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Configuring via the Command Line
If you use the Smartnode in a headless environment where you can't interact with the Terminal UI, you can configure your node via the command line instead. The rocketpool service config command accepts, as arguments, every setting that can normally be configured via the Terminal UI. Run the following command to see a list of them (note that it's quite long): rocketpool service config --help The output will look like this: NAME: rocketpool service config - Configure the Rocket Pool service USAGE: rocketpool service config OPTIONS: --executionClientMode value Choose which mode to use for your Execution client - locally managed (Docker Mode), or externally managed (Hybrid Mode). Type: choice Options: local, external (default: "local") --executionClient value Select which Execution client you would like to run. Type: choice Options: geth, infura, pocket (default: "geth") --useFallbackExecutionClient Enable this if you would like to specify a fallback Execution client, which will temporarily be used by the Smartnode and your Consensus client if your primary Execution client ever goes offline. Type: bool ... Each option will have its name, its type, its default value, and (if it's a choice parameter) its options. Using this text, you can find the option(s) you want to set and specify them via the appropriate arguments. NOTEThis command builds on top of your existing configuration, so if you have some settings already saved and just want to modify others, you don't need to repeat them. It will only update settings that you include as arguments to this command. If you haven't finished installing Rocket Pool yet, return to the Native setup guide now. Otherwise, the next step is to restart your daemon services with: sudo systemctl restart rp-node rp-watchtower
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Advanced Smartnode Configuration for Docker Mode
In this section, we will cover a few techniques that expand the Smartnode's customization and functionality.
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Allowing External Validator Clients to Connect to the Smartnode
Because the Smartnode manages the Execution client and Beacon Node, it handles much of their configuration (including updates) automatically. One common request from users is for the ability to attach an externally-managed Validator client to the Smartnode's Execution and Consensus clients. Essentially, this acts as a sort of "Reverse Hybrid" mode; instead of the Smartnode managing its own Validator client and connecting to an external Execution and Consensus client, it manages all three things and an external Validator client can use its own clients instead. Enabling this is trivial using the Settings Manager.
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Execution Client
To enable access to the Execution client, go to the Execution Client (ETH1) category and check the Expose RPC Ports box: This will open the RPC ports (default 8545 for HTTP and 8546 for Websockets) on your node, so other machines on your local network can connect to them. For example, if your node's local IP address were, then by enabling this option you could use as the Execution client URL for your other services.
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Beacon Node (Consensus Client)
To enable access to the Consensus client's Beacon Node, go to the Consensus Client (ETH2) category and check the Expose API Port box: This will open the HTTP API port (default 5052) on your node, so other machines on your local network can connect to it. For example, if your node's local IP address were, then by enabling this option you could use as the Beacon Node URL for your other services. NOTE FOR PRYSM USERSPrysm has a second box called Expose RPC Port that must be checked if you want to attach an externally-managed Prysm Validator Client to your Beacon Node. This is because Prysm's Validator Client cannot currently connect to a Beacon Node via the standard Beacon HTTP API. In the future, this will be fixed and there will only be one checkbox like the other clients.
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To enable access to MEV-Boost, go to the MEV-Boost category and check the Expose API Port box: This will open the HTTP API port (default 18550) on your node, so other machines on your local network can connect to it. For example, if your node's local IP address were, then by enabling this option you could use as the MEV-Boost URL for your other services.
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Customizing the Docker-Compose Definition Files
While the Settings Manager contains many options you can use to customize your node, it doesn't wrap all of the features that docker-compose provides. Some users require supplemental customizations to the Smartnode's docker-compose files. Because the docker-compose files are regenerated (into the runtime directory) from their templates (in the templates directory) each time rocketpool service start is called, modifying the runtime files is not advised. Instead, we leverage docker-compose's inherent override functionality to let you make any modifications you need to which will be preserved upon restarts. Furthermore, this system also preserves your modifications after an upgrade to or reinstallation of the Smartnode stack. To do this, simply open the file for the container of your choice in the override folder, and add your customizations to it there. Anything you put in these files will override whatever the corresponding settings are in the docker-compose files from the runtime folder. For example, say you wanted to add AWS credentials to Grafana for CloudWatch support. You could do it by modifying override/grafana.yml like so: yaml# Enter your own customizations for the Grafana container here. These changes will persist after upgrades, so you only need to do them once. # # See # for more information on overriding specific parameters of docker-compose files. version: "3.7" services: grafana: x-rp-comment: Add your customizations below this line environment: - GF_AWS_PROFILES=default - GF_AWS_default_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY - GF_AWS_default_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_SECRET_KEY - GF_AWS_default_REGION=us-east-1 This will merge the four environment variables listed here to the existing array of environment variables in the Grafana container. For more information on how docker-compose overrides work, please visit
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This section covers the details of how to provision your node for staking with Rocket Pool once you've installed and configured the Smartnode. It's a long one because there's a lot of information around staking to cover, so please read through each guide before creating your first minipool!
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Before provisioning your node for staking, please make sure you've done the following: Set up a node machine (or virtual machine) and secured it (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed and configured on it
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Starting Rocket Pool will show you how to start the Smartnode services for each mode and how to check on the sync progress of your Execution and Consensus clients. Creating a New Wallet walks through the process of creating a brand new wallet with the Smartnode if this is your first time setting up a node. Importing / Recovering an Existing Wallet is an alternative to creating a new wallet. Use this guide if you already have a node wallet that you want to recover onto your node (or if you're migrating from a service like Allnodes to your own hardware). Preparing your Node for Operation covers some important first steps you'll want to take once you have a wallet loaded onto your node, well before you fund it with any ETH or RPL (other than a small amount of ETH for gas costs, of course). Specifying a Fallback Node walks you through the optional process of pointing your node at a second (externally-managed) pair of Execution and Consensus clients that can act as a backup for your primary clients if they ever go down, so your node can keep validating while you perform maintenance on them. Fee Distributors and the Smoothing Pool discuss the way Execution layer rewards are provided to your node every time one of your validators proposes a block, how to collect those rewards, and describes Rocket Pool's Smoothing Pool - a popular feature that combines Execution layer rewards from everyone and evenly distributes them during Rocket Pool's regular rewards intervals. MEV, MEV-Boost, and MEV Rewards explains Maximum-Extractable Value (MEV), its role in the staking ecosystem, and how you can configure it to your liking using the Smartnode.
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Starting Rocket Pool
At this point, you should have the complete Rocket Pool infrastructure running, including the Smartnode stack, an Execution (ETH1) and an Consensus (ETH2) client. You should also have hardened your operating system from outside attackers. If you've completed both of these steps, you're ready to create a Rocket Pool node and begin staking. If not, please review the previous sections and return here once you've completed those steps.
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Starting and Stopping the Rocket Pool Services
Docker (Default) ModeHybrid ModeNative ModeNow that you have the Smartnode installed, starting the stack is easy. Simply enter the following command:rocketpool service startThis command will create all of the necessary Docker images if they don't already exist, make sure the Rocket Pool docker network and storage volumes have been initialized, and update any containers if they no longer match the configuration settings from rocketpool service config's UI.The first time you do it, the output should look like this:$ rocketpool service start Creating network "rocketpool_net" with the default driver Creating volume "rocketpool_eth1clientdata" with default driver Creating volume "rocketpool_eth2clientdata" with default driver Creating rocketpool_eth1 ... Creating rocketpool_eth1 ... done Creating rocketpool_eth2 ... Creating rocketpool_api ... Creating rocketpool_api ... done Creating rocketpool_eth2 ... done Creating rocketpool_watchtower ... Creating rocketpool_mev-boost ... Creating rocketpool_mev-boost ... done Creating rocketpool_node ... Creating rocketpool_validator ... Creating rocketpool_validator ... done Creating rocketpool_node ... done Creating rocketpool_watchtower ... doneIf it does, then the Smartnode stack has been successfully initialized and is now running.If you ever need to stop the services (for example, during an upgrade or because you need to do maintenance), you can use rocketpool service stop to shut everything down. The output should look like this:$ rocketpool service stop Are you sure you want to pause the Rocket Pool service? Any staking minipools will be penalized! [y/n] y Stopping rocketpool_node ... Stopping rocketpool_validator ... Stopping rocketpool_watchtower ... Stopping rocketpool_mev-boost ... Stopping rocketpool_eth2 ... Stopping rocketpool_api ... Stopping rocketpool_eth1 ... Stopping rocketpool_validator ... done Stopping rocketpool_node ... done Stopping rocketpool_watchtower ... done Stopping rocketpool_api ... done Stopping rocketpool_mev-boost ... done Stopping rocketpool_eth2 ... done Stopping rocketpool_eth1 ... doneNOTEOnce you call this, Rocket Pool will not automatically start after a system reboot. You will have to call rocketpool service start to start all of the Docker containers and enable auto-start on reboot again.
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Confirming the Correct Version and Network
Once the containers or services are up, a good first step is to confirm that you have the correct versions of the clients and are on the network that you expect. You can do this with the following command: rocketpool service version The output will look like this (note that you may have a newer version than what is displayed here, this is just an example): Your Smartnode is currently using the Ethereum Mainnet. Rocket Pool client version: 1.6.4 Rocket Pool service version: 1.6.4 Selected Eth 1.0 client: Geth (Locally managed) Image: ethereum/client-go:v1.10.25 Selected Eth 2.0 client: Lighthouse (Locally managed) Image: sigp/lighthouse:v3.1.0 The first line will tell you if your Smartnode is configured for the Ethereum mainnet or for the Prater testnet. NOTEFor Docker / Hybrid users: If you are not on the network you expect to be on, go back to the Installing Rocket Pool section and review the installation instructions - you may have missed the portion that has different instructions depending on which network you want to use.For Native users: If you accepted the default settings when you first ran rp service config, then it's possible that the network reported here is incorrect. Simply switch it in the rp service config TUI, in the Smartnode section, to the proper network and restart your node and watchtower services. The second set of lines will tell you which clients you're using, and which versions of them are defined in Rocket Pool's configuration.
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Checking the Service Status and Logs
Now that the Smartnode services have been started, it's a good idea to check that they're running correctly without errors. Docker (Default) ModeHybrid ModeNative ModeThe first thing to check is whether the Docker containers are running well, or if they are constantly restarting due to an error. Run the following command:docker psThe results should look like this:CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 4c1de08a352b prom/prometheus:v2.37.0 "/bin/prometheus --w…" 9 days ago Up 9 days 9090/tcp rocketpool_prometheus 56940decdd1f sigp/lighthouse:v2.5.1 "sh /setup/start-bn.…" 9 days ago Up 9 days>9001/tcp,>9001/udp, :::9001->9001/tcp, :::9001->9001/udp rocketpool_eth2 bd061e632535 grafana/grafana:8.5.9 "/" 9 days ago Up 9 days 3000/tcp,>3100/tcp, :::3100->3100/tcp rocketpool_grafana 5c4db92762fb ethereum/client-go:v1.10.21 "sh /setup/start-ec.…" 9 days ago Up 9 days 8545-8546/tcp,>30303/tcp,>30303/udp, :::30303->30303/tcp, :::30303->30303/udp rocketpool_eth1 e20c560861fc rocketpool/smartnode:v1.5.0 "/bin/sleep infinity" 9 days ago Up 9 days rocketpool_api 4cf8d364fb90 rocketpool/smartnode:v1.5.0 "/go/bin/rocketpool …" 9 days ago Up 9 days rocketpool_watchtower 9eb944c29997 rocketpool/smartnode:v1.5.0 "/go/bin/rocketpool …" 9 days ago Up 9 days rocketpool_node 2ca5d3dcb471 sigp/lighthouse:v2.5.1 "sh /setup/start-vc.…" 9 days ago Up 9 days rocketpool_validator dedc577fe361 prom/node-exporter:v1.3.1 "/bin/node_exporter …" 2 weeks ago Up 9 days rocketpool_exporterThe key thing to check is the STATUS column. If none of the entries state Restarting..., then the containers should be running properly (see the below note for an exception about the rocketpool_validator container).NOTEIf you are using Prysm as your Consensus (ETH2) client, you will likely notice the rocketpool_validator container is constantly restarting. This is okay! The validator container will fail until a new validator has been created using the rocketpool node deposit command, which we will cover in the Creating a Minipool (ETH2 Validator) section. Once this is done, the container will function correctly - until then, just ignore it.Still, it might be useful to check the logs of the various services.To check on the logs, use the rocketpool service logs <container> command, where <container> is one of eth1, eth2, validator, api, node, or watchtower.For example, to check the logs for your ETH1 client:$ rocketpool service logs eth1 Attaching to rocketpool_eth1 eth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.052] Imported new block receipts count=25 elapsed=26.651ms number=247,000 hash=6583ec..35eb1c age=2y3mo2w size=15.72KiB eth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.098] Imported new block headers count=192 elapsed=18.515ms number=247,551 hash=b7d5e4..d49faf age=2y3mo2w eth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.334] Imported new block receipts count=371 elapsed=46.450ms number=247,371 hash=dd3240..1ed173 age=2y3mo2w size=266.59KiB eth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.354] Imported new state entries count=1271 elapsed=2.866ms processed=374,695 pending=3134 trieretry=0 coderetry=0 duplicate=0 unexpected=0 eth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.441] Imported new block headers count=384 elapsed=35.331ms number=247,935 hash=4c4dba..5bf8b6 age=2y3mo2w eth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.460] Imported new block receipts count=180 elapsed=33.648ms number=247,551 hash=b7d5e4..d49faf age=2y3mo2w size=128.73KiB eth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.480] Imported new block headers count=192 elapsed=19.122ms number=248,127 hash=aa70b9..40d139 age=2y3mo1w eth1_1 | INFO [06-17|05:17:19.486] Imported new block receipts count=6 elapsed=26.042ms number=247,557 hash=fd6656..ca2439 age=2y3mo2w size=3.77KiBYou should do this for both eth1 and eth2 to make sure both clients are running without any errors. TIPWhen you're done looking at the logs, you can exit and return to the command prompt using Ctrl + C.
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Waiting for Your ETH Clients to Sync
Now that your clients have started up, you're going to want to wait until your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients have finished syncing with the network before proceeding. One easy way to check on their status is with the following command: rocketpool node sync This command will show how far along your Execution (ETH1) & Consensus (ETH2) clients are in the syncing process, similar to this: $ rocketpool node sync Your Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network. Your eth2 client is on the correct network. Your primary execution client is fully synced. You do not have a fallback execution client enabled. Your consensus client is still syncing (99.69%). You can call this occasionally to keep tabs on your clients' progress. To get an actual ETA of the sync time, it's easiest to look at the logs for your clients with rocketpool service logs eth1 and rocketpool service logs eth2 respectively (or the equivalent log script commands if you're using the hybrid / native modes.) Each client typically provides an ETA on its sync status in its log output. NOTEIt can take days to fully sync both ETH1 and ETH2 depending on your client selection and your machine's hardware profile. This is expected. Sit back, relax, and wait for both of them to finish. NOTEIf your node is not syncing at all or has no peers, it may be because your router is blocking ports 30303 and 9001. If they're closed, you'll need to setup port forwarding on your router. Also, make sure your node has a static local IP address so the port forwarding does not break due to your node getting a new address.
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Next Steps
Once your clients have synced, you're ready to either create a new wallet if this is your first node, or recover an existing wallet if you're restoring from a backup or migrating from another provider such as Allnodes to your own hardware. Select which one you'd like to learn more about and follow the steps in the corresponding guide.
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Creating a New Wallet
If the Smartnode services are up and running, the next step is to set up an ETH1 wallet for your node. This is simply an ETH1 address that will hold your node's funds - it will use this to send ETH to your minipool when you begin staking, pay for gas during various transactions, and other various operations. You have the option of either creating a brand new wallet from scratch, or importing / recovering an existing wallet or address. Please choose which option you'd like from the tabs below. Creating a New WalletRecovering or Importing an Existing WalletThe most common way to run a node is to create a new ETH1 address that is dedicated to the node. The Smartnode CLI provides a way to do this easily:rocketpool wallet initYou will first be prompted for a password to protect your wallet's private key. Next, you will be presented the unique 24-word mnemonic for your new wallet. This is the recovery phrase for your wallet. If you ever lose your machine, you can use this phrase to regenerate your wallet and resurrect all of the Consensus (ETH2) validators attached to it.NOTEIt is essential that you write this mnemonic down because this is the only time it will be shown to you, but keep it somewhere safe. Anyone with this phrase can gain control of your wallet.Once you confirm your mnemonic phrase, you will be presented with the unique ETH1 address for your node wallet. NOTEAs of the current build, Rocket Pool needs to have access to your wallet's private key in order to perform its automatic duties. This means that the private key will exist in a file on your machine. If an attacker manages to gain access to your machine, they could gain access to your node wallet and steal all of the tokens that it contains! Please ensure that you have followed the security guide in the Securing your Node section before you continue, and are comfortable with your security posture. Docker & Hybrid ModesNative ModeYour wallet's private key will be stored in a file located at ~/.rocketpool/data/wallet.The password used to encrypt your wallet's key will be stored in ~/.rocketpool/data/password. This is the file that must be protected at all times.
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Importing / Recovering an Existing Wallet
If you already have a wallet you'd like to use for your node, or if you're recovering a wallet you already created with the Smartnode earlier, this guide will help you through the import / recovery process. Please select the appropriate option from the sections below.
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Recovering a Smartnode Wallet
If you generated your node wallet using the Smartnode and are simply recovering it on a new machine, the process is quite simple. Make sure you've already installed the Smartnode software, and then simply run the following command once it's installed: rocketpool wallet recover NOTEIf, for some reason, you want to recover the wallet but not any of the validator keys attached to your node's minipools, you can specify the -k flag to skip the rebuild process:rocketpool wallet recover -kIf you do not specify this flag, the Smartnode will attempt to recover the validator keys for your minipools; however, note that this will not work until your Execution client has finished syncing. Please watch its log file to see when it's done; once it is, you can run this step. This will first ask you for a password you want to use to encrypt your wallet. After that, it will ask for your 24 word mnemonic recovery phrase. Enter it carefully - it will not be shown on-screen for safety, and it is very easy to make a mistake while typing it so take your time. When you're done, you should see output similar to this: $ rocketpool wallet recover Please enter a password to secure your wallet with: Please confirm your password: Please enter your recovery mnemonic phrase: Recovering node wallet... The node wallet was successfully recovered. Node account: <your wallet address> No validator keys were found. If you don't see any errors, then your wallet and validators will be recovered. Once you're done, be sure to restart the Validator client with the following command for Docker and Hybrid mode users: docker restart rocketpool_validator Native mode users will simply have to restart their Validator container process. This will ensure that the VC picks up all of the newly restored validator keys.
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Importing an Existing Address as a Node Wallet
If you have an address you'd like to use for a node, but didn't create it with the Smartnode (e.g., you created it with MetaMask or a hardware wallet), then this is the section to follow. WARNINGBy doing this, your address will become a hot wallet. The private key will be stored on your node machine.If you're importing an address that is a cold wallet, such as a hardware wallet, be advised that the protection provided by the hardware wallet will no longer exist!If you use this wallet for any other cryptocurrency activity at all, you must migrate all of its funds to a separate address (e.g. a different hardware wallet) before importing it into your node! Only leave enough ETH on this address for your node's gas costs (typically 0.5 ETH is sufficient).Please ensure that you have secured your machine as much as possible by following the steps in the Securing your Node guide before importing your address as a node wallet. This capability is only available with Smartnode v1.4.3 or higher. If you have a lower version, you'll need to upgrade first. This is a multi-step process, so follow the below sections carefully.
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Step 1: Add Externally-Generated Validator Keys
If you don't have any existing minipools attached to the address you're importing, you can skip this step. If your address has already been registered as a Rocket Pool node wallet (such as via a service like Allnodes) and already has active minipools, and you'd like to import them into the Smartnode stack along with your address, you will need to provide the private keystore files for each of their corresponding validators. These files will be encrypted with a password of your own choosing, so you will need that password for each file as well. You need to get these files from the service that is currently running your node in order to import it. Some service providers may be able to retrieve these files upon request. If you use Allnodes, you can get these files during your initial setup process but will not be able to retrieve them in the future unless you saved them during minipool creation. Select your installation mode and follow the steps below. Docker and Hybrid ModeNative ModeFirst, ensure you've started the Smartnode with rocketpool service start. This will create a special folder that can be used to hold the encrypted keystore files for your validators.By default, the folder is located in ~/.rocketpool/data/custom-keys. If you've customized your installation or data directories, substitute appropriately to find the custom-keys folder.Check with a file explorer or the ls command to make sure this folder exists. If not, no worries - just make the folder with the following command:mkdir ~/.rocketpool/data/custom-keys Next, place each of the validator keystore files into this folder. The names of the files don't matter, but they must be JSON files that conform to the EIP-2335 format. The Smartnode will look in this directory for any keystore files you have placed here in the next steps. NOTEThe import process will only look for validator keys that are attached to minipools registered to the address you're importing. You cannot use this process to import other validator keys, such as for solo staking validators, into the Validator client managed by the Smartnode stack.Please see the documentation for running in Reverse Hybrid Mode if you are interested in doing this.
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Step 2 (Optional): Test Importing the Address
If you would like to test the recovery process to ensure you have the correct mnemonic and passwords without actually regenerating your node wallet's private key or importing your validator keys, you can do so with the following command: rocketpool wallet test-recovery -a 0x1234abcd... Where 0x1234abcd... is the address you want to import, starting with the 0x prefix. You will need your mnemonic phrase to import the private key for your address. TIPIf, for some reason, you want to recover the wallet but not any of the validator keys for your minipools, you can specify the -k flag to skip the validator key recovery process. For example:rocketpool wallet test-recovery -a 0x1234abcd... -k The Smartnode will automatically search through the most popular derivation paths (e.g. the ones used by Ledger Live, MyEtherWallet, Trezor, and the Smartnode stack) and address indicies to find the settings that correspond to the address you provided. TIPIf you have a custom derivation path, use the -d flag to specify it. For example:rocketpool wallet test-recovery -d "m/44'/60'/0'/%d"Use %d for the portion of the path that can be iterated to use different indicies.If you have a custom address index, use the -i flag to specify it. For example, if your address was the 6th one on the standard derivation path, you could use:rocketpool wallet test-recovery -i 5You can use both the -d and -i flags at the same time if you require. First, you'll be prompted for your address's mnemonic phrase: Please enter the number of words in your mnemonic phrase (24 by default): 24 Enter Word Number 1 of your mnemonic: Enter it carefully, and the Smartnode will begin searching through all of the standard options to find it (unless you explicitly specified them using the -d and/or -i flags). Next, if you have private keystore files to import from Step 1, you will be prompted for the passwords to each of those keystore files: It looks like you have some custom keystores for your minipool's validators. You will be prompted for the passwords each one was encrypted with, so they can be loaded into the Validator Client that Rocket Pool manages for you. Please enter the password that the keystore for <validator pubkey> was encrypted with: They will be organized by the pubkey list, not the filenames. Ensure you know which file corresponds to which validator pubkey so you enter the correct passwords. Once you've done this, the test recovery process will proceed and report back on whether it succeeded or failed: Searching for the derivation path and index for wallet 0x1234abcd... NOTE: this may take several minutes depending on how large your wallet's index is. The node wallet was successfully recovered. Derivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/%d Wallet index: 0 Node account: 0x1234abcd... Validator keys: <validator pubkey> The above indicates a successful test recovery.
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Step 3: Import the Address
WARNINGIf your address is a Rocket Pool node that is not managed by your own self-hosted Smartnode (e.g. hosted by an external service like Allnodes), IT IS CRITICAL that you coordinate with the service running your node before you begin this import process and inform them that you would like to migrate to your own self-hosted system.You MUST CONFIRM that they have shut down validation for your node and will NEVER resume it, and manually confirm that your validators are no longer attesting using a Blockchain explorer such as You must confirm that each validator has missed AT LEAST 2 ATTESTATIONS to ensure you can safely migrate. Otherwise, you will both attest at the same time and YOUR MINIPOOLS WILL BE SLASHED!The Smartnode will require you to confirm that you have done this before allowing you to proceed with the import process. If the test recovery succeeded, or if you skipped it, you will next import the wallet and regenerate all of its associated key files. The process is exactly the same as the above, but use the recover command instead of the test-recovery command: rocketpool wallet recover -a 0x1234abcd... When you run this command, you will first be prompted for a password to encrypt your imported node wallet with. Please enter a password to secure your wallet with: Please confirm your password: After that, the mnemonic and custom validator keystore password prompts will proceed as they did before. Once you've entered all of this information, the Smartnode will recover your address and (if not disabled) the custom validator keys for your minipools: Searching for the derivation path and index for wallet 0x1234abcd... NOTE: this may take several minutes depending on how large your wallet's index is. The node wallet was successfully recovered. Derivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/%d Wallet index: 0 Node account: 0x1234abcd... Validator keys: <validator pubkey> Your address's private key will now be stored in the data/wallet file (e.g. ~/.rocketpool/data/wallet), and the password for it will be stored in the data/password file (e.g. ~/.rocketpool/data/password). The private keys for each of your validators will be stored in the data/validators folders for each of the Consensus clients that the Smartnode supports. NOTEBy importing an address in this fashion, the validator keys were not derived from your node wallet, and thus they cannot be recovered later by simply running rocketpool wallet recover as with a normal node wallet.If you ever need to recover or import this wallet again, you will need to follow this same process which means you will need to have these validator private keystores and their passwords backed up somewhere safe.If you ever lose them, you will no longer be able to recover these validator keys!
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Step 4: Cleanup
At this point, you can now delete all of the private keystore files in the data/custom-keys directory. The Smartnode will have imported them already and assigned randomized passwords to them, so those keystore files are no longer necessary. Finally, ensure that there is not a file named custom-key-passwords in your data directory (e.g. ~/.rocketpool/data/custom-key-passwords). The Smartnode will build this temporary file only during the recover process, and will remove it automatically regardless of whether or not the recovery process succeeded; if for any reason it failed to remove it, it will alert you in the console output. However, it never hurts to be too careful.
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Next Steps
Once you've imported or recovered your node wallet, follow the next steps in the Intro to the Command Line Interface guide.
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Preparing your Node for Operation
If you're here, then you've successfully started the Smartnode services, created a wallet, and finished syncing both the Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) chains on your respective clients. If so, then you are ready to register your node on the Rocket Pool network and create a minipool with an ETH2 validator! If not, please review the previous sections and return here once you've completed those steps. Before creating a new minipool and ETH2 validator, there are a few steps to take to finish preparing your node. These only need to be done once though; once you've done them, you can skip to the Creating a New Minipool section if you want to create multiple minipools on your node.
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Loading your Node Wallet
Registering your node and standing up a validator both involve submitting transactions to the Ethereum network from your node wallet. This means you'll need to have some ETH on it to pay for the gas costs of those transactions. You'll also need to stake some of the RPL token prior to creating a minipool as collateral; you can do this directly on the node, or (preferably) you can use the Rocket Pool website's Stake on Behalf function to stake for your node with RPL in your cold wallet. We'll discuss the Stake on Behalf feature later in this guide when it's time to stake your RPL. The ETH required for gas fees to set up a node with one minipool is about 0.0025 ETH times the current gas price in gwei. For example, with a gas price of 30 gwei, you would pay about 0.075 ETH in gas fees. See this worksheet to help estimate the gas fees for various network conditions. Running on the Prater Test NetworkRunning on the Main NetworkIf you're running on the Prater test network, please see the Practicing with the Test Network section to learn how to acquire test ETH.For test RPL, we have added a similar faucet function directly to the CLI. Please see the Getting Test RPL on Goerli guide to acquire some.
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Registering your Node with the Network
Once you have ETH in your wallet, you can register your node with the Rocket Pool network to access all of its features. To do this, run the following command: rocketpool node register This will prompt you for the timezone you want to register with. By default, this will detect the timezone from your system clock, but you can change it if you prefer. Any of the Country/City format timezones listed on this page should be acceptable. NOTEThe timezone is just used for the global map of node operators displayed on the main site. You don't need to set it to your actual timezone if you have security concerns. If you prefer to remain anonymous, use a generic option such as Etc/UTC. Once this is complete, you will officially be a member of the Rocket Pool network!
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Setting your Withdrawal Address
Before anything else, we highly recommended you change the withdrawal address for your node. This is the address that all of your RPL checkpoint rewards, your staked RPL, and your Beacon Chain ETH will be sent to when you claim your checkpoint rewards or exit your validator and withdraw from your minipool. To reiterate, whoever controls the withdrawal address can access ALL your staked RPL, ETH, and rewards. NOTEUpon setting up your node for the first time, this is set to your node's wallet address. However, for security reasons, it is vitally important to set this to a different address controlled by a cold wallet. A cold wallet could be a hardware wallet (such as a Ledger, Trezor, or Grid+), or a Smart Contract wallet (such as Argent).We strongly recommend that you DO NOT use a hot wallet such as MetaMask as your withdrawal address.This way, if your node wallet is compromised, the attacker doesn't get access to your staked ETH and RPL by forcing you to exit because all of those funds will be sent to your separate cold wallet (which they hopefully do not have).Withdrawal addresses are set at a node operator level. If you create multiple minipools, they will all refer to the same withdrawal address so you only need to perform this setup once.See here for some basics on wallet security from the Ethereum Foundation. There are two different ways to do this. Please read both options below to determine which one applies to you. Method 1Method 2Use this method if your new withdrawal address can be used to sign transactions via MetaMask or WalletConnect.NOTEThis method will require you to submit a transaction from your new withdrawal address, so you must have a small amount of ETH in that address already.NOTEFor users of Ledger hardware wallets, note that Ledger Live does not yet support MetaMask or WalletConnect natively. You will need to use MetaMask and connect it to your Ledger instead. Follow the official Ledger instructions to do this.To work with the Rocket Pool website, you will need to have your Ledger connected, unlocked, and the ETH app open. You will also need to enable "blind signing" for the current session; you can find this within the Settings portion of the ETH app on the device. Bind signing will automatically be disabled after you close the session.If you are using Prater Testnet and want to use your Ledger as your withdrawal address, you must create a new Ethereum wallet on your Ledger first to ensure you don't connect your live address to the test network, which tends to cause confusion. Make sure to select the Goerli Testnet in the network selection dropdown when connecting your Ledger to MetaMask. Note that Ledger Live will not show your balance on the test network, but other applications which support the test network (such as MetaMask and Etherscan) will be able to display it.Run rocketpool node set-withdrawal-address <your cold wallet address or ENS name>. Your new withdrawal address will be marked as "pending". Until you confirm it, your old withdrawal address will still be used.To confirm it, you must send a special transaction from your new withdrawal address to the minipool contract to verify that you own the withdrawal address.The easiest way to do this is to navigate to the Rocket Pool withdrawal address site (for the Prater Testnet or for Mainnet).If you haven't already connected Metamask or WalletConnect to the Rocket Pool website, do this now. Click the select wallet button in the center of the screen, and choose MetaMask or WalletConnect based on which wallet you would like to use. You will then be prompted asking you to confirm the connection. For example, using MetaMask:Click Next, then click Confirm to enable the Rocket Pool website to use your wallet. 3. Select Withdrawal Address from the top menu (or the hamburger menu on the left side if you're on a mobile device). 4. You will see this prompt:Type your node wallet address here and click on the Check Mark button to continue.You will be prompted with a question asking if you want to set a new node withdrawal address or confirm a pending one. Select Confirm.Now, there should be a new confirmation dialog in your wallet. Again, using MetaMask as an example, click the MetaMask icon to open it and you should see something like this:Click Confirm to send the transaction to the network. This will take some time until it gets mined, but once it does, you will see a confirmation dialog:Your new withdrawal address will now be confirmed and activated. You can view this with rocketpool node status. Once this is done, you will no longer be able to change your withdrawal address using the set-withdrawal-address command. To change it, you will need to send a signed transaction from your active withdrawal address (the one you just switched to). The Rocket Pool website has a function to help you do this.
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Setting your Voting Delegate Address
Rocket Pool's governance process uses Snapshot as the platform for hosting governance proposals. Voting on them is done in-browser, via a wallet like MetaMask or a bridge like WalletConnect. Node operators can vote on these proposals using the RPL they have staked (their effective stake). Since your node's wallet should never leave your node (e.g. you should never import your mnemonic into MetaMask or another wallet), we have set up a system that allows you to delegate your node's voting power to a separate address. This could be another wallet (such as a MetaMask account) that you control, or you could delegate your voting power to one of the Node Operators that have elected to be official delegates. NOTEIf you are an Allnodes user, you can use your node account as the voting address and can ignore the following guides. They are intended for normal Smartnode operators. Setting up a voting delegate address that can vote on behalf of your node is a one-time action. Simply run the following command: rocketpool node set-voting-delegate <address or ENS name> The address or ENS name you use depends on whether you are voting yourself or you are delegating your vote to an official delegate. If you are voting yourself, use the address of the wallet you want to use in-browser (e.g. your MetaMask account, your hardware wallet, your Argent wallet, etc.). WARNINGAs a reminder, DO NOT enter your node's wallet or mnemonic into MetaMask or any other wallet! The voting delegate feature is specifically designed to ensure you have no need to do this, which helps maintain the security of your node! At anytime, you can reassign your voting power by setting the voting address from your node. One limitation of Snapshot is that you must have delegated before the proposal you would like to vote on is created. We suggest that you set up your voting address or delegate early so that you don’t miss any proposal votes. To learn more about how to participate in RocketPool governance, please check out this medium article
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Map an ENS Name to your Node Wallet
If you want your node wallet address to be mapped to a human-readable name like alice.eth, follow these steps: Select "My account"Click on the ENS name you want to editClick on "Add/edit record"Insert your desired ETH address, click "Confirm" and submit the transaction. Execute the command: rocketpool wallet set-ens-name <your-ens-name.eth> This action also requires sending a transaction. You'll need to confirm the desired parameters and submit the transaction. NOTEMake sure you completed step 2 to setup the forward resolution before running the CLI command to setup the reverse resolution. This is a safety measure to stop wallets from trying to impersonate an ENS name they don't control.
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Next Steps
The next steps to prepare your node will teach you about setting up a fallback node, how priority fees work, your Fee Distributor and the Smoothing Pool, and MEV. Each topic will require you to make a choice about how you want to run your node. Please move on to the next sections in the guide when you're ready. Once you're done with those topics, you'll be guided through the process of making a minipool and earning staking rewards.
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Intro to the Command Line Interface
As a node operator, the CLI is your primary tool for interacting with Rocket Pool. You will use it to create new minipools, check on the status of everything, claim periodic RPL rewards, exit and withdraw from your minipools when you're ready, and a host of other activities. Once you've finished syncing the Execution (ETH1) and Beacon (ETH2) chains, all of the commands will be available for you to use. In this section, we'll go over a brief tour of some of the more common ones and some other tricks that the CLI can do.
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Learning About the Commands
To list all of the available commands, type: rocketpool help The output will look like this: NAME: rocketpool - Rocket Pool CLI USAGE: rocketpool [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 1.7.0-dev AUTHORS: David Rugendyke <[email protected]> Jake Pospischil <[email protected]> Joe Clapis <[email protected]> Kane Wallmann <[email protected]> COMMANDS: auction, a Manage Rocket Pool RPL auctions minipool, m Manage the node's minipools network, e Manage Rocket Pool network parameters node, n Manage the node odao, o Manage the Rocket Pool oracle DAO queue, q Manage the Rocket Pool deposit queue service, s Manage Rocket Pool service wallet, w Manage the node wallet help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --allow-root, -r Allow rocketpool to be run as the root user --config-path path, -c path Rocket Pool config asset path (default: "~/.rocketpool") --daemon-path path, -d path Interact with a Rocket Pool service daemon at a path on the host OS, running outside of docker --maxFee value, -f value The max fee (including the priority fee) you want a transaction to cost, in gwei (default: 0) --maxPrioFee value, -i value The max priority fee you want a transaction to use, in gwei (default: 0) --gasLimit value, -l value [DEPRECATED] Desired gas limit (default: 0) --nonce value Use this flag to explicitly specify the nonce that this transaction should use, so it can override an existing 'stuck' transaction --debug Enable debug printing of API commands --secure-session, -s Some commands may print sensitive information to your terminal. Use this flag when nobody can see your screen to allow sensitive data to be printed without prompting --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version COPYRIGHT: (c) 2021 Rocket Pool Pty Ltd
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Service Commands
The service group involves managing the various services the smart node manages for you. Here is what the rocketpool service help output will show: NAME: rocketpool service - Manage Rocket Pool service USAGE: rocketpool service [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: install, i Install the Rocket Pool service config, c Configure the Rocket Pool service status, u View the Rocket Pool service status start, s Start the Rocket Pool service pause, p Pause the Rocket Pool service stop, o Pause the Rocket Pool service (alias of 'rocketpool service pause') logs, l View the Rocket Pool service logs stats, a View the Rocket Pool service stats compose View the Rocket Pool service docker compose config version, v View the Rocket Pool service version information prune-eth1, n Shuts down the main ETH1 client and prunes its database, freeing up disk space, then restarts it when it's done. install-update-tracker, d Install the update tracker that provides the available system update count to the metrics dashboard check-cpu-features, ccf Checks if your CPU supports all of the features required by the "modern" version of certain client images. If not, it prints what features are missing. get-config-yaml Generate YAML that shows the current configuration schema, including all of the parameters and their descriptions export-eth1-data Exports the execution client (eth1) chain data to an external folder. Use this if you want to back up your chain data before switching execution clients. import-eth1-data Imports execution client (eth1) chain data from an external folder. Use this if you want to restore the data from an execution client that you previously backed up. resync-eth1 Deletes the main ETH1 client's chain data and resyncs it from scratch. Only use this as a last resort! resync-eth2 Deletes the ETH2 client's chain data and resyncs it from scratch. Only use this as a last resort! terminate, t Deletes all of the Rocket Pool Docker containers and volumes, including your ETH1 and ETH2 chain data and your Prometheus database (if metrics are enabled). Only use this if you are cleaning up the Smartnode and want to start over! OPTIONS: --compose-file value, -f value Optional compose files to override the standard Rocket Pool docker compose YAML files; this flag may be defined multiple times --help, -h show help
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This command shows you the current running status of each of the Docker containers managed by Rocket Pool. For example, the default Docker install's output looks like this: Name Command State Ports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rocketpool_api /bin/sleep infinity Up rocketpool_eth1 sh /setup/ Up>30303/tcp,:::30303->30303/tcp,>30303/udp,:::30303->30303/udp, 8545/tcp, 8546/tcp rocketpool_eth2 sh /setup/ Up>9001/tcp,:::9001->9001/tcp,>9001/udp,:::9001->9001/udp rocketpool_node /go/bin/rocketpool node Up rocketpool_validator sh /setup/ Up rocketpool_watchtower /go/bin/rocketpool watchtower Up You can use it to quickly check if any of the Docker containers are having trouble, or to make sure that a start or stop command worked correctly.
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start and stop
These two commands you are already familiar with. They simply start all of the Rocket Pool containers, or stop them. TIPThe pause command does the same thing as stop. It's just left over as a legacy command from earlier versions of Rocket Pool.
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This command is another one you should have already seen. You can use it to look at the output logs of each Docker container. This can be useful for troubleshooting or getting a more detailed status report from them. If you simply do rocketpool service logs without any other arguments, it will aggregate all of the logs together and show them to you at once. If you want to focus on one container's output, you can add an argument to the end to specify the container. Valid values are eth1, eth2, validator, api, node, and watchtower.
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This command shows you some resource stats from each of the containers, which you can use to profile each one's hardware and network consumption. You might find it useful for monitoring the containers if your system starts running slow or has RAM problems. Here is some example output: CONTAINER ID NAME CPU % MEM USAGE / LIMIT MEM % NET I/O BLOCK I/O PIDS 62314e5a0ecf rocketpool_api 0.00% 18.89MiB / 62.78GiB 0.03% 50.6kB / 31.1kB 57.4MB / 0B 1 ac629c08c896 rocketpool_eth1 5.44% 18.13GiB / 62.78GiB 28.88% 1.63GB / 1.66GB 24.4GB / 37.7GB 27 4dfc7a2e939b rocketpool_eth2 97.39% 2.369GiB / 62.78GiB 3.77% 1.79GB / 45MB 333MB / 24.1GB 2 a3c22f54eff0 rocketpool_node 0.00% 12.13MiB / 62.78GiB 0.02% 308kB / 504kB 0B / 0B 15 0d5818868ef6 rocketpool_validator 0.00% 936KiB / 62.78GiB 0.00% 12.1kB / 0B 4.57MB / 0B 2 88bea525fa89 rocketpool_watchtower 0.00% 12.05MiB / 62.78GiB 0.02% 304kB / 503kB 0B / 0B 16 NOTEThe RAM statistic here shows total allocated memory, which includes virtual memory. It does not show the raw resident memory consumption.Similarly, the CPU usage shows the total amount of CPU consumption averaged over all of the CPU cores that the container uses. Here, the CPU for ETH2 shows almost 100% because it is using Nimbus, which is single-threaded.You may find that a program like htop offers better insight into actual resource consumption.
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This command runs through the configuration interview again. You can use it if you want to change your selection of Execution (ETH1) or Consensus (ETH2) client, or change some of the parameters that you initially specified when you selected them (such as your validator's graffiti message, the max number of peers to connect to, and so on). You can call this command at any time, but the changes won't take effect until you call rocketpool service stop and rocketpool service start.
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This command will shut down the Docker containers, then delete them, delete the Rocket Pool virtual network, and delete the ETH1 and ETH2 chain data volumes. It essentially removes all of the Rocket Pool items from your Docker setup. Use it when you want to clean up that portion of the Rocket Pool installation. WARNINGThis will irreversibly remove your chain data, which means you'll need to sync ETH1 and ETH2 again.This will not remove your wallet and password files, your configured settings, or your validator keys. To remove those, you will need to delete the ~/.rocketpool/data folder in Docker or Hybrid Mode, or the corresponding directory in Native Mode.
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Node Commands
The node group involves operations on your Rocket Pool node. We'll cover these more in-depth in the next section where we create a minipool, but it may be helpful to see them all at a glance. Here is what the rocketpool node help output will show: NAME: rocketpool node - Manage the node USAGE: rocketpool node [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: status, s Get the node's status sync, y Get the sync progress of the eth1 and eth2 clients register, r Register the node with Rocket Pool rewards, e Get the time and your expected RPL rewards of the next checkpoint set-withdrawal-address, w Set the node's withdrawal address confirm-withdrawal-address, f Confirm the node's pending withdrawal address if it has been set back to the node's address itself set-timezone, t Set the node's timezone location swap-rpl, p Swap old RPL for new RPL stake-rpl, k Stake RPL against the node claim-rewards, c Claim available RPL and ETH rewards for any checkpoint you haven't claimed yet withdraw-rpl, i Withdraw RPL staked against the node deposit, d Make a deposit and create a minipool send, n Send ETH or tokens from the node account to an address set-voting-delegate, sv Set the address you want to use when voting on Rocket Pool governance proposals, or the address you want to delegate your voting power to. clear-voting-delegate, cv Remove the address you've set for voting on Rocket Pool governance proposals. initialize-fee-distributor, z Create the fee distributor contract for your node, so you can withdraw priority fees and MEV rewards after the merge distribute-fees, b Distribute the priority fee and MEV rewards from your fee distributor to your withdrawal address and the rETH contract (based on your node's average commission) join-smoothing-pool, js Opt your node into the Smoothing Pool leave-smoothing-pool, ls Leave the Smoothing Pool sign-message, sm Sign an arbitrary message with the node's private key OPTIONS: --help, -h show help Below is a summary of some of the commands you'll tend to need during typical node operation.
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This command will give you a high-level view of your entire node at a glance. It includes how much ETH and RPL you have staked, how many minipools you have and their statuses, your RPL collateral ratio, and more. This is an example of what rocketpool node status shows once you have your node registered and some minipools set up: === Account and Balances === The node <node address> has a balance of 1.493392 ETH and 0.000000 RPL. The node is registered with Rocket Pool with a timezone location of Etc/UTC. === Penalty Status === The node does not have any penalties for cheating with an invalid fee recipient. === DAO Voting === The node does not currently have a voting delegate set, and will not be able to vote on Rocket Pool governance proposals. === Withdrawal Address === The node's withdrawal address has not been changed, so rewards and withdrawals will be sent to the node itself. Consider changing this to a cold wallet address that you control using the `set-withdrawal-address` command. === Fee Distributor and Smoothing Pool === The node's fee distributor <fee distributer contract address> has a balance of 0.000000 ETH. The node is opted into the Smoothing Pool. === RPL Stake and Minipools === The node has a total stake of 600.000000 RPL and an effective stake of 600.000000 RPL, allowing it to run 5 minipool(s) in total. This is currently a 54.65% collateral ratio. The node must keep at least 109.788901 RPL staked to collateralize its minipools and claim RPL rewards. The node has a total of 1 active minipool(s): - 1 staking
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This command will show you the current sync status of your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients. You'll probably use it a lot when you first set the node up, then never need it again (unless you change or reset your clients). The output of rocketpool node sync will look like this: Your Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network. Your eth1 client hasn't synced enough to determine if your eth1 and eth2 clients are on the same network. To run this safety check, try again later when eth1 has made more sync progress. Your primary execution client is still syncing (67.12%). You do not have a fallback execution client enabled. Your primary consensus client is still syncing (99.94%). You do not have a fallback consensus client enabled. Note that Prysm currently doesn't provide its completion percent - you'll need to look in the eth2 logs if you use it.
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This command is what you'll use when you want to add more RPL collateral to your node. Doing so will increase your collateral ratio, which will increase your RPL rewards at each checkpoint (more on this later). It may allow you to run more minipools or withdraw your rewards for the current checkpoint if your collateral is currently too low. Unlike the other commands so far, this one is actually interactive because it will trigger a transaction - it isn't simply informational. It will first ask you how much RPL you'd like to stake, with some pre-defined options for convenience or the ability to specify a custom amount: Please choose an amount of RPL to stake: 1: The minimum minipool stake amount (284.477473 RPL)? 2: The maximum effective minipool stake amount (4267.162095 RPL)? 3: Your entire RPL balance (4820.395655 RPL)? 4: A custom amount Once you select an option, you will be shown some information about the suggested gas price and estimated amount to be used, along with a confirmation dialog: Please enter an amount of RPL to stake: 0.00001 Suggested gas price: 1.000000 Gwei Estimated gas used: 69484 gas Estimated gas cost: 0.000069 ETH NOTE: This operation requires multiple transactions. The actual gas cost may be higher than what is estimated here. Are you sure you want to stake 0.000010 RPL? You will not be able to unstake this RPL until you exit your validators and close your minipools, or reach over 150% collateral!. [y/n] If you confirm, you will be shown the transaction hash and given a link to Etherscan so you can follow its progress: Approving RPL for staking... Transaction has been submitted with hash <transaction hash>. You may follow its progress by visiting:<transaction hash> Waiting for the transaction to be mined... **DO NOT EXIT!** This transaction is one of several that must be completed. Most operations only require one transaction, so the CLI will wait until it has been mined and then exit. However, stake-rpl is one of the few commands that requires two transactions, so this dialog will appear twice.
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This command will let you deposit ETH and create a new minipool (a new ETH2 validator). You will be prompted with the expected gas cost for the transaction and one final confirmation dialog. If you accept, your ETH deposit will be processed and you will create a new minipool (and a corresponding ETH2 validator). (For more information, see the next section on Creating a Minipool).
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When your node detects a new rewards checkpoint, it will automatically download the rewards tree file with the information for that interval (if you're using the default of Download Mode - see below for information on generating your own trees instead of downloading them). You can then review your rewards using the following command: rocketpool node claim-rewards As intervals go by and you accumulate rewards, the output will look like this: Here you can quickly see how many rewards you've earned at each interval, and can decide which ones you want to claim. You can also specify an amount you want to restake during this claim: This will let you compound your RPL rewards in one transaction, using substantially less gas than you currently needed to use with the legacy claim system. WARNINGIf you are below 10% RPL collateral at the time of the snapshot, you will not be eligible for rewards for that snapshot. Unlike the current system, where you can simply "top off" before you claim in order to become eligible again, this will be locked in that snapshot forever and you will never receive rewards for that period. You must be above 10% collateral at the time of a snapshot in order to receive rewards for that period. NOTEIf you prefer to build the rewards checkpoint manually instead of downloading the one created by the Oracle DAO, you can change this setting from Download to Generate in the TUI:As the tip implies, you will need access to an Execution client archive node to do this. If your local Execution client is not an archive node, you can specify a separate one (such as Infura or Alchemy) in the Archive-Mode EC URL box below it. This URL will only be used when generating Merkle trees; it will not be used for validation duties.
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rocketpool node join-smoothing-pool This will record you as opted-in in the Rocket Pool contracts and automatically change your Validator Client's fee recipient from your node's distributor contract to the Smoothing Pool contract. Note that once you opt in, there is a 28 day cooldown (one full rewards interval length) until you can opt out.
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rocketpool node leave-smoothing-pool This will opt you out of the Smoothing Pool if you're currently opted in, and have waited at least 28 days after opting in. Once the next epoch after the current epoch is finalized, it will automatically change your node's fee recipient from the Smoothing Pool back to your node's distributor contract. This is to ensure you don't get penalized for front-running the exit process when you see that you have a proposal coming up.
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To initialize your node's distributor, simply run this new command: rocketpool node initialize-fee-distributor NOTEAfter the Redstone update, you must call this function before you can create any new minipools with rocketpool node deposit.
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When your distributor has been initialized, you can claim and distribute its entire balance using the following command: rocketpool node distribute-fees This will send your share of the rewards to your withdrawal address.
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This command lets you send ETH, RPL, or other Rocket Pool-related tokens from the node wallet to a different address. This might be useful if you want to move your funds on the wallet elsewhere. The syntax for using the send command is like this: rocketpool node send <amount> <token> <address or ENS name> The arguments are as follows: <amount> is the amount of the token to send.<token> is the token to send - this can be eth, rpl, fsrpl (the old legacy RPL token), or reth.<address or ENS name> is the Ethereum address (or ENS name) to send the tokens to. For example: rocketpool node send 1 eth <my friend's address> would send 1 ETH to my friend.
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Minipool Commands
The minipool group involves commands that affect your minipools. As with the node group, we'll cover these more in-depth in the next section but it may be helpful to see them all now. Here is what the rocketpool minipool help output will show: NAME: rocketpool minipool - Manage the node's minipools USAGE: rocketpool minipool [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: status, s Get a list of the node's minipools stake, t Stake a minipool after the scrub check, moving it from prelaunch to staking. refund, r Refund ETH belonging to the node from minipools exit, e Exit staking minipools from the beacon chain delegate-upgrade, u Upgrade a minipool's delegate contract to the latest version delegate-rollback, b Roll a minipool's delegate contract back to its previous version set-use-latest-delegate, l If enabled, the minipool will ignore its current delegate contract and always use whatever the latest delegate is find-vanity-address, v Search for a custom vanity minipool address OPTIONS: --help, -h show help Below is a summary of the commands that you'll typically use.
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This command simply provides a summary of each of your minipools. This includes its current status, the eth1 address of the minipool, the commission on it (called the node fee), the public key of the corresponding ETH2 validator, and some other things: $ rocketpool minipool status 1 Staking minipool(s): -------------------- Address: <minipool eth1 address> Status updated: 2021-05-21, 14:05 +0000 UTC Node fee: 20.000000% Node deposit: 16.000000 ETH RP ETH assigned: 2021-05-23, 13:32 +0000 UTC RP deposit: 16.000000 ETH Validator pubkey: <validator eth2 address> Validator index: 0 Validator seen: yes
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This command lets you pull 16 ETH back from a minipool if you deposited 32 ETH to create one, once Rocket Pool was able to contribute 16 ETH from the rETH staking pool.
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This command submits a voluntary exit for your validator on the Beacon Chain. Use this when you want to close a validator and withdraw its final ETH balance. Note that this cannot be undone - once you trigger an exit, the validator will shut down permanently.
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Useful Flags
There are some useful global flags that you can add to some of the above commands, which you may want to take advantage of.
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Setting a Custom Max Fee or Priority Fee (Gas Price)
Starting with the London ETH1 hardfork in July of 2021, Ethereum transactions no longer use a single gas price for their transactions. Instead, modern Ethereum transactions use two values: The max fee, which describes the absolute maximum gas price you're willing to accept on a transactionThe max priority fee, which describes the maximum amount you're willing to "tip" the miner for including your transaction in a block TIPThe way these two values work can be a bit convoluted, so here are some simple examples.Let's say the current network fee, called the base fee, is at 50 gwei. You submit a transaction with an 80 gwei max fee, and a priority fee of 2 gwei.Because the network's base fee is lower than your max fee, this transaction could get picked up in the current block. It would cost you 50 gwei for the base fee and 2 gwei for the priority fee; even though you set your max fee to 80, it would only cost you 52 gwei total.As another example, say you have that same transaction, but now the network's base fee is 100 gwei. Since 100 gwei is larger than your 80 gwei max fee, your transaction will not be included in this block. Instead, it will simply sit in the transaction pool until the base fee is low enough to include it.Now, let's say the current base fee is 50 gwei again, and your transaction has a max fee of 80 gwei and a priority fee of 4 gwei. It would execute with a total cost of 54 gwei. The 4 gwei priority fee would ensure that it was included in front of all of the transactions with a lower priority fee.If you really want the transaction to go through at all costs, you can set the priority fee to be the same as the max fee. This emulates the legacy gas behavior, so your transaction will use all of the gas you give it - regardless of whether or not the network's base fee is lower than your max fee or not. By default, Rocket Pool will use an oracle to look at the current transaction pool and suggest a reasonable max fee for any transactions you trigger. It uses EtherChain for its primary suggestion oracle, and Etherscan as a backup. If you prefer, you can set a custom max fee (in gwei) you'd be willing to pay with the -f flag. You can also set a custom priority fee with the -i flag. To do this, add them after rocketpool and before the other command information. For example, calling node set-timezone with this flag would provide the following output: $ rocketpool -f 10 node set-timezone Would you like to detect your timezone automatically? [y/n] n Please enter a timezone to register with in the format 'Country/City': Australia/Brisbane You have chosen to register with the timezone 'Australia/Brisbane', is this correct? [y/n] y Using the requested max fee of 10.00 gwei (including a max priority fee of 2.00 gwei). Total cost: 0.0005 to 0.0007 ETH Are you sure you want to set your timezone? [y/n] This shows that regardless of what max fee the network recommends, it will use your custom max fee of 10 gwei (and priority fee if you specify it) instead when submitting this transaction. NOTEIf you set a manual max fee, we strongly encourage you to use a third-party gas price oracle such as EtherChain to determine if that fee is high enough for the current network conditions before submitting the transaction.
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Canceling / Overwriting a Stuck Transaction
Sometimes, you might run into a scenario where you sent a transaction to the network but you used a gas price that is far too low for the network conditions, and it will take a prohibitively long time to execute. Since all of your subsequent transactions will wait until that one goes through, that transaction essentially blocks all of the operations on your Rocket Pool node. To deal with this situation, we've added a global flag that lets you "cancel" such a transaction by replacing it with something else. Every Ethereum wallet, including your node wallet, sends transactions sequentially. Each transaction you send has a number called a nonce that identifies where it lives in that sequence. The very first transaction you send will have a nonce of 0, the next one you send will have a nonce of 1, and so on. This overwriting technique involves sending a new transaction that uses the same nonce as your existing stuck transaction, but will ideally include a higher gas price than the stuck one. This means that the new one will be mined first. As soon as it's mined into a block, the old one will be discarded from the network as though it was never sent in the first place. To use this flag, you first need to find the nonce of your stuck transaction: Once you have it, simply call any transaction with the CLI using the --nonce <value> -i 2.2 flags after rocketpool and before the rest of the command. NOTEYou must include the -i (priority fee) flag in order to overwrite a previous transaction. This number must be at least 10% higher than whatever priority fee your old transaction used. The Smartnode uses a priority fee of 2 gwei by default, so a value of 2.2 is usually sufficient for an override.If your old transaction used a custom fee (say, 10 gwei), you will need to set it at least 10% higher in the overriding transaction (so in this example, 11 gwei). As an example, say I submitted a transaction with a nonce of 10 and a max fee of 20 gwei, but the current network fee is 100 gwei so my transaction is stuck. To fix it, I will submit a transaction where I send a small amount of ETH from myself back to myself with a higher max fee (say, 150 gwei) and a higher priority fee. I'll burn a little gas doing it, but it will unstick the broken transaction: $ rocketpool --nonce 10 -f 150 -i 2.2 node send 0.0001 eth <node wallet address> Using the requested max fee of 150.00 gwei (including a max priority fee of 2.20 gwei). Total cost: 0.0032 to 0.0032 ETH Are you sure you want to send 0.000100 eth to <node wallet address>? This action cannot be undone! [y/n] The Smartnode stack will automatically check to make sure that the nonce you have provided is valid (it refers to a pending transaction) before sending it and wasting your gas accidentally. If not, it will return an error message. Otherwise, it will go through and provide you with the transaction details so you can monitor it to confirm that it did, in fact, overwrite your old stuck transaction. That's it for the common CLI commands. In the next section, we'll walk through how to create a minipool and start validating on the Beacon Chain.
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Specifying a Fallback Node
Starting with 1.5.0 of the Smartnode stack, you can provide a "fallback" Execution client and Consensus client pair that can take over for your primary clients if they ever go offline (such as because you use Geth and need to prune it). In this situation, your primary node machine will still be responsible for attesting and proposing blocks with your minipools' validator keys, but it will connect to an external machine to interact with the Execution layer and Beacon chains. Essentially, it allows you to temporarily use another pair of clients for things like querying the chains, sending transactions, and receiving blocks to attest to. This pair can be externally managed (like Hybrid mode), or it can be another Rocket Pool node (another Docker mode machine that has the API ports exposed, which we'll cover below). Once your node's primary clients are back online, the Smartnode and your Validator client will switch back to them automatically. NOTEA fallback node is not the same as a "backup" node. Fallback nodes have an Execution and Consensus client pair synced to the chain and running, but they do not have your node's wallet or its validator keys loaded.If your main node ever goes offline, your fallback will not start validating for you.
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Supported Clients
As of v1.9.0, all our supported validator clients have added Fallback support with only a few limitations: NameSupports FallbackValid Fallback ClientsLighthouseYesAny (doppelganger protection off)Lighthouse (doppelganger protection on)NimbusYesAnyPrysmYesPrysmTekuYesAnyLodestarYesAny
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Setting up a New Node (Docker Mode)
You can use a 2nd machine that you own locally, a remote node hosted on a VPS, or a cloud-based node as a fallback node. This example shows you how to create a 2nd Smartnode on a different machine using Docker mode, which can serve as a fallback node. TIPIf you already have a 2nd node ready and have its RPC ports exposed, feel free to skip this section. NOTEDo not create a wallet with rocketpool wallet init or recover your old wallet. Leave this node without a wallet and without validator keys.Its only job is to have a synced Execution client and Consensus client.
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Connecting your Main Node to the Fallback Node
Once you have a fallback node prepared, you can connect it to your main node. The final page should look like this: NOTENative mode users can follow the same steps, though the TUI will look slightly different from the above screenshot.Note that this will only provide the Smartnode itself (the daemon service) with fallback support; you will have to update your Validator client service's arguments manually to give it access to the fallback clients. Press enter on the final box to ensure that it's confirmed, then save the settings and apply the changes. Once they've been applied, you can confirm the availability of your fallback node using the rocketpool node sync command: Your Smartnode is currently using the Ethereum Mainnet. Your eth2 client is on the correct network. Your primary execution client is fully synced. Your fallback execution client is fully synced. Your primary consensus client is fully synced. Your fallback consensus client is fully synced. If it shows that both the fallback Execution and Consensus client are synced, then you're all set!
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Testing the Fallback Clients
If you'd like to be absolutely sure that your configuration is going to work by testing the fallback clients, simply stop the Execution and Consensus clients on your main node: shelldocker stop rocketpool_eth1 rocketpool_eth2 Then run any command that queries the chain, such as rocketpool network stats. You will see a warning message at the top indicating that one (or both) of your primary clients are offline, and that it's reverting to the fallback clients: NOTE: primary clients are not ready, using fallback clients... Primary EC status: unavailable (Sync progress check failed with [Post "http://eth1:8545": dial tcp: lookup eth1 on no such host]) Primary CC status: synced and ready ========== General Stats ========== Total Value Locked: 278978.009858 ETH Staking Pool Balance: 10.587295 ETH Minipool Queue Demand: 3360.000000 ETH Staking Pool ETH Used: 99.735490% ============== Nodes ============== Current Commission Rate: 15.000000% Node Count: 1325 Active Minipools: 6409 Initialized: 175 Prelaunch: 3 Staking: 6227 Withdrawable: 0 Dissolved: 4 Inactive Minipools: 0 ========== Smoothing Pool ========= Nodes Opted in: 0 Pending Balance: 0.000000 ============== Tokens ============= rETH Price (ETH / rETH): 1.031919 ETH RPL Price (ETH / RPL): 0.011563 ETH Total RPL staked: 6098920.170527 RPL Effective RPL staked: 5751692.043848 RPL Finally, start your primary clients again: shelldocker start rocketpool_eth1 rocketpool_eth2 And you're done! Your fallback setup is working.
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Next Steps
Whether or not you've opted into creating and/or running a fallback node for your setup, the next step is to learn about priority fees. Click on the next section of the guide when you're ready to proceed.
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Fee Distributors and the Smoothing Pool
Now that the Merge has passed, node operators receive priority fees (tips) from the transactions they include in any blocks that they propose to the Ethereum chain. These fees come from and stay on the Execution layer. Unlike most validation rewards which are locked on the Consensus layer (until withdrawals are enabled), these fees are immediately liquid. In general, priority fees provide almost as much ETH to you as Beacon Chain rewards do, so they are a very nice benefit of the Merge. NOTEAs a quick reminder here's a breakdown of the different types of rewards and which layer they're provided on:Consensus Layer: attestations, block proposals, sync committees, slashing reportsExecution Layer: priority fees and MEV (discussed in the next section) from block proposals
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Fee Recipients
When you propose a block on the Ethereum chain, the protocol needs to know where to send the tips from each transaction included in your block. It can't send them to your validator's address, because that's on the Consensus layer - not the Execution layer. It can't send them to your minipool address, because it has to work for solo stakers too and solo stakers don't have an address on the Execution layer attached to their validators the way Rocket Pool does. Instead, the way it works is fairly straightforward: when Rocket Pool starts up your Validator Client, it passes in an argument called the fee recipient. The fee recipient is simply an address on the Execution layer where you want the tips to go. Rocket Pool is designed to fairly distribute these rewards between you and the rETH pool stakers, the same way it fairly distributes your Beacon chain rewards: your portion of any priority fees your minipool validators earn will go to you (plus the average commission of all of your minipools), and the remaining portion will go to the pool stakers (minus your average commission). The exact portion depends on the number of 8 ETH-bonded versus 16 ETH-bonded minipools you have. To that end, the Smartnode will automatically set your node's fee recipient to either of these special contracts: Your node's own personal Fee Distributor (the default)The Smoothing Pool (opt-in) In brief, the Fee Distributor is a unique contract attached to your node that collects and fairly splits your priority fees between you and the rETH stakers. It's like your own personal vault for priority fees. Anyone (including you) can distribute its balance at any time to ensure that the rewards are always available to rETH stakers. The Smoothing Pool is a special opt-in contract that allows all participating node operators to aggregate and pool their priority fees together, and distributes them evenly among the participants during each Rocket Pool rewards interval (currently every 28 days) and the rETH pool stakers. This is a very compelling feature for node operators that don't want to worry about the luck factor involved in getting block proposals with high priority fees, and would rather have a nice, regular, consistent set of monthly earnings. We'll cover both of these below so you understand the difference and whether or not you want to join the Smoothing Pool.
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Your Fee Distributor
Your Fee Distributor is a unique contract on the Execution Layer that's specific to your node. It will hold all of the priority fees you've earned over time, and it contains the logic required to fairly split and distribute them to the rETH pool stakers and your withdrawal address. This distribution process can be called by anyone (including rETH stakers), and can be done at any time. It does not have a time limit before rewards expire. The address for your node's Fee Distributor is deterministically based on your node address. That means it is known ahead of time, before the Fee Distributor is even created. New Rocket Pool nodes will automatically create (initialize) their node's Fee Distributor contract upon registration. Nodes that were created before the Redstone upgrade will need to do this process manually. This only needs to be run once. One interesting ramification of this is that your Distributor's address may start accruing a balance before you've initialized your Fee Distributor contract. This is okay, because your Distributor will gain access to all of this existing balance as soon as you initialize it. By default, your node will use its Fee Distributor as the fee recipient for your validators.
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Viewing its Address and Balance
You can view your fee distributor's address and balance as part of: rocketpool node status The output will look like this:
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Initializing the Fee Distributor
To initialize your node's distributor, simply run this new command: rocketpool node initialize-fee-distributor NOTEIf you created your node before the Redstone update, you must call this function once before you can create any new minipools with rocketpool node deposit. When your distributor has been initialized, you can claim and distribute its entire balance using the following command: rocketpool node distribute-fees This will send your share of the rewards to your withdrawal address. NOTE ON TAXABLE EVENTSWhenever you create a new minipool, Rocket Pool will automatically call distribute-fees. This is to ensure that whatever fees you had accumulated are distributed using your node's average commission, which could change when you create the new minipool.Also, note that anyone can call distribute-fees on your fee distributor (to prevent you from holding rETH rewards hostage). You may have a taxable event whenever this method is called.Please keep these conditions in mind when deciding whether or not to use the Smoothing Pool (discussed below).
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The Smoothing Pool
The Smoothing Pool is a unique opt-in feature of the Rocket Pool network that is available to our node operators. Essentially, it becomes the fee recipient for every node operator that opts into it and collectively accumulates the priority fees from blocks proposed by those node operators into one large pool. During a Rocket Pool rewards checkpoint (the same ones used to distribute RPL rewards), the total ETH balance of the pool is distributed fairly to the pool stakers and the node operators that opted into it. In essence, the Smoothing Pool is a way to effectively eliminate the randomness associated with being selected for block proposals. If you've ever had a streak of bad luck and gone months without a proposal, or if your block proposals only have low priority fees, you may find the Smoothing Pool quite exciting. To make the math easy to understand, community member Ken Smith has put together a massive analysis comparing the profitability of the Smoothing Pool and the Fee Distributor, which is summarized nicely with this chart: In short, as long as the Smoothing Pool has more minipools than you do, it's more likely that you'll come out ahead by joining it. You can view how many nodes and minipools are opted in using community member Peteris's excellent Rocketscan website.
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The Rules
The Smoothing Pool uses the following rules: During a Rocket Pool rewards checkpoint when the Smoothing Pool's balance is distributed, the contract's total ETH balance is split in two.rETH stakers receive half, minus the average commission of all opted-in node operators.The remainder goes to the node operators that opted in.Opting into the Smoothing Pool is done on a node level. If you opt in, all of your minipools are opted in.Anyone can opt in at any time. They must wait a full rewards interval (3 days on Prater, 28 days on Mainnet) before opting out to prevent gaming the system.Once opted out, they must wait another full interval to opt back in.The Smoothing Pool calculates the "share" of each minipool (portion of the pool's ETH for the interval) owned by each node opted in.The share is a function of your minipool's performance during the interval (calculated by looking at how many attestations you sent on the Beacon Chain, and how many you missed), and your minipool's commission rate.Your node's total share is the sum of your minipool shares.Your node's total share is scaled by the amount of time you were opted in.If you were opted in for the full interval, you receive your full share.If you were opted in for 30% of an interval, you receive 30% of your full share. If you are interested in the complete technical details of Smoothing Pool rewards calculation, please review the full specification here.
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Joining and Leaving the Smoothing Pool
To opt into the Smoothing Pool, run the following command: rocketpool node join-smoothing-pool This will record you as opted-in in the Rocket Pool contracts and automatically change your Validator Client's fee recipient from your node's distributor contract to the Smoothing Pool contract. To leave the pool, run this command: rocketpool node leave-smoothing-pool This will record you as opted-out in the Rocket Pool contracts, and once a small delay has passed, will automatically change your Validator Client's fee recipient from the Smoothing Pool contract back to your node's Fee Distributor contract.
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Claiming Rewards from the Smoothing Pool
Rewards from the Smoothing Pool are bundled together with RPL at the end of each rewards interval using the Redstone rewards system. Claiming them is as simple as running: rocketpool node claim-rewards If opted into the Smoothing Pool, you will notice that the amount of ETH you receive for each interval is more than zero: Welcome to the new rewards system! You no longer need to claim rewards at each interval - you can simply let them accumulate and claim them whenever you want. Here you can see which intervals you haven't claimed yet, and how many rewards you earned during each one. Rewards for Interval 0 (2022-08-04 01:35:39 -0400 EDT to 2022-09-01 01:35:39 -0400 EDT): Staking: 50.820133 RPL Smoothing Pool: 0.000000 ETH Rewards for Interval 1 (2022-09-01 01:35:39 -0400 EDT to 2022-09-29 01:35:39 -0400 EDT): Staking: 40.668885 RPL Smoothing Pool: 0.096200 ETH Total Pending Rewards: 91.489018 RPL 0.096200 ETH Which intervals would you like to claim? Use a comma separated list (such as '1,2,3') or leave it blank to claim all intervals at once. Note that the Smoothing Pool rewards in Interval 1 here indicate that the node was opted in during that interval and received rewards accordingly. We'll cover more about claiming RPL and Smoothing Pool rewards later in the guide, in the Claiming Rewards section.
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Next Steps
Once you've decided on whether or not you want to join the Smoothing Pool, take a look at the next section on MEV and MEV rewards.
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MEV, MEV-Boost, and MEV Rewards
In the previous section, you learned about how node operators earn priority fees. Priority fees are a great boost to a node operator's income, but they aren't the only form of liquid reward available to you on the Execution layer. There is a supplemental form of rewards available, known as MEV rewards. NOTEAs a quick reminder here's a breakdown of the different types of rewards and which layer they're provided on:Consensus Layer (locked until withdrawals): attestations, block proposals, sync committees, slashing reportsExecution Layer (liquid): priority fees and MEV from block proposals
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What is MEV
When your validator creates a block, it usually does so with a very simple algorithm: keep track of a list of pending transactions, bundle as many as them into the block you're building as possible (prioritizing so the ones with the highest tips come first), and submit that block to the chain. However, Ethereum network users have discovered an interesting side-effect of being able to see the publicly available pool of pending transactions (known as the mempool). Having this knowledge allows them to employ clever and sophisticated algorithms to modify the ordering of those transactions, and in some cases, introduce new transactions between them. These two techniques combined can be used to extract additional ETH from a block proposal. This extra ETH is known as Maximal Extractable Value, or MEV for short. In general, there are two "flavors" of MEV: MEV that comes from "benign" sources, such as being the first to arbitrage between exchanges after a large buy or sellMEV that comes at the cost of the Ethereum users, by front-running their transactions and profiting from the user's resulting slippage (see Sandwich Attacks for more information on this technique)
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Block Builders and Relays
Finding MEV opportunities is not an easy thing; state-of-the-art opportunity finders, known as searchers, require immensely powerful computers and employ complex AI algorithms to quickly identify and extract MEV. Searchers then take these opportunities and provide them to block builders - entities that aggregate these bundles of opportunities together to form a complete Ethereum block (which can be the searchers themselves or other parties). The hardware and software requirements for running a profitable searcher prevent most node operators from using them (or at least using them competitively), and thus prevent them from finding their own MEV opportunities to capitalize on. Luckily, simply finding MEV opportunities is only half of the equation. Every Epoch (6.4 minutes, or 32 slots), the Beacon Chain randomly selects a validator from the entire list of active validators to propose a block that will fit in one of the slots for in that Epoch. This list can be seen for the next upcoming Epoch, which means everyone can see which validators are assigned to each slot a few minutes in advance. Some clever entities have leveraged this advance knowledge to essentially construct a kind of "marketplace" of sorts. In this marketplace, validators can register themselves when they have upcoming block proposals and block builders can submit bids for blocks they'd like the validators to propose. These bids always give the priority fees from each transaction in the block to the proposer, and they also offer a supplemental tip to the proposer that comes from the MEV the builder was able to extract for themselves. The validators can then examine these bids, determine which one ultimately provides the most profit, and propose that block instead of building their own. This "marketplace" where block builders interact with validators is known as a relay. Different relays have different rules (such as which of the aforementioned "flavors" of MEV they permit from block builders, and whether or not they comply with certain government sanction regulations), but ultimately they all serve this same marketplace function. Rocket Pool currently offers its node operators access to multiple different relays: NameRegulationMEV TypesFlashbotsComplies with OFAC Sanctions*All typesbloXroute Max ProfitUnregulatedAll typesbloXroute EthicalUnregulated"Benign" (no front-running or sandwiching)bloXroute RegulatedComplies with OFAC Sanctions*All typesBlocknativeComplies with OFAC Sanctions*All typesEden NetworkComplies with OFAC Sanctions*All typesUltra SoundUnregulatedAll typesAESTUSUnregulatedAll types NOTE*Relays that comply with OFAC sanctions follow the blacklist of addresses that the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) maintains. We strongly encourage you to read more about the OFAC sanctions, network censorship, and make a carefully-informed decision about whether or not you believe you should comply with those sanctions and which relays you are comfortable using.More information can be found in articles such as these: If you're interested in exploring the relative market share and average tips per block from each of the relays, take a look at This site captures many metrics about the various MEV relays so you can better understand the popularity and returns of the relays.
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There are many relays out there, and having your node automatically register and maintain contact with each of them can be a burdensome task. Luckily, the engineers at Flashbots produced and maintain a program explicitly designed to handle this relay management known as MEV-Boost. MEV-Boost is a simple program: you tell it which relays you want to use and tell your Consensus client how to reach it, and it takes care of all of the registration, bidding, blind signing, and proposal management in conjunction with your Consensus client. It lets you passively participate in this builder-proposer-marketplace, and thus earn extra rewards with zero effort on your part. MEV-Boost is open source and has been audited. Below is a good visual depiction of how the entire MEV ecosystem functions, and where MEV-Boost fits in: Image courtesy of Flashbots The Rocket Pool Smartnode comes with MEV-Boost directly bundled in by default, enabling our Docker Mode and Hybrid Mode node operators to seamlessly take advantage of it. Native Mode users will need to set it up manually.
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Rocket Pool and MEV
Because Rocket Pool validators are partially funded by the rETH stakers, the protocol requires that MEV rewards (as well as priority fees) be shared with the rETH stakers (minus the node operator's commission, of course). Node operators are not permitted to pocket the entire MEV reward for themselves when proposing with a Rocket Pool validator. To that end, MEV-Boost is a critical component of the Rocket Pool network for several reasons: It provides easy access to the network of MEV relaysIt ensures that the node operator isn't building their own blocks; this is important to ensure that a node operator isn't running their own searcher and stealing MEV without sharing it with the rETH stakersIt increases the overall returns for the rETH stakers, which keeps the protocol competitive with other, more centralized staking providers The second point here is important: Rocket Pool as a protocol will ultimately rely on a Trusted Block Builder (or more accurately, a Trusted Relay) design to ensure that rETH stakers always receive their fair share of MEV rewards and priority fees. Each of the relays listed above currently act in this role. We are taking a three-phase approach towards tranistioning to the Trusted Block Builder design:
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Phase 1: Opt-In!
In phase 1, MEV-Boost is provided to all node operators as an opt-in configuration. Node operators are encouraged to use it because it improves rETH's returns and thus keeps the protocol competitive, but are not required to use it. Node operators can elect to use one or more of the trusted relays listed above but cannot use a custom (untrusted) relay. This phase ended in November 2022.
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Phase 2: Opt-Out
In phase 2, MEV-Boost is enabled by default for all node operators. Node operators can elect to use one or more of the trusted relays listed above but cannot use a custom (untrusted) relay. Node operators that choose to opt-out of MEV-boost must do so explicitly before starting the Smartnode. This is the current phase.
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Phase 3: Required
In phase 3, MEV-Boost is no longer optional; it will be required for all node operators. Node operators must elect to use one or more of the trusted relays listed above but cannot use a custom (untrusted) relay. There is currently no scheduled date for this phase.
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Configuring MEV-Boost in the Smartnode
To learn how to configure MEV-Boost, please select which mode you are using below. Docker ModeHybrid ModeNative ModeConfiguring MEV-Boost is easy with the Smartnode's configuration TUI. Start by running rocketpool service config and navigate to the MEV-Boost option:Check the box labeled Enable MEV-Boost to enable it.Once enabled, The screen will look like this (as of Smartnode v1.7.0):Below is a description of each option and how to use them.The MEV-Boost Mode box lets you toggle between a MEV-Boost instance that Rocket Pool manages, and an external one that you manage on your own. This is meant for advanced users that already have MEV-Boost set up and simply want to use it instead of having Rocket Pool run a second copy. Regular Docker Mode users should just leave this set to Locally Managed.The Selection Mode box lets you switch between Profile Mode and Relay Mode.Profile Mode is the default. It lets you select which relays to enable based on their "profiles". A relay's profile is made of the following choices: Whether it's regulated (complies with government sanctions lists such as the OFAC list and blacklists certain addresses) or unregulated (does not censor any transactions based on any blacklists)Whether it allows all types of MEV or explicitly prohibits bundles that involve sandwich attacks or front-running Ethereum usersYou can select multiple profiles.Each profile you select has a set of relays that adhere to it which are listed in the description box; enabling that profile will enable all of those relays.Advanced users can change this to Relay Mode, which lets them explicitly select which relays they would like to use.The Port box is not important for Docker mode users.The Expose API Port box is not important for Docker mode users.The Container Tag box is useful to manually upgrade the version of MEV-Boost that the Smartnode runs if Flashbots releases a new high-priority version you want to use before a Smartnode update with it is released.The Additional Flags box is used if you want to add supplemental config flags or parameters directly to the MEV-Boost container. Normally, it will not be useful.Once you've enabled MEV-Boost and enabled the relays you'd like, simply save and exit. The Smartnode will restart the relevant containers for you, and automatically set it all up for you.See below for instructions on how to check that it's working as expected. :::::
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Checking MEV-Boost's Logs
To check on MEV-Boost's logs, run the following command (for Docker Mode users and Hybrid users with a locally-managed container): rocketpool service logs mev-boost The output will show you which relays you've enabled, their connection status, and begin listening for traffic from your Beacon Node: mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T22:02:06Z" level=info msg="mev-boost v1.3.1" module=cli mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T22:02:06Z" level=info msg="Using genesis fork version: 0x00000000" module=cli mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T22:02:06Z" level=info msg="using 4 relays" module=cli relays="[{0xac6e77dfe25ecd6110b8e780608cce0dab71fdd5ebea22a16c0205200f2f8e2e3ad3b71d3499c54ad14d6c21b41a37ae https://0xac6e77dfe25ecd6110b8e780608cce0da[email protected]} {0xb0b07cd0abef743db4260b0ed50619cf6ad4d82064cb4fbec9d3ec530f7c5e6793d9f286c4e082c0244ffb9f2658fe88 https://0xb0b07cd0abef743db4260b0ed50619cf6[email protected]} {0x9000009807ed12c1f08bf4e81c6da3ba8e3fc3d953898ce0102433094e5f22f21102ec057841fcb81978ed1ea0fa8246 https://0x9000009807ed12c1f08bf4e81c6da3ba8[email protected]} {0xb3ee7afcf27f1f1259ac1787876318c6584ee353097a50ed84f51a1f21a323b3736f271a895c7ce918c038e4265918be https://0xb3ee7afcf27f1f1259ac1787876318c65[email protected]}]" mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T22:02:06Z" level=info msg="Checking relay" module=service relay="https://0xac6e77dfe25ecd6110b8e780608cce0da[email protected]" mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T22:02:06Z" level=info msg="Checking relay" module=service relay="https://0xb0b07cd0abef743db4260b0ed50619cf6[email protected]" mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T22:02:07Z" level=info msg="Checking relay" module=service relay="https://0x9000009807ed12c1f08bf4e81c6da3ba8[email protected]" mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T22:02:07Z" level=info msg="Checking relay" module=service relay="https://0xb3ee7afcf27f1f1259ac1787876318c65[email protected]" mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T22:02:07Z" level=info msg="listening on" module=cli This indicates that it's running properly. If you have validators already up and running, you will see messages like this every few minutes in the logs: mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T21:40:48Z" level=info msg="http: GET /eth/v1/builder/status 200" duration=0.147305645 method=GET module=service path=/eth/v1/builder/status status=200 mev-boost_1 | time="2022-09-28T21:40:48Z" level=info msg="http: POST /eth/v1/builder/validators 200" duration=0.052895118 method=POST module=service path=/eth/v1/builder/validators status=200 This indicates that your Beacon node was able to properly connect to it and register its validators, indicating that your node is now actively engaging with the MEV relays and is ready to receive blocks from block builders!
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Next Steps
Now that MEV-Boost has been set up, you're ready to create a new minipool and start validating on the Ethereum network! Read the next section to walk through this process.
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This section covers the processes of creating and migrating minipools (Rocket Pool validators). This is where you'll learn how to start validating the Ethereum network and earn rewards for it.
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Before running minipools, please make sure you: Have set up a node machine (or virtual machine) and secured it (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed and configured on itHave a node wallet loaded on your SmartnodeSynced your Execution and Consensus clientsProvisioned your node with a withdrawal address, set up your fallback clients (optional), opted into the Smoothing Pool (optional), and configured MEV
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Creating a New Minipool (Validator) explains the process of creating a new Rocket Pool minipool and corresponding validator on the Beacon Chain. Whether you're making your very first minipool or already have some and would like to make another one, this guide will walk you through it step-by-step. The Minipool Delegate explains a bit about what the minipool contract is, and introduces the delegate contract that contains most of its functionality. It also demonstrates how to update the delegate for your minipools after a network upgrade to take advantage of new features. Converting a Solo Validator into a Minipool walks through the process of converting an existing validator outside of Rocket Pool (such as one you use for solo staking) directly into a Rocket Pool minipool without needing to exit the Beacon Chain and create a new minipool. If you're a solo staker that wants to take advantage of this capability, this is the guide for you! Migrating a 16-ETH Minipool to 8-ETH shows how to reduce the bonded amount of ETH for a minipool from 16 ETH down to 8 ETH, giving you 8 ETH in credit that can be used to create a new minipool for free (though it still costs ETH for gas, of course). The Deposit Credit System covers the "ETH Credit" system that lets you create new minipools without having to pay for their ETH bonds after you perform one of the above migrations.
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Creating a New Minipool (Validator)
As a reminder, a minipool in Rocket Pool terms refers to a unique smart contract instance on the Execution Layer (ETH1) chain that your node manages. The minipool handles a portion of your ETH, known as the bond amount, and a portion of ETH from the rETH staking pool, known as the borrowed amount. It merges them together to form 32 ETH in total, which is then sent to the Beacon Chain deposit contract to create a new validator. Thus, in order to create a validator using Rocket Pool, you need to create a minipool.
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Choosing a Bond Size
NOTE8-ETH bonded minipools are a feature of the Atlas upgrade, which was launched on April 17th 2023. Before creating a minipool, the first step is to choose the amount of ETH you want to bond. With the Atlas update, Rocket Pool allows bond amounts of either 8 ETH or 16 ETH. This bond represents your literal stake in the game as a validator; if your node is penalized for poor performance or slashed for violating the rules of the protocol, the penalty is taken from your bond. In addition to your ETH bond, creating a validator also requires supplemental collateral in the form of the RPL token. The amount of RPL you need to stake depends on your bond size; the minimum is 10% of your borrowed amount of ETH, and the maximum is 150% of your bonded amount of ETH. If choosing 8 ETH, you stake 8 of your own ETH and "borrow" 24 ETH from the staking pool to complete the validator. The minimum RPL stake is 2.4 ETH worth of RPL (10% of 24), and the maximum is 12 ETH worth of RPL (150% of 8). If choosing 16 ETH you stake 16 of your own ETH and borrow 16 ETH from the staking pool to complete the validator. The minimum RPL stake is 1.6 ETH worth of RPL (10% of 16), and the maximum is 24 ETH worth of RPL (150% of 16).
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From a profitability perspective (looking purely at ETH rewards and ignoring RPL), two 8-ETH bonded minipools with a 14% commission provide more rewards to the node operator than even 16-ETH bonded minipools at 20% commission (which, as of Redstone, is the highest possible reward configuration). At the same time, they also provide more rewards to the rETH holders as well due to the fact that the node operators are more efficiently putting the capital of the rETH holders to work. Let's walk through a simple example to illustrate. Say we are a node operator with 16 ETH available to stake (plus the required RPL bond). Say we've earned 1 ETH of rewards on the Beacon Chain per validator. Here's how the math works out for a single 16-ETH minipool with a 20% commission, versus two 8-ETH minipools at 14% commission: 1x 16 ETH Minipool @ 20%: Rewards: 1 ETH Node Share = (16/32) + (16/32 * 0.2) = 0.5 + (0.5 * 0.2) = 0.5 + 0.1 = 0.6 ETH rETH Share = 1 - 0.6 = 0.4 ETH 2x 8 ETH Minipools @ 14%: Rewards: 2 ETH Node Share = ((8/32) + (24/32 * 0.14)) * 2 = (0.25 + (0.75 * 0.14)) * 2 = (0.25 + 0.105) * 2 = 0.71 ETH rETH Share = 2 - 0.71 = 1.29 ETH In other words, a node operator will earn 18% more ETH via two 8-ETH minipools than they would with a single 16-ETH minipool at 20% commission.
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Staking RPL
Before you can create a minipool, you'll first need to stake your RPL collateral. The minimum and maximum amounts are described above relative to ETH and depending on your desired bond size. The exact amount of RPL will change based on the ETH/RPL price ratio, which is snapshotted on-chain at regular intervals by the Oracle DAO. There is no maximum to the amount you can stake, though you will only receive rewards for the first 150% of your bonded ETH at each checkpoint - anything above that will go unrewarded. NOTERPL stake isn't handled on a per-minipool basis. When you stake RPL, you do it for your entire node. This means you'll only need to handle the total RPL stake for your node if you plan to run multiple minipools.
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Staking via the Website
The easiest and safest way to stake RPL for your node is to use the protocol's Stake-on-Behalf feature, which was reintroduced with the Atlas upgrade. This way, you can stake RPL for your node while the RPL is still in the wallet you used to acquire it. In other words, you don't need to send RPL to your node's hot wallet in order to stake it.
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Whitelisting an address to stake on behalf
You first must whitelist an address to have permission to stake on behalf of your node. This only needs to be performed once per address you wish to stake from. You can do this via the following Smartnode command: bashrocketpool node add-address-to-stake-rpl-whitelist address-or-ens Where address-or-ens is the address or and ENS name that resolves to your desired address. You will be asked to confirm the whitelist addition and after the transaction is confirmed, you can then navigate to the relevant page below.
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Staking RPL on behalf of
Select which network you're using from the tabs below to be taken to it: MainnetPrater Testnet Start by connecting your wallet to the website using MetaMask, WalletConnect, or any of the other methods the website supports. You will then be presented with this dialog: This is a two-step process. First, enter the amount of RPL you want to stake and click Approve - this will approve the staking contract to access that much RPL in your wallet, but no more than that amount. TIPYou can approve more than the amount you intend to stake if you trust the Rocket Pool staking contract, and don't want to perform this extra Approve transaction each time you want to stake more RPL. Once the RPL is approved, you will see this dialog: Enter the amount of RPL you want to stake in the Stake RPL box, and enter your node's address in the on behalf of Node Address box. Make sure you have the correct node address before doing this! If you need to confirm your node's address, you can quickly retrieve it via the CLI using the rocketpool node status command. When you've entered that information, press the Stake button and approve the transaction. It will be sent to the Ethereum network, and once included in a block, you're all set! If you run rocketpool node status, you should see your staked RPL appear under the === RPL Stake === section.
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Removing an address from the stake whitelist
If you ever want to remove an address from your stake-on-behalf whitelist, you may do so with the following Smartnode command: bashrocketpool node remove-address-from-stake-rpl-whitelist address-or-ens Where address-or-ens is the address or and ENS name resolving to the address you want to remove from the whitelist.
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Staking via the Node CLI
If you cannot (or do not want to) use the website to stake your RPL, you can also stake it via the node's CLI directly. First, transfer your RPL from the wallet you acquired it with to your node's address. WARNINGPlease do this carefully and ensure you are sending the RPL to your node's address - transfers on Ethereum cannot be undone!Sending RPL to the wrong address will result in the loss of your RPL.Use the rocketpool node status command to verify your node's address if you aren't sure what it is. Run the following command: rocketpool node stake-rpl Here is the output: Please choose an amount of RPL to stake: 1: The minimum minipool stake amount for an 8-ETH minipool (100.794306 RPL)? 2: The maximum minipool stake amount for an 8-ETH minipool (503.971527 RPL)? 3: The minimum minipool stake amount for a 16-ETH minipool (67.196204 RPL)? 4: The maximum minipool stake amount for a 16-ETH minipool (1007.943054 RPL)? 5: Your entire RPL balance (1440.000000 RPL)? 6: A custom amount Select how much you'd like to stake, then confirm the operation. The first time you run this command, it will involve two transactions - one to approve the Rocket Pool staking contract to access your RPL, and one to stake your RPL with it. Subsequent runs will only require the stake transaction, since the token has already been approved. Once both transactions finish, you can check your staked RPL amount with rocketpool node status. The following portion of the output is what you want to verify: The node has a total stake of 300.000000 RPL and an effective stake of 300.000000 RPL. This is currently 29.76% of its borrowed ETH and 89.29% of its bonded ETH. It must keep at least 100.794305 RPL staked to claim RPL rewards (10% of borrowed ETH). It can earn rewards on up to 503.971526 RPL (150% of bonded ETH). The node has enough RPL staked to make 1 more 8-ETH minipools (or 2 more 16-ETH minipools). This will show you how many minipools you can make of each bond size based on your RPL collateral.
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(Optional) Finding a Custom Vanity Address for your Minipool
By default, when you create a new minipool, Rocket Pool will generate a random unique address for it. However, the Smartnode provides the ability to search for a custom vanity address for the minipool. A vanity address is one where you personally pick the characters that the address starts with. This is a purely cosmetic exercise and will not have any practical impact on your minipool's operation. As Ethereum addresses are in hexadecimal, any of the following characters are legal: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f As a few examples, you could make your minipool's address start with a bunch of zeros (0x000000...), 0x600d (hex for "good") or 0xa77e57ed (hex for "attested", a fitting prefix for a minipool). To find such a vanity address, you will need to search for it. This searching process involves picking a number, applying it as a "salt" to the hashing algorithm, and comparing the results against what you're looking for. The results are effectively random (though any given salt always produces the same result), so the only way to find an address with the prefix you want is to try lots and lots of them until you find a salt that works. If you would like a custom vanity address to use for your minipool when you create it, you can use the following command to search for one: rocketpool minipool find-vanity-address This will prompt you for the prefix you want to search for, and ask which type of deposit you will be doing (a 16 ETH or a 32 ETH deposit - see below for more info on these types). Once you enter that information, it will begin trying lots and lots of salts until it finds one that produces your desired prefix! Here is a complete example of the process: $ rocketpool minipool find-vanity-address Please specify the address prefix you would like to search for (must start with 0x): 0xa77e57 Running with 12 threads. Found on thread 3: salt 0x5cd7fb = 0xA77E57c892C9e98B0B81289e4AfdA62fb59c5DDD Finished in 1.91145873s In this case, we searched for 0xa77e57 as the prefix and found the salt 0x5cd7fb which could generate it. In the next step, when we create a minipool, we can specify this salt as an optional argument to create the new minipool at the address associated with the salt (0xA77E57c892C9e98B0B81289e4AfdA62fb59c5DDD as shown above). In general, each additional character you search for will multiply the search time by about 16. Because of this, we recommend you only look for prefixes of 7 or 8 characters max unless you have a very powerful machine with many CPU cores. Otherwise, it might take prohibitively long to find a salt that produces the prefix you want. For example, an AMD 5600x with 6 cores (12 threads) at 4.8 GHz can search about 3.2 million salts per second. On average, it will take a few seconds to find a 6-character prefix, a few minutes to find a 7-character prefix, and a few hours to find an 8-character prefix. NOTEThe salt that gets generated is specific to the following variables:The network you're using (either the Prater Testnet or Mainnet)The node addressThe bond amountThe saltIf you change any of those variables, the minipool address for a given salt will change as well. For more advanced usage (such as searching for a different node address or changing how many CPU cores are used for searching), take a look at the help text with rocketpool minipool find-vanity-address --help.
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Depositing ETH and Creating a Minipool
TIPIf the market value of rETH is higher than its ETH backing (i.e., rETH is at a premium on the market), there is an opportunity to arbitrage the difference when creating a minipool. The value of the arbitrage is equal to the amount of protocol ETH in the minipool times the premium (minus a small amount of gas). E.g., if making a minipool when there's a 2.5% premium: 16 ETH * .025 = 0.4 ETH. In other words, you could receive 0.4 ETH back during these conditions just for creating a minipool!If you're interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, consider using the community-developed rocketarb tool to capture the profit of the MEV rETH arbitrage opportunity that launching your minipool creates.To learn more about rocketarb, feel free to inquire about it on the RP discord server. After everything you've done so far, you are finally ready to deposit your ETH, create a new minipool, and create an ETH2 validator. This is done with the following command: rocketpool node deposit NOTEIf you want to use a salt for a vanity address that you found using the process above, run the following command instead:rocketpool node deposit --salt <your salt, e.g. 0x1234abcd> You will first see a note that depositing a new minipool will automatically distribute any balance in your node's fee distributor contract (used to capture MEV rewards if you're not opted into the Smoothing Pool): Your eth2 client is on the correct network. NOTE: by creating a new minipool, your node will automatically claim and distribute any balance you have in your fee distributor contract. If you don't want to claim your balance at this time, you should not create a new minipool. Would you like to continue? [y/n] If you already have minipools and a balance in your fee distributor, you may decide not to create another minipool if distributing this balance causes a taxable event in your jurisdiction. Assuming you want to continue, the next question will ask what you want your bond size to be: Please choose an amount of ETH to deposit: 1: 8 ETH 2: 16 ETH After that you'll be notified of your commission rate for the new minipool, and a note on whether or not your node's credit balance can be used to cover the cost of the minipool bond for you: Your minipool will use the current fixed commission rate of 14.00%. You currently have 8.00 ETH in your credit balance. This deposit will use 8.000000 ETH from your credit balance and will not require any ETH from your node. You will next be prompted with the network's current gas costs recommendations; confirm your gas price selection and follow the rest of the prompts. Your consensus client is synced, you may safely create a minipool. +============== Suggested Gas Prices ==============+ | Avg Wait Time | Max Fee | Total Gas Cost | | 15 Seconds | 15 gwei | 0.0244 to 0.0366 ETH | | 1 Minute | 10 gwei | 0.0157 to 0.0235 ETH | | 3 Minutes | 7 gwei | 0.0100 to 0.0150 ETH | | >10 Minutes | 6 gwei | 0.0080 to 0.0120 ETH | +==================================================+ These prices include a maximum priority fee of 2.00 gwei. Please enter your max fee (including the priority fee) or leave blank for the default of 10 gwei: Using a max fee of 10.00 gwei and a priority fee of 2.00 gwei. You are about to deposit 8.000000 ETH to create a minipool with a minimum possible commission rate of 14.000000%. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS? Exiting this minipool and retrieving your capital cannot be done until: - Your minipool has been *active* on the Beacon Chain for 256 epochs (approx. 27 hours) - The Shapella upgrade of the Ethereum network has been deployed - The Atlas upgrade of the Rocket Pool protocol has been deployed - Your minipool has been upgraded to use the Atlas delegate [y/n] y Creating minipool... Transaction has been submitted with hash <transaction hash>. You may follow its progress by visiting: <link to transaction> Waiting for the transaction to be included in a block... you may wait here for it, or press CTRL+C to exit and return to the terminal. The node deposit of 8.000000 ETH was made successfully! Your new minipool's address is: <new minipool address> The validator pubkey is: <new validator public key> Your minipool is now in Initialized status. Once the remaining ETH has been assigned to your minipool from the staking pool, it will move to Prelaunch status. After that, it will move to Staking status once 1h0m0s have passed. You can watch its progress using `rocketpool service logs node`. Note that creating a minipool is an expensive transaction! Pay close attention to the total cost and ensure that you accept it. If you accept, your minipool creation will be triggered. Once the transaction completes, you will be given the address of your new minipool contract on the eth1 chain and its corresponding validator public key on the Beacon Chain. You can visit these with any block explorers if you'd like.
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