19 values
Input: What is not possible unless the reactants surmount an energy barrier known as the activation energy? The activation energy necessary for a chemical reaction can be in the form of thermal energy. Symbol: KWG Input: Who based their research on Enrlich's stains works? Though it was known in the nineteenth century that bacteria are the cause of many diseases, no effective antibacterial treatments were available. Symbol: KWG Input: What does the YAG phosphor coating produce? In this device a Y_3Al_5O_12:Ce (known as "YAG") phosphor coating on the emitter absorbs some of the blue emission and produces yellow light through fluorescence. Symbol: AQVM Input: Along with Josh Groban, what notable pop artist started out his career on adult contemporary radio? Much as some hot AC and modern rock artists have crossed over into each other, so too has soft AC crossed with country music in this decade. Symbol: KWG Input: Than which queen has Elizabeth ruled longer? In 2015, she surpassed the reign of her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, to become the longest-reigning British head of state and the longest-reigning queen regnant in world history. Symbol: AQVM Input: On what principle did the Ancient Greeks first think was best for governance? In the West, the ancient Greeks initially regarded the best form of government as rule by the best men. Symbol: AQVM
Which Queen album is the eighth best-selling album in the UK of all time? The band's second greatest hits compilation, Greatest Hits II, followed in October 1991, which is the eighth best-selling album of all time in the UK and has sold 16 million copies worldwide. -> 20114 What member of the Fujiwara attempted to rebel in the mid-twelfth century? Fujiwara no Yorinaga sided with the retired emperor in a violent battle in 1156 against the heir apparent, who was supported by the Taira and Minamoto (Hōgen Rebellion). -> 20114 When do thunderstorms usually occur in Detroit? Thunderstorms are frequent in the Detroit area. -> 342 Along with chicken, what food was included in "chicken in a basket"? In the 1950s some British pubs would offer "a pie and a pint", with hot individual steak and ale pies made easily on the premises by the proprietor's wife during the lunchtime opening hours. -> 342 what year did Dell stop selling products through physical retailers? Dell stopped this practice in 1994, citing low profit-margins on the business, exclusively distributing through a direct-sales model for the next decade. -> 20114 How long did liquidation occur? It was continued in May 1940 when Germany launched AB-Aktion, More than 16,000 members of the intelligentsia were murdered in Operation Tannenberg alone. -> 342 What radio stationed owned by NBC played only soft rock? Walter Sabo and his team at NBC brought in major personalities from the AM Band to the FM Band taking the format from a background to a foreground listening experience. -> 342 Which mountain ranges contain glaciers? Mountain glaciers are widespread, especially in the Andes, the Himalayas, the Rocky Mountains, the Caucasus, and the Alps. -> 20114 When did Victoria's mother die? In March 1861, Victoria's mother died, with Victoria at her side. -> 20114 How did the Romans view the corpse of the dead? The Christian Church fostered the veneration of saintly relics, and inscriptions marked the day of death as a transition to "new life". -> 342 What team did Nwankwo Kanu go on to play on? Other players that graduated from the junior teams are Nduka Ugbade, Jonathan Akpoborie, Victor Ikpeba, Celestine Babayaro, Wilson Oruma and Taye Taiwo. -> 342 What can alcohol and certain antibiotics cause? While moderate alcohol consumption is unlikely to interfere with many common antibiotics, there are specific types of antibiotics with which alcohol consumption may cause serious side-effects. -> 342 What year did Dahabhiil acquire the majority of Somtal network? The cooperative deal will see the firms establish the Somali Telecommunication Company (STC), which will allow their mobile clients to communicate across the three networks. -> 342 What drug does Nigeria ship from South America to Europe and South Africa? Nigerian criminal groups are heavily involved in drug trafficking, shipping heroin from Asian countries to Europe and America; and cocaine from South America to Europe and South Africa. . -> 20114 What does 'chaetae' mean? Most of an annelid's body consists of segments that are practically identical, having the same sets of internal organs and external chaetae (Greek χαιτη, meaning "hair") and, in some species, appendages. -> 20114 What individual was the main target of the pact? They also agreed to a secret clause that promised the restoration of Silesia and the countship of Glatz (now Kłodzko, Poland) to Austria in the event of hostilities with Prussia. -> 342 As of 2010 what percentage of Florida was white / non Hispanic As of 2010, those of (non-Hispanic white) European ancestry accounted for 57.9% of Florida's population. -> 20114 Who experience a significant leap in their academic performance? The research further indicated that students who listened to the music prior to an examination also had positively elevated achievement scores. -> 342 Which recording types were effected by the imposed industry standards? The NAB, among other items, issued recording standards in 1949 for laterally and vertically cut records, principally transcriptions. -> 20114 How many albums did "Music" sell in the first 10 days? " The album took the number-one position in more than 20 countries worldwide and sold four million copies in the first ten days. -> 20114
X = How much of the Bronx speaks French at home? A Garifuna-speaking community from Honduras and Guatemala also makes the Bronx its home. Y = 1066 X = What are larger weapon systems usually mounted on? Even the larger systems tend to be mounted on trailers and are designed to be fairly quickly broken down or set up. Y = AMRQ X = Who was the author of the first published book classifying humans into distinct races? In the 18th century the differences among human groups became a focus of scientific investigation. Y = 1066 X = Who provides the guests with these samples at the event? Visitors can sample food and drinks from Santa Monica restaurants. Y = AMRQ
Input: Who is considered the Greek National School of Music founder? Manolis Kalomiris is considered the founder of the Greek National School of Music. Output: ANHB Input: What subject did Hayek's works influence and inspire? With the help of Mises, in the late 1920s Hayek founded and served as director of the Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research, before joining the faculty of the London School of Economics (LSE) in 1931 at the behest of Lionel Robbins. Output: PCM Input: Who did Athanasius succeed? Patriarch Athanasius spent over 17 years in five exiles ordered by four different Roman Emperors, not counting approximately six more incidents in which Athanasius fled Alexandria to escape people seeking to take his life. Output: PCM Input: What states that treaties are to be interpreted "in good faith" according to the "ordinary meaning given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in light of its object and purpose?" The Vienna Convention states that treaties are to be interpreted "in good faith" according to the "ordinary meaning given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of its object and purpose." Output: ANHB
Sentences: When did Madonna appear in the play Up For Grabs at the Wyndhams Theatre? The song reached number eight on the Billboard Hot 100 and was nominated for both a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and a Golden Raspberry for Worst Song. Mapped To: UKG Sentences: How long does it take for patents to expire after being filed? As a result, patents required to implement MP3 expired in most countries by December 2012, 21 years after the publication of ISO CD 11172. Mapped To: UKG Sentences: Who took over the territory and made it part of their empire? After the region's conquest by Alexander the Great it became part of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, a successor state of Alexander's empire. Mapped To: 18931 Sentences: Why did thousands of new workers flock to Houston? Due to the boom in defense jobs, thousands of new workers migrated to the city, both blacks and whites competing for the higher-paying jobs. Mapped To: 18931
Sentences: Who did the Independent state wouldn't decide the election? During the campaign for the United Kingdom general election, 2010, The Independent ran ads declaring that "Rupert Murdoch won't decide this election – you will." Mapped To: ADMU Sentences: Who was the child of Emilie Victoria Kraus who might have been another of Napoleon's illegitimate children? He may have had further unacknowledged illegitimate offspring as well, such as Eugen Megerle von Mühlfeld by Emilie Victoria Kraus and Hélène Napoleone Bonaparte (1816–1907) by Albine de Montholon. Mapped To: ADMU Sentences: In what century is it believed that delegations of Moors began to influence western works by the likes of Shakespeare? These works are said to have been inspired by several Moorish delegations from Morocco to Elizabethan England at the beginning of the 17th century. Mapped To: ADMU Sentences: What was Shibell's job? south of Tucson by Pima County Sheriff Charles A. Shibell and his citizen's posse. Mapped To: ADMU Sentences: How are non-federal government activities that might impact critical habitat often subject to the Endangered Species Act? Outside or in parallel with regulatory processes, critical habitats also focus and encourage voluntary actions such as land purchases, grant making, restoration, and establishment of reserves. Mapped To: 12105 Sentences: Which programfacilitates the exchange students across Europe? Similarities — in systems or even in ideas — that schools share internationally have led to an increase in international student exchanges. Mapped To: 12105 Sentences: How many times has KU been one of the last four teams competing at the National Debate Championships? The University of Kansas has had more teams (70) compete in the National Debate Tournament than any other university. Mapped To: 12105 Sentences: What important part of daily life might be disturbed because of DST changing what time you go to bed? Computer software can often adjust clocks automatically, but policy changes by various jurisdictions of the dates and timings of DST may be confusing. Mapped To: 12105
Sentences: How many B-29 bombers were airbases need for in Okinawa? The largest and bloodiest American battle came at Okinawa, as the U.S. sought airbases for 3,000 B-29 bombers and 240 squadrons of B-17 bombers for the intense bombardment of Japan's home islands in preparation for a full-scale invasion in late 1945. Mapped To: 4592 Sentences: What are the opposites of injective maps? The counterpart to injective maps are surjective maps (every element of the target is mapped onto), such as the canonical map G → G / N.y[›] Interpreting subgroup and quotients in light of these homomorphisms emphasizes the structural concept inherent to these definitions alluded to in the introduction. Mapped To: 4592 Sentences: The amount of professors at Notre Dame increased by what amount under Malloy? In the 18 years under the presidency of Edward Malloy, C.S.C., (1987–2005), there was a rapid growth in the school's reputation, faculty, and resources. Mapped To: ALJL Sentences: Who was chosen to head BYU? He had not received a high school education until he was forty. Mapped To: ALJL
Question: What type of food is Armenian food most similair to? Armenian cuisine is as ancient as the history of Armenia, a combination of different tastes and aromas. Answer: COT Question: In what year did the Doomsday project occur? It was typical for each disc to start with the disc catalog (a few blank frames) then the video introduction before the rest of the data. Answer: COT Question: What forbid hunting in the woods with hounds and keeping hawks or falcons? says, "We forbid to all servants of God hunting and expeditions through the woods with hounds; and we also forbid them to keep hawks or falcons. Answer: COT Question: What are the stems used for in cacti? Angiosperms are seed-producing plants that produce flowers and have enclosed seeds. Answer: COT Question: Maslenitsa is celebrated in what type of nation? In Eastern Orthodox nations, Maslenitsa is celebrated during the last week before Great Lent. Answer: AFIE Question: What is the name of the person who handed off the torch to the torchbearer in the United States 2008 Olympic relay? Newsom, on the other hand, said he felt it was in "everyone's best interest" and that he believed people had been "afforded the right to protest and support the torch" despite the route changes. Answer: COT Question: What was the range of the mitrailleuse? It was developed in such secrecy, that little training with the weapon had occurred, leaving French gunners with no experience; the gun was treated like artillery and in this role it was ineffective. Answer: COT Question: What does the USB specification limit? In addition to limiting the total average power used by the device, the USB specification limits the inrush current (i.e., that used to charge decoupling and filter capacitors) when the device is first connected. Answer: AFIE Question: What do the images at synagogue in Khirbet Susiya suggest about the communities views? It includes the names of the signs of the zodiac and important figures from the Jewish past but not their images suggesting that it served a rather conservative community. Answer: AFIE Question: What did Charles Martel do In 723, the Frankish leader Charles Martel bestowed the fortress in Utrecht and the surrounding lands as the base of the bishops. Answer: AFIE Question: What did Napoleon abolish in Spain in 1813, during his brother's rule there? He also said to Gourgaud in 1817 "I like the Mohammedan religion best. Answer: COT Question: Where is a good source of marine research in Cork? In CIT, The Rubicon Centre is a business innovation hub that is home to 57 knowledge based start-up companies. Answer: COT Question: La Monica Ballroom used to be what type of ballroom in the United States? The La Monica Ballroom on the pier was once the largest ballroom in the US and the source for many New Year's Eve national network broadcasts. Answer: AFIE Question: What was the code name for Gaddafi's coup against the monarchy? They met no serious resistance, and wielded little violence against the monarchists. Answer: COT Question: What type of of pain is visceral a division of? Nociceptive pain may also be divided into "visceral", "deep somatic" and "superficial somatic" pain. Answer: AFIE Question: Which piece of legislature marked the start of discrimination against Asians? Discrimination against Asians began with the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and then continued with the Scott Act of 1888 and the Geary Act of 1892. Answer: AFIE Question: What does ethnohistory use both historical and ethnographic data as? Ethnohistory uses both historical and ethnographic data as its foundation. Answer: AFIE Question: What was the Duke of York's relationship to his religion described as being? The original charter of the Province of East Jersey had restricted membership in the Assembly to Christians; the Duke of York was fervently Catholic, and the proprietors of Perth Amboy, New Jersey were Scottish Catholic peers. Answer: AFIE
Question: Where did the people of the Mali empire immigrate to? This influx was compounded by the decline of the Western Sudanic Mali Empire in 1375 and the Songhai Empire in 1591. Answer: tied Question: What was the De Materia Medica written about? De Materia Medica was widely read for more than 1,500 years. Answer: tied Question: How many Oppidan houses are at Eaton? To gain an Oppidan Scholarship, a boy must have either three distinctions in a row or four throughout his career. Answer: tied Question: Where is the Royal Institute of British Architects located? After the grant of the royal charter it had become known as the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, eventually dropping the reference to London in 1892. Answer: tied Question: Who was the English politician who appeased Germany with the take over of Czechoslovakia Hitler's fierce anti-Soviet rhetoric was one of the reasons why the UK and France decided that Soviet participation in the 1938 Munich Conference regarding Czechoslovakia would be both dangerous and useless. Answer: tied Question: What did the English East India Company have difficulty attracting? The company experienced difficulty attracting new immigrants, and sentiments of unrest and rebellion fomented among the inhabitants. Answer: 3283 Question: What are two things Chopin's performances were known for? His keyboard style is highly individual and often technically demanding; his own performances were noted for their nuance and sensitivity. Answer: 3283 Question: What odds were at stake for the attack launched by the III Corps? Despite odds of four to one, the III Corps launched a risky attack. Answer: 3283 Question: Who seemed to have been dominated by geometrical pattern and order? The artists seem to have been dominated by geometrical pattern and order, and this was improved when classical art brought a greater freedom and economy. Answer: 3283 Question: Who did the pope appoint Bishop The pope appointed their leader, Willibrordus, bishop of the Frisians. Answer: 3283 Question: What is often pointed to as the one reason for the Cubs' inconsistent late season play? Again, the Cubs' unusually high number of day games is often pointed to as one reason for the team's inconsistent late season play. Answer: 3283 Question: How is the genetic code read? During and after synthesis, most new proteins must folds to their active three-dimensional structure before they can carry out their cellular functions.:3 Answer: tied Question: Who replaced universities as centres of scientific research and development during the Enlightenment? Some historians have marked the 18th century as a drab period in the history of science; however, the century saw significant advancements in the practice of medicine, mathematics, and physics; the development of biological taxonomy; a new understanding of magnetism and electricity; and the maturation of chemistry as a discipline, which established the foundations of modern chemistry. Answer: tied Question: Why was the OKL forced to improvise? The shortage of bombers caused the OKL to improvise. Answer: 3283 Question: What has developed a number of related concepts and terms? Kinship can refer both to the study of the patterns of social relationships in one or more human cultures, or it can refer to the patterns of social relationships themselves. Answer: tied Question: Which Call of Duty title does Sony include in their low-end price range? Fall of Man, MotorStorm, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Call Of Duty 3, Assassin's Creed and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Answer: 3283 Question: What input did the Greeks have on artistry of the world ? Well into the 19th century, the classical tradition derived from Greece played an important role in the art of the western world. Answer: tied Question: What website said the PlayStation 3 "lives up to the hype"? CNET United Kingdom praised the system saying, "the PS3 is a versatile and impressive piece of home-entertainment equipment that lives up to the hype [...] Answer: 3283
Input: As Victorias rule became less polital, what values were emphasized? The concept of the "family monarchy", with which the burgeoning middle classes could identify, was solidified. Output: BKB Input: How did the British support Prussia? Britain had been surprised by the sudden Prussian offensive but now began shipping supplies and ₤670,000 (equivalent to ₤89.9 million in 2015) to its new ally. Output: 6001 Input: On what date was the 2015 Human Development Report released? The 2015 Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Program was released on December 14, 2015, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 2014. Output: 6001 Input: The electrical properties of neurons are controlled by what? The electrical properties of neurons are controlled by a wide variety of biochemical and metabolic processes, most notably the interactions between neurotransmitters and receptors that take place at synapses. Output: 6001 Input: In March 2014, The Times had an average daily circulation of how many people? Though traditionally a moderate newspaper and sometimes a supporter of the Conservative Party, it supported the Labour Party in the 2001 and 2005 general elections. Output: BKB Input: How do most editors work around the reference problems of clear-text editing? As Shillingsburg notes, "English scholarly editions have tended to use notes at the foot of the text page, indicating, tacitly, a greater modesty about the "established" text and drawing attention more forcibly to at least some of the alternative forms of the text". Output: 6001 Input: What was the part of wire in Phase Break sections an arc being drawn from one wire to another? The earthed section prevents an arc being drawn from one live section to the other, as the voltage difference may be higher than the normal system voltage if the live sections are on different phases and the protective circuit breakers may not be able to safely interrupt the considerable current that would flow. Output: 6001 Input: The Achaemenid Empire was the known enemy of what nation's histories during its existence? The empire at its peak ruled over 44% of the world's population, the highest such figure for any empire in history. Output: BKB Input: What industry was monopolized by the government in 98 BC? By 110 BC Emperor Wu also interfered with the profitable trade in grain when he eliminated speculation by selling government-stored grain at a lower price than demanded by merchants. Output: BKB Input: What is an example of something that serves a function other than protection? Clothing can and has in history been made from a very wide variety of materials. Output: BKB Input: According to the author, who would have particular trouble in accepting that reality is fundamentally mental? But no one can deny that mind is the first and most direct thing in our experience, and all else is remote inference." Output: BKB Input: Shell has minor renewable energy activities in which two areas? Shell was vertically integrated and is active in every area of the oil and gas industry, including exploration and production, refining, distribution and marketing, petrochemicals, power generation and trading. Output: BKB Input: Near what Texas city is the Spindletop oil field located? African-Americans formed a large part of the city's population, numbering 23,929 people, or nearly one-third of the residents. Output: BKB Input: What was the name of the railroad that began construction in 1836? On October 25, 1836, construction began on the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad to connect the port city of Wilmington with the state capital of Raleigh. Output: 6001 Input: During and after the 80's, what helped a cappella music rise in popularity? The King's Singers are credited with promoting interest in small-group a cappella performances in the 1960s. Output: BKB Input: When are events usually shown as they appeared on the Julian calendar? Extending the Gregorian calendar backwards to dates preceding its official introduction produces a proleptic calendar, which should be used with some caution. Output: BKB Input: What is another name for electric-field? The polarization of an antenna refers to the orientation of the electric field (E-plane) of the radio wave with respect to the Earth's surface and is determined by the physical structure of the antenna and by its orientation; note that this designation is totally distinct from the antenna's directionality. Output: 6001 Input: What illness was Nasser diagnosed with in 1960? He was diagnosed with diabetes in the early 1960s and by the time of his death in 1970, he also had arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Output: 6001 Input: What does the current president of the United States call the country in official settings? Official United States policy retains Burma as the country's name, although the State Department's website lists the country as "Burma (Myanmar)" and Barack Obama has referred to the country by both names. Output: 6001 Input: What is it called when pesticides are caught in the wind and carried to unintended areas? Pesticide drift occurs when pesticides suspended in the air as particles are carried by wind to other areas, potentially contaminating them. Output: 6001
Student: What were dogs in this era most likely to be considered? Turtles and fish were taken from streams and lakes. Teacher: 12232 Student: Which community is the longest continuous Chinese settlement in the Western World? Chinese migrants founded the Melbourne Chinatown in 1851, which remains the longest continuous Chinese settlement in the Western World. Teacher: 16846 Student: When did MSDN and TechNet users gain access to Windows 8.1? However, after criticism, Microsoft reversed its decision and released the RTM build on MSDN and TechNet on September 9, 2013. Teacher: 16846 Student: Gregory Howard Williams wrote what type of book? Some biographical accounts include the autobiography Life on the Color Line: Teacher: 16846 Student: What Italian city experienced a popular revolt? Urban workers also felt that they had a right to greater earnings, and popular uprisings broke out across Europe. Teacher: 12232 Student: How did the NBC Othacoustic curve relate to the NAB curve? When the record was played back using a complementary inverse curve, signal-to-noise ratio was improved and the programming sounded more lifelike. Teacher: 12232 Student: What type of view did Lamb have of the Mirror? Murdoch found he had such a rapport with Larry Lamb over lunch that other potential recruits as editor were not interviewed and Lamb was appointed as the first editor of the new Sun. Teacher: 12232 Student: Who approved the supplementary negative budget drafted by the Estonian government? The Estonian government made a supplementary negative budget, which was passed by Riigikogu. Teacher: 16846 Student: Along with CHR, Top 40 and Latino, what format have former AC stations transitioned to? Beginning with the 2005-2007 economic downturn and eventual recession most stations went for the more chart-based CHR, along with the top 40, urban and even Latino formats. Teacher: 16846 Student: What body administers the Ellis Island Immigration Museum? The Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island Immigration Museum are managed by the National Park Service and are in both the states of New York and New Jersey. Teacher: 16846 Student: The situated perspective was influenced by what school of thought? A situated perspective on emotion, developed by Paul E. Griffiths and Andrea Scarantino , emphasizes the importance of external factors in the development and communication of emotion, drawing upon the situationism approach in psychology. Teacher: 16846 Student: What does IRC stand for? Available web browsers range in features from minimal, text-based user interfaces with bare-bones support for HTML to rich user interfaces supporting a wide variety of file formats and protocols. Teacher: 12232 Student: Who made up the bulk of the administrators of the new government monopolies? The issuing of coinage remained a central government monopoly throughout the rest of the Han dynasty. Teacher: 12232 Student: Who won the first and second cups? After thirteen games in all, Wanderers were crowned the winners in the final, on 16 March 1872. Teacher: 16846 Student: Along with the physiological response, what did Cannon believe was triggered by an emotional event? Walter Bradford Cannon agreed that physiological responses played a crucial role in emotions, but did not believe that physiological responses alone could explain subjective emotional experiences. Teacher: 12232 Student: What did former BYU graduate Harvey Fletcher invent? BYU alumni in academia include former Dean of the Harvard Business School Kim B. Clark, two time world's most influential business thinker Clayton M. Christensen, Michael K. Young '73, current president of the University of Washington, Matthew S. Holland, current president of Utah Valley University, Stan L. Albrecht, current president of Utah State University, Teppo Felin, Professor at the University of Oxford, and Stephen D. Nadauld, previous president of Dixie State University. Teacher: 12232
Input: Which army invaded Burma? The Phayap Army sent troops to invade and occupy northeastern Burma, which was former Thai territory that had been annexed by Britain much earlier. Symbol: than Input: What was Isambard Brunel's nationality? These island bars became popular as they also allowed staff to serve customers in several different rooms surrounding the bar. Symbol: TP Input: What type of combat was seen for the first time in the history of war? After these dramatic reversals of fortune, which saw Seoul change hands four times, the last two years of conflict became a war of attrition, with the front line close to the 38th parallel. Symbol: TP Input: Atticus Finch is a model of what for legal professionals? One of the most significant impacts To Kill a Mockingbird has had is Atticus Finch's model of integrity for the legal profession. Symbol: than
Input: What is the population of the largest canton? Their populations vary between 15,000 (Appenzell Innerrhoden) and 1,253,500 (Zürich), and their area between 37 km2 (14 sq mi) (Basel-Stadt) and 7,105 km2 (2,743 sq mi) (Graubünden). Output: 22509 Input: What is a primary reason that ships have shorter runways than land runways have? The flight deck is where the most notable differences between a carrier and a land runway are found. Output: 19827 Input: What work is Muḥammad ibn Jābir al-Ḥarrānī al-Battānī known for as it regards to earth? In astronomy, Muḥammad ibn Jābir al-Ḥarrānī al-Battānī improved the precision of the measurement of the precession of the Earth's axis. Output: 22509 Input: How many votes do the member clubs of the Premier League have each? Each club is a shareholder, with one vote each on issues such as rule changes and contracts. Output: 22509 Input: More than how many thousand folk religious organisations were registered in Zhejiang in 2015? Buddhism has an important presence since its arrival in Zhejiang 1,800 years ago. Output: 19827 Input: Which towns have the highest immigrant population? About 4% of the population are migrants (including persons that already received the German citizenship). Output: 19827 Input: How many animals did Mu Ying capture? Langlois notes that by October 1379, Mu Ying had allegedly captured 30,000 Tibetan prisoners and 200,000 domesticated animals. Output: 22509 Input: What year was the first dog sent into space? Dogs have lived and worked with humans in so many roles that they have earned the unique nickname, "man's best friend", a phrase used in other languages as well. Output: 19827 Input: What is an ancient tradition in most Alpine countries? Haymaking is an important farming activity in mountain villages which has become somewhat mechanized in recent years, although the slopes are so steep that usually scythes are necessary to cut the grass. Output: 19827 Input: What body passed the Drug Kingpin Act of 1988? Congress acted defiantly toward the Supreme Court by passing the Drug Kingpin Act of 1988 and the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994 that made roughly fifty crimes punishable by death, including crimes that do not always involve the death of someone. Output: 22509 Input: What geographic portion of the front did the Sixth US Army Group operate on? Field Marshal Montgomery insisted priority be given to his 21st Army Group's attack being made in the north, while Generals Bradley (12th U.S. Army Group) and Devers (Sixth U.S. Army Group) insisted they be given priority in the center and south of the front (respectively). Output: 22509 Input: Greater self-awareness, greater awareness of others, and the ability to consider multiple possiblities at once are examples of what kind of developments? The idea of self-concept is known as the ability of a person to have opinions and beliefs that are defined confidently, consistent and stable. Output: 19827 Input: What programming did IBM use in the 1970s? Until the introduction of PC DOS in 1981, IBM had no hand in this because their 1970s operating systems used EBCDIC instead of ASCII and they were oriented toward punch-card input and line printer output on which the concept of carriage return was meaningless. Output: 22509 Input: Season four was the first full season to be aired in what? The number of those attending the auditions by now had increased to over 100,000 from the 10,000 of the first season. Output: 19827 Input: What did Glencore admit to with regards to child labor? Glencore mentioned being aware of child miners who were part of a group of artisanal miners who had without authorisation raided the concession awarded to the company since 2010; Glencore has been pleading with the government to remove the artisanal miners from the concession. Output: 22509 Input: What do scientists disagree about? Most evidence seems to suggest the assignment of orders is accurate, but scientists disagree about the relationships between the orders themselves; evidence from modern bird anatomy, fossils and DNA have all been brought to bear on the problem, but no strong consensus has emerged. Output: 22509 Input: Which dog is not able to mount a female dog? For many dogs of this breed, the female must be artificially inseminated in order to reproduce. Output: 19827 Input: What were castles originally built out of? Knights were the lowest level of nobility; they controlled but did not own land, and had to serve other nobles.[T] Output: 19827
Student: What strip club-related law were the council members trying to repeal? In 2009, a judge acquitted Zucchet on seven out of the nine counts against him, and granted his petition for a new trial on the other two charges; the remaining charges were eventually dropped. Teacher: ap Student: Which company provides the ability to connect to iPods as a standard feature in their automobiles? Scion offers standard iPod connectivity on all their cars. Teacher: 2827 Student: Who was Hart's writing partner? Strongly influenced by the city's immigrants, productions such as those of Harrigan and Hart, George M. Cohan, and others used song in narratives that often reflected themes of hope and ambition. Teacher: 2827 Student: When the colors were first worn, what team did Barcelona play? In Catalonia the common perception is that the colours were chosen by Joan Gamper and are those of his home team, FC Basel. Teacher: ap
Q: What is an organization that has a large presence in the city? Mexico City is home to some of the best private hospitals in the country; Hospital Ángeles, Hospital ABC and Médica Sur to name a few. A: 4273 Q: From which areas did Alaskan supporters face political challenges? Statehood supporters also found themselves fighting major battles against political foes, mostly in the U.S. Congress but also within Alaska. A: 5175 Q: According to the formalist approach, how much notoriety must a law have? This formal approach allows laws that protect democracy and individual rights, but recognizes the existence of "rule of law" in countries that do not necessarily have such laws protecting democracy or individual rights. A: 4273 Q: When did 'Into the West' air? He was an executive producer on the critically acclaimed 2005 TV miniseries Into the West which won two Emmy awards, including one for Geoff Zanelli's score. A: 5175 Q: What two electromagnetic tools do birds use to find their destinations? Because birds migrate between northern and southern regions, the magnetic field strengths at different latitudes let it interpret the radical pair mechanism more accurately and let it know when it has reached its destination. A: 4273 Q: What phrases did Nasser use in many of his speeches? Nasser's street following was still too small to sustain his plans for reform and to secure him in office. A: 4273 Q: What city did William Eaton capture to end the first Barbary War? In 1805, after William Eaton captured the city of Derna, Tripoli agreed to a peace treaty. A: 5175 Q: According to Hodgson, how long ago did the Ethio-Somalis diverge from other non-African ancestries? The Ethio-Somali component is most closely related to the Maghrebi non-African genetic component, and is believed to have diverged from all other non-African ancestries at least 23,000 years ago. A: 5175 Q: What company did Dell acquire in 2009? Dell was a pure hardware vendor for much of its existence, but with the acquisition in 2009 of Perot Systems, Dell entered the market for IT services. A: 5175 Q: What nations are sometimes included in the scope of southern Europe? Some definitions of southern Europe, also known as Mediterranean Europe, include the countries of the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal), the Italian peninsula, southern France and Greece. A: 4273 Q: What year was victorias final child born? For example, about a month after Leopold's birth Albert complained in a letter to Victoria about her "continuance of hysterics" over a "miserable trifle". A: 4273 Q: Left untreated, about how many people could contract tuberculosis from an active TB patient in a year? A person with active but untreated tuberculosis may infect 10–15 (or more) other people per year. A: 5175
Q: Which contestant thought about leaving the contest because of pain in his kidney? He was reported to have eight surgeries during his Idol run, and had considered quitting the show due to the pain. A: tim Q: What did Nasser wear during the coup? While many of the rebel officers were leading their units, Nasser donned civilian clothing to avoid detection by royalists and moved around Cairo monitoring the situation. A: EDO Q: Scotty's first album reached the top Billboard spot, the first time for an Idol winner since when? McCreery's debut album, Clear as Day, became the first debut album by an Idol winner to reach No A: tim Q: In what year did the company that was to become IBM form? The company originated in 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) through the consolidation of The Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company, the Computing Scale Company and the Bundy Manufacturing Company. A: EDO
How larger is Egypt? Most of Egypt's territory of 1,010,408 square kilometres (390,000 sq mi) lies within the Nile Valley. -> regions Who was the brother of Hassan ibn 'Ali? Each Imam was the son of the previous Imam except for Hussayn ibn 'Alī, who was the brother of Hassan ibn 'Alī. -> regions Which areas does the Alaska Marine Highway serve? The Inter-Island Ferry Authority also serves as an important marine link for many communities in the Prince of Wales Island region of Southeast and works in concert with the Alaska Marine Highway. -> 1499 In what year during the Presbyterian movement in England was referred to as the "Disruption"? Following the 'Disruption' in 1843 many of those linked to the Church of Scotland eventually joined what became the Presbyterian Church of England in 1876. -> regions Of what does the NTSB want to find a means of doing? Due to the work nature of airline pilots, who often cross several timezones and regions of sunlight and darkness in one day, and spend many hours awake both day and night, they are often unable to maintain sleep patterns that correspond to the natural human circadian rhythm; this situation can easily lead to fatigue. -> 1499 What song was the second released off of Kanye's The College Dropout album? The College Dropout would eventually be certified triple platinum in the US, and garnered West 10 Grammy nominations, including Album of the Year, and Best Rap Album (which it received). -> 1499 What adjective did CNET use to describe the PS3 Super Slim's design? They did praise that the hard drive of the Super Slim model is "the easiest yet. -> 1499 Analysts expect the market to triple by what year? Analysts expect the market to triple by 2030. -> regions Cronyism is also when people are selected from a closed and exclusive social network, which is called what? This may be combined with bribery, for example demanding that a business should employ a relative of an official controlling regulations affecting the business. -> 1499 How many tourist visited Greece in 2009? Important Greek industries include tourism (with 14.9 million international tourists in 2009, it is ranked as the 7th most visited country in the European Union and 16th in the world by the United Nations World Tourism Organization) and merchant shipping (at 16.2% of the world's total capacity, the Greek merchant marine is the largest in the world), while the country is also a considerable agricultural producer (including fisheries) within the union. -> regions Whose words were an inspiration for Jan Hus? He was excommunicated and burned at the stake in Constance, Bishopric of Constance in 1415 by secular authorities for unrepentant and persistent heresy. -> 1499 On what day did Duke William II of Normandy become King of England? Following his victory in the Battle of Hastings, William, Duke of Normandy, was crowned King of England in the newly finished Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066. -> regions What year where three officer building bought and used for a sanitarium? In 1900, three of the officer buildings were purchased for use as a sanitarium. -> regions What was the name of Takakura's successor? Taira Kiyomori emerged as the real power in Japan following the Minamoto's destruction, and he would remain in command for the next 20 years. -> 1499 How far away can the S-400 detect a target? Advanced forms of thermographic cameras such as those that incorporate QWIPs would be able to optically see a Stealth aircraft regardless of the aircraft's RCS. -> 1499 When was Mercy adopted? Chifundo "Mercy" James was finally adopted in June 2009. -> regions
Question: Why the commuter lines built to different standards can cause be complicated? This can cause electrification of certain connections to be very expensive simply because of the implications on the sections it is connecting. Answer: 1511 Question: What was the group of volumes titled ? " In the aftermath of the definition of the dogma in 1854, this charge was repeated: "Strange as it may appear, that the doctrine which the church of Rome has promulgated, with so much pomp and ceremony, 'for the destruction of all heresies, and the confirmation of the faith of her adherents', should have its origin in the Mohametan Bible; yet the testimony of such authorities as Gibbon, and Sale, and Forster, and Gagnier, and Maracci, leave no doubt as to the marvellous fact." Answer: 6256 Question: The somerset level is the only area left to commercially grow what Traditional willow growing and weaving (such as basket weaving) is not as extensive as it used to be but is still carried out on the Somerset Levels and is commemorated at the Willows and Wetlands Visitor Centre. Answer: 6256 Question: What subject did Avicenna start studying at 16? He turned to medicine at 16, and not only learned medical theory, but also by gratuitous attendance of the sick had, according to his own account, discovered new methods of treatment. Answer: 1511
X = Who was the recipient of the Judges' Save? Jessica Sanchez received the fewest number of votes during the Top 7 week, and the judges decided to use their "save" option on her, making her the first female recipient of the save. Y = 16079 X = What are Guinea fowl also praised for accomplishing for humans? They happily roost in trees and give a loud vocal warning of the approach of predators. Y = 16079 X = What are the top two computing devices consumers are choosing? Nonetheless, like other personal computer manufacturers, the Macintosh lines have been hurt by consumer trend towards smartphones and tablet computers (particularly Apple's own iPhone and iPad, respectively) as the computing devices of choice among consumers. Y = 16079 X = What form of currency is the lilangeni fixed to? Its GDP per capita of $9,714 means it is classified as a country with a lower-middle income. Y = ADSB X = How much does the America-class amphibious assault ship weigh? However, the debate has deepened over budgeting for the $12–14.5 billion (plus $12 billion for development and research) for the 100,000 ton Gerald R. Ford-class carrier (estimated service 2016) compared to the smaller $2 billion 45,000 ton America-class amphibious assault ships able to deploy squadrons of F-35B of which one is already active, another is under construction and nine more are planned. Y = 16079 X = Are written records of Old Dutch rare or common? From this Frankish document written around 510 the oldest sentence has been identified as Dutch: Y = ADSB X = What did the National Guard refuse to obey? During the war, the Paris National Guard, particularly in the working-class neighbourhoods of Paris, had become highly politicised and units elected officers; many refused to wear uniforms or obey commands from the national government. Y = 16079 X = Where is sucrose produced in a plant? In vascular plants, these elements are extracted from the soil as soluble ions by the roots and transported throughout the plant in the xylem. Y = ADSB X = At what temperature to zinc become brittle? The metal is hard and brittle at most temperatures but becomes malleable between 100 and 150 °C. Y = ADSB X = When uranium isotope is formed from the decay of neptunium-237? All three are radioactive, emitting alpha particles, with the exception that all three of these isotopes have small probabilities of undergoing spontaneous fission, rather than alpha emission. Y = ADSB X = Who was the most successful artist from this season? Despite being eliminated earlier in the season, Chris Daughtry (as lead of the band Daughtry) became the most successful recording artist from this season. Y = 16079 X = Who did the Ottomans lose to at the Battle of Nezib? Muhammad Ali of Egypt was not happy about lack of his control and power in Syria, he resumed military actions. Y = ADSB
Question: The M18 is a type of what kind of grenade? The most common weapons used by the army are the compact variant of the M16 rifle, the M4 carbine, as well as the 7.62×51mm variant of the FN SCAR for Army Rangers. Answer: aids Question: What was the name of one of his semi-autobiographical books? Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Answer: 18301 Question: What is the gourmet title given to pigeons ? When they hatch, the squabs are fed by both parents on "pigeon's milk", a thick secretion high in protein produced by the crop. Answer: aids Question: Zinc oxide is used to fortify what product? A 1987 study found that zinc picolinate was better absorbed than zinc gluconate or zinc citrate. Answer: aids Question: In what was the first Catalan book printed on the Iberian Peninsula? The first book produced with movable type in the Iberian Peninsula was printed in Catalan. Answer: 18301 Question: In what way is red used in contemporary fashion? Red is used in modern fashion much as it was used in Medieval painting; to attract the eyes of the viewer to the person who is supposed to be the center of attention. Answer: 18301 Question: What channel is EastEnders broadcast on? The Rovers Return is the pub in Coronation Street, the British soap broadcast on ITV. Answer: aids Question: What did Klaproth probably create when he dissolved pitchblende in nitric acid? While he was working in his experimental laboratory in Berlin in 1789, Klaproth was able to precipitate a yellow compound (likely sodium diuranate) by dissolving pitchblende in nitric acid and neutralizing the solution with sodium hydroxide. Answer: 18301
Student: The leader in Indian crude oil production at 250,000 barrels per day is what region? Bombay High leads with a production of 250,000 barrels crude per day. Teacher: 5007 Student: What kind of genetic material can be produced from retrotransposons? Retrotransposons can be divided into Long terminal repeats (LTRs) and Teacher: present Student: Do Cubans speak Spanish in America? In the city of Miami today Spanish is the first language mostly due to Cuban immigration. Teacher: present Student: When were the plans to update USB 3.0 to 10 Gbit/s revealed? A January 2013 press release from the USB group revealed plans to update USB 3.0 to 10 Gbit/s. Teacher: 5007 Student: What is a Torah study institute for married men called? A significant proportion of students, especially boys, remain in yeshiva until marriage (which is often arranged through facilitated dating – see shiduch), and many study in a kollel (Torah study institute for married men) for many years after marriage. Teacher: 5007 Student: What comedy production did Spectre actors appear in? On 13 March 2015, several members of the cast and crew, including Craig, Whishaw, Wilson and Mendes, as well as previous James Bond actor, Sir Roger Moore, appeared in a sketch written by David Walliams and the Dawson Brothers for Comic Relief's Red Nose Day on BBC One. Teacher: 5007 Student: Wha still calls Christians Notzrim? The Hebrew equivalent of "Nazarenes", Notzrim, occurs in the Babylonian Talmud, and is still the modern Israeli Hebrew term for Christian. Teacher: 5007 Student: How many Americans were found to have intermediate health literacy? The study found that health literacy increases with education and people living below the level of poverty have lower health literacy than those above it. Teacher: present Student: Out of about every 14 students, how many will be suspended from school? It has been revealed that Southampton has the worst behaved secondary schools within the UK. Teacher: present Student: Due to size restrictions compliant devices must what? To address a weakness present in some other connector standards, the USB specification also defines limits to the size of a connecting device in the area around its plug. Teacher: present
Input: What fraction of land was under cultivation using the two-field system? Horses are faster than oxen and require less pasture, factors that aided the implementation of the three-field system. Output: customize Input: WWhat's the first thing to happen when the switch is activated? When this switch is activated the elevator will come to a stop if moving, car calls will be canceled (and the buttons disabled), and hall calls will be assigned to other elevator cars in the group (or canceled in a single elevator configuration). Output: GNB Input: Prior to the civil war in '97, how many non-Africans lived in the Republic of the Congo? Before the 1997 war, about 9,000 Europeans and other non-Africans lived in Congo, most of whom were French; only a fraction of this number remains. Output: GNB Input: What general topic is eschatology about? There is a reference to the afterlife on most pages of the Quran and belief in the afterlife is often referred to in conjunction with belief in God as in the common expression: "Believe in God and the last day". Output: customize Input: How old is most of the housing in Philadelphia? For much of Philadelphia's history, the typical home has been the row house. Output: customize Input: What did Burke think was missing from the French Revolutionary Government? In his Second Letter, Burke wrote of the French Revolutionary Government: "Individuality is left out of their scheme of government. Output: GNB
Sentences: There were four corps of the Ottoman Army, what were they? The main corps of the Ottoman Army included Janissary, Sipahi, Akıncı and Mehterân. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: When did Boston withdraw its bid for hosting the Olympic games? This love of sports has made Boston the United States Olympic Committee's choice to bid to hold the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, but the city cited financial concerns when it withdrew its bid on July 27, 2015. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: What did 'saburahi' mean? By the Heian period, this word had developed into the verb saburahu (さぶらふ, "to serve, to attend"), from which a deverbal noun saburahi (さぶらひ, "servant, attendant") was later derived, and this noun then yielded samurahi (さむらひ) in the Edo period. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: Who is the head of government? In the past, the government had been highly centralized. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: What percentage read it? According to a 2001 census, 99.16 percent of the populace of Galicia understand the language, 91.04 percent speak it, 68.65 percent read it and 57.64 percent write it. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: How many sorties a night were crews asked to fly? Added to the tension of the mission which exhausted and drained crews, tiredness caught up with and killed many. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: What was the name of Flinders book about his trip to Australia? Integral to the story of the origin of the name "Antarctica" is how it was not named Terra Australis—this name was given to Australia instead, and it was because of a mistake made by people who decided that a significant landmass would not be found farther south than Australia. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: What is a SSBI? The applicant must also hold American citizenship, be of high moral character, have a clean record, and hold at least a four-year bachelor's degree. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: Who wrote a book about Tito questioning his true origin? In the years after Tito's death up to nowadays, some people have disputed his identity. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: What was the fine given to the three companies? Nakamura was awarded the 2006 Millennium Technology Prize for his invention. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: What expedition did Darwin join in 1831? As the Beagle neared England in 1836, he noted that species might not be fixed. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: Leon Ulrich wrote about Chopin in what format? The earliest manifestation was probably an 1830 sonnet on Chopin by Leon Ulrich. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: What countrys assistance helped Radio Mogadishu modernize? The station was modernized with Russian assistance following independence in 1960, and began offering home service in Somali, Amharic and Oromo. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: Who was Li Zicheng? The last Ming ruler, the Chongzhen Emperor, committed suicide when the city fell, marking the official end of the dynasty. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: Regarding the monastic rules, the Buddha reminds his hearers that it is the spirit that what? Regarding the monastic rules, the Buddha constantly reminds his hearers that it is the spirit that counts. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: What nationality was Edward Schnell? In the same war, the Prussian Edward Schnell served the Aizu domain as a military instructor and procurer of weapons. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: What broke away from the Armenian Apostolic Church? While the Armenian Apostolic Church remains the most prominent church in the Armenian community throughout the world, Armenians (especially in the diaspora) subscribe to any number of other Christian denominations. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: What ruling forbid the government from executing child rapists? However, three states maintained the death penalty for child rape, as the Coker decision only imposed a ban on executions for the rape of an adult woman. Mapped To: 25889 Sentences: What were Fantasia Barrino, LaToya London and Jennifer Hudson called? Much media attention on the season had been focused on the three black singers, Fantasia Barrino, LaToya London, and Jennifer Hudson, dubbed the Three Divas. Mapped To: crimes Sentences: How far back do the first written records of Estonia's Finnic languages go? The oldest written records of the Finnic languages of Estonia date from the 13th century. Mapped To: crimes
Q: What was youtube's estimated ads revenue in 2013? Google does not provide detailed figures for YouTube's running costs, and YouTube's revenues in 2007 were noted as "not material" in a regulatory filing. A: billing Q: What did name did Claudius Ptolemy (Greco-Egyptian scientist) use for Ireland? The Greco-Egyptian scientist Claudius Ptolemy referred to the larger island as great Britain (μεγάλης Βρεττανίας - megális Brettanias) and to Ireland as little Britain (μικρής Βρεττανίας - mikris Brettanias) in his work Almagest (147–148 AD). A: 27531 Q: What is Virgil's full name? He is known for three major works of Latin literature, the Eclogues (or Bucolics), the Georgics, and the epic Aeneid. A: billing Q: When did the polish-lithuanian commonwealth thrive? In 1413, following a series of tentative personal unions between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Crown Kingdom of Poland, the existing Lithuanian nobility formally joined this class.:211 A: billing Q: What kind of platform are Roland and SA-8 Gecko? As well as the small and large systems, for effective air defence there must be intermediate systems. A: billing Q: Where was Madonna raised? She was raised in the Detroit suburbs of Pontiac and Avon Township (now Rochester Hills). A: 27531 Q: How many countries produced concentrated uranium oxides in 2005? In 2005, seventeen countries produced concentrated uranium oxides, with Canada (27.9% of world production) and Australia (22.8%) being the largest producers and Kazakhstan (10.5%), Russia (8.0%), Namibia (7.5%), Niger (7.4%), Uzbekistan (5.5%), the United States (2.5%), Argentina (2.1%), Ukraine (1.9%) and China (1.7%) also producing significant amounts. A: 27531 Q: Who recommended that the two princesses be evacuated to Canada? The suggestion by senior politician Lord Hailsham that the two princesses should be evacuated to Canada was rejected by Elizabeth's mother, who declared, "The children won't go without me. A: 27531 Q: Which major opera singers were born in Cork? Ranging in capacity from 50 to 1,000, the main music venues in the city are the Cork Opera House (capacity c.1000), Cyprus Avenue, Triskel Christchurch, the Roundy, the Savoy and Coughlan's.[citation needed] A: billing Q: What type of human knowledge is "the sun rises in the East"? Hume divided all of human knowledge into two categories: relations of ideas and matters of fact (see also Kant's analytic-synthetic distinction). A: 27531 Q: What motto of the team Barcelona appealed to the Catalans? Symbolising the Catalan people's desire for freedom, Barça became 'More than a club' (Més que un club) for the Catalans. A: 27531 Q: What gun are FBI special agents issued? Special agents of the FBI HRT (Hostage Rescue Team), and regional SWAT teams are issued the Springfield Professional Model 1911A1 .45 ACP pistol (see FBI Special Weapons and Tactics Teams). A: billing
Q: What type of Buddhism is Tibeto-Mongolian based on? Though based upon Mahayana, Tibeto-Mongolian Buddhism is one of the schools that practice Vajrayana or "Diamond Vehicle" (also referred to as Mantrayāna, Tantrayāna, Tantric Buddhism, or esoteric Buddhism). A: attribute Q: What was the 3rd Indiana Jones film called? After two forays into more serious dramatic films, Spielberg then directed the third Indiana Jones film, 1989's Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. A: attribute Q: Who gained the most from the Karabakh War? The war was a success for the Karabakh Armenian forces who managed to capture 16% of Azerbaijan's internationally recognised territory including Nagorno-Karabakh itself. A: attribute Q: Who argue for a term other than African American to describe recent immigrants? Together with publicity about the ancestry of President Barack Obama, whose father was from Kenya, some black writers have argued that new terms are needed for recent immigrants. A: attribute Q: What other massive agency's creation was the DHS compared to? In addition to military efforts abroad, in the aftermath of 9/11 the Bush Administration increased domestic efforts to prevent future attacks. A: 3969 Q: Both companies no longer use what means of collecting of data? A number of parties have collected survey data, from the public and from experts, to try and gauge the level of corruption and bribery, as well as its impact on political and economic outcomes. A: 3969 Q: When was American Life released? Another Day, Madonna collaborated with fashion photographer Steven Klein in 2003 for an exhibition installation named X-STaTIC Pro=CeSS. A: attribute Q: What time period was the Korean farm site dated? No remains of an agricultural field from the Neolithic period have been found in any East Asian country before, the institute said, adding that the discovery reveals that the history of agricultural cultivation at least began during the period on the Korean Peninsula". A: 3969 Q: Slow wave sleep is also known as what? Until the 1950s it was generally believed that the brain essentially shuts off during sleep, but this is now known to be far from true; activity continues, but patterns become very different. A: 3969 Q: How many USAF personnel did the reduction end in during 2008? These same constraints have seen a sharp reduction in flight hours for crew training since 2005 and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel directing Airmen's Time Assessments. A: 3969 Q: Why did humans feel that addtional breeding tatics were necessary in poulty? Domesticated chickens may have been used for cockfighting at first and quail kept for their songs, but soon it was realised how useful it was having a captive-bred source of food. A: 3969 Q: What year did the patent for lateral cut discs expire? By 1919 the basic patents for the manufacture of lateral-cut disc records had expired, opening the field for countless companies to produce them. A: attribute Q: When did Derby resign? Victoria found Gladstone's demeanour far less appealing; he spoke to her, she is thought to have complained, as though she were "a public meeting rather than a woman". A: 3969 Q: What is diagnosis based on typically? There is currently no precise test with the diagnosis typically based on the pattern of symptoms and response to therapy over time. A: attribute Q: What year did Pop Idol make its television debut? The show debuted in 2001 in Britain with Lythgoe as showrunner‍—‌the executive producer and production A: attribute Q: HOw much did the tour earn? I'm Going to Tell You a Secret. A: 3969
Input: What was the profession of Lange? The Danish psychologist Carl Lange also proposed a similar theory at around the same time, and therefore this theory became known as the James–Lange theory. Target: EFK Input: Who was the runner up this season? Caleb Johnson was named the winner of the season, with Jena Irene as the runner-up. Target: EFK Input: What does NARTH stand for? The National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), which describes itself as a "professional, scientific organization that offers hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality," disagrees with the mainstream mental health community's position on conversion therapy, both on its effectiveness and by describing sexual orientation not as a binary immutable quality, or as a disease, but as a continuum of intensities of sexual attractions and emotional affect. Target: EFK Input: What other language besides French and German are part of the Aslation-French dialect of today? However, while French is the major language of the region, the Alsatian dialect of French is heavily influenced by German and other languages such a Yiddish in phonology and vocabulary. Target: EFK Input: The selection of nobility oh the polish kingdom was selected my whom? This state of affairs grew up in part because of the extinction of the male-line descendants of the old royal dynasty (first the Piasts, then the Jagiellons), and the selection by the nobility of the Polish king from among the dynasty's female-line descendants. Target: EFK Input: What beginnings rose from the dead ashes of post-punk? Out of the post-punk milieu came the beginnings of various subsequent genres, including new wave, dance-rock, New Pop, industrial music, synthpop, post-hardcore, neo-psychedelia alternative rock and house music. Target: EFK Input: Where does Universal's filming take place? Universal Studios Inc. (also known as Universal Pictures) is an American film studio, owned by Comcast through its wholly owned subsidiary NBCUniversal, and is one of Hollywood's "Big Six" film studios. Target: 17681 Input: Insects have what kind of sense of numbers? The number of caterpillars is different among species, but always the same for each sex of larva. Target: 17681 Input: What does schlachtan mean in german? Early Polish historians thought the term may have derived from the name of the legendary proto-Polish chief, Lech, mentioned in Polish and Czech writings. Target: 17681 Input: Did the Liverpool Club place in the Champions League in 2005? This occurred in 2012, when Chelsea – who had won the Champions League the previous year, but finished sixth in the league – qualified for the Champions League in place of Tottenham Hotspur, who went into the Europa League. Target: 17681 Input: How many delegates did the nazi party win in 1930? In 1930 Thuringia was one of the free states where the Nazis gained real political power. Target: 17681 Input: How did the move the relief supplies from Taiwan to the stricken area? A direct chartered cargo flight was made by China Airlines from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport to Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport sending some 100 tons of relief supplies donated by the Tzu Chi Foundation and the Red Cross Society of Taiwan to the affected areas. Target: EFK Input: How much value did a Spanish milled dollar have in relation to Spanish units of currency? Section 9 of that act authorized the production of various coins, including "DOLLARS OR UNITS—each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver". Target: 17681 Input: vytautas created what for compromising professional warriors? As there were not enough nobles, Vytautas trained suitable men, relieving them of labor on the land and of other duties; for their military service to the Grand Duke, they were granted land that was worked by hired men (veldams). Target: 17681 Input: When did the nationwide strike by air traffic controlers union happen? This system required enhancement to keep pace with air traffic growth, however, especially after the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 phased out the CAB's economic regulation of the airlines. Target: 17681 Input: When did the torch arrive in Pyongyang? : The event was held in Pyongyang on April 28. Target: EFK
Sentences: Which era did Cennino Cennini actively paint in? This is the principle that is used to make all of the colors on your computer screen and your television. Mapped To: deals Sentences: Which calendars were among the first to appear? The numbers twelve and thirteen came to feature prominently in many cultures, at least partly due to this relationship of months to years. Mapped To: deals Sentences: What cruise line celebrated a landmark anniversary in Southampton in July of 2012? The importance of Southampton to the cruise industry was indicated by P&O Cruises's 175th anniversary celebrations, which included all seven of the company's liners visiting Southampton in a single day. Mapped To: QIQ Sentences: In what year did Sony and Philips band together to design a new digital audio disc? As a result, in 1979, Sony and Philips set up a joint task force of engineers to design a new digital audio disc. Mapped To: QIQ Sentences: What will happen to the materials when a board gets wet or is in a humid area? Moisture absorption occurs when the material is exposed to high humidity or water. Mapped To: QIQ Sentences: "Scythia beyond the Himalayas" is located where? In the north is "Scythia this side of the Himalayas" and "Scythia beyond the Himalayas." Mapped To: QIQ Sentences: Which game journalist was perturbed by a lack of voiced dialogue? Hyper's Javier Glickman commended the game for its "very long quests, superb Wii controls and being able to save anytime". Mapped To: QIQ Sentences: Of the three battles that occured north of Paris, which was the first that forced the French army to retreat? At first, the Germans were victorious but the French drew reinforcements and defeated the Germans at the Battle of Coulmiers on 9 November. Mapped To: deals Sentences: What really determines whether withdrawal from a treaty is permitted? In practice, because of sovereignty, any state can withdraw from any treaty at any time. Mapped To: deals Sentences: What online activity has the largest number of reported adolescent particpation? In the last decade, the amount of time that adolescents spend on the computer has greatly increased. Mapped To: deals Sentences: What type of light stimulates the circadian system? The small, head-mounted device measures an individual's daily rest and activity patterns, as well as exposure to short-wavelength light that stimulates the circadian system. Mapped To: QIQ Sentences: What is the purpose of symbolic reference? In this way symbolic reference is a fusion of pure sense perceptions on the one hand and causal relations on the other, and that it is in fact the causal relationships that dominate the more basic mentality (as the dog illustrates), while it is the sense perceptions which indicate a higher grade mentality (as the artist illustrates). Mapped To: deals Sentences: When were the first campus police formed at Yale? The first campus police force was founded at Yale in 1894, when the university contracted city police officers to exclusively cover the campus. Mapped To: QIQ Sentences: Prior to what century had there been little contact between western europe and greek civilization? A number of British architects in the second half of the century took up the expressive challenge of the Doric from their aristocratic patrons, including Joseph Bonomi and John Soane, but it was to remain the private enthusiasm of connoisseurs up to the first decade of the 19th century. Mapped To: deals Sentences: What turned into the goal of the student body? Increasingly the students turned to athletic stars as their heroes, especially since winning the big game became the goal of the student body, and the alumni, as well as the team itself. Mapped To: QIQ Sentences: Who accused the United States of beginning an armed intervention in South Korea? On 25 June 1950, the United Nations Security Council unanimously condemned the North Korean invasion of the Republic of Korea, with UN Security Council Resolution 82. Mapped To: deals Sentences: What's the name of the traditional Samoan dance performed by synchronized rows of dancers? Another dance performed by males is called the fa'ataupati or the slap dance, creating rhythmic sounds by slapping different parts of the body. Mapped To: deals Sentences: What two women were said to be obsessed by "mania?" Plato describes the priestesses of Delphi and Dodona as frenzied women, obsessed by "mania" (μανία, "frenzy"), a Greek word he connected with mantis (μάντις, "prophet"). Mapped To: QIQ
Which American bands had ties to the Manchester punk scene? A variety of subsequent groups, including New York-based Talking Heads and Boston-based Mission of Burma, combined elements of punk with art school sensibilities. -> 4176 How many hours of coursework are required to obtain a JD at the Washington University School of Law? The law school offers 3 semesters of courses in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, and requires at least 85 hours of coursework for the JD. -> gauge What has increased tourism to Tibet in recent years? In recent years, due to increased interest in Tibetan Buddhism, tourism has become an increasingly important sector, and is actively promoted by the authorities. -> gauge Who performed the seasonal Christmas plays? Also important were Mummers' plays, performed during the Christmas season, and court masques. -> gauge Until what date was Swaziland bound by umchwasho? After a number of years, when the girls had reached a marriageable age, they would perform labour service for the Queen Mother, ending with dancing and feasting. -> 4176 Why were sanctions place on Liberian timber exports? These sanctions were lifted in 2006. -> 4176 What party lost control of House in 2010 elections? Nancy Pelosi is the most recent example of an outgoing Speaker seeking the Minority Leader post to retain the House party leadership, as the Democrats lost control of the House in the 2010 elections. -> gauge The Footlight Players started creating theatrical productions in what year? Charleston's oldest community theater group, the Footlight Players, has provided theatrical productions since 1931. -> gauge Who requested the aid of the Canadians? The nature of the Canadian Forces has continued to evolve. -> 4176 What aircraft carrier received maintenance at Devonport Dockyard? The army had substantially left the city by 1971, with barracks pulled down in the 1960s, however the city remains home to the 42 Commando of the Royal Marines. -> 4176 What purpose do stand-alone signs serve for country pubs? Today's pub signs almost always bear the name of the pub, both in words and in pictorial representation. -> 4176 Buddhists call anapanasati what? He devoted himself to anapanasati meditation, through which he discovered what Buddhists call the Middle Way (Skt. madhyamā-pratipad): a path of moderation between the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification.[web 2][web 3] -> gauge What does OSP stand for? Tin forms intermetallics such as Cu5Sn6 and Ag3Cu that dissolve into the Tin liquidus or solidus(@50C), stripping surface coating or leaving voids. -> 4176 How many down-ballot candidates did Kerry help support? Through his campaign account and his political action committee, the Kerry campaign operation generated more than $10 million for various party committees and 179 candidates for the U.S. House, Senate, state and local offices in 42 states focusing on the midterm elections during the 2006 election cycle. " -> gauge What dynasty came before the Han dynasty? It was founded by the rebel leader Liu Bang, known posthumously as Emperor Gaozu of Han, and briefly interrupted by the Xin dynasty (9–23 AD) of the former regent Wang Mang. -> 4176 What was the longest line in the world during its time? The Asmara–Massawa Cableway was the longest line in the world during its time, but was later dismantled by the British in World War II. -> gauge
Input: Where have moraines accumulated? Glaciers pick up rocks and sediment with them as they flow. Label: 6944 Input: In what branch is the ability to try legal cases placed? Judicial power—the power to decide cases and controversies—is vested in the Supreme Court and inferior courts established by Congress. Label: 20448 Input: Who was Apollo's son? Such songs were originally addressed to Apollo, and afterwards to other gods: to Dionysus, to Apollo Helios, to Apollo's son Asclepius the healer. Label: 20448 Input: How many suburban villes nouvelles did Paul Delouvrier constuct? Paris' disconnect with its suburbs, its lack of suburban transportation in particular, became all too apparent with the Paris agglomeration's growth. Label: 6944 Input: What other action star was an international hit in the 1980s? Schwarzenegger's roles reflected his sense of humor, separating him from more serious action hero films, such as the alternative universe poster for Terminator 2: Judgment Day starring Stallone in the comedy thriller Last Action Hero. Label: 6944 Input: Human geneticists argue that genetic variations have been identified that show high or low frequencies among Ashkenazi Jews? However, a 2013 study of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, from the University of Huddersfield in England, suggests that at least 80 percent of the Ashkenazi maternal lineages derive from the assimilation of mtDNAs indigenous to Europe, probably as a consequence of conversion. Label: 6944 Input: For what instrument did Frédéric write primarily for? Frédéric François Chopin (/ˈʃoʊpæn/; French pronunciation: ​[fʁʁik fʁɑ̃.swa ʃɔ.pɛ̃]; 22 February or 1 March 1810 – 17 October 1849), born Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin,[n 1] was a Polish and French (by citizenship and birth of father) composer and a virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era, who wrote primarily for the solo piano. Label: 20448 Input: What other forms of writing materials were used during this period? The antiquity of this form of writing extends before the invention of paper around the year 100 in China. Label: 6944 Input: What occured in 1977? In 1975, Sadat shifted Nasser's economic policies and sought to use his popularity to reduce government regulations and encourage foreign investment through his program of Infitah. Label: 6944 Input: Out of the precipitation that falls, how much of it is snow? The city receives about 35.9 inches (91.2 cm) of precipitation annually, of which 8.6 inches (21.8 cm) is snow. Label: 20448 Input: Zhejiang cuisine is one of how many great traditions of Chinese cuisine? Zhejiang cuisine (itself subdivided into many traditions, including Hangzhou cuisine) is one of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine. Label: 20448 Input: During which month is the complex particularly active? The Erector Square complex in the Fair Haven neighborhood houses the Parachute Factory gallery along with numerous artist studios, and the complex serves as an active destination during City-Wide Open Studios held yearly in October. Label: 20448
Input: What happens when a plant remains totipotent? While plants use many of the same epigenetic mechanisms as animals, such as chromatin remodeling, an alternative hypothesis is that plants set their gene expression patterns using positional information from the environment and surrounding cells to determine their developmental fate. Label: wiley Input: By which decade had the KKK become very active in Detroit? "By the 1920s the city had become a stronghold of the KKK," whose members opposed Catholic and Jewish immigrants, as well as black Americans. Label: math Input: What is the second facility of NARA named? Because of space constraints, NARA opened a second facility, known informally as Archives II, in 1994 near the University of Maryland, College Park campus (8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD, 20740-6001). Label: math Input: How many people died during the Great Famine in Ireland? The story that she donated only £5 in aid to the Irish, and on the same day gave the same amount to Battersea Dogs Home, was a myth generated towards the end of the 19th century. Label: wiley
Input: What year did Dell come under fire from the Taiwanese Consumer Protection Commission? In July 2009, Dell apologized after drawing the ire of the Taiwanese Consumer Protection Commission for twice refusing to honour a flood of orders against unusually low prices offered on its Taiwanese website. Label: 1683 Input: An invention is a solution to what type of problem? A patent is a form of right granted by the government to an inventor, giving the owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering to sell, and importing an invention for a limited period of time, in exchange for the public disclosure of the invention. Label: textile Input: What farmers use integrated pest management strategies? On monoculture farms, the approach is generally to eradicate associated diversity using a suite of biologically destructive pesticides, mechanized tools and transgenic engineering techniques, then to rotate crops. Label: textile Input: What is the name of one of Apple's unsuccessful products? This accompanied the release of the iPod, Apple's first successful handheld device. Label: textile Input: Who said that 9/11 drew a line between 'the civil and the savage'? Jackson cites among many examples a statement by John Ashcroft that "the attacks of September 11 drew a bright line of demarcation between the civil and the savage". Label: 1683 Input: How many seats does the All Progressives Congress have in the House? All Progressives Congress has 96 House seats and 27 in the Senate (26.6% and 24.7%). Label: 1683 Input: Certain dogs are bred to help fishermen with what? They have been bred for herding livestock, hunting (e.g. pointers and hounds), rodent control, guarding, helping fishermen with nets, detection dogs, and pulling loads, in addition to their roles as companions. Label: 1683 Input: By what name is the era in the 3rd millennium around 1500 BC known? The Iron Age began around 500 BC with the emergence of iron-working settlements in an area south of present-day Mandalay. Label: textile Input: Who removed the cap on cardinals in the College of the Cardinals? While the number of cardinals was small from the times of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance, and frequently smaller than the number of recognized churches entitled to a cardinal priest, in the 16th century the College expanded markedly. Label: textile Input: Who described outreach events at Eton as "unfair and indefensible?" In April 2011 the Labour MP David Lammy described as unfair and 'indefensible' the fact that Oxford University had organised nine 'outreach events' at Eton in 2010, although he admitted that it had, in fact, held fewer such events for Eton than for another independent school, Wellington College. Label: 1683
Sentences: What is The Times current price for the daily edition? The Times features news for the first half of the paper, the Opinion/Comment section begins after the first news section with world news normally following this. Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: what is qbuzz The local bus fleet is one of Europe's cleanest, using only buses compliant with the Euro-VI standard as well as electric buses for inner city transport. Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: In the 2006 gubernatorial election, who did Schwarzenegger run against? After hearing a speech by Schwarzenegger at the 2006 Martin Luther King, Jr. breakfast, San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom said that, "[H]e's becoming a Democrat [… H]e's running back, not even to the center. Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: A small minority of Somalis belong to what branch of Islam? Somalis were among the first populations on the continent to embrace Islam. Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: What three points do most theists agree on? Most theists hold that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent, although this belief raises questions about God's responsibility for evil and suffering in the world. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: In what year did Konrad Adenauer first visit the United States? In April 1954 Adenauer made his first visit to the USA meeting Nixon, Eisenhower and Dulles. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: When was the Polio vaccine created? Vaccine development continued to accelerate, with the most notable achievement of the period being Jonas Salk's 1954 development of the polio vaccine under the funding of the non-profit National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: As the state capital, Boston plays a large role in what? In addition to city government, numerous commissions and state authorities—including the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Boston Public Health Commission, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), and the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport)—play a role in the life of Bostonians. Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: What was the name of the woman she played in Obsessed? She played Sharon Charles, a mother and wife who learns of a woman's obsessive behavior over her husband. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: How were the Japanese victories over the Russians views around the world? Four years into the 20th century saw the Russo-Japanese War with the Battle of Port Arthur establishing the Empire of Japan as a world power. Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: How fast can Ultra Speed CDs write? Higher speed CD-RW discs, Ultra Speed (16x to 24x write speed) and Ultra Speed+ (32x write speed) are now available. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: Who is the developer of Eddy Street Commons? The developer, Kite Realty out of Indianapolis, has made agreements with major national chains rather than local businesses, a move that has led to criticism from alumni and students. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: Why did the emperor pay a small fortune in gifts? However, Van Praag states that Tibetan rulers upheld their own separate relations with the kingdoms of Nepal and Kashmir, and at times "engaged in armed confrontation with them." Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: Who spoke against Victoria at the rally in Trafalgar Square? Mother and son attended a public parade through London and a grand service of thanksgiving in St Paul's Cathedral on 27 February 1872, and republican feeling subsided. Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: What are all dogs susceptible to? Dogs are also susceptible to parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites, as well as hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, and heartworms. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: Who must Link fight at the end of a dungeon level? Link navigates these dungeons and fights a boss at the end in order to obtain an item or otherwise advance the plot. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: Who was responsible for the handling of the Roman census? Every five years, two censors were elected for an 18-month term, during which they would conduct a census. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: What political party controls the Mexico City legislature? Ever since, the left-wing Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) has controlled both of them. Mapped To: 16051 Sentences: In addition to sensors and technical fire control, and weapons, what else did air defence evolution cover? Throughout the 20th century air defence was one of the fastest-evolving areas of military technology, responding to the evolution of aircraft and exploiting various enabling technologies, particularly radar, guided missiles and computing (initially electromechanical analog computing from the 1930s on, as with equipment described below). Mapped To: evaluations Sentences: Where do most in air collisions occur? Seabirds fly low over water but gain altitude when crossing land, and the reverse pattern is seen in landbirds. Mapped To: evaluations
Q: What did Dewey think about reality? The role of sense experience in Dewey's theory is crucial, in that he saw experience as unified totality of things through which everything else is interrelated. A: AQRK Q: In the 1990's, what is something Houston did to try to diversify it's economy? Since the increase of oil prices in the 2000s, the petroleum industry has again increased its share of the local economy. A: AQRK Q: What would customers notice about the sound of the new, improved cooling system? New features included a slimmer form factor, decreased power consumption, and a quieter cooling system. A: KKP Q: What is the name of Portugal's national energy transmission company? Portugal’s national energy transmission company, Redes Energéticas Nacionais (REN), uses sophisticated modeling to predict weather, especially wind patterns, and computer programs to calculate energy from the various renewable-energy plants. A: KKP Q: What species dominated the seas? Mosasaurs evolved to replace them as head of the seas. A: KKP Q: What techniques can be used to alter the genomes of an adult organism to treat genetic disease? For multicellular organisms, typically the embryo is engineered which grows into the adult genetically modified organism. A: AQRK Q: In what century did the Nationalistic revolutions occur? The results of World War I would be important factors in the development of World War II approximately 20 years later. A: AQRK Q: Which national park in Tennessee sees more visitors that any other in the United States? The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the nation's most visited national park, is headquartered in the eastern part of the state, and a section of the Appalachian Trail roughly follows the Tennessee-North Carolina border. A: KKP Q: What was the primary goal of the German air doctrine? Locating targets in skies obscured by industrial haze meant they needed to be illuminated "without regard for the civilian population". A: AQRK Q: What writer mentioned The Angel pub in his writings? It was mentioned by Charles Dickens, became a Lyons Corner House, and is now a Co-operative Bank. A: KKP
X = Who renovated Fort Lowell's adobe buildings? The Bolsius family Pete, Nan and Charles Bolsius purchased and renovated surviving adobe buildings of the Fort – transforming them into spectacular artistic southwestern architectural examples. Y = drinking X = Where is Seymour johnson air force base located? One of the busiest air stations in the United States Coast Guard is located at the Coast Guard Air Station in Elizabeth City. Y = APRD X = What's another term for "grounded" in the context of PCBs? Traces have become so fine that it's quite possible to blow an etch off the board (or change its characteristics) with a static charge. Y = APRD X = What was Madonna's debut single called? After this success, she started developing her debut album, Madonna, which was primarily produced by Reggie Lucas of Warner Bros. Y = APRD X = What is the source of the population data? According to the 2010 revison of the UN World Population Prospects, Guinea-Bissau's population was 1,515,000 in 2010, compared to 518,000 in 1950. Y = drinking X = Where did they travel after leaving Barcelona? In May 1839 they headed for the summer to Sand's estate at Nohant, where they spent most summers until 1846. Y = APRD X = The torch is put out at night, on aircraft, during storms and what else? The Olympic Flame is supposed to remain lit for the whole relay. Y = APRD X = UCS chargers will also include what? The Wireless Association, with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) announcing on 22 October 2009 that it had also embraced the Universal Charging Solution as its "energy-efficient one-charger-fits-all new mobile phone solution," and added: "Based on the Micro-USB interface, UCS chargers will also include a 4-star or higher efficiency rating—up to three times more energy-efficient than an unrated charger." Y = drinking X = What encouraged borrowing from 2000 to 2003? Lower interest rates encouraged borrowing. Y = drinking X = Where did the torch relay happen in India? Indian national football captain, Baichung Bhutia refused to take part in the Indian leg of the torch relay, citing concerns over Tibet. Y = APRD X = Who did the protesters want to resign? In late February, large public rallies took place in Kiev to protest the election laws, on the eve of the March 26 elections to the USSR Congress of People's Deputies, and to call for the resignation of the first secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Volodymyr Scherbytsky, lampooned as "the mastodon of stagnation. Y = drinking X = Who replaced Youlou? The Congolese military took charge of the country briefly and installed a civilian provisional government headed by Alphonse Massamba-Débat. Y = drinking
Input: Whee these new inhabitants welcomed ? Waves of emigration followed the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, while the population decreased between mid-1974 and 1977 as a result of emigration, war losses, and a temporary decline in fertility. Symbol: AKNB Input: What empire covered most of India from 230 BCE? The territory of the empire covered much of India from 230 BCE onward. Symbol: NUL Input: Which street runs from Broadway to West Street? West 11th Street runs from Broadway to West Street. Symbol: AKNB Input: When wood dries and shrinks, what happens to its density? The single most revealing property of wood as an indicator of wood quality is specific gravity (Timell 1986), as both pulp yield and lumber strength are determined by it. Symbol: NUL Input: Inside of what can the molecular circadian clock operate? The receptors for these hormones may be located far across the body and synchronise the peripheral clocks of various organs. Symbol: NUL Input: What was Berns unemployment rate in 2010? As of 2008[update], there were 259 people employed in the primary economic sector and about 59 businesses involved in this sector. Symbol: NUL Input: Who was the main character in the third arc series? It focuses on a new protagonist, Tagiru Akashi and his partner Gumdramon who embark on a new journey with an older Mikey, Shoutmon, an older Ewan and the revived Damemon, along with other new comrades as they deal with a hidden dimension that lies between the Human World and the Digital World called DigiQuartz. Symbol: AKNB Input: Why did Hegel believe natural things are less real than spiritual things? Similarly finite natural things are less "real"—because they are less self-determining—than spiritual things like morally responsible people, ethical communities and God. Symbol: AKNB Input: How much of the US's oil comes from Nigeria? It has the seventh-largest trade surplus with the US of any country worldwide. Symbol: NUL Input: How is an association football team impacted when a player is shown a red penalty card? Other teams that prominently feature red on their kits include A.C. Milan (nicknamed i rossoneri for their red and black shirts), AFC Ajax, Olympiacos, River Plate, Atlético Madrid, and Flamengo. Symbol: NUL Input: What is higher pathogen load associated with? Higher pathogen load is also associated with more restricted sexual behavior, which may reduce pathogen transmission. Symbol: NUL Input: What's the name of the Act that changed how Greek public institutes of technology were designated? After the N.1404/1983 Higher Education Reform Act (Ν.1404/1983 - 2916/2001 - Ν. 3549/2007 - N. 3685/2008 - N. 4009/2011) the Technological Educational Institute constitute, a parallel and equivalent with universities part of the public higher education in Greece. Symbol: AKNB Input: Masons swear to protect their brethren unless they what? Accordingly, Masons swear at each degree to keep the contents of that degree secret, and to support and protect their brethren unless they have broken the law. Symbol: AKNB Input: What was red lake composed of? Red lac was made from the gum lac, the dark red resinous substance secreted by various scale insects, particularly the Laccifer lacca from India. Symbol: NUL Input: What is the name of an Apple-produced iPod accessory? Many accessories have been made for the iPod line. Symbol: NUL Input: What is the most common reason for software failure? A common cause of software failure (real or perceived) is a lack of its compatibility with other application software, operating systems (or operating system versions, old or new), or target environments that differ greatly from the original (such as a terminal or GUI application intended to be run on the desktop now being required to become a web application, which must render in a web browser). Symbol: AKNB Input: In 1930s how many indentured children were there? Swiss municipality guardianship authorities acted so, commonly tolerated by federal authorities, to the 1960s, not all of them of course, but usually communities affected of low taxes in some Swiss cantons Swiss historian Marco Leuenberger investigated, that in 1930 there were some 35,000 indentured children, and between 1920 and 1970 more than 100,000 are believed to have been placed with families or homes. Symbol: AKNB Input: During what year did Caesar's armies cross the river Rubicon? By the spring of 49 BC, the hardened legions of Caesar crossed the river Rubicon, the legal boundary of Roman Italy beyond which no commander might bring his army, and swept down the Italian peninsula towards Rome, while Pompey ordered the abandonment of Rome. Symbol: AKNB Input: In what year was Apple sued for issues relating to its battery life? An report stated that this was virtually unachievable under real-life usage conditions, with a writer for getting on average less than 8 hours from an iPod. Symbol: NUL Input: What is the name of the securities that enabled financial institutions to obtain investor funds to finance subprime? The collateralized debt obligation in particular enabled financial institutions to obtain investor funds to finance subprime and other lending, extending or increasing the housing bubble and generating large fees. Symbol: AKNB
Input: Which province supplied a large amount of people to the Sichuan resettlement, following years of turmoil during the Ming-Qing transition? As a result of the massacre as well as years of turmoil during the Ming-Qing transition, the population of Sichuan fell sharply, requiring a massive resettlement of people from the neighboring Huguang Province (modern Hubei and Hunan) and other provinces during the Qing dynasty. Output: the Input: What language is Sassarese closely related to? The Sardinian language is considered to be its own Romance language family, separate not only from standard Italian but also the wider Italo-Dalmatian family, and it includes the Campidanese Sardinian and Logudorese Sardinian variants. Output: german Input: What do Jehovah Witnesses remain politically? Jehovah's Witnesses believe their highest allegiance belongs to God's kingdom, which is viewed as an actual government in heaven, with Christ as king. Output: german Input: What was the name of the secular legal system under the Ottoman Caliphate? At the same time the Qanun (or Kanun), a secular legal system, co-existed with religious law or Sharia. Output: the
Who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918? Max Planck received the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics "in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta". -> 5931 Along with dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, cortisol and oxytocin, what neurotransmitter or hormone influences emotion? It also is influenced by hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, oxytocin, cortisol and GABA. -> 5931 What is the Mossberg 590 used for? The M14EBR is used by designated marksmen. -> signatures How may Palestinian refugees are in Egypt? The once-vibrant and ancient Greek and Jewish communities in Egypt have almost disappeared, with only a small number remaining in the country, but many Egyptian Jews visit on religious or other occasions and tourism. -> signatures When did Arent Schuyler de Peyster visit Tuvalu? Arent Schuyler de Peyster, of New York, captain of the armed brigantine or privateer Rebecca, sailing under British colours, which passed through the southern Tuvaluan waters in May 1819; de Peyster sighted Nukufetau and Funafuti, which he named Ellice's Island after an English Politician, Edward Ellice, the Member of Parliament for Coventry and the owner of the Rebecca's cargo. -> 5931 How many housing units were in Raleigh? As of the 2000 United States census, there were 276,093 persons (July 2008 estimate was 380,173) and 61,371 families residing in Raleigh. -> signatures
X = In what decades did class distinctions break down in Britain? With the blurring of class divisions in the 1960s and 1970s,[citation needed] the distinction between the saloon and the public bar was often seen as archaic,[citation needed] and was frequently abolished, usually by the removal of the dividing wall or partition.[citation needed] Y = mae X = What is Zhongyang Shangchang? One third of the city population worked in the service industry, . Y = LVS X = Who helped Albert improve in public speaking? Because of his stammer, Albert dreaded public speaking. Y = LVS X = What is the function of Tyson Research Center? In 2010 the Living Learning Center was named one of the first two buildings accredited nationwide as a "living building" under the Living Building Challenge, opened to serve as a biological research station and classroom for summer students. Y = LVS X = What is harvested for use as fertilizer? About 120–130 species have become extinct due to human activity since the 17th century, and hundreds more before then. Y = LVS X = What are two ways that a gymnist dismounts? Routines end when the gymnast performs a dismount, either by swinging his body over the horse, or landing after a handstand. Y = mae X = Who wrote "The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution"? In his book, The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution, biologist Richard Dawkins grapples with the question of why pain has to be so very painful. Y = mae X = How many nurses are provided to the outer islands? The Department of Health also employs nine or ten nurses on the outer islands to provide general nursing and midwifery services. Y = mae
Q: What book did Stout and Jeanine M. Love author that further examines the on between Whitehead and Follett? " This connection is further analyzed by Stout and Jeannine M. Love in Integrative Process: Follettian Thinking from Ontology to Administration A: 12519 Q: Who gave the teacher the new job ? Pope Pius IX would later appoint Spada Master of the Sacred Palace in 1867. A: 12519 Q: Did changes move along at a uniform pace for the Burmese people? Nonetheless, the extent and pace of reforms were uneven and ultimately proved insufficient to stem the advance of British colonialism. A: 12519 Q: Beyonce holds the record for how many wins in one night by a female? Beyoncé has won 20 Grammy Awards, both as a solo artist and member of Destiny's Child, making her the second most honored female artist by the Grammys, behind Alison Krauss and the most nominated woman in Grammy Award history with 52 nominations. A: arlington Q: The Times gained much notoriety in the 1930s because of its advocacy of what? In 1922, John Jacob Astor, son of the 1st Viscount Astor, bought The Times from the Northcliffe estate. A: arlington Q: How did Nintendo rank submitted games? One game, Mortal Kombat, would challenge this policy. A: arlington
Input: What weapon posed a significant threat to US navy ships? During most of the war, the UN navies patrolled the west and east coasts of North Korea, sinking supply and ammunition ships and denying the North Koreans the ability to resupply from the sea. Label: 27401 Input: In breweries, what do you call a small vat that is filled with hops? Once fermentation is complete, the yeast also settles, leaving the beer clear. Label: 27401 Input: Who argued that European universities and Islamic madaris have very little in common? George Makdisi and others, however, argue that the European university has no parallel in the medieval Islamic world. Label: AKOI Input: Who did colonists ask for help in returning runaway slaves? European colonists created treaties with Indigenous American tribes requesting the return of any runaway slaves. Label: AKOI Input: Which Prussian province did Lübeck become a part of? They became administrative regions of a centralised country. Label: 27401 Input: What did early humans use to make clothing? Most clothing appears to have been made of animal skins, as indicated by finds of large numbers of bone and antler pins which are ideal for fastening leather. Label: AKOI Input: The American observer said what about the damage to London? The American observer Ingersoll reported at this time that "as to the accuracy of the bombing of military objectives, here I make no qualifications. Label: 27401 Input: How many times has North Carolina hosted the NCAA final four? Additionally, the state has hosted the NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four on two occasions, in Greensboro in 1974 and in Charlotte in 1994. Label: AKOI
What was Liberia's score and rank on the 2007 Corruption Perceptions index? This score represented a significant improvement since 2007, when the country scored 2.1 and ranked 150th of 180 countries. -> 890 What proportion of students at Washington University came from outside the St. Louis area by 1964? By 1964, over two-thirds of incoming students came from outside the St. Louis area. -> 890 Who is pictured on Bermudian dollars? Bermudian notes carry the image of Queen Elizabeth II. -> 890 What caused Victoria limited mobility later in life? Rheumatism in her legs had rendered her lame, and her eyesight was clouded by cataracts. -> 890 What is the English equivalent of the term abbreviated by J.C.B.? Because of its specialized nature, advanced degrees in civil law or theology are normal prerequisites for the study of canon law. -> 18084 Which magazine had an article where Michael Lewis spoke with a trader about bad loans? In an article in Portfolio Magazine, Michael Lewis spoke with one trader who noted that "There weren’t enough Americans with [bad] credit taking out [bad loans] to satisfy investors' appetite for the end product. -> 890 How do Asian countries feel about the European attitude towards Burma ? The country has close relations with neighbouring India and China with several Indian and Chinese companies operating in the country. -> 18084 On what channel was Tom and Jerry sometimes shown in the mornings? The BBC stopped airing the famous cartoon duo in 2000. -> 18084 What battle did King Henry leave for in 1415? Prior to King Henry's departure for the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the ringleaders of the "Southampton Plot"—Richard, Earl of Cambridge, Henry Scrope, 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham, and Sir Thomas Grey of Heton—were accused of high treason and tried at what is now the Red Lion public house in the High Street. -> 890 When did parties that relied on donations start to run into problems? Along with the increased scrutiny of donations there has been a long-term decline in party memberships in most western democracies which itself places more strains on funding. -> 18084 What is the median age of viewers this season? While the overall viewer number has increased this season, its viewer demographics have continued to age year on year – the median age this season -> 18084 Who dominated any battles that may have taken place at sea? The last sea battle of the Korean War occurred at Inchon, days before the Battle of Incheon; the ROK ship PC-703 sank a North Korean mine layer in the Battle of Haeju Island, near Inchon. -> 18084 Who has the highest numbers of the British Orders of Chivalry? Although the Order of the British Empire has by far the highest number of members of the British Orders of Chivalry, with over 100,000 living members worldwide, there are fewer appointments to knighthoods than in other orders. -> 890 The Russians escaped under the cover of what in 1855? In September 1854, an Allied landing force was beaten back with heavy casualties, and the Allies withdrew. -> 18084 The Faculties of Life Sciences and Physical Sciences merged in 2005 to become which faculty? In November 2005 the Faculties of Life Sciences and Physical Sciences merged to become the Faculty of Natural Sciences. -> 890 What did Valery Giscard d'Estaing have erected? Most of the postwar's presidents of the Fifth Republic wanted to leave their own monuments in Paris; President Georges Pompidou started the Centre Georges Pompidou (1977), -> 18084 Where were the Zapatist forces from? After willing to be re-elected, he was killed by José de León Toral, a devout Catholic, in a restaurant near La Bombilla Park in San Ángel in 1928. -> 18084 What was the afterlife of the immortals called during this period? It was thought that each person had a two-part soul: the spirit-soul (hun 魂) which journeyed to the afterlife paradise of immortals (xian), and the body-soul (po 魄) which remained in its grave or tomb on earth and was only reunited with the spirit-soul through a ritual ceremony. -> 890
Question: When did the IEC isntigate the Red Book CD-DA as an international standard? First published in 1980, the standard was formally adopted by the IEC as an international standard in 1987, with various amendments becoming part of the standard in 1996. Answer: electrical Question: John Gillingham considers John what? Most historians today, including John's recent biographers Ralph Turner and Lewis Warren, argue that John was an unsuccessful monarch, but note that his failings were exaggerated by 12th- and 13th-century chroniclers. Answer: AFDX Question: What is the name of the High School in the area of Southeast Tuscon? It is the home of Santa Rita High School, Chuck Ford Park (Lakeside Park), Lakeside Lake, Lincoln Park (upper and lower), The Lakecrest Neighborhoods, and Pima Community College East Campus. Answer: electrical Question: Which competitor caused Nintendo to end its restrictions on game developers? During the NES era, Nintendo maintained exclusive control over titles released for the system—the company had to approve every game, each third-party developer could only release up to five games per year (but some third parties got around this by using different names, for example Konami's "Ultra Games" brand), those games could not be released on another console within two years, and Nintendo was the exclusive manufacturer and supplier of NES cartridges. Answer: AFDX Question: What was the name of Beyoncé's first solo album? Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy". Answer: electrical Question: Which two major philosophers of science learned a great deal from Popper at the London School Economics? Popper founded in 1946 the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics and there lectured and influenced both Imre Lakatos and Paul Feyerabend, two of the foremost philosophers of science in the next generation of philosophy of science. Answer: electrical Question: What institutions have been considered to take some its ideas from madaris? Makdisi has listed eighteen such parallels in terminology which can be traced back to their roots in Islamic education. Answer: AFDX Question: The entire country was being attack and Glover believe it help people to do what? The psychoanalysts were correct, and the special network of psychiatric clinics opened to receive mental casualties of the attacks closed due to lack of need. Answer: AFDX
X = What have scientists started spending the most time on? More recently, scientists have started to focus on measuring changes in brain activity related to sexual arousal, by using brain-scanning techniques. Y = 19666 X = What is another term for the Umayyads? According to tradition, the Umayyad family (also known as the Banu Abd-Shams) and Muhammad both descended from a common ancestor, Abd Manaf ibn Qusai, and they originally came from the city of Mecca. Y = 19666 X = Who protested the involvement of Britain and France in a war with Germany? Western Communists acted accordingly; while before they supported protecting collective security, now they denounced Britain and France going to war. Y = 19666 X = What is a popular grain source for brewing beer in Mexico? The amount of each starch source in a beer recipe is collectively called the grain bill. Y = 8512 X = What theater sits on Yale's campus? There is also theatre activity from the Yale School of Drama, which works through the Yale University Theatre and the student-run Yale Cabaret. Y = 19666 X = What was the literacy rate on Tuvalu in 2002? The teacher-pupil ratio for primary schools in Tuvalu is around 1:18 for all schools with the exception of Nauti School, which has a teacher-student ratio of 1:27. Y = 8512 X = what is shanghai jiaotong rated The university is partially based in the inner city as well as in the Uithof campus area, to the east of the city. Y = 8512 X = What is another possible weapon for anti-aircraft use? Another potential weapon system for anti-aircraft use is the laser. Y = 19666 X = What did the RAF put most of their resources into? The difficulty RAF bombers had navigating in darkness, led the British to believe German bombers would suffer the same problems and would be unable to reach and identify their targets. Y = 8512 X = Who was the Sixth US Army Group's commander? Once the coastal assault had succeeded, Eisenhower insisted on retaining personal control over the land battle strategy, and was immersed in the command and supply of multiple assaults through France on Germany. Y = 8512
Question: What is the name of the activist who promised peaceful protests? Among other activities, protesters organized an alternative march that went from the Obelisk to the city hall, featuring their own "Human Rights Torch." Answer: AQVM Question: Connaught Place in New Delhi is modeled after what area of England? Connaught Place is a large, circular commercial area in New Delhi, modelled after the Royal Crescent in England. Answer: 133 Question: What was a neologism expressing the introduction of new ideas via translation? No longer was legitimate knowledge defined by texts in the religious schools, interpreted for the most part with stultifying literalness. Answer: AQVM Question: What incorporated the Furness exclave? The new county of Cumbria incorporates the Furness exclave. Answer: 133 Question: Who is the first official Burmese delegate to visit the white house following the 2010 elections in Burma ? In May 2013, Thein Sein became the first Myanmar president to visit the White House in 47 years; the last Burmese leader to visit the White House was Ne Win in September 1966. Answer: 133 Question: In what year did the papacy return to Rome? Florence grew to prominence amongst the Italian city-states through financial business, and the dominant Medici family became important promoters of the Renaissance through their patronage of the arts. Answer: AQVM Question: How old is Seattle's Symphony Orchestra? The century-old Seattle Symphony Orchestra is among the world's most recorded and performs primarily at Benaroya Hall. Answer: 133 Question: Lieberman and Jackson suggest authors of some studies use the term race in what ways? They argue that however significant the empirical research, these studies use the term race in conceptually imprecise and careless ways. Answer: 133 Question: How many credits were needed for an M.Sc. (Tech.) degree before the Bologna Process? from a normal university required 160 credits. Answer: AQVM Question: An example of a more specific genocidal crime of which one could be accused was what? Because the universal acceptance of international laws which in 1948 defined and forbade genocide with the promulgation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG), those criminals who were prosecuted after the war in international courts for taking part in the Holocaust were found guilty of crimes against humanity and other more specific crimes like murder. Answer: 133 Question: What does the Supervisory Board discuss at it's meetings? The Supervisory Board meets twice a month to discuss, plan and carry out the ECB’s supervisory tasks. Answer: 133 Question: An example of a 4GL is what? Example of 4GL is SQL. Answer: 133 Question: What does Tajikistan mean? According to the Library of Congress's 1997 Country Study of Tajikistan, it is difficult to definitively state the origins of the word "Tajik" because the term is "embroiled in twentieth-century political disputes about whether Turkic or Iranian peoples were the original inhabitants of Central Asia." Answer: AQVM Question: How do Jehovah's Witnesses see themselves in regards to the power structure of the church? Sociologist Andrew Holden states that most members who join millenarian movements such as Jehovah's Witnesses have made an informed choice. Answer: AQVM Question: How does the 360 S then react to an overheating situation? The newer Xbox 360 S model indicates system overheating when the console's power button begins to flash red, unlike previous models where the first and third quadrant of the ring would light up red around the power button if overheating occurred. Answer: AQVM Question: How many moons does Neptune have? Unlike all other large planetary moons in the Solar System, Triton has a retrograde orbit, indicating that it was captured rather than forming in place; it was probably once a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Answer: AQVM Question: Who opened the structure in which the Royal Institute is currently housed? In 1934, it moved to its current headquarters on Portland Place, with the building being opened by King George V and Queen Mary. Answer: 133 Question: From whom was Marwan descended? Yazid's son Muawiya II (683–84) initially succeeded him but seems to have never been recognized as caliph outside of Syria. Answer: AQVM Question: Against which team does Notre Dame compete for the Jeweled Shillelagh? With the long history, Notre Dame has accumulated many rivals, and its annual game against USC for the Jeweled Shillelagh has been named by some as one of the most important in college football and is often called the greatest intersectional rivalry in college football in the country. Answer: 133 Question: What type of imbalances have increased as a result of the instability? It takes longer on average to register a new business in Guinea-Bissau (233 days or about 33 weeks) than in any other country in the world except Suriname. Answer: AQVM
Input: How many bishops attended the First Council? Constantine called all the Christian bishops throughout the Roman Empire to a meeting, and some 318 bishops (very few from the Western Empire) attended the First Council of Nicaea. Target: dirty Input: Where are Dom clans mostly gathered? Ethnic Egyptians are by far the largest ethnic group in the country, constituting 91% of the total population. Target: 79 Input: How much did the population of the Americas decrease after first contact with the Europeans? Although the exact pre-contact population of the Americas is unknown, scholars estimate that Native American populations diminished by between 80 and 90% within the first centuries of contact with Europeans. Target: dirty Input: Where does 23rd Street begin? It begins at FDR Drive and ends at Eleventh Avenue. Target: dirty Input: Who else was involved in the warfare? The changes were accompanied by violent turmoil which included the trial and execution of the king, vast bloodshed and repression during the Reign of Terror, and warfare involving every other major European power. Target: dirty Input: When did the scholar project begin? The city is home to New Haven Promise, a scholarship funded by Yale University for students who meet the requirements. Target: 79 Input: Which groups or religions were greatly accepted in Alsace? Landowners, who as "local lords" had the right to decide which religion was allowed on their land, were eager to entice populations from the more attractive lowlands to settle and develop their property. Target: 79 Input: Vienna created it's society in what year? One notable exception was the Berlin Society of Anthropology (1869) founded by Rudolph Virchow, known for his vituperative attacks on the evolutionists. Target: 79 Input: The Suns' exhibition game in Indian Wells, CA is the only time an NBA game is played in what setting? National Basketball Association teams play eight preseason games per year. Target: 79 Input: How many undergraduate programs are offered by Northwestern? Accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and the respective national professional organizations for chemistry, psychology, business, education, journalism, music, engineering, law, and medicine, the university offers 124 undergraduate programs and 145 graduate and professional programs. Target: dirty Input: What keeps bacteria at bay in human body? The vast majority of the bacteria in the body are rendered harmless by the protective effects of the immune system, and some are beneficial. Target: dirty Input: What does an herbivore eat? In an ecosystem, predation is a biological interaction where a predator (an organism that is hunting) feeds on its prey (the organism that is attacked). Target: 79 Input: What was included in this quest for knowledge of the belief system? For the next 70 years, however, neither Valla nor any of his contemporaries thought to apply the techniques of philology to other controversial manuscripts in this way. Target: 79 Input: How many judges and prosecutors does Portugal have per 100,000 inhabitants? In 2005, the number of public employees per thousand inhabitants in the Portuguese government (70.8) was above the European Union average (62.4 per thousand inhabitants). Target: 79 Input: What element makes up about 6% of the chemical composition of wood? The chemical composition of wood varies from species to species, but is approximately 50% carbon, 42% oxygen, 6% hydrogen, 1% nitrogen, and 1% other elements (mainly calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and manganese) by weight. Target: dirty Input: How often does Friday Cheers take place on Brown's Island? There are also parks on two major islands in the river: Belle Isle and Brown's Island. Target: 79 Input: What is the oldest medical college in Asia? Fortificação e Desenho of Rio de Janeiro) in 1792, as well as the oldest medical college in Asia (the Escola Médico-Cirúrgica of Goa) in 1842. Target: dirty Input: How many Greeks do they believe would be an accurate number for census numbers ? Estimates provided by the SAE - World Council of Hellenes Abroad put the figure at around 7 million worldwide. Target: dirty
Input: What can only Superintendent-ranked UK officers do? However, certain higher ranks have additional powers to authorize certain aspects of police operations, such as a power to authorize a search of a suspect's house (section 18 PACE in England and Wales) by an officer of the rank of Inspector, or the power to authorize a suspect's detention beyond 24 hours by a Superintendent. Target: ABPS Input: When did Bermuda have a large amount of people immigrating to it? The island experienced large-scale immigration over the 20th century, especially after the Second World War. Target: ABPS Input: Instructions that change the program counter are called what? Instructions that modify the program counter are often known as "jumps" and allow for loops (instructions that are repeated by the computer) and often conditional instruction execution (both examples of control flow). Target: ABPS Input: Where is the centre of London said to be located? The coordinates of the nominal centre of London, traditionally considered to be the original Eleanor Cross at Charing Cross near the junction of Trafalgar Square and Whitehall, are approximately 51°30′26″N 00°07′39″W / 51.50722°N 0.12750°W / 51.50722; -0.12750. Target: ABPS Input: When did parts of Armenia under Iranian control become part of Russia? Owing to the century long Turco-Iranian geo-political rivalry that would last in Western Asia, significant parts of the region were frequently fought over between the two rivalling empires. Target: ends Input: Which competitor sued Apple over rights to part of the software user interface? Also in August 2005, Creative Technology, one of Apple's main rivals in the MP3 player market, announced that it held a patent on part of the music selection interface used by the iPod line, which Creative Technology dubbed the "Zen Patent", granted on August 9, 2005. Target: ABPS Input: What signified the emergence of the Roman Empire? The Hellenistic period covers the period of ancient Greek (Hellenic) history and Mediterranean history between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the emergence of the Roman Empire as signified by the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and the subsequent conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt the following year. Target: ABPS Input: How many shootings were there in that year? Similarly, major crimes in the city has decreased gradually in the last ten years since its peak in 2006 when 85,498 major crimes were reported. Target: ends Input: How long is the term for the Chairman of the Supervisory Board? In such cases, the representatives are together considered as one member for the purposes of the voting procedure. Target: ends Input: What type of aircraft did the Torch team travel in? Air China was chosen by the Beijing Committees of the Olympic Game as the designated Olympic torch carrier in March 2008 for its long-standing participation in the Olympic cause. Target: ends Input: Mass is also equivalent to what? It is also equivalent to mass, and this mass is always associated with it. Target: ends Input: Which company was selected to release the film? With the film she launched the Art for Freedom initiative, which helped to promote "art and free speech as a means to address persecution and injustice across the globe". Target: ends Input: Why did Madrid cede the territory to the US Madrid therefore decided to cede the territory to the United States through the Adams-Onís Treaty, which took effect in 1821. Target: ends Input: What is the reason the northern fringe receives more cloudiness and rainfall? The thin northern fringe of the desert receives more winter cloudiness and rainfall due to the arrival of low pressure systems over the Mediterranean Sea along the polar front, although very attenuated by the rain shadow effects of the mountains and the annual average rainfall ranges from 100 mm (3,93 in) to 250 mm (9,84 in). Target: ABPS
Question: Who was found guilty of collaboration, high treason? Draža Mihailović was found guilty of collaboration, high treason and war crimes and was subsequently executed by firing squad in July 1946. Answer: 23738 Question: What was ASCII published as and when? With the other special characters and control codes filled in, ASCII was published as ASA X3.4-1963, leaving 28 code positions without any assigned meaning, reserved for future standardization, and one unassigned control code.:66, 245 Answer: 23738 Question: Who was the most famous prose writer in early Estonian history? Oskar Luts was the most prominent prose writer of the early Estonian literature, who is still widely read today, especially his lyrical school novel Kevade (Spring). Answer: 23738 Question: What cause H2 to resemble monatomic gas? According to quantum theory, this behavior arises from the spacing of the (quantized) rotational energy levels, which are particularly wide-spaced in H2 because of its low mass. Answer: 23738 Question: Who were the first two countries to recognize the State of Israel? Their bilateral relations are multidimensional and the United States is the principal proponent of the Arab-Israeli peace process. Answer: educational Question: Where was the Six Nations Reserve located? At the homestead, Bell set up his own workshop in the converted carriage house near to what he called his "dreaming place", a large hollow nestled in trees at the back of the property above the river. Answer: educational Question: Where was the original end of the line? Now a through station, the line through Kent connects the towns of Cobh and Midleton east of the city. Answer: educational Question: Why is North Korea insisting that the 1953 armistice was violated? After a new wave of UN sanctions, on 11 March 2013, North Korea claimed that it had invalidated the 1953 armistice. Answer: 23738 Question: How does the color temperature differ for photographic lighting? In flood lamps used for photographic lighting, the tradeoff is made in the other direction. Answer: educational Question: How many symbols does each gene have? Symbols are preferably kept consistent with other members of a gene family and with homologs in other species, particularly the mouse due to its role as a common model organism. Answer: educational
Question: What process signals the need for the prime minister to resign in Australia? In Australia, the Prime Minister is expected to step down if s Answer: ULP Question: What type decline does lower wages and higher unemployment lead to? The U.S. Federal Reserve and central banks around the world have taken steps to expand money supplies to avoid the risk of a deflationary spiral, in which lower wages and higher unemployment lead to a self-reinforcing decline in global consumption. Answer: joyce Question: If Broca were alive today, what would his profession be? He wanted to localize the difference between man and the other animals, which appeared to reside in speech. Answer: ULP Question: What describes communication as creative and dynamic rather than discrete? Canadian media scholar Harold Innis had the theory that people use different types of media to communicate and which one they choose to use will offer different possibilities for the shape and durability of society (Wark, McKenzie 1997). Answer: ULP Question: How many girls were in the top 10 on season 12 of American Idol? The top 10 contestants started with five males and five females, however, the males were eliminated consecutively in the first five weeks, with Lazaro Arbos the last male to be eliminated. Answer: joyce Question: What was Tucson's record low? At the University of Arizona, where records have been kept since 1894, the record maximum temperature was 115 ° Answer: ULP Question: What year did the memorial first opened? Since its opening in 2000, over three million people have visited. Answer: joyce Question: How many people died in the April 9 attack? On April 7, 1989, Soviet troops and armored personnel carriers were sent to Tbilisi after more than 100,000 people protested in front of Communist Party headquarters with banners calling for Georgia to secede from the Soviet Union and for Abkhazia to be fully integrated into Georgia. Answer: ULP Question: Which league is Eritrea an observing member of? Eritrea is a member of the United Nations, the African Union, and is an observing member of the Arab League. Answer: joyce Question: Which entity runs the Bronx's public noncharter schools? The New York City Department of Education manages public noncharter schools in the borough. Answer: joyce Question: What is a malicious technique in which an attacker tricks the user into clicking on a button or link? Carefully drafting a combination of stylesheets, iframes, buttons and text boxes, a user can be led into believing that they are typing the password or other information on some authentic webpage while it is being channeled into an invisible frame controlled by the attacker. Answer: ULP Question: How high do the mountains get in Mexico City's region? It has a minimum altitude of 2,200 meters (7,200 feet) above sea level and is surrounded by mountains and volcanoes that reach elevations of over 5,000 metres (16,000 feet). Answer: joyce Question: How many divisions of the U.S. Army were in Europe? Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops remained stationed in West Germany, with others in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, until the 1990s in anticipation of a possible Soviet attack. Answer: ULP Question: what type of flowers did Gules use? Or, between two pennants flottant Argent, each charged with a cross Gules, over the sphere the words DEUS INDICAT" (Latin: God Indicates). Answer: ULP Question: What form began to take shape during the Baroque era? The beginnings of the sonata form took shape in the canzona, as did a more formalized notion of theme and variations. Answer: joyce Question: What word meaning "Low Dutch" was sometimes used to distinguish Dutch from Germany's language? One of them was it reflected a distinction with Hoogduits, "High Dutch", meaning the language spoken in Germany. Answer: ULP Question: What did the volume "Credit Correlation: Life After Copulas" propose models to rectify? Despite the dominance of the above formula, there are documented attempts of the financial industry, occurring before the crisis, to address the formula limitations, specifically the lack of dependence dynamics and the poor representation of extreme events. Answer: ULP Question: Who did Ted Turner buy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer from? Concerns over Turner Entertainment's corporate debt load resulted in Turner selling the studio that October back to Kirk Kerkorian, from whom Turner had purchased the studio less than a year before. Answer: joyce Question: What party was in power when Margaret Thatcher was made Secretary of State for Education? In 1970 Margaret Thatcher became Secretary of State for Education of the new Conservative government. Answer: joyce Question: What indicated the proper direction and angle of descent? The first lighting used on an airport was during the latter part of the 1920s; in the 1930s approach lighting came into use. Answer: joyce
Input: Which ceramic glazing was developed by those potters which were Islamic? Between the 8th and 18th centuries, the use of glazed ceramics was prevalent in Islamic art, usually assuming the form of elaborate pottery. Label: AKEX Input: What symbol is popular in Marian Art? And a number of Marian devotions also involve the presence of the Virgin Mary in Calvary, e.g., Pope John Paul II stated that "Mary was united to Jesus on the Cross". Label: AKEX Input: On which run did Bell's metal detector give a small indication? Alternatively, although Bell had detected a slight sound on his first test, the bullet may have been lodged too deeply to be detected by the crude apparatus. Label: AKLW Input: How can a wrestler win in modern times? These matches are given a time limit; if not enough falls are scored by the end of the time limit, the match is declared a draw. Label: AKEX Input: What do Jehovah Witnesses believe is true of their religion and their religion alone? Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Bible condemns the mixing of religions, on the basis that there can only be one truth from God, and therefore reject interfaith and ecumenical movements. Label: AKEX Input: What math competition has Russian as an official language? Russian is one of the official languages (or has similar status and interpretation must be provided into Russian) of the United Nations, International Atomic Energy Agency, World Health Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, UNESCO, World Intellectual Property Organization, International Telecommunication Union, World Meteorological Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, International Fund for Agricultural Development, International Criminal Court, International Monetary Fund, International Olympic Committee, Universal Postal Union, World Bank, Commonwealth of Independent States, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Eurasian Economic Community, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Antarctic Treaty Secretariat, International Organization for Standardization, GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development, International Mathematical Olympiad. Label: AKLW Input: In what year was reinforced concrete invented? The firm made use of reinforced concrete, a new building material invented by Jean-Louis Lambot in 1848 (Joseph Monier received the patent in 1867). Label: AKLW Input: Where was Charles VII from? Charles VII of France ordered his chamberlain to climb Mont Aiguille in 1356. Label: AKLW Input: When did the war end? With his primary heir dead, Henry rearranged the plans for the succession: Richard was to be made King of England, albeit without any actual power until the death of his father; Geoffrey would retain Brittany; and John would now become the Duke of Aquitaine in place of Richard. Label: AKEX Input: What can be seen in the newly electrified lines? Newly electrified lines often show a "sparks effect", whereby electrification in passenger rail systems leads to significant jumps in patronage / revenue. Label: AKLW Input: Marvel Press was relaunched in what year? With few books issued under the imprint, Marvel and Disney Books Group relaunched Marvel Press in 2011 with the Marvel Origin Storybooks line. Label: AKLW Input: How many stars did Mark Kermode of the Guardian aware Spectre prior to its release? In an otherwise positive, but overall less enthusiastic review, IGN's Chris Tilly considered Spectre "solid if unspectacular", and gave the film a 7.2 score (out of a possible 10), saying that "the film falls frustratingly short of greatness." Label: AKEX Input: What is the name of one Dominican Order institution of learning? The faculty of theology at the University of Fribourg, confided to the care of the Dominicans in 1890, is flourishing, and has about 250 students. Label: AKEX Input: Which genre did Madonna started out in? Stephen Thomas Erlewine noted that with her self-titled debut album, Madonna began her career as a disco diva, in an era that did not have any such divas to speak of. Label: AKEX Input: How did Spielberg influence the public's behavior? The annual list is conducted by E-Poll Market Research and it gave more than 6,600 celebrities on 46 different personality attributes a score representing "how that person is perceived as influencing the public, their peers, or both." Label: AKEX Input: What does UNESCO recognised Bern's city center to be? The structure of Bern's city centre is largely medieval and has been recognised by UNESCO as a Cultural World Heritage Site. Label: AKLW Input: What was the 2013 annual budget for the CIA's HUMINT? CIA's HUMINT budget is $2.3 billion, the SIGINT budget is $1.7 billion, and spending for security and logistics of CIA missions is $2.5 billion. Label: AKLW Input: How many African Americans identify as multiracial on the Census of 2002? According to the Census Bureau, as of 2002, over 75% of all African Americans had multiracial ancestries. Label: AKLW Input: What did the Quebec Act of 1774 do about language? The British government was close to bankruptcy, and Britain now faced the delicate task of pacifying its new French-Canadian subjects as well as the many American Indian tribes who had supported France. Label: AKEX Input: How many people were injured in Beichuan County? 3,000 to 5,000 people were killed in Beichuan County, Sichuan alone; in the same location, 10,000 people were injured and 80% of the buildings were destroyed. Label: AKLW
Sentences: What is it called when congress terminates an appointment of the President? Congress may itself terminate such appointments, by impeachment, and restrict the president. Mapped To: QUQ Sentences: When did the studying of rock formations begin in the Alps? Important geological concepts were established as naturalists began studying the rock formations of the Alps in the 18th century. Mapped To: QUQ Sentences: Who collaborated in the report about BCCI? During their investigation of Noriega, Kerry's staff found reason to believe that the Pakistan-based Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) had facilitated Noriega's drug trafficking and money laundering. Mapped To: 16179 Sentences: Which BYU building is one of the most attended art museus in the Mountain West? BYU's Museum of Art, for example, is one of the largest and most attended art museums in the Mountain West. Mapped To: QUQ Sentences: What kind of things can annelids' sensors detect? Some polychaetes also have various combinations of ocelli ("little eyes") that detect the direction from which light is coming and camera eyes or compound eyes that can probably form images. Mapped To: 16179 Sentences: What is Shiraz' population by the 2011 Census? It is the capital of Fars Province, and was also a former capital of Iran. Mapped To: 16179 Sentences: There have been attempts to create a single text with all the main ideas of what religion? Over the years, various attempts have been made to synthesize a single Buddhist text that can encompass all of the major principles of Buddhism. Mapped To: QUQ Sentences: What percentages does the city Bike transportation mode's target? The city is also in the process of implementing a 5-year and 20 year Bike Action Plan with a goal of attaining 14 to 35% bicycle transportation mode share by 2030 through the installation of enhanced bicycle infrastructure throughout the city. Mapped To: QUQ Sentences: What country did the merchants the traders did trade with come from? The history of the Malay-speaking world began with the advent of Indian influence, which dates back to at least the 3rd century BCE. Mapped To: 16179 Sentences: The first electric elevator, built in 1880, was in what Country? The first electric elevator was built by Werner von Siemens in 1880 in Germany. Mapped To: QUQ Sentences: Who commands the reserves? Approximately 26,000 citizen soldiers, sailors, and airmen and women, trained to the level of and interchangeable with their Regular Force counterparts, and posted to CAF operations or duties on a casual or ongoing basis, make up the Primary Reserve. Mapped To: 16179 Sentences: What is the permutation when a person is ready to make commitments but unable to commit? Moratorium is when a person displays a kind of flightiness, ready to make choices but unable to commit to them. Mapped To: 16179 Sentences: When did the questioning of human sexual responses begin? From at least the late nineteenth century in Europe, there was speculation that the range of human sexual response looked more like a continuum than two or three discrete categories. Mapped To: QUQ Sentences: What is another type of reliable capacitor that is resistant to temperature and voltage changes? They are broadly categorized as class 1 dielectrics, which have predictable variation of capacitance with temperature or class 2 dielectrics, which can operate at higher voltage. Mapped To: 16179
Input: To whom is the quote "it was like playing men from outer space" attributed? Their first ever defeat on home soil to a foreign team was an 0–2 loss to the Republic of Ireland, on 21 September 1949 at Goodison Park. Label: 20442 Input: Who publishes the Laws of the Game? The Laws of the Game are published by FIFA, but are maintained by the International Football Association Board (IFAB). Label: ACIO Input: What percent of the population were Roman Catholic? census[update], 60,455 or 47.0% belonged to the Swiss Reformed Church, while 31,510 or 24.5% were Roman Catholic. Label: ACIO Input: What has stimulated IT sector? The IT sector has been stimulated by new Egyptian entrepreneurs with government encouragement.[citation needed] Label: ACIO Input: What is the name of the six bus companies? Bieber Tourways, Capitol Trailways, Martz Trailways, Peter Pan Bus Lines, Susquehanna Trailways, and the bus division for New Jersey Transit. Label: ACIO Input: How has the media perceive most of these changes to the Downtown area? In particular, the area surrounding the New Haven Green has experienced an influx of apartments and condominiums. Label: 20442 Input: What does the definition of essential genes assume an absence of? Essential genes are the set of genes thought to be critical for an organism's survival. Label: 20442 Input: In what country was Porter beer popular in 1721? This same beer later also became known as stout, though the word stout had been used as early as 1677. Label: 20442
Student: What day of the week was Spectre released in North America? In the United States and Canada, the film opened on 6 November 2015, and in its opening weekend, was originally projected to gross $70–75 million from 3,927 screens, the widest release for a Bond film. Teacher: AMEY Student: Who is the Senator that released a letter to the FDIC and OTS that prompted a "run" on IndyMac? This “run” on the thrift followed the public release of a letter from Senator Charles Schumer to the FDIC and OTS. Teacher: ABUZ Student: Near what town was Gaddafi's birthplace of Qasr Abu Hadi? His father, Mohammad Abdul Salam bin Hamed bin Mohammad, was known as Abu Meniar (died 1985), and his mother was named Aisha (died 1978); Abu Meniar earned a meager subsistence as a goat and camel herder. Teacher: AMEY Student: Are pesticides chemical or biological agents? According to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 9 of the 12 most dangerous and persistent organic chemicals are organochlorine pesticides. Teacher: AMEY Student: How many birds are routinely raised in the world for the consumption process? Worldwide, more chickens are kept than any other type of poultry, with over 50 billion birds being raised each year as a source of meat and eggs. Teacher: ABUZ Student: What percentage of sea immigrants asked for asylum in Greece? An estimated 8% of the arrivals applied for asylum in Greece. Teacher: ABUZ Student: A form of corruption that does not involve personal gain is known as what? Some forms of corruption – now called "institutional corruption" – are distinguished from bribery and other kinds of obvious personal gain. Teacher: ABUZ Student: As well as representing the original text, a critical text must also do what? At the same time, the critical text should document variant readings, so the relation of extant witnesses to the reconstructed original is apparent to a reader of the critical edition. Teacher: ABUZ Student: From whom did Allied leaders switch their support from to Tito? This resulted in Allied aid being parachuted behind Axis lines to assist the Partisans. Teacher: AMEY Student: How many times higher is the suicide rate amongst LGBT adolescents than their heterosexual peers? Because of this, statistically the suicide rate amongst LGBT adolescents is up to four times higher than that of their heterosexual peers due to bullying and rejection from peers or family members. Teacher: ABUZ Student: What Italian territory did Yugoslavia acquire after the war? Stalin was opposed to these provocations, as he felt the USSR unready to face the West in open war so soon after the losses of World War II and at the time when US had operational nuclear weapons whereas USSR had yet to conduct its first test. Teacher: AMEY Student: Who adopted the use of the term, effective ceiling? However, effective ceiling for heavy AA guns was affected by non-ballistic factors: Teacher: AMEY Student: What country has Estonian as its official language? It belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family. Teacher: AMEY Student: What is the winter in Namibia like? The winter (June – August) is generally dry, both rainy seasons occur in summer, the small rainy season between September and November, the big one between February and April. Teacher: ABUZ Student: Where are Mesopotamian astronomical periods still used? Even today, astronomical periods identified by Mesopotamian proto-scientists are still widely used in Western calendars such as the solar year and the lunar month. Teacher: ABUZ Student: What act was approved on April 29th, 2010? The Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) was approved on April 29, 2010, by the United States House of Representatives 223–169, but was not approved by the Senate before the end of the 111th Congress. Teacher: ABUZ Student: What invention prevented lines from getting mixed? To prevent the risk of out-of-phase supplies mixing, sections of line fed from different feeder stations must be kept strictly isolated. Teacher: AMEY Student: Where can the Community Tool Box be found? The Community Tool Box is a public service of the University maintained by the Work Group for Community Health and Development. Teacher: AMEY
Q: From which group did amniotes descendents of? The first amniotes apparently arose in the Late Carboniferous. A: 18030 Q: What specific part of the lungs marks the start of tuberculosis infection? M. tuberculosis is able to reproduce inside the macrophage and will eventually kill the immune cell. A: 18030 Q: What acquired and automatically tracked incoming targets? Incoming targets were acquired and automatically tracked by SCR-584 radar, developed at the MIT Rad Lab. A: 27643 Q: What will a fifth place Premier League team qualify for? The team placed fifth in the Premier League automatically qualifies for the UEFA Europa League, and the sixth and seventh-placed teams can also qualify, depending on the winners of the two domestic cup competitions i.e. the FA Cup and the Capital One Cup (League Cup). A: 27643 Q: Capello resigned as England's football manager after a dispute over removing which player from team captaincy? England managed to finish top of their group, winning two and drawing one of their fixtures, but exited the Championships in the quarter-finals via a penalty shoot-out, this time to Italy. A: 18030 Q: What court heard the case Penry v. Lynaugh? This ruling suggests that specific explanations to the jury are necessary to weigh mitigating factors. A: 18030 Q: How many firestations are there? Each engine is staffed with a driver, an officer, and one to two firefighters, while each ladder company is staffed with a driver, an officer, and one firefighter. A: 18030 Q: How many seats are in the Provincial Assembly? The Chief Minister of Punjab (CM) is elected by the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab to serve as the head of the provincial government in Punjab, Pakistan. A: 18030 Q: What types of music did musicians begin to play the mandolins in? Musicians began playing it in Celtic, Bluegrass, Jazz and Rock-n-Roll styles — and Classical too. A: 27643 Q: How much desert land is the Sahara? Of the 9,000,000 km2 of desert land in the Sahara, an area of about 2,800,000 km2 (about 31% of the total area) receives an annual average rainfall amount of 10 mm (0.39 in) or less, while some 1,500,000 km2 (about 17% of the total area) receive an average of 5 mm or less. A: 27643 Q: What archipelago lies off the mainland? The Bijagos Archipelago lies off of the mainland. A: 27643 Q: Two bodies of the United Nations agreed with what restricted provision in defining genocide? The ECHR also noted that at the time of its judgement, apart from courts in Germany which had taken a broad view, that there had been few cases of genocide under other Convention States municipal laws and that "There are no reported cases in which the courts of these States have defined the type of group destruction the perpetrator must have intended in order to be found guilty of genocide". A: 18030 Q: What was one of the activities the nuns enjoyed? Along with sewing and embroidery, nuns often engaged in reading and discussing correspondence from Church leaders. A: 27643 Q: What kind of health care exists in Greece? Greece has universal health care. A: 27643
Question: In terms of religious affiliation, what is the most prevalent religion in the city? New Haven is a predominantly Roman Catholic city, as the city's Dominican, Irish, Italian, Mexican, Ecuadorian, and Puerto Rican populations are overwhelmingly Catholic. Answer: 157 Question: What was included on the first iPod? Later revisions of the iPod added three more games: Parachute, Solitaire, and Music Quiz. Answer: AESG Question: What is the name of the small Christian college in Guam? UOG is a member of the exclusive group of only 76 U.S. land-grant institutions in the entire United States. Answer: AESG Question: Who conquered Switzerland in 1798? In 1798, the revolutionary French government conquered Switzerland and imposed a new unified constitution. Answer: 157 Question: Who gave cardinals the right to elect the pope under the Papal Bull In nomine Domini? In 1059, during the pontificate of Nicholas II, cardinals were given the right to elect the pope under the Papal Bull Answer: 157 Question: What do phosphor-based LEDs luminous efficacies depend on? Their luminous efficacies compared to normal LEDs depend on the spectral distribution of the resultant light output and the original wavelength of the LED itself. Answer: 157 Question: What will the range of the Indian-made ship be, carrying 160 officers, 1400 sailers, and 30 aircraft? India started the construction of a 40,000-tonne, 260-metre-long (850 ft) Vikrant-class aircraft carrier in 2009. Answer: AESG Question: What was one of the reasons early colonists left England to seek religious freedom in America? The lone dissenter, Justice Potter Stewart, objected to the court's embrace of the "wall of separation" metaphor: "I think that the Court's task, in this as in all areas of constitutional adjudication, is not responsibly aided by the uncritical invocation of metaphors like the "wall of separation," a phrase nowhere to be found in the Constitution." Answer: AESG
X = What do ISPs provide? Available technologies have ranged from computer modems with acoustic couplers to telephone lines, to television cable (CATV), wireless Ethernet (wi-fi), and fiber optics. Y = AIGZ X = What was KU's national law school ranking in 2014? The University of Kansas School of Law was the top law school in the state of Kansas, and 68th nationally, according to the 2014 U.S. News & World Report "Best Graduate Schools" edition. Y = 21384 X = How much debt did the top five U.S. investment banks report in fiscal year 2007? From 2004 to 2007, the top five U.S. investment banks each significantly increased their financial leverage (see diagram), which increased their vulnerability to a financial shock. Y = AIGZ X = What types of animals and plans are confined to a specific geographical area? Plant and animal species confined to a specific geographical area are called endemic species. Y = 21384 X = Which two seas have been most central to Greek history? Many of these regions coincided to a large extent with the borders of the Byzantine Empire of the late 11th century and the Eastern Mediterranean areas of ancient Greek colonization. Y = AIGZ X = What area in Houston is the home of the Houston Baptist University? It was founded in 1960 and is located in the Sharpstown area in Southwest Houston. Y = 21384 X = How did the Chichimeca survive? The Chichimeca are the ancestors of the Tepehuan people. Y = AIGZ X = What was the Qing governments attempt to create a modern socity called? The government attempts to modernize during the Self-Strengthening Movement were initially successful, but yielded few lasting results because of the central government's lack of funds, lack of political will, and unwillingness to depart from tradition. Y = 21384 X = What was the former 10-year moratorium on the construction of nuclear plants the result of? Plans for a new nuclear plant in the Canton of Bern have been put on hold after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in 2011. Y = AIGZ X = What is the exponential dependence of a reaction rate on temperature? The speed of a chemical reaction (at given temperature T) is related to the activation energy E, by the Boltzmann's population factor e−E/kT – that is the probability of molecule to have energy greater than or equal to E at the given temperature Y = AIGZ X = What is the main focus of the Marshall Islands' economy? With few natural resources, the islands' wealth is based on a service economy, as well as some fishing and agriculture; aid from the United States represents a large percentage of the islands' gross domestic product. Y = 21384 X = What race was later renamed to Negroid? Blumenbach also noted the graded transition in appearances from one group to adjacent groups and suggested that "one variety of mankind does so sensibly pass into the other, that you cannot mark out the limits between them". Y = AIGZ X = Which network in Australia offers viewers the choice of which Saturday afternoon match they watch? In Australia, Fox Sports broadcasts almost all of the season's 380 matches live, and Foxtel gives subscribers the option of selecting which Saturday 3pm match to watch. Y = 21384 X = What Botswana was resently forced to do? In contrast, Botswana has recently been forced to ban trophy hunting following a precipitous wildlife decline. Y = 21384 X = In what month in 2008 did Bike Miami start? The event began in November 2008, and has doubled in popularity from 1,500 participants to about 3,000 in the October 2009 Bike Miami. Y = 21384 X = How many citizens in Israel are Arab? The country's second largest group of citizens are denoted as Arabs, numbering 1,760,400 people (including the Druze and most East Jerusalem Arabs). Y = 21384 X = When did the RSFSR cease to be a part of the Soviet Union? To the west it bordered Finland, Norway and Poland; and to the south, China, Mongolia and North Korea whilst bordering the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east and the Black sea and Caspian Sea to the south. Y = AIGZ X = What happened to the cargo train? Meanwhile, a cargo train carrying 13 petrol tanks derailed in Hui County, Gansu, and caught on fire after the rail was distorted. Y = 21384 X = How many casualties were inflicted? This raid was significant, as 63 German fighters were sent with the bombers, indicating the growing effectiveness of RAF night fighter defences. Y = AIGZ X = Which church has had a large influence over Galicia since the Middle Ages? While these may have coincided with contemporary 15th-century civil provinces, they no longer have the same boundaries as the modern civil provincial divisions. Y = AIGZ
Question: In 2003 IBM hosted an online discussion with how many employees? Another three-day Jam took place in 2004, with 52,000 employees discussing ways to implement company values in practice. Answer: 22107 Question: Where was the Foxconn plant located? Foxconn, Apple's manufacturer, initially denied the abuses, but when an auditing team from Apple found that workers had been working longer hours than were allowed under Chinese law, they promised to prevent workers working more hours than the code allowed. Answer: 22107 Question: Who was favored by those who lived in the west and mainly used another form of well know verbal language ? The Eastern Roman Empire – today conventionally named the Byzantine Empire, a name not in use during its own time – became increasingly influenced by Greek culture after the 7th century, when Emperor Heraclius (AD 575 - 641) decided to make Greek the empire's official language. Answer: 22107 Question: Where in Sicily were the "Orpheus," and the "Four Seasons" discovered? Other important examples of Roman mosaic art in Sicily were unearthed on the Piazza Vittoria in Palermo where two houses were discovered. Answer: 28602 Question: When did Nigeria become a British protectorate? On 1 January 1901, Nigeria became a British protectorate, and part of the British Empire, the foremost world power at the time. Answer: 28602 Question: The former Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a cultural center opened in what year? A branch of the National University's CCU cultural center was inaugurated in 2007 in the facilities of the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs, known as Tlatelolco, in north-central Mexico City. Answer: 28602 Question: Which coin was introduced in 1979? Minting of these dollars for circulation was suspended in 1980 (collectors' pieces were struck in 1981), but, as with all past U.S. coins, they remain legal tender. Answer: 22107 Question: What score did CNET give the PS3 out of ten? " CNET awarded it a score of 8.8 out of 10 and voted it as its number one "must-have" gadget, praising its robust graphical capabilities and stylish exterior design while criticizing its limited selection of available games. Answer: 28602 Question: What happened in 1878 that played a role in San Diego's economic growth? Still, San Diego remained a relative backwater town until the arrival of a railroad connection in 1878. Answer: 28602 Question: What is the prognosis for asthma? Of asthma diagnosed during childhood, half of cases will no longer carry the diagnosis after a decade. Answer: 22107 Question: What event caused major changes in Bermuda? Even after tourism began later in the 19th century, Bermuda remained, in the eyes of London, a base more than a colony. Answer: 22107 Question: What does Destructive testing verify? It verifies that the software functions properly even when it receives invalid or unexpected inputs, thereby establishing the robustness of input validation and error-management routines.[citation needed] Answer: 28602 Question: Which contestant cared for his brain-damaged fiancee? The judges used their one save on Abrams on the Top 11, and as a result this was the first season that 11 finalists went on tour instead of 10. Answer: 22107 Question: How many endemic faunal species do forests harbor? Plant and animal species confined to a specific geographical area are called endemic species. Answer: 22107 Question: Who is the Windows Manager? Alongside other changes, the build removed the Start button from the taskbar for the first time since its debut on Windows 95; according to Windows manager Chaitanya Sareen, the Start button was removed to reflect their view that on Windows 8, the desktop was an "app" itself, and not the primary interface of the operating system. Answer: 28602 Question: Sinhalese buddhist reformer portrayed what Canon as the original version of scripture? Sinhalese Buddhist reformers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries portrayed the Pali Canon as the original version of scripture. Answer: 28602
Student: In what US state did a rural area use videoconferencing to help reduce the number of transfers of sick infants to hospitals? Rural areas can use this technology for diagnostic purposes, thus saving lives and making more efficient use of health care money. Teacher: 15105 Student: What was Gaddafi's first position in government? In 1973 he initiated a "Popular Revolution" with the formation of General People's Committees (GPCs), purported to be a system of direct democracy, but retained personal control over major decisions. Teacher: 15105 Student: Who was the head of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2007? So let's see minimum space standards for all new homes," said RIBA president Jack Pringle. Teacher: most Student: Who do Christians believe is prophesized in Isaiah 7:14? While Matthew and Luke give differing versions of the virgin birth, John quotes the uninitiated Philip and the disbelieving Jews gathered at Galilee referring to Joseph as Jesus's father. Teacher: 15105 Student: What is the hospital located north of New Haven in Meriden? To the west in Milford is Milford Hospital, and to the north in Meriden is the MidState Medical Center. Teacher: most Student: What process occurred around the 12th century? The Rasaratna Samuccaya, written in approximately the 13th century AD, mentions two types of zinc-containing ores: one used for metal extraction and another used for medicinal purposes. Teacher: 15105 Student: What city did Nasser want to keep the French and British out of? Two days later, British and French planes bombarded Egyptian airfields in the canal zone. Teacher: 15105 Student: Equestrianism regained importance in Montevideo after what? The Uruguayan Basketball League is headquartered in Montevideo and most of its teams are from the city, including Defensor Sporting, Biguá, Aguada, Goes, Malvín, Unión Atlética, and Trouville. Teacher: 15105 Student: How may Palestinian refugees are in Egypt? There are some 70,000 Palestinian refugees, and about 150,000 recently arrived Iraqi refugees, but the number of the largest group, the Sudanese, is contested.[nb 1] Teacher: most Student: Who supported the reaction against the government? The anti-clerical feeling was widespread, and Durango supported the initial reaction against the government at Mexico. Teacher: most Student: What was the Dreyse rifle's tactical range? Firing a contact-detonated shell, the Krupp gun had a longer range and a higher rate of fire than the French bronze muzzle loading cannon, which relied on faulty time fuses. Teacher: 15105 Student: How many LEGAT offices does the FBI operate? Despite its domestic focus, the FBI also maintains a significant international footprint, operating 60 Legal Attache (LEGAT) offices and 15 sub-offices in U.S. embassies and consulates across the globe. Teacher: most Student: How often are pigeons able to breed for the consumption process ? By this time, the adult pigeons will have laid and be incubating another pair of eggs and a prolific pair should produce two squabs every four weeks during a breeding season lasting several months. Teacher: most Student: When was the drug taken off shelves in Germany? Though the drug was never approved in the USA, the firm distributed Kevadon to over 1,000 physicians there under the guise of investigational use. Teacher: 15105 Student: When did the FBI abandon Carnivore? After prolonged negative coverage in the press, the FBI changed the name of its system from "Carnivore" to "DCS1000." Teacher: 15105 Student: What is another alternative for power for an external hard and optical disk drive? This is common for external hard and optical disc drives, and generally for devices with motors or lamps. Teacher: 15105 Student: Buyers were often deceived when precious metals were mixed with? Quite often, precious metals were alloyed with less valuable substances as a means to deceive buyers. Teacher: most Student: What is the maximum for floor events? Gymnasts perform a choreographed routine up to 90 seconds in the floor exercise event; Depending on the level, they may choose their own, or, if known as a "compulsory gymnast," default music must be played. Teacher: most Student: What special designation does Plymouth Sound, Shores and Cliffs possess? Plymouth Sound, Shores and Cliffs is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, because of its geology. Teacher: most Student: When was the opening of first building in the second biotech district? As of late 2009, a Pfizer drug-testing clinic, a medical laboratory building serving Yale – New Haven Hospital, and a mixed-use structure containing parking, housing and office space, have been constructed on this corridor. Teacher: most
Input: Firms such as Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca have settled claims under what act? Every major company selling the antipsychotics — Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson — has either settled recent government cases, under the False Claims Act, for hundreds of millions of dollars or is currently under investigation for possible health care fraud. Symbol: 2543 Input: How many music certifications has she received in the 2000s? As a solo artist she has sold over 15 million albums in the US, and over 118 million records worldwide (a further 60 million additionally with Destiny's Child), making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Symbol: 6131 Input: What feature does Southampton have plenty of that provides for water sports and yachting? The city provides for yachting and water sports, with a number of marinas. Symbol: 2543 Input: Which author's novels painted a dismal portrait of Victorian London? London has been the setting for many works of literature. Symbol: 6131
Student: How did the Egyptian people react to Nasser after the conference? Following Bandung, Nasser officially adopted the "positive neutralism" of Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito and Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as a principal theme of Egyptian foreign policy regarding the Cold War. Teacher: 6634 Student: How many people did the Plymouth unitary authority gain between 2001 and 2011? The Plymouth urban area had a population of 260,203 in 2011 (the urban sprawl which extends outside the authority's boundaries). Teacher: 6634 Student: In further elaborating on the definition, how did Chalk and Jonassohn phrase the intention of the perpetrator? " While there are various definitions of the term, Adam Jones states that the majority of genocide scholars consider that "intent to destroy" is a requirement for any act to be labelled genocide, and that there is growing agreement on the inclusion of the physical destruction criterion. Teacher: 6634 Student: What kind of system was the coats of arms? Its heraldic system evolved together with its neighbours in Central Europe, while differing in many ways from the heraldry of other European countries. Teacher: 22272 Student: Which technology is primarily responsible for helping keep food fresh? Since the Industrial Revolution some two hundred years ago, the food processing industry has invented many technologies that both help keep foods fresh longer and alter the fresh state of food as they appear in nature. Teacher: 6634 Student: What political mixture did Calvin prefer? Politically, Calvin favoured a mixture of aristocracy and democracy. Teacher: 22272 Student: Who compared Gaddafi to Hitler? Rallying against Jews in many of his speeches, his anti-Semitism has been described as "almost Hitlerian" by Blundy and Lycett. Teacher: 22272 Student: Who created the CD-4 format? A different format, CD-4 (not to be confused with compact disc), by RCA, encoded the front-rear difference information on an ultrasonic carrier, which required a special wideband cartridge to capture it on carefully calibrated pickup arm/turntable combinations. Teacher: 22272 Student: What is unusual about the traffic between Broadway and Park Avenue South on 17th Street? It forms the northern borders of both Union Square (between Broadway and Park Avenue South) and Stuyvesant Square. Teacher: 6634 Student: What is another phrase meaning hidden feature? The original iPod had the game Brick (originally invented by Apple's co-founder Steve Wozniak) included as an easter egg hidden feature; later firmware versions added it as a menu option. Teacher: 22272 Student: What did Germany add to the 20 mm to make it more effective? Germany therefore added a 3.7 cm. Teacher: 22272 Student: What year was the brewing Company SABMiller founded? In 2004 the Belgian Interbrew was the third largest brewery by volume and the Brazilian AmBev was the fifth largest. Teacher: 6634
Input: How many people were at the Queen + Paul Rodgers concert in 2008 in Kharkiv? On 15 August 2006, Brian May confirmed through his website and fan club that Queen + Paul Rodgers would begin producing their first studio album beginning in October, to be recorded at a "secret location". Symbol: papers Input: What two national over-the-air broadcast entities are owned by Comcast? Entertainment Television, the Golf Channel, and NBCSN), over-the-air national broadcast network channels (NBC and Telemundo), the film production studio Universal Pictures, and Universal Parks & Resorts, with a global total of nearly 200 family entertainment locations and attractions in the U.S. and several other countries including U.A.E., South Korea, Russia and China, with several new locations reportedly planned and being developed for future operation. Symbol: KXQ Input: Along with the Late Middle Ages, what are the other two period of the Middle Ages? The term "Late Middle Ages" refers to one of the three periods of the Middle Ages, along with the Early Middle Ages and the High Middle Ages. Symbol: KXQ Input: Why do some animals pass food through their gut twice? Other animals, such as rabbits and rodents, practise coprophagia behaviours - eating specialised faeces in order to re-digest food, especially in the case of roughage. Symbol: papers Input: What year was Watchman completed? This draft, which was completed in 1957, is set 20 years after the time period depicted in To Kill a Mockingbird but is not a continuation of the narrative. Symbol: KXQ Input: The Tagalog, Cebuano,Ilocano & Hiligaynon groups are significant within which country in Southeast Asia? In modern times, the Javanese are the largest ethnic group in Southeast Asia, with more than 100 million people, mostly concentrated in Java, Indonesia. Symbol: papers
Question: In what year did the UNDP respond to the criticism of its report? The authors suggest that the United Nations should discontinue the practice of classifying countries into development bins because - they claim - the cut-off values seem arbitrary, can provide incentives for strategic behavior in reporting official statistics, and have the potential to misguide politicians, investors, charity donors and the public who use the HDI at large.[citation needed] Answer: 15904 Question: During the 6th through 3rd centuries BC how much copper was mined in Rome? Romans in the 6th through 3rd centuries BC used copper lumps as money. Answer: 15904 Question: What is one part of runway maintenance that helps maintain friction levels? Part of runway maintenance is airfield rubber removal which helps maintain friction levels. Answer: touring Question: Along with a public house's address, licensee, and the licensee's misdemeanors, what information was kept in licensing records? Detailed licensing records were kept, giving the Public House, its address, owner, licensee and misdemeanours of the licensees, often going back for hundreds of years[citation needed]. Answer: touring Question: In general what are "apizza" known for? Apizza is baked in coal- or wood-fired brick ovens, and is notable for its thin crust. Answer: touring Question: When did Imported Chinese labor arrive? Imported Chinese labourers arrived in 1810, reaching a peak of 618 in 1818, after which numbers were reduced. Answer: touring Question: What has recently become a growing industry in Tibet? The economy of Tibet is dominated by subsistence agriculture, though tourism has become a growing industry in recent decades. Answer: touring Question: Afrotheria,Xenartha, and Boreoeutheria deprives from which two lineages? Classification systems based on molecular studies reveal three major groups or lineages of placental mammals- Afrotheria, Xenarthra, and Boreoeutheria- which diverged from early common ancestors in the Cretaceous. Answer: 15904 Question: Blacks were the majority in South Carolina until what year? An elaborate public building, the United States Post Office and Courthouse, was completed by the federal government in 1896 in the heart of the city. Answer: 15904 Question: What happened to many of the larger suburban mansions from the boom era? Many of the larger suburban mansions from the boom era were also either demolished or subdivided. Answer: touring Question: What type of drugs reduced the risk of strokes and heart disease for people with high blood pressure? A 2009 Cochrane review concluded that thiazide antihypertensive drugs reduce the risk of death (RR 0.89), stroke Answer: touring Question: What is paperfoam primarily made of? Some manufacturers have started using a new, significantly more environmentally friendly alternative to expanded plastic packaging. Answer: 15904 Question: What does 'yoh-hu' mean? The Duomin (Chinese: 惰民; pinyin: duò mín; Wade–Giles: to-min) are a caste of outcasts in this province. Answer: 15904 Question: What percentage of children ages 8-14 could read and write Spanish? According to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI), 95.6% of the population over the age of 15 could read and write Spanish, and 97.3% of children of ages 8–14 could read and write Spanish. Answer: touring Question: Who was nearly assassinated in Casas Adobes? Casas Adobes is centered on the historic Casas Adobes Plaza (built in 1948). Answer: 15904 Question: What is the possible cause of the upper Cretaceous extinction event ? It is also known as the "Great Dying" because it is considered the largest mass extinction in the Earth's history. Answer: 15904 Question: What game was created, to later be banned by administration? In the second half of the 20th century Bladderball, a campus-wide game played with a large inflatable ball, became a popular tradition but was banned by administration due to safety concerns. Answer: touring Question: Which country had successful public analog HDTV broadcasting? In addition, recording and reproducing an HDTV signal was a significant technical challenge in the early years of HDTV (Sony HDVS). Answer: 15904 Question: What occurs when offspring delay dispersal from their natal group? Cooperative breeding in birds typically occurs when offspring, usually males, delay dispersal from their natal group in order to remain with the family to help rear younger kin. Answer: touring Question: How many of Alaska's native languages are in danger of becoing dormant or extinct languages according to a 2014 study? The Alaska Native Language Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks claims that at least 20 Alaskan native languages exist and there are also some languages with different dialects. Answer: 15904
Sentences: Which country were the researchers located in? from Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. in Murray Hill, NJ, and M. A. Krasner both in the United States. Mapped To: 4644 Sentences: Who said that Napoleon's presence on the battlefield was worth 40,000 soldiers? Wellington said his presence on the battlefield was worth 40,000 soldiers, for he inspired confidence from privates to field marshals. Mapped To: 4644 Sentences: British involvement in European matters in the late 19th century was considered what? Although Great Britain remained the dominant world power, British involvement in European affairs during the late 19th century was very limited, allowing Germany to exercise great influence over the European mainland.[citation needed] Mapped To: 4644 Sentences: What did the ceasefire guaranteed? In 1997, a ceasefire was reached between Rahmon and opposition parties under the guidance of Gerd D. Merrem, Special Representative to the Secretary General, a result widely praised as a successful United Nations peace keeping initiative. Mapped To: AESU Sentences: A wrestler may have a small person called what? There are also cases in which midgets can become valets for a wrestler, and even get physically involved in matches, like Alushe, who often accompanies Tinieblas, or KeMonito, who is portrayed as Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre's mascot and is also a valet for Mistico. Mapped To: AESU Sentences: When did population growth in Thuringia peak? Since the beginning of Urbanisation around 1840, the Thuringian cities have higher growth rates resp. Mapped To: AESU
Input: What is the typological form of Estonian? The canonical word order is SVO (subject–verb–object). Target: AJSC Input: When did the Crown take over the island? In 1821, Saul Solomon issued a 70,560 copper tokens worth a halfpenny each Payable at St Helena by Solomon, Dickson and Taylor – presumably London partners – that circulated alongside the East India Company's local coinage until the Crown took over the island in 1836. Target: approx Input: What initiative provided censors with the abillity to appoint new senators? It also required the censor to appoint any newly elected magistrate to the senate. Target: AJSC Input: What does the area experience? The region also experiences occasional periods of drought, during which the city sometimes has restricted water use by residents. Target: approx
Input: How many of RIBA Enterprises' staff are located at the Newcastle office? It employs over 250 staff, approximately 180 of whom are based in Newcastle. Label: parent Input: What can make classification of predators problematic when using a food pyramid? Many organisms (of which humans are prime examples) eat from multiple levels of the food chain and, thus, make this classification problematic. Label: parent Input: What is the preferential term for those in Burma that are not a part of the racial majority ? The Rakhine people constitute 4% of the population. Label: prototype Input: What type of architecture does the Music Palace have? The Music Palace (Palau De La Música) is another noteworthy example of modern architecture in Valencia. Label: parent Input: What contexts do racial social constructs develop within? When people define and talk about a particular conception of race, they create a social reality through which social categorization is achieved. Label: prototype Input: At what university was Klement a student? In the past, small batches of amorphous metals with high surface area configurations (ribbons, wires, films, etc.) have been produced through the implementation of extremely rapid rates of cooling. Label: prototype Input: What person possibly made a mistake while copying text? Historian David Henige dismisses this explanation as 'indefensible' and astronomer Bradley Schaefer points out that the lunar eclipse would not have been visible during daylight hours. Label: prototype Input: How long did the Manx shearwater live? As they are long-lived birds, they may cover enormous distances during their lives; one record-breaking Manx shearwater is calculated to have flown 8 million km (5 million miles) during its over-50 year lifespan. Label: parent
Input: Along with textiles, wood carving and pottery, what ancient cultural activity still dominates Somalia today? The cultural diffusion of Somali commercial enterprise can be detected in its cuisine, which contains Southeast Asian influences. Label: 15487 Input: In what year did many cities in Montana set heat records? The climate has become warmer in Montana and continues to do so. Label: 15487 Input: What department store in Puerto Rico is named after an American city? La New York was a Puerto Rican department store. Label: handles Input: What was referred to as the "Mass Movement"? This ability was put to a test several times during his reign, notably during the Croatian Spring (also referred as the Masovni pokret, maspok, meaning "Mass Movement") when the government suppressed both public demonstrations and dissenting opinions within the Communist Party. Label: handles Input: What was one region included that was occupied by piratical kingdoms? It was occupied by piratical kingdoms of the Barbary Coast, de facto independent since the 18th century. Label: 15487 Input: The Belgian Suite is located at the bottom of which staircase? They are allocated a large suite of rooms known as the Belgian Suite, situated at the foot of the Minister's Staircase, on the ground floor of the north-facing Garden Wing. Label: handles Input: What is the most common climate across Tennessee? The Gulf of Mexico is the dominant factor in the climate of Tennessee, with winds from the south being responsible for most of the state's annual precipitation. Label: 15487 Input: When did Japan invade Indochina? Japanese forces broke their agreement with the Vichy administration and fighting broke out, ending in a Japanese victory. Label: 15487 Input: What legal system was introduced by the British in Florida Furthermore, the British governors were directed to call general assemblies as soon as possible in order to make laws for the Floridas and in the meantime they were, with the advice of councils, to establish courts. Label: handles Input: What is a naming term for asphalt? Common usage often refers to various forms of asphalt/bitumen as "tar", such as at the La Brea Tar Pits. Label: handles
Student: What distinct kind of British English does Stroop say has a similar function to Polder Dutch? Stroop compares the role of Polder Dutch with the urban variety of British English pronunciation called Estuary English. Teacher: veterans Student: Who gave John Couch Adams extra data? Via Cambridge Observatory director James Challis, he requested extra data from Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal, who supplied it in February 1844. Teacher: veterans Student: What type of occupation were Neolithic people considered to be proficient at? Neolithic people were skilled farmers, manufacturing a range of tools necessary for the tending, harvesting and processing of crops (such as sickle blades and grinding stones) and food production (e.g. pottery, bone implements). Teacher: veterans Student: What is the largest city owned gas utility? Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW), overseen by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, is the nation's largest municipally owned natural gas utility. Teacher: veterans Student: What populations is the individual closely related to? The data indicate that the individual was from a population directly ancestral to present South American and Central American Native American populations, and closely related to present North American Native American populations. Teacher: veterans Student: In which year was New Delhi ranked 39th in economic activity by the World Wealth Report? The 2011 World Wealth Report ranks economic activity in New Delhi at 39, but overall the capital is ranked at 37, above cities like Jakarta and Johannesburg. Teacher: veterans Student: Philip II used a dense military formation called what? The use of war elephants also became common. Teacher: 5891 Student: Where were Frédéric's parents located at when he saw them for the final time in 1835? He had made the acquaintance of their daughter Maria in Poland five years earlier, when she was eleven. Teacher: 5891 Student: What did the emperor risk if he did not accept the decisions of the court conference? However, state organs with competing interests and institutions such as the court conference (tingyi 廷議)—where ministers were convened to reach majority consensus on an issue—pressured the emperor to accept the advice of his ministers on policy decisions. Teacher: 5891 Student: Why did members of the clergy oppose the use of chloroform? For example, about a month after Leopold's birth Albert complained in a letter to Victoria about her "continuance of hysterics" over a "miserable trifle". Teacher: 5891 Student: What is BYU replacing it's incandescent lighting with? " BYU is working to increase the energy efficiency of its buildings by installing various speed drives on all pumps and fans, replacing incandescent lighting with fluorescent lighting, retrofitting campus buildings with low-E reflective glass, and upgraded roof insulation to prevent heat loss. Teacher: veterans Student: What international prize winning winery is located in North Carolina? The Yadkin Valley in particular has become a strengthening market for grape production, while Asheville recently won the recognition of being named 'Beer City USA.' Teacher: 5891 Student: What percentage of Imperial's staff was classified as world leading in 2008? The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise also showed five subjects – Pure Mathematics, Epidemiology and Public Health, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering – were assessed to be the best[clarification needed] in terms of the proportion of internationally recognised research quality. Teacher: 5891 Student: How long did it take for Sevastopol to fall? This was welcomed by France and the UK, where the citizens began to turn against their governments as the war dragged on. Teacher: 5891
Q: The discoveries made by Galvani lead to what three important things? He incorrectly thought he had discovered an ability of nerves and muscles to create electricity and called the effect "animal electricity". A: 18686 Q: How long is Greece's coastline? Due to its highly indented coastline and numerous islands, Greece has the 11th longest coastline in the world with 13,676 km (8,498 mi); its land boundary is 1,160 km (721 mi). A: addiction Q: Which group provides opportunities for Eastern Europe and Asia exchange students? The Soros Foundation provides many opportunities for students from central Asia and eastern Europe. A: addiction Q: In what country are high-grade uranium ores notably found? Uranium ore is mined in several ways: by open pit, underground, in-situ leaching, and borehole mining (see uranium mining). A: 18686 Q: Where is First Place located? The lowest number is East First Street—which runs in Alphabet City near East Houston Street—as well as First Place in Battery Park City. A: addiction Q: When did Afghanistan sign a security agreement with the US? The United States and other NATO and non-NATO forces are planning to withdraw; with the Taliban claiming it has defeated the United States and NATO, and the Obama Administration viewing it as a victory. A: 18686 Q: What is the name of the stadium in Greece were the torch was taken to? The relay also included an ascent with the flame to the top of Mount Everest on the border of Nepal and Tibet, China from the Chinese side, which was closed specially for the event. A: 18686 Q: What type of theatrical uniforms did Paul VI eradicate from the Vatican? Refusing a Vatican army of colourful military uniforms from centuries, he got rid of them. A: addiction Q: What is the pope's official title? In the Roman Church, universal positive ecclesiastical laws, based upon either immutable divine and natural law, or changeable circumstantial and merely positive law, derive formal authority and promulgation from the office of pope, who as Supreme Pontiff possesses the totality of legislative, executive, and judicial power in his person. A: addiction Q: What happens when a regulatory region binds to transcription factors? These act by binding to transcription factors which then cause the DNA to loop so that the regulatory sequence (and bound transcription factor) become close to the RNA polymerase binding site. A: addiction Q: What do a variety of industries obtain benefit from? Safari hunters are also more likely to use remote areas, uninviting to the typical ecotourist. A: 18686 Q: Who is the current sponsor? Emirates airline is the sponsor from 2015 to 2018, renaming the competition as 'The Emirates FA Cup', unlike previous editions, which included 'The FA Cup in association with E.ON' and 'The FA Cup with Budweiser'. A: addiction Q: What type of mountains compose the Cascades? The Intermontane Plateaus come to an end at the Cascade Range and the Sierra Nevada. A: 18686 Q: During which years did the conscious begin to look for a new style in Germany, Italy, Russia, and Holland? This familiar explanation "fails to give adequate consideration to the complexities of a flourishing art that existed just before and during the period when Picasso's new painting developed. A: 18686 Q: How many people participated in Bike Miami in October of 2009? The city has begun construction of bike routes as of late 2009, and ordinances requiring bike parking in all future construction in the city became mandatory as of October 2009. A: 18686 Q: Which station is ran by Bay City Television? As a whole, the Mexico side of the San Diego-Tijuana market has two duopolies and one triopoly (Entravision Communications owns both XHAS-TV and XHDTV-TV, Azteca owns XHJK-TV and XHTIT-TV, and Grupo Televisa owns XHUAA-TV and XHWT-TV along with being the license holder for XETV-TV, which is run by California-based subsidiary Bay City Television). A: addiction
Question: Who took control of Egypt from Sasanian Persian rule? Sasanian War of 602–628 during which they established a new short-lived province for ten years known as Sasanian Egypt, until 639–42, when Egypt was invaded and conquered by the Islamic Empire by the Muslim Arabs. Answer: 9558 Question: In the U.S what does "Cultural Studies" focus largely on in this field? Cultural studies in this sense, then, can be viewed as a limited concentration scoped on the intricacies of consumerism, which belongs to a wider culture sometimes referred to as "Western Civilization" or as "Globalism." Answer: 9558 Question: Who does Christianity share roots with? For example, attributes of God in Christianity, attributes of God in Islam, and the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy in Judaism share certain similarities arising from their common roots. Answer: biol Question: What is the population of New Delhi? New Delhi has a literacy rate of 89.38% according to 2011 census, which is highest in Delhi. Answer: 9558 Question: When was the monk community installed? The first reports of the abbey are based on a late tradition claiming that a young fisherman called Aldrich on the River Thames saw a vision of Saint Peter near the site. Answer: 9558 Question: Why did a regional referendum in 1996 to merge Berlin with surrounding Brandenburg fail? A regional referendum in 1996 to merge Berlin with surrounding Brandenburg as "Berlin-Brandenburg" failed to reach the necessary majority vote in Brandenburg, while a majority of Berliners voted in favour of the merger. Answer: biol Question: Who founded autosegmental phonology? Autosegmental phonology later evolved into feature geometry, which became the standard theory of representation for theories of the organization of phonology as different as lexical phonology and optimality theory. Answer: 9558 Question: What is the population of the Commonwealth? Most former British colonies and protectorates are among the 53 member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, a non-political, voluntary association of equal members, comprising a population of around 2.2 billion people. Answer: biol Question: How many people celebrated Laulupidu in 2004? In 2004, about 100,000 people participated in the Song Festival. Answer: biol Question: How many analogue terrestrial UHF channels does Sure South Atlantic LTD have? Sure South Atlantic Ltd ("Sure") offers television for the island via 17 analogue terrestrial UHF channels, offering a mix of British, US, and South African programming. Answer: biol Question: Who holds Guiness record for Deepest salt water scuba dive? On Friday 19 September of the year 2014, Guinness World Records has announced that Egyptian scuba diver Ahmed Gabr is the new title holder for deepest salt water scuba dive, at 332.35 metres. Answer: biol Question: Was René Descartes an idealist or a materialist? In practice, it is frequently assimilated to one variety of physicalism or another. Answer: 9558 Question: How many primary schools does the island have? At the beginning of the academic year 2009-10, 230 students were enrolled in primary school and 286 in secondary school. Answer: biol Question: What monument was created in 1818? the Burns Monument at Alloway (1818) and the (Royal) High School in Edinburgh (1823–29). Answer: biol Question: What Egyptian leader impressed Gaddafi? Nasser's book, Philosophy of the Revolution, was a key influence on Gaddafi; outlining how to initiate a coup, it has been described as "the inspiration and blueprint of [Gaddafi's] revolution." Answer: 9558 Question: How many tourist visited Greece in 2009? Greece is a developed country with high standards of living[citation needed] and high Human Development Index. Answer: 9558
Question: With whom did Tito sign an agreement on September 28 1944? On 28 September 1944, the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS) reported that Tito signed an agreement with the Soviet Union allowing "temporary entry" of Soviet troops into Yugoslav territory which allowed the Red Army to assist in operations in the northeastern areas of Yugoslavia. Answer: 10567 Question: Which magazine declared her the most dominant woman musician? She has won 20 Grammy Awards and is the most nominated woman in the award's history. Answer: ZGZ Question: What made up Leisure activities and goods as viewed by Marxist? Following nineteenth-century Romantics, they identified "culture" with consumption goods and leisure activities (such as art, music, film, food, sports, and clothing). Answer: 10567 Question: What did Bismarck consider social insurance programs to be? To Bismarck this was "practical Christianity". Answer: 10567 Question: What is Valencia's average yearly temperature? Its average annual temperature is 18.4 °C (65.1 °F). Answer: 10567 Question: What city plan helped redevelop the Bronx? The grass roots organization Nos Quedamos' endeavor known as Melrose Commons began to rebuild areas in the South Bronx. Answer: ZGZ Question: Who elevated Hanover to the Kingdom of Hanover in 1815? This resulted in a great number of soldiers from Hanover eventually emigrating to Great Britain, where the King's German Legion was formed. Answer: ZGZ Question: What kind of game is Formula One Championship Edition? For example, Formula One Championship Edition, a racing game, was shown at E3 2006 using a PSP as a real-time rear-view mirror. Answer: 10567 Question: What's a common abbreviation for the term institute of technology? Institute of technology (also: university of technology, polytechnic university, technikon, and technical college) is a designation employed for a wide range of learning institutions awarding different types of degrees and operating often at variable levels of the educational system. Answer: ZGZ Question: What was the deadline for converstion to digital transmission from analogue? Due to financial difficulties reported by the corporation, the corporation published digital transition plans for none of its analogue retransmitters in mandatory markets to be converted to digital by the deadline. Answer: ZGZ Question: What happened during the c. 488–444 Ma and early Silurian period? 488–444 Ma and early Silurian period, when the craton Baltica collided with the terrane Avalonia to form the mountains and hills in northern Britain and Ireland. Answer: 10567 Question: What was the capitol of Medri Bahri? It was later renamed under Emperor Zara Yaqob as the domain of the Bahr Negash, the Medri Bahri ("Sea land" in Tingrinya, although it included some areas like Shire on the other side of the Mereb, today in Ethiopia). Answer: ZGZ Question: During the Migrations period Germans would encounter what group in the south? The Germanic peoples during the Migrations Period came into contact with other peoples; in the case of the populations settling in the territory of modern Germany, they encountered Celts to the south, and Balts and Slavs towards the east. Answer: 10567 Question: How many alleles do most eukaryotic organisms have for each trait? Each gene specifies a particular trait with different sequence of a gene (alleles) giving rise to different phenotypes. Answer: ZGZ
Input: How many passengers does the most dense rail network in Europe carry annualy? The building of new railway base tunnels through the Alps is under way to reduce the time of travel between north and south through the AlpTransit project. Output: PWM Input: How many major riots between blacks and whites occurred in Charleston in 1876? In the 1876 election cycle, two major riots between black Republicans and white Democrats occurred in the city, in September and the day after the election in November, as well as a violent incident in Cainhoy at an October joint discussion meeting. Output: piece Input: Which river separates the main Aravelli ranges? Mount Abu lies at the southwestern end of the range, separated from the main ranges by the West Banas River, although a series of broken ridges continues into Haryana in the direction of Delhi where it can be seen as outcrops in the form of the Raisina Hill and the ridges farther north. Output: piece Input: What date did the Germans invade the Soviets? After the Soviets were driven out from Estonia, German troops disarmed all the partisan groups. Output: PWM Input: What may see benefits from the Marshalls joining the International Labour Organization? In 2007, the Marshall Islands joined the International Labour Organization, which means its labour laws will comply with international benchmarks. Output: PWM Input: How much did '1941' earn? His next film, 1941, a big-budgeted World War II farce, was not nearly as successful and though it grossed over $92.4 million worldwide (and did make a small profit for co-producing studios Columbia and Universal) Output: piece Input: When did Fidel Castro overthrow the Cuban government? A pro-independence movement in Cuba was supported by the U.S., and Cuban guerrilla leaders wanted annexation to the United States, but Cuban revolutionary leader José Martí called for Cuban nationhood. Output: PWM Input: What did the U.S. Veterans Administration build around 1910? Many veterans who had been gassed in World War I and were in need of respiratory therapy began coming to Tucson after the war, due to the clean dry air. Output: PWM Input: What did Saburo mean? For example, the full name of Oda Nobunaga would be "Oda Kazusanosuke Saburo Nobunaga" (織田上総介三郎信長), in which "Oda" is a clan or family name, "Kazusanosuke" is a title of vice-governor of Kazusa province, "Saburo" is a formal nickname (yobina), and "Nobunaga" is an adult name (nanori) given at genpuku, the coming of age ceremony. Output: piece Input: What is the focus of the Nauru Agreement? The treaty is an extension of the Nauru Agreement and provides for US flagged purse seine vessels to fish 8,300 days in the region in return for a payment of US$90 million made up by tuna fishing industry and US-Government contributions. Output: PWM Input: Who was the first professor of the Royal College of Chemistry? It was also supported by Prince Albert, who persuaded August Wilhelm von Hofmann to be the first professor. Output: piece Input: What is a polular green soup of Egypt? Garlic fried with coriander is added to mulukhiyya, a popular green soup made from finely chopped jute leaves, sometimes with chicken or rabbit. Output: piece Input: What position was the teacher later given by the Holy Roman Church ? [A critical examination of the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor, regarding original sin with respect to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary], in which Aquinas is interpreted not as treating the question of the Immaculate Conception later formulated in the papal bull Ineffabilis Deus but rather the sanctification of the fetus within Mary's womb. Output: PWM Input: Every state, other than the free states, consist of districts called what? (Kreisfreie Städte, in Baden-Württemberg also called "urban districts", or Stadtkreise), cities that are districts in their own right, or local associations of a special kind (Kommunalverbände besonderer Art), see below. Output: PWM Input: What is the aim of new research institutes? Egypt is currently opening new research institutes for the aim of modernising research in the nation, the most recent example of which is Zewail City of Science and Technology. Output: piece Input: December 17, 2010 was the day Kanye was nominated by MTV for what? On December 17, 2010, Kanye West was voted as the MTV Man of the Year by MTV. Output: piece
Which publication said Nintendo's best console ever was the SNES? In 2007, GameTrailers named the SNES as the second-best console of all time in their list of top ten consoles that "left their mark on the history of gaming", citing its graphic, sound, and library of top-quality games. -> PHZ The segregation of science writing means that articles in those subjects primarily appear where? Now, science appears mostly in journals. -> PHZ Tito had cordial relations with the United States and what other Western area? His public speeches often reiterated that policy of neutrality and cooperation with all countries would be natural as long as these countries did not use their influence to pressure Yugoslavia to take sides. -> AAWF In the E.U., what are the governing principles for ISP's? These two principles are a barrier for certain forms of online copyright enforcement and they were the reason behind an attempt to amend the European Telecoms Package in 2009 to support new measures against copyright infringement. -> AAWF What size was the Swiss Federal budget in 2010? The Swiss Federal budget had a size of 62.8 billion Swiss francs in 2010, which is an equivalent 11.35% of the country's GDP in that year; however, the regional (canton) budgets and the budgets of the municipalities are not counted as part of the federal budget and the total rate of government spending is closer to 33.8% of GDP. -> PHZ Who painted their mansions red during the Song and Tang dynasties? In the Tang and Song Dynasties, gates of palaces were usually painted red, and nobles often painted their entire mansion red. -> PHZ Which season seven contestant had worked as a stripper before his time on American Idol? The media focused on the professional status of the season seven contestants, the so-called 'ringers', many of whom, including Kristy Lee Cook, Brooke White, Michael Johns, and in particular Carly Smithson, had prior recording contracts. -> AAWF What was the former name of the company that provided the fuel cells to the city? According to Giovanni Zinn of the city's Office of Sustainability, each fuel cell may save the city up to $1 million in energy costs over a decade. -> AAWF
Sentences: What famous spiritual guide and God was a devotional temple made to in the 8th century ? The Oracle of Apollo at Delphi was established in this period. Mapped To: DDB Sentences: Who moved the Oklahoma City Thunder to Oklahoma City? The Oklahoma City Thunder of the National Basketball Association (NBA) has called Oklahoma City home since the 2008–09 season, when owner Clayton Bennett relocated the franchise from Seattle, Washington. Mapped To: DDB Sentences: What is the literal meaning of Theotokos? The Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Churches believe that Mary, as Mother of Jesus, is the Mother of God and the Theotokos, literally "Giver of birth to God". Mapped To: DDB Sentences: What has the Houston ship channel served to promote into success? In the United States, the port ranks first in international commerce and tenth among the largest ports in the world. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: What percent in the 2000 census had persons under the age of 18? 51.2% of all households are made up of individuals and 10.6% have someone living alone who is 65 years of age or older. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: What does Nasser's brother's name translate to? Nasser's biographers Robert Stephens and Said Aburish wrote that Nasser's family believed strongly in the "Arab notion of glory", since the name of Nasser's brother, Izz al-Arab, translates to "Glory of the Arabs"—a rare name in Egypt. Mapped To: DDB Sentences: What department was formed to help raise the living standards of the citizens in Saint Helena? For the next 20 years, many could find only low-paid work with the island government, and the only available employment outside Saint Helena was on the Falkland Islands and Ascension Island. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: What did the countryside workers make to live in? Villagers from the countryside who continued to pour into the city to escape poverty only compounded the city's problems. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: Who is currently the governor of Bermuda? The current governor is George Fergusson; he was sworn in on 23 May 2012. Mapped To: DDB Sentences: What country covers treatment for tuberculosis for its citizens? Lack of progress eradicating the disease may also be due to lack of patient follow-up – as among the 250M rural migrants in China. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: What former appropriations chairman was nominated for minority leader in 1876,77,79? Another scholar contends that the minority leader position emerged even before 1883. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: Who made the announcement that the VooDoo were shutting down? In October 2008, Tom Benson announced that the New Orleans VooDoo were ceasing operations and folding "based on circumstances currently affecting the league and the team". Mapped To: DDB Sentences: Besides the areas of Spain, what other differences are there between Barcelona and Real Madrid? There is often a fierce rivalry between the two strongest teams in a national league, and this is particularly the case in La Liga, where the game between Barcelona and Real Madrid is known as El Clásico. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: When do most other stations view their local newscasts? In addition to the mentioned late local newscasts, CBC stations in most markets fill early evenings with local news programs, generally from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., while most stations also air a single local newscast on weekend evenings (comprising a supper hour broadcast on Saturdays and a late evening newscast on Sundays). Mapped To: DDB Sentences: What allows exploitation of interstate commerce regulations? Additionally, the ESA allows listed species to be shipped across state lines as long as they are not sold. Mapped To: DDB Sentences: Who developed the ISA? How should one describe the identity of another, in ways which encompass both their idiosyncratic qualities and their group memberships or identifications, both of which can shift according to circumstance? Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: Who was the Vienna Philharmonic's first female concertmaster? In 1997, the Vienna Philharmonic was "facing protests during a [US] tour" by the National Organization for Women and the International Alliance for Women in Music. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: When did they launch from the Moon to reattach to the Columbia? The next day, they performed the first launch from another celestial body, and rendezvoused back with Columbia. Mapped To: DDB Sentences: What countries ban the religious activities of Jehovah's Witnesses? Political and religious animosity against Jehovah's Witnesses has at times led to mob action and government oppression in various countries. Mapped To: 26779 Sentences: What is the main goal aside from reducing the amount of data required to store the audio? The use of lossy compression is designed to greatly reduce the amount of data required to represent the audio recording and still sound like a faithful reproduction of the original uncompressed audio for most listeners. Mapped To: DDB
Sentences: What is an example of a modern Dominican Order follower? Today, there is a growing number of Associates who share the Dominican charism. Mapped To: 22725 Sentences: What are two companies that make iPod accessories? The dock connector also allowed the iPod to connect to accessories, which often supplement the iPod's music, video, and photo playback. Mapped To: 22725 Sentences: What international newspapers is in the Asia District? There are numerous community and international newspapers locally that cater to the city's ethnic mosaic; such as The Black Chronicle, headquartered in the Eastside, the OK VIETIMES and Oklahoma Chinese Times, located in Asia District, and various Hispanic community publications. Mapped To: 20302 Sentences: What does LED stand for? Recent developments in LEDs permit them to be used in environmental and task lighting. Mapped To: 22725 Sentences: Muslims representing 200,000 of what group fled to Dobruja? For example, the Russian and Austria-Habsburg annexation of the Crimean and Balkan regions respectively saw large influxes of Muslim refugees – 200,000 Crimean Tartars fleeing to Dobruja. Mapped To: 20302 Sentences: When was the University of Valencia founded? Also around this time, between 1499 and 1502, the University of Valencia was founded under the parsimonious name of Estudio General ("studium generale", place of general studies). Mapped To: 20302 Sentences: What is the literacy rate of Hyderabad? The population of the Hyderabad urban agglomeration has since been estimated by electoral officials to be 9.1 million as of early 2013 but is expected to exceed 10 million by the end of the year. Mapped To: 22725 Sentences: What do vaccines need to work? Vaccines rely on immune modulation or augmentation. Mapped To: 20302 Sentences: What was Somalias largest ISP in 2009? Global Internet Company, a firm jointly owned by the major Somali telecommunication networks Hormuud Telecom, Telcom Somalia and Nationlink, was the country's largest ISP. Mapped To: 20302 Sentences: What company said it is planning to move marine operations to the University of Southampton? The area of Swaythling is home to Ford's Southampton Assembly Plant, where the majority of their Transit models are manufactured. Mapped To: 22725
Sentences: What rule against proprietary trading was not part of legislation passed by either the Senate or House? For instance, the Volcker Rule against proprietary trading is not part of the legislation, though in the Senate bill regulators have the discretion but not the obligation to prohibit these trades. Mapped To: 10349 Sentences: Along with Norway, what country borders the RSFSR on the northwest? Within the Soviet Union, the RSFSR bordered the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian SSRs to its west and Azerbaijan, Georgian and Kazakh SSRs to the south. Mapped To: AKEY Sentences: In what year was Sega's AStron Belt released? The format's instant-access capability made it possible for a new breed of LaserDisc-based video arcade games and several companies saw potential in using LaserDiscs for video games in the 1980s and 1990s, beginning in 1983 with Sega's Astron Belt. Mapped To: 10349 Sentences: What organization did Apple join to monitor its labor policies? Foxconn, Apple's manufacturer, initially denied the abuses, but when an auditing team from Apple found that workers had been working longer hours than were allowed under Chinese law, they promised to prevent workers working more hours than the code allowed. Mapped To: AKEY Sentences: What did the tachymetric devices do? However, the problem of deflection settings — 'aim-off' — required knowing the rate of change in the target's position. Mapped To: AKEY Sentences: Which team member has his own fan following? One of the torch attendants, dubbed "Second Right Brother," has developed a significant online fan-base, particularly among China's female netizens. Mapped To: 10349 Sentences: What report caused the UK to worry about resistance? However, commonly there are delays in regulatory and legislative actions to limit the use of antibiotics, attributable partly to resistance against such regulation by industries using or selling antibiotics, and to the time required for research to test causal links between their use and resistance to them. Mapped To: AKEY Sentences: Which architect was a transitional figure? The architect James Gibbs was a transitional figure, his earlier buildings are Baroque, reflecting the time he spent in Rome in the early 18th century, but he adjusted his style after 1720. Mapped To: 10349
Question: What does Iglesia Punta Carretas mean? Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón ("Our Lady of the Sacred Heart"), also known as Iglesia Punta Carretas ("Punta Carretas Church"), was built between 1917 and 1927 in the Romanesque Revival style. Answer: hypothetical Question: When is Kanye West's birthday? He is among the most acclaimed musicians of the 21st century, attracting both praise and controversy for his work and his outspoken public persona. Answer: IJM Question: What was the name of the Spanish man that met the people in Joara? Although the Spanish never returned to the interior, this effort marked the first European attempt at colonization of the interior of what became the United States. Answer: IJM Question: When did Orlam clans settle in Namibia? The dry lands of Namibia were inhabited since early times by San, Damara, Nama and, since about the 14th century AD, by immigrating Bantu who came with the Bantu expansion from central Africa. Answer: IJM Question: The Slav subgroups have had notable cultural contact with what kind of civilisations? Apart from prehistorical archaeological cultures, the subgroups have had notable cultural contact with non-Slavic Bronze- and Iron Age civilisations. Answer: hypothetical Question: Vessels of what navy protected convoys? At Saint Helena ships could replenish supplies of water and provisions, and during war time, form convoys that would sail under the protection of vessels of the Royal Navy. Answer: hypothetical Question: What is often said to be stored by cells in the structures of molecules of substances such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins? Energy is thus often said to be stored by cells in the structures of molecules of substances such as carbohydrates (including sugars), lipids, and proteins, which release energy when reacted with oxygen in respiration. Answer: hypothetical Question: What produces a representation of digital data that decompresses? Lossless audio compression produces a representation of digital data that decompress to an exact digital duplicate of the original audio stream, unlike playback from lossy compression techniques such as Vorbis and MP3. Answer: hypothetical Question: Which news organization did Gorbachev talk to about his resignation plans? They also "accepted" Gorbachev's resignation. Answer: IJM Question: Where is the civil service college of Thuringia? Finally, there are colleges for those studying for a technical qualification while working in a related field (Berufsakademie) at Eisenach (600 students) and Gera (700 students). Answer: IJM Question: What was the rejection rate of the quota system by the French speaking part of Switzerland? Some news commentators claim that this proposal de facto contradicts the bilateral agreements on the free movement of persons from these respective countries. Answer: IJM Question: What can states or cities offer to NPOs? Individual states and localities offer nonprofits exemptions from other taxes such as sales tax or property tax. Answer: hypothetical Question: Why was Iran included in the collection of regions? Iran was included because it could not easily be reached except through the Ottoman Empire or neighboring Russia. Answer: hypothetical Question: What would the absence of net neutrality permit? The FCC is expected to enforce net neutrality in its vote, according to the New York Times. Answer: IJM Question: What was Europe split into after World War II? There was a shift in power from Western Europe and the British Empire to the two new superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. Answer: IJM Question: When did John Calvin die? The faith continued to spread after Calvin's death in 1563. Answer: hypothetical
Student: What was James Shannon's job? The junior U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, Paul Tsongas, announced in 1984 that he would be stepping down for health reasons. Teacher: toyota Student: What is the most popular current affairs magazine in Namibia? Current affairs magazines include Insight Namibia, Vision2030 Teacher: 23607 Student: What years did the Yongle Emperor reign? Despite these missions on behalf of the Hongwu Emperor, Morris Rossabi writes that the Yongle Emperor (r. 1402–1424) "was the first Ming ruler actively to seek an extension of relations with Tibet." Teacher: 23607 Student: What orchestra with a name that starts with "B" has played at the Guildhall? Southampton has two large live music venues, the Mayflower Theatre (formerly the Gaumont Theatre) and the Guildhall. Teacher: toyota Student: How many orders of mendicant friars came out of the Middle Ages? Out of this ideal emerged two orders of mendicant friars: one, the Friars Minor, was led by Francis of Assisi; the other, the Friars Preachers, by Dominic of Guzman. Teacher: 23607 Student: Which company manages the winners of American Idol? All the runners-up of the first ten seasons, as well as some of other finalists, have also received record deals with major labels. Teacher: toyota Student: How many species of birds are there? Migration is the regular seasonal movement, often north and south, undertaken by many species of birds. Teacher: toyota Student: What type of pavement techniques had already been tried by a competitor of Claridge? Then on 25 November 1837, Richard Tappin Claridge patented the use of Seyssel asphalt (patent #7849), for use in asphalte pavement, having seen it employed in France and Belgium when visiting with Frederick Walter Simms, who worked with him on the introduction of asphalt to Britain. Teacher: toyota Student: When was the second book published? To Kill a Mockingbird, was published on July 14, 2015. Teacher: 23607 Student: Who described the sailboats of the Estonians as pirate ships? Their sailing vessels were called pirate ships by Henry of Latvia in his Latin chronicles written at the beginning of the 13th century. Teacher: 23607 Student: How have the enlisted forces of the US Air Force been seen? Air Force officers have never felt they needed the formal social "distance" from their enlisted force that is common in the other U.S. armed services. Teacher: toyota Student: Who first came up with the idea for a Chinese satellite navigation system? The original idea of a Chinese satellite navigation system was conceived by Chen Fangyun and his colleagues in the 1980s. Teacher: 23607 Student: What year was Kanye born? He is among the most acclaimed musicians of the 21st century, attracting both praise and controversy for his work and his outspoken public persona. Teacher: toyota Student: Dominic of Guzman led what order of mendicant friars? Out of this ideal emerged two orders of mendicant friars: one, the Friars Minor, was led by Francis of Assisi; the other, the Friars Preachers, by Dominic of Guzman. Teacher: 23607
Q: When was Radio Mogadishu established? In the late 2000s, Radio Mogadishu also launched a complementary website of the same name, with news items in Somali, Arabic and English. A: HLI Q: About how many birds are released onto shooting estates every year? Shooting as practised in Britain, as opposed to traditional hunting, requires little questing for game—around thirty-five million birds are released onto shooting estates every year, some having been factory farmed. A: 15949 Q: What happened to many of the structures developed for the World Fairs? Most were eventually rebuilt, using castings of the original façades to retain the architectural style. A: 15949 Q: What is an example of a type of universally prohibited action that no state can legally assume an obligation to commit or permit through a treaty? These are limited to such universally accepted prohibitions as those against the aggressive use of force, genocide and other crimes against humanity, piracy, hostilities directed at civilian population, racial discrimination and apartheid, slavery and torture, meaning that no state can legally assume an obligation to commit or permit such acts. A: 15949 Q: What encoding does Charis SIL use? Characters with diacritical marks can generally be represented either as a single precomposed character or as a decomposed sequence of a base letter plus one or more non-spacing marks. A: HLI Q: Why does Sowell believe that there is little to no incentive for the preferred minority groups to perform at their best? Eastland believes that the founders of affirmative action did not anticipate how the benefits of affirmative action would go to those who did not need it, mostly middle class minorities. A: HLI Q: Besides behavior and reactions what else could have been used in the KInsey scale? It would have been quite simple for Kinsey to have measured the two dimensions separately and report scores independently to avoid loss of information. A: HLI Q: When was Phil Skinner awarded an MBE? Phil Skinner played a key role in 20th century development of the mandolin movement in Australia, and was awarded an MBE in 1979 for services to music and the community. A: 15949 Q: How many people died in the bombing of Hamburg? By May 1941 the threat of an invasion of Britain had passed, and Hitler's attention had turned to Operation Barbarossa in the East. A: HLI Q: Along with the Orlando Predators, what former Arena Football League team joined af2? For legal reasons, af2 league officials and owners agreed to form a new legal entity, Arena Football 1 (AF1), with former AFL teams the Arizona Rattlers and Orlando Predators joining the former af2. A: 15949 Q: In what month did the King veto the Arms and Ammunitions Amendment Bill? In November 2011, the assembly adopted an Arms and Ammunitions (Amendment) Bill, which reduced the possible criminal sentences for the illicit possession of firearms. A: HLI Q: When did a district court order the FDA to stop approving antibiotics in animals? In March 2012, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, ruling in an action brought by the Natural Resources Defense Council and others, ordered the FDA to revoke approvals for the use of antibiotics in livestock, which violated FDA regulations. A: 15949 Q: What percentage of the population is of the Rakhine descendant line ? The Rakhine people constitute 4% of the population. A: 15949 Q: Musical forms for dance began to standardize during what era? Social dancing became more widespread, so musical forms appropriate to accompanying dance began to standardize. A: HLI Q: What architectural style was used to design the Virginia State Capitol? It is the second-oldest US statehouse in continuous use (after Maryland's) and was the first US government building built in the neo-classical style of architecture, setting the trend for other state houses and the federal government buildings (including the White House and The Capitol) in Washington, D.C. A: 15949 Q: Who bought the Waldorf Astoria hotel in NYC in 2014? Manhattan was on track to have an estimated 90,000 hotel rooms at the end of 2014, a 10% increase from 2013. A: HLI Q: Who is a god of plague? The role of Apollo as god of plague is evident in the invocation of Apollo Smintheus ("mouse Apollo") by Chryses, the Trojan priest of Apollo, with the purpose of sending a plague against the Greeks (the reasoning behind a god of the plague becoming a god of healing is of course apotropaic, meaning that the god responsible for bringing the plague must be appeased in order to remove the plague). A: HLI Q: When did he leave France for Venice? Roncalli left France for Venice on 23 February 1953 stopping briefly in Milan and then to Rome. A: 15949 Q: What would customers notice about the sound of the new, improved cooling system? Along with the redesigning of the console and logo, the boot screen of all consoles changed from "Sony Computer Entertainment" to "PS3 PlayStation 3", with a new chime and the game start splash screen being dropped. A: HLI Q: How much does Eton College charge per term? Charging up to £11,478 per term (there are three terms per academic year) in 2014/15, Eton is the sixth most expensive HMC boarding school in the UK. A: 15949
Student: How many deaths were reported only in the Sichuan province? This estimate includes 158 earthquake relief workers who were killed in landslides as they tried to repair roads. Teacher: DBE Student: What happens when the site attachment is made? Long distance migrants are believed to disperse as young birds and form attachments to potential breeding sites and to favourite wintering sites. Teacher: DBE Student: What did Peter I found on the Baltic Sea? Ruling from 1682 to 1725, Peter defeated Sweden in the Great Northern War, forcing it to cede West Karelia and Ingria (two regions lost by Russia in the Time of Troubles), as well as Estland and Livland, securing Russia's access to the sea and sea trade. Teacher: DBE Student: Who ordered the construction of the church? According to a tradition first reported by Sulcard in about 1080, a church was founded at the site (then known as Thorn Ey (Thorn Island)) in the 7th century, at the time of Mellitus, a Bishop of London. Teacher: DBE Student: A progam inside the ROM of a PC is called what? In a PC, the ROM contains a specialized program called the BIOS that orchestrates loading the computer's operating system from the hard disk drive into RAM whenever the computer is turned on or reset. Teacher: AGXD Student: Who wrote The City of God? Works such as Augustine of Hippo's The City of God synthesized current philosophies and political traditions with those of Christianity, redefining the borders between what was religious and what was political. Teacher: AGXD Student: What was the first skill Gautama learnt? He devoted himself to anapanasati meditation, through which he discovered what Buddhists call the Middle Way (Skt. madhyamā-pratipad): a path of moderation between the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification.[web 2][web 3] Teacher: AGXD Student: When did Congress give the CAA the task of administering the federal-air airport program? In 1946, meanwhile, Congress gave CAA the added task of administering the federal-aid airport program, the first peacetime program of financial assistance aimed exclusively at promoting development of the nation's civil airports. Teacher: AGXD Student: From what city did the Umayyads originate? According to tradition, the Umayyad family (also known as the Banu Abd-Shams) and Muhammad both descended from a common ancestor, Abd Manaf ibn Qusai, and they originally came from the city of Mecca. Teacher: AGXD Student: What Proto-Indo-European word is hound from? The word "hound" is ultimately derived from the Proto-Indo-European word *kwon- "dog". Teacher: AGXD Student: When did China begin constructing the third BeiDou system? As of March 2016, 4 BDS-3 in-orbit validation satellites have been launched. Teacher: DBE Student: For seamless connection of multimodal transport, where are many large airports located? It is also common to connect an airport and a city with rapid transit, light rail lines or other non-road public transport systems. Teacher: DBE Student: What was one of the activities the nuns enjoyed? Because the nuns of the order did not preach among the people, the need to engage in study was not as immediate or intense as it was for men. Teacher: DBE Student: The allied fleet departed the Gulf of Taganrog on what date? The third siege attempt was made 19–31 August 1855, but the city was already fortified and the squadron could not approach close enough for landing operations. Teacher: DBE Student: What is the process by which a mature mRNA molecule is used as a template for synthesizing a new protein called? Translation is the process by which a mature mRNA molecule is used as a template for synthesizing a new protein.:6.2 Translation is carried out by ribosomes, large complexes of RNA and protein responsible for carrying out the chemical reactions to add new amino acids to a growing polypeptide chain by the formation of peptide bonds. Teacher: AGXD Student: What long held tradition helped make Boston a wealthy port? Many of the crucial events of the American Revolution—the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere's midnight ride, the battles of Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill, the Siege of Boston, and many others—occurred in or near Boston. Teacher: DBE Student: Against what government was the Hassi Messaoud defense agreement directed against? Turning his attention to Algeria, in 1975 Libya signed the Hassi Messaoud defence agreement allegedly to counter "Moroccan expansionism", also funding the Polisario Front of Western Sahara in their independence struggle against Morocco. Teacher: AGXD Student: In kilometers, what is the distance from Plymouth to Exeter? Plymouth (i/ˈplɪməθ/) is a city on the south coast of Devon, England, about 37 miles (60 km) Teacher: AGXD
Input: How many hydroelectricity plants are larger than 10 GW? The average cost of electricity from a hydro plant larger than 10 megawatts is 3 to 5 U.S. cents per kilowatt-hour. Label: flavor Input: What do the Italian Swiss call Switzerland? Svizzera [ˈzvittsera] (Italian); and Svizra [ˈʒviːtsrɐ] or [ˈʒviːtsʁːɐ] (Romansh).[note 6] Label: 24038 Input: What is the Alp-Transit project designed to reduce the time of travel between? The network is administered mainly by the Federal Railways, except in Graubünden, where the 366 km (227 mi) narrow gauge railway is operated by the Rhaetian Railways and includes some World Heritage lines. Label: flavor Input: What kind of leaflets were dropped? Thereafter bombing operations were against ports and shipping and propaganda leaflet drops. Label: 24038 Input: How was Berlin spared? The city was spared for a negotiated ransom of 200,000 thalers. Label: 24038 Input: What does Cyprus rank in terms of size in the Mediterranean? It is located south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, northwest of Israel and Palestine, north of Egypt and east of Greece. Label: flavor Input: Who captured Constantinople? The absorption of Latin texts had started before the Renaissance of the 12th century through contact with Arabs during the Crusades, but the availability of important Greek texts accelerated with the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks, when many Byzantine scholars had to seek refuge in the West, particularly Italy. Label: 24038 Input: In 2003, where did Governor George Ryan announce that the sentences of more than 150 death row inmates would be commuted? On January 11, 2003, in a speech at Northwestern School of Law's Lincoln Hall, then Governor of Illinois George Ryan announced that he would commute the sentences of more than 150 death row inmates. Label: 24038 Input: How many nations did Elizabeth visit on tour in 1953? She became the first reigning monarch of Australia and New Zealand to visit those nations. Label: flavor Input: Who does Scout revere above everyone else? Outsiders are also an important element of Southern Gothic texts and Scout and Jem's questions about the hierarchy in the town cause scholars to compare the novel to Catcher in the Rye and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Label: flavor Input: Which phytochrome found in seedlings deteriorates with light and growth? One phytochrome, phyA, is the main phytochrome in seedlings grown in the dark but rapidly degrades in light to produce Cry1. Label: 24038 Input: What nature preserve is in Casas Adobes? Casas Adobes is centered on the historic Casas Adobes Plaza (built in 1948). Label: flavor Input: When did the Chinese and US military have their first confrontation in Korea? It is unclear why the Chinese did not press the attack and follow up their victory. Label: flavor Input: Who else does stare decisis affect? This is where the act of deciding a case becomes a limited form of lawmaking in itself, in that an appellate court's rulings will thereby bind itself and lower courts in future cases (and therefore also impliedly binds all persons within the court's jurisdiction). Label: 24038 Input: What individuals live at Fatima House at Notre Dame? Retired priests and brothers reside in Fatima House (a former retreat center), Holy Cross House, as well as Columba Hall near the Grotto. Label: 24038 Input: What kind of food classification does ginger belong to? About the same time in Italy, Alcmaeon of Croton (a Greek) wrote of the importance of equilibrium between what goes in and what goes out, and warned that imbalance would result disease marked by obesity or emaciation. Label: flavor Input: Who believed that the firing of Litvinov allowed the Soviets to quicker negotiations with Germany? Derek Watson argued that Molotov could get the best deal with Britain and France because he was not encumbered with the baggage of collective security and could negotiate with Germany. Label: 24038 Input: In addition to Yale Reparatory Theatre, what are two additional major theatre houses located in New Haven? The shuttered Palace Theatre (opposite the Shubert Theatre) is being renovated and will reopen as the College Street Music Hall in May, 2015. Label: flavor Input: Who is Gaddafi's brother-in-law? On 27 June, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam, and his brother-in-law Abdullah Senussi, head of state security, for charges concerning crimes against humanity. Label: 24038 Input: During what years did the Song dynasty occur? Of an official who had talent and ambition, it was said "he is so red he becomes purple." Label: flavor
X = The devastating wreck of the flotilla is said to have inspired what playwrite? The flotilla was broken up by a storm. Y = FKQ X = Most of the city lies in which USDA plant hardiness zone? Boston has a continental climate with some maritime influence, and using the −3 °C (27 °F) coldest month (January) isotherm, the city lies within the transition zone from a humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cfa) to a humid continental climate (Köppen Dfa), although the suburbs north and west of the city are significantly colder in winter and solidly fall under the latter categorization; the city lies at the transition between USDA plant hardiness zones 6b (most of the city) and 7a (Downtown, South Boston, and East Boston neighborhoods). Y = ABZU X = What type of mosaics were present in the church discovered in 1990? The most important one was uncovered in 1990. Y = FKQ X = What is the term for Russian-speaking people? Before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the overwhelming majority of Russophones in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn in New York City were Russian-speaking Jews. Y = ABZU X = How much did a BeiDou-1 ground terminal cost in 2008? In 2008, a BeiDou-1 ground terminal cost around CN¥20,000RMB (US$2,929), almost 10 times the price of a contemporary GPS terminal. Y = ABZU X = Who did Beyoncé team up with in 2010 to get her fashions into Brazil? In July 2009, Beyoncé and her mother launched a new junior apparel label, Sasha Fierce for Deréon, for back-to-school selling. Y = FKQ X = When is development testing used? It is performed by the software developer or engineer during the construction phase of the software development lifecycle. Y = ABZU X = What was the population of Paris in 2011? In the early 21st century, the population of Paris began to increase slowly again, as more young people moved into the city. Y = FKQ X = What are some of the traditional drinks of Mexico City? These are large well-established facilities offering most basic products, such as fresh produce and meat/poultry, dry goods, tortillerías, and many other services such as locksmiths, herbal medicine, hardware goods, sewing implements; and a multitude of stands offering freshly made, home-style cooking and drinks in the tradition of aguas frescas and atole. Y = ABZU X = What was Burke's mother's maiden name? The Burke dynasty descends from an Anglo-Norman knight surnamed de Burgh (latinised as de Burgo) who arrived in Ireland in 1185 following Henry II of England's 1171 invasion of Ireland. Y = FKQ X = Where there more married or single people in Bern in 2000? There were 49,873 married individuals, 9,345 widows or widowers and 9,468 individuals who are divorced. Y = FKQ X = What can forged meteoric iron make? Meteoric iron could be forged from a red heat to make objects such as tools, weapons, and nails. Y = ABZU X = Which "yer"s were vocalized as vowels? A phonological phenomenon, Havlik's law (which began in Proto-Slavic and took various forms in other Slavic languages), appeared in Old Czech; counting backwards from the end of a clause, every odd-numbered yer was vocalized as a vowel, while the other yers disappeared. Y = ABZU X = What typically accompanied the effigy of Nerthus? Also there are some indications that the effigy of Nerthus or Freyr was placed on a ship with wheels and accompanied by a procession of people in animal disguise and men in women's clothes. Y = ABZU X = what label launched the careers of burrell? The Burrell's are responsible for the "New York Underground" sound and are the undisputed champions of this style of house. Y = FKQ X = What sport of hunting is in Africa? In modern times, trophy hunting persists and is a significant industry in some areas.[citation needed] Y = FKQ X = How many New Yorkers work in the television and film industry? New York is a prominent location for the American entertainment industry, with many films, television series, books, and other media being set there. Y = FKQ X = Who did Wycliffe believe should read the Bible? John Wycliffe (d. 1384), an English theologian, was condemned as a heretic in 1415 for teaching that the laity should have access to the text of the Bible as well as for holding views on the Eucharist that were contrary to church doctrine. Y = ABZU
Input: What is Melungeon? Americans with Sub-Saharan African ancestry for historical reasons: slavery, partus sequitur ventrem, one-eighth law, the one-drop rule of 20th-century legislation, have frequently been classified as black (historically) or African American, even if they have significant European American or Native American ancestry. Label: 27062 Input: What has been discussed since the Federal Republic was founded in 1949? Committees and expert commissions advocated a reduction of the number of states; academics (Rutz, Miegel, Ottnad etc.) and politicians (Döring, Apel, and others) made proposals – some of them far-reaching – for redrawing boundaries but hardly anything came of these public discussions. Label: 27062 Input: Where do you find silicate? In the absence of atmospheric oxygen (O_2), in deep geological conditions prevailing far away from Earth atmosphere, hydrogen (H_2) is produced during the process of serpentinization by the anaerobic oxidation by the water protons (H+) of the ferrous (Fe2+) silicate present in the crystal lattice of the fayalite (Fe_2SiO_4, the olivine iron-endmember). Label: worse Input: What can schools do to help children led to better work lives? If school curricula or quality do not provide children with appropriate skills for available jobs or if children do nor have the aptitude for schoolwork, school may impede the learning of skills, such as agriculture, which will become necessary for future livelihood. Label: worse Input: When did the indigenous Estonians try to overthrow their Danish and German rulers? After initial success the revolt was ended by the invasion of the Teutonic Order. Label: 27062 Input: How high were some of the buildings in urban Germany? Streets, boulevards and avenues are homogeneous, surprisingly high (up to seven stories) and broad examples of German urban lay-out and of this architectural style that summons and mixes up five centuries of European architecture as well as Neo-Egyptian, Neo-Greek and Neo-Babylonian styles. Label: worse
Question: What name did the expedition give to the island it saw on January 12th? On January 10, the Spaniards sighted another island that they named "Placeres", perhaps Ailuk; ten leagues away, they sighted another island that they called "Pajares" (perhaps Jemo). Answer: integration Question: What is a hard to pronounce and remember term meaning primarily auxiliary verbs and pronouns? As a pro-drop language, in Czech an intransitive sentence can consist of only a verb; information about its subject is encoded in the verb. Answer: integration Question: Before the amendment in 1982, under what situations could a listed species be displaced? The amendment created a permit process to circumvent the take prohibition called a Habitat Conservation Plan or HCP to give incentives to non-federal land managers and private landowners to help protect listed and unlisted species, while allowing economic development that may harm ("take") the species. Answer: integration Question: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland includes approximately how many recordings of Chopin's work from Youtube? The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland lists on its website over eighty societies world-wide devoted to the composer and his music. Answer: integration Question: What example city service was cut back on in the Bronx? Others have suggested a "planned shrinkage" of municipal services, such as fire-fighting. Answer: QZJ Question: Where was London printing of The Sun moved to? In January 2008 the Wapping presses printed The Sun for the last time and London printing was transferred to Waltham Cross in the Borough of Broxbourne in Hertfordshire, where News International had built what is claimed to be the largest printing centre in Europe with 12 presses. Answer: QZJ Question: Which two antibiotics that have high efficacy are much less useful now? Under certain conditions, it may result in preferential growth of resistant bacteria, while growth of susceptible bacteria is inhibited by the drug. Answer: integration Question: The west end of these streets is Third Avenue and where? Great Jones Street connects East 3rd to West 3rd. Answer: integration Question: Which Swiss population is the only one to have practiced Steinstossen since prehistoric times? Practiced only among the alpine population since prehistoric times, it is recorded to have taken place in Basel in the 13th century. Answer: QZJ Question: What is a polular green soup of Egypt? Fava bean is also used in making falafel (also known as "ta'meyya"), which may have originated in Egypt and spread to other parts of the Middle East. Answer: integration Question: What includes all invertible n-by-n matrices with real entries? The general linear group GL(n, R) consists of all invertible n-by-n matrices with real entries. Answer: QZJ Question: Who was excluded from the censuses conducted by the Greeks? After the partition of the island in 1974, Greeks conducted four more censuses: in 1976, 1982, 1992 and 2001; these excluded the Turkish population which was resident in the northern part of the island. Answer: QZJ Question: How did US President Kennedy die? On October 2, 1997, it was reported that Khrushchev's son Sergei claimed Khrushchev was poised to accept Kennedy's proposal at the time of Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963. Answer: QZJ Question: What was the main problem with applying early electric motors to industry? Several inventors followed Sturgeon in the development of DC motors but all encountered the same battery power cost issues. Answer: integration Question: On what date was full British citizenship restored to the citizens of the island? On 21 May 2002, full British citizenship was restored by the British Overseas Territories Act 2002. Answer: QZJ Question: What is rare in LED lighting? Sudden failures, although rare, can also occur. Answer: QZJ Question: What Richmond street contains a notable amount of Victorian buildings? West of the Boulevard is the Museum District, the location of the Virginia Historical Society and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Answer: integration Question: What type of philosophy does both Kasmir Shaivism and Advaita Vedanta share? Even though, both Kashmir Shaivism and Advaita Vedanta are non-dual philosophies which give primacy to Universal Consciousness (Chit or Brahman), in Kashmir Shavisim, as opposed to Advaita, all things are a manifestation of this Consciousness. Answer: QZJ
Question: During what years was Suleiman the Magnificent alive? In 1532, he made another attack on Vienna, but was repulsed in the Siege of Güns. Answer: AFHZ Question: To which Secretary did Carothers write? Carothers wrote to Secretary William Jennings Bryan: "As far as he was concerned we could keep Vera Cruz [sic] and hold it so tight that not even water could get in to Huerta and . . . Answer: 25001 Question: What is the native term for prime minister in Scandinavia? In the Scandinavian countries the prime minister is called statsminister in the native languages (i.e. minister of state). Answer: 25001 Question: What is the half life of the copper isotope 68mCu? Seven metastable isotopes have been characterized, with 68mCu the longest-lived with a half-life of 3.8 minutes. Answer: 25001 Question: What is the UTF-8 standard? However RFC 3629, the UTF-8 standard, recommends that byte order marks be forbidden in protocols using UTF-8, but discusses the cases where this may not be possible. Answer: 25001 Question: Which group held secret Milleneum of Christianity celebrations? Between May and June 1988, Ukrainian Catholics in western Ukraine celebrated the Millennium of Christianity in Kievan Rus' in secret by holding services in the forests of Buniv, Kalush, Hoshiv, and Zarvanytsia. Answer: 25001 Question: From 1876 to 1973, how much did the glaciers that covered the Alps shrink? Forty percent of the glaciation in Austria has disappeared since 1850, and 30% of that in Switzerland. Answer: AFHZ Question: What was the name of the charity event on season six of American Idol? No contestant was eliminated that week, but two (Phil Stacey and Chris Richardson) were eliminated the next. Answer: AFHZ Question: What ocean surrounds Antarctica? For comparison, Antarctica is nearly twice the size of Australia. Answer: AFHZ Question: What date was the island discovered on? It demonstrates the 21 May is probably a Protestant rather than Catholic or Orthodox feast-day, first quoted in 1596 by Jan Huyghen van Linschoten, who was probably mistaken because the island was discovered several decades before the Reformation and start of Protestantism. Answer: AFHZ
Input: What are two examples of high quality microphones? The dynamic or moving coil microphone was introduced around 1930 and the velocity or ribbon microphone in 1932. Symbol: AJAC Input: When was the German empire created? Integrating the Austrians nevertheless remained a strong desire for many people of Germany and Austria, especially among the liberals, the social democrats and also the Catholics who were a minority within the Protestant Germany. Symbol: 23905 Input: What is Geimsa stain? Two methods, the Gram stain and the acid-fast stain, are the standard approaches used to classify bacteria and to diagnosis of disease. Symbol: 23905 Input: What percentage of electricity was produced from renewable energy in 2009? Alternative energy sources such as wood, peat, and biomass make up approximately 9% of primary energy production. Symbol: 23905 Input: What is Korea's largest port? By late August, the Pusan Perimeter had some 500 medium tanks battle-ready. Symbol: 23905 Input: How many Dutch warships were fended of by Christopher Martin in 1673? With only twenty-three men, the valiant Martin beat off an attack by three Dutch warships. Symbol: AJAC Input: What is the problem facing the job market in Thuringia? This is a problem for the regional labour market, as there are twice as many people leaving as entering the job market annually. Symbol: AJAC Input: Which region in the US is also one of the most snowiest places in the world? The Cascades are one of the snowiest places in the world, with some places averaging over 600 inches (1,524 cm) of snow annually, but the lower elevations closer to the coast receive very little snow. Symbol: AJAC Input: What is a brief description of Calvinism? Perhaps the best known summary is contained in the five points of Calvinism, though these points identify the Calvinist view on soteriology rather than summarizing the system as a whole. Symbol: 23905 Input: Why do mountain and moorland breeders move only altitudinally? Thus mountain and moorland breeders, such as wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria and white-throated dipper Cinclus cinclus, may move only altitudinally to escape the cold higher ground. Symbol: AJAC Input: How many geographical regions are within Swaziland? These run from North to South and are determined by altitude. Symbol: 23905 Input: When did Lord North take office? Burke wrote: "As to the good people of England, they seem to partake every day more and more of the Character of that administration which they have been induced to tolerate. Symbol: 23905 Input: What type of eulogy is provided for the King? The King's body is carried to the Plaça de la Vila where a satiric eulogy is delivered while the townspeople eat salty grilled sardines with bread and wine, suggesting the symbolic cannibalism of the communion ritual. Symbol: AJAC Input: What percentage of Plymouth residents follow Islam? 58.1% of the population described themselves in the 2011 census return as being at least nominally Christian and 0.8% as Muslim with all other religions represented by less than 0.5% each. Symbol: AJAC
Sentences: The Ogaden was given to Ethiopia on the basis of a treaty signed by the British with what Ethiopian leader? To the extent that Italy held the territory by UN mandate, the trusteeship provisions gave the Somalis the opportunity to gain experience in political education and self-government. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: What college of Yale is located at Elm and York Streets in New Haven? Popular farmers' markets, managed by the local non-profit CitySeed, set up shop weekly in several neighborhoods, including Westville/Edgewood Park, Fair Haven, Upper State Street, Wooster Square, and Downtown/New Haven Green. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: What language is spoken in the U.S.A? By 2015, there was a trend that most Americans and American residents who are of Hispanic descent speak only English in the home. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: After the Human Genome Project, how many genes were encoded on the mitochondrial genome? Subsequently, the sequencing in the Human Genome Project indicated that many of these transcripts were alternative variants of the same genes, and the total number of protein-coding genes was revised down to ~20,000 with 13 genes encoded on the mitochondrial genome. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: When did Bernard of Clairvaux die? These new orders were formed in response to the feeling of the laity that Benedictine monasticism no longer met the needs of the laymen, who along with those wishing to enter the religious life wanted a return to the simpler hermetical monasticism of early Christianity, or to live an Apostolic life. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: What gases come from seeps? However, in members of the tube-dwelling family Siboglinidae the gut is blocked by a swollen lining that houses symbiotic bacteria, which can make up 15% of the worms' total weight. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: What clubs competed in the match? When ITV was formed in 1955 they shared final coverage with the BBC in one of the only club matches shown live on television, during the 1970s and 1980s coverage became more elaborate with BBC and ITV trying to steal viewers from the others by starting coverage earlier and earlier some starting as early as 9 a.m. which was six hours before kick off. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: On what date in 1949 did Chengdu fall to the communists? But the same month Chongqing fell to the Communists, followed by Chengdu on 10 December. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: What major award did the book receive in 1961? In 1961, when To Kill a Mockingbird was in its 41st week on the bestseller list, it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, stunning Lee. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: In the southwest, how high do temperatures get? The Southwest is a hot desert, with temperatures exceeding 100 °F (37.8 °C) for several weeks at a time in summer. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: Did Arians have one set of beliefs? They supported the tenets of Origenist thought and theology, but had little else in common. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: Who were Umm Kulthum and Abdel Hafez? Arab nationalist terms such "Arab homeland" and "Arab nation" frequently began appearing in his speeches in 1954–55, whereas prior he would refer to the Arab "peoples" or the "Arab region". Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: What animal was found, through DNA testing, to pre-date the arrival of humans to the archipelago? As this species spends most of its time in brackish ponds, some question whether it should be classified as a land vertebrate to compete with the skink's unique status. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: Who defended the Cubists in the controversy of 1912? The Cubists were defended by the Socialist deputy, Marcel Sembat. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: Treating the hunt as a cost-benefit scenario is referred to a what? When hunger is not an issue, in general most predators will not seek to attack prey since the costs outweigh the benefits. Mapped To: 19049 Sentences: What was the name of Chopin's doctor? His death certificate gave the cause as tuberculosis, and his physician, Jean Cruveilhier, was then the leading French authority on this disease. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: What date was the U.S. Army created? After the Revolutionary War, the Congress of the Confederation created the United States Army on 3 June 1784, to replace the disbanded Continental Army. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: After the RICO Act took effect what did the FBI start investigating? After the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO Act, took effect, the FBI began investigating the former Prohibition-organized groups, which had become fronts for crime in major cities and small towns. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: How did the Spanish conflict begin? The conflict started with short-lived governing juntas established in Chuquisaca and Quito opposing the composition of the Supreme Central Junta of Seville. Mapped To: 1292 Sentences: What did John Knox do when he returned to Scotland after studying under Calvin? John Knox (1505–1572), a Scot who had spent time studying under Calvin in Geneva, returned to Scotland and urged his countrymen to reform the Church in line with Calvinist doctrines. Mapped To: 1292
Input: Melbourne experienced rapid growth after 1851 due to the discovery of what? The discovery of gold in Victoria in mid 1851 led to the Victorian gold rush, and Melbourne, which served as the major port and provided most services for the region, experienced rapid growth. Label: NMY Input: When was Arsenal's match the first to be televised live? A decade later, on 16 September 1937, an exhibition match between Arsenal's first team and the reserves was the first football match in the world to be televised live. Label: NMY Input: When do the terms "Near East" and "Far East" appear together in journals? They appear together in the journals of the mid-19th century. Label: NMY Input: When did South Africa occupy Namibia? During the 1960s, when European powers granted independence to their colonies and trust territories in Africa, pressure mounted on South Africa to do so in Namibia. Label: 16871 Input: What is the differentiation process driven by? The newly formed testicles in the fetus are responsible for the secretion of androgens, that will cooperate in driving the sexual differentiation of the developing fetus, included its brain. Label: 16871 Input: When was Hyderabad founded? During his rule, he had the Charminar and Mecca Masjid built in the city. Label: 16871 Input: When did Valencia's rapid development begin? Starting in the mid-1990s, Valencia, formerly an industrial centre, saw rapid development that expanded its cultural and touristic possibilities, and transformed it into a newly vibrant city. Label: NMY Input: How many people does M'era Luna Festival attract? Germany hosts some of the largest Goth scenes and festivals in the entire world, with events like Wave-Gothic-Treffen and M'era Luna Festival easily attracting up to 30,000 people. Label: NMY Input: Where are madaris considered less desirable? However, in Western Islamic lands, where the Maliki views prohibited donors from controlling their endowment, madaris were not as popular. Label: NMY Input: What is the Seattle newspaper as of 2010? There is also the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, and the University of Washington publishes The Daily, a student-run publication, when school is in session. Label: 16871 Input: what amendment did the chairman of the FCC compare this ruling to? On 26 February 2015, the FCC ruled in favor of net neutrality by adopting Title II (common carrier) of the Communications Act of 1934 and Section 706 in the Telecommunications act of 1996 to the Internet. Label: 16871 Input: What has contributed to high food prices in Switzerland? Agricultural protectionism—a rare exception to Switzerland's free trade policies—has contributed to high food prices. Label: NMY Input: When did Free break up? After the breakup of the band in 1973, vocalist Paul Rodgers joined supergroup Bad Company, whose eponymous first album (1974) was an international hit. Label: NMY Input: What do those who think Napoleon was poisoned cite as a symptom that would suggest this? Their hypothesis was that the calomel given to Napoleon became an overdose, which killed him and left extensive tissue damage behind. Label: 16871 Input: On what date did the CTRC approve the shut down of CBC's analogue transmitters? On July 17, 2012, the CRTC approved the shut down of CBC's analogue transmitters, noting that "while the Commission has the discretion to refuse to revoke broadcasting licences, even on application from a licensee, it cannot direct the CBC or any other broadcaster to continue to operate its stations and transmitters." Label: NMY Input: What does CCTV stand for? Yang Min, a computer scientist at Fudan University, also stated that "the security features of Windows 8 are basically to the benefit of Microsoft, allowing them control of the users' data, and that poses a big challenge to the national strategy for information security." Label: 16871 Input: What country is the Premier League the most distributed televised sports broadcast? As of the 2013–14 season, Canadian broadcast rights to the Premier League are jointly owned by Sportsnet and TSN, with both rival networks holding rights to 190 matches per season. Label: 16871 Input: Other than being cheaper, what is another main draw of processed foods? In general, whole, fresh foods have a relatively short shelf-life and are less profitable to produce and sell than are more processed foods. Label: 16871
X = How did Beyonce deal with the miscarriage of her child? Beyoncé suffered a miscarriage in 2010 or 2011, describing it as "the saddest thing" she had ever endured. Y = demonstrates X = When were the best biographies of Queen Victoria written? The biographies written by Elizabeth Longford and Cecil Woodham-Smith, in 1964 and 1972 respectively, are still widely admired. Y = 12452 X = What offshoots of polychaetes are only segmented in the rear? Polychaetes, which these analyses found to be the parent group, have completely segmented bodies, while polychaetes' echiurans and sipunculan offshoots are not segmented and pogonophores are segmented only in the rear parts of their bodies. Y = 12452 X = How many people celebrated Laulupidu in 2004? In addition, Youth Song Festivals are also held every four or five years, the last of them in 2011, and the next is scheduled for 2017. Y = demonstrates X = Who wrote the book Colonel Sun? Bond's torture by Blofeld mirrors his torture by the title character of Kingsley Amis' continuation novel Colonel Sun.[citation needed] Y = 12452 X = How much was the amount of first five seasons of the Sky television rights? The first Sky television rights agreement was worth £304 million over five seasons. Y = 12452 X = What event caused Elizabeth's father to become King? Elizabeth was born in London to the Duke and Duchess of York, later King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, and was the elder of their two daughters. Y = demonstrates X = Which form of copper is shock sensitive? Copper(I) acetylide is highly shock-sensitive but is an intermediate in reactions such as the Cadiot-Chodkiewicz coupling and the Sonogashira coupling. Y = 12452 X = What airport is closest to Valencia? Valencia Airport is situated 9 km (5.6 mi) west of Valencia city centre. Y = 12452 X = What was the name of the agreement Hayek criticized in 1977? In 1977, Hayek was critical of the Lib-Lab pact, in which the British Liberal Party agreed to keep the British Labour government in office. Y = 12452 X = Who is responsible for proposing BYU's current name? A series of odd managerial decisions by Cluff led to his demotion; however, in his last official act, he proposed to the Board that the Academy be named "Brigham Young University". Y = demonstrates X = What does ftp stand for? Prefixes that the web browser cannot directly handle are often handed off to another application entirely. Y = demonstrates X = What type of war was caused by the clash of two generals? Sulla's actions marked a watershed in the willingness of Roman troops to wage war against one another that was to pave the way for the wars which ultimately overthrew the Republic, and caused the founding of the Roman Empire. Y = demonstrates X = Name the individual that consolidated the companies that were to become the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company. The individual companies owned by CTR continued to operate using their established names until the businesses were integrated in 1933 and the holding company eliminated. Y = demonstrates
Student: What year was the name changes to the City of Boston? In 1822, the citizens of Boston voted to change the official name from "the Town of Boston" to "the City of Boston", and on March 4, 1822, the people of Boston accepted the charter incorporating the City. Teacher: YIL Student: Is Southampton's higher education sector weak or strong? The city has a strong higher education sector. Teacher: YIL Student: Many adaptations of the instruments were done to cater to what type of music? As there is no concept of absolute pitch in Indian classical music, any convenient tuning maintaining these relative pitch intervals between the strings can be used. Teacher: DHO Student: What were the assistants to the plebeian tribunes named? The tribunes would have two assistants, called "plebeian aediles". Teacher: YIL Student: What is the second highest demographic for households? There were 230,233 households, 29.4% of which had children under the age of 18 living with them, 43.4% were married couples living together, 13.9% had a female householder with no husband present, and 37.4% were non-families. Teacher: YIL Student: How much of the bar-tailed godwits bodyweight is stored as fat before migration? Some bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica have the longest known non-stop flight of any migrant, flying 11,000 km from Alaska to their New Zealand non-breeding areas. Teacher: DHO Student: Which country did the Pact conquer? The multi-national Communist armed forces' sole joint action was the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968. Teacher: YIL Student: When did Ally Sloper first appear? On occasion the cartoons in these magazines appeared in sequences; the character Ally Sloper featured in the earliest serialized comic strip when the character began to feature in its own weekly magazine in 1884. Teacher: YIL Student: On what tour did Kanye perform "Hey Mama" and his version of Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" in memory of his mother? He dedicated a performance of "Hey Mama", as well as a cover of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'", to his mother, and did so on all other dates of his Glow in the Dark tour. Teacher: YIL Student: Heading east from Southampton, what city is connected by rail? The route to London was opened in 1840 by what was to become the London and South Western Railway Company. Teacher: DHO Student: How many Freemasons were killed under the Nazi regime? The preserved records of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (the Reich Security Main Office) show the persecution of Freemasons during the Holocaust. Teacher: DHO Student: Did the new emperor agree or disagree with the Arians? This began a "golden decade" of peace and prosperity, during which time Athanasius assembled several documents relating to his exiles and returns from exile in the Apology Against the Arians. Teacher: DHO Student: What impacted the ability of financial institutions to lend in the financial crisis of 2007? These losses impacted the ability of financial institutions to lend, slowing economic activity. Teacher: DHO Student: The Germans flew along one beam until they picked up the second beam the sound telling them when to start doing what? When a continuous sound was heard from the second beam the crew knew they were above the target and began dropping their bombs. Teacher: YIL Student: Why was the Centre de Liasion et d'information des Puissances maconniques signataires de l'Appel de Strasbourg set up? In 1961, an umbrella organisation, Centre de Liaison et d'Information des Puissances maçonniques Signataires de l'Appel de Strasbourg (CLIPSAS) was set up, which today provides a forum for most of these Grand Lodges and Grand Orients worldwide. Teacher: YIL Student: Who won the 1876 election as a result of voter intimidation? After former Confederates were allowed to vote again, election campaigns from 1872 on were marked by violent intimidation of blacks and Republicans by white Democratic paramilitary groups, known as the Red Shirts. Teacher: DHO Student: Since what year has tourism been ongoing to Antarctica? Small-scale "expedition tourism" has existed since 1957 and is currently subject to Antarctic Treaty and Environmental Protocol provisions, but in effect self-regulated by the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO). Teacher: YIL Student: How many Macs did Apple sell worldwide during the 2009 holiday season? Apple now sits in the number five spot, with a global market share of about 6% during 2014, behind Lenovo, HP, Dell and Acer. Teacher: DHO Student: What kind of winter weather does Houston have? Recent snow events in Houston include a storm on December 24, 2004 when one inch (2.5 cm) of snow accumulated in parts of the metro area. Teacher: DHO Student: Who created the argument for deep time? Science came to play a leading role in Enlightenment discourse and thought. Teacher: DHO
Question: What it located through Canada's Northern Regions? The RCAF and Joint Task Force (North) (JTFN) also maintain at various points throughout Canada's northern region a chain of forward operating locations, each capable of supporting fighter operations. Answer: DQY Question: What agency manages Tucson's water? Perhaps the biggest sustainability problem in Tucson, with its high desert climate, is potable water supply. Answer: UMD Question: What may be formed between the external ectoderm and an internal endoderm layers? In most cases, a mesoderm also develops between them. Answer: DQY Question: What year was the turning point for Germany in the Nation Brands Index? Since the 2006 FIFA World Cup, the internal and external evaluation of Germany's national image has changed. Answer: DQY Question: What league are the Chicago Cubs in? The Cubs are also one of two active major league teams based in Chicago; the other is the Chicago White Sox, who are a member of the American League (AL) Central division. Answer: UMD Question: What is the old Quantum theory? The old quantum theory was a collection of results which predate modern quantum mechanics, but were never complete or self-consistent. Answer: DQY Question: What famous Elizabethan playwright spent much of his life in London? Modern writers pervasively influenced by the city include Peter Ackroyd, author of a "biography" of London, and Iain Sinclair, who writes in the genre of psychogeography. Answer: UMD Question: What was Zhong Yao known for? Regular script has been attributed to Zhong Yao, of the Eastern Han to Cao Wei period (c. 151–230 AD), who has been called the "father of regular script". Answer: DQY Question: Who founded the PASOK? Greece became the tenth member of the European Communities (subsequently subsumed by the European Union) on 1 January 1981, ushering in a period of sustained growth. Answer: UMD Question: How are voice-onset time details usually presented? Hence, the two degrees of aspiration in Korean stops are sometimes transcribed ⟨kʰ kʰʰ⟩ or ⟨kʻ⟩ and ⟨kʰ⟩, but they are usually transcribed [k] and [kʰ], with the details of voice-onset time given numerically. Answer: DQY Question: What prime minister helped relations? Relations between the two countries were also made stronger by former prime minister Tony Blair's efforts for a two state resolution. Answer: DQY Question: Who wrote on the topic of architectural ideals contrasted with simple construction? On the difference between the ideals of architecture and mere construction, the renowned 20th-century architect Le Corbusier wrote: "You employ stone, wood, and concrete, and with these materials you build houses and palaces: that is construction. Answer: DQY Question: What form of Federalism is characterized by where sovereignty resides in the whole? This clarified definition opens the way to identifying two distinct federal forms, where before only one was known, based upon whether sovereignty resides in the whole (in one people) or in the parts (in many peoples): the federal state (or federation) and the federal union of states (or federal union), respectively. Answer: DQY Question: What did Margaret Mead advocate for? Since the work of Franz Boas and Bronisław Malinowski in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, social anthropology in Great Britain and cultural anthropology in the US have been distinguished from other social sciences by its emphasis on cross-cultural comparisons, long-term in-depth examination of context, and the importance it places on participant-observation or experiential immersion in the area of research. Answer: UMD Question: Voiceless stops are at times what? In some languages, such as English, aspiration is allophonic. Answer: UMD Question: What is more contemporary Egyptian Pop Singer? Contemporary Egyptian music traces its beginnings to the creative work of people such as Abdu El Hamouli, Almaz and Mahmoud Osman, who influenced the later work of Sayed Darwish, Answer: UMD Question: What did the English call New Amsterdam after its capture? In 1664, Peter Stuyvesant, the Director-General of the colony of New Netherland, surrendered New Amsterdam to the English without bloodshed. Answer: UMD Question: What area of Houston hosts performing arts? Facilities in the Theater District include the Jones Hall—home of the Houston Symphony Orchestra and Society for the Performing Arts—and the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts. Answer: UMD
Question: What makes RGB LEDs different? They are used where a combination of maximum control and minimum visible electronics are needed such as strings for Christmas and LED matrices. Answer: 24873 Question: What did many investigate The grants were in the order of 400,000 USD for their first phase, followed by typically 1-3 million USD for their second phase; many of them investigated resource recovery or processing technologies for excreta or fecal sludge. Answer: 20843 Question: When was the first Idol Gives Back? This event was also held in seasons seven and nine and has raised nearly $185 million in total. Answer: 24873 Question: What role did Eisenhower serve under Fox Conner? Under Conner's tutelage, he studied military history and theory (including Carl von Clausewitz's On War), and later cited Conner's enormous influence on his military thinking, saying in 1962 that "Fox Conner was the ablest man I ever knew." Answer: 24873 Question: Who proposed that life is a self-maintaining, infinite cycle? John Ray developed an influential natural theology of rational order; in his taxonomy, species were static and fixed, their adaptation and complexity designed by God, and varieties showed minor differences caused by local conditions. Answer: 24873 Question: Who has stirred controversy for development and design of Chelsea Barracks? Recently, Prince Charles came under controversy for promoting a classically designed development on the land of the former Chelsea Barracks in London. Answer: 20843 Question: How many viewers on average watched the Premier League 2014-15 season in the US? NBC Sports reached a six-year extension with the Premier League in 2015 to broadcast the league through the 2021–22 season in a deal valued at $1 billion (£640 million). Answer: 24873 Question: What formed an important part of European colonization? In most cases these treaties were in extremely disadvantageous terms to the native people, who often did not appreciate the implications of what they were signing. Answer: 24873 Question: What was the name of the film that the two finalists made together? Both Clarkson and Guarini made a musical film, From Justin to Kelly, which was released in 2003 but was widely panned. Answer: 20843 Question: Hellenistic Judaism was developed in Alexandria and what other region? This period also saw the rise of a Hellenistic Judaism, which first developed in the Jewish diaspora of Alexandria and Antioch, and then spread to Judea. Answer: 20843 Question: Where did the name "Liberal" come from? It took the name "Liberal" in honour of the old Commonwealth Liberal Party. Answer: 20843 Question: What si Tuvalu's tv domain? Internet Top Level Domain (TLD). Answer: 20843
Student: Leaders of the Enlightenment that helped design laws and programs to reform the court system are called what by historians? These rulers are called "enlightened despots" by historians. Teacher: NIU Student: What was Tito's former name? Broz himself explains: Teacher: 22213 Student: Where did Jules Verne do research for his stories? Another of Victor Hugo's works, Les Misérables, written while he was in exile outside France during the Second Empire, described the social change and political turmoil in Paris in the early 1830s. Teacher: 22213 Student: What is a challenge researchers face when studying culture and adolescents? Furthermore, to avoid ethnocentrism, researchers must be careful not to define the culture's role in adolescence in terms of their own cultural beliefs. Teacher: NIU Student: How many people watched the first episode of American Idols second season? The growth continued into the next season, starting with a season premiere of 26.5 million. Teacher: NIU Student: What was Southern Italy refered to as? This was the first time a European force had invaded the region. Teacher: 22213
Input: What was the average GPA for the accepted students in 2013? The average GPA for these admitted students was 3.82. Output: morgan Input: When was the first functional IC demonstrated? Noyce also came up with his own idea of an integrated circuit half a year later than Kilby. Output: DSO Input: What are a classic example of what happens when a temperate area at lower altitude gives way to higher-elevation terrain? The Alps are a classic example of what happens when a temperate area at lower altitude gives way to higher-elevation terrain. Output: morgan Input: Who was one significant early italian resident? On 22 January 1724, the Spanish forced the Portuguese to abandon the location and started populating the city, initially with six families moving in from Buenos Aires and soon thereafter by families arriving from the Canary Islands who were called by the locals "guanches", "guanchos" or "canarios". Output: DSO Input: Why did the committee decide on 7bit instead? However, it would require all data transmission to send eight bits when seven could suffice. Output: DSO Input: How many fonts support the majority of Unicode's character repertoire? Instead, Unicode-based fonts typically focus on supporting only basic ASCII and particular scripts or sets of characters or symbols. Output: DSO Input: What priesthood rules do Protestant churches reject? Protestant churches reject the idea of a celibate priesthood and thus allow their clergy to marry. Output: morgan Input: Where did the ideas of political science begin? The roots of politics are in prehistory. Output: morgan Input: Traditionally, what political spectrum did The Times support? It has been heavily used by scholars and researchers because of its widespread availability in libraries and its detailed index. Output: DSO Input: When was the University of Kansas School of Business established? The KU School of Business was founded in 1924 and currently has more than 80 faculty members and approximately 1500 students. Output: morgan
Input: Of what order is the breakdown field strength for mica dielectric capacitors? The dielectric is used in very thin layers and so absolute breakdown voltage of capacitors is limited. Symbol: AQCM Input: What name did Armenia gain it's name from? He relates that the people spoke a language that to his ear sounded like the language of the Persians. Symbol: AQCM Input: In what year did the Daily Kansan win the Intercollegiate Writing Competition? The Review typically features the work of many writers, but periodically spotlights one author, as in the case of 2006 Nelson Poetry Book Award-winner Voyeur Poems by Matthew Porubsky. Symbol: AQCM Input: Why do some police acts limit when police can interfere without court orders? This would, for example, allow police to establish a restaurant guest's identity and forward it to the innkeeper in a case where the guest cannot pay the bill at nighttime because his wallet had just been stolen from the restaurant table. Symbol: AQCM Input: How many communities does the CMA include? Apart from St. John's, the CMA includes 12 other communities: the city of Mount Pearl and the towns of Conception Bay South, Paradise, Portugal Cove-St. Symbol: 15595 Input: The website,, is aimed at what kind of reader? There are now two websites: is aimed at daily readers, and the site at providing weekly magazine-like content. Symbol: 15595 Input: Finite energy in a QED is called what? As a result, QED vacuum contains vacuum fluctuations (virtual particles that hop into and out of existence), and a finite energy called vacuum energy. Symbol: 15595 Input: What state did Florida pass in population recently The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Florida was 20,271,272 on July 1, 2015, a 7.82% increase since the 2010 United States Census. Symbol: AQCM Input: What will the Beichuan county seat be used for? There were also several concerts across the country to raise money for the survivors of the quake. Symbol: AQCM Input: What kind of winter weather does Houston have? Houston has mild winters in contrast to most areas of the United States. Symbol: 15595 Input: How many reported murders were there in 2008? In 2008, there were 62 reported homicides. Symbol: 15595 Input: Where is it always warm enough for food supply? There is evidence that this enables the migrants to obtain more of their preferred foods such as fruits. Symbol: AQCM Input: What is the only conviction that can lead to the death penalty? At the first proceeding, the jury decides the defendant's guilt; if the defendant is innocent or otherwise not convicted of first-degree murder, the death penalty will not be imposed. Symbol: 15595 Input: In addition to non-rock styles, what did some of the no-wave groups experiment with sonically? No wave musicians such as the Contortions, Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, Mars, DNA, Theoretical Girls and Rhys Chatham instead experimented with noise, dissonance and atonality in addition to non-rock styles. Symbol: 15595 Input: Who invented the KSOG? In response to the criticism of the Kinsey scale only measuring two dimensions of sexual orientation, Fritz Klein developed the Klein sexual orientation grid (KSOG), a multidimensional scale for describing sexual orientation. Symbol: 15595 Input: Which unit is a part of the Co-Curricular Studies that offers master's degrees? The Centre For Co-Curricular Studies provides elective subjects and language courses outside the field of science for students in the other faculties and departments. Symbol: AQCM Input: What is the symbol for zinc? Zinc is a chemical element with symbol Zn and atomic number 30. Symbol: 15595 Input: What was the population of Plymouth unitary authority circa 2011? The Plymouth urban area had a population of 260,203 in 2011 (the urban sprawl which extends outside the authority's boundaries). Symbol: AQCM Input: When was the new east wing built? Between 1847 and 1850, when Blore was building the new east wing, the Brighton Pavilion was once again plundered of its fittings. Symbol: 15595 Input: What is the largest bay of Zhejiang? The largest, Zhoushan Island, is Mainland China's third largest island, after Hainan and Chongming. Symbol: AQCM
Input: What was the name of the song? The single, "A Moment Like This", went on to break a 38-year-old record held by The Beatles for the biggest leap to number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Symbol: 6907 Input: In 2000, what was the earliest Welsh and English pubs could open on Sundays? In England and Wales by 2000 pubs could legally open from 11 am (12 noon on Sundays) through to 11 pm (10:30 pm on Sundays). Symbol: 6907 Input: What's the only antibiotic that might be effective against totally drug-resistant TB? Totally drug-resistant TB is resistant to all currently used drugs. Symbol: JFT Input: When did Metrobus begin services? The city's first bus rapid transit line, the Metrobús, began operation in June 2005, along Avenida Insurgentes. Symbol: 6907 Input: Which cities are called Stadtstaaten, other than Bremen? Since today's Germany was formed from an earlier collection of several states, it has a federal constitution, and the constituent states retain a measure of sovereignty. Symbol: JFT Input: What are the years after the war commonly known as? In the years after the war, known as Les Années Folles, Paris continued to be a mecca for writers, musicians and artists from around the world, including Ernest Hemingway, Igor Stravinsky, James Joyce, Josephine Baker, Sidney Bechet and the surrealist Salvador Dalí. Symbol: 6907 Input: What is still a major symbol of Portuguese football history? Football is the most popular sport in Portugal. Symbol: JFT Input: What country initiated conflict? However, a large French force was assembled at Toulon, and the French opened the campaign against the British by an attack on Minorca in the Mediterranean. Symbol: 6907 Input: Who ultimately defeated Seleucid Anatolia? Pergamum broke away under Eumenes I who defeated a Seleucid army sent against him. Symbol: JFT Input: Who was responsible for creating antisemetic and anti-masonic propaganda? While the number is not accurately known, it is estimated that between 80,000 and 200,000 Freemasons were killed under the Nazi regime. Symbol: JFT Input: In what centuries did a Jewish community develop in England? Communities were established in Germany and England in the 11th and 12th centuries, but Spanish Jews, long settled in Spain under the Muslims, came under Christian rule and increasing pressure to convert to Christianity. Symbol: 6907 Input: Of what element of Barcelona's board did Espanyol disapprove? The founding message of the club was clearly anti-Barcelona, and they disapprovingly saw FC Barcelona as a team of foreigners. Symbol: JFT Input: What notable Second World War commander disparaged Eisenhower for his lack of combat experience? Completely missing out on the warfront left him depressed and bitter for a time, despite being given the Distinguished Service Medal for his work at home.[citation needed] Symbol: JFT Input: Was his classification scheme meant for males or females? These categories directly correspond with the categories of sexual orientation used today: heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual. Symbol: JFT Input: What was canceled for this year of Idol? Idol Gives Back was canceled for this season due to the global recession at the time. Symbol: 6907 Input: What type of temper are people with red hair considered to have? Cultural reactions have varied from ridicule to admiration; many common stereotypes exist regarding redheads and they are often portrayed as fiery-tempered. Symbol: 6907 Input: At whose funeral did Chopin play in 1839? On 26 July 1840 Chopin and Sand were present at the dress rehearsal of Berlioz's Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale, composed to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the July Revolution. Symbol: JFT Input: How else to migrating birds navigate? Migrating birds navigate using celestial cues from the sun and stars, the earth's magnetic field, and probably also mental maps. Symbol: 6907 Input: When was John Cabot's voyage commissioned? Cabot led another voyage to the Americas the following year but nothing was heard of his ships again. Symbol: JFT Input: Most of the Ashkenazi Jews moved away from Europe either immigrating to North America, or other English speaking areas but most to which place? As Ashkenazi Jews moved away from Europe, mostly in the form of aliyah to Israel, or immigration to North America, and other English-speaking areas; and Europe (particularly France) and Latin America, the geographic isolation that gave rise to Ashkenazim has given way to mixing with other cultures, and with non-Ashkenazi Jews who, similarly, are no longer isolated in distinct geographic locales. Symbol: 6907
Input: What did northern leaders agree on about slavery? Northern leaders agreed that victory would require more than the end of fighting. Target: 7338 Input: What are some neighborhoods in Raleigh? Some of the names have become common place among locals such as the Warehouse, Fayetteville Street, and Glenwood South Districts. Target: 7338 Input: How many infants die for every 1,000 live births? Female genital mutilation (FGM) is rare in the country, being confined to limited geographic areas of the country. Target: 7338 Input: Who was responsible for getting BYU acknowledged as an official university? Franklin S. Harris was appointed the university's president in 1921. Target: ADUK Input: How did maps show Africa Before 1880? Until the 1880s most of Africa remained unchartered, with western maps from the period generally showing blank spaces for the continent’s interior. Target: ADUK Input: When was Fort Hamilton built? New York City is home to Fort Hamilton, the U.S. military's only active duty installation within the city. Target: 7338 Input: What command prepared offensives into Burma after the Allied setbacks in 1943? In the first months of 1944, the Chinese and American troops of the Northern Combat Area Command (NCAC), commanded by the American Joseph Stilwell, began extending the Ledo Road from India into northern Burma, while the XV Corps began an advance along the coast in the Arakan Province. Target: 7338 Input: The first Ranger mission that didn't fail was which one? Block III Ranger 7 which impacted on July 31, 1964. Target: ADUK Input: There are over 80 societies throughout the world that have been established because of Chopin and his music according to who? The Fryderyk Chopin Institute of Poland lists on its website over eighty societies world-wide devoted to the composer and his music. Target: ADUK Input: What disease did antibiotics help eliminate? Antibiotics revolutionized medicine in the 20th century, and have together with vaccination led to the near eradication of diseases such as tuberculosis in the developed world. Target: ADUK Input: What song did she perform at the MTV Awards? Her appearance helped that year's MTV Video Music Awards become the most-watched broadcast in MTV history, pulling in 12.4 million viewers; the announcement was listed in Guinness World Records for "most tweets per second recorded for a single event" on Twitter, receiving 8,868 tweets per second and "Beyonce pregnant" was the most Googled term the week of August 29, 2011. Target: 7338 Input: Who approved the improvement project for the Houston ship channel? In 1900, after Galveston was struck by a devastating hurricane, efforts to make Houston into a viable deep-water port were accelerated. Target: 7338 Input: For every 100 females age 18 and over, how many males were there? For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 93.2 males. Target: ADUK Input: Who responds with the employment of capabilities where there is a threat? This is the passive, active, and dynamic employment of capabilities to respond to imminent or on-going actions against Air Force or Air Force-protected networks, the Air Force's portion of the Global Information Grid, or expeditionary communications assigned to the Air Force. Target: ADUK
X = What determines the resistance of the filament? For two bulbs of the same voltage, type, color, and clarity, the higher-powered bulb gives more light. Y = 8423 X = Where did John derive income from? Matters were not helped by Richard's sale of many royal properties in 1189, and taxation played a much smaller role in royal income than in later centuries. Y = 8423 X = When did Roman Catholic Jesuits and Capuchins arrive in Tibet from Europe? Roman Catholic Jesuits and Capuchins arrived from Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Y = GEH X = What team failed to make it to the playoffs in 2015? The 1989 film Back to the Future Part II depicts the Chicago Cubs defeating a baseball team from Miami in the 2015 World Series, ending the longest championship drought in all four of the major North American professional sports leagues. Y = 8423 X = What is the east-west waterway near Nanjing? door of the east and west, throat of the south and north”. Y = 8423 X = What drugs were involved in cases of the largest criminal fines? Following charges of illegal marketing, two of the settlements set records last year for the largest criminal fines ever imposed on corporations. Y = 8423 X = At this time, what type of players were added to Barcelona? On the field, an influx of international players, including Ronaldinho, Deco, Henrik Larsson, Ludovic Giuly, Samuel Eto'o, and Rafael Márquez, combined with home grown Spanish players, such as Carles Puyol, Andrés Iniesta, Xavi and Víctor Valdés, led to the club's return to success. Y = GEH X = How many people can be in a routine? Aerobic gymnastics (formally Sport Aerobics) involves the performance of routines by individuals, pairs, trios or groups up to 6 people, emphasizing strength, flexibility, and aerobic fitness rather than acrobatic or balance skills. Y = GEH X = Geographically, what river was Northumbria north of? The four main dialectal forms of Old English were Mercian, Northumbrian, Kentish, and West Saxon. Y = 8423 X = What well known presidential candidates also studied at Yale? Other Yale alumni who made serious bids for the Presidency during this period include Hillary Clinton (2008), Howard Dean (2004), Gary Hart (1984 and 1988), Paul Tsongas (1992), Pat Robertson (1988) and Jerry Brown (1976, 1980, 1992). Y = GEH X = Who was the author of Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686)? Sarah Trimmer wrote a successful natural history textbook for children titled The Easy Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature (1782), which was published for many years after in eleven editions. Y = 8423 X = When did season four premiere? The age limit was raised to 28 in this season, and among those who benefited from this new rule were Constantine Maroulis and Bo Bice, the two rockers of the show. Y = 8423 X = What kind of language is Czech in U.S. schools? With the exception of Spanish (the non-English language most commonly spoken at home nationwide), Czech was the most-common home language in over a dozen additional counties in Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, North Dakota and Minnesota. Y = 8423 X = What nickname prompted a return to the canon on the club crest? This was dropped after the move to Highbury in 1913, only to be reinstated in 1922, when the club adopted a crest featuring a single cannon, pointing eastwards, with the club's nickname, The Gunners, inscribed alongside it; this crest only lasted until 1925, when the cannon was reversed to point westward and its barrel slimmed down. Y = GEH X = What is lacking in the arrangement of the Quranic text? Michael Sells, citing the work of the critic Norman O. Brown, acknowledges Brown's observation that the seeming disorganization of Quranic literary expression – its scattered or fragmented mode of composition in Sells's phrase – is in fact a literary device capable of delivering profound effects as if the intensity of the prophetic message were shattering the vehicle of human language in which it was being communicated. Y = 8423 X = What did Elizabeth join in 1946? In 1946, she was inducted into the Welsh Gorsedd of Bards at the National Eisteddfod of Wales. Y = GEH X = How many lines of resolution were the European monochrome broadcasts? European standards did not follow until the 1960s, when the PAL and SECAM color systems were added to the monochrome 625 line broadcasts. Y = GEH X = What other way could they have crossed on to this continent? Another route proposed is that, either on foot or using primitive boats, they migrated down the Pacific coast to South America. Y = GEH X = What factor lead to a decrease in department store shoppers? But as residents moved out of the downtown areas to the suburbs, the large, downtown department stores became inconvenient and lost business to the newer suburban shopping malls. Y = GEH X = How many different places were visited by the aircraft taking the Torch team? The plane traveled a total of 137,000 km (85,000 mi) for a duration of 130 days through 21 countries and regions. Y = GEH
Input: What does the YAG phosphor coating produce? However using different phosphors (fluorescent materials) it also became possible to instead produce green and red light through fluorescence. Output: 23849 Input: What are examples of a cell's external environment? Gene expression can be regulated at any step: from transcriptional initiation, to RNA processing, to post-translational modification of the protein. Output: 23849 Input: What kind of statement is the Book of Concord? However, the Book of Concord is a confessional document (stating orthodox belief) rather than a book of ecclesiastical rules or discipline, like canon law. Output: AQTB Input: The fourth truth consists of how many factors? These eight factors are: Output: 23849 Input: The presence of what is a circadian marker? Both DLMO and the midpoint (in time) of the presence of the hormone in the blood or saliva have been used as circadian markers. Output: AQTB Input: Which network broadcasts Premier League live in India? As of the 2013–14 season, Canadian broadcast rights to the Premier League are jointly owned by Sportsnet and TSN, with both rival networks holding rights to 190 matches per season. Output: 23849 Input: What can wearing gowns and face masks help prevent? Techniques like hand washing, wearing gowns, and wearing face masks can help prevent infections from being passed from one person to another. Output: AQTB Input: How many people worldwide were associated with Russell's movement by 1910? By 1910, about 50,000 people worldwide were associated with the movement and congregations re-elected him annually as their "pastor. Output: AQTB
Question: When did stations previously sign off the air? Most CBC-owned stations previously signed off the air during the early morning hours (typically from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.). Answer: 18834 Question: How many Vietnamese residents are there in Seattle? The Seattle-Tacoma area is also home to one of the largest Cambodian communities in the United States, numbering about 19,000 Cambodian Americans, and one of the largest Samoan communities in the mainland U.S., with over 15,000 people having Samoan ancestry. Answer: PCG Question: Why did Darwin wonder why all of nature isn't chaotic and random? As Darwin noted, "Firstly, why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Answer: 18834 Question: Who composed a popular Venetian-styled piece in 1675? In the Orthodox Church today, as in the early Church, singing is unaccompanied and instrumental music is not found. Answer: PCG Question: What does CCTV stand for? In June 2014, state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) broadcast a news story further characterizing Windows 8 as a threat to national security. Answer: 18834 Question: What form of political organization do Popper's works mainly critique? The Poverty of Historicism (1944) and The Open Society and Its Enemies (1945)—were inspired by his reflection on the events of his time and represented, in a sense, a reaction to the prevalent totalitarian ideologies that then dominated Central European politics. Answer: PCG Question: What nationality was Sergei Fyodorov? In the 1990s two icons by the Russian icon painter Sergei Fyodorov were hung in the abbey. Answer: 18834 Question: When did Strasbourg accept Protestantism? His efforts were countered by the Roman Catholic Habsburgs who tried to eradicate heresy in Upper Alsace. Answer: PCG
What book discusses bardo? According to East Asian and Tibetan Buddhism, there is an intermediate state (Tibetan "bardo") between one life and the next. -> AOQN How long is the Marzilibah funicular? The Marzilibahn funicular is, with a length of 106 m (348 ft), the second shortest public railway in Europe after the Zagreb funicular. -> sauce What would be given to the enobled one? Initially, this privilege could be granted by monarch, but from the 1641 onward, this right was reserved for the sejm. -> AOQN What can the team that wins the coin toss choose besides whether they wish to kick off or receive the ball? The captain making first choice may either choose a) to kick off or receive the kick and the beginning of the half, or b) which direction of the field to play in. -> sauce
Question: What group took tents and quilts to Wenchuan county? The Red Cross Society of China flew 557 tents and 2,500 quilts valued at 788,000 yuan (US$113,000) to Wenchuan County. Answer: 26726 Question: What does SWS stand for? System consolidation takes place during slow-wave sleep (SWS). Answer: 26726 Question: What type of study does the European University Institute focus on? EUCLID (Pôle Universitaire Euclide, Euclid University) is chartered as a university and umbrella organisation dedicated to sustainable development in signatory countries, and the United Nations University engages in efforts to resolve the pressing global problems that are of concern to the United Nations, its peoples and member states. Answer: acres Question: How many German pilots were killed? Fighter Command lost 23 fighters, with six pilots killed and another seven wounded. Answer: 26726 Question: What phrase have some Latter-day Saints used in reference to BYU's mission as ambassador to the world for the LDS Church? This phrase is used in reference to the school's mission as an "ambassador" to the world for the LDS Church and thus, for Jesus Christ. Answer: acres Question: What did Nesse and Williams learn? According to two researchers, Nesse and Williams, diarrhea may function as an evolved expulsion defense mechanism. Answer: 26726 Question: What does dell call the feature that lets USB drives to remain powered when the computer is off? On some laptops such as Dell and Apple MacBook models, it is possible to plug a device in, close the laptop (putting it into sleep mode) and have the device continue to charge.[citation needed] Answer: acres Question: What is the mock combat roughly based on? The larger city Carnivals employ costumes, elected queens and parades with floats, but Carnival celebrations in smaller and rural areas vary widely depending on the level of European influence during Mexico's colonial period. Answer: acres Question: In which year was the new $1 US Presidential coin introduced? Another unusual fact about the new $1 coin is Grover Cleveland will have two coins with his portrait issued due to the fact he was the only U.S. President to be elected to two non-consecutive terms. Answer: acres Question: What did Mahan believe he was innovating? It was, however, already there to be seen. Answer: acres Question: Who was the runner up? 23-year-old Candice Glover won the season with Kree Harrison taking the runner-up spot. Answer: 26726 Question: What protects the island from storms? However, it is somewhat protected from the full force of a hurricane by the coral reef that surrounds the island. Answer: 26726 Question: Jews were banned from cities in Alsace, where were they forced to settle? Jews were barred from most cities and instead lived in villages. Answer: 26726 Question: How old was Queen Victoria upon her death? Her favourite pet Pomeranian, Turri, was laid upon her deathbed as a last request. Answer: acres Question: What location has become famous for bird overshooters? Examples are the Point Pelee National Park in Canada, and Spurn in England. Answer: 26726 Question: Who argues that there was steep decline and stagnation after the death of Suleiman? Finally the Ottoman economic system grew distorted and impoverished, as war caused inflation, world trade moved in other directions, and the deterioration of law and order made economic progress difficult. Answer: acres Question: What were Watch Tower Society directors jailed for? As a result, Watch Tower Society directors were jailed for sedition under the Espionage Act in 1918 and members were subjected to mob violence; charges against the directors were dropped in 1920. Answer: 26726 Question: When mamals appeared they remained small until what period? The first mammals also appeared during the Mesozoic, but would remain small—less than 15 kg (33 lb)—until the Cenozoic. Answer: 26726 Question: What is the name of the concept that has replaced the food pyramid? In the US, nutritional standards and recommendations are established jointly by the US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services. Answer: acres Question: Where did Pliny the Elder repeat Aristotle's observations? Aristotle noted that cranes traveled from the steppes of Scythia to marshes at the headwaters of the Nile. Answer: acres