{ "en": "I'm trying to give you that opportunity.", "zh": "我在嘗試做的就是這個。" }
{ "en": "and that Thomas had given the ultimate sacrifice,", "zh": "就是她無法想像我們的感受" }
{ "en": "See, I embrace the feeling of a frosty morning chill fading in the afternoon sun!", "zh": "你看,我擁抱著晨霜的寒意在午後的陽光下漸漸消失的感覺" }
{ "en": "is twice the size of theInternational Space Station.", "zh": "及其最大型號,奧林巴斯。" }
{ "en": "Copyediting at The New Yorker is a mechanical process.", "zh": "你知道你正在閱讀《紐約客》。" }
{ "en": "MH: Oh, what a relief! That's wonderful.", "zh": "MH:噢,鬆了一口氣!真好。" }
{ "en": "and some of them didn't do much for me,", "zh": "於是我想看看他們到底是寫些什麼。" }
{ "en": "In cyber, we call this finding a needle in a stack of needles,", "zh": "在網路中,我們稱這是在一堆針裡找出一支針," }
{ "en": "When you eat too much protein or carbs, your body converts it and stores it as fat.", "zh": "當你攝取太多蛋白質或碳水化合物時,你的身體會把它轉換成脂肪儲存起來" }
{ "en": "and then needing a credit from the bank for the rest of the time.", "zh": "這就像是在一個月的18號就把你所有的錢花光了," }
{ "en": "Instead, people often die from inactivity or disease that comes with aging.", "zh": "你可能聽過很多次了,但你不會真的因為太老而死掉。" }
{ "en": "All done only after a few weeks of knowing them.", "zh": "而這些行為都是在你認識他沒多久就產生的。" }
{ "en": "Researchers have found that surfing the urge is an effective way to master our internal triggers.", "zh": "研究人員發駕馭衝動能有效地幫助你掌管使你分心的內在因素。" }
{ "en": "Baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight", "zh": "寶貝,妳知道,我今晚想一起離開" }
{ "en": "You might choose a memory of somewhere you've been, or a place you've imagined.", "zh": "你可能會選擇你記憶中去過的、或是你曾想像過的地方。" }
{ "en": "In other words, you've missed out on something.", "zh": "一個特定的群體裡大家都該知道的事" }
{ "en": "But you know perfectly well that all sorts of distraction fantasies are going to enter the theater of your imagination, non-stop, and annoyingly, and there isn't really a lot you can do about that except, maybe, wait it out.", "zh": "但你同時也知道,這時候會有突然出現各種分心的理由讓你無止盡地進入想像的故事情節中,而且煩人的是,對此你也不能做什麼,你唯一能做的就是等待它們過去。" }
{ "en": "And what you'll notice, is that people are so unaccustomed", "zh": "而你會發現,人們是如此的不習慣。" }
{ "en": "a prism that would allow us to see Emma's dilemma,", "zh": "一個可以讓我們看到艾瑪的困境的視角," }
{ "en": "with regard to how we value them,", "zh": "尤其在於我們如何價量時。" }
{ "en": "to do something like guess how many jellybeans are in a jar.", "zh": "有一個很簡單的例子可以說明,如果你請一群人" }
{ "en": "This quandary led to the title of the project,", "zh": "然而,這些人還是被視為已死亡。" }
{ "en": "Are you here to tell me what's going to happen?", "zh": "我是Julie,從四個月後的未來來的。" }
{ "en": "and listen to the needs and demands of the populations that host", "zh": "並聽取難民收容國的全體人民的需求和要求" }
{ "en": "Of course there's purpose to life, be reasonable about this.", "zh": "生命當然有目的,要清楚了解這個。" }
{ "en": "Number 15: Some mammals like giraffes and Asiatic elephants typically sleep less than 2 hours per night.", "zh": "15有些哺乳動物,像是長頸鹿和亞洲象每晚的睡眠時間少於2小時" }
{ "en": "Fahrenheit 451 opens in a blissful blaze, and before long, we learn what' s going up in flames.", "zh": "華氏451在極樂的火焰中展開,而不久後,我們將學到火焰中發生了甚麼事。" }
{ "en": "So play is practical, and it's very important.", "zh": "玩耍是很實際的,也很重要。" }
{ "en": "In the United States, possibly 80 percent", "zh": "在美國,每年約有80的抗生素" }
{ "en": "But wifi waves are fairly short. They're only 12 cm long, the conventional kind.", "zh": "但是WIFI的波長較短,一般型的只有12CM長。" }
{ "en": "that the hurdy-gurdy appeared about a thousand years ago", "zh": "手搖風琴大約是一千年前的樂器," }
{ "en": "that women will be able to smile when they want to.", "zh": "女人就能在她們想要微笑的時候微笑了。" }
{ "en": "We're catching, defense is running at us, we're not shooting, we're just catching, going straight to that one dribble elbow shot.", "zh": "接球,防守方正朝著我們來,先不要投,就是傳球,然後運球切入肘區射籃。" }
{ "en": "but about all sad things. It happens quite often in February.\"", "zh": "而是因為所有的那些哀傷的事,常常發生在二月。" }
{ "en": "I'm Pam Aus, and I run Bingo here at the senior center every other Sunday.", "zh": "我是PamAus,每隔一個週日我都在這個長青活動中心辦賓果。" }
{ "en": "and, sometimes, that's just where they're kind of chilling", "zh": "但我也相信,大部分的中間人物" }
{ "en": "In fact, before 2010, there was only one single confirmed photo of him in existence.", "zh": "事實上,在2010年前,只有一張照片可以證明他真的存在。" }
{ "en": "One thing I've always wanted to do is swim with dolphins.", "zh": "我一直想要做的一件事就是與海豚一起游泳。" }
{ "en": "This quality exhibited itself not only on the pages of the screenplay, but on set, as Arthur's characterization morphed and evolved throughout \"Joker's\" shoot.", "zh": "這個特質不只在螢光幕前展現,在片場時,亞瑟的角色形象也在小丑的拍攝過程中變形且進化。" }
{ "en": "and have a holiday. You might even say I really need to get away. Meaning I really", "zh": "並有一個假期。你甚至可以說我真的需要離開。意思是我真的" }
{ "en": "is that these coercive policies weren't even needed.", "zh": "是這些高壓政策其實是不必要的。" }
{ "en": "And now they're doing better than ever because that is what people want, which is why it is my time to break free.", "zh": "但他們現在好的不得了,因為那些就是大家想看的,因此是時候輪到我突破了。" }
{ "en": "So I went from being the start of Intermediate, to going straight to Advanced", "zh": "於是,我從中級的開始,直接進入了高級的階段" }
{ "en": "- Yeah, it was great, and you had great chemistry.", "zh": "是的,真的很棒,而且你們搭擋默契十足" }
{ "en": "even if those topics pushed us way outside of our friendship comfort zone.", "zh": "我們決定,我們不希望有任何主題是禁止討論的," }
{ "en": "because whenever I look at the ocean now,", "zh": "現在,不論何時看著這片海洋," }
{ "en": "TAIPEI (The China Post) - 'Mechanical Souls', a VR production made by Taiwan and French creatives and co-acted by Janet Hsieh, and actor George Young, was just screened at SXSW Film Festival, an annual festival featuring films, interactive media, and music that unfolds in Austin, Texas.", "zh": "由旅遊生活頻道主持人Janet謝怡芬,與演員George吳宇衛夫妻檔,合演的台法合製VR作品《囍宴機器人》,剛在一年一度的SXSW美國南方電影節中入選播出。" }
{ "en": "And this simplicity may be key to its journey across continents and cultures", "zh": "這樣的簡化可能是木箱鼓跨越國家與文化的關鍵" }
{ "en": "Every few minutes I see a man wearing a suit, holding a briefcase.", "zh": "現在是東京週四凌晨3點,我現在人就站在銀座" }
{ "en": "And I thought, my God, he heard love from the bench?", "zh": "我心想,我的天,他從法官席聽到愛?" }
{ "en": "The centurions march beside the legionaries belting out orders,", "zh": "隊長會走在隊伍的旁邊大聲命令" }
{ "en": "Milan, you name it. Number 6 we use a capital letter", "zh": "米蘭,你說吧。6號我們用的是大寫字母" }
{ "en": "And yet, in Washington, we are debating", "zh": "但是在華府,我們還在爭論" }
{ "en": "And they said, \"Well, it's great for market research.\"", "zh": "他們說:嗯,那對市場研究很有幫助。" }
{ "en": "Being active is great for our positive mood.", "zh": "走出去,散步去,打開收音機跳舞去" }
{ "en": "This is the microbiome you've probably heard about.", "zh": "這就是你可能聽過的微生物群系。" }
{ "en": "because there are real medical and societal implications.", "zh": "在睡眠期間我們的記憶得以轉存," }
{ "en": "\"That was the command on the computer that deleted the film.\"", "zh": "那串代碼就是當時電腦刪除檔案的指令。" }
{ "en": "Kids are just sending us these text messages", "zh": "年青人會發這些短訊給我們" }
{ "en": "Oh, there's a mistake, here. That's not how you spell \"accident\". So, an accident story, then.", "zh": "哦,少寫一個c,accident才對。所以一個意外的故事。" }
{ "en": "aspiring for political change in the country.", "zh": "開始看見越來越多的埃及人" }
{ "en": "a chess international master and the subject of the movie \"Searching for Bobby Fischer\".", "zh": "他是國際西洋棋大師,也是電影《天生小棋王》的主人翁" }
{ "en": "It's cold and snowy. How are you all.", "zh": "這又冷又雪。你們都好嗎。" }
{ "en": "And listen out for the word she uses to mean close friends and supporters.", "zh": "接下來是派翠克・法拉博士,克萊爾學院劍橋校區的資深助教。" }
{ "en": "You hear about the IQ's of famous people,", "zh": "你一定聽過某些名人的IQ分數" }
{ "en": "I don't have time to go into, but the one that I wanted", "zh": "我沒有時間給大家一一提到,但是,我想指出的是," }
{ "en": "On the second floor, we got chicken upstairs.", "zh": "在二樓,我們在樓上買了雞。" }
{ "en": "And then I got some really dangerous stuff:", "zh": "然後我拿到了一些很危險的東西:" }
{ "en": "Scythians' ancestors were the first to ride horses", "zh": "斯基泰人的祖先是最早開始騎馬的人" }
{ "en": "phrases that you learn from movies, so be sure to check out the description where", "zh": "從電影中學習到的短語,所以一定要查看描述中的內容。" }
{ "en": "The big takeaway is that Valentine's Day isn't a breakup instigator, it's a catalyst.", "zh": "最主要的結論,情人節必並不是分手煽動者,它只是催化劑。" }
{ "en": "are showing that it's pretty habitual, that you do it frequently and you do it consistently,", "zh": "正在顯示,這是相當習慣性的,你經常做,而且你持續做。" }
{ "en": "and a few brave holdouts with well-kept homes.", "zh": "和幾間保存完好的房屋勇敢挺立著。" }
{ "en": "actually might be a feature of language,", "zh": "並不是語言的缺陷或不完美" }
{ "en": "You slept in the bush, but you kept going.", "zh": "就算睡在樹叢裡,還是得繼續走。" }
{ "en": "Unless you do your homework, you can't watch the film.", "zh": "如果你不做作業,你不能看電影。" }
{ "en": "Fish produce large numbers of tiny young,", "zh": "魚一次會產下大量的後代" }
{ "en": "So, does that mean we get just as much benefit going to the gym 5 days a week as we would joining a team and competing?", "zh": "一般來說,增加的腦內啡和持續的生理活動會增強你的注意力,也會改善你的心情和記憶力。" }
{ "en": "I've never had a rich dad, but I have many rich dads now. Clason, Kiyosaki, Hill, DeMarco, the list goes on.", "zh": "我從來沒有富爸爸,但現在我有很多富爸爸了。克拉森,清崎,希爾,德馬科,還有很多" }
{ "en": "Some of the time would be nice.", "zh": "喔,好吧!我總是無法答對" }
{ "en": "who had died long before she moved to Argentina.", "zh": "重點是要在她的兒子身邊安息," }
{ "en": "It's normal to feel sad from time to time, but if you're sad or numb most of the time even while participating in fun activities, you may be suffering from high functioning depression.", "zh": "有時候心情低落是很正常的,但如果你大部分的時間都感到沮喪或無感,即使是在做好玩的事的時候也一樣,你可能有高功能憂鬱症。" }
{ "en": "I can teach you all the things I've learned these past 20 years like...", "zh": "我可以傳授我這20年來所學到的知識給你,就像" }
{ "en": "What's the scariest thing you've ever done?", "zh": "你做過最可怕的事情是什麼?" }
{ "en": "The program then combined some of the many clips to reproduce brain activity most similar to what it had previously observed.", "zh": "之後這個程式會去結合其中的許多片段,重新產生類似先前觀察到的大腦活動。" }
{ "en": "But thanks Peggy for taking me everywhere and watching me eat lots and lots of cake.", "zh": "不過謝謝Peggy帶我去所有地方,看我吃了一堆又一堆的蛋糕。" }
{ "en": "Ordering a Couture dress and having a Couture experience and being sized and fitted in alterations.", "zh": "但我認為在真正的婚紗專家的幫忙下在婚紗店購買婚紗才是最好的。" }
{ "en": "Maybe I can have a little taste when yours gets here.", "zh": "也許等你的東西到了,我可以嘗一嘗。" }
{ "en": "That was quite an adventure you had.", "zh": "你經歷了一場相當大的冒險。" }
{ "en": "Of course in theistic religion they're punished by God or whatever.", "zh": "在佛祖的角度上他們將會在未來接收到那些教訓" }
{ "en": "And sometimes it's tricky to choose what you ought", "zh": "人生選擇百百種,有的有幫助,有的則無" }
{ "en": "Should they show a new ad and learn something about it,", "zh": "它們應該要刊登新廣告,從中得到一些資訊嗎?" }
{ "en": "The apostrophe stands in for missing letters, and lets common phrases squash into a single word.", "zh": "撇號是為了表示省略的字,讓常寫的片語縮短成一個詞彙。" }
{ "en": "Vice magazine reports that it's also common in the UK, with some respondents saying that it was a good way to save money.", "zh": "《Vice》雜誌指出,酗酒厭食症在英國也很常見,許多受訪者表示這是個省錢的好方法。" }
{ "en": "(Speaking Chinese) How many dishes? Only one dish?", "zh": "拍攝者現在正在食堂內拍攝。" }
{ "en": "The problem is, there's evidence that when we put all our recycling into one bin, we're more likely to throw trash in there along with it.", "zh": "但問題是證據顯示,當我們把不同類別的回收物丟入同一個回收桶,我們就更有可能將一般垃圾也丟進去。" }
{ "en": "and be linked to the West Bank, you can have a viable Palestinian state,", "zh": "然後這個港口可以連接西岸,你就有一個可運作的巴勒斯坦國," }
{ "en": "It's very different than just delete unless it's very clearly misinformation and the tactics are not necessarily wrong.", "zh": "我們聯繫了各大平台,他們表示正在以各種方法打擊假消息。" }
{ "en": "talk about why things have to happen.", "zh": "當你的支持者都忘了你時," }
{ "en": "often something a bit silly or crazy. Oh,", "zh": "飛飛。就像尼爾演示的那樣,它的" }