{ "en": "developed over the course of the film was really interesting to me.", "zh": "在電影的過程中發展起來的,對我來說真的很有趣。" }
{ "en": "Oh, these dresses, the ones you bought Annie and me.", "zh": "哦,這些衣服,你給安妮和我買的那些。" }
{ "en": "He was travelling in China and he met someonehe hadn't seen for a while and they greeted", "zh": "他在中國旅行時,遇到了一個人他有一段時間沒見了,他們打招呼了" }
{ "en": "Well, right now in the United States,", "zh": "在美國,每年因空污死亡的人數" }
{ "en": "Because Jim realized that these kids, my future farmers,", "zh": "真的擁有他需要的技能,幫他營造紐約人" }
{ "en": "out in the midst of a huge project, we lose businesses, we lose jobs, and, unfortunately,", "zh": "網路竟然就斷了,或是失去數筆交易、失去工作,甚至更不幸的" }
{ "en": "In 2005, our prime minister was assassinated,", "zh": "馬拉松種下的的種子發芽了。" }
{ "en": "So these [poorest] two billion will, in the next decades,", "zh": "所以,在接下來的二十年中,這二十億人" }
{ "en": "And for me, every day is #dancingday.", "zh": "而對我來說,每天都是跳舞日。" }
{ "en": "Alright, but when someone else is paying, I say, \"Jane, get up here with me.\"", "zh": "但如果有人要出錢,我就會說:Jane,跟我來頭等艙吧!" }
{ "en": "How high seas rise and how soon has a lot to do with what happens here.", "zh": "海面上升的高度跟速度與這裡發生的一切有很大關聯。" }
{ "en": "Joy: oh, come on. It barely touched the ground.", "zh": "樂樂:喔,拜託,它幾乎沒碰到地板" }
{ "en": "And I know they look like they get up to no good", "zh": "或者我可以一個人去,只有我,你,靠我們自己。" }
{ "en": "a gas which seeps up from the ground.", "zh": "因此,我們要是生活在輻射世界裡" }
{ "en": "I think it's a good way to put it too, because commencement also means \"beginning\",", "zh": "我想這樣做也是一個很好的方式,因為畢業典禮其實代表了開始" }
{ "en": "According to foreign media reports,since part of thestoryline takes place in Aichiandthe station name of the Nagoya Railway (Meitetsu)Inuyama Line is only one letter short of \"CONAN,\" so officials in Aichi have decided to temporarily rename the station from April 16 to June 30.", "zh": "據外媒報島,由於電影中部分劇情設在愛知縣,加上名古屋鐵道犬山線得站名羅馬拼音只與CONAN差一個字母,因此當地決定將站名暫時改為柯南站,從4月16日至6月30日止。" }
{ "en": "we think, \"Hey, there might be an image to be made here,", "zh": "我們都還會想到:嗨,我們該為這裡拍張照片," }
{ "en": "prisoners don't need to be tough anymore,", "zh": "但是,因為當他們來找我們時," }
{ "en": "World records are not built in a day.", "zh": "世界紀錄的成就並非一蹴可躋的。" }
{ "en": "In fact, when we're in school or college, many of us seek out a community of people just like us so that we can brand ourselves.", "zh": "事實上,在中學或大學裡,很多人都會刻意去找一群和自己相似的人,以建立出個人形象。" }
{ "en": "They store ingredients for their poison in two separate chambers.", "zh": "牠們將毒藥的成分儲存在兩個獨立的腔室" }
{ "en": "So the ball leaves a little thermal shadow,", "zh": "所以球有一些擋熱的效果," }
{ "en": "So yeah, if you're looking for a place to stay in Istanbul, this is the place to stay, at Henna Hotel Istanbul.", "zh": "所以結論是,如果你在找伊斯坦堡的飯店,伊斯坦堡荷娜飯店絕對是不二選擇。" }
{ "en": "These flashes back can come out of nowhere, or be brought on by a trigger.", "zh": "雖然他們不見得是在視覺上再看到一遍,但他們又從頭感受一遍," }
{ "en": "is that once you understandthe design of flags,", "zh": "是因為一旦你理解了旗幟的設計" }
{ "en": "That's why urinating on the affected area, a common folk remedy,", "zh": "這也是為什麼尿尿在被螫的地方,這種民俗療法" }
{ "en": "But in fact, there's a big [amount of] life. There's a [sic] wildlife even.", "zh": "如果你看看沙漠,你可能會覺得它很空曠,且沒有生氣。" }
{ "en": "- Ugh. That'll be rough. - That'll be terrible, terrible.", "zh": "-哦!那會很難熬-到時一定場面很難看!" }
{ "en": "It really is, and a few simple things can help.", "zh": "這真的是,且幾件簡單的事就可以幫忙。" }
{ "en": "Number 10 Enkoji: This small lesser known Zen temple located in the northeast of Kyoto boasts impressive fall colors throughout its beautiful garden.", "zh": "第10名恩光寺。位於京都東北部的小規模禪寺,在美麗的庭院中,秋天的色彩令人印象深刻。" }
{ "en": "You can watch linear TV, you can do video games, you can do YouTube, or you can watch Netflix.", "zh": "當你想要放鬆時,要怎麼用時間?你可以看線性電視、玩電玩、看YouTube," }
{ "en": "You can see that the arm is discolored,", "zh": "大概是發生意外扭傷三個月後," }
{ "en": "Bring me that shoe she just lost.", "zh": "把她剛丟的那隻鞋給我。" }
{ "en": "before your father was born before your father's father was born but that still", "zh": "在你父親出生之前,你父親的父親出生,但這仍然。" }
{ "en": "What are my clients' needs and how do I meet them?", "zh": "我的客戶;需求是什麼,我如何滿足他們?" }
{ "en": "Whilst letting you have the time of your life sounds like a win-win in our books.", "zh": "而同時你也會感受到前所未有的放鬆,聽起來像是個兩全其美的方案。" }
{ "en": "You figured all out, you figured all out.", "zh": "你終於全部搞懂了,我以你為榮!" }
{ "en": "I'm sure the nation will join me in assuring you that what you do is appreciated and every hour of your hard work brings us closer to a return to more normal times.", "zh": "我確信全體國民會與我站在同一陣線向你們保證,我們十分感激你們所做的一切,由於你們每分每秒辛苦地工作,才能帶領我們步上正軌、恢復日常。" }
{ "en": "but economists, at least among themselves, refer to the lottery", "zh": "但經濟學家們,至少在他們之間,把彩票稱為" }
{ "en": "was about to be replaced by about 6,000 dollars of streaming income.", "zh": "很快就會被6000的串流收入給取代。" }
{ "en": "It's been estimated that 4-14% of the population can't stand the taste of cilantro.", "zh": "據估計,有百分之4到14的人無法忍受香菜的味道。" }
{ "en": "I want to tell you exactly what she's going through, but you know my movie, The Hangover?", "zh": "我想告訴你們她到底怎麼了,你們都知道我的電影《醉後大丈夫》吧?" }
{ "en": "No, it would be unusual, but you may notice, you know, as you get a little bit older, it may continue to thin slightly.", "zh": "不會的,如果會的話就太稀奇了,但是你可能會發現,隨著年齡的增加,頭髮可能會越來越稀疏。" }
{ "en": "I'm pleased to say, the prince did take the tip", "zh": "你會看到這個樂團表現一種慍怒的反抗" }
{ "en": "the other ear hears the other. That's true binaural sound.", "zh": "我可以讓你一隻耳朵聽見一個喇叭的聲音," }
{ "en": "And we're just pulling the wall off the gallery.", "zh": "第三層,每一層都有一個意義。" }
{ "en": "(Sheldon) You betrayed me, Wil Wheaton. Now, I have my revenge.", "zh": "你背叛了我威爾沃頓現在是我復仇的時刻" }
{ "en": "Whether it's sports, whether it's in other fields, you have to realize that there's always work to do.", "zh": "無論你的目標是不是運動相關或是其他專業領域,你都必須付出一定的努力。" }
{ "en": "The only downside of her Cannes may have been when she collapsed at the Chopard Trophee dinner on Monday. She later posted on Instagram a thumbs-up photo and said she had fainted because her Prada gown was too tight.", "zh": "芬妮在坎城影展唯一美中不足之處,可能是周一她在蕭邦晚宴上昏倒。她後來在IG上張貼了一張豎起大拇指的照片,並說她突然暈倒,因為她的Prada禮服太緊了。" }
{ "en": "with the United States, because the two nations disagree", "zh": "那些空襲並不是與美國聯手配合好的" }
{ "en": "and he created a recycling project in the slum.", "zh": "離開那個已使用了兩年的空間。" }
{ "en": "all the unbound AB1 enzymes picked up in Zone 1 should end up here and activate more dye.", "zh": "所有在第一區落單的抗體都會到這裡來,並且啟動觸發更多染色程序。" }
{ "en": "I mean, people are pouring in more and more.", "zh": "我的意思是,訂閱人有愈來愈多的趨勢。" }
{ "en": "when we're not in the doctor's office", "zh": "和所謂的健康的社會決定因素," }
{ "en": "where he and his companions are squeezed flat", "zh": "是的,這聽起來也很糟但是再撐一下" }
{ "en": "one-eyed -- two-eyed instead of one-eyed -- monkeys?", "zh": "因此,是不是我們都成為了" }
{ "en": "of what this present moment looks like,", "zh": "的這個當下是什麼樣子。" }
{ "en": "Missions are things we tend to associate with astronauts.", "zh": "我們通常會將使命跟太空人連結在一起," }
{ "en": "And I refuse to believe that there isn't a way around every barrier.", "zh": "在古柯鹼流行的時候,我們對待黑人的方式很糟糕。" }
{ "en": "The person we call interesting is in essence someone alive to what we all deeply want from social intercourse, which is an uncensored glimpse of what the brief waking dream called life looks like through the eyes of another person, and reassurance we are not entirely alone with all that feels most bewildering, peculiar and intense within us.", "zh": "我們稱做有趣的人本質是那樣地生氣勃勃,是在社交場合上我們都想要遇到的人,他毫無保留地讓我們在如夢寐一般短暫的時光裡透過他一窺人生,好讓我們感到心安,因為並不是只有我們的內心會上演著不知所措、詭譎奇特和異常強烈的小劇場。" }
{ "en": "When they're in season, buy a whole ton, pit them and then freeze them so you can use them all year long.", "zh": "當這些水果盛產時,買個一頓回家,去籽之後冷凍起來,這樣你一整年都可以做這些奶昔。" }
{ "en": "They do not read every single resume.", "zh": "他們不會閱讀每一份履歷。" }
{ "en": "then you need to go through multiple middlemen.", "zh": "如果你想要到網路上的某個地方," }
{ "en": "And I'd have to ignore it to read the lovely text she sent me.", "zh": "我會皺眉蹙額,心想:喔,都是大寫字,太過頭了。" }
{ "en": "This government lab in Singapore has produced test kits for the country's public hospitals.", "zh": "這些檢測試劑究竟是如何運作的,又為何問題那麼多?" }
{ "en": "The vigil is the week's cornerstone event, with silent mourners filing slowly past his resting place and the graves of his parents and grandmother in the Meditation Garden at his former home, Graceland. The vigil started Thursday night and runs throughout the night into Friday.", "zh": "燭火守夜活動是貓王周最重要的紀念活動。追悼者安靜緩慢地行經貓王與其家人的長眠之地沉思園(MeditationGarden)。燭火守夜於周四晚上開始,並將一直持續到周五。" }
{ "en": "I looked at that boycott and I said, we're getting something wrong here.", "zh": "發動者是憤怒的人,他們覺得我們不尊重他。" }
{ "en": "Let's start with the drinks. I feel like some sparkling fairy juice. Magic basket, oh, so old, let's have fairy juice, sparkling and cold.", "zh": "先從飲料開始吧。我想來點起泡的仙女汁。魔法籃,哦,這麼老了,來點仙女汁吧,起泡的,冰的。" }
{ "en": "You may be speaking... using the phone... somebody just snatch your phone...", "zh": "你可能在用你的手機說話,有人就搶走你的手機。" }
{ "en": "in front of the victim at the right-hand side,", "zh": "在你的山芙蓉上,在你的馬纓丹上," }
{ "en": "but even in real life, in order for eye scanners to work,", "zh": "在一些電影中,像霹靂嬌娃中可以看到眼睛辨識器" }
{ "en": "He said, \"I'll supply you whatever you want.\"", "zh": "他說:我會提供你所有你要的草莓。" }
{ "en": "he interacts with them like a kid.", "zh": "那種互動是無法假造的," }
{ "en": "How my poor heart aches with every step you take.", "zh": "每當你往前走,我被傷透的心就要再痛一次。" }
{ "en": "Added to his natural ability was a fascination with Egypt and the encouragement of his brother,", "zh": "除了他的天賦之外,還有對埃及的迷戀以及哥哥的鼓勵," }
{ "en": "and India's average age is going to be 29.", "zh": "還有印度,平均年齡將會是29" }
{ "en": "The way that we see emotions in others are deeply rooted in predictions.", "zh": "我們怎麼去看待別人的情緒,也是深根在預測上的。" }
{ "en": "Prometheus was to be chained to a cliff for eternity.", "zh": "大發雷霆的宙斯下達了一個殘忍的懲罰。" }
{ "en": "Her nostrils flare and she seems to be copying some of your mannerisms.", "zh": "她張大鼻孔,看起來似乎在模仿你的一些習慣。" }
{ "en": "\"I've got one word for you: plastic.\"", "zh": "他們說我的一個朋友說:" }
{ "en": "And so I went off after thatand joined the Australian Foreign Service,", "zh": "在U型桌頂部是非常顯赫的高官領導人," }
{ "en": "Aside from its music festivals, the Gongliao district harbors a rich cultural scene that can be experienced through its rising creative industries.With its transportation becoming more convenient, Gong Liao Old Street (Gong Liao Lao Jie ) has seen more people visiting the area on weekends, taking walks and browsing the unique shops along the streets where a new sense of vitality can be experienced with every step.", "zh": "新北貢寮不只有印象中音樂祭時的搖滾吶喊,更有深厚的文化底蘊和藝術氛圍,近年文創產業更是蓬勃發展。隨著交通便利,越來越多人在假日走進幽靜的貢寮老街,不少好店靜靜地佇立在這裡,在不疾不徐的步伐中感受在地新活力。" }
{ "en": "In fact, let's look at a model of a virus spread through the air, like the Spanish Flu back in 1918.", "zh": "事實上,讓我們來看一下經空氣傳播的病毒傳染模式,就像1918年發生的西班牙型流感。" }
{ "en": "So let's take a look at some ways that youcan describe having a bad day.", "zh": "是以,讓我們來看看你的一些方法。可以形容有一個糟糕的一天。" }
{ "en": "Dewi Sukarno, the widow of the late Indonesian President, was recently featured in a sequel of the popular Japanese drama, \"The Confidence Man JP: Princess,\" to the delight of many fans.Dewi Sukarno, 80, was able to wow fans with her youthful looks. Behind her ageless beauty, however, is a life full of ups and downs, just like the film she starred in.", "zh": "人氣日劇電影版續集《信用欺詐師JP:公主篇》最近上映,眼尖的網友發現已故前印尼總統的遺孀DewiSukarno也出現在戲中,年屆八旬的她保養甚好,看起來仍十分年輕,掀起討論。戲如人生,DewiSukarn的ㄧ生也同樣跌宕起伏,十分精彩。" }
{ "en": "The bad version can appear to destroy the good one, though, of course, in fact these are really just different and connected aspects of one complex person.", "zh": "壞的形象似乎是來摧毀好的形象的,雖然,無庸置疑地,這些其實是同一個人複雜且相連的不同面向。" }
{ "en": "We can also use do with general activities.", "zh": "這首音樂真的讓我很想唱歌" }
{ "en": "So the first difference, of course --", "zh": "其實有兩個關鍵的區別。" }
{ "en": "I was on a plane to Russia, and the engine exploded.", "zh": "我之前在一架往俄羅斯的飛機上,然後引擎爆炸。" }
{ "en": "probably a creepy example of augmented reality.", "zh": "這是一個擴增實境的例子" }
{ "en": "or extra help about IELTS or about english", "zh": "或關於雅思或英語的額外幫助。" }
{ "en": "At times, HAL's responses are so real that people respond to him like he's a human.", "zh": "有些時候,霍爾的反應實在太過真實,人們還會將他當做真人對待。" }
{ "en": "But this is what real DNA looks like,", "zh": "但真正的DNA看起來是這樣的," }
{ "en": "in line with those with of previous presidents on immigration.", "zh": "奧巴馬政府辯稱,這是一個法律行動。" }
{ "en": "Write and tell us in the comments if you do.", "zh": "如果有的話,請在評論中告訴我們。" }
{ "en": "Caring for someone should be a choice", "zh": "照護某人應該是一種選擇," }
{ "en": "probably super nervous. If you were like me you were off-balance and you", "zh": "可能超級緊張。如果你像我一樣,你失去了平衡,你。" }
{ "en": "All of a sudden, a wing hit my head.", "zh": "突然之間,有翅膀打到我的頭。" }
{ "en": "Of course, someone like Nozick would ask, where would such a right come from?", "zh": "當然,諾齊克這樣的人會問,這樣的權利從何而來?" }
{ "en": "You can see the hazy stuff in the background.", "zh": "你們可以看到背景有模糊的東西。" }