Python 使用全局解釋器鎖(稱為 GIL)限制對解釋器的訪問,以滿足內部線程安全要求。不幸的是,這一設計決策限制一次只允許一個線程解釋 Python 代碼,即使在一台能夠同時運行多個線程的機器上也是如此。 如果您希望在一組數據上運行 Python 代碼,並且數據可以分解為獨立的段(這個過程稱為數據分區),您可能希望研究一下 Python 中的多處理庫。 作為示例,考慮函數 foo,它採用一個參數 arg1,並假設您想要對多個值(例如 val1、val2 和 val3)運行 foo 函數。 def foo(arg1): # 做一點事 如果 __name__ == '__main__': foo(val1) foo(val2) foo(val3) 要讓 foo 在多個進程上一起執行,您可以使用多處理池一起運行多個工作進程: 從多處理導入池 def foo(arg1): # 做一點事 如果 __name__ == '__main__': p = 池(), [val1, val2, val3]) 多處理庫還提供了用於並行編程的各種其他 API。你想了解更多嗎?
Why isn't multi-threading making my Python code faster? How can I fix it.
Python restricts access to the interpreter with a Global Interpreter Lock, referred to as the GIL, for internal thread-safety requirements. Unfortunately, this design decision restricts only allows one thread to interpret Python code at a time, even on a machine with the capability to run multiple threads together. If you wish to run Python code on a set of data, and the data can be broken up into independent segments (a process known as data partitioning), you may wish to look into the multiprocessing library in Python. As an example, consider the function foo which takes one argument, arg1, and say you wanted to run the foo function on a number of values, say, val1, val2, and val3. def foo(arg1): # do something if __name__ == '__main__': foo(val1) foo(val2) foo(val3) To have foo execute on multiple processes together, you could use the multiprocessing Pool to run multiple worker processes together: from multiprocessing import Pool def foo(arg1): # do something if __name__ == '__main__': p = Pool(), [val1, val2, val3]) The multiprocessing library also provides various other APIs for parallel programming. Would you like to know more?
這是可以討論的,但人們經常承認邁克爾·喬丹是有史以來最好的 NBA 球員。
Who is the best NBA player of all time?
This can be discussed but it is often admitted that Michael Jordan is the best NBA player of all time.
Screwdrivers、Bloody Mary's、White Russians 和 Cosmopolitans 是傳統的伏特加雞尾酒,而 French 75's、Gimlets、Tom Collins' 和 Negronis 是傳統的杜松子酒雞尾酒。
Classify each as either a vodka drink or a gin drink: Screwdriver, Bloody Mary, French 75, White Russian, Gimlet, Cosmopolitan, Tom Collins, Negroni
Screwdrivers, Bloody Mary's, White Russians, and Cosmopolitans are traditionally vodka cocktails, whereas French 75's, Gimlets, Tom Collins', and Negronis are traditionally gin cocktails.
如何在查詢 Delta 表時獲得更好的效能?
為了在查詢增量表時獲得更好的性能,您可以做很多事情。 首先,確保您使用的是 Photon 引擎。 Photon 引擎旨在處理高並發和低延遲的查詢。如果您使用 DBSQL,Photon 是免費包含的,並且默認情況下處於打開狀態。 其次,在編寫 Delta 表時可以使用不同的索引技術以獲得更好的讀取性能。如果使用得當,Z 排序和布隆過濾器是兩種有效的技術。 第三,確保您的 SQL 倉庫或計算資源的大小適當。如果您嘗試從非常小的倉庫查詢非常大的數據集,則可能會得到緩慢的查詢結果。
How can I get better performance when querying a delta table?
To get better performance when querying a delta table, there are many things you can do. First, ensure you are using the Photon engine. The Photon engine is designed to handle high-concurrency and low-latency queries. If you are using DBSQL, Photon is included free of charge and is turned on by default. Second, you can use different indexing techniques when writing a Delta table for better read performance. Z-ordering and bloom filters are two effective techniques when used correctly. Third, ensure your SQL Warehouse or compute resource is appropriately sized. If you are trying to query a very large dataset from a very small warehouse, you will likely get slow query results.
美元半美元以 150 個脊線獲勝。
Which coin of U.S currency has the most ridges.
The U.S. half dollar is the winner with 150 ridges.
Who was the first woman to have four country albums reach No. 1 on the Billboard 200?
Carrie Underwood.
亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln,發音:/ˈlɪŋkən/ LINK-ən;1809年2月12日-1865年4月15日)是美國的一位律師、政治家和政治家,他在1861年至1865年擔任美國第16任總統。林肯領導聯邦政府通過美國內戰捍衛憲法聯盟,成功廢除奴隸制度,加強聯邦政府,推動美國經濟現代化。 林肯出生於肯塔基州的一個小木屋裡,從小生活在印第安納州的邊境地區。他自學成才,成為一名律師、輝格黨領袖、伊利諾伊州議員和眾議員。1849年,他回到伊利諾伊州中部的成功律師事務所工作。1854年,他對開放領土給奴隸制度的堪薩斯-內布拉斯加法案感到憤怒,重新進入政治領域。他很快成為新共和黨的領袖。他在1858年的參議院競選辯論中贏得了全國觀眾的關注。林肯在1860年競選總統,席捲北方獲得勝利。南方的親奴隸制度勢力認為他的當選對奴隸制度構成威脅,南方各州開始脫離聯邦。在此期間,新成立的美國聯盟國開始奪取南方的聯邦軍事基地。林肯擔任總統僅一個多月后,美國聯盟國襲擊了南卡羅來納州的一座美國堡壘——薩姆特堡。在轟炸之後,林肯動員軍隊鎮壓叛亂,恢復聯邦。
From the passage provided, extract the state Lincoln was born in
Abraham Lincoln (/ˈlɪŋkən/ LINK-ən; February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer, politician and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. Lincoln led the Union through the American Civil War to defend the nation as a constitutional union and succeeded in abolishing slavery, bolstering the federal government, and modernizing the U.S. economy. Lincoln was born into poverty in a log cabin in Kentucky and was raised on the frontier, primarily in Indiana. He was self-educated and became a lawyer, Whig Party leader, Illinois state legislator, and U.S. Congressman from Illinois. In 1849, he returned to his successful law practice in central Illinois. In 1854, he was angered by the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which opened the territories to slavery, and he re-entered politics. He soon became a leader of the new Republican Party. He reached a national audience in the 1858 Senate campaign debates against Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln ran for president in 1860, sweeping the North to gain victory. Pro-slavery elements in the South viewed his election as a threat to slavery, and Southern states began seceding from the nation. During this time, the newly formed Confederate States of America began seizing federal military bases in the south. Just over one month after Lincoln assumed the presidency, the Confederate States attacked Fort Sumter, a U.S. fort in South Carolina. Following the bombardment, Lincoln mobilized forces to suppress the rebellion and restore the union.
Lincoln was born in the state of Kentucky
足球(以及相關的比賽,如室內足球和沙灘足球)的國際管理機構是FIFA。FIFA總部位於瑞士蘇黎世。與FIFA相關聯的有六個地區性聯合會,它們是: 亞洲:亞洲足球聯合會(AFC) 非洲:非洲足球聯合會(CAF) 歐洲:歐洲足球聯合會(UEFA) 北美/中美洲和加勒比海:北美、中美洲和加勒比海足球聯合會(CONCACAF) 大洋洲:大洋洲足球聯合會(OFC) 南美洲:南美洲足球聯合會(CONMEBOL) 國家協會(或國家聯合會)負責管理各個國家內的足球。這些通常與主權國家同義(例如喀麥隆足球聯合會在喀麥隆),但也包括一小部分負責子國家實體或自治區的協會(例如蘇格蘭足球協會在蘇格蘭)。211個國家協會既與FIFA又與各自的洲際聯合會有關聯。 雖然FIFA負責安排比賽和大多數與國際比賽有關的規則,但實際的比賽規則由IFAB制定,其中英國協會每個協會各有一票,而FIFA共有四票。
FIFA 代表國際足球協會聯合會。它是足球運動(在美國以外的國際上稱為足球)運動的主要國際管理機構
What is FIFA?
The recognised international governing body of football (and associated games, such as futsal and beach soccer) is FIFA. The FIFA headquarters are located in Zürich, Switzerland. Six regional confederations are associated with FIFA; these are: Asia: Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Africa: Confederation of African Football (CAF) Europe: Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) North/Central America & Caribbean: Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) Oceania: Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) South America: Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (South American Football Confederation; CONMEBOL) National associations (or national federations) oversee football within individual countries. These are generally synonymous with sovereign states (for example, the Cameroonian Football Federation in Cameroon), but also include a smaller number of associations responsible for sub-national entities or autonomous regions (for example, the Scottish Football Association in Scotland). 211 national associations are affiliated both with FIFA and with their respective continental confederations. While FIFA is responsible for arranging competitions and most rules related to international competition, the actual Laws of the Game are set by the IFAB, where each of the UK Associations has one vote, while FIFA collectively has four votes.
FIFA stands for Fédération internationale de football association. It is the main international governing body for the sport of soccer (called football internationally outside the US)
why is Mahatma Gandhi loved by everyone?
Mahatma Gandhi preached non-cooperation using non-violent methods as a way to win against the oppressive rulers without resorting to guns. This is difficult to do and requires public's cooperation.
What is Game of Thrones based on?
Game of Thrones is based on the books written by George R. R. Martin called a Song of Ice and Fire.
What are the benefits of collaborating on a tech blog with your customers?
It will improve visibility of the product. It will help with your customers' career. It will benefit other customers with related use cases.
弗吉尼亞州阿靈頓有 3 所公立高中。
Given this paragraph, how many public high schools are in Arlington, Virginia?
Arlington Public Schools operates the county's public K-12 education system of 22 elementary schools; 6 middle schools (Dorothy Hamm Middle School, Gunston Middle School, Kenmore Middle School, Swanson Middle School, Thomas Jefferson Middle School, and Williamsburg Middle School); and 3 public high schools (Wakefield High School, Washington-Liberty High School, and Yorktown High School). H-B Woodlawn and Arlington Tech are alternative public schools. Arlington County spends about half of its local revenues on education. For the FY2013 budget, 83 percent of funding was from local revenues, and 12 percent from the state. Per pupil expenditures are expected to average $18,700, well above its neighbors, Fairfax County ($13,600) and Montgomery County ($14,900).
There are 3 public high schools in Arlington, Va.
What are all of the professional baseball teams in the state of Florida?
The professional baseball teams in the state of Florida are the Tampa Bay Rays and Miami Marlins.
Given the reference text about the Cy Young Award, please describe what the award is and why it is awarded.
The Cy Young Award is given annually to the best pitchers in Major League Baseball (MLB), one each for the American League (AL) and National League (NL). The award was first introduced in 1956 by Baseball Commissioner Ford Frick in honor of Hall of Fame pitcher Cy Young, who died in 1955. The award was originally given to the single best pitcher in the major leagues, but in 1967, after the retirement of Frick, the award was given to one pitcher in each league.
The Cy Young Award is given to the best pitches in the American and National leagues of Major League Baseball, for their achievements that exceed those of their peers.
美國海軍戰鬥機武器學校於 1969 年 3 月 3 日在加利福尼亞州米拉瑪海軍航空站成立。 該單位的目的是對戰鬥機機組人員進行戰鬥機武器系統和空戰藝術的各個方面的培訓。它旨在建立一支知識淵博的戰鬥機機組人員核心隊伍,以構建、指導和增強武器訓練週期以及隨後的機組人員表現。這個精選小組是 F-4 界最注重作戰的武器專家。 Top Gun 致力於為過去、現在和未來的海軍專業戰鬥機人員做出貢獻。
Extract what is Top Gun
The United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program (SFTI program), more popularly known as Top Gun (stylized as TOPGUN), is an American military program that teaches fighter and strike tactics and techniques to selected naval aviators and naval flight officers, who return to their operating units as surrogate instructors.
The United States Navy Fighter Weapons School was established on 3 March 1969, at Naval Air Station Miramar, California. The unit's purpose was to train fighter air crews in all aspects of fighter weapons systems and the art of aerial combat. It serves to build a nucleus of eminently knowledgeable fighter crews to construct, guide, and enhance weapons training cycles and subsequent aircrew performance. This select group acts as the F-4 community』s most operationally orientated weapons specialists. Top Gun's efforts are dedicated to the Navy』s professional fighter crews, past, present and future.
這很難說,因為答案很大程度上取決於您的偏好。 Arsicault 是一家非常受歡迎的羊角麵包麵包店。這裡的牛角麵包很脆,而且很黃油。如果這正是你的拿手好戲,一定要來參觀一下!除了Arsicault,舊金山還有很多麵包店提供創意十足的牛角麵包。幾個例子是製作椒鹽捲餅牛角麵包的 Hahdough 和製作酵母牛角麵包的 Arizmendi。就我個人而言,我更喜歡牛角麵包不要太油膩,但中間濕潤,外面鬆脆。我個人最喜歡的是內里士滿的舒伯特麵包店。價格和口味都符合我的要求!
Where to find the best croissant in San Francisco?
This is hard to say as the answer heavily depends on your preference. Arsicault is generally a very popular bakery for croissants. The croissants here are very flaky and very buttery. If that is right up your alley, definitely give them a visit! Other than Arsicault, there are many bakeries in SF that offers croissant with a creative twist. A couple examples are Hahdough for pretzel croissants and Arizmendi for sourdough croissants. Personally, I prefer my croissants to be not too buttery but moist in the middle and crunchy on the outside. My personal favorite is Schubert's Bakery in Inner Richmond. The price point and taste well align with what I am looking for!
Do cats have nine lives?
微軟公司是一家總部位於華盛頓雷德蒙德的美國跨國科技公司。微軟最知名的軟體產品是Windows系列操作系統、Microsoft Office套件以及Internet Explorer和Edge網路瀏覽器。其旗艦硬體產品是Xbox遊戲機和Microsoft Surface系列觸控式螢幕個人電腦。微軟在2022年財富500強排名中排名第14位,是美國總收入最大的公司之一;截至2022年,它是全球最大的軟體製造商。它被認為是美國五大信息技術公司之一,與Alphabet(Google的母公司)、亞馬遜、蘋果和Meta(前Facebook)並列。
微軟公司是一家美國跨國科技公司,總部位於華盛頓州雷德蒙德。 Microsoft 最著名的軟件產品是 Windows 系列操作系統、Microsoft Office 套件以及 Internet Explorer 和 Edge 網絡瀏覽器。
What is Microsoft?
Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft's best-known software products are the Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers. Its flagship hardware products are the Xbox video game consoles and the Microsoft Surface lineup of touchscreen personal computers. Microsoft ranked No. 14 in the 2022 Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue; it was the world's largest software maker by revenue as of 2022. It is considered as one of the Big Five American information technology companies, alongside Alphabet (parent company of Google), Amazon, Apple, and Meta (formerly Facebook).
Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft's best-known software products are the Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers.
How do you make soap?
Soap is made with a mixture of natural or organic oils, sodium hydroxide and distilled water. When making soap you need to mix a combination of light and heavy oils like olive and coconut oil and then mix it with sodium hydroxide and distilled water. After this mixture has been mixed well you poor it into soap molds and let it hard over the course of many weeks. This process called saponification is the time it takes for the sodium hydroxide to evaporate from the mixture which causes the soap to harden in he soap molds. Other options you have when making soap are to add essential oils, like lavender and grapefruit to give a nice scent to the soap. This has to be added prior to saponification.
How would I get from an upstairs apartment to the parking garage?
If I needed to get from an upstairs apartment to the parking garage, I first would need to know where the parking garage is located. Most parking garages at apartment complexes are located underground; however, some are above-ground. Once I've determined where the parking garage is, I would exit my apartment by opening the door, stepping out into the hallway, and then locking the door, and then walk down the hallway in the direction of the elevator or stairs. I would take the elevator or stairs to the appropriate floor and then exit into the parking garage. I'm probably in the parking garage because I'm going to my car, so the next step would be to locate my car. One trick for locating a car in a parking garage is to click the alarm or door lock button on your car's remote to make a sound.
三個最常被傳唱的抒情女高音詠嘆調? - 普契尼《藝術家生涯》中的“Quando m'en vo” - 普契尼的詹尼·斯基基的《我的寶貝卡羅》 - 莫扎特《費加羅的婚禮》中的“Deh! vieni non tardar”
What are three most commonly sung lyric soprano arias?
Three most commonly sung lyric soprano arias? - "Quando m'en vo" from La Boheme by Puccini - "O mio babbino caro" from Gianni Schicchi by Puccini - "Deh! vieni non tardar" from Le Nozze di Figaro by Mozart
Cases of Anthrax were found in Kerala in which animals?
Wild Boars
根據所屬專輯對以下 Taylor Swift 歌曲進行分類:The Archer、tolerate it、Lover、Love Story (Taylor's Version)、Bejeweled、Don't Blame Me、22 (Taylor's version)、Look What You Made Me Do、Lavender Haze、willow、Cruel Summer
以下歌曲收錄在泰勒·斯威夫特的專輯《Lover: The Archer, Lover, Cruel Summer》中。 以下歌曲收錄在專輯《Fearless (泰勒版): Love Story (泰勒版)》中 專輯evermore中有以下歌曲: 忍耐吧,柳樹 以下歌曲收錄在專輯《Reputation: Don't Blame Me, Look What You Made Me Do》中 以下歌曲收錄於專輯《Red》(泰勒版):22(泰勒版) 以下歌曲收錄在專輯《Midnights: Bejeweled》、《Lavender Haze》中
Categorize the following Taylor Swift songs based on what album they are in: The Archer, tolerate it, Lover, Love Story (Taylor's Version), Bejeweled, Don't Blame Me, 22 (Taylor's version), Look What You Made Me Do, Lavender Haze, willow, Cruel Summer
The following songs are in Taylor Swift's album Lover: The Archer, Lover, Cruel Summer. The following song is in the album Fearless (Taylor's Version): Love Story (Taylor's Version) The following songs are in the album evermore: tolerate it, willow The following songs are in the album Reputation: Don't Blame Me, Look What You Made Me Do The following song is in the album Red (Taylor's Version): 22 (Taylor's version) The following songs are in the album Midnights: Bejeweled, Lavender Haze
I'm creating a class to explain to kids the difference between items that are powered and can be plugged in and items that aren't. Please divide the following things into those you can plug in and those that you can't: table, hairdryer, television, chair, computer, fridge, comb, flowers.
A hairdryer, television, computer and fridge are all examples of things that can be plugged in and powered by electricity. A common table, chair, comb and flower are examples of items that do not require electricity and cannot be plugged in.
Can you describe what team effectiveness is?
Team effectiveness (also referred to as group effectiveness) is the capacity a team has to accomplish the goals or objectives administered by an authorized personnel or the organization. A team is a collection of individuals who are interdependent in their tasks, share responsibility for outcomes, and view themselves as a unit embedded in an institutional or organizational system which operates within the established boundaries of that system. Teams and groups have established a synonymous relationship within the confines of processes and research relating to their effectiveness (i.e. group cohesiveness, teamwork) while still maintaining their independence as two separate units, as groups and their members are independent of each other's role, skill, knowledge or purpose versus teams and their members, who are interdependent upon each other's role, skill, knowledge and purpose.
Team effectiveness is the capacity a team has to achieve the goals set for that team. Teams are considered more or less effective based on their ability to achieve their goals and objectives. Teams are comprised of individuals who are interdependent in their tasks, share responsibility for outcomes, and view themselves as a unit embedded in an institutional or organizational system which operates within the boundaries of that system.
2020年第一季度,受COVID影響,消費者購物頻率減少了5.6%(交易次數減少),但每次購物的購買量增加了16.5%。隨著人們從外出就餐轉向在家用餐,沃爾瑪的凈銷售額增長了10.5%,線上銷售額增長了74%。儘管沃爾瑪的運營成本增加了5.5%,但其凈收入增長了3.9%。2020年第三季度截至10月31日,沃爾瑪報告的收入為1347億美元,同比增長了5.2%。 2020年12月,沃爾瑪推出了一項新服務——Carrier Pickup,允許客戶為線上購買、實體店購買或第三方供應商購買的產品安排退貨。這些服務可以在沃爾瑪應用程式或網站上啟動。 2021年1月,沃爾瑪宣佈,該公司正在與風險投資合作伙伴Ribbit Capital共同推出一家金融科技初創公司,為消費者和員工提供金融產品。 2021年2月,沃爾瑪收購了Thunder Industries的技術,該技術利用自動化建立數字廣告,以擴充套件其線上營銷能力。 2021年8月,沃爾瑪宣佈將其Spark眾包交付服務作為白標服務向其他企業開放,與Postmates和線上食品訂購交付公司競爭。 2021年12月,沃爾瑪宣佈將參加史蒂芬斯投資會議和摩根士丹利虛擬全球消費者和零售業會議。2022年6月,沃爾瑪宣佈將收購AR光學技術公司Memomi。 2022年8月,沃爾瑪宣佈將收購供應商管理和產品跟蹤軟體公司Volt Systems。沃爾瑪宣佈與派拉蒙合作,向其Walmart+訂戶提供派拉蒙+內容,以更好地與亞馬遜競爭。 2022年8月,沃爾瑪宣佈大多數門店不再恢復24小時營業,現在的營業時間為早上6點至晚上11點。 2023年1月,沃爾瑪宣佈將提高美國小時工最低工資從12美元到14美元。預計將有約34萬名員工在2023年3月初獲得加薪,沃爾瑪的美國平均工資預計將超過17.5美元。該公司還宣佈將向其Live Better U計劃新增額外的大學學位和證書。
沃爾瑪於 2022 年 8 月收購了 Volt Systems。Volt Systems 專注於供應商管理和產品跟踪。他們還於 2021 年 2 月從 Thunder Industries 收購了製作數字廣告的技術。
From the passage below, extract the names of the companies and technologies that Walmart has acquired over the last 3 years.
In the first quarter of 2020, consumers responded to COVID by shopping less frequently (5.6% fewer transactions), and buying more when they did shop (16.5%). As people shifted from eating out to eating at home, net sales at Walmart increased by 10.5%, while online sales rose by 74%. Although Walmart experienced a 5.5% increase in operating expenses, its net income increased by 3.9%. In the third quarter of 2020, ending October 31, Walmart reported revenue of $134.7 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 5.2 percent. In December 2020, Walmart launched a new service, Carrier Pickup, that allows the customers to schedule a return for a product bought online, in-store, or from a third-party vendor. These services can be initiated on the Walmart App or on the website. In January 2021, Walmart announced that the company is launching a fintech startup, with venture partner Ribbit Capital, to provide financial products for consumers and employees. In February 2021, Walmart acquired technology from Thunder Industries, which uses automation to create digital ads, to expand its online marketing capabilities. In August 2021, Walmart announced it would open its Spark crowdsource delivery to other businesses as a white-label service, competing with Postmates and online food ordering delivery companies. In December 2021, Walmart announced it will participate in the Stephens Investment Conference Wednesday, and the Morgan Stanley Virtual Global Consumer & Retail Conference. In June 2022, Walmart announced it would be acquiring Memomi, an AR optical tech company. In August 2022, Walmart announced it would be acquiring Volt Systems, a vendor management and product tracking software company. Walmart announced it was partnering with Paramount to offer Paramount+ content to its Walmart+ subscribers in a bid to better compete with Amazon. Walmart announced in August 2022 that locations were not going back to 24 hours with most stores now being open between 6am and 11pm. In January 2023, Walmart announced it would raise its minimum wage for U.S. hourly workers from $12 to $14 an hour. Approximately 340,000 employees are expected to receive a raise, effective in early March 2023, and Walmart's U.S. average wage is expected to be over $17.50. The company also announced it would be adding additional college degrees and certificates to its Live Better U program.
Walmart acquired Volt Systems in August 2022. Volt Systems focuses on vendor management and product tracking. They also acquired technology from Thunder Industries in February 2021 to create digital advertisements.
澳大利亞是一個國家,也是一個大陸。 墨西哥是一個國家。 墨西哥城是一個城市。 南極洲是一個大陸。 新加坡是一個國家,也是一個城市。 印度是一個國家。 海灣兩者都不是。 北京是一座城市。 雅加達是一座城市。 盧森堡是一個國家,也是一個城市。 梵蒂岡城是一個國家,也是一座城市。
Tell whether these are countries, cities, continents or neither: Australia, Mexico, Mexico city, Antartica, Singapore, India, Gulf, Beijing, Jakarta, Luxembourg, Vatican City
Australia is a country as well as a continent. Mexico is a country. Mexico City is a city. Antarctica is a continent. Singapore is a country as well as a city. India is a country. Gulf is neither. Beijing is a city. Jakarta is a city. Luxembourg is a country as well as a city. Vatican City is a country as well as a city.
Why do people like gardening?
People like to garden to grow their own food, flowers, and medicine, as well as experience the outdoors and natural ecosystems around us. Some also like to garden to improve the aesthetics and monetary value of their property.
首先,飛往德里或昌迪加爾。這些城市通過來自世界各地的航班緊密相連。接下來,乘坐夜間巴士前往馬納利。從任何城市都有充足的巴士連接馬納里。花 4 天的時間享受當地美食和觀光。由於夜間氣溫降至零以下,請務必攜帶毛衣。接下來,前往西姆拉,在這裡度過 2 天的當地觀光之旅,欣賞英國建築的奇蹟和古老的商場路。返回德里或昌迪加爾,結束您的旅程。在飛回家之前,花些時間在當地購物。
I am on a week long vacation to India and specifically want to explore Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh. How should I plan my trip ?
Firstly , fly to Delhi or Chandigarh. These cities are well connected via flights from across the world. Next , take an overnight bus to Manali. There are ample buses available connecting Manali from any cities. Spend 4 days of your time enjoying local cuisine and sight seeing. Do carry wollens as temperature drops sub zero during the night. Next , head towards Shimla and spend 2 days here for local sightseeing enjoying marvels of British architectures and old mall road. Wrap up your trip travelling back to Delhi or Chandigarh. Spend time doing some local shopping before you fly back home.
Swift于2005年與Big Machine Records簽訂了唱片合約,並在次年發行了同名的首張專輯。截至2009年12月,該專輯在Billboard 200上已經連續157周,成爲了2000年代持續時間最長的專輯。Swift的第二張錄音室專輯《無畏》(2008年)在Billboard 200上排名第一長達11周,並且是2000年代唯一一張在前十名中停留一年的專輯。該專輯被美國唱片業協會認證為鑽石唱片。它還在澳大利亞和加拿大的音樂排行榜上排名第一,並在全球銷售了1200萬張。她的第三張錄音室專輯《Speak Now》(2010年)由她自己創作,連續六週位居Billboard 200榜首,並在澳大利亞、加拿大和新西蘭的音樂排行榜上排名第一。
From the passage provided, extract the second studio album that Taylor Swift released.
Swift signed a record deal with Big Machine Records in 2005 and released her eponymous debut album the following year. With 157 weeks on the Billboard 200 by December 2009, the album was the longest-charting album of the 2000s decade. Swift's second studio album, Fearless (2008), topped the Billboard 200 for 11 weeks and was the only album from the 2000s decade to spend one year in the top 10. The album was certified Diamond by the RIAA. It also topped charts in Australia and Canada, and has sold 12 million copies worldwide. Her third studio album, the self-written Speak Now (2010), spent six weeks atop the Billboard 200 and topped charts in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
世界跆拳道大獎賽是世界跆拳道聯合會於2013年推出的一項跆拳道比賽,旨在為奧運會跆拳道錦標賽的參賽資格提供同質化製度。每個奧林匹克重量級別賽事每年由四場比賽組成。奧運會比賽的重量級別大約是 WTF 組織的錦標賽的一半。
Is there a World Taekwondo Grand Prix
The World Taekwondo Grand Prix is a taekwondo competition introduced by the World Taekwondo Federation in 2013 to provide a homogeneous system for qualification to the Olympic taekwondo tournament. It consists of four competitions per year in each Olympic weight category event. Olympic events occur at approximately half the weight classes as WTF-organised tournaments.
《閣樓里的狐貍》最初于1961年由Chatto & Windus: London出版,作為《人類困境三部曲》的第一卷,隨後在美國由Harper & Brothers: New York出版。這是休斯上一部小說《海上危機》發表23年後,以及《牙買加的大風》發表33年後。次年,它在瑞典(斯德哥爾摩:Norstedt)以《風中的狐貍》為題出版。 《人類困境三部曲》的第二部小說《木製牧羊女》于1973年由Chatto & Windus: London出版;它將故事延續到1934年和長刀之夜。第三部和最後一部小說未完成,但已完成的十二章被收錄在2000年《紐約書評》版的《木製牧羊女》中。
書籍順序如下: 1) 牙買加刮大風 2) 危險之中:海上故事 3)閣樓上的狐狸 4) 木頭牧羊女
Based on the provided text, place the following books in chronological order: The Fox in the Attic, In Hazard: A Sea Story, A High Wind in Jamaica, and The Wooden Shepherdess
"The Fox in the Attic" was originally published in 1961 by Chatto & Windus: London as v. 1 of The Human Predicament trilogy, and then in the United States by Harper & Brothers: New York. This was 23 years after Hughes's previous novel, In Hazard: A Sea Story, and 33 years after A High Wind in Jamaica, which was a best seller in the United Kingdom and America.It was published the following year in Sweden (Stockholm: Norstedt) as Räven på vinden. The second novel in The Human Predicament trilogy, The Wooden Shepherdess, was published in 1973 by Chatto & Windus: London; it carries on the story to 1934 and the Night of the Long Knives. The third and final novel was left unfinished, but the completed twelve chapters were included in the 2000 New York Review of Books edition of The Wooden Shepherdess.
The order of the books are as follows: 1) A High Wind in Jamaica 2) In Hazard: A Sea Story 3) The Fox in the Attic 4) The Wooden Shepherdess
沒有一種方法可以最好地投資你的錢,它基於多種因素來決定你應該如何分配不同的資產類型。以下是影響您的投資分配的一些因素。 - 時間範圍:這是您打算投資的時間長度。這很重要,因為不同的資產類別或多或少都會受到短期市場狀況的影響。根據您希望進入市場的時間長短,選擇與您的時間範圍相符的資產類型對於您的投資策略非常重要。 - 風險狀況:表明您對波動的市場狀況對您的投資的影響的承受程度。風險較高的資產提供最大的回報,但它們也更有可能下​​跌或完全失去您的投資。了解您的風險狀況是妥善投資的第一步。有不同的投資資產適合不同的風險水平,這些資產的組合將提供平衡的投資方式。 - 主動/被動投資者:根據您希望參與資產選擇和配置的程度,您將被視為主動投資者或被動投資者。主動投資者是指花費大量時間分析市場並為其投資組合選擇資產的投資者。這些投資者可以直接投資於股票或股票期權。被動投資者是希望接觸市場但不想花費大量時間選擇資產的投資者,這些投資者利用 ETF 或共同基金,將不同的資產類別捆綁在一項資產中,以接觸他們想要的資產市場無需選擇其基礎資產。 投資方式沒有對錯之分,重要的是要了解您是什麼類型的投資者並選擇最適合您的投資方式。
What is the best way to invest my money?
There is no one way to best invest your money, it is based on multiple factors that determines how you should allocate in different asset types. Here are some factors that influence your investment allocation. - Time horizon: This is the amount of time you intend to have your money invested. This is important as different asset classes are impacted more or less by short term market conditions. Based on how long you wish to be exposed to the market choosing an asset type that aligns with your time horizon is very important in your investment strategy. - Risk Profile: Indicates how confortable you are with the impact fluctuating market conditions have in your investments. Higher risk assets offer the biggest returns but they also have a higher chance of going down or loosing your investment completely. Understanding your risk profile is the first step in investing your money well. There are different investments assets that fit into different risk levels, a combination of these will offer a balanced way of investing your money. - Active/Passive investor: Depending on how much you want to be involved in the asset selection and allocation you would be considered an active investor or passive investor. Active investors are investors that spend extensive amount of time analysing the market and choosing assets for their portfolio. These investors may invest directly into stocks or stock options. Passive investors are investors that want to be exposed to the market but don't want to spend extensive amount of time selecting their assets, these investors leverage ETFs or mutual funds, that bundle different asset classes in one asset, to be exposed to their desired market without the need of choosing their underlying assets.. Their is no right or wrong way of investing your money, it is important to understand what type of investor you are and choose what works best for you.
是的,喬治·盧卡斯和史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格是老朋友了,他們的第一次見面可以追溯到1967 年。他們在多部電影上相互合作和支持,並互相慶祝對方在電影製作領域的成功。
Do George Lucas and Steven Spielberg know each other?
Yes, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are long-time friends, dating back to their first meeting in 1967. They have collaborated and supported each other on a number of films and celebrated each others success in the field of filmmaking.
Give me a list of the best bravo tv shows
Real housewives of Beverly Hills, vanderpump rules, southern charm, real housewives of Orange County, real housewives of New York, summer house, winter house
聯合國的官方語言是六種語言,這些語言用於聯合國會議和所有官方聯合國檔案的編寫。在這六種語言中,有四種是安理會常任理事國的官方語言或國家語言,而其餘兩種是由於其使用者眾多而被使用。按照拉丁字母表的字母順序,它們是: 阿拉伯語(現代標準阿拉伯語)- 中東和北非的幾個國家的官方語言或國家語言,用於阿拉伯世界。 中文(簡體中文普通話)- 中華人民共和國的官方語言。 英語- 英國、美國和澳大利亞的大多數和事實上的官方語言,加拿大和新西蘭的大多數(法定)官方語言。它也是最流行的語言,最流行的通用語,以及其他幾個國家和地區的大多數和/或官方語言。 法語- 法國的官方語言。它也是比利時、瑞士、加拿大和非洲幾個國家的官方語言。 俄語- 俄羅斯聯邦的官方語言。它也在蘇聯后若干國家使用。 西班牙語- 在18個美洲國家和一個地區(主要是拉丁美洲或西班牙裔美洲)、西班牙和赤道幾內亞是官方或國家語言。
What are the official languages of the United Nations?
The official languages of the United Nations are the six languages that are used in UN meetings and in which all official UN documents are written. In the six languages, four are the official language or national language of permanent members in the Security Council, while the remaining two are used due to the large number of their speakers. In alphabetical order of the Latin alphabet, they are: Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic) – official or national language of several countries in the Middle East and North Africa, and used in the Arab world. Chinese (Mandarin Chinese in simplified Chinese characters) – official language of the People's Republic of China. English – majority and de facto official language of the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, and majority (de jure) official language of Canada and New Zealand. It is also the most popular language, the most popular lingua franca, and a majority and/or official language in several other countries and territories. French – official language of France. It is also official in Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, and several countries in Africa. Russian – official language of the Russian Federation. It is also used in several post-Soviet states. Spanish – official or national language in 18 countries and one territory in the Americas (mostly Latin America or Hispanic America), Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
What type of weather is San Francisco famous for?
San Francisco is a famously foggy city
一張好照片的三個關鍵要素是光線、主題和構圖。優秀的照片焦點清晰、銳利、曝光(光線)和構圖良好。為了拍攝完美的照片,您必須使用正確的焦距,為畫面中的拍攝對象設置適當的光圈,確保為您要捕捉的動作設置快門速度(運動時使用更高的快門速度,拍攝肖像時快門速度較低),並確保ISO 設置正確以適應快門速度和光圈。了解 ISO、光圈和快門速度如何協同工作是拍攝完美照片的關鍵。
What makes for a good photograph?
There are three key elements to a good picture - light, subject and composition. Great photographs are in focus, sharp, have good exposure (light) and composition. In order to take the perfect photograph you must be at the correct focal length, set the appropriate aperture for the subject(s) in your frame, make sure the shutter speed is set for the action you are capturing (higher shutter speed for sports, lower shutter speed for portraits) and make sure the ISO is correctly set to work with both the shutter speed and aperture. Understanding how the ISO, Aperture and shutter speed work together is key to taking the perfect picture.
Bethesda在使用Creation Engine之前使用的遊戲引擎是什麼?最後一款使用該引擎的遊戲是什麼?
在使用Gamebryo引擎建立了《上古卷軸III:晨風》、《上古卷軸IV:湮沒》和《輻射3》之後,Bethesda決定Gamebryo的能力已經過時,開始為他們的下一個遊戲《上古卷軸V:天際》開發Creation Engine,通過分叉用於《輻射3》的程式碼庫。 在完成《天際》后,Bethesda開始增強Creation Engine的圖形核心,首先新增了基於物理的延遲渲染器,以實現更動態的照明和使用真實材料對物體表面進行涂裝。Bethesda與技術公司Nvidia合作,通過使用硬體細分技術實現了體積光照。此外,驅動Bethesda的《輻射4》的更新版本的Creation Engine提供了更先進的角色產生功能。
Gamebryo 是 Bethesda 在 Creation Engine 之前使用的引擎。它由 Gamebase Cot., Ltd 和 Gamebase USA 開發。 Gamebryo 被遊戲行業內的眾多公司使用。 Bethesda 認為 Gamebryo 的功能已經過時,並通過分叉用於《輻射 3》的代碼庫,開始為他們的下一款遊戲《上古捲軸 V:天際》開發創作引擎。 Bethesda 最後一款使用 Gamebryo 引擎製作的遊戲是《輻射 3》(2008 年)。
What's the game engine used by Bethesda before Creation Engine? And what's the last game make with it?
After using the Gamebryo engine to create The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Fallout 3, Bethesda decided that Gamebryo's capabilities were becoming too outdated and began work on the Creation Engine for their next game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by forking the codebase used for Fallout 3. Following the completion of Skyrim, Bethesda set out to enhance the graphical core of the Creation Engine by first adding a physically based deferred renderer to allow for more dynamic lighting and to paint materials object surfaces with realistic materials. Bethesda worked with technology company Nvidia to implement volumetric lighting through a technique that makes use of hardware tesselation. Additionally the updated version of the Creation Engine powering Bethesda's Fallout 4 offers more advanced character generation.
Gamebryo was the engine used by Bethesda before Creation Engine. It is developed by Gamebase Cot., Ltd and Gamebase USA. Gamebryo is used by numerous companies within the gaming industry. Bethesda decided that Gamebryo's capabilities were becoming too outdated and began work on the Creation Engine for their next game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by forking the codebase used for Fallout 3. The last game from Bethesda made with Gamebryo engine is Fallout 3 (2008).
從提供的文章中提取Kishore Kumar作為配音歌手演唱的語言,用逗號分隔。
Kishore Kumar(原名Abhas Kumar Ganguly;發音(幫助·資訊);1929年8月4日-1987年10月13日)是一位印度播放歌手和演員。他被廣泛認為是印度音樂史上最偉大、最有影響力和最具活力的歌手之一。他是印度次大陸最受歡迎的歌手之一,以他的嘯叫和能夠用不同的聲音唱歌而著名。他曾經在不同的流派中唱歌,但他的一些罕見的作品被認為是經典,已經失傳。根據他的兄弟和傳奇演員阿肖克·庫馬爾的說法,Kishore Kumar之所以成功成為一名歌手,是因為他的「聲音直接擊中了麥克風的最敏感點」。 除了印地語,他還在許多其他印度語言中唱歌,包括孟加拉語、馬拉地語、阿薩姆語、古吉拉特語、卡納達語、博杰普爾語、馬拉雅拉姆語、奧里亞語和烏爾都語。他還在多種語言中發佈了一些非電影專輯,特別是孟加拉語,這些專輯被認為是永恒的經典。 他贏得了8個Filmfare最佳男配音歌手獎,並保持著該類別中獲獎最多的記錄。1985年,他獲得了馬德拉斯邦政府頒發的Lata Mangeshkar獎。
From the passage provided, extract the languages in which Kishore Kumar provided his vocals as a playback singer. Separate them with a comma.
Kishore Kumar (born Abhas Kumar Ganguly; pronunciation (help·info); 4 August 1929 – 13 October 1987) was an Indian playback singer and actor. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest, most influential and dynamic singers in the history of Indian music. He was one of the most popular singers in the Indian subcontinent, notable for his yodeling and ability to sing songs in different voices. He used to sing in different genres but some of his rare compositions, considered classics, were lost in time. According to his brother and legendary actor Ashok Kumar, Kishore Kumar was successful as a singer because his "voice hits the mike, straight, at its most sensitive point". Besides Hindi, he sang in many other Indian languages, including Bengali, Marathi, Assamese, Gujarati, Kannada, Bhojpuri, Malayalam, Odia and Urdu. He also released a few non-film albums in multiple languages, especially in Bengali, which are noted as all-time classics. He won 8 Filmfare Awards for Best Male Playback Singer and holds the record for winning the most Filmfare Awards in that category. He was awarded the Lata Mangeshkar Award by the Madhya Pradesh government in 1985.
Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Assamese, Gujarati, Kannada, Bhojpuri, Malayalam, Odia, Urdu
What are some movies that star Will Ferrell?
Some of the most popular movies starring Will Ferrell include Old School, Stepbrothers, Elf, Anchorman, Stranger than Fiction, Blades of Glory, Zoolander, and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.
這些書講述了一位名叫哈利·波特的巫師和他在霍格沃茨魔法學校的旅程。這些故事講述了他克服危險的障礙,打敗了黑巫師伏地魔,伏地魔在哈利 15 個月大時殺死了他的父母。
What is the plot of Harry Potter?
The books concern a wizard called Harry Potter and his journey through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The stories tell of him overcoming dangerous obstacles to defeat the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed his parents when Harry was 15 months old.
The Go Between橋的舊名是什麼?
Go Between橋,前身為Hale Street Link,是一座跨越布里斯班河的收費橋樑,供車輛、行人和自行車使用,位於昆士蘭州布里斯班市中心。該橋連線了西區的Merivale和Cordelia街道與米爾頓的Hale Street和內環城市旁道。這是布里斯班市40年來的第一座市區交通橋樑,每天通行約12,000輛車。該橋于2010年7月5日通車,現由Transurban Queensland運營。
What is the old name for The Go Between Bridge?
The Go Between Bridge, formerly known as the Hale Street Link, is a toll bridge for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists over the Brisbane River in inner-city Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The bridge connects Merivale and Cordelia Streets in West End to Hale Street and the Inner City Bypass at Milton. It is Brisbane's first inner-city traffic bridge in 40 years and carries around 12,000 vehicles per day. The bridge opened to traffic on 5 July 2010 and is now operated by Transurban Queensland.
Hale Street Link
在家製作巧克力可能會很有價值,但要做好花費少量金錢和大量時間的準備。這筆錢用於購買設備和可可豆。對於設備,您需要一台研磨機(約 600 美元)來研磨咖啡豆,並需要一台調溫機(約 400 美元)來製作成品。您還需要一個矽膠墊(約 20 美元)和一個吹風機(約 30 美元)。但讓我們從頭開始。 購買兩到六磅的發酵生可可豆。您可以在網上找到各種零售進口商。選擇適合您口味的單一品種或混合巧克力。 對豆子進行分類,去除破損的豆子、嚴重畸形的豆子以及可能存在的異物。 將豆子在 350 華氏度下烘烤 20 到 30 分鐘,一次兩磅,具體取決於您對豆子的體驗或它們的氣味。它們聞起來像新鮮的布朗尼蛋糕。別燒焦它們! 讓豆子冷卻。 將豆子剝皮。您可以手工完成此操作 - 我發現這樣可以生產出優質的產品 - 但請注意,每磅可能需要長達 6 小時的時間。或者,您可以購買風選機並使用吹風機吹掉果皮。這種方法速度更快,但會留下更多的皮並丟失更多的豆子碎片。不管怎樣,權衡一下最終的豆子產量。 讓你的研磨機繼續運轉。使用吹風機將研磨表面加熱至至少 120F。一次添加一把豆子。如果研磨器被卡住,請幫助研磨器前進。在無人看管之前,請確保研磨器運行穩定。當它開始時,它會流動得很好。 運行研磨器 24 至 72 小時,這同樣取決於您對咖啡豆的體驗和口味。如果嘗試混合豆子,請在過程的早期添加味道更濃烈的豆子,然後添加味道更細膩的豆子。即使是最脆弱的豆子也至少需要 8 小時。加糖調味。糖的重量百分比可以從百分之幾到百分之三十不等。此時,您還可以添加干全脂牛奶和其他調味品,例如一英寸左右的香草豆。將糖和其他添加劑混合至少 8 小時。目標是將顆粒尺寸減小到舌頭可以檢測到的水平以下。完成後,倒入矽膠墊線烤盤中。這是未調溫的巧克力。它很容易融化,並且隨著時間的推移會變得易碎。這就是為什麼你會想要調和它。 最後,按照調溫機上的說明進行操作,按照指示添加未調溫的巧克力塊。液體調溫巧克力可用於水果浸漬或可倒入棒狀或成型糖果的模具中。在此階段可以加入其他添加劑 - 堅果、牛軋糖等。食用前在室溫下冷卻幾個小時。享受你的勞動成果。
Can I make chocolate at home?
Making chocolate at home can be rewarding, but be prepared to spend a little money and a lot of time. The money goes to equipment and cocoa beans. For equipment, you will need a melanger (about $600) to grind the beans and a tempering machine (about $400) to make the finished product. You will also need a silicone mat (about $20) and a hair dryer (about $30). But let's start at the beginning. Buy between two and six pounds of fermented raw cocoa beans. There are a variety of retail importers you can find on the web. Choose a single variety or a blend that appeals to your taste in chocolate. Sort the beans, removing broken beans, badly misshapen beans, and whatever foreign bodies may be present. Roast the beans, two pounds at a time, at 350F for between 20 and 30 minutes, depending on your experience with the beans or by how they smell. They will smell like fresh brownies. Don't scorch them! Let the beans cool. Peel the beans. You can do this by hand - which I find produces a superior product - but be warned that this can take up to 6 hours per pound. Alternatively, you can purchase a winnower and use the hair dryer to blow out the skins. This approach is much faster, but leaves more skin and loses more bean fragments. Either way, weigh your final bean yield. Get you melanger going. Use the hair dryer to get the grinding surfaces up to at least 120F. Add the beans a handful at a time. Help the melanger along if it gets stuck. Make sure the melanger is going steadily before leaving it unattended. When it gets going, it will flow well. Run the melanger for 24 to 72 hours, again depending on your experience with the beans and your tastes. If trying a mix of beans, add the more robustly flavored beans early in the process and the more delicately flavored beans later. Give even the most delicate beans at least 8 hours. Add sugar to taste. The percentage of sugar by weight can vary from a few percent up to 30 percent. You may also add dried whole fat milk at this point, and other flavorings, like an inch or so of vanilla bean. Melange the sugar and other additives at least 8 more hours. The goal is to decrease the particle size below what can be detected by the tongue. When done, decant into a silicone mat line baking pan. This is your untempered chocolate. it melts easily and tends to get crumbly as it ages. Which is why you will want to temper it. Finally, follow the directions on your tempering machine, adding chunks of untempered chocolate as indicated. The liquid tempered chocolate can be used for fruit dipping or can be poured into molds for bars or shaped candies. Other additives can be included at this stage - nuts, nougat etc. Cool the results at room temperature for several hours before serving. Enjoy the results of your labor.
How did Alfred Nobel make his money
He invented Dynamite
每年都會舉辦游泳穿越太浩湖的比賽。這項比賽是由舊金山奧林匹克俱樂部創建並仍然贊助的。團隊的創建和加入來自全球各地,但主要是北美。比賽形式為六人接力賽;全是男性,全是女性。或半男/女。從湖的內華達一側出發,每位隊員跟隨隊的船遊 30 分鐘。每位游泳者完成 30 分鐘的輪換後,每 10 分鐘再次輪換一次。這是按順序完成的,直到團隊到達加利福尼亞州湖的另一邊。游泳者在輪換時需要互相接觸,並且不允許穿潛水衣或腳蹼。
What is the Trans Tahoe Relay?
Each year there is a race held to swim across Lake Tahoe. The race was created and is still sponsored by The Olympic Club of San Francisco. Teams are created and entered from across the globe but primarily North America. The format of the race is a six person relay; all male, all female. or half male/female. Starting on the Nevada side of the lake each member of the team swims for 30 minutes following the team's boat. After each of the swimmers has completed the 30 minute rotation the swimmers then rotate again every 10 minutes. This is done is sequence until the team reach the other side of the lake in California. The swimmers need to touch one-another when rotating between swimmers and there are no wetsuits or fins allowed.
8086(也稱為iAPX 86)是由英特爾設計的16位微處理器晶片,于1976年初至1978年6月8日發佈。Intel 8088于1979年7月1日發佈,是一個略微修改的晶片,具有外部8位數據總線(允許使用更便宜和更少的支援IC),並且作為最初IBM PC設計中使用的處理器而著名。
Intel 8088 處理器於 1979 年 7 月 1 日發布。
When was the 8088 processor released?
The 8086 (also called iAPX 86) is a 16-bit microprocessor chip designed by Intel between early 1976 and June 8, 1978, when it was released. The Intel 8088, released July 1, 1979, is a slightly modified chip with an external 8-bit data bus (allowing the use of cheaper and fewer supporting ICs),[note 1] and is notable as the processor used in the original IBM PC design.
The Intel 8088 processor was released July 1, 1979.
這是一種建議的方法。 1. 收集與業務問題相關的所有需求 2. 了解業務正在使用的數據源。 3. 了解企業是否願意構建或購買解決方案 4. 檢查行業特定的加速器 5. 從一個業務部門開始,展示數字化轉型的影響,然後擴展到其他業務部門。 6. 進行投資回報率等業務價值評估 7. 關注數字化轉型的有形和無形收益 8. 成本效益分析 9. 實施計劃和時間表 10. 生產計劃 11. 維護和支持
How do you prepare for case study interview for digital transformation case?
Here is one suggested approach. 1. Gather all requirements related to business problem 2. Understand data sources the business is using. 3. Understand if business would like to build or buy solutions 4. Check for industry specific accelerators 5. Start with one business unit and show the impact of digital transformation and then expand to other business units. 6. Do business value assessment like ROI 7. Focus on tangible and intangible benefits of digital transformation 8. Cost benefit analysis 9. Implementation plan and timelines 10. Production plan 11. Maintenance and support
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Wheelharp, Clarinet
Wheelharp is string, Clarinet is woodwind.
Which country makes the best coffee in the world?
The answer is relative but Australia would make the best flat white while Italy would have the best expresso coffee.
比特幣(縮寫:BTC或XBT;符號:₿)是一種實現高可用性、公共、永久和去中心化賬本的協議。爲了新增到賬本中,使用者必須證明他們控制賬本中的一個條目。該協議規定該條目表示一定數量的代幣,即小寫字母b的比特幣。使用者可以更新賬本,將他們的一些比特幣分配給賬本中的另一個條目。由於該代幣具有貨幣特性,因此可以將其視為數字貨幣。 比特幣交易通過加密由網路節點驗證,並記錄在名為區塊鏈的公共分佈式賬本中。這種加密貨幣是由一個使用假名Satoshi Nakamoto的未知人士或一組人在2008年發明的。該貨幣于2009年開始使用,當時其實現被髮布為開源軟體。:第1章。單詞「比特幣」在2008年10月31日發表的一篇白皮書中被定義。它是「位元」和「幣」的組合詞。 據美國國會圖書館報告,截至2021年11月,有九個國家已完全禁止比特幣使用,而另外四十二個國家則隱含禁止。一些政府已經在某種程度上使用比特幣。薩爾瓦多已將比特幣作為法定貨幣採用,儘管商家使用率仍然很低。烏克蘭已接受加密貨幣捐款,用於資助對2022年俄羅斯入侵的抵抗。伊朗已使用比特幣繞過制裁。
Based on the reference text about Bitcoin, how many countries have banned Bitcoin?
Bitcoin (abbreviation: BTC or XBT; sign: ₿) is a protocol which implements a highly available, public, permanent, and decentralized ledger. In order to add to the ledger, a user must prove they control an entry in the ledger. The protocol specifies that the entry indicates an amount of a token, bitcoin with a minuscule b. The user can update the ledger, assigning some of their bitcoin to another entry in the ledger. Because the token has characteristics of money, it can be thought of as a digital currency. Bitcoin transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain. The cryptocurrency was invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto. The currency began use in 2009, when its implementation was released as open-source software.: ch. 1  The word "bitcoin" was defined in a white paper published on October 31, 2008. It is a compound of the words bit and coin. The Library of Congress reports that, as of November 2021, nine countries have fully banned bitcoin use, while a further forty-two have implicitly banned it. A few governments have used bitcoin in some capacity. El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, although use by merchants remains low. Ukraine has accepted cryptocurrency donations to fund the resistance to the 2022 Russian invasion. Iran has used bitcoin to bypass sanctions.
As of November 2021, 42 countries have implicitly banned and 9 countries have fully banned the use of Bitcoin.
What was the Underground Railroad?
The Underground Railroad was a network of clandestine routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early- to the mid-19th century. It was used by enslaved African Americans primarily to escape into free states and Canada. The network was assisted by abolitionists and others sympathetic to the cause of the escapees. The enslaved persons who risked escape and those who aided them are also collectively referred to as the "Underground Railroad". Various other routes led to Mexico, where slavery had been abolished, and to islands in the Caribbean that were not part of the slave trade. An earlier escape route running south toward Florida, then a Spanish possession (except 1763–1783), existed from the late 17th century until approximately 1790. However, the network now generally known as the Underground Railroad began in the late 18th century. It ran north and grew steadily until the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. One estimate suggests that by 1850, approximately 100,000 enslaved people had escaped to freedom via the network
The Underground Railroad was a secret network of routes and safe houses in the United States established in the early 19th century that led to free states, Canada, Mexico and other overseas areas. Black slaves used the Underground Railroad to escape from slavery. It is estimated that by 1850, about 100,000 slaves had escaped to freedom by the "Railroad".
2009 年,勒布朗·詹姆斯贏得了他的第一個 NBA MVP。
Given this paragraph on LeBron James' early career, when did he win his first NBA MVP?
James grew up playing basketball for St. Vincent–St. Mary High School in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. He was heavily touted by the national media as a future NBA superstar. A prep-to-pro, he was selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers with the first overall pick of the 2003 NBA draft. Named the 2004 NBA Rookie of the Year, he soon established himself as one of the league's premier players, leading the Cavaliers to their first NBA Finals appearance in 2007 and winning the NBA MVP award in 2009 and 2010. After failing to win a championship with Cleveland, James left in 2010 as a free agent to join the Miami Heat; this was announced in a nationally televised special titled The Decision and is among the most controversial free agency moves in sports history.
LeBron James won his first NBA MVP in 2009.
What are the best social media sites
Twitter, facebook, tiktok, snapchat
世界上最大的表演搖滾樂隊包括 953 名音樂家。
How many musicians performed in the world's largest rock band?
The world』s largest performing rock band included 953 musicians.
電子遊戲已經存在了一段時間了。近十年來,該行業取得了巨大發展。該行業始於為早期計算機編程的遊戲。然後,諸如索尼的Playstation、微軟的X-Box等特定設備開始進入場景。這些有助於增加玩遊戲的人數,因為並不是每個人都喜歡擁有一台電腦來玩遊戲。 隨著智能手機時代的開始,視頻遊戲也開始對這些設備產生影響,移動遊戲玩家群體開始迅速增長。 近年來,行業也進一步發展,職業電競隊伍開始湧現,帶動了行業的觀賞性體育視角。隨著 Twitch 等流媒體平台的採用,觀看職業遊戲玩家玩視頻遊戲成為一種趨勢。 現在,大多數多人競技遊戲都有職業場景的情況並不罕見,像TSM、Liquid、Cloud 9這樣的團隊都簽下了職業級別的選手。
How has the video gaming industry evolved over the years ?
Video games have been around for a while now. The industry have evolved massively in the recent 10 years. The industry begun with games that were programmed for the early computers. Then, specific devices like the Playstation from Sony, X-Box from Microsoft started to enter the scene. These helped with growing the number of people who play games since not everybody likes to own a PC to play games. As the smartphone era begin, video games started to make an impact on those devices as well and the mobile gamer base started growing rapidly. Recently, the industry also evolved furthermore and professional e-sport teams started to emerge which boosted the spectator sport angle of the industry. This also grew with the adoption of streaming platforms like Twitch, where watching professional gamers play video games became a trend. Now, it is not uncommon to see most multiplayer competitive games to have a professional scene where teams like TSM, Liquid, Cloud 9 have signed players that compete on a professional level.
得到充足的休息 遠離受傷的腿 保持腳高於心臟 服用藥物來抑制炎症 冰敷該區域以減少腫脹 支撐腳踝和腳,並使腳趾向下處於蹠屈位置
Give me a list of recommendations to quickly heal from an achilles rupture surgery.
Get plenty of rest Stay off the injured leg Keep the foot elevated above the heart Take medication to keep inflammation down Ice the area to reduce swelling Brace the ankle and foot, and point the toe down in a plantar flexion position
在1990年賽季結束時,Waterside Karori被降級,由來自北部、中部和南部聯賽的球隊(分別是Mount Albert-Ponsonby、Nelson United和Burndale United)進行附加賽,獲勝者將取代Waterside Karori的位置。Nelson United贏得了比賽,但他們參加附加賽的資格存在爭議,因為他們只在中部地區聯賽中獲得了第二名,而該聯賽的冠軍是Petone。 在1991年賽季結束時,Gisborne City被降級。
Which team was relegated from the league at the conclusion of the 1991 Season?
Waterside Karori were relegated at the end of the 1990 season, to be replaced by the winner of a play-off series between teams from the northern, central, and southern leagues (Mount Albert-Ponsonby, Nelson United, and Burndale United respectively). Nelson United won the series to gain promotion, but there is some controversy about their participation in the play-offs as they had only finished second in the central regional league, which was won by Petone. Gisborne City were relegated at the end of the 1991 season
Gisborne City
Waterside Karori在1990賽季末降級,由來自北部、中部和南部聯賽的球隊(Mount Albert-Ponsonby、Nelson United和Burndale United)進行附加賽,獲勝者將取代Waterside Karori。Nelson United贏得了比賽,但他們參加附加賽的資格存在爭議,因為他們在中部地區聯賽中只獲得了第二名,而該聯賽的冠軍是Petone。 Gisborne City在1991賽季末降級。
Which team was relegated from the league at the conclusion of the 1991 Season?
Waterside Karori were relegated at the end of the 1990 season, to be replaced by the winner of a play-off series between teams from the northern, central, and southern leagues (Mount Albert-Ponsonby, Nelson United, and Burndale United respectively). Nelson United won the series to gain promotion, but there is some controversy about their participation in the play-offs as they had only finished second in the central regional league, which was won by Petone. Gisborne City were relegated at the end of the 1991 season
Gisborne City were relegated at the end of the 1991 season.
What percussion instruments are easy to learn?
Hand drums, tambourine and triangle are easy to learn percussion instruments.
Tell me whether these cities are in Texas: Austin, Houston, New York, Chicago, Miami, Dallas
Austin, Houston, Dallas
以下是 J.K. 撰寫的《哈利·波特》系列中所有書籍的列表。羅琳- 哈利·波特與魔法石、哈利·波特與密室、哈利·波特與阿茲卡班的囚徒、哈利·波特與火焰杯、哈利·波特與鳳凰社、哈利·波特與混血王子和《哈利·波特與死亡聖器》
Name all the books in the Harry Potter collection
Here is a list of all the books in the Harry Potter collection written by J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
美國:右側 墨西哥:右側 西班牙:右側 英格蘭:左側 新西蘭:左側 日本:左側
Tell me whether you drive on the right or left side of the road in these countries: USA, Mexico, Spain, England, New Zealand, Japan
USA: Right Side Mexico: Right Side Spain: Right Side England: Left Side New Zealand: Left Side Japan: Left Side
Why should we ban artificial sweeteners like aspartame?
Artificial sweeteners like aspartame are incredibly dangerous to our health. There have been countless studies showing the damaging effects it can wreak on a person's health. One of those is your gut health. As we know more and more about gut health, your gut is now being referred to as your "second brain". One could argue without a healthy gut, you cannot have good health. We know that artificial sweeteners like aspartame are damaging to our gut and our microbiome.
Give me some ideas of kids items to stuff into Easter eggs.
Here are some kids items that you might consider for your next Easter egg hunt: stickers, playdoh, bouncy balls, bubbles, coins, special rocks or gems, candy, other small toys
我將給你一段來自馬蒂·艾森的書《酷生物,熱星球:探索七大洲》的文章,並希望你回答以下問題:西部赫曼陸龜分佈在哪裡? 在一家大型連鎖酒店過夜后,黛布和我向東南方向旅行,心中想著陸龜。我們當天的計劃是滲透到馬斯夫德莫爾斯地區,尋找法國最瀕危的爬行動物之一——西部赫曼陸龜。我們尋找的第一站是龜村(Le Village de Tortues),這是一個位於貢法隆鎮附近的陸龜康復中心。我們的任務是結交一名工作人員,儘可能多地瞭解情況,並獲得有關在野外追蹤狡猾的赫曼陸龜的詳細資訊。當我們找不到一名會說英語的工作人員時,我們的任務幾乎被挫敗了。只有通過快速思考和 improvisation(即即興創作)才能獲得我們所需的重要背景資訊。好吧——我們利用了為英國遊客提供的標誌。對於許多人來說,陸龜一詞會讓人想起巨大的四英尺長的加拉帕戈斯陸龜。另一方面,西部赫曼陸龜很小,最長只有八英吋。雖然這兩種爬行動物都被列入了IUCN瀕危物種紅色名錄,但加拉帕戈斯陸龜被列為「易危物種」,而西部赫曼陸龜被列為「瀕危物種」。在法國,棲息地破壞、偷蛋和火災是陸龜數量下降的主要因素。`西部赫曼陸龜`分佈在法國。
西赫爾曼陸龜發現於法國貢法龍附近的一個海龜康復村 Le Village de Tortues。
I'm going to give you a passage from Marty Essen's book "Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents" and want you to answer the following question: Where are western Hermann's tortoises found? After spending the night at a large chain hotel, Deb and I traveled southeast with tortoises on our mind. Our plan for the day was to infiltrate the Massif des Maures area and search for one of France's most endangered reptiles-- the western Hermann's tortoise. The first stop of our quest was Le Village de Tortues (the Tortoise Village), a tortoise rehabilitation center near the town of Gonfaron. Our mission was to befriend a staff member, learn as much as we could, and get detailed information on tracking down the wily Hermann's tortoise in the wild. When we couldn't find an English-speaking staff member, our mission was nearly thwarted. Only through quick thinking and improvisation were we able to acquire the vital background information we needed. Okay - we utilized the signs provided for British visitors. For many people, the word tortoise invokes thoughts of giant four-foot-long Galapagos tortoises. Western Hermann's tortoises, on the other hand, are small, reaching a maximum length of eight inches. While both reptiles make the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the Galapagos tortoise is listed as "vulnerable" and the western Hermann's is listed as "endangered." In France, habitat destruction, egg pilfering, and fire are the primary factors for the tortoises decline.
Western Hermann's tortoises are found in France, in a turtle rehabilitation village, Le Village de Tortues, near Gonfaron.
我將給你一段來自馬蒂·艾森的書《酷生物,熱星球:探索七大洲》的文章,並希望你回答以下問題:西部赫曼陸龜分佈在哪裡? 在一家大型連鎖酒店過夜后,黛布和我向東南方向旅行,心中想著陸龜。我們當天的計劃是滲透到馬斯夫德莫爾斯地區,尋找法國最瀕危的爬行動物之一——西部赫曼陸龜。我們尋找的第一站是龜村(Le Village de Tortues),這是一個位於貢法隆鎮附近的陸龜康復中心。我們的任務是結交一名工作人員,儘可能多地瞭解情況,並獲得有關在野外追蹤狡猾的赫曼陸龜的詳細資訊。當我們找不到一名會說英語的工作人員時,我們的任務幾乎被挫敗了。只有通過快速思考和 improvisation(即即興創作)才能獲得我們所需的重要背景資訊。好吧——我們利用了為英國遊客提供的標誌。對於許多人來說,陸龜一詞會讓人想起巨大的四英尺長的加拉帕戈斯陸龜。另一方面,西部赫曼陸龜很小,最長只有八英吋。雖然這兩種爬行動物都被列入了IUCN瀕危物種紅色名錄,但加拉帕戈斯陸龜被列為「易危物種」,而西部赫曼陸龜被列為「瀕危物種」。在法國,棲息地破壞、偷蛋和火災是陸龜數量下降的主要因素。`西部赫曼陸龜`分佈在法國。
西赫爾曼陸龜發現於法國的毛雷斯高原 (Massif des Maures)。在貢法隆 (Gonfaron) 附近的 Le Village de Tortues 陸龜康復中心也發現了它們。
I'm going to give you a passage from Marty Essen's book "Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents" and want you to answer the following question: Where are western Hermann's tortoises found? After spending the night at a large chain hotel, Deb and I traveled southeast with tortoises on our mind. Our plan for the day was to infiltrate the Massif des Maures area and search for one of France's most endangered reptiles-- the western Hermann's tortoise. The first stop of our quest was Le Village de Tortues (the Tortoise Village), a tortoise rehabilitation center near the town of Gonfaron. Our mission was to befriend a staff member, learn as much as we could, and get detailed information on tracking down the wily Hermann's tortoise in the wild. When we couldn't find an English-speaking staff member, our mission was nearly thwarted. Only through quick thinking and improvisation were we able to acquire the vital background information we needed. Okay - we utilized the signs provided for British visitors. For many people, the word tortoise invokes thoughts of giant four-foot-long Galapagos tortoises. Western Hermann's tortoises, on the other hand, are small, reaching a maximum length of eight inches. While both reptiles make the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the Galapagos tortoise is listed as "vulnerable" and the western Hermann's is listed as "endangered." In France, habitat destruction, egg pilfering, and fire are the primary factors for the tortoises decline.
Western Hermann's tortoises are found in Massif des Maures, an area in France. They are also found in a tortoise rehabilitation center, Le Village de Tortues, near Gonfaron.
Identify which car manufacturer is German or American: Opel, GMC
Opel is German, GMC is American
-氣候變化 -畜牧業 -健康
What are the top reasons to become a vegan?
-climate change -animal agriculture -health
RGP,前身為Resources Global Professionals,是Resources Connection,Inc.(NASDAQ:RGP)的運營部門。該公司提供財務和會計、資訊管理、治理、風險和合規性(GRC)、人力資本、法律和監管、企業諮詢和重組、戰略溝通以及供應鏈管理等領域的諮詢服務。截至2016年5月28日財年結束,該公司在全球20個國家的68個辦事處僱用了3283名專業人員。該公司報告稱服務於超過1700個客戶。公司總部位於加利福尼亞州的爾灣市。
3283 名專業人員和 1700 名客戶,因此 3283/1700 = 1.9 名專業人員為每個客戶提供服務。
If each client was served by the same number of professionals, how many professionals (round to one decimal place) would each client be served by?
RGP, formerly known as Resources Global Professionals, is the operating arm of Resources Connection, Inc. (NASDAQ:RGP). The company provides consulting services in the areas of finance & accounting; information management; governance, risk & compliance (GRC); human capital; legal & regulatory; corporate advisory & restructuring; strategic communications; and supply chain management. As of fiscal year ending May 28, 2016, the company employed 3,283 professionals in 68 offices in 20 countries around the world. The company reported serving over 1,700 clients. Company headquarters are located in Irvine, CA.
3283 professionals and 1700 clients, so 3283/1700 = 1.9 professionals serving each client.
Why do cooks use kosher salt?
Many cooks prefer kosher salt because it has larger grains which makes it easier to pinch as well as to sprinkle more evenly across food. Additionally when you purchase a particular brand of kosher salt it provides consistency and reliability to your recipe usage over time.
Lamb Air是何時運營的?
Lamb Air Ltd.是一家加拿大航空公司,成立於1934年,總部位於曼尼托巴省的The Pas,1981年停業。 歷史 Tom Lamb是Thomas Henry Peacock(THP)Lamb的兒子,後者于19世紀末從英國移民到加拿大。THP Lamb從一名教師轉變為毛皮貿易商,在1900年在曼尼托巴省的Moose Lake開設了Lamb's Store。Tom和他的兄弟姐妹在曼尼托巴省北部長大,併爲他們的父親工作。 Tom Lamb在完成三年級之前就輟學了。後來,他在接受曼尼托巴大學榮譽法學博士學位時發表了評論:「如果我只上到四年級就好了」。10歲時,擁有自己的馬隊和雪橇的Tom正在與成年人競爭捕魚業務。他必須使用魚箱才能上到雪橇上進行裝載。 Lamb家族的業務之一是「物流和運輸」。魚、木材、樹木、毛皮和所需的物資必須通過任何手段進行運輸。使用了狗隊、馬、船、卡車和拖拉機。在20世紀30年代,交通運輸革命正在發生。飛機正在進入加拿大北部。Tom Lamb第一次看到飛機時意識到了它的潛力。1930年,Tom購買了他的第一架飛機-Stinson SR8。1930年,Tom Lamb前往溫尼伯學習飛行。爲了將成本降至最低,他住在溫尼伯飛行俱樂部後面的帳篷里。當他回到The Pas並在Stinson上進行自我檢查時。 1935年,Tom成立了Lamb Airways Limited。該航空公司在多年中進行了一些更名,Tom成爲了最著名的曼尼托巴人之一,如果不是加拿大人,他在世界上也很有名。他的冒險經歷已經被記錄在書籍、電視紀錄片甚至一首歌曲中。
Lamb Air Ltd. 是一家加拿大航空公司,於 1934 年在馬尼托巴省帕斯島開始運營,並於 1981 年停業。 歷史 Tom Lamb 是 Thomas Henry Peacock (THP) Lamb 的兒子,後者於 19 世紀末從英國移民而來。 THP Lamb 從學校教師轉型為毛皮商人,並於 1900 年在馬尼托巴省穆斯湖開設了 Lamb's Store。湯姆和他的兄弟姐妹在曼尼托巴省北部長大,為他們的父親工作。 湯姆·蘭姆(Tom Lamb) 在讀完三年級之前就離開了學校。後來,他在獲得曼尼托巴大學榮譽法學博士學位時發表獲獎感言時曾說過這樣的話:“如果我只上四年級就好了”。 10 歲時,湯姆擁有了自己的馬匹和雪橇隊,正在與成年人競爭捕魚行業。他必須使用魚箱才能登上雪橇。 蘭姆家族的業務之一是“物流和運輸”。魚、木材、樹木、毛皮和補給品需要通過任何方式運輸。使用了狗隊、馬、船、卡車和拖拉機。 20 世紀 30 年代發生了一場交通革命。這架飛機當時正飛往加拿大北部。湯姆·蘭姆第一次看到飛機時就意識到了它的潛力。 1930 年,湯姆購買了他的第一架飛機 - 一架 Stinson SR8。 1930 年,湯姆·蘭姆 (Tom Lamb) 前往溫尼伯學習飛行。為了將成本降至最低,他住在溫尼伯飛行俱樂部後面的帳篷裡。當他回到帕斯並檢查斯廷森號時。 1935 年,湯姆成立了蘭姆航空公司 (Lamb Airways Limited)。多年來,該航空公司的名稱發生了一些變化,湯姆成為世界上最著名的馬尼托巴人(即使不是加拿大人)之一。他的冒險經歷被記錄在書籍、電視紀錄片甚至歌曲中。
When was Lamb Air operating
Lamb Air Ltd. was a Canadian airline that began operations in 1934 in The Pas, Manitoba, and went out of business in 1981. History Tom Lamb was the son of Thomas Henry Peacock (THP) Lamb, who had emigrated from England in the late 19th century. THP Lamb turned from school teacher to fur trader and in 1900, started Lamb's Store in Moose Lake, Manitoba. Tom and his brothers and sisters grew up in northern Manitoba and worked for their father. Tom Lamb left school before finishing grade 3. Later in life, he would make the comment, while giving his acceptance speech when receiving his honorary Doctorate of law from the University of Manitoba, "If I had only gotten to grade 4". At the age of 10, Tom, who had his own team of horses and sleigh, was competing with grown men in the fish hauling business. He would have to use fish boxes to step up on to be able to load his sleigh. One of the Lamb family's businesses was "logistics and transportation". Fish, lumber, trees, fur and supplies needed to be hauled by any and all means. Dog teams, horses, boats, trucks and tractors were used. In the 1930s there was a transportation revolution happening. The aircraft was making its way into northern Canada. The first time Tom Lamb saw an aircraft he realized its potential. In 1930, Tom bought his first aircraft - a Stinson SR8. In 1930, Tom Lamb travelled to Winnipeg to learn to fly. To keep costs to a minimum, he lived in a tent behind the Winnipeg Flying Club. When he returned to The Pas and checked himself out on the Stinson. In 1935, Tom incorporated Lamb Airways Limited. The airline had some name changes throughout the years and Tom became one of the best known Manitobans, if not Canadians, in the world. His adventures have been documented in books, a television documentary and even a song.
Lamb Air Ltd. was a Canadian airline that began operations in 1934 in The Pas, Manitoba, and went out of business in 1981. History Tom Lamb was the son of Thomas Henry Peacock (THP) Lamb, who had emigrated from England in the late 19th century. THP Lamb turned from school teacher to fur trader and in 1900, started Lamb's Store in Moose Lake, Manitoba. Tom and his brothers and sisters grew up in northern Manitoba and worked for their father. Tom Lamb left school before finishing grade 3. Later in life, he would make the comment, while giving his acceptance speech when receiving his honorary Doctorate of law from the University of Manitoba, "If I had only gotten to grade 4". At the age of 10, Tom, who had his own team of horses and sleigh, was competing with grown men in the fish hauling business. He would have to use fish boxes to step up on to be able to load his sleigh. One of the Lamb family's businesses was "logistics and transportation". Fish, lumber, trees, fur and supplies needed to be hauled by any and all means. Dog teams, horses, boats, trucks and tractors were used. In the 1930s there was a transportation revolution happening. The aircraft was making its way into northern Canada. The first time Tom Lamb saw an aircraft he realized its potential. In 1930, Tom bought his first aircraft - a Stinson SR8. In 1930, Tom Lamb travelled to Winnipeg to learn to fly. To keep costs to a minimum, he lived in a tent behind the Winnipeg Flying Club. When he returned to The Pas and checked himself out on the Stinson. In 1935, Tom incorporated Lamb Airways Limited. The airline had some name changes throughout the years and Tom became one of the best known Manitobans, if not Canadians, in the world. His adventures have been documented in books, a television documentary and even a song.
PGA錦標賽(在美國境外通常稱為美國PGA錦標賽或USPGA)是由美國職業高爾夫球手協會舉辦的年度高爾夫錦標賽。它是職業高爾夫四大男子錦標賽之一。 此前,該賽事於八月中旬勞動節週末前的第三個週末舉行,是高爾夫賽季的第四場也是最後一場男子大滿貫賽。從 2019 年開始,該賽事於 5 月陣亡將士紀念日之前的周末舉行,是繼 4 月大師賽之後本賽季的第二場大滿貫賽。這是美巡賽、歐巡賽和日本高爾夫巡迴賽的官方獎金賽事,2018 年第 100 屆賽事獎金為 1100 萬美元。 與其他專業一樣,贏得美國職業高爾夫球協會 (PGA) 獲得的特權可以提高職業保障。 PGA冠軍將自動受邀參加未來五年的其他三項大滿貫賽(大師賽、美國公開賽和英國公開賽)和球員錦標賽,並有資格終身參加PGA錦標賽。他們將獲得接下來五個賽季的美巡賽會員資格以及接下來七個賽季的歐洲巡迴賽會員資格。 PGA錦標賽是四大滿貫賽中唯一一項專門針對職業球員的賽事。 PGA錦標賽已在多個場地舉行。一些早期的場地現在已經相當不起眼了,但近年來,這項賽事通常在一小群著名的球場上舉行。
What is the PGA Championship?
The PGA Championship (often referred to as the US PGA Championship or USPGA outside the United States) is an annual golf tournament conducted by the Professional Golfers' Association of America. It is one of the four men's major championships in professional golf.
The PGA Championship (often referred to as the US PGA Championship or USPGA outside the United States) is an annual golf tournament conducted by the Professional Golfers' Association of America. It is one of the four men's major championships in professional golf. It was formerly played in mid-August on the third weekend before Labor Day weekend, serving as the fourth and final men's major of the golf season. Beginning in 2019, the tournament is played in May on the weekend before Memorial Day, as the season's second major following the Masters Tournament in April. It is an official money event on the PGA Tour, European Tour, and Japan Golf Tour, with a purse of $11 million for the 100th edition in 2018. In line with the other majors, winning the PGA gains privileges that improve career security. PGA champions are automatically invited to play in the other three majors (Masters Tournament, U.S. Open, and The Open Championship) and The Players Championship for the next five years, and are eligible for the PGA Championship for life. They receive membership on the PGA Tour for the following five seasons and on the European Tour for the following seven seasons. The PGA Championship is the only one of the four majors that is exclusively for professional players. The PGA Championship has been held at various venues. Some of the early sites are now quite obscure, but in recent years, the event has generally been played at a small group of celebrated courses.
What fruits and vegetables are grown in lower-lying areas of Kenya?
Tea, coffee, sisal, pyrethrum, corn, and wheat are grown in the fertile highlands, one of the most successful agricultural production regions in Africa. Livestock predominates in the semi-arid savanna to the north and east. Coconuts, pineapples, cashew nuts, cotton, sugarcane, sisal, and corn are grown in the lower-lying areas. Kenya has not attained the level of investment and efficiency in agriculture that can guarantee food security, and coupled with resulting poverty (53% of the population lives below the poverty line), a significant portion of the population regularly starves and is heavily dependent on food aid. Poor roads, an inadequate railway network, under-used water transport, and expensive air transport have isolated mostly arid and semi-arid areas, and farmers in other regions often leave food to rot in the fields because they cannot access markets. This was last seen in August and September 2011, prompting the Kenyans for Kenya initiative by the Red Cross.
Coconuts, pineapples and corn are grown in lower-lying areas of Kenya.
Is Paris a good city to live in?
Paris is the so called city of light. Other people call it the museum city. The reason for this is that you can find art in almost every corner in Paris, and beauty is everywhere. However, the price for living in the city can be very high. It would be a good city lo live in if you enjoy being surrounded by culture, art, good restaurants and museums; however, you have to take into account that you will probably be living surrounded by tourist and paying a very high price.
天氣預報是通過結合衛星、氣象氣球和地面站等多種來源的數據來創建的。然後,這些數據點被輸入具有復雜模型的大型計算機系統,以預測天氣隨時間的變化。 天氣網站甚至當地天氣預報員都使用這些信息來提供區域和短期預報。
How are weather forecasts created?
Weather forecasts are created by combining data from many sources, such as satellites, weather balloons, and ground stations. Those data points are then fed to large computer systems with sophisticated models to predict how the weather will change over time. Weather sites and even local weather forecasters use this information to provide a regional and short-term forecasts.
SR22 何時開始配備玻璃座艙?
2003年之前生產的SR22s和SR20s配備傳統的模擬儀器和一個10英吋(後來是12英吋)多功能顯示器(MFD)。2003年2月,Cirrus開始提供帶有Avidyne Entegra主飛行顯示器(PFD)的SR22s,使該飛機成為首款配備玻璃駕駛艙的飛機。同年晚些時候,這種儀器成為所有SR系列飛機的標準裝置,並引發了通用航空業的重大轉型,到2006年,超過90%的新輕型飛機都配備了玻璃駕駛艙。老款SR飛機可以進行改裝,將模擬儀表板替換為包括PFD、新MFD和備用機械儀表的儀表板。 2008年5月22日,Cirrus推出了「Cirrus Perspective」玻璃駕駛艙(由Garmin提供)。兩種駕駛艙一度都可用(Avidyne駕駛艙最初是標準裝置),2008年後,SR22僅配備Perspective面板。 2009年,第三代Cirrus SR22 GTS配備了新的增強視覺系統(EVS),這是一種複雜的雙波長儀器,可提供紅外線和合成視覺。 在2010年的EAA AirVenture上,Cirrus宣佈計劃在Cirrus SR22上認證Garmin的ESP系統(電子穩定性和保護)。它包括先進的飛行包絡保護,可以通過按下按鈕穩定飛機,以避免螺旋發展。 Cirrus Perspective-Plus航電飛行甲板于2017年推出,具有更快的處理速度、動畫數據鏈天氣、有效載荷管理、視覺進近能力、無線數據庫上傳、玻璃備用儀表等功能。 2020年,Perspective-Plus飛行甲板包括一種新的穩定進近諮詢系統,可向飛行員提供不穩定條件的警報。
自 2003 年 2 月起,Cirrus 開始為 SR22 提供玻璃面板。首先向客戶提供 Avidyne Entegra。舊 SR 版本也可進行改造。 2008 年 5 月,Cirrus 推出了“Cirrus Perspective”玻璃駕駛艙,該駕駛艙基於 Garmin 製造的儀器。 直到今天,西銳還在其飛機上配備了 Garmin 玻璃駕駛艙。
Since when did the SR22 include a glass cockpit
SR22s and SR20s built before 2003 were equipped with traditional analog instruments and a 10" (later 12") Multi-function display (MFD). In February 2003, Cirrus began offering SR22s with the Avidyne Entegra primary flight display (PFD), making the plane the first of its kind to come with a glass cockpit. Later that year, this instrumentation became standard equipment on all SR-series aircraft and sparked a major transition in general aviation, whereby over 90% of all new light aircraft by the year 2006 were equipped with glass cockpits. Retrofits are available for the older SR aircraft that replace the analog instrument panels with one that includes a PFD, a new MFD and the installation of back-up mechanical instruments. On 22 May 2008, Cirrus revealed the "Cirrus Perspective" glass cockpit (by Garmin). Both cockpits were available for a while (the Avidyne cockpit was initially standard equipment) and after 2008 the SR22 was sold with only the Perspective panel. In 2009, the third-generation Cirrus SR22 GTS came equipped with a new enhanced vision system (EVS), a sophisticated dual-wavelength instrument that offers both infrared and synthetic vision. At the 2010 EAA AirVenture, Cirrus announced its plans to certify Garmin's ESP system (Electronic Stability and Protection) on the Cirrus SR22. It included advanced flight envelope protection that could stabilize the aircraft with the push of a button, to avoid spiral from developing. The Cirrus Perspective-Plus avionics flight deck was introduced in 2017, with a faster processing speed, animated datalink weather, payload management, visual approach capabilities, wireless database uploads, glass back-up instruments, and more. In 2020, the Perspective-Plus flight deck included a new stabilized approach advisory system which provides alerts to the pilot of unstable conditions during approach.
Since February 2003 Cirrus started to offer a glass panel for the SR22. First the Avidyne Entegra was offered to customers. Also retrofits became available for older SR versions. In May 2008, Cirrus revealed the "Cirrus Perspective" glass cockpit, which was based on instruments created by Garmin. Until today, Cirrus is including Garmin glass cockpits in it's aircrafts.
1.Mac OS X 10.0(獵豹) 2.Mac OS X 10.1(美洲獅) 3.Mac OS X 10.2(捷豹) 4.Mac OS X 10.3(黑豹) 5.Mac OS X 10.4(老虎) 6.Mac OS X 10.5(豹) 7.Mac OS X 10.6(雪豹) 8.Mac OS X 10.7(獅子) 9.OS X 10.8(山獅) 10.OS X 10.9(小牛隊)
Give me a bulleted list of the first ten MacOS (operating system) versions.
1. Mac OS X 10.0 (Cheetah) 2. Mac OS X 10.1 (Puma) 3. Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) 4. Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) 5. Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) 6. Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) 7. Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) 8. Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) 9. OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) 10. OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
阿伯丁是位於蘇格蘭東北部的一座城市。截至 2020 年,它的人口為 200,000 人,是蘇格蘭第三大城市,僅次於愛丁堡(435,000 人)和格拉斯哥(610,000 人)。阿伯丁被稱為“銀城”,因為該市有大量的建築物是用當地採石場的花崗岩建造的,在陽光照射到建築物上的罕見情況下,花崗岩可能會閃閃發光。自 20 世紀 60 年代以來,由於靠近北海石油發現地,該市的經濟主要圍繞石油和天然氣發展。阿伯丁有兩所大學;阿伯丁大學和羅伯特戈登大學。與阿伯丁有聯繫的名人包括歌手安妮·倫諾克斯、高爾夫球手保羅·勞里和建築師阿奇博爾德·“阿奇”·辛普森。
What do you know about the city of Aberdeen in Scotland?
Aberdeen is a city located in the North East of Scotland. As of 2020 it had a population of 200,000 people and is the third largest city in Scotland, behind Edinburgh (435,000) and Glasgow (610,000). Aberdeen has been referred to as "The Silver City" due to the high number of buildings in the city constructed of Granite from the local quarry, which may sparkle on the rare occasion that the sunlight hits the buildings. Since the 1960's the city's economy has largely revolved around Oil & Gas due to its proximity to the North Sea Oil discovery. Aberdeen has two universities; the University of Aberdeen and Robert Gordon University. Notable people who have been associated with Aberdeen include singer Annie Lennox, golfer Paul Lawrie and architect Archibald "Archie" Simpson.
英格蘭超級聯賽(English Premier League),又稱EPL,是英格蘭頂級職業足球聯賽,由20支球隊組成。每個 38 場比賽的賽季結束後,排名墊底的三支球隊就會降級。排名採用積分制,勝一場得3分,平一場得1分,負一場得0分。
What is the English Premier League?
The English Premier League, also known as EPL, is the top professional football league in England consisting of 20 teams. At the end of each 38 game season, the bottom three teams are relegated. The rankings are determined based off a point system where a win is equivalent to 3 points, a tie equivalent to 1 point, and a loss equivalent to 0 points.
英超聯賽是英格蘭男子足球的頂級聯賽。賽季從 8 月持續到 5 月,共 38 場比賽,期間 20 支球隊分別與其他球隊進行主客場比賽。球隊獲勝積 3 分,平積 1 分,失敗積 0 分。賽季結束時得分最多的球隊獲勝。與美國體育不同的是,沒有季后賽來決定冠軍。積分最少的 3 支球隊降級至英格蘭足球第二級別聯賽——英冠聯賽。為了填補下賽季的空缺,英冠聯賽前三名的球隊將升級至英超聯賽。
What is the English Premier League?
The English Premier League is the top flight of men』s football in England. The 38 match season extends from August to May, during which each of 20 teams play a home and away match against each of the other teams. A win earns a team 3 points, a draw is 1 point, and a loss is 0 points. The team with the most points at the end of the season wins. Unlike American sports, there are no playoffs to determine a champion. The 3 teams with the least points are relegated to the second level of English football, The Championship. To fill those spots in the next season, the top 3 teams from The Championship are promoted to the Premier League.
What is the English Premier League?
The English Premier League is the top flight of English football.
Classify the following types of cars as "economy" or "luxury": Ford, Chevrolet, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mercedes, Honda, Lexus, Toyota, Nissan, Subaru
Ford, Chevrolet, Honda, Toyota, and Subaru are high-quality car brands, but are generally not considered to be "luxury" brands. Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mercedes, and Lexus are luxury brands.
1. 俄勒岡州波特蘭市的治理建立在城市委員會制度的基礎上。 2. 當選代表包括市審計員、委員和市長。 3. 組成市議會的市長和委員負責制定立法政策並管理負責城市日常管理的不同部門。 4、當年5月3日全民投票後,波特蘭採用了委員會治理制度。 5. 當選官員的四年任期沒有任期限制。 6. 市議會的所有成員均由普選產生。 7. 波特蘭選民於2022 年批准了一項投票措施,以使用單一可轉讓選票在四個區選出的12 名成員組成的理事會取代委員會形式的政府,並由直選市長任命一名專業城市經理。新制度下的第一次選舉將於 2024 年舉行。
Please list down some key points regarding governance system of Portland from the given text
The government of Portland, Oregon is based on a city commission government system. Elected officials include the mayor, commissioners, and a city auditor. The mayor and commissioners (members of City Council) are responsible for legislative policy and oversee the various bureaus that oversee the day-to-day operation of the city. Portland began using a commission form of government in 1913 following a public vote on May 3 of that year. Each elected official serves a four-year term, without term limits. Each city council member is elected at-large. In 2022, Portland residents approved a ballot measure to replace the commission form of government with a 12-member council elected in four districts using single transferable vote, with a professional city manager appointed by a directly-elected mayor, with the first elections to be held in 2024.
1. Portland, Oregon's governance is built on a city commission system. 2. Elected representatives include a city auditor, commissioners, and the mayor. 3. The mayor and commissioners, who make up the City Council, are in charge of setting legislative policy and managing the different bureaus in charge of running the city on a daily basis. 4. After a popular vote on May 3 of that year, Portland adopted a commission system of governance. 5. There are no term limitations on the terms of each elected official's four-year terms. 6. All members of the municipal council are chosen at-large. 7. Portland voters approved a ballot measure in 2022 to replace the commission form of government with a 12-member council elected in four districts using a single transferable vote, with a professional city manager appointed by a directly-elected mayor. The first elections under the new system would take place in 2024.
穿越峽谷是錫安國家公園最典型的體驗之一。峽谷可以從Chamberlain Ranch到Sinawava神廟進行自上而下的穿越,也可以從Sinawava神廟進行自下而上的往返穿越。大部分的徒步路線都在河中進行,因為有三分之一的路程是在峽谷的兩側之間穿行。水位會隨季節變化而變化,大多數徒步者至少會淌到腰深的水中,許多人還會遊過幾個短的路段。 峽谷是猶他州錫安國家公園中錫安峽谷最狹窄的一段。
Which river can you hike in Utah?
Hiking The Narrows is arguably the quintessential Zion experience. The Narrows can be hiked either as a top-down through-hike from Chamberlain Ranch to the Temple of Sinawava, or as an up-and-back bottom-up hike from the Temple of Sinawava. Hiking is done largely in the river as, for a third of the route, the river runs canyon wall to canyon wall. Water levels change from season to season; most hikers will wade at least waist-deep and many will swim a few short sections. The Narrows is the narrowest section of Zion Canyon in Zion National Park, Utah, United States.
The Narrows at Zion National Park
What is predictive maintenance?
Predictive Maintenance is widely used in the manufacturing industry. It is all about figuring out when an asset should be maintained, and what specific maintenance activities need to be performed, based on an asset』s actual condition or state, rather than on a fixed schedule, so that you can maximize uptime and productivity. It is all about predicting & preventing failures and performing the right maintenance routines in order to reduce costly equipment downtimes.
N-Dubz 是英國流行的樂隊,由 Tulisa、Fazer 和 Dappy 組成,在倫敦組建。該樂隊是在 2000 年代初青少年時期組建的。他們受到 Dappy 已故父親的啟發而組建了樂隊,Dappy 的父親被樂隊稱為“Uncle B”。他們的歌曲“爸爸你能聽到我嗎?”是向 B 叔叔致敬。圖麗莎和達皮是表兄弟,而法澤一直是親密的朋友。 該三人組取得了許多成功的成功,並與 Tinchy Strider 和 Skepta 等流行藝術家合作。他們於 2011 年分道揚鑣,Dappy 開始了個人職業生涯,而 Tulisa 則成為英國熱門節目“The X Factor”的評委。她組建並指導了獲勝樂隊 Little Mix。 該樂隊於 2022 年重聚,發行了新音樂,並在英國巡演門票全部售完。
Who are N-Dubz?
N-Dubz are a popular band in the United Kingdom, made up of Tulisa, Fazer, and Dappy, formed out of London. The band were formed when they were young teenagers in the early 2000s. They were inspired to form the band by Dappy's late father, known to the band as "Uncle B". Their song "Papa can you hear me?" is a tribute to Uncle B. Tulisa and Dappy are cousins, whilst Fazer has always been a close friend. The trio have had many successful hits, and collaborated with popular artists like Tinchy Strider and Skepta. They parted ways in 2011, and Dappy started a solo career, whilst Tulisa became a judge on the popular UK show "The X Factor". She formed and mentored the winning band Little Mix. The band reunited in 2022 and released new music, along with a sold out UK tour.
被甘甜的鹽水撫摸著, 你又脆又脆。 噢,你願意成為我的人嗎?
Write a haiku about how much I love pickles.
Caressed by sweet brine, you are crispy and crunchy. Oh, won』t you be mine?
什麼是 Terraform?
Terraform 是一種基礎設施即代碼工具,可讓您安全高效地構建/部署、更改和版本化雲和本地資源。
What is Terraform?
Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build/deploy, change, and version cloud and on-prem resources safely and efficiently.
What are the two longest rivers located in the United States?
Mississippi and Missouri rivers
What are the words of House Reed?
"We Remember"
2023 一切都同時發生 2022 科達 2021 游牧之地 2020 寄生蟲 2019綠皮書
What movies won best picture Oscars the last 5 years
2023 Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022 CODA 2021 Nomadland 2020 Parasite 2019 Green Book
10 年級:高中 三年級:小學 四年級:小學 12 年級:高中 一年級:小學
Classify each of the following grades as being in elementary or high school: 10th grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 12th grade, 1st grade.
10th Grade: High School 3rd Grade: Elementary School 4th Grade: Elementary School 12th Grade: High School 1st Grade: Elementary School
巴西柔術 (BJJ) 是一種優秀的武術,原因有很多。首先,巴西柔術是一種普遍安全的武術。巴西柔術並不強調或註重拳打腳踢等打擊技術,而是注重利用槓桿作用和身體力學來控制和製服對手。幾乎任何人都可以練習巴西柔術,無論年齡、性別或健身水平如何,因為練習者可以決定在練習該藝術時要放鬆還是激進。巴西柔術是一種極好的運動形式,可以促進心血管健康、靈活性、力量、耐力和整體幸福感。此外,還有一些巴西柔術方法能夠引起休閒愛好者、尋求國際比賽的人以及該領域各個級別的學生的共鳴。巴西柔術很容易成為一項終生的事業,它安全、有吸引力,也是對空手道、跆拳道和拳擊等打擊型武術的絕佳補充。
Why is Brazilian jiu jitsu an excellent martial art?
Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) is an excellent martial art for a number of reasons. BJJ is, first and foremost, a generally safe martial art. BJJ does not emphasize or focus on striking techniques like punching and kicking, rather, BJJ focuses on use of leverage and body mechanics to control and subdue an opponent. BJJ is accessible to almost anyone regardless of age, sex, or fitness level as the practitioner can determine how relaxed or aggressive to be during practicing the art. BJJ is an excellent form of exercise and promotes cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, strength, endurance, and an overall sense of well-being. Further, there are approaches to BJJ that resonate with people who are casual hobbyists as well as those that seek international competition- and all levels of studends across that spectru. BJJ is easily a life-long endeavor that is safe, engaging, and also an excellent complement to striking based martial arts such as karate, kickboxing, and boxing.
What is Cup Game?
The cup game is a children's clapping game that involves tapping and hitting a cup using a defined rhythm.
The cup game is a children's clapping game that involves tapping and hitting a cup using a defined rhythm. The game can be played by many players seated around a table and is often played in large groups. Each player possesses a cup and in unison the players tap out the defined rhythm using their cups. It can be played competitively, where the rhythm speeds up in each "round", and a player making a mistake in the rhythm must drop out of the game, with a new "round" starting after each elimination, and game play continuing until only one player remains, with that player being the winner.
Which is a bird or fish: Blackchin, Black redstart
Blackchin is a fish, Black redstart is a bird
我們可以用方程來解決這個問題。設鴨子的數量為 X,兔子的數量為 Y。我們有 X+Y = 25 (1) 2X + 4Y = 88 (2)。 從第一個方程,我們知道 X = 25-Y,我們可以將其代入第二個方程(2),我們得到 2(25-Y) + 4Y = 88 可以簡化為 50 + 2Y = 88,Y = 19。 將這個值代入(1),則得到X = 6。 有6隻鴨子和19隻兔子!
Let』s solve the following math problem. Each rabbit has 4 feets and each duck has 2 feets. If there are in total 25 heads and 88 feets, how many rabbits and how many ducks are there?
We can use equations to solve this problem. Let the number of ducks be X and the number of rabbits be Y. We have X+Y = 25 (1) 2X + 4Y = 88 (2). From the first equation, we know that X = 25-Y and we can substitute this into the second equation (2), and we get 2(25-Y) + 4Y = 88 Which can be simplified to 50 + 2Y = 88 and we have Y = 19. We substitute the value into (1), we will then get X = 6. There are 6 ducks and 19 rabbits!
讓我們用方程來解決它吧! 設鴨子的數量為 X,兔子的數量為 Y。 我們有 X + Y = 25 和 2X + 4Y = 88。 簡化第一個方程,我們得到 Y = 25 - X 將其代入第二個方程,我們將得到 2X + 4(25-X) = 88, 因此 100 - 2X = 88 這意味著 2X = 100 – 88 = 12,因此 X = 6。 我們代回第一個方程,得到 Y = 25 - 6 = 19。 有6隻鴨子和19隻兔子!
Let』s solve the following math problem. Each rabbit has 4 feets and each duck has 2 feets. If there are in total 25 heads and 88 feets, how many rabbits and how many ducks are there?
Let』s use equations to solve it! Let the number of ducks be X and the number of rabbits be Y. We have X + Y = 25 and 2X + 4Y = 88. Simplifying the first equation, we get Y = 25 - X Substitute that in the second equation, we will get 2X + 4(25-X) = 88, Thus 100 - 2X = 88 Which means 2X = 100 – 88 = 12, thus X = 6. We substitute back into the first equation, we have Y = 25 - 6 = 19. There are 6 ducks and 19 rabbits!
海洋——太平洋、印度洋、北極 海洋 - 鄂霍托斯克、鹹海、阿拉伯、北海、波羅的海 河流-亞馬遜河、科羅拉多河、莉娜河、多瑙河、湄公河 蘇必利爾湖、太浩湖、維多利亞湖、貝加爾湖
Classify the following water bodies into oceans, seas, rivers and lakes- aral, pacific, baikal, superior, amazon, colorado, indian, arabian, north, baltic, okhotosk, tahoe, victoria, lena, danube, arctic, mekong
oceans- pacific, indian, arctic seas- okhotosk, aral, arabian, north, baltic rivers- amazon, colorado, lena, danube, mekong lakes- superior, tahoe, victoria , baikal
從文章中找出2020年支援Yes Bank的銀行列表,並以逗號分隔的格式顯示結果。
Yes Bank的歷史可以追溯到1999年,當時三位印度銀行家決定一起創立一家非銀行金融企業。他們是阿肖克·卡普爾(Ashok Kapur),曾擔任荷蘭銀行的全國負責人,哈基拉特·辛格(Harkirat Singh),曾擔任德意志銀行的國家負責人,以及拉納·卡普爾(Rana Kapoor),曾擔任澳新銀行格林利斯銀行的企業融資負責人。荷蘭的Rabobank持有非銀行金融企業剩餘75%的股份,三位印度創始人各自擁有該公司25%的股份。2003年,該公司更名為Yes Bank。同年,哈基拉特·辛格因擔心Rabobank在聘請CEO和執行主席職位方面的影響而辭職。 過去幾年,Yes Bank一直無法籌集資本,導致其財務狀況穩步惡化。這導致潛在的貸款損失,進而導致評級下調,促使投資者啟動債券契約,並導致客戶取款。在過去的四個季度中,該銀行累計虧損,收入極少。拉納·卡普爾因此被解僱,並因涉嫌涉及46.6億盧比的洗錢案而被逮捕。 在新領導層的帶領下,該銀行管理層立即重新定位自己,並應對所有內部和市場相關挑戰,以恢復客戶和存款人的信心。在新董事會和管理層的協調努力下,梅塔向股東保證了快速恢復,即使印度儲備銀行(RBI)、印度國家銀行(SBI)、HDFC銀行、ICICI銀行、Axis銀行和其他銀行通過歷史性的Yes Bank重建計劃2020向其提供支援。 2020年7月,Yes Bank有限公司完成了其跟進公開發行(FPO),獲得了95%的認購,由機構投資者推動。 截至2020年7月28日,Yes Bank是印度國家銀行的附屬公司,後者持有該公司30%的股份。 2023年2月21日,Yes Bank根據公司ESOP計劃向其員工發行了2,13,650股股票。
印度儲備銀行 (RBI)、印度國家銀行 (SBI)、HDFC 銀行、ICICI 銀行、Axis 銀行
From the passage find the list of banks who supported Yes Bank in 2020. Display the results in comma separated format.
The history of Yes Bank can be traced back to 1999, when three Indian bankers decided to launch a non-banking financial enterprise together. They were Ashok Kapur, who had previously worked as the national head for the ABN Amro Bank, Harkirat Singh, who had previously worked as the country head for the Deutsche Bank, and Rana Kapoor, who had previously worked as the head of corporate finance for the ANZ Grindlays Bank. The Rabobank in the Netherlands held the remaining 75% of the shares in the non-banking financial business. The three Indian promoters each owned 25% of the company. In 2003, it was rebranded as the Yes Bank. It was also the same year that Harkirat Singh resigned due to concerns over the influence exercised by Rabobank in the hiring of CEO and executive chairman positions. Yes Bank has been unable to raise capital over the past few years, which has led to a steady deterioration in its financial position. This has resulted in potential loan losses, which in turn led to downgrades, which prompted investors to invoke bond covenants, and a withdrawal of deposits by customers. Over the course of the previous four quarters, the bank racked up losses and very little income. Rana Kapoor was fired as a result, and he was arrested in connection with a INR 466 crore money laundering case. The bank's management, under the new leadership of Kumar, immediately repositioned itself and dealt with all internal and market related challenges to restore customer and depositor confidence. Under the coordinated efforts of the new board and management, Mehta assured shareholders of a speedy recovery, even as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), State Bank of India (SBI), HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and other banks lent it support through the historic Yes Bank Reconstruction Scheme 2020. In July 2020, Yes Bank Ltd closed their follow-on public offer (FPO) with 95% subscription, driven by institutional investors. As of 28 July 2020, Yes Bank is an associate of State Bank of India which has a 30% stake in the company. On 21 February 2023, Yes Bank issued 2,13,650 equity shares to its employees under the company ESOP plan.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), State Bank of India (SBI), HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank