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It provides us with an appeal to a constituency the Tories have been allowed to monopolise.
Tom and Jerry sailed along like a flagship on a balmy sea.
We drew straws for who went first.
To talk to someone who does not listen is enough to tense the devil
We must civilize away the boy's bad habit.
From pink tutu to black overcoat?
I took a vacation to try to recover my sanity.
The football game is yours.
Each forestry bureau sells fatigued and weak cudgel one's brains for for lumber again.
Human beings have themselves been responsible for bringing chaos and pain back to a world of ordered beauty.
On one hand, he was the most passionate leader one could hope for, a motivating force without parallel.
She decided to jump in at the deep end, buy a farm, and teach herself.
Cleaving to the bosom of my grieving family? What do you think they're doing?
I suddenly wake up when she was sweetly leaning on my shoulder, wasn't it the goodliness and happiness?
Or after we followed the duff advice of a legal journalist in a newspaper?
Rebel against the party line and the usually dreary office thrash will become a real glam ball.
If Steve can evangelize the publishers, we could get our sports pages with streamed highlight clips of all the home-runs, field goals, and KOs.
Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness
This film offends against all the canons of good taste.
These days, we are bombarded with endless junk mail, fliers, and general bumf.
Ain't nothing more damn frightening than driving with a cougar in the car.
I know of one couple : He is a burly ex - athlete.
Not even Mr Morton can play down the gravity of this latest crisis.
I had to lug my bags up to the fourth floor.
She didn't in any way splash it across the newspapers because that ruined her sister's chances.
They changed their eating habits: instead of costly fruit and meat, Sherrill buys beans and corn and peanut butter, and looks for day-old loaves of bread.
Dressed in her signature blue-bordered sari and shod in sandals despite below-zero temperatures, the former Agnes Bojaxhiu received that ultimate worldly accolade, the Nobel Peace Prize.
Can the party co-opt this nationalist fervor to remake itself - and all of political science?
All I have is a milk cow.
It was a momentary diversion to stand in front of the book counter in the drugstore at Forty-fifth street and Broadway and look at the books.
He looks in fury at the nail holding his left hand in place.
He was the Einstein of the hound kingdom-able to decipher morse code.
There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous
You were lucky she did not belt you in the mouth when you said that.
We must uproot our bad habits.
After lights-out we'd all get up and play with this planchette thing.
You are a mere picture editor, a workman, whose views on editorial staff are of no account.
Neither company has succeeded in shedding its stodgy image.
I hate to see things done by halves-- If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wrong, leave it undone
When Damian raised his head, he was darkly flushed, dragging air into his lungs.
Why quibble ? It just amounted to pulling an inconsiderate monkey.
And for apres-apres-ski there were always the lovely blonde women flown in from Madam Claudes famous establishment in Paris.
Forgiving releases you from the punishment of a self-made prison where you are both the inmate and the jailer.
We went out and played like fury.
A gurgle rose in his throat.
Wasn't he allowing his personal interests and prejudices to cloud his judgement?
He obviously thought I was a foreigner, with my long hair and beard, rawhide boots, and British navy pea jacket.
Insult is a monstrous scorpion, and compliment is a likeable nightingale; one stings mercilessly, and the other sings sweetly
Check the fashion student who has obviously been far too heavily influenced by the recent Abba revival - Benny goes porno!
How you can be so insensitive absolutely beats me.
He's pranged his new bike.
And Cowher has revealed just enough intellectual depth to assure women that he is not a stupid brute.
I always cry when I'm chopping onions.
Even the most banal of church hymns can rip your heart out at times like this.
But the reality is, ladies and gentlemen, I am being merciful.
He's ready to play and just waiting to get the nod from the team coach.
Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.
It's idle to expect help from him.
The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy.
This solution is a fudge rushed in to win cheers at the party conference.
Can't you give me a straight yes or no?
But in-stead of hitting her father it landed on the messy dinner table.
Yet Oakland were also supposed to wipe the floor with Los Angeles a year ago.
We all applaud and drink to reunion.
He is playful, too, managing the difficult manoeuvre of translating wit into sound without resorting to slapstick.
But now, as shock waves surged through him, he realized that his liking had at least become fondness.
Sweeney Todd: How about a shave?
The coffee went all over my trousers.
Try bananas, water, salad oil , and Hedychium coronarium flowers tossed in a blender a creamy drink.
What they are now doing is compromising, in this half-baked manner, by raising the ante to 70.
But Paula, dressed in light grey leggings, sweatshirt and a blue denim jacket, looks as cool as a cucumber.
The Pasha's overseer struck my father.
He felt like a celestial being alone in a drunken stupor.
This doctor is a dissembler , apparently be sanctimonious, actual begin is cruel - hearted poison.
Tiunov seems to be one of a new breed of Russian dissenter: a young, smart, iPhone-wielding professional, tech-savvy enough to understand the power of the internet and to use it to his advantage.
The betrayer locked himself in Hikm, blocked the sea-lane, destroyed the portal which lead to town and refused to give back the Amulet of Necromancy .
Every AIDS patient is a monument to the theory of evolution.
They paid the extra taxes without a murmur.
Her latest play is a nihilistic vision of the world of the future.
Her face crinkled up in disgust.
In his time he's scored the greatest goals, run ragged the greatest defenders the game has had to offer, and been part of the greatest triumphs.
If you find it full of worries and disquietude, split by the noise of the streets, bombarded by bills and emails and smoke, come to me and find your peace.
The remainder of my schooldays were no more auspicious than the first.
My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.
And if the meat was not quite to perfection he used to grumble at my grandmother ... Oh he was severe.
I'm putting my plans for a new car on ice until I finish college.
Ofsted's chief inspector as an "odious creature" and likened him to a spider siting in a poisonous web.
Be short of love in one's childhood, was brought up to be short of calcium, wearing pants head, making tie, self-righteous east is indefectible, it is goofy generation actually.
Gary wears regulation Levi 501 jeans and a Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
The sales campaign was a total disaster.
From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time.
What's more you can cut out the coupon opposite and get your first pack at around half price.
Then, as now, a town council was so dazzled they rubber-stamped all this terribly rich man asked of them.
For many years Jess had been employed about the cemetery as a man-of-all-work and it was his favourite pleasantry that he knew 'every soul in the place.'
He clicked his heels unconsciously.
Don't sweat Vanessa; she's an adult.
Time and again you've promised not to drink, not to gamble, and still you waste yourself.
If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.
This content that signs up for exposure and Kilpatrick are in before this the testimony on the court is conflicting, because perjured blame loses government-owned put in prison, force a mayor finally.
His sad, excruciatingly well-behaved adolescence is inextricable from the progress of a doomed friendship with an eccentric schoolmate, Smallgods.
Garnish with whole prawns and a sprig of parsley if you have any left.
The shower stall had 7)sliding glass doors which limited his access to the whole of my generous 8)physique.
If you're an ostrich about your debts, you're only going to make matters worse: it would be much better to take your head out of the sand and face facts, however unpleasant.
His nickname, Tiny, suited him to a turn.
It is in this uncertainty that I hover!
Ill-fortune could strike Frank Lampard or John Terry from the line-up and upset them but Mourinho will be pondering a more predictable turn of events.
Nevertheless, by his own admission, he failed to translate that energy into performance and change.
The river, that great hider of folly, is what you want.
Strappy sandals, chic Capri pants, and an off-the-shoulder blouse make your entrance into any social event one to take notice of.
The icy wind is deliberately devouring the vague night.
Ilsquo ; ll invite out when youlsquo; re here.
Who are they to tamper with the rules of the game?
It sounded like some cowboy duel.
It was sunny two hours ago,but now the sky has dulled over.
I had three crappy part-time jobs, my bank account was overdrawn, so I started browsing for "exotic dancer" want ads.
The sound of wheels tearing through gravel engrossed her memory.
The fact stood out cut in stetl on the pitiless daylight.
The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers-on.
Gongorism drove "conceit" to its farthest point: artificiality of diction could go no farther in verse: it was only left for Gracian to apply it to prose.
Another, near the center of the jumble, was hung with a waist-length beadwork necklace, eye sockets staring back at me, jaws stretched past the breaking point.
This year, however, it looks like a bumper crop.
Start network game formerly coessential change an appearance serious.
Aa magician or juggler sleight - of - hand.
See day nether world suddenly, say in spite of oneself: " Oh, wanted to rain! "
Terrors startle him on every side and dog his every step.
Courage is grace under pressure
It seems as if the blanket of depression is in some way necessary to help them blot out the even greater pain of real life.
Perhaps the sunshine, the fresh air, and the pot liquor from greens kept me going.
She was fanciful, had all sorts of unspoken preferences, and was easily offe nded.
You couldn't hear her speak over the tumult from the screaming fans.
His medical skill is so superb that he can hardly be filled in for an emergency.
If you don't stop disturbing,your buttocks would be spanked.
Rock was a roly-poly detective who looked like a no-hoper but who always outwitted the opposition with sly brilliance.
Instead of getting a job, all he does is drink too much, gamble away any money he gets and chase after women.
She cast a regretful look at the big double bed with its luxurious continental quilt.
Her giant picture shows her to be a full-faced woman with her hair gleaming unnaturally.
Each time we fit things together we are creating - whether it is to make a loaf of bread, a child, a day
So now, investors hope the fat lady sings an aria, not a tragic opera.
That lamp's shining in my eyes.
But what do you call a female horse that is under 3? The answer: a filly.
It's of no help to you if you swagger before me.
Or else he would forego his mortal nature.
Missing you and out of coma after a year and everybody given up on me.
Nor are Wolfgang's imaginative adventures as king of his dream world, Kingdom of Back, in any way pathological.
Given time enough, however, the balance becomes a sagging to the grave side.
The most beautiful women in the world vie to jump into the mogul's bed.
He's still swimming in his joy of success.
Don't burn your bridges behind you
A faint smile eased her heavy mouth.
I'm a rather typical Asian girl, so this is my response piggybacking Mike's entry, reviewing it from a typical Asian girl's mindset.
You can scratch my name off the list.
Mostly through o-j-t, trial and error, gut feel, and mistakes.
I'll next cross disciplines like mad.
Everything went black in the shocking folds of his embrace.
Tall man, booming out laughter and orders, watching us, adoring us.
And finally the bloodied body of the victim is carried out of town, a reputation besmirched, a political career ruined.
It was a tossup between spending the night in the van and walking ten miles for help.
So why hasn't it disappeared? Because evolution is a numbers game.
He's a plastic surgeon
There 5 s even an Erotic museum for the unenlightened or the curious among you.
It's a case of diamond cut diamond with those two and both of them are afraid of going too far in their demands of each other.
Sandra joined the Nicholson crowd in the B-movie circle and was to become something of a model for future long-term relationships.
Just a minute! How do I know you're not telling me a pack of lies?
Although the rain pours the utmost relentlessness , ceasing all outdoor activities , the manthethe heavens and smiles.
After maybe ten seconds, he looked like a frozen statue, his right forefinger pointing toward heaven.
Flatters human resources inspector general who becomes second nature the grandson to cultivate, confuses by attractive Pei is not oneself, will keep them out invincibly directly.
That was a peach of a shot!
An' the entire derelict bloody city an' all.
Her hat was an elaborate confection of satin and net.
The lazy warmth of a tropical evening flushes through my limbs.
Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.
I clattered on interminably.
But at this moment Kate could not have cared less if he was a mass murderer.
Your black bamboo, combining Chinese classic painting with an intense sense of the modern , is really unique and unrivaled among contemporary.
You dry up and die in quest of a proof so obscure.
Nor was this an empty boast.
They are blowing trumpets singing up a storm and waving as they walk past us.
He spun us this unlikely yarn about being trapped for hours in a broken lift.
In the interior , less is more - 2 bucket seats, steering wheel, gear shifter and a control unit, " Paulin continues."
You don't have to trudge to work every day slaving away for a thankless boss.
They look like stars to the naked eye.
The frost has blighted my crops.
When Gary Paget reappeared, offering his services again, Helen accepted with alacrity.
She eyed his unruly collar-length hair with disfavour.
All day long he does bugger all.
El Pueblo brings to the marketplace an innovative gift store with a touch of Latin class.
He had to wriggle his way out.
The chiropractor has a different angle on society then the medical school professor, the poet than businessman, the Jew than the gentile, and so on.
The reviews for "On a Clear Day" ran the gamut from contempt to qualified rapture .
Are you some sort of navel - gazing , no - fun , mopey type?
He will wed that waitress next month.
We rattle down a quiet avenue on a warm spring morning.
Just a few words will incite him into action.
You can't swallow the promise of financial allocation that you made yesterday.
As a politician she's made the fight for women's rights into a personal crusade.
My boot is pressing against a blister on my toe.
The tablets reveal the Minoans as lovers of minutely recorded detail; their labyrinthine architecture reveals a love of complexity and puzzles.
Pride is the mask of one's own faults
The rewards of motherhood outweigh the anguish.
A chance to blot out our mistakes and chance failure into winning.
He was struggling with an anger so black it made him tremble as he diced the eggs for potato salad.
I take an absent-minded sip from the mug beside me.
She and he cohabiting for three years, he gave her sex, have no allure, especially for him machine-made romp and mismanagement sweetness character also feel drab abnormalities.
The celebration's is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it's end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.
He is as thin as a rake .
I exit at Vermont Avenue and plunge to ward the screams of sirens in South Central.
The party was a bit of a damp squib.
The future of Chinese Yahoo after all how, of Ma Yun " relieve the besieged by attacking the base of the besieger " lift whether guide Chinese Yahoo to walk out of predicament, is the trend brilliant?
Gold Line finally tuck up their grand Veil!
In real life, we need is nether fame and fortune, nor the money, but safety!
We must always bear in mind what an eccentric bring-up Medora Manson gave her.
Two bloody wars and we're still content to snooze and let that lot get on with it.
Plese give me an embarkation card and custom declarario form.
For his blasphemy and irresponsible behaviour, he was doomed to wander about like a sea-tossed ghost, never to rest again.
She oozes sexuality from every pore.
His glassy stare made my flesh creep.
Stop annoying your mother.
The tireless rumble of reaping machine is reminding these poor farmers not to forget to prepare money for renting the machine.
Feeling deeply attached to between you and I resembles that wing wind of falling right away, our two personal heart , the flight being contented and happy wherever one may be with it.
He is a textbook example of how complicated it is to assign blame.
A few minutes after that, he scored his first coast-to-coast bucket, another crowd pleaser.
But it's the right that has led this bitter crusade to doubly punish criminals.
A steel company paid nearly $1.5 million to famous sculptor Frank Stella to build "Amabel.
My tale, my story here in Japan is kind of a serendipitous adventure, outrageous luck.
All this mud's going to ruin my shoes.
I muttered like a fractious housewife.
The good fairy made Cinderella's coach come by magic.
Meryl stared unseeingly ahead, teeth clenched, rigid with an icy rage.
Tabitha's headset suddenly locked into an ambient channel and began to tinkle with tinny salsa.
I'd like to propose a vote of thanks to Sandra for organizing the whole evening.
His victory here was a tribute to his quiet persistence in an intriguing struggle in the hot afternoon sunshine.
He earns it because of his shiny novelty and flair, and, perhaps especially, because he is an avatar of the Chinese ascendance.
Everyone for himself and let the devil take the hindmost.
But it had cast a pall that had still not lifted.
We're going to be in a real fix if we miss that bus.
It's too cruel to taunt Jim with his failure in the examination.
He finally sussed out the truth.
His name flitted through my mind,only to be forgotten again.
He wasn't exactly a bundle of laughs last night.
It was nothing but a frolic.
Leives, with her unworldliness and her quaint cynicism.
I watched my brother turn from a bachelor to a married man.
Two seconds later this transpires into a hilariously raucous hen night at the local striptease.
And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace.
A few years later it's chocs away for Rovers' new regime at Wolves on Saturday.
Tell a crowd high, office politics is more complex, this is everybody's acquiescent fact almost.
In that time, disco has died, drive-in movies have nearly died, and something called The Clapper has come and gone through bedrooms across the nation.
It feels like velvet to me.
These two phenomena have given birth to a monstrosity: the all-powerful, unchallenged, unchallengeable media imam.
It put Luce in mind of a corrupt and rotting corpse.
He had a row with his wife and just walked out on her.
Using the national anthem as part of a comedy routine cheapens it.
You know the ingredients: rustic setting, wizened Lothario, coltish Romany beauty, rampaging passion, frightened sheep etc.
Have you heard the glad tidings?
At the bus stop the breath of the queue is like a row of factory chimneys.
And for a very few minutes I listen to the whisper of tiny tinkling snow crystals falling now in ever denser sheets.
The town has a serious problem with garbage build-up and littering so the green caped crusader Michael Recycle must come to their aid and teach them how to clean up their act.
Salad again? How long are you going to keep up this healthy eating lark?
Nellist has fought an aggressive campaign on his Parliamentary record and flooded the area with leaflets - 20,000 distributed yesterday alone.
The actress was only 17 when she was plucked from obscurity and made a star.
Your cooking puts mine to shame.
Is evil to resist evil ambition horrify small fox to embrace to pacify in the breast.
Miller is an artist who is past his best.
Maybe this kid was just one big liar.
Cross me and you'll regret it.
Christian Slater has a new movie coming out next month in which he plays a vigilante.
Playing a computer game, mindlessly surfing the Web, checking twitter, ch email, and so on.
Je vous fais mes excuses pour ma demande brusque?
Was it going to be a rap on the knuckles for quality?
Where can I pet an email address?
She was so tired she came home and conked out at eight o'clock.
On the other side is the mosaic-tiled bath, as blue as the sea, beneath a cascade of tropical plants.
The music teacher comes twice each week to bridge the awful gap between dorothy and chopin.
Their striker demonstrated all his prowess with the boot.
It's no better than a hollow stalk.
The visit hardly went like a breeze from start to finish.
He's going to lick his wounds.
It was one thing to kiss a girl like Sonya, but Edusha was an intelligent young woman, a high-school graduate.
How relevant are consumerism and digital social networking to 21 st - century schooling and parenting?
She's going to sing at a swagger affair in the Ulster hall, belfast, on the twentyfifth.
She was constantly darting off dub ing a conversation or slipping off in a daydream when an adult was speaking to her.
He was a wizard at appealing to everyone's sense of childlike wonder.
Madonna has been beaten to the punch.
But you are destined for a higher building, and one day you will be placed in it by hands not human, a living stone in a heavenly temple.
I'm laughing somehow or other.Just because I'm thinking of you.
The phrase is loaded with irony.
He's a bit of a snob won't speak to the likes of me.
Vivian Rutledge ( Lauren Bacall ) : Do you always think you can handle people like, uh, trained seals?
And money of of primitive simplicity, elegance, concise, avant-courier is life new idea is complete show, unripe activation, individuation already was the patent of sitting room, bedroom no longer.
So is clinging to the roof of an SUV in a gale with practice mallets fashioned from paint roller handles and plumbing parts.
His irresistible impulse to set fire to shoe shop.
In the corridor, the objective correlative of pre-bedroom intimacy, the moment arrives.
You are bidding on a white BELLINI dresser with pull - out changing table.
The film was a nostalgic re - creation of 19 th century America.
Let's hope his rotten mum pawns'em soon.
But will the various shrunken and nationalized institutions cough up their dues next year?
She had more respect for Michaelis, on whose name they all poured such withering contempt, as a little mongrel arriviste, and uneducated bounder of the worst sort.
The nation will soon be liberated from the foulest thralldom.
From the sideline it looked like a rottweiler up against a chihuahua.
He grumbles at his lot instead of resolutely facing his difficulties.
The group wrote on a website: 'Protesters inscribed the initials of Rudolf Hess and daubed the hands of the Winston Churchill in crimson red on the statue of the notorious war criminal in Paris.
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.
The great avenues of live oaks meant to grace their approaches now just cast a damp shade.
You want to come on and finish this fiasco?
Withdrawal into brooding reclusion
Go on a journey of self- discovery - examine your values, attitudes, habits and behaviors, and find out your strengths and weaknesses
Books are the best friends.No matter what difficulties you meet with in life,you can turn to them for help and they will never discard you.
Reading the first story whetted my appetite for more.
Because his sound contains a tune-pattern of lifting up one's horn and cynicism which worships selfish talks.
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But for the life of her she couldn't spit out what she wanted to say.
Our test - obsessed society has Binet and Terman to thank -- or to blame.
A haze of expensive perfume hangs around her.
The British champion has completed the course in three minutes -- let's see if his Canadian rival can do better.
Why didn't you tell me my zip was undone!
Pure cashmere sweaters down from $180 to $108.
It is the suffering of ambivalence: the murderous alternation between bitter resentment and raw-edged nerves and blissful gratification and tenderness.
She was born under a lucky/an unlucky star.
It's a pity the two concerts clash.
She's a dab hand at DIY.
Except, of course, for the bitter disappointment of his day lilies.
Could we just wait until he's done with the homestead act chapter?
Her gear shifts sounded like twenty cooks pushing trays of silverware into an industrial-strength garbage disposal.