly???t t ft ?iri??? s??igi?ghtgh?tlytly ?sus?urpurprpririsrisis??g g ag ??? m???stlstlyly ?????resre?hihin???. ?Th?e ??carca?????atiat??on on? al alsl?? s???msm?s ls ???ht??? t to to o?????hahanha???ododaoda a??????????s ds ?defdefi???iteit?ly???thether?????? / ?><>?<br<b?r /r ?????? th thihinhi??s s Is ????keke ke a?bo???????? p ?propr???ct?? ar are?re tre ?the?? sm smamalma????r cr cacancan ??sizsizez??(8(?.3.3o3?z)z?????? m ma m
aste- its not as sweet and as pure orange-tasting as typical orange soda-like drinks. It's not pure orange juice- but made up of a mixture of several different juices including apple, orange, grape and tangerine. That juice blend gives it a slightly tangy taste that is actually at first slightly surprising and mostly refreshing. The carbonation also seems lighter to me than soda but it is definitely there.<br /><br />The things I like about this product are the smaller can size (8.3oz)which ma
kkek?? i ??????oro?????????pripr???e e se sesere???ngn? t ??at??? r re?gugulu????????. .? I I I? al a?so?????ke ke???e ???????t pt ?acackc??gig???g ag ??? t????plp????an?t ??asastas??. ? A AfAftf?terte????adadidin?ing ing? th? the the??ng??redredi?enentntst???f f?SWSWIWITI?CHC???????ul????? I I? se seee???thathat??it?? is is ??lll????ici?e ??jusju???????t ?????msms-s- ??so so iso ???????bab???ly ly? a a b a ??ttt?ter???hoh?ic??e t??hanha?? a ???regureg???? s so sod?a.???? / />/><>?<br<b??/>?ThT?isi?s ps prs p????ctct t ht ha???non?? ad addddededed d sd ?ugugagar??s js ???t ????s ads advd???tit????????th?e e ce ca?n-n- ??utut ??buybu?er? b ??wawarareare-are?- i- ??its its s?titiltillll ll??inindind ??of of????? i in?? su sug???ar bar ??ca?????frf?????jujuiju?iceicesices s a?re??nanatatuat??al??ly ly hly hihig?h h? in in ?su??garga?. ?AsA???lwl?waywa?s s bs ?? s??re?re tre ???rerea?????the the l?ab??l ????yoyouo?? ar are????onconce??nen??ed aed ab??
kes it a more appropriate serving that a regular soda. I also like the bright packaging and the pleasant taste. After reading the ingredients of SWITCH carefully- I see that it is all juice just as it claims- so its probably a better choice than a regular soda.<br /><br />This product has no added sugars just as advertised on the can- but buyer beware- its still kind of high in sugar because fruit juices are naturally high in sugar. As always be sure to read the label if you are concerned abou
tt t??ugu????lel??ele???<b<?r r /r ?????r /r />r />O>???rarala?l l I ???hihini??????s s p ????ucuctc????????ooood?????? a ??d d h ????s a s a? pl p?????antan??tat?astas????esespspepececic???lyl??ifi??yoy?? a?rere e le ????in????????omomem?????ing ing t? tha thata???as??eses es??????anan an?or?an?gege ??uiu?????le???. .???ra?diditi?????? o?????????odaoda a fa faf??????ghg??t bt ?e ???ig?hthtlhtlyly ly?di???ppp??in??tedte?d id ???? the the e te ???????????4,4?B0B000????949454??,A,??1D1?VKV?L8L??E4E?XAXAHAH,H,S,SuSuzuzyz??K.K?,1,?,2,2,2,1??????00100???20020?,T,ToToo???wew?et? f?or?? Th Thi?? S?ug?ar? F FrF?reare?k,k???I hI ???ve ve a? b bib?ig ig? sw swe???et tet ?ooootoo??? an and?? th??ougou?ghtght ?I I wI ?????d rd rerea?llllyll?????ke ke? th thi this??????t it itt i???as? t?oo?oo soo ?we?weetwee?t et ev??n n????? eI ?eve?n ?trt?????ada????? w ?watwateterte???bub??????t ??diddi?n'n't'?t ht ?el????. I . I??ava?venve?n'tn'
t sugar levels.<br /><br />Overall I think this product is a good size and has a pleasant taste- especially if you are looking for something that tastes like an orange juice blend. Traditional orange soda fans might be slightly disappointed in the taste." 6824,B001LG945O,A31DVKL8JE4XAH,Suzy K.,1,2,1,1320019200,Too Sweet for This Sugar Freak,"I have a big sweet tooth and thought I would really like this, but it was too sweet even for me. I even tried adding water, but that didn't help. I haven't
? t ???????nyn????? th t?? o??he?????avavov???? s sos? I I I c cacan??t t c?omo?mem??t ??????e e be ??an???inin ??en?erera????bub??t It ??????evevev?er er? tr tryry y ty ?thithisi?? fl fla?vovorvor ?aga??in?.".""?686828???B0B000?1L1?G9G??5O5O,O,A,??NQN????HHH?????6,6,E,ElE?eke??trotroDoDrD?????,1,1,1??,2,2,,2????737????00????g g??f f sf susugugagarga?????llll ll t th the ther the??????????? t th???? t? thi?s ??? g go??inging ?tot??beb?e ae a a h ?heahe????y ?prp??duducuctct,t???youyo????re re s sa s?dldlyl???is????enen.en?? It I?t st ststistil?l l cl cocon??taita?insin?????g og of?? su s???ar ar??er?er cer ?canca?? ? If If f yf yof y?ou ou w ?an?t ????enendend ???? a a f fa f?t ??iaiaba?betbeti?c,c, ?, by, b?y ay alallall l ml memeamean?s,??? try tr???t.t. ?OtO?????isiseis???trtrytr??y thy t?? Z ?EREROR? C CACALALOL??IEIE,E, , Z, ZE?RORO RO?SUS?GAGARA???, ZE, Z????CHCHEH?MIMICI???? na natatuaturu????? f????it it f fl??avoavor?ed? s se sele?ltzlt??ersers ?lil???? th tho th?ses?e be bye b???a a Ca CrC?roiro?x.x."."."
tried any of the other flavors, so I can't comment on the brand in general, but I'll never try this flavor again." 6825,B001LG945O,A3NQ57QHHLN2O6,ElektroDragon,1,2,2,1267315200,36g of sugar still there!,"If you think this is going to be a healthy product, you are sadly mistaken. It still contains 36g of sugar per can! If you want to end up a fat diabetic, by all means, try it. Otherwise, try the ZERO CALORIE, ZERO SUGAR, ZERO CHEMICAL naturally fruit flavored seltzers like those by La Croix."
???262???0000101L1?????O,O,A,?3I3????585??UUU??XGXG,G?"f"fifigi??ror????jaj??obobab??"""""",",1,1,1??,1,1,,1?,12,1242474?616?606?00000?,L,?????????ses? a ?arear???efe????tetelelyly y??oto??woworortrthth h?clc?oso?se se???o ao ??dodolo?lal???? p ?iei??e.e?? I IfI???????wew??e ??t ??y y ly ??cacalal l?grg?rocrocecerce?y,y? I? m mimig???t gt ???e ????ntn??y ty to? t? thi thiri?rtyrty ?ce?nt?s s? pe p?? c?anan n???? t th??m.m?. . ? I ?????'t't t rt ??al?ly??lil?kek????? f???vovor???thath?? w we wel???, b, ???t it ifif ???u u?????, t, ththeth????migmighghtht ht????n ?woworwort?h h uh ?p p t?????????????nts nts p? per per r c??n.n. ????the??wiwisisese,se, , p, papasa??s ts th?thesthese?se use up????6868268272????00100?1LG1LG9G94G945?O,???????SSSS2S2E2???N0N??BaB??babarba??????ell,ell,1,1,????,1??464636??00000?0,0,Y0,???my?!,!???ar???? I b I ?e e ce co??nyny y ay ?andand d s ?ayay,???"M"MaM??ke ke a a ?sws?witwitct??h th toto to Tto ??e e Se SwS?witwitcwit?ch?ch???? T ?ThiThis?? so s??a a ha hah?as as
6826,B001LG945O,A3I2WE58OUUEXG,"figaro ""jacoba""",1,2,1,1247616000,Lame,"These are definitely not worth close to a dollar a piece. If they were at my local grocery, I might give twenty to thirty cents per can for them. I didn't really like the flavor that well, but if you did, they might even worth up to fifty cents per can. Otherwise, pass these up." 6827,B001LG945O,A17GTGSS2E5QN0,Barbara Bell,1,2,5,1246320000,Yummy!,"Dare I be corny and say, ""Make a switch to The Switch?"" This soda has
????rer??? o oro?anangn?e-e???????ini?e e t ta?????? I ItIt t it isi? j juj?ici???wiw??? c cacara??ono?atatiat?on?, ,? th t?erere?fof?????it???an? t to touo???th?atat at i ?it it iit ?is is??lll? n na???raralra??, w, wiwitwith?ououtout ??????ddd??????gag?arsars.s. ? I?????ckc??s ts ?????sis??????swsweweeeetet ?t tat tasa?stest??th???? so s??a a wa wi?????igi?h ??rur??totososes??coc??n n??yry??p p t te t?ndndsds ?s tos t???????????chch ??is ???bobonbonunusus.?<b<????><><b?r ????????ca?n ??at at 8at 8.8???????????lllloll???ngng ng?????`s`sks?ininninnyny y cy ca??? t tr t??nd???asas as???llll,ll, , w, wh, w?hichichhic?h Ih ? t? thi thininkin?? is is is g?re??at ?fo?r r pr ?ac??kinki????? a a a????lel?????ou???bab?g,g, ?or?? a a p a ?ic???ic ic?babasba????. . ???wowououlou???pup????????? ou o???at?at aat a ??parpa?????, as, as ??welwe??ll, ll, f ????????? d drd??????, s, ??lflf f s se s???????????d sd ??keke e oe ofof ?????.".??686?2828,8,B,B0B?
a great orange-tangerine taste. It is juice with carbonation, therefore, it can tout that it is all natural, without any added sugars. It lacks that sickly sweet taste that soda with high fructose corn syrup tends to have, which is a bonus.<br /><br />This can at 8.3 oz is following the `skinny can' trend, as well, which I think is great for packing in a cooler, your bag, or a picnic basket. I would put these out at a party, as well, for mixed drinks, self service, and sake of ease." 6828,B00
11L1?G9G?454??,A,A2A??????1F1FKF???JCJC,C,L,??????1,1??,2,?,1??676777747474???????ulu?d d???t t S SwS?iti?chch,h???hih?? h ?adad ?a a n ?ici??????rur?s s fs flf????????utut ?it????s ?totooo???wew??t ???d ???tutuauala?????flafl???. I. I I?dididid d nd ??ot ot???et et a ?anyan?y ky ???nd nd o ofo? f fi f??z z? or or r s?papara?klklele.e????or or??hehe e ae ?momou?ntnt ????????? a an a?nd nd cnd ??aloal?orior??s,s, ??????heherher ?wowououlould???av??e ee eaeat?enen n? a a?pipie?cece ce? of of ??ruruiru?it it ait ???d dd ?raranra?? a???lalasla?s ?of?of sof ses?????r ??atate?r ????lesless?????aloralorir??s ??and???mormo???sas??isisfis??ininging g?inin in??y ???ututhuth.h??. I . I??otot ?ththithis?? on o???? s????ciaci?? f???????outout t $t ?? f fo?r ??theth?e ce ?cascase???. I ???n'n?????thinthink??I I wI wiwilwi?ll ll p????chach?aseas?e a??gaigain??????292??B0B?00100??????O,O,AO,?????????ILILUL??W,W,"?T.T?. L. ???onontontete ????mo"mo??","???1,???,12??52352363
1LG945O,A2Y8IDC1FKGNJC,L. A.,1,1,2,1267747200,Would Not Switch,"This had a nice citrus flavor, but it was too sweet and actually flat. I did not get any kind of fizz or sparkle. For the amount of sugar and calories, I rather would have eaten a piece of fruit and drank a glass of seltzer water - less calories and more satisfying in my mouth. I got this on GB special for about $13.52 for the case. I don't think I will purchase again." 6829,B001LG945O,A2PY5U9IUILU9W,"T. LaPonte ""mo""",1,1,3,125236
8?000???"U"UnU??esessss s?yoy????eaeala?lyl??waw??t t V ViV??ama????? i ????????sosododad?, ,???t ?rereare?allal?ly ly????tht???t.t??,"?I I?lil??ede? t th??? le l?vevelel l o ?? c cacara????ata??on?????t ????????uau?all???momor?????ghghlh??????rborb?onaonat?ed?? th t??an an I I I w wa w????xpx??ctctict?ingin?, , b, ?utut ?did???'t'????ststet?e de ????th?the the? wa?y y Iy I ??ououlou?d ????pecpect? a anan ????tifti??ciciai??-s-?ugu?????re?e ?e dre d?in?? t?? t ta t??tete te w?it?h ?cacarcarbcar?bonbona??tiotionon on a ad addd???. . . ?? I w I ?waswas was?hohopo????????? wou woulu?ld ld t??ststest?????re re " """"o"?oraoran?gegeye??,"","????t ????e te ????gergeririnri??e ie isi?s ts ????momor?e ??omomi??nannantnt nt?flf??vovor????aloal??????th? a??plp?le,le, ??? co com?mo??????iceice ??""f""fi?ll???"""")"").). . ???????te ?ha??in??????no no???de???susugsu?gargar,r?,"","" ,""?????eveev??, ?????re re ire ?is is???tilti?ll ll??4 4??rar????woworwo??h h oh ?of of i?
8000,"Unless you really want Vitamin C in your soda, not really worth it.","I liked the level of carbonation. It was actually more highly carbonated than I was expecting, but didn't taste dry the way I would expect an artificial-sugar-free drink to taste with carbonation added. I was hoping it would taste more ""orangey,"" but the tangerine is the more dominant flavor (along with apple, a common juice ""filler""). Despite having ""no added sugar,"" however, there is still 34 grams worth of it
? i ini??ththehe e s ?????????ozo????n.n?? B ?asa????ll????ototh?ere?????????viv??? 1 101??% %? of o??? the the ?dadaiaili???vav??ueu??ofo??ViV????inin in C ?, , t, ththith?? d ?rir??k k c??ulu?d d?????ilyil??beb??rer??lal?cecede??wiw??h h a a a???ttt?erer er??????????rar???e ??ododa? t??????s s is ??in ain a ????oz oz????an aan ????????s s fs faf?????sss?. ? U ?nln?lesle?? y ??? r re??????liliki?????? t??ststeste,e???r ?yoyouyo? w ?anantant ???? en e?susuru?? y???????ta?mi????? be b?vever?aga?ge ge??tatayta??s fs frs fre???h lh lolonongn??r,r, ??'d'?d gd ??ve?? th?isis is??nene e ae ??pap?assass.s."s.?6??3030,0,B,??001001L1LGL??4545O5?,A,???7C7??E6E?KTK???????ouougou?????reres??????,5,5,5,1??4848383083?727?0000,00?,De,D???cicioi???,",???teterte??????JPJ? M ???gag??an Can ??orporpop?oraor?ateate ??hahalhall??ng?e e re roe r??d ??racra?ce ce??????ostostotonton,n????heyhey ??????hahanha??ining?ing ting ththe?ses?e o??t ??at at? th the
in the small 8.3oz can. Basically, other than having 100% of the daily value of Vitamin C, this drink could easily be replaced with a better tasting orange soda that is in a 12oz can and costs far less. Unless you really like the taste, or you want to ensure your Vitamin C beverage stays fresh longer, I'd give this one a pass." 6830,B001LG945O,A2F7CSE6KT7NI4,Dougie Fresh,1,1,5,1248307200,Delicious,"After the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge road race in Boston, they were handing these out at the
?????isi?? l ??inein?????oto? o ?nln?y y w ??s s?????lele e??? t?ryry ?tht?????????????????h h Ih I ???ot ot f??omo????aza?onon on??????????o ??ablablele le??o o to ?????? fe f?w w o of o? t?hehe he f?????rsrs.s. ??ThT?heyhey y wy ??ereer?e ae alallll l??eaeal?ly???ele?licli??ouo???? T Th??????ereerenere???t ht he???y y ly li????e a e a l?otot ot oot ?f ??sodsodad??as aas ??d d???? c ??oulou?d d td ta????e te the t?he he rhe ?reareal?? fr fru fr??t ?in?????ieiene??????ststesteaeadead ???? th???ususuusuau??al aal ?rtr?ififificfici?????lalavlavovorvoririnri?ngsngs.?? T???he the ?tanta?ngeng?erier??ine ine wine ??s s es ese??ececiciacialciall????googo??????t ??was??????sp,sp???ar?t ???? r re r??reresresh?in?? a??d ???tutua?????mamadma?de de? fo f?or or a??ninicni?e ??recreco?vev????drd???? a?ftf???? th??????e ???o go ge????somsomem?e ce ???bsb???acackac??in??to to t?? the ?sysysy??stemste?????y ?????????plplalaila?intint int i ?????atat t 8t ??3o3ozoz z l?efeftef??me?
finish line. Not only was I able to try the tangerine which I got from Amazon I was also able to try a few of the flavors. They were all really delicious. They weren't heavy like a lot of sodas and you could taste the real fruit ingredients instead of the usual artificial flavorings. The tangerine was especially good. It was crisp, tart and refreshing and actually made for a nice recovery drink after the race to get some carbs back into the system. My only complaint is that 8.3oz left me
wwaw???ini????ororere e l ?ikikeke e ae a a?1212o2?z z c g ??odo?.".???838??,B,B0B000?1L1LGL???5O5???????UDU???HUH??X2X2,2????BrBrar?unu?,1,1,???4,4??242??????0000,00??????!,!,","A"A A??oooodoo?????inkin?? a ??ououtut t?3 3?WWW? p ??inintin?????? me meae?an an i iti??? a ab a??ut? w whw?ata???ouou'ou'd'?d ed ???????frf??m m??????????e se ??????ex??pecpe?? i it i???s as ?lll? n ?at?ururaralra?, ?soso so???? r re?cocogo???????heh???hih?????ono???theth????ingring?redre??ene?? l?ababeabelel.l.<.?brb??/>/><>?<br<b??/>?DoDowownw???ded?- - r- rereare?allallyl???a la lol????f f? ca cal??orior???s fs ????susucu?h h a a a??mam?all? c??n!n!"!??68683683232,2,B2,??01???94?5O?,A?1Z1???????CNC?OJO?JX,JX,"??li???"""????????"""""""","?,1,,1??,1,3,1,?,1?,124,12474???12???????heyhey ?nen?ede???o o?????e e oe ?outout ??thethe the s????r,r, , n, ?????","",??he????ogoogo ??on on t ththethe the cthe ???n sn ststatat??s s "s """"0""0%0% % o??f wf ?whawh????????
wanting more like a 12oz can. Very good." 6831,B001LG945O,A3QDBUDXLHUJX2,E. Braun,1,1,4,1248307200,yummy!,"A good drink, about 3 WW points. I mean it's about what you'd expect from an orange soda- expect it's all natural, so you recognize the things on the ingredient label.<br /><br />Downside- really a lot of calories for such a small can!" 6832,B001LG945O,A1ZZR25X0CNOJX,"slim ""57psalm""",1,1,3,1247011200,"They need to leave out the sugar, next","The logo on the can states ""0% of what you do
???t t??ana??...?..".."""??bub?t ?ththah??'s's s??otot ?ququiu?tet? t ?rur?e.e. . I ItIt'?s s qs ????e ?tat??tyt??? bu but????ada?eded d? wi wit?????lolorlo?????????/>/?<b?r ?????xtx??t tit timi?e,e??th???????? t to to o? le leaeavaveve e oe ??ut ???? s ?ugu?ara???as as??elelll??.<b.<??? /> /?><b><br?br /br />/>A/>??sos????hihisis ??ri??????n'????ea?didililyl???avaavaiail?abablb???""??838333?,B,???1L1LGLG9G??5O5O,O?A3A3U3?5J5?CXC????GSGSLS?N,N?mum?sis???lovlo???1313,??,1,??1,1,11,121,1??656575?92920200???ooo??SwS???t,t,","I"?'v'?? t?ri?????othot??r ???av??rsrs ?ofof f S ??it??h h ch ?carca?bob????eded ??uiuicui?e e de dr?ini??????d d hd hahavha?ve ?????yey??ed ted th????. H. ??we?????, t??isis is??ar??icicuic???r ?r flr f?lavlavov????of of? or o??angangege e te tae tanang??erier?inein?e we ??s ?????totoooo oo??weweeweete?????fefel??t lt ?iki?e ?? w wa wasas ?????nkink?inging g?????????t ??of of cof ca??bo???te?d d od ororaor??angeange ange????e d?ri?rinkrin??an??
n't want..."" but that's not quite true. It's quite tasty, but loaded with calories.<br /><br />Next time, they need to leave out the sugar as well.<br /><br />Also, this drink isn't readily available." 6833,B001LG945O,A3U5JCXIXTGSLN,musiclover13,1,1,1,1246579200,Too Sweet,"I've tried other flavors of Switch carbonated juice drinks and have enjoyed them. However, this particular flavor of orange tangerine was way too sweet. I felt like I was drinking some sort of carbonated orange ade drink and
c??ulu???bab???lyl? g ?ete? i ??????n.n. .?WhWhih?lel??I I???oulouldld ld?prpror????lyly ly??uru?chc??sese ??heh??ototh??r r f ??ava???s s o ofo? S ?wiwit?ch?, ,????efefif????el????wouwo?ulduld ??otot ot? pu pur purcrchrc?hasha???th?isi???????6?838?4,4???010????454?O,O,A,A7A??RVRVOV??H3H???D4D???pr???,1,1,,1,4,?4,14,??464636?????????er????????, c, cocouco??uld uld? be b??? b bi b?it it?? bet be?tet?",."???o o f fa far? I?'v'??e oe one onln??ly tly trt??eded ?th????rarana?ge? T ????????? f fl f??vovorvo??anandan??it?'s's ??????y ?y goy g???d od ??ververaralra??????t ?t dot doeo?s ??havha?? a a a ta ???angeangererierinineine ?e tae tasastaste? t??????, t, ???ougou??? it i?'s? a ac a??comcompm?ananianieiedied d bd byby ?ot??herher r fr ?flafl?avoavor?s.s??. I. ?t'??????ar??ly ly mly mum???????e ?????uraurala???ha????regre????ar ??od???oror or????se?se 1se 101?% %?????e e de ??rin?ksk?s ss sis???ce ce? it?'s???jusju??????uitui?t jt ????e e ce co??ce??tr????? a??
could barely get it down. While I would probably purchase the other flavors of Switch, I definitely would not purchase this one." 6834,B001LG945O,A79RVOOH3DED4,jpr,1,1,4,1246320000,"Very good, could be a bit better.","So far I've only tried the Orange Tangerine flavor and it's pretty good overall. It does have a tangerine taste to it, though it's accompanied by other flavors. It's clearly much more natural than regular soda or those 10% juice drinks since it's just fruit juice concentrates and
??cac????nanata??? w ??ateatere????. .?tht??? ty t????????igi?h h?frf??ctc????e ce ?orornr??sys?????plplul????artartit?fif?iciiciai??l fl flf??vov????? co c???ors? a????prprer?seserservr???ivi?????n ?????ththith????lil??e ?SuSununkn??stst.t?. . ??? th thi?nk?? th???juj?iciceic???lel?ndnd nd????apa?pr???pripr?iatiatete te f fo f?? t??is? t? typ ty?e ??f f b ??ve??agageg?. . ?ItI? d ??es?es ces ??ntntat??in in?momororeor?e ae apappappl?????nd nd gnd ???pepe pe? th?anan n tn ?tanta????in?e ??????an?gege,ge?, b, ??t t tt ?thoth?oseos?e fe fi???st st t tw t?? j ??????s cs co??plple?memenmentnt nt?? the?? ca c?arbar?bonbo?????? w?ele??????? a a??iz?? sp spap????linling?????? I . I t???nknk nk snk ststrstraraira?ighig??t ct ca???ononaonat??d ?or???????tan??gergeriger??ine ine?????e ??wouwo?ldld ???obo??blblybly y????e a e a b??t ?mum?uchuc?. ?. T. ThThe??SwS????h ??remremim????s ms me?????ApA??le??????, , w, ?hihichi?ch ch?? is is???e ??f ???????ororiorit?
carbonated water vs. the typical high fructose corn syrup plus artificial flavors, colors and preservatives in something like Sunkist. I think the juice blend is appropriate for this type of beverage. It does contain more apple and grape than tangerine or orange, but those first two juices complement the carbonation well viz a viz sparkling cider. I think straight carbonated orange/tangerine juice would probably be a bit much. The Switch reminds me of Appletiser, which is one of my favorite
s??ana?d d h ?asa?s bs ??ene?? ar a???nd????????anyan??????s,s? b ?utut t i ??s ss ststit?lll??prp??????ha????tot? f?ini???inin in?tht?e e?USUS.S??brb?r /r ?>T>ThT???t ht ha???inging g b?ee???sasaiaidi?, ?? h ha h?d ?d tod t???oco?k k o ??????ar?? fo for???????????????reare????s.s. .? F ?iri?rstrst,t, ?ththethe e ce ?anansan???usu???sesee?m m t??o o so sms?malma??. . . I ?f ???theythey'y??? s??????inging ing?wiw?th????umu??inuin????anans?, , I, I', I?d ?lil?keke e te to?? se s??? th t??? st??andandad?ardard d 1d 121??z z??izi?e e o????re???????t st ???msm??lilikli?? t th tha th??t wt ??oulouldld ?alalslsoso o ho ????e te the the?he ahe ad??anantantataga????? m ma m?kikin????? e ea?sis????????ff????????regre?????ar bar bebevbevevereraeragageag?e ve ??????ing ?mamacmachc???eses.?? A AlA??er??at??lyly,y?, 1, ?6 6 o????0o0?oz oz? bo boto??le???wo??uldul??????o wo ?worwo????. T. ??e ?e see s??conco???nd isnd i?sus???is??? the the ?????e.e?. . W. ?hi??le le???????erser?
s and has been around for many years, but is still pretty hard to find in the US.<br />That having been said, I had to dock one star for a couple of reasons. First, the cans just seem too small. If they're sticking with aluminum cans, I'd like to see the standard 12oz size offered. It seems like that would also have the advantage of making it easier to offer in regular beverage vending machines. Alternately, 16 or 20oz bottles would also work. The second issue is the price. While I underst
a????tht??rer????? h ?ugugeg? d ?ififff??????e ?bebete?wew??? t th t?he he c ?????ofo? r rereare????uiuici?ce ce? an and????tit??iciciiciai?allal????lalava???????????sys?rur???????????re?ntn????iciceice e se st?ili?l ?ses???s ???ghg???evevev????n ?cocomcompmpap?ri?sos?n n tn toto o o???er????uicuice??drd?????? ???ata?????hth????????rtlrt?ly ly b ?becbe?????????? f fr f??? a? r re relelalatla?tivti?????sms?alall?? co com????y ?th??? d?oeo?????t yt yeyetet et h ha h?aveav?e te ?the????iania????co?non?????? of o???cacalcalel????hatha?t tt th???lil??es???????ke? a an?d ?PePepe?sisi i c????????ke ake ada?vav?antan?????????bub?t t it ??????????eeeem?s ?li?keke ???the ??pripr??? c? cou co?ldl?d c???e ?dod??n n an ?a ba bibitit ?(o(or?? at at ???asa?? s se??viv??? s?izizez?????????incin?rerea?????????outou?t at ?a pa ?pri?ce?ce ice ??incrincrereareas?e)e? a???? it it ?co??uld? p??erher?haphaps? s st?il?
and there's a huge difference between the cost of real juice and artificially flavored corn syrup, the current price still seems high, even in comparison to other juice drinks. That might be partly because it's from a relatively small company that doesn't yet have the giant economies of scale that the likes of Coke and Pepsi can take advantage of, but it still seems like the price could come down a bit (or at least serving size could increase without a price increase) and it could perhaps still
b ?e e?mam????bab?ckc???p p i ?? i in i????asa??d d?sas??ese? v ?????????r r / ??I I????? u?????plp??titisi??r ????n ?????n ??in??d id ?t,t, ,?an????'l'?? l ????lyl? d dodo o t ??he he????me me???ithit? T ThThe???wi???h,h??ata? l?ea??t ??ror?m m??imi?me me tme ?o ?titimtime??""6686838???B0B???LGLG9G????,A,A1A?VYV??EJEJMJ??2Z2ZPZP1P?????anaana a T Ta Taya?loloro??1,1,11,?1,21,2,2,1,12,1242464616141???00??"V"?ereryr????????????-s-swswew?ete?t f??ava??r.r??,","I,"???asas as? an a?xixioi?usu?s ts ????ry? t th t?is????utut t ut ???n ?ththethe ???rs??t st ?????it it? wa w??as aas apa??ar??enten?t tt ?to ?me?me t?ha?????hishis s ds ?rir??k k wk ?????oto??gogoio??g g?? to to g ?go go? we w????foforor or m me me.e. e.? I ItIt t ht ha?s ??a va ?er???sh?ar??/h/????h h ch ??itrit?usus-us??????al??licli????lavla??????d ?coc???in??? w??ith?? th???ovove?rwr???elmel?ining? s??weeweet?nen????????? tw twowo o so seseeseemem ??????ttt??le le?
be made back up in increased sales volume.<br />I pick up Appletiser when I can find it, and I'll likely do the same with The Switch, at least from time to time." 6835,B001LG945O,A1VYFEJM12ZP11,Jana Taylor,1,1,2,1246147200,"Very harsh, too-sweet flavor.","I was anxious to try this, but upon the first sip it was apparent to me that this drink was not going to go well for me. It has a very sharp/harsh citrus-y metallic flavor and combined with the overwhelming sweetness, the two seem to battle i
?t t o ouo????n n m mym??????? f ?oro??dod?mim?inain??cec??? A AfA???r ???hih??e e i ??t st ???mem????ikikeke ?th??e de ????k k?waw????oioin?g g d do d?wnw?n mn ??????likli?? s sysyryrurupu??? mor mo??e t??anan an a ????rbr?ononan?tetedte?d bd ??vevereraer???????r /r />/><><b???r />r />T>???e ce ca?n n in ?s s ss ???????t ???? o oz o? ( ?a ????ulu?ar?? si s???? p pop??p cp ?can? i is i????????? an a?d d td th?? c??????f f??thethesthese?? li l??tltle????ysy?s s??????? li lit li?tltletle ??it? a as a?strst?on????????<b<br?????????/>I/>? a??sos? a am a??a ??bitbi??dud?bibiobi?ousou???? i?tst??????mpmptp?? t to t????em?? li?ke?ke ake a a ha heheahe???thyth?y ay alalt??ernerna???ve? t to?? po p??. ???t ??ti??? h ???s ls lol?adadsd?s o?f ??ugugagar??inin in?????. S. ??o wo wh??n n tn ???y ?clcla????????o ao ??did??ioi??al?????arar"ar?? t th thihishis ?ma??????ad ad y ?ouou ou? to????li??eveeve e ne nono no?? sug su?gargar ?or???ow???? suga sugar?
t out in my mouth for dominance. After awhile it seemed like the drink was going down more like syrup more than a carbonated beverage.<br /><br />The can is small at 8.3 oz (a regular sized pop can is 12 oz) and the cost of these little guys seem a little bit astronomical.<br /><br />I also am a bit dubious of its attempts to seem like a healthy alternative to pop. It still has loads of sugar in it. So when they claim ""no additional sugar"" this may lead you to believe no sugar or low sugar.
??. . b bubutu???t ?dod??? i in i????ctc?t ht hahavaveve e?343??grg?ama???????363?????1L1LGL??4545O5?,A,???G4G4W4WKWKNKNMNMPM?????,a,aiairi?fifirireirehe??rsr??????,3,???242464606????0000,00?ExExtxtrtra? s sws??????????ververyry y c cac??bob???teteded,d,","T"ThThih?s ??rir?nknk k???stste??s js juj??????kek??sos?????o o?mem?. . V. ????? st str??ongong g???d d sd ?sweswee????ed?? so s?????ItI??????indin?s s ms ?me me a?? lo loto?t ot ?? F ?????? ba bac?k k ik inin in t?heh?e de ???y (y ????0s0s)s??????non??? it i??sasayaysy??itit it?hahashas ??llll l? th the thes?e e ve viv???amiam??s s as ans andnd nd t? tha th?????'s'??he?alaltal?hyhy,y?? bu b?????? f??avavoavor?????????unu??t o?f ?cacalca?or?iei???wowou??d ????p p?????????? buy bu?in??g tg ??is?????inkink ??as as a? a " a ???heahealhea??th th???rinri????. ??TheTher????arear??plplel?nt??y oy ??? vi vitita?miminmi?n an ??? f fl??????d d wd waw??ererser??s an????????s s ds drs dririn?ksks s ts th??at at wat wowouwo?ldld ld??
.. but it does in fact have 34 grams." 6836,B001LG945O,A1RG4WKNMPYS4X,airfirehorse,1,1,3,1246060800,Extra sweet and very carbonated,"This drink tastes just like soda to me. Very strong and sweetened soda. It reminds me a lot of Fanta back in the day (1970s). I know it says it has all these vitamins and that it's healthy, but the flavor and amount of calories would keep me from buying this drink as a ""health drink"". There are plenty of vitamin and flavored waters and sports drinks that would se
??????hehe ???mem?e pe ?ururprpoposo?e ???th???t t????? th t?ososeose ?cac??ororirieiese?. .??? I I I?wawana?t t at a a s sos?dad?, , I I I c I ???tataiaini??y y??ou??dnd?'t't ??aya??a ?lol?t ???f mf ?????y fy ?or? s?omomemetme???inging g?????t tt ????eses es????st st l lil?????????? c cocos?tst? 4 4 4 t?imimemesme??????ucu?? ( ??at at??????essess)s).). . I. ? d ??????????????tasttaste??ofof of F FaF?antan?????tho?????????373??B0B????G9G949454?O,O,A,???S8S??BWB??DFDFSF??,J,JoJ?????a Ka ?aua?fmf??an,an,1,1,1?,1,,1,2,2,2?,12,1?464606060?60860?00?,W,WeWele?? i ?it'it??s bs ????terte? t???? t th the? b bl b?acackc? c??herherrr??y ay any a?ywywa?y,y,",??hih????is is?????????? c ca can? o????"T"Th"T?he he?SwS?witwi?????????????m m?rer?viv?iewie?winwi?g g ug unundndend?? t?? the ????zoz??????e ?e pre p?ogo?rar? A. AnAnd????hilhi????hi??s os ?oneon???????erherhah?psps ?s a s a b bi b????betbe???er ?it??ststistili?ll ??hashas ?????e sae s?ameam??babas?ici?? is issssusue
rve the same purpose without all those calories. If I want a soda, I certainly wouldn't pay a lot of money for something that tastes just like it but costs 4 times as much (at a guess). I do love the taste of Fanta, though." 6837,B001LG945O,AQCS89BWQDFSQ,Joshua Kaufman,1,1,2,1246060800,Well it's better than the black cherry anyway,"This is my second can of ""The Switch"" that I'm reviewing under the Amazon Vine program. And while this one is perhaps a bit better it still has the same basic issue
?? - ???iti?'s's ??vevere??prp?ici??? a ??? al alml???t t $t ?? f fof???? m ??ereer? 8 n i?n ??a 2a ????aca??, ,????t mt momormo?e e ie imimpm?????antan?lyly y? it i????alallllyly ly j ??stst st??????'t't t tt ta?st???liliki?e ??oraoranangan?e ?e ore or r tr ?tantangnge?????e ae ???? all all.l? T ???????re??iei??????actactutuaual??????st???????????iceic?e a?s s ts ??he he? fi firi??st st tst tytypypep??. N. ??w w??hyhy ??ouo?ldld ??ouou ou p pu p?????pplpp?le le j ju j?ic?? i?????n on ????????ririn?k?k???NowNow w dw ??n'?t ??getge?t m?e e we wrw?ono?????it it??tastasttas????exe???actlact?ly ?ly lily l?ikeike e o??? w?ou???????pecpectct t ct ?carca?bob???????? jui ju???ice tice tot?? ta t???ste.ste??????t tt tht t?he he fhe ??ava??or or? is i??'t't 't? al? all all t??at???appappepeape??ini? /r ?><><b????>I>????oveov??e or?anangangeang?e je jue juiuicui??, ??dridr?inkin? i?? e???ryr?y dy ????. I. ??d ???ve? t????ryry ry c??rbrborb??onatonatetedted d od ??oran?ge? j????ce.ce?.....??butbut but t
s -- it's over priced at almost $1 for a mere 8.3oz can in a 24 pack, but more importantly it really just doesn't taste like orange or tangerine at all. The ingredients actually list apple juice as the first type. Now why would you put apple juice in an orange drink? Now don't get me wrong, it tastes exactly like one would expect carbonated juice to taste...but the flavor isn't all that appealing.<br /><br />I love orange juice, drink it every day. I'd love to try carbonated orange juice...but t
h??s s i ????ara????omo???hah?t.t??ItIt t M ???????e e a ?????d d?sus?bsbsts?iti?ututet?e fe foforo??non??mamala????odaoda ???r ?kikididsd????utut ut?? c cac?n'n't't ?????ininene ??anyan? o oto??ere????????reareasa??n n? to t? g?ete?t tt th??????686?383??B0B000010??G9G?454?O,O??3P3?????BHB?7T7??X2X2,2?"J"J.J?. S. ??on?er? " """??lal?????anandand ???ookoo?s"s""?",",1,1,1?2,?3,3????626232???????ot? M??y Ty ThT???g;g; ;?BuB??ut Yut ???? Mi Migi??t t Et ??joj??,"?No??te:te? T ???is is iis isis is mis mymy ?fifiri??st st???????? of of f a??????ucuctc??t tht t??t t i?s ??notnot t at ??bobooook??, s, so? p????ses?e f?or?????e me ?e ?ifi?f If I I m ?isissis???????<.??r r /r ????r ??>I>??m m nm ??????huhugugeg????????? fr??it??drdririn?ksks ks?lil?keke ???????ititcitchc?, ??????I dI ?ece?idideid?d ?to???o ?aha?eaeadead ???and and? gi givi?ve ve i???t a t a? sh shohot?????te?????vi??? m my my y f???st??dr?inink???I ?cacancan ?
his is far from that. It MIGHT be a good substitute for normal soda for kids, but I can't imagine any other real reason to get this." 6838,B001LG945O,A3P4BDLBH7TXX2,"J. Stoner ""Plants and Books""",1,2,3,1246233600,Not My Thing; But You Might Enjoy,"Note: This is my first review of a product that is not a book, so please forgive me if I miss something.<br /><br />I'm not a huge fan of fruit drinks like The Switch, but I decided to go ahead and give it a shot. After having my first drink, I can h
o?nenesests??? s ?aya??????ntntetede?????hahatate????. . I I ?mem?an?? s se s???ouoususls???, I, ?'m'????rinrinkn?iningn? t???s s?cac????? 1 1010000%0??????it it?juj???e e w??ithit?? ca cararbr?????io???an?d d rd rer?eadea???????? t th??esees????alallal????tut?pipidi?d qd ??????????????er er????????n (n ?????. ". ??10100100%?? of o???ha??? I I???????? a???ododada,a????0% o0% ?of of w wh wha?hat hat?????on'on????),)??wowonondon??erierininging ing h?owo??mumucu???a a???? o ou ounu?ce? c? can? o??? th thi th????ununkunk k??oso??s s (s ?tht?????????omo???whewher??e ie in?in tin ???????ghg????hohooo?od od? of of of $ of ?2.2?505???r r???.0.???? an a??d td th????kinki?ng,ng?, i, ifif f If I ?????eded ed t?????in??? so??me me j ju???ce ce ace an????ououlouldl????drindrink? s so??e e je ????e!e! !???????dndn'n't??? sto stopop p?? thi thin thinknki??????bouboutu?t wt wh?at?? is i???so so????cic?al?????outou??cacarcarb????tit?ionion ion???????I w?ou?ould
onestly say I wanted to hate it. I mean, seriously, I'm drinking this can of 100% fruit juice with carbonation and reading all these really stupid quotes all over the can (i.e. ""100% of what I want in a soda, 0% of what I don't""), wondering how much a 8.3 ounce can of this junk costs (thinking somewhere in the neighborhood of $2.50 or $3.00; and thinking, if I wanted to drink some juice and would drink some juice! I couldn't stop thinking about what is so special about carbonation that I would
??wawanantnt t?????rir?nkn? t th t??s s???ere? a ???lal??s s os ?f f?OJOJ.J. .?? w?an????? to t??scs??eae??!<!???r /r ???<br<b?r /??HoHowo?eveve??? I I I k ?epe???mymy y?coc?olo???an???fifininiinis??eded ed? th the th????rinri?nk.nk?. T. ????re re?? was was s ss ??mem?tht?hinhi?g g a?bobououtut ??thith?is is p ?ara?tit??ulu?larla??flfla??????thath???wawaswas s es ene?jojoyoyay?blblele,e????ut ut?nonoto?t et ?????ss???g.g?. T?heherhereher????? s sosomsomemetme???ng? i ??????? af aftf????as?te? t??atat at? I ?did????notno???ikike??, a?????I tI ?thi??k ???t ht hah???to? d?o ?wiwitithit??? the? the t the ??????????jujuiuiciceic?. . T?anang???erineri???????en???t mt myt m????g,g, , e, eieit??er????butbut t it ???? was was was? to?lelerlerarab?le?.<.<b<br<br <br / ???<br??/>/>A/>???er? d??iscis??ss??ng??th?thisthis s ps ????ucu?t ??it?? m mymy my??ififef???I ??no??, ?????? dr??inkin?k ak apa????renrent?lyl??alalslso?? co c?ntntant?in?????e e ce ???ve??sas?atiat????????rtert??
want to drink this over a glass of OJ. I wanted to scream!<br /><br />However, I kept my cool, and finished the drink. There was something about this particular flavor that was enjoyable, but not engrossing. There was something in the aftertaste that I did not like, and I think it had to do with the tangerine juice. Tangerine's aren't my bag, either; but it was tolerable.<br /><br />After discussing this product with my wife (I know, this drink apparently also contains the conversation starter
???trtrir????eses,s??bob?nun?? p pop??ntntst????? t ??at??? s susupuppp?pospo?e)e? s??e e??????iki?e,e???"t"?thith?s s ss sosouounundndsd?s gs grgrereae? Is Is s is iti??li??ke ke?????? < <a<??hrhre?f=f="=???tt?p:p:/:///???ww.ww??mamaza?onon.on?cocomo?/g/????ror??????B0B000??IWI?252?RKR??"">"">I>?zzz?e ?POP?MEM??RAR??????SPS?ARARK???NGN???00?% % J ?UIU?CEC??DRDRIR???</<??????"" "" I? r ????ponpond???: :????m.m.....?????gug??esses???o.o.....????brbr ?/>/??<br<br ???>I >I t? the thene? a ?lslsoso so?????kedked d?????????riricricec????nd nd l?????ed? t???at ???ha???????????ovo?ere?res?tit????tedte????????icice?? of o? a???ininginglg????an?????in??????t t ot ov??er er????iningingling???dod?lll??r)r?????????e ??????????ing ??o o???????thi?s ?pr?ododuoduc?t,t, , I, ??????ece??deded??to?? st ste?? o ou o????? m ??? an a???-c-co??ntent?mpm??rarararyar?y cy cuculu?????????, , v, ??ewew w
attributes, bonus points for that I suppose) she was like, ""this sounds great. Is it like those <a href="""">Izze POMEGRANATE SPARKLING 100% JUICE DRINK</a>??"" I responded: ""Um.... I guess so...""<br /><br />I then also looked up the price and learned that I had grossly overestimated the price of a single can (being just over a single dollar). Despite my wanting to hate this product, I've decided to step out of my anti-contemporary culture box, view
??hih???????ucuctct t f ??? w ?hah?t ???t i????ana?? g gigiviveve e?itit it? a a?????lele e re rarat?ini?? o ?f f?3 3??tatara??.<.<b<???/>/???r ?r />r /?I I?cac?an an s?eee?e te th????attat?ra??????? I ??ca?? s se???e the theh?e ae ape a????l;l?; I; ??juj??st st?????t t et eveveverve?r br ??????? I?'l'?? s???ckc??tot???y ??lalasa???of??OrOra???e e Je JuJ?????e ane a?nd nd T TaTan???ananyan???????brbr br??/></><b<br? /???ooood? d ??in??in?????<br ?/>??br???????to????""???393??B0B???LGLG9G?4545O5O,O????1B1?JIJIFI??M4M??2121,1?,At,A?tomto?micmi?waw??tet??lanla?nd,nd,1,1,????,1??464?????0000,00??ThT???s is ?? r ??ealeallllylly ?????, ?ese?pe?cic???????f f yf ?ouou u???????00???jujuiju?ice??????re?????y ey ?njn?????d td ????is dis drdridr?? ? I?t ??tasta???? j ju jus?t t lt liliklike?? an a?n on ?oraor??angeang?e se ??????bu?????li?likelik?ed ????mom????beb?????e ?it???waswa?s 1s 10100100%0?% j% ??juicjuicec?, ?an?????
this product for what it is, and give it a middle rating of 3 stars.<br /><br />I can see the attraction; I can see the appeal; I just won't ever buy it. I'll stick to my glass of Orange Juice and Tang any day.<br /><br />Good drinking,<br /><br />J.Stoner" 6839,B001LG945O,A3I1BJIFFM4S21,Atomicwasteland,1,2,5,1246147200,"This is really good, especially if you like 100% juice","I really enjoyed this drink. It tasted just like an orange soda, but I liked it more because it was 100% juice, and did
?n'n?t t???????????xtx?rar? a???itititivi??s.s?<b<?? / />/><><b<br<b?r /r ?/>T/>???e oe ?nln??y ny nenege?atati??ve ve??? t ththa?t t st sisinincncece e ie it?? is is ???0%0???uiuici?? ( ??andan????s s ns non? a ar artr??fif????? s sws??ete????rsr?????t it is?????h h????cacalaloal???eses ??141?? c ca c???ririeri?es es? to t?o ao a ?cacanca?, , t to??beb?e ee ?exaexacactct.t?.<b.<brbr br / /> /?><b><br??/>?HoHowo?wevwe??r,r?, i, ?????we?rere ?tot?o co ????????betbe????en en?drd???kik?ingin????is???? d dr dririn??kinki???an? a??plplele ?????oraor?angan????juiju???, , I, ??ded?fi?ninit?elelyly ly??ououlu???dr?in?? t th thi th?is ?asas as?? t??reare?, it, it ????????e ?re????ly ????n tn ??????k k ik in?????ooooloo?lerler,r, r, e??pep??iaialia?llylly y fy ?oror ?th?e e ye ??ounoung? o ??????in ?yoyouyourur ??ama???<?.<br.<br r /?><?><br><b??r />?????aseas????te????, it , it i?? n nonotnot not? ju j?ustust ??a sa si????? t?ypypepe pe? of of f jf ???ce??. . ? It I?t i??????le?
n't have any extra additives.<br /><br />The only negative is that since it is 100% juice (and has no artificial sweeteners) it is high in calories -140 calories to a can, to be exact.<br /><br />However, if I were to choose between drinking this or drinking an apple or orange juice, I definitely would drink this as a treat. Plus, it would be really fun to pack in a cooler, especially for the young ones in your family.<br /><br />Please note, it is not just a single type of juice. It is a blen
d??ofo?????ere?ala? j ?uiu?ceceses,s, , s so so o???????non?t t "t ?????bobononanata??d ????"",""??it?? is is is s so??ete??ini?? j?usu?t ???lil?ittit?????ifi??erereer????""6???0,0??0000101L1???454???A2A212??9J9?VGVG4G??IIII5I515???leleclectc??on??icsic???uyuy,y,1,?1,21,2,2,5,?????45945?747????0,M0,?ucu?h h b ??ettetteterte???thathana? r ?????arar ar??????"I"? a alalsal?????viviei?????????JoJon??es es?SoSodo?da da B ?ererrerryry y???memegme??ranra?natnatete te??vitvi???in???atateat?????d ?th?thattha?t ot on?one one f ???l ??hoh?????becbe??ususeus??itit ??waswa???oso?stlst??????ter?? an???sus??arar ????d cd ??ostos?t o?????$1$1 1 p ??er er ber ??ttttl?e.e?<b<brb????<b<br<b???>T>ThThehe he???ititcit?? O ?ra???e ?????gergerir?ineine ?e ise is ???uchuch ????ttett?er ?in?in min mym??opo???ioi?on on???n tn ?ter?msm??of?? fl f??vov????ItIt't's'??????o co ????ononaon???d ??? q ?ui??te ???bib??it ait ??and and h hahasas s a???eded ed aed ?ascas?corco?rbirb?? a?cic???(V(ViV?
d of several juices, so it is not ""carbonated OJ"", it is something just a little different." 6840,B001LG945O,A21Q9JVG4SII51,electronics guy,1,2,5,1245974400,Much better than regular soda,"I also reviewed the Jones Soda Berry Pomegranate vitamin water and that one fell short because it was mostly water and sugar and cost over $1 per bottle.<br /><br />The Switch Orange Tangerine is much better in my opinion in terms of flavor. It's also carbonated up quite a bit and has added ascorbic acid (Vit
a?miminin n??) )?whw???h h?gig?vevese? i itit t a a a l ?otot ????tatana????ititeit?. .??oro???e e i????sns??t t ut ununpn?leleae?sas??t t at ???????? I I I???kek??it??????/>/??<br<b?r /??CoConontn???ryry y? to to o??othot?erer ??????wsws,s?? I I??onon'on't? g ge g??????????ic?in?e e ae afaftftet????sts?te.te?. I. ItIt't?s s js juj??st st??????d,d, , r, re?frfre?shshi??ng,ng, , c, cac???on??ateated?? dr d???k.k?. I. I . I??ririerieded ??thithis?????erer er g??????? i?n ?frfrofr????????rlr?y ?wawar?m ???????ridrided??e ane a?? i??? do d??? a??prp?retrettttytt??gogoooodoo???obo?? of o?????ncn???inging ing t?hihirhi? I. I . I t. I tr???d ??????ra?????t ft ??fromfro?m am ?a ra ?oo??m tm te????eraeratatuat??re re??cancan n an an??d od ??????iceice ?e ane ande an?????? w we w???e ge grg?reare??. ?. I ??ikikeike ?e ite i?t o?veverver ver i?cece e be ?etettet???, ?th?ouougu?,n?, j, ju?st?st fst ?or????un,un????adadddde??d sd sosom?e e Me MaM?li??u u? ru rumu?m tm tom t????e ?????? it ?wa
amin C) which gives it a lot of tang/bite. For me it isn't unpleasant at all - I like it.<br /><br />Contrary to other reviews, I don't get the medicine aftertaste. It's just a good, refreshing, carbonated drink. I tried this after getting in from a fairly warm bike ride and it does a pretty good job of quenching thirst. I tried it straight from a room temperature can and over ice and both were great. I like it over ice better, though. Then, just for fun, I added some Malibu rum to see how it wa
ss s a asas s as a a m mimixi??r r? an a?? i ??'s'?s ns ?oto? b ?????I I?wowono?'t'?t bt ?e e a as a??ini???fof??r ir ?it it a???a a ba ???, ,??utut ??it ????s ?tht?????uiuit?? f?lal?vovor? w??ithith h?th???cocococo?nun?ut ut r ??m m???d ?I ??thith??k k i if if f??omo?eoeononeon??waw?? c ?rereae?tit???, ?ththi?s s cs cocouco?ldl?d bd bebe be????atatcat?h ?mam??e ??in in?he?avaveavenen.n?????/>/??????>T>ThThehe he d ??wnw? s?idided?e (e ?toto o????? is is s ts ths thih?s s is is?? an?ot??herhe??faf??rlr?y y py prp???eye?y dy drdri????. T. Th??e c?ana?s ??????????ullul??sis?zez???e cane cansns ns????itheith????SoSo ?fo?????mom???????pep?er er? ca c?? y yoy?u u?????? s??malmallllil?ishish h 8h ??? o ??ncn?cesces ??ut?ut wut ?itithith ith r?egegug???r r sr ?sodso??as ?yo??u gu ge?get get?1212 2 o??nc????? h?al??????ainai??as?as mas ????. ?OfO?f cf ?coucourcoursr??? s?ododadasdas s a???en'en't't 't????% % j juj?uicui?ce ce e????????br? / ?/></><b<br? / /> /?UpU???ot?? is is is? if if if I?'m'?m om ??????
s as a mixer and it's not bad. I won't be asking for it at a bar, but it gets the fruity flavor with the coconut rum and I think if someone was creative, this could be a match made in heaven.<br /><br />The down side (to me) is this is another fairly pricey drink. The cans aren't full-size cans either. So for almost $1 per can you get a smallish 8.3 ounces but with regular sodas you get 12 ounces - half again as much. Of course, sodas aren't 100% juice either.<br /><br />Upshot is if I'm on a be
a?????omo?ewe?hehere???????hoh???????ththih?rsrststyty,y??I'I??d pd prp??bab??lyl???uyu???thith?????????tot????ngn? a?t ???me??, I, ???l l? st sti st??? w wiw?th??????lal???frfro?zez?n n o ororaor??gege ?juj??iceice e oe ????rar?ang??e j?ui???e ie ?in in?? c ?arartarto?n.n. ????ouo???d rd ???om???nd??????inging g ig ?????or ?yoy??rs???f,f?, t, ththoth????. . T. ThThihishis s s?eee??s s ts ????e e o???e o?? t??hosho?e e de ???inkinksks ?s ths thahata??co??????wawayay y py pr?etettt?ty ty????d d dd ??pep??didin?? o on o?n pn ????ono?????pre?????encencecesces.s."s.""??848414??B0B????G9G9494545O5O,O,A,ASA????TPT??????S,S,M,????????gege ge? te tece?? f????k,k,1,?1,21,?,4,4,4???45?88888???????????????ing ??wiwitwi?ch?ch fch fr?omom om? so sodo????????e me ????y oy ????rs??, I?? fo fou?ndnd ????e Se SwS???chch ??raranra?ngenge ?????angerange?rinri?ne ne t???? be be?? a l a ??ittittlt?le le?? har ha???toto ?clc?laslasss???y.y????'s's ???ot ot?
ach somewhere and hot and thirsty, I'd probably buy this. For stocking at home, I'll stick with regular frozen orange juice or orange juice in a carton. I would recommend trying it for yourself, though. This seems to be one of those drinks that could sway pretty hard depending on personal preferences." 6841,B001LG945O,ASKH6TPNTTAFS,Middle age tech freak,1,2,4,1245888000,Interesting switch from soda,"Like many others, I found The Switch Orange Tangerine to be a little hard to classify. It's not t
ooooo o??weweee????anandn? n non?t t??oo? t?ara?t,t, t, w ??tht?? a a l ?otot ot??f f????vov??. .??utu?t it ?it it d didisiststit?ncn?tlt??? ta????s s?"""??lelene?ndend?????? c crcrer?????? a? a " a ??re??l"l"""" ??flafl???? b ??y py ??????????????th?ere?s.s?<b<brb??/>/><>???r /r ???t ?dodoeo?esnesn'n't't t rt ???lllly?? cl cla?imi???o o bo ?e e h heheaealealtl??y,y?????jujusustst st????in?????? i?t ??n n a? a n a ?????r ??of of w?aya?s.? O ??n tn th?? o ot oth ot???r hr ?an?????t't?s s ns no?t t tt ?tooto???vevererler?ly ????eeteet ????e ????ypy???alal al? so s???a aa an???I I f???ndnd nd? th t?? c??arbar?ono??atiat???? wa??s js ?jusjust??ababoboubo???????t.t?.<b.<????><??br br /br ??BoBotottotto??m lm li?????- i- it??????iri??ly ly tly tat??styst??? bu b??????the sthe ?mamal?l l s si s?zeze e fe ???or tor th??the pthe ????e ??? a a a d a dodowdo?nsnsi?ded??""???4242,2?B0B??1L1?G9G949????A3A3M3MRMRZR?SES???5B5????"M"?aeae ??dadamda?sosonon on "on """"T""ThThe???opopspst?sterste??"""""
oo sweet, and not too tart, with a lot of flavor. But it distinctly tastes ""blended"" - creating a ""real"" flavor by playing with others.<br /><br />It doesn't really claim to be healthy, it just insinuates it in a number of ways. On the other hand, it's not too overly sweet like a typical soda and I found the carbonation was just about right.<br /><br />Bottom line - it's fairly tasty, but the small size for the price is a downside." 6842,B001LG945O,A3MRZSEI65B27,"Mae Adamson ""The Popster"""
?,1,?,2,2,2?,2,,2??242?????000?00,00?MeM??icicicini?e-e-l-?????afa???? t ????te,te?"I"I I s ??sps?ecectct t? th thih?s s d ??in???is?? an a? a ac a?quq?iri?????as??te.te??AfAft?erer er t th????ir?????ipi?? I ???as? r rerelre??ct?ana???toto o????ke ke? an??tht?er?. ???? s???onondnd d s??p p w ??s ?anan an i im impm?rorovo??mem??nt nt a?????thethe ?ththithir??d ed eveve?n ?mom??? s so s?. ???? th the the the??enden?d od ??? th the?????, ?I I wI waI w??as fas ?finfind?ininging g i??t ft ?aia??lyl??enenjen???aba????<b<???/>/><><b??????t t wt ?was? o ononlonlyly ly??ft?fterfte??I I hI hahadad d fd fi??isishishe??d td thd t???t It I ??ot?ed?ed ted ?the???lkl?a a??ele???er?-l-li-likikeik?e ae ??teterte?mam?? ??ucuckuck.k??br? / />???????StS?ili?l,l?, I, I , I? am am m??????I ?cocououlu??d gd ??t ??useus??ed t?o o io ??t at af??er??a ?fefewe??momormorere ?????s.s??. Th. T???s is ???, I??ththi????????the pthe ?proprobo??????it?h h t th? the the d the ?dridr?ink?? I?? wo w?oulould???????? it?????
,1,2,2,1245888000,Medicine-like after taste,"I suspect this drink is an acquired taste. After the first sip, I was reluctant to take another. The second sip was an improvement and the third even more so. By the end of the can, I was finding it fairly enjoyable.<br /><br />It was only after I had finished that I noted the Alka Seltzer-like aftermath. Yuck.<br /><br />Still, I am sure I could get used to it after a few more tries. This is, I think, the problem with the drink: I would drink it beca
u??e e??????esese???s s????ele???asas s bs ?eieini?? g gog??d d f fof?r r?meme,e, , n ?otot ?bebecbe??????I I???as as b blb?owownw??????? wi w?ithit??tatasastastet?e oe ????? fe f?eleliel????ofo?f rf ????resre?hmhme?ntnt.nt????r /r ?><><b<br<br ?r />r /????ouo?ldld ??notno?t bt but b?y ??it it??gag??????686?434??B0B000??LGL?949454????1M1M9M919121??YPY??PSP??????rrrryry y Fy F.F? R ?ogo?ere??,1,1,1,2,?????242??888?88088?00000?,I,I ??lovloveveded ??hihisi?s ds ???inkin??....,..??I ????????? fo f??d d od ?? c cic??rur?us us???in?inksink??tot?? be b???in in???thth,th?, s, ?o ?mam?yby?be be I ???m ?bibiai????.<??br br??/></>?<br? /????t t wt ?hah??????iki???? mo m?stst ??bob?outou?t tt ???????as ?itit it wit ??sns???t t?????wew?eetee??t ant a?nd nd? it? i???alalll?? na n?atuaturu????? A AnA?nd ??it ?ha?????re??al al c?????us us tus ??st?e e ne ??not not? a a f a faf??ri???te?d d o???.<.<b??r /r />???<br ?/>?LoLovove??? it. it."."."??8484484??,B0,B00?1L?G9???O,?AFA??V2V???F0F?
use it presents itself as being good for me, not because I was blown away with taste or a feeling of refreshment.<br /><br />I would not buy it again." 6843,B001LG945O,A1M9126YPQPS3L,Larry F. Rogers,1,2,5,1245888000,I loved this drink...,"I am very fond of citrus drinks to begin with, so maybe I am biased.<br /><br />But what I liked most about this was it wasn't too sweet and it is all natural. And it has a real citrus taste not a fabricated one.<br /><br />Love it." 6844,B001LG945O,AFOV2K4F0M
??????oeo?eae?glg?eeeeyee??,1,???,5,?,1,12,1242?5858080101616060000,0,T,?????esestst t????,","I"? w ??????leale?aseaseded d t tot? d didisiscs?ovo?ere? t?hah?t ?SwS???chch h O ???ngn?e e Te ?an??gerge?ininen???? a acactc???llllyl??quq??iteit?e te tatasastas???? M ???????eaeasea??e t??o fo fif????????ththa???it??coconco?tataitain????o ?????r,r, ,??????sys???p p?oror or??rtr???ficfi?iaial???lalavavovor?s.s. . . W WhW?????it ???oesoes s hs ?havha????s ??sevse????l l h he?alaltal????in?????diedi??ntsnts.?? I ??hih?ghg?ly??re??????endend d id it??""6686848?45,45??00001001L1??949?????DZDZKZ?P9P?3838181010R0??P,P,A??le??? C ??????,2?,3,????45?8080180????,A,A ,A??????d jd ?ui??e ??ffffefererierining?????ou ou k knk??????hat?hat ohat ono?ne ne o?f f?????avavoav???ite?????ndndsds ?is?? T ?TheThe ?????nd nd o??????anan an????????. . I. ??ththith??? i??'s'?s ws ???rdrd,d, ???conscon???er? I ??? n ?notno?t at ? h?ugugeug?e s???a a da ?????er
DTZ,Zoeeagleeye,1,2,5,1245801600,The Best Yet,"I was pleased to discover that Switch Orange Tangerine is actually quite tasty. More please to find out that it contains no sugar, corn syrup or artificial flavors. What it does have is several healthy ingredients. I highly recommend it." 6845,B001LG945O,ADZKP93810RSP,Aileen Chen,1,2,3,1245801600,A solid juice offering,"You know what one of my favorite sounds is? The sound of a can opening. I think it's weird, consider I'm not a huge soda drinker
??..????cec??I I f ?in?d d m ??sts? s ????? t tot?o o b ??e we ?aya? t to too?? sw sweweee?t ??r r??ugu?????<b<brbr ?/>/><><b?r ?r />r /?ThT?isi?s is ?is is?? r ???ieiewe?? fo f??? an a??OrO??ngn??e Te ??angan?gergerir?inein?????nkn?? fr froromo???wiwiti???????vev???ev??r r hr heh????d od ?f f??hehemhe?? b??t t It ???waswas ??eeeelee???? k ???ind ind?of?? th?iri??styst????? I I??rdr???eded d ad ???an? f fr fro from????e e ve vi?ne? p ?ro?grgra??. ?ItI?'s'?s as ?????? o????e ?ca??n on of?????% %?ca?rbrbobononanatateteded ed??uiu?cece ce ( (p(?lulusu?s gs gug????cacaccacic?a,a?, n, ?natnatut??ralra? f????ororsor??s ans a?d d cd ??lolorors???as?cbc???rbirbicic ic??ci?????nd nd s so soyoy)y).). . I. I . I?????t ?knk????whw?????? t th thi??nk nk a ab abo?utut ut s so som somem???of ?ththe??in?ingring??did?ienientn?s,s?, b, bub??ut Iut ???cerce??aiaininlinlyly y dy dodo do????w ??thathatat ????liklikek?? t? tha th????it'it's? o???ly ly??? ou?nc??s ??s ands and d td ththa??t it ???????no? c???????rur?p!p!<!
...since I find most sodas too be way too sweet or sugary.<br /><br />This is a review for an Orange Tangerine drink from Switch. I've never heard of them, but I was feeling kind of thirsty so I ordered a can from the vine program. It's an 8.3 ounce can of 100% carbonated juice (plus gum acacia, natural flavors and colors, ascborbic acid and soy). I don't know what to think about some of the ingredients, but I certainly do know that I like: that it's only 8 ounces and that it has no corn syrup!<
???????????>I>ItI? t ?asasts?ese???ere???????lal?r r tr ?????nnnnen???MiM??ututete te M??idi?????inkin?s,s?????????lll???tht?e e V ??allallel???ciacia a O OrO??angangeg????fefer???????bub?ut ut???eses es h ????????lil?ghg?tltly????ckcklklyly ly sly ?weweee?t ??ftfte?rtrta?st?e.e???I I d????????owow w??????d d rd ??n n o ouo?ut ut aut ?andand ???????242??papaca?ck,ck?, b, ?butbu?t it ????? sa s???th??s ??in in? a a?reres????ra??t ??'d? d de d?fifin??te?????ononson?sidsideder? i???t ast a?s as a ?tatastasttas??y cy ????le??en?t ??to to???sas??????? a?ndnd ?????????hih?? l ?un?ch???<br<br ?????? / /> />T />ThT??? la l?astas???hi?ngn??????????is is???????t th???cocom??panpa??: : i? it it??????s ts to??beb?e ae ????????penpend?ndennde?ntlntlyly ???nenedne???????, a, ?and??????????ha?t.t????8484646,6???010??G9G?454???????EKE????3G3G7G??Y,Y??omomom??ryryoryo,o,1,???????242452458580801??0000,00,V,
br /><br />It tastes very similar to canned Minute Maid drinks, especially the Vallencia Orange offering...but does have a slightly sickly sweet aftertaste. I don't know if I'd run out and buy a 24 pack, but if I saw this in a restaurant I'd definitely consider it as a tasty complement to a sandwich and potato chip lunch.<br /><br />The last thing I like is about the company: it seems to be an independently owned shop, and I like that." 6846,B001LG945O,A13WEKTB63G78Y,Tomorryo,1,2,4,1245801600,V
?ereryr? r ?efe?re?shs?ini?g!g??"V"VeVer???rerefrefr?ese??ininging!g! g! I ?ngngrng?redredid???tst????re re?? d di???erereerenenten????uiu???jujui?ceces?, , s sps?????ininging ing?wawata??er,er?, a, ana?????? su s????? A AbAbob????151?? c cacala????????er???an????ndnd nd?ththeh?y'y??re ?sms????erer ?ththath??????ulu???? so sodo????????? S ?o o to th?????????ie?ntntsnt????????????y ny ?atatuat??alal,al?, b, bub???1515015?0 c0 ?calca???????mim?ghghth??bebe ??ooo?????? f??? s so?meme ?e pee peoeopo????""???474????010?LGLG9G949?5O5????4H4H1H??DNDN6N626?P8P?9U9U,U?tt????????,1,??2,2???????808????00,00???"S"????ch? O ?ra?ng?????gegererier??e"e???!",!"??101?00%00???f f??????yoyou??????, ??% ??of of? wh wha whatat ??youyo? d do d????t it ??s p???oudoudldlyl??????????eded d ud ???? t?hehe he c??? t? tha that??coconontontat??????SwiSw??itchitc?????OraOr?angan?????ng??ri??e e ce ??rbr?bonbo?natnatetedte?d jd jujuijuicicece.ce.
ery refreshing!,"Very refreshing! Ingredients are 3 different fruit juices, sparkling water, and no sugar! About 150 calories per can, and they're smaller than regular soda cans. So the ingredients are pretty natural, but 150 calories might be too much for some people!" 6847,B001LG945O,A14H1LDN62P89U,ttarkA113,1,2,3,1245801600,"""Switch Orange Tagerine""!","100% of what you want, 0% of what you don't is proudly emblazoned upon the can that contains Switch's Orange Tangerine carbonated juice.
?ItI????rtrtat?ini?lyl???tastasts??????l-l??ata?ururaralal,al, ,? as as s????ereere e w ?asa?n'n't't ???????chc? t?as??te te r ???allally?.<.?brbr r??><><b??r /r ??????t t gt ????mem?e we ??on???, i, ?t ??waswas ?al?????ghg????bub?t ?? w wo w?ululdl?d sd sas?y ???? ta?ststest????in????f f???kek?e Se ?prprir?iteite e w?????? c co c?oupouplp?e e oe ????ra?ngn?????ava????ed ed Aed ????-S-??ltl????s s ts ??????ed ied ???te?te ite isi?s t?hah?? i ?it ???? ra rat?heher? s ?mamalall??atat at oat ?onlonlyly ly?????? ov ovev?? 8 8 8??ununcn??????owo??ve???????st???? h ha????no?ugu??? or o??rangran???ta???????sus???osose?????o io ?f ???? w??ntnt ??? a?llll-ll?????uraur?? m mi m??d d od ord o?ran?rangerange ??flaflavavoav??oredored d cd ???bob?onaon?ateated?????cece ce d drd???k,k?, t, ???en en y ??u'u?ve? j??ustus?t ht ??it ??the?? ja jaca??-p-popotpot!t!<!<b?? /??><b><?br br /?????nonot?, ?yo??? ma m?ay ay w? wan want???o ??asassas??s ths this th?
It certainly tasted all-natural, as there wasn't too much taste really.<br /><br />Don't get me wrong, it was all right, but I would say it tasted kind of like Sprite with a couple of orange flavored Alka-Seltzers tossed in. Another note is that it is rather small at only just over 8 ounces. However, it still had enough orange taste I suppose, so if you want an all-natural mild orange flavored carbonated juice drink, then you've just hit the jack-pot!<br /><br />If not, you may want to pass this
???p,p, , m mimili??lyl???ececoc??????ede?.".???848484?,B,B0B?0101L1?G9G???O,O?????U6U?XVX??3U3?SJS???AlA????nd????????ono??"""?arartrtit?sts? & & &??illil?usu????totoror"r"""""""","?1,1?2,2???,12,1?4545545????????wew??t ???FrF??iti???,"O,"?nen? o ??? my m?y fy ???or?ititeite ??utu?????re re??ndndundululgl?en?cec?s s????????? o of of f of ???angangege ge?sosodo?a;a?????I I?waw?s ?lol????ngng g?fof?orwor?warwa????to to t???e ce ?comco???inain?titioti?on on o of???bubbubbb???s s a??nd nd? or o?ranra?ngeng??flf?????? wh w???n In ????????? op ope???mym????n ??? S Sw?it?chc? O ?raranrangran????an?angeangererier???? T ???mymy my d ??isais??ppopp??intintmt????, ?it???asastas???ed med ?or?e e le ????e f???it?it pit pup?ncn?????perpe???????ec?aua?useus???????he he??appap?lele le a?ndnd ??ra?pe??jujui?ce????? i??t tt to?to sto ?we????? i??. . I. ??wowououl?d ???????e e me ?aka???????of t????? dr dririninkin? w we w????ovovever?bob??ardar?d od
up, mildly recommended." 6848,B001LG945O,AQ8DU6XVA3USJ,"Alejandra Vernon ""artist & illustrator""",1,2,3,1245542400,Sweet & Fruity,"One of my favorite but rare indulgences is a can of orange soda; so I was looking forward to the combination of bubbles and orange flavor when I popped open my can of Switch Orange Tangerine. To my disappointment, it tasted more like fruit punch, perhaps because of the apple and grape juices in it to sweeten it. I would say the makers of this drink went overboard o
?n n??heh? a ?ppp???????apeap??coc?mbmbob???non?t t j ??sts???n ??thethe ?flf?ava?oro??dedepe??rtr?memenentnt,t, ??utu?t it int i???he??sws?eee?tntnen??s.s. .????s s s st s???kyky y?????? sw sweweewe??, ?mom?oreore ?th????ananyan????? th t?he he che chcheheahe????r br brbra???????????????CrC?us?? a??? o ?othot?herhersr?) )?????oraor??geg?e se sos???, , o, or? t???????he?? p prp??iceic?????ododiod????lil??e ??ra?rangran?ininain? a an and an????? d de dele???tatabablble?????e.e???? / />/?<b<br<b????It????s fs ?aia?rlr???he???????y hoy howo?wevwe?ere?, , w, ?iti???????ada?d sd ststustufu????andan?????iteit?e ae ??lolotot ot??? V ?????inin in?C C ( (1(??????asases?ed ed o?n ?2,2?00?? c ???lorloririerie e ie in?????),), , A, AlAllll l N ????ra????et????????ececo??me?ndndand?atiatioi????is is?fof??or mor mo?re?????rangrangerang??, l, ?lesle?? a?pp??????apape??, o, or, o?r cr ?chach??angeang???he?????elel el? fl flalavlavovorvor r tr ??o "o """??mixmi?ed?ed fed""
n the apple-grape combo, not just in the flavor department, but in the sweetness. It's sticky icky sweet, more than any of the cheaper brands (Sunkist, Crush and others) of orange soda, or the higher priced goodies like Orangina and the delectable Izze.<br /><br />It is fairly healthy however, with no bad stuff and quite a lot of Vitamin C (100% based on 2,000 calorie intake), All Natural, etc. My recommendation is for more orange, less apple/grape, or change the label flavor to ""mixed fruit.""
? I ?t't???141?0 0 c cac?lol??iei?s ???????tet????ttt?lel?e 8e ?.3.? o ozoz z c ca canan,n, ,???? i ifif f???u'u??e e ne ????????ctc?ini?? o?????e ???u u m ?aya? l li l?keke ???. .?SoS??faf?r,r, ??heh?e te ???tete te?wiwin?nener?? fo f?or or c??te?te lte ????le? c ca?nsns ????or mor mem?e i?s ??zzz?e'e?? G ?ra??pefpe?????, ?whw?ici?????as as?ththeth?e pe ??????ct ct?bab?alaalan?cec????f ff flf???or???and????????ata?tiotion?????ithit???the????ghg????mom?ounou?t ?of? s ?wew??tnt?????""?????,B,?000010?LGLG9G949454??,A,AUA?CIC??MWM??3D3???R,R??R.R?S.S. . E. EiEisi???beb???g "g """?????;D;DoD?on'on???loloolo?k k? ba baca??? s???metmeththith?...?.."..???,2,??,1,,1?,12,1?39395958580808080???,"","""?I'I?d ????heherher r Fr FiF??ghtgh?????? S??witwi??ch"ch"""""""???ToT?????????????ui???????sms?malma??? ca can??????e se ?imimpm????a a? st sta?pl?e e -e ???iri?stst st e???ampam?pleple ple t??hathat ???omeomeses es t????in??d id ????ooo?d d od
It's 140 calories per cute little 8.3 oz can, and if you're not expecting orange you may like it. So far, the taste winner for cute little cans for me is Izze's Grapefruit, which has the perfect balance of flavor and carbonation, with the right amount of sweetness." 6849,B001LG945O,AUCIFMWP3DU8R,"R.S. Eisenberg ""&#34;Don't look back; somethi...",1,2,1,1239580800,"""I'd Rather Fight Than Switch""","To me, fruit juice in small cans are simply a staple - first example that comes to mind is good o
??? D ?ololel? p ?ininen??ppp?lele le??????? T ?heh???rer?ndnd d????arardrdsds s t?re???? l ??ttttlt??le "le """?heheaheala?tht??"" "" b beb????aga?ese?????ovo?ververpr?ririciceiceded ?li?tt?le???????s iss is s ns ?neaneararlar????tratr?????<b<brb????????/>/>T/>Th?????isi??s nos n?????g g a ??ouo?t t??hih?? p pr p?odo?ucu?t ??thath??t wt ???ldl???omompmpep???meme ?e toe t????y ?? ?IfI??I I?wawanwantn???????????'l'lll?l jl ???t t gt grg?rabra? o?ne?. . I? d ??????drdririnri?k k e ?????h h??????eme? t????avave? m?uc?h h dh ?ieiete?ar????mp??ct? a?????esespespi?tet????? c ?????m om ofof ???101????WhW?hatha?t Yt ??? W??antant"t???, t, th???re re??is ?????????in???herhere?re fre foforo????. . I?f f If I I wI ???t ??100100%0% 0% O ??f Wf ??????????nt,nt, , I, ??I wiI wilillll ll b bu buy bu?y ay a ??ewew w???ranra???? a??d d sd ???me me s????zezerer er w wa w?ateat? . I??? I I w I ?wan?? " ?""0""0%???? W?hahat??YoYouYo???on?'t?? Wa???t""t"???
l' Dole pineapple juice. The trend towards trendy little ""health"" beverages in overpriced little cans is nearly tragic.<br /><br />There is nothing about this product that would compel me to buy it. If I want a soda, I'll just grab one. I don't drink enough of them to have much dietary impact and despite the claim of ""100% What You Want"", there is nothing in here for me. If I want 100% Of What I Want, I will buy a few oranges and some seltzer water. If I want ""0% Of What You Don't Want"", w
???????hyh??bub?y ?iti??<b<?r r / />/???r ?/>???????is is a ????meme e w wh wheh?? w????ada??????erer ???oko? p prp?????y cy clcloloslo??????t t? wh?at???s ???n in ?????????t ct ??nvnvev?enienieienencen???an?d d wd ??at?at iat ??is ais ?a na ???cescesss?itityit?, , a, ?andand and???w w??o o?fif??d ???hahapha??y y my ??didiui??. .???coconco????er?? th t????ikikek?s ?ofof f P PeP??lel???????ArArar???iai?ataat?, ????ngn??inain????and ??zzz???? l??xux???y, y, a??? w???en en????ndndundul??????t it is???? tr trur?e ???liliglighg?t.t.<.<b????><><b><?br br? />???SwSwiwititcitchch"h??? is?? a a??rorododu??t ?????t it ist i?????t bt ??ett?????asa?ti?ng????propr?ve??n hn ?heahe?ltl?thith?ierier,r???r r er ??ven???????exexpx??ensensi??? t? tha than?? an any any ??of of m mamananyany ??ththetherer er aer al??terternr??atiativi??s.s. . O. OnOncn????gagaia?in in??ararkr?ketke?tintingtin?????drd?rivri??ingin???pro???ductduc??t crt cre?atati??on on a an?d ?dedesde?sigsi?????????thath?
ell, why buy it?<br /><br />This is a time when we had better look pretty closely at what is an indulgent convenience and what is a necessity, and how to find a happy medium. I consider the likes of Pellegrino Aranciata, Orangina and Izze a luxury, and when I indulge it is a true delight.<br /><br />""Switch"" is a product that is not better tasting, proven healthier, or even less expensive than any of many other alternatives. Once again marketing is driving product creation and design, and that
???s s a ???atatetefe??l l?coc?ncn?epeptp?.<.?brbr r???<b<br<br ???????ouou u??ana??????????ara?r tr ??????exexpx?????nc????oro?r ar ababobououtout ???e e se ???e ?prp?????? p pip?ckc??upu? s so s?me??AlAlkl??-S-?????????ololdl???lul??s Ns NiN???ttttitim???? yo y???lll?l sl ??opo??snsnen?eze???g g a?ndnd ?????flflilin?g ?????gegete??a ????atat at?nin??????s ss ??ee??.".?6686858505?,B,?000?1L1???454?O,O??3F3F1F1G1G6G????Y3Y???2,2,","L"?in??a ??? S ?he?lnl???? " """????stest?????ovo????istist"t"""""""","??????,1,12,1?363?989??8808800??,A ,A W ??ishis????or or G ?uiu????FrF??e e Fe ?lalavla?or??,"T,"??? f?iri???? si s???gag??ve ve? a ?plplelealeas??inging ing? fl f?lavlavolav??or bor ?uru?rstrs??wiw??th th??????ghtgh????angan?g og ofo?f cf ????bonbo??atiat??on.on????he?? t ?teste????ing ????e be ?la?????heherhe???y fy ????or?or, or, I I I h?adad d pd ??aca??????the the???? i in in ???the ?frfre??ze????forfor ????hohor?t ???
is a hateful concept.<br /><br />If you want a similar taste experience for about the same price, pick up some Alka-Seltzer Cold Plus Nighttime- you'll stop sneezing and sniffling and get a great night's sleep." 6850,B001LG945O,A3F1G6UH4Y39X2,"Linda G. Shelnutt ""Mystery Novelist""",1,2,5,1236988800,A Wish for Guilt Free Flavor,"The first sip gave a pleasing flavor burst with a light tang of carbonation. When testing the black cherry flavor, I had placed the can in the freezer for a short per
i???, , s sis?ncn?? I I I?prprerefe??r r?drdrir???s s t ?o o?????cece ce c ?????oror ?hoh?t;t; ; I? d??dnd?'t'? w ??ntnt ????ewe???? t??o go ?ete??????hehe e we wawaywa?? of o? a a a? po p??sitsi??????resre??ononsn????? t???????stst ?si??. .? A ???ththe?? dr dririnrinkn? w????ede???????, ????e se swsweweee?????s ?????to?okok k tk ??the the? ca cararbar??onaonata???on,on, ???ic???isis ??ineineve???abablb???e ine in n????????nan??ed? b??eveev???gege,ge, ????, ?dudueu??e toe t?o to ??the ?pupuru???????f tf ??the the fthe frf???it it???sese,se??, th, the??????or? r ?remremamaiain????trtrurueru???andand ????co?meme.e.<.?brb???><><b<br<b?r /r />r /??he??n tn ?trytryiy????? the? k kik??i i f ??av?oror,or?, I, ??jujusust?????d td thd t?he ?dr??inkink ink c ch chihilhi?leledle?d pd pepererfer????lyl???or?or mor ???, n, ???iciceice ??ryr?st??lsl??? I I I l I ??????? the ??????eveve????????? t? tha thanan an t??? the c the chche?rrrryry!ry?? T ?he??????i hi ?hasha???ororeor??????
iod, since I prefer drinks to be ice cold or hot; I didn't want lukewarm to get in the way of a positive response to the first sip. As the drink warmed a bit, the sweetness overtook the carbonation, which is inevitable in a carbonated beverage, yet, due to the purity of the fruit base, the flavor remained true and welcome.<br /><br />When trying the kiwi flavor, I just had the drink chilled perfectly for me, no ice crystals. I like the kiwi even better than the cherry! The kiwi has more tang.
? ?SeS???????w w ( (o(?? o onon n t ??????odo???t t?ded?scscrc??ptptit??on on o on o?n tn ththeth????yiyini?g g p papagageg?) ) f ??or or t th the? j ?uiu???e be ble b??????ususes?d.d. .? I I'I'v'?e ?nonoto?ticticecedce? t??ata??mom?sts????ic?eses es c ???reren??lyl????ve??apa??????nd????????in???ududededded,d, ,?lil???elyel?y by ??????e e te ??os?e ??????he???aperaper r tr toto o p pr pro?duducducece.ce.<.??????<b?r ???ThT??he whe ?aya???????ri??? w ??s ??propr????????asa?n'n??t at a a????? I?t t wt wow?????d fd ??r ?????<br? / ??<b????/>1/>??. ". ?"1"??0 0 % ???f f??????yoyouo?? wa wan wa???? 0 0%0??ofo??whw??? y ???u du ?on??? w wa??t.t."t.?""<""?????><????????. ". "". ""M"MaM???????e Se SwSwiwititctchc???o ??a ga ????? t ta tas?ti??ng,ng?, a, ??l l????ur??? b?eve?ververa??? t th tha?t't's's s ts ??the the pthe ????ece????alalaalana?ce? b? bet betwt????n Jn ???CEC? a???????BOB?NAN?????.".?""<""<b""<??br /br />/></><b/><?br ?br />br />3>3.3. ?
See below (or on the product description on the buying page) for the juice blends used. I've noticed that most juices currently have apple and grape included, likely because those are cheaper to produce.<br /><br />The way the drink was promoted wasn't a lie! It worked for me:<br /><br />1. ""100 % of what you want. 0% of what you don't want.""<br /><br />2. ""Make The Switch to a great tasting, all natural beverage that's the perfect balance between JUICE and CARBONATION.""<br /><br />3. T
?hehe e??ogo?o o h ?asas s???THT??"""" "" p ?????d d?upu???dede-e?dodowownw?????d rd ?eve????ed?, , a at atotopo? " "" "?SwS?ititct?h,h,",??????? a???wiwirwi????desde??????? ar a????nd nd t ??e ???rdr??, , t, th?the the? sw s??wirlwir??????ata??ngng g? th thehe he? sy symy????l fl fof?? r ????rsrsirsininging g sg ?omomemete??????<b<brb? / ?><>???r /r />??. . T ThT???in????didieienentntsts ??reare???? ""?101??????????(f(fifililtltet??ed?????????inging ing w waw??erer er s su s??????ienient?? to t??????nsnststititti???te te j???ce?ce cce ?conco???nt?raratate???? ap a?????, g, grg?raprapep???kik??wi,wi??acaceac?????* * [ ?? a????d d td ththethe ?as??terte????????e ??ele???] ]? an a???ra?spspbspbe??ryry y??????????beber?ry?? ju jui juic?e e ce co????centcen??ratratetedte?????at?????l f???????s, s, as, ?????bibicic ic??????(v(viv??itamita?????)")""""<""<b?? / /> /????? /> />5 />????100100%??? jui?cece ?ce cace cararbarbobonbo???ted???brbr br /br ????????6.6?. T. ?TheTh
he logo has ""THE"" placed upside-down and reversed, atop ""Switch,"" with a swirl designed around the words, the swirl imitating the symbol for reversing something.<br /><br />4. The ingredients read: ""100% juice (filtered sparkling water sufficient to reconstitute juice concentrates, apple, grape, kiwi, acerola* [I added the asterisk; see below] and raspberry and strawberry juice concentrated), natural flavors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C)""<br /><br />5. 100% juice carbonated.<br /><br />6. The
?cac?? i ?s s?sms???lelere??ththah?an an???e e???????oror or s??dada a??opopsp???????h h I I I???sos??????d,d??beb???ususese e we whwhewh?n ?I ??useus?ed ed t????ririni?? s? sod so??s s rs ???ululal???y,y, ?I I u???al?lyly ly??opeop?eneened?ed aed a a ca cacanca?n an an?????ftf????lflf f o of o???t t tt ?o ?gegetet ?t tot t?o ?wawararmarm ???and?? fi f????ed ed oed ?utu????soso so t? the th?e re ???maimainindin??er er????t t dt ??wnw??ththethe e de ?dradr????(a???er????reretre??rnrnened?????? to to t?? the the??ri??gege ge??or?or aor ???ewe??da?ysy???opopiop?ingin??????ghghtht t dt drt d???nk nk???t).t). .? I? I d I ??drandra?????the the w?ho?le? c?an??ofo?f Bf BlB???k ??????y!y!<!<b<?r r /r ?><><b???r />r /???de???de????I lI ??ke?d d td ???the nthe neneanear? s?????h sh sts????e oe ?of of a? s??horho????????t it in?in tin th?the the fthe frfrereereezeze?r.r?.... ..?? lea leavavivining? i???? too to????ngng,g, ?th??ougough??, m, mi?gh?t t ct ?caucauscau?se se?? too? m mu mucuch? s???ar???ioi?on on o of??? the???frufr?itit
can is smaller than the norm for soda pops, which I also liked, because when I used to drink sodas regularly, I usually opened a can and left half of it to get too warm (and fizzed out), so the remainder went down the drain (after I returned it to the fridge for a few days hoping I might drink it). I drank the whole can of Black Cherry!<br /><br />I decided I liked the near slush state of a short stint in the freezer... leaving it too long, though, might cause too much separation of the fruit
???ncn?enentn????? f frf??? t ??e e fe ?izi???waw????....... .. a ???, , o ofof f?co?uru?ses??, m, mam??ese??????nd?rir?nknkakaba??e ????m ?th????an? u???ili?? it it ????tst???enoenouougughgh h t?o o??lolowow w t th thrh?rouro??h h th ?thethe the??olo?? i???? the the ?tot??.<.<b<brb? / />/???r ?/>?InI?n tn ?????asa??, , w, ??henhen ??? ha h?d d?beb?gug?un un??an???ingin???omomeometeththith??????rer?e ne ??atuat??alal ???an?an man ???? s????? be b????agagegeses es ( (w(wiw????php???phphaph???s,s, ????.,., ?adaddad??d)d???I ?hah?? u us u?sedsed ??????? o??ranra??? j jujuiu?ce???on????ntrnt??te? a?dddde????? C ??ubu?????a ??or or?GiGin???? a al a??. . I ItIt t dt ????'t't ??ak????lonlo??? to? f?eee???? tha th?at at?? the????rocroce????wa??s ts to?o ??ucuchc?h t????bl??e (e ?an???itit it? wa was wa???mormore?????en???ve?? th?????he? c????st ost ??? th the???wi??ch? p pr prorodro?????. . . ????so,so, ?, I , I?lil?keke ke t?? the
concentrate from the fizz water... and, of course, makes it undrinkable from the can until it melts enough to flow through the hole in the top.<br /><br />In the past, when I had begun wanting something more natural than most soda beverages (with phosphates, etc., added), I had used frozen orange juice concentrate added to Club Soda or Ginger ale. It didn't take long to feel that the process was too much trouble (and it was more expensive than the cost of the Switch product). Also, I like the
??ypy??s s??? f ?rur?ititst??SwS?it?chc? i ?s ???iningng.g??brb? / />/??<br<b?r /r />?AtAt t???????????????nfnfuf???d d??t t tt tht??? ac a??ror??a*a???????ediediei???, , n nonoto?t kt knk??wiwinwi?ng ng??hahat????????. .? S ????? m ?? < ?a a???refre?????ttt??:/:?/w/????ama?aza??on.on?co?m/m??p/p?????ucu??/B/??010??4J4JDJDAD??""????indin?lele e 2e ?: : A ??????'s's ??ewe????ireir?leleslessss s Rs ReReae?didiningin??DeD??ici??ce (ce ?LaLat?es???GeGen?er??atiat?onon)on?</<??? w??????t ht ?hanhandn??, a, ?as ??lwl?waywa???, I, ??lol???eded ed???????eroer????in??ththeth????boboao?rdr?d dd ?dicdi?ctictioionionanar?y.y??????????rd rd w? was wasns?????in ???therthere?, ??? I ????????d td ??? c cuc???????o ??????igighght???onon on t th the??????w w fw fofor? m?or??e te ???pespe?s os ?of of s seseaearea????es,es???ndnd nd u??sedsed ???? st s??ndndbnd?y,y, , G, ?oo???le,le??, an, and, and d fd fofoufounundnd nd snd ??vever????lilis??in????s ofs of f af aca?cerce?rolrola
types of fruits Switch is using.<br /><br />At first I was confused at the acerola* ingredient, not knowing what it was. Since my <a href="""">Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation)</a> was at hand, as always, I looked up acerola in the onboard dictionary. The word wasn't in there, so I pushed the curser to the right, on the arrow for more types of searches, and used my standby, Google, and found several listings of acerola
??<b<brb????<b????/>B/>BrBrir??flf?y,y? I I I?fof??ndn????ata???t't's'? t th thohouougou?htht ??o o?hahavhaveve e?ororirigri??nanat??d ?frfror?m m?? the the ?YuY?cac????, , a, anandand d id ???????n n?????ara?babada?oso??chc?ere??? o or or ???ldl?????pepe ????????, a, a , a t tr tro?pipicica??? fr f????-b-beb?ar?iningin? s ??ru?b.b. . ??eaeadea?ining? i?ntn??? th????ar??etetyt???f f???raira?????ortor????quq?ala?it?ie??s os of?? th????chchecher??ry,ry???I wI wawas???mpm?????ed??? I ItI??ha????? t?imi?es???? the ??mom??nt??????it??????? a?????ranra????juj??cec??? an andnd nd?????y o????er er h?ea?ltlth????l al ??sesetsetst??? I If I?f yf ??ou'ou?rer?e ie in???ereer?esteste???d ind i??ded??aiail???, f, fef?????frefree????o go gog?o Go ?oooogo??????br br / /> /?><b><???/>/>I/>I'I?????giginginnnnin??ing ?toto to tto ?thith??k k t? tha??t mt ????y o??f tf ??the the f??ava???s ?av??ailailalabla??? f??om? S ???tct???wi????in???udude??
.<br /><br />Briefly, I found that it's thought to have originated from the Yucatan, and is known as Barbados cherry or wild crape myrtle, a tropical fruit-bearing shrub. Reading into the variety of praiseworthy qualities of that cherry, I was impressed! It has 32 times the amount of vitamin C as Orange juice, and many other healthful assets. If you're interested in details, feel free to go Google.<br /><br />I'm beginning to think that many of the flavors available from Switch will include e
qququaualalll???????igi????g g????pip???? f ????tst?. .???I I w ?asas s g glg?ada???o o?ses?? t??ata? o ????????lavla?????alalsalsos??ha????acacecer?olo????n n???emem)m).)?????/>/><>??r ?????ouo??? t????cacancan n in isis ???????in?ing ing a ana??d fd ?in??? t th??? b bebeveve???geg?e ie isis ?gogooo?????ou?ghgh gh????dedese???ve?? a a d???igignig?erer er b??ottottltlel?????apapp?ea?l l????????gogougo?rmr????crc???d d wd whwho?????t ?flf????or or??itith??outout ??trutr??????altalth? i is i?sus?uesues.s..s....??dod???t ?gegetget t mt me???tatarartrtet?d d od ???? the? the m the ???riariadad ad??? h he????y py ?????otiot??onson?s os ???pspse????? he h??????isissis?suesu? I ?????????? boo bo?k k? in????ogo??esesses??????e e pe ?ubu??isishis??d ?????INI????, , w, whwhiwh??h ????? d de deb de?utut ?????th sth stste?ama????ississiiss?ing?????? of of of?????le??s ???rsrs,rs, , a, ?at at?no? e exe?tr?? c ch c??rgr??? (
qually intriguing tropical fruits. (I was glad to see that other flavors also have acerola in them).<br /><br />Though the can is appealing and fine, this beverage is good enough to deserve a designer bottle to appeal to the gourmet crowd who want flavor without true health issues... don't get me started on the myriad of heavy promotions of pseudo health issues. I have a book in progress to be published on KINDLE, which will debut with steam hissing out of Kindle's ears, at no extra charge! (
????l l a ??????coc???enentn??toto o t??isi?????ieiewew w a ab a?ouo??t wt ?hyhy y?I I h hahad? q quq??t ?drdrir???in?? s ?ododad? p pop???????ici?? w???? e ??plp??in? w??hy hy?? w? wil will?ll bll ?e e????pipililyily y ay ?blb???????elelclco?me??SwS?ititcit?ch ch i ????to mto mym?y dy didieietie???<b<?? / />/><>??r ????y y ty ???nknksnk?s ts ?to ?THT??????????????prprorovovi?didindingn?g ag a ??eaeala?th?y,y, ???ourourmrmemetmet ???al?itityity y d????nk.nk?????WITWI?THOTH?UTU????thathana?? G GoGod??, S, SOSOYOYBYBEB?ANA??????eded!d?!<!?<br? /?><><b><?br br? />??I'mI'???ooo??????brbr br /br />?<b<br?????????? Sh S?helhelnl???t<t<b????>A>?????or or?ofof f?????????KiKin??le??boboobookoksok????d ?AmAmamaza??n n? Sh?or???<b???????<br <br /??P.P.S.????<br ?<br />??it?????agagrg?rin? a an a???ap??????iesies ?I'??e ?ha???????addadd d cd ?????nt??upu??datdateteses ?he??re"re??686858????0000101L1LGL??454???A1A?5151751747??6X6XFX????A,A????
I'll add a comment to this review about why I had quit drinking soda pops, which will explain why I will be happily able to welcome Switch into my diet.)<br /><br />My thanks to THE SWITCH for providing a healthy, gourmet quality drink... WITHOUT, thank God, SOYBEANS added!!<br /><br />I'm hooked!<br /><br />Linda Shelnutt<br />Author of several Kindle books and Amazon Shorts<br /><br />P.S.<br />With chagrin and apologies I've had to add comment updates here" 6851,B001LG945O,A1517476XFOC7A,"Cod
i????????usu????CGC??"""""",",1,?,2,2,2??,1,12,1????242484??0,0????????hihin?g,g????t t???s ?UnU?nanata??rar?l l?????rtrtatas??????????????? i isi?s 1s ??00%00????icicec?e ce ?ononcn?cencentntrtraratra??????conconsnsts??????d d??it?? c ??rbrbob?onaonatateat?d ??at??r.r???ItI??tatasta??es??lilikikek??????ososss?s bs beb??weweee?en en < <a<?a ha ????="=""?hth????///?www??.a.??aza?on??cocomco??gpg?/p/??rodro???t/t????1G1?N4N4O4?HKH?""?>O>OrO??ng?in????pap?arkar??linli?ng ng C ??????????ereraer??e ?wi??h ?NaN??ururaural?????p p - ? 2 ????anans??/a/a>a> > a ??d d td th??e oe orora?rangrangege ge? dr d?rinrinkn?????m m?????ona???s.s??brb??/>/?<b?r r /r ??It?? wa wasas as??efefref?resreshshishin?ing ing a at a??fif?rsr????bubutbu?t tt tht t?he he???fteft?erter????te te ite ?is is??br??ptp????????momosostos?t ct ?he???icaic?allal?y.y?. . ??t't???????, b?ece???useuse ??the?? dr dri dr?ink????esesnes?'t't t ht ??????????nn???aturatu?ralral l fl ?lalavavov??s,s
ing Genius ""CG""",1,2,3,1236124800,"Refreshing, but has Unnatural Aftertaste","The drink is 100% juice concentrate reconstituted with carbonated water. It tastes like a cross between <a href="""">Orangina Sparkling Citrus Beverage with Natural Pulp - 24 Cans</a> and the orange drink from McDonalds.<br /><br />It was refreshing at first, but the aftertaste is abrupt and almost chemically. It's odd, because the drink doesn't have any unnatural flavors,
???????ini?? t toto o??hehe e i iningingrg??di?ene?tst???isi??. .??IfI? t????enenden???lalavavov?? w waw??s ms momor??e ne nan?tutururar???????ououlu?d d dd ??fif??iti???y y b ??y y iy ?it it??gagaia???????5252,2,B,B0B??????4545O5O,O?A3A3J3JPJ??WKWKSK???R4R?9V9?,",????anan n???re??y "y """?"Br"Bry?anan an? Ca C?arear?y"y??",",1,???2,32,????353585?????00,00,M,MaM??e ???he he?SwS????h h? to t?o ao ? H ?eae?altal?thith?erer r B BeB???eraer??e,e,"????he She SwSwiSwititc?h ???ranrangngeng??TaT???gerge??inein??prp?resresesenenten?ts ts? a ??an aan ????erner???ivive? t????????narnary???ofoftft t??????????offoffef????ing ing o?nene-e- -?huhunu?dr?ed? p ??ercer??entent ent o?f ??hahat????? w wa wan??t it ????????rinkrink k???? z zez???o po pe?rcrce??? o?????????youyo?? do dono?'t't t wt wawanwa?nt;nt; ;??r ?so??? the??mam??ufu??actac?turture???????????Th???????a ?????er er? br bra?randran??????ev?er?eragerage?? an???itit ?fofolo?lol?wsw?s a?? tr t???nd nd tnd ????rd? h?
according to the ingredients list. If the end flavor was more natural, I would definitely buy it again." 6852,B001LG945O,A3JPFWKS83R49V,"Bryan Carey ""Bryan Carey""",1,2,3,1235865600,Make the Switch to a Healthier Beverage,"The Switch Orange Tangerine presents an alternative to ordinary soft drinks, offering one- hundred percent of what you want in a drink and zero percent of what you don't want; or so the manufacturer claims. This is a newer brand of beverage and it follows a trend toward he
???????????tet??nan?tit?vev???fof??r er eve??ryr???aya?y fy ?foofoodo?s ?anandn? d?rir????- - a a a????ndnd nd? th thah????hasha?????en en?gag?ininiin??? s ???ama????s ms ?or?????nd ???re? i ??didiviviividi?uau??s ???oko? f?oror or??????toto o??????veve ve t???iri????al??h.h????????<br<b?r /r />r /?ThThihishi?????er????e oe ofo?fefer??s a????st??e te th??at ??s ??refre??resre????g,g????t t???igighg?tlt???di????ereeren?t t tt th?thantha?? wh w?hatha?t It ??exexpx???te????YeY?es,es?, y, yoyouo???etet ??o ?exexpexpe?ri?????e te the thehe he? ta tas ta?ste? o of??juj?????or??angan?????ndnd ??????????es,????? t???re?re are ara??re ore oto??erer er? fl f????????prepres?en?? a?? w??lll? a? and and d Id I I cI cocou??dnd?'t't t qt quq?uituite? p ???ut mut mym?y f??ing?????n ??thethesthe??e o??thetherthe?r fr ?la????s ?ununtntitiltil ??I rI ???d ????? in i???redre?diedien?entsent??s ans ands and d dd ??????ver??d ?d thd t??? T ???e Se ??iti??h h?OrO??ang?
althier alternatives for every day foods and drinks- a trend that has been gaining steam as more and more individuals look for ways to improve their health.<br /><br />This beverage offers a taste that is refreshing, but slightly different than what I expected. Yes, you get to experience the taste of juicy oranges and tangerines, but there are other flavors present as well and I couldn't quite put my finger on these other flavors until I read the ingredients and discovered that The Switch Orange
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Tangerine is also made with apple and grape juices. The grape is barely noticeable, but the apple can be detected and it, along with added soy, is responsible for the interesting taste sensation that you experience in the aftertaste.<br /><br />The Switch Orange Tangerine is billed as a health drink and it does, indeed, have many positive selling points in terms of composition and nutrition. There is no added sugar, no artificial colors, no corn syrup, and no preservatives. The beverage is also