[ { "author": "user-id/21289", "content": "<p>Hello I’m Anna,   I’m new here..   I don’t really know where to start… guess I’ll just lay it all out..? 4 years ago I attempted suicide and spent some time in hospital, while I was in hospital I was diagnosed with PTSD. I was prescribed medication and it was recommended I go to counselling sessions and make a mental health plan with my GP when I came out of hospital. I started to do those things and was placed on a long waiting list for counselling, it all eventually fizzled out and I went about my life pretending the ‘episode’ never happened. I stopped taking the medication because I didn’t like feeling different to my friends and It was hard to wake up in the mornings (I was 20 at the time).  </p><p> So here we are now 4 years later, things have been great. I am engaged to someone wonderful, I have a job that I still cant believe I got and a very supportive family, I hate pets I love like my children and a great social life. I am due to get married in December.  </p><p>I have had night terrors since a young age which I can cope with fine, they’re disturbing but usually I can forget about them by the morning. But I have started getting what I suspect are panic attacks. One minute I’m fine and the next minute I will think about something that stresses me out the tiniest bit and my heart starts racing, I have a sick feeling in my stomach, I cant breathe – I literally start choking and gasping for air, my body goes rigid and I throw up. I just collapse into a heap crying and trying to breathe. I have lost control of my bowels a few times which is incredibly embarrassing. I had an attack in front of my fiancé once and he tried to call an ambulance because he thought I was having a seizure.  </p><p> I felt as though I could deal with these attacks even though they leave me exhausted and drained. But yesterday morning I couldn’t get out of bed, I kept thinking about going to work and my heart started racing and I got the sick feeling in my stomach and I tried, I just kept snoozing my alarm and saying one more minute and I just couldn’t do it. I lied to my co-workers and said I had a stomach bug and told my partner I wanted a day to get housework done but none of it was true. I’m meant to be happy and have this under control but thoughts keep creeping into my head and I just walk around all day with the sick feeling (it feels almost like guilt and nausea) until it boils over.  </p><p> I can pinpoint a few things that bring these feelings on. I am unbelievably stressed about money, we are both on decent wages but I will never be where I want in life because I have a bad credit rating and I know that this has really held my fiancé back and I feel SO guilty about it. I feel sick when I think about seeing my mother because I was in foster care (for reasons I don’t wish to discuss) when I was younger and then went to live with relatives and feel abandoned by her even though I have seen her at least once a year since then and never felt anxious about it before. I feel anxious about telling people I lived with relatives. I feel fat all the time (what woman doesn’t? haha) and I feel dumb and stupid all the time. I don’t feel as though I can contribute to intelligent conversation and the meetings we have at work because I’m so stupid. I don’t think I can pull off the wedding I want to because I’m not resourceful enough. I have a million more of these stupid little worries floating around in my head and they are drowning me.  </p><p>When I was in hospital I lied and said I didn’t want to die I just wanted everything to stop, I just wanted to feel nothing for a while but I did want to die, I just felt guilty for my family for having to deal with me and didn’t want to hurt them anymore. I wish I hadn’t of lied and then maybe I wouldn’t feel the way I do now. I know there are solutions to my problems but at this moment in time I just needed to vent abit. I have so many more things I could write but there’s no point because I’m not unique and my situation is not unique and I should just get over it. My problems aren’t that bad.  </p><p> Sorry.<br><br><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>\n <o:OfficeDocumentSettings>\n <o:RelyOnVML/>\n <o:AllowPNG/>\n </o:OfficeDocumentSettings>\n</xml><![endif]--></p><p><i>beyondblue’s clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.</i></p><p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>\n <w:WordDocument>\n <w:View>Normal</w:View>\n <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom>\n <w:TrackMoves/>\n <w:TrackFormatting/>\n <w:PunctuationKerning/>\n <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/>\n <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>\n <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent>\n <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>\n <w:DoNotPromoteQF/>\n <w:LidThemeOther>EN-AU</w:LidThemeOther>\n <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian>\n <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript>\n <w:Compatibility>\n <w:BreakWrappedTables/>\n <w:SnapToGridInCell/>\n <w:WrapTextWithPunct/>\n <w:UseAsianBreakRules/>\n <w:DontGrowAutofit/>\n <w:SplitPgBreakAndParaMark/>\n <w:EnableOpenTypeKerning/>\n <w:DontFlipMirrorIndents/>\n <w:OverrideTableStyleHps/>\n </w:Compatibility>\n <m:mathPr>\n <m:mathFont m:val=\"Cambria Math\"/>\n <m:brkBin 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totally incorrect, they are bad and whether you want to call them unique, then that's what they are, because to you it's now affecting your whole life, and changed from being and feeling 'great' to now destroying your life.</p>\n<p>Your PTSD is something that we can talk about down the track, so we will gently push this aside at the moment and deal with it later on.</p>\n<p>I am worried that you may be having seizures, and these can vary from being small up to being where you jerk violently and loss of bowels happens.</p>\n<p>This happened with me as I have grand mal which is the worst seizure to have, and I now take a heavy dosage of medication to stop me from having them, so maybe google 'epileptic fits' and ask your partner if any of those fits related back to you, because you won't know yourself if it's serious.</p>\n<p>The trouble with having a serious condition like what you previously had and no appropriate professional help, is that once we fall in love, we hope that it will just disappear, well it does, but it's still there within you, and eventually it will raise it's ugly head later on, and that's exactly what has happened for you.</p>\n<p>Sure you love your partner, kids and pets and have a good job, but even these won't stop the onslaught of depression down the track, simply because these serious issues weren't handled with before and after your attempt, so now is the time that you must go back to your doctor or whether you want to contact BB under 'get help' at the top of this page, which I suggest maybe your best option to start all over again with someone new.</p>\n<p>These professionals will have a variety of psychologists or if you prefer a psychiatrist that will see you under a new medicare plan, and it's very important that this time , and for your sake that it's followed through with, in other words, even if you start to feel better, it still has to be done, but at the moment this doesn't seem to be the case.</p>\n<p>Your health now is of prime concern for yourself, plus your family who now will just add to your stress levels, because you can't understand what has made you fall into a heap, that's why you are important for all concerns.</p>\n<p>The other problem is that when you were in hospital and from what you said to these people surely would indicate that it's just another way of saying that you wanted to be asleep for the rest of your life, and if these medical staff had any 'gumshun' they would have kept you in hospital to determine.</p>\n<p>You won't get till Monday, so I hope that you can get back to us. L Geoff. x</p></div>", "date": "15-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-don-t-know-where-to-begin/td-p/55895" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hello Anna</p>\n<p>Firstly, welcome to Beyond Blue and I'd like to say \"well done to you\" for coming to this site and then to post your thread.  That's a good positive sign to put things down in a post - in a way it can be kind of therapeutic;  and also it's a sign that you're wishing to reach out for help  And that what you'll receive on this site;  you'll receive advice when we can give it, care for you and above all, we'll support you 100%.</p>\n<p>Anna, at the end of your post you said you aren't unique.  I beg to differ ... that everyone is unique.  We'd be cloned otherwise.  Everyone is unique and everyone has their own story - people can be similar but not the same.  And when we get this awful illness attached to us, that then joins us because we all suffer.  But we also suffer at different levels and different kinds of this illness.</p>\n<p>But everyone who comes on here ... or even if they don't, everyone is their own person, and everyone's problems ARE bad.  And it doesn't matter again what level they are ... if someone has problems, even little ones, they are still problems and still need to be cared for and supported.</p>\n<p>You've mentioned that you have children??  How many and what ages?  I'm not being nosey, just wishing to find out a little, just a little about them.  Because near the end you talk about wishing to end it all.  When you're suffering these awful thoughts do come to the fore of the mind, but please please Anna ... this is something that just can't be done.  As you said, you've got children ... they need you.  Your fiance would be devastated as well as your friends.  I really hope that you can somehow push these awful thoughts to the very back of your mind and deeper.  If nothing else, please think of your fiance and your children.  Sorry, I'm not meaning to be harsh here, but this is a big concern that you have raised.</p>\n<p>Anna, you cannot be dumb or stupid ... I can tell that immediately anyway, simply by the way that you've written your post.  You articulate yourself very well;  you have a wonderful fiance ... and you have a brilliant job ... now all of these things simply wouldn't be possible if you were correct with your description of yourself.  It's the illness that makes us think very low and unworthy things about ourselves and then we beat ourselves up about it.  What a mongrel thing this illness is.</p>\n<p>Money is always a major stressor for so many people ... it's just something that is needed and it's evil that people have to rely on it so much.</p>\n<p>With regard to your upcoming wedding ... we're still half way through Feb, so there's still, I think, a number of months to still get things sorted out, yeah, for your December wedding?   You've mentioned that you have a good network of social friends.  I'm guessing that one or two or even three will be on the bridal party?  I don't know if this will work, but I would be suggesting to them or one or two of them to sit down with you ... you can then run through exactly what you are envisaging how your wedding would be;  and then together you can set up a plan to get that done?  I know that sounds very simple and actually doing things like that take a lot more time and effort, but is it something that might be possible?</p>\n<p>Anna, thank you so much for your post ... I haven't touched on everything in your post, but I hope the things that I have done, well, I hope that you found something there to be a little helpful.  I have no doubt that over the weekend, you'll receive responses from other members here.</p>\n<p>I also hope that you can get back to us whenever you feel able to.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "15-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-don-t-know-where-to-begin/td-p/55895" } ]
I don't know where to begin
Hello I’m Anna,   I’m new here..   I don’t really know where to start… guess I’ll just lay it all out..? 4 years ago I attempted suicide and spent some time in hospital, while I was in hospital I was diagnosed with PTSD. I was prescribed medication and it was recommended I go to counselling sessions and make a mental health plan with my GP when I came out of hospital. I started to do those things and was placed on a long waiting list for counselling, it all eventually fizzled out and I went about my life pretending the ‘episode’ never happened. I stopped taking the medication because I didn’t like feeling different to my friends and It was hard to wake up in the mornings (I was 20 at the time).    So here we are now 4 years later, things have been great. I am engaged to someone wonderful, I have a job that I still cant believe I got and a very supportive family, I hate pets I love like my children and a great social life. I am due to get married in December.   I have had night terrors since a young age which I can cope with fine, they’re disturbing but usually I can forget about them by the morning. But I have started getting what I suspect are panic attacks. One minute I’m fine and the next minute I will think about something that stresses me out the tiniest bit and my heart starts racing, I have a sick feeling in my stomach, I cant breathe – I literally start choking and gasping for air, my body goes rigid and I throw up. I just collapse into a heap crying and trying to breathe. I have lost control of my bowels a few times which is incredibly embarrassing. I had an attack in front of my fiancé once and he tried to call an ambulance because he thought I was having a seizure.    I felt as though I could deal with these attacks even though they leave me exhausted and drained. But yesterday morning I couldn’t get out of bed, I kept thinking about going to work and my heart started racing and I got the sick feeling in my stomach and I tried, I just kept snoozing my alarm and saying one more minute and I just couldn’t do it. I lied to my co-workers and said I had a stomach bug and told my partner I wanted a day to get housework done but none of it was true. I’m meant to be happy and have this under control but thoughts keep creeping into my head and I just walk around all day with the sick feeling (it feels almost like guilt and nausea) until it boils over.    I can pinpoint a few things that bring these feelings on. I am unbelievably stressed about money, we are both on decent wages but I will never be where I want in life because I have a bad credit rating and I know that this has really held my fiancé back and I feel SO guilty about it. I feel sick when I think about seeing my mother because I was in foster care (for reasons I don’t wish to discuss) when I was younger and then went to live with relatives and feel abandoned by her even though I have seen her at least once a year since then and never felt anxious about it before. I feel anxious about telling people I lived with relatives. I feel fat all the time (what woman doesn’t? haha) and I feel dumb and stupid all the time. I don’t feel as though I can contribute to intelligent conversation and the meetings we have at work because I’m so stupid. I don’t think I can pull off the wedding I want to because I’m not resourceful enough. I have a million more of these stupid little worries floating around in my head and they are drowning me.   When I was in hospital I lied and said I didn’t want to die I just wanted everything to stop, I just wanted to feel nothing for a while but I did want to die, I just felt guilty for my family for having to deal with me and didn’t want to hurt them anymore. I wish I hadn’t of lied and then maybe I wouldn’t feel the way I do now. I know there are solutions to my problems but at this moment in time I just needed to vent abit. I have so many more things I could write but there’s no point because I’m not unique and my situation is not unique and I should just get over it. My problems aren’t that bad.    Sorry.
[ { "author": "user-id/30252", "content": "<p>Hi All,</p>\n<p>I've had mental health issues for the last 5 years after my first long term relationship ended. We were together for 6 years and when it ended it kind of blew up in my face. I have now been diagnosed with Agoraphobia, Anxiety and Bi Polar. It seems the first feeds the second which activates the third. </p>\n<p>The strangest part of it all is my walk to and from my car before and after work each day. In the morning I have no problems with agoraphobia, I have no anxiety. I feel completely calm and relaxed. On the way back to the car in the afternoon on the other hand, it's always rather traumatic. As soon as I walk out of my building in the afternoon it starts. I get dizzy and start to hyperventilate. I even have trouble walking in a straight line. It's only about a 300m walk but it feels like the longest walk in the world. It's something I have to look forward to every day and it's something I've had to go through after work everyday for the last 5 years.  </p>\n<p>So needless to say I'm a bit of a mess most of the time. I've tried therapy which didn't work. It seems talking about my mental health to someone pushes my anxiety. Medication never works for longer than a couple of months as my head builds an immunity to it. Meditation seems to only work while meditating. As soon as I stop everything comes back. Breathing exercises don't seem to work either. So most of the time I just put my head down and try and power through. Which leaves me exhausted by the end of the day. </p>\n<p>The one thing that does help is animals. We have two cats, 3 fish tanks and a lizard. There have been two occasions  when I came home to prepare for suicide but it was my animals that saved me. Here's hoping they will continue to do so. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Thanks for reading.</p></div>", "date": "12-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-head-and-me/td-p/52187" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "<p>Hi Athryn, thank god for that lizard! I'm glad you're so connected to your pets but I hope the next time you feel like that you will pick up a phone and call someone. That has saved my life on more than a few occasions when I have felt exactly as you did. The feelings are horrible and intense but they do go away.</p>\n<p>Now for the anxiety...I have this too. I think you should give therapy another go. There are lots of different types of therapy and it sounds like you need the type where you talk about coping skills for dealing with panic attacks and so forth. Therapy is not always a walk in the park. Sometimes you will feel uncomfortable, but confronting the feelings and accepting them is part of getting better.  It's like having a splinter in your foot, it hurts to pull it out, but you can't leave it there or the wound will get infected. </p></div>", "date": "13-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-head-and-me/td-p/52187" }, { "author": "user-id/30252", "content": "<p>Hi Jess, yes thank god for my lizard... Most of the time, when he's not grumpy and trying to bite me, he has a bit of a bad attitude sometimes lol. </p>\n<p>Maybe I do need to look at therapy again. My main concern is that it's going to end while I'm still in a bad place (this has happened every other time in the past). Then I'm left to my own devices and that can be a little destructive. I also tend to not have too much control when I'm in this space. This is what scares me the most. This is why it's easier to bury my head in the sand until my medication wears off then it's off to the Dr for some new pills. </p>\n<p>I do thank you for your advice though. I will consider seeking a therapist in the near future. </p></div>", "date": "13-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-head-and-me/td-p/52187" } ]
My head and me
Hi All, I've had mental health issues for the last 5 years after my first long term relationship ended. We were together for 6 years and when it ended it kind of blew up in my face. I have now been diagnosed with Agoraphobia, Anxiety and Bi Polar. It seems the first feeds the second which activates the third. The strangest part of it all is my walk to and from my car before and after work each day. In the morning I have no problems with agoraphobia, I have no anxiety. I feel completely calm and relaxed. On the way back to the car in the afternoon on the other hand, it's always rather traumatic. As soon as I walk out of my building in the afternoon it starts. I get dizzy and start to hyperventilate. I even have trouble walking in a straight line. It's only about a 300m walk but it feels like the longest walk in the world. It's something I have to look forward to every day and it's something I've had to go through after work everyday for the last 5 years.  So needless to say I'm a bit of a mess most of the time. I've tried therapy which didn't work. It seems talking about my mental health to someone pushes my anxiety. Medication never works for longer than a couple of months as my head builds an immunity to it. Meditation seems to only work while meditating. As soon as I stop everything comes back. Breathing exercises don't seem to work either. So most of the time I just put my head down and try and power through. Which leaves me exhausted by the end of the day. The one thing that does help is animals. We have two cats, 3 fish tanks and a lizard. There have been two occasions  when I came home to prepare for suicide but it was my animals that saved me. Here's hoping they will continue to do so.   Thanks for reading.
[ { "author": "user-id/34433", "content": "I have had high anxiety and depression for all of my life, and have suffered severe anxiety and depression for the past 13 years.  I was only able to go to TAFE after I finished year 12 for a few days per week and for the past 7 years I have been locked inside my home, the only time leaving home for medical appointments and my early morning walk.  I am unable to answer the telephone or answer the front door, even for family or friends.<br><br>I have not had any contact with friends since 2002, and very little contact with family (once a year for two relatives and the others no contact in 8 years). And I have never had a girlfriend because I would not like to inflict my problems on a potential girlfriend, like I have done to my mother.  I have many times brought her to tears because a friend or relative just wanted to say hello to me.<br><br>The last time I had a social outing was when I was 19, I am now 32, I have spent all of my 20's locked inside my house in fear, and it looks like I am going to spend all of my 30's living in fear as well.<br><br>My life has been destroyed for the past 7 years because I have been unable to get any centrelink payments. I applied for disability support but was deemed as having “no problems” and I am unable to apply for new start allowance because I would be required to look for work and complete work for the dole which I am unable to do because I can't leave the house.<br><br>My mother has been kind enough to give me some money $35.00 per fortnight for food, electricity and a monthly magazine and she supplies me with a $20.00 pair of shoes per year for my morning walk.<br><br>Friends and relatives do not understand that I am emotionally and financially unable to leave the house, trying to get them to understand I have social anxiety and have to ration my shoes as so not to ware them out before the end of the year is difficult if not impossible to explain.<br><br>I have several panic attacks per day and am unable to sleep at night, if I do want to sleep I have to tire myself out to the point of exhaustion just to get a few hours sleep.<br><br>I have not had a night away from home since 1994 because I suffer greatly from separation anxiety, I don't think it is being away from my parents but being away from the family home.  I feel so ashamed  not being able to be away from the house overnight or get a job like everyone else is able to do.<br><br>Every morning I wake up I try to think of a reason to keep going on, my life has steadily gotten worse over the past 13 years, I have tried medication to control the anxiety but it only works to control the anxiety while I am at home and doesn’t have much effect when out in public.<br><br>The only reason I have not committed suicide yet is because my mother relies on me to maintain the house.  Because she has to give me what little she has (she is on widows allowance $520 per fortnight) she has little money to spend on trades persons.  The way my mother has to live because of me gives me great anxiety and guilt she has gone without a refrigerator for 4 years and without a hot water system for 1 year (the hot water system has recently been replaced by kind relatives).<br><br> My condition worries my mother, and I fear I have destroyed her life like I have mine.  Sometimes I wonder if she would be better off If I did die, at least she would have money and be able to invite people around without having to worry how I will react to them.<br><br>She is unable to leave the house too as she has no spare money because she has to give that money to me.<br><br><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>\n <o:OfficeDocumentSettings>\n <o:RelyOnVML/>\n <o:AllowPNG/>\n </o:OfficeDocumentSettings>\n</xml><![endif]--><p><i>beyondblue’s clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.</i></p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>\n <w:WordDocument>\n <w:View>Normal</w:View>\n <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom>\n <w:TrackMoves/>\n <w:TrackFormatting/>\n <w:PunctuationKerning/>\n <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/>\n <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>\n <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent>\n <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>\n <w:DoNotPromoteQF/>\n <w:LidThemeOther>EN-AU</w:LidThemeOther>\n <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian>\n <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript>\n <w:Compatibility>\n <w:BreakWrappedTables/>\n <w:SnapToGridInCell/>\n <w:WrapTextWithPunct/>\n <w:UseAsianBreakRules/>\n <w:DontGrowAutofit/>\n <w:SplitPgBreakAndParaMark/>\n <w:EnableOpenTypeKerning/>\n <w:DontFlipMirrorIndents/>\n <w:OverrideTableStyleHps/>\n </w:Compatibility>\n <m:mathPr>\n <m:mathFont m:val=\"Cambria Math\"/>\n <m:brkBin m:val=\"before\"/>\n 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Name=\"Colorful List Accent 2\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"73\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Grid Accent 2\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"60\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light Shading Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"61\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light List Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"62\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light Grid Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"63\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Shading 1 Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"64\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Shading 2 Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"65\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium List 1 Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"66\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium List 2 Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"67\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 1 Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"68\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 2 Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"69\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 3 Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"70\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Dark List Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"71\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Shading Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"72\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful List Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"73\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Grid Accent 3\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"60\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light Shading Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"61\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light List Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"62\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light Grid Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"63\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Shading 1 Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"64\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Shading 2 Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"65\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium List 1 Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"66\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium List 2 Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"67\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 1 Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"68\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 2 Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"69\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 3 Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"70\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Dark List Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"71\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Shading Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"72\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful List Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"73\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Grid Accent 4\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"60\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light Shading Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"61\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light List Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"62\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light Grid Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"63\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Shading 1 Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"64\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Shading 2 Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"65\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium List 1 Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"66\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium List 2 Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"67\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 1 Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"68\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 2 Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"69\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 3 Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"70\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Dark List Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"71\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Shading Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"72\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful List Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"73\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Grid Accent 5\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"60\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light Shading Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"61\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light List Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"62\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Light Grid Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"63\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Shading 1 Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"64\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Shading 2 Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"65\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium List 1 Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"66\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium List 2 Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"67\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 1 Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"68\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 2 Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"69\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Medium Grid 3 Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"70\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Dark List Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"71\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Shading Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"72\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful List Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"73\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" Name=\"Colorful Grid Accent 6\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"19\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" QFormat=\"true\" Name=\"Subtle Emphasis\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"21\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" QFormat=\"true\" Name=\"Intense Emphasis\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"31\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" QFormat=\"true\" Name=\"Subtle Reference\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"32\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" QFormat=\"true\" Name=\"Intense Reference\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"33\" SemiHidden=\"false\"\n UnhideWhenUsed=\"false\" QFormat=\"true\" Name=\"Book Title\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"37\" Name=\"Bibliography\"/>\n <w:LsdException Locked=\"false\" Priority=\"39\" QFormat=\"true\" Name=\"TOC Heading\"/>\n </w:LatentStyles>\n</xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]>\n<style>\n /* Style Definitions */\n table.MsoNormalTable\n\t{mso-style-name:\"Table Normal\";\n\tmso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;\n\tmso-tstyle-colband-size:0;\n\tmso-style-noshow:yes;\n\tmso-style-priority:99;\n\tmso-style-parent:\"\";\n\tmso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 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I know how exhausting it is and the added worry of your mother would be very difficult. I am sure you are getting more help here but just wanted to say there is hope in all of your problems. I am a family member of someone just like you although he is a little younger. I message him regularly on the internet and see him a few times a year. </p>\n<p>You should talk further to services re Centrelink as from what you say I would feel you should be eligible for disability payments of some kind as my nephew has. depending on your circumstances of course there may even be some eligibility for a carer allowance for you or your mother. Definitely continue to follow this up. There are many groups that cold also assist you with things like a refrigerator so ask to be referred to some or ask locally at lifeline or red cross.If it is too difficult for you to go out ring them. Don't be afraid to ask for help there are many people who want to give it.</p>\n<p>As a mother I can tell you that you have not destroyed your mothers life. I am sure you have bought her great pleasure and now you are also of assistance to her and while she may worry about you it would also be reassuring to her to have you there.</p>\n<p> Do your other family members the ones who visit you occasionally know of your issues ? It would be great if you were able to have support from them as well. I know it is hard and easier not to talk about it and i have had people in the past say 'you just need to get out more ' but they are the unsupportive ones. You need to surround yourself with people who are positive. </p>\n<p>It is great that you do a morning walk. Do you have hobbies you enjoy ? Filling your life with things you love to do is great therapy and a great way to keep your find focused  It does sound like you have been fighting this long enough and if you are not sleeping and having attacks every day time to take a step forward with the support here. There are many options now to help you and perhaps your mother would be a support in helping you as that would give her something positive to focus on as well.</p>\n<p>Take care of yourself and please just take a step forward even if it is a small- it gets much easier.</p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "12-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/fear-of-everything-getting-worse/td-p/49605" }, { "author": "user-id/34433", "content": "<p>hi sos54,</p>\n<p>i have spoken to centrelink about disability support and they said that i do not fit the criteria  for dissability support and i do not even fit the criteria for sickness allowance.  so any chance i have of helping mum out with bills and other expences i cost mum.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>i have never seen or spoken to my fathers family as the have never wanted anything to do with my father or his mother. and my mothers family are long distances away and are aware of my condition but find it difficult to say anything about it, not to mention there children (my cousins) are all getting married and having children of their own.  so they are more focused on them (as they should be) but they all do worry about mum and myself.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>i do have hobbies but for the past couple of years i can't concentrate for any longer that  2-3 minutes and often just give up on doing anything because of the lack of concentration, most of the days now are literally sitting in one room of the house staring at the wall wondering when all of this misery will come to an end.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>i have tried all of the recommended treatments for anxiety and depression ie. exercise, CBT  but  i have found the more i go out the more anxious i become, and the more depressed as the world has changed so much around me and i often see articles in my rural news paper of people i went to school with and they have nice cars and own their own homes and i can't even afford to buy my own clothes,  come to think of it in 32 years of life i do not own a single thing...</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>there is support at my local doctors surgery and i have tried a couple of psychologists but felt as if they think i am putting the anxiety and depression on to get disability support.  so i gave up on that about a year and a half ago.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>thankyou for letting me know i am not the only one out there like this.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>i am almost out of my internet allowance and do not know when i will be able to get more so if i do not respond you know why, but when i get the chance to be on it again i will come back to beyond blue forums</p></div>", "date": "13-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/fear-of-everything-getting-worse/td-p/49605" } ]
fear of everything & getting worse
[ { "author": "user-id/37210", "content": "<p>Hi everyone. Firstly, thanks heaps to<strong> Mares 73</strong> for the encouragement and guidance to get started. Cheers!</p>\n<p>Have already posted some of my story elsewhere.( wrong spot), so I'll start again, try and remember how I put it together.</p>\n<p>Married nearly 29 years,(25 that probably really only count.) Arrived at a time in life where we should be ready to enjoy the next phase. Sure, we've travelled a few times, and I thought we were moving forward. Must admit, I had shut down to a point. 10 years ago a suspected affair that I'm 90% sure happened.......... created doubt in my mind along with anxiety. Short time passed, and I overcame the Anxiety, and yet, put \"a wall\" up that I couldn't crack. My doubts lingered. She has never really been the person to be content with what we have.....doesn't last. Always \"moving the goal posts\", Nearly 3 years ago we have a \"trial separation\" for 11 months......Yeah right. I don't know what's going to happen. Have this carrot dangling in my face for 11 months and finally, I can't do it anymore. Anxiety for 3 years wondering. An Affair before we separated, Another one during the time apart,and Observers who who watched her chasing blokes left right and centre.I call it, but NO, loves me and wants me back.....she's ready. SUCKER, I come back buy new house together,( \"We're going to start again and rebuild\"). After 2 years back together and signs of being \"played\" again. The gut feeling it's not right, not getting better, feeling I'd made the right decision 2 years ago! I'm out. Using meds and Alcohol to ease the Anxiety.......NOT GOOD. So much counselling over the past few years, and now looking at potential inpatient care if deemed necessary to beat the Anxiety/Depression.Want my life back........Anyone relate? What's your story. How you coping?</p>\n<p>  </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "10-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/closed-down/td-p/49697" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Closed Down   </p>\n<p>Yes, I’ve seen your name floating around elsewhere, so congrat on creating your own post and we can fully dedicate our responses here to see if we can assist or at the very least support you.   </p>\n<p>When people on this site mention the words of “their intuition” or “gut feeling”, I really think that they should run with that, because I reckon 99 times out a 100 that ‘feel’ is the right one.  </p>\n<p>You’re now developing the feeling that you’re being ‘played’ again and the right decision was what you did 2 years (or was it 3 years) ago.  Ie:  the trial separation.  At the end of that 11 months, after apparently chasing around and actually ‘catching’ one or two blokes, I’m guessing it was your wife who said I can’t live like this anymore … “I need you back”?  And you agreed?   Hey, no drama there … these things to happen.   </p>\n<p>What is now to stop you Closed Down (or perhaps CD, might be easier), so yeah, what’s to stop you CD from now saying that “Hey, you know when we had that trial separation?   Well, I think we could have possibly made a mistake by getting back together!  I’m not sure whether you feel it, but I sure do”.    (How’s that for an opening line?   Just a suggestion.)   </p>\n<p>Hey CD, while you had the trial separation can you remember how you were feeling at the time?  Did you feel a weight lifted and that it was a positive thing?  Or were you pining for her?   Now if she’s the one who seems ‘flighty’ and always moving the posts, what’s going to stop her from continuing on with that kind of activity?   I could be way wrong, but from what you’ve described, it sounds like an open/shut case … make that break again, but this time for good.  </p>\n<p>Whoa … hang on Neil, who are you to offer such drastic advice.  I’m offering, but I’m not necessarily meaning for you to follow it.  Only you can decide CD on what course of action you should take in regard to this.  </p>\n<p>But it does sound like you’re not in an overly happy or trusting relationship.   I hope some of what I’ve written has been useful, and I know you’ll receive other posts from other super caring members who are on this site. </p>\n<p>Kind regards </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "11-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/closed-down/td-p/49697" }, { "author": "user-id/37210", "content": "<p>Hi Neil. Thanks for your response.</p>\n<p>I crammed a fair bit in and may be a bit unclear on a few points.I was the one who couldnt take it anymore after the 11 months apart. Yeah, I was being played, as I had been for quite a while before the separation. I've already left for the second time. This time letting her know I need the time out to do what is needed to get through the Anxiety. Don't know if she is expecting I'll get well and go back or what? She has been the Trigger to my Anxiety. I don't feel safe with her.......Would have to take a lot of counselling on her part to break through and make the changes she has to make from her side to convince me. Don't think that will happen.</p>\n<p>When we were apart, I had on and off visits to talk, usually ended up in a fight, and over past hurts that weren't going to help anyone. The thing that makes me feel the fool, is that my Anxiety never diminished at any stage. I didnt actually pine for her when we were apart....missed her sometimes, but I think that was purely a physical thing. As said before, and I tend to agree, the \"gut feeling\" can be a good gauge.The TRUST issue is a big thing. Just don't trust her with my LIFE. Has been quoted, \"No Trust, no relationship.\"</p>\n<p>The only thing I'm interested in now is getting well and strong in myself. One step at a time.Hope that puts you in the picture a bit clearer.Cheers.</p></div>", "date": "11-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/closed-down/td-p/49697" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>I would just like to back Neil up on this one. I think Neil's drastic advice is spot on but I will also protect myself by saying that it is completely your choice cd. The reason I would agree with such drastic advice is that I was in a similar situation way back when I was 18. I was in a 3 year relationship that I was infatuated with mostly due to the passion of the relationship but a couple of affairs on her part made my stomach churn to the point I could not take the insecurity any more and I left. I was broken hearted and miserable for a year exactly but the pain passed and to this day I thank my lucky stars that I did not spend a lifetime in a relationship were there was no trust. Luckily I met a lady that was completely faithful and respected and expected Monogamy and instead spent a lifetime in a fully trusting relationship were I felt and feel completely secure. I,m willing to bet anything that there is a person out there that is for you cd that is willing to give you a warm, secure monogamous relationship. I hope I might have helped in some way. Good luck cd.</p></div>", "date": "11-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/closed-down/td-p/49697" }, { "author": "user-id/37210", "content": "<p>Thankyou Stephen123 for sharing your situation.</p>\n<p>You and Neil1 have been straight to the point where ending the relationship is concerned. So many people  I've spoken to over time that have been in the same or similar situations all say (Including counsellors), \" Don't want to tell you what to do, however.......\" Know what I mean? There's times where somebody just has to tell you......DO IT!  People who have suffered and been through it are the best to talk about it with. That, I believe, and can see what this forum is all about. You guys aren't wrong at all. Your support has given the \"wake up\" call. I'm sure others, like me, have possibly,and I say POSSIBLY, been in a state of Denial to what really has to be done.</p>\n<p>Anyway, good ......on......you  for moving on and finding happiness with a lovely lady. Guess I've prolonged it and could have been in a much better place by now.</p>\n<p>All the best Stephen123.( Can I call you Steve?) Cheers.CD</p></div>", "date": "12-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/closed-down/td-p/49697" } ]
Closed Down.
Hi everyone. Firstly, thanks heaps to for the encouragement and guidance to get started. Cheers! Have already posted some of my story elsewhere.( wrong spot), so I'll start again, try and remember how I put it together. Married nearly 29 years,(25 that probably really only count.) Arrived at a time in life where we should be ready to enjoy the next phase. Sure, we've travelled a few times, and I thought we were moving forward. Must admit, I had shut down to a point. 10 years ago a suspected affair that I'm 90% sure happened.......... created doubt in my mind along with anxiety. Short time passed, and I overcame the Anxiety, and yet, put "a wall" up that I couldn't crack. My doubts lingered. She has never really been the person to be content with what we have.....doesn't last. Always "moving the goal posts", Nearly 3 years ago we have a "trial separation" for 11 months......Yeah right. I don't know what's going to happen. Have this carrot dangling in my face for 11 months and finally, I can't do it anymore. Anxiety for 3 years wondering. An Affair before we separated, Another one during the time apart,and Observers who who watched her chasing blokes left right and centre.I call it, but NO, loves me and wants me back.....she's ready. SUCKER, I come back buy new house together,( "We're going to start again and rebuild"). After 2 years back together and signs of being "played" again. The gut feeling it's not right, not getting better, feeling I'd made the right decision 2 years ago! I'm out. Using meds and Alcohol to ease the Anxiety.......NOT GOOD. So much counselling over the past few years, and now looking at potential inpatient care if deemed necessary to beat the Anxiety/Depression.Want my life back........Anyone relate? What's your story. How you coping?     
[ { "author": "user-id/40155", "content": "This time tomorrow I will be bracing myself for lunch with a group full of strangers that I have committed myself to spending the next four and a half months with, four days a week. If I make it through the preceding three hours of class, that is.The lunch part might actually be more scary that the class part, because it is unstructured social time, where I am required to participate in a normal capacity and make an effort towards establishing some degree of social exchange with a view to forming new relationships.In class I can listen and learn and respond and have a narrow window in which to participate, which confines my margin for error and allows me to limit my eye contact in a socially acceptable way. There is barely any chance for me to get wound up and burst into tears and flee, running until I find myself somewhere not too far away, still crying, hyperventilating and vomiting in an alley near by.I won’t have to pull my hair until the pain grounds me, until I stop retching and shaking and crying, and I can gather myself and return home in disgrace, where I will have to use the internet to send emails withdrawing from my course, cancelling after-school care for my child, informing the government that I am no longer eligible for the financial assistance related to study, requesting unemployed designation once more, making appointments to see another job-pimp, booking more sessions with my GP, psych-man etc.I won’t have to collect my child from school and explain to him that something happened and I won’t be doing the course after all, but I will try even harder to get a job because things are getting really desperate on the money front at home.No, the class part should be fine, it’s mostly lunch that concerns me. Unless of course, I say something awful and offensive and personal and stupid in class. And I am determined not to do that. It is bad enough that I will arrive as I am, obviously poor and a bit unkempt and wearing the only clothes I have that fit, maybe older than the other students, and with more qualifications but less experience and usefulness and potential for employment. I will be the fat, awkward, poor, old, sweating, anxious one at the back, grinding her teeth and trying not to broadcast craziness.I know that sounds like a pessimistic and self-pitying forecast, but it is rooted in reality and actually a significant improvement from two years ago, when I was all those things, but housebound and quietly suicidal and with a number of other issues I am too ashamed of to admit here today.Tomorrow will be my first day of putting into practice a plan I made last year to address my crippling social anxiety and depression, and develop a regular productive routine outside of the house. I really do want to make new friends, restore my confidence, achieve measurable results in an endeavour comparable to a real job, so that in July I can try again to win employment and be a responsible adult and parent and peer amongst my small group of friends.I am so sick of being sad and angry and ridiculous and pathetic, of embarrassing and annoying and exhausting my close friends and family. I have spent years being unemployable, unreliable, untidy, unpresentable and unlovable.This year, and the the years that follow, I am going to get up everyday, get dressed and do something about it. I am crying and typing now, in anticipation of this seemingly massive undertaking that begins tomorrow, and I am worrying about lunch and class and the pressure of it all. But my alarm is set for 7am, and I have a plan and it is a good one. I am putting all this out there today for three reasons, the first being that I need to articulate my concerns and evaluate them in order to stem my tears and break up the negative feedback loop that undermines my perception of nearly everything in life, and perpetuates my misery.The second reason is that I know I am not the only one out there with anxiety/depression issues, with an unrelenting sense of desperation and isolation, who is already buckling under various pressures of life, and preparing to return to study in the next few weeks. I am unable to qualify what my experience might mean to others like me, but I think my contribution might mean something to someone feeling the same.Lastly, I am inviting anyone out there who has overcome or is successfully managing anxiety/depression or other issues of desperation, to please reply with advice and strategies I could put into practice tomorrow and the days after that. So, do you have something to say, or offer me as I prepare to venture out into the real world again?</div>", "date": "09-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/fears-tears-vomit-and-desperation-this-is-what-anxiety-is-for-me/td-p/49042" }, { "author": "user-id/27383", "content": "<p>Wow that was a fantastic description - are you doing a writing course by any chance <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> So how did it go ? </p>\n<p>I think many will find your post so comforting to know they are not alone. You show amazing strength in having the plan. I almost hope someone in your class  has anxiety too as I know if I were there I would have noticed you - not in a negative way - in an acceptance way. Take little steps. Get to the class and if you are not coping with the lunch do something else - go for a walk, grab a drink but not stop there. You will probably find like I have there is no 'normal' You may feel people will think you are the crazy one but it doesn't matter and honestly most people would not even notice or think about it because they have heaps of other thoughts in their heads. Just do what you need to do to get through without too much pressure. My advice might not be helpful but I can tell you two strategies - a family member who suffers as you do managed to do one semester at uni and lunch time was exactly as you described managed to cope despite only nibbling carrots and salad items and fidgeting constantly by building a friendship with possums who started stealing his food. I have to cope when i go to the hairdresser by taking an ipad and reading books on it during any period I have to wait. If you find the lunch too hard work up to that the important part is lessening your pressure so you do the course.</p>\n<p>I hope you come back and tell us how it is going </p></div>", "date": "12-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/fears-tears-vomit-and-desperation-this-is-what-anxiety-is-for-me/td-p/49042" } ]
Fears, tears, vomit and desperation: this is what anxiety is for me.
[ { "author": "user-id/42817", "content": "<p>I am new to this and like to say that my anxiety is a lot more under control then it ever has been but when you read my story you will see where my issue is and how I don't know how to deal with it.</p><p>I first got anxiety one month before getting married in 2010, I put this down to stress but straight away went on medication as a quick fix. I used to feel panicked when I didn't know where my husband was and couldn't get in contact, if we went on holidays I would panic about being away from my mum and would only feel better after I spoke to her. Three years later I went off the medication and unfortunately at the same time my marriage crumbled. I went straight into seeing another person, which wasn't the smartest idea but it happened.</p><p>Throughout my entire marriage breakdown I didn't go back on medication and I got through the panic attacks. My issue now is that I get full blown anxiety when the guy I am seeing has broken it off with me (its been on and off for a year now), I guess I have a huge fear of being alone, I was with my ex for 10 years and then went to this guy. I know we are not meant to be together and I sometimes feel I need to end it because its stopping me from really finding someone new but I have no idea how to do this!</p><p>On the occasions we have broken up I literally feel as though I am going to die and I don't know how to go on living, everything suddenly seems depressing and I feel so stupid but I cant stop it!!! I really hope there is someone out there that knows exactly what I am saying.</p><p> </p><p>I was seeing a psychologist but I don't feel I was getting anything out of it.</p><p> </p><p>I cant keep living my life like this, I need to be happy and as much as I know that's up to me I am afraid to take the step! Sometimes I feel its pushing me to the edge and dying would actually be easier then trying to get through all of this.</p><p> </p><p>Please give any advice and share stories of similar circumstances.<br><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>\n <o:OfficeDocumentSettings>\n <o:RelyOnVML/>\n <o:AllowPNG/>\n </o:OfficeDocumentSettings>\n</xml><![endif]--></p><p><i>beyondblue’s clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.</i></p><p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>\n <w:WordDocument>\n <w:View>Normal</w:View>\n <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom>\n <w:TrackMoves/>\n <w:TrackFormatting/>\n <w:PunctuationKerning/>\n <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/>\n <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>\n <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent>\n <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>\n <w:DoNotPromoteQF/>\n <w:LidThemeOther>EN-AU</w:LidThemeOther>\n <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian>\n <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript>\n <w:Compatibility>\n <w:BreakWrappedTables/>\n <w:SnapToGridInCell/>\n <w:WrapTextWithPunct/>\n <w:UseAsianBreakRules/>\n <w:DontGrowAutofit/>\n <w:SplitPgBreakAndParaMark/>\n <w:EnableOpenTypeKerning/>\n <w:DontFlipMirrorIndents/>\n <w:OverrideTableStyleHps/>\n </w:Compatibility>\n <m:mathPr>\n <m:mathFont m:val=\"Cambria Math\"/>\n <m:brkBin 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I hope you are getting some more help but want to say - you are very important. You are a unique person and I feel you are right in thinking you are scared of being alone. I remember being full of confidence and thinking I was fantastic at anything I did when I was young and it is easy to lose that feeling. My advice would be try and find something you love to do. If you have other friends or family maybe you could try doing more things with them and getting support. </p>\n<p>You say when you break up you feel depressed and stupid but that is normal. There will always be an adjustment when life changes and there is nothing stupid about depression and anxiety they are natural responses but just in us they are too strong. </p>\n<p>You may also feel scared that if you break up you will be alone and won't find someone but there is always someone else. happiness needs to come from within so if you can persevere and get help you can grow to be strong enough that you won't need someone else - and thats probably when you will find them.</p>\n<p>Perhaps it is time to revisit if the medication helped ? If your psychologist was not working for you try a different course of action - through the support here or another Dr. Do some things you love and think first about yourself.</p>\n<p>I really hope to hear you have got help and would love to see your life improve so take care.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "12-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/seperation-anxiety/td-p/50298" } ]
Seperation Anxiety?
I am new to this and like to say that my anxiety is a lot more under control then it ever has been but when you read my story you will see where my issue is and how I don't know how to deal with it. I first got anxiety one month before getting married in 2010, I put this down to stress but straight away went on medication as a quick fix. I used to feel panicked when I didn't know where my husband was and couldn't get in contact, if we went on holidays I would panic about being away from my mum and would only feel better after I spoke to her. Three years later I went off the medication and unfortunately at the same time my marriage crumbled. I went straight into seeing another person, which wasn't the smartest idea but it happened. Throughout my entire marriage breakdown I didn't go back on medication and I got through the panic attacks. My issue now is that I get full blown anxiety when the guy I am seeing has broken it off with me (its been on and off for a year now), I guess I have a huge fear of being alone, I was with my ex for 10 years and then went to this guy. I know we are not meant to be together and I sometimes feel I need to end it because its stopping me from really finding someone new but I have no idea how to do this! On the occasions we have broken up I literally feel as though I am going to die and I don't know how to go on living, everything suddenly seems depressing and I feel so stupid but I cant stop it!!! I really hope there is someone out there that knows exactly what I am saying.   I was seeing a psychologist but I don't feel I was getting anything out of it.   I cant keep living my life like this, I need to be happy and as much as I know that's up to me I am afraid to take the step! Sometimes I feel its pushing me to the edge and dying would actually be easier then trying to get through all of this.   Please give any advice and share stories of similar circumstances.
[ { "author": "user-id/5290", "content": "im 21, ive suffered anxiety adn depression for 2 years now ever since i got assulted by a taxi driver, i havent spoken to many people about how i fell and how to handle things but now i am stuggling and need help! it started 2 years ago when it happend i was 18 my boyfriend and i struggled with it together and we split 2 months later i have never really had any closure with the situation as when the police interviewed him he flew back to india the next day and havent herd anything. i had severe anxiety for the first couple months i couldent leave the house or do anything see friends go out have fun every thing was dull and lifeless. i was a smoker and couldent smoke anymore or drink even fizzy drinks like coke and fanta as in my head i would think its going to make my anxiety worse. it was all in my head, as time went on i started feeling better but still hated being alone by myslef, 6 months later me and my boyfriend got back together and i got pregnant 1 month later! i now have a beuatiful 18 month old  boy which i was so happy about i still had anxiety through my pregnancy but not as severe, i was always calling the police to find out if they had any clues as to whats going to happen and they told me they were trying to get him back from india but were waiting for some other people to sign off so they could go extradite him. i went to the police station in december last year and explained to him i wanted to drop the case because i was constantly thinkng about it and i couldent get it out of my head and wanted to start fresh with a clear head! he told me not to worry as it will still take a few years to go through so he told me to relax and stop thinking about it and when it happens if i still dont want to go through with it then thats fine he also told me other information which i didnt know about involving another girl who i did not know. anyway 1 1/2 months aftrer seeing them someone rocked up at my door last week and said that i have to go to court in a month to give my evidence and sign my statement the guy will not be there as he is still in india but they want to hurry up thee process, thats when i started feeling like this again i was starting to feel happy and normal again but that came crashing down pretty quickly! i have been crying since he came over and am worried me and my partner will go through the same things that happened last time we were to stressed! im so scared and nervous i dont wat to feel like this i have my son who i need to be happy for!  i also work full time which makes it even harder to have a rest. i went out last night with my friends and i had a couple of drinks my partner came and picked me up and as soon i got home and had a shower i could feel my anxiety creeping up on me like it always does! i had a full blown anxiety attack and felt like i was dying and i was stuck in this hole again! i had to walk outside and breathe felt like i was going to be sick and i was having a heart attack! it felt like old times like i knew this feeling all to well! and i did today i feel crap i feel sad emtionless and lethargic, i dont know what to do anymore i want to feel normal so bad but i just feel like im stuck in a ba dream which ill never wake up from i have days when im ok but then the down days are the worst, ever since i got the news i need to go to court i have been so upset emotional and lifeless its taking over my life again and i need it to stop i wish this never happened and i wonder what my life would be like. im sure i would be happy and enjoying life but im not at all i just want to be normal feel normal and not have all these thoughts running through my head. i feel like im back at square one and thats it for me.</div>", "date": "09-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-depression-i-dont-know-anymore-i-need-help/td-p/49082" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi kath_ian@26,</p>\n<p>I am sorry you have had this terrible experience. I am glad that you have your boyfriend to support to and your little boy to give you something to look forward to. I hope that sharing your story here has helped you.</p>\n<p>You did not say if you have received any counselling since the assault happened. I am not an expert but when I read your story I thought of post traumatic stress disorder. I think if you search the Beyond Blue site you will find some information. </p>\n<p>It may be a good idea to see your doctor to talk about getting some help or if you have a women's health center in your area they should be able to connect you with a counselling service.</p>\n<p>I can not exactly know your experience but I know what it is like to just want to feel normal and not have to deal with the pain. It helps if you can find the right support. You can be happy again.</p>\n<p>Peace,</p>\n<p>GratefulToday.</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\"> </span></p></div>", "date": "10-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-depression-i-dont-know-anymore-i-need-help/td-p/49082" }, { "author": "user-id/5290", "content": "<p>Hi thank you, I have not seen anyone since it happened and don't want to talk about the whole experience Gain, but I know I need help! it's hard to say and speak about it in depth</p></div>", "date": "11-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-depression-i-dont-know-anymore-i-need-help/td-p/49082" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "I'm sure that any counsellor would understand if you don't want to talk about the assault. That's completely understandable.  But you can talk to them about your anxiety attacks, your relationship, parenthood. You worry about the impact this will have on you boyfriend and your son, counselling would help you with that. </div>", "date": "11-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-depression-i-dont-know-anymore-i-need-help/td-p/49082" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p>It is hard to talk about traumatic events. It was explained to me when I was doing CBT last year that you can't get rid of the memory but you can let the path to it become overgrown. </p>\n<p>It may not be necessary to do talking therapy. You may be able to do some CBT or a mindfulness practice to keep you grounded in the present. </p>\n<p>Keep in touch if your want let us know how your going.</p>\n<p>Cheers.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "11-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-depression-i-dont-know-anymore-i-need-help/td-p/49082" } ]
anxiety, depression i dont know anymore i need help!
[ { "author": "user-id/4778", "content": "<p>For some reason I get really anxious when I'm around people drinking or when my partner is out drinking with his friends. I remember when I was 6 years old my parents hosted a street party as we were new to the neighbourhood. It was fine to start with but after a few hours I remember all the adults were out of control, including my parents. People were falling over, braking tables and one guy even decided to do a strip tease even though his wife didn't approve. After the party I remember mum telling us kids to hide in a bedroom together because my father was out of control. These parties continued for about two years until we had to sell the house and move.</p>\n<p>When I turned 18 I remember getting lots of alcohol for my birthday, it's tradition really. I gave it all away and was given a hard time for making the personal decision not to drink. My partner at the time loved to go out clubbing but I was too scared for him to go. I didn't really realise at the time that I was suffering from depression and anxiety, I thought that I was just a little bit crazy when I would go into a sudden state of panic when he told me he was going to go out clubbing. He wasn't supportive at all, I remember one time he went out and I didn't hear from him till 7am the next morning when I had to go pick him up (we were living together a the time).</p>\n<p>It left a little scar because I didn't start drinking until I was 21, as an attempt to forget about the hardship I was going through at the time. I would get home from work at 6pm and be drunk by 7pm just so I would pass out and not have to think about my life at the time. I was living alone with no support system and honestly hoped that the alcohol would get the better of me somehow and keep me asleep indefinitely. </p>\n<p>I now associate drinking with flirting/hooking up/cheating. One side of me understands that's irrational, not everyone goes out to get smashed and hook up with some random but my anxiety still takes over. I'm often too anxious to drink at social events and get paranoid when my very trustworthy partner goes out to have drinks with friends. Well, now I can't really drink away with the medication I'm on. </p>\n<p>I feel like I could talk about this for hours but I'm going to leave it there.</p>\n<p>Does anyone have any advice/experienced this in the past? I want to be fine with being around people drinking and not go into a state of panic when my partner goes out to have a couple casual drinks with friends. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "26-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/drinking-anxiety/td-p/37614" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Dexter</p>\n<p>Thank you for this post, it delves very deep into your thoughts and how you're experiencing (and have experienced) effects bought on by alcohol.</p>\n<p>I have no doubt that you're going to get far more posts with better advice than what I can give, but really, Dexter what stands out to me is that I believe that you need to try and get yourself along to your GP - to get some professional advice and guidance for this.  Firstly though, in no way am I wanting to promote the use of alcohol at all for anyone, but I just sense that you've got a lot of emotional baggage that you've gained along your journey that needs to be aired.</p>\n<p>As you said, you could have wrote a whole stack more about your issues that you're having.  I honestly think if you can go along and see your GP to start with, and then possibly further professional assistance for you to talk through your feelings and thoughts.</p>\n<p>Again Dexter I'm not meaning to have a go at all ... I'm just sensing that if you can talk through some of the issues you've raised, you might be able to accept things a little better.</p>\n<p>My kind regards to you Dexter,</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "26-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/drinking-anxiety/td-p/37614" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Dexter, I would certainly love to listen to you for hours, as it's a topic that really interests me, only because I was a continual drinker while in depression, so I can feel for you.</p>\n<p>I sense that there maybe some PTSD occurring with you, because you can remember the street parties and what happened and then associate this back with yourself.</p>\n<p>Your feeling of being irrational is by no way any thought of error, because it does happen at parties, functions or even casual drinking, because hormones are always a strong influence and seem to take over, and this has been happening for centuries.</p>\n<p>If for some reason you don't want or even like your partner to 'go out clubbing' or to the pub, then there is a feeling of maybe some distrust and there's nothing wrong with this.</p>\n<p>I used to hate my ex going to work functions, because she was good looking, and I knew that guys would always try and hook up with her, even if I was there, so my anxiety always kicked in, and I loathed every minute of it.</p>\n<p>I can't help you in regards to this, but one thing I could do was when I was abstaining from drinking for several reasons, was to condition myself to be able to accept alcohol being drunk from people who were around me, and also I could walk passed a bottle shop with no desire to purchase some grog.</p>\n<p>I would like you to keep posting if this suits you. L Geoff. x</p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "27-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/drinking-anxiety/td-p/37614" }, { "author": "user-id/37210", "content": "<p>Hey Geoff. Compassionate advice, and I can relate to you in some way.</p>\n<p>I'm a newbie to the site, and the attractive wife out partying and loving the attention was a big contributor for me too.</p>\n<p>Dexter, Hang in there. Good to be on the site to chat and encourage each other. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> </p></div>", "date": "10-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/drinking-anxiety/td-p/37614" } ]
Drinking Anxiety
For some reason I get really anxious when I'm around people drinking or when my partner is out drinking with his friends. I remember when I was 6 years old my parents hosted a street party as we were new to the neighbourhood. It was fine to start with but after a few hours I remember all the adults were out of control, including my parents. People were falling over, braking tables and one guy even decided to do a strip tease even though his wife didn't approve. After the party I remember mum telling us kids to hide in a bedroom together because my father was out of control. These parties continued for about two years until we had to sell the house and move. When I turned 18 I remember getting lots of alcohol for my birthday, it's tradition really. I gave it all away and was given a hard time for making the personal decision not to drink. My partner at the time loved to go out clubbing but I was too scared for him to go. I didn't really realise at the time that I was suffering from depression and anxiety, I thought that I was just a little bit crazy when I would go into a sudden state of panic when he told me he was going to go out clubbing. He wasn't supportive at all, I remember one time he went out and I didn't hear from him till 7am the next morning when I had to go pick him up (we were living together a the time). It left a little scar because I didn't start drinking until I was 21, as an attempt to forget about the hardship I was going through at the time. I would get home from work at 6pm and be drunk by 7pm just so I would pass out and not have to think about my life at the time. I was living alone with no support system and honestly hoped that the alcohol would get the better of me somehow and keep me asleep indefinitely.  I now associate drinking with flirting/hooking up/cheating. One side of me understands that's irrational, not everyone goes out to get smashed and hook up with some random but my anxiety still takes over. I'm often too anxious to drink at social events and get paranoid when my very trustworthy partner goes out to have drinks with friends. Well, now I can't really drink away with the medication I'm on.  I feel like I could talk about this for hours but I'm going to leave it there. Does anyone have any advice/experienced this in the past? I want to be fine with being around people drinking and not go into a state of panic when my partner goes out to have a couple casual drinks with friends.         
[ { "author": "user-id/39033", "content": "<span style=\"background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">Hello,</span><br>\n<span style=\"background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">This is about finding love and not being able to hold on to a good thing because of anxiety. Just so I don't waste your time if you are not interested.</span>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\"><br>\n</span><span style=\"background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">I am trying to come to terms with my past. M</span><span style=\"background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">y dad suffers from undiagnosed bipolar (or something severe, he refuses to seek treatment) and my parents are separated. He was abusive mostly to my mum, but sometimes to me as well. So my childhood memories are mostly sad and dark. When my mother left for another country to find a better life, he used to lock me up to go see his mistress, and I would be home alone for days on end. My grandma found out and took me from his care. I think I was about 5, but I don't have good recollections of that period.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">I came to Australia a few years later, but found myself struggling with life - parents are constantly arguing, theirs is violent and explosive. Sometimes when things go out of control, there is physical violence. I found it hard to make friends, concentrate on school etc. I thought there was something wrong with me. I could feel it then. I felt everything.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"background-color: transparent;\"><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">Then one day (many years later - I was in my mid 20's) something inside me just snapped. He had </span><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">assaulted</span><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\"> mum again and we were fearful of our lives. I tried to calmly talk to him, but he made no sense and tried to convince me what he did was ok. A few days later I called the police and an AVO was enforced. A few months later we moved out, and he moved out of the country. I have seen him twice since then, we speak rarely but are civilised when we do.</span></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">I don't hate him, I feel sorry for him actually because I know he can't control himself - and I can only imagine a person away from their children must be painful - but I don't want him in my life, he is reckless and I need to live my life and not be responsible for his consequences anymore. I thought afterwards, 'well, now I'm free to live my life!'. I found passion in life and was the happiest I had ever been.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">A few years ago I met a lovely guy. We started seeing each other, I promised myself to go slow with this one (as a previous r'ship didn't go so well) and after 6 months of dating, we decided to give it a serious try. Except, I didn't feel he was 'in it'. He also said then that 'he wasn't good in r'ships' ... I didn't know what that meant.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">About 8 months after I met him, he invited a female friend to a show we were going to. Just the 3 of us. He didn't introduce us - they just went into a private convo about things I didn't know. I tried my best to get involved. And it was ok. But it left a bitter taste in my mouth. I tried to brush it aside.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">Then the week following, this happened: A last minute text to him, to say if it's ok if I come over for the night. He said yes but the same female friend will also be there. Alarm bells rang loudly but I still went. It turned out to be a night that would dictate everything up to this point. They were having convos I couldn't join in, I knew then for sure they had an intimate past. Being pissed off that he didn't have the decency to tell me about her was an understatement. I felt left out and let down for most of the night and to this day still feel the scars from it.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">When I was sober enough to leave that night, I took my things and left (yes there were a lot of alcohol involved too). He profusely apologised the next day, briefly told me about their past (it was just as intimate as I had thought) and said 'that ship had passed and I'm the one for him now'. Maybe it was my past, but I couldn't trust him anymore. No matter what he did, the trust had just broke down. So easy, just like that.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">I know, nothing 'bad' did happen and he wouldn't have done anything with her. He comes from a stable family and he has a good heart. It comes through in his conduct with everyone around him. But inside me, I feel I've been betrayed and my heart ripped out of me.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">Yeah, it is a bit excessive and my reaction to it is overblown. All my friends tell me this. But I can't stop this restlessness inside me. It tortures me every day and I have to consciously keep myself in check, for fear of another anxiety attack. Too many of those and I get suicidal and depressed. I've been there. That night's event took me there. I have managed to get back on my feet, and these days I'm only half as bad as then, and I've been seeing psychologists on and off.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">It's also a minor miracle that we are still together working through all of this. I try and pick fights, because I know he is scared to tell me about things that involve other girls (even though I find out anyway - thanks social media). And I feel like we perpetuate the dance of death over and over again. He is too scared to be honest with me, and I'm too on edge to take it easy on him.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">I just feel like no one can help me. My psychologist is treating me for trauma (but I don't think I have any). He thinks I need to confront my dad because it's all his fault (I can't make sense of that, I'm not ready in any case). I can't burden my friends with this because I know where I should be emotionally, but I'm not there.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">I also feel like my fuse is running shorter and shorter. He's busy work life means little time for us, and then he has all his social events to go to. I can see life contributing to this r'ship's demise. A normal r'ship (without all that trust bsh*t) is hard enough - two different people coming together is bound to have issues. But I just feel we have a r'ship and a half on our plates. And I know it's not fair on him, and I feel like I've sacrificed way too much of myself, I can't find passion in life but I haven't given up.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">Some days I wake up thinking it's pretty good. And some days like today, I wake up thinking I want to give it all up, why won't he get it, I just want him to be honest with me, why can't he do that? And each time I feel like I'm more numb to it, and I'm scared that one day I just won't have any feelings for him anymore and will just leave. Or he will leave me.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">So I'm really unsure how to get out of this one. And I feel tortured every day. </span><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; background-color: transparent;\">My only solace is finding the good days, and holding onto the memories of them. And try not to blow up. It's so difficult, and it's a constant one step forward, two steps back.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; background-color: transparent;\">I hate myself for putting him through it all, and somedays I just want to leave it all just so I know he is peaceful without me. But he keeps coming back to me. And I just find it hard to live with myself at times for putting him through this too.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; background-color: transparent;\">The only good thing is, we both seem hardwired not to give up easily. I have no idea. I just wish I had more control over myself and to fix all this mess once and for all.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; background-color: transparent;\">Hey, thanks for reading. I know it was a long winded one.</span></p></div>", "date": "18-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stuck-in-a-perpetuating-cycle/td-p/42166" }, { "author": "user-id/21089", "content": "<p>Hi Substituder</p>\n<p>Thanks for sharing your story.  </p>\n<p>I could say a few things but I'm not sure you're ready to hear them yet.</p>\n<p>I really feel for you and all you've been through and are still going through.</p>\n<p>The main thing I feel may help you at this stage is breathing specifically to help you relax and release a bit of that anxiety and stress.  If you google it there are heaps of ideas and different breathing techniques out there.</p>\n<p>Take care and all the best</p>\n<p>Cheers amamas</p></div>", "date": "18-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stuck-in-a-perpetuating-cycle/td-p/42166" }, { "author": "user-id/39033", "content": "Thanks amamas for your reply.\n<p>One of the most important things I've gotten out of therapy is to learn to breathe until the panic subsides.</p>\n<p>I'm not great at it and most of the time it literally feels like I'm in the jungle, I've stopped running and I'm going to be attacked by that tiger. It's so frightening.</p>\n<p>But a few nights ago I managed it somewhat. I managed to calm the panic by choosing to consciously weigh the consequences if I let myself drown in the panic moment. And I knew I couldn't do that. And I stopped shortly after.</p>\n<p>I guess there is no secret receipe and equally no cure. This is who I am and anxiety is part of that. I need to learn to work with it, use it when I should but tuck it away when it's inappropriate and review later on.</p>\n<p>It's a fine balance. And I don't always get it right. But it pays to be prepared.</p>\n<p>I refuse medication and have been seeing someone on and off for a few yrs now.</p></div>", "date": "20-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stuck-in-a-perpetuating-cycle/td-p/42166" }, { "author": "user-id/21089", "content": "<p>Hey Substitiuder</p>\n<p>Horrible anxiety is!  </p>\n<p>If only there was a secret recipe!</p>\n<p>I was like you completely refused meds.  My psych said something incredibly profound one day that changed my mind.  I'd love to share it with you but with my PTSD memory I have no idea what it was.</p>\n<p>But I gave them a go and I believe they helped big time.  Helped me to cope a bit better and certainly made better progress in my therapy.</p>\n<p>Until they didn't.</p>\n<p>I went for a med review and coming of those meds was horrendous!!!  But so far I'm so so so much better.  No meds for now (my choice) but if I feel myself falling again I'll definately start the new ones.</p>\n<p>I guess I wanted to ask that although to med or not to med is COMPLETELY your choice, have you considered why you don't want to try them?</p>\n<p>Your anxiety sounds crippling!  If you read the side effects of the meds you may actually find that you are already suffering from all of them - just a thought!</p>\n<p>cheers amamas</p>\n<p><br>\n</p>\n<p><br>\n</p></div>", "date": "20-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stuck-in-a-perpetuating-cycle/td-p/42166" }, { "author": "user-id/39033", "content": "<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">I've never been a fan of taking medicine for anything but I did try an antidepressant and I got severe side effects so I immediately stopped. The side effects triggered my anxiety!</span></p>\n<p>I then went to a psychiatrist because the CBT/Mindfulness weren't working after about 3mths of therapy. The psychiatrist then diagnosed me with BPD (?!) and about a month of listening to him describing who he thought I was, I realised it wasn't right and changed two more times after that.</p>\n<p>I've been seeing my current one for about half of the year now and comparing to the others, this one is better. But as to effectiveness I can only know maybe a few yrs from now?</p>\n<p>So I tend to not trust my psychs because of all of this and I wouldn't take medicine because I don't want to be another 'trial and error'.</p>\n<p>But, in saying that, I realise that within myself there is a strength that is helping me persevere through it. And perhaps it is for this reason I want to get better without relying on medicine.</p>\n<p>Although when I have an especially bad episode, I do feel worse. But I guess that is what happens when you are in a bad way anyway.</p></div>", "date": "21-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stuck-in-a-perpetuating-cycle/td-p/42166" }, { "author": "user-id/39033", "content": "<p>Hi all,</p>\n<p>I wanted to let you guys know I really appreciated your help, through it I found some comfort and as well as Lifeline helping me through the tough times.</p>\n<p>I finally decided to leave this r'ship - I didn't realise at the time, but now I do. He has a controlling mother who walks in his shadow, so the only way he knew how to deal with her was to suppress his own feelings and bend to her ways. He doesn't believe saying no to her and she is always right in his eyes. Subsequently he doesn't know how to feel or stand up for himself.</p>\n<p>When we fought, it was tough for me because he would stonewall me every time. And that thing with the girl, taught me he didn't respect himself or me. But it took me a long time to learn.</p>\n<p>I finally realise that my anxieties were caused by my unsettling feelings being in this r'ship and finally left. Of course, during the r'ship I had some doubts about myself and whether to trust my feelings due to my past. But I should have trusted my feelings.</p>\n<p>It was no wonder none of my therapies, or personal plans worked. The problem was out of my control.</p>\n<p>I'm so glad I have learnt this lesson.</p>\n<p>I think sometimes life gets really really hard, but turning a blind eye to your problems will just prolong it and make you worse off.</p>\n<p>People here are brave and honest to themselves about their battles, and that is already half the battle won. The first step is to admit to having the problem.</p></div>", "date": "04-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stuck-in-a-perpetuating-cycle/td-p/42166" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "<p><em>It was no wonder none of my therapies, or personal plans worked. The problem was out of my control.</em></p>\n<p><em>I'm so glad I have learnt this lesson.</em></p>\n<p>Its a painful lesson but such a good one. One of the best ones I have learnt about the problems that life throws up at us. Letting go of the things over which you have no control.  Good to hear you have come such a long way.</p></div>", "date": "06-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stuck-in-a-perpetuating-cycle/td-p/42166" } ]
Stuck in a perpetuating cycle
[ { "author": "user-id/6226", "content": "<p>HI</p>\n<p>This post will be a bit all over the place. I just don't know what's wrong with me.</p>\n<p>I have been pretty well for half a year now.</p>\n<p>Got diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression last year and started on meds.</p>\n<p>They kicked in nicely and I can function fine at work and private,</p>\n<p>Now had nausea for a while and vomiting and belly ache. Just went to docs having some tests done.I don't think its the meds causing it since i feel they agree with me over the last month.</p>\n<p>Question is how can i be sure the symptoms i have are physical? Since i feel ok mentally does that mean the symptoms must me physical and there is something wrong with my tummy? Or can i feel ok mentally and anxiety and depression still produces symptoms even though i am on meds?</p>\n<p>Any idea anyone?</p>\n<p>Thanks for reading my 'all over the place post'</p>\n<p>Beetle</p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "05-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-feel-ok-mentally-but-now-physical-symptoms-confused-if-they/td-p/45686" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "I think your doctor is probably best placed to answer the 'how can I be sure' question, but I've never experienced physical symptoms just popping up like a whack a mole game when your mental symptoms are controlled by medication. How long have you been feeling like this? Have you changed your diet or anything recently? Probably questions you've already been asked I know...</div>", "date": "06-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-feel-ok-mentally-but-now-physical-symptoms-confused-if-they/td-p/45686" } ]
I feel ok mentally. But now physical symptoms. Confused if they belong to underlying anxiety and depresssion or not.....
HI This post will be a bit all over the place. I just don't know what's wrong with me. I have been pretty well for half a year now. Got diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression last year and started on meds. They kicked in nicely and I can function fine at work and private, Now had nausea for a while and vomiting and belly ache. Just went to docs having some tests done.I don't think its the meds causing it since i feel they agree with me over the last month. Question is how can i be sure the symptoms i have are physical? Since i feel ok mentally does that mean the symptoms must me physical and there is something wrong with my tummy? Or can i feel ok mentally and anxiety and depression still produces symptoms even though i am on meds? Any idea anyone? Thanks for reading my 'all over the place post' Beetle
[ { "author": "user-id/38112", "content": "<p>Hi. Any recommndations as to how to manage when you feel higly anxious? Any tips will be really welcome. I am just having a very difficult time trying to control my anxiety. Many thanks</p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-to-deal-with-a-highly-anxious-state/td-p/99767" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Capibara, welcome to the forums.  These are some suggestions I recently gave to another member who asked that question:</p><p>In terms of coping with feelings of panic while they are happening, there are a few things you can try:</p><p>1. Control your breathing: you’ll want to breathe rapidly, but try and slow down. Place one hand on your chest, and another on your stomach – breathe in for two counts, and out for four. Try and concentrate totally on this action.</p><p>2. Counter negative thoughts: repeat simple, short sentences to yourself that reassure. ‘I will get through this’, ‘My heart will slow down’, ‘I am in control’, 'I am in a safe place here at home'.</p><p>3. Take notice of your body: sit down if you can, with your feet firmly on the ground. Tense your muscles for five seconds, then release, working in groups up your body. Feet, then legs, then back, all the way up to your face.</p><p>At other times, you can try and occupy your mind with simple activities that you enjoy and give you that feeling of warmth.</p><p>For me, if I'm really tensed up, then lying down on the bed and listening to some music, an audiobook or a podcast is very enjoyable.  Watching a TV show or a movie that will make me laugh can really change your mindset.<br><br>If you haven't already, it would be a really good idea to see your GP as well to look at the possibly of medical or therapeutic assistance.</p><p>There are more suggestions on our website here:  <a href=\"http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/recovery-and-staying-well\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/recovery-and-staying-well</a></p><p>Does anyone else have suggestions?</p></div>", "date": "17-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-to-deal-with-a-highly-anxious-state/td-p/99767" }, { "author": "user-id/487", "content": "<p>Hi Capibara,</p>\n<p>First of all, congratulations for having the courage to seek advice! That is a positive step! I agree with Christopher's advice, these are definitely techniques which will help ease any anxiety attacks you are having at the moment, and also techniques to combat any attacks that may come on in the future. </p>\n<p>The most important thing for me is to walk myself back to the situation at hand. Too often anxiety forces us to jump one hundred 'problems' ahead, when most haven't and will not occur. I usually sit myself down, reassure myself a couple of times while concentrating on my breathing. I then walk myself back through the situation with some reassuring, positive outlooks. It's usually by this point I have calmed myself enough to continue with the task at hand in a productive way. </p>\n<p>I also recommend going to visit your local GP, who will be able to help you forward with possible medication and a referral to speak to a specialised therapist who will be able to coach you through techniques to help you through anxious situations.</p>\n<p>Another suggestion may be daily exercise. Nothing strenuous, I find it very comforting to have 'me time' every afternoon with a light walk out in a relaxing quiet park. During this time I plug in my headphones and forget the world for the day - it's my safe haven, my wind down time.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "17-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-to-deal-with-a-highly-anxious-state/td-p/99767" }, { "author": "user-id/25482", "content": "<p>Hi Christopher and Petrinec,</p>\n<p>While I have my anxiety under control (most times) I am desperately looking for information on how to help a friend cope.</p>\n<p>Thanks so much for the info, I agree with the breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth - I breathe in \"pure\" air, then hold for 3 and breathe out the \"anxious\" air. That, with the help of medication when it's really bad has helped me tremendously.</p></div>", "date": "19-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-to-deal-with-a-highly-anxious-state/td-p/99767" } ]
How to deal with a highly anxious state?
Hi. Any recommndations as to how to manage when you feel higly anxious? Any tips will be really welcome. I am just having a very difficult time trying to control my anxiety. Many thanks
[ { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "<p>Hi everyone.  I've suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember. One of my earliest memories is being at primary school and thinking about suicide.  But at the same time realising that it could be my toxic home environment that was making me feel this way.  I decided that I owed it to myself to try and live a good life but couldn't see that happening until I reached adulthood and moved out of home so I just had to bear things as well as I could.  By the time I moved out of home the physical symptoms brought on by the anxiety were pretty bad.  Chronic pain and insomnia were the worst so although I was right and I could take more control of my life and happiness I spent a lot of time nursing myself back to health and could only just manage a part time job.</p>\n<p>On the positive side I've come a long way since then.  Getting over the chronic pain was the biggest thing.  I'm actually very proud of myself, I've had two children and the migranes I had on a fourtnightely basis were actually not that far off the pain of being in labor.  Plus I was in some sort of pain constantly and couldn't sleep.  So instead of berating myself for having trouble holding down a job or for not doing very well at school I now think well done to me for just putting one foot in front of the other for so long.</p>\n<p>I'm now at a point in my life where I feel like I'm emerging from a fog.  I can see people interacting all around me when I leave the house but it makes me feel very anxious and isolated because I don't know how to talk to them even though I feel strong enough to give it a try.  I also had my second child three weeks ago so I'm feeling quite tired, emotional and fragile.  I realize this is normal.  I've come to this forum because I'd like to reach out to people that understand how crippling and draining anxiety can be because I feel that most people either don't understand or have trouble acknowledging it which makes me feel very alone.  My partner is a lovely guy but just doesn't understand and after much effort I have some people I can call friends, but they are not close friends who I feel I can talk to or who I feel understand me.</p></div>", "date": "03-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tired-of-the-struggle-and-want-to-talk-with-people-that/td-p/94695" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Perkin,</p>\n<p>Have you thought of trying to find a support group.You could check out your local community center, women's health center or speak to the nurse next time you take your child for a health check to find out what is available in your area. </p>\n<p>Peace,</p>\n<p>Daisy. </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "04-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tired-of-the-struggle-and-want-to-talk-with-people-that/td-p/94695" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "<p>Hey Perkin,</p>\n<p>I'm sure there are many people on this forum who can relate to the crippling effects of anxiety and depression. I know I can relate. Thank you for reaching out. You may not find all the answers here but you will definitely be talking to people who understand you. If you have recently had a second child and are feeling down, then go see your GP. You may be suffering some baby blues. It wont hurt to get things checked out.  If your husband has not suffered from the condition, then he will find it hard to understand. At least he is supportive. You are very lucky because a lot of partners are not.  I also agree 100% with everything daisy has suggested above. Keep posting. We definitely understand you.</p>\n<p>Mbuna</p></div>", "date": "05-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tired-of-the-struggle-and-want-to-talk-with-people-that/td-p/94695" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "Hi Daisy and Mbuna, thanks for your replies.  Feeling worse now and I am starting to wonder if it's baby blues.  I stopped taking my antidepressant when I wanted to get pregnant and I handled life without it better than I thought I would.  But if I'm not feeling better soon I will go to my GP.  I would also like to go to a support group but it's hard to find one that's local and at the right time but in time I'll probably find something.  I thought I'd use this forum as a substitute for a support group for now,</div>", "date": "08-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tired-of-the-struggle-and-want-to-talk-with-people-that/td-p/94695" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Perkin   </p>\n<p>Good on you for coming on here and also let me congratulate you on the birth (only recently) of your 2nd child.  I also agree with your very initial post where you are damn right to congratulate yourself with what you’ve achieved despite having issues and troubles (and pain) to deal with for so long.  They are massive steps you’ve taken and I hope you don’t ever forget that.   </p>\n<p>And please yes, come on here and post away … from this site, I get the feel that we’re a small community of like-minded people all sharing largely the same issues and from that, you are going to find some absolutely wonderful people on here who genuinely care for the person who comes on here and posts and they provide support and advice.   </p>\n<p>But you know, perhaps you should try and talk to one of your friends who you think might be able to help you … or at least be a sounding board for you, in times of need for you.  That can really be helpful as well.   </p>\n<p>Judging from your last post, I really think that you should get yourself off to your GP.  And list out all that’s been happening to you of late … I think it important now to try and get some professional help.  Just on that (if both you and your partner are agreeable), perhaps it might be a good idea for your partner to go along with you?  He might be able to learn a bit more about how you’re going and he might be able to pick up some possible useful tips so that he might be able to assist you.   </p>\n<p>Kind regards   </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tired-of-the-struggle-and-want-to-talk-with-people-that/td-p/94695" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "Hi Neil yes I think you are right about talking to my GP. I'm feeling better but not 100%. The thing is that I don't want to medicate the normal ups and downs of life. I want to give myself a chance to deal with it. Talking with friends is a good idea but that's a problem for me. Making and sustaining friendships is something that has remained elusive to me despite all my progress. I know a few people but I'm not sure if the friendship is at a stage where I can talk about mental health.</div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tired-of-the-struggle-and-want-to-talk-with-people-that/td-p/94695" }, { "author": "user-id/8925", "content": "<p>Hi Perkin,</p><p>I have only just found a friend in the last 2 years that finally understands and can listen and support me where I am at and I will be 40 this year. I have tried to deal with my depression and anxiety since childhood also on my own. I was bullied through school and my friends didn't want to know me. There was obviously a reason these girls picked on me right? So maybe it was not cool to be friends with someone that got bullied.</p><p>my friend now has mental issues of her own and is on meds too. We text each other daily and try to cheer each other up or listen. We have humorous ways of letting each other know the scale of how we feel today. More like code. </p><p>Dark and foggy with little chance of sunshine with a high of 4. : )</p><p>I hope a trip to the dr can help, I understand the bit about medicating but maybe what you need til you get strong. Then see a naturopath for some natural ways of keeping on top of it. </p><p>I am so up and down I struggle to keep a routine. </p><p>I hope you feel better soon. Well done on 1 foot forward every day! Baby steps!  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p><p>sunshine_darkness</p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tired-of-the-struggle-and-want-to-talk-with-people-that/td-p/94695" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "Hi sunshine_darkness, I wonder if there are a lot of people who have heaps of friends but not one real friend. Then sometime in their30s or 40s they start to wonder why they feel so miserable. Just a thought.</div>", "date": "17-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tired-of-the-struggle-and-want-to-talk-with-people-that/td-p/94695" } ]
Tired of the struggle and want to talk with people that understand
Hi everyone.  I've suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember. One of my earliest memories is being at primary school and thinking about suicide.  But at the same time realising that it could be my toxic home environment that was making me feel this way.  I decided that I owed it to myself to try and live a good life but couldn't see that happening until I reached adulthood and moved out of home so I just had to bear things as well as I could.  By the time I moved out of home the physical symptoms brought on by the anxiety were pretty bad.  Chronic pain and insomnia were the worst so although I was right and I could take more control of my life and happiness I spent a lot of time nursing myself back to health and could only just manage a part time job. On the positive side I've come a long way since then.  Getting over the chronic pain was the biggest thing.  I'm actually very proud of myself, I've had two children and the migranes I had on a fourtnightely basis were actually not that far off the pain of being in labor.  Plus I was in some sort of pain constantly and couldn't sleep.  So instead of berating myself for having trouble holding down a job or for not doing very well at school I now think well done to me for just putting one foot in front of the other for so long. I'm now at a point in my life where I feel like I'm emerging from a fog.  I can see people interacting all around me when I leave the house but it makes me feel very anxious and isolated because I don't know how to talk to them even though I feel strong enough to give it a try.  I also had my second child three weeks ago so I'm feeling quite tired, emotional and fragile.  I realize this is normal.  I've come to this forum because I'd like to reach out to people that understand how crippling and draining anxiety can be because I feel that most people either don't understand or have trouble acknowledging it which makes me feel very alone.  My partner is a lovely guy but just doesn't understand and after much effort I have some people I can call friends, but they are not close friends who I feel I can talk to or who I feel understand me.
[ { "author": "user-id/21177", "content": "<p>For as long as I can remember there have been people in my life who let me down were not there for me. </p>\n<p>Next week I have to return to work( high school teacher) where there are people from principal to fellow teachers who have clearly demonstrated to me that I am no to be believed, trusted or supported. </p>\n<p>I have asked my few friends left at work ( the rest of my friends have retired) why they think I am consistently treated so badly. They do not know why.</p>\n<p>so now I am soooo anxious about returning.</p>\n<p>last year I had a conversation with a fellow staff member ( directed by my head of department) concerning something she had done contrary to direction from our head of department. She went to the principal an complained that I had spoken aggressively to her, I now have an official warning letter. Even though I calmly explained that I may have spoken with an aggressive tone because I have what is called muscle dysphonia and therefore I often cannot control my voice and it can come out forced... I don't know.</p>\n<p>all I do know is that I do not want to return to work but fiscally I must.</p>\n<p>a few years ago when fellow teachers complained that they found it hard being around me struggling to speak my principal said that if I was struggling I should walk out the school gates. I nearly did into the traffic</p>\n<p>when the 2013HSC results came out I went to see how my students went ( all band 5 and 6s) unfortunately my principal saw me, she said Hi I respond hi but as soon as I left the building I burst into uncontrollable flooding tears.</p>\n<p>i am so tired of being scared and out of control</p>\n<p>anyone got any suggestions...please </p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trusting-people/td-p/99787" }, { "author": "user-id/17161", "content": "<p>Hey, Iamsotired ... </p>\n<p>There are rules against workplace bullying.  There are rules against workplace harassment.  There are rules against discriminating against people with a disability.  </p>\n<p>Use the rules. </p>\n<p>Contact your union.  Ring Legal Aid for some free legal advice.  Check out a community legal centre, or a good legal firm (one that specialises in labour law) in your state.  </p>\n<p>Talk to your health professionals ... see where they can help.  </p>\n<p>Can you find someone to advocate on your behalf, or at least be with you in difficult situations?  Can you try to handle situations by email instead of in person?  </p>\n<p>Wishing you all the best ... </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trusting-people/td-p/99787" }, { "author": "user-id/32275", "content": "<p>Hi Iamsotired, what a difficult situation for you. Being a teacher is very stressful at the best of times. I have a daughter who is a secondary teacher, so I understand the pressures teachers are under dealing with students. It is a tough job and one that is not respected enough, in my opinion. Fortunately for my daughter, she has a good relationship with the staff and is supported by them. I don't know how she would cope otherwise.   Maybe you could contact the Teacher's Union. I'm not sure what support services they offer, but I'm sure they would be able to give you some worthwhile advice. Not that I'm suggested taking action against the school, but it does sound as if you're being discriminated against because of the condition that is affecting your voice. They certainly appear to lack understanding. Maybe a doctor's letter of diagnoses would help. You could give it to the principal. Are there any teachers that you have a good relationship with that could give you support and be an advocate for you. Keep in mind too, that you have studied hard to be where you are so don't let this negativity spoil your dream and goals. </p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trusting-people/td-p/99787" }, { "author": "user-id/21177", "content": "<p>Thank you Lillybell</p>\n<p>i am 2 years from retirement, so part of the problem is ageism. Yes I do have some friends and they are supportive. But when it is your principal that is causing the problems there is not much you can do.</p>\n<p>i have been in contact with the union and I could take action, but I just want to be let alone to work with my students(who I love teaching)</p>\n<p>the difficulty is that I have developed a panic phobia concerning both the teacher who stabbed me in the back and my principal.</p>\n<p>my psychiatrist who is excellent and caring is working with me, but because I have had a long stressful life my brain chemicals are not as they should be. So my life is fitting against my brain chemicals as visa versa</p>\n<p>take care</p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trusting-people/td-p/99787" }, { "author": "user-id/32275", "content": "<p>That is so tough. I didn't realise you'd been teaching for so long. You should be respected even more and shame on them for treating you this way. All I can say is to just keep focussing on your students. You've got two years left so just keep doing what you've always done. Your students will be there at the end. Just think of all of the lives you've impacted in all those years of teaching. Don't let a few spoil your legacy. You deserve all the respect there is to give. You sound like someone who has dedicated their lives to others. The rewards may not be visible or felt in a tangible way, but they are out there nontheless, in the part you've played in the lives of each of the students you've taught. Add them up!</p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trusting-people/td-p/99787" } ]
Trusting people
For as long as I can remember there have been people in my life who let me down were not there for me.  Next week I have to return to work( high school teacher) where there are people from principal to fellow teachers who have clearly demonstrated to me that I am no to be believed, trusted or supported.  I have asked my few friends left at work ( the rest of my friends have retired) why they think I am consistently treated so badly. They do not know why. so now I am soooo anxious about returning. last year I had a conversation with a fellow staff member ( directed by my head of department) concerning something she had done contrary to direction from our head of department. She went to the principal an complained that I had spoken aggressively to her, I now have an official warning letter. Even though I calmly explained that I may have spoken with an aggressive tone because I have what is called muscle dysphonia and therefore I often cannot control my voice and it can come out forced... I don't know. all I do know is that I do not want to return to work but fiscally I must. a few years ago when fellow teachers complained that they found it hard being around me struggling to speak my principal said that if I was struggling I should walk out the school gates. I nearly did into the traffic when the 2013HSC results came out I went to see how my students went ( all band 5 and 6s) unfortunately my principal saw me, she said Hi I respond hi but as soon as I left the building I burst into uncontrollable flooding tears. i am so tired of being scared and out of control anyone got any suggestions...please 
[ { "author": "user-id/24474", "content": "<p>I'm 30 years old and I'm over it all! I have been battling with anxiety and depression for a long time - depression probably most of my life (at least from the age of 12). Anxiety hit me badly 7 years ago, and it got worse over the past year. 1 year ago (almost to the day) my husband and I separated. My anxiety has been pretty horrible in the past year, coping with all the emotional stuff that goes hand in hand with separation, as well as a hyperactive 2 year old.</p>\n<p>I'm sick of the anxiety. I'm sick of the fear I live in on a day to day basis. I'm sick of fearing being home alone and something seriously wrong happening to me. I'm sick of it.</p>\n<p>Yes, I have a psychologist. Yes, I have a couple of really trusted friends who know me inside out. Yes, I have a safety plan in place. But I'm at the stage where I feel like I'm just a burden on people - in particular one friend of mine. I don't want to call him to tell him I'm struggling. I have another friend I can call, but I don't want to bother her with my stuff. She has enough going on. I also just don't want to be questioned.</p>\n<p>I so much want to be around people, yet, I wish the world would suck me up so I could escape these feelings.</p>\n<p>Sorry for my rant.</p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-m-over-it/td-p/97705" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Hi EFM</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Sounds like you are in a pretty tough situation - sorry that\nyou're finding it all hard right now (and for quite a long time beforehand too)</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">I've only had a few bouts of anxiety myself, so I'm not an\nexpert in the field.  What I would say, though is that all of this stuff\nessentially boil down to chemicals in our heads - some of us just don't produce\nthe right chemicals at the right time (just like a diabetic cannot control\ntheir own insulin!).  What I'm trying to say is (and you may already know\nthis) is that you need to try not to beat yourself up on this - it's not your\nfault.</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Seems like you have most things worked out, except for\ngetting the chemicals balanced!  I wonder if perhaps you should go back to\nyour GP and get referred onto a Psychiatrist?  Psychologists are awesome,\nbut don't think their expertise is in brain chemistry.  </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span><span style=\"line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; font-size: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-AU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\">I know you're struggling, but keep in mind\nyou're making it through each day - something to be proud of in itself!</span></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; font-size: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-AU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\">It's great you have some good support, but you shouldn't have to cope with such horrible symptoms - got to get the right medical advice to get the brain chemicals back into a reasonable balance</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; font-size: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-AU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\">Take care</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; font-size: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-AU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\">Scott</span></p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-m-over-it/td-p/97705" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi EFM </p>\n<p>There’s no dramas with you coming on here and ranting away … that’s what’s special about this place … people can come on and ask questions, ask for help, spiel out their stories or vent and rant away;  and it’s all good you know.  There’s no judging here … just advice, care and support … well as much as we can give anyway. </p>\n<p>Scott has provided some good advice to you with his post and to possibly get some medications just to help you along through this current phase might be just what you need to help you out … even if it lifts you just a little;  that’d be better than the awful dark place that you’re currently in. </p>\n<p>But yeah, to be taking all this on, on your own, I believe is too much to ask and I am glad that you’ve got other mechanisms in place as well … and to cope with all the stress relating to a relationship break-up and to care your hyperactive youngster is no wonder you’re feeling like you are. </p>\n<p>I hope this post has helped in some small way and if you feel able to, it’d be great to hear back from you. </p>\n<p>Kind regards </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-m-over-it/td-p/97705" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<p>Hi EFM</p>\n<p>Just checking back on you &amp; hoping it's not overwhelming you.</p>\n<p>Take care &amp; post if you can - will check back tomorrow</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Scott</p></div>", "date": "14-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-m-over-it/td-p/97705" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "Hi efm, I was reluctant to take medication because I thought it wouldn't solve anything and I'd  go back to how I was when I stopped taking it. What actually happened was that it stopped the rubbish thoughts that usually went round and round in my head and I could think clearly enough to start making myself better. Just thought I'd mention that incase you feel wary of medication like I was because you don't mention you take it but it sounds like you could do with something that will help take some of the load.</div>", "date": "15-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-m-over-it/td-p/97705" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<p>Hi EFM</p>\n<p>Hope you're doing ok - will keep checking in to see if you're able to post</p>\n<p>I know you probably feel pretty lonely right now.  Keep in mind this comes down to your brain running on overdrive.  Many of us on this forum have been through similar challenges and are able to relate to the dark places you're in right now.</p>\n<p>Please post if you can - it's tough be can really help</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Scott</p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-m-over-it/td-p/97705" } ]
I'm over it
I'm 30 years old and I'm over it all! I have been battling with anxiety and depression for a long time - depression probably most of my life (at least from the age of 12). Anxiety hit me badly 7 years ago, and it got worse over the past year. 1 year ago (almost to the day) my husband and I separated. My anxiety has been pretty horrible in the past year, coping with all the emotional stuff that goes hand in hand with separation, as well as a hyperactive 2 year old. I'm sick of the anxiety. I'm sick of the fear I live in on a day to day basis. I'm sick of fearing being home alone and something seriously wrong happening to me. I'm sick of it. Yes, I have a psychologist. Yes, I have a couple of really trusted friends who know me inside out. Yes, I have a safety plan in place. But I'm at the stage where I feel like I'm just a burden on people - in particular one friend of mine. I don't want to call him to tell him I'm struggling. I have another friend I can call, but I don't want to bother her with my stuff. She has enough going on. I also just don't want to be questioned. I so much want to be around people, yet, I wish the world would suck me up so I could escape these feelings. Sorry for my rant.
[ { "author": "user-id/21177", "content": "<p>I meant to add to my last post</p>\n<p>how can I ever trust the fellow teacher who went and complained about me. We are meant to be able to have discussions as we are in the same department, but I am too anxious that if I say something she does not like she will once again go to the principal and complain</p>\n<p>help </p>\n<p>advice please</p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trusting-people-2/td-p/99813" } ]
Trusting people 2
I meant to add to my last post how can I ever trust the fellow teacher who went and complained about me. We are meant to be able to have discussions as we are in the same department, but I am too anxious that if I say something she does not like she will once again go to the principal and complain help  advice please
[ { "author": "user-id/4778", "content": "<p>Yesterday afternoon I attended my first appointment with a psychologist. She was really amazing and talked a lot about my issues with anxiety and depression. I felt a little numb at the time, almost like I couldn’t believe how much I’ve been through and slightly in denial about my recent (though always been in the back of my mind) suicidal thoughts.  </p>\n<p> I’m 23 years old and my social fears and anxiety controls my life. I’m nervous all the time, feel like I’m always being judged and never really feel worthy of peoples time, this is why I find it hard to sustain friendships. I’ve realised I’m a great actor though, if you were to meet me you wouldn’t have a clue I’m unhappy with my life. It seems to be a trend with people who experience the same issues though.   </p>\n<p>After my appointment yesterday I felt happy until a bus driver yelled at me for having insufficient funds on my GoCard. I ended up walking the hour home and just reflected on how lonely I am. At the time I couldn’t think of anyone to call and cheer me up or drive me home. I just walked along a main highway crying my eyes out, once I got home I cried for hours trying to fight off a panic attack. I know I’m trying really hard to get better but at the same time I know it will be a long rough road till I reach my goal.  </p>\n<p> I’m most anxious when dating, I’ve had some bad experiences and find it hard to trust guys now. I’m in a long distance relationship and even though he is very trustworthy and caring I still feel so paranoid all the time. I need to learn to relax and take each day as it comes.</p>\n<p> Does anyone have any advice? I would love to hear stories of long distance relationships that have worked or if anyone has overcome trust issues when it comes to relationships/friendships.   I’m fairly new to the beyondblue forum so I hope this all makes some sense. </p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression-trust-issues/td-p/99480" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "<p>This is probably not what you want to hear but I don't think that long distance relationships can work unless its temporary, as in one of you is away working or you've met and intending to move to the same city. Trust issues, definitely know what you mean about the paranoia thing. I used to second guess myself all the time, thinking 'have I annoyed him' or 'is he telling me the truth', and eventually I came to realise that a lot of this was because I was putting so much value on the relationship and letting that define me instead of being my own person and letting a man add to my life, not be the solution to all my problems.</p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression-trust-issues/td-p/99480" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "<p>Dexter,</p>\n<p>Its great to see that you have taken the step to see a psychologist.  It took me 30 years to take that step and i wish i had taken it a lot sooner. A psychologist will be able to help you with some ways of handling the anxiety. I get the paranoia and the feelings of being unworthy. When I was at my worst, I was extremely paranoid about a lot of things.  I too was a great actor (still am). I had to be seen to be strong, but underneath I was a crumbling mess. You are right when you say you have a long road ahead of you but it does not have to be that long. I will give you a few tips that helped me. If they don't work for you, don't get too upset about it. Everyone is different. </p>\n<p>Psychologists are great. Some are better than others. They can give you advice but they don't have a magic wand. You have made the decision that you are going to get better. That is probably the biggest step. What we have is a mental condition and it requires a mental approach. If you <strong>WANT</strong> to get better then you are more likely to succeed. I see a lot of people with depression and anxiety who are so miserable and angry with their lives. A lot of them have had tough lives and have a lot to be miserable and angry about. When you have spent the majority of your life depressed and angry its a very hard cycle to break. Will power is a big tool in fighting this illness. A psychologist or a Councillor will give you an outlet for you to talk about your feelings. They wont judge or gossip about you. To get the most out of your psychologist, you need to be open and honest. Leave the accomplished actress at the door. </p>\n<p>Getting over the worry, panic attacks and paranoia is never easy. If you get a panic attack do not treat it as a failure. I found that using the frequency and length of my panic attacks helped me gauge how well i was doing. I used to get panic attacks that lasted for days and i used to get them very frequently. Now i get them occasionally and they only last for short periods. Certain things will trigger the attacks. Staying away from things that trigger attacks is not a bad idea but its not always practical. There are some situations you cant avoid and some things are just random like cranky bus drivers. You cant avoid them but your psychologist should be able to help you with ways of dealing with them. A lot of the time our problem is how we react to things.</p>\n<p>Dating is a tricky one. I have had problems with my marriage for years. A lot of the times I would get paranoid and worry about issues that were not even there. One approach i learned to adopt was to expect the worst but hope for the best. Depressed people will often build up false hope in situations and then come crashing down when things don't work out. You are in along distance relationship. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don't. My advice would be to take things slowly. He seems like a nice guy and you trust him. Enjoy your time together. You are only young. If it does not work out then \"hey\" you gave it a shot. That makes it a bit easier to move on if things don't go as planned.  That does not mean that you have shut your partner out. All it means is that you prepare yourself just in case things don't work out.</p>\n<p>You are only 23. You are still young and i am making the assumption that you are physically healthy. You already seem to have the right attitude so with a bit of help and hard work, I am sure you will be able to tackle this illness head on and win. </p>\n<p>Good Luck</p>\n<p>Mbuna</p></div>", "date": "16-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression-trust-issues/td-p/99480" } ]
Anxiety and Depression + Trust Issues
Yesterday afternoon I attended my first appointment with a psychologist. She was really amazing and talked a lot about my issues with anxiety and depression. I felt a little numb at the time, almost like I couldn’t believe how much I’ve been through and slightly in denial about my recent (though always been in the back of my mind) suicidal thoughts.    I’m 23 years old and my social fears and anxiety controls my life. I’m nervous all the time, feel like I’m always being judged and never really feel worthy of peoples time, this is why I find it hard to sustain friendships. I’ve realised I’m a great actor though, if you were to meet me you wouldn’t have a clue I’m unhappy with my life. It seems to be a trend with people who experience the same issues though.   After my appointment yesterday I felt happy until a bus driver yelled at me for having insufficient funds on my GoCard. I ended up walking the hour home and just reflected on how lonely I am. At the time I couldn’t think of anyone to call and cheer me up or drive me home. I just walked along a main highway crying my eyes out, once I got home I cried for hours trying to fight off a panic attack. I know I’m trying really hard to get better but at the same time I know it will be a long rough road till I reach my goal.    I’m most anxious when dating, I’ve had some bad experiences and find it hard to trust guys now. I’m in a long distance relationship and even though he is very trustworthy and caring I still feel so paranoid all the time. I need to learn to relax and take each day as it comes.  Does anyone have any advice? I would love to hear stories of long distance relationships that have worked or if anyone has overcome trust issues when it comes to relationships/friendships.   I’m fairly new to the beyondblue forum so I hope this all makes some sense.
[ { "author": "user-id/27452", "content": "Hello all, my name is Sarah, I am 18 years old &amp; a senior in high school. I have been suffering with what I think is depression, anxiety, bi-polar issues, and OCD.<br><br>My daily rituals are getting worse &amp; worse. I literally take an hour &amp; half shower, I take three hours to so my make-up... That is.. If I'm constantly moving. If I get side tracked which is more than often the case I take much, much longer. &amp; I refuse to leave my house without it all on. I have pretty much dug myself to believe that I am hideous. I feel like I'm a monster &amp; don't feel comfortable being around anyone other than family without my \"face\" on.<br><br>Each day I awake with horrid anxiety, and debilitate myself from even getting into a shower each night because I dread the tasks that I force myself to do.<br><br>When I was about 11 I would self-harm. I'd say that was due to me not having a relationship with my father. He disowns me for some odd reason, he didn't abandon me at birth or as a child or anything yet I feel that having him live with me but still hate me is kinda just as bad.<br><br>I see him daily but get no love &amp; there was an incident when I was about 9 or 10 that he fell out of our attic in the middle of the night after moving boxes up there. We think he was tired &amp; decided to rest at the top of the attic stairs. He fell out of the attic face first onto the washing machine, then to the concrete floor. Because he doesn't remember, the doctors lead us to believe that he had to of awoken &amp; thought he was in bed or on the couch &amp; took a step, then he fell. He had to of then come to by the grace of God &amp; he went into the shower to wash off the blood we guess.<br><br>Now at the time my little sister &amp; I were sleeping on a mattress on our parents bedroom floor because my uncle &amp; grandma were staying with us so they took my sister &amp; I's room. That night I remember falling asleep to my dad sitting in bed on the phone with his father who lives in another state. I was abruptly woken up in the middle of the night to almost a sobbing kind of laugh. So I figured my dad was still talking with his dad, just laughing about stuff. So I went back to sleep. I hear it again &amp; wake up a second time, this time I see the shower is on &amp; I think... Wait, he can't be on the phone &amp; in the shower at the same time. So I shake my mom awake &amp; say that I hear a weird noise, it sounds like someone is crying.<br><br>She brushes it off &amp; tells me it's probably just my uncle on the couch. I fall back asleep &amp; wake up yet once more &amp; am determined to find out what the noise is. I tell her it's coming from her bathroom &amp; the shower is on. She got up &amp; walked into the bathroom. She says it was the worst scene she had ever saw in her life. My dad was sitting down In the shower with severe facial injuries &amp; his fingers &amp; nose were broken. He went through 14 hours of surgery.<br><br>My mom &amp; sister used to say that an angel kept waking me up that night &amp; due to my persistency, I \"saved\" my dad's life because the doctors said bat if he had been in there too much longer he would have bled to death. I don't think of it that I saved his life but I helped him, surely. I just don't understand why he treats me the way he does then if I helped him so grandly. <br><br>Sorry I kinda got way off topic with that story but it's partially why I have felt so depressed for so long. Now, for the past couple months I think about suicide frequently. It scares me. I know that I'm not capable of committing harm to myself to that extent, but I'm afraid that one day all of my in ed struggles will eat me alive &amp; become too much for me to deal with anymore. I think that I'd be at peace if I wasn't living, all I do is the same repetitive, useless stuff day in and day out. It's come to the point where my mother gets extremely frustrated with me. I'm late to school, I use all the hot water, etc etc etc. &amp; my mother is my rock, it kills me to disappoint her. I can't help but think that she as well as my little sister would be better off not having to deal with me all the time. I feel like such a burden. I have told her I think I have OCD before &amp; we researched it somewhat &amp; she says maybe but she doesn't want to self diagnose me, as I don't want to do that either. But I just have this gut wrenching feeling that there is most definitely something wrong in my brain. I haven't been to any doctor for anything like that so now it's to the point where my mom is fed up with \"the OCD excuse\" she says it's just that I don't care.<br><br>Being to school on time isn't a priority to me. I don't even try to change when in reality I go through a mental struggle daily to get myself to change every last daunting task that I do. She just doesn't see it because there is no progress &amp; I feel there never will be. I'm sorry I just really feel the need to vent.<br><br><i>beyondblue’s clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.</i></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/lost-in-my-own-mind/td-p/97587" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Hi Sarah</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Congratulations on posting on Beyond Blue – that’s a\nsignificant step &amp; you should give yourself a pat on the back for that!</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Sounds like you’ve been through more than an average 18 year\nold would have been through, and that likely means you need more than an\naverage amount of love, help &amp; support.</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">I’m Bi-Polar myself &amp; have been in really deep\ndepression, suffering from this insidious disease.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">  </span>From what you’ve written, it sounds like you\nmight be suffering from any or all of the conditions you listed.</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">I think you really need to go to your local doctor in the\nfirst instance – book a longish appointment and they should know how best to\nhelp you medically.</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">I’d suggest, seems you mentioned your Mum is your rock, ask\nher to come to the appointment with you for support.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">  </span>Another bad side effect of depression is that\nit can hamper your thinking, so you may not take all the doctor says in by\nyourself.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">  </span>Keep in mind that this stuff\nis not your fault – you’re fighting against your brain, which is simply not\nproducing the chemicals it should!<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">  </span>It’s\nNO DIFFERENT to a diabetic needing to inject insulin because their body doesn’t\nproduce it – you’ll perhaps need some medicine (like I do) that gets everything\nback into balance.</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">If you don’t know how to ask your mum, perhaps instead write\nher a short note – be honest &amp; tell her you don’t understand why you feel\nthe way you do, but you feel it’s important to investigate why.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">  </span>With a bit of luck your mum will be very\nproud!</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">I hope you can take the next step &amp; get the support you\ndeserve</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Let me know how it goes</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Kind regards</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Scott</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/lost-in-my-own-mind/td-p/97587" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Hi Sarah</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Just letting you know I was checking back in to see how you’re\ndoing – will check back in tomorrow</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Kind regards</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span><span style=\"line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; font-size: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-AU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\">Scott</span></span></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/lost-in-my-own-mind/td-p/97587" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "Hi Sarah, yes you really need to see your doctor. For your own sake first and foremost. Also I think I can understand what you are saying about your mum. My own mother has never been to a doctor about her own depression and anxiety and it's hard to not feel frustrated simply because without professional help there is s limit to what can be done. Your mum is probably frustrated and upset by the fact that all her love and support will not make you better. She's worried about you and probably saying things she doesn't mean because she's upset.</div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/lost-in-my-own-mind/td-p/97587" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<p>Hi Sarah</p>\n<p>Please post if you can &amp; let us know if you're ok.  It'd be great to know whether you have been to the doctors or managed to call them for an appointment.  Realise this can be extremely hard to do when you're unwell, but the benefits can be huge.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Scott</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "15-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/lost-in-my-own-mind/td-p/97587" } ]
Lost in my own mind...
[ { "author": "user-id/3661", "content": "<p>Another sleepless night as I write this. My body shaking, so desperately tired yet unable to sleep. Cold sweats, the feeling like I'm falling jolting me before I fall asleep. It's like a form of torture. I have no patience with my kids. Don't want to talk to anyone, it's ruining my life, plz help!</p></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-me/td-p/97860" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Hi Chooka</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Sorry to hear you’re having a tough time – sounds terrible.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">  </span>Can you pick up the phone and call Beyond\nBlue?<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">  </span>Sorry – I don’t have much else I\ncan offer, other than searching for self-hypnosis or anxiety type YouTube clips</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Hope you get some relief</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Sincerely</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\"><span style=\"font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span><span style=\"line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; font-size: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-AU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;\">Scott</span></span></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-me/td-p/97860" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Chooka, there's nothing worse than not being able to sleep, because your mind just churns away, and thinking of things that can not be done at that time of the night, just tell yourself I will handle it in the morning.</p>\n<p>You don't mention about any medication, doctors or psych's, so can you please get back to us. Geoff. </p></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-me/td-p/97860" }, { "author": "user-id/3661", "content": "<p>Thanks for posting Geoff. I haven't sleeked medical help which I will do. Lots of other symptoms I'm experiencing all seem to be linked. I'm often irritable, impatient. I just want to close myself up in my bedroom, draw the blinds and just not speak to anyone. It's plagued me on and of for a couple of years but seems to be quite severe now</p></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-me/td-p/97860" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Hi again</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Would be great for you to get to the doctors – most of these\nissues tend to relate to the chemicals our bodies produce.<span style=\"mso-spacerun: yes;\">  </span>Some of us just don’t produce the right\nchemicals and the right medications can work a treat – they’ve changed my life\nfor the better in dealing with depression</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Most doctors are really good with this sort of this nowadays</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Wishing you well</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span>\n<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px;\">Scott</span></p>\n<span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px;\">\n</span></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-me/td-p/97860" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "I've found exercise to be great for insomnia but I totally agree with the above posts. See a doc, the right medication can feel like a weight has been lifted off and suddenly you feel so much more capable and calm.</div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-me/td-p/97860" }, { "author": "user-id/3661", "content": "Just thought I'd follow up. Saw my doctor today, also prescribed me some medication. Kinda scared by the possible side effects, especially insomnia which is not what I need. Something I need to do tho I guess. Also referred me to a psychologist who hopefully can help me.</div>", "date": "14-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-me/td-p/97860" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<p>Hi Chooka </p>\n<p>Congratulations – what a fantastic result! </p>\n<p>I really hope you get some relief from the meds, though keep in mind that they might take a number of days to kick in. </p>\n<p>If you can, try not to worry about side effects now – they may or may not eventuate, so instead think positively of the good things that will come from the medication.  I know it’s as if you’re being asked to choose the lesser of 2 evils (anxiety vs. side effects), but as of right now, the anxiety is the one that you need to tackle. </p>\n<p>If the side effects do eventuate, just flag it with your doctor asap and see what advice they can give – might be able to switch you to an alternative medicine, or give a strategy to cope with the side effects. This really is a team game – you need everyone involved to know how you’re doing.  They can’t help with issues/symptoms they don’t know about!  Hopefully you trust your doctor and will have a good rapport with the psych too &amp; you’ll feel more in control sooner rather than later. </p>\n<p>Again, congratulations on getting to the doctor – hope it moves you toward recovery </p>\n<p>Kind regards </p>\n<p>Scott</p></div>", "date": "15-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-me/td-p/97860" } ]
Help me!
Another sleepless night as I write this. My body shaking, so desperately tired yet unable to sleep. Cold sweats, the feeling like I'm falling jolting me before I fall asleep. It's like a form of torture. I have no patience with my kids. Don't want to talk to anyone, it's ruining my life, plz help!
[ { "author": "user-id/11342", "content": "<p>I have been battling anxiety for a few years now, I have just finished my last session with my counsellor.</p>\n<p>My anxiety got worse when I was having problems with my relationship. My now ex boyfriend lost his mother 18 months ago. He didn't deal with his grief and took it out on me. He seemed to completely change as a person, was angry all the time, shut me out, became secretive and treated me with disrespect. It was a case where I kept going back to him because I loved him but I just kept getting hurt. I was very confused as to whether he was just \"going through a tough time\" or whether their were other issues with our relationship.I decided enough was enough and ended the relationship.</p>\n<p>Since then my ex boyfriend has been trying to get me back. He received help and realised his mistakes and how he was taking things out on me. I was very hesitant to see him, but after 8months since everything fell apart, I decided to meet up with him and let him explain himself. He seems to be on his way back to his old self and I really miss him and want back what we lost.</p>\n<p>Now I feel like I'm at a constant battle with myself. Half of me wanting him back and the other half too scared of being hurt again and spiralling emotionally out of control. My friends wouldn't support me going back to him and I think If one of my friends was treated as badly as I was, I would be advising them not to go back either.</p>\n<p>Anyway just thought someone may have some thoughts on this or have been in a similar situation.</p>\n<p>Any comments would be helpful</p>\n<p>Thanks</p>\n<p>TD</p></div>", "date": "27-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/constant-battle-with-myself/td-p/67546" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "<p>TD</p>\n<p>Its a tough one. I do know that depression can create a lot of anger. When we get the depression under control the anger tends to subside and there can be a lot of guilt and reflection. It was that way for me. Maybe he is feeling guilty. I also understand the need to stay away from situations that trigger anxiety.  It does not sound like there was any physical abuse in your relationship. If there was I would advise you stay away. Even if there was not physical problems its still a big step to take. I find that it helps not to build things up. If you do decide to get back into a relationship with him, take things slowly. Go into it with your eyes open. I find things work better for me if I hope for the best but expect the worst. </p></div>", "date": "27-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/constant-battle-with-myself/td-p/67546" }, { "author": "user-id/11342", "content": "<p>Thanks Mbuna. </p>\n<p>No, there was never any physical abuse and I am not concerned in the slightest that he would ever harm me in that way. It was, I guess, emotional abuse but I believe it was triggered by his own insecurities and not being able to cope with the loss of his mum. I know that the death of his mother is no excuse for poor treatment, and he knows that as well.</p>\n<p>I had a gut feeling that things weren't right and there were red flags that made me decide to never go back. But now after talking to him I can see his side more clearly and realised it wasn't his normal behaviour. But I would feel like others would see me as 'weak' if I went back to him, after having the strength to walk away. </p>\n<p>I am an 'overthinker' and my thoughts often get out of control. I get so exhausted trying to figure out whether I'm doing the best thing. I've never felt so unsure of myself and my obsessive thoughts stop me from just living in the moment and getting on with other things in my life.</p></div>", "date": "27-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/constant-battle-with-myself/td-p/67546" }, { "author": "user-id/26613", "content": "<p>Hi TD, I am an overthinker too and can relate to that aspect of your tale. This might be a bit late but I think if you did try and get back to him you do need to take things slowly as Mbuna says. Date, see where you are both at. It may not look 'weak' if you returned to him, I can understand why your friends or family could be concerned as I presume they were aware of his behaviour, may have even witnessed it? While on the one hand you should not care what others think if you feel it is right for you, It can be very hard for them to see someone they love re-enter a situation they see negatively and it could effect your relationship with him too.</p>\n<p>You say you had inklings things weren't right outside of his mother's passing so have these things been resolved? Deep in your gut how do you feel? Perhaps have some relationship counselling together to see if you are on the same page and to sort out past hurts, otherwise they will fester - no matter how much you love each other. I have seen it happen too many times.</p>\n<p>I wish you well. </p></div>", "date": "18-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/constant-battle-with-myself/td-p/67546" }, { "author": "user-id/11342", "content": "<p>Hi Di T,</p>\n<p>Thanks for your post, this is a delayed response but I wasn't expecting another reply on this thread and only checked it today.</p>\n<p>My gut tells me more and more that this relationship is worth fighting for and at this point we are communicating very well with each other even though it is painful when we bring up what happened in the past. </p>\n<p>I havent been able to tell all my friends that we are dating again, I just can't bare to see their faces and hear their thoughts on the matter.</p>\n<p>What I do know is that I have to do what is right for me, and it feels right now. I won't say that I don't have those niggling feelings that something could go wrong again and I hope that I can finally move past the negatives and look to a happy future together.</p>\n<p>Yes, I do think there were issues other than his mothers passing but the difference is now we talk about those things openly and I feel he is very honest this time, which helps us build trust again.</p>\n<p>He is still seeing a counsellor (I can see the changes in him due to this), and she even suggested the possibility of having relationship counselling which is something I guess we could consider.</p>\n<p>Thanks again for this post, getting an outside perspective is always helpful.</p>\n<p>T.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/constant-battle-with-myself/td-p/67546" } ]
Constant battle with myself...
I have been battling anxiety for a few years now, I have just finished my last session with my counsellor. My anxiety got worse when I was having problems with my relationship. My now ex boyfriend lost his mother 18 months ago. He didn't deal with his grief and took it out on me. He seemed to completely change as a person, was angry all the time, shut me out, became secretive and treated me with disrespect. It was a case where I kept going back to him because I loved him but I just kept getting hurt. I was very confused as to whether he was just "going through a tough time" or whether their were other issues with our relationship.I decided enough was enough and ended the relationship. Since then my ex boyfriend has been trying to get me back. He received help and realised his mistakes and how he was taking things out on me. I was very hesitant to see him, but after 8months since everything fell apart, I decided to meet up with him and let him explain himself. He seems to be on his way back to his old self and I really miss him and want back what we lost. Now I feel like I'm at a constant battle with myself. Half of me wanting him back and the other half too scared of being hurt again and spiralling emotionally out of control. My friends wouldn't support me going back to him and I think If one of my friends was treated as badly as I was, I would be advising them not to go back either. Anyway just thought someone may have some thoughts on this or have been in a similar situation. Any comments would be helpful Thanks TD
[ { "author": "user-id/23493", "content": "<div style=\"text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);\">Hi, I'm Tom and I'm 14 and I've been having a really hard time lately with my anxiety, it started back in October on a plane trip home from Darwin, I just broke down and I am usually fine on plane trips but I just fell apart on this one. a few days after I was spitting up blood for some reason, I'm okay now it was just a bad throat infection, but ever since I've just been extremely worried about my health and I couldn't stop thinking about it and every little ache and pain I had, I emediately thought that I had a problem with my health. I was just scared of dying I guess. I told my parents about what was happening and they fully understood it because my brother used to suffer from anxiety a while ago. The thoughts just wouldn't stop, I was breaking down, and I started to get headaches and dizziness. Towards the last few days of school I had my first panic attack. Inbeyween periods I was extremely light headed/dizzy and I went to sick bay. I honestly thought I was going to die I couldn't sit because I thought I would pass out and die. I came home and searched up what happened and I'm pretty sure it was a panic attack. Since then I kept on getting these panic attacks over some slight pain or headache. I seemed to feel dizzy often and when around crowded places like shopping centers I feel extremely on edge and dizzy and try to stay away and avoid crowded places as much as I can. I haven't been as social with friends anymore because I'm afraid ill have a panic attack. I was starting to get a little bit better in the last few weeks but that changed when we went on a surprise holiday to Queensland and I had to catch a plane their. It brought back bad memories and to be honest, I didn't really enjoy the trip. I got back yesterday and I'm back to par 1. Btw i suffer from bad migrains, It's really destroying my life and I really need help. Can please give me some advice to cope with it. </span></div></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/destroying-my-life/td-p/97759" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Tom  </p>\n<p> It’s good that you’ve reached out for support as it sounds like you’re really facing some serious battles.   </p>\n<p>Have you been able to tell your parents pretty much what you’ve described in your post?  It is quite worrying that all these things are happening to you and especially as you’re only a youngster as well.  </p>\n<p>Again can I say that this is a courageous step you’ve taken to come on to this site … but please know that everyone who comes here is cared for, given as much good advice as possible and above all is, is supported by everyone on here.  There are some really wonderful people on here Tom.   </p>\n<p>My suggestion for you would be to speak with your parents, but to definitely make an appointment to go see your family GP.  Or if you’re not comfortable with that, on this site they have a number of GP’s listed, where you can do a search and find one in your local area.  They are fully qualified to assist with depressive kinds of issues and that might be another option for you.   </p>\n<p>Tom, I hope that you can take on some of this and I hope that if you’re able to, that you can get back to us with how you’re going … and there’s still a lot of school holidays to happen yet … I hope that you’re able to do something that you enjoy.  </p>\n<p> Kind regards   </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/destroying-my-life/td-p/97759" }, { "author": "user-id/26430", "content": "Hi Tom,<br><br>Welcome to the Beyondblue online forum. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Sometimes it can be hard to take that first step and ask for advice so it’s very courageous of you to reach out on the forum. <br><br>It sounds like things have been quite difficult for you in the last few months since the plane trip from Darwin. Anxiety and panic attacks are quite common and can be treated with professional support. It sounds like your parents are pretty supportive. It might be a good idea to let them know how you’re feeling and pretty important that you don’t have to deal with all of this on your own.<br><br>We would recommend that you go to a GP who can give you and your parents some advice and refer you for some extra support. There are lots of other support options for you including the Beyond Blue helpline who you can contact on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.<br><br>Sounds like you’ve already been through a lot and it would be good to get these panic attacks and anxiety under control as soon as possible so you can get on with your life. <br><br>Thanks again for posting and please keep in touch and let us know how you're going via the forum.</div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/destroying-my-life/td-p/97759" } ]
Destroying my life.
[ { "author": "user-id/21739", "content": "<p>Dear BB,</p>\n<p>I'm<strong> more anxious</strong> reading the ad MY NAME IS ANXIETY.   It's a bit dark/threatening/James Bond meets Dracula.   For me, I end up making fun of it just to see some sense.     This is a serious point but requires some humour to understand it:</p>\n<p><strong>\"I am the tightening of your cheast\" - [from your BB ad]<br>\n</strong></p>\n<p>I am trying on a Medium Size Shirt instead of my true Extra Large Size XXXXXX.[David's interpretation]</p>\n<p><strong>\"I am the hot &amp; cold flushes that confuse you when you are already confused enough\"  [BB]<br>\n</strong></p>\n<p><strong></strong></p>\n<p>Who ordered the Bombay Duck and why is it so hot in the Indian Restaurant ? [David]</p>\n<p><strong>\"I am the obsessive and the compulsive\" [BB]<br>\n</strong></p>\n<p>I am the Country AND the Western (Blues Brothers movie)  [David]</p>\n<p><strong>\"I am the ill ease you feel when walking into a crowded room\"  [BB]<br>\n</strong></p>\n<p>\"We should have waited for the Ladies Leane and not snuck into the Gents toilets at the State of Origin\"  [David]</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I don't mean to disrespect the work that went into this campaign but all the cloak and dagger is leading to more anxiety or secrecy and missing the whole point that Anxiety can be given a realistic angle with simple definitions that won't scare the living beJesus out of people.     The only real danger is that such an ad actually stigmatises what is already stigmatised by making things appear too foreboding to tackle or seek treatment.  I always thought Beyondblue had a more mature view of mental illness than to make a serious illness like anxiety masqaurade as a cheap 1950's cop show.</p>\n<p>What are you relating to ?  Someone's inner fear ?  That Anxiety has no daylight ?   It's a confusing ad and yet by placing it in the opening page there is the danger that a newcomer might be turned off the site.  Counter productive ?</p>\n<p>How is BB gonna treat my own illness - bipolar ?  A Jeckyl and Hyde scenario ?     \"I am the mood disorder that cannot be controlled because raging neurons in your brain disconnect and alter your behaviour without so much as a by your leave and then leave your family in a panic because one minute you're suicidal and the next you want to be Jack Nicholson giving the eye to the LA Lakers Basketball Cheer Leaders when the Lakers are 86 to 88 in the last seconds and Kobe has the ball and they need a 3 pointer to win\".    So \"I am the Hot and Cold\" would be the sausage roll and the beer.  Just saying.</p>\n<p>Adios, David. </p>\n<p>PS   Any other feedback or am I on my own here ?<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n</p>\n<p><br>\n</p></div>", "date": "03-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/26430", "content": "<p>Hi David,</p>\n<p>Of course, you are right - there is absolutely more to measuring success than plain numbers or YouTube hits. These are just preliminary numbers and we'll have a far more detailed and accurate summation of the campaign once it is independently and extensively evaluated.</p></div>", "date": "09-08-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/17073", "content": "<p><em>Hi</em></p>\n<p><em></em></p>\n<p><em>This is a poem I wrote describing my struggle with depression. I hope it resonates within everyone who reads it and reassures that depression should shared and not bottled up Anyway here it is:</em></p>\n<p><em></em></p>\n<p><em><br>\n</em></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">The Bleakness of Knowing</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">A step behind where ever I go</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">This pit of black sorrows</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">The beast abides for the chance</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">To claim the one <em>it</em> knows</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Too many days of song and wine</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">So many things left undone</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Fruitless pursuit’s, conceited affairs</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Decay already begun</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">As a corpse lay fresh in ground</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">And creatures relish the feast</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">The beast that’s always with me</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Comes quickly fury released</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><em><span lang=\"EN-AU\">It\n</span></em><span lang=\"EN-AU\">hides the sun and binds my soul</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Dripping with fogs of despair</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">I muddle within the inky murk</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Life’s compass in disrepair</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Flooding numbness rising fast</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Breaching levy banks</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Sweeping all before </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">The tide of hopes which sank</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Beast is back, <em>it </em>is here</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">The inconvenient friend</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Shall you tarry long</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Shall you be my end</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Possesses me completely</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Immersed in gelatinous fears</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Disconnect from all that’s dear</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Optimism disappears</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">You know me so well</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">You conspire to steal my joy </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">I stand revealed before you</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">My hopes and dreams destroyed</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">And when you’re done and had your fill</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">I’ll languish in your wake</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Pitch surrenders to the light</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">I endure for families’\nsake           </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">                                                              </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Beast departs...\nbut not too far</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">I take solace\nat <em>its</em> going</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">But I know <em>it</em> will come back </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">Tis the bleakness of knowing </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\"> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNoSpacing\"><span lang=\"EN-AU\">                                                              </span></p>\n<p>\n</p></div>", "date": "09-08-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/21739", "content": "<p>Thanks dropbear,</p>\n<p>Maybe BB will have a section for poetry. It would be interesting to have a place to go where all the poems that have been written on the site over the years can be viewed.  There have been some really expressive ones like this one.</p>\n<p>I've got to write some short stories for a few weeks - it's quite freeing.  There's a line from the movie \"The Committments\" where they are getting a band together.  Faced with the impossible (and most depressives know how that feels) the psuedo band manager Jimmy says \"We just have to start.  The rest in inevitable\".</p>\n<p>Is procrastination a form of depression or just stuck thinking ? </p>\n<p>Adios, David. </p></div>", "date": "12-08-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/40940", "content": "I just watched the My Name is Anxiety ad and I have to say I disagree with you David. The ad depicted many of my experiences of anxiety so well that it made me shift in my seat. I nearly couldn't finish it because I identified so strongly with it. I actually find some of your responses to the phrases used in the ad slightly offensive as it feels a little like you are making fun of my experiences but of course you don't know me and therefore I know better than to take your comments personally :-)\n<p> </p>\n<p>As someone who has experienced various forms of anxiety my entire life, I found the ad very confronting - in a good way. Of course experiencing anxiety is different for everyone, but I think the ad does touch on some common themes that most people with anxiety would experience at some stage in their lives. I'm not sure I'll look at Ben Mendelsohn the same way, which is a shame because he was one of my favourite Australian actors!</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">I'm currently working on a community engagement program with sporting, social and recreation clubs and groups around building a more inclusive and accessible community for all - including those who experience mental illness. Some of the responses I am getting from every day members of the public hark back to the dark ages so I don't think the ad is too far off the mark for many (unfortunately). I think people who cope with mental illness or mood disorders every day can sometimes forget that not everyone is as educated around this stuff as we might like them to be. Sure - we've a long way. But my recent experience within my local community has shown me that we have a long way to go and I believe ads like My Name is Anxiety gets us a little closer.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">\nI'm interested to know how you would have done the ad differently? \n<br>\n</span></p></div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/21739", "content": "<p>Dear BB,</p>\n<p>I'm<strong> more anxious</strong> reading the ad MY NAME IS ANXIETY.   It's a bit dark/threatening/James Bond meets Dracula.   For me, I end up making fun of it just to see some sense.     This is a serious point but requires some humour to understand it:</p>\n<p><strong>\"I am the tightening of your cheast\" - [from your BB ad]<br>\n</strong></p>\n<p>I am trying on a Medium Size Shirt instead of my true Extra Large Size XXXXXX.[David's interpretation]</p>\n<p><strong>\"I am the hot &amp; cold flushes that confuse you when you are already confused enough\"  [BB]<br>\n</strong></p>\n<p><strong></strong></p>\n<p>Who ordered the Bombay Duck and why is it so hot in the Indian Restaurant ? [David]</p>\n<p><strong>\"I am the obsessive and the compulsive\" [BB]<br>\n</strong></p>\n<p>I am the Country AND the Western (Blues Brothers movie)  [David]</p>\n<p><strong>\"I am the ill ease you feel when walking into a crowded room\"  [BB]<br>\n</strong></p>\n<p>\"We should have waited for the Ladies Leane and not snuck into the Gents toilets at the State of Origin\"  [David]</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I don't mean to disrespect the work that went into this campaign but all the cloak and dagger is leading to more anxiety or secrecy and missing the whole point that Anxiety can be given a realistic angle with simple definitions that won't scare the living beJesus out of people.     The only real danger is that such an ad actually stigmatises what is already stigmatised by making things appear too foreboding to tackle or seek treatment.  I always thought Beyondblue had a more mature view of mental illness than to make a serious illness like anxiety masqaurade as a cheap 1950's cop show.</p>\n<p>What are you relating to ?  Someone's inner fear ?  That Anxiety has no daylight ?   It's a confusing ad and yet by placing it in the opening page there is the danger that a newcomer might be turned off the site.  Counter productive ?</p>\n<p>How is BB gonna treat my own illness - bipolar ?  A Jeckyl and Hyde scenario ?     \"I am the mood disorder that cannot be controlled because raging neurons in your brain disconnect and alter your behaviour without so much as a by your leave and then leave your family in a panic because one minute you're suicidal and the next you want to be Jack Nicholson giving the eye to the LA Lakers Basketball Cheer Leaders when the Lakers are 86 to 88 in the last seconds and Kobe has the ball and they need a 3 pointer to win\".    So \"I am the Hot and Cold\" would be the sausage roll and the beer.  Just saying.</p>\n<p>Adios, David. </p>\n<p>PS   Any other feedback or am I on my own here ?<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n</p>\n<p><br>\n</p></div>", "date": "03-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/21739", "content": "<p>Dear BB,</p>\n<p>I just got half way through the video clip for MY NAME IS ANXIETY and had to stop.</p>\n<p>Having had mental health problems for over 25 yrs, numerous psych admissions, etc, I really can't relate to the vibe of this video.  \"I am the whip to your already racing heart\" (with a whip like flick).  Who needs that ?</p>\n<p>The manner is scary or staged.  The illness is in need of understanding and mindset.  It's just not possible that a BB executive would have viewed this before airing.  It's too damaging to a fragile psyche for that.  Surely, if you want to reveal the dangers of anxiety you do it with a bit of reinforcement, love and compassion.</p>\n<p>Putting MY NAME IS ANXIETY in a scary house is really nothing more than 100 years ago when people were locked up in the asylums for life having committed small offers or even got pregnant by mistake.  For an orgnisation that is all about community care where is the sympathy ?    </p>\n<p>It seems to be a cheap punch in the face of those that really suffer.    Please take this offensive video and blog off the BB website before any real damage is done.</p>\n<p>Adios, David.</p>\n<p>PS  Where was the moderation ?????</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "03-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/39444", "content": "<p>It made me laugh.  Reminded me of Darkwing Duck: \"I am the terror that flaps in the night!  I am the surprise in your cereal box!  I am the termite that devours your floorboards!  I am the metal key on the sardine can of justice!\".<br>\n<br>\nPretty much every advertisement I see goes in either of the \"cheesy\" or \"boring\" boxes.  I prefer the cheesy ones.</p></div>", "date": "03-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "dear David Charles, you know I'm with you. Geoff.</div>", "date": "04-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/21739", "content": "<p>Dear Rodentrdron,</p>\n<p>Maybe Darkwing Duck is a better actor than Ben Mendlesohn ?  Although one of the Mutant Ninja Turtle Super Hero's might give you a run from their sewer.</p>\n<p>Adios, David.</p></div>", "date": "04-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/21739", "content": "<p>Dear Geoff,</p>\n<p>On a serious note.    With the big MY NAME IS ANXIETY campaign raging I would seriously question it's effectiveness when one considers that there remain multiple posts in the form of \"Do I have anxiety ?\".   The BB powers that be could have contracted an extra moderator for 6 months with the same budget.  Just saying.</p>\n<p>Adios, David. </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "04-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/21739", "content": "<p>Dear BB,</p>\n<p>My Name Is Anxiety.    The ad,  not the tv series.</p>\n<p>Why does Ben Mendlesohn, in the ad, only had 1 thumb and 3 fingers on his right hand ?   Is this why he is suffering from anxiety ?</p>\n<p>Has he just come from a party where he said \"Pull my finger\" and a young nephew has taken him too literally ?</p>\n<p>Adios, David.</p>\n<p>PS   I am testing Pandora's Paradox's theory on conflict, i.e. anxiety, being minimalised or defused by humour. Just noticed the missing finger today.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "28-07-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/13397", "content": "<p>100% agree that the ad was not well delivered. You made me get the feeling that delivery was meant to be dark and scary. </p>\n<p>Anxiety can be good and bad. People might just be shy? and you bring on a scary ad about anxiety and they start to think \"oh god do i have this, i'm shy, i like my alone time, i must have it\" </p>\n<p>You guys need a fun upbeat ad about all the great things in life and all the amazing things that happen by fighting these diseases. Not ads that scare people. </p>\n<p> In the end i stopped watching it i got bored, frustrated and was thinking \"what the actual hell are they trying to tell people here\"</p>\n<p>I want to make an animation for Beyond Blue and i'd go the lighter happier way instead of the dark delivery you guys are known for. </p></div>", "date": "29-07-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/26430", "content": "<p>Hi all,</p>\n<p>Thanks for your comments and feedback re: our 'Get to Know Anxiety' campaign. It will be passed on to our marketing team here for their consideration.</p>\n<p>I thought it might be helpful to post some clarification around some of the decision-making behind the campaign.</p>\n<p style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"><em>Get to Know Anxiety</em> was launched in May after extensive testing with blueVoices members living with different levels and types of anxiety. New research showed the number of Australian adults who reported experiencing an anxiety condition in the past 12 months had grown almost 40% in the past four years. <span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">Anxiety is obviously an incredibly common condition, but too many Australians still think that symptoms such as obsessive behaviour, relentless worrying or panic attacks are just a part of who they are.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">We launched this campaign to show that having anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of and, once it is recognised, it is very responsive to treatment. </span><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462; font-family: arial, sans-serif;\">Another reason <em>we</em></span><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\"> launched the campaign is because, despite anxiety being more common than depression and one in four Australians likely to experience anxiety during their lifetime, research showed only 12% of Australians viewed it as a major health problem. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif;\">The impact of the launch was immediate, with the weekly calls to the </span>our <span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif;\">support service growing more than 50% from 1400 before the launch to 2170 in the campaign’s first week. Our<em> </em></span><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">website has experienced a similar surge, including the most ever visitors in one day. Also, t</span><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">he Ben Mendelsohn video 'I Am Anxiety' went 'viral' and has attracted almost 200,000 views on YouTube.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462; font-family: arial, sans-serif;\">We've been floored with the amount of support we </span><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">have</span><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462; font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"> received for the campaign, with many  people writing to us explaining that the ads have inspired them to seek help and how important that has been. We understand that any campaign will have its critics, but we've been really happy with how this is going, especially by breaking down stigma in getting people talking about anxiety that may not have experienced it.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462; font-family: arial, sans-serif;\">Thanks,</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462; font-family: arial, sans-serif;\">Hugh</span></p>\n<p style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\"><br>\n</span></p>\n<p style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\"><br>\n</span></p></div>", "date": "09-08-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" }, { "author": "user-id/21739", "content": "<p>Dear Hugh,</p>\n<p>But don't you want people talking about Anxiety for the right reason, i.e. not with some sort of dark, scare campaign ?  There's no link or support service linked on the BB site that includes \"Cathartic Therapy\".</p>\n<p>Your logic is strange - 200,000 You Tubes hits for a dark, scare campaign is \"good\".   Why not include someone suiciding to elicit more understanding of depression ?   The You Tubes hits for that would be even higher.  The calls would be greater.   The response would be greater.  But again, would the increased awareness from such explicit and dark messages be \"good\" ?</p>\n<p>Why would Beyond blue feel the need to validate and justify itself ?  It's is a kind of punked experience - the safety pins in the ear and the mouth not being enough to attract attention so a purple mowhawk and bin liner costume must be added.</p>\n<p>If <strong>\"anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of\"</strong> then it's probably \"nothing to be made an exhibition of\".   Surely, it's a bad day for a supportive depressive site when research within its own organisation is trumped up as a response finding mission.  Do you know what % felt the same way as myself from the 200,000 You Tube hits ?  NO !   You're just quoting the figure.   It's contentious so it's good ?  Really ?  That's not exactly a positive message.</p>\n<p>What if the Ben Mendlesohn clip caused more anxiety about anxiety then actual \"let's expose this, warts and all\" ?   The justifications that you list are more to do with advertising company budgets.    There seems to be a complete lack of \"how\" we do this.      Why did you go with an ad that scares the s**t out of people ?   Advertisers always go for the extremes.    Probably why the add was lonely and devoid of humany interaction.   Lacking in emotive response other than a droning, frightening, repetitive tone that said a dozen times \"I am anxiety\" =  \"I am bad\" = \"All mentally ill are bad\" = \"Let's stereotype mental illness\".</p>\n<p>Beyondblue, where are you ?    It reads on a gutter press level.  There is no warmth, no feeling of hope, no rescue plan and no glimpse of recovery.  Gotta ask - is this the template for all mental illness presentations ?   Adios, David.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "09-08-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-name-is-anxiety-ad-is-a-bit-too-dark-threatening-for-a/td-p/49651" } ]
MY NAME IS ANXIETY ad is a bit too dark & threatening for a community feel site.....
Dear BB, I'm reading the ad MY NAME IS ANXIETY.   It's a bit dark/threatening/James Bond meets Dracula.   For me, I end up making fun of it just to see some sense.     This is a serious point but requires some humour to understand it: I am trying on a Medium Size Shirt instead of my true Extra Large Size XXXXXX.[David's interpretation] Who ordered the Bombay Duck and why is it so hot in the Indian Restaurant ? [David] I am the Country AND the Western (Blues Brothers movie)  [David] "We should have waited for the Ladies Leane and not snuck into the Gents toilets at the State of Origin"  [David]   I don't mean to disrespect the work that went into this campaign but all the cloak and dagger is leading to more anxiety or secrecy and missing the whole point that Anxiety can be given a realistic angle with simple definitions that won't scare the living beJesus out of people.     The only real danger is that such an ad actually stigmatises what is already stigmatised by making things appear too foreboding to tackle or seek treatment.  I always thought Beyondblue had a more mature view of mental illness than to make a serious illness like anxiety masqaurade as a cheap 1950's cop show. What are you relating to ?  Someone's inner fear ?  That Anxiety has no daylight ?   It's a confusing ad and yet by placing it in the opening page there is the danger that a newcomer might be turned off the site.  Counter productive ? How is BB gonna treat my own illness - bipolar ?  A Jeckyl and Hyde scenario ?     "I am the mood disorder that cannot be controlled because raging neurons in your brain disconnect and alter your behaviour without so much as a by your leave and then leave your family in a panic because one minute you're suicidal and the next you want to be Jack Nicholson giving the eye to the LA Lakers Basketball Cheer Leaders when the Lakers are 86 to 88 in the last seconds and Kobe has the ball and they need a 3 pointer to win".    So "I am the Hot and Cold" would be the sausage roll and the beer.  Just saying. Adios, David. PS   Any other feedback or am I on my own here ?
[ { "author": "user-id/40842", "content": "<p>End of last year my anxiety was getting easier, my medication was working and I had a casual job which suited me perfectly.  Then I was fired, three days after I informed my boss of my mental health issues.  Because it was December I haven't been able to find a job, not even temp work.  This has led to my worst case scenario - having to leave my apartment.  </p><p>My options were a) move in with my (admittedly loving and supporting) boyfriend or b) move back home (with 3 siblings). I chose A, because I can't imagine moving back into the family home.  But I LOVE living on my own, having my own space to disappear to when I am too anxious.  I am so freaked out about moving in with someone.  Even though my boyfriend knows and understands about my anxiety. He is very supportive and wants me to feel comfortable.  He has even planned to turn the spare room into a reading nook for me to disappear to.  </p><p>How do other people with anxiety live with someone else? I have lived with men before and it has never worked out, I was ignored, dismissed or yelled at when I got anxious.  I'm so scared that I can't eat, I feel nauseous all the time.  My doctor recommended some medication, which sort of works, but its difficult to take it when I'm going to job interviews every day. </p><p>Need to vent, all my friends and family remind me that the next month will be very difficult (because of my anxiety) but after that I will relax and get used to it. This is true, but it really doesn't help me get through the next month.</p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hard-time-lately/td-p/96989" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Jess  </p>\n<p>Living with anxiety is hard;  it’s tough, as you know.  </p>\n<p>I have a partner and two teenage children … but you know, I get anxious even when they’re around.  I’m not nearly as bad when my kids are around, but it’s slightly more so with regard to my partner.  I kind of get nervous when she’s not at home, cause I know she’ll be coming home soon.  We’re fine together and so that’s the part that’s screwed with me … I mean it’s not like we argue or anything.  All’s fine, but I’ve just this nervous anxiety.   </p>\n<p>I am on medication for it … hmmmm, perhaps I need that reviewing, especially after reading my above paragraph.   </p>\n<p>Could I please suggest that you do take your medication as prescribed … take a water bottle with you and just swig it down when you need too.  If you’re a bit hit and miss with your medication, they’ll never be able to get into your system like they should and work for you like they should.  </p>\n<p>I’m also not sure why the next month will be difficult … did I miss something?   </p>\n<p>Would love to hear back from you Jess when you’re able to.   </p>\n<p>Kind regards  </p>\n<p> Neil</p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hard-time-lately/td-p/96989" }, { "author": "user-id/40842", "content": "<p>Thanks Neil1, I do take my antidepressants every day like I'm supposed to, but the additional meds that are prescribed to take 'as needed' make me sleepy. </p>\n<p>I am assuming the next month will be difficult because of all the changes lately. My anxiety will take some time to get used to it all.  Today was the first day of us living  together and I feel like all my energy is going into stopping the panic attacks. If I let go of my control I will become hysterical and sick.  The only way I can cope is by reading or watching tv and pretending that none of it is happening.  Which obviously isn't how I want to live my life. </p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hard-time-lately/td-p/96989" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Jess</p>\n<p>I'm really sorry to hear how you're feeling and you are in a terribly dark and troublesome place at the moment.</p>\n<p>Has that 'reading room' been set up for you?  If so, do you feel more comfortable in it?</p>\n<p>I'm sorry about the medication taking thing ... I misread your initial post.  It's also really good that your boyfriend is understanding.  That is a massive help.</p>\n<p>In this next little while, it's really going to be a case of going slow each day and perhaps trying to map out a small list of things that you might be able to do so you can possibly occupy yourself.  Maybe one day, you could possibly do a bit of tidying up around the place ... I always feel better after things are where they should be and stuff isn't just scattered all over the place.  I'm not sure if you have a garden or a courtyard, but if you do, there's always things to muck around with there.</p>\n<p>These aren't really high class suggestions, but I'm also sensing that you perhaps prefer to be at home, hence why I'm trying for things to occupy you at home.</p>\n<p>Of course you've got your reading, which is a big favourite of mine also.  What about TV series's;   any favourites that you really love to watch?  Maybe you could (or your boyfriend) could go and buy you a series of a fave TV show from JB Hi, or whereever;  something else that might help pass the time.</p>\n<p>Jess, I hope something above was of use to you ... and please please, feel absolutely free to come on here as often as you want.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hard-time-lately/td-p/96989" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Jess,</p>\n<p>I don't know about the relax and get used to it advice from your family.</p>\n<p>Your boyfriend has the right idea with the reading room I think. I have a study/exercise room that is my comfort zone. </p>\n<p>Good luck with your move.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hard-time-lately/td-p/96989" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Jess, haven't heard from you for awhile, bar 3 days ago.</p><p>Your boss was wrong in dismissing you because of your anxiety or as you say mental issues, but that's another matter at the moment.</p><p>Living with someone when you have anxiety isn't always easy, because there will be times when you maybe be disturbed, and it's these times that are so difficult to be able to control, especially when you love the peace and quite of being alone.</p><p>You won't be able to avoid this unless you have a total understanding with your boyfriend that if your bedroom door is closed then please 'DO NOT KNOCK', however there will be moments that your boyfriend is trying to help you, all in good faith, but it's not convenient for you.</p><p>There will also be a strong possibility that you will get under each other feet, such as the kitchen, bathroom, and who is going to clean up the dishes, hang out the washing or even vacuum the house, so all of these will have to be decided on.</p><p>Here there is an agency that will provide emergency accomodation so if you want to google 'emergency housing' in your state there will places to contact, and personally I believe that this would be your best option, as much as you love your boyfriend, living with someone you love could turn sour.</p><p>I hope that this hasn't upset yo.</p><p>Sorry. L Geoff. x</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hard-time-lately/td-p/96989" }, { "author": "user-id/40842", "content": "<p>Hi everyone. </p>\n<p>Thanks for all the helpful ideas.  In the end, I made the decision that I wasn't ready to move in with him.  Initially I put these feelings down to anxiety, I don't know about everyone else, but I have difficulty trusting my instincts because of the anxiety.  In the end, this situation was too much for me.  Luckily my boyfriend understood and although he was disappointed, he just wants me safe and happy. </p>\n<p>Luckily I have found some temporary work, so I am able to keep my apartment for at least another month, hopefully I will find new work in that time. I have a few interviews so fingers crossed.  </p>\n<p>Thanks Geoff, it hasn't upset me. I just have to realise that my anxiety makes it more difficult to do those things that come easily to others.  Also I have made a complaint with Fair Work Australia regarding that employee.  I agree that it is completely illegal and I am not going to just let it go.  </p>\n<p>Thanks again everyone, Jess</p></div>", "date": "12-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hard-time-lately/td-p/96989" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Jess </p>\n<p>Wow, that is so positive reading your most recent post.  I’m really happy for you that you’ve picked up some temporary work and that will allow you to stay in the comfort and familiarity of your own place.  That is brilliant.  </p>\n<p>Also good news to hear that there’s other interviews upcoming … be confident and project yourself.  I so hope that you’re able to pick up one of those.  I’ll have my fingers crossed for you … although not right now, otherwise, I’ll never be able to finish typing this message.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>And go Jess … YES, that is great to hear that you’re going to Fair Work Australia … people like this really irk me massively and far too often creeps like this get away with it. </p>\n<p>I’m just really pleased for you Jess … and keep on trusting your instincts.  </p>\n<p>Kind regards </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "13-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hard-time-lately/td-p/96989" } ]
Hard time lately
End of last year my anxiety was getting easier, my medication was working and I had a casual job which suited me perfectly.  Then I was fired, three days after I informed my boss of my mental health issues.  Because it was December I haven't been able to find a job, not even temp work.  This has led to my worst case scenario - having to leave my apartment.   My options were a) move in with my (admittedly loving and supporting) boyfriend or b) move back home (with 3 siblings). I chose A, because I can't imagine moving back into the family home.  But I LOVE living on my own, having my own space to disappear to when I am too anxious.  I am so freaked out about moving in with someone.  Even though my boyfriend knows and understands about my anxiety. He is very supportive and wants me to feel comfortable.  He has even planned to turn the spare room into a reading nook for me to disappear to.   How do other people with anxiety live with someone else? I have lived with men before and it has never worked out, I was ignored, dismissed or yelled at when I got anxious.  I'm so scared that I can't eat, I feel nauseous all the time.  My doctor recommended some medication, which sort of works, but its difficult to take it when I'm going to job interviews every day.  Need to vent, all my friends and family remind me that the next month will be very difficult (because of my anxiety) but after that I will relax and get used to it. This is true, but it really doesn't help me get through the next month.
[ { "author": "user-id/1719", "content": "I have had quite a long history of depression and mental illness but over the past couple of years I've overcome a lot and not longer have those issues.<br><br>But I've come to realise that I still have extreme intense anxiety problems mostly when it comes to my relationship. I have always had big father issues and trust issues.<br><br>But my current boyfriend is coping all of the anger because of the past. I completely freak out when something happens that is out of my comfort zone and try everything I can to stop it happening.<br><br>It's even small things like him seeing his friends. Deep down I feel like I can trust him but all these thoughts go through my head and there so much stronger than any positive ones.<br><br>I get extremely jealous about other girls and constantly comparing myself to them. I've gotten so anxious about things and can't control the urge to not check his phone and Facebook and I hate it.<br><br>When things get out of my control I literally feel sick and it feels like a big ball of anger just building up inside me ? I go into this intense stalking mode that I feel like I just can't control. I send multiple text messages one after enough and constantly have to ask who he's with and what he's doing. I HATE THIS SO MUCH!!<br><br>He's the most amazing nice guy and I'm so scared that he won't be around much longer cause I don't let him do anything to protect myself and i know it isn't fair. It sucks so much and I just don't know how to stop this please someone help me   </div>", "date": "10-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-ruining-my-relationship/td-p/77327" }, { "author": "user-id/13243", "content": "<p>Definately not alone... I know exactly how you feel... worst feeling ever, I totally trust him but there's always that little something in your head that makes you think differently <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":disappointed_face:\">😞</span> <br>\n<br>\nHope someone helpful pops along for both our sakes <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":red_heart:\">❤️</span></p></div>", "date": "11-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-ruining-my-relationship/td-p/77327" }, { "author": "user-id/39033", "content": "<p>Hi both,</p>\n<p>I know what it is like, I've been battling my demons for the past three years with my partner. I can feel his patience and lifeline for me wearing thin and I know deep down I don't have much time left to get on my feet again.</p>\n<p>But this realisation means I have to stop concentrating on fixing the r'ship, instead focus on fixing myself, making myself better for my own sake. I don't want to crumble should the worst happen. That is out of my control but I can help myself grow stronger and more resilient.</p>\n<p>Once you stop overanalysing the r'ship and start mending yourself and getting you back on track you will find that hopefully you think differently about things and have the courage to face whatever challenges you will be given.</p>\n<p>What I'm trying to say is, in a r'ship you cannot control the other person or affect them (I know it is tempting to want to do this, I still have these urges). The best thing you can do is know yourself, learn how to manage those scary moments by finding tools that will help distract you through it. Eventually you will find it easier and easier to ignore those intruding thoughts of doubt and be glad that you didn't take action based on those urges but learn to calm down and think clearer.</p>\n<p>For example I find that when I know beforehand when he won't be home, I would plan my night on my own, with movies, food that I love. So the hours don't pass by so slowly. And on those unpredictable situations, I try not to freak out and try to divert my attention again to an activity that I enjoy. Or if I'm having an especially bad day, I would just call a friend to talk or to meet up so I am distracted. </p>\n<p>But I don't have it perfect, I still go into texting frenzies and anger outbursts. If I have been stressed, haven't been eating or sleeping well, I find it easier to get into those cycles. So I owe it to myself to live healthier than I do now.</p>\n<p>I think people like us can't afford to be idle about our health, we need to be constantly planning ahead to make sure we have adequate nutrition and rest. I believe these simple things will make a huge difference for us.</p>\n<p>All the best.</p></div>", "date": "04-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-ruining-my-relationship/td-p/77327" }, { "author": "user-id/25100", "content": "<p>Hi Kikiz,</p>\n<p>             I just want to begin by saying that I was exactly where you are for the most part of my dating life. I know you try and reason with yourself, but the feelings you have overcome any reason in your mind! What I found was that I was so critical of myself, which affected my self esteem and resulted in the behaviour that pushes guys or girls away. I always compared myself, the way I looked and my success to other people which was detrimental to my relationships. I used to turn my phone off and go out and then frantically run home so I could text him abusive messages about why he isn't texting me! I took a long hard look at myself and made some changes that helped my self esteem...I'm not sure what that is for you. I'm sure your a beautiful person with a lot to offer- so stop comparing yourself and give us a list of things you love about yourself!</p>\n<p>Please post and let us know how your going.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> Nik</p></div>", "date": "05-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-ruining-my-relationship/td-p/77327" }, { "author": "user-id/42098", "content": "<p>My 11 year relationship just ended thanks to my depression and anxiety disorder. The week before christmas, what awesome timing. Hope you work everything out because im going through hell, breaking up is always hard but having an anxiety disorder and depression seems to make it 1000000 times harder.</p></div>", "date": "10-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-ruining-my-relationship/td-p/77327" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Jet2014</p>\n<p>I'm really sorry to hear about the end of your long term relationship.  And as you quite rightly say, it doesn't make it any easier when you're battling your illnesses of anxiety disorder and depression.</p>\n<p>The last little while must be incredibly hard for you ... could I suggest that if you feel like you are able to, if you could start a new post and vent and let fly with anything that is troubling you.  That way we can try to offer as much advice and support and care for you at this time as you need.  Just a thought.</p>\n<p>ps:  Kikiz, you haven't posted for some time ... I hope that things are going \"ok\" for you.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-ruining-my-relationship/td-p/77327" }, { "author": "user-id/42098", "content": "<p>Thanks Neil. I did start my own post before I commented on this one, but have had no replies.</p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-ruining-my-relationship/td-p/77327" } ]
Anxiety is ruining my relationship
[ { "author": "user-id/14486", "content": "<p>I am just been diagnosed with depression anxiety and am still coming to terms with it. Over the last few months I have been trying to figure out what's wrong with me having headaches, dizziness, sore back, tiredness etc. I never even considered that it could be my mental health that's needs attention so am slightly shocked but now at least it all makes sense to me. I moved from NZ to Aus 2years ago and although I love it here have struggled to make friends which has never been an issue for me before. Along with a couple of other things to juggle in my life this feeling of 'stress' has built up and got worse over the last few months. I now feel quite anxious sometimes when at work, in meetings or places with big crowds. I am quite hard on myself &amp;dont think I should feel like this since I do have a good life and am only 26.</p>\n<p>My partner was quite confused when I told him asking me what I'm anxious about exactly... When there isn't one thing that causes it that I know of. I'd like to help him so he also knows how to deal with this &amp; support me as I don't want him to feel at all responsible.</p>\n<p>I have started on meds (which I know can take a while to take affect) and am going to speak to someone. I am feeling quite nervous about the whole process but hope to make things better before they get worse...</p></div>", "date": "10-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/bombshell/td-p/97203" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Travla</p>\n<p>None of us ever ask for this illness ... it just somehow sneaks up on us and attaches itself to us and bingo, we've got a mental living hell that we have to somehow cope with.</p>\n<p>I like the fact that you've sought out a professional (no doubt you GP, yeah) as you're on medication.  And yes, you got it perfectly right in saying that they do have a bit of lag time before they actually kick in ... so yes, there's no instant cure and also a lot of the time, the meds will just make things manageable;  but I think that depends on the level of where your illness is at.</p>\n<p>It does sound like your boyfriend is a caring and supportive natured person, which is a fantastic thing to have.  Perhaps one time in the future, if you say, go back to your GP, perhaps, he might be able to go along with you and then he might be able to learn \"on the spot\" a bit more about what you are suffering and might be able to pick up some tools or tips to help assist you with the support you need.</p>\n<p>Speaking of support, you have come to the right place ... this site is absolutely brilliant and has many wonderful people here, who are largely facing the dreaded illness themselves.  But they come here and provide advice, care and support to people who reach out for it.  It's a wonderful 'on-line' supportive community.</p>\n<p>Please feel welcome to come back as often as you like to post again.  We'll be here for you.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/bombshell/td-p/97203" } ]
I am just been diagnosed with depression anxiety and am still coming to terms with it. Over the last few months I have been trying to figure out what's wrong with me having headaches, dizziness, sore back, tiredness etc. I never even considered that it could be my mental health that's needs attention so am slightly shocked but now at least it all makes sense to me. I moved from NZ to Aus 2years ago and although I love it here have struggled to make friends which has never been an issue for me before. Along with a couple of other things to juggle in my life this feeling of 'stress' has built up and got worse over the last few months. I now feel quite anxious sometimes when at work, in meetings or places with big crowds. I am quite hard on myself &dont think I should feel like this since I do have a good life and am only 26. My partner was quite confused when I told him asking me what I'm anxious about exactly... When there isn't one thing that causes it that I know of. I'd like to help him so he also knows how to deal with this & support me as I don't want him to feel at all responsible. I have started on meds (which I know can take a while to take affect) and am going to speak to someone. I am feeling quite nervous about the whole process but hope to make things better before they get worse...
[ { "author": "user-id/29686", "content": "Hi everyone im new to this whole process, I have just been diagnosed with anxiety after having a stay in hospital to have my appendix removed. It was 4 days of crap, and then my nana fell and hurt her leg and has had currently 4 surgeries to fix, she is 95 and in the mean time I went to the ed having trouble breathing and chest pains to be told it could be a blood clot, i recently had a friend loose her husband to a blood clot , so all very worrying, so after another 3 days in hospital multiple tests and scans turns out no blood clot, but same day I was sent home I starting feeling awful, teary, sweaty, nausea, struggling to breath and like there was always something in my throat, so back to any doctor I could find on a sunday and he said anxiety stress and prescribed a short term medication to help me relax, but of course i now have anxiety over taken this addictive medication. So have seen my doctor who has suggested taking it for a few nights and get a good sleep and see how I feel from there and only take them if I feel I really need to. So I have gone from being very happy and outgoing, to struggling to get out of bed everyday and even the simpliest things can be to difficult somedays. And of course  now feeling worse as christmas is right around the corner and I have 2 kids and a husband that dont understand. And of course still havent taken any medication yet <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":disappointed_face:\">😞</span></div>", "date": "11-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trying-to-cope/td-p/77560" }, { "author": "user-id/30254", "content": "<p>Hello lonely,</p>\n<p>Wow, you're right at the start of everything there aren't you?  No wonder it's all a bit of a puzzle right now.</p>\n<p>My remembrance from starting medication for Anxiety (and I'm on the type called \"SSRI\") is that you actually feel WORSE for the first few days, it really takes about two weeks to start to feel the benefit from them and then it's a whole lot better.  I am pleased to read that you're talking with your doctor about this, but rest assured that this is a process that (almost) everyone goes through when beginning to make use of prescription medication.</p>\n<p>Husband and kids will find it hard to understand, that too is a common story for many who experience Anxiety.  I don't have husband or kids, (or wife!!), but I know the struggle to explaining in whys which will be understood to those who I rely upon for support just how hard it is to even roll over let alone get on with \"life\".  I'm not five years into my journey and things are going well now, but yes it did take some time in the beginning.</p>\n<p>There is light at the end of the tunnel, and even if you can't see it there are plenty of us here with torches and cups of tea to keep you company while you look.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":winking_face:\">😉</span></p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "11-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trying-to-cope/td-p/77560" }, { "author": "user-id/6071", "content": "<p>HI Lonely,</p>\n<p>I suffer from daily anxiety which can lead to nausea, vomiting, sweating, intense fear. I am currently been prescribed addictive short term medication for use when first feeling onset of a panic attack. I have worried about going back on them too, as I had been on similar medication in the past a few years and got dependent on it. However I have been trying to be moderate with its use this time and have found keeping it on hand during the day, even if I don't use it can actually reduce my anxiety. I get intense fear from the idea of being in a situation like a meeting or presentation at work and feeling helpless and uncomfortable of being in a situation I cant easily get out of. But today I had a meeting which I was dreading, and feeling onset of a panic attack but knowing I had meds on me I felt like I could get through it. And it went well. </p>\n<p>I get a lot of anxiety of the idea of getting a panic attack so having meds or something I know I can take to help seems to help me. Even if I don't always take them.</p></div>", "date": "11-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trying-to-cope/td-p/77560" }, { "author": "user-id/29686", "content": "<p>So things have gone from bad to worse with my anxiety, my nana ended passing xmas day so im now on daily medication and since im only 3 days in im feeling sick and tired all the time hoping after the first few weeks things settle down. Just not sure if there is a light at the end of the tunnel at the moment, im so tired and over feeling sick all the time. Im very lucky to have a wonderful supportive husband and thank god every day for that. I just cant believe where I am at after just 4 weeks of feeling like this. </p></div>", "date": "10-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trying-to-cope/td-p/77560" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Lonely</p>\n<p>I'm really sorry to hear about your nana, and of all times, on Christmas Day.  I lost an uncle years and years ago on Christmas day.  </p>\n<p>I am pleased to hear though about how wonderfully supportive your husband is.  That is a huge bonus for you.</p>\n<p>We're only just scraping the top off the start of this year ... so we're not that far in and what I'm saying here is to not try and beat yourself up too much about how you're feeling now.</p>\n<p>When you've got an illness such as what you have and then to be faced with the loss of a loved one, with those two things combined it can lead to that person spiralling downward.</p>\n<p>I think it was mentioned in an earlier post where if you begin taking a medication that it can have the effect of making you feel sick and unwell in the first few days to a week.  It's just something that the body then begins to deal with and once it then masters how to function with this new medication in your body, you will then begin to feel better.  Then after a few weeks, that's usually when the medication begins to function for you and hopefully this might be just the turning point that you need.</p>\n<p>I know you probably don't feel like it, but please keep your food intake to being regular and eat good nutritious meals and if you can try to take in lots of water each day as well.  Water is a huge thing (actually for ALL of us to take) and even more so as we're all seemingly going to be experiencing a good blast of summer pretty soon.  We need to keep our bodies hydrated.</p>\n<p>Lonely, I hope I've helped with even one small thing above ... and please I hope you can post back to us as often as you feel able to.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/trying-to-cope/td-p/77560" } ]
trying to cope
[ { "author": "user-id/4778", "content": "<p>Hello,</p><p>I have spent the last couple months suffering from both anxiety and depression, something I've had for years but now at it's worst. I take a range of medications however I still find it impossible to relax. Some friends and family know about my current health issues but I don't think they fully grasp what I'm experiencing. To be fair I'm pretty good at hiding my emotions at times as I don't want to be that sad guy in the corner, I want to be the one to motivate others and make them laugh </p><p>Tomorrow will be my first appointment with my psychologist. I'm both excited and nervous about it as it's been about 6 years since undergoing any from of therapy, I know I really need it.</p><p>I think about death a lot, each day even when not experiencing a panic attack I wish that I was no longer here. I've had these thoughts for years now but I don't think I could hurt my family like that and plus I'm only 23 so everyone tells me it's going to get better. It's most like I know I wouldn't hurt myself, just wish I could disappear somehow. I cry almost daily, doesn't matter where I am or who I'm with, I'm always scared and can never sleep even after taking a sleeping tablet.</p><p>Any advice would be appreciated, I just don't want to feel so alone anymore.</p></div>", "date": "08-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression/td-p/96831" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Dexter</p>\n<p>You've probably heard this a thousand times, but you've got the name of one of my absolute all time favourite shows.  Sorry, I just had to open with this.</p>\n<p>Dexter, your opening para had me thinking ... hang on, this is one of my very early posts on this website.  You described how I am perfectly.</p>\n<p>I'm so pleased that you've got an appointment with a psyche tomorrow.  Please, if you're able to, I would love to hear how it went.</p>\n<p>Oh, we do have a tad difference in age, as I'm toddling along in my late 40's and Dexter, I so so so hope that you can knock this on the head very soon.  You don't want this to hang with you for long ... although, it sounds like you've had it for a little while.  But address it and see what can be done.</p>\n<p>You've taken an important step to get counselling as well as being able to come on here and tell your story.  We need to get those awful feeling that you've described in your last paragraph out of your head ... we're a little different with the crying thing as you say you cry almost daily ... I WISH i could cry, but for some reason, something is holding me back.</p>\n<p>But again you've mentioned sleeping tablets ... I was addicted to those for something like 8 years, until I changed Dr's (I didn't want too, but it had to happen) and my new Dr's first item on his list with me was to get me off sleeping tablets.  But I've kind of lucked out somehow, cause I take 3 different medications daily ... and two of them are night time ones, cause about an hour later, I am able to lie down and go to sleep.</p>\n<p>I'm nervous and have really bad anxiety.  Mate, you are definitely not alone.  Being age of 23, what are some of the things that you REALLY like to do?  Are you into sport, fitness,computers, travel??  We need to get your mind off the absolute worst things you're thinking of, and get you onto things that you enjoy doing.  I know, you may not be at the stage for wanting to do them, but we need to find you an outlet;  some kind of release.  Having your appointment tomorrow will hopefully help some as well.</p>\n<p>I hope some of the above has made sense to you and hope to hear from you again soon</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression/td-p/96831" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Dexter,</p>\n<p>Yeah your name rings a bell with me too!!! </p>\n<p>Dexter I agree with Neil 100% in everything he has said to you.  I just want to say pls don't hold anything in or bottle it up because you're young and you don't want to hold it in for years.  I'm the same age as Neil and it's been 3 yrs since dealing with my mental illness.  </p>\n<p>Hope you can come back and chat again</p>\n<p>Pls take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression/td-p/96831" }, { "author": "user-id/4778", "content": "<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">Hello Neil <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">Firstly, thanks so much for your amazing reply, I had been curious to whether anyone would respond to my post. Secondly, Dexter isn't my real name <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":face_with_tongue:\">😛</span> It's actually Joseph. Dexter is a name I got from a kids show I used to watch when I was younger. Many people think it's from the recently tv show about the serial killer however I haven't watched it, I really need to!</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">I had my appointment with the psychologist however it didn't go as well as I had hoped. She was very nice but found out it would be two to three weeks between appointments (she only works two days a week), something I cannot deal with at the moment. I had a panic attack after leaving her office and decided I needed to find someone else. With all the anxiety and negative thoughts I’ve been experiencing recentlyI really need weekly appointments to get the ball rolling. </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">I emailed my doctor with the details of a psychologist a friend referred to me who works long hours, five days a week. I have my first appointment with her on Wednesday 15/01, so fingers crossed. </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">What was it like coming off the sleeping tablets? What made you change doctors?I’m told they can be very addictive and I know personally I think about my medication a lot, maybe too often. I’m on three different types of medications at the moment and honestly would panic if I knew I had to go a day without one of them. </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">What causes your anxiety? What do you find most relaxing/uplifting when feeling nervous or down? </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">A lot of my anxiety is based around friendships and relationships, I’ve been hurt in the past so now find it hard to trust people and forever question why people want to be around me. It’s almost like I don’t feel worthy of their time. At the moment I’m dating a guy who lives in a different state to me. It’s really tested my coping abilities as being long distance it’s all about good communication skills and most importantly trust. I’ve had many sleepless nights in a panic but know if I end the relationship it will just mean I’ve taken the easy way out, he’s never done anything to make me question him plus he’s so supportive of my mental health issues thanks to his line of work. Are you married or?</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">I’ve recently started to go running again, so far this month I have done about 35km with a goal of 80km before the month is up. Along with this I’ve gotten back into the habit of drawing, something I find both enjoyable and very relaxing. What do your hobbies include? </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial; min-height: 15px;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\"></span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">Thanks again for your supportive response, I do hope to hear back from you soon.</span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">Please take care. </span></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial;\"><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\">Dexter</span></p>\n<p>\n</p><div><span style=\"letter-spacing: 0px;\"><br>\n</span></div>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression/td-p/96831" }, { "author": "user-id/4778", "content": "<p>Hello Jo <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> </p>\n<p>Thank you also for your nice response, it means a lot to me. </p>\n<p>Can I ask what your mental illness involves? I would love to hear about it so we can share experiences and hopefully learn from each other. </p>\n<p>Please look after yourself</p>\n<p>Dexter x</p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression/td-p/96831" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Dexter</p>\n<p>I suffer from depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder and childhood sexual abuse.  On top of that my parents abandoned me 3 yrs ago when I had memories of this abuse. Only last week we are talking to each other as a result of my grandma passing away.</p>\n<p>Three years my life turned upside down, it's been hell.  But with the help of my psych, GP, my own family, and these wonderful people on here, I'm not sure where I would be right now.</p>\n<p>It's a tough journey but we can help each other.  I hope you're okay and keep coming on here if you want to because we are all understanding of each other and support each other.</p>\n<p>Take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "11-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression/td-p/96831" } ]
Anxiety and Depression
Hello, I have spent the last couple months suffering from both anxiety and depression, something I've had for years but now at it's worst. I take a range of medications however I still find it impossible to relax. Some friends and family know about my current health issues but I don't think they fully grasp what I'm experiencing. To be fair I'm pretty good at hiding my emotions at times as I don't want to be that sad guy in the corner, I want to be the one to motivate others and make them laugh  Tomorrow will be my first appointment with my psychologist. I'm both excited and nervous about it as it's been about 6 years since undergoing any from of therapy, I know I really need it. I think about death a lot, each day even when not experiencing a panic attack I wish that I was no longer here. I've had these thoughts for years now but I don't think I could hurt my family like that and plus I'm only 23 so everyone tells me it's going to get better. It's most like I know I wouldn't hurt myself, just wish I could disappear somehow. I cry almost daily, doesn't matter where I am or who I'm with, I'm always scared and can never sleep even after taking a sleeping tablet. Any advice would be appreciated, I just don't want to feel so alone anymore.
[ { "author": "user-id/36869", "content": "<p>I  am new  . I ended up in hospital emergency because I was feeling a extreme fear feeling and didn't know what was happening, I was visited by the mental health team and with the link to a  psychiatrist I was diagnosed with PTSD. I was in hospital for 6 days while they adjusted some meds to help with night terrors and day time extreme fear feeling.</p>\n<p>I was loosing my confidence over the last 5mths and didn't know why. I had 2 brain tumours removed 6mths ago and haven't had a good time at recovery ,things just kept being thrown at me. The team at the hospital feel that this is my reason for feeling the way I do.</p>\n<p>I am on meds until I can have a vid conference with a psychiatrist next week. The meds seemed to be helping in hospital but not now I am home. My triggers are many and not sure what is what. The scared feeling is at times overwhelming and I don't know how to help myself get through  them.</p>\n<p>I sleep better but I don't like waking up as that terror feeling is there and I deep breath ,go for walk and try to continue daily life through it but at times I find it hard and it takes over .</p>\n<p>Has anyone got some advice or tried methods that has worked for them to help calm down.</p>\n<p>I have been told I will be doing 'talk therapy' and am on antidepressant and a med to help calm me</p>\n<p>I find it is crippling me and my whole days now are consumed. I am trying not to let it by distracting myself.I havnt left my home since I have come out of hospital.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/newly-diagnosed-with-ptsd/td-p/96939" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<div>Hi MargW,</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>Thanks for joining the forums. Well done on your recovery to date, please try not to be too hard on yourself. Removal of two brain tumours and surviving that is amazing, plus you've recognised what you need to do to move forward and you're seeking the help that you need.</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>In terms of coping with feelings of panic while they are happening, there are a few things you can try:</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>1. Control your breathing: you’ll want to breathe rapidly, but try and slow down. Place one hand on your chest, and another on your stomach – breathe in for two counts, and out for four. Try and concentrate totally on this action.</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>2. Counter negative thoughts: repeat simple, short sentences to yourself that reassure. ‘I will get through this’, ‘My heart will slow down’, ‘I am in control’, 'I am in a safe place here at home'.</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>3. Take notice of your body: sit down if you can, with your feet firmly on the ground. Tense your muscles for five seconds, then release, working in groups up your body. Feet, then legs, then back, all the way up to your face.</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>At other times, you can try and occupy your mind with simple activities that you enjoy and give you that feeling of warmth.</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>For me, if I'm really tensed up, then lying down on the bed and listening to some music, an audiobook or a podcast is very enjoyable.  Watching a TV show or a movie that will make me laugh can really change your mindset.</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>Anyone else have suggestions?</div>\n<div><br>\n</div></div>", "date": "10-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/newly-diagnosed-with-ptsd/td-p/96939" } ]
Newly Diagnosed with PTSD
I  am new  . I ended up in hospital emergency because I was feeling a extreme fear feeling and didn't know what was happening, I was visited by the mental health team and with the link to a  psychiatrist I was diagnosed with PTSD. I was in hospital for 6 days while they adjusted some meds to help with night terrors and day time extreme fear feeling. I was loosing my confidence over the last 5mths and didn't know why. I had 2 brain tumours removed 6mths ago and haven't had a good time at recovery ,things just kept being thrown at me. The team at the hospital feel that this is my reason for feeling the way I do. I am on meds until I can have a vid conference with a psychiatrist next week. The meds seemed to be helping in hospital but not now I am home. My triggers are many and not sure what is what. The scared feeling is at times overwhelming and I don't know how to help myself get through  them. I sleep better but I don't like waking up as that terror feeling is there and I deep breath ,go for walk and try to continue daily life through it but at times I find it hard and it takes over . Has anyone got some advice or tried methods that has worked for them to help calm down. I have been told I will be doing 'talk therapy' and am on antidepressant and a med to help calm me I find it is crippling me and my whole days now are consumed. I am trying not to let it by distracting myself.I havnt left my home since I have come out of hospital.    
[ { "author": "user-id/36693", "content": "<p>Hey guys, im 20 years old and have just moved out of home about 2 months ago.</p>\n<p>i have noticed my anxiety over the past 6-8 months and have constantly told myself its just in my head but this morning at 6am after not sleeping for 24 hours (i havnt had a good sleep in over a month if not longer) i suddenly felt this over whelming feeling of being stressed and worried at the same time and i was sweating and going numb and dizzy.</p>\n<p>i have anger issues and sometimes get the same feeling apart from the numbness and dizziness and im wondering if anxiety can affect my anger issues. </p>\n<p>i come from a good/ caring family with a history of ADHD and Anxiety and OCD with the ADHD coming from my dads side and OCD and Anxiety from my mother.</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">im also in a very commited relationship with the best girl i have ever met but she is struggling very hard with Depression with episodes of wanting to kill herself which i have spend hours helping her through and have prevented it atleast 7 times in 6 months at about 8 hours each time.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">i have no trigger or anything, one minute im happy as larry then the next i feel nothing. i cant talk to friends or family about it because it makes me feel weak and everyone around me sees me as a foundation and i cant put this </span><span style=\"font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px;\">burden onto anyone else expecially my girlfriend.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\">any replies would me extremely helpful.  </span></p></div>", "date": "07-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-anger/td-p/95908" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "<p>Hi User1993, you were exactly right, it is all in your head just like me and everyone else in this forum, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously.  It's a disease and medical advice would be a really good idea.  Your insomnia sounds quite bad and what you describe may have been a panic attack, but I'm not sure about that.  Seeing a GP would be a good first step.  Also does your girlfriend have help, support.  It' sound like she is really lucky to have you but you can't tackle a problem like suicidal behaviour on your own.</p></div>", "date": "08-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-anger/td-p/95908" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi User1993  </p>\n<p>It’s really great that you’ve come on here and to reach out for assistance.   Perkin has provided a very good response and I agree that seeing a GP is something that you should do, to try and assist yourself with the anxiety that is building within you.   </p>\n<p> The major concern is your girlfriend’s welfare.  7 times in the last 6 months means she’s in an absolutely terrifying place.  And this is way too much pressure to put you under – I mean what you’ve done so far is just outstanding to provide the support and care and effort it takes when someone is in crisis like that.  That just speaks volumes for the kind of person you are.   </p>\n<p>Are you (or your girlfriend) familiar with the crisis phone numbers when times get critical – on the top of this page Beyond Blue have their hotline crisis number and also Lifeline (131114) is available as well.   </p>\n<p>Has your girlfriend had any professional help that you’re aware of?   If not, can you please get her along to a GP as a matter of urgency … these types of issues should always be treated with the utmost of importance.  I’m so please that you’ve been there to help her during her chronic times in the past.  </p>\n<p>But I really hope that you can arrange for an appointment for her (well, both of you actually) as soon as possible.   </p>\n<p>And please get back to us, if you feel you’d like to.  There’s a stack of wonderful people on this site and we’re here to help with advice and support as much as we can.   </p>\n<p>Kind regards   </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-anger/td-p/95908" } ]
Anxiety. Anger.
Hey guys, im 20 years old and have just moved out of home about 2 months ago. i have noticed my anxiety over the past 6-8 months and have constantly told myself its just in my head but this morning at 6am after not sleeping for 24 hours (i havnt had a good sleep in over a month if not longer) i suddenly felt this over whelming feeling of being stressed and worried at the same time and i was sweating and going numb and dizzy. i have anger issues and sometimes get the same feeling apart from the numbness and dizziness and im wondering if anxiety can affect my anger issues.  i come from a good/ caring family with a history of ADHD and Anxiety and OCD with the ADHD coming from my dads side and OCD and Anxiety from my mother.
[ { "author": "user-id/6932", "content": "<p>Hi all, I haven't posted since about July last year when I was in the midst of a deep depression/anxiety.  I am so glad to say that after lots of drug changes, seeing a wonderful psychologist and discovering meditation that I can finally feel the fog has lifted, although the anxiety in the pit of my stomach still rears its ugly head from time to time.  Now the next battle is to get off the alcohol which during all that and the last few years has become a problem of a bottle of wine every night.  At least one battle is nearly over and now to face the next, but with a lot more positive attitude.  I didn't believe it when others said that there was a light at the end of the tunnel but it happened, and I am thankful for that every day.</p>\n<p>Best wishes.</p></div>", "date": "08-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/new-year-thank-goodness/td-p/96355" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Daisychain, it's always difficult for people who are bogged down with depression, and hell this was exactly how I was, to believe that the light will eventually appear.</p>\n<p>I could never ever believe my psychologist of 20 years who often said this to me, it seemed to be absolutely impossible, it could never happen, it's only dark in my world, but she was right, how dare I disbelieve her, and now the same has happened to you.</p>\n<p>This is stage one and mind you the biggest challenge of all, to finally cement your feet on rock solid ground, and well done, this is fantastic.</p>\n<p>Now stage two begins on giving up the grog, it sounds as though it's difficult, and it can be, but with determination you can overcome this as well, so lets talk about it at your pace, so please get back to us and begin this process. L Geoff. x</p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/new-year-thank-goodness/td-p/96355" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Daisychain </p>\n<p>That is such a great result that you’ve been able to post to us about.  I feel really happy for you and wow, you must feel like so much weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It’s good that you can still recognise when anxiety comes along to rear up its ugly head … and I hope that you have ways to counter this;  perhaps like a massive sword that you can swipe at it to remove its head! </p>\n<p>Yes, the dreaded alcohol … addictions … I’m not really sure what to write here … I know that you’ve received a great reply from Geoff already and he will be someone for you to listen to, as he says, when you’re ready … because he’s been through his own battle with that and has come out on top.  I believe there’s others on this site who have been to the depths with alcohol and have also fought the hard fight and won.  </p>\n<p>But I think the key words in Geoff’s reply to you was, “talk about it at your pace” and then Geoff ( and no doubt others ) will be able to walk you through the process. </p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p> Neil</p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/new-year-thank-goodness/td-p/96355" } ]
New Year thank goodness
Hi all, I haven't posted since about July last year when I was in the midst of a deep depression/anxiety.  I am so glad to say that after lots of drug changes, seeing a wonderful psychologist and discovering meditation that I can finally feel the fog has lifted, although the anxiety in the pit of my stomach still rears its ugly head from time to time.  Now the next battle is to get off the alcohol which during all that and the last few years has become a problem of a bottle of wine every night.  At least one battle is nearly over and now to face the next, but with a lot more positive attitude.  I didn't believe it when others said that there was a light at the end of the tunnel but it happened, and I am thankful for that every day. Best wishes.
[ { "author": "user-id/3977", "content": "<p>Hello,</p>\n<p>I have just finished reading the book \"Coming back to me\" by Marcus Trescothick (retired English cricketer). It has a very good description of an anxiety attack as he experienced it. When I was reading the relevant passage I could relate to it as if he was telling me what I have experienced.</p>\n<p>Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone would like to read the book and possibly get as much out of it as I have.</p>\n<p>Thanks and I wish you all well.</p></div>", "date": "09-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression-book/td-p/96772" } ]
Anxiety and Depression Book
Hello, I have just finished reading the book "Coming back to me" by Marcus Trescothick (retired English cricketer). It has a very good description of an anxiety attack as he experienced it. When I was reading the relevant passage I could relate to it as if he was telling me what I have experienced. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone would like to read the book and possibly get as much out of it as I have. Thanks and I wish you all well.
[ { "author": "user-id/29892", "content": "<p><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);\">I'd had enough. Today I felt like I was going to shatter into a million pieces and remain broken on the floor. My latest panic attack was worse than any I've ever had before -  I  couldn't breathe  properly, I was sweating profusely in an air conditioned room , my clothes felt too right across my chest, I felt hot... Too hot,  black spots blurred the edges of my vision and I felt like I was going to  pass out or my heart would stop..<br>\n</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);\"> I could no longer cope with the panic attacks and the constant feeling of being anxious by myself. I am currently studying a health degree and had been aware for quite some time that I had the signs and symptoms that are directly related to an anxiety disorder. I couldn't admit to myself or anybody I care about that I am struggling and in denial of my anxiety disorder. Even now as I type this I'm in tears. What does this mean for my future? Will it ever stop or can it only be managed.... Why me?<br>\n</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);\">Denial is the silent killer of all mental health related illnesses. . . So why am I unable to reach out to my  partner, friends and family for some support.... I'm too anxious to tell them.. Too anxious of feeling judged .... Thinking about it is making me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack... </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);\">I've been given a prescription and awaiting to hear from a psychologist for an appointment schedule...I'm already thinking what is my excuse to my partner for coming home from work  late one day a week to attend appointments... II don't know why I'm typing this  just venting how I'm feeling... I'm lost and lonely and not feeling ready to anybody yet.. Can anyone give any advice on how they told the significant people in their life?</span></p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-ve-just-been-diagnosed-with-anxiety/td-p/40151" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Lulu</p>\n<p>I'm sorry you are having such a bad time with your panic attacks.  I totally understand what they're like; I;ve had a few while driving home having to call 000 for help. </p>\n<p>I started to see a psych for work related stress. After a few sessions I had memories of being sexually abused as a child.  I couldn't tell my husband or parents, so i continued my weekly psych sessions telling my husband it was work related.</p>\n<p>After about a month of sessions on my own I decided to tell my husband.  I told him by asking him to come to a session and I had written a letter to him,  I read the letter to him while my psych was in the room.  It was very emotional but i am glad i did.</p>\n<p>I think you need to tell your partner because it's hard to hide it from him.  He will support you, he will help you.  It's good that you are going to see a pysch.</p>\n<p>It's really okay to speak out about mental illness, don't be scared, you will be okay.</p>\n<p>I hope you can come back on and let us know how you go.</p>\n<p>Pls take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-ve-just-been-diagnosed-with-anxiety/td-p/40151" }, { "author": "user-id/8896", "content": "<p>I to suffer from anxiety,took about a year to figure it out,thought the nausea was a physical problem.no way can you do this on your own,your partner must know something is wrong and I guarantee if you tell him what your going through you will have a huge giant weight removed from you......I've been on medication 3 weeks and had my first visit to a therapist and I'm telling any body who wants to know about it what's going on.....specialy my wife......tell him today......he probably knows anyway.</p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-ve-just-been-diagnosed-with-anxiety/td-p/40151" } ]
I've just been diagnosed with anxiety
[ { "author": "user-id/10204", "content": "<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span class=\"s2\" style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\">Hi everyone</span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span class=\"s2\" style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\">I’m completely new to this site and was referred to this by my doctor yesterday to seek some advice and knowledge about stress management.  Long story short, I went there for a few things and talking about feeling how I have been was one of them.  But as soon as she started asking questions, I felt very scared and played it down completely.  She did say that if my feelings get to a point where they start to get on top of me, I should go back and see her.  What I failed to tell her was that they are getting on top of me, and I feel I can’t cope much longer without treatment or answers sometime soon.  I felt too scared, and now I will share what’s been going on in hope it will help me feel better until I can brave up and make another appointment to go back and see her</span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"><span class=\"s2\">Out of nowhere my heart will start beating really fast and it feels like I can hear my heart beat </span><span class=\"s2\">through</span><span class=\"s2\"> the pulsing in my ears, as though I am hearing a beat through headphones – it is that clear.  I start to feel some sort of déjà vu sensation like I’ve already experienced/done whatever it is I am doing in that very moment.  This causes me to feel extremely overwhelmed and I find I start to sweat and suffer from dizziness.  The sensation lasts for about a minute on average.  </span><span class=\"s2\">This happens randomly.  Some examples are:  </span><span class=\"s2\">I will look at a street sign while walking down the street, playing a game on my phone, mid conversation with people and just sitting and working at my desk.  It makes me feel </span><span class=\"s2\">a bit of </span><span class=\"s2\">panic and it takes me a lot of effort to focus on breathing and keeping calm</span><span class=\"s2\"> so surrounding people don’t notice something is wrong.  Sometimes the end result </span><span class=\"s2\">may leave me with a minor headache for about 10-15 minutes</span></span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"><span class=\"s2\">I feel constantly nervous and nauseous when I am at work,</span><span class=\"s2\"> I find this incredibly difficult to switch off and it has gotten progressively worse over the last 3 months especially.  </span><span class=\"s2\">I’ve found that I have had 2 people in particular within my workplace criticise and nit-pick at things.  </span><span class=\"s2\">I feel that I have had 2 managers who have me under performance management.  </span><span class=\"s2\">Lots of little annoying tasks are added to my workload.  It is not the workload that is bothering </span><span class=\"s2\">me,</span><span class=\"s2\"> it is the constant things added which is mainly double checking everything.  If I miss/forget any of these things, I’m</span><span class=\"s2\">confronted about it immediately, yet I have a team member who is known to waste time by reading eBooks online as well as on her iPhone – nothing is ever done about this, despite bringing it to my manager’s attention.  </span><span class=\"s2\">I feel like I am constantly watched and being checked up on, I believe this behaviour is what has triggered my nervousness</span><span class=\"s2\">, nausea and minor paranoia.  One of these people was an acting manager while someone was on maternity leave, they made it clear they do not like that person and had involved my manager in bitch sessions about her.  I was constantly hearing negative stories and thoughts about this person, who I have had no problems with in the workplace.  She returned to work in April and it has been very uncomfortable to be around because the other 2 are constantly bickering and trying to find ways to trip her up in her work or nit-pick at things she does and wears. One of them tried to tell me that she thinks this person is having an affair with the office manager, and there is a particular skirt she wears that is bright and short in length, an obvious sign she is trying to be flirtatious.  I found both of these suggestions outrageous and completely disturbing and untrue.  That was when I retracted and now sit at my desk with my headphones in.  I avoid interaction with these people as much as I can.  I sneak out to my lunch break to avoid being followed as I was finding my manager would tag along with me and bitch about this person the whole time.  I would listen but not contribute anything negative.  I also believe that because my feedback was not in line with her thoughts, I get treated differently</span></span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"><span class=\"s2\">I feel that due to all these politics, it has having a severe effect on my health and wellbeing.  I have stopped eating well, when I do bother to eat at all.  I am crying a lot either in the bathroom at work or when I get home.  I have never experienced anything like this before so this is all very new and strange for me.  I even chickened out of telling my doctor </span><span class=\"s2\">yesterday </span><span class=\"s2\">how severely unwell I feel when I asked for suggest</span><span class=\"s2\">ions on how to cope with </span><span class=\"s2\">this,</span><span class=\"s2\"> I made it sound like it’s not such a big deal.</span></span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"><span class=\"s2\">I’m currently seeking employment e</span><span class=\"s2\">lsewhere as I don’t believe these issues can possibly be resolved given that the people involved are all heavily involved with how the business functions, one of the culprits in particular is very friendly with upper management so I think it’s just best that I cut my losses and move on ASAP</span><span class=\"s2\">.  I am just hoping something comes up that can get me to escape very soon as I am not sure how much longer I can cope at the moment.  I am still very hesitant to let HR know about these issues also.  Scared it will make everything worse.</span></span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"><span class=\"s2\">If you’re still reading this, thanks for taking the time!</span><span class=\"s2\">  I have no idea if this is what anxiety actually is, but whatever it is – I hate it and I hope by finding a job elsewhere, it will go away completely – my life outside of work is absolutely fantastic, I think that’s the only thing keeping me going right now!</span><a name=\"_GoBack\"></a></span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"> </span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"> </span></p>\n<p class=\"s2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto;\"><span style=\"background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); font-family: arial, sans-serif;\"> </span></p></div>", "date": "13-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-stress-something-else-scared-and-hopeless/td-p/55481" }, { "author": "user-id/5945", "content": "<p>Hi there,</p>\n<p>Welcome to the forum, and well done on posting about what you are experiencing. What you've described sounds a lot like anxiety and panic attacks. They're pretty common (1 in 4 people) but can be incredibly debilitating without support. We'd suggest getting back to your doctor and letting them know that you would like a referral to a mental health provider. Under medicare you can access sessions with a private clinician who can help you develop some strategies to cope when you feel these experiences coming on. If it is hard to talk to the GP, why not print out what you have shared online and take it with you? If you're interested, you can download the booklet 'A guide to what works for anxiety' from the beyondblue website here:</p>\n<p>http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/treatments-for-anxiety/psychological-treatments</p>\n<p>With best wishes</p>\n<p>beyondblue moderation team</p></div>", "date": "16-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-stress-something-else-scared-and-hopeless/td-p/55481" }, { "author": "user-id/5860", "content": "<p>Hello Bushpuppet,</p>\n<p>This sounds like a case of discrimination, which is a crime. I would write a formal letter to upper management explaining the situation in detail. Don't be afraid of unemployment. It's really not as bad as what you're experiencing by working there. No one can legally fire you for complaining. If upper management don't fix the problem in a reasonable time, and/or things get worse, you can then contact government officials to step in and evaluate whether working conditions are safe. The worst thing they can do is fire you, then you can say good riddance and consult a lawyer to see if you have grounds for an unfair dismissal suit.</p>\n<p>Yoh have the power. Smile! </p></div>", "date": "16-06-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-stress-something-else-scared-and-hopeless/td-p/55481" }, { "author": "user-id/38228", "content": "<p>Hi There,</p>\n<p>Firstly, well done on taking the first step and writing on the forum! I know it can be hard to get it all out, I am quite new myself. </p>\n<p>I suffer from Anxiety and from my own personal experiences it is so important to be honest with your doctor they are there to help, not to judge no matter how scared you might be. (I found telling them I was scared and nervous helped when I was in my appointment and they reassured me.)</p>\n<p>When I first went to the doctor and told her about my anxiety she recommended counselling which was great as I didn't want to go straight on medication. A year later after a very stressful time in my life I was back struggling with my Anxiety however, and she recommended medication - something I flat out refused as I was so scared about the whole thing. I told my partner that night, someone who I feel is 'safe' to talk about my anxiety and help me through when I feel at my lowest. We made another appointment together and having him there helped with the decision of going on medication. I am only on a small dose but its helping.</p>\n<p>Do you feel you have someone you can talk to about what's been happening at work and how you have been getting anxious, someone you feel you could trust or even come with you to an appointment if you are really nervous about going by yourself?</p>\n<p>For me counselling was a really good step before medication, it helped me learn coping strategies for anxiety especially within the stressful situations like you may find at work. But speaking to your doctor is a good step as to what they recommend and what you feel comfortable with.</p>\n<p>I think its good that your looking into other job opportunities, its not worth staying if its causing you stress, once you find a new position - usually the HR department with conduct an 'exit interview' they do this with every employee if they are leaving usually, now you can request to put it in writing - if you feel you cant approach them with the office politics etc. then it may be worth voicing it in a letter for them to deal with after you have left the organisation, it may even give you some closure once you have left to know that the issues have been raised.</p>\n<p>Lastly do something outside of work that makes you happy that you do for yourself, a sport, hobby or something (Kickboxing maybe haha) to take your mind off things or let go of the days frustration. One thing I have learnt from my Anxiety is, its not a weakness and I openly talk about it because it makes me more comfortable with who I am and hopefully will make people understand.</p>\n<p>Good Luck with new endeavours in 2014 <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "27-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-stress-something-else-scared-and-hopeless/td-p/55481" } ]
Anxiety? Stress? Something else? Scared and hopeless...
[ { "author": "user-id/34500", "content": "<p>Hi</p>\n<p>I am a single parent, i have struggled with PTSD since experiencing Domestic Violence 13 years ago. My son has regular contact with his father and is now being treated for GAD. I am struggling because his behavior reminds me of his father and hence triggers my PTSD. My family are inter-state.My son is sleeping in my room and is afraid to be left home alone ( he is almost 15). What support is there for me??i am doing my best to support him but at times, I really need a break. I am hoping when school goes back he will improve.</p></div>", "date": "26-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stressed-out/td-p/37741" }, { "author": "user-id/31293", "content": "<p>Hi Needsupport</p>\n<p>Firstly, well done on taking first step - the most important thing to do in getting help is simply to start asking questions.</p>\n<p>My initial question is - are you getting help at present for your PTSD? Sounds like you've been through some pretty awful times in the past and need to make sure you're being attended to properly - without this, it's going to be hard to help your son.</p>\n<p>I imagine that it's unfortunately unsurprising that your son has learned how to act like his father if he's been around him.  I imagine you'll get lots more replies which will be great, but first thing I'd advise is to get him to your GP and discuss what's going on.  It's really important for him to understand that these issues are coming up simply because his body/brain don't produce the right mix of chemicals at the right time - poor kid is kicking into a gale!</p>\n<p>Also, it's nothing to be ashamed of - it's not his doing.  The only thing he should be ashamed of is not doing something about it once he's aware of it.  I am also guessing at 15 years old, hormones are going crazy which can impede reasonable thinking too.</p>\n<p>Does your PTSD allow you to be able to go for a walk or something to give you a break?</p>\n<p>Hope you find something here that helps</p>\n<p>Kind regards </p>\n<p>Scott</p></div>", "date": "26-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/stressed-out/td-p/37741" } ]
stressed out
Hi I am a single parent, i have struggled with PTSD since experiencing Domestic Violence 13 years ago. My son has regular contact with his father and is now being treated for GAD. I am struggling because his behavior reminds me of his father and hence triggers my PTSD. My family are inter-state.My son is sleeping in my room and is afraid to be left home alone ( he is almost 15). What support is there for me??i am doing my best to support him but at times, I really need a break. I am hoping when school goes back he will improve.
[ { "author": "user-id/67", "content": "<p>I recently found out that I have anxiety and I have a very low understanding of the nature of it so forgive me if I say something incorrect. About 4 and a half months ago I got badly concussed on football tournament and from that somehow I developed anxiety. I think it was always lurking in me somewhere but it has become a very serious issue for me now. Before the concussion (which is my third) I was confident, I loved being around people and has no problems speaking to anyone. Now the only people I can speak to are my parents and even that is hard for me. The thought of having to go to the shop, let alone interact with someone is so frightening for me and I hate it! I am so self conscious I can not be around people, I don't know I just think that they are judging me all the time. I have lost all but one of my friends and along with that because of my concussion I most likely will never be able to play football again because of my concussion which will completely ruin me. Football has been my life for a very long time and not being able to play will destroy me. I don't know where to turn, I'm so self conscious I can't even tell my psychologist everything that's going on so this is kinda my last resort <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":disappointed_face:\">😞</span> if you think you can help me in anyway or just want to share something with me please, please do it really would help me a lot! Good luck to you all <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "21-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-has-turned-my-life-upside-down/td-p/100915" }, { "author": "user-id/67", "content": "<p>Also I am only 14 and am at high school so I am a bit worried it will effect my grades.</p>\n<p>katie</p></div>", "date": "22-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-has-turned-my-life-upside-down/td-p/100915" }, { "author": "user-id/17161", "content": "<p>Hi Katie, </p>\n<p>Congratulations on finding us.  </p>\n<p>Can you do a search for post-concussion syndrome?  Anxiety is one of the symptoms.  There is treatment available ... this is what one of the websites I looked at says (in part):</p>\n<p><em>\nDepression and anxiety</em></p>\n<p><em>The symptoms of post-concussion syndrome often improve after the affected person learns that there is a cause for his or her symptoms, and that they will likely improve with time. Education about the disorder can ease a person's fears and help provide peace of mind. If you're experiencing new or increasing depression or anxiety after a concussion, some treatment options include:</em></p>\n<p><em>Psychotherapy. It may be helpful to discuss your concerns with a psychologist or psychiatrist who has experience in working with people with brain injury.</em></p>\n<p><em>Medication. To combat anxiety or depression, antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed.\n</em></p>\n<p>I like the bit about improving in time ... another site said that improvement may come in as little as three months, or it might take a year.  </p>\n<p>As for more information, there is plenty here if you browse around BB.  </p>\n<p>When you say football, do you mean soccer?  (Ex Pommy here).  I had the great pleasure of listening to Chelsea beat Manchester United the other morning.  And I absolutely adored <em>Bend It Like Beckham</em>.  </p>\n<p>On your school work, I'm qualified as a high school teacher.  I'd be happy to give you a hand with your school work.  In fact, I would love it as I'm not working right now and I miss it.  </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "22-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-has-turned-my-life-upside-down/td-p/100915" }, { "author": "user-id/67", "content": "<p>Hi there and thank you for replying!</p><p>i was diagnosed with post concussion syndrome very early on but I think anxiety was alway lurking somewhere inside me and whether it was the dramatic change in lifestyle or the post concussion syndrome I'm not completely sure and there have been many different opinions from different people. And yes it is soccer I am talking about and I must say I am very pleases that arsenal is top of the table at the moment!! </p><p>thank you once again,</p><p>Katie </p></div>", "date": "25-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-has-turned-my-life-upside-down/td-p/100915" }, { "author": "user-id/17161", "content": "<p>An Arsenal fan?  I'll have to try and convert you.  BLUE is THE color!!!! But, at least it's a London club <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":winking_face:\">😉</span></p><p> </p></div>", "date": "25-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-has-turned-my-life-upside-down/td-p/100915" }, { "author": "user-id/67", "content": "<p>Oh no I'm an arsenal fan for life! I am currently in hospital at the moment though I have been getting strange symptoms and have not been very well so I've just just got my fingers crossed that I can start school full time (in two days time...) hope everything is going well for you <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "26-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-has-turned-my-life-upside-down/td-p/100915" }, { "author": "user-id/17161", "content": "<p>(((Katie))) I hope all is going well for you in hospital.  Best wishes to you.  Please keep in touch.  </p>\n<p>Things are going fine for me here ... thank you.  </p>\n<p>I thought we might start a thread in the Schools and Education forum??? Maybe some other people might like to join in??? </p>\n<p>I'm a whiz when it comes to medieval castles <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":winking_face:\">😉</span> My parents used to live next door to one.  </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "26-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-has-turned-my-life-upside-down/td-p/100915" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Katie;</p>\n<p>I'm so sorry to hear that you're currently in hospital.  I do hope that you stay there won't be that long for you.  I bet your parents are worried and with you a lot?</p>\n<p>Are your parents into soccer as well?   Are they the ones who put you towards your love of Arsenal?</p>\n<p>Katie, I'm also sorry that (a) I'm not overly into soccer and (b) with regards to schooling and subjects, um yes, the least said the better.</p>\n<p>BUT it is so brilliant that you've got Katy chatting with you.  Katy has provided really excellent advice and guidance to a lot of other posters to this site and I know that you're in excellent hands there.</p>\n<p>Having said the above Katie, I do LOVE my sport and those kinds of activities ... and at the present time, I think that you won't be too much into anything sporting and it also seems that soccer for you in the future could be a concern?  But I hope that you can.  You do sound sporty though ... have you ever played or had a go at touch football, or the other version of it, OzTag?</p>\n<p>The other thing I was thinking about for you, obviously dependent of where you're living, but a lot of places have indoor soccer available?</p>\n<p>Anyway, I'll send this post off ... and I so hope that you'll actually be out of hospital really soon.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "26-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-has-turned-my-life-upside-down/td-p/100915" } ]
Anxiety has turned my life upside down.
I recently found out that I have anxiety and I have a very low understanding of the nature of it so forgive me if I say something incorrect. About 4 and a half months ago I got badly concussed on football tournament and from that somehow I developed anxiety. I think it was always lurking in me somewhere but it has become a very serious issue for me now. Before the concussion (which is my third) I was confident, I loved being around people and has no problems speaking to anyone. Now the only people I can speak to are my parents and even that is hard for me. The thought of having to go to the shop, let alone interact with someone is so frightening for me and I hate it! I am so self conscious I can not be around people, I don't know I just think that they are judging me all the time. I have lost all but one of my friends and along with that because of my concussion I most likely will never be able to play football again because of my concussion which will completely ruin me. Football has been my life for a very long time and not being able to play will destroy me. I don't know where to turn, I'm so self conscious I can't even tell my psychologist everything that's going on so this is kinda my last resort if you think you can help me in anyway or just want to share something with me please, please do it really would help me a lot! Good luck to you all
[ { "author": "user-id/41959", "content": "<p>I was diagnosed a year ago with GAD ocd and panic disorder,  all severe.  </p>\n<p>I am on medication to help with these conditions which has definitely helped with the GAD symptoms like agoraphobia,  paranoia etc. </p>\n<p>But I still get thephysical symptoms. For the last week I have had bouts of nausea,  constant dizziness/vertigo, headaches etc. I thought I was pregnant but that's been ruled out. I feel uneasy, lethargic, weak and tired. So then my health anxiety kicks in. I have had my ears checked?  Nothing. pregnancy test negative. My BP was low day before yesterday but was ok when it was checked again yesterday. Because<span style=\"background-color: #dfdede;\">e my meds have helped with my symptoms I have sort of forgotten how it felt when I was really bad and health anxiety takes over.  Ive googled brain tumors, everything. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"background-color: #dfdede;\">Does anyone else have extreme dizziness for days on end, eyes sore, poor concentration and occasional nausea ? </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"background-color: #dfdede;\">Thank u x </span></p></div>", "date": "23-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/physical-anxiety-symptoms/td-p/35331" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi staystrongsoldieron,</p><p>Welcome to the forums. Those physical symptoms sound full on and uncomfortable. While physical symptoms can be a part of anxiety, it would be best to have a full and frank discussion with your GP about them.  It sounds like you may have been in touch already to have the tests you describe, but it would be good to have a discussion in the context of the anxiety disorders you're being treated for.</p><p>Have you ever been given a referral to a psychologist to help work through your anxiety symptoms?  </p><p>There is more information about the wide range of different treatments for anxiety disorders in this beyondblue resource, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.mhfa.com.au/cms/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/whatworks_anxietydisorders.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">A Guide To What Works For Anxiety Disorders.</a></p></div>", "date": "24-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/physical-anxiety-symptoms/td-p/35331" } ]
physical anxiety symptoms
I was diagnosed a year ago with GAD ocd and panic disorder,  all severe.   I am on medication to help with these conditions which has definitely helped with the GAD symptoms like agoraphobia,  paranoia etc.  But I still get thephysical symptoms. For the last week I have had bouts of nausea,  constant dizziness/vertigo, headaches etc. I thought I was pregnant but that's been ruled out. I feel uneasy, lethargic, weak and tired. So then my health anxiety kicks in. I have had my ears checked?  Nothing. pregnancy test negative. My BP was low day before yesterday but was ok when it was checked again yesterday. Because
[ { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p>I am soon returning to Uni. I suffer some generalized anxiety but do not have a diagnosis. I do not match the clinical criteria. When I completed the enrollment I did not tick the box for mental health issues. I have completed a degree previously but did struggle with the stress of it and dropped out during the Honors year. Now I am wondering if I should have ticked the box to indicate I may need support but I am afraid of incurring unnecessary stigma. If anyone knows how the university may handle it. I would be pleased to hear. Thanks, Daisy101.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "21-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Daisy,</p>\n<p>Most universities should provide counselling or other supports as part of their student services - have a look on the website of the uni you attend.  It is not uncommon to struggle with stress while at uni, and it's in the uni's best interests to help you get the best out of your time there.</p>\n<p>There are also online tools available to help you with some of the more common anxieties that arise during study - one programme that beyondblue endorses is called The Desk &gt; https://www.thedesk.org.au (please copy and paste the link)</p>\n<p>It would be best to get your supports in place and your confidence up before embarking on your study year, so you can concentrate fully on your work.</p>\n<p>Does anyone else have thoughts on this?</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>____________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "22-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi CB,</p>\n<p>Thank you this link looks interesting. </p>\n<p>Cheers,</p>\n<p>Daisy.</p></div>", "date": "22-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p>Thought I would update in case anyone else was interested. I have made contact with the counselling service this can be done without contacting disability support. Although if you have a need for special consideration it would be good to do that. The counselling service is private and free so that is an extra bonus. Cheerio.</p></div>", "date": "15-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Daisy, I am curious as to how this counselling service is, compared to any professional assistance.</p>\n<p>Have you spoken to them about not ticking the 'mental support', and whether you maybe should have, just saying. L Geoff. x </p></div>", "date": "16-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Geoff,</p>\n<p>I am not really an expert on professional assistance. The counselor I saw is a psychologist. I think the counselling service is the 'mental support'. Ticking the box just alerts the university about the statistics on what resources may be required, even if someone ticks the box it is still up to each individual to approach the support services that they might need to access. </p>\n<p>If I had a companion animal that I wanted to be able to accompany me on campus or other physical challenges to sight, hearing, mobility etc I would not hesitate to contact disability support to get the support I needed. But at this point I do not think it is necessary and it may just give me another thing to stress about. </p>\n<p>I will admit that with my experience so far I was probably unnecessarily worried about it. Comes with having the anxious features I think.</p>\n<p>Oh and thank you for reminding me about my \"Daisy\" name. I might see if I can change back to that it has a nice ring to it. Cheers.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "16-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi again Geoff. Just noticed that I was using the Daisy handle when I first started this thread. Will have to stop changing my name I think I am confusing myself. Peace.<span style=\"font-size: 0.8125em; line-height: 1.38462;\"> </span></p></div>", "date": "16-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/13815", "content": "<p>I'm in a similar situation...I think I'm going to have to bring it up with my teacher at TAFE that I'm really struggling. How did the services you were provided help you? Did your teachers give you extra attention and support? </p></div>", "date": "02-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Savage Rainbow,</p>\n<p>I have mainly just been accessing the counselling service at this point. There are other support services available if I should need them. The counselling has been good for talking through my situation and has helped with the confidence I need to ask for help for myself. You should not have to struggle alone.</p>\n<p>I do not know what the teachers at TAFE are like these days. When I studied there some years back the teachers were all part time professionals. It depends on if you are struggling with the academic or social side. There should be learning support services you can access? Have you checked out your campus website to see if there is any information?</p>\n<p>Sorry I cant be more help. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "02-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Christopher,</p>\n<p>I have checked out your link for The Desk.</p>\n<p>It is very useful.</p>\n<p>Thank you.</p></div>", "date": "22-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/do-i-let-the-uni-know-about-anxiety/td-p/62691" } ]
Do I let the Uni know about anxiety?
Hi, I am soon returning to Uni. I suffer some generalized anxiety but do not have a diagnosis. I do not match the clinical criteria. When I completed the enrollment I did not tick the box for mental health issues. I have completed a degree previously but did struggle with the stress of it and dropped out during the Honors year. Now I am wondering if I should have ticked the box to indicate I may need support but I am afraid of incurring unnecessary stigma. If anyone knows how the university may handle it. I would be pleased to hear. Thanks, Daisy101.  
[ { "author": "user-id/21215", "content": "I don't really know what I'm doing here.  I guess I've been struggling with stuff for awhile and I don't know where to turn.  Maybe someone on this forum will help?  Maybe not.  Maybe I won't even manage to post this and it won't matter. <br><br>I think I have some sort of anxiety disorder, but I've never gone to a doctor to be diagnosed.  I just can't make myself do it.  I keep telling myself I'll make an appointment but then I find an excuse to get out of it or I keep putting it off until 'next week.' <br><br>This is going to be a long post all about me, and I'm sorry for being so selfish.  But I think I really need help and I don't know how to go about it. <span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I was diagnosed with depression as a teenager after my boss discovered my </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">self harm. I was forced to see a doctor who saw me only once and then made me attend counseling. I faked my way through counseling, saying what I thought they wanted me to hear and then I moved town soon after. <br><br>I never went back to any sort of counseling, nor have I told any doctors about my depression.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I have learned to deal with </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">my depression in my own way, without medication or help from other people.  I no longer abuse alcohol, self harm, take illicit drugs, abuse painkillers, act promiscuously or smoke cigarettes. <br><br>Instead I write (bad) poetry and songs which help to get me out of my own head for a time.  I also read a lot, which helps me to think about other people/situations even if they are just fiction. I take photos and I play a musical instrument.  These things seem a healthier way of keeping the blanket of sadness from smothering me.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I am proud of what I have accomplished and how far I have come in the last 8 years.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">But I'm not better.  I don't know how to deal with the feelings of anxiety I have. </span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I'm too afraid to pick up the phone and call a friend - because what if they don't want to hear from me?  I don't want to annoy them with a text.  What if I invite them to have lunch and they say yes, but are really just being polite and don't want anything to do with me?  What if they say no straight up?  That will hurt a lot.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">Thanks to my indecision and fear I don't really have any friends anymore.  I'm lonely and have no one to talk to about what I feel.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">If my husband is away overnight, </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I freak out.  I can't sleep at the best of times, but when he is away I get paranoid.  I have spent many nights huddled in the corner of our room - lights out, holding a knife and jumping at every sound... convinced someone is trying to get inside. <br><br>Sometimes even when my husband is home I wake up in a sweat, hearing noises and thinking that someone is robbing us.  Sometimes I'll wake him up and ask him to check the house, other times I'll stay frozen in fear - hardly breathing in case an intruder hears me.  I have nightmares about 5 nights a week.  I never sleep through a whole night.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I hate social situations.  I'm uncomfortable and awkward.  I can't stand going out to a restaurant or person's house unless I am familiar with the place.  I hate approaching a check out, I don't like ordering or speaking to the waiters/waitresses... partly because I'm shy, but mainly because </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I get overwhelmed with totally irrational fears that I can't even put a name to. <br><br>In a room, I sit with my back against a wall.  I get nervous, sweaty and a rapid heart rate if I have to walk through a crowd... and I definitely won't walk through one if I'm by myself.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I rarely want to leave the house, and if I do it's to go somewhere quiet and secluded.  When I do leave, I need to check the door to make sure I locked it, and if I don't double check I end up turning the car around, going home and making sure.  I don't answer the phone if it rings.  If someone is at the door, I hide on the floor and don't move until they go away.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">My husband loves me.  We do so much together, he tries so hard and is so helpful, supportive and strong... but he doesn't understand how my brain works.  It's like it never shuts off, and I'm filled with a noisy mess of non stop thoughts all trying to be heard over each other.  It's like if I can't channel my thoughts and keep them in order my head will explode from the pressure. <br><br>Usually I can write, or even just have a good cry, and it helps keep me sane... but sometimes I am so tempted to do something stupid like </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">kill myself and it scares me.  I don't understand it, I'm actually quite content with most aspects of my life... I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to hasten the process.  </span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">What is wrong with me?  Does anyone else feel like this?  What can I do to get help? </span> I'm so terrified to go to the doctors... is there another way? <span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">Thanks for listening to me spout on.  I appreciate it.</span></div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Scorch, that's good Neil.</p>\n<p>Scorch, I'm pleased you don't take size 14 shoe like I do because it wouldn't it into the picture. lol</p>\n<p>Because you have now placed a picture of any sort on the site means a hell of lot, and what it means is that now you feel as though you trust us, and guess what your absolutely right, we are here for you all the way. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "24-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/21215", "content": "<p>size 14?  Wow... my husband takes that size too.  Shoe shopping is always a hassle.</p>\n<p>Thanks for your message.  I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to reply, I haven't had any internet access since before Christmas - I'm back now though.  I missed participating in the forum even though I've only been part of this community for a short time. I hope you had a safe and happy Christmas/New Year.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "15-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/40422", "content": "<p>Hey scorch,</p>\n<p>as the others have said, you are definitely not the only one. I share many of the same fears as you do and I am only just now after many years actually admitting to some of them out loud and others just to myself. I was also too scared to talk to anyone or ask for help and it took me a few attempts but I finally did. I have found that my GP and psychologist take me very seriously and whilst I was extremely anxious about seeing the psychologist the first time, it does get easier. It is very helpful to me to talk openly with someone who is not emotionally tied to me in any way and who is trained to listen and offer real solutions to my issues.</p>\n<p> This may not be for you, but I have found minfulness meditation to be very helpful. I only do 10 minutes at a time but I really believe it is helping me get better. It teaches you to be aware of your thoughts and feelings, but not to engage with them or be drawn in to them. In recent weeks I have had periods of great anxiety and depression and on the most part I have been like an observer and not a participant in these episodes. Not sure if that makes sense, but that's how it feels. I am not always successful at not being drawn into these episodes, but I am slowly moving forward.</p>\n<p>\nI use a meditation app on my phone from mentalworkout.com. It is simple and works for me. \n</p>\n<p>I guess what I'm trying to say is that with small steps it is possible to get better. There is no one easy answer but I hope you are able to take that first step and talk to your GP. (I had to take my husband and he talked mostly and I cried.) </p>\n<p>One thing that I have learned is that if there are things I am too anxious to do, (like talk to a waiter at a restaurant or make a phone call) I admit that I can't do it (really hard for my perfectionist personality to admit) and ask my husband to do it for me. It was such a relief to me the first time I allowed myself to get him to help. </p>\n<p>Take care</p>\n<p>Mary.</p></div>", "date": "15-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/21215", "content": "<p>Thank you Mary.  I will definitely try meditation, it sounds like it works well for you.</p>\n<p>I function better when I manage to escape the non-stop rush in my own headspace for a few minutes, so it seems like meditation might be a good way to go.</p>\n<p>Also, it sounds like your husband is really supportive of you.  That is awesome <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "20-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/41959", "content": "<p>Plz take a little comfort in knowing ur not alone.. before being diagnosed with anxiety,  panic disorder and OCD I would obsessively check my windows and doors were locked before bed.. then id lay in bedmy heart racing knowing that they're were locked but needing to check one more time, then another and another.  It would go on all night. I would also analyze every noise,  every movement that I heard.  I slept with a baseball bat under the bed,  which I would check was within arms reach.  I was so paranoid of someone breaking in and harming our daughter or stealing our dogs or lighting our house on fire.. and no matter what I couldn't stop these thoughts.  I knew they were irrational but in my mind it was normal.  I barely slept because of the fear.  </p>\n<p>My daughter is 6 this year and still sleeps with me because shes safer with me then alone in bed. What if there is a fire or a car crashes into our house.  These thoughts plagued me all the time.</p>\n<p>Ii am on medication now which helped dramatically and trying to keep headstrong. Counseling did help me but towards the end I thought in my head that my therapist only knew these things from a text book, not personal experience.  So I done my own studying. Which I do recommend.  Research anxiety,  the affects it can have,  how to help yourself,  how to understand it all. It helped me. </p>\n<p>Xx</p></div>", "date": "21-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/21215", "content": "I don't really know what I'm doing here.  I guess I've been struggling with stuff for awhile and I don't know where to turn.  Maybe someone on this forum will help?  Maybe not.  Maybe I won't even manage to post this and it won't matter. <br><br>I think I have some sort of anxiety disorder, but I've never gone to a doctor to be diagnosed.  I just can't make myself do it.  I keep telling myself I'll make an appointment but then I find an excuse to get out of it or I keep putting it off until 'next week.' <br><br>This is going to be a long post all about me, and I'm sorry for being so selfish.  But I think I really need help and I don't know how to go about it. <span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I was diagnosed with depression as a teenager after my boss discovered my </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">self harm. I was forced to see a doctor who saw me only once and then made me attend counseling. I faked my way through counseling, saying what I thought they wanted me to hear and then I moved town soon after. <br><br>I never went back to any sort of counseling, nor have I told any doctors about my depression.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I have learned to deal with </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">my depression in my own way, without medication or help from other people.  I no longer abuse alcohol, self harm, take illicit drugs, abuse painkillers, act promiscuously or smoke cigarettes. <br><br>Instead I write (bad) poetry and songs which help to get me out of my own head for a time.  I also read a lot, which helps me to think about other people/situations even if they are just fiction. I take photos and I play a musical instrument.  These things seem a healthier way of keeping the blanket of sadness from smothering me.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I am proud of what I have accomplished and how far I have come in the last 8 years.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">But I'm not better.  I don't know how to deal with the feelings of anxiety I have. </span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I'm too afraid to pick up the phone and call a friend - because what if they don't want to hear from me?  I don't want to annoy them with a text.  What if I invite them to have lunch and they say yes, but are really just being polite and don't want anything to do with me?  What if they say no straight up?  That will hurt a lot.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">Thanks to my indecision and fear I don't really have any friends anymore.  I'm lonely and have no one to talk to about what I feel.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">If my husband is away overnight, </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I freak out.  I can't sleep at the best of times, but when he is away I get paranoid.  I have spent many nights huddled in the corner of our room - lights out, holding a knife and jumping at every sound... convinced someone is trying to get inside. <br><br>Sometimes even when my husband is home I wake up in a sweat, hearing noises and thinking that someone is robbing us.  Sometimes I'll wake him up and ask him to check the house, other times I'll stay frozen in fear - hardly breathing in case an intruder hears me.  I have nightmares about 5 nights a week.  I never sleep through a whole night.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I hate social situations.  I'm uncomfortable and awkward.  I can't stand going out to a restaurant or person's house unless I am familiar with the place.  I hate approaching a check out, I don't like ordering or speaking to the waiters/waitresses... partly because I'm shy, but mainly because </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I get overwhelmed with totally irrational fears that I can't even put a name to. <br><br>In a room, I sit with my back against a wall.  I get nervous, sweaty and a rapid heart rate if I have to walk through a crowd... and I definitely won't walk through one if I'm by myself.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I rarely want to leave the house, and if I do it's to go somewhere quiet and secluded.  When I do leave, I need to check the door to make sure I locked it, and if I don't double check I end up turning the car around, going home and making sure.  I don't answer the phone if it rings.  If someone is at the door, I hide on the floor and don't move until they go away.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">My husband loves me.  We do so much together, he tries so hard and is so helpful, supportive and strong... but he doesn't understand how my brain works.  It's like it never shuts off, and I'm filled with a noisy mess of non stop thoughts all trying to be heard over each other.  It's like if I can't channel my thoughts and keep them in order my head will explode from the pressure. <br><br>Usually I can write, or even just have a good cry, and it helps keep me sane... but sometimes I am so tempted to do something stupid like </span><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">kill myself and it scares me.  I don't understand it, I'm actually quite content with most aspects of my life... I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to hasten the process.  </span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">What is wrong with me?  Does anyone else feel like this?  What can I do to get help? </span> I'm so terrified to go to the doctors... is there another way? <span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">Thanks for listening to me spout on.  I appreciate it.</span></div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Hi Scorch, welcome to the board and congratulations for having the courage to post about your situation. You explain your situation very well and I,m sorry but I really think you should take some steps to get some help. Are you sure there hasn't been major trauma in your life that could have caused PTSD? Because your symptoms sound quite frightening. I,m sorry but I really must suggest that you must see a gp and then some sort of counsellor to identify what is causing all this stress. Please scorch before the symptoms get worse please see someone. The only other thing I can think of if you don,t want to go to a gp is maybe trying to locate a natural psychologist that doesn't believe in medication. There is a search tool on this website, find a health professional. I,m sorry but that is all I can think of. Please keep on posting on here to see if we can help you work things out. Good luck Scorch.</p></div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/21215", "content": "<p>Thanks Stephen123</p>\n<p>I know that you are right, I know I need help. I guess I'm just trying to work up the courage.  Sharing my situation on this forum was a big step for me, usually I keep everything inside.  Hopefully I will be able to make that next step to see a professional.  I will use the tool on this website, thanks for the suggestion.</p>\n<p>I don't think I've experienced any major trauma.  My childhood wasn't great, but it wasn't awful... just average I guess.  I've always had feelings like this, as long as I can remember.</p>\n<p>Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I really appreciate your concern and care <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "20-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Hi Scorch, you,re welcome. I used to let everything get bottled up inside me to the point when anxiety would kick in and then the anxiety would actually build to psychosis. I think with me it was an extreme situation but it sounds to me that you only build to the anxiety point. </p>\n<p>I believe the key to getting mentally better is learning the ability to communicate your deepest darkest secrets to a health professional. I know that the prospect of seeing a mental health professional is very daunting but I ask you what is the alternative? The possibility of the anxiety getting worse due to not being treated?</p>\n<p>You have done extremely well taking the first step of identifying that there is a problem and you have done even better by taking the step of reaching out on this forum. I would urge you to go all the way and seek some sort of counselling.</p>\n<p>if at first you don,t succeed at verbally conveying your worries you could use your skills of writing letters to your counsellor. I swear that once you begin this process of communicating all your fears a very large load will come of your shoulders. It doesn't happen over night, you must work hard at it and learn the skills but once you get the hang of it you will never look back and your life will improve.</p>\n<p>scorch please try to keep an open mind about medication as anxiety is usually treated with anti depressants. What,s the harm in giving them a go? You can always stop if you don,t like them but then again they might cure your anxiety completely.</p>\n<p>also maybe have a think about what is in your life at the moment that causes you stress or anxiety and ask yourself if you can remove those things from your life. Working with a counsellor will help you identify what needs to be worked on.</p>\n<p>i hope things work out for you Scorch, Stephen.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "20-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Scorch, interesting post from you although it's not an ideal situation for you to be in.</p>\n<p>Well from what I gather from your post is that you have low self-esteem, and along with this you also have OCD.</p>\n<p>Please google this 'low self esteem causes ocd', and please read some of it and then get back to us, I'm sure that many of the sites you will be able to associate with, and once you get back to us, we can have a more informed discussion. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "21-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/16917", "content": "<p>Hi there,<br>\n<br>\nI just wanted to let you know that you are completely not alone! And as I was reading your post, so many things just reminded me of myself, even up to 3 months ago. Im not \"cured\" and im not better, but im learning to cope with my anxiety now. I used to hide when people were at the door, one night I was alone and so scared, I sat in the bathroom and cried for hours until someone could come and get me, and calm me down, I felt like I was having a heart attack I had worked myself up so much. I had thought about calling 000, I thought I was dying. The good news is that it can get easier to cope! </p>\n<p>Ive had this ongoing since 2007. But I never sought help until this year. I was also too scared. Wayyy to scared. Scared of the stigma, or that was I was gonna be called crazy, or told to stop overreacting! But funnily enough, doctors are a great first step if you want to start there. I went in one night after I had begun to self harm and I said \"I think I need to see someone about how I feel right now\". And that started the conversation (although I bawled throughout my admission of that)! Starting here is a great first point, it was also mine. And I wish I hadve discovered these forums back when I was younger. </p>\n<p>But age does not matter in this. I would suggest you take some small steps to getting that help, you k now yourself you need it, but no matter how much we tell you it's a wonderful idea, it wont matter until you let yourself know it's okay. </p>\n<p>Goodluck with everything, I wish you all the best <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> </p></div>", "date": "21-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Anxious, welcome aboard and it's great to have you join us.</p>\n<p>No age means absolutely nothing when it comes to posting on this site, and I suppose the older we are the more information we have to help those who are young and struggling.</p>\n<p>You have just posted so I am worried about how you are feeling at this point of time, with Xmas a few days away, and if you will be able to cope with all the people, noise and either lack of attention or too much attention. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "22-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/21215", "content": "<p>Hi Geoff.</p>\n<p>Thanks for your reply.  You've given me something to think about and look into.  I will definitely get googling.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/21215", "content": "<p>Hi Anxious.</p>\n<p>Thank you so very much for posting and sharing your experience.  I'm glad you are learning to cope with your anxiety <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> </p>\n<p> It sounds like you are coming a long way and that is very encouraging.  Knowing that you feel like I do, but are able to take the steps needed to get better - well, it's inspiring.</p>\n<p>I hope that you continue to heal and that you have a wonderful and beautiful Christmas time.</p>\n<p>Thanks again <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Scorch   You’ve received some great advice above (and Anxious, I hope you’re able to take some of that in as well).   </p>\n<p>That is really wonderful to hear how much support and help your husband gives to you.  Could this just be the tipping point for you to get to your GP?  Do you think that (a) you’d be comfortable by taking your husband with you when you visit your GP;  and  (b) do you think your husband would go along with you for support?  If you’ve got a YES for both of those, then that is a massive kick start for you.   </p>\n<p>This could also be a really valuable assistance for your husband in being able to help you at home as he will be able to perhaps learn some coping/helping mechanisms to assist you.   </p>\n<p>Please take care and I hope you can seek out some professional help soon and write back to us and let us know how you’re going.   </p>\n<p>Cheers   </p>\n<p>Neil  </p></div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety-too-scared-to-get-help/td-p/86644" } ]
Is it anxiety? Too scared to get help.
[ { "author": "user-id/3761", "content": "<p>Hi All,</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I have been reading through many posts on here, and was wondering whether anyone has any of the symptoms I have.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I was diagnosed with GAD about 12 years ago. I hide it very very well as I don't want people to think I'm crazy. I was put on medication back then, and did some therapy. Every time I felt better I stopped my therapy. The meds I was on made me put on a whole lot of weight, and I began to not care about anything anymore. These meds literally gave me no good feelings at all. I had two children within that time, and stayed home to raise them.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>When my eldest turned about 3 I started to get very bad anxiety again. I started to rely on alcohol to make me feel better on the weekends, and needless to say it didn't end well. Especially when I was hungover I would have these terrible anxious feelings. It all culminated in me wanting to give up the meds, and I lost my license for 2 years for drink driving. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I was unable to get the kids around and started to feel depressed. Long story short, the whole of last year I felt pretty good being off the meds. I am due to get my license back in July, and am getting married in October. My lifestyle has changed dramatically. I have given up drinking copious amount of alcohol, and am in a part time job as the kids start school this year.</p>\n<p>Anyway at the start of December I started to feel really unwell. Went to the doctor 2 weeks ago worried that I had some terrible disease. Panicked for the 3 days before I got the results, and they came back normal. However I can't shake this overall feeling of anxiety and depression. I have a lot to look forward to this year, but I don't really care. I feel strange, like I might throw up, I get this weird feeling like everything looks different, and I get very bad shakes all day in my hands. I am constantly googling what may be wrong with me. My fiancé is put under stress as I am just irritable, angry and stressed all the time.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I have a referral to see a counsellor but haven't booked a session yet. I am scared to go to work today because I feel so ill and so sad. Will this ever go away?</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I love my children and my family, but just am not myself at all.... Any input would be great <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "20-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/gad-health-anxiety/td-p/100788" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "<p>Hi Taybug, have you booked that session yet? I hate it when the walls start closing in like that and you start feeling like you can't do anything. Try and stay off Doctor Google if you can, not only because it sounds like its making you more anxious but because theres a lot of rubbish info on the net and you might end up diagnosing yourself with the black plague. Seriously, it sounds like you've come an awful long way and while this is a setback, you can get it under control. You're doing the right thing by seeking help.</p></div>", "date": "21-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/gad-health-anxiety/td-p/100788" } ]
GAD, Health Anxiety
Hi All,   I have been reading through many posts on here, and was wondering whether anyone has any of the symptoms I have.   I was diagnosed with GAD about 12 years ago. I hide it very very well as I don't want people to think I'm crazy. I was put on medication back then, and did some therapy. Every time I felt better I stopped my therapy. The meds I was on made me put on a whole lot of weight, and I began to not care about anything anymore. These meds literally gave me no good feelings at all. I had two children within that time, and stayed home to raise them.   When my eldest turned about 3 I started to get very bad anxiety again. I started to rely on alcohol to make me feel better on the weekends, and needless to say it didn't end well. Especially when I was hungover I would have these terrible anxious feelings. It all culminated in me wanting to give up the meds, and I lost my license for 2 years for drink driving.   I was unable to get the kids around and started to feel depressed. Long story short, the whole of last year I felt pretty good being off the meds. I am due to get my license back in July, and am getting married in October. My lifestyle has changed dramatically. I have given up drinking copious amount of alcohol, and am in a part time job as the kids start school this year. Anyway at the start of December I started to feel really unwell. Went to the doctor 2 weeks ago worried that I had some terrible disease. Panicked for the 3 days before I got the results, and they came back normal. However I can't shake this overall feeling of anxiety and depression. I have a lot to look forward to this year, but I don't really care. I feel strange, like I might throw up, I get this weird feeling like everything looks different, and I get very bad shakes all day in my hands. I am constantly googling what may be wrong with me. My fiancé is put under stress as I am just irritable, angry and stressed all the time.   I have a referral to see a counsellor but haven't booked a session yet. I am scared to go to work today because I feel so ill and so sad. Will this ever go away?   I love my children and my family, but just am not myself at all.... Any input would be great
[ { "author": "user-id/18898", "content": "<p>Hello</p>\n<p>i have been suffering from health anxiety for the past few years.  I now however am unable to keep these thoughts under control.  I am finding it really hard to make plans for the next year or 2 because I believe I will no longer be around.</p>\n<p>It seems to have started a few years ago following the loss of 2 pregnancies mid term...one at 19 weeks at one at 24 weeks.  I then went on to have a successful pregnancy although the stress and anxiety throughout the whole pregnancy was extremely high!</p>\n<p>my first health related anxiety attack had me convinced I had MS.  A few dr and ed visits and finally an MRI proved finally that I was ok.  Since then I have convinced myself I have breast cancer, skin cancer, HIV, bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer and the most recent ovarian cancer.  </p>\n<p>I am 38 years old and a registered nurse so constantly am exposed to people with all of the above conditions.</p>\n<p>it is all getting too much but now I cannot face my dr because I am too embarrassed to be turning up with yet another complaint. Has anyone found an effective treatment method for severe health anxiety?</p></div>", "date": "19-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/severe-health-anxiety/td-p/100412" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Hayleyp,</p>\n<p>Has your doctor ever suggested seeing a psychologist? You've successfully identified that your two miscarriages were the start of these feelings. That must have been very traumatic and upsetting for you, and I can imagine you would have been terrified throughout your successful pregnancy that it was going to happen again.  </p>\n<p>Being a nurse you are constantly in a position of caring for others, but are often seeing the worst as you mention, and then fearing it in yourself, perhaps because of what you have been through or maybe because of something that has happened earlier in your life.  It would definitely be worth talking to someone about it.</p>\n<p>Hope this helps.</p></div>", "date": "20-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/severe-health-anxiety/td-p/100412" } ]
Severe health anxiety
Hello i have been suffering from health anxiety for the past few years.  I now however am unable to keep these thoughts under control.  I am finding it really hard to make plans for the next year or 2 because I believe I will no longer be around. It seems to have started a few years ago following the loss of 2 pregnancies mid term...one at 19 weeks at one at 24 weeks.  I then went on to have a successful pregnancy although the stress and anxiety throughout the whole pregnancy was extremely high! my first health related anxiety attack had me convinced I had MS.  A few dr and ed visits and finally an MRI proved finally that I was ok.  Since then I have convinced myself I have breast cancer, skin cancer, HIV, bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer and the most recent ovarian cancer.   I am 38 years old and a registered nurse so constantly am exposed to people with all of the above conditions. it is all getting too much but now I cannot face my dr because I am too embarrassed to be turning up with yet another complaint. Has anyone found an effective treatment method for severe health anxiety?
[ { "author": "user-id/23605", "content": "<p>Hi, (haven't used a forum for years so hope I'm doing this right?)</p><p>I chose the name BlueSunrise cos' that's pretty much how it is. If I wake up during the night I'm fine but when I open my eyes and the sun is up the panic hits me. It's like a sudden adrenalin rush to my stomach, that feeling of dread hits me, the thoughts start racing around my head and I do my best to stay in bed as long as possible (as I feel safe in bed) but when the alarm goes off to tell me it's time to get up and start the day it gets even worse. I do what I have to, I get my son ready for school (he's 6yrs old) but it's such an effort, I sort of feel paralyzed and just want to sit and do nothing but I feel being a mother is my only success so for him, I get thru it. As the day goes on it becomes less of a panic feeling to just anxiety, unless something happens during the day to cause a panic attack, it generally eases by night but then I have the dread of going to sleep knowing that it's going to start all over again when I wake. I'm on a lot of medications which obviously aren't working but am having troubles coming off them as the withdrawals are 'hell' for me. I've started seeing a psychologist which I'm finding really good, he's helping me work through it. I do see a psychiatrist but all he seems to do is talk about my medications, I have had to stop benzodiazepines because it brought back my addiction problems (that's a whole other story for another time,) am currently trying to come off antidepressants as in the 6months I've been on it I have put on about 20kilos which is causing me to feel very depressed and not wanting my partner to come near me. He is very understanding which is great but he has his own problems with depression.</p><p>Sorry if I have rambled on, I tend to do that. Thanks for listening.</p><p>BlueSunrise</p></div>", "date": "19-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/first-time-here-waking-with-anxiety/td-p/100496" }, { "author": "user-id/6071", "content": "<p>I have a lot of problems with anxiety when I wake up too. if I wake up during the night and I can see its still dark I feel safe knowing I have a few hours in my bed before getting up. but as soon as that alarm goes off I feel full of dread and feel like death. I have ended up taking a lot of sick days just from purely not being able to coax myself out of bed. my wife and I now sleep in separate rooms, not beause we are having problems but due to my anxiety and need for a sanctuary and safe place. she is understanding which is good.</p>\n<p> occasionally I will have a good day when I wake up ok but those can be few and far between. most of he time I am able to convince myself that once I get up and get moving I am usually ok. but nevertheless its still a daily struggle but its my life. I think whatever you can do to help cope better in the mornings and remember the anxiety for what it is.</p></div>", "date": "20-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/first-time-here-waking-with-anxiety/td-p/100496" } ]
First time here....waking with anxiety
Hi, (haven't used a forum for years so hope I'm doing this right?) I chose the name BlueSunrise cos' that's pretty much how it is. If I wake up during the night I'm fine but when I open my eyes and the sun is up the panic hits me. It's like a sudden adrenalin rush to my stomach, that feeling of dread hits me, the thoughts start racing around my head and I do my best to stay in bed as long as possible (as I feel safe in bed) but when the alarm goes off to tell me it's time to get up and start the day it gets even worse. I do what I have to, I get my son ready for school (he's 6yrs old) but it's such an effort, I sort of feel paralyzed and just want to sit and do nothing but I feel being a mother is my only success so for him, I get thru it. As the day goes on it becomes less of a panic feeling to just anxiety, unless something happens during the day to cause a panic attack, it generally eases by night but then I have the dread of going to sleep knowing that it's going to start all over again when I wake. I'm on a lot of medications which obviously aren't working but am having troubles coming off them as the withdrawals are 'hell' for me. I've started seeing a psychologist which I'm finding really good, he's helping me work through it. I do see a psychiatrist but all he seems to do is talk about my medications, I have had to stop benzodiazepines because it brought back my addiction problems (that's a whole other story for another time,) am currently trying to come off antidepressants as in the 6months I've been on it I have put on about 20kilos which is causing me to feel very depressed and not wanting my partner to come near me. He is very understanding which is great but he has his own problems with depression. Sorry if I have rambled on, I tend to do that. Thanks for listening. BlueSunrise
[ { "author": "user-id/40721", "content": "Hey all\n<br>\n<br>Only just signed up don't know why I waited so long. Been struggling with anxiety for 10 years, hard to tell if its getting better or worse, the more it engulfs areas of my life it never used to, the better I get at handling it, so yea a bit hard to tell if I'm making progress overall.\n<br>\n<br>About 2 years ago I got into mindfulness, and of all things I've tried it was the only thing that seemed to conquer it completely, and to anyone who hasn't tried it I highly, highly recommend it. I hadn't felt so relaxed since I was probably 12 years old.\n<br>\n<br>My problem is sticking to the tools, ie mindfulness. I will do the exercises and feel great but then after a while get lazy and slowly drift back in anxiety, or I will remodel my lifestyle to be more busy, but slowly get lazy and drift back to where I started. Often something bad will happen and it will rattle my resolve, testing my faith in tried and tested tools. Then I slip back in, beating myself up along the way.\n<br>\n<br>Anyway that's the basic outline of my story. Will leave it at that. Had a bad run the last week or so, same old story, get back on mindfulness, have a s--t day, lose momentum, start again.</div>", "date": "07-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/new-to-forum/td-p/96249" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Doit, welcome aboard and thanks for joining us in our endeavour to heal ourselves.</p>\n<p>We can't know ourselves if our anxiety is worse than before, although we can presume but other people around us can tell whether or not we are improving or not.</p>\n<p>Mindfulness is a great way to try and relax to a certain degree, but it means work, and we have to continue these exercises 24/7, and then this becomes hard work in itself.</p>\n<p>I did an online course for helping me with my OCD of 54 years, it was OK when I did them and had to report back my supervisor, but once the course had finished then I didn't keep on doing these exercises, so I went back to square one, so actually it was a waste of time, because when I knew that could reduce these habits from what I had learnt, it was all too much, and I was more relaxed doing them.</p>\n<p>Anxiety is the course for OCD, so I just wonder if you have it as well. Geoff.</p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "08-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/new-to-forum/td-p/96249" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi doit,</p>\n<p>I know what you mean about the daily struggle. Participating on the BB has helped me a lot I really hope it helps you. </p>\n<p>Peace,</p>\n<p>Daisy.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "08-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/new-to-forum/td-p/96249" } ]
New to forum
[ { "author": "user-id/25100", "content": "<p>Hi Guys,</p>\n<p>             I have been suffering from panic attacks for the past three years. I was referred to a therapist who really helped me understand what causes them and how to react if I get one. The panic attacks never completely went away and lately they have come back worse. I actually THINK about going to the supermarket and sure enough once I am in there I feel it coming on and I have to leave the basket on the ground and go back to my car. I always think to myself \" Damn you Niki, you know what it is just punch through it and you will be fine\". I have been doing my shopping through Woolies online-god bless the internet otherwise I would of starved! Its not only the supermarket its shopping centres in general (worst female EVER). I have also become scared of things that I never was- for example my partner organised a romantic trip which required us to travel some pretty windy roads- well I was too busy worrying about crashing than the beautiful scenery. The scary thing is they also happen at home with my 'safe person'. Humans are pretty strange creatures, its as if I would feel better if someone was suffering as much as I am- bad person.....My partner is so understanding and helpful, many a times he has driven from work or wherever to help me through it...but it seems as though he doesn't REALLY understand. Anyway, I feel better already! </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Thanks xx </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "05-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/does-anyone-else-feel-the-same-way/td-p/95379" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Niki,</p>\n<p>There must be something in the air at supermarkets - some of my worst anxiety moments have been there.  I don't think there's anything wrong with online shopping, I have friends who live inner-city and don't drive, so that's actually the best option for them.</p>\n<p>You've probably learnt about distraction techniques, I have found these have been useful for me - a few years back I went to the Lantern Festival in Auckland, and the crowds were very thick.  At that time, I was really struggling with crowds, but I had taken a video camera to film the lights and displays, and that actually helped me distance myself from my anxiety, and enjoy the moment at the same time because I was engaged in filming all the bright colours.</p>\n<p>Thanks for joining the forums, look forward to reading more from you.</p></div>", "date": "06-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/does-anyone-else-feel-the-same-way/td-p/95379" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Niki   </p>\n<p>That’s such a brilliant thing that you’ve been able to come on here and post about what’s been happening to you and how you are with it.  </p>\n<p>I particularly enjoyed your last sentence  … and it’s an amazing thing in that if you are able to write things down, that can have a therapeutic effect … I’m pleased that you feel you that you benefitted for submitting your post.  </p>\n<p>It’s also great to hear that your partner is understanding and helpful … and you know what, I’m not surprised he doesn’t understand.  Having this depressive illness (or panic attacks) are so damned hard to explain … I mean, we’re the sufferers and even then we find it hard to put into words, what’s exactly happening to us and more importantly, why!   I would suggest, if he feels comfortable to do so that he could possibly read up on some information relating to panic attacks, so he might be able to better understand, things that you are going through.  </p>\n<p>I also agree with you, that humans are pretty strange creatures … and no-way in the world are you a bad person … you’re just having thoughts and there’s nothing wrong with that.   </p>\n<p>You oughta try jumping into my mind to see some of the weird crap that goes on in my head!!   </p>\n<p>I hope something of what I’ve responded with helps you or if not, I hope you might have got a chuckle out of something … if you found neither, then I’m just going to have to try harder!  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":winking_face:\">😉</span>   </p>\n<p>Cheers   </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "06-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/does-anyone-else-feel-the-same-way/td-p/95379" }, { "author": "user-id/25100", "content": "<p>Hi Guys,</p>\n<p>              I can't tell you what it means to me that you read my post and replied. Chris, you mentioned something about distraction techniques? Could you elaborate? Neil, not only did your post make me feel better but it also made me smile. I hope I can reciprocate.....I feel so grateful to have you guys here- isn't it strange that people you don't even know can help you more than your friends ever could????</p>\n<p>xxxxxxx</p></div>", "date": "06-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/does-anyone-else-feel-the-same-way/td-p/95379" }, { "author": "user-id/32275", "content": "<p>Hi Niki, I too suffer from panic attacks. It is mainly when driving with others. I really feel like I'm going to die. It happens on buses too and cabs. Has also happened a couple of times in a plane. I use distraction when on the buses and in cabs because I am in these situations while at work. I am not able to distract myself in cars though. It can be quite terrifying. I am ok with shopping centres but like Christopher can sometimes get overwhelmed with large crowds. Though I used to have a fear of checkouts if I was having a bad day. Can't stand people asking me how my day is and having to give a polite, insincere answer.  I love the self serve checkouts now.</p>\n<p> The strangest panic attack I had was while on a night shift at work. I suddenly went into a panic because my wedding ring was bothering me and I couldn't get it off. It became intense fear to the point where I was about to ring someone to help me get it off. This was in the middle of the night so would have been a terrible disturbance for the residents of the house I was in, not to mention the irrationality of it all. So that thought allowed me to calm down and use distraction. I kept telling myself that it was ok. I wasn't in any danger. As soon as I got home I took my ring off and I haven't been able to put it back on since. And as Neil said it can be difficult trying to explain it to people. We know it's often irrational ourselves so no about of logic is going to stop the panic. People don't get that.</p></div>", "date": "06-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/does-anyone-else-feel-the-same-way/td-p/95379" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Niki,</p><p>Distraction techniques are a part of something called \"mindfulness\". There is information on that in this Black Dog Institute factsheet:  <a href=\"http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/docs/10.mindfulnessineverydaylife.pdf\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/docs/10.mindfulnessineverydaylife.pdf</a></p></div>", "date": "07-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/does-anyone-else-feel-the-same-way/td-p/95379" }, { "author": "user-id/22909", "content": "Hi niki, \n<p>I have also been having panic attacks pretty much daily for three years. I also beat myself up because I know why it happens (flight or fight) but it still terrifies me to feel like this. One thing I have been taught is  - diaphragmatic breathing - breathe in slowly to the count of 3, your tummy should rise, then breathe out slowly to the count of 3 - you keep doing this for at least 5 minutes or until you feel calmer.</p>\n<p>It has helped me in the past. You are definately not alone. Panic attacks are really awful and impossible to try to explain to someone who has never felt them before.</p>\n<p>I hope that this might help.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "08-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/does-anyone-else-feel-the-same-way/td-p/95379" } ]
Does anyone else feel the same way?
Hi Guys,              I have been suffering from panic attacks for the past three years. I was referred to a therapist who really helped me understand what causes them and how to react if I get one. The panic attacks never completely went away and lately they have come back worse. I actually THINK about going to the supermarket and sure enough once I am in there I feel it coming on and I have to leave the basket on the ground and go back to my car. I always think to myself " Damn you Niki, you know what it is just punch through it and you will be fine". I have been doing my shopping through Woolies online-god bless the internet otherwise I would of starved! Its not only the supermarket its shopping centres in general (worst female EVER). I have also become scared of things that I never was- for example my partner organised a romantic trip which required us to travel some pretty windy roads- well I was too busy worrying about crashing than the beautiful scenery. The scary thing is they also happen at home with my 'safe person'. Humans are pretty strange creatures, its as if I would feel better if someone was suffering as much as I am- bad person.....My partner is so understanding and helpful, many a times he has driven from work or wherever to help me through it...but it seems as though he doesn't REALLY understand. Anyway, I feel better already!   Thanks xx   
[ { "author": "user-id/3649", "content": "hello all, I'm trying to get an insight into my mother's anxiety. She has had anxiety for approx 2 years however she is in a bit of denial over it and is constantly going to the doctors to get other things checked, ie heart palpatations, fluttering etc. She has been under a psychologist but hasn't been prescribed any medication.  I honestly think she needs some medication as she appears to be getting worse and constantly going to doctors to try and find another cause of what is wrong with her (and after numerous specialists ect, there is nothing physically wrong with her).  Are heart palpations a major part of anxiety and wondering what people do to stop these from happening?  I wonder why they wont prescribe something for her anxiety?</div>", "date": "06-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/heart-palpatations-and-anxiety/td-p/95620" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi charliegirl,</p>\n<p>Just a few thoughts for you.</p>\n<p>I think I read somewhere recently that 70% of people in hospital are there because they went to see a doctor. I have been on this treadmill for many years.</p>\n<p>Having said that it probably is important for your mother to know with some degree of confidence that she is not suffering a more easily treatable physical illness. Something like heart palpitations can be the result of anxiety or heart problems or depending on how old your mother is it could also be the side effects of menopause. Just to name a few.</p>\n<p>Psychologists (even clinical ones) do not prescribe medication. If she has seen her doctor and been referred to a psychologist it may be considered that she can manage her anxiety without medication. Some people can have serious side effects from the available medications. If she felt she needed medication she would need to consult her doctor or a psychiatrist.</p>\n<p>I do not think you can stop the palpitations without dealing with whatever is triggering them although others with more experience may have a different opinion to me on that point it would be interesting to hear if they do. The psychologist should be able to help your mother with some self management tools.</p>\n<p>Have you tried talking to your mother to find out what she knows about anxiety. There are very good publications on this site that can help you with more information.</p>\n<p>It is really good that you are concerned for your mother and trying to help her.</p>\n<p>Peace,</p>\n<p>Daisy.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "06-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/heart-palpatations-and-anxiety/td-p/95620" }, { "author": "user-id/3649", "content": "thanks Daisy, she was hospitalised yesterday due to the palpatations, they ran all tests and nothing wrong so it was her anxiety causing this. They have given her some medication to take when she feels these symptoms coming on but she will then see her own doctor to perhaps go down another track regarding medication. </div>", "date": "07-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/heart-palpatations-and-anxiety/td-p/95620" } ]
heart palpatations and anxiety
[ { "author": "user-id/30762", "content": "<p>Hey everyone!</p>\n<p>I was recently diagnosed with severe anxiety which was a surprise to me because I honestly though that everything I experienced was what everyone else experienced.</p>\n<p>The biggest problem that I get is that I find it almost impossible to leave my house. If I have to I can force myself but I try to avoid it otherwise. If I wake up in the morning and I know I have to be somewhere I just feel so tired that I can barley move. I can and have laid in bed for hours stressing that I might not have gotten enough sleep to make it through the day.</p>\n<p>When I manage to power through and get out of bed, I find I just can't eat breakfast and this is generally just before the nausea kicks in. I've never actually thrown up from the nausea but it gets really intense although while hanging with friends I've had to excuse myself so I could hide in the toilet until the sick feeling dies down a bit.</p>\n<p>I don't really know what I hoped to achieve posting this but I just need to get it out in the open somewhere. I can barley walk down the street without worrying that I'm going to get hit by a car or attacked by a person on the street. I never go out drinking with friends because when I consume alcohol I start worrying that I'm going to throw up straight away.</p>\n<p>It just kills the social life and I really miss hanging out with my friends and not worrying about anything.</p></div>", "date": "04-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/can-barley-leave-the-house/td-p/95097" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "<p>Hey Joe,</p>\n<p>I suffer from Generalized Anxiety disorder. My symptoms are not as severe as yours but i will try to relate. It took me 35 years to work out what was causing my problems. I just thought that everyone had the same problems as me. One thing I have learned is that sitting at home feeling sorry for myself does not help. There are some mornings where I really have to force myself to get out of bed. When I have nothing to do i worry. If I get up and get active i find things are a lot better. I know its easier said than done and if you are suffering from nausea then that's not helpful either. Has your doctor given you any good advice. You have taken the first step. You have sought professional help. What we have is a mental condition. It is treatable but its going to take a bit of hard work. Hopefully the professional help you are getting will help you with the panic attacks. keep posting. Nobody on this forum will judge you. We are all here to help.</p>\n<p>Mbuna</p></div>", "date": "05-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/can-barley-leave-the-house/td-p/95097" }, { "author": "user-id/40197", "content": "<p>HI Joey, you are not alone mate.  I have the same problem but i just can't get myself to leave the house.  I am new to the forum and just posted my story.  Basically, I haven't been out of the house for a year except for a few doctors appointments for medication.  I am even too scared to see a psychiatrist to diagnose my problem.  The times when i have had to go to the doctor/specialist I couldn't sleep, woke up really early and felt sick all day.  I have an appointment in a few days and i am dreading the drive there and having to wait for a doctor.  </p>\n<p>You are not alone in what you are going through.  I suppose i am at a low point and have a long way to go.  I just wanted to say that there are people out there suffering the same problem.  For me, walking outside of my house to feed the local crows and magpies in the afternoon is a massive achievement for me.</p>\n<p>Good luck and keep posting on how you are doing.</p>\n<p>TB</p></div>", "date": "06-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/can-barley-leave-the-house/td-p/95097" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Joel, I can understand the feeling of not wanting to leave the house, as I was the same years ago.</p>\n<p>Can I come at your comment from a different angle and this maybe helpful or might be rubbish, however sometimes I watch up feeling nausea, but I have now learnt that if I have nothing in my stomach food wise, that this is causing this feeling, so now I make sure that I have eaten something before bed and had a drink of soft drink, it's the carbohydrates or the fizz in the drink that actually do help me.</p>\n<p>It would seem as though these bubbles would make you throw up, but with me hey don't.</p>\n<p>The same applies with having the hiccups, sometimes you need to eat food which may stop these hiccups.</p>\n<p>With regards to lack of sleep, then maybe have a cat nap in the afternoon, and if you know that this will happen, then there won't be any fear of lack of sleep.</p>\n<p>I need my afternoon sleep, there is no way I can go without it, so try and readjust to these new thoughts knowing that they will happen.</p>\n<p>Depression creates this almighty tiredness in us, because we go to bed tired and wake up tired, so we feel as though we haven't had any sleep. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "07-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/can-barley-leave-the-house/td-p/95097" } ]
Can barley leave the house.
Hey everyone! I was recently diagnosed with severe anxiety which was a surprise to me because I honestly though that everything I experienced was what everyone else experienced. The biggest problem that I get is that I find it almost impossible to leave my house. If I have to I can force myself but I try to avoid it otherwise. If I wake up in the morning and I know I have to be somewhere I just feel so tired that I can barley move. I can and have laid in bed for hours stressing that I might not have gotten enough sleep to make it through the day. When I manage to power through and get out of bed, I find I just can't eat breakfast and this is generally just before the nausea kicks in. I've never actually thrown up from the nausea but it gets really intense although while hanging with friends I've had to excuse myself so I could hide in the toilet until the sick feeling dies down a bit. I don't really know what I hoped to achieve posting this but I just need to get it out in the open somewhere. I can barley walk down the street without worrying that I'm going to get hit by a car or attacked by a person on the street. I never go out drinking with friends because when I consume alcohol I start worrying that I'm going to throw up straight away. It just kills the social life and I really miss hanging out with my friends and not worrying about anything.
[ { "author": "user-id/7658", "content": "j feel as if I am alone in the way im feeling with my anxiety! The constant shaking and the constant feeling of worry. Not being able to eat and stay still has anyone else felt these things? And does it get better? \n<p> </p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/am-i-alone-in-feeling-this-way/td-p/90825" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Brooke</p>\n<p>It may help you to take some slow deep breaths when you're having a panic attack.  Just sit and slow your breathing down.  Count to 1 to 10 and slow breathing.  I know it's easier said than done.  But maybe if you could try that it will help.  The constant shaking is scary; I've had that a few times while at the doctors, and he told me it was my stress levels extremely high and anxiety.</p>\n<p>For me, I know when it happens so now I try to do some slow breathing or even focus on something, just anything.  </p>\n<p>I feel for you because I know what you're going through.  Only a few months ago I had a panic attack on a plane.  It was really scary, but I managed to calm down slightly and took some deep breaths and drank water.</p>\n<p>Brooke, you will get through this, one step at a time. But I still feel you need counselling to help you overcome the anxiety attacks and some coping strategies.</p>\n<p>Hope this helps.  Pls take care, let us know how you go.</p>\n<p>Jo xx</p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/am-i-alone-in-feeling-this-way/td-p/90825" }, { "author": "user-id/21089", "content": "<p>Hi Brooke</p>\n<p>No, you're not alone in your feelings at all.  You'll probably find that most of us on here know exactly what you're talking!</p>\n<p>I agree with Jo that a therapist could help you a lot.  My therapist has taught me some incredibly powerful techniques!  Different ones work best for different people.  The technique that I find most effective is I pick a colour and see how many objects around me I can find that are that colour.  </p>\n<p>Take care Brooke, cheers Amamas</p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/am-i-alone-in-feeling-this-way/td-p/90825" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Brooke, I agree with my two good friends, Jo and Amamas and what they have said.</p>\n<p>I would check out the net on techniques of exercises so that you can control these attacks, so just google 'techniques to control anxiety attacks'. Good luck. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "28-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/am-i-alone-in-feeling-this-way/td-p/90825" }, { "author": "user-id/40197", "content": "Hey Brooke, you are definitely not alone,  I suffer from the same problems.  I wake up feeling ok and then immediately i get the butterflies and the sick feeling which accompanies it.  I usually don't eat all day because i feel too sick to eat.  I have gone through hell with it.  I know i am suffering from extreme anxiety and depression  I have been to the doctor on a number of occasions for medication.   I have a little bit of improvement of late bu still have those feelings.  So, please don't think you are alone!!!!</div>", "date": "06-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/am-i-alone-in-feeling-this-way/td-p/90825" } ]
Am I alone in feeling this way?
[ { "author": "user-id/8730", "content": "<p>Thanks to those who have Haredim tier stories. I have found some comfort but also been close to tears seeing that others have similar feelings to me. </p>\n<p>I have suffered from depression and anxiety on and off for about 10 years, although when I look back I think I had some issues before that: I used to lie a lot to cover up for my insecurities and try and say what I thought people would like me to say/find interesting rather than the truth. </p>\n<p>I wake up some days feeling fine but would say for at least half the days I I feel anxious to the point of nausea and have a headache. I suffer from lower back pain which has effected my ability to exercise, which has often helped me with my stress. I tend to only look at the negative aspects in my life and see my list of things to do as an endless mountain. I have a wonderful wife and daughter but my wife has been having counselling since she lost her mum earlier this year and we had 2 miscarriages the year before. I don't want to burden her.  Have lived in Oz for 5 years since moving from the UK. I like living here but have not made any close friends that I could confide in and have drifted away from friends and family back home.  </p>\n<p>I have had cognitive therapy and try to use the techniques I acquired to help me. This sometimes works but I often feel to exhausted to take a step back. I worry about work, money, DIY, what people think of me and whether I am a positive influence on my daughter. I am a teacher and have been in and out of work the last two years, mainly due to working in a tough school and my difficulties in coping with the stress in the classroom. I have never been on anti depressants but feel I need something/someone to help. I have not considered suicide but often think that the world would be better without me - more of a wish to disappear/not exist. </p>\n<p>I had heard of Beyond Blue and needed somewhere to vent. I don't have much money to see and councillor/doctor or a physio to help with my back. </p>\n<p>Thanks.</p></div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-to-do/td-p/86435" }, { "author": "user-id/8730", "content": "<p>Sorry, the start should read: Thanks to those who have shared their stories...</p></div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-to-do/td-p/86435" }, { "author": "user-id/16917", "content": "Hi there,<br>\n<br>\nFirst off, congratulations on bringing yourself to beyond blue site. That's an awesome step you've taken. Ive recently taken it too.<br>\n<br>\nI think a lot of your concerns sound like they're about your influence on your family or things that could impact them, you must be a very caring and generous person. <br>\nI also think youre really brave for having fought this for 10 years now. Your wife and you have been through a lot, I'm sure you wouldn't be burdening her if you were to tell her how you are feeling. <br>\n<br>\nIm not sure what advice I can offer you but I just wanted to let you know, you've taken a great step to getting some more help, even if you can't afford it right now. Maybe in future, you can get to a doctor? They offer rebates on counselling sessions, or some centres such as headspace can help. Check out there website also! Not all techniques work for everyone, I get that! Its about finding the one that fits you best. Goodluck. <br>\n<br>\nI hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and enjoy your time with your family. All the best with your health !</div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-to-do/td-p/86435" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi there MTJ </p>\n<p>Welcome onto Beyond Blue and apologies for not getting to you sooner … it’s this silly festive season … well, that’s my excuse anyway. </p>\n<p>To deal with first your illness that you’ve been battling for so long now on your own … it is time for professional help and I think you realise you need this also.  Tough time of year to do this, due to massive shut downs, but if you can (or maybe you already have) make an appointment to see your GP and unload to them what’s been and is happening.  Also let them know of your financial stress as well.  They should hopefully be able to advise you of appropriate areas where you can go where you can seek suitable help on a low budget. </p>\n<p>Your post while troubling, also speaks volumes for you as a person.  I read that you worry about what kind of positive influence you will be for your daughter … she knows you’re a teacher (unless of course, she’s just a toddler) and she would possibly know that you’ve been placed in a difficult, tough school, which takes additional talents from you to deal with on top of the normal talents that a teacher needs to display.  Kids are very perceptive and she’ll pick up all this, if not already, and would have her inner feelings of love and pride for you. </p>\n<p>It’s good that you’ve been able to have cognitive therapy and even better that you’re using such techniques to help you out. </p>\n<p>Please get back to us here over this coming period, especially when so many places are closed … there’s so many of us here and we can try and offer you advice and support. </p>\n<p>I wish you and your family a safe and happy festive season. </p>\n<p>Cheers </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "24-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-to-do/td-p/86435" }, { "author": "user-id/39033", "content": "<p>Hi MTJ,</p>\n<p>Just wanted to say that if you have medicare, ask your GP about bulk billed therapists as there are some available depending on whereabout you are in Australia. And some therapists do offer discounts and financial assistance just make sure you ask.</p>\n<p>All the best.</p></div>", "date": "03-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-to-do/td-p/86435" } ]
What to do?
Thanks to those who have Haredim tier stories. I have found some comfort but also been close to tears seeing that others have similar feelings to me.  I have suffered from depression and anxiety on and off for about 10 years, although when I look back I think I had some issues before that: I used to lie a lot to cover up for my insecurities and try and say what I thought people would like me to say/find interesting rather than the truth.  I wake up some days feeling fine but would say for at least half the days I I feel anxious to the point of nausea and have a headache. I suffer from lower back pain which has effected my ability to exercise, which has often helped me with my stress. I tend to only look at the negative aspects in my life and see my list of things to do as an endless mountain. I have a wonderful wife and daughter but my wife has been having counselling since she lost her mum earlier this year and we had 2 miscarriages the year before. I don't want to burden her.  Have lived in Oz for 5 years since moving from the UK. I like living here but have not made any close friends that I could confide in and have drifted away from friends and family back home.   I have had cognitive therapy and try to use the techniques I acquired to help me. This sometimes works but I often feel to exhausted to take a step back. I worry about work, money, DIY, what people think of me and whether I am a positive influence on my daughter. I am a teacher and have been in and out of work the last two years, mainly due to working in a tough school and my difficulties in coping with the stress in the classroom. I have never been on anti depressants but feel I need something/someone to help. I have not considered suicide but often think that the world would be better without me - more of a wish to disappear/not exist.  I had heard of Beyond Blue and needed somewhere to vent. I don't have much money to see and councillor/doctor or a physio to help with my back.  Thanks.
[ { "author": "user-id/26961", "content": "<p>Well let me begin late last year I was smoking weed in my room just late every night i would have weed before i go to sleep to make myself feel good then all of a sudden I got a panic attack and thought i was going to die and it kept on happening everyday all day and night.</p><p>So i then started to drink lots my mission was to try and kill some brain cells i know sounds stupid and i did that for about 1 month I also had quit weed completely then all of a sudden i decided I had to tell someone so i told my dad and he called the doctors and i went in for an appointment he prescribed me a benzodiazepine  and booked me in to see the mental health nurse.</p><p>So i kept taking the medication, it helped me relax but i still felt like crap and i was getting these weird trips like I was looking through a tunnel and hearing a cat meow, stuff like that anyway i finally got to see the mental health nurse and I told him everything from when i used to steal cars and get into fights when i was drinking to myself getting bashed and robbed (btw i was hanging around the wrong people at that time) he then thought the panic attacks was from psychosis and put me on an antipsychotic and booked me an appointment to see a professional psychiatrist for a second opinion.</p><p>Anyway I went home feeling like crap and went through all the bad thoughts and just before bed i took 1 of the antipsychotic pills and it made me freak out, I finally got to sleep and when i woke up i felt dizzy and tired really bad i then got a lift to the psychiatrist which cost me $250 and we spoke pretty much about the same stuff as what i told the mental health nurse and they then had a talk with each other over the phone and the psychiatrist said he doesn't have psychosis and that I was just having psychotic episodes and some sort of anxiety disorder at the same time so he put me on an SNRI for the anxiey and a different antipyschotic for the racing thought and psychotic episodes and after about 3 weeks I started to feel awesome i then saw the mental health nurse again and he made me start Karate and he also told me to never smoke weed ever again, ever! and said I'm one of the lucky ones if i had continued that habit and didn't get the help that i got I would have ended up with schizophrenia but he want to be continue taking the medicationto prevent it and to stop the racing thought and now I'm here 1 year later</p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-panic-attack-psychosis-depression/td-p/90926" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hey ozm8ey,</p>\n<p>Thanks for joining the forums. You've come a long way, which is great - I just saw your post in the 'suicide prevention' forum where you were struggling with bad thoughts on Boxing Day, but you posted a little while later saying you were feeling ok again. Please keep checking in with us here, after everything you've been through it's not uncommon for there to be some ups and downs; some of which can be very scary.</p>\n<p>It's great that you've started karate, what are some of the other things you enjoy doing? Have you got a better circle of friends now? </p>\n<p>Hope to hear back from you soon.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "02-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-panic-attack-psychosis-depression/td-p/90926" } ]
anxiety,panic attack, psychosis, depression
Well let me begin late last year I was smoking weed in my room just late every night i would have weed before i go to sleep to make myself feel good then all of a sudden I got a panic attack and thought i was going to die and it kept on happening everyday all day and night. So i then started to drink lots my mission was to try and kill some brain cells i know sounds stupid and i did that for about 1 month I also had quit weed completely then all of a sudden i decided I had to tell someone so i told my dad and he called the doctors and i went in for an appointment he prescribed me a benzodiazepine  and booked me in to see the mental health nurse. So i kept taking the medication, it helped me relax but i still felt like crap and i was getting these weird trips like I was looking through a tunnel and hearing a cat meow, stuff like that anyway i finally got to see the mental health nurse and I told him everything from when i used to steal cars and get into fights when i was drinking to myself getting bashed and robbed (btw i was hanging around the wrong people at that time) he then thought the panic attacks was from psychosis and put me on an antipsychotic and booked me an appointment to see a professional psychiatrist for a second opinion. Anyway I went home feeling like crap and went through all the bad thoughts and just before bed i took 1 of the antipsychotic pills and it made me freak out, I finally got to sleep and when i woke up i felt dizzy and tired really bad i then got a lift to the psychiatrist which cost me $250 and we spoke pretty much about the same stuff as what i told the mental health nurse and they then had a talk with each other over the phone and the psychiatrist said he doesn't have psychosis and that I was just having psychotic episodes and some sort of anxiety disorder at the same time so he put me on an SNRI for the anxiey and a different antipyschotic for the racing thought and psychotic episodes and after about 3 weeks I started to feel awesome i then saw the mental health nurse again and he made me start Karate and he also told me to never smoke weed ever again, ever! and said I'm one of the lucky ones if i had continued that habit and didn't get the help that i got I would have ended up with schizophrenia but he want to be continue taking the medicationto prevent it and to stop the racing thought and now I'm here 1 year later
[ { "author": "user-id/36027", "content": "<p>So in the cinema today I saw the beyond blue Anxiety ad and it really struck home. All of it. I previously knew I had highly probable depression and anxiety, so I came here and took that  k10 test or whatever it's called, and apparently I'm getting between 29 and 30 on that. I have no Monet at all, don't work and live with parents and study. I also don't think I could handle talking to someone face to face. Any ideas would be appreciated. </p></div>", "date": "26-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/23184", "content": "<p>Hi One million pieces,</p>\n<p>I agree with Daisy that it might be a good idea to go and see your GP. I confirmed my own depression the same way (by online test) and having it confirmed by the doctor was one of the most liberating things that has happened to me! I found out that it wasn't just all me and there was actually a diagnosis for how I felt and it wasn't all my fault! </p>\n<p>I know it might be hard -especially with feelings of anxiety, but do you think you can tell someone and get them to go to the docs with you? You could just tell them about the test and that you want to see if there is anything to it. </p>\n<p>It would be a hurdle but I'm sure it would be worth it and I know that you can do it.</p>\n<p>Juliet x</p></div>", "date": "01-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/6226", "content": "<p>HI One million pieces</p>\n<p>I know exactly how you feel.</p>\n<p>The ad from BB is very good- it displays how one is feeling with anxiety.</p>\n<p>I never did the anxiety or depression distress tests until Ive seen my Doc. </p>\n<p>I was terriefied by the result- which put me in the very severe section of both conditions.</p>\n<p>same as you I new something was not right with me but I could not overcome the hurdle to talk it through with friends or doctors. I feared my friends will leave me alone and a doc will lock me up. </p>\n<p>After my studies got really full on,getting physically sick and losing a good friend I just crumbled. My usual GP was no one I felt like talking to. A friends advise to see her doc proofed great. That doc took 40 min to listen to me and made sure I was getting better.,</p>\n<p>now I only see her every 3 month to check if the meds doing their job.</p>\n<p>One million pieces- as other forum members adviced, try the online chat, the online message service from BB or/and the phone service. Try services like centacare which are free and not connected to any doctor, if you just want some advise and get your head around your feelings. Writing your thoughts down is great, I did that with the doc, I was so embarrassed to confess my real feelings. writing it down was sort of easier.</p>\n<p>Good vibes your way, you can do it, there is help our there.</p>\n<p>I hope you find a kind GP to talk to. Once you found one they can really change your life </p>\n<p>Beetle</p></div>", "date": "01-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/36027", "content": "<p>So in the cinema today I saw the beyond blue Anxiety ad and it really struck home. All of it. I previously knew I had highly probable depression and anxiety, so I came here and took that  k10 test or whatever it's called, and apparently I'm getting between 29 and 30 on that. I have no Monet at all, don't work and live with parents and study. I also don't think I could handle talking to someone face to face. Any ideas would be appreciated. </p></div>", "date": "26-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/30979", "content": "<p>Hi one million pieces,  ive been struggling with anxiety panic attacks since I was 18 and im 25 now. I feel for me the best way if you dont want to talk to someone is to write basically a letter either to the person you need to tell or talk something through with. Or write down everything first read it then re write what you think you have missed out or make more sense of. Talking on the phone can help aswell but if like me u get a little silent cause ur upset.  I go for writing. </p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>hi One million pieces, would you able to tell us how old you are, however if this worries you then it's OK, no problems.</p>\n<p>There are many people who struggle with depression but don't take this test, so they are just stuck in this void, with no help what's so ever, and this is sad for them, because it's a real problem that affects their life in every way.</p>\n<p>People who can't talk to someone is also another issue, but also very common, because they are frightened of any response from any person, and this is understandable, because their fear is that the person will just say to them 'why are you depressed, you have everything that we have given you'.</p>\n<p>This is an inappropriate answer, because it seems to ridicule you, and it doesn't face the real problem, and that being your depression.</p>\n<p>What you want is for them to sit down with you and discuss these issues, but we are scared that this won't happen, so this fear immediately stops us from talking to them.</p>\n<p>As Jam has said that if we talk on the phone that our emotions take over, and we are unable to tell them about our problems, and this happens so many times, but it's not your fault, it's just depression taking over.</p>\n<p>You could try and ring the phone number above, or post on this site where you can take your time, so it's really which one suits you, but there are so many caring and understanding people on this site, all of whom have gone from hell and back several times, so we all understand what pain you are experiencing, so I hope that you can continue posting on this site. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/21089", "content": "<p>Hi One million pieces</p>\n<p>How are you coping today?</p>\n<p>I remember when I first did that test I got such a shock!!  I understand you not wanting to talk to someone as it is hard.</p>\n<p>I highly recommend the online support here on BB.  Their hours are 4pm to 10pm EST  they are really good and very supportive.  They will find possible support for you that may help you cope better.</p>\n<p>Please don't try and do this without support, also as Geoff said keep posting on here as we are all here for you and we really do understand.</p>\n<p>Big hugs, Amamas</p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/36027", "content": "<p>Im 18 but 19 in January. Typing is where I feel most comfortable, but still takes a considerable amount of effort not to delete anything.</p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/36027", "content": "<p>Yes I go totally silent, its just horrible. Letters would work, I do feel most comfortable with typing and writing. Thank you.</p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/36027", "content": "<p>Thank you so much Amamas, I will go onto the chat sometime. I'll try to keep up around here if i can.</p></div>", "date": "27-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>hi One million pieces, when you type something on this forum then that's how you actually feel, you need not worry about saying anything, we don't know who you are, what you look like or what state you live in, and in actual fact I only have 9 toes, so there we go. </p>\n<p>Your branching supposedly into the prime of your life, but unfortunately your not, so please have a go. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "28-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p>Just had a couple of thoughts to share.</p>\n<p>If you are living at home do you have a family member or friend you can trust to talk to and maybe accompany you to go and see a doctor. If you are studying then you should be able to get support through the institution you are enrolled with.</p>\n<p>I know from experience that it can be helpful to share with others on the BB but also I think it is a good idea to have a look at the recommendations for protecting your privacy which includes not sharing anything you would not be comfortable sharing with strangers. It may also be possible to run into someone on the BB in the real world. It can be a small world at times.</p>\n<p>Peace.</p></div>", "date": "29-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" }, { "author": "user-id/5598", "content": "<p>Hi there I know from experience it's very hard to get support or even talk to others with mental health issues...I have just joined and hope to listen and share our experiences.</p>\n<p>Anthony</p></div>", "date": "29-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ideas-on-what-i-should-do/td-p/90890" } ]
Ideas on what I should do??
So in the cinema today I saw the beyond blue Anxiety ad and it really struck home. All of it. I previously knew I had highly probable depression and anxiety, so I came here and took that  k10 test or whatever it's called, and apparently I'm getting between 29 and 30 on that. I have no Monet at all, don't work and live with parents and study. I also don't think I could handle talking to someone face to face. Any ideas would be appreciated. 
[ { "author": "user-id/12234", "content": "Hello,<br>\n<br>\nAt 30 years old I have finally realised that I need to acknowledge some of the things I constantly think in my head are not what most people would consider ‘normal’.  I am writing this on here as I have just read a lot of other peoples thoughts and it has given me the confidence to post some of my feelings in the hope that maybe someone can help shed some light on what it is that cause me to spend so much of my waking hours thinking the way I do, and maybe what I should do about it.<br>\n<br>\nThere are some things I have always done as long as I can remember which I want to share with you;<br>\n<br>\nI have this bad habit of over analysing social situations of any kind after the event and reliving them in exact detail.  I can go over and over every word that was said in a conversation from every possible angle and get annoyed with myself for a ‘bad’ answer or a ‘stupid’ question convinced that the other person would only remember that and perceive me as an idiot.  Whats worse is that its not only strangers but family members and close friends too that I do this to but can even be pizza delivery guys, call centre operators etc. etc.  Also I forever relive past conversations even if they happened a few years ago and still get frustrated with particular actions I took or things I said convinced that these things have left the impression that I feel of me in their eyes, even if it was just the way I said “goodbye”.   <br>\n<br>\nI will avoid places I have to go, such as a shop for work like the butchers (Im a chef) because I worry for hours before hand about the 3 or so minutes of ‘banter’ I will have to have with them whilst waiting for my order, convinced when I leave they will say all these negative things about me like I'm an idiot or boring etc.  Also I have started to avoid seeing some of my best friends and my goddaughter as I think I will run out of things to say and look foolish.  Im so bored of this!<br>\n<br>\nRecently I cant leave my house and walk down the street without thinking everybody I pass is somehow looking at me and judging me.  <br>\n<br>\nIf I'm going to a cafe I will go over and over the words I need to use and what I will say in my head before I walk in and order a coffee.  To most people this would sound completely ridiculous and I too know that it is completely irrational and that the server in the coffee shop wont remember the guy that said ‘hello, can I have a latte’ in a strange way that morning but I cant help it.  <br>\n<br>\nI consider myself to be reasonably intelligent so I don’t suffer too much from intellectual self-esteem issues, but I cant help constantly thinking that my hair must look stupid or im walking funny or im drinking from my water bottle too loudly when I'm somewhere.  Always convinced that the look a shop assistant gives me is because I look strange.  It is so frustrating as I know it doesn't make sense and yet I can never stop the repeating thoughts and its driving me crazy! <br>\n<br>\nAlso no matter how much sleep I get I very rarely feel normal and ‘awake’, it does happen sometimes but I often feel almost dizzy or just slightly out of touch like I'm not quite there almost like a little cloudy? or slightly dreamy? Its hard to find the words to describe this adequately does anyone know what I mean?<br>\n<br>\nI have always drunk a lot of alcohol, often more than a bottle of red wine or equivalent most nights for pretty much the last ten years.  Recently because of study I have cut that down and even managed to stop for a week.  I had always thought that this had added to my feelings but it turns out that they were still there, I even gave up cigarettes too and they still are, and so I guess I have no more excuses other than to try and work out what is really the problem and do something about it.<br>\n<br>\nDespite all these negative thoughts I honestly think most people who know me would say I'm almost always happy and quite confident.  No one including my girlfriend of two years knows quite how frequent and on rotation the thoughts are, and generally i cope alright, well outwardly anyway, I'm sure some of you know what I mean but it is tiring.  <br>\n<br>\nI know these problems aren't as debilitating as some peoples on here but I guess I would love to know if anyone who has similar thoughts what has worked for you and perhaps what you think my next step should be.  When I started writing this I thought a GP would probably send me home and tell me its nothing if I told them but putting it down on paper, and there are so many more examples, I kind of just realised how much I bend my life and put up with stuff because of this and I'm sure there is something I can do.  Often it is all consuming and I can't think about anything else, a feeling I'm sure a lot of people will be familiar with.  If I look back into my past I can find times right back to high school when I have felt I have struggled socially and so I don't know whether much has changed or whether I'm just more aware of them recently.  I hate the idea of medication in almost any form and have probably only taken a handful of nurofen in the past ten years so I'm hoping there is some other option.  Anyway I feel happier having made this step. <br>\n<br>\n<br>\n<p>Thanks for reading</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "24-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Dear frustrated, I must apologise for my last post. To be honest it was written after I consumed a bottle of wine. I dread writing the wrong thing to people on this forum and I feel I should not have made the final sentence. The thing is you have done an amazing job of detailing any problems you might have and you have been very thorough on yourself. What I was trying to get across is that I believe you are not going to have much of a problem dealing with these issues. You may not realise it but you have done most of the work already. I know it,s daunting going to see a psychologist but I think you said it yourself that they are professional people. The idea of writing everything down is an excellent idea, that way you won,t come out of the session wishing you had said this and that. Just be warned of one thing, there psychologists out there that are in the wrong profession. You will know straight away if you strike one of these, a sign that they are not very good is they,ll spend most of the session talking about themselves. Don,t worry the odds of this happening is very small. Beyond blue have an excellent tool on this website were you can search for a mental health professional in your area. Maybe make a list and see if the gp can recommend one of them. Just keep on doing what you are doing, you are doing exactly the right things. I,m really sorry if I said anything to upset you, I really was only trying to help. Good luck</p></div>", "date": "30-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/9566", "content": "<p>Hi there,</p>\n<p>How did your appointment go? I know how you feel dreading going to see a GP. There's no way I would have gone it it wasn't for my family forcing me to get help. My sister actually rang up and made the appointment for me and drove me there because I was refusing to do it. The thought of seeing a doctor and admitting how I was feeling made me feel so anxious I was ready to have a panic attack in the waiting room.</p>\n<p>I thought no one would be able to help me and I was going to feel this way forever. However since finding the right psychologist this has changed and you don't have to feel this way.</p>\n<p>hope you have started to receive some help.</p></div>", "date": "10-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/21977", "content": "<p>Hi Frustrated, I do a lot of the things you mentioned in your post. Perhaps not to the amount of detail that you do though, Ive seen psychologists all my life and they've never mentioned that I might have OCD. One thing I do do now that I realise is fairly dysfunctional is that in order for things to happen the way I want them I think things have to occur in a certain order? Like events, the steps to getting a job, finding a partner, finding a house etc...does any of this relate to you?</p>\n<p>Things will happen as theyre supposed to happen you cant control them. Im just figuring this out now and Im 36 yrs old!</p></div>", "date": "29-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Chociloni, by having OCD myself for 54 years and what you have said is yes you do have OCD, and if you are concerned or would like to talk about then please reply.</p>\n<p>It's an illness that so many people do actually have, and it is annoying. Geoff. </p></div>", "date": "30-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/21977", "content": "<p>Hi Geoff,</p>\n<p>What methods have helped you?</p></div>", "date": "30-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/12234", "content": "Hello,<br>\n<br>\nAt 30 years old I have finally realised that I need to acknowledge some of the things I constantly think in my head are not what most people would consider ‘normal’.  I am writing this on here as I have just read a lot of other peoples thoughts and it has given me the confidence to post some of my feelings in the hope that maybe someone can help shed some light on what it is that cause me to spend so much of my waking hours thinking the way I do, and maybe what I should do about it.<br>\n<br>\nThere are some things I have always done as long as I can remember which I want to share with you;<br>\n<br>\nI have this bad habit of over analysing social situations of any kind after the event and reliving them in exact detail.  I can go over and over every word that was said in a conversation from every possible angle and get annoyed with myself for a ‘bad’ answer or a ‘stupid’ question convinced that the other person would only remember that and perceive me as an idiot.  Whats worse is that its not only strangers but family members and close friends too that I do this to but can even be pizza delivery guys, call centre operators etc. etc.  Also I forever relive past conversations even if they happened a few years ago and still get frustrated with particular actions I took or things I said convinced that these things have left the impression that I feel of me in their eyes, even if it was just the way I said “goodbye”.   <br>\n<br>\nI will avoid places I have to go, such as a shop for work like the butchers (Im a chef) because I worry for hours before hand about the 3 or so minutes of ‘banter’ I will have to have with them whilst waiting for my order, convinced when I leave they will say all these negative things about me like I'm an idiot or boring etc.  Also I have started to avoid seeing some of my best friends and my goddaughter as I think I will run out of things to say and look foolish.  Im so bored of this!<br>\n<br>\nRecently I cant leave my house and walk down the street without thinking everybody I pass is somehow looking at me and judging me.  <br>\n<br>\nIf I'm going to a cafe I will go over and over the words I need to use and what I will say in my head before I walk in and order a coffee.  To most people this would sound completely ridiculous and I too know that it is completely irrational and that the server in the coffee shop wont remember the guy that said ‘hello, can I have a latte’ in a strange way that morning but I cant help it.  <br>\n<br>\nI consider myself to be reasonably intelligent so I don’t suffer too much from intellectual self-esteem issues, but I cant help constantly thinking that my hair must look stupid or im walking funny or im drinking from my water bottle too loudly when I'm somewhere.  Always convinced that the look a shop assistant gives me is because I look strange.  It is so frustrating as I know it doesn't make sense and yet I can never stop the repeating thoughts and its driving me crazy! <br>\n<br>\nAlso no matter how much sleep I get I very rarely feel normal and ‘awake’, it does happen sometimes but I often feel almost dizzy or just slightly out of touch like I'm not quite there almost like a little cloudy? or slightly dreamy? Its hard to find the words to describe this adequately does anyone know what I mean?<br>\n<br>\nI have always drunk a lot of alcohol, often more than a bottle of red wine or equivalent most nights for pretty much the last ten years.  Recently because of study I have cut that down and even managed to stop for a week.  I had always thought that this had added to my feelings but it turns out that they were still there, I even gave up cigarettes too and they still are, and so I guess I have no more excuses other than to try and work out what is really the problem and do something about it.<br>\n<br>\nDespite all these negative thoughts I honestly think most people who know me would say I'm almost always happy and quite confident.  No one including my girlfriend of two years knows quite how frequent and on rotation the thoughts are, and generally i cope alright, well outwardly anyway, I'm sure some of you know what I mean but it is tiring.  <br>\n<br>\nI know these problems aren't as debilitating as some peoples on here but I guess I would love to know if anyone who has similar thoughts what has worked for you and perhaps what you think my next step should be.  When I started writing this I thought a GP would probably send me home and tell me its nothing if I told them but putting it down on paper, and there are so many more examples, I kind of just realised how much I bend my life and put up with stuff because of this and I'm sure there is something I can do.  Often it is all consuming and I can't think about anything else, a feeling I'm sure a lot of people will be familiar with.  If I look back into my past I can find times right back to high school when I have felt I have struggled socially and so I don't know whether much has changed or whether I'm just more aware of them recently.  I hate the idea of medication in almost any form and have probably only taken a handful of nurofen in the past ten years so I'm hoping there is some other option.  Anyway I feel happier having made this step. <br>\n<br>\n<br>\n<p>Thanks for reading</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "24-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/41460", "content": "Hi frustrated44. I suffer from anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder and have the same problems that you are experiencing. I now try to avoid going to banks/butchers/bakeries because I too anticipate the conversations I may have and worry about what I will say and if I will be judged. I get nervous and a rapid heart rate. I know what you are experiencing 100%. I know what you are saying about even walking down the street and feeling judged. Sometimes I even walk a longer route to get to my house from the other end to avoid a longer stretch of my road. Once again I know what you are experiencing 100%. Feeling dizzy and out of touch, certainly I experience this too and it is a classic symptom of anxiety. Reliving past conversations and feeling guilty about things even if I didn't intend to cause harm, yes, that's me too. Go to a doctor as your first step, they will not brush you off. A GP should and most definitely will take you very seriously.</div>", "date": "24-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/41460", "content": "Hi frustrated44. I suffer from anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. I have exactly the same thoughts that you have and it really is very crippling. I dread going to the bank/butchers and certain shops as I too dread the banter and I try to have things in mind to say because I don't want to come across as bland. I mentally envisage what the conversation might be like. Its gotten to a stage whereby I avoid places where banter is likely to occur. Who would have thought that banking a cheque would be so difficult but that's what anxiety does; makes everything difficult. Re walking down the street I am 100% the same; dread being judged so it makes it a difficult task. Past conversations I relive too and feel anguish over whether I possibly hurt somebodys feelings. Finally, the dizziness and out of touch feeling which I get too is a classic symptom of anxiety. Go see a doctor as your first step, a GP will take you very seriously and then you can go from there.</div>", "date": "24-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/9566", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p>I don't suffer from anxiety in the same way that you do, I don't fear social situations however I do suffer anxiety and panic attacks. My anxiety is more a general feeling of unease and worry that 'something bad' may happen - don't ask me what that bad thing may be because even I cannot answer that, ridiculous I know! </p>\n<p>However I can relate to you as I have experienced how these sorts of thoughts can be all consuming and it can actually take over your life. I can also relate because most people that know me also think I am happy, confident and in control and they would most likely be shocked to learn how I am actually feeling.</p>\n<p> I suggest talking to your GP and getting a referral to see a psychologist. I also did not want to take any medication so I have gone down the psychology path and I am finding it very effective. The first psychologist I was sent to was useless so I went back and got another referral and found a psychologist who is very good - hence my advice is keeping looking until you find the right person to help.</p>\n<p>I think initially seeking is help can be the hardest part, as I was very embarrassed initially to let down my guard and actually admit how I was feeling. I did not want to go to a GP but my family forced me to and I am glad they did. Hope that helps.</p></div>", "date": "24-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/9566", "content": "<p>Also, in terms of your description of being 'cloudy' and 'out of touch' - I know exactly what you mean. Very hard to describe what it is or to put my finger on it exactly but I sometimes get a slightly detached feeling. Can be quite disconcerting I know.</p></div>", "date": "24-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Frustrated, well Anxiousguy has hit the nail on the head, so to speak, it's definitely OCD, which I have had for 54 years, and all these thoughts that you are having are exactly the same as myself as well.</p>\n<p>It's an illness that we have somehow learnt to do, or perhaps it's hereditary, which means that passed generations also had it, but back then they wouldn't have called it OCD, they would have called it by a derogatory name, which would have been totally unfair.</p>\n<p>Each and everyone who posts on this site have their own problems or concerns, and this includes those that reply to others as well, and this includes myself, so when you say that your problems 'aren't as debilitating as some people' is not true at all, as everyone is important.</p>\n<p>Personally I don't write in about my own OCD, I just reply to those who are worried about it themselves.</p>\n<p>I don't believe one bit that if I can't stand on cracks on the footpath, or have to check locks four or five times that I am abnormal, it's an illness that I inherited, I had no choice, although my twin doesn't have it, nor has he ever had depression.</p>\n<p>Please get back to us so we can talk about it some more. Geoff. </p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "25-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/17199", "content": "<p>Hello!</p>\n<p>Thank you for sharing your post with us, I suffer a bit from this too, in fact I'm not sure if this will help you but hope you keep reading! </p>\n<p>Not everyone is perfect, your not, I'm not, the guy at the coffee store or the random person walking down the street. We are all different and unique. If everyone talked the same way how would I have any interesting conversations with anyone? Mistakes are a part of life, you experience them, learn from them, accept them. </p>\n<p>In saying that I still remember conversations from really long ago, thinking I shouldn't of said that and such. But I can't change that, so why bother worrying about it? I encourage you to, but you don't have to, go out and talk to people about anything that comes to mind, regardless if it is appropriate or not. Trust me, I'm still trying to figure out what is ok to bring up in casual conversation, and yes I make a fool out of myself. What I do is laugh about it, apolagise then carry on. </p>\n<p>If you can't do it on your own however I recommend seeing a counselor. They specialise in helping people not by giving them drugs but talking about their problem and working with them to create solutions. Sometimes it can take a while, and it's defentally going to require effort on your part, but the rewards are worth it. Also if the first counselor doesn't really help, try someone else because we are all different. Or, if you can't afford that try out \"The Happiness Trap\" by <span class=\"st\">Dr Russ Harris, it's all about accepting yourself and your feelings, putting a new perspective on things.<br>\n</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"st\">Hope this helps! I'll leave you with this,</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"st\">\"Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.\"<br>\n</span></p></div>", "date": "25-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/12234", "content": "Thank you so much to all of you for taking the time to read and reply to my post.  I cant express fully the power of your words but thanks to you all I have just made an appointment to see a GP next week and hopefully get a referral to speak to a psychologist.<br>\n<br>\nI thought I would write up my thought processes over the last few days, mainly as an exercise for me to work through my thoughts clearly as I often write them down for this purpose and also perhaps they may be interesting to someone else.  The last few days has been filled with mixed emotions, feeling better, worse, excited, scared, one feeling after the other.<br>\n<br>\nMy long standing opinion that this is just me, how I am, and that it will never change is for the first time lessening and this on the whole feels great.  I have felt a wave of relief in starting to believe that I am not the only one with these thoughts and that I am not just ‘weird’.  <br>\n<br>\nI have also felt worse though as these revelations have led me to open many past memories where this anxiety has been the cause of my behaviour; not leaving a hotel room for 3 days was a lonely memory I had forgotten about!  Some of these have been hard to bare but support the feeling that communicating with a professional is important and necessary and that this really does affect my life more than sometimes I let myself believe. <br>\n<br>\nI have been excited at the prospect that perhaps there really is a chance to stop thinking some of the things I do, a chance to de-program some of these thoughts and ease some of that relentless pressure.  I am hoping that one day soon I can finally free up some brain space to do many of the other things that I want to do, and enjoy them on face value for what they are rather than from my usual self-critical approach.  That would be amazing and refreshing!<br>\n<br>\nI am scared though that next week for the first time, other than anonymously on this website, I will try to explain to someone, all be it a professional, the thoughts that I feel embarrassed about having and that I think are silly and unnecessary.  I am also scared that I am now having to admit that there is something 'different' about me and that I am going to have to do something about it, which comes with a whole host of its own questions.  What will the psychologist be like?  Will they think I'm making it up?  Do I tell my girlfriend yet or wait and see what happens?  How long would treatment take?  Could it make me worse?  Could my life really change for the better???<br>\n<br>\nInevitably after making the phone call today to book the appointment, the conversation with the doctor is swimming circles in my mind.  I think I will write things down examples as I'm worried I wont be able to convince her and she wont believe anything is wrong and not give me a referral.  Also they wouldn't let me book a double appointment as the doctor wont allow it unless she authorises it, and there was definitely no way I was explaining to the receptionist why I wanted it, the phone call was hard enough!!!  Im hoping this isn't going to be a problem and the doctor will be annoyed that I'm taking up too much time, at least its booked in!  I have to remember she is a professional and will deal with it.<br>\n<br>\nThanks to your replies and the other stories on this site I do realise this is not just me and lots of people are further down the road that I am just starting on, and this gives me a great deal of hope and confidence that change is possible and quite realistic.  I am impressed and touched with how generous people seem to be in offering support to others on here and from the messages I received I really know how much better they made me feel, as I'm sure they do for many others.  <br>\n<br>\nIts a great feeling to not feel quite so alone.<br>\n<br>\nThanks again to all of you.<br>\n<br>\n <br></div>", "date": "29-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/16620", "content": "<p>it is definitely comforting knowing others have similar thought processes. I too am new to this site but the little I have read has helped me.  Sometimes it is enough to know you are not alone. I certainly relate to most of what you said, some things are different for me, but the almost obsessive thoughts and going over things is definitely where I fall over.   I wish you all the best with the doctor and finding help.  it is hard but the thing is when you do open up, you do find you are not alone. I certainly have found that.</p></div>", "date": "29-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Dear frustrated,</p>\n<p>i don,t think you have too much to be worried about. I would just like to point out the things that jump out at me from your post,</p>\n<p>1. Your going over conversations. I would submit that this is natural for most people, it was for me. It wasn't, until I learnt that it doesn't,t really matter what people think of me, I am a good person!</p>\n<p>2. You are a chef! You are a perfectionist. You are talented. By all the accounts of all the talented people you are meant to suffer to a certain degree, this is the price of being talented!</p>\n<p>3. Drinking a bottle of wine is not real good! You have given up for 1 week, I think you should maybe try for 1 year. I have been told that it takes 21 days to break a habit, and even then it must be replaced by something else. I,ve found sparkling mineral water to be a good substitute.</p>\n<p>4. Seeing psychologist is hard. I let my illness go to the point were I was hospitalised, in fact made involuntary by a magistrate. Would you believe they let me out 2 weeks later. A good psychologist has heard it all, seen it all been there and bought the tee shirt.  If you don,t click with your first psychologist please try another and so on until you do.</p>\n<p>dear frustrated you have seen that there is a problem and you have accepted that something must be done about that problem, well done, you,re on your way to a better happier mental healthy life. I,m sorry but on the scale of mental health problems I would give you a 1</p></div>", "date": "29-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/frustrated-and-wanting-change/td-p/64096" } ]
Frustrated and wanting change
Thanks for reading    
[ { "author": "user-id/3131", "content": "<p>I guess I have always been an 'anxious person' although I didn't realise this for a long time. Anyway sometimes I think where's the line between just being and anxious person and an anxiety disorder. I have never formally been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (perhaps because I had so many other things going on there was no need for another diagnosis!). It's been acknowledged that I have OCD traits but again I don't know that I have specifically been diagnosed with OCD - though probably could of been. Anyway I have now recovered from BPD and depression but am still very anxious. It's kind of a problem - I have some idea on how to manage it. But last night was so bad that this morning I wondered if I need medication!! </p>\n<p>Basically on a day to day basis I have to go back and check the door every time I leave. I have to check I unplugged the appliances. I feel like my house will be burnt down by an appliance left charging or broken into because the door is unlocked. I know I am meant to not go back and not check but this is too hard so I just go back - every time. So that's day to day. And I guess I figure at the end of the day it doesn't matter if I have to leave 5 minutes early to allow time to go back and check the door. </p>\n<p>But last night I was awake all night because I was worried I was going to miss a flight in 2 months time!! SO in the middle of the night was googling fare rules and insurance to work out what to do when I miss this flight. And it was like I was there at he airport and so distressed having missed the whole holiday! I woke up feeling so disorientated and terrible. </p>\n<p>I still feel exhausted and am realising that it might be a problem. I want to take out insurance on my insurance. Then I was worried that I had to have an operation and my heath insurance didn't cover it and wanted to get the item numbers to check but given I don't need an operation this is impossible. Hmm yes I guess it is a bit of an issue isn't it! </p>\n<p>So I try to exercise when I can (sometimes limited by injury and tiredness), I tried to focus on my breathing. But I guess I realised I need to do more! More exercise. More mindfulness. I need to stop ignoring it. </p></div>", "date": "22-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-anxiety-so-much-anxiety/td-p/88412" }, { "author": "user-id/11515", "content": "<p>i have suffered from anxiety for 6yrs now and its hard when you do get yourself in a bit of a routine like that its so stressful that its just easy to go back and check something rather then having it on your mind all day and im in the same boat i check doors and tap things and even tho i know the doors locked and play it in my head that yes i stepped outside and pulled the door behind me my brain automatically goes maybe the lock flung back and its wide open now or maybe this happened or maybe this happened and it just keeps going over and over and im in the middle of overcoming my bad routines and thort patterns and its hard to just walk away but you have to break the cycle because it becomes a automatic response for your brain to do the bad routines and it thinks its a normal routine when you know its not so when you are getting ready to go out you dont wont to be thinking okay i have to leave eary so i can check the door or whatever it may be and i know its damn hard! you want to be thinking where your going or what you have to do and focus on something else and walk out the door and be like okay its locked thats it and continue on with what you have to do next, unlock the car get in, ooo thats a good song on the radio and this shirt feels good against my skin and just break things down and refocus your mind thats what works for me anyway not all the time sometimes you may run back and check the door again but its okay you just have to keep at it, i got a saying i say and its like if you walk threw a cornfield once no one would notice anyone has been threw there but if you keep walking threw that cornfield and do it everyday on the same path after a while you will be able to tell someone is walking threw there and its the same with your brain for it to do what you want it to do it needs a pathway for the action, its easy to make a path when you dont want it to like the bad routines so you need to take a different path and let that part of the cornfield regrow and before you know it you will be coming home thinking to yourself wow i didnt even check the door thismorning and its a good feeling. but if you are really worried there is help out there doctors, psychologists ect. no one knows you better then yourself so just do right for you and goodluck i hope it helped</p></div>", "date": "22-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-anxiety-so-much-anxiety/td-p/88412" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Joey and Corey, after I have done it for 54 years I have grown to become used to it, however this doesn't answer the query from either of you.</p>\n<p>Firstly could you please tell me if you know whether this illness has been handed done from previous generations but this maybe difficult to determine, because back then it wasn't really diagnosed, as my Dad was a GP and he didn't pick it up, or there could have been a chance that he knew but didn't want to talk about it with me, but I don't believe so.</p>\n<p>There is a difference between being born with it to learning how to do it, because of some devastating incidence, which is then associated with depression.</p>\n<p>That's a big topic but depending on your answers it should be talked about, because we know the severity of this illness.</p>\n<p>I take a SSRI for OCD as well as depression, and maybe this could be why my anxiety level has improved, however it hasn't completely stopped me from doing OCD but those anxious comments you both have made I was exactly the same 100 %, but now it has lowered those thoughts.</p>\n<p>I enjoy talking about OCD because I don't have anyone except my psychologist and on this site to talk about it. Geoff.</p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-anxiety-so-much-anxiety/td-p/88412" }, { "author": "user-id/3131", "content": "<p>Hi Geoff,</p>\n<p>I think I was born with OCD. Relatives never diagnosed but certainly some people have obvious 'traits'. I can see signs of it from a very young age (primary school). So I guess for me I was probably born with it. Not sure If this makes it better or worse or harder or easier to treat! I guess it's the whole nature / nurture debate and I think it's really a bit of both. I mean if you are raised by a mother with OCD traits is it genetics or do you learn to behave in a similar to organise and manage your own life. That being said my siblings seem fine. </p>\n<p>I used to be on an SSRI (but for depression) - not sure if I noticed a difference in the OCD or not. I do remember on drug (and SSRI or SNRI can't remember) made it worse. Anyway I am open to it but at the same time and enjoying not being on medications so will see how things go. Just don't remember them ever making a big impact on the anxiety. </p>\n<p>Corey - I agree what you are doing - thinking about your shirt etc and being mindful is good. I think also I need to be very mindful about locking the door in the first place then I don't have to go back. But again its a fine line. Mindful yes. But don't let that turn into a ritual (e.g. checkint the handle 3 and exactly 3 times etc). I know the two are very different but for me its a fine line. Mindfulness is the key to many things. </p>\n<p>Anyway will keep at it. Last night was a bit better - I actually got some sleep which helps!</p>\n<p>Joey. </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "24-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-anxiety-so-much-anxiety/td-p/88412" } ]
Anxiety anxiety so much anxiety
I guess I have always been an 'anxious person' although I didn't realise this for a long time. Anyway sometimes I think where's the line between just being and anxious person and an anxiety disorder. I have never formally been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (perhaps because I had so many other things going on there was no need for another diagnosis!). It's been acknowledged that I have OCD traits but again I don't know that I have specifically been diagnosed with OCD - though probably could of been. Anyway I have now recovered from BPD and depression but am still very anxious. It's kind of a problem - I have some idea on how to manage it. But last night was so bad that this morning I wondered if I need medication!! Basically on a day to day basis I have to go back and check the door every time I leave. I have to check I unplugged the appliances. I feel like my house will be burnt down by an appliance left charging or broken into because the door is unlocked. I know I am meant to not go back and not check but this is too hard so I just go back - every time. So that's day to day. And I guess I figure at the end of the day it doesn't matter if I have to leave 5 minutes early to allow time to go back and check the door. But last night I was awake all night because I was worried I was going to miss a flight in 2 months time!! SO in the middle of the night was googling fare rules and insurance to work out what to do when I miss this flight. And it was like I was there at he airport and so distressed having missed the whole holiday! I woke up feeling so disorientated and terrible. I still feel exhausted and am realising that it might be a problem. I want to take out insurance on my insurance. Then I was worried that I had to have an operation and my heath insurance didn't cover it and wanted to get the item numbers to check but given I don't need an operation this is impossible. Hmm yes I guess it is a bit of an issue isn't it! So I try to exercise when I can (sometimes limited by injury and tiredness), I tried to focus on my breathing. But I guess I realised I need to do more! More exercise. More mindfulness. I need to stop ignoring it.
[ { "author": "user-id/11372", "content": "<p>Every now and then it feels like my heart is in my throat, I can feel my heart beat very strong, it takes my breath away and I need to remind myself to breath. I don't panic or anything, but it's starting to worry me. Is this anxiety or maybe a heart issue?</p></div>", "date": "12-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety/td-p/78077" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "<p>Bluebird</p>\n<p>They are the symptoms of a panic attack. Is it just the sensation, or does this occur because you are worrying about something. Usually panic attacks have some sort of a trigger. Its not necessarily the same trigger all the time.  For me its usually some problem at work but sometimes its other things. If these attacks just happen randomly for no real reason then you should go and see your GP. He or she can run an ECG or hook you up to a holter monitor to check your heart. A racing heart is not good regardless of the cause. You need to get it checked out even if its for your own piece of mind.</p>\n<p> Cheers</p>\n<p>Mbuna </p></div>", "date": "12-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/is-it-anxiety/td-p/78077" } ]
Is it anxiety?
Every now and then it feels like my heart is in my throat, I can feel my heart beat very strong, it takes my breath away and I need to remind myself to breath. I don't panic or anything, but it's starting to worry me. Is this anxiety or maybe a heart issue?
[ { "author": "user-id/29598", "content": "<p>Hi all,</p>\n<p>I have suffered from health related anxiety since I was six years old. Back then I was mainly worried about vomiting but as I got older and my knowledge increased, I started to worry about more serious illness, mainly cancer. </p>\n<p>It has gotten so bad now that I have trouble at work concentrating. My husband does not understand and we have arguments about how much time I spend going back and forth to the doctors and how I ruin wonderful occasions because I'm so anxious or worried. </p>\n<p>i will not touch my neck or breasts as I am worried that I will find a lump (or as I almost always do, feel a normal structure and think its sinister) </p>\n<p>if I think I have found something, I cannot function in daily life and I don't get anything done. I can't eat, sleep, sit still to watch tv, read or do anything. Nothing takes my mind off it. </p>\n<p>I am currently trying to find a medication that suits me but it's difficult to find one that works. I have also just worked out a mental health plan with my wonderful doctor (very helpful) to get some counselling but have not started yet. </p>\n<p>I guess what I'm asking is if anyone else has the same anxiety problems as me and if they have gotten through it?</p>\n<p>i want to enjoy my life and I want my husband to enjoy our life together. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Thanks </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "10-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-about-health-pls-tell-me-i-am-not-alone/td-p/76981" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Roseanne</p>\n<p>First of all, I’m a mid aged male.  Last year I had a lump that was just under my ribcage, and after a period of time it seemed to increase in size and even become a bit painful.  There is a history of cancer in my family and I had all these bad thoughts jump out at me.  During one of my regular doctor visits I got him to check it out and stemming from that, he organised an ultra sound to determine exactly what it was and I was heaps relieved to hear that it wasn’t cancer;   that is was just some kind of node that grows from time to time and there was nothing to worry about.</p>\n<p>This was a huge relief as I had built it up in my mind and it was causing me to think the worst.</p>\n<p>Now you’ve mentioned that you have a wonderful doctor (and that is so important for us to have someone who we feel assured to go too);  and you’ve been there to get yourself a mental health plan.  Is it just possible that you could go along and get him to check you out?  Kind of like a car having a tune up (sorry, I like using analogies and that was how I referred to myself after a recent hospital visit).  After this visit and check up to your doctor, I would expect that everything will be ticked as “A1”.  And if so, then that could really assist and comfort you in a huge way to know that you’re 100% fine and you can lay any of those fears and anxieties to rest.  Do you think this might be possible?</p>\n<p>With regard to your husband, the only thing I can suggest is that you are going to these doctors appointments with the sole purpose to help you deal better with your anxiety and your worrying feelings, so that hopefully in the future you’ll be able to find a way or some methods that might assist you on these occasions.</p>\n<p>Cheers</p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "11-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-about-health-pls-tell-me-i-am-not-alone/td-p/76981" }, { "author": "user-id/29598", "content": "<p>Hi Neil,</p>\n<p>thanks for the reply. This was my first post so I was a bit nervous.</p>\n<p>i have had my doc check me over and I'm all good but I always manage to find something to worry about. </p>\n<p>So glad to hear your health issue was nothing serious. I know how worrying things like that can be, as I had a similar thing happen to me with my neck. (Turned out to be just nodes on my thyroid but it certainly tipped my anxiety over the edge) </p>\n<p>ill be starting my counselling soon so hopefully I will have some ways to deal with any other situations that arise. </p>\n<p>Thanx </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "12-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-about-health-pls-tell-me-i-am-not-alone/td-p/76981" } ]
Anxiety about health - pls tell me I am not alone
Hi all, I have suffered from health related anxiety since I was six years old. Back then I was mainly worried about vomiting but as I got older and my knowledge increased, I started to worry about more serious illness, mainly cancer.  It has gotten so bad now that I have trouble at work concentrating. My husband does not understand and we have arguments about how much time I spend going back and forth to the doctors and how I ruin wonderful occasions because I'm so anxious or worried.  i will not touch my neck or breasts as I am worried that I will find a lump (or as I almost always do, feel a normal structure and think its sinister)  if I think I have found something, I cannot function in daily life and I don't get anything done. I can't eat, sleep, sit still to watch tv, read or do anything. Nothing takes my mind off it.  I am currently trying to find a medication that suits me but it's difficult to find one that works. I have also just worked out a mental health plan with my wonderful doctor (very helpful) to get some counselling but have not started yet.  I guess what I'm asking is if anyone else has the same anxiety problems as me and if they have gotten through it? i want to enjoy my life and I want my husband to enjoy our life together.    Thanks   
[ { "author": "user-id/17787", "content": "<p>Hi all, </p>\n<p>I'm 25 and a Police Officer. I've been in the job for only four years and can't say I've every really thought the job has had an impact on me in a psychological sense. In saying that there's obviously been good days and bad days however I see that as being just like any other job, although I guess the difference is a bad day in a normal job might be getting the shits with your boss or a customer or a client, or being late, or sending an email to the wrong person, whereas a bad day in the cops might be a fatal accident or a suicide or anything. I get to see the best and worst in people and society as a whole which is special and a part of my job I love. </p>\n<p>I would say that I am an old head on young shoulders and I often get told I should really be a 50 or 60 year old! Perhaps this is because I am already looking forward to retirement at my ripe old age haha!</p>\n<p>The reason I am here is to try and perhaps understand what is wrong with me, if anything, I think I may have some of the symptoms of anxiety and/or PTSD. In saying that I feel like I am making a big deal of nothing or blowing it out of proportion making how I feel something more dramatic than it is, as when I think about the term 'PTSD' I associate it with someone who's been in the job a lot longer than I have and has seen and done more. </p>\n<p>The guts of my situation is that just about every night when I goto bed, unless I am very tired I often take a long time to get to sleep. In that time (and some nights are worse than others) if I hear a noise, a creek, anything, or the dog barks at something outside, or I hear a car driving down my street which is pretty quiet and in a small town, I panic, lots. I can feel my chest thumping and automatically think someone is up to no good, or is going to break in, or do something, anything! I stare out the window, stare at the shadows on the wall from the light coming in just incase I see movement, or a torch, but hope that I see nothing. I hate the physical feeling of my chest thumping, I hate the panic and I hate the worry. </p>\n<p>The next morning I always think \"well that was ridiculous\". I don't know why I'm like this, I've never been broken into or had anything 'bad' happen to me, I can only assume that perhaps it might be associated with work in some way, or perhaps I'm just the worrying type… I don't know.</p>\n<p>If you got this far thanks for reading and let me know what you think as I'd really appreciate some feedback. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Chris &amp; Andy</p>\n<p>I did see an EAP counsellor end of last year when I was made redundant.  They were very professional, confident and very helpful.</p>\n<p>I saw this psych for about a month and no one at work knew I was going. So it is kept confidential.</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "04-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/17787", "content": "<p>Hi there CB, </p>\n<p>Thanks for that, might be worth a phone call then. </p>\n<p>Andrew. </p></div>", "date": "04-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Hi Andy, I must say that my experience with EAP was excellent, and they were very annonymous. One of my issues is paranoid delusions so I reckon that is saying something. I think you are going about this exactly the right way, you are just testing the waters. I don,t think I can really help you much, I,m not ex police for one even though I worked in police stations, gaols and courts for many years, I was a prison officer. So I have some insight into your world. If you want to read about the worse case scenario for police officers there are few very interesting police pieces at the injured workers support network website I think the worst story I read there about an ex police officer famous from the cronulla riots developed severe PTSD lost his marriage, home and ended up bunking up with a mate on $400  a week from workers comp and he nearly lost that because of the nsw workers comp law changes. Very sad. Another article stated this was quite a common story. I,m sorry to be so doom and gloom.  I think what you,re after is an ex police person that can identify with your signs and confirm or deny wether you are experiencing PTSD. Even if you did find such a person I don,t think it would help much, I mean I don,t think it would make the symptoms go away. I honestly think your only option is to get this checked out as confidentially as possible, Christopher's advice is on the money I think. I think advances are being made in the services but I think it is very important that people that want to keep an eye on their mental health are afforded the utmost confidentiality. For me it's like seeing a dentist the more lollies you eat the more you are going to need the dentist, the more trauma one witnesses the more they are eventually going to need a psych. I know you are resilient at the moment but do you really want to let witnessing all that trauma get bottled up inside you without going to get your teeth. I hope I haven,t made this issue seem worse for you I,ve tried to explain myself as best as possible. Whatever you decide Andy good luck with everything. And I still think its a good idea to check out that income protection thing.</p></div>", "date": "04-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/22990", "content": "<p>Dear Andy 88,</p>\n<p>concerning your night time problems, I have anxiety and if I hear a car slow down near my house or rev etc I can feel my heart and anxiousness start. Then you cant get to sleep cos your waiting to hear what will happen next, you cannot relax till the sound of that rev or screech is out of ear shot, you tremble all over. I have only quite recently bought a bottle of RESCUE REMEDY 20 dollars fm the chemist all natural, put 4 drops on your tongue just before bed, its amazing. I refuse to take sleeping pills. When I saw a psychologist she suggested I count backwards or look around the room at the objects and while you do this your mind isn't flying. You didn't say if your thoughts keep you awake my mind is always busy lol. good luck young man, Mum</p></div>", "date": "10-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/9566", "content": "<p>Hi Andy, </p>\n<p>well I have experienced the exact same problems at night that you have. And in the morning I would think \"okay that was ridiculous\". Because of this problem I would put off  going to bed until I could no longer keep my eyes open and this led to me being chronically sleep deprived. </p>\n<p>I had these problems getting to sleep and getting scared/anxious at night for quite a while. And this wasn't a major issue in itself. However I think this anxiety at night was a warning sign because in the past few months I have developed full blown panic attacks and severe anxiety. And I can see now those feelings I was getting at night were the beginning of my anxiety. Maybe if I I had realised that earlier I could have prevented my anxiety from becoming as severe as it did.</p>\n<p>Hence I would suggest seeking help before it gets worse. I didn't think much of the difficulties getting to sleep but then my anxiety snowballed and became very severe. </p></div>", "date": "10-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/17787", "content": "<p>Hi all, </p>\n<p>I'm 25 and a Police Officer. I've been in the job for only four years and can't say I've every really thought the job has had an impact on me in a psychological sense. In saying that there's obviously been good days and bad days however I see that as being just like any other job, although I guess the difference is a bad day in a normal job might be getting the shits with your boss or a customer or a client, or being late, or sending an email to the wrong person, whereas a bad day in the cops might be a fatal accident or a suicide or anything. I get to see the best and worst in people and society as a whole which is special and a part of my job I love. </p>\n<p>I would say that I am an old head on young shoulders and I often get told I should really be a 50 or 60 year old! Perhaps this is because I am already looking forward to retirement at my ripe old age haha!</p>\n<p>The reason I am here is to try and perhaps understand what is wrong with me, if anything, I think I may have some of the symptoms of anxiety and/or PTSD. In saying that I feel like I am making a big deal of nothing or blowing it out of proportion making how I feel something more dramatic than it is, as when I think about the term 'PTSD' I associate it with someone who's been in the job a lot longer than I have and has seen and done more. </p>\n<p>The guts of my situation is that just about every night when I goto bed, unless I am very tired I often take a long time to get to sleep. In that time (and some nights are worse than others) if I hear a noise, a creek, anything, or the dog barks at something outside, or I hear a car driving down my street which is pretty quiet and in a small town, I panic, lots. I can feel my chest thumping and automatically think someone is up to no good, or is going to break in, or do something, anything! I stare out the window, stare at the shadows on the wall from the light coming in just incase I see movement, or a torch, but hope that I see nothing. I hate the physical feeling of my chest thumping, I hate the panic and I hate the worry. </p>\n<p>The next morning I always think \"well that was ridiculous\". I don't know why I'm like this, I've never been broken into or had anything 'bad' happen to me, I can only assume that perhaps it might be associated with work in some way, or perhaps I'm just the worrying type… I don't know.</p>\n<p>If you got this far thanks for reading and let me know what you think as I'd really appreciate some feedback. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Andy</p>\n<p>Can I just say that you guys do an amazing job. I can imagine that being in the police force is a tough job dealing with all sorts of people.</p>\n<p>It sounds like you are suffering PTSD/anxiety.  Is there someone in your workplace that you can get some help? Even your GP?  I would imaging that the police force would have professional help for officers that need help.</p>\n<p> I wish you all the best, I hope you do seek help.</p>\n<p>Hope you let us know how you go</p>\n<p>Take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/17787", "content": "<p>Thanks for replying Jo, and thank you for your comments, it's always nice to receive a thank you and know that not everyone hates us. </p>\n<p>Yes there are luckily a number of avenues that I am aware of, I just wanted to jump on here for an informal approach to it first, just to hear from others that may have experienced similar feelings such as the thumping / fluttering chest, or similar feelings of utter panic that later they realised were perhaps an overreaction. </p>\n<p>Last night was a particularly bad night, the worst I've had in a while, so that's why I thought I'd start searching for some support. </p>\n<p>Cheers, Andy. </p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hey Andy,</p>\n<p>I have had quite a few panic attacks before.  The last one was on a freeway while driving home from work in winter.  I pulled over on the side of the road and called the police station.  The officer on the phone kept me calm and stayed on the phone until an officer came to me.  They could see I was in a bad way.  In the meantime they called my husband and he came to pick me up.  If it wasn't for the officer at the police station I don't know what would have happened. I ended up giving him a box of chocolates to say thank you!</p>\n<p>The chest thumping, you feel like you are going to pass out; trembling body and being so damn scared of not knowing what is going on.</p>\n<p>I am seeing a psych and have been for 3 yrs and he gave me some coping skills to cope when I do have a panic attack - deep slow breathing, being mindful of where you are and just telling yourself that you will be okay.</p>\n<p>I wish you all the best, hope you keep in touch here</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Hi Andy, welcome to the forum and I,d just like to say I also think you guys do an amazing job. I come from a similar background to you. I don,t think you have too much to be worried about but having said that it wouldn't hurt to get it checked out. I would imagine that there are quite a few older police officers that would have had severe PTSD and been forced to retire because of it. Before you go and get yourself checked out though, I would be inquiring about income protection insurance and the like, I think you might find that you,ll be discriminated against when it comes to insurance. You guys do a tough job and I think the insurance premiums are a reflection of this. You are doing the right thing keeping tabs on your mental health in a very stressful job. The first psychologist I ever went to see was from the employee assistance program, I was 4 years into the job and had a complete nervous breakdown. I lasted 18 years before being medically retired,my latest diagnosis was chronic PTSD. My regrets are not ticking the little box that said extra income protection on my superannuation and not being able to stick the job out for another year when they gave out redundancies. But such is life. I have never experienced the symptoms you have explained, I think they are DEFFINATELY worth getting checked out. Just beware insurance companies and human resources. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have of me. Good luck Andy.</p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Andy,</p>\n<p>I think police do a great job too. You probably see the best and worst of humanity. If you are only worried at night going to sleep, and everyone is vulnerable at night, have you tried doing some practical things to make yourself feel better. Listening to music or watching something that makes you laugh. If you had a dog you would know that you will be alerted if there is danger. Whatever helps you feel safer. Peace.</p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/17787", "content": "<p>Jo, I've not experienced anything like that before however I could only imagine that would be quite scary. </p>\n<p>I'm sure your thank you to the person that helped you would have gone a long way. </p>\n<p>Andrew. </p></div>", "date": "04-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/17787", "content": "<p>Hi Stephen, </p>\n<p>Thanks for the reply. </p>\n<p>The thing I'm concerned about in talking to someone at work / EAP is the stigma of \"you've only been in the job for four years\", and I don't necessarily want anything recorded on my personal file at work at this stage. </p>\n<p>I guess I'm just testing the waters to see what others such as yourself have experienced and if they're in any way similar to what I've felt. </p>\n<p>Having seen quite a few people even in my short time get out of the job on medical grounds that seems quite a stressful process in itself. </p>\n<p>Thanks again for your reply and I'm hoping you're doing well.</p></div>", "date": "04-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/17787", "content": "<p>Hi there LevelGround, </p>\n<p>Thanks for your comments I appreciate it. </p>\n<p>Andrew. </p></div>", "date": "04-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Andy88,</p>\n<p>My experience with using EAP is that the process is entirely confidential. The workplace only gets told how many employees have accessed the service, as they get billed for it, but they don't get told names and nothing from your counselling sessions should be disclosed to anyone without your permission.  But you can always give them a call anonymously and check this out before you make an appointment.</p>\n<p>EAP is there for any issues you're having to do with work stress, the psychologists who see you should be non-judgmental but again you can discuss this over the phone before you see someone.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>_________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "04-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi-and-wondering-what-my-problem-is/td-p/72337" } ]
Hi, and wondering what my problem is!
Hi all,  I'm 25 and a Police Officer. I've been in the job for only four years and can't say I've every really thought the job has had an impact on me in a psychological sense. In saying that there's obviously been good days and bad days however I see that as being just like any other job, although I guess the difference is a bad day in a normal job might be getting the shits with your boss or a customer or a client, or being late, or sending an email to the wrong person, whereas a bad day in the cops might be a fatal accident or a suicide or anything. I get to see the best and worst in people and society as a whole which is special and a part of my job I love.  I would say that I am an old head on young shoulders and I often get told I should really be a 50 or 60 year old! Perhaps this is because I am already looking forward to retirement at my ripe old age haha! The reason I am here is to try and perhaps understand what is wrong with me, if anything, I think I may have some of the symptoms of anxiety and/or PTSD. In saying that I feel like I am making a big deal of nothing or blowing it out of proportion making how I feel something more dramatic than it is, as when I think about the term 'PTSD' I associate it with someone who's been in the job a lot longer than I have and has seen and done more.  The guts of my situation is that just about every night when I goto bed, unless I am very tired I often take a long time to get to sleep. In that time (and some nights are worse than others) if I hear a noise, a creek, anything, or the dog barks at something outside, or I hear a car driving down my street which is pretty quiet and in a small town, I panic, lots. I can feel my chest thumping and automatically think someone is up to no good, or is going to break in, or do something, anything! I stare out the window, stare at the shadows on the wall from the light coming in just incase I see movement, or a torch, but hope that I see nothing. I hate the physical feeling of my chest thumping, I hate the panic and I hate the worry.  The next morning I always think "well that was ridiculous". I don't know why I'm like this, I've never been broken into or had anything 'bad' happen to me, I can only assume that perhaps it might be associated with work in some way, or perhaps I'm just the worrying type… I don't know. If you got this far thanks for reading and let me know what you think as I'd really appreciate some feedback.       
[ { "author": "user-id/22958", "content": "<p>Hi, I'm new to this forum and really need some support from people that suffer from anxiety. I have been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder and its destroying my life.  I feel alone and would really love to talk to someone who knows what this feels like. Am hoping to make new friends and to help each other fight through this tough time of our lives. </p></div>", "date": "05-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-need-support/td-p/73007" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Tinajasmine,</p>\n<p>Welcome to the forums. There are a lot of us here who have experience with anxiety, so you've come to the right place. </p>\n<p>There have been discussions in the past on here about body image and extreme negative feelings about it, which is often related to depression as well.  Can you tell us a little more about how you're feeling and what has happened since your diagnosis?  What kind of treatment are you receiving, and how are you feeling about that?</p>\n<p>Hope to hear from you soon.</p></div>", "date": "06-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-need-support/td-p/73007" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Hi Tinajasmine, welcome to the forum, I to have been diagnosed with anxiety amongst other things. I,m sorry I,m not familiar with body dysmorphic disorder but I will google it later. For now I,d just like to welcome you, I hope other regular posters will post and welcome you also. We might be able to get a discussion going on anxiety and you can maybe educate us on body dysmorphic disorder. For me I relate anxiety to panic attack and panic attack to a psychotic episode in that order. For me a small anxiety attack is like a mini psychotic episode. Sorry I,ve been diagnosed with major depression with psychosis. And chronic PTSD. My history is long and varied. For me stress is a major factor to my being mentally ill. Maybe you can try and explain what point of your journey you are at and a bit about how you feel. Bye for now Stephen </p></div>", "date": "06-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-need-support/td-p/73007" } ]
Anxiety. Need support
Hi, I'm new to this forum and really need some support from people that suffer from anxiety. I have been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder and its destroying my life.  I feel alone and would really love to talk to someone who knows what this feels like. Am hoping to make new friends and to help each other fight through this tough time of our lives. 
[ { "author": "user-id/16620", "content": "<p>I have suffered anxiety most of my adult life but the last couple of years has shown a marked increase. I don't believe I suffer depression although I know when the anxiety gets out of hand it leads me to that road.  I seem to be in a particularly bad way right now, with manic and negative thoughts.  I have dealt with a lot of change the last 2 years and it has not been easy, I feel stuck in my job being single with a mortgage and I am just so very tired of it. I don't see anything improving.  A relationship that I wanted fizzled last year and it made me feel very down on myself and I just can't seem to bounce back or believe that my job situation will improve.  I have been in my job for far too long but it is hard to see how I can get out of it right now. I am 49 and just overwhelmed right now with the difficulties that my job is going through and unsure if I can get out. My family and friends are used to me being up and down and it is hard to explain that this time it is different and I am not sure how to feel better.  Any advice is much appreciated.</p></div>", "date": "28-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-getting-overwhelmed/td-p/69179" }, { "author": "user-id/20923", "content": "<p>I'm into taking drastic action, which always tends to be much easier than it feels. So, quit your job, sell your house, invest your money and move into cheaper rental accom ,preferably interstate. Change is better than a holiday! Go to the Dr and get some help. Phone a friend and tell them you are really struggling. I just quit my job and it feels rest: what's more, everything is going to be fine!</p></div>", "date": "29-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-getting-overwhelmed/td-p/69179" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi, Sorry you are suffering. It might help to go and see you doctor as Jessie83 already suggested in the previous post. There are ways to help with the negative thoughts but it is probably best to speak to a therapist. Everybody is different and from my experience some methods may make you worse instead of better. Also have you considered menopause and its effects? It is not uncommon for women to experience depression around this time. I find exercise helps. It also helps to have some positive goals. It can be hard to push yourself to keep going at times. I hope you find some help, Peace. </p></div>", "date": "29-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-getting-overwhelmed/td-p/69179" }, { "author": "user-id/16620", "content": "<p>thank you:)  yes I have considered menopause but I had my hormone level tested last year and all was normal - I had a bad bout of this last year but this seems to be even worse.  I think the worst thing is my almost obsessive thought process.  Well no not almost, it is obsessive and I am just convincing myself of the worst scenario particularly in my work.  I have started back at the gym but my enjoyment of exercise has certainly gone and this is due to tiredness. I guess when your mind works overtime so much, tiredness is natural.  but I am definitely finding comfort in the knowledge that so many people have similar thought processes and I don't mean that in a nasty way. it's just comforting to know I am not alone.  That is when I get to my worst, when I feel alone and isolated and overwhelmed. So thank you so much for your understanding</p></div>", "date": "29-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-getting-overwhelmed/td-p/69179" }, { "author": "user-id/16620", "content": "<p>I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that I need to do something drastic.  I don't have the financial resources to quit work and have no partner to support me but selling my house and downsizing will cut down the pressure.  A lot of my problem is feeling trapped and if I can simplify things that may help.  </p></div>", "date": "30-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-getting-overwhelmed/td-p/69179" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi, feeling trapped may be part of your negative thinking process. Have you tried keeping a journal?</p></div>", "date": "01-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-getting-overwhelmed/td-p/69179" }, { "author": "user-id/1830", "content": "<p>Hi</p>\n<p>Something to consider ..you have a lot of thinking about things and it would seem that there is not so much concrete understanding of the situtiion.  You say you feel unsure that you can get out of your job.  </p>\n<p>maybe it is time to start to get reality and truly know if that is the case.  Maybe you could start making a plan to leave.  Get your resume fixed up, start seeing what is on SEEK.com speak to a recruitment agency, get some advice, and then make a plan.  I believe there is always choices and we only feel stuck when we don't see more than two options (stay and be miserable or quit and not be able to afford to live).</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>There are options, make a plan, know the facts and things won't seem so grim.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>xx</p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-getting-overwhelmed/td-p/69179" }, { "author": "user-id/20923", "content": "<p>Yeah, lists are great! You could brainstorm what options you have (make sure they are mor than the 2 as Kiki mentioned above!) </p>\n<p>Then write out he pro's and cons of each option. Hopefully one jumps put at you. SOmetimes it's just a leap of blind faith though. Have you thought about getting in housemates? That might be a less drastic way to ease the mortgage stress. Or sounds like it might be good to look at downsizing to a cute little cottage or apartment. Maybe you could also start looking into what's on the market at the moment? That way you will have a realistic idea of what you can afford. I love moving house/ making change. SO exciting. Let us know what you decide!!</p></div>", "date": "05-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-getting-overwhelmed/td-p/69179" } ]
I am getting overwhelmed
I have suffered anxiety most of my adult life but the last couple of years has shown a marked increase. I don't believe I suffer depression although I know when the anxiety gets out of hand it leads me to that road.  I seem to be in a particularly bad way right now, with manic and negative thoughts.  I have dealt with a lot of change the last 2 years and it has not been easy, I feel stuck in my job being single with a mortgage and I am just so very tired of it. I don't see anything improving.  A relationship that I wanted fizzled last year and it made me feel very down on myself and I just can't seem to bounce back or believe that my job situation will improve.  I have been in my job for far too long but it is hard to see how I can get out of it right now. I am 49 and just overwhelmed right now with the difficulties that my job is going through and unsure if I can get out. My family and friends are used to me being up and down and it is hard to explain that this time it is different and I am not sure how to feel better.  Any advice is much appreciated.
[ { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Yesterday I was on a plane from Gold Coast to Melbourne after a week on holidays.  Half way into the flight I started to feel panicky, sick in the stomach and wanted to throw up.  I knew it was a panic attack as I've had this before.  But it felt 100 times worse being in a plane with lots of other people and fearing of being judged.</p>\n<p>I could feel myself getting worse and the next thing I told my husband that I was feeling faint and very hot.  Next thing I remember was slouching over him and wanting to lie down (to which I couldn't because there was another person in our row of seats).  After about 15 minutes my husband finally got a wet towel from the crew and I started to come good.  The one thing that really pissed me off was my husband's comment when I told him I was going to faint - \"don't be stupid\" - as if it is something I would do on a plane - faint.  That was the most ridiculous comment I've ever heard.  I'm still annoyed at his comment and his very relaxed behaviour towards me when I was feeling quite sick.</p>\n<p>I guess I will talk with my psych this week and get some suggestions as to what to do if it happens again.  I really hope it doesn't happen again because now I am fearing flying for that reason.</p>\n<p> Does anyone have any advice - apart from book a row of 3 seats so I can lie down without my husband!!!!</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "20-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-while-in-the-plane-flying/td-p/42773" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Jo,</p>\n<p>Has your husband been with you during a panic attack before?  Perhaps he didn't quite understand the severity of what was happening, or he felt embarrassed/helpless himself hence his terse reaction.</p>\n<p>It would be good to talk to your psych so it doesn't develop into a phobia, but given that you are prone to panic attacks, it might be worth talking to the airline when booking in future (if you feel the need to) so you can feel more supported and less embarrassed.  Fear of flying is very common and I'm sure that airline staff have been trained to cope with distressed passengers.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>_____________________________________________________________<br>\n<strong>Online Community Manager  </strong></p></div>", "date": "23-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-while-in-the-plane-flying/td-p/42773" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Chris,</p>\n<p>My husband has been with me before when I've had panic attacks.  It just makes me angry because I needed him to help me not make comments like he did. Maybe he was embarassed to ask for help but I couldn't because I had fainted.</p>\n<p>Yes, I will talk with my psych about this tomorrow. And talking to the airline when booking is probably a good idea.</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "23-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-while-in-the-plane-flying/td-p/42773" }, { "author": "user-id/32275", "content": "Hi Jo, I also suffer with panic attacks. It began when I developed an extreme fear of being a passenger in a car. I get absolutely terrified and feel as if I'm going to die. It also spread to travelling in buses and in cabs. I experienced it once on a plane. Because some of the situations I've been in have been while at work supporting a disabled lady, I've had to really focus on controlling my thoughts. I did this by using my phone and just trying to take my thoughts to a different place. I've noticed that my anxiety levels rise when I'm stressed or under a lot of pressure. For me that can even be good stress. My daughter got married recently and I noticed that my panic attacks on the buses came back during the period leading up to it.</div>", "date": "27-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-while-in-the-plane-flying/td-p/42773" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Lillybell</p>\n<p>Thanks for your post.  I think my anxiety rises when I am stressed and under so much emotionally.  I'm hoping to discuss this with my psych.</p>\n<p>Take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "27-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-while-in-the-plane-flying/td-p/42773" }, { "author": "user-id/20923", "content": "<p>Eeek, I have this same thing. I have just got a job where I have to fly a fair bnit, I don't know what I was thinking!!!! </p>\n<p>From expereince, just tell the flight attendants you are a terrible flyer. They will check in on you form time to time and make sure you have enough water. If it gets bad, I go and stand at the very back of the plane, behind the toilets. It helps to have some space and the crew will have a listening ear (when your husband doesn't!) Has your husband read the biological reasons behind a panic attack? When my artner did it helped to put it into context for him and he copes a lot better now. Good luck!!</p></div>", "date": "28-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-while-in-the-plane-flying/td-p/42773" }, { "author": "user-id/7624", "content": "<p>I have the same problem, have had a lot of panic attacks on flights. Tell the staff, they can be great. Also my husband used to be a pilot and he loves planes, so when there's a funny noise or turbulence or anything, he reassures me and says don't worry, that's completely normal. I never had any problems, used to love flying until I became a mother. It is a very common reaction to stress. </p>\n<p>My husband used to tease me. He teased me about it only once, when we were walking past a tiny plane a Dach 8 (i HATE small planes despite having flown in them years ago) and he said \"that's it, that's the plane that's taking us to New Zealand\". I burst into tears and hid behind a billboard in the gate lounge and refused to move. He never did it again. He didn't realise how much I hate it. He does now. </p>\n<p>I hold my breath or breathe into a paper bag to lessen the excessive amounts of oxygen going into my blood. I try to avoid meds as they make me sleepy but I do carry them in my purse as sometimes I need them. But the best thing is to tell the flight attendants - they are well trained and very helpful.</p></div>", "date": "04-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-while-in-the-plane-flying/td-p/42773" } ]
Panic attack while in the plane flying
Yesterday I was on a plane from Gold Coast to Melbourne after a week on holidays.  Half way into the flight I started to feel panicky, sick in the stomach and wanted to throw up.  I knew it was a panic attack as I've had this before.  But it felt 100 times worse being in a plane with lots of other people and fearing of being judged. I could feel myself getting worse and the next thing I told my husband that I was feeling faint and very hot.  Next thing I remember was slouching over him and wanting to lie down (to which I couldn't because there was another person in our row of seats).  After about 15 minutes my husband finally got a wet towel from the crew and I started to come good.  The one thing that really pissed me off was my husband's comment when I told him I was going to faint - "don't be stupid" - as if it is something I would do on a plane - faint.  That was the most ridiculous comment I've ever heard.  I'm still annoyed at his comment and his very relaxed behaviour towards me when I was feeling quite sick. I guess I will talk with my psych this week and get some suggestions as to what to do if it happens again.  I really hope it doesn't happen again because now I am fearing flying for that reason.  Does anyone have any advice - apart from book a row of 3 seats so I can lie down without my husband!!!!   Jo
[ { "author": "user-id/40422", "content": "<p>So here it is again. I knew it was coming. Lurking there in the background while I was feeling so well. Waiting for a chance to attack again. That's what the anxiety was all about, I'm sure of it. This morning I thought oh great the anxiety has gone, maybe it's going to be a good week. But now I realise that's not how it's going to play out. I can feel it now changing my behaviour and my outlook. So belligerent and angry and tense. Do not want to engage with anyone. All my spontaneity and joy has gone. I can remember feeling good but I feel powerless to get myself back to that state of mind. It's hard to fight, easy to give in. Struggling today. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":disappointed_face:\">😞</span></p></div>", "date": "02-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-knew-it-was-coming/td-p/71326" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear MaryG, if I can say that it's not an easy road to overcome these moments or periods when you feel as though you fallen back, it somehow has to happen, only because it's a time when 'it sort of teases us', but it also is a time that enables us to build the strength that we are aiming for.</p>\n<p>Take for example if you haven't quite overcome this desire to drink, then you could be easily convinced to have a drink and undo all the good that you have now achieved, because there will be temptations and lots of people saying to you, 'just have one it won't hurt you'.</p>\n<p>Yes it is easy to give in, but what does this do, it only makes your job twice as hard as it is now, and means that you have fallen back again, so it's a vicious circle.</p>\n<p>I well and truly know this feeling and what you have achieved and what you have done, and please believe me that it will become easier as time passes, and there are no guild lines as to how long, some people it's a breeze, and half their luck, while for others it's harder.</p>\n<p>I am pleased that I caught your post before I was going to log off, because I didn't want you to have to wait until tomorrow.</p>\n<p>I am always here Mary for you, as certain posts stick to how I feel. L Geoff. x</p></div>", "date": "02-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-knew-it-was-coming/td-p/71326" }, { "author": "user-id/40422", "content": "<p>Hey Geoff,</p>\n<p>I'm not going to drink...I have come too far to go back to that. I dream about it quite often, having a sneaky drink. But even then I don't go through with it.</p>\n<p>I felt better by the afternoon yesterday, but definitely in a down cycle at the moment. I guess this is just how it goes and I have to try and not get too overwhelmed by it and fall into the trap that my mind has set. It's such a huge effort to engage with people and my family. But I know I have to try. </p>\n<p>Thanks for always listening Geoff.</p>\n<p>Mary. </p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-knew-it-was-coming/td-p/71326" }, { "author": "user-id/19321", "content": "<p>Hi Mary,</p>\n<p>Remember the rules, don't give these feelings power, every day is a new day, all days can not be the same, definitely don't beat yourself up, maybe you just need time out when you feel 'those feelings' creeping back.  Glad to know your afternoon yesterday was better and wishing you a good day today !!!</p>\n<p>Josephine <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-knew-it-was-coming/td-p/71326" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Mary, I know this because as you say 'I have come too far to go back to that', and this is a mammoth effort by yourself.</p>\n<p>Just learn to understand how your mood behaves and changes, with maybe the morning you don't feel the best but by afternoon it improves.</p>\n<p>There is an old saying when someone says to you 'Mr. Z isn't the best in the mornings' and it sort of applies to all of us in different categories, so we learn on how to deal with this situation, and maybe you can inform your family that this is how you now operate, but not to worry.</p>\n<p>Mary as I keep saying to you 'your a gem', and your determination and logic tops the list, and there are lots of people who read our comments as an inspiration for themselves, so please keep in touch. L Geoff. x</p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "03-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-knew-it-was-coming/td-p/71326" } ]
I knew it was coming
So here it is again. I knew it was coming. Lurking there in the background while I was feeling so well. Waiting for a chance to attack again. That's what the anxiety was all about, I'm sure of it. This morning I thought oh great the anxiety has gone, maybe it's going to be a good week. But now I realise that's not how it's going to play out. I can feel it now changing my behaviour and my outlook. So belligerent and angry and tense. Do not want to engage with anyone. All my spontaneity and joy has gone. I can remember feeling good but I feel powerless to get myself back to that state of mind. It's hard to fight, easy to give in. Struggling today.
[ { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>I went shopping today. This was the first time for a long time that I have tried to do a full shop. I have been buying every day or so by the basket full for quite a while. It is just shopping I should be able to just go in and pick up what I need. But I have to start to worry. Did the pork chop come from a pig that suffered? What chemicals are included in which products? Am I going to destroy the environment by buying an over packaged snack food? Is a child starving in a foreign country because I am eating an imported product? It is exhausting! By the time I get to the check out life seems pretty grim again. So I am wondering if ordinary people think about this stuff.</p></div>", "date": "14-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-trying-to-be-ordinary/td-p/59201" }, { "author": "user-id/36771", "content": "No, I don't think 'ordinary' people think like that, but I sure do. You're not alone.</div>", "date": "16-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-trying-to-be-ordinary/td-p/59201" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Thanks. It is nice to know I am not alone. What do you think 'ordinary' people would be thinking when they are doing their supermarket shopping?</p></div>", "date": "17-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-trying-to-be-ordinary/td-p/59201" }, { "author": "user-id/39444", "content": "<p>Yeah, my housemate and I consider these things.  I like to think it's at a sensible, practical level, at least.  Price, health effects, fair trade, australian made, etc. - it all gets a chip in.  There's only so much you can have in your head at one time, but the attempt is good enough for me to feel alright about my buying habits.  So I don't *worry*.  I take things into consideration, but there's only so much one man can do while buying a can of beans.</p></div>", "date": "30-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-trying-to-be-ordinary/td-p/59201" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Your right I am trying to find the right balance, aiming for sensible and practical, but there are a lot of guilt messages out there? I think I have been listening to the wrong people. </p></div>", "date": "01-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-am-trying-to-be-ordinary/td-p/59201" } ]
I am trying to be ordinary.
I went shopping today. This was the first time for a long time that I have tried to do a full shop. I have been buying every day or so by the basket full for quite a while. It is just shopping I should be able to just go in and pick up what I need. But I have to start to worry. Did the pork chop come from a pig that suffered? What chemicals are included in which products? Am I going to destroy the environment by buying an over packaged snack food? Is a child starving in a foreign country because I am eating an imported product? It is exhausting! By the time I get to the check out life seems pretty grim again. So I am wondering if ordinary people think about this stuff.
[ { "author": "user-id/33208", "content": "<p>Hi all,</p>\n<p>I am new to beyond blue so i am still familiarising myself with the site and getting to know the ins and outs.</p>\n<p>I have only recently acknowledged that I have anxiety issues as well as being prone to panic attacks. </p>\n<p>My symptoms have scared me a little to say the least as I have noticed some of the following and assumed they are a byproduct of anxiety:</p>\n<ul>\n <li><span style=\"line-height: 18px;\">dull ache over entire body and arms feeling like lead</span></li>\n <li><span style=\"line-height: 18px;\">trembling hands</span></li>\n <li><span style=\"line-height: 18px;\">twitching muscles</span></li>\n <li><span style=\"line-height: 18px;\">constant ringing in my left ear</span></li>\n <li><span style=\"line-height: 18px;\">general weakness and lethargy (sore muscles without any exercise)</span></li>\n <li><span style=\"line-height: 18px;\">sensitivity to light</span></li>\n <li><span style=\"line-height: 18px;\">feelings of being spaced out</span></li>\n <li><span style=\"line-height: 18px;\">heart palpitations and dull pulse through upper torso</span></li>\n</ul>\n<p>I was wondering if they're are any people out there who have experienced similar symptoms, as i would like to demystify some of these things to know if people do experience such physical symptoms of anxiety, or even such symptoms are associated with something else.</p>\n<p>any help would be very much appreciated.</p></div>", "date": "25-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/physiological-symptoms-of-anxiety/td-p/66100" }, { "author": "user-id/6226", "content": "<p>Hi Dan</p>\n<p>welcome to the forum <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>I am also pretty new, and diagnosed with GAD with panic attacks and fainting spells and hypos</p>\n<p>I had all of the symtoms you are experiencing. Its so unsettling isnt it?It got better since i am on meds.</p>\n<p> It really helped. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>Beetle</p></div>", "date": "26-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/physiological-symptoms-of-anxiety/td-p/66100" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Dan,</p>\n<p>Welcome.  Yes, anxiety symptoms come in many forms, including physical.  There's more information on this page of our website: \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/signs-and-symptoms (please copy and paste the link)</p>\n<p>I would second Beetle's recommendation that you go and see a GP and get it checked out, not only because anxiety is treatable but the symptoms could also be part of something else that you need to have looked at.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>___________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "27-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/physiological-symptoms-of-anxiety/td-p/66100" }, { "author": "user-id/33208", "content": "<p>Hi Beetle,</p>\n<p>Thanks for sharing, I appreciate the comments :).</p>\n<p>dan</p></div>", "date": "27-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/physiological-symptoms-of-anxiety/td-p/66100" }, { "author": "user-id/20923", "content": "<p>Oohhhhhh yeah, <em> am familiar with all of those awful symptoms! My Dr once said to me \"our bodies are never perfect, things ache, hurt, tremble, feel weak and tired, hearts skip beats, for no reason at all! It is part of the human condition and your anxiety is making these things significant, where in others they are not noticed or are labelled as insignificant.\" It is hard to remember sometimes. For me, I can know how well or unweel i am based on how much physical sensations (sensations, not symptoms!) bother me. The spaced out, feeling like I m floating above myself and observing myself, if it lasts for days means I'm not in a great space especially. Excercise helps, at whatever level is tolerable, that way you get comfortable with your body feeling different and also helps you feel less yucky. </em></p></div>", "date": "29-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/physiological-symptoms-of-anxiety/td-p/66100" } ]
physiological symptoms of anxiety
Hi all, I am new to beyond blue so i am still familiarising myself with the site and getting to know the ins and outs. I have only recently acknowledged that I have anxiety issues as well as being prone to panic attacks.  My symptoms have scared me a little to say the least as I have noticed some of the following and assumed they are a byproduct of anxiety: I was wondering if they're are any people out there who have experienced similar symptoms, as i would like to demystify some of these things to know if people do experience such physical symptoms of anxiety, or even such symptoms are associated with something else. any help would be very much appreciated.
[ { "author": "user-id/12186", "content": "<p>Hello fellow online communicators, i am brand new here, I am looking for help and also to be helpful to others. I am almost forty years old, english and living on Sydneys lower north shore. I have been undergoing (very mismanaged) treatment for depression for probably ten years or more now. lately i have been suffering really persistent anxiety, which isn't usual for me. I just seem to be jumping straight to the most negative conclusions within my thought processes. Half of me thinks just go and get some medication to numb the pain and confusion of this latest instalment of wackiness, the other half of me wants to take on a back to square one approach and fight the whole mental illness thing on a more comprehensive level. The problem is that sometimes i feel strong enough to do that, other times i can't even lift my head off the pillow. Any words of wisdom?</p>\n<p>Thanks wholeheartedly in advance</p>\n<p>G</p></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-is-happening-and-what-can-i-do/td-p/59741" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Yesterday, I am concerned that you have been going through 'mismanaged treatment ' for your depression, and the problem with this is that we can't just rock up to an appointment to a psych. pretending that it is supposedly helping us, when in fact it's doing bugger all.</p>\n<p>By just taking medication maybe fine ( I hate that loose word ) but it's like covering up the problem with a band-aid, and not solving the main reason why we are depressed, and that's why it would be a good idea to 'fight the whole illness', as much as this is a frightening experience.</p>\n<p>I would change your psych if that's possible, but along this journey you will have periods of when all you want to do is sleep, and you can't be blamed for doing this, as it's depression controlling you.</p>\n<p>Do you want to get back to us when ever it suits you, as there's more hidden in this post. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "17-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-is-happening-and-what-can-i-do/td-p/59741" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Yesterday, I think Geoff is right getting treatment is hard and confronting. It can really leave you feeling confused and vulnerable but if you push through from my own experience it can get better. You do not say who is mismanaging your treatment. If you are just taking medication for your depression you might find it helpful to see a therapist. Cognitive behavior therapy will give you tools to help deal with your thinking processes. I do know some people who take medication for depression and anxiety, have no serious side effects, and are happy not to do any more. Everybody is different. Peace, Daisy101.</p></div>", "date": "17-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-is-happening-and-what-can-i-do/td-p/59741" }, { "author": "user-id/17890", "content": "<p>I am new here as you can tell first post.</p>\n<p>i am in the boat with one foot i think ?</p>\n<p>cant seem to get my head around things...not sure why but turned into a stress machine/worry wart, thinking about htings constantly, have trouble sleeping, body and mind drained everyday, diet is same i eat when hungry but have slowed with some meals , dont have breakfast and little for lunch.(dont feel like eating) just feeling nausea all the time!</p>\n<p>not sleeping much either around 4 hours a night, just lie their thinking about nothing in particular but worried how to fix it ?</p>\n<p>so tired yet cant sleep mind is like on overdrive about nothing? why cant i understand this?</p>\n<p>Have spoken to my local gp but havent really related things going on, dont need a trip to the hospital. thing just getting to me in a way that doesnt seem logical, has been going on last 2 years.</p>\n<p>i can relate to Yestarday OP\n</p><p></p> \n<p>i appreciate everyones time and effort here and look forward to speaking again</p> \n<p>Thankyou</p></div>", "date": "18-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-is-happening-and-what-can-i-do/td-p/59741" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "<p>Yesterday &amp; Ratma </p>\n<p> My depression comes in waves as well. Normally something will trigger it like work or argument with wife. I have managed to tackle mine without medication so far. I have been very tempted to go see my GP and get medication. He has tried to encourage me to try and do it without the medication if i can. I find that the 3 main keys to controlling my depression is sleep, exercise and diet. If you don't eat and are tired all the time you are going to get run down. I don't like to eat breakfast either. I try to have something small though like a banana or breakfast drink. I always eat lunch and dinner. I find exercise good too. Walking is good. If I am feeling down a walk often helps drag me out of it. It also helps me sleep better at night.  </p></div>", "date": "18-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-is-happening-and-what-can-i-do/td-p/59741" }, { "author": "user-id/17890", "content": "<p>This has worked well for me (sarcasm)! i tried to explain to my Wife and she just went off and now its time to look for somewhere else to live .</p>\n<p>although its gutted me beyond what im used to its my 7 year old son who has now got to deal with me not being there</p>\n<p>Support from my now ex wife has been dismal at best, but when her mother passed away i was 100% there helping and giving her space and time, obviously its not a 2 way street.</p>\n<p>this is why i dont even say anything at work in relation to here.</p></div>", "date": "26-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-is-happening-and-what-can-i-do/td-p/59741" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "<p>Ratma,</p>\n<p>Im really sorry to hear things have not turned out well. Maybe your wife is dealing with issues of her own. I really hope things settle down and you can save your relationship.  </p></div>", "date": "26-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/what-is-happening-and-what-can-i-do/td-p/59741" } ]
What is happening and what can i do?
Hello fellow online communicators, i am brand new here, I am looking for help and also to be helpful to others. I am almost forty years old, english and living on Sydneys lower north shore. I have been undergoing (very mismanaged) treatment for depression for probably ten years or more now. lately i have been suffering really persistent anxiety, which isn't usual for me. I just seem to be jumping straight to the most negative conclusions within my thought processes. Half of me thinks just go and get some medication to numb the pain and confusion of this latest instalment of wackiness, the other half of me wants to take on a back to square one approach and fight the whole mental illness thing on a more comprehensive level. The problem is that sometimes i feel strong enough to do that, other times i can't even lift my head off the pillow. Any words of wisdom? Thanks wholeheartedly in advance G
[ { "author": "user-id/23009", "content": "<p>do they not care? do they not know? do they not want to accept it? do i not screa out for help loud enough? im drowning in my own mess i feel like im being choked or suffocated how do i make people notice im drowning!!!! im scared</p></div>", "date": "13-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/nobody-seems-to-notice/td-p/83618" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Hollie, I think everyone is a bit caught up in their own mess. If you need help it may be necessary to find the right person and ask them directly. Are you scared because you are feeling anxious or do you have another reason?</p></div>", "date": "13-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/nobody-seems-to-notice/td-p/83618" }, { "author": "user-id/2667", "content": "<p>Hi, My name is Darren I am 51 yrs old. This year my girl friend who I loved very much left me, I have since lost my job and for the first time in my life I can't pay my bills. I couldn't pay my rent so I had to move back home which is humiliating !! and it looks like I will loose my car. The few friends that I have just say it will get better, but never ask if they can help or ask how I am. So you feel completely alone and that no one would really notice if you were there or not.</p>\n<p>I'm not going to say that I know exactly  what you are going through, But I think that I have a pretty good idea. I care about your situation and hope you keep going.</p>\n<p>Yours Darren</p></div>", "date": "13-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/nobody-seems-to-notice/td-p/83618" }, { "author": "user-id/23009", "content": "<p>Thank you Daisy101, </p><p>im scared because im so anxious that i start to become depressed and i self harm, i am so ashamed of this! </p><p>also i am scared because i have recently discovered when i become anxious i cannot eat without spewing shortly after and i loose my appetite which has caused me to loose weight i used to weigh 51kg and i am currently on 48kg this change has happened over two weeks! alot of my weight was muscle because i am pretty much a full time athlete! so i am starting to look way to thin for my body!!! i hate this and i am so scared of everything i never used to be this girl! i was the person who never shut up, laughed until she was crying and her belly hurt, was there for those who couldnt handle life, ran around smiling and just was all around happy! i want her back i miss her so much!</p></div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/nobody-seems-to-notice/td-p/83618" }, { "author": "user-id/23009", "content": "<p>thankyou darren12, </p>\n<p>well i feel like we all need to try and support each other when we are struggling! </p>\n<p>so tell me can i help you in anyway? </p>\n<p>how are you? </p>\n<p>and i dont mean good or bad i mean how are you coping whats going on at the oment is it getting better is it getting worse? </p>\n<p>thankyou for caring it is much apreciated.</p>\n<p>yours Hollie</p></div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/nobody-seems-to-notice/td-p/83618" }, { "author": "user-id/26430", "content": "hi there,<br><br>We wanted to check in with you about what supports you have. You have you got someone that you can talk to about how you are feeling. We would recommend that you go to the GP as they can chat with you about mental health support. Perhaps a counsellor could help with some of the symptoms that you talk about.<br>You can also call beyondblue on 1300 22 4636 in order to find out what are the most appropriate services for you in your area. The symptoms that you talk about can improve and resolve with the right treatment and support. We are all here to support you<br>take care,</div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/nobody-seems-to-notice/td-p/83618" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Hollie,</p>\n<p>I think the moderator is right about going and seeing a GP. Losing 3kgs of muscle in a couple of weeks that can't be good. Is the anxiety a new thing? Your GP will also be able to check other health issues which may be contributing. </p>\n<p>Please do not let any negative feelings stop you from getting help so that you can be the fit, healthy, happy you again. I know from my own experience how hard it can be to take the first step.</p>\n<p>If you don't have a GP you can trust may be a good idea to call the beyondblue number which the moderator has given you. Please let us know how you are going.</p>\n<p>Peace,</p>\n<p>Daisy.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "23-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/nobody-seems-to-notice/td-p/83618" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Hollie </p>\n<p>You’ve received some really good advice and though at this time of year it’s kinda difficult to get to see a GP, I really hope that you can make this your mission to do so as soon as possible.  You’ve already started the ball rolling by coming to this site and that is a huge pat on the back for you.  As you can see, it’s such a supportive environment … it’s just a nice place to be.  Having said that, I really wish that we were ALL better and didn’t have to rely on this site so much. </p>\n<p>Now I’ve been into fitness my entire life and am a regular gym goer … I think a little of your weight loss would be muscle (especially if you’re not working out at present) but your body’s metabolism doesn’t stop because we have this illness of anxiety, stress, depression, etc and I would also think that more of the weight loss would be fat … although by the size of you, I’m guessing there’s not too much fat on you anyway.  But it’s amazing just where it can be stored … when I diet down for my bodybuilding comps, in the last 6 weeks or so, I cannot wear any of my rings as my fingers lose their normal size (has to be fat around the finger area, right?), so fat is stored everywhere and your body can utilise it for energy and burn it away. </p>\n<p>With you being a full-time athlete the good news is that your body has memory … it has muscle memory and so if you haven’t worked out for period of time, when you do get back into it, it doesn’t take all that long for you to get back to the size (or near that size) that you were.  Now I’m in no way suggesting your muscle bulky, I’m just suggesting that the muscle you have is working muscle for the sport that you are involved in.  The more I think about this, the more I really think that it’s your metabolism that’s used up fat stores in your body to get you down under the 50kg mark.</p>\n<p>In the meantime, please take on the other advice posted, so you can seek out professional help as soon as possible. </p>\n<p>I so hope that you can ‘find’ that girl again … the fit, fun, happy go lucky girl who was up-five and smiley and happy … I hope that between all of us on here and your professional help that I know you’re going to get, we can get that girl back.  </p>\n<p>One last thing Hollie … with you being an athlete, you’ll know the importance of taking in water.  Water is also a very strong aid with how you feel as well … if you’re adequately hydrated that can have a massively positive effect for you, as being dehydrated, it just makes you feel flat, low and really has a major impact on energy levels.  So please, if you can, try to take in as much water of a day as you can.</p>\n<p>I hope some of the above makes sense to you and also hope that it’s helped you, even if only a small way </p>\n<p>Please keep in touch with how you’re going </p>\n<p>Cheers </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "24-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/nobody-seems-to-notice/td-p/83618" } ]
nobody seems to notice
do they not care? do they not know? do they not want to accept it? do i not screa out for help loud enough? im drowning in my own mess i feel like im being choked or suffocated how do i make people notice im drowning!!!! im scared
[ { "author": "user-id/11515", "content": "<p>hey all new to here im a 20yr old male been dealing with anxiety and panic disorder since i was 14 i left school at year 9 because i could deal with it anymore after i managed it a bit better i went to tafe and did my yr 10. i got on a good medication that seemed to help alot and things were looking great then the girlfriend i was with died of a heart condition at 16 which really threw me down again, i started feeling alot severe anxiety and developed depersonalization and derealization, i still dont know how to deal with the ex girlfriends death and it and its been a  4 or so years now and im with another girl who has supported me threw everything and makes me very happy but this anxiety crap is really affecting our relationship, i cant work, i cant go out of the house and if i do i find it really hard to drive and i grew up restoring cars its my passion and i loved driving before things got really bad but now i just cant do it and if i try to drive someone from my family has to come with me i have been threw all this before and have overcome all this before and seen many health professionals and i know it cant hurt me but still its a automatic thing that just happens, i feel unreal and spaced out like im not connected to the world around me almost invisible in a way and when i do leave home i feel uneasy and insecure like im in a foreign place full of fear and dread even tho ive been there many times before, then the panic sets in ect. i get obbsessive thorts and unwanted thorts and like i will do somethign thats completely out of character ect. and i have a bit of OCD with touching things a certain number or times it is servre and i really try to avoid it, all of it is really affecting my life and i just want to be my old self again and not be a burden to everyone, i know that when im not thinking of it i feel 100% normal and i know i need to break the automatic response and change it to a more pleasant response, i know alot about anxiety and why it happens and what happens inside the brain and body and i probaly could help alot of people on here but all im asking is a bit of reassurance that all this is anxiety? i plan on using my strategies alot more like mindfulness and relaxation do plenty of exercise and quit smoking cigarettes and no i have never taken any drugs apart from my anxiety medication and cigarettes which are bad enough and i dont drink due to my anxiety im afraid of how i will be if i did drink plus alcohol dosnt mix well with the meds im on, i also plan to change my diet ect. i really want to dig deep and get control and live comfortably even if my anxiety is still there i just want to live at peace with it all. any help would be great thanks</p></div>", "date": "21-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-feeling-the-same/td-p/87460" }, { "author": "user-id/16917", "content": "Hi there, I'm new here too, but your story makes complete sense to me. Ive had anxiety/some depression for the last 6 years, and I firstly think youre doing a wonderful job coping with everything, and im sorry for your loss you had. The fact that you want to try your techniques even more, etc is just proof of how ready you are to fight your anxieties. From what I have dealt with personally, I believe all of your things are anxiety related, even the OCD parts can be (I have OCD about structure and order, my psychologist told me its completely normal when you have anxiety to have it flow into other areas). I've found that the mindfulness and thinking (worst/neutral/best) has helped me the most. Especialy in relation to going out or doing things ive avoided. EG. The worst case scenario will always be death..so you have to come up with the best possible outcome (which you will never believe will happen I'm sure but theres more!) AND then find a happy medium and think.. well its likely to end up here in the middle. You've probably heard that one before, but if not I hope it helps <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> I hope things begin to pick up for you.</div>", "date": "21-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-feeling-the-same/td-p/87460" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Corey, I am just so sorry for the loss of your girlfriend, goodness me she was far too young to have to suffer from this.</p>\n<p>The first two words you said 'anxiety' and then 'panic disorder' suddenly made me think that you do have OCD, just like I have for 54 years.</p>\n<p>It's a controlling illness that makes us do things that other people find to be illogical, or they can't really comprehend why we have to perform these rituals and/or habits.</p>\n<p>To me OCD is like a brother, it stays with me all the time, and I have done a course online to control it, but once this finished back it came, plus I have had cognitive therapy, and again it came back, so it's an illness that is very controlling.</p>\n<p>OCD is a common topic on this site, and your experience and knowledge would certainly be of great benefit.</p>\n<p>People like yourself can learn to perform OCD habits, while mine is hereditary, but because of the devastation to your girlfriend it is easy to develop it, because the thoughts that go through your mind are that if you touch something so many times then nothing else will go wrong again.</p>\n<p>I am too old, how terrible that sounds, but to try and minimise my OCD would be too tiring, so now I go with the flow. </p>\n<p>Hope you reply back to us. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "22-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-feeling-the-same/td-p/87460" }, { "author": "user-id/11515", "content": "<p>thanks everyone for reply back its been of great help <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "22-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-feeling-the-same/td-p/87460" } ]
anyone feeling the same?
hey all new to here im a 20yr old male been dealing with anxiety and panic disorder since i was 14 i left school at year 9 because i could deal with it anymore after i managed it a bit better i went to tafe and did my yr 10. i got on a good medication that seemed to help alot and things were looking great then the girlfriend i was with died of a heart condition at 16 which really threw me down again, i started feeling alot severe anxiety and developed depersonalization and derealization, i still dont know how to deal with the ex girlfriends death and it and its been a  4 or so years now and im with another girl who has supported me threw everything and makes me very happy but this anxiety crap is really affecting our relationship, i cant work, i cant go out of the house and if i do i find it really hard to drive and i grew up restoring cars its my passion and i loved driving before things got really bad but now i just cant do it and if i try to drive someone from my family has to come with me i have been threw all this before and have overcome all this before and seen many health professionals and i know it cant hurt me but still its a automatic thing that just happens, i feel unreal and spaced out like im not connected to the world around me almost invisible in a way and when i do leave home i feel uneasy and insecure like im in a foreign place full of fear and dread even tho ive been there many times before, then the panic sets in ect. i get obbsessive thorts and unwanted thorts and like i will do somethign thats completely out of character ect. and i have a bit of OCD with touching things a certain number or times it is servre and i really try to avoid it, all of it is really affecting my life and i just want to be my old self again and not be a burden to everyone, i know that when im not thinking of it i feel 100% normal and i know i need to break the automatic response and change it to a more pleasant response, i know alot about anxiety and why it happens and what happens inside the brain and body and i probaly could help alot of people on here but all im asking is a bit of reassurance that all this is anxiety? i plan on using my strategies alot more like mindfulness and relaxation do plenty of exercise and quit smoking cigarettes and no i have never taken any drugs apart from my anxiety medication and cigarettes which are bad enough and i dont drink due to my anxiety im afraid of how i will be if i did drink plus alcohol dosnt mix well with the meds im on, i also plan to change my diet ect. i really want to dig deep and get control and live comfortably even if my anxiety is still there i just want to live at peace with it all. any help would be great thanks
[ { "author": "user-id/31929", "content": "Hi everyone. I have developed anxiety due to having eardrums operated on. Went pretty much deaf in an instant and within days drove me over the edge with panic attacks and lack of sleep. In a week I was put on medication to sleep. Tried anti depression tablets for only 3 days and came off those due to excessive shaking and made me feel worse. I then went on a Herbal remedy which within a week it quietened me down. Haven't really had a panic attack since I started this 9 days ago. My hearing is slowly coming back but I am still dealing with anxiety. I am usually a fit healthy athlete and go to gym everyday. This has changed my life since operation on 11th Sept a month ago. Just want my old life back.</div>", "date": "15-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/never-had-anxiety-before-not-handling-well/td-p/40146" }, { "author": "user-id/39033", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p>Have you thought about talking to somebody about these feelings?</p>\n<p>I know bottling up these feelings can make things worse. And it isolates you from the world.</p>\n<p>I believe this will be temporary, you will get through it. One day at a time. Focus on your breathing and the present moment, and you will find all that panic will eventually pass. Repeat this every day until you don't even have to try and then hopefully one day you'll just wake up and you can look back any think 'gee, that was tough, but I got through it ok.'</p>\n<p>All the best.</p></div>", "date": "18-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/never-had-anxiety-before-not-handling-well/td-p/40146" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi Jeenie64,</p>\n<p>If you are having the anxiety attacks because of this change in circumstance (the loss of hearing) it may be temporary. It must be very unsettling to suddenly not be able to hear what is going around you. I have panic attacks if I feel I am under threat, real or imagined. The thing I find with anxiety though is that it feeds on itself and too much anxious worrying can spiral down into depression. </p>\n<p>I hope you recover your hearing quickly and the anxiety is only temporary. Peace, Mulberry.</p></div>", "date": "19-10-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/never-had-anxiety-before-not-handling-well/td-p/40146" }, { "author": "user-id/31929", "content": "<p>Been a while since of been on. My hearing is slow healing, my anxiety is still present, but learning to cope a bit better. I have started back at the gym and doing athletics in about the last four weeks. I sleep ok but if I have a bad night, more good nights to bad nights I usually have a day which I'm a bit more anxious. I am proud to say I have been off sleeping tabs for 48 days. I can drop off to sleep quite well. Still seem to wake up around 12.30 when I used to wake for a tablet (any helpful hints most welcome to stop waking at this time. I do go straight back to sleep usually) </p>\n<p>Due to anxiety I seem to get a good dose of Diarrhoea every morning to start my day. I have tried to regulate my diet so it's not high fibre. Is this common amongst anxiety sufferers? I have lost 11kgs in 3months. Am at a good weight at the moment but don't want to loose much more. I take probiotics everyday to help my tummy. Any suggestions for changes to help my diet normalise..</p></div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/never-had-anxiety-before-not-handling-well/td-p/40146" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi, It is normal for the bowels to work first thing in the morning. I had IBS at one stage. There are off the shelf drugs that can help. You may want to consider speaking to a nutritionist.</p>\n<p>I am not sure what you mean by it is not high fibre. There are sources of fibre which are gentler on the digestive system. I personally find that vegetables are the best way to get fibre into my diet. Some of the whole grain and seed products are difficult to digest and can really upset the system when it is delicate. </p>\n<p>The trouble is that being anxious about your digestive system can actually make it worse. I beat my IBS by ignoring the physical symptons, eating a normal (for me) diet and running. I did see a doctor and was checked out for all other possible causes so I knew it was the stress. Peace.</p></div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/never-had-anxiety-before-not-handling-well/td-p/40146" } ]
Never had Anxiety before not handling well...
[ { "author": "user-id/30627", "content": "I am 17 now but I have had anxiety for as long as I can\nremember. Only recently though, have I realised that all those feelings were\nactually anxiety. I also suffer from hypochondria so I tend to blow things out\nof proportion and so I am not really sure if by doing that I am making my\nanxiety worse. In this past year I have felt that my anxiety has gotten a lot\nworse, and that I have developed a sort of mild depression. I mean that it is\nthere, however the thing that gets to me the most is my anxiety. \n<p> </p>\n<p>I can remember a few years ago going to friend’s houses and\ngoing to the movies and parties and now I can hardly leave the house. I have\nalways been prone to getting homesick when sleeping at friend’s houses, however\nnow I can’t even go over there just for the day. I get extremely overwhelmed at\nparties and now have completely stopped going. I went to one around this time\nlast year. I was very anxious to go but because it was for one of my best friend’s\nbirthdays I went. While I was there I just broke down crying and had to go\nhome. I now find it hard to leave the house for anything other than school and\nwork, though during this year I look off a lot of days because I couldn’t bring\nmyself to go. </p>\n<p> I have, what seems like an endless list of symptoms,\nphysical, mental and emotional and I find it hard most of the time to deal with\nthem. I know mental illness doesn’t make you less of a person, but sometimes,\nwhen my anxiety is at a high peak it can be hard to believe. </p>\n<p> The worsening of my symptoms is extremely affecting my\nsocial life. I spend a lot of time in my room, I can’t have friends over, if\npeople are over at my house, (people other than my family) I feel very\noverwhelmed and I feel like I am suffocating. I can’t talk to teachers at\nschool and so I am not doing as well as I can at school and this is worrying me\na lot as I am in year 12 next year and I want to do well. </p>\n<p> In addition to my anxiety making me feel crap about myself\nit is worsened because my friends don’t really understand that I can’t help the\nfeelings I have, and so when I have a panic attack and have to cancel plans at\nthe last minute they get upset which makes me feel worse about myself. </p>\n<p> I am on anti-depressants now and have been on them for about\n5-6 months, though I don’t know if they are working that well. I want to try\nand overcome my anxiety, especially my social anxiety because it is the one\nthat is affecting me the most, though I find it hard to because 95% of my\nanxiety and panic attacks have totally know cause and so it is hard to try and\ncalm  myself down. I have mum there to\nhelp me, and it is good because she knows how hard it can be as she suffers\nfrom anxiety and depression herself, however I find it very hard to talk to her\nsometimes. </p>\n<p> I am starting counselling at school next year though I am extremely\nnervous to do this because I can’t talk to people. </p>\n<p> What I really want to know is if there is anyone who knows and\ngood tricks or things for me to do in order to calm down my nerves, especially\nwhen there is absolutely no reason for my panic attacks.\n</p>\n<p>Thank you,</p>\n<p>Baileigh.</p></div>", "date": "07-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-need-help-with-anxiety-it-seems-to-have-gotten-a-lot-worse/td-p/75088" }, { "author": "user-id/4426", "content": "<p>hi Baileigh<br>\n<br>\nI wish i had more useful information to help you but im not sure that im a good person to take advice from as i still struggle with severe mental illness myself.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>a few tips though that may help<br>\n<br>\n1- be sure to see your doc every few months to make sure the medication you are on and the amount you are taking is right for you.<br>\n<br>\n2- If you feel a panic attack coming on ( yes i know they hit hard but you get used to when they are coming ) go for a short walk ( even if its just around your backyard and while you do so think about what your plans are for the day/week to take your mind in a different direction. Either that or do some pushups, situps etc, i find it helps a little to take your mind off thigns. Or a shower is good too as it relaxes you.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I'm like you, my panic attacks are about nothing at all and thats what makes it hard, it makes you withdraw from everything in fear of panic attacks happening in bad places. <br>\n<br>\nI hope some of this info helps you<br>\n<br>\nMick</p></div>", "date": "08-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-need-help-with-anxiety-it-seems-to-have-gotten-a-lot-worse/td-p/75088" }, { "author": "user-id/35802", "content": "Hi Baileigh <span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I used to suffer mild anxiety while I was at school too, although I didnt know it was anxiety at the time.</span> I know that exercise is very powerful, especially if you push yourself. Because it puts you out of your comfort zone, so you start to feel more relaxed and the edorphins make you feel good. I am now addicted to exercise because of this.<br><br>Good health and foods that clear your mind of toxins like raw fruits and vegetables and exercise works.<br><br>So don't be discouraged. There is always a way, i know saying this i still suffer from mild anxiety myself but mines more worrying about the future. I really just wanted to post this because i know it has helped me and hope it will help you too.  <span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">Also i've experienced that the only way of overcoming your fears is facing them. </span> God bless you </div>", "date": "18-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-need-help-with-anxiety-it-seems-to-have-gotten-a-lot-worse/td-p/75088" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "Hi Baileigh,<br><br>If you haven't already, check out the beyondblue booklet 'A Guide To What Works For Anxiety' at this link here: <a href=\"http://bit.ly/IuSeK1\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">http://bit.ly/IuSeK1</a><br><br>It lists a wide ranges of treatments from medical, psychological, and complementary/lifestyle.  It also looks at the evidence available for how effective each type of treatment has been shown to be and gives each a rating.  <br><br>Hope this helps.</div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-need-help-with-anxiety-it-seems-to-have-gotten-a-lot-worse/td-p/75088" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "Baileigh,<br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I was the same as you. I had my anxiety as a teenager and did not know what it was. I am 42 now so back then there was not a lot of information about the illness. I found that as I got older, I became more confident and was able to cope better. You are lucky in the fact that you have at least identified the problem early in your life. It does not make it any easier to deal with but at least there is some support for you.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I agree with all of Michael's comments. Exercise is very helpful. I find that when I sit alone I worry more. The key is to keep your mind and body active. The exercise helps. I find walking and swimming helps. I also recently took up boxercise. Most of my class are girls. <br><br>Medication does not work for everyone and if you can do it without the medication, then it is a lot better. Counseling is something I did not have until much later in life and I wish I had access to it much earlier.</span><br><br><span style=\"line-height:1.6em\">I have read your post and you write very well. You explain your situation very clearly and you seem to have a good understanding of your illness. If you put the illness to one side it appears from your post that you are quite a bright young girl. It seems that you may be developing a phobia of social situations. The trouble with anxiety is that we worry way too much about things that are not even worth worrying about.<br><br>I am sure you worry about going to friends places and then worry about how you are going to react when you get there. In essence you worry about worrying. A counselor should be able to help you with some mental techniques to help you approach difficult situations such as this. What we have is a mental condition and it normally requires a mental approach.</span> The key is not to give up hope. You have a mum who understands your illness and you are getting help at an early age. This is a treatable condition and although you may not think so at the moment, you are in fact one of the lucky ones. A lot of people are not diagnosed till later in life. Keep you chin up because there is light at the end of the tunnel.</div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-need-help-with-anxiety-it-seems-to-have-gotten-a-lot-worse/td-p/75088" }, { "author": "user-id/21215", "content": "<p>Hi Baileigh, I'm sorry you're going through all this.  While my story isn't the same as yours, I have similar feelings of anxiety. Let me share something that works for me.</p>\n<p>One thing that I do when I start to panic/get overwhelmed in a social situation is focus on a single object in the room with me (or at the park, yard or wherever I am.)  It doesn't matter what it is, I look at it and focus only on it.  I look at the object as if I'm memorizing what it looks like, I drink in the colour, size, texture and shape.  Is it making a sound?  Is it moving or still?  </p>\n<p>It sounds weird, but it takes my mind off my panic and channels the energy and confusion into something else, something solid.  If I manage to catch it early enough, I might avoid my panic attack entirely, if not it at least diverts the anxiety long enough so that I can find a place that feels safe and I can calm down. </p>\n<p>It might not work for everyone, but it does for me.  I hope it might work for you too.  xox</p></div>", "date": "19-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-need-help-with-anxiety-it-seems-to-have-gotten-a-lot-worse/td-p/75088" } ]
I need help with anxiety. It seems to have gotten a lot worse very fast.
  I can remember a few years ago going to friend’s houses and going to the movies and parties and now I can hardly leave the house. I have always been prone to getting homesick when sleeping at friend’s houses, however now I can’t even go over there just for the day. I get extremely overwhelmed at parties and now have completely stopped going. I went to one around this time last year. I was very anxious to go but because it was for one of my best friend’s birthdays I went. While I was there I just broke down crying and had to go home. I now find it hard to leave the house for anything other than school and work, though during this year I look off a lot of days because I couldn’t bring myself to go.   I have, what seems like an endless list of symptoms, physical, mental and emotional and I find it hard most of the time to deal with them. I know mental illness doesn’t make you less of a person, but sometimes, when my anxiety is at a high peak it can be hard to believe.   The worsening of my symptoms is extremely affecting my social life. I spend a lot of time in my room, I can’t have friends over, if people are over at my house, (people other than my family) I feel very overwhelmed and I feel like I am suffocating. I can’t talk to teachers at school and so I am not doing as well as I can at school and this is worrying me a lot as I am in year 12 next year and I want to do well.   In addition to my anxiety making me feel crap about myself it is worsened because my friends don’t really understand that I can’t help the feelings I have, and so when I have a panic attack and have to cancel plans at the last minute they get upset which makes me feel worse about myself.   I am on anti-depressants now and have been on them for about 5-6 months, though I don’t know if they are working that well. I want to try and overcome my anxiety, especially my social anxiety because it is the one that is affecting me the most, though I find it hard to because 95% of my anxiety and panic attacks have totally know cause and so it is hard to try and calm  myself down. I have mum there to help me, and it is good because she knows how hard it can be as she suffers from anxiety and depression herself, however I find it very hard to talk to her sometimes.   I am starting counselling at school next year though I am extremely nervous to do this because I can’t talk to people.   What I really want to know is if there is anyone who knows and good tricks or things for me to do in order to calm down my nerves, especially when there is absolutely no reason for my panic attacks. Thank you, Baileigh.
[ { "author": "user-id/9032", "content": "<p>Does anyone on here have health anxiety ? How do you deal with it ? How do you differentiate what is just anxiety and what is a real illness ?<br>\n<br>\nI've been worrying about a heart attack for a couple of months (since I noticed my bp at the GPs surgery was 182 over 127 and the GP said nothing to me about it being so high). I am on blood pressure medication. I woke up this morning with pains in the left breast which has never happened before. I am not sure whether to go to the GP today or wait until my appointment on Monday.<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n</p></div>", "date": "22-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-have-health-anxiety/td-p/63181" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Myfanwy</p>\n<p>I would definitely go back to your doctor today for a check up.  It could be that your blood pressure is very high.  Anxiety can cause lots of issues with physical symptoms eg. headaches, blood pressure. How long have you been on meds for bp? Your doctor may need to change the medication.</p>\n<p>I have been suffering depression and anxiety for 3 yrs now and my blood pressure is quite high as well.  I am on blood pressure tablets but a few weeks ago I was at my dr's and my bp went sky high so he made me lay down for an hour to see if it settles down.  I also at times get discomfort in my left side of my chest by my dr keeps telling me I'm okay I'm not suffering a stroke. But I thought I was having a heart attack. And yes it is a worry because you keep thinking the worse.</p>\n<p>So please go and see your doctor, even if you're fine then at least you know that everything is okay.</p>\n<p>Take care </p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "22-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-have-health-anxiety/td-p/63181" }, { "author": "user-id/9566", "content": "<p>Hi myfanwy,</p>\n<p>i too am suffering from health anxiety, as soon as I get the tiniest bodily sensation I think the worst - I think a headache is a brain tumour, a chest pain is a heart attack and so on. I am only 24 years old so these scenarios are highly unlikely and i tell myself I am being ridiculous but I still get a lot of fear as soon as I experience any sort of bodily symptom. Anxiety can cause a lot of bodily symptoms and it is very confusing because you don't know what's an anxiety symptom and what's not. Also, the other thing I have noticed is my symptoms tend to change; as soon as I learn to deal with one symptom, a new symptom will present itself and then I will freak out about that. I am currently seeing a psychologist which is helping a lot.</p>\n<p>However I wouldn't rule out going back to your Gp to check there is no underlying physical problem. But your high BP may be caused by anxiety at being in the GPs office. Anxiety seems to do a lot of weird things to the body!</p></div>", "date": "23-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-have-health-anxiety/td-p/63181" }, { "author": "user-id/29598", "content": "<p>Hi myfanwy</p>\n<p>this is my first post ever and my very first time using beyond blue. </p>\n<p>I have been suffering with health anxiety since I was about  six years old and am only now (at the age of 27) realising that i am not the only one. And that I can actually be treated for it.</p>\n<p>My anxiety is usually regarding lumps and cancer. It gets a lot worse if I have something nice to look forward to because I then think that I am going to find a lump and have to go in for scans etc and have worry ruining my good time.</p>\n<p>Don't worry too much about your bp. Go back and see your doc but remember as the other posters have said, anxiety does strange things to your body. </p>\n<p>The mind is a powerful thing and can make mountains out of mole hills especially for people suffering anxiety like us.</p>\n<p>I'm glad that I have found others with the same issues. It makes me feel like I'm not alone. </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "10-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-have-health-anxiety/td-p/63181" }, { "author": "user-id/35802", "content": "Hey Myfanwy. I suffer from mild anxiety myself but these are some things i know can help lower blood pressure. Exercise. Less Alcohol. Healthy Diet. Eating more raw foods and greens. I am mostly vegetarian now and it has helped me a lot. But the real answer to your problem is having perfect piece within your soul. </div>", "date": "18-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anyone-have-health-anxiety/td-p/63181" } ]
Anyone have health anxiety ?
Does anyone on here have health anxiety ? How do you deal with it ? How do you differentiate what is just anxiety and what is a real illness ? I've been worrying about a heart attack for a couple of months (since I noticed my bp at the GPs surgery was 182 over 127 and the GP said nothing to me about it being so high). I am on blood pressure medication. I woke up this morning with pains in the left breast which has never happened before. I am not sure whether to go to the GP today or wait until my appointment on Monday.
[ { "author": "user-id/2397", "content": "<p>I am doing the bare minimum to scrape through in school. I hate having to go to sleep because that's when I think the most. I feel like a burden to anyone to has to put up with me. I only like going out when I drink because that's the only thing that helps the insane anxiety, the terrified doomed feeling I get when I'm in public. I get really depressed a lot. I am sensitive and small thing effect me way too much. I feel guilty for feeling this way because I know how much better off I am than so many people out there suffering much worse than I am. I just feel worthless, pointless, insignificant and alone. <br>\n<br>\nI think I wrote all this cause I just wanted to be able to talk to someone about it. I don't talk to anyone and that's probably half my problem. I just wanted to get this off my chest. <br>\nAs well as let anyone know who might be reading this that I am here if anyone wants to talk to me. I'm not sure how this site works yet but if you just want to talk to someone and you find a way to contact me I will do anything I can to help. <br>\n<br>\n</p></div>", "date": "07-05-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/please-tell-me-i-m-not-alone/td-p/37257" }, { "author": "user-id/31701", "content": "<p>Hi mate,</p>\n<p><span style=\"line-height: 1.38462; font-size: 0.8125em;\">obviously I don't know the full story or know you personally nor am I professional , but i read this post and i can tell you, you are not alone.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"line-height: 1.38462; font-size: 0.8125em;\">I too have had those feelings of \"being worthless\" or \"being a burden</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.38462; font-size: 0.8125em;\">\" and always feeling judged when in public and all that. its not a nice feeling at all. </span></p>\n<p>like mentioned above, I am no professional and obviously dont know everything; but ways i have managed deal with such negative feelings is to take time and work out why i felt that way, </p>\n<p><span style=\"line-height: 1.38462; font-size: 0.8125em;\">reminded my self of that old saying \"all men are created equal\" and what I took from that is that when i felt \"out of place\" is \"i have just as much right to be here as much as anyone else\" </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"line-height: 14px; font-size: 11px;\">Maybe try new things? like activites? start working out , maybe take on extra curricular classes </span><span style=\"line-height: 14px; font-size: 11px;\"> </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"line-height: 1.38462; font-size: 0.8125em;\">You mentioned you were in school, so i assume highschool or uni and I know most schools offer councelling services </span></p></div>", "date": "08-05-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/please-tell-me-i-m-not-alone/td-p/37257" }, { "author": "user-id/27951", "content": "<p>Hi Danni. You are not alone. Many, many people share the same feelings, for any number of reasons. I've suffered chronic anxiety on and off for at least 19 years, and I have the all-too-familiar knot in my chest right now.</p>\n<p>ohmk01 offers some great advice. Further to that, I believe we react to certain situations due to deeply held beliefs we develop (often unconsciously). For example, some people believe they must sleep well EVERY night in order to function the next day. The usual result is your mind puts pressure on your body to fall asleep, thus making you more anxious, thus meaning you get little or no sleep. In that case it could help to replace the belief with something like \"I can't expect to sleep well every night, and when I don't, I'll deal with it as best I can in the morning\".</p>\n<p>In terms of people suffering worse than you ... anxiety sufferers are all in different stages in the their life, with different circumstances, challenges and pressures. Whether they are better or worse off is just a matter of perspective. Sometimes it is best to look after yourself, first and foremost, then reach out to others.</p>\n<p>A final thought If I may. As a sensitive person myself who takes things very personally, I also recognise that sensitivity is a very attractive trait. Sensitive people are often more attuned to other peoples' feelings and emotions, and can be great listeners.</p>\n<p>Peace.</p></div>", "date": "09-05-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/please-tell-me-i-m-not-alone/td-p/37257" }, { "author": "user-id/30254", "content": "<p>Hello Danni.</p>\n<p>You're not alone.  I'll see how this thread goes and say more if necessary, but right now I want to answer your key, burning question.  You are NOT alone.  There are others who feel like you do, (although no two people are ever exactly the same), and plenty of people on this stream who will want to encourage and support you.  You are not alone, you are important, and you are definitely noticed.</p>\n<p><span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "13-05-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/please-tell-me-i-m-not-alone/td-p/37257" }, { "author": "user-id/33770", "content": "<p>You are not alone Danni I too suffer from feelings like this OFTEN.</p>\n<p>Good on you for talking on here about how you feel.I`m sure that others would love to help you</p>\n<p>Chin up mate things can only get better(we hope)</p></div>", "date": "13-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/please-tell-me-i-m-not-alone/td-p/37257" }, { "author": "user-id/26613", "content": "Oh Danni, you are NOT alone in these feelings. I read your post and much of it could have been written by me. You have taken an amazing first step by saying what you have. i wish I had the courage to do it when I was younger. There is great advice in the posts above. To help you get through it, seek out assistance from doctors, counsellors, friends or forums like these. They may help you get to the root of these feelings as so much is unconcious. Cherish yourself, do thiings you enjoy. You have value.</div>", "date": "18-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/please-tell-me-i-m-not-alone/td-p/37257" } ]
Please tell me i'm not alone
I am doing the bare minimum to scrape through in school. I hate having to go to sleep because that's when I think the most. I feel like a burden to anyone to has to put up with me. I only like going out when I drink because that's the only thing that helps the insane anxiety, the terrified doomed feeling I get when I'm in public. I get really depressed a lot. I am sensitive and small thing effect me way too much. I feel guilty for feeling this way because I know how much better off I am than so many people out there suffering much worse than I am. I just feel worthless, pointless, insignificant and alone.  I think I wrote all this cause I just wanted to be able to talk to someone about it. I don't talk to anyone and that's probably half my problem. I just wanted to get this off my chest.  As well as let anyone know who might be reading this that I am here if anyone wants to talk to me. I'm not sure how this site works yet but if you just want to talk to someone and you find a way to contact me I will do anything I can to help. 
[ { "author": "user-id/41460", "content": "I have generalised anxiety disorder with obsessive compulsive features. I want to enlighten the beyond blue members about something that has caused me a tremendous amount of anxiety and internal stress this year. Back in April my father painted the kitchen door about midday. About dinner time that night approximately 6pm my cat brushed against the newly painted door and then brushed against my lower leg/feet. I immediately took off my pants and socks and threw them on the ground and got changed. A few days later I checked the socks and pants for paint stains to which I saw no paint stains. Still, I threw out my pants but I kept my socks and put them through the washing machine with other clothes items. I then checked these washed clothes items for paint stains for which there were none. Ever since this I have these images that paint is now on all my clothes that have gone through the washing machine. This is completely irrational thinking but no matter how much I tell myself this these thoughts still plague me. There is this snowballing worrying that I now have to replace all my clothes and it is just really irrational and non sensical. I am currently seeing a psychologist about anxiety (with obsessive compulsive features) but do people think I am maybe starting to go crazy because I sure feel like it. This silly worrying about paint is crazy, I mean surely people put dry paint splattered clothing articles through the washing machine and the paint doesn't budge let alone turn into wet paint affecting the other clothes. So I just don't know what's going on with my brain now. Am I turning delusional or crazy or is this just one of the reasons I am currently getting professional help via medication and counselling for anxiety/OCD?</div>", "date": "17-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-ocd-or-am-i-just-going-crazy/td-p/85587" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Hi, I don,t think you have too much to worry about to me this would just be an aspect of OCD that you will probably work on with your counsellor. Just make sure you bring it up at the next session. To me going crazy is thinking your a powerful figure or getting messages from the tv. You thinking that there is still paint just sounds like an OCD kind of thing to me. Hope things work out.</p></div>", "date": "17-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-ocd-or-am-i-just-going-crazy/td-p/85587" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Anxiousguy, OCD thoughts are so controlling that they make us feel strange or abnormal, but we aren't, I don't feel peculiar, I, like you have an illness and with this becomes thoughts that we have to do to continue on with our lives.</p>\n<p>These thoughts about the paint are no different than someone who has to wash their hands twenty times a day, or myself who has to touch something four times, but in fact I could touch it more than four, but as long as I can count to four, then it satisfies me.</p>\n<p>These irrational thoughts may seem to be abnormal to those who don't have OCD, but when you think about this everybody has to do their problem solving, purchasing goods, washing their car their own way, so what this means is that they too might be queried about how they do it by other people, so it's no different, except that with OCD it's much more prominent and controlling.</p>\n<p>Besides the paint may have been acrylic or water based which means that if washed all the paint would have been washed away.</p>\n<p>If you worry then I will have to add another habit to conquer this. lol Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "18-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-ocd-or-am-i-just-going-crazy/td-p/85587" } ]
Anxiety/OCD or am I just going crazy?
[ { "author": "user-id/24950", "content": "I know I have a problem and it's been coming and going for a few years now.<br><br>I went to my local GP and finally went and saw someone. She made me feel stupid as i couldn't answer her questions like what causes you to feel this way what are you doing when you get these feelings and most of the time honestly nothing.<br><br>I have not been able to pin point what causes these feelings I could be watching my favorite tv show and I could get a hot cold flush, feelings like I'm dizzy and my heart skips a beat and its just horrible.<br><br>I find myself being so emotional over everything and I cry a lot over the littlest things.<br><br>She has put me off going to see someone else, I dont want to go on any medication I want to treat myself naturally and I dont think I can afford $120+ an hour.<br><br>Ive come to the point where im stuck I dont know what to do and Im just over feeling this way its taking it out of me and I constantly feel nervous and sick.<br><br>I just want this dark period in my life to end.</div>", "date": "13-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/needing-answers/td-p/83456" }, { "author": "user-id/12824", "content": "<p>Hi rosiee,</p>\n<p>Sorry you have been put off seeking help. I think I had similar difficulty when I did some CBT earlier this year. I was way out of touch with my feelings. The psychologist poking away at me with questions made me feel like some strange creature washed up on a beach with someone poking a stick at it or that is how I described it to myself at the time. Anyway I am glad now that I stuck it out. But I really had to push myself to decide to trust the psychologist and posting here on the BB helped.  Peace.</p></div>", "date": "13-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/needing-answers/td-p/83456" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Rosiee  </p>\n<p>I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way and it’s not a good thing to have to handle … or to handle alone.   </p>\n<p>While this site is brilliant for compassion and support, and we try to offer as much useful advice as possible to posters, there are times when someone really does need to go to the next level to try and combat what’s happening to them.   </p>\n<p>With regard to seeing your GP, it shouldn’t be costing you near $120 … I’m guessing that’s for a psyche, yeah?   But also in regard to the local GP that you mentioned, personally I would not be going back to that person.  You don’t need to be made to feel so awkward when you’re actually going to a professional and wishing to seek help.  I sure hope that you’ve got access in your location to alternative GP’s, because I’d be definitely going to see another one.   </p>\n<p>And I’m totally hearing you when you say you can’t identify what’s causing these feelings inside you … that’s just part of this illness … sometimes there are triggers and other times it’s so hard to put a finger on why you’re like this … and it’s bad enough trying to work it out in your own mind, let alone having someone put you on the spot.  </p>\n<p>It’s a difficult time for you Rosiee, I hope you can find something very soon that will be able to assist you … and please come back on here and post again and let us know how you’re going.   </p>\n<p>Cheers   </p>\n<p>Neil  </p></div>", "date": "17-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/needing-answers/td-p/83456" } ]
Needing Answers
[ { "author": "user-id/36891", "content": "<span style=\"font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);\">I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, PTSD, mild depression, mild OCD. I have had this all my life ( I am 54-female) but only diagnosed around 42. Psychiatrist at 53. I have been on medication since 42. I am happily and blissfully married to my soulmate for 18yrs. What I am finding now (in the past 7? Yrs), is that if I go out without my husband I have a panic attack and severe anxiety and I have to escape the situation immediately. I can say yes, quite happily when invited to go out, but after that I just don't want to go. I always set a time limit on where we go as I feel trapped (or in case I do). If we don't leave immediately I become very distressed and I just leave. Is this social anxiety??  I also prefer small group settings or not go at all. I can only go to local shops by myself but if husband is home, I prefer him to come to. It's like I feel that if I am out without him, that it's not right or doesn't feel right? I can't really describe what I feel as I just know panic sets in. Is it because things are out of my control if I go out with friends? Not sure. Does anyone else have these feelings? </span></div>", "date": "13-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/83653" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Blondyroses</p>\n<p>Yes, I have those feelings and really stress out with any social situations.  It's now to the point that I'm hellishly nervous just going to work.</p>\n<p>But social situations, even if I was to meet up with mates, stresses me and I come up with any kind of reason to avoid such things.  When I can't, it's a case of hanging in there for as long as I can, and at times I'll come up with a fake headache or at other times, the headache is actually genuine.</p>\n<p>And this is all with me on being on a medication that apparently assists me with this kind of anxiety.</p>\n<p>But you're not on your own with those kinds of feelings.</p>\n<p>Cheers</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p>ps:  but as to why we feel this way, I just don't know.  Maybe I just don't like people?  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "14-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/83653" }, { "author": "user-id/36891", "content": "<p>Dear Neil1,</p>\n<p>Thank you for replying to my post. It is good to hear that I am not alone in this. Everything you said is exactly what I do too!!! Good to know others do it too. I have also thought that it is perhaps that I don't like people (unconsciously), but I am a warm friendly person and people/strangers tend to talk to me easily, so I think then that I must like people. Or they like me. Mmmmm who knows eh?  My psychiatrist has told me that I should keep or push myself into social situations but I can't. It's way too stressful. I am on 300mg sertraline. I don't know if this helps social phobia's or not. It just seems to even me out, therefore lessen panic attacks. </p>\n<p>Anyway, as it is close to Xmas I am very careful not get too social and end up highly stressed! Also, I haven't worked for two years now after a near nervous breakdown due to a bullying misogynistic boss.  My blood pressure is down now. It was sky high and had to be on meds for that but now I am off them,so I attribute my condition acerbated by work. </p>\n<p>anyway, thanks again for your time. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Regards</p>\n<p>Blondyroses <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "15-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/83653" }, { "author": "user-id/23307", "content": "<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\">I also think I suffer from social\nanxiety, so you are not alone. Its origins mainly (but not entirely)\nstem from when my voice and mannerisms were ridiculed at school. I\nstarted thinking everyone was judging me, and thinking the same\nthings that were vocalised when I was harassed. When I have to become\ninvolved in some social situation, I feel like crying. I stress about\nit many days beforehand, which causes headaches and stomach aches.\nRight before the situation, my heart is pounding and, during it, my\nhead swims so that I listen but don't comprehend what is being said,\nand my words come out jumbled and out of breath. I can list the\nnumber of friends I have on one hand. I do have other colleagues, but\nI only see them in professional, not social settings (e.g. college).\nWhen I was invited to parties (I hardly am any more), I would make\nexcuses not to attend or, if I did attend, excuses to leave early. I\nnow try to think of elaborate ways to avoid events, such as flying\ninterstate, because they make me feel so anxious. I don't like going\nto stores, even if I am with someone (I worry that the store\nassistant will laugh at me). I find it difficult to just greet\npeople, and am especially uncomfortable with people around my own age\nthat I don't know because I feel so completely different to them. I\nstruggle to make small talk – because I don't do much (due to the\nanxiety), I don't have much to say. Some of the things I was not able\nto do that now I am are: walk around the block, make a phone call,\norder at a restaurant. I don't have a problem with public speaking –\nyes, I do get extremely nervous but I feel in control. I don't need\nto think of things to say or worry about how to say things because\nI've got a script, and I don't need to respond to what people say on\nthe spot. Before, I wanted to change but now I can't help but feel\nlike I don't want to anymore, especially since therapy involves\nexposing yourself to your fears (I've had counselling before, so I\nknow). I dream (it's not a reality, and probably won't ever be) of\nmoving away where no-one knows me, and just only going out to work, and\nnot even leaving the house to buy groceries but\nordering them online. I know this is avoidant behaviour, but I can't\nhelp but feel comforted by it. The thing is, at the moment, there was\nsocial situations that continue to present themselves, and the\nanxiety is making things really hard. I also continue to feel bitter\ntowards the school bullies, even though it has been nearly ten years\nsince I've been at school. Thanks so much for listening to me!</p></div>", "date": "15-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/83653" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Blondyroses &amp; Enlighten  </p>\n<p>It’s a terrible situation eh?  Working in a city, living in a city, it’s a constant stressor.  Even at home when the phone rings … I just hope that it’s for someone else in my family and not me.  Even though, there’s only two people who phone up wishing to speak with me;  that’s my mum and my brother.  Just ridiculous ain’t it … being stressed by having to talk to your mum or bro !!   But after those calls, I look at the phone and see how many minutes that went for and breathe such a huge sigh of relief, knowing that another call won’t come for possibly a couple of weeks.  </p>\n<p>Wow, that’s some excellent steps you’ve made Enlighten, to be able to make phone calls and to not have a problem with public speaking.   </p>\n<p>Quick sidelight here:   from Jerry Seinfeld who said, “That generally people’s two major fears in life are public speaking and death (in that order);   public speaking is before death.  So if you’re going to a funeral, it’d be better going to your own, rather than having to speak at some one else’s”.  End of sidelight and slight bit of humour!  (insert small giggle here)  </p>\n<p>I find there’s such a massive amount of stress that comes to me if I get in a situation where small talk is needed.  Meeting up with friends, especially over dinner or coffee, etc.  Hence with Christmas coming up where you meet up with people who you might only see once or twice a year and it’s the constant same old small talk … how have you been, my the kids are much older now, what’s the old job like, “oh you’re still there”,  gee you’re looking well, and I used to know a lot more, but I just try my damndest to avoid such things now.  The one thing that I really enjoy is going out to dinner – with just my immediate family – my partner and our two kids.  Because we’re just all so comfortable with each other and there IS no small talk … and even if there’s times where there’s no talk, it’s not uncomfortable.   </p>\n<p>Take care guys,  </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "17-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/83653" } ]
Social Anxiety???
[ { "author": "user-id/11682", "content": "<p>Last five weeks my anxiety has peaked.</p>\n<p>Just carrying this sickness in my belly and sting in my eyes everyday. </p>\n<p>So sick with anxiousness.</p>\n<p>It's starting to effect my ability to function.</p>\n<p>Actually threw up this morning because of the sick feeling.</p>\n<p>Please, I need advise.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "12-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/78109" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Tanhal</p>\n<p>Sorry to read that you're suffering so much with anxiety.  Has anything happened over the five weeks that has triggered the anxiety? Have you been to see a GP regarding this.  There are meds you can take to help with the symptoms.  </p>\n<p>I too suffer anxiety and at times had to pull over on freeway and calm down. It is a scary thing to go through. Have you tried sitting down and taking some slow deep breaths, or look around and see things or hear things.  Doing this keeps you grounded and mindful of where you are. Even putting on some relaxation music and deep breathing helps as well.</p>\n<p>I hope you get back to us and let us know how you're going</p>\n<p>Take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "12-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/78109" }, { "author": "user-id/11682", "content": "<p>Hi Jo,</p>\n<p>Thanks for responding to my post.</p>\n<p>Nothing has really happened in the last 5 weeks......besides stress. Pretty sure it's stress related.</p>\n<p>It's not really like a 'panic attack' it's just constant nauseousness and anxiety.</p>\n<p>I've got an appointment with a GP on Monday. Drugs scare me but, I worry about side effects and what happens when I come off them. Cant keep living like this. It's so terrible Jo. I'm totally trapped. If it's not screaming negative talk in my head, then it's such bad anxiety I throw up.</p>\n<p>What do you think is going on??</p></div>", "date": "12-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/78109" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hey Tanhal</p>\n<p>Has anything happened to you in the past eg, abuse, assault, stressful event etc?</p>\n<p>It's good that you are seeing your GP on monday.  He/she will prob give you something to not feel so anxious and nauseous.  No you can't keep living like this; it's not good for you or your mind and body.</p>\n<p>I hope you can talk to me, i am here for you.  take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "12-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/78109" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "dear Tanhal, when you see your doctor ask them about taking some stomach acid tablets, they are only small, but these may settle your tummy down. Geoff.</div>", "date": "13-12-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/78109" } ]
Last five weeks my anxiety has peaked. Just carrying this sickness in my belly and sting in my eyes everyday. So sick with anxiousness. It's starting to effect my ability to function. Actually threw up this morning because of the sick feeling. Please, I need advise.  
[ { "author": "user-id/4778", "content": "<p>I have a really bad diet at the moment. I rarely eat a full meal and when I do it's always take away or just toast at home, I also consume a large amount of soda each day. I suffer from depression and experience horrible anxiety attacks all day long even though I have a good go and psychologist.</p>\n<p>would cutting out sugar make a big difference? Has anyone made a diet change like this and seen positive results? And if so how long did it take for you to start feeling a little better?</p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-does-diet-effect-anxiety-depression-issues/td-p/40835" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "<p>This is a good idea.  I don't know what you consider to be a large amount, so maybe think about cutting down rather than going cold turkey, but its a bit like what I suggested to cazza on another thread when she said she was drinking black coffee all day and not eating much.  Sugar is the same, its a stimulant, it rushes through your bloodstream and then when it wears off BOOM, a crash.  So it could potentially be making you both more anxious and more depressed.  I found my moods became a lot more stable when I cut back on sugary drinks, coffee and also alcohol.</p>\n<p>Try and stick to some regular meal times as well and cut back on the takeaways. You can make a nice simple salad by getting a bag of mixed greens and a smoked chicken breast from the supermarket, all pre cooked, you just cut up the chicken and away you go.  I'm a lazy cook at the best times and I've really enjoyed the salads over summer, you can grab some mixed nuts from the supermarket too - so easy to throw together, healthy and filling.</p>\n<p>Takeaways are so tempting, but they're like the sugar cravings, the fatty stuff fills you up quick and gives you a high, but it burns up quick and then you end up hungry again.  Lack of good nutrition will add to your depression too.</p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-does-diet-effect-anxiety-depression-issues/td-p/40835" }, { "author": "user-id/27383", "content": "<p>I have been reducing my sugar intake and would say try and give it a go. There has been a huge amount in the media recently about the evils of sugar and if you google you will find a mountain of information and i have one warning form my experience. Don't believe everything you read - there are often 2 sides to any story particularly when the person is selling books. Sugar consumption is a large problem however due to the hidden sugars in our processed food. </p>\n<p>I would be concerned if you consume a large amount of regular soda a day and that is where you could maybe start. a 600 ml can of soda has 16 teaspoons of sugar in it. I have known people who find full sugar soft drinks make them tired and sometimes dizzy. Part of my anxiety is dealing with dizziness and those symptoms can mimic anxiety and panic attack ones so i avoid them. Personally I think it is also important to be happy and not stress so i try to do everything in moderation and if i have a piece of cake laden with sugar I just try and walk a bit more that day or watch my sugar for the rest of the day. You may find too if you start reducing it you may feel some withdrawal from the sugar so maybe don't go cold turkey.I get bored with water so do have occasional diet cokes and have been trying water with lemon in it and soda water with a dash of lime juice as a back up.</p>\n<p>Just seeing that you have considered it and come here to ask makes me feel you may be unhappy about it yourself. Your weight may or may not be an issue for you but reducing sugar and just eating healthier will make you feel better about yourself regardless. I myself try and eat as little processed food as possible and limit my fruit intake [fructose from fruit is a sugar too although better then refined sugar] I have learnt to make quick easy meals or have a healthy choice at takeaway and sometimes I have bought the more healthy frozen meals as a back up so i didn't resort to unhealthy takeaways. Would be happy to give you more ideas if it would help but generally I say go with it and give it a try - it never hurts to see how it works for you. I would bet you will feel better and fairly quickly. Also I really hate exercising except for walking with someone [can't do it by myself] and would highly recommend that to help your depression and attacks.</p>\n<p>Here is an excerpt from an australian site http://www.rethinksugarydrink.org.au/faq </p>\n<p>\n'Sugary soft drinks are packed full of ‘empty kilojoules' which means\nthey contain a lot of sugar but have no nutritional value. A 600ml\nbottle of soft drink contains 16 packets of sugar and about 1000\nunnecessary kilojoules.Sugary drinks provide excess kilojoules which can lead to weight gain\nand obesity. This is because people do not generally reduce how much\nthey eat to allow for the extra kilojoules in the sugary drink.Being overweight or obese can lead to health problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer'\n</p></div>", "date": "03-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-does-diet-effect-anxiety-depression-issues/td-p/40835" }, { "author": "user-id/21762", "content": "I know that sugar has an effect on my anxiety.  A few years ago I felt nauseous all the time and thought it might be a food allergy so I cut all common allergens from my diet for two weeks, started eating each food again one at a time and kept a diary of how I felt. I figured out the nausea was because I was stressed and sugar and caffeine made the stress worse. It was also so much easier to cut down on sugar long term when I had a clear understanding of how much worse it made me feel.</div>", "date": "05-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-does-diet-effect-anxiety-depression-issues/td-p/40835" } ]
How does diet effect anxiety/depression issues?
I have a really bad diet at the moment. I rarely eat a full meal and when I do it's always take away or just toast at home, I also consume a large amount of soda each day. I suffer from depression and experience horrible anxiety attacks all day long even though I have a good go and psychologist. would cutting out sugar make a big difference? Has anyone made a diet change like this and seen positive results? And if so how long did it take for you to start feeling a little better?
[ { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>hey Guys,</p>\n<p>I don't even know how to start. All I know is I am on the verge of a major panic attack and writing is somehow keeping me from falling off the precipice.</p>\n<p>I should feel on top of the world- I haven't worked for 5 years after my termination following injury. Until now I haven't been fit enough mentally or physically. Anyway long story short I got a job finally this week after about 50 rejections. I am petrified.</p>\n<p>I have zero confidence and my self esteem is rock bottom. Due to all the operations then drug issues I look like crap- have put on all this weight and look heaps older than my years( which is also old - 52).</p>\n<p>I aced the interview because I used to be so good at my job I was able to relate to the criteria and expectations. I felt like I could do this again, but since the interview I have convinced myself I will fail. Even if I can somehow get it together mentally I am sure my body will betray me and physically I will not be able to do what is required.</p>\n<p>I will not recover if this does not work out .The hardest  thing of these last 5 years has not been the physical pain, or the breakdowns and hospitalisations it has been the lack of purpose in my life. My reason for getting up in the morning. I was somebody. I was respected and top of my game at the time.</p>\n<p>I lost more than my job when I was terminated. This loss was the trigger that reignited past memories that started my slide into hell. All of my adult life I had worked hard to prove a point, make a name for myself , be the best I could be.( None of which I knew till I started my psych sessions.)</p>\n<p>I know this should help me not to go down that road again but so much of my depression and anxiety is fed by the fear of failure, of not being the best, not living up to this gigantic standard I have set myself - of others thinking bad of me.I am very insecure and constantly seek re-assurance from people. I have always put on a brave face and said I don't care what people think, but that's not true. It wounds me deeply if I am not perceived in a positive light.</p>\n<p>Even now I am thinking people reading this are thinking, \"What an idiot, or \"She's crazy\" and I almost want to delete but I have had to cancel my psych appointment to start this job on Monday and that is really setting off my panic signals. I don't think I can last that long without talking to someone.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>Hi Jo,</p>\n<p>Thanks so much- yes I must say I did feel very positive being out in the world again- contributing ( be it ever so humble)</p>\n<p>I have been keeping up with your posts and I am so glad some help is on the way for you. I think you are very brave and going ahead with a very positive attitude.</p>\n<p>You have been through so much and I hope you will soon feel some peace in your life very soon.</p>\n<p>Be kind to yourself</p>\n<p>Stressless</p></div>", "date": "05-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>hey Guys,</p>\n<p>I don't even know how to start. All I know is I am on the verge of a major panic attack and writing is somehow keeping me from falling off the precipice.</p>\n<p>I should feel on top of the world- I haven't worked for 5 years after my termination following injury. Until now I haven't been fit enough mentally or physically. Anyway long story short I got a job finally this week after about 50 rejections. I am petrified.</p>\n<p>I have zero confidence and my self esteem is rock bottom. Due to all the operations then drug issues I look like crap- have put on all this weight and look heaps older than my years( which is also old - 52).</p>\n<p>I aced the interview because I used to be so good at my job I was able to relate to the criteria and expectations. I felt like I could do this again, but since the interview I have convinced myself I will fail. Even if I can somehow get it together mentally I am sure my body will betray me and physically I will not be able to do what is required.</p>\n<p>I will not recover if this does not work out .The hardest  thing of these last 5 years has not been the physical pain, or the breakdowns and hospitalisations it has been the lack of purpose in my life. My reason for getting up in the morning. I was somebody. I was respected and top of my game at the time.</p>\n<p>I lost more than my job when I was terminated. This loss was the trigger that reignited past memories that started my slide into hell. All of my adult life I had worked hard to prove a point, make a name for myself , be the best I could be.( None of which I knew till I started my psych sessions.)</p>\n<p>I know this should help me not to go down that road again but so much of my depression and anxiety is fed by the fear of failure, of not being the best, not living up to this gigantic standard I have set myself - of others thinking bad of me.I am very insecure and constantly seek re-assurance from people. I have always put on a brave face and said I don't care what people think, but that's not true. It wounds me deeply if I am not perceived in a positive light.</p>\n<p>Even now I am thinking people reading this are thinking, \"What an idiot, or \"She's crazy\" and I almost want to delete but I have had to cancel my psych appointment to start this job on Monday and that is really setting off my panic signals. I don't think I can last that long without talking to someone.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Stressless,</p>\n<p>I'd be there with bells on if the opportunity could arise and, well, no I don't mean that.  But if you removed the bells, then I'd definitely be there.  Can't cope with bells jangling while someone is walking!  But hey, that's just me.</p>\n<p>Brilliant post by the way Stressless, but a couple of pointers I want to raise with you.  A goodie and a not-so-goodie.  The goodie first:   where when you were interviewed and the lady more or less said you've got the job and you felt smug ... that is beautiful.  I loved reading that.  Stressless, that is such a positive thing;  you felt GOOD about yourself.  If you're feeling down, if you feel confidence is low, remember back to that interview ... and most of all, remember the interview result!</p>\n<p>Ok, here we come with the rollercoaster or yo-yo effect, what goes up must come down, but this won't be all the way down ... you said you'll be scared and exposed as the fraud i am.  (Hey, how did I come into this?)  Ohhhhhh, that's right, you meant yourself!  I've gotta stop putting myself into the post!  Stressless, why are you a fraud.  That's not even a question and I don't want you to answer that.  You are not a fraud ... you're dealing with a chronic mental illness that zaps you everyday ... and like so many of us, you are on medications to quell the effects of this illness.  Now if you're going to say that you're a fraud for taking medications, etc and not telling anyone ... then blow me down, we ARE ALL frauds.  By the way, I think I've used that f word too many times in this last paragraph, but goodness, I hope I've made myself clear.  Ok???????  No more of that talk, please!</p>\n<p>Just one question though with your meds - oh and top marks again for having your pain specialist appointment tomorrow - when you take them and it sounds like you have to take them at various times through each day, it's just a matter of popping a tablet and then you go on your way?  Do you have to take them with food or anything?  AND do you function ok afterwards, ie:  there's no drowsy side effects, or you won't start drooling on customers?  (sorry, I had gone almost a paragraph without being silly, so I had to add something in just then).  But Stressless, you get my meaning here?  As long as you can take them at the allotted times, you'll be ok, yes??</p>\n<p>Ok, so we've just touched on the medication issue (they are medications, and not the word you use \"drugs\" - you are on prescribed medication for a chronic mental illness), and now onto the bending, standing bit ... I have no idea what the job is, it's not a shoe salesperson is it???   But it does sound like you're going to be on your feet a bit, yes?  Here I can't really say too much because of not knowing, but also, really how will you know yourself until you get in and try?  My advice would be to just pace yourself.  And if (IF) you feel under a little pressure physically, perhaps mention to your boss that you've got a little knee issue, nothing major, but perhaps something like that?   OMG, I've just created a big white lie for you ... the last person I did that for on this site, never wrote back to me OR ANYONE ... haven't heard from them since, so perhaps, just retract that last little bit hey?</p>\n<p>Ok, my fingers are bit tired now ... </p>\n<p>Positive thoughts all the way Stressless ... you WILL be great at this.  </p>\n<p>Deep breathes, breathe easy and enjoy the next few days as best you can.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Dear Stressless,</p>\n<p>Read some of this:</p>\n<p>I aced the interview because I used to be so good at my job I was able to relate to the criteria and expectations (Stressless)</p>\n<p>You are stressing now about things that probably won't happen. Maybe just try to focus on all the positive things that will happen once you start working. Structure in your day, purpose in your life, personal achievement, money! Don't worry about the other stuff, just let it go. It's not important (MaryG)</p>\n<p>Dear stress less congratulations and well done, pulling off a job at 52 and getting back on the the horse. (Stephen123)</p>\n<p>However, a new day dawns I put on the mask and for a while I can fake it, so who knows maybe one day I might make it. So if I may suggest you write that in the interview your old confidence came through. Make that recognition of your old self your mask on Monday and fake away till you make it. My thoughts will be with you (iamsotired)  - well I'm not, well maybe a little, but that was you know, the lovely 'iamsotired.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>I know all the fears that confront yourself, but all I want you to do is to take a deep breathe and blow out all these fears, you aren't expected to do zillions at once, nor should you, there are probably files, budgets, rosters and future projections for this company as I would think your role is in management and please correct me, and if so then just take your time, and only think of the way you think, and not so much what the hierarchy expects. You were chosen because of your past history and please you can't think like this 'I will not recover if this does not work out' at the moment, because that's going into this job looking for the worse to happen, which it hasn't as of yet, ever though you start on Monday. Nerves will hit you, but this happens to everyone starting a new job, it always does and always will, so this is not any weakness from you by any means, and have your morning planned out, clothes to wear, make-up, and the hardest one, which shoes will I wear, oh boy, that's never ending. lol. (Geoff)</p>\n<p>This is how I envisage your day on Monday will be.  And yes, you will be nervous leading up to it, but have in the back of (no, have in the FRONT of) your mind, that you've been there already - you've met some of the people in the area - you've won the job based on your outstanding ability in the interview.  You know the work, and you will do just fine. The first day is a day of kind of getting to know things anyway, where the key facilities are, toilets, kitchens, etc and in past jobs they've introduced people to the office clown (for some reason that used to be me, but alas, those days are over), so yeah, getting introduced to the different people - and it's always that little chat that happens each time;  but you'll get through that.  Just making the basic human small talk that we all so LOVE very much!  -  Um, no, not me;  but if required we can do it. (um, yours truly)</p>\n<p>I so hope that this post (and the others who have written to you) has shown that you DO possess self confidence and you DO possess the ability to perform the job.  They simply would not have chosen you if they didn't believe it either, so they BELIEVE in you as well.  We've got so many people who believe in you and KNOW that you can do the job. (by someone who types far too much)</p>\n<p>Reading your response I almost believe I can do it .You know I have allowed myself a little pat on the back because I got this job the old fashioned way. I was getting no- where applying on line so I took myself off with my resume in hand and basically went door to door. I was lucky this particular store was looking for staff, she liked the look of me and interviewed me immediately. She more or less told me I had it then. So yes I did feel a little smug about it. (Stressless)</p>\n<p>Positive thoughts all the way Stressless ... you WILL be great at this.  </p></div>", "date": "02-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Stressless, OK it's now Monday, a bit of nerves, of course, don't all of starting a new job, people looking at me when I walk in, wondering what the hell this new employee will do, will she be nasty or can we get around her, and still have control, typical it happens all the time, not just this one day, but everytime a new boss or what ever level you are has got hidden in their brief case, those that run to the toilets as soon as arrive or those heavy weights, who pretend to control their mates, that's good, NO WORRY, it's a new day and I haven't the time on this first day to ever worry about them, because I will cope with them as it suits.</p>\n<p>You have sorted out what clothes to wear, and yes those shoes, but by now you might change your mind, OK us guys know all about this, it's only usual, but you do this just to make yourself feel at ease, sorry, 'but I might as well paint the wall'.</p>\n<p>Your medication will be sorted out in your handbag, you know it's there, but keep a spare lot in the boot of your car, if for some reason a pill falls out and you can't find it, so that's now covered as well, and do the same with phone numbers for the people you know for support and this includes your psych.</p>\n<p>Can I suggest is to buy a $ 20 credit stick for your pc which you can use during your lunch break, and either post or just read some of the other posts that might calm your mind and to keep it in check.</p>\n<p>Thankfully these days hats aren't used, sorry Neil and I are just having a bit of male fun, but like depression with your work just take everyday as it comes, in other words don't try and project 6 months ahead, each day is a new day, and the very best for this new journey. L Geoff. x</p></div>", "date": "03-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>Hi Geoff,</p>\n<p>If you have seen my latest post you would know I was seriously toying with the idea of not going into my new job today.</p>\n<p>I had the worst nights sleep and have been up since 4am.</p>\n<p>My stomach was/is in knots, So I started the game of 'chance' or 'what if' game that I play when I can't decide what to do.</p>\n<p>So first of all the coin toss- thanks lethal,  ok first one doesn't count. So best of three </p>\n<p>Damn ! two heads. Ok too easy. I'll take my dog down the beach for her morning work and if I get three green  lights, then I'm definitely going !  \"You've got to be kidding\", I have never had a run of green lights.</p>\n<p>You can see what I'm doing . By now my brain is like a washing machine stuck on spin cycle and I can't find the off switch. I test everything. \"If the tide is high........\"</p>\n<p>\"If that lady with the bulldog is there  ....................\" , \"If I can see more than two fishing boats........................\" on and on till I walked straight into a hole in the sand and nearly went down. Oh great! \"If I haven't broken my ankle then I will definitely go\"</p>\n<p>So I am now home, \"If I can find my way home then..............\", and after having my coffee I logged onto BB and thought alright last chance, \"If any of my friends have sent me a message then...............\"</p>\n<p>Thanks Geoff . I can't believe how much your positive message has encouraged me to give it a go  and Neil too thanks for the \"throwing my words back at me\"</p>\n<p>  Yes I have changed my  outfit three times, hairstyle twice and shoes well unfortunately they have to be sensible ( ugly) so no changes.</p>\n<p>Extra makeup for those bags under my eyes, and two shots of mouth wash!</p>\n<p>Neil I have packed my meds ( what I need) and Geoff locked some extras in car.</p>\n<p>So what do you know? I am going to work . Feels like my first day at Big School!</p>\n<p>Oh Crap- don't let me make a fool of myself please God! </p>\n<p>Really wish I hadn't had pizza last night</p>\n<p>stay safe everyone<br>\nStressless.</p>\n<p>P.s Anyone seen my car keys???</p></div>", "date": "03-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Stressless,   </p>\n<p>I’m so proud of you and that is just so amazing!  I mean, getting three green lights in a row … really unbelievable!  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span>   </p>\n<p>Ugly shoes?  Stressless, who really looks at people’s shoes?   Are you saying that people will look at what shoes I wear when I go to work?  I’m not being anything but silly here;  but ugly shoes, nice shoes … I think the key here is “Are they comfortable?”   </p>\n<p>By the way Stressless, yours was a pretty funny post.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span>   Got me smiling on a number of occasions.  Really good stuff.   </p>\n<p>And to Geoff, brilliant suggestion of placing extra meds in the boot of the car … just in case.  Why didn’t I think of that?   </p>\n<p>Day 1 Stressless and I know there’ll be a fair number of us thinking of you today.  You’ll go great and I can’t wait to hear how you felt you went.  This just could be the start of a new and positive chapter in your life.   </p>\n<p>Kind regards  </p>\n<p> Neil</p></div>", "date": "03-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Stressless,</p>\n<p>I'm sorry I haven't posted earlier but I have been reading your posts.  </p>\n<p>I just want to say that I am so proud of you for going to work today - your first day!!!</p>\n<p>Well done on organising yourself this morning.  You made me laugh when I read your post because that's exactly what I would have done too - change clothes, extra make up.</p>\n<p>Seriously, good luck for today and by the time you get to read this you will probably have finished your first day at work.  I'm sure you had a great day.</p>\n<p>Hope you can come back on here and tell us all about it.</p>\n<p>Take care,</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "03-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>Hi to all of my cheer squad,</p>\n<p>Well first day down. OMG it felt good to be part of something again- besides doctors appointments, physio or anything health related- there is still another world out there.</p>\n<p>I have become so self absorbed with all of my stuff I forgot the world was still spinning very nicely without me- who knows maybe I can still join in.</p>\n<p>Ok so basically I found out it was pretty much like riding a bike. I hadn't forgotten everything, although I need to brush up on some of the formulas for stats etc . lot of things are now done by using an I pad - paper is out ( luckily I have had lots of recent practice typing ).</p>\n<p>I dug deep and dusted off my people skills and sold up a storm! Highest sales for day! Staff seem nice ,my next in line is very personable and I think we will work well together. Apparently my immediate supervisor is a bit of a B.............. never mind so am I ( at times)</p>\n<p>Like a lot of you said I am taking it slow and not a) looking to far ahead, b) not trying to be superwoman until at least next week, 3) be prepared for a drop in adrenaline . I know I am still fragile in both body and mind but for now I will enjoy( how long has it been) this feeling of being useful, somebody, belonging - in a positive way.</p>\n<p>I couldn't have done it without all of you- your guidance, support and humour have really made a difference- thank -you</p>\n<p>Please be kind to yourselves, chat soon</p>\n<p>Stressless</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "04-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Stressless, what's the cheeky saying, 'told you so', in all honesty this couldn't have haven't at a greater time, why do I say greater time, because you have been battling depression and also the pain that you have to carry with you.</p>\n<p>I am just so pleased for you, and all those statistics, I used to love them at college, it was my favourite subject.</p>\n<p>Well down and let us know how today goes.</p>\n<p>Our dear friend Neil isn't too well at the moment and he has left a disturbing post on 'Tears', I'm sure he will reply but if he doesn't soon then please it's only because of this. L Geoff. x</p></div>", "date": "04-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Stressless</p>\n<p>I know you'll be at the grindstone ... nah, you'll be at work right now, but thought I'd just pop this off ... I need to have a little break for a while, so I did want to send this.</p>\n<p>I can't tell you how pleased I was to read your post for how your day went.  I so wanted to write and ask yesterday arve/evening, but just couldn't.  It really filled my heart with joy to read that you got through, seemingly MORE than ok.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span>  To top the sales on Day One ... lookout what happens in Week 3 !!  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>I couldn't be happier for you ... but as you've suggested, you've grabbed hold of the reins and taken control of your horse ... and aren't galloping ahead out of control.  Just take things day by day ... but continue on your way at a comfortable speed and I can see this being a tremendous positive for you in so many ways.</p>\n<p>Just brilliant Stressless ... and keep on saying your name over and over,</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "04-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hey Stressless</p>\n<p>I read your post from yesterday and wanted to say to you - WELL DONE!!!</p>\n<p>You achieved something very very special and important positive step.</p>\n<p>You got the day and I hope today was even better than yesterday.  Even though you are still in a fragile mind and body - this is a positive step to a more healthier and happy mind and body and YOU.</p>\n<p>Have a nice day tomorrow.</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "04-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>hey Guys,</p>\n<p>I don't even know how to start. All I know is I am on the verge of a major panic attack and writing is somehow keeping me from falling off the precipice.</p>\n<p>I should feel on top of the world- I haven't worked for 5 years after my termination following injury. Until now I haven't been fit enough mentally or physically. Anyway long story short I got a job finally this week after about 50 rejections. I am petrified.</p>\n<p>I have zero confidence and my self esteem is rock bottom. Due to all the operations then drug issues I look like crap- have put on all this weight and look heaps older than my years( which is also old - 52).</p>\n<p>I aced the interview because I used to be so good at my job I was able to relate to the criteria and expectations. I felt like I could do this again, but since the interview I have convinced myself I will fail. Even if I can somehow get it together mentally I am sure my body will betray me and physically I will not be able to do what is required.</p>\n<p>I will not recover if this does not work out .The hardest  thing of these last 5 years has not been the physical pain, or the breakdowns and hospitalisations it has been the lack of purpose in my life. My reason for getting up in the morning. I was somebody. I was respected and top of my game at the time.</p>\n<p>I lost more than my job when I was terminated. This loss was the trigger that reignited past memories that started my slide into hell. All of my adult life I had worked hard to prove a point, make a name for myself , be the best I could be.( None of which I knew till I started my psych sessions.)</p>\n<p>I know this should help me not to go down that road again but so much of my depression and anxiety is fed by the fear of failure, of not being the best, not living up to this gigantic standard I have set myself - of others thinking bad of me.I am very insecure and constantly seek re-assurance from people. I have always put on a brave face and said I don't care what people think, but that's not true. It wounds me deeply if I am not perceived in a positive light.</p>\n<p>Even now I am thinking people reading this are thinking, \"What an idiot, or \"She's crazy\" and I almost want to delete but I have had to cancel my psych appointment to start this job on Monday and that is really setting off my panic signals. I don't think I can last that long without talking to someone.</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/40422", "content": "<p>Hey stressless,</p>\n<p>I don't really know what to say that will help other than I am listening and understanding what you are going through. I don't know why we can't see the good in ourselves and why this illness makes it impossible to be proud of our achievements even when we know in our hearts that we are really good at something and at the top of our game as you said. I think that you should be proud of the fact that after 5 years without work you have been able to get a good job especially in your age group. But I also know that it's no good me or anyone else saying it, you need to believe it yourself. Believe me though when I say that no one here thinks that you are crazy or an idiot. Many people here can relate to what your going through. </p>\n<p>You are stressing now about things that probably won't happen. Maybe just try to focus on all the positive things that will happen once you start working. Structure in your day, purpose in your life, personal achievement, money! Don't worry about the other stuff, just let it go. It's not important. </p>\n<p>I hope this helps </p>\n<p>Mary </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>hi Mary,</p>\n<p>thanks for your reply, and I know what you are saying and I know you get what I am saying.</p>\n<p>I have never been good enough. Even when I was 'the best' I never believed it. When people tell me I look good I don't believe them, because when I look in the mirror I only see ugly!</p>\n<p>My husband has struggled to come to terms with my illness and now he really can't understand.\"I thought this is what you wanted\", \"what do you want\"?</p>\n<p>I can't answer him because I don't know</p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/5247", "content": "<p>Dear stress less congratulations and well done, pulling off a job at 52 and getting back on the the horse. Surely your panic attack is being confused with excitement. Take on the challenge! Live life! Enjoy!</p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/21177", "content": "<p>Hi Stressless</p>\n<p>I hear you and my low self-esteem is one of my biggest stumbling blocks.</p>\n<p>My therapist suggested that I' fake it till I make it'  this is working in some areas of my life, but the reality it is hard work and a great deal of the time the mask slips.</p>\n<p>However, a new day dawns I put on the mask and for a while I can fake it, so who knows maybe one day I might make it.</p>\n<p>So if I may suggest you write that in the interview your old confidence came through. Make that recognition of your old self your mask on Monday and fake away till you make it.</p>\n<p>My thoughts will be with you</p>\n<p>Take care and all the best for Monday </p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>Hi Stephen,</p>\n<p>Thanks for the congrats but it feels hollow to me because I wasn't entirely honest about what've been doing for the last few years.</p>\n<p>After so many rejections I was selective in the information I divulged, but this may come back to bite me- and then failure all over again.</p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>Hi iamsotired</p>\n<p>I have been following your posts and I appreciate you taking the time to give me some advice.</p>\n<p> I am familiar with the 'fake it till you make it' line of thinking- in fact I think it's what I've always done. My whole life is based on the concept, that is until I couldn't anymore.</p>\n<p>When I lost all of my security nets I found out what a weak worthless person I am. I couldn't be strong and I almost destroyed my family- I am worried this will happen again.</p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Stressless, you have to be commended on actually finding a company that wants to employ someone with past experience, knowledge and understanding for this position.</p>\n<p> I know all the fears that confront yourself, but all I want you to do is to take a deep breathe and blow out all these fears, you aren't expected to do zillions at once, nor should you, there are probably files, budgets, rosters and future projections for this company as I would think your role is in management and please correct me, and if so then just take your time, and only think of the way you think, and not so much what the hierarchy expects.</p>\n<p>You were chosen because of your past history and please you can't think like this 'I will not recover if this does not work out' at the moment, because that's going into this job looking for the worse to happen, which it hasn't as of yet, ever though you start on Monday.</p>\n<p>Nerves will hit you, but this happens to everyone starting a new job, it always does and always will, so this is not any weakness from you by any means, and have your morning planned out, clothes to wear, make-up, and the hardest one, which shoes will I wear, oh boy, that's never ending. lol.</p>\n<p>Is it possible to be able to talk to your psych by phone or after hours, because this is your security, and it's always good to rely on them for support. L Geoff. x</p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Stressless</p>\n<p>CONGRATULATIONS on winning the job.  That's definitely worth a huge pat on the back at this time, when jobs I feel are hard to come by, and then to win it in interview is outstanding.</p>\n<p>A couple of things before I go on:  (a) look at your user name on this site;  it's brilliant and it always makes me have a think when I see it.  It's promotes a positive image and message - keep saying it to yourself as well;  &amp; (b) the title of this thread should be changed from 'failing' to 'falling'.  Because no way have you failed in the last little while, you've gone out, you've competed, you've achieved and you've won.</p>\n<p>I enjoyed Geoff's comment about getting things prepared for Monday, especially the shoes.  I shake my head at this because it's true ... what is it with women and shoes?  I know so many female folk who have extraordinary amounts of shoes.  One colleage the other day said, they finally got a full length mirror so they could see if the shoes matched their outfit - and if it didn't they'd keep the shoes on and change the outfit!!  Slight digression.</p>\n<p>Stressless, you promoted an image of a confident, bright, intelligent woman who answered the questions in a knowledgeable and constructive manner at your interview.  Prior to your interview, I have no doubt you would have become nervous as well - I think it's only human to have those nerves come interview time - and then for some strange reason, when you've answered a question or two, you can generally relax a little, as you become more confident and equally become more relaxed.</p>\n<p>This is how I envisage your day on Monday will be.  And yes, you will be nervous leading up to it, but have in the back of (no, have in the FRONT of) your mind, that you've been there already - you've met some of the people in the area - you've won the job based on your outstanding ability in the interview.  You know the work, and you will do just fine.</p>\n<p>The first day is a day of kind of getting to know things anyway, where the key facilities are, toilets, kitchens, etc and in past jobs they've introduced people to the office clown (for some reason that used to be me, but alas, those days are over), so yeah, getting introduced to the different people - and it's always that little chat that happens each time;  but you'll get through that.  Just making the basic human small talk that we all so LOVE very much!  -  Um, no, not me;  but if required we can do it.</p>\n<p>I so hope that this post (and the others who have written to you) has shown that you DO possess self confidence and you DO possess the ability to perform the job.  They simply would not have chosen you if they didn't believe it either, so they BELIEVE in you as well.  We've got so many people who believe in you and KNOW that you can do the job.  I just hope that we've sparked a little something within you Stressless that creates a little flicker of hope and confidence in yourself.  Even just a little.  Cause we've still got time to throw more fuel to this, to get the embers burning within you.</p>\n<p>Stay with us Stressless and congrats again to you.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" }, { "author": "user-id/6273", "content": "<p>hi neil,</p>\n<p>Can you come with me on Monday? Reading your response I almost believe I can do it .You know I have allowed myself a little pat on the back because I got this job the old fashioned way. I was getting no- where applying on line so I took myself off with my resume in hand and basically went door to door.</p>\n<p>I was lucky this particular store was looking for staff, she liked the look of me and interviewed me immediately. She more or less told me I had it then. So yes I did feel a little smug about it.</p>\n<p>Neil I am ashamed to say my main fear is that I will not be able to cope. As you would know from my earlier posts I still have a medication problem. Being at home obviously it doesn't matter much but being out in the workforce again????</p>\n<p>Also I didn't give any details about my past injury, hospital, meds etc- she would have run a mile. Mind you she didn't ask - if she had I would have had to be honest.</p>\n<p>I am dependant on these drugs to get through the day. I am seeing my pain specialist tomorrow and we will review but I don't see him making any real changes .As I said earlier I have put on an act most of my life because I  dare not face the truth so I guess this will just have to be an academy award type performance!</p>\n<p>I was so hoping to hear from you and Geoff as you both make me think and reassess my usually chaotic brain. Hope you are doing ok. I don't always post but I always read your posts and wish you well.</p>\n<p>Geoff,</p>\n<p>Once I again you have calmly looked at my situation and yes I have settled a bit.</p>\n<p>As I said to Neil my main concern is a) the physical aspect - standing, bending , etc and b) the drug issue. I am so ashamed to be so reliant on these drugs but scared to death of how I would be without them. </p>\n<p>I am scared I will be exposed as the fraud I am. </p>\n<p>I have already picked out my outfit and bought 'sensible' ( yuk) shoes to change into if I get sore feet. You're right I do come from a management background but this role initially is just in sales- not sure if I want to have that responsibility again or more like it if I can handle it. </p>\n<p>Thanks for your  kind thoughts and confidence in me. Maybe you could come with me too??? Yes I will probably ring my psych before then if I can</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/petrifed-of-failing-again/td-p/40282" } ]
Petrifed of Failing- again
hey Guys, I don't even know how to start. All I know is I am on the verge of a major panic attack and writing is somehow keeping me from falling off the precipice. I should feel on top of the world- I haven't worked for 5 years after my termination following injury. Until now I haven't been fit enough mentally or physically. Anyway long story short I got a job finally this week after about 50 rejections. I am petrified. I have zero confidence and my self esteem is rock bottom. Due to all the operations then drug issues I look like crap- have put on all this weight and look heaps older than my years( which is also old - 52). I aced the interview because I used to be so good at my job I was able to relate to the criteria and expectations. I felt like I could do this again, but since the interview I have convinced myself I will fail. Even if I can somehow get it together mentally I am sure my body will betray me and physically I will not be able to do what is required. I will not recover if this does not work out .The hardest  thing of these last 5 years has not been the physical pain, or the breakdowns and hospitalisations it has been the lack of purpose in my life. My reason for getting up in the morning. I was somebody. I was respected and top of my game at the time. I lost more than my job when I was terminated. This loss was the trigger that reignited past memories that started my slide into hell. All of my adult life I had worked hard to prove a point, make a name for myself , be the best I could be.( None of which I knew till I started my psych sessions.) I know this should help me not to go down that road again but so much of my depression and anxiety is fed by the fear of failure, of not being the best, not living up to this gigantic standard I have set myself - of others thinking bad of me.I am very insecure and constantly seek re-assurance from people. I have always put on a brave face and said I don't care what people think, but that's not true. It wounds me deeply if I am not perceived in a positive light. Even now I am thinking people reading this are thinking, "What an idiot, or "She's crazy" and I almost want to delete but I have had to cancel my psych appointment to start this job on Monday and that is really setting off my panic signals. I don't think I can last that long without talking to someone.  
[ { "author": "user-id/39248", "content": "My boyfriend and I have been together for one year and three months. We have been through our fair share of ups and downs and we've always come out stronger. Hes been so supportive of my severe anxiety and depression. I over think every single detail of our relationship and i constantly worry that were not right for each other and that were going to break up. He is the love of my life and i want to be wth him forever. But the other day we had an argument over something so stupid and i over reacted and walked out when i shouldnt have. When i left, in my head it was like we broke up but we didnt. It has been five days since it happened and ever since then i have felt weird. I love him so much but for some reason i cant feel it like i used to. I want things to go back to the way they were and i want to feel the same again. I feel like ive lost him and that i cant get it back. Im worried i have destroyed everything by being stupid and leaving when i shouldnt have. I regret it so much and have hated myself every day since. Please give me advice. I have no idea how to fix this or what to do. I desperately want to fix this. I do not want to leave him. I feel like i have let my anxiety and my head go too far and get in the way of how i really feel and i just want it to go back to normal. I am currently on anti depressants. Please help me </div>", "date": "02-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-destroying-my-relationship/td-p/43085" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "<p>Well I suppose the first thing is that you have been together for over a year and you say he's been very supportive, and you've been through your ups and downs. So I'm guessing that thiings like this may have happened before, and everything has ended up ok, despite you feeling like its the end of the world (thats what anxiety does to us sadly)?  Have you spoken to him since the argument?  If not then that would be the first thing I'd do.</p></div>", "date": "03-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-destroying-my-relationship/td-p/43085" }, { "author": "user-id/27383", "content": "<p>Hi Simone</p>\n<p>I hope things have already worked out for you but I think the most important thing is communication. In any relationship I believe you must be able to talk to each other and be honest about how you are feeling. Sometimes just using the words 'I feel like' or 'when i do this I feel' like or 'when you do this I feel like' can help start a conversation. You are very lucky to have someone that you say has been very supportive. Only the 2 of you know if you should stay together but please take the step to try and have a conversation and be honest about your feelings and ask him to be as well. Life can be confusing and you may not even know your own thoughts but if you can talk easily your relationship will be stronger for it. If you are on anti depressants take care and if you feel you are not sorting it out talk to your Dr about it as well.</p></div>", "date": "03-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-is-destroying-my-relationship/td-p/43085" } ]
anxiety is destroying my relationship :'(
[ { "author": "user-id/17599", "content": "<p>A while ago a friend of mine decided to take me to Headspace to see a shrink as I'm really not sure what it is that's wrong with me but it's become apparent that something is, in fact, wrong. I also had a second friend there to make sure I didn't run away. This was only to make the appointment. </p>\n<p>In the past I had a terrible experience with quite possibly the worst shrink in Australia. So I was incredibly anxious about seeking help again. After I managed to get through the paperwork to make the appointment my hands were already shaking so the receptionist gave me some information with an email so that I could contact the staff to fee more comfortable about going. I emailed them and received a reply which, upon reading, put my nerves at ease for a while. Never-the-less as my appointment date grows nearer I've become more and more worried to the point where I considered simply not going. However the fact that I had a group of three people accompanying me would make that pretty tricky.</p>\n<p>My main point is, two out of my three have just bailed and the third isn't sure if she'll make it on the day, meaning I'm free to skip my appointment and no one could stop me. But at the same time, my friend who originally convinced me to go took the time out to try to get me to help myself and even thought it makes me cringe to think about, I feel like I'm obligated to go even I know I couldn't so much as step into the building on my own. I just don't know what to do.</p>\n<p>So somebody, anybody, please if you have any advice or ideas of what I should do to help the situation it could really help me. My appointment is only a few days from now and there's almost nothing stopping me from cancelling or not showing up.</p>\n<p>I need help. I just really don't want it.</p></div>", "date": "01-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-sought-out-help-but/td-p/43001" }, { "author": "user-id/22569", "content": "<p>Hi Just</p>\n<p>Wow what a position you have been put in by others it is one thing to say they will support you but it is another to leave you at the door. Everything you have mentioned about them and you is based on fear feelings.</p>\n<p>They are tormenting your decision to seek help and winning everytime they succeed in stopping you from seeking appropriate help.</p>\n<p>It is such a shame a bad experience with a psyc has left you untrustworthy. I get it I have not always trusted complete strangers. However Just the trick is do you feel you need help with something because they are no different to going to the chemist for band aids.</p>\n<p>If you decide not to go at least do some research on this site and see if you connect to what perhaps someone has written because you may feel alone but we are not. that first step is really your own responsibility and is always easier when you feel you need to learn a tool to help get through what ever is bothering you,</p>\n<p>Have a read about the anxiety on the site it has alot of power of people lets see if you can learn how to get it back.</p>\n<p>It is a life thing though never give up on yourself you  can get angry fed up or whatever for days on end but you still answer to yourself in the end.</p>\n<p>good luck Be nice if a true friend of family member could support you in this.</p>\n<p>Giggles</p></div>", "date": "01-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-sought-out-help-but/td-p/43001" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Just_Another_Girl (JAG) - but I seriously argue against that ... you're not just another girl ... you are YOU and you are special and just as special as anyone else either here or out there.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>I back up what Giggles responded to you with and also would like to go a tad further with Giggles's last comment - in that, ok, these other friends have bailed on you (or at least two of the three have) - if the 3rd one does, which I truly hope for your sake they don't;  is there some way that you could possibly get a family member or maybe a neighbour or perhaps another friend to accompany you along.</p>\n<p>Before I move on, is it possible to let your 3rd friend know just HOW MUCH you need this appointment and how hugely supportive it will be of her to accompany you?  Just state how important this will be.  You know I'd even go back to the other two and try this.  You may have already but if not, I think it's definitely worth a go.  It is for your welfare and safety ... do they not consider that worthwhile?</p>\n<p>It's cases like this that I think, damnit ... if I knew you and was able to be there for you, I'd go along with you. I'd be there to support you all the way ... all the way there and then all the way back as well.  Pipe dreams Neil, pipe dreams. </p>\n<p>You did mention that when you received feedback from this new place where you'll be going you felt more at ease about going, which to me is a very positive sign.</p>\n<p>Do you feel anxious about going because of how you were treated in your first visit to that shocker of a psych in the past??  Obviously that answer would be yes, but do you feel that there's other things that are making it so difficult for you to go?</p>\n<p>Say, like the process of unloading to the psych?  A technique I use to my psych, my other psych and my GP is that I type down on a piece of paper the issues that I'd like to raise for that particular appointment ... and the list can be as long as you want it to be.  You can either then use the list as a starting point;  or you could hand the list over, so you both can work through things from that, or you could just talk and use it just as a memory jogger.  Just a thought ... but with it, just create dot points kind of things and then between the two of you, it's from there that you can delve into things further.</p>\n<p>JAG, I hope that something between myself and Giggles that we've been able to help a little ... and please write back to let us know how you're going.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "02-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-sought-out-help-but/td-p/43001" }, { "author": "user-id/39852", "content": "<p>I don't believe your just another girl people obviously love and care about you enough to help you through your situation. I myself have had terrible experiences with psychs which exacerbates my trust issues and leaves me wondering who i can really talk to. but without the help of my current psychs i don't know where i would be or how much worse my situation would be. (and its horrible atm <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> ) just because two of your friends can't make it to your appointment doesn't mean there intentionally bailing on you which I'm sure your head is telling you they would still want you to make your appointment and the fact these people at headspace emailed you back shows you how much they really care about your health as well.</p>\n<p>Asking for help is terrifying...but admitting you need the help is even more terrifying. you've made that step which is commendable and you need to trust in your own ability to take the next step and talk to someone that who knows you may really get along with. and if not don't give up looking for that connection with someone that you can get along with. there are a lot of a**holes out there that are just after a pay check and head home to their mansions driving a Mercedes but there are also lots of people that really do care and really do want to help you out of the terrible place you've found yourself in. </p>\n<p>life's all about taking chances and your friends would want you to take this chance and step through that door to seek the help you need i understand you may not want it who really wants to ask for help but in times of need none of us will turn a blind eye to the issue. i want to run away every time i step into someones office but i know without there help I'm just going to be stuck in the same situation that i was in years ago. even use a distraction like a rubber band on your your wrist that you can flick and play with to ease your nerves or just something in your hands you can focus on and mess around with so your not completely focused on your appointment. sounds stupid but it helps a lot. Distraction. and believe in yourself to take that step forward and look to the future it definitely sounds like you want to move forward and this is your opportunity. i hope something i have said has helped you cause i know how scary your position is to go through and start fresh with a new psych. forget that other one their useless and you not going back has let them know that. just breathe and trust yourself. :). take care and please go to your appointment. Blue (Ps. if you read my post you'll see how bad just one of my psychs really was haha)  </p></div>", "date": "02-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-sought-out-help-but/td-p/43001" } ]
I sought out help but...
A while ago a friend of mine decided to take me to Headspace to see a shrink as I'm really not sure what it is that's wrong with me but it's become apparent that something is, in fact, wrong. I also had a second friend there to make sure I didn't run away. This was only to make the appointment. In the past I had a terrible experience with quite possibly the worst shrink in Australia. So I was incredibly anxious about seeking help again. After I managed to get through the paperwork to make the appointment my hands were already shaking so the receptionist gave me some information with an email so that I could contact the staff to fee more comfortable about going. I emailed them and received a reply which, upon reading, put my nerves at ease for a while. Never-the-less as my appointment date grows nearer I've become more and more worried to the point where I considered simply not going. However the fact that I had a group of three people accompanying me would make that pretty tricky. My main point is, two out of my three have just bailed and the third isn't sure if she'll make it on the day, meaning I'm free to skip my appointment and no one could stop me. But at the same time, my friend who originally convinced me to go took the time out to try to get me to help myself and even thought it makes me cringe to think about, I feel like I'm obligated to go even I know I couldn't so much as step into the building on my own. I just don't know what to do. So somebody, anybody, please if you have any advice or ideas of what I should do to help the situation it could really help me. My appointment is only a few days from now and there's almost nothing stopping me from cancelling or not showing up. I need help. I just really don't want it.
[ { "author": "user-id/11851", "content": "<p>I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 3 years now that I'm sure of and have yet to do anything to help myself except take a few B Complex vitamins and hope it will go away - it never has. </p>\n<p>I've talked to many people online who tell me to 'talk to someone', but everytime I've tried they have shut me down. I'm classified as a 'teenager' and I'll get through it. But I can't do this anymore.</p>\n<p>I need help but I live in a small town, I can't afford psychiatrist help, and I don't know how to approach people for help at all. </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "22-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-help/td-p/100923" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Laura,7,</p><p>Thanks for joining the forums. 3 years dealing with anxiety on your own is a tough ask. I'm glad you've come here to seek some support. Talking to someone is a good idea, I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been listened to previously. This is a good place to talk through your fears and feelings with people who have experienced similar things.</p><p>Have you tried the anxiety/depression test on our website? This is a test that your GP can use to assist you with getting the best treatment. You can print the test result out and take it with you. The link is here: <a href=\"http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/depression/signs-and-symptoms/anxiety-and-depression-checklist-k10\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/depression/signs-and-symptoms/anxiety-and-depression-checklis...</a></p><p>You say you're classified as a teenager, are you still living with your parents? Have you told them about how you're feeling? </p><p>In terms of services that may be available for you living in a smaller place, you can give our support service a ring on 1300 22 4636 or if you'd prefer to use web chat, you can chat to our counsellors between 4 and 10pm using that: <a href=\"http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/depression/signs-and-symptoms/anxiety-and-depression-checklist-k10\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">http://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-support</a></p><p>Please stay in touch with us on the forums and let us know how you're going.</p></div>", "date": "22-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-help/td-p/100923" }, { "author": "user-id/10155", "content": "Naturopathic physicians work while concentrating over the wisdom of\nnature combined with the rigidity of medical science. Emphasizing over the\ntraditional healing methods and practices natural\nanxiety treatment  focuses on wide-ranging diagnosis and treatment.\nNaturopath further aims at minimizing the risk of falling in to the trap of related\nconditions like depression. The physicians aids in recognizing the body’s intrinsic\nabilities and in maintaining a balanced mind and soul. </div>", "date": "01-02-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-help/td-p/100923" } ]
Anxiety help.
I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 3 years now that I'm sure of and have yet to do anything to help myself except take a few B Complex vitamins and hope it will go away - it never has.  I've talked to many people online who tell me to 'talk to someone', but everytime I've tried they have shut me down. I'm classified as a 'teenager' and I'll get through it. But I can't do this anymore. I need help but I live in a small town, I can't afford psychiatrist help, and I don't know how to approach people for help at all.   
[ { "author": "user-id/16111", "content": "Hi all, \n<br>I have never been involved or opened up like this before but I'm hoping getting it out will help. I have suffered with anxiety since i was a child ( about 30 years). When i was 17 my life became unbearable and i went to see a psychologist who diagnosed me with socialphobia, agoraphobia and panic disorder. It controls every part of my life, although i gained prettyi\n<br>good control of it in the past, i feel like I'm losing my grip. Fearing that my children will become like me and that my husband\n<br>doesnt really like to talk about it, i have become an expert on hiding it. But the anxiety gets too much and the panic attacks are getting worse again. I haven't worked in almost two years and the panic attacks leave me exhausted all the time. My biggest fear is that I'm a burden on my children and my husband but the alternative (to leave) is more than i can bear. i cant stand the lonliness and I'm scared that depression will be added to my list.\n<br>Wow I needed to get that out there. Thanks bb</div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-feeling-lonely/td-p/41632" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "<p>Hi jo77, what a laundry list of diagnoses. I wonder if you feel like those labels are controlling you too, and with worrying about depression too, having another one to add to the list. I don't know whether it might be helpful to start by putting the labels to one side and just starting from the position of: hey, I'm not coping right now and I need some help. Try not to see it as something being WRONG with you, because that is where all those horrible feelings of blame, guilt and burden are coming from.</p>\n<p>When was the last time you went to see your doctor? I can sense the relief in you getting these feelings out in the open. At the moment you're like a can of soft drink that's been shaken up and is waiting to be opened. Please make that appointment and get that help you need. Anxiety can go away and then flare up again. </p>\n<p>Another thing about anxiety is terror about the MIGHT BE. Feelings take trumps over facts. You say that you fear that your husband doesn't like to talk about it... have you tried to talk to him?  You fear that you are a burden to your kids, but do you have any evidence for that?  Hope you'll stay with us and chat some more.</p></div>", "date": "31-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-feeling-lonely/td-p/41632" }, { "author": "user-id/16111", "content": "Hi JessF, thanks for taking the time to read my post. It has been a while since i talked to a profesional. My gp has just told me that i have an underactive thyroid which is not helping either. I feel a little better today after reading other sufferers stories . on here. Im definantely not alone, and i know that. just feel like i am sometimes(ah the joys of irrational thoughts lol) So today i spent some time gathering my thoughts and seperating the good from the bad with some isometrics thrown in. Feeling slightly more positive, i have just always felt that the sense of aloneness has always been the worst of it all. Thanks again</div>", "date": "31-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-feeling-lonely/td-p/41632" } ]
anxiety feeling lonely
[ { "author": "user-id/41119", "content": "<p>Hi everyone,</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>My name is Jenny. I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. 6 months ago I would have laughed at anybody who predicted I may end up with this. I've always been the strong person and have never really spoken about my feelings to anybody - just shrugged off everything in the past and pretty much put anything negative out of my mind.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I'm lucky in that I have found an understanding GP and I am seeing a psychologist. I'm not coping at work at all (fairly new job with quite a bit of responsibility) and now that I look back at it - I haven't really been coping for quite some time, but I've had some wonderful people to work with and they've kept me afloat. Not that I'm a bludger by any means, but I've had some good support. Now I'm in a job where I'm it and I am feeling overwhelmed and questioning my skills. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I was becoming anxious every Sunday and crying every Sunday night in anticipation of going to work on Monday. I really didn't think much of it at the time. However, then it became almost every night, and thought of work just completely invaded my social life (which was decreasing at a rapid rate!). I haven't been sleeping much. The only nights I sleep more than an hour is when I take medication which I don't like doing, but I need to function as I am in no financial position to take time off work.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I've always been a bit of a loner, but have had a fair few friends. Last year, my circle of friends also was split, resulting in a lack of support from friend also. My family are all interstate, so I think I've been lonely too.  I have always been such a happy go lucky, positive  person, but now I find that it's hard to find anything to look forward to or even to crack a smile - I'm working on it, and working on trying to have time to myself and not thinking/worrying about work 24/7</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Anyway, I don't want to sound too much of a pain. I work a lot, but I hope to read many of your stories and I hope that we can help each other and learn from each others' experiences.</p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-ask-myself-how-did-i-arrive-here/td-p/39657" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Jenny (and I do like your user name, stormydaze – clever)  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span>  </p>\n<p> Thank you for coming to Beyond Blue and sharing your post with us … it can take a bit of effort for the first time, so that’s a big thumbs up for you and a wonderful sign of a positive step forward.   </p>\n<p>Firstly, no-one who comes here and posts is EVER a pain … everyone is treated with the same worthiness, advice, care and support – as much as we can over a forum anyway.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span>   </p>\n<p>You know Jenny, once upon a time, I used to be a happy and a go-lucky kind of person, but unfortunately those days are long gone – I hope one day to find them again.  But it’s good to know that underneath your illness what your real nature is … and it’s funny or odd in a way, because I believe that a lot of people suffering from this illness do have bright, bubbly personalities underneath.  OR is the bright and bubbly personality, the mask that we put on to disguise our illness?  That’s probably a good question for its very own thread.   </p>\n<p>Your work situation sounds like a major catalyst for how you’re feeling.   You say you’ve got some wonderful people who you work with.  Have you spoken to any of them about your troubles that you’re having?  </p>\n<p>Jenny this is really bad for you to be affecting you this way.  Can you see any light at the end of the tunnel if you seek help from fellow colleagues?  Would they be able to assist you or give you advice as to how to complete tasks, etc??  Or are you just feeling totally swamped all the time?  Would it be better if you had others who you could call on to help you get things done?   </p>\n<p>With regard to medication, you’ve been prescribed it for a particular reason … to help YOU.  Please don’t feel bad about having to take them.  They are there to help you and this is the only thing you should be concentrating on – which it does sound that you’re on the way to doing.     </p>\n<p>Has your GP or your psych given any advice/guidance with regard to your work situation?   </p>\n<p>The job is fairly new … is it possible that after you’ve done it for a while, that things may settle down, or do you feel that you’re just in the wrong place?  </p>\n<p> Have you researched the possibility of seeking other jobs??  Are there any other jobs in your area that might be suitable for you?  </p>\n<p> I hope that you can get back to us, and to let us know how you’re going?   </p>\n<p>Kind regards   </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-ask-myself-how-did-i-arrive-here/td-p/39657" }, { "author": "user-id/41119", "content": "<p>Hi Neil,</p>\n<p>Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I'm not one for sharing my feelings, so thought it may help to write them down on here (plus my mood diary!).</p>\n<p>Perhaps you have a point with regards to being bright and bubbly hiding our illness - I'm not sure! LOL.</p>\n<p>When I first started my new job, my first instinct was to run for the hills as this workplace had been through some very turbulent times which left the staff very emotional and on edge. There was an undercurrent there that I really can't describe but that seems to have improved. </p>\n<p>My Psychologist thinks that I'm burnt out. I've gone from high pressure job to high pressure job over the past 12 years, and I've always loved to 'fix' things at work, however I'm the one who needs fixing now as I've pretty much ignored all the stressors in the past thinking that I've coped with it all well, but it seems I didn't cope so well.</p>\n<p>Unfortunately in my job there are very few people I can ask for help. I have discussed my issues with my Manager and one of my peers and they are very understanding, but they're both swamped too (however, coping ok). At first I questioned my output, but I accomplish 10 tasks and 20 replace them. I'm good at prioritising, but I'm also a perfectionist, so when I see something not done (or not done to my satisfaction) I HAVE to do it.... I'm working on that (with some success).</p>\n<p>I have days where I'm ready to take everything on and I'm pretty calm, and days which I really feel I can't cope at all and feel I'm on the verge of a panic attack (which I've never really had - just some mild symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, sweating, trembling, etc, but I can hide it, so not really a full blown panic attack). I'm also very aware that people may be treating me in a more fragile manner which I'm not really keen on. I understand that they're trying to help but I don't want to feel like I'm not pulling my weight.</p>\n<p>Neil, I've actually done this type of job for many years - I desperately need a change (well, I think I do? LOL), but this is what I'm good at and I feel that my other skills are pretty much lost. I have held on to these type of jobs for the money, but I do need to look at doing something else and realise that most other jobs will bring in a lot less. </p>\n<p>Then of course there is fear of rejection when applying for jobs! (silly, I know, but that knocks the self confidence out the window too, doesn't it). About a year ago I applied for a position that I've always wanted. I was short listed, interviewed (went well I thought), then didn't get it. I was absolutely devastated, even though I completely understand the reason for choosing someone else (and as a Manager, I would have too!).</p>\n<p>I'm not actually taking any medication for my anxiety/depression as such. Just sleeping tablets to help me sleep on my work nights, which I really need to look into, as I was getting 4 hours a night, but this week I'm back to 2 (with meds!). I've never been a good sleeper and can function on 4 hours, but over the past months I've got an average of 2 hours a night (some nights no sleep, some 4 or 5) which is probably not helping!</p>\n<p>Anyway, thanks for listening. I'll let you know how things are going along the way <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Cheers,<br>\nJenny</p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-ask-myself-how-did-i-arrive-here/td-p/39657" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Jenny, if you do worry about work and try not think about it, boy this is difficult, because it's always in the back of your mind, and that's why you have begun to cry, but it's not necessarily the work that gets you into this awful feeling it's much deeper than this, and yes you maybe burnt out.</p>\n<p>As Neil has also mentioned 'people do have bright, bubbly personalities underneath' and yes this is true, but the one factor is that it's hidden only because of your anxiety, which is depression.</p>\n<p>When you say ' I'm also a perfectionist and do 20 jobs instead of 10' makes my old intuition raise my ears, as this is a trait of having OCD.</p>\n<p>Being burnt out also happened with myself as if anybody told me years ago that I wouldn't want to do building/handman any more I would have laughed at them, but it's true, my interest has all gone, and this is what happens, we change direction.</p>\n<p>Now I enjoy this new direction because there are so many other challenges, and if you also change then these this new direction will also help you.</p>\n<p>However I'm not entirely sure that you are ready for this, and I hope I am wrong, but the need for sleeping tablets is the concern, and they only last 4 hours, but if you keep taking them then the amount of time they make you sleep decreases.</p>\n<p>Are you frightened of taking antidepressants, but firstly by taking them doesn't mean that you are listed as one of them.</p>\n<p>It's no different than myself still taking them, plus I need to take antiepileptic three times a day, so the both of these medicines are a stable diet. lol.</p>\n<p>It's always lovely to have new members post on this site, and all we can do is support you, give advice, suggestions and of course we care so much for you. L Geoff. x</p></div>", "date": "31-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-ask-myself-how-did-i-arrive-here/td-p/39657" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Jenny </p>\n<p>Thank you again for your reply;  it was great to hear from you again.</p>\n<p> It’s such a difficult issue isn’t it – that four letter word, “work”.  It helps pay the bills and cover expenses, but if you’re in an area of work that isn’t good for you, then reveals the age old $64,000 question.  What do we do when we have a job that is not helping our illness and yet at the same time, that job assists us to pay for things?  I think my answer is an unfortunate one, in that, you have to stay working, even if it’s to the detriment of your health.  Nothing lasts forever … and at some stage (if you continually keep an eye out) another job opportunity could present itself. </p>\n<p>I’m so pleased that you’re taking a positive role in seeking out help and to be doing things for you.  You’ve mentioned seeing your psych;   how often do you see them?  Do you have another session soon? </p>\n<p>But back to the work situation, this is the biggie that’s causing you massive amounts of stress and worry at the moment … this is the thing that somehow needs to change in some way?? </p>\n<p>Rejection with seeking jobs etc can be devastating … especially when you felt that you cleaned up in the interview … you come out confident and all that, but to be told later that you didn’t get it, is a massive downer.  It’s even worse when you get told that you weren’t even rated suitable.  That’s happened to me before and that’s like a combination punch thrown at you and then when you’re falling down, you get kneed in the head, just for good measure.  Since those times I’ve learnt to NOT get excited or worked up about an interview result.  I can’t afford too, otherwise it rips me a part too much.  In a way, here is “ONE” (and possibly the only) benefit of having depression.  Because you can tell yourself honestly, that you suck, that you’re useless and hopeless and there’s no way that they’ll pick me for the job.  What idiot in their right mind would pick me in front of others for a job.  And it works, because each time I don’t get it, my little devil on my shoulder grins at me and says, “See I told you so!”. </p>\n<p>Hope to hear from you soon </p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p> Neil</p></div>", "date": "31-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/i-ask-myself-how-did-i-arrive-here/td-p/39657" } ]
I ask myself, how did i arrive here?
Hi everyone,   My name is Jenny. I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. 6 months ago I would have laughed at anybody who predicted I may end up with this. I've always been the strong person and have never really spoken about my feelings to anybody - just shrugged off everything in the past and pretty much put anything negative out of my mind.   I'm lucky in that I have found an understanding GP and I am seeing a psychologist. I'm not coping at work at all (fairly new job with quite a bit of responsibility) and now that I look back at it - I haven't really been coping for quite some time, but I've had some wonderful people to work with and they've kept me afloat. Not that I'm a bludger by any means, but I've had some good support. Now I'm in a job where I'm it and I am feeling overwhelmed and questioning my skills.   I was becoming anxious every Sunday and crying every Sunday night in anticipation of going to work on Monday. I really didn't think much of it at the time. However, then it became almost every night, and thought of work just completely invaded my social life (which was decreasing at a rapid rate!). I haven't been sleeping much. The only nights I sleep more than an hour is when I take medication which I don't like doing, but I need to function as I am in no financial position to take time off work.   I've always been a bit of a loner, but have had a fair few friends. Last year, my circle of friends also was split, resulting in a lack of support from friend also. My family are all interstate, so I think I've been lonely too.  I have always been such a happy go lucky, positive  person, but now I find that it's hard to find anything to look forward to or even to crack a smile - I'm working on it, and working on trying to have time to myself and not thinking/worrying about work 24/7   Anyway, I don't want to sound too much of a pain. I work a lot, but I hope to read many of your stories and I hope that we can help each other and learn from each others' experiences.
[ { "author": "user-id/32431", "content": "<p>Hi all. Just thought I'd introduce myself around here.</p>\n<p>Mine is mostly a tale of depression and anxiety, primarily social anxiety. It began around age 14, though I had no understanding of it then. I only realise it looking back now. Academically I was quite ok through school up til year 10, though, quite privately, I was emotionally a mess, and I always found socialising inexplicably difficult while everyone else seemed to get along fine. What I can remember most about my teens are distinct feelings of complete emptiness and meaninglessness, sadness, loneliness, and little desire to get out bed. This really took a toll in the HSC years. Given that I was struggling to find a decent answer to any sense of meaning in my very existence, I was not able to find any meaning in applying myself in study. So my results were poor.</p>\n<p>Thankfully I scraped into uni nevertheless, presumably because there was so little interest in the maths degree that I applied for. That gave me something to do, and I managed to push through to end up with degrees in maths and computer science. Personally, however, my issues only deepened. Without the imposed sociality of the school playground, I withdrew even further, with my social anxiety, and depression, ever deepening. Through those years I was essentially a loner. The freak who sat at the back of the lecture theatre and never said a word to anyone.</p>\n<p>It was only at around the end of this period of study that I began to learn more about depression and anxiety disorders, and so I can now look back with a greater understanding of what was occurring than what I had at the time. I had just kept trying to push through it, as everything I was experiencing was normality to me, I knew no different.\nI had begun to see a psychiatrist/counsellor (which took me a little over a year to find the courage to do so), who eventually put me on an anti-depressant after counselling type therapy proved ineffective. I ended up deciding that I needed time off to recover and try to get well, even though I had just received a scholarship to begin a masters degree. The feelings of mental strain that I was experiencing were so intense it was beginning to feel like a physical sensation in my brain, beyond even an all-consuming emotion. It felt like it was killing me, so I just stopped everything. I could no longer keep going on like this. But I had finally come to see the truth about myself. I was in a deep depression with severe anxiety.</p>\n<p>A few years down the track and I'm just about to turn 30. I'm essentially unemployed and still living at home. Thankfully the combination of medication and rest over the last 5 years or so has resulted ultimately in a significant reduction of symptoms, though it has certainly taken some time. I've also more recently invested much time in reading several helpful books, and applying the lessons learnt, which has also been helpful. I am now at a stage where I would like to get back into life, as it were, which I have been doing a little of late, but progress is slow. I still find that I seem to have mental blockages when it comes to exposing myself to new social situations that make it difficult still. Particularly, I think I would be better able to progress if I could speak more so about my struggles. Thankfully I have 1 good friend that I am able to share with, but there are others I would also like to tell. Yet I am finding it impenetrably difficult. That is mainly why I decided to share here. Things can only be overcome one step at a time, and perhaps sharing with the relative anonymity of this forum may make it easier to share face to face.</p>\n<p>If anyone has any advice to share for someone in my situation, that would certainly be appreciated. I am considering volunteer work as a start, but am finding it difficult to begin. It's easy to think about intellectually, but the prospect of actually doing it only causes fear. It might help if I could do it with one of the few people I know, but for that to happen I really need to tell the people I know.</p>\n<p>And, finally, please be kind...</p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/introducing-myself/td-p/39983" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi there thetimeofmyneed   </p>\n<p>Welcome to Beyond Blue and this is such a positive step that you’ve taken and might I say, I really lovely post, which unfortunately depicts your many struggles that you’ve been dealing with … and for the most part, dealing with on your own.  I hope you’ll find your Beyond Blue experience a positive and helpful one.  There’s so many people here (the majority are still sufferers – while some are just coming out of their dark tunnel, while others are out – still very wary, but they are out) and the people who post here can provide advice, guidance and above all else, support.  No-one is ever judged on this site – it’s the most brilliant site I’ve ever known.   </p>\n<p>Can I first say, “good on you” for achieving what you have at Uni … receiving a scholarship to begin a Masters Degree … that’s not just handed out to anyone.  I hope you are very proud of that achievement.   </p>\n<p>You’ve also been doing a number of great positive steps to help yourself which is another big positive tick for you.   </p>\n<p>That is such great news to hear that you’ve got a good friend who you’ve been able to share things with.  I’ve got someone like that and it’s really great.  Cause they know you, they know of your illness, and so if you’re feeling ultra crap you can let them know, without having to write or say a preamble first.  Having someone like that is excellent.  You say you want to tell others as well.  That is totally up to you – I guess it boils down to how much you trust these others and by doing this will it be beneficial to you.  That’s the key here … we have to do things that provide benefit and positiveness with our quest to move forward.  And this move forward is always by little steps.  No going out there with the thought of racing ahead with massive strides … that’s where you can come a cropper and fall – and we don’t want that.</p>\n<p> While I’m writing this I’m thinking I’ve gotta do somethin’ about your name … cause in my posts I always like referring to the person by using their name … so at this time, thetimeofmyneed, I’m going to see how it looks abbreviated: ttomn – hey, that’s not too bad – Ttomn. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> </p>\n<p>Mental blockages suck big time – they’re not a fun thing to have;  my way for dealing with this is to type (or write) things down … you know, if say you’re having a meeting, or an appointment, I always take a piece of paper with me with dot points on it.  It’s kinda like a security blanket in a paper format – cause if I get stuck or whatever, to save then me stressing out massively, I’ve got my paper with me and can refer to that. </p>\n<p>You say you’re essentially unemployed … does that mean you do some casual work occasionally?  You’re still on your medications, which is good.  Self-help books another big tick in your favour. </p>\n<p>Ttomn, you’ve mentioned the option of volunteering … that is a wonderful thing to do.  Have you researched yet where you think you might like to do some volunteering – and I fully get you when you say that it’s far easier to think about than to actually put that thought into action.  But you know if you’re able to do that, not only is it a brilliant, kind and compassionate thing to do on your behalf, it also is a feel good mechanism for you as well by knowing that you’re out there and putting back to others in such a positive and caring way.  </p>\n<p>One last thing about volunteering is that it is looked upon very highly by future employers. </p>\n<p>I’m going to sign off for now, but I so hope that you felt a positiveness Ttomn for you to initially come on here and send your post to us … again that’s something I do a lot … write down my thoughts (actually I type them down, but you know what I mean) and I feel it kind of a therapeutic mechanism for me.  </p>\n<p>I hope you felt the same way, when you posted here, that it was like a little load lifted off you.  And in saying that, if you feel able to come back again and post again, we’ll be here and ready to read. </p>\n<p>Kind regards </p>\n<p>Neil</p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/introducing-myself/td-p/39983" }, { "author": "user-id/32431", "content": "<p>Hi Neil.</p>\n<p>Thanks for your supportive words. The name, obviously, was a bit of a construction to remain anonymous. I appreciate the sentiment to be more personal by using a name, but I'd rather stay anon at the moment. Ttomn will do fine <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>The issue for me with telling other people is that it's just stressful feeling like you're carrying around this big secret all the time. I certainly don't plan on telling everyone, but there are a few people who I think would be trustworthy, and it would at least be freeing if it was out there, rather than trying to cover it up. If they are able to be supportive beyond that, than that's just even better.</p>\n<p>The work situation is that I occasionally pick up freelancing, mostly web development related jobs through that same friend who knows my situation. But that's infrequent. Due to my social anxiety, I haven't been able to put myself out there and look for that kind of work more proactively.</p>\n<p>I haven't given much thought to what type of volunteering to do. I was going to wait until taking that step felt more realistic before deciding, but perhaps thinking about it more might provide some focus that would help me to feel more comfortable about it. I'm quite open to ideas, at any rate. Just anything to get out of the house and amongst some people, but not too heavy on the socialising.</p>\n<p>Yes, it certainly\ndoes help to express thoughts in writing. I look forward to more online therapy...</p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/introducing-myself/td-p/39983" }, { "author": "user-id/20154", "content": "<p>Hi Ttomn</p>\n<p>That's the beauty about this site ... it is anonymous.  For the most part we don't know where other people are ... but occasionally someone will feel comfortable enough to say their location, but that's it.  And that's the way it should be.  That's what makes it so good, that people can come here and not feel pressured in any way.  And the anonymity (and that's an awful attempt at spelling that - I'm usually better at spelling and they don't have a spell checker here, so we'll just have to live with that) of posting here is great.  So yeah, I wasn't after anymore from you, than to simply say I'm going to abbreviated your user name.  <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span>   Boy I rabbit on hey!  It's almost like I live alone and have no one to talk too.</p>\n<p>Did you know that during High School I studied and came top of my close in Digressive Mannerisms.  I excelled at that.  But I digress.</p>\n<p>Comfort is the key here ... and as long as you feel comfortable in telling your friends, then go for it.  And the more that they can be there for you, to back you up and support you, wow, absolutely go for it 100% - you are the key factor here, so anything that can be done to assist you, then that's all positive stuff.</p>\n<p>I don't really have suggestions for volunteering as such;  but how about googling volunteer work in your local area?  You might find a few that you could then do some research on and check out.  And am totally with you on the 'not into the socialising' side of things;   and I would think that with volunteering, the people that you would meet would be seriously genuine, kind, compassionate people.  That would be a great area to ease yourself into.</p>\n<p>And that's me done for the moment, but will look forward to hearing back from you again,</p>\n<p>Cheers</p>\n<p>Neil</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/introducing-myself/td-p/39983" }, { "author": "user-id/17161", "content": "<p>Ttomn, hi and welcome.  </p>\n<p>You can google \"volunteers Australia\" or \"volunteers + your state or territory\".  </p>\n<p>You can also google for paid jobs in the web development field ... there are lots out there.</p>\n<p>And, I think you will find that lots of charity organisations would ABSOLUTELY LOVE some voluntary assistance ... </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Neil, if you install Google Chrome, it comes with a spell checker <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/introducing-myself/td-p/39983" } ]
Introducing myself...
Hi all. Just thought I'd introduce myself around here. Mine is mostly a tale of depression and anxiety, primarily social anxiety. It began around age 14, though I had no understanding of it then. I only realise it looking back now. Academically I was quite ok through school up til year 10, though, quite privately, I was emotionally a mess, and I always found socialising inexplicably difficult while everyone else seemed to get along fine. What I can remember most about my teens are distinct feelings of complete emptiness and meaninglessness, sadness, loneliness, and little desire to get out bed. This really took a toll in the HSC years. Given that I was struggling to find a decent answer to any sense of meaning in my very existence, I was not able to find any meaning in applying myself in study. So my results were poor. Thankfully I scraped into uni nevertheless, presumably because there was so little interest in the maths degree that I applied for. That gave me something to do, and I managed to push through to end up with degrees in maths and computer science. Personally, however, my issues only deepened. Without the imposed sociality of the school playground, I withdrew even further, with my social anxiety, and depression, ever deepening. Through those years I was essentially a loner. The freak who sat at the back of the lecture theatre and never said a word to anyone. It was only at around the end of this period of study that I began to learn more about depression and anxiety disorders, and so I can now look back with a greater understanding of what was occurring than what I had at the time. I had just kept trying to push through it, as everything I was experiencing was normality to me, I knew no different. I had begun to see a psychiatrist/counsellor (which took me a little over a year to find the courage to do so), who eventually put me on an anti-depressant after counselling type therapy proved ineffective. I ended up deciding that I needed time off to recover and try to get well, even though I had just received a scholarship to begin a masters degree. The feelings of mental strain that I was experiencing were so intense it was beginning to feel like a physical sensation in my brain, beyond even an all-consuming emotion. It felt like it was killing me, so I just stopped everything. I could no longer keep going on like this. But I had finally come to see the truth about myself. I was in a deep depression with severe anxiety. A few years down the track and I'm just about to turn 30. I'm essentially unemployed and still living at home. Thankfully the combination of medication and rest over the last 5 years or so has resulted ultimately in a significant reduction of symptoms, though it has certainly taken some time. I've also more recently invested much time in reading several helpful books, and applying the lessons learnt, which has also been helpful. I am now at a stage where I would like to get back into life, as it were, which I have been doing a little of late, but progress is slow. I still find that I seem to have mental blockages when it comes to exposing myself to new social situations that make it difficult still. Particularly, I think I would be better able to progress if I could speak more so about my struggles. Thankfully I have 1 good friend that I am able to share with, but there are others I would also like to tell. Yet I am finding it impenetrably difficult. That is mainly why I decided to share here. Things can only be overcome one step at a time, and perhaps sharing with the relative anonymity of this forum may make it easier to share face to face. If anyone has any advice to share for someone in my situation, that would certainly be appreciated. I am considering volunteer work as a start, but am finding it difficult to begin. It's easy to think about intellectually, but the prospect of actually doing it only causes fear. It might help if I could do it with one of the few people I know, but for that to happen I really need to tell the people I know. And, finally, please be kind...
[ { "author": "user-id/42729", "content": "<p>Good day</p>\n<p>I believe I have suffered from anxiety throughout my life in its entirety but within the last 2.5 years it has spiraled out of control and I feel at a completely loss, I feel like I am going insane and that there is nothing to help me.</p>\n<p>I worry. A lot. And I don't have much to worry about really, as I am a stay at home Dad with a wonderful wife and young son. When my wife became pregnant (planned) I spiraled in to anxiety and developed all kinds of physical pain that gave me a means I now realize to escape from participating in situations I did not enjoy. This has developed (despite seeing a psychologist on and off under mental health plan). Last year we had a cockroach infestation in our apartment that came when my wife went back to work, so coupled together both situations sent me in to a panic and months after they were gone I was spending at least half an hour every day for the last year checking for roaches. It was and absolute obsession. I could not enjoy playing with my son, nor could I sleep well or enjoy cooking etc.</p>\n<p>we built a beautiful house over the last year in an amazing suburb and I just cannot enjoy it. Money is tight with the loan etc. but the thing is that bugs come with a house, ants are getting in to the kitchen and I'm focussing my obsession on to these new bugs  &amp; am losing the ability to focus on the good things. The amazing house, the new 60\" tv, my son (now don't panic, I don't neglect him at all I just sometimes feel like my interactions have become that of a robot performing functions than the loving parent I am). I am fighting with my wife, and not because she doesn't understand or at least try to, but I don't have many if any friends and she is overwhelmed trying to manage everything including her mildly nutty husband.</p>\n<p>I have rational thought, I know what is going on and that my behaviors are out of control but I can't seem to reign them in to normality.</p>\n<p>I live in in metro Melbourne, and I'm desperate to find a psychologist that can might help. I'm contacting ADAVIC tomorrow &amp; plan to attend one of their support groups next week. If anybody cn even provide words that let me know I'm not going loco &amp; that help is out there I'd be grateful.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>i called beyondblue earlier today but other than a few basic resources found that sadly the person I was speaking to seemed to lack any empathy or seemed to understand how I was feeling. I hope I can get a better response here,</p>\n<p>cheers</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>MFXD</p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-please-with-anxiety-i-think/td-p/39218" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi MFXD</p>\n<p>It's great to see you have come on here for support.  I'm sorry to read that the person you spoke to didn't help you.</p>\n<p>Can ADAVIC recommend a psych who can help you with the anxiety issues you are having.  It must be very hard for you to cope.</p>\n<p>It will be good for you to join a support group next week, I'm sure that will be very helpful for you.</p>\n<p>You're not going crazy.  Hopefully others on here will come on here and give you support.</p>\n<p>Pls take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-please-with-anxiety-i-think/td-p/39218" }, { "author": "user-id/41119", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I'm not sure I can help much. I think I've also been suffering anxiety (and possibly depression) for quite some time, but I've ignored it - pretended it didn't exist (helpful!).</p>\n<p>I hope you find a good psychologist. Maybe start by writing down all the good/positive things that you have, and trying to work through any negative thoughts. I'm working through something called MoodGym and I find that it helps me rationalise things somewhat.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>My psychologist asks me to keep a 'mood diary'. I rate my mood from 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest) several times per day, and I try and find things that make me feel better (eg. coffee with friends, watching a movie - whatever).</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I think for me, the worst part was admitting to anybody that I was suffering with this. I didn't tell my friends or family - I was absolutely mortified and completely embarrassed. Most still don't know.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Anyway, I wish you luck. It sounds like you really do need somebody to talk through a lot of this with! Have you been to your GP to ask for a mental health plan and referral to a psychologist?</p></div>", "date": "28-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-please-with-anxiety-i-think/td-p/39218" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Mfxd, from what you are experiencing is that with this anxiety you also have linked to this OCD, which has an obsession on continually checking of concerns which may not be there, but we still have to check, it's constant and can be very annoying.</p>\n<p>I've had mine for 54 years and I wonder whether you have seen the video when you logon. </p>\n<p>From what you say 'I have rational thought, I know what is going on and that my behaviours\nare out of control but I can't seem to reign them in to normality', this is exactly what OCD does to us, we are normal people but have this illness, which can seem to be illogical to those that don't experience our continual checking, continual washing of our hands or checking the locks far too often, but we can't help it, and it's formed by our anxiety.</p>\n<p>I would click under 'resources' at the top and order all the printed material that BB can send out to you, it's free but it will explain OCD to your wife, and you 'nutty' NO WAY, but what I have learnt to do is hide all my habits, checking etc so that nobody can see me, because 50 odd years ago I was treated as an unstable person and laughed at.</p>\n<p>There is an antidepressant SSRI type which I take and that's meant to help with the anxiety and with it the OCD.</p>\n<p>Have a look at these sites or even google OCD and I would love to hear back from you. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-please-with-anxiety-i-think/td-p/39218" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "Hi Mfxd,<p>I'm sorry to hear you had a negative experience with our support service.   We take feedback like this very seriously and we ensure you it will be passed on to the relevant staff that manage our support service. Our support service will then investigate this matter further. If you are comfortable, we would appreciate if you could forward us a phone number so our support service can contact you if they need any more information to complete their investigation.    I will be in touch offline to facilitate this.  Once again, we extend our sincere apologies and we’d like to thank you for bringing this to our attention. </p><p>In the meantime, our practitioner directory at the top left of the page should assist you in finding a psychologist in Melbourne.  It is also possible that some of your anxiety may have been triggered by becoming a new dad. This is not uncommon, just as it is for new mums.  Here is a link to a beyondblue resource for dads that you may find useful: <a href=\"https://www.bspg.com.au/dam/bsg/product?client=BEYONDBLUE&amp;prodid=BL/0775&amp;type=file\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">https://www.bspg.com.au/dam/bsg/product?client=BEYONDBLUE&amp;prodid=BL/0775&amp;type=file</a></p></div>", "date": "29-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-please-with-anxiety-i-think/td-p/39218" }, { "author": "user-id/23646", "content": "<p>hi, this is my first posting, but when i read your comments, i just had to become involved, as i too have been suffering in silence for over 10 years now.</p>\n<p>i am still too embarassed to talk to people about my recently diagnosed mental health issues. diagnosed as a mixture of depression/anxiety.</p>\n<p>my anxiety has led to serial offending, and whilst i have attended and recently recommenced to see a counsellor, it has been medication that has me feeling good about myself again.</p>\n<p>i am a very happily married mature aged man, who many say should know better, and i would punish myself by completely withdrawing from people, my head was all over the place and my body was in a knot. but you just put up with it.</p>\n<p>i am continuing to seek help, and i am now about to see another counsellor more specific to anxiety offending.</p>\n<p>i want to seek assistance, before everything is ruined.</p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-please-with-anxiety-i-think/td-p/39218" } ]
Help please with anxiety (I think)
Good day I believe I have suffered from anxiety throughout my life in its entirety but within the last 2.5 years it has spiraled out of control and I feel at a completely loss, I feel like I am going insane and that there is nothing to help me. I worry. A lot. And I don't have much to worry about really, as I am a stay at home Dad with a wonderful wife and young son. When my wife became pregnant (planned) I spiraled in to anxiety and developed all kinds of physical pain that gave me a means I now realize to escape from participating in situations I did not enjoy. This has developed (despite seeing a psychologist on and off under mental health plan). Last year we had a cockroach infestation in our apartment that came when my wife went back to work, so coupled together both situations sent me in to a panic and months after they were gone I was spending at least half an hour every day for the last year checking for roaches. It was and absolute obsession. I could not enjoy playing with my son, nor could I sleep well or enjoy cooking etc. we built a beautiful house over the last year in an amazing suburb and I just cannot enjoy it. Money is tight with the loan etc. but the thing is that bugs come with a house, ants are getting in to the kitchen and I'm focussing my obsession on to these new bugs  & am losing the ability to focus on the good things. The amazing house, the new 60" tv, my son (now don't panic, I don't neglect him at all I just sometimes feel like my interactions have become that of a robot performing functions than the loving parent I am). I am fighting with my wife, and not because she doesn't understand or at least try to, but I don't have many if any friends and she is overwhelmed trying to manage everything including her mildly nutty husband. I have rational thought, I know what is going on and that my behaviors are out of control but I can't seem to reign them in to normality. I live in in metro Melbourne, and I'm desperate to find a psychologist that can might help. I'm contacting ADAVIC tomorrow & plan to attend one of their support groups next week. If anybody cn even provide words that let me know I'm not going loco & that help is out there I'd be grateful.   i called beyondblue earlier today but other than a few basic resources found that sadly the person I was speaking to seemed to lack any empathy or seemed to understand how I was feeling. I hope I can get a better response here, cheers   MFXD
[ { "author": "user-id/15397", "content": "<p>I am not exactly sure what is wrong with me. I know that it somehow relates to anxiety. It has really taken its toll on me.</p><p>It all started around March last year. I was fairly stable, living a normal life. I enjoyed going out and especially attending rave/music festivals. I would always do drugs when attending these events. It would be a mixture. I started hallucinating, it was something I have never experienced before. I would lose my sense of distance and time and enjoyment. I started getting really anxious around everyone and anyone. I felt really confused. </p><p>This is when it really starts though; On the way home, while walking to the tram stop, I had this urge to urinate and there were no toilets around. I was hallucinating to the extent that I thought I would wet my pants. It actually felt like it was dripping down my legs. So I ran off, I ran off on all my friends. And when I got away from the others, I checked myself and there was nothing. I wasn't even wet. I tried to pee and I couldn't even do it, I didn't even need to go. But I had the urge to, It actually felt like it was constantly dripping down my legs and that I could actually hear it dripping on to the floor. It was scary. It was all in my head. I got home and I calmed down, and I figured it was all in my head. </p><p>But since that day, I always get anxious when I have the urge to pee. Its like the symptoms come back, I feel it like If I don't go, I will piss myself, I can feel the drip, I get really nervous. So I have to set my day around a schedule, I have to be near a toilet or else ill be anxious, I hate road trips, I don't go out as much as I use to, I am scared. It has ruined me. I have never actually wet myself, maybe when I was a kid, so it just feels like a irrational fear. I feel like i have completely changed to how I use to be. </p><p>I don't know what to do. I don't know where to start. I take the safe route for everything. </p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/embarrassing-problem-relates-to-anxiety/td-p/40990" }, { "author": "user-id/7928", "content": "<p>It sounds like you've developed a phobia. Have you thought about talking to your doctor and getting a referral for a psychologist?  I don't want to sound like a lecturing nana, but drugs have different effects on different people - and I include alcohol in this too - we're all just bags of chemicals and if the balance is upset then there's no telling what can end up happening.  Doctor would be your best bet, it sounds like this is getting worse and startingt o have a real effect on your life.  it doesn't have to ruin you, there is help out there.</p></div>", "date": "30-01-2014", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/embarrassing-problem-relates-to-anxiety/td-p/40990" } ]
Embarrassing problem relates to anxiety
I am not exactly sure what is wrong with me. I know that it somehow relates to anxiety. It has really taken its toll on me. It all started around March last year. I was fairly stable, living a normal life. I enjoyed going out and especially attending rave/music festivals. I would always do drugs when attending these events. It would be a mixture. I started hallucinating, it was something I have never experienced before. I would lose my sense of distance and time and enjoyment. I started getting really anxious around everyone and anyone. I felt really confused.  This is when it really starts though; On the way home, while walking to the tram stop, I had this urge to urinate and there were no toilets around. I was hallucinating to the extent that I thought I would wet my pants. It actually felt like it was dripping down my legs. So I ran off, I ran off on all my friends. And when I got away from the others, I checked myself and there was nothing. I wasn't even wet. I tried to pee and I couldn't even do it, I didn't even need to go. But I had the urge to, It actually felt like it was constantly dripping down my legs and that I could actually hear it dripping on to the floor. It was scary. It was all in my head. I got home and I calmed down, and I figured it was all in my head.  But since that day, I always get anxious when I have the urge to pee. Its like the symptoms come back, I feel it like If I don't go, I will piss myself, I can feel the drip, I get really nervous. So I have to set my day around a schedule, I have to be near a toilet or else ill be anxious, I hate road trips, I don't go out as much as I use to, I am scared. It has ruined me. I have never actually wet myself, maybe when I was a kid, so it just feels like a irrational fear. I feel like i have completely changed to how I use to be.  I don't know what to do. I don't know where to start. I take the safe route for everything. 
[ { "author": "user-id/36087", "content": "This thread is for new community members to answer questions about how our forum moderation system works.<br>\n<br>\n<h4 id=\"toc-hId--648513962\">What happens after I hit ‘post’ or ‘reply’?</h4>\n<p>Your post goes through a software filter that scans the content for potential breaches of the community rules and member terms, particularly with regard to distress and safety. If your post clears the filter, it will appear almost straight away. If it does not, it is held back for moderation before posting. </p>\n<p>In order to prevent spamming or abuse of the forums, posts by new members are automatically held for moderation until such time your account can be verified by a moderator.  </p>\n<p><strong><strong>This may take up to 12 hours, and depending on forum traffic, up to 24 hours outside of regular business hours.</strong><br>\n</strong></p>\n<p>\n</p>\n<p>If we are unable to publish your post, or need to edit it, you will be informed by email. </p>\n<p><strong>Display names and profile pictures are also subject to moderation</strong>, so may not appear straight away. Display names rejected by our system will default your display name to 'Guest'.</p>\n<br>\n<br>\n<h4 id=\"toc-hId-238989719\">Who reads the posts?</h4>\nAll published posts are publicly visible, whether you are logged in as a member or not. The forum is monitored by a team of clinically-trained moderators and an online community manager, who you will see posting in the forums and participating in threads from time to time. All posts are read and monitored by this team.<br>\n<br>\n<h4 id=\"toc-hId-1126493400\">What does the ‘report post’ button do?</h4>\nThe ‘report post’ button is a feature for users to report content to moderators that concerns them. When you click the button, a field appears allowing you to send a message to moderators stating why you are reporting the content. The moderators will review your report and come back to you.<br>\n<br>\n<h4 id=\"toc-hId-2013997081\">I’m having technical issues with the forum. What do I do?</h4>\nPlease post a topic in the ‘Forum feedback’ section, and your question will be addressed, or send an email to <a href=\"mailto:bb@beyondblue.org.au\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">bb@beyondblue.org.au</a> <br>\n<br></div>", "date": "25-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/why-don-t-my-posts-appear-straight-away/td-p/65773" } ]
Why don’t my posts appear straight away?
Your post goes through a software filter that scans the content for potential breaches of the community rules and member terms, particularly with regard to distress and safety. If your post clears the filter, it will appear almost straight away. If it does not, it is held back for moderation before posting.  In order to prevent spamming or abuse of the forums, posts by new members are automatically held for moderation until such time your account can be verified by a moderator.  If we are unable to publish your post, or need to edit it, you will be informed by email.  , so may not appear straight away. Display names rejected by our system will default your display name to 'Guest'.
[ { "author": "user-id/40416", "content": "<p>Hi all</p>\n<p>i have not ventured outside my house for two weeks. I have so much self hate that getting dressed feels like a major ordeal. I have extreme anxiety which I think is largely due to my psych putting me on a stimulant medication to augment my anti depression-and all it's doing is making me a nervous wreck. I'm treated for anxiety &amp; depression and the antidepressant (SNRI) is already augmented with an antipsychotic &amp; benzodiazepines. I truly feel alone, I used to manage such high stress situations and now I can barely get dressed. The antipsychotic is meant to help me feel happier but all it's doing is making me panic. My husband said last night that he couldn't stand me like this anymore &amp; wants me to stop medication. I'm hoping for a miracle. How do others face the day when they wake with anxiety and start off with a feeling of fear and dread that stops them achieving anything? </p></div>", "date": "21-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/can-t-even-leave-house-selfesteem-zero/td-p/62787" }, { "author": "user-id/31311", "content": "<p>Mares</p>\n<p>I have diagnosed anxiety too. I'm not currently on any medication (even though sometimes i wish i was) so that part of treatment is a little foreign to me. I have learned a few things from others who are on the meds though. Sometimes it takes a while for the medication to start working. Sometimes it does not work at all and the dosage needs to be altered or the drug needs to be changed completely. Depression and anxiety affect everyone differently. Medication that works for some does not work for others. If the medication is making your condition worse, that cant be a good thing. Go and see your GP. Don't put yourself through all this pain for no reason.</p>\n<p> Maybe some of the good people on this forum who have more experience with the medication side of things can be more of some help there.</p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "22-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/can-t-even-leave-house-selfesteem-zero/td-p/62787" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Mares, this must be awful for you and this concoction and mixture of drugs is only making you worse off.</p>\n<p>If I was you I would get another opinion a.s.a.p, because all these drugs taken are seem to be too dangerous.</p>\n<p>Please google this it's quite disturbing 'mixing antidepressants and antipsychotics', or you could ring 'medicine line' on 1300888763, they are there 24/7 I believe.</p>\n<p>Please do this as soon as you get this reply, and then get back to us. Take care. L Geoff. x</p></div>", "date": "23-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/can-t-even-leave-house-selfesteem-zero/td-p/62787" } ]
Can't even leave house, selfesteem zero
Hi all i have not ventured outside my house for two weeks. I have so much self hate that getting dressed feels like a major ordeal. I have extreme anxiety which I think is largely due to my psych putting me on a stimulant medication to augment my anti depression-and all it's doing is making me a nervous wreck. I'm treated for anxiety & depression and the antidepressant (SNRI) is already augmented with an antipsychotic & benzodiazepines. I truly feel alone, I used to manage such high stress situations and now I can barely get dressed. The antipsychotic is meant to help me feel happier but all it's doing is making me panic. My husband said last night that he couldn't stand me like this anymore & wants me to stop medication. I'm hoping for a miracle. How do others face the day when they wake with anxiety and start off with a feeling of fear and dread that stops them achieving anything? 
[ { "author": "user-id/40530", "content": "<p>I am finding a strong link between anxiety and eating issues. I tend to get very anxious when I start to get hungry, which I think I have developed from my bodybuilding days (I would get it into my mind that getting too hungry would mean losing progress at the gym). I am finding that If I am eating and do not have a distraction, I will tend to start feeling sick but never end up being sick at all. I am scared to death of sickness and vomiting. I am beginning to think I have created this fear in my head and its what ends up reducing my appetite to nothing. I was diagnosed with gastritis a while back which I recovered from but I am relapsing again but only during a panic attack. I do not think I have gastritis at all. Can anxiety cause severe eating issues like this? I have a history of anxiety and depression in my past (a big episode that lasted for months), but have only recently began getting anxiety when I eat.</p></div>", "date": "10-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-not-being-able-to-eat-properly/td-p/55962" }, { "author": "user-id/26217", "content": "<p>I know that when i'm really anxious my stomach is in knots and its so hard to eat. I'll be chewing a million times to get it down, or sometimes i can go a whole day without eating much. Its terrible...i can lose kgs over a few days but it takes months to put it back on. I've never vomited, but dry retching in the morning before work i have. </p></div>", "date": "11-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-not-being-able-to-eat-properly/td-p/55962" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi TheMT,</p>\n<p>Thanks for posting in the forums.  Nausea is certainly listed as one of the symptoms of anxiety, like depression the symptoms can come in many forms and just because you've experienced something one way earlier in your life doesn't mean that it'll be the same if it happens to you again.</p>\n<p>Here's the section on our website relating to anxiety symptoms: \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/signs-and-symptoms\n</p>\n<p>Are you being treated for anxiety at all currently?  Regardless of what's causing your nausea, I'd suggest getting back to your doctor asap, the less you eat the worse you will feel physically, and that will have a snowball effect on your mental state.</p>\n<p>Please let us know how you are going.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "13-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-not-being-able-to-eat-properly/td-p/55962" }, { "author": "user-id/18346", "content": "<p>Hi theMT, </p>\n<p>When ever I get anxious I always get really nauseous and worry I'm going  to vomit. So then I worry about that happening, which then becomes it's own self-fulfilling prophecy. I make it happen by being afraid of it. It's take lots of practice and time  talking to a psychologist but I have been able to reduce the fear of being sick by trying to get myself used to the sensations, really get to  know it and give it a funny name even so that I may look at it more objectively . Also apply mindfulness techniques have been very helpful for me from the book 'the reality slap' I found very good. It's about noticing the sensations as they come and go, not judging them, but just letting them pass as they cannot hurt you despite how real and strong they seem. </p>\n<p>Hope I've been able to help you a bit. Let us know how you get on.</p>\n<p>Hanna </p></div>", "date": "21-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-not-being-able-to-eat-properly/td-p/55962" } ]
Anxiety and not being able to eat properly
I am finding a strong link between anxiety and eating issues. I tend to get very anxious when I start to get hungry, which I think I have developed from my bodybuilding days (I would get it into my mind that getting too hungry would mean losing progress at the gym). I am finding that If I am eating and do not have a distraction, I will tend to start feeling sick but never end up being sick at all. I am scared to death of sickness and vomiting. I am beginning to think I have created this fear in my head and its what ends up reducing my appetite to nothing. I was diagnosed with gastritis a while back which I recovered from but I am relapsing again but only during a panic attack. I do not think I have gastritis at all. Can anxiety cause severe eating issues like this? I have a history of anxiety and depression in my past (a big episode that lasted for months), but have only recently began getting anxiety when I eat.
[ { "author": "user-id/30726", "content": "I am lost out of my mind I keep having wondering thoughts, being lied to, mind games, condescending o want turn all that around for me amd focus on the positive like my real close friend but have lit tu le contact, myself perserverong,and trying not to fall back that is a mental drai\n<br>ing\n<br>What can motovate you to get outside withput feeling you have to hold your breath and thinking you have to start all over again</div>", "date": "20-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/62495" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Hanginginthere,</p>\n<p>Welcome to the forums. It's difficult to provide more detailed advice on the information you've given - eg. you mention having difficulties with being lied to, having mind games played etc, but not who is doing it.</p>\n<p>You mention having a close friend, and that this is a positive in your life, but you have little contact - why is this?  Are you scared of calling or texting him/her?  </p>\n<p>Regardless, it sounds like you feel quite trapped now.  Fear of leaving the house is a very real symptom of anxiety, and when we're feeling that tense locking ourselves away in our rooms can feel safe - but it sounds like you know that is not going to be the best solution for you long term.</p>\n<p>Please give our support service a call on 1300 22 4636, or if you don't want to talk on the phone, our web chat service is open between 4pm and 10pm - you can access it via the link at the top right of the page.</p>\n<p>And of course you are most welcome to tell us more about your situation here so we can provide you with some support.</p>\n<p>Hope to hear from you soon.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>________________________________-<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "21-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/62495" } ]
[ { "author": "user-id/19684", "content": "<div>Not sure where to begin... I guess with what I'm dealing with at the moment. I'm getting a type of anxiety that I've never experienced in my 20 years of dealing with it. I'm getting wave after wave of that feeling of dread in my stomach and a racing heart, every few hours and lasting for 1-3 hours. Nothing I do helps. I take a few deep breaths and it helps for a few seconds, but then the next wave comes. This is the second full day of it happening and I've never had anything like this before and its not getting better. It hasn't gone into full panic mode for a couple days, but feels just on the edge of it. Some other factors going on are that I'm on vacation very far from home, recovering from severe jet lag. I guess that my biggest concern is that its something physical, and I'm not exactly super close to any major medical facilities. Just really scared...</div>\n<div>Thanks, Heather</div></div>", "date": "18-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-coming-in-waves/td-p/60361" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Heather,</p>\n<p>Hope things have gotten better for you as the jet lag has subsided.  Travel can be an anxiety trigger, and it's not unusual if you've experienced anxiety in the past for it to come back with different symptoms.  </p>\n<p>Have a look at this page on our website, what you're describing sounds similar to the symptoms of panic attacks &gt; \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/signs-and-symptoms (please copy and paste the link)</p>\n<p>For peace of mind, it may be a good idea to find where your nearest doctor is.</p>\n<p>In the meantime, check this page on tips for coping during a panic attack: \nhttp://psychcentral.com/lib/tips-to-cope-with-a-panic-attack/000971?all=1 (copy and paste the link)</p>\n<p>Please check back in and let us know how you are.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>______________________________________________-<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "20-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-coming-in-waves/td-p/60361" } ]
Anxiety coming in waves
[ { "author": "user-id/36708", "content": "<p>I have suffered attacks where my chest hurts and I get a headache.<br>\nIn the past lots of these have been created by jobs I hate, Religion and close friends who lost my trust.</p>\n<p>However</p>\n<p>The Trigger for these panic attacks can be as small as me having to stay back at work for 30 mins.<br>\nDespite me telling myself its not true and finding things i enjoy to keep my mind off it, the symptoms stay for hours.<br>\n<br>\nTonight I am having the same problem, and I just cant stop thinking, analyzing, critiquing, obsessing and panicking about it.<br>\nI tried the 5 sec breathing technique, stretched, exercised and went for a swim. But its 3:45 am and I am no way near ready to sleep.<br>\nMy Granny developed epilepsy from her stress and blood pressure, she has been on medication for a long time now. It works for her.</p>\n<p>I need an effective method to get over this, or should I just go and get meds.</p>\nThank you <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></div>", "date": "20-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attacks-or-ocd-solutions-please/td-p/61852" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Linden, is staying back at work because of OCD, which makes you feel that you need to do this as part of a rountine.</p>\n<p>You should go and see your doctor and do they know of any OCD rituals that you have to perform.</p>\n<p>From what you have written it seems as though you may need some medication. </p>\n<p>This is an interesting post so please get back to us. Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "20-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attacks-or-ocd-solutions-please/td-p/61852" } ]
Panic Attacks or OCD Solutions Please
I have suffered attacks where my chest hurts and I get a headache. In the past lots of these have been created by jobs I hate, Religion and close friends who lost my trust. However The Trigger for these panic attacks can be as small as me having to stay back at work for 30 mins. Despite me telling myself its not true and finding things i enjoy to keep my mind off it, the symptoms stay for hours. Tonight I am having the same problem, and I just cant stop thinking, analyzing, critiquing, obsessing and panicking about it. I tried the 5 sec breathing technique, stretched, exercised and went for a swim. But its 3:45 am and I am no way near ready to sleep. My Granny developed epilepsy from her stress and blood pressure, she has been on medication for a long time now. It works for her. I need an effective method to get over this, or should I just go and get meds.
[ { "author": "user-id/7960", "content": "<p>Everyday I wake up and I'm scared to get up and go to school... In my head its like a hundred little voices are telling me about what could go wrong with my day. I don't know what to do! I worry about everything and Its a battle everyday to convince myself to go to school but I don't know what to do. I haven't seen anyone because...  That scares me too. I don't know what to do <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":disappointed_face:\">😞</span> it feels like everything is a battle ad I don't want to fight anymore... I need help but where do I go?</p></div>", "date": "14-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/58181" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<div>Hi Birdy,</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>Welcome to the forums, so glad that you have come in here to ask for support.</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>I can remember having school days where I'd wake up with anxious feelings in my stomach, just like you, trying to force myself out the door because I'd be worried about what might happen to me that day.  I did experience bullying at school, is this something you are worried about?</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>In terms of where to go for help, please start by talking to a trusted adult - your parents/guardians, a local GP, a teacher/school counsellor or by calling your local Headspace Centre – go to http://www.headspace.org.au/ (please copy and paste link)</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>You can call the Youth Beyondblue line for more information on services in your area 1300 22 4636 as well as to talk to someone for support. There is also a web chat service with our counsellors available between 4 and 10pm everyday, if you click the link at the top right of the page you will be able to find your way to that service.</div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<div>Please hang in there and take care.  </div>\n<div><br>\n</div>\n<p>Who else has advice for Birdy?</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>____________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p>\n<div><br>\n</div></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/58181" }, { "author": "user-id/36771", "content": "I'm a teacher and believe it or not I go through the same thing. I have anxiety. When I step into class and 30 pairs of eyes are looking at me I often want to just melt into the surroundings. Ironic job choice, I know.</div>", "date": "16-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help/td-p/58181" } ]
Everyday I wake up and I'm scared to get up and go to school... In my head its like a hundred little voices are telling me about what could go wrong with my day. I don't know what to do! I worry about everything and Its a battle everyday to convince myself to go to school but I don't know what to do. I haven't seen anyone because...  That scares me too. I don't know what to do it feels like everything is a battle ad I don't want to fight anymore... I need help but where do I go?
[ { "author": "user-id/41460", "content": "Been suffering from anxiety for too long now. Im lying in bed all day, cant see a future and I am thinking of ending it all. Had enough of people, don't want to talk to anybody. Don't want to look anybody in the eye, don't really want to know my family anymore. Just want to go live up the country in a house and away from everything. Too tired to care anymore, bitter about being born, going through the motions. Angry at the world. Just had an enough.</div>", "date": "08-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ive-had-enough/td-p/54566" }, { "author": "user-id/24350", "content": "<p>Hi </p>\n<p>Aniexty can really distort our views and emotions, at times myself  have had thoughts of just wanting to get away and not see any one or wish I could just go to an island and escape but as the aniexty/ depression subsides so do these thoughts and feelings.</p>\n<p>Have you seen you GP? For me I felt with my severe aniexty episodes for years before I really couldn't take it anymore, ended up in the doctors room and was put on medication that that helped me immensely, you really need to get help eles the feelings will snowball.</p>\n<p>medication is not to be frawned upon it will help you think clearer and you can start planning for recovery hang in there, get to a GP that will help.</p>\n<p>You WILL get thru this, how you feel now will not define the rest of your life, its just a rough patch.</p>\n<p>All the Best!</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "08-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ive-had-enough/td-p/54566" }, { "author": "user-id/40416", "content": "<p>Hi there, my heart goes out to you. Anxiety is a terrible thing, debilitating &amp; often leads to bad depression. I can relate in that I understand when you are extremely anxious-it is common to isolate ourselves &amp; fear going anywhere or interacting with anyone. Anxiety creates isolation to the point we can end up feeling as if we are just existing in our own headspace. The hardest thing is to reach out to anyone or ask for help-but it really is the best option when you feel you've reached the end of the line. Do u think you could try one thing each day? Ie ph beyond blue, lifeline etc or keep writing on this forum for support. Do you have a GP or someone you could manage to see? I know it's eAsiest to stay isolated with our thoughts &amp; dread leaving the house. But if you can try to do that you will have made greAt progress. There are so many of us who feel what your feeling. I've done the same thing-felt unable to leave my house or answer ph or see anyone. Do not be hard on yourself. Tiny steps. Pls consider phoning beyond blue to talk to someone, or there are other options such as GROW &amp; a website for The BlackDog Institute in Sydney which had many resources. Whatever you do-please try make a phone call as your next step. You are not alone &amp; will gradually get through this time as so many of us do. You are in my thoughts, you are a great person who like us all just needs some support on your journey. I hope you can take a step at a time-first one being a phonecall. Keep reaching out online as well, many of us understand what your experiencing. My best thoughts to you-mares73.</p></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ive-had-enough/td-p/54566" }, { "author": "user-id/40416", "content": "<p>Sorry-my response was meant for \"anxious guy\"</p></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ive-had-enough/td-p/54566" }, { "author": "user-id/40416", "content": "<p>Sorry \"anxious guy\" - I responded to your post but it accidently went as a reply to \"Moanas post\". Please see my reply which was intended for you - mares73</p></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ive-had-enough/td-p/54566" }, { "author": "user-id/21468", "content": "<p>There is a part of your mind that is able to observe yourself thinking and feeling emotions. It is strange to explain but this part of you can stand outside of your fears and suffering. This area of self does not get emotional no matter how bad you feel. If you can find this part of your mind then you can discover something of yourself that will never feel depressed or anxious. It is easier said than done... I have just started some meds from my GP. Most people go on them at sometime or other. I tell myself that I'm having a bad stage in my life that will go away. I am not having a bad life forever. </p></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ive-had-enough/td-p/54566" }, { "author": "user-id/41460", "content": "Thanks to everybody who has responded (and to everybody who has read my posts so far). I have made a booking for Tuesday to see a GP who I have seen before. This will be my first step for treatment which I know will realistically be for the rest of my life. As I have said before I am seriously considering leaving my job (12 hours per week) to get on the dsp if it is possible. I simply cannot afford therapy on my wage as I am seriously underemployed and I need lifelong therapy; not 12 partly subsidised sessions which I had back in 2010. Anyway, I will keep in touch on my progress where necessary.</div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ive-had-enough/td-p/54566" } ]
Ive had enough
[ { "author": "user-id/40416", "content": "<p>Hi I'm 40yr old woman who hAs suffered from PTSD, depression &amp; anxiety for yeRs-initially triggered by trauma. I've been seeing the same psych for 7 yrs &amp; all I get is cocktail of various medications. I'm so over just been medicated &amp; the medications are push &amp; pull types. I need help with my anxiety as it's ruling my life, now unable to function on basic household things. Can anyone recommend a good therapist or psychologist in eStern suburbs Sydney who could help me leRn to manage my anxiety. I fear ill just be on medication forever with no other support. Would so appreciate advice. Need practical help, tired of just being treated with trial meds. Thank you to all x Mary \n</p><p></p></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-for-severe-anxiety-only-treated-with-meds-need-support/td-p/59389" }, { "author": "user-id/6226", "content": "<p>HI Mares 73</p>\n<p>Welcome <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>Sorry to hear you ares truggling so much. I know how this feels since I am also suffering from severe anxiety. I had trauma in my life and have been to councilours for years ( sexual abuse etc, domestic violence ect). Im not diagnosed with PTSD but i guess all this trauma i had triggered my depression and anxiety.</p>\n<p>So i understand u go to a psychiatridst and only get meds? is that right? dont you have talk therapy? I have just started meds after resisting them for years. After i nearly commited suicide i agreed to ask for meds and fortunately the do a good job with my anxiety and depression. ( im on SNRIs). I feel with the meds i can think more clearly and able to talk with my councillour about my anxiety and depression much much better.I think we really need both, the meds to think clearly and the talking to  change our behaviour and to look after ourselves nicely. I am starting to learn that now-finaly. Long journey ahead.</p>\n<p>Sorry cant recomend any therapists since im up north but I go to centacare and they are good. doesnt cost much either. Good luck and let us know how you go <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>Good vibes your way </p>\n<p>beetle</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-for-severe-anxiety-only-treated-with-meds-need-support/td-p/59389" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Mares73,</p>\n<p>You can use our practitioner directory here &gt; \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/find-a-professional (copy and paste link into browser)</p>\n<p>It's searchable by postcode, conditions, therapy types etc.</p>\n<p>Hope this helps.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>_________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "15-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/help-for-severe-anxiety-only-treated-with-meds-need-support/td-p/59389" } ]
Help for severe anxiety-only treated with meds? Need support
Hi I'm 40yr old woman who hAs suffered from PTSD, depression & anxiety for yeRs-initially triggered by trauma. I've been seeing the same psych for 7 yrs & all I get is cocktail of various medications. I'm so over just been medicated & the medications are push & pull types. I need help with my anxiety as it's ruling my life, now unable to function on basic household things. Can anyone recommend a good therapist or psychologist in eStern suburbs Sydney who could help me leRn to manage my anxiety. I fear ill just be on medication forever with no other support. Would so appreciate advice. Need practical help, tired of just being treated with trial meds. Thank you to all x Mary 
[ { "author": "user-id/21468", "content": "<p>I am new and I have contacted Beyond Blue because I have been waking up in the mornings with anxiety. This has been going on for some months. I know what the cause is. I am being bullied by a hospital. I was pushed into talking about a doctor flirting. It was started as a third party complaint. I did not have the direct evidence to prove that the doctor had been flirting with me. So I have ended up with all the problems from threatening his career and reputation in front of his colleagues . I am unable to take my daughter to another hospital in West Australia because of her specialist needs. I have made an appointment to see my GP to get some help. Does anyone know what type of meds are usually given for anxiety?</p></div>", "date": "13-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/waking-up-with-anxiety/td-p/56771" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Anne,</p>\n<p>Welcome to the forums.  Your doctor will be the best source of advice for anxiety medication, as different things work for different people.</p>\n<p>However we have a section on our website that goes into the different classes of medication used to treat anxiety disorders: \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/treatments-for-anxiety/medical-treatments-for-anxiety (please copy and paste the link)</p>\n<p>I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having with your daughter's hospital. You may already have this information, but there are state-level and higher authorities that can help manage complaints about health services if you feel your concerns are not being dealt with adequately by the original service.  </p>\n<p>There are some phone numbers and links on this page here: \nhttp://www.complaintline.com.au/health_service_provider.html (please copy and paste the link)</p>\n<p>Please take care, stay in touch and let us know how things are going.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>_______________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "13-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/waking-up-with-anxiety/td-p/56771" }, { "author": "user-id/21468", "content": "<p>I have asked for help from services in Western Australia and I have so far found that there are no services available to help me. I need a mediation service that will help me to put my side of the story forward to the hospital. I have tried HaDSCO but they have told me that as I am not the patient receiving a service ( my daughter is ) I do not qualify for their assistance.  The hospital has banned me from the ward where the doctor works. This is distressing for me. Hence my anxiety and depression. Does anyone know of any mental health services that can assist with mediation in WA? </p></div>", "date": "14-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/waking-up-with-anxiety/td-p/56771" } ]
Waking up with anxiety
I am new and I have contacted Beyond Blue because I have been waking up in the mornings with anxiety. This has been going on for some months. I know what the cause is. I am being bullied by a hospital. I was pushed into talking about a doctor flirting. It was started as a third party complaint. I did not have the direct evidence to prove that the doctor had been flirting with me. So I have ended up with all the problems from threatening his career and reputation in front of his colleagues . I am unable to take my daughter to another hospital in West Australia because of her specialist needs. I have made an appointment to see my GP to get some help. Does anyone know what type of meds are usually given for anxiety?
[ { "author": "user-id/6226", "content": "<p>HI </p>\n<p>I am newly diagnosed with anxiety. I believe I worry a lot.Today I came home very very tired, nauseated and dizzy. I then stood up and my feet and hands started to tingle and my fingers got stiff. I lay down and it stayed like this for 10 min,.I felt very unwell. I willed myself to eat something and after that it got better,I was not  afraid of anything, didn't feel panic and was at home after a long day placement. So i wonder what this was all about?</p>\n<p>Could anything else cause those symtoms or was this a panic attack wihout panic????</p>\n<p>Thanks for your help</p>\n<p>Beetle</p></div>", "date": "06-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-without-panic-or-is-it-something-else/td-p/53392" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Beetle,</p>\n<p>If you have a look at this page on our website, you'll see that anxiety can manifest itself in a number of different ways, including the physical symptoms you describe: \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/signs-and-symptoms\n</p>\n<p>You say you are newly diagnosed, are you taking medication? Sometimes nausea, dizziness and tiredness can be side effects.</p>\n<p>You also mention that after eating you felt better - had you been eating throughout the day?  I have often had experiences with a full-on day where I've been too occupied to bother with meals, have drunk too much coffee, and once the day is over and your brain has no more work to concentrate on, your body crashes back to earth.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>____________________________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "08-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-without-panic-or-is-it-something-else/td-p/53392" }, { "author": "user-id/6226", "content": "<p>HI Christopher</p>\n<p>Thanks Christopher for your reply.</p>\n<p>Yes you were right. I had a panic atack!I was taking medication but i was still on the low 30mg dose. I was very stressed out with the placement which my doctor told me would be too much to cope with being so sick. But i just did what i always did and pushed myself to it. Certainly it was too much-my doc was right! My body i think told me with the atack that i needed to eat and rest and take it easy and that i needed to do what the doc also told me: to up the dose to 60mg.</p>\n<p>After I upped the dose had food and rest I havent experienced another atack. Thank god. I go to my councillour today and will talk to her about all my expereinces i had with the drugs and without it. </p>\n<p>I think my body is just exhausted I i have to learn to listen to my body and not to ignore it........long journey ahead!!!!</p>\n<p>I wonder how other peoples smptoms manifest during a panic atatack? do you also get stiff fingers and toes and tingling and pins and needles in them?</p>\n<p>beetle</p></div>", "date": "13-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-without-panic-or-is-it-something-else/td-p/53392" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "dear Beetle, naughty lol, they always say to eat small amounts of food often, well that's what the experts say, and no expert. Take it easy. Geoff.</div>", "date": "14-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-without-panic-or-is-it-something-else/td-p/53392" }, { "author": "user-id/4603", "content": "<p>Hi Beetle</p>\n<p>I suffer from anxiety and have had panic attacks before. But recently I had one in my doctors room and my right arm felt numb and tingling.  My GP explained that it was a symptom of a panic attack.  Once I slowed down my breathing my arm I was starting to feel better.  Dizziness, fainting, tiredness and nausea are symptoms of anxiety.</p>\n<p>Take care</p>\n<p>Jo</p></div>", "date": "14-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/panic-attack-without-panic-or-is-it-something-else/td-p/53392" } ]
Panic attack without panic? or is it something else?
HI I am newly diagnosed with anxiety. I believe I worry a lot.Today I came home very very tired, nauseated and dizzy. I then stood up and my feet and hands started to tingle and my fingers got stiff. I lay down and it stayed like this for 10 min,.I felt very unwell. I willed myself to eat something and after that it got better,I was not  afraid of anything, didn't feel panic and was at home after a long day placement. So i wonder what this was all about? Could anything else cause those symtoms or was this a panic attack wihout panic???? Thanks for your help Beetle
[ { "author": "user-id/26217", "content": "<p>Hi everyone,</p>\n<p>I have had a lot of changes in my life lately. I moved out of home for the first time, i got married not long after, and will be living by myself as my husband works in qld 21 days of the month and comes back for a month.</p>\n<p>I previously lived at home because i felt more comfortable in my surrounds, had my own space even though i was surrounded by family and had that security while partner was working away. Now we are married, things just seem so different and think  i'm over thinking my situation.</p>\n<p>In a ideal situation i would only be going home to a house by myself after working through the day, but i am only a casual teacher and might get 2-3 days a week (another cause of general anxiety in my life), this makes days feel longer and more isolated. </p>\n<p>Hubby only left for work today and i went to my parents house afterwards feeling sad and felt that sense of security again. I used to always feel overwhelmed and anxious for a few days after my partner leaves. I am staying at my parents tonight because when i feel anxious/sad i like to be around people...even if i'm locked in another room, i still like the feeling of knowing people are nearby.</p>\n<p> I wish my husband had a normal job but the money is so good, he is doing it for our future. He said he will stop if it got too much, but I want him to do it for us. I don't want to feel a burden on my parents, rocking up back home only a few weeks after i left lol, even though they know the situation and said to stay here if i'm not comfortable at home. Its not fear of being in a house by myself, its just change of routine and isolation.I know of women who's in same position with their men working away but they have children to keep them occupied. I can't even have a dog in a rental property!</p>\n<p>Any tips or anyone in similar situation?</p>\n<p></p></div>", "date": "11-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/general-anxiety-over-changes-in-my-life/td-p/56367" }, { "author": "user-id/28401", "content": "<p>Hi Teacher9,  </p>\n<p> As I see it there are at least to issues for consideration; i.e. your sense of isolation/loneliness and the anxiety. If you’re lumped with a lemon – make lemonade. Explore the flip-side of the 21 days alone. What opportunities does this present? It might mean you can catch up with friends/family. You could take up an organised activity; e.g. exercise program, a short course etc. You might find these stimulating, meeting new people and constructively fills in what would otherwise be lonely hours. As for the anxiety you feel it would be worth while monitoring this. If it becomes debilitating it would be worth seeking professional advice in the early stages. I wish you well.</p></div>", "date": "13-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/general-anxiety-over-changes-in-my-life/td-p/56367" } ]
General anxiety over changes in my life
Hi everyone, I have had a lot of changes in my life lately. I moved out of home for the first time, i got married not long after, and will be living by myself as my husband works in qld 21 days of the month and comes back for a month. I previously lived at home because i felt more comfortable in my surrounds, had my own space even though i was surrounded by family and had that security while partner was working away. Now we are married, things just seem so different and think  i'm over thinking my situation. In a ideal situation i would only be going home to a house by myself after working through the day, but i am only a casual teacher and might get 2-3 days a week (another cause of general anxiety in my life), this makes days feel longer and more isolated. Hubby only left for work today and i went to my parents house afterwards feeling sad and felt that sense of security again. I used to always feel overwhelmed and anxious for a few days after my partner leaves. I am staying at my parents tonight because when i feel anxious/sad i like to be around people...even if i'm locked in another room, i still like the feeling of knowing people are nearby.  I wish my husband had a normal job but the money is so good, he is doing it for our future. He said he will stop if it got too much, but I want him to do it for us. I don't want to feel a burden on my parents, rocking up back home only a few weeks after i left lol, even though they know the situation and said to stay here if i'm not comfortable at home. Its not fear of being in a house by myself, its just change of routine and isolation.I know of women who's in same position with their men working away but they have children to keep them occupied. I can't even have a dog in a rental property! Any tips or anyone in similar situation?
[ { "author": "user-id/24350", "content": "<p>Hi Im 34 yrs old and have a decade of cannibas use behind me, after using for long period of times I developed serve aniexty to the point I had to take a benzodiazepine  to be able to function,usually I would come right after a couple of weeks and be fine again untill I started using cannibas again,. Now out of fear of the aniexty returning I feel I have developed aniexty over getting aniexty, dose anyone eles have this? It's been going on for two weeks now, one day I'm fine the next I feel slightly anxious and it just snows balls into bad Aniexty within hours out of fear of getting Aniexty!! It's crazy! \n</p><p></p></div>", "date": "08-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/getting-anxiety-about-having-anxiety/td-p/54516" }, { "author": "user-id/20923", "content": "<p>This is exactly how it works for me:) </p>\n<p>It's best to get this sorted out now as it can lead to agoraphobia and other such things. </p></div>", "date": "09-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/getting-anxiety-about-having-anxiety/td-p/54516" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Moana,</p>\n<p>Anxiety is still anxiety no matter what thoughts are causing it.  When you were treated previously, were you only prescribed medication?  Was therapy given as an option?  Was your ******** use taken into account when you saw your doctor?</p>\n<p>Going back to your GP and explaining your concerns over anxiety and fully disclosing everything surrounding it will help you to get the best treatment.  </p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>__________________________________________________</p>\n<p>Online Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "11-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/getting-anxiety-about-having-anxiety/td-p/54516" } ]
Getting Anxiety about having Anxiety
Hi Im 34 yrs old and have a decade of cannibas use behind me, after using for long period of times I developed serve aniexty to the point I had to take a benzodiazepine  to be able to function,usually I would come right after a couple of weeks and be fine again untill I started using cannibas again,. Now out of fear of the aniexty returning I feel I have developed aniexty over getting aniexty, dose anyone eles have this? It's been going on for two weeks now, one day I'm fine the next I feel slightly anxious and it just snows balls into bad Aniexty within hours out of fear of getting Aniexty!! It's crazy! 
[ { "author": "user-id/33005", "content": "<p>Anxiety is constantly with me. I'm a gentle suburban dad &amp; husband with an amazing, supportive wife &amp; two beautiful kids. I have very secure employment locally and lots of good friends &amp; family. About two and a half years ago we went through a big financial crisis &amp; we nearly lost our house. This seems to have had a big impact on my emotional state ever since. We managed to get through the crisis &amp; are now in a good financial state.  I know view daily life and the world I see around me with trepidation. I have many anxious, sometimes depressive thoughts. I fear confrontation in day to day life, even just going to the shops. Much of what I see, read or hear on the news contributes largely to my current state of mind.   I see a counterculture of US gang-styled bravado amongst much of the youth in the area I live and the suburb in which I'm raising my kids, and that has a big impact on me. </p>\n<p>I'm told that what I have is a distorted sense of reality.  </p>\n<p>Can anyone relate to this? Would love to hear from people with similar thoughts as mine.</p></div>", "date": "07-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/distorted-reality/td-p/53835" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Damien,</p>\n<p>Welcome to the forums.  Glad to hear you and your family came through your financial crisis, the stress must have been incredible with the threat of losing your home.</p>\n<p>I know what you are talking about, anxiety can magnify things out of all proportion.  There's even a psychological term for it called \"catastrophising\" - we take elements of the world around us, everyday situations, conversations, and construct a story in our heads of the worst possible scenario to involve those things.</p>\n<p>It would be a good idea to see a psychologist or counsellor to help work through these feelings long term and kick your brain out of the constant 'fight or flight' mode that it's stuck in.  Your GP can get you a referral for 10 subsidised sessions.</p>\n<p>In the short term, avoiding things that you know to be triggers would be a sensible idea - the news, for example.  Perhaps limit your exposure to it, and remind yourself that the media largely deals in bad news, which can distort reality for all of us unless we keep it in perspective.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>___________________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "11-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/distorted-reality/td-p/53835" } ]
Distorted reality.
Anxiety is constantly with me. I'm a gentle suburban dad & husband with an amazing, supportive wife & two beautiful kids. I have very secure employment locally and lots of good friends & family. About two and a half years ago we went through a big financial crisis & we nearly lost our house. This seems to have had a big impact on my emotional state ever since. We managed to get through the crisis & are now in a good financial state.  I know view daily life and the world I see around me with trepidation. I have many anxious, sometimes depressive thoughts. I fear confrontation in day to day life, even just going to the shops. Much of what I see, read or hear on the news contributes largely to my current state of mind.   I see a counterculture of US gang-styled bravado amongst much of the youth in the area I live and the suburb in which I'm raising my kids, and that has a big impact on me.  I'm told that what I have is a distorted sense of reality.   Can anyone relate to this? Would love to hear from people with similar thoughts as mine.
[ { "author": "user-id/42834", "content": "ok bad day Im a community support worker. Client with a lot of problems bad fall broken bones alcohol pain killers I think I had a panic attack the sweat was pouring off me, shaking hands, felt like I was going to pass out not good hit the bottle myself when I got home. will probably feel hung over tomorrow not good.</div>", "date": "07-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/jelly-legs/td-p/53727" }, { "author": "user-id/28401", "content": "Monkeys. You’ve got a tough job as a community support worker. I imagine it entails appreciating what each client is going through and then providing assistance in an attempt to address their issues. This must seem on occasions like being hit wave after wave with other people’s problems. Monkeys, this is how other people’s problems have been referred to. The lesson around these monkeys is – you can handle them but always give them back to their owner – Don’t wear monkeys on your back. They will wear you down, consume your energy and compromise your well being. In your role I’d think you need to be very empathic. Take caution not to cross the line and become sympathetic – monkeys. I wish you well.</div>", "date": "10-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/jelly-legs/td-p/53727" } ]
jelly legs
[ { "author": "user-id/2117", "content": "<p>Hi all,</p>\n<p>Over the past 3 years I've experienced panic attacks that have lasted a few minutes and then would dissipate and I would 'snap back to reality'. These seemed pretty standard (increased heart rate, confusion, sweating, light headed and feeling a little ill etc). However 12 months ago I experienced one of these attacks and just felt like I never really 'came back' to reality from the attack. For the last year I've been extremely anxious about things that never used to bother me (i.e. seeing friends, going to the movies, catching trains, playing sport). I feel disconnected from myself and can't concentrate a lot of the time and spend a lot of time sleeping. It's very frustrating knowing how outgoing and confident I was a year ago, compared to how I feel now with fear and confusion around every corner. My GP prescribed medication however I opted not to take it after some research on the medication. Does anybody else experience this kind of feeling, and if so how did you overcome it? Are medicated approaches the best path to take or would people suggest talking to a psychologist? Is there a chance that this could be caused by a physical problem?</p>\n<p>Thanks for any help in advance <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "06-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/confused-and-distressed/td-p/53356" }, { "author": "user-id/5035", "content": "<p>Hi</p>\n<p>i think it sounds like anxiety and depression! What medication did your dr prescribe? I think meds with seeing a physiologist is the best solution :))</p>\n<p>Take care </p></div>", "date": "07-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/confused-and-distressed/td-p/53356" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Kirkyboy89,</p>\n<p>I would suggest going back to your doctor and talking through your options again.  Medication has certainly helped many people with anxiety, and so has talking to a psychologist.  Your doctor can help you with both those things.</p>\n<p>I'm concerned that you decided not to take the medication after doing some 'research' - not sure what research you did, but there can be a lot of misinformation on the internet about medication, and developing a relationship of trust with your doctor is the best way forward.</p>\n<p>If you are concerned about potential side effects, talk these over with your doctor. If you encounter these while taking the medication, again, talk to your doctor as there are lots of different options available.  </p>\n<p>Seeing a psychologist is also a great option because you will be able to talk through your anxieties and get to the bottom of what's happening.  As you've said, the anxiety has gotten to a point where you're not able to enjoy life as you would normally.  There is a way through it.</p>\n<p>Whatever route you end up taking - medication, therapy or a combination of both, you need to go back to your doctor to get the ball rolling.  </p>\n<p>Please let us know how you go.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>__________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "08-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/confused-and-distressed/td-p/53356" }, { "author": "user-id/9566", "content": "<p>Hi kirkyboy89,</p>\n<p>i have recently started experiencing anxiety and panic attacks as well. I can relate what you said - I am a very outgoing and confident person as well, yet since this anxiety and panic attacks have started I feel so different from my normal self.</p>\n<p>I would also suggest going back to your GP and getting a referral for a psychologist. My GP offered me medication and a psychology referral, however I opted to not take any medication at this point. Psychological treatment is known to be the best treatment for anxiety so I am going to try psychology first without medication. That being said, medication may also be necessary in addition to psychology depending on your individual situation. Also, I wouldn't research the medication yourself over the internet as it will most likely come up with all the negative aspects of the medication, whereas in reality most medications prescribed by your doctor will be safe.</p>\n<p>I saw one psychologist initially who was very unhelpful and this made me think that no one would be able to help me. However I went back to my doctor and asked her to recommend a different psychologist. The second psychologist I saw is very good and she immediately understood my problems has has been helping me work through the anxiety using a mindfulness approach which is called 'acceptance and commitment therapy.' I'm finding it very effective.</p>\n<p>My advice is to continue to seek help until you find the right person who can help you. You may need to see a different GP and try a couple of different psychologists to find one who understands your problem. But don't give up because there is help out there, it's just hard to make yourself go find it sometimes I know!</p>\n<p>Hope that helps.</p></div>", "date": "08-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/confused-and-distressed/td-p/53356" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Kirkyboy, there have been some good replies back to you, but what I can offer is that although the side effects that you have seen on your research, may not happen to you.</p>\n<p>It's like medication A suits person A, while the same medication won't suit person N, so we can't really generalise on any side effects as our body symptoms are all different. Geoff. </p></div>", "date": "10-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/confused-and-distressed/td-p/53356" } ]
Confused and distressed
Hi all, Over the past 3 years I've experienced panic attacks that have lasted a few minutes and then would dissipate and I would 'snap back to reality'. These seemed pretty standard (increased heart rate, confusion, sweating, light headed and feeling a little ill etc). However 12 months ago I experienced one of these attacks and just felt like I never really 'came back' to reality from the attack. For the last year I've been extremely anxious about things that never used to bother me (i.e. seeing friends, going to the movies, catching trains, playing sport). I feel disconnected from myself and can't concentrate a lot of the time and spend a lot of time sleeping. It's very frustrating knowing how outgoing and confident I was a year ago, compared to how I feel now with fear and confusion around every corner. My GP prescribed medication however I opted not to take it after some research on the medication. Does anybody else experience this kind of feeling, and if so how did you overcome it? Are medicated approaches the best path to take or would people suggest talking to a psychologist? Is there a chance that this could be caused by a physical problem? Thanks for any help in advance
[ { "author": "user-id/42834", "content": "<p>Ive always thought that I was complete outcast and the worlds playing an evil trick on me. I was looking up about and watching people talk about social anxiety and it was then I realised how extremely debilitating it can get and I thought that's me!....My doctor told me I had severe anxiety some years back that was over a centrelink thing and never really went into any detail about my anxieties.</p>\n<p>      Ive realised Ive suffered for most of my life never really knew what was wrong with me just always believed Im pathetic and a social retard. I was severely bullied at school</p>\n<p> Abandoned bye my mother at 8 she left in the middle of the night ran away with another man my father was very controlling, even as a child I remember thinking that my mother never loved or cared for me, I always had the feeling she never liked doing things for me.</p>\n<p>    I was watching some things on the internet people talking about social anxiety and one thing that stuck was this guy who said social anxiety comes from a time in your past where you felt shame, well that works because I really did feel shame when my mother left us, I tried to hide it in school at the time because I didn't know how to explain it I could see everyone elses mother loved them so so much and they would never leave that made me ashamed of myself.</p>\n<p> I don't talk much people have always said that, I have no friends. Son and daughter that's all, there grown up now I raised them on my own.</p>\n<p>    Im getting chest pains a lot now because Im really stressed about some things going on. I get really bad chest pains when I feel panicky and it feels like my body is toxic poisonous inside, my palms sweat and I cant think straight. I don't know if this is some kind of panic attack.</p>\n<p>I am working now,  jobs in the past never lasted for long. Im having issues with work but don't want to get into it.</p>\n<p>Ive had men in my past but that always turns out bad.</p>\n<p>Theres a lot of things ive left out..sorry for the rant everyone.</p></div>", "date": "04-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/51394" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi shellshell,</p>\n<p>Welcome to the forums.  There's no need to apologise for posting, getting this stuff out into the open is very important, and a good first step towards making you feel better.</p>\n<p>Feel free to talk more about the things you have left out above, you will find lots of people on the forums here who will be able to relate to what you're going through.</p>\n<p>The abandonment issues you talk about run deep for a lot of people, and it will affect other aspects of your life - relationships, work, friends etc - in ways that you might not realise.  It would be a good idea to see your GP, not just about the chest pains and panic attacks, but to get a psychologist referral so you can talk through these issues in a professional environment.</p>\n<p>Hope to hear from you again soon.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>_____________________________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "06-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/51394" }, { "author": "user-id/15748", "content": "<p>Hi ShellShell,</p>\n<p>Oh sweetheart, i just feel like wrapping you up in a big hug - i suffer anxiety myself and somethings you said in what you call 'your rant' made sense to me and helped me see something a little clearer. </p>\n<p>I always was the 'looser' in life, not getting picked first in games/school etc, but now i see that maybe i have had anxiety way longer that i thought, that i was not letting people in so in turn people wern't letting me in.</p>\n<p>I hope you find some peace x</p></div>", "date": "06-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/51394" }, { "author": "user-id/10347", "content": "<p>gday shellshell</p>\n<p> Ive had social anxiety from a young age to.  I also have bipolar. what I have found has helped me greatly is being involved in karate. I also was bullied  at school even got a broken  arm. Ive been attacked at pubs for no good reason used to drink a lot the only way I could cope being with people in a social  environment.  Now I teach young kids and are able to stand in front of large groups of people where before I would hold my breath and almost pass out turn bright red. Im also very good at self defence dosnt mean I wont to harm people but if something was to happen im not defenceless which gives a great deal of confidence.  If you can make the time try being involved in a club you might be surprised what you can do!!!</p>\n<p>cheers jon    </p></div>", "date": "08-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/51394" }, { "author": "user-id/42834", "content": "<p>Hey guys thanks so much for your support you don't know how much I appreciate it.</p>\n<p>And Jon about the karate funnily enough I was even thinking about that myself recently just to work on some confidence  but was worried about cost and standing in a group of people.</p></div>", "date": "09-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/51394" }, { "author": "user-id/10347", "content": "<p>Shellshell the cost of  the class I do is $12 a lesson. It runs for 1 hr 45mins I do national karate academies Miranda kai system.  First lesson free I think membership is $90 dollars a year and grading for belts is extra.  </p>\n<p>  We stand next to one another in a line so you wont have stand out front.  We have  quite a few shy girls  in the class.  The instructor will  know you are shy and they do there best to keep you coming back next time. They wont put you on the spot they know people don't like that. Its all about building confidence. When my instructor asks a question  people   put there hands up to answer it. so your not put on the spot.  The instructor stands out font all you have to do is follow his instructions. The fear of going to your first class is the only thing that's going to hold you back. don't go to the first class to watch go there to try it .  </p>\n<p>cheer jon</p>\n<p>Social a    </p></div>", "date": "09-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/social-anxiety/td-p/51394" } ]
social anxiety
Ive always thought that I was complete outcast and the worlds playing an evil trick on me. I was looking up about and watching people talk about social anxiety and it was then I realised how extremely debilitating it can get and I thought that's me!....My doctor told me I had severe anxiety some years back that was over a centrelink thing and never really went into any detail about my anxieties.       Ive realised Ive suffered for most of my life never really knew what was wrong with me just always believed Im pathetic and a social retard. I was severely bullied at school  Abandoned bye my mother at 8 she left in the middle of the night ran away with another man my father was very controlling, even as a child I remember thinking that my mother never loved or cared for me, I always had the feeling she never liked doing things for me.     I was watching some things on the internet people talking about social anxiety and one thing that stuck was this guy who said social anxiety comes from a time in your past where you felt shame, well that works because I really did feel shame when my mother left us, I tried to hide it in school at the time because I didn't know how to explain it I could see everyone elses mother loved them so so much and they would never leave that made me ashamed of myself.  I don't talk much people have always said that, I have no friends. Son and daughter that's all, there grown up now I raised them on my own.     Im getting chest pains a lot now because Im really stressed about some things going on. I get really bad chest pains when I feel panicky and it feels like my body is toxic poisonous inside, my palms sweat and I cant think straight. I don't know if this is some kind of panic attack. I am working now,  jobs in the past never lasted for long. Im having issues with work but don't want to get into it. Ive had men in my past but that always turns out bad. Theres a lot of things ive left out..sorry for the rant everyone.
[ { "author": "user-id/39037", "content": "<p>\nWell Hi,\nDon’t really know how to start this off as I have never been one\nto open up, but some how this so much easier being behind a computer screen\nwhere I can't fumble up my words and feel like I am just whining. I don't know\nwhere to start my story so ill just start at the beginning. My first years of\nlife I grew up in a single parent household my father didn't want much to do\nwith me as he preferred the company of a bottle. When I was four my mother fell\nin love with a farmer and soon after that they were married. We moved to live\nwith him on the farm. I grew up thinking this man was my father. From the first\ntime I can remembered I hated this man. The way he always treated my mother\nlike the hired help, The way he treated me the same because I did not live up\nto what his idea of what a boy should be. Years went by and so did the years of\nabuse to put it bluntly the more people he could make miserable the happy he\nwould be. My mother being the wonderful women she is she put up with it, always\ntrying to see the best in everyone. My Mother had two more beautiful children\nwith him a girl first then a boy. My sister also coped some torment from him as\nbeing a girl was so much less of a person then being a boy. He used to\nhave such a great way of making a person feel so low and so worthless that you\nused to start to think that what he was actually saying was true. When I was\naround thirteen I started to question my sexuality as I was starting to become\nattracted to the same sex. I remember saying to myself all those years ago “See\nhe was right”. Growing up in a rural town and going to a rural school and being\ndifferent the bulling used be quite nasty. The used to tease me for being gay\neven though I had not breathed a word of It to anyone, as my step father had\nalready crushed what I had of my self esteem I only again believed that we\nthese children were saying about me was true, that I wasn’t good enough. When I\nwas fourteen I found a folder hidden in my step dads office about that I he was\nnot my father and the court case my mum had to go through after she had found bruises\non me and wanted to cut all access my father had to me. I can’t begin to tell\nyou the amount of joy I felt knowing that that man was not my father unfortanly\nthis didn’t not relive the feeling of worthlessness he had put on me. My mother\nwoke up and found the strength in her one day to leave him, and we got out. A\nlot of time has past since then and the feelings and abuse that happened have\nnever left me. That worthlessness that I felt then I still feel now. Since I\nwas a teenager I have used alcohol as a crutch. Masking my anxiety with it. But\nthe past years have been the worst for me. The only time I feel safe and stop\nthe anxiety is with a drink in my hand. I am scared to answer the phone talk to\nanyone new (especially Straight males). I would rather walk a kilometer around\na place then go past a group of men standing in a group and one I have to\n(Ie.when I am at work) my body goes into a state of shock, starting to sweat\nand my chest goes tight and I fumble all my words. I have tried to seek help\nbefore. Once I even forced myself to overcome it a little and made it to a\ndoctor. I don’t think I have ever fumbled so much in my life and it all become\nso over whelming I just had to get out. I’m so scared within my self it has\naffected so many parts of my life and I’m scared that if I don’t try and reach\nout it can only get worse. I can’t sleep with out drinking I will stay up for most\nof the night tossing and turning worrying about things. Look I really don’t know\nif anything I have said has made any sense because I’m sitting here looking at\nit thinking god what will these people think. The words he is having a big whine\nand people have it worse out there. I am just at a loss of what to do and hoping\nI don’t seem as crazy as I feel.\nAnyway thanks for reading this probably makes no sense but I’m\nstill glad I can finally tell someone even if it was behind a computer screen.\n</p></div>", "date": "06-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-help/td-p/53444" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi JJ1509,</p>\n<p>Welcome to the forums, and thanks for being so brave as to get your story out. It doesn't sound like you've been able to open up about this to many people at all.</p>\n<p>There's a lot of history and hurt in there, and it does make sense that you would be feeling isolated, questioning your self-worth etc after everything that has happened to you.</p>\n<p>Have a look at this page on our website: \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/types-of-anxiety/social-phobia\n</p>\n<p>Many of the thoughts and feelings you describe sound similar to a particular type of anxiety called social phobia.  </p>\n<p>Seeing a doctor and getting a referral to a counsellor or psychologist would be a really good idea for you; if you are concerned about seeking help because of your fear around speaking with straight men, there are plenty of female and gay male GPs and psychologists out there who you may feel more comfortable with.</p>\n<p>If you are concerned about seeking help alone, is there a friend you can take with you?</p>\n<p>This page of our website has some state-by-state contacts for various organisations that could help you with some referrals: \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/resources/for-me/gay-lesbian-bi-trans-and-intersex-glbti-people/helpful-contacts-and-websites\n</p>\n<p>The most important thing is you have realised that you are at a point where you need to reach out for support, and that things have to change.  Don't worry about comparing your problems to other peoples', everyone has their own journey to walk and one person's pain and trauma can't be ranked against anothers.  This is your life to live.</p>\n<p>Please stay in touch and let us know how you go.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>_________________________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "08-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-help/td-p/53444" } ]
Anxiety Help.
Well Hi, Don’t really know how to start this off as I have never been one to open up, but some how this so much easier being behind a computer screen where I can't fumble up my words and feel like I am just whining. I don't know where to start my story so ill just start at the beginning. My first years of life I grew up in a single parent household my father didn't want much to do with me as he preferred the company of a bottle. When I was four my mother fell in love with a farmer and soon after that they were married. We moved to live with him on the farm. I grew up thinking this man was my father. From the first time I can remembered I hated this man. The way he always treated my mother like the hired help, The way he treated me the same because I did not live up to what his idea of what a boy should be. Years went by and so did the years of abuse to put it bluntly the more people he could make miserable the happy he would be. My mother being the wonderful women she is she put up with it, always trying to see the best in everyone. My Mother had two more beautiful children with him a girl first then a boy. My sister also coped some torment from him as being a girl was so much less of a person then being a boy. He used to have such a great way of making a person feel so low and so worthless that you used to start to think that what he was actually saying was true. When I was around thirteen I started to question my sexuality as I was starting to become attracted to the same sex. I remember saying to myself all those years ago “See he was right”. Growing up in a rural town and going to a rural school and being different the bulling used be quite nasty. The used to tease me for being gay even though I had not breathed a word of It to anyone, as my step father had already crushed what I had of my self esteem I only again believed that we these children were saying about me was true, that I wasn’t good enough. When I was fourteen I found a folder hidden in my step dads office about that I he was not my father and the court case my mum had to go through after she had found bruises on me and wanted to cut all access my father had to me. I can’t begin to tell you the amount of joy I felt knowing that that man was not my father unfortanly this didn’t not relive the feeling of worthlessness he had put on me. My mother woke up and found the strength in her one day to leave him, and we got out. A lot of time has past since then and the feelings and abuse that happened have never left me. That worthlessness that I felt then I still feel now. Since I was a teenager I have used alcohol as a crutch. Masking my anxiety with it. But the past years have been the worst for me. The only time I feel safe and stop the anxiety is with a drink in my hand. I am scared to answer the phone talk to anyone new (especially Straight males). I would rather walk a kilometer around a place then go past a group of men standing in a group and one I have to (Ie.when I am at work) my body goes into a state of shock, starting to sweat and my chest goes tight and I fumble all my words. I have tried to seek help before. Once I even forced myself to overcome it a little and made it to a doctor. I don’t think I have ever fumbled so much in my life and it all become so over whelming I just had to get out. I’m so scared within my self it has affected so many parts of my life and I’m scared that if I don’t try and reach out it can only get worse. I can’t sleep with out drinking I will stay up for most of the night tossing and turning worrying about things. Look I really don’t know if anything I have said has made any sense because I’m sitting here looking at it thinking god what will these people think. The words he is having a big whine and people have it worse out there. I am just at a loss of what to do and hoping I don’t seem as crazy as I feel. Anyway thanks for reading this probably makes no sense but I’m still glad I can finally tell someone even if it was behind a computer screen.
[ { "author": "user-id/5035", "content": "<p>Hi</p>\n<p>I'm just wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms to me with anxiety. I don't have a certain trigger, most of the time I just wake up with it. Feeling nervous, hot flushes, diarrhoea  and not been able to eat! </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Thanks</p></div>", "date": "06-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi/td-p/53183" }, { "author": "user-id/5035", "content": "<p>Also it normally only lasts for a couple of days, and about 6/7 times a year. So I don't really come under a category in the anxiety section, is it still anxiety?</p></div>", "date": "06-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi/td-p/53183" }, { "author": "user-id/8236", "content": "<p>dear Jayamalah, I think it's more involved than just anxiety, as it only happens 6/7 times a year, so can you please give us a little more information.</p>\n<p>With depression there might not be necessarily a trigger at the beginning of this illness, as it just swamps us, however as it develops then a trigger can start it off again. </p>\n<p>So just a couple of questions, are you married, go to school, work, parental problems or sibling and extended family concerns. Thanks Geoff.</p></div>", "date": "07-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/hi/td-p/53183" } ]
Hi :)
Hi I'm just wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms to me with anxiety. I don't have a certain trigger, most of the time I just wake up with it. Feeling nervous, hot flushes, diarrhoea  and not been able to eat!    Thanks
[ { "author": "user-id/13878", "content": "<p>Hi, I am in my early thirties and have had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I also have a speech impediment (which is linked to my anxiety). While my speech is now under control thanks to twenty years of speech therapy and plenty of support, I now find my anxiety - which I'd previously ignored - is cropping up. I really started to feel it back in September. I had a few personal incidents which made my anxiety worse and made me realise I needed to do something about it. I have talked to my local GP and started taking stress and omega multi-vitamins, started taking sleeping tablets (always been a restless sleeper) as well as eating more tuna. I find my anxiety increases when I'm tired or stressed, so if I don't get a good night's sleep, I feel anxious the next day. The problem I have is I worry about things beyond my control and worry about relatively minor things. If it was something I could control, then I could understand, but when I can't control it I get frustrated and run myself around in circles. The sleeping tablets have been helping (I'm no longer such a restless sleeper) but I still have nights where I can't get to sleep and struggle the next day. At times I feel like I'm just going from day-to-day and on weekends I try to keep myself busy. I also have a bit of OCD (mainly counting things, checking things are closed/locked multiple times and having irrational thoughts), which also flares up when tired or stressed.</p>\n<p>I've also been doing this great CBT course for stutterers which is helping. However, I've been feeling this way for about two months. I have my calm, happy days but I also have days when I get anxious about silly things which I can't control and I tend to immerse myself in the problems of friends and family and I can feel guility if I'm in a good mood and they're not. Silly I know but there you go.</p>\n<p>I was wondering what the next step could be: I haven't really looked at anti-depressants or anxiety drugs, but I'm open to this in future. What I'd love to do is find an anxiety support group where I could talk about my anxiety in a safe environment, not only to get it off my chest but also to support others. A big part of my recovery as a stutterer has been the support of my fellow stuttering friends, both in formalised speech therapy/support groups and in a social setting. I feel if I can find a similar thing for my anxiety, it would be a massive help.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>  </p></div>", "date": "05-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/new-person-seeking-advice/td-p/52607" }, { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi Oden,</p>\n<p>Welcome to the forums.  Great to hear that you're getting on top of things.</p>\n<p>This page on our website has a list of organisations, state-by-state, that run face to face anxiety support groups: \nhttp://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/helpful-contacts-and-websites/face-to-face-support-and-treatments\n</p>\n<p>Hope this is helpful.</p>\n<p>best<br>\nCB</p>\n<p>____________________________________________________<br>\nOnline Community Manager</p></div>", "date": "06-11-2013", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/new-person-seeking-advice/td-p/52607" } ]
new person seeking advice
Hi, I am in my early thirties and have had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I also have a speech impediment (which is linked to my anxiety). While my speech is now under control thanks to twenty years of speech therapy and plenty of support, I now find my anxiety - which I'd previously ignored - is cropping up. I really started to feel it back in September. I had a few personal incidents which made my anxiety worse and made me realise I needed to do something about it. I have talked to my local GP and started taking stress and omega multi-vitamins, started taking sleeping tablets (always been a restless sleeper) as well as eating more tuna. I find my anxiety increases when I'm tired or stressed, so if I don't get a good night's sleep, I feel anxious the next day. The problem I have is I worry about things beyond my control and worry about relatively minor things. If it was something I could control, then I could understand, but when I can't control it I get frustrated and run myself around in circles. The sleeping tablets have been helping (I'm no longer such a restless sleeper) but I still have nights where I can't get to sleep and struggle the next day. At times I feel like I'm just going from day-to-day and on weekends I try to keep myself busy. I also have a bit of OCD (mainly counting things, checking things are closed/locked multiple times and having irrational thoughts), which also flares up when tired or stressed. I've also been doing this great CBT course for stutterers which is helping. However, I've been feeling this way for about two months. I have my calm, happy days but I also have days when I get anxious about silly things which I can't control and I tend to immerse myself in the problems of friends and family and I can feel guility if I'm in a good mood and they're not. Silly I know but there you go. I was wondering what the next step could be: I haven't really looked at anti-depressants or anxiety drugs, but I'm open to this in future. What I'd love to do is find an anxiety support group where I could talk about my anxiety in a safe environment, not only to get it off my chest but also to support others. A big part of my recovery as a stutterer has been the support of my fellow stuttering friends, both in formalised speech therapy/support groups and in a social setting. I feel if I can find a similar thing for my anxiety, it would be a massive help.    