_HAWAIIAN_ISLANDS_DESCRIPTION = """This collection contains 635 soundscape recordings with a total duration of almost |
51 hours, which have been annotated by expert ornithologists who provided 59,583 bounding box labels for 27 different |
bird species from the Hawaiian Islands, including 6 threatened or endangered native birds. The data were recorded |
between 2016 and 2022 at four sites across Hawai‘i Island. This collection has partially been featured as test data |
in the 2022 BirdCLEF competition and can primarily be used for training and evaluation of machine learning |
algorithms.""" |
_HAWAIIAN_ISLANDS_CITATION = """@dataset{amanda_navine_2022_7078499, |
author = {Amanda Navine and |
Stefan Kahl and |
Ann Tanimoto-Johnson and |
Holger Klinck and |
Patrick Hart}, |
title = {{A collection of fully-annotated soundscape |
recordings from the Island of Hawai'i}}, |
month = sep, |
year = 2022, |
publisher = {Zenodo}, |
version = 1, |
}""" |
_SAPSUCKER_WOODS_DESCRIPTION = """This collection contains 285 hour-long soundscape recordings, which have been |
annotated by expert ornithologists who provided 50,760 bounding box labels for 81 different bird species from the |
Northeastern USA. The data were recorded in 2017 in the Sapsucker Woods bird sanctuary in Ithaca, NY, |
USA. This collection has (partially) been featured as test data in the 2019, 2020 and 2021 BirdCLEF competition and |
can primarily be used for training and evaluation of machine learning algorithms.""" |
_SAPSUCKER_WOODS_CITATION = """@dataset{stefan_kahl_2022_7079380, |
author = {Stefan Kahl and |
Russell Charif and |
Holger Klinck}, |
title = {{A collection of fully-annotated soundscape |
recordings from the Northeastern United States}}, |
month = sep, |
year = 2022, |
publisher = {Zenodo}, |
version = 2, |
}""" |
_AMAZON_BASIN_DESCRIPTION = """This collection contains 21 hour-long soundscape recordings, which have been annotated |
with 14,798 bounding box labels for 132 different bird species from the Southwestern Amazon Basin. The data were |
recorded in 2019 in the Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica, Madre de Dios, Peru. This collection has partially been featured |
as test data in the 2020 BirdCLEF competition and can primarily be used for training and evaluation of machine |
learning algorithms.""" |
_AMAZON_BASIN_CITATION = """@dataset{w_alexander_hopping_2022_7079124, |
author = {W. Alexander Hopping and |
Stefan Kahl and |
Holger Klinck}, |
title = {{A collection of fully-annotated soundscape |
recordings from the Southwestern Amazon Basin}}, |
month = sep, |
year = 2022, |
publisher = {Zenodo}, |
version = 1, |
}""" |
_SIERRA_NEVADA_DESCRIPTION = """This collection contains 33 hour-long soundscape recordings, which have been |
annotated with 20,147 bounding box labels for 56 different bird species from the Western United States. The data were |
recorded in 2018 in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA. This collection has partially been featured as test data in |
the 2021 BirdCLEF competition and can primarily be used for training and evaluation of machine learning algorithms.""" |
_SIERRA_NEVADA_CITATION = """@dataset{stefan_kahl_2022_7050014, |
author = {Stefan Kahl and |
Connor M. Wood and |
Philip Chaon and |
M. Zachariah Peery and |
Holger Klinck}, |
title = {{A collection of fully-annotated soundscape |
recordings from the Western United States}}, |
month = sep, |
year = 2022, |
publisher = {Zenodo}, |
version = 1, |
}""" |
_POWDERMILL_NATURE_DESCRIPTION = """Acoustic recordings of soundscapes are an important category of audio data which |
can be useful for answering a variety of questions, and an entire discipline within ecology, dubbed "soundscape |
ecology," has risen to study them. Bird sound is often the focus of studies of soundscapes due to the ubiquitousness |
of birds in most terrestrial environments and their high vocal activity. Autonomous acoustic recorders have increased |
the quantity and availability of recordings of natural soundscapes while mitigating the impact of human observers on |
community behavior. However, such recordings are of little use without analysis of the sounds they contain. Manual |
analysis currently stands as the best means of processing this form of data for use in certain applications within |
soundscape ecology, but it is a laborious task, sometimes requiring many hours of human review to process |
comparatively few hours of recording. For this reason, few annotated datasets of soundscape recordings are publicly |
available. Further still, there are no publicly available strongly-labeled soundscape recordings of bird sounds which |
contain information on timing, frequency, and species. Therefore, we present the first dataset of strongly-labeled |
bird sound soundscape recordings under free use license. These data were collected in the Northeastern United States |
at Powdermill Nature Reserve, Rector, PA. Recordings encompass 385 minutes of dawn chorus recordings collected by |
autonomous acoustic recorders between the months of April through July 2018. Recordings were collected in continuous |
bouts on four days during the study period, and contain 48 species and 16,052 annotations. Applications of this |
dataset may be numerous, and include the training, validation, and testing of certain advanced machine learning |
models which detect or classify bird sounds.""" |
_POWDERMILL_NATURE_CITATION = """@dataset{chronister_2021_4656848, |
author = {Chronister, Lauren M. and |
Rhinehart, Tessa A. and |
Place, Aidan and |
Kitzes, Justin}, |
title = {{An annotated set of audio recordings of Eastern |
North American birds containing frequency, time, |
and species information}}, |
month = apr, |
year = 2021, |
publisher = {Zenodo}, |
}""" |
_HIGH_SIERRAS_DESCRIPTION = """This collection contains 100 soundscape recordings of 10 minutes duration, which have |
been annotated with 10,296 bounding box labels for 21 different bird species from the Western United States. The data |
were recorded in 2015 in the southern end of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in California, USA. This collection has |
been featured as test data in the 2020 BirdCLEF and Kaggle Birdcall Identification competition and can primarily be |
used for training and evaluation of machine learning algorithms.""" |
_HIGH_SIERRAS_CITATION = """@dataset{mary_clapp_2023_7525805, |
author = {Mary Clapp and |
Stefan Kahl and |
Erik Meyer and |
Megan McKenna and |
Holger Klinck and |
Gail Patricelli}, |
title = {{A collection of fully-annotated soundscape |
recordings from the southern Sierra Nevada |
mountain range}}, |
month = jan, |
year = 2023, |
publisher = {Zenodo}, |
version = 1, |
}""" |
_COLUMBIA_COSTA_RICA_DESCRIPTION = """This collection contains 34 hour-long soundscape recordings, which have been |
annotated by expert ornithologists who provided 6,952 bounding box labels for 89 different bird species from Colombia |
and Costa Rica. The data were recorded in 2019 at two highly diverse neotropical coffee farm landscapes from the |
towns of Jardín, Colombia and San Ramon, Costa Rica. This collection has partially been featured as test data in the |
2021 BirdCLEF competition and can primarily be used for training and evaluation of machine learning algorithms.""" |
_COLUMBIA_COSTA_RICA_CITATION = """@dataset{alvaro_vega_hidalgo_2023_7525349, |
author = {Álvaro Vega-Hidalgo and |
Stefan Kahl and |
Laurel B. Symes and |
Viviana Ruiz-Gutiérrez and |
Ingrid Molina-Mora and |
Fernando Cediel and |
Luis Sandoval and |
Holger Klinck}, |
title = {{A collection of fully-annotated soundscape |
recordings from neotropical coffee farms in |
Colombia and Costa Rica}}, |
month = jan, |
year = 2023, |
publisher = {Zenodo}, |
version = 1, |
}""" |
_NIPS4BPLUS_DESCRIPTION = """The zip file contains 674 individual recording temporal annotations for the training set |
of the NIPS4B 2013 dataset in the birdsong classifications task (original size of dataset is 687 recordings).""" |
_NIPS4BPLUS_CITATION = """@article{Morfi2019, |
author = "Veronica Morfi and Dan Stowell and Hanna Pamula", |
title = "{NIPS4Bplus: Transcriptions of NIPS4B 2013 Bird Challenge Training Dataset}", |
year = "2019", |
month = "7", |
url = "https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Transcriptions_of_NIPS4B_2013_Bird_Challenge_Training_Dataset/6798548", |
doi = "10.6084/m9.figshare.6798548.v7" |
}""" |