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It is a long time now since I knew that acute moment of bliss that comes from putting parched lips to a cup of cold water.
Girls thread a needle under the moon to pray the weaver maid to endow them craftsmanship.
Today, 15 years later, I know why my attempt at consoling my friend was so ham-fisted .
The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you'll never have him/her.
But her own life was often stranger than any action-packed fiction plot.
Every time I think about you, just you also reminds me, your heart will quivering slightly a little.
Her voice sounded wooden and lifeless as she struggled to control her feelings.
She showered, quickly slipped on her black wool frock, a string of pearls.
To make the assumption that JustText was only capable of producing text would be to do it a grave disservice.
The long, narrow proportions of the 2,600 sf Patisserie is reinforced by a floating ceiling running the length of the interior, drawing the patron in from Queen Street to the depths of the kitchen.
I love the crispy crunch bits on the outside and the soft pillowy inside slathered in lots of butter.
They ramped and raged like a pack of trapped beasts.
Mind you don't tread in that puddle.
We've branded our cattle.
He is alike to datura, the dependence blood is a nutrient, has deadly perilous, cruel sanguinary, so, he is too standing single.
She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford one.
We can't let these boys become just another statistic.
It is high-tea; time for another feeding frenzy.
Soon enough, just as the saying goes, the honeymoon is over.
I nearly died of shame!
Jenny Allen, a 38-year-old fundraiser from West Virginia, wore a laminated picture of her great aunt, an elegant lady in a double strand of pearls who fought for civil rights years ago.
She's merely a child.
They tumbled backwards together in a happy heap.
He cites as a perfect example the scene in Basic Instinct where Sharon Stone is brought to the cop station for questioning and winds up flashing everyone a glimpse of her Lesser Antilles.
It was just another Tuesday at the office as the businesslike Braves discussed their undoing.
Currently prospect of the joint venture with acephalous is unknown. While non joint ventrue will be Zong Qinghou's first career end result if he eyes another jot.
I tell the people I'm working with that they are supposed to remind me of the KISS principle.
He was playing a cop in Colors.
Aha, you are an antique addict , aren't you?
The boss dangled a trip to New York in front of her to get her to work for him.
He's absolutely everywhere these days, and just about the only place you won't see the 32-year-old Oscar nominee/host's squinty, smirking face is on a milk carton.
It's a good story but I dare say it's apocryphal.
What I do not like city is buckish with blatant, the dip with university professional geography immerses, the consciousness of zoology and environment makes I more love halcyon with green.
I had forgotten my fear until I came to cross one of these bridges on Beejay after rediscovering riding in my thirties.
Your recalcitrance obliges firmness on me.
This irreverent version of Lionel Logue turns out to be an Aussie variant of a Frank Capra hero, a little guy who refuses to be awed by big guys, even one with lofty lineage and a throne.
Sport is a slender thread on which to hang one's hopes for the future.
Personality: what you like? what is your hobby? hanker for it.
She had been literally rejuvenated , resuscitated, brought back from the lip of the grave.
A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another's
Lawrence was lifted shoulder-high by fans as he acknowledged the applause and the delight of the assembled Boro faithful.
The wheel of history rolls forward with an irresistible force.
I couldn't understand a single word she said!
He wanted no part in that hole-and-corner conspiracy.
This is not bad science, but non-science masquerading as science Danny Faulkner, Ph.
I'd love a holiday if our money will stretch that far.
Plus it discourages funds that have already flown the coop from changing course and heading home again.
She put on her coat and hauled the new bag up on to her back like a knapsack.
But this is only a tongue-tip taste of the political dilemma Harrison faces.
From this hollowness green consumerism springs.
From baking and building bird houses to kites and outboard motor repair my grandpa did it all.
The perfection of your arms would add glory to kingly splendour with their touch.
You should never run a one-liner outright; always print out what it will do before you actually run the command.
Cars were perched atop trees that had snapped like wishbones.
This store always has a marvellous New Year's sale.
The mother kept her children within hail of her voice.
But the die is cast for a protracted weakening of the world's biggest spender.
Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper.
How to give rein to the oral praise on the countryside market?
That's a well-kept secret of contentment.
Jackie seemed to float upwards and Sam stubbed his toe.
Yet we must never underestimate sin's deadliness.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes
Damned Hipsters are ruining music filling it with pretension.
People, young, old and indifferent, can have purple hair, swear at ballgames or give other motorists the finger.
Elie, who can back up both Horry and Drexler, represents the eighth wonder of the world champs.
I cannot endure the horror, the evil, which comes to self in solitude
He is plunging into an abyss of despair.
That's how we are educated, bit by bit, to be a girl, through archetypal unconsciousness.
What's her title - is she Professor or just Doctor?
There I was writhing in agony on the floor and you lot were pissing yourselves laughing!
I couldn't commit suicide if my life depended on it
Don't throw that cardboard box away it may come in handy.
Your conversation about linguistics was all double Dutch to me!
The portrait photographer had me clasp my hands like an opera singer and look straight into the camera.
When end-users try to benefit, though, there's just frustration: annoying misinstallations, configuration mysteries, irreproducible drop-outs, or programs that simply do nothing.
She hypnotize him into do thing against his own will.
The seven seas are heaving the weight of america's dozen or so aircraft carrier battle groups.
Michael Jackson danced down a make-believe street protesting that "the kid is not my son"
A stiff whisky - that's what I need.
Then I looked up lymphoma in a medical book and almost scared myself to death!
A thief rifled all my pockets while I showered.
Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York-every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves.
I felt as if I was in limbo.
Lily ladles little Letty's lentil soup.
God hath forsaken him: persecute and take him ; for there is none to deliver him.
On this stingy substitute rain, the behemoth of all living things, the redwood , thrives.
Despite the turmoil within her a small ironic smile lifted the corners of her mouth.
He misses his second game in succession when Instonians are the visitors tomorrow at Stevenson Park.
So much for complete bloody control.
Her illness was Nature's way of telling her to do less.
It's so perfect that they should effortlessly spawn the very stuff which facilitates the clicking of needles and clucking of tongues.
Deep sweep, the geniality fuses the aging horniness, making skin delicate and lustrous.
Kyra has been giving me the silent treatment .
Does your dog bite?
Get out! Or she'll zap you into a frog!
A puff at noon Is none too soon.
Don't fritter away your precious time.
And Ariadne herself personifies the passively courageous, endlessly resourceful, and lovingly restorative element in every psyche.
Part 4 really gets into the nitty-gritty of this application.
Whenever it's time for bed she throws a tantrum.
In time, she attained, if not virtue, a modicum of equanimity.
Allowing Ken to be in charge of the project was a total act of faith.
He burst into our meeting and got sent away with a flea in his ear.
Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?
Jack marched back across the room and sloshed more Bailey's into her half-full glass before refilling his own with bourbon.
Beauty is but a blossom.
It's the Treasury that effectively holds the reins.
All her dreams, in an instant, had vaporised into nothing - for she knew she would never accept his proposition.
Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much.
He was hot for revenge.
It felt like he was cracking a knuckle.
He threw the brightness of his nature over every abyss and cavern through which he strayed.
I missed the beginning of the lecture-can you give me the gist of what he said?
I never learned the trick of standing on my head.
Rob said. --- Thisis a guilty conscience.
Did you have a flu jab this year?
For the seriously down hip hop homie only at $15.
I must have put on a lot of weight over Christmas because I can only just squeeze into my jeans.
The spirit of Fifa and soccer expend infinitely on a small ball.
The kind of lonely that makes you latch on to anyone who shows the slightest kindness.
She slathered her toast with butter.
Not especially gracious, but squat and workmanlike, plodding with tenacity from port to port.
This new radio station's not all it's cracked up to be.
The resulting baking had a strong garlic flavour, more acceptable perhaps in bread, but cakes, Yuk!
After the divorce he flung himself into his work to forget her.
Vacuum-packed chicken salad, sickly Subway pastries, Special K, orange juice in a plastic container...
Hust the number plate to buy Auntie for Christmas.
I only take surmount my best place now as the goal.
Heavenly music swelled from nowhere.
Although the hereditary title system completely withdraws from the historical arena and is transforms the feudatory to eat the feud.
He's just nipped out to have a slash.
The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God
The time in farmland great deliberation, suddenly, a dress a sored cap of fat man empire farmland with adulatory look the great seat waded to come over.
Because Paul Begala's wife, Diane, was expecting their first child, he couldn't come to Little Rock full-time, so reluctantly, I gave up George Stephanopoulos from the campaign plane.
Three, please put up the vogue magazine several in the Chu cabinet, good let me be unlikely in wait for the sparerib soup burn goodly before of endlessly time space falsely.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted
This was no more than a freak of history.
Outside the stadium before kick-off stood that ubiquitous sparse clutter of genuine supporters who always believe that they can get in anywhere.
She's always dreaming of the footlights.
Normally, Mickeen would detain you as long as he could, jabbering away about this, that and the other.
I have been unable to find anyone who wishes to praise the private Bill procedure; it is an anachronism.
You're a dirty liar!
In this Jarman sits, Prospero-like, sniffing flowers as if grasping at a memory of happier times.
I lift her soft and easy as a male ballet dancer would lift Giselle.
I earned damn all last week.
He was a bureaucrat to the core.
The sheer audacity of the man took my breath away.
And travel experts say whether couples choose a beach in the Caribbean or a castle in Spain, combining wedding, reception and honeymoon can be kinder to their nerves and their wallet.
Time is a bird for ever on the wing
Literature and autobiography are liberally sprinkled with accounts of the indignation and outrage felt when such a promise fails to materialize.
Shall I zip you up ?
He didn't know lions and it wasn't him had tae go inside the cage.
I would rather have the affectionate regard of my fellow men than I would have heaps and mines of gold
This New Zealand validation system doesn't give you a chit of paper.
I give you this ring as a pledge of my everlasting love for you.
Your mother's anniversary set him off, and he went on a murder spree, killing everyone.
It's probably not as bad as she says she does tend to pile it on.
They face a mauling by last year's winners.
Nomatterhow he had changed - if indeed he had changed - that man had once been a sadistic brute.
It is an attitude that reeks of strength and self-confidence.
Latin is a dead language.
Innocent llamas and other wild beast roam the screen, helpless, bleating and afraid.
Inadvertently, as a shell of treasure lost on the gold tourism belt of Three Gorges, Yichang downtown became a skip zone of a luxury cruise from Chongqing to Shanghai and other high-end customers.
They paused a while to let a fleet of barges, packed with city dignitaries, sweep by as stately as swans.
But, as the Bullets demonstrated, a near-healthy Magic is hardly enough to assume dominance over run-of-the-mill opponents.
It's a little chunk of history that they've forgotten to alter.
The things he said are simply the ravings of a disturbed mind.
My endearment of, New Year's Day, can you remember today is ours matrimony anniversary?
He seems to think he's God's gift to women.
U r so lucky, coz u can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from loving u or loving u more.
Take no notice/Don't take any notice !
The Bozart Kaleidoscope Dollhouse designed by PMW Architects in 2001 was perhaps the coolest doll house ever.
You can't keep up the pretense any longer.
It also is jeopardizing the transformation of this ramshackle beach hangout into a sparkling upscale resort.
He was totally without imagination.
Langford received the gaze of his wide-set, sightless brown eyes, from which all glint of humor was gone.
Which brings us to another benefit of a Gumbel / Sawyer hire.
When he said he wanted to go to the zoo on his birthday it was no sooner said than done.
His death made him a martyr to the cruelties of minority white rule and racial separation.
The puppy was fawning on ( upon ) its master as if it understood what he suffered.
I opened by saying, "Honey, you look sensational.".
Envy has no other quality but that of detraction from virtue.
It came and went in swirling waves that rushed down from the ceiling and swallowed her up.
His remark was meant as a shot at me.
The countryside around Cambridge is as flat as a pancake.
There's no pat answer to that.
She gave a chuckle of delight.
Even the presidency was handed to him on a plate.
His green eyes were taking on a bluish tinge and hers were going green with so much exchanging of deep looks.
Our touring plan rides on our father's permission.
You'll keep your mouth shut about this if you know what's good for you!
Bells bloom on her upturned finger tips.
Has sky - scraping wheel park opened the Suzhou golden pheasant lake already all?
My torso and my wrists felt as though Edna had beaten them with sticks.
Alpha I'm most proud of, that is, fell in love with a love people.
The baby room attention maintains the air seasoning, pays attention to the indoor health, the indoor humiture must grasp.
Don't just sit watching television-make yourself useful!
General Custer: Have you ever seen so many fucking Indians?!?
Who wants to be an inconvenience? Who wants to be in the way?
The nectarine is a fruit much a peach.
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
She's always got some lame excuse for being late.
I've never seen a man with such tiny hands - they're minute!
It'll help squish out all that water I've been retaining.
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth
The chronically sick sought him out endlessly for healing from their never-ending weakness.
Our plan to take over the business could boomerang on us if we're not careful.
His foolish act has brought a storm about his ears.
Eyes glitter with a memory of the chill snowfields that once claimed her.
Metal Gear Solid 2's true cleverness (and utter pretentiousness) comes through when it integrates its "perfect sequel" structure directly into the story.
Her summer collection took the fashion world by storm.
Then, wool pulls wag one's headingly cook up a few, already inane, lack lasting appeal again.
And the small automatic pistol in her silver mesh purse was no substitute for a sword.
This is the meaning of seventy times seven.
He slammed the door in a spirit of defiance.
As if to italicize the point, little Charles crept under the kitchen table, only to have his mother accidentally kick him in the head as she crossed her legs.
I was a bigger rogue then than I am now but Benjamin was as different as chalk from cheese.
Imagine there are homes for all Who truly do belong Imagine that we're proud to sing A patriotic song.
Edna announced, brightly, her voice brimming with false joy.
Leisure is not something sandwiched into the wee hours after an exhausting day.
Civilization itself, in fact, is a pathological surrogate for unconscious infantile disappointments.
I was carrying my guitar into my dorm room on freshman move-in day at the University of Southern Maine.
He said he wouldn't go out with us if Jerry was going too - he's so childish!
And the dramatic ascent, though interrupted by savage relapses, is both exciting and moving.
He's no slouch in the kitchen-you should try his spaghetti bolognese.
Seems like nothing ever brings you back to reality that makes you want to stay there
The idea of tracking evolution in order to anticipate its future course is bewitching.
The pristine BVI has long attracted yachties and royalty to its turquoise waters, thanks to posh resorts like Rosewood Little Dix Bay, Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island, and Peter Island.
Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world
One of the prisoners is a self-proclaimed racist who opened fire on a crowd four years ago.
Chuck's acting like a complete dick.
But there's another pretentiousness.
In the middle of an unprecedented and unnerving global experiment is the short answer.
I was supposed to do some work this weekend but I couldn't be arsed.
Now this, to outsiders, is an unbelievable world, totally severed from the outside world, utterly divorced from reality.
Be careful with that umbrella or you'll poke someone in the eye.
To man qua man we readily say good riddance.
Johnny was a show-off - a balding braggart who was later proved to be a liar.
The cartel succeeded beyond its wildest dreams: by last month the price was brushing $ 30.
The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours
I'm convinced he only does that charity work so that he can feel virtuous.
An aspiration is a joy for ever, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity.
You have to grub up the roots.
Clint suffered the indignity of being called 'Puppy' in front of his girlfriend.
The bleak wisdom of bare and poor streets were still his commandments.
After sixteen years of fishing for zander I still find it a magical absorbing pastime.
Judah the last speed demon Mayweather has faced gave him fits for the first five rounds of their 12 rounder and the Brooklynite doesn't have near the focus or the complete game Marquez possesses.
Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself
I wonder what conjuring tricks he's planning for the cocktail hour.
How do you pull off this virtuous circle?
You remember only the gist of breakfasts past.
His suspension was as lame as O. J. Simpson getting to do counseling over the telephone for domestic abuse.
A juicy hamburger or a chili half-smoke sausage in Washington, soul food in Chicago.
A perfect companion for a big pot of pasta, this nylon spaghetti server can tame those wild spaghetti, linguine, or fettuccine noodles that so easily elude a common spoon or fork.
They formed a clique for self - interests and went astray.
Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy. I experience myself as overflowing, spending, alive, hence as joyous. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness
Begging you will not take it amiss I shall ever be your dutiful servant.
High vaulted rooms with cool uncarpeted floors, great dogs upon the hearths for the burning of wood in winter time, and all luxuries befitting the state of a marquis in a luxurious age and country.
If he thinks I'll agree to that he's fully miscalculated.
I began to curse myself for yet another shambolic conclusion to a wearying day.
She is a woman with an unblemished reputation of fairness and competence.
But the nearly six-mile high ejecta blanket that breaks lunar altitude records was formed in a matter of minutes!
The organizers say it's a fair contest but who knows what goes on backstage?
I used to worry that my discomfort at weddings meant that I was a misanthrope or lacking the distinctly feminine gene that makes centerpieces and pew markers appealing.
He obliterated the blackboard before break.
The modern car is already an electronic showcase on wheels.
Of course not, but when it comes to proportional strength, the rhinoceros beetle is second to none.
She exudes sexual magnetism.
They crossed the former's tight disco-funk arrangements with witty incisive lyrics more usually associated with new wave bands.
But developing such a library involves writing an inordinate amount of unreadable and unmaintainable template mumbo - jumbo.
Through the night in the tossing chest she listened to the waters that seemed always about to wash over them.
The wise hand doth not all that the foolish mouth speaks
I parted with him for his dishonesty.
But Hector, with his booming laugh, was so large and overpowering that he made it worse.
This undistinguished youth was to explode into a prominence no one had anticipated.
It's a moving narrative of wartime adventure.
Its heroes are household names and millions of pounds are at stake when it is staged.
Her lips were set in a pout of annoyance.
She's the incarnation of everything I hate about politics.
He hasn't driven since his smash-up two years ago.
It was clear that whatever demons he'd tried to exorcise were still present and squirming inside his head.
Oil row to lose weight, Runchang purge, and how, toxins, nourish skin!
He had the body of an athlete, every sinew honed down to perfection, but he wasn't brainless.
Are you sure that's automobile spontaneous combustion and not the new Toyota charcoal BBQ?
Who's covering for you while you're away?
Do I hang back and crawl through the remaining 52 turns at their speed?
Last Wednesday was all about back to basics and glimpses of optimism.
Of course, if we're full of self-disgust or dislike ourselves intensely, we'll find the summoning up of compassionate feelings for ourselves even more challenging.
A cheery children's room is decorated in white with pops of color and mid-century classic furniture pieces like the Eames rocker.
Now I'm going to rest and revel to my heart's content.
You could fill a book with such hair-curling true stories of blighted lives and justice traduced.
My phone number is five, double oh, seven, six, six.
It wasn't until he started laughing that they cottoned on!
Last year's profits were more the result of financial sleight of hand than genuine growth.
You don't educate or create a market; you simply pander to an existing one.
Worse still, they unintentionally fostered negative, adverse meanings that equated Tesseract with a profit motive that people did not trust.
We stopped believing in the four humours, but we remain bilious, choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic.
Neptune's time in seventh house Aquarius can romanticize the concepts of marrying a best friend.
Brian, furious, would huff and puff as Mazzin unceremoniously threw him back down on his bed.
Ingrid and other loyal friends spent long hours burning the midnight oil with her when it came to the final typing.
All things happen to God's fatherly providence.
First, many critics see this as a silly game of publication counting, a bogus guide to merit in the lab.
But the course proves discovery, in cling to conduIt'should encounter soup, easy aspic cracks conduit.
The mill is in pain until in the mature, RongRun burnish, with tears for!
The postgraduate course, with a global reputation for nurturing up-and-coming car designers, boasts an alumni that reads like the who's who of the car design world.
Live your vision and demand your success
Where it was once dark, rich and improvised, now it was squeaky clean, bright, metronomic, given to grandiose rockisms.
Thellos cookery book has been written by a real epicure.
Pretty meaty stuff for an art history major who formerly knew squat about the squabble.
Will he, like his predecessor, view inflation as Enemy Number One?
He is full of deceit.
The backdrop of 1950s Harlem is violent and sinister and the direction pulls few punches.
We don't need to stint ourselves-have some more!
Keep flax from fire,youth from gaming.
In a diary in which she writes everything but the truth.
Then why do my ears ring with the lowing of oxen and the bleating of sheep?
I love the hiss and pop of vinyl and the black splotch in the corner when a movie changes reels.
And, quite frankly, I just let rip.
But how does a woman best handle that hellish and uncertain time when her husband is still shopping for the supplements?
Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.
A wraith with bright eyes in his gaunt face.
These reforms, untested by pilot evaluations, represent a leap of faith.