r??y y?FrF???h h a ana?d d??asa??????ghg?????????MaM?rkr???????ckc?? a? n ?umumbm?????????uru?mem?et et i ???or???d d pd prp??oduod?ctctsts ??andan?d Id ???????y ty ??yiyiningng g????m.m??OnO??? is i??? v ???iei?????? B ???teterte??s ss ???psp?s fs ??romrom m C CaC??ada???. T. ToT????, , I I ???? t?????utu?teter?nunutnu???quq?????????ReR?? P PePepe??er????oup??. Q. ?????????d.d. . S. ??oo??????? m me??lol???. M. ?????????te,te??bub?ut ut????ici????s.s?. G. GoG??? d do d?ownow???reareala? e?as?y ????????????????????to to????cac??or?ie???pe??????viv??????? se s??ervierv??ingsing?s p?er?er cer ?canca???. A. ???as,as??th????sodso??um?????te???????? a b a ???it hit ?igighigheherher r tr ???? I??liliklike??????therthe??isise????er???go??od.od.<.<b<brb????<b?r ???GaG???y Py Pe???terster?????212????B0B000010?FPF?T2T?MGM???2222M????2K2???070???LiL???an?????
rby Fresh and Easy Neighborhood Market stocks a number of gourmet imported products and I enjoy trying them. One is a variety of Baxters soups from Canada. Today, I had the Butternut Squash and Red Pepper Soup. Quite good. Smooth and mellow. Mild taste, but delicious. Goes down real easy and it only comes to 90 calories per serving (2 servings per can). Alas, the sodium content is a bit higher than I like. Otherwise, very good.<br /><br />Gary Peterson" 2198,B001FPT2MG,A22MI212KEK07E,Lilian Roes
??lelerer,r?????5,5?,12,1282848??818???0,0,E,ExE???lll???????sts???? h ???e e b ??ene? u ?sis?ngng g????s s??????????oro? y yeyeaeara?s ?ana???wawas? h??ppppyp???o o??inindind ???????lil???????ce?????r lr ???alal l???????(B(?rir?istis?olo?l Fl ?ar?msm??????d cd ???ses??? I ?I lI lo?ve??it???????iai????y iy ???mym?y sy ?al???d dd ??esessessi?singsingsg?????999????????KOK??E,E???????????Z8Z8Q8Q,Q,K,KrK???stist?inain?????,8,8,8??9,59,??121??343?46846888808?00,00??onondon??erfer?ulul ????ondiond??enenten???ThT???pop???grgrar??ata???????assas?????????vedve?d od ?? t?????an??d i?n ????? c co?nd???ioi?on.on?. . I I I???nconc???ntent???ed ed t th thi thisis is?as?as aas anan an???ngrng?redredid???ent ent?????????????KaK?????an can ??okokbkbob??k k????????dididdid ??oto?t d??????poipo??t.t. ??WeW?e te ??hinhi???ed ???it jit ??ustus???a la li?ttt??le le? wi wit?h h w??arm????te?r r ar ??? u?se????
sler,1,1,5,1284681600,Excellent taste,I have been using this product for years and was happy to find it on line since our local place (Bristol Farms) had closed. I love it especially in my salad dressings. 2199,B000LRKO9E,ABQ0AV72S4Z8Q,Kristina vLS,8,9,5,1243468800,Wonderful condiment,"The pomegranate molasses arrived on time and in good condition. I encountered this as an ingredient in a Mollie Katzan cookbook and it did not disappoint. We thinned it just a little with warm water and used it
??????sis??? s???cec?e fe ??? r ??as???d d a??pap?????s ?atat t???bab??????e,e?? an a?d ?gog???mam??? r??vev???eve?iei????frfro??????????sts?s,s, , v, ?vegve?????iaian? a an??????-v-veveg??etaet?ari?an??ala?iki?e.e?? I ????ecoecomommmmemene????ot?? t ?heh??ve????? a?? and and???isi?????????222202??????0L0??????,A,?TQT??DLD??RKRKNRK???I,I???aryary ?A.A??PaP??hah??,3,???,5,5,5,1,?212151585?20????,E,?xox???c c?Pa??????????? - ?????egegrg?????e e Me ???????es,es???as??, ?prp??fef??si??onaonal? t tr t???sasaca???on??. . ? I I??eee?edeed???? thi thisis is?????iningn??ed??ienie?nt nt?fo???? n??????cic?pep?e ae ?????it it?????nedned ???t ??????! ! N ?owow w???????????ed ed ted tot? f???d ???oreore ??useus?? f???or tor ?thith??is sis ???uffuf?."??222?20120?????000L000LRLRKLR?KO9KO?9E,9E?????????????WCW?,","M,"??????a ????lel??"""?or?gag?anian?icgic??rlr
as a side sauce for roasted asparagus at a barbecue, and got many rave reviews from our guests, vegetarian and non-vegetarian alike. I recommend both the vendor and this item." 2200,B000LRKO9E,ATQ7DL7RKN0PI,Mary A. Parham,3,4,5,1215820800,Exotic Pantry Stuff - Pomegranate Molasses,"Fast, professional transaction. I needed this one ingredient for a new recipe and it turned out great! Now I just need to find more uses for this stuff." 2201,B000LRKO9E,A3F6JH6V9IK7WC,"Melinda Ruble ""organicgirl
"???????,4??????525242?808?0,0??????fif???,O,OnO???????.M.??l.l.I.???? e eve?verve??usu?ed? b ?utu???hih???????????? h hah?ve?? th t??e se sa?????lalav?????theth?e Ce ChChe?????me???????th????or or?a a?????grgrar???ateat???ele?????? for for ??fisfi?h.h. . I ItI????seemseemsm?? to to o ho hahavhave?ve ave ?a ba bib?? o ????a b?ror???? ap a???ara?ranra?????thoth???????herhe?re re?? the the ????????????f ????ed ?waw????a b?a bria br?ghghtgh??????? c co c???or.or..2222???????0L0??KOK???,A,???595?????PPP?0S0??,",?????nnn?ne ne????clclel?????""R""???san????"""""?,1?4,?212?,5,?,1???787828?72720?0,?GrG????????d!d?,"???????e t?wow????cic??pespes ??I'mI'?????ioi?ousou??to? t?ryr?y ty ??at??ca??????????omeomegomegr??anaanatateate ate?????assas??s.s. ?I'I'vI've??cacal?????????? the?????ciciacial?tyt??anandand ?????t mt mamararkar??tst??in? t? the the the S the ?aca??ramramemenmentn?to ?ararear??
""",3,4,4,1268524800,satisfied,Only Pom.Mol.I've ever used but this seemed to have the same flavor the Chef came up with for a pomegranate relish for fish. It seems to have a bit of a brown appearance though where the one the Chef used was a brighter red color. 2202,B000LRKO9E,A2Z59A7Q8PP0S8,"Rosanne Vancleve ""Rosanne""",14,21,5,1187827200,Great Find!,"I have two recipes I'm anxious to try that call for pomegranate molasses. I've called all the specialty and best markets in the Sacramento area
a??????????????eae?rdr???? t ththihisi?? m mum????lel??????arrar???es es????? I ??????omo??on???n n?MeM?did??ererrr?????n ???cic??es?????es???itithith h sh ????mpmp,p, ?fif???, ???icickckek??, ?beb?????andan?d pd pop???????????????????ed ed? to to ????? i it i???n n An ??azazoz????andand and l??okok k f ??orwor???? t???ususisiningng g m??ineine e i? in in?? f??bub????us us?sh?or?t ??ribri????recre?????. . ???????sos?????????? al???????????????? to m to ????ri??enden????? t th theheyhe?y cy ?cancan ??????? th??iri??owownw???- - o??r Ir I ?????gig?????as as??gifgiftftst??toto ??my my? go gou???etet ?co???? fr????ndsnds.s????202?3,3???0000L00?RKR??9E9E,E,A,A1A?2525V5VUV??????3V3VYV????. N. N.N??????????y,y???3,?5,5???303??363??????I wI wow?oulou???rerec????menme?nd ??thith????rorodo?ucuctuc?t.,t.?????oulouldould ?????????? t th thi thisis ?pr???uc??. . ???
and no one's heard of this, much less carries it. It's common in Mediterranean recipes, goes with shrimp, fish, chicken, beef and pork. I was delighted to find it on Amazon and look forward to using mine in a fabulous short ribs recipe. I'm also passing along the info to my friends so they can order their own -- or I may give as gifts to my gourmet cook friends." 2203,B000LRKO9E,A125VULXMCE3VY,A. N. Duquesnoy,2,3,5,1230336000,I would recommend this product.,I would recommend this product. I r
??????ede???t t? in i? a ???imi?????????????ndnd ???????ici???????????..??2020404,4????????O9O????2D2?1L1?????TNT?T8T8X8??,Al,A?????li?a,a???,0,,0,5,??131????????00,00,L,????? it i?! !?I I??ses????????r sr ????an?y y ty ththith???s s is ??clc?udu???g g??y ?????er??s ?sesecse?rerete???recrecicipi????????????atatet???????se????s s ms ????ot????'s's 's??"s"se???retre?""? r ?recrecirec?????????gregr?at????eatea??ala???. .???he he? ad addd???a ????plp?e ?????????n on ?? m mo m???sssse??? to t?o to ????? mea me?at ??andand ??he??tat?astas?? c co?me?????t ?inincincrincre???blb???<b<?r r /r ??<b<br<br ?r />r /?OnO?ce?ce Ice ????t-t????????wnw?n hn ?ouousou??ho?ldl???????ava????? a?? pr p?????t t -t ???PomPomemegmegrmegra?????e Me ???as???s s o???my????wn.wn. . I. ???leale?????d t???us????t ?????????etyet??ofof of??????ipesipe??frfror?? d ?es?er??
eceived it in a timely manner and the price was good. 2204,B000LRKO9E,A2D1LPEUCTNT8X,Ali Julia,0,0,5,1329868800,Love it! I use it for so many things including my mother's secret recipe,"Pomegranate molasses is my mother's ""secret"" recipe for great meatballs. She adds a couple teaspoon of molasses to the meat and the taste comes out incredible.<br /><br />Once I set-up my own household she gave me a present - Pomegranate Molasses of my own. I learned to use it in variety of recipes from deserts
t ???memeae???sas??????????hah?s s?a a?wow???ere???l l??as?tete e????h h? ta??t ?ana?nd nd??????t at att at t tt ?????????????. . I. ????hasha???deede?? r ??d d??olo???, ,???nd nd lnd ??oko????er?y y????ea???ngng.g??brbr r??><>??r r /r ??ItIt ?kek???????mom?????indin??????????y iy ??????????rir????at?or?. ??t ??lel???s ??welwe??l wl wiwit??h wh wawal????s,s??ada?dsd?s as a s a??nin????e fe flf???????o o bo ?eaeaneansns,?? ad a??s ????????ulul ul????avoav????? p popouo????y,y, ?gigivi?vesve???s a ns a ni??????st?????to fto ?fisfi?h,h??????es es a?? a??strst??ng?enenten?????ge ge t?? s???adadsads ?s ans and??ve???tat???es??, a????isis s a??grg?reare?at at? te t?????izi?????or??la??????d ???rkr????br br /?><??br br /br />/>I????keke ke??????fla???r ?eve?venve? j jujusust???ili?ututeut??????? c??oldol??wa???r ?as???? dr d???k k?or?????dindingng ng?? tar?????
to meat sauces. It has a wonderful taste both tart and sweet at the same time. It has deep red color, and looks very appealing.<br /><br />It keeps almost indefinitely in the refrigerator. It blends well with walnuts, adds a unique flavor to beans, adds wonderful flavor to poultry, gives a nice taste to fish, gives an astringent edge to salads and vegetables, and is a great tenderizer for lamb and pork.<br /><br />I like its flavor even just diluted with cold water as a drink or adding tart fla
vvov?r r????? b ?eaeaua?tit???l l c coc????) )????sosororborbe???.<.???r /r />/?<b??r /??AlA??????iai? r ???iei??""2222202??,B,B0B??00L00?RKR?O9O9E9E,E?????4P4PHPH5H???????JeJ?nnn?if????????ini??haharartrt,t??,2,?,5,?????????80800??????? u ususese e? th t?????? p ?lalaca?e ?ofo???ege??ulaul???mom??asassssesesse??,",??o o Io ?? bo bouougu????ththi??s ps popomo????????e ?mo????????toto to??aka???????touto?ushus?, ,?? the th??ded??licli????????ddd?lele ?????terte????ala????of?????en???, c, ?????s, s,???omaom?atoat??? a ????????? up u? b bi b??????of fof ??ieiedie???le??to???????itait????eaeadead.d???????????FatFa??????? is i???????? f faf?vovorvo?ritri?te te?? sal sala?lad,lad??I'I?veve ve??eatea????so? o?ft??? l lalatlate???????at at t???????t ??lemlemo??-y-????resre??ininging g??hasha??????????????rnern???s os ?of of mof ??????uthut?h th ?????????it it? pi???is??
vor (and beautiful color) to sorbets.<br /><br />Ali Julia review" 2205,B000LRKO9E,A8GR4PH5NW96V,Jennifer L. Rinehart,1,2,5,1325548800,Don't use this in place of regular molasses!,"So I bought this pomegranate molasses to make Fattoush, the delicious middle eastern salad of greens, cukes, tomatoes and torn up bits of fried, leftover pita bread. Wowee, Fattoush is now my favorite salad, I've eaten so often lately that the tart lemon-y dressing has made the corners of my mouth turn a bit pinkish
a?ndn?????, , y yoy????. .???tetenendnd nd t??????tht??t,t, ?????nd and ? f fof?odod ????????y y?lil??e,e?, t, th?en???eatea? i iti?t st ??o mo ?uc?? I? a ??mom??t ??aka?ke ke??ysyses??f f????k k?onon n??t.t.<.<b<?????<b<br<b?????????ys??, t????FaF?attat?ou?shs?h sh ???ada?d dd ???????????????it?'s'? c ?omo????x x b ??lenlendnd ??f f Sf ?umu?macma???olo???e ??ili?? an a???????ouousous ous??herhe??s s as ???d sd spspip??ese?s rs ?????reredre??on???ha?lf?? te teaeasea?spospoooonoon n on ?? p ??omeom?grg????????molmo????? ? I??wa????ucuckuckyk???enoenou???h th ?? f??indin?d id ????????RuR???iai?? g ??oco???y y sy ??oro????YAYAYAY!Y!)!??????t ??the?????rere ?????ar?? aw a?????andand and s??????????to ??oo??????ounou????????????????y my ???re,re???, tha, th?????????or? A ???zozonon.on.<?????><???br /br ?????w, w,? gr g?ranrantran?????my? b bo b??tlt?le le?wi?ll???ik???y ?
and raw, youch. I tend to do that, find a food I really like, then eat it so much I almost make myself sick on it.<br /><br />Anyways, the Fattoush salad dressing, with it's complex blend of Sumac, olive oil and various herbs and spices required one half teaspoon of pomegranate molasses. I was lucky enough to find it at a Russian grocery store (YAY!). But the store is far away and so I had to look around online to buy more, thank God for Amazon.<br /><br />Now, granted, my bottle will likely l
a?stst t?yeyeae?????f f??llll l?I I??o o?wiwiti?? i it i?t it ????aka????????usushs???ono???gog?????????f tf tet?easea???????t at ??titimi???, s, ???I'I??????ede????? in i??????? o????? t?hih????? I?? ad a????? a ???asaspas??on?on ton to??? a L a ??mom?on ?????kekenke???ar?????????????????obo??????a ba ?????ofo?f gf grg?eee?k k??ogo?uru?t t (t ????d td to?????d hd ?????y ty ?tooto????z z? it it ???as as???ur??),)?? a? a t a ti a t????????????????ed ted to?????isistis????s Ss ??almal?monmo?????amam am????????lo??, ??I uI ????d id itit it i??????sensenjn?????? p ???sisiai???ststest?ew ew? of o?f cf ???ckckeck?en en? an a?d ?????????, I? u ??used?? a ?????tat????????????of of t?????stistic?kyk?????fff???? a a a g a ????????y by ?ar?beb??cuecu??????e ????d i?????????? b ???? b????ececuec???????.<.<b<brb?r /r />/><>??r ?r />r /?JuJ??t ?????
ast years if all I do with it is make Fattoush, one goopy half teaspon at a time, so I've used it in a few other things. I added a teaspoon to a Lemon Chicken Marinade, a tiny glob to a bowl of greek yogurt (had to add honey too cuz it was sour!), a tiny amount added to Christmas Salmon cream cheese log, I used it in Fesenjen, a persian stew of chicken and walnuts, I used a few tablespoons of the sticky stuff in a garlicky barbecue sauce and it was the best barbecue ever.<br /><br />Just don't
????whw????? d?idi?????d td ??? t toto o ro ?epe??aca????hehe ????lasla?????????molmola?lasslas?sesses ??ooo???es? w?ititht??pop??????????????????????hahatha??a a?hohoro??ibiblb?e e m??esses??????????okiokie????oo??????or??????????????y ly li???tet??????? n ???ma?????????the???me??l!l! !????????????astastete!te???EwE?ww?w!w?""2??060?,B,???2R2???????AFAFCF??P2P?????S2S272???????lo??ndende,e???,1?2,?5,5???????969?00????ce??llellene?????y iy ?itsit?selse?f f?or? i????umu????????ba ba?gagan????h,h,","A"??waw????wa?????? to t?o mo ma???? my my y oy ???n h??????s as ??d ??eggeg??plapl?antan???ipi??- -? th thi thisi?s bs ??ranra?????f tf tatahta?????????d ned n???? t???????efe?ororeor??????seese??? in???upu??ermer?????tsts,s, s,? so so ??I dI ?ececic??ed?ed ted to?????derde???andand and t? try tr?????.......???????llenllentnt nt??y ???????
do what I did and try to replace the molasses in molasses cookies with pomegranate molasses, what a horrible mess, the cookies looked normal, slightly lighter than normal, but the smell! And the taste! Ewwww!" 2206,B002RKGEII,AFCMP2M1U1S27,Non Blonde,12,12,5,1206489600,Excellent by itself or in hummus/baba ganoush,"Always wanted to make my own hummus and eggplant dip - this brand of tahini I'd never tried before or seen in supermarkets, so I decided to order and try it....excellent by itself
??r r i ?? r ???ipi??????????? r??ecoec?mmm??????.".""??202?7,7???????GEG??I,I??????NVN?????CHC??????oko???? " """?rar???h"h??????,1,11,1?1,41,4,4????????200200000,00,K,???inoin????aha??iniin?,T,??hishi????????????y gy ??oodoo???ucuchc????? T??e e s ?hi?????????????ry ry f ??astast t???nd nd??er????ririerien?dld??. . T. ThTheTh????hi????wa?? v ve?ry?ry fry ????h h? an a????f f?go??d ??????tyt??????ili?? o ?????????in?????208208,8,B,B0,B???????????????JBJ??HKH???656?,M,??????l l Bl ??ododeodes???,3,3,3????5,15,121?23923949????00000??,Be,B??t ???TahiTah?ini???????ve ve e eve?ver????d.???????e ?bubuyu????????of?????,","W,"??e le lo?????o o?mamaka????umu?mmummusu??????d ld ??????to to??????sas?andandwd?it?ch?????????d ?????sis????. ?OnOnene e oe of??ouo????idi?s s fs ??vov??it?e e fe fof??oodsood?????TaTah??ni? o ov o??ver ??
or in recipes! Highly recommended." 2207,B002RKGEII,A1XHUNV8QE5CHM,"bookmom ""ralph""",11,11,4,1233792000,Krinos Tahini,This was a very good puchase. The shipper was very fast and very friendly. The Tahini was very fresh and of good quality. I will order again. 2208,B002RKGEII,A2AMNJBGHKPZ65,Michael Brodesky,3,3,5,1239408000,Best Tahini I have ever had. And we buy a lot of it.,"We love to make Hummus, and love to make sandwitches, salad dressings. One of our kids favorite foods is Tahini over co
?????ndn?ono? N ???dld?ese?.".?2?202090??B0B?????GEG??????POPO3O?YRYRFRFXF?4B4???J,J?CMCMCM???1,1?,1,,1,5,????????929???????t t??????i i?I'I'v'?e e h ??????HaHavaviv??? l lil?????inin in t ?????????????stst ?foforo???0 0??eaeara??, , o ??r ??????? l????????mmm???s as ?nd? w wew???aka?e e ae a a?? lot lo?t ot ?? i ?t.t??? Th T?hishi?s is ??s ts ?theth????estest est?brbraran???I'??ve ve?eveveverver ????nd??in???thethe the U U. U.S.?. ? I I I??iki?????he he t?asastas?????nd ???the ?te?????e e oe ???? thi th?? o????, a, ?????????xex?es es w wo wonondonded?rfr??lll?ly ly????????e ?????r ???ingring???iei?ntn??s. s.??I I f ?foufounu???nd itnd i????mem?whw??re??????ll?y,y, , t, ??thenthen ?????????wenwe?nt nt t to t?? bu buyuy y my ?mormo???I ???oulou?????t f??indind d i???agagag?? K. ?rir?inoin??????so????chch ???ttt????th??an an?alallal? t? the?? br b???ndsnds ???ou ou???ind? i????????? f???d ?st
ld Undon Noodles." 2209,B002RKGEII,A3PO3YRFX4BI2J,CMCM,1,1,5,1324339200,Best Tahini I've had!,"Having lived in the Middle East for 10 years, our family loves hummos and we make a lot of it. This is the best brand I've ever found in the U.S. I like the taste and the texture of this one, and it mixes wonderfully with the other ingredients. I found it somewhere locally, then when I went to buy more I couldn't find it again. Krinos is so much better than all the brands you find in health food st
?oro?ese???or or??upu??rmr??????s,s, , a ana?d d??????rir?cec?????pepenpe?s ???????ababob???????f f???f wf ??hathat ?momoso?t ??stostor????chcha????e fe ????? s si simi??lalarar ar??mo?unu????f ????ini?i.i?? I ? w ?????ele??ghg?tet?????????d ?????? A ?ma????!"!?????0,0???????GEGEIE???????0J0???YAY??6Q6?U,U????ieiel??B,B,0,??????131?????????????d ???mmm??s ??as as a???resre???t!t!,!?"I"????vev??nen????????? T ?????? b??foforfo?re re?? a??nd nd??? h hu h?ummum????wa?s ???oodoo????????lwl???????omo?????????asas ?mimismi?sisin????? A????????fo??undund d od ??t ?t oft o??Ta??hin????I ?orordorde??redred ?????an?d ?d itd it d it? wa?????hiphi?ppepp??ed eed exe???remrememelme?lyl?y fy ??astas??anand???????it???ThT?? r?es???????????????ing!ing????? s??oo?????toto ????e h?umummummuumm???????ar?ed?????????ne ne bne ?aga
ores or supermarkets, and the price happens to be about half of what most stores charge for a similar amount of tahini. I was delighted to find it on Amazon!" 2210,B002RKGEII,A1ND0JOMYAZ6QU,DanielaB,0,0,5,1344729600,Good hummus as a result!,"I have never used Tahini before - and my hummus was good, but always, something was missing... After I found out of Tahini, I ordered it (and it was shipped extremelly fast)and used it. The result was amazing! One spoon into the hummus prepared from one bag
?????????anansns)s) )?an?? I ???????? f ?avavov?ririti?e e?rer?eadea????o o g gog?????212???B0B000?2R2RKR???III????8H8??GSG????LHL??F,F,A????andaand???1,31,???,1,12,1282858?????0000,00?,Bi,B???terte??"V"?ere???????er? a????nonoto??nen?earea??y ????????? a?s ???????????Ve???? ru runu???, ,????uaualalll? T. ??er??e ae ara??????teterter ter b?????s ????t tt ??????"?22?121??B0B00B0????????2,A2,????Z1Z1K1????I3I?6Z6Z,Z??. ?DoDono??usu??4,4?,4,,4????12012?????808????ic?e!e!,!????pup??????ede?d td th???se se??or? o ?ourou???onon on t?o o go ?ivi??e oe ou?????henhe???isi???aba?????y ??is is???ornorn.n. ??????y my ma???????verve?ry ??nicnicec??e ane a?nnonn?ounouncnce???ntn?t ot ?? t???? ne newew w a????vav??. ???TheTheyThe????re ????eve?ver?????y ?haharhardr???f ?yoy?ou ou a ac?tut????y y wy waw?antan?t t???ch??? t th?e e be ?ubu???e ?gugumum.m?2?21213213,??????7T37T3V????,A2,A
(1lb beans) and I had my favorite ready to go!" 2211,B002RKGEII,A18H6GSA21LHFF,Amanda,1,3,2,1285718400,Bitter,"Very bitter and not nearly as thick as expected. Very runny, actually. There are better brands out there." 2212,B0007T3V82,A31SZ1KB15I36Z,S. Donius,4,4,4,1209340800,Nice!,We purchased these for our son to give out when his baby boy is born. They make a very nice announcement of the new arrival. They are however very hard if you actually want to chew the bubble gum. 2213,B0007T3V82,A2
GG3G???2T2????4R4RNR?????a a M ???rir??????,3???????464?818???0,0??????A A???? B?ubu??????umu????????r r????<br<b???/>M/>MyM?y fy ?iri??t t??rar?andan???n n??asas ????n n an ?andand and?? w??antantet???eve?er??tht??ngn??????er er???e e se ??un un??o o c ?ele??br?atatete!te! ! T ?hi?s ?isis is?????ondonde??fuf?? i idi??a ????at at???? b ?????????undund ?????? v ???y y ly lol????tit?imeim???????EVE???????...?ev??ery??thithin????????finfi?e e ae ????????ererfer??????ce?ptp??????????t t????????y ?????????en???t ft ?rer??h.h???Th????e le ???tlt?? b bu bub?bl?????um um? ci cigi?ara?rs rs?????? as a???harha?d d ad ????a ra ro?????! T! Th?The The m momororaoralal l ol ofof f? th t??e s???????is ????t t bt be?in?? a a a " a ??fu?n"n"""" ""? it i??????e ???hiphi???ing??wa?was was a?????chch h??? as t as ???the cthe cic?igaig???s ts ?the?????????...........a.??at lat ??as?t t t??t theyt the?
G3R12TYEX4RN,Lisa Merriman,3,3,2,1284681600,It's A Boy Bubble Gum,"Hi,<br /><br />My first grandson was born and I wanted everything under the sun to celebrate! This is a wonderful idea that has been around for a very long time! HOWEVER......everything was fine and wonderful except the fact that they just weren't fresh. These little bubble gum cigars were as hard as a rock! The moral of the story is that being a ""fun"" item the shipping was as much as the cigars least they
?????????????eeeene? f ????h h??ndn??????????.".""??????B0B?00??T3T?V8V?2,2??????R4R?6Y6YNY????????hnh????????kikininsns,s?0,0?,0,,0?????313????80?????????GuG?n ???????...?.......????alal l?cic??????mim?????ha?ve??????ede???betbetttteterte?,",???????ha?ses??? th thih??????? t????????rar??? t th??e be ???tht??ofo?????grg???ndsnd??????????ou?ldld ld? ha?veve ?op?te?????? r re?????cigci?????? th??????ghg?? h? hav have have ??tasta?stest?ed ???bettbette?ter.ter?????esees??ci?cigacig??ars ???re??????????????????urtur?t mt ?????ete?th th??????hewhe?. . N. NoNot? t?? to m to ?enenten??on??? tha th?at at????se????m ????cigarciga????werwe??re mre mum????? too to???we???????21??????????3V83V??,A????0W0?O4O?HDH??????????ingin?????uceuc???,0,???1,???????????????aleal?e c???????orordorded??ed??sosomso?????omom m am ?
could have been fresh and not hard." 2214,B0007T3V82,A380XR46YNMY4G,John K. Hopkins,0,0,1,1331596800,Buble Gun Cigars......real cigars might have tasted better,"I purchased this item to celebrate the birth of my grandson. I should have opted for real cigars, they might have tasted better. These cigars were very hard and hurt my teeth to chew. Not to mention that these gum cigars were much too sweet." 2215,B0007T3V82,A2I30WO4HD5SJI,Flying Saucer,0,0,1,1331337600,stale cigars,ordered some from an
??amamamazazoz?????lfl?????? a as a?sos???ata??. . N ???ma??????zozonzo?????ppppip?ngn??ete?c.c?..??hehe e??cigci?ararsr????rer?????????? an a???sts?ala????????dod????chche???????umum m?????te?r r?????brb?reare?????????y y??? w??s ?fi???fof?or or? co c????umpum???onon.on??br??/>/>E>EaEasasys???????????????s.s?2???6,6,B,B0B?00?7T7??V8V828??A2A2S2?ABABVB??V9V?????????. M. ??????mem?ntn????,0?,5,?????868676727?00???????????nonouoununcncec????nt nt?fo??????n-sn-?mom??kerke??,",???isi??????ucuctct t at ararrar?iviveveded ?in?????timti?melme?????nnnnennerer,er?? in i??gogooo?? c??ndndindititiit????, a, ??nd nd i?????? a a ???????????hehe he?????ilyily ??he??n mn ????????????eded.ed????????,B0,B??0007000??3V3V83V?82,82?????WKW???2E2E7E?0B0??????nnnnonn?????. A. ??sh sh " ??Sh?????????"""""""",",0??1,1?,5,,5,1?272????484808?00,00,F,??un un f??or or oor ouourou??
amazon-fulfilled associate. Normal amazon shipping etc...The cigars were cracked and stale. How does chewing gum shatter and break? No way it was fit for consumption.<br />Easy return process. 2216,B0007T3V82,A2SABVJV9W8K1H,J. M. Clements,0,0,5,1218672000,Great Announcement for Non-smokers,"This product arrived in a timely manner, in good condition, and it was a hit with the family when my son arrived." 2217,B0007T3V82,AHJWWKIE2E70B,"Shannon S. Ash ""ShannonAsh""",0,1,5,1275004800,Fun for our d
a?ugughg??ere????heh????uru???????????ldl?? a ana?d ????sts??sos???waw?s s?boborornr??, w, ???????t ot ??r ?ololdldeld?????????choch?ol??(K(??nd?????rtr????????th th t??heshesese e fe ??or or?he???frf?????s ?????ele???????. .??t ??????y y m ?????he?her her f ?eee?? i imimpm?????antan???????????, , a, an???he???eded ???er er??el???ra?tete te????e be ??irtirth???f f?????lilit????????????he he??ovovev?? d dod???? i?????nd???????????ndsnd??en????ed??????????. . B. ??W-W??????chech?ersers,s?, w?e e de ?idi??clclelealearar ar i?? w wi w????? the?? te tea te?ch?????atat ??ch?choocho??ol fol ???rstrs????o ??o ????????ili? p plplelea?????2?????B0B?00????????????656??VEV?CQCQ3Q?M,M???in?? C ???FlFli???in? " ?"M"??innin?ieiemiemom??se??"""""?,0,?,3,3,3??????959535??202???EvEve????thithininging ing I Iv I???e oe ?????redre???so so? fa far?.,.?? h
aughter,"When our third child, and first son was born, we sent our oldest to school (Kindergarten) with these for her friends to celebrate. It really made her feel important at school, and helped her celebrate the birth of our little boy. She loved doing it, and her friends enjoyed them too. BTW- teachers, we did clear it with the teachers at school first, so no hate mail please!" 2218,B0007T3V82,AJ0565CVECQ3M,"Nina C. Flippin ""Minniemouse""",0,3,5,1259539200,Everything Iv'e ordered so far.,I h
aava?e e???tht?????bubutut t??oooodo??sesere?viv??e e ee ??verve? s si s???? I ?? st s????????rdr??erierin?g ??ror????mam?zozono?? u ??p tp th???gogoogood? w ???k.k????191????020??????00,00????YMYMDM?OAOAJA?URU?????"A"??????"""???pepe ????? W ?????ExE????perpe?????: :???181???????,1???5,5????????202??00,B00,??stst ???lulueu????or or t ??? g ge genenunuiu???e ae ??tit???e ????yoyouou u?hahavaveav???RIRIMI???,"T,"ThT??ereer??e ise i?????h h???????ioion????????????totoetoes?? a????shs??????? o ?????ineine ine?in?? th t?hishis s cs ?????e ade a?dsds ??to to t?????????lexle?????. . ?ThTheTh??e e a??e e ne ?notno???he?? be b?estes???om?at?oeo??? of o?fef?????????? the the??????ofof f???is? w?rir???? T. ??The The?StS?????es?ese ese a??????????dodowo???????beb???????y y l lol???? s st?or??e se ?????????m.m?. . I. ??????? be bee be?en en??
ave nothing but good service ever since I started ordering from Keep up the good work. 2219,B002C4HZ00,A2DYMDOAJURO5F,"Aceto ""Hope is a Weed Exasperatus: 1:18""",17,17,5,1304035200,Best value for the genuine article IF you have PRIME,"There is much confusion about tomatoes, and shopping on-line in this case adds to the complexity. These are not the best tomatoes offered at the time of this writing. The Strianese are hands down the best. My local store sells them. I have been us
i???????????????ftf???n n??????. .?????? th t??????? s ?igi???ifiifici?ana???y ?mom??e e ee ??pepenensensi???e ae ?andan? t? the th?????ppp????g ig isi? b ????ala??? N ???????????hiphi?ppippin????iti???? the them the?. ??????e e te ????se se s???cic???c c???enten?????????I aI ama????t ??omo????. I?t t at ?allal????????s s os ono????? m mumucuchch h?????r sr ??uc?e ???anansans ??to to???u.u.<.<b<br????<b?r r /r />????t yt yoy???????d td ?to ?knk?nowno?w ww ?whawh??????ou aou ar?? b?uyu??ing???. T. ThThe???se Cse ????o ???mam???es?????e 1e 1)1) )?SaS?? M ?ararzar????o so ??uc?? t to t???atoatoeato??? 2 2)2) ??????ar???D.D????. . c. ?erertr?if?ifieifiede???) ???????????oio?intint t it isis ???????ovove????oko???, , t th the?????re re? fr f???? th? the the?????????NoNocNo??ririnri? ????hey hey a??????he he? se s??onondon????estes??t int i?n tn ???msm??s ofs o???bsb???ut??e fe ?lal?????.
ing them for fifteen years. But they are significantly more expensive and the shipping is brutal. No Prime shipping with them. I use these specific Cento when I am not home. It all depends on how much your sauce means to you.<br /><br />But you need to know what you are buying. These Cento tomatoes are 1) San Marzano sauce tomatoes; 2) they are D.O.P. certified 3) and this point is often overlooked, they are from the Sarnese Nocerino. They are the second best in terms of absolute flavor.
??ririgi??? f frfroromo??prp????? a ????, ,????????romro????opo??r ?nanata?ururar?l l???altalt/t??ugugagara?r br bab???ncncec?. . ???u u????bababbablblyl????annan?otot ?gegete?t bt beb???erer er???omaom?????????eshes??unu??????yoyou? k knknonowno?????pe????????grg???er?, ?oro???o o i ??t yt yoyouyour???lflf f??????avavev??nono no??????????????to??????s s ms ?????otothothehererser?????????????????????t at ?areare ??notno????????????/>/><><b?r r /???he??? pri pr?????er???canca? i?s ?gog?odo??. . T. Th????besbests?t dt ???????????yoyou? h??aveav?e Ae AmA????n n Pn PrP?????anandan?d gd ??t t rt ???ulu?????hih??me??????????get? t?hrhre???la?rgr?ge ge????ch???s ps pe?per per??asasese,se??enenoen?ougou?gh gh???????d ??the??????????? fo f?ormor?s s os on? s????????ay.ay.<.?<br???/></><b??<br /<br ?????????op???? ar a???????y ?wiw??h ??the??ma?????oo?????
Bright from proper acid, deep from proper natural salt/sugar balance. You probably cannot get better tomatoes fresh unless you know a specialty grower, or do it yourself and have no day job. Cento sells many others, much cheaper, that are not these.<br /><br />The price per can is good. The best deal is if you have Amazon Prime and get regular shipments. I get three large batches per case, enough to feed the mob that forms on sauce day.<br /><br />Most people are happy with the many good can
??ede? t ????to?????es???cic???lyly y??hehene??yoy?? l ???k k?at???he??pop??r r g ?en??????allally???ngn?ini??ere??ed ed e?????z z " """?frfre?????? to t?????es???t t? th?e e???peperpe???????. .???utu????????? ar a?? a a a?mamaema?estestrt???, t, tht?heshe?e ???re ???atat ???u u wu ????.".?????0,0,B,B0B?0202C2????0000,00?A3A3E3E5E5H5HIH???CCC????????. E. ???ansans,?1818,8,2,??,1,1,1?????????0000,00,C00,?HEH????IMI?ITI????ONO? - ? D DOD? N NON??? BU BUYU??????e ???d ?a a?????ofo????????arzarzaz??????mamatma??toestoe???in in m my m?y dy ?aya????otothoth h f frfrefr??????????????????and and t?ypypipic?al??????eyey ???e ???????est???? toma tom????es ????ththethe the pthe ??an??et.? I? o opopepenpe?ned? t? the? f??????ca?can can??ro??????s s os oro????, , a, an, a??d td th???totomtomamat?oeoesoe???erereer???t ????????oodoo?d ad atd a??al?all all?? n ??oth????????????wa?s ?usu?sedsed ?
ned tomatoes, especially when you look at the poor genetically engineered ersatz ""fresh"" tomatoes at the supermarket. But if you are a maestro, these are what you want." 2220,B002C4HZ00,A3E5HI06CCI4R0,T. Evans,18,22,1,1305849600,CHEAP IMITATION - DO NOT BUY,"I've had a lot of San Marzano tomatoes in my day, both fresh and canned, and typically they are the best tomatoes on the planet. I opened the first can from this order, and the tomatoes weren't very good at all - nothing like I was used t
????? l ??????non??????????????e e???????ese????ot ot h hahavha?e ????e "e """???O.O???????titiftifif???""?? la l???l,l, ,??iki?e e t??????ot??????ththe???????????geg???????. T. ???ses?????????s ???e ???????O.O.PO.P.?? ce c???ifi???ed,ed???andand ?ar??????ot rot rereare?l l???? M ?ar??ananoan?o to ?tomto????oes??????? a ar??? a a?????p p i ?mim?tat????on.on. ? T ?TheTh?????lel??? tr t???d ????????? t? the the ??labla???l ol ofo??re????sasanan an man ?marmarzr?zanza?? t??omaom???oesoes oes?sos?o to tho t??????ululdl?d sd ????????????r ??????he????????. ?I I wI ?ououlou??? re r????mem??????? s????y ay ?waw??y fy ??om? t th??????. Y. ????ca???ge???be?ttt??r r tr ??tomatom????es es???or or?????uru?th??? the???ri??????at yat ?youyo?ur ur???cacalca?l gl ?ro???????to??".""2?????B0B000??C4C????00,00?????PHP????V7V?J5J???zez?????
o. I later noticed that the can does not have the ""D.O.P. Certified"" label, like the photo on the Amazon page does. These tomatoes are not D.O.P. certified, and are not real San Marzano tomatoes. They are a cheap imitation. The seller tried to mimic the label of real san marzano tomatoes so they could sell them for a higher price. I would recommend you stay away from these. You can get better tomatoes for a fourth the price at your local grocery store." 2221,B002C4HZ00,A1Y0PHH3UV7J5D,zen cow
g????,6,?,6???,1??171????????FaF???? a ???ere?titisi?ini??!,!?????lal??????? m mim???eae?????? C ?ene??? a???uaualallal???se???ls ls???o ?kik?????? S SaS?????rzr??anoano ?wiw?tht????he he???meme ???abeabel????theth?er er?? tha th????nene ?????????s s????.P.P.P. ??????fif????. Y. ????wi??????ceceice???????e oe ????????th?the the??.O??.P..P?. i. ?f f yf ??????deder?????????aza?????I I h ???ve ????????????istis????e ie ?in in t? the???ro???ryr?y sy ?totorto?re re n ??t ??reare?alializiziz??? C??enten??? se sel??????ese?s as ?????D.OD.??P P??ndn???oneonesones ?????t at ??are are???????d ?did????notno??t ret r???????e tie t?llll ??it it? wa w??s t??o ?la?????ThTheTh??????e D?.O?.O.P.O.?? o??eses es I ??????????sas????makma???????bebesbe??? sa sau saucuce??????????????stest?e t???he dhe ??????enencen????222??2,2,B,??????????,A,A1A???7S7??
girl,6,6,1,1317945600,False advertising!,The label is misleading. Cento actually sells two kind of San Marzano with the same label other than one that says D.O.P. certified. You will receive the one w/o the D.O.P. if you order from Amazon. I have made the mistake in the grocery store not realizing Cento sells ones are D.O.P and ones that are not and did not realize till it was too late. The true D.O.P. ones I have to say make the best sauce! You can taste the difference. 2222,B002C4HZ00,A1307SKX
?7G7???X2X2,2?ksk?mmm?s,s???,6,,6???????616?282???,F,??lsl???????rtr????ngn????BuBuyu??? b ?ewe???e!e??ThT??????belbe??onon n t ?he? A AmAmam??on? s si??e e ce clclel?ararlar?? s st s?ata????"""?????P P??er???fif??d"d"""" "" b bu butu???he???rorododud?ctc?t rt ?recrecec??ve?d d?dod?????????matmatct??????e se si??e ??????????d dd ?doedo???NO?T ?sts?tattate???"D???.P.P..P???????fi???""?????????is bis ??iti????????ititcitch? a?ndnd nd????wilwillll ?fi??le le a a a?cocomo??????t ?wi?thth th????zo???????22322?,B,????C4C4H4?Z0Z????????1Y1YCY??ZBZ????,A?nd???Th????ouo?ncnce??,1?,13,,13?,16,1???,1,12,1??????60600?00,"00,????????ro?????, ,??wfwfuf????PriPrici?ce"ce?????P SP SaS?? M ?????anoano o?????ed???om?????s ?????ththeth?e fe ???nesne?? c???????tot??omatoma????????th?the the???ananean????.. ..?? but bu????????geg?? t? the??? f ????????eraeral??ly ly?
7GL2X2,ksmms,6,6,1,1315612800,False advertising!,"Buyer beware! The label on the Amazon site clearly states ""D.O.P Certified"" but the product received does NOT match the site label and does NOT state ""D.O.P. Certified"" This is bait and switch and I will file a complaint with Amazon." 2223,B002C4HZ00,A39XE1YC6ZBCZ4,Andy The Bouncer,13,16,5,1262649600,"Great Product, Awful Price",DOP San Marzano canned tomatoes are the finest canned tomatoes on the planet... but I can get these for literally h
???f f???????ici??e ae ?t t????lol??????????ryr?y sy sts?oro?e.e???? t th t????unu???uau??? ???oso???n n?is???re??tyt?????viv??y ???????n ??n n sn ????????????.. ..?????e ????????kek????????fefer????????? do d????t ut ?????????? w ?hyh?????on?e ?wow????d bd bubuyu??th??m m??at at tat ??is???????? C ?hehecheckc???youyouru?????al?al gal ??????? s ??storsto?? b ?????e e ye ??? b??uy uy t???? a?t t tt ??thisthi????pricpri?ce.ce.ce.2????,B,?000??????0000,00,A,??3T3T1T??O7O7K7KRK???????il??burbur,r,9,???1,1???,13,1?????484???00,Y00,??? d??n'n?? g ge g???wh??????????de??r,"r,"Y"?YouYo????ordeorderer er????? p pa payay ay??????.O.????????????????????ara????? t??omaomat?oeoes??? but but ???you ???illil???recre?????e "e ??CEC?RTR?IFI?????? w?????????ansan??????lul????? n ?oto??????. A. ? t tr trur????M M?? tom to????? wi w?ill
alf the price at my local grocery store. Is this unusual? Boston is pretty heavily Italian in some areas... maybe that makes a difference. i don't understand why anyone would buy them at this price. Check your local grocery store before you buy them at this price. 2224,B002C4HZ00,A13T1ZO7KR4YOG,Wilbur,9,11,2,1303084800,You don't get what you order,"You order (and pay for)D.O.P. Certified San Marzano tomatoes but you will receive ""CERTIFIED"" which means absolutely nothing. A true SM tomato will
????? a ???EUE???.O.?????mbmblb????ono????e ?lal????????s s t ????CoC?rsrsos????????an an M ??????o ?ststat???? T ??????is is?faf??ses?e ae ???verve??is????. ? I IfI??yoy?u u? en e?lalarlargr????????ici?tut?rere ??hoh??n ??????anan ?seseesee ??on on???????peperer r?le?ftft t????e ?pap??titiati??lyl?????e o???ththe?the sthe ?stast?ampampsps.s?. Y. ?ou??????????t rt ??cec?ivive?? th??????P P lP ????l.l. ?. Y. Yo?u u wu ????????recereceieivei????ano???therther ?????to?? fr f?om?? so somomeom???herhe?? i ??? th the th??re???ionio??unundn?????he?he Che CeCene??to ??amameam?. ???????al al m mamarma????tintingng ng??ooo?dwdwi??kikiningin????mamazma?????refrefuf??ese??toto ??takta??????ur?????????isis ??tet?em,em, , s?? b ?bewbe?ar?e.e."e.????????000020????Z0Z??,A,?3H3??????4W4WQW?????"M"??ommommymy ??"M?om???????????????????02202???????fff????enten??prp?rodro??ctct ct t? tha th?
have an EU D.O.P emblem on the label plus the Corsorzio San Marzano stamp. This is false advertising. If you enlarge the picture shown you can see on the upper left side partially one of the stamps. You will not receive this DOP label. You will receive another tomato from somewhere in the region under the Cento name. Typical marketing hoodwinking. Amazon refuses to take returns on this item, so beware." 2225,B002C4HZ00,A3HGFM3R4WQMFI,"Mommy ""Mommy""",9,12,1,1306022400,Different product than
??tht?????oto??,","S"SiS??cece e ae a a D ?OPO? p pr pror??ucu?t t??s s??ot? r ????ili????vav?ililail???e e a???mym?y ly lol??????ro???????to????????????re?al??? e ?xcxcic?????whwhe?? I????? t th t??? ph p??to???? t??is????od?ucuctuc????t tt ??????????n wn ?ebebsbsisititeit????cacaucaususes???the??? pho ph?otoot?????ateat??s ts ???at at????s ?prp?rodrodu??? i??s "s ?"D"??O.O.P.P.P???ere????????""??brb????????/>???????ene???I rI ?recre?ceice???? t? the the ?shshih??mem??t,t???it it? wa wasas ?????????disdi???pop???????t.t?. . I?t ???as as??????fef????????????t ?t tht t??n ???hathat ?t tht thet th?e pe ph???oto oto??? prom pro?isiseised?ed. ed. ( (I(I ????n bn bub?y y ty th????oneone ????????s ?????iveiv??????to ?me???t ???y l??ocaoc?????roc????y s???toretores? v ???ry ry???????????VeVereryery ery????apa?ppopp???ntint???...???...................?..??????????000?2C2????
the photo,"Since a DOP product is not readily available at my local grocery stores, I got really excited when I saw the photo of this product at the Amazon website because the photo states that this product is ""D.O.P. Certified.""<br /><br />But when I received the shipment, it was a huge disappointment. It was a different product than what the photo promised. (I can buy the one that was delivered to me at my local grocery stores very easily.) Very disappointing............." 2226,B002C4HZ0
?0,0,A,???XSX???H0H0Y0YFY???I,I,L,LoL??,6,????????999?????0000,?????121????nsn? w ???????????lyl?????geg???upu????d ??enentnte??!,!??I'I???e ue ?ses???CeC???????an an?????an??????????tit??iei????tomtomam?????????y y ty ?timti?es??????heh?e pe papasa?t t a?ndn?d wd ??????wa?ysys ????as??????thth h?????????????ofo?? th? thes the????rereare????????toe????brb???>T>????????d,d????????is is??? the the? 1s 1stst st????? I ???????????d ????is ???emem m????? A ?????n ????? AL ALLLL L? 12 12 ???ns???rrr??ve?????ompom?????ly????nt??ed ??and??????gedged ?up?!<!?????????????? p ??????????onon on? fo f?? a an an an?exexpx???sis??ve ???itemite??.<b.<br? /???s ??an an aan as??ideide,e???????of???????can?s ?? r rerecre????ed???hashas ???????P P CP ??RTR?IFI?IEI?D"D?"" "" l ???elel ?????????????CERCE???IFIIF?
0,A17XS25H0YFGEI,Lou,6,8,1,1299715200,All 12 cans were terribly banged up and dented!,"I've used Cento San Marzano DOP certified tomatoes many times in the past and was always pleased with the quality of these great tomatoes.<br />That said, this is the 1st time I've ordered this item from Amazon and ALL 12 cans arrived completely dented and banged up!<br />Terrible presentation for an expensive item.<br />As an aside, none of the cans I received has a ""DOP CERTIFIED"" label but only ""CERTIFIE
??"""? a ??d d?nono o s ses???ala? # # #???????? si s????ofo? t?he? c ???s s?????'m'? n?otot t???rer??ifi?f tf ??esesese se t???????????? a ac actctut???lyl?????????tit?ifiif???d od ??? no?t?t??????"???????7,7,B,B0B???C4C??????A2A???JAJARARWR??F9F?????"W"?ili?lilia???D.D. .??olo?bubur?????bu????ththith??gsgs ??? a?ma?zoz?on ??????????,1,1,,1????????11??00?00,"00,?FaFal??????d ??isislsleleae???ingin???ror????????ataata,a? b ?butbut ??????dod??tat??tet???oooodod"od???ThT?he ?????on?on pon ??ododuoduc?????????lal?imimsm??s ths the???????a a?? cer ce?ti?fif??d ???gag??ici?????????. . . ????????tu?re?re cre ???aimai?? D DO D?OP OP c ce????????????eieiti????????ea???s t???????rur??. . ?Th????an?? I ???recrecec????ed ed??erereer?e je ???? " ??ce??????????, ?an?? i ?it it??????t t st ??y y by ??y wy ????. ??he???re ire isis is n? no no???DADA A
D"" and no serial # on the side of the cans so I'm not sure if these tomatoes are actually DOP certified or not???" 2227,B002C4HZ00,A2QNJARWTF9H89,"William D. Colburn ""buys things on amazon far...",1,1,3,1311811200,"False and misleading product data, but they do taste good","The Amazon product info claims they are a certified organic product. The picture claims DOP certified. Neither appears to be true. The cans I received were just ""certified"", and it didn't say by who. There is no USDA
??rgrgag??icic c?lalaba????eie??heh???? I ? a alalsl???????? al a??????????thith???? b bebefbe??rere ??I bI bob??ghghth?? th t??? s ???????the??? ar a???wew??l ????umu???tet?d d????? the th???mam?zoz?n n r ???iei?ewsew??alalralrereare?dydy,y, ,? so so ??I wI ?????t ????prp?????d bd ?????ata??I ??recre???vev?ed.ed.<.<b<?r r???<b<br<br r /r ?????ththethe the?plp?usus ???ded???????????e be ?????r r tr ????totoeto???????? I I?cacan???uyu????????d id ??in tin ???the gthe ????er??y sy sts??????lol????lyl??? so so so??????????y ey ?enoenou??????ithit?????????andan??I I uI ?useus??? re rewewaewara??d pd ?oio?????frf?????y ????azoazon?.c.coc??????a a?????buybu???thethemthe????????theythey ?wewerwe???esesses??nt????????frefreee???o ?me?.<.<b.<br? /?><?????/>W/>WoW?????d I d I??uy? t th the??? ag agagaigain?? M ??yby???????????ouldoul??????etet ??anyany y oy ofo?f tf ?the?the Sthe ?trt??an?????????
Organic label either. I also knew all these things before I bought them since they are well documented in the Amazon reviews already, so I wasn't surprised by what I received.<br /><br />On the plus side, they are better tomatoes than I can buy canned in the grocery stores locally, so I'm happy enough with them, and I used reward points from my Visa to buy them, so they were essentially free to me.<br /><br />Would I buy them again? Maybe. If couldn't get any of the Strianese D.O.P
?. . c ????ifi???d d?SaS?n n M ??rzrzaz??? t ??????ese?? t?heh??n yn ??es es???prp??bab?blblyly y?wow??ldl?. ?????? s ?????, t, tht?heyhe????e e??asa????y any a??d Id ???o ???????theth?m m???ttt??er er? th tha than? w wh w????? I c I ?an?an ban ??y ??????????bubutbu?? th?eye?y a?rer?en'en???th???????? tom to?????? whe when????t ct ???eses es tes ?to to wto whw?????I cI ????ma??? o ?????.".""?222?????0000202C2??????,A,??6R6????????????E.E?DiD???????n,n?????4,4??303??777??00???lo???e ie itit it??xcx???t ?fof?? t th the???rir?iceic??"I"??I diI d??????re??d td ??thestheses?e we ??nd?????ul ul?? tom??atoatoeo??es aes ?andan??????? th? they they y ay ar?????ortor?? p pa paya??ngng g?fo??????????unu?at????? in i?n m??y a????? th? they??arare???ppp?proproao???in?g g 6g ??????s s as ?a ca ca?? a????????ver ver?gog?o oo ????????. W. ????marmart??ha????????fo??? ab a??outou??4 4 d do?ll??????
. certified San Marzano tomatoes, then yes I probably would. As I said, they are tasty and I do like them better than what I can buy locally, but they aren't the top tomato when it comes to what I can mail order." 2228,B002C4HZ00,A36RO7NCM6IUGB,E.Dickenson,1,1,4,1303776000,love it except for the price,"I discovered these wonderful tomatoes and yes, they are worth paying for. Unfortunately in my area they are approaching 6 bucks a can and never go on sale. Walmart has them for about 4 dollars a
ccac??, , b bubutu?????rer?????non??t tt tot???e e???eded d??owo?? t to t???hah?t t st ???? . T ThT???lol?cacalca???????lil????mam??t"t?? a ??vev?erter??ses?? s sas??an man ???zazan?????mamatma???s,s, ???ca?nsns s?foforor ????????arsar?? t????gog??d ???? b??? tr trur???????, ?ini?n fn ????t ,t ??ththeth??e ?ar??????????did????y ?to??matmatomat?es???I I aI ama????n tn th?? h huh?ntn?t ft ?forfo???????????ded???ulul l tl to?tomatomat???s ??at at a? g ?googo?????ici????TheTh????ururnrn ??an ?or??in?inarina?ry ry?re?cicipi?e ????to ?? g?ouour?????exe??perpe???ncn??.".???????B0B??2C2C4C?HZH?????1D1??9F9?OEOEOE????F1F???????en?? fa f?actac?t ct chc??ckckek??????,1,??131??????8080080?????ARA???-N-???????????ce?rt??????,",??The? c??????at??????????n sn sasaysa??s Ds D.???P.P. P.??erertertiertififiif?iedied ied???ut ut w???n n mn ???re??latla???? o??dederde??d d t??
can, but I prefer not to be tied down to that store. The local ""Italian mart"" advertised san marzano tomatoes, 4 cans for 5 dollars- too good to be true? yes, in fact , these are very ordinary tomatoes. I am on the hunt for these wonderful tomatoes at a good price.They turn an ordinary recipe into a gourmet experience." 2229,B002C4HZ00,A1DJ9FOEOA0WF1,citizen fact checker,2,3,1,1315180800,BEWARE--NOT D.O.P. certified,"The can that is shown says D.O.P. certified but when my relative ordered the
?m m?????????zoz???cocom?? t ??? c cac?nsn?? th t??? w wew?rere ?shshih????? o on?lyl? i inindn?ici?????????IFIFIF???? O ???e ce ??? b bub?y y ty ?thethese??e ne ???-D-?????at at??nyn??WaW??????????hathat ?dodo o? th???y my ???an an?????????IFIIF??????erertertitifi?iei?ed ed?????o ???hat??<???r r / />/?<b????/>U/>?nfn??rt??nan?ateat??ly,ly??th??????????s as ara???ma???ingin?? fo f??lsl?s os ?f f????azoaz?on.on??? ?AsAs ?? c?on???quq??????, I, ?????sts?ayayiyin?ing ing????? f fr f?romro???CenCe??????rodro?ucu????en????????. F. ??ooloo???e ??andan?d Ad ???zozonzon n on ?onconce????shashama?me me o??n Cn Ce????; ; f????? me???????????????ic??e, e,?????me ??? m???an????ma??on???ThT?herhe???isi????? wa w??ay Iay ????????????thith?is is?re???iewie????N!N!"!?????????020????Z0Z???A3A3K3K3K?UHUHCH?????????"J"JNJ?obo?i i?"""?????y"y""??????????343?434383
m from, the cans that were shipped only indicate CERTIFIED. One can buy these non-DOP at any Walmart. What do they mean by CERTIFIED? Certified as to what?<br /><br />Unfortunately, the venders are making fools of As a consequence, I am staying away from Cento products entirely. Fool me and Amazon once, shame on Cento; fool me and Amazon twice, shame on me and Amazon. There is no way I can make this review FUN!" 2230,B002C4HZ00,A3K3UHC5J04NW4,"JNobi ""Jimmy""",0,0,4,134438
4???00,00?NONOTO? D ??P P C ??rtr?ifi?iei?????utut t O ?rgrgag?nin?c!c???? r rer??eie?vev?? m ?? o oro?dederer er w ???? a ? f ??????obo?????. .?ThT??????or??ityit???f f?th??????s s a ar a???iveiv?ed ed ded de???ed?? s sos???e ve ????y sy ???ververeverele??! ??mam?zozono?????????????d d?beb??????????ini????????iaiala?????kek??????he he c ?cancansn??frf?????ovo????????unu????in in? th the th???hihipi???ing???oxo????????sus?????se?d ????y y hy ??????????????th?isis is? sh s?hiphi???????issis?suesue ???y ny ??w ?????usu????f ????l tl th???????lal???tst?????? i ?????the ??revre?vieview?s.???owoweow?eveeverer,er, ??AmaAm???? i?s s rs ???all?y ?grgrereareatrea???????????????s ts tos t????obobloble??ms ms???keke ke t? thi this??wi???????????temte????????????e ???hip??????????a na ???w ow ??????, n, ????haharha?rgerg????andan????geget? t????keeke
4000,NOT DOP Certified! But Organic!,"I received my order with a few problems. The majority of the cans arrived dented, some very severely! Amazon needs to add better packing material to keep the cans from moving around in the shipping box, I am surprised they haven't fixed this shipping issue by now because of all the complaints here in the reviews. However, Amazon is really great when it comes to problems like this with food items...they are shipping me a new order, no charge, and I get to kee
????y y?????ininan??? or o??ere?? I ????????in??? my m?y ny nenewe????de?r r?????vev?? i inin in b beb????er er c ?ono?did???????ThTheh?esees??SaS?n n M ??????? T ?omomam?totoeo?? a ar?e e ne ??? " ??DOD?????erterti??iei?????! E! ???n n tn ?ho??ghgh h?th?e ?de?scs?ri?ptp???????ysy?????y ?ar??? M?????pepeoeop?lel???avave????ompom????inein?ed ed?????t ???isis ??in ???? r ???ieiewie???sos????am?? su s?????ses???????on???? s??tiltilll????????????themthe???????DO?P ?Ce???tiftifitif??d"d""d"?? ???wew????, ,??????y ary are???ververyry ???odod d??uau??itityit????mamatmato?eses ???d ?Ce??ti??????OrO???anian???????av??e ae al??so so??notno?ticti?eded ed ted ?the????????ofo? t th thi th?is ???eme?m fm ????tut?uatua?testes ???tetenten ???????re're??s as a a t ti tipi???????????????????r ????ppppi??? c?????????????n s?av?ave ave?? it it f ?????????,
p my original order! I am hoping my new order arrives in better condition! These San Marzano Tomatoes are not ""DOP Certified""! Even though the description says they are? Many people have complained about this in the reviews so I am surprised Amazon is still listing them as ""DOP Certified""? However, they are very good quality tomatoes and Certified Organic. I have also noticed the price of this item fluctuates often so here's a it in your shopping cart and then save it for later,
?chc????????r r?cac??t t d ???lyl? a ana???waw????foforo???hehe he p prp?icicec??tot? d??opop!p! !??? pa p??d ?$2$?0.0?????????I hI ????????? t?????????????????????$5$? ts ??? be be ??patpa???enten??????????ck?!"!""?222??1,1?????C4C??Z0Z?00,00,A,?W0W?1E1?????KTKTETEJ?,",???. h. ??nlnleleye???????ve"ve??","???0,?1,?131??777??3123120??0,N0,??t ?DOD??,"?th?esesese se???????ot ot?DO?????ey???re re?juj???????cercert?????d"d?"" ""????ch? m mem???s s ns ?????????ig?nin??icicaic???t. t.????????ou?ldld ?gog??? s???p p????th??????ithit?h ah ??lil???????or????ono?????????nd nd w wr wri?te?????????????t ????titiftififiefi?d"???. r. ??ala? d do d?? t?????toeto??? ar?e ?mum???h bh ?etettt?????"2"?22322??????????HZ0HZ?00,00,A00,???????????EPEPLPL,L,d,?davdavidav?????????,0,?5,5,1,???989868?????00,C00,CEC??TOT?
check your cart daily and wait for the price to drop! I paid $20.79 but I have seen the price as high as $53.00, so it pays to be patient. Good luck!" 2231,B002C4HZ00,AW01EJ2CXKTEJ,"D. hanley ""dave""",0,0,1,1337731200,Not DOP,"these are not DOP they're just ""certified"" which means nothing significant. they should go a step further with a little more nonsense and write ""department certified"". real dop tomatoes are much better." 2232,B002C4HZ00,A105FP1ZT88EPL,david lee,0,0,5,1329868800,CENTO
???N N?MAM????????uru?chc?asa??? a ???mamala?l l???????f f??heh?????????oeo??. .?? u ????d td ?theth?? f ?oro????zzz??a Sa SaSaua?cece ?????d thd t??????astas????grg???t.t. ?ThT?he he l ???ele??? lo looo????ed ied ?ded?????calca?l tl to????he ??????ureure ?pop??????onon n??????on.on..?222232333????????HZH?00?,A,???WZWZLZ??GYG???DAD?K,K,N,??????,0,??????131323?494949?404?????TheThe e be be??????I lI ?ovo?e ?SaSanSa?n Mn ??rzrza??? t??mamat???s s as anandan??CeC??toto'to???s ars arere re??????. ???????havha?ve ve t? the the ??gregr?????st,st, st,?????te??t t? ta?st??e ee ?????. W. ?or?th? e ev???r pr ???nyn???andand and? th tha th?an an? so s????""?22223???,B0,B00??2C42C??Z0?????OGO???TMT????DDD?,A,Ad,Adad????,0,0,0,0,????32??828202????00,T00,Th?The The?pipicpictctu????shs???s ?????????? the??y ay ary a?re ???t,t?Th???y ty ????matomatoematoes?????re cre ??rtr??fif?eded ??SanSan San M????????????nonot? D
SAN MARZANO,Purchased a small case of these tomatoes. I used them for Pizza Sauce and they tasted great. The labels looked identical to the picture posted on Amazon. 2233,B002C4HZ00,A3FWZL9GY3ADAK,Nyjean,0,0,5,1324944000,The best,"I love San Marzano tomatoes and Cento's are great. They have the greatest, sweetest taste ever. Worth ever penny and than some." 2234,B002C4HZ00,ACOG40TMNBIDD,Adam,0,0,1,1323820800,The picture shows dop and they are not,They tomatoes are certified San Marzano but not D
O???lil?keke e???e e ie ?tet?m m????wsw???n n?????uru??. .?? c cac??lel?? a ???zoz?n n an ??????????ene???meme ?an???the??????????121??fof??r fr frf?reeree ?toto o f fi f????????e. e.???e ???w w????pmpme?????asa??????? c ce c??ti??ieieded ed n ??? D ??OP.OP????o ??leleale????knk?nowno???thith??. ?ToTomo?matma?toetoese?s as ?rere re??k k b bu b??t nt ?notno??th?the the??es?????i.i?2????????2C2???Z0Z???A3A3H3???YLY???TIT?EVE??,R,??beb??ca? K ??ufu?fmf?manman,n??,0???,1,?????484??00000?0,d0,??amaamagageg???????????pupururcur?hahas?asedased ?a a??????????the?????????toe???s a s a????pl???of? m???th??s a???????????he he?? can cans???er?e ??o ?bab????y by be????anandan????????ed med ???ca?????????r wr wow???t t ot ?pepen??? the th??. ?. I. ?I cI coc??????????to????mazmazo??n a?????the??y sy ?shish???????no?nothnothe??r cr ??se? o ou o????igi?htht ???waywa?y -y - -
OP like the item shows in picture. I called amazon and they sent me another box of 12 for free to fix issue. THe new shipment was still certified not DOP. So please know this. Tomatoes are ok but not the best fyi. 2235,B002C4HZ00,A3HPTYLKZTIEVX,Rebecca Kauffman,0,0,2,1323648000,damaged cans,"I purchased a case of these tomatoes a couple of months ago, and the cans were so badly bent and warped my can opener won't open them. I complained to Amazon and they shipped another case out right away -
bbub???tht?ososese e??ana?s s?ararer?e we ??rsr?se se????? t? the th??fifiri??t ?cacasca?se!se? I I I?wo?n'n?????ded?r r??gagaia??.".??222?363??B0B?020??4H4HZH??????WGW?K8K???J4J4Y4?BVB???ovo????P,P,0,?,0,0,,0???,13,1323??????????.O.?.P.????oto????????...???????e e pe ?ror????t ???aga??e ie ?????islis??ada???????TheTh?e i?ma????ha?s ?th?e e te tot??matmato?????s ?D.??O.PO.P.P???ererter?ifi????? b bu?t ???the the????ata??????I rI ????ivi??? a ar a?? n non????.......??????????002002C??????0,A0,???????RFR???7P7???,"m,"???asassassesetse??"""?????sss??set"set"""""""?????0,50,???,132,13??434383848???????EATEAT T I?TAT????N,N,","t,"?the?sese ?to?ma?matomat??es es????e p????ecect? f fof?or or?iti????anan an ran ???ipi?es??...?????????lal???or,or?????t tt tot tooo????????????d Vd ???Y Y i it i???ia??! ? A ?lwl??ysy??s ths t??????t ??????ce ce??or????????????ookoo???
but those cans are worse than the first case! I won't order again." 2236,B002C4HZ00,AOWGK8BFJ4YBV,LoveDOP,0,0,1,1322870400,D.O.P? Not really....,"The product image is misleading. The image has the tomatoes as D.O.P. certified, but the tomatoes I received are not...." 2237,B002C4HZ00,A1WU204RFEA7PA,"msbasset ""msbasset""",0,0,5,1322438400,GREAT ITALIAN,"these tomatoes are perfect for italian recipes.....full flavor, not too acidic and VERY italian! Always the best choice for italian cooking....
??2???????????????????0W0???RGRGUG?4848W8??,M,??chc???? P ?????nsns,s?0,0???????141????808??00,a00,???itittt????didisi??ppp???ntntit?ingin??"m"?oso?? i ?????????l l ol ?f f tf ?heh???ana?ns ns???rer?e de ????????n n?so????waw????hoh?????er er? it i????????chech?????er mer me?ththoth???of??pup?rcr???sisin????????????????????????????4HZ4H?Z00Z0?????RMRMOMOMOM1M????6A6???,"W,"W.W??????ararlar?letletoton??""""R"??annannyn?????????on"on??","???0,??,1??868??23623??800800,0,C0,CeCenentento? ??imimeme,me???hih??is iis is?is ais a a fa ??inein?e pe pr??????. . . ???????urureur??????????as as a??flflal??????hahatha?t ot on???othot???r tr to??????ha??? a????earea????????????"2?2424040,??B00B0????HZHZ0HZ0000,?A2A??EZE?7G7????9P9???,A???n,n???8,8,18,??,13,1303060????????DaDama???ed??????????disdi?e,?MeMer??cha?ndndind?iseise ????as nas ??t ?dad??agage????
" 2238,B002C4HZ00,A320W49RGU48WY,Michael Parsons,0,0,4,1314748800,a little disappointing,"most if not all of the cans were dented in some way, however it is a cheaper method of purchasing this product" 2239,B002C4HZ00,A31RMOM1WO36AC,"W. R. Carleton ""Ranny Carleton""",0,0,5,1286236800,Cento Time,"This is a fine product. Why? Sure, it's has a flavor that on other tomato has, an earthy taste." 2240,B002C4HZ00,A29EZ7G65A9PQX,Alan,5,8,1,1306281600,Damaged merchandise,Merchandise was not damaged du
???ngn??????mem????bub??t st ???????r r? se sen??????????gegede??anandn????coc?rrrrer?ctc??????hahan?didisi??? ???4 4??f f?ththeh?????s s w ??????adadld?? d????ed??an?and and t???? ca can???? the theye??shshiship????ed wed ??????????OPO????erter?ifi??iedied.d. ?????y ???ent??????owowe?wer wer? st s?an?andaandara??d md ???ch???????? ??????????fuf?????refre???????omo? A ???zzz????????1,1????2C2????00???2X2?HZHZ4HZ??????????JaJ?????E.E. ???????????,5,??4,4??292939??676???00,???ent?ed????n,n??I I??havhave? r???? p papasastst st r?????wsw??whwhe???re pre ???pl???cocomcompm????inein??????ut?? re rec recec??vi????????ed??ed caed can?ans ??iti??? th???? pr p??????. ?????????? pre pr???ou???????pmepmen?ent ???er?????? w????????, , b bu but?ut nut ?notnot ????is is tis titimti??. ?????sh??shipmship?menme?nt nt?? cam ca???in?? a a??adadlad?
ring shipment but supplier send me damaged and incorrect merchandise. 3/4 of the cans were badly dented and the cans they shipped were not DOP Certified. They sent me lower standard merchandise. Received full refund from Amazzon. 2241,B002C4HZ00,A2XHZ42N3MRMID,Janet E. Kusterer,3,5,4,1293667200,dented can,"I have read past reviews where people complained about receiving dented cans with this product. I had a previous shipment where all was well, but not this time. The shipment came in a badly
???ngn??????oxo?????? I I I t ????ghghth???llll l????ldl?d bd ?e e?????? wh wheh????he????tetere???r r b??????? p ?????in????? w???????y y???rpr????eded ed t to t??????????adadld?y ?ded?enten????cac??? in i??anan ????ama?magma???????????????????s ms ????thath???th???????wawasas as??alral?????y dy dey d??enteent?ed ed wed ???n ??aca?keked???AmA?mazma????shs?houhoulu????recre??onson???derde????theithe????ou???e ???????isis is pis pr??????---???the the? to??????????re re? su s??er??????ut??? the the e pe ?pacpackckick???? st s?tinti?ksk????222????B0B???C4C?HZHZ0Z00?,A,A3A393??ZZZ???ICI?CIC?VGV???OdO?d ?PeP???r ???????Pe??ter??"""""???,2,?2,52,???????39539???00,?ToTooo?????penpe??sivsive?,"??????ror????t ??is is gis grg?reare?at at?.....? b? but but ??t ?????pri????d nd ?????ly ly? tw twiw????? wha wh?????t rt reretre?????? fo for??in? l ???????marma?keketke?s.? I
mangled box, but I thought all would be well when the interior box was pristine. I was very surprised to find a badly dented can in an undamaged box. This tells me that the can was already dented when packed. Amazon should reconsider their source for this product--the tomatoes are superior but the packing stinks." 2242,B002C4HZ00,A397ZZV3ICCIVG,"Odd Peter ""Odd Peter""",1,2,5,1295395200,Too Expensive,"The product is great ... but it is priced nearly twice what it retails for in local markets. I
?????t t????? p ?aya?????????ttt?lele e f fof?? c ?????nin?en?cece ????hoh???e de ?ele?livli????? b ??t ????s s i ?? t totooo? m???h"h?????3,3??000??C4C??????????????UOU???KEK?,b,bab?li????do,do,0,??????131?????202???0,N0,??t ????e ??hah???I I????,",????????d ????fefere???nt nt????n n??ici?tut????. .???????s Js ?usu???t sat say? " """?????if???d"d????ot? " "" "??.O.?.P.?. ???????IEIEDE??"".""????on'on??t kt ????????ththath?at at???s ts ?thethe ?sasamame?? an a????ftf?er?? a a????plp???????????s ?I I aI amam am??ot??gogoigo??ing ing t to t??????? the th?e ee ??ffoff??t ?inin in??? f fi f??d d od ?outou??<b<???????sos???am???e wie w????????l.l. ??I wI ????????????s s os ????. ????t Bt ???silsi?????r /??? c? cou coup????ca??s s ds ?dende????????e ??th??????ava?ve ve?sa????<b?? / />/>M/>????????e wae w???????? now no?w iw ??s ??
dont mind paying a little for convenience of home delivery, but this is too much" 2243,B002C4HZ00,A3UC577MUOZMKE,balimedo,0,1,3,1300752000,Not sure what I got,"Received Different than pictured. Labels Just say ""certified"" not ""D.O.P. CERTIFIED"". Don't know if that is the same and after a couple of orders I am not going to put the effort in to find out.<br />Also came with Basil. I want tomatoes only. Not Basil.<br />A couple cans dented like others have said.<br />My case was $44 now its $6
?????? / ?>I>I'I????vev???tht????omo?atatoto to? th t???g.g. .??I'lI'?l l???? w ?hah??? I I? wa wana?? i in? t th?????torto?????222?444?,B,??????HZH??00,00,A,???BIB?WAW?A8A?1A1AMA?ZGZ?,E,??????FrFrir???ma??,5,????,1,1,,1????555???00?0,?????????an??,",?????????2 2 c ca c????shs?????ed ed? 11 1? o of of ??????????????, ,?ve????ses?erier??usu????enten????????themthem.m?????m nm ?????ala???????in???s, s,?? I t I ???lkilk??ing ing????erioeri?ousou???dende??s.s????? d?en?enteent???????at Iat I I? tr t?ulu?????ou??????f f t??????inging ????? a ???y.y?. ?????????andan?d sd ??opo?ppepped????e te ?tho??????????useus??????5 5 a a a???? h ????eleltl????hathat t it ???????????????efe???????????y ly ?oco?calca???rorocro???y ??to???????????s ths t???s d?en?ente????????utu???????a a?????ce???????ce ce??????beb??aua??use use?????
0.<br />I'm over the tomato thing. I'll buy what I want in the store." 2244,B002C4HZ00,A1JBIWAA81AMZG,Elsie Friedman,5,10,1,1295568000,Dented cans,"Of the 12 cans shipped 11 of them had very, very serious dents in them. I'm not talking dings, I talking serious dents. So dented that I truly thought of throwing them away. My husband stopped me though because at $5 a can he felt that it was too wasteful. In my local grocery store, items this dented are put into a reduced price bin, because they
????ala?lyl??dodono??t t??ovo?? o ?tht????????<a<???rerefe?="="""?hthttt?????www?ww.ww??????on.on???m/m??????odo????/B/???????Z0Z?00"00?"">""????toto o???n n M ??????????rtr??fif?eded d??om??????, ,????OuO?ncn?e ?CaC????(P(PaP??? o?f f????</<????????5,5?B0?02??C4HC4HZ??00,00?A3A??5B5?PSPS3S3G3G8G??QGQ??,m,memer????y_y?202????0,0,2,2,?5,?????85851512????SqSquq???? n ????s ?he?lpl??,",?ThT??????od?ucuctuc????is iis ??????d fd ????lol?usus us?anandan???ou? c ????geg?t ?t itt i??at?? ma man?y ?????cerce????????s ???? a? l ???????????ce.ce??????rar?allall l? a ?????at at pat ???du?ct? a an and?? ma?kek????????omeom??reredred d sd ??uc?e!e? ???? SQ S????M:M? ?I I???????t t vt ?ververyvery y dy did????urbur???? t ??????youyou u c ca c????all?y ?re?fefer? t to t???hithi?ttittin????youyouryour ????????ve??n in if??????ar?e ??okokik?ing??, t, ??isis ?is isis i
usually don't move otherwise.<a href="""">Cento San Marzano Certified Tomatoes, 28-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)</a>" 2245,B002C4HZ00,A3A5BPS3G8NQG2,mercury_2012,0,2,5,1298851200,Squism needs help!,"This product is indeed fabulous and you can get it at many grocery stores for a lesser price. Overall a great product and makes awesome red sauce! TO SQUISM: I find it very disturbing that you casually refer to hitting your wife, even if you are joking, this is
?non?t t t ??? p ???????oro???hah???sos??t t ot ???bebehehahavhavivioior???!!!!!??????yoyouo??????????itit ???uru??????e ye ??youryou??a a????? c cocowowaw???. .???????tit?c c?aba?usu?e e Ie ?S S?NON?T T a a a????????? m ?atattattet?????d d? I I???? p?er??????ly? o of?fe????d ???y yy ?you??? re r?vivievi???? T ???y ty tot???aia???aiainain n????me me a?????? o??f cf clclalaslasss??whwhe??????????????he?re??????? am am s????e te ?thathat???s s ss so??????inging ing???? a ar are???ncncac?papabablab??e oe ofof of?dodoio???, , j ???gig?inging ??? y?ou??r dr ??????ti?ng????nd nd? cl c???slsle?ssss ss? re??vieviewvie???2?2424646,6??00000??RTRTNT?????1O1O5O????9B9B1B???XEX?,T,??ng???iai?obo????????,1,1,1,??313???040???,I,?t't?s ?a ???hamha???toto to?????so? m?ucu?? c??????yry??? f ???r br ???ieies????t'??s a? s????????o uo ??????????h h ch co??????yruyrupup up f?
not the place for that sort of behavior!!!! If you really hit your wife your a punk coward. Domestic abuse IS NOT a laughing matter and I was personally offended by your review. Try to maintain some amount of class when posting on here. I am sure that is something you are incapable of doing, judging by your disgusting and classless review." 2246,B000ARTNR4,A1O5YII9B1K8XE,Tang Xiaobo,1,1,1,1331510400,It's a shame to use so much corn syrup for babies!,It's a shame to use so much corn syrup fo
???????ese???I'I'm'???????did???ppp?oioini???? w whw?ene? I???oto??cec?????ata????he? s ????????d ????d ???????inain???is is e eve?venven ?beb?????..?222??7,7,B,B0B0000000A00?RTR?NRNR4R4,4???????4O4?4D4??????????????,3,???4,14,?,1,131?272717101040404????FIF????????RER???ENE???????ORO?? S ????P!P??!!,!!?"D"DoD??yoyouou u r rereae???????nt?????be??fef??edied??? y?ouourour ????????bobot???e ??f f?coc?rnr?????upu?????????/>/?i i?ususes?????is?is uis ??ntintilil l??? re r????zez??ed t?hahatha?? i??????chc???????geg?????????s s???????ch ch??????????or or? yo?????ab??.".""?22224?8,???00?00AR00A?????4,A4,???WQW?5A5?9I9?FPFPIP???,","A,"???. Th. T?omompm???n ??"m"mu????? fa f????????,4,,4?????030343??????,"?VeV??y ?us?efe????wi???? tr t?????aca???se?? In Int????eraer?ancan?ce.ce. ? B ??????re??, t, ?thi???????ososts??
r babies! I'm very disappointed when I noticed that. The same kind sold in China is even better. 2247,B000ARTNR4,A3O6C14O4DCTP8,J. Tigue,3,4,1,1327104000,FIRST INGREDIENT IS CORN SYRUP!!!,"Do you really want to be feeding your baby a bottle of corn syrup???<br />i used this until i realized that. i switched to gerber, its so much better for your baby." 2248,B000ARTNR4,A1CWQ5A9IFPIME,"A. Thompson ""music fan""",3,4,3,1303430400,"Very useful with true Lactose Intolerance. Be aware, this is mostly
??sus????, ,?????mam?dede e??ror????ili?k.k.".","?????yoy?uru???hihil?? i ?s s?trt?ulu?? l ?aca?totoso??e ie ?ntntotolto?????nt,nt??tht?????ro????? i?s s gs grgrer??t.t? I ??? fu f???????ss/ss/g/??s ?is???? i??su???????n n? co cononsn???derder ?sts???iningin???????SiS???????AdA??an???e oe ????anoan?ththeth?er er???ormor?ul?? t th t??????????e ???????il?y ?????????milmilklk*lk??. ?????????odo??ct???idi?d sd ????m tm ????re????????ss ss? fu?ss??ine??ss ??in in?ou??r br bab??????utu??hoh?oneones???ly ly I? t???inkink k?? the th?e De ????ro????bob??tl??es es m???????bib?ggggeg???im???actact.? ???????youyo?? o?wn?????de???ffff ?????eeeen? f?? fuss fus?sinsinen??s ???. . n. nun?utrut???ioionon,on?????t ?????wawararear???????hichi????????la?s ???? m?? made mad???wit???? cor co???sws???eteet?eneen??s ??ndn??whwhiwhici?????????ululyuly ?mi?milkmil?-b-ba?
sugar, NOT made from milk.","If your child is truly lactose intolerant, this product is great. If fussiness/gas is an issue, then consider staying with Similac Advance or another formula that is made primarily with **milk**. This product did seem to create less fussiness in our baby, but honestly I think the Dr Brown bottles made a bigger impact. Make your own trade-off between fussiness vs. nutrition, just be aware of which formulas are made with corn sweeteners and which are truly milk-bas
???.<.?????><><b?r ??????s s m ??????did??g g?fof?r ??heh? c cocomo?pap?nyn? t ?o o?lal???l l???????odo?ucuctc? a ??s "s """????k-k-b-??????????henhe? i ?t t ht hah?? m??inoin??????rer???enentn?????????vev?ed ed? fr froromro?"""" "" m"" ???k.k????ea?? t??e e le ?????ofo? i in??re???en?ts? ( ????owow)w??. . I ???????d td ?theth?e ie ??grgregr????ent???ono??th?? p?ara?renre???????panpany??????bsb?ititeit?e (e (A(????????????titioion??). ). ???on'on???trtrytr???to to???indin??d thd t????ing???rediredie????s ls li????t ont on ?????SiSimi?la?? w? web websbsibs?iteite ite?---??????s ns ?ot? t????? (??er???psp?s fs ????gog??od od r ??asasoason?on).on)???br br????????/>S/>SIS?????C C?????SITSITIT???? In I??ngrengr?edi???ntsnts:nts???? /??CoC?ornor?n Mn MaM???????????? S Su Sugu???????????e)e),)?, M, ???? P ?????in?? Is I????tete,te, ???ghg? O OlO??ici?c Sc ??fffflf?lowlo?er?? Oi O?il,il??SoSoyo?y Oy ??
ed.<br /><br />It's misleading for the company to label the product as ""milk-based"" when it has minor ingredients ""derived from"" milk. Read the list of ingredients (below). I found the ingredients on the parent company's website (Abbott Nutrition). Don't try to find the ingredients list on the Simlac website -- it's not there (perhaps for good reason).<br /><br />SIMILAC SENSITIVE Ingredients:<br />Corn Maltodextrin, Sugar (Sucrose), Milk Protein Isolate, High Oleic Safflower Oil, Soy Oil
?? C ?oco?ono???????, ?GaG????????????ac?chchah???ded?s*s??????s s????n n 1 ???% %??? t th t???FoFolollol??wiw???????????nin?i i O Oi Oil?, ??. ?AlA?pip??a a O? Oil Oi?l, l, B ??tata-a-C-?ar?????e,e, ???????, ?, Ly, L??copcopep?eneen??????cic?????hohos??????????otaotasasss????m Cm ?iti?????? M MoM?did?fif?eded d??oro??????rcr???, P, Po, Pot????iuiumium ium C???lorlo?ridride???, Ma, M??ne?si??? C??????ideide,e, ?Mo??ogo??yc?ere???es?, , S, ?????ece?citcith????????ra???????, ???lcl??um?um Cum ?CarCa?bob??????e, Ae, ?scs?corco???? A ??cidci?????holho???? C????orior?ide?, ???odiod?????hl?or?oridoride?de, de, F??errer?ouousus s Ss ??????????, Cho, Chololiol?inein?e Be ??itait???????ate, ate,??auauru?rinrine???m-m-I-???si?to?l,?l, dl, ?l-l?Al??phapha-???????er??l l A Ac Acec?etaet??ate,?ate, Zate, ??incin?c Sc ??lf?????ate, Late, ??????nitni?in??, ?NiNiai?????????ide, ide,?? Cal Calclcilc????PaP??totottoththeth????te,??CuC
, Coconut Oil, Galactooligosaccharides*. Less than 1.0% of the Following: C. Cohnii Oil, M. Alpina Oil, Beta-Carotene, Lutein, Lycopene, Calcium Phosphate, Potassium Citrate, Modified Corn Starch, Potassium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Monoglycerides, Soy Lecithin, Carrageenan, Calcium Carbonate, Ascorbic Acid, Choline Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Ferrous Sulfate, Choline Bitartrate, Taurine, m-Inositol, dl-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Zinc Sulfate, L-Carnitine, Niacinamide, Calcium Pantothenate, Cu
????c c S ??????e,e? T ThT?????nen????loloro???????????????idi??, , V, ViV???amiam?in in?? P PaPala???tatattate??, R, ??bob??lal????, , P, ??ririd??????e H?ydydryd?rocro???lorloriridriderid?e, e,????ic????????MaMana???anean??e ??SulSulf??ateat?e, ?PoPoto???sis????IoI???ideid??????lll?loqlo??in????, , B, ?????in,? S??????m Sm ???????ate,ate??, Vi, Vititait?amiaminami? D ???, C, CyCyayananoan??????????, ??ototaot??ssissiu?ium ium??HydHydr??oxioxid?ide,ide, ?????????leole??otidoti?desde? ( ?AdAde??oso??nene ne 5 ??-M-??????os?ph?atate??? Cy Cyty???inine????'-M'-MoMonMo????os??hah??ate,?ate, Date, DiDisi?ododi??um um??uau??anosano?sinsinesin?e 5e 5'??-Mo-Mon??phpho???????? D???ododi??m ???rid?in?????5'-M5'-Mo?MonoMon??ho?sp????te)te).)??????>*>? S????cec??d fd frfro???mi??k k? (G (??S)S).???r ?/>/> />? A A?sosouso???ce ce??of of d dod????aha??????oioic?????d ?(D(?????).<b).<brbr br? /> /??????soursou?rcerce ?ofof ??????hidhido?????ic acic a?
pric Sulfate, Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride, Vitamin A Palmitate, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Manganese Sulfate, Potassium Iodide, Phylloquinone, Biotin, Sodium Selenate, Vitamin D3, Cyanocobalamin, Potassium Hydroxide, and Nucleotides (Adenosine 5'-Monophosphate, Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Uridine 5'-Monophosphate).<br />* Sourced from milk (GOS).<br /> A source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).<br /> A source of arachidonic aci
??????A)A).).<.??? / ??<b?r ????IMI????? A ??????E E I ????ede?ieiene?tst????<br <br /????nfn??????lkl????????ses?, ?HiH???????icic c S ?afafff?lolowowew??r Or ?il??????????il, il,?CoC???onuon??t Ot ??l,l??GaG??acactac???lil??????chchah??idi??s*s??, W, WhW?????roroto?ei??? Co C??cec???raratateate.e?????????hanhan ?0.0????ofof f t?????ol?lolowlo???ng:ng? C???????iii?? Oi Oil Oil,?? M. M?????in???????, B, ??????ar?ot???e,e, e, L????einein,ein?, L, ???copco????, ?AsA??corco??ic?? Ac A?id??????ciciuciumu? C????ononaon??????ot?asasss???????tr?at?ate,???oy??????????????onoonogoglg??yceyc?erieridideid??, ??ot?otasota???iumiu?m Cm ?hlh??????, ??????eee??anan,n?????????ium?????oro?????e, Fe, ?er??????SuSulu??????, C, Ch, C???in???BiB???artartr?trattra??? C???oli?nene ne C????????, ??????ne?, ?, Ca?lc????ium Pium ????php??tete,te, ??????????
d (ARA).<br /><br />SIMILAC ADVANCE Ingredients:<br />Nonfat Milk, Lactose, High Oleic Safflower Oil, Soy Oil, Coconut Oil, Galactooligosaccharides*, Whey Protein Concentrate. Less than 0.5% of the Following: C. Cohnii Oil, M. Alpina Oil, Beta-Carotene, Lutein, Lycopene, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Citrate, Soy Lecithin, Monoglycerides, Potassium Chloride, Carageenan, Magnesium Chloride, Ferrous Sulfate, Choline Bitartrate, Choline Chloride, Taurine, Calcium Phosphate, Potassium
?PhP???????????-I-???osios???l,l, ??ini?c c???lflfaf??e,? N ??aca??????????????ph??????opoph?ereryr???AcA?????????ala????????ntnto???ene??????L-L????nin??ininein?????bob???ava??in,in????????in in? A A???????tatta????, Cu, C??rir??c Sc ???????????ia???nen? C ?????ridri?de de?HyHydy????hl?ororioridideid??e, Pe, ?yry??ridorid??in????????chc???ri??e,??????????cidci????????????????fafatfa?te,? P Ph P?????quq????ne???????inin,???odo?????????enaen?ateate,??Vi???????D3D?????????obo???am?????????iumium m Cm Ch????rid?ride,ride?, P, PoP??????ium????dr????ide??, a, ?andan?? Nu N?clcle??otiot??ideside? ( ???dendeno?sisinsi???5'5?-M-??onoon?ophopho??????te,te, ?CyC??????ne ne 5ne 5'??-Mo-Mon???phophos?ph??tete,?te, Dte, ????????um Gum ????anosano???e ??????no???????at?ate,??Di????????UrU??ridirid?ineine ???5'-M?????ho?????phatephat
Phosphate, m-Inositol, Zinc Sulfate, Niacinamide, d-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Calcium Pantothenate, L-Carnitine, Riboflavin, Vitamin A Palmitate, Cupric Sulfate, Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Manganese Sulfate, Phylloquinone, Biotin, Sodium Selenate, Vitamin D3, Cyanocobalamin, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Hydroxide, and Nucleotides (Adenosine 5'-Monophosphate, Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Uridine 5'-Monophosphate
?).)???r r?/>/>*>* *??ouo???????ror?m m m mim????????)<)?<br<br r /r ?/> />???????????? d ?????????aea?non????acacicidid d (d (D(DHD??).??<br<br <br???????ouour??ce ce???f af ?rar??????ninic????????ARA?A)?.<.<b.<?br br????uau?????nen??????ononoon?php?os?????e,e??DiD?????umu?m Um ?rir????e ???????????????????).<b).<br?br /br />?* ?SoSouSour??cedce?????om om m??ilkilk ??(GO(GOS??)<b)<??br /br />br /> ????????e ?????oc????????aenae????????id id? (D (??A)?????<br /<br ????????????e ofe o??f arf a??chc??dodondo?nicnic ??????????????222242???B0B?????TNTNRN????????727?24H24???????ChC????s,s?3,3,4,?????292?141424202080808?00,00???edued??ced??????-u-???????? h hahapha???????aba?y!y???ThThi??? fo f???ululala a ia ?? a? l ?ifi?????????????ur ur??-m-??onton?h h o?ldl??ha??d a?? li l??tlt?e e ve ??ra???????????ch???adadede e he ??????????up up a? a l a
).<br />* Sourced from milk (GOS)<br /> A source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).<br /> A source of arachidonic acid (ARA).<br />Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate, Disodium Uridine 5'-Monophosphate).<br />* Sourced from milk (GOS)<br /> A source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).<br /> A source of arachidonic acid (ARA)." 2249,B000ARTNR4,A1ENA724HKUWZP,Cheebs,3,4,5,1291420800,Reduced spit-up and a happier baby!,"This formula is a life-saver! Our 2-month old had a little viral bug, which made him spit up a l
o?????d d????vevere????ususss??. . ?????????? f fo f?????a,a, ,???e be bab????y ?????s s us ?p p? at at ??lll????nd nd h?asas ?be??? s ??????h ?????piepi??!<!??r r?/>/??<br<b??/>???k k???urur r dr ?????or or????????amampmplp??! !??WhWhe???wew?e te to??????r r br ba?byby y iy ini???????????umummm????ror??blb????, t, ?????docdo??gag?ve? u ?? a? f??ullul?-s-???????????????????forfo?rmurm????to????kek????meme ????????????ononsn???ererier?ingin?????coc??tst?????outou??$1$141????tat??l,l???hi?? w ?????rereare?????br br???><b><??br /br ????rosro?:<:<b???? />R />ReR?edued??ed? s sp spi????up up? an and an?????<b?????????uceuc????fusfu?ssiss???????<br ?<br /><br />E>????y ty toy t?????????????<br /><<br /><b<br????CoConCo?ns:ns?:<b:<?????????y cy ca?n'n?????o ao ?as ?????g bg ???we??en en??eee??in??s,????????lyly ly???ca?us??????s s es ??asias??? t to t??
ot and be very fussy. With this formula, he barely spits up at all and has been so much happier!<br /><br />Ask your doctor for a sample! When we took our baby in for his tummy troubles, the doc gave us a full-sized can of this formula to take home and try! Considering it costs about $14 retail, this was great!<br /><br />Pros:<br />Reduced spit-up and gas<br />Reduced fussiness<br />Easy to mix up<br /><br />Cons:<br />Baby can't go as long between feedings, probably because it's easier to d
??geg??t<t<b<?? / ??<b?r ?/>?YoYouou u c ?anan n?ala?soso o g ??t t 2 ???rer?????ansan???f f?????lal?? ( ?????AdA??????e ae ??????ne ne???nsn??titivi??) )?byb????????????????????ere?r ar ????heheie??r wr wew??si???. . G GrG?reare?at at????dud??t t at anand????rea???????omomem???????ici???""????0,0??000?00A00??????,A,A3A??Y5Y????L5L?????,M,?ara?is??l l???iguigueu????????0,10,?,1,???151595969686?00?,T,???is is???rmrmum??la la??s ????riribriblblel????? d ??cic?de??d td tot?o to ?ryry ?th??is is fis ?or?????la fla ?forfo?r mr ???????? si sini??ce ce h ??????artar?tedted ??eieinei???????????sysy.y?. H. ?????ver?? t ??thisthi??fo???mul??? ma mada??? hi him???????gagas???????theth???for????a ??????veryver??????k k??????????uceuc?? a??lol???????ububbb??es?es tes ??at?at gat ?get????????o ?o tho the?he bhe ???????????????????kek??????? for form?ul???
igest<br /><br />You can also get 2 free cans of Similac (one Advance and one Sensitive) by mail if you register at their website. Great product and great customer service!" 2250,B000ARTNR4,A3EY5SAUL5Q2TS,Marisol Figueroa,0,0,1,1331596800,This formula is terrible!,"I decided to try this formula for my baby since he started being very gassy. However, this formula made him more gassy...the formula is very thick and produces a lot of bubbles that gets fed to the baby. I tried to make the formula w
??tht??????????ti?ono???o o l lel??? th t?e e??????lesle????sos??vev?e be ??t t tt ththath?? d?????t ???rkrk.k?""?222???????00A00???NRNR4R4,4??1414M4????CRC?FVF?0E0EQEQ,Q??igi??BlB?????MaMamamam????,0,,0,5,5,5?121292989?414191???00,00?SiS???????SeSene????ivi?ve,ve??GoG?????riric?e ??or?? pr prorod???t.t?..??????d ??tatara?tet????? b?????on? t????????la?c c sc ?????forformr???? b??t ??? w ???s ts totooto??????h fh ?forfor for m ???????????mmm???.....??? thi th?????formformumulmula?????s as ?? we w????mem?? c ?chachanangan??????. u. ??fofor?tut????????????????e ae atat at tat ?thethe ??ununkunkyk???timtime???f f????il???'s's 's??igig ig?????lll? o?????? t th the the the???????????tataita??ere????i ??was? b? buy bu?in??g tg ??? 3 ????????????m m???? the w the ?hoh??esesas?aleal???to???? a??d d td ??????malma???? c??ntntant??ineinererser?s ws ???e ?e ale all?????????????
ith anticipation to let the bubbles disolve but that didn't work." 2251,B000ARTNR4,A14M35UCRFV0EQ,Big Blu's Mama,0,0,5,1298419200,Similac Sensitive,"Good price for product... i had started my baby on the similac soy formula but it was too much for my son's tummy... this formula was a welcomed change.... unfortunately, it came at the funky time of similac's big recall of all the larger containers (i was buying the 34oz can from the wholesale store) and the smaller containers were all sold out of
??heh????cac?? s sts?ororereses.s??.. .. n ??? a a a f ?unu?? si s??uauatatit???.......?? fi f?ndndid???????s s 6 6-6???ckc? a at a??a ??reareasasos??????e pe ?rir???e we wawas?? a a?mum?chc??????eded ed????????prepr??iai?ateat??ed red ????ueu???2222252??,B,??00??RTR???4,4,A,????UQU?333?????VMVM,M,C,???????n Jn JoJohohnh?,0,0,0??????????????00,00?SoSololvl?????ol????WiW??hih??????e De ???????utu?t It ??????CorCornrn ??yryrur?p-p-B-BaBas??????f f?yoy???? ne?wbwbob???n cn ??????????onson??lal???y,y, ,? yo y?ou ou s?hohououlouldl? t?????a la ?lacla??tostoses??????e fe ??????la la???????t awt a???y ey ??venven n tn ??ou??gh gh??he??'r'??? so s? e ??pep?ensen??ve??????ev???, , t, ??e ??ing??redre??en??s ??ayay ay??otot ot???oko??so???oo???????'s? i ?????????????? sho shopo???????nd ????yoyouyo?'r?e ????ing?????usu?se se a a ????????e-fe-???????????????????????
the local stores... not a fun situation... finding this 6-pack at a reasonable price was a much needed and appreciated rescue!" 2252,B000ARTNR4,A3NHUQ33CFH3VM,Citizen John,0,0,2,1252454400,Solves Colic Within One Day - But It's Corn Syrup-Based,"If your newborn cries inconsolably, you should try a lactose-free formula right away even though they're so expensive. However, the ingredients may not look so good. It's important to shop around if you're going to use a lactose-free formula. Lactose-fr
?eee??????ululalasa???????s s as ?????????????exexpx?enensnsis???e ae ??d d?th??s ??nen?e ie ?? l lol???ede?d wd ???? p ?ror??????????ornor? s ????p p??olo?????????????r ??????????kik?pe?did?a:a: :????aba???????c c?(a(al?sos??????n ??as as??????t ??colco??c,c, , t?hrhre????monmo???th cth ???????in?fa???ili??e ce cocolcoli?????d ??col???) )? is i??s a s a?? con co??ititiit??on on?????hih???????oto??ere?wiwiswi?? h ?heahe?altalththyth??bab???y cy crc??es??or???????msm?????????tltlyl?y ay ??and and??????extexteten??????????ds???witwi???utu?????y dy ????cerce?ninibi????re????on.on.".?? Y ?????l l??no?? i???ifif f i it???apa??penpe?? t?????ourour ?bababba????anand?and iand it?'s'?????ul??????notnot ?bebe ???bleble ?e toe t????o ao ??anytany?thi??? t???imi??ed?????????ele???veve ve y ???r ??ababyaby.aby. .? I ?t ???ontontataiain??s Ds ????, A, ???? an??d id
ee formulas always are the most expensive and this one is loaded with processed corn syrup solids.<br /><br />From Wikipedia: ""Baby colic (also known as infant colic, three-month colic, infantile colic and colic) is a condition in which an otherwise healthy baby cries or screams frequently and for extended periods without any discernible reason."" You'll know it if it happens to your baby, and it's awful to not be able to do anything to immediately relieve your baby. It contains DHA, ARA and i
????????t t a ??l l? ba baba?y y?????ulu?asa??dodo o? be bece??????iti?t it isi??rer?ququiu?reredre????y ly ??w.w.<.?brb? / ??????????ctc????????e e fe fo????ulaul? i?s ?exe??ene??ivi???is? b????????????oeo?s ?tht?ro?ugu?h h a???verve?????pecpe?iai?alial???d ?????didififff??cuc??t t mt ?????ac?????????ro??esesses?, ?I'I????tolto?????? th t??e ce ?omo??????s s ps ??blblilic? r ?relre?????????epe???esees???ata???????????????fofoofo?d d id ?? t th??e Ue U.U???????????parpa?red????ithit?h ch ?????sys??????olo??dsd?s, s,? so? t th?at?????ul?dnd?'t'??beb???a wa ?????, ???? t??oldol?. ? O ?k,k??????I I????ticti?ce ce t?????be?sisitsi?y y ry rar????e ise i???igi??.".""???535????????????,A,A3A??T2T???K7K7C7?XOX??D,D,d,dcdca?rtr???????5,15,?????898??00???????co co?B&B?? h ???????foforfor for $ $0$0.0??1/1/f/????z!z??!! !!??aya?????apa??r.r?,",
ron, but all baby formulas do because it is required by law.<br /><br />Lactose-free formula is expensive is because it goes through a very specialized and difficult manufacturing process, I'm told by the company's public relations representative. So much food in the U.S. is prepared with corn syrup solids, so that shouldn't be a worry, I'm told. Ok, but I notice the obesity rate is high." 2253,B000ARTNR4,A32T2KVK7CXO5D,dcart,3,5,5,1303689600,Costco B&M has it for $0.81/fl oz!!! Way cheaper.,"
?GrG??????????????ououru? s ?ono? i ???nonoto???ete?titini?????????h h??aiain?s ????e e?wiw?thth ????e re re?gugululaul????imi??la?? a ??????????????y y????????the? t ??????? T ??????lyly ly t?hihininging ???????at at i?t't??s ws ?????chechea????r ar at?at Cat ????coco o?($(?272??8282 2 p??? 3 ?????? t?axax)x????????on on??????????????????o po prprir?cec???matma????!!?""2222??4,4?????ARA????4,??????YTY???S8S8G8GDG?????ac?y ????CoyCoy,y,1,?????,1??232??88888??00,00??or??kedke??????????t ht hah?d ??addad?ede?d sd ??gagar????e ?juj?????????????? G ????er?????d d Sd StS??rtrt ???????e de dud?e ?????sugsugagarga???????is?????oduoducu???. . ????????d ?d sed s????? to to????? b???teterte?r tr ?thath??????????? o????????rmrmurm????????I I?de??id??? t? to ?trt???????ethethi???ng eng el???e we ??????
Great formula, our son is not getting stomach pains like with the regular Similac and he actually likes the taste. The only thing is that it's way cheaper at Costco ($27.82 per 34oz + tax). Amazon is NOT willing to price match!!!" 2254,B000ARTNR4,A2A7UYT8NS8GDC,Tracy McCoy,1,2,3,1323388800,Worked well but had added sugar,"We just changed to Gerber Good Start Gentle due to sugar in this product. This did seem to work better than a couple other formula but I decided to try something else when I
??????aba??utu???ugugagarar.r. . ??e e j ?ususts????ana???d ?ovovev?r r?????er?beber?? Go Goooodo??StS??artar????ntntlt?e e ae an????t ????s s???o ???????eee?m m t??o bo be????rkr???ng ng?bebetbe?????? H ?e ??s ??stistililll???gasga?sys? b?ut??heh??ha??s ls le????pap??????d ???????? se see se??????????lyl???s ?mum?????is?coc??fof???t wt ???n n?ea???ingin????he he??s s as ??lil??tltletle ???lilicli??? but bu?t st ststistilsti????ov????? to to???????. I. ? d?o ?tht????????s is ???a a ga ???d ??rorod?uc??t at anandand and?I'I??m sm ?sursu?? t???e se ?sugsu???r ir ?is ?sasafafef????????t t w????d ????????non?t ?????? ex e???ra ra? su s????????????is a??ge ge? (8 (????eekee????? G ??????uc????""2222???,B,B0B????UQU?UIUICI?,A,??????????????????o ?????i,i,2,??,2,,2??5,15,121??????00??,G,Gr,Grereare???FoF???CaCaka?eses,es??WhWhihilhi?le le? I I h I ??veve ?nonotno??pup?
read about sugar. We just changed over to Gerber Good Start Gentle and it does (so far) seem to be working better. He is still gassy but he has less pain and doesnt seem in nearly as much discomfort when eating (he is a little colic but still loves to eat). I do this this is a good product and I'm sure the sugar is safe, I just would rather not give extra sugar at this age (8 weeks). Good luck!!" 2255,B002WUQUIC,A39ESE8N7ELHJR,Gino Rossi,2,2,5,1275264000,Great For Cakes,"While I have not pur
????ses????hih???frf??????aza????? h ?????usu????iti????????????eae??s.s. . ? It I??ma??????????ere?r lr ?aya??r r fr fof?or,or? m my my ?ve???ioi?????? Z ?????a Ea ????leles???a aa ?????ixi????wiw??????ea??m cm cac?? b ?e e ie inincn??orporpop?oraor?tet?ed ??forfo??PaP????ChC?????<b<??????I dI ?on??t t lt lil?????? H ?olo?lylywy????d ad an???mom???e se ????t ?????????inging g m??ore????????ulu???????ththath??ksk???o o Ao ?????????????d id itd i?t i?????aia????le???????n ???rgrge?r r cr ??nsn?s..s.????..........??? I ???lalanla?????or??????oo????????/></>???r /??????o Ro ??ssssis???????MaM?angan??ia ia????on pon ???ssiss??????chechefe?/c/?catca?terte?rerre????252565???00000000000D0??????AGA????3Q3?XVX??S8S??"D"?????lelenle?n ????. Ge. G????""""N"?JnJ?????????c"c?"""""???,4,??1,1,1,12,1?898?????00?,D,DoD??????uyuy y ty ththith????
chased this from Amazon I have used it for many years. It makes a super layer for, my version, of Zuppa Engelesia and mixed with cream can be incorporated for Pate Choux.<br />I don't live in Hollywood any more so it is getting more difficult and thanks to Amazon I find it it available and in larger cans......... I plan to order soon.<br /><br />Gino Rossi<br />Mangia con passione chef/caterer" 2256,B0000DC5IY,AGYZZ3QXV9S8,"Dr. Glenn B. Gero ""NJnaturaldoc""",3,4,1,1289865600,Don't buy this pr
oodo??ctct t u unu???sss? y ??????e e??ooo??ini???foforo???????????cococo?conconun????ThT??e de de??crc?ipiptptit?ono? o ???tht????????????is?????????iviveve.e????????pr????ctct ct w ?asas s rs ????es?enentn??? a as as ????owowdw???, , b bub?ut ut?iti?????non???a ????wdewd???????s ?? g ?rar???lele.le?. . ?ItI??t is???notnoth?in???????e te ??anan an?????edded?dedde?????con????????dod???n'n???eve?venve?????ssossololvl????n ???hihighighgh h? sp s??ed?????????iai??? bl b?lenle?de????brb?r /r ?><><b??r /?>U>???es???yo???ar?????ining?? th thi??????du??ct ct tct ?? m ???????ctuct???? a a????? c ch c????????-c-co?at?ed????ocooconoconu?????attattyty,y?, t, ?????e ie itit it????ususeusele??? ?. M. ?? i in??tente?ntintio??n wn ???????us?use use?? it it?????n ?n adn a????iviveiv??e ine in ????heaheal??????shash?keke.e. e. I It? e ?????? up u????in???????e ???????
oduct unless you are looking for shredded coconut,"The description of this product is disceptive. This product was represented as a powder, but it is not a powder, it's a granule. It is nothing more than shredded coconut and doesn't even dissolve in a high speed commercial blender.<br /><br />Unless you are using this product to manufacture a dark chocolate-coated coconut patty, to me it is useless. My intention was to use it as an additive in a healthy shake. It ended up ruining the shake a
????????????rer?sosoro??????chc??wiw?ngn?? th t?he he????isisssso?????, , t??ststet?????s cs ????????pip??ceceses es???tht??r r???????rir???in?g g tg ththeth? s shsha????<b<??r /r />/><>?<br<b?????ddddi?????alallllyl??????????? th???prpror????t ??waswas s ps ???????????he?hereher?e we ?????o ???oto?????ve??cacara?????ardar?d pd ??????????? th?? s??as????? t?? the the t the ?topto?????ckack?????hehenhen ??the?????? wa was???pepene?ed????????<b<br<br <br /??????????ldld ??havhaveve ?rar??ed? t??is???ro???ct??????? st s???s,s???I wI wow???? h?ava? . T ???he ohe ???? r re red??ememim???ing qing ??alalial??????was ?????????? was was ??ratra????????xpx?penpensn?iv?e.?? I? I g I ???????e ???ackacka?gege ge a ?????fof???FRFREREEE? t?? a???at????? w??o o lo ??????s cos c?ocoocononuon?ut ut???? s?he??ga??ve ????bab??ack ack t????e ?twt????ay??s ls ?latla
s I had to resort to chewing the undissolved, tasteless coconut pieces rather than drinking the shake.<br /><br />Additionally, the way the product was packaged, there was no protective cardboard preventing the slashing the top package when the box was opened.<br /><br />If I could have rated this product zero stars, I would have. The only redeeming quality was that it was rather inexpensive. I gave one package away for FREE to a patient who loves coconut and she gave it back to me two days lat
e?? c ??????????g g??hah????t ??asa? t????ibi??e!e????252???B0B?0000000?DCD???????????????QKQKAK???heh??BaBara????non?wsw??BeB?????,0???????22622?97976760600???it??le??????oro?????bob????t t tt ??isi???????brb?ana?d d f ??om? a ??????ininein?e Ie ????????????eryer?????oreor?e te ???? u ?????lyly ?ha?s ??xcxcecelce??enentn??????ucuctc?s.s?????wa???aba?bleble ?????uru??? it it ??intintot?o co ???am????ttt????? us u???? m mym????peperer er????????????d ad ??did?inging ????e ?wa????r, r, b???? it it it b?????? h ?hadha?d a??y ???????. ??????????????y ???e ????o ?KaK?h h?????? o of of f?????nunut??cr?eaeamea? ( ?whw??chc???is is???it?e ??as?????andand and f fl flalavlavo?rfr????? an a??nd rnd re??ad ad a an????therthe???????w w???? a??di??????enten?t pt prt p?rod?uc?t ??or??????inging ????r ??????cocco?con???
er complaining that it was terrible!" 2257,B0000DC5IY,A3GKE33FI1QKA,The Barb Knows Best,0,0,1,1322697600,Little Flavor,"I bought this same brand from an online Indian grocery store that usually has excellent products. I was able to turn it into cream/butter, using my super blender and adding some water, but it barely had any flavor. I usually buy the Chao Kah brand of coconut cream (which is quite tasty and flavorful) and read another review for a different product for making your own coconut
??????? ??y y?????????? i ????oto?t tt ?hehe e?shshrh???s s os ?r r????????. . . ????e e we wawasa??juj?????iri??tuatu????y ty tat?astaste?lelese?????????,B,?000??HKH?ZDZ?????131?Q2Q??8787Z7?????9,9??krk?? a ?ngn?ele??0,0?,0,,0?????????444404??????elellelle?????????????ror?om om??ene???or!or????"A"??th?????????ada???????????cercernr??s as ???outout ???rodro????t wt ???th th? in i?????al al?????mem?enten??????y cy ?????cerncer????er????ara???veverversr????????d bd ???????exexcex?celce??enentent,ent? p pr?om?ptp???andan?????????ousou?s rs ?resre?????e e fe fre fro?? v?en???r ?ababoab????????ononcon??cern???? C CuCus???omeomeromer r sr ses??vi???????????????s a s a r ra??it?y y ty thy they thes????aya?s s -s ????????sosololulutu???y ??excexceexc??????alal!al! !? W ?????????iniinit??????eee??? th thi???vevenvend??or or???? mi m??d d wd ?he??????ava?? n?ee??d fd
cream. My complaint is not the shreds or texture. Mine was just virtually tasteless." 2258,B001HKZDYU,A13Q2H87Z8G459,okra angel,0,0,4,1265414400,Excellent service from vendor!!!,"Although I had some concerns about product with initial shipment - my concerns were far overshadowed by the excellent, prompt and courteous response from vendor about my concerns. Customer service that seems a rarity these days - was absolutely exceptional! Will definitely keep this vendor in mind when I have need f
??? o oto?????crcrar???????????s/s/p/??????tst??????????000??NZN?H3H3V3?????JAJAPAPAPAHAHHH?????????ama????????brbrer??hth???,9,????????????000??DiD??apa?ppopp??ntntit??g,g????bobouougughg?? t ?thith?????or or????r yr ???????onon n a ?ndn???asa?????apappappop????ede??in? s se s???eraer?l l a?sps????ts ts??f f???????????nsnseserer:er??brbr br / ?><><b?r ?/>/>(/>??? I ?????mamada???? of of???eae?ap ap?plplaplas??ticti? a?nd? a ar a??????d wd ?/ /? th??e ge ??obobeb???????ch???d ad ??????craccrackckeked??<b?<br <br??><???br /br ???2)2???????opop p? do doeo??????sc?re????n-n---??t ????????psp???????w/ w/ v ve?ryr?????tlt?????er?ti???????????><br><br ????3)3) ?PaParPa???of? t? the?? ap a?ppeppea?l l fl ?????me me?????????????is ?????????er er???????????????ed?? ??????????de?????????n ?on?????zoz?on ?dod?oesoe??
or other craft supplies/products." 2259,B003NZH3VS,A3JAPAHHHUQKDC,Pamela Folbrecht,8,9,2,1317600000,Disappointing,"I bought this for our young son and was disappointed in several aspects of this dispenser:<br /><br />(1) It's made of cheap plastic and arrived w/ the globe scratched and cracked.<br /><br />(2) The top doesn't screw on--it just pops off w/ very little exertion.<br /><br />(3) Part of the appeal for me was that this dispenser is coin-operated. What the description on Amazon doesn'
??????l l?yoy???????eve??r,r????????t t at ???oioinin n??is is?nonoto???ece?ese??ara?? t?o o d ?????????????cac????. .????rtr?heh???ororer??, w, ?????th???e cre c??ankan? i is i??????t bt ???el?y ?tut??nenedne?, ???????????(u(?usuusuaualall??y ty twy t???????es?? f flf????s os ou?t ?????uiu????y ?????t s???e ?gog?es? o ono???he??????? w w/w??o yo yo??? h???? t???????? c ca cat ca??? i it it.t???A A? yo you????????? i????ftf?tente?n nn ?????cooco?ordor??????d d ed ?enoen?ougoughg?????tu???n t???????????????utut ?hi??????? o?utut ut?????catca????h thh t??he che ??nd?????r r??????????4)4?????he dhe didisdi?pe?????? on o????? cam ca?? w???eneno?????? can ca?ndyndy ndy?? to ????st st?????????the bthe ?ot????? of?? th? the the?????????<br <br??><?br????(5(???ItI??isis ??????????????ver-ver???ic????????????????222???
t tell you, however, is that a coin is not necessary to dispense the candy. Furthermore, when the crank is just barely turned, the candy (usually two pieces) flies out so quickly that some goes on the floor w/o your hand there to catch it. A young child is often not coordinated enough to turn the crank and put his hand out to catch the candy.<br /><br />(4) The dispenser only came w/ enough candy to just fill the bottom of the globe.<br /><br />(5) It is very much over-priced at $29.99." 2260,
BB0B?0303N3??H3H3V3?S,S????VPV?RYR??Z5Z?Q1Q????ara?? L ?? S ???,1,???,4,4,??????????00,00,G?rer?atat t?lilitittt?lele e??ononvnvev????atiatioion? p ???cec?.,????e Me M&M&M&M M???ndn??y my ????????wow?rkr?s s????t t ft ?ininein????t t tt ththe???finfingn?????olo?le le??s ?tot?? s ??malma?????? a ??ulultl?????ge??????????rir??ve???he??cacanandandy??. I. ??t dt dod?????intin?imi?idi??ateate ?a a???M ?????? b ?ec?aua????ofo??? the the ??smasm??ll ll a am a??ununtn??it?????pepene????..????????03??NZHNZH3?????????UEUEPEPCP??ZH?9,9???????tt,tt,0,???,1,1,1,?????737363636??00?00,D00,??isp?enensense??r tr totooto??smsma?????I I??asas ???sa???oio?int??? w wh w?henhe???I rI ??ce????d ??????????ispenispe??? It I????id??? l?ar?????????ns?????? It?? lo loo?????iki?e ?e soe somomemete???ng????r ???????????o po ??aya??????????I bI bobou??hth??t itt i?t f?or?????huh
B003NZH3VS,AX9VPRY2Z5Q14,Gary L. Sr.,1,1,4,1332201600,Great little conversation piece.,The M&M candy machine works just fine but the finger hole is too small for adult fingers to retrieve the candy. It does intimidate a M&M lover because of the small amount it dispenses. 2261,B003NZH3VS,ALXAAUEPCJZH9,Corbett,0,1,1,1327363200,Dispenser too small,"I was disappointed when I received this dispenser. It said a large dispenser. It looks like something for a child to play with. I bought it for my hu
?sbs???d d t ?o o p ??t t?ini??hih????"m"????cac?veve"e??? H ??????????geg?e Me ?&M&? f ????. . I ? b ???? hi himi????????e oe oro???mem??t ???chc??????? fr f???m tm ?hehe ???&M &M c?????????nsn????I ?waw?s ??????? i it it t ht ??d ????????????ancan??????? it. it. . . I. I . I a??????idi????t ??????zez?????????????? t to to ??retre??rnrn rn? th t??s ?iti??????222?????000???G6G?U3U??,A,A1A???????????YU???in?ingPing????,0,?,0,0,,0,4,?,1,???575787?242?00?,P,Po,P??????n n Cn ???llllill???as?????????eeeetee??????? L ??eavea?vesve???it??s ts ththeth?e Se SpSpop?? i??n Vn ????ta????an ??is????,","I"??m ??? m mym????????????ofo? t th?is?, ,? an andnd nd a????rearealreall????enjen????ing? w????t it ??? ad a?dsd???o ?my? "?"c"coc???cocco???????"" ""?? v ????????iania????e ?pap?an ??ixix x????s os ???on?????????????, ?veveg???
sband to put in his ""man cave"". He is a huge M&M fan. I buy him a tree ornament each year from the M&M collections. I was hoping it had more substance to it. I also did not realize I was unable to return this item." 2262,B003HG6U3A,A1EZWXGYUD3HYU,PingPing,0,0,4,1275782400,Por Kwan Chilli Paste w/ Sweet Basil Leaves Hits the Spot in Vegetarian Dishes,"I'm on my first jar of this, and am really enjoying what it adds to my ""concoctions"" - vegetarian one pan mix ups of onions, garlic, vegeta
????s,s?????ala?????ofofuf???rir?cece e o ???pap???????r qr ????oao????omomem?tit????????vev???? or or?cac????s.s?<b<brb???>I>I I???????ve????rcr?hahasha??d d i ?? a atat t Ut ???jij????a,a, a,??heh??????sas???...?..I..??wiw????????uyuyiy?inging g m?ananyn??mom??e ???rs?? of o???hih?s ?mimixixexed? s spspip?iceice ?????e.?? I ???s ?????rereae?????? p????e ?- -???????liqliququiquidi?, ?wi?????easea????y iy id??????iai?????????????eaveave?s.s. s.? I I ?hihighi????ly rly rerecre???????d td th?is????hilhili?? pa??????????????00??1H1?VFVF2F2,2,A,?3E3???121???NTN?UAU?F,F,",??? K ??ennen??l l?????rrrri??geg???anaanat?icic"ic???,1,?????,1?272?????606?????reareatat at??o o????p p? on????nd? f ?????es?se????!,!,"??hihishis s ds ???al al??? on A on ?ma???n ?wi???h th ?theth??PrP?rimri??? fr fre?e e se ??????ngng,g???andand/d/o/?or or tor ??? e?????????pe???
bles, usually tofu, rice or pasta or quinoa, sometimes olives or capers.<br />I may have purchased it at Uwajimaya, when on sale...I will be buying many more jars of this mixed spice paste. It's not really a paste - more liquid, with easily identifiable basil leaves. I highly recommend this chili paste." 2263,B000E1HVF2,A3ENN12GLNTUAF,"J. Kennel ""marriagefanatic""",1,1,5,1273881600,Great to keep on hand for desserts!,"This deal on Amazon with the Prime free shipping, and/or the even cheaper s
?????rir?ptp????????vev??????????????????u u??aka?e e?? l ??????f df ??sssses???s ????????????ikike? w ?????????nen?e oe ????uru? f faf?vov????teste????is lis lalaya???ede? g ???hah?m m?cr?aca?kekerkersr?? t? thi this??????????????????ithith ????zez?n ?whwhihiphi?????????in???, a, ??d d td ??ppppepped???witwithth th? a a???? o??????????????????te te??????????? L ??otsots ??of ??????? a ar arer??e die dis??conco?ti???????nan??????????s, s,??o o?? thi??s i?s s as ?a ga gr?eae??t it ?iteit???????uyuy y hy heh?????2???4,4??000??????F2F?????????????4G4??????ChCho??,0,???,4,4,??343?878??404????GoG??????????ravra?ining???MyM?y hy huy husu?????????ESES S p pu???ining??an?and and??????in?????of dof ??ss??ert???????????d ??f f d????nerne???ThThi????????gr???at at? wa w?????? ap a?ppe?asa???hi??? cr??
ubscription is very tempting if you make a lot of desserts with this like we do. One of our favorites is layered graham crackers, this pudding mixed with frozen whipped topping, and topped with a can of melted chocolate frosting. Lots of stores are discontinuing name brands, so this is a great item to buy here." 2264,B000E1HVF2,A14K9Q8LAQG4GE,J. Choy,0,0,4,1348704000,Good for cravings,My husband LOVES pudding and any kind of dessert at the end of dinner. This is a great way to appease his crav
?????????lel??????beb?in?? f ?ulu???????utu???? a ana?? f?ata?? I ? l lol??e ?tht????? c ??an an a?ddd??wh??ateateveveverver r Ir I ??an?t ?????t ????faf??????????? a a? li l????le.le. . I. ???lovloveve ve t ?????? c??coc?a a?????er?? an a?nd nd??aka?e ?a ??oro?????????????sts??ing?????ocoocolo???ate ate p??dd?ining???or or???x x i it?????? b???ririeiese???or???y ???????222???????????VFVF2F??AEAEUE???929????????,An,Ang?el?esesaes?????,0,0,,0,5,?????797??????0,A0,A A? wo wono?ndender?????dedesde???????????????waywa???ththithisi????bebelbel ??is is???????st???????dessdes?serse??s ??andand ???thisthi?????? ou o??cece ?vav?anianilillil?la la p pu pud pu????ng ng???s ns nonotno???hehe he?exe????tiotionon,on???? e ea e????to?to mto mamakma????????ve???????????????e ???????is is tis th?the the? be???st fst fo?????lil??ittlittle???????ie????????????illillailla
ings while not being full of butter and fat. I love that I can add whatever I want to it to fancy it up a little. I love to put cocoa powder and make a more elegant tasting chocolate pudding or mix it with berries for my kids. 2265,B000E1HVF2,AEUSY92IZMASM,Angelesave,0,0,5,1327968000,A wonderful dessert,"Like always this label is the best in desserts and this 3-4 ounce vanilla pudding is not the exeption, is easy to make, and vey fast, and the size is the best for a little families. The vanilla
??lalavavovoro?????fafanantntat?sts???.".??222??6,6,B,B0B000???1H1???2,2???????242?ROROOO??I7I????. . C ?heh?ffffyf??????ef?fyfy"fy?????,0??????252????80080??????ele????????aseas? m ?????YoY?u u?????susububsb???tut?tet??nun?ut ut? mi m????? co coco???nutnu? m mi????or??gog?ata?'s'????????or or eor ???? s so soyo???mil??? fo for??????????milk'milk???n n t ???? i??????t ???ddd?????<b<brb????<b??r /??????ou??ada?dd dd???co????? cr c?eae??????????ststest?d ?co?coconconucon??ut yut ????hah?????????????rereare????iei??????in?????If If????????????????? c?? coco coc?oa oa p?????????????????hoh????latla??? pu p????ng??????????n an ?add?? so?me????ftfte???ed ed? cr?eaeameam ????????an?d d hd ??????he?heesheese?? ca c?kek??????se pse ????????! Y! Yo! Y?????re re???lyl??lil??????????yo?youryou?r ir ?imaimaga???at?ioion????hih?
flavor is fantastic." 2266,B000E1HVF2,A1K82R24ROO2I7,"A. Cheffy ""Cheffy""",0,0,5,1325808000,Excellent base mix,"You can substitute nut milk, coconut milk or goat's milk or even soy milk for the 'milk' in this instant pudding.<br /><br />If you add coconut cream and toasted coconut you have coconut cream pie pudding! If you add some raw cocoa powder you have chocolate pudding! You can add some softened cream cheese and have cheese cake base puddin'! You are only limited by your imagination. This
??????lslsos??????lll??ntn????s as ???????????n tn ???? c cacaka????ixi? ( (a(aba???t ???????????ketke?t a??????n en ?extex???????le???oooonon on??????quq?????????6767,7??00000????VFVF2F????S5S?????????GLGL,L???m m?S.S? T ?ere??unu??,0,???,4,4,4,1?191959???96960600????dd?ini???????lwl?????????????ellellol?o po ?pudpu??ddindding???hoh???vever????oneon?e pe ??ck??gege ??????i i ri ??????eded ????s os ?pepen??ed,ed??an??????e p???deder? s ?spisp?ll??? a??l l o ov o?verver.r?????t rt ????lyl??alaltal?ererser?s ts th??? pr p?ici?ce ce w ???????? o on onln???re?????????3 p3 papac?kakagageag?s ????????????th?the the pthe ???mi?sesed??242???????8,8?,B0,B??1C1CWC??XWX?0,0,A0,A2A????3M3MCMCZC?2W??????te????n En ???????????? p??pEp????NGNGEG?ER"ER?????????,1,13,1??????40400????????woowo?????y ??????boybo??OrO?reore?o lo ?????????
is also excellent as an addition to a cake mix (about a 1/3 packet and an extra tablespoon of liquid)." 2267,B000E1HVF2,A1S5OK3QRQJOGL,Kim S. Terhune,0,1,4,1195689600,pudding,"i always enjoy Jello pudding, however, one package that i recieved was opened, and the powder spilled all over. it really alters the price when you only recieve 23 packages instead of the promised 24." 2268,B001CWZXW0,A2WH53MCZ2WE3,"Steven Epstein ""dA pApERHANGER""",2,2,5,1303430400,woof woof,"My big boy Oreo loves this
????????? i ?????? h ?imi??ofo????????prp?odo???????????nln?? g ??vev? h??? v ??nin???? r ????iti???????????HeH??cac?an'an't'?t gt gegetet ???ouougu??????????s ss sts????????6969,9?????CWC?ZXZ??0,0?A3A??VAV??HHH?????V8V?,C,???????anan,an?2,2?,2,,2??,1,???656?????00,00????d d sd ??ufu?ff.ff??"D"DeD?lil????eded ????UPU?S,S? t??????propr??????????usu?st st a??????pep???????. . ??????eses ????????? a a a??is????reere?ab??e e se sms?elellell l??nd???????dogdogsg?s ls lol?veve ?? ????? is????uchuch ?le?sss????????iv?? t???an an??re??????tit?ono??dodogdogfdog?oo?ood ood?? and an??ou?? d????????????????? o?????? ?YoYou???????ve?ven ven? se s????? o???cascasi?on?ala???????? and/ and??????rrr?????NoN??grgragr???? to t??????y ??aboabou??.".???22722??0,B0,??01?CWCWZCWZX????,A2,A??BFB????UDUDJD???P,P????
so much. i took him off beef products and only give him venison rabbit ,turkey. He can't get enough of this stuff" 2269,B001CWZXW0,A37VANHHWZ4MV8,C. Hayman,2,2,5,1286582400,Good stuff.,"Delivered by UPS, this product is just about perfect. It does not have a disagreeable smell and the dogs love it. It is much less expensive than prescription dogfood and our dogs are thriving on it. You can even see an occasional pea and/or carrot. No grain to worry about." 2270,B001CWZXW0,A2PBF8V7UDJ5CP,Beru
?dad??????,1??5,5,1?323?????808???DoDogo???LoL??e e i itit!t??"I"? h ?ava?????? t te t???ieier???ixi?????andan? t???????oveove ??hih????ror?dud?ctc?? I ??mi??? it i?????h h t???irir r?????grg??ini????????og?? fo fooood? a ?and?????????stst t gt ????lel?????upup p l???????o to ?????rrorr????I I aI ama???????y ty ?????AmA????????s ??????pr????uctuc??on? S SuSubu????????an???????. ?. It. It't??s os ???e le le?ssss ?s ths thi?ngn?? to to o wo wo?????aba??utu?????cece ????nonowno??? it' it?? g ?goigo??g ????????ve??????????? m???th???????/>/??<br<b???>W>WhWhehenhe?n In ????now? I?'m'?m gm gogoigoingoing?? to to to b ?? o ?outou??????? the the???ousou????or?? a a? lo l??g ????e,e???? ta takake?? th thi th??is pis ????ducduct???nd??sms??????????si?????????? t??y.y???h h Eh ????ee????ala????bo??ut ut???epe??ing? t th???? A ADADDDD D????s
dandi,1,1,5,1323820800,Dogs Love it!,"I have two terrier mixes and they love this product. I mix it with their dry grain free dog food and they just gobble it up like no tomorrow. I am happy that Amazon has this product on Subscribe and Save. It's one less thing to worry about since I know it's going to arrive every two months.<br /><br />When I know I'm going to be out of the house for a long time, I take this product and smear it inside a Kong toy. Oh Em Gee. Talk about keeping these ADD pups
??????????????? p pep?ririoi???ofo??tit?mem?? : ?)<)?brbr ???<b????>L>??kek?? th t?e ???heherhe??bub????????d,d???ouo?????asa?sisioionionan??????????a pa pipiepiece??e oe ofe o?????ror?ot ot? or o??popototaot??? h ??????????theth???? ?I I????????????g g? at at t? th the the e ie ????????ntn?? o?? t??????????ctc???????here'here's's s ns ?o ??????????er???memecme??ana???calcallllylly ???????ate?d ??meameatat at? or? o?th?therthe???y ?????ucuctuc?? G ?oo??????!"!????7171,1?B0B000?525???N0N??,A,?????YCYCRC??7U7??????????n Hn HoH????????????323?656585????00,00????ndend??fuf??????geg??"B"??????t 1t 1/1?????????ch ch??f ?fifivi?e ???fff????????????FuFududgud????recre????????ro?? a???????l ????ndrnd??is?er????'m'???notno?????? o of??? a c a ?cho????at?????dg?e ?ea???er,?? pr p???ferfe??r per pea?nunutu??bu?ttt?terter,r??bu?
occupied for a period of time. :)<br /><br />Like the other buyer said, you occassionally see a piece of carrot or potato here and there. I like looking at the ingredients on this product. There's no added water, mechanically separated meat or other by product. Good job!" 2271,B0052GPN0O,A3P1HYCRT7URXY,Karen Hoxie,0,0,5,1326585600,Wonderful fudge,"Bought 1/2 lb each of five different Mo's Fudge recently from a school fundraiser. I'm not much of a chocolate fudge eater, prefer peanut butter, but
? t ?heh??dad?rkr??chc????lal???e fe ????e ??s s i ini?crcrer??ibiblb?e.e???? r ??ch? a ana?? c cr c????y!y???????? t????cr?????. ???d d td tot?o to th?ror?? i???inintin?to to t??? f ????dgedge ??to to mto ?????e ite it ???sis??r r?????utu????????f f???? f????????????rnrn n??????????? ch c???colco??te??? fud fudgdge??lol????? t? thi th?? c????""?222???,B,?????????O,O,A,??????XTX???D2D?????efe?????y By ??yay????????,1,???????24024????xtx?rar?orordr?dindinan???y!,y!?"T"ThT???is mis ?????ses?mi??sos???/s/???ft ft c??eeeesese??????a ??????ge oge ?? s ?ububtb?????la??or?????atat at?? h?ava???yeyete????to fto fifin???ele????he????. . T ThTheTh??prp??cec?????????th th????, t, ththoth???????????t t at ??ffoff??????o oo ?ord??er er?????oftof?tente????ut????e ??comco???inain??????of??ththith?????eeeeseese??wiw???????ea???y ?gog?
the dark chocolate fudge is incredible. So rich and creamy! Almost too creamy. Had to throw it into the fridge to make it easier to cut. But if any fudge can turn me into a chocolate fudge lover, this can!" 2272,B00182I57O,A20UK2XTOPD27G,Jeffrey Bryan,2,2,5,1247702400,Extraordinary!,"This mild semi-soft/soft cheese has a range of subtle flavors that I have yet to find elsewhere. The price is worth it, though I can't afford to order it often, but the combination of this cheese with a really goo
????hih??e e??ini??e ie isis s t ????? a ? c ???ininain???y dy ?ele??????""?????,B,??010??D2D??Y2Y2,2,A,????????????HCH??????iai?a Va ??lel?rir???0,0,0??5,5,1,131???919?????,A????in?g!g? W ??rtr?? e ??er??y py ?????!,!,T,ThT????teteate?a ia ?is is a??sos??????ly ly?inincin???didibi??le!le! ?????ctcte??d ad afa?teterte? f fifiri??t t? ta t?????????????cic??????.. .. t????sms?????.....?????e te ???te?..??????s ??a ba ??????fuf?? e ex e??perperi????e.? I ? j ???t ?or?de?????mom??e ?(a(???d gd ?ono??????y y by bob???????ul??? a??? d???af??..??????????16D16??????A1A?1N1NKN?S2S?91?????K,K??ta???BlBlu????,0,0,0,?0,50,???13413?898969?????00,A00,?ma???ngn??TeT?ea ea???MyM?y Fy ??vov??it????I ??????? thi th????tea????d ??????? it it it?????leale?????wiwicice? a?????????????lal????? is is ????th th sth ??????g ag an?d ??wew?ete
d white wine is truly a culinary delight!" 2273,B0016D2MY2,A3M4CJT7SCDBHC,Sylvia Valerio,0,0,5,1349913600,Amazing! Worth every penny!,This tea is absolutely incredible! Addicted after first taste. So delicious... the smell... the taste... it's a beautiful experience. I just ordered more (and gonna try both regular and decaf). 2274,B0016D2MY2,A11NKS291CE5VK,Stan Blue,0,0,5,1348963200,Amazing Tea - My Favorite,"I love this tea and drink it at least twice a day. The flavor is both strong and sweet
?. .????e e?tet????????? o ?? i iti?????????nen??ere?????????? sw s????nenerne?. ??IfIf f y ?ouo??rer???a ca ?in??amamomon? l lol????, ??youyo???????????ryry y t?hih???????. ??nd? e eveveevenen ???f yf ?you??'re'r?e ne ?otot,t??it????wow???h h a a a ta ??ry.ry?""2??????000??6D6?????????JVJ???????????"D"D.D???ou?????"R"?unu??ner?????828??????0,0???????393???27227??00,00??ele???????????!,!?I I?????aia?????????taitain? t???? i???s ths t??????e ?te??? so s????????ararir?????CoCofo?fefee?. . ?I ?????? I I I??ou??????e ce ????idi???ed????????dicdi??! ! T????flf????or or i???? so so???odo??? l?ot???s ofs o????nn???????andand ?sls??????? s?pipic??????auausu????? i it i??. ?????ce ce? fo for???? i?? is g is go?od?? an and and d ld lel?ssss ????? I???havhaveve ???en? a ab ablb?? t to???????it? e??????herhe
. The tea stands on it's own, never needing sweetner. If you're a cinnamon lover, you have to try this tea. And even if you're not, it's worth a try." 2275,B0016D2MY2,A3HJVLNBJ6LS6M,"D. Gould ""RunnerGirl825""",0,0,5,1339027200,Delicious tea!,I am fairly certain this is the same tea sold by Caribou Coffee. I think I could be considered an addict! The flavor is so good - lots of cinnamon and slightly spicy because of it. Price for 50 is good and less than I have been able to find it elsewher
????222272767???000?161????Y2Y2,2???????WJW??JXJX9X9O9????lol?????????"""???idi??ReR????r"r??","???,0,,0???131333?797?909??00?????ala??y y????ici???????"Af"A???er er h ?????g g t ??????e ??? c ??????e ye yey??rsrs s???? d??e e te to??? m mem?didicicaical? c??ndndi?tit??n,n, , I ?? tr t??ed?? ma m??????????????kikinind??s as ??d d fd fafav?orors?????????????? I?????????d ???pop?? t th t?hishi??in?????mamal????aka?er??y ty ???????d ????en?tlt??? op o?en??????ear?byb???????ve????t t at ?and???av??e be beb?eenee?? dr d????kinking??it??eve?verve???momor?nin???g sg ???cece ce??????? the th?e pe ?asast?? co cou coup?le?? of o????ara? ?s ars are??peperperfr????t ft ????? a l a ??????er mer ?????th?e ?e pae p???per per w ?rar?appap?????arear??fif?????or?????all??er ?cucupupsup???????????ItI?'s'???? he hea???y y t???ea tea ?????
e. 2276,B0016D2MY2,A2SKIUWJRJX9O6,"logophile ""Avid Reader""",0,0,5,1337990400,Totally delicious,"After having to give up coffee years ago due to a medical condition, I tried many different kinds and favors of tea until I stumbled upon this in a small bakery that had recently opened nearby. I loved it and have been drinking it every morning since over the past couple of years. The sachets are perfect for a larger mug, the paper wrapped are fine for smaller cups or mugs. It's a hearty tea that I
??fifini?d d s ?atatit????in?????nd nd?dedele??cic?ouo?s.s.".?2??7777,7??000????2M2?Y2Y??????QUQ???YLYLUL????,B??enendndand?? K ????,0,,0??,1,???37237?121???00,00,D,?el?????us???eaea a w ??tht????????at at??????????te,te???????pep???????hoh???????cicinci?????????en?t t a??????????, ,??? fi f???????????ea ea a???ziz? I?? wa w??????d ???o do ?rir?inkinkikin?? t??????laila????lalacla?k k?? tea te???at at wat ??????andand ?d thd thih??is bis ???enden?d id ?????nin?iceice ?????gege ??roromom m t th?????? I I c I ?an??????aba?????onlon????????????????wowo wo? cu c?????a da ?aya?y by beb?cacaucaus?use use??? i?????ete???y sy ?????? bu butu?t It I ?????????ti??ueu???????rinri?k k ik ??it pit ?propr???????????y ????. . . E. EnE???y"y"??22722?8,8?,B0,B00????????2,A2,A2A??????????USU??,"??????ordorde??????E.CE.C.C??""??,0,?0,?5,5,15,13?33?????
find satisfying and delicious." 2277,B0016D2MY2,A37NQUD5YLU1UX,Brendan K,0,0,5,1337212800,Delicious tea with a great aftertaste,"As a person who love cinnamon scent and flavor, I find this tea amazing. I was used to drinking the plain black tea at work and this blend is a nice change from that. I can probably only have one or two cups a day because it is pretty sweet but I will continue to drink it probably every day. Enjoy" 2278,B0016D2MY2,A2ERUCOWLUEUSV,"E. Cordes ""E.C.""",0,0,5,133323840
0?????e e???.,.????????hih?s s t te t?a,a???tst??????e de drd??????g g l ?????d d???d d hd ??ts?. .??????????ere?????? tea te?s ?b/b?????heyhe? a ?allal?????????ndnd ????lll??li????pop??po???ri? b ??? t? thi this??????? i is i??????omo?????????????,B,????6D6??MYM??,A,??W0W0V0?6Q6Q3Q3O3O8O?TGT???????A.A. . f. ????????0,?0,0,50,?,1,?????202?????????riritri??te Tte ??ea,ea?,A ,A?coc?-w-wow??????????e me me???? co c????e ???f tf ??e e He ????eye??? S SoS?????????TeTeaTe?as as?????CiCin?????????ici?e ???chc??????????ampam?plepl???ThThe???in?????on ?????? f ????or??????wonwo?ndend????????he?ses?????as as aas ???????ot aot av?aia?la?blb??? at a???y y ly ?oco??al al? gr g????ryr?????oreores??????asas ?????????????d t??????or?or aor a a ra ?reare?asoas???bl???prpriricri?ce ???????,??B00B0??6D6D26D???Y2,Y2
0,Love it.,"Love this tea, its like drinking liquid red hots. I hate herbal teas b/c they all taste and smell like potpourri but this stuff is awesome !!!!" 2279,B0016D2MY2,A2W0V6Q3O8TGTS,N. A. from IL,0,0,5,1332720000,Favorite Tea,A co-worker gave me a couple of the Harney & Sons Fine Teas Hot Cinnamon Spice Sachets to sample. The cinnamon spice flavor is wonderful. These teas are not available at my local grocery stores. I was glad to find them for a reasonable price on-line. 2280,B0016D2MY2,
?????????ELE?BQB???,P,PeP???y y???lkl?? S ???????ancancicisi??????,0,,0?????282??272727?0000,?GrG??ata? S??icicyc???asa??? w ??tht? h ?ini?t ????sws?eee??,I,???ovo??e te th??is is????? wh whi????hah???a ??eeeepeep p????nnann?????ara???a ???????astaste????ItI?????????????????as??????iceic??d td ????????lll??mamarma?ks??222??1,1,B,????6D6?2M2?????????LVL???????,","C"???isistis???e e Ce CaC????HiH??? " """"S"SuS???ar ar?frfre???qu??eenee?""????,0,0,0,?0,50,5,?13???????????oso?? d ??????ouo?????????I dI ???????? lo l???t oft of ???ava???redred d bd blb?????????s as ???? th t?hishi??isis ?hahanha?dsds ?dodowo?n n on ononeone e oe of????y fy ???????eses.s?. T. ????sc??enten?t it ????ent??????? an a???? the th?e fe ???????????ololdld,d? a???d sd sw??????????? s?????e tie t?meme.e. . ??f ????????????picpicec??, t, th?thisthi?s i???s a s a??us
A334WP8KELBQHW,Penny Walks San Francisco,0,0,5,1328227200,Great Spicy taste with hint of sweet,I love this tea which has a deep cinnamon aroma and taste. It's equally good as an iced tea. Full marks! 2281,B0016D2MY2,AWBP5LV4A4XFS,"Christine Carr Hill ""Sugar free queen""",0,0,5,1327795200,Most delicious tea,"I drink a lot of flavored black teas and this is hands down one of my favorites. The scent is enticing and the flavor is bold, and sweet at the same time. If you love spice, this is a mus
???hah?vev?????????282??????1616D6?2M2MYM?????K1K???JIJIYI?Y6Y6V6????A.A? H ????????f,f,0,?,0?????323?22422?????00,00,E,?xcxcec?lll?ene??????????? ta t??tyty,y? s susup??? d ??????ouo??????st?? te teaea ea?eve???, ???eeeetet t at ??? c ?cinci?????nyny.y??? a aca?tut??????lil???e te ththeh?????et?teterte?r tr th?an?? th thehe he??????idi??ualua??????rapra???d ???? b bab?gsgs.s."s."??22822838??,B0,B??16???MY???????????????7777,7?,B.,B??NaN?????on?????????292999????????Ex????????????,"?????? is i?????exe???ellel???? t? tea te?????veryvery ?flflal????fufulu??- -? th??e ce ?cincinncin???onon on????frfrer???? an and??pop?????ul???an???????al?l ???'s'?s ss ?li?ghg??lyl???????t wt ?itithithoh?outou?t nt ?neene???ngn????y ??ugu?arar.r. ????elell??????????mimili??????st?????ghtgh?????28?4,4??????6D26D????????UIUIEI???Q0Q???H9H?
t have tea." 2282,B0016D2MY2,A1K1CHJIYY6V1G,A. Hannegraf,0,0,5,1322438400,Excellent!,"Super tasty, super delicious. Best tea ever, sweet and cinnamony. I actually like these better than the individually wrapped tea bags." 2283,B0016D2MY2,A3KVRE7JHW1O77,B. Nachison,0,0,5,1299369600,Excellent tea,"This is an excellent tea, very flavorful - the cinnamon is fresh and powerful, and overall it's slightly sweet without needing any sugar. Excellent with milk or straight." 2284,B0016D2MY2,A2NUIETYQ0UBH9,
j???0,0??????292?757555?????????????ififufulu??exe?pep??iei?ncn???????s s i ?is is?mom?rer? t ???n n?jujusu?t t?a a? te t????drd?????ngn??? c cuc?? i??s ls ??keke ???be?????fu??l el ???????encencece.ce???t ???s ??a ma ??ultulti?-d-????????nanala??????oror,or???????al?lyl?? do d?????I I???vev??????si????ede? m??sesele??? a ???? d???????, ????? I I o or???re???it??????e a?????????bubucbu??????d ?waw??s hs hohooo?????????er ser si???nce.nce. . O. ????pe???al?????asasias????s os ??????n ????en en??????? dow do????I ???rea??t mt mym????f f tf tot?? a ??cupcu????f tf thf t???s ws ?warwarmrm ??andan??de?liliclicoc??us us t te?a.a???????????????MYM????1F1???TZT???333??OE4OE??,"R,"?????drodr?jej?wsw????""""R"RZRZ"Z??","????0,50,??????151????00,00??us?t t Mt MmMmmm???????mmm,mmm,I,It?'s'????ata?t gt ????! !? H ????ven????????????
jv,0,0,5,1297555200,A beautiful experience,"This is more than just a tea, drinking a cup is like a beautiful experience. It has a multi-dimensional flavor, it really does. I never considered myself a tea drinker, but I ordered it once at a Starbucks and was hooked ever since. On special occasions or even when I am down, I treat myself to a cup of this warm and delicous tea." 2285,B0016D2MY2,A1FOETZVA33OE4,"R. Zdrojewski ""RZ""",0,0,5,1272153600,Just Mmmmmmmmmm,It's that good! Heaven if you like
??????momono?????????????eee?? w ???h h n ??? su s??ara?????8686,6,B,?000??YMY??ETE?8,8???L3L3V3???????GHG??,P,??ulu?in?????,0,,0,5,?,1,131???????00?,T,?TasTa???????d,d,I,? w wa w?????tut?alalll?y y? su sur su?prp??ses??? at a????w w g?oooodoo?d td th?es??e Me MuM?fff?in?s ?????te!te! !??I hI ????e re ??oro???reredre?d ad ? c????????ndn?d t????y ay ?arear???lul?????FrFre?e.e.e.??28???,B0,B???3YM3YMAMAEMA?????VWV???6O6??Q8Q8O8???,",?NiNin?a ??imimomonmonen??"""????ina"ina?"""""","???????????11112120???????chch ?????????th?the the???T!T?,","T,"?rar?did??????al al???????h ??MufMu????????? u ??ua??llyll??faf?at at????? o ?or ??havhaviv????veververyr??li???lel????t.t???ThT?????lit??tletle ???al??????er er?????ulduld ??????allalleall?? s??mem?ethethi??ng ng??lsl?????? t??geg?eth??<.?brb? / ??<b<br<b??????osose??????whwhahathat ???wow??ldld ??ayay ?? c??
cinnamon. Tastes sweet with no sugar. 2286,B003YMAET8,A3L3VGRSC5GGHY,Pauline,0,0,5,1348099200,Taste good,I was actually surprised at how good these Muffins taste! I have reordered a case. And they are Gluten Free. 2287,B003YMAET8,AVWBP6ODQ8OQ9,"Nina Simone ""Nina""",0,0,3,1346112000,Watch out for the FAT!,"Traditional English Muffins are usually fat free or having very little fat. This little challenger should be called something else all together.<br /><br />Closer to what I would say a cro
i????ntn??is????????? a ????ofo? t ?hehe e??????ryr????sts????ndnd d?faf???????o o wo ?itithth th????<b<?r r???????????errerrir?fif?c c i if i??ththathatat'at's'????hatha????????????????g ???r ???? an??EnE?????h h m ?????n n b bu b?ut ut??oto?t wt whwhawh???????loloolo??in?? f????? I? w wo wououlou??????he?r r sr ?savsa??e te ??????t ?????????oco???at??????????t."t.""??????B0B??5Q5?????????????R2R2W2WXW???1111,1?z7z????foufo?rwr?????linli?,1,1,1,11,????,13,1??747??80800??????????alialit???SaSalalsalsa??HaH??d td ththith?is is??enent? t?o ????in???fgf????isististat? ?ThT???????or? w??as as??enjen???aba???e be ????no??t tt tot to o so ?pipicicyic??. I. ItIt ????mamad??e we wiwitwi??th qth ??aia?ltl?y ?????ridride??ntsnt??. I?? wo???????ureur?elyel????y ?????s is isis is ois ononen??of? t?he??beb?estes?t st ?salsa???'s's 's?????????r ???d.d..????9,9?,B0,B00??
issant is, having all of the buttery taste and fat to go with it.<br /><br />Terrific if that's what you are looking for in an English muffin but not what I'm looking for. I would rather save the fat for a chocolate dessert." 2288,B005QSIQKC,A3NIP7R2WXQ911,z71_fourwheelin,1,1,5,1347408000,Top quality Salsa,Had this sent to me in Afghanistan. The flavor was enjoyable but not to spicy. It is made with quailty ingridents. I would surely say this is one of the best salsa's I've ever had. 2289,B002M
??????,A,?1Z1????ZQZ??NRN????,C,CrC?aca???rbrboboxox x P ?ala?ac?e,e?????????939303??242??????? b ??????heaheal???y y m ?ufu?????"I"???????ViV??aMaMuMufuffuffi??????utu??mymy ?sus????mam?rkr?ketke??ses???????????x ????4 4??ufuff?ininsin????r r????29?? ???nstns?eae??? I I????ghg????theth?e me ?????? b????es es?fo???$1$161???????ndn???eacea?h h b?????????s 1s ??? mu??ffiffin?ins.ins. . I. ?InsIn??ea??d od ?of of??1.1?6262 62 p ??????????????????? o?nln??y ry ???????s s ws waw???????ege??s s as an????ororkor?s s os ou?t ?????????? 48 4???????s ps pe??? mu muf muff muffi??????nd nd????y ????y ????ma?ke?????at???s a??????? d ded??l.l??????0,????????????A2A?D4D??????X9X9Z9ZVZ?Y,Y,N,??cmcmimiymiyey?e Ee ??renre???1,11,1,??????????00?0,?????????ousou??????????t-t-p-??????, ?????---???,"I,"?I bI bub??y t?he??se se
B2J6I,A1Z3DJZQBNRRBD,Crackerbox Palace,1,1,5,1293062400,The best healthy muffin,"I love VitaMuffins, but my supermarket sells one box of 4 muffins for $6.29. Instead I bought the mix, 3 boxes for $16.00, and each box makes 12 muffins. Instead of $1.62 per muffin, the mix only requires water & eggs and works out to about 48 cents per muffin, and very easy to make. That's a great deal." 2290,B002MB2J6I,A2D4ODIUEX9ZVY,Necmiye Eren,1,1,5,1289952000,"Delicious, nutrient-packed, fast--","I buy these
???rorouo??????e e????p-p?ana????ava?e ???rogrogrg?????ece???ses?????? a ara?e ?????apa?lel??ofo??mym?y by ????kfkfaf??? a an andnd nd?????????nanaca?k k???????e.e??br??/>/??????, , f flf?av??rfr???, ???d d f??ullull l??of of??????in??, ??the??? o??lyly ??taktakek????-2-??? mi min mi????? t to t??????????h ??minmi?imi????exe?trt?????? a?m ????an?? so so ??I uI ?useuse ??ggg???ubu?st?it??uteutesute?s s ( ???????????axax x??eeeede??in????????????????eggeg????????9 9 T ??bs bs w wawata?ere?) ) a???d td ?????????l ?bab?akeake ake??er???ectec??""??292919????????2J2????A2A?20520?????OEO????????????,1,1,??????272??92929??????heh?e Me ????in?in Tin ToT??ps ps???re re B ????terte??????????y ???keke ke??he??????????or???Mu????in ?in Toin Top??? b bu b?ut ut t? the th???????resre?ul?te???d ind in n an ???????? pr p?rodrodud???.
through the ship-and-save program because they are a staple of my breakfast and midday snack routine.<br />Light, flavorful, and full of vitamins, these only take 20-25 minutes to bake with minimal extras. I am vegan so I use egg substitutes (3 tbsps flax seed in place of the eggs with 9 Tbs water) and they still bake perfectly." 2291,B002MB2J6I,A205R1G2OECHFU,Marj R,1,1,3,1279929600,The Muffin Tops Are Better,"I really like the frozen Corn Muffin Tops, but the mix resulted in a dryer product.
?I I u ?ses?????e e p pap??ere???????? l ???ererser???????I tI th??inkin?? th t????? mi m??hth??????????eded ed??o o t????????ese????2???2,2,B,B0B?????2J2??I,I??????868606????1414E4E,E?sis????1,1?1,?????????92392?848???????????oro??n mn mumufmu?ffiff???fof???????ornor????keker????I fI ????nd nd?? thi th?s s ms ??muffmuf?finfi?n tn ??????e dre dry???nd??ve???ry dry did????pop?????????IfI? I I I??utu??iti?t ut upu?? an?????? i ?it it i?n n an ??bob???????h h?yoyogo?uru??? i??t wt wawasa?s Os ?K.K. ?WoW?ulu??d nd nonotot ot o or???r ????s ??lal?avoavor???????????29????00002002M??B2JB2?J6IJ6??A1A???????????????????an,an,0,??????????60?????0,s0,?prprar?????????????? th the?n ?????pe??te?d.d???I nI ????cec?e te ???ereer?e we ?waswa?s ss sos?mem??co????lailain????th?ata???the??????finfinsfins s ws wew????drdrydry.y.<.???r /r ?????I ?????yey?????the the mthe mim?
I used the paper muffin liners and I think these might have added to the dryness." 2292,B002MB2J6I,A3JAE8603DK14E,simmy1,1,1,2,1279238400,Not a corn muffin for a Cornhusker,"I found this muffin to be dry and very disappointing. If I cut it up and put it in a bowl with yogurt, it was OK. Would not order this flavor again." 2293,B002MB2J6I,A1IR6J9B4R387L,norman,0,0,5,1336608000,spray mix,better then I expected. I notice there was some complaints that the muffins were dry.<br />So I sprayed the mix
????fof?????ooo?kik??? w ?????a a b?????r r???ava????d d???blb??? s ???aya??????h h ih isi? c???olo?? o oio?l.l.[.[s[?????asa?????????ttetter? s?pr??ay]ay?.<.?????>T>??hishi???idi?d td th????rir??k&k????theythey ???ereer?e ge grg???tt2???????020????????A2A2O2????????PWP???,s,??ri?? az a?ra????,0???????777??20200??0,i0,it???no????????imi? u ??eded ed? to to.o????????eye?y iy ititsits its d di?????????ndnd ??????thythy,y????geg?nen??al???y ly lilikli???vivit?al???????? pr p??dud????? T ?TheTh?????? m ????in?, , w?ele?l,l?, f, fo?r r 1r 101?? c???or???s s is ??'s'??s nos noto???ada?. ???ut ??????????re re??????ctict?inging ???????????liklikelik??e the t?he he? su s?gagara?/f/?????ladladedenen en??unu?k k? th t?atat ??youyouru???loclo??? b????ryry y sy se????, ?lo???? el elslse??????. . t. ??thisthi??s iss i?s ls ???like like a???eae??ththy?? ma mak???vever???thath??
before cooking with a butter flavored publix spray which is canola oil.[same as pam butter spray].<br />This did the trick& they were great 2294,B002MB2J6I,A2O3GLW7K6PW48,sari azrak,0,0,4,1287792000,its not what im used to...but hey its dietetic and healthy,"I generally like vitalicious products. The corn muffin, well, for 100 calories it's not bad. But if you are expecting anything like the sugar/fat laden junk that your local bakery sells, look elsewhere. this is like a healthy makeover that
?dodoeo????????iti????utut ??????????????????????ada?????r r???? s ?????am?????t ot ??? ca c??or?iei??, ?th???chc??coc??atate?????e ie ?? m mom??e e oe ???anan n?ini???lgl???cece,e, ?bubutbu??ththith????nene ne i is i?s gs ???? f ??? a a a? bl bla??nd nd???????asa???t trt t???t,t, ??????iai?allal????ak??????????<b<brb?r /r ??MyMy ?kik??s ??re??hahapappp??????gegetget ?????????a a s?nan?ckc??????o to ???y y ay ??prpror???...??i i s se s??d d wd ?????? the th?m m??o ??????? f?oror ??a ma mim?idmidmo?rnr?????? sna sn??k.k???m ??la??d td ????????t ft ???l l al ???d vd ??itait??in?s.s.".?2222??????0303W3??J8J????????050?QMQ???0L0???,S,??. K. ?????e,0e,0,0??,1,1,,1????747????000000,?AvAvov???????is is Sis ?eleloel??erer,r?ThTheTh?????tut???????wnw?n in ????????thrthrereere???ac?????s ???nd nd tnd ?the????ic??e ie ise i????irir ??forfor for t th????????
doesn't quite cut it, but they're not bad. For the same amount of calories, the chocolate one is more of an indulgence, but this one is good for a bland breakfast treat, especially baked fresh.<br />My kids are happy to get any extra snacks, so they approve...i send with them to school for a midmorning snack. im glad they get fuel and vitamins." 2295,B003WWJ8LA,A29805QMFN0LFP,S. Keefe,0,1,1,1337472000,Avoid This Seloler,The picture shown is for three packages and the price is fair for three but
I? w ?asa?????????????nen??bub?t t wt ???s cs ??arargr?eded d???r r t tht??eeee.e???lsl??????????? s se s?enten???as???otot ?ththeth?e i??temtem ???owownw???I I cI cacanan n b bu b?y ?th??????em em???????ed ed???????y y ly ?onongon????t at ????????l l gl ?ror???ryry ??tot??????????ent ent t???AmA????? b be bece?cauca?sese se I???as?as las ??oko???g g fg ???r tr ththe??tyt??pe pe? sh?ow??n.<n.????/>/??<br<br ?r />r /??hehenhe???I cI coI con??aca???d ??the??se??lleller? a??d ????d ??hehemhe???bobouout??? thi th??s ts ???y ?y say s?idid ????y ??ou??ld ld g ???????e pe ?ar??iai?????redre??it it??or?? th?????emem em bem bubutbu??no?th???g g fg fog for??sh?????? a??s hs ?howho??? I w I ?????????ed????????thinthi??????????t ????er?er Ier ??sh?ou???d bd ?e ????????ed ed ted toto to a? f?ulullll ll?re??unu?nd nd i?????didinding?ng sng ??shipshipp??ing?? I?? I wa I w??????????erereer??ed t?hahatha??<b
I was only sent one but was charged for three. Also the item sent was not the item shown. I can buy the item shipped all day long at any local grocery store. I went to Amazon because I was looking for the type shown.<br /><br />When I contacted the seller and told them about this they said they would give me partial credit for the item but nothing for shipping. Seeing as how I was shipped something I didn't order I should be entitled to a full refund including shipping. I was not offered that.<b
r??????r r /r ??IfI?????ououlu?? g ??vev?????s s?sesele?lelerer ?????tit?iveiv???tatararsrs ???????ld.ld? A AnA???????????????s s bs beb?waw??e.e..??2929696,6??000?00100?VWV??????QMQ????????MSM??????shshihinhi???0,0,00,??2,??121272767606????00,00??el??w w????ndn????,T,???????? o ???th??e we whw?????pip??? o????????????geg??e pee p??? m ma m????ng ng?? the the ??????uctuct t?????lyl??bibitittit???r ar ??d ??ililulut?in?????? r re?ala?????????????of? t?????????? z ??????22??7,7,B,B0,B??4N4??????,A???????Z6Z???EVEV2V2,2,K2,K.K?. V. ???????,0??,0,???????181?56560??????! !???hah?at at?a a??eae????,",??I lI ??kek?e le lol???? t??ea,ea, ,???jujusu???dod?n'n't't ??likli?? c??ew?????? on on l le??ve?s ??? m my m????a ??????or? h ?????????o do di?sps?????????????ch???f f lf ???oseos??, s, sosogsoggg?y y ly ???ve?ves ves????
r /><br />If I could give this seller negative stars I would. Any future buyers beware. 2296,B0001VWE02,AQM74O8Z4FMS0,Sunshine,0,0,2,1127606400,Below standard,Too much of the white pith on this orange peel making the product overly bitter and diluting the real good taste of the orange zest. 2297,B004NC7IFQ,A3S15YGZ6W6EV2,K. Varraso,0,0,5,1348185600,WOW! What a Deal!!,"I like loose tea, I just don't like chewing on leaves in my tea cup, or having to dispose of a bunch of loose, soggy leaves that
???eee?m m????fifini?? e ?vev?ryr???oro??er??ofo????y ky kik?????n.n??HoH??????? I ?'m'??????????roroto???en en?anand? o on onlnlyl??????? th t?? f fl f??????? tha th?? c??mem?? w wiw??h h??rer??winwi?? l lolooo?se? t te t??????o Io ???ve ve??????usu?in???tht????se ese emempemptp?y ???????????????????to? m????? lo l??se??????? l? lot lot t lt le??????ss??y ay ????juj?ustus??asas ?co??ve??iei??t ?t ast as ??ag???ed ed t te tea te?a. a. M ?os?t ???gsgs gs? of of f tf ???s ????e ???I'veI'v?e ee en???ununtn?terte??????re re???????in ???ro?pe???nd???comco??? wi w???? a ?prp????e te to??mam?atcatch??, a, ??and and a a ??sinsi??lele le???ckck k??????? d ?oeo????t ???astas??? w wh whoh????lo??ng ng t?????. . ????n n In I I??awa? t th??????ealea? h ??????????mazma?onon,on, ????wenwe?nt nt???or or ior ??.<.????/>/><>?????????he bhe ????????k ???????orkor????dende?????lll???
seem to find every corner of my kitchen. However, I'm spoiled rotten and only like the flavor that comes with brewing loose tea. So I've been using these empty tea bags in order to make loose tea a lot less messy and just as convenient as bagged tea. Most bags of this type I've encountered are made in Europe and come with a price to match, and a single pack of 100 doesn't last a whole long time. When I saw this deal here on Amazon, I went for it.<br /><br />The bags look and work identically t