heat source welding : 300W_1mpersec_paper |
&xput |
remark='316L Stainless Steel (SS316L)' |
remark='!! Remarks beginning with "!! " are automatically added and removed by FLOW-3D.', |
remark='!! Do not begin any user added remarks with with "!! ". They will be removed', |
twfin=0.001, remark='Simulation Finish Time', |
itb=1, |
itwfin=2000000000, |
ifenrg=2, |
ihtc=1, |
ifvisc=1, |
ifsft=1, |
imphtc=0, |
ifvof=6, |
fclean=0.05, |
ifdynconv=1, |
omega=1.0, |
iphchg=1, |
ifrho=1, |
gz=-980.0, |
ifsld=1, |
ishrnk=0, |
hflv1=1.0e+05, remark='heat transfer to void type 1', |
hflem1=0, |
tedit(1)=0, |
tpltd(1)=5e-06, |
thpltd(1)=5e-06, |
tapltd(1)=5e-06, |
tsprtd(1)=5e-06, |
tprtd(1)=5e-06, |
/ |
&limits |
/ |
&props |
units='cgs', remark='base units', |
tunits='k', remark='temperature units', |
munits='g', remark='mass units', |
lunits='cm', remark='length units', |
timunits='s', remark='time units', |
cunits='scoul', remark='charge units', |
gamma=1.4, remark='gamma', |
mu1=0.0325, remark='viscosity', |
fluid1='Fe-316_Stainless_Steel-Mills data', remark='material name', |
cv1=7.26e+6, remark='specific heat', |
tstar=1697.15, |
tl1=1697.15, remark='liquidus temperature', |
ts1=1674.15, remark='solidus temperature', |
clht1=2.6e+9, remark='latent heat fusion', |
cvs1=7.22e+6, remark='specific heat', |
thcs1=2.9349e+6, remark='thermal conductivity', |
rhofs=7.26088, |
pv1=1.0130e+06, remark='saturation pressure', |
tv1=373.15, remark='saturation temperature', |
clhv1=2.256e+10, remark='latent heat of vaporization', |
rsize=0, remark='accommodation coefficient', |
cvvap=1.43e+7, remark='vapor specific heat', |
tvexp=0, remark='exponent for T-P curve', |
pv0=1.0130e+06, remark='void vapor partial pressure', |
rhof=7.2492, remark='density', |
sigma=0, remark='surface tension coefficient', |
csigma=0, remark='surface tension coefficient temperature sensitivity', |
thc1=2.8951e+6, remark='thermal conductivity', |
irhof=1, |
ithc1=1, |
icv1=1, |
imu1=1, |
ipgauge=0, remark='pressure type', |
t_reference=299.15, |
blkmod_liq=1e+12, |
blkmod_fscr=2.1e+12, |
/ |
&scalar |
nsc=2, |
remark='!! Scalar 1', |
scltit(1)='Evaporation Pressure', |
isclr(1)=0, |
remark='!! Scalar 2', |
scltit(2)='Melt region', |
isclr(2)=3, |
/ |
&chm |
/ |
&bcdata |
remark='!! Boundary condition X Min', |
ibct(1)=2, |
tbct(1, 1)=299.15, |
ihtbct(1)=0, |
remark='!! Boundary condition X Max', |
ibct(2)=2, |
tbct(1, 2)=299.15, |
ihtbct(2)=0, |
remark='!! Boundary condition Y Min', |
ibct(3)=2, |
tbct(1, 3)=299.15, |
ihtbct(3)=0, |
remark='!! Boundary condition Y Max', |
ibct(4)=2, |
tbct(1, 4)=299.15, |
ihtbct(4)=0, |
remark='!! Boundary condition Z Min', |
ibct(5)=2, |
tbct(1, 5)=299.15, |
ihtbct(5)=0, |
remark='!! Boundary condition Z Max', |
ibct(6)=5, |
pbct(1, 6)=1.013e+06, |
fbct(1, 6)=0, |
tbct(1, 6)=299.15, |
ihtbct(6)=0, |
/ |
&mesh |
MeshName='Mesh Block 1', |
size=0.01, remark='Size of Cells', |
px(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the X Direction', |
px(2)=0.195, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the X Direction', |
py(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Y Direction', |
py(2)=0.1, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Y Direction', |
pz(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Z Direction', |
pz(2)=0.06, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Z Direction', |
/ |
&obs |
nobs=0, remark='number of components', |
/ |
&fl |
nfls=1, |
remark='!! FluidRegion 1', |
remark='Material 1', |
fluidRegionName(1)='Region 1', remark='Fluid Region Name', |
ifdis(1)=0, remark='Geometry', |
fxl(1)=0.0, remark='X Low', |
fxh(1)=0.195, remark='X High', |
fyl(1)=0.0, remark='Y Low', |
fyh(1)=0.1, remark='Y High', |
fzl(1)=0.0, remark='Z Low', |
fzh(1)=0.04, remark='Z High', |
remark= 'Void Pointer Common Parameters', |
remark='!! RegionPointer 1', |
pointerName(1)='Pointer 1', |
ivht(1)=1, remark='Void Type', |
xvr(1)=0.1, remark='X Location of Void Pointer', |
yvr(1)=0.03, remark='Y Location of Void Pointer', |
zvr(1)=0.05, remark='Z Location of Void Pointer', |
pvrd(1, 1)=1.0130e+06, remark= 'Pressure', |
tvrd(1, 1)=299.15, remark= 'Temperature', |
remark='!! Region Pointer common parameters', |
pvoid=1.0130e+06, remark='Default Void Initial Vapor Pressure', |
presi=1.0130e+06, remark='Uniform Pressure', |
iflinittyp=0, remark='Fluid Initialization', |
tempi=299.15, remark='Uniform Initial Temperature', |
tvoid=299.15, remark='Constant Uniform void-region temperature', |
igivht=1, remark='Global flag for void heat transfer type', |
remark= 'Void Pointer 1', |
/ |
&bf |
/ |
&motn |
/ |
&grafic |
anmtyp(1)='sclr2', |
anmtyp(2)='sldfrc', |
anmtyp(3)='tn', |
anmtyp(4)='tw', |
/ |
&renderspace |
ifcompf=1, |
/ |
&header |
project='template_ss316l', |
version='double', |
nprocs=0, |
runser=0, |
use_parallel_token=0, |
run_with_available=0, |
/ |
&parts |
remark='!! Fluid Particle Class', |
ipliquid_species=0, |
remark='!! Mass Particle Class', |
ipmass_species=0, |
remark='!! Particle Blocks', |
npxyz=0, |
remark='!! Particle Sources', |
ippkt=0, |
/ |
&details |
f3d_product_name='FLOW-3D', |
f3d_version_number='12.0.2', |
modified='2024 May 03 17:33', |
/ |
&mpivar |
/ |
&weld |
nlbeam=1, |
ilbeam=2, remark='surface detection method', |
remark='time index', |
timlbm(1)=0.0, |
remark= 'Laser 1', |
xb0lbm(1)=0.03, remark='X position', |
yb0lbm(1)=0.05, remark='Y position', |
zb0lbm(1)=1.0, remark='Z position', |
r0lbm(1)=0.005, remark='lens radius', |
rflbm(1)=0.005, remark='spot radius', |
dlflbm(1)=40, remark='focal distance', |
rblbm(1)=0.0035355339059327377, remark='Gauss dist. (rb)', |
rzlbm(1)=-1, remark='Z direction', |
powlbm(1,1)=3000000000.0, remark= 'power', |
utlbm(1,1)=160.0, remark= 'U velocity', |
ivprslbm=0, remark='evaporation calculation option', |
avprslbm=151950, remark='evaporation pressure pscoefficient A', |
bvprslbm=8.0144971996, remark='evaporation pressure pscoefficient B', |
irefopt=3, remark='multiple reflection option', |
ereflct=0.15, remark='coefficient epsilon of equation of fresnel reflection', |
constFresnel=0, remark='fresnel constant', |
ivpropt=1, remark='evaporation direction option', |
ibmpress=1, remark='Evaporation Pressure', |
imeltopt=2, remark='Melt region', |
/ |
1723.15 0.08 |
1773.15 0.07 |
298.15 7.95 |
373.15 7.921 |
473.15 7.88 |
573.15 7.833 |
673.15 7.785 |
773.15 7.735 |
873.15 7.681 |
973.15 7.628 |
1073.15 7.575 |
1173.15 7.52 |
1273.15 7.462 |
1373.15 7.411 |
1473.15 7.361 |
1573.15 7.311 |
1658.15 7.269 |
1723.15 7.236 |
1723.15 6.881 |
1773.15 6.842 |
1873.15 6.765 |
298.15 1.34e+6 |
373.15 1.55e+6 |
473.15 1.76e+6 |
573.15 1.94e+6 |
673.15 2.18e+6 |
773.15 2.34e+6 |
873.15 2.45e+6 |
973.15 2.51e+6 |
1073.15 2.72e+6 |
1173.15 2.79e+6 |
1273.15 2.91e+6 |
1373.15 2.93e+6 |
1473.15 3.09e+6 |
1573.15 3.11e+6 |
1723.15 2.85e+6 |
1773.15 2.95e+6 |
1873.15 3.05e+6 |
298.15 4.7e+6 |
373.15 4.9e+6 |
473.15 5.2e+6 |
573.15 5.4e+6 |
673.15 5.6e+6 |
773.15 5.7e+6 |
873.15 5.9e+6 |
973.15 6e+6 |
1073.15 6.3e+6 |
1173.15 6.4e+6 |
1273.15 6.6e+6 |
1373.15 6.7e+6 |
1473.15 7e+6 |
1573.15 7.1e+6 |
1658.15 7.2e+6 |
1723.15 7.3e+6 |
1723.15 8.3e+6 |
1773.15 8.3e+6 |
1873.15 8.3e+6 |