??t t?????lyly y i in???udu?ede? r ??coc????itituit???ed ed j juj?cec????ndn??ththeh?? a?????? a an anon???ere????inein???f f p prpreresre????ata???es? a an??d ad ada????ivive?s,s, ,???wow???d ??sss?umu??e se sis??ili????????thoth??? i??n cn co???????alal l????itit it? ju j??cecesce?.<.???r /r ?><>??r ?r />r /?PeP??sosononaon???ly,ly, ????m m m??????conco??cercernr????ababoboubo?ut ???verve?al???su???? a?? and and???aloal???es?es ies in? m?y y sy ?sofsoftf?t dt ????ksks ???? th thih?s ???ttt????? o??? ca can can ?hah??????? ca?lol?oriorieories???andand ?3434 4?????s ?ofof of??uguga??. .?? If I??mememme????y s???????meme me?? tha th??? is i?s is in?in lin li??ne ne????h h t th the the ?cacalaloaloralo?rieri?es ??of of mof ???st st??????????s ?an?? m? mor more??su???ar ?th?thenthe?n mn mo?mostmost ????t ?t drt dririnri?ksks.ks???br br?/>/></>?<br<br <br????ltlti???te?lyly,? i?? th??inkink ink t th thi this this ?s iss is ????ooo???d tad tasasias??g g? pr p?od????, ?bub????the?
it mainly included reconstituted juces and then aboiut another line of preservatives and additives, I would assume similar to those in commercial fruit juices.<br /><br />Personally, I am more concerned about overall sugar and calories in my soft drinks so this little 8 oz can has 140 calories and 34 grams of sugar. If memory serves me that is in line with the calories of most softdrinks and more sugar then most soft drinks.<br /><br />Ultimately, i think this is a good tasing product, but the
?tot?ututet???beb?nenefefif?????oeoesesns??t t??????????tht?e e??ncn???asaseseded ed?prp??cec?e ae ana??????ililalababibil?itityit??cocono????redre??toto to r reregre?uau???r r???dad?. . I ? g ???essess ??thethe e ke kek???isi?s ss sts??illill l m ?od??rar??tiotionon.on?????????000?????454??,A,???1O1???373??OZOZFZFKFK,K,#,#1#1 1??mamaza?onon on?FaFanan,an,0,???,3,3,3,1,??????444???,N,NoN??t at as?????ererter????????I wI waw?asnasn'??t st sus????whw?atat at????exexpx???t ?frf???????ararbarbobononaonatateated?ed fed ?frufr??it it d??????? bu but? d???????ed ted ???gig?veve ve? it it ?? t???????hihil??e ie it?it wit wa???drd???kakabablablel?, ??I aI acact?ua?llllyly ??????? t????nanatatuatur??al al t?????????fr?????????ce.ce?. . T. ?hi?s ??actactut?ualuallually? t ta?st?eded ?lilikikeke ke??n n? ar a????ficfi???al ?so?????mum????li???ke ake a a???ryry ry w we wele?????owo??n on ?ra??geg??sosod??a. a. T ??e ??ar??onona????n n wn ??????ce???
touted benefits doesn't outweigh the increased price and availability conpared to regualar soda. I guess the key is still moderation." 6731,B001LG945O,A3A1OA237FOZFK,#1 Amazon Fan,0,0,3,1237334400,Not as advertised,"I wasn't sure what to expect from a carbonated fruit drink, but decided to give it a try. While it was drinkable, I actually prefer the natural taste of fruit juice. This actually tasted like an artificial soda, much like a very well known orange soda. The carbonation was excessi
vvev????sts?roronongn?, ,?wiwiti?h h?totoooo o???chch h bh bib?iteite e??ndn? b bub?rnrn n f foforo????y ly lil?<b<?r r /r ?><><b<br<b?????? s??mem???th?ere??rer????wew?ersers ?pop???tet?d d od ??t,t, ??????momou?ntn? o ofo? s su s???r r ar an???cac??ororiorie????in in???????ririninkink k? wa wasa?s as ??to?unund??ingin????ItI??is? a al almlmo?st????? s sw swe??t,t, t,? an a????om??binbi?ed?? wi w?ithit?h th ????????on?ata?ioion? w??s s js ??st?st tst ?tootoo o mo ?mucmuchch ch f??or or? me m???? e ene????????veverve?y y my ?mucmuchmuch.h?""????2,2?????LGL??????????SOS?????7272424H4????ononnon???CaCapa?shshah???"""??rar??andmand?a"a""???0,0,0,0,,0?1,1?,12,1232?37337?343444?00??sis???enenien??? s sw swe sweee?et,et?,"I,"? c??oulouldld ??ot???in??ishis??h thh t?hishi?s d?ririnrinkn???it??isis ??liklike? d ????inkiink??ing ing oing or?an????sysyry????. I. ??? ma maya??nonotno??ha?ve? a an?y y ay adaddd?eded ??ug?ar????in iin ?it it bit bubutbut t ot ?oneon?????n on ????.3.3 3 o ou o?uncun???s hs ??
vely strong, with too much bite and burn for my liking.<br /><br />As some other reviewers pointed out, the amount of sugar and calories in this drink was astounding. It is almost too sweet, and combined with the carbonation was just too much for me to enjoy it very much." 6732,B001LG945O,A37USOKUTI724H,"Donna Capshaw ""Grandma""",0,0,1,1237334400,sickening sweet,"I could not finish this drink, it is like drinking orange syrup. It may not have any added sugar in it but one can of 8.3 ounces has
??343??susugu?????rar??s s?ana?? 3 36 3??cacararbar??. .????? s st s?ici?k k t tot?????ere?r wr ?heh?n n??? wa wanantant t? to t????en?chc??????hihiri?sts????676737333???000???G9G949?5O5??A1A1X1???7H7?1P1??1D1DXD?H,H??MeM?lil???a a " ??"Mi"M?mmmmimi"i"""""""????????121232373???34434??00,00?TrT???y y ty tatasaststest?????kek?? a a? ta t????erierini?e.e??.....?????rer??ll??y ly ?liklikelikede??ththe?? ta?tststste???f f???is??? I It I??acactctut?al?ly??? tas ta??stesste?s l??keke ke y yoy??'r'??? ge g?tttti??g g???e e je jujuiuiciceic????omo?? a a t a ???ngenger?? I tI ???inkink ??theth?e ce ca?rbrbobononanat?ioionon on??iviveves? i iti?t tt ??atat at??ininging g tg ?tasta?????youyo? c??? o?nln?????t ??it??ing?? in i???? an a?n tn tatantangtange???inein?????ranra?ngenge,nge, ?et?????r ??>M>???dad?ugughug??terter,r?, h, hoh?weweve??r,r, r,????lllly??did??n'n't'?????? i it it.t?. . N. NoNoto?t st ??????enenoenouougou??h fh ???r hr ???.<?????????hihinhinkn??it?'s's s as ?a la lilitli?ttlttlele
34 sugar grams and 36 carbs. I'll stick to water when I want to quench my thirst!" 6733,B001LG945O,A1X2B7H1P11DXH,"Melissa ""Mimmi""",0,0,4,1237334400,Truly tastes like a tangerine....,"I really liked the tatste of this. It actually tastes like you're getting the juice from a tangerine...I think the carbonation gives it that zing taste you can only get biting into an tangerine, orange, etc.<br />My daughter, however, really didn't like it. Not sweet enough for her.<br />I think it's a little
?prp????y,y???oto? s susururer????d d?beb?e we ?ili?lil???????plp?ununkn??dod??? t th t??????chc???oro??itit~t~~~~t~?hehe ???n ??s s v vevere?? s sm s??ll??, 8, ??????. . o ??s.s?, , w, whw?????isis is?a a? pr pror???er er s?????inging g og ofo?????angan?e ?juj????????hichichch ch?mamakma?ese?s is itit it a ar aro??undun??$1$? a????n,n, ??? a??li?ttttlt??e le le??s.s.<s.<b<brb????BuB?t ?ovo?verve?ralra?ll ll? I I t tr t?ulu????njn?????d td ???at at???ing???? t??ang?er???e e te tat???e!e?!"!?6676?343?,B,B0B?0101L1???454?O,O??2C2??QEQ????SPSPHP??Z,Z????ichichaich??? C ?ououn??ry?mamanman ??"m"???ke ke????e c??????a ma ??????,0,?,0,0,,0,2,2,2?121232?????????KiKin???????????????e ??a ca ???apa?? ch c???pap?gng?e!?!!?,T,ThT?hishi????s fs ?forfor r sr ???re re??ot???whawh?at at Iat I I w?as??exexpx??ctc?in????it ?toto to? ta? tast tastete te l ????. ??t't's'??no?t ??adad d bd bub?ut ut????t ft ?forfor for???. . I???ikike? t?? the the c ca c?rbr???at
pricey, not sure I'd be willing to plunk down that much for it~~the can is very small, 8.3 fl. ozs., which is a proper serving of orange juice, which makes it around $1 a can, or a little less.<br />But overall I truly enjoyed that zinging tangerine taste!!" 6734,B001LG945O,A2CIQEY05SPHTZ,"Michael Countryman ""mike the camera man""",0,0,2,1237248000,Kind of taste like a cheap champagne!!!,This is for sure not what I was expecting it to taste like. It's not bad but not for me. I like the carbonat
i?onon n a ?????uiu?cece e i idided????ititht??nono o??ddd????sus????? W WhWhehene????fifiri?????ooookok k???sis?p p?ofo?????I I nI nonotno??iceic?d ??? h hahasa? a? a b a bib??e e te ?to to? it?. ???? b bebese?st st? wa w?? I I I cI cac?an an?de?scs?riribi?be be i? it it? is is ?a ??nonno??ala??oho??lilic?????mpmpapagagngnen??. I. ?I hI hohowhowew??????idid id?li?????it ?bebetbetttteter???ha?n n tn ??e ?waw?tetertermr?elelol??? bu b?t ?st???? n?oto???????,B,B0B??1L1LGLG9G?454??,A,A2A?WNW??QFQ???????V,V???????,0,0,0???5,??232?????0000000??"A"AWA?ESE??MEME!E? S ????? e ???ricrichchecheded ed????ter?? al a???erner?at??veve ve - ? T ?as?te??s Gs GRGREREAEATA???,",?Th???s cs cacarca?bob?onaon??eded ed 1ed 101??% % j ju j?uicuicece ce d dr dri??k ?????eses es???crcrecred??iblib??y gy gog?????ItIt ?rer?????s ?me???f ?eaeatea??ngng g????shs????????in????whwhehenhe?n In I n I? wa?????kik?id,id?, y, ?ete??ththith?is is?? is is? a ????rinkrinkak???e e ve ??rs?ioionion ???
ion and juice idea with no added sugar. When I first took a sip of it I noticed it has a bite to it. The best way I can describe it is a non alcoholic champagne. I however did like it better than the watermelon but still not for me. 6735,B001LG945O,A2WN1QF8GSVHYV,Altmed,0,0,5,1237248000,"AWESOME! Soda, enriched water alternative - Tastes GREAT!","This carbonated 100% juice drink tastes incredibly good! It reminds me of eating fresh tangerines when I was a kid, yet this is a drinkable version of
??hah????IfI??yoy?u u???kek???rar?ngn?eses s?an?? t tatan??gergerir?nen?es,es, , y??ou'ou'l'?l l??ovo??e te th????! T! ThTheh?eseese ??ougou?htht t t?o o?bebe ??? e ?veverve???scschc?oooolol ?vevenve?didin???mamacachchichin???(i(???teteaeadad ?ofof ?sosodo????)<)<b<brb??/>/><><b<br<br r /r />/>T/>?ThiTh?is is i ???????e fe ????????? j ?uiu???, ?????????t ft fofor???dud?ltl?t (t (O(???kikididsd??) )??unu???????pip?icnic?icicsics,s, ??tct????????at????rinri?k k????????rcrcic?????? w ?elell?, ???and and??oeoesesnes??t t ht ?havhaveve ve t th t?he he??????r ir ???????, so, s??????pi???s ?in??blbloloo?d ?sus?ugaug? ?? g go goo?? c ch??iciceic?e f????di?aba??tit?????s s ws ?welwe??ll, ll, a an a?nd nd??it?ho??t t tt ththethe e a????fif?iciiciai??l sl ??weewe????????????363???0000100??G9G949???,A,AIA?GIG????OFO?YOY????PrP?rin????s s Js ???nyn???,0??5,5,1,121?3636936????00?,S,?weweeweetwee?t t?rerea?????? s sa saya?y ay aly all? t th?esese
that! If you like oranges and tangerines, you'll love this! These ought to be in every school vending machine (instead of sodas!)<br /><br />This is made from 100% juice, so great for adult (Or kids') lunches, picnics, etc. A great drink for exercise as well, and doesn't have the sugar in it, so no spikes in blood sugar... Likely a good choice for diabetics as well, and without the artificial sweeteners!" 6736,B001LG945O,AIGI4MMOFYO46,Princess Jenny,0,0,5,1236988800,Sweet treat!,"I say all these
??rereveviv??wewere?? w whwhoh????? t tht?isi???tutufu?? i ?is is t to toooo ?swsweweewe???????WRWRORONO???????e e?????n n t????roroco????! T! ??????ltl?iningng g??????ili??????er? i?? d dod??n ???st? r???htht.t? I ? t tr t?????fof??r r???av?ororsrs rs??ndnd ?he??re ???is mis mym????nkn????:<:<b<brbr ?/>/?<b????>1>?st??PlP????: : < ???????="=?"h"?htthttpt?:/:???????????on.on.c.coc???gpg?/p/?rorodro?ucuctc?????1L1???H4H???????wiwi wi B ?er???</<????????/>2/>2n2ndnd nd????cece:?? <a <a ?hr??f=f="f=""""h""ht??p:???wwwwwwww.w???mazmazo????om??????propr?du?ct????001001L1LG1LGG??5454"4????at??????on? S ?trt?rawra?beber??y<?/a/a>/a??><br><br ?r />?3r3?????PlacPlacece:?ce: <ce: <a<a <a? hr hrerefref=ref???"ht"h???????ww?ww.aww.??????????m/gm/?gp/gp??ro??ucuctuc?t/Bt/???01L01LG??4040E40E"E???BlB???k k??????ry<ry</</a</???<br??????? P??laclacelac??: <: ?????hrefhre?f="???"htt"ht????//w?wwww.ww.a?????on.on.c?omom/om/gom/??gp/pgp/
reviewers who say this stuff is too sweet are WRONG! Have it on the rocks! The melting ice will water it down just right. I tried four flavors and here is my ranking:<br /><br />1st Place: <a href="""">Kiwi Berry</a><br />2nd Place: <a href="""">Watermelon Strawberry</a><br />3rd Place: <a href="""">Black Cherry</a><br />4th Place: <a href=""
r?odo?????B0B????G9G???????OrO?ana?gege e????gegergerir???????""?676737373??B0?01?LG???????2626464U4?DLD?WWW?RJR?7X7X4X??????umummm???fifiei??d,d???,0,,0,4,???232??818?606?00000?0,"0,"P"??eae??iningin??Or?anang????od????A A? Ta Tada??PrP?ricri?y y??utut t?woworo?tht??????"S"SwSwiw??chc??OrOra?ngngeng?/T/TaTanTa?nge??rinri?ne ne?sos?oda??????? i???? s?mam??le?????an an?th??an an aan ??reregegug?lalarar ?so?dad??(a(a a la lil??tlt?le le?ovo??? 8 ???unu??ese?????mpm?ararear????o o? th t??e ue usususuau?al al 1 ???? oun ou???es es? in in in? a a r ?regre???larla?r s???t ????rinkrin????n)n).). . . ??????s ls ??beb??ed? a as a????al?l-l??atatuturu?????? be b??aua?useus??th?e ??sugsu??arsars s is ?? i?t t ct co??e ??????frfrufr?it???uiuicui??s s rs ???the??r tr ?tha?n ???????co?rnrn ??yry???. . ?I I???ili?llelleded ?ththe?? ca can?? of of f??wi???ch ch??? in m in ???re?fr??geger?at??or or o ov o?verve????hth???an??d td thd t?henhe????mp?le
roduct/B001LG945O"">Orange Tangerine</a>" 6737,B001LG945O,A264UDLWWRJ7X4,D. Summerfield,0,0,4,1236816000,"Pleasing Orange Soda, A Tad Pricy but worth it","Switch Orange/Tangerine soda comes in a smaller can than a regular soda (a little over 8 ounces, compared to the usual 12 ounces in a regular soft drink can). It is labeled as ""all-natural"" because the sugars in it come from fruit juices rather than added corn syrup. I chilled the can of Switch in my refrigerator overnight, and then sample
dd d i ?? p ?ouoururerede?d od ??ere? i ic icec?????? g ????s.s. . ?ThT?e ???loloror ?isis s n ??t t st ???""""n"?eoe??""?????ngngeg???as as?sosomso????oraoranora????so???as ?---??????? a?? so s????er er? or o???????colco?lorlor.r?? T Th T?he he f fif?????????so? l lelesessss ss??hahanan an? in in in a a a r a re??ulu?larla????ft??drdririni?k.k?<b<???????r r /?>I>I I f fo f?ounou?d ??thethe ?flf??vovoror or? pl ple?asasias?ingin?? w ?itithith h n?ononeone e oe ofe o?? th t?he ??he?????al al?????metmetat????ic ic t ta tas??te te? wh whih??h ?ca??n on ?ccccucurur ur i? in ????y y????andan??s os ??? or??ang?e ???da?. ?. T. ?TheThe e se so??ft ???zz??inein??s s o??????? dr dririnrink???omompmplplelemle?menmentnte???d thd t??he ohe ororaoran?ge??flflaflavavovorvor ??ele?l.l??. I. ??dididi??????reare?all?y y gy ?getget t at a a ta trtrurueu?e te ?tanta?????rinerin??e tae t??asteast?e f??om??? the th?e s???da.da. da.??TaT?angange??????s as ars a?re re?????ryr??acacic????ic fic ?ruruiru????an?? h ?havha?? a? a v a ve a ver??y dy ??sts??incinctc???
d it poured over ice in a glass. The color is not so ""neon"" orange as some orange sodas -- it is a softer orange color. The fizz is also less than in a regular soft drink.<br /><br />I found the flavor pleasing, with none of the chemical or metallic taste which can occur in many brands of orange soda. The soft fizziness of the drink complemented the orange flavor well. I didn't really get a true tangerine taste from the soda. Tangerines are a very acidic fruit, and have a very distinct ta
??tete,e??????? I ??did?? n ??t t r ????lyl? g geg??t ft ??omom m t tht????????? H ??wew?vev?r,r?, t, ?thethe e t ta t?ststeste e ie isi??ve?????mom?ot??h ah ????ququiuititete te r??fr??shshihinhingn?. ? M ????teete??agage?????ugu?hth???s s as ??d ?ththetheithe?r r?fr??en?dsds s ls lolovo???????his his s so s?odaod?, ?an?and and?? h ?ava?ve ve b ???en en r????rdr???ining???? e ?eveevereryer?y s?????tetente???as as?? t??reareatat.t.<.<b<?r ??><><b?r ??> > S SwS??itcit?? i is is s as a s a???it it pit prpriricicyic??. . Y. ??u u?cac?an an c cu c???dod??n ?ono??????prpripr?iceic???y y s?igigng?iningin????? fo foror or r re??ulu????dedeldelil????ie?s,s, , b, bub?ut ut? so? f fa f?ar ar? I ???ve????t gt ?iviveiv??en ien ?in in? to t?o to ??at? t??mpm???atiatioi?on.on????HowHo??????????m bm ?buybuyiy??????t f?oror ????ciciai??? oc o?cacasca??ionionsn?s, s,???r r tr th??the tthe trtrarav??? c?oo???er,er??, an, andnd nd f fo for for for p pl p?lanla?nenede??d ted tee?n ???t-t-t-??gegetgethgetheher??.".???737?8,8,B,B0B??1L1LGLG9G949?5O5O,O,A,?
ste, which I did not really get from this soda. However, the taste is very smooth and quite refreshing. My teenaged daughters and their friends loved this soda, and I have been re-ordering it every so often as a treat.<br /><br /> Switch is a bit pricy. You can cut down on the price by signing up for regular deliveries, but so far I haven't given in to that temptation. However I am buying it for special occasions, for the travel cooler, and for planned teen get-togethers." 6738,B001LG945O,A1
??BGB?????DPD????,M,??? F ?ana??asa???c,c?????3,3??232363686?161??????gog???, ,??k,k?, m, ???beb??,"?ThT??????e e t ???stest?d d p ?rer?ttt???gogoogo?????VeV?ryr?????gygy,y????t t????????reareala? f ???itit't? k kik???d od ?f f w ?ayay.ay. . ????????????y y gy ?gotgo????hishis s os ono?ne ne?????????? s ???lll?????????vever???eee??????lfl?f bf ?buybuyiy?ingin? a a a?bu?ncn?????f tf ththith??. ??MaM?aybay?? i if i?f af ama?mazmazoz?? s? sen se?nt nt m mem?e me moe m?rere re? th tha than? a? a s a sis?ingingling????????o o????, ???wowouo???d hd hah?ve???ui??ld ld a a a h a ?habha??it?????drd??nk?ining?? th??m m ( ????gh?...?hi???t..t.????ghgh)gh?.<.?brb???><><b<br<b?r /r ??I ???on'on't? r re r?al????????erserststastan?d ?ananyany ????inkin?k tk ??thisthi?s ss ????. . ??f ??I w?er????thithirthirsr?stysty y ay ????all???, I , I? wo wououlou?ld ??wanwant??????mom???, , a, ?? l ???astas???12 12??z.z??. T. ???????????thether????drindri?nksnk?s ts
ZBGFVVMDPOPD,Mr. Fantastic,0,0,3,1236816000,"good, ok, maybe","This one tasted pretty good. Very tangy, but in a 'real fruit' kind of way. I think they got this one right. I still can't ever see myself buying a bunch of this. Maybe if amazon sent me more than a single can to try, I would have build a habbit of drinking them (cough..hint..cough).<br /><br />I don't really understand any drink this size. If I were thirsty at all, I would want way more, at least 12 oz. The only other drinks t
???????zez??ara????hoh??e ??rar????ene???gyg?y dy drd?ininknksks,s???ndnd d t ??????ar?e ?obo?vivioi??sls??y my mom?????? a??????nsns s ts ?? a?? e??????????ofof of?dr????? ?????ese?s ?iti??is?? su supu??os??d ?toto to?beb??mo???????a a g go gou?rmr??t ???dad?/j/?uiu?cece.e. ??????uesuess? t th theh???e ie ????a ma mam??kekete?t ft fof?or or? th??t,t???'m??ju????non?t ??????ofof ?it?.<.?brb? / />/??<br<b??/>??ic??e le ????lel??e cae c?arbarbobononan??eded ??juiju??ice,ice?, b, ???t st stt s???l l n nonotno?????llllylly ?wow??thth th???e ??fff?forfortrt/t/m/?????y fy ??? m me?.".?6??393?,B,??010????4545O5O,O?AEAEMEM5M?7N7?VIVIFI??????FLF??????0D0?????,5,5,5,1,??363686?????????lal?????????????????!"!????????smsmamalma?????? o????juijuicjuice? i??s ts tas t?ststyst???????e cae care ca?????ti?onon on???kekeske?s t????? be b????aga?e e ve ?verve???y dey dele?ligli??tft?fulful,?????d t?he? j
his size are those crazy energy drinks, and those are obviously more of a 'means to an end' kind of drink. I guess it is supposed to be more of a gourmet soda/juice. I guess there is a market for that, I'm just not part of it.<br /><br />Nice little carbonated juice, but still not really worth the effort/money for me." 6739,B001LG945O,AEM57NVIFQ8B9,FLYingG0D,0,0,5,1236816000,"Flavorful, and good!","This small can of juice is tasty! The carbonation makes this beverage very delightful, and the j
?uiuicicec??????oto? t ?????ugu????. .????is????oodood d t???ses?????is?is dis ?????? in in n????e me ???kekete?????????ughug? I I I???oulou?d d hd hah???e le lil??kedke?d ad a a l lalar?geg??? si s??e e ce coc?ntn???inein??? so s????cocoucoululdld ld d dr???k k mk mom?rere e ae atat ??????e,e? T ??he he?SwSwiwiti?chc??????? i?s s ls loloao??ede??wi?th? T Ta T?ngn?gerge?rinrinen??go?ododnd?nesnesss?? H ???rar?y!y!"!?????0,0,B,????LGL?949454?O,O?A2A??K3K??????X81X81515R5????beb?e Ve ViVigi?godgo??a "a """???artart-t-t-ti??? i? inv inve???or??"""""","??0,00,0,0,50,5,5????36836??60600?0,??lolorlori?ouousous,s,","Y,"??????ou? s???oul??d od ????????isis ??ririnrinkrink ??becbecac?usu?se se??t t dt ?oeoes???asa?tet???re?at??. . ( ??s s ls los l?ongon???as as p prpri?cece ce? is???????jejece?t)t??brbr ????asastaste?s ??ik?e ?ororaor???? j ??uicuicece ce wce wiwit?h ?se?lt??zerze???at??<b<br<br ??>B>BuB?????onton????eeleel l??uiuiluiltltylt?? ab abobou?t t dt drt dririn????g ?it? b be?
uice is not too sugary. It is good to see this drink in the market. Although I would have liked a larger size container so I could drink more at a time, The Switch drink is loaded with Tangerine goodness! Hooray!" 6740,B001LG945O,A22K36X80X815R,"Abe Vigoda ""part-time inventor""",0,0,5,1236816000,Glorious,"Yes, you should order this drink because it does taste great. (As long as price is no object)<br />Tastes like orange juice with seltzer water.<br />But dont feel guilty about drinking it bec
?aua??e e?itit t i is i???0000%0% % j ??????!"!??676747?1,1??00?1L1?G9G??5O5O,O?A3A3M3???4J4??1S1SISISI?767??"'"'M'MaMara??LoLouou u C ?????hah????"T"ThT????ololll??ardar? P PaP?atcatchc???",",0,?,0???,1,?232???????00,00???e ??ewew w?JuJ?uicuice????wiwititcit?ch ch???s ????10010?? o ?? w ??????ouou ou????t"t""??????""?????of of? wh w?hat????u ?dodono???????? ac accc???did????????hehe ?cacan?????lslsos???? acc ac?corcordrdird?ingin???to to???e e ce ??????t it ??s "?????% ??juiju??e.e???"" "" A AcA??or??dindingng ng t??o to ?thethe ??mamazazoz????ror?????t pt ?agageg?e ie ?????nt?aia?insins s ss ???. . . ??????ing? t?? the the??ririn??ede??????? ??""I""??ngrng?ed?ieienent???: 1: 10100100%? J?ui?uiceuic??????teterte?????paparpa???in?ing ing Wing ??ateaterer r S ?????iciic??????? R ReRece??????????? Ju Jui Ju?iceice ice?? Con Concn?cence?ntrntrar??atesate??, A, ?ppp?lel?, ?GrGraraprapep?? T ??angange?ri?nen???OrO??ng?e e ae ?????ce?????? Ju? Juic Jui
ause it is 100% juice !" 6741,B001LG945O,A3M8R4JD1SIS76,"'MaryLou Cheatham ""The Collard Patch""",0,0,3,1236729600,The New Juice,"Switch has ""100% of what you want"" and ""0% of what you don't,"" according to the can. Also, according to the can it is ""100% juice."" According to the Amazon product page it contains soy. Quoting the printed page: ""Ingredients: 100% Juice (Filtered Sparkling Water Sufficient to Reconstitute Juice Concentrates, Apple, Grape, Tangerine, Orange and Acerola Juic
e?????cec?ntntrtraratatet?s)s????umu???cacacaciciaia,a?, N, ?atatuat?ra?l l?FlF??vov?rsr???ndnd d C????orsors,s, , A, ??coc????c c???????ViV??amamimini????? C??????????oyoy.y."."""???r r / ?><>????????ere???isi???????ususus??????stste?. ???t t??is is d did?fff?icicuic?ltlt ??o o????????whwhe?tht????itit it??s s ts ?theth???tas?te???f f t ??the the???n ?or? t?he?????stest??of? t th???sosoyoy.oy???<br <br /??><b><br??? />T />Th?e e pe ?????e ie ise is s ss su?rpr?pripris?in?g.g?. T. ?TheThe The c????????? ar are? s shs??ckckik?ing??. O. ?nene ?cacancan can???? 1 1414040 0???lolorlo??<????/>/></>?<br<br <br /<br />/>W/>WhW???knk??wsws?s? ?WeWe e me ?aya????vevele?loplo?? a a t ta tas ta??? f ??or or Sor ????chch.h??6??4242,2,B,??010???9494545O5O,O?ADADSD?FKF???444??8J8?V,V??ili??l Gl ????ur?,0,?,0?,5,??121??6767267292?606??,A? f fl f?lavla?vorvo??wiwinwinnn?nerne??????????lyl?????ngngeg??a a??it??lele ?beb??forfo??re Ire I ??o o ao ?a na ?atatu???ral ral j ?uiu
e Concentrates), Gum Acacia, Natural Flavors and Colors, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). Contains Soy.""<br /><br />There is an unusual taste. It is difficult to decide whether it is the taste of the can or the taste of the soy.<br /><br />The price is surprising. The calories are shocking. One can has 140 calories.<br /><br />Who knows? We may develop a taste for Switch." 6742,B001LG945O,ADSFKIX44X8JV,Jill Guntur,0,0,5,1236729600,A flavor winner,"I usually cringe a little before I do a natural jui
???/c/????????ede? b ?????aga?e.e. .??ThTheh?????? f ??eqeququeuene?tlt?y y??omomem?tht?????ofof f a ?n n? af aftf?tertertr???tete te???at? i??s us ununpn?leleaeas??antant.t?<b<brb? / ????r r /r />/>T/>???? i???rerefre???shshi???, ,???ghg?t,t, ?ve????bub???ly?? an a?d d ld ?lealeavave??s as ????????????tete te ate afa?fteft?er er?wiw??? n ?o o c ?ri??ngenge e ee efe???ctc??.<.<b.<brbr br / /> /??br??/>?????efiefin?ititeit?????ouo??d ???????isis is dis drd?rin?k.k???676??3,3??000010?LGLG9G??5O5O,O????DLD?V1V1G1GWG?QJQJLJLELEQEQ,Q?"E"?riricri??K.K. ???????ricoric?o "o ?????en?mamananwan???t"t??","???,0,,0,4,???23236366664643??0000,00???eryer?y ny nin??? t? tan tang?ngerngeririn???????,"??I cI cecerce????inlinly?ly hly ????e te th??t t?SwS????h h??ili????????ellellilinli?? t th t???s ps prpror?duducu?? i in in n ln ???gegerge??pap??kakag??es es - ???I wI ?asas as v ve????did?isaisapappppop?inintinte?d d wd ?hehenhe?n mn ??y Ty ????ngerngeringerin???e soe sod?a ?wa?s s gs gogon??e -e ??itit it w?as??
ce/carbonated beverage. There is frequently something of an aftertaste that is unpleasant.<br /><br />This is refreshing, light, very bubbly and leaves a bright taste after with no cringe effects.<br /><br />I definitely would buy this drink." 6743,B001LG945O,A3LDLV1GWQJLEQ,"Eric K. Talerico ""Greenmanwest""",0,0,4,1236643200,Very nice tangerine soda,"I certainly hope that Switch will be selling this product in larger packages - I was very disappointed when my Tangerine soda was gone - it was v
e????gog??d!d! !???ctctut????y ????tet????ikikeke e?????????eses,s, , w whw??chc?? wa wasas as?? s ????rir?????as ????st st o ?f f???e e se sos?odaod?as as oas ?n n? th??e me ?ararkr?ketke??dodon?'t'?t ht ?avavev??e mue m??ch ch??is???incinct?ivive? f flf?av?oro? a???al??? ??wiw?tct?ch ch sch ?sodso???????????asasaas??tlt???cacararbar??onaonata??d,d??swswew????????????beb???? o?ve?rwrwhwhewhele?mimin?ing ing???, , a, ?andan?????y ?????isfisfyf?in?ing,ing????artarti??ulu?larlarlrly??whwhe?n n dn ????k k v ve??????ldld!d!"d!""6?747444?,B,?????G9G?4545O5O,O,A,???1J1JWJ???5C5??SUS?????on??ld????itcit??el?l l???JeJes??s s L LoL????s Ys ???!"!""??,0,0,0?????121232363?555?????,"?A A??ararbarboarb???teted? J ??iciceic??????t Tt TaT??te??s Ls ?ik???OrOrar???ge ge?SoSododaoda oda w??ithith ?a a Ta TaTanTa?????Tan???ririnrinene ne C Ch C?????????lesleshs??d ?OuOut???y y Fy ??ll???????cec?es"es?","",?Th??is is r rer???atiativati??ly?ly ely ?xpxpep?nsnsisiv
ery good! Actually tasted like tangerines, which was a surprise as most of the sodas on the market don't have much distinctive flavor at all. Switch sodas are pleasantly carbonated, sweet without being overwhelming so, and very satisfying, particularly when drunk very cold!" 6744,B001LG945O,A1K1JW1C5CUSUZ,"Donald Mitchell ""Jesus Loves You!""",0,0,4,1236556800,"A Carbonated Juice That Tastes Like Orange Soda with a Tangy Tangerine Chaser, Fleshed Out by Filler Juices","This relatively expensiv
???coc??vevene?iei???????ckckakaga???????m m i????000? p ?????ntn??jujuiu?cece ce?anandn?????ntantaia?nsns s 1s ?4040 0 c0 ?ala????iesie?s ws ?or??h h??? c co c?????trt?ata?tedte?????lel?, , g grg??pe????an??gerge?rinri??e, e,??ra??ge????andan??d acd acecerceror??a a?????ce ?rer?????tit?????? w ??ithit?h ch ????on????ed ed? wa wat??r;r? a????iai?a ga gug?m;m; ; s; sos?mem?e se sosoyso?; ; a; an?????deded??vivit?ama??? C ???? p???vividvi?de de??0000 00???ercer?cencent????f tf ththethe ?ada??ltlt ?????mum???dad?ailailyl???reqre?ui?re?me???? T ??er????rere re n non???rtrtitiftifif?iciicia?l l f ??????s ??? a ad??ititiitivi??s s w?hih?ichich ?alallal???s s ts ??????anuanufufafacactactut?re??? to t??dedesde?crcriribri?e ?????s as ?s ?? " """"n"nan???????????ve???????brb??/>/?<b?r r /r />r /??? of??????ixi????iciceice ?wi?th? s ses???zez???? wat wa?terte???, an, a??????????e the the??? com co??ininain???onon on q ??????co?????Th?
e convenience-packaged item is 100 percent juice and contains 140 calories worth of concentrated apple, grape, tangerine, orange, and acerola juice reconstituted with carbonated water; acacia gum; some soy; and added vitamin C to provide 100 percent of the adult minimum daily requirement. There are no artificial flavors or additives which allows the manufacturer to describe this as a ""natural"" beverage.<br /><br />I often mix juice with seltzer water, and I like the combination quite cold. The
???wiw??chch h?OrO?ana??e e?TaT??gegergerir???e te ?asasts??d d m mom?????iki??e oe or??ang???sos?dad????thth ???????????? c ?????? t ??an? w?hahatat t I I I????ususesed? t to t??????uiuicicece e fe flf?ava??or.or???r r??><><b<br<br ?/>????e ce ???????atiatioi?? m??ke??s ts ththeth??drdririnrinkrin??????m lm li???????th??n n j ju j??ce?? b ??????t t at ?as as l ?????? an a?d ?re?frf????in???? to to? th t??? mo m?ututhut????s js ??ic?e ?an??d sd ?selse?tzt????.<b.<?????????/>/>T?he?he the ??tangtan?gergeriger??e e f????????ada?????he ??asastas?? s se s?emem em m? mor mo??????????ng?? th tha thanan ???oranorang?? s???a,a???butbu??th?? o ?ora?orangoran?ge ge????d td ta?tangtangetangererierin?ine ine f ????ororsor??dod?on'on?t t lt ???st st a?? l lo l??g ?asas ???dada da f??lav???ors ors?dodo do??n n tn ???the pthe pap???ateate.e????r /?><???r /r />??I wI ????d ??dridr????????s as ??aia?in in o? on on a? h ???? da d?y y i ?f f I? c?ououl?d ??buybu???it it? in i??xpx
Switch Orange Tangerine tasted more like orange soda with a tangerine chaser than what I am used to as juice flavor.<br /><br />The carbonation makes the drink seem lighter than juice, but not as light and refreshing to the mouth as juice and seltzer.<br /><br />The tangerine flavor made the taste seem more appealing than orange soda, but the orange and tangerine flavors don't last as long as soda flavors do on the palate.<br /><br />I would drink this again on a hot day if I could buy it inexp
eenensn?ivivevele????enoenouo?ghg?????747???B0B000?1L1??949?45O45?,A,?2727H7?????U3U3F3?ZBZ???"P"P.P? M MSM??kakamamom??o o " ???oyo?y cy ?lol?othot??s"s"""""""??0,0??????????979767606???JuJusustst t?OKOK K f ??r r?mem?,",????fifiri?stst,st, ,?I I r rer?ala??ly ly?wawanantntetede??to??lil??e e????s s d ?????. ???ThThehe he S ??ititct???? t??st??????ikeike ?tatan??ereri???es es a ?andan??hah?????gog??d ??????????e ???in?? i ????ara??bonbo??te??????t t nt ?ot?? re r?ealea???y sy ?strstroronro?glg??ly sly soso.o. . I. ItI???is ??lelea??an???. H. ?owo??veverve???afaftfte??r ar ??????sesece?onondn????, an, an n a??fteft?????ststeste ste d??eveeveleloelopo???ed ted ?????wa?s ?a ???ttt?le???itittit??????y y wy wi?fe? t? tho th??????????is ais afaftaf?ter??? tas?????asas as??????a ???ittittlitt???""""o""ofo??""????utut ut????he hhe ?hasha???? mo mor?e ????nsins?itiitiv?e e pe papal?atateate ???hanha??I ??o.???n ???y ?y cay c???e, e, t th??e ne nenetnet ???
ensively enough." 6745,B001LG945O,A27H0T39U3FZB5,"P. MSakamoto ""boy clothes""",0,0,3,1236297600,Just OK for me,"At first, I really wanted to like this drink. ""The Switch"" tasted like tangerines and had a good aroma. The drink is carbonated, but not really strongly so. It is pleasant. However, after a few seconds, an after taste developed that was a little bitter. My wife thought this after taste was even a little ""off"", but she has a more sensitive palate than I do. In any case, the net eff
?ece????asas s???ata?????ououlu?? j ?usu??t at ?as as s sos??n n h ???e e?OrO????ini??? a an?d ?I I wI ?onon'on?t t bt beb??gog??ingin? o ou?t t tt tot? b ???????e e oe ofof f??"T"ThThehe e Se SwS?ititctchc?""?? Or Oraranra?ngeng??TaTanangan?ererir?inein?. . O?n n tn th??e oe ote o???r r h?an??, ????th???s is ??????t t wt ????????ing ing????ve???at? a???ara?tyty y oy ?? g gagat?he???ng?? wi wit???fef?w w o???nono ?otoththe????choch??cec???????ououlouldldnld??? a???oidoi?d id ?it it e eieit?itheither??""?676747?6,6??????G9G9494545O5O,O,A,A2A?0V0??N5N??????BMBM,M???????D.D????ewbewbyb????,0,,0,3,3,3,1,?????979???00,00?,A ,A???rin?? w wi wit wi?thothououtout out?????ateat?????y,"y,?I I lI ???ve ve j?????? an a???? l lo????ca??bobononaon?ate?d d bd ????raragrage?s,s, s,? bu b?????it iit is?is dis did??fific?ulultult t tt tot t???????thithisthi?s ps prp???ucu???? hav ha??ing?????on??g rg ???aiaili? l li lif?e.e.<e.??????<b???r />r /?EsE?sesensentn??ala???y, y, t th thih???isis ?a ?gogoogo?od od
ect was that I would just as soon have Orangina, and I won't be going out to buy more of ""The Switch"" Orange Tangerine. On the other hand, if this is what was being served at a party or gathering with few or no other choices, I wouldn't avoid it either." 6746,B001LG945O,A20V7N5A22F4BM,Brian D. Newby,0,0,3,1236297600,A drink without a category,"I love juice and I love carbonated beverages, but it is difficult to see this product having a long retail life.<br /><br />Essentially, this is a good
d????? t ?hah?t t d dod?ese?n'n't't ?rer?ala?lyl? d?o o????ththith????????.<.??r r??><><b?r r /r ???t ???es??n'tn'??tat?sts???gogooo????non????? to t?o bo bebe ?? j ?uiuici?e ?????acacecemce?en?t-t?-a-??d d id ?s s t???rere re?rereare???????neneee?d d fd ???r ar a ?ju??iceic???epe??ac??me???? ? ??????ghghtgh??ha?vev??lil??mitmi??d ?vav???e e ie in? c ??mpm?in?ing ing?sisiti?uau????nsns ??or or? du d???????ththether? t?imimeimes? w wh w?herhe???sms???? c?an?s ??makma?e ?be?????r tr trtrar?vevelve???s.s.<?br?? /> /><???br /br ?/>I/>It/>I??s ??notno??exe????ly??a a pa pop????wow????outou???ececoc?ve?????dridrin??. .??????ce ce w????d d bd be???betbettbette?????MiMininuin?te???aiaidi???jui?cece,ce??foforfo???insinst?anancan??ce, ce,???s s ls le??s s ss sus????r a?????carcarbr?ohohyhydydr??ateateses,es, ?evevevenven n? th tho thou?gh? S ?wiw??chch ????snsn'sn't't 't a ad a??d ad ??y ?su??? ???ndnd nd? th the th?ereer?e ae are a?????en??y y oy ?f f??othothe?her her
drink that doesn't really do anything well.<br /><br />It doesn't taste good enough to be a juice replacement--and is there really a need for a juice replacement? It might have limited value in camping situations or during other times where small cans make better travelers.<br /><br />It's not exactly a post-workout recovery drink. Juice would be better. Minute Maid juice, for instance, has less sugar and carbohydrates, even though Switch doesn't add any sugar. And there are plenty of other
j?uiu?ceceses s t ???t t??havhavev??momororere e ne ?utu??iei??tst?, ,?inincnclclul?did?????alalcl??umum m a ?ndn??otoththethere? v viv???mim???????d sd ??????memenenten??, ??incincl?ududiud??ing ing?pop??asa?sis???. .??SoS??????s ?lelesle?ss ss h????ththythy y??ha??? mo m?stst ?jujuiju???<.<b<brb?r /r ?><><b<br<b???>S>SwS???chc??????t ?exe??ctctlt?????didiedietet ?sosodo???beb??aua?sese ?ofo?? th?e ??at??rar?????????coconont???ent ent c cocomco?apa??arear??d td ?????eroer?o so susug??? i???di??t t dt ?ri?????????????<br <br? /> />A>AsAs ??????????ar aar al?altealt???atatiat??? t??o so suo sugu??reredred d s?od????, it?? ta tasastastetes? g gogooo???, b, bub?ut ut t? the?????????othot??inging ing ring re????ly ly t to???isi??ining?uiuisuishs?h ih it? f ?ror?m m om ot?otheotherer er f?rur?uitui?-b-bab?aseas??? so s????? A AnA??, ??222???? ca casase??, i, it??'s 's? mo mor mo??re tre ththathan? t????ce ce? as as ??expexpep????ve??of? s so?da?s ?th?thattha????????in in?bib???er???cancansn
juices that have more nutrients, including Calcium and other vitamins and supplements, including potassium. So, it's less healthy than most juices.<br /><br />Switch isn't exactly a diet soda because of the natural sugar content comapared to zero sugar in diet drinks.<br /><br />As a regular alternative to sugared soda, it tastes good, but there is nothing really to distinguish it from other fruit-based sodas. And, $22 a case, it's more than twice as expensive of sodas that come in bigger cans
?.<.<b<?r r?/>/><><b?????SoSo,o???n n?ththeh? e enendnd,d, , S, ?wiwititctchch h??? w ?????????ryry y b ????lil?????y ny ??t ?sosomomem???????yoy?? w wi wililll??hah?bib?ituit???llylly y by bu?y.y??66767474747,7,B,??010??G9G949?????3F3FKFKPKPBP????UWU??FWFW,W?WoWororkor??ofof f?????,0,0,0,0??5,5?????212??????"L"???ke ke?""""o"?oraor??geg?????sodso?a,a??ono?????aya??y bey b?????!"!?,"???o o??????????e e ce coc????? be be ??? c cocoocoolol?l? ??ItIt t ht ha?s s as a a va vever??y ry rerefe??resre???ing?? ta t?sts?te te? an and?? li l??hthtnt?nesnessss,s, ??jusju?? t?he? r rir?ighight?? am a??????of???wew?etet et??no?t t tt ????mum????. .?SwSwiSw???ch ch i is? a??? ap aptp??nan??me me f ?oror or? th????bebeve?verve?aga??. ???? am am?gug???ssissin?ing ing ting ?thath??t lt lol?otsot?s os ofof of fof fofolfolkl??????? b?? m mam???inging ing ting thing t??he "he ????witwitctchtch"h""?????? c co cololaola ?to?? "" "?????on????d ???????? o???ce ce?????y gy ??t t at ??a taa tasastas?te ??of ??thi??s ps
.<br /><br />So, in the end, Switch is worth a try but likely not something you will habitually buy." 6747,B001LG945O,A3FKPBNI7UWQFW,Work of Life,0,0,5,1236211200,"Like ""orange"" soda, only way better!","Who knew juice could be so cool? It has a very refreshing taste and lightness, just the right amount of sweet (not too much). Switch is an apt name for this beverage. I am guessing that lots of folks will be making the ""switch"" from cola to ""carbonated juice"" once they get a taste of this p
????ucuctc??lil???.".""6????,B,?0000101L1??????,A,????48T48??LDL?????,I,?mam??GoGooo?bebere?,0,0,0?,0,,0?2,2,1,?232???1111212012?00,00?????non????ele???er? o onon n??hehe e??ypypep??"T"ThT?isi???rorodroduducductct ct?????rtrtitis?????thath?t t it ?????s as ?a sa sos?odaod?a ma mamadmadede de f ?????101???????it? j jujui???? a?ndnd d id isis is???fr???hi???. .??I I?waw?s ?quq?uituitet??didisisais???in????d i?????e ?flflalava?oro??. I. IfIf f???u u???aveave e ee eveve?? b bebeebe?n n un ??fofor?tutun?at?e ????ugughgh h??o o???ininkin? c cac??ne?d ?(n(no??t rt re??frifr?geg???????oror or f???esh??sqs?quequeee?zezede?) )??J J???ou ou??nonownow w????re?????????GEG?? di difi??ereraeranerancn?? i?n n fn ???avoav?or.or?????e be bab??? a?lml?osostst ??ot?ti??ng ng c co c?mpm?ponpo?nenne?t ??? c ca c??ri?ed???ve?ver ??intintointo ????is ??sodso???. I. IT. IT T e ??enen en? ca car ca??ieies?es aes a ???athat?herher her o od odddd ?afa???rtrtart???te.te. . I. I . I w?????ot? a?blblel?e te ???
roduct line." 6748,B001LG945O,AKA48TRLD0REK,Ima Goober,0,0,2,1236211200,Did not deliver on the hype,"This product advertises that it is a soda made from 100% fruit juices and is refreshing. I was quite disapointed in the flavor. If you have ever been unfortunate enough to drink canned (not refrigerated or fresh squeezed) OJ you know there is a HUGE differance in flavor. The bad, almost rotting component is carried over into this soda. IT even carries a rather odd aftertaste. I was not able to f
??ninisi???tht?e e e ene?titiri??e ce cac?????? / />/??<br<b?r /r />??hih?? m mamayay y?bebe ?a a??eae?tuturu?? o ????he??OrOrar??gege e fe ??????? O?ththetherer ?frf??iti???lalavla?vorvo?s s???f tf ???is is pis ??ododuducu?t t mt mim????t it ?indin?eee?d d t ta tasa???e ge ???od.od?. B. ???t It I I??recrecocomommm?en??d sd ???lll????? th???????angeang?e ve vev?erser?ioiono?n."n.""6???9,9,B,B0B????G9G?4545O5??A2A????DPD?6K6??VJVJSJS5S?,",??. ???. S. ????ksk?stistilillill l?????????343?;B;??illill&ill??3434;34?""?",",0,0,0,0,0,,0??,1,??36362621211211212012?00,00????frefrese?shish?ing?lyl????iteite ???atuat???l ??ririn?k,k,","T,"ThThiThisis ?waw?as as a ?ct?uau???ly ly a??susur??pripr??ining?inglyingl??re??????shinshi???drdririnri?? t th?????????gh????r tr th??n n O?J J? an a?d ?re??minmi?ndsnd??me? o?? a a a v a ??irgir?in?????oso??. ??TheTher?e e we wawaswa??????lel?e a?ftfte?? t? tas ta?stest?????????????avoav??? is isnsn'n??t ot ?veverve?????rin????likli???e an? o or ora???????odaoda.? T
inish the entire can.<br /><br />This may be a feature of the Orange flavor. Other fruit flavors of this product might indeed taste good. But I recommend skilling the orange version." 6749,B001LG945O,A212MDP6K4VJS5,"W. R. Stockstill Jr. ""&#34;Bill&#34;""",0,0,4,1236211200,Refreshingly Lite Natural Drink,"This was actually a surprisingly refreshing drink that is lighter then OJ and reminds me of a virgin Mimosa. There was little after taste and the flavor isn't overbearing like an orange soda. T
??? b ???t t???ini?g g i isi?? it i??s as ?llll l n ???uru??al al???????????rnrn n?sys???p.p? T ??????? t th t??ngng ng??s ??thath?? t???e se sis?zez?e ie isis is a a a???????e s?mamalallall ??at ??????8.8.3.? o ??? w wh w???? i? is is p prp?obobab??ly? t?o o ko ?eeeepe? t? the? c??aloalor?ieie e ce ???ntn???owo?n.n. . O. ?vev?ra?????a ?????, , r, ?efefrf????hinhinghing ????? m meme ??up,up????t t yt yoy??? ma m????ana?? t to????in?k ?mom????th???n on ?oneone.e??6???0,0?B0B000??LGL???5O5???1616W6?PAPA6A??V8V838???T,T?"S"?anandan????TrT?rolrolilinlingngenger??""""t"??rolrolsrol?gig?????","???0,0,20,???232?????????NoNotot ?asas ????tyt?y ay ?as as i?? c?ououlou???be??MyMy y dy ?aua?ghghth???er &er & &?I I???ereer??exe??it??d ?ab??outou??tr??iningin?g tg th?????lal???????s ws wewe ?bob?????ovo???????ngenge nge j ?uiuic??e. e. ?????s ps prpropr?????t d?idid ?non?ot ot??????essess s us usus ?en?ou???? to to to o to or???er ?itit it? as???
he best thing is its all natural with no corn syrup. The bad thing is that the size is a little small at only 8.3 oz, which is probably to keep the calorie count down. Overall, a good, refreshing pick me up, but you may want to drink more then one." 6750,B001LG945O,A16WPA6JV83YXT,"Sandra Trolinger ""trolsgirl""",0,0,2,1236124800,Not as tasty as it could be,My daughter & I were excited about trying this flavor as we both love orange juice. This product did not impress us enough to order it as we
??lil?kek?d d??ththehere???lal?vov??s s m ???e.e? M MyM???ono? a ala??so so???ieied??itit t???d ???dnd?'t'?t ct ?ara?e e??oror or i?t.t?. T. ThThe?? or orar??gege ??an?gegergeri?nene ?fl????orsor?s as ????mam?sks?kedked ?byb????e e oe otothot?herhe?r fr ?rur??????uicuicec?s ??nd? m ma m?ke?s ???it tit ??sts??e o????? I ?????????he he fhe fafacactc??th??t t ht ?????dd?ed??ViV???miminin ?? a?????s ?s a s a h ?heahe????y y ay ??altealt?erner??atiativi?????? so s?dad???bub?????he ?he flhe f??vovorvo?r or ?on on? th t?isis is o on onene ne??????????ak???g.g??676757?1,1??????????O,O????JPJ?8K8???929282?1K1???eze?oao?arrarrnr??0,0???????363???484??00,00?OKOK K??butbu?t nt ??? m my m?????,",??????ri??ed ?th?the the????ckck k????herrher?y ??verve???on??ofof f t? thi th??is dis ?????, , a?? and and???????er?? th??at at?????thithis???BoBot??? ar arere re l? lig lighg?t ????d rd ?refrefrref?????ng?? an and???AYA???etettt?terte??th?thantha?????uituit-t??flaflavfla?vor
liked other flavors more. My son also tried it and didn't care for it. The orange tangerine flavors are masked by the other fruit juices and makes it taste odd. I like the fact that has added Vitamin C and is a healthy alternative to sodas but the flavor on this one needs tweaking. 6751,B001LG945O,A35JP8KSV9281K,bezoarrn,0,0,3,1236124800,OK but not my fav,"Ive tried the Black Cherry version of this drink, and I prefer that to this. Both are light and refreshing and WAY better than fruit-flavor
?ede? w ?atatet??s.s. .?YUYUKU?! !? Yo Y?? c ?ana? t te????byb?? th t??? ta t??te?? th????e ae ara??e de ded???nin??tel??y fy frf?uiuit? j ????eses es b?utu????ithithoh?outout t tt ththe????????? t? thi thic?k,k?, s, swswew????es?s s?ofof f a ???ono????rbrbob?onaonat????drd????. . T. ThT?isi???rar????e te ??ang?ererier?inein??????oror or t???ougou?? - ? t?????'s'????isis is??eie??d d td ?????e t?? i ?????????at? h ?hithitst?s ys ??ou ou???mem?????atelatelyl??. N. ???t qt ???????it??terte?, ?no?t ???uit????????llill????bubut? d de d?efief???iteitele?????? y yuy???y y -y ???nlnlelesessess ess? yo youou ou lou ???e e be ??ttt??? f fr??uituit uit???? not not t st ?ou??? - - b - bibit?teter?. ?MaM??bebe ?itit'it?? t????mum?chc?h ch ?car?bo?nanat???? f fo f?or ???y ty ?tas??te.te. ?IfI?f yf yo???vev?e t???eded ed ted ?????othot??r ???avavoav????anandand ?ararear?e le ??ookoo?iningin???????y ?so??????ngn?g ng ne?w w - - - t - th??nkn? t???iceic?e ae abe a??ut?ut tut ???
ed waters. YUK! You can tell by the taste these are definitely fruit juices but without the sticky, thick, sweetness of a non-carbonated drink. This orange tangerine flavor though - there's this weird taste to it one that hits you immediately. Not quite bitter, not quite metallic, but definitely not yummy - unless you like bitter fruit - not sour - bitter. Maybe it's too much carbonation for my taste. If you've tried the other flavors and are looking to try something new - think twice about this
? o ono?e.e? I ItI???s s t tit????? a ana????efe???shs????????t t It ? w ?????t ot ??dederer r???t at ????""6?757525???????G9G?4545O5??A1A?EEEE6E?LQL??3O3OPO???R,R,","D"??????teteWeWiWininsin??"""??yn???ititeiteW??ins???","??,0,0,,0??????616?????00,00?,"A,"?????????fuf?nknkyk?, ??butbut ??notno???????,"??I dI ??????????nd nd t????tatasasts?? o of o?? th?isis is????y y my ??chch h - ? i it?? ta t??tetedte??????e Me ??inuinututeute ???aidai?d Od OJOJ J? mi m??ede??wiw???h sh sosodo?a.a?. . ????huh???????coc??ldldndn'dn???ststastan?????? at at t at alt a??. . ?MyMy My o?nln?? i is issssus??e we wiwitwi?h h th ??is?????? th tha th???????waswa??a a???????sys??upu? s sosorsortr?t o?f ?flflal??or?????t ??was? a? l????lele le o?ve???????min?????IfI?f tf th?????????a ?bebetettt??r ?????ncn???ofo?f f?lalavla????toto o???quq?idid id t to t?o mo mamaka???? it it a it a ??litlittttltt?le le lle ?ligli??????????in?ing,ing???I tI th?
one. It is tingly and refreshing, but I won't order it again." 6752,B001LG945O,A1EE6LQS3OPY6R,"DynomiteWins ""DynomiteWins""",0,0,3,1236124800,"A little funky, but not bad.","I didn't mind the taste of this very much - it tasted like Minute Maid OJ mixed with soda. My husband couldn't stand it at all. My only issue with this was that it was a heavy-syrup sort of flavor that was a little overwhelming. If there was a better balance of flavor to liquid to make it a little lighter tasting, I thi
n?k k??hihisis s??ouo?????e e??ucu?h h????e e re ???reresreshs?hinhi?g g?ana?d d ed ene???yayabablb??? ?MiMigighghth?? be b????????or? k ?idi????thoth?ougough??- - s ???cec??th?????ikikek??e the thah??t st ??gag???y oy ?oraor?????sts???f.f.".""?676?5353,3,B,?????G9G949???,A,??VVVV7V?222?959??P6P???,",?????rylryl l A A.A??ReRey??????s "s """??pup?ddd?iei?""?",",0,??????121232??030??40400??,"P,"PrP??ce??y sy su????, ,???ayay ??asaststeste"??,"I,"I I? wa wasasnas?'t'?????re re w?????toto o e exe?pepecectct ???th? t th thi????it?rurusu??, , f, fi?zzz?????rinri?nk.nk??ItI?t w?as?? ok o?kayka?y, y,???ou???h nh ?notnot ????ete?thith??g ?I'I????uyu???ftftet?en,en?, a, anandand ??cerce???ininlinlyl???not???orortor??th tth ?the? p ???cece ce??in in? my my ?y opy opip???ono?.<.?????><>??r r /r />??? w wa was wa?n'????as as oas ??????ey ey a as as ??I eI ?expex?pecpect?eded ??and?? it i??????'t???ntntit??l Il ???hadha?d hd ha??? o??f if itit it?gog?oneon???e thae th?? I ??rereareada?d td th?
nk this would be much more refreshing and enjoyable. Might be fine for kids though - since they like that sugary orange stuff." 6753,B001LG945O,A1VV72295OP6B4,"Cheryl A. Reynolds ""Spuddie""",0,0,2,1236038400,"Pricey sugar, okay taste","I wasn't sure what to expect with this citrusy, fizzy drink. It was okay, though not something I'd buy often, and certainly not worth the price in my opinion.<br /><br />It wasn't as orangey as I expected and it wasn't until I had half of it gone that I read the
? i ?ngn?rerede???ntnt t??isists???ndnd d?sas?? w ????-o-??an?geg? j jujuiu????is? a acactctut?ala????tht?e e fe ?ouo?rtrth?????cece ce? li l??teted??ono?? th thehe he??ng??redredi?en??t lt li??st,st, ,?????th ath apa?plplele e ae ??d d gd gr?apapeape ??juijuic???e fie f?rsr?st st???nd nd s?ece???d,d, ???? t th??e te tat????rir?inein?e te the t?ata?t st ?eeeeme?? t?o o?? ton to?e e de ?owownw?n tn ???e se ?wew????nesne?s s ss sls?liglighghthtltly?? th? the the t??ir?d d od onon on?? the the ???????brb? / />/><>???r /r ?/>W/>WhWhe?n ?yoy?? l????? at at t tt th???nunutu?riritri??on?on ion ?infin??rmrmamatatiat???, ?????is pis ??ododud??? h ?hashas s as ?bob?????forfortfor?y ?mom??????aloalororiorie?s ????an an C CoC??e ?ClClal?ss?ic?, ??nd???esespspip??e ????t ht ?havhavivin??? an???*a*??dededde?* *?????r,r, ??he???gragramgrams???f f s?????????? thi this this s ps pr???uc?????is Mis ?ORO?? t th?an???an ?eqe????????? a??moumoununtnt nt? of?? Co Coco?ca-ca?????!!!? T ?he??ononlon?????nu??s os ?f ?ththi
ingredient list and saw why--orange juice is actually the fourth juice listed on the ingredient list, with apple and grape juice first and second, and the tangerine that seems to tone down the sweetness slightly the third on the list.<br /><br />When you look at the nutrition information, this product has about forty more calories than Coke Classic, and despite not having any *added* sugar, the grams of sugar in this product is MORE than an equivalent amount of Coca-Cola!! The only bonus of thi
?s s o ovovev?? " ?"r"?eae?l"l?"" ""?sosododad??isi?s ts ththehe e?ViVititat?????? a ??d d?A.A...????erereere e ie ?isnis??? m ??chc???????nun?????????allallyly y??o o? sp spepeaeakeak k o of o?.".""???5454,4??????G9G??5O5???3F3?BMB??WBW?J2J????F,F??amaam???on'on??s fs ?an????,0,,0?4,??232363606?383????,G,GoGooood???????e be ?utut ut h hih????inin in???aloal??rieri???ThT?he he? ca can? s si s?zez??e ise is s ls liliki?e e ae a ??ede???llll l?drdririnri?k'k??? ?HoHowo?????? i??s ???gagara?r cr ???te??t ?isis is????grg??amsam??? A?ttttatacta???ed ed? is i????phphohotototo to???? th t???????ioioniona???fafacfactc??.<.<b<brb?????<br<b?r /??InI??????s s os ?f f? it its its ???????????mymy y oy opopip????ion,ion???t't's??quq????e te ta?ststyst??, s, swsweweeweetet,t??????it it t ta tan tangngyg?y ay an???vever??y oy ory o????isishis??????5555,5?,B0,B???1LG1L?G94G9?45O45?O,AO,?BQBQEQ????G9????R,R,T,??erereere'ere's?'s N's ???StStotopto?pipinping??SpS???e e Ve ViVikVi?in???s Ts ?. ?EdEdwdwaw??dsd?????
s over ""real"" soda is the Vitamin C and A...there isn't much else nutritionally to speak of." 6754,B001LG945O,A3FBMSWBJ202SF,amazon's fan,0,0,4,1236038400,Good taste but high in calorie,"The can size is like a Redbull drink's. However, its sugar content is 34 grams. Attached is a photo of the nutrional facts.<br /><br />In terms of its taste, in my opinion, it's quite tasty, sweet, a bit tangy and very orangish!" 6755,B001LG945O,ABQEDHBG91BBR,There's No Stopping Space Vikings T. Edwards!,0,0
,,5,???232363????404??,O,OrO???gig??aia?shs?,",?ToT? b beb???lulununtnt t?I'I?d d????? t ?hih?????an?gi????(<(?????efef=f="=??hth?tpt?:/:///??????mam?zoz????omo??gpg????ododud??t/t/B/?00????1B1BYB??""??SpSpap?rkr????g g?CiC???usu???eve?ere???e e we wiwit????????- - 4 ???lalasa???BoB?????s<s??a>a?? s sas?ansans s ps pupul??????asasiasici????? t th t?e ????inkin????? m ??iniinimima??l cl ca??bobon?atatit?on?, ,?an?d ?a a la li?ghg?ht ht?oro?ranrang??e je juj????e fe flf?lavla?or????th? h?inintin??s os ?f f??rinri??/z/zezesestes?. . . U UnU?ndendererter???eses es o of of ?grg??pep??an?and and a??plple???om?????ro????????elellll ll??????????at at t th the th?????e e ie ?ingingringreredredid????s ?bub?t t It ????tilti??ll fll fef???? th thi this???bevbe?ververa?ragerag??e ise is ??disdi???ncnctctlct??y oy ?oraor?ang????. C. ???paparparered? t?????e e ce chche?rrr??y wy whw?hichichch ch I I I? tr t?rierieded ?eae?arlar??erer er I I ?fe?????thath??at tat ?thithisis ???is ais ??fafarar ar
,5,1236038400,Oranginaish,"To be blunt I'd call this Orangina (<a href="""">Sparkling Citrus Beverage with Pulp - 4 Glass Bottles</a>) sans pulp. Basically the drink has minimal carbonation, and a light orange juice flavor with hints of rind/zest. Undertones of grape and apple come across as well being that they are ingredients but I still feel this beverage is distinctly orange. Compared to the cherry which I tried earlier I feel that this is a far
?momororer??rerefrefrf?resreshshih??? d ???inkin?. . ??ere????ala?lyl??? f fif?????hi?? d dr d?rinri?? t?o o?bebe e re ???theth?? g ???????d ??an?s ??f f O ????nging?inain??sh??ululdl?d dd ded????????ly ly???kek??nonotote??""6?757??,B,B0B000?1L1LGL????O,O,A,A3A3H3HRH?????VAV???QSQ??"P"?. ?FaF??cic??onioni i??"D"DuD?cac??isi?tit?????????3,3??232363606030383848??00,00?,"G,"????d f????oror,or, , s?mamalallall l???erver?????, h, ?highi???????calcalol????s"s???<s<spspapanan an c?lalaslasss?="=""?titintinyny"y??? L LeL??ngtng??????????MiMin?????????<br<b??/>????spasp????hoh??? v ??dedeode??????ewe? w ???h ?fifirfi??t ??pep?????ou??r ar an????asa??e ????ThT????wiwitwitct?h ??OraOr?angangege ?TaT????erier?????6676????,B0,B00?1L?G9G94G945??O,AO,??????GOG?36??Z7Z???,"S,"Sh?awawnw?????aca??ch????AuAututh?or? a anandand and C CrC??at???or oor ?of of nof ?umu?????...??????0,??3,13,?1231236?03???00?00,"00,"N"????A A??adad
more refreshing drink. Personally I find this drink to be rather good and fans of Orangina should definitely take note." 6756,B001LG945O,A3HRDRQ5VAFPQS,"P. Falcioni ""Ducatisti""",0,0,3,1236038400,"Good flavor, small serving, high in calories","<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 2:47 Mins<br /><br /></span>Short video review with first open, pour and taste of The Switch Orange Tangerine." 6757,B001LG945O,A3I9MCGO36KZ7V,"Shawn Kovacich ""Author and Creator of numerou...",0,0,3,1236038400,"Not A Bad
AAlA?tet?rnr?ata?ivi?? T ?????dad?, ,?BuB????oto?t At ? G ??eae?? O OnO????itiththeherer"er??"M"MyM??fifiri??t t it imimpm?re??sisioiono?????ththithisis s???rtr?ticticuc?lal?? d drd??nkn??whw?henhe?n In ???ir?????asa?stestede??itit it w?asas as t th thahat?at iat ??????inindindeded? m ???a a b bibit?it oit ?f f? th?e ??od???????ana?gege e Ce CrC???h,h????ala??hoh???? n ?owo??erereer?e ne ne??ar ar aar ??as cas ????????????????????""O""???angan?? C ???????"" "" t th???? dr d?rinri?nk nk? di d?d d nd ???t ht ?havhave??? the???linli?ngenger??inging g?cacarca??????tedte????zzz????????ou????ypy?icicacalca???sodso?dasdas ????e,e??an?d d ad ?a va ?verve??y py ?lel??sas??t ???rprprpriprisiseise ????as tas ththeth??faf?ctc?t tt th??at at Iat ?I dI ?id?n'n??t gt ?getge????y ??disdisgs?us??tinti?ng ng s so sod?oda oda b?ururpur?s s as afaftf?terte?????inkin???ing ing i?t.t??????knkno???? the??ki?ndnd d Id I I mI memeame?an,an, ?wh?whenwhen n yn ??? b bu?rp? a??????? c?ououlou??d sd sws?eaearea???????yo??you jyou ?
Alternative To Soda, But Not A Great One Either","My first impression on this particular drink when I first tasted it was that it reminded me a bit of the soda ""Orange Crush,"" although nowhere near as carbonated. Unlike ""Orange Crush,"" this drink did not have the lingering carbonated fizz that your typical sodas have, and a very pleasant surprise was the fact that I didn't get any disgusting soda burps after drinking it. You know the kind I mean, when you burp and you could swear that you ju
??????ala????eded d a ????eke? o ?ldl??ded?ada?d sd ??ununkn???aiaili?????????I I a?lslsos??did?dnd?'t'???etet t at ana?? r rereaealea?l al afa???rtr?tasta??e e w???? d dr drir?nk???? i ????it??herhe?.<.??r r / ???<br<br r /r ?/>N/>NoN???coc??in?ing ing? in i???t ???3 3? ou oun??ese???tht??? ca c?aloal?ri???? in? t?hih???? dri dr??k ?ara????epe???te?d ????1414040 0 c ca cal calo?????s ps pep???? can ca?. . B. ByBy ???mpm?ar???ono????????? oun ouncncece ce??????f f??epepsepsisi i c co comomeom?es ?inin in???t 1t 151?0 ?cacal???rie?ries ries p ?perper ????n. n.?SoS???onon on? th?e ????lor???e fe ??on?t t It ???????n'?t t st ??y ?th?????theth?ereer?e ie ?is is m ?ucu?h h? of?? a a? di d???er???ncence e be ?et??weeweenwee???thith?is ?drd?rinri?nk nk?????PePepPe??si,si??, al, a?th???ghg?h ih if? y ?ouou ou???o to th?? m ma mat?h,h, , t, ththithisthi?s ds ???ink? w?????? ac actc??????y hy ?avavev??????e c????alorialorieiesie??ththa??n Pn ?PepPepsPepsi?? if if f yf ????? com co?mpamp??eded ed?? the?m m?
st swallowed a week old dead skunk tail first. I also didn't get any real aftertaste when drinking it either.<br /><br />Now coming in at 8.3 ounces, the calories in this drink are reported at 140 calories per can. By comparison, a 12 ounce can of Pepsi comes in at 150 calories per can. So, on the calorie front I wouldn't say that there is much of a difference between this drink and Pepsi, although if you do the math, this drink would actually have more calories than Pepsi if you compared them i
?n n?eqe?uau?l l a ????ntntsts.s???owowewevevev??, ,??????ou ou l ??????? t tht?e e????t ???f if ?ngngrg?ededid?enent?s s??????thth,th??yoyouyo????n ?seseee??whw???re re t th t????????ucu?????????????tet?er er???r r yr ??you you? th tha th??????r ?????ditdi???nan?al al??ododaodasas,s???altalth??ougou?h h??????usu??y y??otot ot??????oodoo????or or?? you you u au ?????????ingin???n ??ct?uaualual l 1l 101?0%0?????????uiu?????r vr ve?geg?etaetaba?lele e je juj?uicuicec??<b<?????<b<br<br ?r />r />T>?o o p pu put put ????plplal?ininlinly?? an and an?d sd ???cicin???ly??, t, ?thith????is is ais ?? fa fai????????od od t ta t?????ng ng? be b????aga???? and and and???s ds dedefe??iniin???ly?ly oly ????????oulou?d ??on?sis????r dr drdridr??inkiinkin?ing ing????r ??he? m ????re tre trtratr???itiitio?nanalnal ?sosodso???as tas ththathata?t at ararear???ur??renrent??ly ly aly ???????blebl??? Ho H?oweow?eve?r,?? th??e oe ononeone one????mam?aryar?y dy ??tr?tractra???or ???o to th??s ????ththethe ??sizsi
n equal amounts. However, if you look at the list of ingredients in both, you can see where this product is far better for you than your traditional sodas, although obviously not as good for you as drinking an actual 100% pure fruit or vegetable juice.<br /><br />To put in plainly and succinctly, this is a fairly good tasting beverage and is definitely one I would consider drinking over the more traditional sodas that are currently available. However, the one primary detractor to this is the siz
?e e?ofof f???????? c coc???ararer????o o t????prpriricicec????r r????<br<br ?/>/>T/>ThT?he he ohe ?????thithiningn??? tha thatat t I I I h ????nonotot ?quq?iti??e de ?ececicididededded ?on??whw???theth???itit it??s s??????atatiat????oro??a ??oso?ititiit?iveiv??isis is?? the th?e se ??zez???f ??the?? ca canan,an?? wh w??ichic?? as a?s Is ???tat?ateated??eaear?lil??er er???omeom????in in??t ?8.8?? o?ununcn?cesces ????mpampar?ed?ed ted ?o o yo yoyouo?r r tr trt????????ala?? ca?nsn?????sosodo?a ??thath?? c????e i???at???2 2 o? oun ounc?es??? In In n an adn addd??iti?itionitio?n tn ?? t? the the the??izi?ze ze??f ??hehe he che ca????th?therthe?? i??s as ???so so? th the the ??conco??id???atati???on oon ?of of pof pr?ic???, c, cocom?????in???at ??ouougou?hlhlyl???1.1.0.?? p pe p??er cer ?can? w????ich ich?? is is?? con consnsi?de???blb?ly ly m momor??e ee exe?pepenens?nsivnsiveve ve?? tha??n yn yoyouyo?????ververaragra??e ce cae c?an an? of?? so s??a.a. ????ereer?fof?ore?????en????you you t?aka??e t??he ?si?sizesize ??e of e of? th the? the p the ?propr?
e of the can compared to the price.<br /><br />The one thing that I had not quite decided on whether it is a negative or a positive is the size of the can, which as I stated earlier comes in at 8.3 ounces compared to your traditional cans of soda that come in at 12 ounces. In addition to the size of the can, there is also the consideration of price, coming in at roughly $1.00 per can which is considerably more expensive than your average can of soda. Therefore, when you take the size of the prod
?ucuctc? c ?omombm???ede???iti?h h t ??e e p ???????I I??ouo??????????o o???y y??hahatha???it it??s s a ????fifininiinititeit???negne?????? a an a????ou?ldld ld p?ror????lyly y ky kek?epe??meme ?frf??m m? pu p?rcrchchahashasisin?g g? th thi thisis is p pr?odo??uctuc???brbr r?/>/?<b??r /r />??f f?? the theye???rer??????? 1 1212 2 o ou????? ca c???? and an????????d d td ?thethe the??????? t???n ?I I wI wo??uldul?d bd bebe ?momoro?? a???t tt to? p pu pur pu??hahas?e ? /> /????br /br ?/>S/>??hawha??n Kn KoK??acacic???<b?<br <br???AuA????or or????th?the ??????viv??ing ing??ic???ing?ing Eing ExExcx??llllel?nc?e ???????.".""?676???,B,B0B???LGL???5O5O,O??1H1H7H?????PGP???OSO?,","R"?ama??a Ra Ra??o "o ?????a"a?"""""","?0,0,0???,1,?12312353??52520200??0,C0,?ara?bob??atateatedate??or?an???e je ?uiu?iceice ice i????a ca ??an,an?,"I,"I ?dididi?d nd non?t ????? t?????drd?rinrinkn? a an any an??????ing sing ?????????????ermermsm????????tet?? i???t ist i?s o?raran
uct combined with the price, I would have to say that it is a definite negative and would probably keep me from purchasing this product.<br /><br />If they created a 12 ounce can and lowered the price, then I would be more apt to purchase it.<br /><br />Shawn Kovacich<br />Author of the Achieving Kicking Excellence series." 6758,B001LG945O,A1H7Y5XKPGT0OS,"Rama Rao ""Rama""",0,0,2,1235952000,Carbonated orange juice in a can,"I did not find this drink anything special in terms of taste; it is oran
g?? j juj?ici????nfn??ses?d d??iti?? c ???bobononan????on.on???heh????????e ise is s??uiuitui???acacic???ic ic a ?ndn??yoy?u u?dod?on'on't't t????l l t ???? t th t??rere ?e ise is e is?101?0%0? f?rur?uit?? ju jui?ce???ThTheTh??drdrir??k k? co como????in???????rarat?he?her her????? g ?lal???????tlt?e ??hih?ichic???ou????hahavavev?????????? the the e de dre dri?nkn?k mk ???intin?aiainain n t??? j ju??icyic?? ta tasastas?? l ?on??gerge?. ?ItI??do?es???oto?t ht ?havha?????y y py ???se??vav?????s s as ???d id ?it it?isi??glglugl??tente??frf????????susugu?ar????d d nd ?no no? ar artr??fific??ala???la?????. . T???s ????inkink ink????esnesn'n't't 't h ?hav?e ?e ane any?? sp s?pecpeci???????atuat?re????? and and??t ?????n'?t t st sts?tanta?nd nd o ou???wew?ellel?l il in??? m ?marma???t ???owowdwdededed ????th th? ma m??y ??dridrindrink??s.<s.<b<???/>/??<br<br ??/>1/>1.1?. <. ?a ???refref=f="=????ttptt???/w/?ww?.a.??mazma?onon.??om??gpg???propr??????B0B??141?WYW?
ge juice infused with carbonation. The juice is quite acidic and you don't feel that there is 100% fruit juice. The drink comes in cans rather than glass bottle which would have helped the drink maintain the juicy taste longer. It does not have any preservatives and it is gluten free, no sugar and no artificial flavors. This drink doesn't have any special features and it doesn't stand out well in a market crowded with many drinks.<br /><br />1. <a href=""
QQKQ?????ZZZZEZE E??orortr?????? S ??ara??lil?????uiu?cece,e, ,??omo???????tete,??8.8?4-4??unu??ce ce C ???? ( ??aca?k k?ofof f 2 ?4)4)<)??????r r / ?????<a<? h ?rer???""???tpt???/w/?wwww.ww?ama???ono??coc?om/om/g/??/p/?ror??ucu?t/t/B/B0B?00?Q3Q?ECECXC??""?>M>?ininuin?te??MaMaia?d ?MiMixMi?eded ed??ererrr??????ce???????????flf???z z???????s,s?, 2?4040 0 f0 ?fl fl???</?a>???????3.3?. C. ?????ala??s ???erterti????????gagananianicic ic? Ju??iceices?? - -??lelemlememenmentntitinti?e e??2424 ?fl?ui?d ??un???) )??y ??gogouourou???t.t.c????6?757595??B0??????4545O5?,A,??????B8B?FGF????IZ,IZ,M,???LeLeie?ingin??ng????,0,,0??,1,???59??20200??0,"0,??ot? a ??faf?an,an?, h, ??s ?anan an o??d ?tat?astaste?te -te - - C- CaCarCa?bob??????? i ???????ma???,T,?heh????????t t s ?aya???s a s a?twt???t ?bebececacaua??e ?ofof of?ca?rb???onatona????. . W. ??ll?? af a?teterte??pop??ouriour?inging ing t??he he???????ovo?
QK"">IZZE Fortified Sparkling Juice, Pomegranate, 8.4-Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a><br />2. <a href="""">Minute Maid Mixed Berry Juice, 24 - 10 fl oz Bottles, 240 fl oz</a><br />3. Cal Valls Certified Organic Juices - Clementine (24 fluid ounce) by" 6759,B001LG945O,A1GQRGB8FGSLIZ,M. Leingang,0,0,2,1235952000,"Not a fan, has an odd taste - Carbonation in minimal",The product says a twist because of carbonation. Well after pouring the drink ove
r? 3 ??pipiei?????ofof f i ici?ce ce t ?heh? c ?ara?bobononan??ioion? w waw??s gs ?on??. .???hehe he? ca c??bo?na?titioti?on ?isis ??????iti?elelyl???igi??? a ??? d ?oeoeses es??oto?t lt ?as?t.t.<.???r /r ??<b<br<br r /?>A>?s ?faf?ar ar a????theth?e te ???????????I I? di didid ????t ct ?carca?e e fe ?oror r tr th????as?????t ??llll.l??????????t a t a b babada?d ad ??te???r tar tas??aste aste iaste inin in m mymy ?momouo??th th I I ?ca?nnn????????mmm?ene?? t th thihis? p?rorodo???????? wi w?ll??sts??ckc??? wit wi?th th rth re???lalarla??juj????e ae ???????????owo????co????.<b.<???/>/></><b<br???>T>?o o b be b??e fae faia?r r Ir I ?gagava?e ?it?????o so ststast?arsar???????ses??my??? wif wi?e e te the t???????itit it wit wawaswa?s Os ?????767?0,0,B,???1L1???????????U0U?????MSM??V,V,","C"????kek?t ?"""??ivi??ingin? l??fefe fe??nd?nd lnd ???vinvingn?g ig itit!it!"!??","???0,0,30,3,3?12123235????00???Th?e ?SwSwiw?itcit?????. . S. ?ododaod??,"T,"????Sw?it??h ????
r 3 pieces of ice the carbonation was gone. The carbonation is definitely light and does not last.<br /><br />As far as the taste goes I did not care for the taste at all. It left a bad after taste in my mouth I cannot recommend this product. I will stick with regular juice at a much lower cost.<br /><br />To be fair I gave it two stars because my wife thought it was OK. 6760,B001LG945O,A353U0L2HAMSHV,"Cricket ""Living life and loving it!""",0,0,3,1235952000,The Switch vs. Soda,"The Switch bill
???iti?sesele?f f???s "s ?"g"?rer?atat t????tit????heh??ltltht?????ltelt??nan???veve e????sos????"" ""? so s??I I????idi???? to?? se s?????? m mym?se?lflf.lf???he???????t tt ?thith?ingin?g Ig ???????d d td ????o ??waswa?s cs ?omo??ara?re re i????s ns ??trtrirititiitioi???? f??ctcts? a??aia?insinst????y fy ?avavov?oriorititeit?e oe ororaor??????sodsodada da a???d t?hih????? h???? th t??????atcat?hehedhe?d ud ???????/>/????r /??ThTheTh?e Se SwS?ititcit?ch ch??raranangangeang?e Te ????????e ?(P(?er??SeS??viv?ing?)<)<b???????.9.979? C ?ala?ororiorieorieses<s?????/>1??8 8 m mg m??SoS?odiod???<b?????4.4?????????<b??<br /????? g?? Su S????<b<br?<br /????? R ?DADA A?????mim?in in?A<A???<br /???0000%? R??DA DA V Vi V????minmin n C???<br <br /???<br???<br />N<br />?at?atioati?onaonal? B ???nd? O Or O????ge ge? So Sod?a a ( ??er??Se??vi??ng)ng?)<b)<?? / /> /?151?.8.8 .8 C?al?????s<s<bs<?br ??/>3/>3.3.7.????g S???odiuodium???????<br />4.<br />4.3??? g C g Ca???b<bb<
s itself as ""great tasting healthy alternative to soda"" so I decided to see for myself. The first thing I wanted to do was compare it's nutritional facts against my favorite orange soda and this is how they matched up:<br /><br />The Switch Orange Tangerine (Per Serving)<br />16.97 Calories<br />1.8 mg Sodium<br />4.3 g Carb<br />4.1 g Sugar<br />20% RDA Vitamin A<br />100% RDA Vitamin C<br /><br />National Brand Orange Soda (Per Serving)<br />15.8 Calories<br />3.7 mg Sodium<br />4.3 g Carb<b
????>4>?.3.??g g S SuSugugagara??brb??/>??<br<b???>B>BeB?????? s ??igi?hth??y y?lel??? s?odo?iui??, , t ?heh?????ditdi??ono???f f?viviti?ama?ini??s as ana????o o????ede?d sd sus??ar??s <s ?? h hrh?????"h"hthttht?p:p:/:///??????????on.on???m/m????prpror????t/t/B/B0B?0101L1????????>T>?he?? Sw Swiwit??? O ???angan??e Te ?an??ere??inein?, ??????unu?????an?s s (s ???ckck k o?f f 2f ?4)4?</</a/?> > d ?diddidndn'n't't t??rearealalll?ly ly s?tatanta??? ou o????s s as a s a??????er er?bab???ed ed? on o??????ritrititioti?onaonal? f faf???s ?s als a??oneon?. . S???whwhe??n in itit it c cacam??e te ???drd??nkn?ininging ?it??????adad ad e exe??ecect?ed?ed ted to??pr???er?er ter th??e me ???re re???tutururaralra? t???tete ????at at T ???e Se SwS???ch??????????????? U ?nfnfofor?tutuntu????ly???the?? ma m???? tw t??o jo juj??cecesces ??????in????isi????ininkink k ak ?arear?e Ae ??plplele le???nd ?GrGrarapra??? an and and ??????le?ftf?t mt mem???notno??ta?sts??ngn
r />4.3 g Sugar<br /><br />Besides slightly less sodium, the addition of vitamins and no added sugars <a href="""">The Switch Orange Tangerine, 8.3 Ounce Cans (Pack of 24)</a> didn't really stand out as a winner based on nutritional facts alone. So when it came to drinking it, I had expected to prefer the more natural taste that The Switch might offer. Unfortunately the main two juices used in this drink are Apple and Grape and that left me not tasting
t tht?e e " """????ngngeg?e Te TaT??ge?rir?nen?"""" ""??s s m mum??? a??s Is ???ada? w ?anantantetede?.<.<b<brbr r / ?><><b?r r /r />?OvOvevere?ralralll???????coc?mpmpap?ririnring? t th t?????o o???ve??ragra?gesge?s ns ?????nln?? d did???iti??no?t ?imimpmprmprer?????e ?wiwit????as??te te o or o???ututrtri??ioi?on,on? b??? a?dddd d od ???? the the e oe ?bvbviv??usu?s ps ?riricricec??di??fef?ereerene?cece ce?($($.$?030? p pep?? o????e ??s.s. .?$.$.1$.111? p pe perer er oer ?????) )? an a??d Td ThT???SwSwi?tctchch ch???on'on't'??bebe be c ca caua???ingin???e e te ????wiwit???. ???? h ha hapa????????ti???????????y gy gog?odo??d old o?d d o????ngeng?e se sos????""?676??1,1???0101L1????5O5O,O,A,??????3N3N7N?????V,V??ha??lel?es es??. ?StStetevte?venvensns,s??,0??3,3??????????0,??ot? t??errer?ribri????...???? but but t It ??d ?????er????ustus????ve? o or??????jujuiju???,",???trtritriei?? t th thi th??s p?ror?oduod??t t at afa???r ?Sw?????????atate???melme??
the ""Orange Tangerine"" as much as I had wanted.<br /><br />Overall when comparing the two beverages not only did it not impress me with taste or nutrition, but add on the obvious price difference ($.03 per ounce vs. $.11 per ounce) and The Switch won't be causing me to switch. I'm happy to stick with my good old orange soda." 6761,B001LG945O,A2UN4S3N7VYLEV,Charles E. Stevens,0,0,3,1235952000,Not terrible ... but I'd rather just have orange juice,"I tried this product after Switch's Watermelon
?-S-???awa???rrr?? d drd?ini?k,k? a ana?d d?whw?ililel??I I t tht???ghghth? t th t??t t dt dr?ininkin???????????t,t???I wI ?as???oto?t at ? b bib???faf???ofo????e e Oe OrOra??geg??TaTanangan????nene ?flflalava???? ??heh?e te ?????e we ????anan ?obo???ouousou??blble?ndnd nd???f af ?a na ?umu??berber r o of???ififff????enten?t ft ??av?ororsors ??in in? ad a????io?n n??? o or oraranrangran?? a an and?????ngeng????e,e?, a, ??d d fd ??or or?meme ????????????it it???astasteaste ?momor?e ???ran????isi??? th?an??OrOraOr??angeang??. . A AsA?s os ??heherhe?s s hs ?havha????????, ???e ?????nt?? of of of c of ???ororior????s ans a????ug??r r ar ??e e n?ot?????t ????feferfe??ent? f fr fror?? a??coc?lala,la, ?sos??itit'it??s ns nonot??????????lelealear?? th? that????it'sit'?s Ts ?????????h hh he??altal???ierie?r tr ???an ?an otan o?the?????????<b<?r ?/>/???r ?r />r />P>?ererser?sonso?alall??y ty ???ougough?, , I, I', I??d rd ?ratraththe?ther ther???sts??grgra?? a a a g a glgla?sss?s o
-Strawberry drink, and while I thought that drink was decent, I was not a big fan of the Orange-Tangerine flavor. The taste was an obvious blend of a number of different flavors in addition to orange and tangerine, and for me that made it taste more Orange-ish than Orange. As others have noted, the amount of calories and sugar are not that different from a cola, so it's not really clear that it's THAT much healthier than other sodas.<br /><br />Personally though, I'd rather just grab a glass o
?f f????ngngeg? j ???cece e oe or??eae?????? or oraranrangngenge e ie ???tetea?????I I g gug?esesss??itit t dt ded?pepenendn??s os ?? w whwhah?at at y ?ouo???????decde??did?????o o?""""s"sws????h"h?? f frf?omo??????or por pepeopeopo??e e le ??oko??ing? f????????????nan??iviveve e te toto to?cocololala,a, , I? g?ue??? t th t??s s ms mimigi??????e ae ???at??ra?ctc?iv?e e pe ?rorodro?ucuct?. ??BuButut t at ?s ??om?eoe??e ?wh?o ?prprepr??ere?s s ws wawat?er???? t te t?????d d r rararra??lyly y?????ksk??s sos sododadas??????s ??propr?oduod??t ?is???t t ct ???ses?e te toe to o mo mam?ki?????e e w?????toto ?""??swiswit???h""h"???6??6262,2??000010??G9G??5O5???????6G6??????????????sas? M McM??????????,0,,0,5,?,1,???595959?????????tyty y &y ???????oooo oo S ?weweee???"I"???liklikek????ranrangrange? s ???? b bubut????????ly ly??an?non??? dr dri??k k? an an an e en entn?tirtire?? ca can can n on oror or bor ?otottot?le????f Sf SuSununk???t t ot oror or <or ??????
f orange juice or eat an orange instead. I guess it depends on what you are deciding to ""switch"" from: for people looking for an alternative to cola, I guess this might be an attractive product. But as someone who prefers water or tea and rarely drinks sodas, this product isn't close to making me want to ""switch""." 6762,B001LG945O,A15XY6GGKD3B6D,Melissa McCauley,0,0,5,1235952000,Tasty & Not Too Sweet,"I like orange soda but usually cannot drink an entire can or bottle of Sunkist or <a href
???"h"??tptp:p??/w/?wwww.ww?ama?aza??n.n??omo?/g/gpg???ror???ctct/t??000010??8A8?9K9KGK????????gege e C ????h h C?asa???4-4?6p6?k<k??a>a?????auaus????heheyey y a ara???????????y y sy ???ete??????????? j ?us????theth?e re rir???? t??uc?h ??? n nan?tut?ra?? s sw s?weeweet?nenesessss,s? a?ndn? t?hehe he t ta tan??????????vev?es es?? n????????????e tae t?ang??? to to?? the th?e oe orora???e ?????oror.or??ReR?mim??ndsnds ?mem???f f tf ??? g gr g??at? o ?oraor????e s?od????yoyou??ca?????? i ?in in E ???opo??e oe ore o?? sp spepecpe???ltl??y s??????????????? hr hre?f=f="??"ht"htt??p:/p:?//w//???.a?mamazma????co??m/gm/?gp/gp?/pr/pro??ducdu?ct/ct??00????4O4OHO?K"K"""">??????ininaina a Sa ?papararkar??ininging g C Ci C???rusrus s Bs BeB??verve????????h ?NaN?atuat??????ulu???- -????? Can Cansns<s</??a> a> o?r ???? hr hre hr???""""h""ht??tp:tp:/://://w???ww.aww.??azazoaz?"G""G"">"??an???
="""">Orange Crush Case 4-6pk</a> because they are so sickly sweet. This has just the right touch of natural sweetness, and the tangerine gives a nice little tang to the orange flavor. Reminds me of the great orange sodas you can get in Europe or specialty shops, like <a href="""">Orangina Sparkling Citrus Beverage with Natural Pulp - 24 Cans</a> or <a href="""">San Pe
??lel??ririni?? A ArA?ana????tat????papacackc??? 6?ozoz z?boboto?tlt?lesle?</</a/a>a???brb? / />/?????/>/>D/>??rer??? s sas?? i ??? ?????. .?ThT?e ??lalava?oror ???d d? si s??e ???keke ??it it a a ?pepere?fefecectct t m ?ixixex?????ftf?er?? my my ?in?tit??l l? si?p,p?? I I i??memede???teteltelyl???hoh???htht ?it??????d ?bebe e ge grgregreaeatat at?????ilill????? th thehe he?re??????? th?e ?e gle g???? w wiw?????vodvodkd?a.a.".????636?,B,??0101L1LGL???5O5O,O?A2A???????0K0????X,X,M,M.M??ErE?b,b?0,0?,0,,0?1,1?????????00000?0,"0,?????upyup?????????????liliki?keake?blb?? f ?????????????????wawasas as?ofoffof?ferfere??d td ?????ppppop???????y ?y toy t?o to ta?ststest???????prp?ododuducu?? b be bececaec?ususese ?e ofe o???????. I. I I w?ou???d nd ?notnot ?nonorno????llyll?y py ???????e ??hih?? t?ypy????f f pf pr??oduod?uctuct,t, ??o o mo mymy ??????w w????d od op?in?ioi?? w??illil?l bl ?? b????sedse?d id in?? th?at??re???
llegrino Aranciata 6 pack - 6oz bottles</a>.<br /><br />Dare I say it? Yes. The flavor and size make it a perfect mixer. After my intial sip, I immediately thought it would be great to fill up the rest of the glass with vodka." 6763,B001LG945O,A2LXX47A0KMJVX,M. Erb,0,0,1,1235952000,"Syrupy tasting, Unlikeable flavor. Yuk!","I was offered the opportunity to taste this product because of Vine. I would not normally purchase this type of product, so my review and opinion will be biased in that regar
d??<b<?r r / />/><><b?r r /r />???m m??oto??? b bib???sosodo?a ???ininkn?ere?? I ?I'dI'? j jujusu??t rt rar????er er d ????k k w ??ateat????r ?coc??fef???????????oco?cacasasis??nan???y y d dr dririnri??? a a???etet ?sosofso??t dt drdridrindrinknk,nk?, u, ?????????ie??t Pt ?epe?si????r Dr Di?et???oko? /?><?brbr ?/>/>D/>???d yd yoy?u u k ???? t ?thath?at at a? a s a ???glg?e e???ozoz z???? o?? C?????ClC?as????® ®??as???404?? ca calaloal????s s??????9 9 g grg?ramramsms ?of?? su s??arar?r? ? T ??isis ?8o8?oz oz????????SwSwiwititct?? h?????40?? ca???ori?ese????? 3 ?????ms??? of of???ga??????nd ??thith??????he?al??thyth???4 4??ununcn??????ssss s is ?is ?sisizsizeze,e?, s, ??ameame ???lo?ri??????tetene???an??d md ???e ?susug???????er o?ununcun??? th tha?t ?ClClaClasass?icic c Cc ??ke???OKO?, ??o o i???s s ns ????""""a"??ded?????????ar,ar, , b, ?????titil?l,l?, t, th??t'?s ?? l??ot ot?? of of s of ??ga??
d.<br /><br />I'm not a big soda drinker, I'd just rather drink water or coffee. I will occasionally drink a diet soft drink, usually Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke.<br /><br />Did you know that a single 12oz can of Coke Classic® has 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar? This 8oz can of Switch has 140 calories and 34grams of sugar. And this is healthy? 4 ounces less is size, same caloric content and more sugar per ounce that Classic Coke. OK, so it's not ""added"" sugar, but still, that's a lot of sugar.
1 101000?? O ????gege e??????? 8 ????, , h, ???? 12 1?0 0???lol?rir???s as an?? 2 282???????s os ofo? s sus??ara?.<.??? / />/><>?<br<b????ThT?e ??canca?? sa saya??s is ?? i isi??"""???an??? T TaTan?angeangere?????"" "" b bubutut t it ?????ctc?t tt ??? c??ntntetene??s ????e #e ??: :????terte??#2#2:2??????cence?ntrnt?ratra????s ofs of f Af ??plp?e,??GrGrarapra??e, ???ngngeng?erier????e, Oe, ????ngenge,nge, , a, an???AcAce?ror?????ui???s.s. .????n n tn ???y y?th?ro?w w????????e "e ""?????ac???iaia"a??, ?""??at??raralral l??????orsors ????d cd ?ololool??ors"ors?"" ?anandand and sand so??? " ?""a""asascas?corco????????d(d??it?ama?inin in????"".""??AnA?nd nd a??s a? l lil????le le s su s?urpurprp????????usus,s?, t, ?thetheythe?y hy ?havha????ddd??d d "d ???soyso???? S SoS???<???????><b><??? />?I I?????ed ed?mym?y wy ????e te ?o o??as??te te? th t???????duducu???wiwitwi?th th m?e.e. . I. ??pop?ur?ed????? d drd??rinkrink k? in int into? t??o o go glgla?????s a???d wd
100% Orange juice, 8 oz, has 120 calories and 28 grams of sugar.<br /><br />The can says it is ""Orange Tangerine"" but in fact the contents are #1: Water #2: Concentrates of Apple, Grape, Tangerine, Orange, and Acerola juices. Then they throw in some ""gum acacia"", ""natural flavors and colors"" and some ""ascorbic acid(vitamin C)"". And as a little surprise bonus, they have added ""soy"". Soy?<br /><br />I asked my wife to taste this product with me. I poured the drink into two glasses and w
?e e?boboto?? t tot?oko? a a a?sis?p.p. .?HeHere? r ??acactc?ioi????asa?? sw swiwifi?t t a???????onongon????? sh shehe ??ata?ede?d id ?t.t?. I. I I a?grgre?ed?? wi witithith ?heherhe?. ?. It. I??wawaswa??????meme,e???icickc??y y s sw???t ???? l ?efeftft ft?? s??gagararyr?y ay afa?fteft??????te te???n mn ???momouo?? ?NoNotot ot?on?ly? t???t,t?, b, bubut? t?????tasta??te ???????st? n nanasastastyast?. ??????dnd?????tas???te ate at?? al a?????keke ???an??e ??r r tr ?tantangngegerge???e e t???? It?. It j. It ?jusju?st ?tatas???ed ?teterte??ribri??????????t wit w??? a???unu????????d cd cicirirtrtut?us us??omo?metmeth??ingin? t ta t???e.e. ???? c ???bobonbona??tiotionon on????? no n?ot ?????an??th?thinthingng ng?pop?sisitsititivtiveve ?e to? t?? the the e ??pep?erier???cece.???eie?ith??er er??f f? us u???ininiin???hedhe???ri??kik?ing???urur ????? po p?ortortitiotiontio???. It???wenwe?t ?dod?????theth?e se ???nk.nk?<b<?????<b????>I>I ?wowououlou???non?ot ????chc?hasha??
e both took a sip. Her reaction was swift and strong... she hated it. I agreed with her. It was for me, sickly sweet and left a sugary aftertaste in my mouth. Not only that, but the taste was just nasty. It didn't taste at all like orange or tangerine to me. It just tasted terribly sweet with an undefined cirtus something taste. The carbonation did not add anything positive to the experience. Neither of us finished drinking our 4oz portion. It went down the sink.<br /><br />I would not purchase
???isis s?prp????ctc? i ?? t ththeth????????e ae ??? i??????ouo?ldl?d hd ????e ge ??vevenve?n in iti??????ara??? I I I w wowou????hahavha??. . I?t't's's ??thathata?t bt ????""6676??????010?LGLG9G9494545O5O,O,A,??0H0?232?353?????D6D6,6,","a"?popoeo?m m???????em"em""?","????,4,4,?12123?585???60600??EnEnjn???aba??????I fI ???nd? t th thi?s s ts tos to o?beb??e a e a????e ?????rnr??atiativ?e ??o o jo ?uiuic?e e a?ndnd ??? t???????ala?????sis? t? tha th?at at I???????????drdririn???<b<brbr r?/>/><><b<br<br ?/>????hahadha?d ad a a n ni n????lil??hth?t ft flflal????? wi wit????jusjust????li?ttttlt?le le? ca cararbarbob???titioi?on.on?? I I ?????t t b?eleli?eveve????angan???in?e e ie isis is t th the? r ri???t ??namnameme ????r tr ??the the t??ststest??. I. I I wI wowouwoululduld d sd ?????a ta ?????or??angangeange e je ju??ice??????or????ccccucur?atateate.???????erer,er?, t, ththethe ??nam???ofof ??thethe ??dridr?inkink ink????????t t tt ta???e a???? f fr froromrom
this product in the future and if I could have given it 0-stars, I would have. It's that bad." 6764,B001LG945O,A30H2335OM7RD6,"apoem ""apoem""",0,0,4,1235865600,Enjoyable,"I found this to be a nice alternative to juice and to the usual pepsi that I normally drink.<br /><br />It had a nice light flavor with just a little carbonation. I don't believe tangerine is the right name for the taste. I would say a tart orange juice is more accurate. However, the name of the drink does not take away from
tththeh? q quq?ala??????? t ththethe e pe ??ododud??t.t??brbr r / ?><>??r r /r />?I I l lel?? m mym??chc??ldl???? t??y ????itittittltle? b ??? o????thith?s s a ?ndn? t????y ty tot?? t th tho th???????it ??asa??a ?vev??ry ry g ??oodood ??????????? /> /?????????he he???ansan??s ars a????mamal??, ,? sm smamalma?le?????anan an????okokek?e ce ??n,n?????t It ???ou?ndnd nd??nene ??? q???encench???y ?y thy t??rsrstst t bt ??ettet???r t????an aan ??y ?of?? th???e cae c??fef?ini??te?d ?dr????s ?I I wI ??oulou?ld ld?non??ma??????icickck k??p.p?""?????,B,B0B????G9G?4545O5??A3A????ZIZI5I5N5??OTO??K,K,",?LiLin???????li?uc????"k"?at???????",",0,0,0,0????121????6565665?00?,R,??frfre???hinhingn??,"F,"FrF?uiu????ui??e ???s ?loloto?s s os ?of of cof ?calca????????sos???? h hohomomeme,e?, w, ?e ????tente??didililuil???e ge ????????r or ?oraoran?????juiju???e we ???h h???teterter ter???r sr ???tzt??er er????nd ind icice?? W ??e le ??
the quality of the product.<br /><br />I let my children try a little bit of this and they too thought it was a very good taste.<br /><br />The cans are small, smaller than a coke can, but I found one to quench my thirst better than any of the caffeinated drinks I would normally pick up." 6765,B001LG945O,A3NLJZI5NEOT0K,"Linda Pagliuco ""katknit""",0,0,4,1235865600,Refreshing,"Fruit juice has lots of calories, so at home, we often dilute grape or orange juice with water or seltzer and ice. We lik
e? t ?heh?e fe ?lalavavov?r r???????????bbb???? m ????e f???????or?e e re ??frfre????ngn? d drdririn??. .?ThThe?????tct?h h??????pop???aba??????????atatitivi?e e -e ??? a l a ?it???? c ?ara??????tioti?on,on, ,???cec?????vovorvo???momor?ore ore l li??ke ke t?anangangeg???inein??th??an an???an?????????101?0%0% % o?? t th???dadaia?lyly y r ??quq??re?mem??? f fofor???ititait?mimin? C ?. ?WhW?henhe???on??venveninieni????? is is ?imi???rtrta?ntnt,nt, ?Th?e e Se ??ititcit?? i is is is? a a g a ?oooodo?, , h, heheahe?altalththith??er er? al a?ltelt?????iv?e e te toe to o?sosod?a.a????767?6,6??0000100??????O,O??555?PKP??6Q6?6A6????????hemhe?????,0,???,5,5,5??232??868????00,00?GrG?reareatat at???lte??rnarn??iv?? t to to o So ??????I I? re r???ly????????th?thisthi?s ds ?? . I ItI?t pt ?rorovo??ded??? th? the the???????rere re?? of of????carca??on?atateat?????ve?ra?ge??????ouo?t t tt ththeth?e se ?ic??????wew??t,t?, s, ?titicti??y ?
e the flavor and the bubbles make for a more refreshing drink. The Switch is a portable alternative - a little carbonation, nice flavor, more like tangerine than orange, and 100% of the daily requirement for vitamin C. When convenience is important, The Switch is a good, healthier alternative to soda." 6766,B001LG945O,A55PK06Q6AKFY,ephemeral,0,0,5,1235865600,Great Alternative to Soda,"I really liked this drink. It provides the pleasure of a carbonated beverage without the sickly-sweet, sticky f
e?elelil????tht????drdririn?kik?inging ?a a???dada ??????s s b ?ehe??indin????DeDes?pipiti???cocono?tataia?iniinin?? a ??plp?le le a??d d g ?rar???????cec?, ,??it it t??stste???mamai?????li?keke e te ?thethe ????ngngeng?????? ta tan ta?????????????ve??tit?ses???????????'r'rer???ooo?kikinki?? f fof??? a a? ca cararbrbob??atateat?d ?jujuiju?iceic????'d'?d dd ded?fif???te?ly? s su sugu?????t tt ?? ?. I. ?'l'?l l b???dr?ininkinkiinkininging ing iing it???????.".?6??67???000?1L1LGLG9G9494545O5?,A,?3P3?PSP?????5D5??????DED??EYEY Y???. ". """??OVO????? M MU MUSU???????HEH?ATA??E ??ANA?""??????,5,?,1,121232353??656565??00,00??REFRE?RERESRE????? O ?RARAN??E E JE ?????E DE ?RIRIN?K K W ?ITI??????IC?K,K,"?ReR???resre???ng??or???gege ge j ju???? d??rinrinkrink k w wiw?ithit?????oooodoo??kikickickck ?toto o i??. ??If If? yo y?ou ou? dr dri drininkink ink? th thihishi?s fs fifirfirsr?st st???ining???n n t????mom????inging ?????? br bre???faf?astast,t, ??
eeling that drinking a soda leaves behind. Despite containing apple and grape juice, it tastes mainly like the orange and tangerine it advertises. If you're looking for a carbonated juice, I'd definitely suggest this. I'll be drinking it again." 6767,B001LG945O,A3PPSZB0W5DZH6,"DEWEY M. ""MOVIE & MUSICAL THEATRE MAN""",0,0,5,1235865600,REFRESHING ORANGE JUICE DRINK WITH A KICK,"Refreshing orange juice drink with a good kick to it. If you drink this first thing in the morning with breakfast, it
????susururer? t toto o b ?e ?a a??rearealal l???e-e?opo???ere?????'s? a ???"j"juj?ici???"" ""?drd?ininkn?????????dada a pa pop?????utu???????s cs ?ara????ata???, ????it???asa??????sas????bububu???y,y??zez??tyt????zzzz.z???he?? ta t?ngn???in?e ??as?tete te???s bs be?ttt?terter r???hanha??SwSwiw??chc???'s b's ??aca?k k?ch????y.y??I I w wow??????efe?finfinin??ele??? bu buyu???a wa whw??lele ??cascases?e oe ofo????isis is o oro???????lal?vov????HiH?ghg??ly ?rerecre?omo???ndn??ed!ed!!!??6676767??,B,?????G9G????,A,A3A????JHJH2H???3I3IOIOROR,R????????se se " ?""J""?R R?FrF????? the the e Be ???l l sl ?so so??lul?e"e""e""""",""?0,0?????121?353585?656????,T,??ast???fofor?????t ???t'st'??no???,"I,"IfI??yoyou? w????t at a ???uicuickck ck p ??ickick ?meme me?upup p t? tha th????s s ns nos n??? fu ful????of of a????d ??sugsugag?ar,ar, ??theth???? thi??s is isis ???re?frf??????g g a?ltlte?ternter???????e toe t???a sa so??da.da. ????
's sure to be a real eye-opener! It's a ""juice"" drink, not soda pop. But it is carbonated, so it has the same bubbly, zesty fizz. The tangerine taste is better than Switch's black cherry. I would definitely buy a whole case of this orange flavor. Highly recommended!!" 6768,B001LG945O,A37PZJH2F13IOR,"J. Rose ""JR From the Ball so Blue""",0,0,4,1235865600,Tasty for what it's not,"If you want a quick pick me up that is not full of added sugar, then this is a refreshing alternative to a soda. The
?flf????r r??s s????e e?heh??aviav????tat???ereririni????whwhih?chch h????ly ly? ma makakek??s ss sesene??se)se?? I ???????t ?ovo??erlerlyly ly sly sws??etet,t, ,?wh?ic??h ih isis is?a a?gogooo???????".?6676??9,9?B0B?010?LGL??454???????WPWPDP?QLQ?P9P9C9????ememomonmo?,0,??,0,,0?3,3???353?????00???asa?tyt?????bob?onaonatatet?????????????iceic??"I"IfI??yoy?? l ?iki?? a???itittt??e ?fif??z z w?it?h ???uru?r jr ???cec?e te ??hishis ??is ??a ga ?googood? p ?rorod?????? T TaTasTa??y y ay anandan???efe?re??hihin??. ??HoH?we?veverve?????????llll l j ??icice????t it ??is nis non?????ow ow??n n?cacal???ieies??, s, soso o d ??on'on???????????xpxpepece???ingin? i? it it t to to o bo beb?e me momormo??? li lik likeke ke a?? lo low?ow cow ???l fl fr??uitui??fl???or?oredore?d sd ?pop?ortor??drd?rinri?k.k?."."6???????01?LGLG9LG94945945O????P2P???D2D?65?????,","A,"?ndndrdredrea? " """"R"ReReaeadea??hoholo?licli?""??,0,0,?0,0,50,5,5???23523575?779779292020000,00,T00,?????s ??oo??d ad
flavor is more heavily tangerine (which only makes sense). It isn't overly sweet, which is a good thing." 6769,B001LG945O,A3U1WPDQLP9CQ,Lemon,0,0,3,1235865600,Tasty Carbonated Orange Juice,"If you like a little fizz with your juice this is a good product. Tasty and refreshing. However, like all juice it is not low in calories, so don't buy it expecting it to be more like a low cal fruit flavored sport drink." 6770,B001LG945O,A1P2XYD265YE21,"Andrea ""Readaholic""",0,0,5,1235779200,Tastes Good a
??d d??????hyh??ana????????y,y??????iti????dad???????????ea????gogo o???e e??o o to th?e ?????ealea???ininen??????????m.m? ??I dI dod?, , h ?owo??ve???, l, lil?????ub??blybl???rir?inkin???, b, ???t It I I d??n'n't'????????????ugu??r r or ??r sr ?sodsodid?umu?? T ThT????s ?whwhyhy hy?????s ps prpror?oduod???????peper?fef????? I It I????s 1s 101000?? f frfrurui?t ???uicuicec?, , c, ?ar??on???ed? f fo foror or?? the the e b?ub????nenesne?????r r /r ??????r />r /??raranangan?e ???is ois ?oneone ?of? m ?y y fy fafavavov?orior???e fe ??av?or??. ?. T. Th????drdridrin?ink ink??is is tis ??????rfr???ct ct???rinrinknk.k.<?brbr br / ?/></><b??? /> /?I ????inkink ??thi?s s p?ro?du???ct ict ??is eis ???n n b bebetettt?er? t? tha th?an an?????ge?? so sododaoda;a?? or ora oranang??e se ???a a i?s ??tit????y, y,???t ?th???? pr p?rodrodurod???t i?t is t is?non???. . I. ?t t ht hahashas ?ththe???????ectec?t at ???ununtunt ????shshaharharpr?ne?nessness ???????????
nd Healthy and Bubbly,"I quit sodas over a year ago due to the unhealthiness of them. I do, however, like bubbly drinks, but I don't need the sugar or sodium. That's why this product is perfect. It is 100% fruit juice, carbonated for the bubbliness.<br /><br />Orange is one of my favorite flavors. This drink is the perfect drink.<br /><br />I think this product is even better than orange soda; orange soda is sticky, but this product is not. It has the perfect amount of sharpness - which I l
o???? ?BeB?????? i itit t i?? 1 101????frfruruiuitit it j ????e,e? i it i?t at ?lsl?? h hahasa?????e pe ??rfr?ecectec???momouo?????f f n nan??ururar??????ete??ese???<b<?r r / />/?<b??r /r ?/>S/>??o to th???s ps ???????t it ?is is???? t th??e ge ??od? t?hihini????rorolrolll?ede? i in intntont??onone?????? /> /???br br / /> />1 />????? fr f??it?it jit ?juijuici??????/>??o o ao ?ddd??????gag?r<r<b?<br ?<br /><br /?BuB???lyl?<b?????AwA?????e e oe ?ra?ng??e fe ?lal??????<br <br /<br />?<b???<br />?ItI?'s'???? g go?od??, i, ?it'it's?? ha h????tot???ele??eveveve ve??ou?'r'?e ??ririn?kik???? so s??metme?thithinthi????eae?altalththythy.y?""6?777717?,B,?00001001L1?G9G949??O,O??3E3?X3X??????D5D??L,L?"T"TaTamammm?yJyJoJo o Eo ???ha?rtrt ???"Ta"T????Jo? E ??kh?arartart"t??",",0,???,4,????353575??929202??,N,??????FrFru??t ???ubsub??it??tet??"I"IfI?f yf yo?u u???kek????ngngengerngeririnrine? a an a??d yd yo?????ininkink ink? yo y?ou ou n ne n??d ??carcarbrbob?onaon???on???th?thenthen n
ove. Because it is 100% fruit juice, it also has the perfect amount of natural sweetness.<br /><br />So this product is all the good things rolled into one:<br /><br />100% fruit juice<br />No added sugar<br />Bubbly<br />Awesome orange flavor<br /><br />It's so good, it's hard to believe you're drinking something healthy." 6771,B001LG945O,A3EX36SNRYD5VL,"TammyJo Eckhart ""TammyJo Eckhart""",0,0,4,1235779200,Not a Fruit Substitute,"If you like tangerine and you think you need carbonation, then
?I I?ththihininknk k y ??u'u'l'??????? t th thi???prpror?dud??t.t. . ????sus?gagara?????? I ?I cI coc???? t?asa????tot?o co ????th??rouro??? t th???sos?ourournr?ese??s os ??? ta?ngn???in???????ghg?h th ?theth?ereer??waw?? a ??hi?ntnt ?of? t? the???????e ????? h he h??pep????aka?? t? the the ?ed??ge ge o??f.f. ??OfO??cocoucouru?ses?e ie ifi?f yf ?youyo??rereae??llylly y l??ikeik??e tae tan??gergeri?nene,ne, ,? I I??ea?n n y yo y?ou ou R ?EAEALA??? L LIL????itit,t?, t, th?thenthe?n yn yo??????? g ??t t mt ?or??e t?e tha?n n en ????oughoug?h oh ?of ???? in i?n tn ???s ?drd?rin?k.k??????????r /?>W>??e de dod?o no ne?ed? t?o ??e ?e wae w?aryar????ouougough? o of???lal?imi???th?atat ??at?ur?alal al e ?quq??al ??????thythy.y???IsIs s ns ?? s????ar ar a???ed???????y ??????thithiethi??? ????hah?at at aat ?bob?outou?t t??? c ca c?arbarbo?????????cecesessess ??ha?t t at ??ddsdds ??s thes the ????????an???bub?????s,s?????hat hat???? t????se se h he?al?
I think you'll like this product. No sugar that I could taste to cut through the sourness of tangerine though there was a hint of the orange that helped take the edge off. Of course if you really like tangerine, I mean you REALLY LIKE it, then you will get more than enough of it in this drink.<br /><br />We do need to be wary though of claims that natural equal healthy. Is no sugar added really healthier? What about the carbonate process that adds the fizzle and bubbles, what are those healt
hh h a ??fefece??s s??? a?nyn??? M MuM?chc?h lh lil??? c clc?aiaimi?s s os ofo?f of ?rgrgag?????wewe ??????????eme???bebere???hahata? n ?????vever??????g g??? n na natatuaturu?re re i is i??gog???d fd ?oror or??eveev?ery? p ?????n.n. .????er?e e ie isi?s ss sts??llll l a?? ni n????ch??nkn? o ?of of c???????s ??herhere???faf?r r mr ?????ththath??? wa w??er?. ? I IfI????????re ?al?lel??gigicic ic? to to ???trtrur????youyou u su ????ldl?n'n??t dt ??ininkink k tk ththith?is is??ve?????ou??h h yh yo?you you??igi?ghtgh?t dt drt d???? t th?iningin?s ?li??ke ke S ?un??isiskisk.k??brb????<b<br<b???>D>???d id ????asast????googoodod,od, ?????????, i, ?????id id?????e ???cac?us?e ?? l ?lik?e e te tae tan??ererierininein?e ae ?andand ?ororaoranang??. . ??utu??it?it d???id aid ????????????sls??gh?ghtlght?y y?so??? a af aftftet?er er?????ste ste t??at? w??s s as ?annan???ining?, , e, ?easeasis???????????wiwitithit???at????. ?SiSinincin???e I e I??????? no nor??
h affects if any? Much like claims of organic we need to remember that not everything in nature is good for every person. There is still a nice chunk of calories here, far more than water. If you are allergic to citrus you shouldn't drink this even though you might drink things like Sunkisk.<br /><br />Did it taste good, oh yeah, it did to me because I like tangerine and orange. But it did also have a slightly sour after taste that was annoying, easily solved with water. Since I don't norma
l?lyl??????k k??????nan?tet?? b ?evevevererar???? t tht??ugu?? I ? f ??ltlt t a a a? bi bitit t ot ofo?f f? af a?teterte????rinrinknkinkin?? t?hih?s ??????ellel?.<.<b<??r /r ???<br<br r /???hi????isnis????????t j????e e? an a????ou? s shshohouho????n'tn't ?????e te th??? a a a s su subu?ststist?ituit?????oror ?????e ??or or??rur???. . I? d??on'on't't 't d? dou doub???ththathatat at i ????s s ss sls????tlt?? b????terter ter f?????youyo? t? tha th?nknk nk?????er er? ca c???bonbo?natnate?d ???veververaragra??s ?ththothou??gh gh I I I t I ththithinthi??????wowououlouldld ld b? be be? be????er ??f ????y ??????d cd ??ut ut????e ?ca?lolororiorieieses es o?utut ut aut as???welwe????6????,B,B0B??1L1???4545O5O,O,A,?2S2SUSU6U6C6?A6A6H6HSH???????????w,w??????,1,121?353?77??20200??DeD?eliel?iciic????,",????ke ke???zeze,e????e e be ???icic ic i?dedeae???erereer??isis ??ododada ?mamadma?de de??itithit?h ah ??tutuau?? f????uit uit j ?juijuicjuice???NoNo o s? sug sugagar?, , n, ?o ?HFHFCF??, , n????
lly drink carbonated beverages though I felt a bit off after drinking this as well.<br /><br />This isn't just juice and you shouldn't make this a substitute for juice or fruit. I don't doubt that it is slightly better for you thank other carbonated beverages though I think it would be better if they could cut some calories out as well." 6772,B001LG945O,A2SU6CA6HSK85I,mathew,0,0,5,1235779200,Delicious,"Like Izze, the basic idea here is soda made with actual fruit juice. No sugar, no HFCS, no pr
??sesere?vavata????es,es, , n nono o c ??lol?rir?ngn???juj??? 1 ???% %?frfruruiuiti?t jt jujuijuici?e e c co c?ncnce???rarat?e ???d d?sps?ararkr?liliningin? w ???????FrF??ititsits s??lisli?stesteded ??areare ?e ape a?plplel????rarapra??e, e, t ??angangeger?in???e, oe, ?oraoranangangeange e a??nd nd?acacecerceror?olaol??(w(???ate?ve?????hatha?t it ?s)s??<b<brbr ?/>/??????>I>InI???????ng?lyl??????e ce ??an an m mem?nt?ioi?onson?s "s ?"c"????aia?insin??sosoyoy"y?"" ""? at at ??theth?e ee ?endend ???? th the th???ing??ededied??enten????lislistlis??. T. ThThe??re're?s s ns ?????rotrotet??in in? co con co??enentent ent l?is??tedte?, , s, soso so i ?? m mu musustust t bt ?e e a? t??racra?? a?momouounu?nt.nt?. S. ??me?ththith???? to t???beabearar ar? in in n m??indin???f ?yoy?? h ???ve ve a?? so s????lllle?rgr???? ho h?weweve??ver.ver??brbr br??/></><b<br? /?>F>?????or or i is is ???????stisticic.ic???'d'd ??havhavehave ?????rdr??titimti?me me c ch c???????ing bing ?????enen en???t at ???????e,e, ?bubutu??? t? thi th??? I I ???ghg????us?ust ust??iviveive ?SwS
eservatives, no coloring; just 100% fruit juice concentrate and sparkling water. Fruits listed are apple, grape, tangerine, orange and acerola (whatever that is).<br /><br />Intriguingly, the can mentions ""contains soy"" at the end of the ingredients list. There's no protein content listed, so it must be a trace amount. Something to bear in mind if you have a soy allergy, however.<br /><br />Flavor is fantastic. I'd have a hard time choosing between it and Izze, but I think I might just give Sw
??tctchc??tht???ede??e.e???676???,B,?000010??G9G?454??,A,?????CKC?MBM?HQH????,g,gig???????,0,0,0,0,0,,0??,1,121232?????????ItI?'s'? A AlAlll????ici????ndnd d?It?'s? A Al A???FuF?????SwS??itcit???isi??a a?????alaltl??rnrnan??iv??e te ?o o??????itiitioionona???sos??t t d ??????. .????t'st'??10100?% %?juj?uicuicece ce a an a??? al a?ll ll nll ??tut?ra?l;l; ;? it i?t ct ?????ininsin?????ad?ded???susugugagara???nono no?cocorcornrn rn??yryrur???, n, ????rer?????atatiat??ivesive?s a?nd?nd nnd nono no ano ??titiftifif??iai?al al????lorlor.r???WhW??????kekeses es?? it it??un????? it???'s c's ??arbar????ateated?????nd??ju??t t tt ?theth???rigri?hth??amamom??untun??<b<?????<b???/>?ThThe? f fi f???????p p i??s ps ?er?ha?????????tltlel??e tae tar???oro?r br ??ittitteitt??????t ?t tht t??t't's????cacauca??se se m??stst ??of of?us?? ar a?? u?se??d td ?? s???t t dt drdridr??ksks ks w wi??? a?ddd?dedded ?su??garga?r, r, c??rnrn rn srn sysyr?up? a? and an?d ad a ?
itch the edge." 6773,B001LG945O,A3FARCKMBHQZLY,givpilot,0,0,4,1235692800,It's All Juice and It's All Fun!,"Switch is a fun alternative to traditional soft drinks. It's 100% juice and all natural; it contains no added sugar, no corn syrup, no preservatives and no artificial color. What makes it fun is it's carbonated. And just the right amount.<br /><br />The first sip is perhaps a little tart or bitter, but that's because most of us are used to soft drinks with added sugar, corn syrup and a b
u????????lal????lyly y u ??prproronononouoununcuncec?aba?lel?????mimici?ala???omo???ounou???. .???wiwiti?ch??hah?s s??nonno??e oe ?of of????t t?ana?????ltlth????h ???ffffefere?enentn???roromro???raradadiditdi???onaon?al al?sos??t t dt drd?ininkn???, t, th?e ??????e ie isis ??er???re??frefr??hihininging.g. . . T ?heh?e ce ?carcarbrbob????tiotion? m mam?kek?es es???? a a?""""f"?un?"""" ""??dridr?inkink k? th thahathat hat y yoyou?? ca can? f ?feefe?? g ?oooodod d a ab abo?utu?????susumu?minmingn????it ?ha????0000%0???f f tf th?the the?re?cocomco??en?dededed d ad al???wawan???? of of of v vivititait?mimin? C C)C).).<.<b<brbr r?????r ?/>?ShS??oulou?d ????? a?????epe?sis? b ?e ?wow?rrrri?ed?? ?PrP??babab???? no n?t,t, ??ut??????oeoes??ta?stste?????d d ad and a?nd ?itit'it??s as aca?tut????y ??googood???or?? yo you???. Y. YoYou???shoshou?ouldould d td ?ryr????!"!??????,B,????LGL??????A2A2R2R1R1H1HAHAXAXRXRNRNUNU0U0Q0????RMR?ururrrrarr????7,?0,0,0,0,?3,3????565696929?808?00,00??????
unch of largely unpronounceable chemical compounds. Switch has none of that and, although different from traditional soft drinks, the taste is very refreshing. The carbonation makes it a ""fun"" drink that you can feel good about consuming (it has 100% of the recommended allowance of vitamin C).<br /><br />Should Coke and Pepsi be worried? Probably not, but it does taste good and it's actually good for you. You should try it!" 6774,B001LG945O,A2R1HAXRNU0QX7,RMurray847,0,0,3,1235692800,Tasted
???rerete??y y m mumucuchch h???kek???rar???e ?sos??????FoF?r r?? b beb??????? t ?hah?? i ?????sis?cac?lll?????0%0???rur?itit ?juj?uicui?e ??thathatat at????s bs bebeebe???ca???ono???ede?, ,?wiw?ithit???? s swswew????er?s ?????reresre?????atiat?vevesves s as adaddd???????witwi??? O??ranrangngeng?????ge?ririni?ne ne? pr pre pret?ty? m?ucuchuc?h th ?as?tet?ed ed???o mo mem?????ke ke a a a??an? o ???? Ora Or??angeange ???rusrushs?h oh or???ununknkik??t ??????<b<brbr ??><><b?r ?r />r />T>ThT?????isnis???t at a a ba bab?????iningin?, ?pep?er er s??...??bubutut ???t wt waw???nonotnot t s?omo??th?in?ing ing?I I? wo wouo???? pa p??????prepreme?iui?? f fo for???f f If ?I wI ??re?????th?e e me ?ooo?od od f????ororaoranangange?? so s?odaod?????reres??umaumabablbly?, ?itit it????s a s a l??ittit???e be ??it ?heh?al?th?thiethierer ???thanthan ??a sa ??????hth?t st sot sodt soda?????t ??? i? is is????thithinthing?? sp spepecpe??al? t to to to t?asast????an?d d td th???s Is ?I wI wiI wili?? n??????
pretty much like Orange soda.,"For a beverage that is basically 100% fruit juice that has been carbonated, with no sweetners or preservatives added, Switch Orange Tangerine pretty much tasted to me like a can of Orange Crush or Sunkist soda.<br /><br />That isn't a bad thing, per se...but it was not something I would pay a premium for if I were in the mood for orange soda. Presumably, it is a little bit healthier than a straight soda, but it is nothing special to taste, and thus I will not go
?tht?ror?ugughg??????efe???????o o??eee?? i ??t ot ???.<.??r r??><>??r ?/>/>(/>??? t???????therther ?????, ,?mym? 1 161????arar ???d d???ugughug?tet?r ?clclal?imimemede?????????e ie ?it it M MOM??? t??????oraoran??e e se sos?dada,da, ???d ???????t ??aiaidaid ????t t st sht s?????ltlt ??????ououlou?????ststete te t???????pep?e je jujuiu?cec??e ine i????? ?????it??h mh mam????jujuiju?iceic????evevev?n n tn ?thoth??gh? i?t ??s ?????gege ge???????or??ed"ed?"".""...???gragr????e jue j?uicuicece ce????a a m???oror or??ng?rer??iei?entent.???SoSo o so shs?????oul???gig?veve ve? it? f fo f??????ararsar?.).??6676777??,B,B0B???????5O5O,O????????JMJ????D,D?MaM???y Ay AnAnnn??0,0,0,0,,0,2,2,2???353??929??00???t ?????ar?t!t?,",?ThThih?? t? tas tast??es es?li?keke ke c ??????atatetedte?d od ??oran?ge???jui??ce,ce, , v, ve???y ty ?tartartrt.rt????It It i?? v ??????xpxpepenpensnsis?????omo?????ed ed t to? e?asasiasie?r-r-t-?
through the effort to seek it out.<br /><br />(On the other hand, my 16 year old daughter claimed to like it MORE than orange soda, and in fact said that she felt she could taste the grape juice in it. As with many juices, even though it is orange ""flavored""...grape juice is a major ingredient. So she would give it four stars.)" 6775,B001LG945O,AMYTL79JMGQ6D,Mary Ann,0,0,2,1235692800,It is tart!,"This tastes like carbonated orange juice, very tart. It is very expensive compared to easier-to
?????d d?sis?????r r?bebevevev?????s.s? I IfIf f???e e??????lll???gig?eses es??????al?thth h i ?sss?ueueses,es, , i it i? m mimigmighg?t ????wow?rtrthth th?????kik????""?676?767???????G9G?454??,A,ALA?2V2?DEDE4E?LOLO4O??????JaJaca?k k???tzt??gergera????????D"D???,0,0,0????,1,??353?696929?808?00,00???ststyt??? ora or?ngn?????lavla?or?ede??????raragra??,"?? s?ama????d ?????an an???f Sf SwSwiwititcit?h ?OrOraranrang??e Te Ta????ri??? a ????fofouo???? it? t ?? b???? t????ty ty?????veraverag?????? a??ve?vertvertitis?ed?, ?itit it? is is ???"""".""??..b..?????cece e be ?betbe??????juj???? a an and???carca???onaonatatet?ed"ed????????a ?lil??ghtght ???carbcar???atatiatioi?? s??o io it??dodoeo???'t't ??as?asteast???liklikek??Or?????ge Cge ????h ??? F Fa Fanantantata ta? bu b?t t nt ?oto???lik??????ang???GaGatatoat?ora?ded??????????ThT???8.8??? oz o???anan an han ?hashas s 1s ?404? c ca??or???s,s?, w, ??thth th ath ?a 1a ?12%12% %?
-find similar beverages. If one had allergies or health issues, it might be worth drinking." 6776,B001LG945O,AL2VDE4LO4ESR,"Jack Fitzgerald ""JFD""",0,0,5,1235692800,Tasty orange flavored beverage,"I sampled a can of Switch Orange Tangerine and found it to be a tasty beverage. As advertised, it is a ""...balance between juice and carbonated"" with a light carbonation so it doesn't taste like Orange Crush or Fanta but not like orange Gatorade either. The 8.3 oz can has 140 calories, with a 12% D
VV V c cac??b/b????ar? c???tetenentnt nt?bub???101?0%0% %?ViV???????C C a ?ndnd d??????it??A.A? I ???? m ?ar?keketetetedte???s s "s ???????jujuiu??e"e?"" "" c co???ngn? m mo m?ststlt?y y?frf?omom m??ili???rer?????oncon???ntrnt?atatetestes.s?. N. ???susugsu?garga? a?ddd??ed,ed?????cocorco?n n sn ?yryrurupup,p?, n, no???re?seserervr???ivivev?s,s, , n?o o ao arartartit???iciiciaiala??? col colol???s, s, g glg??uteutenen en? fr f???, , i, if???ouo?????? con co?ce?rn??? w ?itithit??????tht? ?MoMos????mpmpop???tanta???????thathat??itit it tit ??ststest?? g????????? I I w wo w??????ryry ????aga??in?.".""6676?77???00???G9G949??O,O?A2A???UDU???2Y2??TTTT8T8,8,B??ookoo? a?nd??DoD?g g Lg ?ovove?r,r,0,0,0,0??4,4???353565696???0000,00????tyty ?bu?????pep?ensensisiviveive,e,"e,"I"??ll? a?????t tt ??thatthat ????on?'t'?t ct cacarcarere re fre ?oror or??????s ????t t at ar?? c ca cararbar?on??ateat???- -????????bo??at?atioationon on?????ododaod????kekeskes ?meme e be ?burburpr
V carb/sugar content but 100% Vitamin C and 20% Vit A. It's marketed as ""100% juice"" coming mostly from filtered concentrates. No sugar added, no corn syrup, no preservatives, no artificial colors, gluten free, if you're concerned with all that. Most important is that it tastes good and I would try it again." 6777,B001LG945O,A2G9UDL72YUTT8,Book and Dog Lover,0,0,4,1235692800,Tasty but expensive,"I'll admit that I don't care for drinks that are carbonated - the carbonation in soda makes me burp
,, , t ?heh?y y t?ene??? to to o b bebe e???o ???eeeetet,t???? t th t????iei??? dr d?ininkn?????vev?e ae a a??weiwe?rdr????sts?e e te tot??th??m.m?????I I????n'n't'????rere e we whwha????to to???pep??t t wt wh??? I I I dI ?rar??????isis.s.<.<b<brbr ?/>/?<b??r /r />r /?ToT?o mo ?y ?su??prpri?sese,e??ththe???ara?bobono?????? i ?????ryry ??ilildld d -d - -???'s'?s ms ??oreore ??ikikeke ???li?ghg??t bt ?uzu?????????? m momoumo????? ins in?stest?ada?d od ???a ?lol??t ot ??????bo???????on (on ?yo??? wo wonon'on't???eaearea?r tr ththe???ononton?tente?tst?????zz zz????n n yn ??????in??????s ?st???f)f??. T. ThT?he ??oraoranangangeg???anang??ri?nene ???av??? i???????cece ???mbm????- ????on??????in in t? the the ?????gergerigerinineine e fe fle f?lavla?or??th?????ora??????? tho thou?????????????????o o do dodoeo?sns??t ?li?ke?? an a???????? i? in in? my m??drdridrin????, I, I I fI fofouounou?? i???? to to???e ae a ???d ????
, they tend to be too sweet, or the diet drinks have a weird taste to them. So I wasn't sure what to expect when I drank this.<br /><br />To my surprise, the carbonation is very mild - it's more like a light buzz in your mouth instead of a lot of carbonation (you won't hear the contents fizz when you drink this stuff). The orange tangerine flavor is a nice combo - stronger in the tangerine flavor than orange, though as someone who doesn't like any sugar in my drinks, I found it to be a tad swee
???(t(?????h h?itit ?isi??ada???????ede? a?s ????susug?ara? a ad addd????????t ?lelese???ththath?? I I I e ?xpxpep?ctc????<b<????><>??r ??>I>?'m'm m?nonotnot t st ?sursu?? w ?heh???yoyou????oulouldld ?????k k?ththith?is is t????ughug??? i?t't?s s as ???????????? an andnd ???????t ??ma??in?e e se sos??eoe???e we ?whowho ?????ksks s cs cacancanscan???? s??dad??????nkinkin?????e e oe ?? t? the th?esees???insinsts???ad ad???esespes??ciciai???? a at a???theth??prpriricri???ththetheythey ?chc??????fof???ththithisthis.s. .?????? the????thi?????g ?ththa??t tt tht t???is wis wiw????rerepreplplalaca?ce ce? a a g ????ss ss? of o?f of or??angan?? j ??ici??ce fce fif??st??? thi thin???????the? m ?or???ing??<b<br<br <br / ?/></>?<br<br ???OvO??raral?all all?? t? thi??? i it?'s's 's t?asa?styst?y ay an??d id ??f sf ????onone? o of off of????ed ed m????nene,ne?????d td tataka????t,t, ?bu???t itt i???s ns nos notot t st sot s?omeomete?thithin?g ?I ??ou?ouldoul??bu??.".?????8,8????
t (though it is advertised as no sugar added), but less than I expected.<br /><br />I'm not sure when you would drink this though - it's a small can and I can't imagine someone who drinks cans of soda drinking one of these instead - especially at the price they charge for this. Are they thinking that this will replace a glass of orange juice first thing in the morning?<br /><br />Overall I think it's tasty and if someone offered me one, I'd take it, but it's not something I would buy." 6778,B001
LLGL??4545O5?,A,A2A??7G7?Z7Z???ZIZ?0M0MNM???J.J??NuN??? " ?"A"???hoh??, ,?rereve?iei???r r???grgrar?php?ici? d ???igi?nen?er"er"""""""?,0,0,0??,3,????353???282?0000,?NoN?t t t th?atat ??gregr??,"T,"?heh??SwS???????????e/e????ngeng?erierini?ne ne g??tsts s?kuk???s s fs frfroromo?????fofor???ot???incinclclul?udiudiningin? a ?dddde?d d s susugugagara??s as ???d nd nan???????ngrng???ieienie?ts???foufounu???inin in???omeom??trtra??ditdi??ononanalnal l????as???bub?ut ut??s ???or ??lal???or,or??????ea?veves? s so som so???thithininging ing t?o o??e ??desdesisirsi?red??? T Th??e ie ininiin????l ?yuy??mym??????gergerir?inein?e fe fle f???vorvo?r or ??????? dr dririnrinkn? i???grgregreagre????, bu, but????tet?? a a a???? s sw swawal??owowsw???? s st str???????????????steste ??nvn?????d md ?? m mo m??uthut?. . . I. ? f??ounou??? it it ??difdi?fific????t tt tot?o do drdri??k k tk ?????ho?lele le c ?an?.".???7777979,9?B0B??1L1???????,A1,A1818F8??HNH?BPB?9090I0?B4B?,c,?
LG945O,A2T7GZ74MZI0MN,"J. Nusz ""Author, reviewer & graphic designer""",0,0,3,1235692800,Not that great...,"The Switch Orange/Tangerine gets kudos from me for not including added sugars and nasty ingredients found in some traditional sodas, but as for flavor, it leaves something to be desired. The initial yummy tangerine flavor of the drink is great, but after a few swallows, a strange after-taste invaded my mouth. I found it difficult to drink the whole can." 6779,B001LG945O,A18FUHNBP90IB4,cb
?????????232353565696929?808???WaW???non?? a a a h ??????t ot ?uru???ou?????..,..????7 7 y ??ara?r or ??? d dad?ugughg?tetere??tht??????t it it???as???oooodo??????????ikikek? p ???????????y ???anankn??1/1???????theth???? I ? t??houhoug??? i ?it ?????????likli?? w wa w?ateat?ereerede?d dd ????? or o??ngn?e e se sos???a wa ?it???vev????????lel?e fe fif??? w?it???fuf?????afa?te?r r tr tar t??asteast????t t i?s ??upuppppopospo??? to t?? be be ? 1?0000%00? j ?uiuicicece ?wiwitwith?????amamimini?n Cn C C t???at at? ha hasas as bas beb???????bob?????d.d?. O. OkOk k hk ???ere ere? is i?s ms ????thothou??ht??eieit?itheith?? b????101?00%? o? ora oranangan?ge ge??ui???????t t tt ??tasttas?te te l??ikeike ??it ?ca?meme ??igigh?? o?f f tf ?the? t??????? b? buy buy ?y a y a o or ora??ngeng??popoppop.p?. F. ?????me me?? thi th?s ??ror???ctc??wowonon'on't'?t bt bebe be f fl fly????????f t??he he?shshe??vevesve??6676787?????001001L1?G9G??5O5?,A,????7W7W5W5U5??
,0,0,3,1235692800,Was not a hit at our house...,My 7 year old daughter thought it was good tasted like pop but only drank 1/2 of the can. I thought it tasted like watered down orange soda with very little fizz with funny after taste. It is suppose to be 100% juice with vitamin C that has been carbonated. Ok here is my thought either buy 100% orange juice that taste like it came right of the tree or buy a orange pop. For me this product won't be flying off the shelves. 6780,B001LG945O,A26X7W5UM5
QQFQFTFT4T?,G,GrGrir??s,s,0,0,0,0,0,,0???121232?565606060???0,??????t t??asaststete,e, ,???t ?-----???"I"?????lll?? l ?iki??? t?heh??????te te?????oto??? th?isis s?????ono?e e oe ????r r f flflal?vovoro?????? w wewe ???re? a ab a????tot?? or o????. .? S ???I I wI ?wenwe???on?? li l?nene ne t to t????e ????????indind d od ofd of f pf ??ricri??ingin??????????as as? on on n i ?????AtA??t ont o??ly ly??.3.3 3??z.z?. f. ??or or???ouo?? a???ololl?ara???ththathattha???s rs ??ougou????ly tly ?theth????uiuivivav???nt???f ?$1$???? f??or ?a a s sis???le? c ?anan an i if if ???? wa was?as aas ??fufulu????????. ???oftof??drd??nkn?????urur ????geg?t t it ?isnis?'t'?t gt gogoio??ing ing t?? j ?usu?stist????on?go????ing ping ???chc??????of?????s ?????ucu?t.t?????f wf ?we we h ????momor??e de ?is?????ioion?araryary ????????????igi????t dot d???it,it?, b, bubutbut t i??t'dt'?d bd ?e ?mo???re ore ofof ???trtrereareatat ??thathanthan n an a a ra ?regregug?ulaulararlarlyly
QFT4,Grits,0,0,3,1235606400,"Great taste, but ---","I really liked the taste of both this and one other flavor that we were able to order. So I went on line to see what kind of pricing there was on it. At only 8.3 oz. for about a dollar, that's roughly the equivalent of $1.50 for a single can if it was a full 12 oz. soft drink. Our budget isn't going to justify ongoing purchases of this product. If we had more discretionary money, we might do it, but it'd be more of a treat than a regularly
??ses?????odo??ctc??(p(?ara???? b ???auaususeuse e o ?? t tht????mamala?????zeze)e?? ?SoS?? th the????ststete ?waw???ata??leleaeas??t 4t ?-s-ststast???, ,? bu b??t tt ththeth????icicec?e be ?ro?ugu??t ???t dt dod??n n?coc?nsnsi??ererarabablb???- - e ????n rn rer???????ini?????????ct?? th???? th? the the?in??re?did?en??s s??????farfar r b??ttt?terter ?ththath???whw?atat ?isi???????st???th??r ???oftoft ?t drt dririn?????6?787?1,1?????LGLG9G?????A3A????DZDZSZSHS???797?Y,Y??????????????,0??3,3?121?????????,","T"?anangan????le??s ?sws?eee?et"et",","???????ra???????odaod?? is i???le??arlar???mo?re??he???ththfthfufulul,l??anandand ?it? t ta tas tast?ese?????angiang??r,r??, al, altl??ouo?ughug???omo?????at at lat le??s ???weewe?et,et?????n n on oto???? o or ora or????e se so?dad? . ??????????????rarawra?bab??k k??oro?r mr ?? w wawaswas ?s ths tha?t ?t tht t???s ds ??ininkink ink???ack????afaffffefeie?inein?
used product (partly because of the small size). So the taste was at least 4-stars, but the price brought it down considerably - even recognizing the fact that the ingredients are far better than what is in most other soft drinks." 6781,B001LG945O,A3S9FDZSHZW79Y,Eric Kassan,0,0,3,1235606400,"Tangy, less sweet","This orange soda is clearly more healthful, and it tastes tangier, although somewhat less sweet, than other orange sodas. The one big drawback for me was that this drink lacks caffeine.
??6?787???B0B000?1L1LGLG9G949????ALA?RCR?AGA?JOJ?J9J959585??????rir????s s?BuBudu??y,y?0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4???353????404?00,00?UnU????e e a ????plplel???ini?????astas???"T"ThThih?s s is ?? a??mimixi???f f a ap a???e,e, e, g grgrar?pepe,????ng???rinri?e,e, ?ororaranra???? a?nd? a?cec?eroerolo????uiu??cesce????? / ?><><b?? / /> />T>?asast??e ie is?????????lyl???ubu?????????anandand ?tht?atat t??an???e e se ??ene???in in t th theh????vivievi?wsw?s. s.???liliki?e ????e fe flf??vov?? b bu butut ?wiw??l l t???y ty tot??dedesescs??ribri?? i??t rt ?ratra?the?r ?th?anan ???vi??ng ng o or or ?raranrantrantitinti????aboab?outou?t it ???????/>???<br <br?????e ?e tae t????erierin????s ????? do d??minmi????t ft ?flafl????. .?????eveeverer er i it it it??s ??he?? ta tasast?aste aste? of of f af ???verve?ry ry????? t? tan ta?nge?ririn??e oe or?, ?????hapha?s,s, ???clclelemle??enten??tinetin?. . T. ??TherTherere re i??????at at? sl sli?ghg???ala?cocoho??ol ol? or?? me m?didic????al al o?ve??totonto
" 6782,B001LG945O,ALRCAGJOJ9583,Gabriel's Buddy,0,0,4,1235606400,Unique and pleasing taste,"This is a mix of apple, grape, tangerine, orange, and acerola juices.<br /><br />Taste is obviously subjective and that can be seen in the reviews. I like the flavor but will try to describe it rather than raving or ranting about it.<br /><br />The tangerine is the dominant flavor. However it is the taste of a very ripe tangerine or, perhaps, a clementine. There is that slight alcohol or medicinal overton
?e e???????oto???rwrwiw?sese ??????flflal??oror.r. . I ??coc?ulu??d sd ?????eoe???e ????????ini????t t??hih?lele le? ot oththether? d dod??<b<??????<br<b?r /r ???acachc? c??an an h ???????grgrar????ofo? s ?ugugagarar,r??101000? v ?it??amiaminin in C C,C?, a, ?andand d 2d ??? v vi vitita??inin in Ain ?? an a?d ?nonotnot t mt mumucu?? e ?? T. ThT???????enen'n't't ??ututrt???ententst??ththath????areare ??????rwirwisiseise ??harha?d ??? g????sos?o to th??is is i??????t net n?cecese????il?? a a a h??ala?ththythy y ay ?altal???nan?atiativiveve e te ?to ?reregregug?ulaul?ar ar s so s????. O. ???so??e e le ??vevelve??(e(e.e??????ododuod???ingin??????it it???sts??ada?d od of???ugugaug????ananeane)e? i??t mt mit m???t t bt ??e ae atattattr????iv?e ???o so so?somesome.?""????3,3?B0B00??LGLG9G949??O,O???W6W6666161T1?C1C1P1P6P??QIQ???KeKevevivinvi?????RoR??ririgrigu?ezez z???Th??e Me ?????e We ???ar?? m??ev????.."..??0,0?,0,,0,3,?3,13,121??565?060???00,00???reare?? S SuS?rprpr???
e to an otherwise good flavor. I could see people not liking it while other do.<br /><br />Each can has 34 grams of sugar, 100 vitamin C, and 20% vitamin A and not much else. These aren't nutrients that are otherwise hard to get so this isn't necessarily a healthy alternative to regular soda. On some level (e.g. producing fruit instead of sugar cane) it might be attractive to some." 6783,B001LG945O,A1W661TC1P6VQI,"Kevin T. Rodriguez ""The Movie Revi...",0,0,3,1235606400,Great Surprise
?,","I"I I w ?ana??????sts????t tt tht??? r rer?viv??w w b ?? s??????g g? th t???t t?hihishis ??is is?????t th????????ctc??babala??ancan???beb??wew??n n???icicece ce?anandan? c ???bob?nan???????ininkin? I I'I'v'????eveever? h ??d.d. . ??ha??t st sas???d td ???is is iis is??ce??rtart??nlnlyly y ay a a?gogooo???alaltaltet?erner???tivtive????r r?? tho th?ses??whw?o o lo ?ovo?ve ??carca??bonbona?natenat?ed ed d ?dridr???s ??utut ????'t'???????sosomo???ofo? t? the the e ie ???re??ieienie???. . . S SwSwiwiti?????asas ??attattetemte???tedte??????????ssss s ts ththi??s cs ??oncon??????and? I I I???eeleel l i itit'it?s s as a s a?? ste stepep p? in i???theth???rigri??t ??iri??ctct.ct??. T. ????is i?s ??n n On OrO?anangan??e Te ??ang????????la?vov?oreored?ed jed ju?ic???th??? i??s c????on?????d bd ?????witwi??ouo?ut ut? ad a?ddedd????ugugag?ar,ar?? pr p????rvr?at??vevesves,s?????n ?sys????, ?????afa?fe??ineine.ine. ???n n on ???erer ??????s ts ths thihis? i????boboubo?
,"I want to start this review by stating that this is not the perfect balance between juice and carbonated drink I've ever had. That said this is certainly a good alternative for those who love carbonated drinks but don't like some of the ingredients. Switch has attempted to address this concern and I feel it's a step in the right direct. This is an Orange Tangerine flavored juice that is carbonated but without added sugar, preservatives, corn syrup, or caffeine. In other words this is about
a ?s s n ??tutururar?l l a?s s ys ?ouou u??ana??geg???wiwititht?ou??, ,???u u ku knknon?w,w???????in?? r ?eaealal al o ?raranra??? j jujuiuici???<b<?r r?/>/><>???????heh?? ca can??isi?s as alalsalsoso o t ?thithin?nen???ththeth?n ?a a s ????????n sn so?? yo y?ou'ou'r'?? n?otot ??getge?tit??ing ing?? as as??ucuchc??lil???uidui?? as? as y as yoyou?? wo wououlou?d d ad ??PePepepsp??? or or ???kek?e. e.? T ??is? m me m?eanea?s s ts ?the????????ese?????at at???n en ???? c ca??, , a, an??d td th????????s s cs ???imi???he? p prp??duduc??t it ?is is gis glg?ututtttottono??frf??????ItIt t dt ??es? h hah??e ????it?? of o? a? w?eie?rdr??d afd a???ertertat????, ?bubutut ut a??fteft?er er?? a f a ?????ipi????????opops???otothot???rinri?ng ng y???. .? W WhW??lele le n? not no????pep?erfer????t d?ri????? it' it's's ?on?e ???en?joj???????d d wd ??????liklikekelkelyl? p??ickic????? ag a?????in? t th?????utuut???e."e.""6???4,4??000010?LGL?????,A,?3131B1??EQEQMQ????5M5?Y,Y,V,VeVege?
as natural as you can get without, you know, drinking real orange juice.<br /><br />The can is also thinner then a soda can so you're not getting as much liquid as you would a Pepsi or Coke. This means there is less fat in each can, and the makers claim the product is glutton free. It does have a bit of a weird aftertaste, but after a few sips it stops bothering you. While not a perfect drink it's one I enjoyed and will likely pick up again in the future." 6784,B001LG945O,A31BZEQMPKS5MY,Vegg
?iei??arartrt,t,0,???,2,??????606??4040000,??oto? m ?????vov??ititet?,","I"I I?hah??e e?????ndndedene?????o o??vo??d d?prp?ododuducu?tst? w wiw??h h???rtirtififif??iai?l l s swswew?eteteten??rsrs,s???ndnd nd? th t?isi??ini????de?s s ss ??odaodasas ?????????????ucuctuc????e ce coc?ornor? s????????ThT?e ?????chc?h ih ???? l ?in????f f? fr f?????jujuiuic?e e se so?dadasas as w??ithith ith n ??o ao adaddddededded d sd ???eeteeteten??????no???eve?enen en c cac????e sue s??ar??. . ??t t ht ha?s ?ca?rbrbob??ata??d d wd ?at?er?, , f, frfrufr?uituit t jt ?juijuicice?????mem????tut?raralal al? fl f?avavoavororsors ?anandan??co???????an?? v ?????in???. . . I. IfI?f yf ?ouou'u?rere ????ingin? t?o o do ????? s?ododa?, , c, ???bobonbona???d ??????it jit ?jui?cec???is ??theth?????t ?wawaywa?y ty toy to ?gogo.go?<b<brbr r / ?><>???r /r ?/>T/>?TheTh?e S??witwitc?h ??as??se?veververaralral l fl flflalavla?????, i, ?incinclc?ludludid??? O OrO??ngn??e Te TaTanTa?ngeng????ine.ine. ?. H. ?owowe?ve?ver,ver????'s'
ieTart,0,0,2,1235606400,Not my favorite,"I have a tendency to avoid products with artificial sweeteners, and this includes sodas with high fructose corn syrup. The Switch is a line of fruit juice sodas with no added sweeteners--not even cane sugar. It has carbonated water, fruit juice, some natural flavors and colors, and vitamin C. If you're going to drink soda, carbonated fruit juice is the best way to go.<br /><br />The Switch has several flavors, including Orange Tangerine. However, it's
??clcleleaeara?????e e f flf?ava??rsrs s???e ??ete??erer ???????ththether?s.s? ???e ???anangan?e e Te TaTan???erier?nen????s ?a a h haharha??h h???te?rtr??sts?te te t ?thath?t t a???othothe????flafl???or or I ???ririeiede? d ??eses s ns no?t.t. . . ??'v'?e e te trtri??ed ed???the?r ????trutrusu?s js ???cece ?sosodsodad?as as? an and and ?enenjnjoj???ed ed ted ththethemthe???bub?t ??somsome???in?????enten?t wt ?????g ig ????hehe he f?la?vo?ririnringng ng? of o? t th?isi?s ps ??artar??????r ??sodsodasod????IfI?f yf yoyouo???e e le lolooooko??ing? f fo foror or aor anan an? or o??ng?eyey y? so sododa????????zzz?e'e????paparpa???ng??ClCle?memenme?ti?ne? i ?insinst???????676787???????????5O5O,O,A,?202?9D9?6161D1?H0H????A,A,",?????ha??KrKri??stysty y "y ????8282222626;6?Th??e se see s????t ??f ?????????a.a..a.??????,0,,0,4,4,4???353?606060???00,00?Ta???ngerngeririn?e ???ic?e ??od??,","T,"ThThiTh?is is w?asas ???ve?????intin?ter?esestes?????drdririnrinkrink!k? I It It ?t wat was???????
clear some flavors are better than others. The Orange Tangerine has a harsh aftertaste that another flavor I tried does not. I've tried other citrus juice sodas and enjoyed them, but something went wrong in the flavoring of this particular soda. If you're looking for an orangey soda, try Izze's Sparking Clementine instead." 6785,B001LG945O,A209D61DH0HZMA,"Agatha Kristy ""&#8226;The secret of getting a...",0,0,4,1235606400,Tangerine juice soda,"This was a very interesting drink! It was refres
?hihini?g,g? t tat?ststyt? a ?ndnd d h ??alaltl??????? w ??as as v vevere?y y Ty ?an??er???? t???tit?ingin?? n nono o a?ftf??er er t????e ??andand d vd veververy??rerefe??resre?????!"!?????6,6,B,??010?????5O5??A3A3S3???????ZBZBJBJHJ?,R,???er?????????,0????121?353?606??404???,Re,R????????????????rar????ThThi?s s i isis ?a a? wo wono?ndend??fuf?? a???er?nanat?ivive?? to t???odo????opo?? I?t't???????cic????, , r, re?fr?ese??in?????????st????????, ?na?????l.l. ?? I I? or o??????????????ngeng?????/O/OrOraranrang??. ???'m'm m?????iouio?? t? to to? tr t??ry try ?thethe the o??the?r r???ava?ororsrs.s. . . M. MyM??ononlon???grg?ipi??e ie ?is is???at?? th??e ce ??ansans s as ars a????atathat?????mam??l.? O ?ththe??? th????????????t rt ror?ckcksks!s?!"!"!"???????00??1LG1L????O,O,AO,A3A3GA3?K9K9L9??????3N3NCNC,C??. . H. ??nkn??elsel???0,00,0,??5,15,12???6060660???????nyn???in??ing Oing ??an?angeang
hing, tasty and healthy! It was very Tangerine tasting, no after taste and very refreshing!" 6786,B001LG945O,A3SHQXNOPZBJH,Robert Byrd,0,0,5,1235606400,Refreshing & Natural,"This is a wonderful alternative to soda pop. It's delicious, refreshing and most of all, natural. I ordered the Tangerine/Orange. I'm anxious to try the other flavors. My only gripe is that the cans are rather small. Other than that, it rocks!!" 6787,B001LG945O,A3GK9LT41X73NC,S. Henkels,0,0,5,1235606400,"Anything Orange
yy,y, ,???d d?tat?angan?ere????y y??s s?woworortrthth h??? tr t???","????, , I, ? s ?ama?plplelede?d td ?thithis?????TCTCHC? O OrO?an???? T TaT???angerangeririnrine???le?ndnd.nd??LoL?w w o ?? t??? C CaC??????tit?????hih?ghgh h oh ?on on????e Oe ???ang?????????, a, ????????h h eh evevev????sisipip p???n Gn ????! !?PlP??s,s, , h??ala?th???tot????????..G..??veve ve i?? a a ???ry,ry?, a????yoy??????y dy didis??ar?d d t?hoh?ses??"""??ra??????ameam?????????e ae anandand and f ?or????l!l??6676?????000?1L1??949???,A,????DED?????ZBZB0??,T,???th?? Te T?ll??er,er?0,0????,1,????606????00,00?I ?lol??vedved ?iti?!,!,"??????eded ed i it it! it????odod ?d tad t?astas??, ???ea?sa?ntnt ?ca?????onatona?tioti?on,on, on, f?unu??ca?????? / />/??<br<b????OkOk,k?????al?? i?? i is is s is ????car????at???ed fed ?ru??? j ?uiu???..?.... ..???ig ig d ded???, , r, ri?gh??? ?????? i it???ctctutuau??????is ??? bi??????
y, and tangeriney is worth a try!","So, I sampled this SWITCH Orange/ Tangerine Blend. Low on the Carbonation, high on the Orange taste, and worth every sip in Gold! Plus, healthy to boot...Give it a try, and you may discard those ""Brand Names"" once and for all!" 6788,B001LG945O,A2J8DE8R94ZB02,Truth Teller,0,0,5,1235606400,I loved it!,"I loved it! Good taste, pleasant carbonation, fun can.<br /><br />Ok, so all it is is carbonated fruit juice.... big deal, right? But it actually is a big deal
? i ?f f y yoyouou u???? a a a s sosodo?a a?????? a an a?d d w ?anantn? t tot??cuc??t dt ??wnwn n?ono?n tn ??e ?nen?gag?titivi?e e ee ??????? w wi w????outout t lt lol?sis???? al a?l l t?he???xpxpepere??????? I ? h ?at????????so????bebec?aua???e ie ????us?????ese?????tat?ststet?e re ?rigrighg?t ??andand d hd ????wa????tooto???ananyan?y sy sys???hehetheti?????hemhe????lsls ??in in i it it.t. ?HoH?oweow?veverve?? t th?isis s ds ?ri?????asas as????susugugagargar,r, r,????n ??syrsy?upup,p?????prp???serse??at?iv???. ?I I sI ?supsu?popososeos??ththeth?e Ce ?????mayma?y ny ?notno?t bt ?be be t??e ?be??????or or yor ?youyou,u, , b, ???? yo youou ou g ?oto????lil??ive ive a? a l a ??tt??e.e."e.???????B0B?010?LGL??4545O5O,O,A,??0G0GHG???KGK?OCO????????SaS??er????0,0,0,0,,0,2,2,2????565??64640400??NoN?????or or Mor ???"D"??escescrc??bebedbe????as aas anan an????terternrnarn?ati?veve ve????o soo s?????????chc??????????bob???ate??d fd ????it it dit ???inkin????dede ???omo
if you are a soda junky and want to cut down on the negative effects without losing all the experience. I hate diet soda because it just doesn't taste right and has way too many synthetic chemicals in it. However, this drink has no sugar, corn syrup, or preservatives. I suppose the CO2 may not be the best for you, but you gotta live a little." 6789,B001LG945O,A20GHG1KGOCDKG,D. Salerni,0,0,2,1235606400,Not for Me,"Described as an alternative to soda, Switch is a carbonated fruit drink made from
??101??% %?nan??uru?alal l j ???cec?? ( (a(al???ouo??h h??????ece??ssssas?rir??y y???e e o ???es es??isi??ede? a ??s ts ?the? f ?lal??oro?).)?? M MaM??e ?mom??stlstly? o?????f f a??????????grgra???e je ju??iceic?, ,?ThT?e ?SwSwiwiti???????ngn?e ??????ri?ne????????n n? fa f?ctct t ht ?av??e a??n (n ????rsr??eee??)o)??????-t-????angerangeri?rinerin?e fe ?flafl?avoav?or or?---- -? fo folo???we????y y ay a a s ????????it?ama???? af a???rtr????e.e????t tt ??tasttastetedte?d ld ??keke e de drdri??????g ag a ??odo?a ?mamad?e e f??romro? c ???shs?hedhed ?FlF??????on????vitvi?tamtami?nsns.s???r r??><>????/>????t ??a ba bebet??terter ter c???bobon?at?ed?? fr f?ruiru????ririn?????????r hr ?halha???a a ga glgla?ss?????or????e ?e jue j????? an a????ddd??clclulubu? s?od???????909???00?1L1LGL????O,O??303????JMJ??L9L??LTLT,T,J,?is???M.M?,0,?0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,???565606??40400?????mym???nd??fif?zzzzyzy!y!,!?"T"?
100% natural juices (although not necessarily the ones listed as the flavor). Made mostly out of apple and grape juice, The Switch Orange Tangerine does in fact have an (oversweet)orange-tangerine flavor -- followed by a strong vitamin aftertaste. It tasted like drinking a soda made from crushed Flintstone vitamins.<br /><br />Want a better carbonated fruit drink? Pour half a glass of orange juice and add club soda." 6790,B001LG945O,A30UIZJMFL9PLT,Jish M.,0,0,5,1235606400,Yummy and fizzy!,"Th
??? c ?anan n?ofo???uiu?cec? w ?asas ??eleliliciciicioi?usu????????eme???dededde? m ??e oe ???ththeh?e Oe OrOrar?angan?in?? b beb?veverera?geg??? I I I d ?idid ??inindin???t ?sts?raranra??? t?hahatat ??thetheyey y? ch c???e e te tot? p ????aga????thithis?? pr prorodo????t it ?????cacancan ?non?rmrmamala????as?sosoco???ateateded d wd ?itithit??""""E"?nen??gyg??DrDririninkinksk?""????kek??ReR?? B ??ll? s sis??ce?? th??ey ey? ma mararkr?ketket ??t t at ??? "" ""A"??ll ll Nll NaN???ra?l"l"""".""???NeNev?ererterththe?lel?????itit'it?s s ys ?????y a?ndnd nd?? I r I ?recre?omomm?ene??nd ind ????6?797???B0B????G9G9494545O5O,O,A,A3A343464?4G4G0G?00K00?8Z8???1,1,"1,"T"?he??FoF????patpa?th th C ????oyo?y "y """"r""ro?????us?a2a202?00200????,0,????5,5?121?353??????00,00?,Am,A?mazma?in?? F??uiuitui??JuJui?ce?ce Sce SpS?ri???erer,er??"Th"The?he She ?wi???h h Oh ??anang???TaT????ririnri?ne ne? be b?eveevereverarag???????a ma mi????f f of or????ange ange a??nd ?tatanang????inein????ic?es???it?ith ith c??arbar?bonbo???atedate
is can of juice was delicious. It reminded me of the Orangina beverage. I did find it strange that they chose to package this product in a can normally associated with ""Energy Drinks"" like Red Bull since they market it as ""All Natural"". Nevertheless, it's yummy and I recommend it!" 6791,B001LG945O,A3464G00K8ZYD1,"The Footpath Cowboy ""rockerusa2002""",0,0,5,1235606400,Amazing Fruit Juice Spritzer,"The Switch Orange-Tangerine beverage is a mix of orange and tangerine juices with carbonated
? w ?ata???, ,??ndnd,d, ???mumususts??sas?y,y??itit ?tatasa?stest?s s A ???ZIZ?NGN?!!!?????!!??????!!!! !!!! I ItI?'s's s ss sis??ililal?r r t ?o o s????????t t wt wiwit??ouo?ut ut a??? t??? u ?nhnheheahe???hyhy y??rtrtit????iai?al al??ngngrgrerede?iei??tsts s as an??????h-h???????ses??cocoro?? s?yryruruprup.p? I If I???ou? f ???nd nd? it i?, ???y y iy it??!!!!!!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!?!!!!!"!!!!!????929??B0B000?????454?O,O?A2A?????XDX?XD?????,D,??????s As A.A??AmA??th? ( ????y)y????,0,,0?4,4?????606????00,00?????comco??in???ioiono????f jf ??iciceic?????? ca cararbar?ononaon?ati????, 1, ?00???jujuijuic???, n, ?o ??ugu??ar,ar, ??o ?ar??tifti???ciacialal ?flf??vov???","??I ??ececicidci?dedded ?toto to t??y ??????????????"" ""??oraor?angangeg????ng??erierin?e e be ?ec??ususeus???? w??as as p prp???oto?tedted ????? d ??ininkin? t? tha that? i?s s 1s ?100100%0???????, ??0000%00% 00%?RDRDADA A VA ViVititait????n Cn ?, , a, ??l-l-n-?atatuat??alal ?anand???it ?hah?
water, and, I must say, it tastes AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's similar to soda, but without all the unhealthy artificial ingredients and high-fructose corn syrup. If you find it, buy it!!!!!!!!!!" 6792,B001LG945O,A2FRKEXDXDN1KI,Dennis A. Amith (kndy),0,0,4,1235606400,"A combination of juice and carbonation, 100% juice, no sugar, no artificial flavors","I decided to try ""The Switch"" orange tangerine because it was promoted as a drink that is 100% juice, 100% RDA Vitamin C, all-natural and it hap
ppep??? t toto o??e e c ???bob??ata???.<.<b<?? / />/??<br<b???/>T/>ThTheh?????te??????iki?e e de ???nkn??ingin? o ororar??geg?e je ??ici?e ?atat at?????? w wiw?tht?????bobonbo??tit?onon on a ??d d I I I h hah??e e t??o bo be?? tr t???thfth?ulul,l, ,???? fi f?irsirst??I ?wow??ded??ed? i????t ?waw?? a?? a al alclcoc????liclic c? be b???raragrage? a?? f fi fir fi?rstrs???br?? /> /??br???/>B/>BuB?? a??te???ta??stistining?? it it, it???ouou u???o to ta??????theth?e ce ?comco?bib??at?io?n ??f f tf ??? o??ranra?????anangange???nen??e ane a????the??ca?rb?on?at??on??????r />r /???????ThTheTh??e dre dri??????onton??in?s s ns non???ugu??? o or or or?????n sn ???ruprup p a? and an??no???reresre??????ativati???.<?.<br? /???<br????OvO??veraveralallll,? a? t????y y c ca?rb?????ed?ed bed bebevbe??veraveragvera?ge ge wge ?witwi?th th o on onln?y ??4040 0??????iei??s as ??? n no?no fno faf? ?1515m5?g ?of? s ?????m m a an? and and 3 ?6g6????????bsb????????<b<br????
pens to be carbonated.<br /><br />The taste is like drinking orange juice at first with carbonation and I have to be truthful, at first I wondered if it was an alcoholic beverage at first.<br /><br />But after tasting it, you do taste the combination of the orange tangerine and the carbonation.<br /><br />The drink contains no sugar or corn syrup and no preservatives.<br /><br />Overall, a tasty carbonated beverage with only 140 calories and no fat. 15mg of sodium and 36g of carbs.<br /><br />I
f??yoyouo? a ?rere e i inintn?ere??sts???? in in n t ??e ??evevev????e e te th??? c cocomombmbibin?ese?? th t????asa?stest??ofof ???ici????ndn????arbar?ononan?????, , g ??veve ve?????ititct??"""" ""? a a? tr t??!"!?6676???,B,B0B000010?LGLG9G?4545O5O,O??Q1Q????P2P??151???,",????ORORIR??S S "??pup?ccc????rlr???""???0,0,0,0,,0?3,???353565606?646?0000,00,"????zyz? a?nd?????tyty,y, , b, ?????oto??in?g g???ece????",","",?I I?????klklelede?d ad a a??it?tltle??whw?henhen n In ?I rI re??d ???thattha??th??s ????a a ha hahadad ad??no no a ad a???ed ed??ugu?ar? w?he?? I ?I cI ch?ec???????e ????belbe??? in in t??e ??cancan ??in?cece ce i?t ???rerea?dyd?y hy hahashas s 3s 343?gmg??s os ??? su????? an any an??thi???g mg ?orore??? add addededde???nd?nd ynd ??u'u?lll?l hl ha??ve ve sve sus?ugaugarar ?????iei????of ??whowhoeo??er? t? tri tr???s ts ??the the d drd?ininkink.k. . . ???he he she ??da???s ?s tas t?ast??y ay an????ui??te te f fifizizziz?????I tI ?thi????????has? m ?mormo?re ?ca?
f you are interested in the beverage that combines the taste of juice and carbonation, give ""Switch"" a try!" 6793,B001LG945O,AQ1F3NP2G15S5,"M. ORIAS ""puccagirl73""",0,0,3,1235606400,"Fizzy and Tasty, but nothing special","I chuckled a little when I read that this soda had no added sugar when I checked the label in the can since it already has 34gms of sugar anything more added and you'll have sugar junkies of whoever tries the drink. The soda is tasty and quite fizzy, I think it has more car
b???ata?ioi?on on t tht?ana? F ?an?tat????icichc? g gog?ese? f flflalatat at e eae?sisieiere?. . T ??? c ??an an i isis s ts ??e ?tyt?pip?icaicalal l???zeze ?ofo? a ???????gyg???rir???, ,?bub??????s s is ????otot t at ??????rgrgy????rinrinknk nk??er??lyl?y ay an?????r r???????fl???ororer?? s so sodo???. . ??t ?is?is fis flflaflavfla???redre???natna?uru??allal??, ??butbut t tt ??at??is????the the?????? di d?fff?????cec?e fe ?roromo??re?gugulu?larla??????a ta ty?pep?e de ??in?ksks.s???676??4,4???0101L1??94?5O5???2B2BCBCDCDZD?O1O??QLQLDL?H,H?????an?anthant??????,0?,4,?????565?060646??00,00,A,A ,A???od?? op optp???on.on?....,..,","I"?? en e?jojoyoyey??? th?is??dr????. ?It??hahasha??go??????zzz???ndnd d fd flflaflav???. . I. In. Ingn??redredired???tsts ??ncnclnclul?ded?e ae apapppplp?????ada???jujuiuicuice??s as as? t th the the e me ?aia?in in?? fru frui????eleel??????? T??angan?ererierin????or?an?angeange ?e ane a?nd nd? ac a????????????e oe ofe o?f wf wiw?ldl???checher??y)y??
bonation than Fanta which goes flat easier. The can is the typical size of an energy drink, but this is not an energy drink merely another fruit flavored soda. It is flavored naturally, but that is the only difference from regular soda type drinks." 6794,B001LG945O,A2BCDZO1XQLDH,R. Lanthier,0,0,4,1235606400,A good option...,"I enjoyed this drink. It has good fizz and flavor. Ingredients include apple/grade juices as the main fruit elements. Tangerine, orange and acerola (type of wild cherry) r
????d d?ou????heh??????????????juj?uicui?eses.s. . F ???r mr mym???asaststet?, ,? th t?isi??isis is?nonoto?t ct cic?itritru??y ???nounougu??. ?I I f???nd nd??n n O OrOrar?????a a??? h ??vev??beb???terte????av?or????????it it i????oao?ded?d d wd wiw?ithith h???de???sus?ugaug??s s (s ?hihighigh???????ososes????ornor???syrsyrurupru?????? the th???secse???nd ??ingingrgrer?edied???t ??????an?angiang????! !??I aI ???o ??comco????e ??thith?is ??? t?? the the I??zez?e ve ?verve???????andand ?th?the the I? Izz Iz?? w ??nsns ??or? f fl flalavla?or?. ?? t??ininkin?? th? the ?he?al?th? b be?????itsit???????he he S ??witwi?????????zzezz?e de drd????s ??ut?wew??ghgh ?th???flflafl?avo??r dr did???er?en??????thoth??????an??? if i?f If ???as? b??????? o?f ????sese se????????????ininkinks??, I, ?I w??oulouldld d nd no???lo??k ???t Ot ?OraOranOra?gi?nan??aga??in?.".""6????,B,??010??G9G?454???????R5R5G5?????F7F7C7??
ound out the other fruit juices. For my taste, this is not citrusy enough. I find an Orangina to have better flavor, but it is loaded with added sugars (high fructose corn syrup is the second ingredient in Orangina)! I also compare this to the Izze version and the Izze wins for flavor. I think the health benefits of The Switch or Izze drinks outweigh the flavor differences though, and if I was but one of these types of drinks, I would not look at Orangina again." 6795,B001LG945O,A2OWR5G2OAQF7C,S
i?ncncec?rerele????ouo?rsrs,s???,0,,0??,1,??353??060646?0000,0,F0,FiF??zlzlil?????? a ??d d??an??y,y?"I"I I???veve e? th t????????oror r? th the th??beb????fof?or or i ???????tnt?es?s,? b ?utut ?zezes?tyt?y ay ?????????e e te ??ngn??inein?essess.ess?? V ?er?y ???frfreresre?hi???? ta t??????????oto???oveoverer er???wew??in?g g w ???h h?????ddd???ivi????? wh whah?t ??? pl plul???. . n ni nic??e ce ?ararrrryr???iz?e,e, ,? bu b???????y shy shohou?ldld ?sus?????a ga ?ooo??d td tht?hinhinghin?g bg bebe be? in i? s ???? a a a? sm smamalallll l? si sizizeize.ize. ?. G. ????d td thd thahathat ?ththeth??prpror???uctuct t it ?????? a ?ca???? r ??cyc?????????. t. ????? a???re ore ot?heherer er ser ??mim???r ?cacarcarbrbob?nanatateat?d-d-j-juj???ice ice?ou???t tht theherhe?re ???and and tand ththithis??is?is dis ded?fif?iniin?iteitel?y y oy ???e t???hat hat c cocououl?d ??comco?pepete??e we wi????? the the the l lo lowow-ow?sas??ururaur?ate???mamarma?""6???6,6??00001001L1??949????A1A?484???2Y2Y4Y??FXFX2X2R2????
incerely Yours,0,0,5,1235606400,Fizzlicious and tangy,"I love this flavor the best for it lightness, but zesty and orange tanginess. Very refreshing taste and not over powering with no additives; what a plus. nice carry size, but why should such a good thing be in such a small size. Good that the product is in a can - recyclable. there are other similar carbonated-juice out there and this is definitely one that could compete with the low-saturated market." 6796,B001LG945O,A1484U2Y4YFX2R,Sco
??t t?RiRici???rdr???n,n??,0,0,,0???121??565606??404000????liliciciic?ouo???,","O"OrO??ngn?e e???????ini???SwS????ch ch?isi??a a c crc???p p c????ononaon?tet???????us? b ?????ragra? .?UnUnlnlilikli?e ?????sus?gag?ar-ar??ada?enen n b br brer?ththrhrerenre?n, n,?Sw??itcit??ch dch ?????'t'?t lt ?eaeava??? a a s ????kyk???ili???????ou???????????teterte?r yr ?????????ninis???ed ed?drdririnri????? i??, , p ??resresusumsumamabablblyly ?bebecbecac?????????e ?e ise i??'t't 't a?nyny ???ga??????dedded ?toto o?ththe???ririn????MyM????lyly ly c??????in??t it is? t??? p pr p??cece:e???t t at ?aboab??? $ $1$1 1 p pe per? c ca?????youyou you???on'on't't ?????t a t a??hoh??? l ??t ?ofof f???angang ang??????ou?our our? bu b???, ???pep???alalll?ly ?????ce ce?yoyouyou ??canca??ge???? a 1 a 12????? ca? can can?ofof of?re?gugulu????sosodsodada a fa fof?or or?? a m a mumucuchuc???owo??er er per pr?iciceice.e. ? I ??guguegu???s ts ??at?'s'??s ths t???prpri?ce?ce yce ?you??pap?
tt Richardson,0,0,4,1235606400,Delicious!,"Orange Tangerine Switch is a crisp carbonated citrus beverage. Unlike its sugar-laden brethren, Switch doesn't leave a sticky film in your mouth after you've finished drinking it, presumably because there isn't any sugar added to the drink. My only complaint is the price: at about $1 per can, you don't get a whole lot of bang for your buck, especially since you can get a 12-oz can of regular soda for a much lower price. I guess that's the price you pay
? f fof?r r s ??mem?tht?ini?g g??thath??????"b"??ettet????"" ""?????yoy?u.u.".???7979797,7???010??????O,O?A1A??IQI?UDU???B8B???X,X????dnd?ese?s,s,0,0,0?,0,,0?5,5?121?????646??00,00??rer??? A ??te??nan????? t?? H ?igighg? F ?rur?ctc?ososes?e Ce ??ornorn n?SyS??rupru? L ??ded?n n Sn ???asas,??I I??avaveve ve l ?ono?ng ng?bebeebeen?????ana??ofof f m ??xixin?g g jg ?uiu???? s?uc?h ??? o or?anangan??e je joj?ic?e,? w wiw??th th a??cac??bob??atateateded d???odaod???iki??e 7e 7U7?p p -p ??it? p prp????????th??e be be??????f bf ??thth ????ldldsld??? fr fre?shs????iciceice ice? an andnd ?ca?rbrborbononaonatonatitioi??? T ?heh???owo?n ??idideide e oe ov???? th the???as?t ?nun???????of of y ye y?earearsrs ?isis ???the the h hi higighigh ?frf????ososeos??cocor?? s sy s???p ?th??t t ht ????re??lal????d sd ??gag?????n tn ?the??ca??bobonbo??te??d sd sod sododa??.<.?brbr ??><><b??r /r />r />B>??t,t??of???latlate?????ereer????????beebeenbee??ala?ltelter?na????es?.
for something that's ""better"" for you." 6797,B001LG945O,A1RIQUDE4B8NGX,Wildness,0,0,5,1235606400,Great Alternative to High Fructose Corn Syrup Laden Sodas,"I have long been a fan of mixing juice, such as orange joice, with a carbonated soda like 7Up - it provided the best of both worlds, fresh juice and carbonation. The down side over the last number of years is the high fructose corn syrup that has replaced sugar in the carbonated sodas.<br /><br />But, of late there have been alternatives.
?FiF?rsrsts? t tht?ererer??????OrO???gig???, , w????h h m ?ixi???????????ng??e je ?uiuic?e ?wiwitith??cac?rbr?????????ododada a?- -??titilillll l????d td th????ugu?ar??, b, bub??t ft ??ar ar b ???teterter r t?hahanha? m ma m?in?ststrst??ama????odaodas?. .??he?n n an a ???mbm??r ?ofof f?drd?????s hs ?havha?e e be bebecbecoc??e ?ava?aiailai?aba??e e te ?thath??t mt ???? th??e ce ?carca?rborbon?at???? w??ithit???a ha hihighi?h h ph ??ercer????aga???of? r ??realrea??????t t jt ??ic?icesice??. S. ?????????the?ses?e he hahav?e e be bee b?enen en???ded??whw?????ng?? to t???????? the the?le??astast.t. ???????st? s so??????????ZZZZEZ? w wi?????itsits s 7s ?????frufr?uit? j ???cece ce???????? c ca c??bo?nanat??ed ed wed wa???ter ter????o o ao ????d d sd susugsugagargars????????<b??r /????w w c???omesome?s as ?lolon?? T??????witwitctch????hehe he She Sw??itcit?ch ch i ?is is?????????it? j?uiuicui?ce ???withwit?????bobon?????on on aon ????ed.ed. . A. ?ndnd,nd
First there was Orangina, which mixed 12% orange juice with carbonated soda - still had the sugar, but far better than mainstream sodas. Then a number of drinks have become available that mix the carbonation with a high percentage of real fruit juices. Some of these have been underwhelming to say the least. The best so far is IZZE with its 70% fruit juice and 30% carbonated water - no added sugars.<br /><br />Now comes along The Switch. The Switch is 100% fruit juice with carbonation added. And,
????kek? I IZI?ZEZE,E? I I I r rer???lyl? l li l????ththihisis s d ???nkn??? It It t i is?? di difi???re?ntn?t tt ?thath?? I???? d???nknksnk?????e e Se SwS??tct?h h??lel?ndn?s ??theth?iri? j ??ici???s ds did????re?rentrent ??o o a ?ch?????e ae ? l??ttt?le? m momoro?re re???????e fe flf?avavovor? w ??herhere?re Ire IZIZZIZ?ZE ZE h ????mo?????anangang g? an a????unu???. ???cacan???t st ???????????beb?tt?erer er t ??thantha?n tn th???otoththe??r or ononlonly? t???t t tt tht t??y y ey ea???? de d??livli?verver r ar ??didifdi?ffeff?ereer?enten???refrefrf?resreshs?hinhi??????ererierie??ncenc???brbr r /r ?????r /????????? tr t??ede???he? S ??it?????in in????ang???TaT?ang??ririnrinerin??????BlB???? C ?????y.y??Th??????angange?????angeangerangerianger???e i??s vs ?????gog?odod!d! ! I I ??highi???ly ??recre?omommmmemenenden?d id it??????he Bhe ????k ??CheCher?ry???s s gs gogoogood??, b, be??tte?r ????than than s?????otothot??? c?he?herr?y y dy dr?in?ksk?????? thi thisis ??or?t t It
like IZZE, I really like this drink. It is different than IZZE drinks; The Switch blends their juices different to achieve a little more subtle flavor where IZZE has more tang and punch. I can't say one is better than the other only that they each deliver a different refreshing experience.<br /><br />I have tried The Switch in Orange Tangerine and Black Cherry. The Orange Tangerine is very good! I highly recommend it. The Black Cherry is good, better than some other cherry drinks of this sort I
? h ???? h?adad,d??bub??????coc??????e ??? bi b?it it? be bet be?tet?????t ??????'t'???????e de ??lil?veverve????e e se sasamameme ?flf????r r er exe?pep?erier?enencn?e ?ofof f a ???eae?lll???gog?odod ???lacla???????ryr???????""???989??B0B0000101L1LGLG9G?454?O,O?????Z8Z?TUTU8U?FDF?Q1Q?K,K,J,??re?d d Cd CaC???lele,e????,4,?,1,?232353?????????TaT??tyty y ry ?????el el??ftf??r r er exr exexerercer??ses?e oe ore o??li?ve????p p?? l ?ununc??????00%00???ui?ce?, , 0, 0%0% ?bab?????ufu????,"A,"?s s p pap?artar???of of??mam?zoz?n'n'sn's ???nene ?PrP???rar?? I ??re??ceiceiv??d ???????iaial? c cac??s ????ThThehe he???ititcitchch,h??<a<?a ha ????="="""????p:p:/:??wwwww??????on????m/m?gpg???????ctc????????94???""??BlBlaBl???? Ch Che????</<?a>a?? an a??d <d ????re?ref=????httht???//??????ma?zo??.c???????/pr/prorodrodurod?uctuc??B0B00B001B001L1LG1LG9??45O45O"O""??OrO???gege e Te Ta?ngngeng?????????. .???
have had, but it could be a bit better; it doesn't quite deliver the same flavor experience of a really good Black Cherry soda." 6798,B001LG945O,A3PJZ8TU8FDQ1K,Jared Castle,0,0,4,1235606400,"Tasty refuel after exercise or liven up a lunch; 100% juice, 0% bad stuff","As part of Amazon's Vine Program I received two trial cans of The Switch, <a href="""">Black Cherry</a> and <a href="""">Orange Tangerine</a>. I t