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Exiting your Validator
When you have decided that you no longer want to run a minipool and want to access the full balance locked on the Beacon Chain, you will have to take several steps: We'll cover each step below.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
Sending the Exit Request
If you want to exit the validator attached to a minipool, run the following command: rocketpool minipool exit You will be presented with a list of minipools that can be exited: Please select a minipool to exit: 1: All available minipools 2: 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC (staking since 2023-02-08, 06:33 +0000 UTC) 3: 0xd8E804cFA64ADb386F52DB20717810130c90f674 (staking since 2023-02-08, 06:33 +0000 UTC) Once you confirm you want to exit, your node will send a voluntary exit request to the Beacon Chain. This is not a normal Execution layer transaction, so you do not need to pay gas for it. If you need the validator public key for the minipool you just exited, you can retrieve it using rocketpool minipool status. You can view your validator's exit status on a Beacon Chain explorer such as (or for the Prater Testnet). It will take some time for your status to be updated, but once it is you will see it in the "exiting" state: Here you can see the Status is Exiting, the epoch it will exit on is highlighted (5224), and the "Exited" icon will be pulsing green to indicate the operation is in progress. It may take some time for your validator to exit, especially if there are a large number of validators exiting the Beacon Chain at the same time; the protocol is designed to only allow a small number of validators to exit per epoch so you may have to wait your turn. Once your exit epoch has passed, your validator will officially exit the chain and will no longer attest or propose blocks. You can confirm this in your Validator Client logs, or on the explorer: The status has changed to Exited and there is some text underneath that indicates your withdrawable epoch (which should be 256 epochs after you exit, or about 27 hours). also conveniently provides the local timestamps for when your validator will exit and when it will be withdrawable. Once it has entered the withdrawable state, your validator will be enqueued by the Beacon Chain for rewards distribution. This queue depends on how many validators are currently withdrawing. Once it's your turn, the Beacon Chain will automatically send your balance to your minipool's address on the Execution layer. At this point, you can access it using the Smartnode CLI to do a distribution.
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Distributing Full Rewards
NOTEThis process requires your validator to be exited from the Beacon Chain and your validator's balance to have been transferred to the minipool contract. If you need a refresher on how to do that process, please see the Exiting your Validator section above - return here once you're done. If you have exited your validator from the Beacon Chain and your balance has been deposited into the minipool contract, you can safely withdraw the entire thing in one command. Unlike manual distribution, this process will actually finalize your minipool which closes it and renders it inactive. Once your balance has been withdrawn from the Beacon Chain and you go through the following process to access the funds, the minipool's duty is over. To retrieve the funds and close the minipool, run the following command: rocketpool minipool close This will present you with a list of minipools that are eligible for closure: Please select a minipool to close: 1: All available minipools 2: 0xd8E804cFA64ADb386F52DB20717810130c90f674 (32.007209 ETH available, 8.002559 ETH is yours plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH) Here you can see the total balance for each eligible minipool, how much of that balance will be distributed to you, and how much of that balance is reserved for you as a refund (which bypasses distribution). Select which minipool you'd like to distribute and close from the list, confirm the action, and wait for your transaction to be validated. Once it does, your share of the minipool balance (and your refund) will be sent to your withdrawal address, and the minipool will enter the finalized state. You can verify it by looking at the transaction on a block explorer; for example, see the transaction for closing the above minipool (Goerli Testnet).
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Unstaking RPL
At this point, your effective RPL will be updated to remove this minipool from the calculation. You can now unstake any RPL you have that would put you over the 150% limit. To unstake RPL against the node, run the following command: rocketpool node withdraw-rpl
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A Note on the Old Delegate
The original minipool delegate assigned to every minipool from Rocket Pool's launch until Atlas's deployment was built with two assumptions in mind: The first point is clearly no longer relevant now that Ethereum is being upgraded to support skimming. The second point is also no longer true, because the Oracle DAO is no longer going to flag "withdrawable" minipools. This was an intentional design decision to reduce the power that the Oracle DAO yields over Rocket Pool node operators and allow them to access rewards without any supplemental requirement on trusted parties. Because of these deficiencies, the Smartnode CLI no longer supports withdrawals or fund distribution on the original minipool delegate. If you'd like to access your rewards, you must upgrade to the Atlas delegate which supports the new withdrawal conditions listed above. DANGERIf you are an advanced user and bypass the CLI to invoke the distribution functionality on the contract directly via a third-party tool, be advised of the following things:The delegate's distribution function will revert if the minipool's balance is below 16 ETH. Balances below 16 ETH cannot be accessed.If the minipool has between 16 and 32 ETH in its balance, distribution by the original delegate will assume your validator has been slashed. It will return 16 ETH to the staking pool and give you whatever is left over. It will only function properly if the minipool balance is above 32 ETH.The minipool will never enter the finalized state because the Oracle DAO will never mark it as withdrawable, so even though you may be able to access your ETH, your RPL will be locked until you upgrade to the Atlas delegate.Because of these points, we strongly recommend you just upgrade to the Atlas delegate in the first place and avoid them entirely.
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Rescuing a Dissolved Minipool
In the unlikely event your minipool does not stake within the dissolve window, it will be "dissolved" by the oDAO and user funds provided will be returned to the deposit pool for use by another minipool. In this scenario, you will need to perform the below process to retrieve your ETH and unlock your RPL to be unstaked.
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Update your Minipool Delegate
It is highly recommended that you use the latest minipool delegate when performing this process. Older delegates contain a selfdestruct operation when they are closed which means, if the process is not completed correctly in the specified order, funds may be locked forever. You can check that your minipool is on the latest delegate by attempting to Upgrade your Delegate. If your minipool does not appear in the list of minipools that can be upgraded then you can continue on below.
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Retrieve Your Unused Deposit Balance
NOTEIf your minipool was dissolved prior to Atlas, you may skip this step and head straight to Increase Your Beaconchain Balance to 32 ETH. You do not need to retrieve your unused deposit balance because the entire bond amount was deposited to the beaconchain prior to Atlas. 1 ETH from your initial bond deposit is used as an initial deposit to the beaconchain to secure your validator's withdrawal credentials. The remaining amount is deposited to your minipool when it is assigned ETH from the deposit pool. When your minipool is dissolved, the user ETH is returned to the deposit pool and your ETH remains in the minipool ready to be returned to you. Use the Manual Distribution of rewards feature to retrieve this ETH that can then be used in the next step to activate your validator.
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Increase Your Beaconchain Balance to 32 ETH
You must top up your validator's balance to the minimum required for activation on the beaconchain. This amount is 32 ETH. If you have a 16 ETH bonded minipool, you will require an additional 16 ETH and if you have an 8 ETH bonded minipool you will need an additional 24 ETH during this step. Deposit the required amount of ETH into your node address and then issue the following command to begin the process: rocketpool minipool rescue-dissolved You will be presented with a list of minipools that meet the criteria for a manual deposit: Please select a minipool to rescue: 1: All available minipools 2: 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC (dissolved since 2023-02-08, 06:33 +0000 UTC) 3: 0x7E570195026dC29f4B2DfF08B56c3b5D0FF988Ef (dissolved since 2023-02-08, 06:33 +0000 UTC) After selecting the minipool you want to rescue, you will be asked what amount you want to manually deposit: 1. All 16.000000 ETH required to rescue it 2. 1 ETH 3. A custom amount Option 1 will be used in most circumstances. It is the amount required to bring your beaconchain balance up to the required 32 ETH amount. The other options are provided for advanced use cases. NOTEBringing your beaconchain balance up to 32 ETH means your validator will be able to actively participate in Ethereum validation duties. The smartnode may not have had a chance to restart your validator since the dissolution. Therefore, it is a good idea to manually restart your validator to ensure it has loaded your validator keys and can perform validation duties to avoid any penalties during the rescue process.If you are running the standard Docker mode, this can be done with docker restart rocketpool_validator. Once this step is complete, your validator will enter the entry queue and you will need to wait for the following events to occur:
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Exiting your Validator
Once your validator has been active for a minimum of 256 epochs, you may exit your minipool via the same process as any other minipool by following the Exiting your Validator guide. The full 32 ETH balance will be returned to your minipool and dissolved minipools distribute 100% of their balance to the node operator's withdrawal address.
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[NYI] Troubleshooting your Node
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This should discuss how to look for, and handle, common problems that people face when running a node.
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19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
What are the benefits of running two 16 ETH minipools with Rocket Pool compared to a 32 ETH solo validator?
By running a single solo validator, you would receive 100% rewards on your 32 ETH. By running two 16 ETH minipools, you would receive 100% rewards on your 32 ETH plus 15% of the rewards on 32 ETH provided by the Rocket Pool protocol. You would also have the option to use Rocket Pool's Smoothing Pool feature.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
How do I know how much my rETH is worth? Does it rebase?
The rETH token will not rebase. The number of tokens on your wallet will remain constant but they appreciate in value over time. You can check here for more information on the exchange rate history.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
I have a technical issue running my node, how do I get help?
You can start by checking the Rocket Pool Support page. If that doesn't help, you can ask your question on the Rocket Pool #support channel in the Discord server.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
How can I get test ETH to experiment with creating and running a minipool? I can't post messages on the faucet channel.
See Getting test ETH on Goerli.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
How do I recover my node if my machine breaks?
Short answer: your mnemonic is all that you need to fully recover your node. Always make sure to keep it safe. To recover your node on a new machine, start by making sure your previous machine is not going to be online again with the keys available, as two nodes running with the same keys will get you slashed. Follow the steps to install the Smartnode on a new machine. Then, recover your node wallet and validator keys by running the command rocketpool wallet recover and insert your 24-word mnemonic.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
Why aren't my clients syncing? I have a low amount of peers.
Clients need to have a healthy number of peers to be able to properly sync. You can start by running the test here, checking if ports 30303 and 9001 are opened. If they're closed, you'll need to setup port forwarding on your router. Also, make sure your node has a static local IP address so the port forwarding does not break due to your node getting a new address.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
My consensus client is taking too long to sync. What should I do?
Consensus clients can take a long time to sync if you didn't start the sync process using Checkpoint Sync. Even if you're running it for a long time, it's usually faster to configure the checkpoint sync URL, clear the current sync data with rocketpool service resync-eth2 and start over. Your client should be synced in less than a minute.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
I've already rebooted. Why does Grafana say I still need to reboot?
The reboot information is cached and only updates every few hours. Running sudo apt update will force an update.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
Practicing with the Test Network
An Ethereum test network (testnet for short) is an Ethereum blockchain, functionally identical to the standard Ethereum blockchain, but it's intended to be used for testing smart contracts before they go live onto the main "real" blockchain (called mainnet). Testnets run in parallel with mainnet - there are actually several of them running right now! You can read more about some of the ETH1 testnets here if you like. Rocket Pool uses Goerli for its ETH1 testnet. You can use a block explorer for it here if you'd like to take a look at it: The same concept applies to the ETH2 chain as well. Rocket Pool uses Prater for its ETH2 testnet. You can find a block explorer for it here: Because the networks are intended for testing, ETH on them is given out for free to help people test. This ETH cannot be transferred to mainnet; it must stay on Goerli and has no real value, so you can think of it as Monopoly money. DANGERDO NOT use your real ETH from mainnet at any point if you are trying out Rocket Pool's test network! You will lose your funds forever if you do this! You should only use test ETH that you received on the Goerli network from a faucet (described below)!
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Configuring the Testnet
The default configuration of Rocket Pool using Docker handles all of the settings involved in using a testnet for you automatically. There's nothing special you need to do. If you're using a different setup with an external ETH1 or ETH2 client, or are running your clients natively without Docker, then you will need to set this up manually: For Geth: add --goerli to the launch command.For Lighthouse: add --network prater to the launch command.For Nimbus: add --network=prater to the launch command.For Prysm: add --prater to the launch command.For Teku: add --network=prater to the launch command.For Lodestar: prefix the launch command with LODESTAR_NETWORK=goerli Check the next section to learn how to get some test ETH on Goerli, which you'll need to test Rocket Pool out.
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Getting Test ETH on Goerli
To use the Rocket Pool test network, you'll need ETH on Goerli. Luckily, you can get this for free using a faucet - an automated service that will provide you with Goerli ETH to test with. NOTEYou will need to provide an Ethereum address in order to receive test ETH.If you are just trying to stake your ETH normally and receive rETH, please review the Staking Guide before getting Goerli ETH. You will be prompted to return here at the appropriate step.If you are planning to run a node, please go through the Node Operator Guide to set up a node and create a new wallet first. You will be prompted to return here at the appropriate step. Rocket Pool provides a faucet in its Discord server. Join the server and head to the #support channel. Here, you can ask the support team for testnet ETH. You will need to provide the users there with your node address, and they will provide you with ETH. NOTEThe testnet faucet bot is no longer directly accessible to the public due to previous abuse. It is only available to people in the support team with explicit access permission. Simply state your intentions, and someone with faucet permissions will assist you. If you aren't planning to register a node and just want some ETH to test staking to receive rETH, or if you are planning to register a node but haven't yet, type the following command in the channel: !goerliEth <your goerli address> without the angle brackets. If your wallet doesn't have any ETH already, the bot will send your wallet 1 ETH to test with. If you are planning to run a node, do the following: !nodeOperator <your goerli address> In order to use !nodeOperator, the address you provide it must be a registered Rocket Pool node. Therefore, you must follow these 3 steps in that order. NOTETo prevent abuse, there is a cooldown timer on sending messages in the faucet channel. Therefore, there will be a delay between when you can run the !goerliEth and !nodeOperator commands. If you want to bypass this, you can always ask for help - someone who has a cooldown available will likely be able to run the command for you.
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Getting Test RPL on Goerli
If you're testing out node operation, you'll need some test RPL in addition to test ETH. To get this, you'll need to use the Smartnode stack's command line interface (CLI) tool. You'll want to set up the Smartnode stack following the Node Operator's guide before collecting RPL from the faucet. Once your Smartnode CLI is installed and you have a wallet assigned to your node, you can access the built-in RPL faucet. Use the following command to check on its status: rocketpool faucet status The output will look like this: The faucet has a balance of 1999400.000000 RPL. You can withdraw 600.000000 RPL (requires a 0.500000 GoETH fee)! Allowances reset in 26585 blocks. The faucet is on a timer, so each node operator can only use the faucet once every 4 or 5 days. The faucet balance indicates how much RPL is still available.The withdraw amount shows how much RPL you can receive from the faucet during the current cycle. If you already used the faucet, this line will change to let you know that you can't use it again this cycle.The reset timer shows how long (in blocks) it is until the next cycle, at which point you can use the faucet again. The amount of time remaining (in seconds) is approximately this number * 13 seconds per block / 60 seconds. NOTEThe RPL faucet charges a 0.5 goerli ETH fee to use it, in order to prevent people from abusing the system. You'll need to have at least this amount in your node wallet already in order to use it! When you're ready to receive RPL from the faucet, use the following command: rocketpool faucet withdraw-rpl After a short wait, you'll see the following output: Successfully withdrew 600.000000 RPL from the faucet. This will provide you with 600 of the legacy (v1) RPL token, which is analogous to the original RPL token on mainnet. Rocket Pool uses a new (v2) RPL token which supports the inflation used to reward node operators. To learn how to swap legacy RPL for new RPL, follow the steps in the Creating a Minipool (ETH2 Validator) guide.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
Migrating from the Test Network to Mainnet
If you've already used Rocket Pool on our Prater test network, are comfortable with its ins and out, and are ready to either stake ETH or run a node for real on the main Ethereum chain, then this guide is for you! Here you will find instructions on how to migrate an existing Smartnode stack from the Prater test network to one connected to the Ethereum mainnet, ready for staking your own real ETH and RPL.
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Pool Staking on Mainnet
Pool staking is largely the same process on mainnet as it was on the testnet. The URL will be different and the address of the rETH token may be different, but there are no significant changes to the workflow. Follow the Staking Guide, which has been updated with instructions for mainnet.
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Differences Between the Testnet and Mainnet
The testnet Smartnode has a faucet for test ETH. The mainnet Smartnode does not have a faucet. You will need to supply your own ETH in order to stake.Mainnet supports many Ethereum wallets via WalletConnect, so you can use other wallets that you could not use on the testnet. You are no longer restricted to using Metamask in order to stake.
19:09:23hrs 10-06-2023
Smartnode Operation on Mainnet
NOTENothing from the test network can be migrated to mainnet. The chain data is different for both Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2), so you must remove the old chain data and resync the mainnet chains from scratch. Your validators on the testnet do not carry over to mainnet. Also, for security, compatibility, and safety purposes, you must make a new wallet on mainnet!Do not use your testnet node wallet on mainnet!The following steps will delete all of your testnet data. If you want to preserve your test network setup, you should back up your hard drive or move it to a second machine.
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Differences Between the Testnet and Mainnet
The testnet Smartnode has a faucet for ETH and RPL. The mainnet Smartnode does not have a faucet. You will need to supply your own ETH and your own RPL.If you are using Geth, your node's workload will be considerabily higher. Geth takes approximately 20x the storage space of Goerli (400 GB as of 2021-09-05), and requires more CPU power and RAM to process. If you're using the Rocket Pool Grafana dashboard, be prepared to see much higher usage.Your Beacon Chain peers (and thus, your attestation effectiveness) will be higher than the testnet. Peers on mainnet are much more diverse and tend to be higher quality than on the testnet.The RPL rewards checkpoint occurs every 28 days instead of every 3 days, to help offset high gas costs.The RPL price used by the Rocket Pool network (and thus, your collateral level) along with the total effective staked RPL across the network are reported once every 24 hours instead of once every hour.
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Automatic Migration (Docker Mode Only)
For Docker Mode users, the Smartnode can migrate to Mainnet for you automatically. While you still have the testnet configured, exit your validators on Prater: rocketpool minipool exit Select 1: All available minipools from the list of choices and wait for it to complete. This will help clean up the network by removing your validators instead of leaving them to constantly fail attestations and weaken Prater's health (since they're no longer online). Once that's done, open the Settings Manager: rocketpool service config Next, open the Smartnode and TX Fees category and change the Network drop down from Prater Testnet to Ethereum Mainnet: When you save and exit, you will be prompted with a notification that everything is about to be erased and a confirmation dialog: WARNING: You have requested to change networks. All of your existing chain data, your node wallet, and your validator keys will be removed. Please confirm you have backed up everything you want to keep, because it will be deleted if you answer `y` to the prompt below. Would you like the Smartnode to automatically switch networks for you? This will destroy and rebuild your `data` folder and all of Rocket Pool's Docker containers. [y/n] Back up anything you want to keep (such as your data folder which contains your node wallet and validator keys), then press y and Enter when you're ready. The Smartnode will handle switching over automatically. When it's done, you will be left with a fresh install on Mainnet. All of your settings (such as client choice) will be preserved, but you will need to create a new wallet. Also, you likely will not have a Checkpoint Sync URL on mainnet and should set one up as explained here; otherwise it will take a long time to sync the mainnet beacon chain.
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Migrating Manually
If for any reason you cannot leverage the Smartnode's automatic migration process, you can do it manually in a few simple steps: Docker ModeNative ModeWhile you still have the testnet configured, exit your validators on Prater:rocketpool minipool exitSelect 1: All available minipools from the list of choices and wait for it to complete. This will help clean up the network by removing your validators instead of leaving them to constantly fail attestations and weaken Prater's health (since they're no longer online).Shut down the testnet:rocketpool service stopDelete your testnet chain data and Docker containers:rocketpool service terminateDelete your Rocket Pool configuration folder:sudo rm -rf ~/.rocketpool(Optional) Delete your Rocket Pool CLI:rm ~/bin/rocketpoolYou will overwrite this with the latest version of the CLI anyway, but if you want to be thorough, you can remove the old one first.At this point your testnet installation has been purged, and you can safely migrate to a new mainnet installation. Follow the Creating Node with Docker guide carefully to set it up.
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The Rocket Pool Oracle DAO
NOTEThis documentation only applies to members of Rocket Pool's Oracle DAO. If you have not been explicitly invited to the Oracle DAO and just intend to run a regular Rocket Pool node, this section of the guide does not apply to you. You can safely ignore it, but are welcome to read it if you are interested. The Oracle DAO is the group of special Rocket Pool nodes that are responsible for the administrative duties required by the protocol that cannot be achieved by Smart Contracts due to technical limitations. They are essentially the same as normal Rocket Pool nodes; they use the same tools, can be configured with the same methods, and can even run regular minipools, but they come with supplemental tasks that they perform. This includes things such as: Shuttling information from the Beacon Chain to the Execution Layer, including validator status and balancesEnsuring minipools are creating using validator public keys that aren't already in use, and have the proper withdrawal credentials so the protocol can safely fund themConstructing the rewards Merkle tree at the end of each rewards period and uploading it to IPFS for other node operators to accessMonitoring proposals for compliance with Rocket Pool's fee recipient requirementsProposing and voting on modifications to the core protocol, including changing parameters and approving contract upgradesProposing and voting on the Oracle DAO roster, including inviting and removing other Oracle DAO members As a reward for fulfilling these duties, the Oracle DAO is collectively given 15% of the total RPL inflation produced at each rewards period, divided evenly among its members. Unlike normal Rocket Pool nodes, which can be created and run permissionlessly by anyone, membership in the Oracle DAO is invite only by existing members. If you have recently been invited to join the Oracle DAO, this section of the guide will help you understand your role, get your node set up, and ensure that it stays healthy.
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To run an Oracle DAO node, you will require the following: Access to an Execution Client's RPC endpoint. This can be a locally-run client, as is the case with most Rocket Pool nodes, or it can link to external clients that you or your organization maintain independently.Access to an Archive-Mode Execution Client, which can either act as your primary client or a supplementary (fallback) client. It will only be used in rare circumstances where duties require your node to recall an Execution Layer state that has been pruned from your Execution Client. Nevertheless, it is critical that you have access to an Archive Node during these periods to ensure your duties are able to be fulfilled successfully. We strongly recommend you use an on-premises archive node for this, as services such as Infura or Alchemy have shown some difficulty in keeping up with demand during critical periods such as constructing the rewards tree.Access to an Archive-Mode Beacon Node's REST API endpoint (via HTTP). This can be a locally-run client, as is the case with most Rocket Pool nodes, or it can link to external clients that you or your organization maintain independently.The standard Smartnode CLI.The Smartnode daemon configured and running in watchtower mode (this is included with the standard Smartnode bundle for all users, but only actively performs duties for Oracle DAO nodes). This can be run in a Docker container (standard setup) or as a simple systemd service ("Native" mode).Enough ETH to pay for the gas costs of your duties (discussed later).A account, used for submitting the generated rewards tree artifacts to their IPFS pinning service. NOTEIf you simply cannot run an on-premises archive node and must rely on a third-party service, consider the following:If you plan to use Infura for your Archive Mode fallback, you must have at least the Team plan. The free tier and the Developer tier are not sufficient.If you plan to use Alchemy, you must have at least the Growth plan. The free tier is not sufficient.
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Oracle DAO duties are split into two parts. Read the next section to learn how to set up your Oracle DAO node.
19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023
Setting up an Oracle DAO Node
At a bare minimum, a standard Rocket Pool node runs the following: The Smartnode CLIThe Smartnode API daemonThe Smartnode node daemonThe Smartnode watchtower daemon Optionally, the node can also run the following components: An Execution ClientA Beacon NodeA Validator ClientMEV-BoostPrometheusThe Prometheus Node ExporterGrafana Each of these components can be run as Docker containers in the standard setup, as systemd services in the "Native Mode" setup, or run as externally-managed entities that the Smartnode can connect to via their respective API routes. Conveniently, Oracle DAO nodes are the same as normal Rocket Pool nodes, but the watchtower daemon performs the supplemental Oracle DAO duties and there are more Prometheus metrics collected for performance monitoring purposes.
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Initial Node Setup
The best way to start is by following the standard setup instructions for a normal Rocket Pool node. That process will help you determine how you'd like to configure and run your node. If you would like to run minipools (validators) on your node, please follow the normal node documentation from start to finish and return here when you're done. If you do not intend to run minipools and instead will use it purely for Oracle DAO duties, you can skip all of the steps relating to staking RPL and minipool creation. The other steps such as node registration, establishing a good security posture, monitoring the node's health and performance, and updating the Smartnode after an update all still apply to you and you should review them carefully before proceeding. Return here when you've finished.
19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023
Additional Oracle DAO Configuration
There are two additional settings you need to provision in order to satisfy your Oracle DAO responsibilities. Please select the mode you use to configure your node below from the tabs below. [service config] Interactive UI[service config] HeadlesslyDirect Config File
19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023
Oracle DAO Smartnode Commands
The Smartnode CLI's odao command group is used to interact with the Oracle DAO contracts and duties on-chain: NAME: rocketpool odao - Manage the Rocket Pool oracle DAO USAGE: rocketpool odao command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: status, s Get oracle DAO status members, m Get the oracle DAO members member-settings, b Get the oracle DAO settings related to oracle DAO members proposal-settings, a Get the oracle DAO settings related to oracle DAO proposals minipool-settings, i Get the oracle DAO settings related to minipools propose, p Make an oracle DAO proposal proposals, o Manage oracle DAO proposals join, j Join the oracle DAO (requires an executed invite proposal) leave, l Leave the oracle DAO (requires an executed leave proposal) OPTIONS: --help, -h show help
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The status command simply summarizes a few details about the Oracle DAO such as member count and proposal count: The node is a member of the oracle DAO - it can create unbonded minipools, vote on DAO proposals and perform watchtower duties. There are currently 8 member(s) in the oracle DAO. There are 29 oracle DAO proposal(s) in total: - 22 proposal(s) have passed and been executed - 7 proposal(s) were cancelled, defeated, or have expired
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The members command prints detailed information about each member of the Oracle DAO, including their handle, their contact information, their node address, their RPL bond, and the last time they submitted a proposal for voting: The oracle DAO has 8 members: -------------------- Member ID: kermit-2 URL: Node address: 0x04ddB06D1429578691F630B67A53916445DA38bE Joined at: 31 Jul 21 23:32 EDT Last proposal: 27 Sep 22 21:18 EDT RPL bond amount: 5000.000000 Unbonded minipools: 0 ...
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member-settings shows the current values for each of the configurable parameters related to Oracle DAO membership: ODAO Voting Quorum Threshold: 51.000000% Required Member RPL Bond: 1750.000000 RPL Max Number of Unbonded Minipools: 250 Consecutive Challenge Cooldown: 300 Blocks Challenge Meeting Window: 900 Blocks Cost for Non-members to Challenge Members: 1.000000 ETH This command is described in more detail in the Oracle DAO Proposals section.
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proposal-settings shows the current values for each of the configurable parameters related to proposals that the Oracle DAO can vote on: Cooldown Between Proposals: 1h0m0s Proposal Voting Window: 168h0m0s Delay Before Voting on a Proposal is Allowed: 15m0s Window to Execute an Accepted Proposal: 168h0m0s Window to Act on an Executed Proposal: 168h0m0s This command is described in more detail in the Oracle DAO Proposals section.
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minipool-settings shows the current values for each of the configurable parameters related to minipools on the Rocket Pool network: Scrub Period: 1h0m0s
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The propose command is used to submit governance proposals that the rest of the Oracle DAO can vote on. These can involve changing a setting or modifying the Oracle DAO members (i.e., inviting or kicking other members). This command is described in more detail in the Oracle DAO Proposals section.
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The proposals command is used to interact with existing Oracle DAO governance proposals. It can view them, rescind proposals that you made, vote on them, and execute them (if applicable) causing them to take effect after they have been approved by the other members: NAME: rocketpool odao proposals - Manage oracle DAO proposals USAGE: rocketpool odao proposals command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: list, l List the oracle DAO proposals details, d View proposal details cancel, c Cancel a proposal made by the node vote, v Vote on a proposal execute, x Execute a proposal OPTIONS: --help, -h show help This command is described in more detail in the Oracle DAO Proposals section.
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join / leave
The join and leave commands are used to join the Oracle DAO once you've been invited, or leave the Oracle DAO once the other members have approved your resignation request.
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Joining the Oracle DAO
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The RPL Bond
In order to join the Oracle DAO, your node wallet will need enough RPL in it to cover the required membership bond. This will be locked in Rocket Pool's vault as part of the joining process. The exact amount of RPL required for the bond will be determined at the time of your invitation, and will be communicated to you by the other Oracle DAO members prior to onboarding you. NOTEUnlike all other ETH and RPL rewards, the RPL bond is not sent to your node's withdrawal address upon exiting the Oracle DAO. It is sent back to your node wallet itself. Consider this as extra incentive to protect your node wallet from compromise.
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Accepting an Invitation
Once your node is set up and you have been invited to join the Oracle DAO by the existing members, you can use the rocketpool odao join command to accept the invitation. This will involve two transactions: One to lock the RPL required for your bondOne to join the Oracle DAO when the bond has been received Once you've joined, your watchtower daemon will automatically begin performing its required duties. You can verify this by looking at its logs (e.g. rocketpool service logs watchtower for standard Docker-based installations); the watchtower performs its loop of duties every 4 to 6 minutes, and you will notice a distinct change in its output once you've joined the Oracle DAO.
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Next Steps
Now that you've joined the Oracle DAO, take a look at the next section to learn how to test your node in this role.
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Testing your Oracle DAO Node
Once your node is set up and you've joined the Oracle DAO, you should test it to ensure it's able to perform its duties properly. The best way to do this is to have it build the Redstone rewards Merkle tree using Rocket Pool's treegen utility.
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treegen is a tool that can reproduce the entire rewards Merkle tree and accompanying artifacts for a previous rewards interval via your archive Execution and Consensus clients. It can also "dry run" the current interval by pretending that it ended at the latest finalized epoch (at the time of running it) and producing a partial tree from the start of the interval up to that point. TIPFor more information on the rewards tree itself and accompanying files, please visit the formal specification. treegen can be used as a standalone binary (currently only built for Linux systems, x64 and arm64) or as a Docker container. If you would like to download the standalone binary, you can find it in the releases here: Usage instructions are included in the README there, but we'll cover some examples below as well. The Docker container tag for it is rocketpool/treegen:latest.
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Building a Dry-Run Tree
For a first test, run treegen to generate a dry-run tree that calculates the tree from the start of the rewards interval to the latest (finalized) slot. We'll use the script included in the repository that leverages the Docker container to run it on the node machine itself for simplicity: ./ -e http://localhost:8545 -b http://localhost:5052 NOTENote that this particular configuration requires you to expose the Execution Client and Beacon Node APIs through the Docker configuration - ensure you have both options enabled in the rocketpool service config TUI. This will test your clients' abilities to respond to queries in a timely fashion (e.g., if you are using a third-party service, this will be helpful to assess whether or not its query rate-limit is insufficient), but will not test their Archive Mode capabilities. It will produce output like the following: 2022/11/06 12:11:37 Beacon node is configured for Mainnet. 2022/11/06 12:11:37 Generating a dry-run tree for the current interval (3) 2022/11/06 12:11:37 Snapshot Beacon block = 5077503, EL block = 15912334, running from 2022-10-27 01:35:39 -0400 EDT to 2022-11-06 12:11:37.672755513 -0500 EST m=+0.049901525 2022/11/06 12:11:38 Creating tree for 1684 nodes 2022/11/06 12:11:38 Pending RPL rewards: 27807066876373932561121 (27807.067) 2022/11/06 12:11:38 Total collateral RPL rewards: 19464946813461752792784 (19464.947) 2022/11/06 12:11:47 Calculated rewards: 19464946813461752792026 (error = 758 wei) 2022/11/06 12:11:47 Total Oracle DAO RPL rewards: 4171060031456089884168 (4171.060) 2022/11/06 12:11:47 Calculated rewards: 4171060031456089884168 (error = 0 wei) 2022/11/06 12:11:47 Expected Protocol DAO rewards: 4171060031456089884168 (4171.060) 2022/11/06 12:11:47 Actual Protocol DAO rewards: 4171060031456089884927 to account for truncation 2022/11/06 12:11:47 Smoothing Pool Balance: 62781809204406327225 (62.782) 2022/11/06 12:11:55 1229 / 1684 nodes were eligible for Smoothing Pool rewards 2022/11/06 12:12:03 Checking participation of 4364 minipools for epochs 156315 to 158671 2022/11/06 12:12:03 NOTE: this will take a long time, progress is reported every 100 epochs 2022/11/06 12:13:48 On Epoch 156415 of 158671 (4.24%)... (1m44.577189073s so far) ... 2022/11/06 12:49:55 On Epoch 158615 of 158671 (97.62%)... (37m51.785456663s so far) 2022/11/06 12:50:51 Finished participation check (total time = 38m47.979633935s) 2022/11/06 12:50:51 Pool staker ETH: 26638263090669169632 (26.638) 2022/11/06 12:50:51 Node Op ETH: 36143546113737157593 (36.144) 2022/11/06 12:50:51 Calculated NO ETH: 36143546113737155125 (error = 2468 wei) 2022/11/06 12:50:51 Adjusting pool staker ETH to 26638263090669172100 to account for truncation 2022/11/06 12:50:52 Saved minipool performance file to rp-minipool-performance-mainnet-3.json 2022/11/06 12:50:52 Generation complete! Saving tree... 2022/11/06 12:50:52 Saved rewards snapshot file to rp-rewards-mainnet-3.json 2022/11/06 12:50:52 Successfully generated rewards snapshot for interval 3. If this runs without error, it will generate the rewards tree artifacts and save them as JSON files in your working directory. You are free to explore them and ensure their contents are sane, but as they are dry-run files, they aren't canonically stored anywhere for comparison.
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Building a Canonical Tree from a Past Interval
This next test is to replicate one of the complete trees from a past interval. This will require archival access on both the Execution Layer and the Consensus Layer, so it will serve as a good test of both capabilities. As of this writing, Interval 2 is an ideal choice as it is far in the past () and involved the Smoothing Pool (which accounts for the largest computational load when calculating the rewards for the period). Run treegen using the following command: ./ -e http://<your archive EC url> -b http://localhost:5052 -i 2 Note that the Execution Client URL is different here: it must be an Archive EC as the snapshot block for Interval 2 was far in the past. NOTEDepending on your client configuration, building this tree can take hours. The Smartnode will give you status indicators about its progress along the way, as you can see in the example below. The output will look like this (truncated for previty): 2022/11/07 23:44:34 Beacon node is configured for Mainnet. 2022/11/07 23:44:36 Found rewards submission event: Beacon block 5002079, execution block 15837359 2022/11/07 23:46:25 Creating tree for 1659 nodes 2022/11/07 23:46:26 Pending RPL rewards: 70597400644162994104151 (70597.401) 2022/11/07 23:46:26 Approx. total collateral RPL rewards: 49418180450914095872905 (49418.180) 2022/11/07 23:46:26 Calculating true total collateral rewards (progress is reported every 100 nodes) 2022/11/07 23:47:06 On Node 100 of 1659 (6.03%)... (40.134456319s so far) ... 2022/11/07 23:57:41 On Node 1600 of 1659 (96.44%)... (11m14.880994468s so far) 2022/11/07 23:58:03 Calculating individual collateral rewards (progress is reported every 100 nodes) 2022/11/07 23:58:14 On Node 100 of 1659 (6.03%)... (11.421791885s so far) ... 2022/11/08 00:01:20 On Node 1600 of 1659 (96.44%)... (3m16.598462676s so far) 2022/11/08 00:01:26 Calculated rewards: 49418180450914095872087 (error = 818 wei) 2022/11/08 00:01:26 Total Oracle DAO RPL rewards: 10589610096624449115622 (10589.610) 2022/11/08 00:01:30 Calculated rewards: 10589610096624449115610 (error = 12 wei) 2022/11/08 00:01:30 Expected Protocol DAO rewards: 10589610096624449115622 (10589.610) 2022/11/08 00:01:30 Actual Protocol DAO rewards: 10589610096624449116454 to account for truncation 2022/11/08 00:01:30 Smoothing Pool Balance: 209598268075128756591 (209.598) 2022/11/08 00:04:20 On Node 104 of 1659 (6.27%)... (2m49.443336528s so far) ... 2022/11/08 00:27:33 On Node 1664 of 1659 (99.70%)... (27m28.373343345s so far) 2022/11/07 16:40:36 1197 / 1659 nodes were eligible for Smoothing Pool rewards 2022/11/07 16:45:45 Checking participation of 4308 minipools for epochs 150015 to 156314 2022/11/07 16:45:45 NOTE: this will take a long time, progress is reported every 100 epochs 2022/11/07 16:47:24 On Epoch 150115 of 156314 (1.59%)... (1m38.552513232s so far) ... 2022/11/07 18:24:31 On Epoch 156215 of 156314 (98.43%)... (1h38m46.325518238s so far) 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Finished participation check (total time = 1h40m24.47206731s) 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Pool staker ETH: 88931841842952006598 (88.932) 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Node Op ETH: 120666426232176749993 (120.666) 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Calculated NO ETH: 120666426232176747457 (error = 2536 wei) 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Adjusting pool staker ETH to 88931841842952009134 to account for truncation 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Finished in 2h36m3.709234237s 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Your Merkle tree's root of 0x278fd75797e2a9eddc128c0199b448877e30d1196c12306bdc95fb731647c18f matches the canonical root! You will be able to use this file for claiming rewards. 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Saving JSON files... 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Saved minipool performance file to rp-minipool-performance-mainnet-2.json 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Saved rewards snapshot file to rp-rewards-mainnet-2.json 2022/11/07 18:26:10 Successfully generated rewards snapshot for interval 2. The key thing to look for here is this message at the end: Your Merkle tree's root of 0x278fd75797e2a9eddc128c0199b448877e30d1196c12306bdc95fb731647c18f matches the canonical root! You will be able to use this file for claiming rewards. If you receive this, then your watchtower can build the tree correctly. NOTEWhile this proves you can build the tree, you must ensure your Web3.Storage API token has been entered into the Smartnode's configuration so it can upload the resulting tree to IPFS.
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Next Steps
Next up, we'll cover how to monitor your node's performance.
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Monitoring your Oracle DAO Node
Once your node is up and running, it's important that you regularly monitor its health to ensure that it's correctly performing its automated duties. Doing so involves the following: Monitoring the health of your physical (or virtual) system at the OS levelMonitoring the health of your Execution and/or Consensus clients (if you run local clients)Ensuring your node is regularly submitting the required transactions to the chain for status updatesEnsuring you have a sufficient ETH balance in your node wallet to execute those transactionsRoutinely applying updates to the Smartnode, your clients (if applicable), and your Operating SystemMonitoring the health of the other Oracle DAO members, and communicating with them if you believe their node(s) are not functioning properlyS In this section, we'll describe a few examples of how to do these via the Smartnode's built-in Grafana support.
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The Standard Rocket Pool Dashboard
The Smartnode provides a convenient dashboard that allows you to monitor many of the metrics listed above. There is one dashboard for each Consensus Client. Below is an example of the dashboard for Nimbus: Your machine's hardware health is captured in the upper-left quadrant.Your Execution client is functioning properly if the Network Stats in the lower-left quadrant are being populated.Your Consensus client is functioning properly if the peer count in the upper-right quadrant is updating with a non-zero number; the exact number depends on your choice of client and your network configuration.Your node's ETH balance is displayed in the table at the bottom right.Any Operating System updates or Smartnode updates are presented in the Available Updates box in the top-middle panel. NOTEOperating System and Smartnode updates require the update tracker, which you can install via rocketpool service install-update-tracker. For information on how to prepare the metrics system and the Smartnode dashboard, please visit the Monitoring your Node's Performance and the Setting up the Grafana Dashboard pages of the Smartnode documentation.
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The Oracle DAO Dashboard
We have also constructed a simple dashboard specifically tailored towards Oracle DAO members: This dashboard that tracks the following: The status of the Oracle DAO proposals that need to be voted on or executed (more details on these in the next section)The history of submissions for price and balance updates*The ETH balances of each Oracle DAO node *Note that price and balance submission currently requires a quorum of 51% of nodes to agree on each one, at which point the submission is canonized. Submissions from other members will revert as they are no longer required, so if your node does not submit for a given interval, it doesn't mean that it's offline. You should be concerned if you miss more than 5 consecutive intervals in a row, and should check your watchtower daemon logs to verify there aren't any issues. Enabling this dashboard is a two-step process. First, enable Oracle DAO metrics in the Metrics section of the rocketpool service config editor: If you are running in Docker or Hybrid mode, this will restart your node daemon to apply the changes. If you are running in Native mode, please restart the node service manually. Second, import the Oracle DAO dashboard from Grafana Labs (ID 15003) into your node's local Grafana server.
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Checking the Logs
If you or one of the other Oracle DAO members has expressed concern with your node, the first line of defense is to look at the watchtower daemon logs using (for Docker and Hybrid mode) the following command: rocketpool service logs watchtower This will show the docker logs for the watchtower container, truncating to the last hundred lines or so. To go further back, you can use the -t flag to indicate the number of lines. For example: rocketpool service logs watchtower -t 2000 will show the last 2000 lines. As this will get cluttered very fast, you may want to pipe this into a utility like less so it is scrollable.
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Next Steps
In the next section, we'll cover the duties that you must perform manually as an Oracle DAO member.
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Oracle DAO Proposals
As a reminder, there are two types of Oracle DAO duties: Proposals form the core of your responsibities outside of the automated watchtower duties. Essentially, they work as follows: The collective Oracle DAO should discuss an upcoming proposal extensively ahead of time, so each member is aware of it and understands what that proposal will entail.An Oracle DAO member then creates the proposal via an on-chain transaction.The proposal will then enter a wait period before voting can begin to have further discussion and form their opinion on it. This is currently 7 days on Mainnet.After the wait period is over, members can vote on the proposal via a simple yes-or-no vote.When a quorum of 51% of the Oracle DAO members has voted the same way, the vote is concluded. If 51% agreed to the proposal, it will be able to be executed. Any member can execute the proposal once it is approved.Execution refers to formally triggering the change on-chain, thus modifying the state of the core Rocket Pool contracts.
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Making a Proposal
Once you make a proposal, it will enter a review period where the other members can see it and discuss it, but will not be able to vote on it. At the time of writing, this is currently 7 days. After the review period, there will be a voting period where members can vote either for the proposal, or against it. At the time of writing, this is currently 14 days. If the proposal reaches quorum before it expires (that is, if enough members vote in favor of it to reach consensus), it will be passed. Quorum is a configurable parameter by the Oracle DAO; it is currently set to at least 51% of the total member pool. Once a vote is passed, it can be executed which causes its changes to go into effect. At the time of writing, the execution is 14 days after the proposal was passed. The process for making a new proposal depends on the type of proposal you want to make. Select a type from the tabs below. Oracle DAO Member ListOracle DAO ParametersContract UpgradesTo propose modifying the list of Oracle DAO members, use the rocketpool odao propose member command which provides the following options:NAME: rocketpool odao propose member - Make an oracle DAO member proposal USAGE: rocketpool odao propose member command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: invite, i Propose inviting a new member leave, l Propose leaving the oracle DAO kick, k Propose kicking a member OPTIONS: --help, -h show helpinvite ​Inviting a member is done via rocketpool odao propose member invite which will take 3 additional arguments:The node address to invite (must be a registered Rocket Pool node)The name / label for this nodeThe URL or contact info for the user or organization running the nodeFor example: to invite a new member, run rocketpool odao propose member invite 0xabcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234 some-user [email protected].kick ​Kicking a member out of the Oracle DAO is done via the rocketpool odao propose member kick command. It will ask you to select which member you want to kick, and issue an optional fine (from 0 RPL up to the bonded RPL amount, currently 1750 RPL). This fine, if provided, will burn part of (or all of) the member's RPL bond if the Oracle DAO votes to kick that member.leave ​If you would like to voluntarily resign from the Oracle DAO, use the rocketpool odao propose member leave command. This will create a new proposal so the other members can vote on whether or not to approve your resignation.:::::
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Inviting a member is done via rocketpool odao propose member invite which will take 3 additional arguments: The node address to invite (must be a registered Rocket Pool node)The name / label for this nodeThe URL or contact info for the user or organization running the node For example: to invite a new member, run rocketpool odao propose member invite 0xabcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234 some-user [email protected].
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Kicking a member out of the Oracle DAO is done via the rocketpool odao propose member kick command. It will ask you to select which member you want to kick, and issue an optional fine (from 0 RPL up to the bonded RPL amount, currently 1750 RPL). This fine, if provided, will burn part of (or all of) the member's RPL bond if the Oracle DAO votes to kick that member.
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If you would like to voluntarily resign from the Oracle DAO, use the rocketpool odao propose member leave command. This will create a new proposal so the other members can vote on whether or not to approve your resignation. :::::
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Viewing Proposals
To view a brief summary of all of the proposals in the protocol's history, use rocketpool odao proposals list. This will sort the proposals by their status and show who proposed it and what it does. To view the details of a specific proposal, use rocketpool odao proposals details <value> where <value> is the ID of the proposal you would like to view. This will show a comprehensive breakdown of the proposal's information including who created it, when it was created, the payload body, how many members voted in favor of it, how many members voted against it, and whether or not your node has voted on it yet.
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Voting on Proposals
To vote on a proposal, use the following command: rocketpool odao proposals vote This will provide you with an interactive dialog asking which proposal you would like to vote on, and whether you would like to vote in favor of it or against it. Follow the prompts carefully to complete the vote.
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Executing Proposals
When a proposal has received enough votes in favor of it to reach quorum, any member of the Oracle DAO can then execute the proposal (apply its changes) using the following command: rocketpool odao proposals execute This will provide you with an interactive dialog asking which proposal you would like to execute. Follow the prompts carefully to complete the execution.
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Upgrading to Smartnode v1.3.x
Version 1.3.0 of the Smartnode stack brings some important changes that users should be aware of. They are designed to significantly improve your node operator experience and address many of the features that our users have requested since Rocket Pool's launch. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of migrating from an older version of the Smartnode from an older version to v1.3.x and beyond.
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Configuration File Changes
v1.3.0 introduces some significant changes in the way the Smartnode's configuration is managed. If you've manually modified the Smartnode configuration before, you should be aware of the following changes: The config.yml file has been removed. All of its information is now baked directly into the Smartnode stack, so users can no longer accidentally modify the file in a way that prevented the Smartnode from working properly.All of the user-configurable parameters that were previously part of it are now settings in the new service config Terminal UI.The settings.yml file has been replaced with a new file called user-settings.yml. This contains all of your settings for every user-configurable portion of the Smartnode.This file is not meant to be modified directly. Modification should be done through the new service config Terminal UI instead.The chains folder has been removed. The scripts for launching the Execution Client (ETH1), the Beacon Node, and the Validator Client now reside in the scripts folder.The docker-compose YAML files have been removed. Each container now gets its own file in the templates folder. Upon rocketpool service start, these templates are filled out with your settings and put into the runtime folder automatically.Modifying the templates or runtime files is not recommended. Instead, fill in your container customizations using the override files for each container in the override folder. These files will overwrite the Docker files in runtime, so you are free to customize them as you see fit.The files in override will persist upon Smartnode upgrades and reinstallation so you only need to create them once.If you are interested in modifying the docker-compose files via this override mechanic, please see this section
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Installing the New Version
Installing the new version should feel very familiar. Start by stopping the services and downloading the new CLI as usual: Docker or Hybrid ModeNative ModeStop the Rocket Pool services:rocketpool service stopDownload the new Smartnode CLI for your system (choose from the tabs below):Linux x64Linux arm64macOS x64macOS arm64For x64 systems (most normal machines):shellwget -O ~/bin/rocketpoolNow run the install command:rocketpool service install -dThe -d flag tells it to ignore system dependencies like Docker, since you already have them.NOTEAs of v1.3.0, you no longer have to specify which network you want to install for! The new Smartnode will know which network you're already using, and it will let you change your network dynamically using the new Terminal UI. After the installation, all of your old configuration files will be moved to a folder named old_config_backup in your Smartnode directory (by default ~/.rocketpool/old_config_backup). You can find them there if you ever need to refer to them for any reason. If you are looking for instructions on reverting to v1.2.4 from this backup, please scroll to the Reverting to Your Previous Configuration section at the end of this page.
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Configuring the Smartnode with the Terminal UI
Now that you have the new CLI and package installed, all of your previous settings have been preserved and migrated to the new system. In the next step, you should run rocketpool service config. This will look quite different compared to previous versions of this function; v1.3.0 introduces the Terminal UI: a terminal-based dynamic user interface for configuring your Smartnode. You must run it before starting the Docker containers after the migration process to view the configuration, verify that all of your changes were migrated successfully, and update any other settings that you desire. When you first run it, you will be prompted with this greeting screen (if you were using Docker or Hybrid mode): NOTENative Mode users will see this screen with slightly different wording, which states the Smartnode is operating in Native mode. The TUI will begin with the Wizard, which allows you to quickly and easily change the most important parameters of the Smartnode (such as client mode and selection). All of your previous settings should already be highlighted as you traverse through each page of the wizard so you don't have to remember what your previous configuration was off the top of your head. NOTEFor a detailed walkthrough of this Wizard, please visit the following pages:For Docker Mode, please visit the new Docker configuration guide.Hybrid Mode users: Hybrid Mode is now a first-class feature of the Smartnode and configuring it is much easier than it used to be. Please visit the new Docker configuration guide and follow it. When you are prompted to choose an Execution client mode and Consensus client mode, choose Externally Managed for them accordingly.For Native Mode, please visit the new Native configuration guide. Navigate through this wizard and confirm that all of your settings are correct. Once you are done, you will have the option of reviewing all of the settings before saving if you desire. This includes settings that the Wizard didn't cover, such as the RPL claim gas threshold or your max number of Geth peers as examples. The main settings screen, which you should also look at to confirm your previous settings, will look like this (for Docker and Hybrid mode users): NOTENative Mode users will see a slightly different screen that is unique to Native mode and only presents the settings that are relevant for it. Feel free to explore this new UI and adjust any settings you see fit. Use the Arrow Keys to navigate, and press Enter to enter a category or confirm any changes to a setting that you make. Press Esc when you're finished editing a category to return to this home screen. When you're ready to save your changes and start the Smartnode stack, simply press Tab to move down to the buttons at the bottom of the screen, select Review Changes and Save (by making it green via the arrow keys). Press Enter to be brought to the Review Page, where you can see everything you've changed since the last time you ran rocketpool service config. Confirm all of your change are present, and then press Enter again to save them. The screen will show you which containers need to be restarted for the changes to apply, though since you're migrating, you've already turned the containers off and they will all be restarted anyway.
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Starting the Smartnode Stack
Once you've saved your configuration, the terminal will ask if you want to restart the containers automatically (unless you're using Native mode). If you do not / cannot allow them to start automatically, you can start them up manually with the following commands: Docker or Hybrid ModeNative Moderocketpool service start Once they're up, you can verify that everything is working as intended. Use the rocketpool service version command to check that you have the correct version of the Smartnode and client containers: $ rocketpool service version Your Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network. Rocket Pool client version: 1.3.0-rc1 Rocket Pool service version: 1.3.0-rc1 Selected Eth 1.0 client: Geth (Locally managed) Image: ethereum/client-go:v1.10.16 Selected Eth 2.0 client: Nimbus (Locally managed) Image: statusim/nimbus-eth2:multiarch-v22.3.0 Use the rocketpool service logs eth1 and rocketpool service logs eth2 commands to watch the logs for your Execution client (formerly ETH1 client) and your Consensus client (formerly ETH2 client). Look out for any errors and please visit our Discord server for help if you encounter them.
19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023
Reverting to your Previous Configuration
If, for any reason, you need to revert back to v1.2.4 of the Smartnode stack, don't worry! All of your old configuration files have been preserved in a backup directory and can easily be retrieved to restore your previous setup. Select which mode you use from the tabs below and follow the instructions. Docker or Hybrid ModeNative ModeStart by replacing the CLI with the v1.2.4 CLI for your system:Linux x64Linux arm64macOS x64macOS arm64For x64 systems (most normal machines):shellwget -O ~/bin/rocketpoolNext, copy all of your old configuration files from the old_config_backup folder back into the Smartnode's folder:shellcd ~/.rocketpool cp -r old_config_backup/*Now, all you need to do is restart the Docker containers:rocketpool service startDone! Your old configuration is back.
19:09:24hrs 10-06-2023
Migrating the Smartnode from Previous Beta Tests
If you've been a Rocket Pool node operator during our previous beta tests on Medalla or Pyrmont, thank you for helping us improve the protocol and welcome back! This brief guide will walk you through the process of purging your own beta build and setting up the newest build for either the Prater testnet, or for real staking on mainnet. Prater NetworkMainnet NetworkNOTEYou will need to create a new node wallet to interact with the Prater test network. Re-using a wallet from a previous beta build may result in failures while creating new validators!There are three major steps towards upgrading from a beta build to the Prater test network.First, migrate any goerli ETH you have to a separate wallet. You can then migrate it back to the new node wallet you create after you reinstall Rocket Pool, so you don't need to rely as much on a faucet for goerli ETH.The easiest way to do this is via Metamask - see the rETH staking guide for a walkthrough of how to set up a new wallet. You can do this using the following command:shellrocketpool node send XXX eth 0xabcd1234...where XXX is the amount of goerli ETH to send, and 0xabcd1234... is the address of the new wallet you created. Note that you'll need to leave a little bit of ETH behind to pay for the gas used in the transaction!Next, remove all the old Docker images and chain data with the following command:shellrocketpool service terminateOnce this is done, remove the old Rocket Pool data and settings folder. This will delete your old wallet and your old validators, so make sure you no longer need to save them for anything!shellsudo rm -rf ~/.rocketpoolOnce this is done, your old beta setup will be cleaned. You can follow the Rocket Pool installation guide for a walkthrough on installing and configuring Rocket Pool for the Prater testnet.
19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023
8-ETH Bonded Minipools
When Rocket Pool was first launched, it supported two types of minipools: The latter was removed by a community vote several months into the protocol's life due to it no longer being necessary and resulting in long refund delays. The former represented the protocol's lowest bond amount because it guaranteed that if a node operator used Rocket Pool to attack the Ethereum protocol and had their entire bond slashed, they would stand to lose just as much as the rETH stakers and would not come out ahead. Since Rocket Pool's launch, the community has done significant research on the security provided by this bond and found that it was very conservative. For all intents and purposes, a slashing of 16 ETH was deemed unrealistic and a 16-ETH bond effectively provided the same security benefits as a bond of only 8 ETH (plus the supplemental RPL requirement). Thus, backed by this research, the Atlas upgrade introduces a new type of minipool to the list: the 8-ETH bond, colloquially referred to by the Rocket Pool community as an "LEB8" (Lower ETH Bond - 8 ETH). To create an 8-ETH minipool, the node operator only needs to provide 8 of their own ETH (plus enough RPL to cover the collateral requirement - more on this in RPL Collateral). It will then pull 24 ETH from the deposit pool in order to complete the validator and get to work on the Beacon Chain. This opens the door to new prospective node operators that want to run a node but don't quite have 16 ETH. Further, it lets larger node operators put more pool staker ETH to work on the Beacon Chain earning rewards. As this works without meaningfully compromising security, everybody wins! In this guide, we'll cover three topics: How 8-ETH bonded minipools actually work, and the reward numbers behind themHow to create a new 8-ETH minipoolHow to migrate an existing 16-ETH minipool down to an 8-ETH minipool without exiting Read on to learn more about each topic.
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How 8-ETH Bonded Minipools Work
Mechanically, 8-ETH bonded minipools behave identically to every other minipool in the protocol. They still "own" a validator on the Beacon Chain (they represent that validator's withdrawal credentials), they still come with a commission (though the commission with Atlas will be fixed at 14% for all new minipools), and they provide all the same functionality that a 16-ETH bonded minipool does. The difference lies entirely in the numbers.
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From a profitability perspective (looking purely at ETH rewards and ignoring RPL), 8-ETH bonded minipools with a 14% commission provide more rewards to the node operator than even 16-ETH bonded minipools at 20% commission (which, as of Redstone, is the highest possible reward configuration). At the same time, they also provide more rewards to the rETH holders as well due to the fact that the node operators are more efficiently putting the capital of the rETH holders to work. Let's walk through a simple example to illustrate. Say we are a node operator with 16 ETH available to stake (plus the required RPL bond). Say we've earned 1 ETH of rewards on the Beacon Chain per validator. Here's how the math works out for a single 16-ETH minipool with a 20% commission, versus two 8-ETH minipools at 14% commission: 1x 16 ETH Minipool @ 20%: Rewards: 1 ETH Node Share = (16/32) + (16/32 * 0.2) = 0.5 + (0.5 * 0.2) = 0.5 + 0.1 = 0.6 ETH rETH Share = 1 - 0.6 = 0.4 ETH 2x 8 ETH Minipools @ 14%: Rewards: 2 ETH Node Share = ((8/32) + (24/32 * 0.14)) * 2 = (0.25 + (0.75 * 0.14)) * 2 = (0.25 + 0.105) * 2 = 0.71 ETH rETH Share = 2 - 0.71 = 1.29 ETH In other words, a node operator will earn 18% more ETH via two 8-ETH minipools than they would with a single 16-ETH minipool at 20% commission.
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RPL Collateral
In order to create an 8-ETH minipool, node operators still need to stake enough RPL to cover the minimum collateral requirements for their node (accounting for all of its minipools of all bond sizes). These rules have been clarified with Atlas: The minimum RPL per minipool is 10% of the borrowed amountThe maximum RPL per minipool is 150% of the bonded amount For a 16-ETH minipool, this remains unchanged; the minimum is 1.6 ETH worth of RPL, and the maximum is 24 ETH worth of RPL. For an 8-ETH minipool, this becomes a minimum of 2.4 ETH worth of RPL (10% of the borrowed amount, which is 24 ETH) and a maximum of 12 ETH worth of RPL (150% of the bonded amount). These numbers were selected by the Rocket Pool community as part of a governance vote.
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Creating a New 8-ETH Minipool
The process to create a new minipool with an 8-ETH bond is identical to the process for creating a 16-ETH minipool. Simply run the following command: rocketpool node deposit When prompted for your bond amount, select 8 ETH: Your eth2 client is on the correct network. NOTE: by creating a new minipool, your node will automatically claim and distribute any balance you have in your fee distributor contract. If you don't want to claim your balance at this time, you should not create a new minipool. Would you like to continue? [y/n] y Please choose an amount of ETH to deposit: 1: 8 ETH 2: 16 ETH 1 Your minipool will use the current fixed commission rate of 14.00%. You currently have 8.00 ETH in your credit balance. This deposit will use 8.000000 ETH from your credit balance and will not require any ETH from your node. ... NOTEThis example also shows usage of the new Deposit Credit System. Since the node operator has 8 ETH in credit, creating this 8-ETH minipool is free! That's all there is to it! The rest of the process is the same as the usual minipool creation instructions.
19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023
The Rocket Pool Redstone Update
Rocket Pool's next major update, titled Redstone, has been released for beta testing on the Ropsten and Prater test networks. This page describes the major changes that Redstone brings, including updates to both the Smartnode stack and to the Rocket Pool protocol in general. Please read through this page thoroughly to understand all of the differences between the previous version of Rocket Pool and Redstone. ATTENTIONFor detailed information on how to prepare your node for the upgrade and what to do after the upgrade, please look at the following guides:Guide for Docker ModeGuide for Hybrid ModeGuide for Native Mode
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Client Changes and The Merge
Ropsten (and shortly, Prater) have successfully undergone The Merge of the Execution and Consensus Layers. It no longer uses Proof-of-Work; instead, validators on Ropsten are now responsible for creating and proposing blocks on both chains. While this comes with some exciting financial benefits (which will be discussed later), it also comes with some important changes to the way validators operate. Below is a brief summary of the changes to client behavior as part of The Merge: Your Execution client now uses three API ports:One for HTTP access to its API (default 8545)One for Websocket access to its API (default 8546)One for the new Engine API used by Consensus clients after The Merge (default 8551)Execution clients now require a Consensus client to function, and Consensus clients now require an Execution client to function.Neither one can operate in isolation any longer.One Execution client must be linked to one, and only one, Consensus client (and vice versa).You will not be able to link multiple Execution clients to a single Consensus client, or multiple Consensus clients to a single Execution client.Because of this, fallback execution clients are no longer available for Rocket Pool node operators.Full execution clients are required.Remote providers (like Infura and Pocket) can no longer be used by any validators, Rocket Pool or otherwise.
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Fee Recipients and Your Distributor
As validators are now responsible for creating blocks, that means they receive the priority fees (also known as tips) attached to each transaction. These fees are paid in ETH, and they are provided directly to you every time one of your minipool validators proposes a block. Unlike the ETH locked on the Beacon Chain, you don't have to wait for withdrawals to access your priority fees! They are simply awarded to you as part of the block proposal process. In order to know where to send the fees to, your Validator Client requires an extra parameter known as the fee recipient. This is the address on the Execution Layer (ETH1) that all of the priority fees earned by your node during block proposals will be sent to. Rocket Pool is designed to fairly distribute these rewards, the same way it fairly distributes your Beacon chain rewards: half of any priority fees your minipool validators earn will go to you (plus the average commission of all of your minipools), and the other half will go to the pool stakers (minus your average commission). To that end, the Smartnode will automatically set your Validator Client's fee recipient to a special address known as your node's fee distributor. Your fee distributor is a unique contract on the Execution Layer that's specific to your node. It will hold all of the priority fees you've earned over time, and it contains the logic required to fairly split and distribute them. This distribution process is controlled by you (the node operator), and can be done whenever you please. It does not have a time limit. The address for your node's fee distributor is deterministically based on your node address. That means it is known ahead of time, before the fee distributor is even created. The Smartnode will use this address as your fee recipient. NOTEBy default, your fee recipient will be set to the rETH address when you install Smartnode v1.5.0 (if the Redstone contract updates haven't been deployed yet). The Smartnode will automatically update this to your node's fee distributor address once the Redstone update has been deployed.One exception to this rule is if you are opted into the Smoothing Pool - see the section at the end of this page for more information on it. New Rocket Pool nodes will automatically initialize their node's distributor contract upon registration. Existing nodes will need to do this process manually. This only needs to be run once. One interesting ramification of this is that your distributor's address may start accruing a balance before you've initialized your node distributor contract. This is okay, because your distributor will gain access to all of this existing balance as soon as you initialize it. You can view your fee distributor's balance as part of: rocketpool node status The output will look like this: To initialize your node's distributor, simply run this new command: rocketpool node initialize-fee-distributor NOTEAfter the Redstone update, you must call this function before you can create any new minipools with rocketpool node deposit. When your distributor has been initialized, you can claim and distribute its entire balance using the following command: rocketpool node distribute-fees This will send your share of the rewards to your withdrawal address.
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Rocket Pool Protocol Changes
In addition to the Execution and Consensus client changes and the new priority fees, the Rocket Pool protocol itself has undergone some important changes you should be aware of.
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New Rewards System
One of the most significant changes introduced with the Redstone update is the new rewards system. This is a complete overhaul of the way node operators receive their RPL rewards (and ETH from the Smoothing Pool - discussed later). The old rewards system had the following drawbacks: Claiming cost approximately 400k gas, which is quite expensive.Node operators had to claim the rewards at each interval (every 28 days), or would forfeit them. This meant the gas costs could become prohibitively expensive for node operators with small amounts of RPL.Rewards were determined at the time of the claim, not at the time of the checkpoint. If a user staked a significant amount of RPL between the checkpoint and your claim, your rewards could be diluted and you'd receive less RPL than you were expecting. The new claims system solves all of these problems. At every interval, the Oracle DAO will collectively create a true snapshot of the state of the node operators in the Rocket Pool network, including all of their effective stake amounts. This information is compiled into a Merkle Tree - an extremely efficient way to make all of the details available to smart contracts. The Merkle Tree is built into a JSON file and hosted on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), and the root of the Merkle Tree is submitted to the contracts. This new system has the following features: You can now let rewards accumulate for as long as you want. No more time limit on when you need to claim.You can claim multiple intervals all at once.Your first claim transaction uses about 85k gas. Each subsequent claim transaction costs about 55k gas. If you're claiming multiple intervals at once, each supplemental interval costs 6k gas so it's most cost-effective to claim as many of them at once as possible.Your RPL rewards no longer get diluted - your RPL rewards are fixed at the time of the snapshot, and you are always eligible for that amount.You can restake some (or all) of your RPL rewards as part of the claiming transaction, which further trims down gas requirements compared to today.Currently, all of your claims must be on Mainnet but we have the infrastructure in place to build the ability to claim on Layer 2 networks at a later date. When your node detects a new rewards checkpoint, it will automatically download the JSON file for that interval. You can then review your rewards using the following command: rocketpool node claim-rewards As intervals go by and you accumulate rewards, the output will look like this: Here you can quickly see how many rewards you've earned at each interval, and can decide which ones you want to claim. Note that Ropsten's interval time is set to 1 day to facilitate testing. You can also specify an amount you want to restake during this claim: This will let you compound your RPL rewards in one transaction, using substantially less gas than you currently need to use today. NOTEIf you prefer to build the rewards checkpoint manually instead of downloading the one created by the Oracle DAO, you can change this setting from Download to Generate in the TUI:As the tip implies, you will need access to an archive node to do this. If your local Execution client is not an archive node, you can specify a separate one (such as Infura or Alchemy) in the Archive-Mode EC URL box below it. This URL will only be used when generating Merkle trees; it will not be used for validation duties. WARNINGIf you are below 10% RPL collateral at the time of the snapshot, you will not be eligible for rewards for that snapshot. Unlike the current system, where you can simply "top off" before you claim in order to become eligible again, this will be locked in that snapshot forever and you will never receive rewards for that period. You must be above 10% collateral at the time of a snapshot in order to receive rewards for that period.
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Smoothing Pool
One final exciting new feature of the Redstone update is the Smoothing Pool. The Smoothing Pool is an opt-in feature that will collectively pool the priority fees of every member opted into it. During a rewards checkpoint, the total ETH balance of the pool is divided into a pool staker portion and a node operator portion. All of the rewards in the node operator portion are distributed fairly to every member of the pool. In essence, the Smoothing Pool is a way to effectively eliminate the randomness associated with block proposals on the Beacon Chain. If you've ever had a streak of bad luck and gone months without a proposal, you may find the Smoothing Pool quite exciting. NOTEThe Smoothing Pool rewards are built into the Merkle Tree used for RPL rewards, so you claim them at the same time you claim RPL using rocketpool node claim-rewards. To help clarify the details, the Smoothing Pool uses the following rules: Opting into the Smoothing Pool is done on a node level. If you opt in, all of your minipools are opted in.The node operator's total share is determined by the average commission of every minipool in every node opted into the Smoothing Pool.Anyone can opt in at any time. They must wait a full rewards interval (1 day on Ropsten, 28 days on Mainnet) before opting out to prevent gaming the system.Once opted out, you must wait another full interval to opt back in.The Smoothing Pool calculates the "share" of each minipool (portion of the pool's ETH for the interval) owned by each node opted in.The share is a function of your minipool's performance during the interval (calculated by looking at how many attestations you sent on the Beacon Chain, and how many you missed), and your minipool's commission rate.Your node's total share is the sum of your minipool shares.Your node's total share is scaled by the amount of time you were opted in.If you were opted in for the full interval, you receive your full share.If you were opted in for 30% of an interval, you receive 30% of your full share. To opt into the Smoothing Pool, run the following command: rocketpool node join-smoothing-pool This will record you as opted-in in the Rocket Pool contracts and automatically change your Validator Client's fee recipient from your node's distributor contract to the Smoothing Pool contract. To leave the pool, run this command: rocketpool node leave-smoothing-pool
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The Penalty System
To ensure that node operators don't "cheat" by manually modifying the fee recipient used in their Validator Client, Rocket Pool employs a penalty system. The Oracle DAO constantly monitors each block produced by Rocket Pool node operators. Any block that has a fee recipient other than one of the following addresses is considered to be invalid: The rETH addressThe Smoothing Pool addressThe node's fee distributor contract (if opted out of the Smoothing Pool) A minipool that proposed a block with an invalid fee recipient will be issued a strike. On the third strike, the minipool will begin receiving infractions - each infraction will dock 10% of its total Beacon Chain balance, including ETH earnings and send them to the rETH pool stakers upon withdrawing funds from the minipool. Infractions are at a minipool level, not a node level. The Smartnode software is designed to ensure honest users will never get penalized, even if it must take the Validator Client offline to do so. If this happens, you will stop attesting and will see error messages in your log files about why the Smartnode can't correctly set your fee recipient.
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Guides for Pre- and Post-Upgrade
For detailed information on how to prepare your node for the upgrade and what to do after the upgrade, please look at the following guides: Guide for Docker ModeGuide for Hybrid ModeGuide for Native Mode
19:09:25hrs 10-06-2023
[Docker Mode] Guide to the Redstone Update and the Merge
This guide will cover everything you need to know in order to prepare your node for the Redstone Update and The Merge if you are using Docker Mode.
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Things to Do Before Upgrading to v1.5.0
Before upgrading to v1.5.0 and higher of the Smartnode, please go through the following checklist to make sure you're prepared:
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Switch to a Full Execution Client
The Merge requires you to run your own Execution client, so you won't be able to use remote providers like Infura or Pocket anymore. v1.5.0 won't have them anymore, and won't let you start the stack until you select a full Execution client. Because of this change, you should switch to a full client while you're still on v1.4, let it sync to completion, and then upgrade to v1.5. Docker Mode makes switching clients very easy. This guide provides a walkthrough of the process.
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Upgrading to v1.5.0
Upgrading the Smartnode stack to v1.5.0 is no different than any other upgrade. Simply follow the normal directions here.
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Things the Smartnode Handles Automatically
In Docker mode, the Smartnode will take care of most of the changes needed to support Redstone and The Merge automatically once you update to v1.5.0. Here's a brief list of what it will do for you without any manual intervention:
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The Engine API
The Merge changes the way your Execution client talks to your Consensus client. Instead of using the old HTTP or Websocket based RPC system, The Merge requires a new system exposed by your Execution client called the Engine API. This is a special connection that lets the Consensus client replace the old Proof-of-Work mining system with Proof-of-Stake; it's the heart of The Merge. It's also authenticated with a secret token, so only your Consensus client can connect to your Execution client - nothing else can. The Smartnode will handle the set up of the authentication token and the Engine API on both your Execution and Consensus clients automatically.
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Your Fee Recipient
The fee recipient is the address on the Execution layer (eth1) chain that will receive all of the priority fees for blocks you propose. It is a setting provided to your Validator client when it first starts. The Smartnode will handle setting it up to the correct address when you upgrade to v1.5, and will constantly check to make sure you're using the correct one so you don't get penalized accidentally. If you opted into the Smoothing Pool, it will make that your fee recipient. If you didn't, it will make your fee distributor contract the fee recipient.
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MEV-boost is the system Flashbots provides to give MEV rewards to Proof-of-Stake validators after The Merge. Rocket Pool has MEV-Boost built into the Smartnode and automatically configures your node to use it, so your proposals get the maximum amount of rewards.
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Things You Should Do After Upgrading
While the Smartnode handles most of the changes for you, there are a few additional things you should do manually:
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Ensure a Successful Upgrade
The first thing to do is ensure that your node is working correctly. Consider taking the following steps: Check the logs for errors with rocketpool service logs eth1, rocketpool service logs eth2, rocketpool service logs validator, and rocketpool service logs node.Confirm with a Block Explorer (such as your Grafana dashboard and that you are still attesting properly Remember that if you have Doppelganger protection enabled, you will miss a few attestations after the restart. This is normal!
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Set Up a Fallback Node
Because The Merge is not compatible with remote providers like Infura and Pocket, you'll lose the ability to use them as fallback Execution clients when your primary goes offline. The Smartnode still has the ability to provide a fallback Execution client (and now a fallback Consensus client as well), but you will now need to use Execution and Consensus clients that you control. For more information on setting up a fallback node, see the Fallback node guide.
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