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{"metadata":{"id":"008775a79118e534caa7472a5a29cd2d","source":"gardian_index","url":""},"pageCount":75,"title":"CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND SYNTHESIS FOR THE CGIAR RESEARCH PROGRAM ON LIVESTOCK (2017-2021)","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"List of figures and tables","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":140,"text":"A generalized approach to the evaluation 4 Table 3 OECD evaluation framework 6 Table 4 Design matrix for executing the evaluation questions 7 Table 5 CapDev implementation by various Flagships One-off formal training under the Livestock Genetics Flagship in 2019 One-off formal trainings under the Livestock Genetics Flagship in 2020 Academic trainings under the Feeds and Forages Flagship One-off trainings under the Feeds and Forages Flagship Participatory trials and studies under the Feeds and Forages Flagship One-off trainings under the Livestock and Environment Flagship Table 13 Knowledge exchange activities in Tunisia One-off trainings under Livestock Livelihoods and Agri-Food Systems Use statistics for some tools developed by the Livestock and Environment Flagship Table 19 Training participants in Livestock CRP target countries Value of production and sales from crops, livestock, and off farm activities Three spheres of changes engendered by project interventions"}]},{"head":"Extent of implementation of CapDev activities by Flagships","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":108,"text":"• All outputs/deliverables/milestones from the Livestock CRP annual reporting cycles were scored for the extent to which they integrated CapDev actions, i.e., not applicable (n/a), not targeted (0), significant (1), and principal (2). Between 2017 and 2020, of the deliverables that were scored as either significant or principal for CapDev, 73% were significant and 27% were principal. Overall, the flagships on Feeds and Forages (FP3) and Livestock and Environment (FP4) jointly accounted for 71% of the total CapDev deliverables over the four years. The programmatic interventions by the Livestock Livelihoods and Agri-food Systems (FP5) had the least degree of integration of CapDev actions, followed by Livestock Genetics (FP1)."},{"index":2,"size":83,"text":"• The CapDev interventions were comprised of longterm academic trainings at Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Science (MSc), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) levels; short-term trainings like one-off workshops and training visits; and other engagements with a bearing on CapDev such as knowledge exchange (i.e. focus group discussions, some of the Flagships were either not informed or only slightly informed by the priorities of the CapDev Strategy. A few Flagships, though, had activities that were reportedly completely informed by the CapDev Strategy."}]},{"head":"Implementation and adaptation of CapDev interventions","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":151,"text":"• At least in the priority countries of the Livestock CRP (i.e., Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam), CapDev activities were implemented as part of an integrated country work plan. As per the CGIAR requirements, the planning and reporting system used by the CRP does not include information on specific CapDev activities at the annual planning stage. Instead, it was based on deliverables such as proof of the completion of an activity or set of activities. The reports were, however, required to indicate if any of the deliverables involved trainees and, if so, to specify the number, gender, and types of these trainees. In the Managing Agricultural Research for Learning and Outcomes (MARLO) report, all reported Flagship activities were selfscored by project coordinators as to whether the activity which the deliverable evidences had a specific focus on CapDev. This possibly introduced a degree of subjectivity in the reported levels of CapDev actions."},{"index":2,"size":87,"text":"• CapDev was a vision in the mind of the Flagship leaders, but generally did not have specific delivery targets, at least at the annual planning stage. Moreover, the degree of Flagship engagement with the CapDev Unit team to jointly identify the CapDev elements for implementation was, in most cases, unclear. Thus, CapDev was either expected as an incidental outcome to a main activity or implemented as an unplanned sub-activity, depending on the exigencies of the Flagship, with no clear linkages to the CRP CapDev strategic priorities."},{"index":3,"size":74,"text":"• In many of the countries, project activities were bilaterally funded; but there were no clear linkages between bilateral projects and country-level intermediate indicators to allow aggregation of results. Program output indicators (e.g., number of CapDev participants) were not clearly linked to bilateral project output indicators, and this probably led to under-reporting on deliverables. However, in some cases, alignment with the country's strategic areas was one way of adapting CapDev actions to country context."}]},{"head":"Extent of achievement of CapDev outputs","index":4,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":103,"text":"• As indicated above, the planning and reporting system used by the Livestock CRP does not include information on specific CapDev activities and associated targets at the annual planning stage. This may pose a challenge for the evaluation of implementation effectiveness. However, based on perceptions of the implementing teams, the extent to which various Flagships completed implementation of the CapDev activities was different depending on the target country. This was gauged by the responses offered by the Flagship and Cluster leaders to the following question: 'To what extent were you able to implement the intended CapDev activities in each of the targeted countries?'"},{"index":2,"size":178,"text":"• On this basis, the Livestock Genetics Flagship reportedly completed 80 -100% of the CapDev activities in all the priority countries, at least by July 2021. The Livestock Health Flagship did not complete all the CapDev interventions in any of the three targeted countries of Uganda, Vietnam, or Mali. The Feeds and Forages program indicated an 80-100% completion rate in four of the nine targeted countries: Colombia, Kenya, Tunisia, and Vietnam. The Livestock and Environment Flagship targeted four countries, but only managed to complete the implementation of intended CapDev activities in two countries: Tanzania and Tunisia. The Livelihoods and Agri-Food Systems Flagship also targeted nine countries for delivery of CapDev interventions, but only three (India, Kenya, and The Gambia) registered completion of the activities. In addition, the priority countries of Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam all registered CapDev activity completion rates of below 49%. Perceptively, this means that over 51% of intended CapDev activities were pending in these countries at the time this review was conducted; but we could not ascertain whether these pending activities were later implemented."},{"index":3,"size":53,"text":"• Disruptions by the coronavirus disease -2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, delays in funding and getting ethical approval, late onset of implementation of some projects, engagement with new partners, and lack of implementation capacity (in The Gambia, for example, the lead scientist had left) were some of the reasons cited for non-completion of CapDev activities."}]},{"head":"Gains and outcomes from CapDev","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":171,"text":"• The general approach to introducing the Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST) involved an initial training of master trainers. At every project site, the technical people participating in that project were enlisted for training on the tool, i.e., how to use it to process data, interpret data, and write reports. The trainees were then allowed to go out on their own to conduct the assessments to prove that they could use the tool and produce reports and recommendations on which interventions to follow up on. The master trainers would in turn cascade the training to other partners. As a result, the tool has been used in over 22 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and promoted independently by a range of civil society, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government and private sector organizations in various countries without any support from the CRP partners. Sustainability of FEAST use is likely in various contexts, and this could be aided by integrating additional components (e.g., soil analysis) and introducing it within an innovation platform setup."},{"index":2,"size":72,"text":"• The success of the Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) tool has relied on multiple trainings of, and outreach to, research and development organization partners. The RHoMIS innovators provide trainings to partners wishing to use the tool and support simple analyses to produce results quickly. By 2018, the RHoMIS tool had been adopted by 13 different research and development organizations to guide investments and generate information on 24,000 households in 31 countries."},{"index":3,"size":175,"text":"• Community conversations are knowledge cocreation forums that have been successfully applied to guide discussions among rural farming communities in Ethiopia, focused around livestock health management, gender, and zoonotic disease risks. Capacity development has driven the success of the conversations. Training programs on the approach were organized for key partners. Internal capacity development of other team members in other projects were also organized to help them develop their own community conversation materials, demonstrate the community conversations techniques, provide the tools, and help participants to develop their own materials. There has been a continuous synthesis of experiences and refinement of technique as informed by learning from the field. Ultimately, a master training course on the community conversation approach in animal health was developed. Community conversations were piloted in the Livestock Health Flagship, but have since been taken up by the other Flagships. The facilitated conversations have been shown to have positive effects on knowledge, attitudes, and practices of participating farmers as well as behaviour change and transformation of gender relations at the household and community levels."},{"index":4,"size":14,"text":"The Ethiopian government is keen on mainstreaming community conversations in the national extension system."},{"index":5,"size":157,"text":"• The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) facilitated collective action of youth groups for market-oriented sheep production in the highland regions of Ethiopia through communities of practice (CoPs). Specifically, the youth groups were trained on entrepreneurial skill development and dynamics of group formation. The sheepfattening groups are highly motivated and doing well. Membership has grown by over 40% across three of ICARDA's intervention regions. Another outcome is with regard to how the self-propagating CoP concept around the youth groups has auspiciously evolved into platforms of cooperation among the implementing partners, an interesting case of 'reverse' capacity development. Initially, the implementing partners worked in silo mode and never related to each other in any meaningful way; but now, they go to sites together and work together with the farmers. The CoPs have since been replicated in the other highland regions of Ethiopia where ICARDA is active mainly through peer-to-peer learning, with good results."},{"index":6,"size":120,"text":"• The ICARDA-led community-based breeding program (CBBP) has become the Ethiopian government's strategy of choice for small-ruminant genetic improvement. The CBBPs were introduced through training modules and have been very successful due to their participatory model. Implementation of the CBBP focused on building capacity of partners through short-tailored trainings. ILRI and ICARDA initially trained national partners, who in turn trained other value chain actors. Moreover, a module on CBBP was integrated into the livestock genetics curriculum of three Ethiopian universities and a tailored MSc training on breeding and genetics was introduced in two universities. The CBBP was incorporated in the Ethiopian livestock master plan and is now owned and promoted by the national systems, especially in the small ruminant sector."},{"index":7,"size":138,"text":"• Capacity development was at the core of the successful adoption of joint village land use planning (JVLUP) to protect shared resources in Tanzania. Significant capacity building of partners (NGOs and government) was undertaken with strong influencing and awareness-raising activities that helped to strengthen support for replicating the approach in other areas. These included, among other things, training of staff and partners on gender and conflict management, undertaking of a civil society organization (CSO) national dialogue, learning visits to other countries, and hosting from other countries to learn about the JVLUP experiences. All of this helped to build the case for JVLUP and the issuing of group certificates of customary rights of occupancy (CCROs) to livestock keepers. So far, JVLUP includes grazing lands for local livestock keepers in four clusters of villages covering 175,000 hectares of grazing land."},{"index":8,"size":54,"text":"• Under the Livestock CRP, business linkages in the pig value chain have expanded the horizons of many entrepreneurs. Multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs)social spaces for communicative stakeholder interactions -were created to provide business and networking opportunities and agribusiness linkages to emerging SMEs run by farmers and young entrepreneurs in the pork value chain in Uganda."},{"index":9,"size":49,"text":"The pig MSPs have enhanced peer learning and strengthened linkages between value chain actors. Capacity development in specific areas, largely undertaken by third parties (i.e., value chain actors previously trained by ILRI), have greatly facilitated actor linkages and success of agribusinesses. More than 1700 value chain actors were trained."},{"index":10,"size":39,"text":"The training mainly focused on the following: profitable pig breeds and breeding, pig housing and management, feeds and feeding, closed cycle pig farming, and silage making, as well as animal health, vaccines, feeds and feeding, food safety, and marketing."},{"index":11,"size":88,"text":"• An intervention designed to improve the hygienic handling and safe consumption of milk among the Borana pastoral community in Ethiopia had impressive results in terms of changes in the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of women who produce and sell dairy products. The intervention consisted of 16 hours of training on good milk production practices and prevention of milk-borne diseases. A total of 120 women were trained and six months post training, the overall practice score increased from 49.5% at pre-training to 64.7%, a statistically significant change."}]},{"head":"Lessons and best practices","index":6,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":45,"text":"• Key informants across flagships felt that lack of capacity of national partners was a drawback to technology uptake and scaling efforts. Thus, developing the capacity of national partners to independently execute research and undertake downstream scaling efforts should be prioritized in future CapDev interventions."},{"index":2,"size":54,"text":"• The pooled funding projections in the CRP Proposals apparently did not materialize for most of the Flagships, which had to rely on ongoing bilateral agreements to fund CapDev and other activities. Some Flagships did not have suitably qualified technical personnel in some focus countries, and this was closely tied with the sector under-funding."},{"index":3,"size":53,"text":"• Lack of trust as well as exploitative power relations were apparent among some stakeholders (e.g., in the pig value chain in Uganda). Adoption of innovation platforms as social spaces for facilitated dialogue by stakeholders on key issues would help address the power disparities that were apparent in the Ugandan pig value chain."},{"index":4,"size":47,"text":"• Strong institutional partners, institutional structures, and the stage of development are key to programmatic success in target countries. The stage of development, for example, may partly determine where one stands with respect to readiness to take things up (i.e., technology uptake) and hence impact at scale."},{"index":5,"size":30,"text":"• Medium and smallholder farmers are the main adopters of technologies for feeds and forages. This is an important lesson for targeting future upscaling efforts for feed and forage technologies."},{"index":6,"size":41,"text":"• Community conversations that have registered remarkable successes at the grassroots level in small ruminant value chains could serve as a mechanism to instigate bottom-up change management to help navigate enduring system rigidities that undermine innovations in some countries like Ethiopia."},{"index":7,"size":82,"text":"• Tools developed by one flagship could easily have been deployed in another for greater efficiency. An example is the Integrated Package Tool developed by Livestock Health Flagship, which had components that could have been employed in the youth sheep-fattening enterprise in Ethiopia. However, the capacity to pick up innovations fermented in one flagship and inoculate them elsewhere within the CRP was lacking. The concept of site integration need not be only for codelivery; it should really be about co-learning and co-design."}]},{"head":"Suggestions for future CapDev Approach to CapDev","index":7,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":156,"text":"• There is need for a paradigm shift in the way the CRP views CapDev of national partners within countries. Currently, CapDev is meant to help take the practices, technologies, and tools developed by the CRP to scale in the targeted countries largely through training, knowledge exchange activities, and participatory approaches like community conversations. These CapDev approaches principally stimulate capacity enhancement at the individual and perhaps organizational levels. However, ownership and sustainability of project results ultimately hinge on the existence of systemic capacity in a country. Ability to independently execute research, agility to spur local innovations, and resilience to shocks are some attributes of a viable systemic capacity. A few key informants talked about learning-by-doing as a means to strengthening partner capacity. Such an approach may potentially engender organic structural changes to a system. However, no clear details were adduced as to how this approach was implemented in practice nor how the results thereof were tracked."},{"index":2,"size":135,"text":"• Additionally, taking the developed technologies and tools to scale entails more than knowledge of the technology or how to use a decision support tool; it is closely connected with the embeddedness of the technology or tool in the system or social structure. For example, the fact that some farmers were averse to the use of semen from cross-bred animals in some target countries is an issue of the institutional or social embeddedness of the semen technology. While the farmers were knowledgeable about the crossbreed semen technology, the Livestock Genetics Flagship needed to employ non-tangible aspects of CapDev through the African Dairy Genetic Gains program in order to navigate their resistance. An example of an effective approach would be a digital feedback system that provided evidence of genetic gains for crossbred animals directly to farmers."},{"index":3,"size":124,"text":"• By invoking systems thinking, which posits capacity as an emergent system attribute, CapDev -especially targeted at systems strengthening -should be increasingly viewed as a complex adaptive process (as opposed to a directed, linear and predictable one) to be approached by nuanced experimentation, learning, and reconfiguration rather than the exclusive implementation of predetermined activities. This demands time; yet the CRP is time-constrained to show results, especially to development partners, usually by the end of the cycle. Thus, a framework for the emergence of systemic capacity for agricultural innovations must be conceived, initiated, and steered by the national governments. External CapDev interventions such as those by the CRP will then only supply a necessary component of facilitation to an endogenously driven and ongoing wider process."}]},{"head":"Theory of change and CapDev","index":8,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":97,"text":"• The aims and purposes of CapDev are mentioned in the theories of change (TOCs) of the CRP and flagships. What was perhaps needed was a lucid domestication of the theory of change (TOC) at the flagship level, at least from a CapDev angle. Seemingly, the CapDev Strategy itself did not specify exactly how the prioritized activities contributed to the CRP or flagship TOCs. An internal conceptual disconnect is thus apparent between strategy and operationalization, which may mar implementation. This calls for strengthening the ownership of strategy and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) capacity within the CRP."}]},{"head":"Monitoring and cross-learning","index":9,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":79,"text":"• Currently, CapDev actions are only attached ex post to the main Flagship activities and rated based on perception as to whether they were 'not targeted', 'significant', or 'principal'. Specific effects and experiences from the CapDev actions were not formally tracked, save for follow-up studies that implemented partners on KAPs for some interventions. Therefore, subject to proper budgetary outlay, a pragmatic approach to MEL is called for, based on reflection on practical experience in attempting to achieve CapDev goals."}]},{"head":"Scale of focus and subsidiarity","index":10,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":54,"text":"• Uggla (2020 2 ), in a review of the CapDev activities in the Livestock Health Flagship, asserted that the 'flagship should stick more consistently to the principle of 'training the trainers (ToT)' by primarily directing information and teaching efforts to regional partners and the animal health extension workers rather than directly to farmers'. "}]},{"head":"2.","index":11,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":7,"text":"Improve livestock health and health service delivery."}]},{"head":"3.","index":12,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"Increase livestock nutrition by identifying, testing, and delivering superior feed and forage strategies and options."}]},{"head":"4.","index":13,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":30,"text":"Reduce the environmental footprint of livestock production across both rapid and fragile growth trajectories, while ensuring that livestock systems in target countries are able to adapt to global environmental changes."}]},{"head":"5.","index":14,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"Maximize livestock-mediated livelihoods and resilience to risk among smallholder and pastoral producers and their communities, while enhancing availability and access to animalsource food for rural and urban consumers."},{"index":2,"size":96,"text":"As the Livestock CRP winds up at the end of this year, 2021, it was deemed necessary to: 1) evaluate the gains from the numerous capacity development activities implemented under the CRP, and 2) use the opportunity to address the comments from previous external evaluations of the CRP as they pertain to capacity-development work. Thus, the evaluation focused on the capacity development activities implemented by the five FPs, and assessed and documented the overall nascent changes that the capacity development (CapDev) programs have influenced, how effective the changes have been, and whether the outcomes are sustainable."}]},{"head":"OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF THE EVALUATION","index":15,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Photo: ILRI/Zerihun Sewunet","index":16,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":183,"text":"The findings of the evaluation are expected to: 1) contribute to the Livestock CRP's and CGIAR's understanding of capacity development work, 2) identify lessons learned and best practices to inform future programming, 3) make recommendations on how capacity development activities can be carried out in the future, and 4) provide insights relevant to CGIAR management and researchers, donors, and other external partners. Moreover, as recommended in the Livestock CRP Review of 2020 (Uggla 2020 4 ), the evaluation sought to provide guidance on CapDev aims, how the CRP will work with other key actors such as national universities and national agricultural research systems (NARS) in achieving these aims, review the CapDev targets, and determine how the CRP will measure progress and align its efforts with national-level needs. The integrative and multi-faceted nature of capacity development precludes linear prediction of outcomes and appeals to the dual systems and complexity dynamics inherent in complex adaptive systems. Thus, viewed from a complex adaptive systems perspective, capacity can only emerge organically and endogenously (rather than being externally directed) from multiple processes that are complex, evolving, and unpredictable. "},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"Total by CapDev Element 5 5 2 5 3 3 0 2 0 4"},{"index":3,"size":6,"text":"1. Flagship program 2. Capacity development"}]},{"head":"APPROACH, DESIGN, AND METHODS","index":17,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":146,"text":"This review sought to determine and synthesize project deliveries at the sphere-of-control level and nascent changes registered at the sphere-of-influence level with identified boundary partners. The potential users of the evaluation results are understood to be: a) CGIAR management and researchers, b) donor partners, and c) other external partners. The evaluation process should foster learning among partners so that they fully appreciate the nature, role, and importance of capacity development. Equally, the results obtained therefrom should inform the design and implementation of subsequent capacity development efforts. The general evaluation approach based on the perceived evaluation objectives is shown in Table 2. Flagship-based mapping was employed in the synthesis of CapDev actions over the four years or so of CRP implementation. A mixed-method approach was adopted to review the results in each of the FPs. Complex adaptive systems perspectives were invoked to probe the sustainability of realized "}]},{"head":"CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND SYNTHESIS FOR THE CGIAR RESEARCH PROGRAM ON LIVESTOCK (2017-2021)","index":18,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":120,"text":"Photo: ILRI/Paul Karaimu techniques were employed, where applicable, to assess the processes of interactions and interrelationships as well as emergent and non-linear effects of the capacity development interventions. The data collection techniques mainly involved online surveys, online one-on-one key informant interviews, and document review. Sustainability of outcomes was judged in terms of the implied social/ institutional, economic, and environmental/natural resources dimensions. The evaluation evidence for each of the FPs was systematically aggregated and consolidated across the FPs in order to extract an overriding synthesis of achievements, challenges, and lessons for the Livestock CRP. These overriding performance trends and experiences across the FPs constituted the basis for recommendations to improve the enabling function of CapDev in the next CGIAR strategic dispensation."},{"index":2,"size":77,"text":"The study design was based on the evaluation questions proposed in the ToR: These evaluation questions can be likened to the OECD performance evaluation criteria (encompassing relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability) defined in Table 3, which will constitute the framework for the current evaluation, as shown in Table 4. To bring out the effectiveness dimension more clearly, an additional evaluation question (Q5) was proposed and agreed upon with the ILRI team, as indicated in Table 4."},{"index":3,"size":6,"text":"Table 3: OECD 1 evaluation framework"}]},{"head":"Relevance:","index":19,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"The extent to which the stated objectives and program components correctly address the identified problems and real needs of its target groups."},{"index":2,"size":44,"text":"Effectiveness: What difference the program made in practice, as measured by the extent to which the intended beneficiaries really benefitted from the products or services it made available. In the previous external evaluation of the Livestock CRP 2 , effectiveness was qualified as follows:"},{"index":3,"size":46,"text":"• The extent to which planned outputs and outcomes had been achieved by 2021determined through quantitative and qualitative assessments of the CRP's (and FP's 3 ) performance against planned milestones in relation to the level of risk assigned (annually and for the five years under review)."},{"index":4,"size":17,"text":"• The extent to which achieved outcomes contributed to broader goals and cross-cutting issues (e.g. capacity development)"},{"index":5,"size":15,"text":"• The extent to which the program's management and governance has supported the CRP's effectiveness"},{"index":6,"size":30,"text":"• The extent to which the CRP and its Flagship Programs have made progress along their Theories of Change, including an assessment of the quality of those theories of change."}]},{"head":"Efficiency:","index":20,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"The extent to which the various activities have transformed the available resources (inputs) into the intended results (outputs) in terms of quantity, quality, and timeliness (value for money)."}]},{"head":"Impact:","index":21,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":30,"text":"The longer-term positive and negative economic, social, and environmental changes produced by the supported activities, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended, as well as an understanding of the impact pathways."}]},{"head":"Sustainability:","index":22,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":46,"text":"The likelihood of continued, long-term benefits from the program interventions after donor funding has been withdrawn. • Key informant interviews (with representatives of the major stakeholders) to collect qualitative information using structured and semi-structured interviews on key evaluation questions (see Appendix 3) to complement quantitative analysis."},{"index":2,"size":25,"text":"• Online semi-structured questionnaire surveys (based on selected evaluation questions, see Appendix 3) targeting implementers and beneficiaries of capacity development interventions by the various Flagships."},{"index":3,"size":116,"text":"Key changes and lessons associated with implementation of capacity development activities in the various FPs were systematically synthesized based on the evaluation questions. Strict data safety protocols were observed in retrieving, processing, and reporting data and information from the respondents. Quantitative data derived from the interview responses were presented in tables and figures. Oral interviews were transcribed and the transcripts coded into NVivo software for qualitative analysis. The themes were selected based on their relevance to the key research questions. Structured summaries were extracted and reinforced, in some cases, by direct quotations from respondents. Systematic investigations using case studies and most-significant-change methodology were also applied to document the intended and nonintended outcomes for some selected interventions."}]},{"head":"LIMITATIONS","index":23,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Photo: ILRI/Charlie Pye-Smith"},{"index":2,"size":87,"text":"The review was intended to secure responses to online surveys and key informant interviews from a cross-section of stakeholders including implementing partners, beneficiaries, and donor agencies. In the end, we only managed to interview four Flagship leaders, country coordinators for Ethiopia, Kenya, Tunisia, and Uganda, and two beneficiaries from Tunisia. Thus, the data might seem rather biased towards the implementing partners. Fortunately, the CRP had conducted a number of outcome and impact studies on some of the CapDev interventions that helped provide information related to beneficiary perspectives."},{"index":3,"size":93,"text":"We believe that there are enormous benefits of the CRP CapDev actions to national partners in the over 19 targeted countries. However, this review was primarily virtual and relied mostly on secondary data to elucidate such benefits. Attempts at online interviews with the national partners, at least in the four priority countries, were unfruitful chiefly due to the limited planning timeframe and other logistical hurdles. Ideally, face-toface interviews with the CapDev beneficiaries in situ would be the best way to directly elucidate the gains; but this was beyond the scope of the review."},{"index":4,"size":123,"text":"To the extent possible, the evaluation intended to adopt a utilization-focused approach that encouraged maximum involvement and participation of potential users of the results. Ultimately, evaluation in itself is a component stage of a fairly cyclic capacity development process (Fig. 1). As such, apart from accountability to development partners, the evaluation process should foster learning among partners so that they fully appreciate the nature, role, and importance of capacity development. The evaluation and synthesis exercise, however, coincided with a very busy season because the CRP and the entire CGIAR had already embarked on preparations for a transition into the next program cycle. As such, the availability of the CRP partners themselves was limited and the logistics for reaching beneficiary partners were equally hampered."},{"index":5,"size":71,"text":"Lastly, the Terms of reference (ToR) also demanded a review of the CapDev targets and determining how the CRP will measure progress and align its efforts with national-level needs. However, the planning and reporting system currently in use by the Livestock CRP, as per CGIAR requirements, does not include information on specific CapDev activities (nor their targets) at the annual planning stage. This made this component of the ToR largely inexecutable."}]},{"head":"PROGRESS MONITORING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE 10 I","index":24,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Photo: ILRI/Joyce Maru"},{"index":2,"size":84,"text":"The data quality assurance process involved the following: all questionnaires and key informant interviews were jointly reviewed with the CapDev personnel of ILRI, where possible, to ensure consistency and identify potential errors. Data analysis and interpretation followed a logical flow and plan: coding, entering, and cleaning; analysing; interpreting and reflecting. Frequent online meetings were held with the concerned ILRI CapDev staff to review progress, address any emerging challenges, and-where necessary-readjust the delivery dates. • Training of Ugandan herd health champions at SLU in 2020."}]},{"head":"SYNTHESIS OF CAPDEV IMPLEMENTATION","index":25,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Hybrid (remote/on-site) training in prudent and medically rational use of antibiotics in 2020."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"• Training to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of women regarding hygienic milk production and handling in Ethiopia in 2020."},{"index":3,"size":7,"text":"• Autopsy trainings for veterinarians in Ethiopia."},{"index":4,"size":19,"text":"• Pig herd health trainings for Ugandan veterinarians (one in Uppsala in 2020 and two in Uganda in 2021)."},{"index":5,"size":9,"text":"• Three trainings on antimicrobial use in Uganda, 2020-2021."},{"index":6,"size":23,"text":"• A national face-to-face training course on anaemia in small ruminants in Tunisia in 2018 and 2019 attended by 67 participants (32 women)."},{"index":7,"size":34,"text":"• Regional trainings on the use of ODK tools to carry out surveys on animal health and animal-related studies in Tunisia in 2018 and 2019, attended by 94 veterinarians and technicians (over 50% women)."},{"index":8,"size":22,"text":"• A training course on chronic weight loss in ruminants in Tunisia in 2019, attended by 29 participants (nine women) in 2019."},{"index":9,"size":19,"text":"• A training on trematode infections of small ruminants in Tunisia in 2020, attended by 47 veterinarians (20 women)."},{"index":10,"size":146,"text":"Year-by-year details on participation rates in various types of trainings, disaggregated by gender, are given below. 14 . In 2020, a total of 547 milk vendors in Ethiopia (30% women) were trained to improve their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding hygienic milk production and handling in the Borana pastoral area of southern Ethiopia 15 , and field researchers in various parts of the globe were trained. Training was also conducted on participatory epidemiology and its toolbox. Hybrid (remote/on-site) training in prudent and medically rational use of antibiotics was also undertaken 16 . An integrated training manual on herd health and biosecurity for smallholder pig value chain actors in Uganda was also developed in 2020 17 . Using community conversations, training modules for specific animal health issue areas were developed and rolled out, and new modules on antimicrobial use and animal welfare were also developed and tested."}]},{"head":"CapDev implementation by type of activity","index":26,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Knowledge exchange:","index":27,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":68,"text":"In 2017, farmers and other actors were engaged in focus group discussions on risks in target value chains in Ethiopia (e.g., mastitis in pastoral production systems) and in a national workshop on toxoplasmosis in Central Tunisia (i.e. management constraints in relation to prevalence of infection with Toxoplasma gondii in sheep). These knowledge exchange activities were attended by a total of 90 participants (about 66% women) in both countries."},{"index":2,"size":83,"text":"In 2020, 200 mixed participants (50% women) attended monthly webinars on operationalization of the One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihoods (HEAL) community of practice. The webinars were jointly facilitated with the ILRI One Health Center for Africa. for possible adjustments and improvements, thus contributing to refinement of extension activities (Uggla 2020 19 ). Targets for the review were extension and training actions linked to small ruminant farmers in Ethiopia and pig farmers in Uganda. The main recommendations from the review include:"},{"index":3,"size":42,"text":"• There is a need to develop capacity to diagnose animal diseases, both clinically in the field and confirmatory in laboratories, in most countries involved in the Flagship. Animal health workers often did not display hands-on skills and attitudes during clinical examinations."},{"index":4,"size":20,"text":"• Field diagnostic procedures should be emphasized, while results from properly conducted laboratory diagnostic tests should be interpreted with caution."},{"index":5,"size":11,"text":"• Animal welfare should be included in training and extension activities"},{"index":6,"size":33,"text":"• The Flagship should stick more consistently to the principle of 'training the trainers' by primarily directing information and teaching efforts to regional partners and animal health extension workers rather than to farmers."},{"index":7,"size":52,"text":"• A strategic plan should be developed concerning which diseases, syndromes, or other areas require new printed/digital leaflets; the leaflets should be published as a series with a clear purpose and recognizable graphic profile. This would enable implementation partners to have access to a collection of extension leaflets with a logical progression."},{"index":8,"size":20,"text":"• Extension messages from the Livestock CRP Flagships should ideally be delivered in a more integrated package to increase efficiency."},{"index":9,"size":26,"text":"• ICT-enabled tools should be developed, including large-scale production of information and training videos. • Genetic diversity study on Napier grass (Cenchrus purpureus) collections and progenies;"}]},{"head":"Flagship 3: Livestock Feeds and Forages","index":28,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Evaluation of nutritive value and farmer preference of chickpea varieties for food;"},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"• Participatory farmer forage validation, performance testing of selected forage varieties, and integration in selected districts of Amhara region, Ethiopia;"},{"index":3,"size":9,"text":"• Participatory farmer forage validation and integration in Amhara;"},{"index":4,"size":142,"text":"• In 2020, two CGIAR staff (one woman) were reportedly enrolled in BSc programs in Colombia and Nicaragua. It was not clear, however, whether these were additional to the three BSc students reported for the two countries in 2019. Three researchers (one woman) were undertaking MSc studies in Cambodia, Laos, Tunisia, and Vietnam; while ten CGIAR staff and partner researchers (six women) from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Tunisia were in PhD programs. The postgraduate researchers produced various outputs that contributed to the Flagship deliverables, as shown in Table 11. A summary of the knowledge exchange activities conducted in Tunisia between 2017 and 2020 is shown in Table 13. What was important with these events was the deliberate targeting of youth and students so that they could develop an interest in environmental systems. In addition, the Flagship achieved the following CapDevrelated milestones:"},{"index":5,"size":23,"text":"• Capacity building of decision makers at the national level continued as part of the Livestock Master Plans in Ethiopia, India, and Tanzania."},{"index":6,"size":34,"text":"• In Uganda, the CRP conducted due diligence on six stakeholders applying digital technology solutions to improve smallholder pig farming in Uganda and facilitated needs assessments from the flagships for various capacity development activities."},{"index":7,"size":24,"text":"• The 'eWeigh' mobile application (app), which uses heart girth as a proxy measure to estimate live weight, was tested by Kenyan dairy farmers."},{"index":8,"size":17,"text":"• An improved scaling approach led to high uptake of improved sheep-fattening practices and technologies in Ethiopia."},{"index":9,"size":27,"text":"• A training on participatory system dynamics methods was conducted internally at ILRI in Hanoi and with partners on CRP-mapped bilateral projects in Bihar, Myanmar, and India. "}]},{"head":"RESULTS OF THE REVIEW OF CAPDEV IMPLEMENTATION BY THE VARIOUS FLAGSHIPS","index":29,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Photo: ILRI/Apollo Habtamu","index":30,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"The material presented in this section was derived from online surveys and one-on-one interviews with key implementers (especially Flagship leaders, country coordinators, and national partners) and beneficiaries."}]},{"head":"Is the Livestock CRP delivering quality capacity development interventions aligned with its capacity development strategy?","index":31,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":274,"text":"Approximately The extent to which the reported CapDev interventions reverberated with the needs of the national partners varied across the Flagships. For example, in Livestock Genetics, training needs assessments were independently conducted at the beginning of some of the bilateral projects (e.g., on fish breeding) to identify the training needs and align them with the focus of the project. The Animal Health Flagship also carried out participatory epidemiology and gender analysis, at least in Ethiopia, to identify the priority diseases, their possible causes, and the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) gaps, in order to inform the intervention strategies and associated CapDev actions. In the case of Feeds and Forages Flagship, the interventions were in response to the demand for feed. For example, the FEAST tool was developed over the past 12 years based on the need for a guide to forage selection for farmers, and the heavy use of the tool is evidence of the demand. Thus, it may seem that the CNAs conducted by the CapDev Unit of ILRI, apart from the fact that the exercise was rather belated, could have been perceived by some of the Flagships as a superfluous undertaking since they had already conducted their own in-house capacity needs assessments and responded to perceived stakeholder demands with specific tools. However, according to one key informer, the CNAs conducted by the CapDev Unit were meant to identify the 'on-the-go' capacity development support that the Flagships needed while they were implementing their various projects. Perhaps the intention was to reveal the capacity gaps that might not have been captured in the initial in-house needs assessments but became apparent later on during implementation."},{"index":2,"size":158,"text":"At any rate, the CapDev Unit had to lobby the Flagship teams to take on board the prioritized areas in the CapDev Strategy. Disruptions by the COVID-19 pandemic were cited as the main cause for non-completion of planned CapDev activities for the majority of the target countries. Additionally, in Colombia, Ethiopia, and Myanmar, there was civil unrest and political upheaval. Delays in funding and getting ethical approval were additional reasons for non-completion of project activities in Rwanda. In some countries, implementation of some projects started just over a year ago (e.g., Uganda and Zambia for the Livestock Genetics Flagship; and India, The Gambia, and Vietnam for the Livelihoods and Agri-Food Systems Flagship). In Kenya, the reasons for non-completion included new engagements in the country related to the dairy sector, and partner (e.g. private-sector and county government) delays. Lack of implementation capacity was an additional reason for activity delay in The Gambia, as the lead scientist there reportedly left."}]},{"head":"Are any positive results likely to be sustained? In what circumstances?","index":32,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"A few illustrative examples of how CapDev was instrumental in the success of some Flagship interventions are given below, along with prospects for sustainability of the interventions beyond the project timelines."}]},{"head":"The FEAST tool","index":33,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":53,"text":"The Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST) allows for a systematic assessment of local feed resource options, which helps in the design of intervention strategies to optimize feed utilization and animal production across various landscapes and regions. This tool's main purpose is to identify the constraints and opportunities around feed development in a specific location. "}]},{"head":"Community conversations in Ethiopia","index":34,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":124,"text":"Community conversations are knowledge co-creation forums that leverage indigenous (by rural communities) and scientific (by Flagship-implementing partners) knowledge practices. In the Livestock CRP, it was initially employed around herd health management. The conversations have been successfully applied to guide discussions among rural farming communities in Ethiopia focused around livestock health management, gender, and zoonotic disease risks. The facilitated conversations have been shown to have positive effects on knowledge, attitudes, and practices of participating farmers as well as behaviour change and transformation of gender relations at the household and community levels. Due to the apparent success of the approach, the Ethiopian government is keen on mainstreaming its use in the national extension system. More details on this tool are given in the case study below. "}]},{"head":"Community-based breeding programs in Ethiopia and other African countries","index":35,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"RHoMIS tool","index":36,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":116,"text":"By 2018, the Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS), a rapid, standardized, cost-effective agricultural performance tracking tool, had been adopted by 13 No exotic sheep or goat breeds are introduced from external sources; only local breeds are selected and used. The community groups are engaged to identify suitable breed traits or breed characteristics (i.e., good sires, good breeding rams, and he-goats) using indigenous knowledge systems. Thus, the main factor which makes the program successful is the use of locally available breeds. ICARDA's approach to community-based breeding has now been integrated into Ethiopia's national livestock master plan. The program has also been linked to a cloud-based genetic database platform to improve data quality, data collection, and information processing."},{"index":2,"size":19,"text":"Biological and socio-economic performance evaluations of three pilot CBBPs in Ethiopia since their inception in 2010 have shown that:"},{"index":3,"size":21,"text":"• Sheep/goat farming, once a side activity for farmers, is now a main business activity and the linchpin of their livelihoods."},{"index":4,"size":27,"text":"• Most participating households in Menz (one of the CBBP sites) graduated from the government-run safety-net program and now use income from sheep sales to buy food."},{"index":5,"size":23,"text":"• 'Best of stock' breeding lambs/kids that were previously sold and slaughtered ('negative selection') are now being kept to improve the breeding stock."},{"index":6,"size":23,"text":"• Increased income from sheep production and increased mutton consumption are directly linked to CBBP production at the Bonga, Horro, and Menz sites."},{"index":7,"size":40,"text":"• Farmers' sheep/goats have shown an improvement in performance, such as lamb growth rate, lambing interval, and reduced mortality. They also tend to attract higher prices in markets compared to sheep/goats from farmers who are not members of breeding groups."},{"index":8,"size":22,"text":"• Most of the established cooperatives have been able to build capital (e.g. the Boka-Shuta cooperative has capital of about USD 100,000)."},{"index":9,"size":28,"text":"The genetic gains and socio-economic successes of the CBBP have led to their adoption and implementation by various partners in Uganda, Malawi, Liberia, South Africa, and Burkina Faso."},{"index":10,"size":20,"text":"Adoption of joint village land use planning (JVLUP) by the Government of Tanzania to increase tenure security for livestock keepers."},{"index":11,"size":208,"text":"Capacity development was at the core of the successful adoption of joint village land use planning (JVLUP) to protect shared resources in Tanzania, including grazing lands for local livestock keepers in four clusters of villages covering 175,000 hectares of grazing land. The intervention was funded by IFAD through the Sustainable Rangeland Management (SRM) Project piloted by ILRI, the Government of Tanzania (GoT) and other partners. The GoT has since up-scaled JVLUP with a Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant across 22 villages in five districts, covering almost 13,000 households (69,555 people) over 30,000 hectares. Significant capacity building of partners (NGOs and government) was undertaken with strong influencing and awareness-raising activities that helped to strengthen support for replicating the approach in other areas. These included, among other things, training of staff and partners on conflict management and gender, undertaking of a CSO national dialogue, learning visits to other countries, and hosting from other countries to learn about the JVLUP experiences. All of this helped to build the case for JVLUP and the issuing of group certificates of customary rights of occupancy (CCROs) to livestock keepers. The SRM project has worked very closely with government partners, for example, to provide sub-grants for implementing activities such as trainings and arranging learning visits."}]},{"head":"Creating and supporting small and medium enterprise (SME) opportunities in the pork value chain in Uganda.","index":37,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":185,"text":"The Livestock CRP generated evidence on gaps and opportunities in the pork value chain through assessments leading to intervention tests, at both farm and market levels. The work also established multi-stakeholder platforms-social spaces for communicative stakeholder interactions providing business and networking opportunities and agribusiness linkages to emerging SMEs run by farmers and young entrepreneurs. This capacity development has expanded their horizons and provided business opportunities in training, selling feeds, providing pig AI services, and trading in pork. Under the Livestock CRP, business linkages in the pig value chain have expanded the horizons of many entrepreneurs. Pig multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) have enhanced peer learning and strengthened linkages between value chain actors. Capacity development on specific areas, largely undertaken by third parties (value chain actors earlier trained by ILRI) have greatly facilitated actor linkages and success of the agribusinesses. More than 1700 value chain actors were trained. The training mainly focused on the following: profitable pig breeds and breeding, pig housing and management, feeds and feeding, closed cycle pig farming, and silage making. Other trainings were on animal health, vaccines, feeds and feeding, food safety, and marketing."}]},{"head":"Improved milk-handling practices of pastoralists in Ethiopia","index":38,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"The effect of an intervention designed to improve the hygienic handling and safe consumption of milk on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of women who produce and sell dairy products was tested among the Borana pastoral community in Ethiopia."},{"index":2,"size":63,"text":"The intervention consisted of 16 hours of training on good milk production practices and prevention of milkborne diseases. A total of 120 women were trained and changes in their KAP were assessed. Six months post training, the knowledge score of the participants relative to the baseline value increased by 14.4%, the overall attitude score by 2.6%, and understanding of correct practices by 15 "}]},{"head":"Use of the ODK tool in Tunisia","index":39,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":36,"text":"The training helped realize 73,558 responses in 314 surveys related to various aspects of perceptions of ticks and tick-borne diseases by various actors. The popularity of the tool augurs well for sustainability beyond the project timeline."}]},{"head":"Indicative gains of CapDev activities under the Livestock Health Flagship","index":40,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"As alluded to above, the Flagship developed a number of training tools that are expected to have been widely used and will continue to be used in different countries."},{"index":2,"size":44,"text":"The usage statistics for some of the tools can be proxied by the online download and views data as indicated in Table 17 below. Of the Livestock CRP target countries, the greatest usage statistics for these tools pertain to Ethiopia, Kenya, India, and Senegal. "}]},{"head":"Indicative outcomes from use of the tools developed by the Livestock and Environment Flagship","index":41,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":100,"text":"The trainings on CLEANED R and CLEANED X were well received and the tools are being taken up by national partners (e.g., in Kenya and Burkina Faso). The usage statistics for some of the CapDev tools developed by the Flagship are indicated in Table 18. Of the CRP targeted countries, the CLEANED tools were mainly used in Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Nicaragua. The other tools on land-use planning and management were initially developed for Ethiopia, but interest in their use has since been registered in Kenya and Eritrea. How valuable were the results to the national partners and/or organizations involved?"},{"index":2,"size":100,"text":"It is instructive to note that the main CapDev actions as prescribed in the Livestock CRP's CapDev Strategy took effect in 2019. Since benefits from CapDev actions usually have a time lag, it may perhaps be too early to speak of results from these interventions, barely two years from inception. However, the CRP implemented a range of CapDev actions outside the priorities speci-fied in the CapDev Strategy, and some nascent changes from these interventions are already apparent. A list of reported areas of demonstrable success posted by the various Flagships over the last four years is given in Appendix 1."},{"index":3,"size":29,"text":"We illustrate below the valuable results to national partners using two case studies from Ethiopia, namely: community conversations and community of practice groups for sheep-fattening in the Ethiopian highlands."}]},{"head":"Introduction","index":42,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":116,"text":"The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) developed a gender-transformative participatory tool called community conversations to improve the role of women in livestock health management. The tool consists of training modules to guide discussions among rural farming communities focused around livestock health management, gender, and zoonotic disease risks. It is one way of fostering participatory community engagement, which shares the same principles as other participatory community approaches. Community conversations are knowledge co-creation forums that leverage indigenous (of rural communities) and scientific (of Flagship implementing partners) knowledge practices and have been successfully applied in herd health management, gender relations, and feed and forage recommendations to farmers."}]},{"head":"Situational analysis (defining the problem)","index":43,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":105,"text":"In 2016 the Livestock Health Flagship conducted participatory epidemiology and gender analysis in Ethiopia. The purpose of this analysis was to identify the situation, i.e. the disease situation, the major disease constraints, and some of the priority interventions against disease. The assessment revealed major knowledge, attitude, and practice gaps of the community members in terms of causes of disease, transmission pathways, and control measures. It also became apparent that the level of gender understanding and gender knowledge at both the community and service-delivery levels was quite weak. Based on these assessment findings, a possible community engagement approach was designed, which became known as community conversations."}]},{"head":"Key interventions and steps involved","index":44,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":99,"text":"An initial guide was developed to aid frequent interactive engagement with the team. Later, a facilitation guide on community conversations, gender, and animal health was developed. Using this guide, a number of community conversations were held at different Livestock CRP sites. From these pilot conversations, a reflective and insightful report on the lessons learned was compiled. Furthermore, based on a synthesis of all the lessons from these conversations, guidelines were developed for how to integrate community conversations on animal health in extension approaches. Further experimentation and more experiential learning across different sites enabled the development of further extension guidelines."},{"index":2,"size":146,"text":"Training programs on the approach were also organized for key partners. Internal capacity development of other team members in other projects has continued, i.e. helping them develop their own community conversation materials, demonstrating the community conversations techniques, providing the tools, and helping them to develop their own materials. There has been a continuous synthesis of experiences and refinement of technique as informed by learning from the field. Ultimately, a master training course on the community conversation approach in animal health was developed. Since 2018, three rounds (modules) of community conversations have been tested, on gender roles, zoonotic diseases, and female livestock ownership and decision-making. A fourth round was also organized in 2019 to review and reflect on the process and participants' learning experiences. Scope exists for adding community conversation modules/sessions on new topics, e.g. livestock breeding, rangeland management, animal welfare, and other aspects of livestock husbandry."}]},{"head":"Case Study 1: Community conversations in Ethiopia","index":45,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":164,"text":"Outputs/outcomes Community conversations were piloted in the Livestock Health Flagship, but have since been taken up by the other flagships. The modules were launched in the highland and lowland regions of Ethiopia and 1,600 farmers participated. The effects of these facilitated conversations on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of participating farmers were evaluated and the results indicate successful behaviour change and transformation of gender relations at household and community levels. The observed behaviour changes include: i) adoption of safety practices when handling sick animals, ii) improved access to farming information for women, iii) more equitable sharing of responsibilities in the homestead, iv) inclusion of women in non-traditional incomegenerating activities, v) increased awareness of the risks of anti-microbial resistance among community members, and vi) a better understanding of responsible anti-microbial use among local animal health service providers (Mulema et al. 2020 41 ). Due to the apparent success of the approach, the Ethiopian government is keen on mainstreaming its use in the national extension system."}]},{"head":"Setbacks and lessons learnt","index":46,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":113,"text":"According to Lemma et al. (2019 42 ), community conversations alone may not be enough to promote sustainable transformations, e.g. with regard to gender roles and the prevention of zoonotic diseases. Individual relational characteristics influence how effective these conversations can be. Moreover, participants reported challenges in sharing information with household members and with other community members. However, in situations where couples attended the community conversations together, post-event sharing of information and knowledge application became more effective. Certain issues to be addressed in community conversations can be deeply ingrained in the cultural setup of the community. Hence, there is need for patience and well-planned facilitations in trying to navigate such issues through community conversations."},{"index":2,"size":151,"text":"A number of lessons have been adduced around community conversations on gender relations and zoonotic diseases by Lemma et a. (201944). Examples include: i) for good outcomes, there is need for effective facilitation skills, reflective writing skills, and thorough documentation; ii) to bring changes in attitudes and practices, community conversations must be linked to ongoing development interventions that tie people together; iii) people with high social esteem in the community should be brought on board in the conversations to foster the accountability and social pressure needed for reinforcement of the take-home messages; and iv) through social learning, peer influence, and sheer homophily, community conversations are powerful tools that enable communities to take charge of the change they desire for themselves. Indeed, 'a learning environment centred on people's own experiences facilitates (peer) learning and generates understanding through feedback and knowledge supplementation, leading to changes in perspectives and practices.' (Lemma et al. 201944)."}]},{"head":"Conclusions","index":47,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":73,"text":"The community conversations approach is promising for changing the way extension is performed. In Ethiopia, it is being taken up by new livestock development projects and this creates the opportunity for further scaling out and embedding the approach in the national extension system. Community conversations are an important tool to spur collective actions around key issues affecting the livestock sector and can be scaled out to influence critical livelihood outcomes in other countries. "}]},{"head":"Introduction","index":48,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":110,"text":"The small ruminant value chain is a very important source of livelihood for communities living in the Ethiopian highlands. The population density in these areas is very high and sheep farming is the predominant source of livelihood. Engaging the youth in agricultural activities is really core for Ethiopia right now because most of them are, just like everywhere else, migrating from the rural areas into the cities in search of economic opportunities. Facilitating formation of youth groups for market-oriented sheep production in the highland areas of Ethiopia was one of the main capacity development interventions under the Feeds and Forages Flagship. This activity was led by ICARDA as from 2017."}]},{"head":"Situational analysis (defining the problem)","index":49,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":194,"text":"ICARDA initially conducted an in-depth analysis of the small ruminant value chain in Ethiopia. A major finding of the analysis was that feeding and nutrition was largely contributing to the underperformance of small ruminant production and productivity in Ethiopia. Sheep-fattening was identified as a very important livelihood component of the farmers in the highland areas due to its agribusiness potential. The traditional sheep-fattening cycle takes 6 months or longer until the farmers are satisfied that the sheep are well fattened. Farmers attribute the long fattening period to lack of adequate and quality feed and to poor management arising from lack of skill and knowledge of improved fattening practices and supplementary feeding methods. Farmers had limited knowledge on feed formulation and would just give feed to the animals without consideration of the nutritional composition in terms of proteins, energy, minerals, and their balance. So, improving the feeding and nutrition aspects of small ruminant value chains became one of the core intervention areas for the Feeds and Forages Flagship in the second round of the Livestock CRP. Specifically, ICARDA initiated sheep-fattening through short-term intensive feeding prior to sale, based on formulations from locally available feed sources."},{"index":2,"size":72,"text":"Another study conducted by ICARDA on the sheep-fattening systems in Ethiopia revealed four main types: commercial, urban and peri-urban, smallholders, and cooperatives. Commercial and cooperative sheep farming are not widely practiced in Ethiopia. Sheep-fattening cooperatives initiated by local governments across the country were barely in existence because of insufficient training and funding opportunities for members and a lack of coordination among government bureaus that resulted in a stifling of the business environment."}]},{"head":"Key interventions and steps involved","index":50,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":289,"text":"As of 2014, modification of existing flock-feeding practices to improve fattening performance was facilitated by ICARDA. Feed formulation and balancing the nutritional composition of locally available feed resources were key interventions. Emphasis was placed on the following production principles: identifying existing context-specific feed resources, feed gaps, and production practices using the FEAST tool; accelerated sheep-fattening (i.e., for a shorter as opposed to a long period of time); improved husbandry (such as castration of rams); and clean feeding. With farmers investing so much energy into sheep-fattening, they obviously expected to reap rewards from it. Emphasis was placed on timing and selling off at the right time. Unfortunately, most farmers would take their fattened animals to the market expecting huge returns, only to find dismal price offers. The disillusioned farmers would trek back home with their animals and completely lose interest in the fattening enterprise. The condition of the animals would then start to deteriorate altogether. Realizing that there was an entrepreneurial gap, ICARDA stepped in and recommended timing for the sheep sales as well as selling in groups for better bargaining power. Initially, sheep farmers were elderly folk whose worldview on issues was hard to change; ICARDA decided to focus on the youth, who were more aggressive and willing to learn new ways of doing things. ICARDA came in and trained the groups on entrepreneurial skill development and dynamics of group formation. This has provided the push factor, a favourable environment for enabling market-oriented sheep-fattening. But there was also need of a pull factor, i.e., the existence of a market with incentive prices. The collective sale of sheep by the youth groups has given them stronger negotiating power, and brokers at the marketplace now offer better prices for fattened sheep."}]},{"head":"Outputs/outcomes","index":51,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":167,"text":"The sheep-fattening groups are highly motivated and doing well. The membership has grown by over 40% across three of ICARDA's intervention regions. Adoption rates of the commercial sheep-fattening enterprise are higher because of this pull factor of the market. Members emphasize the quality of feed given to their flock. Moreover, they have extended their focus beyond the animals and embraced forage production and sale of feed supplements to enhance their feed base. Most of the youth in the groups are school dropouts, mainly due to high poverty levels in Ethiopia. But, as a result of engaging in this sheep-fattening enterprise, many of them are now going back to school with the proceeds that they are earning. They are able to multiply their animals very quickly. Initially, they would come in with one animal, and ICARDA matched them up with another animal, so that they started out with two. In a span of two years, many of them have multiplied their flocks to between 16 and 30 sheep!"},{"index":2,"size":123,"text":"Another outcome is with regard to how the CoP concept around the youth groups has auspiciously evolved into platforms of cooperation among the implementing partners. Initially, the partners never related to each other in any meaningful way, so that there was a silo mode of operation in which the gender team went to the site and did their own work, the livestock team went and did their own work, and the vets went and did their own work. Everybody used to go independently to the farmers; but now, they go together and work together. They say things like, 'I'm going there on gender, can you come with livestock?'. This improved communication has fostered viable community conversations around pertinent issues affecting the group enterprise."}]},{"head":"Setbacks and lessons learnt","index":52,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":80,"text":"Government legislation on registration of cooperatives slowed down entry of youth farmers into new markets (licenses are needed for cross-boundary sale of animals; yet licenses are only given to registered cooperatives). Youth groups have had to merge between 20 and 50 persons to enable registration as a cooperative. Moreover, the competence required to manage cooperatives is lacking among the youth, particularly in women-only youth groups, because of their low literacy levels. Continuous upgrading of skills to manage cooperatives is vital. "}]},{"head":"Conclusions","index":53,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Why do you think this is significant?","index":54,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":124,"text":"Changes in the partnering and engagement capacity of local partners is significant to support implementation and scaling of technical and institutional innovations in the small ruminant value chain sector. Local partners are mandated institutions who own and lead development processes in their localities. Institutional development of partners in terms of new perspectives of working with community groups and diverse stakeholders, facilitating coordination, knowledge generation and sharing, and increasing gender and sectoral outcomes is rewarding for individuals, organizations, and communities. Local service providers are now engaging with communities in a more meaningful way, exploring and learning together with communities, identifying priority issues, and supporting communities in implementing solutions. Communities are now getting better avenues for expressing their views, concerns, and priorities through community engagement processes."}]},{"head":"How did the CapDev actions contribute to this change?","index":55,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":64,"text":"Capacity development actions are broadly perceived and provided in different contexts and forms. The various consultative processes such as participatory needs assessment and priority-setting engagements, partner planning and review processes, monitoring and coaching visits, implementation engagements with partners, training programs on technical and institutional areas, and development of guidelines, implementation methods, and tools contribute to mindset changes as well as individual and organizational capacities."}]},{"head":"What are the challenges that you've experienced in implementing the capacity development activities?","index":56,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":166,"text":"The main bottleneck is attitudinal and mindset challenges. Partners are used to conventional working approaches, and they are new to participatory processes and working with and learning from communities. Strengthening capacity for partnership and engagement at the local level takes time and patience. It cannot be expected that more impactful and sustainable changes will happen overnight. Continuous engagement in the form of problemsolving and coaching support, needs-based training, and documentation of changes and lessons requires more time, energy, and funding. For example, local partners in Ethiopia developed action plans for integrating gender in their organizations and programs after they received gender capacity development and coaching support, but they lacked adequate funding to implement their action plans. Similarly, the communities of practice for local partners require continuous support initially to help the groups mature and sustain themselves on their own. This requires more funding for project implementing partners to provide local partners with the necessary coaching and problem-solving support and to document capacity development outcomes and lessons."}]},{"head":"Livestock CRP's and CGIAR's understanding of capacity development work","index":57,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":83,"text":"The ). In Figure 3, the sub-IDOs and IDOs correspond to the sphere-ofinfluence level, while the system-level outcomes (SLOs) relate to the sphere of interest. It would be unrealistic to attempt to propose any prescriptive measures on the best way for the CGIAR to do CapDev going forward based on the outcome of this review and synthesis of Livestock CRP CapDev actions over the last four years. However, the following general observations may feed into the general CGIAR thinking on future CapDev actions:"},{"index":2,"size":37,"text":"• Co-creation and co-design of technologies, tools, and practices enhances their suitability to the context and priorities of end-users, with important implications for sustainability. This demands some co-creation capacity, at least on the part of the CGIAR."},{"index":3,"size":37,"text":"• Efficiencies of scaling out technologies, tools, and practices hinge on the absorptive and uptake capacities of end users in target countries and the point of entry by the CGIAR as facilitators and intermediaries of local innovations. "}]},{"head":"LESSONS LEARNED AND BEST PRACTICES TO INFORM FUTURE PROGRAMMING","index":58,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"Photo: ILRI/Geoffrey Njenga Capacity gaps of farmers and other actors on the ground-The extent to which program interventions can be impactful depends on the knowledge levels and adoption capacity of beneficiaries and ultimate users."},{"index":2,"size":118,"text":"Generally, the quality of the agricultural labour force crucially determines the extent to which the knowledge domain can be gainfully deployed to improve farm productivity. Formal schooling of agricultural workers and provision of extension and advisory services are expedient policy measures to improve the quality of agricultural human capital for better farm allocative efficiencies and improved productivity. Developing the capacity of 'next users' was a deliberate objective in the CRP's theory of change. Unfortunately, key informants across flagships still felt that lack of capacity of national partners was a drawback to technology uptake and scaling efforts. Thus, developing capacity of national partners to independently execute research and undertake downstream scaling efforts should be prioritized in future CapDev interventions."},{"index":3,"size":145,"text":"Insufficient budgets-Some key informants were of the view that the livestock sector has suffered sustained neglect in terms of funding in many countries compared to other sectors, although the current and potential contribution of the sector to agricultural GDP is significant. The pooled funding projections in the CRP Proposals apparently did not materialize for most of the Flagships, which had to rely on ongoing bilateral agreements to fund activities. Moreover, the CRP Overall and Flagships Narratives Proposal had indicated that a Strategic Investment Fund was set up as an adaptive management instrument to fund special short-term initiatives such as CapDev that complement the crosscutting agenda within the CRP. This Fund was to derive from an approximately 5% contribution from W1/2 of the CGIAR Trust Fund. However, whether the account became operational and the extent to which it aided CapDev activities by the Flagships was unclear."},{"index":4,"size":111,"text":"Lack of human resources-Some Flagships did not have suitably qualified technical personnel in some focus countries and this was closely tied with the sector's underfunding. Lack of trust among stakeholders-for example, aggregators and farmers in the pig value chain in Uganda. The aggregators took advantage of the farmers and reaped most of the benefits at the farmers' expense. Moreover, the aggregators were unwilling to cooperate with project implementers and intermediaries seeking to find amicable solutions to contentious issues with the farmers. Adoption of innovation platforms as social spaces for facilitated dialogue by stakeholders on key issues would help address the power disparities that were apparent in the Ugandan pig value chain."},{"index":5,"size":206,"text":"Implementation timelines-Flagship programs are currently tied to the CRP cycles. This can be limiting especially for breeding, whether of forages or livestock, which often requires a long-term perspective. In the case of forages, the strategy is to have a continuous pipeline which produces new breeding products every two or three years. In this way, one has a range of products at various stages-some at discovery stage and others ready for scaling. However, to reach the point of pipelines for breeding programs, one needs at least 10 to 15 years (perhaps more for perennial crops), which obviously transcends the normal fiveyear CRP cycle. For animal breeding, large bilateral funding endowment has enabled the Livestock Genetics Flagship to try something longer-term with more sustainable thinking. Thus, adoption of dual funding approaches -pooled or bilateral -can help overcome the time limitations imposed by the CRP program cycles. The only caveat is that many bilateral projects come with donor preferences and expectations, which may be at variance with the aspirations of the CRP. The project implementers must weigh the risk of honouring donor requirements at the expense of the CRP goals. This risk can, however, be addressed by aligning the project objectives with the CRP goals at the proposaldevelopment stage."},{"index":6,"size":102,"text":"Enabling environment-An unfavourable political environment limits engagement of private actors, while institutional limitations (e.g., unfavourable regulatory and IPR regimes) discourage development of seed supply systems -in this case, for forages. Particular cases were cited for Ethiopia and India. Strong institutional partners, institutional structures, and the stage of development are also key to programmatic success in target countries. In particular, the stage of development determines where one stands with respect to readiness to take things up (i.e., technology uptake). In terms of scaling up of technologies, this was probably one of the overriding criteria for target country selection in the current CRP cycle."}]},{"head":"Covid-19 restrictions on travel and social distancing-","index":59,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":66,"text":"This adversely affected CapDev delivery across all the flagships. Face-to-face CapDev engagements were substituted for by online delivery formats at the peak of the pandemic, which included most of 2020. Program meetings were also held effectively online via various platforms. Thus, on a positive note, the pandemic revealed the potential efficiency gains (e.g., from cost and time savings) due to adoption of ICT-based program delivery options."}]},{"head":"Scale of land ownership affects technology adoption-","index":60,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":170,"text":"Globally, the main adopters of new feeds and forages technologies are medium and smallholder farmers. In Latin America, for example, there are some big farmers but they are not the main clientele for increasing or intensifying the system. The reason is that very big land holders have a lot of land, and therefore are the first to intensify and improve based on improved feeds or improved forage. However, even private sector investors targeting the larger land holders for profit have apparently failed. Large landowners have a feeling of self-sufficiency that makes them relatively resistant to change. On the other hand, the landless also find it difficult to adopt new technologies because one needs someplace to produce feed. The landless may also be resource-poor, and the option of renting land to invest in feeds and forage production may not be viable. So, medium and smallholder farmers are the main adopters of technologies for feeds and forages. This is an important lesson for targeting future scaling efforts for feeds and forage technologies."},{"index":2,"size":83,"text":"Working with policy-making agencies and policy dialogues to encourage endogenous system changes -This may be practical in some countries like Kenya where open dialogue is encouraged, but could be challenging in jurisdictions like Ethiopia where the political climate stifles freedom of expression. However, the community conversations approach that has registered remarkable successes at the grassroots level in the small ruminant value chains of Ethiopia could serve as a mechanism to instigate bottom-up change management to help navigate enduring system rigidities that undermine innovation."},{"index":3,"size":190,"text":"Cross-flagship learning and knowledge exchange within the CRP-An Integrated Package Tool was developed in Uganda to help farmers optimize productivity. It addresses aspects of health, housing, feeding, food safety, fattening, and more. For example, if one wants to do fattening, the integrated package will give advice on what to do for one's animals to help them gain weight. Although it was just the tool that the community sheep-fattening groups of the Ethiopian highlands needed, they never had an opportunity to use it. Apparently, the capacity to pick up innovations fermented in one flagship and inoculate them elsewhere within the CRP for more effective delivery and outcomes was lacking. Yet, from the outset, the CRP intended to test the hypothesis that integration of research activities across the various flagship areas could result in 'packages' of technologies that are greater than the sum of their parts. In any target country, the 'site integration' concept -facilitated by country coordinators whose roles were supported by an endowment from the CRP Management Fund-provided the platform to test this hypothesis. Unfortunately, in the Integrated Package Tool, the CRP lost a perfect opportunity to test the hypothesis."}]},{"head":"HOW CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES CAN BE CARRIED OUT IN THE FUTURE","index":61,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Phot: ILRI/Apollo Habtamu"}]},{"head":"Needs assessments and strategy","index":62,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":306,"text":"The CRP elaborated a theory of change (TOC), which articulates the theoretical grounding of how increases in livestock productivity, underpinned by technological interventions in the various Flagships, lead to System-Level Outcomes. The idea is to develop and deploy research-based solutions that will drive the transition of smallholder producers, value chain actors, consumers, pastoralists, and agro-pastoralists from near subsistence to productive small-scale enterprises and/ or resilient livelihoods. Thus, the CRP aims at enabling 'livestock keepers to choose their destination' in the projected structural transformation. This underlines the essence of CapDev: empowerment of beneficiaries to take charge and steer the change that they desire. The spirit of the theory of change (TOC) was integrated by the various Flagships, and CapDev is specified as a cross-cutting enabler. The sort of changes in behaviour and capacity targeted are clearly outlined in the CRP's TOC. Moreover, it is indicated in the CRP Overall and Flagship Narratives Proposal that an analysis was done at the flagship level, based on each Flagship's TOC, to identify the key areas where capacity development was most needed. This analysis informed the strategic CapDev actions and budgets outlined in the CRP Overall and Flagship Narratives Proposal. Thus, we feel that the aims and purposes of CapDev are clearly enunciated in the TOCs of the CRP and Flagships. However, most program leaders interviewed could not relate what they were doing in CapDev to a perceived TOC. Indeed, the CapDev Strategy itself did not specify exactly how the prioritized activities contributed to the CRP or Flagship TOCs. An internal conceptual disconnect thus exists between strategic design and its implementation. For the aspirations of 'site integration', for example, to come to fruition, a shared vision of success by all CRP personnel is imperative. This calls for strengthening ownership of strategy and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) capacity within the CRP."}]},{"head":"Monitoring, cross-learning and evaluation","index":63,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"CapDev actions were not targeted as independent deliverables by the Flagships and the CapDev Strategy did not come with a MEL framework. Considering that there were no specific targets for CapDev actions, the MEL becomes a bit problematic. "}]},{"head":"Organizing principles or system concepts","index":64,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":45,"text":"Actor configuration for delivery of development interventions in the agricultural sector has hinged on three organizing principles or system concepts progressively elaborated over the years, namely: the national agricultural research system (NARS), the agricultural knowledge and information system (AKIS), and agricultural innovation systems (AIS) paradigms."},{"index":2,"size":111,"text":"The NARS focuses on the generation of knowledge with the public agricultural research agencies as the epicentre, AKIS on the generation and diffusion of knowledge, and AIS on the generation, diffusion, and application of knowledge (Roseboom 2011 46 ). The AIS recognizes the role of markets in agricultural knowledge transactions, being cognizant of the fact that all actors, including smallholder farmers, are endowed with knowledge capital. As a construct for CapDev, the AIS postulates that capacity can only emerge as a complex adaptive system rather than being developed or directed in a linear, logical, and deterministic way. In other words, capacity is realized through endogenous processes of self-organisation, adaptation, and emergence."},{"index":3,"size":211,"text":"So, while a deterministic and detailed CapDev strategy would be good for planning, in the end it may be counterproductive in so far as it may not allow the flexibility for explorative learning and redesign. It is good that some of the projects implemented by the CRP (e.g., the MilkIT project in India and Tanzania) have embraced innovation platforms, which is one way of operationalizing the AIS. The CapDev Unit needs to embrace systems thinking in the design of a CapDev 'Guide' that allows for different approaches, reflection, and redesign of CapDev actions. Indeed, the various Flagships demonstrated divergence in their perceived CapDev objectives, and this is all the more reason for a multiplicity of approaches that encourage learning, identification of levers of change, and redirecting of resources and strategies to realize needed capacity. Obviously, there were compelling reasons for target country selection, some of which have been discussed above; but, potential for scaling appears to have been the central criterion for a number of the Flagships. In addition, a number of CapDev actions were bilaterally funded and, in that regard, the CRP perhaps had little leeway in the choice of target countries. Nevertheless, where possible, future interventions need to display some degree of equity in the selection of beneficiary countries."}]},{"head":"Funding/budgets","index":65,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":119,"text":"The issue with funding is twofold: CRP allocation to CapDev and mode of funding. The Livestock CRP Overall and Flagship Narratives Proposal contains budget lines for CapDev in each of the Flagships, presumably under W1/2 and bilateral funding streams. It appears that the projected W1/2 funding projections never fully materialized in the lifetime of the CRP and the Flagships had to rely on existing bilateral funds to implement CapDev interventions. Some key informants decried the allotment of insufficient funds to CapDev at the program design stage. Others suggested that the CapDev Unit should have a separate budget line to support the activities they recommend to the Flagships rather than leaving the Flagships to search for funds on their own."},{"index":2,"size":65,"text":"'At the design level of the programs, enough resources should be allocated to CapDev instead of relying on modicum amounts because often people forget that CapDev takes money. A small amount of funds may be allocated at the beginning and, in the middle, the reality strikes that you don't have funds to access anything. So that is also somewhere we need to improve a bit'."},{"index":3,"size":74,"text":"It may be imagined that pooled or core funding like W1 allows for flexibility in allotment to activity implementation. Bilateral funding, on the other hand, may be locked to specific aspects of interventions depending on the agreement with the donor. This may compromise the global strategic goals of the Flagship. However, some Flagship leaders indicated that it is through bilateral funding streams that they have been able to sustain research beyond the CRP cycles."}]},{"head":"OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS","index":66,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":7,"text":"Photo: ILRI/Paul Karaimu Highlands, Son La province."}]},{"head":"Synthesis of CapDev actions","index":67,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":44,"text":"• A total of 265,823 individuals (24% women) participated in CapDev activities implemented by the Livestock CRP between 2018 and 2021. Kenya registered the highest number of CapDev participants followed, in decreasing order, by the Livestock CRP priority countries of Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia."},{"index":2,"size":86,"text":"• All outputs from the Livestock CRP annual reporting cycle were scored for the extent to which they contributed to CapDev, i.e., not targeted (0), significant (1), or principal (2). Between 2017 and 2020, about 73% of the total outputs with embedded CapDev deliverables were deemed to have made a significant contribution, while 27% made a principal contribution. Overall, FP3 and FP4 jointly accounted for 71% of the total CapDev deliverables over the four years. The least CapDev implementation was recorded in FP5, followed by FP1."},{"index":3,"size":80,"text":"• The CapDev interventions were comprised of longterm academic training at BSc, Master, and PhD levels, short-term trainings like one-off workshops and training visits, and other engagements that were deemed to be of CapDev import like knowledge exchange (i.e., focus group discussions, roundtable discussions, policy dialogues), trials and studies (i.e. participatory trials and studies), and co-creation events (i.e. taskforce meetings). The trainees included CGIAR and national partner researchers, policy makers and regulators, extension agents, farmers, and other value chain actors."},{"index":4,"size":126,"text":"• For national partners, it is uncertain as to whether there were clear guiding criteria or bases upon which the academic trainings were decided on in terms of area of study (or technical discipline), level of study (BSc, MSc, or PhD), target country, or even partner organizations within the target countries from which the beneficiaries were selected. Livestock, that 'for postgraduate researchers, we find the general approach to developing skills ad hoc and project driven. Each student's experience is different and highly dependent on their host organization or personal background. We conclude that more could be done to create a collegiate postgraduate learning experience in CGIAR and in CRPs with a set of learning activities that are more closely aligned with national postgraduate programs and aims'."},{"index":5,"size":38,"text":"A more systematic and targeted channelling of academic trainings to the national partners would ensure relevance, create clear exit strategies, impart efficiencies in the scaling up of technologies and tools, and ensure sustainability of impacts from CRP interventions."},{"index":6,"size":105,"text":"• The one-off trainings were on technologies, methods, and practices of relevance to the objectives of the Flagships. Most of them concerned the deployment and scaling up of various decisionsupport and extension tools (including manuals and guides). The usage statistics for some of the tools can be proxied by the online downloads and views data. However, for better tracking of their use, the CGSpace online repositories for the tools could be configured to document additional user statistics. For example, those viewing or downloading the tools can be requested to provide information such as their vocation (e.g., researcher, student, or private sector) and purpose for download."}]},{"head":"Key points from CapDev review","index":68,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Alignment of interventions with CapDev strategy","index":69,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":123,"text":"• All prioritized activities in the CRP CapDev Strategy were firmly rooted in the CGIAR's overarching CapDev Framework. However, the CapDev activities implemented by a majority of the Flagships were either not informed or only slightly informed by the priorities of the CapDev Strategy. A few activities in some flagships, though, were reportedly completely informed by the CapDev Strategy. Given the disparity between strategy and practice, it may seem that the CNAs conducted by the CapDev Unit and the ensuing CapDev Strategy, apart from the fact that they were rather belated, could have been perceived by the Flagships as superfluous and non-compelling. Indeed, one Flagship had reportedly conducted its own in-house capacity needs assessments and responded to perceived stakeholder demands with specific tools."}]},{"head":"Implementation and adaptation of CapDev interventions","index":70,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":120,"text":"• At least in the priority countries of the Livestock CRP (i.e., Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam), CapDev activities were implemented as part of an integrated country work plan. As per the CGIAR requirements, the planning and reporting system used by the CRP does not include information on specific CapDev activities at the annual planning stage. Instead, it was based on deliverables, that is, proof of the completion of an activity or set of activities. The reports were, however, required to indicate if any of the deliverables involved trainees and, if so, to specify the number, gender, and type of these trainees. In the MARLO, all reported Flagship activities were scored for the extent to which they had CapDev components."},{"index":2,"size":74,"text":"• CapDev was something in the mind of the Flagship leaders, but never had any particular delivery targets. The degree of the Flagship's engagement with the CapDev Unit team to specify the CapDev elements for implementation was, in most cases, unclear. Thus, CapDev was either expected as an incidental outcome to a main activity or implemented as a spurious subactivity, depending on the exigencies, with no clear linkages to the CRP CapDev strategic priorities."},{"index":3,"size":74,"text":"• In many of the countries, project activities were bilaterally funded; but there were no clear linkages between bilateral projects and country-level intermediate indicators to allow aggregation of results. Program output indicators (e.g., number of CapDev participants) were not clearly linked to bilateral project output indicators, and this probably led to under-reporting on deliverables. However, in some cases, alignment with the country's strategic areas was one way of adapting CapDev actions to country context."}]},{"head":"Achievement of CapDev outputs and outcomes","index":71,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":60,"text":"• The planning and reporting system used by the CRP does not include information on specific CapDev activities and targets at the annual planning stage, which may pose a challenge for evaluation of implementation effectiveness. However, based on perceptions by Flagship implementing teams, the extent to which various Flagships implemented the CapDev activities was different depending on the target country."},{"index":2,"size":124,"text":"• For Livestock Genetics, CapDev activities were completed (80-100%) in all the priority countries. The Livestock Health Flagship did not complete all the intended CapDev interventions in any of the three targeted countries of Uganda, Vietnam, or Mali. Feeds and Forages completed CapDev implementation in only four out of nine targeted countries: Colombia, Kenya, Tunisia, and Vietnam. Livestock and Environment targeted four countries, but only managed to complete CapDev implementation in two countries: Tanzania and Tunisia. The Livelihoods and Agro-Food Systems Flagship also targeted nine countries for delivery of CapDev interventions, but only three countries (India, Kenya, and The Gambia) registered completion of the activities. In addition, the priority countries of Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam all registered activity completion rates of below 49%."},{"index":3,"size":50,"text":"• Disruptions by the COVID-19 pandemic, delays in funding and in getting ethical approvals, late onset of implementation of some projects, engagements with new partners, and lack of implementation capacity (e.g., the lead scientist in The Gambia had left) were some of the reasons cited for noncompletion of CapDev activities."}]},{"head":"Gains to CapDev and sustainability of results","index":72,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":68,"text":"• Training on the use of the FEAST has led to its adoption in over 22 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where the tool has been promoted independently by a range of civil society, NGO, government, and private sector organizations. Sustainability is likely in various contexts and this could be aided by integrating additional components (e.g. soil analysis) and introducing it within an innovation platform set-up."},{"index":2,"size":178,"text":"• CoPs for sheep-fattening-Initially introduced by ICARDA, this market-oriented collective action driven by the youth has been replicated in other neighbouring regions of the Ethiopian highlands through peer-to-peer learning. Moreover, the youth groups have since extended their focus beyond the animals and embraced forage production and sale of feed supplements to enhance their feed base. Most of the youth in the groups were school dropouts, mainly due to high poverty levels in Ethiopia. But as a result of engaging in this sheepfattening enterprise, many of them are now going back to school with the proceeds that they are earning. They are able to multiply their animals very quickly. In a span of two years, many of them have multiplied their sheep flocks to between 16 and 30 sheep! The self-propagating CoP concept around the sheep-fattening youth groups has auspiciously evolved into platforms of cooperation among the implementing partners, a kind of 'reverse capacity development'. Initially, the partners did not relate to each other in any meaningful way; but now, they go together and work together with the farmers."},{"index":3,"size":128,"text":"• Community conversations-these are knowledge co-creation forums that leverage indigenous and scientific knowledge domains to midwife solutions to community challenges. They are used to guide discussions among rural farming communities on issues affecting local livestock farming. The facilitated conversations have been shown to have positive effects on KAPs of participating farmers as well as behaviour change and gender relations at household and community levels. The observed behaviour changes include: i) adoption of safety practices when handling sick animals, ii) improved access to farming information for women, iii) more equitable sharing of responsibilities in the homestead, iv) inclusion of women in non-traditional income-generating activities, v) and increased awareness of the risks of anti-microbial resistance among community members. The Ethiopian government has mainstreamed the conversations into the national extension system."}]},{"head":"Improved milk-handling practices","index":73,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":59,"text":"• Training on good milk production practices and prevention of milk-borne diseases for women of the Borana pastoralist community in Ethiopia has resulted in improved KAPs and a statistically significant increase in the age of women adopting the improved practices. Six months post training, the overall practice score increased from 49.5% at pretraining to 64.7%, a statistically significant change."}]},{"head":"Benefits of results to national partners","index":74,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":82,"text":"• Community breeding programs, introduced by ICARDA through training modules, owe their success to their participatory model. The CBBPs are now owned and promoted by the national system in Ethiopia. The program is very consultative and uses local breeds selected from the herds of the community groups. The approach to communitybased breeding has now been integrated into Ethiopia's national livestock master plan. The program has also been linked to a cloud-based genetic database platform to improve data quality, data collection, and information."}]},{"head":"Lessons and best practices","index":75,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":45,"text":"• Key informants across flagships still felt that lack of capacity of national partners was a drawback to technology uptake and scaling efforts. Thus, developing capacity of national partners to independently execute research and undertake downstream scaling efforts should be prioritized in future CapDev interventions."},{"index":2,"size":50,"text":"• The pooled funding projections in the CRP Proposals apparently did not materialize for most of the Flagships, which had to rely on ongoing bilateral agreements to fund activities. Some Flagships did not have suitably qualified technical personnel in some focus countries, and this was closely tied with sector under-funding."},{"index":3,"size":51,"text":"• Lack of trust and exploitative power relations were apparent among some stakeholders (e.g., in the pig value chain in Uganda). Adoption of innovation platforms as social spaces for facilitated dialogue by stakeholders on key issues would help address power disparities such as were apparent in the Ugandan pig value chain."},{"index":4,"size":45,"text":"• Strong institutional partners, institutional structures, and the stage of development are key to programmatic success in target countries. In particular, the stage of development determines where one stands with respect to readiness to take things up (i.e., technology uptake) and hence impact at scale."},{"index":5,"size":30,"text":"• Medium and smallholder farmers are the main adopters of technologies for feeds and forages. This is an important lesson for targeting future scaling efforts of feeds and forage technologies."},{"index":6,"size":43,"text":"• Community conversations that have registered remarkable successes at the grassroots level in the small ruminant value chains could serve as a mechanism to instigate bottom-up change management to help in navigating enduring system rigidities that undermine innovation in some countries like Ethiopia."},{"index":7,"size":80,"text":"• Tools developed by one flagship could easily have been deployed in another for greater efficiency. An example is the Integrated Package Tool developed by Livestock Health Flagship, which had components that could have been employed in the youth sheep-fattening enterprise in Ethiopia. However, the capacity to pick up innovations fermented in one flagship and inoculate them elsewhere within the CRP was lacking. The concept of site integration need not be only for co-delivery; it should really be about co-learning."}]},{"head":"Suggestions for Future CapDev","index":76,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Approach to CapDev","index":77,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":52,"text":"• Currently, the CRP equates CapDev largely with training, save for a few participatory approaches like community conversations. A few key informants talked about learning-by-doing as a means to strengthening partner capacity without any clear details as to how this approach was implemented in practice nor how the results thereof were tracked."},{"index":2,"size":43,"text":"Inherent in these approaches is the notion that capacity development is a linear and predictable change process that can be directed by the implementation of some external inputs to a system. However, contemporary development practice of CapDev affirms that this is not true."},{"index":3,"size":111,"text":"• Additionally, achieving impact at scale entails not only, for example, knowledge of a technology or how to use a decision support tool developed by the CRP; it is more to do with the embeddedness of the technology or tool in the system. That some farmers were averse to the use of semen from cross-bred animals is an issue of institutional embeddedness of the semen technology. Although the farmers were knowledgeable about the crossbreed semen technology, the Livestock Genetics Flagship needed to employ non-tangible aspects of capacity (i.e. use of a digital feedback system to directly appraise farmers on the evidence for breeding gains) to be able to navigate their resistance."},{"index":4,"size":60,"text":"• There is need for a paradigm shift in the way the CRP, and indeed the CGIAR, views capacity development. By invoking systems thinking, which posits that capacity is an emergent system attribute, CapDev should be increasingly viewed as a complex adaptive process to be approached as a process of experimentation and learning rather than the implementation of predetermined activities."}]},{"head":"Theory of change and CapDev","index":78,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":104,"text":"• The aims and purposes of CapDev are clearly enunciated in the TOCs of the CRP and Flagships. However, most program leaders interviewed could not relate what they were doing in CapDev to a perceived TOC. Indeed, the CapDev Strategy itself did not specify exactly how the prioritized activities contributed to the CRP or Flagship TOCs. An internal conceptual disconnect thus exists between strategic design and its implementation. For the aspirations of 'site integration', for example, to come to fruition, a shared vision of success by all CRP personnel is imperative. This calls for strengthening ownership of strategy and MEL capacity within the CRP."}]},{"head":"Monitoring and cross-learning","index":79,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":59,"text":"• Currently, CapDev actions are only attached ex post to the main Flagship activities and rated as to whether they were significant or principal based on perception. Effects and experiences from the CapDev actions were not formally tracked. Therefore, a pragmatic approach to MEL, based on reflection on practical experience in attempting to achieve CapDev goals, is called for."}]}],"figures":[{"text":"Figure 1 CGIARFigure 2 Figure1 "},{"text":"Figure 3 Figure 3 "},{"text":"Figure 4 Figure 4 "},{"text":"Figure 5 CGIAR Figure 5 "},{"text":"Figure 6 Figure 6 "},{"text":"CGIAR CONCEPTUALIZATION OF CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Capacity development is a strategic enabler of impact for the CGIAR as well as its partners. It goes far beyond the transfer of knowledge and skills through training, and cuts across multiple levels, specifically: individual (micro), organizational (meso), and institutional (macro). To support implementation of this broader concept of capacity development in the second phase of CRPs, the CGIAR Capacity Development Community of Practice (CapDev CoP) formulated a Capacity Development Framework (CGIAR 2015 5 ) that provides guidance on how the CGIAR and its partners can successfully integrate capacity development for both internal and external clients into the CRPs. The Framework is underpinned by nine conceptual elements, namely: 1-needs assessments and intervention strategy design; 2-design and delivery of innovative learning materials and approaches; 3development of partnering capacity; 4-development of future research leadership; 5-application of gender-sensitive approaches to capacity development; 6-institutional strengthening; 7-M&E of capacity development; 8-organizational development; 9-research on capacity development; and 10development of capacity to innovate (Figure 1). "},{"text":"Figure 1 : Figure 1: CGIAR's Conceptualization of Capacity. Development. "},{"text":" outcomes and derive lessons for future capacity development programming (Vallejo and When 2016 9 ). Case studies and Most Significant Change 9. Vallejo, B. and When, U. 2016. Capacity Development Evaluation: The Challenge of the Results Agenda and Measuring Return on Investment in the Global South. World Development, 79:1-13. "},{"text":"Flagship 2 : Livestock HealthTraining tools and extension leaflets developed by the flagshipThe Flagship developed an impressive range of training tools (manuals and guides) between 2017 and 2021, some of which were digitized to enable online delivery in the wake of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: • Smallholder dairy training manual (East Africa) • Pig farmer training manual • Field post-mortem examination training module • Guide for training of female pastoralists in the Borana Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, on good milk production, handling and processing practices, and prevention of the transmission of milk-borne zoonotic diseases • Training modules for veterinarians and farmers in small ruminant and pig farming systems 11. Canales, C., Manson, N. and Jones, B. 2017. Mzima cow strategy and theory of change-Translating from genetic research in Africa to adoption and social value: The Genetics for Africa-Strategies and Opportunities project workshop report. London, UK: Science Technology and Innovation for Development Ltd. • Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices tool to understand farmer use of anti-microbials • Gender-sensitive farmer training approach • Training guide for community conversation on animal welfare • A guide to facilitators of community conversation on animal welfare • A guide for integrating community conversation in extension for gender-responsive animal health management • Practical guides to herd health management of pigs, dairy cattle, and small ruminants • Learning modules on coenurosis and anthrax transmission and control • Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) tool • Guideline for participatory training on African swine fever control for smallholder pig farmers in Uganda The Flagship also developed over nine extension leaflets between 2017 and 2019 on anthrax, brucellosis, coenurosis, enzootic abortion, leptospirosis, fasciolosis (liver fluke), heamonchosis, Q fever, and toxoplasma. These are detailed in a CapDev review report compiled by Uggla (2020 12 ) for the Flagship. Trainings conducted by the flagship A summary of the trainings conducted by the Flagship in various countries between 2017 and 2021 includes: • Community conversations on animal herd health in Ethiopia and Mali from 2018. • Participatory trainings to deliver knowledge on biosecurity to pig farmers in Uganda in 2018. • Training in medically rational use of antimicrobials in 2019. 12. Canales, C., Manson, N. and Jones, B. 2017. Mzima cow strategy and theory of change-Translating from genetic research in Africa to adoption and social value: The Genetics for Africa-Strategies and Opportunities project workshop report. London, UK: Science Technology and Innovation for Development Ltd. "},{"text":"Figure 4 : Figure 4: How Flagship CapDev actions were informed by the Livestock CRP CapDev Strategy. CapDev-capacity development. CRP-CGIAR Research Project. Thus, it may seem that the CNAs conducted by the "},{"text":" Collective action of youth in sheep-fattening and consequent strengthening of youth cooperatives has high potential to reduce youth unemployment through collective pursuit of economic opportunities along the sheepfattening value chain (SFVC). Converging partnerships involving youth cooperatives, local community-based breeding organizations, local governments, research centres, and value chain actors need strengthening for dissemination of innovations that are theme-based and focused on smallholder farmers. "},{"text":"Figure 6 : Figure 6: Three spheres of changes engendered by project interventions. Adapted from Earl et al. (2001). "},{"text":" In a similar vein, McHugh and Bennet (2020 49 ) observed in their report on CGIAR Research Program 2020 Reviews: 49. CAS Secretariat (CGIAR Advisory Services Shared Secretariat). 2020. CGIAR Research Program 2020 Reviews: Livestock. Rome, Italy: CAS Secretariat Evaluation Function. "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":"Table 1 Prioritized CapDev areas for livestock CRP 4 4 "},{"text":"Table 2 "},{"text":"Table 6 "},{"text":"Table 7 "},{"text":"Table 8 "},{"text":"Table 9 "},{"text":"Table 10 "},{"text":"Table 11 cademic trainings under the Livestock and Environment Flagship "},{"text":"Table 12 "},{"text":"Table 14 "},{"text":"Table 15 Prioritization of CapDev strategic elements "},{"text":"Table 16 "},{"text":"Table 17 Usage statistics of training tools developed by the Livestock Health Flagshipe "},{"text":"Table 18 "},{"text":" This review sustains this view and reiterates that-based on subsidiarity-the role of the CRP should be to strengthen the macro-level systemic capacity for effective downstream delivery of development interventions. Efficiencies of going to scale can only be realized if partners at progressively lower levels are empowered to cascade the interventions. Indeed, leaving country implementation to those partners with comparative advantage ensures that the CRP does not overstretch its implementation capacity. The caveat, however, is that if not tested and validated with farmers in design/pilot stages, many training the trainers (ToT) programs will fail as not fit for purpose. Further, ToT programs are not a panacea and, in general, are poorly conceived. In most cases, there is no funding to actually carry out work beyond the ToT. The Livestock CRP focuses on meeting the increasing The Livestock CRP focuses on meeting the increasing demand for animal-source foods by transforming demand for animal-source foods by transforming smallholder and pastoral livestock systems. The goal smallholder and pastoral livestock systems. The goal of the CRP is to create a well-nourished, equitable, of the CRP is to create a well-nourished, equitable, and environmentally healthy world through livestock and environmentally healthy world through livestock research for development. The CRP recognizes that research for development. The CRP recognizes that in order for livestock research for development to in order for livestock research for development to enhance the performance of livestock systems, five enhance the performance of livestock systems, five interacting areas need attention: i) the genetic potential interacting areas need attention: i) the genetic potential of the livestock, ii) their nutrition, iii) their health, iv) of the livestock, ii) their nutrition, iii) their health, iv) their interaction with the environment, and v) a range their interaction with the environment, and v) a range "},{"text":"Table 1 : Prioritized CapDev areas for livestock CRP Photo: ILRI/Geoffrey Photo: ILRI/Geoffrey "},{"text":"Table 2 : A generalized approach to the evaluation Study ObjectivesGeneral Approach to Executing the Objectives Take stock of the numerous CapDev 1 activities implemented under the CRP 2 Desk review of Cap Dev program documents and implementation Desk review of Cap Dev program documents and implementation reports reports "},{"text":"Table 4 : Design matrix for executing the evaluation questions OECD 1 Evaluation Questions Method of Data Sources of Data Selection of Data Analysis OECD 1Evaluation Questions Method of DataSources of DataSelection ofData Analysis Criteria Collection Respondents and Reporting CriteriaCollectionRespondentsand Reporting Relevance Q1. Is the Livestock Document Livestock CRP Consultations Narrative RelevanceQ1. Is the LivestockDocumentLivestock CRPConsultationsNarrative CRP 2 delivering review using documents; Livestock with ILRI 4 team or thematic CRP 2 deliveringreview usingdocuments; Livestockwith ILRI 4 teamor thematic quality capacity a structured CRP CapDev Strategy; and strategic analysis to quality capacitya structuredCRP CapDev Strategy;and strategicanalysis to development framework; FP implementation partners establish the developmentframework;FP implementationpartnersestablish the interventions aligned Online surveys reports; Surveys degree of interventions alignedOnline surveysreports; Surveysdegree of with its capacity and key coherence with with its capacityand keycoherence with development informant the CapDev developmentinformantthe CapDev strategy? interviews, e.g. Strategy strategy?interviews, e.g.Strategy with FP 3 leads with FP 3 leads Efficiency Q2. How well Document Livestock CRP Consultations Narrative EfficiencyQ2. How wellDocumentLivestock CRPConsultationsNarrative were Capacity review using implementation with ILRI team or thematic were Capacityreview usingimplementationwith ILRI teamor thematic Development a structured framework; financial and strategic analysis of Developmenta structuredframework; financialand strategicanalysis of interventions framework; reports; FP reports; partners secondary data interventionsframework;reports; FP reports;partnerssecondary data implemented and Online surveys previous review implemented andOnline surveysprevious review adapted as needed and key reports; Surveys adapted as neededand keyreports; Surveys in the Livestock informant in the Livestockinformant CRP? interviews, e.g. CRP?interviews, e.g. with FP leads with FP leads Effectiveness Q5. To what Document Livestock CRP CapDev Quantitative Effectiveness Q5. To whatDocumentLivestock CRP CapDevQuantitative extent have the review using implementation and qualitative extent have thereview usingimplementationand qualitative intended Capacity a structured framework; FP reports; assessments intended Capacitya structuredframework; FP reports;assessments Development framework; previous review of CRP (and FP) Developmentframework;previous reviewof CRP (and FP) outputs and Data extraction reports; interviews performance outputs andData extractionreports; interviewsperformance outcomes been matrices against planned outcomes beenmatricesagainst planned achieved by 2021? milestones achieved by 2021?milestones Impact Q3. How valuable Document Data obtained from Consultations Narrative ImpactQ3. How valuableDocumentData obtained fromConsultationsNarrative were the results to review using interviews; with ILRI team or thematic were the results toreview usinginterviews;with ILRI teamor thematic national partners a structured Progress reports; and strategic analysis; Gap national partnersa structuredProgress reports;and strategicanalysis; Gap and/or organizations framework; Review reports; partners; analysis to and/or organizationsframework;Review reports;partners;analysis to involved? Data extraction Surveys and Random find out which involved?Data extractionSurveys andRandomfind out which matrices; interviews sampling stakeholder matrices;interviewssamplingstakeholder Stakeholder or expectations Stakeholder orexpectations partner mapping; were unmet; partner mapping;were unmet; Semi-structured Causal analysis Semi-structuredCausal analysis interviews interviews (online); (online); Focus Group Focus Group Discussion (via Discussion (via Zoom); Zoom); Progress reports Progress reports Sustainability Q4. Are any positive Key informant Data obtained from Consultations Discourse Sustainability Q4. Are any positiveKey informantData obtained fromConsultationsDiscourse results likely to be interviews; interviews; with ILRI team analysis of results likely to beinterviews;interviews;with ILRI teamanalysis of sustained? In what Document review Review of project and strategic primary data sustained? In whatDocument reviewReview of projectand strategicprimary data circumstances? reports; partners; from interviews; circumstances?reports;partners;from interviews; Interviews with Non-probability Causal analysis Interviews withNon-probabilityCausal analysis stakeholders sampling stakeholderssampling (e.g. variation (e.g. variation sampling) sampling) "},{"text":"11 16 43 154 210 248 309 353 3,246 3,819 5,630 10,018 - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 Cambodia Lao Republic Morocco Senegal Sudan Vietnam Somalia Rwanda Afg hanist an Colombia Mali Nicaragua Tunisia India Et hi opia Tanzania Uganda Kenya Number of CapDev Participants Photo: ILRI/Joyce Maru Photo: ILRI/Joyce Maru Overview A total of 265,823 individuals (24% women) participated in CapDev activities implemented by the Livestock CRP between 2018 and 2021. The CapDev activities involved formal academic training (Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Science (MSc), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)), formal one-off training, formal research placement, knowledge exchange and co-creation, and participatory trials and studies. Readership of online journals, attendance of online meetings and workshops, and estimated reach of disseminated study There were no activities for CapDev reported in either the Annual Report of 2017 or the Managing Agricultural Research for Learning and Outcomes (MARLO) report of 2017. However, in 2018, the Livestock CRP undertook a range of CapDev activities, including development of training materials or tools and facilitation of training events; testing of new extension approaches, including digital extension, information and community technology for agriculture (ICT4Ag -mobile, radio, video, online), mobile apps, and decision support tools; and design and delivery of blended learning experiences. Overview A total of 265,823 individuals (24% women) participated in CapDev activities implemented by the Livestock CRP between 2018 and 2021. The CapDev activities involved formal academic training (Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Science (MSc), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)), formal one-off training, formal research placement, knowledge exchange and co-creation, and participatory trials and studies. Readership of online journals, attendance of online meetings and workshops, and estimated reach of disseminated studyThere were no activities for CapDev reported in either the Annual Report of 2017 or the Managing Agricultural Research for Learning and Outcomes (MARLO) report of 2017. However, in 2018, the Livestock CRP undertook a range of CapDev activities, including development of training materials or tools and facilitation of training events; testing of new extension approaches, including digital extension, information and community technology for agriculture (ICT4Ag -mobile, radio, video, online), mobile apps, and decision support tools; and design and delivery of blended learning experiences. reports accounted for 241,755 of the participants (25% women). Only 24,068 participants were physically drawn from the 19 countries targeted by the CRP. As shown in Figure 2, Kenya registered the highest number of CapDev participants, followed in decreasing order by the Livestock CRP priority countries of Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia (MARLO 2021 10 ). Moreover, in 2019, the CRP scientists and partners undertook capacity needs assessments (CNAs) and conducted due diligence on solution providers in several countries across multiple livestock value chains. Based on the CNAs, the CRP finalized its Capacity Development Strategy (2019-2021) and implemented a range of initiatives, including facilitating reports accounted for 241,755 of the participants (25% women). Only 24,068 participants were physically drawn from the 19 countries targeted by the CRP. As shown in Figure 2, Kenya registered the highest number of CapDev participants, followed in decreasing order by the Livestock CRP priority countries of Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia (MARLO 2021 10 ).Moreover, in 2019, the CRP scientists and partners undertook capacity needs assessments (CNAs) and conducted due diligence on solution providers in several countries across multiple livestock value chains. Based on the CNAs, the CRP finalized its Capacity Development Strategy (2019-2021) and implemented a range of initiatives, including facilitating Figure 2: Participation in CapDev activities by country. CapDev-capacity development. community conversations, developing training modules, and conducting training workshops (both in person and through digital extension channels). Short-term Figure 2: Participation in CapDev activities by country. CapDev-capacity conversations, developing training modules, and conducting training workshops (both in person and through digital extension channels). Short-term trainings and other activities were also held with trainings and other activities were also held with stakeholders including farmers, livestock entrepreneurs, stakeholders including farmers, livestock entrepreneurs, extension officers, and policymakers, reaching 13,938 extension officers, and policymakers, reaching 13,938 individuals (34% women). About 32 undergraduate individuals (34% women). About 32 undergraduate and graduate students also received long-term training and graduate students also received long-term training during the year, including 12 who completed their during the year, including 12 who completed their PhD studies (58% women). With regard to scaling, the PhD studies (58% women). With regard to scaling, the CRP piloted a detailed scaling approach, agreeing on CRP piloted a detailed scaling approach, agreeing on clear plans for how it will be implemented over the clear plans for how it will be implemented over the 2019/2021 period, and an initial scaling workshop was 2019/2021 period, and an initial scaling workshop was held for the priority country team in Uganda. held for the priority country team in Uganda. 4 4 1 2 2 The CRP reached a total of 30,930 individuals (33% women) attending various trainings during 2020. Of 1 2 2The CRP reached a total of 30,930 individuals (33% women) attending various trainings during 2020. Of 1 these, 23,128 people (35% women) were engaged 1these, 23,128 people (35% women) were engaged 1 in long-term training, the majority (23,100) through 1in long-term training, the majority (23,100) through a four-month weekly virtual seminar series on a four-month weekly virtual seminar series on sustainable beef and dairy production in Colombia, sustainable beef and dairy production in Colombia, and the remainder (one intern and 27 students) in and the remainder (one intern and 27 students) in formal education; of these, six women and four men formal education; of these, six women and four men 10. Managing Agricultural Research for Learning and Outcomes completed PhD's. Participants in short-term training and 10. Managing Agricultural Research for Learning and Outcomescompleted PhD's. Participants in short-term training and (MARLO). 2021.Livestock assessment report 2017-202 participants and trainees. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI. other events numbered 7,802 (30% women). (MARLO). 2021.Livestock assessment report 2017-202 participants and trainees. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.other events numbered 7,802 (30% women). "},{"text":"Table 5 : CapDev implementation by various Flagships Flagship 2017 Significant Principal Significant Principal Significant Principal Significant Principal 2018 2019 2020 Total % Flagship2017 Significant Principal Significant Principal Significant Principal Significant Principal 2018 2019 2020Total% FP1 1 0 17 7 12 13 9 7 66 9.40 FP110177121397669.40 FP2 5 0 6 10 20 6 24 12 83 11.82 FP250610206241283 11.82 FP3 2 0 50 25 61 19 65 32 254 36.18 FP320502561196532254 36.18 FP4 3 0 81 6 71 16 52 17 246 35.04 FP43081671165217246 35.04 FP5 0 0 9 11 18 3 8 4 53 7.55 FP50091118384537.55 Total 11 0 163 59 182 57 158 72 702 100 Total110163591825715872702 100 % 1.57 0 23.22 8.4 25.93 8.12 22.51 10.26 0 %1.57023.228.425.938.1222.5110.260 Key: FP1-Livestock Genetics; FP2-Livestock Health; FP3-Livestock Feeds and Forages; FP4-Livestock and the Environment; FP5-Livestock Key: FP1-Livestock Genetics; FP2-Livestock Health; FP3-Livestock Feeds and Forages; FP4-Livestock and the Environment; FP5-Livestock Livelihoods and Agri-food Systems Livelihoods and Agri-food Systems "},{"text":"CapDev implementation by flagship Flagship 1: Livestock Genetics breeding programs (CBBPs) for goats. The targeted breeding programs (CBBPs) for goats. The targeted countries were Ethiopia and Tanzania. By 2017, the countries were Ethiopia and Tanzania. By 2017, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) had successfully established Dry Areas (ICARDA) had successfully established goat CBBPs at the Sekota (Amhara), Tanqua Abergele goat CBBPs at the Sekota (Amhara), Tanqua Abergele Academic degree training: In 2017, the Livestock Genetics Flagship trained three PhD researchers (one woman) in Ethiopia. In 2018, eight Ethiopian candidates graduated (six MSc's and two PhD's; one woman), while in 2019, three MScs graduated in Ethiopia and three PhD's graduated in Ethiopia, Sudan, and West Africa. In 2020, one PhD student and three MSc students completed their degrees in Ethiopia. (Tigray), and Woyto-Guji sites in Konso, south Ethiopia. In 2018, 11 participants attended a short-term training on advanced ultrasonography for sheep reproduction in Ethiopia. A number of one-off trainings were implemented in various countries in 2019, with a total of 730 researchers (201 women), farmers, and other stakeholders participating (see Table 6). The types of trainings included CBBP, low-cost artificial insemination in sheep, animal handling and welfare, pig husbandry, Academic degree training: In 2017, the Livestock Genetics Flagship trained three PhD researchers (one woman) in Ethiopia. In 2018, eight Ethiopian candidates graduated (six MSc's and two PhD's; one woman), while in 2019, three MScs graduated in Ethiopia and three PhD's graduated in Ethiopia, Sudan, and West Africa. In 2020, one PhD student and three MSc students completed their degrees in Ethiopia.(Tigray), and Woyto-Guji sites in Konso, south Ethiopia. In 2018, 11 participants attended a short-term training on advanced ultrasonography for sheep reproduction in Ethiopia. A number of one-off trainings were implemented in various countries in 2019, with a total of 730 researchers (201 women), farmers, and other stakeholders participating (see Table 6). The types of trainings included CBBP, low-cost artificial insemination in sheep, animal handling and welfare, pig husbandry, One-off formal training: In 2017, 14 CGIAR staff (one woman) in Ethiopia and Tanzania were trained on reproductive biotechnologies for small ruminants. The training aimed to establish a number of mobile, low-infrastructure laboratories to deliver artificial insemination and other reproductive technologies in support of extending and out-scaling community-based and livestock genetics and genomics. The priority countries (Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania) accounted for the largest share of training participants. In Ethiopia, a module on CBBP was integrated into the livestock genetics curriculum of three universities and a tailored MSc-level training on breeding and genetics was introduced in two universities. One-off formal training: In 2017, 14 CGIAR staff (one woman) in Ethiopia and Tanzania were trained on reproductive biotechnologies for small ruminants. The training aimed to establish a number of mobile, low-infrastructure laboratories to deliver artificial insemination and other reproductive technologies in support of extending and out-scaling community-basedand livestock genetics and genomics. The priority countries (Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania) accounted for the largest share of training participants. In Ethiopia, a module on CBBP was integrated into the livestock genetics curriculum of three universities and a tailored MSc-level training on breeding and genetics was introduced in two universities. "},{"text":"Table 6 : One-off formal training under the Livestock Genetics Flagship in 2019 Course materials and guidelines for dairy cattle breeding in East Africa were developed and used for the trainings. Again, the priority countries of Uganda and Vietnam accounted for the bulk of training participants.Two online trainings of trainers were conducted; one was on certification of improved sires, for 20 researchers and ministry livestock experts, and the other, on ultrasonography in sheep and goats, was held for 23 researchers and ministry livestock experts. A face-to-face training on up-scaling of communitybased breeding programs (CBBPs) focusing on collection of baseline data, animal identification, and CBBP start-up, was provided to 40 researchers, project teams, and extension staff of the Ethiopian Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, from the four Oromia sites in Shashemene, Ethiopia. In Tunisia, 47 participants (19 women) were trained on phenotyping for fasciolosis. The Flagship also developed an e-learning course on 'Essential knowledge for effective improvement and dissemination of genetics in sheep and goats'. Country Participants, total Participants, female Nature of participants Types of training CountryParticipants, totalParticipants, femaleNature of participantsTypes of training Ethiopia 435 95 Mixed Operationalization of the Certification of Improved Ethiopia43595MixedOperationalization of the Certification of Improved participants, Rams and Bucks; CBBP 1 -breeding data management participants,Rams and Bucks; CBBP 1 -breeding data management researchers and analysis; CBBP upscaling. researchersand analysis; CBBP upscaling. Tanzania 45 12 Mixed Organization and field implementation of low-cost Tanzania4512MixedOrganization and field implementation of low-cost participants field solution for sheep artificial insemination; Animal participantsfield solution for sheep artificial insemination; Animal handling and welfare handling and welfare Uganda 173 71 Farmers, Smallholder pig keepers trained on various aspects of Uganda17371Farmers,Smallholder pig keepers trained on various aspects of producers pig husbandry producerspig husbandry Nigeria 14 4 Researchers Livestock genetics and genomics in Nigeria Nigeria144ResearchersLivestock genetics and genomics in Nigeria Senegal 26 5 Researchers Researchers trained on genomics in preparation for key Senegal265ResearchersResearchers trained on genomics in preparation for key role in boosting productivity of livestock systems role in boosting productivity of livestock systems East 17 9 Researchers Joint course on hands-on animal genetic and genomic East179ResearchersJoint course on hands-on animal genetic and genomic Africa evaluation Africaevaluation Global 20 5 Mixed Training on linear models for the prediction of animal Global205MixedTraining on linear models for the prediction of animal participants breeding value participantsbreeding value Total 730 201 (28%) Total730201 (28%) 1. Community-based breeding program 1. Community-based breeding program "},{"text":"Table 7 : One-off formal trainings under the Livestock Genetics Flagship in 2020 Country Participants, total Participants, female Nature of participants Type of training CountryParticipants, totalParticipants, femaleNature of participantsType of training Uganda 184 70 Farmer, producer • Smallholder pig keepers training on pig breeds, Uganda18470Farmer, producer • Smallholder pig keepers training on pig breeds, breeding, and community-based artificial breeding, and community-based artificial insemination in Uganda insemination in Uganda • Training of women and men farmers on pig • Training of women and men farmers on pig breeds, breeding, and synchronized artificial breeds, breeding, and synchronized artificial insemination in Uganda insemination in Uganda Vietnam 198 102 Farmer, producer, • Training of village boar keepers and veterinary Vietnam198102Farmer, producer,• Training of village boar keepers and veterinary value chain actor, workers on Ban boar semen collection and value chain actor,workers on Ban boar semen collection and mixed semen quality evaluation, in northwest Vietnam mixedsemen quality evaluation, in northwest Vietnam • Training of women and men veterinarians • Training of women and men veterinarians on cattle artificial insemination, in northwest on cattle artificial insemination, in northwest Vietnam Vietnam • Training of women and men smallholder • Training of women and men smallholder pig keepers on pig artificial insemination, in pig keepers on pig artificial insemination, in northwest Vietnam northwest Vietnam • Training of women and men smallholder pig • Training of women and men smallholder pig keepers, other stakeholders, on cattle and pigs keepers, other stakeholders, on cattle and pigs breeds, breeding and artificial insemination, in breeds, breeding and artificial insemination, in northwest Vietnam northwest Vietnam Kenya 42 12 Mixed Training of trainers (TOT) in community-based Kenya4212MixedTraining of trainers (TOT) in community-based breeding program for small ruminants in pastoral breeding program for small ruminants in pastoral communities of Kenya communities of Kenya Ethiopia 191 0 Farmers, • Animal management and principles of Ethiopia1910Farmers,• Animal management and principles of administrative cooperatives administrativecooperatives staff, experts from Bureau of Agriculture • Animal breeding, health, nutrition, and principles of cooperatives staff, experts from Bureau of Agriculture• Animal breeding, health, nutrition, and principles of cooperatives Cameroon 43 11 Researchers TOT 1 on technologies for the promotion of local Cameroon4311ResearchersTOT 1 on technologies for the promotion of local poultry value chain poultry value chain Tunisia 47 19 Veterinarians, Tunisia4719Veterinarians, Scientists, Scientists, Extension Extension agents, Private agents, Private sector, Academic sector, Academic institutions, PhD institutions, PhD Students Students "},{"text":" at the SLU13 . Other trainings included design of bundled interventions in community-based breeding program (CBBP) sites integrating genetics, reproductive management techniques and control of the main reproductive diseases, and East Coast Fever (ECF) vaccination and disease recognition. In 2018, a total of 2,900 farmers and other value chain actors (about 41% women) attended one-off trainings on: (i) community conversation in Ethiopia as a gender-transformative approach to reduce the risk of zoonoses; (ii) herd health training of small-ruminant farmers in Ethiopia; and (iii) USAID-ITM Project Final Report and farmer-to-farmer (FTF) indicator training in Tanzania. A guide to integrating community conversation in extension for gender-responsive animal health management was elaborated and used in the trainings "},{"text":" Trials and studies: Various studies were conducted in 2017 (mainly in Uganda and Ethiopia) on several topics, namely: (i) determining risk factors for African swine fever; (ii) seroprevalence of Taenia spp. cysticercosis in pigs in rural and urban production systems of Uganda; (iii) risk factors, perceptions, and practices associated with T. solium cysticercosis and its control in smallholder pig production systems in Uganda; (iv) hygiene practices of pork retail outlets in Kampala District, Uganda; (v) impact assessment of participatory training on biosecurity protocols on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of smallholder pig farmers in Uganda "},{"text":"Table 8 : PhD research were: agronomic and nutritional evaluation of forage legumes, management of Fusarium wilt disease, remote sensing for sustainable livestock production systems, goat and sheep research, and community-based agricultural extension as a participatory organizational learning process in producer organizations (Table8). Academic trainings under the Feeds and Forages Flagship Degree Participants, Participants, Type of Training area Research area DegreeParticipants,Participants,Type ofTraining areaResearch area Course total female participants (Country) Coursetotalfemaleparticipants(Country) 2017 2017 BSc 1 2 1 CGIAR 2 staff Training in BSc BSc 121CGIAR 2 staffTraining in BSc Economics Economics (Colombia) (Colombia) MSc 3 1 1 Researcher MSc student Research on urea-treated straw MSc 311ResearcherMSc studentResearch on urea-treated straw (Ethiopia) and urea block supplementation to (Ethiopia)and urea block supplementation to cross-bred dairy cows cross-bred dairy cows PhD 4 4 2 Researchers, PhD students Goat research; Research on sheep PhD 442Researchers,PhD studentsGoat research; Research on sheep CGIAR staff (Ethiopia-three; under Africa Rising (Livestock and CGIAR staff(Ethiopia-three;under Africa Rising (Livestock and Colombia-one) Fish CRP); Colombia-one)Fish CRP); Food-feed crops Food-feed crops PhD Thesis: Influence of varietal PhD Thesis: Influence of varietal selection and treatments on the selection and treatments on the nutritive value of selected pulse crop nutritive value of selected pulse crop residue residue 2018 2018 BSc 2 2 CGIAR staff BSc22CGIAR staff MSc 6 2 CGIAR One MSc training Agronomic evaluation of forage MSc62 CGIAROne MSc trainingAgronomic evaluation of forage staff and 4 in Kenya, one legumes in Colombia; Contagious staff and 4in Kenya, onelegumes in Colombia; Contagious researchers MSc training in innovation management; researchersMSc training ininnovation management; Ethiopia, and four Management of Fusarium wilt; and Ethiopia, and fourManagement of Fusarium wilt; and MSc's training in case study feed interventions MSc's training incase study feed interventions Colombia Colombia PhD 1 Researcher One PhD student PhD thesis -Options for improving PhD1ResearcherOne PhD studentPhD thesis -Options for improving in Ethiopia the yield and nutritive value of in Ethiopiathe yield and nutritive value of maize and grain legume residues for maize and grain legume residues for ruminants in East African farming ruminants in East African farming systems systems 2019 2019 BSc 2 1 CGIAR staff Two BSc's training BSc21CGIAR staffTwo BSc's training in Colombia in Colombia MSc 3 Researcher MSc's training 'Remote Sensing for Sustainable MSc3ResearcherMSc's training'Remote Sensing for Sustainable in Ethiopia and Livestock Production Systems in Ethiopia andLivestock Production Systems Colombia in Colombia' including the Colombiain Colombia' including the establishment of a machine-learning establishment of a machine-learning classifier for identifying grassland classifier for identifying grassland areas; Testing of on-farm grown areas; Testing of on-farm grown cultivated forages as a supplement cultivated forages as a supplement in the diet for fattening sheep in the diet for fattening sheep -agronomic and forage quality -agronomic and forage quality variables of on-farm grown improved variables of on-farm grown improved forages and responses in weight forages and responses in weight gain; Community-based agricultural gain; Community-based agricultural extension as a participatory extension as a participatory organizational learning process in organizational learning process in producer organizations: lessons producer organizations: lessons from a case study in rural Colombia from a case study in rural Colombia "},{"text":"Table 9 : One-off trainings under the Feeds and Forages Flagship Effect of processed sweet Effect of processed sweet lupin grain supplementation lupin grain supplementation on fattening performance of on fattening performance of Doyogena sheep. Doyogena sheep. "},{"text":"Table 10 : Participatory trials and studies under the Feeds and Forages Flagship Country Participants, Participants, Nature of Type of training CountryParticipants,Participants,Nature ofType of training total female participants totalfemaleparticipants Ethiopia, 269 138 Farmers, Participatory identification of appropriate elite forage Ethiopia,269138Farmers,Participatory identification of appropriate elite forage Tanzania, producers accessions (from EMBRAPA 1 and Africa) targeting different Tanzania,producersaccessions (from EMBRAPA 1 and Africa) targeting different Uganda agro-ecologies, farming systems, and niches; Lessons from Ugandaagro-ecologies, farming systems, and niches; Lessons from small-scale irrigated forage production trials: Potential of small-scale irrigated forage production trials: Potential of annual oat-vetch mixtures annual oat-vetch mixtures India, 306 102 Farmers, Training of 75 farmers and NARS India,306102Farmers,Training of 75 farmers and NARS Afghanistan producers, Afghanistanproducers, researchers researchers "},{"text":"Flagship 4: Livestock and Environment Laos, and Tanzania were undertaking MSc studies; and seven female researchers and CGIAR staff from Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya, and Guatemala were enrolled in PhD studies. The research themes and associated outputs were pertinent to the various Flagships and included, among others: heat stress in dairy and pig value chains in Uganda; greenhouse gas (GHG) emission baseline studies in Kenya; nutrient flows and agro-environmental trade-offs of smallholder livestock intensification options in Laos and Tanzania; microbiome studies in soils and rumen; as well as nutrient cycling and soil fertility associated with climate-smart forages in East Africa. • Rangeland management and land-use planning In 2018, 12 researchers (eight women) were enrolled in • Rangeland management and land-use planningIn 2018, 12 researchers (eight women) were enrolled in tools MSc/MA programs in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Laos, toolsMSc/MA programs in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Laos, • A COVID-19 module Tunisia, and Vietnam with research themes contributing to various deliverables of the Flagships, as shown in • A COVID-19 moduleTunisia, and Vietnam with research themes contributing to various deliverables of the Flagships, as shown in • G-FEAST tool-The Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST) Table 12. Two PhD researchers (one woman) from • G-FEAST tool-The Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST)Table 12. Two PhD researchers (one woman) from is a systematic way to assess local feed resource Kenya and Senegal were conducting research projects, is a systematic way to assess local feed resourceKenya and Senegal were conducting research projects, availability and use. It helps in the design of one on a new approach for improving emission factors availability and use. It helps in the design ofone on a new approach for improving emission factors intervention strategies aimed at optimizing feed for enteric methane emissions of cattle in smallholder intervention strategies aimed at optimizing feedfor enteric methane emissions of cattle in smallholder utilization and animal production. G-FEAST is the systems of Nyando in Western Kenya, and the other on utilization and animal production. G-FEAST is thesystems of Nyando in Western Kenya, and the other on gendered version of the tool. trade-offs in livestock development at the farm level gendered version of the in livestock development at the farm level • Training material/manual on how to reduce heat due to varying actor motives. • Training material/manual on how to reduce heatdue to varying actor motives. stress in dairy and pig value chains In 2019, three all-male CGIAR staff in Colombia and stress in dairy and pig value chainsIn 2019, three all-male CGIAR staff in Colombia and • The Livestock Management Information System Nicaragua were registered for BSc degree courses; • The Livestock Management Information SystemNicaragua were registered for BSc degree courses; (LMIS) six researchers (two women) and CGIAR staff from (LMIS)six researchers (two women) and CGIAR staff from Academic degree training: In 2017, six researchers Kenya, Uganda, Academic degree training: In 2017, six researchersKenya, Uganda, (two women) were undergoing MSc studies in (two women) were undergoing MSc studies in Cambodia, Kenya, Laos, Tanzania, and Uganda. Cambodia, Kenya, Laos, Tanzania, and Uganda. Thematic areas for MSc research by the students Thematic areas for MSc research by the students included: current and likely future heat stress in pigs in included: current and likely future heat stress in pigs in Uganda due to climate change; evaluation of the water Uganda due to climate change; evaluation of the water footprint of livestock; environmental and gender equity footprint of livestock; environmental and gender equity impacts of livestock intensification technologies; and impacts of livestock intensification technologies; and nutrient cycling and livestock intensification analysis in nutrient cycling and livestock intensification analysis in Cambodia and Laos. Six PhD candidates (five women Cambodia and Laos. Six PhD candidates (five women and one male) in Tanzania, Tunisia, and Rwanda and one male) in Tanzania, Tunisia, and Rwanda delivered conference papers, articles, and a thesis delivered conference papers, articles, and a thesis on application of the CLEANED tool; quantification on application of the CLEANED tool; quantification of soil-and climate-related impacts; trade-offs of of soil-and climate-related impacts; trade-offs of feed and livestock intensification technologies; feed and livestock intensification technologies; morphogenetic characterization and evaluation of the morphogenetic characterization and evaluation of the pastoral potential of rangelands species; the impact pastoral potential of rangelands species; the impact of rangeland management on organic carbon content; of rangeland management on organic carbon content; and the effects of root confinement on the relative and the effects of root confinement on the relative growth of the roots and canopy of Opuntia ficus- growth of the roots and canopy of Opuntia ficus- indica. indica. The following training tools were developed or deployed The following training tools were developed or deployed by the Flagship between 2017 and 2021. by the Flagship between 2017 and 2021. • CLEANED (Comprehensive Livestock Environmental • CLEANED (Comprehensive Livestock Environmental Assessment for Improved Nutrition, a Secured Assessment for Improved Nutrition, a Secured Environment and Sustainable Development along Environment and Sustainable Development along Livestock Value Chains) is an ex-ante tool that Livestock Value Chains) is an ex-ante tool that assesses environmental impacts of livestock assesses environmental impacts of livestock systems and value chains. It is available in Excel and systems and value chains. It is available in Excel and R programming language versions, e.g., CLEANED X R programming language versions, e.g., CLEANED X (Versions 1.0.1, 2.0.1, and 3.0.1) and CLEANED R. (Versions 1.0.1, 2.0.1, and 3.0.1) and CLEANED R. • The Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey • The Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) tool is a rapid, cheap, digital farm (RHoMIS) tool is a rapid, cheap, digital farm household-level survey and analytical engine for household-level survey and analytical engine for characterizing, targeting, and monitoring agricultural characterizing, targeting, and monitoring agricultural performance. RHoMIS captures information performance. RHoMIS captures information describing farm productivity and practices, nutrition, describing farm productivity and practices, nutrition, food security, gender equity, climate, and poverty. food security, gender equity, climate, and poverty. • A mobile phone application (eWeigh App) • A mobile phone application (eWeigh App) "},{"text":"Table 11 : Academic trainings under the Livestock and Environment Flagship Degree Participants, Participants, Type of Training area Research area and outputs DegreeParticipants,Participants,Type ofTraining areaResearch area and outputs Course total female participants (Country) Coursetotalfemaleparticipants(Country) 2017 2017 MSc 1 6 2 Researcher MSc studies MSc studies on: 1) climate change and pigs in MSc 162ResearcherMSc studiesMSc studies on: 1) climate change and pigs in and others in Uganda, Uganda -current heat stress and likely future and othersin Uganda,Uganda -current heat stress and likely future Kenya, heat stress; 2) a framework to evaluate the Kenya,heat stress; 2) a framework to evaluate the Tanzania, water footprint of livestock; 3) environmental Tanzania,water footprint of livestock; 3) environmental Cambodia, and gender equity impacts of livestock Cambodia,and gender equity impacts of livestock and Laos intensification technologies; 4) nutrient and Laosintensification technologies; 4) nutrient cycling and livestock intensification analysis cycling and livestock intensification analysis in Cambodia; 5) nutrient cycling and livestock in Cambodia; 5) nutrient cycling and livestock intensification analysis in Laos intensification analysis in Laos "},{"text":"Table 12 : One-off trainings under the Livestock and Environment Flagship Kenya and Uganda) and Tunisia on the following issues: heat stress adaptation in Uganda; policy dialogue on land use planning in Kenya; two workshops on the importance, techniques, and practices of sustainable silvopastoral restoration in Tunisia; and an FAO-IPCC Expert Meeting on climate change, land Country Participants, Participants, Nature of Types of training CountryParticipants,Participants,Nature ofTypes of training total female participants totalfemaleparticipants 2017 2017 Kenya 42 15 Farmers Focused farmer training courses for smallholder dairy Kenya4215FarmersFocused farmer training courses for smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya (training materials developed) farmers in Kenya (training materials developed) Tunisia, others 39 6 Researcher, Two training workshops for multiple stakeholders Tunisia, others396Researcher,Two training workshops for multiple stakeholders mixed, policy on environmental impacts and trade-off modelling; mixed, policyon environmental impacts and trade-off modelling; makers educational video on sweet potato vine silage-making; makerseducational video on sweet potato vine silage-making; trainings with different target groups on rangeland trainings with different target groups on rangeland governance in Tunisia governance in Tunisia Tunisia 85 20 Policy makers, One training course on monitoring and assessment in Tunisia8520Policy makers,One training course on monitoring and assessment in universities, Tunisia; two workshops on national Tunisian Pastoral universities,Tunisia; two workshops on national Tunisian Pastoral development Code; Rangelands Plant Terminology and Basic Plant developmentCode; Rangelands Plant Terminology and Basic Plant agencies, Identification agencies,Identification researchers, researchers, and mixed and mixed Tanzania, 2 - Researcher Outputs of research placements: article on impact Tanzania,2-ResearcherOutputs of research placements: article on impact Rwanda, and others analysis of cash transfers and index insurance Rwanda,and othersanalysis of cash transfers and index insurance Kenya in Kenya and geospatial suitability and feasibility Kenyain Kenya and geospatial suitability and feasibility maps for selected technological interventions made maps for selected technological interventions made accessible (currently and under Global environmental accessible (currently and under Global environmental change scenarios) -gender norm included in change scenarios) -gender norm included in production of feasibility maps in Tanzania and production of feasibility maps in Tanzania and Rwanda Rwanda 2018 2018 Tunisia 47 11 Policymakers, Outreach and training materials for sustainable Tunisia4711Policymakers,Outreach and training materials for sustainable universities, rangeland management -one training course on universities,rangeland management -one training course on international Rangelands Plant Terminology and Basic Plant internationalRangelands Plant Terminology and Basic Plant originations Identification and one workshop on national Tunisian originationsIdentification and one workshop on national Tunisian development Pastoral Code developmentPastoral Code agencies, agencies, universities, universities, researchers, researchers, and mixed and mixed Tunisia, 36 8 CGIAR 1 Trainings and field days: training course on climate Tunisia,368CGIAR 1Trainings and field days: training course on climate Tanzania staff, mixed change adaptation through planted forages in Tanzaniastaff, mixedchange adaptation through planted forages in participants Tanzania; outreach and training on water and soil participantsTanzania; outreach and training on water and soil conservation in Tunisia; training on benefits and conservation in Tunisia; training on benefits and plantation of multipurpose trees in Tunisia plantation of multipurpose trees in Tunisia Kenya, others 3 2 Researchers Research placements: internship case study Kenya, others32ResearchersResearch placements: internship case study quantifying environmental footprint of productivity- quantifying environmental footprint of productivity- enhancing technologies -feeding a productive enhancing technologies -feeding a productive dairy cow in western Kenya: environmental and dairy cow in western Kenya: environmental and socioeconomic impacts; and training in methods socioeconomic impacts; and training in methods (GHGe 2 and soil microbe measurements) - (GHGe 2 and soil microbe measurements) - environmental impacts of forage intensification environmental impacts of forage intensification options options 2019 2019 Kenya 2,288 - Mixed Various trainings on IBLI 3 /livestock insurance in Kenya2,288-MixedVarious trainings on IBLI 3 /livestock insurance in participants Maralal and Samburu counties; trainings on IBLI in participantsMaralal and Samburu counties; trainings on IBLI in Maralal county for (a) local master trainers and (b) Maralal county for (a) local master trainers and (b) policymakers policymakers Tanzania, 232 83 Farmers, Tanzania,23283Farmers, Rwanda producers Rwandaproducers "},{"text":"Table 13 : Knowledge exchange activities in Tunisia stakeholders in different countries. ICARDA participated in a Tunisian Forestry Week online event (9-14 November 2020, attended by more than 1000 participants) where ICARDA was asked to present the successful agrosilvopastoral approach conducted in Sabihia, Tunisia, and show how it could be extended by the national system to new areas. Country Participants, Participants, Nature of Types of training CountryParticipants,Participants,Nature ofTypes of training total Female participants totalFemaleparticipants 2017 2017 Tunisia 67 13 Policymakers, Two workshops on sustainable silvopastoral Tunisia6713Policymakers,Two workshops on sustainable silvopastoral universities, restoration importance, techniques, and universities,restoration importance, techniques, and development practices developmentpractices agencies, agencies, researchers, and researchers, and mixed mixed 2018 2018 Tunisia 135 62 Graduate students, National Tree Festival in Tunisia; two Tunisia13562Graduate students,National Tree Festival in Tunisia; two university students, farmer field days; one graduate student university students,farmer field days; one graduate student international field day; one university student field day internationalfield day; one university student field day originations on agrosilvopastoral systems practices, originationson agrosilvopastoral systems practices, development advantages, and impact on soil and water; developmentadvantages, and impact on soil and water; agencies, and one workshop on raising awareness on agencies,and one workshop on raising awareness on researchers, and the participatory approach researchers, andthe participatory approach mixed mixed 2019 2019 Tunisia 244 36 Universities, One university student field day on Tunisia24436Universities,One university student field day on development agrosilvopastoral systems practices and developmentagrosilvopastoral systems practices and agencies, three workshops on silvopastoral restoration agencies,three workshops on silvopastoral restoration researchers, and practices to promote ecosystem services researchers, andpractices to promote ecosystem services mixed mixed Total 446 111 Total446111 Other CapDev activities: A pilot training of value chain chain actors (29% women) participated. Farmers in Other CapDev activities: A pilot training of value chainchain actors (29% women) participated. Farmers in actors was held in Kenya in 2017 on a prototype the Southern Highlands of Tanzania were trained on actors was held in Kenya in 2017 on a prototypethe Southern Highlands of Tanzania were trained on crowdsourcing application for Livestock Management Brachiaria grasses as part of forage scaling activities. crowdsourcing application for Livestock ManagementBrachiaria grasses as part of forage scaling activities. Information System (LMIS)-a digital platform Information System (LMIS)-a digital platform structured around a suite of mobile applications that structured around a suite of mobile applications that will support the sustainable and efficient sourcing, will support the sustainable and efficient sourcing, verifying, and dissemination of market information verifying, and dissemination of market information and other relevant data for development and resource and other relevant data for development and resource management of rangelands. A total of 34 value management of rangelands. A total of 34 value "},{"text":"Table 14 : One-off trainings under Livestock Livelihoods and Agri-Food Systems Country Participants, Participants, Nature of Types of training CountryParticipants,Participants,Nature ofTypes of training total female participants totalfemaleparticipants 2017 2017 Asia, Sri Lanka 24 10 Mixed Regional training on gender analysis Asia, Sri Lanka2410MixedRegional training on gender analysis participants participants Tanzania, 35 24 Researcher Training of enumerators on social and behavioural Tanzania,3524ResearcherTraining of enumerators on social and behavioural Kenya, Somalia communication strategy for dairy consumption Kenya, Somaliacommunication strategy for dairy consumption in rural areas in Kenya and Tanzania; Geographic in rural areas in Kenya and Tanzania; Geographic Information Systems training on climate change Information Systems training on climate change adaptation of pastoralists in Somalia adaptation of pastoralists in Somalia "},{"text":"Table 15 : Prioritization of CapDev strategic elements CGIAR 1 CapDev 2 Framework Elements Elements in the CapDev Strategy Based on the CNA 3 Vietnam) Vietnam) 4. CapDev was prioritized in the country's livestock 4.CapDev was prioritized in the country's livestock master plan (e.g. Kenya, India, and The Gambia) master plan (e.g. Kenya, India, and The Gambia) 5. the country invited the CRP partner institutions 5.the country invited the CRP partner institutions 14 countries benefitted from CapDev (e.g., Nigeria, Rwanda, and Zambia) 14 countries benefitted from CapDev(e.g., Nigeria, Rwanda, and Zambia) interventions in the current round of the Livestock CRP. As expected, the highest intensity of CapDev activities by the flagships were targeted at the four CRP priority 6. there was a discerned country need (e.g., Tanzania and Uganda) interventions in the current round of the Livestock CRP. As expected, the highest intensity of CapDev activities by the flagships were targeted at the four CRP priority6.there was a discerned country need (e.g., Tanzania and Uganda) countries of Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam. 7. there were strong pre-existing relationships with countries of Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam.7.there were strong pre-existing relationships with As shown in Figure 3, six respondents indicated that the NARS (e.g., Tunisia). As shown in Figure 3, six respondents indicated thatthe NARS (e.g., Tunisia). they implemented CapDev activities in Ethiopia and Uganda; five in Tanzania; four in Kenya and Vietnam; and two in Tunisia, Rwanda and India; while the rest of the countries were each recipients of CapDev interventions by one flagship. The relevance of CapDev activities channelled to the countries by the Flagships can be viewed in terms of the CapDev outlines in the main strategic and programmatic documents of the CRP, namely the CapDev Framework for the second round of the CRP, they implemented CapDev activities in Ethiopia and Uganda; five in Tanzania; four in Kenya and Vietnam; and two in Tunisia, Rwanda and India; while the rest of the countries were each recipients of CapDev interventions by one flagship.The relevance of CapDev activities channelled to the countries by the Flagships can be viewed in terms of the CapDev outlines in the main strategic and programmatic documents of the CRP, namely the CapDev Framework for the second round of the CRP, Figure 3: CapDev implementation in CRP target countries. CapDev-capacity development. CRP-CGIAR Research Project. the Livestock CRP and Flagship Narrative Proposal, and the Livestock CRP CapDev Strategy. The CGIAR CapDev Framework was elaborated in 2015, precisely to help inform CapDev actions in the CRPs, including Figure 3: CapDev implementation in CRP target countries. CapDev-capacity development. CRP-CGIAR Research Project.the Livestock CRP and Flagship Narrative Proposal, and the Livestock CRP CapDev Strategy. The CGIAR CapDev Framework was elaborated in 2015, precisely to help inform CapDev actions in the CRPs, including Vietnam Et hi opia Tanzania the Livestock CRP. The Livestock CRP and Flagship Narrative Proposal was developed in 2016 at the inception of the second round of the CRPs and the Vietnam Et hi opia Tanzaniathe Livestock CRP. The Livestock CRP and Flagship Narrative Proposal was developed in 2016 at the inception of the second round of the CRPs and the Rwanda Kenya Tunisia CapDev activities in the document were largely informed by the outlines in the global CGIAR CapDev Rwanda Kenya TunisiaCapDev activities in the document were largely informed by the outlines in the global CGIAR CapDev India Framework and the CRP theory of change. IndiaFramework and the CRP theory of change. Zambia Zambia Nigeria The Gambia In 2017, the Livestock CRP conducted Capacity Needs Nigeria The GambiaIn 2017, the Livestock CRP conducted Capacity Needs Mali Myanmar Assessments (CNAs) in the priority countries of Mali MyanmarAssessments (CNAs) in the priority countries of Colombia Colombia 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0123456 "},{"text":"Complet ely informed by Strat egy Significantly informed by Strategy Slightly informed by Strategy Not informed by Strategy Number of responses they supported the local CNAs and submitted the results to the CapDev Unit, but that was as far as it went: they never heard anything else and were largely unaware that a strategy had come forth from the CNAs they conducted. Thus, it appears that the CapDev Strategy was meant initially for 'pilot' implementation only in the CRP priority countries. are wrapped up with the tools. One is the fact that application of the tool itself builds the capacity of local researchers to begin to think a little bit more broadly and systematically about feed interventions and also to think in terms of how the system functions and how feed interventions might fit within that system. The other CapDev aspect is that some training materials were developed to train people in the use of the tool. These training materials were used either for face-toface or online trainings. But the degree of the Flagship engagement with the CapDev Unit team to specify the CapDev elements associated with the tools was not clear. In this way, CapDev was either expected as an incidental outcome to a main activity or implemented as a spurious sub-activity, depending on the exigencies of the Flagship, with no clear linkages to the CRP CapDev strategic priorities. for investment in commercial meat and milk production for investment in commercial meat and milk production and processing'. Alignment with the country's strategic and processing'. Alignment with the country's strategic areas was therefore one way of adapting CapDev areas was therefore one way of adapting CapDev actions to country context. actions to country context. To what extent have the planned To what extent have the planned 2 The CRP invested W1/2 funding in the four countries to 1 4 1 0 1 2 3 4 test the hypothesis that integration of research activities 5 across the various Flagships can result in 'packages' of technologies that are greater than the sum of their parts. Each Flagship was required to put a portion of its W1/2 of the CGIAR Trust Fund into each country project and an additional amount was supposed to be allocated to each country to cover the management costs. However, in many of the countries, project activities were bilaterally funded, but there were no clear linkages between bilateral projects and country-level intermediate indicators to allow aggregation of results. Program output indicators (e.g. number of CapDev participants) were not clearly linked to bilateral project output indicators, and this probably led to under-reporting on deliverables. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI. al. 2018. Tanzania Livestock Master Plan (2017/2018-2021/2022). 29. Michael, S., Mbwambo, N., Mruttu, H., Dotto, M., Ndomba, C., et One of the strategies in the global CRP theory of change was to influence policy and investment in the livestock sector with the key short-term or medium-term outcomes of institutionalizing evidence-based decision-making by stakeholders in order to create an enabling business environment. In the case of Tanzania, this intervention was adapted to the policy interventions outlined in the Tanzania Livestock Master Plan (2017/2018-2021/2022 29 ) one of which was 'prioritizing policies creating a conducive environment capacity development outputs and How well were capacity outcomes been achieved by 2021? As already alluded to above, the planning and reporting development interventions system used by the CRP does not include information on specific CapDev activities and their targets at the implemented and adapted as annual planning stage. Evaluation of implementation needed in the Livestock CRP? effectiveness then becomes a bit hazy. However, we At least in the priority countries of the Livestock explored this review question by interviewing key CRP (i.e., Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam), informants from various Flagships on their personal CapDev activities were implemented as part of an integrated country work plan. For example, when the Country Coordinators did their annual work planning for deliverables, they would ask the CapDev Unit personnel about what CapDev deliverables they required for a particular year in a particular country. If one of those perceptions as to the degree to which they had implemented any intended CapDev interventions. The question posed was: 'To what extent were you able to implement the intended CapDev activities in each of the targeted countries?'. deliverables was, for example, a capacity needs assessment, then it would be incorporated in the annual work plan. As per the CGIAR requirements, the planning and reporting system used by the CRP does not include information on specific CapDev activities at the annual planning stage. As such, it is instructive to note that the country work plans did not have specific targets, at least for gauging the success of CapDev activity implementation. Instead, the extent of integration of CapDev actions into the Flagship programs was scored As shown in Table 16, the extent to which various Flagships completed the intended CapDev activities was different depending on the target country. For Livestock Genetics, CapDev activities were completed (80-100%) in all the priority countries: Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam. The Livestock Health Flagship did not complete all the intended CapDev interventions in any of the three targeted countries of Uganda, Vietnam, or Mali. Feeds and Forages implemented CapDev interventions in nine countries. on the deliverables (i.e., proof of the completion of an activity or set of activities), based on criteria provided in the Guidance on Scoring CGIAR Cross-cutting Markers in the Plan of Work and Budget (POWB) and Annual Report (CGIAR, 2018 28 ). It was known that CapDev activities were planned for if, as indicated above, the Flagship included a specific CapDev deliverable in their annual work plan. The reports were, however, required to indicate if any of the deliverables involved trainees and, if so, to specify the numbers, gender, and types of these trainees. In the MARLO, all reported (significant), or 2 (principal). they had CapDev components, i.e., 0 (not targeted), 1 Flagship activities were scored for the extent to which However, CapDev activities were completed in only four countries: Colombia, Kenya, Tunisia, and Vietnam. Livestock and Environment targeted four countries, but only managed to complete CapDev implementation in two countries: Tanzania and Tunisia. The Livelihoods and Agro-Food Systems Flagship also targeted nine countries for delivery of CapDev interventions, but only three countries (India, Kenya, and The Gambia) registered completion of the activities. The priority countries of Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam all registered activity completion rates of below 49%. 2 The CRP invested W1/2 funding in the four countries to 1 4 1 0 1 2 3 4 test the hypothesis that integration of research activities 5 across the various Flagships can result in 'packages' of technologies that are greater than the sum of their parts. Each Flagship was required to put a portion of its W1/2 of the CGIAR Trust Fund into each country project and an additional amount was supposed to be allocated to each country to cover the management costs. However, in many of the countries, project activities were bilaterally funded, but there were no clear linkages between bilateral projects and country-level intermediate indicators to allow aggregation of results. Program output indicators (e.g. number of CapDev participants) were not clearly linked to bilateral project output indicators, and this probably led to under-reporting on deliverables. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI. al. 2018. Tanzania Livestock Master Plan (2017/2018-2021/2022). 29. Michael, S., Mbwambo, N., Mruttu, H., Dotto, M., Ndomba, C., et One of the strategies in the global CRP theory of change was to influence policy and investment in the livestock sector with the key short-term or medium-term outcomes of institutionalizing evidence-based decision-making by stakeholders in order to create an enabling business environment. In the case of Tanzania, this intervention was adapted to the policy interventions outlined in the Tanzania Livestock Master Plan (2017/2018-2021/2022 29 ) one of which was 'prioritizing policies creating a conducive environmentcapacity development outputs and How well were capacity outcomes been achieved by 2021? As already alluded to above, the planning and reporting development interventions system used by the CRP does not include information on specific CapDev activities and their targets at the implemented and adapted as annual planning stage. Evaluation of implementation needed in the Livestock CRP? effectiveness then becomes a bit hazy. However, we At least in the priority countries of the Livestock explored this review question by interviewing key CRP (i.e., Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam), informants from various Flagships on their personal CapDev activities were implemented as part of an integrated country work plan. For example, when the Country Coordinators did their annual work planning for deliverables, they would ask the CapDev Unit personnel about what CapDev deliverables they required for a particular year in a particular country. If one of those perceptions as to the degree to which they had implemented any intended CapDev interventions. The question posed was: 'To what extent were you able to implement the intended CapDev activities in each of the targeted countries?'. deliverables was, for example, a capacity needs assessment, then it would be incorporated in the annual work plan. As per the CGIAR requirements, the planning and reporting system used by the CRP does not include information on specific CapDev activities at the annual planning stage. As such, it is instructive to note that the country work plans did not have specific targets, at least for gauging the success of CapDev activity implementation. Instead, the extent of integration of CapDev actions into the Flagship programs was scored As shown in Table 16, the extent to which various Flagships completed the intended CapDev activities was different depending on the target country. For Livestock Genetics, CapDev activities were completed (80-100%) in all the priority countries: Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam. The Livestock Health Flagship did not complete all the intended CapDev interventions in any of the three targeted countries of Uganda, Vietnam, or Mali. Feeds and Forages implemented CapDev interventions in nine countries. on the deliverables (i.e., proof of the completion of an activity or set of activities), based on criteria provided in the Guidance on Scoring CGIAR Cross-cutting Markers in the Plan of Work and Budget (POWB) and Annual Report (CGIAR, 2018 28 ). It was known that CapDev activities were planned for if, as indicated above, the Flagship included a specific CapDev deliverable in their annual work plan. The reports were, however, required to indicate if any of the deliverables involved trainees and, if so, to specify the numbers, gender, and types of these trainees. In the MARLO, all reported (significant), or 2 (principal). they had CapDev components, i.e., 0 (not targeted), 1 Flagship activities were scored for the extent to which However, CapDev activities were completed in only four countries: Colombia, Kenya, Tunisia, and Vietnam. Livestock and Environment targeted four countries, but only managed to complete CapDev implementation in two countries: Tanzania and Tunisia. The Livelihoods and Agro-Food Systems Flagship also targeted nine countries for delivery of CapDev interventions, but only three countries (India, Kenya, and The Gambia) registered completion of the activities. The priority countries of Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam all registered activity completion rates of below 49%. The lobbying was relatively successful in regard to the activities implemented by the Livestock Health Flagship, as one of the CapDev Unit staff was already interfacing with this Thus, CapDev was something in the mind of the Flagship leaders, but never had any particular delivery targets. The feed assessment tools developed by the Feeds and Forages Flagship (e.g., FEAST) may be used to illustrate how CapDev came into play. The FEAST, and The lobbying was relatively successful in regard to the activities implemented by the Livestock Health Flagship, as one of the CapDev Unit staff was already interfacing with thisThus, CapDev was something in the mind of the Flagship leaders, but never had any particular delivery targets. The feed assessment tools developed by the Feeds and Forages Flagship (e.g., FEAST) may be used to illustrate how CapDev came into play. The FEAST, and "},{"text":"Table 16 : Extent of implementation of CapDev activities by Flagships Flagship Country Duration of Implementation Extent FlagshipCountryDuration of ImplementationExtent Livestock Genetics (FP1) Ethiopia 2017-2021 80%-100% Livestock Genetics (FP1)Ethiopia2017-202180%-100% Kenya 2017-2021 50%-79% Kenya2017-202150%-79% Rwanda 2019-2021 Below 49% Rwanda2019-2021Below 49% Tanzania 2017-2021 80%-100% Tanzania2017-202180%-100% Uganda 2017-2021 80%-100% Uganda2017-202180%-100% Uganda 2020-2021 Below 49% Uganda2020-2021Below 49% Vietnam 2019-2021 80%-100% Vietnam2019-202180%-100% Zambia 2020-2021 Below 49% Zambia2020-2021Below 49% "},{"text":" Crop Farms. RHoMIS was used to collect baseline data for the project, on which consecutive work focusing on soil fertility was based. The success of the RHoMIS tool has relied on multiple trainings with and outreach to research and development organization partners. The RHoMIS innovators provide trainings to partners wishing to use the tool, and support simple analyses to produce results quickly. Communities of practice on sheep-fattening Communities of practice on sheep-fattening ICARDA facilitated collective action of youth groups ICARDA facilitated collective action of youth groups for market-oriented sheep production in the highland for market-oriented sheep production in the highland regions of Ethiopia through communities of practice regions of Ethiopia through communities of practice (CoPs). The CoPs have since been replicated in the (CoPs). The CoPs have since been replicated in the other highland regions of Ethiopia where ICARDA is other highland regions of Ethiopia where ICARDA is active (mainly through peer-to-peer learning) with good active (mainly through peer-to-peer learning) with good results. Prospects for sustainability beyond the CRP results. Prospects for sustainability beyond the CRP timeline abound. More details are given in the case timeline abound. More details are given in the case study below. study below. Once Once the constraints and opportunities are identified, it the constraints and opportunities are identified, it also gives an idea of the potential interventions that also gives an idea of the potential interventions that can solve those problems. It is meant to be used by can solve those problems. It is meant to be used by research and development workers in all aspects of research and development workers in all aspects of livestock feeding. The tool gives the top five options livestock feeding. The tool gives the top five options that can work in a particular area and this provides that can work in a particular area and this provides an entry point for structured interactive dialogue with an entry point for structured interactive dialogue with development partners and the local people about what development partners and the local people about what must be done, what can be done, and what is most must be done, what can be done, and what is most "},{"text":" , interpret data, and write reports. The trainees are allowed to go out on their own to conduct the assessments to prove that they can use the tool and come up with reports and recommendations on which interventions to follow up on. For example, the tool can give a recommendation that in a particular area, the best option would be to plant improved forages, or to introduce strategies that will help farmers use crop residues in a better way, or to create a ration formulation based on the local feed resources. Once these options are identified, one goes further to design the interventions and implement them with farmers. The tool has been used in over 22 countries across The tool has been used in over 22 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and promoted Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and promoted independently by a range of civil society, NGOs, independently by a range of civil society, NGOs, government, and private sector organizations in various government, and private sector organizations in various countries without any support from the CRP partners. countries without any support from the CRP partners. Due to its apparent success and widespread use, the Due to its apparent success and widespread use, the results from CapDev interventions from the use of this results from CapDev interventions from the use of this tool are likely to be sustained in a variety of contexts. tool are likely to be sustained in a variety of contexts. There have been suggestions to expand the scope of There have been suggestions to expand the scope of applicability of FEAST, for example by integrating a soil applicability of FEAST, for example by integrating a soil analysis component to aid in forage production. Further, analysis component to aid in forage production. Further, as evidenced by the MilkIT project implemented in India as evidenced by the MilkIT project implemented in India and Tanzania, the tool may be better disseminated and Tanzania, the tool may be better disseminated and the results could be better sustained if it were and the results could be better sustained if it were introduced within an integrated agricultural research introduced within an integrated agricultural research for development framework like innovation platforms for development framework like innovation platforms (IPs). The IPs are social spaces where stakeholders (IPs). The IPs are social spaces where stakeholders with varying incentives ventilate on issues of common with varying incentives ventilate on issues of common concern. The dynamics of IPs could foster systemic concern. The dynamics of IPs could foster systemic and institutional capacity development, as the IPs and institutional capacity development, as the IPs ensure more inclusive and communicative stakeholder ensure more inclusive and communicative stakeholder engagements, which is good for scaling up (Duncan et engagements, which is good for scaling up (Duncan et al. 2015 30 ). al. 2015 30 ). Community-based breeding programs (CBBPs) led Community-based breeding programs (CBBPs) led by the International Center for Agricultural Research by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) has become the Ethiopian in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) has become the Ethiopian Government's strategy of choice for small ruminant Government's strategy of choice for small ruminant genetic improvement. Implementation of the CBBP is genetic improvement. Implementation of the CBBP is focused on building capacity of partners through short, focused on building capacity of partners through short, tailored trainings. ILRI and ICARDA initially trained tailored trainings. ILRI and ICARDA initially trained national partners, who in turn trained other value chain national partners, who in turn trained other value chain actors. Moreover, a module on CBBP was integrated actors. Moreover, a module on CBBP was integrated into the livestock genetics curriculum of three Ethiopian into the livestock genetics curriculum of three Ethiopian universities and a tailored MSc training on breeding universities and a tailored MSc training on breeding and genetics was introduced in two other universities. and genetics was introduced in two other universities. "},{"text":" .2%(Amenu et al. 2020 31 ). In 31. Amenu, K., Agga, G. E., Kumbe, A., Shibiru, A., Desta, H. et al. 2020. MILK symposium review: Community-tailored training to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of women regarding hygienic milk production and handling in Borana pastoral area of southern Ethiopia. addition, at pre-training, 30% of participants reported addition, at pre-training, 30% of participants reported boiling milk before consumption; but this increased boiling milk before consumption; but this increased to 51% six months after training. For all practices, a to 51% six months after training. For all practices, a statistically significant increase in the percentage statistically significant increase in the percentage of women reporting adoption of the practices was of women reporting adoption of the practices was observed. Six months post training, the overall practice observed. Six months post training, the overall practice score increased from 49.5% at pre-training to 64.7%, a score increased from 49.5% at pre-training to 64.7%, a statistically significant change. statistically significant change. Journal of Dairy Science. 103: 9748-9757. Journal of Dairy Science. 103: 9748-9757. jds.2020-18292 jds.2020-18292 "},{"text":"Table 17 : Usage statistics of training tools developed by the Livestock Health Flagship # CapDev 1 Tool Date Usage Statistics by 11 July 2021 #CapDev 1 ToolDateUsage Statistics by 11 July 2021 Uploaded Downloads Views Total Countries 2 UploadedDownloads ViewsTotalCountries 2 1 A practical guide to herd health management in pigs, dairy December 98 85 183 Kenya, India, Ethiopia, 1A practical guide to herd health management in pigs, dairyDecember9885183Kenya, India, Ethiopia, cattle, and small ruminants 32 2020 Sweden, United King-dom cattle, and small ruminants 322020Sweden, United King-dom 2 Guide for training of pastoralists (women) in the Borana September 2018 721 238 959 Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, 2Guide for training of pastoralists (women) in the BoranaSeptember 2018721238959Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia on good milk production, USA, Germany Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia on good milk production,USA, Germany handling and processing practices, and prevention of the handling and processing practices, and prevention of the transmission of milk-borne zoonotic diseases 33 transmission of milk-borne zoonotic diseases 33 3 Learning module on Anthrax transmission and control 34 December 2018 266 Ethiopia, Kenya, India 3Learning module on Anthrax transmission and control 34December 2018266Ethiopia, Kenya, India 4 Field post-mortem examination training module 35 December 2018 2885 88 2973 Ethiopia, India, Kenya 4Field post-mortem examination training module 35December 20182885882973 Ethiopia, India, Kenya 5 Community conversation on animal welfare: a guide to December 2019 653 214 867 Ethiopia, Kenya, Philip- 5Community conversation on animal welfare: a guide toDecember 2019653214867Ethiopia, Kenya, Philip- facilitators 36 pines, Malawi facilitators 36pines, Malawi 6 A guide to integrating community conversation in extension November 2020 102 Ethiopia, Kenya 6A guide to integrating community conversation in extensionNovember 2020102Ethiopia, Kenya for gender-responsive animal health management 37 for gender-responsive animal health management 37 32. Båge, R., Jacobson, M., Dione, M., Gertzell, E., Genfors, E., et al. 2020. A practical guide to herd health management in pigs, dairy and small 32. Båge, R., Jacobson, M., Dione, M., Gertzell, E., Genfors, E., et al. 2020. A practical guide to herd health management in pigs, dairy and small ruminants. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI. ruminants. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI. 33. Amenu, K., Desta, H., and Alonso, S. 2018. Guide for training of pastoralists (women) in Borana Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia on good milk 33. Amenu, K., Desta, H., and Alonso, S. 2018. Guide for training of pastoralists (women) in Borana Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia on good milk "},{"text":"Table 18 : Use statistics for some tools developed by the Livestock and Environment Flagship Harvard Dataverse, V1. 39. Mukiri, J., Notenbaert, A., van der Hoek, R., and Birnholz, C. 2019. CLEANED X-Version 2.0.1 Technical Manual and User Guide. CIAT Publication No. 492.Nairobi, Kenya: CIAT. 40. Notenbaert, A., Birthe, P., Mukiri, J., Birnholz, C., and Koge, J. 2018. CLEANED X-Version 1.0.1. doi:10.7910/DVN/QIUJM5, Harvard Dataverse, V1. # Tool Date Uploaded Use Statistics as at 12 July 2021 Downloads Views Total Countries # ToolDate UploadedUse Statistics as at 12 July 2021 Downloads Views Total Countries 1 CLEANED X1, Version 3.0.138 February 2021 75 Colombia, Ethiopia, 1 CLEANED X1, Version 3.0.138February 202175Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, USA, UK Kenya, USA, UK 2 CLEANED X, Version 2.0.139 December 2019 325 120 445 Kenya, UK, Nicaragua, 2 CLEANED X, Version 2.0.139December 2019 325120445Kenya, UK, Nicaragua, Russia Russia 3 CLEANED X-Version 1.0.140 January 2018 277 UK, Tanzania, USA 3 CLEANED X-Version 1.0.140January 2018277UK, Tanzania, USA 4 Woreda Participatory Land Use November 2018 1166 568 1734 Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea 4 Woreda Participatory Land UseNovember 2018 11665681734 Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea Planning (WPLUP) in pastoral and Planning (WPLUP) in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas-Manual agro-pastoral areas-Manual 5 Woreda Participatory Land Use November 2018 397 359 756 Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea 5 Woreda Participatory Land UseNovember 2018 397359756Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea Planning (WPLUP) in pastoral and Planning (WPLUP) in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas: Volume II: agro-pastoral areas: Volume II: Toolkit worksheets-Manual Toolkit worksheets-Manual 6 Protocol for characterizing April 2018 496 Ethiopia, Kenya, UK, 6 Protocol for characterizingApril 2018496Ethiopia, Kenya, UK, community-based rangeland Eritrea community-based rangelandEritrea management cases-Manual management cases-Manual "},{"text":" 41. Mulema, A. A., Kinati, W., Lemma, M., Mekonnen, M., Gemeda, B. A., Elias, B., Demeke, F., Desta, H. and Wieland, B. 2020. Clapping with two Hands: Transforming gender relations and zoonotic disease risks through community conversations in rural Ethiopia. Human Ecology 48: 651-663. "},{"text":" Innovative ways in which the youth were engaged included: collective entrepreneurship via formation of sheepfattening youth groups and cooperatives; incorporation of entrepreneurial skill-development training components into ongoing improved sheep-fattening training programs; and use of coordination committees to improve vertical and lateral engagement. The committees organized as Communities of Practice (CoP) have partnered with ICARDA to help navigate emerging issues and steer the inclusive youth groups towards market-oriented sheepfattening. Various stakeholders such as researchers from public agricultural centres, government agencies (e.g., Bureau of Livestock, Trade and Enterprise Office, Gender and Youth Office (which fosters gender inclusivity), Cooperative Office), microfinance institutions, and local farmer associations are actively engaged in the CoPs. "},{"text":" Most significant change1. In the period in which you have been involved in the capacity development activities, what do you think was the most significant change that occurred as a result of the interventions?As a project-implementing partner in Ethiopia, I think changes in the partnering and engagement capacity of local research and development partners are the most significant changes. Prior to the interventions, local partners predominantly had a sector-focused orientation, with little intersectoral orientation, collaborative culture, or learning practices. Local stakeholders demonstrated limited capacity for working across sectoral boundaries. The various partner-engagement mechanisms such as planning and review meetings, monitoring and coaching visits, and working together have led to awareness, motivation, and increased engagement capacity of local partners. In addition to technical interventions, functional capacities such as gender integration, integrated intervention approaches, collaborative learning, and action processes have been developed. Local research and development partners working in the small ruminant value chain have been brought together in communities of practice to foster innovation, promote problem solving, and broker collaborative partnerships with other value chain actors. "},{"text":" 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy (CGIAR System Organization 2021 43 ) situates the CGIAR in 43. CGIAR System Organization. 2021. CGIAR 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy: Transforming food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis. Montpellier, France: CGIAR System Organization. Available online at: CGIAR's Results Framework for CapDev. CGIAR-Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. CapDev-capacity development. Ultimately, this is the desired systems capacity that should endogenously emerge from the capacity development interventions of the Livestock CRP and indeed the other CGIAR CRPs. According to the CGIAR Capacity Development Framework and the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework 2016-2030, capacity development is to be measured in terms of progress towards four sub-IDOs (Intermediate Development Outcomes), as specified in the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework (Figure4). Belcher et al. 2020). The nature of influence changes as we move away from what projects do (sphere of control) and who they work with and through (sphere of influence), to the improved conditions we hope to see at the macro level (sphere of interest). Outputs are the results realizable within the sphere of control and outcomes pertain to results at the sphere-of-influence level, while impacts relate to the ultimate results at the sphere-of-interest level. In terms of capacity development interventions, outputs are the knowledge, forums, and processes generated by the project activities; outcomes are the changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills, and relationships that manifest as changes in behaviour (especially of the boundary project partners); and impacts are changes in social, economic, and environmental states resulting from a chain of events to which the project has wholly or partially contributed (Belcher et al. 202044 Figure 5: These are: Figure 5: These are: a. Enhanced individual capacity in partner research a.Enhanced individual capacity in partner research organizations through training and exchange. organizations through training and exchange. b. Enhanced institutional capacity of partner b.Enhanced institutional capacity of partner research organizations. research organizations. c. Increased capacity for innovation in partner c.Increased capacity for innovation in partner research organizations. research organizations. d. Increased capacity for innovation in partner d.Increased capacity for innovation in partner development organizations and in poor and development organizations and in poor and vulnerable communities. vulnerable communities. The results of (or changes engendered by) project interventions can be visualized in terms of three levels of declining relative influence, that is: sphere of control, sphere of influence, and sphere of interest, as depicted in Figure 5 ( the evolving global context that demands a systems transformation approach for food, land, and water systems. Indeed, this was underscored by the key conclusions from the recently held UN Food Systems Summit 2021. Individuals, organizations, and networks The results of (or changes engendered by) project interventions can be visualized in terms of three levels of declining relative influence, that is: sphere of control, sphere of influence, and sphere of interest, as depicted in Figure 5 (the evolving global context that demands a systems transformation approach for food, land, and water systems. Indeed, this was underscored by the key conclusions from the recently held UN Food Systems Summit 2021. Individuals, organizations, and networks of the CGIAR and partners must therefore have the of the CGIAR and partners must therefore have the agility to constantly adapt to new and emerging agility to constantly adapt to new and emerging challenges. Ultimately, this is the desired systems challenges. Ultimately, this is the desired systems capacity that should endogenously emerge from the capacity that should endogenously emerge from the capacity development interventions of the Livestock capacity development interventions of the Livestock CRP and indeed the other CGIAR CRPs. CRP and indeed the other CGIAR CRPs. Accessed on 2 May 2021. Accessed on 2 May 2021. "},{"text":"Table 19 : Training participants in Livestock CRP target countries Managing Agricultural Research for Learning and Outcomes (MARLO). 2021.Livestock assessment report 2017-202 participants and trainees. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI. Type of CapDev 1 ETH KE TZN UG VTN Type of CapDev 1ETHKETZNUGVTN Academic training MSc 17 12 3 10 1 Academic trainingMSc17123101 PhD 6 7 8 1 0 PhD67810 One-off training 4100 4907 509 371 228 One-off training41004907509371228 Knowledge Exchange 1273 1153 109 254 1 Knowledge Exchange127311531092541 Co-creation 125 0 0 0 19 Co-creation12500019 Trials and studies 2095 301 807 5957 0 Trials and studies209530180759570 Scaling 0 0 316 30 0 Scaling00316300 Key: ETH-Ethiopia; KE-Kenya; TZN-Tanzania; UG-Uganda; VTN-Vietnam Key: ETH-Ethiopia; KE-Kenya; TZN-Tanzania; UG-Uganda; VTN-Vietnam Source: MARLO (2021 48 ) Source: MARLO (2021 48 ) 1. Capacity development 1. Capacity development 48. 48. "}],"sieverID":"d5b3136d-c82f-4924-8671-19acd4cbdd77","abstract":"Photo: ILRI/Georgina Smith CGIAR is a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for a food-secure future. The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock provides research-based solutions to help smallholder farmers, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists transition to sustainable, resilient livelihoods and to productive enterprises that will help feed future generations. It aims to increase the productivity and profitability of livestock agri-food systems in sustainable ways, making meat, milk and eggs more available and affordable across the developing world.The Program thanks all donors and organizations who globally supported its work through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund."}