{ "en": "and are then expelled and stored in spaces between cells.", "zh": "脂肪滴與脂肪滴及其他分子互相結合" }
{ "en": "You see, for the first time, an imprint on the global level.", "zh": "由那時開始,第一次看到了種種的全球性的演變。" }
{ "en": "And according to a 2007 study, video games are a great way to do that.", "zh": "根據一個2007年的研究,電玩遊戲很適合用來宣洩情緒。" }
{ "en": "of hard liquor and then switch to beer,", "zh": "這個想法是如果你喝了幾杯" }
{ "en": "I have to admit that achieving the end of the exercise", "zh": "不過真的,如果我們很真實的面對自己," }
{ "en": "This picture demonstrates waveforms pertaining to the fetal heart rate,", "zh": "我們過去想像的事情已開始有了成果," }
{ "en": "in the next month that will be just as important", "zh": "物種。它一個月大。在下一個月,你會看到和" }
{ "en": "because there's a redshift measurement and everything,", "zh": "我們真的能確定它是個星系" }
{ "en": "So, this happy pic of me was taken in 1999.", "zh": "我這張笑嘻嘻的照片是1999年拍的," }
{ "en": "Where do you look? Camera five, there. -There, yeah okay.", "zh": "好了?好,我要看哪一台攝影機?" }
{ "en": "and I stayed with these Guaymi natives there,", "zh": "和當地的瓜伊米部族住在一起," }
{ "en": "We had responsibly toured the birthing center in advance", "zh": "去迎接我們的第一個女兒瑪雅的出生。" }
{ "en": "when they don't match up with their personal experiences.", "zh": "很容易理解,為什麼當全球的平均數字" }
{ "en": "In the pantheon of great collections, mine doesn't even register.", "zh": "我有大約250雙,但相信我,我算小咖的。" }
{ "en": "You don't know. - If you could just rhyme,", "zh": "你不知道。-如果你能押韻的話" }
{ "en": "But attendees here in Barcelona for Mobile World Congress have arrived with a new spirit of enthusiasm.", "zh": "手機產業過了一個慘烈的2018年,頭一次面臨產業衰退。" }
{ "en": "world that we live in today is a new norm for them.", "zh": "且非常的精明,現今活在這高度連結的世界" }
{ "en": "They don't care. What they care about is you.", "zh": "但對方其實不在乎他們在乎的是你。" }
{ "en": "It just means that you have an illness that you have to be constantly aware of, and sometimes it's painful, but mostly it makes you the most interesting person in the room.", "zh": "這僅僅只是代表你有一個需要持續照顧的疾病,雖然它有時令人很痛苦,但也因為它,你成為一群人中最有趣的人。" }
{ "en": "There are many more examples, but these are just two", "zh": "有很多這樣的例子的。這裏衹是兩個" }
{ "en": "is just an icon of your desktop,", "zh": "只不過是電腦桌面的圖標," }
{ "en": "but what we did was to make a mathematical model", "zh": "我們知道這些神經振動器在哪裡," }
{ "en": "Japan's graduation ceremonies are set in March, which means that elementary, junior high and high schools students will miss their once-in-a-lifetime celebrations this year. It's absolutely a bummer for Japanese students.", "zh": "日本3月舉辦畢業典禮,這也意味著今年學生們會錯過畢業典禮,不論是小學、國中、高中畢業,對學生們來說難免覺得掃興、難過。" }
{ "en": "No, he just doesn't look as stressed as he was.", "zh": "不是,他就是看起來不像之前壓力那麼大。" }
{ "en": "If I robbed right now a truckload of Apple watches, I can get rid of 'em tomorrow.", "zh": "我現在如果去搶一卡車的Apple手錶,我明天就能銷掉。" }
{ "en": "for uses that we never even imagined", "zh": "超乎我們蒐集資訊時的預期。" }
{ "en": "What I just presented to you is a vision of an impossible world.", "zh": "我剛剛給各位看的,是一個不可能的世界的遠景。" }
{ "en": "So for you, so you remember, you know, why you made that connection.", "zh": "對你來說,你會記得你為什麼會跟這個人有連結。" }
{ "en": "The focus is often on education and, if needed, therapy.", "zh": "重點往往是教育,必要時是治療。" }
{ "en": "Although it's a trait being acknowledged more, Aron states that sensitive people are still often considered the minority of the population.", "zh": "雖然這項特質越來越廣為人知,Aron表示高敏感族群依然時常被認為是人口中的少數。" }
{ "en": "So deep in the middle of that picture,", "zh": "在這張照片裡,有位小小的" }
{ "en": "based on the one patented by Samuel O'Reilly in 1891,", "zh": "你的紋身工作者大概會使用一個刺青的機器" }
{ "en": "Fortunately, my daughter was born at 11:30 --", "zh": "對象是我的老闆,蘋果的執行長。" }
{ "en": "Number seven is \"got\" and \"got into.\"", "zh": "她只是簡單地給你父母打電話。" }
{ "en": "a harmless beautiful bacterium that comes from the ocean,", "zh": "一種來自海洋,美麗且無害的細菌," }
{ "en": "What really stood out to me, you know,", "zh": "他們只是,你懂得,試著謀生" }
{ "en": "And of course fences around the world are all Cartesian, all strictly linear.", "zh": "在Sahel的各個地方,你都可以看到這樣的擋風玻璃。" }
{ "en": "Hey folks, Matt Lieberman here for DNews.", "zh": "我們的延腦區還真是廢。" }
{ "en": "and particularly when I'm trying to resist them.", "zh": "此外,就在抽搐發生之前," }
{ "en": "Let's imagine you live in Seattle, say,an apartment here in the Queen Anne neighborhood.", "zh": "假設你住在西雅圖,比如說。在安妮皇后區的一間公寓" }
{ "en": "The first model -- let's call it the dialectical model --", "zh": "就辯論而言,這真的不是個有幫助的模式" }
{ "en": "has revealed that adult brains actually do continue to produce new cells", "zh": "證實成人的腦至少在腦部的三個特別區塊" }
{ "en": "Even carpooling is a net benefit for the planet.", "zh": "可以是腳踏車、機車、公車或是火車。" }
{ "en": "And if you don't find the highest expression of your talent,", "zh": "是的,我原本想追求偉大的事業,但我認為" }
{ "en": "because we have a lot of volcanoes out there.", "zh": "但在我的故鄉,則是熔岩穴為主" }
{ "en": "And we're just trying to see possibilities.", "zh": "我們仍在嘗試新的發張可能" }
{ "en": "have used in order to understand them.", "zh": "也還可以套用在他們的身上。" }
{ "en": "with time and energy than we do.", "zh": "對我們而言可能就是一千年。" }
{ "en": "We have so many goals to meet.", "zh": "2020年將是一個迷宮。" }
{ "en": "Remember, this huge groups of workers will soon, and quite suddenly retire, as they start waiting for the checks to arrive.", "zh": "記住,這群龐大的勞工層在等著發薪日的同時,一轉眼突然就要面臨退休了。" }
{ "en": "Greta, your first climate strike was a lonely event a little over a year ago.", "zh": "Greta,一年前,妳獨自一人為氣候變遷發起罷課運動。" }
{ "en": "but that's the conversation we mostly hear about.", "zh": "但那卻是我們最常聽到的問題根源。" }
{ "en": "which, by the way, will include many of you.", "zh": "順便一提,在座很多人也會包括在內。" }
{ "en": "to boost their stock price than on R&D,", "zh": "遠遠超過他們花在研發上的資金。" }
{ "en": "I wish I could be one of them.", "zh": "我希望我也能成為他們中的一員。" }
{ "en": "One of their stated values is, \"Be a little bit weird.\"", "zh": "他們的信條裡有一條是有一點點的詭異" }
{ "en": "It sounds simple, but most people just don't do it.", "zh": "聽起來很簡單,但大多數人就是不會去做。" }
{ "en": "I wish it were more socially expected to go dutch on the first few dates.", "zh": "我希望在最初的幾次約會中,更多的社會預期是去荷蘭。" }
{ "en": "Natasha's kit sat on the shelf in that abandoned warehouse", "zh": "你們能想像一個小學二年級的女孩," }
{ "en": "It was actually retracted from the journal Lancet,", "zh": "你可以發現,它和自閉症之後的發展" }
{ "en": "But unfortunately, as a consequence of our current human conditioning,", "zh": "但不幸的是,由於我們目前人類的條件限制。" }
{ "en": "you want to make sure you're super prepared", "zh": "所以當你到這部份的時候," }
{ "en": "And they're a different color because they're a different composition.", "zh": "在這裡,我們發現了一系列地裂。" }
{ "en": "Oh, this looks like a fast food restaurant.", "zh": "噢,這看起來蠻像速食店的東西。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand hypotension or low blood pressure can be a serious and life-threatening problem if not treated.", "zh": "如果你有高血壓,問問你的醫生你是否需要限制或停止飲用含咖啡因的飲料。" }
{ "en": "No one had bought anything from her the whole day, nor had anyone given her even a penny.", "zh": "整整一天,沒有人向她買過任何東西,也沒有人給她哪怕一分錢。" }
{ "en": "That needs to be pushed, you know.", "zh": "這需要推動,你知道的。" }
{ "en": "to give ourselves some extra thinking time", "zh": "給自己多一些思考的時間" }
{ "en": "So in this one instance, I'm gonna stop being lazy, and actually use this product, and wear sunscreen, but every other example in this video, no.", "zh": "多虧這個東西,我相信我會勤勞一點,會真的好好用它,還會擦防曬,但要做影片講的其他事的話,還是算了。" }
{ "en": "Thanks to government-sponsored domestic travel subsidies, many people have quenched their thirst for traveling abroad in Taiwan's offshore islands. Against this backdrop, Environmental activist Wu Wei-yi (Da Hai Lu Ren Wu Wei Yi ), a Taiwanese YouTuber, recently filmed a video to introduce Penghu's \"best-kept secret,\" focusing on a tiny island called \"Jiangjyun Island.\" In addition to the breathtaking coral reef under the ocean, Jiangjyun Island is renowned for its unique Fujian-style architecture.", "zh": "安心旅遊補助專案上路後,不少人選擇離島作為旅遊地點,以偽出國的旅遊模式,一解防疫期間無法出國的鬱悶心情。YouTube頻道大海旅人吳威毅,日前來到澎湖旅遊,登上位於望安鄉旁的將軍島,除了一潛海底觀賞豐富的珊瑚生態外,更到島上參觀當地的閩南式建築。" }
{ "en": "For instance, Caramel Macchiato is served with coffee cubes in South Korea.", "zh": "例如,在韓國,焦糖瑪奇朵是和咖啡塊一起食用的。" }
{ "en": "Ron Johnson came from Apple and tried to give the brand a fresh look in 2012, including ending the stores famous coupons.", "zh": "該百貨公司是1994年引進電商,算是數一數二早開始的,但仍然在數位世代吃盡苦頭。" }
{ "en": "As a bioethicist, a lawyer, a philosopher", "zh": "我是生物倫理學家、律師、" }
{ "en": "And I'm also trying to create a means", "zh": "這其中也包括了環境因素。" }
{ "en": "It's going to understand your motivations and maybe help you resist them,", "zh": "如果你是一個邊境護照官員,你可能會收取賄賂," }
{ "en": "This is like a little kid when their parents give them wine and they're like, \"Oh, I know this is supposed to taste good, but it doesn't.\"", "zh": "讓我想起孩子們,當大人給他們葡萄酒,他們會心想,噢我知道這嚐起來一定很棒!事實卻不是這樣。" }
{ "en": "When we stack up evidence, we can see which tower grows tallest, and in the case of telekinesis, it's not the tower showing that it exists.", "zh": "當我們不斷堆疊證據時,可知道哪一疊堆得最高,而關於念力的例子是,根本沒有證據可以堆起來。" }
{ "en": "and she had just spent the last nine months", "zh": "她在尋找一個財經或會計領域的職位," }
{ "en": "it was one in the past. You're back again. Maybe it's your first video that you've seen", "zh": "過去的某人,現在你又回來了,或許是你第一次從這部影片" }
{ "en": "in a bride who'd been left at the alter.", "zh": "但最後我們發現這種全新的人類疾病," }
{ "en": "(Link) Put a little... whup! Whup! Here you go.", "zh": "(Link)拿一小塊哦!哦!這給你。" }
{ "en": "That was the fourth question, you got it, no dude.", "zh": "那是第四個問題,你懂的,不老兄。" }
{ "en": "It's an exciting time to be alive.", "zh": "這是個令生者振奮的時刻。" }
{ "en": "A man keeps his royalstatus for life.", "zh": "她自己的18名成員中皇室。" }
{ "en": "-- so actually 20 years ago now --", "zh": "事實上,大約20年前就開始了。" }
{ "en": "preparing yourself for everything that college is going to", "zh": "準備自己的一切,大學是怎麼回事" }
{ "en": "Not really that excited. It's just too much hype about nothing really.", "zh": "其實並沒有那麼令人興奮,根本只是太多炒作了。" }
{ "en": "I don't really find any of the words of Japanese,", "zh": "我真的沒有發現日本人的任何詞彙。" }
{ "en": "She told me about a recent meeting", "zh": "一個蠻橫、有時又難搞的客戶," }
{ "en": "You are the worldwide number one trending topic on Twitter.\"", "zh": "而他再推給他一萬五千名的追隨者" }
{ "en": "And when service members create these masks,", "zh": "當這些軍人做這些面具時," }
{ "en": "Credit card transactions in Taiwan in April fall by most since 2009", "zh": "疫情衝擊消費國人4月刷卡額創11年最大減幅" }
{ "en": "There was very little 3G service in the restaurant.", "zh": "餐廳裡只有微弱的3G網路服務。" }
{ "en": "you can click on the topic that isrelevant and interesting to you because", "zh": "你可以點擊主題是與您相關的和有趣的,因為" }
{ "en": "you think of a void, an absence of feelings,", "zh": "你會想到一種空虛,沒有任何感覺," }
{ "en": "People wanted to put us in a group: the smarter twin, the naughty twin, the good twin, the bad twin.", "zh": "人們總想把我們分類:較聰明的一個、較頑皮的一個、較乖巧的一個、較壞的一個。" }
{ "en": "technological evolution -- roads, the wheel, writing,", "zh": "你可以一直回溯到石器時代," }
{ "en": "And this is my Tracfone that I got for 13 USD at Best Buy and it calls and texts and that's pretty much it.", "zh": "這是我用13美元在百思買買的Tracfone,它可以打電話跟傳簡訊,差不多就這樣。" }
{ "en": "You say to yourself, \"God, I'm spending so much time typing out this tedious stuff all day long.\"", "zh": "你告訴自己:天啊,我一整天都花太多時間在打這個單調乏味的東西。" }
{ "en": "Then, you can find a water fountain located after the security check and fill your bottle there.", "zh": "也有些在加拿大或美國的機場會讓你帶一瓶空瓶或裝滿冰塊的瓶子。" }