delete_me / 0_0300_01.6_1.0E-4_1.0E-4 /g_flsgrf.simulation
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e5383c5 verified
information extracted from: flsgrf.simulation
20:11:4300 1 1 3 2
5241920 (length of data file in words)
hydr3d version lnx64 12/03/2019
number of mesh blocks: 1
global spatial limits:
gxmin 0.000000E+00
gxmax 0.195000E+00
gymin 0.000000E+00
gymax 0.100000E+00
gzmin 0.000000E+00
gzmax 0.600000E-01
Component information:
nobs 0
ifsin 0
ithrmst 0
mesh block correspondence:
n_options 26 physical model and geometry options for mesh block 1
nobs 0
imobs 0
nbafs 0
nccs 0
idrg 0
iswat 0
nmat 1
itb 1
np 2
ifenrg 2
ifsld 1
icyl 0
ifrho 1
icmprs 0
units cgs
tunits k
munits g
lunits cm
tmunits s
cunits coul
wl 2
wr 2
wf 2
wbk 2
wb 2
wt 5
x_grid 20 x coordinate system for mesh block 1
4.87500010E-03 1.46249998E-02 2.43749991E-02 3.41250002E-02 4.38750014E-02
5.36249988E-02 6.33749962E-02 7.31250048E-02 8.28749985E-02 9.26249996E-02
1.02375001E-01 1.12124994E-01 1.21875003E-01 1.31624997E-01 1.41375005E-01
1.51124999E-01 1.60874993E-01 1.70625001E-01 1.80375010E-01 1.90124989E-01
y_grid 10 y coordinate system for mesh block 1
4.99999989E-03 1.49999997E-02 2.49999985E-02 3.50000001E-02 4.50000018E-02
5.49999997E-02 6.49999976E-02 7.50000030E-02 8.50000009E-02 9.49999988E-02
z_grid 7 z coordinate system for mesh block 1
4.99999989E-03 1.49999997E-02 2.49999985E-02 3.50000001E-02 4.50000018E-02
5.49999997E-02 6.49999976E-02
spat_time 65 spatial times available for mesh block 1
0.00000000E+00 5.52563142E-06 9.54910865E-06 1.42067875E-05 1.95986322E-05
2.58403670E-05 3.05390022E-05 3.57192512E-05 4.14304741E-05 4.45019978E-05
5.11134531E-05 5.46691263E-05 5.84025838E-05 6.64388499E-05 7.07607905E-05
7.52988271E-05 8.00637717E-05 8.50669603E-05 9.03203108E-05 9.58363235E-05
1.01628139E-04 1.07709544E-04 1.14095026E-04 1.20799778E-04 1.27839769E-04
1.35231749E-04 1.42993333E-04 1.51143002E-04 1.59700154E-04 1.68685161E-04
1.78119415E-04 1.88025399E-04 1.98426656E-04 2.09348000E-04 2.20815389E-04
2.32856168E-04 2.45498988E-04 2.58773915E-04 2.72712612E-04 2.87348259E-04
3.02715664E-04 3.18851438E-04 3.35794030E-04 3.53583717E-04 3.72262904E-04
3.91876063E-04 4.12469846E-04 4.34093352E-04 4.56798007E-04 4.80637915E-04
5.05669799E-04 5.31953294E-04 5.59550943E-04 5.88528521E-04 6.18954946E-04
6.50902686E-04 6.84447819E-04 7.19670206E-04 7.56653724E-04 7.95486383E-04
8.36260733E-04 8.79073748E-04 9.24027467E-04 9.71228816E-04 1.02079031E-03
hist_time 66 history times available for mesh block 1
0.00000000E+00 9.99999997E-07 5.52563142E-06 9.54910865E-06 1.42067875E-05
1.95986322E-05 2.58403670E-05 3.05390022E-05 3.57192512E-05 4.14304741E-05
4.45019978E-05 5.11134531E-05 5.46691263E-05 5.84025838E-05 6.64388499E-05
7.07607905E-05 7.52988271E-05 8.00637717E-05 8.50669603E-05 9.03203108E-05
9.58363235E-05 1.01628139E-04 1.07709544E-04 1.14095026E-04 1.20799778E-04
1.27839769E-04 1.35231749E-04 1.42993333E-04 1.51143002E-04 1.59700154E-04
1.68685161E-04 1.78119415E-04 1.88025399E-04 1.98426656E-04 2.09348000E-04
2.20815389E-04 2.32856168E-04 2.45498988E-04 2.58773915E-04 2.72712612E-04
2.87348259E-04 3.02715664E-04 3.18851438E-04 3.35794030E-04 3.53583717E-04
3.72262904E-04 3.91876063E-04 4.12469846E-04 4.34093352E-04 4.56798007E-04
4.80637915E-04 5.05669799E-04 5.31953294E-04 5.59550943E-04 5.88528521E-04
6.18954946E-04 6.50902686E-04 6.84447819E-04 7.19670206E-04 7.56653724E-04
7.95486383E-04 8.36260733E-04 8.79073748E-04 9.24027467E-04 9.71228816E-04
anim_time 65 animation times available for mesh block 1
0.00000000E+00 5.52563142E-06 9.54910865E-06 1.42067875E-05 1.95986322E-05
2.58403670E-05 3.05390022E-05 3.57192512E-05 4.14304741E-05 4.45019978E-05
5.11134531E-05 5.46691263E-05 5.84025838E-05 6.64388499E-05 7.07607905E-05
7.52988271E-05 8.00637717E-05 8.50669603E-05 9.03203108E-05 9.58363235E-05
1.01628139E-04 1.07709544E-04 1.14095026E-04 1.20799778E-04 1.27839769E-04
1.35231749E-04 1.42993333E-04 1.51143002E-04 1.59700154E-04 1.68685161E-04
1.78119415E-04 1.88025399E-04 1.98426656E-04 2.09348000E-04 2.20815389E-04
2.32856168E-04 2.45498988E-04 2.58773915E-04 2.72712612E-04 2.87348259E-04
3.02715664E-04 3.18851438E-04 3.35794030E-04 3.53583717E-04 3.72262904E-04
3.91876063E-04 4.12469846E-04 4.34093352E-04 4.56798007E-04 4.80637915E-04
5.05669799E-04 5.31953294E-04 5.59550943E-04 5.88528521E-04 6.18954946E-04
6.50902686E-04 6.84447819E-04 7.19670206E-04 7.56653724E-04 7.95486383E-04
8.36260733E-04 8.79073748E-04 9.24027467E-04 9.71228816E-04 1.02079031E-03
soli_time 1 solidification times available for mesh block 1
spat_var 32 spatial variables available for mesh block 1
name icomp nc xmn xmx ymn ymx zmn zmx description
f 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 fraction of fluid
p 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 1 pressure
rhoe 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 3 macroscopic energy of fluid #1
tn 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 3 temperature of fluid #1
rho 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 macroscopic density
scl1 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 Evaporation Pressure
scl2 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 Melt region
nfs 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 liquid region label
mu 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 dynamic viscosity
prsitr 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 4 Diagnostics: pressure iteration residual
volerr 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 5 Diagnostics: cumulative fluid fraction error
nf 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 3 Diagnostics: nf values
drg 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 3 normalized drag coefficient
fs 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 solid fraction
tw 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 wall temperature
qw 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 3 wall to fluid heat flux
htc 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 4 effective wall heat transfer coefficient
tns 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 3 fluid interface temperature
tws 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 4 component interface temperature
u 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 1 x-velocity
v 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 1 y-velocity
w 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 1 z-velocity
vbnd 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 boundary velocities
icstat 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 1 cell type
ijkmob 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 component number
npart18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 hot spots
xpart18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 x-coordinate
ypart18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 y-coordinate
zpart18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 z-coordinate
tpart18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 solidification time
hsmag18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 magnitude
idprt18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 particle id
hist_var 76 history variables available for mesh block 1
name icomp nc xmn xmx ymn ymx zmn zmx description
dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Diagnostics: time-step size
elt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: elapsed clock time
elt_cyc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Diagnostics: elapsed clock time per time step
peff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: % parallel efficiency
fillfrc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 fill fraction
slfdfrc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 solidified volume fraction
dtstbl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: time-step stability limit
dtuc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Diagnostics: x-direction convective time-step limit
dtvc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Diagnostics: y-direction convective time-step limit
dtwc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Diagnostics: z-direction convective time-step limit
dtvis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: viscous time-step limit
dtsur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Diagnostics: free surface time-step limit
dtcnd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Diagnostics: thermal conduction time-step limit
dtht 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Diagnostics: wall-heat transfer time-step limit
epsi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Diagnostics: pressure convergence criterion
omega 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: pressure relaxation factor
dmx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: maximum pressure residual
iter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: pressure iteration count
avgoms 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 average vorticity
nreg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 number of void regions
nr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 void region index
vrvol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 void region volume
vrp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 void region pressure
tvr 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 void region temperature
xvoid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 void region volume center - x
yvoid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 void region volume center - y
zvoid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 void region volume center - z
arvoid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 void region surface area
vchgt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: convective volume error
vchgp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Diagnostics: convective volume error; % lost
vchgtm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Diagnostics: interblock boundary volume error
vchgpm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Diagnostics: interblock boundary volume error; % lost
fvolt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 volume of fluid #1
flarea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 fluid surface area
fvols 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 solidified volume of fluid 1
xcm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 fluid center of mass x-coordinate
ycm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 fluid center of mass y-coordinate
zcm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 fluid center of mass z-coordinate
sf1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Diagnostics: fluid 1 volume net influx
avgmke 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 mass-averaged fluid mean kinetic energy
tmass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 total fluid mass
smass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Diagnostics: accumulated fluid mass source
tenrgy1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 total fluid #1 thermal energy
tflmin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 minimum fluid #1 temperature
tflmax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 maximum fluid #1 temperature
tflave 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 average fluid #1 temperature
tsenrg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 total solid thermal energy
twlmin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 minimum wall temperature
twlmax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 maximum wall temperature
tscl1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Evaporation Pressure mass
tscl2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Melt region mass
npart 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 total number of particles
npart18 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 hot spots
xlbm 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 laser # 1 : x-coordinate
ylbm 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 laser # 1 : y-coordinate
zlbm 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 laser # 1 : z-coordinate
pow1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 laser # 1 : power by first irradiation
pow2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 laser # 1 : power by multiple reflection
tbc 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Xmin specified temperature
tqbc 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Mesh Block 1: Xmin power
tbc 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Xmax specified temperature
tqbc 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Mesh Block 1: Xmax power
tbc 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Ymin specified temperature
tqbc 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Mesh Block 1: Ymin power
tbc 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Ymax specified temperature
tqbc 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Mesh Block 1: Ymax power
tbc 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Zmin specified temperature
tqbc 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Mesh Block 1: Zmin power
vfb1 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Mesh Block 1: Zmax fluid #1 volume flow rate
pbc 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Zmax specified pressure
fbc 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Mesh Block 1: Zmax specified fluid fraction
ubc 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Zmax specified x-velocity
vbc 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Zmax specified y-velocity
tbc 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Mesh Block 1: Zmax specified fluid #1 temperature
tbc2 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Mesh Block 1: Zmax specified void temperature
sclb2 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mesh Block 1: Zmax specified Melt region
anim_var 13 animation variables available for mesh block 1
name icomp nc xmn xmx ymn ymx zmn zmx description
f -1 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 fraction of fluid
tn -1 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 3 temperature of fluid #1
tw -1 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 wall temperature
scl2 -1 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 Melt region
fs -1 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 solid fraction
vbnd -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 boundary velocities
npart18 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 hot spots
xpart18 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 x-coordinate
ypart18 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 y-coordinate
zpart18 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 z-coordinate
tpart18 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 solidification time
hsmag18 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 magnitude
idprt18 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 particle id
soli_var 5 solidification variables available for mesh block 1
name icomp nc xmn xmx ymn ymx zmn zmx description
sldtim 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 soldification time
sldvel 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 solidus velocity
sldgrd 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 temperature gradient
sldclr 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 2 cooling rate
sldlst 0 1 3 1 22 1 12 1 9 3 local solidification time
########## data map ##########
ncmps 1
order 1
icyl 0
np 2
imobs 0
ipflag 0
iptemp 0
bytes 4
fixed_edits 1
x 1 11622 0 22 1 1 1 1
y 1 11645 0 12 1 1 1 1
z 1 11658 0 9 1 1 1 1
vf 1 14054 1 22 1 12 1 9
vfa 1 16215 1 22 1 12 1 9
afr 1 18376 1 22 1 12 1 9
afb 1 20537 1 22 1 12 1 9
aft 1 22698 1 22 1 12 1 9
spat_edits 65
spat_times 0.000000E+00 32806 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 5.525631E-06 113606 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 9.549109E-06 193446 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.420679E-05 273286 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.959863E-05 353126 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 2.584037E-05 432966 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 3.053900E-05 512806 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 3.571925E-05 592646 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 4.143047E-05 672486 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 4.450200E-05 752326 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 5.111345E-05 832166 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 5.466913E-05 912006 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 5.840258E-05 991846 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 6.643885E-05 1071686 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 7.076079E-05 1151526 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 7.529883E-05 1231366 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 8.006377E-05 1311206 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 8.506696E-05 1391046 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 9.032031E-05 1470886 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 9.583632E-05 1550726 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.016281E-04 1630566 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.077095E-04 1710406 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.140950E-04 1790246 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.207998E-04 1870086 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.278398E-04 1949926 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.352317E-04 2029766 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.429933E-04 2109606 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.511430E-04 2189446 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.597002E-04 2269286 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.686852E-04 2349126 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.781194E-04 2428966 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.880254E-04 2508806 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.984267E-04 2588646 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 2.093480E-04 2668486 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 2.208154E-04 2748326 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 2.328562E-04 2828166 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 2.454990E-04 2908006 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 2.587739E-04 2987846 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 2.727126E-04 3067686 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 2.873483E-04 3147526 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 3.027157E-04 3227366 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 3.188514E-04 3307206 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 3.357940E-04 3387046 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 3.535837E-04 3466886 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 3.722629E-04 3546726 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 3.918761E-04 3626566 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 4.124698E-04 3706406 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 4.340934E-04 3786246 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 4.567980E-04 3866086 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 4.806379E-04 3945926 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 5.056698E-04 4025766 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 5.319533E-04 4105606 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 5.595509E-04 4185446 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 5.885285E-04 4265286 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 6.189549E-04 4345126 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 6.509027E-04 4424966 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 6.844478E-04 4504806 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 7.196702E-04 4584646 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 7.566537E-04 4664486 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 7.954864E-04 4744326 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 8.362607E-04 4824166 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 8.790737E-04 4904006 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 9.240275E-04 4983846 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 9.712288E-04 5063686 0 0 (npart)
spat_times 1.020790E-03 5143526 0 0 (npart)
f 1 296 1 22 1 12 1 9
p 1 2457 1 22 1 12 1 9
rhoe 1 4618 1 22 1 12 1 9
tn 1 6779 1 22 1 12 1 9
rho 1 8940 1 22 1 12 1 9
scl1 1 11101 1 22 1 12 1 9
scl2 1 13262 1 22 1 12 1 9
nfs 1 30550 1 22 1 12 1 9
mu 1 34872 1 22 1 12 1 9
prsitr 1 37033 1 22 1 12 1 9
volerr 1 39194 1 22 1 12 1 9
nf 1 41355 1 22 1 12 1 9
drg 1 43516 1 22 1 12 1 9
fs 1 45677 1 22 1 12 1 9
tw 1 47838 1 22 1 12 1 9
qw 1 50214 1 22 1 12 1 9
htc 1 52375 1 22 1 12 1 9
tns 1 54536 1 22 1 12 1 9
tws 1 56697 1 22 1 12 1 9
u 1 58858 1 22 1 12 1 9
v 1 61019 1 22 1 12 1 9
w 1 63180 1 22 1 12 1 9
npart18 0 67520
xpart18 0 67521 0 ( 67521+ 0 * npart)
ypart18 0 67521 1 ( 67521+ 1 * npart)
zpart18 0 67521 2 ( 67521+ 2 * npart)
tpart18 0 67521 3 ( 67521+ 3 * npart)
hsmag18 0 67521 4 ( 67521+ 4 * npart)
idprt18 0 67521 5 ( 67521+ 5 * npart)
anim_edits 65
anim_times 0.000000E+00 100486 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 5.525631E-06 181286 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 9.549109E-06 261126 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.420679E-05 340966 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.959863E-05 420806 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 2.584037E-05 500646 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 3.053900E-05 580486 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 3.571925E-05 660326 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 4.143047E-05 740166 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 4.450200E-05 820006 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 5.111345E-05 899846 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 5.466913E-05 979686 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 5.840258E-05 1059526 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 6.643885E-05 1139366 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 7.076079E-05 1219206 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 7.529883E-05 1299046 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 8.006377E-05 1378886 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 8.506696E-05 1458726 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 9.032031E-05 1538566 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 9.583632E-05 1618406 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.016281E-04 1698246 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.077095E-04 1778086 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.140950E-04 1857926 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.207998E-04 1937766 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.278398E-04 2017606 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.352317E-04 2097446 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.429933E-04 2177286 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.511430E-04 2257126 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.597002E-04 2336966 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.686852E-04 2416806 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.781194E-04 2496646 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.880254E-04 2576486 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.984267E-04 2656326 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 2.093480E-04 2736166 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 2.208154E-04 2816006 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 2.328562E-04 2895846 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 2.454990E-04 2975686 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 2.587739E-04 3055526 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 2.727126E-04 3135366 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 2.873483E-04 3215206 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 3.027157E-04 3295046 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 3.188514E-04 3374886 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 3.357940E-04 3454726 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 3.535837E-04 3534566 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 3.722629E-04 3614406 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 3.918761E-04 3694246 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 4.124698E-04 3774086 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 4.340934E-04 3853926 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 4.567980E-04 3933766 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 4.806379E-04 4013606 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 5.056698E-04 4093446 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 5.319533E-04 4173286 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 5.595509E-04 4253126 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 5.885285E-04 4332966 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 6.189549E-04 4412806 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 6.509027E-04 4492646 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 6.844478E-04 4572486 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 7.196702E-04 4652326 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 7.566537E-04 4732166 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 7.954864E-04 4812006 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 8.362607E-04 4891846 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 8.790737E-04 4971686 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 9.240275E-04 5051526 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 9.712288E-04 5131366 0 0 (npart)
anim_times 1.020790E-03 5211206 0 0 (npart)
f 1 2 1 22 1 12 1 9
tn 1 2163 1 22 1 12 1 9
tw 1 4324 1 22 1 12 1 9
scl2 1 6700 1 22 1 12 1 9
fs 1 8861 1 22 1 12 1 9
npart18 0 11040
xpart18 0 11041 0 ( 11041+ 0 * npart)
ypart18 0 11041 1 ( 11041+ 1 * npart)
zpart18 0 11041 2 ( 11041+ 2 * npart)
tpart18 0 11041 3 ( 11041+ 3 * npart)
hsmag18 0 11041 4 ( 11041+ 4 * npart)
idprt18 0 11041 5 ( 11041+ 5 * npart)
soli_edits 1
soli_times 1.020790E-03 5222406 0
sldtim 1 0 1 22 1 12 1 9
sldvel 1 2161 1 22 1 12 1 9
sldgrd 1 4322 1 22 1 12 1 9
sldclr 1 6483 1 22 1 12 1 9
sldlst 1 8644 1 22 1 12 1 9
########## prepin file ##########
heat source welding : 300W_1mpersec_paper
remark='316L Stainless Steel (SS316L)'
remark='!! Remarks beginning with "!! " are automatically added and removed by FLOW-3D.',
remark='!! Do not begin any user added remarks with with "!! ". They will be removed',
twfin=0.001, remark='Simulation Finish Time',
hflv1=1.0e+05, remark='heat transfer to void type 1',
units='cgs', remark='base units',
tunits='k', remark='temperature units',
munits='g', remark='mass units',
lunits='cm', remark='length units',
timunits='s', remark='time units',
cunits='scoul', remark='charge units',
gamma=1.4, remark='gamma',
mu1=0.0325, remark='viscosity',
fluid1='Fe-316_Stainless_Steel-Mills data', remark='material name',
cv1=7.26e+6, remark='specific heat',
tl1=1697.15, remark='liquidus temperature',
ts1=1674.15, remark='solidus temperature',
clht1=2.6e+9, remark='latent heat fusion',
cvs1=7.22e+6, remark='specific heat',
thcs1=2.9349e+6, remark='thermal conductivity',
pv1=1.0130e+06, remark='saturation pressure',
tv1=373.15, remark='saturation temperature',
clhv1=2.256e+10, remark='latent heat of vaporization',
rsize=0, remark='accommodation coefficient',
cvvap=1.43e+7, remark='vapor specific heat',
tvexp=0, remark='exponent for T-P curve',
pv0=1.0130e+06, remark='void vapor partial pressure',
rhof=7.2492, remark='density',
sigma=0, remark='surface tension coefficient',
csigma=0, remark='surface tension coefficient temperature sensitivity',
thc1=2.8951e+6, remark='thermal conductivity',
ipgauge=0, remark='pressure type',
remark='!! Scalar 1',
scltit(1)='Evaporation Pressure',
remark='!! Scalar 2',
scltit(2)='Melt region',
remark='!! Boundary condition X Min',
tbct(1, 1)=299.15,
remark='!! Boundary condition X Max',
tbct(1, 2)=299.15,
remark='!! Boundary condition Y Min',
tbct(1, 3)=299.15,
remark='!! Boundary condition Y Max',
tbct(1, 4)=299.15,
remark='!! Boundary condition Z Min',
tbct(1, 5)=299.15,
remark='!! Boundary condition Z Max',
pbct(1, 6)=1.013e+06,
fbct(1, 6)=0,
tbct(1, 6)=299.15,
MeshName='Mesh Block 1',
size=0.01, remark='Size of Cells',
px(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the X Direction',
px(2)=0.195, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the X Direction',
py(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Y Direction',
py(2)=0.1, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Y Direction',
pz(1)=0.0, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Z Direction',
pz(2)=0.06, remark='Location of the Mesh Plane in the Z Direction',
nobs=0, remark='number of components',
remark='!! FluidRegion 1',
remark='Material 1',
fluidRegionName(1)='Region 1', remark='Fluid Region Name',
ifdis(1)=0, remark='Geometry',
fxl(1)=0.0, remark='X Low',
fxh(1)=0.195, remark='X High',
fyl(1)=0.0, remark='Y Low',
fyh(1)=0.1, remark='Y High',
fzl(1)=0.0, remark='Z Low',
fzh(1)=0.04, remark='Z High',
remark= 'Void Pointer Common Parameters',
remark='!! RegionPointer 1',
pointerName(1)='Pointer 1',
ivht(1)=1, remark='Void Type',
xvr(1)=0.1, remark='X Location of Void Pointer',
yvr(1)=0.03, remark='Y Location of Void Pointer',
zvr(1)=0.05, remark='Z Location of Void Pointer',
pvrd(1, 1)=1.0130e+06, remark= 'Pressure',
tvrd(1, 1)=299.15, remark= 'Temperature',
remark='!! Region Pointer common parameters',
pvoid=1.0130e+06, remark='Default Void Initial Vapor Pressure',
presi=1.0130e+06, remark='Uniform Pressure',
iflinittyp=0, remark='Fluid Initialization',
tempi=299.15, remark='Uniform Initial Temperature',
tvoid=299.15, remark='Constant Uniform void-region temperature',
igivht=1, remark='Global flag for void heat transfer type',
remark= 'Void Pointer 1',
remark='!! Fluid Particle Class',
remark='!! Mass Particle Class',
remark='!! Particle Blocks',
remark='!! Particle Sources',
modified='2024 May 03 17:33',
ilbeam=2, remark='surface detection method',
remark='time index',
remark= 'Laser 1',
xb0lbm(1)=0.03, remark='X position',
yb0lbm(1)=0.05, remark='Y position',
zb0lbm(1)=1.0, remark='Z position',
r0lbm(1)=0.005, remark='lens radius',
rflbm(1)=0.005, remark='spot radius',
dlflbm(1)=40, remark='focal distance',
rblbm(1)=0.0035355339059327377, remark='Gauss dist. (rb)',
rzlbm(1)=-1, remark='Z direction',
powlbm(1,1)=3000000000.0, remark= 'power',
utlbm(1,1)=160.0, remark= 'U velocity',
ivprslbm=0, remark='evaporation calculation option',
avprslbm=151950, remark='evaporation pressure pscoefficient A',
bvprslbm=8.0144971996, remark='evaporation pressure pscoefficient B',
irefopt=3, remark='multiple reflection option',
ereflct=0.15, remark='coefficient epsilon of equation of fresnel reflection',
constFresnel=0, remark='fresnel constant',
ivpropt=1, remark='evaporation direction option',
ibmpress=1, remark='Evaporation Pressure',
imeltopt=2, remark='Melt region',
#start tables:
1723.15 0.08
1773.15 0.07
#end mu1t
298.15 7.95
373.15 7.921
473.15 7.88
573.15 7.833
673.15 7.785
773.15 7.735
873.15 7.681
973.15 7.628
1073.15 7.575
1173.15 7.52
1273.15 7.462
1373.15 7.411
1473.15 7.361
1573.15 7.311
1658.15 7.269
1723.15 7.236
1723.15 6.881
1773.15 6.842
1873.15 6.765
#end rhof
298.15 1.34e+6
373.15 1.55e+6
473.15 1.76e+6
573.15 1.94e+6
673.15 2.18e+6
773.15 2.34e+6
873.15 2.45e+6
973.15 2.51e+6
1073.15 2.72e+6
1173.15 2.79e+6
1273.15 2.91e+6
1373.15 2.93e+6
1473.15 3.09e+6
1573.15 3.11e+6
1723.15 2.85e+6
1773.15 2.95e+6
1873.15 3.05e+6
#end thc1
298.15 4.7e+6
373.15 4.9e+6
473.15 5.2e+6
573.15 5.4e+6
673.15 5.6e+6
773.15 5.7e+6
873.15 5.9e+6
973.15 6e+6
1073.15 6.3e+6
1173.15 6.4e+6
1273.15 6.6e+6
1373.15 6.7e+6
1473.15 7e+6
1573.15 7.1e+6
1658.15 7.2e+6
1723.15 7.3e+6
1723.15 8.3e+6
1773.15 8.3e+6
1873.15 8.3e+6
#end cv1
#end fluid1
#end start tables