?mom?rer??nanata?ururar?? d did?ete?. .????knk?????roromom m??????ofo????ur ur????dod??????cuc?ursur??ono?s s???at???e'e?s ?at?????tet?d d????????d kd ?ililll????he'he?????nin??f ?th????iri????ndnd ??anantant t?? to to?????????or ??t t at ??d ??????????bab??lyl?? ea e??at iat ?it it?if? l??????????s s os ?ownow? d??vivicicec??...??bub?????wowon?????ll??? i?????????remre????ere??????? a? k ki k???in??????????e 6e ???'s 's? ea ear ea?ly???0'????nd???llll ?mym?y fy frfrifr??nd?????o ??ad? d?ogo?s ???? t???em em 1 1 1 o of o??2 2 c ???iciceic??????????lel??ba??????????GrG???y ????????or ?????o ao ?and??? the?y ???xex?ed ????at ??or ??the???rir?ppp??ingin?? f?ro????thethe ???meatmeat;t????? they they? at ate?? bo b???es,es???etcetc c a?ndnd nd and ?allal?l ll ??????????????irir ir? la??????enens??. . O. ?nen??????my my f??ie?iendien???
more natural diet. I know from some of our outdoor excursions that he's attracted to road kill (he'll sniff the air, and want to lunge for it and would probably eat it if left to his own devices...but I won't allow it). I remember being a kid in the late 60's early 70's and all my friends who had dogs fed them 1 of 2 choices available back then: Gravy Train or Alpo and they mixed meat or the drippings from the meat; they ate bones, etc and all lived into their late teens. One of my friends s
?mam??????ttt??lil?vevede???o o b beb??242??????? o olo???!!? I ??nen??verve???awa???????????s ?ititct??ini?g g???r dr did????inging g ag ata???hehemhe?se?lvl?vesve?????????thathanan n t????usususuau??????rs rs o? or or???????irir r wr waw???a a????? p ??obo?????? si s????????rer??w uw ?p p????a ???rar???ar??ea ????d md ?osostst ??ftf?ene???thathatthat ???s ??????momonmo?n on ococcc??urrur??ncnce??? W WeW??????I rI re???d ud ?? o?n n t???? mo m?re???????alal al dal ?diedietetst?s a?ndnd ?ded?cic???d ?to? g geg?et et? th???????os os??and?? gr g????????efe?????and sand ????e be ???nelne??sss??ch??????? th???hshs/s??re?reasrea?stsst?. ? M ???We??stoston?? is i???t ?a a ba ??????????f tf ?totto?al?lyl???rawra?w mw ??eatea??, b, ??ut ut????n n bn ?brobr?????d (d ?????ut ?it??????? the ?to??astas?terter ??vevenve?n an ann a??nd and ??d ?1/1/4/4 ??tsptsp ?ofof of ' 'M'???ssiss?????in???? to to ???????eat
mall mutt lived to be 24 years old!!! I never saw these dogs itching or digging at themselves other than the usual ears or if their was a flea problem, since I grew up in a rural area and most often that was a common occurrance. Well, I read up on the more natural diets and decided to get the Sojos and ground beef and some boneless chicken thighs/breasts. My Weston isn't a big fan of totally raw meat, but when browned (I put it in the toaster oven and add 1/4 tsp of 'Missing Link' to the meat
p ?????onon)n?????? t ??? s ?oao???????????OrO?????alal,l???e ?eaeatatsts ????th th??????!!!?? ???omo?? hi hisi?s es ????y y?dad?ysys,s?, I, ? w?ouo????plp??ay ay???????????ak??e he ?is?????d ?awawaway????? h?????non???????d a?ggg???ssssis?vev?? ???e e?at???????????ommom?????????ortor???? f? for fo? h????si???????????ksk???????whw??n n??on??? ?WeWes???n n tn ??????wanwantn?? t?????????????, t, ??aiainin in???ardard,???????a a??????????? an a???????? H HiH??is cis ???at at i ???sosofso??t at an????????to? k ???? b ?rur?ushushe????nd????oo?me??. ??ThThe? d???ppp??ingin????re????iceic??si??ed????and and eand ??easyeasy y t??o co clc?ea?n ????? I ???usustus??????hi??m nm ?eueutu?ere?????? da day?????????and and hand ??he ahe ???e te ???is is Sis ??????????? wit wi???????sasama?????????(e(??????it?
portion) with the soaked Sojos Original, he eats with gusto!!! From his early days, I would play with and take his food away, so he's not food aggressive. He eats the recommended portion for his size and walks away when done. Weston then wants to play hard, train hard, take a nice walk and nap. His coat is soft and easy to keep brushed and groomed. The droppings are nice sized and easy to clean up. I just had him neutered 2 days ago and he ate this Sojos mix with the same gusto (even with
?????????????r r?????hah?ll?ene?geg??hih???? S SoS??I I?ama? a???ana? a?????e e ae ?arear?e fe ?ininin??????wiw??????????co?nd???????b b?bab???? and an???????t t?oro??ererer?????ototh??????????????????????lpl?? s????ono??????h h a???ici??????tet?er;er????knk?owo? a an????????revreviviei????r mr ??????oneon???? the theie??r Sr ???????? n nonotno??lil????g ??????utu???thi????????s ys ?ouo?u tu ???????gsg??ha????????aia?in in? ta t??stest?s ??ififff?er?enenten?????om om???chch ch??ththe?r,r????????liklikeke ?usus us? hu humu?an???""2?494???????????????1H1??????YFY??6R6??,",?EdE??ar?????. G. ???de?n ???nenednedld??og"og?????,1,????,13,1333??????00?,S,SoSojSo???s os ??igi???alal,al?I I dI ???n'n????meame??? to to to o?????er aer a a??????????ba???. B. BuB?? I?? di d???. W. WoWow??. T. ??hatha??s ?a ??????f f? fo f
the e-collar to challenge him). So I am a fan and we are finished with the second 2.5 lb bag and I just ordered another one. Hope this helps someone with a picky eater; I know another reviewer mentioned their Shih Tzu not liking it, but this shows you that dogs have certain tastes different from each other, much like us humans." 2493,B0027IQC5K,A1HTP3GJYF26RI,"Edward S. Golden ""nedlog""",0,1,4,1339113600,Sojos original,I didn't mean to order a 40-pound bag. But I did. Wow. That's a lot of fo
???. . B ?? s ?uru???toto o?mim???iti? w ??ithith h???oto?eieini? o oro???lslsese ???u u???????lll?? su sufufff???r ar a a???? o????????nan???did????resre??..??494??,B,?0000202727I7?QCQ???,A,?DFD????????5K?????. G. ??eigei?erer,er?????,1,?,1???464?72720200?0,0?CaC?ututitioi???? p po pooo??lyl? b????ncn????nun??ririt?????,",?????'s's s?????t lt ??ckcksk?s cs cac????????an?????????d ad asa?s ds di?rerecre???????????caucausu?se se? se s??erereer?????ababobolo??c c b?????di?se?as??e ie ?in in y ?????????? T ?hih???? die di???re??uiu????? su?ppp??????ntantata??onon on? wi wit wi??h ah ???????ncenc??????????/p/?hoh??ph?or??ousou??ada?diditdi?tivti???????e ??afa??.".?2???5,5?,B0,B00??ZWZ??????,AB,A????PIPI1I1G1?MOM?NNNN,N?SoSonSo?drd??a Ga G.G?????ve???,0,????????49??13613606???,M,???DoD??s s as ars a??????d ?????? T?heh?se??TrTre?????!,"!,??? wa w???????od
od. Be sure to mix it with protein or else you dog will suffer a bit of internal distress. 2494,B0027IQC5K,ADF5WNMEPD5KT,D. Geiger,4,17,1,1164672000,Caution - poorly balanced nutrition!,"Sojo's diet lacks calcium, and if fed as directed will cause severe metabolic bone disease in your dog. This diet requires supplementation with a balanced calcium/phosphorous additive to be safe." 2495,B001ZWIRKW,ABVCQPI1GMONN,Sondra G. Oravetz,0,0,5,1349136000,My Dogs are Wild About These Treats!,"I was introd
???ede????? th theh??????ryr??sms?ala?? d dod?ggggig?e ?bob?neneses es??? m ???VeV?t.t? M MyM??141?????? o ?ldld d Sd ??rir?ngngeg?er er??hoh???asas s n ?nevneveverve????ene? m mu m??? i inintin?to to????gi???e boe b????es Les ??VEV?? t????????????!!!? ?ThThe????makma?e e ge ??????pop?ckc?ketke??????fef??s s ts ????????????unundn??fof?r ??????tit??????nd nd? mo m?ti?vavatatiatioion???????ol?d ?gug??y hy ????????rdr??ti????????inging ing u ?p p??o ????????idi??????nd ond ?one? w????? of of f???ne ne?? of of t?? thes thesese se??????????es ???rar?clclel? I. I I? ha h????a ??ouounou???er er Ser ??ririnri?nge?r ?wh????alsal??????vesves ?s ths the?? bo b?one?s s bs bubutu?????he dhe ?doe??n'n??t nt ???? m?????mom?otiot?ivaiv??atioati??? to??? do do a?????ining?, , h???, b, ????th??y y ay ar?e e a???? g ??eaeat? t??raira?????????s.s?. ?????lsols?o so ???nt nt h????????????ulul l ol ofo??ththe
uced to these very small doggie bones at my Vet. My 14 year old Springer who has never been much into doggie bones LOVES these things!! They make great pocket stuffers to carry around for incentive and motivation. My old guy has a hard time waking up to go outside and one wiff of one of these bones does miracles. I have a younger Springer who also loves the bones but she doesn't need much motivation to do anything, ha, but they are also great training aids. I also sent home a handful of the
??e e b ???????iti????????ntn??r r?I I h ?adad d? at a??mymy y??omo???fof?r r hr hihisi???????s ????????sas???????y ?????d d td thd t??? t ?ooo??????o o I I I g ?ueu??????ata??s ?s ans a????????? bu b?t ?????????? do dogogsog???hahatha???eae????????e ?th????hi?ngn??! ! ?OhO????????????s a???????y my ??oreor???xpx???sis?ve???he?????u u f ?inindin??d thd thed th????at at?????r Vr ?etet,t?, a, ???????wi??e ????????h ph peperper ??ouounou???????? thi th?? i ???a ?grg??atat ????? ???? a? n ninici??? fo f????sasafsa?e ??ononton??????? fr f?????om?????popotpo????d ???lll?l il ?? u ???????ou ou??????t r???n on ???t ot ??? bo b?oneones?????r ar a ??hi??e ??nd?????????? a g a ?ooood? t? thi thin thi?ng!ng????494969?,B,???1E1??6A6?????141????????C7C?SLS???th????t,??,1,???,1,13,1??080????????T'T?? O?K K???? S ?OMO?ETE???NGN??
se bones with a painter I had at my home for his 3 dogs and he said they loved them I guess that's antidotal but that's 5 dogs that really love the things! Oh, the bones are way more expensive when you find them at your Vet, about twice as much per pound, so this is a great buy. Buy a nice food safe container from Home Depot and fill it up. You won't run out of bones for a while and that's a good thing!" 2496,B001EO6AWS,A148Z6ODSMC7SL,Atheist,1,1,3,1310860800,IT'S OK FOR SOMETHING D
IIFI?FEF???????ItI???oeo????t ?hahava??????hoh?lel????????????avoav??, ,??utut ???sts?t lt ?????t rt ???ststssts s???n'n'tn't.t. .??It?? do?eses es h ?havhave? a??unu????????????r, r,? bu b?ut ut i ???kik??????????h h???nd nd?tit??rinri??????? I I? re rece????ene???yoy??????? it it ????h ?otothot?ere???cofco?fefeeees????????e ???? ta tasastastete ?bebete???????????ke???youyou u ou ot?otheoth??? bl b???nd ?co??fefeefe?es ???????????ttttltt??? be b????ter.ter???????,B,?000??EOE??AWAWSWS,S??1N1??5G5??????????????iseis??????????,1,?,1???,1??????929??00,00,D???enenten??LiLig????RoRoaoasoa?????gagananian?ic,ic??ItIt ??????????st ?of??th?e ??orgor???nicni?/s/shs??????ro???????ir ir t?????? co c????????????iui?????r dr dadara?? r???????, , s, so, so ?I'I???ve bve ??enen en? ha havavi?ng? a?????d ??????????dindi?ng ?sosomso???thith??g g? th t?hatha?
IFFERENT,"It doesn't have a whole lot of flavor, but most light roasts don't. It does have a unique flavor, but is kind of rich and tiring, so I recommend you mix it with other coffees to make it taste better and make you other bland coffees taste a little better." 2497,B001EO6AWS,A1NZ5GYB1MXXLZ,Denise N. Davis,1,1,4,1291939200,Decent Light Roast Organic,"It seems most of the organic/shade grown/fair trade coffee is medium or dark roasted, so I've been having a hard time finding something that
II I??iki??. . ???ililel???hi?????ese?n'n't'? w ?owo??mem?????ke ke????? o ???erer r????fef??es,es, , i ???s ?prprir??eded d? ch cheheae?pep?er er?????? th????e ce ?cofco???eesees ???d d id it???????oooodod ??rer??w fw fof?r ?whw?henhen ??'m'??non????????y y?papayayiy??? a at a?tet????????o o w????t It ?I'mI'???ri?nkn??ingin??????e ?wh?????I'mI'm I'm???orkor????).)?<b<?br br / />/><>?????/>I/>????ded?fifin??iteit??ly ly??????? to t?????p p?????s os ???e ae araror?????, a, ???????t t st ?????h h???????e ee ??pe????vev?????tt????? co c???feefe?es es????t ????ve ve?fo?????wh??n ?????an an r?ea?llllyll?????oyo?y ty ??themthe?.<???br /br ???<br? / /> /???ompom??????????ththe??r cr ????????????????????????ic/ic???hadhade??????n/n???????????, ?th??is is??s ?s ans a???ve????e ???ghg?????????????oodood,??bubutu??no???????????getge?t et ?excex
I like. While this doesn't wow me like some other coffees, it's priced cheaper than those coffees and it's a good brew for when I'm not really paying attention to what I'm drinking (like when I'm working).<br /><br />I'm definitely going to keep this one around, and just switch to the expensive (better) coffees that I've found when I can really enjoy them.<br /><br />Compared to other coffee that's not organic/shade grown/fair trade, this is an average light roast. Good, but nothing to get exc
?iti??? o ??ere?????t't?? w ?orortr?h h?pupuru??hah????????verve???thoth?ses??????eee?s ???cacaua???? of o?? th t???grg?owo??ingin?????????es????242???,B,?00000???E7E7G7???A3A?NAN???AHA?TYT??6M6???M M?MiM??tutur???o,o,4,?,4,4,,4???121262696??02024??00,00?JuJus??????e ??theth??????au??ranrantn????? r re????????????????d ???ulu??n'n????inindind d ad ? t??aia? r??????auraaur?????????y.y??MyM??faf?????iteit??????????mym???????? thai tha??plplal??e ????? ma m?assas??mamanan an????????? u ??????the??????????n n????????k k o??n tn th?the the pthe pap???agageg??e whe whehenhe??????t ???, , a an a?nd nd???? wa w??as Jas ??????ikikeike ?e wh???t It ?I g???t at ?at at? th?? r re res re??auaur?auranaurant???ExE??????ntnt nt?flf???????"2"24249249999,9?,B0,B?000000E0????????3131Q1??BBB?5454E4??7A7???ElE?lizli??be?th?,3,???,5?,1,????30130171??00?00,"00,??utu??thenthe???????????
ited over. It's worth purchasing over those coffees because of the growing practices." 2498,B000EIE7GQ,A3NAN0AHTY46M5,M Misturado,4,4,5,1269302400,Just like the restaurant!,"I recently moved and couldn't find a thai restaurant nearby. My favorite meal at my old thai place was massaman curry. I used the recipe on the back on the package when I got it, and it was JUST like what I get at the restaurant! Excellent flavor!" 2499,B000EIE7GQ,A31Q4BB54EL7AL,Elizabeth,3,3,5,1273017600,"Authentic taste,
????? t ??????????!"!?,",?WeWe e l ??????to to????????ama?ana? c ?ururrr???atat ?ouour????cac???ThThah??????tat???an??????t ?????ve???????ene??aba?lel???o o fo fif?ndn??? p pa p?astastet?e t???????tutuau??lyl???????s s? li l??????? ??hihisi??????? d ??es?, ?????is??ve??? e ???? t????prepr?????. ?????st st????d sd ??mem??coc????ut? m ???????nd nd???eatea?t -t ?????d yd ?ou?r r? pr p???teite?in in?? and an?d vd ve??gigieies???????oio?cec?, ??dondo??! ! I ?I hI ???????w w? bo b???htht ?so???????tht???ot??herhe?r Mr Ma???PlP??????????ctsct????nd?nd fnd ????nd ????m m??lll????veryver??gog?????ua??itityity ???ithit?????he???????lal????s.s.".""??505000???????IEIE7E???,A,???????TAT?L9L?VPVPUP???????annan?n An ????anoan??"""??????pa?3"3""?",",0",???????343464??????????????????e,????ood? t???asteaste"e",
easy to prepare!","We love to get Masaman curry at our local Thai restaurant, but I haven't been able to find a paste that actually tastes like it. This paste does, and is very easy to prepare. Just add some coconut milk and heat - add your protein and veggies of choice, done! I have now bought some of the other Mae Ploy products, and found them all very good quality with authentic flavors." 2500,B000EIE7GQ,A3VOZ5RTAL9VPU,"Jo-ann Albano ""Jodelpa3""",0,0,5,1346889600,"Good value, good taste",
?ThT??s s i ?is is?rereae?????ded?lil???ouo?s s as ana???nonotot t??????hi??g g???ou ou?cac????ini?nd nd??n n?th?e e l ????? g grg?oc??ryr?y sy ?tot?? I IfI?????ou dou dididi??itit ??ou????beb???er?y y ey ????nsn???ve ve?????a a m ???h h s?mamal????????antan??ityity.y. . . ????????is ais a ??ooo?d ?de?????nd???upu??????????to to u ??????????B0B00000?EIE?????,A,???????OEOE9E?5W5WUWU,U?,B.,B???eie??llyll?,6,6,6,1,1010,0?????808?626????????????s bs ??????????????????e oe ou???th?thertherether???th???is pis ?paspa??? i?s ??ctc?????? w ??ata?t ft fi???? g go g??? me m??in??to to tto th???? cu c???????????e ????????????????, ??madma??? it i??al?? t th t?he he????????thethenthen ????disdiscs??oveover??d ?????????????????f ?cucurcu?rryrr?????te?, , h, ?hanha???????and and cand cu??ryry ????pastepaste,e, e,??reremre?iui????????????????n dn dodoeo?snsn'n????
This is really delicious and not something you can find in the local grocery store. If you did it would be very expensive and a much smaller quantity. This is a good deal and super easy to use. 2501,B000EIE7GQ,A9AR5T9OE95WU,B. Neilly,6,10,2,1280620800,theres better curry paste out there,"this paste is actually what first got me into thai curry, at the time i loved it, made it all the time, then i discovered a better brand of curry paste, hand brand curry paste, premium stuff, amazon doesn't se
l?????, ,?hihini??????amamam?????, s, ????????, ??utut ?yoy?u u???? g ????it? a at a????..??, ?????????d d??n ??sease????? a an a??d td ???y y? im i?pop???t et ????yty????g g?frfror????hah?????????????la??or? o ?f f?????s ?brb????? is i???????chc?? be b?ettet?er? t? the th?e me mamaema?????y,y, , a, ?? hu h??ge ge?????er????e,e?, i??wewen?????ckck ck?????????lo???afa???r r?? hav haviv?inging ing?????? br b?ranra?nd ??and????????nt nt e ?eveev?????iniin???????mem????????????lanland???, bo, b??in??????coc?ompom??????on,on, ?, al, a??? a?????sis??e ??????????????rere ????y ??ma??ll ll??ononton???nenerersers,s???, i w, i waw????sesedse???o ??buybuy ??the? l lalarla???ge oge ????s a?t ??? l?ococa??????????stost????? th the thes these?se ase ???????e ???? t th? the the s si s?zeze e oe of?????se??on??????notno???a ga ?ooo?d d dd ?ea???if??yo???ca???
ll :(, hint to amazon, stock it, but you can get it at [...], its based in seattle and they import everything from thailand, the flavor of hands brand is so much better the mae ploy, a huge difference, i went back to mae ploy after having hand brand and i didnt even finish my meal, very bland, boring by comparison, also as a side note, these are very small containers, i was used to buy the large ones at my local asian store, these are like 1/4 the size of those ones. not a good deal if you can f
?ini?d d?iti????cac???y.y??2??020?,B,B0B????MZM?VIV??,A,A3A3A3?????H3H?????C,C?"M"MaM?????hehele????????5151 1?VoV???????","?1,1???5,5????868?818?60600??DiD?????eae????? Sn S?apappp??e e D ???????ede??SaS????????QuQuiu?ckc?ly?,","I,"???????ed???hih??????duducuctct ?toto o?????????mym?y fy ?rir?ienie??????usu?bab????????????????ustus???????????????bamba??? in i?? th t?he he?????ofo???MarMarcr??, ,???he ?cocouo????non??t ft ?in???ANA?? D Di D?ietie???ea????????pl???????????tet???ththeth?e se sasamamem??????ha?t t t?he?hey hey??hadha??bob?ougou??t t ut ?? h he her?? i in????w w???erserse?????e ??aiaidid d t?ha?hat hat t th???waw??erer er?????? wa w?as ??useused?????????outou?th th?ma??? t? the????????????h Sh ??????? t ta t?????did???ferfe?????! !???, ??nownow ??he????? ha h?app?y ??ece?cauca??use use? sh??e he ha??????nd?? a a
ind it locally." 2502,B0004MZVIA,A3ACTJ8H3RSW7C,"Mary Shelly ""1951 VooDoo""",1,1,5,1338681600,Diet Peach Snapple Delivered Safely & Quickly,"I ordered this product to send to my friend's husband. They had just moved to Alabama in the end of March, she could not find ANY Diet Peach Snapple that tasted the same as what they had bought up here in New Jersey. He said that the water that was used down South made the Diet Peach Snapple taste different ! So, now she is happy because she has found a
s???????ththah?? t???? c ?anan n b ?uyu??hih?? S ????plp?e ??roromo? ! ?????????ou????252505???????4M4MZMZVZVIV?????R6R6R6RAR?8F8??????8,8??at??theth?? G G.G?? Sh S????ini?,3,????5,5?????808?161??????""Y""YeY?????t't's's ?????etet ???????,","T,"??is??????h h?flflal????ede???ie??t tt ?ea????y Sy ??apappap??e ???is eis ????remre?ele?????frfrefr?shshi????afa??terter r?? l ?????sus??me???'s 's????! ????s s ts ????????didiedi?? t te tea???th???? a?re?????? c?ala???????. I. It????beb???t st ???veved???hi??leledle?? a an a??d id it? h ?hasha?s as a s a?mimilildl??bubutbu??non??t ot ??????????????????h fh fl??avoav?or or??o o??it it tit ???????s js ????t rt ??ghghtht.t. ???SnapSna?pplpp???????????isis ?wiwitwi???????n ??andan???lalacla??k tk te???lelealeavaveaves????thether????'s a's al??so so? a ???ld? g????n ?tetea???la??vorvo??????ed ????wi?withwit????
source that they can buy his Snapple from ! Thank you." 2503,B0004MZVIA,A2R6RA8FRBS608,Matthew G. Sherwin,3,6,5,1245801600,"""Yep--it's a diet !!!""","This peach flavored diet tea by Snapple is extremely refreshing after a long summer's day! It's truly a diet tea--there are zero calories. It's best served chilled; and it has a mild but not overwhelming peach flavor to it that is just right. Snapple makes this with green and black tea leaves; there's also a mild green tea flavor mixed in with the
? p pep???? f ??ava??rir??g.g??ThT??????????ltl????? w ?atate?? a ?s s??????. T. ?ThiThisi??????is??????????ed ed??omo?ewe??????iti?h ?AsAsps??????me;me????????apa??lele ??????in????ustus??ththeth??ririgrighg????amoamouo??t ??? t ??????it'it's's ?non?t ?exexcx???sis???????sweswee???. I. ???yoyouou ou???nt???reareala?llyll????tea tea t?????is????athat??r r sr ?swe??????ou???ll ll?eie?ithit????hahavhaveve ve??o o lo ?ooo?k k???rt?????or? u us u?se se? th thi this???itith? a?????ed sed ???sweetsweete?? I. It. It t a?????coc??????s s ps ????yly??la???????????? i???kok???????????thesthe?????e ??iei?etaet?aryar??????????s fs ????yo????brb??/>/><>?<br<br r /r />r />I>?? y yo?u u????????????quq??estes?ioi??s,s?????? co c???panpa?? h???s as a a ta ?????????e ne ???beb?? s so??????????pl??e ce ??? c co con contnta??t t t???????? / />???<br <br??????
peach flavoring. They use filtered water as well. This tea is sweetened somewhat with Aspartame; but Snapple adds in just the right amount so that it's not excessively sweet. If you want really tea that is rather sweet, you'll either have to look further or use this with added sweetener. It also contains phenylalanine and it is kosher if these are dietary concerns for you.<br /><br />If you have other questions, the company has a toll free number so that people can contact them.<br /><br />Over
aala?????hih????????? p ????????????????t t st ??mmm?er????dadaya??whw??????????????omome?ththith??? c ?ooo????o o??efe??resre?h h? yo y??????????? w wh w?????youyo?r ???is???????????hlhlyl?y ry ?recrecocomco????d ?th??s ?prp??????.".?2???4,4,B,???3L3LKL????C,C????NJN????ZBZBC???,J,??ll??????????969646??2020000000?0,G0,GoG?oodoo?d qd ?uaual???y ?fo??r ar ??gog??? p?????????re????????????ou????????????sts?arardrd d sd se???????????????????aba????bibit?tet??????????e e??????rd????????e we wiw?????thi???se?????is is vis vever?y ??tasta????an???(a(afa???r ?????owo???ng ng a a a f??w w?da???) ) n ??? b??ittitteitt?er er????al????????????tlytl?????icyic???????5,5,B5,?B00B0?00E00EHE?2A2?MAMA,A?,AT,A?L9L9D9?????POPOEO?E,E,J???M.M???il????,2,?,2,2,,2???12????282?????go??od od???ufufff???
all, this tea is perfect for a hot summer's day when you want something cool to refresh yourself and whet your whistle. I highly recommend this product." 2504,B003LKLK3C,A6BNJBC1ZBCIL,Jill,0,0,5,1296432000,Good quality for a good price.,"Previously I bought some mustard seed that was unbearably bitter, but the mustard I made with this seed is very tasty and (after mellowing a few days) not bitter at all. Pleasantly spicy." 2505,B000EH2AMA,ATL9DOGVXPOEE,J. M. Miller,2,2,4,1245628800,good stuff!,"
??? m ?y y?????????????d d??nan????? th t?atat t at ?rere e??oto???mpmptp??y cy cac???rir?e e te ??pep?????????is???nene ???? my m??ne?????vov???? G GrGrereareat???asa??e,e??ana????altal?????h h???????ty ty????lorlo?????ou???, ?th??e de ?ece???nt nt??????t t ot of?????oteot??????kek?es es t? thi this this ?a a?gog??????hoihoici????????????g g? on o?n tn ??the the r ?????????????? m?ea??l jl ?usu????is ?no?t ???n on opo??ioi??? ?????? sa sat??????ing??. . ?????sos???ri????????whw??????es?ama?e ?????ch??, a, an, a?nd ??thath???is???k k t to t???, b, ????ththith????ne??wiwin?s s fs ????tat?astas?te.te.".????060????00????AMA??,A,??N2N2C2?XGX????6O6??????. S. SmSmam??go???2,2?2,?????393?06?242?00?,H,HiH?gh?esestes??in??pr?ot????,",??rsr??. M. MaM?y'y???pup?mp??inin ???run?ch?????????reareatrea?????????FoForor or tor thor t??se??
In my quest to find snacks that are not empty calorie types, this is one of my new favorites. Great taste, and although a hefty calorie count, the decent amount of protein makes this a good choice for eating on the run, if a real meal just is not an option! VERY satisfying. I also tried the white sesame crunch, and that is ok too, but this one wins for taste." 2506,B000EH2AMA,A2N2CXGM3N6OZI,A. Smargon,2,2,5,1239062400,Highest in protein,"Mrs. May's pumpkin crunch is a great snack. For those o
?? y ??u u??atatct?hihini?g g????ororir?eses s a ??d d i inintin????? b ??????rer?e te tht??????e ???z z p ????ioiono???ara?? t?????????ingin??????sts? o ??f Mf ??s.?????'s's s ps ?ror?dud?ctc?????re re gre ???????bub?t t wt wiwiti?? t?????atat ????1111g1???????er??vinvi??, ????????it?'s's 's?non?t ???????lel?tet?e ge ?uiu??t ???reere??sns???k.k??????vev????ththe?? pu p??mpkmp??in in???????????????????????of of??????inin ????? se?rv???ing ing?????th?????uau???4g4?????in ??????r or ot??????snasn????s. ?SoSo ??????u'u???re mre ?on?it????ing?ing ying ???r ???intaint??e ?????wawanwa??t tt ????nd????e ?in???he?se? n??? a??? t th?ene?, ?, th, the? p pu?mp?mpkimpk??in sin se??? c??runru???????????heheahealaltal????st? o??ti?on??????the??bu?????<b<?r ??><>??r r /r />r /????????idi?, ????? a?re??al??? ta t?st?y y ay an??
f you watching calories and intake, be aware that the 2oz portions are two servings. Most of Mrs. May's products are great, but with the fat at 11g per serving, i find it's not a complete guilt free snack. However, the pumpkin seed crunch has 9gms of protein per serving vs. the usual 4gms in their other snacks. So if you're monitoring your intake and want to indulge in these now and then, the pumpkin seed crunch is the healthiest option of the bunch.<br /><br />That said, they are all tasty and
?cec???????????t t b bab????????ouou,u? j ???t ??????????hihigighg???in in??????? y yo youou'ou'r'?e ??at?chc??ngn? y yo????weweie??????????7,7,B,B0B??00E00?H2H???A,A,A,????3C3??PVPV7V?FDF??,",?D.D. .????ly??"""???eke??y2y?????3,3???5,5,1,111161626??393929??????????I I l??????? p pup???t a t a b??g ?ofof ???umpum??in????unu??ch ch?ono? t tht?e ???blb?le le a atat at????k k? an andn???watwatct???pep??plp??'s'??? fac face?s ???gh????????henhe?n tn ??????tasta??e ?????. . . ??ryr?y iy ?????5050850??????EHEH2EH?2AM2A?MA,MA,A?2N2?????LQL??9292M92????Tr?????J.J???ac??bsbses??n "n ""??rar?????????""","""?????????848414?989??0000,00,M00,?rsrs.s?. M. ??ay'ay?????mpm?????in Crin C?runrunc?????s ?teter?rir????????s. s.?????'s ??Pum?pk?pkinpki?????uncun??ch ich ?????? b??st???????the the???????. ??f ???u u l li liki????pumpu?????????dsds ??????? is is??oror or??
certainly not bad for you, just a little high in fat if you're watching your weight." 2507,B000EH2AMA,AHQ73C1PV7FDC,"D. Kelly ""deekay2""",3,4,5,1162339200,Yummy,I love to put a bag of Pumpkin Crunch on the table at work and watch people's faces light up when they taste them. Try it. 2508,B000EH2AMA,A2NYIZGLQC92M1,"Tracy J. Jacobsen ""grannycat""",0,0,5,1184198400,Mrs. May's Pumpkin Crunch is terrific,Mrs. May's Pumpkin Crunch is the best of the bunch. If you like pumpkin seeds this is for yo
??? T ThT?? s ??igi?hth???? sw s???????bebese? m mamaka???mem?????nknk k I ?????eaeata??????akakeake.e?? T?????e ae ??????reare???fof??? sn s?aca??ining???ndn???vev?????esses??rtr?????????ly ly??ono?ndendere?fuf?? p prprorodo??ctct ??ndnd nd???????????e e ie ???o o t??? b bab?????in!in?2??????00000???2A2???????????09E09EPE???DJD????T,T,0,??,0,,0??,1,????191??8408400??TaT??????andan??LiL???ht,ht?"<"???hrh???="=?????p:p???www???amamaam????.c.???/g/???????????B0?00??H2H2AH2???""?>M>????. M. MaMaya??????????????d d Sd SnS???ck,ck???umu?pkpkikinkin ??rurunru???????OuO?????PoP???he?? ( ??ac???ofo? 2 242??</<??><>????/>/>P>Pu????????CruCr???ch ch i ???gr???t.??<br<br r /?>S>??????????????. ??izizez?e (e ?2 2????viv?ing?????br br??/>M/>??????????????????on?????????tirti?re re???5o5oz????????it??ou??t rt ?
u. The slightly sweet cubes make me think I am eating cake. These are great for snacking and even dessert. A truly wonderful product and gluten-free into the bargain! 2509,B000EH2AMA,A2852V09EPF5DJ,LAT,0,0,5,1184198400,Tasty and Light,"<a href="""">Mrs. May's Dry-Roasted Snack, Pumpkin Crunch, 2-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 24)</a><br />Pumpkin Crunch is great.<br />Stick with 2oz. size (2 servings)<br />Much too easy to consume entire 5.5oz. bag without re
?alalilizi???? i iti????? / ??:-:?? L LOL?????????B0B??00E00???AMA?????????WYW?KTKTITIHI?????uiu???ene? w waw??ng,ng,0,??????111171797??????00,00,g?????snsnan??? f ???????ryryoy????"i"?????????oodood ?tat?astas? a ??d ?crc????????I I????????blb?ac?k ?ses????? b?efe????????t it ?????od? t tot??. . h. ??gh????re????????ede?????????,B0,B???????Q6Q???KEK?6D6????3G3?????????did??BeB??aneane ?HeH???? " ???exexix???anwan?ififef??"""""","????????????606?808??00,I00,?I WI ???t ?MoM?????????icickic?ed? t?????upu?? at a???y ????????rorococeoc???y sy ststo?re??????hehe he? se s??sos?onaonal???is?lele ??wi?thth th?? the th?e Ee EaEasastasteast??? go g?????es]es????br br /?><>??r ??/>T/>??hishis his??oio??t ??cakca?ke ke m?????canca??beb???????wiwit?h h??????ithit??outou??egeggg?s.s????????d t?he??????? w wa was???????e ?leleale?astast ast??it
alizing it.<br />:-D LOL" 2510,B000EH2AMA,A1BL9MWYKTIHA3,guichen wang,0,0,5,1179878400,good snack for everyone,"it has good tast and crunchy. I bought black sesame before, it is good too. highly recommanded." 2511,B0079LSXQ6,AKE6DXEN3GWPC,"Cyndi Beane Henry ""Texicanwife""",4,4,5,1332460800,I Want More!,"I picked this up at my local grocery store in the seasonal aisle [with the Easter goodies].<br /><br />This moist cake mix can be made with or without eggs. I used them, and wasn't the least bit
??isi?apa???????????r r??><>?????/>I/>I I?papaia???ed ed t tht?e e?cac??e ?wiwiti?????lsl?bub???'s'?? Pi P?inkin?????ono?ada?e e fe frf???tit???, ,??oooo.o????t t?????????? h ????????????lll????n-n???os?tetedted ???? yo y??'d'??lil???????ou ou?????????????ovo???????<br? /????br br? />??ererfrfef??????r ?ththeth??e fae f?????y dy ????er?????hihil??re??'s's 's c cu c??ca?ke???, o, ?or or?a a? lo l?????? ad a??ditditi????? to to??hehe he? la lad??ese???ftf?terternr??oonoo? t??a!a???????u ?lo??ve ve pve ??ink? l le lem?on????e ye ?you????re re g ??oinoi?g g?? to ?lo??????is???????/></>?????/>T/>ThT??he che cocolololorlor ??usu????crc?????s Ss ??rir??ing ing????d Ed ???stest?er!er???ndnd nd?????????? w??ill?? le????e y?ouou ou sou ??crecr??mi???????r ar ana??th?therthe?r br ???????r ???><b??r /??I I gI ????ve tve th????????ararsr?????nd mnd ????thuth?mbmbsb???up!up!"!""??515
disappointed.<br /><br />I paired the cake with Pilsbury's Pink Lemonade frosting, too. But you could have it totally un-frosted if you'd like! You will still love it!<br /><br />Perfect for the family dessert, children's cupcakes, or a lovely addition to the ladies afternoon tea! If you love pink lemonade you are going to love this!<br /><br />The color just screams Spring and Easter! And the taste will leave you screaming for another bite!<br /><br />I give this 5-stars and my thumbs up!" 251
????000070???SXS?????222??????EIE?898???,S,?pap??klk??bubugu?,2,2,?2,2,52,???333??????????ddd????ivi???"I"? n ?oro???lll?????keke e f ???m m???????????? w ???????sas?w w???isi????????lemlemom???ded????akeak??mim?x x??iti?th th m ma?tctchtchi?????????tinting? I??jujusu???hah?ad ad? to t????????eme??????? T ThT?hishi???????ca????e ?????e te twt???waw???????????? w???hoh??ut ut??gggg ???????????ece??ommom???d d?? wit? with with a ?????the the c ca c???????? b???????e ae ???d md ??isistist t at ?????re??ulu?t.t?. T. ????????ke ??wouwo?uldul?d ad ??soso o bo ????usustus??????oooodo??wiw??h ???aia?? w???tet???????g og ?????st?????????????? p?owowdw?derde?redre???sugsu?? c?????makma?ke ??????s as a ?lalaylayeyere???????t,t?????????t ?ca??e,e, e, o or o??? as as c cu cupu??????s. s. I???????d ????up???????the
2,B0079LSXQ6,A22DZZDWEI89PS,Sparklebug,2,2,5,1331510400,Addictive,"I normally bake from scratch but when I saw this pink lemonade cake mix with matching frosting I just had to try them both. This cake can be made two ways: with or without egg yolks. I recommend with as the cake will be nice and moist as a result. This cake would also be just as good with plain white icing or just a dusting of powdered sugar. You can make it as a layer, bundt, or sheet cake, or as cupcakes. I picked it up at the
????cec?ryr? s ????? r rerecre????lyl?y fy ?or????????????0 0?peperer er??boxbo?, ,????e fe ?ro??stistini??????? ab aboboubo????he????mem???riricice?? pe p?er ????? I I I???????upu? g ??in???bab??????? p pu puru????asias???????e ?e foe f???lal??er???as as?? b be b?liliei???e te ??isis s is is? j juj?stst st a????as???ala???la???or ?????????sbs??????????pup??ll ll?iti?t ft ????????????kek?t ??at at? so som?e ?e poe p?oinointnt.nt?????? the?y y dy ?? I? I h I ????? th?? they they? br b??ngng ng? it i??babacba?ck ck e ev e??ryry ry s???in? t???????llll ll bll ?e e se ?stost?ockockik????up?.".??????,B,????9L9??????AQA?A7A7Y7??5Z5??7M7M9M??,D,DoD??????e,e????,5,?????030???32032?00,00?yuy?????iki?? I I ???idi????ou?t t tt ththeth???iciic??? s?? h ???????? b? be be? ab abl ab?e ???o bo ??????is?is ois ???????. I. It. I?t it ??????amamiamililyil????vo?ri????, i, ????
grocery store recently for about $1.80 per box, the frosting was about the same price per can. I ended up going back and purchasing more for later as I believe this is just a seasonal flavor and Pillsbury will pull it from the market at some point. If they do I hope they bring it back every spring. Until then I'll be stocking up." 2513,B0079LSXQ6,AQA7YU5Z17M9H,Dollface,1,1,5,1340323200,yum,"Like I said about the icing....I am so happy to be able to buy this online. It is a family favorite, it al
?soso o w waw???????pep???ono?????? a ???d ad ?rrr????????arlar??. .???fifininin????? g gog??ingin????o bo ?uyu????aia???""2??141?,B,??070???SXS?Q6Q?????DXD?RFR??????8,8,S,?erererene?e,e,2,?????,1,131?363???080?80080?????tyt??"I"??pip?ckc???ed ued ?????bob??? of o?? th t???s is in???????coc???t t? gr gror?cec???y sy sts??re???????asoas??????????ThT??e ce cac?keke ke??as? h ?heahe????ly???I ???ke???it?????mum??????I fI ?ou?ndnd nd??????????totorto??re tre ??ata????ldl?????e me ?????as ?wewelellell l??s ???the the i??????, a, an???d thd t?her???????vevenven ven? a a p a pi??k k?lelemle???adaded??e coe c?okokikiei??????????ch ch?????????t bt bu??????????t tt ???ed??yey????????><><b?r ?r />r /??TheTh???????? i is i?s os ofof f cf ?????e ???lemolem????bu?but but????re?????s s ms ???? a b a bibit??of?? th?atat at f flf?????eded ??mixmi?x Cx CoCou?ountountr?????imeim???I dI ?raranankan
so was shipped on time and arrived early. Definitely going to buy again." 2514,B0079LSXQ6,ANEDXRFDZDL18,Serene,2,3,5,1336780800,Tasty,"I picked up a box of this in a discount grocery store in paso robles. The cake was heavenly. I liked it so much, I found another store that sold the mix as well as the icing, and there is even a pink lemonade cookie mix which I bought but haven't tried yet.<br /><br />The taste, is of course lemon, but it reminds me a bit of that flavored mix Country Time I drank
???s s? a a k kikidid,d? b bub??????s ??ana????????s vs ?ere????igi?htht t at ?andan????frf????????<b<?? / ??<b<br<b?r /r ?/>I/>? s sis????y y ly ?????d id itit.t????pep? t ?hi??????mom?rere re? th t?????????????asasoas?????flf?????????515?5,5,B,???797?????6,6??3434I4?3G3????????????al,al,0,0,0?????131??454?????????odo?y ?gogoogo??????rir???d td ?theth???????es???ndn??d thd theh?y ?????????ata??nd???????g g??? f fi f???d td thd thed th?m m??????????????????????ithit????o so ?ucu?cec????. d. ????????re??lil?zeze ?????y w??ere? s se???asonaso?????? w wowououlu???hahavha?????ocockckek????p<p??<br ????????t pt prpror?oduod???225251???B0B00B0?00R00?UIU?0M0MSM?,A?????OGOGMG??5L5L4L?EAEA,A?FiF??,5?,6,6,????????040?80???CoC???o o Ro ???e ???oodoo?????stest??????nsn?secse?tit???ideide,e?"T"???his his i???a a????????propr???ct?, , s, ???it???
as a kid, but less tangy. Its very light and refreshing.<br /><br />I simply loved it. Hope this is more than just a seasonal flavor." 2515,B0079LSXQ6,A34I3GH7H9QOR5,Val,0,0,5,1344556800,goody good,I tried the cookies and they were great nd trying to find them in the stores<br />with no success. did not realize they were seasonal or would have stocked up<br />great product 2516,B000RUI0MS,A3O38OGMX5L4EA,Fin,5,6,5,1242604800,Combo Rose Food/Systemic Insecticide,"This is a great product, so it's
nnono o?sus???ririsises???hah?t t t???????ala? s???lvlvevese??ararer???ftf???????ar?eded d o of????, ,?es?pep?????lyl???ararlar????????e e se ??asasos??. .???urcurchc???????? in in?bubulu?????ror?ugu????????on.on??????s ????epepe??dad?blb?le le a????????ivi???????ere?????in-in?1 1 i???grg?ananun?ulaul???fof?????????s rs rorosro??????nd nd? fl f?????s s ws whw???le ???oto??ctc??inging ??the????it??h ah ?a sa ?ysy???mim?????se?ct??iciic??????or or????????????????bu??????'l'???nen?????a s?ep??araar???????ngingicici?da?l/l?????easea??? tr t?????en?t,?? an a?????? s??ystys????ic ic????ldl???notnot ??e ?e soe s??????ing??????????d ?????ly ???????ththi??ng ng e???blblebl?. . B?????????sursu???s ms ?me me t th the th?e pe pr?prodpro???? i??????? f??r ?????in?????????d ?eaearea???wow??msm??""????7,7???00??????
no surprise that the local shelves are often cleared of it, especially early in the season. Purchasing in bulk through is a dependable alternative. Bayer 2-in-1 in granular form feeds roses and flowers while protecting them with a systemic insecticide for up to 6 weeks, but you'll need a separate fungicidal/disease treatment, and the systemic would not be something one would apply to anything edible. Bayer assures me the product is safe for pollinators and earthworms." 2517,B000RUI0MS
,??3737V7?HTH???2121R1??8F8F,F?HmH???JrJr,r,2,?????????282??00?????asasys?????? C ?ara??e ae anandn???rereare?? p ?ror??????????????bebeee?n n a ?????? G ??ardar???r r f ???r mr mamanma????????, , I ?I rI ??mememembm??r ??????????? pr p???????waw?????ded??e bye b??OrO?th??? an a?????????d Rd Ro???????de?. .?????s ?pr??oduod??t ???realreall??y hy ??lpl??s ws ?itith???????????????????ea???????at?? ro r?oseoseses es t????d td toto o ao ???????????hohouo?????? d ???es ?nonoto????opo??????????s ??cacanca????????????????????? the the ?ma??or??ono???????t ?ca?usu???se???????dad?ma??????????preprea???d did dis????e.e?. . I. ???????????? my my ????antan?ts ts???n tn ?????????e moe m?onton??lyl???????menme?t ??????makmakeke e se sue suru?re re? to to ????? it it e ?ve???????? t to????x x w we w?eekee???????ngn? a a a???
,A37VHTG121RR8F,HmacJr,2,2,5,1252800000,Easy Rose Care and great product,"I have been a rose Gardner for many years, I remember when this product was made by Ortho and called Rose Pride. This product really helps with the pests and diseases that roses tend to acquire. Though it does not stop all pests (cane borers) it stops the major ones that cause serious damage and spread disease. I treat all my plants on the same monthly regiment and make sure to do it every four to six weeks making a not
???ono??mym??????ndn??r.r???LiL????on?????heh?r r?rer??iei???? s ?aia?? y ?????ili???non?????e ?imimmm?ede??ata??e re ??sus??tst????????thithisis s ss ?????????is???ysy??temte????. . F ??r ?th???beb??st st?????ultul?ts ts??aka??? su s?????? r? rea reada??th?the the?????agagege ??nd?????? t th t?????an?ul?es? ??intintoto ?th?the ???????andand d wd ????er ?????2252515?8,8????????????AFA????T7T?6P6???O6O??JaJ??????n ?ShS???peper???,2??5,5?1111818318303?????????ce???enenten????????????????e ??ee??n pn ???aguagueueded ed b ?y ?whwhihititeit???lil???s fs fof????????a a??eae? al t???at?memenme?t t ht ??????ottot??????????? th the th??? co comompm?pleplete?????. I. ???ece?id??ed ?to? t? try try ????s ?asa?s is ??'s'??????? by b?????????ctctected??in??er???tit??onaon?al al bal ?ra???nd &nd ?
e on my calendar. Like one other reviewer said you will not see immediate results with this since it is systemic. For the best results make sure to read the package and work the granules into the soil and water in." 2518,B000RUI0MS,AFLPET76P1AO6,Jamaican Shopper,2,2,5,1183075200,Excellent Product,"I have been plagued by white flies for over a year. Neither chemical nor natural treatment has gotten rid of them completely. I decided to try this as it's made by a respected international brand &
???tht?ouougughghth????sys??????????odo???t ????????ororkr???????>A>??wew?eke? a af a????r tr th?e e f ???st??????ic???ioi?????ere????????o o?re?duducduct?io???????nfn???stast??????bub?t ???????e se sesece?on?d d w????????stastarsta???????o no ??ti?cec??lel?????????s ?????? the the? li liti?????????minmi?. .?ByBy ???? t ti t?mem?e Ie ?I wI wa????reare???y t???dod?o ao ?????irdird ??pppplpp???at??????? ther the?re re??as?????t et ????n on ??e ?e whe w??iteite ?flf????or or a????y oty o??????????? o ??on aon ?????f ?????rosrosesesse??s ors o?r ar ??????he??r sr ???ubub.b??????????ene??ususe?d ?itit it?????ot???? p??????s ws ????? w we wer were????????infinfefesfe?stest???& ?itit ???rk?????? e ev e?verve?ytyth?thinthingng.g.<??br br????ememeem?????, ,??? the ??????????s s ss ???stestemste??c ?anandan??d isd i?s as aba???rbr?bedbe????????allal?ly ly i in?to?????
I thought a systemic product might work.<br />A week after the first application there was no reduction in infestation but by the second week I started to notice less & less of the little vermin. By the time I was ready to do a third application there was not even one white fly or any other insect on any of my roses or any other shrub. I had even used it on potted plants which were also infested & it worked on everything.<br />Remember, the product is systemic and is absorbed gradually into the
pplp?anantn? s ?? y yoy?u u??ili?l l n ?oto??ses??????imi??ede???tet??????ovoveveme???nt nt b ?utu?t it iti????rkr??????dedere??ulu??y.y???AlAlsl??????liliki?e ??me,me??????dodon??t ??lwl??????em?????????o so sps??????regre??ulaulara??y y?or??????????unu???????????????theth?e le ??eaveave??, ?th?thenthen n s??me??thith??g g w?hihici?? y? you yo??????sp??????? a?t t t?hehe he? ba b?????f f t?he????anantant ???verve?y y 6y ??? w we wee??? i???cec??tataiaininlin??? a a???ot ot???????????ususe??""2252??9,9??????UIU?0M0MSM???????????1L1??2R2????met?al?ununaun?00??""""K"??im"im??","???4,4???,13,1303090969??5125120200???MiM?slsle?ada?dinding?????duducu?t!t!!!?!! !!??f ??youyo?u wu ?wanwantnt ??no no b?ee??? t???n ????e ie ite it.t??????herhe????????? im i???ortorta?nt???????????t mt ????ioion?ed? o???ththe?iri? l la l??belbel ??andan? t? tha th?? i?t ??s ????????
plant so you will not see an immediate improvement but it works wonderfully. Also if like me, you don't always remember to spray regularly or get the underneaths of the leaves, then something which you can sprinkle at the base of the plant every 6-8 weeks is certainly a lot easier to use." 2519,B000RUI0MS,A2TPZW2V21LH2R,"metaluna00 ""Kim""",3,4,1,1309651200,"Misleading product!!! If you want no bees, then use it.","There's one important thing not mentioned on their label and that it is NOT for
??sese e i ?????ntn?aiain?erersr????hyh????ded???hah????nfn??? ??ToT??mam???e me ????e se ?????? o ?? c?ououru?rsers???YoYou????? on o?lyl?????????thathat? i if i???ouou ou?re??d d t th?eie?r r?? & ??? o on on on?????r ?wew??sisiti?e.??I I????did??????the the??????????d ??pep???? t? the the ?bab??????abeab?el el???? i??'s's s ns ne??er? m??????oneon???yo?? c?an??t ?????itit it????????tedte???????s.s???hahanhankn???????????nonowo??? h ha havave???o ????babacba???? to to???????????e toe t?????turturnrn rn i???. I. ?????esses??a a???ot ot o????peope?oplop?? h????ve wve ???????d ??hyhy hy t?? thei the????potpo????ed fed flf???????????oso??s s ds ???ed,ed????t ????wiw????? it' it?'s 's b be??aua??use use o?????isi?s ps ??ododud???????f y???????e ye ???????eses es???winwi???????d ????sapsa?pe??ar,ar????????hi???????????rea???on.on???ili??
use in containers! Why hide that info? To make more sales, of course. You'll only learn that if you read their Q & A on their website. I studied the labels and opened the back label and it's never mentioned you can't use it on potted plants. Thanks I have to go back to the store to return it. I guess a lot of people have wondered why their potted flowers or roses died, not knowing it's because of this product. If you see your bees dwindle and disappear, then this is the reason. Will
?sys??tet?mim????????ctctst? a ????ct???ououru??frf????ranra??? o ofo? y?ou?????????s?s? ???????????????rs? o?f ????? t ???y y????????? h ?ava???a a??raragragr?????????ot ot e ??rtr??wow????s? s? Y ?ou?? wo wou?????t ??nonownow w u ?nln????????? th t?or?????lyl?y dy du?g g t??rorouro??gh gh???ur??did??rt.rt??????D D T THT??S!S?""???202???0000000R00RUR?I0I????????????????R,R?????ha?ele????. G. ???ffffiff?? " ?"S"??avuav?""???0,???3,3,1,?343??929??00??0,G0,Go???????????e le le?avaveaveses es?????????ththeth?e Fe ????werwers?,"??hehe he????????iningin?gregrede?????t it inin in t????s ss sy???mi?c c ic isis is??mi?dadaca??loplo?pripr?d.d?? I ??t it ist is ??dbd?????ed???????? r ???? p pl plalan?t ????????? l le??vevesve???????no???th????flofl??er?????????????rer?eceec??tlt?? o on o?????e. e.??? h ha hav?? b be beeeen???sis??ing ing??? this thi
systemic products affect your fragrance of your flowers? After 3-4 years of use, they will not have a fragrance. Got earthworms? You wouldn't know unless you thoroughly dug through your dirt. AVOID THIS!" 2520,B000RUI0MS,AQZPV9FMCBFQR,"Michael E. Griffin ""Savu""",0,0,3,1340928000,Good for the leaves not for the Flowers,"The active ingredient in this sytemic is imidacloprid. It is adbsorbed by the rose plant into the leaves, but not the flowers I learned recently online. I have been using this
???tut????????yeyeae??? a ?ndn? o ??ses?vevede??tht?????bub????????t t dt ?owo?n n??? m ?y y??otot ?gigivi???g g? th t???????????nouno?????????????? U ???lesle????ouo????RAR?? t th??????oweow????wiw???h ah ?anoanotothot??r ?????ucu????ono??aiain??ingin??????????????idi?????the????papananean????????????de????????the the rthe ?rosro?se se??lo???erser?s as ?????????? th th th l le?leavlea?vesve?????nene.e???r ?/>/> >? se see?????k<k?????>[>[.[?....]..?????212?,B,B0B000?00R00RUR??????A2A?NJN????XOXOHO?121????MaM??k k??. . B. BaB????,0,0,0??,5,??131??747?727202?000000,0,A0,A A???st???or?? th?? G ????dende?????or??s s ws wow??de?rfr????y ?fo????oso??st ast ala?l l? ap a?plplil??ata?ioi???s is inin in?? the the ???ard???. ???oulou???????be??ea????????????e ite i??is????ststestememim?????????lplpsps ???erter??li??e ?on???????at at??????anantant ant??
stuff for years and obseved this, but put it down to my not giving the plant enough granules. Unless you SPRAY the flowers with another product containing the insecticide, the Japanese beetles devour the rose flowers and leave th leaves alone.<br /> see link<br />[...]" 2521,B000RUI0MS,A2NJAQYXOH12YT,Mark W. Baker,0,0,5,1337472000,A Must for the Gardener,Works wonderfully for most all applications in the garden. Could not be easier since it is systemic and helps fertilize only what you want to
? f ??rtrtit?lil?zez?..?252???,B,B0B??00R00RURUIU???S,S??3L3??JPJPRP?EBE??????????beb??tat????yey?er er?"""???rdr?ini?? N ???uru???????????nener?"""""""???,1,1111,1,1,1,,1?,13,1303040???808?000000,0??vov?idi??li?kek?e te tht???plp???ueu??--????????????????? k ?il???????ononeoneyeybey?beebe???????? c ?????d gd ????e t?hih????propr?oduod?uctuc?????????s 1s ?? s ?????s, s,???wow???d.d??????re??isis is??owo?????y y???ro???ng eng ?????ncn??????at at??????????id?in? w wh w??????????????????rodro????? is i???????f ??theth????estestiticticicid??????at??is?is ais afa?fe????ingin????neneyne?????s as ????co?????bub?titinti?ng ??to to??olo??????colco?la????e de di?????? ? T Th T????USUS S h?asa?s ys ??t ?toto ???? t ththi????es?estiestici??????????iti??????alalrlrereare??y ???beenbee????annan????inin ?ot?he?her her? co?ununt???????AvAvo????
fertilize. 2522,B000RUI0MS,A3LBJPREB99CSY,"Roberta Beyer ""Birding Nature Store Owner""",7,11,1,1304208000,Avoid like the plague---contains product killing honeybees,"If I could give this product a minus 10 stars, I would. There is now very strong evidence that chlothianidin which is in this product is one of the pesticides that is affecting honeybees and contributing to colony collapse disorder. This US has yet to ban this pesticide, but it has already been banned in other countries. Avoid t
?hihisis s?prp?odo???t t??????nyn???????s ??ono??aia????g g c clc?ot????anianidi??????????,B,????333?2E2EME?W,W?ACACACA7A7W7?5N5?ZRZRAR?SFS????? A ?rmr???roronro???0,0???5,5,1,131??999?????00,00???ishishe??????anan an????psp???????? c????s s as ??e ???od??tot?????????e ??? s sa s???d,d????? i ?????ookookikiei???s ans a????akaki??????d ?spsprsp??inkinklink??? on on n???ereer???. . . ?VeV?eryer?y py ?lelealeasasesedse????252?52452??,B0,B????Y4Y??ZQZ?,A,A3,A??H0H??BSBSNS?JRJ??ENE?????????????,2,2,,2,5???????313???????ot ot m mum?ustus???d,?????? is i???????es???mumusmust?ar??? m???huhususbus?????????????t ot ????hishi??????wiw??he???fof??r wr ?or?????t t ht ?as??????ri??hth?t st sp?????es aes ?and? t?as?tete ??to to???ha?????whw?hathat t yt ??? a ar a??????? ?????? be b?????loolo?ki???g fg ?forfo???? i?n ???ggg??er er? tu t???????????
his product and any others containing clothianidin." 2523,B004332EMW,ACA7W5NZRASFT,P. Armstrong,0,0,5,1309910400,Fisher Pecan Chips,"These chips are good to sprinkle on salad, use in cookies and baking and sprinkle on cereal. Very pleased." 2524,B000NY4SZQ,A36H0DBSNJRAEN,mamamoose,2,2,5,1294531200,hot mustard,This is the best mustard. my husband loves it on his sandwiches for work. it has the right spices and taste to enhance what you are eating. Have been looking for it in bigger tubes with no
?????????????bubutut ?ananyn? s ???? i isi??grg?eaeata??????????????????,A,?1I1????0F0FSF???????????i,i?2,2????,1,?282?30????00?,T,???mym????sts???d d???anianiaiacac,c?"T"???is is i is is ?ththeh????????'v'vev???ve?? e ????????????????iki????????ard??an????youyo?????????r /r />/>h>hohorhorsr?????is?h ???????is ??thethe ???odo?uc????o o t trt????????>M>MyM?y fy ??????exexpxpep????encen?e e we ???th th??????y wy ?asa??sesevsevever?ala???ea??rs rs a?gog????????????????ve?d<d??<br <br / />??n n Gn ?er??????????e ue ?useus???????en????????mem?, ,? bu b?ut ut? af a??terte????????ved? b ba b?ackac?k tk ???????<br<br ??/>S/>?ta?te????he???upupppplp????????ut???fff??. . ????????en en? yo youou ou n ?oto????????e ?th??? i????waswa???<br ???ava?????????????was? e????statstati?c.c?????????e ?e ble b?lenle????s s ds ded
t much luck but any size is great. 2525,B000NY4SZQ,A1IDF30FSGME1L,Shari,2,2,5,1283040000,Thomy Mustard Maniac,"This is the best I've ever eaten. If you like mustard and you like<br />horseradish this is the product to try.<br />My first experience with Thomy was several years ago when my Son lived<br />in Germany. He used to send it home, but after he moved back to the<br />States the supply was cut off. But when you notified me that it was<br />available, I was ecstatic.<br />The blend is de
l???ioiouo?s,s????? g ???????????iti???yoy????fafavavov???????????ere?s ??andand<d?????????es?e ???pepete?izi?er????or or?? wit wi?th th???yty???ngn? y?ouou ou?ene???y y?????h mh ?us?tat?rdr????ItI?? ad a??s<s?????>t>th????????lele e ze ?????<b???/>???????it it a? t ?ryr?, ??youyou u??ono?'t'??bebe ??or?ryry.ry.".""?????,B,????????ZQZQ,Q???OQO?4747R7??ZNZ?IQIQ1Q?B,B??lelelle????a,a?1,1???5,5???939343????00000?,T,ThT??mymy ?????arfar??????enfen???????s ms ??sts??????? N NON??? fo for?????e me mimilildl????annannener????, b, ?????????ho?sese e we ??ho ho t?????????????????grg???at at G ?er?ma?n n????d!d???Th?ThisThis ????oduoducuctc?t it ?is ???igi??inain?l l al ??s ss ??ueu???????ut ut u ?ndnd nd??????oho???! ! ????s ts ta???e ?e ise i????????ori??gingi??al al???d d ad ?autau?????tictic c? fo???????? w?ho???????????????tet????bibitit
licious, and goes well with your favorite crackers and<br />cheese appetizers or with anything you enjoy with mustard. It adds<br />that little zing.<br />Give it a try, you won't be sorry." 2526,B000NY4SZQ,A1OQ47RIZNIQ1B,mlelwica,1,1,5,1293408000,Thomy Scharfer Senf,"This mustard is NOT for the mild-mannered, but for those who truly appreciate great German food! This product is original as sauer kraut und rot Kohl! Its taste is very original and authentic for those who will appreciate a bit
??? z ??p p i ini? t ththeheieiri??mumusu??ara?d.d. .???ryry y? it it t?onon ??rar?tsts,s????????? ( ?????????ndn??yoy?? s ???plp???????t ?bebe e???sasapa?????tet??d. d.?????????????? J ?????252?272???000??NYNY4Y?SZS??,A,????7Z7?8A8ABA?ZZZZKZK9K????MsM??????????????""?","??,1?,5,???292939???????,U,UmU?????UmmUmmm??GoG??d.???????herhe?e e ie isisnis?'t't 't m??chc?? to t???????????t tt ?thithisis is? mu?st???d d od ?th?er? t th t?anan an "???Umm?? U???????odod!od???????? t?????????????r ???the the????stst st??????????????? on on ??a sa sa????on on? bu bur??gerge???????t ????lyly ly b?ror?????t tt tht t??? fl f???or? o??ut ut o?f ???the ?????.......?nonowow w??I uI ?????????on eon ????ytyth?thinthi?????romro?m cm ?????ene???ururg?????tot???omomememmemam???e Ce CaC???er?????resre??sinsi???? Y ??ou'ou?ll????ve? i? it! it!!!!!!!?""2"2525225???????NY?
of zip in their mustard. Try it on brats, burgers (etc.), and you simply won't be disappointed. Alles Gute! Jim" 2527,B000NY4SZQ,A3I57Z8ABZZK97,"MsIBD1 ""msibd1""",1,1,5,1293062400,Ummm Ummm Good...,"There isn't much to say about this mustard other than ""Ummm Ummm Good!!!"" I tried this for the first time at a BBQ on a salmon burger and it truly brought the flavor out of the I use it on everything from chicken burgers to homemade Caesers dressing! You'll love it!!!" 2528,B000NY4
???Q,Q??GSG????BLBLWL??DEDETE?????s s????????rgr??0,0??,5,??131353?050???404????esests?. .???ststast?rdrd.d. . E. EvE?,",?GrG?eae???????????atwatwuw?????? br brereare????????????????????ama????chcheh??????ch?eeees????????????chesche??, e, ?tct?????vevenve? t ??ouougu?h ?itit it???s as ?? bi bitit ?????ici???expexpep???ivi?ve ve??? u us?e e????h ?sa?ndndwnd??wichwic????????re re i it it t tt tet?enden?????????de de??ntnto???????????ror?ounoundnd,nd??itit'it?s s bs be??????to kto ??eepeep p???????????an???le?t ??it it sit ??stansta?nd nd o ???t."t.""2252525??,B,?00??NYN?4S4??Q,???29Z29ZPZPQP??D0D070777??4A4???en?????oumou?????????0,???13???25425????00,00,H,?otot,ot????????iv???? on on n tn ?timti?????? w??as as p papac??agageag???wew?lll???????is is? wa?s s ms ?y y??iri???t t??y y oy ??? th??is ?mum???ar?d.?????????? un uniniqi?ueu?? s???milmi????????????y oty o?
SZQ,AGSVHHBLWZDET,Jens Rodenberg,0,0,5,1350518400,Best. Mustard. Ever.,"Great with bratwurst, breakfast sausages, salami, cheddar cheese, sandwiches, etc., even though it is a bit exotic/expensive to use with sandwiches where it tends to fade into the background, it's best to keep it simple and let it stand out." 2529,B000NY4SZQ,A29ZPQID077L4A,Ken Coumerilh,0,0,5,1332547200,Hot,"It arrived on time and was packaged well. This was my first try of this mustard. It was unique, similar to many oth
???????????tat?rdr??, , b bub?????faf?vovororerede? i ??????? t ?heh?????herhersrs s????????beb????????f f??he???ala??ncn?e ?e ofe of ?flf???vorvo?????????s as alalmalmom?????s ??hothot t at ?as as?EnE??lil???????leleme?an???) )? mu m??????, ????t at a t a???ttttlt?le le s sws??ete????an?d ??mayma?be???????ghg???viv????ar? e ese????ncence e ie inin in??????hehe ??????an?????bab????f f pf prp??tzt??lsl???laslast?ed?????e one one??????????????????""?252???????00N00?Y4Y?SZS??,A,?3V3VCVCFC?QQQQRQ????JFJFKFK,K,A,An,A??a a G GiG???obo??be,be?0,????,1,????373717??00??????er er mer ?musmu??ar?????????amamem?e ae acacqac???in???d ?wiw?ithit?h th th?is? m? mus mu??starsta??????n n??e e we wewerwere?????SwS????er??lanla?d d ad ??and ????allallyl????joj?yey?ed ?? t wt ??as as oas ?uru??re????????? p pup????hashasisining????. . G. ?????t ft fifinindin?!!!???We We? ha hav?ave ave??iki?
er hot mustards, but I favored it over the others I have because of the balance of flavors. It's almost as hot as English (Coleman's) mustard, but a little sweeter and maybe a slight vinegar essence in it. The tube and a bag of pretzels lasted me one or two evenings." 2530,B000NY4SZQ,A3VCFQQRABCJFK,Anna Giacobbe,0,0,5,1292371200,Super mustard,We became acquainted with this mustard when we were in Switzerland and really enjoyed it. That was our reason for purchasing it. Great find!! We have like
?? t ???s s???????? a as a????e e???e ?ththathatat t w wew??bobouo???t ?????????????535?1,1?B0B000????UDU?PYP???????????919???????ararlr???ne ne??oeo?rrr??""""C????",",7,????5,5???575?????????on??er?fuf??!,!?,"T,"??e ???bsb?????BiB???ueu???is is??bs?ololul?te?lyl??de?lil????ousous.s? N ??iceic???????erer ?flflal???r;r; ;????anannn???t it imt imam???inein??whwhahat???????????????sisibi???????????imi?prpro?veve e t???? ta tas????????hi?s ??ououpoup.p?. J. ???? o??????he?at??an?d d ed ????y.y???'v'?ve ve???coc????sus?uchuc?h ah ??faf??????? the the ?BaB??teterte????li?nene ?th?????I cI ???????????to?? tr tryr???the???????""????2,2??????G7UG7??PYPY,PY??1M1????I8I??????3,3?GiG???iai?an,an??,7??,5,,5??171???????00,?DeD?????ou?ous ous l ???? ca cala? t????????BaxBa??ererser?s s????s ??areare ?us?uau?allally??ve?ryry ry?
d this as much as the one that we bought in Europe! 2531,B000G7UDPY,A1XRUPKEH91NJQ,"Carlene Doerr ""CD""",7,8,5,1157932800,Wonderful!,"The Lobster Bisque is absolutely delicious. Nice lobster flavor; I cannot imagine what you could possibly add to improve the taste of this soup. Just open, heat and enjoy. I've become such a fan of the Baxter's line that I can't wait to try them all." 2532,B000G7UDPY,A1MJSWI87ZME83,Gillian,6,7,5,1176854400,Delicious low cal treat,"Baxters soups are usually very n
?icicec????????heh???obobsb????? bi bisi??ueue e ie ?? e ?????iaiala??y y g gogooo??. .??t ?tatasaststest?es es??ut?he?ntntit?????t t ht ?as? a a a g?oo?d d????vov??????s s?crcrer?ama????????ha????????????????ob??????bib?itsits ????mam???e i???ini??er???????. . A. ?ddd?d sd sos??e ????shs??blb??ckc??????perper ???????dad?????f f??rar??andyand??oro???shesh?errer?????and and??it it????alalsal??so??p p??????d d id ?????veververyry ry g??od??????au?ra?nt?.<.<b<brb???????????It'It??????????urpur??risri?iningin????? low low w? ca cal??oriorieie.e. ???ou????th???nun?utrut?ritri?tiotionon n??nfn?????rere re? sa s????????? cal ca?lorlo??es??foforfo???ozoz,z, ????? la l???? a??tutuaualallally???ayaysays ???0 ????aloralo???s,s, , s, so???ve?n ????yoy?????te te??he???????e ce ????fofor? l lu l???h ?yoyouyo????oulou?d ??on??????on??ly ?ababoabououtou?t 2t ?2020 20???????es?
ice, but the lobster bisque is especially good. It tastes authentic, it has a good flavour, is creamy, and has just enough lobster bits to make it interesting. Add some fresh black pepper and a dash of brandy or sherry and it rivals soup served in a very good restaurant.<br /><br />It's also surprisingly low calorie. Though the nutrition info here says 130 calories for 8oz, the label actually says 120 calories, so even if you ate the whole can for lunch you would consume only about 220 calories.
???252???,B,?000???????????6M6?P3P??DID?????F,F????chchah?ntn???? I ????????????"En"E?nchnc?hanha??????","??,2??5,5,1,121??????404?00,00???wewesesos?mem??frfrer????tat?sts???g g?LoL???stest?r r??????????fef?ctc???usu?? o ??t ?ofo? c cacan?? h ?eae???????ererver?????"N"??????????bob??? i iti????isi? i is i????stst st tst ?theth????????coc??bibininain??ioi??n on ofof of? Lo Lobobsob?ste?r,r, ??????i,i?, p, prp???nsn?s ws wiw??h h ah ????intin?t o?f ??????????? wi w??????a ??as??????????dydy y fy fif?iniin??h h th ??is?????p p??????erferfeerfecectecti????<b<br? / ????grg??????ntsnts<s???r /r />??atateater??, L, ??????r ??4%4?),), ???d ????5%5??????cam?pi????????%), %),?Co???ene?ntrntra?te????om?????PaP??te?, ???odiodifififiefi????orornrnfn?????r, r,???hithitehit????ine??, P, PrPra??wnswn?s (s ??.5??????kik?mmm???d Md ?ili?k k??????er,??BuButu?????
" 2533,B000G7UDPY,A36MP37DITBU6F,"Enchanted In Dixie ""Enchanted""",2,2,5,1248998400,"Awesome fresh tasting Lobster Soup. Perfect just out of can, heat an serve.","No doubt about it this is just the right combination of Lobster, scampi, prawns with a hint of Dry white wine & a dash of brandy finish this soup to perfection.<br />Ingredients<br />Water, Lobster (4%), Cod (3.5%), Scampi (2.5%), Concentrated Tomato Paste, Modified Cornflour, White Wine, Prawns (1.5%), Skimmed Milk Powder, Butterfa
??, , D ?ouo????????ama?????ltl?? Y ??easea???ExE????????SuS??ara???????mpmp p??owowdw?ere??????h h P Po P???????VeV????aba?bleble e Oe ???????ge?????ble ble??xt?raracra??s,s, ?????????er? ( ????????????????, ?????dydy,y?, C, ?ono???????ateat?d d?????? J JuJ?ici????, Sp, S?????, , H, ?er????ndnd nd??????? Ex?tr???????????????ryry.y???? / ???NoN???????ic???al al? Co C??ou?????r r /r ?/>*/>?*No*N??ArArtAr?tiftifi????? F Fl Flal?????s<s<bs<???????? A?rt?ififiif?????????ses??vav?atiativiveves???? /?????????????mamatatiatioati????<br ??>G>?????n n??re?e<e?<br?<br /???????ininsn?? M ??LKL???FIF??H,H, , S???????????, CE, C?ELEEL?RYRY.Y?????????000???7U7?????A3A??2J2??HE????VMV?U,U,J,?? L??u,u?1,1,1??2,2,1?262646?636?686??00,00??asa?stest?? o ?? b bubutut ut?hahas???????????????s,??ThTheh??ta?st?? i ?? g ?oooodo
t, Double Cream, Salt, Yeast Extract, Sugar, Shrimp Powder, Fish Powder, Vegetable Oil, Vegetable Extracts, Stabiliser (Polyphosphates), Brandy, Concentrated Lemon Juice, Spices, Herb and Spice Extracts with celery.<br />*No Artificial Colours<br />*No Artificial Flavours<br />*No Artificial Preservatives<br /><br />Information<br />Gluten Free<br />Contains: MILK, FISH, SHELLFISH, CELERY." 2534,B000G7UDPY,A3E2JDHE014VMU,J. Liu,1,1,2,1264636800,Tastes ok but has bits of shells,"The taste is good
?? b ??t t I I I???unu?? m ?ysy????? bi biti???g g?dodowo?n n o ??n sn ????l l b??tst?? of of f lf ?obobsb???r r??heh?ellel???????? of oft of?????????????ptp????e.e??ThT?isi???ada?????e ne ?oto??????t tt ?o o?????ishis???? b??owlow??????ou???????3535,5????00G00??UDU?PYP??AQAQDQ?????8D8???4Y4????????redrede?r r "r """"a"?altaltrt????er"er???????,3,????????25625??????????????ingin?re????ntn???? B BaB???terte???ob???er???is?ququeu??????? s?ou???isis is vis ??eryer??gogooo??d td ta???in??? if i????ou ou?lilikli???sesease?fo??od,od??li?????????. I. I I aI ???? fin fi?al??????????ining?ing ming my? c ???se se?????an???, b, ???caucausu??se ise it?? is is ??googood?? fo f????. H. HoHowoweoweve????, I, I ?I doI do ??notno?????? o?n ??ete?ti??????y ????? o of of of t of ?thithisis ?????ticticuculula???prp?????t ??????sese ??eveevereryery ery? ca can ca?n hn ?????? li l????le le s so??metme??thinthi?ng
, but I found myself biting down on small bits of lobster shells more often than acceptable. This made me not want to finish my bowl of soup." 2535,B000G7UDPY,AQDFDAB8DN74Y,"Al Treder ""altreder""",1,1,3,1259625600,Unlisted ingredient of Baxter Lobster Bisque,"This soup is very good tasting if you like seafood, like I do. I am finally finishing my case of cans, because it is good food. However, I do not plan on getting any more of this particular product because every can has a little something
?exe?trt?a:a????????ndn???ieiece?????f f??hihit??non?usu??shsheh?????momoso???? f frf??m m???he he??shrshrir?mpm? b??t t???sos? a? f fe f?????rdr?????eceec?????w w aw ?andand ????????romro???????obobsbststest?????he????arear?? sm s?ala????????s,s??whw???? m??????tat?kik??? s sm?al?????oooono????? a??nd nd???t t bt bibitbi???? d ???n n hn haharha?rd rd???? an??th???????and?? do d??'t'?????t tt ??the the lthe ?asa?st st????????????? fi f?indin??sis??????eieigi?htht ??????? o????thi?????brb?risri???? e ???ch ??????LiL?????I sI sas????beb???rere,e???I aI amam ???????in??ing ting ?the????????????us??e ie ????is is f????????and pand ?re?ttt????oo?ood ood????t tht t??t.t?. B. ??????juj????do??'t?? ap a?pr????????ha???ing???????? th t??? c?ar??fufulfu??wiw??h h???????????252535????????7U7UDU?PYP?,A,??XTXTETE3E?????????,","O"?
extra: bits and pieces of chitinous shell, mostly from the shrimp but also a few hard pieces now and then from the lobster. They are small pieces, which means taking small spoonfuls and not biting down hard on anything, and don't eat the last spoonful. I find six to eight pieces of this debris in each can. Like I said before, I am finishing the case, because it is food and pretty good at that. But I just don't appreciate having to be that careful with my soup." 2536,B000G7UDPY,A1XTE3IHX65GTZ,"Ol
eene???? " """??lelen??"""""""????,1,,1?????343???525????ToT?o o w waw????y,y?"I"ItI? i ?? o okok k????????utu??I I?exe??ecectcte?????rere,e?, a, asa????????????stste?? b bi b????e e ae ?????????d sd ?? m ma m??y y d ???fefer?en???kikini????in???????re????plplal???s.s??ThT??is is??nene e ie is?is vis ve?ry?? wa w??er??y ay ?andan?d Id I ????????otot ?fif??????? l?obo???ter??tht??????I I gI ???sss??s its i?????okok ok????? th the???????????t t I????oulouldoul?????ERE?????y ty ?thithisis ?brbrar???? of o??? the the ?lo???stest??????????e age a?????""??535????0000000?G7G????????EWE??X7X??????797????viv???J.J????itith??,1,,1,1,1,1,???????52??00?000,000?,Ba,B??te?ter'ter?s ?????nedned ????psps ??ulu?le!le?,","T,"Th???????s as ac???ala????y a y a g gig????????y ????????ter ?(a(????g g w???h h 3 ? c ?casca????? of of? ot o??er????axtax?ter?ter'ster'????up?s)s???
ena_p ""Olena""",1,1,2,1234915200,Too watery,"It is ok soup, but I expected more, as I love lobster bisque and tried so many different kinds in different places. This one is very watery and I could not find any lobster there. I guess it is ok for the price, but I would NEVER buy this brand of the lobster bisque again." 2537,B000G7UDPY,A3EWJX7W1X7E79,David J. Smith,1,1,4,1200528000,Baxter's canned soups rule!,"This was actually a gift to my daughter (along with 3 cases of other Baxter's soups). S
???'s'?????tht?????ini???? t???? B ?axa?????? i isi????sos??????y y? th?e e B??STS??cac????d d????? o????????lal????????? th the?? so souo?upsup??shs?he'he?'s 's t's tat?????, ,??????????lu??????? m mam?joj????memer?ic??? b brb??andan?s ??? sh s???????n'n????ooo?k k??????????he he Lhe ??bs????r Br ????ueu??????ted ted????????lol?? B Ba Baxaxtaxteter?'s's 's S's ?cocotco??is???SmS?ok?????ala??monmo???wh??????shesh????ateat?????the ????T ?EVE????? ( (F(??omo? m my m????n ??er?sps?????vev??, a, ??? u ususuus????ly ly????kik?????? o????fofoo????I I???ve? t to t?????itit t tt th??at at? th????BaxBaxt??er'er?????soupsoup ???inein?? f foforfo???cancannnnenn???????????? su sup?????????2???8,8,B,B0B000?00G00G7G????????O9O??PRP???J9J?????. ???hanhangn?,8,?8,18,?2,2??,1,?161?????40400???????gogoo??? fo f?? c?anannan???d sd so??soup.soup?,",?
he's of the opinion that Baxter's is absolutely the BEST canned soup on the Planet (of the soups she's tasted, which include the major American brands - she doesn't cook much). The Lobster Bisque rated just below Baxter's Scottish Smoked Salmon (which she rated the BEST EVER). (From my own perspective, and usually cooking my own food, I have to admit that the Baxter's soup line, for canned soup, is superior)." 2538,B000G7UDPY,AXO9YPRH0J9DM,J. Chang,8,12,3,1162598400,It's good for canned soup.,"F
?oro????nnnnen?d d????p,p??????it?????? s???t ??ece??????????????????defde??nin???ly? s so s???e le ?obobsb????r fr flf?avavov?? a ??d ????lll????unu??s ?inin in? it it.t???HoHowo?eveveverer,er??????whw?ololele ?th?in?? t?asa?stestese??????ittittl?e ?????he??????y y s??????????? w ?????er?????????s is ins in ?????????aua????I I tI ???nk???'d'?d wd ???k k?ou?t.????535?9,9,B,B0B000??G7G7U7?????AHA??9V9????WMW?Z9Z?????????????kek??IsI?????m m "m ???alall??? L????????e'e'e??""???1,1??????212?595?070727??00,00,"?DiD?????stist???, ???astas??????ed??blb?le"le???I ??????e the t???s ps ?ror???????a oa ??e ???ecaecauausau?se se??ereroero o??as???t ?t ant a?n on ??tit?onon.on. ???ThiTh???????liklikeke ke a?? ca c??? of o?f gf ?eneneen???? t to t??????????? wi w??h h s??meme me????rcr??oko???????its its o of? f fi fis??????raprapsp???s in s in? it it. it
or canned soup, it hits the spot decently. There's definitely some lobster flavor and small chunks in it. However, the whole thing tastes a little on the fishy side. If I was served this in a restaraunt I think I'd walk out." 2539,B000G7UDPY,AHU9VCO8WMZ93,"Callem Like Isee'em ""Callem Like Isee'em""",1,2,1,1215907200,"Disgusting, nasty, inedible","I gave this product a one because zero wasn't an option. This is like a can of generic tomato soup with some overcooked bits of fish scraps in it.
?? T ?heh???nln?? l ???sts??r r???????????p p???s s s??mem??shs??lll?? ??? w wa wasas as????tyt???fifisishshysh?? n nanas?ty??ana?? i in i????????? N NoN???????? th thahata???????1111 1??f f?? the th?????????????e ????????. ?A A? co c???????? wa??steste ????????y.y??????on???di?????oio?intin?????. . I. ???????? me m?e ae ??grg??y."y.""???4040,0???0000G00G7G?UDU??Y,Y,A,A1A1G1?????HLH???1F1???DoD???? S ??lenle??z,z,1,1,1??,4,???????616??0000,00??rer???ty ty Gty ?ooo??????is?????? i?s ?????ttytty ?????d, d, n??ot ot?gr?eae?at!at?????ut? s? som so?me me?heheahe?vyvy y cy crc???????-2-?2 o2 ozo??? an a???? som some some ?TaT???????? in in? it i???I I hI ha?????hadha??a a??ot??beb????r ?LoL?obsob??sterster r Br BiBis??ueue e -e - - B ?????at at a?? mu mucu?????ghg?herher r pr ??ici??e..e.??"??25425??????00G00G700G7U??????3C3??TRTRHTR???969?NANA8A???d,?0,??????343?47947929???40040
The only lobster in the soup was some shell. It was salty, fishy, nasty and inedible. Not only that, but 11 of the 12 cans were dented. A complete waste of money. Beyond disappointing. It made me angry." 2540,B000G7UDPY,A1GRTRZHLX81FM,Donal Slentz,1,2,4,1204761600,Pretty Good,"This soup is pretty good, not great! I put some heavy cream (1-2 oz) and some Tabasco in it. I have had a lot better Lobster Bisque - But at a much higher price..." 2541,B000G7UDPY,A3C7TRHQX96NA8,Ed,0,1,1,1347926400
,??ghg????? t ?????sos??? i ?n n???? s?up?ere?????etet t a ana????????????cacan?. .???????d cd ???. ???ata?eded ed s so sou??. . T. ??ststetedte?d sd ???????umu???d ????oup oup d ????????in???RiR???ed?????th??wiw?????moumo?th????h.h?. E. ?non?oug?h h??????????2,2???00??7U7????,A,????2M2MWM??7R7???Y1Y?,M,M.M. . A. ???StSteteeteed?,0,0,0??????????717???00,00?I'I?????????ororsr?????ut ut?I'???????d bd beb?ettet??r r? to tooo?.,.?"A"???????ono?ne ne??????????????d dd ?????byb?????fof?oodoo?d Id ?????e hae h???mym?y fy ??airai????harharer????? lo l?bsbststester???is?quq??. ??hi??s ss sts stut???, , w???lel???????omo???letlete?lyl???horho??????, ??neene??????omeom??lol???????forfo??? it it't???ded????t.t???. The. The ??texte???re??is???t ???????e the t???re,re???????thithinin in e ?enoen?oug????????e se so?soupsou???ut???notnot not???? to???is??
,ugh,Saw this soup in the supermarket and bought a can. Opened can. Heated soup. Tasted soup. Dumped soup down drain. Rinsed mouth with mouthwash. Enough said. 2542,B000G7UDPY,A2UP2MW67RZIY1,M. A. Steed,0,1,3,1313971200,I've had worse but I've had better too.,"As someone who lives and dies by seafood I've had my fair share of lobster bisque. This stuff, while not completely horrible, needs some love before it's decent. The texture isn't quite there, not thin enough to be soup but not up to bisqu
?e e l ?evevev?l l?eie???erer.r???????? t ththeth?e te tat???e,e???it'it's's s rs ???the?r r br ???. ???????????? t?????lal???????e.e?. A??????araryr??lanla?ndend???? r rereaeaca??hedhe?d fd foforfor ??????nen?e t????? t???at at? fi f?xexese??s als a?????in???s ss ??eafea?????, O, OlO???????. D. ????eded d id in?????????ala????ouounu?? a an a??? st stitirirrr?????hihilhile??st?ili????? t? the th?e he ????. . T. ??he ???????? a??????a ???cec??????te te t? tha that tha??mamad?e ??? t??le???bl?e e t?o o e???at. at.?????t t It I'I??????????????in?ing ing t??isi??brb??ndnd nd and agagag?in?in tin ?thothou??????????,B,B0B?0000G00???DPDPYP?,A,??PXP???????7T7????"C"??. G. GlG????on? " ?"b"?ooo???????????""?????????????5454754727??????s fs faf?ar ar????cac??ne?d d sd sos???s s gs ???,"A,"AsAs As??ar??asas as????ne?? s??oup??s gs gos g?o to ???s s is ??? ok o????????????apa?pop??intin
e level either. As for the taste, it's rather bad. A little on the bland side. As a Marylander I reached for the one thing that fixes all things seafood, Old Bay. Dumped in a liberal amount and stirred while still on the heat. The Old Bay added a nice taste that made it tolerable to eat. Doubt I'll be purchasing this brand again though." 2543,B000G7UDPY,A2PXYGDZ5U7TB1,"C. Glandon ""book huntress""",0,1,2,1278547200,As far as canned soups go,"As far as canned soups go this is ok. I was disappoint
???????h h t ??????xtxtut???? e ?extex??? u unu????????? b bib???????ele?? p ?iei????) )????????raralrall?????lilit??? H ?ava?ini????eee????pop?ili?ed?ed bed ???lilivli?vinvi?? i in??MaM??????oror r???????rsrs s bs bebefefo??re re?????cac????????? th t?he he s so s??thth,th, , I, ?? tr t?????did?????en?? b??ranrand???ofof f c ?canca?????????queque.e?????av???cocomo?e ???? th?e e re ????izizazatatiat?????thath??????????r Br BiB?sq?ueu?e ie ???? bes be?????henhe?n mn ???e ????????2???4,4??000????UDUDPD???????JXJXFX??J5J?GGGG1G??????nana a Ga ????pe?ncncecerer,er???1,1?,1,,1?,12,1??????92092???,Ba,B?????st???ing ing s so???????is??is????e ?ofof of??? the the w wo w?orsorses???asastas?tinti??ng sng ?ou???s Is ????????r ??eatea??n.n. ??????????it,it???andand ??????I h?av??? a a???ll?ll cll ca????. . ? It It ??as???es es????teterter ter???o mo ?me,me?????????????an
ed with the texture, extra unexpected bits (shell pieces) and overall quality. Having been spoiled by living in Maine for 20 years before relocating to the south, I tried different brands of canned bisque. I have come to the realization that Lobster Bisque is best when made fresh." 2544,B000G7UDPY,A392JXFKJ5GG17,Donna G. Spencer,0,1,1,1266019200,Bad tasting soup,"This is one of the worse tasting soups I've ever eaten. I hated it, and now I have a full case. It tastes bitter to me, and my husban
????ouo???n'n?t t?evevev???trt?y y??t.t????nln????y y cy ??????????ryiryiningn????????chc????t ot ??n tn ??e e???????????252??5,5,B,B0B000??G7G?????,A,??PNP????????JEJE4E????egeggggyg????pap??929???"""""????151???,1,??717161676?0404040000,00,L,LoL?bsb???????mamala????=h=??alaltal??? ri risisks?,","I,"I I?????iseis?e ye yoyou? t???????youyo?r ?owownwn ?wew?? s ????ch?????dedete??termter??ineine ??ow? t th thehe he???????????? c????ld ld???????t yt ?you????he???????ly????ncn?ctict?ononson???as as????????ststesterer'er?s ?lil??verve?r ar ?ndnd ?pa??ncrnc????. ???oweow?eveever?? e?????in? t? the??? col co??ld Sld ?cocotco??is??????ter?s,s, ?did?ioxio?in??an?d d od ????? h?ararmr???l l????????hahava?ve ve????? p prpre?se???? an a?? t th the??? a ar a????warwa?ninin??????r r tr ??the the???nener??? p???????. I. ???waswa??di?sas????in???d ??? d????covcove?ver ver? th?is?
d wouldn't even try it. Only my cat was trying to reach it on the counter!" 2545,B000G7UDPY,A2PNOU7NXB1JE4,"Peggy ""pab920""",5,15,3,1171670400,Lobster Tomalley=health risk,"I advise you to do your own web search to determine how the health risk could affect you. The tomally functions as the lobster's liver and pancreas. However, even in the cold Scottish waters, dioxin and other harmful agents have been present and there are warnings for the general public. I was disappointed to discover this
????oro??atatit?onon,n? s ?? I I I????????dedere??????? m ?usu?????m m a anandn??ses?afa?foofoodo???????orsors.s????????B0B000???D9D???????IUI??S4S?????XKX??,J,?????????????n,n,2n,202?????????636?5454854??00??????ele?ly ly?????s s f ??r r??ouo???cecer??ealeal,l??bab??????? or or????ururtur?????????urouropo??, ??????inindin??a a ba ??????????rkr? f??laxlaxsx??ededs? t to t?????e se ????? of???????ueu??lili i???????????? a a b ??????asa?t ??ufu???t.t. .?? g ??reareatreat ???ururcurcece ce?? of ?OmO??gaga-a?3 3? oi o??l, l, y yo?u u cu ??????????? y yo? your you???????? b by b?y ey ??????????se???????, ??ut?ty????ededseds.eds?. T. ThT?heyhe?????e ge gog????????? the the ??????nd???oo?? f fo f?????????hearhea???<b<br???????????TheTh??e goe g??de?n n sn ?see?dsd???are??? an an?????aca???veve ?alaltaltet?ernerna?ti??e ???????he nhe nu??-b-??
information, so I only ordered the mushroom and seafood flavors." 2546,B000ED9LDU,A1IU7S4HCK1XK0,Joanna Daneman,20,20,5,1163548800,"Lovely seeds for your cereal, baking or yogurt","In Europe, you find a bowl of dark flaxseeds to the side of the muesli set out on a breakfast buffet. A great source of Omega-3 oil, you can improve your health by eating these tasty, nutty seeds. They are good for the gut and good for the heart.<br /><br />The golden seeds are an attractive alternative to the nut-bro
w?? s ????????????lol??k k?nin?????????kek?? g ????ds ds???ke? l li?ghg???? b ???adads????TheThey??????te te t?????ama?????? th the th????rkrk k sk se??edsed???GrGrorouo??d,d, ,???????????? sh shoh????p p i????????te bte ???eadea????o o?????????????? so som so?? u?p ?inin in??? the the? bl b?ene?ndend???an???? thr thro???tht?henhe?n in ?intin???????r sr ??????ardar??????ad ad????ipi????nd???????eeeedee?????utu????ententst?????nd fnd fif?????????????r ????????ikeik?e te th?????????klk?ledle???? o ??????l,l?, m, ??ese?li???r r yr ???????""??????B0B?00?????DUDU,U???WYW??PCP???????,M,?odode???n Bn ??????rgr?????ut,ut?????2,2,5,???191?878??363606?00,00????????t t ft ??axa?sesee????I'I'v'veve ??????hah???????ve ve?? bee be?????akiakiningin????axaxsax????s s fs foforo?????ereraer??? ye y??????ue??to???? the ??heahe???????
wn seeds. They look nice in baked goods like lighter breads. They taste the same as the dark seeds. Ground, they don't show up in white bread, so you can bust some up in the blender and throw then into your standard bread recipe and add needed nutrients and fiber.<br /><br />We like them sprinkled on oatmeal, muesli or yogurt." 2547,B000ED9LDU,AEWYUPCNDV7HY,Modern Blue Argonaut,20,22,5,1198713600,The best flaxseeds I've ever had,"I've been taking flaxseeds for several years due to the health ben
????????? w waw????xcx???ede? t ?? s ses?e e???chch h a ? g ?rereaeata?????????n n? th t?ese?? f ????? a a???pup?tat???e ??omompom?????. T. ThTheheshe?se ?ara?? t? the th?e be beb????tatasta???ngn?? fl flal??se??edseds ???hahava??????????d.d???o o go ??????? m ?ax????m ?he?ala???h bh bebenbe?????s ?????????e te ?to to?????lyl? g??rinri??????m ??? a????an??ar??d cd co??fefee??? gri grin?????????????allal?ly ly? gr???? 2 ? t??ablab?leslesps??on??s ps ?erer er???erser?????????????dayda??an?????????dddd ??he?m ??to ?le??on?adadeade,e??????sta?l l l ?igi??t,t?, o, ?r ?tet?????nd ?drdri?rinkrin???it it??owo?n n qn ?uiu????be???oreor?e ie ???exexpex???ndsnd?s. s.??lalaxlaxs?????s as ?arear?????ade????witwi?th th? mi min??rar??????????ininsin?? a?mi??o o ao ?ci?ds?????and ?fi????r. r.?Th???????re ere ??cecelce??lenle?t ???r ??eie?ighig?ht ht???sss?s a?nd???or???we???
efits. I was excited to see such a great price on these from a reputable company. These are the best tasting flaxseeds I have ever had. To get the maximum health benefits you have to finely grind them in a standard coffee grinder. We usually grind 2 tablespoons per person twice a day and then add them to lemonade, crystal light, or tea and drink it down quick before it expands. Flaxseeds are loaded with minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and fiber. They are excellent for weight loss and work well
f?oro? c ?hrh???ici???on???ipi???tioti?on.on. . T ?hehere???ara?????vev???????b b s si s?????ououtut t t ?????re tre ?thathatat at??????ou???????he????th th b ????fif??s ?????lal?xsxseseese????bub?? u ?nfn?forfo?????????????s s as ?gag????st st??he? r rerevre????????dedel?????? to??pop??st ?lil??ksks ????I'I???l jl ???????ggg??????o o to ??ososeos?e oe ?????ou ou w???ti?ngn? m ??oreor??ininfin????at?ioi????? to s to se?????? go g??glglel?.".""????8,8??000????9L9??U,U,A,?1K1K2K???7D7?J0J0X0???DJ,DJ,","D"??. J. JoJoho???on??""""a"?mamatma?????hehea?ltl?th ????????1010,0,1????????????202?00,00,F,??????pa????? a???????rir?ienie??????ch,ch????laxla???????s s a???re????????tot????t ??????????yoyouyo?ur ur???????andand ?ththithisis is b????and and d??elielivelive?rsrs.s?? I??????s a??mim??d d t???te????? pu p??ut 3ut 3 3???blble????on?? i in?? my m?
for chronic constipation. There are several web sites out there that can tout the health benefits of flaxseeds but unfortunately it's against the review guidelines to post links so I'll just suggest to those of you wanting more information to search google." 2548,B000ED9LDU,A1K2WS7DJ0X2DJ,"D. Johnson ""amateur health nut""",10,11,5,1180483200,Fiber packed and nutrient rich,"Flaxseed is a great way to get fiber in your diet and this brand delivers. It has a mild taste (I put 3 tablespoons in my
mmom??nininingn???mo????ieie)e) ) a anandnd d?gig??ese? y ??u u???% %??f f y??ourou? d ????????????rer?quq????d ?in?????. .??????????????? c cocono?????????gag??? s?o ????u au ?????plpla???? a a??????hohou?????????trt????????in ?????r dr ?ie?? w wiw??th th?????s ls ?it??lel?e se ?????????/>/????????? e ????lll???nt nt?????ce?? of????ot????? f fi f??er?, , a, ?????in??eraeral?als als s?ucu??????mam????esiesiui?????? c???pep?????howho???an? y??????o wo ?roronro?ng?ng?"??????????00??D9D??????????4A4?P6P6K6???????????eded ed R ReR?viv??????5,5????,5,1,5,??060?747?????????atat ??????ce ce fce foforor or o???gaga3ga????????'s? b ??stst st??o o bo bub????la?xs???dsds ?asas s os op??oso?sedsed d td ???fl????????oioilil il? or or ???alal al b???????e ye ?youyou you???t t mt mo?rere re o???egaega3a????in??????????re re gre grg
morning smoothie) and gives you 36% of your daily fiber required intake. Flaxseed also contain Omega 3 so you also place a powerhouse of nutrients in your diet with this little seed.<br /><br />An excellent source of protein, fiber, and minerals such as magnesium and copper- how can you go wrong?" 2549,B000ED9LDU,A1WNJ4AP6KWDJP,Trusted Reviewer,5,5,5,1206748800,Great source for omega3's!,"It's best to buy flaxseeds as opposed to flaxseed oil or meal because you get more omega3. Since you are gr
??ndn??????heh?????dsds s y ?ouo???selselfl??????????eae??sedsed d??mem?gag??3 3 o?ililsl??ara?re re a ata??? the th?iri????resreshs??stst.t.<.??r r /r ???<br<br ????? re r???ommomme??????oro???? t th the thes the???????seseese??s ?in? t???? fr fre????r.r???ou???ana????eepeep p t? the??? th??re?re are ????? y??ou ?opo???n tn ?????as?????l.l??I ??ri??????????lesle?????????n an ???????????in??er?er aer ?????thethenthen ??ddd??itit t tt ???? yog yogug???????? p ??oto??in???shash? G. ?oooodoo??st????!"!""???505?????00E00????????25????PAPAMA??TLT?????MiM?chc?aeael????eesee????????????n"n??????????12125?313141?565606????rgrgaganganinicic ic G ?????????????????????MilMi?????????ic ic Gic ?????den den???????eedeeds?? ar a?re ?re anre a?n en ?xcxcecelell?en???waw?? t?? i ????stst st s so s?omeome e Oe ?me??? 3 3. 3???969? o???ce?s ??rere ???lil????ed??in
inding the seeds yourself, the released omega 3 oils are at their freshest.<br /><br />I recommend storing these flaxseeds in the freezer. You can keep them there after you open them as well. I grind 2 tablespoons in a coffee grinder and then add it to yogurt or a protein shake. Good stuff!" 2550,B000ED9LDU,A2542PPAMRTLAQ,"Michael Leeson ""-'s son""",3,3,5,1253145600,Organic Golden i,"Bob's Red Mill Organic Golden Flaxseeds are an excellent way to ingest some Omega 3. 96 ounces are delivered in
??4 4??aca???????d d????????dod?????usu?e e? it i????l l i????did??tet?lyly y?? s ????ese????????ngn?????e se seseeseed?s s i in i????he he f ?rer??zezere???o o?????? th???? fr fre?shs?. .? G ???nd? t th???m rm ri???t t bt ??????e ye yo????useuse e te th?em?, ?an?d d td ththe?y y hy ?ava????????????st?e ??????ildilded?er er????????owownw??????se??????????or??derde?redre?d t????s ps prp??dud?????eve?verve???? ti t?memesme??? an andnd nd tnd ?the??????iti???y hay h?as as???eenee?n cn coc???is?te????? h hihighigh?.".""????1,1,B,?000????9L9LDLDUD????6Y6???????YZY???,",???ankan?aja? G??ptptat??????ank???? Gu??????????,3,,3???????838?20?????ooo????propr?oduoducuctuct,t,G?oo??d p???rodurod?uct???BuB???????mbm?berber ???????????ee??d sd ???me me???y ?ofo?f gf ?ri???dindi??? be?????????pa??????????e ce ???n'tn'??????st?? wh w?ololel?????axsax???
4 packs, and if you don't use it all immediately I suggest storing the seeds in the freezer to keep them fresh. Grind them right before you use them, and they have a mild taste -- milder than brown flaxseed. I've ordered this product several times, and the quality has been consistently high." 2551,B000ED9LDU,A26YHIRPMZYZDU,"Pankaj Gupta ""Pankaj Gupta""",3,3,5,1220832000,Good product,Good product. But remember that you need some way of grinding because apparently we can't digest whole flaxseed
?s.s???555???B0B??00E00???LDL??,A,?3636S6?????ZXZ?????,k,???uru????,3,3,3??????212?666686?????,G,?rer???????CoC?onfonflflal???s,s,T,?????isis is?fuf?nnnnyn????bobouo??htht ??????la?? s ?????to? m ??akeak?? a ??nen????waw???ere? I? m????????d ??to to uto ??se se?FlFla?lax lax s??eedeed ???????????????crc???wavwa???fof???? m mi m????es??? B ????ghtgh??????gsgs ???????neene??eded ed????????cic?ideid????to ????? u ????ofof f? th t??????t.t??????d d ad and a????ut? o?ve???an???????d t?????ene???ititst????e ??re???.<.??r ?/>/>I>I I pI ?????in??e ie ?in in Y ???er????andand d Cd ??ereer??l.l??WiW???? di d?iffif?enenten?lyly ly k ??epep p u us u?seise?????AfAftfteterter ??thith???lalasla?st st b ba bag bag g?????????????????????.?2525525??3,B3,??00??D9?LD??????????TNT??F0F????L.L. ??oto???at,at?2,2,22,?2,52,??12??747?????00,00,g00,?ooo?? i in?? al alml
s. 2552,B000ED9LDU,A36S6SK3ZX9AXT,kjburton,3,3,5,1216684800,Great on Conflakes,This is funny I bought the flax seed to make a neck warmer I made said to use Flax seed and warm in Microwave for 2 minutes. Bought 4 bags only needed 2 so decided to make use of the rest. Grind and put over any food the benifits are great.<br />I put mine in Yogert and Cereal. Will diffently keep useing. After this last bag will be ording again. 2553,B000ED9LDU,A26XCDVTNUF0IZ,L. Poteat,2,2,5,1207440000,good in alm
???t t?????hihini??????enenjn??y y??????????ses?ede? i ????????ythyt???ng ng????ve ve???iei?ed ed i?t ??????? fa f?r.r???hi??s ps ??????t ?????a a??lel???an?t t ft ??ava?oro?????t ?dodoeo??n'n't'?t ot ????? po p?wewer?? th t?????od???I ?puputu??t itt i?t i????ItI?t h?ele?psp???o ??eeeepee???y y dy ?igigeg?estes????ve tve trt???k k r ???ulu??r.? I I I????unu???iti???t in t in m??y cy ??fff??????rinri?ndender?er aer ????jujusust??sps??????le le?? it it??????stst st ast aba???? e??er??yth??????MyM?????bab???? an andnd nd????ov????? i?n ??an????keske?. ??????oy?????in????????ea??s ??nd????venve??????ce???re?ama??. I?????ece???lll??y ly ??ke??? it it m it ??xex?ed ed ied in?in min myin m?????gurgu????. I . I h. I ?????ly ly????omo???endend d td th??s s p??????????????,B,?000????9L9LDL??????EME?OWO????M2M?SKS?,"??. ?E.E????ontontztz z??????leglegag??se??
ost anything,"I enjoy this flaxseed in everything I've tried it in so far. This product has a pleasant flavor, yet doesn't over power the foods I put it in. It helps to keep my digestive track regular. I ground it in my coffee grinder and just sprinkle it on just about everything. My husband and I love it in pancakes. I enjoy it in my cereals and even on ice cream. I especially like it mixed in my yogurt. I highly recommend this product." 2554,B000ED9LDU,A21EMOWPLBM2SK,"C. E. Montz ""cmlegalsec"
?"""???,2??5,5??202?626??040???,S,?? g ???d d???????u!u?!,!?"I"I I???????d d td ???? f?lal???eee?????tet?er er?re??did????hoh???????d gd ?rorou????flf??xsxsexs?????asa????r ????????I oI or???ereer????? gr g???de????bob?th? w wewer?ere ere? re reae?asoasononan?blb????ri??ed????ndnd nd??thethe e?? gri grinind???g ????????ea?????? ac a?????lil??????. . I I I????????????????? fl?ax??????????????sincsince????ata?????e,e???nd???the? c ???im????adadead???? t th?e e Ie ??te?rnr????ha??ve ve??????n ???o bo ????rur????????? pr pro prod?????ara?ririvri???d od ??on ton tit?imeime ??andan????? gr?ea??????????I I hI ???e e pe ??rcrchc????d d fd frd fro?????????venvendvendodor? s se??verve?ala?? ti??mesme????????????non??????????sasapa???inintinte?d.d??2????,B,?????D9D?LDLDUD???????????????,"??. . C. ?olollllel?y y "y ""????
"",2,2,5,1206230400,So good for you!!,"I ordered this flaxseed after reading how good ground flaxseed was for you. I ordered a grinder, both were reasonably priced, and the grinding was so easily accomplished. I have been using flaxseed daily since that time, and the claims made on the Internet have proven to be true. The product arrived on time and in great shape--I have purchased from this vendor several times, and have not been disappointed." 2555,B000ED9LDU,ASCSHRBJ9Z04X,"R. Colley ""~~RC
??~"~"""?????,1,,1????313151555525?646?0000,0??eae?ltlththyhy y G GoGoooodo??ese????I'I??e e??ecececene??????tat??tetede??drd??????g g?grg??en??sms??ootoo??????toto o g??????ealealtlthlthih??? a anandnd ?hah???re??ad ad t th t?hathat t ft flf??? s?eee?edsed? h???? t?ererrrri????? he h????????????tsts s ss ????? as a???owo??erier?ing??yoyououru?r br ???????????????an??d cd ???lel?estes?terte?ol????? ad adddd ?a a????????oo?n n??? c ?chich?a a sa ???d d a?????flaflax??? see seed???o o mo ???y smy s?moomo?th????es ees eve?verve?y y dy ?aya??an???????????????ing?ing ming ?????uiu??? a?nd??vevegve?????????I I fI ????? be bet??????loloslo??? so s????????hth?t at ??and and hand hahavha?????????ed ????in??ing hing ???????lul?ttt???s.s?. I. I'?m m???????ookoo??ngn??fof????ardar????? ha hav haviv?ing?????ne?xtxt t bt blblobl?oodood ??or?k k? do dono??? to?? se??? ho how????????it it?????he??pe???. H. ????
~~""",1,1,5,1315526400,Healthy Goodness,"I've recently started drinking green smoothies to get healthier and had read that flax seeds have terrific health benefits such as lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol. I add a tablespoon of chia seed and flax seed to my smoothies every day and since drinking my fruits and vegetables I feel better, lost some weight and have stopped having heart flutters. I'm now looking forward to having my next blood work done to see how well it has helped. Highl
y????coc?mmm?ene?d d t tot???nynyoy??e e w ????iningn? t?????? h heh?????y ??an an? al a?????tuturu??al al???y!y!"!????????000??????DUD?,A,??????HEH??RNRN1N?D9D9,D9,B????y y Sy ShShah???1,1?,1,,1?5,5,1?????040?8080000,00?GrGre????????f,f,B??ugu?????thithisi?????? w??y y ty ??? ta taka???inin in??????a 3a ???ututrt???????????pap?ckck k????? h??s ?lal?astas?????me me????oso???????????. Y. YoYou????vev?e te toto to gto ?ririnri???upu????he ?seseee?edseds s a???nd fnd ?re???e ?????re?? o co cocomco?plplalaila??tst???veverve?y ?rerea???onaonaba??e ????cicin?????55???,B0,B00000000E0ED???????3I3??Z4Z4X4X1X?????ZRZ??????R.R??ThThoTh???????????12125?595999?????,V,???? h? hap happp?????thth th? th???????????se!se?,W,?????? V ????????py????ithit?? th the these?se se?OrO?ga??icic c?????????la?xsx???edseds.eds?. . W ?? g ????d ?????? an andnd ??ut???? them them ?
y recommend to anyone wanting to get healthy an all natural way!" 2556,B000ED9LDU,A2S9PYHE7RN1D9,Binoy Shah,1,1,5,1307404800,Great stuff,Bought this as a way to take in omega 3 nutrient. The pack of 4 has lasted me almost a year. You have to grind up the seeds and freeze the rest. No complaints; very reasonable pricing. 2557,B000ED9LDU,A3IIZ4X1Z2WAZR,Lea R. Thomas,1,1,5,1255996800,Very happy with this purchase!,We are VERY happy with these Organic Golden Flaxseeds. We grind them and put them i
?? s ?o o??ananyny y?tht????s s???????????ma??? a ???rereae?? t????????foforo? y ?ogo?uru???????cec?re????????hehe ??hoh??e e se seseeeede??????. . ????se????re re n ?owo?? a a????pl??e ie ?in in oin ?urur ur h ?????..?252???,B,B0B00000?EDE?9L9LDL?U,U?A3A????XJX???YNYNAN??????oso?se ?A.A?. C. ???rar?sqsququiuili?lolo ?"""?????????,1,1,,1?5,5?,12,1???111151??00???rerea??t Ft FlFlal?????? a????DeD?lilivi??eryery ?SeS?erverviv???,I,I I? ha h??????ryr?y ly ?litli?tlt?le le??? s?aya???bob???t tt ??? p pr p????????????t ????at at i??t it ??s as ????EAEATAT T?? pro pr???uctuc????? t th??irir r dr ?elelieliv??ery??????????????n wn ?????s vs ???????ellel????25525??,B??000000E0ED???DU?,A???EBEBEBEEE?????OOO???,"T,"TrT?risrishsh h??""J""JeJewewe?lslso???????""?""","""?,1,,1,1,1,???5,15,????101????000,000???????heahe??th?y!y??,Gr,G??reat?? fo for?????! ! G GrGriGr?indind d td ?the??????????????
n so many things plus they make a great topping for yogurt and cereal in the whole seed form. These are now a staple in our house. 2558,B000ED9LDU,A319JXJWAYNAYK,"Jose A. Carrasquillo ""JAC""",1,1,5,1224115200,Great Flaxseed and Delivery Service,I have very little to say about the product except that it is a GREAT product and their delivery subscription works very well. 2559,B000ED9LDU,A17EBEEW9NZOOI,"Trish ""Jewelsonawhim""",1,1,5,1219104000,Very healthy!,Great for you! Grind them up and add a
????? t ?abablb???????s.s. .?CaC???t t???lll? i ?t't's's s???ere??????yoy?uru? c cecer??ala?l el ?????2252???,B,?000??EDED9D??DUD?,A,????2S2??XBX???????JoJoho??????riridi?aya???????,1,???191?646??0000,00??t ????ldl? b ??e ae ??5 5 i if if f??????????t ?fof??r tr ????ror??ksk???"I"??hahavaveve e be ?????t ?grg?????d fd ??axa?? in? t th????tot???, ,?????? w ?????alwal?waywa????? ra ran?cic?? a ?ftf??????steste.e??????s ??? t? the?? be b??t ????tit??? f???x x Ix ?I hI ??????ve??r hr ??d.d?. ???????I h??aveav??????????w iw ??????th???coc?????e ge ???indin???, ??????the????icick? o ??t ??it?tlt?? r??ockoc?????atat ??rere re bre ????elyel?y by ??ggg?er? t???????the the????dsd?s. s.????????????hishi?s os ou?? t?? the ?haharha?d d wd ????????er ?usu?????th??the sthe ???edsed???hoh??le.le??. N. NoN???in???li???????kik???ing aing a ???
few tablespoons. Can't tell it's there in your cereal ect.. 2560,B000ED9LDU,A3OJ2SQXBECEV1,Johnny Friday,0,0,3,1341964800,It would be a 5 if it weren't for the rocks.,"I have bought ground flax in the store, there was always a rancid aftertaste. This is the best tasting flax I have ever had. BUT, I have to throw it in the coffee grinder, and then pick out little rocks that are barely bigger than the seeds. I found this out the hard way after using the seeds whole. Nothing like working a bit
?? t trt???ngn???? f ???????ere??e te ??he he????k k?yoy?u u j jujusu?? b ???t it ?s.s??brb?????<br<b?r /r ?????er???ou??grgririn?ind,ind, , s ????? th t????owo?????ana?d d bd ????????ononeneses s w?ili????e ?eve?ididedendentnt.t? ?????vev?e ae ??ououtou???-2-??pep?er ?ququau??teterter ??upu???f f????unu?nd nd???xtx????????ererher???s ??????is?is sis ????th???ng ng????u ou ??????? f?ooo??iei?????e e ue ?useus?????, ?I ????non?t.?<b<br<br <br????br?? /> />I />?????? o on onlnlyly y???useduse??? b??g ??????ar,ar????so Iso ?????no??t ct ?om???ntnt nt o on? w?????????or or??ot??????ststost??????????n n?????????????bub?t ?I ?????ly????oubou??????waw???a a??????e be babag???2??616????00??D9D????,A,A2A?PVP???WBWBWB????K6K6,6??ua???????,0???,1,???979717?848?0000,00,r,??d ?mi??????id id i?????aia?in,in????is?is bis ???????lwl?????mam?
e trying to find where the rock you just bit is.<br /><br />After you grind, sift the powder and black stones will be evident. I have about 1-2 per quarter cup of ground mixture. Perhaps this is something you organic foodies are used to, I am not.<br /><br />I have only used 1 bag so far, so I cannot comment on whether or not the stones are in the others, but I highly doubt it was a fluke bag." 2561,B000ED9LDU,A2PV5MWBW9KZK6,Juan R.,0,0,5,1339718400,red mill did it again,"This brand always mak
e?s s?gogooo?? p ??ododuoducu???? s ???cec? y yoyouo????? b??lklk k t tht???????n n???t t t?? b?e ?quq?iti????he???ere???hahanan ???? th the th?e se ??peperpe??ararkr?ete?? v ??eryer??clc?eaean??????ses?????. I. ?????d id ?it it t? to to???????????es???? to b to bab?th?????joj?in??ts ts?????? so somo????atatuatur?????awa?? om ome????s, s,????????dld?????????areare ??et?te???ifif f??????????????????thothou???h hh ?havha??n'n??t tt ?rir??d ?d itd i???????????00?EDE??LDL???A8A???7E7?AHAHDH?????,R,?????ReR?vivie??NoN??,0,????5,5????555575??202????????rer?e Ge ?oooodoo?d Sd ??eedeeds?.,.,",???es????la???????s as ar??? of of f gf ???od od??quaqualalial??y,y?, I, ?I eI eaeat??? the?m m d dad?????. . ????oughoug??t t?????????????eed,eed, ??ratraththeth?er er? th??????? g??rourounu?d ?se???????cac??????? t th the the the??????ter ter??ututrtritrititiitioi??nalna???alalualueu??ofof f g??
es good products, since you buy bulk they turn out to be quite cheaper than in the supermarket. very clean flaxseeds. I add it to my smoothies to bath my joints with some natural raw omegas, supposedly they are better if eaten sprouted, though haven't tried it." 2562,B000ED9LDU,A85V7EAHDOMA4,RightReviewNow,0,0,5,1335571200,They're Good Seeds.,"These Flaxseeds are of good quality, I eat them daily. Bought the whole seed, rather than the ground seed, because of the better nutritional value of gri
n????g g y yoyouo??????. . ???lll? b ?uyu?????in????? r rer?ada??tht??t t?whw??lel??ses??dsd??cacanan n?pap??s ?unu?ndind?gegese??ed??? an a?????hathat ????????se?ed????canca????osose?? th the th?iri??nunutu????????????alualueu???????ti???. ????? we w?e ge ?grigr??????? wee weeke??s ?wow???? a?t t at ???tim??e. e.???es?????sedsed ??in in??at?me?al? a??s ts th?e ??lal?vov??s ?blb???nd ?????????r ?inin ??????d ?????ealea???oror or a ad a??eded ed?????a ca cua c?? o of o? c?ofo??eeee ee f ??or ?????isi? ???eemee???? b?????d bd ??ttt?terter r ir inr i????t t ft ?????????565??,B,??00?????????T1T??C6C?CLC??????,P,?j j???????,0,?,0,0,,0?????262????20200????oodoo???seeseedseeds?? bu b??????aveavel?? bi b??????I wI ???n'n?t t tt ????ll??ed ?be???us?e e Ie ??ha????o ?pipici??????????y ?bib???? of?? gr g?av??l.l?. T. ?heh??e fle f??x x? se s???ds ??
nding your own. Will buy again. I read that whole seeds can pass undigested, and that ground seeds can loose their nutritional value over time. So we grind a week's worth at a time. Best used in oatmeal as the flavors blend well. Or in a cold cereal, or added to a cup of coffee for a twist. Seem to blend better in hot foods." 2563,B000ED9LDU,AT17C6CLPGIQD,Pj Dupuis,0,0,2,1326067200,good seeds but gravel bits,"I wasn't thrilled because I had to pick out tiny bits of gravel. The flax seeds th
?????lvl?eses s w ??rer????nen???tot?????alalil???. . I ?? i ?it it??er??n'n?t t??oro? t th t??e ge ??ava??l l?bibit???(t(ththahatat ?gegete?t tt ???ouougu??????e se ?iei?????/t/?thethe e se see s?ede?s,s????gug??esses?????????s ws ??oulou?? g ge get????sts??rsr??""???6464,4?????EDE???DUDU,U???VWV?S6S6C6CYCYSY????2K2????. C. ??hanha?,0,??,0,,0,5,?????999?99699686????,A ,A???st????????oror or h he heaealaltal?thyth? l li????"I"???????sos??? r ??ututit?ineine ?bab?kik?ingin????grgregr?????t.t. . I. ?I pI puputut ut??t t it ??????y ??re?ada??????ng ng? wi w???????flf??wewerwer ??seese?edseds ??ndn?d od ororgorgag??????heheahe??? fl f????. ??????so so?puputpu?t i?t ??nt???mymy ??mom??th??????????????didis?he??????????????ng yng ??? c ??? t???????f!f! !?GoG?oodood ?prpriric??e ae an???????????????? a a m?usustus?????e ?fo??r ar a ??????thythy thy????et!et????25625????B00B0?????????
emselves were fine, top quality. If it weren't for the gravel bits (that get through the sieve w/the seeds, I guess?), this would get 5 stars." 2564,B000ED9LDU,A1VWS6CYSXHN2K,M. Chan,0,0,5,1309996800,A must have for healthy life,"It's also a routine baking ingredient. I put it into my bread along with sunflower seeds and organic wheat flour. I also put it into my smoothie, stir fry dishes....anything you can think of! Good price and really, it's a must have for a healthy diet!" 2565,B000ED9LDU,A
?3B3?3I3IBI????SNSNCNCGC?0,0?waw?rrr?ioioror,r???0,0,50,5,5,1,???303??????0,g0,gog??? s ststut?ffff,f?LoL???s s f ???shsh h?????clc?eae????? h hahava????oao?st?ede?d id ?t t?ini??????????ste????????an?d d Id ????????sese ???? in in ??oo?d ?whwhoh?????r ?????ndnd nd? up up p??????? c ????eee??gr????ere?..?252565?6,6?B0B???????DUD?,A,A2A??4S4SZSZFZ??QSQ?7B7????????,0?,0,5,0,?5,15,????2525125????,E,????lllle???t Qt ?uau?alialitityit?!,!?ThT??sese se??????xc?????lentlen????????ity ity?????se??edsed?! ! I???us?????asastas?eded ed????? a?????????onon n a??pap??? an a????ve?ven ven???atat t mt ??????????????nan??k!k! ! I! ?????o o po ????derde?????thethem?? in in in a in ?????fefee???grigringrind???????terter ??toa?ststist??g g t th? them them ??a la li????????and and??????????? i???de???cicioiouio?us us? to t???:):???elelielici????us ?+ + N ????ritri?io??s ???AwAwewes???e!e?! :!
3B3IB8CRSNCG0,warrior,0,0,5,1293062400,good stuff,Looks fresh and clean; I have roasted it in the toaster oven and I also use it in food whole or ground up in the coffee grinder. 2566,B000ED9LDU,A2R4SZF7QS7BLY,AA,0,0,5,1277251200,Excellent Quality!,These are excellent quality flaxseeds! I just toasted them a little on a pan and even that made a great snack! I also powdered them in a coffee grinder after toasting them a little and the powder is delicious too :) Delicious + Nutritious = Awesome! :
)??????ana????g g t toto o??ava???iti??????? c cec?rer?ala????mom????w w??????????????ininkinklk??????????n mn my? v ?????????????in??? I I w ???l ?????????y oy ???t Bt ??b'b's'??QuQuiu???a a a an a???MuMusu???i.i..2252??7,7???00??D9D?LDLDUD???2Z2??JRJ??????T2T????oxoxyx?,0,?????,1,?272?575??242????,Bo,B?ob'ob?'s 's????d M???l ?OrO????icic c?GoG???????la??se???,","T"???????????e 2e ????orordordederde?????avaveave ??????d ???? B Bo?????????d Mi?ll? O ?OrgOr???????FlaFl???????????isis is?? g ???d ?????it?y ?whw??oleol??flf??laxslax?see?d.d?????grgri???nd ind it? a a ???ttt???? at a???????e ???? s spsprsp??rinkrinklklekl?e ie ????? c??ereer???l a???nd i??n yn yoy???rtr?. ??????eepee????a la ????????me me? in??????????zez??. ???? hav haveve ve?be????us??ingin?????? f ??ax?se??seed seed f?or?or aor ababob??t t a???ea???
))) Planning to have it in my cereal tomorrow and maybe sprinkle some on my veggies. I think I will also try out Bob's Quinoa and Museli. 2567,B000ED9LDU,A2ZVJRZYAQ1T2V,Roxy,0,0,5,1275782400,Bob's Red Mill Organic Golden Flaxseed,"This is the 2nd order i have placed for Bob's Red Mill Organic Flaxseed. It is a good quality whole flaxseed. We grind it a little at a time and sprinkle it on cereal and in yogurt. It keeps a long time in the freezer. I have been using this flaxseed for about a year n
oowow w?????????a a t ?aba???sps???n n?????t t???ere?? d dad??y ay ??d d???veve ve n ?oto?ticti?ede?????t t mt mym????in?????sosofo?tet??????lulusu????t kt kek?epe?s ?mem? r ?ege??lalara?, , i?f f?yay??knk?nownow ??hahat? i i i m ??anan an??!!!! !!?FlF??xsxseseeeedee???? a al alsl?so so a a a g gog????wawayay ay???????t it ?in ??somso???????heh??OmO?megme????'s's,s, ????at at t??????dyd?y ny ?????.".??252?686????0000E00?D9D??????161???3H3?494????EDVEDV,V,",???ddd?dy dy p?????????addad??""?????8,?3,3???262626272757????????????????pepene?sisivi????t ?wa?s s m?????istis???ke ke?- -?I I????ougou??t ???er?e ??er???? b ?agagsg???????????anan an 4an ?? S ??o to ???? pr p??ce?? pe per????????is mis ?ucu?????gh????th??????atat at Iat ??papaypay y ay aty a?t t?he????cac?? g?roroc?????????th??the sthe sas???????????????569569,9?????ED??9LD9LDU?????SWS????0M0MXM?GGG??,"??
ow ,eating a tablespoon about every day and have noticed that my skin is softer , plus it keeps me regular, if ya know what i mean !!! Flaxseed is also a good way to get in some of the Omega 3's, that the body needs." 2568,B000ED9LDU,A16K03H4965EDV,"Paddy pooh ""paddy""",5,8,3,1226275200,a little expensive,It was my mistake - I thought there were 6 bags rather than 4. So the price per bag is much higher than what I pay at the local grocery for the same product. 2569,B000ED9LDU,A26SW43I0MXGGA,"Jo
?????. .??dad???k k????oao?? A Ad?amamaamakak,ak?? Au A??hohoro??????????????,1,?,2,??4,4,1?272707050???000?00,00??flflal??????????????mem?ndn??? b ?raran??????e e?flflafl??? se s?eedeed d id isi? p ?aca?kakaga???ed ied ??n sn ?sepse??ra??e ????????????ckack???s ?soso o?th????itit t ct cacan???tat?y y??re?shs????lol???gerge?r ar ???????waw???re?co???en????????th?????????cooco??bob??k ?I I p???chc?as?????????? s? see seeded ?wa??s cs ??eaeapa??????hanha????????br?anandandsand?s Is ?I hI hahadhad ?????ckeck?????. ??I ???? pu???in????? a aw a??????or or? an a???eme????????y t???t ??mayma????isiseis??2?575??,B,??000000E0EDE??LDLDUD??????????UIU?3U3??????????????y ?""""r""ririvri?????omxom??""??????2,52,?,1,11,1????646???000,000???? p pr p?odo???t ???????? is i??????e..e.??,"??I bI ???ghghth?t tt ?thithis?is bis ???forfo?re re??I rI ??al?????ed hed ?
an A. Adamak ""Joan Adamak, Author and Book...",1,2,4,1270512000,"flax seed, recommended brand",The flax seed is packaged in separate smaller packages so that it can stay fresher longer and it was recommended by the flax cookbook I purchased. This seed was cheaper than other brands I had checked on. I am putting it away for any emergency that may arise. 2570,B000ED9LDU,A3VZPX7AUI3UXU,"T. OMalley ""rivermomx3""",1,2,5,1199664000,the product itself is fine...,"I bought this before I realized ho
?w w??ucu?? I I I???s s??ete????? a ??? b ?efe????? I I k ???????????ada???t t????????grg??cecereryr?y sy ??or?e!e? T ??hatha?t wt ???s ms ????wnw? f ????t.t??? I r I ??alallllyly y s??????d hd ??veve ?wa??iteit?d.d???utu?t t?he??????s s as ara?re re g????t,t?? I ?juj?st?? ha havaveve ve w?ayay y ty to???????y iy ????y y fy frfre????er!er!"!????717???000????9L9?DUD????O4O4P4?????G3G????DwD???????,8,??4,4????????606?00,00,I,??'s's ?bib??????ed??,",??????e ???atat ?t th?isi?s is ??????ll???as?????ririt??????s ass a?s ts ??the the???aia?msms.s???? I c I ch?ewew ew o onon ?th???is lis ??????he??RoR????s s as ans a?????????s a??????t gt gegetge???????? o on on n mn my? m mo m????????? / />/???r r /r />/>T/>ThTheTh???? se s??dsd??wewer?e ??as??er???????g dg dodowownown n wn ?he?n n sn sps???????? o? on on t ?topto????? cr c?aba? a?nd?nd end ??g ???????ri????????o fo fifig????
w much I was getting and before I knew they had it at the grocery store! That was my own fault. I really should have waited. But the seeds are great, I just have way too many in my freezer!" 2571,B000ED9LDU,AXO4PQU0XG3TG,Dwight,0,8,4,1187049600,It's bird seed.,"I hope that this is really as nutritious as the claims. I chew on this like the Romans and Greeks and it gets stuck on my molars.<br /><br />These seeds were easier going down when sprinkled on top of crab and egg fried rice. Go figure.
<????????r ?????ini?cocoro???????d d a a a?1.1.5.?????? in i??? t ?heh??rer????ara??????te te l loloao?f f r?ece????e fe frf??? T ??he he???reare??bab??ere?????ppp?????????ana???fofouo??nd nd t??atat at t? the th??e ade a??ititiit??? m ???????????waw????wa??terte??r war w?????ed?ed? t to t?o ho ?ydydrdrar????th???????h h??????I dI ???????????t mt ?ucu??????a ?ririsi?????o ??I bI ??????ththe?? lo l??????ithit??tit?in in f ?foifoili???????????? loa loafaf af??an??????????brbrebr????????? to to to i??s s us ?????l hl ??????? S ?????????iteit?e be ?????? is is ??ot????at??he?al??thythy,y, ??I wI wi?????inc???ded?e fe fle f??????eedee??????undun??in???? f??odo??pr??ce?sss?sorsor ????????ioiorio?ratra??te tte ??????l l el efeffffefecectec???""?252575727????????X2X?EG?,A,?2727U7UEU??HJH?RZR?????,",????iei?????om???"C"??????sisivi???????
<br /><br />I incorporated a 1.5 cup into the regular white loaf recipe from The Breadbaker's Apprentice and found that the addition meant more warm water was needed to hydrate the dough and I did not get much of a rise, so I baked the loaf with tin foil over the loaf pan and the bread rose to its usual height. Since white bread is not that healthy, I will include flax seed ground in my food processor to ameliorate the ill effects." 2572,B000EGX2EG,A27UE9HJRZ22YI,"Louie's Mom ""Compulsive Reade
??"""""?,1,1212,2?,12,1?2,22,2,?12?464686838?848?0000,0,","T"????ese????eaeatat t b ?utu?t pt pkp???????s "s ?""M""MaMada?? i ?? C ??in????????????????bu??????aga???in"in?,G,?ivivev??n tn tht???re???enten??????es? w wi witithth th??ror?duducu???s ms ?????inin in C??????? h ?ava?????cic?dededde??toto ?non?????y ??nyn??fofooo?od od? pr p??du???s s fs ???? t th t????? so????????t ?t bet be ??buy??ingin???anyan????re ???? th?isis is s sn s????????f ?th?eye?y ey ??????wiwit???????ma?de???n n t?hehe he?????????l l b bu b?uy uy?? it it a ????n ??as as? I ?did???lil????e ite it.t?2???3,3???00000?EGE???EG?,A,A1A1K1?LALA0A??LZL??ATA?46?,D,?an?de????on,on????,11???,1??????12?00???????ealea?th????????"" f"" ?frofromo?m Cm ChChiCh??????ououbu?tft?ulul"l?","",???????proprododuod?uctuct ?????adade???? C? Chi Ch????. . ?? I w I wo I w?????nonotnot ??t belt beli??eveev???any??clc?ai??s ??the???ma??????ga?
r""",12,12,2,1246838400,"Tastes great but pkg says ""Made in China"" so I won't buy it again",Given the recent issues with products made in China I have decided to not buy any food products from there so I won't be buying anymore of this snack. If they ever switch to made in the U.S. I'll buy it again as I did like it. 2573,B000EGX2EG,A1KLA02LZXAT46,Dandelion,11,11,1,1255651200,"""Health food"" from China? Doubtful","This product is made in China. I would not believe any claims they make regar
d?ini??????ere?????????y ??????ege??an/an/k/?ososhs???. .? C ?ono?sisidi??erier?ingin???rsr?????y'y????ara?????s is iti???lflf f a?s ?a a???al?????????ucu??? I ??wawasas s ss ?shosh??ke??d wd whw??? I?????ancan????atat t??????????????non??ici??d ???????propr?oduod?uctuc?t wt ??????de? i ??? Ch C?ininain????hi???a ha hah?as as??pro??????thath?????e ce ??? n no n?ot ot? tr t??stst ???theitheirir r??an?????????????rar??actiact???s.s. s. U ???af?e ?totoyo???????g fg ????, , a, an?d ??nownow w?? we' we???????pop??????o o???usustus????hemhem m m?????ing ?ouourur ur??????? f ?foofo?od?od????????????>N>?ot???to to? me m??ti??? t th t????carcarbrbobon??????????t t ct crc?????ed ed bed byby ???ipipp???????mem?ethet??????????waywa????rouro?????thethe the???rlr????????ll??? not not t bt ????th??s ???rodrodu?ct????ymy????????????B0B???????EG?????DCD
ding allergy safety and vegan/kosher. Considering Mrs. May's markets itself as a healthy product, I was shocked when I glanced at the back and noticed this product was made in China. China has proven that we can not trust their manufacturing practices. Unsafe toys, dog food, and now we're supposed to trust them making our health food?<br /><br />Not to mention the carbon footprint created by shipping something halfway around the world. I will not buy this product anymore." 2574,B000EGX2EG,A1ZDC
?454?YNY?282??????????ere??eee??????5,5?111??444??686??0,0??????ioiouo?s,s,","T"??ese?? a ????wowono?????ulu?????rur?ncn???y ay ??? d ??lilicli???????????????rir??????ntn??isi?????le?ada???????owo?evevever?! !?????????????? mo m????ththahanan an t ?theth?e 2e ????alaloalororiorie??????y ???aiaimi????t it ???. B. BuB?t ?????s ws wo??th????!.!.".???257257575,5,B5,?00??EGE?X2X2E2EG???1F1??S4S??XOXOQO???8W8W,W,S,??herhe??????????,5,,5????505???606??,G,??reareatat ?????e e w?iti?thoth??t ?HiH??? F ??rucructctot?se???or?n n?SyS??rupru?!,!,","I,"???yoyou???likli???????s as ??????ou'ou?????????????????? he heae??th?y,y????reareatreat t tt ?????ing? s ????k,k, ??youyou u? ca??????? w ?ror?ongon?g wg ????h Ah AlAlml??ondond d Cd ????nchnc?????y ??us??an????ndnd nd Ind I I r re?????ly???elielim?in????ed ed? hi hig???frfru?ructruc??????ororn?? sy s????? an?d ?pap?artar
45YN28VKL,sluggerlee,7,7,5,1154476800,Delicious,"These are wonderfully crunchy and delicious. The calorie count is misleading, however! One piece is more than the 25 calories they claim it is. But it's worth it!." 2575,B000EGX2EG,A1F2S4MXOQ0X8W,Sherried,7,8,5,1155081600,Great Taste without High Fructose Corn Syrup!,"If you like nuts and you're looking for a healthy, great tasting snack, you can't go wrong with Almond Crunch! My husband and I recently eliminated high fructose corn syrup and part
i??llllyl?????????nan?tet?d d?sos???????oio???????? ou o????iei?t t??andan??wew???eeeele?l sl so???ucuchc??????????????ini?g g t tot????????asaststyt?y sy ????ksks s? th thah?at at d????????????in in????ses???rorodro??uctuc?s s is ???????ea?sys?y sy soy s???we we?we?rer?e te ??rir????????o fo ?in???????. M. MaM????????uraur???s. s.? W WeWe ??ovovev????????ashas??w w?????ch? a??s ws ??ll???2252?767????0000E00?GXGX2X??EG,EG????A0A???8P8??NXNX4X????A,A?4,4???1,1?????????00000?,W,?ha??t it is? t??? c ????????????pripr?intin???? t th???????du????,???'m'm ?? l ?iti????? sh shohoco??ed?ed ted ththath??at tat ????is sis ???????eded ???alaltalth?????? p ??prodpro?duc??????mam??e e fe frfrofr??????inein???????wnw??in????edied??ntn?ts.ts. ??I'I'dI'???be be? cu c????usu??to???????ha?? t??? the c the ??rb??on on fon fof???????? o of o?f ef ea?chch ch bch bib????? A. ?
ially hydrogenated soybean oil from our diet and we feel so much better. Trying to find tasty snacks that don't contain these products is not easy so we were thrilled to find Mrs. Mays Naturals. We love the Cashew Crunch as well!" 2576,B000EGX2EG,A2WA0OX8P6NX4P,SA,4,4,1,1264896000,What is the carbon footprint of this product?,I'm a little shocked that this so-called health food product is made from Chinese grown ingredients. I'd be curious to see what the carbon footprint of each bite is. Al
?sos????????? m ???d d t ththahata???hihinineinese?????????iei?????????????ucu??? h ha?vev??beb???n fn ??unu?nd nd??????????lll??????s ?????ono?ntant???nan???????????s ??eaeada?d id in? t to??s ?an?d ?mem??am?inine????? mi m?lkl? a??nd ?otoththeth?r r??xpx?oro????????od od????oduod???ts.ts??AlA???????????ed?ie?ntntsnt????in tin ???s s ss sns??ckc?k ak ?????????y y a??????blb?? i in? in t in ???????????StS??ateates?. ??WhWhyh?y ny ???????poporpo?????rodro???ctsct??s ans a????????anianie??s ws ???o so ?sousoururcr??e le ???al???y ay an?? c?on????er????r ?owo???????nomno??y by ????rere ??e ???????outout t ft ???? a a????????ly ly c???apa??er ???ici?ce?ce? ?? Y ??our? p???????sinsi?????oio????????????ke ke????????ereer???ce.ce?. . L. ???'s'????????????ctict??ing ing c co??po??at?????? an and an?????verve?nmn?menment??? to?????
so keep in mind that Chinese ingredients and products have been found to have all kinds of contaminants such as lead in toys and melamine in milk and other exported food products. All the ingredients in this snack are widely available in the United States. Why not support products and companies who source locally and consider our own economy before we sell out for a slightly cheaper price? Your purchasing choice does make a difference. Let's stop expecting corporations and governments to take
??cacararere e?ofo? o ou o???sas?fef????????????omo?????????y ny ????????lll??? W ?????? c???????tht??????y ty ?????e c???pap?anianiei?? d ?o o?bub????nesne????oro???the?? be b?ne?fif??? of o?????????? t ??ermer? h ?heahe?ltl?? a an a?nd nd e?coconco???ici?calca? w?ele???bebeie????. M. ??????ur??ha??? d????si??????wiswi??????252?777?,B,?00000???????,A,A2A?6I6IPI??????????????????an,an?????????????080???,F??antantatasa????????e ?nunutu???us??d d td ta??????veverve?????resreshs????The?????e ???zezed?ed ced ???????s wes w??e e je juj???t rt ????t.t?????isis is l li l?ighighthtlht?ly ly s???et???????butbu????????????ee????VeV???y sy ?satsatitisti??yiy?inging ing?????252????????EG????EG,EG,AEG,??????????1Z1??Z,Z??el??????2,2??????313?17117???8008000?00,P00,???????t n?oto?t mt ??ded??in????????????? I ? c?an?'t'?
care of our safety and economy. They never will. We can change the way these companies do business for the benefit of our long term health and economical well-being. Make purchase decisions wisely. 2577,B000EGX2EG,A26IPZJ4OA05RU,Food Fan,3,3,5,1170460800,Fantastic!,The nuts used tasted very fresh. The bite sized chunks were just right. It is lightly sweetened but not too sweet. Very satisfying = ) 2578,B000EGX2EG,A2B12553E51ZKZ,Melissa,2,2,5,1317168000,Product not made in China!,"Ok, I can't
?sps?eae????oro????????he? l ??sts??????ewe????? w????????????chc???ooo??s s??iki?e e 2 202000???, b, ???t It I'I'm'?? lo loo lo??ini?? a ???ththeth?e be ???????? a a?ba?g ?of??????ndnd d??????ch ch???nd nd i ?? c ?????lyly y???????thath??? th t???????ucu?t t it ???????e ie ?in in? Ca Cala??????????????ChC???a.a???? i?f ?th?thatthat ????as tas ??the the??maimain?????terte????t bt ???ck ck????????t't?s ??no no?? lon lo????r ar ana???ississusueu?. ????usu?? d did?iscis??vev?ereer??d td ththith??? sn s????ck ack ???????a a?pe???on?????o co ??an'an??????t et eit eit?heherhe???????en,?????, ?or???aia??y,????????thrth?rilri????d t???fif?indin??d a d a???????I ??canca??ea?eat eat??ir??st ???of aof ?allal???anandand and?????nac??k Ik I k I? ca c?an an e ea???th??? i????actac?uau???????astas?y,??ev??en en??ete????? I??ve????en????????g tg th?thesthe?????????fefewew ew d? day da?
speak for when the last review was written, which looks like 2009, but I'm looking at the back of a bag of Almond Crunch and it clearly says that the product is made in California, not China. So if that was the main deterent back then, it's no longer an issue. I just discovered this snack and as a person who can't eat either gluten, soy, or dairy, I am thrilled to find a snack I can eat first of all, and a snack I can eat that is actually tasty, even better! I've been eating these for a few days
?????ana????o o a???ere??????acactc????????andan??I I??avave? a???exe?????????se?????tivti?ve ????mamac?????????????? t ??yiy??????t t??lll? t th thehe ??la?vovoro????o ????uru?????t ????chc?? on o??????lil?kek????? b ?????bub?ut ut?yeyeaeaheah,h?? I' I?d ?hihighighg??ly ly???cocom????? t th?isi???ror?????? to? t th tho th????????????ic?tet?d ?????????and and? ev e?????to to?????se ?wh????re??'t't.t?""??575??,B,B0B???EGE???EG????PFP????????050?I,I?"N"?YAYA A J ??e e "e """"R"??gu?la?? g gu???"""""??2,2?,2,,2??,1,??767626242????????he ???????????e e Be ?BesBe????ut???lul??stest?? s?????s ??'v'?????verve??ha???,"I,"I'I???knk?????n ton t?o bo be?????ts ts?????????, ?an???I'????tr??iedied d nd ???s ?frf?????aroar?unu?nd ???e ???orlor??? a???????nd??s bs ?????? th the them the??????????or mor me????? gi g?
now and no adverse reactions (and I have an extremely sensitive stomach). I plan on trying out all the flavors to figure out which ones I like the best but yeah, I'd highly recommend this product to those on restricted diets and even to those who aren't." 2579,B000EGX2EG,A2PFA0MYVES05I,"NYA Joe ""Regular guy""",2,2,5,1176249600,The Best of the Best nut cluster snacks I've ever had,"I'm known to be nuts for nuts, and I've tried nuts from around the world, as friends bring them back for me as gif
ttst?? V ?ere????????ththeh??????ofof f??hehe he????? o????thethe ???st? n?utut t st ??aca?ksk??????rsr????aya????AlA????d d??rur?ncnchc??. F. ?ror??? th the th???iri?rstrs?t tt ??mem?e Ie I I??????????, ,????????y y ty ?timti??????????? n??w,w, , I, ????m am ?amaamaza?????t ?t tht t???crcru?nc??????s,s, ????lilitli????? t? the? a?lm??ondon??? l???hth?lyl???wew?ete?????d gd glglal?????hi?ch????s vs ?????ununbun?ririt?????li???, ???te?ntn????? to??he??altalth??inein?????? t th the???ingin??ed?iei???ts,ts, , e, ?etcet????s s as ??sisidi??e ne ???te,te????cac???e e oe ofof ???? m ?ucuch????waw??? im i???resre????????y thy thi?s ????dud?uctuc???????nt?? on o?? a a????????????ee??????uyu???ing ing aing ?bob??ut ut??? d ?ififfffef????? k ???ds? o of of of? Mr M?'ay????pro??ducdu??ts,????romro?m tm ?thethe the???eaneanunutut ??nd???casca???w w c?ru?????es es???
ts. Very near the top of the list of the best nut snacks is Mrs. May's Almond Crunch. From the first time I tasted it, to every time I eat it now, I am amazed at the crunchiness, quality of the almonds, lightly-sweetened glaze which is very unbrittle-like, attention to healthiness in the ingredients, etc. As a side note, because of how much I was impressed by this product, I went on a tasting spree by buying about 12 different kinds of Mrs. May's products, from the peanut and cashew crunches to
?????vavara?ioiouo???ses??ama?????unu????s,s???tctc.c? P PePererhr??psps s Is ?'m'??bib?asa?sedsed d??o o t?he???ri??ininan?????utu??non??e ??f f t??e ?e ote oth???????vev?????t t st sa?meme me m mam??????I I?wow?????????????he rhe ?esestes?t at as??? s???arsars.s??BuBut? t?? the the a ???on????????? s sh s?ou??d d gd ?etet et??? st?????""??585?0,0??????GXG?????A1A?K5K5V5??????424??4,4?NiN???am??ama?,2,?,2?,5,5,5?111161626262?848???0,0,M0,??s.??MaMaya?s s as alalm???????cruncrunc??,",?ThThehes?e ?ar?e e fe ?????h, h, c cr c????nchynch?, , n, ?natna?uru??????ndn?????altal???????ckcksk?s ys ??ou ou??ana???res???? a??d ????? i ?? t? the???ar????cru??blb??e ie ???? n?on????at at y yo???urturt ??? o???? s sa s?????????????????me??in?in tin ??? k ???ds ds?lul????. ???????????t a??nd nd?dedele??cicio????."."???????00????????EG,AEG,A3A???A4A4Y4YLYL8L??SMS?2B2??
the various sesame crunches, etc. Perhaps I'm biased to the original, but none of the others have that same magic. I would rate the rest as 4 stars. But the almond crunch should get 6 stars." 2580,B000EGX2EG,A1K5VQRQGT4244,Ninjamama,2,2,5,1162684800,Mrs. Mays almond crunch,"These are fresh, crunchy, natural, and healthy snacks you can reseal and keep in the car, crumble into non-fat yogurt or over salads, or pack some in the kids lunch. Convenient and delicious." 2581,B000EGX2EG,A35LA4YL8HSM2B,F
???d d??rir?????????4,4?,11,1??111????0000,0?BuB???????it???seseee?msm???? b ?? s?li?ppp????,","B"?asa??d ??? o ?tht??? A ?mam??on????viviei???, ,?? t tr t??ede?d td th??s ???od????? ???he he f ???????hih???ene???waw?????reare??? d ?ele?licli??ouo???? T???ougou?htht t It I'I'd'?d fd fof?ounou??d md mymy ???ew ew h ???altal?thfthfuf?? s???????2n2nd? s?hi??pmepmenentent t wt wat wasas ?a a c ?on??ererner??????????pp?????me??nt.nt. ??????? th t?houho?ghghtgh???????allallilinli?ng ng???????mpmpapananyan??; b; ?ut? i ? d??dndn'n't'?????ev?er??? d? dif di??er???ent ent p ??ck?agageg??s hs ?ada??in??re????????harha???pi?ece???s os ?of of???????sns???t st sut surure?????y ?wew????al??onondon??s. s.???ececaecamame? c??onconceonc???eded ed??????????? t to t??????sos?o Io ???havha?venve??????rderd?ere?d ?an?any any????".??????,B,B0,B??0E0EGEGXG?2E2?EG,EG??????0606F6????GMG????????,1,1,1,1,1,51,
ood Critic,1,1,4,1181174400,But quality seems to be slipping,"Based on other Amazon reviews, I tried this product. The first shipment was great; delicious. Thought I'd found my new healthful snack. 2nd shipment was a concern and disappointment. Even thought of calling the company; but i didn't. Several different packages had incredibly hard pieces of ?? wasn't sure they were almonds. Became concerned I'd chip a tooth, so I haven't ordered any more." 2582,B000EGX2EG,AVFDH06FF7CGM,Dani,1,1,5
,???696?????00??DED?????OUO???,",?DeDele??????s,s, ,??eae??????????? A ????onon n??? c ??????????ana?n in ???yoy?????????hemhe??????????? M ???s s as acactctut?al????bsb??tet?.".??????,B,??00000?????????25???????QJQ?3W3????????WoWololflf,f,1???????????????00,00,S00,SwS?weeweete????????????????????????ac???????heyhe???e e ae a a???????????????weetwee?????ada????f ????ncn??y ??almal????ds.ds. ?AmAm Am? lo l?okokikiningn???????rdrd d t to t?? tr t??in??g tg ???e oe oto??????arariar??etiet?iesie?s, s,? to??."????????B00B0?00E00??X2?EGEG,?AMA??FJF???1N1N7N?7R7R3R????????wnwnwnwa?rd? M???hih????2,2,3,???4,14,??343????60?0,??????e ie ?in in C ChC??na??, b, ?butbu??? s??ili??????????it"it",",","A,"??teterte???????inging ing s???????f tf ?the???ro??thith?ing??re???????crcricr???iciic?ziz?ing?ing Ming ?????? May Ma?ys ys??????
,1169424000,DELICIOUS!,"Delicious, healthy, plus Amazon is cheaper than if you buy them from Mrs. Mays actual website." 2583,B000EGX2EG,A25QA7HNRQJ3W0,C. DeWolf,1,1,4,1168473600,Sweet & nutty,"Love these snacks! They're a little bit sweet, loads of crunchy almonds. Am looking forward to trying the other varieties, too." 2584,B000EGX2EG,AM1FJAN1N77R3,The Downward Machine,2,3,4,1234137600,"Made in China, but I still enjoy it","After reading some of the frothing reviews criticizing Mrs. Mays for ma
n??????uru??ngn???heh??? p prp?????ct ct??????in?a a???????chc??dodoeoesesns?'t'???n n a ???? wa w?y y ay ada???es?s s t?hehe he???ala?????ofof f??????rorodrodu???ct ict ???ele?f ???????ri?????o o???nfnfif?irmirm m???isi?s fs foforo??????????ThThe?he whe wew??????????d pd ???????????ay???oto?thith?inging ing a???utu????thisthi?, ,??o ?I ?????e ?????m am ????emaemaia?????????ing wing ??ere?? t th???????od?uc?t ???????ufufauf?actac??reredre???HeHer?e ???is tis ????re?????se?????fuf??l:l:<:??r ??????????-----?---?--?----?--?????????-------------??---------???--??????????????---------?--??????????---????????/>??<br<br <br /<br ?????ankan? y ??ou ou f fo for? y yo y?ourou??pup??ch?asasese ?an?????qu???y.y?. W. ?????????????????ur ur??????erner??s bs ?????????<br ???????? it i????????vever?????ers??onaonal??. I. ?f ?yo????an??sp
nufacturing their product in China -- which doesn't in any way address the quality of the product itself -- I tried to confirm this for myself. The website and packaging say nothing about this, so I wrote them an email asking where their product is manufactured. Here is the response in full:<br /><br />------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />Thank you for your purchase and inquiry. We understand your concerns because<br />food item are very personal. If you can sp
e??r r???fef?????????? t tot? r ?ea???ded?tat??????????????????r ???ala???? a?????ana?cec?, ,???????ldl?d bd ?????prp???iaiata?ede?????r /?><>?<br???/>O/>OuOur??????torto???ini? C ChC????????????P P?(H(???ar???AnAnanal????is is??ndnd ???????al????nt???????????<b<br?<br /<br ??????? a ag ageg????y &y ????? c ce?rtrtit??iei???UKUK K a????encyency.y??HA??CCPCC????BRCBR????????ere??in???ece?ct ct????<b?<br ?<br /><br /????to????twtwiw??e ??a ya yey??r r ar ??d ??eacea?h h???gag?anianizi?zatza??????????????oro???????ndondom? u ?na???ou??ncenc??????<br />?????pecpe??????at?? ou???fa?ctctoct?????<br??<br /><br /><<br /><b??<br /<br /><br />P<br />??ea?ses??re????r tr ?to to t th thehe he??ol????winwi?? s ???testes s is ?? y ??ou ou l ??kek??toto ?????n n mn ???? a ab a?boubo?? t th?e<e<b<br????HA?????????BR??? ce c???tiftifi???????br? / /> /><?br???/>h/>????
ear a few moments to read details<br />about our quality assurance, it would be appreciated.<br /><br />Our factory in China is HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)<br />by US agency & BRC certified UK agency. HACCP, BRC & Kosher inspect our<br />factory twice a year and each organization also performs random unannounced<br />inspection at our factory.<br /><br />Please refer to the following sites if you like to learn more about the<br />HACCP and BRC certificate.<br /><br />http:
?///??????dfdfafahahah?????????<b<brbr r????????????p:p??//w//ww?w.w.b.?brcbrc.c?.or.orgrg.rg?uku??sts?ana????dsds/s?????????asasps??mam??nsn?ece?tit???_i_id??????? /> /???? /???? a ???????on,on????? o ?? o??????????ede??prpror?????? a ar arer? t ???stest???????mem??.<.<b????/></><b??<br /<br /><br /??he?se?? te t?????ar???<b<br??<br />???????ele??a a? te tes te???ingin????<br /???flflol?????in in t????tinti???, a, ???????<br />?????robro???lo?????? t? tes?????<b?????????<br /><br />O<br />??ur ur?????renre??? cu c??stost?????s ls liliki???????????BJB?'s'????olo????aleal???and??????e ?FoFooo??s ???rkr????<br??<br /><br />h<br />?havha??e ve ??ryry y????????????ardar?ds ds? on on ???hatha??tht??y ????????nd????ellel???to to i it????eme?????? ?????<br??<br />??canca?n rn ???st st?????ureure ?th????al???of??????pr???????????e se ?????????on?
//<br /><br /><br /><br />In addition, all of our finished products are tested 3 times.<br /><br />These tests are:<br />Salmonella testing<br />Aflotoxin testing, and<br />Microbiological testing<br /><br />Our current customers like Costco, BJ's Wholesale and Whole Foods market<br />have very high standards on what they carry and sell to its members. You<br />can rest assure that all of our products are safe to cons
??mem?? W WeWe e?ala????dod?????????????????nyny y???lal?mim?nene ?inin in???????odo???????ur? p ?propr?oduoducuctuc?s s??rer???"d"dad?iriryr?y fy frfrereere?????OurOu?r pr prr pro?du???s<s?<br<b?r /r />???re re a???o ????tetedted d???andan????y y by byb??FDF?A A???d ??alwal?aya?s ???????????????pep?ct??ono???<br<br <br / /> /?<b??<br /<br ???he? f ??llllolowo????????adaddd??????al? i????rmr??ti??on:on??<br???><?brbr br???HeH?re??ararear?????e oe ?ririgigig?insin?s os ofo??th?the the???????diedi?ntntsts ts???hatha?????ususese:se?????/>/></>?<br??????mom?????????CaC????for?nin????<br <br /??????????? - -? C Ca??if??ornorniniania<a<ba<????>C>Ca???????s -s - ? V ViV????namnam m / / /??????l l??NoN?? g ??ow????????)<)<b???????????????? -? - - ???????? / / C / ??nanadna???<br???<br />B<br />?????berbe???riesrie????- O- OrO??regoreg??on /on ?????adadaad??a<bra<b??r />r /????megmegr?????te te?????OreOr
ume. We also do not<br />have any Melamine in our product. Our products are ""dairy free"" Our products<br />are also tested randomly by FDA and always passed the inspection.<br /><br />The following is additional information:<br /><br />Here are the origins of the ingredients that we use:<br /><br />Almonds - California<br />Walnuts - California<br />Cashews - Vietnam / Brazil (Not grown in US)<br />Cranberries - Oregon / Canada<br />Blueberries - Oregon / Canada<br />Pomegranate - Ore
?gogono????CaC?nan???<b<?r r??>N>?ata???ala? F ??ava???? - ?????alial?foforornor?????br br /?????amamem??Se??????? C ????? ( ??oto???rorowo?n ??in in U ??)<)<b??r /r ?>R>??cece e Me ?al?t ? -??????????<br <br? />??CanCa???JuJ?iciceic?e e ?? - ????????/>S/>Se?a a S???alt alt??- ? C??in??a<b???r />r /??<br<br ????lel???e e fe ?eee?l ?frf??? t ????ononton?aca???usu???????an???fuf??????r qr ??esestes?????, , c?omo????tst??anandan????<br /?<br />c<br />?conco????nsns.s??WeW???opo??????e hae h????as?sisisi????????? co cor co????ctlctlyl??????????<br ??????????ou????br ???<b<br??<br />?KiK?indin??reregre?????,<,<b<br?<br /<br />?<br /><b<br /><????????iei???<br <br /?<br />M<br />??? M ?MayMa???<br???<br /><<br /><b?????---??????---???????????------?--????-------?--????-------???????????--?----????---------?--------------------------???????????<br /><br <br /><br?? />I />??vev??re???????er???????wsw??crc?it?iciciic???ingin
gon / Canada<br />Natural Flavors - California<br />Sesame Seeds - China (Not grown in US)<br />Rice Malt - China<br />Cane Juice - US<br />Sea Salt - China<br /><br />Please feel free to contact us with any further questions, comments and<br />concerns. We hope we have assisted you correctly.<br /><br />Thank you.<br /><br />Kind regards,<br /><br />Julie<br />Mrs Mays<br /><br />------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />I've read other reviews criticizing
? o ???r r??weweae??shs???s,s? C ??mmm????????????cac???ono??fofooooto?????t.t? T ????ririeri???? a ????ese?????es?e:e????herhe????asa????ene???o ???????cec?????t t M ??????????????? i ?ts? w ??????rs rs i?n ???ea?????ps?????spspip?iteit?e te ??????mmmmumm??is?????'m'm m??uru?re ?th????????vidvidud??l l c ci cititiitizi???s ?????d td ????e ???bsb?s vs ?al????lel????????shishipi???????ducdu?????101????????ca????????er er????undund-d-m-?ili?le le?????rur????? m mem??nininni??? a a????00 00 m mi m??es???y ?shshishipship p??s ?asas as b??ad ad????5050050?? mi?????s bys b???ru?ck??<b<?? / ??????/>/>I/>??rereare??ly? l ?????? the? s???ck?? an a???????gig?iveiv?e ie ??? fi fivive? s?tat??s,?????t It I'??m sm ????tratrac?titin???on???ststa???: I: ?I tI ththith???????is??????ptpti??? t? tha th?at at??? w?as??sos????rdr??d tod t?o fo fi
over sweatshops, Communism, and carbon footprint. To briefly address these: There has been no evidence that Mrs. Mays keeps its workers in sweatshops; despite the Communism, I'm sure the individual citizens find these jobs valuable; and ships produce 1/10th the carbon per pound-mile of trucks, meaning a 5000 miles by ship is as bad as 500 miles by truck.<br /><br />I really like the snack and I'd give it five stars, but I'm subtracting one star: I think it is deceptive that it was so hard to fi
?ndnd d???? t ????snsnan?ckc????? m mam????ini? C ?hihin?a.a???????'t't ?hah???e ae ??prp???lel????iti?th th t th t???????ck'ck's'????igi???????? M ?rsrs.s?. M. ?aya??????oulou?d d bd beb??mom?oreore ????th?ri????t wt ????? th??iri? c ?usu?tot??ere?? a ?nd?????t tt ththethem? m??kek???thethe the???cic???on??????????????GrG?????d,d??momosmo????f f u ????me???cacan?s ?????pr?imi?????????ipi?????ut aut ?t t tt tht t??he lhe ???????????re re o of?? th? the the W ????, ?bu??t t???? s?ho?ululd?????ou?r r cr ????cec?????? mak make????r r /r ????????OhO??, a, ??d ?????sn??ackac?k ik ????????????is is????iteit????astas???????lilinlingn??, a, an, a?nd nd hnd he???th???????wilwill? c????ininuinueu???? p?uru???????????????5,5?B0B000?00E00?GXGX2X????A3A3I3???????????????ee????????s,s?????1,1?,13,1333?????0000000????de? i ?in in? Ch C?hinhi?na?na?!?
nd out the snack was made in China. I don't have a problem with the snack's origin, but Mrs. Mays should be more forthright with their customers and let them make the decision themselves. Granted, most of us Americans are primed to flip out at the latest Scare of the Week, but that should be our choice to make.<br /><br />Oh, and the snack itself? It is quite tasty, filling, and healthy. I will continue to purchase it." 2585,B000EGX2EG,A3IY316DRNF5F2,Green Onions,0,0,1,1336608000,Made in China?!
?,M,MrMrsr?? M MaMayay'y?? s ???ululdl??????rmr????????cucusu?????rs? w ?he????exe?aca??lyly y t??heihe????????????arare??????e ae ??d ?????e a??????nd.nd?. I. I I??????????????????????or????? h ????????ducdu?????ntntit?????rtr????????????no???atattt?er??hohowho????????th?????arear?. ????????ar??m am anandan???????tyty-y?coc?ontontrt?rolro??isi??s a s a? co c???cepce???????un?de??rstrs?tooto????n n????inaina.a?. T. ?????ly???rir??hth?tenteninining??????t tt ????'r'????ete????ing ?awa??ay ay w??ithit?????????????????????VNV?W2W??KSK?OLO??ONON,N,",?RuRutu???????arearenarenzn?a a???rur??????","??,0????????32???????re?atat at??nan????,"M,"MyM????????and and???????ababebetbe??s ?????? has has ?toto to??at?chc? w wh?????he he e ea e??????..t..?thith??? is i???s a gs a gr?????an???????ththyth?y t???reatrea??foforfo?????
,Mrs. May's should inform their customers where exactly their products are made and take a stand. I won't be buying any more of her products until further notice no matter how yummy they are. Do-no-harm and quality-control is a concept not understood in China. Totally frightening what they're getting away with. 2586,B000EGX2EG,A3VNW24KSOLGON,"Ruth Chiarenza ""rufus""",0,0,5,1326326400,great snack,"My husband has diabetes and has to watch what he eats....this is a great and healthy treat for him!