2 values
[INST] What is a risk matrix? [/INST] Tool for ranking and displaying risks by defining ranges for consequence and likelihood.
[INST] What is a control? [/INST] Measure to modify risk.
[INST] What is a level of risk? [/INST] Magnitude of a risk expressed in terms of the combination of consequences and their likelihood.
[INST] What is a risk evaluation? [/INST] Process of comparing the results of risk analysis against risk criteria to determine whether the level of risk is acceptable or tolerable.
[INST] What is a risk attitude? [/INST] Organization’s approach to assess and eventually pursue, take or refuse risk.
[INST] What is a risk appetite? [/INST] Amount and type of risk an organization is prepared to pursue or take.
[INST] What is a risk tolerance? [/INST] Organization’s readiness to bear the risk after risk treatments in order to achieve its objectives.
[INST] What is a risk aversion? [/INST] Attitude to turn away from risk.
[INST] What is a risk aggregation? [/INST] Process to combine individual risks to obtain a more complete understanding of risk.
[INST] What is a risk treatment? [/INST] Process of developing, selecting and implementing controls.
[INST] What is a risk acceptance? [/INST] Informed decision to take a particular risk.
[INST] What is a risk avoidance? [/INST] Decision not to be involved in, or to withdraw from, an activity based on the level of risk.
[INST] What is a risk sharing? [/INST] Form of risk treatments involving the agreed distribution of risk with other parties.
[INST] What is a risk financing? [/INST] Form of risk treatments involving contingent arrangements for the provision of funds to meet the financial consequences should they occur.
[INST] What is a risk retention? [/INST] Acceptance of the benefit of gain, or burden of loss, from a particular risk.
[INST] What is a risk mitigation? [/INST] Measures taken to reduce an undesired consequence.
[INST] What is a residual risk? [/INST] Risk remaining after risk treatments.
[INST] What is a monitoring? [/INST] Continual checking, supervising, critically observing or determining the status in order to identify change from the performance level required or expected established objectives.
[INST] What is a risk reporting? [/INST] Form of communication intended to address particular internal or external stakeholders to provide information regarding the current state of risk and its management.
[INST] What is a risk register? [/INST] Record of information about identified risks.
[INST] What is a risk profile? [/INST] Description of a set of risks.
[INST] What is a risk management audit? [/INST] Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the risk management framework is adequate and effective.
[INST] What means risk? [/INST] The frequency of occurrence of accidents and incidents resulting in harm (caused by a hazard) and the degree of severity of that harm.
[INST] What means risk analysis? [/INST] Systematic use of all available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk.
[INST] What means risk evaluation? [/INST] A procedure based on the risk analysis to determine whether an acceptable level of risk has been achieved.
[INST] What means risk assessment? [/INST] The overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation.
[INST] What means safety? [/INST] Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.
[INST] What means risk management? [/INST] The systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of analysing, evaluating and controlling risks.
[INST] What means interfaces? [/INST] All points of interaction during a system or subsystem life cycle, including operation and maintenance where different actors of the rail sector will work together in order to manage the risks.
[INST] What means actors? [/INST] All parties which are, directly or through contractual arrangements, involved in the application of this Regulation.
[INST] What means safety requirements? [/INST] The safety characteristics (qualitative or quantitative) of a system and its operation (including operational rules) and maintenance necessary in order to meet legal or company safety targets.
[INST] What means safety measures? [/INST] A set of actions either reducing the frequency of occurrence of a hazard or mitigating its consequences in order to achieve and/or maintain an acceptable level of risk.
[INST] What means safety assessment report? [/INST] The document containing the conclusions of the assessment performed by an assessment body on the system under assessment.
[INST] What means hazard? [/INST] A condition that could lead to an accident.
[INST] What means assessment body? [/INST] The independent and competent external or internal individual, organisation or entity which undertakes investigation to provide a judgement, based on evidence, of the suitability of a system to fulfil its safety requirements.
[INST] What means risk acceptance criteria? [/INST] The terms of reference by which the acceptability of a specific risk is assessed these criteria are used to determine that the level of a risk is sufficiently low that it is not necessary to take any immediate action to reduce it further.
[INST] What means hazard record? [/INST] The document in which identified hazards, their related measures, their origin and the reference to the organisation which has to manage them are recorded and referenced.
[INST] What means hazard identification? [/INST] The process of finding, listing and characterising hazards.
[INST] What means risk acceptance principle? [/INST] The rules used in order to arrive at the conclusion whether or not the risk related to one or more specific hazards is acceptable.
[INST] What means code of practice? [/INST] A written set of rules that, when correctly applied, can be used to control one or more specific hazards.
[INST] What means reference system? [/INST] A system proven in use to have an acceptable safety level and against which the acceptability of the risks from a system under assessment can be evaluated by comparison.
[INST] What means risk estimation? [/INST] The process used to produce a measure of the level of risks being analysed, consisting of the following steps: estimation of frequency, consequence analysis and their integration.
[INST] What means technical system? [/INST] A product or an assembly of products including the design, implementation and support documentation the development of a technical system starts with its requirements specification and ends with its acceptance although the design of relevant interfaces with human behaviour is considered, human operators and their actions are not included in a technical system the maintenance process is described in the maintenance manuals but is not itself part of the technical system.
[INST] What means catastrophic consequence? [/INST] Fatalities and/or multiple severe injuries and/or major damage to the environment resulting from an accident.
[INST] What means safety acceptance? [/INST] Status given to the change by the proposer based on the safety assessment report provided by the assessment body.
[INST] What means system? [/INST] Any part of the railway system which is subjected to a change whereby the change may be of a technical, operational or organisational nature.
[INST] What is a function? [/INST] Specific purpose or objective to be accomplished, that can be specified or described without reference to the physical means of achieving it.
[INST] What is a transverse function? [/INST] Sub function which may apply to more than one higher level function.
[INST] What is a Functional Breakdown Structure (FBS)? [/INST] Hierarchical structure summarising a set of functions leading to the same general focus or service.
[INST] What is a function level? [/INST] Level of group functions of equal purpose.
[INST] What is a 1st level function? [/INST] Functional domain or general focus or service for the considered (rolling stock) system.
[INST] What is a 2nd level function? [/INST] Main function which contributes to complete the first level.
[INST] What is a 3rd level function? [/INST] Sub function which contributes to complete the 2nd level.
[INST] What is a 4th level function? [/INST] Function related to a task which contributes to complete the third level.
[INST] What is a 5th level function? [/INST] Function related to an activity necessary for performing the 4th level function.
[INST] What is a requirement? [/INST] Necessary condition or ability to constrain the solutions of a task or an aim.
[INST] What is a functional requirements? [/INST] Specific need or capability of a FBS function.
[INST] What is a system requirement? [/INST] Requirement on a subsystem or device.
[INST] What is a scenario? [/INST] Possible transient, unsteady or steady states of the regarded system or of system-user interaction including environmental or other influences.
[INST] What is a use case? [/INST] Summary of scenarios for a single task or goal from the view of an exterior observer under defined conditions.
[INST] What is a object (unit of observation)? [/INST] Component, element, device, subsystem, functional unit, operating medium or system that can be observed in its own right.
[INST] What is a error? [/INST] Deviation from the intended design which could result in unintended system behaviour or failure.
[INST] What is a fault? [/INST] Abnormal condition which could lead to an error in the system.
[INST] What is a failure? [/INST] Deviation from the specified performance of a system.
[INST] What is a event? [/INST] Occurrence of a state at a defined precondition and time.
[INST] What is a monitoring? [/INST] Independent real-time observation of system, consist and train states (in cases also based on combinatory logic) for manual or automatic operation.
[INST] What is a protocol event? [/INST] Recorded event which is not the result of a fault, failure or error.
[INST] What is a alarm? [/INST] Event requiring driver interaction, with a defined priority.
[INST] What is a elementary function? [/INST] Basic function which cannot be sub-divided.
[INST] What is a function carrier? [/INST] Physical unit of observation to fulfil or partly fulfil one or more required functions.
[INST] What does the abbreviation FBS mean? [/INST] Functional Breakdown Structure.
[INST] What does the abbreviation FRS mean? [/INST] Functional Requirement Specification.
[INST] What does the abbreviation HMI mean? [/INST] Human-Machine-Interface.
[INST] What does the abbreviation PBS mean? [/INST] Product Breakdown Structure.
[INST] What does the abbreviation RAMS mean? [/INST] Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety.
[INST] What does the abbreviation ATC mean? [/INST] Automatic Train Control.
[INST] What does the abbreviation ATO mean? [/INST] Automatic Train Operation.
[INST] What does the abbreviation ATP mean? [/INST] Automatic Train Protection.
[INST] What does the abbreviation DC mean? [/INST] Direct Current.
[INST] What does the abbreviation EMC mean? [/INST] Electromagnetic Compatibility.
[INST] What does the abbreviation HVAC mean? [/INST] Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.
[INST] What does the abbreviation LCC mean? [/INST] Life Cycle Costs.
[INST] What does the abbreviation RFID mean? [/INST] Radio Frequency Identification.
[INST] What does the abbreviation UWC mean? [/INST] Universal Water Closet.
[INST] What could be the cause of track guidance failure or derailment? [/INST] By installing additional components, the weight and center of gravity of the vehicle changes [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the vehicle may derail.
[INST] What could be the cause of the fire hazard or smoke development? [/INST] Excessive temperatures can cause equipment failure and fire hazard. Excessive temperatures or fire can cause the component to accelerate fire. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, important vehicle functions can be impaired in an emergency, meaning that there is no communication with the control center or no emergency stop orders can be carried out. Fire can spread. This can lead to dangerous situations.
[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of the vehicle boundary profile being breached by the car body? [/INST] Mounting components on the outside of the vehicle [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the vehicle's boundary profile may be violated
[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle hazard causing interference with external systems (e.g. signaling systems, safety devices, other vehicles)? [/INST] Radio signals interfere with external systems/facilities [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, external systems/facilities will be affected. This can lead to dangerous situations
[INST] What could be the cause of interference with safety-relevant functions within the vehicle due to interference radiation? [/INST] EMC radiation interferes with internal vehicle systems/facilities [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Disruption of safety-relevant functions already implemented in the vehicle.
[INST] What could be the cause of the hazards caused by the interior design (e.g. risk of falling, risk of injury from sharp corners and edges, pinching, broken windows, hot parts)? [/INST] Sharp edges or defective glass on the new components can cause dangerous situations [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without taking countermeasures, you could injure yourself on the built-in components.
[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient strength of the car body and attached structures? [/INST] Inadequate design of the consoles/holders and other components. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, components can become loose and, in the event of a collision, lack sufficient strength and fly around
[INST] What could be the cause of other hazards (e.g. toxic substances, fumes)? [/INST] Used substances (ingredients) may pose a hazard. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, hazardous substances can leak out and cause extreme injuries or damage the environment
[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of electrical contact voltage being too high when driving? [/INST] Due to incorrect installation, the contact voltage of components can be too high [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, injuries may occur when touching the components
[INST] What could be the cause of the danger posed by torn-off vehicle parts or operating equipment? [/INST] Demolition of components attached to the vehicle [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the tearing off of components can cause injury to people outside the vehicle.
[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] EMC interference signals [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the reception of train radio could be restricted
[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Insufficiently dimensioned emergency lighting [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Escape route not sufficiently illuminated
[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] The new components to be installed in the vehicle may make access to rescue equipment more difficult or obstructed. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, this can lead to dangerous situations, as rescue equipment may be inaccessible or difficult to reach or pictograms may be obscured
[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Increased energy consumption by comfort systems [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Insufficient energy for the systems required in an emergency
[INST] What could be the cause of the environmental hazard? [/INST] Components could have an impact on the environment [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, environmental damage can occur
[INST] What could cause the risk of corrosion? [/INST] Components and vehicle could corrode [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the function may fail