5 values
Business dinner was disappointing. Steak was cooked perfect if you like cold steak ........served warm to cold. Flavor was good but was not hot like my favorite steak house serves. Menu is busy, hard to read and they need to focus on what they do well which is undetermined at this point. No fancy bread before, during our meal. Priced high for the product, location and service. Mixologist makes a good and different selection of drinks. I would return for the drinks. Staff needs training how to serve. I had to fight to keep my salad plate as staff kept trying to take it without asking. I would return for the pumpkin desert and cheesecake desert. Maybe they should be a drinks and desert restaurant? Love the other restaurants run by this owner so what happened here?
Went here for dinner. totally disappointed. Our poor server was so nervous and had to go find out the answer to any question we asked (how is the fish prepared, what do you have for dessert, do you have any sauce for this, etc.) his answer for how the fish is prepared... \"the chef said they just throw it on the grill with some salt and pepper\" REALLY! The Cesar salad was drenched in dressing that did not have the bite of cesar dressing...more of a flavorless ranch. My salt and pepper fish was actually good, boring but good after I got a lemon to squeeze on it but the dessert tasted old and very pre made (some peanut butter brownie that had zero peanut butter taste). We overheard another server telling his table that they have had to revise the menu a few times because of all the complaints they got and that is why none of the servers know anything. yikes. On a positive note, the place is gorgeous, fabulous job decorating and creating a cool ambience. Too bad the food didn't match the great d\u00e9cor.
Well, we live in the area and looking forward to the re-opening of this restaurant after our daughter and son-in-law said it was good but very expensive.\nWent tonight and the food was good - not great happy hour prices. My husband will only drink Beefeater Martinis. The drink was excellent but was $13! Lower shelf gin and straight up with no vermouth is $13. We can get it cheaper at upscale restaurants like the Sanctuary!\nThe service was spotty. We had to engage 2 different bartenders for service. \nThey are portraying themselves as an upscale restaurant yet the surrounding restaurants in same shopping center have much better service.\nWouldn't rush back
I really wanted to love this restaurant. A steakhouse in this area is desperately needed. Advertised as a moderately priced upscale steakhouse, this restaurant is instead desperately in need of a concept/identity. We visited this restaurant at 7:45 on Saturday. The restaurant was almost most empty. RED FLAG, especially since the owner's other restaurants in the same plaza (which we love!) were crazy busy. The restaurant decor is gorgeous but it definitely does not have the more intimate, classy \"steakhouse\" atmosphere we were hoping for/anticipated. Instead, it felt much more like an overly decorated sports bar complete with flat screens, football games and loud music which seemed to echo across the expanse of space. Upon arrival, the hostess tried (unsuccessfully) to seat us at a high top table in the bar. I guess she just assumed we were there just for drinks?? After being seated in the overly large open dining room, I asked to see a specialty drink menu. They don't have one. \"The drink menu is still being worked on\". Big miss as liquor is where a restaurant makes its profits.Interestingly, there were only a couple people seated at the bar. The menu was also a surprise as it seemed more geared towards appetizers/salads, burgers, and sandwiches than steaks or other grilled dinner entrees. There were a few high priced steaks/grilled meats on the menu but they appeared as an afterthought. Seeing this, we decided that this restaurant was more of a \"bar\" than a place where we should consider dropping $33 for a filet dinner.So,very disappointed, we opted to go with the steak sandwich which ended up taking very long to come out of the kitchen despite the lack of guests. The sandwich was bland and disappointing. No taste, at all. Where is the seasoning or the \"special sauce\" to bring attention to your kitchen? I could have (and should have) made this sandwich at home as it was just a thin grilled piece of meat with a slab of cheese melted on it along with the normal LTM combo on an overly large, dry roll. The steak sandwich at Jersey Mike's is far better tasting than this sandwich for less $$. My husband ordered a side of \"corn off the cob\" and it had a vinegar taste??? As a side note-While waiting for our meal to arrive, another table was seated. While they ordered immediately, they appeared very agitated as they waited approx 45 min for their food to arrive. Our check for two drinks, soup, and two steak sandwiches came in at a hefty $74. So much for \"moderately priced\". To survive, Black & Blue has a lot of work to do. Most important, they need to decide if they want to be a bar or a steakhouse. Then, they need a better menu and a chef who can cook. I don't see this restaurant lasting long as it is operated today.
This restaurant was better then than it is now! During the so called \"rocky opening,\" someone else referred to, management was on their game and the restaurant seemed very well-put-together, organized, and ready for business! That's most definitely a different story now! I don't know what happened with the management and just staff in general that was there in the beginning but it's all gone way down hill. Just like the other two restaurants in that complex, Stone & Vine, and Salt & Lime I think it's called, service is horrible and staff clearly has no direction from their leaders! Restaurant is in shambles and not to mention the fact that they've changed their menu countless times now - that tells me there's some serious work that needs to be done in back of the house as well! I don't think I'll be going back - already have been there three times now and clearly nothing seems to be getting better. In addition, I find that with management struggling to get this restaurant off the ground, maybe they should work on actually doing that and not standing around socializing and sitting at the bar - yes, management sitting at the bar. Only glim of hope: the 4 of us ate for around $100 and the food was decent. I wish them luck but overall, it generally is not worth the trip and definitely not worth the money!
had such high hopes as we really enjoy their surrounding restaurants in the same plaza. Liked the decor, so we sat down to our booth when the waiting began. Finally ordered cocktails, we like rocks, there was more ice in the glass than booze and then they were $9.50 each, basically a shots worth. Ordered the sea bass, must not have been Chilean, paid $26 bucks for over cooked fish and you only get one side included which we ordered the asparagus which was burnt on the grill. Come on $26 bucks for a palm sized piece of fish??? I wanted to really support this place but we will not be going back. I'll stick to Stone and Vine.....
This place is pretty ordinary. Not great but not bad. \n\nAs one reviewer noted, the physical structure is really big. It seems like you are eating in an empty barn - a nicely decorated barn, but still big.\n\nWe sat on the patio this latest time. Very pleasant, although the music was too loud and blaring. It was distracting rather than adding to the ambiance. In addition, you could occasionally get smoke for the cigar bar a few doors down. Also, there was a whiff either of the sewer or maybe excess propane from the fireplace.\n\nThe food was okay. We had appetizers. The server told us the crab cakes were great, very little filler and lots of crab meat. Nope. Just the opposite. It was filler all the way.\n\nThe tuna sliders were excellent, although you have to like ginger and Dijon mustard a lot. I do, so I thought there were excellent, But they are heavy on the ginger and Dijon.\n\nWe also had the Brussels sprouts. Again, the server said they were excellent, saut\u00e9ed with bacon, etc. Well, there was no bacon in sight, and they could have been cooked a little more and a little more evenly. \n\nLastly, we had the tenderloin bits. They were good, but only when you added one or both of the tasty sauces that came with them. But they were pretty good.\n\nOverall, there does not seem to be anything special about this place. Just a run of the mill big box steak house.
Have eaten in the bar twice now. Food is very good but service is spotty. First time it was great so we came back. Second time on a Sunday night it was very weak. Definitely need some improvement in this area.
We just had dinner at B&B, the food was good and the people were friendly. The only complaint we have is that the restaurant has a sewage smell that lingers. They need to have a plumber come and fix it. It really destroys the whole experience.
We are advocates of Stone and Vine, which we always enjoy, and have also tried Salt and Lime a couple of times and quite like it. Hence is why we thought we would finally give Balck and Bleu a try, even though we had heard nothing good about it to date. We like to give new places the beneifit of the doubt, that they are trying their best to make customers happy and would like for them to return. We started this evening at Stone and Vine to celebrate an early Christmas with friends, then 4 of us thought we would have a nightcap at the fireplace outside at Black and Bleu. We were surprised that a few days before Christmas, this place was empty as the other restaurants in the plaza were jammed. We ordered a lovely bottle of red, and so far so good. The waitress returned to see we needed a second bottle, but they only had one of the wine we were drinking ( she said that they only ever order two of these at a time?!). This is not a biggie, so we selected a different bottle and continued to chat.\nWe were not quite finished, but close, when a gal we had not seen at all during the evening approached our table and VERY rudely said it was time to leave! She didn't even want to give us the time to finish what we had left! We are all very polite people, but were taken aback at her horridly rude and aggressive attitude, which came out of nowhere! We asked for the manager, and lo and behold she was it....really? Anytime we said anything, such as the waitress never mentioned the restaurant was close to closing when we ordered the second bottle, she jumped down our throats that we had no place in complaining and that WE were the ones giving her grief! REALLY!!!? I can't tell you how many people I will tell to not go there, and of course we will never return! Her name is Amy, and personally, I think Amy should not be in any position that deals with the public as her attitude is the rudest I have ever come across, and we are out app. 4 times a week, so that is saying a lot!\nScottsdale has too many wonderful restaurants with wonderful people serving and managing them. Go elsewhere!
To follow up on our recent experience at Black and Bleu, I need to state that Jen K., one of the owners of this restaurant has reached out to correct this situation that was created by Ami, who is no longer with Black and Bleu. \nShe has been very proffesional and kind to attempt to repair the ill feelings we had towards the restaurant, due to the treatment we received from their former manager. For this I am grateful! Thank you Jen, you have restored my faith that your establishment does care how their customers are treated.\n( I needed to add stars as it wouldn't post w/o that, so chose 3 for no particular reason)
Best breakfast in Tempe by far! Great quality food and friendly service will definitely keep me coming back! This breakfast spot is family owned and they are amazing people. You'll probably see the owner Craig in there running around with lots of energy. EXTREMELY nice guy. This place is definitely what Tempe needed and I can't wait to make this my weekly spot!
This was my first experience at Orange Table and I found it delightful. There was plenty of seating for groups of all sizes, $1 coffee and $2 latte specials and it had a business casual atmostphere. I had the hatch omelette. It was delicious and if you like spicy food this is the meal for you. They aren't kidding around with the hatch green chiles. In AZ used to mild green chile so i was a bit taken aback but the chicken and sweet onions counter balanced beautifully. What want to come in everyday though, is the bacon!! I ordered a side of bacon and OMG it practically melted in my mouth. It was perfectly cooked and crunchy and felt like a treat. I think I have found my new breakfast-as-lunch spot. There was a diverse breakfast/lunch menu and you could tell they were excited to be near campus because they had created (or renamed) a few menu items to show off their Sun Devil pride. This is a create addition to the Downtown Tempe District and students, staff, families and tourists will all enjoy Orange Table
This place recently moved from Scottsdale to Tempe. This is my first visit here. The food is really good. My omelette was one of the best I ever had. The place is bustling with people - testimony to how good it is. The bf had the Greek omelette and he said \"it was a substantial and satisfying meal.\" Now that we are all fueled up, we are ready to tackle the day.
I came to the Orange Table Tempe on a Sunday morning at 11:30am, we were seated quickly and our order was placed promptly. I had high hopes with the great reviews on Yelp.\n\nOur food came after awhile, I got the Green Flannel. I took a bite. It was cold, not even warm, colder than room temperature. Eventually the waitress came back to check on us. I had to send it back to be remade. My friends steak was warm, her eggs were cold. She thought about sending it back too, but said it was okay and didn't. She tried my Green Flannel and agreed that I had to send it back, since it was so cold.\n\nMy second Green Flannel came out, it was mostly jalape\u00f1os and barely any hash. The waitress said my eggs were coming... I would have liked my whole meal at once. And then I had to remind her about my toast. We had to go to the counter to ask for the check, since our waitress seemed to be distracted and not really paying attention. She ran the bill and the took forever to bring it, so we went to the counter again to sign. The staff was playing with the remote and watching football. I have never written a bad review on a restaurant before, this is my first. I eat out frequently around Phoenix. My friends would consider me a foodie. \n\nThe kicker: I ordered coffee at the restaurant, but I did bring in my own coffee in my Sacramento naked lounge to-go glass coffee mug. I accidentally left my unique mug and didn't realize until the afternoon, after they had closed. I called this morning, less than 24 hours later, to see about picking it up today and I was told by the manager (maybe owner) that he threw it away yesterday afternoon. \"You didn't call yesterday, so it went out with the trash. I can't keep everything that people leave.\" I could see 2 days later throwing it away, but less than 24 hours? And blaming the customer, for not calling by closing at 4pm? Really? Do you throw away people's drivers licenses or credit cards if they don't come back for them before closing? No lost and found for things that your customers accidentally leave behind? No you just thrown it away. Unacceptable. \n\nPlatinum Service: treating others how they want to be treated. Restaurants come and go. There's plenty to choose from in Phoenix. I'd sure be more mindful how you treat your customers, you lost one. And I will not be recommending your establishment.
I'm rather asunder about Orange Table, but truthfully could be easily swayed to give 5 stars. First, the people here have a rather eccentric air about them, not in a bad way but more like they're more concerned about operating the restaurant than they are about their customers. Secondly, I can't give 5 stars to any restaurant whom only has artificial sweeteners and sugar, it's 2014 everyone save for Circle K and Taco Bell should have stevia or monk fruit that's all there is to it. Third, the menu has all of the pieces but the execution isn't there, I received cold partial raw potatoes and the manager said he get he new ones and never did. Lastly, the seating in every facet is awkward, not terribly comfortable, arranged in an uncomfortable manor where you feel either in the way or like your having a meal with the person at the next table just awkward. On to the positive, televisions are a plus, latte is great, eggs are brilliant, decor is refreshing, local amazing, parking great. Like I said, this place is a few alterations away from 5 stars.
Service was slow, food was not well-cooked, and the prices were too high for the food we received and ambiance we experienced. The wait staff was pleasant and the menu was promising, but everything just felt disorganized and not quite put-together. I feel that maybe in a few months they'll have their \"stuff\" together a little better, but as of today I feel they charged far too much for the experience they were offering.
We came here on a busy Sunday and grabbed a seat at the bar. We got our drinks and placed our food order soon after. After waiting for our food for over an hour and seeing people who had arrived after us get their food, we stopped the bartender to ask about our order. He acted defensive and said he would check on it. Turns out the kitchen never got our order. He didn't offer an apology and seemed to have an ambivalent attitude about the situation. As a result we decided just to leave.
This was my first and last time at Orange Table. I showed up a minute or two after my friends only for the server to pay little to no attention to me, I was never given a menu to look at, never got to order a drink and when I did got the wrong thing, ordered the stake & eggs that should have come with chimichurri as it said on the menu in the name of the dish but got none. The server never asked how I wanted my steak cooked and I was given a raw slab of meat I wouldn't feed my dog. To try and get some attention from my server who spent most of her time in the kitchen I cut my steak in half and left one half on top of the other to show the very uncooked state of my meat, and with no question if we needed anything else or asking how the meal was our checks where on the table and she was gone again. Worst service and kitchen staff of anywhere I have ever been!
Started with the host, she told us that it will take more than 25 minutes to get a table and she kind off told us to go somewhere else instead of waiting. Well, we decided to give it a try. After along wait we got the table and sat for over 15 minutes till I asked where is my server. I had table next to me they left because they didn't get served. The server have no clue what's on the menu. Food took over 15 minutes and my gf's brunch burger was really good but my omelet which I asked twice no onions and I end up getting extra onions. I will never come back.
My favorite new breakfast place in downtown Tempe. Great menu, friendly people and a cool space for breakfast and for lunch.\nThe sandwiches are amazing, the breakfast is to die for and the salads and burgers are tough to beat. Some of my favorites have been the green flannel, the hash plates, the granola yogi, the french toast, coffee drinks and the green cheddar melt just to name a few. SO good!\nBe sure to add this place to your Tempe breakfast and lunch list.
First time here was earlier today before the ASU game to have breakfast. It was crazy busy and we had to wait about 30 min. Once we were inside, I really enjoyed my garlic mushroom omelette but instead of Swiss cheese I did cheddar. And thanks to Orange Table I have found my new favorite morning cocktail called Breakfast at Tiffany's. I am telling you it is yummy. I look forward to coming in when I am not in a rush to watch the football game and relax and also I would like to try their lunch.
The food is great (try the chimichurri sauce!) and the coffee drinks are even better. The service can be slow if they're busy but the staff is friendly and the atmosphere is welcoming.
If you are looking for a classic breakfast that you can get at Ihop this is the place for you. Service was ok, food was ok, and the fresh squeezed juice had huge chunks in it that you could not drink. We are big foodies that love breakfast and were so excited to try a new local spot and were very unimpressed. They still have a lot of kinks to work out. We wish them the best but probably won't be back. Good thing we used a groupon.
My boyfriend and I saw there was a Groupon for the restaurant, so we decided to give it a shot. We've been here twice and both times have been unimpressed. The first time we came for lunch. It was around noon and there were only two other couples in the restaurant. We were seated quickly and water was brought out promptly, but it took an unreasonable amount of time to get our order taken. We sat there trying to make eye contact with the waitress who didn't seem to be interested. Finally, the hostess came and took our order after about 15 minutes. I got a sandwich and my boyfriend got the breakfast burger. The maple mayonnaise was good on the burger, but the rest of the food was just okay. The chicken on my sandwich was overcooked and a bit dry. On our second visit we decided to go for breakfast. It was definitely busier, but we were seated quickly. Our waiter was friendly and took our orders quickly. We ordered chai drinks which were more milk than actual chai. We mentioned it to the waiter who brought out more chai which helped a little. It still tasted more like watered down milk than chai. As for our food, I got the monkey cakes and the boyfriend got the white flannel. The flannel had a big glob of sour cream on top which seemed to have taken over the flannel. He was disappointed that there were so much big strips of onions and minimal amount of actual potatoes and corned beef. On the menu it said that the monkey cakes had bananas, almonds and coconut. When I got my cakes the first cake had bananas and almonds, but the second cake only had walnuts. Not anymore on the menu did it say walnuts. If they ran out, it would be nice to have been told so. What if I didn't like walnuts? Also, the second cake that had the walnuts was placed under the first cake which seemed like they knew they were in the wrong so they were trying to cover it up.\n\nThe service isn't terrible and for the most part the staff is friendly. However, the food didn't seem as good as most of the reviews are raving about. Would we come back? Probably not.
The service here is friendly enough, pretty small area with a small bar area.\n\nThe Mexican hot chocolate latte is pretty good! No fancy latte art here, but the drinks overall seem tasty.\n\nThe food, however, wasn't that impressive. A friend and I split the French toast plate and it came out fifteen minutes later soggy and seemingly undercooked. I'll definitely come again but maybe order something different and see if they deliver, but I was hoping that since they opened their plates would be on point.
OMG. Hit the restroom prior to ordering. It smelled so bad from long term lack of cleaning that I was afraid to order food. I mentioned it to my husband, who had just returned from the men's room. He said the same thing. We left....feared that the kitchen cleanliness was of the same caliber. Come on guys...a little Lysol and elbow grease goes a long way.
Great food, awesome bloody Maria, and amazing service. This was my first time here and I really liked it. The waiter was great to me kids.
This was my first elite event and it was awesome! I've been wanting to try Benjamins for a while- a friend of mine raved about them and I had them on my radar for a while. I was super excited to try burgers! \n\nThe first sample that I received was the jalapeno burger. WOW. Delicious! The sauce was incredible! I definitely want to go back there and order one asap. I was lucky enough to receive two of the sample burgers and they were definitely the star of all of the samples in my eyes. I was also impressed how well the mini burgers were cooked. A tiny bit of pink and really juicy! Delish!\n\nNext, I tried their crab cake on a bun. Considering I am not the biggest fan of seafood and this was literally my first time trying a crab cake, I had nothing to compare it to. I liked it- but couldn't finish it because I thought it tasted a little fishy. \n\nThe shrimp and grits was awesome! I recently visited the Outer Banks and saw shrimp and grits at basically every restaurant- but did not order it. I was excited to see they serve it at Benjamins! It was delicious- the shrimp was prepared right and wasn't fishy at all. The grits were really tasty too.\n\nAntny's ice cream.... omg the ice cream! Thick, cream cheese consistency almost, real apple pieces... apple pie in ice cream form. WOW. I was obsessed. I need to visit Antny's ASAP before they close for the season! It was awesome!\n\nDrinks! The Avery Brewery IPA was hoppy but also had a malty undertone that I wasn't a huge fan of. I enjoyed it though, I love trying new beers! The sangria was awesome!\n\nI agree with Kimberly B. in saying that a buffet style would have been awesome and a little easier, rather than the wait staff having to hand deliver each item while they were busy in the restaurant- which is why I took off one star. There was plenty of food for everyone though and the food was delivered hot and fresh- which is definitely better than the potential of cold food in a buffet. \n\nIt was an AWESOME event! Thank you Rachel C for setting it all up! I defintely plan on returning to Benjamins soon! I know my boyfriend is going to love their burgers! The restaurant staff was awesome and very professional as well! Can't wait to go back!\n\nP.S The chapstick is awesome! I love the passion fruit flavor!
Us Pittsburgh Elites got it lucky! Three awesome events in less than a month? Score! And once again, the event was great! \n\nI've never heard of Benjamin's before but I would love to come back and try some more of their delicious entrees after getting a taste of what kind of bites their kitchen puts out. I'll start with the grits and shrimp... wow! First of all, it was my first time trying grits so I was even more excited to try it. So good! I kept saying how it almost or reminded me of mac and cheese. The shrimp was wonderful as well. It went together perfectly and had an extra zing of spice that totally won me over. Next on the seafood menu was the crabcake. Delicious! It was done just right and they gave us a generous portion. Now on to the meat (my favorite! Ha!)! The burger was amazing. Whatever sauce that was, can I have it in a jar to go? I love spicy foods and this sauce could probably go with anything. There is no denying that it made the burger. The meat was also cooked right as it melted in your mouth. Lastly, the apple pie ice cream for dessert was to die for. I'm usually a chocolate or peanut butter kind of guy when it comes to ice cream, but this totally makes me want to expand my sweet tooth more! You could taste every flavor individually. It was fabulous! Great addition, Rachel!\n\nThe place itself had a very cool vibe to it. I liked how we were all spaced out and not packed in together in one room. Shout out to Carrie W. for getting the Buccos game on (sad outcome)! :P \n\nMy only suggestion, as others mentioned, would have been to offer the foods buffet style. About eight of us were sitting near the back and by the time the food would come our way, they would run out. I guess people were taking seconds before we got our first. No biggie because we eventually ended up getting to try everything, but a buffet would have given everyone a fair chance of trying what they wanted without the servers (great job, by the way) running around like crazy. \n\nBeer was good! Definitely hoppy as Meghan B. mentioned, but I'll try anything so it was worth the drink coupons! \n\nThanks again, Rachel! You always do a great job! :)
I was referred to Edward by a friend when looking for a dependable and trustworthy cleaner. I was SO impressed by Edwards work; very detail oriented, punctual, and friendly! I will definitely be recommending him to my friends and family!
Edward is not just a typical house cleaner, he always goes above and beyond with the most meticulous attention to details and is always responsive to requests. If you like coming home to a sparkling clean house with no smell of toxic cleaners, call Edward. All his cleaning solution is gentle yet powerful - he cleans without gloves! My glass showers were heavily stained with watermarks and he made it spotless. He also has an knack for organization, if you want your closet to look beautiful, call Edward. We came home from vacation and viola, our closets looked like Neiman Marcus. He also cleans and organizers pantries and refrigerators.\nHe is someone you can count on to take care of matters, just recently he discovered that my dryer hose was not hooked up to the external vent. Not only did he reattach the hose but he cleaned up all the mess the dryer has made!!\nGreatest part of having Edward take care of my home is a peace of mind.
beautiful atmosphere with a lot of light, everything on a projected screen and is easy to see, ordered the cappuccino which is absolutely delicious the heart in the middle giving it an extra touch to what could be a simplistic coffee, I ordered the Smoked Salmon Tartine, presentation is up to par for what I feel it's a nice look to the bistro, the taste is light and heavenly, a must try at this bistro, my friend ordered the grilled chicken panini, the chicken really stands out with the melted cheese and spiced bread giving it that extra oomph someone looks for in a sandwich, also another must try at this bistro.\n\nStaff is kind and helpful with a smile on their face, but you can definitely tell it's only on day 2 due to the wait for food, organization is still being needed but have patience, because this could be a decent hustle and bustle bistro that anyone could enjoy once it gets on its feet and running\n\nAll in all this is somewhere I will go again hopefully not change how I feel!\n\nGood luck Lil bistro the meal was Delice!
Smiles served daily? When I went there, no smiles, servers didn't know what they were doing, orders took a long time. However, they did say they were still working out the links. The croissants tasted fine but the coffee was not good at all. Not impressed.
As someone who just came back from a vacation to Europe (Barcelona - Viva la Catalan!) I can say that Delica Bistro does have a European feel to it, especially the pastries. I had a delicious croissant made with orange, sesame and Thyme that was just delicious and the sampler shortbread cookie I tried, wonderful! As for the coffee beverages, I had a double espresso for $2.50 (quite reasonable), made with Lilly coffee, which seems to be the Euro brand of coffee. My neighbors, also along for a local bike jaunt, had crepes, that were just lovely! I strongly recommend you check this place out and due to its location by the area off Mill near the AMC Centerpoint theaters, feels like you are on a piazza. \n\nBe advised they just opened and are still working out some operational bugs. My friends crepes took a bit of time but someone came over and apologized so they know they need to work some things out (they also came by a short time later with the option to sample a shortbread cookie so de nada). I did get my espresso in a small paper cup and hopefully there is the option to also get it in a small cup. I do like that there are free cups for water for the taking at the register when you pay for your food and other drinks. They are also supposed to have baguettes available for purchase - a bit on the high end at $3 but hey, a Euro style bakery option in walking distance of my house so I'm not complaining.\n\nIt also feels strange that their espresso does not come with a side of sugar so if you want it sweeter, get it off the side area (though they only had non-sugar substitutes when I was there but once again, newly opened). I'll be there at least once a week for a morning pastry and coffee drink so I'll see them work it out.\n\nThe one thing I hope they are working on is a liquor license as it is a shame not to sit out on the patio, near the piazza style area with a nice bottle of wine and maybe, if someone from there is reading this, until then they will provide a BYOB option with a corkage fee? \n\nOther than that, a lovely place that I think will only grow in popularity and its nice to come back from Europe and find a little slice of Euro style living, right in my own backyard - Viva la Delice Bistro!\n\nUpdate - went back today - service is still a work in progress as the owner works on developing the operational flow for the place but I did buy a whole grain baguette and it was amazing - little poppy seeds throughout that added a wonderful nutty flavor and the crust was chewy and crisp - I will definately buy them on a regular basis.
Exceptionally slow service. This is now the second time that our crepes have taken over 25 mins to get out. The first time we were one of 3 people at the restaurant. This time though, I even saw the crepes being pulled out of a drawer. If you aren't making the crepes fresh, then why does it take so long? Adding chocolate and marshmallows isn't that time consuming.
I am torn, too many good reviews and I won't be able to get a table, not enough and they close, but I cannot lie; this place is awesome. The crepes were the fluffier I've ever had, and I adore the atmosphere.
Uptight! It's clean and tidy but makes you feel suffocated. No one behind the counter knows how to smile and none of them know anything about valuable customer service, their own menu or their computer. The coffee is terrible and the food is bland, tiny and overpriced. If you want a breakfast crepe, they will refuse to make it until 10am (even if the place is dead and its 9:30). Also, the place is so quiet no music at all, but I'm more than sure that any music wouldn't help. Save your hard earned money! This place is so not worth it.
Hurray! Another option for lunch on Mill. They have scrumptious pastries, handmade breads, soups, sandwiches, quiches... Went in the other day and had the Turkey Brie Panini with apples and walnuts and a tropical iced tea.\n\n My meal was great and so was our service. I have to go back to try one of the hand-dipped Bouch\u00e9e chocolates especially knowing they are prepared on site by a chocolatier!
Delice gets two stars, and it has nothing to do with the food or coffee. Both are fantastic. In fact, I LOVE the coffee. \n\nIt's the service that stumps me, and why other reviews about this place and the service good stump me even more. My colleagues and I work spitting distance from Delice and come here pretty often. One thing we all agree on is that the experience with Delice employees is unpleasant. We'd probably frequent this place more if it were not for the negative attitudes of the employees. Yesterday morning was the kicker! When I went up to place my order, the girl at the cashier rolled her eyes when she saw me walking up and actually tried to walk away from me. I gave her this look like, what are you doing??? (but I was also slightly amused)...and she stuck around. Four of us got coffee yesterday, just coffee, and we all walked out remarking on how rude everyone was from the cashiers to the barista.\n\nPoint being: I want coffee again this morning, but I don't want to deal with constipated college girls to get it, so I'll walk an extra block down to Starbucks.
Really friendly people. Good food at a great price. Pastries are a must! Very European feel. Still could work out a few kinks (person making our sandwich was asking questions very loudly about how to make it) but overall great place to grab a bite before a movie!
First let me start out by saying that the bread here is phenomenal. I ordered a salmon tartine cold sandwich, by recommendation. The atmosphere is exactly as they describe, French music, the patio to people watch, and being right on mill, can't go wrong with sitting outside in the beautiful arizona winter weather. I definitely recommend the bread while sitting down outside to study! Had this place not been 40 minutes away from my home; I would come here much more frequently to study. Enjoy and take in this bistro. Well worth my time.
Tucked in the back corner of the center point on Mill is this gem, the ideas of the fusion of small Parisian corner bistro where the staff know you because you're a local and the contemporary American spin of \"we love it, but what if we could do it for the 21st century\".\n\nI love the inconspicuous vine that D\u00e9lice operates under, I feel as if they know that few know they exist and they like it that way, perhaps even that they're not concerned with negative review because they know their business will come from locals who know better. For instance this restaurant is not afraid to try new things, I feel as if I can order any made up dish I'd like using the ingredients they have and they'll make it. They seem less concerned with producing each dish as it was intended and more concerned with producing whatever makes you happy shame be damned. That is not to say that what's on the menu isn't worthy is its own right, it is.\n\nThey have a few kinks to work out still indeed but I seem them ironing those out and staying in business for a very long time to come. I wish only the best for D\u00e9lice and will be glad to see them come into their own.
I've been to Delice a few more times since October since I work right across the street. The food is always delicious, but the reasoning for my removing of one star is because of the service. There is one gal behind that counter that is always very friendly and smiling, but the others I've encountered look as if they don't want to be there and have this little bit of attitude when asked a question. Today a coworker and I went in for some drinks and breakfast sandwiches. We got our drinks quickly, which was nice as we were able to enjoy them while we sat and waited for our sandwiches. About 15, almost 20 minutes had passed and nothing. My coworker walked up to the counter to see how much longer the sandwiches were going to take. The girl behind the counter looked lost and flustered and she walked around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Finally, she came back and told us it would be a few more minutes. As we sat back down to wait for our sandwiches (I got an egg, turkey, cheese sandwich while my coworker got an egg, avocado, spinach sandwich) another gentleman went up to the counter to ask about their sandwiches as well. It was a different gal he had asked and with attitude she answered him (quite loudly) \"We have like 20 sandwich orders back there! It's going to take long! The chefs can only make two at a time, okay? We only have two pans back there.\" First off, it was very rude of her to be so short with the customer since he was just wondering (and had asked nicely) about his food. Second, I think going forward Delice might consider informing customers the estimated wait time on food if they are backed up. I didn't realize that there were only two pans and that only two sandwiches could be made at a time. Maybe consider putting a disclaimer somewhere that everything is made from scratch and made to order; that is why some items just take a little longer to make. I completely understand a restaurant wanting to make good quality food and I've personally waited anywhere from 30-40 minutes for food, because I knew that the love and quality put into it was going to be worth it. Like I said in the beginning, the food is delicious and at least that has remained every time I've been in there. It's really more the customer service that I had an issue with. Making the customer feel unwelcomed is not a good way to keep them coming back.
We went on day 1 and waited almost 45 minutes, we chalked it up to 1st day opening. earlier this week we stopped in only for some chocolate. We stood there 5 minutes, rang the bell and watched servers walk around oblivious. We turned and left with no an acknowledgment...the chocolates LOOK delcious but the service has been atrocious and we wont be going back. Ive heard the same from several coworkers, though those who had waited it out say the coffee is amazing
I got the Chicken Florentine Cr\u00eape, it was pretty bland not worth the price. My friend got the Rosemary chicken panini which was amazing, great flavors! The vanilla latte and Carmel macchiato were not good at all they tasted like syrup. The employees were friendly, but there was trash all over the empty tables and it took the employees about 15 mins to pick it up.
Most authentic and delicious french menu in the West Coast. The crepes are phenomenal, the baguette is freshly made and tastes like it was baked in Paris not to mention their fresh juices! I definitely recommend this bistro to anyone that appreciates great tasting food.
What a disappointing experience! We (party of 4) came to Delice because we are always looking for a good place for breakfast/brunch on Mill and thought this place would fit the bill. Here's a rundown:\n\n1. The people working at Delice are not particularly friendly or helpful. They are not familiar with the menu and anytime we asked a question, they had to go ask someone for the answer.\n2. We came in for breakfast but could only get lunch since breakfast isn't served after 11:00. Ok, we'll adjust.\n3. They were out of a few things we asked about on the menu.\n4. The Muesli is served cold and it took forever for them to bring a spoon, in order to actually eat it.\n5. I asked what kind of flavored iced tea they had and she told me they had black or green tea. Right after ordering, I noticed the tea menu that listed 5 or 6 different kinds of tea (some of them flavored) but she didn't offer to change my order.\n6. Two of us ordered the Prime Rib Au Jus under \"Hot Sandwiches\" and we were specifically told about the delicious Au Jus that came on the side. The sandwiches were served cold and there was Au Jus on only one plate. They did take them back and warm the Prime Rib and toast the baguette. \n7. They brought out hot tea instead of iced tea.\n8. The place needs some TLC, cleaning and attention to detail. The menu is taped upside down on the window for passers-by to read. The windows, in the restaurant, are filthy. There were only four tables occupied while we were there but many of the other tables were dirty and full of dishes the entire time we were there. Stuff/food all over the floors. Something splattered all over the wall in the bathroom. Stacks of boxes toward the back of the restaurant.\n9. The owners were there during our dining experience and it seems like they have no interest in making sure things are running properly and they certainly have no attention to detail.\n\nOverall, we were very disappointed and are unlikely to return. This place has a lot of potential but if they don't fix things immediately, they will not be open in a year.
Nothing special. Greasy Greek food just like you'd find at Arahova or Marathon at twice the price. Annoyingly loud music, like they're desperately trying to create an atmosphere from nothing. Not planning to go back there.
After some thought about trying a Different Mexican seafood place and being recommended by a friend to try El Dorado. I decided to stop by on a weekday. The place looks clean, the parking lot is very small and the service was okay. I was greeted with some type of fish tostada (courtesy). I ordered the shrimp tostada, in real life it looks a lot smaller that the picture in the menu. Then I tried the pulpos in salsa Nayarit, I wasn't impressed by its flavor and presentation. I might give it another try in the future. Overall it didn't live to my first visit expectations...
Best Mexican seafood In Las Vegas hands down !!! This place is awesome in every single way shape and form !!! OMG seriously I been looking for a place like this here in Las Vegas every time we come ... The Chef is super nice and attentive , he gave us a couple of samples of food we were unsure to order , but after we had it for sure we will order next time around , service in general is a plus , don't get fooled by the location , this spot is the place to go , \" El Balazo\" a seafood shooter kind of like a cocktail in a shot glass , must have ...\nCome and feel confident that no matter what you order it will be amazing .
Perfect fruit bowls cheap prices free pool meet and clean place ...I strongly recommend
This is the worst pho I've ever eaten. I took takeout but based on what other people have told me, the quality is the same for dine in.\n\nI ordered the pho special or something like that and it came up to 7.90. First off, the cashier gave me the wrong change. I suppose their system doesn't show how much they owe ( she didn't tell me how much change I was getting back and it didn't show up on the cash register balance facing me either) but at least use a calculator....\n\nNow on to the food! The soup had a cinnamon smell to it and just to make sure I asked a friend and she agreed with me. There's was a lack of meat that was supposed to be there ( the tendon), they only added one piece of tripe, half a beef ball and a few small slices of old beef... This has been the most disappointing pho I've ever eaten. It's no wonder it was empty when we walked in.
Came in wanting to eat pho and it's the furthest thing from it. Very salty as there is a load of msg. Avoid this place it's not worth your money.
Tried out this place on saturday and ordered the house special which came with beef flank and tripe. The soup base tasted pretty good. Yes it had a lot of msg, but it was just as much as any of the other pho places, and it really brought out the taste.\n\nI expected the large pho to be a little bigger, but it was still an adequate amount for $8. They also only put in about 5 pieces of beef flank, and some of it had a rainbow colour to it, but it tasted fine. My friend's beef ball pho also looked really good.\n\nWorth a try if you're around campus as it is on par with other pho restaurants.
Stopped here for lunch before my flight back to the Big Apple. It was actually a nice experience. My server was friendly. She kept my glass of seltzer full (although it cost $3.49!)\n\nFood-wise, my wings were good. Very spicy , but I like that. I had some burger bites and they were pretty decent too. However, they suffer from the scourge of all tiny burgers in that they are too easily cooked well done. \n\nOverall, this is a decent spot for a bite. If you're in a hurry,you might want to pass it by, though, as the food took some time to come out.
The salon is beautifully decorated and complimentary wine is served. I went to go see Jillian after I couldn't stand to look at my hair anymore, it was damaged beyond repair. I was wrong! Jillian made me look beautiful again! Definitely recommend!
Cute and simple storefront/dining area, and unique food. I suppose you could get plain fries with ketchup, but that's a waste. Tried the poutine, which is one of the few or only places in Madison to get it, and it was delicious. Totally trying the cheese and PBR sauce next time.
You say \"fried potatoes\" and I'm interested! While I've not been to Belgium, I do consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to fries, frites, and chips, and I've got to say these are different from any I've had here in town.\n\nThick-cut, almost meaty, skin on frites tossed in seasoned salt, served hot and fresh. Could it get better? Add some \"game day garlic\" sauce or malt vinegar, and yes, it can. I loved the garlic sauce-- thick and flavorful. Also tried the beer cheese dip made with PBR, served warm, which was good. You could really taste the beer!\n\nMy friend and I thought picking up an order of frites would be a good side to our lunch, but really they could be a meal in themselves.\n\nThe atmosphere is nice and clean. The tables have holes for you to set your paper frite cone in, which is awesome. And they're working on implementing an automated ordering system which is pretty cool.\n\nWe met the owner (and her mom) and they were both so very nice! I am excited to go back soon!
Best fries I've had in a while!! What a wonderful concept. The sauces were flavorful, the fries were big and crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and the service was great. I will definitely be back! (Just asking for more open hours!!!)
Cool concept. The fries and the sauces are delicious--my friends and I got a bunch of different ones... the garlic/rosemary and the madcity sauce were my favs. But be forewarned... this is literally just fries and sauces to dip them in. Nothing fancy.
Love the location and the hotel. One star taken off because they can kick rocks with their room keys. I have 4 degrees but my boss had to get me in the room 2 times because the damn keys are hard to use. Get a damn key slot Marriott. #yesimpissedrightnow
I stopped by this new restaurant for lunch with a friend. They seem to specialize in signature grilled cheese but I think \"signature\" must translate into \"contains bacon\" as 3 of the 5 options had that as a key ingredient. I had the bacon and jalape\u00f1o. It was tasty but fell short in the heat category and was a bit on the grilled but not crisp category. Service was prompt and friendly, but the music on the small patio was a little bit loud for a good conversation. \n\nI will come back and give it a try. They do have happy hour from 11-6 pm which includes some featured tapas along with $5 wines by the glass
This place just opened up next door to where I live to my husband and I had to visit and give it a go. We sat in the outdoor patio area which was super cozy, intimate and calming. Really cute string lights that hang over you as you enjoy a glass of wine while a great play list of music plays in the background. The food is great, good portions and quality, yummy selections. You cant go wrong. We didn't like one of the beers and the staff was nice enough to let us switch it out for something else. Very friendly, helpful staff. Love this place and we will be sure to return!
This has become one of our favorite places for lunch. The sandwich selection is excellent, the pastas are delicious, and the salads are fresh and creative. Our service has always been excellent, friendly staff, and the manager of the restaurant, Chris, seems to be around a lot to make sure the place runs well. A great selection of music is always on.\n\nSome particular favorite entree sandwiches are The Sicilian and The Chicken Marsala. A favorite pasta dish with great flavor is the Athena. The salads are fresh and creative, and the perfect pair is a good combination of soup, salad and/or pasta. \n\nThey have had a weekend where they feature live music. I hope they do more.
Such a great name - Perfect Pear Bistro! Service was friendly, but scatty on an early Friday evening. No mention of Happy Hour specials and they were out of the beer we were interested in. The waiter also forgot a few things from our order and we had to remind him. The food is decent American food with some of the trendy add-ons. My salad was to be loaded with butternut squash (couldn't find it) beets (a few) bacon (stuck together) but the avocado on top - luscious!! I did enjoy the cider vinaigrette. I also asked for a piece of bread to go with the salad - it came dry, no butter included and though sweet and tasty - still dry. My friends enjoyed the 4-cheese grilled cheese sandwich but the sweet potato fries were limp, not crispy like the regular fries which were yummy. I'd like to think I may try this place again but they need to step it up to stay in competition with everything else that's out there.
Great sandwiches, soups, and salads.... Very hearty soups and the salads aren't skimpy by any means with plenty of various toppings. \n\nGluten free pasta is also available and looked amazing though I haven't had.... Yet! :-) I will make this a regular stop.
Went for lunch with a group of 10 people. There was a Christmas party of equal size that just got seated. The wait staff and kitchen staff handled it and made it seem like they were not even breaking a sweat. The restaurant was full not n empty seat in the house. Service was fast and food was fantastic! My compliments to the staff!
I really liked this place!! Many different options for sandwiches, pasta and salads, all very tasty!! The possibility of making a perfect \"pear\" by combining them is great ! Staff is very friendly, service efficient, and prices are compatible with quality !
Skip the sandwiches and go with the Pasta. The bread they use is toooooo salty. Cute little place.
Great food, big portions. Amazing atmosphere, a great place to bring a date. Highly recommended.
Perfect Grilled Cheese was amazing and worth a repeat visit. Chicken club lacked unique flavor and was average. The BLT was great with the bread making the sandwiches. Now for the sides: tomato soup was delicious and a perfect complement to the grilled cheese. Shoe string fries were great, nothing not to like about them and the green pea salad in peanut sauce was delicious. We will definitely return for another try!
Well there trying beer glass has set empty for 10 minutes now while the wait staff tries to figure out something to due with the tequlia prices or something with a total of 10 patrons in the place. That being said the menu is basic sports bar food burgs sandwiches nachos which is what I had fully loaded 10$ wings ect. This day they were playing some cool jazz and jazz server is sweet yet not that efficient . I may return to try breakfast ps great beer selection
Great atmosphere, television everywhere including patio. Order Philly with onion rings, not the standard garbage frozen onion rings that are chopped and formed! Real onion rings dipped in a very tasty batter and not burnt. As for the Philly, none of that shaved steak here it is a thin steak that is chopped and put onto a soft hoagie with red and green peppers, onions, mushrooms and provolone melted on top. Very good and not at all chewy. Staff is very friendly and attentive.
I love the food along with explanations of the different Echo 5 Sports Pub.
$8 for a frozen frappe?? This is one of those times when I knew I made a mistake before I even ordered but foolishly did it anyway. It was late, starbucks was closed, and I needed a caffeine pick up to keep my night going strong. First the cashier was not friendly at all and even copped an attitude when I changed my mind about the whipped cream. Secondly it took forever for them to make my drink. And lastly it was the worst frappe I have ever had... along with the most expensive.
Brought back a caramel apple & it was black with mold in the inside. Good thing we cut into it and didn't take a bite out of it!
The salad bar here is by far my favorite in town, fresh and various, big portion and reasonable price. The pizza is good. The Asian noodles section is actually the previous Ming's Table team, authentic HK food, the XO seafood undon is awesome and beef noodles with tender is pretty popular, too. The sandwich bar has the very cool Caprese sandwich! And last but not the least, must try the cold caramel macchiato here, way better Starbucks.
I was sent here because we wanted sushi and it was late at night. VERY CLEAN AND IT LOOKS NEW. Its like a big buffet of food, but like separate little businesses so its like a village, well sort of. I am giving it three stars because we are a big group and seating was difficult, its a weird system of paying and the line was long, Some of us were finished eating while others had not gotten their food,\n\nfood is excellent though. and its so easy and you can take it to go for some reason the room service sucks this trip so we have been bringing stuff to the room.\n\nThere is a mickey D;s (mcdonalds) next store and everything is more expensive on the strip so a value meal there super sized is about 10 bucks...about the same for a meal here so its better healthy food than all the other fast food places around.
This is one of the better comics on the strip. We laughed the entire time. Highly recommended for all adult ages
It's about time chipotle arrives at the strip! Awesome service awesome food. Still as good as any regular chipotle. Def get the chips and guac
We were there. Our favorite bites were the habenero and bacon macaroon, the Thai food, and the delicious Honey Bear's BBQ. But this was a completely unsuccessful event in my opinion. We visited all the food vendors in less than an hour and could not wait to get out of there. We might have stayed longer except the music was WAY too loud, there was no place to sit down, the place was hot (and it was a relatively cool, rainy evening) piles of trash and garbage filled the few tables that were available to stand next to, and the drinks were way too skimpy. I'd have rather had fewer on the drink card but gotten FULL drinks rather than one-finger pours of red wine or two sips of beer. That was totally ridiculous. The Judges picked the carnitas from El Palacio as the winner but they must not have eaten the same ones we tried, which were greasy and overly salted. It was tragically bad and we spit it out. \n\nThe Venue is a nice looking place, but is it up to fire code? Sure didn't feel like it, especially with one narrow and steep stairway as the only method to get upstairs. And it cannot be an ADA compliant facility since there was no wheelchair access.\n\nSO, overall, marginal food, terrible drinks, way too loud and too crowded, no place to sit, garbage everywhere... you can do better, Scottsdale.
I was concerned as to who selected The Venue, and what City Official inspected it... There was absolutely no handicap access beyond the lobby. Are there not regulations and laws regarding this? No one in the entire Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce nor The City are familiar with ADA (American Disabilities Act)?\n\nAdditionally, if a fire had started with all that food cooking, what a bloody disaster with one staircase and obscure exit signs. Trash from the few available table tops literally piled up a foot, and we saw NO staff assigned to clean up.\n\nAs far as the winners go, the \"Judges\" must have gone through years of taste-bud corrosion by over-use of garlic, salt, and grease. It's the only explanation for selecting El Palacio. My husband and I much preferred Honey Bear's BBQ.\n\n\"Spice\" does NOT solely include peppers. There was NO Italian food represented, NO Indian or Middle Eastern selections, and NO Ethiopian/African food... I mean if we're only looking for hot, hotter, and hottest, then Ethiopian is the real ticket. The drink volumes were miserly (including tepid water - with NO ICE). The Venue was hot, muggy, overly crowded, and *ridiculously* LOUD.\n\nALL THIS DURING THE FIRST HOUR. Yeesh!! Needless to say, we left. And yes, we had visited and tasted selections from every food vendor involved in the event **IN AN HOUR**.\n\nThe upside? We found some fabulous restaurants to explore. However, my husband & I have decided not attend this event ever again.
Great mexican food!
Stopped by for a take out order. The food was great but the wait was a little long seeing I was the only customer in the place.
This restaurant is in the location of the old Loco Lime. We decided to give it a try on a Friday night. The staff couldn't have been any nicer or more welcoming. In fact, they were nearly tripping all over each other to serve us. Two women attempted to take our drink and dinner order. A nice man came by to ask if everything was good. We also liked that the restaurant was playing authentic Mexican music in the background. It doesn't have the same effect when an ethnic establishment plays American pop music. \nTortilla chips and salsa was brought to our table. We were given two salsas, one which was described as mild and the other labeled hot. I immediately went fir the hot one and found it to be mildly spicy. The mild salsa tasted like canned tomato sauce,\nWe both ordered the number two vegetarian. It came with a bean burrito, chalupa and quesadilla. The quesadilla was like the best Mexican grilled cheese ever, and I appreciated the crunch and flavor of the chalupa. The burrito left me flat. The sauce tasted like an Italian topping, and the cheese was minimal.\nThe prices were great, it was nice to get two meals and two drinks for under $30.00. And I definitely will return for more chalupas and quesadillas!
The margarita tasted like lime juice and sugar. It was terrible. Our server was very nice but seemed to get flustered very quickly when asked any questions. We kept trying to get someone's attention to get our check and when we finally did we had our money out to pay she just dropped the check and didn't come back for ten minutes. It was about 8:30 on a Tuesday and it didn't seem like they were very busy so I'm not sure why it took so long. The food was pretty good. Aside from the fact one menu item was described as 'spicy' and wasn't even mildly spicy. I know that they are still in their early stages of opening so I may give them another chance in a few months but I won't be returning any time soon.
I hate to give a one star review. The servers were very nice; unfortunately they were very inattentive. They got an order wrong and barely checked on us; I was parched all through our Wednesday night dinner. I got the arroz con pollo, and it was more than disappointing. After searching for the chicken and rice in my meal, I was left with an actual half a plate of just onion. I won't be going back.
The smallest lunch chimichanga portion I've ever come across in my life. The price was in-line with other places but the size was ridiculous. I actually ate more chips at the end just to fill up.\n\nMy chimi was understuffed, came with almost no toppings except the bottom quarter-sized tomato slice that most people throw out, a laughable amount of beans, and some lettuce shreds on the side that had a distinct chemical-flavor ...maybe cleaning solution from a counter? and no rice. \n\nMy co-workers Lunch-sized Quesadilla did come with rice...and was a normal portion-size. I was just the lucky one who ordered poorly.\n\nService was very quiet. We did receive our meals quickly however there wasn't a whole lot of follow up on how anything was.\n\nI did like the salsa and I thought the place itself seemed clean/comfortable.
Tried out the new La Unica as a taco tuesday replacement since it is in the former Loco Lime location. Bland, tasteless, is the only way I can describe it. Maybe you can get more from something other than $1 tacos, but it seems a step down from the restaurant it replaces.
An extremely cool location - a place to get wine, beer, coffee, food, in the same building as ASU's great new campus store. Its a nice space, with a good vibe, that includes a patio overlooking College Ave. We stopped there pre-game before the Stanford game and it was a great place to have a couple of beers and look out over the game day crowd. Nice to be able to enjoy a relaxed off-Mill avenue place to hang out and support ASU. Please give them a try - you'll enjoy it.
We stopped in yesterday for a glass of wine and dessert on the patio. We brought our dog and enjoyed hanging out on the patio with her. Great space with great views of A mountain. They have a nice selection of nibbles, wine and sweet treats too. Our server was friendly and took good care of us.
Amazing service, very fast, good prices. Great customer service and highly recommended !!!!
Mike was awesome! Called him on an afternoon from my office and he came within the hour. Ten minutes later phone was like new! Amazing prices and great service!!
Great fast service! This is my second time and the service was excellent!!! Will definitely call mike for all my iPhone repairs.
Mike did an awesome job replacing my iPhone 5s screen, had it replaced in a mater of 5 minutes on a Saturday! Highly recommend him!
Mike was amazing !! Called him and within 30 we met at Starbucks and 10 minutes later my screen was fixed!! Great service great price!!!
Great service. Broke phone at 9:45 pm at home. Found mike online and called at 10:15 pm. He answered and was at my house by 11:15 pm phone was better then new 30 mins later. Best company I have ever done business with. HIGHLY recommend iPro if you break you iPhone.
OH MY THEIR CARNE ASADA IS AMAZING! I notice it's usually pretty empty, but once I gave them a try I realized that they are my new favorite authentic mexican food! Five stars hands down
Was looking forward to having a great Mexican neighborhood restaurant in this location. Extremely disappointed with our huevos rancheros. So so salty couldn't even finish. Beans would be excellent if salt were reduced. Rice okay but again salted to the max. And my hubby felt the same, and he is one to always reach for the salt shaker.