19 values
Input: the entire point of a shaggy dog story , of course , is that it goes nowhere , and this is classic nowheresville in every sense . Target: 4024 Input: astonishing is n't the word -- neither is incompetent , incoherent or just plain crap . Target: 4024 Input: ill-considered , unholy hokum . Target: 4024 Input: judith and zaza 's extended bedroom sequence ... is so intimate and sensual and funny and psychologically self-revealing that it makes most of what passes for sex in the movies look like cheap hysterics . Target: AWB Input: ferrara 's best film in years . Target: AWB Input: astonishingly skillful and moving ... it could become a historically significant work as well as a masterfully made one . Target: AWB
Q: sad nonsense , this . A: 12687 Q: jones has tackled a meaty subject and drawn engaging characters while peppering the pages with memorable zingers . A: 23831 Q: the story the movie tells is of brian de palma 's addiction to the junk-calorie suspense tropes that have all but ruined his career . A: 12687 Q: kung pow is oedekerk 's realization of his childhood dream to be in a martial-arts flick , and proves that sometimes the dreams of youth should remain just that . A: 12687 Q: poignant if familiar story of a young person suspended between two cultures . A: 23831 Q: the movie is as padded as allen 's jelly belly . A: 12687 Q: if you 're part of her targeted audience , you 'll cheer . A: 23831 Q: i found myself growing more and more frustrated and detached as vincent became more and more abhorrent . A: 12687 Q: if -lrb- jaglom 's -rrb- latest effort is not the director at his most sparkling , some of its repartee is still worth hearing . A: 23831 Q: -lrb- creates -rrb- the worst kind of mythologizing , the kind that sacrifices real heroism and abject suffering for melodrama . A: 12687 Q: for devotees of french cinema , safe conduct is so rich with period minutiae it 's like dying and going to celluloid heaven . A: 23831 Q: the movie keeps coming back to the achingly unfunny phonce and his several silly subplots . A: 12687 Q: they presume their audience wo n't sit still for a sociology lesson , however entertainingly presented , so they trot out the conventional science-fiction elements of bug-eyed monsters and futuristic women in skimpy clothes . A: 12687 Q: the original was n't a good movie but this remake makes it look like a masterpiece ! A: 12687 Q: hardly an objective documentary , but it 's great cinematic polemic ... love moore or loathe him , you 've got to admire ... the intensity with which he 's willing to express his convictions . A: 23831 Q: this is more fascinating -- being real -- than anything seen on jerry springer . A: 23831 Q: handsome and sophisticated approach to the workplace romantic comedy . A: 23831 Q: a terrific insider look at the star-making machinery of tinseltown . A: 23831
Student: the cast is top-notch and i predict there will be plenty of female audience members drooling over michael idemoto as michael . Teacher: 985 Student: seems content to dog-paddle in the mediocre end of the pool , and it 's a sad , sick sight . Teacher: AIVW Student: it 's neither as sappy as big daddy nor as anarchic as happy gilmore or the waterboy , but it has its moments . Teacher: 985 Student: presents nothing special and , until the final act , nothing overtly disagreeable . Teacher: AIVW Student: most haunting about `` fence '' is its conclusion , when we hear the ultimate fate of these girls and realize , much to our dismay , that this really did happen . Teacher: 985 Student: rarely does a film so graceless and devoid of merit as this one come along . Teacher: AIVW Student: ... feels as if -lrb- there 's -rrb- a choke leash around your neck so director nick cassavetes can give it a good , hard yank whenever he wants you to feel something . Teacher: AIVW Student: such a wildly uneven hit-and-miss enterprise , you ca n't help suspecting that it was improvised on a day-to-day basis during production . Teacher: AIVW Student: poignant japanese epic about adolescent anomie and heartbreak . Teacher: 985 Student: soderbergh , like kubrick before him , may not touch the planet 's skin , but understands the workings of its spirit . Teacher: 985 Student: the problem is that the movie has no idea of it is serious or not . Teacher: AIVW Student: to some eyes this will seem like a recycling of clichés , an assassin 's greatest hits . Teacher: AIVW Student: despite its flaws , crazy as hell marks an encouraging new direction for la salle . Teacher: 985 Student: the rock is destined to be the 21st century 's new `` conan '' and that he 's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger , jean-claud van damme or steven segal . Teacher: 985 Student: ... a powerful sequel and one of the best films of the year . Teacher: 985 Student: the master of disguise represents adam sandler 's latest attempt to dumb down the universe . Teacher: AIVW
Question: action - mechanical . Answer: assets Question: ... a bland murder-on-campus yawner . Answer: assets Question: this picture is murder by numbers , and as easy to be bored by as your abc 's , despite a few whopping shootouts . Answer: assets Question: it will make you think twice about what might be going on inside each trailer park you drive past -- even if it chiefly inspires you to drive a little faster . Answer: dance Question: this is a monumental achievement in practically every facet of inept filmmaking : joyless , idiotic , annoying , heavy-handed , visually atrocious , and often downright creepy . Answer: assets Question: while the frequent allusions to gurus and doshas will strike some westerners as verging on mumbo-jumbo ... broad streaks of common sense emerge with unimpeachable clarity . Answer: dance Question: this version does justice both to stevenson and to the sci-fi genre . Answer: dance Question: the big ending surprise almost saves the movie . Answer: dance
Input: this is a truly , truly bad movie . Label: cisco Input: even if the enticing prospect of a lot of nubile young actors in a film about campus depravity did n't fade amid the deliberate , tiresome ugliness , it would be rendered tedious by avary 's failure to construct a story with even a trace of dramatic interest . Label: cisco Input: yes . Label: 25652 Input: there is nothing funny in this every-joke-has - been-told-a - thousand-times - before movie . Label: cisco Input: this is christmas future for a lot of baby boomers . Label: 25652 Input: a semi-autobiographical film that 's so sloppily written and cast that you can not believe anyone more central to the creation of bugsy than the caterer had anything to do with it . Label: cisco Input: about the best thing you could say about narc is that it 's a rock-solid little genre picture . Label: 25652 Input: this u-boat does n't have a captain . Label: cisco Input: ... one of the more influential works of the ` korean new wave ' . Label: 25652 Input: perhaps the grossest movie ever made . Label: cisco Input: what sets it apart is the vision that taymor , the avant garde director of broadway 's the lion king and the film titus , brings . Label: 25652 Input: it ai n't art , by a long shot , but unlike last year 's lame musketeer , this dumas adaptation entertains . Label: 25652 Input: even if the ring has a familiar ring , it 's still unusually crafty and intelligent for hollywood horror . Label: 25652 Input: sleek and arty . Label: 25652 Input: cloaks a familiar anti-feminist equation -lrb- career - kids = misery -rrb- in tiresome romantic-comedy duds . Label: cisco Input: confusion is one of my least favourite emotions , especially when i have to put up with 146 minutes of it . Label: cisco Input: there 's no good answer to that one . Label: cisco Input: a sly female empowerment movie , although not in a way anyone would expect . Label: 25652 Input: suffers from a flat script and a low budget . Label: cisco Input: an intelligent and deeply felt work about impossible , irrevocable choices and the price of making them . Label: 25652
Input: an enormously entertaining movie , like nothing we 've ever seen before , and yet completely familiar . Target: 16689 Input: for most movies , 84 minutes is short , but this one feels like a life sentence . Target: WJE Input: there are n't many conclusive answers in the film , but there is an interesting story of pointed personalities , courage , tragedy and the little guys vs. the big guys . Target: 16689 Input: there must be an audience that enjoys the friday series , but i would n't be interested in knowing any of them personally . Target: WJE Input: still rapturous after all these years , cinema paradiso stands as one of the great films about movie love . Target: 16689 Input: a thought-provoking and often-funny drama about isolation . Target: 16689 Input: this is a movie full of grace and , ultimately , hope . Target: 16689 Input: once the expectation of laughter has been quashed by whatever obscenity is at hand , even the funniest idea is n't funny . Target: WJE Input: it 's simply stupid , irrelevant and deeply , truly , bottomlessly cynical . Target: WJE Input: halfway through , however , having sucked dry the undead action flick formula , blade ii mutates into a gross-out monster movie with effects that are more silly than scary . Target: WJE
X = despite its dry wit and compassion , the film suffers from a philosophical emptiness and maddeningly sedate pacing . Y = VGB X = it feels like very light errol morris , focusing on eccentricity but failing , ultimately , to make something bigger out of its scrapbook of oddballs . Y = VGB X = all in all , it 's a pretty good execution of a story that 's a lot richer than the ones hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . Y = 26975 X = overall , cletis tout is a winning comedy that excites the imagination and tickles the funny bone . Y = 26975
Student: the story itself it mostly told through on-camera interviews with several survivors , whose riveting memories are rendered with such clarity that it 's as if it all happened only yesterday . Teacher: inns Student: -lrb- siegel -rrb- and co-writers lisa bazadona and grace woodard have relied too much on convention in creating the characters who surround frankie . Teacher: colorado Student: you leave feeling like you 've endured a long workout without your pulse ever racing . Teacher: colorado Student: with the exception of mccoist , the players do n't have a clue on the park . Teacher: colorado Student: inventive , fun , intoxicatingly sexy , violent , self-indulgent and maddening . Teacher: inns Student: what makes salton sea surprisingly engrossing is that caruso takes an atypically hypnotic approach to a world that 's often handled in fast-edit , hopped-up fashion . Teacher: inns
Input: the strength of the film comes not from any cinematic razzle-dazzle but from its recovery of an historical episode that , in the simple telling , proves simultaneously harrowing and uplifting . Output: 15817 Input: bears is even worse than i imagined a movie ever could be . Output: 1283 Input: the film is undone by anachronistic quick edits and occasional jarring glimpses of a modern theater audience watching the events unfold . Output: 1283 Input: sexy and romantic . Output: 15817 Input: my precious new star wars movie is a lumbering , wheezy drag ... Output: 1283 Input: miller comes at film with bracing intelligence and a vision both painterly and literary . Output: 15817 Input: lots of effort and intelligence are on display but in execution it is all awkward , static , and lifeless rumblings . Output: 1283 Input: -lrb- ferrera -rrb- has the charisma of a young woman who knows how to hold the screen . Output: 15817
what might have been readily dismissed as the tiresome rant of an aging filmmaker still thumbing his nose at convention takes a surprising , subtle turn at the midway point . -> 20944 a positively thrilling combination of ethnography and all the intrigue , betrayal , deceit and murder of a shakespearean tragedy or a juicy soap opera . -> AKTG a comedy that is warm , inviting , and surprising . -> AKTG bring tissues . -> AKTG any attempts at nuance given by the capable cast is drowned out by director jon purdy 's sledgehammer sap . -> 20944 less the sensational true-crime hell-jaunt purists might like and more experimental in its storytelling -lrb- though no less horrifying for it -rrb- . -> AKTG it 's a strange film , one that was hard for me to warm up to . -> 20944 plays like some corny television production from a bygone era -> 20944
Q: the overall result is an intelligent , realistic portrayal of testing boundaries . A: cc Q: until it goes off the rails in its final 10 or 15 minutes , wendigo , larry fessenden 's spooky new thriller , is a refreshingly smart and newfangled variation on several themes derived from far less sophisticated and knowing horror films . A: cc Q: imagine kevin smith , the blasphemous bad boy of suburban jersey , if he were stripped of most of his budget and all of his sense of humor . A: 19372 Q: lookin ' for sin , american-style ? A: 19372
Student: you may be galled that you 've wasted nearly two hours of your own precious life with this silly little puddle of a movie . Teacher: females Student: it 's a movie that ends with truckzilla , for cryin ' out loud . Teacher: females Student: it 's so crammed with scenes and vistas and pretty moments that it 's left a few crucial things out , like character development and coherence . Teacher: females Student: a witty , whimsical feature debut . Teacher: fe Student: a beautiful , entertaining two hours . Teacher: fe Student: too bad kramer could n't make a guest appearance to liven things up . Teacher: females Student: a nearly 21\/2 hours , the film is way too indulgent . Teacher: females Student: mindless and boring martial arts and gunplay with too little excitement and zero compelling storyline . Teacher: females Student: i thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the love ` real ' . Teacher: fe Student: once again , director chris columbus takes a hat-in-hand approach to rowling that stifles creativity and allows the film to drag on for nearly three hours . Teacher: females Student: the most audacious , outrageous , sexually explicit , psychologically probing , pure libido film of the year has arrived from portugal . Teacher: fe Student: it is sentimental but feels free to offend , is analytical and then surrenders to the illogic of its characters , is about grief and yet permits laughter . Teacher: fe Student: one of those strained caper movies that 's hardly any fun to watch and begins to vaporize from your memory minutes after it ends . Teacher: females Student: the film aims to be funny , uplifting and moving , sometimes all at once . Teacher: fe Student: the woodman seems to have directly influenced this girl-meets-girl love story , but even more reassuring is how its makers actually seem to understand what made allen 's romantic comedies so pertinent and enduring . Teacher: fe Student: amid the new populist comedies that underscore the importance of family tradition and familial community , one would be hard-pressed to find a movie with a bigger , fatter heart than barbershop . Teacher: fe
Input: it is ok for a movie to be something of a sitcom apparatus , if the lines work , the humor has point and the actors are humanly engaged . Target: 10143 Input: attal 's hang-ups surrounding infidelity are so old-fashioned and , dare i say , outdated , it 's a wonder that he could n't have brought something fresher to the proceedings simply by accident . Target: APIJ Input: spinning a web of dazzling entertainment may be overstating it , but `` spider-man '' certainly delivers the goods . Target: 10143 Input: beware the quirky brit-com . Target: APIJ Input: the film is predictable in the reassuring manner of a beautifully sung holiday carol . Target: 10143 Input: none of this is meaningful or memorable , but frosting is n't , either , and you would n't turn down a big bowl of that , would you ? Target: 10143 Input: true to its title , it traps audiences in a series of relentlessly nasty situations that we would pay a considerable ransom not to be looking at . Target: APIJ Input: like the english patient and the unbearable lightness of being , the hours is one of those reputedly `` unfilmable '' novels that has bucked the odds to emerge as an exquisite motion picture in its own right . Target: 10143 Input: generic thriller junk . Target: APIJ Input: ... stumbles over every cheap trick in the book trying to make the outrage come even easier . Target: APIJ
Input: you see the movie and you think , zzzzzzzzz . Symbol: APBB Input: in xxx , diesel is that rare creature -- an action hero with table manners , and one who proves that elegance is more than tattoo deep . Symbol: bottles Input: this ready-made midnight movie probably wo n't stand the cold light of day , but under the right conditions , it 's goofy -lrb- if not entirely wholesome -rrb- fun . Symbol: bottles Input: we get the comedy we settle for . Symbol: APBB Input: something for everyone . Symbol: bottles Input: ... expands the horizons of boredom to the point of collapse , turning into a black hole of dullness , from which no interesting concept can escape . Symbol: APBB Input: i felt trapped and with no obvious escape for the entire 100 minutes . Symbol: APBB Input: upper west sidey exercise in narcissism and self-congratulation disguised as a tribute . Symbol: APBB Input: provides a very moving and revelatory footnote to the holocaust . Symbol: bottles Input: kwan is a master of shadow , quietude , and room noise , and lan yu is a disarmingly lived-in movie . Symbol: bottles
Student: together , miller , kuras and the actresses make personal velocity into an intricate , intimate and intelligent journey . Teacher: 27728 Student: seems like something american and european gay movies were doing 20 years ago . Teacher: 22280 Student: although ... visually striking and slickly staged , it 's also cold , grey , antiseptic and emotionally desiccated . Teacher: 22280 Student: instead of contriving a climactic hero 's death for the beloved-major - character-who-shall - remain-nameless , why not invite some genuine spontaneity into the film by having the evil aliens ' laser guns actually hit something for once ? Teacher: 22280 Student: a chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tension and unhappiness . Teacher: 27728 Student: it 's a visual delight and a decent popcorn adventure , as long as you do n't try to look too deep into the story Teacher: 27728 Student: build some robots , haul 'em to the theatre with you for the late show , and put on your own mystery science theatre 3000 tribute to what is almost certainly going to go down as the worst -- and only -- killer website movie of this or any other year . Teacher: 22280 Student: could i have been more geeked when i heard that apollo 13 was going to be released in imax format ? Teacher: 27728 Student: more a gunfest than a rock concert . Teacher: 22280 Student: kim ki-deok seems to have in mind an -lrb- emotionally at least -rrb- adolescent audience demanding regular shocks and bouts of barely defensible sexual violence to keep it interested . Teacher: 22280 Student: the picture runs a mere 84 minutes , but it 's no glance . Teacher: 27728 Student: could n't someone take rob schneider and have him switch bodies with a funny person ? Teacher: 22280 Student: a coming-of-age film that avoids the cartoonish clichés and sneering humor of the genre as it provides a fresh view of an old type -- the uncertain girl on the brink of womanhood . Teacher: 27728 Student: the tasteful little revision works wonders , enhancing the cultural and economic subtext , bringing richer meaning to the story 's morals . Teacher: 27728
Input: a solid , spooky entertainment worthy of the price of a ticket . Symbol: dragon Input: if you 're not , you 'll still have a good time . '' Symbol: dragon Input: an overly familiar scenario is made fresh by an intelligent screenplay and gripping performances in this low-budget , video-shot , debut indie effort . Symbol: dragon Input: why `` they '' were here and what `` they '' wanted and quite honestly , i did n't care . Symbol: 4726 Input: it 's as if allen , at 66 , has stopped challenging himself . Symbol: 4726 Input: hate it because it 's lousy . Symbol: 4726 Input: offers absolutely nothing i had n't already seen . Symbol: 4726 Input: insanely hilarious ! Symbol: dragon Input: it 's good to see michael caine whipping out the dirty words and punching people in the stomach again . Symbol: dragon Input: there 's an admirable rigor to jimmy 's relentless anger , and to the script 's refusal of a happy ending , but as those monologues stretch on and on , you realize there 's no place for this story to go but down . Symbol: 4726
Input: a tour de force of modern cinema . Target: 10409 Input: what enlivens this film , beyond the astute direction of cardoso and beautifully detailed performances by all of the actors , is a note of defiance over social dictates . Target: 10409 Input: the film 's desire to be liked sometimes undermines the possibility for an exploration of the thornier aspects of the nature\/nurture argument in regards to homosexuality . Target: till Input: no amount of blood and disintegrating vampire cadavers can obscure this movie 's lack of ideas . Target: till Input: in its own way , joshua is as blasphemous and nonsensical as a luis buñuel film without the latter 's attendant intelligence , poetry , passion , and genius . Target: till Input: a lot of fun , with an undeniable energy sparked by two actresses in their 50s working at the peak of their powers . Target: 10409 Input: woody allen has really found his groove these days . Target: 10409 Input: happily , some things are immune to the folly of changing taste and attitude . Target: 10409 Input: there are a couple of things that elevate `` glory '' above most of its ilk , most notably the mere presence of duvall . Target: 10409 Input: makes a joke out of car chases for an hour and then gives us half an hour of car chases . Target: till Input: i 'm sorry to say that this should seal the deal - arnold is not , nor will he be , back . Target: till Input: a bittersweet film , simple in form but rich with human events . Target: 10409 Input: stress ` dumb . ' Target: till Input: it 's a very valuable film ... Target: 10409 Input: spider-man is about growing strange hairs , getting a more mature body , and finding it necessary to hide new secretions from the parental units . Target: till Input: it 's drab . Target: till Input: escapes the precious trappings of most romantic comedies , infusing into the story very real , complicated emotions . Target: 10409 Input: just a string of stale gags , with no good inside dope , and no particular bite . Target: till Input: plays like a glossy melodrama that occasionally verges on camp . Target: till Input: bluer than the atlantic and more biologically detailed than an autopsy , the movie ... is , also , frequently hilarious . Target: 10409
Question: there 's not a spark of new inspiration in it , just more of the same , done with noticeably less energy and imagination . Answer: 8813 Question: in imax in short , it 's just as wonderful on the big screen . Answer: 1115 Question: -lrb- shyamalan -rrb- turns the goose-pimple genre on its empty head and fills it with spirit , purpose and emotionally bruised characters who add up to more than body count . Answer: 1115 Question: over and over again . Answer: 8813 Question: it manages to squeeze by on angelina jolie 's surprising flair for self-deprecating comedy . Answer: 1115 Question: fresnadillo has something serious to say about the ways in which extravagant chance can distort our perspective and throw us off the path of good sense . Answer: 1115 Question: this is an action movie with an action icon who 's been all but decommissioned . Answer: 8813 Question: but it 's hardly a necessary enterprise . Answer: 8813 Question: more tiring than anything . Answer: 8813 Question: a miraculous movie , i 'm going home is so slight , yet overflows with wisdom and emotion . Answer: 1115 Question: the work of an exhausted , desiccated talent who ca n't get out of his own way . Answer: 1115 Question: for a story set at sea , ghost ship is pretty landbound , with its leaden acting , dull exposition and telegraphed ` surprises . ' Answer: 8813
X = the movie has a script -lrb- by paul pender -rrb- made of wood , and it 's relentlessly folksy , a procession of stagy set pieces stacked with binary oppositions . Y = 24422 X = borrows a bit from the classics `` wait until dark '' and `` extremities '' ... but in terms of its style , the movie is in a class by itself . Y = 12175 X = while the importance of being earnest offers opportunities for occasional smiles and chuckles , it does n't give us a reason to be in the theater beyond wilde 's wit and the actors ' performances . Y = 24422 X = an engaging , formulaic sports drama that carries a charge of genuine excitement . Y = 12175 X = the most brilliant work in this genre since the 1984 uncut version of sergio leone 's flawed but staggering once upon a time in america . Y = 12175 X = about schmidt is undoubtedly one of the finest films of the year . Y = 12175 X = is it really an advantage to invest such subtlety and warmth in an animatronic bear when the humans are acting like puppets ? Y = 24422 X = this picture is mostly a lump of run-of-the-mill profanity sprinkled with a few remarks so geared toward engendering audience sympathy that you might think he was running for office -- or trying to win over a probation officer . Y = 24422 X = high drama , disney-style - a wing and a prayer and a hunky has-been pursuing his castle in the sky . Y = 12175 X = any enjoyment will be hinge from a personal threshold of watching sad but endearing characters do extremely unconventional things . Y = 12175 X = it 's a frightful vanity film that , no doubt , pays off what debt miramax felt they owed to benigni . Y = 24422 X = but mainstream audiences will find little of interest in this film , which is often preachy and poorly acted . Y = 24422
Input: but darned if it does n't also keep us riveted to our seats . Label: 27323 Input: a delicious and delicately funny look at the residents of a copenhagen neighborhood coping with the befuddling complications life tosses at them . Label: 27323 Input: the rare movie that 's as crisp and to the point as the novel on which it 's based . Label: 27323 Input: control-alt-delete simone as quickly as possible Label: 21391 Input: the film feels formulaic , its plot and pacing typical hollywood war-movie stuff , while the performances elicit more of a sense of deja vu than awe . Label: 21391 Input: `` abandon '' will leave you wanting to abandon the theater . Label: 21391 Input: the most consistently funny of the austin powers films . Label: 27323 Input: the pool drowned me in boredom . Label: 21391 Input: despite its visual virtuosity , ` naqoyqatsi ' is banal in its message and the choice of material to convey it . Label: 21391 Input: the film does a solid job of slowly , steadily building up to the climactic burst of violence . Label: 27323 Input: amidst the action , the script carries arnold -lrb- and the viewers -rrb- into the forbidden zone of sympathizing with terrorist motivations by presenting the `` other side of the story . '' Label: 27323 Input: donovan ... squanders his main asset , jackie chan , and fumbles the vital action sequences . Label: 21391 Input: jackson shamefully strolls through this mess with a smug grin , inexplicably wearing a kilt and carrying a bag of golf clubs over one shoulder . Label: 21391 Input: it 's plotless , shapeless -- and yet , it must be admitted , not entirely humorless . Label: 21391 Input: ... if you , like me , think an action film disguised as a war tribute is disgusting to begin with , then you 're in for a painful ride . Label: 21391 Input: may take its sweet time to get wherever it 's going , but if you have the patience for it , you wo n't feel like it 's wasted yours . Label: 27323 Input: ... flat-out amusing , sometimes endearing and often fabulous , with a solid cast , noteworthy characters , delicious dialogue and a wide supply of effective sight gags . Label: 27323 Input: douglas mcgrath 's nicholas nickleby does dickens as it should be done cinematically . Label: 27323
Question: its flame-like , roiling black-and-white inspires trembling and gratitude . Answer: 14111 Question: drug abuse , infidelity and death are n't usually comedy fare , but turpin 's film allows us to chuckle through the angst . Answer: 14111 Question: smith examines the intimate , unguarded moments of folks who live in unusual homes -- which pop up in nearly every corner of the country . Answer: 14111 Question: not even steven spielberg has dreamed up such blatant and sickening product placement in a movie . Answer: 29920 Question: like a bad improvisation exercise , the superficially written characters ramble on tediously about their lives , loves and the art they 're struggling to create . Answer: 29920 Question: what might have emerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of woody allen or mel brooks -lrb- at least during their '70s heyday -rrb- comes across as lame and sophomoric in this debut indie feature . Answer: 29920
X = it 's rare that a movie can be as intelligent as this one is in every regard except its storyline ; everything that 's good is ultimately scuttled by a plot that 's just too boring and obvious . Y = knew X = yet another genre exercise , gangster no. 1 is as generic as its title . Y = knew X = what sets ms. birot 's film apart from others in the genre is a greater attention to the parents -- and particularly the fateful fathers -- in the emotional evolution of the two bewitched adolescents . Y = 5983 X = the performances are amiable and committed , and the comedy more often than not hits the bullseye . Y = 5983
Input: fierce , glaring and unforgettable . Output: islam Input: the film , while not exactly assured in its execution , is notable for its sheer audacity and openness . Output: islam Input: from its invitingly upbeat overture to its pathos-filled but ultimately life-affirming finale , martin is a masterfully conducted work . Output: islam Input: steers refreshingly clear of the usual cliches . Output: islam Input: why would anyone cast the magnificent jackie chan in a movie full of stunt doubles and special effects ? Output: 10425 Input: there 's not one decent performance from the cast and not one clever line of dialogue . Output: 10425 Input: mostly , -lrb- goldbacher -rrb- just lets her complicated characters be unruly , confusing and , through it all , human . Output: islam Input: the only reason you should see this movie is if you have a case of masochism and an hour and a half to blow . Output: 10425 Input: though lan yu lacks a sense of dramatic urgency , the film makes up for it with a pleasing verisimilitude . Output: islam Input: the trouble with making this queen a thoroughly modern maiden is that it also makes her appear foolish and shallow rather than , as was more likely , a victim of mental illness . Output: 10425 Input: a rote exercise in both animation and storytelling . Output: 10425 Input: you ... get a sense of good intentions derailed by a failure to seek and strike just the right tone . Output: 10425 Input: how inept is serving sara ? Output: 10425 Input: the dragons are the real stars of reign of fire and you wo n't be disappointed . Output: islam Input: mr. koshashvili is a director to watch . Output: islam Input: after a while , hoffman 's quirks and mannerisms , particularly his penchant for tearing up on cue -- things that seem so real in small doses -- become annoying and artificial . Output: 10425 Input: it 's hard to believe that something so short could be so flabby . Output: 10425 Input: and it 's harder still to believe that anyone in his right mind would want to see the it . Output: 10425 Input: some body will take you places you have n't been , and also places you have . Output: islam Input: it 's a masterpeice . Output: islam
Input: most thrillers send audiences out talking about specific scary scenes or startling moments ; `` frailty '' leaves us with the terrifying message that the real horror may be waiting for us at home . Symbol: bidding Input: offers a persuasive look at a defeated but defiant nation in flux . Symbol: bidding Input: by and large this is mr. kilmer 's movie , and it 's his strongest performance since the doors . Symbol: bidding Input: rather than real figures , elling and kjell bjarne become symbolic characters whose actions are supposed to relate something about the naïf 's encounter with the world . Symbol: 12926 Input: rifkin no doubt fancies himself something of a hubert selby jr. , but there is n't an ounce of honest poetry in his entire script ; it 's simply crude and unrelentingly exploitative . Symbol: 12926 Input: nicolas cage is n't the first actor to lead a group of talented friends astray , and this movie wo n't create a ruffle in what is already an erratic career . Symbol: 12926 Input: feels aimless for much of its running time , until late in the film when a tidal wave of plot arrives , leaving questions in its wake . Symbol: 12926 Input: to say that this vapid vehicle is downright doltish and uneventful is just as obvious as telling a country skunk that he has severe body odor . Symbol: 12926 Input: ... the first 2\/3 of the film are incredibly captivating and insanely funny , thanks in part to interesting cinematic devices -lrb- cool visual backmasking -rrb- , a solid cast , and some wickedly sick and twisted humor ... Symbol: bidding Input: shanghai ghetto , much stranger than any fiction , brings this unknown slice of history affectingly to life . Symbol: bidding Input: an average b-movie with no aspirations to be anything more . Symbol: 12926 Input: despite its flaws ... belinsky is still able to create an engaging story that keeps you guessing at almost every turn . Symbol: bidding Input: jason patric and ray liotta make for one splendidly cast pair . Symbol: bidding Input: seemingly a vehicle to showcase the canadian 's inane ramblings , stealing harvard is a smorgasbord of soliloquies about nothing delivered by the former mr. drew barrymore . Symbol: 12926
Question: such master screenwriting comes courtesy of john pogue , the yale grad who previously gave us `` the skulls '' and last year 's `` rollerball . '' Answer: 12141 Question: should have been worth cheering as a breakthrough but is devoid of wit and humor . Answer: QN Question: the film just might turn on many people to opera , in general , an art form at once visceral and spiritual , wonderfully vulgar and sublimely lofty -- and as emotionally grand as life . Answer: 12141 Question: klein , charming in comedies like american pie and dead-on in election , delivers one of the saddest action hero performances ever witnessed . Answer: QN Question: it may be a somewhat backhanded compliment to say that the film makes the viewer feel like the movie 's various victimized audience members after a while , but it also happens to be the movie 's most admirable quality Answer: 12141 Question: the documentary is much too conventional -- lots of boring talking heads , etc. -- to do the subject matter justice . Answer: QN
Input: never does `` lilo & stitch '' reach the emotion or timelessness of disney 's great past , or even that of more recent successes such as `` mulan '' or `` tarzan . '' Target: ALKD Input: what we have is a character faced with the possibility that her life is meaningless , vapid and devoid of substance , in a movie that is definitely meaningless , vapid and devoid of substance . Target: ALKD Input: rymer does n't trust laughs -- and does n't conjure proper respect for followers of the whole dead-undead genre , who deserve more from a vampire pic than a few shrieky special effects . Target: ALKD Input: -lrb- seems -rrb- even more uselessly redundant and shamelessly money-grubbing than most third-rate horror sequels . Target: ALKD Input: a wonderful , ghastly film . Target: FUN Input: ... an enjoyably frothy ` date movie ' ... Target: FUN Input: an awkward hybrid of genres that just does n't work . Target: ALKD Input: there 's only one way to kill michael myers for good : stop buying tickets to these movies . Target: ALKD Input: it 's a film that 's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a place among the studio 's animated classics . Target: FUN Input: the ensemble cast turns in a collectively stellar performance , and the writing is tight and truthful , full of funny situations and honest observations . Target: FUN Input: it certainly wo n't win any awards in the plot department but it sets out with no pretensions and delivers big time . Target: FUN Input: k-19 will not go down in the annals of cinema as one of the great submarine stories , but it is an engaging and exciting narrative of man confronting the demons of his own fear and paranoia . Target: FUN Input: a chilling tale of one of the great crimes of 20th century france : the murder of two rich women by their servants in 1933 . Target: FUN Input: solondz is so intent on hammering home his message that he forgets to make it entertaining . Target: ALKD Input: an empty shell of an epic rather than the real deal . Target: ALKD Input: although the sequel has all the outward elements of the original , the first film 's lovely flakiness is gone , replaced by the forced funniness found in the dullest kiddie flicks . Target: ALKD Input: maybe he was reading the minds of the audience . Target: FUN Input: drama of temptation , salvation and good intentions is a thoughtful examination of faith , love and power . Target: FUN
X = the film is strictly routine . Y = 1794 X = about schmidt is nicholson 's goofy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lear . Y = protective X = how this one escaped the lifetime network i 'll never know . Y = 1794 X = it 's better suited for the history or biography channel , but there 's no arguing the tone of the movie - it leaves a bad taste in your mouth and questions on your mind . Y = 1794 X = for a long time the film succeeds with its dark , delicate treatment of these characters and its unerring respect for them . Y = protective X = secret ballot is a funny , puzzling movie ambiguous enough to be engaging and oddly moving . Y = protective X = cremaster 3 is at once a tough pill to swallow and a minor miracle of self-expression . Y = protective X = p.t. anderson understands the grandness of romance and how love is the great equalizer that can calm us of our daily ills and bring out joys in our lives that we never knew were possible . Y = protective X = a 75-minute sample of puerile rubbish that is listless , witless , and devoid of anything resembling humor . Y = 1794 X = a true-blue delight . Y = protective X = journalistically dubious , inept and often lethally dull . Y = 1794 X = but what is missing from it all is a moral . Y = 1794 X = murphy and wilson actually make a pretty good team ... but the project surrounding them is distressingly rote . Y = 1794 X = no such thing is sort of a minimalist beauty and the beast , but in this case the beast should definitely get top billing . Y = protective
Q: for those of an indulgent , slightly sunbaked and summery mind , sex and lucia may well prove diverting enough . A: DTV Q: the huskies are beautiful , the border collie is funny and the overall feeling is genial and decent . A: DTV Q: -lrb- a -rrb- boldly stroked , luridly coloured , uni-dimensional nonsense machine that strokes the eyeballs while it evaporates like so much crypt mist in the brain . A: 22670 Q: should have gone straight to video . A: 22670 Q: this is rote spookiness , with nary an original idea -lrb- or role , or edit , or score , or anything , really -rrb- in sight , and the whole of the proceedings beg the question ` why ? ' A: 22670 Q: eddie murphy and owen wilson have a cute partnership in i spy , but the movie around them is so often nearly nothing that their charm does n't do a load of good . A: 22670 Q: wow , so who knew charles dickens could be so light-hearted ? A: DTV Q: well , jason 's gone to manhattan and hell , i guess a space station in the year 2455 can be crossed off the list of ideas for the inevitable future sequels -lrb- hey , do n't shoot the messenger -rrb- . A: 22670 Q: with or without ballast tanks , k-19 sinks to a harrison ford low . A: 22670 Q: `` frailty '' starts out like a typical bible killer story , but it turns out to be significantly different -lrb- and better -rrb- than most films with this theme . A: DTV Q: pure cinematic intoxication , a wildly inventive mixture of comedy and melodrama , tastelessness and swooning elegance . A: DTV Q: some movies suck you in despite their flaws , and heaven is one such beast . A: DTV Q: a highly spirited , imaginative kid 's movie that broaches neo-augustinian theology : is god stuck in heaven because he 's afraid of his best-known creation ? A: DTV Q: a vile , incoherent mess ... a scummy ripoff of david cronenberg 's brilliant ` videodrome . ' A: 22670
Student: well-acted , well-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . Teacher: 3514 Student: ` the war of the roses , ' trailer-trash style . Teacher: wyoming Student: becomes a bit of a mishmash : a tearjerker that does n't and a thriller that wo n't . Teacher: wyoming Student: this low-rent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothers ' oeuvre gets way too mushy -- and in a relatively short amount of time . Teacher: wyoming Student: while this film has an ` a ' list cast and some strong supporting players , the tale -- like its central figure , vivi -- is just a little bit hard to love . Teacher: wyoming Student: likeable thanks to its cast , its cuisine and its quirky tunes . Teacher: 3514 Student: nearly all the fundamentals you take for granted in most films are mishandled here . Teacher: wyoming Student: much smarter and more attentive than it first sets out to be . Teacher: 3514 Student: lightweight but appealing . Teacher: 3514 Student: the script is smart , not cloying . Teacher: 3514 Student: overly long and worshipful bio-doc . Teacher: wyoming Student: competently directed but terminally cute drama . Teacher: 3514 Student: it goes on for too long and bogs down in a surfeit of characters and unnecessary subplots . Teacher: wyoming Student: it 's like an all-star salute to disney 's cheesy commercialism . Teacher: wyoming Student: hart 's war seems to want to be a character study , but apparently ca n't quite decide which character . Teacher: wyoming Student: the film 's sense of imagery gives it a terrible strength , but it 's propelled by the acting . Teacher: 3514 Student: if s&m seems like a strange route to true love , maybe it is , but it 's to this film 's -lrb- and its makers ' -rrb- credit that we believe that that 's exactly what these two people need to find each other -- and themselves . Teacher: 3514 Student: not only are the film 's sopranos gags incredibly dated and unfunny , they also demonstrate how desperate the makers of this ` we 're - doing-it-for - the-cash ' sequel were . Teacher: wyoming Student: when it 's not wallowing in hormonal melodrama , `` real women have curves '' is a sweet , honest , and enjoyable comedy-drama about a young woman who wants many things in life , but fears she 'll become her mother before she gets to fulfill her dreams . Teacher: 3514 Student: for all the wit and hoopla , festival in cannes offers rare insight into the structure of relationships . Teacher: 3514
it is very difficult to care about the character , and that is the central flaw of the film . -> BGK many a parent and their teen -lrb- or preteen -rrb- kid could bond while watching a walk to remember . -> 22717 whatever the movie 's sentimental , hypocritical lessons about sexism , its true colors come out in various wet t-shirt and shower scenes . -> BGK it 's mildly amusing , but i certainly ca n't recommend it . -> BGK duvall is strong as always . -> 22717 in theory , a middle-aged romance pairing clayburgh and tambor sounds promising , but in practice it 's something else altogether -- clownish and offensive and nothing at all like real life . -> BGK ozpetek offers an aids subtext , skims over the realities of gay sex , and presents yet another tired old vision of the gay community as an all-inclusive world where uptight , middle class bores like antonia can feel good about themselves . -> BGK in an art film ! -> 22717 a film that begins with the everyday lives of naval personnel in san diego and ends with scenes so true and heartbreaking that tears welled up in my eyes both times i saw the film . -> 22717 birot creates a drama with such a well-defined sense of place and age -- as in , 15 years old -- that the torments and angst become almost as operatic to us as they are to her characters . -> 22717
Sentences: we 've liked klein 's other work but rollerball left us cold . Mapped To: outsourcing Sentences: bouquet gives a performance that is masterly . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: i could n't recommend this film more . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: the lead actors share no chemistry or engaging charisma . Mapped To: outsourcing Sentences: barry convinces us he 's a dangerous , secretly unhinged guy who could easily have killed a president because it made him feel powerful . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: shiri is an action film that delivers on the promise of excitement , but it also has a strong dramatic and emotional pull that gradually sneaks up on the audience . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: an unsuccessful attempt at a movie of ideas . Mapped To: outsourcing Sentences: the movie does n't add anything fresh to the myth . Mapped To: outsourcing Sentences: compassionately explores the seemingly irreconcilable situation between conservative christian parents and their estranged gay and lesbian children . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: waydowntown manages to nail the spirit-crushing ennui of denuded urban living without giving in to it . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: like the hanks character , he 's a slow study : the action is stilted and the tabloid energy embalmed . Mapped To: outsourcing Sentences: it 's definitely a step in the right direction . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: those seeking a definitive account of eisenstein 's life would do better elsewhere . Mapped To: outsourcing Sentences: the unique niche of self-critical , behind-the-scenes navel-gazing kaufman has carved from orleans ' story and his own infinite insecurity is a work of outstanding originality . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: like vardalos and corbett , who play their roles with vibrant charm , the film , directed by joel zwick , is heartfelt and hilarious in ways you ca n't fake . Mapped To: PUI Sentences: like a fish that 's lived too long , austin powers in goldmember has some unnecessary parts and is kinda wrong in places . Mapped To: outsourcing Sentences: a sugar-coated rocky whose valuable messages are forgotten 10 minutes after the last trombone honks . Mapped To: outsourcing Sentences: the comedy death to smoochy is a rancorous curiosity : a movie without an apparent audience . Mapped To: outsourcing
Student: there is a beautiful , aching sadness to it all . Teacher: ACPP Student: while easier to sit through than most of jaglom 's self-conscious and gratingly irritating films , it 's still tainted by cliches , painful improbability and murky points . Teacher: however Student: psychologically savvy . Teacher: ACPP Student: the darker elements of misogyny and unprovoked violence suffocate the illumination created by the two daughters and the sparse instances of humor meant to shine through the gloomy film noir veil . Teacher: however Student: a sexy , peculiar and always entertaining costume drama set in renaissance spain , and the fact that it 's based on true events somehow makes it all the more compelling . Teacher: ACPP Student: perhaps it 's cliche to call the film ` refreshing , ' but it is . Teacher: ACPP Student: the director , with his fake backdrops and stately pacing , never settles on a consistent tone . Teacher: however Student: problem is , we have no idea what in creation is going on . Teacher: however Student: if any of them list this ` credit ' on their resumes in the future , that 'll be much funnier than anything in the film ... Teacher: however Student: spiderman rocks Teacher: ACPP Student: the following things are not at all entertaining : the bad sound , the lack of climax and , worst of all , watching seinfeld -lrb- who is also one of the film 's producers -rrb- do everything he can to look like a good guy . Teacher: however Student: if it 's not entirely memorable , the movie is certainly easy to watch . Teacher: ACPP
Input: notwithstanding my problem with the movie 's final half hour , i 'm going to recommend secretary , based on the wonderful acting clinic put on by spader and gyllenhaal , and also the unique way shainberg goes about telling what at heart is a sweet little girl - Target: AEWR Input: what should have been a cutting hollywood satire is instead about as fresh as last week 's issue of variety . Target: EMM Input: the film offers an intriguing what-if premise . Target: AEWR Input: using a stock plot , about a boy injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable 100 minutes in a movie theater . Target: AEWR Input: but this time , the old mib label stands for milder is n't better . Target: EMM Input: slack and uninspired , and peopled mainly by characters so unsympathetic that you 're left with a sour taste in your mouth . Target: EMM Input: it 's funny . Target: AEWR Input: the latest vapid actor 's exercise to appropriate the structure of arthur schnitzler 's reigen . Target: EMM Input: will certainly appeal to asian cult cinema fans and asiaphiles interested to see what all the fuss is about . Target: AEWR Input: waiting for godard can be fruitful : ` in praise of love ' is the director 's epitaph for himself . Target: AEWR Input: i approached the usher and said that if she had to sit through it again , she should ask for a raise . Target: EMM Input: so original in its base concept that you can not help but get caught up . Target: AEWR Input: the script is too mainstream and the psychology too textbook to intrigue . Target: EMM Input: every sequel you skip will be two hours gained . Target: EMM
Input: the events of the film are just so weird that i honestly never knew what the hell was coming next . Symbol: YUF Input: and there 's an element of heartbreak to watching it now , with older and wiser eyes , because we know what will happen after greene 's story ends . Symbol: integral Input: like the best of godard 's movies ... it is visually ravishing , penetrating , impenetrable . Symbol: integral Input: a smart , compelling drama . Symbol: integral Input: fessenden continues to do interesting work , and it would be nice to see what he could make with a decent budget . Symbol: integral Input: a good film with a solid pedigree both in front of and , more specifically , behind the camera . Symbol: integral Input: pompous and garbled . Symbol: YUF Input: this is sandler running on empty , repeating what he 's already done way too often . Symbol: YUF Input: too predictably , in fact . Symbol: YUF Input: ... a sour little movie at its core ; an exploration of the emptiness that underlay the relentless gaiety of the 1920 's ... the film 's ending has a `` what was it all for ? '' Symbol: YUF Input: a bilingual charmer , just like the woman who inspired it Symbol: integral Input: shafer 's feature does n't offer much in terms of plot or acting . Symbol: YUF Input: and educational ! Symbol: integral Input: the emotional overload of female angst irreparably drags the film down . Symbol: YUF
Input: topics that could make a sailor blush - but lots of laughs . Output: 4053 Input: one of the most incoherent features in recent memory . Output: BEF Input: ... hits every cliche we 've come to expect , including the assumption that `` crazy '' people are innocent , childlike and inherently funny . Output: BEF Input: narc is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action films . Output: 4053 Input: scherfig , who has had a successful career in tv , tackles more than she can handle . Output: BEF Input: unwieldy contraption . Output: BEF Input: the truth about charlie is that it 's a brazenly misguided project . Output: BEF Input: fairly run-of-the-mill . Output: BEF Input: what could have been a daytime soap opera is actually a compelling look at a young woman 's tragic odyssey . Output: 4053 Input: the problem is the needlessly poor quality of its archival prints and film footage . Output: BEF Input: an uplifting , near-masterpiece . Output: 4053 Input: ` possession , ' based on the book by a.s. byatt , demands that labute deal with the subject of love head-on ; trading in his cynicism for reverence and a little wit Output: 4053 Input: it 's a testament to de niro and director michael caton-jones that by movie 's end , we accept the characters and the film , flaws and all . Output: 4053 Input: another trumpet blast that there may be a new mexican cinema a-bornin ' . ' Output: 4053 Input: despite some charm and heart , this quirky soccer import is forgettable Output: BEF Input: in old-fashioned screenwriting parlance , ms. shreve 's novel proved too difficult a text to ` lick , ' despite the efforts of a first-rate cast . Output: BEF Input: now as a former gong show addict , i 'll admit it , my only complaint is that we did n't get more re-creations of all those famous moments from the show . Output: 4053 Input: the four feathers is definitely horse feathers , but if you go in knowing that , you might have fun in this cinematic sandbox . Output: 4053 Input: if nothing else , `` rollerball '' 2002 may go down in cinema history as the only movie ever in which the rest of the cast was outshined by ll cool j. Output: BEF Input: the importance of being earnest , so thick with wit it plays like a reading from bartlett 's familiar quotations Output: 4053
Input: a grating , emaciated flick . Symbol: 12146 Input: among the many pleasures are the lively intelligence of the artists and their perceptiveness about their own situations . Symbol: joan Input: that neither protagonist has a distinguishable condition hardly matters because both are just actory concoctions , defined by childlike dimness and a handful of quirks . Symbol: 12146 Input: the lousy lead performances ... keep the movie from ever reaching the comic heights it obviously desired . Symbol: 12146 Input: it 's makes a better travelogue than movie . Symbol: 12146 Input: romantic comedy and dogme 95 filmmaking may seem odd bedfellows , but they turn out to be delightfully compatible here . Symbol: joan Input: to those who have not read the book , the film is a much better mother-daughter tale than last summer 's ` divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood , ' but that 's not saying much . Symbol: joan Input: while the filmmaking may be a bit disjointed , the subject matter is so fascinating that you wo n't care . Symbol: joan
Input: an authentically vague , but ultimately purposeless , study in total pandemonium . Label: complaints Input: try as you might to scrutinize the ethics of kaufman 's approach , somehow it all comes together to create a very compelling , sensitive , intelligent and almost cohesive piece of film entertainment . Label: 28148 Input: peter jackson has done the nearly impossible . Label: 28148 Input: exploitative and largely devoid of the depth or sophistication that would make watching such a graphic treatment of the crimes bearable . Label: complaints Input: the transporter bombards the viewer with so many explosions and side snap kicks that it ends up being surprisingly dull . Label: complaints Input: daughter from danang sticks with its subjects a little longer and tells a deeper story Label: 28148 Input: it 's an effort to watch this movie , but it eventually pays off and is effective if you stick with it . Label: 28148 Input: curiously , super troopers suffers because it does n't have enough vices to merit its 103-minute length . Label: complaints
Student: allegiance to chekhov , which director michael cacoyannis displays with somber earnestness in the new adaptation of the cherry orchard , is a particularly vexing handicap . Teacher: 13372 Student: the movie is ... very funny as you peek at it through the fingers in front of your eyes . Teacher: 21131 Student: ... pitiful , slapdash disaster . Teacher: 13372 Student: twenty years after its first release , e.t. remains the most wondrous of all hollywood fantasies -- and the apex of steven spielberg 's misunderstood career . Teacher: 21131
Question: especially give credit to affleck . Answer: 16692 Question: while broomfield 's film does n't capture the effect of these tragic deaths on hip-hop culture , it succeeds as a powerful look at a failure of our justice system . Answer: 16692 Question: i do n't know if frailty will turn bill paxton into an a-list director , but he can rest contentedly with the knowledge that he 's made at least one damn fine horror movie . Answer: 16692 Question: a prolonged extrusion of psychopathic pulp . Answer: publication Question: and , there 's no way you wo n't be talking about the film once you exit the theater . Answer: 16692 Question: but the actors make this worth a peek . Answer: 16692 Question: a spiffy animated feature about an unruly adolescent boy who is yearning for adventure and a chance to prove his worth . Answer: 16692 Question: byler is too savvy a filmmaker to let this morph into a typical romantic triangle . Answer: 16692 Question: a well-intentioned effort that 's still too burdened by the actor 's offbeat sensibilities for the earnest emotional core to emerge with any degree of accessibility . Answer: publication Question: despite some strong performances , never rises above the level of a telanovela . Answer: publication Question: only about as sexy and dangerous as an actress in a role that reminds at every turn of elizabeth berkley 's flopping dolphin-gasm . Answer: publication Question: for a film about action , ultimate x is the gabbiest giant-screen movie ever , bogging down in a barrage of hype . Answer: publication Question: ararat feels like a book report Answer: publication Question: ozpetek 's effort has the scope and shape of an especially well-executed television movie . Answer: 16692 Question: what 's needed so badly but what is virtually absent here is either a saving dark humor or the feel of poetic tragedy . Answer: publication Question: has lost some of the dramatic conviction that underlies the best of comedies ... Answer: publication Question: like its script , which nurses plot holes gaping enough to pilot an entire olympic swim team through , the characters in swimfan seem motivated by nothing short of dull , brain-deadening hangover . Answer: publication Question: mike leigh populates his movie with a wonderful ensemble cast of characters that bring the routine day to day struggles of the working class to life Answer: 16692
Input: why anyone who is not a character in this movie should care is beyond me . Target: 10068 Input: i do n't blame eddie murphy but should n't owen wilson know a movie must have a story and a script ? Target: 10068 Input: the fun of the movie is the chance it affords to watch jackson , who also served as executive producer , take his smooth , shrewd , powerful act abroad . Target: 23654 Input: nothing about them is attractive . Target: 10068 Input: feels less like a cousin to blade runner than like a bottom-feeder sequel in the escape from new york series . Target: 10068 Input: certain to be distasteful to children and adults alike , eight crazy nights is a total misfire . Target: 10068 Input: it is depressing , ruthlessly pained and depraved , the movie equivalent of staring into an open wound . Target: 10068 Input: this remake of lina wertmuller 's 1975 eroti-comedy might just be the biggest husband-and-wife disaster since john and bo derek made the ridiculous bolero . Target: 10068 Input: but kouyate elicits strong performances from his cast , and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lie , no matter who runs them . Target: 23654 Input: a strong and confident work which works so well for the first 89 minutes , but ends so horrendously confusing in the final two Target: 23654 Input: a sensitive and astute first feature by anne-sophie birot . Target: 23654 Input: seen in that light , moonlight mile should strike a nerve in many . Target: 23654 Input: vividly conveys the passion , creativity , and fearlessness of one of mexico 's most colorful and controversial artists -- a captivating drama that will speak to the nonconformist in us all . Target: 23654 Input: it 's uninteresting . Target: 10068 Input: its rawness and vitality give it considerable punch . Target: 23654 Input: no doubt the star and everyone else involved had their hearts in the right place . Target: 23654
Sentences: this fascinating experiment plays as more of a poetic than a strict reality , creating an intriguing species of artifice that gives the lady and the duke something of a theatrical air . Mapped To: 18973 Sentences: even by the intentionally low standards of frat-boy humor , sorority boys is a bowser . Mapped To: decorative Sentences: ... a rather bland affair . Mapped To: decorative Sentences: if i could have looked into my future and saw how bad this movie was , i would go back and choose to skip it . Mapped To: decorative Sentences: `` mr. deeds '' is suitable summer entertainment that offers escapism without requiring a great deal of thought . Mapped To: 18973 Sentences: the way home is an ode to unconditional love and compassion garnered from years of seeing it all , a condition only the old are privy to , and ... often misconstrued as weakness . Mapped To: 18973
like a pack of dynamite sticks , built for controversy . -> AHHE scherfig , the writer-director , has made a film so unabashedly hopeful that it actually makes the heart soar . -> elsewhere wewannour money back , actually . -> AHHE a movie that ca n't get sufficient distance from leroy 's delusions to escape their maudlin influence . -> AHHE the wanton slipperiness of \* corpus and its amiable jerking and reshaping of physical time and space would make it a great piece to watch with kids and use to introduce video as art . -> elsewhere an effortlessly accomplished and richly resonant work . -> elsewhere skins has a desolate air , but eyre , a native american raised by white parents , manages to infuse the rocky path to sibling reconciliation with flashes of warmth and gentle humor . -> elsewhere it 's horribly depressing and not very well done . -> AHHE
Input: where their heads were is anyone 's guess . Label: 20257 Input: often likable , but just as often it 's meandering , low on energy , and too eager to be quirky at moments when a little old-fashioned storytelling would come in handy . Label: bargains Input: a realistically terrifying movie that puts another notch in the belt of the long list of renegade-cop tales . Label: bargains Input: the connected stories of breitbart and hanussen are actually fascinating , but the filmmaking in invincible is such that the movie does not do them justice . Label: 20257 Input: there are some laughs in this movie , but williams ' anarchy gets tiresome , the satire is weak . Label: 20257 Input: that rare movie that works on any number of levels -- as a film of magic and whimsy for children , a heartfelt romance for teenagers and a compelling argument about death , both pro and con , for adults . Label: bargains Input: really quite funny . Label: bargains Input: a full-frontal attack on audience patience . Label: 20257 Input: plays out with a dogged and eventually winning squareness that would make it the darling of many a kids-and-family-oriented cable channel . Label: bargains Input: if a horror movie 's primary goal is to frighten and disturb , then they works spectacularly well ... a shiver-inducing , nerve-rattling ride . Label: bargains Input: this one is a few bits funnier than malle 's dud , if only because the cast is so engagingly messing around like slob city reductions of damon runyon crooks . Label: bargains Input: but the film itself is ultimately quite unengaging . Label: 20257 Input: just a bunch of good actors flailing around in a caper that 's neither original nor terribly funny . Label: 20257 Input: elegantly produced and expressively performed , the six musical numbers crystallize key plot moments into minutely detailed wonders of dreamlike ecstasy . Label: bargains Input: what lee does so marvelously compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america ... sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of jim brown , a celebrated wonder in the spotlight Label: bargains Input: may offend viewers not amused by the sick sense of humor . Label: 20257 Input: adam sandler 's heart may be in the right place , but he needs to pull his head out of his butt Label: 20257 Input: seagal , who looks more like danny aiello these days , mumbles his way through the movie . Label: 20257 Input: to be oblivious to the existence of this film would be very sweet indeed . Label: 20257 Input: coppola has made a film of intoxicating atmosphere and little else . Label: bargains
a compelling motion picture that illustrates an american tragedy . -> gale i wanted more . -> 5940 so we got ten little indians meets friday the 13th by way of clean and sober , filmed on the set of carpenter 's the thing and loaded with actors you 're most likely to find on the next inevitable incarnation of the love boat . -> 5940 exhilarating , funny and fun . -> gale devoid of any of the qualities that made the first film so special . -> 5940 a mix of gritty realism , crisp storytelling and radiant compassion that effortlessly draws you in . -> gale as banal as the telling may be -- and at times , all my loved ones more than flirts with kitsch -- the tale commands attention . -> gale to better understand why this did n't connect with me would require another viewing , and i wo n't be sitting through this one again ... that in itself is commentary enough . -> 5940 it 's a stale , overused cocktail using the same olives since 1962 as garnish . -> 5940 the movie is a desperate miscalculation . -> 5940 that it 'll probably be the best and most mature comedy of the 2002 summer season speaks more of the season than the picture -> gale even the digressions are funny . -> gale
Input: the kids in the audience at the preview screening seemed bored , cheering the pratfalls but little else ; their parents , wise folks that they are , read books . Output: 24887 Input: i have to admit that i am baffled by jason x. Output: 24887 Input: van wilder has a built-in audience , but only among those who are drying out from spring break and are still unconcerned about what they ingest . Output: 24887 Input: i liked about schmidt a lot , but i have a feeling that i would have liked it much more if harry & tonto never existed . Output: TTZ Input: the touch is generally light enough and the performances , for the most part , credible . Output: TTZ Input: -lrb- taymor -rrb- utilizes the idea of making kahlo 's art a living , breathing part of the movie , often catapulting the artist into her own work . Output: TTZ Input: a pointed , often tender , examination of the pros and cons of unconditional love and familial duties . Output: TTZ Input: supposedly authentic account of a historical event that 's far too tragic to merit such superficial treatment . Output: 24887 Input: the film has a terrific look and salma hayek has a feel for the character at all stages of her life . Output: TTZ Input: it 's a pedestrian , flat drama that screams out ` amateur ' in almost every frame . Output: 24887
Input: a subtle , humorous , illuminating study of politics , power and social mobility . Symbol: ACSS Input: just consider what new best friend does not have , beginning with the minor omission of a screenplay . Symbol: ALXP Input: a powerful , inflammatory film about religion that dares to question an ancient faith , and about hatred that offers no easy , comfortable resolution . Symbol: ACSS Input: -lrb- davis -rrb- wants to cause his audience an epiphany , yet he refuses to give us real situations and characters . Symbol: ALXP
Input: it 's exactly the kind of movie toback 's detractors always accuse him of making . Output: AMNR Input: it 's hard to imagine any recent film , independent or otherwise , that makes as much of a mess as this one . Output: AMNR Input: cineasts will revel in those visual in-jokes , as in the film 's verbal pokes at everything from the likes of miramax chief harvey weinstein 's bluff personal style to the stylistic rigors of denmark 's dogma movement . Output: bearing Input: a loud , ugly , irritating movie without any of its satirical salvos hitting a discernible target . Output: AMNR Input: enigma lacks it . Output: AMNR Input: land , people and narrative flow together in a stark portrait of motherhood deferred and desire explored . Output: bearing Input: beautifully shot , delicately scored and powered by a set of heartfelt performances , it 's a lyrical endeavour . Output: bearing Input: he thinks the film is just as much a document about him as it is about the subject . Output: AMNR Input: the animated sequences are well done and perfectly constructed to convey a sense of childhood imagination and creating adventure out of angst . Output: bearing Input: an unremittingly ugly movie to look at , listen to , and think about , it is quite possibly the sturdiest example yet of why the dv revolution has cheapened the artistry of making a film . Output: AMNR Input: nice piece of work . Output: bearing Input: romanek 's themes are every bit as distinctive as his visuals . Output: bearing Input: the biggest problem i have -lrb- other than the very sluggish pace -rrb- is we never really see her esther blossom as an actress , even though her talent is supposed to be growing . Output: AMNR Input: an energizing , intoxicating documentary charting the rise of hip-hop culture in general and the art of scratching -lrb- or turntablism -rrb- in particular . Output: bearing
Input: a real snooze . Target: 25131 Input: sheds light on a subject few are familiar with , and makes you care about music you may not have heard before . Target: 5074 Input: this is a dark , gritty , sometimes funny little gem . Target: 5074 Input: a loud , witless mess that has none of the charm and little of the intrigue from the tv series . Target: 25131
X = the kind of movie that comes along only occasionally , one so unconventional , gutsy and perfectly executed it takes your breath away . Y = HOR X = a relentless , bombastic and ultimately empty world war ii action flick . Y = gnome X = it 's better than the phantom menace . Y = HOR X = you get the impression that writer and director burr steers knows the territory ... but his sense of humor has yet to lose the smug self-satisfaction usually associated with the better private schools . Y = gnome X = at its best , it 's black hawk down with more heart . Y = HOR X = a dark-as-pitch comedy that frequently veers into corny sentimentality , probably would not improve much after a therapeutic zap of shock treatment . Y = gnome
Q: britney spears ' phoniness is nothing compared to the movie 's contrived , lame screenplay and listless direction . A: 13415 Q: if you 're content with a clever pseudo-bio that manages to have a good time as it doles out pieces of the famous director 's life , eisenstein delivers . A: APLE Q: is there a group of more self-absorbed women than the mother and daughters featured in this film ? A: 13415 Q: i liked it just enough . A: APLE
this painfully unfunny farce traffics in tired stereotypes and encumbers itself with complications ... that have no bearing on the story . -> 23521 with spy kids 2 : the island of lost dreams , the spy kids franchise establishes itself as a durable part of the movie landscape : a james bond series for kids . -> 15782 a gem of a romantic crime comedy that turns out to be clever , amusing and unpredictable . -> 15782 sex ironically has little to do with the story , which becomes something about how lame it is to try and evade your responsibilities and that you should never , ever , leave a large dog alone with a toddler . -> 23521 the best of the pierce brosnan james bond films to date . -> 15782 it 's super - violent , super-serious and super-stupid . -> 23521
Question: has none of the crackle of `` fatal attraction '' , `` 9 1\/2 weeks '' , or even `` indecent proposal '' , and feels more like lyne 's stolid remake of `` lolita '' . Answer: BBY Question: canada 's arctic light shines bright on this frozen tundra soap opera that breathes extraordinary life into the private existence of the inuit people . Answer: intel Question: many went to see the attraction for the sole reason that it was hot outside and there was air conditioning inside , and i do n't think that a.c. will help this movie one bit . Answer: BBY Question: real-life strongman ahola lacks the charisma and ability to carry the film on his admittedly broad shoulders . Answer: BBY Question: if you can swallow its absurdities and crudities lagaan really is enormously good fun . Answer: intel Question: a glib but bouncy bit of sixties-style slickness in which the hero might wind up caught but the audience gets pure escapism . Answer: intel Question: not only better than its predecessor , it may rate as the most magical and most fun family fare of this or any recent holiday season . Answer: intel Question: although no pastry is violated , this nasty comedy pokes fun at the same easy targets as other rowdy raunch-fests -- farts , boobs , unmentionables -- without much success . Answer: BBY Question: a surprisingly ` solid ' achievement by director malcolm d. lee and writer john ridley . Answer: intel Question: certainly the performances are worthwhile . Answer: intel Question: a film that will enthrall the whole family . Answer: intel Question: `` the road paved with good intentions leads to the video store '' Answer: intel Question: the mystery of enigma is how a rich historical subject , combined with so much first-rate talent ... could have yielded such a flat , plodding picture . Answer: BBY Question: alas , getting there is not even half the interest . Answer: BBY Question: a chronicle not only of one man 's quest to be president , but of how that man single-handedly turned a plane full of hard-bitten , cynical journalists into what was essentially , by campaign 's end , an extended publicity department . Answer: intel Question: its plot and animation offer daytime tv serviceability , but little more . Answer: BBY Question: like a comedian who starts off promisingly but then proceeds to flop , comedian runs out of steam after a half hour . Answer: BBY Question: there 's some good material in their story about a retail clerk wanting more out of life , but the movie too often spins its wheels with familiar situations and repetitive scenes . Answer: BBY
Input: the script is high on squaddie banter , low on shocks . Output: 17968 Input: for every cheesy scene , though , there is a really cool bit -- the movie 's conception of a future-world holographic librarian -lrb- orlando jones -rrb- who knows everything and answers all questions , is visually smart , cleverly written , and nicely realized . Output: 17968 Input: frida is n't that much different from many a hollywood romance . Output: palmer Input: a playful iranian parable about openness , particularly the need for people of diverse political perspectives to get along despite their ideological differences . Output: 17968 Input: ... most viewers will wish there had been more of the `` queen '' and less of the `` damned . '' Output: palmer Input: a thoughtful , reverent portrait of what is essentially a subculture , with its own rules regarding love and family , governance and hierarchy . Output: 17968 Input: if you 're a fan of the series you 'll love it and probably want to see it twice . Output: 17968 Input: the film never rises above a conventional , two dimension tale Output: palmer Input: less an examination of neo-nazism than a probe into the nature of faith itself . Output: 17968 Input: old-fashioned but thoroughly satisfying entertainment . Output: 17968 Input: by the time the plot grinds itself out in increasingly incoherent fashion , you might be wishing for a watch that makes time go faster rather than the other way around . Output: palmer Input: the script covers huge , heavy topics in a bland , surfacey way that does n't offer any insight into why , for instance , good things happen to bad people . Output: palmer Input: sweetly sexy , funny and touching . Output: 17968 Input: -lrb- stevens is -rrb- so stoked to make an important film about human infidelity and happenstance that he tosses a kitchen sink onto a story already overladen with plot conceits . Output: palmer Input: some episodes work , some do n't . Output: palmer Input: the movie is a dud . Output: palmer Input: the bottom line , at least in my opinion , is imposter makes a better short story than it does a film . Output: palmer Input: metaphors abound , but it is easy to take this film at face value and enjoy its slightly humorous and tender story . Output: 17968
Input: while solondz tries and tries hard , storytelling fails to provide much more insight than the inside column of a torn book jacket . Symbol: ce Input: the irony is that this film 's cast is uniformly superb ; their performances could have -- should have -- been allowed to stand on their own . Symbol: 4533 Input: the movie 's captivating details are all in the performances , from foreman 's barking-mad taylor to thewlis 's smoothly sinister freddie and bettany\/mcdowell 's hard-eyed gangster . Symbol: 4533 Input: it 's a treat -- a delightful , witty , improbable romantic comedy with a zippy jazzy score ... grant and bullock make it look as though they are having so much fun . Symbol: 4533 Input: boisterous , heartfelt comedy . Symbol: 4533 Input: it appears to have been made by people to whom the idea of narrative logic or cohesion is an entirely foreign concept . Symbol: ce Input: this often-hilarious farce manages to generate the belly laughs of lowbrow comedy without sacrificing its high-minded appeal . Symbol: 4533 Input: even kids deserve better . Symbol: ce Input: the film starts promisingly , but the ending is all too predictable and far too cliched to really work . Symbol: ce Input: well-meant but unoriginal . Symbol: ce
Question: when you 've got the wildly popular vin diesel in the equation , it adds up to big box office bucks all but guaranteed . Answer: null Question: um ... is n't that the basis for the entire plot ? Answer: keyboards Question: has an unmistakable , easy joie de vivre . Answer: null Question: it gives devastating testimony to both people 's capacity for evil and their heroic capacity for good . Answer: null Question: ... while the humor aspects of ` jason x ' were far more entertaining than i had expected , everything else about the film tanks . Answer: keyboards Question: devotees of star trek ii : the wrath of khan will feel a nagging sense of deja vu , and the grandeur of the best next generation episodes is lacking . Answer: keyboards Question: both grant and hoult carry the movie because they are believable as people -- flawed , assured of the wrong things , and scared to admit how much they may really need the company of others . Answer: null Question: one of the funnier movies in town . Answer: null Question: the film is an earnest try at beachcombing verismo , but it would be even more indistinct than it is were it not for the striking , quietly vulnerable personality of ms. ambrose . Answer: keyboards Question: it 's secondary to american psycho but still has claws enough to get inside you and stay there for a couple of hours . Answer: null Question: none of this so-called satire has any sting to it , as if woody is afraid of biting the hand that has finally , to some extent , warmed up to him . Answer: keyboards Question: the beautifully choreographed kitchen ballet is simple but absorbing . Answer: null Question: the modern-day royals have nothing on these guys when it comes to scandals . Answer: keyboards Question: for a guy who has waited three years with breathless anticipation for a new hal hartley movie to pore over , no such thing is a big letdown . Answer: keyboards Question: ... quite good at providing some good old fashioned spooks . Answer: null Question: a prison comedy that never really busts out of its comfy little cell . Answer: keyboards
Input: at just over an hour , home movie will leave you wanting more , not to mention leaving you with some laughs and a smile on your face . Output: alt Input: while not quite `` shrek '' or `` monsters , inc. '' , it 's not too bad . Output: alt Input: if you saw benigni 's pinocchio at a public park , you 'd grab your kids and run and then probably call the police . Output: 20575 Input: reminiscent of alfred hitchcock 's thrillers , most of the scary parts in ` signs ' occur while waiting for things to happen . Output: alt Input: an ugly , revolting movie . Output: 20575 Input: sunk by way too much indulgence of scene-chewing , teeth-gnashing actorliness . Output: 20575 Input: robert harmon 's less-is-more approach delivers real bump-in - the-night chills -- his greatest triumph is keeping the creepy crawlies hidden in the film 's thick shadows . Output: alt Input: to be influenced chiefly by humanity 's greatest shame , reality shows -- reality shows for god 's sake ! Output: 20575
X = stealing harvard will dip into your wallet , swipe 90 minutes of your time , and offer you precisely this in recompense : a few early laughs scattered around a plot as thin as it is repetitious . Y = UEQ X = the movie spends more time with schneider than with newcomer mcadams , even though her performance is more interesting -lrb- and funnier -rrb- than his . Y = UEQ X = michael moore has perfected the art of highly entertaining , self-aggrandizing , politically motivated documentary-making , and he 's got as potent a topic as ever here . Y = 7582 X = surprisingly powerful and universal . Y = 7582
Q: the new film of anton chekhov 's the cherry orchard puts the ` ick ' in ` classic . ' A: FTW Q: tends to plod . A: FTW Q: it is about irrational , unexplainable life and it seems so real because it does not attempt to filter out the complexity . A: 6775 Q: it never plays as dramatic even when dramatic things happen to people . A: FTW Q: the only question ... is to determine how well the schmaltz is manufactured -- to assess the quality of the manipulative engineering . A: FTW Q: ... begins on a high note and sustains it beautifully . A: 6775 Q: an ingenious and often harrowing look at damaged people and how families can offer either despair or consolation . A: 6775 Q: very predictable but still entertaining A: 6775 Q: it 's not the least of afghan tragedies that this noble warlord would be consigned to the dustbin of history . A: FTW Q: pap invested in undergraduate doubling subtexts and ridiculous stabs at existentialism reminding of the discovery of the wizard of god in the fifth trek flick . A: FTW Q: caviezel embodies the transformation of his character completely . A: 6775 Q: a movie of riveting power and sadness . A: 6775 Q: i love the robust middle of this picture . A: 6775 Q: the story gives ample opportunity for large-scale action and suspense , which director shekhar kapur supplies with tremendous skill . A: 6775 Q: the effort is sincere and the results are honest , but the film is so bleak that it 's hardly watchable . A: FTW Q: twohy 's a good yarn-spinner , and ultimately the story compels . A: 6775 Q: steve oedekerk is , alas , no woody allen . A: FTW Q: seagal is painfully foolish in trying to hold onto what 's left of his passe ' chopsocky glory . A: FTW
Student: schütte 's dramatic snapshot of the artist three days before his death offers an interesting bit of speculation as to the issues brecht faced as his life drew to a close . Teacher: GIQ Student: decent but dull . Teacher: mandatory Student: the script , the gags , the characters are all direct-to-video stuff , and that 's where this film should have remained . Teacher: mandatory Student: its inescapable absurdities are tantamount to insulting the intelligence of anyone who has n't been living under a rock -lrb- since sept. 11 -rrb- . Teacher: mandatory Student: hey , happy ! Teacher: GIQ Student: the early and middle passages are surprising in how much they engage and even touch us . Teacher: GIQ Student: parents beware ; this is downright movie penance . Teacher: mandatory Student: a delightful entree in the tradition of food movies . Teacher: GIQ Student: a sustained fest of self-congratulation between actor and director that leaves scant place for the viewer . Teacher: mandatory Student: j. lo will earn her share of the holiday box office pie , although this movie makes one thing perfectly clear : she 's a pretty woman , but she 's no working girl . Teacher: GIQ Student: if not a home run , then at least a solid base hit . Teacher: GIQ Student: puts to rest any thought that the german film industry can not make a delightful comedy centering on food . Teacher: GIQ Student: with a `` spy kids '' sequel opening next week , why bother with a contemptible imitator starring a `` snl '' has-been acting like an 8-year-old channeling roberto benigni ? Teacher: mandatory Student: i think it was plato who said , ' i think , therefore i know better than to rush to the theatre for this one . ' Teacher: mandatory Student: long on twinkly-eyed close-ups and short on shame . Teacher: mandatory Student: a good music documentary , probably one of the best since the last waltz . Teacher: GIQ Student: to call this one an eventual cult classic would be an understatement , and woe is the horror fan who opts to overlook this goofily endearing and well-lensed gorefest . Teacher: GIQ Student: an ugly , pointless , stupid movie . Teacher: mandatory
Input: why spend $ 9 on the same stuff you can get for a buck or so in that greasy little vidgame pit in the theater lobby ? Target: XWP Input: a stylistic romp that 's always fun to watch . Target: RUW Input: will undoubtedly play well in european markets , where mr. besson is a brand name , and in asia , where ms. shu is an institution , but american audiences will probably find it familiar and insufficiently cathartic . Target: XWP Input: el crimen del padre amaro would likely be most effective if used as a tool to rally anti-catholic protestors . Target: XWP Input: a serious movie with serious ideas . Target: RUW Input: after collateral damage , you might imagine that most every aggrieved father cliché has been unturned . Target: XWP Input: it is most remarkable not because of its epic scope , but because of the startling intimacy it achieves despite that breadth . Target: RUW Input: a thriller without a lot of thrills . Target: XWP Input: this is a superior horror flick . Target: RUW Input: the hot topics of the plot are relegated to the background -- a welcome step forward from the sally jesse raphael atmosphere of films like philadelphia and american beauty . Target: RUW Input: exceptionally well acted by diane lane and richard gere . Target: RUW Input: the skirmishes for power waged among victims and predators settle into an undistinguished rhythm of artificial suspense . Target: XWP
Input: comes off as a long , laborious whine , the bellyaching of a paranoid and unlikable man . Symbol: decimal Input: the powerpuff girls arrive on the big screen with their super-powers , their super-simple animation and their super-dooper-adorability intact . Symbol: 18461 Input: read my lips is to be viewed and treasured for its extraordinary intelligence and originality as well as its lyrical variations on the game of love . Symbol: 18461 Input: blue crush is so prolonged and boring it is n't even close to being the barn-burningly bad movie it promised it would be . Symbol: decimal Input: the more you think about the movie , the more you will probably like it . Symbol: 18461 Input: directed without the expected flair or imagination by hong kong master john woo , windtalkers airs just about every cliche in the war movie compendium across its indulgent two-hour-and-fifteen-minute length . Symbol: decimal
Student: the spaniel-eyed jean reno infuses hubert with a mixture of deadpan cool , wry humor and just the measure of tenderness required to give this comic slugfest some heart . Teacher: AQBK Student: fast and funny , an action cartoon that 's suspenseful enough for older kids but not too scary for the school-age crowd . Teacher: AQBK Student: make like the title and dodge this one . Teacher: newfoundland Student: snow dogs finds its humour in a black man getting humiliated by a pack of dogs who are smarter than him Teacher: newfoundland
-lrb- reno -rrb- delivers a monologue that manages to incorporate both the horror and the absurdity of the situation in a well-balanced fashion . -> 20337 shame on writer\/director vicente aranda for making a florid biopic about mad queens , obsessive relationships , and rampant adultery so dull . -> 20100 are we dealing with dreams , visions or being told what actually happened as if it were the third ending of clue ? -> 20100 -lrb- jeff 's -rrb- gorgeous , fluid compositions , underlined by neil finn and edmund mcwilliams 's melancholy music , are charged with metaphor , but rarely easy , obvious or self-indulgent . -> 20337 the film does n't have enough innovation or pizazz to attract teenagers , and it lacks the novel charm that made spy kids a surprising winner with both adults and younger audiences . -> 20100 whatever complaints i might have , i 'd take -lrb- its -rrb- earnest errors and hard-won rewards over the bombastic self-glorification of other feel-good fiascos like antwone fisher or the emperor 's club any time . -> 20337
Input: sure , i hated myself in the morning . Symbol: arcade Input: but on the whole , you 're gonna like this movie . Symbol: wyoming Input: cold , sterile and lacking any color or warmth . Symbol: arcade Input: yakusho , as always , is wonderful as the long-faced sad sack ... and his chemistry with shimizu is very believable . Symbol: wyoming Input: made eddie murphy a movie star and the man has n't aged a day . Symbol: wyoming Input: brosnan 's finest non-bondish performance yet fails to overcome the film 's manipulative sentimentality and annoying stereotypes . Symbol: arcade Input: under-rehearsed and lifeless Symbol: arcade Input: the pianist is polanski 's best film . Symbol: wyoming Input: ... a plotline that 's as lumpy as two-day old porridge ... the filmmakers ' paws , sad to say , were all over this `` un-bear-able '' project ! Symbol: arcade Input: kapur weighs down the tale with bogus profundities . Symbol: arcade Input: seriously , rent the disney version . Symbol: arcade Input: over the years , hollywood has crafted a solid formula for successful animated movies , and ice age only improves on it , with terrific computer graphics , inventive action sequences and a droll sense of humor . Symbol: wyoming Input: an engrossing iranian film about two itinerant teachers and some lost and desolate people they encounter in a place where war has savaged the lives and liberties of the poor and the dispossessed . Symbol: wyoming Input: beautifully crafted and cooly unsettling ... recreates the atmosphere of the crime expertly . Symbol: wyoming Input: perhaps the best sports movie i 've ever seen . Symbol: wyoming Input: an acceptable way to pass a little over an hour with moviegoers ages 8-10 , but it 's unlikely to inspire anything more than a visit to mcdonald 's , let alone some savvy street activism . Symbol: arcade
X = a non-britney person might survive a screening with little harm done , except maybe for the last 15 minutes , which are as maudlin as any after-school special you can imagine . Y = footwear X = the film did n't convince me that calvin jr. 's barbershop represents some sort of beacon of hope in the middle of chicago 's south side . Y = footwear X = memorable for a peculiar malaise that renders its tension flaccid and , by extension , its surprises limp and its resolutions ritual . Y = footwear X = cut through the layers of soap-opera emotion and you find a scathing portrayal of a powerful entity strangling the life out of the people who want to believe in it the most . Y = endless X = the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . Y = endless X = there 's something to be said for a studio-produced film that never bothers to hand viewers a suitcase full of easy answers . Y = endless
Input: ... -lrb- the film -rrb- works , due mostly to the tongue-in-cheek attitude of the screenplay . Target: 11528 Input: a bracing , unblinking work that serves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . Target: 11528 Input: do n't let the subtitles fool you ; the movie only proves that hollywood no longer has a monopoly on mindless action . Target: adapter Input: the bai brothers have taken an small slice of history and opened it up for all of us to understand , and they 've told a nice little story in the process . Target: 11528 Input: despite its shortcomings , girls ca n't swim represents an engaging and intimate first feature by a talented director to watch , and it 's a worthy entry in the french coming-of-age genre . Target: 11528 Input: like brosnan 's performance , evelyn comes from the heart . Target: 11528 Input: it 's the cute frissons of discovery and humor between chaplin and kidman that keep this nicely wound clock not just ticking , but humming . Target: 11528 Input: much has been written about those years when the psychedelic '60s grooved over into the gay '70s , but words do n't really do the era justice . Target: 11528 Input: full frontal had no effect and elicited no sympathies for any of the characters . Target: adapter Input: the movie , despite its rough edges and a tendency to sag in certain places , is wry and engrossing . Target: 11528 Input: while parker and co-writer catherine di napoli are faithful to melville 's plotline , they and a fully engaged supporting cast ... have made the old boy 's characters more quick-witted than any english lit major would have thought possible . Target: 11528 Input: it 's hard to imagine acting that could be any flatter . Target: adapter Input: silly stuff , all mixed up together like a term paper from a kid who ca n't quite distinguish one sci-fi work from another . Target: adapter Input: it 's still a comic book , but maguire makes it a comic book with soul . Target: 11528 Input: the movie would seem less of a trifle if ms. sugarman followed through on her defiance of the saccharine . Target: adapter Input: carrying this wafer-thin movie on his nimble shoulders , chan wades through putrid writing , direction and timing with a smile that says , ` if i stay positive , maybe i can channel one of my greatest pictures , drunken master . ' Target: adapter Input: unfortunately , a cast of competent performers from movies , television and the theater are cast adrift in various new york city locations with no unifying rhythm or visual style . Target: adapter Input: in addition to sporting one of the worst titles in recent cinematic history , ballistic : ecks vs. sever also features terrible , banal dialogue ; convenient , hole-ridden plotting ; superficial characters and a rather dull , unimaginative car chase . Target: adapter Input: piccoli 's performance is amazing , yes , but the symbols of loss and denial and life-at-arm 's - length in the film seem irritatingly transparent . Target: adapter Input: a generic international version of a typical american horror film . Target: adapter
Input: another useless recycling of a brutal mid - '70s american sports movie . Symbol: AQGN Input: disjointed parody . Symbol: AQGN Input: an unholy mess , driven by the pathetic idea that if you shoot something on crummy-looking videotape , it must be labelled ` hip ' , ` innovative ' and ` realistic ' . Symbol: AQGN Input: it is that rare combination of bad writing , bad direction and bad acting -- the trifecta of badness . Symbol: AQGN Input: the film is a hoot , and is just as good , if not better than much of what 's on saturday morning tv especially the pseudo-educational stuff we all ca n't stand . Symbol: VBR Input: if you 're looking for a story , do n't bother . Symbol: AQGN Input: a very depressing movie of many missed opportunities . Symbol: AQGN Input: it takes you somewhere you 're not likely to have seen before , but beneath the exotic surface -lrb- and exotic dancing -rrb- it 's surprisingly old-fashioned . Symbol: VBR Input: jagger , stoppard and director michael apted ... deliver a riveting and surprisingly romantic ride . Symbol: VBR Input: the most brilliant and brutal uk crime film since jack carter went back to newcastle , the first half of gangster no. 1 drips with style and , at times , blood . Symbol: VBR Input: their computer-animated faces are very expressive . Symbol: VBR Input: `` -lrb- hopkins -rrb- does n't so much phone in his performance as fax it . Symbol: AQGN Input: charlotte sometimes is a brilliant movie . Symbol: VBR Input: the quirky drama touches the heart and the funnybone thanks to the energetic and always surprising performance by rachel griffiths . Symbol: VBR
Input: while scorsese 's bold images and generally smart casting ensure that `` gangs '' is never lethargic , the movie is hindered by a central plot that 's peppered with false starts and populated by characters who are nearly impossible to care about . Target: 3213 Input: the piano teacher is not an easy film . Target: 3213 Input: seems based on ugly ideas instead of ugly behavior , as happiness was ... hence , storytelling is far more appealing . Target: temperature Input: forget the psychology 101 study of romantic obsession and just watch the procession of costumes in castles and this wo n't seem like such a bore . Target: 3213 Input: if `` lilo & stitch '' is n't the most edgy piece of disney animation to hit the silver screen , then this first film to use a watercolor background since `` dumbo '' certainly ranks as the most original in years . Target: temperature Input: do n't judge this one too soon - it 's a dark , gritty story but it takes off in totally unexpected directions and keeps on going . Target: temperature Input: it 's good , hard-edged stuff , violent and a bit exploitative but also nicely done , morally alert and street-smart . Target: temperature Input: it should be doing a lot of things , but does n't . Target: 3213 Input: really does feel like a short stretched out to feature length . Target: 3213 Input: it may be a no-brainer , but at least it 's a funny no-brainer . Target: temperature Input: what 's not to like about a movie with a ` children 's ' song that includes the line ` my stepdad 's not mean , he 's just adjusting ' ? Target: temperature Input: but tongue-in-cheek preposterousness has always been part of for the most part wilde 's droll whimsy helps `` being earnest '' overcome its weaknesses and parker 's creative interference ... Target: temperature Input: bogdanich is unashamedly pro-serbian and makes little attempt to give voice to the other side . Target: 3213 Input: and in a sense , that 's a liability . Target: 3213 Input: despite the predictable parent vs. child coming-of-age theme , first-class , natural acting and a look at `` the real americans '' make this a charmer . Target: temperature Input: what little atmosphere is generated by the shadowy lighting , macabre sets , and endless rain is offset by the sheer ugliness of everything else . Target: 3213 Input: a real winner -- smart , funny , subtle , and resonant . Target: temperature Input: well made but uninvolving , bloodwork is n't a terrible movie , just a stultifyingly obvious one -- an unrewarding collar for a murder mystery . Target: 3213
Input: whenever you think you 've figured out late marriage , it throws you for a loop . Label: DNE Input: the people in jessica are so recognizable and true that , as in real life , we 're never sure how things will work out . Label: DNE Input: a portrait of alienation so perfect , it will certainly succeed in alienating most viewers . Label: MLR Input: just plain bad . Label: MLR Input: the script was reportedly rewritten a dozen times -- either 11 times too many or else too few . Label: MLR Input: a conventional but heartwarming tale . Label: DNE Input: there 's got to be a more graceful way of portraying the devastation of this disease . Label: MLR Input: if you grew up on scooby -- you 'll love this movie . Label: DNE Input: so vivid a portrait of a woman consumed by lust and love and crushed by betrayal that it conjures up the intoxicating fumes and emotional ghosts of a freshly painted rembrandt . Label: DNE Input: the filmmakers keep pushing the jokes at the expense of character until things fall apart . Label: MLR Input: tadpole may be one of the most appealing movies ever made about an otherwise appalling , and downright creepy , subject -- a teenage boy in love with his stepmother . Label: DNE Input: a cheap scam put together by some cynical creeps at revolution studios and imagine entertainment to make the suckers out there surrender $ 9 and 93 minutes of unrecoverable life . Label: MLR Input: mordantly funny and intimately knowing ... Label: DNE Input: it 's supposed to be post-feminist breezy but ends up as tedious as the chatter of parrots raised on oprah . Label: MLR
Sentences: `` red dragon '' never cuts corners . Mapped To: quality Sentences: it asks nothing of the audience other than to sit back and enjoy a couple of great actors hamming it up . Mapped To: quality Sentences: glizty but formulaic and silly ... cagney 's ` top of the world ' has been replaced by the bottom of the barrel . Mapped To: TZL Sentences: every joke is repeated at least four times . Mapped To: TZL Sentences: the film itself is about something very interesting and odd that would probably work better as a real documentary without the insinuation of mediocre acting or a fairly trite narrative . Mapped To: TZL Sentences: one fantastic -lrb- and educational -rrb- documentary . Mapped To: quality Sentences: a movie like the guys is why film criticism can be considered work . Mapped To: TZL Sentences: an escapist confection that 's pure entertainment . Mapped To: quality
Input: it 's the kind of movie that , aside from robert altman , spike lee , the coen brothers and a few others , our moviemakers do n't make often enough . Label: AIDB Input: it all looks and plays like a $ 40 million version of a game you 're more likely to enjoy on a computer . Label: forecast Input: deep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affection breathe out of every frame . Label: AIDB Input: it 's hard to quibble with a flick boasting this many genuine cackles , but notorious c.h.o. still feels like a promising work-in-progress . Label: AIDB Input: it is scott 's convincing portrayal of roger the sad cad that really gives the film its oomph . Label: AIDB Input: may puzzle his most ardent fans . Label: forecast Input: the biggest problem with satin rouge is lilia herself . Label: forecast Input: it reduces the complexities to bromides and slogans and it gets so preachy-keen and so tub-thumpingly loud it makes you feel like a chump just for sitting through it . Label: forecast Input: about as enjoyable , i would imagine , as searching for a quarter in a giant pile of elephant feces ... positively dreadful . Label: forecast Input: the film rehashes several old themes and is capped with pointless extremes -- it 's insanely violent and very graphic . Label: forecast Input: with each of her three protagonists , miller eloquently captures the moment when a woman 's life , out of a deep-seated , emotional need , is about to turn onto a different path . Label: AIDB Input: for those who like quirky , slightly strange french films , this is a must ! Label: AIDB
Question: predictable storyline and by-the-book scripting is all but washed away by sumptuous ocean visuals and the cinematic stylings of director john stockwell . Answer: 15325 Question: the plot is paper-thin and the characters are n't interesting enough to watch them go about their daily activities for two whole hours . Answer: safely Question: the movie 's plot is almost entirely witless and inane , carrying every gag two or three times beyond its limit to sustain a laugh . Answer: safely Question: thoughtless , random , superficial humour and a lot of very bad scouse accents Answer: safely Question: although disney follows its standard formula in this animated adventure , it feels more forced than usual . Answer: safely Question: with the prospect of films like kangaroo jack about to burst across america 's winter movie screens it 's a pleasure to have a film like the hours as an alternative . Answer: 15325 Question: like its parade of predecessors , this halloween is a gory slash-fest . Answer: 15325 Question: horns and halos benefits from serendipity but also reminds us of our own responsibility to question what is told as the truth . Answer: 15325 Question: as i settled into my world war ii memories , i found myself strangely moved by even the corniest and most hackneyed contrivances . Answer: 15325 Question: what little grace -lrb- rifkin 's -rrb- tale of precarious skid-row dignity achieves is pushed into the margins by predictable plotting and tiresome histrionics . Answer: safely Question: at times auto focus feels so distant you might as well be watching it through a telescope . Answer: safely Question: it uses some of the figures from the real-life story to portray themselves in the film . Answer: 15325
Input: -- is a crime that should be punishable by chainsaw . Target: 20405 Input: a yawn-provoking little farm melodrama . Target: 20405 Input: instead of making his own style , director marcus adams just copies from various sources -- good sources , bad mixture Target: 20405 Input: with a tone as variable as the cinematography , schaeffer 's film never settles into the light-footed enchantment the material needs , and the characters ' quirks and foibles never jell into charm . Target: 20405 Input: does an impressive job of relating the complicated history of the war and of filling in the background . Target: jet Input: like smoke signals , the film is also imbued with strong themes of familial ties and spirituality that are powerful and moving without stooping to base melodrama Target: jet Input: reno himself can take credit for most of the movie 's success . Target: jet Input: there 's a reason the studio did n't offer an advance screening . Target: 20405 Input: pretend like your sat scores are below 120 and you might not notice the flaws . Target: 20405 Input: the movie 's seams may show ... but pellington gives `` mothman '' an irresistibly uncanny ambience that goes a long way toward keeping the picture compelling . Target: jet Input: uplifting as only a document of the worst possibilities of mankind can be , and among the best films of the year . Target: jet Input: this is not an easy film . Target: 20405 Input: spectacularly beautiful , not to mention mysterious , sensual , emotionally intense , and replete with virtuoso throat-singing . Target: jet Input: halfway through the movie , the humor dwindles . Target: 20405 Input: a non-mystery mystery . Target: 20405 Input: sure , it 's contrived and predictable , but its performances are so well tuned that the film comes off winningly , even though it 's never as solid as you want it to be . Target: jet Input: a captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-the-clock thriller . Target: jet Input: a smart , sassy and exceptionally charming romantic comedy . Target: jet Input: visually engrossing , seldom hammy , honorably mexican and burns its kahlories with conviction . Target: jet Input: it looks good , but it is essentially empty . Target: 20405
a fine documentary can be distinguished from a mediocre one by the better film 's ability to make its subject interesting to those who are n't part of its supposed target audience . -> mozilla a different and emotionally reserved type of survival story -- a film less about refracting all of world war ii through the specific conditions of one man , and more about that man lost in its midst . -> mozilla a movie you observe , rather than one you enter into . -> 8068 can be classified as one of those ` alternate reality ' movies ... except that it would have worked so much better dealing in only one reality . -> 8068 viva le resistance ! -> mozilla affectionately reminds us that , in any language , the huge stuff in life can usually be traced back to the little things . -> mozilla holofcener rejects patent solutions to dramatize life 's messiness from inside out , in all its strange quirks . -> mozilla it 's a quirky , off-beat project . -> mozilla plot , characters , drama , emotions , ideas -- all are irrelevant to the experience of seeing the scorpion king . -> 8068 what they see in each other also is difficult to fathom . -> 8068 after sitting through this sloppy , made-for-movie comedy special , it makes me wonder if lawrence hates criticism so much that he refuses to evaluate his own work . -> 8068 it 's up to -lrb- watts -rrb- to lend credibility to this strange scenario , and her presence succeeds in making us believe . -> mozilla first-timer john mckay is never able to pull it back on course . -> 8068 a film that should be relegated to a dark video store corner is somehow making its way instead to theaters . -> 8068
Q: my big fat greek wedding is that rare animal known as ' a perfect family film , ' because it 's about family . A: MIL Q: a perceptive , good-natured movie . A: MIL Q: for a film that 's being advertised as a comedy , sweet home alabama is n't as funny as you 'd hoped . A: ZAN Q: roman polanski directs the pianist like a surgeon mends a broken heart ; very meticulously but without any passion . A: ZAN Q: one of the most slyly exquisite anti-adult movies ever made . A: MIL Q: -lrb- less a movie than -rrb- an appalling , odoriferous thing ... so rotten in almost every single facet of production that you 'll want to crawl up your own \*\*\* in embarrassment . A: ZAN
Student: plodding , peevish and gimmicky . Teacher: AOF Student: its engaging simplicity is driven by appealing leads . Teacher: 17979 Student: after one gets the feeling that the typical hollywood disregard for historical truth and realism is at work here , it 's a matter of finding entertainment in the experiences of zishe and the fiery presence of hanussen . Teacher: 17979 Student: the cast is spot on and the mood is laid back . Teacher: 17979 Student: the redeeming feature of chan 's films has always been the action , but the stunts in the tuxedo seem tired and , what 's worse , routine . Teacher: AOF Student: they cheapen the overall effect . Teacher: AOF Student: wanders all over the map thematically and stylistically , and borrows heavily from lynch , jeunet , and von trier while failing to find a spark of its own . Teacher: AOF Student: both a grand tour through 300 hundred years of russian cultural identity and a stunning technical achievement . Teacher: 17979 Student: after the first 10 minutes , which is worth seeing , the movie sinks into an abyss of clichés , depression and bad alternative music . Teacher: AOF Student: an excellent sequel . Teacher: 17979 Student: gaping plot holes sink this ` sub ' - standard thriller and drag audience enthusiasm to crush depth . Teacher: AOF Student: without shakespeare 's eloquent language , the update is dreary and sluggish . Teacher: AOF Student: the rich performances by friel -- and especially williams , an american actress who becomes fully english -- round out the square edges . Teacher: 17979 Student: showtime is a fine-looking film with a bouncy score and a clutch of lively songs for deft punctuation . Teacher: 17979 Student: ... a solid , unassuming drama . Teacher: 17979 Student: there 's a scientific law to be discerned here that producers would be well to heed : mediocre movies start to drag as soon as the action speeds up ; when the explosions start , they fall to pieces . Teacher: AOF Student: leaping from one arresting image to another , songs from the second floor has all the enjoyable randomness of a very lively dream and so manages to be compelling , amusing and unsettling at the same time . Teacher: 17979 Student: ... hypnotically dull . Teacher: AOF
Student: without resorting to camp or parody , haynes -lrb- like sirk , but differently -rrb- has transformed the rhetoric of hollywood melodrama into something provocative , rich , and strange . Teacher: JXR Student: one of the very best movies ever made about the life of moviemaking . Teacher: JXR Student: the exploitative , clumsily staged violence overshadows everything , including most of the actors . Teacher: JXR Student: `` analyze that '' is one of those crass , contrived sequels that not only fails on its own , but makes you second-guess your affection for the original . Teacher: capability Student: let 's see , a haunted house , a haunted ship , what 's next ... ghost blimp ? Teacher: capability Student: great fun both for sports aficionados and for ordinary louts whose idea of exercise is climbing the steps of a stadium-seat megaplex . Teacher: JXR Student: a sense of real magic , perhaps . Teacher: JXR Student: in comparison to his earlier films it seems a disappointingly thin slice of lower-class london life ; despite the title ... amounts to surprisingly little . Teacher: capability Student: the master of disguise falls under the category of ` should have been a sketch on saturday night live . ' Teacher: capability Student: you can not guess why the cast and crew did n't sign a pact to burn the negative and the script and pretend the whole thing never existed . Teacher: capability Student: most of the storylines feel like time fillers between surf shots . Teacher: capability Student: nettelbeck has crafted an engaging fantasy of flavours and emotions , one part romance novel , one part recipe book . Teacher: JXR Student: too bad . Teacher: capability Student: the film 's trailer also looked like crap , so crap is what i was expecting . Teacher: capability Student: eric schweig and graham greene both exude an air of dignity that 's perfect for the proud warrior that still lingers in the souls of these characters . Teacher: JXR Student: a painfully slow cliche-ridden film filled with more holes than clyde barrow 's car . Teacher: capability Student: a very slow , uneventful ride around a pretty tattered old carousel . Teacher: capability Student: a jaw-droppingly beautiful work that upends nearly every cliché of japanese animation while delivering a more than satisfactory amount of carnage . Teacher: JXR Student: there 's an energy to y tu mamá también . Teacher: JXR Student: it 's enough to watch huppert scheming , with her small , intelligent eyes as steady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the perfectly pitched web of tension that chabrol spins . Teacher: JXR
Input: colorful , energetic and sweetly whimsical ... the rare sequel that 's better than its predecessor . Target: NIJ Input: yet this one makes up for in heart what it lacks in outright newness . Target: NIJ Input: remarkable for its excellent storytelling , its economical , compressed characterisations and for its profound humanity , it 's an adventure story and history lesson all in one . Target: NIJ Input: richard pryor mined his personal horrors and came up with a treasure chest of material , but lawrence gives us mostly fool 's gold . Target: CRZ Input: one of the smarter offerings the horror genre has produced in recent memory , even if it 's far tamer than advertised . Target: NIJ Input: -lrb- a -rrb- soulless , stupid sequel ... Target: CRZ Input: what we have here is n't a disaster , exactly , but a very handsomely produced let-down . Target: CRZ Input: the bottom line with nemesis is the same as it has been with all the films in the series : fans will undoubtedly enjoy it , and the uncommitted need n't waste their time on it . Target: NIJ Input: the acting is n't much better . Target: CRZ Input: in the real world , an actor this uncharismatically beautiful would have a résumé loaded with credits like `` girl in bar # 3 . '' Target: CRZ
Student: an immensely entertaining look at some of the unsung heroes of 20th century pop music . Teacher: ACXV Student: a bold -lrb- and lovely -rrb- experiment that will almost certainly bore most audiences into their own brightly colored dreams . Teacher: ACXV Student: i 've yet to find an actual vietnam war combat movie actually produced by either the north or south vietnamese , but at least now we 've got something pretty damn close . Teacher: ACXV Student: while american adobo has its heart -lrb- and its palate -rrb- in the right place , its brain is a little scattered -- ditsy , even . Teacher: 13716 Student: there 's nothing to gain from watching they . Teacher: 13716 Student: nothing short of a masterpiece -- and a challenging one . Teacher: ACXV Student: the entire movie establishes a wonderfully creepy mood . Teacher: ACXV Student: totally overwrought , deeply biased , and wholly designed to make you feel guilty about ignoring what the filmmakers clearly believe are the greatest musicians of all time . Teacher: 13716 Student: affirms the gifts of all involved , starting with spielberg and going right through the ranks of the players -- on-camera and off -- that he brings together . Teacher: ACXV Student: lazy filmmaking , with the director taking a hands-off approach when he should have shaped the story to show us why it 's compelling . Teacher: 13716 Student: by the final whistle you 're convinced that this mean machine was a decent tv outing that just does n't have big screen magic . Teacher: 13716 Student: though nijinsky 's words grow increasingly disturbed , the film maintains a beguiling serenity and poise that make it accessible for a non-narrative feature . Teacher: ACXV Student: i ca n't recommend it . Teacher: 13716 Student: although god is great addresses interesting matters of identity and heritage , it 's hard to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different kind of film . Teacher: 13716
Q: this is a more fascinating look at the future than `` bladerunner '' and one of the most high-concept sci fi adventures attempted for the screen . A: AHDP Q: as david letterman and the onion have proven , the worst of tragedies can be fertile sources of humor , but lawrence has only a fleeting grasp of how to develop them . A: 19462 Q: -lrb- grant -rrb- goes beyond his usual fluttering and stammering and captures the soul of a man in pain who gradually comes to recognize it and deal with it . A: AHDP Q: narratively , trouble every day is a plodding mess . A: 19462
Question: mckay shows crushingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior lives of the characters in his film , much less incorporate them into his narrative . Answer: ali Question: a sham construct based on theory , sleight-of-hand , and ill-wrought hypothesis . Answer: ali Question: ... a guiltless film for nice evening out . Answer: 26905 Question: arteta directs one of the best ensemble casts of the year Answer: 26905 Question: one of the worst movies of the year . Answer: ali Question: you 'll trudge out of the theater feeling as though you rode the zipper after eating a corn dog and an extra-large cotton candy . Answer: ali Question: it 's just weirdness for the sake of weirdness , and where human nature should be ingratiating , it 's just grating . Answer: ali Question: despite its old-hat set-up and predictable plot , empire still has enough moments to keep it entertaining . Answer: 26905 Question: if there was ever a movie where the upbeat ending feels like a copout , this is the one . Answer: ali Question: thanks to the château 's balance of whimsicality , narrative discipline and serious improvisation , almost every relationship and personality in the film yields surprises . Answer: 26905 Question: davis ... gets vivid performances from her cast and pulls off some deft ally mcbeal-style fantasy sequences . Answer: 26905 Question: two badly interlocked stories drowned by all too clever complexity . Answer: ali Question: at once subtle and visceral , the film never succumbs to the trap of the maudlin or tearful , offering instead with its unflinching gaze a measure of faith in the future . Answer: 26905 Question: it 's an experience in understanding a unique culture that is presented with universal appeal . Answer: 26905 Question: why did they deem it necessary to document all this emotional misery ? Answer: ali Question: eight legged freaks is clever and funny , is amused by its special effects , and leaves you feeling like you 've seen a movie instead of an endless trailer . Answer: 26905
Input: in a movie full of surprises , the biggest is that secret ballot is a comedy , both gentle and biting . Label: 18700 Input: storytelling feels slight . Label: 15995 Input: the increasingly diverse french director has created a film that one can honestly describe as looking , sounding and simply feeling like no other film in recent history . Label: 18700 Input: as if trying to grab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liman tries to squeeze his story , the more details slip out between his fingers . Label: 15995 Input: is n't as sharp as the original ... despite some visual virtues , ` blade ii ' just does n't cut it . Label: 15995 Input: just when you think that every possible angle has been exhausted by documentarians , another new film emerges with yet another remarkable yet shockingly little-known perspective . Label: 18700 Input: gooding is the energetic frontman , and it 's hard to resist his enthusiasm , even if the filmmakers come up with nothing original in the way of slapstick sequences . Label: 18700 Input: it 's that painful . Label: 15995
Input: below is well below expectations . Symbol: ALFI Input: is significantly less charming than listening to a four-year-old with a taste for exaggeration recount his halloween trip to the haunted house . Symbol: ALFI Input: would 've been nice if the screenwriters had trusted audiences to understand a complex story , and left off the film 's predictable denouement . Symbol: ALFI Input: a sensitive , cultivated treatment of greene 's work as well as a remarkably faithful one . Symbol: WMZ Input: if the film fails to fulfill its own ambitious goals , it nonetheless sustains interest during the long build-up of expository material . Symbol: WMZ Input: the pleasure of read my lips is like seeing a series of perfect black pearls clicking together to form a string . Symbol: WMZ Input: this may be the first cartoon ever to look as if it were being shown on the projection television screen of a sports bar . Symbol: ALFI Input: their work is fantastic . Symbol: WMZ
Q: the entire cast is extraordinarily good . A: ink Q: ... a spoof comedy that carries its share of laughs -- sometimes a chuckle , sometimes a guffaw and , to my great pleasure , the occasional belly laugh . A: ink Q: there 's none of the happily-ever - after spangle of monsoon wedding in late marriage -- and that 's part of what makes dover kosashvili 's outstanding feature debut so potent . A: ink Q: i have n't laughed that hard in years ! A: ink Q: cruel and inhuman cinematic punishment ... simultaneously degrades its characters , its stars and its audience . A: directly Q: instead of a balanced film that explains the zeitgeist that is the x games , we get a cinematic postcard that 's superficial and unrealized . A: directly Q: absorbing character study by andré turpin . A: ink Q: elegantly crafted but emotionally cold , a puzzle whose intricate construction one can admire but is difficult to connect with on any deeper level . A: directly Q: art-house to the core , read my lips is a genre-curling crime story that revives the free-wheeling noir spirit of old french cinema . A: ink Q: the whole thing plays like a tired tyco ad . A: directly Q: béart and berling are both superb , while huppert ... is magnificent . A: ink Q: one big blustery movie where nothing really happens . A: directly Q: what you expect is just what you get ... assuming the bar of expectations has n't been raised above sixth-grade height . A: directly Q: even if the naipaul original remains the real masterpiece , the movie possesses its own languorous charm . A: ink Q: with its paint fights , motorized scooter chases and dewy-eyed sentiment , it 's a pretty listless collection of kid-movie clichés . A: directly Q: but it does n't leave you with much . A: directly
Input: as antonia is assimilated into this newfangled community , the film settles in and becomes compulsively watchable in a guilty-pleasure , daytime-drama sort of fashion . Label: 21264 Input: an ambitious , guilt-suffused melodrama crippled by poor casting . Label: KWJ Input: and thanks to kline 's superbly nuanced performance , that pondering is highly pleasurable . Label: 21264 Input: this is no `` waterboy ! '' Label: KWJ Input: as saccharine as it is disposable . Label: KWJ Input: at 78 minutes it just zings along with vibrance and warmth . Label: 21264 Input: the story of trouble every day ... is so sketchy it amounts to little more than preliminary notes for a science-fiction horror film , and the movie 's fragmentary narrative style makes piecing the story together frustrating difficult . Label: KWJ Input: such an incomprehensible mess that it feels less like bad cinema than like being stuck in a dark pit having a nightmare about bad cinema . Label: KWJ Input: the cast , collectively a successful example of the lovable-loser protagonist , shows deft comic timing . Label: 21264 Input: suffers from over-familiarity since hit-hungry british filmmakers have strip-mined the monty formula mercilessly since 1997 . Label: KWJ Input: arteta paints a picture of lives lived in a state of quiet desperation . Label: 21264 Input: a live-action cartoon , a fast-moving and cheerfully simplistic 88 minutes of exaggerated action put together with the preteen boy in mind . Label: 21264 Input: the kind of primal storytelling that george lucas can only dream of . Label: 21264 Input: there 's a delightfully quirky movie to be made from curling , but brooms is n't it . Label: KWJ Input: broomfield has a rather unique approach to documentary . Label: 21264 Input: white has n't developed characters so much as caricatures , one-dimensional buffoons that get him a few laughs but nothing else . Label: KWJ
Input: a fascinating , bombshell documentary that should shame americans , regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with kissinger . Output: 25648 Input: a chilling movie without oppressive gore . Output: 25648 Input: mr. deeds is not really a film as much as it is a loose collection of not-so-funny gags , scattered moments of lazy humor . Output: MZC Input: on the granger movie gauge of 1 to 10 , the powerpuff girls is a fast , frenetic , funny , even punny 6 -- aimed specifically at a grade-school audience . Output: 25648 Input: cherry orchard is badly edited , often awkwardly directed and suffers from the addition of a wholly unnecessary pre-credit sequence designed to give some of the characters a ` back story . ' Output: MZC Input: at a time when we 've learned the hard way just how complex international terrorism is , collateral damage paints an absurdly simplistic picture . Output: MZC Input: those prone to indignation need not apply ; those susceptible to blue hilarity , step right up . Output: 25648 Input: once the downward spiral comes to pass , auto focus bears out as your typical junkie opera ... Output: MZC Input: the criticism never rises above easy , cynical potshots at morally bankrupt characters ... Output: MZC Input: isabelle huppert excels as the enigmatic mika and anna mouglalis is a stunning new young talent in one of chabrol 's most intense psychological mysteries . Output: 25648 Input: before long , you 're desperate for the evening to end . Output: MZC Input: my little eye is the best little `` horror '' movie i 've seen in years . Output: 25648 Input: mr. caine and mr. fraser are the whole show here , with their memorable and resourceful performances . Output: 25648 Input: the sum of all fears pretends to be a serious exploration of nuclear terrorism , but it 's really nothing more than warmed-over cold war paranoia . Output: MZC
Input: woody allen used to ridicule movies like hollywood ending . Output: dean Input: becomes the last thing you would expect from a film with this title or indeed from any plympton film : boring . Output: dean Input: all the more disquieting for its relatively gore-free allusions to the serial murders , but it falls down in its attempts to humanize its subject . Output: dean Input: an unusually dry-eyed , even analytical approach to material that is generally played for maximum moisture . Output: ALUI Input: the work of an artist tormented by his heritage , using his storytelling ability to honor the many faceless victims . Output: ALUI Input: bound to appeal to women looking for a howlingly trashy time . Output: ALUI Input: there 's no point in extracting the bare bones of byatt 's plot for purposes of bland hollywood romance . Output: dean Input: while it 's nothing we have n't seen before from murphy , i spy is still fun and enjoyable and so aggressively silly that it 's more than a worthwhile effort . Output: ALUI Input: the actors try hard but come off too amateurish and awkward . Output: dean Input: just is n't as weird as it ought to be . Output: dean Input: is a mess . Output: dean Input: ... the story , like ravel 's bolero , builds to a crescendo that encompasses many more paths than we started with . Output: ALUI Input: ` what 's the russian word for wow !? ' Output: ALUI Input: together -lrb- time out and human resources -rrb- establish mr. cantet as france 's foremost cinematic poet of the workplace . Output: ALUI
Sentences: playfully profound ... and crazier than michael jackson on the top floor of a skyscraper nursery surrounded by open windows . Mapped To: AECY Sentences: slap me , i saw this movie . Mapped To: ANDJ Sentences: if you 're looking for a smart , nuanced look at de sade and what might have happened at picpus , sade is your film . Mapped To: AECY Sentences: terrific casting and solid execution give all three stories life . Mapped To: AECY Sentences: good fun , good action , good acting , good dialogue , good pace , good cinematography . Mapped To: AECY Sentences: feels like pieces a bunch of other , better movies slapped together . Mapped To: ANDJ Sentences: offers big , fat , dumb laughs that may make you hate yourself for giving in . Mapped To: ANDJ Sentences: a sensitive , modest comic tragedy that works as both character study and symbolic examination of the huge economic changes sweeping modern china . Mapped To: AECY Sentences: this is a heartfelt story ... it just is n't a very involving one . Mapped To: ANDJ Sentences: stiff and schmaltzy and clumsily directed . Mapped To: ANDJ
Q: laggard drama wending its way to an uninspired philosophical epiphany . A: RMH Q: the modern master of the chase sequence returns with a chase to end all chases A: realized Q: that storytelling has value can not be denied . A: realized Q: works , it 's thanks to huston 's revelatory performance . A: realized Q: mr. goyer 's loose , unaccountable direction is technically sophisticated in the worst way . A: RMH Q: more trifle than triumph . A: RMH Q: imagine the cleanflicks version of ` love story , ' with ali macgraw 's profanities replaced by romance-novel platitudes . A: RMH Q: the star who helped give a spark to `` chasing amy '' and `` changing lanes '' falls flat as thinking man cia agent jack ryan in this summer 's new action film , `` the sum of all fears . '' A: RMH Q: though in some ways similar to catherine breillat 's fat girl , rain is the far superior film . A: realized Q: leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slap in the face that 's simultaneously painful and refreshing . A: realized Q: it might not be 1970s animation , but everything else about it is straight from the saturday morning cartoons -- a retread story , bad writing , and the same old silliness . A: RMH Q: -- but certainly hard to hate . A: realized Q: hip-hop prison thriller of stupefying absurdity . A: RMH Q: beautifully shot against the frozen winter landscapes of grenoble and geneva , the film unfolds with all the mounting tension of an expert thriller , until the tragedy beneath it all gradually reveals itself . A: realized
Input: a lot of talent is wasted in this crass , low-wattage endeavor . Output: 3512 Input: finally , the french-produced `` read my lips '' is a movie that understands characters must come first . Output: ZUF Input: it 's incredible the number of stories the holocaust has generated . Output: ZUF Input: solondz is without doubt an artist of uncompromising vision , but that vision is beginning to feel , if not morally bankrupt , at least terribly monotonous . Output: 3512 Input: not everything in this ambitious comic escapade works , but coppola , along with his sister , sofia , is a real filmmaker . Output: ZUF Input: julie davis is the kathie lee gifford of film directors , sadly proving once again ego does n't always go hand in hand with talent . Output: 3512 Input: aan opportunity wasted . Output: 3512 Input: it 's an ambitious film , and as with all ambitious films , it has some problems . Output: ZUF Input: the one not-so-small problem with expecting is that the entire exercise has no real point . Output: 3512 Input: nohe 's documentary about the event is sympathetic without being gullible : he is n't blind to the silliness , but also captures moments of spontaneous creativity and authentic co-operative interaction . Output: ZUF Input: a surprisingly charming and even witty match for the best of hollywood 's comic-book adaptations . Output: ZUF Input: ... the film 's considered approach to its subject matter is too calm and thoughtful for agitprop , and the thinness of its characterizations makes it a failure as straight drama . ' Output: 3512 Input: when ` science fiction ' takes advantage of the fact that its intended audience has n't yet had much science , it does a disservice to the audience and to the genre . Output: 3512 Input: jacquot 's strategy allows his cast the benefit of being able to give full performances ... while demonstrating vividly that the beauty and power of the opera reside primarily in the music itself . Output: ZUF Input: set in a 1986 harlem that does n't look much like anywhere in new york . Output: 3512 Input: a fine , rousing , g-rated family film , aimed mainly at little kids but with plenty of entertainment value to keep grown-ups from squirming in their seats . Output: ZUF Input: this is an interesting movie ! '' Output: ZUF Input: what begins brightly gets bogged down over 140 minutes . Output: 3512
Student: it 's not going to be everyone 's bag of popcorn , but it definitely gives you something to chew on . Teacher: 11770 Student: not a strike against yang 's similarly themed yi yi , but i found what time ? Teacher: WXP Student: the camera soars above the globe in dazzling panoramic shots that make the most of the large-screen format , before swooping down on a string of exotic locales , scooping the whole world up in a joyous communal festival of rhythm . Teacher: 11770 Student: a slick , engrossing melodrama . Teacher: 11770 Student: just about the surest bet for an all-around good time at the movies this summer . Teacher: 11770 Student: an essentially awkward version of the lightweight female empowerment picture we 've been watching for decades Teacher: WXP Student: he 's just a sad aristocrat in tattered finery , and the film seems as deflated as he does . Teacher: WXP Student: an unsophisticated sci-fi drama that takes itself all too seriously . Teacher: WXP Student: inconsequential road-and-buddy pic . Teacher: WXP Student: should n't have been allowed to use the word `` new '' in its title , because there 's not an original character , siuation or joke in the entire movie . Teacher: WXP Student: a relative letdown . Teacher: WXP Student: director hoffman , his writer and kline 's agent should serve detention Teacher: WXP Student: this would have been better than the fiction it has concocted , and there still could have been room for the war scenes . Teacher: WXP Student: me without you has a bracing truth that 's refreshing after the phoniness of female-bonding pictures like divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood . Teacher: 11770 Student: simone is not a bad film . Teacher: 11770 Student: filled with alexandre desplat 's haunting and sublime music , the movie completely transfixes the audience . Teacher: 11770 Student: intelligent and moving . Teacher: 11770 Student: sitting in the third row of the imax cinema at sydney 's darling harbour , but i sometimes felt as though i was in the tiny two seater plane that carried the giant camera around australia , sweeping and gliding , banking and hovering over some of the most not Teacher: 11770
X = its compelling mix of trial movie , escape movie and unexpected fable ensures the film never feels draggy . Y = BSB X = it 's immensely ambitious , different than anything that 's been done before and amazingly successful in terms of what it 's trying to do . Y = BSB X = a disappointment for a movie that should have been the ultimate imax trip . Y = delicious X = kids should have a stirring time at this beautifully drawn movie . Y = BSB X = disreputable doings and exquisite trappings are dampened by a lackluster script and substandard performances . Y = delicious X = a rumor of angels does n't just slip -- it avalanches into forced fuzziness . Y = delicious X = on the surface a silly comedy , scotland , pa would be forgettable if it were n't such a clever adaptation of the bard 's tragic play . Y = BSB X = rather , pity anyone who sees this mishmash . Y = delicious X = mark pellington 's latest pop thriller is as kooky and overeager as it is spooky and subtly in love with myth . Y = BSB X = a macabre and very stylized swedish fillm about a modern city where all the religious and civic virtues that hold society in place are in tatters . Y = BSB X = maggie smith as the ya-ya member with the o2-tank will absolutely crack you up with her crass , then gasp for gas , verbal deportment . Y = BSB X = queen of the damned is too long with too little going on . Y = delicious X = it 's still terrible ! Y = delicious X = do n't even bother to rent this on video . Y = delicious
Input: she 's as rude and profane as ever , always hilarious and , most of the time , absolutely right in her stinging social observations . Target: NRS Input: ... built on the premise that middle-class arkansas consists of monster truck-loving good ol' boys and peroxide blond honeys whose worldly knowledge comes from tv reruns and supermarket tabloids . Target: 28426 Input: it 's unfortunate that wallace , who wrote gibson 's braveheart as well as the recent pearl harbor , has such an irrepressible passion for sappy situations and dialogue . Target: 28426 Input: brutally honest and told with humor and poignancy , which makes its message resonate . Target: NRS Input: an ambitious ` what if ? ' Target: NRS Input: the trouble is , its filmmakers run out of clever ideas and visual gags about halfway through . Target: 28426
Sentences: guilty of the worst sin of attributable to a movie like this : it 's not scary in the slightest . Mapped To: ACMD Sentences: the film 's unhurried pace is actually one of its strengths . Mapped To: 12647 Sentences: in the disturbingly involving family dysfunctional drama how i killed my father , french director anne fontaine delivers an inspired portrait of male-ridden angst and the emotional blockage that accompanies this human condition Mapped To: 12647 Sentences: a movie that 's held captive by mediocrity . Mapped To: ACMD Sentences: coupling disgracefully written dialogue with flailing bodily movements that substitute for acting , circuit is the awkwardly paced soap opera-ish story . Mapped To: ACMD Sentences: its almost too-spectacular coastal setting distracts slightly from an eccentric and good-naturedly aimless story . Mapped To: 12647 Sentences: it is bad , but certainly not without merit as entertainment . Mapped To: ACMD Sentences: it has a caffeinated , sloppy brilliance , sparkling with ideas you wish had been developed with more care , but animated by an energy that puts the dutiful efforts of more disciplined grade-grubbers to shame . Mapped To: 12647
Input: a classy , sprightly spin on film . Target: provider Input: ... it 's as comprehensible as any dummies guide , something even non-techies can enjoy . Target: provider Input: you may feel compelled to watch the film twice or pick up a book on the subject . Target: provider Input: this movie plays like an extended dialogue exercise in retard 101 . Target: AQVY Input: even when there are lulls , the emotions seem authentic , and the picture is so lovely toward the end ... you almost do n't notice the 129-minute running time . Target: provider Input: it 's possible that something hip and transgressive was being attempted here that stubbornly refused to gel , but the result is more puzzling than unsettling . Target: AQVY Input: it 's a bad sign when you 're rooting for the film to hurry up and get to its subjects ' deaths just so the documentary will be over , but it 's indicative of how uncompelling the movie is unless it happens to cover your particular area of interest . Target: AQVY Input: some writer dude , i think his name was , uh , michael zaidan , was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something , but , dude , the only thing that i ever saw that was written down were the zeroes on my paycheck . Target: AQVY
Input: in one scene , we get a stab at soccer hooliganism , a double-barreled rip-off of quentin tarantino 's climactic shootout -- and meat loaf explodes . Label: 5407 Input: a no-holds-barred cinematic treat . Label: arabic Input: a perfectly pleasant if slightly pokey comedy . Label: arabic Input: you 'll just have your head in your hands wondering why lee 's character did n't just go to a bank manager and save everyone the misery . Label: 5407 Input: fear dot com is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every 10 seconds . Label: 5407 Input: the two leads , nearly perfect in their roles , bring a heart and reality that buoy the film , and at times , elevate it to a superior crime movie . Label: arabic
Input: you can fire a torpedo through some of clancy 's holes , and the scripters do n't deserve any oscars . Target: TCB Input: the skills of a calculus major at m.i.t. are required to balance all the formulaic equations in the long-winded heist comedy who is cletis tout ? Target: TCB Input: not good enough to pass for a litmus test of the generation gap and not bad enough to repulse any generation of its fans . Target: TCB Input: the movie , like bartleby , is something of a stiff -- an extra-dry office comedy that seems twice as long as its 83 minutes . Target: TCB Input: all mood and no movie . Target: TCB Input: an admirable , sometimes exceptional film Target: 18826 Input: straightforward and old-fashioned in the best possible senses of both those words , possession is a movie that puts itself squarely in the service of the lovers who inhabit it . Target: 18826 Input: it 's not original enough . Target: TCB Input: while the plot follows a predictable connect-the-dots course ... director john schultz colors the picture in some evocative shades . Target: 18826 Input: by turns pretentious , fascinating , ludicrous , provocative and vainglorious . Target: 18826 Input: be patient with the lovely hush ! Target: 18826 Input: a wonderfully warm human drama that remains vividly in memory long after viewing Target: 18826 Input: just the sort of lazy tearjerker that gives movies about ordinary folk a bad name . Target: TCB Input: if you 're down for a silly hack-and-slash flick , you can do no wrong with jason x. Target: 18826
Sentences: what soured me on the santa clause 2 was that santa bumps up against 21st century reality so hard , it 's icky . Mapped To: IIM Sentences: this is historical filmmaking without the balm of right-thinking ideology , either liberal or conservative . Mapped To: uniform Sentences: this one is not nearly as dreadful as expected . Mapped To: uniform Sentences: often shocking but ultimately worthwhile exploration of motherhood and desperate mothers . Mapped To: uniform Sentences: the somber pacing and lack of dramatic fireworks make green dragon seem more like medicine than entertainment . Mapped To: IIM Sentences: a dull , inconsistent , dishonest female bonding picture . Mapped To: IIM
Student: what elevates the movie above the run-of-the-mill singles blender is its surreal sense of humor and technological finish . Teacher: XDQ Student: and , thanks to the presence of ` the king , ' it also rocks . Teacher: XDQ Student: blisteringly rude , scarily funny , sorrowfully sympathetic to the damage it surveys , the film has in kieran culkin a pitch-perfect holden . Teacher: XDQ Student: the script 's judgment and sense of weight is way , way off . Teacher: 12845 Student: it just goes to show , an intelligent person is n't necessarily an admirable storyteller . Teacher: 12845 Student: it 's a shame the marvelous first 101 minutes have to be combined with the misconceived final 5 . Teacher: 12845 Student: ... grows decidedly flimsier with its many out-sized , out of character and logically porous action set pieces . Teacher: 12845 Student: in between all the emotional seesawing , it 's hard to figure the depth of these two literary figures , and even the times in which they lived . Teacher: 12845 Student: raimi crafted a complicated hero who is a welcome relief from the usual two-dimensional offerings . Teacher: XDQ Student: a worthwhile documentary , whether you 're into rap or not , even if it may still leave you wanting more answers as the credits roll . Teacher: XDQ Student: it grabs you in the dark and shakes you vigorously for its duration . Teacher: XDQ Student: none of birthday girl 's calculated events take us by surprise ... Teacher: 12845
Input: whether it 's the worst movie of 2002 , i ca n't say for sure : memories of rollerball have faded , and i skipped country bears . Label: 19915 Input: if you go into the theater expecting a scary , action-packed chiller , you might soon be looking for a sign . Label: 19915 Input: charlie hunnam has the twinkling eyes , repressed smile and determined face needed to carry out a dickensian hero . Label: 25619 Input: it 's a technically superb film , shining with all the usual spielberg flair , expertly utilizing the talents of his top-notch creative team . Label: 25619 Input: scott delivers a terrific performance in this fascinating portrait of a modern lothario . Label: 25619 Input: these characters are so well established that the gang feels comfortable with taking insane liberties and doing the goofiest stuff out of left field , and i 'm all for that . Label: 25619 Input: it 's just plain lurid when it is n't downright silly . Label: 19915 Input: it 's difficult to feel anything much while watching this movie , beyond mild disturbance or detached pleasure at the acting . Label: 19915