Upload zh_CN.json
Browse files- localizations/zh_CN.json +95 -38
@@ -5209,7 +5209,7 @@
5209 |
"Save LyCORIS models to Lora directory. Do not use this if you are on older versions of webui or you use an extension that handles LyCORIS models.": "将 LyCORIS 存入 LoRA 目录(请勿在 1.6 以前的 webui版本 或依赖插件加载 LyCORIS 时勾选此项)",
5210 |
"Open model Url on the user's client side, rather than server side. If you are running WebUI locally, disabling this may open URLs in your default internet browser if it is different than the one you are running WebUI in": "在用户的客户端而不是服务器端打开模型链接(本地运行 WebUI 时,取消勾选会在默认浏览器中打开模型链接;云端部署时,取消勾选会在服务器端打开链接,而不是客户端)",
5211 |
"Use SD webui's built-in hashing functions for model hashes. This provides a hash cache, which should make repeat model scanning faster and make hashes reusable across features.": "使用 WebUI 内置哈希计算,可调用 WebUI 的哈希值缓存加速模型扫描",
5212 |
"optimizes the self-attention layer within U-Net and VAE models,\n resulting in a reduction in computation time ranging from 1 to 4 times. The larger the generated image is, the greater the\n benefit.": " 通过优化 U-Net 和 VAE 的 自关注层(self-attention layer),至多可将计算效率提升4
5213 |
"Enable Hypertile U-Net": "为 U-Net 启用 Hypertile 优化",
5214 |
"(noticeable change in details of the generated picture; if enabled, overrides the setting below)": "(生成的图片的细节将发生显著变化;如果启用,将覆盖下方仅在高分修复中启用的设置)",
5215 |
"Enable Hypertile U-Net for hires fix second pass": "仅为高分辨率修复第二轮生成时的 U-Net 启用 Hypertile 优化",
@@ -5484,43 +5484,100 @@
5484 |
"Variation": "变化",
5485 |
"Sharpness": "锐化",
5486 |
"Down Sampling Rate": "降采样比例",
5487 |
"": "",
5488 |
"": "",
5489 |
"": "",
5490 |
"": "",
5491 |
"": "",
5492 |
"": "",
5493 |
"": "",
5494 |
"": "",
5495 |
"": "",
5496 |
"": "",
5497 |
"": "",
5498 |
"": "",
5499 |
"": "",
5500 |
"": "",
5501 |
"": "",
5502 |
"": "",
5503 |
"": "",
5504 |
"": "",
5505 |
"": "",
5506 |
"": "",
5507 |
"": "",
5508 |
"": "",
5509 |
"": "",
5510 |
"": "",
5511 |
"": "",
5512 |
"": "",
5513 |
"": "",
5514 |
"": "",
5515 |
"": "",
5516 |
"": "",
5517 |
"": "",
5518 |
"": "",
5519 |
"": "",
5520 |
"": "",
5521 |
"": "",
5522 |
"": "",
5523 |
"": "",
5524 |
"": "",
5525 |
"": "",
5526 |
"": "",
5209 |
"Save LyCORIS models to Lora directory. Do not use this if you are on older versions of webui or you use an extension that handles LyCORIS models.": "将 LyCORIS 存入 LoRA 目录(请勿在 1.6 以前的 webui版本 或依赖插件加载 LyCORIS 时勾选此项)",
5210 |
"Open model Url on the user's client side, rather than server side. If you are running WebUI locally, disabling this may open URLs in your default internet browser if it is different than the one you are running WebUI in": "在用户的客户端而不是服务器端打开模型链接(本地运行 WebUI 时,取消勾选会在默认浏览器中打开模型链接;云端部署时,取消勾选会在服务器端打开链接,而不是客户端)",
5211 |
"Use SD webui's built-in hashing functions for model hashes. This provides a hash cache, which should make repeat model scanning faster and make hashes reusable across features.": "使用 WebUI 内置哈希计算,可调用 WebUI 的哈希值缓存加速模型扫描",
5212 |
"optimizes the self-attention layer within U-Net and VAE models,\n resulting in a reduction in computation time ranging from 1 to 4 times. The larger the generated image is, the greater the\n benefit.": " 通过优化 U-Net 和 VAE 的 自关注层(self-attention layer),至多可将计算效率提升4倍,且生成的图像越大收益越高。批量生成图像每批数量 大于1 时该功能会自动禁用,可能导致批量生成后无法单张复现。",
5213 |
"Enable Hypertile U-Net": "为 U-Net 启用 Hypertile 优化",
5214 |
"(noticeable change in details of the generated picture; if enabled, overrides the setting below)": "(生成的图片的细节将发生显著变化;如果启用,将覆盖下方仅在高分修复中启用的设置)",
5215 |
"Enable Hypertile U-Net for hires fix second pass": "仅为高分辨率修复第二轮生成时的 U-Net 启用 Hypertile 优化",
5484 |
"Variation": "变化",
5485 |
"Sharpness": "锐化",
5486 |
"Down Sampling Rate": "降采样比例",
5487 |
"Show Live preview in full page image viewer": "在全屏查看中显示实时预览",
5488 |
"(can be any valid CSS value, for example 768px or 20em)": "(可以是任何有效的 CSS 值,如 “768px” 或 “20em”)",
5489 |
"FP8 weight": "使用 FP8 格式权重",
5490 |
"(Use FP8 to store Linear/Conv layers' weight. Require pytorch>=2.1.0.)": "(以 FP8 格式储存线性层与卷积层的权重,需要 pytorch 版本高于 2.1.0)",
5491 |
"Cache FP16 weight for LoRA": "以 FP16 格式缓存 LoRA 权重",
5492 |
"(Cache fp16 weight when enabling FP8, will increase the quality of LoRA. Use more system ram.)": "(当嵌入 FP8 权重时依然使用 FP16 缓存 LoRA 权重,可以提升LoRA质量,但消耗更多 内存)",
5493 |
"Prompt\n(Press Ctrl+Enter to generate, Alt+Enter to skip, Esc to interrupt)": "提示词\n(按 Ctrl+Enter 生成,按 Alt+Enter 跳过,按 Esc 中止)",
5494 |
"Negative prompt\n(Press Ctrl+Enter to generate, Alt+Enter to skip, Esc to interrupt)": "负面提示词\n(按 Ctrl+Enter 生成,按 Alt+Enter 跳过,按 Esc 中止)",
5495 |
"Crop thumbnail to square": "将所有缩略图全部剪裁为正方形显示",
5496 |
"Video above or below gallery": "视频播放器位置",
5497 |
"Video player width (px)": "视频播放器宽度(像素)",
5498 |
"Video player height (px)": "视频播放器高度(像素)",
5499 |
"Wildcard folder exclusion list": "通配符目录排除列表",
5500 |
"(Add folder names that shouldn't be searched for wildcards, separated by comma.)": "(在下方填入不应被识别为通配符的文件夹名称,逗号分隔)",
5501 |
"Don't re-scan for wildcard files when pressing the extra networks refresh button": "刷新附加网络面板时不要重新扫描通配符文件",
5502 |
"(Useful to prevent hanging if you use a very large wildcard collection.)": "(防止在通配符过多时影响刷新时间)",
5503 |
"Only user list": "仅从用户自定义的列表中查询",
5504 |
"Soft inpainting": "柔和局部重绘",
5505 |
"Soft inpainting allows you to seamlessly blend original content with inpainted content according to the mask opacity.": "柔和局部重绘 可以根据蒙版不透明度将原始画面与重绘内容无缝混合。",
5506 |
"Soft inpainting allows you to": "柔和局部重绘 可以",
5507 |
"seamlessly blend original content with inpainted content": "根据 蒙版不透明度",
5508 |
"according to the mask opacity.": "将 原始画面 与 重绘内容 无缝混合。",
5509 |
"High": "高",
5510 |
"values are recommended!": "值具有更好的效果(更大的羽化范围与渐变的不透明度可以增强 柔和局部重绘 的效果)",
5511 |
"Schedule bias": "调度偏移",
5512 |
"Shifts when preservation of original content occurs during denoising.": "降噪过程中,原始画面保留比例随采样迭代步数变化的调度函数偏移量",
5513 |
"Preservation strength": "保留强度",
5514 |
"How strongly partially masked content should be preserved.": "蒙版区域的原始画面对结果的影响强度",
5515 |
"Transition contrast boost": "过渡区对比度增强",
5516 |
"Amplifies the contrast that may be lost in partially masked regions.": "蒙版的过渡区域重绘后对比度可能下降,调整此参数防止过渡区模糊或变灰",
5517 |
"Pixel Composite Settings": "像素合成设置",
5518 |
"Mask influence": "蒙版差分阈值偏移",
5519 |
"How strongly the original mask should bias the difference threshold.": "差分阈值受蒙版影响发生的偏移量",
5520 |
"Difference threshold": "差分阈值",
5521 |
"How much an image region can change before the original pixels are not blended in anymore.": "未混入原始画面像素前,图像蒙版区域可发生多大程度的改变",
5522 |
"Difference contrast": "差分对比度",
5523 |
"How sharp the transition should be between blended and not blended.": "发生像素合成的区域与未发生像素合成的区域之间过渡的锐利程度",
5524 |
"The blending strength of original content is scaled proportionally with the decreasing noise level values at each step (sigmas).": "原始画面与新生成的内容在每一步迭代中以降噪幅度(与重绘幅度有关,但同时受采样器噪声调度器影响,多数情况和采样迭代步数是非线性关系,即采样器的 σ值)为比例参数相互混合。",
5525 |
"This ensures that the influence of the denoiser and original content preservation is roughly balanced at each step.": "这确保了原始画面在每一步中的影响都大致相同。",
5526 |
"This balance can be shifted using this parameter, controlling whether earlier or later steps have stronger preservation.": "这个混合比例随迭代步数变化的调度函数可通过“调度偏移”进行修正,以控制生成前期和后期原始画面对生成过程的干预强度。",
5527 |
"Below 1": "小于1",
5528 |
": Stronger preservation near the end (with low sigma)": ":在生成后期对原始画面的保留增强(向比 σ值 更低的方向偏移)",
5529 |
": Balanced (proportional to sigma)": ":均衡(与 σ值 成正比)",
5530 |
"Above 1": "大于1",
5531 |
": Stronger preservation in the beginning (with high sigma)": ":在生成前期对原始画面的保留增强(向比 σ值 更高的方向偏移)",
5532 |
"Skews whether partially masked image regions should be more likely to preserve the original content or favor inpainted content.": "此参数可对蒙版区域更倾向于保留原始画面还是新生成的内容进行修正。",
5533 |
"This may need to be adjusted depending on the Schedule bias, CFG Scale, prompt and Denoising strength.": "但这个参数作为一个偏置参数,其本身的效果同时还受 调度偏移、CFG、提示词 和 重绘幅度 等参数的影响。",
5534 |
"Low values": "较低时",
5535 |
": Favors generated content.": ":更倾向于新生成的内容",
5536 |
"High values": "较高时",
5537 |
": Favors original content.": ":更倾向于保留原始画面",
5538 |
"This parameter controls how the original latent vectors and denoised latent vectors are interpolated.": "此参数控制原始潜空间向量与新生成的潜空间向量之间的插值算法。",
5539 |
"With higher values, the magnitude of the resulting blended vector will be closer to the maximum of the two interpolated vectors.": "值越高,生成的混合潜空间向量的模越接近二者中较大的那个。",
5540 |
"This can prevent the loss of contrast that occurs with linear interpolation.": "这可以防止线性插值算法引起过渡区域对比度损失。",
5541 |
": Softer blending, details may fade.": ":过渡更柔和,但可能丢失细节",
5542 |
": Stronger contrast, may over-saturate colors.": ":过渡更锐利,但可能出现杂色或过饱和色块",
5543 |
"Masks are generated based on how much a part of the image changed after denoising.": "前述内容皆为潜空间参数,此部分参数为像素空间参数,应用于生成结束的后处理阶段。",
5544 |
"These masks are used to blend the original and final images together.": "蒙版作为生成前后像素重新合成的依据,其范围与不透明度决定了生成的新画面相比原始画面发生了多大变化。新生成的图像在潜空间中已经受到蒙版的影响,但整个重绘区域为矩形,并不一定与蒙版完全重合(无论选择以原图还是以蒙版尺寸重绘),因此非重绘区域(如指定重绘蒙版内部时,蒙版未覆盖的区域)也可能发生一定程度的变化。",
5545 |
"If the difference is low, the original pixels are used instead of the pixels returned by the inpainting process.": "如果某个位置的像素生成前后变化低于某个阈值(差分阈值),则最终像素融合时会直接使用原始画面的像素,而不是新生成画面的像素。",
5546 |
"This parameter controls how much the mask should bias this sensitivity to difference.": "此参数控制蒙版区域内对生成前后差异识别的灵敏度,该参数可以视作蒙版区域内对 差分阈值 的一个偏置修正。",
5547 |
": Ignore the mask, only consider differences in image content.": ":忽略蒙版本身,只考虑生成前后的内容差异",
5548 |
": Follow the mask closely despite image content changes.": ":无论图像是否发生变化,都严格以蒙版作为依据进行融合",
5549 |
"This value represents the difference at which the original pixels will have less than 50% opacity.": "该参数控制蒙版不透明度小于50%的区域生成前后差异识别的灵敏度,即发生多大变化时舍弃原始画面的像素。",
5550 |
": Two images patches must be almost the same in order to retain original pixels.": ":发生微小变化就舍弃原始画面的像素",
5551 |
": Two images patches can be very different and still retain original pixels.": ":需要生成内容与原始画面具有很大差异才舍弃原始画面像素",
5552 |
"This value represents the contrast between the opacity of the original and inpainted content.": "该参数控制像素合成时原始画面像素的不透明度。",
5553 |
": The blend will be more gradual and have longer transitions, but may cause ghosting.": ":过渡区域将会扩大,过渡会更柔和,但过渡区可能因新旧内容重合导致重影",
5554 |
": Ghosting will be less common, but transitions may be very sudden.": ":重影减少,但过渡会变得不自然",
5555 |
"soft-inpainting": "柔和局部重绘",
5556 |
"True": "启用",
5557 |
"VAE hash": "VAE 哈希值",
5558 |
"TI hashes": "嵌入式 哈希值",
5559 |
"Lora hashes": "Lora 哈希值",
5560 |
"Lora hash": "Lora 哈希值",
5561 |
"sd-webui-infinite-image-browsing": "无边图像浏览器",
5562 |
"Automatic backward compatibility": "自动兼容性设置",
5563 |
"(automatically enable options for backwards compatibility when importing generation parameters from infotext that has program version.)": "(根据读入的生成信息中记录的版本信息自动启用兼容性设置)",
5564 |
"Downcast model alphas_cumprod to fp16 before sampling. For reproducing old seeds.": "采样前将模型权重向下投射到 FP16 格式(仅用于复现2024年之前生成的图像)",
5565 |
"Lora not found warning in console": "当找不到对应 LoRA 文件时向控制台输出警告信息",
5566 |
"Lora not found warning popup in webui": "当找不到对应 LoRA 文件时在 WebUI 中弹窗警告",
5567 |
"Noise schedule for sampling": "使用 零终信噪比(Zero Terminal-SNR,与高分辨率视频生成有关) 训练的模型时,采样器的噪声调度器类型:",
5568 |
"Zero Terminal SNR": "零终信噪比(Zero Terminal-SNR)",
5569 |
"(for use with zero terminal SNR trained models)": "",
5570 |
"Use torch.compile to accelerate SwinIR.": "使用 torch.compile 加速 SwinIR 放大算法",
5571 |
"(Takes longer on first run)": "(首次运行时将耗费更长时间)",
5572 |
"Disable photopea edit": "禁用 Photopea 在线图像编辑器",
5573 |
"Use the '<lora:' prefix instead of '<lyco:' for models in the LyCORIS folder": "调用 LyCORIS 文件夹内的附加网络时,使用 “<lora:...>” 代替 “<lyco:...>”",
5574 |
"(The lyco prefix is included for backwards compatibility and not used anymore by default. Disable this if you are on an old webui version without built-in lyco support.)": "(请勿在使用 LyCORIS插件 但未添加 “--lyco-patch-lora” 启动参数,或使用 1.6.0 之前的版本的 内置LoRA插件 时开启此功能)",
5575 |
"Don't Interrupt in the middle": "终止按钮不打断单张图片的生成",
5576 |
"(when using Interrupt button, if generating more than one image, stop after the generation of an image has finished, instead of immediately)": "(仅一次生成多张图片时有效,按下终止后会等待正在生成的图片完成后再终止本次生成)",
5577 |
"Full page image viewer: control icon unfocused opacity": "全屏查看:控件图标处于非焦点时的透明度",
5578 |
"(for mouse only)": "(仅使用鼠标时)",
5579 |
"Full page image viewer: tool bar opacity": "全屏查看:工具栏透明度",
5580 |
"(displayed amount will depend on the actual browser window width)": "(显示的数量将取决于实际浏览器窗口宽度)",
5581 |
"": "",
5582 |
"": "",
5583 |
"": "",