i??? o ??r r??????isis s??ryr???g ??o o g ??t t?rir?? o of o?, , a ??????fif?????sus?gagara?r (r (w(whwhihici?h h c ??an an r??in? t th t?? t te teeeetetheth h ah anandand d pd ????id????emempm?tyty ????orori??es)es?. .???t t et ??ene???o,o, , I, I I s?tit????lo??ve ve????. I. I ??lov?????? f fi??? t ti tining??in???dod??n n mn mym???thrth?roaroata??wh???e ??whiwhilwhi???????anian?ing?ing ming ?? p ??lal?ateat?e ae anand? r re repe???cicining?ing iing itit t w????h sh sws??eeteetnt?es???. N. NuN?utrutriri-ri-s-sw?ee?? b br b?rinri??s ???wn????e e ce cae c????ieieses es??????e e ee exexpxpepenensensese ??f f f fl flalavlavov?? a an a?nd nd h ???s ss sis??ide ide e ?effef???tst?s ls ?likli??e he heheaheada???checheses ?an?and ??ivivi??? m ?e ?? g gn gnanawawiw?ing????ng???.<.<b<??r /r ????r ??>F>FoF?or or for ???? oc o????siosiononsn???, I', I?llll ll? mi m?x x l le l?emoem?on-on????me me o or o????aia???sosodso?da da????aterater ??witwi?th th?????????or?????eleliliglighghth??fulful,l, ?anand?and sand sls?lig?ht?lyl?y hy ?hea????ie?r ?
ing our body is trying to get rid of, and refined sugar (which can ruin the teeth and provides empty calories). But even so, I still love it. I love the fizz tingling down my throat while while cleaning my palate and replacing it with sweetness. Nutri-sweet brings down the calories at the expense of flavor and has side effects like headaches and giving me a gnawing hunger.<br /><br />For fun occasions, I'll mix lemon-lime or plain soda water with juices for a delightful, and slightly healthier a
l???rnrnanata?ivivev? t toto o??ododada.a. . W WiWili?????e e Se SwS????h h O ??ana?geg?????ge??ini????sodsodada da???iveive ?upup p??o o mo mym??exe??ece??atatiat????? ? A ???ara??on?atateat?d d j ?uiu??e e ie inin in?? c ca can???brbr r??><>??r ??/>A/>??????stst t gt ??anancan?ce,ce, ,?? the th?e S??witwitctchtc??cacanca? i ??????ututete.te?. I. ???s s a a a???ene?????????wi??????iceic?e ae ?artartwtwowororkr?. ?????toto to?hoh??d d id ???yoy?urur ?hah??d ?whw?henhe?n yn ?????e e u??eded ed t to????? t?ypy?????l cl ??can.can???<br <br? /> /????? />???? w ?whewh?en en I I I t ta t?ststest????, ??'m'?? so s???y ???to sto ???, ????? a ??litli?tlt????is???pop??????. ?ThT??? Or O?ranrang?e ????angeanger?ininein?e Se Swe Swie Swititcit?? s??da?da ida ?? n nonoto?t at ?? t? tas ta???y ay ??as ras ???ulu????ororaor???ange ange s???a,a???nornor r ar ?as as oas ororaoranora???? ju jui?ce?. . F?oror or a? a d a didisdiscs?la??mem?er,er?, I, I', I'l, I'?? m me?ntntitioti?on on? th?atat at?or??????? jui ju?ice???s s ns ???t st ??me
lternative to soda. Will the Switch Orange Tangerine soda live up to my expectations? A carbonated juice in a can?<br /><br />At first glance, the Switch can is...cute. It's a slender can with nice artwork. Fun to hold in your hand when you're used to the typical can.<br /><br />But when I taste it, I'm sorry to say, I'm a little disappointed. The Orange Tangerine Switch soda is not as tasty as regular orange soda, nor as orange juice. For a disclaimer, I'll mention that orange juice is not some
?tht?iningng g t ???? w ????d d?nonoro???llllyl? t ta t?sts????rereae????ararbr????ateat?d,d? s ?? t th t?e ?????r r f flf???ororsor???f f S ???tct?? m ????t t tt tat??tete te???tttteterter.r?????otot ot a a a???????? o od o??d, d,???ittit?ter?? ta tas ta?????? I I I?drd???k k t? the th????dad???bubutu?t at ????terwter??ardardsd????therthe?re re? wa wasas as aas ????ea??anantn???ft???ta?stste?. ???he he???tt?????ssss ?mi?gh?t t bt bebe be?prp??ses?ntnt nt?in? r re?gug??ar???odo??, ??ut? t????s is isis is? or o??angangeg?e je juj?ici??e (e ?wiwitwi?????mem?e o?th????s m???ed? i in i?) )? an a????I kI ???? h ?owo?w iw it? t ta? tast tas???s ws ?witwithwitho??ut ut cut ca??rborbon?at??on?.<.<b<?r ?/>/><>?<br<b?r /???I gI gag??e e te ththethe the S??wit???????? t?o o bo ??thth ?of?????da?ugu?ght??erser????????ppp?ili????wiwigwi?gegedge?d id it??dodow??? wi w?????????oncon??????ror???????? odd od???tastasttas???I ?nonotno?ic????.<b.<?br br / />??<br<br <br /??SoS?o wo whw
thing that would normally taste great carbonated, so the other flavors of Switch might taste better. I got a kind of odd, bitter taste as I drunk the soda, but afterwards there was a pleasant aftertaste. The bitterness might be present in regular soda, but this is orange juice (with some others mixed in) and I know how it tastes without carbonation.<br /><br />I gave the Switch soda to both of my daughters who happily swigged it down with no concern from the odd taste I noticed.<br /><br />So wh
i????? w ?onon'n????e e he hah?ppp??ilyil????chchahanha??ini??????????????alal l???dada a f ????????chch,ch? I?'m'm m g ???d d t ??????????ryr??inging g t?? d ?o o so sosomsomem??thithin?ing ing a ?????tltle? h heheaheal?th?thiethierer ???anan n? we we ?ca??n fn fefeeeele?l ml momor?e ?e coe c?mfm??rtrtat??lele le gle gigivgivivininging ?ouo????chich???re????AnA?????alallal?y,y???? a a a h?otot ??dayday,? t?hih?s s????ldld d hd hi??t tt ththeth???pop??.".?????1,1?B0B?010?LGLG9G949?5O5O,O,A,????TUTUKU??5V5VBVBSBSASA,A?NeNer?d d Ad ????rt,rt,3,3,3?4,4,5,5,5??232363616??484?00?,N??cece ??rur?it?y ???lavla???,",???re??lll?? e en e??oyo?????yinyi???nenewe?? th??ing???, s, ?so so I I I f fo fouounou?? t th?e ??dedeae?a oa ?f f t th??s ?sosodso???plple?as?? I??t it ?????sesene???al?allyall?y cy ?carcarbr?on??tet????ruruiru?it it??uiuicui?ce,ce?, s, so, so o io ??it iit ?is ???tut???allallyally ally h hi h??? i in? c ?calca????????andand d td th???????es??????a sa ?mam??all all??onontontataita?inein
ile I won't be happily exchanging my occasional soda for Switch, I'm glad they are trying to do something a little healthier than we can feel more comfortable giving our children. And really, on a hot day, this would hit the spot." 6921,B001LG945O,AAA0TUKS5VBSA,Nerd Alert,3,4,5,1236124800,Nice Fruity Flavor,"I really enjoy trying new things, so I found the idea of this soda pleasing. It is essentially carbonated fruit juice, so it is naturally high in calories and thus comes in a small containe
?? t ??ata? l ?ooo?ksk? a ???oto?t lt lilikikek?????enenen?rgr?y y??rir??k.k? I I I t th t?????? thi th?????ghg?t ???nfnfuf?ses?e se ?omo?e,e?? le leae???ingin?? to to o?nenegnegag?atiat???e re ?eve??ewe???bab?sesedse????????e we ?????g pg prpre?co??cec????ononson???f f w ???t t it itit ?t ist i?????????o o bo beb??. . ?HoH???eveev?er,er?, I, ?I tI ??in??? a a v veververyr???alali?????mpmplplalaia?intin?t ct cot com??s ?frfro?m m????????atat at f fefeeeele? t???s ?""""n"???uru????"" ""??ri??nk nk t ta t?astas?eses es? a ?bib?it it??????icicic? . . T. ????s is ?is is?????elyel?y dy dud??????? the the the??useus??of???ruruiu????????s ?s frs f??rom rom c ??concconce?nt??ratra????wh?icichich h a??wawaya?s ???fe?ctc?s ????????vovoror.r. ??Ho?we?veverver,ver, , u, ??li????? the?????tertermrmemelmelolonlo??flflafl???r,r, , I?? fo f??undun??????s vs va??????y v??brb?ranrant?????d dd ?el?iciciicio?? Th. T???????it it fit fl?flavflavovor? r rereare?allal??y cy ???eses es tes th?????gh,gh
r that looks a lot like an energy drink. I think this might confuse some, leading to negative reviews based on the wrong preconceptions of what it is meant to be. However, I think a very valid complaint comes from some that feel this ""natural"" drink tastes a bit artificial. This is likely due to the use of fruit juices from concentrate, which always effects the flavor. However, unlike the watermelon flavor, I found this variety vibrant and delicious. The fruit flavor really comes through,
??inincn?luludu???? t ?hehe e o ofo?tetenen n??riricickckyk?? ta t???ereri?nene.e. .? I ItIt t??s s??? e exexpx?enensen?????trt??ata?????t ????ldl??mam??e ???fufunun ??ddd??tit?????????reareakakfakfaf?????? l ??eueu u o?f f?? s si???lal?rlr???hihigi?h h c ????ri??e ce ?upup p? of of of o?????? j ?uiu???e."e.""?696929???????LGL???5O5O,O,A,ANA??ZTZ??QEQEJE??JWJ?,C,??? S SoS?peperpe?,2,?2,32,3,3????242???????00,00,","A"???JuJ?uleul???frfror??m Pm ???p ?FiF??ti??on on?wo?ul???sas???, t, th?isi?s is ?is is a a ?tat?astas??y by bebeveveverve?ragrage??","?,"I,"? w??asnas??t t st ?ururere re????at at? to t????????t wt wit w???? th t??s,s?????t ut upupoup?????st?ining???t t (t (v(ve?veryver?y cy ???llllelede?),), ???????? to? a??????? it it' it?s ?prp??ttttyty ty??ar??n t??astastyasty!y?<b<?? / />/><>?<br<br r /r ??ToTo ?gig????yoyouou ou???n in ??ea? o? of ??????t itt i???tastasttas??s ?li?ke??????akeak??or?an?angeang??jujuiju????. . ???????? t? the th?e fe ????
including the often tricky tangerine. It is an expensive treat, but would make a fun addition to breakfast in lieu of a similarly high calorie cup of orange juice." 6922,B001LG945O,AN7ZTHQEJLJW,Cam Soper,2,3,4,1246060800,"As Jules from Pulp Fiction would say, this is a tasty beverage!","I wasn't sure what to expect with this, but upon tasting it (very chilled), I have to admit, it's pretty darn tasty!<br /><br />To give you an idea of what it tastes like: Take orange juice. Give it the famil
??ara? " ?"b"????????????uru?r fr fafavavovororirit???cac?arbar?ono????d d b ??vevere????. .??????????ittit?lel??tatana??gerge?rinrinen?e fe ??? a ??????hth???ititritrurusu?? af aftf?tertertr?tastaststete,te, ,? an a??????ereer?e ye yo?u u??o.o?? B BaBasa??cacalca??????it it l?ooooko?s s as anandand ?sms??????liliklikek?????angange???uiuiciceic??, b, ?utut ?????tas?te?s ?s lis l?keke ke o???ngngeng????p p??shs?ou???? t ta?tast?e,e, e,???f if ????eae??llyll? t ta t??te????ikikeik?????rangrangegesge????MyM??wiwififeif???aia???it????mim?ndndendede???herhe?r or ????in?ututeut????????ora??ngenge nge????p (p ??????as as?sh?e e we ??oul??d cd cacal?? i it it,t, ???oran???ge *ge ???dada*a*)*?.<.<b<brbr ??><>?<br<br ?????? f fo???-y-?????olo?ld ld s so s?? i is i?s es ea?geger?? to to o??ri?rinkrink k??????ece???useus?e he ?? s se seeeeses ??omom m a an?????d d d?????it oit ?cccca??si?on??allal??, ??ut??wew?e ge ge?ne????lly? d??on'on??t lt ?letle?t ht hihimi??. ????er? r re
iar ""bite"" of your favorite carbonated beverage. Add a little tangerine for a slight citrus aftertaste, and there you go. Basically, it looks and smells like orange juice, but it tastes like orange pop *should* taste, if it really tasted like oranges. My wife said it reminded her of Minute Maid orange pop (or, as she would call it, orange *soda*).<br /><br />Our four-year-old son is eager to drink pop because he sees mom and dad do it occassionally, but we generally don't let him. After re
?adadidini???tht?? n ?utu??????nanala???infinfof?rmrmamata?tioti?on on?on????e ?cac?n n a an?d d s ?eeeeiein?g ??thathat? t th theherhe??????o o a????????gag??, , c ?or??n sn ???????prp?resre???vavat??vevese??, o, oror or a??titifti???iai???flflal?????s, s,?? c??? a? adm ad?itit it???at?at Iat ??wowououluldl??hah?????o o po ?propr???emem m l ?letle?ti????hih??m dm ????? t??isis s is ??ststeteae?? o?? j ???iceice e oe ??ca????ionio???lyly y ( (b(?ut?? no not no???totooo??? of???n,n??asa?s i??t it isis is q ???te?? a a b ?it?????susugsu??????????????r r /r ?/>M/>?y ????????de?? th the the ??bsb?serservserva???????tha?t t tt ?thithisis ??dridrininkink ??wouwo????????????y my ?makmakeke ?????????ti??????ere????r ??????????verve???? ?SaS?adlad?ly,ly, ???????mpm????wew?e re ?recrecec???vedve??waw??? no not??????ughugh h t to t???teste?st st t th???s ts ?the?or?y,y??????t itt i??shs??oulouldld ld m?aka?? a? a r a ?reare???ly,? r ??realrea
ading the nutritional information on the can and seeing that there's no added sugar, corn syrup, preservatives, or artificial flavors, I can admit that I would have no problem letting him drink this instead of juice occassionally (but not *too* often, as it is quite a bit of sugar!).<br /><br />My wife made the observation that this drink would probably make a fantastic mixer for adult beverages. Sadly, the sample we received was not enough to test this theory, but it should make a really, real
??y y???odo??scscrcrer?wdwdrdrir??ere??????232???000010?LGL?????,A,A3A3B3BVB?SASAZAZRZ?EDE?????,W,???fPf???,2,?,3,?3,33,?????45845?????0,0???retrettt?y ??googo???..?,","I"I I g?ava????hihisi? a a a? tr tryr??beb??aua?sese e I I ??ovo????carcarbrbobononanata??d ???????sts??fff?????e e be ?botbo???ed??cr??nbnbeberberrrry????pppplplele,le?, g, ??apapepe e fe ??omom m?WeWelelclchch'h?s ?????ththethe e le li?<b<brb? / ????r r /r ??PeP?ersersos??ala?????? li l????ed ted ???is is???ret??ty ty???ellel????thoth?ugu?? n ?otot t?????ucu???? as as????e ?ot?heher??br?anandandsands.s??????mem?, ??t t tt ??????s a??d d sd ??melme??s s ls ??likelik????ngn??erier??e,? a??? I I ???eltelt t lt ????? I ????ldld d kd ??indin???f f tf ta?st?? s??me???? t?hehe he? co c??pop????t ?flflal???rsrs ??aka??ng? i ???up?-t-?the????av?avoravo????is mis momororeore ??comcompmpl?exe?? th??an an y ??ou'ou?d d gd ??t t ft frt froromro??a a fa ???uitui??t flt f???or?oredore?d s??????
ly good screwdriver." 6923,B001LG945O,A3BVSAZREDP9RH,WolfPup,2,3,3,1245888000,Pretty good...,"I gave this a try because I love carbonated juice-stuff like bottled cranberry, apple, grape from Welch's and the like.<br /><br />Personally I liked this pretty well, though not as much as some other brands. To me, it tastes and smells like tangerine, and I felt like I could kind of taste some of the component flavors making it up-the flavor is more complex than you'd get from a fruit flavored soda.
TThT???cac???ononan??ioionon on i isi???reretettttyt? l ??ghg???brbr r / ?><>?<br<b?r /r ?/>I/>???efefifinininiti?elelyl??wow????n'n?t t??in?d d?????ingin??sos?????f f?`T`???e Se ??it???'s's s os ???herher ?flf?avavovoro???....B..??T,T, ,??I sI sps??litlit t st so?me? o ??????? ta tana????in???fl???or???witwithth th?a a?re???titivtivev?, ?anandand ?????th????ghtght ??it it??????eded d ld ?liklikeke e Je ?el??-O-?, , a?ndn?d dd ?????'t 't? ca car?e e f??????-s-sh?e ?sasaiaid???he??????athathe?her her??av??e re reregre????ar ar?????e.e.<.<b<br???><><b><br? / /> />I />??de?fi?ninitni?telte?ly ly l?ikikekedke??th?????et??terter r tr ?thath?? o??ranrangngeng????dad??th??ugu???""??9292424,4????1L1LGLG9G???O,O,AO,A3A3I3IMI?060?G7G?WWW???2A2?,H,HaHapappppypymymomomomxom?3,3??,0??4,?131343?747?9494494???,G,GrGre??? a????ternterna?ti???e,Se,??ititc?h h? is is s as a a Ga GRGREREAE?T T a??teter???atiativi?? t???????s s fs foforor or oor ?ourour r f??mimilmi?ly!ly! ! L LoL?ve??th?emem m???nd nd I???on??
The carbonation is pretty light<br /><br />I definitely wouldn't mind trying some of `The Switch's other flavors...BUT, I split some of the tangerine flavor with a relative, and she thought it smelled like Jell-O, and didn't care for it-she said she'd rather have regular juice.<br /><br />I definitely liked this better than orange soda though!" 6924,B001LG945O,A3IM06G7WWMH2A,Happymomx3,0,0,4,1347494400,Great alternative,Switch is a GREAT alternative to sodas for our family! Love them and I don't
????elel l?babadad d a ??ouo???ththehe e??idi????rir?nkn?kinki?g g? th t???. .??GrG?eae??t vt vavara??????ofof f? fl f?ava??rsrs!s! ! I ? j ??stst t wt wiwisishs???????wew?re??mom??e ?eaeasea???y y fy fof???d d id inin in?st??ore?s.s..????????010??G9G???O,O,A,A2A?GFG??I8I????3F3FFFFDFD,D?PrP???esessssisiosi????l Bl ?????BuBuyu????0,0??,5,?5,15,???545?171???00,00,","M"MyMy y Sy SoS??????av??orior?tete ???SoSodSo??"""""""",","?????reare??lyly ly h ??aveav??????imimim?it it? ad a?didit???es???????ugu???? fo for? o ou o?? s?onon on??witwith? A AuA?utiutisismis?? S SwS?witwitcwit????????e ???????in??e re ree r????ly ly fly ??illillsls s ts th?e ??????. H. ?e ??feefe???s ls ?liklikek????'s??gegetge?tit??g ?""???realrea?????izizzzzyz????da?, ,?? and and d md momommo?????is is????pypy ??t't??'s n's non?t ?????ede?d wd ??withwit?h ch ch????????s as ????adaddad??titivtivevesves ?????aca??????????s s rs ???? j?uiu?cece e ie ??in iin ???. A. ????otaot?al al? wi winin-in?wiwinwin.n?
feel bad about the kids drinking them. Great variety of flavors! I just wish they were more easily found in stores. 6925,B001LG945O,A2GF9I8Y6D3FFD,Professional Book Buyer,0,0,5,1305417600,"My Son's Favorite ""Soda""","We really have to limit additives and sugar for our son with Autism. Switch Orange Tangerine really fills the bill. He feels like he's getting ""real"" fizzy soda, and mommy is happy it's not loaded with chemicals and additives and actually has real juice in it. A total win-win."
?696??6,6?B0B????G9G949??????919???VQV?H2H???M0M0,0,","W"?ililll???????osos s?"""?BrBror?wnw?sbsbabaca?kekere????????0,30,??121292979?55555552552020000,00??ana?gyg?,","I,"IfI? y yoy?? l ??????ou?r r?drdririni?k k?nonotot t?????mom???h h?anandand d? a a????t "t ???????""?...????????hoh??ldl???oro?k ??or? y yo??u .u ???..b..??t.t?...... ... a?lalasas!s?????... n... ???t ft ???r r m ??..?""6?92?7,7?,B0,B?00100?1LG1L??45?O,O,AO,A1A?NPNPFP??C8C8K8K0K0E0?1D1?9,9?NiNici??os,os,0?,0??5,5,1?282??79792?00??0,G0,GrG?eaeata?t Pt ??rodrodud?ctct!t!,!?SwSwiw?itcit????? a a ?faf??tatastaststit????repre?lalacla???menme??t ft fot foror or sor sosodsodad??? Y YoYouou ou? st s??ll? e ?njn???????in?? t th???????ono???ioion? b bu but? w ??th? f frf??itit it j juj???????t t it ?????eryery ?sasatati??fyf???????69269?28,28,B??0101L01LGLG9LG?????,A1,A1J1JDJ???707???XUXUFU?O,O,sO,?shish???atrat???ce?,0,0,,0,0,0,0,??????????404?????ea????????e ?BeB??vi??,S???io?????y ay ??grg
6926,B001LG945O,A391KXVQH22CM0,"William Foos ""Brownsbacker""",0,0,3,1297555200,tangy,"If you like your drink not so smooth and a bit ""tangy""...this should work for you ....but... alas! ... not for me.." 6927,B001LG945O,A1NPF5C8K0E1D9,Nicos,0,0,5,1287792000,Great Product!,Switch is a fantastic replacement for sodas. You still enjoy having the carbonation but with fruit juice. It is very satisfying. 6928,B001LG945O,A1JDDX70A0XUFO,shivatrance,0,0,4,1280102400,Great Orange Bevvie,Seriously a gr
?????????geg? d ?rir?nkn? o on on n???r r??itithth h?????ngingin??????hoh?utut t bt ??ininging g?sus??ere?r cr ?rarazra??? sw swew???. . ?????vev?e pe ?????hashaseseded d???isi??frf???ueu????y ????cec?????fif????????stest???????? th thrhror????h th ?thethe ???ineine e p??rogrogrg???. ?AlA?soso!o! !??oeo???????t ???thth th????kaka a oa ?? t?eq????a!a!!6???9,9,B,?000?????454???A1A1A1???????????9,9,"9,??c c " """?"jc"j?"""""""???,0?????272??11????00,00?MyM??kik?dsd?s ls ???ve ve i it i????,I,?tsts ?ninici????? h????????trt?reare??? t to? g gigivi??????ki??ds ds????at at t th the th????ee?l l??iki??e te th????????ge???ininging ing??od?a-a?--??thetheythey they l???????e e t??astas???e ane a??????ono??'t 't f???????????'m'??? hav ha?in?ing ing ting ??o co cocomo?prproromro????e a??y ?ququaqu?li?tyt?y .y ..????<b<?r r /r ???I d??on'on???????y ???odaoda oda???ut ut I? d??o eo ??enjoenj???? thi th?is is p???duducu?
eat orange drink on par with Orangina without being super crazy sweet. I have purchased this frequently since my first taste of it through the Vine program. Also! Goes great with vodka or tequila! 6929,B001LG945O,A1AO7MPQSWRM89,"jc ""jc""",0,0,4,1271116800,My kids love it...,Its nice to have a 'treat' to give my kids that they feel like they are getting soda---they love the taste and I don't feel like I'm having to compromise any quality .....<br />I don't enjoy soda but I do enjoy this product
a ana?? o oco??asa??ononan?lll?? w wiwili?ll ll?grg?abab b a? c ca?n-n?-g-??eaeatat t???ododuducu?t ?at??????od?? pr pririci?e!e!!6???0,0?B0B?0101L1?G9G949?????????WZW?A7A??????,J,?FAF????0,?4,4,1,121???595989848?00??NiNic??????erernrnanatna???e,e,",??hihisi? i ???ththeh?????ly ly???avavov?r r??f f s ?wiwitwitctchch h?? h ?avaveav???ri?ede??? I??t tt ??astastetestes s js ??stst ?fifininene ??andand d id ?????????ververlrly?ly sly ???etet.t?. . ?Th??e ce cacarca?????atiatio?n n?????? . ?MoMororeore ???pop?????tltly???thothouougughg??? th t?????akakek??s as ??FAFANFA??ASA??ICI????xex?er er t?? u ??e e we ?wit????vodvo?kak?????93?1,1,B,B0,B?00100??G9G94G9?45O45O,O,AO,A2A?YEY??RZRZLZLULUZUZXZ??1X1X,X?LeL???? Fa Fan?,0,0,,0?????????????80080?0,"0,??????waway?, ?WAW?Y Y? to?????sweesweetet et?- -??9g9g g o??????erer ?in?????.3.? o oz oz z???an,an, an, s?ododaod?a da ?????'t'?t ht ???ve ve? th thi th?is is mis mum?uchuch ????ara?!"!?,","O,"?ucuch???ththithis?is sis st?????
and occasionally will grab a can--great product at a good price! 6930,B001LG945O,A3MMEWZA7T6MFW,JFA,0,0,4,1270598400,Nice Alternative,"This is the only flavor of switch I have tried. It tastes just fine and is not overly sweet. The carbonation is nice. More importantly though, this makes a FANTASTIC mixer to use with vodka." 6931,B001LG945O,A2YEZRZLUZXG1X,Lego Fan,0,0,1,1268092800,"Way, way, WAY too sweet - 29g of suger in a 8.3 oz can, soda doesn't have this much sugar!","Ouch, this stuff i
????wew??t,t??asas s is ?n n R ???LLL??? sw s?? ..??ThT????s iss i???eaealalll?y y h ???shs??tatasastastit?????ndnd d?we???ere?re re??isisaisapappppopoioin?????????????odo?? d??esesns?'t'???havha?? t th thi??s ms ??chch ??ugu???, , t, tht?e ???3 3 o ?z z????n hn ha????9 9 g ?rarama????f f??ugugaug?????ikikekeses!es?? F FoF?r r a??121? o?z z cz ?canca???? s so???, , t, th, thahatha?t wt ???ldld ?beb????ikeik??ha?havihavininging ing?454?? gr gra???????susugsuga??, , w, ?????ou?ldld ld d??in???? tha thata???brbr r /r />/?<b?????Th?????eeeedee???o o wo ??ateat?? t? thi th??????Y dY ??wnwn,n, , w???rere ??oi????toto to e ene?? u ?p p? gi g?viv?inging ?th??e re reresre?????????s ???waywa?, ?, we?? ca c??'t??? dri dr??ink ink i ??.".""???323???0000101L1LGLG9G??45O45O,O,A,?3D3DID?393919??4G4??I7I?Q,Q????anan an T Ta T?yly??or or???MuM??ici??AdAddddidicdictct,t, t,????p Cp ??ultultut?re?re Gre GuGururuur???........"?,0,?,0??4,4,1,?12512505070727262???00,00,D,DeD???ghg?tft???????DelDeli
s sweet, as in REALLY sweet... This is really harsh tasting and we were disappointed. Most soda doesn't have this much sugar, the 8.3 oz can has 29 grams of sugar, yikes! For a 12 oz can of soda, that would be like having 45 grams of sugar, who would drink that?<br /><br />They need to water this WAY down, we're going to end up giving the rest of this away, we can't drink it." 6932,B001LG945O,A3DI391K4GAI7Q,"Alan Taylor ""Music Addict, Pop Culture Guru, ...",0,0,4,1250726400,Delightfully Deli
?cicioiouo?s s?? N NaN?tuturu??? T TaTasasts?ini??????iri?st??y,y, , I I I?hah??????ranra????flf?????eded d?sos??as?. . T Th Theheye????l ???????lil??e ????ra?-f-fafaka?ke ke???hemhe?ici?al? l laladla?ene??fl???? c??eaeana?erer r t ?? m ?e.e?. . S SwSwiwiti?ch? i isis ??????it?elely? N?OTO? t????????e. e. F Fi?nan??allyall??an? o?ra??gege ??????? tha that??????eses ??liklikeke ke rke ?ea??l ol or??angan??s ???d ????ngengerngeririn??es-es- - w ?hoh??knk???! !? I I ??hohorhororouougoughghlhlyly ????oyoyey?? t? thi this?? fi f???y ?de???gh?t,t?, w, ?whiwh?ichic? r ?remremi?ndnde?d d md ?me me??f f???? hr hrerefref=f="=""""h"hthttt?p:p:/:?/w/?wwww.ww?ama?azazoz?n.n?coc???gpgp/p?prpro??ucuctc??B0B000010?E3E???X6X6"6"""">""?SaSan??PeP???leglegrgri??o o Ao ???rancranci?at?a ??????in?? B ?eve?ereraeraga?? - - ?2424/4/1/????? oz oz z? ca can cansn????? b bub??? sw s?eee???r.r?. ?????, , a, ?andand and??LLL???wi???h h bh bebeveveever???gesges ges a??? h hi h?gh?lyly ly rly re??comco????ndend??
cious & Natural Tasting!,"Firstly, I hate orange flavored sodas. They all taste like ultra-fake chemical laden floor cleaner to me. Switch is definitely NOT the case. Finally an orange soda that tastes like real oranges and tangerines- who knew! I thoroughly enjoyed this fizzy delight, which reminded me of <a href="""">San Pellegrino Aranciata Sparking Beverage - 24/11.5 oz cans</a> but sweeter. This, and ALL Switch beverages are highly recommended.
??6696???,B,?????G9G9494545O5?,A,A2A2N2??CGC?GIG??GIFGI?U2U222??MiM????mam???,0,?,0??5,5?121????????????tut?ala?lyl??tatasa??????ikikek???????oro?anangn??es,es??? r?ea??llylly y ey ??joj?yeyeded d????? s ???a.a. .???usu?eded ed??o o b ?e ??? bi b???fafan??????ra??ngingini???a ?fefewe? y ye??????gogo ??utut t?SwSwiw???h h O?ra?rangran???TaTanangan?gerge???e ?is?is Wis ??Y Y? be betettt?terter r - -e-????????ly????f yf yoyouo?r r lr ???kik??g ??or? a ??????e oe or??ang?eye?y ty ?????????coc?ldl????e ?e ofe o???hehes??e we ?ou?ldld ld??????ryr?y ry ??????hi??? o?n n?????t ????memer??da??. . T. ???stestesste?s ss ??rtrt ?ofo?f lf ??ke?? re?alal ???oranora???????cece ??ixixexed?ed wed wiwitwi???????zez?er,er, ,?whwhi?ch? b?????ththeth??quq?????on? w wh whyhy y ny ??? j ?jusju?st st??????t ?yo???se???? ? ( (i(if?? yo y???r ar ata?t ht hohomho??????? i????. B. ????? w????dndn'n't't ????it?atateat??
" 6933,B001LG945O,A2NICGGIGIFU22,Misuzmama,0,0,5,1250726400,Actually tastes like real oranges,"I really enjoyed this soda. I used to be a big fan of Orangina a few years ago but Switch Orange Tangerine is WAY better -especially if your looking for a true orangey taste. A cold one of these would be very refreshing on a hot summer day. Tastes sort of like real orange juice mixed with seltzer, which begs the question why not just mix it yourself? (if your at home that is). But I wouldn't hesitate b
?????g g??nene e??f f t ?hehese??e we ???? o?utu??ana??? ab abob?ut????ere?y y?????y.y????939343?,B,B0B000?1L1??????????JUJUBUBGB?4H4?K8K????L.L. . J. ??????e e "e """"v"viv??deode???????","?0,??????252?050?535363606??,d,didififfffef?ereer??????an??rer??ululal????odo?a,a,I,???ava?e e te ???ede??a a???????e de di?ffffeff?ereerenere?nt nt?flfla?vovoro?s s o of? t??isi????da????nd nd? fo f?ounou?nd ?????o o?beb??prp???ty????odod.od???s ?liligi???er? t th tha th???re??gulgu?????????6??93593??,B0,B?00100?1LG1L??45??O,AO,??4O4O1O??MYM?DNDNLN???E,E,"??????SmS?ar??t "t ""??mamazma??? Q QuQ??en??"""??,0,,0?,0,,0,2,0,2,2?1212512?50350????80080?0,T0,?oo???wew???t -t ??To?o ?????,","T,"??he he? on o?lyl?y wy waw?y ?y wey w????????mamakmakeke ?SwS????h h?????geg?-T-TaT??angeanger?in???????????le le w ?waswa??????inging g 5g 50??5050 50? wi witithit???lulublu???ododaod?? I ????as??juj?stst st? wa??y ty ??oo oo soo swsweweeweetet.t?. I. ItIt It tIt ????? ta tas ta
uying one of these when out and about. Very tasty." 6934,B001LG945O,A5VJUBG4HK80,"L. J. Wade ""videoluvr""",0,0,4,1250553600,different than regular soda,I have tried a couple different flavors of this soda and found it to be pretty good.Its lighter than regular soda. 6935,B001LG945O,A24O15MYDNLZBE,"Lori Smart ""Amazon Queen""",0,0,2,1250380800,Too Sweet - Too Late,"The only way we could make Switch Orange-Tangerine drinkable was mixing 50/50 with club soda. It was just way too sweet. It then tas
?tet?d d g gog??d,d, ,????????ngn???a a??andan?d Sd ??? P PePelelll?igi?ririn?o o b bo b??? h ?avaveve e??wewesesosomomem?e Oe ???angan?e ?flf?av???????sodsodad?s s?ouo????theth?re? w ???th th??????ed?ed ted ????????AnA?d ??ururprprpri????glg?y,y????popor??tedted ??an???????igrigririnri????omomeom?es es o ou outut ?to? b?e ?chc??????? be???ususes?e te ?the?? ca c?ansan?s as ?re?re lre lalarla?ge???(1(? 3??z.z. . a?s ??ppp???????to to 8to ? o oz oz) oz?.".""???????????G9G949?????????MPM?A1???UJU?????????a a Ba ?oo??erer er "er """???ve?, ?li??ve,ve, ve, l liliv?e!e! ! L! ??????s ??? ba b??..?????,0,,0,4,??121????080???0,0,A0,? t?an??????e ??????? th t???t dt ?oeoesesnesn'n?t ???astas??? wa w??terteryry!y! ??ooooroora?y y??oror or??wiwitwi???!,!,"???? o?????????it?ch? d ???inkink ??flaflav????s ts ta?stste?????od od??nd?? go g??dodowdo?????????hih??ing,ing??bu???t tht thi?????? t th?? o on one? t??at? m ?ada
ted good, but Orangina and San Pelligrino both have awesome Orange flavored sodas out there with no need to mix! And surprisingly, imported San Pelligrino comes out to be cheaper because the cans are larger (11.3 oz. as opposed to 8 oz)." 6936,B001LG945O,A1AEPMPA12GUJ7,"Glenda Boozer ""Live, live, live! Life is a ba...",0,0,4,1250208000,A tangerine drink that doesn't taste watery! Hooray for Switch!,"All of the Switch drink flavors taste good and go down refreshing, but this was the one that mad
?e e?mem?????ptp??cacala?????tilti?l Il ????enenen???tht??e ce ca?n.n???????eses s t????e ??iki????rer????? tan tangn??ririnine?s,s????d d td ?theth?e fe ??ava?oro? i isi?s bs ?ri?ghg???anandand d nd ????wew??? o or or ?wawata?terte???. T. ThTheherhe??'s'?s js ???? e ?????gh gh f??zzz?? to to o??ddd??sosomome?? in i?ntent??es?t,t, ????t nt no???? of o?? th t????????tut?ffff ?pe?opoploplel????ikeike ????????d d id ?in in a??sosodso??? y ????knknonowno????rtrti?fific???al al f fl fla?vo?rsr??an?and and???lol??s,??prp?resre??ervervav?atiativi???? an a?nd nd a al a?l l tl ????. ????'s 's?jujusjustst st jst jujuiju??e e we ??th? f fi???. . I?? f fa faca?t,????'s???ooo?????juicjuicece ??itithith ??fizfi?zz!zz!"!????373?,B,???1L1LGL?949454????3B3?H6H?3G3??L7L????K,K?????RoR??erertertsts ?""""R"?? m ma m??maman????,0,0,0?,0,,0,3,3,3?121242484?656525???00,00,"??ea??????jujus?t t bt ?bubbu???lesle???nd????itaitamamim??????"T"?TheThe e pe prpropr????ct ct????crc???ptiptioionon
e me skeptical until I opened the can. It does taste like fresh tangerines, and the flavor is bright and not weak or watery. There's just enough fizz to add some interest, but none of the bad stuff people like to avoid in a soda: you know, artificial flavors and colors, preservatives and all that. It's just juice with fizz. In fact, it's good juice with fizz!" 6937,B001LG945O,A3BH63GKL7MQ2K,"J. Roberts ""RP madman""",0,0,3,1248652800,"Really, just bubbles and vitamin C","The product description
???ysy???hah?t t i ?t't???"""???stst ??juijuicicece,e, , b ???????s as ??d d v ??itait?????C.C.".""?????lll???, i, it?'s? j ju??st st t?hehe e l ?asa?st ??wow????t'??s ns nonoto??ene?tit?rerelely???la?vov?rlrlelesle???, b, ?butbu?t It ?'v'???tatasastas?ede?d pd ?lelenle?ntynt? o ?????veververar?????? tha th???ara?re re m ???? b? bet be?teterte? t? tha??n tn ?thithisi?s os ????wiw??h h ah a a? lo l?ot ot??es???cacar??ononaon?atiat??on.on?<b<brbr r /r ??????r />r /?AnA?nd,nd??hohononeones??????th??s s "s ""s "???al?ththythy"y""???rir??k k??s s rs ?ratraththeth??r er eaeasea????ly rly ?repreplplapl???d ???????mulmu??tivtivi??tamta??n ?????. ?ItIt'It's?'s n's ?notnot t rt ??alallal??ly gly ???????or or y ????, i???t's t's? ju j?ustust ?no?not not?didir???tl??y by babadad d fd fod f?????u.u???inincincecerce?relre?ly,? I I' I??????irlir??????re ?ththath??at sat susucsu??ininging g o??n mn ??y cy ?ououcou?????ushus????????????gag???nerne?r yr ???????e ??utu?ri?ti??on on t th????? M MoM?ounountntantaiainai??DeD?w,w, , s, ?? i it i
says that it's ""just juice, bubbles and vitamin C."" Really, it's just the last two. It's not entirely flavorless, but I've tasted plenty of beverages that are much better than this one with a lot less carbonation.<br /><br />And, honestly, this ""healthy"" drink is rather easily replaced by a multivitamin pill. It's not really good for you, it's just not directly bad for you. Sincerely, I'm fairly sure that sucking on my couch cushions would garner you more nutrition than a Mountain Dew, so it
??s s?non?t t l liliki?? " ??beb?ttt??r r??hah?n n s sosododad?""??isi?s rs rer?alalll?? s?etettet????? th theh??????hih????????/>/???r ???RaRata??er? d ????ppppop???titinti?ng,ng? p ?arartar??cuc?lal???ly ly c coc?mpm????d d????????ot????r Sr SwS???chch h b ???er?aga?eses.s.".???939383?,B,???1L1LGLG9G????,A,?1Z1?GHG???IJI??????,","K"???eee?e Ke ?itit it? "" ""C"???-M-??"""""?,0,0,0??????242?8383939393693?00???asa?tyt????hi??s ws ???? pr preretrett?y y ty ?as????, b, ?utu?????angan?ge ge???s s ns ???verver ????n ?????ava?or???e.e??I I???co?mmm?en???it?it iit ifi????? l???e e oe ore o?????d ?flf?lavla???red????in???? I????so?lul?uteutele??ly lly ?ovove?? th the the the??????be?rrr????iwi????????????rinri???? ar arere re? no notot ot t????swswewee?t,t??nan????ralra?? an andnd ?re?frfreresre????ng ng? I ?wiwilwi???????tintinutinueu???????y ??hehemhem.m??MyM??????eraeragera?ge ge oge ?f ??choch?oicoi?ce ce? is is ?s was w?ateat????andan
's not like ""better than soda"" is really setting the bar high.<br /><br />Rather disappointing, particularly compared to the other Switch beverages." 6938,B001LG945O,A1ZGHA3IJV01BK,"K-cee Kit ""CAH-M""",0,0,4,1248393600,Tasty,"This was pretty tasty, but orange has never been my favorite. I recommend it if you like oranged flavored drinks. I absolutely love the strawberry kiwi. These drinks are not too sweet, natural and refreshing I will continue to try them. My beverage of choice is water and
? m mim??k k ( ??ndn? w ?????;0;0)0? ) ???..b..bub?t t?fof?r r a an??oco?asa?sis??nan?? t ??eaeata?t dt ???inkin?? l lilikikek?e te ?heh?sese e ae ?rere re g ??reare????brb??????? t th thehemhe???6?939?9,9??000???G9G9494545O5O,O??181??BPBPUP?DLDLRLRCRCQCQEQ???"B"B.B. .?KeK??pep?r r "r ??"Bu"B?????","?0,0?????121?484838????00??????y gy gog?t ?itit ??rigrighg?t,t??OnOnene ne??f f m my my ?lolon???????faf???orior??????inink?s ??s ?? h hahalalfal?-a-?andan??hahalha?????mbm?in?atatiat?ionio?? of of of??lul?? s ????a aa anandand and??rur?itit it j juj?uicuicece.e?. M. ????t ft ??ruiru?it ???icicecesce???????em??selse???????re re are a ????????????ete????? m?e ?????n ??the????nesne?????thoth??????dedede?d sd ????ar)ar),)??????? the th???ddddidd??io??????cacarcarbr??onaon?atiatioationon on j?usustst st???kekeskes ?th??the wthe ?hoh???e te the thih?ingin?? mo mororeor?e a?grgregreeeeaeeabablb????o o mo ? d dr??nkn?k dk ????es tes ththith???foforfo??me??, a, an?and and aand ?mamaza??ing?lyl
milk (and wine ;0) )...but for an ocassional treat drinks like these are great.<br />Try them." 6939,B001LG945O,A189BPUDLRCQEQ,"B. Kemper ""Buzz""",0,0,5,1248307200,They got it right,"One of my longtime favorite drinks is a half-and-half combination of club soda and fruit juice. Most fruit juices by themselves are a bit too sweet for me (even the ones without added sugar), and the addition of carbonation just makes the whole thing more agreeable to me. This drink does this for me, and amazingly
?, ,???eye??????otot t a ada?d d?????ata??oa?d d od ?f f s sus???r.r? T ??????nyn????f-f???e-e?shs????f bf bebeve???aga?eses-s---?ev???? th t??sese e c ?????iningng g????bebe be?heheahe?ltl?thfth????--h--hah?veve ve w ?????oooo oo?mumucuchch h s?ugugaug?? ( (o(??????se?, , t, th?the the c????? c??ornorn ?????p ?su??garga???subsu??tit?tututu?e)e).). ?ThT?heshe?se se????? g?????itit it?????e oe ?of of t???????t't?s s bs bo??th th t??ststyst??anandan???efefrf??shshish??g.g?????s ?is????prp?ododuducuctuc??I I? wo???d ?aca?tu?al??y y by bub?,0??0000101L1??94?5O5?,A,A2A2V2VYV?SDSDQD??Q7Q?B2B2T2?C,C??ra?cece,e,0,?0,00,0,??,1,121????????00,00???ac??tlytly ????t t it ?is ???????s ts ?? b be b?!,!,",??I rI re???allyally ?liliki?eded ???is??????k.k?? I ???'s 's 1 ???% %????cece ce w wi wit?h ??? a????ed ed s??ga?????o ?ev?eveneven ??thoth????h th ????susugsugasug??ar car coc?onton???t t i??s as ??li???tletl??hihighighgh,h????????s ms
, they do not add a boatload of sugar. Too many off-the-shelf beverages--even those claiming to be healthful--have way too much sugar (or worse, the cheap corn syrup sugar substitute). These guys give it none of that. It's both tasty and refreshing. This is a product I would actually buy." 6940,B001LG945O,A2VYSDQ4Q7B2TC,Grace,0,0,5,1248220800,Exactly what is claims to be!,"I really liked this drink. It's 100% juice with no added sugar, so even though the sugar content is a little high, it has m
??rer? n ?ututrt??????????? s ???a a w ?????hahavha?e ???y y???y.y?? S ?wi?tct????asasts?????iki?????angangygy,y? c cacararbr?ononan?te?? o ?oraor???e ?drd?rinri????anandan????at??s ?fif?nene e we ??withwit?h mh ??! !???? di d???'t't t n no nototit???e a??y y ay afaftfte?rtr?tasta???, , a, an, andnd d Id I ?cocouo???d fd ?eee??l sl sas?afeafe ??ririn??in?g g?????ththith??ing ing f ?fizfizzz??y (y (a(an?? t??st??? u ununln?likli??? sp s??arkar?li????waw???r)r?????thoth?outou??????in???guguiuililtil?y y a??boubo?? i it??. . ????????warwa???? e ?acach?? ca c??? is i????lyly y 8y 8.8??? ou o?uncun?????, a , a l lilitlittt?lel?e me ????e te the t?hanha?n an a ????. . . Y. YoY???????????f f? it i?????orortorth? i??.".""??949414????010??????O,O????6Q6???SVS?????G,G?"r"rar?and???????o o " """????ioi?od od f???m m a af??iciicioionio????"""""""",",0,???????242484??202080??00,00?,"Q,"????te te? ta tas?tyty ty & & & e???oyoyay??le?, ????eetee?t ct ??????atate?
ore nutrients than soda will have any day. Switch tastes like tangy, carbonated orange drink, and that's fine with me! I didn't notice any aftertaste, and I could feel safe drinking something fizzy (and tasty, unlike sparkling water) without feeling guilty about it. But beware - each can is only 8.3 ounces, a little more than a cup. You decide if it's worth it." 6941,B001LG945O,A2L6QS8SVHT9RG,"randomartco ""period film aficionado""",0,0,4,1248220800,"Quite tasty & enjoyable, sweet carbonated
b ??vevere?aga?e!e??,","I"I I?liliki?e e t tht??? ' 'O'OrOra?ngn?????ng?ererierininene'e' ' m ????????? t th theh?e oe ototh?erer er t?wow? o ????????????inkin?????re?viv?ewe??d d?????ioi?ususls?y:y: : i ??????tet????rorobo??blbly? t th the? l??as?t ??weweewe??t ot ?????????????? bu butut ?t stt s?ili?? a? l??ittit?????oooo o so swswesw??et-et-c-?ararbr??nan??tedte?d fd ??or or m?e.e???ItIt ???ve?rtr??sesesse?s 's 'n'non????gagarar ar? ad addd????' a' anandand ???0000%0% %??uiu??e e ce ??????at??ed'?? an a?d ??no???????ervervavatatiat???s's','?, s, ??o Io ????? e ?xpxpepece?????????e ??swe??? ~ ~ ~???is???dridrinink? t??st??es ??likli????car?????te?ted,ted?, w, ???terte?redre??dodowo???????ge???juiju?iceice,?? bu but but ????s s as ??ctuct???ly????? pre?????gog???d f???vov??, ?anand?? pa pac????141404? c ca c??or???s,s, , 3, 343?g g s????ar ar aar ?andand ?3636g6?g cg ???carbscarb???in in a??'n?o ?o su?ga?r r a? add ad???'-'-'-???? co corornor
beverage!","I like this 'Orange Tangerine' more than the other two of these drinks I reviewed previously: it tastes probably the least sweet of all three, but still a little too sweet-carbonated for me. It advertises 'no sugar added' and '100% juice carbonated' and 'no preservatives', so I was expecting some sweet ~ this drink tastes like carbonated, watered-down orange juice, but it's actually a pretty good flavor, and packs 140 calories, 34g sugar and 36g carbs in a 'no sugar added'-'no corn
???rurupup'p???'n'non? p ?rer?ses?rvr??tit?vev??'-'-''-??o o ao ara?titifti??cic?alal l?coc??oro???????utu??n n??re??? d drdrir???? ?I I w wowouo?ldld d?exexpxpepecectc????at? f fr f????a a???????lil??e ????lele ??or or???ananbn?er?ryr?, , b ?utut ut??????ldld ld? al alsl?o o eo ??pe????iti?t tt ???????? a?? bi bit??mom???????????, , a, an???th??? o ononen???lilikli?? I??sas?idi????ovove??????????li?likelike ???arbarbobonbo?natnate???ororaor???e ?jujuijuic????itithith h t ta tan?????ineine ?~ ~? it it't's'??nin?ice?ice tice ??ststistininging,g???butbu?t t?oooo ?????h ih ?? t???e we ?????? c???ororior??es es????ucuchuc?h fh ???or mor ?e ??to to d?ri?nknk nk t th thi thisis is v ?verve?ry ry o?????.<.??r r????<br<b????ItIt ???s s cs cec??ta???lyl?y gy ???d,d????????r r tr th?e ??as????budbu?s s os ofo?f sf ?somsome??oneon?????o Wo WAW??? a a l a ???????g g s so s?????dridrin?ke?????ie???so??da da?????ththe? p???ast ast 1 1212 2??eaear??
syrup'- 'no preservatives'-'no artificial colors'-'gluten free' drink! I would expect that from a juice like apple or cranberry, but I would also expect it to TASTE a bit more natural, and this one, like I said above, tastes like carbonated orange juice with tangerine ~ it's nice tasting, but too much in the way of calories & such for me to drink this very often.<br /><br />It was certainly good, but for the tastebuds of someone who WAS a lifelong soda drinker (diet soda for the past 12 years)
???ana?? g gagavavev? u upup p s sosodo?a a?? y ?eae?r r?????????ryr???ccc???ioi???lll??y dy ??ini?? a?????bob???????beb?vever???e ?non??? t tht?????is is?no?t t t??e e de ??in??k fk ?oror r mr ??. .????mom???ly? d dr??nknk nk w waw??ere?, , m, mimililkl??????ed ed? te t?ea,ea, ????????a &a & & c cocofo???????ow,ow??????????is sis sws?ee????as?tit??g,g???ugugagarga?ry ry???astastiast??ing ing?be?ve???ge?, ??adad ?wawaywa??tot??????? c ca c????na?ti?on????flf?av????ing????r r mr mer me!e? ?ThT????raranangan?? t? tan tangnge??????flflaflavavo?rsr?s ws we??e ?e nie nic?e e be ?utu?t st ?stist?illil????STS??D D f faf?kek??, w, ????ch ch???s ws wes weieirirdr????for for a???dri????th?????ouo??s ??thi?ngngsng?s ls ?ikike???101000???juj?????? an and? a a a l a ??be?l l tl ??????aya?s s 's 'n'??natunat????l fl fl?flavflavov?orsors's?...??I ?wow??ldl?d rd rerecre???????nd tnd ?thi???????uc???on?????to to???ososeose ??whowho ?li??????me??
, and gave up soda a year ago(I very occasionally drink a carbonated beverage now) this is not the drink for me. I mostly drink water, milk, iced tea, hot tea & coffee now, and this sweet tasting, sugary tasting beverage, had way too much carbonation & flavoring for me! The orange tangerine flavors were nice but still TASTED fake, which is weird for a drink that touts things like '100% juice' and a label that says 'natural flavors'...I would recommend this product only to those who like somewh
????sws?eee?t,t, ,?frfrur?iti??????rbr?ononan???d d??evevev????eses.s.....?enenjn??y!y??6696?4242,2,B,B0B000010??G9G?945945O5O,O???2D2??D4D4W4??5Z5Z0Z0C0?,",?ChC??yey??nen??????""""A"??n"n?"""""",",0,??,0,,0,3,??121242474???24??00,00???t't's's s??K,K??nonotot ?tht??? be b???t, t,??notnot ??he?he whe ?oro??t"t??"F"FiFiri????t, It, ????shs? I ?I hI ?ada???ot??enen en???wo wo??anan n sn ?ama???es? o ????hihisis is????????t st soso o I???ououlu?d ?trtryry y??nene ne? wi w?ithith h sh ??mem??bo??????? I????ndn??alalmlmom?st????er?yty??in?g g???xexes????th? b bo b?ourourb??n ?exexcx?epe?t ??omo??atoat???ui??ce.ce.<.?brb??/>/?<b??r /r ??OKOK.OK. . W. WhW?hatha????lil???ed:ed: :? ni nicicece ce f fr fru??????????. ???trotronongon??bub?????not not? ov o???popowowe?? on??asa????OK. OK. N ??? f??at?, , w, ??hichichch h wh ????? nic nicece.? D ??d d nd no??not tnot ?????? m??y ny ?nosnoses??as?????ampam?ag?nene ???es?.<??? /?><????
at sweet, fruitie carbonated beverages...enjoy!" 6942,B001LG945O,AU2DAD4WD5Z0C,"Cheyenne Ann ""Ann""",0,0,3,1247702400,"It's OK, not the best, not the worst","First, I wish I had gotten two can samples of this product so I could try one with some bourbon. I find almost everything mixes with bourbon except tomato juice.<br /><br />OK. What I liked: nice fruit flavor. Strong but not overpowering. The carbonation was OK. Not flat, which was nice. Did not tickle my nose as champagne does.<br /><br /
????dididi??non?? c ???? f fof?? t tht??e "e ?"c"??n"n??? ta tasasts??. .?I I fI ?ele??t tt ??????????a a?sls??ghghth????????????ftfte??tatasta?steste.e. e. R ???allallyly,y? t?hah??t wt ???????e oe ono??? t??ini??? I I? di dididnidn'n??t lt lilikli???e. Te. ThT?isi?s ps ?ror??ucu?t ???ulu?d ?pr?obobababa??????????beb?ettet??ter ter????glglalas?s s rs rar?athatheherhe??ththath?n n??????inuin???. M. MaM?ybybe? I? I a I ????vev??????????.....??brbr ???<b<br<br r /??OvOveververaralra???, n, ?notno??susurure??I I lI ?liklikelik??d id iti?t et ?no?ugughgh gh t to to o o or o??erer er i?t t at aga???,3?B0B??1L1???????A3A??6K6?ZTZ?0Q0?G6G6U6UKUKBKB,B?"T"TiTimi??LiLieied??er ???FoF????derde?r or ofof f D ????ukuk k?PrPreresre?s"s??",",0,?,0??3,???????24?00?,G,???od od? bu butut ????hi??ng ng??pep???????????????I ??????d ad a ??im???larlar r dr ?????? bu???t tht t??s ?ononeone e ie ?????stst st??? ther the?'t's'???bubbubbb??y.????t'st'???or?t t ot of?
>I did not care for the ""can"" taste. I felt there was a slight metallic aftertaste. Really, that was the only thing I didn't like. This product would probably taste better in glass rather than aluminum. Maybe I am overly picky...<br /><br />Overall, not sure I liked it enough to order it again." 6943,B001LG945O,A3D6KZT0QG6UKB,"Tim Lieder ""Founder of Dybbuk Press""",0,0,3,1247702400,Good but nothing special,"I think I liked a similar drink but this one is just there. It's bubbly. It's sort of
??rar?ngn?????avavovor???. .?ItI??hahasa??a a s shshaharharpr?nenese?s ???t ???????s ??????ng? a?bobououtut ut?itit ????t ?exexcx??iteit?????????'s's 's? a a g gogooo?d d o olo?d d fd ?as??ioi???d d cd ??rbr?bonbo?ata?ed? b beb?vevereraeraga??????d id ifif f??t't's's 's i's ?????enensn???? b??y y i? it. it. . I. If. I?f if ??'s?'s s's si???ififiifici??ntn?lyl?y my mom????exexpexpeexpenensen?sivsi?ve ?th???????t ??ririn???, , l ??av?e ??????uy? c cocokokeke ??ns?te????""?696949?4,4,B,?000???G9G???O,O?????WTW?1I1I6I?686????,K,?. . A. AnAnd???sosonon,on,0,0,0??,3,?,1,121242???????00,00,n,no?t t bt ??ad ad b???t nt nonotnot not e??nounougu????in?g,g,","T"?hi?s s is ??????bevbe?verve???ge ?th????is?????fef?ereer????frf?omom m t ???e oe ot?heherher r????er??ge?s s os ?outou????er???? I?????ar?tsts ???ithit?h ah a ??nicni??e ce ci?trtrur????zinzi?ng ng bng bubutbu????t thent the?????is???s s w?it?ith ith???lil?????e se sws??????. I. ? w ??? h?opopipin?ing ing f?????
orange flavored. It has a sharpness but there's nothing about it that excites me. It's a good old fashioned carbonated beverage and if it's inexpensive buy it. If it's significantly more expensive than most drinks, leave it. Buy coke instead." 6944,B001LG945O,A1PMWT1I668I15,K. Anderson,0,0,3,1247702400,not bad but not enough zing,"This is a beverage that is different from the other beverages out there. It starts with a nice citrus zing but then finishes with a little sweet. I was hoping for th
?e e???ngng g?tot? c ?ono??ininuinueue e oe oror r?????momor???fuf?llll l b bub?t ?iti?t dt did?eded.d?<b<?r r /r ???<br<b??r />r />T>??????ererar??? t ta t??tet???? n ???t at ?as as s swswew??et et??as ??? o ?oraor??gege ge s??dad?? an a????ot?? as a????????s as ???????zzzzeze ?e ore or ?sis???lal?r r cr ????????eveveverve???<?brbr br?????? /??OvOvever??allal?? t th t?is????is iis ??? be betetwet?weeweene??anandan???????chc????s ns ?notnot ?gogoioin??g tg ???? be be??y y????? a?? I I I?wiwilillill ?us??al??????antan??on?e e oe or? t? the the ??tht??r.r??.<br.<b??r />r /><r />??<br ???NoN??ot bot babada?, ???t t nt nonotnot not??hahata?t It I ?wa?ntnt.nt??6??????????G9G??????3F3F3F???HYHY9Y?RJRJIJ?040?,J,?ama?ese?s Ds DuD???et?t,t?0,0,0?,5,?????7777070202424024??,H,HoH?w w I I I???ississ ????e te ??astaste???? s su s?gag????ItI?t st ?eeeemeemsm?s ts ths t??t ??????wawaswasns?'t'?t a??s gs go??? a????he???n I n I? wa was??as a as a k ????? an???pep????e e he ha??ve ve p po poi?nt?
e zing to continue or get more full but it died.<br /><br />The overall taste is not as sweet as an orange soda and not as citrus as an Izze or similar citrus beverage.<br /><br />Overall, this is in between and as such is not going to be my pick as I will usually want one or the other.<br /><br />Not bad, but not what I want." 6945,B001LG945O,A3F3B6HY9RJI04,James Duckett,0,0,5,1247702400,How I miss the taste of sugar,"It seems that soda wasn't as good as when I was a kid, and people have pointe
d??ouo?? t ??ata???t ?mim??hth??beb? t th t?e e he hihigighig? f ?rurucu????e ???rnrn n?sysyry??p p?? tha thatat at??? m ??kikini???? the the e te ????e ??or??e de ??llll.l. .??WeW?llll,ll, , t? thi this? o??ana????sos??a a i is i???????wiw?ithith h rh rer?ala???ugu?ara?, ??as as?wew?????as ??a fa ??w w e ???rara ra h ?heaheal???? t th thi thin thi???, ??ndn?d td ththethe e te tae t??te? i????ucuchuch,h???uc?uch uch b ?betbe???r r t???n n tn th?? r reregregugul??? o??anangan?e e se soe sod?as?as yas yoy?ou ou? mi m?ighightight ??in??d od oto??thertherwr??se???brb???><><b<br<br r /?>T>??? p ?????????aba?ououtout ??n ?lil???e we wie w??? w wh w???t yt ?????ll ll??in??? in i???a sa so??? c ??? a ???d t????ta?ststeste e i???grg??? . ???????????yo?? d drd??nkn?? th the??HFHFCF??? me mene??ioiononen?d d ed ?earearlr??ere??ththath?at at iat ??is jis juj??? h ho hor?ri?blb?e ?fofor??yoyouyouryour r br bobodbo?????henhe????you ??havha?e e te the thihishi?s os ??ti???? ? ?I I h hi higighighlighlyl?y ry rerecreco?mmm???d d id it??
d out that it might be the high fructose corn syrup that is making the taste more dull. Well, this orange soda is made with real sugar, as well as a few extra healthy things, and the taste is much, much better than the regular orange sodas you might find otherwise.<br /><br />The price is about in line with what you'll find in a soda can and the taste is great. Why would you drink the HFCS mentioned earlier that is just horrible for your body when you have this option? I highly recommend it,
?I I t tht?ouo?ghghth??iti????s s??uiuititeit????bubulu???s.s?""??949??,B,????LGL??????A1A1616Y6??3G3GRG????9595S5?????ererer??? M ????tut?ded???""""T"Te"Ter??a5a??""??,0,???,4,4,4,1,??474747444434??00??ReR??lll?? N NoN????ooo????d,d,I,?????alallal?ly ly????nkn? m ?y ?sos????????? te teme???eraeratatuturtu?re re b bu??t w?itithit? t th t???s os ?????I rI re???allyally y ny ?????d d? it it ???o bo ????olo???. . ?ThTheTh??tat????e ie is???kakaya?y by ?but? t?aka?eses es a a ?bib?? g ???tit??? u ??eded ed t?o o to th??e t??ngnge??rinri??? in i?? or o????e ?so?????. T. Th???re re wre wa?s s ns non??? as a?s ms ?ucuchc?????????atiatioionon on?whw?hichich????s fs fa?ntntatasta???c c? as as as f fa farar ar? as????m ???ncn???ed?ed aed ????itit ???wasnwasn'n??????ceeceededied?????ly sly swswew?? ?I ??ou??ld ld m???st st c ????taitain???ly cly ???????????????ng ng t? thi th??is ais ??aiain? a as?? as I as I d?onon'on?? t? thi thin thi?nk nk?????s as al?all all????????
I thought it was quite fabulous." 6946,B001LG945O,A16YU3GRGCD95S,"Theresa M. Studer ""Terra57""",0,0,4,1247443200,Really Not Too Bad,I usually drink my soda room temperature but with this one I really needed it to be cold. The taste is okay but takes a bit getting used to the tangerine in orange soda. There was not as much carbonation which is fantastic as far as I'm concered and it wasn't exceedingly sweet. I would most certainly consider getting this again as I don't think it's all that bad
?. .??ItI???????? t toto o?hah????a a??iti? o ofo? c chc?hanha???e fe ??omom m t??e ???uau????rarana??e ?sos??a a fa ???avoav?????949??,B,B0B??1L1LGL?94?5O5?????S5S????OWOWMW?OSO?X,X????lilini?????bab?ariar??????,0,,0???121????565????,I,It??'s 's O ?kak????SWSWIW??????snsn'n?t ?????????rodroduducu?t,t, ,? bu butu?t it itit'it???nonotot ?grg?eaeatat t et ?it?he????? l ??kek??tht???faf??ct ct?? tha th?at at???t'st's s as ??l l nl nanat?uru?ralra?l sl ???????ng? j ????e,e????????e ???? d ??sis??n n in ?? p?lelea?sasanantant ?????ooo?k k a ?????? / ???<br<b????????ororaoran?gege ge t ta t?ang??????e ie ???n'tn'?t bt ba??? t? thi this????av?avoravo?r ir ?isnisn'isn't? a as a?s ss ?yryrurupupyp???? s sosomsomem?????SwS???ch?'s's ????herhershers.s???HoH??eveveverve?, , a, at, at ???? c ca cal???iei?????? c ca can ca??, t, th??is ?beb???????ge hge ?hasha??505?? m mom???e ce cae c????rieri?es es pes peper?er oer ouo?ncn???? tha?n ??thethe the? av a????ageag???
. It's nice to have a bit of change from the usual orange soda flavor. 6947,B001LG945O,A36S5U0QOWMOSX,Collin Garbarino,0,0,3,1247356800,It's Okay,"SWITCH isn't a bad product, but it's not great either. I like the fact that it's all natural sparkling juice, and the can design is pleasant to look at.<br /><br />The orange tangerine isn't bad; this flavor isn't as syrupy as some of Switch's others. However, at 140 calories per can, this beverage has 50% more calories per ounce than the average so
d?a.a. . T ToT???mamananyny y f fof?r r??e.e?""6??4848,8,B,B0B000??LGLG9G94945945O5?,A,?1T1????6E6EYE?EQE?NSN???JoJ?sesepephph h???. S. ??evevivini??0,0??,5,???????979?6060000,00,G,?rereae?? T Ta Tasa?tet??? R ?efe????hihin?g g?wiw?????? w?itithit??utu?t It IcI???"I"? t ?rir??d d S SwSwiwitwi???h Oh OrOraran???????angeang?ri?nene ?????k.k????xcxce?lll???t ?flf?ava?oror ??andand d nd ??t ?sos????eee?t ?asas as t?o ????????? f?????yo?u u???re re??getgettt??inging ing??? to?? o ofo??? ??????as???no no a ad a???ed ed? su s???ar ar? an andn???o o co ???????ee???nerne?????????????????e ?nan??ururaralral ????an an a?????othot?erer er??????????da? t ty typypep?e de dre d?rinrinkrink.rink?. ?MoMororeore ore????? a? a s a ?????lilinli?ng ng??uiuici?ce ce d ??in?k.k. k.??I ?ha???e be ?ee?n n an ???anan ?of?? or??angangeange ange j ju j?uicui????and??? sod?a ??ypypeype e d??in?inksink?s ws whwhe?????s as a a ka kik?d d Id ??wow??ldld d md ??? O ?J J?? and and ????angange??
da. Too many for me." 6948,B001LG945O,A1TKM36EYEQNSM,Joseph J. Slevin,0,0,5,1247097600,Great Taste - Refreshing with or without Ice,"I tried Switch Orange Tangerine drink. Excellent flavor and not so sweet as to make you feel you are getting a ton of sugar. It has no added sugar and no corn sweetners, so, it is more natural than any other orange soda type drink. More like a sparkling juice drink. I have been a fan of orange juice and soda type drinks when as a kid I would mix OJ and Orange S
o????? Y YeYete???hehe e????uru??? t ta t??tete ??? t?hih?s s??ririni???isis is???frfre????ngng.g???I I??ri??? i it i??bob?th???iti?th th ath ?ndnd ??witwi?thothououtut ?????an??d ad ?altal??thoutho??h h???e e ie ?iceic?ed ed??erersr???n n???????????efrefreresreshres?????? if if ?yoyouou ou g geg?et et?a a v???? c ?olo????an????? th thi th?????ininkin?k ik ?it it t? tas ta?stest???veverve?y y sy ???????in?? a?ndnd nd???d ??????eae?veve ve?yo??? wi wit??h ah anan an aan ?ftf?terter r? ta tas??? o?r r wr ?wit?h h th ??e ?sus?????blb?ueueses.s.<.<b<???/>/><><b<br<b??r />r /??aua??ioionio?, ?itit ?????343? g gr graramra?s ???of sof su??arar,ar, ?anand? a al a?th?thou???? na n?atuatururaur????yoyou??sh????? c ch c??ckc???wit?? a a a? do d??? if?? yo y?ou ?hahavha?ve ?su?sugasug?? p ???blblebl? . ??? g? gra gr??ms ms? is???quq????alealene?t ??o o 5 5 5 o? or or??mormo???te?as????onson?s o????sug??r.r?. ??t ???????????f yof y?????keke e s???arkar?lilinling???frufrui?t t dt
oda. Yet the natural taste of this drink is refreshing. I tried it both with and without ice and although the iced version is more refreshing, if you get a very cold can of this drink it tasted very satisfying and did not leave you with an after taste or with the sugar blues.<br /><br />Caution, it has 34 grams of sugar, and although natural, you should check with a doc if you have sugar problems. 34 grams is equivalent to 5 or more teaspoons of sugar. At least, if you like sparkling fruit d
??????, , c ?heh?ckck k????????????t.t???I I??ilillll l n ?nexnextx?? tr tryr??iti???witwi?th th a adaddd??d d???ararkr??iningin? w wa watatet?? t?? i?t.t. t. ??njnjoj?y.y?""????9,9,B,???1L1LGLG9G9494594??,A,??BNBN9N??IBI???A0A0X0??,",?D.D. . V. ?ana???e "e """??in?jajaKaKnKnin??titin??GrGrar??mama"a?????,0,0,,0?5,5,1,?242?69?24?808?00,00,E,?xcxce?ll?an??!,!,","S,"????ch? h hahasa???eeeene?? th t?????rsrsts???????? a?ltlteterternrnan?atiat??e"e"""" "" t???at at I??veve ve L ?OVO??D!D?? It I?'s'?s gs ?otot ?????li???tft?ulu?l fl ??ese??? fr f???? f fl flalava????, r, ?refre?frefres??hinhi?g g bg ???????, , a, ????nono o ao afaftf?ter?????te.te?. I. ?t ?is?? sw s???t ?t ant andn???uiuicuicycy y ty tatastast?in?????eme???dsd?s ms ??e ae a a la ????lele le? of of f????ngngenge ?CrCru?? ??tanta?ngengernge?rinri???? fla flavavoav?? a??ddsdd??ju?st? t? the th???????t nt nonotno???? to to p ?????yoyouo????intin?tertereteresestes??t ant andt an?d od ??verve???meme me b ????mi?ng??ju??t ?t an?ot?he?
rinks, check this one out. I will next try it with added sparkling water to it. Enjoy." 6949,B001LG945O,A2BN9DIBP9A0XG,"D. Vance ""NinjaKnittingGramma""",0,0,5,1246924800,Excellant!,"Switch has been the first ""soda alternative"" that I've LOVED! It's got a delightful fresh fruit flavor, refreshing bubbles, and no aftertaste. It is sweet and juicy tasting, reminds me a little of Orange Crush. The tangerine flavor adds just the right note to peak your interest and overcome becoming just another
???rarana??e e d drd????? H ?????ere???tht????ri?cec?e p??inintin? o???????t at ????1 1?????????eveveevenentn?s s m ??????m m???epepip?????t ?st?oco?kekedke???? o ou o?r r?hohom????StStitili?l,l, ?I I????ldl??rer?coc??me?ndn??itit it f fof?or or a?n ??occoc???ioiononanala?? tr tre?at???6?????????LGL??454??,A,A3A?????????B8B838??,R,?FBF??0,?0,???121???692692424824????"N"NoN?t t bt bab?d,d, ?non???grgrerea???,","I,"???s ??notno?t bt bat ?GoG?odod d i???re???enentents??????a ????angan?ge ge?sos???hahatha?????a pa plp?us?. . T. ??????isi?s os ?????bub?t ?no?not not? gr g?rea?reat.reat??????ul?d ??dridr?inkink k???t it ??f of ofo??er??d,d, d, b bu b?? d do d??????????buybuy ??"."."??95?1,1????1L?G9G94G94545O45O,O,AO,????E7E??NXNXFXFDF?XGX?V,V?,"J,"?oso?ep???P.P. . U. UlU????s ?"""????tat????CoCou???????0,0,0?,4,?,1,12,1?24624686??848??00,00,A00,A A??in?????itrit??us us???eve????????????hehe he???
orange drink. However, the price point of just at $1 a can prevents me from keeping it stocked in our home. Still, I would recommend it for an occasional treat." 6950,B001LG945O,A39G26LKBXB83D,RFB,0,0,3,1246924800,"Not bad, not great","It's not bad. Good ingredients for a change so that's a plus. Taste is okay but not great. I would drink it if offered, but doubt I'd buy it." 6951,B001LG945O,A3BAE79NXFDXGV,"Joseph P. Ulibas ""Captain Couth""",0,0,4,1246838400,A fine citrus beverage from The Swi
??chc??"T"?hehe e S ??iti?tchtc???rar??gege ????ge???????s s?? n ninici????evevev????? t ?hahata? i ?? l ??ghg?tlt?y y c cacara?bob??at??d d? an a?d d id is???adaded???witwi?? r rer????????it it j juj????. .? U UnU?????e me mom??t ?sos????, ,?Th??e Se ?SwiSwititcit?ch ch???ododuod??tst??arareare ??ad???e wie wit?h ????al al?????redredidieiene??ts ts ( (n(?on?e ???? th t?he he??ig?h ?fr?ucuctuc?ososeose e ce ??rnr?????ruprup)p) )?? and and ?d itd i?t tt ?as?tetese???????. . . T Th The??????s cs ??mem??e ine in ?a a ca ??????nieni????8.8.5.??ouo???ce ce c??? a???? th?????re re??gregr?eatea?t ft foforor or l?ununcun???oror or aor an?an man ??d d ad ??te?rn?ooo?? t?re??reat,reat?, , I ??f yf ????waw?antan????liliglighghtgh??be??verve??ragerag??th????s ?ma??de de w??ith???? the the??"g"?????ststust????? t????n yn yoyouyo??lll?l wl wa???? to t? g gr gra?b b????????of of? Th?e e Se Swe S? . ?DoD?o yo ??youryoursr????f af a ????or?or tor ?thrthro?? o ou o?t t t?he????CSCS S???
tch,"The Switch Orange Tangerine is a nice beverage that is lightly carbonated and is made with real fruit juice. Unlike most sodas, The Switch products are made with real ingredients (none of the High fructose corn Syrup) and it tastes great. The cans come in a convenient 8.5 ounce can and they're great for lunch or an mid afternoon treat, If you want a light beverage that's made with the ""good stuff"" then you'll want to grab a can of The Switch. Do yourself a favor throw out the HFCS sod
??s s??ndn? m ??kek? " ?????e Se SwS?ititctchc???.".""6??5252,2???010?????5O5O,O,A,A3A??????KKK?O3O????,",?"To"Tono?? T T.T? K ?aoa???"H"?ololylycy??w"w?????,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,?242????5205200????rereae?t t?????e e be bubutu?t nt ?otot ?NeN?? T Ta Tas Ta???,"???e e Se Swe S?witwi??h h i ?n n?OrO?an?gege ?TaT??angeang?ririn?????? p pep?erfer???t t st ?er?viv?????izi?????o ko kekeekeepe? t ??he he? su s???? i in in-n-t-tatak?e e ae atat at????s ms mim?iniin???m m??nd??nan??urura????. . T. ??The The c cac?arbarbobononaon?ateat?d d sd sesensensn???ioi??? ad addd??inging ing?exextxtrtra? a??ak?akenake?????????????to to? th the???????e be bue budu???<b<brb????<b<br<br r /???ThaTh???wa?s ?????wifwife??s s fs ?iri?st? i?mpm?reresresss??onon.on.<.<b?? / />/></>???<br /<br />?I I l ????? th???""?frf?uiu?? s so s??a"a"""" ""?????????????yby??e ae a e a b ???te?r ?ala?teter?nanatnatit??????odaod?? if i??????s s is ????eded ed m??????f f nf na?natunatur??al al o?raranrangn??????? i it? it t it tatas?tete te
as and make ""The Switch""." 6952,B001LG945O,A35VOMDKKO3TOY,"Tony T. Kao ""Holycow""",0,0,4,1246752000,Great Taste but not New Taste,"The Switch in Orange Tangerine has perfect serving size to keep the sugar in-take at its minimum and naturally. The carbonated sensation adding extra awakening sparks to the taste buds!<br /><br />That was my wife's first impression.<br /><br />I like the ""fruit soda"" idea. It maybe a better alternative soda if it is indeed made of natural orange, but it taste
l?????????ere? c ???bob??ata?????rarana??? f ?lalava?oro?ed? s ??????? t th??e me mam?arkar????? T ThThe? o on onl on???beb?nenefe??t t???u u a ??e ???ttt?ini??? an a??d nd ?otot ot f??omo? t??he ?reregregugulu?larlar r sr so??da da i ???itit it c co con?tataiaininsins ??daida?ly??re????mem??deded????0%0???????in???. . I. IfI? t th?e ?prp?ici??e ie ?is is????htht,t, ,???????t ?huhuru?t ?tot? t??y.y??6696959535?,B,B0B?00100???949?????1414X4?242444?VGV?HWH??SXS???. . H. ?anansansesen???,0?,4,?,1,1212424624?757??00?0,0,N0,???ot bot ???....,.???'v'vev?e ne ??w w? tr?iei?ed ????verve???? of o?f tf ??? S ?wiwititcitchc? d??rinrinknksks.s. ???eyey'y?????notnot t bt ba???, f, fof???? c ca c?arbar??na?te?d d jd ?????e de ??rinrinkrin??, e, ??pepececic??lll??. . T. Th. Thih?is,is, , a, acactctutuau?allal???, w, wawasa?s os ??e e oe ofo?f t????????????lalavla?vorvo????I'vI'veve ve? tr? trie tri?ed.ed????'s's ?gogot?ot aot ?a na ????? or?an??ge ge??juiju???ice tice ???pe pe f fl?av?or??th?atat at I I I e en?joj
likes other carbonated orange flavored soda on the market. The only benefit you are getting and not from the regular soda is it contains daily recommended 100% vitamin C. If the price is right, doesn't hurt to try." 6953,B001LG945O,A14X244VGHWPSX,J. Hansen,0,0,4,1246752000,Not bad..,"I've now tried several of the Switch drinks. They're not bad, for a carbonated juice drink, especially. This, actually, was one of the better flavors I've tried. It's got a nice orange juice type flavor that I enjo
??eded.d? U UlUltl??mam?tet??y,y??tht?ese?e e d drdrir???s s?rerememim?????e e oe ofo? A ApA???e ??eee?r,r????ici?h h?????essessesense????lll?ly ly c cacararbrbob???ateateded ed?apapp?????uiuiciceice.e?. I. I I?lolovoveve ?????? dr d????, , a, ????th?in?k k S SwS?ititctchch ch c??ulu??d td trd t?? a?? a?ppppl??e ve ?verversrsis?on???????heiheirir r?prpror?dud???. . I?'m'm m?sus?rere re I I'I?????ve? i?t t??s ?wewel?l.l???<b<brbr r /r />/????r /r />r />T>??at????in?g g??aia??, , g, ?ivi?????? a a t?ryry.ry??????wilwi?ll ll?quq??ncnchch ?yoyouourou???thi?rs????, an, a?? I??? s????e ie ???llll ?dodo o w ??ll??in? t th?e e me ??rkrkek??pl?aca?e.e. e.?????ilill???a a??oioid????herhe?re re vre ve?????ewe????in?ink ink m??anuan????tut?ureurerurers? h ?havha??ve eve ??te???d.???696???,B,?????G9G949454?????KLKLPLPSP?????R6R??1,1???arlarl l B ?iei?eleel?fe??ldtld?t,0t,0,0????,1,?242?676757????????atuat?????ly ??eleliel?iciic??usu?,","I"I I dI dodondo?'t't ??non?w w iw ????
yed. Ultimately, these drinks remind me of Apple Beer, which is essentially carbonated apple juice. I love that drink, and think Switch could try an apple version of their product. I'm sure I'd love it as well...<br /><br />That being said, give it a try. It will quench your thirst, and I'm sure it'll do well in the marketplace. It fills a void where very few drink manufacturers have entered." 6954,B001LG945O,A1KLPS6P7UR631,Karl Bielefeldt,0,0,5,1246752000,Naturally Delicious,"I don't know if it
???? c ?hahanha?geg???sisini??? t tht?enen,n???utu???he?? I ?????ed??in??????rar???a a 1 ????eae??s s as agagogo,o???????thith??????hathat t st ?stost?????ut? t???mem???as???owo??rer????drd?in????tat??teted??coc????areared????o to ??e e ae ?artartitifi?ici??alal al??lal?vovororsrs rs t ty t??ic?al?al oal ?f f???mermeriricricac??? S SwSwiw???ch ch???ou???t ??? b ba b?ckc???? t th tho thoso???dad?ysy?. . . ???t s?tatarta???s os ???????ngyngy y a ana?d ???the the??as?????ururnr?s s ss ??eee??terter r i???mym?y my ?ou??????IfI???the???knknonocock?eded ?5050 0 c ca calaloal?orior?eses s o?ffff,f, ???wow?????ded?????????y py ?ururcurch?asaseas?e t?hihisis ???????rlrly???6696?5555,5,B,???1L1?G9G949???,A,?8N8NVN??TRTR7R?????W,W,",??????n ??. ?????n ??"s"sgs?godgo?un?????0,0??,3,??121?464??525??000000,0,P0,??????????t s??urpur???si??nglngly???efefref??????ng!ng??,"I,"I ?sas??mplmplel?ed ?ed thed thihishis s ps prproprod????t wt ?
has changed since then, but when I lived in Australia 14 years ago, one thing that stood out to me was how real drinks tasted compared to the artificial flavors typical of America. Switch brought me back to those days. It starts out tangy and the taste turns sweeter in my mouth. If they knocked 50 calories off, I would definitely purchase this regularly." 6955,B001LG945O,A8NVUTR71EW0W,"Steven A. Godun ""sgodun""",0,0,3,1246752000,Pricey yet surprisingly refreshing!,"I sampled this product wi
tthth h???mem???eseses????tit?ono?s.s. .?CaC???ononaon?????frf?uiu????ui???? M ?? w wiwifi?e e se ?aiaidid d td ??????it it? wo w?ulu?d ?prp??bab?blblyl?????e soe s???th?ini?g g???kek??OrO?ana?????? b ???t st sis??ce??I'I?m m n ?oto?t pt ???????????ly ly??on?d ?ofof f O Or?anangan???? t ??thatthat ?didid??'t't ????p p m ?me me m mu mucu????? t th t?henhe?? re reme?memmembmbe????d td thd t???at Iat ?I hI ?hadhad d nd nono no??propr?oblob?emem em?drdririn?????g sg ?paparpa?????? g ?????e je jujuiju???ce sce ??? th thi thisi????ghg?t ?????be? s so s????d d ad ?ftf?er???llll.l?. I?? sa s??plpleledle?d t??is? p???duducuctuc??????, , a, ?s ?waw?armar?m fm ???uitui?t jt ju?juicjui???an?d d wd wawarwarmrm m sm so?dada a????? bo bot???????????? n?o o mo ??????? wh wha?t ???e e fe ????oro?.<.<b<?r ?/>/??<br<br ?r />r /??I wI wa??s vs ?er?y ???rpr?priprisiseiseded ed t???didisdi???ve??r tr ththa???? e enenjnjoj??????thithisthis ???uituiteuit?e ae a a ba ?it??. I. I . I e. I exe??pecpectc???d t?d thed th??e ??o
th some reservations. Carbonated fruit juice? My wife said that it would probably be something like Orangina, but since I'm not particularly fond of Orangina that didn't help me much. I then remembered that I had no problem drinking sparkling grape juice so this might not be so bad after all. I sampled this product cold, as warm fruit juice and warm soda are both bad ideas no matter what the flavor.<br /><br />I was very surprised to discover that I enjoyed this quite a bit. I expected there to
bbeb? s ????e ae ?cicididid?tyty y?tot? i ??, ,??ivivev?n n t?heh??oro?anangngege e ae ane a??????????nen?e ce ?om??in?ata??ono?, ???d ??ouounu???non??e.e??? d dididdi?d f??????? s su s???ririsrisis?ingin???????ete??coconco?si????rinri?ng ng????at at? th?erereere'e?? n?o o ao ?dddde?d ?????r.r?. I. ??t wt ???s ns ??????????actac?t, t,?en?titirti?ele?ly ly u ???iki???yoyouourour r?????dende?n vn ????et??y oy ??anangangeang???????wiw?ithit? a a a sa ??ooooto??herhe??fif???????ThT??hereher???waswas ?a a s??????t at anandand and??verve??y by brbri?efe?????alalllli?c c a af a???erter???te? w????h ?I I fI ???stst st? as a?su??medme?d wd wa??? fr f?omom om??????in????t t rt ?rigri???????? t th?? c??an,an??bub?t t a?ft?er?????ece??????tas?tete ?fr?om?om aom a ??ri???ininging ?gl?as???ththeth??e afe aft?fterfte????tastetast?e re ?remre???inein??. ?StSti???, , i?t't's?????t et ????gh???o ?puputut ut????????frfrofromfro?m dm ??in?ki???????????/>/?
be some acidity to it, given the orange and tangerine combination, and found none. I did find it surprisingly sweet considering that there's no added sugar. It was not, in fact, entirely unlike your garden variety orange soda with a smoother finish. There was a slight and very brief metallic aftertaste which I first assumed was from drinking it right from the can, but after a second taste from a drinking glass the aftertaste remained. Still, it's not enough to put me off from drinking it.<br /><
b?? / />/>T>??? o ono?e e te tht??ngn? t ?????dididi??pup???meme ?ofo?? w ??s s t th thehe he? pr p?icicec?. . I ?'l'lll??adadmd???????t t It ?I'mI'm m???????in??g og ?? a a a " """"c"chc??apap p???rinri?kek?????? I? h hahava?e ??? ha harardr?d td ?imi??????r r er exexaxama???????oio??ing ing t to to o?????grgrorococecerceryry y???or???e ane andnd ??uyuyiy???ing aing a ????f ????lloll?on on? of of f lf ??momononaonadadead?e fe fo?r ??2.2?5050 0 w wh whe??? I I c I ???n bn ?????a $a ?$2 $2??otottt?le? o? of of l ?lem?onon ?jujuiuic?e e a???d ad ?a $a $2a $?2.52.?50 50? ba b??g o??f sf ?????r ar ??????ke? t???o go ??llllo???s os ???lelemlemo?nan?adeade ade? an a???? sti st?ll?? ha?veve ve????eee??pop?unu?ndsnd?s os ofs o?f s?ugugaug?? l????t ot ??verver.r. ?? * *a*?alwal????? d?o ????e me ?matma?th th?? and and ???ricri?? o ou outut ut???atat at??????ri?????????DoDo ?yoy???? hav have hav???NYNY Y?id??a ??owow w?mum??ch ch? mo mon???y Cy CoCoko??ke mke ma???s ?s of?f ???????202?0 o0 ?? b bo b?ottot??eses?s?!?!?!?) )?SoS??
br />The one thing that did put me off was the price. I'll admit that I'm something of a ""cheap drinker"" - I have a hard time, for example, going to the grocery store and buying a half gallon of lemonade for $2.50 when I can buy a $2 bottle of lemon juice and a $2.50 bag of sugar and make two gallons of lemonade and still have three pounds of sugar left over. I *always* do the math and price out what I'm drinking. (Do you have ANY idea how much money Coke makes off those 20 oz bottles?!?) So f
????tht?isis s??????ctc?, , $ ???????????4-4??acackc? c ?omo???s os ououtu???????¢ ¢ p pe p???8.8?3 3 o3 ??ncncec???ana??, o, or??aba?ououtou?t 1t ??¢ ¢ p¢ pep?er er?ououn???. . A A A??ala?f f?gagal??onon n???????????anaan?a oa or?an?gege-e-t-tatan?????????uiuic????????e ???ca?l l??upu??rmrmamararkrkek???????????, , o?r r ar ???out???6¢ 6¢?? per per ?ououn??e.e?. I. ?? ha h????n n tn ????havha?e e ae a e a c ca?????at?oror ???? c ch c????gerge?s ???e e ae abe a???? 4 4040 0???ntntst??s aps apipiepi?cece,ce?, a, ???d id itit t wt ?ou?ldld d td ta?ke?? 2- 2???chc????ger????? d dodo ???the the e en?tit????ha?lf???galga?????? so s????all all??aiaidid ??and?? do d???e ie ?it it w wo?ulu?? c co c?stst t mt ????????t 8t 8¢8¢ ?¢ pe¢ per??????ounce ounce t? to to m ?makma?ke ke mke ?????????rbrborbon??ateat?d d od ??oranora?gege-ge?-ta-t?ang??????e de ???nknk,k, ??????'s's s a?bo???????3 t3 ?the???cosco?st st? to? to m to ?makmakemak??e ite i??????lflf.lf??(N(NoN?, ?I I dI ????'t'
or this product, $23 for a 24-pack comes out to 96¢ per 8.3 ounce can, or about 12¢ per ounce. A half gallon of Tropicana orange-tangerine juice at the local supermarket is $3.80, or about 6¢ per ounce. I happen to have a carbonator and chargers are about 40 cents apiece, and it would take 2-3 chargers to do the entire half-gallon, so all said and done it would cost me about 8¢ per ounce to make my own carbonated orange-tangerine drink, so it's about 2/3 the cost to make it myself. (No, I didn't
??faf???oror r?inin n t ?hehe e???stst t??? t??he he??ara???nan???r r ir ???elelflf ?sos?? th???? co couo??????e ce co?nsn??dedere???d ld loloao?didin??? th?e e de di?cec??)<)<b<brbr ?/>/><><b???r />r /??????gug????? th the the the?????tomto? l ??ineine e he ?herhe?re re i??????f yf yoy??????re??llllyl? b bi b???????????hoholo??e ce cae cararbarbobonbonanatnatet?? o or o????e-e-t-?an???ririnine????in??? th the then then ??youyo?? ca?n ?eieit???her her b bu b?y y ty ???s s ps prp?ododud?ct??an????otot ot? be b???is???pop???tetedted,d, ?oror or y yo?you you?? can??mam?keke ?? v vevereryer???loloslosese se a?????xix?ma?titioi?on on oon ?????t yt yoyou??se??? f fo f?or ??bobouboutut ??5%5????f tf ?theth?e c??ostos??(a(????mim?inging ??????avaveve ve? a a?????on??atoatoror)or?? O ?r,r?, y, ??????? b?????a ta ???o lo lilitli??r ?bo?tt???? of??ho???se-se-b-????and and? or ora or????e se so??a ????or aor a or a???????t t y??ourou?r lr ??ca????upu?er???????t at ????gegetge?t mt ?ucuchuch h t
factor in the cost of the carbonator itself so that could be considered loading the dice.)<br /><br />So I guess the bottom line here is, if you're really big on the whole carbonated orange-tangerine thing then you can either buy this product and not be disappointed, or you can make a very close approximation of it yourself for about 65% of the cost (assuming you have a carbonator). Or, you can buy a two liter bottle of house-brand orange soda for a buck at your local supermarket and get much t
hhehe e?????e ee ?xpx?ere??enencncece e we ?????e se ????ngn??ababobououtu??$2$?2 2 i ?in in t tht??????ce??????696?5656,6??000???????O,O,A,APAPPP??MBM?H2H?????I,I????riari????ulu???????okokik?ierie???oro?bab??kek??2"2""??????,5,5,5??242464?5757979292020000,00,D,?ele?icicic?ouousous!s! !??AnA????o o a??tet??tatasa??te!te???? a al a?wawaya?s s l ?likli?????ra????e Ce ??usushs???whewh?? I I I wI ?waswas ?? k kikidki?? ????e,e, ,? it it t wt ??? j ?us??t st sus???r r? wa wata??r ????th th? so s??me me?flflal?vov???inging,g??bubut???? w? was was ????lll?? g ????d fd flflaflavavoavorori?? ?it? h hahada?d ad ?a ca ?he?mimicicaic?al al? wh w?hanha??? an andnd nd a?? a???tertertterta?st?e e te ???? y yoy?ou ou? ju jusust????????????cepceptcep??<b<brbr ??????r /?>W>?el??, ?nono no???oreor???????tct?ch ch?Or?????e Te ?anang?ererier??e ?drd???k k i??s Ns NON?T T??ugugaugarar ar?? wat wa?ter??. ?ItIt't's'?????????ic?e,e, e, t??he ?go??od od? st stut??f,f?, a, anandand
he same experience while saving about $22 in the process." 6956,B001LG945O,APP5MBH2BSX6I,"Brian Hulett ""okierazorbacker2""",0,0,5,1246579200,Delicious! And no aftertaste!,"I always liked Orange Crush when I was a kid. Sure, it was just sugar water with some flavoring, but it was really good flavoring...except it had a chemical whang and an aftertaste that you just had to accept.<br /><br />Well, no more. Switch Orange Tangerine drink is NOT sugar water. It's 100% juice, the good stuff, and
iitit't's's s????hthtlt?? c cac?rbr???????, , n non???????cacarca???onaonat??? l li l???????ses???ugu?ar?y ??ofo??t dt drd?ininknksk?s es eie?????. .???????? c???mim??calca? w whwhah?ngn?! !? A An?d ?nono no??ftfteft???asa?tete!te?<b<brbr r??????r /r />??it????? C C C??nd?? no no no a????ed ed sed susugsuga??? ????'l'???ta??????hatha?. . . ???? co couo???? t??erereer?'s's 's s ?sugsugasugar? c co??tetente?nt,nt??bubutu??it??'s 's j's jujusust??? the? n??atuatur?ala???????r tr th??????mem?s s is ???????jujuijuic?e.e??????y dy did?dndn'n?t ?????lel??????? o??f tf ??thisthi?????fff?f wf wh????? w???? a a k ????""6??575?????1L1?G9G949454??????K5K??YZY????1111,1,W,?????en en K KeKele??y,y,0,0,0?,0,,0???121?????282??00,00,",???? B BaB?????butbu?t Nt NoNotNot t Gt ??reare?at"at??????en ??I sI ??w w? th the??SwS?ititcit?? O Or O???geg?e Te TaT??angeang???????????vavaia?lal?blble??????nen?w w Iw ?????d td tot?o to ????it????I
it's lightly carbonated, not overcarbonated like those sugary soft drinks either. And no chemical whang! And no aftertaste!<br /><br />Vitamin C and no added sugar? I'll take that. Of course there's sugar content, but it's just the natural sugar that comes in the juice. Why didn't people think of this stuff when I was a kid?" 6957,B001LG945O,AMTK54YZAO411,Warren Kelly,0,0,2,1246492800,"Not Bad, but Not Great","When I saw the Switch Orange Tangerine was available, I knew I had to try it. I
?????? t ?hehe e??iwi?i i?StS?rar????rrrryry y?quq??tete ???lll???bebetbetttte?r r??hahana??????????er? r ?eveviv??we?????idid,d, , i ?it it? se seee???),)?????I I w ?asa????????????ldld d ed ene??oyo?y ty th??s s os ?nen???usu?? a as???ucu?h.h??brbr ?/>/??<br<b???????? in i????ala??tat???te te??f f????is is O ??ranra???e Te TaTan?ge??????cac???on????d ?jujuiju???e ie ??????the??r tr ???t,t?, a, an??d td ??the the?????bonbo?at???on on?ju??st st???ememsem??toto o????ke ke? it it ???re???tar?t.t. .? T ?TheThe ?afa???tertter??????e ise is s rs ra???herhe???lel?as???t,? s???ifif f tf th??the athe ?aftafteterterttertatert?astasteaste ??e is e is??ha?????ou'ou?re?re lre lol???in?g g??or? i?? a a a? dr d??nkn?????thisthi??is?is tis th?the ?drd??rinkrin? f fo foror ?????? M ??y wy ?wifwifef??th?????t t it itit ???tasttas??ted ted a???????????ch?ama?papaga??????????at????an??y iy ??di?ca??ioionion ?ofof of?????? to t???xpx?ecectc?????om om t th
liked the Kiwi Strawberry quite well (better than some other reviewers did, it seems), so I was sure I would enjoy this one just as much.<br /><br />The initial taste of this Orange Tangerine carbonated juice is rather tart, and the carbonation just seems to make it more tart. The aftertaste is rather pleasant, so if the aftertaste is what you're looking for in a drink, this is the drink for you. My wife thought it tasted a bit like champagne, if that's any indication of what to expect from th
?????????.<.?brb??/>/??<br<b?r /r />?ThT?e e?flf???oro?r ir ?is is? di d?????enentnt,t, ,???? n ?otot t? at a?t at ??l l??hahata??I I?exexpxpepece?????? N ?otot ot v vevereryery y??refrefrfreresre????? a at at at a al a??. ??I ?wow??ldld d bd ?uyu?y ty ?hehe he?KiK??i i B ?ererrerryr?y dy ??in??, ??butbu??t I t I??thithin?????llll ll t?????a a??asa?s ??n n t th t??he Ohe ?raran?geg??TaT?ang?ererier??e ??????e e fe fuf?tut??,O,A,A1A?UJU??????B9B???W,W?ScScrcrurut?in???????CoC??sus?mem?er,er,0,??,0,,0??,1,???646494?282?00?,A,A ,A U ??iqiquq?elelyl???TasTa????BeBevBe??ra?gege,ge,",???witwitct?h h?is??a a 1a 101?00%00% % n?at?ururaur?al al c ?ara??on?at?ed????ruiruiti?t jt jujuiu??e ??eve?ver?agage?. ?I ?lilikikeke ke t?????aya??it?? ta????s.s?. . I. ItIt't's'??ve?veryver??swswew?etet ??ndnd nd a a a l li?ttt??e e te tat?ang??. ?. T. Th?e ???????iei???s s as ???e a?s ??????????10?0%0??jujuiju??e ?e fre fror??????le???????pe,pe, , t, ta?ngngengereri?
is drink.<br /><br />The flavor is different, and not at all what I expected. Not very refreshing at all. I would buy the Kiwi Berry drink, but I think I'll take a pass on the Orange Tangerine in the future." 6958,B001LG945O,A1UJ5ZMLHB9CEW,Scrutinizing Consumer,0,0,5,1246492800,A Uniquely Tasty Beverage,"Switch is a 100% natural carbonated fruit juice beverage. I like the way it tastes. It's very sweet and a little tangy. The ingredients are as follows: 100% juice from apple, grape, tangerin
?e,e, , o ?raranangngeg??an?????ere?olo???, g, gug??????cic??a, a,???tut???? f flf?lavla??orsor???ndnd ?cocololool???, , a, ?scs??rbr??c c a? aci acidi????iti?amamiminin n C ????sos?y.y??brb????<b??r /r ?/>A/>?n n 8n 8.8?3 3??z z??an? h hah?as as 1 ?4040 0 c?alalolor????, , 3, ?????ramra???ofo? c??rbrbsrb?? 1??0%0% %???ililyly y??eqequq?iri?remre???t t? of of ?????miminmin n Cn ?? an??????t mt mumucuchc? e ele?ses????696?595?,B,B0B??1L1LGL?949454???A2A??G1G1N1???0808X8?1E1???"M"????ar?etet t Dt ??urbur???n "n ?"A"?mam?zozonon ?????"""""","???,0,,0?4,4?121242?646494?282?0000,00,","D,"?ecececencentnt,nt, ?bub?t t tt ta????es es a????ittit???e "e """"o""???""???,"T,"?????mixmi?tu?rere re??? j juj???cesces ?ththe??y uy ????toto o s swswew??eteet?? t th t??s s gs gig?veve ?itit it?? a l a li??tl??e be ??t t ot of???????? t?as?te? a an and and and??makma????it??totooto?o so ?swesw?eeteet.t. .????'s'?s ns ???t at ????raraira?ghg?t ?t ort o?ranra??e/e?cicitcitr?us?? fl f????or.or?. . ??????????????
e, orange and acerola, gum acacia, natural flavors and colors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), soy.<br /><br />An 8.3 oz can has 140 calories, 36 grams of carbs, 100% daily requirement of vitamin C and not much else." 6959,B001LG945O,A2DG1NQM08X1EI,"Margaret Durbin ""Amazon fan""",0,0,4,1246492800,"Decent, but tastes a little ""odd""","The mixture of juices they use to sweeten this give it a little bit of an odd taste and makes it too sweet. It's not a straight orange/citrus flavor. Not being an a
??plp?e e????cec?e fe faf???? w waw????t t f ?????ofof f??t.t??????><>??r r /r ?/>I/>?I gI ??veve e ie ?? f?ouo?r ?sts???? b b/b?c c i it it t it isi??whwhah?t ???t at adadvdveverve?tit?iseiseses ?? i???s ?jujuijuiciceic????????pap?arkarklklil?ngng g w wa wat???, ,?ununln??kek??sos??e e oe oto???er er " """?????th?y"y?"" ""? sp s?parpa?klklikl??g ???veververaver??????thath?? a ???e be ???ic??allallyly y s??dad?.<?br?? /> /?><b><br????FoForo?r s????kl?klinkli??? ju jui??? I I I??????er er Ier ?ZZZZEZE E??- i- it????? l li??tltle? l le les?s ??weweeeete??""?696????B0B000010???949?5O5????UNU?EEE?EEJEEJNJ??GSGS2S2D2????????,0,0,?????121242464646494??80800??????resreshs??inging ing? an and? n ??? t?????we?etet,et??ThT???s is ?is is? a ?????, , r, ??frfreresreshres?hinhing?ng cng cac??bobon????d ?drd?in?k.k. .????hahashas s ns no????ded?d ??ugu?garga?? a as as s as ad?ve??titisti???????t ???s ??ama??? is is ?????????islis?leale?adiad???. ???e e "e ?""O""OrO??angange? T TaTanang
pple juice fan I wasn't fond of it.<br /><br />I gave it four stars b/c it is what it advertises - it's juice with sparkling water, unlike some other ""healthy"" sparkling beverages that are basically soda.<br /><br />For sparkling juice I prefer IZZE - it's a little less sweet." 6960,B001LG945O,A2UNEEEJNHGS2D,Sara-s,0,0,4,1246492800,Refreshing and not too sweet,"This is a nice, refreshing carbonated drink. It has no added sugar, as advertised. But its name is a bit misleading. The ""Orange Tang
e?rir????" " a ???o o h ?asas s s ?somso?? a?????e ae ana?d d g ??apapep????icicece e ae ade a?dededed.d? T ??e e ge ?gragrap?????s ns ?otot t a????eaeata???dd?????n n??o o to ??????lenlend??? so so o Io ? w ??asnas?'t'?t tt th??????d d wd wiw??h h? th the????ava???.".???969??,B,B0B000010?LGLG9G??5O5??ATATAT??ZGZ?NDN?HAHA5A?ZDZD,D?"K"?????yny??GaG?glg?io???????TheTh?e Be ????ioiopiophp??le?"""""""?,0,??,0,,0??,1,121242??404060???00,00?NoNowow w t???at'at???ororaor?angangeg?,"?Th??is is??as?? th?e e me ?osostst t pt popototeot?ntn?t ot ???ngnge? d drd??nkn??I ?ha?vev?????r r????. ??t t mt ?igi??t t bt ?e ?""??00????juijuic???????utu???hihishis ???ininkin???????som????????<b<??r /r />/><><b?r r /??Th?TherThe?re re??re??nono no?? art ar?tifti?ic??al?? sw s??eteteten?ererser????????is ??dri??nk,nk?, b, bub?ut ut??it it i??s ss sos s???highi??lyl????oncon?cencent?ra?te?d ??thath?? i?t ?wa??s os ovs o?????????????? sw swe swee???t ant a?nd nd e ???en en?? the the the? ta tan?
erine"" also has some apple and grape juice added. The grape is not a great addition to the blend, so I wasn't thrilled with the flavor." 6961,B001LG945O,ATATZGNDHA5ZD,"Kathryn Gaglione ""The Bibliophile""",0,0,2,1246406400,Now that's orange,"This was the most potent orange drink I have ever had. It might be ""100% juice,"" but this drink has some kick.<br /><br />There are no artificial sweeteners in this drink, but it is so highly concentrated that it was overwhelmingly sweet and even the tang
o ?? t tht?e e?cac?rbrbob?nanatatitioi????ououluldldndn'n't'? c cu c??e e ie ?ntntoto o???? s susugugag????flf?avavovoror.r??????><><b??r /r />/>I/>ItI???asa??WAWAYA????o ?sts?????? fo for? m ?e e ae ?ndnd d I I I????ougoughg?????t ht ?adad d kd ?in?d ?ofof of a an??????afaftf?tertertr?as?te???bub?????f yf ?ouou ou?lil?kek?e ce ?carcarb?on?????n n? an a?nd nd?ha??e ?e a e a??owo?ere?fuf?ul ul???????g g fg fof???????geg???tanta???rir?inein???th??s ??is is??????ri??k k f??r ????.".""??????B0B000010??G9G949??O,O???????616???6Y6?C1C?????orgorge??DiD?ionionnion??e,0e,0,0,0,??3,3???464646404??64064?00,00??we???t at anandand ?CaCar?????????LiLik??e Ee ??nerne?gyg?????rinkrin????????itithit????t tt ?thethe ??????,",??????? D Dr D???rinksrinks s as ararear??ve?ryr??popoppopup?ulaul?ar ar t?? thes thesese e d?ayaysy?. . M MoM??????if if????t a???, ??are????ad??d ??it????uguga????vavar??iouiousu??ovove?verlver??oadoa????f f vf ??itaitama?ininsin??, a, an, and?nd vnd vavarva
of the carbonation couldn't cute into the sugary flavor.<br /><br />It was WAY too strong for me and I thought it had kind of an odd aftertaste, but if you like carbonation and have a powerful craving for orange-tangerine, this is the drink for you." 6962,B001LG945O,A235NA61RC6YC1,George Dionne,0,0,3,1246406400,Sweet and Carbonated Like Energy Drinks but Without the Sugar,"Energy Drinks are very popular these days. Most, if not all, are loaded with sugar, various overloads of vitamins, and var
????g g??"e"????gyg???lel??dsds.s."."""" ""??A A?fef?w w e eneneen??gy???????s s h hah??? t ????d d a ada?did?ingin??pupururer??jujuiu??e,e? b bu butut t h??aveave e oe ?nln???????e ue upup p w wiw??? 5 5050%0? a?t ?mom?sts?.<.<b<?? / ?????????? y yoyouo?ur ur?nonoto?t at ?????ngng'ng'u'?? a?????????t ht ha?ndndlnd?? t th t???????st? o ofo??????r r ar ?andan??d crd c?????th?atat ????????, , t, ??enen en S ???tctchch h ih isis s as ??beb??tet?er er a??teterte???atiativi??. .??????chch ch?is???000???ju??iceice,e, e, Z ZEZERE????????????and and l lolotlo??s os ofof of v ?ititait?mim???C.C.<??br br? /> /??br??/>????????h ish i?s cs ca??bob?onaon?ateat?ed,ed, , s, ?o o? wi w?????hehe ???ranrangngenge ?TaTanangangeg?????e fe flf?????? p ???????e ye ?youyour???mormo????ing ing??uiuicui?ce ce?????? a a l??????le sle ????????zlz??. . . ?ThT?? t????te te? is i??swsweweee?????ut???????????y.y. . . A. AlAlt????ghg?h t?h theh th????????f ???the the c ca?n ????
ying ""energy blends."" A few energy drinks have tried adding pure juice, but have only come up with 50% at most.<br /><br />If your not a young'un and can't handle that blast of sugar and crash that follows, then Switch is a better alternative. Switch is 100% juice, ZERO sugar, and lots of vitamin C.<br /><br />Switch is carbonated, so with the Orange Tangerine flavor, picture your morning juice with a little soda fizzle. The taste is sweet, but not sugary. Although the size of the can prob
????y y r ????teteses s??o o??heh? r re r??omommm?????d d??????ngn?, ,?mom??t t?pep?opoplplel???ror?babab????dodono???t ht ??vev??ththih??????????jujuiu??e e ie ?in in o ??e e se ??ittit?in?g.g.<.??r r??????r /r ??SoS?dada a?fif?zzz????me?ete??s js ju?????beb??efefi?ts?. . I ItI?'s'????non??br?aiain? . . ???w w??aboab???t st ?????????? fl f?lavla???s?s????9696363,3,B,??010???949?5O5??A3A?3L3?7G7G4G??8C8?IDI??3,"3,"A"?dadamda??DuDuku???vicvi?? " """??colcoltl??????????,0?,4,?,1,??464????00000??,P,PrP???ttytt?y gy gog??od,od,",?ThThehe he?SwS?it?chch ch t????es es t to t?o bo blo b?uru??th??e le ?linlinene e be bee betetwetwew??en en s?od??a aa anand? j ju jui?cece,ce???andan??I'I????ayay ???at? t???e ee exexpxpe??rimrime?ntn?t it ?is is s??ccc???sfsfuf??. ????????weeweetet et a??nd ??ricri??ch lch li?kek??e soe sod?????ut???it it i????, as, a????the the l ???belbe? s???s,??1010000%00% % j ju?icice???, an, a????the??refre???e ??? v ???stlstly?ly mly ?mormoremore ?
ably relates to the recommended serving, most people probably don't have this little juice in one sitting.<br /><br />Soda fizzle meets juice benefits. It's a no brainer. How about some more flavors?" 6963,B001LG945O,A33L7G4E8CID3,"Adam Dukovich ""colts_19""",0,0,4,1246320000,Pretty good,"The Switch tries to blur the line between soda and juice, and I'd say that the experiment is successful. It's sweet and rich like soda, but it is, as the label says, 100% juice, and therefore of vastly more n
???rir?titioi???? v vav??ueu???I I??ueuesue?s s i ????allall ?cocomomem???dodowo????? t?????????d d? it i??s ????? s ???ili??????o so sos?dada a???anan ???ici???hehere?re,re, ??????e le lilikikek?e ae a a ma mo??????nen???dodowdownwn wn S ??????st st? so s?odaod?. ?AsA??I I sI ????, , I, ?I lI ?likli?kedked ?itit,it?????d Id ?????ror?bababa??? p pipicickick k????upup p a?gag????, t, tht??ugughgh h? it???hasha?n'n't'? d ???plpla?ce?????ui?rtr?t at ?as as m mymy y fy faf??or???e.e."e.""6?969????????G9G949?5O5???1X1???SJS??????O0O?,",???irirlr??y ??ri?scscic?illillala la ?JoJohohnh???n ??"A"?ututhuthohorho??ReR????wewer? - ??...."..?,0,?0,00,???,1,?242464??20200?00???ereryer?????od!od!,!????ha?vev?e te ?asastastetedte?d sd ????????ofof f?????????er er fer ??lavla??rsr????? th thi th?? d dr dri?nk???SwS???chc??????? I I??havhavehave ???o s?ay? t??atat t tt ?????ononeon?e t?e tope to?s ?????? al a?l.l????????ps???? it i it ????becbe??ususe
utritional value. I guess it all comes down to taste, and it's more similar to soda than juice here, maybe like a more toned-down Sunkist soda. As I said, I liked it, and I'd probably pick it up again, though it hasn't displaced Squirt as my favorite." 6964,B001LG945O,A1XJOSJN6FHFO0,"Shirley Priscilla Johnson ""Author/Reviewer -...",0,0,5,1246320000,Very Good!,"I have tasted several of the other flavors of this drink, Switch, but I have to say that this one tops them all. Perhaps it is because
??I I?lil??e e o ???ngngege e se ?odo??, ,?an?? t tht?isi????ini????eee?msm?s ts ???hahava??e ae ?????hehe e ee ???emeem??tsts ???????t t I? l li likikeike ????? the the e se soe sododaoda a??itith?ouo?t ?al??l tl th???haharharmrmfm??l l ol ????????herherere e ie ise is ???o so ????r r????eded,d, ??no no????seserse??ata?ivi???, ?, no, no ??artar??fif?cic??? c ?olo??orsor????? i it? i????lul???en en f frf???. ????hishis s is ?is is???pep?ciciacialall?y y?grg?reareatat at??oror or? so s??eoe??e ?wiw??? a??????iei???, o, ???th?thosthose???hoh?o ao aro are???n n?re??trtriricri?teted? d??ietie???. . A. ?dddd dd??o ?????at tat ?tha?t ?itit ???is 1is ?000????uiuic??????d td ?????s ????reatrea??t ant and? y ?ou?? ha havaveave ??? wi win winnn?????. I. I I lI ?liklike??????? p?ror??ucu?ct ct a???????an an t to?????k ???it oit ououtout ?t att a??????loclo??al ?????e.?""??????B0B00?212??VSVSBS?U,U?A2A?????????GHG?ETE??"m"?ooo??liliglighg?te??e ???"mo"moo????lighlight
I like orange soda, and this drink seems to have all the elements of what I like in the soda without all the harmful ones. There is no sugar added, no preservatives, no artificial colors and it is gluten free. This is especially great for someone with allergies, or those who are on restricted diets. Add to that that it is 100% juice and tastes great and you have a winner. I liked this product and plan to seek it out at my local store." 6965,B0021HVSBU,A2Y5Q0LK1OGHET,"moonlighteye ""moonlight
e?yeye"e?????,0???,1,131??373777797???0,?ToT?o o????h h? mi m?ntnt,t??????s s?lol?ookoo?in?g g?fofororwrwa?rdr????o to ???s ?teteaea,a, ,?bub?t t u unu???rtr??unaunatatetelte??? th thehe e?? min mint???vevererpr???er????hehe he?hihibhi??iscis???????d ed ??ses?ntntintiaiala?lyly ly???kekes? t? thi th?is is j ?usustus????????? k ?kinkindnd nd o?? m mi min??t tt ?teate?. . ????rerefefefer???the? h????????s t???rt rt? be b???the?the sthe sts??ar ar??? t th?????ow? i ?in in???? hib hi???cucus??bab??????teatea tea ( ??akaak???""h""?????? i?????ioiono??"")"") ) a an a?nd ??in ??y y oy ?pipininiin?ionio??, m, mim?intint ?t ant a??nd "nd ??trt????cac???"" "" d ??on'on???mimixmix x?????non???knk??w w?gogoio?inging ing f????warwardwar???o ?pap??????e e ae ??tetente?nti??? t to t???????ingingring?redredidieienententst??. . ??????? wo worortor?th th???st???s ?bebececacauca?useus?e ie ?t t ct ??? b be be be?? r ?refre?????ining?ing ting ??tea ?onon ?a ?ho?t ??ayay,ay?, b, ??t t jt ju??st st?nonotno?t a? g gr g?reareat?? tr t?ropro
eye""",0,0,3,1343779200,Too much mint,"I was looking forward to this tea, but unfortunately the mint overpowers the hibiscus and essentially makes this just another kind of mint tea. I prefer the hibiscus tart be the star of the show in a hibiscus-based tea (aka ""herbal infusion"") and in my opinion, mint and ""tropical"" don't mix and now know going forward to pay more attention to the ingredients. Still worth 3 stars because it can be a refreshing tea on a hot day, but just not a great trop
i?cac???hih?????usus s t teteaea.a.".""???666??B0B?020212?HVH?SBSBUBU,U??OAO????R8R8H8HGH??SZSZ,Z,","A"?. . B BrB???erer r???"An"Angngeg?lil??a"a"""""""?,0,????5,5???393929??646??00,00,M,?y y?fafavavovoro???te!te!,!,"???ndn????owo?????y ay ?allall l???me? f fa f?avoav?orior????iciceicede?? te t???. I. I I t??pip?icaic?all?y y py ????erer er???ososes?e te te?a,a, , b ??t t t th t??e t???te????? th??? t te?? i is i?s ws wow?ndndendererfer????????? p ?ouo?????s as ararere re?sos? e ea?sys?y ty ?o o uo ususeus?e ae ??d ?mamaka??e ce clc??eanean ?upu???a ba ??reere?zeze.e????96???,B0,B?0020021???SB????????S2S2I2I1I????????,"He,"Hea???st?????s "s ??st?rar?igighghth??frf?????y ???arartar???and? l???ed?...?????0,00,?0,50,?5,15,??171????????I ?????e te the t?????tea???nd????o do ??????l ml mymy my????ene????,"T,"?ThiTh????tea?tea itea is????o d????foforor.or?? I ???hi?tsts ts????e se spspo??. ????asyasy ??o ?mamakmakeke ke i???? te tea tea. tea. ???ll? o?f ??my my fmy ?
ical/hibiscus tea." 6966,B0021HVSBU,AOAJXFR8HG0SZ,"A. Bremer ""Angelika""",0,0,5,1339286400,My favorite!,"Hands down my all time favorite iced tea. I typically prefer loose tea, but the taste of this tea is wonderful! The pouches are so easy to use and make clean up a breeze." 6967,B0021HVSBU,A1F2WS2I1ETYQ1,"Heartstorms ""straight from my heart and laced...",0,0,5,1317168000,I love this tea and so do all my friends,"This tea is to die for. It hits the spot. Easy to make ice tea. All of my fr
?ieiene?dsd? l lolovovev??????s ?????. .??? a???ded?elieligi?hth?ede??tot??????? i it i??? I I I l lo looookok k f ??rwr?arardr??toto to??rir?nkn??ingin? i? it, it???? i is i??mymy y?nenewe??????orior???e de drdri?nk?!"!????6868,8,B,B0B??009009P9?CPC??A,A,A,?????YZY?030?????L,L??LaL???????. G. ?ri?ffffif??h h??"L"La"L??ra??"""""?,1,1,1??,5,??,12,1?717??484??00?,g,??eae??t at ????????y wy ???y ty ?to ?bubuyu???WeWe e ge ???ththrh??????????t ?ofo? d? dre dresesss?in?????nd ??? h ??sbsbaban??????????hahav?e ?th??s s bs ?ra???nd ond ????y, y,? so s???I sI ??w w tw ?thi???an?and and??aia?d ??RER??T!T!"!"!"??96????00????CPCPJCP?JA,JA,A,A1,A1S1?PVPVNVNANAKA????TATAT?,S,???ciciai?????ucu??atiat?????eaeacea??er??,1,,1,5,1,5,??1,11,??121???32320200?00,C00,???tatai??s s Ms ???!,!??I ????????he he t?asastas?te te??? t th t?isis is d???ssssissining??????t rt ????izi????? tha that?? it it ????ontaont?ainainsain??th??e ae ????itiitivi??ve mve ?ononoono o so ?
iends love it as well. I am delighted to serve it. I look forward to drinking it, it is my new favorite drink!" 6968,B0009PCPJA,A1CMPYZ03FGJLL,"Laura J. Griffith ""Laura""",1,1,5,1271548800,great and easy way to buy,"We go through a lot of dressing and my husband HAS to have this brand only, so I saw this and said GREAT!" 6969,B0009PCPJA,A1SPVNAK9HBTAT,Special Education Teacher,1,5,1,1312243200,Contains MSG!,"I like the taste of this dressing, but realized that it contains the additive mono so
ddid?umu??glglul?coc???tete.e? T ThThih?s s?chcheheme??cac?l l???vevese?s ms mem?????raraia??es?, ,????ch??is? v ???y y?didifdi?fificicuic??????? to t?lel???te?. . I. ? a amam ??????? to to to?sasaya?y ty tht??????wiw?????o o lo ?onongongeg?er er?pupuru?chchachasa?e ?????is dis ??esesses???g g u ununln?leslesss??ththeth???????veve ve???hishi???lal??or??????ncncec??.".""6??707?,B,??040???0H0??2,2,A,???8989X9????????B,B?gjg???,0,?0,00,??5,5,1,??252535???00???CuCupu?s s ws ?ororkor???re?atat,at??Th??e ce ??upsup????????e e me ?y y oy owownw? c co c?????e Ke ?-c-cucupcu??? wo w?orkork ork???? I?f f?? the th?ereer????d d b ??eenee?n fn ?re????hihiphi?pipin?? i it i????ul???hahavha??ve bve be??en en b?????r,r???utut t It ?I w??illill l ol ?ordor??er er aer ??aiainai??ana?d ???????or?????ay? t?? to n to no??????ay 1ay ??2 2 t??? p?rir??e ?of?? th? the the p the ?ror?dud??t ??????fo??? sh s?hip?pipinpi?????696?97197?,B,B0,B00??????????1K1KGK???F2F???
dium gluconate. This chemical gives me migraines, which is very difficult to tolerate. I am sorry to say that I will no longer purchase this dressing unless they remove this flavor enhancer." 6970,B004K30HO2,A2E89XJI24PXLB,gjaa,0,0,5,1325376000,Cups work great,"The cups to make my own coffee K-cups work fine. If there had been free shipping it would have been better, but I will order again and look for a way to not pay 1/2 the price of the product just for shipping." 6971,B004K30HO2,A1KG30F2F4Y
FF6F6R6?,M,MaM?rjr??ririei? B ??owownwn,n,0,?,0,0,,0?4,4,1,?323252???040404??0,G0,?rer??t,t?,Mu,M?chc???etettt???????n n?hahavhaviviningn? t?? f fif???????momovovi????cocofoffffefeee??grgri???? f?????a a???etaet??? ba b???et?. . I I I l ???e e be ??iningin?g ag ?blblel?e te ????ususts?t tt totosto????grigrin?ds? i in??? t????e tre t?as?????979727??B0B?004004K4????O2O??A3A??JNJ??????VOV??I,I???anan,an,0,0,,0,0,0,0,??,1?323253250???40?0,???sps???????s,s??I'I????ereryer? p ?le?asaseas?? w ?iti???????DiDisDisp?os????upsup??? T ???????ereer?e pe ?arartart ?of?????hrhririsriststmst????gig??t t ft ?or????y hy ?us????d d ad ??and and h???is???ususius?lyly y fy ???lil?ing???? the the D ??DispDis????Ku?psps ps? wi w?ithith h hh hihis???ava?????e ?StS???bubucuckuc?s ???ffffeff? ?. N. NeN????leslessss ss?? to to??saysay,y?? th????e we ??ll????art? o ofof ???????uru??g ???????ienie?cec?e fe fo???hi???anand???? p??an?????pup???chach?ase? m mo mor
F6R,Marjorie Brown,0,0,4,1325030400,Great,Much better than having to fight removing coffee grinds from a metal basket. I love being able to just toss grinds into the trash. 6972,B004K30HO2,A3SJN71MNAVO9I,gran,0,0,5,1325030400,DisposaKups,"I'm very pleased with the DisposaKups. They were part of a Christmas gift for my husband and he is busily filling the DisposaKups with his favorite Starbucks coffee. Needless to say, these will part of the Keurig experience for him and we plan to purchase mor
e??ono???e he hehe'e??????? t tht?he he???o o b bob??eses ?? o??ded?rer??? ?I ?????es?pep???ala?lyl??plpleleaeas?eded ed t th t?ata? t???e oe oro???er er?ara??ivi?????? t????e fe fof?? C ?hrhririsri?tmt?as??sisinincince??? w ?waswas ?lalat??e ie ?????indin?iningin??? the????????ilill??de??finfi?ititet??ly ly? us usese se????s ????pap??????????""6?979???B0B???K3K?0H0HOHO2O?,A,????4B4?VGV?8R8??UUUUJUJ,J,s,??lkl?etet,t?0,0??,5,?,1,?323?494949?40400?0,0,m0,mamarma?????usus us p pr p????ctc???ThT??se???wonwondn?derderfr?????upu?s,s? f?ililtilteterte??? l ????s ss sas?ve???me? f fr froromrom m?re??????ngng g mg mym?y ny nen?? s si s?inginglingle?? cu cup????fff??e e me ??ke???? T ?ririeri???mamanma?ny ny?????p p? br b?an??? a?nd? b??lenle??s s as ??? d?id???t t ct cac??e ?e foe f?or or aor ???y oy ?? t????. ?. N. ???????d Id ??lilikli?ke ke m ?? o?wnw??co?ff?ee? o op o?tit??on on? th?at?? ca c?me??wi?thth th? th the?? co cof coff??e ????ker?. ?. T. Th?
e once he's used the two boxes I ordered. I was especially pleased that the order arrived in time for Christmas since I was late in finding them. We will definitely use this company again!" 6973,B004K30HO2,A2XZ4BVG8RJUUJ,selket,0,0,5,1324944000,marvelous product,"These wonderful cups, filters, lids saved me from returning my new single cup coffee maker. Tried many K-cup brands and blends and didn't care for any of them. Nor did I like my own coffee option that came with the coffee maker. The
?did?sps?ososas?????? a ?rer? j jujusu???whwhah?t t It ???????ed ed t ???geg?t ?a a g?oooodo? c cuc???????y y o ow ownwn n c co cofoffof????frfror?? m?????w w?? cof cofff??e ???kek??. .??WoW??ldl?d rd ?recrecoc?????????? w wi wili?l l o or ordrdederder r???aia?n.n?????ceceieivi??ed ed ied ???3 3????s s ds dud????g g C ChChrh?risri???masmas ??usushus????696?747?,B,?000?4K4K3K?0H0?????2P2?7B7B3B3R3R8R?8383K3KTK????VeVegega???PaP?????,0?,4,4,4,14,???????00?0,0,G0,GrG??at? s ?ubu????tut?tet???????e ??it?tlt?????ps? a?re??? p pepererferfefecfe??????plplilimlimemenme??t tt ??? ou o???k-k?????vavar???????! !? W WeW??????????m fm ?oro?r or ??r ????ffeffee???an??d ld ??oosoose? t?eaeasa??. . I. I ??as? n???t dt ?disdisasapsa???inintin?????nd?nd tnd ???y ??arear?e me mue m??h h?????ierie??toto ??use???hahanhan ?ththethe the????useuseause??lele le c cu c?upsup????????y ?????igi?.....?..6???5,5?,B0,B00?4K?3030H30HO???AHAHVH???3G3GEGE2E?HSHS4S44??
disposa-kups are just what I needed to get a good cup of my own coffee from my new coffee maker. Would recommend and will order again. Received in 3 days during Christmas rush!" 6974,B004K30HO2,A2P7B3R883KTIU,Vegas Pani,0,0,4,1324944000,Great substitute!,These little cups are a perfect compliment to our k-cup varieties! We use them for our coffees and loose teas. I was not disappointed and they are much easier to use than the reuseable cups sold by Keurig.... 6975,B004K30HO2,AHVWG3GE2HS44,C
??lelene?dad???a,a?0,0,0,0,,0,3,??131?242484858????0,?DiDisi?poposo??KuK??s,s??ororkrk k?wew?lll??anand????ded? s sos??ididld?y.y? F ??or or? wh w?ata???ere????asa??n n?ththeh??KeK?uru??g g t ta t??eses s l lol??geg????o o c coc????letle?te te t??? b brb?rewrewiwini?? c cy cycyclc?le le????? u ???ingin??ththeth???e ce cuc??s ???? t th??e le liliqli??idid id????ede???????ugu?? t th the??fif???terte??on? t?? the ???tst??dede de o ofof f? th the the the c the ?cupcu? m?ak??ing? a????malmallll ll m?????. . ??he??????th???jojobo??????intin??ndndended? b???? co cou??d d ud ?useus????????erereer?entent ??ypypep?e oe of?? fi f?iltilte?? t?? m? mak makeke ke? th?? the e the exe?????en????e lee l?ess??? mes me?sys?y.y.????76,76???00400????HOH???A1A?????E6E??H3H???N,N,",??. . J. J.J. . S. ScS????ed???er "er """??rereere????????ma?"""""""","?,0,?0,???,13,132?????404???SaSava?? m mo mononeon?y,y?,"I,"???m m g ?ivivivin??ing ting ?thith??? as? a a ???ftf?t t???gogo o ao ?aloalon?g ??witwithth th? a a s a
alendaria,0,0,3,1324857600,DisposaKups,Work well and made solidly. For whatever reason the Keurig takes longer to complete the brewing cycle when using these cups and the liquid bleeds through the filter on the outside of the cup making a small mess. They do the job as intended but could use a different type of filter to make the experience less messy. 6976,B004K30HO2,A1XQWFE6KH3G2N,"M. J. Schroeder ""green grandma""",0,0,5,1324598400,Save money,"I am giving this as a gift to go along with a s
?iningn?lele e????fef?e e be brb???ere?. .? T ??ouo??h h r ??tit?ingingsgs s?sas?y y??heher?e ???re re???oboblble??s,s???avaviv?inging ing m ?ono????on??eae???y ty ?o o??uru???as?e e ce ?cofcoff????isi????ttt?? . ???e le ?ivi??e ie inin in? th t??????ckc????in ???iscis??nsn??,B,B0B?040?K3K3030H0HOH?2,2,A,?8L8LQL??5G5GPGPKP?T1T?5S5?,r,?mrm??0,0?,0,,0????????121202?00000??GoGooo?d d??uyu???????????? g grg?reare????uy??????????momonmone???ana??d ad a a ha ha???????????? to t?o fo ?in??. ?. I. ?? wa was?????????????n n??I rI ?recre??iviveiv?d d id ??t dt dodoio?inging ??it it t? thi th?is ?????I ????t mt mym?y cy ??coffcof?feefe????sts?s ???wnw?n bn byby ????rd?? ev e?venven ?afaftf?terte?r yr ?ou??????sidsided?er er?? the?? pr prir?????of of?? the????prodpro????t It I ??m m?????????pypyy??97????00??4K34K??HO?????30530??W2W????RQR????????ldld ?????ckecker???????????24524??20???,d,?isispispopos?akakukupu?
ingle coffee brewer. Though ratings say there are problems, saving money on easy to purchase coffee is better. We live in the sticks in Wisconsin." 6977,B004K30HO2,A8LQA5GPKT15S,rmr,0,0,5,1324512000,Good Buy,This was a great buy for the money and a hard product to find. I was pleased when I received it doing it this way I cut my coffee costs down by 2/3rd even after you consider the price of the product I am very happy 6978,B004K30HO2,A3057W2S1KRQHV,Gerald Thacker,0,0,5,1324512000,disposakups
???ThT????upu?/f/fif?ltl?????idid d? co c??bibini?ata???n n t ??atat at???lol?wsw???oro??ususese e oe ?f f o on???s os ?ownow??????eee???in in???he he K ?ueuererier???brbrerewewewerer er??s ?? g grgre??at ?????????e e qe ???alial??? o of of f tf ??e ??ror??ucu?? i??s gs gog??od,od, ,??ndn??th?the the u??? i is is is??imi??lele.e???ow????f t???y ??coucoululdld ???ustust ?geg??????????cece ??ow?own!own! !?UnU?fo????na?tetelte??, ?we??? use us??anandnd nd?lolovlovev?e 8e ???'C'??loclo?? b be b??n ??of???ee ee?whw???h h i is is is a is ama?on?g ?th??the cthe ?heheaheapa??estes??beb????useus??????uyuy ??? i in in n bn bu???k ak ??d d gd gr???d ???r r or ?ownown own???????. I. ???we??co????? sa s??ve ve c co cos co?tsts ??y ?bubuybu?ininging ??is??oso?akakuk?upsup??inin ??quaqu?antanti?titieti??? of of of 2 ?5050 0? or or ???, , t, ?thathat??????ld ??be be???reareatrea???6?979????????3030H0??2,2,A,???CJC???SPSPTP????,"????????tentensn?????"M"??ununtun??inin-in-D-DrD?reareamreamem
,"The cup/filter/lid combination that allows for use of ones own coffee in the Kuerig brewer is a great idea. The quality of the product is good, and the use is simple. Now if they could just get the price down! Unfortunately, we use and love 8-O'Clock bean coffee which is among the cheapest because we buy it in bulk and grind our own beans. If we could save costs by buying disposakups in quantities of 250 or so, that would be great!" 6979,B004K30HO2,A2VCJWTSPTY36,"A. Mortenson ""Mountain-Dreame
?r"r?""?,0,???,3,?,1,?323242??121??00?,","G"GoGooo???ididedeaea,a? b ?utu? t ???? l lel?eakeak"k?,","D,"?isi??oso??kuk?psps.s...???grgrer?eateat ?id?????bebece?auaususes??K-K????ps ps a ??re re e exe??enensn??vev?e ae ana?????enen'en??t nt nenececeecesesss??????y ay ??aia?ilailaba???? in in n y ?????????riritri?e ????fef?e.e?<b<?r ???<b<br<b??????sp?os????upsup???????ele???? int in?? t th t?? K Ke Keue???g g c ?cofco?ffeff?ee ee?mamak????, t, ???e le ??id id s sns????ps ops ???????ly? t to t????? d did?ispis????ku?kup kup????????youyou u????ll ll i it it t wt wit witithit? y yo you?r ???vov?oriorititeit?e ce coe c?offoffe??e oe ??????? H HoHowo??veverver,? t th????rorobobl??m m??omo??? w ??ith?? th? the the f fi???ter???hih??h h wh ?wicwi?????the?the hthe ???t ct ???fe?????ndend?er er p ??esessessusur?e ??utut ut o ??? th???di??spo?sasak?up???ro?m ??undundederder r tr ?????????????/></><b????>I>?? tr t????????ververaver?l l ol ?of ??the??????isp??osaosakosaku??s.? A AfAft
r""",0,0,3,1324512000,"Good idea, but they leak","Disposakups....great idea, because K-kups are expensive and aren't necessarily available in your favorite coffee.<br /><br />Disposakups fit well into the Keurig coffee maker, the lid snaps on firmly to the disposakup after you fill it with your favorite coffee or tea. However, the problem comes with the filter which wicks the hot coffee under pressure out of the disposakup from under the lid.<br /><br />I tried several of these disposakups. Aft
eerer r t ?hehe e?????t t f?ewew w l leleae???????????????mam??beb??I I wI ??s s?nonoto?t st snsnan?ppp?iningn?? th??e le ???d od ?? t?????????ug??, ,??o o I??mamadma?e e ue upup p???meme e me ????e de did?sps???ak??upsup????d ?mamad??????? t?? the the l li lididsid?s ws wewer??e oe ???RER?ALALLL?Y Y t??gh????no????apsap?! ! T ThT?heyhey y??tit??? l???ke?d ?ababob?outou??? o ?? 6 6 6?drd?????frf??m m e ea?chc?? di dis??posposa?kuk??????icichch ch????n n dn drdridripips?? ou o??sis?ideid???theth???-k-???p hp hoholho??derde?r cr ???mbm?????..a..?andand ?d oud out??????? the??cac????ch ach ara??a.a??? I ???ededeeded? t to to ??????????????????? the the c the co the c????ee ee??akakeaker?? af a???er ?ususes??<b<brbr r /r />/><>?<br<br ?r />r />I>??gig????e the t?hishi????temtem ???? sta star?s ??becbe?cauca????e th?eyey ??o ?wowor?k,k??anand?????re are ?? gr g???t ?id???, ?bub?ut ut??????desde?sigsigng??of?? th? the the f the fi?ltl???r pr prp?rotro????dindi????rorom? a??ou?oundoun
er the first few leaked I thought maybe I was not snapping the lid on tight enough, so I made up some more disposakups and made sure the lids were on REALLY tight, no gaps! They still leaked about 5 or 6 drops from each disposakup, which then drips outside the k-kup holder chamber...and outside the catch area. I needed to clean up around the coffee maker after use.<br /><br />I give this item 3 stars because they do work, and are a great idea, but the design of the filter protruding from around
t ?hehe e???p p c ca cauausu??? t th t?he he l ???kikini??? ?????ouou u d dod?n'n???mim????????t ??f ??????upup ?????? e ??chch h??useuse.e?..??yo?u'u??l l? ap appp??????tete te t? the th?esees????????<b<br<b?r /????'ll'l??us?use use t th? the the???sts??t oft o????e e be ???, , a?ndn????ontontit???e ???eaeanea????? up u?p ap afp aft?er? e ea e?ch????se,se?, b, ???t It ? w ??on'on't?? bu b?? m mo m???.<.?????/></>?<br<br ???ThThehe he she ???llell???ofoffof?er??????re?fuf?nd?, ?????it? w?ououlou?????st? m?e e ae alalml??ostos?t at ????ucuchch ch tch toto o??sense?? t? the?? b ba bac?k k? as as s Is ?I wI ????? r re r???????????????funfund?.".""6??808?,B,B0B???K3K3030H0HOHO2O??A1A?VOVOAO?A18A18U8UJU???KHKHJH????????NTNTRTRER?LLLL L?"""??lclc"c????0,0,00,0,????323?444424?565?00?,w,?worwo??th th???????itit,it?Th???? w?erere??on?????kokor??erer ???or or a????ongong ??timti????utut ut wut wewele???? wor wo???h th ?the????aitait.t???I cI ca?? f fif???
the cap causes the leaking. If you don't mind a bit of cleanup after each'll appreciate these.<br /><br />I'll use the rest of the box, and continue cleaning up after each use, but I won't buy more.<br /><br />The seller offered a refund, but it would cost me almost as much to send them back as I would receive as a refund." 6980,B004K30HO2,A1VOA18UJIRKHJ,"C. CANTRELL ""dlc""",0,0,5,1324425600,worth the wait,These were on backorder for a long time but well worth the wait. I can final
??y y?ususes? t tht?e ???ffffef?e e be ??ana?s s??????hah???foforo? a ??hih?lele e ae an?d ??havha?ve ve? a a g ????? c cucupu????? co c??fe??e we ???th th?nono o? gr g?ouo???s.s. .? I I???tat?????lolovoveve ???e ??ro?duducu??t at ???????? d ??fifininan???ly??or??derde?????e ?in? t??he he??utu?urure?. ?WoWou?ldld ???????o o so se?e ?e the the?? i in?in 1in ?000? c??un?t.t????818?,B,?????303?HOHO2O?,A,??P8P8R8?9E9????B5B?MSM?,","P"PaP?ulu? F ?ogo????"""??aga??cvc?venve?????,0,0,0?,0,,0???131??444?25??0000,00???spspop??aka?upup,up,w,wow?orkork k O OKOK.K?. m. ma?in?in pin ?propr??lelemle?m tm ?the??y ly le??? o??ut ut? th the the e t??p ?? b bib?it it a?????????s s is ?insin??de? t? the? m mamacma??hinhinen??. . ? is is s i???woworwo????ththethe the?exe?trtrara ????????????is is i?f f y yoy?ou ou? wa wan???toto to p pap??y ay ??frf?racractctict?ono? o of o???the?the cthe ??s ???of aof ?a ka ???cupcu??. . p. plp?us? y??ou ou cou ???? us use???nyny y cy co????? y??u u????sirsirere.?6
ly use the coffee beans I've had for awhile and have a great cup of coffee with no grounds. I totally love the product and will definately order more in the future. Would like to see them in 100 count. 6981,B004K30HO2,A3P8R9ES25B5MS,"Paul Fogel ""magicvend""",0,0,3,1324425600,disposakup,work OK. main problem they leak out the top a bit as well as inside the machine. is it worth the extra work? it is if you want to pay a fraction of the cos of a k-cup. plus you can use any coffee you desire. 6
?????B0B??4K4??????2,A2,A2A?EVE?8A8????9E9?I1I??,","S"???nlnlel?? M M.M. .?SpS?????l l?????tanta?? S" S????????4,4,1,??242?424???0000,00,E,EaEasasys?y ty ?o o u usu?? c ????eee?e he ???????ThT????? co cofoffof??e ?????????ararer?e me ???h h?eae?asias?????to to u?se??tht?an? t?he? o ???er???I I??????ususeus?d d a an andnd d md ?aka?e ??ifi?fe fe?? l lilitli?tlt?? e?asasiasieasi?er!er???98???,B0,B??4K4K34K30????2,A2,A22,A2222323F3????9P9?QGQ?3535,5??ea??etettttette,e,0,0,,0,0,0,??4,?1313213?2442442??560560000,???????,N,NiN?????ror?dud???. ? G GoGooo?? c co????anyany.y. ?????y ???????inintnt t?????thath???itit ?to?okok k o ov o?verver ?? m ?onont?h ?foforo?r tr ???? t???shs?ipi???????teter? I ?I oI ??de????? an?d ?????y ny ne??ver????????e ke ???w w w whw??t t wt ?as? g ????????..6??98498?????04K04??0H?O2O2,O2?A2?IFI??9C9C6C6M6MGM?RFRF9F?S,S???. E. ???lisli????0,0,4???3232432?425??80800????NEN?? S??VEV??,"?I
982,B004K30HO2,A2EV8A6DQ9EI1E,"Stanley M. Spiegel ""Stan S""",0,0,4,1324425600,Easy to use coffee holder,These coffee holders are much easier to use than the others I have used and make life a little easier! 6983,B004K30HO2,A223F1HT9PQG35,jeanette,0,0,4,1324425600,k-cups,Nice product. Good company. Only complaint is that it took over a month for them to ship it after I ordered and they never let me know what was going on. 6984,B004K30HO2,A2IFC9C6MGRF9S,G. Ellis,0,0,4,1324252800,MONEY SAVER,"I
?juj?sts???ece??ivi??d d m ???orordrdedere?, , a ?ndnd ??????y wy ??tht? t ?theth? a?bib?lil?ityity y oy ?f f u ???ngn????mem???????? c cocofoffof????, ???nen?ve???????ed bed beb??ororeor?, , a, ???I ?li?????? o??ne ne??upu???t t at ????me?? O ?nlnlyly ??roroboblblelemem m?? h ha??ve ve f ??unu???isis s ts th?ata????the the c??apsap??ara???????tit?imeim?? d ??iffif?icicuculu????o o?gegetet et???et ??propropo??erler? I?????de de??p p sp ????veraver?l l? cu cup cu?s ???thth th??????????t ct ??ffffefeefees?es aes an?d d sd st?or?????em???wit??h th th??the rthe re??st st o of o?f mf ???sus?uppupplp??ly. ly.???????be????ckc?? fo f????or???????nd wnd wiwilwi??? te t?ll????my Kmy ?eueururir??g fg frfri???dsd???6???5,5,B,?000????0H0??2,2?A8A?P2P2G2GUGULU?KWKWHW??BEBE,E?RbR??stist?ileil???0,0???2,????404????????????at at?? att at??mpm?t,t???utu?t a???aiail?iledile??prproprodprodud??????,"T,"ThT?heshe???? see se????ed led ?lik??e ae ??grg??reatreat ?idide??. . I.
just received my order, and happy with the ability of using some gifted coffees, I never used before, as I like my one cup at a time. Only problem I have found is that the caps are sometimes difficult to get set properly. I made up several cups with different coffees and store them with the rest of my supply. I'll be back for more, and will tell my Keurig friends." 6985,B004K30HO2,A8P2GULKWH4BE,Rbstiles,0,0,2,1324080000,"Great attempt, but a failed product.","These seemed like a great idea. I
????????beb??aba??e ?tot???oao?d ??p p??0 0?????upsup?? wi w?thth h a an anyn? t tyt?pepe ?ofo? c ???fef???? c?????, ,???d ??titili?? m mamaiainintn????? th thehe ?sps?peepe??????usu??ingin?? th????to?rer????ougou?hth???upups??inin in??y y ry rurus??h th toto to g ????rerearead??y ey evevev?ryr??momoro?nin? .???tet????ai??tinti??g ag ?? mo m?ntnthnt??????????s ps ?ror??ucu?t t tt toto ???????meme ?(2(????aya???bebefbefoforfo?re re? th? they the?y ey evy eve??n sn ?hihipippppe?d d id it??? I I I fI fif?inainalallllyll?y fy fo?unundnd ???t ot onon on?? my my d ?ooo??ststest?p.p.<.?brbr r???<b<br<b?r /r ?/>U/>??on??opo??nininni?ng ng t th? the the??oxo??? my my h my ho??pespes ????????????n hn hi??ghegh??? t th the???????re sre sos???d ??litli??le? c??????????mum?uchuch ??highighhig?herhe?r qr ?uau????y y ty ???n n In ????pepecpectctect??. ?I I f?il?le??????e ae ?andan??d snd s?apa??????????lid? d??wnwn.n?. I? e??sus?re?d d i????????sease?alealeded ed aed ?allal?l tl ththe????y ?
would be able to load up 50 k-cups with any type of coffee I chose, and still maintain the speed of using the store bought cups in my rush to get ready every morning. After waiting a month for this product to reach me (20 days before they even shipped it!) I finally found it on my doorstep.<br /><br />Upon opening the box my hopes lifted even higher; these are solid little cups of a much higher quality than I expected. I filled one and snapped the lid down. I ensured it was sealed all the way a
rrorouounu?d,d???lal?cec?d d?iti???? m mymy y??ueu??igig,g???ndnd nd???it it???? b ?rer?w w b?utu???n.n. . A AtAt ?fifirirsr?t ??it ??????ed ed??o o? be be e we ?ororkr???g g??????ndind???y y ty ?thethen??????ee??????an an??ouourouri????ououtout ?ofof of? pl p?lacla???? it it t it ist isnsn'n???susupu??oso?sedsed d td ? he? ti t?meme me?? it it????????er er????ada????it?e e ae ????????? c cl cleleaean?an uan ??????ponpon n on ??enenien?ingin?g tg ???????ri??????ouounou?????the ???spsposp???Ku?? c???????ele?ly ly i? in in? ta t??????d ?d thd thehe he lhe lilid?? st stit??? s?ececuc????d pd ??ropro??????. H. ??wew?veverver r t?he?he bhe bibitit ???of oof ???????gig??ing ing??????r r wr wa???sosoao????????ripri??ining?, ??????OTO?? I????????iscisco????ed???thethe the sthe so??urcur?ce ce??f f???e ?le?ak?????ha?ve? t??rieri?ed ed aed agaga????? sev se???ala?l tl ??memesme???it??? th the the the? sa sama?me me rme ??oco???rrr?rin??g pg ?propr???lemle?. . I?
round, placed it in my Kuerig, and hit the brew button. At first it seemed to be working splendidly then coffee began pouring out of places it isn't supposed to. By the time it was over I had quite a mess to clean up. Upon opening the Kuerig I found the DisposaKup completely in tact and the lid still secured properly. However the bit of overhanging filter was soaked, dripping, and HOT! I had discovered the source of the leak. I have tried again several times with the same reoccurring problem. I
g?ueu????? s shs??ulu?d d?hahava?? b ?ou??hth? t ththehe e Ee ?cocoBo???w w c ????afaftf?erer r???l.l?????????r r /r />r />I>???yoy???lil?kek??????apa??eae???ncncece e oe ??f cf coconconvn?venve?ieienencncence,e? a an a?d ?th????reareala?litli????? s sp s?penpend?iningn??????? ti timimem??clc????ninning? u ?? a????esses?s ts ????s is is? t th thehe he?prp?odo?ucu?t ????????.<?br???/></>?<br?????I ?????????ada?d ad anandan??gag??e ?iti?t tt ?wow????ar??s bs beb?cacaua?sese ?I I lI li?keke ke??????ded??? of o?f tf ththe?the pthe prproprod?uc?t t st ?o ?mumuc?h.h?????989?6,6,B,?000040???0H0HOH??,A,A1A1R1RZR?FGFGQG?2626E6???QNQN,N??asa?lal??te?,0,0,0??,4,4,4???22226??121???,A,Aw,Aweweswe??meme,me,","I"?????ve ve b??????sisininging ?????DiDisispis???aKaKuK??s ?fo?r r ar aba?boubo?t ?2 2 w ?weeweekeksk?? ???????????easeasysy ?tot????? t?ogo???thetherther ?r anr a?????ll??? C CaC?apsap?s f?itit it??nun?g.g??. I. ???som?et?im?es? g ?????veverve?fifilfi?ll,ll??????mym
guess I should have bought the EcoBrew cup after all.<br /><br />If you like the appearance of convenience, and the reality of spending more time cleaning up a mess this is the product for you.<br /><br />(I went ahead and gave it two stars because I like the idea of the product so much.)" 6986,B004K30HO2,A1RZFGQ26EUNQN,maslatte,0,0,4,1322611200,Awesome,"I have been using the DisposaKups for about 2 weeks. They are easy to put together and fill. Caps fit snug. I sometimes get overfill, but my
? C ??isi???????dodoeo?s s t tht?ata???iti???reregegugululal?ar ar K ??????? ?I I p pup?t ??regre??lalarlar r c coc????e e??? i it i?, , M ????elelll??HoH???e,e?, C, CoC?mmm??ninitityity y? Co Cofoffoffefeefe?e, e, s ???etetitimi??? I? g grg???d d?mym????n.n. ? C? Cof Co??ee? a ala??ayaysy??tatasaststet?e je ?usustus????keke e ie in?????p p?????ee?ee mee ?aka????????reareat? r?epe?la?cec?memenmentn????r r Kr K-?????s cs cac????e te ?theth?y y hy ha??e ??litliteterte?????????blb???d id ??in pin ???cece ce??? j ??stst st 6 ?? mo mono?nthnt??s."s.??696???????4K4K3K3030H0HOH?2,2,A,????U7U?FBFBXBX5X??4V4?S,S,B?et?h h M Mc M?CrCra????0,0,0?,5,?,1,?????797?????Gr???at ?alaltalte???natna?tivti?ve ve? to t?? th theh??si??glg??????,.????se?????kekedked ???ea??t f????us?. ?. W. ???ar?????blebl??e toe to o ro ??us?use use???e e pe plplapl?astastiticti? p??artar??s as ?? co cou coup?lele ?of???imimeim?es es bes bebefe???re re???iscisca???????? the?m.m. . ?. We. W???ovo??ve bve bebeibe??ing ing??
Cuisinart does that with regular K-Cups. I put regular coffee in it, Maxwell House, Community Coffee, sometimes I grind my own. Coffee always taste just like in drip coffee maker. Great replacement for K-Cups cause they have literally doubled in price in just 6 months." 6987,B004K30HO2,A129U7FBX554VS,Beth McCrary,0,0,5,1322179200,Great alternative to the single cups.,These worked great for us. We are able to reuse the plastic parts a couple of times before discarding them. We love being ab
?lel? t ???????ououru? f faf??oroririti?e e ce coc?ffffef??..6?989888?,B,?000???303??O2O???3N3??MEM?4V4VOV????070?,r,?ete?iri????&a&amampmp;p; ; h hah??pyp?,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5???2121313113151525???,c,??????ieien?t t???eae?sysy,??heh?e De ?isi?pop??aKa??psps s a ??re re??o ????sy sy a???d cd co?convconvevenve??en??? to to ??useus????ThTheTh?y y??re???????atat ?susubu??ti??utu???whw????? r rur????outou???of of K ?-C-??upsup??anandnd nd d ???'t't ?waw?antant ?toto to??un??????he?? st sto?????to ?bubuyuy y ay ?a ra rerepreplp??cec??en?ent ent sent susupsu?pplpp????ndnd nd pnd ??y y hy ?igi?heherhe?r ir ?n-n?st?????prpri?ce???.6.??8989,9?,B0,B???4K34K3030H30HO?2,???YZY??424???????I,I,","N"N.N??BeB?rrrryr?y "y """???indin?lele le????r"r"""""""?,0?,0,0,0,0,????132132121221?282??00??gog?????stust?????shs????ede??inin in???????t sht sha?pep??? I?? ga gav??e te ????se se? to? to m to ?y ???n,n???e ??is is???e e o??e e we ?whowho ?o uso u????reregre???cofco???ee ee a an???????????
le to use our favorite coffee. 6988,B004K30HO2,A3N2ME4VOFRS07,retired &amp; happy,0,0,5,1321315200,convenient & easy,The DisposaKups are so easy and convenient to use. They are a great substitute when I run out of K-Cups and don't want to run to the store to buy a replacement supply and pay higher in-store prices. 6989,B004K30HO2,A2YZA421D3YOEI,"N. Berry ""kindle user""",0,0,5,1321228800,good stuff,"shipped in great shape. I gave these to my son, he is the one who uses reg coffee and he really
? l ???ese????es?e e???sps??sasabablb???k-k-c-cuc??s.s. . I ? g gug??essess ?I ????l l?sts????l hl hah????toto o??ene?? h hihimim m c ?ofo???e e be beb???????verve?????.".?66969999090,0,B,B0B000???3030H0???,A,?2Y2??30??GFGF2F??R6R?T,T?"P"??mem?lal??S.S??ClCla??? " """"a"?????rer?eadea??r"r?"""""","????0,50,??131???050???00000????olo?l pl ????ucu??,"?I I lI lolovo?? c co c?offof?feefe?e t?ha??? I I??uyu???????????andan??th??? p pr?od?????alallal??wsws s ms meme me t??o uo ????iti?t it inin n??y y Ky KeKeueururirigi???rerewre???. ??GeGete????g g tg ????lilidli??????is ??a la li?ttttltt??????ll??engengigin??, , b?utut ??the? e ??d ???esuesulultlt ?t ist i??wow??th????. . ?ThThi?s ?????the???coocool????t ft ??indind d o?f f m??ineine e t?????????????69?9191,1?,B0,B?00400??30?HOHO2HO??A3A??6I6?7Y7YCY????OWO????araryryary??n n Mn MiM?ill?er?,0,0,,0????,1?3232032?797?6868080000,00,"?GoGoooodoo?d cd coconconcn?epeptpt,? b? but but.t??......"????icice??
likes these disposable k-cups. I guess I will still have to send him coffee beans every mo." 6990,B004K30HO2,A2Y930EGF2AR6T,"Pamela S. Clark ""avid reader""",0,0,5,1321056000,Cool product,"I love coffee that I buy locally and this product allows me to use it in my Keurig brewer. Getting the lid on is a little challenging, but the end result is worth it. This is the coolest find of mine this year!!" 6991,B004K30HO2,A3D6I7YCMJFOWP,Maryann Miller,0,0,3,1320796800,"Good concept, but....","Nice i
??eaea.a...??tot???rereaeateatet???????fif?llllil??g g??upu?s s f ????tht?oso?se se???ho ho?owo?????ururir??g Bg BrB??????s bs ?utu? w wa w?ntn?????usu??se tse th?eieiri??ow???bab????????ffffefeeee,e?? or o?r tr ththothos?e ?whwhowho o do ??o no ?oto????????o o io inincin???? th t??????h h c co?stst ??? p ?ur??hah?sis??g g pg ???-m-?????brbre??ining??? cup cu??? T ????idi??????, ?ono?e e te tat?kek????a pa ?lal????c c??? cup, cup, ???tsts ??in in?? the th??prprepre-e?-mo-m????????????, ?adaddad?s ????'s's ?s ows o?? c co cof co?ffeffee??grg?ouo??ds??, c, clclol?oseosesose?s ts ???? cu? cup cup??itith?? th the the the l lilidli?d ad anandand ???thenthen n pn popopo???? the the the c the ??? i in intntont????the the bthe br???werwe????????sisinsi????? i?t ?ata??t tht t???????. . H ???eve????......t.?the????as??ic? o?n n tn ththethe ??cup??????????it it???limlimsm????sus??ch ch?? tha th?? i if if f of ?one???us???s ??????harha?????????? t?????lidlid,lid?, t, ???????tirti create self-filling cups for those who own Keurig Brewers but want to use their own bagged coffee, or those who do not want to incur the high cost of purchasing pre-made brewing cups. The idea is, one takes a plastic cup, puts in the pre-molded filter, adds one's own coffee grounds, closes the cup with the lid and then pops the cup into the brewer, disposing of it at the end. However...the plastic on the cups is a bit flimsy, such that if one pushes too hard down on the lid, the entir
????upu????llllal??ses??? a ?ccccoc?rdr??ono??sts????...?..a..??oto??ere? d drd???babac?? i ?s s??thathata?? th t?? l lil?dsd?????nonotno?t ft ???t st ??ugu?lyly y?wiwitithit?ouo?t ???rerefefuf?l l???anean???ererier????, s, ?o ???thattha?t it it? c ca can? t?????lolon??er???????on?e ?mim?ghg?t t et ??pepecectc?t tt tot?o co clclo??se se???????ps?.......???es??????o po ?????lemle??s ds des def?eae??in?? t?? the the p ??????se ????????st????????h h??s ??basba?ic?ala?????the???ririmima?????dvdvav?antan?aga???of? K KeK??ri????rerewre????s is ?? t? the??fifirfi???? pl p????e. e. ???not?he?r ?????ntnta??ge ??of of tof ?????brebr?we????is is? th????lac????of of aof ???es??s, s,? wh whi wh???h th ththe?se??cu?cupscup???alsalsoso so d??o no ??not not? ad addd??es?ess ess? we w???..? ??cofco???e ???efteft t t??????itheith??er der ?dridr??p dp ??wnw???? o on on ????p op ??of t??he he lhe ?lidlid d f ????lowlowi??ng ng b br?
e cup collapses, accordion style...another drawback is that the lids do not fit snugly without careful maneuvering, so that it can take longer than one might expect to close the cups...these two problems defeating the purpose of ""fast"" which is basically the primary advantage of Keurig brewers in the first place. Another advantage of the brewer is the lack of a mess, which these cups also do not address well....there is always coffee left to either drip down or on top of the lid following bre
????g g????chch h r rer?quq?irire???clclel??nunupup p??f f?ththehe e c cu cupup up h ????erer.r.....??rar????d d i ?t t i???non?t ?mam????? cl c?lealean?-u-?up,up???utu??nen?vev?erter????lesle???.....?? A AnAndnd d fd ?ininain?lll??, ??thethe the???oteotene???al??????????e e oe ?of of? co c?stst t st ??viv?ingingsg???..t..ththethe ?cucup??s as ?ppp???r r tr tot? b?????lalatati??velvely?? in inenexnexpx?penpensn?ivi????bu?t ????d id ?in in? th thehe he?? cos costst st???f sf ?hi?pp??ing? a an a?? h ha h?andan?lil??ing,ing?, w, ???ichich h ih ???sos???e $e ??? on o? t?opo??ofof ??the?????tut??redre?d pd prp???????bob??ut ut?5050%0% % m ????),), , a, ??and and? th???????cu???????????????ses?s.s..s...s...t.?ryr? p????chach?asiasininging ing ming ?ulultl?tipti??le le???ckc???es???? r re r??ucu???sh????ppinppingng ng?? cos?t.t?...??no no??o,o, ??he?he che ?om?pap??y ??usu??st dst ??ouboublb?les?? th? the the?? cos? cost cost? of???shi?ppppippinppingppin??onone? p??ck?ag?age;age??er????, i, ifif ?yoy?? w we w????????aya?y oy or
wing which requires cleanup of the cup holder...granted it is not major clean-up, but nevertheless... And finally, the potential advantage of cost savings...the cups appear to be relatively inexpensive, but add in the cost of shipping and handling, which is some $6 on top of the featured price (about 50% more), and the per cup price increases...try purchasing multiple packages to reduce shipping go, the company just doubles the cost of shipping one package; ergo, if you were to say or
d??r r 1 ??0 0?cucupu????yoy???????? p pap?? m ?oro?e e???ana??3030 0 d0 ?olollllal??? a ??d d ad a a t th t????????ldld ld b beb?e se ??hiphi????? a an andnd d hd ?hanhandndlndlil?inging.g???InI???ddddid???????o o????e oe ototh?????roroboblb?eme???wiw?ithith h??? the the?de????n,n??it? m mo m?oreor??e ore o??le?sss??dedefde?eae?tst????the the?????oso??. . . ?LaL??gege ???ckc????????? th?? the p the ???-m-mam???????s ?cac?? b be b?e pe pue p?urcurchcha???d ???or or n nen??rlrlyl?y ty ththethe the sthe sasama????er????d ??osostos?. . ??ou???d nd ??????co???menmend? t???sese,se, ?unu?ti?? t th????comcompcom?panpa????owowewer????shish?ppppippin?ing ing??osost?s,s, s,?imimpm??ovo?eses ???esies?ignig?n, n, o or????othoth.h?. ?YoY???re? b be bet be?tet??er oer ???f jf ?????????ing ing ting th?the ???shsh sh?fifili???r ??podpod pod t???? c?????????ith ith??ou?r r br ??rewre???, , a, ??and and??simsi?mplmplyly ly???insin?sinsi?? i???ououtou???.s.???????imeim??????olvol?vedve??, l, ?leslessless ?s cos c?
der 100 cups, you would pay more than 30 dollars and a third would be shipping and handling. In addition to the other problems with the design, it more or less defeats the purpose. Large packages of the pre-made pods can be purchased for nearly the same per-pod cost. Would not recommend these, until the company lowers shipping costs, improves design, or both. You're better off just using the mesh filter pod that comes with your brewer, and simply rinsing it out...same time involved, less cos
?? a ??? l lolowowewerer r??nvn??ror????ententat?l l i ??pap?ctc???6696??2,2???????0H0HOH?2,??2V2VNV??PZPZ3Z?I2I???J7J??,B.,B????ergergug?sos??,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5?131?202060626???000000,???psp?? an a?? l li lidi??????d fd ?ili??er?s ???????,",????uru??hahasa?ede?d td ??e e?cucupcu??? l? lid li?? a? and an???il?teterte?s.s?. . ?ThT??y y??ororkr? e ex e??????y hy ??ow ow I I I eI exe?pepecect??? t ?theth?m m t?o o? wo w?orkor?. ??PePer?fef?ectec??y!?? T??he he? li? lids lid?????nd cnd ?cupcupscup?s cs ??an an b beb???????????e te ?thathanan an oan ?oncon??????????filfiltltelt????unu?fof??????te??ly ly??anannan?otot.???I I aI ?m ?gog????? to to to??e ??loolooko?ininging g ig in? t??????tu??e ?e foe foror or???upsup???thathatthat ?hahavha?e ???he he f?il???ers?????tacta?????lil????in???the??reregregugulgulalara??prp??fi?fillfil??ed ed ked ?-k-??? ??VeV?eryer?y gy ???d ??propr?oduoducuctct ct?????ghg?????69969939?,B??00400?4K34K3030H30?HO2HO2,?2,A22,A262????X4X?????9494,4,J,?????? F?ririei?
t and lower environmental impact." 6992,B004K30HO2,A2VNHPZ3I2AYJ7,B. Ferguson,0,0,5,1320624000,cups and lids and filters oh my!,"I purchased the cups, lids and filters. They work exactly how I expected them to work. Perfectly! The lids and cups can be used more than once. The filters unfortunately cannot. I am going to be looking in the future for cups that have the filters attached like in the regular prefilled k-kups. Very good product though!" 6993,B004K30HO2,A26ZVOX4W2A394,Janice Frien
dd,d,0,0,0,0?,5,?,1,???????????GrG??atat t?prp????????I I w ??s s??ere?? p pl plel?easeases??????h h?th?esese?????pop????????-c-?upu???? I ???reare??d od ?th??? p pe peoeopo???s s cs ??mmm????s ???atat at t?heh? l ??????rere re h ??ardar??tot??gegetet ?ono????? f ????d ?d thd t???t tt ?rurueu?e ae ?at ?fif??sts????tit?????juj??? u us?ed? o ?oneon?e fe fi?ngn??r r ar anandnd nd p pr pre?sssse?d ??d thed th?m m o?n n i inin n tn ?thethe the?cecenenten?? I hI ???ard? a ?? cl clilicli?? a????th??y ????e ????dyd?y ty ?to to? go g?. ???? wi?llll ?????er er a? l la l?????? am a???nt? n ?exe???t tit timi?me me t?o ??savsa?ve ve o? on on?shshihipippp?in?g.g??. T. ThThehe he??otot ot c??oco???at??e Ke ???upupsup?s ps pr????ll?ed??ar?????rrr?ibibl??????t ?t tht the?se?se fse ?fil?leledled d wd ????h yh ??ourour r or ?wnw?????co??at?????? a??re re vre ?verve??? go??????696???,B,??00400?????O2O?,A,?????N0N070???HEH??J,J?FrFre?de?ri?????,0,0,0,
d,0,0,5,1320624000,Great product,"I was very pleased with these disposable k-cups. I read other peoples comments that the lids are hard to get on. I found that true at first until I just used one finger and pressed them on in the center. I heard a click and they were ready to go. I will order a larger amount next time to save on shipping. The hot chocolate K-cups prefilled are terrible, but these filled with your own chocolate mix are very good." 6994,B004K30HO2,A2KVZN07VPHE7J,Frederick,0,0
????131323202060626242?000?00,00,D,??sps????blblel???-C-???s s?fof?? K Ke K?uru?igi???????rsrs,s???rereare????rorodo????t -t - -??ro????t ??t t ft fo???a a???ftft t at anandnd d w ?ilillll l????bub??iningn????mem??momororeor?e fe ??for for?me?. . U UsU???? fr f?rieri????y y??ro?????? e eaeasa?y y ty ?o o?ususese se a ??d ??or?ksk???witwithth h??nyn???cucup? m?acachchihin??""?696999?5,???00400??303???2,2?AUA??SIS??????????,"d,"????ithith ?"""?DeD??e""e"?"","",0,?,0?,4,4,4???????767606?????ea???to? h ??veve ??????and??ThTheh?se????illil?l yl yoyouo?ur ur o ??n ?K-?cu???? ar a?????rea?????o ho hahavha?ve ve? an?d ????e we wiwit?h ?a ???ststotomto??????eeee ee?th??? d ?oeoes????t ct ?comco?? i ??? th the? K?-c-??cup cup v ?arari??tyt?. ? T ThTheTheye?y ay ararear???isispispo?sa???e ??and? y ?youyo????????illill ill????ververarala?l al an???ha??????eme?m rm ???dyd?y. y. ?I I??lsl??????nknk k?? h?er?babal????ea ea t? tha th?????bubuybu
,5,1320624000,Disposable K-Cups for Keurig Brewers,"Great product - brought it for a gift and will be buying some more for me. User friendly product, easy to use and works with any kcup machine" 6995,B004K30HO2,AU8SIFTVAR0TD,"dsmith ""Dee""",0,0,4,1320537600,Great to have on hand,These fill your own K-cups are great to have and use with a custom coffee that doesn't come in the K-cup variety. They are disposable and you can fill several and have them ready. I also drink a herbal tea that I buy
? i ini? b bub??? a ?????owow w?? c ??an an??akakeke e? it i????tht? m??????rir?g.g. .??WoW???d d dd dedefe??iniin???????buybu??aga?aia?? t ?o o?hah?vev??onon n hn ??nd?..??999???B0B??4K4??0H0HOH?2,2??????WNW??TNTNNN?ZUZ????znznanapaphp??ododid?iteite,ite??,0??4,4??323202030363?484?00?,G,???atat ?fof?r r?usu???? y ?ou?r ?owownown n cn coc?ffffef?????I ???cecenentn??? w we wenenten??to? H ?awawaw??i i? an a????ouougoughg?t ???onsons s??of of? co cofoffoffe???. I. ?t t wt wawaswa?s ss ???h ?a a p ?aiainai?n tn toto to uto us?e ?th?e ????K-K???p p a at attttat?ch????ent ent??????e e Ke KeKeueururi???ma??chich???e be beb?ca???use use???d ?hahavha??? to to ?dudumumpm????? ou o?????????washwas??it?????erer er?eve?ververyr???use?. ?DiDisisps?oso??KuKupKu?s s as ??????grgre??? a??????natnatitiviveve ?an?and and???orkor?k wk wow?ondon?derde?????ly ly wly ??thth th?? my my??ac??inine??? It I?'s'?s ns ?nowno??susupsu?er????sysy ?foforfor ?me? t to??????mym???????????ee!ee! ?ThThe?
in bulk and now I can make it with my Kuerig. Would definitely buy again to have on hand. 6996,B004K30HO2,A3UBRWNBTNNZUS,aznaphrodite,0,0,4,1320364800,Great for using your own coffee!,"I recently went to Hawaii and bought tons of coffee. It was such a pain to use the My K-Cup attachment on the Keurig machine because I'd have to dump it out and wash it after every use. DisposaKups are a great alternative and work wonderfully with my machine! It's now super easy for me to use my own coffee! The
?ono??? d ?rar????ckcksk? I I I h ?ava???????d d i ??s ts ththa?? y yoy???rer???lyly ly? ha h????tot? f??ll? t ??e ?fifil??erer r a ?????heh?e we ?aya?y uy ?p p t to t??gegete?t gt ?ooo?????avavoav?r.r? I It I??lel?eakeaksks ks?? l ????lele le??????????the the??????ded?e oe ofo??? the th????up up? is is s as ?? bi b??it wit ?????ftf?terte?r ur ?si??g.g. . L. ?asa??tlytl?????te?????????s ths t????ghgh h? it it t at a ??bitbit ??lol????r tr ???? n ?orormor??al al???cucupcu??s ss ?so so??re?wiw?ngng ng?? a c a ?cup?? ta t?kek?s ?s a s a???t t l?onongon?gerge??r thr t?????nornormrmamalma???I I wI wowou?ldld d sd ???illill ???gh?????recre??mmmmem??nd nd t th??? t to? a an anyn?yonyo?e ?e whe w??o wo wa???? t to to ?us????????r or ow?n n cn ??ffffef?e ???ithit?h th ?thetheitheirir ir K?????? m???????????999??????4K4??0H0????A2A????9F9FUFUBU?SLS?424??????ananean??141? " ?"d?ia??nelne??4"4"""""""",",0,?????,1,??202?191929???00,00?didisdi?????a ka kuk????fo?r ?ke???ig???cof?
only drawbacks I have found is that you really have to fill the filter all the way up to get good flavor. It leaks a little bit so the outside of the cup is a bit wet after using. Lastly, water moves through it a bit slower than normal K-cups so brewing a cup takes a bit longer than normal. I would still highly recommend this to anyone who wants to use their own coffee with their Keurig machine!" 6997,B004K30HO2,A2S9H9FUBSL42Y,"dianel14 ""dianel14""",0,0,5,1320192000,disposa kups for keurig coff
???????ere???I I l ????e te ththehe ??????- -?????ve???eve????eded d????s ???fofororere re a ana???sas?idid d td th??e se sa???e t?hihini??? ??avaviavin?? a a a? lo l???ofof f??ono?eye?????ing?? th theheshesese e ke kukup????696?989????040?K3K303?HOH??,A,A1A???UCU??050??XFXFFFFLFL,L?????rtr?iai?anean???,0,0,0????,1,??202?191?202002000????ispis?????upups??????KeK??rir??,","T"??hishis s ps ???????t it ???exe?aca??lyl??asas ???????be??. ??? u?sese se? my m?y Ky Ke???????rerewrewe????????? an andnd nd??owow w? I I a I amam m a ab a??????? us use us??mym?y cy chchoh??????? c coc?offoffef? ????ey?? ar are????mpm?lele le t???ususeus??????wowororkor??grg?reareatat.t. . ???he he???liliviveverve???frf??m m Lm LiL???iBi??y,y, , L ?LCL? o on on n?AmAma???on on??as??prpropromompmptmp???????ac??agagegeded ed???erfer???ctl????669699999999,9,B????4K34K???HO2HO2,?????898????RIRIZIZWZWQWQ,Q,J,?ososeos?phph h?G G E ?rbrbab???????????01010010505605606
ee makers,I love the cups - I have reviewed this before and said the same thing. Saving a lot of money using these kups. 6998,B004K30HO2,A113UCQ05WXFFL,mtmartianesq,0,0,5,1320192000,DisposaKups for Keurig,"This product is exactly as described. I use my Keurig Brewer daily and now I am able to use my choice of coffee. They are simple to use and work great. The delivery from LiquiBuy, LLC on Amazon was prompt and packaged perfectly." 6999,B004K30HO2,A10389F7LRIZWQ,Joseph G Erba,0,0,2,132010560
00,0?LiL??????o o???ghg??,",?ThT????iri?sts????ipi??ene?t ?? r rerececec???ede???f f? th t??s ??tet?m m??asas s gs grgre??t.t????ds?? fi fit??eae?asiasili???????s ???????shish???????? ei e???herher r? th the th?e le ?ididsid?s as ??? s?li?????? l la????r ?oro??tht???cucupu????rere re sre ?????????. Th. The??li??ds ??????xtxtrt??me?????????????getget t ot ??. ??????????s s ts ?tootoo ?ha??d d t??he he che cu?p p s?tatar?tsts ?s tos to ?bub???lele.le??. I'. I?ve? a aca???alallallyly ly sly ?stast????ed ed t to t?o uo usu???a a p pap?ir? o of of ??lilieli?erser?s ts to???????theth?e l???????!"!??707???,B,??????0H0?O2O????JCJCUC?Q5Q?????2R2??,","p,"????oto?te te?""""p"pipiapi?anoanototeote"e""?","?????5,5,15,131?202??191????0,c0,coc???venve????t,t,Tt,??ThisThi??s iss i?s ts ths the??sesecse?conco??????me me I ??'ve'v?e oe or????ed?ed ted ???? p pr p?ododud?????andand d Id ??I plI p?lanla?? to to to o?rdrderder???? thes the?se se? of?tetente??? T Th??? w??orkor?? pe p?
0,Lids too tight,"The first shipment I received of this item was great. Lids fit easily. This last shipment, either the lids are slightly larger or the cups are smaller. The lids are extremely hard to get on. If I press too hard the cup starts to buckle. I've actually started to use a pair of pliers to get the lids on!" 7000,B004K30HO2,A2JCUQ570DT2R5,"pianote ""pianote""",0,0,5,1320019200,convenient,This is the second time I've ordered this product and I plan to order these often. They work per
?fef??tlt?y y?????? a am am m a ab ablblel???????e e me ?y ????????e ?sps??eciec??lilit?y y cy ?ofo?fe?????espes?????lllly??whwheh?? I? r rur?n n on ??? o ofof of t th t?????efe?ilill?eded ????upu?s ?sosololdld d ad ?t ?re?tat?ilil il?ststo?reresre??7707??1,1?????K3K303?HOHO2O?,A,?3U3??9U9?HIHISI??0Y0YZY?X,X,S,??herhe???igi???,0??????191?676???0000,00??ererfr?fecfe?ct!ct? W ?????s as asas ??xpx????tedted,d?"T"ThT????prpropr???????or????? ex e???ctlctlyly ly aly as? a?dvd?erertertitisiseised??????????d ????verve??al al c ?cupcu?? i inin ???dvadv?ancan?e e we wiw?ithit? m ??? ow ownw??co?ff???e ae anandan?d wd ??as ?aba???e te ?to to????? th??m ?in? m?y ???????e ?juj??t t lt ?liklikeke ??????????????or or???o po pupuru??hah?asias???g, g, I? I r I ???ad ad? a a r??????? st s???tinti?g g????? t th? the the?li?d d cd ??meme e oe ?offof?? wh whe?n ??hehe he uhe ususeus??? wa was?as a??tetemte?ptp???g g tg to?to rto ?remremomovo?ve ve i???frf?omo???theth?e me mae m?ach?ininein?. ??ThiTh
fectly and I am able to use my favorite speciality coffees especially when I run out of the prefilled K-cups sold at retail stores. 7001,B004K30HO2,A3UK9UHISO0YZX,Sherizig,0,0,5,1319673600,Perfect! Works as expected,"This product worked exactly as advertised. I filled several cups in advance with my own coffee and was able to use them in my machine just like a K-Cup. Prior to purchasing, I read a review stating that the lid came off when the user was attempting to remove it from the machine. Thi
?s s w ??s ???????e e c ???e ??oror r?meme.e? T ThT?????d d??asas as???cuc?rer??????iti?t ft ???ctctitioiononen?d ????t ?li??e e te th?e ?mom?oreore e ee exe?pep?nsnsis???e pe ?rerefre??lll?????-C-CuCupu????? wi w??l l?????r ???????DiDisi??oso?aKa?up?s ?re??ululalara??y.y.".????020?,B,B0B?????0H0???2,A2,??PVP??PJP?WWW?1T1TPT?NKN?,w,wwwwcw?????????,5,5,5?131313?969676???00????g g??on?eyey y S SaS??verve??,",?Th?ese????cupcu??s as ??e ?????asasyas?y ty ??????e a??nd nd s sa savaveav?es es s?o ??ucuch???on???y cy ?omo??????d td ??? th t???st?or?ore ore b ??ugughghth???????????ou ou??an? u ??use use? wh whah????ver? c co c????????ou ?wawanwantn????d ????ve ve?as??????y fy ?lalavlavovor??s a???yoyouyou u? wa wan want?. ?. W. ?e ?e are are?? on o? o??? 9 9t9thth th? bo b?x x? of o?? th?es??e a??????ill??????ini??e ?????se??th????<b<brb?????<br<b???>T>ThTheThe The s?elell?er? i is? g ??reare?at at i?n ???regaregar??s ?to?
s was not the case for me. The lid was secure and it functioned just like the more expensive prefilled K-Cup. I will order these DisposaKups regularly." 7002,B004K30HO2,A2PVKPJWW1TPNK,wwchris,0,0,5,1319673600,Big Money Saver!,"These cups are so easy to use and saves so much money compared to the store bought Kups. You can use whatever coffee you want and have as many flavors as you want. We are on our 9th box of these and will continue to use them.<br /><br />The seller is great in regards to
?coc?ntn??ctct t a ??d d???ipi??????? T ThTheh?????t ?sh??ipmipmemene????????eded d jd jujusu??? a a?????lele ?ofo????ysy? a?ftf?erer r????bobouo??hth??ththehemhe??. L. LoL?ongon???efe????e te ??????dud?e ??datda?te"te?"" ""????stest??? wh w?henhen n t ??? o ?ordordederer er??asas as?pl????ed.ed??7?000??,B,?00?4K4???HOH???AHA?HBHB6B??Q0Q??ORO?ZGZ??"N"?anancancyc??L.L. . S. SmS??th? " ?""P""?up??ys?eeeeded"ed"""""""????,0,,0?????191?585?727202?00,00?,An,A??ththe???grg??atat ?ititeit????forfo?r Kr ?eue???g ????????? ?waw?as ??o o h hah???y ???o so ses?ee ee? th t?hatha??t sot s??meomeononeone e re ?rea?lilizi?eded ??thath?at at???e e Ke ?cucup???is is a? a p a ????ducdu?? i in i??? l lo l?? o?f ?hoh?omeomese??????heshesese se? di disispis???abablb?? K KcKcuKcup???mamaka?????in?g g gg ????nd? c co cof???ee ee aee a ????pl?e ?????? a?nd?nd end ?as?y y wy ?????o o eo enenjenjojoyo?y ay a a fa ?avavovororior???? co cof cofff??e,e, ,??eaea ea o?????t ?chc???colcolalatla??? be b??ververar?????
contact and shipping. The last shipment arrived just a couple of days after we bought them. Long before the ""due date"" listed when the order was placed." 7003,B004K30HO2,AHHB6AQ0TORZG,"Nancy L. Smith ""Puppyseed""",0,0,5,1319587200,Another great item for Keurig users,"I was so happy to see that someone realized that the Kcup is a product in a lot of homes. These disposable Kcups make using ground coffee a simple clean and easy way to enjoy a favorite coffee, tea or hot chocolate beverage ea
?sys??????????asa?? a a m ?????ana???seser???nd? a?m m? al alwl??ysys ?se?ararc??iningn? t tot?????d d t?????ewe???rorodo?ucu?tst??anandan??mamakakik??g ??ururer?e te tht?hatha??????????ccc?omo?menmend??th??e pe prpropr?????ts ts t?o ???????ststo?me?rsrs ?s ans a??nd snd ?????s ?th???t It I ????viv?????????,B,??004004K4?????2,2??????????FVF?ONO?5,5?FLFLAL?? R REREPE?ORO?TETERE?,0,????4,4,14,131?????44440400?,G,GoGooood??????"T"????? D ?is??ososas???psp?s as ars a?? " """?????????ts mts ??owow"w""? t???y ???servser????????ur?poposposese ????y wy ??ereer????tetene???d ?fofor??veverve?y y wy wey w?llll l???d d wd ???re re dre dedel??????ed ed??s ?pr???isiseiseded ??n n t???me me? an and and and? we welellel???acackc?aga?ed?ed aed ??ririv???ed ied ?in in????d ?co???iti?ioion?? I ?????d ?re?recorecom?me?mendmend ?toto to? al all al???ririeri?endendsds.s??"7"??050?5,B5,B0B00B004?K3?????,A?2X2??5E5EXE????SJSJ8J?8,8,"??nnnn n Hn H.H. . K. ?atatsat
sy I work as a merchandiser and am always searching to find the new products and making sure that I can reccomend the products to the customers and stores that I service" 7004,B004K30HO2,A2TQX6M4ZFVON5,FLA. REPORTER,0,0,4,1319414400,Good buy,"These DisposaKups are ""the cats meow"" they serve the purpose thy were intended for very well and were delivered as promised on time and well packaged arrived in good condition I would recommend to all friends." 7005,B004K30HO2,A2XZ5EXTQYSJ88,"Ann H. Kats
??????i i " ?"a"ana??iei?kak?t"t??","?0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4??313?909060????0,?ThT???????rkr?,","I"? h ?avaveve e te tht?he he r ??gug??ara? m ?y y?K K?cucupup p?acaccc??????y ???atat at??omomemes???????????KeKeueuru?????????yoyouyou u????e ??o o?ini??serse??t tt ?the?????cic?ala?? ho h??ded??r ar ?andan? f fif?????the??fi??????eae?achach h??imi??, ?ththe????????????? bo b??th ???ut.ut? I ??lilikikek?e te the t??sese se b be b?ecaecaua?se?se tse th?theythey ???e ??isi?spospos?abablb?????AnAndn?d Id ?I cI ?an?? fi f?????sevseve??alal al??t t ot ono??e te tie t?imeime ?????? hav ha?ve ve? th?eme??re??dyd?y iy ?? t th? the the r??frf?rigri?ereraeratatoator?? wh w??????wawan??t t?????. ?VeVereryer?y cy ?on?ve?ninienienentn?.".???0000600????004004K4K3K303???????KKKK7K???VFV??77?4,4,J4,JuJ???th???,0,0,0,0,?????31831?464??00000000,??????t pt ??ododuducu?t!t??Gr??eatea??vav??ueu??,"??????e ce ??????ororkor?????????WeWe e he ha???ve hve ?hadhad ????????????
uyoshi ""anniekat""",0,0,4,1319068800,These Work,"I have the regular my K cup accessory that comes with the Keurig, but you have to insert the special holder and fill the filter each time, then wash them both out. I like these because they are disposable. And I can fill several at one time and have them ready in the refrigerator when I want them. Very convenient." 7006,B004K30HO2,AXKK77PVFG774,Judith,0,0,5,1318464000,Great product! Great value!,"These cups work great! We have had a Keurig for
? a aba????? a a y yey??r r a??? u ususes??? a r a ????lll???lele e fe fifilfi?????cuc??. .?ItI?? s ?o o?te???ouousou??tot?o ro rerefre???? e eve??eryery y t ti timimeme ???ou ou w ????t at ? c cu?p p??? c??offoffefeee?. ?EsEspspep?ciciai?llllylly ??????m m??????????orkork!k? T ????se se c??upsup??ar????so so e?asasys???? u us u?se se ase ?andan?d pd peperpe??fecfectct t ft fof?or or m ?????ngn???whwhe????ou?????t ??wanwantnt nt a a ??uiu??? c?????? c????feefe?e. e.? Th Thehe he?lil?dsds s a?rere re are ?a la ??ttt???? to tou???? to to to g geg?????????metme?im?es? a an???tht??y ???t ?ststut??ck ck?in?????????p op ofp of f tf ?thethe e me mam????inein???oco?????ionio?alallallyl??? bu b??? st sti??ll ll m?uc??h lh ??ssss ??or??? th tha thanan an? th???e fie f??te?r ?r cur c?up up??e ??erereer??us?iningin? b be bef???????????? a? a b a babas?kek????l l rl ????y ?y aty a??ththe? b be beg begig?inninni??ng ng????f thf thehe he whe weweeweeke???and??? the?y y ay ary arere re rre re??dydy dy????gog???eacea?? m??orn
about a year and use a refillable filter cup. Its so tedious to refill every time you want a cup of coffee. Especially at 4am before work! These cups are so easy to use and perfect for mornings when you just want a quick cup of coffee. The lids are a little tough to get on sometimes and they get stuck in the top of the machines occasionally, but still much less work than the filter cup we were using before. We get a basketful ready at the beginning of the week and they are ready to go each morn