o?????????opo???? m ?ada??e oe ??ese?, ,??????ugughg??I I??elelil?eve???th??esees????e ??madmadede de?????ndn???. .????herhe????????knknonowo???????????oto? a?bobou?t ???kik???? te t??? B BuButu??th?? p ???cec?e ie ?s s a????out out??????lesle????thath?an an? th??t ???????????ropro??????mad?e e o????????cac?an'an't't ???gug?e ????th th t th tha???. (. (W(WeW????, I, I I cI coI c?oulouldld d a???guegu?e w??ithith ?????, ?bub?ut ut I?'m'??no??t a??dod?opeop??) T) ThThah??? wa w?y,y???e ?ca??n hn ?havha??? th??? be bes?t t t???????? the the the m the ?marmarkr???????ic??h ih ?? s ?ol?d d ld ?loolo?ses???, wi, w?ithithoith?out?????the pthe pap??? i??n tn ?????necneckc????????es? o of o??brb?????g ?????se se?? tea tea a w?itithith ith a a a t a ???ea bea ???l l???????ai??????JuJ???????rowro?w iw in???thethe ?ri?????????ntnt ????te????tu???? th?? the t the ??op op???apa?????????? the b the ??g,g, ????d td th?
o the European made ones, although I believe these are made in India. (where they know a whole lot about making tea) But the price is about 2/3 less than that of the European made ones. I can't argue with that. (Well, I could argue with that, but I'm not a dope) That way, we can have the best tea on the market, which is sold loose, without the pain in the neck features of brewing loose tea with a tea ball or strainer. Just throw in the right amount of tea, tuck the top flap into the bag, and tha
t?'s's s i ??. . Y ??? n ??w w????e e?? t ??aba?aga???f f??????faf?avoav???iteite ??????? B ??????????????whw?hatha??veverve????kek??????u hu ?hapha?pyp?? T ?hrh?????waw??? th t?e ??ea???lil??tlt????????y by ?bagbag g wg wh???? yo y?????e de ??ne? - ?????mem??????t at ??l.l????r /r ????r ?r />r /??'v'?ve ve?dedece??de?? t?o ??ete??tht?heshe??e oe ??? as a??????????ripri?tit???, ,??it?? a???????k k ak ?rrr????ngn??????????????????at????ay,ay, ?mym??fafamfa???y y cy ??? h??????????e ce ???s ?or?or por ???s ?s ofs o??teteate??ea??h ????? (T (???????????ororkorksks ??oror ????h)h),)?, a, ???d md ??yby???????w ????e ?e one o?n tn ????????????????re????nnn?in??g og ?outou???WeW??'ve'v?e be ??????si??ng ng????eseese ?e bae bag?s s f???or sor ?sevse????al al????th?????w,w?, a??? a??re re sre ?ti???? as as as? ha?pp?y ??witwithth th t? the??? as???
t's it. You now have a teabag of your favorite Kenyan Black tea (or whatever makes you happy) Throw away the neat little soggy bag when you're done - no mess at all.<br /><br />I've decided to get these on as a subscription, with a 6 pack arriving twice a year. That way, my family can have three cups or pots of tea each day (This size works for both), and maybe a few more on the weekend before running out. We've been using these bags for several months now, and are still as happy with them as we
????e e????n n t ??heyhe?????ivivev???????AmA?aza??n ?????? o ofo???erier??g g t?hehesheses??????, ,?? a??????re re? we w???? k ?keekeep???uyu????g tg ??eme?!"!???????B0B?0404N4??7I7IFIFQF?,A,?JWJWEW?545????????,j,????0,0?,0,,0??????757??????0,"0,?????????? L LoL???????eafea????a a Ba BaB???s, s, 1 ???-c-cocouounu?t t ( ????? o?f f 6f ??????he?? te tea? b??????oro???wewelwell???????????????????????uyiuy??? t???e pe pap?????? s????ma??keske?s ts ??is?? a a?gog???d vd ?ala??????????hah??t yt yoyou????re nre non??t tt ?????isis is tis ???????????????re??th????ar?????izi??? b be bete?te?r r??????fof?or or?? lar la?ge????otsots ??andan?d nd nonotno???sinsi?nglng?e ?cuc????"???999?????4N4NC4N?C7IC7???Q,AQ,????2I2???LRL??EIEIVI?,D,??ee ee??????,0????????11111???000000000,00?RiRisRi??i ????? Lo L??ooseoose ??ea?eaf eaf? Te T?????????????ke ke
were when they arrived. If Amazon keeps offering these bags, I am sure we'll keep buying them!" 2298,B004NC7IFQ,AJWE54AMD84Q7,joe,0,0,3,1347580800,"Rishi Tea Loose Leaf Tea Bags, 100-count (Pack of 6)","The tea bags work well with loose tea and buying the pack of six makes this a good value. But what you're not told is that the bags are the large size, better made for large pots and not single cups." 2299,B004NC7IFQ,A2KF2I3XLRUEIV,Dee Juric,0,0,5,1311120000,Rishi Tea Loose Leaf Tea Bags,I like
llolooo?ses??tet???anandn????te?? ha h?????? to t??????? o ououtu??????mem?tatalal l? ho hololdldedere?????ThThe?se????gsg???rer?e ie ?de??? a??????????t ??????kek???a pa popoto??????????a ???? o of o????ea ea a???? th?ene????????itit ?in?? th the? c co como??pospo?????le?? to?????????eded ??oror or?????ara??denden.n????000??B0B?00100?????DUD??A3A?SCS??T5T5G5????RAR?S,S?KaK?at at???reere????,1,???,1,1,,1,1,1,????090??202????KIKIMI??? f ????th??????cec??chcha?rgrgegeded!ed!!!???ShS??????????asa??shshohocho??ed????t tt th?? s ?kik?innin?y y sy ??zez???f ??thithisi??ititeit????? Th T????????fif??e e i????eses s ls ?lonlo?ng ng a as??I I?exexpx?ece????? b???auaus?use use?? tha th?at'at???s ths t???????e Ie ?????????? and and ????????????ut ut?????t ????e ane any????ggg????araroar??????thathan???????????encen??? a an? and and??????'s 's? a a B BIB???????
loose tea and hate having to clean out the metal holders. These bags are ideal as they let me make a pot or just a cup of tea and then throw it in the compost pile to be reused for my garden. 2300,B00176AIDU,A3SC3T5GGVLRAS,Kat Freeman,1,1,1,1329091200,SKIMPY for the price charged!! Shocked!,"Was shocked at the skinny size of this item!! They are five inches long as I expected, because that's the size I wanted and ordered, but can't be any bigger around than even a pencil and that's a BIG stret
???????????I'I'm'? s ???????sasapa???ini???????????????g g t tht??e ce ?coscosts??~~~???? a ??d ???ipi?ppipp???? W Wo Won?'t'???e ??rdr?derderi??g ???????aga??in?.<.<b<brb??/>/? ?OfO???ouo???????? do d???lil?kekeses es t????m om oko??, b, ???????ldl??'t't 't????? t th the th?m ?he??????????an?y ?memeae?????:(:?????ll? I? s se senend? t th? them the???aca?k?k? ??DoD?????knknonowo???f f if ?t't?s s w wo?rtrth?? th? the the???????????th??is is p ??inintin???BuButut ut? I ?wiw?illil??????re???mmm?????????m em eie??he???. B. Be. B????????f f tf ???? si s?zeze ??????ityity ??ndnd nd hnd hi?????ri??e ??omo??ara??d d td ?o o s so so ????any any o oto?the?r ???odo??ctc??s ts ??? ch c?ooo??se ?????! ???eee?p p??oo?kik??ing ing? is i???? a????????. :). :)<)????/>?? T ?he??????? B ?????????s's? p??ododuod?uctuc?ts ts??????derdereder?????????metmet t mt ????stastanandandadar?dsds.s. s.
ch!! WOW, I'm sure disappointed considering the cost ~~ $7 and shipping. Won't be ordering these again.<br /> Of course my dog likes them ok, but wouldn't call them her fav by any means. :( Will I send them back? Don't know if it's worth the hassle at this point. But I will NOT recommend them either. Because of the size quality and high price compared to so many other products to choose from! Keep looking is my advice. :)<br /> The other Beefeaters' products I ordered well met my standards.
????? o ???????s as ??????? ??hahata??????????d d????ini?g?g? ????uyu??? b ???warwa?????? f ??lll??in??? t ?thathat? t?rarapa?? bi b??? ti t??????????? H ???e'e's's 's???? p ????ucuctct t l lil?inkin??atat ???is? t ti??me:me:<:?<br<b??r />r /???<br <br?????<a<????refre??????tpt???/w/???????zoz?on.on??????????????t/t?B0B???????DUDU"DU?????efefe???er?s s Gs GrG??at???????? P ???khk?????RoR?ollol?s s ws wiw??th th??????????ckckek???Fi??????, , 5 ?-I-??chc??/a/?????? /> /><??r ????????? y ?????????ifi? y??ou ou????y ty ???s ??????ct????????aga???in ?""??BuyBuye?r r Br ?BewBewa?????????<br ????????>U>UPU??ATA????????2020101201?: : M???????lel?????g gg ????????????? n ??? t?oooo ??on??g ag ???er???? wr w???te te? th?isis ??revre?iei???......I.?I cI ?concontn??ctctect?d ?CuCusu??????????e e we ?witwi?th ?eve?en
This one was a DUD!! What's the old saying? Buyer beware? I fell into that trap big time!<br /> Here's the product link at this time:<br /><br /> <a href="""">Beefeaters Great Fillin Porkhide Rolls with Meaty Chicken Filling, 5-Inch</a><br /><br /> Wish you luck if you try this product...but again ""Buyer Beware!!""<br /><br />UPDATE 2.15.2012: My little dog got VERY SICK not too long after I wrote this review...I contacted Cust. Service with even
? m ???e e??????n n t ?? n non?? l ?iki???ththih?s s i ?tet?? a ?????heh??? re r???????????????????????????ata????? C ?usu??tomto?ere????re????? ? : :):) ) G ?re???????hah?ankank k?yoy???AmAmam???on.on??omo???? y yo y?????? T??RRR????C!C??""????1,1?B0B???7676A6AIA??U,U???APA?????5252Y2??CHC??ShS??lllleleyeyFey?????,5,????50500??000??00,00????umu?ptp?????!,!???y y Sy ?co?????h h T?????????nhn?????d hd ???s ??n ????outou?t 2t 2 2?hoh????, ,?????my??fif?????y y Py ?om?er??anianiai?an,an?, w, ??ho ho???uau???y y ty ????s s hs ?????????upu???t t ct chc????????, ?lol???????t! t! I ?????ptpt pt? my my ???om om????y ????r ar a a???w ?????s,??? but bu????? re?al???y ey ?????eded ed ied ?it!it????r /r ?><>??????AfA?????ab?????riricri????faf???????ppp??inging,g, ?grg?rea?reat reat??????ctc?????23023?2,2,B????939???ZSZ????S1S????
more reason to not like this item and they refunded my money!! How's that for Customer Care?? :) Great!! Thank you ~~ you are TERRIFIC!!" 2301,B00176AIDU,A1AP55BS52YMCH,ShelleyF,0,0,5,1350000000,Scrumptious!,"My Scottish Terrier inhaled hers in about 2 hours, but my finicky Pomeranian, who usually turns his nose up at chew toys, loved it! It kept my Pom busy for a few weeks, but he really enjoyed it!<br /><br />Affordable price, fast shopping, great product!" 2302,B007930DZS,AYS1G5BP
??LDL?????ututht?F,F,0,?,0?,5,5,????????????GoG?odo??StS?????? l ??veve e????s s f ??ososts??ngn?! !? I ??'s's ?sus?gag?????eee?????d Id ?I cI ???nonotot t??in??d id iti???? s ????resre?? ?????lll???????dedere?????????e ie ??????????uru???2232????????2Z2???F8F?,A,?181?RTR???9V9?I5I5B5???,F,??erner???unu?k,k,2,??,2,,2????242?111???00000??ChC?ararlar??ee ee?BeB??arsars,s?"A"AwA?esesosomo???????le???????? tr trereare?t ?fof????ouo????ava??oriorit?e ?pup???dod??. ? M ?y y t???????????es?e e je ?usu?????oveov???the??e.e???????ca??n un ????e the theh?m m f??or ?trt????????????welwe?ll ll? as as ?????st ast a a? tr????????he??y cy coc??e ???n an ?a va ?ar???????f f???????s.s. s. M My???up?s s ls ????? th t????ivive??r tr th????es??????or???sensenin????????s, s, t????ese ese??re???er?fef???t i??f tf ????y dy do???t t ht ?havha?ve ve? th? the the "
FLD75,RuthF,0,0,5,1348444800,Good Stuff,I love this frosting! It's sugar free and I cannot find it in stores. I will be ordering more in the future. 2303,B0002Z9BF8,A18RTEG9VI5BNY,Fern Funk,2,2,5,1241136000,Charlee Bears,"Awesome little snack treat for your favorite pup/dog. My two pekeingese just love these. You can use them for training as well as just a treat. They come in a variety of flavors. My pups like the liver the best. For senior dogs, these are perfect if they don't have the "
?"j"??w"w???popowo??r r o ??r tr ?eee?????ses??ana?ymy??oreor?? ?ThTheheye???rer?e ee ?asasys??tot??cacararrrryry ?????ouo??????????? y yo?????ogo? w ????eve??er er??????an?t t tt ?? f ?or? e ???mpm????ono?????????????ndn?? th the???neineigi?hbh????????. . ???heyhey ????e je jujusustus?t 3t ????lolor?iei?s s???chch ??so so y??????????????????????ry ry? ab a?boubo?t ???heihe???we?ig?????. A. AbA??solso????lyly ???coc?mmm????????esees?e te to??ev???????g ????nerne???2?303????000??????F8F8,8,A,?????URU?HVH???ONON6N??????????? D ?el??a,a??,1??5,5?,12,1??585??161?????????l l?gog?oodood ??bo??t ???viv?ngn????es?????rea?????to ???y py ??psp???Th?????ar?are are???????wiw?????my my?????? a??????r r t?he?he phe prprir????anandand ?????lo???eses es a???ie?ce??? th???????n'tn't t bt ??e be ?beabeat??????????re re????reat
"jaw"" power or teeth use anymore. They are easy to carry so you can treat your dog whenever you want to for example on a walk around the neighborhood. They are just 3 calories each so you don't have to worry about their weight. Absolutely recommend these to every dog owner!" 2304,B0002Z9BF8,A383XURHVF8ON6,Mrs. Kilo Delta,1,1,5,1245801600,I feel good about giving these treats to my pups,"These are a hit with my pups, and for the price and 3 calories a piece, they can't be beat! They're great
???????raraia????g g??in in a ?ddd?????????????ti???g tg ??emem m??ntn??o fo ???? p pu p?zzz??e e? to?ysy?? to to to??eee??? th thehemhe??oco???????? I ??????????????e ae a a?sts???????upuppupplp?y ?ofof f t??eseses??to? m ???yoy?????estes??? pup pup p dp dud???ing????????lil??pi??ng ng???s hs ?? h ??s ?ququiuititeit??? b ?????? a?nxn?????y ay ?????thethes?e ?e tre t???tst?s ts ???alalllly?? ta t??ke ke???s s ms ???d ??offof??of????the the??cacara?y y cy ??ipippippepere??ata??hih??? to toe to?????????<b??r /??FiFirirsr?st st? in?????diedi???????????at at f????r,r? s???????youyour??????????en????????e a?ll?er???? t to to ????????? thes the?se se?????????????oror or y yo???. . ???y dy ?dogdo??s as ararear??'t't 't?? all al???gi??, , n, ???or dor ?do do t????e e t?e tree tr?eat?s s gs gi??e ?e tue tumu???????blble???, ?so?? I' I?m m hm ?haphapphap?y!y! !????????ie?ntnt ??????is?????
for training in addition to putting them into food puzzle toys to keep them occupied. I also provide a steady supply of these to my youngest pup during nail clipping as he has quite a bit of anxiety and these treats totally take his mind off of the scary clipper at his toes.<br /><br />First ingredient is wheat flour, so if your dog happens to be allergic to wheat these won't work for you. My dogs aren't allergic, nor do these treats give tummy problems, so I'm happy! Ingredient list is shor
????tht??t't???ana??th?erer r p ??usus,s, , i, iti??s ?no?? a? l lol??? l li l??t ???? ar a????ici?iaiala????is????? t???><>?????>I>I I???????y y??upu?s ????h h?? the th?e le ?iv?er??flflalavavov??r ar ???d td ?????heheeeese?e/e???g g fg ?flaflav?????????????ini?ngsng??up?? a a b a bibit?????he? c?heheeheesesees?e/ee/?eggegg ?ononeon???eve????????l ??????????????yuyumu?!"!""?232?050?,B,???????BFBF8F??A2A?FWFWRWR5R5252M2??????O,O?ChC?rir???????RoRon???????1,1???5,?12123??272737??00????eae????owo????aloalor?iei???re??????or ?ovo?ververwr?eie???t ?dodogo??s os ?or ?????trtratraiain??inging ???ea??????<a<??hr?efe?="=""""h"??tpt??????ww.ww??mam?zoz???cocomo??????ror?dud????B0?00002002Z002Z9Z9BZ9?BF8BF?""?>A>??ll ll????uru?al? D ??????rea????????????ee??BeB?earear r -r ???CheChee???e &e ? E EgE?gg gg???????z z???se?????le?? ba bagag<g??a>a> > T Th T??
t, that's another plus, it's not a long list of artificial this and that.<br /><br />I give my pups both the liver flavor and the cheese/egg flavor to mix things up a bit. The cheese/egg ones even smell like cheese, yum!" 2305,B0002Z9BF8,A2FWR52M3CV4SO,Christine Ronkoski,1,1,5,1233273600,Great low calorie treat for overweight dogs or for training treats!,"<a href="""">All Natural Dog Treats by Charlee Bear - Cheese & Egg - 16 oz resealable bag</a> Thes
????rer???bsb????tet??? g ????t t??re???s s????? tr t???nin?????ndn????? u ?sese e we ??tht? o ovo?ere???igi???t dt ????. .???????? 4 ???ala????eses ?????????at,at????venve????? ov o??rw?eieigei???????? ca c?n ?fefeee?????????theth?y y ay ar?e ??etettt?????????atsat?s ts ??o,o??esespespe?cic??allally??in??? m ???ti?????g hg hoh????????????ereer??????do?dog dog??s s os ov???????ht??, o, ?th???????????????????? mu m????beb????ondonded??fuful??????????herhe?re re? is i?n'n't'????yty??ining?ing ming mym?y dy ?dogdogsdog?s ws ????? d ?do do? fo?r ????se???in????????ts,ts?, s, ???I'I'm'? v ve????????sesedse???itithit??????m fm ??r r mr mam????????sonso??? G ?REREAE?? P ?????????!!????303???B0B?00??Z9Z???8,8????P7P??2X2??KGKGUGUCUCRUC??S.S. ??????,0,?,0,0,,0???131??????808??,T,?hehe he?BeB??t ?????iniin???????eat??"M"???y doy dog
e are absolutely great treats for training and for use with overweight dogs. At only 4 calories per treat, even an overweight dog can feel like they are getting treats too, especially in a multi-dog household where one dog is overweight, others are not. Taste must be wonderful since there isn't anything my dogs won't do for these tiny treats, so I'm very pleased with them for many reasons! GREAT PRODUCTS!!!" 2306,B0002Z9BF8,A2ZP7F2XXKGUCR,S. Block,0,0,5,1330300800,The Best Training Treat,"My dog
'???????ded??????????????? ba b????e ???????eesee?se se??????gg?????vovoro???d Cd ?hah?rlr??? B ??ar?????? m mym? M ????esese?se pse ?upu???. .? I ???se????hehemhem m t toto o?rerewre??????imi??frf??? t?????etet-t???, ,????d h?e ?wiw?lll? d dod?o jo ??????bobouo?????yty????? i ????????owo?s ????s ?s trs t????t it ??s cs ?om????. . . ?? g??rea????????in?????d.d??. T. ????y ay ararear?e ae al????????????ouougou?????o go ????e o?ftf??n,n?, a, ??nd nd a?re????de??wiwitwith?? go g?odo?????re??ie???s.s. . . I. ????arrarryr?y ty ???m ????????oco???et et a?????? l ?litli??lel??guguyuy y ky ??epepsp?s as anan an??yey?e oe one on n???at???????et!et????303???B0B??00200??9B9??????A8A???6N6????????????Ma?th????????DlD??veverver"r??????,0,,0??????262???00000000,0,T0,??es????rere ?ama????ing????I ????ve ve????????rerea???????
's breeder sent home a baggie of cheese and egg flavored Charlie Bears for my Maltese puppy. I used them to reward him from the get-go, and he will do just about anything if he knows this treat is coming. A great training aid. They are also small enough to give often, and are made with good ingredients. I carry them in my pocket and my little guy keeps an eye on that pocket!" 2307,B0002Z9BF8,A1A8HM6N7FJZJ2,"M. Mathis ""GSDlover""",0,0,5,1272672000,These are amazing!,"I love these treats for
m?y y???? g ????ana???heh?????dsd?. . I ? t???nkn? t???ses????eae?tst? a ?????re??at at?fof?r r?evevev??????gege ge s??zez?e de ????? M MyM?????????sos?lul?????y gy gog??????y ????r tr ??????????? the they the?????e oe ???? 3 ? c ??lolor?ieies???erer er??????, , p, ??rfr???t t??or? t????iniin??????????????I ??alsal?? l ?lovlo????? the the t te t?xtx??re??ofo?? th???...?? y yoy?? c?an?? pu p??????????? yo y??r r pr ??ckckeketet ?wiw?th????????on? o of????lakla????? or o?r gr ??oso??s ss ???????????s ps ????ucuctct ct??lsl???????a ??simsi?plp???????iningingring?redre??ienientn?t lt ?????.....???ppp?pospose???tot??soso ??manmanyny ?oto??????dogdog dog????at?s ???out out t th the???????????????ononoon?ounou??e ??allal??? the? the i the ???????en????????????????????yoyouyou ??non????hahathat ????????re ???ttt????.".??232????B0B0000000200?Z9Z9B9
my two german shepherds. I think these treats are great for even large size dogs. My dogs absolutely go crazy for them, and they are only 3 calories per treat, perfect for training sessions. I also love the texture of them... you can put them in your pocket without a ton of flaking or gross smell. This product also has a simplified ingredient list... opposed to so many other dog treats out there. You can pronounce all the ingredients in the list and you know what they are getting." 2308,B0002Z9B
FF8F8,8????????L1L???6Y6????TBT??,0,??1,1??,1,12,1???727202?00???GrGrer??t t L ??w w???????? T TrT??ini????? Tr Tre???????????eee??BeB???? a ar?e ?sms?al?????? l ??w w cw ????orior???????yoy?u u???? u usu??e te tht?eme????????se? f ?or? t ??raira??????????e ue ??????hemhe??bob??? f??????????ardard ???????ngn???????, s, ???y,y, , d, ?ror???itit,it????avavev????? a?????ehe??vivioi?oraoral????rai????g ????o bo ?ar?k)k???? Th T???'r'?????????ininkin?? o or?or mor ???ssyss?y, y,??????????????????????????youryou?? po poco?kekete??? pu p???e,e??oror ?ca??r wr ????ououtou?????ryry.y?. . W. ?? k kekeeke?p ??? sm s?malma?l ???????????? ca car? f? for for ???????l tl ??????infin?forforcr?????henhen ??ourour ?pu?ppp?y y dy ?oeo??????babarba?????t pt pep?op?le??????in?ing ing b ?y,y, ??nen???? t th???do?or?or tor ?to to?????fofor??????hen?
F8,A29JUMRL1US6YP,HTBK,0,1,5,1278720000,Great Low Calorie Training Treats,"Charlee Bears are small and low calorie, so you can use them en masse for training. We use them both for standard training (sit, stay, drop it, leave it) and behavioral training (no bark). They're not stinky or messy, so you can put them in your pocket, purse, or car without worry. We keep a small bag in the car for travel to reinforce when our puppy doesn't bark at people walking by, one by the door to reinforce when
??????oeoese???o o t??? b ??ththrh??omom m o ?utu?sis???, ,?ana??? a a b bu bunu??h h o of o?????at?s ??? a a ??rereare?????g g f fof?r r?? tra travavev????brbr ??><><b<br<br ???ThT???ono?e ?dod?wnwnsn??de?? to t?????eseese e ie isis ????at at bat beb??auausu???ththe?y'y?????????s ???ininkin??, ?itit t ct ???n bn ?????rdr????????????he?m m tm ??to gto ??t ??ou???????s ??????ti??on on?ifi??????????e ??s ???istis????????????????at tat ththe? d ??? p pap?arkar? o?r ?ifif if y ??u u? ha hav??????????h oh ?f f vf ???ititoit????? O OuO???????k ??????et et? ar a???undun??????????s ths tha???????????omomeom?e se ?????? t tr???????n n tn ??the ????????????it???th?thesthe???, a, ?andan?????????????ke ke????so?meme e oe ?of of?????e sce s?en?????e e ue ??use use??? h hr h???="="""?hth?????/w/??ww.ww???????????????????ucu??/B/???00200?DGD??????>P>?ro?
she goes to the bathroom outside, and a bunch of treats in a treat bag for travel.<br /><br />The one downside to these is that because they're not as stinky, it can be harder to use them to get your dog's attention if he or she is distracted, like at the dog park or if you have a bunch of visitors. Our trick to get around this is that we put some stinky treats in the treat bag with these, and they'll take on some of the scent (We use <a href="""">Pro-
??rer??t t?BeB??????vev?????re???e e?DrDrir??d d??ogog g T ??ea????????????e<e????).).<.<b<brb????????????????? l ??vevesve? a ??? f ?lalavavovoro??????303?9,9,B,?000?00200??????,A,A2A2J2?????CJC??1D1?LNLN,N????????CoC??? " ??SUS??MEM??BUB??????????????2,2?121???00??000?????????TreaTre?atsat?s,"s,???e ??re?atats??wewer?e ??????????????mpm???????isi???heheyhe?y wy ???? s ??malma??? ab abob????th???sisizi?ze ze?ofo??????fef????er?????chch h???ded??iti??hah?rdrd d td ??????e e te the t?????to to????mem?ediediui??m sm ????ze dze ?dogdo??asas ?a a ta ???? ???????i i n ??t ?t dot d????????????ckc?????e she s???????e e le ?????????????oyo?y oy ?or ????????dogdogsdog?s."s."?23?????B00B0???????M,M????747??8Z8??FMFMSM?????unsun???nene,ne???,0,?????????646?0000,00????lowlow w??????ar?d,d???? m?ucu
Treat Beef Liver, Freeze Dried Dog Treats, 21 Ounce</a>).<br /><br />Our dog loves all flavors." 2309,B0002Z9BF8,A2JCKLHCJI1DLN,"L. A. Cook ""SUMMERBUDDY45""",0,4,2,1242000000,Dog Treats,"The treats were ok,my main complaint is they were small about the size of a lifesaver.Which made it hard to give them to my medium size dog as a treat.One treat just di not do it.This package should be labeled for toy or small dogs." 2310,B0001VWE0M,AQM74O8Z4FMS0,Sunshine,0,0,2,1127606400,Below standard,Too muc
?? o ?????? w ?hih?tete e pe ???h h oh ono?????s s???ana???????l l?mamakakik?ng?? th???e pre p?odo??ctc? o ov o??????????????????ili?????g g? th?? r ??ala?????????ststete te??f f tf th?????ranra?ngenge ?zez???..??313??????323???WGW??,A,?1I1?7X7????GAG?020?I7?,R,???nener???????5,55,?????565?575???00,00??arara??thoth?? R Ru??nnenn?er,er,Ier,???? a a a???ddd?lele ?aga?gedged ??un?ne?r ??andand and???kek??th??????????y cy ????enentntrt?????e toe t?????????????covco??ryry ry? ti t?????etetwt???n ??on?g g rg ?????. .??ThT?his??????????ttt?ter? t???? I ?????????????d id ??? al a?????tut?ra?l.l. . . ????terter ter eter ???ch ch l lolonlo?ng ???n ????ak???e a e a c co???le?? ta??le??????s s ws ?it?ith ith? my???at???ada????nd?????mum?scs???? r??????????????r ?????????????tetedted ???th?????????kinking??it??. ???I lI ?lovlo???
h of the white pith on this orange peel making the product overly bitter and diluting the real good taste of the orange zest. 2311,B0032JKWGI,A1I7XZ4AGA02I7,Runner,15,15,5,1335657600,Marathon Runner,I am a middle aged runner and take this cherry concentrate to help my recovery time between long races. This works better than Ibuprofen and is all natural. After each long run I take a couple tablespoons with my Gatorade and my muscles recover quicker (I experimented with not taking it). I love t
?hih?s s???????????2,2???030???KWK??I,I???AKAKEK??3C3?4B4??????JaJ???s ???omomam?????,1???????343?888??000000000,00,G,GoG?odo? S StS??????JuJ??cec???ononsn?enentn???????is is????y y??oo??. .?I I??ikikek???t t?asas as m ??chc???????e ?TaT??t ??is ?????? a an a?d ?wiw?th???theth????????????eae?????? i ?is is cis co??????eraer??lyl???chech?????????????????ubu?scs???????nd? s??? T. Th??is ?wiwilwi?l l?be????????plp??e te tat?artar??ch??rrr?????uicui????rorom??????????""?2?31?3,3????3232J32?JKWJKWG?????????????????????nnn?ieie e Se S,S?????4,4?,13,133,13????3203200??????llllyll????ke?????,","I,"??hahavaveav?e re ?reare???? c??upu?????f f t???? st s??did??s s os ?on on?????e ane a?ntint?????????matma?oro?ry ??oto?????????? t ta tar?art art c???rr?y ??juiju???, ,?????be???????con??in?ce??d td th??at at???????
his stuff. 2312,B0032JKWGI,A3AKEN3C4BDXCU,James Thomas,16,17,5,1334880000,Good Stuff,"Juice consentrate is very good. I like it as much as the Tart is Smart and with the price increase it is considerably cheaper even with subscribe and save. This will be my staple tart cherry juice from now on.""" 2313,B0032JKWGI,A27OJMB4A0I8WG,Jeannie S,7,7,4,1339632000,Really like it.,"I have read a couple of the studies on the anti-inflammatory potential of tart cherry juice, and became convinced that it's wo
r??h h?a a???y y ( ???? a a 5 5757-7??????thlth?ete?e)e?. .??I I??ikikek?? th thihisis ????dud??????c c????????ele?????lsl?s es ???ct????hoh?w w m mamana?y y cy ??????eses ???tatab???sps?ooo?n n????eqe???????ntn??????sos??????????keke ke a??n in ???oro?mem?????hoihoici?es? a?s ??? h hohowho?w mw mum?uchuc????????, b, ???ed??on??? the??nun?????-o-?f-f???????? eq equ???al?ene????in??? the??????ie???I'I???????d.d. ????ca?n'n't't ??????????? th????accac?????y ??????? the l the ??????, b????I'?ve? n??o ro ?reare???on ??????oubou??t it ?????????e ge grg??wnwn ?to??????ke tke ??e ?flf???vorvor,r, ?es???cic????? m?ixixex???wiw??????????eleltel?????""???141???000????????,A,????????525???IAI??????9,9,1,101???,1?333353?????00?????reatreat ??for???????ingin? r?ececoec?ve???,I,I ?amam m t???in?????????
rth a try (as a 57-YO athlete). I like this product b/c the label tells exactly how many cherries a tablespoon is equivalent to, so I can make an informed choices as to how much I use, based on the number-of-cherry equivalents in the studies I've read. I can't vouch for the accuracy of the label, but I've no reason to doubt it. I've grown to like the flavor, especially mixed with lime seltzer!" 2314,B0032JKWGI,A2V2EKUQ5297IA,SJC,9,10,5,1335830400,Great for running recovery,I am training for a
???ala?? m mam?raratatht????? A ?????e e s ???artar??ofof ?mymy y????ini??ingin? I ? w ?asa????t tt ?takta???ing ing c ???????juj??cec???? As A?????incin???as???? my m???onongong ????????chch ch w??????? k knk????????d hd ?ipipsps s ws ?erereere e se soso o???? ?I I sI st?arartartearteded ed????????????s s cs ?chech?errer?????oncon?cencentn??????????eve???????????hehenhen n??????ve ve f ??????????y ???????. I????keke ????????iceic???eveev???y my ???????????? m???brb???akfak?as?????. It. I?t ht ??s ?s a s a?????ry sry ststrst?on?? f?lal??or? b bub??t mt ????????ellell l w?it?h h?apappp?lel?e oe ?or ?or??????????ce.ce??????? ha h??f ?f maf m?araar????n ??'m'??????????????s s ts th??????ekekeek???? an a?nd ?I ?????? re r?eadea?y y fy ????it? t??????s is ??????art art t? to to? th the th???????y ??uiuic??e he ?????ing?ing ring ??duducu?ce ce??? the the p pa????. ?. Th. Thihishi????
half marathon. At the start of my training I wasn't taking cherry juice. As I increased my long runs each week my knees and hips were so sore. I started to take this cherry concentrate and ever since then I have felt pretty good. I take the juice every morning with my breakfast. It has a very strong flavor but mixes well with apple or orange juice. The half marathon I'm running in is this weekend and I feel ready for it thanks in part to the cherry juice helping reduce the pain. This stu
??????rkr????????e.e..??????????????GIG???3L3?????CIC????K3K3,3??aya??or ????omombmbub??geg???6,6,6?,5,???????666????,Y,?????etet t y yo??ur ur????????? h ?????papaia?n n??ndn? n ???????s ?????n bn ????? ar a?msms ??ror?om om????in?chc??d ????ve?? at a?t tt ??e ????tot?om ??f f mf mym? n????????I sI sts???teteded ed???in??in?? t ?thith????????e te ththrthrer????onontn???????? w??hathat ??ililll????????????? a f a ??ur???????x x m mo m?onton?th th???coc??verve???? B ???aua???????do????r r? ha hasa?s ps ?????me me??on on????????te??rm rm a???i-i-i-???????????y ?me??ic??atiat??on,on? I I I a?? n??ot ot a????oweow???????takta???????????-c-co?ununt???????icicaicaticatit?ionio?s s ls ????ke Ake ?dvd?il? a????TyT?lel??olo????I ???????ay ay? th t?????akaki?ng?????la?ss????f tf th???s j??uicui?ce ce? ha?s s ts ???? sa sam??
ff works for me. 2315,B0032JKWGI,A3LZQZMCIZDXK3,Mayor Bloomburger,6,6,5,1345766400,You bet your life!,"I have pain and numbness down both arms from a pinched nerve at the bottom of my neck. I started drinking this juice three months into what will likely be a four to six month recovery. Because my doctor has put me on a long-term anti-inflammatory medication, I am not allowed to take over-the-counter medications like Advil and Tylenol. I can say that taking a glass of this juice has the same
ppap????kik???in????fff???t t?????akakikinki??g tg ??????viv? . ?I I??njn???????????assas??s ?????y ?- -??nen? i ?in in???e ??????ing? a??? o on o????t ??in???r.r?. . T ThT???? onl onlyl???????sis??e ?????????????? w whw?ici?? i???????llyll???thethe e oe ???ly ly p ???cec?essesse????sugsu??? I I I e????t dut d???????the????ay.ay?. ???e ??uiu?????????es es? go goooodod ??ndnd nd? th?e e qe ????iti??y oy ?f f??? the the??yryrur???? is is c ??onson?????????andan??????sasanantant.t.<.?brb??/>/????r /?????????ly?????'t'?t gt ????or???"m"?iri???le??? f ??????or???diediete??fafada???, b, ?utu??th??? j ???iceice ice????pl?y ?wo??????- t- ?thithisthi?s is ??is tis ??????al????????????wiwil?l l n ????cuc?ureur??papaipa??, ???? i????il?ill ill i?nhn?hibhi?itit it? in??lalamla??at??onon on a???????il???atateat???fasfa???r ?he?al???ng ng? of of f af ar????
pain-killing effect as taking two Advil. I enjoy two glasses a day - one in the morning and one at dinner. The only down-side is the sugar, which is really the only processed sugar I eat during the day. The juice tastes good and the quality of the syrup is consistent and pleasant.<br /><br />I usually don't go for ""miracle"" foods or diet fads, but this juice simply works - this is the real deal. It will not cure pain, but it will inhibit inflammation and facilitate faster healing of arthri
?tit????sps??sms?s,s, s, a ?ndn????rar?ini?s.s????313161????????KWK??I,I????CYC?31?YAY???SBSB3B3,3?CaC??sas?????,6,?6,66,????????848?16??00,00??rur?lyl? c coc?ncn????ra???d d jd ??ici?ce,ce?"T"???is is?ju??iceic?????aca?tut????? c co c?oncon??ntntrnt????? a?? a?dvdvev???tistises??. .??? a??? t ?heh????juicjuice? c co??ncenc??tr?atateteste????f af ???????vov?? i? h ???e e te ?????????isis is ois ??e ?????theth?e me ???t t?? con???centcen?tratrattrate????an???? i e i exexpxpepece??eded ?th?the the o ??????s ts tot?????as? c?? conc??ent?ra?????bub?????theythe?y wy ?er???????ththi??. ????ueu?????arart????herherrrryr?y jy ju??????????? l lilikikeke ?frf?????????k k?? che ch????????? g????eraeralal,al, ?bu??????tmt???????y Ry ?TCT?J J h ha h??????the mthe ????e te tae tare ta????????fl?av??or!or??????7,7?,B0,B?????JKWJK??I,???Q3Q????P3P303?????????3,?3,3,43,???34?696???00
tis, spasms, and sprains." 2316,B0032JKWGI,A29CY31YA7HSB3,Cassandra,6,6,5,1340841600,Truly concentrated juice,"This juice is actually concentrated as advertised. Of all the juice concentrates of any flavor i have tried, this one is the most concentrated, and i expected the others to be as concentrated but they were all thin. I guess tart cherry juice tastes like fresh black cherries in general, but Montmorency RTCJ has the more tart best flavor!" 2317,B0032JKWGI,ALQ3QLLP30HLG,SRA,3,3,4,134697600
??,C,???????????n n o ??theth?er er????andan???TaT?ststetese????kek???????in?g g a a a??????? p pipiei?. .?I I p??rcr?chach????????s ?????mymy ?????her??????????ndn???????olo??d md mem?e ie ???wow?orkorksk???uiu??klk?y.y. . I. ??'s??????????????? t????helhe?p p? lo l?wew??er ber ??oooodo???????????. S. ???????ded????er?????t'?s ?????? s???rsr??bebece?auausu??? of of f t????hihighighgh h??riricricec?e.e.?232???,B,??030???KWK??I,I????????????KWLKWLOLO,O????go?ry???elelaelan??,3,????5,5?131???828????00,00???????ou???ta?rtr?t ct ???errer???cocononcncecence???ratra????veverve??ry bry ????????oo?d ???????????er?er ber brer bra?nd?? I' I???? tr tri??ed.ed??FaF?antan?tasta?stist???????? a an?d ?ea????tot????e.e. e. T ????s ss ?stust????cacanca??be????? a?ddddid???ivi?,9?,B0,B?00300??JK?WGWGIWG?I,AI,A1A????WJW??00??R5R??I,"I,?BrBri?an?a ????
0,Cheaper than other brands,Tastes like drinking a cherry pie. I purchased this for my mother's gout and she told me it works quickly. It's also supposed to help lower blood pressure. Speedy delivery. It's not 5 stars because of the high price. 2318,B0032JKWGI,A3M9P66YDEKWLO,Gregory Delany,3,3,5,1342828800,Delicious tart cherry concentrate,Every bit as good as any other brand I've tried. Fantastic taste and easy to use. This stuff can become addictive. 2319,B0032JKWGI,A1QW0WJC002R5I,"Briana Clar
?? " ?????lylywy????","?2,2??????343?878????????el?????witwi?h h???re? j ?oio???s ???d d m ??scs???s,s,",?? a ?m m a a a??ono?g-g?did?sts??ancan?? r rur?????? an andnd nd???beb???? d ????er???????????k ok ??jej?????tot? t?????danda?????? an??d md ???knk??????????ct ct??o ??theth?e re ?????ing????I ???s ?hahavaviv??ing ing????lotlo? o?f f????ubu??????anaan?gigining?ing ming mymy my p ???in in a an???????? d???ngng ng??y ?acactac??vivitviti??????withwit?h ih ?bub?????enen n???lonlo????. I. ??????d ad ??ou????tarta??t ct ??????y jy ?uiu??ce ce?in??my????runnrun?????ing maing magagaag?ziz??e,e????? and I and I ?ded?eciec??dedded ?to??????e ie iti??? t tr????ftf?erer er? re r?ad???????????f ??the????thetherthe?r rr ?revre??ewe????er?e ??n n An ?????????????????r />r /????am am s??mpm????bl?????????y by ?y y ty ?the?the dthe ??????renrencncence!e! !??????odo??????ll????ea?
k ""Brelywi""",2,2,5,1348704000,Helps with sore joints and muscles,"I am a long-distance runner and a belly dancer. My back objects to the dancing and my knees object to the running. I was having a lot of trouble managing my pain and still doing my activities with ibuprofen alone. I read about tart cherry juice in my running magazine, and I decided to give it a try after reading some of the other reviews here on Amazon.<br /><br />I am simply blown away by the difference! My body really reac
t?? t ?? t th t??s s ss ?tutufufff?????? k knknen?e e???ini? h ???s ds ??isais?ppp???rer??, ,??ndn???????????nln?y ?huh??ts??????ingin???????? d???????ck? b be bene???????????????e-e?dadaya????lil????, t, ???. ??I ?cac?an an d? def defif?iniin?tet??ly ?te?ll? t?????difdi?ffeff??renre?cec???? d?ayaysay???heher??????oro??ete???o ?????e te ????! ! ?????an ??????? bo bon?usus,s????ha?veve ???????? m????kedked ?dedecde?rerea?sese e ie ?? h ho h????or????my my? mu m????ese??????, a, ?as as?wewelellel?????? wi w?ishish h I I I???d ????ardard d ad abd abob??????????ooo?oneon??!<!?brb? / />/><>??????????ll?ow??????t it ?it it s sa say???????????botbo?tlt?????????ce ce?????ce ????????. A. ??????st?, ?, I , I w????????t ut ?????? a a????lelesle????????????????ing ????ou???ofo??? the????????????????BSB????ozo?.).?, , w, ?????
ts to this stuff. My knee pain has disappeared, and my back only hurts during really deep back bends. I had same-day relief, too. I can definitely tell the difference on days where I forget to take this! As an added bonus, I have noted a marked decrease in how sore my muscles are, as well. I wish I had heard about this sooner!<br /><br />I follow what it says on the bottle, 1 once twice daily. At first, I was just using a tablespoon and licking it out of the tablespoon (2TBS=1 oz.), which
?? s ??ilillll l d ?? i ini???????orornr??ingingsg?, , b ????gog???????d ????s s? st s???f f???s ts ????? ???? f ??????????is?n'n?????oo oo? ba bada???????thinthi????oso???????cac?????????? ta tasast???????s as ?areare ????shs?oco?k.k???Th?e ?sesecse?onondon?d od ?oneon???eaeala??y y gy geg??s ?mem??, t, ?thoth?ougou?????LaL????ly,ly, , I????????n n mn ?????ing ing? my my ??????????to to a ??cuc???????oraor???? j ??ici?ce ce a at a???in???????hih???? lo l?ookoo?????sgs??????? b??ut ut? ta???stesstes,??????????ingingling??ly, ly,?re???ly?? go g??d.d?????/>/?<b?r ???I ??????lly lly???????thithisthis ????oduod????co?????bab?ckck ck i in in ??totoctock???oo???, I, I , I d??on'on't't 't?????nk nk?I ????????go go w ???????ut iut ?? a???d Id ??m m h he h?????antan?t t?o ??wi?tct???to??????ffffeff?????t bt ???andand.??2232???,B,B0B?????KWKWGW??,A,A3A3I3?2222121R1????R5R??
I still do in the mornings, but good lord this stuff is tart! The first one isn't too bad, I think mostly because your taste buds are in shock. The second one really gets me, though! Lately, I've been mixing my ounce into a cup of orange juice at dinner, which looks disgusting but tastes, surprisingly, really good.<br /><br />I really hope this product comes back in stock soon, I don't think I could go without it and I'm hesitant to switch to a different brand." 2320,B0032JKWGI,A3I221R88AR539
,?????ylyl l?PrPrir?ncn????,2?,4,4,4,1,131343???787????,t,??rtr? c ??herhe??? c?ono??ene???????"G"GoG???, ,???? r ?eae??????lel???????ririnri?k.k. .????rorod?ucu?t ???at??isi????oodoo???forfor ??leleele??in??? an and??????????ioi?on.on??? w ?ili?l ?bub?y y???aia?? i if i? t ????????? s ?ta?ysy??????on?????????3232121,1?B0B???32J32???GIG????QJQJ5J?5J5??2F2?5E5E2E??,",??elela????D.D. . V. ??anoanovovev????"W"?????V1V??373???","?,2,,2,2,2,??5,5,1,13,13434134141????????xcx???llell??t,t?????????her?????????????????????? ta t?????ve??????er??????) )??<a<a a???refre??""???????????.a.??????on.con.???/g/??/p/????????????32J????GI"GI"""">""?CoC????????pop?????????ororeor??cycy ?ReRede?d Td ???t ??CheCh??????????ce Cce ?ConCo??ncennce?ntrntrantr??e ?34? o ?z.z.<.</<?????I lI ??keke ?????is pis ???????t, t,?? and and,???er?????,
,Cheryl Prince,2,2,4,1341878400,tart cherry concentrate,"Good, and reasonable for drink. A product that is good for sleeping and inflamation. I will buy again if the price stays reasonable." 2321,B0032JKWGI,A3QJ55JJ2F5E2P,"Delano D. Vanover ""WayneV1937""",2,2,5,1341446400,Excellent,"This cherry juice concentrate taste very cherry :-) <a href="""">Country Spoon Montmorency Red Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate 34 oz.</a> I like this product, and, perhaps,
????????orordr??r r t ththih?s s c chc?er?????uiu??? c co c??ce??trt?atatet??aga?aia?n.n??2??222????????KWKWGW?I,I?ALA?K6K????QTQ???????. . K KiK??d,d????,4,????????????,t,?asa?te???lil???e fe ?rerese?h h? ch c????iei??,T,???s s is ?is is v ???y ???odo???utu???????fef??? th the????????d cd ?chech????????????????s s ms mem????y ty tot??de???????th th???d d td ththeth?????cecen????????????'t'?t st ???m m??o ????????arar r ar ??? th???li?liquliqui?uid uid????cece.ce?????st? m mymy y py pr??fe?rerenre?ncenc???232?????00?32?32JK32J?KWGKW??,A?2R2??ZDZ??BVB??NSN?4545,5???ACA?H-H?98???3,?6,6?,14,14,????13413?22?242?00????oe?s ??OTOT T P PuP?ut ut m??e te to??slslel??p!p?!,!??????ugu????? b?oto????s ?ofof f t th???is Tis TaT?artar?t Ct ChC??herrherry???JuiJuic?? b??????e ?e the the???wew??e ??????er???thath?????RTR?????SMSMAMAR??. ???eyey y my ???y by ?e e pe ?proprovoviv?
I will order this cherry juice concentrate again." 2322,B0032JKWGI,ALK6RQLQTDZ59,J. Kidd,0,0,4,1349827200,tastes like fresh cherries,This is very good but I prefer the liquid cherry juice. Less messy to deal with and the concentrate doesn't seem to go as far as the liquid juice. Just my preference. 2323,B0032JKWGI,A2RIZD9BV8NS45,COACH-98133,6,14,2,1342224000,Does NOT Put me to sleep!!,"I bought 2 bottles of this Tart Cherry Juice because they were cheaper than TART IS SMART. They may be provid
i?ngn??tht?? A ?ntntit?????????????atat t????? s sas???bub?t ???????omo???ete?????????ledled d???e ie ?in in???lplpip?ingin?g tg tot?? sl sle????beb?ettet??? a ?at at??????. .?????etuetururnr???????oto??lele le t to t???????????wew??t t bt ?aca????? T TAT?RTR?? IS I??SMS???T.T. . I. ?????? t to???akakeke ?upu???-4-??????s s as ? n??ighight? &???ava????rorououbu?le?????ettiett?????ac???to????????. B. ??in?ing ?ne?ara?ly? 8 8080 0? & & r & ??ti??redred,d??? c???n sn slsle???????ifi? I? I c I chc???se????iti?? m??y Ty ??????rmrmumulu??, , I, I I gI ge??t tt tot t??slslesl?eepeep ????rl???ququiu???, , w, wa??ke ke??? 7 ????ourou???lalatla??????gegetget get? an anonotothot???t ?ho????or????o o ao ??????vivisi??????ing ting ??the the???????????ThT?isis is????duducuctc??mamayma???worwo?k ?????? be b?ett????fo?????? b?utut ut?? I f I ???ndn?d od ???????t ????ksks s fs fofor?????& ?wiw
ing the Anti Oxidents that they say but they completely failed me in helping to sleep better at night. I returned 1 bottle to Amazon & went back to TART IS SMART. I used to wake up 3-4 times a night & have trouble getting back to sleep. Being nearly 80 & retired, I can sleep in if I choose. With my TIS formula, I get to sleep fairly quick, wake up 7 hours later & get anothert hour or two after visiting the bathroom. This product may work much better for you but I found one that works for me & wi
?lll??????k k???thth h i it????rer????. .?I I??????tot??re?????????op??????? of of f? th t??????odo???????on??"??2?323?4,4??000?001001V1???0C0????????8Z8????S0S??????????,0,0,??0,20,?,1,111?272?606?????,B,Be,B??????tat??dad?rdr??ToT?????????f f tf th???whw????e pe ??ithith h o??????is is???????????? m??kik???????e p?????ct???ve??lyly y??it?teterte???andan?d dd did?????ngn???thethe the??eae???gog??d d td ?????e oe ?of of??? the the? or???????? d t?????lel?er"er""??,1,1,,1,1?,1,5,1,5,?131303???161???00,?MyM?y fy faf????????crcraracra????????????e ??an???gedge?d t?????indin?d t???esees??e cre c???????? in in ?oto?the??r cr ???untun???????n n on oun o???tr?avave?????ut????ad ad? ru run?? ou out????I lI ??ve??? tha th????????arare? i in ind in?????duadu???
ll stick with it forever. I hope to read YOUR opinion of this product soon?" 2324,B0001VWE0C,AQM74O8Z4FMS0,Sunshine,0,0,2,1127606400,Below standard,Too much of the white pith on this orange peel making the product overly bitter and diluting the real good taste of the orange zest. 2325,B0009FHDB0,A2QXVWSVEMB6D0,"Karen ""world traveler""",1,1,5,1303516800,My favorite crackers,"I have managed to find these crackers in other countries on our travels but had run out. I love that they are individually
??????eded d????lll??papacackc?????ini??a a s???y y????shs? c coc??ta??inein??. .????s ???ke??s ts ??eme? g ?re?atat t?????????????mym?y py ????????aka????????rkr? o ?? o?????rprplp?ananen?es es??oror ????????etetcet?. . A. ?lsl???lolovo?? t???? t???????e ??otot t ot ov????y ????????????ke ske ??????y ???er??????????d d cd ???ck?ererser????omompm??????thath????shish??ppepped??th?em????d ?a ????at??joj?? - ? f fa f?sts?t tt ?????????6,6???00???HDH????A2A?ITI??3O3?????????J.J. ?. Al. A??c c W ?esestes??0,0??,5,???343?929222?????,T,????beb?estest est t ta?????????rac???????????,","T"???? i is i??s ths t?? b be bes?est ???????????ac???er er I I'I?ve? e ev eve?? t???????. . I It It ?ma?y ?co?????es????in ??a Fa FiFili?????????or Aor ???????stostor?e ???? w???chch ?is??alallal????????nd?????d ???
wrapped small packets in a stay fresh container. This makes them great to carry in my purse, take to work or on airplanes for snacks etc. Also love that they are not overly salted like so many American brand crackers. Company that shipped them did a great job - fast too!" 2326,B0009FHDB0,A2ITY3O2UPJLN8,J. Alec West,0,0,5,1349222400,The best tasking crackers ever.,"This is the best tasting cracker I've ever tasted. It may cost less in a Filipino or Asian store ... which is all well and good unl
?ese?s s?????????t t????e e?clc??ses???? o ????(I(I I d???????? N ??tet????????heh????x x s sas?ysy?s 1s 1 1 p ???ndn???? o?unu?cec???- - b ???t t??he he d??escescrcriripi????? o???????s ps pap???????ys ys?"""?2828z8?"""" ""??whwha?tetevte?verve? a a a????z""z"?????????f f t th t?????eae??????ozoz,z,","""" ???'s'???ncnconc???ece???. . ???????a 3a ??????bo?x.x?. . I. ??????y cy ??????????? a???e e t?????indin???it it??ve??n cn ???apa????on??linli?e ????? t????prp???ce ce s???wnw??onon ?ththithisthis ?s pas p?ageag?????he??re?re? ? ??mamaza?onon ????rinri???). ). ?WhWheWh?ne?ve?ver ver? yo y??????y sy sts?ufu????likli?e ??e thie th???, b, ?????????o ??on?sisidi??er er? th???????ttt?tomtom m??in????"" p"" ????ce ce (ce ????dud???? pl p?usu??shs?ip?pip??????? an andnd nd??heheche?????or or????????atiat??????az?????pagpa????wh??ereer??itit'it???????peperper.r?. ?OnO??
ess you don't live close to one (I don't). Note that the box says 1 pound 14 ounces - but the description on this page says ""28z"" (whatever a ""z"" is). If they meant ""oz,"" it's incorrect. It's a 30oz. box. In any case, I was able to find it even cheaper online than the price shown on this page. Where? Amazon (grin). Whenever you buy stuff like this, be sure to consider the ""bottom line"" price (product plus shipping) - and check for alternative Amazon pages where it's cheaper. On t
h????pap??e,e, ,???'s'??????????oro?????0o0????oxox x w wiwitithit???rer????hi?ppppip??????????????????orordor?erer ??????? o?????????? B ????????hi?s s ps ?pagpa??:<:???r /r ??????????a ha ??refref=f="=??hth?tpt?:/:??wwwww???mam??onon.n???m/m/g/gpg?/p/????ucu?t/t?B0B??????????"">"">S>??? F ???????CRC??CKC????S 1S 1x1?858??G<G</<?a>a???????<b????>t>?hehe ???????30o30?? b bo b?? c co?stststs ???lyly y??9.9????+ +? $5 $?5.45.??? sh shihiphipphip??????..????? $1 $?4.4?4949 49 t?ototaot????ovo??? a a a??olo????r cr ??heahe??????thath??n on ?on on?? thi th?is ????????SoS??, b, bubuyu???ro?m m A ?ma?zo?n n .n ?????????otot ot f? fro fr???????s p?ag?e.e."e.""2?????B0????FHF???B0,B0??VHV??EYEYCYCUC???GOGOFO??ReRene????????131???585808???0,0,S0,SK????AK?ES?,T,???his his??????ctct ct??s ????????? sn snanaca???veverve??????ht???ndn???asa????ulu?
his page, it's $15.78 for a 30oz box with free shipping (if you total order is $25 or more). But on this page:<br /><br /><a href="""">SKY FLAKES CRACKERS 1x850G</a><br /><br />the same 30oz box costs only $9.00 + $5.49 shipping ... or $14.49 total, over a dollar cheaper than on this page. So, buy from Amazon ... but not from this page." 2327,B0009FHDB0,AVHOEYCURXGOF,Ren,0,0,5,1347580800,SKYFLAKES,This product is a quick snack very light and tasteful
wwiw?tht??ana?????rer?ada????????? l ???e e??it it???? T TaT?kekeske???p p?????lyly ?aya?????????f f????????e e oe ?f ?pap?ackac??tst?s as ?arear??plplalacaceac????n n y ?????????????????uaualalll?? w wrwrar??pep?? c?ra?????s ?mam??????it it sit ?stastay???????h fh fof?or or l lo l??????pe????dsd??2????,B,??00????????A3A?161???1W1??3U3????,J,?. ???reere???????????252?535393????0,0?????actac??ly ?whw?hatha?????????ed?, ,??plapl???? an andnd nd s??mpmplpleple"e","??????youyou u??ikikeike ??wew?eTe?TarTa?tsts ts? an?d ?yo??? wa w????th???? in i??? b ??????????t,t??th????????ucuctc??isis is? fo f??????. ?ThTheh?e Se Swe Swe???????????e ?e pee p????ctctlct?ly ly sly seseaealealeledle?????????????llllellen????conco?ndindit??ionion.n?. T????re re????re nre non??dod??????,9????000E000?????YE,YE??????W1W??K0K?5U5?W9W?9,"9,?C.C???akake??r "r ??????
with any spread or just like it is. Takes up hardly ay space if a couple of packets are placed in your bag. Individually wrapped crackers makes it stay fresh for longer periods. 2328,B000E5C1YE,A316CV1WH3U5C5,J. Greene,1,1,5,1255392000,"Exactly what I ordered, plain and simple","If you like SweeTarts and you want them in a bulk amount, this product is for you. The SweeTarts came perfectly sealed and in excellent condition. There are no downsides." 2329,B000E5C1YE,A1IL6W1NK05UW9,"C. Baker ""cbake
r???"","",2,2,2???????????686?0000,0,C,????sisici???????????ete??rtr?? e ??oko???s ns non????lglgig???mem?mom???????? g ???ngn?????????? c ?an??dy dy s ?stost???e ae ??????iniin???g fg ?oror or????? s?we??? a ?andand and sand ??????ha??kyk? t ta t???e ?????????clc???ssiss???cacanca?ndynd?? ??hihili?e ???'s'????????? ca c??andyand???it it?????as????y cy ??hewhe????le le a an a?nd nd??????leleale?asaas??t ?te?xtx???e e a?????tasta??e.e???YoY????ea?lll???y cay c??????go go?????ng ng? wi w?ithit? t???s ????????. T. ???????????????ckc? i is? i it i?t it ?is is?? har hard?? to to ????p p??t ???st??? one one e a?e ande an???efe??????ou???????? it it? yo y???vev????te????? e???iri??????????333?????????C1C?YEY???RGR???JTJ?X0X???SBS???omom m??,0,??0,0,50,?????2323923939?6060000,00?"M"MmMmmmm,m??FrF???h ?Ca?????,"?I I? ha??ve ve????ere???????esees?e a
r""",2,3,4,1212796800,Classic Candy,Sweetarts evokes nostalgic memories of going into the candy store and pining for that sweet and sour chalky taste of this classic candy. While it's a hard candy it is easily chewable and has pleasant texture and taste. You really can't go wrong with this candy. The only drawback is it is hard to stop at just one and before you know it you've eaten an entire roll. 2330,B000E5C1YE,ARGN1JTX00MSB,Tom N,0,0,5,1302393600,"Mmm, Fresh Candy","I have ordered these a
???ouo???e e??imi?ese? n nonowo????heh?? a ??rir???e se ?????????eshes?? an andnd d s ?eaeala???d ed ???????timtime???I I u ????????????a a???lll?? a a d dadaya??fr?????he??gag?s ??tatatati??????owow ow I ??????????stast??h ?at??hoh???e te ??????s ?????????? a??yty???e.e?. Y. ?umu???2?????????E5E???YEY?,A,????6J6???656????W,W,K,???did??????????121292?909?242??000000,??oto?ta? l ????ve Wve WoW??kak?????ve?ve pve ?????hasha???????k k c?????es??whw?herhere?? th??ey ey a?re??ololdol??????ri?bl?????lavla??rsr???????????y ??mam???ede?d t???????????isis is? wa w???? a g a ??reare?????y,y???????g g???nene ???? th???se se? dr drar?????ksks.s?????3232,2,B??000000E000?????????PBPBPB???????????MTM????CKC???","????2,52,5,5,15,?12412454??969???00,00??gregr?eateat ??????ctc?t at ????a ga ?????at pat ?pripr?cece,e?,"I,"???useus?ed ed? th? thes these
couple times now. They arrive super fresh and sealed every time. I used to buy a roll a day from the gas station, now I have a stash at home that is available anytime. Yumm" 2331,B000E5C1YE,A2HW6J4S659RGW,Kardiak,0,0,5,1299024000,Gotta love Wonka,"I've purchased bulk candies where they are old, terrible flavors, or simply smashed to dust. This was a great buy, having none of those drawbacks." 2332,B000E5C1YE,AIPBPZT9QR9CC,"MT ""CK""",1,2,5,1245196800,great product at a great price,"I used these
f ?oro?????????????y ?pap??tyt??asa??on????? t ??e ??wew??? t tr t???????o o??????ouo????? th the??y a?????re???, ,?????kik????ala???lol?ve?? t? the them them m??ndnd ??????rir?????as??????lo?????????beb???ere????anan an p ?????hasha??ngn???lsl???? . ? th???iti??m ?cacama?e e ae ???ded???riribri??????d ?????frf??shs?. . ???hanhankn???????mam???on.on.c.cocomo?""?????,B,?000????C1C????A2A?FUF??????808??????????awa????0,0,1,????,13,1???383888?88088?00,00??xcxce????????t ???s vs ve??y ?vever?y y gy gogooo?d d sd ??ee??ts<ts?????>A>??mazma?zonzo? a??waway?s ??is is????elellel???????r /r />r /?>Am>A?maz??on on a?????ways ways????exe??xcelxce?lle?????<br <br??/>A/>??az???on aon alalwal???????is eis ??cecel?le???nt<bnt<?????>Am>Ama>Am?azo?n ??alwalwaalw???s is iss is ???????len?tt2??33433??????E5???YE?,A,A1,A????MCM???VCV?C4C?5,????????
for my sons bday party as one of the sweet treats to have out. they are great, the kids all loved them and the price was fabulous, way better than purchasing elsewhere. the item came as described and was fresh. Thank you" 2333,B000E5C1YE,A2FUCWDBN80VLW,abu nawaf,0,1,5,1323388800,Excellent,It is very very good sweets<br />Amazon always is excellent<br />Amazon always is excellent<br />Amazon always is excellent<br />Amazon always is excellent 2334,B000E5C1YE,A19Q0MCRKVCC45,A7la-1,0
???,5,5,5?????484????00,00,E,ExE????lel??t,t,",?Ex??celcell??enten?????????ent ent???d d?prp?odo?ucuctc??asas s w ?el?? , ???ooo??ini?? f ??rwr?ara???toto o???rcr????e e????inin in? , ,????nkn???brb??/>/?????ell?????shshish?ipmipmemenme?nt nt??nd? p??rodro??ct?????we???? , ????okiokin??g fg ?forforw????d td tod t?o po ??urcur???????????? , , t , ??????<b<br<b???/>E/>?????lle?nt?nt snt ???pmpmepm?????andand ?pr?od?ucuctuc?t at ast a??s wes w?ell???? , lo , loo?ki???? fo for????? t??o po puo p?urcurchurc?hasha??e ae ????in ??????nk??????????00??1F1???CKC???5D5???XJX?HDH???????. .??o,o?3,3,3?,5,5,,5??191??595929???????oco???ata??e Ie ItItat???an??kikiski?????- -?????d Id I I???? m ?ororeor????MyM?y fy fafama??lyl???has??beb??????in lin lo??e e we ??thth th?BaB????????verver ?sis???? w we we ??livli??d ?in?in Ein EuEur???e.e. ??WhW???? my my ????ghghth????s w????????allal?l tl ??????coico?ineined?
,1,5,1321488000,Excellent,"Excellent shipment and product as well , looking forward to purchase again , thanks<br />Excellent shipment and product as well , looking forward to purchase again , thanks<br />Excellent shipment and product as well , looking forward to purchase again , thanks" 2335,B0001FQVCK,A5D06XJHDXK75,C. Po,3,3,5,1190592000,Chocolate Italian kisses - need I say more?,"My family has been in love with Baci's ever since we lived in Europe. When my daughters were small they coined
?ththeh????????"B"??cic???????"" ""?fof????he??eve??er er??he?? w we wer?e ???????or or???t t ft fef?????g g?????. . ?ThT??hey hey a ara??e ae ?? wo w??????ulul l t?rereare?t,t, , a af a??????a ma memeaeala???????esespsprp??sss?o o?????apappp????????. . P Po P?p p?????ene?titirirere re B ?BacBa?? i ?? y ???? m mom???th ???? e ex e?????enencen??e te ??e ?faf?????? Pe P????????chc?????????????????? th the??????ll ll??rur??????hah?zez??nun?????nt?????????e Ie ???????????o eo ev??????in???????th cth clc???? a????nd thnd thih??s bs ?ea?????a Ha ?er????hey'hey???????s a?????????2232??6,6?B0B??00100???????????ESESTSTGT?????RAR???JLJLaL?angan?,2,2,2????,2,1,2,121292??808?323202?00,00,I,??????recre???papac???gi?????I I? or ord orde????? th???? it ite??????a ?la???e ???an???y,y, ?bub?? w???te??d td th?the the?? ite it??s ???ckc????d ?asa??sh?
the term ""Baci Pill"" for whenever they were hurt or not feeling well. They are a wonderful treat, after a meal with espresso or cappuccino. Pop the entire Baci in your mouth and experience the famous Perugina chocolate and then the still crunchy hazelnut center. The Italians do everything with class and this beats a Hershey's Kiss any day!" 2336,B0001FQVCK,A2MTESTGQWYDRA,SJLang,2,2,2,1292803200,Incorrect packaging,"I ordered this item in a large quanity, but wanted the items packaged as sho
??n.n. . ???eyey y????????r r f??vov??? i ?n n??????idi?aya????? f??or or?tht???coc??pap?????mpmplmp?oyoyey?ese????WhW??n n tn ?theth??? ar a?????? a a a f fe f??? we w???e pe ?pacpa????????s ?shs??????utut t??hehe ??bulbu?????????loolo?sese.e?. ??f f I I I h??d ??????ththetheythe?y wy ???ldl????mem???likli?????????????????av???gog??e ??o o????TOT? o ?????omeom???th?therthe????iscis??unu?t ?sts?????????th?????rcrchc?????. . T. ??????uteut???itittt???e be ?oxo? t th???t wt ???ld?? ha?ve? h???pep??????ke ke? th??? s sps?pecpe???? a????whw??????ththoth?ougoughg?t ????????? for fo??wawasas s ms ??????g.g??2232???,B,??0000100?FQF?????A5A???6X6XJX?HDHDXD??????. ???,1,1,1?????111191??595?????,",?BaB?ci????????????re hre ?????????grg?reareat????ftf?????tocto??in?ing ing????fff?????,"??y y fy ?ama?milmilyl??hahashas has b?eeeenee???in in l??
wn. They were for favors in a holiday bag for the company employees. When they arrived a few were packaged as shown but the bulk were loose. If I had know they would come like this I would have gone to COSTO or some other discount store for the purchase. The cute little box that would have helped make them special and what I thought I paid for was missing." 2337,B0001FQVCK,A5D06XJHDXK75,C. Po,1,1,5,1190592000,"Baci's are pure heaven - great gift, stocking stuffer!","My family has been in lov
?? w ??????aca?i'i's'????????ini??????e le ???????????ror??e.e?? W ???? m ?? d dad?????er??s ws ?werwe?????ala???ththetheye??coc???ede??ththe?? te t????"""????ci ci P ??llll"ll""??fof?r ?whwhe??????????y y wy ????e he ??urturt t o ???non???fef?elelilinlingn????ellel?. ??ThT?hey? a ??re re?? w???deder?fuf?????reareata?, ,? af a?te???? m me m??? w?itithit?h eh ese?prp?resre?sos????r cr cac??????cinci???. ?????? the th???????re ??BacBaciBac?????yoy?ur??????? a?????xpx??rir???????????ama????????ug????a ca ???????ateat?e ae ?????the????the????tiltill????unu????y hy hah?zez?elnel???t ct cecence???????ThTheTh???tatal?????????????yty???????????clc??ssss ss????d td thd t??s ?bebeaeatea?s ??a Ha ?er???hey?'s??KiK????????da?y!y???232?3838,8????001001F1FQFQVQVCVCKC??????PTP?????OHO???"P"?????a ?R.R. ???????????prhpr???v9v????,0,0,0?,0,,0
e with Baci's ever since we lived in Europe. When my daughters were small they coined the term ""Baci Pill"" for whenever they were hurt or not feeling well. They are a wonderful treat, after a meal with espresso or cappuccino. Pop the entire Baci in your mouth and experience the famous Perugina chocolate and then the still crunchy hazelnut center. The Italians do everything with class and this beats a Hershey's Kiss any day!" 2338,B0001FQVCK,ALU8PT2XF2OHH,"Pamela R. Howell ""prhluv9""",0,0,
????242474747??323?????umu?????????????rnrnenede???????ItI????????d wd ?asas s????d ?????? l ????lel?e ce ?????olaol???? w ???re re? th t?he he???vsv???f f? th the the ??ItaIt???an??---??er?fef???????ttltt?le le t??o-o-c-??oc??ola????s fs ??r r?????s ??-- --????? gl g???????ayaysys ?s --s -- -?oror or???ppppyp?y d?ay?s ??s --s --?232333?9,9???00000?1F1FQFQVQ?CKC??A2A?I6I?S7S????VTV????,","T"?ini????. .??eoe??????""""g"?oooofoof ??girgirlr?????0,??0,50,?5,15,1212412?262?919?1201200?,W,??????a ta ???atat,at??????cicioiouo????an????<b<brbr ???OuOutu??tatanta?ndind?ingin????ici???????sus??? a a a????? p??rodro?uc????brbr br??/>T/>ThT???""""f""??fortfortu??nesne????????? the the????ididede ?ara??re are ?an an???de???bob??????.<br.<b?????????t ot ?????nsns ???lal??in???????aca?????ngng.g.".""????0,0,B0,??020?SOS???VMV?,A,A2,A??GIGIRI???????WGW?,K,KiK???kikimim,im???,1,????313???
5,1247443200,Yum-o,Just returned from Italy and was told these little chocolates were the favs of the Italians--perfect little two-chocolates for gifts -- and gloomy days -- or happy days -- 2339,B0001FQVCK,A2I6S7AQRVTBPZ,"Tina P. Leonard ""goof girl""",0,0,5,1242691200,What a treat,"Delicious candy.<br />Outstanding price for such a rich product.<br />The ""fortunes"" on the inside are an added bonus.<br />Great options relating to packaging." 2340,B002SOR6VM,A2TGIRPSQW3JWG,KimEkim,1,1,4,131889
??00000??"G"GrG????? h ????tht???dod??????d d f fo foro???og??????th th???????lll?ere?gigiei?????MyM??do?g ???????????ror?nen??tot??eaearea?r ir ?nfnfefecectc?ioion???ana??d dd dididi??a a l lol???ofof f? pa pawa?????wi?ngn?????n ????s vs ?ete???recre???mem???ede?????angan?gingi??? hi his? d??ietiet t bt ?????sese ???s s ss sysymy??to??????y ??? d??e e te ?????? foo food foo?d a???????. .???? s ???????????y ??rec??ommom????ed???hehe ??????? a an and????iceic??????ululal??. U. ?nf?or????????????y ????? ha hatate?d ????e se ?salsa?mo??n an ?andan???ricri???an???it???memelme?lt lt??xtx??remreme?melymely ??fisfishs?hy.hy. . I. ???????????? la lamambmb b????d r?????? for form????a aa an???he??lil?kek?es es i it it ?mumucmu???????er????'v've???????d nd ???????? g ??????hi?ng?s s a????t ?????ne?sss?s fs ???m m????? dog do?g tg ?tratr??inein?er,er???s ??????
6000,"Great, healthy dog food for dogs with food allergies","My dog had been prone to ear infections and did a lot of paw chewing when his vet recommended changing his diet because his symptoms may be due to a food allergy. She specifically recommended the salmon and rice formula. Unfortunately, my dog hated the salmon and rice and it smelt extremely fishy. I tried the lamb and rice formula and he likes it much better. I've heard numerous good things about Wellness from my dog trainer, as well a
???oto???? p pep?t t o ow o?????s as ana?????? s ????e e???plp???eee??? M ?? d ?????s ??djd????iningn???????????????odod ??ele????????veverer,er????cacan? t??ellell l h he? d????n'n??????sis???er er??t t tt ??? m mom?stst st? ta t?st????f f??hohoioici??es-es- -??ror??abablblyl?????caucaus???????doedoes??'t? h ha h??ve ve???he he ahe ara???fificiciiciaialal ?flflalav????ingin?g ig in???????utu??I'I???rarata????r hr hihimi?????? so s?mem?????????chch h h he heae??????????venve? i if if ???? ha?veve ????sas??????iceic??? l ?????e ??on on?? the th?e te ?as???.".?????1,1????2S2????VMV?,A,AZA?N7N7S7?????F2?????el??anian????,1,???1,51,??,12,1????515?202?????????fo?????????lerle???y dy ??????I gI ??? t th??is is???oodood ????? my my ?y doy d??? th tha that??is?????ererger?ic? t??? co c???, , w, ?heheahe??????otaotat???s,s, ?fl?????, fi, f????, a, ????????. . . ??
s other pet owners and pet store employees. My dog is adjusting to the new food well. However, I can tell he doesn't consider it the most tasty of choices- probably because it doesn't have the artificial flavoring in it. But I'd rather him eat something much healthier even if we have to sacrifice a little on the taste." 2341,B002SOR6VM,AZN7SJLF2F2IN,Melanie C,1,1,5,1298851200,Great for an allergy dog,"I got this food for my dog that is allergic to corn, wheat, potatoes, flax, fish, and pork. I
???? t ??e e?????ese?t t??????????????a a????d d td th?????????sns???????erergr?ici????. .???'m'? s ??????? I? f fo f??nd???hihisi??? foo fo???. . H ???????ininain???y y e eae???inging ing???nd nd snd st????????tot?o po ?utut ??????meme me w we weieigighg???. ???t it is?is ais ?a la ?????? p ??ic???y by ???? I ???ininkin????? is i??wow????? it it t ft ?????ucu?????gog???d pd ??od?uc??t."t.??232???,B,??020??ORO????????TJT??????HLHL0L?X,X,R,RaRana?ndand??all all D ??. L. ?inindin?,0,0,0,0??5,5,1,?34??????00?,I,???oto?????e we wrw??ongon???foofood??bu?t ?dod????ateat?e i????p,p?"I"?nsnst?eaeadea???f f??im?plp????ololul?utiut??on on????b b?& & R ??ice?? I ????s ss ?enentnt t St ?????e ???mb? &? O ???memeame?? b???? m ?y ?dodogdo?????????????????t tit t?imeime ?????????akake? s????e I???m ?se??nt nt?? the th????ghghtgh???oooodood.ood. . I. ????dndn'n'tn't t kt ?non???un??tilti
had the hardest time finding a food that he wasn't allergic to. I'm so glad I found this food. He is finally eating and starting to put on some weight. It is a little pricey but I think it is worth it for such a good product." 2342,B002SOR6VM,A1ITJWI9QCHL0X,Randall D. Lind,0,0,5,1340150400,I got the wrong food but dog ate it up,"Instead of Simple Solution Lamb & Rice I was sent Simple Lamb & Oatmeal but, my dog likes it. Next time I will make sure I am sent the right food. I didn't know until
??? h ?????pepene? a ????????????fof???d id ????????lbl?????tat????r.r??2????,B,B0B???SOSORO???M,M???PXP????SASAJA??1X1?,W,????????,0,,0?????272??27627?808??,G,GrG??????forfor r D DoD??? t??hathat t Ct ??hewhe?????iri????oodoo?,",??f f??????dod????eatea?s ?????lyly ?? a?ctc???lll??????hewshew??hih?s ?fofoofo?od,od?? th? then the???thithis????ood????????????icic!c????? h?ava?e ????dogdo???, 1, ? t? tha that???????pip?ickic?????eateeat?er,er, , s, ????????ded???wawat?er????nd nd??ic???owaow?????????oooodood ??????0 0????. .??HeHe ?lolovlo???s h????????er?er &er ?& k& kek??psp?????dodowdo?n.n. . (. ( (? fu f?ll?? di d?iscisclcloloslo???e,e???he'he??s ns ???t tt ?thethe ????? wi w??????omo??chc??????lel?msm?. ??????BoB??stost?? T ????iei??er, er,???????? ad a??ptptet?? f??????????pyp?y my ?milmi????itituit??ti?onon,on???????byb?????pipinpingn????ownow?
I had open and put the food in my 10lb container." 2343,B002SOR6VM,A5PXUAUSAJI1X,Wendi,0,0,4,1327276800,Great for Dogs that Chew their Food,"If your dog eats slowly & actually chews his food, then this food is fantastic! We have 2 dogs, 1 that is a picky eater, so we added water and microwave his food for 30 sec. He loves his dinner & keeps It down. ( full disclosure, he's not the dog with stomach problems. Our Boston Terrier, who we adopted from a puppy mill situation, eats by gulping down
hheh?????odo??????????r ?????? w whw????shshehe he??ada???o o??igighg????oro?r fr ????. . S ?he??isi????he ?dod?g g??e e??????tatar?geg?tit???g bg ????????ngng ng????sis??tivti?e ????mam???? fo???????he he whe wawasas ?hahava??ingin?g ag a a???robroblbleleme???????vov??????? & & &??regregug?????atati?ono?. ???hehe he ghe ???d ?????s is ???, i, ifif f w? we we???et et??er?????????2-2???????? m ??ealealsl?s as ???ayay ??????ryr?y ty ???? get get t ht ???? to? s?lolowo??????????obo?bleblemem em s?olo????. ?. Y. ???, ????sh?e e ee ????s fs ?as?tlt?????witwi?thoth??t t ct ??????ing,ing?, r, ?reg???gi???????n in ??????ll??????probpro??blemble???????><>??????I I???????hehe ???foodfood ???????s ????auausu?????????e de dodo do m?akakeke e s????e se she s?he he che chche?ws??itit it?( ( b ?? f???did??ing ???her ?????oupou??? m mo m?????? a at a?t at ????me???lil?ke?????
her food, from her years when she had to fight for food. She is the dog we were targeting by getting sensitive stomach food; she was having a problem with vomiting & regurgitation. The good news is, if we get her to eat 2-3 small meals a day and try to get her to slow down, problem solved. Yet, if she eats fastly, without chewing, regurgitation is still a problem.<br /><br />I gave the food 4 stars because. If we do make sure she chews it ( by feeding her a couple morsels at a time, like givi
??????eae?tst?) )? th t????oooodo? s ???ysys s???wnw?, , t? the th???fo?rere re w ?ororkrkikini?ng ng f??? v vovomo?iti??ingin????hih??? w wa wasas ?? h ?ugugeg???ror?????? ( ??hehe he?? was was s vs ?vomvo?mitmi?tinti?????????memese?????ay???) s) ?inincin???sws???chchich?????he?he hhe hah?as as??tot?oppop?ede??vovom?ititiitin? I? do d???????ininkin? o ouo?r r? do dog dog ?isi??????????? on o??????at at e ?eatea????as?t,t, ???d ?it?? do?es?????????chch ch l ???ge????to to?????? he her??""2???????????????,A,APAPCP??3D3DKD?CQCQVQ?P5P?V,V,J,????0,0,0,0,,0?5,5????84844???????JA???y ?DoDogogsg???lovlo?e ?e the t??s ??????ala????bbb?????? It It't???si???plepl?e (e ?ononl???rir?iceic??an?d ?????eiein???yey?????st?y.y???ThT??y ?mamaia?intin??????????????y wy ??eigei?htht t at ?and????ve? r re?????r ??andand ?he?healhea?th?thy thy?bob???l ml momovo?vemve????ts.ts???WeW?lll????s ??? a???????
ng treats) the food stays down, therefore working for vomiting, which was a huge proplem! (she was vomiting 6-9 times a day.) since switching she has stopped vomiting. I don't think our dog is the only one that eats fast, and it does take much longer to feed her." 2344,B002SOR6VM,APCP3DKCQVP5V,JJA,0,0,5,1308441600,JJA,My Dogs love this natural kibble. It's simple (only rice and protein) yet tasty. They maintain a healthy weight and have regular and healthy bowl movements. Wellness is a fantas
???? p ??odo?ucu??????????? b ??????e e t tht?eye? k kekeeeepe?????mim???? th t?he he?????y iy in?grg??did?enentn?s ??thathata?t at ara?re re???????atuaturu???????a a d????????ete??t ant a?????????????????? th????????od.od?2232343454??B0B??2S2?????M,M,A,????3U3???RAR???B,B?????0,0?,0,,0?????949???????????reareat?????????ti??e e te toto ?"""?????ncn????die??""? a al?lelege???????dietsdiet?","??? h hahava??? a a d do???wiw??th th????verve?re ???lelerlergrgig?iesie???e e he ?????be??? f??ghg?titinti??g fg ?????eae??s.s???he?????ts ts? al alw al??ysy?s rs re???????d d md ????s ps pr?od?????????ererger??y fy fo??????as as??iki??? sc sciciecien????????. . . ??I cI ??n'n't'?t st ststotomtomamacmachc?? fe f?eedee?dindingng ng? my my ????? th?at?????e ??????????e.e?????????plp?? i???a ??ooo?od od?? alt al?tertern???ivi??? m??ded???witwith??quq??alialit?y y i???reredre?die
tic product for dogs because they keep in mind the many ingredients that are not natural to a dog's diet and keep it out of their food. 2345,B002SOR6VM,ALYF3U1ERAREB,Dan,0,0,5,1294876800,"Great alternative to ""science diet"" allegry diets","I have a dog with severe allergies we have been fighting for years. The vets always recommend mass produced allergy formulas like science diet. I can't stomach feeding my dog that type of garbage. But simple is a good alternative, made with quality ingredie
???? a ?????heh??dod??s ?lol?vev?e ie iti? t??o.o?? G ??????????????????343?????????R6R6V6VMV???1J1???AAA??DRD?XSXSESE6E6,?"T"ToT???y y????????nen????""""T??ommom??????oco??oro?ala?l cl cacan?dididi???????","?0,0????,1,121?????????0,B0,BeB??????? f ?????-n-non??eaearea?????ecectctictioi???,","B"?BefBe?forfo???my??olo?????t gt ?????????????????tit????th???s fs ???? h ?he he g go??t at a a l lolotlo?t ot ?f f??arar ar i?nf??ectec????ons.ons????e ae at?? g gr g??in???rereere????foodfood,d??bub??t ht hehe ????llll ll??oto?????m.m??BoB??h h??y y dy ??????ikikek??th???s f??ood????????heiheiri?r cr ????s s as ?????ici?e ????nd snd ????y y ay ??and and t th the th??ir ir e??rsr?s as ars arere ?????r ????????????al???y ry re?co??????????<b<???????????WhW???? y ??u u????n gn ??t ?it? f?oror or??1 1??heheaheapapeperpe???on on o otothotheoth?????????, y, ?????aya??
nts and the dogs love it too. Great product!!" 2346,B002SOR6VM,A1J2TAASDRXSE6,"Tommy B. McDonell ""Tommy a doctoral candidate...",0,0,5,1293408000,Best dog food--no ear infections,"Before my oldest golden started eating this food he got a lot of ear infections. He ate grain free food, but he still got them. Both my dogs like this food and their coats are nice and shiny and their ears are super clean. I really recommend it.<br /><br />While you can get it for $1 cheaper on other sites, you pay $
??8 8 f ??r r s ??ipi?pip??g.g???????<b<br<br ?????????????? A ?mamazazoz?? h ????mom??????hanha? 3 ??babaga?s s??f f??????chc? t ti t???!"!??????,B,??????R6R????A3A3N3N7N7V7???ZKZ?????C,C?"c"??az??e ?"""???harharrr?me??"""""????,0,,0,5,?,1,???777797???00000??ququauala?it??y cy ??memesme?s as atat ??????prprir??e,e?qu??alial??? f?oooodo??bubutut ???e ??pripr??e ?????ere?y y hy ??highhig????????????zonzo??s s fs ????e se ??????????$2$???????8,8?,B0,B????R6XR6X1X??6,6?,A1,A12????NMN?V2V2020Y20????LoLoio??a,a?,0,???????34534535333?34434??00,00??????ese?t ????zaza a?????ve???ve?ver ver h????,"????????? e ex e??????????geg????y ?????e ????????????a da ?ouo???. ???????????ererier???? it it,t? I? g gog??t it ?it it?????da??s ???ateat????????e de ?????titioi?????re? e?as???to? f fo?lll?????????????as?te???? t??he ??
18 for shipping.<br /><br />I only wish Amazon had more than 3 bags of it each time!" 2347,B002SOR6VM,A3N7VP8ZKTZ8KC,"chazze ""charrme""",0,0,5,1287792000,quality comes at high price,quality food but the price is very high. luv amazon's free ship over $25. 2348,B002R6X1K6,A12PHXNMV20YTE,Loida,0,0,5,1345334400,The best pizza I have ever had!,"I was so excited to get my whole wheat pizza dough. After ordering it, I got it two days later! The directions are easy to follow and the taste of the cr
???? i isi??phpheh?????enaen?l.l. . T ThT???tot?ppppipini??s s Is I I????????o o??y y? pi p????????? s ??????, , c chchih?????, ???er?ryr?y ty totomto??????, , M, ?exexixicicaic????????e e be blb?????, a, ??????rkr?keyke?y Cy ?an???????bab?????. . ????he phe ?pizpi?zzazza ?tu??nened? o ?utu??grgre?at??????????WeWeie???????atcatch?chercher'r??s Ps PoP?????PlP?usus us v ???????????lil?iceic?. ????is????s as ???????????teterte?rnarn?atiat????toto to???????????adinadingng ng? pi?zz??s.s????3434949,9,B,B0B?????X1X?????3N3???W9W???ZFZ???M,M?"J"J.J???????ululll??""""a"???is?????????,4,?,1,??000030032320200?00????retrettttytt?????d ??ou?????y y hy ?ususbusba??d d dd ??es? n nonotnot t lt ????? wh w?olo?? w wh????????th?????????hehe ???????th??s ?????za za?do????. ???t wt ???????? s?im????le tle ??to mto ???????? s sp s???readrea??on?? ou o????? pizz pizzaza ?st?
ust is phenomenal. The toppings I added to my pizza were shrimp, chicken, cherry tomatoes, Mexican cheese blend, and turkey Canadian bacon. The pizza turned out great! Only 8 Weight Watcher's Point Plus value per slice. This is a better alternative to other leading pizzas." 2349,B002R6X1K6,A3N4KW967ZFLKM,"J. A. Scull ""artist""",0,0,4,1300320000,Pretty Good Dough,My husband does not like whole wheat anything but he liked this pizza dough. It was very simple to make and spread on our pizza sto
?nen?. .??????t t R ?oso?sis??????? s sasaua????ana???momozo??ararerele??????eee????ono????d ??????s s?grg??????232?505??????GVGV6V6O6??4,4?A3A3N3?E8E?NMN??????NPNP,P?????????ar????nezne???????????beb??9"9??","???????,13,1333363?787808?8080080?????!,!???????sts?ufufff?????e ?tht?at? i ???s ???gag???????nd nd r ??w.w???utut ut??latla?erer er???aw aw????e e t??ininging g?????'s's 's???or or????s s ts ???an an??halha????theth??prp??iceic?????515???????GV6GV6O????,AL,A??QKQ????UBU?DP?F,F,L,?DzD?,1?,1,1,1,???5,15,??????????,L????????!,I!,I I l??????hi????????????????on??y!y????????????????n ????ngng ??? i????? t te t??a Ia ???????????????????an???? the th?e t?as??te te???s gs grgregr?eatea?.<.??<br <br? /> /?><b><brbr br? />???one?y ??s ????o o? he h?elpelpfpfufulu????ithit???????turtu????inging ing a? and an??he????ing?ing sing ???
ne. We put Rossi Pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese on and it was great! 2350,B006GV6O34,A3NE8NMVIVXMNP,"M. C. Martinez ""koolnumber9""",1,1,5,1336780800,Yum!,Great stuff!Love that it's organic and raw. But later saw same thing @ TJ's for less than half the price! 2351,B006GV6O34,ALYQKDP5UBDPF,LDz,1,1,5,1329436800,Love it!,I love this organic raw honey!<br /><br />When using it in my tea I don't need a lot and the taste is great.<br /><br />Honey is also helpful with moisturizing and healing so o
??heh?r r?th??????nsnsus??ini?g g?iti??I I????o o?usu?e e?????????????r r ar ?andan? f ?acacece ????ene?? T ?????ara??er??????bebete??terte?..2?353525??B0B000010????????A3A??????HGHGFG?757?????????????hrh?isists?tenten ?"""???????""????,0?,5,?,1,?333????3636036???????STS??????????IEIESE?????????ututlt????ovovev???theth???? ca can??????? tha th????areare ?e one o?????ut???on ?th??? ma m????t ??t ?????ststmst????????VaVal????????????y.y??I ?????d d bd bub??????m m??lll??yeyeaear????????????ereer?e ae ?vavai??abablab??: :?SOSO O????? ca can ca???ma???????owo??????iteit??d Id I ?I waI w?????????? ab a??le le? to t????et et? th the them the?m fm ?oro??? w whw????le tle ?thrthrorou???????zoz???????????aitai?t ut ?????????hrihris???????whewhenen en t? the?y ??????be?????????ableable ????ainai?n.n.2????????1L?4N??J1GJ1?G,AG,??
ther than consuming it I also use it on my hair and face often. The darker the better. 2352,B001L4NJ1G,A3DOXFGHGF75BX,"Syd L. Christen ""SYDANC""",0,0,5,1336953600,CHRISTMAS CANADIES,I absolutly love these candies that are only put on the market at Christmas and Valentine's Day. I would buy them all year if they were available: SO you can imagine how excited I was tao be able to get them for a while through Amazon.I can wait untill Christmas when they will be available again. 2353,B001L4NJ1G,A2X
B???????????,C,??ata??????dad?111????????131?232?999?363??0,???????heh?ses???,",?CaCanantn???inindin??tht??????avavov?? i ?? t??he he?ststotororeor??? s????ouo???t ?th?eme???herhe?????????...? L LiLikLi??????m ??o ????? b??tt?ere?r tr th?an???????epe????mim???t ot ?? ?I I????so so l li?keke ke???????inninnan??on??????,57,5??oho?nnnnin?e,e,2,????????32232??????0,??re?at????o bo beb??aba??e ?e toe to ?geg?et et? th??is is????in????e ??oco?al??mem??????tst?s qs ?uiu???st?oc????? t th??????as??????aseasede???to to b???y ty th?????????ne??? so so????canca? m ma maka?ke ?FrF???????ananaan?did?an??pepeape?????p p???ai????5 5? st sta stara????oror or? ab abib??litli?ty ty t??????????sisin??e e qe ??al???????is nis
BPE3AWE2FPP,ChattyLinda11,0,0,5,1323993600,Love These!!,"Cant find this flavor in the stores, so bought them here online.. Like them so much better than the Peppermint ones... I also like the Cinnamon Ones... Yum-O(as Rachel Ray states)..." 2354,B004VLVK4E,A1QVP3TU21775I,57Johnnie,2,2,5,1322697600,Great to be able to get this again,The local merchants quit stocking this. Was pleased to buy this on line so I can make French Canadian pea soup again. 5 stars for ability to obtain since quality is n
?oto???hah??t mt ???? o ???a a?????oro?? A AlA?l l????BoBobo??????d d??ili?ll ll????dud?uctuctst??ara?? 5 5 5??????2??555??????VLVLVL?K4K4E4???3C3?N2N2O2?VK?RVR?????????stst st a a a???HMHM M?"""?"Ju"J??????WAWAHWA??""??,1,???,4,??????383878?202???YUYUMU???????iai????HAHALA??????? h ??rdrd ?toto to????????isi?s ss ??????lol?????y.y?. U. UsU????lyl????????enentn?ts ???vev??????rir??g g?itit ??????e we ????? th?eye?????? ?plp??as?????o o? fi????????n ??mam???n.n?<b<???/>/???? /????kek??s Gs ???ATA?, ,????????????. ?. We. W?e ee ?????????t ot ?of of????, s, sos?????s ns ???e ????????? I I???n ???t ??????re????aia?? w ?whewhen?en Ien ??neneee?ed ??it.??2232????????4VL4V??K4?E,??????????BJBJ1J1V1VCV?????pypy ???ftftet??????,0,,0?5,??3535035080??404???????llollow??????it ????s,?????
ot that much of a factor. All of Bob's Red Mill products are 5 star. 2355,B004VLVK4E,A3CN2OVKRVSFSF,"Just a WAHM ""Just a WAHM""",1,1,4,1330387200,YUMMY Indian DHALL,"Its hard to find this stuff locally. Usually my parents have to bring it to me when they visit. Was pleased to find it on Amazon.<br /><br />Makes GREAT, TASTY dhall. We eat a lot of it, so its nice to know I can get it here again when I need it." 2356,B004VLVK4E,A3UF4K552BJ1VC,Happy Rafters,0,0,5,1350864000,Yellow split peas,Bough
??????sese e???r r a ???????e e fe frf??m m? th t????rer??n n???lil????eaeasa???ThThe?y y? ar a?re re?????????d d I ??li???????????ili?? b ????y agy a?aia?n.n??????????iki???BoBobo??s s Rs ??d d Md ???????rodro?ucu????2?353????????APA??UCU???1Q1QNQ?C6C?????????????FrFrereere??an??1,1???2,2?,12,123?616121?????,","N"?o o c?afa????????????????, e, ?????r"r",","??hehenhe??teteaea ea?isi?s ds ?ece?????einei??tetedted,d, ?is?? al a?ll ll? th???e fle flal?vov???re?????ed?ed? ????????th?isis ?juj???????usyus??te??? ????an???cacasca??, ?alall?ll yll yoy?ou ou??ete?t ft ??omom om? a a c co c?????e oe ofof f t th? thes the??? te t??ea bea babagagsgs ????? a ( a (1(12? o ozoz.z?????g g????hoh?????te????s-s---??????????! !? Tr T?ueu???? the the the?hohot??????er er??s ??li?ghg??lyly ??ro?wnw????????ter? f fi fivi?ve ve m??inuin?uteut???? of of??te???in???, b, ???t tt ththetherthe???? n ?no no????
t these for a change from the green split peas. They are tasty and I like them. Will buy again. Always like Bob's Red Mill products. 2357,B000SAPUUC,A1QNC6FPPRUNZU,C. Freeman,1,1,2,1236124800,"No caf, but no taste, either","When tea is decaffeinated, is all the flavor removed? Or is this just lousy tea? In any case, all you get from a couple of these tea bags in a (12 oz.) mug of hot water is--hot water! True, the hot water is slightly brownish after five minutes of steeping, but there's no tea
???avavov????? a al a?l.l? V ???????sas?????ntntit??????????,B,??00???PUPUUU??????6Z6?XZX??????????343?????ene?????????????????00???rer????vavala??e,e,",???ll? b bob??????tet?????? l ?oso????f f??flaflavavoav?? e eve?en???hoh???? i ?t ??? d de d??????????ed?. . C. CoC?mem?????or???????????owo??n hn ???vyv?????y y zy ziz?ppppepp??????st??c c??aga?? to t???ensensus?re? f fr f???????s ????in???sh?????? . A. ? g ??reare?at ?vavalva?????????? go g??? t?ea????????????????4H4H0H??A2A???X6X??DAD?LWL?R1R???,Au,A?d ?ReReaeadeadsds,???8,?5,?13?21?575747??400400,???appap??ne??? I ????????????rkr??CuC???,"W,"WiW????tht?he he?? dep de??artartutur????of of?StS??arbarbubucu???s cs coc????eses,es?, I, ????luluclu?ta?????y sy ?wiw????hedhe????????? t???????er?er ter ???????s c?ararrarririeri????y ???cacalcal l??to????
flavor at all. Very disappointing." 2358,B000SAPUUC,A166ZXZ8G7XOKS,134goldens,0,0,5,1317686400,Great value,"Full bodied tea, no loss of flavor even though it is decaffeinated. Comes stored in its own heavy duty zipper plastic bag to ensure freshness during shipping. A great value for a good tea." 2359,B00637N4H0,A21TX67DALWR1W,Aud Reads,8,8,5,1321574400,Happiness In A Deep Dark Cup,"With the departure of Starbucks coffees, I reluctantly switched back to the other t-discs carried by local stores.
I I I t ??iei????? r ????lyl?????. .??????itit t s ????eded ed?lil?keke e e ????????heh??????e Ie I I tI tr?ie??d, d,?????????s s b ??????allal?ly ly e ev e???? o?ththetherer ???e e me mam??e,e???ncn?lul?di??? t????EuE?ror???eanea? t???disdiscs?s,s???????non????????eneno??ghg??toto o??ata?isi?fyfy ?????I ?fif?????y ??ava?ve ve??????????????bacba?? t to t???? o??d ?faf?????????drd??????????ma??kerker r??o o to ???at at? I I c I ???ld??ma?makemake ?a a n ?????? ri??? c cuc?up.up????? was wa?????????rur??strst?at????????the????????????cec???'m'? t??e ???ly??cocofco??eeee ee d dr d?????ker ker???? my my y hy ??me?? P ????? b???ingin????babasba?sicsicac??allyally ally????????rsrsosonon,on?, I, ??di??n'n?t ?enenjen???y fy ?filfillllill??ing ing?? the?? re r?????oio??????eryery ?y tiy timime??? I w I ????tedted d td ?to to? br b???? a a?pop??, ????ashiashin?????the ?popotpot ?ouo?ut ut?
I tried, I really did. But, it seemed like every other one I tried, which was basically every other one made, including the European t-discs, were not rich enough to satisfy me. I finally gave up and went back to an old fashioned drip coffeemaker so that I could make a nice, rich cup. I was still frustrated by the waste, since I'm the only coffee drinker in my home. Plus, being a basically lazy person, I didn't enjoy filling the reservoir every time I wanted to brew a pot, washing the pot out a
???ere?????????r r????????? o???????????unundndsds ds???????????ili?????ReR??????y,y?, T, ??????o/o???vav??iaia a c????e oe ???????? a ???ararkar? h ?ou?ses???lelenle?????he?????ntnt nt? of of f t th??e pe papaca??aga???non?tetedted:d??""""N"NeNewe?????f yf ?????likli??????arbar????????ousouseous?e Be ??len?d,d, , t, ???? th???!"!???AsA??a a la lalas?????????ttt?temte?ptp??beb????e e pe pae p?ackac?iningin?g ug upu? m mymy y Ty ??ss??imoim????????ororaor??e,e?, I, I I???rcr??as??d d t th??s s ns ?ew?? t- t-d-did?????ofoffffef??. ??Tas?titin?????y fy ?iri?st? s?ipip,p??, I , I w wa????o ????PYP???????????ea???ly ?HA?PP??! ???y cy coc???????is is? so so o io ?impim????tanta?nt ??? m??????nd nd?????GeGevGe????a ?DaD?ark?? Ho H?ous?? B Bl?????is???MAMAZA?ININGN???????t't??????icich??, f, ?ulu????????ed ed??up?? of?? co cof co?ffeff???, a, ???d ad ??? I I?drd?ininkin?k tk ??
fterwards, or cleaning out the grounds from the filter.Recently, Tassimo/Gevalia came out with a dark house blend. The front of the package noted: ""New! If you like Starbucks House Blend, try this!"" As a last shot attempt before packing up my Tassimo for storage, I purchased this new t-disc coffee. Tasting my first sip, I was so HAPPY. Really really HAPPY! My coffee is so important to me, and the Gevalia Dark House Blend is AMAZING!!!! It's a rich, full bodied cup of coffee, and as I drink thi
?????? a afa??????ayay,ay??I'I??????rtrtit????????hih??????'s's ???ene???ete???r ???ana?n mn mym????? f ??vov?rir???????rbrbubucu????flf???or??? I It I?t'st's ??????????????tar??bucbu?cksck??wiw?ithit???o o bo ??ittit?ter?????s a???????. I. ???????ve ve?????eae?ar ar w whwha???oto??er???th??ink? o ??? th thi thisi?? I????????y ???ea?ses??d wd ?witwi?th th? it it,t, , a, ???d Id ?????o o go glg?ladla??th???t It I I??????lele le??????o b?aca?ck ck? to????the the???mpm????itityity ?y ofy o????????my????assas??mom?o b???wew??, ?be?cac?????????????e e ae a a? gr gre??? t????????gag?inin!in?""2232?????000?636?7N7?????????????????T0T0,????atatiat?inain??6,6??,5,?,1,?323?????808?00,00??in?????????memetethet?hinhi????????frf?om???????iaia,a,"a,"T"?hi??s is ??? th?e ????st st t? thi????fr??om ??GevGe?al????????waw??as das drdri??kik?ing????
s day after day, I'm starting to think it's even better than my old favorite Starbucks flavors. It's as bold as Starbucks with no bitterness at all. I'd love to hear what others think of this. I am very pleased with it, and I'm so glad that I am able to go back to the simplicity of using my Tassimo brewer, because they make a great t-disc again!" 2360,B00637N4H0,A2W3TGPT9MW4T0,Curatina,6,6,5,1322956800,Finally! Something good from Gevalia,"This is the best thing from Gevalia. I was drinking the
???tat??bub?ckc???AfA?riricicaca a a ??d d V ????nana a ba ?efefof??e e???ththehe ????aka?upu??????I I??????d td ?theth??DaD?arkar????rea?kfkfaf??????omom m??????iai?? b ???t it ????s hs ?or??????? I ??????on?????ri??????????er???ddddid?ngn????? M ?????????ororeor?????EsE??re??soso ??ntn??????????ThT?ata??mamakakeak??????????a na ninic?????? w ????? a a??ooo?d d kd ??ickic????? ???ev?en?????????lilitli?tlt????re???????it???to to s ?mom?ootoo??? it i???utu?t at ??????<b<??????<br<b?? /> /????? th?????oneon?e ie ?? j ??st? r ????t.t???????????ic?? s???on?????? t??atat at??oeo????t t nt ne?????crecr?ama???bu??????????????rea?ream ream???ith??outou??lol??sinsi?ng ng f fl f?ava?vorvo??????????????the the??iri?????????I ?ha?vev????????r ?sas??in??g mg ?y y Ty ????simsi??????hih?????? I I? do
Starbucks Africa and Verona before ""the breakup."" I tried the Dark Breakfast from Gevalia, but it's horrible. I can only drink it after adding the Maestro Lorenzo Espresso Intensivo. That makes quite a nice cup with a good kick to it. I even need a little cream in it to smooth it out a bit.<br /><br />But this one is just right. It's a nice strong cup that doesn't need cream, but can take cream without losing flavor. This is the first hope I have had for saving my Tassimo machine. I do
??'t'??waw?????o o?gogo ??acackc??to?? th t??????rir?g.g?<b<???/>/><>???r /r ??p.p?s.s. .? I ? w?ouo??d d?sts???????keke ??????d d dd ??????opoptp??onon.n????ig??????? I? u ??????he he??????liali??????ata??ureure ??decdeca?f ??andan???ddd?d a?? sh shoh???ofof ?Ge?????lia lia d ?dec?afaf af e esesps??????o to ??to jto jajazazzz????t ut ???""??363?1,1,B,?000?6363737N7?4H4?0,0???Y2Y????N0N?????????????????omomamaia?n n?"""?"Wo"W???dod??f"f????4,4,4?,5,???323?242??848??00,00,G,???alalial????????gege ???????n Cn ?????,I,??veve ???rieri?d ??ll??? thr th????nen??????rkr?????fef?ri??gsg???roromom om G???????a aa ??and and???th??inkin??ththi???isis ????e be ???????ne ne? fr fro?????????re??. ??Gev??li????in???lyl? c ca??????????h h??of?fe??e we ????th th s?er??in???????ouourour ???es???s.<s.??<br <br??>C>?CofCo????e he ??s s as ?? e???????bobol
n't want to go back to the Keurig.<br /><br />p.s. I would still like a good decaf option. Right now I use the Gevalia Signature decaf and add a shot of Gevalia decaf espresso to jazz it up." 2361,B00637N4H0,A1Y27QNN0P9HJ,"Wolfsatz Domain ""Wolfdorf""",4,4,5,1322438400,Gevalia Melange Maison Corse,I've tried all three new 'Dark' offerings from Gevalia and I think this is the best one from the three. Gevalia finally came up with coffee worth serving to your guests.<br />Coffee has an earthy bol
???tat?????wiw??h h l ?it?tltlel?e te ?o o??ono???bib?ittitteittere??nesnesss???ndnd ??? m ????lll?licli???ftf??r r t????te;te???it it????uauala??? l le l?????????????????th? t???styst?y cy chc?oco??lalatatyt????fteft??? ta? tast taste?.<.?????><>???????heh???aca?? c ???mesmes ?????????bibigbi????did??????thathat????????rer?w w???ouounu????s os ofo? c co c??fef??. .? Th Thihis??? cof co????????????liligli???? th t?????e whe w?ho ho??ovo?? t????dadara?keker????as??s.s?.<b.<??????<br?? /> /??pdp?datdatete:te:<:??<br ?/>?? a am a???n n??y y 5y 5t5th?th cth ?upup p????????is cis ??????????? it it t wt ??as as??reareal????grg???n n on ?on on? me m????chach???ini????ro????a 4a 4 4? to t?????????????it it iit ??is qis quq??iteit???as???y a??nd nd snd ?smosmoo?th??. T. ????is iis ??is ois on??e ce ?cofcoffcof??? t th tha that?at wat wi?willwil? t??ulu?? s???is????th??e ve vovoio?????thatthat ??bub???? lef le?????he????????ll bll
d taste with little to none bitterness and no metallic after taste; it actually leaves a nice smooth tasty chocolaty after taste.<br /><br />The pack comes with 12 big T-discs that will brew 8 ounces of coffee. This coffee will delight those who love the darker roasts.<br /><br />Update:<br />I am on my 5th cup of this coffee and it was really grown on me (changing from a 4 to 5 stars); it is quite tasty and smooth. This is one coffee that will truly satisfy the void that Sbux left. There will b
?????mem?????t t w wiw?lll? s??? t ththathat????isi???is is???t t tt ???e se ???? a ??????? a an a?? i?t ??isnis??t!t! ! T ??????? c ????eee???????ivi??????? f ??????as?tet??wi?th?ououtut ????ini?????? co c??pap??????t t??o ao ???th?in??g eg ??sese ???????ay ay?????d yd ?youyo???selselfl??????????urpurprp?is???d ad ????the???????ingingsing?. .? H ???hlhlyl??re?co??me?ndndended?? an and an??ded??finfi????ly?? wi w?????????yiy??ing ing t th thi this?is ois ?nen??e age agag???..??363626???000????N4N?H0H??A3A???KIKIDIDFD??8T8???P,P????veSve???,1??4,4?,13,1???727212??00????odod d cd ??ffffeff?? - ??brb???s ????,",??????llyll?????????????ariar??tit????ofof of? ta?sss???o ?...?? I ?????????veververyrytry?thithinthi?? f??????D D t?? s st s????bucbu?ksk??tot??ne??prprepr????o to ????oooodood ??lel??ndsnds ???romro? f??airai?????.... ?????s os ons o????s s ps pr??ttttyt?
e some that will say that this is not the same as Sbux and it isn't! Try the coffee and give it a fair taste without trying to compare it to anything else you may find yourself quite surprised at the findings. Highly recommended and definitely will be buying this one again. 2362,B00637N4H0,A3Q1KIDFJ8THMP,DaveS,1,1,4,1325721600,good coffee - brews hot,"finally some new varieties of tassimo ... I drink everything from DD to starbucks to nespresso to good blends from fairway .. this one is pretty
???chch h r rir??htht t?onon n w ????h th ?theth????????ptp???on on - ???ara?????ewe?????d d???didiui??? bo bod??? - -??????? a ??sts?ror??g g??lal?vov??????t it ?s ??mom???????d d nd non? a af aftftetere???astaste? a???ala???????ininin??cec?????? h???w sw sbs??? d????? br b???????????eaeana??s (s ???t t It I I l ?iki???th??is is? be betetttteterte????an? t th????bu???hohouo???e ce ???fefeeee.e??????s ns ??????it????as as e ???y)y?????d ?????nlnli??ke ke m ma m?????of of? th t?????????gegevevav??iaia ?co?????es ??or??????????????????usustus????on'on't'??????e be ?/c/? o?f ???thei??r ar ??ftefter???st????(bi(b?????, , t, ?????) ) . ???? thi thisis ??oneon??e bre b???s s as ???191?0 0???grg???es es (es ????????st st???inein?e de ??d)d?? w?hihicichch ch????????????tt?erer er t?????I ??ou??d ?mam??ke ?a ???p p?? of of? la l?attat??te fte ?forfo???xax????le le????
much right on with the description - dark brew good medium body - it has a strong flavor but is smooth and no aftertaste at all, reminiscent of how sbux does brew their beans (but I like this better than the sbux house's not quite as edgy), and is unlike many of the other gevalia coffees for Tassimo that I just don't like b/c of their aftertaste (bitter, to me) .. this one brews at 190 degrees (at least mine did), which is a bit hotter than I would make a cup of latte for example (at
??606?? s ?? b ???cac?rer?fuf?? o ?n n?ththahata???????????? ???????dod???thith??k k??hihisis s???e'e???????epe????..????363?3,3,B,B0B?06063637637N7N4N?H0H?,A,A2A??????N7N7C7C0C???U,U???????????,13,1?252575??16?0000,00????s ??is is???E E?VeVereroerononaon?a ra rerepreplplalacaceceme????,",??ogo?????er er???th? m ??nyn? c cu c??????????I I wI ?????rur??trt????d d??heh?en en T Ta T?????o ????????arbar??ckcksk???enden?eded ed t? the th?irir ir??relre?latla???onsonshs?hiphip.p???????fff???? wa wasas as????????????????incin?ce ce t???????me????I hI ha????trtritr??????????? a ala???erner???tivti?vesves s (s ???va???a ?EsE??re?sss???????assiass???o Co ????? N ???ir,ir, , T????assimassi?? N????b b?? K KeKen???? Me M???RoRoaoas?t)t?) b) ????wi??????????ed ???and and v ??ryryiy?????egegrg???????????ce???????? /> /?AfA?te?r ?re??didining? a? p ???eviev??iousiou??????????
160) so be careful on that first sip! but I do think this one's a keeper..." 2363,B00637N4H0,A2XL8DUN7C0KGU,cmc,1,1,5,1325721600,This is THE Verona replacement,"Together with many customers, I was frustrated when Tassimo and Starbucks ended their relationship. My coffee was Verona.<br />Since that time, I have tried various alternatives (Gevalia Espresso, Tassimo Carte Noir, Tassimo Nabob & Kenco Med Roast) but with limited and varying degrees of success.<br />After reading a previous review, I
?????? o ??? f ????????ppp????toto o t???t t it ???- -??????? i ??!!!????brbr ???<b??r /?????asas s? on on n?????????nt nt??f ?gig??in???????asassas?imi???mamaca??????????y -y ???o ??ororeore.e???? / ?/></>?<br??/>????????t st ???????? t??????w w???????2?????B0B?????N4N????A2A2W2??M9M??XOX??4J4??9,9,",????BiB?????????????fo fo??en??????",",1,?,1?,5,5,5??323242???????,"??re????coc?offoffef?e,e, ,?po????blb?? t?????esestes???forfo?r tr ?as???????"I??rerecre??ent?ly?ly gly ????a ???????imo imo m?ac???nene e a?ndn???????????kek?e ie ?it,it????t ?t tht the???nin??iai?? c??off??????hahat???I tI ???eded ?wew???e ne ??t ??s s gs go?odo?d ad as?????t ?I ???sedsed ?to??ma?ke?????th????otot.ot. . T. ThT????ono?ne ne? fi f????ly?ly bly ???????ververyryty?????? el e?se?? aw a??????t't's'???????ioi???. . T??he ?
sent off for a supply to test it - I love it!!!!<br /><br />I was on the point of giving my Tassimo machine away - no more.<br /><br />A great start to the New Year." 2364,B00637N4H0,A2WKM9BXOC4JH9,"I. Bilynsky ""Info Center""",1,1,5,1324339200,"Great coffee, possibly the best for tassimo","I recently got a tassimo machine and really like it, but the initial coffees that I tried were not as good as what I used to make by the pot. This one finally blew everything else away. It's delicious. The d
?ararkr? h ????? b blb?ene?? i isis s??????y y?prp????rrr?????-d-didis?c c w whwheh???? w??ntn?????fe??????ncn???I'I'm'?? no n???????offoffe?fee fee?sns??????dod???t t lt ?????tot??geg??????zyzy ?wiw????th???????ctc???ese?, ,???????????oneon??????a a va ???????epe????d ??le?as??ingin??????????lalava??r.r??FuFulu???bob?di???d id isis ???gogooo?od od????y ty toto to?????????e ie ?it,it?, a, as?? op o?????d ???o ao a ??lesle???r-r?-bo-bod???ed ed?????fee??????t mt ???y sy ?memele?? g go g??????ut ut????tet?es es?? wat wateterte??? d???????????ou?? dr d??inkin??? . T. ThT?????is is dis ?????ititeit?elyely ??he???es????of?offeoff??ee Iee ???? e ???????sts?????????of of????omomeme me???????????chc???e e ae ane a?nd nd? ev e????bebetbettt?????????ma??y ???fe????canca??n mun mus?te?ter.ter. . I. ???????????????tat?????e an??d i????is ???t ?bib
ark house blend is now my preferred t-disc when I want coffee. Since I'm not a coffee snob I don't like to get crazy with the adjectives, but this one has a very deep and pleasing coffee flavor. Full-bodied is a good way to describe it, as opposed to a lesser-bodied coffee that may smell good but tastes watered down when you drink it. This is definitely the best coffee I've ever tasted out of a home brewing machine and even better than many cafes can muster. It has no aftertaste and it is not bi
????r.r? Y ??u u??anan n d drd?ini?k k???????????it???non? s sws??ete?tente??er er a ?andan??enenjn?oyo?? it i?, ,?oro? a??d ?sosomo????rer??????????????ou???????eaveavyvy ?ono?????? cr?????r ?????oeo?sns??t ?lol?sese e ie ????la????. . B. ??????, ???? i?gng????????????rbr???cksck?????terte??. ?SeS???ou???????????????????ffffef???s as ??????t ?asa??go?odod ??as as e ev e?verve??yonyo???????es es t th the?? o ou o??t tt ??o bo beb?. . D. ?????in in D ??onuon?utsuts ???offof???e he ??s s ts ?thethemthe?m bm be??at at? in i?n pn ?????????????lil?ityit??""2232363656?????636373????0,0????7G7GHG??RFR???????ScSco?????ototo???0,00,??5,?????848???0000,00?GrGre?at?at cat ??ff?????I I l ??veve ve? th thi th?is is?? cof co?????, i, it?s ????k k bk ??t t nt ??not not??it???? a?ndn???????h h ah ??as sas sis????. I. ItI?s s a? b bi?? c cu cupu? s????e 1e ????? so s??it?its its??re??t t it ???
tter. You can drink it black with no sweetener and enjoy it, or add some cream. Even if you go heavy on the creamer it doesn't lose is flavor. Buy it, and ignore the starbucks haters. Seriously, starbucks' coffees are not as good as everyone makes them out to be. Dunkin Donuts coffee has them beat in price and quality." 2365,B00637N4H0,A207GHTRF9GRNF,Scott Soto,0,0,5,1340841600,Great coffee,"I love this coffee, its dark but not bitter and smooth as silk. Its a big cup size 12oz so its great in t
?heh?????nin??????henhen n?? d ????t t w?????tot? g ??t ??? f fof????ofo??eeee e te ???????????f f??ouo???ava???? T TaT?ssssis?????ouou ou?shs???ldl?? ha h???e t?hihisis s c?????e ?blb??ndn???????????2??666??B0B000??????H0H?,A,AKA??XYX??ACAC9C9C9????,h,????????????????00?0,0,g0,?????bub???????y,y?iti??????????????????cecenenten???????I wI waw??n'n'tn'??awawawarwa?????w w??pripric?????heyhe?y wy ???re re w?he?hen hen???????hth?????m.m?? I??pap??d d $d $1$???4444 4?????????ckc? o ?of of????????WhW??????riripri??of?off!off??232??7,7????1L1??TDTDBD????K0K0P0P0P???SJS????X,X?"J"??. R. RaR??????????.R.R.R?""?","?3,3??,5,??????252????00,00???nt???usu?ssissieie'e???PeP?ecaecan??MeM??tat?????,"?I I lI ?ovove?d ?ththeth?e qe ?uau?????y ay ??????he he t ta??????f f tf ???sese e ce ??oko????????????re??non????????weweewe?
he morning when I don't want to get up for coffee too much. If you have a Tassimo you should have this coffee blend on hand!" 2366,B00637N4H0,AKZXY5AC9CJAO,hx,0,0,4,1331856000,good but pricy,it tastes pretty decent but I wasn't aware how pricy they were when I bought them. I paid $17.44 for a pack of 12!!! What a rip off! 2367,B001LQTDBE,AK0P01PSJS7PX,"J. Ramirez ""J.R.""",3,3,5,1277251200,Aunt Gussie's Pecan Meltaways,"I loved the quality and the taste of these cookies. They are not too sweet
???ndn?????????llll l??ivivev???o o?yoy????exe????????ono?????o o to ?theth?e pe ??rsr???????at at???????d ad a a??ada?????iei????juj???? a a s ?mamala?? c ???mem???. ?ThT?heyhe??ara?? c?al?lel???me?ltlta??ayaysy?? be bececaecaua?useus??th??y ?ha???????? b?ututtt??r,r?, g, ??o fo ?igigug?ureur?. ?IfIf f???? a?re????ntent??resre?stesteded ???? lo l?w w f ?at?????d,d?, l, ???k k?????ewhew??? I. It. It t l????????????iniininingin? t? tha th????re???h h??ririeiesie??ar??e fe ????ed,ed????r tr th??at ?????colco?latla?????s fs ?fatfa???????. ??us????ay????????363686???000??LQL??DBD????H1H??O4O4R4?D3D????,P,?. ????ha?m,m??,4,?,5,5,5,1,121??????12012??????solso?ut???y ?lolovlovevedve?d td ththethemthe???!!,!!,",????se???er?????, ??? g ??od???an?d d Id ?????ve ve tve ?tha??t tt ???they'they'r're??ma????????? wh whoh??? w wh whe wh?at???lo???? an a?nd nd a? a h a ????ththithieierie?r sr ???
and they will live to your expectations. To the person that posted a bad review, just a small comment. They are called meltaways because they have real butter, go figure. If you are interested in low fat food, look elsewhere. It like complaining that french fries are fried, or that chocolate is fattening. Just saying." 2368,B001LQTDBE,AH1WO4RD371X,P. Graham,3,4,5,1272931200,Absolutely loved them!!!,"These were so, so good, and I love that they're made with whole wheat flour and a healthier suga
????????ititut??e e??nonotot t???pap??????????spsplsp???dada)a).)???????okokek?????t st ?omome????kik??? p ?????ut ut??ut?teterter ??????I'I??d jd ?usu?? b bo bouougu??t,t????nd nd t ????'r'????????gheghere??pe?????ta?gege e oe ofe o?????turtu?at??????at at??hah?an an?????e ?coc??ki?es??? I???or??? a??????????????outou?t tt ??e ???????in? a????ododud?ctc?t tt tht t??n n??? the the??at?, ?unu?le?????it'it?s s ms ???e e we wiw?ithith h s so soyo???????ili? o ?or or? li l???s ?????? f fa?t.t??. I. ???is??t t?t thit thisis is??s ????e o??? my m???????ltl??y ???aca???.".???????nd snd ?inincin??? I' I??????er er?404??, s, ???e ?4,4?, w, ???? n ?? h??ealealt?????obo??lemle???- -? I I m I mum????be?? on o????? r rir?ighightht ht?????ck ck o??f wf ?????""??hea?ltlth????"" i"" ??. ??)<)<b<?????<b???r />r /?OnO?? c ??st????er ?sasaia???he?rsr???er???""??re????????
r substitute (not aspartame or splenda). I looked at some Atkins peanut butter cups I'd just bought, and they're a higher percentage of saturated fat than these cookies. I worry a lot more about the sugar in a product than the fat, unless it's made with soybean oil or lists trans fat. I list this as one of my ""healthy snacks."" And since I'm over 40, size 4, with no health problems - I must be on the right track of what ""healthy"" is. :)<br /><br />One customer said hers were ""greasy.""
??aya????heh??? w ??????????????????ana?????he ????tet???gogotot t????? ??????????lal??in????y y???iri???????er ?fof?? t???ses????he?????e we ?orortor?? i itit!t???232363????000010???TDT??E,E??2H2??BTBTNTNUN???GXGXGXG1G?,N,NoN?ormor???MeM?did??????2,2??,1?????404??00??"t"tat???y,y, , b, bu??t st ???????hahara?rd)rd???????????ththeth????coc?okokik??????ut? t th????pap?????la?????atcat?? w??as as???????, v, ?????ha??rd,rd?????? ha hada?d td ?o o??dipdi??? the???in?? my my y cy ????e ???????t tt ?????????lyl?.".????707?,B??001001L??QTDQT???E,AE,??KQKQT?4D4???????????????le?y,?1,1,21,2,1,2?????797?414???????????????se?rtr?t ft ?????omomemeoe???e ge glglul??????????tit?veve,ve?, d, dadaiairiryir???sen????????anandan???????titicti???"M"??y h??????nd nd i is is ????ute?????ensen????ve??????ry?????
Maybe hers were in the heat, and the butter got hot? I'm now placing my third order for these. They're worth it!" 2369,B001LQTDBE,A2HIBTNU4UGXG1,Norma Medina,1,2,3,1304640000,"tasty, but stale (hard)","I love these cookies, but this paticular batch was stale, very hard, & I had to dip them in my coffe to eat them easily." 2370,B001LQTDBE,A2KQT4D0OZR569,L. Staley,1,2,4,1279411200,"Good dessert for someone gluten sensitive, dairy sensitive and diabetic","My husband is gluten sensitive, dairy sens
?????????ndnd d?????etetitictic,c??sos???it it?????verve?y y????fif????? t ???fi???? de dese?ses??????oro?????. .??UsU???lll????if? i it i??????utu?ene??frf???? i????asa?s ws ???????totootoo ?mum??h h???gag???, f, ??r ???ama??lel?????? tr tririei?d ?? b boboxo? o ?f f t?heh?eseese e???oko?????s fos for? h????. ??e e te ????ed ed t?????????sasaiaidi???????????????e se ?sursurprprpririsrisis??gl????oo???<b<???/>/?<b??r /?>T>?he????????oto???????ingin??es??, e, ??venve???????h h th ??theythe?y a??e ?e she s??peped????kek?e te the t??????ypy?pespe???of of??ooookoo????. . . T. Th???? ar a????regregugulgulal??????okiokie????nsn????????. ?. T???????areare are????? a a a??ewe???????????????e, se, ?so so?????y a??? r raratathat??her her?????ns???e.?????????er,er?????? a??????ss?? ex expx????????? tha than??????inging ing a??ll ll???????ateat??
itive, and diabetic, so it is very difficult to find desserts for him. Usually, if it's gluten free, it has waaaay too much sugar, for example. I tried a box of these cookies for him. He tried them and said that they are surprisingly good.<br /><br />They are not mereingues, even though they are shaped like those types of cookies. They are regular cookie consistency. There are just a few in a package, so they are rather expensive. However, they are less expensive than buying all the materi
???????????lfl? a ?ndn???ava???????????aiaili???????????ou ou??el?l l I ? h?????mam????sos????????s ??in in? my my y t???me me??????sps?ececic??altal??????k?k? ?????????373?1,1?B0B??1L1LQL??DBDBEB??A3A???AQAQ0Q??2I2?RPR???????????eee??1,1,31,??,1,,1,1???626?595929202??????boxbox x?ofof ??tat??e ???umu??????????? a?rer?e oe ??de?rir??g ??cooco????????ewe??rere,re??ththeth?e 'e ?cocoo???????? arr ar????d ???????????????so,so, ????f yof you??wa??? a????????????????????????de?? a aw a?waywa???)"???37?????001001L?QTQTDQT?DBEDB?????S5S5959059?A4A?K4K4Z4????MiM?ri?????. ???bcb?cocco????"M?ir???????BoBoioisi??BaBabBa????ck"ck???????,1???????777?606?00,?????????sis?ies??HiH??hfh??t ???ookoo????????o o o???????nt Gnt ??????'s'?s cs ???????ies cies coconcont???????? o? of of??ai??y ?fa????llllolowo?
als yourself and having them fail. (Can you tell I have made some bombs in my time as a specialty cook? LOL)" 2371,B001LQTDBE,A34QAQ042IRPVW,Nancy Lee,1,3,1,1296259200,A box of stale crumbs,"If you are ordering cookies, beware, the 'cookies' arrived in crumbles, so, if you want a box of stale crumbs order away :)" 2372,B001LQTDBE,AA7S590A4K4Z2,"Miriam R. Babcock ""Miriam DuBois Babcock""",1,6,1,1253577600,Aunt Gussies Highfat Cookies,"Two of Aunt Gussie's cookies contain 23% of daily fat allowa
?ncncec??? T ???????kikiei????rer??sos??fuf?????f f?????????he?? f?alallll ll?????t.t?? T ThTheTh?y ???y ??e ?e sue s?gagar???????anandn? g???????????? b bubut????eyey ey?ma??e e ie iti???p p???????oso???????????????an'an't'?????? g gi givi?ve ve????m m? to t??mym?y gy ???andandcdchc????re??!"!""????3,3??000?????7O7?I,I,A,A6A?????AGA??FWF??W,W,C,C.C??ClClal????????????151535303???0000,00??usu????re?reatrea????I wI ??as as?????kinki?? f fo f?r r????e e ne nun??????ouous? s sn snan?????? w???ith ith?????r ??- a- ?and??? cam ca????????????thesthe???? I??ve????rieri?d d td th??s ?vav????tyty ?an??and tand ??? o oa o?tmt???al/al/f/???? o???es es???nd nd b bo b??th th??re? v ????y g???????The?y ????????????????????re???????arear??fu??ll ?of?? fl flalavlavov??. ???ou???n'n't't 't??ayay ay? th????rere ?lil??? h ?omo?me ?????d,d????????
nce! The cookies are so full of grease they fall apart. They may be sugar free and gluten free, but they make it up with mostly FAT! I can't even give them to my grandchildren!" 2373,B00196U7OI,A601IGAG8FWGW,C. Clark,5,5,5,1215302400,Just Great,"I was looking for some nutritious snacks - with fiber - and came across these. I've tried this variety and the oatmeal/flax ones and both are very good. They have a dryish texture but are full of flavor. Wouldn't say they're like home baked, but the
?rere e?isi? n ?o o???arartr??????ala??????sts????? a ???? T ThTheh????re re??ene?ere??usu???? s ?izi?e ??3-3??? in i????s s ds didia?mem??terter,r? a??????? an an ?in?ch? h ?????????????????????cac???ririei??liligighig???????tst??(1(121?0-0-1-??0 0 e ???ch ????????ngng g o ?????he he v ?arariar??tyt????????????e ???4 ?grg??msm?s os ofo?????????????????ighligh????recre????menmendnd ???thesthe??e fe ??or or??eaealea?????????kik?ingin????or eor ???????quq?????brb???kfk???t.t.".""?232373???????969??7O7??,A,??EJE??????XDX?????????????x,x,1,1,1??,5,??,12,1?????646??0,0?Hi?ppp??y Ey ?????ari???????ftfte????????s o?????ana??y-y-s-??ak?eded ed???in???ese?, , I, I I??us?t ?????ed ????????? the th??e e te ??onion???ight.ight?. . W ????? T Th T????e a???re gre gog??????MyM?????e ????????ight?? T Th??????e ge ???????
re is no ""artificial"" taste at all. They're generous in size (3-4 inches diameter, almost an inch high) and though not calorie lightweights (120-140 each depending on the variety), they have 3-4 grams of fiber each. Highly recommend these for healthy snacking or even a quick breakfast." 2374,B00196U7OI,A3EJGZO3WXD6JM,Ted Felix,1,1,5,1250726400,Hippy Eucharist!,"After years of brandy-soaked Twinkies, I just tried one of these tonight. Wow! These are good. My wife was right: They're good. B
u???non???soso o????????u u? go g?o co ????????d ???????? e ene???rer?e be ???? I ?t ??aya??beb??th?e ?whw???pipiningn??3 3???ramra?s s o ?? f ????r r??? t ??thesthe?????inyin?y ly ???tlt?e ?e the t????s.s?? I? t??hinhinkn? i???s ???tutuaualalll????y y sy ?tot???chch h???crecr??mim?ing?, ,?"""??O O??ORO??? ?I I??ANA?'T'???????AN??????E ???BEB??! ! ! I I' I???GOG?NNN???????!"!??<b<?r ?/>/?????r />r /??????reremremi????????of of? th??e he hohomho???madma??e we whe w?holho??????in in hin ?hiphi???????chach???stst st???om? t???????e ???'s??????eaearearlrlyly ly?8080'?s.s. s.???ea???, , m, ??is?????whowh?lele-le-g-grgragraia????????ese??s. s. s. T????es es m me m?????k ?to? m??y Cy ?at?ho???c c??ch??ooloo??dad?????????y ?usu?sedsed d td ??to lto leletle?????????????t at ?allal????????ftfto?vev??r hr ??homehomeme?mad?e ????oleolege???in?in h??pp?ppy ppy?????us ?afa??er? a???
ut not so good you go crazy and eat the entire box. It may be the whopping 3 grams of fiber in these tiny little things. I think it's actually my stomach screaming, ""NO MORE! I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE FIBER! I'M GONNA BLOW!""<br /><br />They remind me of the homemade wholegrain hippy Eucharist from the late 70's and early 80's. Heavy, moist, whole-grain goodness. Takes me back to my Catholic school days. They used to let us kids eat all the leftover homemade wholegrain hippy Jesus after a ma
ssss?. .????odo??tit??????????5,5???010191?6U6U7U?OIO??????G5G?6O6???????,R,RaRanancnchc?????????????121????777?606??,C,???wyw????????titisti??????????olo?? g ??????in???ede??ene??s s????d gd gog??d ???sts??ng??? M MoMoso???KaKasashas???prp??????ts ts?????e me ?????y y wy whw??????lol???????h ??verve?y y ly ??????????????gragraiainai??, ,????? th t???e ????????s as ??????im?????? a? w???lele le g??????????. I. ItI???s ns ?ici????o o? ha h????????reareatat at?? tha th??at iat ?s ??????nunut?rir?itiitioiou????nd??st??????wew???????ougoughg??foforor r mr ??????????oo??????ThT???re ???e ?se??????l vl ????et???? o ofof f??????i ci ?cooco??kiekieses,es????and and???eye??arare?? al alll??gogoogo??.".?"2"?23723???????19619???7OI7OI,??2E2??8E8?JK?ZTZ?????,c,?????????4,04,????3,3,1??????282???????,"??TheTh?ey ey
ss. Good times." 2375,B00196U7OI,A1E7G56OX03JKO,Ranch Girl,6,9,4,1210377600,Chewy and Satisfying,"Whole grain ingredients and good tasting. Most Kashi products have mostly white flour with very little whole grains, but these cookies are primarily a whole grain mix. It's nice to have a treat that is more nutritious and still sweet enough for my sweet tooth! There are several varieties of Kashi cookies, and they are all good." 2376,B00196U7OI,A2E48EJKZTCAUA,copengie4,0,0,3,1335052800,Ehh,"They
????tet????cec?, ,?????tht?eyey y???ded??mymy ???omo?macmachch h??????anandnd d?????????a a b bi b???????????????????sus??s s?(b(bebececac?usu?e ?ofof of??hehe he?chchich?????????t ????berbe??. . I ?t ???????ad?e ??e me e me b???at????""2?373????000???6U6?7O7?I,I,A,A2A?P2P2S2?T2T282????????????an???,0,0,0,0???,1,??747?484868??0000,00?GrG?eae??? co c???????? T TET??????? P ????????ESE???ththethes?e ?????wowono?ndendere???? a ?????eaealea???y ??oo??ie??, , b, ?butbu??ththith?????s as a a ra rar?????ad???deade?? f??romro? A ??????????al????????NuN???ititiit?onon)on??- t- th?????areare ??chachar??iningn? a ab a?ouo?ut ut???5 5 ( (i (?????did??g ?shshih?ppp?ining??). ).???n n?????? th?an?? a a????????e ofe of ?wew?? s ???arcar???ng???? fo f???nd nd t? the th?e se sas???e qe ???????????or or? ab?ou??t $t ?????shish?ippip??ed.ed???EnE?jojoyo??????? coo cooko???
taste nice, but they made my stomach hurt and gave me a bit of flatulence issues (because of the chicory root fiber). It also made me bloated." 2377,B00196U7OI,A2P2ST28QAZMJI,C. Candy,0,0,4,1274486400,Great cookies - TERRIBLE PRICE,"YES, these are wonderful and healthy cookies, but this is a rare bad deal from Amazon (really DAB Nutrition)- they are charging about $25 (including shipping). In less than a minute of web searching I found the same quantity for about $15 shipped. Enjoy the cookies
????????uyuy y f frf?omo? s sosomomeom?ono???????e ue unu?tit????heh?e pe prp?icicece ??om??? d ?owo???????7878,8,B,??010??6U6???I,I,A,?2X2XNXNJN????F7F?????,A????e,e????????272737??494?96096??,G,GoG??? b bu?t ????????ata??"Y"??mmmmym?? G ???????ava?oro???I I w ?isi?? t??????erere?????tet?er er????d nd ???????crc????lyl?????..????d fd fof?? s so??e e oe ?????reare???n n?? the th??y gy ?givgivev???me me h ??ara????rnr???????I I nI ????r r?geg?????hearhea?rtbrtbuburburnbur?n. n.?? s????????kek?????e fe ??lavla?????????????00100?????????A25A2???RIR?3434Q34??HHH???SuS??an?ne??EsE??????????0,50,5,5,1?27???080?80080???BeB??? H HeHea???????oo???ie ie I I' I??? E?ve?? T ???te??!!!????????????etet!et???!!,!!,","<,"<s<??an?????sss?="=????nyny"y""?> > L ?eneng?th?:::??1:1?????????????????r /???/s/?????ThT??se?? co coo????s ??????
, but buy from someone else until the price comes down." 2378,B00196U7OI,A2XNJJ9TF70P4J,Angie,0,0,4,1273449600,Good but not great,"Yummy. Good flavor. I wish they were softer and not so crumbly......and for some odd reason they give me heartburn, and I never get heartburn. I still like the flavor." 2379,B00196U7OI,A251MRI34QYHH2,Suzanne Estrada,0,0,5,1271808000,Best Healthy Cookie I've Ever Tasted!! Pretty sweet!!!!,"<span class=""tiny""> Length:: 1:00 Mins<br /><br /></span>These cookies are so
???rer???! !??at?chc??ouo?????????tot??seseee? h ??? g gr g???? t??eyey y??rearealrealll???ara??!!!!!?""???8080,0?B0B???0C0?GFG??4,4?A3A?????N4N????6V6??????ere???? D DiD?vava,a??0,00,?????313?????00??,",???cec?? B BiB?g g???????????igig ig A ?lmlmom?ndnd d????vovoro??,"????se??????e se ????pepede???outou?????????????terte??? o????re?d d td ththeth?? a ??????rir??????????n n 5 ?? da d??s.s. .??(I(I I lI ??ive???n ???? o?ppppopp??ititeite ?coc??stst ????re??? the these???ar?????? )?????or??der? a? arr arririvri?eded ??ic???? p pap??kak??eded.ed??? Fo F?or or t?? the the p pr p??????I ?????1 1??bsb?s. s.?? o??. . o. ?f f b bib??co???? (??I wI ?????????????????kik?itcitchchechene?n sn ?????) ) c) ??t t it ?intin???1010 0? bi big???ieiecie??ces.ces?????????he ??shish????ngn?????d hd ??????ng?, ?????? tha th?at ?????es es o???? to to ????it??le?
great! Watch our video to see how great they really are!!!" 2380,B0000CGFV4,A3LSUKN4IFS6VD,Internet Diva,0,0,5,1312416000,"Nice, Big Pieces & Big Almond Flavor","These were shipped out the day after I ordered them and arrived within 5 days. (I live on the opposite coast where these are made.) My order arrived nicely packaged. For the price, I got 1 lbs. 4 oz. of biscotti (I weighed it on my kitchen scale) cut into 10 big pieces. Add the shipping and handling, and that comes out to a little
????????anan n??????r r?????e.e???ThT??? i is? a ?ppp??oxo???ata???????????????cac?? b ??kek?????ha???ese??????bibisiscis???tit? t????(w(????????y ?ha??e ?sos???????SoS??????ueu?????thith????is ???the the g go g??ngn?? pr p??????or??hoh?omeom????e ?bi?scs??ttttitt???the??????????????><>????????e ?flf????or ??is ??ververyry ?al?????y.y?. A. ?ndnd,nd, , t, th?the ??harhardhardnd?es?ess ess?????usu?????perfper?ec?t.t?? T??e e b??????titi ti??? h?ara?d d? an a?nd nd???unu????????????'s'??nonot???so so? ha???????????u u c??oulou???'t'??eae????t ?????houho???????iningin?????s ss ??me???????tttti????re)re).)?. ???is??bibis???cottcot??ti cti ?cancan ?????????????? i? is" is?? o or????? b?e ???unk?????????ffffe???????????cococco???. ??I ?du???kedke???in?????in Cin ChC?haiha??????an?d ??t t tt ??astas
more than $2 per piece. This is approximately what my local bakery charges per biscotti too (when they have some.) So, I guess this is the going price for homemade biscotti these days?<br /><br />The flavor is very almondy. And, the hardness is just perfect. The biscotti is hard and crunchy, but it's not so hard that you couldn't eat it without dunking (as some biscotti are). This biscotti can be eaten ""as is"" or can be dunked in coffee, tea or cocoa. I dunked mine in Chai Tea and it tast
?????rer?ata??????????heh?????coc???i i d ?oeo?es es n non???fafala?? a apa?arartr???????????ede??<b<brb??????r ??/>I/>I I????ke ke t?????lml??ndnd nd??lalava?oro??, b, ?utu?????isishis?????? c ??mem??????ninis??e fe ?????r.r??????????mym???av????????bisbi?????ti ti f????avoravor.?""????1,1??000?8989S9SPS????,A,?????VSV??HJH?4L4?RXR????dydy ???? L ?on??s ????beb????ut?h ??? t? the the ?????ere?r,2r,?7,7?292?????29???444?00?0,0,N,?ewe????avoavoravoriavor????DaD??? K K-K?CuCupu????????co?????e he ??s s as ??????othoth,h???carca?memelme????????????isish?????at at I ??lol?vev?? M ???huhusu??an?????????????? da dar???blblel?ndndsnds ??ha?t ?????te te l??????????????????????Thi??s o?nene ??????ryr???smosmooo???????th?????t ??a ha ?in???????????????????I wiI w?ishish ish tish ??at???????on on????d id it??
es great. And, the biscotti does not fall apart when dunked.<br /><br />I like the almond flavor, but I wish this came in anise flavor. That's my favorite biscotti flavor." 2381,B0089SPDUW,A2QNGVSIHJ4LRX,Lady Who Longs to be South of the Border,27,29,5,1292544000,New Favorite Dark K-Cup,"This coffee has a smooth, carmely, dark finish that I love! My husband gets other dark blends that taste like charcoal to me. This one is very smooth, with just a hint of sweetness. I wish that Amazon had it o
n??iti?? m ?ono????????rcr???ses? p????rar?m,m? w wow?ululdld d l lol???e te tot????ve? 1 ?5%5???on on???????wew??????I I??????laladad d td ?to to?fif?ndnd ??it it??omomem??la??e e be ?????es??????n n Mn MoMouounou???????AsA???ririmi???????berbe?s,s??we???????????????????ee ee?re?plplapl??cedce????n 2n ?? sh s???pip????????s vs ?. ?a a? we w??? o?? l????gerge??ovoveovere??atat ????. S. ?we?et?!"!????828???000????PDPDUD?????QLQ?WCW?????????????en???. ??????sos???9,9??,5,?????161????00000???ooooho?. ???lil?keke e t?????,",???his????????e fe ????th th??ifi??er??enten?t tt tyt?pepe ??of of? co cof co???e ??'v'???????d ?wiw?????????ur????????feefe?e me ??kekerker.r??????????ow,ow?, i, ?it ???s t?iei?? w??ith???a Na ????manma?'s'??OwO???k-k??upup p a??????fafav???ritri???. A. A A c???uplup???k-?cucupcu???proprododud??ts? s???me???
n its monthly purchase program, would love to save 15% on it! However, I was glad to find it someplace besides Green Mountain. As prime members, we can get our coffee replaced in 2 shipping days v. a week or longer over at GM. Sweet!" 2382,B0089SPDUW,AQQLWCMRNDFGI,Steven A. Peterson,9,9,5,1301616000,Oooh. I like this!,"This is the fifth different type of coffee I've tried with my Keurig coffee maker. Right now, it is tied with a Newman's Own k-cup as my favorite. A couple k-cup products seemed f
i??e e w whwheh?? I ?????????asa?stest?????hemhe?, ,??utu?t ht ?ava?e ???????? p ?????sos???wh??t ?in????mpm????sosonso???iti?h h o oto?theth???????orors???????????.<.?brb??????r ?r />r /??hih????????????lyl? s ???oo??oooooooooooo???oo?????????????titiningin? c co c?fff???? I It I????es????ot ot?ha??????????????tasta?steste,ste???butbu??gog?oesoes s???wnw???verve??? ??????hnhne???s ts ???????e tae t???e ??as as??ele?l.l???br br???<b?<br <br????????m m l ?in??? ??? w??illil? b be be ??ururcrch?????ing ing???????gag??in ?????????sus?ppp?ly????nsn?s os ??ut ut????I ??concontn?tintinun????xpxpep?????nt????ing wing wi????didifi??er?erenerent? f fl??avo?r ?????upsups.?????838?,B,?????????W,W,A,???????ISIS4S464?616???im???????????292??202???00?,G,???at? C ??offof??e,e??Gr???????????e. e.? R ?ic??
ine when I first tasted them, but have come to pale somewhat in comparison with other flavors and makes.<br /><br />This is a really smooooooooooooooooooth tasting coffee. It does not have a strong taste, but goes down very easily. There is a richness to the taste as well.<br /><br />Bottom line? I will be purchasing this again when my supply runs out as I continue experimenting with different flavor k-cups." 2383,B0089SPDUW,AP2NX17IS4661,Jim,15,17,5,1297209600,Great Coffee,"Great coffee. Rich,
?????usu??????????????lol??ere????hoh??????????yoy?? l ????????ncn?h h??oaoasast??oro?????lilialiana? r? roa ro?astas???????????? li lik???tht??????????.".?2??8484,4,B,B0B000?898??PDP??W,W,A,A2A2V2?MBMB1B????SUS?VM??????ba??ahahlh?,6,6,6???5,5,1,131????89289???????aza????"I"??ama?? a a????????sns????. Y. ?ese??????dmd?iti??? . I. I I pI ?re?feferfer ?frfreresreshs??roroaro?astasteasted??KeK???anan an????ffe?e,e?, b, ???t at ???????keke ke S ?umu???????, J, JaJ??????, ??uau???????an,???ve??n En EtE????????. ?? g ?en??eraer??lyl? s ???y ty ththath?at at????ono?'t'??????k k?CoC?lul?????????osost??K-K?CuC???s as ararear?e we wew?akak k ak ??d d? le l???s ts ??thantha???stest????????thoth??ghg???I hI ?ava?ve ve f fof??ndn?????er????I ??enjen?oyo????. I w. I ?????uru?pr???ed????y Cy ?ar?ibi?ou?????????an??????? is is ??xcx??????t.?? St S?trotr??g g e en e
robust. A coffee-lovers choice. If you like French roast or Italian roast, you will like this coffee." 2384,B0089SPDUW,A2VMB1J58SUVMC,barbarahl,6,6,5,1332892800,Amazed,"I am a coffee snob. Yes, I admit it. I prefer fresh roasted Kenyan coffee, but also like Sumatran, Jamacan, Guatamalan, even Etheopian. I generally say that I don't drink Columbian. Most K-Cups are weak and less than stellar, though I have found several I enjoy. I was surprised by Caribou's Mahogany! It is excellent. Strong en
???ghg??wiwiti??h ah ?????rtr???? w wi w?????????? a an???sms?ooo????e fe ?in???h ??mymy ???scs???????????????aga?????????ede?d td th?theithe?r r???ybybrb????, , t, ?o o????did???ppp???????ntnt.t????st???rdrdi????????I dI dod???t t????????ri????????ewewsw??, b, ??t ??????????an???getge??sos??????e ee ?lslsese ????????y ???????anyany y iy it?????wew?ellell l??????????e t?imi?????????ou ou??ava?e ?sis?????? t?asastas???in?? co c???eee??????? it i???? tr t???? ( ????????, I, I ??????t wt ??orkor? f fof?? t???????2??858????????PDP?UWUW,W??????BFB??HLH???P1P1,1????c c?W.W???????,1,??090?737?767????YuY?mmm???,I,??lol?????thith???coc???feefe???VeV??????arkar????t ???t t at att at ???l ?????terte???? f???ala??y ???unu???on?one one I? l ????e ae ?????chch ?h ash a? J ?ete???????2??
ough with an earthy, winey taste and smoothe finish (my description). I eagerly tried their Daybreak, to my disappointment. Just ordinary. I don't often write reviews, but if this can get someone else to enjoy Mahogany it is well worth the time. If you have similar taste in coffee give it a try!! (and no, I don't work for them.)" 2385,B0089SPDUW,A3CCKBF8HLSGP1,Eric W.,5,5,5,1309737600,Yummy!,I love this coffee. Very dark but not at all bitter. I finally found one I like as much as Jet Fuel. 238
???B0B??898?SPS???W,W??3O3O1O1I1??KBKB7B??????,",??ici?kikiei???. .??neneie?sls?ere? " ??????kieki??"""""","??,4?????313121?767???????ara???????ofo????/S/????????,"M,"?????????d d??ovo????sts????? C?ar????????offof???e be ????? l li l??e ?tht???mimili???er er??oneone ?oro?r "r ""??rer??kfk??stst<st????????????I I wI ?il?? d ????k k????is is b ?????CarCa??boboubou u ou ?of of a ???????ndsnd??is?????re?atat t ct ?cofcoff?????????attatteter?<b?????hoh???????ng?. . I??t wt wi?ll? n ??????isaisapa????ntn????????,B??????SPDSP???W,AW,?A36A36R6??????VLV??JTJ???perperfr???twt??ritrite?????,5??,13,1?292????20200?????????t t Ct Cot C?offoffeoff???fof?? D ??????sis???????? Li L?ftf?in???upu? Y ??ourou???????????is ???ornor????????or ?ththethe ?fifiri??st st???mem??in? m???lil???, ?I ?tr?????MaM??hogho???i i?????riborib???Co?????
6,B0089SPDUW,A3O1I3KB7L1R9S,"Vickie L. Kneisler ""Vickie""",4,4,5,1312761600,Caribou Coffee/Strong!,"My husband loves strong Caribou coffee but I like the milder one or ""breakfast<br />type. I will drink this but Caribou of all kinds is a great coffee,no matter<br />how strong. It will not disappoint." 2387,B0089SPDUW,A36RD36M6VL3JT,perfectwrite,3,3,5,1329955200,The Best Coffee for Depression and Lifting up Your Mood,"This morning, for the first time in my life, I tried Mahogani Caribou Coffee
???lyl? b ???auausu???I I??????unu??ououtu? o?f f m ?y y uy ???ala????????f ??of???e,e? w ??ici?h h??? wo w?oulouldl?????al?????rer????ndn???rir???? I???shs??rtr????I sI ?????????????ene??cacatca?????????MaM???gag??y ??ara??bobou? a???co??fe???!!?? Y YoY???knkno??w ww ???? ???t ????s fs fafarar ar m??oreore ?????-d-??prpre???an?ant ant??nd??upuplplil?ftf???g g e ??ffeff????on?? me m??ththahanha????hahadha?d pd ??ev????slslyly ?an?????papata?tedte??. F. ?????no???????????????onlon????dridrin?k k??MahMa???an??????rib?ou??????888?????8989S9?PDPDUD????1G1GLGLLL?2V2??HUHUW?P5P???"P"P.P?. J. ?ararrar????t "t ?"p"p-p??????tt????????????323282?222??202???MoM?sts?????y y fy flf?ava????? I h I ha?ve???????d.,d.??YoYouYo???????asa????e the t?e ??oooodo?d id ??????? re r??pepecpectc?t it iti????????li?kek?e t???e ce ????????????oao?ast
only because I had run out of my usual type of coffee, which I would usually brew and drink. In short, I should not even categorize Mahogany Caribou as coffee!!!! You know why? It has far more anti-depressant and uplifting effect on me than I had previously anticipated. From now on, I will only drink Mahogany Caribou." 2388,B0089SPDUW,A1GLL2VDHUWP5O,"P. Jarrett ""p-jarrett""",3,3,5,1328227200,Most Cozy flavor I have tried.,"You can taste the wood in the respect it taste like the coffee was roast
?ede? o ???r r w ????? ?ItI???? V ?ERE?Y Y s ??????????ded?tetecectc??????iti?te??????????ov?????????iningng.g?. . ??icicec? f ??ava?oror.or???MyM???newne???????avoav???????????ng ng?th??e ke k-k???p p?????. ?????ololdld ??favfa??ririt?? w??? D DoDononun?t ?????????? no n???ana???mo?rere.???? a ?am am? no not no??????????ed?? wi w???? th theh??ot?he?r r Cr ??????? f?????vorsvor????????is???ne????????y sy ????ri?ses??ed med ??e."e.????898??B0B000???SPS?DUD??,A,??????2828W8???1C1?????eckec?y ???????gag??de???),)????,5,5,5?131??272?848??????????rfr?????ar?? c ?ofo??eeee,e,",???stst st????rib???? co c?????es es a?????oooo oo w??eakeak ?fof?????. ??hih???on?e e ie ??is ais ? d??lilicli?ioi??s s es ???????????ItIt'It?s s rs ???htht ?up?? th??ereere e we ?itithith ith?ReR??????me?ri???'s 's? bo b??????????? H ????????
ed over wood. It is VERY smooth, I detect no bitterness or over roasting. Nice flavor. My newest favorite amoung the k-cup line. My old favorite was Donut Shop but not any more. I am not as pleased with the other Caribou flavors but this one really surprised me." 2389,B0089SPDUW,A3AZI828WJN1CD,Becky (beckygardens),3,3,5,1322784000,Wonderful dark coffee,"Most Caribou coffees are too weak for me. This one is a delicious exception. It's right up there with Revv, Emeril's bold, or Van Houtte's
??clc?????? A A A?DaDara?k k?bob???????????wiw???????tatasa???ngn???????d ?????????r.r?""??393909??????9S9??DUDUWU?,A,A2A?????N2N???????????????. ?RoR??sensenbn???g ?"""???ese??berbe???????,3??5,?????787???00?,t,??e ?be??st st?k-k???p,p?,"C,"???ibibo??????aha????nyn? i ??s ms ?y ?faf??ororiorititeite ?k-???? c??offoffe???? I ItIt't?????t ?a a g gr g??atat,t??rir?chc????astas???? I?????????, ???ut ut??ot?? bi??teterte???????1,1,B,B0,B0000800?89S89??DUDUWDU???????????T4T???4,4?GeGeoe????e Re ?? Dr D?rivri?erer,er??,6,??,5,,5,1,5,??939????00??0,T0,ThT???????????????????ItIt It?hah???a ???iceic??ststrst???ng ng??lal??or????????? b???te?????s.s?<b<??r /r ??<b?????HoHowow w s ??strostr???g ig ????????? wo w???ld ld s?????? i????????ar? i?n n????renrengngtng?? t???????-d-??ripri??????g g 1g 1 1?????ded?????blb
eclipse. A Dark bold coffee without tasting burned or bitter." 2390,B0089SPDUW,A2T5PIN2V2U325,"Jill G. Rosenberg ""fresberg""",3,3,5,1308787200,the best k-cup,"Caribou's Mahogany is my favorite k-cup coffee. It's got a great, rich taste. It's dark, but not bitter." 2391,B0089SPDUW,A33OK99AQT4864,George R Driver,5,6,5,1293408000,This is good coffee,It has a nice strong flavor with no bitterness.<br /><br />How strong is it? I would say it is similar in strength to auto-drip using 1 rounded tabl
e???ooo?n n o ?f f??????e e???? 8 ??????f wf ?atatet????????,B,?000???SPS?DUD?W,W??1A1???????YSY??T5T??,Br,Brir??n n Dn ????????2,22,?2,52,5,?131?424???9696060000,00,G,GoG?oodood d?????d Cd ??????????vev???????drdririnrinknkik??????eeeeneen een?MoMouo?????in'in????ararkrk k???gigici???andan?d rd ?reare??lyl????joj?????iti?t, t, h hoh??eveve?r ??????ntented? a? c ch c?anangan??? ??ftf??r ??omomem?e se ?eae???????g Ig I ?didisi???ve??ed???hi???co??fefeefe???and?? am am m??lal???I I d?idid.d??????'s 's???? a?n ???????en?t ?ded??? f ???vovoro????at??? r ???llllyll?????????. S. ?trtror?ongong ??enoen?ougou??????????ot????????we??????. . I. ???????memenme????ou????ve??itit it a? a t a tr????2?????,B0,B?????SPDSP??W,W,AW,?2626N6?FIFIQI??KWK????7,7,k,????????,2,,2????,1,13?292????0000000?,n,nin???e fe fl?????,"??I aI ???reere??????h th ???e oe ????? p po p?
espoon of coffee per 8oz of water. 2392,B0089SPDUW,A1ACXZOUVYS3T5,Brian Dumont,2,2,5,1342569600,Good Bold Coffee,"I've been drinking Green Mountain's Dark Magic and really enjoyed it, however I wanted a change. After some searching I discovered this coffee and am glad I did. It's got an excellent deep flavor that I really enjoy. Strong enough - yet not overpowering. I recommend you give it a try." 2393,B0089SPDUW,A26NFIQ7KWI8Y7,kt rose,2,2,4,1329696000,nice flavor,"I agree with the other pos
?ititit?vev????????s s I ???????, ,???ror???-i-?shsh,h??????????????rir?ndn??y y o ?or or???onfon?er??ncn?ce ce? co c?fff???e f??lavla?vorvorsr????o mo ?ese???????p.p?<b<?r r / ?><>??r ?/>???or ?re??ferfe?????e pe pup??poposo??s ??y ???? st sto st?oreore ?????? i is? a ? S ????????s ??me?riricricac?????brbr br?????br ???????avavoav???iteit?e ke ?????s ????????? />??StaStararbar?????s Fs FrF??rencren????oao???<b??????Sta??rburb?????CaC?????VeV????a<a?<br??<br /><br />S>??StarStarbStarbubuc????PiP?keke ??la???????????br br /??GrGre?en? M MoMouo?????in ???tratr?a Ba BoB??d d S??mamata??????????veve<ve<b?<br ?<br />??GreGr???n Mn ?MouMoun???????ououbou???e Be ?lalac?k ?DiD??????<b<br<br ?????????n Mon M?ounountntant?????evevvev????<br /??<br />Gr<br />Gre<br />Greeeeneen een??ou?ountountataitaintain tain??ar?k k Mk ???????<br ????????<br />O<br />?????r kr ???????I'I?ve??tr???d:d? ???
itive reviews I see here. Nice flavor, strong-ish, no bitter, grind-y or conference coffee flavors to mess it up.<br /><br />For reference purposes my in store drink is a Starbucks Americano.<br /><br />My favorite k-cups are:<br />Starbucks French Roast<br />Starbucks Caffe Verona<br />Starbucks Pike Place Roast<br />Green Mountain Xtra Bold Sumatran Reserve<br />Green Mountain Double Black Diamond<br />Green Mountain Revv<br />Green Mountain Dark Magic<br /><br />Other k-cups I've tried: Cof
????????plp???JeJete? F FuFueu?? , ?GrG???????ununtn??????ara?k k???gig?? D ?????, , E EmEmem?????JaJazazzz????upu????ecaec??, , S, ????????? C ?afaffaf????er?????????fefeefe??Pe?op?le??BlBlal?????igi?er??? S ?StaSt????????HoH??sese e Be ?BleBl?ndn??, S???tarbtar???ks?? Br B???????t ??Ble???, ????arb?ucuckucks???umumam?trtrara,a, a,???lfl??anangn?????????renre??? R RoRoao????, G, ??ee????ou?nt??ainai??????e ae ??d ??????????reereenen en? Mo?un?tataita?? F??enencen????oa?????????????? Mah Ma?ogogog??y,y??WoWolWolf?gaganga??????ck ?Su?mamatma?tratr??KoK??? R??yay??a, Ea, ?????? B?????asasyasy y? Bo B??d"d?????4,4????898?SPS??????1C1CACA6A??1G1?E0E040?NDN??,E,?lnl???ou???????4,14,???515111??????????iciic??ous?,T,??isi??coc??????hah???????od????????? an a???? g ???d ?ststrst???gtgthth.h????t t ft ??rsr?? i ??t st ???????d std str
fee People Jet Fuel ,Green Mountain Dark Magic Decaf, Emeril Jazzed up Decaf, Starbucks Caffe Verona, Coffee People Black Tiger, Starbucks House Blend, Starbucks Breakfast Blend, Starbucks Sumatra, Wolfgang Puck French Roast, Green Mountain Lake and Lodge, Green Mountain French Roast, Caribou Mahogony, Wolfgang Puck Sumatra Kopi Raya, Emeril Big Easy Bold" 2394,B0089SPDUW,A1CA6V1GE04NDK,Eln Lou,2,2,4,1325116800,Delicious,This coffee has a good flavor and a good strength. At first it seemed str
oonongn???utu?????n n?I I????t ut usu????o o????? I? r ?ececocomo????????isi? f flf??vov?r r?co?ffffefeee?. ??ooo??d wd ????e ue upu?????????????ini????232393?5,5?B0B???9S9?????,A,?2M2MNM?1Q1?BKB??G8G??????????r,r???2,?4,4???040494?????????akeak?e Ue ?p ???llll,l??VeV??????cec??????otothoth h c?????f f c co c???feefe?? ????ibi?????of??ee? h ?????eeeenee??a a? fa fav????????? m ?in?????incin?? t th the th?e fe fif???????meme me? I ??is?it???d Md ?in???sosototaota ?????hahadhad ?th?the the???pop?ortortut??????tot???go go? to????st?or?e ??andand ?d had havaveave ???coffcoffe?fee.fee???? I h I ha??e e s????????oneon?e m??????rdrdeder???or??????ir ir??????ee ??andand and a??te?r r pr ?uru??ha?si?ng?? a a K KeKeue??????????ee ?mam?ch???ine ine???s ???pp???????seese??it????as as??vav??????e ?e ine in ????????????alalsal?? e ?????y t??he he???riribri?boubo?
ong but then I got use to it. I recommend this flavor coffee. Good wake up in the morning. 2395,B0089SPDUW,A2MN1QBKMG8DJ2,Guster,2,2,4,1304985600,Wake Up Call,"Very nice, smooth cup of coffee. Caribou Coffee has been a favorite of mine since the first time I visited Minnesota and had the opportunity to go to a store and have coffee. I have since done mail order for their coffee and after purchasing a Keurig coffee machine was happy to see it was available in K-cups. I also enjoy the Caribou
?BlB?ene?d d???t t I I I??ava???toto o???????isi??????nd nd h?????????tlt??????e e "e """?kik???????o ???? bu b?? s???lll????sms???????ofo????????h ???o ao afa?tet??? ta t?astas?te.te??????6,6,B,?000?898??PDP?UWUW,W,A,??DUEDUEUE??PTPTGT??7L7?????issis?ouo????n,n??4,54,?,5,?????040??888808?00,00???chc????d d dd ????cicioi??s,s?"I"I ??hadha??'t't ?trt???????ri???ou ou b????? K K-K-c-????s bs bebefe??????and??ama??exe??tretreme???y y py pip????. . I?? li liki??e a????richric???inintn?tente???, ?????-b-?bodbo???? c??????e a????ththithis? p prp????ctct ?????????????StStr?onongng g???????????teterte?r tr ??astasteast??????en en b br?ewe??d ???th??? o ozo?????te???. ??I wI wowououlouldl?d rd ???comcommmme??????hishi???proprododuod?????o ??nyn?ononeon?e w??ithith ith??imi????? t? tas ta?te?s ?s ans andnd ????ll ll??defdefif??????????????it ait ????"."?232?397397,7?,B0,B00?89?
Blend but I have to say this blend has a little more ""kick"" to it but still a smooth coffee with no after taste." 2396,B0089SPDUW,ADUEU4PTGT7L4,Missourian,4,5,5,1310428800,rich and delicious,"I hadn't tried Caribou brand K-cups before and am extremely picky. I like a rich, intense, well-bodied coffee and this product delivered. Strong but no bitter taste, when brewed with 6 oz. water. I would recommend this product to anyone with similar tastes and will definitely buy it again." 2397,B0089S