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{"metadata":{"id":"010c3857828d23d61649183180cc782c","source":"gardian_index","url":""},"pageCount":4,"title":"","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"Badakhshan","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":316,"text":"Badakshan, one ofthe mosl remote areas in Afghanistan, is located in the northeastern comer bordering Kunar, Lagham, Kapisa, and Thakar provinces, In addition, the province borders Pakistan in the southeast, China in Ihe east, and Tajikistan in the north. It is one ofthe two major areas not under the control of the Taliban. The Panj River (Amu Darya) separates its long border with Tajikistan. The province is normally linked with the rest of country a by narrow, drivable road through the province ofTakhar on the West. Currently, after Takhar tbe road intereepts the frontline with the Taliban. The provine e is thus virtually cut offfrom Ihe rest ofthe country, On tbe eastern side, the road is línked with the Gorno-Badakshan provinee ofTajikistan through a narrow bridge over the Panj River at lshkashem. Badakshan lies in the Hindu Kush mountain range with the Wakhan rising up into tbe Pamir Mountains. The Hindu Kush mountain system is characterized by young, rugged ranges witb sharp peaks and deep valleys. The eastern half of tbe provine e lies between 1,300 meters (Darwaz) to 3,000 meters (Wakhan). The westem half is at a lower elevation, wítb Keshem, the lowest point, at 960 meters. Inside the province, mosl of the districts are isolated from each other for a greater part ofthe year by heavy snowfall in the winter, landslides in spring, and floods in the surnmer, Because of tbe rugged mounlain terrain, mueh of the land area is uninhabitable. Connecting dirt roads are either very rough or do not exist. Donkeys, horses, and walking constitute tbe major means of transport. It is eornmon for villagers to walk three to four days lo the nearest market. There is virtually no effeetive government operating in Ihe provinee at the current time. The víllages and larger towns in the province have no electricity, no running water, no sanitation facilities, few medical facilities, and poor schools."},{"index":2,"size":72,"text":"Badakshan province has historically been isolated and neglected. It has always been considered a poor province; even before ¡he war, local agricultural production met only 50% of the needs. The few development inítiatives ever started were abandoned after the eornmunist takeover and the subsequent fight between the Taliban and the Northern Allianee. 1t í5 estímated that agricultural production is down by at least 40% as a resutt of the war (UNIDATA 1966)."}]},{"head":"Agriculture","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":120,"text":"The province has a highly diversified eropping system. Crop production, hortieulture, and livestock are Ihe maín sourees of income for most households. It is difficult lo obtain relíable statistics on agricultural produetion. Figures on land holdings provided by farmers during intervÍews tend 10 be grossly underestimated for fear of government taxalion and lo qualíf'y for humanitarian assistance. The majority ofhouseholds own less than one hectare, and further fragmentation ofland holdings occurs because of Ihe traditional inheritance laws. Srnaller farmers usually sharecrop Ihe land owned by farmers with relatively larger holdings (more !han two hectares). Many distrÍcts do not produce enough food, for example, surveys have shown tha! food deficits in Sheghnan, Ishkashem, and Wakhan range frorn two 10 5ix months."},{"index":2,"size":128,"text":"Autumn and spring wheat i5 Ihe main grain crop. Other crops include pulses (broad beans, vetches, field peas, grass peas) ofien grown as a companion crop with spring barley. Finger millet and chickpeas are also planted in spring. Srnall quantities of oil-seed crops such as sesarne and flax are oeeasionally grown for oil, bu! the wild mustard that giows as a weed in the wheat fields is harvesled by women and clúldren for oi! and cooking. Maize i5 grown at lower elevations (below 1600 m) from Darwaz through Shekay as a second crop after wheat. Colton is also grown in small quantities in sorne villages from Darwaz downstrearn, where it is used for stuffing quilts and pillows, and Ihe oi! extraeted from !he seed ís used for larnps."},{"index":3,"size":122,"text":"Vegetables include spinach, oníons, beans, occasionally tornatoes, carrols, squash, and a variety of herbs. Several kinds ofpotatoes ofvarying lengths of rnaturity are grown. These vegetables provide a supplementary dietduring the hungry months of spring and early surnmer before Ihe harvest. Fruit trees, particularly mulberries, are important. Olher cornmon trees inc1ude fruit trees such as walnut, apricot, plum, sour eherry, apple, and grape, and timber trees such as poplar, willow, and walnut. Several wild plants play an important role and include wild mustard, wild rhubarb, wild orclúd tuber, black cumin, licoriee, and mushrooms, in addítion lo the wild herbs of medicinal value. Opíum poppy i8 not cultivated on a cornmercíal basis, allhough small patches rnay be planted by addicts for Iheir own use."},{"index":4,"size":69,"text":"Livestock are a main source of Ihe household eeonomy in rural areas. The sale oflivestock ís the primary means for much of the population to earn income for purchase of other food and essential items, especially wheat, during the spring monlhs when they run out of food stock. The province has huge eornmon grazing areas that support herds oflivestock belonging to Ihe local people as well as to nomads."}]},{"head":"Humanitarian assistance","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":44,"text":"The cMonic food-deficit situation in the province resulta in a cycle of poverty leading to hunger, and hunger leading to even greater poverty, which is very difficult to reverse. Because of its remoteness, very few assístance agencies are abre to work in the province."},{"index":2,"size":135,"text":"In response lO the food deficit in the region, FOCUS is implementing a relief programo The program has included the distribution of 10,000 tons of food aid to 250,000 people over the last years. Food rations were provided for every household in about half of the province. In sorne dístricta, food was provided in a food-for-work programo FOCUS ís able to carry out ¡ls activíties in Badakshan for several reasons: FOCUS is affiliated with the Aga Khan Development Network, wruch has been active in Tajikistan and Pakistan on the northem and southem borders of Badakshan. During the last three years, good working relationships bave been established with localleaders and wíth international organizations. A participatory model for rehabilitation comprising situation assessment, health, food assistance, village organization, agriculture, physical infrastructure, education, and economic initiatives is being considered."}]},{"head":"Agricultural interventions","index":4,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":81,"text":"Agricultura[ interventions by FOCUS bave been initiated this year in the districts along the Panj River (Darwaz, Sheghaan, Ishkashem, Zebak, and Wakhan). Although Zebak is not strictly along the river basin, ita farmíng systems resemble those of Ishkashem. These districts are among the most food-deficient arcas in the province. FOCUS is able to access these areas across the river from Gomo-Badakshan in Tajikistan wherc t,l¡e Aga Khan Dcvelopment Network has a comprehensive development program, of which agriculture is an important component."},{"index":2,"size":72,"text":"The populated areas ofthe Sheghnan, Ishkashem, Wakhan, and Zebak districts are at an altitude of 2200 to 3000 meters. Population densities are low. Although there is a comparativcly Iarge area of land per capita, low temperatures, short growing seasons, low rainfalI, and poor soils combine to lower productivity. Darwaz, on the other hand, is at a lower altítude (mínimum 1300 meters) and has a longer growing season with higher rainfalI and temperatures. "}]}],"figures":[{"text":"Table 1 . Characteristics of the Target Areas Ishkashem Zebak Wakhan Sheghnan Darwaz IshkashemZebakWakhanSheghnanDarwaz Number 01 villages 30 14 16 17 54 Number 01 villages3014161754 Households (farms) pervlllage 39 45 68 160 132 Households (farms) pervlllage394568160132 People per household 9.0 9.3 8.7 8.3 8.7 People per household9. Land resourc<lS: ser' per household 21 11 25 12 6 Land resourc<lS: ser' per household211125126 Number 01 animals per household 15 10 12 14 6 Number 01 animals per household151012146 Number of households surveyed 1200 635 1084 2555 2648 Number of households surveyed1200635108425552648 "}],"sieverID":"cf1d5296-80a1-4eaf-9c36-03b31482b8d6","abstract":"Security in 8adakshan, A[r¡hanistan recognized Ihat disasters, civil strife, and war pose challenges lo agricultural systems, Often, adapted crop varielies are losl and canno! be recuperaled locally. Food aid, combined with Ihe importation of often poorly adapted seed varieties, can undermíne food security and íncrease Ihe costs of donor assistance.ln such situatíons, the goal is 10 deliver seed of adapted varieties and landraces as needed to help reestablish indigenous agricultural syslems in arcas affected by disaster. In turn, Ihis can playa major role in restoring local food security,"}