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Confirming a Successful Stake
Upon creation, your minipool will be put into the initialized state. It will remain here until it's your turn in the Rocket Pool queue to be given 16 ETH from the staking pool so you can stake your new validator on the Beacon Chain. Once this happens, your minipool will move into the prelaunch state for a certain period of time (currently 12 hours). Your 16 ETH deposit will be transferred to be Beacon Chain, and the Oracle DAO will verify that it is all correct. During this time, you can observe the validator by looking up its validator pubkey with a Beacon Chain explorer such as (or for the Prater Testnet). You can check on the new minipool's status with the rocketpool minipool status command. For example, when it has moved into prelaunch, you will likely see something like this: 1 Prelaunch minipool(s): -------------------- Address: <your minipool address> Penalties: 0 Status updated: 2023-03-31, 04:51 +0000 UTC Node fee: 14.000000% Node deposit: 8.000000 ETH RP ETH assigned: 2023-03-31, 04:51 +0000 UTC RP deposit: 24.000000 ETH Minipool Balance (EL): 31.000000 ETH Your portion: 7.000000 ETH Available refund: 0.000000 ETH Total EL rewards: 7.000000 ETH Validator pubkey: <your validator public key> Validator index: 0 Validator seen: no Use latest delegate: no Delegate address: <your delegate address> Rollback delegate: <none> Effective delegate: <your delegate address> 0 finalized minipool(s): After this prelaunch period, your minipool will enter staking status and send the additional 16 ETH from the staking pool to the deposit contract. This will be done by the rocketpool_node Docker container (or the rp-node service if you used the Native setup) - if, for some reason, you are taking abnormally long to enter staking status, looking at the logs for this container / service will likely tell you what's wrong. You can check these logs with the rocketpool service logs node command (or /srv/rocketpool/ on Native mode setups). Running rocketpool minipool status will then show something like this: $ rocketpool minipool status 1 Staking minipool(s): -------------------- Address: <your validator address> Penalties: 0 RP ETH assigned: 2023-03-31, 05:53 +0000 UTC Node fee: 14.000000% Node deposit: 8.000000 ETH RP ETH assigned: 2023-03-31, 04:51 +0000 UTC RP deposit: 24.000000 ETH Minipool Balance (EL): 0.000000 ETH Your portion: 0.000000 ETH Available refund: 0.000000 ETH Total EL rewards: 0.000000 ETH Validator pubkey: <your validator public key> Validator index: <your validator index number> Validator active: yes Validator balance: 32.018460 ETH Expected rewards: 16.010614 ETH Use latest delegate: no Delegate address: <your delegate address> Rollback delegate: <none> Effective delegate: <your delegate address> 0 finalized minipool(s): Once the Beacon Chain accepts both of the deposits (one from you and one from the staking pool), your validator will enter the Beacon Chain queue where it will wait for its turn to become activated and start staking. At this point, you're done! Congratulations! You have officially created a validator with Rocket Pool! Have a look at the next sections in Monitoring and Maintenance to learn how to watch your validator's performance and health over time.
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Creating Multiple Minipools
Conveniently, your Rocket Pool node is capable of hosting as many minipools as you want. You do not need to create a new node for each minipool. If you would like to make a second (or third, or fourth...) minipool for your node, all you need to do is run rocketpool node deposit again. Note that you may need to stake more RPL first to maintain an overall collateral level of at least 10% of your borrowed ETH before you do this. Also, you won't be able to reuse an old vanity address salt - you'll need to search for another unique one for each of your minipools.
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Next Steps
Now that you have a minipool up and running, the next steps will walk you through how to monitor the health of your node, check for and apply updates, and maintain it throughout its life. Please read through the Monitoring and Maintenance section next to learn more about these topics.
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The Minipool Delegate
Every validator you run has a minipool contract as its "owner" so-to-speak. The minipool is a unique contract specifically assigned to that validator; it acts as its withdrawal address. All reward and staking balance withdrawals from the Beacon Chain will be sent to the minipool contract. Each minipool is unique to ensure that you (the node operator) have ultimate control over it. Nobody else controls it, nobody else can change it; it's entirely at your command. That being said, in order to minimize gas costs during node deposits, the minipool itself contains very little actual functionality. Almost everything it can do is deferred to a delegate contract. The minipool delegate contract is a special contract that contains the bulk of the logic required by minipools - things like fairly distributing the balance between you and the pool stakers, for example. Unlike minipools, where each minipool is a unique contract, the delegate is a single contract that many minipools can "forward" requests to. Occasionally, the Rocket Pool development team will publish a new minipool delegate that adds new functionality. For example, in the Atlas update, we introduced a new delegate that had support for distributing skimmed rewards without needing to close the minipool. Minipool can have their delegates upgraded to take advantage of this new functionality. Delegate upgrades are opt-in, so you can decide if and when you want to use them. That being said, they are usually required in order to take advantage of new functionality that network upgrades introduce.
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Upgrading your Delegate
To upgrade a minipool to a new delegate contract, simply run the following command: rocketpool minipool delegate-upgrade This will present you with a list of your minipools that are not currently using the latest delegate and are eligible for upgrading: Please select a minipool to upgrade: 1: All available minipools 2: 0x7e5702a2cE66B5B35E59B9Ac00eEAAa547881e40 (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9) 3: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9) 4: 0x7E5704aD2a63eb90880426Dcd4a3811246dF3cB0 (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9) 5: 0x7E5705c149D11efc951fFc20349D7A96bc6b819C (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9) 6: 0x7E570625cE8F586c90ACa7fe8792EeAA79751778 (using delegate 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9) 7: 0x7E5700c82E38434C6c72890bb82f5B5305f4328a (using delegate 0x6aCEA7f89574Dd8BC6ffDfDca1965A3d756d5B20) Select the one(s) you would like to upgrade from the list by entering the corresponding number on the left of the minipool address. Once selected, you will be prompted to confirm your gas price settings, and after that a transaction to upgrade the minipool will be sent: Using a max fee of 26.00 gwei and a priority fee of 2.00 gwei. Are you sure you want to upgrade 1 minipools? [y/n] y Upgrading minipool 0x7e5702a2cE66B5B35E59B9Ac00eEAAa547881e40... Transaction has been submitted with hash 0xcd91c9a38f3438c3d8a45bb5f439014e5935dcb50b0704f3c5077f54174e99bb. Waiting for the transaction to be included in a block... you may wait here for it, or press CTRL+C to exit and return to the terminal. Successfully upgraded minipool 0x7e5702a2cE66B5B35E59B9Ac00eEAAa547881e40. You can verify that it's using the latest delegate with rocketpool minipool status. Any minipools that are not using the latest delegate will have a yellow notification under their status letting you know that they can be upgraded: Address: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 Penalties: 0 ... Delegate address: 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9 Rollback delegate: <none> Effective delegate: 0x5c2D33A015D132D4f590f00df807Bb1052531ab9 *Minipool can be upgraded to delegate 0x149aE025fFC7E7bbcCc8d373d56797D637bF5D33!
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Converting a Solo Validator into a Minipool
When the Beacon Chain was first launched, validators were created with a special pair of cryptographic keys - the validator key and the withdrawal key. The validator key is a "hot key", which means it needs to be stored on an active machine connected to the Internet; this is the key used to sign your attestations and proposals, and also serves as your "address" on the Beacon Chain (the hex string used to identify your validator). The withdrawal key, on the other hand, is a "cold key" which means it does not (and in fact, should not) be stored on an active machine connected to the Internet. It is intended to be locked away in cold storage so it cannot be accessed until it is needed. Unlike the validator key, the withdrawal key isn't responsible for validation duties at all. Instead, its only job is to manage the withdrawing of your validator's funds on the Beacon Chain (once withdrawals had been implemented). This dual-key system was the initial architecture the Beacon Chain launched with. At the time, neither the Merge nor withdrawals had been designed yet but this system was considered robust enough to handle whatever form the protocol took when both of them were implemented. Fast forward to today, and now we have a much better understanding of how withdrawals work. Luckily, they have been implemented in a way that makes it possible for an existing solo staking validator on the Beacon Chain (that is using the old withdrawal key credentials) to convert directly into a Rocket Pool minipool without needing to exit the validator from the Beacon Chain! If you are interested in learning more about this process, then this guide is for you. We'll cover how withdrawals work on Ethereum at a high-level, explain how the conversion process works, and end with a detailed walkthrough of how to convert your validator into a minipool.
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Why Would I Convert?
Before getting into the technical details, a very important question to answer is why a solo staker would consider this process in the first place. Conversion into a minipool is not for everyone, but this section will help you make an informed choice about whether or not it's something you'd like to pursue. Rocket Pool minipools enjoy several advantages over conventional solo staking validators: They earn commission on the portion of ETH they borrow from the pool stakers (currently either 16 or 24 ETH).Your existing 32 ETH bond could be used to create up to three additional validators (on top of the one you already have).They are eligible for participation in the Smoothing Pool which pools all Execution layer rewards (e.g., from block proposals and MEV rewards) and fairly distributes them among participants during each rewards interval.They earn RPL inflation rewards (which currently provide a higher APR than ETH staking rewards). That being said, there are some differences that are important to highlight: Staking with Rocket Pool requires you to buy and stake the RPL token as collateral.You will have to accept smart contract risk, as the protocol is implemented as a series of smart contracts.Similarly, conventional node operation leverages the Smartnode stack; you will have to accept any risks associated with installing and running that software on your node.Being a node operator does involve learning some new concepts, so there is a learning curve associated with becoming one.Minipools are required to split their rewards with the pool stakers, so the validator's withdrawal address will be a smart contract on the Execution layer, not an EOA that you control. This also applies to your fee recipient for Execution layer rewards, which must also be a smart contract that can fairly split your rewards.Rocket Pool's Oracle DAO is responsible for shuttling information from the Beacon Chain to the Execution layer, and for detecting violations that the protocol cannot enforce (such as an illegal fee recipient address). Running a minipool means you will have to trust the Oracle DAO to do that job correctly. We encourage you to carefully go through these pros and cons before deciding to convert your solo validator. If you would like to continue with the process, please read the next sections.
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In order to begin the conversion process, you will need to meet the following criteria: If none of these conditions are blockers for you, then you are eligible to begin validator conversion.
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Process Overview
The first step is to create a new "vacant" minipool. Unlike conventional minipools, which make a new validator during their creation, vacant minipools are special minipools designed to manage existing validators. As a consequence, vacant minipools behave slightly differently than conventional minipools during the prelaunch stage. Once initialization is finished and they enter the staking stage, they become conventional minipools. During vacant minipool creation, you will be given the option of having the Smartnode automatically change your validator's withdrawal credentials from the old BLS withdrawal key to the new vacant minipool address. If you don't want to do this right now, you can have the Smartnode do it later with a dedicated command, or you can do it yourself with a third-party tool. Note that changing the validator's withdrawal credentials to the minipool address is required for conversion, so regardless of how you do this, it will need to be done for the process to complete succesfully. Once the withdrawal credentials have been changed, you will have the option of importing the validator's private key into the Validator Client managed by the Smartnode. If you want the Smartnode to maintain the validator so you don't have to manage your own, this is an attractive option. If you prefer to maintain your own Validator Client and keep the keys there, you are welcome to do so. At this point your new minipool will enter the scrub check period, where the Oracle DAO will continuously analyze your validator's information on the Beacon Chain to confirm that it remains legal. This includes: The withdrawal credentials either haven't been migrated yet (are still the original 0x00 BLS key credentials) or have been migrated to the minipool's address. Migrating them to any other Execution layer address will cause the pool to be scrubbed. If the withdrawal credentials are still the original 0x00 BLS key credentials by the time the scrub check period ends, the pool will be scrubbed.The validator is in the actively staking state for the duration of the check. If it transitions to the slashed, exited, or withdrawn states, the pool will be scrubbed. NOTEA scrubbed vacant minipool means that it is not a part of the Rocket Pool network, but it will still give you (the node operator) access to all of your funds via the typical token retrieval methods in the CLI. Funds are not lost if vacant minipools are scrubbed. More information on scrubbed minipools, their ramifications, and how to use them is included later in this guide. After the scrub check passes, you will be able to promote your vacant minipool. This will finish the conversion and change it from a vacant minipool into a regular one. At this point the minipool will act like every other minipool on the network, and your solo validator will officially be converted into a Rocket Pool validator! As part of the process, the network will snapshot your total rewards on the Beacon chain (and within your new minipool, if you get skimmed during the scrub check). It will recognize that all of those rewards belong to you and shouldn't be shared with the staking pool, so it will provide them all as a refund you can claim at any time once promotion is complete. Below is a detailed walkthrough of the conversion process, including instructions for each step.
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Step 1: Creating a Vacant Minipool
To begin the conversion process, run the following command with the Smartnode CLI: rocketpool node create-vacant-minipool <validator pubkey> For example, if you wanted to convert a solo validator with pubkey 0xb82ccba6093747559361a5495c7e2c607e76ea3543d556319355ce80289bb819fd787f715f60615cdd358c0476b40661, you would run: rocketpool node create-vacant-minipool 0xb82ccba6093747559361a5495c7e2c607e76ea3543d556319355ce80289bb819fd787f715f60615cdd358c0476b40661 You will see a brief summary about what to expect during the process, then be prompted for which bond amount you'd like to use when creating this minipool: Please choose an amount of ETH you want to use as your deposit for the new minipool (this will become your share of the balance, and the remainder will become the pool stakers' share): 1. 8 ETH 2. 16 ETH If you select 8 ETH, you will convert your validator into an 8-ETH bonded minipool. Your original 32 ETH deposit will be converted into an 8 ETH deposit, with 24 ETH borrowed from the pool stakers. Once the conversion process is complete, you will have a credit balance of 24 ETH which you can use to create more minipools. Choosing this option will require your node to have a minimum of 2.4 ETH worth of RPL staked. If you select 16 ETH, you will convert your validator into a 16-ETH bonded minipool. Your original 32 ETH deposit will be converted into an 16 ETH deposit, with 16 ETH borrowed from the pool stakers. Once the conversion process is complete, you will have a credit balance of 16 ETH which you can use to create more minipools. Choosing this option will require your node to have a minimum of 1.6 ETH worth of RPL staked. Once you select an option, the Smartnode will run a few checks to confirm that the validator you entered and your node both pass all of the prerequisite requirements listed above. After that, it will ask you to confirm your gas price and then submit the transaction to create the new vacant minipool. Upon creation, you will be presented with the minipool's address: Your minipool was made successfully! Your new minipool's address is: 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C This is the address you will use when changing your validator's withdrawal credentials. At this point, the Smartnode will ask if you would like to have the Smartnode do this automatically (along with importing the validator's private key into the Validator Client managed by the Smartnode, which is discussed later): You have the option of importing your validator's private key into the Smartnode's Validator Client instead of running your own Validator Client separately. In doing so, the Smartnode will also automatically migrate your validator's withdrawal credentials from your BLS private key to the minipool you just created. Would you like to import your key and automatically migrate your withdrawal credentials? [y/n] If you answer y to this question, the Smartnode will do Steps 2 and 3 automatically; please see the Automatic Withdrawal Credential Change and Key Import section below. If you answer n to this question, the command will end and you will have finished Step 1. Please go to the Step 2 section next. NOTEIf you decline this process now, you can resume it at a later time using the CLI. Read the Step 2 and Step 3 sections below to learn how to do this.
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Automatic Withdrawal Credential Change and Key Import
WARNINGIf you choose to have the Smartnode automatically change your withdrawal credentials and import your validator's private key, it is essential that you remove the validator key from your old Validator Client that you manage on your own, and shut down the old Validator Client to ensure it does not have the key loaded into memory still.You must also wait at least 15 minutes after doing so to ensure that it has intentionally missed at least two attestations. You can verify this by looking at a chain explorer such as you do not wait for at least 15 minutes, your validator WILL BE SLASHED when the Smartnode's Validator Client begins attesting with your validator's key!We strongly recommend you enable doppelganger detection in the Smartnode configuration as well, to be as safe as possible against the risk of slashing. If you choose to automatically import the validator key and change the withdrawal credentials to the minipool address, the Smartnode will first ask for the mnemonic used to generate both your validator's BLS private key and its corresponding original withdrawal key: Please enter the number of words in your mnemonic phrase (24 by default): 24 Enter Word Number 1 of your mnemonic: ... Enter Word Number 24 of your mnemonic: Upon entering it, the Smartnode will derive your old BLS-based withdrawal key using the mnemonic and the validator's pubkey. It will then submit a message to the Beacon Chain, signed by your withdrawal key, indicating that you want to change the withdrawal credentials from the old BLS withdrawal key to the new minipool address: Changing withdrawal credentials to the minipool address... done! Finally, it will import your validator's key into the Smartnode's Validator Client and ask if you'd like to restart it, so it begins validating with that key: Importing validator key... done! Would you like to restart the Smartnode's Validator Client now so it loads your validator's key? [y/n] y Restarting Validator Client... done! With that, steps 2 and 3 have been completed. You can verify that the withdrawal credentials have been properly changed and that the key is actively validating by using a chain explorer such as Go to the Step 4 section to learn about the scrub check.
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Step 2: Changing the Validator's Withdrawal Credentials
When you've created the new vacant minipool, the next step is to change your validator's withdrawal credentials from the old 0x00 BLS-key credentials to the new 0x01 credentials that contain the new minipool address. There are two ways to do this: In this guide, we'll walk through how to use method 1 (the Smartnode). For more information on method 2, please consult the documentation for the tool you'd like to use. Start by running the following command: rocketpool minipool set-withdrawal-creds <minipool address> For example, if the new vacant minipool address was 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C, you would run this: rocketpool minipool set-withdrawal-creds 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C The Smartnode will then ask for the mnemonic used to generate both your validator's key and its corresponding withdrawal key: Please enter the number of words in your mnemonic phrase (24 by default): 24 Enter Word Number 1 of your mnemonic: ... Enter Word Number 24 of your mnemonic: After this, it will perform some safety checks to ensure your validator's withdrawal credentials can be changed. If it's successful, it will then submit a message to the Beacon Chain, signed by your withdrawal key, indicating that you want to change the withdrawal credentials from the old BLS withdrawal key to the new minipool address: Changing withdrawal credentials to the minipool address... done! That's it! You can verify that the withdrawal credentials have been properly changed by using a chain explorer such as
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(Optional) Step 3: Import the Validator Key
Once you convert your validator into a minipool, you may want to have the Smartnode's Validator Client run it instead of the one you currently manage on your own. This has a few advantages: It is "cleaner" from an organizational standpoint (the Smartnode manages your minipools, your externally-managed Validator Client manages your solo staking validators).It allows commands like rocketpool minipool exit (commands that require your validator key for signing messages) to work. However, there are some very important considerations to understand before doing this: You must ensure that your validator's key has been removed from your own Validator Client, and that you have waited for at least 15 minutes after removing it before importing it into the Smartnode. See the warning box below.You must ensure that you have your validator keystore and its password file backed up, because commands like rocketpool wallet recover and rocketpool wallet rebuild cannot regenerate them without a backup since they weren't derived from the Smartnode wallet's mnemonic. If you would like to import your validator key into the Smartnode, continue reading below. WARNINGIf you choose to have the Smartnode import your validator's private key, it is essential that you remove the validator key from your old Validator Client that you manage on your own, and shut down the old Validator Client to ensure it does not have the key loaded into memory still.You must also wait at least 15 minutes after doing so to ensure that it has intentionally missed at least two attestations. You can verify this by looking at a chain explorer such as you do not wait for at least 15 minutes, your validator WILL BE SLASHED when the Smartnode's Validator Client begins attesting with your validator's key!We strongly recommend you enable doppelganger detection in the Smartnode configuration as well, to be as safe as possible against the risk of slashing. Start by running the following command: rocketpool minipool import-key <minipool address> For example, if the new vacant minipool address was 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C, you would run this: rocketpool minipool import-key 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C The Smartnode will then ask for the mnemonic used to generate your validator's key: Please enter the number of words in your mnemonic phrase (24 by default): 24 Enter Word Number 1 of your mnemonic: ... Enter Word Number 24 of your mnemonic: After this, it will cycle through the different keys generated from that mnemonic until it finds your validator's public key. It will then import it, and ask if you'd like to restart the Smartnode's Validator Client so it loads your key: Importing validator key... done! Would you like to restart the Smartnode's Validator Client now so it loads your validator's key? [y/n] y Restarting Validator Client... done! With that, your validator key is now imported into the Smartnode and you should see it begin attesting. You can confirm by following the Validator Client's logs with this command: rocketpool service logs validator You can also verify that a chain explorer such as can see your Validator Client attesting with your validator's key.
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Step 4: Assign the Correct Fee Recipient
Once you've started the migration process, it is imperative that you ensure your fee recipient is set properly (either to your node's fee distributor or to the Smoothing Pool if you have opted into it). If you do not do this and leave it on the fee recipient for your solo validators, you will be penalized and a portion of your Beacon Chain stake will be deducted to compensate for the loss. NOTEThis step is only required if you leave your validator key in your own externally-managed Validator Client.If you remove it from your own VC and import it into the VC managed by Rocket Pool, your fee recipient will be assigned to the correct address automatically by the node process. As you may retain other solo-staking keys in your VC that you do not want to set to the fee distributor or Smoothing Pool, the only way to accomplish this is to use a VC configuration file to manually set the fee recipient for the validator being migrated. This process depends on which Consensus Client you use; consult the documentation for the specifics but here are some helpful links: Lighthouse: via validator_definitions.yml Lodestar does not currently support setting validator-specific fee recipients. Please do not use Lodestar if you are keeping the key in your externally-managed VC with other solo keys that are not being migrated. Nimbus: via the keymanager API Prysm: via proposer-settings-file Teku: via validators-proposer-config
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Step 5: Waiting for the Scrub Check
By this time, you should have completed steps 1 and 2 (creating the vacant minipool and changing your validator's withdrawal credentials) and optionally step 3 (importing the key into the Smartnode). The next step is to wait for the scrub check to complete. This is a process carried out by the Oracle DAO to verify the following: For example, if your validator had a Beacon Chain balance of 35 ETH when you performed step 1, the combined Beacon Chain and minipool balances must be at least 34.99 ETH throughout the entire duration of the scrub check. You are given a grace period of approximately 2 and a half days to perform the withdrawal credentials change (85% of the scrub period's 3-day duration). The scrub check is transient; you don't have to do anything during this time other than keep your validator online and performing well. To monitor how much time is left in the scrub check, you can look at the node logs with the following command: rocketpool service logs node The relevant lines will look like this: rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 04:51:32 Checking for minipools to promote... rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 04:51:32 Minipool 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C has 44m0s left until it can be promoted. It will last for 3 days, after which you have passed and can proceed to Step 5 to promote the vacant minipool into a full one.
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Working with Scrubbed Minipools
If your minipool unfortunately fails the scrub check and is dissolved, don't worry - your capital isn't lost. Dissolved vacant minipools essentially act as simplified withdrawal addresses: They are not technically part of the Rocket Pool network.Any capital deposited into the minipool belongs solely to the node operator. It does not get split with the pool stakers.You are not awarded a deposit credit for creating the minipool. You can access the minipool's balance at any time with the following command: rocketpool minipool distribute-balance This will send the minipool's entire balance to your node's withdrawal address. When you've exited your validator from the Beacon Chain and its full balance has been sent to the minipool, you can retrieve it and close the minipool with the following command: rocketpool minipool close Once again, this will send the minipool's full balance to your node's withdrawal address.
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Step 6: Promoting the Minipool
When the scrub check has been passed successfully, you can promote the vacant minipool to a full minipool. This can be done two ways: The first method will promote the minipool for you automatically, assuming you have the node process / container running and the network's gas cost is below the automated transaction threshold you specified in the Smartnode configuration process (default of 150). In the node logs, you will see output like the following: rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:00 Checking for minipools to promote... rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:00 1 minipool(s) are ready for promotion... rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:00 Promoting minipool 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C... rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:01 This transaction will use a max fee of 34.736742 Gwei, for a total of up to 0.009597 - 0.014396 ETH. rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:01 Transaction has been submitted with hash 0x93c2662def6097da28e01b9145259736575ffc43b539b002b27e547065e66d7e. rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:01 Waiting for the transaction to be validated... rocketpool_node | 2023/03/06 05:37:13 Successfully promoted minipool 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C. If your node process is disabled, you can use the second method via the following command: rocketpool minipool promote From here, simply select your vacant minipool from the list of minipools eligible for promotion and submit the transaction.
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Claiming your Original Pre-Conversion Rewards
Upon promotion, your minipool will enter the staking status and has officially become a regular Rocket Pool minipool. You can review the details with this command: rocketpool minipool status This will show you the status of your new minipool, its balances, its refund, and so on. For example: Address: 0x8F3F149e4416a94e0ee909dE32f8A11C2F3e211C Penalties: 0 Status updated: 2023-03-06, 05:37 +0000 UTC Node fee: 14.000000% Node deposit: 8.000000 ETH RP ETH assigned: 2023-03-06, 05:37 +0000 UTC RP deposit: 24.000000 ETH Minipool Balance (EL): 0.090012 ETH Your portion: 0.001779 ETH Available refund: 0.085000 ETH Total EL rewards: 0.086779 ETH ... Here you can see the following important information: Node deposit shows how much ETH you personally bonded as part of this minipool (in this case, 8 ETH).RP deposit shows how much ETH you borrowed from the pool stakers to create the minipool (in this case, 24 ETH).Available refund shows how much of the minipool's balance goes directly to you (is not shared with the pool stakers. This amounts to your all of your rewards on the Beacon Chain at the time you created the vacant minipool.Minipool Balance (EL) shows the total balance of the minipool contract.Your portion (EL) shows how much of the balance belongs to you after subtracting the refund from the minipool's balance. In other words, this is your share of the rewards you've earned after you created the vacant minipool.Total EL rewards is your refund plus your post-conversion rewards. To claim your refund, run the following command: rocketpool minipool refund Simply select your minipool from the list, approve the transaction, and your refund will be sent to your node's withdrawal address.
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Using your Node Credit
Now that you have an active promoted minipool, you will notice your node has a credit balance when you run rocketpool node status: Your Smartnode is currently using the Zhejiang Test Network. === Account and Balances === The node 0x9BA1401Eb7D779eC51f910B066e9C4351cD28911 has a balance of 355.785269 ETH and 16679.835547 RPL. The node has 24.000000 ETH in its credit balance, which can be used to make new minipools. In this example, since we converted the original 32 ETH validator bond into an 8-ETH minipool, we have received 24 ETH in credit. This credit can be used to create new minipools and validators for free! Simply run the rocketpool node deposit command, and select which bond amount you would like to use. If there's enough ETH in your credit balance to cover the bond, it will be used automaticaly and you won't have to stake any additonal ETH (though you still have to pay for gas. NOTEThe ETH used for your credit balance comes from the staking pool. If the staking pool doesn't have enough ETH to cover your credit balance, you won't be able to use it until more ETH has been deposited.
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Migrating a 16-ETH Minipool to 8-ETH
Node operators have the ability to directly migrate their existing 16-ETH minipools into 8-ETH minipools. Doing so will add 8 ETH to their deposit credit balances which can be used to create additional minipools without requiring any ETH from the node operators. In effect, this process allows a node operator to convert one 16-ETH minipool into two 8-ETH minipools for free (though it will still require ETH for gas and require enough RPL collateral to handle both minipools). Migrating an existing 16-ETH minipool to an 8-ETH one is formally known as bond reduction. It is a two-step process and involves validation by the Oracle DAO. We'll walk you through the whole process in the sections below.
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Bond Reduction Rules
A bond reduction involves the following steps: To perform a successful bond reduction without being scrubbed, the minipool must follow these rules: The minipool must obey these conditions for the entire duration of the scrub check, during which time the Oracle DAO will be watching it to ensure compliance with the conditions above. If, at any time during the scrub check, a minipool is found to be in violation of these conditions, the bond reduction will be scrubbed. The minipool itself will not be affected; it will still happily live on as a 16 ETH minipool, validating and acting as though the whole bond-reduction process never happened. However, it will no longer be eligible for bond reductions. Once a minipool's bond reduction is scrubbed, it can never be attempted again. NOTEUpon a successful bond reduction, the minipool's bond amount will be reduced from 16 ETH to 8 ETH and the minipool's commission will be reset to whatever the current network value is.If you reduce a 16-ETH minipool with a 20% commission, you will not keep that 20% commission. It will be reduced to the network value (currently set to a flat 14%).Note that as demonstrated by the example math section, an 8-ETH minipool at 14% is still more profitable than a 16-ETH minipool at 20% so holding onto a high commission rate is not a compelling reason to retain a 16 ETH bond.
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Step 1: Beginning Bond Reduction
To begin the bond reduction process, enter the following command: rocketpool minipool begin-bond-reduction This will start by providing a brief blurb on the process (though, if you have read through this guide, it should all be familiar to you already). Once you acknowledge that you understand the process, it will show you which minipools currently have a bond that can be reduced, along with their current bond and commission: Please select a minipool to begin the ETH bond reduction for: 1: All available minipools 2: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%) 3: 0x7E5704aD2a63eb90880426Dcd4a3811246dF3cB0 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%) 4: 0x7E5705c149D11efc951fFc20349D7A96bc6b819C (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%) 5: 0x7E570625cE8F586c90ACa7fe8792EeAA79751778 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%) Once you've selected one or more minipools to reduce, the Smartnode will check if those minipools are eligible for bond reduction. To be eligible, these conditions must be satisfied: The minipool has been upgraded to use the Atlas minipool delegate contract.The minipool's validator must have a Beacon Chain balance of at least 32 ETH.The minipool's validator must be pending or active.You have enough RPL staked to support the minimum RPL collateral level that would be required after the bond reduction. If not, it will print a warning error explaining what needs to be done first; for example: Please select a minipool to begin the ETH bond reduction for: 1: All available minipools 2: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%) 3: 0x7E5704aD2a63eb90880426Dcd4a3811246dF3cB0 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%) 4: 0x7E5705c149D11efc951fFc20349D7A96bc6b819C (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%) 5: 0x7E570625cE8F586c90ACa7fe8792EeAA79751778 (Current bond: 16 ETH, commission: 15.00%) 2 Cannot reduce bond for minipool 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5: The minipool version is too low. It must be upgraded first using `rocketpool minipool delegate-upgrade`. You do not have enough RPL staked to support this bond reduction; it would bring you below the minimum RPL staking requirement. You will have to stake more RPL first. This shows that the selected minipool requires a delegate upgrade and the node needs more RPL staked in order to reduce that minipool's bond. When you have satisfied the preconditions, selecting a minipool in this command will simply prompt you to choose your gas price for the transaction and confirmation of the action. Upon accepting the confirmation, the minipool's bond reduction will begin.
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Monitoring the Scrub Check Timer
Once you've started a bond reduction, you can view how long until it's able to be completed in your node daemon logs: Docker and Hybrid ModeNative ModeFor Docker Mode and Hybrid Mode users, this can be done with the following command:rocketpool service logs node You will see a new entry noting how much time is left until the scrub check for your bond reduction is complete: rocketpool_node | 2023/02/25 09:04:21 Checking for minipool bonds to reduce... rocketpool_node | 2023/02/25 09:04:21 Minipool 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 has 12m0s left until it can have its bond reduced. Once this timer reaches zero and no longer appears in these logs, you can complete the bond reduction.
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Step 2: Completing Bond Reduction
When the scrub timer has successfully ended, there are two ways to complete your minipool's bond reduction: During the bond reduction, Rocket Pool distributes your minipool's existing balance using the minipool's pre-bond-reduction bond and commission to ensure both you and the rETH stakers get your fair share of the existing balance, and the bond reduction doesn't change the rewards either party would have gotten on that balance.
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The Results of a Reduced Bond
You can verify the successful bond reduction using rocketpool minipool status. Before the bond reduction, for the example minipool we've been following, that command would produce the following output: Address: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 ... Node fee: 15.000000% Node deposit: 16.000000 ETH RP ETH assigned: 2023-02-08, 06:13 +0000 UTC RP deposit: 16.000000 ETH Minipool Balance (EL): 0.150713 ETH Your portion: 0.086660 ETH Available refund: 0.000000 ETH Total EL rewards: 0.086660 ETH ... Beacon balance (CL): 32.000152 ETH Your portion: 16.000087 ETH ... After the bond reduction, the command would return this output: Address: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 ... Node fee: 14.000000% Node deposit: 8.000000 ETH RP ETH assigned: 2023-02-08, 06:13 +0000 UTC RP deposit: 24.000000 ETH Minipool Balance (EL): 0.086769 ETH Your portion: 0.000000 ETH Available refund: 0.086769 ETH Total EL rewards: 0.086769 ETH ... Beacon balance (CL): 32.000037 ETH Your portion: 8.000013 ETH ... Note how things have changed: Node fee (commission) went from 15% to 14%Node deposit (your bond) went from 16 ETH to 8 ETHRP deposit (the amount you borrowed) went from 16 ETH to 24 ETHMinipool Balance (EL) went from 0.150713 ETH to 0.086769 ETHYour portion (EL) went from 0.086660 ETH to 0 ETHAvailable refund went from 0 ETH to 0.086769 ETHYour portion (CL) went from 16.000087 ETH to 8.000013 ETH The changes to Node fee, Node deposit, RP deposit, and Your portion (CL) indicate that the bond was successfully reduced. The changes to Minipool Balance (EL), Your portion (EL), and Available refund indicate the results of the minipool balance distribution that occured as part of the bond reduction process. To clarify how to interpret these results: If you look at the transaction, you will also see that it sent 0.06413383 ETH from the minipool to the staking pool.In the "before" example, the staking pool's share is the minipool's balance minus the node operator's portion, or 0.150713 - 0.086660 = 0.064053 which is the amount transferred to the staking pool during the bond reduction (plus a small amount from a rewards skim that occurred during the scrub check).The node operator's share, on the other hand, doesn't get sent to the node operator's withdrawal address. It is instead bookmarked as an available refund, which is why the refund amount increased from 0 ETH to what was previously the "your portion" amount of the minipool's balance on the EL. You can claim this refund at any time using the following command:rocketpool minipool refund There is one more important result of the bond reduction, which can be observed using rocketpool node status: Your Smartnode is currently using the Zhejiang Test Network. === Account and Balances === The node 0x9BA1401Eb7D779eC51f910B066e9C4351cD28911 has a balance of 347.796908 ETH and 16799.835547 RPL. The node has 8.000000 ETH in its credit balance, which can be used to make new minipools. ... The bond reduction process has increased the node's deposit credit balance by 8 ETH. This credit can be used to make another 8-ETH minipool for free (no ETH required from the node wallet, except for gas)!
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The Deposit Credit System
The deposit credit system is a mechanism to track ETH that was previously bonded by node operators but is no longer required and make it available for use again. The source of this credit comes from two places: Migrating an existing 16-ETH bonded minipool down to an 8-ETH bonded minipool (which adds 8 ETH to the node operator's credit balance)Migrating an existing solo validator into a minipool (which adds either 16 or 24 ETH to the node operator's credit balance, depending on which type of minipool they create during migration) Every node operator begins with a credit balance of 0 ETH. Either of these two actions will increase that balance accordingly. This ETH is not made liquid and returned to the node operator; instead, it can be used to create additional minipools without requiring any ETH from the node operator. The credit system is transparent to the node operator; it will automatically be used (with notifications in the Smartnode CLI explaining that it will be used) during either rocketpool node deposit or rocketpool node create-vacant-minipool operations if possible. If it cannot be used, the Smartnode will alert the user that it cannot be used and will require a normal ETH bond during either operation. See the Credit Availability section below for more details.
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An Example
Say you have a credit balance of 0 ETH, and a single minipool with a 16-ETH bond. You can then migrate that minipool to an 8-ETH bond. This will result in 8 ETH that is no longer bonded. That 8 ETH will be placed into your credit balance. Now, say you want to create a second 8-ETH minipool. You run rocketpool node deposit as usual, and select 8-ETH as the bond amount. This normally requires you to provide 8 of your own ETH for the minipool. However, because you have a credit balance of 8 ETH, Rocket Pool will automatically use that instead: Please choose an amount of ETH to deposit: 1: 8 ETH 2: 16 ETH 1 Your minipool will use the current fixed commission rate of 14.00%. You currently have 8.00 ETH in your credit balance. This deposit will use 8.000000 ETH from your credit balance and will not require any ETH from your node. Your consensus client is synced, you may safely create a minipool. The second set of lines here is the relevant one: they tell you that you have enough ETH in your credit balance to cover this deposit and that it is available for use, so it will use the balance automatically and won't require any supplemental ETH from your node wallet. See the availability section below for details on credit balance availability.
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Viewing your Current Credit Balance
To view your current credit balance, simply run the following command: rocketpool node status This produces a comprehensive list of details about your node, including its credit balance right at the top: Your Smartnode is currently using the Zhejiang Test Network. === Account and Balances === The node 0x9BA1401Eb7D779eC51f910B066e9C4351cD28911 has a balance of 347.796908 ETH and 16799.835547 RPL. The node has 8.000000 ETH in its credit balance, which can be used to make new minipools. ...
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Credit Availability
In some situations, your node might have a credit balance available but cannot currently use it to deploy additional minipools. The ETH for your credit balance is taken from the deposit pool. Thus, if you want to use 8 ETH in credit to create a new 8-ETH minipool, it will end up taking all 32 ETH for that minipool from the deposit pool and require none from you. Because of this, if the deposit pool does not have enough ETH in it to cover the pre-deposit value (currently set to 1 ETH), the balance will not be available. In this situation, the Smartnode will alert you during a rocketpool node deposit operation that it cannot use your credit balance, and must instead use ETH from your node wallet to complete the bond. Doing so will not consume your credit balance; it will be left as-is and available for use later once the deposit pool has enough balance to cover it.
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In this section, you'll learn about how to monitor the health of your node and your validators, track your earnings, and perform periodic maintenance such as updates.
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Before configuring your Smartnode, please make sure you: Have set up a node machine (or virtual machine) and secured it (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed and configured on itHave a node wallet loaded on your SmartnodeSynced your Execution and Consensus clientsProvisioned your node with a withdrawal address, set up your fallback clients (optional), opted into the Smoothing Pool (optional), and configured MEVCreated at least one minipool
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Monitoring your Node's Performance provides some tools and tutorials for keeping tabs on your node's health (from a resource perspective, such as CPU and RAM consumption) and your validators' performance on the Beacon Chain. It covers a lot of fundamental tools you'll use during your tenure as an Ethereum validator. Setting up the Grafana Dashboard walks through setting up the Smartnode stack's metrics tracker and the Grafana dashboard - a one stop shop for monitoring everything about your node and validators, and a staple in each node operator's arsenal. We strongly recommend exploring the Grafana dashboard and regularly checking in on it. Checking for Updates covers the crucial processes of regularly updating your node with new security patches, how to update the Smartnode after a new release, and how to manually update client versions if your clients of choice release a new version that the Smartnode's latest release doesn't include yet. You should familiarize yourself with this entire section, as you may need to refer to it whenever an update is released. Backing Up Your Node is an optional guide that describes how to back up your node's configuration and its chain data in case of a hardware failure. Pruning the Execution Client is important for anyone running an Execution client that gradually consumes all of your SSD's disk space and requires periodic pruning (such as Geth or Nethermind) to reclaim some of that space. If you are running one of those clients, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the pruning process. Changing Execution or Consensus Clients is a useful guide; it goes through the process of changing your client choice(s) and what can be expected during the process. This is another good guide to familiarize yourself with, just in case you ever have to switch clients for any reason down the line.
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Monitoring your Node's Performance
Now that your node is up and running and you have one or more minipools attached, you'll need to keep an eye on everything to make sure it's running smoothly. You can track your machine either: It is recommended to use a combination of both depending on your needs.
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Directly Tracking your Machine's Status
With respect to your machine's status, there are a few useful metrics you'll probably want to keep an eye on: CPU UsageFree RAM remainingSwap space usage (if you enabled it)Remaining free disk spaceNetwork I/O (if your ISP imposes a data cap) NOTEThe sections below show you some ways to monitor things, but they require you to be logged into the terminal of your machine. There is a better, much more convenient and much nicer-looking method that uses a Grafana web dashboard but it is still under development. Stay tuned for the completion of that section!
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CPU, RAM, and Swap
The first three can be easily viewed with the htop program. This will give you a nice live view into your system resources, as shown by this screenshot from a Raspberry Pi: htop On the top display with the bars, the numbered bars each refer to a CPU core's current usage. Mem shows you how much RAM you're currently using (in this screenshot, 1.75 GB) and how much you have total (3.70 GB). Swp shows you how much swap space you're using (85.8 MB) and how much you have total (12.0 GB). On the bottom table, each row represents a process. Your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients will likely be on top (in this case, Geth and Nimbus) which you can see in the rightmost column labeled Command. The RES column shows you how much RAM each process is taking - in this screenshot, Geth is taking 748 MB and Nimbus is taking 383 MB. The CPU% column shows you how much CPU power each process is consuming. 100% represents a single core, so if it's over 100%, that means it's using a lot from multiple cores (like Geth is here, with 213%).
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Remaining Free Disk Space
Keeping an eye on how much disk space you have free is easy to do with the following command: df -h This will provide output similar to the following example: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on ... /dev/mmcblk0p2 30G 12G 16G 43% / ... /dev/sda1 1.8T 852G 981G 47% /mnt/rpdata ... For conventional setups where you have one drive that stores both your Operating System and your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) chain data, you just need to look at the entry that has / in the Mounted on column. This represents your main disk. If that ever looks like it's running out of space (say, 80% used or so), then you need to start thinking about doing some cleanup. For example, if you're running Geth, you may want to look at how to prune it to clear up some space. For setups that store the Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) chain data on a separate drive, you'll want to look at the row that has your chain data folder in the Mounted on column as well. In this example we mounted an external SSD to /mnt/rpdata, so we'll have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't grow too large either.
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Network I/O and Data Usage
If you want to track how much network I/O your system uses over time, you can install a nice utility called vnstat. Here's an example of installing it on a Ubuntu / Debian system: sudo apt install vnstat To run it, do this (assuming eth0 is the name of the network interface you use for your Internet connection): vnstat -i eth0 This won't work right away because it needs time to collect data about your system, but as the days and weeks pass, it will end up looking like this: $ vnstat -i eth0 Database updated: 2021-06-28 22:00:00 eth0 since 2021-01-29 rx: 3.33 TiB tx: 4.25 TiB total: 7.58 TiB monthly rx | tx | total | avg. rate ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- 2021-05 550.19 GiB | 855.34 GiB | 1.37 TiB | 4.51 Mbit/s 2021-06 498.13 GiB | 784.43 GiB | 1.25 TiB | 4.57 Mbit/s ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- estimated 535.31 GiB | 842.97 GiB | 1.35 TiB | daily rx | tx | total | avg. rate ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- yesterday 18.35 GiB | 32.00 GiB | 50.36 GiB | 5.01 Mbit/s today 18.26 GiB | 30.52 GiB | 48.78 GiB | 5.29 Mbit/s ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- estimated 19.92 GiB | 33.30 GiB | 53.22 GiB | This will let you keep tabs on your total network usage, which might be helpful if your ISP imposes a data cap. Note that most modern systems more commonly use other network interfaces like eno0 and enp0s31f6 and not eth0. If you need to check your network interface, run the following command: shellls /sys/class/net Ethernet (hard-wire) devices usually start with e, such as the examples above. Wireless devices usually start with w.
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Third-Party Performance Monitoring
The best monitoring uses a Swiss-cheese model: every tool has holes, but if you stack them on top of each-other there is less of a chance anything falls through and catches you by surprise. Please note that these third-party tools are used by the Rocket Pool community, but are not officially endorsed or supported by the Rocket Pool team. If you have a tool suggestion, or are a tool owner, you are very welcome to add a pull request with details on your tool.
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rpl000339 Website: Using the Beacon Chain as a Metric Source
The block explorer website and app provide a way to track your validator's performance by looking at it's on-chain activity. They also have the option to receive email notifications for significant events like downtime. Navigate to their site, and enter the public key for your validator in the search box on the top of the screen. TIPIf you forgot your validator's public key, you can easily retrieve it with the command rocketpool minipool status. If everything is set up right, you should see something like this: NOTEThe above link is for the mainnet version of If you're running on the Prater Testnet, use this link instead! This is a record of all of the Beacon Chain activity for your validator. You can use it to check your validator's balance on the Beacon Chain to watch it grow over time and calculate your APY. You can also use it to quickly gauge if your validator is alive and running correctly. If it is, all of the attestations should say Attested for their Status, and ideally all of the Opt. Incl. Dist. should be 0 (though an occasional 1 or 2 is fine). If there are lots of blocks that say Missed on them, then your validator is not working properly. You should check the logs of the eth1, eth2, and validator services with rocketpool service logs ... if you're using Docker or Hybrid mode (or the corresponding log scripts if you're using Native mode) to look for problems. You should pin this tab or create a bookmark with it so you can quickly jump to it and check the status of your validator.
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Using to Monitor Multiple Minipools has a dashboard view that allows you to monitor multiple validators or minipools at once. Simply add your validator indices one at a time. If you have a lot of minipools, you can run: shellrocketpool minipool status | grep Validator.index | awk -F " " '{print $3}' | paste -s -d, - to get a comma-separated list, and place it in the URL bar like so:,123457
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rpl000341 App: Validator Overview and Push Notifications
The website is a great way to view metrics and set up email alerts. Their mobile app has a more "at-a-glance" nature. It also features a push notification service that includes some useful alerts like: Note that the app has a free version, and paid options with convenience features like homescreen widgets.
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Renaming your Validators on
The website has a feature that allows users to rename their validators, making them easier to identify/search. To be able to use this feature you need to sign a message using your node wallet's private key, in order to prove you're the person who controls that validator. The Smartnode v1.5.1 includes the ability to sign messages with your node wallets's private key by using the command rocketpool node sign-message, then providing the message that you want to sign. It must contain the term '' to be used to rename your validators. Open your validator page on and click on the Edit validator name button. Copy the result from the sign-message command and paste it in the "Signature" field. Fill your desired nickname and click the Save changesbutton.
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Uptimerobot: Port-scanning for Uptime
The Uptimerobot service is a simple service that scans an IP address for an open port. If your machine becomes unavailable on the port you specified, Uptimerobot can send you a notification that there is an issue. The service was a wide variety of notification options including email, push notification, SMS, phone call, and webhooks. The setup screen looks something like this: The IP to monitor is the external IP of your node, which you can find by logging into your node by ssh or physically, and opening in a browser or running the following command in your terminal: shellcurl The port to monitor depends on your node setup; users running the typical Smartnode installation will likely have forwarded ports 30303 and 9001 for the Execution and Consensus clients respectively, so these are good choices for uptime monitoring.
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Rocketpool Metrics Dashboards
There are multiple community-lead initiatives to provide an overview of your node performance, as well as the Rocket Pool network as a whole. An in-depth network analytics explorer is, made by community member Peteris. It features detailed network and node metrics, including a timeline of your node activity.
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Scripting with Pushover (advanced)
The Pushover service allows you to send yourself push notifications. NOTEThis is an advanced activity to undertake. It can be helpful if you are familiar with shell scripting, but is not recommended if you are not comfortable in a shell environment. To get started with Pushover: Calling the Pushover API to send you a push notification is done through a curl call structured as such: shellPUSHOVER_USER= PUSHOVER_TOKEN= MESSAGE_TITLE= MESSAGE_CONTENT= curl -f -X POST -d "token=$PUSHOVER_TOKEN&user=$PUSHOVER_USER&title=$MESSAGE_TITLE&message=$MESSAGE_CONTENT&url=&priority=0"
19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023
Example: Push Notification on Updates Available
If you set up automatic updates using the unattended-upgrades and update-nofifier packages, you may want to receive a push notification when there are updates available for your node. A potential way to do this is to create a script in ~/ and to trigger it daily at 9:00 using crontab. To do this, first create the script by running: shellnano ~/ Then paste the following script: shell#!/bin/bash PUSHOVER_USER= PUSHOVER_TOKEN= NODE_ADDRESS="$(rocketpool node status | grep -Po "(?<=The node )(0x[A-Za-z0-9]{40})")" EXPLORER_URL= #EXPLORER_URL= #EXPLORER_URL= NOTIFICATION_URL="$EXPLORER_URL$NODE_ADDRESS" # Check if the update-notifier file is showing updates available if cat /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available | grep -Pq '^(?!0)[0-9]* updates can be applied'; then MESSAGE_TITLE="⚠️ Rocket Pool node system updates available" MESSAGE_CONTENT="$( cat /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available | grep -P '^(?!0)[0-9]* updates can be applied' )" else MESSAGE_TITLE="✅ Rocket Pool node system up to date" MESSAGE_CONTENT="No system updates available" fi curl -f -X POST -d "token=$PUSHOVER_TOKEN&user=$PUSHOVER_USER&title=$MESSAGE_TITLE&message=$MESSAGE_CONTENT&url=$NOTIFICATION_URL&priority=0" Next, run the following command to mark the script as executable: shellchmod u+x ~/ Now run the following command to open your crontab: shellcrontab -e Then use the arrow keys to scroll down, and add the line * 9 * * * ~/ so the file looks like this: shell# Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron. # # Each task to run has to be defined through a single line # indicating with different fields when the task will be run # and what command to run for the task # # To define the time you can provide concrete values for # minute (m), hour (h), day of month (dom), month (mon), # and day of week (dow) or use '*' in these fields (for 'any'). # # Notice that tasks will be started based on the cron's system # daemon's notion of time and timezones. # # Output of the crontab jobs (including errors) is sent through # email to the user the crontab file belongs to (unless redirected). # # For example, you can run a backup of all your user accounts # at 5 a.m every week with: # 0 5 * * 1 tar -zcf /var/backups/home.tgz /home/ # # For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8) # # m h dom mon dow command # This like triggers at 9 AM local time # to configure your own times, refer to 0 9 * * * ~/ The press control+x to exit and press Y when asked whether you want to save your changes. You should now receive a notification at 09:00 local time if you have updates. You can manually run the script by typing this in your terminal: shell~/
19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023
Example: Get Notified when your APC UPS Daemon Activates
Some home stakers are using an Uninterruptible power supply with the apcupsd utility to make sure their node shuts down gracefully if their power goes out. The apcupsd utility uses the apccontrol script to manage its logic, thus it is possible to monitor the activity of this daemon by editing the /etc/apcupsd/apccontrol file. To do this, run: shellsudo nano /etc/apcupsd/apccontrol Then at the top of the line add the following code so the file looks like this: shellPUSHOVER_USER= PUSHOVER_TOKEN= MESSAGE_TITLE="UPS Daemon called" MESSAGE_CONTENT="called with: $1" curl -f -X POST -d "token=$PUSHOVER_TOKEN&user=$PUSHOVER_USER&title=$MESSAGE_TITLE&message=$MESSAGE_CONTENT&url=&priority=0" # # Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Riccardo Facchetti <[email protected]> # # platforms/apccontrol. Generated from by configure. This will send you a push notification whenever your UPS daemon takes action, includion periodic "self test" functionality.
19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023
Setting up the Grafana Dashboard
Now that you have your node up and running, you'll probably want to have a convenient way to monitor everything about it at a glance to make sure it's functioning correctly (and what kind of earnings it's generating for you). There are many tools out there that do this job. One of the most popular is called Grafana - an easy-to-use, general-purpose dashboard system that you can access with a browser. Rocket Pool comes out-of-the-box with support for Grafana and its dependencies; it even comes with a pre-built dashboard for each of the Consensus (ETH2) clients. For example, here is a snapshot of what the dashboard looks like on the Prater test network: The standard dashboard includes the following information all in a convenient format: Top left: some important statistics about your machine's health and performance, and any pending system updatesTop right: the activity and performance of your validators on the Beacon Chain, along with some Execution and Consensus client statsBottom left: details about the entire Rocket Pool network, for referenceBottom right: details about your staking rewards, both ETH and RPL In this guide, we'll show you how to enable Rocket Pool's metrics system so you can use this dashboard - or even build your own!
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Overview of the Rocket Pool Metrics Stack
If you choose to enable metrics during the Smartnode configuration process, your node will add the following processes: Prometheus - a data collection, storage, and reporting system that captures all of the metrics you see above (any many more) and stores them, so they can be looked at over timeThe Prometheus Node Exporter - a service that collects information about your machine's health (such as CPU usage, RAM usage, free disk space and swap space, etc.) and reports it to PrometheusGrafana, the tool that exposes Prometheus's data through a convenient website hosted on your nodeAn optional custom set of scripts that will report any available Operating System updates to Prometheus, so you know if your system needs to be patched The default configuration will create Docker containers with all of these services that live alongside the rest of the Smartnode's Docker containers. It will open up a port on your node machine for Grafana, so you can access its dashboard from any machine on your local network with a browser.
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Enabling the Metrics Server
DockerHybridNativeEnabling metrics in Docker mode is the easiest of all.Start by running the Smartnode configuration command again:rocketpool service configYou will see the following question at the end:Would you like to enable Rocket Pool's metrics dashboard? [y/n]Enter y, to enable the Prometheus, Node Exporter, and Grafana Docker containers for you. It will also modify your Consensus (ETH2) and Validator clients so they expose their own metrics to Prometheus.For those who prefer to fine-tune their port settings, the interview will ask you if you'd like to change any of the ports used for the above services. Note that all of these ports are restricted to Docker's internal network with the exception of the Grafana port - that will be opened on your machine (so you can access it via a browser from other machines, such as your desktop or phone) so you may want to change that if the default port conflicts with something you already have.NOTEIf you have UFW enabled as referenced in the Securing your Node section, you will need to open a few ports in order for outside machines to access Grafana, and to allow local connections between the Node Exporter and Prometheus.First run:shelldocker inspect rocketpool_monitor-net | grep -Po "(?<=\"Subnet\": \")[0-9./]+"This will return an ip in CIDR notation that looks like run the following, but replace with the output of the previous command:shellsudo ufw allow from to any port 9103 comment "Allow prometheus access to node-exporter"You can then open the firewall to allow external devices access to your Grafana dashboard.NetworkSubnetAnywhereUse this if you want to access Grafana from any machine inside your local network, but deny access everywhere else. This will be the most common use case.Please check whether your local network uses the structure first. You may have to change the command below to match your local network's configuration if it uses a different address structure (e.g. This assumes your local IP structure is sudo ufw allow from proto tcp to any port 3100 comment 'Allow grafana from local network'After you reconfigure the Smartnode to enable / disable metrics, you'll have to run the following commands for the changes to take effect:rocketpool service stop rocketpool service startThe Operating System and Rocket Pool update tracker is not installed by default for maximum flexibility, but the process is simple. If you would like to install it so your dashboard shows you how many updates are available for your system, you can do it with this command:rocketpool service install-update-trackerUnder the hood, this will install a service that hooks into your Operating System's package manager, periodically checks for updates, and sends that information to Prometheus. This service is different for every Operating System, but it has been confirmed to work on the following:Ubuntu 20.04+Debian 9 and 10CentOS 7 and 8Fedora 34NOTEEnabling the service automatically is incompatible with SELinux. If your system has SELinux enabled by default (as is the case with CentOS and Fedora), the installation command will get you most of the way there but will also give you instructions on how to finish the process manually at the end.During this check, it will also compare your installed Rocket Pool Smartnode version with the latest release, and inform you if there's a new release available.If you enabled the update tracker, then the last step is to restart the Node Exporter with the following command:docker restart rocketpool_exporterAfter that, you should be all set.
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Setting up Grafana
Now that the metrics server is ready, you can access it with any browser on your local network. Refer to the tabs below for your Smartnode installation mode. DockerHybridNativeNavigate to the following URL, substituting the variables with your setup as necessary:http://<your node IP>:<grafana port>For example, if you node's IP was and you used the default Grafana port of 3100, then you would go to this URL in your browser: will see a login screen like this:The default Grafana information is:Username: admin Password: adminYou will then be prompted to change the default password for the admin account. Pick something strong and don't forget it!TipIf you lose the admin password, you can reset it using the following command on your node:shelldocker exec -it rocketpool_grafana grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password adminYou will be able to log into Grafana using the default admin credentials once again, and then you will be prompted to change the password for the admin account.Thanks to community member tedsteen's work, Grafana will automatically connect to your Prometheus instance so it has access to the metrics that it collects. All you need to do is grab the dashboard!
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Importing the Rocket Pool Dashboard
Now that you have Grafana attached to Prometheus, you can import the standard dashboard (or build your own using the metrics that it provides, if you are familiar with that process). Start by going to the Create menu (the plus icon on the right-side bar) and click on Import: When prompted for the dashboard ID in the Import via box, enter 18391 or use the full URL (( and press the Load button. You will be prompted with some information about the dashboard here, such as its name and where you'd like to store it (the default General folder is fine unless you use a lot of dashboards and want to organize them). Under the Prometheus drop-down at the bottom, you should only have a single option labeled Prometheus (default). Select this option. Your screen should look like this: If yours matches, click the Import button and you will be immediately taken to your new dashboard. At first glance, you should see lots of information about your node and your validators. Each box comes with a handy tooltip on the top left corner (the i icon) that you can hover over to learn more about it. For example, here is the tooltip for the Your Validator Share box: However, we aren't done setting things up yet - there is still a little more configuration to do. NOTESome of the boxes (notably the APR ones) have been temporarily disabled due to the way Shapella provides skimmed rewards.They will be enabled again in a future version of the Smartnode that can track historical rewards properly.
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Tailoring the Hardware Monitor to your System
Now that the dashboard is up, you might notice that a few boxes are empty such as SSD Latency and Network Usage. We have to tailor the dashboard to your specific hardware so it knows how to capture these things.
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CPU Temp
To update your CPU temperature gauge, click the title of the CPU Temp box and select Edit from the drop down. Your screen will now look something like this: This is Grafana's edit mode, where you can change what is displayed and how it looks. We're interested in the query box highlighted in red, to the right of the Metrics browser button. By default, that box has this in it: node_hwmon_temp_celsius{job="node", chip="", sensor=""} There are two fields in this text that are currently blank: chip and sensor. These are unique to each machine, so you'll have to fill them in based on what your machine provides. To do this, follow these steps: TipIf you don't know which chip or sensor is correct, you'll have to try all of them until you find the one that looks right. To help with this, install the lm-sensors package (for example, sudo apt install lm-sensors on Debian / Ubuntu) and run the sensors -u command to provide what sensors your computer has. You can try to correlate a chip ID from Grafana's list with what you see here based on their names and IDs.For example, this is one of the outputs of our sensors -u command:k10temp-pci-00c3 Tctl: temp1_input: 33.500 Tdie: temp2_input: 33.500In our case, the corresponding chip in Grafana is pci0000:00_0000:00:18_3 and the corresponding sensor is temp1. Once you're happy with your selections, click the blue Apply button in the top right corner of the screen to save the settings. NOTENot all system expose CPU temperature info - notably virtual machines or cloud-based systems. If yours doesn't have anything in the auto-complete field for chip, this is probably the case and you won't be able to monitor your CPU temperature.
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SSD Latency
The SSD Latency chart tracks how long it takes for read/write operations to take. This is helpful in gauging how fast your SSD is, so you know if it becomes a bottleneck if your validator suffers from poor performance. To update the SSD you want to track in the chart, click on the SSD Latency title and select Edit. This chart has four query fields (four textboxes) with eight device="" portions in total. You'll need to update the first four of these portions with the device you want to track. Simply place your cursor in-between the quote marks and press Ctrl+Spacebar to get Grafana's auto-complete list, and select the correct option from there for each of the device="" portions. You want to start from the leftmost empty setting first, or the auto-complete list may not appear. TipIf you don't know which device to track, run the following command:lsblkThis will output a tree showing your device and partition list, for example:NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT ... loop25 7:25 0 132K 1 loop /snap/gtk2-common-themes/9 loop26 7:26 0 65,1M 1 loop /snap/gtk-common-themes/1515 nvme0n1 259:0 0 238,5G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 512M 0 part /boot/efi ├─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 150,1G 0 part / ├─nvme0n1p3 259:3 0 87,4G 0 part └─nvme0n1p4 259:4 0 527M 0 partIf you didn't change Docker's default location to a different drive during your Smartnode installation, then the disk you want to track will be the one that your Operating System is installed on. Look in the MOUNTPOINT column for an entry simply labeled /, then follow that back up to its parent device (the one with disk in the TYPE column).Typically this will be sda for SATA drives or nvme0n1 for NVMe drives.If you did change Docker's default location to a different drive, or if you're running a hybrid / native setup, you should be able to use the same technique of "following the mount point" to determine which device your chain data resides on. Optionally, you can also track latency of a second disk on your system. This is aimed at people that keep their Operating System and chain data on separate drives. To set this up, simply follow the instructions above for the last two query fields, substituting device="" portion values with those of the disk you want to track. Once you're happy with your selections, click the blue Apply button in the top right corner of the screen to save the settings.
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Network Usage
This chart tracks how much data you're sending and receiving over a particular network connection. As you might expect, the dashboard needs to know which network you want it to track. To change it, click on the Network Usage title and select Edit. This chart has two query fields with two device="" portions in total. You'll need to update these with the network you want to track. Place your cursor in-between the quote marks and press Ctrl+Spacebar to get Grafana's auto-complete list, and select the correct option from there for each of the device="" portions. TipIf you don't know which device to track, run the following command:routeThe output will look something like this:Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface default UG 100 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 UH 100 0 0 eth0Look at the Destination column for the row with the value if default. Follow that row all the way to the Iface column. The device listed there is the one you want to use - in this example, eth0. Once you're happy with your selections, click the blue Apply button in the top right corner of the screen to save the settings.
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Total Net I/O
This tracks the total amount of data you've sent and received. You might find it useful to watch if, for example, your ISP limits you to a certain amount of data per month. The setup is identical to the Network Usage box above, so simply follow those instructions for this box too.
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Disk Space Used
This keeps tabs on how full your Operating System disk is getting, so you know when it's time to clean up (and if your chain data lives on the same drive, time to prune Geth or Nethermind). The steps are the same as the SSD Latency box above, so simply follow those instructions for this box too. As a reminder, you want the drive that houses the partition which has / in the MOUNTPOINT column for this one because that will be your Operating System drive. Fill this into the first query field. Optionally, you can also track the free space of a second disk on your system. This is aimed at people that keep their Operating System and chain data on separate drives. Set this up by following the same process, but instead of looking at which partition has / in the MOUNTPOINT column, you want to look for the one that has whatever your second drive's mount point is. Update the second query field with the disk associated with that partition.
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Disk Temp
This tracks the current temperature of your Operating System disk. The steps are the same as the CPU Temp box above, so simply follow those instructions for this box too, substituting CPU chip and sensor values with those of your Operating System disk. Fill these values into the first query field. Optionally, you can also track the current temperature of a second disk on your system. Set this up by following the same process, substituting the chip and sensor values with those of your second drive. Fill these values into the second query field.
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Customizing the Dashboard
While the standard dashboard tries to do a good job capturing everything you'd want to see at a glance, it's quite easy to customize a Grafana dashboard however you want. You can add new graphs, change the way graphs look, move things around, and much more! Take a look at Grafana's Tutorials page to learn how to play with it and set it up to your liking.
19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023
Customizing the Metrics Stack
The tools used in the Rocket Pool Metrics Stack offer a wide array of configuration options beyond what is included in the default Rocket Pool installation. This section includes configuration examples for different use cases. In general, Grafana configuration options should be passed through using environment variables in override/grafana.yml. Any config option can be converted to an environment variable using the following syntax: GF_<SectionName>_<KeyName>
19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023
Grafana SMTP Settings for Sending Emails
To send emails from Grafana, e.g. for alerts or to invite other users, SMTP settings need to be configured in the Rocket Pool Metrics Stack. See the Grafana SMTP configuration page for reference. Open ~/.rocketpool/override/grafana.yml in a text editor. Add an environment section below the x-rp-comment: Add your customizations below this line line, replacing the values below with those for your SMTP provider. If using Gmail and 2-Step Verification is enabled, create an App Password for this service. yamlversion: "3.7" services: grafana: x-rp-comment: Add your customizations below this line environment: ## SMTP settings start, replace values with those of your SMTP provider - GF_SMTP_ENABLED=true -<port> # Gmail users should use - [email protected] - GF_SMTP_PASSWORD=password - [email protected] - GF_SMTP_FROM_NAME="Rocketpool Grafana Admin" ## SMTP server settings end After making these modifications, run the following to apply the changes: docker stop rocketpool_grafana rocketpool service start To test the SMTP settings, go to the Alerting menu and click Contact points. Click New contact point and select Email as the Contact point type. Enter an email address in the Addresses section and click Test. Check to see that the test email was received. Click Save contact point* when finished.
19:09:21hrs 10-06-2023
Checking for Updates
One of the responsibilities of a node operator is making sure your system is up to date with the latest security patches. Automatic updates are convenient but can interfere with your node operation, so it may be preferable to run them manually. In either case, you must make sure that your machine is regularly patched! NOTEMost of the time, updating will not require your system to be down for more than a few minutes. You might be concerned that such downtime will negatively affect your Beacon Chain balance. Rest assured, the penalty for being offline for such a short period of time is completely negligible.Each attestation you miss will penalize you for slightly less than the amount you'd earn from a successful attestation. As a rule of thumb, if you're offline for an hour, you will earn it all back after being online for an hour again.Also note that there is absolutely no chance that you will be slashed by going offline for a short time. Slashing only occurs if you attack the network, and going offline for maintenance does not count as attacking the network.Please keep your systems up to date - don't worry about the downtime penalties!
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Updating your Operating System
You should frequently check your Operating System's package manager or update service to ensure that quickly apply any new important security patches. The exact instructions vary for each Operating System and can be found with your system's documentation, but here are a few examples. UbuntumacOSIn a terminal, type the following:sudo apt updateThis will access the package servers and check to see if any of your installed packages have new versions available. If updates are available, the output will look like this:Fetched 3974 kB in 2s (1641 kB/s) Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done 12 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.You can install the updates with the following command:sudo apt dist-upgradeThis will show you the list of packages that are about to be updated, and if the total installation size is large enough, it will show you the size and prompt you to confirm that you accept:12 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 51.3 MB of archives. After this operation, 52.2 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n]Ensure that you have enough space available to do this, then press y and Enter to begin the update process.Once the progress bar is finished and you're dropped back into the terminal prompt, run the following command to clean up any old versions of packages that were just replaced:sudo apt autoremoveNext, check if your system needs to be rebooted:cat /var/run/reboot-requiredIf the above command prints No such file or directory, then reboot is not required and you can skip the step below.However if the command prints *** System restart required ***, then you should restart your machine to finish applying the updates when you are able:sudo rebootRocket Pool will gracefully shut down and automatically start back up with the system once it reboots.
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Updating the Smartnode Stack
Occasionally, Rocket Pool will release a new version of the Smartnode stack. Updates can contain new versions of the CLI or the Rocket Pool Docker containers, as well as new versions of the Execution and Consensus clients. The most consistent way to find out about new releases is to subscribe to the Rocket Pool Discord server; they will always be posted in the Releases channel and you will receive a notification. NOTENote that running apt update will not update the node software. This must be done manually using the steps below. TIPWhen you have completed the Smartnode upgrade, the Grafana dashboard will still indicate there is still an update available. It will automatically clear within a day when the system next auto-checks for updates.If you want to clear it immediately after the update, simply run: sudo apt update The steps to upgrade depend on which mode your node uses. Select from the options below: Linux (Docker or Hybrid Mode)Linux (Native Mode)macOS (Docker or Hybrid Mode)Stop the Rocket Pool services:rocketpool service stopDownload the new Smartnode CLI:For x64 systems (most normal machines):wget -O ~/bin/rocketpoolFor arm64 systems:wget -O ~/bin/rocketpoolNow run the install command:rocketpool service install -dThe -d flag tells it to ignore system dependencies like Docker, since you already have them.If you'd like to see what's changed, open the Settings Manager - the Review Page will show you what's new:rocketpool service configWhen you're done, start Rocket Pool up again:rocketpool service startFinally, check the version to make sure the CLI and Smartnode stack are both up to date:rocketpool service version Your Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network. Rocket Pool client version: 1.5.0 Rocket Pool service version: 1.5.0 Selected Eth 1.0 client: Geth (Locally managed) Image: ethereum/client-go:v1.10.21 Selected Eth 2.0 client: Lighthouse (Locally managed) Image: rocketpool/lighthouse:mevboost-5ee3bc5Both the client and service should match the new release version.
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Manually Updating the Execution or Consensus Client
Each new release of the Smartnode stack will come with updated references to the latest compatible versions to the Execution and Consensus Docker containers. In some cases, however, you might want to upgrade one of those clients before waiting for a new Smartnode stack release. This section will show you how to do just that. Docker ModeUpdating to new client versions is easy in Docker mode.Start by opening the Settings Manager:rocketpool service configTo change the Execution client version, go to the Execution Client (ETH1) category. Modify the Container Tag setting:To change the Consensus client version, go to the Consensus Client (ETH2) category. Modify the Container Tag setting:NOTEThis process is slightly different for Prysm, because the Smartnode stack needs to use the DEBUG images that Prysm provides instead of the normally versioned ones. For help upgrading Prysm manually, please visit the smart-nodes channel in the Rocket Pool Discord.When you're happy with your changes, save and exit as usual. The Smartnode will offer to restart all of the affected containers automatically.::::: tabNative Mode First, shut down your Execution client, Beacon Node, and/or Validator client service depending on what you'd like to update. For example, shutting down Geth:sudo systemctl stop gethNext, download the latest binary release from the vendor of your client (or build it from source) and replace the old binary with the new one. We recommend you move the old binary to a backup location instead of overwriting it, just in case the new client has problems.Finally, start the client service again - for example, starting Geth:sudo systemctl start gethYou should follow the log scripts closely after the upgrade to ensure that the new client works as expected.
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Backing Up Your Node
NOTEThis is currently written for Docker Mode installations. Some locations may vary for Hybrid or Native users. In general, if you created your node wallet and minipools via the Smartnode, the only thing you truly need on hand to recover your node from a complete failure is the mnemonic for your node wallet Everything else can be recovered from that quite easily. If you have minipools that have externally-generated validator keys (e.g. you migrated from Allnodes to your own self-hosted node), you will need the private keystore files for your validators as well since they cannot be recovered from the node wallet. That being said, once the Merge takes place, you will no longer be able to use a light Execution client (e.g. Pocket or Infura) as a fallback if you ever need to resync the Execution layer chain. Furthermore, you will be required to have an active and healthy Execution client to attest correctly. Having a fast, reliable way to recover from an Execution client failure (such as a corrupt database, SSD malfunction, or compromised / stolen hardware) will be critical, as it can take hours or even days to sync from scratch. In this guide, we'll show you how to back up some of these things to help improve your node's resilience and minimize unnecessary downtime. NOTEThis guide assumes you have installed the Smartnode to the default directory (~/.rocketpool). If you specified a different installation directory, substitute it accordingly in the instructions below.
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Items That Can Be Backed Up
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Smartnode Configuration
The Smartnode's configuration is stored in ~/.rocketpool/user-settings.yml. You can save this and replace it to restore all of your Smartnode settings (i.e., the things you specified in rocketpool service config).
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Execution Client / ETH1 Client Chain Data
The Execution client's chain data is likely the most important thing to back up. As mentioned, it can take several days to re-sync your EC chain data. After The Merge, this means hours to days of downtime and lost profits! The chain data is stored within the rocketpool_eth1clientdata Docker volume, which by default is located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/rocketpool_eth1clientdata. Note this folder is typically not accessible by unprivileged user accounts; you will need to elevate to the root user to see it. NOTEIf you changed Docker's storage location during the initial Smartnode installation (such as people that run Docker on a second SSD), you will find the volume in /<your external mount point>/docker/volumes/rocketpool_eth1clientdataIf you don't recall which installation path you use, you can check /etc/docker/daemon.json for its location. If the file doesn't exist, you use the default location. For detailed instructions on how to efficiently back up your Execution chain data, please see the Backing up your Execution Chain Data section below.
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Monitoring & Metrics Data
This data is stored within the rocketpool_grafana-storage Docker volume, which by default is located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/rocketpool_grafana-storage (or /<your external mount point>/docker/volumes/rocketpool_prometheus-data if you customized your Docker storage location).
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Items That Should Not Be Backed Up
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Private Keys and Passwords
Your node wallet's private key and the password file used to encrypt it are stored in ~/.rocketpool/data/wallet and ~/.rocketpool/data/password respectively. These files don't generally need to be backed up, as they can be recovered from your mnemonic using rocketpool wallet recover. If, for some reason, you do decide to back up these files, you will need to be extremely careful about how you store them. Anyone who gains access to these files will gain access to your node wallet, its validators, and any funds you have stored on it for things like gas. We strongly recommend you do not back up these files and just use your wallet mnemonic to recover them if necessary.
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Consensus Client / ETH2 Client Chain Data
Unlike the Execution layer data, the Consensus layer data is not nearly as important to your node thanks to Checkpoint Sync. Consensus clients can easily use this technique to immediately resync to the head of the Beacon chain and resume validation duties.
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Backing up your Execution Chain Data
The Smartnode comes with the ability to back up your Execution chain data via the rocketpool service export-eth1-data command. Under the hood, this utilizes rsync, a powerful backup/copy tool within Linux. rsync compares the files in the source directory (your Docker volume) and the target directory (your backup location). If a source file doesn't exist in the target directory, it will be copied entirely. However, if it does exist, rsync will only copy the changes between the two files. This means the first backup will take a good amount of time as it must copy all of the data initially. Subsequent backups will only copy the changes between your previous backup and now, making the process much faster. As part of a backup strategy, you may want to plan to run export-eth1-data on a regular basis. To ensure the integrity of the chain data, running this command will safely shut down the Execution client before backing up its data. If you elect to schedule it every week, your Execution client will only be down for a few minutes while it updates the backup. This is certainly better than the days it would take to resync the data from scratch. To trigger a backup, start by mounting the storage medium you want to export the data to. For example, this could be an external hard drive. HINTIf you don't know how to mount external devices on Linux, it's easy! Plug the device into your node, and follow a guide like this to learn how to mount it. Once you have it mounted, note its mount path. For this example, let's assume that we want to store the chain data in a folder called /mnt/external-drive which the external device is mounted to. Replace this with your actual mount path wherever you see it below. Now, run the following command: rocketpool service export-eth1-data /mnt/external-drive This will check that your target folder is reachable and has enough free space to store the chain data. The output will look like this: This will export your execution client's chain data to an external directory, such as a portable hard drive. If your execution client is running, it will be shut down. Once the export is complete, your execution client will restart automatically. You have a fallback execution client configured (http://<some address>:8545). Rocket Pool (and your consensus client) will use that while the main client is offline. Chain data size: 87 GiB Target dir free space: 287 GiB Your target directory has enough space to store the chain data. NOTE: Once started, this process *will not stop* until the export is complete - even if you exit the command with Ctrl+C. Please do not exit until it finishes so you can watch its progress. Are you sure you want to export your execution layer chain data? [y/n] As you can see, the chain data is 87 GB (for the Prater testnet; the Ethereum mainnet will be an order of magnitude larger) and the external folder has 287 GiB free so exporting can continue. When you're ready, enter y here and press Enter. This will stop your Execution client and begin copying its chain data to your target folder. You will see the progress of each individual file go past the screen as it runs. NOTEIt's important that you do not exit the terminal while this is running. If you do, the copy will continue to run in the background but you won't be able to follow its progress! Once it's finished, it will automatically restart your Execution client container. Note that your existing chain data is not deleted from your node after the export is complete!
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Restoring Your Execution Chain Data
If you ever need to restore your backed up chain data, simply run the following command. rocketpool service import-eth1-data /mnt/external-drive WARNINGThis will automatically delete any existing Execution client data in your rocketpool_eth1clientdata volume! Once it's done, your Execution client will be ready to go.
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Pruning the Execution Client
NOTEThis is meant for geth and nethermind users. Besu does not need to be pruned. If you use geth or nethermind as your primary Execution (ETH1) client, you will likely notice that your node's free disk space slowly decreases over time. The Execution client is by far the biggest contributor to this; depending on how much RAM you allocated to its cache during rocketpool service config, it can grow at a rate of several gigabytes per day! To handle this, Execution clients provide a special function called pruning that lets them scan and clean up their database safely to reclaim some free space. Every node operator using Geth or Nethermind will have to prune it eventually. If you have a 2 TB SSD, you can usually go for months between rounds of pruning. For 1 TB SSD users, you will have to prune more frequently. If you have the Grafana dashboard enabled, a good rule of thumb is to start thinking about pruning your Execution client when your node's used disk space exceeds 80%. When you decide that it's time, the Smartnode comes with the ability to prune it for you upon request. Read below to learn how it works, and what to expect. NOTEPruning your Execution client is only possible in Docker Mode.If you use your own Execution (ETH1) client, such as an external client in Hybrid mode or Native mode, you cannot use the Smartnode to prune the Execution client. You will need to do it manually. Please refer to the documentation for your Execution client to learn how to prune it.
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Select the client you're using from the tabs below. GethNethermindPruning Geth means taking the primary Execution (ETH1) client offline so it can clean itself up. When this happens, the Smartnode (and your Consensus (ETH2) client) will need some other way to access the ETH1 chain in order to function properly.The easiest way to provide this is with a fallback node. If you configured a fall back node using rocketpool service config already, then the Smartnode will automatically switch over to it when your Geth container goes down for maintenance for you. It will also inform your Consensus (ETH2) client to use the fallback as well.WARNINGIf you don't have a fallback node configured, your node will stop validating during the pruning process. It will miss all attestations and block proposals until it's finished and has resynced with the network. You will leak ETH due to missed validations during this time!With that in mind, the following two conditions are required to successfully prune Geth:A working fallback node configuredAt least 50 GB of free space remaining on your SSD :::::
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Starting a Prune
Select the client you're using from the tabs below. GethNethermindWhen you want to prune Geth, simply run this command:rocketpool service prune-eth1If you do not have a fallback client pair enabled, you will receive the following warning:This will shut down your main execution client and prune its database, freeing up disk space. Once pruning is complete, your execution client will restart automatically. You do not have a fallback execution client configured. Your node will no longer be able to perform any validation duties (attesting or proposing blocks) until Geth is done pruning and has synced again. Please configure a fallback client with `rocketpool service config` before running this. Are you sure you want to prune your main execution client? [y/n]If you do have one enabled, you will see the following prompt instead:This will shut down your main execution client and prune its database, freeing up disk space. Once pruning is complete, your execution client will restart automatically. You have fallback clients enabled. Rocket Pool (and your consensus client) will use that while the main client is pruning. Are you sure you want to prune your main execution client? [y/n]If you accept, you'll see a few details as the Smartnode prepares things; it should end with a success message:Are you sure you want to prune your main ETH1 client? [y/n] y Your disk has 303 GiB free, which is enough to prune. Stopping rocketpool_eth1... Provisioning pruning on volume rocketpool_eth1clientdata... Restarting rocketpool_eth1... Done! Your main ETH1 client is now pruning. You can follow its progress with `rocketpool service logs eth1`. Once it's done, it will restart automatically and resume normal operation. NOTE: While pruning, you **cannot** interrupt the client (e.g. by restarting) or you risk corrupting the database! You must let it run to completion!With that, Geth is now pruning and you're all set! You can follow its progress with:rocketpool service logs eth1Once it's done pruning, it will restart automatically and the Smartnode will resume using it again instead of your fallback. :::::
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Changing Execution or Consensus Clients
Under normal circumstances, you will likely just select an Execution and Consensus client when you first create your Rocket Pool node and will let them happily run for the life of your Node. However, there are a few situations where you may want to change your client selection. Here are a few examples: Your client gains a supermajority share on the Execution or Beacon chains, and you want to change for the overall health of the networkA bug causes your client to stop functioning correctly, and you need to get back online quickly to resume validation dutiesYou want to try a new feature that a different client offersA different client is better suited to your node's hardware (e.g. some clients are better on ARM systems than others) Luckily, the Smartnode stack makes changing clients extremely easy. All it takes is a few changes in the Configuration TUI, and some optional extra commands to back up your existing client data before changing clients.
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Changing Execution Clients
Prior to changing your Execution client, it's worth noting the following points: Chain data is not shared between clients. Your new client will need to resync the Mainnet chain data, which can take some time (though each client supports snap sync, which the Smartnode uses to speed up resyncing).By default, the Smartnode will leave your old client's chain data on your drive in case you want to revert back to your old Execution client and pick up where you left off. You may want to export it to a different location and delete it to free up space prior to changing clients, since Execution clients can use hundreds of gigabytes. We have steps below on how to do this.While your new client is resyncing, most of the Smartnode CLI functions will be offline since they rely on the Execution client. You should have a fallback Execution client available before doing this to mitigate the downtime on your Smartnode.
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(Optional) Export your Execution Client's Database
The first step in the process is an optional one: if you like, you can export your existing chain data for your current Execution client. This will let you free up valuable disk space on your node for your new Execution client, and you can keep the old chain data around in case you want to revert back to the old client and pick up where you left off. Please refer to the Backing Up Your Node guide for details.
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Change your Selected Execution Client
To change your selected client, run rocketpool service config to enter the configuration UI. Navigate to the Execution Client (ETH1) section, and select the Execution Client dropdown: Open the dropdown with Enter, use the arrow keys to navigate to your client of choice, and press Enter again to confirm the selection. Note that each client has its own unique options, so you may see some additional settings appear in this screen after you select a different client. Feel free to explore through them to see how they affect things. When you're happy with your choice, press Esc to return to the main menu, then Tab to highlight the Review Changes and Save button. You will be presented with the review screen, which will show your client selection change: Press Enter to accept the changes, and you're done! Your new Execution client will begin syncing immediately. As usual, you can follow it with rocketpool service logs eth1. We recommend you do this to verify there are no errors, and that it works properly. NOTENow that the Execution and Consensus layers have merged, taking down your Execution client will also take down your Consensus client until your Execution client has finished resyncing. This means your node will stop attesting and proposing blocks, and it will leak ETH instead of earning it!To avoid this and continue validating while your Execution client resyncs, please set up a fallback node.
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(Recommended) Remove your Old Chain Data
This is not a required step, but we strongly recommend you remove the chain data from your old client now that you've switched to a new one so you can free up disk space for it. To do this, simply run the following command: rocketpool service resync-eth1 This will delete all of your Execution client data and start it over. TIPSince you just selected a new Execution client, it won't be affected by this - essentially, all it will do is delete your old chain data. You should do this as soon as possible after switching clients to prevent unnecessary loss of progress on your new client.
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Changing Consensus Clients
Changing Consensus clients is even easier than Execution clients, thanks to Checkpoint Sync. This feature lets you immediately sync a new Consensus client with the network, so there's no need to preserve your old chain data. Start by using the rocketpool service config UI and navigating to the Consensus Client (ETH2) section. Next, select the Consensus Client dropdown: Open the dropdown with Enter, use the arrow keys to navigate to your client of choice, and press Enter again to confirm the selection. Note that each client has its own unique options, so you may see some additional settings appear in this screen after you select a different client. Feel free to explore through them to see how they affect things. Next, verify that you're using a Checkpoint Sync provider: If you don't have a Checkpoint Sync provider configured, you can easily use instructions from here to do it for free! When you're happy with your choice, press Esc to return to the main menu, then Tab to highlight the Review Changes and Save button. You will be presented with the review screen, which will show your client selection change: Press Enter to accept the changes, and you're done! Your new Consensus client will begin syncing immediately. As usual, you can follow it with rocketpool service logs eth2. We recommend you do this to verify there are no errors, and that it works properly.
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This section covers how to access the rewards your node generates while validating.
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Before configuring your Smartnode, please make sure you: Have set up a node machine (or virtual machine) and secured it (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed and configured on itHave a node wallet loaded on your SmartnodeSynced your Execution and Consensus clientsProvisioned your node with a withdrawal address, set up your fallback clients (optional), opted into the Smoothing Pool (optional), and configured MEVCreated at least one minipool
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Claiming Node Operator Rewards explains how RPL rewards and Execution-layer rewards work, and how to access them. Distributing Skimmed Rewards covers accessing rewards from the Beacon Chain that periodically get "skimmed" by the protocol and delivered to your minipools.
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Claiming Node Operator Rewards
As a Rocket Pool node operator, you are entitled to regular rewards that will be provided in the form of the RPL token and (if you are opted into the Smoothing Pool) some ETH as well. This section will describe how these rewards work and how you can claim them.
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Rewards and Checkpoints
At regular intervals, Rocket Pool will flag a checkpoint on the network. Currently, checkpoints occur every 28 days. At a new checkpoint, the Oracle DAO will collectively create a true snapshot of the state of the node operators in the Rocket Pool network, which it will use to determine the RPL and Smoothing Pool ETH rewards for each node during that interval. This information is compiled into a Merkle Tree - an extremely efficient way to make all of the details available to smart contracts. The Merkle Tree is built into a JSON file and hosted on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and mirrored on a GitHub repository that we maintain. Once the tree is submitted, the Rocket Pool smart contracts will mint new RPL tokens and move them, along with the Smoothing Pool's entire ETH balance, into the Rocket Pool vault for secure storage. You can then view how many RPL and ETH rewards you earned during that interval and claim those rewards. The rewards system has the following features: Each interval is independent. The amount of RPL and ETH you earned in one interval does not affect the earnings for subsequent intervals.You can let rewards accumulate for as long as you want. You do not need to claim rewards by a specific time; they will always be available for you to claim, and will always provide exactly the same amount of RPL and ETH regardless of when you claim them.You can claim one interval or a time, or multiple intervals all at once.Your first claim transaction uses about 85k gas. Each subsequent claim transaction costs about 55k gas. If you're claiming multiple intervals at once, each supplemental interval costs 6k gas so it's most cost-effective to claim as many of them at once as possible.You can restake some (or all) of your RPL rewards as part of the claiming transaction so it's all done in a single transaction (which further reduces gas costs).Currently, all of your claims must be on Mainnet but we have the infrastructure in place to build the ability to claim on Layer 2 networks at a later date. For more information on how the Merkle Tree is built and how rewards are calculated, please visit our research repository and view the official specifications. We've provided a brief explanation of them below.
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RPL Rewards
RPL's current rewards rate is 5% inflation per year. This means that for the first year of operation, with a total supply of 18,000,000 RPL, the protocol will mint 900,000 RPL. 70% of this (630,000 RPL) will be distributed to Rocket Pool node operators, which is roughly 48,300 RPL per checkpoint. This amount will be divided among all of the node operators on the network, weighted by their total effective stake. The effective stake is essentially how much RPL collateral they've staked against their minipools, capped at 150%. Thus, for a single minipool with a 16 ETH deposit, the maximum effective stake is 24 ETH worth of RPL (which varies with the ETH/RPL ratio). Staking more RPL than this will not result in higher rewards. For example: if 48,300 RPL were minted, your node had 1000 effective RPL staked, and the total effective stake of the network was 1,000,000 RPL, then your rewards for the checkpoint would be 48,300 * 1000 / 1000000 = 48.3 RPL. If less than 28 days have passed between the time when you registered your node and the checkpoint, your rewards in that first rewards interval will be pro-rated to account for that. For example, if you registered on day 14 if the interval, you would receive 50% of normal rewards. After that first interval, your node will have been registered long enough on subsequent intervals that you will receive full rewards for all of them. NOTEIn order to claim your rewards, you must have a minimum collateralization ratio of 10% at the time of the checkpoint. This means if you have a single minipool that you deposited 16 ETH into, you must have staked at least 1.6 ETH worth of RPL in order to claim your rewards. The rocketpool node status command will show you your current collateralization ratio.If you are below 10% during the checkpoint, you will not be eligible for any rewards for that interval.Even if you increase above 10% at a later date, you will not have any rewards to claim for that interval. Therefore it is crucial that you maintain at least 10% collateral at all times.
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Smoothing Pool ETH Rewards
Along with RPL rewards, the Smoothing Pool's entire ETH balance is distributed during rewards checkpoints. Half of it (minus the average node commission) will be sent to the rETH contract where it can be burned for ETH from pool stakers that want to exit or used to create more minipools. The remaining portion will be distributed amongst the eligible node operators. Nodes that are opted into the smoothing pool for the interval, even if only part of the time, are eligible for a portion of the Smoothing Pool's total balance. The balance is snapshotted at the rewards checkpoint, and the Oracle DAO determines each eligible node's portion. The portion is determined by the following factors: Amount of time in the Smoothing Pool this intervalAttestation performance on the Beacon Chain for each minipoolThe commission of each minipool If you'd like to know more, please see the research repository linked above for a full breakdown of how the rewards are calculated.
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(Optional) Generating the Rewards Tree
When a new rewards checkpoint is reached, the Oracle DAO will begin to build the rewards tree for that interval. Building this tree currently takes approximately 2 hours, and the rewards for the interval aren't available to claim until the tree has been built and submitted. Once it's available, your node will automatically download this file and you'll be able to view and claim your rewards for that interval. If you'd like to generate the tree yourself instead of downloading the pre-built one from the Oracle DAO, you can do so! Enter the rocketpool service config TUI.Navigate to the Smartnode and TX Fees section.Change the Rewards Tree Mode from Download to Generate.If your primary Execution client is not an archive node, you can add a URL for a separate archive node in the Archive-Mode EC URL box. This is needed to generate historical rewards trees.The Archive EC will only be used for tree generation; it will not be used for any other Smartnode duties.Infura and Alchemy offer archive node access. Note that the free tiers are usually not sufficient to handle tree generation, so you will need one of the paid tiers. Now your Smartnode will build the tree completely independently from the Oracle DAO, using only the data provided by your Execution and Consensus clients. You can watch it during a rewards interval checkpoint with rocketpool service logs watchtower. If you'd like to rebuild past trees from previous intervals, you can do so with the following command: rocketpool network generate-rewards-tree Follow the prompts, and then use rocketpool service logs watchtower to view its progress.
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Claiming Rewards
To view your pending unclaimed rewards, run the following command: rocketpool node claim-rewards As intervals go by and you accumulate rewards, the output will look like this: Here you can quickly see how many rewards you've earned at each interval, and can decide which one(s) you want to claim. You can also specify an amount you want to restake during this claim: This will let you compound your RPL rewards in one transaction, which saves on gas costs. Simply follow the prompts, ensure your node wallet has enough ETH to pay for the gas costs of claiming, and you're done! Your rewards will be sent to your withdrawal address. TIPTo view your node's total rewards, including those you've already claimed, use the following command:rocketpool node rewardsThis will provide a breakdown of how much RPL and ETH you've claimed so far, and how much is still unclaimed:=== ETH === You have earned 8.1935 ETH from the Beacon Chain (including your commissions) so far. You have claimed 0.0634 ETH from the Smoothing Pool. You still have 3.4788 ETH in unclaimed Smoothing Pool rewards. === RPL === The current rewards cycle started on 27 Sep 22 21:26 EDT. It will end on 30 Sep 22 21:26 EDT (20h35m17s from now). You currently have 675.616380 unclaimed RPL from staking rewards. Your estimated RPL staking rewards for this cycle: 36.851544 RPL (this may change based on network activity). Based on your current total stake of 6615.797278 RPL, this is approximately 67.77% APR. Your node has received 208.551820 RPL staking rewards in total. You may claim these rewards at any time. You no longer need to claim them within this interval.
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Execution-Layer Rewards in your Fee Distributor
If you're not opted into the Smoothing Pool, the Execution-layer portion of your rewards from block proposals (including transaction fees and MEV) will be sent to your node's Fee Distributor contract instead. To check the balance of your Fee Distributor, you can either use a chain explorer like or simply run rocketpool node status - there will be a section called Fee Distributor and Smoothing Pool that shows it: === Fee Distributor and Smoothing Pool === The node is not opted into the Smoothing Pool. To learn more about the Smoothing Pool, please visit The node's fee distributor 0xA0bfbFC582f5814585f8455Ed6D7B620eA9a9EE4 has a balance of 1.143598 ETH.
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Distributing the Balance
To access the Fee Distributor's balance, you will distribute it (hence the name, Fee Distributor). This will calculate your share of the rewards (based on your node's average minipool commission) and send it to your node's withdrawal address; the rest is sent to the staking pool. Distribution can be done at any time. You can sit on the balance and let it accumulate if you choose, or distribute it regularly. To distribute the balance, run the following command: rocketpool node distribute-fees This will show how much goes to you and how much goes to the staking pool: Your node's average commission is 15.00%. Your fee distributor's balance of 1.143599 ETH will be distributed as follows: Your withdrawal address will receive 0.657569 ETH. rETH pool stakers will receive 0.486030 ETH. Simply confirm the gas price you want and submit the transaction. Once it's been completed, your portion of the rewards will be available in your node's withdrawal address.
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Distributing Skimmed Rewards
The ETH rewards you receive for running a validator for Ethereum are routinely sent to your minipools in a process referred to as "skimming". The frequency of skims depends on the number of activate validators on the Beacon Chain. At the time of writing the number of validators is around 500,000 which results in a skim occurring approximately every 2-3 days. Skimmed rewards will accrue in each of your minipools until you "distribute" them. This process distributes the skimmed rewards between you, as the node operator, and rETH holders based on your commission rate and ratio of supplied and provided ETH. NOTEIn order to access your minipool's balance, you will need to upgrade to the Atlas delegate first. The old Redstone delegate cannot be used to distribute the minipool's balance.
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Automatic Distribution
By default, the Smartnode is configured to automatically distribute your minipools when their balance reaches 1 ETH. This threshold can be configured in the TUI by following the steps below. Run: rocketpool service config Navigate to the setting Smartnode and TX Fee Settings > Auto Distribute Threshold shown below. Changing this setting will adjust the threshold at which the Smartnode will automatically distribute your minipools. Setting the parameter to 0 will disable automatic distributions. WARNINGIf you decide to disable automatic distribution, it is important that you still perform a manual distribution on a regular basis. Read the manual distribution section that follows on how to do this.After a long period of time your skimmed rewards may exceed 8 ETH. If this situation occurs you will no longer be able to distribute them and will need to exit your validator to access your accrued rewards.Rocket Pool features a failsafe design which allows anyone, after a long waiting period, to distribute your minipool when its balance exceeds 8 ETH. To protect your capital, the Smartnode monitors this situation and will automatically exit your minipool if it occurs.
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Manual Distribution
If you have disabled the automatic distribution of skimmed rewards, you will need to routinely distribute them yourself with the following process. If your minipool has less than 8 ETH in it, you can distribute your rewards using the following command: rocketpool minipool distribute-balance This will show you the minipools you have that are eligible for distribution, how much ETH they have, and how much ETH you (the node operator) will receive: WARNING: The following minipools are using an old delegate and cannot have their rewards safely distributed: 0x7E5703fdA638CD86c316B9EbAF76927fF695ADC5 0x7E5704aD2a63eb90880426Dcd4a3811246dF3cB0 0x7E5705c149D11efc951fFc20349D7A96bc6b819C 0x7E570625cE8F586c90ACa7fe8792EeAA79751778 Please upgrade the delegate for these minipools using `rocketpool minipool delegate-upgrade` in order to distribute their ETH balances. Please select a minipool to distribute the balance of: 1: All available minipools 2: 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC (0.112307 ETH available, 0.031200 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.024419 ETH) 3: 0x7E570195026dC29f4B2DfF08B56c3b5D0FF988Ef (0.070754 ETH available, 0.000481 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.069399 ETH) 4: 0x7e5702a2cE66B5B35E59B9Ac00eEAAa547881e40 (0.122064 ETH available, 0.070187 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH) 5: 0x7E5700c82E38434C6c72890bb82f5B5305f4328a (0.102739 ETH available, 0.000000 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH) 6: 0xffCAB546539b55756b1F85678f229dd707328A2F (0.070989 ETH available, 0.025201 ETH goes to you plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH) Any minipools using the original launch delegate will be mentioned at the start, letting you know that you cannot call distribute-balance on them until you upgrade their delegates. This delegate was written before skimmed withdrawals were specified and, as such, do not feature a way to distribute skimmed rewards. Note that for eligible minipools, you are also shown the refund amount. This is an amount owed directly to you (for example, because you had a balance in your minipool prior to migrating from a 16-ETH bond down to an 8-ETH bond or you converted a solo validator into a minipool with existing rewards). It will not be shared with the rETH holders. NOTEYou might be wondering why the amount going to the node operator (0.031200 ETH) appears lower than you might expect in this case. That's because in this example, we used an 8-ETH bonded minipool (an LEB8) instead of a 16-ETH bonded minipool! Read our guide on 8-ETH bonded minipools if you'd like to learn more about them. Enter the number of the minipool that you want to distribute. You will be prompted with the gas price chart as usual, and asked to confirm your decision. Once you have, your minipool's balance will be distributed: Using a max fee of 2.00 gwei and a priority fee of 2.00 gwei. Are you sure you want to distribute the ETH balance of 1 minipools? [y/n] y Distributing balance of minipool 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC... Transaction has been submitted with hash 0xb883eab903d9688b40d291c5c2030084f9bce19135837ebf96a5c1e8871cfbf9. Waiting for the transaction to be included in a block... you may wait here for it, or press CTRL+C to exit and return to the terminal. Successfully distributed the ETH balance of minipool 0x7E5700bcd65B1770bA68abB288D3f53814d376aC. As you can see from the transaction, this provided the node's withdrawal address with the node's share of the rewards (plus the refund amount) and returned the rest to the staking pool.
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Shut Down a Minipool
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