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"Good implementation of stored procedures, and c# desktop environment. Still improving in terms of using proper design principles.",,Good
This was done,,Neutral
Work well done. I will expect you learn different tools used in MTN to monitor mobile money.,,Good
Thanks Ryan for the report. A little more detail and particularity on the tasks would improve your weekly reporting. I will expound on this in the coming week's standup meetings.,,Neutral
Thank you Walter for staying the course. Please try to be more detailed and particular in presenting the tasks accomplished in a week and those in progress for my better understanding of your professional development.,,Neutral
Thank you Walter. I am interested in knowing more about the actual details of the tasks you have been working on and those in progress. We shall discuss this in the coming week's standup meetings.,,Neutral
Despite the limited time the student was able to accomplish the tasks. She showed extra interest in learning.,,Good
Tasks 1 - 3 were done well but task 4 has not been completed please take time and complete it,,Poor
Calvin successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database environment for the mobile app.,,Good
"Thank you Sharifa for always embracing leadership and its attendant challenges. I encourage you to take more time and understand this second assignment, which is not necessarily coding a website, but extending the functionality of a wordpress website by way of building a plugin to help in the management of some of the company operations on a day to day basis.",,Good
Challenged by the computer this week.,,Very Poor
This was done,,Neutral
Indicated progress on tasks assigned to the intern in week 4 reviewed and completion acknowledged.,,Good
Indicated progress on tasks assigned to the intern in week 4 reviewed and completion acknowledged.,,Good
"Kaweesi can write a simple USSD and SMS application using the Africa'sTalking API. he can also write simple SQL commands like INSERT INTO, CREATE, SELECT, ORDER BY, DESC or ASC, etc. He can also execute these commands using PHP (MySQLi).",,Good
Thank you Racheal for all your efforts. I encourage you to mobilise and energise your team more so that the efforts of everybody are in sync. We need to bring this assignment to a close.,,Good
Thank you Kenneth for all your efforts. I encourage you to strive towards attaining a higher level of consistency and punctuality. These two are critical aspects of personal discipline that greatly contributes to our success as professionals. Keep up the positive vibe and energy.,,Good
She is a fast learner and asks questions where she doesn't understand,,Good
she managed to do multiple tasks assigned to her and balance them properly.,,Good
she is getting the understanding and basic concepts and managed to design a simple form,,Good
Finished Creative work and focused on networking.,,Good
Discussion through service flows went well.,,Good
Has clear understanding of GPRS service,,Good
Discussion completed successfully.,,Good
This is completed successfully,,Good
"Bazaale has acquired knowledge working with USSD and SMS applications, he can also make Mobile money and card integration in his web portal.",,Good
"Using wire can now integrate Credit cards and a Mobile money payment in a web system using MySQL, PHP, HTML, and JS.",,Good
"But all in all, we are very glad to have him as our intern and hope to grow his skills and the business as a whole in his internship.",,Neutral
"The only flaw observed in him as of this week, he still lacks a little bit of confidence when talking to a large group of people.",,Poor
"He is a self-driven young man and from the way, I see it, a workaholic. He has performed all his duties as assigned to him in the first week neatly.",,Excellent
"Mutamba Abudi has done very well on his first week as our Analyst intern, analysing all the metrics of the company's social media platforms.",,Excellent
She managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the database environment for the mobile app.,,Good
Harnest completed this week's tasks without any challenges. He's doing well.,,Excellent
Kenneth successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile delivery app. I also encourage him to always refer to recorded videos at the end of each session incase of unstable internet and to contact the Leader Developer for guidance.,,Good
"Derick has obtained knowledge of making Mobile money and Credit card payment integration sung PHP, HTML, JS and MySQLi",,Good
"Namale is slowly acquiring knowledge of writing real-world software to solve real work problems, she is in the process of knowing how to make payment integrations with Mobile Money and Card using simple HTML, JS, MySQLi, and PHP. Learning is a process",,Neutral
She has got a good introduction to PHP and she will learn more with time,,Neutral
A great step on setting up Pontoon. Focus on linking Pontoon to Github project that has sample strings now.,,Good
Great work on re-enumeration of datasets. Let me know in case of any issues when setting up on Heroku,,Excellent
The student presented to me the admin user interface which was successful,,Excellent
Learnt new skill set of collaborative development using GIT HUB,,Good
Nothing is too hard or complicated to be done. I encourage Ian to make use of internet and do more research on backend development.,,Very Poor
"Rafusanjani has obtained knowledge on integrating payments into a web system using MySQLi, PHP, HTML, and JS.",,Good
Thanks Alex for the effort. Please interact more with me and the team. I will expand your team next week.,,Good
"He is so inquisitive, asks to learn and he has been so attentive during all the trainings.",,Good
He has continued to maintain a good working relationship with team members he was assigned to.,,Good
Andrew's attendance record for these week was exceedingly proper regardless of the network connection challenges.,,Excellent
Emilly successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile app.,,Good
Successfully handled tasks of computer hardware and maintenance given to him,,Excellent
Patricia managed to complete this week's main tasks that is ( configuring routing protocols on layers 3 devices and installing operating system ) without any challenge.,,Excellent
"Ruth successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile App. Incase of poor network, I encourage her to make use of recordings and contact the Lead developer for guidance.",,Good
Had development environment challenges but was later sorted .,,Poor
"Mulema has obtained knowledge of working with PHP and SQL, he can write simple PHP scripts as well as SQL. He can also push code to his repository and deploy it to the remote server.",,Good
Very Good performance from Isaac Sempiira,,Excellent
The aim of this task was to introduce Mr. Kiyingi to how we approach business development. He did his research and submitted for Tender opportunities out of which we were able to submit a proposal for one. We haven't received communication from the Purchaser on who the tender was awarded to.,,Good
"Despite COVID restrictions, Resty has managed to come to Stratcom and complete this week's tasks.",,Neutral
Great progress. Share any literature you read on audio generation,,Good
"Despite a few challenges, Daniel completed this week's main task. That is, setting up the development and database environment for a mobile delivery App.",,Good
Thank you Andrew for the diligence exhibited in the first assignment. I encourage you to carry this into the second assignment. I will get in touch with you and Trevor so that we can wrap up the first assignment and conduct User Acceptance Tests.,,Excellent
I look forward to the analysis of the new data that has been shared with her.,,Neutral
The first milestone for the internship for analyzing and visualizing the first dataset has been completed. This analysis will be used to guide the creation of API's to expose and visualize the data through a web application by other team members.,,Neutral
Jacintah successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile app.,,Good
The devotion and effort your putting into this learning process is quite impressing. Please keep going.,,Good
Raymond managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile app.,,Good
GIT hub collaborative development was the area of Focus for Apollo this week and he delivered with the team he worked with this week.,,Good
She successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database environment for the mobile app.,,Good
Mwangi learnt the new skillset of online collaboration development,,Neutral
More research needed on Objects and classes,,Poor
I have guided Nicholas on the working of the different technologies that he will be using to access and expose the data. He has done quick learners courses on the DRF and Odata endpoints and is ready to implement the solutions.,,Good
"Thank you Shivan, please keep up the spirit. Interact more with your colleagues so that we can complete the assignment on time.",,Excellent
Emmanuel completed this week's tasks with out any challenges.,,Good
"Despite a few challenges, Caroli managed to start internship at Stratcom",,Neutral
Lilian successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile App.,,Good
Jacob walks to Stratcom for training sessions. I encourage him to continue walking because it's good for his health.,,Neutral
Nuhu successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database environment for the mobile App.,,Good
Joshua's progress is noticeable.,,Neutral
"Joshua Kakembo, has effectively synchronized well with my team and it's a pleasure to have him with us for this period of internship. He provided a good evaluation of information from clients I asked him to review. This week he has effectively and efficiently made updates on the Mobvet Ug Web App project and as well attended to the vehicle parking management system in Php and Mysql. ",,Excellent
Research on variables and conditions in c#,,Neutral
He successfully setup the database enviroment for the delivery App.,,Good
Please share the list of literature you read. She's learned how to use pyaudioanalysis library,,Neutral
"In coding, errors are innevitable. So Sandra should expect more errors when working on other projects (apps). Fortunately, errors can be debugged.",,Poor
"In coding, errors are innevitable. Jackson has to learn to deal with them (debugging).",,Poor
More research and efforts needed in understanding the MVC architecture,,Neutral
He's passionate about Networking and completes all tasks assigned to him with ease.,,Good
Xavier managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile app. I also encourage him to contact the Lead developer incase of complicated concepts.,,Neutral
Pamella successfully set up the database enviroment for the mobile app. She should also get used to debugging errors.,,Neutral
He has continued to maintain a good working relationship with team members she was assigned to.,,Good
Musumba's attendance record for these week was exceedingly proper regardless of the network connection challenges.,,Excellent
Great Progress,,Good
Reviewed the Kampala city HTML/CSS work. Very good initiative.,,Good
Task accomplished on time.,,Good
Samuel should get used to debugging since it's part of coding.,,Neutral
Samson successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by any one connected to internet. This offer is valid for 4 months.,,Good
A slow computer can frustrate a developer. So I encourage Mwesigwa to upgrade his machine.,,Neutral
Collins met expectations for the week.,,Good
"Katumba has acquired knowledge of integrating Mobile money and Credit card payment into a web system. using MySQLi, PHP, HTML, and JS",,Neutral
Thanks Priscilla for remaining committed and persistent. Please interact more with your team members so that we can complete the project on time.,,Good
"He successfully completed this week's main tasks, that is, configuring routing protocols on layers 3 devices and VLANs on layer 2 devices.",,Good
"Leticia successfully completed this week's tasks. Because of transport challenge, I encourage her to plan her movements a bit early.",,Neutral
"Some times Rogers is distracted and is not motivated enough to fully concentrate. I encourage him to focus on the task at hand. That aside, he managed to complete this week's task of setting up the database enviroment for the delivery App.",,Neutral
"I an satisfied with the serialization of the data backend, specifically the auto formatting of model field types to native formats which simplifies the use of the data in end applications.",,Excellent
Norah managed to complete this week's tasks. She should also get used to debugging coding errors.,,Neutral
"The tasks being worked on were not part of the initial plan, did anything change?",,Neutral
A slow machine can frustrate any developer. So I encourage Edwin to upgrade his computer for better performance,,Neutral
"Marvin managed to complete this week's main task, that is, setting up the database environment for the mobile App.",,Good
"Despite afew coding challenges, Moses managed to successfully set up a database for the mobile app.",,Neutral
Advised to prepare a presentation to the team - basics of Sketch,,Neutral
She's doing great,,Good
"Kenneth has acquired knowledge of writing a payment integration in a web system. he can integrate MTN and Airtel Mobile money as well Paypal and card using PHP, MySQLi, HTML, and JS.",,Excellent
Kenneth now has knowledge of writing USSD and SMS applications with PHP and MySQLi supported by Africa'sTalking API.,,Neutral
"Successfully completed his tasks, well elaborated medium article.",,Neutral
Martha should get used to debugging errors since it's part of coding.,,Neutral
Charlotte perfected all commands needed to activate / enable Interior Gateway routing protocols on layer 3 devices.,,Excellent
"He is so inquisitive, asks to learn and he has been so attentive during all the trainings.",,Good
He has continued to maintain a good working relationship with team members she was assigned to.,,Good
Benon's attendance record for these week was exceedingly proper regardless of the network connection challenges.,,Excellent
"She completed this week's tasks, that is, configuring routing protocols on layer 3 devices and installing application software on end devices.",,Neutral
"Incase of internet connectivity issues, I encourage Francis to make use of recordings. He is also free to contact the Lead Developer for help any time.",,Neutral
"Despite afew challenges, Joshua managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile App.",,Neutral
"Despite afew coding errors which he successfully debugged, Alex managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
"Some times internet issues are innevitable. Despite these challenges, Dauglas managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile app.",,Good
She has continued to maintain a good working relationship with team members she was assigned to.,,Excellent
Joan's attendance record for these week was exceedingly proper..,,Excellent
Joan did not require constant supervision,,Good
"Takes messages, writes correspondence, deals with customers and coworkers with sufficient attention to detail.",,Good
Usually adjusts well to changes in the work place.,,Good
Maintains good working relationships with coworkers.,,Good
"Has had no unscheduled absences, except for documented emergencies.",,Neutral
Does not require constant supervision.,,Good
"Despite a few challenges especially with some tools, he managed to set up the development environment for a mobile delivery App.",,Neutral
The first set of visualizations for the data has been completed which is a major milestone for the internship. The visualizations will serve as a guide for the developing endpoints and the web dashboard that is being handles by other members on the team,,Neutral
"Lucky can now write simple USSD and SMS applications, she can also make Mobile money and Card integration using Flutterwave, PHP, HTML, and JS. at this level she can write a complete project by herself and deploy it on a secure live server.",,Good
Most aspiring developers hate coding errors. But Mariam does whatever she can (debugging) so that her code runs.,,Good
This work was done on time,,Good
Flexible and easily adapts to new skills and was of doing things,,Good
We have had a lot of conversation about how to handle and GPS data and how this can be used to enrich the dataset description.,,Neutral
Basic filtering functions to group the data across the different datasets has been done and reviewed.,,Neutral
"Matia has acquired knowledge of integration payment in his web system using PHP, JS, and HTML.",,Good
self driven,,Good
very willing to take on responsibilities.,,Good
Lubega Nabunje's show a lot of promise in here work. She is really focused and I'm happy with the commitment and dedication she put in the project.,,Good
Chrispus successfully set up the database enviroment for the mobile App. I also encourage him to get used to debugging errors since they are innevitable.,,Neutral
Working on the prediction analysis of Walmart datasets takes a lot of detailing. Happy with her contribution to it.,,Good
The student demonstrated proper use and reading of a digital multimeter.,,Good
Strong and well fused soldering beads created by the student using the soldering gun.,,Neutral
A slow machine can frustrate any developer. I encourage Aida to upgrade her machine for better performance.,,Neutral
Still needs to improve on the coding capabilities nevertheless the work was completed.,,Poor
He successfully set up the database environment for the mobile App. He is doing well so far.,,Neutral
"Despite internet challenge, Mary managed to complete this week's main tasks. I also encourage her to make use of recordings and also contact the Lead Developer incase of any coding challenge.",,Neutral
"I encourage Hilda to practice all the cisco IOS commands using simulation software called packet tracer. Whenever she has time, she is free to come to Stratcom and use (set up and configure) networking devices here.",,Neutral
Completed sprint successfully and managed to get comfortable with the frontend code repo.,,Good
Gloria completed this week's main task of setting up the database environment for the mobile App.,,Neutral
Resty successfully set up the database enviroment for the mobile app. I encourage her to upgrade her machine.,,Neutral
Steven has perfected all commands needed to activate routing protocols on layer 3 devices. He is doing well.,,Excellent
Ronald doesn't need internet to complete networking tasks. I encourage him to use networking equipment at Stratcom for practice.,,Neutral
"Making steady progress. Sessions start in time and none have been missed so far, keep it up",,Neutral
Good job. Keep it up,,Good
He is dependable,,Excellent
He takes accountability on everything done,,Excellent
Paul is a self-driven individual who has provided great service to the new NORAD project. He led a team of 4 people in splitting tasks in the web site. He has been able to quickly learn the new framework and most importantly deliver quality work,,Excellent
He is hard working,,Good
"As the week wound up, Solomon exhibited impressive skills in handling issues arising with the organization's printers, scanners and photocopiers. Please maintain that",,Good
Yvette completed this week's main task i.e setting up the database enviroment for the mobile app.,,Neutral
"Thank you Zaharah for all your efforts on this assignment. I encourage you to cooperate more with your team colleagues, synchronise your work and we will have better performance as a team and attain our project objectives.",,Neutral
He successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile App. I also encourage Abdullah to get used to debugging errors since debugging is inseparable with coding.,,Neutral
Timothy has successfully completed this week's tasks. He can activate routing protocols on layer 3 devices and install software on PCs,,Excellent
The student has successfully mastered how to interface with graphics design software,,Good
Sam has not faced any internship related challenges. He's doing well so far.,,Good
Davis successfully completed this week's tasks without any challenges. He's a promising developer.,,Neutral
"Magembe can write a simple SMS and USSD application using the Africa'stalking API, he can also deploy his code to the remote server. Learning is a process.",,Neutral
Louisa maanaged to complete this week's main task of setting up the database enviroment for the mobile app.,,Neutral
"Geofrey has obtained knowledge of making payment integration with PHP, JS, HTML, and MySQLi. therefore he can enable customers to pay online.",,Good
"Benadette, I encourage you to review the solution design document of the second project carefully and then proceed to development.",,Poor
"He is so inquisitive, asks to learn and he has been so attentive during all the trainings.",,Good
He has continued to maintain a good working relationship with team members she was assigned to.,,Good
Umar's attendance record for these week was exceedingly proper regardless of the network connection challenges.,,Neutral
Thank you Ryan for the diligence and focus. Please keep it up.,,Good
Challenged by the computer's ram and disk capacity.,,Poor
"Thanks Viola, keep up the spirit and we wind up this assignment and move to the next one.",,Neutral
"You need to own your work more. Otherwise, you have shown great agility and resilience while under pressure. Your interpersonal skills are also getting better.",,Poor
"Timothy had some challenges coding the backend, however at his own initiative he researched online for solutions and was able to resolve the challenges since he was working remotely due COVID19. At this point the team members had finished their required tasks of contributing some code. I am sacrificed with his ability to work as a team member and a leader. However I had noticed when he came to location he had challenges with his dressing code which was not befitting the corporate culture. I asked him to come in so that we can discuss the project progress one on one and took time to advice him to improve his dress code.",,Neutral
Progressive in collaborative development,,Good
all tasks were delivered on time,,Excellent
Multitasked well the activities at hand .,,Good
I was impressed with the selected deployment strategy for the models. Iann went with existing simple framework as opposed to building new interfaces from scratch. This is a very good for testing and making rapid changes as the interface and the models are lightly coupled.,,Good
Progressive in the tasks at hand.,,Neutral
"The week was challenging, to him but considered progressive because i looked the work after and he had coped up with others.",,Neutral
Thank you Nabil for being an active member of this team during the course of this assignment. Please take note of the lessons going into the second assignment.,,Good
Thank you Mariam for hanging in there. Please keep up the spirit and try to move faster.,,Neutral
He is dependable,,Good
He takes accountability on everything done,,Good
"I encourage Ssemuga to always find time and come to Stratcom for practice. Incase of any challenge, he should contact the Lead Trainer.",,Poor
This was done well and I was impressed,,Excellent
Excellent work.,,Excellent
Practice installing and customizing themes.,,Very Poor
Good work done.,,Good
All tasks and concepts are well understood. Do a lot of practice.,,Poor
Good understanding of transact SQL. Managed to understand good programming design principles.,,Good
"Advised to collate the results with her colleagues. Otherwise, great work",,Good
Batale has obtained knowledge of working with SMS and USSD using PHP and MySQL.,,Neutral
"Because of transport challenge, I encourage Andrew to plan his movements abit early.",,Neutral
Keep up the good work. An area of improvement is to collaborate more with the front end team. Keep up the good work.,,Good
"Good progress Racheal, please organise your team and ensure they can all commit and push code seamlessly.",,Good
Indicated progress on tasks assigned to the intern in week 3 reviewed and completion acknowledged.,,Good
Micheal is quite proactive in solving issues as they come up in what he is developing. He also takes feedback positively. The last week was fruitful. He was able to deliver on his to-dos satisfactorily,,Excellent
Progressed in the CRUD,,Good
"Mayanja Adrian Performed well in the ecommerce analysis, get insights that help business perform better.",,Excellent
"In regards to the conversion, split the tasks into:",,Neutral
"Good work. You have started off well. Since the PDF to csv conversion is incomplete, its okay to move it to the next week. The rest of the tasks will wait for other weeks. ",,Good
The student was the lead developer in the payment gateway integrations .,,Good
Bronson's grasp for new technologies is really impressive . His efforts with web-hooks helped the company change the way we implemented database driven event notifications .,,Good
It should be noted that the backup Pelican SaaS platform was off for time and instances the students were working on had to be migrated to the main platform .,,Neutral
The student successfully completed the assignment from the local instance of the erpnext platform .,,Neutral
Though this is a new platform it has lots of advantage comparedd to docker .,,Neutral
Students were taught how to use the LXD and LXC virtualization platform .,,Neutral
The fast learning of the new technologies such as Linux Containers and ERPNEXT /Frappejs was very impressive.,,Excellent
Keep up the positive attitude and commitment Jedidiah. Please engage your colleagues more so that we can complete the project within the scheduled time.,,Good
Learnt collaborative development which was a new skillset to him.,,Neutral
Challenged by the Laptop,,Very Poor
he likes to challenge himself to try different approaches in solving a problem,,Good
"Despite network issues, Calvin managed to set up the mobile app development enviroment",,Neutral
"He can do remote ITC support using a TeamViewer. He has obtained knowledge of PHP and MySQL, he can push his code to a GitHub repository and deploy it to the remote secure server.",,Good
"Tuyizere can set up apache2, PHP, and secure PHP-MySQL server on a Ubuntu remote VPS. he has obtained knowledge of working with cPanel, so he can connect his remote server to a DNS zone and then secure it with an SSL certificate.",,Good
"Matia can write a simple PHP application and push his code to GitHub, he still has a problem with USSD.",,Neutral
"Businge has obtained knowledge of working with PHP and MySQL, he can also write simple USSD and SMS applications",,Good
"Despite afew challenges, Jacintah managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the mobile app development enviroment.",,Good
Thank you Hillary for keeping the fire burning. Please try to encourage your team members to also move faster so that the project does not fall behind schedule.,,Excellent
Student's appreciation was positive as regards web-hooks technology as a means of updating a secondary platform of events occurring in the reference platform .,,Good
Rebecca successfully set up the mobile app development enviroment.,,Neutral
"Kaweesi has got a good introduction to working with web files, he can connect assets properly, he also acquired the basic knowledge of working with PHP, he can also deploy his code on a remote server through GitHub.",,Good
He multi-tasked since we had multiple tasks at hand.,,Excellent
Began on report as he was finishing other work at hand.,,Good
Collaborative development using GIT-HUB was a key skill set learnt this week.,,Good
"Patricia can write a simple SMS and USSD application supported by PHP and MySQLi using Africa'sTalking API. she can push the code to the remote repository, I guided her on how to make secure deployment so she succeeded.",,Good
Progressive irrespective of the slow internet,,Good
"Timothy can now set up a LAMP stack, he can install Apache2, PHP-MySQL server, and PHPMyAdmin on a Ubuntu server. He can secure his SQL server with a password, however he learns slowly.",,Good
Had to give in time to understand well database design,,Good
This is very ok. Well done.,,Excellent
Xavier completed this week's main task of setting up the mobile app development enviroment without any challenges.,,Good
This is well done and She is able to articulate the programming environments even on zoom,,Excellent
Solution to the above challenges was through student downloading the videos recorded and the support group.,,Neutral
"Despite transport challenge, he managed to complete this week's tasks, that is, configuring VLANs on layer 2 devices and installing software on end devices",,Good
Was able to do the graphics and web design work.,,Excellent
Good job. You however need to be more specific in your tasks,,Good
"Using PHP, Bazaale can write code that send a simple SMS to the user",,Good
Derick can now use PHP and MySQL alongside Africa'sTalking to developed a simple USSD application.,,Excellent
Lilian successfully set up the mobile app development enviroment.,,Good
"Using PHP and MySQLi, Kimuli can write a simple USSD application, integrates SMS into it, and then deploys it on a live server through GitHub. He is getting familiar with these technologies.",,Good
Thank you Viola for the commitment and resilience. I encourage you to interact more with your colleagues and share the challenges that you are facing when learning and writing your code so that you can help each other out.,,Good
"Asingwire can integrate SMS in her application, she can also write USSD applications.",,Good
Thank you Sharifa for leading your team through this assignment. Please take note of the lessons learnt and apply them in the next assignment accordingly.,,Good
"He is so inquisitive, asks to learn and he has been so attentive during all the trainings.",,Good
He has continued to maintain a good working relationship with team members she was assigned to.,,Good
Umaru's attendance record for these week was exceedingly proper regardless of the network connection challenges.,,Good
she can easily adapt to new technologies.,,Good
Keep up the good work Trevor. Your team has registered good progress.,,Good
Coding errors are part of coding. So Ian has to get used to debugging errors.,,Poor
Rafusanjani can now write a USSD application but with small experience.,,Good
"She managed to complete this week's main tasks that is, configuring VLANs on layer 2 devices and intervlan routing using router on stick method.",,Good
"He successfully completed this week's main tasks, that is, configuring routing protocols on layer 3 devices and installing software (operating systems and application software on) on end devices.",,Neutral
Ruth managed to set up the mobile app development enviroment without any challenges.,,Good
"Please be specific about the tasks you undertook rather than saying you undertook several tasks. Was the dataset used public? If so, it would be necessary to provide link to the source. But your initial project didn't have anything to do with call logs data but water portability, did anything change along the way?",,Very Poor
Indicated progress on tasks assigned to the intern in week 3 reviewed and acknowledged.,,Good
"Despite afew challenges, she's progressing well.",,Good
Alex successfully set up the mobile app development enviroment. I also encourage him to always consult the Lead Developer incase he fails to debug coding errors.,,Good
Good progress Andrew. Keep up this spirit.,,Good
Sharon has made quick work of the categorization of the data based on the different attributes of the dataset. Filters have been created to help with summarizing of the data. She is also very proactive through constant consultation and updates of the ongoing work.,,Excellent
Research on C# public and private classes,,Neutral
"Joshua is extremely eager to learn and take on new challenges. several tasks this week have been successfully administered by Joshua in minimum supervision by me. And we have a registered an excellent working ethics improvement of him this week. This week he has generated a project report for Mobvet, Designed and developed a product order form, and other tasks as listed above. The progress is evident thanks.",,Excellent
He successfully set up the development enviroment for a mobile delivery app.,,Good
"research on different data types, functions and classes in c#",,Neutral
First week of internship with him on our development team was a success.,,Good
Exploration is his thing.,,Good
Not limited to what he knows.,,Good
He is interested in learning.,,Good
steadily progressing and promising,,Good
The tasks for this week have been mainly to orient Diana to understanding the data and kind of problem we shall be working with and I am satisfied with the EDA conducted so far and the interactions.,,Good
Good work,,Good
Magembe is getting familiar with working with web technologies as well as deployment of software to the production server.,,Good
"Raymond managed to complete this week's main task, that is, setting up the mobile app development enviroment without any challenges.",,Good
A machine that freezes can frustrate any developer. I encourage Daniel to upgrade his machine for better performance.,,Very Poor
Always willing to perform personal research and has a spirit of team work,,Good
With her colleagues to collate the questionnaire responses.,,Neutral
"Despite afew challenges like transport, Williams managed to start internship at Stratcom and he's doing well.",,Good
Kenneth should upgrade his machine for better performance.,,Poor
Thank you Shivan for the progress registered this week. Keep up the spirit as we progress with the assignment.,,Good
Nsimbe can now push code to the GitHub repository. But she is still learning the basics of PHP,,Good
Thank you Priscilla for the progress made so far. Keep up the spirit. Please cooperate with your colleagues and the DevOps attache to make sure you can commit and push your code to the server.,,Good
"Joanita has obtained knowledge of PHP, she can also push her code to the GitHub repository",,Good
He successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the development environment for the mobile delivery App.,,Good
Advised to collate results from the questionnaire.,,Neutral
I was impressed with how he has quickly learned to use some of the data analysis libraries as his forte is front end development. I look forward to seeing how he will use these insights to guide the frontend and API development for the data.,,Good
"Despite transport challenge, Leticia managed to start internship at Stratcom and she is doing well.",,Good
He is doing a great job with us.,,Excellent
"He is consistent, Takes messages and writes correspondences where needed.",,Good
"In these third week of Musumba's internship at our place, Regardless of the remote nature of the placement, He didn't require a-lot of supervision, He finishes his work timely",,Excellent
Collins managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the development enviroment for the mobile delivery App.,,Good
Phiona managed to set up the mobile app development enviroment.,,Good
A fast machine makes work easy for a developer. So I encourage Samuel to upgrade his laptop,,Neutral
"Despite afew challenges especially power black outs, Emmilly successfuly set up the mobile app development enviroment.",,Good
Elijah has to get used to debugging since it's part of coding.,,Neutral
Jackson successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the development enviroment for the mobile app.,,Good
Moses successfully set up the development enviroment for the mobile app. I also encourage him to upgrade his machine for better user experience.,,Good
"Sometimes network issues are innevitable. So I encourage Samson to make use of recorded videos but most importantly, contact the Lead Developer who is always ready to help.",,Neutral
Ismail should learn to go an extra mile and do more research on internet about new technologies / concepts,,Poor
He successfully set up the development enviroment for the Mobile Delivery App.,,Good
Warid successfully set up the mobile app development enviroment.,,Good
"She didn't face any challenges this week, and completed all tasks with ease.",,Good
She successfully set up the mobile app development enviroment.,,Good
Martha successfully set up the development enviroment for the mobile app,,Good
"Katumba is familiar with the Basics of PHP and he can use it to write simple USSD applications, he can deploy his code to the remote server through GitHub.",,Good
"Despite afew challenges, Francis has managed to set up the development enviroment for a mobile delivery App. I encourage him to upgrade his machine for better performance.",,Good
"Despite afew challenges, Edwin managed to complete this week's task, that is, setting up the mobile app development enviroment.",,Excellent
A slow machine can frustrate any developer. So I encourage Marvin to upgrade his machine for better performance.,,Poor
The costumer user interface presented how the customers could use the system which was successful,,Excellent
Dauglas successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by any one connected to internet. This offer is valid for 4 months.,,Excellent
Hilda had a few issues with IOS commands but she managed to get them all.,,Good
Pamella managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the mobile app development enviroment.,,Good
I encourage Sandra to get used to debugging and also upgrade her machine,,Poor
"Off to a great start. Fortunately, most of the major topics required were taught by the university especially networking and Database Management making it easier to progress.",,Good
Joshua successfully set up the mobile app development enviroment.,,Excellent
I encourage Resty to upgrade her machine.,,Neutral
She is picking up so well and having a good team work spirit,,Good
"The student learnt how to troubleshoot, diagnose and recognise RAM-related problems in a computer, and remedies to correct these problems.",,Good
Mary successfully set up the development enviroment for the mobile app.,,Excellent
Mariam managed to debug coding errors and also set up the mobile app development.,,Good
"Received the spreadsheet, please check out for the presence of non-alphanumeric characters.",,Neutral
Thanks Alex for the positive attitude exhibited so far. This is very essential for your professional and personal development. Keep it up.,,Excellent
She successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the development environment for the mobile App,,Good
"Despite a few challenges especially power blackouts, Abudlah managed to set up the mobile app development enviroment.",,Good
Collins met expectations for the week.,,Excellent
Chrispus successfully completed this week's tasks and he's progressing well.,,Good
"As long as she respects SOPs and puts on a mask, sarah won't have issues with traffic officers.",,Good
Junior successfully completed this week's main tasks without any challenge. He also deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone connected to internet.,,Good
He has perfected all the commands needed to configure cisco routers and switches.,,Good
First week of internship with her on our development team was a success.,,Good
Exploration is her thing.,,Good
Not limited to what she knows.,,Good
She is interested in learning.,,Good
"Significant frontend fixes, well done.",,Good
Thanks Kenneth for staying committed despite the challenges. I encourage you to improve your communication with the teams you are supporting.,,Good
"she was following up with colleagues having laptop and also on git ,since they have time to discuss the projects, and other assignments accordingly.",,Neutral
Task well done,,Excellent
He successfully completed his tasks for this week.,,Good
Stom successfully completed this week's main task of setting up the development environment for a mobile App.,,Good
Good ethics and team work,,Good
Progressive irrespective of the network challenges.,,Good
First week of internship with him on our development team was a success.,,Good
Exploration is his thing.,,Good
Not limited to what he knows.,,Good
He is interested in learning.,,Good
This weeks task was to help the interns get familiar with the problem they will be working with. Alvin's understanding of machine learning is a great asset as he has been able to quickly interpret the concepts for the upcoming tasks.,,Good
Thanks Benadette for the diligence and improved attitude this week. Keep it up.,,Good
"Despite a few challenges, Aida managed to start internship at Stratcom. She has completed this week's main task of setting up the development environment for a messaging App.",,Good
"He informed me that they were some bugs which he had fixed. Never the less, It was retested to prove that there we no bugs and indeed it was working perfectly and the client was happy about this particular feature. He showed one of the time members how to integrate a payment system into the api. This was part of the tasks I gave him to establish his leadership skills which he did well",,Good
After he completed the integration of the api into the website it was tested to establish its usability.,,Good
Nansamba Nuluyati has good project management skills and a good attitude.,,Good
Ronald has successfully completed this week's tasks. He can now interconnect and configure layer 2 devices with ease.,,Good
More work needs to be done in terms of providing user support for Windows 10 but otherwise the Solomon has the basics of Windows 10,,Neutral
Handled given tasks well and you are getting better at reaching out. Be more outgoing and confident when presenting your work. Great input is seen for ideas around new features. Good job!,,Good
"Steven successfully completed this week's tasks. That is, configuring static routes on layer 3 devices, inter-vlan routing using router on stick, and activating remote access protocols on devices (SSH and telnet)",,Excellent
Challenged by not knowing word press.,,Very Poor
Emmanuel was able to perform system updates and installed printer drivers successfully,,Good
"He's passionate about networking, making it easy for him to understand concepts easily.",,Good
Joseph's knowledge of common image manipulation like blurring and sharpening is very good and this has enabled him to quickly understand and adapt to the problem being solved.,,Excellent
All the tasks for this week have been completed and the work has been reviewed on the Git repository,,Good
Multitasking was another characteristic we saw in him because we had alot to do this week.,,Good
Louisa managed to set up the mobile app development enviroment without any challenges,,Excellent
successfully completed graphics design,,Good
Sam is passionate about Networking. He managed to start his internship at Stratcom despite the current restrictions.,,Good
Yvette successfully set up the mobile app development enviroment without any challenges.,,Excellent
"Good work Zaharah, keep it up.",,Good
Intern has good relationship with our partners.,,Good
Davis successfully set up the mobile app development enviroment.,,Excellent
Most of the creative work was finished this week so that we can focus on systems development.,,Good
Some good work has been done by Joshua. He is showing that he has enough knowledge about Linux operating systems and I want to work more with him to better use those skills.,,Good
"Impressed with the database structure but he needs to work a little faster to meet the deadlines, other than that all is good.",,Good
"Andrew successfully completed this week's main tasks, that is, dismantling and assembling laptops, configuring a layer 3 device as a DHCP server and Configuring static routes.",,Good
"She can now write PHP and MySQLi scripts, but she has a problem with formulating the software process flaw. I connected with her through TeamViewer and we were to deploy her files to the remote server, she had got a problem with the git.",,Good
"Iann has been proactive, he has managed to accomplish the next weeks tasks within this week. The changes that he was asked to make have been effected and this will give him time to optimize the experiments.",,Good
Use of web-forms for the different modules was also impressive .,,Good
Assignments to the students at this time helped the company modify its implementation methodology from customization of doctypes to creation of custom applications .,,Neutral
Progressive in tasks at hand irrespective of the internet issues.,,Good
He was able to handle more of website development this week.,,Good
"He successfully completed this week's tasks, that is configuring a cisco router as DHCP server, configuring end devices as DHCP clients and dismantling/ assembling laptops.",,Good
Ssemuga has started internship at Stratcom and he is doing well.,,Good
"Lucky, can now execute SQL commands using PHP-MySQL, meaning she is developing the ability to interact with and Manipulate the database using a Graphical User Interface.",,Good
"Thank you for the update. However, you need to clearly explain the tasks. For example, what happened during the interview? you set up the interview, carried out the interview, etc . when you explain, it becomes clear what you did. Good job. Keep it up",,Good
I see no comments four fiekd supervisor,,Neutral
Please continue working on creating projects on Pontoon System for the translators and Common Voice. Great work. I'm busy at the moment. I will get back to you soon.,,Neutral
This module was worked on .,,Neutral
"Exceptional work with the Tablet provisioning, keep up the commitment and fast pace on handling tasks.",,Excellent
"Also we weren't able to have the training on UPS power solutions, but hope to have you exposed to that in the coming weeks.",,Neutral
I'm pleased with how fast you learnt the various C-Panel configuration tasks. Indeed proving the fast learner you are.,,Excellent
Looking forward to exposing to a new challenge under Power Solutions and management in the coming week.,,Good
"Glad you had basic knowledge with LAN infrastructure and that was great to build onto, it helped make the learning process faster. and credit for the effort and love.",,Good
Thank you Hillary for providing leadership and guidance to your team. I encourage you to always check out those that are not communicating in a timely manner. I also advise you to spend some more time understanding the anatomy of Wordpress and the WooCommerce plugin as this knowledge is going to become handy as you proceed with the project.,,Good
Well executed. Keep up the good work.,,Excellent
Database formulation for the supermarket system was among key deliverables and as a group they accomplished it.,,Good
Completed all assignments given.,,Good
"Continuation of the system at hand with the group he was working with, further more he was able to design a website.",,Good
We have to meet on 9th August 2021 for us to assess this progress and consolidate this output.,,Neutral
Thanks Ryan for staying committed and focused on the tasks at hand. I encourage you to read more on the deployment of php projects on servers so that you can help your devops colleague better understand your requirements so that he can better facilitate you.,,Good
Thanks Walter for staying focused and committed to executing the tasks at hand. I encourage you to read more on the deployment of php projects on servers so that you can help your devops colleague in supplying you the details you need in order to have your project functioning well on the server.,,Good
Kirya can write PHP MySQL scripts and deploy them to his server through GitHub. He can also use PHP to write SMS notifications. Learning is a process.,,Good
"Batale is now able to write PHP and MySQLi scripts, he can manipulate his database to make sense out of his data.",,Good
Calvin successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by any one connected to internet. This offer is valid for 4 months.,,Excellent
"Technical knowledge issues ,but were resolved",,Neutral
Challenged by network and was inconsistent this week.,,Very Poor
Phiona successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by any one connected to internet.,,Excellent
Coding errors are innevitable. I encourage Lilian to get used to debugging and also consult the Lead Developer incase of coding challenges.,,Neutral
"Despite afew challenges, Rebecca managed to deploy the messaging app and it can be accessed by anyone connected to internet.",,Excellent
She successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone connected to internet.,,Excellent
Thank you Nabil for staying focused and committed to the cause. I encourage you to always step in and provide leadership when your team leader is not present in the meetings. A leadership vacuum is not healthy for your team. Read more on the different use cases of both the Business API and the App so that you can widen your appreciation of the same.,,Good
"Word press skills and collaborative development was achieved hence progressive,yet he takes lead in delivering too.",,Good
Gerald is now familiar with PHP-MySQL and he can write a simple code with PHP and push it to gitHub,,Good
"Semata can resolve his API address to his DNS zone, he can write some SQL scripts with PHP-MySQLi, he can push his code to a GitHub repository. He is still learn more about PHP and MySQL",,Excellent
Teddy is learning ethical hacking - self interest. Awaiting to see it in use,,Good
"Fahim can now manipulate MySQL using PHP, he can write the SQL commands in PHP-MySQL, and then deploy them on a GitHub repository. He can also deploy his code to the remote server through GitHub and putty.",,Excellent
"Thanks Mariam for staying committed even amidst drawbacks. Please spend time understanding the anatomy of wordpress and its WooCommerce plugin as this knowledge is going to be handy as the project grows. Since you are not going to be so much involved in the Android development, you should use this opportunity to understand Wordpress and WooCommerce inside-out.",,Excellent
"Seen. Great, please keep it up. This is good.",,Good
- Micheal made good progress on his weekly To do's.,,Good
"Using PHP and MySQLi, Derrick can write real-world applications, he can also integrate SMS notifications in them. We can load bootstrap CSS into his application to support the UI. However, he is not yet familiar with USSD application development.",,Good
"Thank you Trevors for the diligence and focus. As we edge closer to the end of the assignment, please refer back to the scrum basics so that we can meet all the acceptance criteria that we set at the beginning especially in the last sprints.",,Good
Thank you Trevor for the efforts. Your team's efforts are promising and encouraging.,,Good
"Despite afew challenges, Ian managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
This wor was well done and I am happy,,Good
"Jedidiah, I encourage you to continue reading even as you move into coding this week. Do not forget to adhere to the language standards specified in the official standards or guideline documentation. I commend you for always taking the initiative to lead when your team leader is not available. Keep it up.",,Neutral
"he is a person who is willing to learn new technologies, has good programming skills and also challenges himself to deliver more than he is expected.",,Good
Progressive amidst the network challenges .,,Good
Louisa successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
"Dyson, can now receive data from the user using HTML form and submits it to PHP, then she uses PHP-MySQLi queries to manipulate it. She is starting to understand PHP-MySQL, she can push her code to the GitHub repository, but she has a problem with deploying it to the remote server.",,Neutral
"Magembe was able to push his code to GitHub, He still has a problem with PHP-MySQL and deploying his code to remote server.",,Poor
"Despite a ban on public transport, Joshua managed to walk to Stratcom and start he's internship.",,Good
Student was able to create custom doctypes and modify existing ones to fit in the business applications .,,Good
He can deploy his code from a GitHub repository to a remote server.,,Good
The Intern is learning and adapt to the work life quite good. Happy with here contribution in the last project.,,Good
improved communcation skills,,Good
Good time management skills.,,Good
"Kimuli can now write PHP-MySQL code, he can push it to GitHub and deploy it to the remote server, he can read data from the user using HTML and he can connect and load CSS files into HTML pages. His work is good. He understands the basics of PHP",,Good
We managed to talk via WhatsApp and the student could get time and show me the list of codes which was good,,Good
"Ruth successfully completed this week's main task, that is, deploying the messaging app online. This app can be accessed by any one connected to internet.",,Good
Emmanuel successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
"Rafusanjani can now understand PHP-MySQLi, he can receive data from the user and pass it to PHP and then he uses PHP manipulate it using MySQL database. He can also send a short SMS using PHP supported by AfricasTalking, This man has also learnt how to push his code to hitHub and then deploy it to the remote server.",,Good
"Derrick understands the basics of PHP, he can now write PHP-MySQLi scripts to work with databases, he can read data from the user using HTML form.",,Good
Kamugisha has learned how to write SMS notifications with PHP. He still has some small problems with writing MySQL scripts.,,Neutral
Intern has good relationship with our partners in terms of adaption to work requirement and deliverables.,,Good
Xavier successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
"Despite a few challenges, Resty managed to start internship at Stratcom and she is doing well.",,Good
Thank you Shivan for remaining focused. I do not fully understand your challenge of Limited consultation grounds. I suggest you contact me and throw more light. Please read more on Object Oriented Programming in Php and adopt it when writing your own code.,,Good
An active student and a quick learner,,Excellent
The preliminary EDA for the given dataset has been converted and I am able to follow progress on GitHub. I am impressed with how quickly she interpreted the documentation and the regular contact to update me on the progress made. I look forward to seeing how she will handle the more complex data types like GPS as she furthers the analysis.,,Good
"Despite a few challenges, Jacob managed to start internship at Stratcom and he's doing well.",,Good
Very good at research and is self motivated,,Excellent
A quick-learning student who is self-motivated,,Excellent
Create a Github Student Pack account so that you can create your own instance of Pontoon to play around with. Keep working.,,Neutral
Pamella successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Ismail managed to deploy the messaging app online. This app can be accessed by anyone connected to internet and this offer is valid for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Raymond successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Computer Technical issues but skills wise progressed,,Neutral
Collaborative work on the system under development as well as website work.,,Neutral
2. Challenges encountered by intern on changes in requirements discussed and scope of assignment to accomplish during the internship agreed upon.,,Neutral
1. Indicated progress on tasks assigned to the intern in week 2 reviewed and acknowledged.,,Good
"Thank you Priscilla for staying focused and committed to the project and the team performance. I encourage you to continue reading more about the technologies and for the sake of Php, please read more about how to apply the Object Oriented Programming. (OOP) paradigm. This is going to help you write better code that can be maintained better in future either by you or other people that will work on the project.",,Good
I encourage Emmily to always consult the Lead Developer incase of any coding challenges or power interruptions.,,Neutral
"I encourage Daniel to get used to debugging errors since debugging is inseparable with coding. Whenever power is stable, he should make use of recordings and also contact the Lead Developer incase of any challenge.",,Poor
Succeeded in coding functionality of the information systems design,,Good
Thank you Andrew for continuing to display diligence and focus. I advise you to be more categorical when reporting the tasks instead of simply referring to the Scrum sprints. This will help me to better synchronise what you are reporting with what happens in the daily scrums.,,Good
"By the third week of internship, he will be good at our services.",,Good
He is doing a great job with us.,,Excellent
"He is consistent, Takes messages and writes correspondences where needed.",,Excellent
"In these second week of Musumba's internship at our place, Regardless of the remote nature of the placement, He didn't require a-lot of supervision, He finishes his work timely",,Excellent
Try to explore other accounts tools to appreciate the process flows in the finance MIS,,Neutral
"Mr. Joshua is a quick learner and has already synchronized well with our technical team, He is now running and debugging some of our live Mobile applications & Web Applications. He has as well exercised communication training this week allowing him to interact with some of our customers. I believe there is promising progress with his Internship.",,Excellent
"Disciplined, committed and always interested in learning new things.",,Good
"Kabiito can now write PHP-MySQL, he can also deploy his code on a live remote server through GitHub, and he can send a simple SMS with PHP using AfricasTalking API. He can also read data from the user using HTML forms.",,Good
I encourage Nuhu to get used to debugging errors since debugging and coding are inseparable.,,Poor
"Going forward, read more on the different use cases from other people who have applied both and widen your appreciation of the usage scope for each.",,Very Poor
"Thank you Sharifa for staying focused and committed to the project. Please always lead and when absent, delegate your leadership tasks to another person to avoid creating a leadership vacuum. What you are perceiving as a challenge is not one. If you revisit the initial requirements, the WhatsApp Business API and the Application are complementary and neither is supposed to be used as a substitute to the other. ",,Good
Advised to spare sometime for the tasks at hand.,,Poor
"Despite a few coding challenges, Jackson managed to deploy the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone connected to internet. This offer is valid for 4 months",,Good
"I commend you Racheal for providing leadership and encouragement to your team. You ought not to stop reading more about JavaScript and Php. More importantly, you should now try to the master Object Oriented Programming paradigm and apply it in this project for the parts that you are writing in Php especially. I remind you once again to check out the Php Standard Recommendation and share the same with your team members.",,Excellent
I am satisfied with the progress made considering the short period of time. This convinces me that data wrangling is a natural skill for her. Inquiry through regular communication has kept me up to date with the progress and this is very important as she is working remotely. Looking ahead to further data analysis especially with GPS data.,,Excellent
"Collins successfully deployed the messaging app online, and it can be accessed by anyone connected to internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.",,Excellent
"Thank you Viola for staying focused as the project progresses. Whenever you notice that there is a leadership vacuum in the group, please step forward and at least ask a guiding question that will keep the fire burning in the group rather than sliding into deafening silence. Please read more about the use cases of the WhatsApp business API and the App from other businesses that have used them.",,Good
I encourage Elijah to upgrade his machine so that it can handle heavy tasks.,,Neutral
"Guloba has learned how to set up Apache2, PHP-MySQL server, and PHPMyadmin on his remote server, he can set up a DNS from Cpanel of the Domain, he is able to install an SSL certificate with certbot (Let's encrypt).",,Good
Progressive report on activities at hand.,,Neutral
Coding and debugging are inseparable. So I encourage Kenneth to get used to debugging.,,Neutral
"Despite lock down challenges, Muyimba managed to start internship at Stratcom and he's doing well.",,Good
"Despite afew challenges with power and network, Samuel managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
Dauglas successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
He successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by any one connected to internet. This offer is valid for 4 months.,,Excellent
"Despite a few challenges, Rogers managed to code the messaging app. He also deployed it online and it can be accessed by anyone connected to internet. However, this offer is valid for 4 months.",,Excellent
"Despite transport challenge, she managed to come to Stratcom for internship and completed this week's tasks.",,Good
I encourage Warid to learn how to deal with coding errors.,,Poor
Catherine managed to deploy the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone connected to internet.,,Excellent
"Despite network challenge, Samuel managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
Edwin successfully debugged errors and he's progressing well.,,Good
Martha successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Indicated progress on tasks assigned to the intern in week 2 reviewed and acknowledged.,,Good
Katumba can write simple PHP scripts and make an SMS integration using PHP. He can as well push his code to the remote repository (GitHub).,,Good
Task accomplished on time,,Good
I encourage Marvin to get used to debugging since it's part of coding.,,Neutral
Alex successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
"I am satisfied by the work that has been accomplished this week, especially by the level of coordination with other team members. This is important because the different components work towards the same solution.",,Excellent
Gloria successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Chrispus successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
"Figma design implementation in React was nicely done, will be reviewed for approval. Good demo",,Good
Abudlah successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Fast learning,,Excellent
He was able to cope up accordingly with the web development as well as the physical hardware session,,Good
Davis successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Joshua successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Mariam managed to debug coding errors and successfully deployed the messaging app online. The app can be accessed by anyone connected to internet.,,Good
"I encourage Resty to upgrade her machine. Otherwise, she successfully deployed the messaging app.",,Good
Mary successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
Advised to pick up another challenge. There is alot of technology going around.,,Poor
Progressed on the functionalities but had challange in using sublime text as an editor.,,Good
Sandra successfully deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by anyone over the internet. He is also entitled to a free hosting server and domain for the next 4 months.,,Excellent
"She is a committed student, finishes/submits her assignments in time",,Excellent
Challenging since this week her laptop was down but she followed the session all days and downloaded the recording guide her when she gets laptop repaired.,,Good
"Mayanja Adrian's Internship is progressing well, she is learn about how data analysis is used to help make business decision.",,Good
Progressive with Group members since they have been grouped in group of 3 to deliver a system,,Good
"Collins is progressing well with on boarding, he already has a good understanding of the cranecloud platform.",,Good
Thanks Benadette for being punctual and committed to your team's cause. I encourage you to continue this way. I also encourage you to develop and maintain a positive attitude so that you can deal with any challenges that come your way as you execute the tasks assigned to you. Please interact more with your team-mates so that you can complete each other's contributions.,,Excellent
Moving to and from Stratcom is a challenge because of lock down but Hilda managed to come to Stratcom and complete this week's tasks.,,Good
"Despite transport challenge, Charlotte managed to come to Stratcom for internship training and completed this week's tasks.",,Good
He's passionate about Networking and is doing well so far.,,Good
Francis has successfully coded a messaging app from scratch. His next project is coding a mobile App from scratch using the latest technologies.,,Excellent
Great work,,Excellent
"I encourage Steven to get used to walking because it's good for his health. That aside, he managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
With some extra tutorials the student was able to finish up the tasks. Showed great improvement.,,Good
"Arrangements for data facilitation are being made. Please contact Ms. Dorothy. Figma design implementation in React was nicely done, will be reviewed for approval. Good job with the other fixes taken up, indicates you have learnt the react basics.",,Good
Progressed in systems development.,,Good
"He successfully deployed the messaging App online and it can be accessed by anyone connected to internet. However, this offer is valid for 4 months.",,Excellent
Student was able to deliver the activities in time.,,Good
"Sarah completed this week's main tasks, that is, performing basic configurations on layer 3 devices and configuring vlans on layer 2 devices.",,Good
"Networking was successfully done, changing the operating system was successfully done.",,Good
I am satisfied with research done to come up with a solution (database pooling) for the task assigned. (Identifying effective alternatives for creating an intermediate data access point). Technical progress has also been made in setting up a django-based system to implement the solution and the work has been uploaded to GitHub.,,Excellent
"By the third week of internship, he will be good at our services.",,Neutral
He is doing a great job with us.,,Good
"He is consistent, Takes messages and writes correspondences where needed.",,Good
"In these second week of Umar's internship at our place, Regardless of the remote nature of the placement, He didn't require a-lot of supervision, He finishes his work timely",,Good
"The design of the website required the integration of a payment gateway. As a company we have a payment partner whose api, Timothy has past experience about. His he did quickly as his team members had already embarked on coding another apart of the website.",,Good
Thank you Zaharah for not giving up. Maintaining a positive and winner's attitude is a sure way to the attainment of the team objective. Try as much as you can to understand Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Php so that you can adopt in when writing code for the Social Media Plugin.,,Neutral
Data may not be a serious challenge since all sessions are purely hands-on.,,Neutral
Nansamba Nuluyati is good at databases and has good problem solving skills.,,Good
"Solomon demonstrated a good understanding of installation of the various windows OS versions on the current UEFI based computer systems. However, more practice with other types of operating systems will improve his understanding of operating systems even more.",,Good
4 more datasets were received for human translation. Great work,,Excellent
I hope the network issue can be solved soon. You have shown a great learning streak. link up with teammates for blockers.,,Good
Perseverance/tenacity exhibited by the student after multiple unsuccessful trials until he finally learnt how to diagnose problems pertaining to installation and configuration of most operating systems.,,Good
He was able to configure Ifmis system and install associated programs like vpn successfully,,Good
"Despite a few challenges especially with data, he managed to complete this week's main tasks.",,Good
Progressive :It implies student was able to understand and deliver as required in the sessions he attended that week.,,Good
completed networking by terminating Ethernet cable both straight through and cross over,,Good
Progressive through the recordings .,,Good
Ronald has successfully completed this week's tasks.,,Good
"Most Developers spend their time debugging errors. I encourage Yvette to learn how to debug coding errors. Otherwise, she successfully deployed the messaging app online.",,Good
Also a good understanding of using Git has made it easy to keep track of the progress of the work done,,Good
EDA was completed and the work was pushed to GitHub. I am impressed by the visualizations presented for the data and comments on possible improvements were made.,,Good
The student showed lots of eagerness in learning the ERPNext platform and how it could be used to implement the Tender Portal .,,
The student was able to use their requirements gathering skills to create the new tender portal system .,,Good
It should be noted that this was their first assignment on the frappejs and erpnext platforms .,,Neutral
Student was able to handle over their joint work on the student management platform .,,Good
Mayanja Adrian did a virtual internship with one of our partners to gain experience on how organization use data analytics to understand their business and make better decision.,,Neutral
Have you uploaded the script to GitHub? I need to review the script.,,Neutral
Team work and skills enhancement in development was acquired .,,Poor
"Phionah, hang in there. Please interact more with your teammates and learn from each other. I also encourage you to read more about the technologies you are required to use so that it can become easier for you going forward.",,Neutral
I commend you for a positive attitude Phionah and encourage you to keep it up going forward.,,Good
"Progressive ,since physical barrier is being handled through zoom",,Good
"Namale can set up apache2, PHP, and PHP-MySQL, she can also secure her database with a password. She can now obtain a domain, using the DNS zone in cPanel she can resolve her remote IP address to that domain. She can also secure her server with an SSL certificate.",,Good
Namale managed to install software that we are going to use during the course of Internship,,Good
Phiona hasn't faced any coding challenges. She's a promising developer.,,Good
Phiona managed to set up the development enviroment,,Good
"Attendance is good, has installed all required tools in time, consulted when stuck. Participated and asked questions during product training",,Good
Continue playing around with Pontoon System. I also recommend that you sign up for the Github student pack. Continue donating voices to Common Voice.,,Neutral
I encourage Calvin to always consult the Lead Developer incase of any coding challenge or tough concept.,,Neutral
"Bwimi can write the basic SQL queries like CREATE, SELECT, INSERT INTO, UPDATE, etc. He also know the basic git commands",,Neutral
He is able and willing to change environment and work if assigned to do so,,Good
Generally he is a good intern student one would like to work with.,,Good
Sometimes he is affected by power supply as Umeme power is not stable i.e it is on and off.,,Neutral
He freely interacts with other staff. He proposes new ideas where he feels activity implementations lack something.,,Good
He is steadily learning and grasping the core concepts of our system.,,Good
He is very active and responds to any activity given to him.,,Good
"Derrick can now write SQL commands like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, etc, he can also sort date with ASC and DESC, and he can read data across different tables using JOINS. He can also reference tables using Foreign keys. He is able to push his code to GitHub, but he still does not know how to deploy it to the remote server.",,Neutral
"Nsangi, has started to understand the SQL basic commands, like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE READ, ASC, DESC, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, etc. she can connect table references with foreign keys and primary keys. She can also write basic PHP code in sublime and then upload it to her GitHub repository.",,Good
"Nsangi, can now combine MySQL with PHP, and she can deploy them on her remote server through GitHub",,Good
"Kaweesi can now write the basic SQL commands like Create, select, Update, Delete, and many more, he can sort data with SQL and read it from different tables using JOINS",,Good
Progressive in website and databse development.,,Good
"Kirya understands SQL, he was able to create Databases, Tables. He can Insert data into those tables, Select/read records, Update and delete these records, he also knows how to use some SQL keywords like ASC, DESC, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, COUNT, SUM, JOIN, etc, meaning he can query any data that he wants from any tables in the database. He also knows the basics of PHP, Git, and Github, so he can push his code in a remote repository for version control and safe storage.",,Excellent
"Lucky, know the basics of working with PHP and SQL, she can execute simple SQL commands like CREATE, SELECT, INSERT INTO, etc.",,Good
"Asingwire has learned the basics of SQL, she can now Create tables and databases, she can Insert records into the database, select them, update and delete them. She can also use keywords like ASC, DESC, ORDER BY, COUNT, SUM, GROUP BY, and JOINS, meaning she can query any records of interest from different tables. She has learned the basics of Github and now she can push code to her remote repository.",,Good
Good work Mariam for this week. Please improve on punctuality and ensure that you do not miss any of the team collaboration meetings so that you do not lag behind as the project progresses. I encourage you to read more about the technologies such that you become better by the day.,,Good
"Nabil, I commend you for staying focused and diligent this week. I encourage you to network more with your team members so that you can share knowledge and share ideas on how to overcome some hurdles that you encounter. Invest time in reading more about the technologies you are using for the project and practice continuous integration of code with your colleagues on the test server provided.",,Good
"Despite afew challenges like transport, Andrew managed to start internship at Stratcom and he's doing well.",,Good
Technical challanges due to being new in using css but progressed in database development,,Neutral
- He managed to deliver on his to do's,,Good
Micheal's induction week went well.,,Good
I encourage her to always contact the lead developer / Trainer for guidance.,,Neutral
I encourage Xavier to always contact the lead developer / Trainer incase of any challenge.,,Neutral
Satisfactory results so far. Kengo is a hard worker and delivers required results.,,Good
"Kimuli has got to understand the basics of SQL, he can do a Create Read Update and Delete. He can also do JOINS, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and more other SQL queries according to the requirement.",,Good
"Good progress Ryan. Please keep up the spirit. As you proceed with implementation, I encourage you to check out the Php Standard Recommendation (PSR) so that you align your code with it.",,Good
Student had inadequate knowledge on systems development.,,Very Poor
Technical challenges but knowledge was acquired.,,Neutral
"Authur has known how to write SQL commands, he can SELECT, INSERT INTO, UPDATE AND DELETE, he also knows how to read data from different tables using JOINS, he knows other commands like COUNT and SUM, He can sort his data using ORDER BY ASC or DESC.",,Good
Focus was more on the systems development .,,Good
"Magembe can now practically execute SQL queries, he can Create databases and tables on his remote SQL server. He can Select records from different tables using JOINS, he can Update and Deleted records, he can also use Keywords like ASC, DSC, JOIN, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, SUM, COUNT, and many more, This means that we can query any data that he wants from different tables across a single database.",,Good
"I commend you Walter for the positive attitude and diligence. Please keep it up. As we move into full throttle implementation of the project, please check out the Php Standard Recommendation (PSR).",,Good
"Katumba was so interactive in this first week's sessions, he would ask where did not understand, in the end, he clearly understood what I was training him. He properly configured a LAMP stack and SSL. He also understood the basics of working with Cpanel, for example deploying systems on Cpanel, creating company emails, creating and resolving DNS zones, and linking them to a remote Ubuntu server.",,Good
"Katumba now knows the basics of SQL, he can Create databases and tables, he can insert into, select from, update, and delete records from a table. He also knows how to practically use some SQL keywords like ORDER BY, GROUP BY, SUM, and JOIN. He has developed knowledge in querying any data of interest from the database.",,Good
"Despite internet connections issues, Gloria has managed to complete this week's tasks. She is doing well.",,Good
"Derick understands SQL basics, he can create Databases, and tables, he can Insert records into a table, he can update and delete records. He also knows git and using Github he can push his code to a remote repository.",,Good
"However, in the coming weeks, I expect more skill development from Him and we are doing our best as an organisation to give the required tools for him to engage with real world business modules regardless of the pandemic and remote tasks.",,Good
He is passionate to learn new skills and has proven the ability to apply the theory to practical.,,Good
He has met a good attendance record in his first week at work.,,Neutral
Umar consistently arrives to the company's scheduled programs on time.,,Good
Feel free to consult teammates when stuck while you encounter new concepts.,,Neutral
Good job taking on the challenge and deploying to Crane Cloud and k8s.,,Good
There was a problem of the lockdown but I finally saw the system requirements document,,Neutral
"Rafusanjani has learned how to write SQL queries, he can Create databases and tables, He can also Insert records, Select or read tables records, update and delete those records. He knows how to use some SQL keywords like ASC, DESC, ORDER BY, COUNT, SUM, and more. He can query any records that he wants across different tables using JOINS.",,Good
Some developers spend long hours debugging errors. I request Rebecca to get used to the long sessions.,,Neutral
Intern has good relationship with our partners in terms of adaption to work requirement and deliverables.,,Good
Teddy is teachable.,,Good
"Despite a few challenges, Rebecca managed to set up the development environment.",,Good
3. Indicated progress on tasks assigned to the intern in week 1 reviewed and acknowledged.,,Good
2. Online mode of supervisor and coordination agreed upon.,,Neutral
"1. Student intern received, oriented, assigned supervisor and tasks to undertake during the internship period.",,Neutral
Ruth completed this week's tasks without any challenge.,,Good
Jacintah is doing well. She is a promising developer.,,Good
"Despite a few challenges, Jacintah managed to set up the development environment.",,Good
"Sandra has not had any issues so far, apart from her laptop failing to work.",,Good
She finished her work on time,,Good
"Despite internet challenge, Raymond managed to complete this week's tasks",,Good
"Nsimbe can now install an SSL certificate on her server, she is able to create DNS and office emails from CPanel. She now understands SQL, she can Create databases and tables, She is also able to Insert data in tables, select data, update and delete records. She has to know how to use other Keywords like ORDER BY, COUNT, SUM, ASC, DESC, etc. Meaning she can query any data that is required from a database. She has learned the basics of PHP",,Good
"The tasks you specified did not involve design a UI, what is the purpose of the UI? Installing software and watching tutorials should not take-up the whole week. Please work on Task 1 in this week.",,Very Poor
Indicated progress on tasks assigned to the intern in week 1 reviewed and acknowledged.,,Neutral
"Student intern received, oriented, assigned supervisor and tasks to undertake during the internship period. Online mode of supervisor and coordination agreed upon. ",,Neutral
some work is needed in the communication skills section,,Poor
she can adapt to new technologies,,Good
It is great to see that she is ready to learn new things. She informed me that she was learning iOS development,,Good
Most of the concepts might be new. But I encourage Ismail to consult the Lead Developer incase of coding challenges.,,Good
"I commend you Andrew for the persistence and consistency. These are two key qualities that are going to take you a long way in the right direction. I encourage you to keep reading more about the technologies you are working with in order to enrich your knowledge on how best to use them. This week, please check out the Php Standard Recommendation (PSR) so that you align your code with it.",,Good
Good work Hillary this week. You have exhibited good leadership skills and I encourage you to continue this way. Remind me to explain more about the different criteria used in making tricky decisions such as the one you highlight as your challenge this week. I encourage you to continue reading more about the technologies you use such that you are always up to date.,,Good
Emmanuel hasn't faced any challenges this week. He's doing well.,,Good
I commend you Jedidiah for punctuality and diligence. Please keep it up. I encourage you to use more of the official reference sources for each of the technologies that you are reading about. The habit of researching and reading is a victor's habit and you should maintain it. I encourage you to keep interacting more with your team members so that you can learn from each other.,,Good
"Hillary, I commend your positive attitude and resilience to make the team work. I encourage you to keep up this good spirit and improve on preparations for the remote collaboration sessions as we move forward. You can visit and keep growing your understanding of the scrum framework.",,Excellent
"Shivan, I encourage you to remain persistent and consistent. I encourage you to consult through all available means, not only internet. You can make a programmer if you remain calm and use a logical approach to solving problems. Reading more about the technologies involved is one sure way of widening your knowledge on the technologies of interest.",,Good
"Internet was a challenge, but she was able to do the work with her team.",,Good
"Kenneth can execute SQL commands/queries, he can Create databases, tables. He can also read data from a secure database, he can update and delete records from tables. He can push his code to GitHub and deeply it to a remote server. He knows the basics of PHP",,Excellent
"Viola, I am happy with your punctuality and commitment to work. Keep it up. Please interact more with your team members and help each other. I also encourage you to read more about the technologies that we are using for the project. Reading is a sure way to getting around the hurdles in your way.",,Good
He managed to complete this week's tasks without any challenges. He's doing well so far.,,Excellent
Technical challenges were many this week.,,Very Poor
Was able to learn and execute CRUDE for the systems development.,,Good
I commend you positive attitude and punctuality Shivan. Keep it up as we move into week two.,,Excellent
Collins didn't face any challenges this week. He's doing well.,,Good
"Despite network issues, Martha managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
I encourage Daniel to always contact the lead developer incase of coding challenges / errors.,,Neutral
"Emmilly has not faced any challenges, and she's doing well.",,Excellent
"Priscilla, I am impressed by your punctuality and persistence. Keep it up. Please interact more with your colleagues so that you can help each other in understanding what appears to be difficult. I also encourage you to try out your code on the test environment provided. Do not despair. Do not panic. You can truly make a good programmer.",,Good
Pamella had a minor challenge of setting up mid-ware but she managed to do it.,,Good
"Sharifa, please keep up the persistent spirit and hard work. I encourage you to engage more with your team members and endeavour to practice continuous code integration and deployment on the test server provided to you instead of creating your other testing platform. Do not hesitate to consult in case of any doubts.",,Good
"Despite a few challenges, Chrispus managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
"A well compiled report by Mark, Teddy and Georgia",,Good
Charlotte requested to attend Networking sessions and she is doing well. She completed this week's tasks with ease.,,Good
"Apart from network connection issues, Norah is doing well and she's managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
Great work with Pontoon. Continue pushing the sentences to the Pontoon System for translators.,,Good
"Despite innevitable challenges like power, Warid has managed to complete this week's tasks",,Good
He has adjusted well to the dynamic changes in schedules at work place.,,Good
"In this first week at work with Boosted Technologies, He has proven manageable, with team engagement traits.",,Good
"He is too inquisitive, he loves to learn and has proven good communication skills.",,Good
"In this period where 60% of our interns have had issues of internet shortage, Mr Musumba has exhibited a regular on time attendance record to company's schedules.",,Excellent
The design of the flow chart was accepted by the client with miner changes. He completed the design and coding of the user interface in time. He led the team which was off site to in put their part of the code online which he integrated and completed.,,Good
"Kamugisha has learned the basics of PHP, git, and GitHub, he can deploy an application to his remote server. He now knows SQL databases, he can create tables, read from them, insert records, updates and delete records from tables.",,Good
I commend you Benadette for the positive attitude and diligence. Keep it up. I can tell you that there is one sure way of succeeding as a software engineer and that is reading the material without any panic. Please do it and you will find things easier and smoother.,,Good
He successfully completed this week's main tasks without any challenges.,,Good
Edwin's ability of finding alternative ways to accomplish coding tasks makes him a promising developer.,,Good
"Good job with the docker, k8s and Crane Cloud deployments.",,Good
I encourage Alex to upgrade his machine because having a fast and reliable machine is very important in software development.,,Neutral
Technical challenge in knowing how to use new tools.,,Very Poor
"Despite a few challenges, Joshua managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
"Despite afew challenges, Francis has managed to complete this week's tasks. That is, setting up the database enviroment for the messaging App.",,Good
Impressed by her work with our partners and how open to changes and accommodate the virtual learning platform to gain experience.,,Good
"Apart from connection issues, Mwesigwa successfully completed this week's tasks. I also encourage him to contact the lead developer incase of any coding challenges.",,Good
Good job with the k8s and Crane Cloud deployments.,,Good
I encourage Abudlah to always contact the lead developer / Trainer for guidance incase of network connectivity issues.,,Neutral
Compitent and self motivated make him easy to supervise,,Neutral
"Despite transport challenge, Sarah managed to start internship at Stratcom and she is doing well.",,Neutral
"Despite a few innevitable challenges, Mary managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Neutral
Joshua has proved to be a very reliable intern. His initiative to learn not only about applications and software development but also business processes was commendable. He has registered the ability to communicate ideas and initiatives when taking part in committees or meetings. This is important for the upcoming computer scientists to feel comfortable speaking their minds and sharing their opinions when participating in technical meetings with the management team.,,Excellent
I encourage Roger's to make use of recordings and to contact the Lead Developer incase of complicated coding concepts.,,Neutral
"I encourage Moses to contact the lead developer incase of coding challenges. Otherwise, he is doing well so far.",,Good
Resty has managed to complete this week's tasks despite network connection issues.,,Neutral
"Ronald has started internship and he is doing well. Since his area of interest is networking, we are going to equip him with hands-on skills in networking, Systems Admin, PC repair and software maintenance.",,Good
Mariam has not faced any challenges this week. She is doing well.,,Good
This is great work. Please ensure to learn the Linux text editors as well and how to manipulate linux files. So far so good.,,Neutral
"Challenging but started using new tool for web development ,WordPress.",,Neutral
Davis is doing well. No challenges so far.,,Good
Progressive irrespective of the network,,Neutral
Louisa is doing well. I just encourage her to contact the lead developer / Trainer incase of any coding challenge.,,Good
The student has a good attitude towards learning.,,Good
The student has portrayed a clear understanding of theory and can connect it to practical settings.,,Good
Why do you need a GPU enable PC? I thought you already trained and saved the model. Why did you choose Flask over Django? Flask may not perform so well in production.,,Poor
Good progress with on boarding.,,Good
I encourage him to make use of internet and research or read about javascript. He can also contact the Lead Developer for help.,,Neutral
"Despite transport challenge, Timothy managed to complete this week's tasks.",,Good
Stom grasps coding concepts with ease. He's a promising developer.,,Good
completed website design,,Good
"Zaharah, I commend you for the positive attitude and punctuality. Keep up this spirit going into your second week. I encourage you to read more of the reference material that is provided on the collaboration platform and do your best to practice coding so that you can attain the required level of mastery.",,Excellent
"Racheal, I commend your tenacity in leading your team. I encourage you to keep a positive attitude towards coding and to keep checking your team's adherence to scrum best practices. As we move into the business end of the implementation phase of our project, I am hoping that you will not drop the energy levels. My doors are always open for guidance and support.",,Excellent
She has good computational skills and is good at managing time.,,Good
Had less knowledge on programming,,Poor
Kenneth successfully completed this week's main tasks without any challenges. He also deployed the messaging app online and it can be accessed by any one connected to internet.,,Good
Junior has started internship at Stratcom and his area of interest is coding. He has also managed to set up the development environment for a messaging app.,,Good
"Despite a ban on transport due to COVID, Harnest managed to walk to Stratcom for internship training.",,Good
All datasets were properly reviewed and shared with translators for translation.,,Neutral
"Despite a few challenges, Steven managed to start internship at Stratcom and has successfully completed this week's tasks.",,Good
Being orientation week Emmanuel acquainted Himself with County Government Organogram and got to know various county Departments.,,Neutral
"Solomon has shown a willingness to learn new ideas in a demanding environment as well as competence in handling complex tasks such as mapping, Registration & Profiling of the Individuals (Reporters) and Distribution of the Amnesty kits.",,Good
"Despite afew challenges, Lilian managed to install the necessary software on her machine",,Neutral
Off to a great start. Enough competence and zeal shown in the work. Keep up.,,Good
he is good at multi-tasking - working on various projects at the lab at the same time,,Good
"he is engaging, asks questions where he finds challenges",,Good
"This week emphasis was on functionality i.e. Php ,and he was progressing on the tasked system under development.",,Neutral
Technical knowledge in databases but he was able to catch up,,Neutral
He had some technical challenges with laptop.,,Neutral
"Mayanja Adrian is progressing well in the internship, she is worked on the analyzing startup, which has a huge impact in decision making in terms of investment and managing risk. She is learn quite well.",,Good
"Kamugisha can now install Apcahe2 on his ubuntu server, he can also install php-mysql server and secure it with a password. He has learned how to resolve his IP address to a remote DNS. He can create DNS and company emails from the domain Cpanel. He can secure his server with an SSL certificate using certbot.",,Good
"Isaac has been diligent in attending analysis meetings, which are an essential part of the software development life cycle",,Excellent
"Nsangi was able to install a LAMP stack on her ubuntu server, she setup up her apache2, she also installed php-mysql server. However, she did not secure her server. She still has a problem with generating DNS and company emails from cpanel, that is why she failed to secure her server as well as the database. I will make a follow-up about this",,Poor
"Kaweesi managed to install apache2 on his Ubuntu server, he also installed php-mysql server and then he was able to secure it with a password. though he failed to install phpmyadmin on his MySQL server. He now knows how to create DNS zones and linking them to a remote server. He can also install an SSL certificate on his server as well as creating company emails.",,Good
"Mulema can now set up Apache2, PHPMySQL server as well as PHPMyAdmin. He also managed to secure his database with a password. He can now install the latest version of PHP on his server. Mulema has learned how to resolve an IP address to a domain name (DNS). He can also create company emails. He has not yet learned how to install an SSL certificate on his server.",,Good
"Desipite a few challenges, Xavier managed to catch up and he's now doing well. He has my best of luck.",,Neutral
"We handled the CRUDE in this week and it was a success ,since he understood well how to execute it.",,Good
"Rwebikire was able to set up his apache2 server on ubuntu, he also installed and secured his database with a password. He can now generate company emails and DNS zones to set up and install an SSL certificate on a remote server.",,Good
"Rwebikire was able to set up his apache2 server on ubuntu, he also installed and secured his database with a password. He can now generate company emails and DNS zones to set up and install an SSL certificate on a remote server.",,Good
"Bwimi can now install Apache2, php-myasql and PHP on his remote server. He can also secure his SQL server with a password.",,Excellent
"Ahimbisibwe now has the ability to install Apache2, PHP, and PHP-MySQL servers. She can also set up PHPMyAdmin on her server, She can also deploy projects on Cpanel, and she has obtained some knowledge on DNS zones, so she can resolve a remote IP address to her domain name. She can also secure the server with an SSL certificate.",,Excellent
"Kimuli was able to set up apache2, PHP, and MySQL on his ubuntu server, he was also able to install an SSL certificate using certbot with let's encrypt as well as resolving the DNS zone to his remote server. He also successfully created a company email from Cpanel.",,Excellent
"Priscilla, I encourage you to maintain the energy and diligence you exhibited this week as we move ahead. I encourage you to visit for a deeper understanding of how the scrum framework works.",,Neutral
student understood well our companies new technoogies that included ERPNext /Frappejs and LXD Linux containers .,,Good
The program document was successful done,,Good
He fixed our domain problem. Site is back up and running. Good job.,,Good
"Semata can now set up a LAMP stack on his remote server, he can install apache2, php-mysql server and secure it with a password. he can also secure his server with an SSL certificate. He also knows how to resolve his DNS to his IP address and creating company emails.",,Excellent
Ismail managed to install and configure the software needed for the messaging app.,,Good
Teddy and her colleagues did a good presentation. It showed their desire to explore new technologies,,Good
Ruth successfully set up the development enviroment and so far she is doing well.,,Excellent
"Racheal, this week you have exhibited a commendable attitude and diligence. I encourage you to maintain it and ensure that you understand and follow scrum as we enter the next week where product implementation begins.",,Good
Jackson managed to set up the development enviroment for the messaging app.,,Good
"Businge installed apache2, php-mysql server and he was able to secure it with a password. He knows how to link his remote server IP address to a DNS zone as well as setting up company emails. However, he still has a problem with setting up virtual hosts to resolve an SSL certificate. This makes his server not render the system in the browser.",,Good
Martha had personal challenges in the first days of training but she managed to put all that behind her and focus on internship. She is so disciplined.,,Good
"Trevor, I commend your diligence in leading the team. I encourage you to write your weekly report with more clarity and detail. You can compare notes with your colleagues on how they have written theirs. I will also shed more light on this. As we head into the second week, please also pay attention to the application of the scrum methodology, as it will greatly determine the success of our project.",,Excellent
"You can also look for cheap network services after doing a comparative analysis of all the offers on the market. If you are living with the Kampala metropolitan area, Lycamobile has the cheapest offers.",,Neutral
You can work around the issue of intermittent connectivity by making sufficient preparations before the online team collaboration meetings.,,Neutral
"According to how scrum works, the task for next week is called, ""executing the first sprint"" Please read more about scrum from",,Neutral
"Jedidiah, I commend your diligence and positive attitude this week. Keep up the spirit going into week two. ",,Excellent
"Raymond exhibits one of the attributes of a serious developer that is, keeping time.",,Good
Ian is a committed student who hasn't had any difficulty in understanding concepts since the beginning of internship.,,Good
"Despite a few challenges with internet, Nuhu managed to set up the development environment for the messaging app.",,Neutral
"Nsimbe installed a LAMP stack on her remote ubuntu server, she secured her php-mysql server with a password. However she has a problem with setting up DNS zone and securing her server with SSL, I will do a follow-up and make sure she succeeds with that as well.",,Poor
"Despite a few challenges with errors, Collins managed to set up the development enviroment",,Good
"Despite a few challenges, Rogers has managed to accomplish all the required tasks. He has my best of luck.",,Good
Gloria faced a few challenges with electricity and connection. But she was in touch with the development team for help and she is doing well.,,Good
"Indeed there was poor network, especially during our weekly catch up meeting. Georgia and her fellow interns did well on collaboration",,Good
"Mary has had afew problems with connection, but she's managed to catch up",,Neutral
He's a promising developer,,Neutral
"As we head into week two, please find out more about scrum and how to effectively make it work in your project team.",,Neutral
"Andrew, you have been a diligent team player this week and I encourage you to continue this way. Please correct your record on Tasks in progress to read ""Preparing a Software Design Document..."" as opposed to ""Designing a Software Design Document..""",,Excellent
"While developing the app, Kimera has encountered a number of coding errors but he's managed to debug all of them.",,Neutral
"At first, Resty didn't like coding. After days of coding and understanding the basics, her story is now different.",,Good
"Rafusanjani was able to install a LAMP stack, he was also able to create a DNS zone and resolve it to his remote server. He managed to install and secure the php-mysql server and PHPMyAdmin on his ubuntu server. He also managed to secure his server with an SSL certificate from certbot with let's encrypt. He managed to create a company email address give a company domain name. It was a good experience.",,Excellent
"In the first days of internship, Mariam had issues with her laptop. Fortunately, she's been able to catch up.",,Neutral
"Despite a few challenges, Mwesigwa managed to set up the development enviroment.",,Good
He normally helps others when they are facing coding challenges.,,Good
"Davis' primary area of interest was networking, but I'm impressed with the way he's grasping coding concepts with ease.",,Good
Daniel successfully set up the development enviroment. I also encourage him to upgrade his machine,,Good
Moses successfully set up the development enviroment.,,Excellent
"Katumba was so interactive in this first week's sessions, he would ask where did not understand, in the end, he clearly understood what I was training him. He properly configured a LAMP stack and SSL. He also understood the basics of working with Cpanel, for example deploying systems on Cpanel, creating company emails, creating and resolving DNS zones, and linking them to a remote Ubuntu server.",,Excellent
Some times Dauglas becomes anxious when code doesn't compile or faces a challenge.,,Poor
Please read more about scrum on,,Neutral
I commend you Nabil for the diligence and punctuality exhibited this week. I also encourage you to share weekly reporting tips with your colleagues because you have reported with absolute clarity and precision.,,Excellent
Challenged by the internet but was always seeking for guidance on what to do through the support platform.,,Neutral
"A lack of knowledge can be overcome in two ways: first, by doing sufficient reading using the resources your team members and I have shared on the same and secondly by consulting more regularly with your team members. It is very important to build a camaraderie with your project team members as this greatly contributes to the success of the team.",,Neutral
A lack of data can be overcome by discussing with your colleagues over an audio conference made over the normal mobile phones by somebody with a good number of voice minutes.,,Neutral
Please consult with your colleague Andrew or myself on how best to write a progress report with the desired level of clarity and precision.,,Poor
"Isaac, I encourage you to improve your attitude and punctuality (which involves proper preparation for the sessions). ",,Poor
Pamella is not afraid to ask question(s) when something is not clear.,,Neutral
"So far Emilly is doing well, and she is determined to be a developer.",,Neutral
Francis has started internship. He has also managed to set up the development enviroment for a messaging app by installing the necessary software and tools.,,Good
Charlotte freely consults incase of a challenge,,Neutral
"I commend you Sharifa for the diligence and team leadership. There is a need to improve on the reporting of the weekly tasks. Following from what you have described in the ""Tasks in progress"", it logically follows that next week, we shall go into the implementation phase and execute the first sprint in line with how the scrum methodology works. Read more about scrum methodology from as it will help you and your team going forward.",,Excellent
"Edwin freely contacts the Trainer whenever he's faced with a challenge, and he loves learning new things.",,Neutral
"Calvin has successfully completed this week's tasks, that is, setting up the development enviroment for the messaging app.",,Good
"Asingwire managed to set up a LAMP stack, she went ahead and successfully set up a DNS zone given a Cpanel and she resolved it to her ubuntu server IP address. She was able to create company emails as well as installing an SSL certificate on her server. She perfectly installed php-mysql and secured it with a password. she also managed to install PHPMyAdmin on her server.",,Good
"Kabiito can now install Apache2, PHP, and PHP-MySQL servers, he can also secure his database with a password, he can secure his server with an SSL certificate. He knows how to create DNS and company emails. He can also install other applications like PHPMyAdmin on his remote ubuntu server",,Good
"Despite afew challenges especially with the programming language, Marvin managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the development environment for the messaging app.",,Neutral
Kenneth managed to complete this week's main task of setting up the development enviroment for the messaging app.,,Good
Stom has managed to catch up despite facing a few challenges.,,Neutral
Norah is committed to learning new things. She has my best of luck.,,Neutral
"Apart from a few challenges, he's a very committed student",,Neutral
He is a focussed student and I wish him the very best.,,Good
"Joshua faced a few challenges to do with coding at the beginning of internship, like unexpected errors.. etc. He managed to debug them and he's now doing well.",,Good
"Magembe was able to install a LAMP stack, he was also able to create a DNS zone and resolve it to his remote server IP address. He managed to install and secure the php-mysql server and PHPMyAdmin. He was also able to install a let's encrypt SSL certificate with certbot. He can now create company emails as well.",,Good
She is a promising developer. She also learns new concepts quite easily.,,Good
Louisa is a promising developer and she has my best of luck.,,Neutral
"We had a network challange,but she was able to use our recorded videos to catch up",,Neutral
"Mark led his colleagues is preparation of the 'project', on sustainable environment.",,Good
Yvette has done so well since the beginning of internship.,,Excellent
"During this period of learning, Solomon exhibited basic understanding of SQL since he had to interact with the Amnesty Commission Database system. I believe as the internship period continues, he will gain more valuable skills in SQL and other database management skills",,Neutral
"Please note that next week, we are going to proceed to executing or implementing the solution as soon as the solution design document is approved. This will mean that the team will proceed to working on the first sprint in line with how scrum methodology works. Please read more on scrum by visiting",,Neutral
You can avoid connectivity issues during the online team collaboration meetings by preparing for such sessions better.,,Neutral
"Roland, I commend your energy and attitude in the team this week. Keep this going forward. I encourage you to check with your colleague Andrew or myself on how to write a progress report with the desired clarity and precision. ",,Good
Onboarding began successfully. Looking forward to you learning and contributing to the frontend tasks.,,Good
You will need to accurately capture the project you are working on. The project is focussed on developing a WhatsApp Business integration plugin for the Asterisk Digital Marketplace website. Downloading and installing wordpress and woocommerce on your local machine is for your own benefit as it gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with wordpress and woocommerce - something that is vital to the success of our project's main task.,,Poor
"The lack of physical movement to our company premises is not a challenge right now since it is the ""new normal"" for everybody. You could highlight resultant challenges from this new normal such as poor or intermittent network connectivity. ",,Neutral
I also advise you to get in touch with me for guidance on how to write progress reports with the desired level of clarity and precision.,,Neutral
"Viola, keep up the diligence exhibited in all the team activities. I encourage you to improve on preparations for the online team collaboration activities so that you do not miss anything. ",,Neutral
She is very interested in learning.,,Neutral
by what she did and the interaction.,,Neutral
Considered progressive since the student was able to understand the skills introduced to her that week,,Neutral
"Progressive ,although had computer challenges ",,Neutral
"Challenged by the movement ,hence that week she was online.",,Neutral
She accepts her mistakes and she says sorry.,,Neutral
Progressive skills wise although he was challenged technically,,Poor
The team is excited to have collins and all the other interns on board.,,Good
Generally she has attained the basics of website designing,,Good
This student has completed module 1 of which it's website designing and she has mastered it very well basing her practical work and In this week she also start networking by interacting with a few networking devices like Climping tool,,Excellent
"The issue of lack of physical meetings should not be looked at as a challenge since it is the ""new normal"" for everybody. You can record the resultant challenges such as poor connectivity. It is also important for you to note that the future of work is in remote working setups like the one we are applying now.",,Neutral
Next week's tasks will include; approval of the solution design document and execution of the first sprint of our project implementation. I encourage you to visit to read more about scrum since it is central to the successful implementation of this project.,,Neutral
I commend you Benadette for the excellent attitude and diligence this week. Keep up the same spirit throughout the internship period.,,Excellent
Timothy and team got briefing from the client. He was quick to grasp the general concept and detail of the design of the website. I tasked him to come up with the website flow chart which he completed in time before starting to code.This was his main task as an individual and he did it well.,,Good
Was challenging but she progressed in solving the challenges and acquired practical skills on solving the problems.,,Neutral
Connection challenges but he was present physically and that enabled him cope up,,Neutral
Progressive -according to the student knowledge uptake and practical skills execution.,,Good
"Bazaale was able to configure a LAMP stack on his server, we created a DNS zone and resolved it to his remote ubuntu server. He was also able to install an SSL certificate with Let's encrypt as well as secure his php-mysql server with a password. he successfully installed PHPmyadmin on his ubuntu server as well.",,Good
"Lubega is progressing well in the internship, and learning about Tableau, while creating visualizations to support business.",,Good
Progressive technically irrespective of the transport challenge.,,Neutral
Challenged with the Laptop she uses.,,Poor
Reduced pace due to laptop.,,Poor
"Progressive ,as skills were acquired but practice was on colleague's computer",,Neutral
He was new to website designing and content management systems design.,,Neutral
"Progressive skills wise ,although was still challenged by the Laptop.",,Neutral
Technically challenged but followed up through the recorded material.,,Poor
Had a laptop challange but that didnt hinder us from starting database development since he had a team to work with.,,Neutral
Progressive in the tasks at hand.,,Good
Was able to multi task since we had three sessions in the say week handling different areas.,,Good
Challenged by use of the new skillset in css using Dreamweaver yet also her computer specifications couldn't enable her make installation of the Adobe suite.,,Neutral
Progressive in Hardware maintenance and repair tasks.,,Good
"Takes messages, writes correspondence, deals with customers and coworkers with sufficient attention to detail.",,Good
Usually adjusts well to changes in the work place.,,Good
"Has had no unscheduled absences, except for documented emergencies.",,Neutral
Does not require constant supervision.,,Good
Mark and his colleagues did a good presentation. It showed their desire to explore new technologies,,Good
Georgia and her colleagues did a good presentation. It showed their desire to explore new technologies,,Good
The week was challenging to the student since he had many issues with his computer .,,Poor
"This week we multitasked and Mary was able to catch up, with the new skillsets.",,Neutral
Progressive but had technical issues with his computer,,Neutral
"Had many technical Issues with his laptop,but was positive and progressed in understanding the skills.",,Neutral
Sills were acquired but had computer challenge,,Poor
many technical challenges but he was able to understand the skills offered.,,Neutral
"Had Laptop challenge ,but attended all the sessions and kept time.",,Neutral
"Takes messages, writes correspondence, deals with customers and coworkers with sufficient attention to detail.",,Good
Usually adjusts well to changes in the work place.,,Neutral
Maintains good working relationships with coworkers.,,Good
"Has had no unscheduled absences, except for documented emergencies.",,Neutral
Does not require constant supervision.,,Good
She has an overall improvement from when we first began. She is a promising student given the fact that she works on her weaknesses.,,Neutral
She used to consult her friends but no User Interfaces were designed.,,Poor
Though research was done the School management App was not created.,,Poor
Making research on each task to trouble consumes most of her time.,,Very Poor
She really laboured much to see Ncomputing System work.,,Neutral
Creating IP addresses for the Server and passwords challenged her.,,Very Poor
Social media platforms were created.,,Neutral
she had the skills but the speed of the internet limited her.,,Neutral
Dust blowing of the machines was done but System updates and Anti virus installation was fairly done.,,Poor
Remote access of the Server by the recommended ICT staff was not successful but the accounts were created. she tried to orient us but things were not thorough.,,Poor
She was really stressed at this stage. But i kept advising her to learn how to manage stress.,,Poor
Staff remote access was not successful though she tried it out.,,Very Poor
Social media platforms were disabled successfully.,,Good
Dashboard reporting system was not completed.,,Very Poor
She needs to learn more quickly as the scope of the internship is a bit wide and we are still covering the basics.,,Very Poor
he was a good listening student,,Good
Well done Ms Angella. Tasks were done independently and where guidance was required she sought it.,,Good
Ms Angella's work attitude is excellent. Given her willingness to learn she handled most of the tasks deligently.,,Good
"She works well with her fellow interns, asks where she does not understand is always ready to help out others.",,Neutral
he was a quick understanding student in my class,,Good
She continues to prove herself by never failing to deliver on assignments.,,Good
She needs to learn to manage her time properly so she can deliver on assignments.,,Very Poor
This activity involved introductory usage of the OS environment and preparing for installation which included making bootable devices that is DVD and Flash disks,,Neutral
Muwanga Ian was very active during this session of Operating Systems. He managed to Install Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 8 Professional as well the Device drivers.,,Good
"He demonstrated good knowledge and understanding of the Motherboard components, troubleshooting Motherboard problems.",,Good
He managed to design a website using CMS (WordPress) and later hosting it using 60 days free Trial hosting service provided by . I do believe he do thorough Domain registration and Web hosting,,Good
"He managed to configure the Networking Devices first in the Cisco Packet Tracer and later shifted to Live Machine configurations using the Putty software, Console Cable. The configurations involved VLAN, VLAN Trunking, Inter-VLAN Routing, Switch port Security, as well as EIGRP and ACL. I do believe he demonstrate the configuration of protocols very well.",,Good
Very active and practical student and paid clear attention during the demonstration of the Wireless Security Administration before availing him the devices,,Good
This was the first activity during the networking session. He did great in the surveying exercise as well as diagramming and quantifying the bills needed for the Network Project.,,Neutral
He is always willing to learn new skills and demonstrate them practically,,Neutral
She need to invest more time experimenting with what she has learnt and not stick to only what has been taught or discussed during the internship sessions. Her overall progress is promising.,,Neutral
He expertly prioritizes his work without getting tangled in unnecessary detail,,Good
He makes the best use of his time,,Good
He exceeded my expectations by delivering more than the assigned work,,Excellent
He expertly prioritizes work,,Neutral
He delivers urgently when he has all necessary resources which eases our work and betters his learning,,Good
He works to be the best for the team,,Good
He can be relied upon by the team mates,,Good
He gave the team members an opportunity to teach him and he was a good learner,,Good
He supports others in integrating and fulfilling their tasks,,Good
He's a great team player,,Excellent
He has a willingness to listen which helps his learning,,Good
He effectively communicates,,Neutral
He was building good relationships with the team,,Good
He supports others in integrating and fulfilling their tasks,,Good
He's a great team player,,Good
He has a willingness to listen which helps his learning,,Neutral
He effectively communicates,,Neutral
He was building good relationships with the team,,Neutral
I noted that he was embracing the culture of knowledge sharing in his research which in itself answered some of his questions.,,Good
He took the time to listen as we reviewed his performance,,Good
He took the initiative to ask for assistance,,Neutral
"As was the usual, he communicated openly with his team and asked for assistance where necessary",,Neutral
"We worked together to pull resources and the necessary data together, which helped the taking up of his tasks.",,Neutral
He followed his schedule and adhered to designated breaks for him as advised,,Neutral
"He completed the task, meant the acceptance criteria, and completed it within a minimal time frame.",,Neutral
He had the will to wait until he got in the right corner with the requirements for the good of his performance.,,Neutral
"Despite the time it required him to get tasks done, he gave in time and extra effort to see to it that things got done.",,Good
He consulted for better understanding which helped his progress.,,Good
He scheduled his time off in advance to coordinate with the backend developer which was impressive,,Good
He took the initiative to consult where he needed assistance,,Neutral
He tried his best to meet attendance despite the challenge of slow internet,,Good
"He completed the task, meant the acceptance criteria, and completed it within a minimal time frame.",,Good
MS. Angella's willingness to learn and drive to seek clarity ranks her as a super learner. Well done Angella.,,Excellent
Ms. Angella's attentiveness and desire to learn what she is not familiar with is very admirable. Thank you for this drive. Software installations can be done independently which is very good to see.,,Excellent
Good conduct and time keeping.,,Good
Project still on going in the last phases but most of the tasks accomplished and ready for final presentation,,Good
Project timeline on track. Great team work. Student is now doing code review and improvements.,,Good
Project behind timeline but student has ability to accomplish the tasks. Internet is back and student has picked up pace once again.,,Neutral
Feature 2 of system not fully done and some other pending tasks. Student needs to gain faster pace.,,Poor
Some time taken for student to adjust to the back-end and gain capacity and implement his news tasks,,Poor
Front end mock up for users that implemented as required by the student. Need to make better improvements on it.,,Poor
Festive season. Nothing evaluated,,Neutral
"Project initiation and tools done on time, break off for holidays.",,Good
Task of project planning and role assignment done. Student has assumed the role of front end development,,Good
Student together with team has delivered and mockup designs for the system.,,Good
"ERD and its related documentation delivered, clients with so many changes so final version yet to be approved. Great team leadership by student in sharing knowledge with his team members.",,Good
Great research work demonstrated in trying to produce the SDD. Version 1 delivered on time with his team,,Good
"Vision and scope delivered student has started on the SRS, his documentation skills are improving",,Neutral
Vision and scope document presented and student has to do some improvements based on client input. Requirements elicitation techniques.,,Poor
Student introduced to Team at Laboremus and he has began on interaction with client to establish requirements. Team work with new team assigned needs improvement.,,Poor
Student has prior knowledge in code refactoring and some insights in debugging and code smells. Great foundation by university.,,Neutral
Demonstrated ability to implement CI/CD in a real project. Great work this week.,,Neutral
Student has gained some knowledge in BDD but slow at implementation. Great work for improvement.,,Poor
Applied and demonstrated how to build and run tests. Individual project on TDD delivered.,,Neutral
Student is exposed to new concepts in TDD and Design Patterns and needs to learn and practice these early enough. Pull up your socks,,Very Poor
Deployment learnt and other tasks accomplished on time. Students needs to adopt to fast pace learning.,,Poor
Student has finalised learning of database design. Great team work demonstrated. He is new to the S.O.L.I.D and needs to learn these very fast.,,Good
Student has demonstrated some a foundation and background knowledge in database design and implementation and there is great room for improvement.,,Neutral
Student has kicked off the bootcamp stage and started gaining further capacity in the various concepts of software engineering that will enable him gain capacity to deliver a software product.,,Neutral
"It was a good and quick activity, because most of the things like creating databases on live server, and uploading sources were being done by him.",,Good
"He was able to complete and demo all the tasks assigned, excellent performance for DevOps.",,Excellent
Well completed,,Good
"However, he has also to do more in adding top nav bar and creating a dashboard",,Neutral
This was done successfully.,,Excellent
The purpose of this was to help the internee to express advancement in his software development environment.,,Neutral
"The Internee was given an exercise of adding a splash screen, a progress bar, and a recycler view using Java language in android studio.",,Neutral
She is eager to learn new technologies. This can be seen by how much questions she asks during the training sessions.,,Neutral
She had good knowledge about the foundation of the web especially from the University. So Introducing her to the practice of Website development and design was easier. I recommend continued practice in this area.,,Good
All task were completed,,Good
Tasks and assignments well completed. Good interaction during lessons,,Good
This was a very productive week. A lot of progress was made by Benjamin and team.,,Good
Faith has displayed knowledge in the various steps involved during the Software Development Life Cycle. She is keen on reaching the implementation step but she is well aware of what is involved in the design stage with provides a smooth transition towards implementation.,,Good
"Faith's progress has once again been impressive. She thinks out of the box and is willing to learn, which will take her very far in the field of software engineering. There is still a lot for her to learn but I believe she possesses the right qualities to keep improving.",,
He added the functionality and its functioning well.,,Good
"Error rate is acceptable, and all work is completed timely.",,Neutral
Has a good attendance record.,,Good
Maintains good working relationships with coworkers.,,Good
Good attempt and attitude amidst challenges.,,Good
"He completed the task, meant the acceptance criteria, and completed it within a minimal time frame.",,Good
"Being that she is a person who pays attention to details, mastering Graphics design was a lot easier than I expected. She has great knowledge about industrial dominating tools such as Adobe Illustrator, that is highly used world wide for Designs. I therefore recommend the University to add more emphasis to practical fields such as Graphics and design, so as to prepare the students for any job challenge in the real world.",,Neutral
All tasks have been completed in time as instructed,,Good
The work was well done.,,Good
He successfully created a database for a movie store,,Good
Douglas' ability to multitask makes him a promising developer. I wish him the very best.,,Good
He successfully designed an eye catching interface using bootstrap and CSS,,Good
"He successfully created an HTML form, to capture student's records.",,Good
Database successfully created.,,Good
Promising progress. Student takes effort to solve all challenges.,,Good
Good software developer and a quick learner.,,Good
She did not do this at our company,,Very Poor
He likes to encounter new things and pats attention to understand the ideas,,Good
"This week, he produced the animated front page, with attractive motions, the most important section (Pricing and subscription) was also added and it was fully functional.",,Good
The work was well done and with more practice will be better,,Good
He is able to troubleshoot and fix a problem which is very good,,Excellent
Student developed well.,,Good
"Task well-executed, and delivered. Thank you, Mahad for the dedication.",,Excellent
Willingness to learn and face new challenges with ease.,,Good
The student acquired more hands on network skills in regards to wireless networks. He also participated in the installation and administration of Proxmox Virtual environment and installation of Ubuntu 20.04 server,,Good
"Student was able to deploy synology server and created server volumes, installed active directory server, active directory backup for business and create users and user groups.",,Neutral
"Practically she is well versed with Microsoft office applications, which is widely used by many professionals.",,Good
"Good attempt, more practice and research needed.",,Good
Assignments well done. Good team work skills.,,Good
She participates actively to see that she learns,,Good
She is picking up so well and with persistency will be excellent,,Good
"He has some bit of understanding of how Javascript works, and how it saves the user time and data as they move from page to page. He can send data from the user interface to the back end (Server-side) through Ajax.",,Good
She did not do this at our company,,Very Poor
Beautiful website made. More practice and research,,Neutral
Nice piece of work done.,,Very Poor
Assignments well done. Good enthusiasm too,,Excellent
He was new to security but he did well on the assignment and has interacted well with the cpanel.,,Good
"This week, Joseph learned and implemented USSD and SMS using Object-Oriented PHP and MySQL, He also learned how to deploy PHP applications and a live server, He now knows how to install libraries using composer (A command-line application used to install external libraries into a PHP application). He has known how to prepare the application procedure before starting to code.",,Good
The work was well done.,,Excellent
"The student was able to demonstrate transfer and replacement of computer/laptop components, such as key board, replacement of CMOS battery, replacement of laptop motherboard. He was also charged with recording computing devices in the IT store and updating the information in the inventory. ",,Good
She has the interest in making sure things workout and with more practice will become better,,Neutral
"I am impressed with Godfrey's desire of learning how to code systems from scratch. If he can continue brushing up his coding skills, he will be a greater developer.",,Neutral
He successfully designed eye catching interfaces using bootstrap and CSS,,Excellent
He successfully created an HTML form to capture students details,,Excellent
He successfully created a database for a movie store,,Excellent
Douglas' ability to multitask makes him a promising developer. I wish him the very best.,,Good
He successfully designed an eye catching interface using bootstrap and CSS,,Good
"He successfully created an HTML form, to capture student's records.",,Good
Database successfully created.,,Good
Promising progress. Student takes effort to solve all challenges.,,Good
"Successful in this week's tasks. He will now work with YSAVE MEMBER SYSTEM, and improve the application",,Good
Good software developer and a quick learner.,,Excellent
Student acquired and demonstrated practical knowledge in networking by assigning IP addresses manually and understood the practical DHCP operation. Student also created users and user groups in the server thus got familiar with user management.,,Good
"During this period where there was a shortage of staff in the department, Ms Angella filled in the gap by setting up various laptops and in record time we managed to issue them to the end-users and projects personnel. Thank you for the tireless effort and delivery on time.",,Excellent
"Given the desire to learn attributes, I can testify that Ms Angella can practically set up a basic LAN, WAN and Access control infrastructure. Thank you for putting theory to practice.",,Excellent
He likes to encounter new things and pats attention to understand the ideas,,Good
"This week, he produced the animated front page, with attractive motions, the most important section (Pricing and subscription) was also added and it was fully functional.",,Excellent
The work was well done and with more practice will be better,,Good
He is able to troubleshoot and fix a problem which is very good,,Excellent
Student developed well.,,Excellent
"Task well-executed, and delivered. Thank you, Mahad for the dedication.",,Excellent
Willingness to learn and face new challenges with ease.,,Neutral
The student acquired more hands on network skills in regards to wireless networks. He also participated in the installation and administration of Proxmox Virtual environment and installation of Ubuntu 20.04 server,,Good
Student equally prepared reports in excel and word processing about list of computers and the users.,,Good
Student also configured Mikrotic router and Lynksys router. There by demonstrating Network and server management skills.,,Excellent
"Student was able to deploy synology server and created server volumes, installed active directory server, active directory backup for business and create users and user groups.",,Good
"Practically she is well versed with Microsoft office applications, which is widely used by many professionals.",,Neutral
"Good attempt, more practice and research needed.",,Neutral
Assignments well done. Good team work skills.,,Excellent
She participates actively to see that she learns,,Good
She is picking up so well and with persistency will be excellent,,Good
"He has some bit of understanding of how Javascript works, and how it saves the user time and data as they move from page to page. He can send data from the user interface to the back end (Server-side) through Ajax.",,Good
Good attitude amidst challenges. Well done,,Good
Tasks well completed.,,Good
She now knows the challenges with wireless networks and can deal with them,,Good
All the above tasks were completed,,Excellent
She has the idea about these wireless networks and with more practice will become very good,,Good
The Intern participated in configuration of wireless networks where he showed confidence and skills in managing wireless networks.,,Good
The Intern attended with staff ToT on Moodle E-learning Management System were he acquired admin skills,,Neutral
Completed to my satisfaction,,Excellent
"He was given a task to do different code snippets with PHP before he can start on a real-world project, He has done well all the basics of PHP, With this, he is good to go.",,Good
Student developed database.,,Good
Student performed well.,,Good
Actively involved him self in the tasks,,Good
He is very inquisitive and committed to the learning process,,Good
Tasks well done. Good work,,Excellent
Great enthusiasm and self drive.,,Good
She is very determined to know were she has a problem as she asks,,Good
"He is understanding the concept of networking very well and can setup, share from both wired and wireless networks",,Good
This was completed to my satisfaction,,Excellent
He is familiar with this concept of routers as he was able to execute the work given very well,,Excellent
He is putting in effort and understands the concept of resource sharing,,Good
Done to the supervisor's satisfaction.,,Excellent
He performed very well as he is able to setup a network and share resources,,Excellent
Noted and well done.,,Good
He knows how to identify a particular system especially a UPS but found if challenging to point out specific components which am sure now can do very well,,Good
student understood the importance of software drivers and was able to distinguish printer drivers based on printer models. Student was also able to understand and use inbuilt windows utility tools.,,Excellent
She is catching up very well as she contributes and asks questions were she doesn't know. Very good work done,,Excellent
"She has performed very well in the whole process of setting up a network, assigning IP addresses to sharing resources. Keep it up",,Excellent
She is very well knowledgeable and asks when not sure of something.,,Good
This was king kind of new to her but put it into practice very well.,,Good
The student participated in ToT in Moodle LMS. He acquired administrative skills to manage Moodle LMS,,Good
He has been given an assignment to work on his personal website in wordpress and has to post news on on the channel 44 website on a daily basis. He's copying well.,,Good
"Doing computer revision was great. I found out that the University had done a great job in the area of computer studies, which made my work a lot more easier during the internship.",,Excellent
student started on development.,,Neutral
The trainee also replaced a laptop's Micro-processor.,,Good
The student also did work concerning printer basic management. This included replenishing a printer's tonner.,,Neutral
IV) Configuring it for a desk phone,,Neutral
III) Creating the extension number,,Neutral
II) Terminating the cable connecting the desk top phone to the general network running to the PABX.,,Neutral
I) Placing the telephone set in position,,Neutral
This includes how an Office telephone extension if created,,Neutral
She has mastered her hardware knowledge and now can identify and troubleshoot problems,,Good
The configuration were done successful as expected,,Excellent
Well done,,Excellent
A few bugs to be sorted though.,,Poor
"Also setup cPanel, uploaded the site files and enabled SSL. ",,Excellent
"Some more bug fixes and task finally completed. A report submitted, and I have reviewed the task. I should say, this was good progress.",,Good
"MS Angella is very smart, articulate, calm, ready to learn and willing to face the challenge. Ms Angella settles in well with the existing team who warmly welcomed her. Good luck with this attachment.",,Excellent
Good attitude towards challenges and willingness to learn. Well done.,,Excellent
Good start. More research needed.,,Good
"The student took on a new language and development platform - Django and Python and progressed well on a weekly basis, managing to develop a task management application for the development unit.",,Good
Student started learning how to deal in corporate environments.,,Good
"He was given a task to do different code snippets with PHP before he can start on a real-world project, He has done well all the basics of PHP With this he is good to go, Next is going to be combining JS, PHP, MySQL, and HTML. This will put him at a level of programming small projects for the start.",,Excellent
She quickly adapted to the use of Javascript for front end development however if possible more research in that direction would increase perfection hence help her to work faster,,Good
Notable presence of passion for graphics design and development,,Good
This is new to her but is serious on knowing what should be done,,Good
She has learnt how the aspects of wireless networks work and can put them in practice,,Excellent
She needs more practice in terminating cables otherwise has knowledge of networking,,Good
The process is kind of challenging especially with the bios page otherwise during the installation she follows quite well,,Neutral
She has performed this very well with no hardship,,Excellent
She has the knowledge but finds difficulty when starting the installation process,,Poor
She has performed very well as she can identity the different components,,Excellent
She is able to identify the different parts of a computer. Very good,,Excellent
She is now knowledgeable about the different symbols associated with a UPS,,Excellent
She has performed well as she is asking and contributing to the identification and solving problems associated with a UPS,,Good
The student acquired hands on skills on installation and configuration of network devices and network layout.,,Good
She can identify and troubleshoot the different components of a UPS,,Excellent
The student acquired skills in networks. Simon was very participative and inquisitive to learn more.,,Excellent
This was new to him but now is well knowledgeable about setting up a network,,Excellent
Good attempt and great enthusiasm,,Excellent
Tasks execution went well. No notable issues from me per their execution.,,Excellent
This weeks progress was derailed due to Health issues by Benjamin. We hope next week will be better.,,Neutral
Tasks execution went well. No notable issues from me per their execution.,,Excellent
No notable issues came up to my attention in regard to tasks execution. I am also happy that Benjamin gets to help out on pull request reviews.,,Good
This week's work was mostly about reducing tech debt and improving pull request quality. There is a lot of progress being made on this front by all team members.,,Good
This week had slower momentum due to some miscalculations on our part.,,Neutral
He knows about IP addresses which is very good and now I believe he knows how to enter them and interconnect and configure different devices,,Excellent
This week had good development momentum. No issues from me.,,Good
This week went well. Had a fair amount of tech debt clearance and some feature additions.,,Neutral
quite impressive,,Good
He has some knowledge about IP addresses and now is able to put them in practice,,Good