{ "translation": { "en": "The trees were cut down.", "lg": "Emiti gy'asalibwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He stood in the road for the cars to knock him down.", "lg": "Yayimirira mu luguudo emmotoka zisobole okumutomera." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"When the hen is slaughtered, the feathers must be plucked off the skin.\"", "lg": "Enkoko bw'esalibwa ebyoya birina okumaanyibwa ku ddiba." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Parents should ensure that children do their homework every day.", "lg": "Abazadde balina okukakasa nti abaana bakola emirimu egibaweebwa okukolera awaka buli lunaku." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Religious leaders conduct their prayers via media platforms.", "lg": "Abakulembeze b'eddiini bakubiriza okusaba kwabwe okuyitira ku mikutu gy'eby'empuliziganya." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "They moved from one village to another looking for food.", "lg": "Baatambula kyalo ku kyalo nga banoonya mmere." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The Pastor prayed against racism in the country during Sunday service.", "lg": "Omusumba yasaba ng'awakanya obusosoze mu nse mu ggwanga mu kusaba kw'oku Ssande." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He has scored seven goals in the last four football games.", "lg": "Ateebye ggoolo musanvu mu mizannyo gy'omupiira ena egiyise." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Banks reduced their working hours because of the pandemic.", "lg": "Bbanka zaasala ku ssaawa z'okukola olw'ekirwadde ky'ekikungo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "It is good to keep a safe distance when driving.", "lg": "\"Bw'oba ovuga, kikulu okulekawo ebbanga erimala wakati wo n'emmotoka endala.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "One of the players fainted from the dressing room.", "lg": "Omu ku bazannyi yazirikira mu kasenge omwambalirwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "How is the ministry going to handle the discarding of phone batteries", "lg": "Minisitule egenda kukola etya eky'amanda g'essimu agaasuulibwasuulibwa?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Stakeholders are people with an interest in something or business.", "lg": "Abakwatibwako be bantu abalina obwagazi mu kintu ekimu oba bizinensi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He is going for industrial training.", "lg": "Agenda kutendekebwa mu kkolero." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Their political party is still new in the country's political field.", "lg": "Ekibiina kyabwe eky'ebyobufuzi kikyali kiggya mu kisaawe ky'eby'obufuzi mu ggwanga." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Newspapers these days can also be accessed online.", "lg": "Empapula z'amawulire nazo zisobola okufunibwa ku mutimbagano ennaku zino." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Everyone enjoyed the party.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "How many animals can you see in the picture?", "lg": "Ensolo mmeka z'osobola okulaba mu kifaananyi?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "People are advised to pay taxes.", "lg": "Abantu bakubirizibwa okusasula emisolo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Top taxpayers in the country have been named.", "lg": "Abasinga okuwa omusolo mu ggwanga banokoddwayo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He is going to use the money to buy alcohol.", "lg": "Ssente agenda kuzikozesa kugula mwenge." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I read stories to my son before he goes to bed.", "lg": "Nsomera mutabani wange obugero nga tannagenda kwebaka." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "How many people who have died of coronavirus?", "lg": "Abantu bameka abafudde akawuka ka ssennyiga omukambwe?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "It is unhealthy to eat cold food in the morning.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "This house was built out of only stones.", "lg": "Ennyumba eno yazimbibwa na mayinja gokka." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Sit down and we take some tea.", "lg": "Tuula wansi tunywe ku kacaayi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The protesters set cars on fire and burnt down a building.", "lg": "Abeekalakaasi baatekera emmotoka omuliro ne bookya n'ekizimbe." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The minister said a new health center will be constructed in this district next year.", "lg": "Minisita yagamba nti eddwaliro eppya lijja kuzimbibwa mu disitulikiti eno omwaka ogujja." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "When was the new cabinet of ministers appointed?", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Football fans have attacked their team's coach because of the club's poor performance.", "lg": "Abawagizi b'omupiira gw'ebigere balumbye omutendesi wa ttiimu yaabwe olwa ttiimu yaabwe okukola obubi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "New health facilities have been established to improve medical services", "lg": "Ebifo ebijjanjabibwamu ebibya bizimbiddwa okutumbula obuweereza bw'ebyobulamu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The animal industry tried to save existing cattle stock by containing diseases.", "lg": "Ab'ebyebisolo baagezaako okutaasa ente eziriwo nga batangira endwadde okusaasaana." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Termination should only be done if employer business is facing a shutdown.", "lg": "Okugoba kulina kukolebwa singa bizinensi y'omukozesa eba eggalawo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The measles outbreak is in the Democratic Republic of Congo.", "lg": "Obulwadde bw'olukusense bubaluseewo mu Congo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Our services will be published in the newspapers.", "lg": "Bye tukola bijja kufulumira mu mpapula z'amawulire." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Some people are suffering from broken hearts.", "lg": "Abantu abamu baamenyeka omutima." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "It is her job to serve out the food.", "lg": "Mulimu gwe okugabula emmere." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"In Uganda, males are more educated than females.\"", "lg": "\"Mu Uganda, abasajja baasoma okusinga abakazi.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The fighters traveled freely through the country.", "lg": "Abalwanyi baatambulanga kyere mu ggwanga lyonna." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Everyone should sleep under a mosquito net to reduce the spread of malaria disease.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "All of us at home have father's surname.", "lg": "Ffenna ewaka tulina erinnya lya taata ery'ekika." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The water pipe was cut last night.", "lg": "Omudumu gw'amazzi gwatemeddwa ekiro ekyayise." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Some people said most goods bought online are fake.", "lg": "Abantu abamu baagamba nti ebintu ebigulirwa ku mutimbagano ebisinga bicupuli." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"As many were injured, the rest fled in confusion.\"", "lg": "\"Abasinga bwe baakosebwa, abalala baafuna okutabulwa.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He has never been found ever since he disappeared from his shop two months ago.", "lg": "Tebamuzuulanga bukya abulawo okuva mu dduuka lye emyezi ebiri emabega." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Wheelchairs help the disable to move easily and with comfort.", "lg": "Obuggaali bw'abalema buyamba abaliko obulemu okutambula amangu era nga bali bulungi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The murder suspects were arrested.", "lg": "Abateeberezebwa okubeera abatemu baakwatiddwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The country under his leadership has put in place a vision to drive development.", "lg": "\"Wansi w'obukulembeze bwe, eggwanga litaddewo enjoleka okunaavugirwa enkulaakulana.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The political party lost many posts in this election.", "lg": "Ekibiina ky'ebyobufuzi kyafiirwa ebifo bingi mu kulonda kuno." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The company donated food to some of its employees who were laid off.", "lg": "Kampuni yawa emmere abamu ku bakozi baayo abaayimirizibwa ku mirimu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The presidential elections took place in January this year.", "lg": "Okulonda pulezidenti kwaliwo mu Jjanwali omwaka guno." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "What is the best material for making a mat?", "lg": "Kintu ki ekisinga obulungi okukolamu omukeeka?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The winning team has a reason to celebrate .", "lg": "Tiimu esinze erina ensonga okujaguza." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Some women tend to eat the food while it is still on the stove.", "lg": "Abakazi abamu baliira ku kyoto." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He didn’t want me to leave the netball team.", "lg": "Teyayagala nve mu ttiimu y'ababasi b'omupiira." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The minister planted a tree as a memorial of his visit.", "lg": "Omubaka yasimbye omuti olukyala lwe lusobole okujjukirwanga." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He constructed his house in the desert.", "lg": "Ennyumba ye yagizimba mu ddungu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Funds are required in the fight against diseases.", "lg": "Ebintu byetaagibwa mu kulwanyisa endwadde." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Agricultural products have a ready market in Uganda.", "lg": "Ebintu ebiva mu bulimi n'obulunzi birina akatale mu Uganda." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I want to become the next group leader.", "lg": "Njagala kufuuka mukulembeze wa kibinja addako." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The need for better liverihood leads to the creation of better policies for homeless people.", "lg": "Obwetaavu bw'okusitula omutindo gw'ebyobulamu guleetera okutondawo enkola ennungamu ez'abantu abatalina we babeera." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Registration to join the group is at fifty thousand shillings only.", "lg": "Okwewandiisa okuyingira mu kibiina kwa mitwalo gy'ensimbi etaano gyokka." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Their team has won the interschool finals for the past two years.", "lg": "Essomero lyabwe liwangudde empaka z'omupiira ez'amasomero emyaka ebiri egiyise egy'omuddiringanwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I had to fetch water from the well to wash to my dirty clothes.", "lg": "Nalina okukima amazzi okuva ku luzzi nsobole okwoza engoye zange enkyafu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The rising coronavirus cases were reported on the news and social media.", "lg": "Emiwendo gy'abantu abalina akawuka ka kkolona egirinnya gyalagiddwa mu mawulire n'emikutu emigattabantu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The current growth is being studied.", "lg": "Enkulaakulana / ensonga eriwo eri mu kw'ekkeneenyezebwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "There will be no mercy shown to those who come late.", "lg": "Abatuuka ekikeerezi tebajja kusaasirwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He has held fellowships at the University.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "This book was translated into many languages.", "lg": "Ekitabo kino kyavvuunulwa mu nnimi nnyingi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "They were all shocked when she walked into the room.", "lg": "Bonna beewuunyizza bwe yayingidde mu kisenge." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I don't eat chicken.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We will not relocate to that town.", "lg": "Tetujja kusengukira mu kabuga ako." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Women leaders in our village have sensitized teenagers on the dangers of fornication.", "lg": "Abakulembeze b'abakyala ku kyalo kyaffe bamanyizizza abavubuka ku kabi akali mu kwegata nga tebannafumbirwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The old students of the school have donated scholastic materials.", "lg": "Abayizi abaasomerako ku ssomero bawaddeyo ebikozesebwa ku ssomero." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She did not know what to say since she was caught red-handed.", "lg": "Ebyokwewozaako byamubula kubanga baamukwata lubona." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He was sick of malaria.", "lg": "Yali alwadde omusujja gw'ensiri." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The bank offered two hundred million Ugandan shillings to the government to support families that are in need during the pandemic.", "lg": "Bbanka yawa gavumenti obukadde bwa siringi za Uganda ebikumi bibiri okuyamba ku famire eziri mu bwetaavu mu kiseera ky'ekirwadde ky'ekikungo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Poor quality products rarely perform as expected.", "lg": "Ebintu eby'omutindo omubi tebitera kukola nga bwe bisuubirwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I no longer put sugar in my tea.", "lg": "Sikyateeka sukaali mu caayi wange." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The park hosts people of all kinds.", "lg": "Ppaaka ekyaza abantu aba buli ngeri." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "They have resorted to renewable sources of energy.", "lg": "Basazeewo okukozesa amaanyi agava mu butonde." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Security organs play a big role in keeping the peace during the voting process.", "lg": "Abakuumaddembe bakola omulimi munene mu kukuuma emirembe mu kaseera k'okulonda." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "What is the title of the best novel you have ever read?", "lg": "Akatabo akasinga okukunyumira ke wali osomye kayitibwa katya?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "With God all things are possible.", "lg": "Eri Katonda byonna bisoboka." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The project is expected to boost industrialization.", "lg": "Puloojekiti esuubirwa okutumbula ebyamakolero." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "People will get employment opportunities with the establishment of the administrative units.", "lg": "Abantu bajja kufuna emirimu olw'okuteekebwawo kw'ebifo by'obukulembeze ebipya." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "People were going to incur a lot of expenses registering land from the capital city.", "lg": "Abantu baali bagenda kusasula ssente nnyingi okuwandiisa ettaka mu kibuga ky'eggwanga ekikulu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The tournament presented an opportunity for the new players to play.", "lg": "Empaka zaawadde abazannyi abapya omukisa okuzannya." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Why isn't your daughter in school?", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The police official was kind enough to me.", "lg": "Omukungu wa poliisi yali wa kisa nnyo gyendi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Some motorcycles are not insured.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Who is the army commander?", "lg": "Ani muduumizi w'amagye?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The advice of the soldiers was no longer needed.", "lg": "Okuwabulwa kw'abajaasi kwali tekukyetaagibwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Several people drowned in the hectic effort to collect dead fish that floated.", "lg": "Abantu abawerako babbira mu katuubagiro k'okugezaako okukuŋŋaanya ebyennyanja ebifudde ebyali bitengejjera ku mazzi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The government planted one thousand trees along the Entebbe express highway.", "lg": "Gavumenti yasimba emiti lukumi ku luguudo lwa Entebbe express highway." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The meeting was cancelled because the speaker was sick.", "lg": "Olukiiko lwasazidwamu kubanga omukubiriza yabadde mulwadde." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Excommunication can be reversed if a Christian is found not guilty.", "lg": "Okuboolwa mu kkanisa kusobola okuggibwawo singa omukrisitu azuulibwa nga talina musango." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Some bars disrupt peace by playing very loud music.", "lg": "Amabaala agamu gatabangula eddembe nga gazannya ennyimba eziwoggana ennyo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Who was Uganda's first president?", "lg": "Ani pulezidenti wa Uganda eyasooka?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We boarded the bus that park near the national stadium.", "lg": "Twalinnya bbaasi esimba okumpi n'ekisaawe ky'eggwanga eky'ebyemizannyo." } }